#game opinions
jaredxenoengage · 2 months
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I have a hot take to give on Fire Emblem Engage. Treating Fire Emblem Engage as a “Saturday Morning Cartoon” ticks me off to no end. IMO, Fire Emblem Engage, and this goes for the other Fire Emblem games out there (Three Houses included) are just as much as anime as Engage is.
Fire Emblem has already had an anime from a long time ago, if you actually look it up to find that out. Speaking of anime, I never understand why people treat anime as some corny joke. True, anime does have some corny humor from time to time, but you can say that for any other stuff you go into that isn’t some gritty anime like Berserk.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (one of my favorite JRPGS of all time) also gets accused for this, because there was a time where 1 wasn’t liked because it wasn’t “anime enough.” (ironic). I personally found Engage’s (and Xenoblade 2’s humor) funny for what it tries to be. And as an anime fan, and someone who wants to write their anime story someday, this topic about anime means a great deal to me.
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Speaking of anime, Engage’s manga also further’s my point that it’s more than just the “saturated Saturday day cartoon” people give it credit for IMO. IMO, the manga allows Engage to be “more anime” by allowing Alear and Lumera to be just as silly as the rest of the cast, but also allows itself to be more serious as well.
And also, regarding the opening, if Fire Emblem Engage’s opening is a “Saturday Morning Cartoon” opening, then so is Three Houses’s opening (which has a common school setting by the way). So treating Engage has the childish Saturday Morning Cartoon while not treating Three Houses as the same is stupid and hypocritical IMO.
Engage’s opening is more like Tokusatsu shows. And to me, many of the Tokusatsu scenes I have seen are much like anime (exaggerated, yes, but serious when it needs to be). An anime opening usually lasts 1:30 minutes while the dub openings (made with kids in mind) run by less time.
So my overall take that Fire Emblem Engage is a cartoon show is degrading IMO, even if it’s a compliment. (Cough Cough -Bigklingy-, no hate to him though).
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aerealz · 9 months
I think the most exciting thing about Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is exploring the same worlds with three different protagonists. Three keyblade wielders whose pasts and the resulting actions are completely different.
In this respect, it is probably the most interesting video game in the Kingdom Hearts series.
We often meet people who have completely different perspectives on life. We often meet people we judge, people we cannot understand. Birth by Sleep illustrates the actions of the three main characters Terra, Aqua and Ventus. By experiencing their stories, it is difficult to demonize their actions. They are three completely different people whose paths make them who they are. If you, hypothetically, only played from Aqua's point of view, you would never understand Terra's motivations for using the darkness.
In real life, it's more complicated. We can't look inside other people and understand the reasons behind their behavior. We only ever see the world as we are.
But if we were a little more open-minded and not always opinionated, we could all understand each other better and realize that we are all entitled to feel the way we do.
Andykdkd idk i wrote this for school maybe tumblr likes it 🤠🤛🤡 (english is not my native language so i tried my best to translate it lol)
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glugglugs · 1 year
It's sad to me that so much of the cyberpunk game is spent basically beating up and shooting the kind of people that I think the game should actually be about. So much of your time in Night City is spent doing errands for a cop, in the expansion you're literally helping the president of the United States and their superspy bodyguard. What is punk about that? More like cyber law-abiding-citizen
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leodapinch · 6 months
I filled out one of those "favorite game" charts and I figured the world needed to see some of my unfiltered, dogshit opinions.
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nimhmistsong · 1 year
After that, I tried lobotomy corporation and Limbus. Playing both a fair bit to get a good sense for them before making any judgments. These are my thoughts so I can come back, and any mutuals can ingest my thoughts. Because I do recommend all 3, but want to clarify why. With minimal spoilers other than names of characters met right off the bat.
Library of Ruina
Card/War Game - It's kinda hard to describe. You have an entire team and complete control of what's in their decks. Able to customize and use whatever play style you see fit. With each floor/team having unique unlockable abilities to further specific play styles. You face waves of enemies with your teams. Sometimes only one wave or one powerful boss. Many fights are battles of attrition, (Philip and your 7 stage fight you rat bastard) or if that's too hard you can always (just about anyways) unga-bunga your way through things. Some of my hardest fights became trivial when I gave up strategy and just HIT IT HARDER, REPEATEDLY!!
Stress - 6/10 Rising Stress. It starts out pretty manageable. Not an easy game, not a hard game. But difficulty spikes beware!! The final stretch of the game is a lot of really hard fights back to back. It is mentally exhausting. It took literal weeks for me to get through. Beating one maybe 2 bosses a day if I was lucky, and that is just the final stretch. This starts about the middle of the game and rises. So unless you like/can manage high tension and stressful game sessions. I don't recommend for relaxing. It is not a relaxing game. It is a 'clear your schedule because this will be all you have energy for' kinda game.
Style - Sprites are great! The horrors look horrifying and the cute things look cute! They have a fully animated anime opening. Each character design is unique and if you put a Ruina character in front of me. 7/10 times id be able to tell! Each one is charming in their own right! Does have an issue with text on cards being so tiny you can't fucking read them. So I often had to look up cards/bosses on the wiki just to read their effects. So beware my fellow shitty eyesight friends.
Lobotomy Corp
Management Gameplay - Lots of facets and things to handle. Very good game for this genre. Tutorial is good at explaining everything! Walking you through every important step. Disclaimer: I just suck at these types of games. Which does effect my opinion.
Stress - 8/10 Again, I suck at management games. I played to max out the first two teams. Then I got too shaky and stressed.
Style - Functional for the game it is! It does share the Library of Ruina problem of 'WHY THE FUCK IS ALL THIS IMPORTANT TEXT SO TINY MY SHITTY EYES CANNOT READ IT!!?!' Other than that it is cartoony and cute. While being able to express all the horrifying things that come with the setting. 10/10
Limbus Company
Gacha Game! - I love gacha games, but my luck is dog shit. So they don't love me that's for sure. The actual combat is simpler than RUINA and eaiser to read. Also way faster. While still being pretty complex allowing for strategy.
Stress - 4/10 Way less stressful than RUINA and Lobotomy Corp. Still enough I have to think about what I'm doing. It's a good pass your time game. Instead of a - 'I must have a clear schedule today so I can throw myself at this one obstacle over and over again without interruption' - kind of game.
Style - You can see the sprites are a big step up. The animation in combat is also way more fluid. Everyone is fitted and looking great as usual. (except Vergil who looks like the bus hit a bump and he fell out of bed after a hell of a bender then refused to bathe or change that morning) Personally, outside of Charon and Dante (MC), no character really stuck out to me though. Not to say the designs aren't appealing. They just hit you with a lot of characters at once instead of a slow introduction to each. Which makes it hard to focus on any one in particular.
Well, that's my thoughts for anyone who has nothing better to read! Thank you random person who convinced me to buy these games when they were on sale. Best $16 I've ever spent! Highly recommend even at full price if one of these games sound like your kind of game! Each were released within 2 years of each other. Showing vast improvement between each game despite that small amount of time! You can also play any game in any order, and still get the full story!
For anyone who has already played these games and read anyways. Hello!
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devilinlittlehope · 1 year
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day 1: I’m a huge horror fan, so when I found out until dawn was a choose your own adventure horror game I instantly needed to play it! I was young when it came out, prob around 14 so I played it for the first time with my whole family❤️
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Seeing people call the new npc contact Marley in fallout 76 a "bitch" really is showing gamers true feelings on not only just females but digital representations of them, misogyny is still alive and well sadly.
These are the same folks that didn't like Star Wars Outlaws because Kay Vess isn't pretty enough or they cry and say Aloy from HZD/HFW has a "beard" when it's peach fuzz.
They are already whining about the woman in the Fable trailer when in the past three games you've been over to create your own character regardless?
Don't even get me started on Dustborn and the people freaking out over that game bc "lgbt".
God forbid anyone experiences a story through characters that don't explicitly represent the person playing like can you not stop and think about others experiences for just even a brief moment?
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gabagoulie · 4 months
Why do video game sequels change the controls from one to the next? What was wrong the first time?
EXAMPLE: breath of the wild to tears of the kingdom. Botw had intuitive controls that made sense, but more than that it had powers that were unobtrusive to the game to use and easy to understand/use. In totk the powers were replaced with the guardians, but the controls were changed for some reason instead of just swapping them in. (And the npcs were really annoying. I hate being handed an npc on a leash that I'm not allowed to let go.)
SECOND EXAMPLE: bioshock to bioshock infinite. I'm skipping the second game bc I didn't finish it (it was making me mad). The core fighting mechanics (in abstract) are the same, i.e. plasmids/vigors and the guns. The powers are basicly the same, just different in what they actually do. Same with the guns. Then they took the controls we got used to and the basic mechanics we were used to, and LIKED dare I say, and changed them. And did so, it feels, just to change them. Every time a sequel changes the controls it feels so much worse because I was used the old controls and the old controls felt actually intuitive.
You know a game that does not have this issue? Portal. Same mechanics, same portal gun, same facility, new story. They introduce new mechanics with the goop and it's very natural. But also, portal is a master peice, who could follow that up.
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borboletanandal · 11 months
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Eu jogo Pokémon Go, Pikimin, Ingress, Monster Hunter Now recentemente, TFT e o Wild Rift, jogo interativos e incríveis que amo demais, jogar mesmo sendo muito ruim nos jogos, gosto de me distrair, em meu celular.
No meu amado Nintendo que é a versão Lite, eu jogo Ninjala e o Dauntless, jogos únicos e incríveis, mesmo sendo muito noob jogando.
No PC, jogo apenas otome online que é o Amor Doce, que começou nesse o jogo e o Eldarya, Moonlight, depois o novo game o Amor Doce Gen (todos os crush são incríveis, realmente me amarro num otome game pc).
Mas também tem otome no meu android, não vou citar muitos, mas eu me divirto muito, mas prefiro jogar TFT, sei lá é como jogar um game de estratégia, eu consigo vencer e outras vezes perder meio que fiquei enferrujada durante o jogo, mas voltei com tudo e quero me atualizar no universo LoL.
Meu personagem favorito do universo LoL é o Lucian, eu adoro a história dele e suas pistolas duplas, ele é um dos meus personagens favoritos do jogo, eu realmente adoro ele por completo. Mas a vida real não me deixa jogar como antes, então eu acabo jogando no meu celular, eu espero que possa dividir um pouco meus momentos de jogos recentemente estou tentando jogar um pouco, mas é complicado, quando eu conseguir jogar se possível.
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trivorowo · 1 year
I swear my tastes in JRPGs is just fonky sometimes.
Couldn't get into xenoblade 2 cause of the voice acting or the combat, but loved xenoblade 3 for those exact same reasons.
I literally only played persona 5 royale because I drunk purchased it after hearing about it for so long, and then proceeded to blitz it in about a month or so.
I refuse to play honkai star rail, so much so I literally played balan wonderworld instead.
I'm terrible at fire emblem and play them on the easiest difficulty with no permadeath but still enjoy the series.
I cannot discern my own tastes.
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teapot-devlogs · 1 year
unsolicited game opinion time
y’all heard of print weaver??? ik it kinda floats around and appears on random indie ttrpg rec pages every now and then
love the general setting it builds, im a sucker for dark fantasy, and the game book provides so many spurs for worldbuilding and creation. Like having random roll tables to spontaneously create new monsters???? immaculate. And the custom lore with like the weavers and printless is fascinating to work from
it’s roll/check mechanics suck ass imo
maybe i called for too many checks when i ran this game or maybe my players just wanted to do too many things that weren’t assigned by their finger stats but either way definitely the worst part of our play experience
i will very much get more into this if prompted, i’ve been rolling over this system and how it handles checks for months. i’ve run probability sims for this system
anyways tldr use the system as like a campaign planning and worldbuilding guidebook and use another system for checks/combat
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norcumii · 12 days
My family watches Wheel of Fortune some - most? - nights when dinner coincides with it. I grew up with many fond memories of spending the night with one of my grandmothers, and after a day of her explaining her incomprehensible Stories as we watched I don't know how many soap operas, we'd watch Wheel together and I'd be awed by her skills.
Nowadays it's me and my folks loudly commenting - we're truly terrible backseat drivers with VERY strong opinions about strategy that might well not hold up under actual competitive conditions, and we're aware of that, but it sure doesn't stop us yelling in derision every time someone picks the "Thing" category.
Last season was the host's last - Pat Sejak's retired, which given some health scares, is totally understandable. Tonight was Ryan Seacrest's first on the job, and...
We were all underwhelmed. I loathe the new set - not that it's the first time that's happened - and some of the new style of camera angles are disconcerting and not what I'd prefer, though that might all just be Not Liking Change. The part that stood out to all of us, however, was Seacrest just did not vibe well. He seemed uncomfortable, a little too handsy not in a "LAWSUIT!" kinda way just a "dude back off please personal space!" kinda way, a bit too try hard and self-conscious of the failures. Watching him snap into a WILDLY more comfortable persona in the last 5 seconds when he went from "ZOMG I am hosting WHEEL o_o" to "Ah, promo-ing a thing for the network, I can do this in my sleep!" was astonishing.
I keep reminding myself it's his first night. I keep reminding myself that he's now responsible for Wheel and its 45+ seasons of history. I keep reminding myself he's trying to step into the shoes but not replace the former weatherman we've all had in our living rooms for freakin' DECADES, and that's a HELL of a steep learning curve.
I also keep thinking about Sam Reich putting his friends through increasingly complicated and deranged Shenanigans for our amusement WITHOUT a shred of that awkwardness, and all I can think is "skill issue."
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lucabyte · 2 months
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On autonomy, and what it means to be Obliged to Help.
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#a homestuck walks into an antechamber and asks#hey is anybody going to make this dynamic wholly deterministic and thus dubiously consensual by its very nature#ANYWAY bigger ramble below. scroll down like usual#isat spoilers#isat#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#THATS RIGHT WE'RE STILL SHIP TAGGING IT BABYYYY#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#lucabyteart#RAMBLE START: anyway i think loop is wrong here. they have it backwards. as-- in my opinion--#the main reason they could be called back into existence postcanon is because *their* wish for help is still not complete#they still need help. siffrin still needs help. neither of them will ever stop needing help.#they will thus uphold the wish until the end of siffrin's natural lifespan.#that said. what does it mean that loop can be so wholly forced to abide by siffrin's wants?#(assuming the dagger cutscene posession is them being forced to uphold the 'help siffrin' wish via harsh universe logic)#[as opposed to something capricious and cruel the change god did. which feels out of character for the change god to me?]#much like how the island wish and duplicate objects are neutered by simply sliding off people's brains...#is loop subtly ushered toward their wish? obviously it's not a full override (see: the bossfight). but is there any interference?#and if so. so what? does it matter? if they don't notice? is it even real if they don't notice?#and even if they do notice. the universe leads we follow. how much do either of them value their free will in a belief system like that?#the whole game is dedicated to siffrin habitually NOT excersizing his free will. doing things the same Every Time.#Loop ESPECIALLY does this. predetermined predetermined predetermined even in the FACE OF CHANGE. REFUSING. ANY CHOICE.#Maybe they'd even be comforted by having a universe-ordained purpose even if it is subservient. even if its to Him.#(though. i can't see siffrin enjoying the idea that someone is subservient TO them... then all their suffering is his fault...)#loop got into this mess via WANTING too much. no more free will. can't be trusted with it. take it away from them.#but yeah. gets my greasy detective pony hands all over this. and everyone please do remember i like to make characters Outright Wrong A Lot
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proxycrit · 8 months
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(I point. Gently, in the voice of somebody who’s mind touched by the outer gods, i whisper truth in your ears:
Your honor the horses are now lesbians
(Anyways here’s the designs)
#mlp#based off my mlp redesigns (no i will not be taking criticism)#mlp redesign#fluttershy is now a giant jacked carnivorous shire horse with anxiety#rarity is a trans queen and she’s carrying the plot on her back#applejack’s been bequeethed the oldest child syndrome after the traumatic death of her parents and learned to do taxes at the tender age of#13?? how do horses age#and rainbow dash is both loved and reviled by her pegasi foundry because she has ‘too much gryphon in her’#(but she FAST AS FUC BOI.)#anyways pinky’s my favorite. we don’t know whats up with pinky but she smiles a lot and the world distorts around her at exactly 1014 am.#twilight is celestia’s favored pupil prophet and is trying her best to figure out what the hell is up with pinkie and failing spectacularly#twilight also hatched a dragon from an inert stone and people have opinions about that#mostly ‘what are you feeding her’#(holds rarity and applejack) i think they’re neat together#they bond over growing up too quickly and have a vi-caitlynn thing goin on#(squints) didnt draw the cute mark crusaders but they’d be like. the batmen of the town. and it was fun and games until twilight heard#and gave them ACTUAL weapons#rarity#applejack#rainbow dash#twilight sparkle#fluttershy#pinkie pie#spike the dragon#I FORGOT SPIKE#spike’s a stone dragon that hatched from a stone egg. he is not meant to exist. he’s an elderitch horror and a baby boy and we love#and cherish his adorable little face#art#critdraws#Rest your Weary Hooves in our New Found Home
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sohotthateveryonedied · 2 months
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thelittleoddling · 6 months
I keep getting videos on YouTube that talk about how cozy games are secretly not cozy because they have dark elements to them like the war in Stardew.
Apparently this is somehow meant to ruin the coziness? I hate to break it to you but THATS THE POINT.
These games do not exist in a cozy vacuum where nothing bad happens ever. That would frankly be a terrible game and an even worse story. Cozy games are not cozy in SPITE of their dark elements they are cozy BECAUSE of them.
In Stardew yes there's a war, and people have dysfunctional relationships and that's the point! you're in a shitty town living on a shitty farm but you're there to help. you make friendships, and you fix your farm, and you leave the town a little better than when you found it.
In Palia you're living under an oppressive government and everyone has lots of problems. Some people are just struggling to be a single parent, others are on the run from a cartel. It's not light and cheery! but you get to help these people as you work to find your place in the world. I could go on for hours about other games but I think these examples are enough to drive home what I'm going to say next. COZY GAMES ARE ABOUT COMMUNITY, LOVE, AND FRIENDSHIP.
You don't expect your real life friends and communities to be conflict free. Bonds are built on the back of hardship. Lifting each other up. Loving each other and being kind when things are hard.
villagers in both games give me advice on how to do what I need to so I can fix up my property and start life in their town, They send me gifts they think will help with my projects. And in turn I give them a relationship they need. I'm an understanding friend for Linus, or an open ear for Najuma.
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