#he was known as police guy from this point onward
phobia-sweets · 2 years
BTAS Dork Squad
He gets threatened but Y/N (who is kinda his rival/enemy) surprisingly steps up to protect him.
Y/N:"You will leave him alone."
Guy : "Says who?"
Y/N : "Says me."
After that she just gives some lame excuse like "There's a level to how much of a dick person can be" or "I'm the only one allowed to threaten you."
this was fun to write :D
I'm slowly getting back in my...groove? i suppose? For riddler, reader is a vigilante. For the other two, a criminal.
BTAS! Riddler, scarecrow and Mad hatter x reader
Warnings & Notes: None! :D not proofread again
 Honesty, if you were told that hey. Riddler’s gonna try to reform, work for wacko toys and you were going to attend their party, you’d laugh in their face.
 Sure, you wanted him to stop his criminal ways but… This just did not seem… right? Almost like he was planning something. The Batman seemed to agree – he was almost certain this wasn’t the end of his crimes.
 Watching people laugh and chat away at the party, you sat on your seat sipping at your drink. You could hear Edward talking somewhere behind you, probably with Charles Baxter. The party so far had been quite uneventful. It was nice to be in the middle of civilians, it was much more calming than your nights as a vigilante on the corrupt streets of Gotham. You did feel out of place, though. 
 Turning around, you saw Edward, but not Baxter. Instead, chatting with Edward was someone else. You didn’t recognise them, and it looked like Edward didn’t, either. You couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but judging from Edward’s nervous smile and apprehensive body language, he did not like the situation.
 “Leave him alone.” You commanded, eyeing both of them. Tapping your fingers against the table, you were growing impatient with the man. 
 “Says who?” The man mocks, turning to look at you, walking closer.
 “Says me.” You stated nonchalantly, looking up at the person who had walked up to your table. Their smile faded when they met your eyes, recognising your face. From where, you didn’t exactly care. They muttered a quick ‘whatever’, walking to the exit quickly. You watched them leave, not noticing Edward sitting next to you, adjusting his jacket. 
 “Well, Good evening [Hero Name].” He smiled smugly. “May I ask what brings you here tonight? Didn’t take you for a toy collector.”
 “Am not. Just… enjoying the atmosphere, I suppose.” You sighed, leaning back in your chair.
 “I should thank you for earlier. I wasn’t exactly sure how to get them to leave. They were rather persistent about staying-” He explained, “But still, I wasn’t expecting you here. Especially not defending me. I apologise if I’m mistaken, but you do not like me, correct?”
 “As much as I doubt you’re actually trying to ‘reform’, there’s still a limit as to how much of a dick someone should be. Take it as a… I don’t know, an apology for all the times I’ve punched you.”
 Having rivals or enemies in Gotham wasn’t that unusual. The city’s high rate of crime and, well, criminals made it easy to gain them. You’d considered yourself rather lucky for not having one despite having a fair share of your own crimes, mostly robberies, with an occasional extortion – Sure, people didn’t exactly like you, but those were mainly the people on the other end of your schemes. It was like that for a quite long time, until you’d managed to piss off Jonathan Crane – also known as the scarecrow, by destroying a batch of his toxin ACCIDENTALLY when you were being chased by the police. You had crashed your vehicle into the wall of an abandoned building, which then exploded in a cloud of red smoke, giving you a great chance of losing the police on your tail, but not without a more than healthy dose of toxin.
 Losing a massive batch of toxin had made him angry. It was honestly pretty obvious, considering when you met him after that and he promptly attempted to gas you. From that point onward, whenever the two of you crossed paths, it ended up in a fight of some kind. 
 So, the last time you two met, he had successfully gassed you. A revenge was in order, so here you were, behind an abandoned warehouse, where Jonathan was working on a new batch. How did you know this? Well, people talked when they had a knife to their gut.
 Sneaking through the broken window into the dark warehouse, you eyed your surroundings. Dust covered a majority of the surfaces, aside from some tables and bottles of various chemicals. The sound of yelling and clanging caught your attention, making you peek from behind the boxes in front of you. Jonathan was there with someone else. Jonathan was lacking his scarecrow get-up – wearing a labcoat instead, probably had been working on toxin before the man had interrupted him. 
 Jonathan wasn’t weak. But the man in front of him was… threatening, to say the least. Watching them interact made it clear that Jonathan wasn’t exactly prepared to fight him. Once the man walked closer to him, you took a deep breath, taking your knife from its holster.
 “You leave him alone – Now!” you stood up from behind the boxes, keeping your other hand hidden with the blade, just in case the man tried something. 
 “Says who?” He mockingly asked, walking towards you, surprised by your appearance. You kept your eyes on him, but saw Jonathan grab something at the corner of your eye. 
 “Says me!” You declared, pulling the knife from behind your back to stop him from coming closer. He didn’t stop though. Not until a cloud of red gas came from behind him, surprising him and causing him to inhale it immediately. You covered your mouth with your sleeve, stepping back. The man started screaming, as they usually do when under the influence of Jonathan’s toxin. He ran, and you turned to look at Jonathan as he watched the man scream in terror with a smile on his face. 
 “A thank you would be nice, y’know. If I hadn’t shown up, he’d have bashed your head straight through that desk. Probably. I don’t know.”
 He turned to look at you, his other eyebrow slightly raised, as if evaluating you. “Well, then, tell me, why help me?”
 “I mean, as much as I want to punch you, I don’t want to see you all bloody on the brink of death.”
 Ah, yes. The mad hatter. You weren’t exactly sure how to feel about him. As a fellow criminal, yeah, sure, you had a sort of respect for him, but god, did he sometimes get in your way. 
 Like that one time you were planning on robbing a jewellry store. You hadn’t told anyone about it! Yet somehow when you got there, Jervis was there with his mind-controlled… henchmen? When he noticed you, he proceeded to call you Cheshire, and rambled on something about a teaparty. You just left without saying anything. You made it your mission to avoid him from that point on. Sure, tea sounded nice, but you had a job to do! Steal, run, sell. 
 It wasn’t much of a surprise you spotted Jervis from far away. The hat was usually a giveaway. Not many people wore tophats in Gotham. It was the man next to him that surprised you. Usually Jervis’s henchmen wore a mask, an outfit or a hat related to, well, alice in wonderland. Had to keep the theme. Walking closer, it became obvious the man was not one of Jervis’s henchmen. Jervis looked quite distressed, the man towering over him. 
You sprinted towards the two of them, yelling, “Oi! You stop right now!” You stopped a few meters behind them both, just in case.
 “Says who?” The man turned to look at you, not reacting in any other way.
 “Says me.” You challenged, taking out your pocket knife. The man immediately backpedaled, hands raised to show he didn’t have a weapon.
 “Wow, wow, relax, relax. I’ll go, ok?” He reasoned, walking away from the two of you. You put your knife back when he turned the corner and you couldn’t see him anymore. 
 “Thank you, thank you, let me thank you with a brew!” He exclaimed, holding onto your arm. You thought about it for a minute. It wouldn’t hurt, right? But then again… You had a job and a tight deadline. You turned to look at him again when you heard him question you with a quick ‘cheshire’, and you took his hands off from your arm. 
 “I’m sorry, Jervis. I can’t. But remember; I’m the only one allowed to threaten you, ok?” 
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
God said to pursue $10 Million JMD, but I don't want to.
Yes, as I live this no "working" life, I NEED money. Like I mentioned at the end of this post:
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God has been telling to pursue some money. But I don't want to do what God asked.
God is asking me to demand 10 million JMD from the shit that nearly raped me. That's after learning months ago from someone who was in a similar situation as me, asked for money after the case keep dragging onwards.
I don't want to do it because it benefits no one, except me or the children if it goes as such. But it will be the continuation of this disgusting behavior by doing so. It does not curve it but encourage it and make it deemed acceptable and okay if you have money. That would be the message being sent if I do as God asked me based on my limited knowledge of how the system will accomplish it.
The person who had a similar situation. In her situation, she was physically injured and it left a wound, in addition to the attempted rape incident that happened to her. So, he was charged for the offense he couldn't deny. But the attempted rape offence case was dragged on. Then she asked for money instead. She said it caused the case to be dropped.
Yes, mine is being dragged on. As in, it's after summer is over, before I have to go to court. Personally I prefer he goes to PRISON. This guy is a predator and if he hasn't done this before or actually raped someone (sex via coercion is rape no matter what). He WILL do so again. In fact, one of his friend and ex girlfriend told me point that's how he is. To have him on the streets with the mindset that it's ok or just get some money and you'll be fine to continue, is fuckery.
But Jamaicans will disagree with me. They are so used to sexual assault, sexual indecency, sexual offences and more. They live with it like it's okay. Then victim blame or judge people who dress a certain way and never hold the men accountable. This mindset is especially from WOMEN. This is how the are, that they dismissed a whole JOURNALIST's complain about being threatened with rape. The FUCK!?!?
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How the fuck the PNP officials who do not control who supports them, going to say the journalist wasn't threatened with rape. How do they know that? Were they with the journalist EVERY STEP OF THE WAY? Do the know EVERY SUPPORTER? Can they vouch for ALL of them? Can they read ALL of the supporters mind or tell their intentions? EXACTLY!!!
You can walk on the fucking streets of Jamaica in short shorts or a burka and you'll hear a man shout sexual slurs, including rape-insinuated acts. I heard it often and had to ignore it. Why? The police DOES NOT CARE. They're going to say "him just like you". I've had people stalk me, talk about wanting to eat me out or some other shit. People I've never know nor met before.
In fact I worked somewhere in Jamaica where a 1/2 drunk man came in every day to harass me and say he wants to marry me. I didn't like it but my superiors brush it off and jokingly say "him just like you". Ignoring his behaviour or encouraging it. A guy who is friends with a known pedophile in the area who pays his way out of prison when he's caught.
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Why THE FUCK would I encourage this behaviour? What kind of precedence would I be setting?
In fact, I really don't want to do what God ask. I thought of compromises but the Jamaican judicial system is NOT like north America. I want to say it's weird, because I don't understand it. Clearly I want him charged and it on his record so that if he ever does it again or prevented from work around children or such, it's there or KNOWN. I rather put in the time and more to make sure he's charged.
Plus the only way I'd do what God ask, is if it comes with a guilty plea. It could be in exchange for his prison sentence.
I have the time and effort to make sure that shit pays. No matter what he, his friends, lawyer or more do. You think it was a coincidence that right as I enter my recent court my phone rang from a number I do NOT know, but when I called back no answer nor a second call/voicemail from the number. In fact, do you think it's a coincidence, they had me locked in the hospital/nursing home when I had COURT. They worked with my parents and my parent's friends to try and keep me away. They all wanted to fuck with me in hopes to twist the judge's view of me. That's the reason I missed the 1st 2 court dates and when I finally got to attend, I got the most attitude from the judge. I took it, anyway because I KNOW WHO I AM. So no one will EVER have the power to taint my image and I NEVER will let them.
I just have to stay true to myself.
So why the FUCK would I let this motherfucker slide in a world where my own fucking parents and the Adventist church (he used to attend the Old Harbour Adventist church and his mother and sister still attend it now) supports a rapist who nearly raped me.
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Here's God's reason:
If he goes to prison it doesn't directly benefit me. If I get the money I can get to adopt the children sooner than later (assuming it happens now). Therefore taking them out of whatever situation and problem they're currently in. Plus God said to me, "if you take the money or NOT, I'm still going to kill him for harming you. In fact I'll destroy his WHOLE family".
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Hello this was the best lobby I've ever been in
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kinkyjaems · 4 years
Officer Johnny
Word count: 4.9K
johnny x fem!reader (feat. taeyong & doyoung)
Includes: Smut, a bit of fluff I guess, him praising you
You're sitting at your desk as always. Answering phone calls, reading and signing papers, the endless click of your computer mouse. Nothing interesting has happened. Your life is a bore. You work in a police station but you ran charge of going through cases and catching all the bad guys.
You work in a room full of men who you're allowed to boss around. One of them being Johnny Suh. The flirtatious cop that you know I strong to get in your pants. Although he’s not one of those guys in a pussy drought, no, he’s a really sweet guy your glad to have around not only at work but outside of work too.
Taeyong walks over to your desk slapping a case folder on your table. “We have a case” He huffs, clearly tired. “Johnny, Doyoung, come over here” As soon as the two males reach over to your desk, Taeyong starts explaining the case. “Wen Junhui, although is Chinese, owns the biggest drug trade in Korea. He’s here in Seoul right now but will later make his way to different parts of the country for his business. The department has been getting information on him for over a year now and now that we’ve finally found his whereabouts, we must catch him because not only is he recklessly selling drugs, he’s killing innocent people.” Taeyong starts showing you all pictures of Jun and you must say he’s a very handsome guy but you know his ass should be in jail for the better.
“Now,” Taeyong starts again. “He’s not in Seoul for much longer, he’s only here for a little get-together with some of the people he works with and others who’s are interested in buying” Taeyong places a huge duffle bag on the tableland unzips it to show its glory. There were stacks over stacks in that bag. All three of your mouths open in shock. “We're gonna use this money to pretend like we're there to buy drugs” He explains. “Why can't we just enter the get together without the money?” Doyoung asks. “Well, it's a little suspicious if we go in there without a purpose since we're not acquaintances with Jun so we must act like we want to buy his produce” Taeyong looks at you and Johnny. “And by we, I mean you two” he points at you both with his flat smile.
You two look at each other and back at Taeyong. “I thought we were all going together,” You thought. “Again, it might look a little suspicious, plus you two should go as a couple” You agree, wanting to help out. Your fake names are Naeun and Minhyuck. “Alright, so the party is tomorrow in the afternoon so you two should be ready to go”. 
You head home after a long day of planning. You were nervous about tomorrow. Being in a house full of ruthless gangsters who won’t hesitate to pull a gun to your head and shoot you. This was risky and there’s no denying it but your glad you weren’t doing this alone and felt a lot safer having Johnny around with you.
You plop onto your bed letting out a large huff as your eyes start to fall shut. Your eyes fly open as your phone starts to ring. Its Johnny. “Hello?” You answer the phone. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”
You can tell he was smiling through the phone. “Baby?” You laugh. “Yeah,” he says. “From tomorrow onwards, me and you are gonna be a thing and we need to get into it” You furrow your brows at his choice of words. “Onwards,” You ask. “You never knows what's gonna happen” He starts. “You need to expect the unexpected” He explains. “Whatever makes you sleep at night, babe” You tease and he laughs. “What are we gonna b wearing tomorrow by the way?” You ask. “I've got nothing in my closet” You not the type of person to go to parties, hence why there’s not much party clothing in your closet. “Taeyong said they already have outfits at the department so don’t worry about it. Sleep well tonight okay? We have a big day tomorrow.” You wish him goodnight and hang up the phone, instantly falling asleep.
You arrive at the station making your way to your office desk. You can feel your heart banging against your chest. You see your best friend Karina holding a beautiful black dress in her hands and walking over to you. “Are you ready?” She asks. “Yes,” You replied, not knowing if you were lying or not. “I'll leave you to get ready but call me when your done” Tayeong exits the office with Doyoung by his side. DDDD
You hear a door open and look to the side. Johnny enters the room, wearing a black on black suit that looks very expensive. A silver watch on his right hand with an ocean blue center and ring that were divided equally on each hand. He looked beautiful. “You okay, babe?” He smirked. “BABE?!” Karina squealed which made you jump. “He’s just trying to get into character” You laughed. “This wasn’t part of me getting into character” He placed his hands in his pockets. “Get ready and ill be with Taeyong” He exits the room and you turn to Karina who is now shaking the shit out of you.
“HE LIKES YOU” She squeals. “You need to start acting like a woman. Dressing up, wearing makeup.” She lectures you. “I'm not gonna try to look good just for some guy okay? We're just gonna finish with this little mission and get back to work” The big smile that was once plastered on her face, has now disappeared. “Ugh, fine. But if you sleep with him you better tell me” You playfully slap her arm and laugh together.
Karina does the finishing touches of your makeup and steps back to get a better view of you. “I can't believe it” Her hands covered her mouth and she runs to hug you. “You look so good,” she says. “Thank you” You smile. You have to say, Karina did an amazing job with the makeup. You make your way over to Taeyong who was patiently waiting for you, but no sign of Johnny. “Wheres Johnny?” You ask. “Wow,” You look over behind you and see Johnny eyeing you up and down. You were wearing a black silk dress with a big slit in the front, accompanied by a very light smokey eye and rose-colored lipstick. “You look great” You two are unable to get your eyes off each other.
You hear Taeyong grunt in the background and both your attentions are now on him. “Shall we go?” Taeyong leads the way into the garage where his car is parked. Johnny sat in the front while you sat in the passenger seat along with the bag of cash and Taeyong starts the car and heads off. You were quite the whole ride, Tayeong and Johnny conversing a little but it wasn’t something you were interested in doing in.
You were looking out the window until you felt a pair of eyes on you. You turn to see Johnny looking at you and rain your brows in confusion. “Oh, um I just wanted to tell you the plan but I guess I got carried away” Your face starts you heating up and you curse your pale skin. “Okay, so when we walk in we need to find Jun. Once we do I'm gonna start off by asking him about his drugs and seeming interested in them. While in a conversation, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom when actually you need to find some documents that have information on where he’s gonna be land tomorrow. Got it?” He asks. “Got it” You reply.
You're parked in front of the mansion you have to say it was beautiful. It was packed with people from different parts of the world. The modern house was white and lined with gold details, making it catch your eyes instantly. Expensive cars were parked outside and giant window panes lines across the front.
“I'll be waiting out here. Once you get the info, you come straight back here” Taeyong explains. You both exit the car together walking over to two big males standing by the gate. “May I help you?” One of them asks. “My name is Minhyuck and were here to attend” Johnny remarks confidently. “What business do you have here and who is she” The other one points at you. “This is my girlfriend Naeun and we’re here to invest”. “With what money?” He asks. Johnny lifts up the big duffle bag he has and unzips it for them to see. They nod their head and opened the gates for you both.
You both look at each other before parting ways. You were in charge of looking outside while Johnny looked inside. You reach the part of the garden when most of the party is taking place. People were dancing and bumping into one another. You stand by the drink table holding your head high for a man named Wen Junhui. Before you knew it. You felt someone grab your hips and pull you towards them. “Hello~ beautiful” This man was clearing drunk. His breath smelt of strong rotting vodka. “Get off of me” You use your hands to push him away, which only made him angry. “Your gonna be mine today” He leans in to kiss you until he’s interrupted by a hand that punches him across the face.
Johnny pulls you behind him. “Get the fuck off of her you filthy bastard” His eyes wear dark with anger. You’ve never seen Johnny like this. “Johnny-“ You were interrupted by a voice calling you and Johnny. “Minhyuck and Naeun!” The man shouting was the man known as Wen Junhui. He looks at you with welcoming smiles and calls you over to sit at the table. Johnny obeys and walks over. You look down to take a seat but then feel an arm slither and an arm on your waist pulling you down onto Johnny's lap. You were a bit taken back knew you had to stay in character.
“So” Jun starts “I heard you wanted to buy some stuff of me. I got the best in the city, all you want”. “I am very interested in your products as I’ve heard it's the best quality, Mr. Wen” Johnny smiles at Jun. As they talk you start to feel something underneath you poking your ass and it's not along time before you realize it's Johnny's needy bulge. You ignore it and excuse yourself for the bathroom.
You enter the house. It was covered in the red carpet all the up until the two-way shimmering stairs. “Wow” You gasp. You look around to make sure there aren’t any guards around to catch you. Once you see the coast is clear, you quickly head up the stairs trying to make less sound as possible with your heels. “Brown door with a golden knob” You whisper to yourself. You move around the mansion trying not to be too loud as your heels lightly clack.
You finally found what you looking for, twisting the swinging golden knob allowing you to enter. You were presented into a room with multiple file cabinets. “Investment, partnership, blacklist, travel plans” You read all the labels trying to find the right one. You open the drawer marked ‘Travel plans’ and scanned the papers looking for destinations. “Oh dear,” You hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Jun holding Johnny tightly around his arm, giving you an evil smile. Two big men as backup behind him.
You still have the important file clutched in your hand. “You know what happens to people who try to snake their way around me” He lifts up his gun to point your face and you look at Johnny in panic. Before you knew it, Johnny lifted his elbow up and knocked Jun on the face, knocking the gun out of his hand. The big men in the back going for Johnny as he tries to fight him off with his back to you. Jun picks up his gun to shoot Johnny, when you kick his back, making sure to point your bottoms heels at him.
He looks at you in anger and takes a shot at your legs, barely missing as the bullet goes through your dress. You look down in shock. “DID YOU JUST SHOOT MY DRESS?!” Anger started filling you up all because he ruined this beautiful silk dress. You take off your heels and start smacking him on the face.
“Don’t” smack “fucking” smack “ruin” smack “my” smack “dress”. You now straddled on him repeatedly hitting him with your heel. You bring your hands down to his nipples, strongly twisting them and he shouts in pain. “Don’t you dare touch a woman!” You continue beating your fists on his chest until you feel a pair of hands slither around your waist lifting you up and over their shoulder. 
Johnny runs out with your over your back. You see them chase after you and use this opportunity to take one of your heels that was once hugging your feet, and throw it at the men. Once Johnny is outside the mansion, he places you back on the floor, grabs your arm, and pulls you into the car where Taeyong was patiently waiting.
You quickly drive off and see a black van full of men chase after your vehicle. Taeyong opens your sunroof and hands you a gun. “Use this to get rid of them” He handed you a handgun and you stand up so your upper body is out of the far.
Not wanting to kill anyone, you aim for the two front wheels while being careful of any bullets that might be coming your way. The black van gets slower and slower until it's a little black dot in the distance. You lift your hand over your head to form a heart. Johnny and Taeyong hysterically laughing at your gesture.
You sit back down and a loud huff escapes your mouth. “Did you get the file?” ask Taeyong. You reach into the pockets of your once beautiful dress that now has a hole in it and pull out a sheet. “Got it” you answer. “Yeahhh” Johnny claps. “Dude, she was wrecking that Jun guy. She used her heels as a weapon, I’ve never been so scared” He giggles. “This is why you shouldn’t mess with me” You point at your feet that’s missing one heel.
“So, where his next destination?” Tayeong asks. “He’s gonna be in Busan tomorrow, it says here he’s there for a meeting” You explain. “Alright great, ill make sure a hotel is booked.” He replies. “Separate rooms” You point out. “Oh come on babe, relax a little and share a room with me” Johnny wines, pouting his lips at you and you give him a cold stare as he looks away.
You enter your shared office getting ready to change as you pick up your clothes and head to the bathroom while Johnny just changes outside. You say your goodbyes and exit the department, waiting outside looking frustrated while trying to get a taxi. “Do you want a ride” you turn to see Johnny with a warm smile? “Oh, N-no it's okay. I don’t wanna trouble you” You kindly define his offer. “You're not troubling me” He replies. “Without your amazing fighting skills, we wouldn't have gotten the destination file” You lightly smack his chest and take up his offer.
The whole car ride to your house was quiet until Johnny breaks the silence. “You know” Johnny starts. “I know this is a bad time to tell you this but lately I've been thinking about how much I wanna take you out.” He looks at you nervously. “So.. when all of this is over, do you mind if I do?” You look at him and you smile from how nervous and cute he was. You don’t usually see Johnny like this. He’s usually so confident with everything he says. “Id love to” You smile at him.
You once again say your goodbyes and head inside going straight for the bathroom where you wash off your makeup and dress into some comfy pajamas. You get your suitcase out of your cabinet, placing some essentials in before you go to bed, ready for the next day. You eat breakfast in bed while watching your favorite show when you then get interrupted by a text from Taeyong.
Taeyong: Hey, are you ready?
You: Yeah. I'm gonna head out to the office soon.
Taeyong: Instead of the office, come to the train station where I and Johnny are waiting
You: Okk, Ill be there
You get your suitcase and head out, taking a taxi to the subway station. You arrived at the station and greet them both. You stand infant of the waiting train as Taeyong explains where you’ll be staying and other important information for your stay at Busan.
You and Johnny enter the train and took a seat. Johnny helped place both your luggage in the overhead stowage and took a seat next to you. It was a 2-hour train ride to Busan. You lay your head back against the seat as the train starts moving. “Hey, I have a question” Johnny looks at you. “Why not you wanna share a room with me?” He asks. “Is it because you wouldn’t know how to stop yourself?” He smirks and you smack his chest. “No,” You say. “I think you won’t be the one to stop yourself”. Johnny shrugs his shoulders. “You're not wrong” He leans slowly. “Hello, would you like something to drink” The attendant interrupts? “No thank you. You?” He turns to look at you. “I'm good, thank you” You answer with a smile.
You have an hour left of the train and you look vide bialy tired from staying in the same place. Johnny pats his shoulder, letting you use it as a headrest. You rest your head comfortably on his shoulder, slowly dosing off. He brings his arm over your shoulder and rests his head onto yours.
You finally arrive in Busan. Johnny nudges you lightly to wake you up and exit the train. You both wait outside the Busan train station for your ride. “Still tired” Johnny laughs and you hum in response with your eyes half-open. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you while you rest your arms around his waist as support.
The car finally arrives and takes you to your hotel. You exit the car looking at the place as Johnny helps take out the luggage. “Are you sure this is the right place?” You ask Johnny. You were standing outside a small motel. Johnny stands next to you looking up at the structure in front of you. “I guess?” He replies. “Let's got check out our rooms”.
You two walked inside a were welcomed by an old lady. You politely greet her and check-in. “Okay, here is your key for room 24” She smiles as she places one key in Johnny's hand. “One room?” You ask. “I think we booked two”. “Unfortunately we don’t have another room available” She apologizes. “If you want we can-“ “It's okay, we’ll take the room” You smile, not wanting to trouble the lady. 
You walk into your room. The walls were painted a beige color. As you walk in you see a bed to the right, facing you, and a small TV opposite the mattress.
The station was so busy that it was already 6 PM. You changed into a hoodie and shorts before plopping yourself on the bed, thinking about how you gonna sleep tonight. As you were lost in thought, Johnny exits the bathroom wearing a plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with his bulge being very obvious. How could someone look so good in something so plain simple? You thought. “What do you wanna do to pass the time?” You ask. “Do you wanna check out what movies they have on the TV?” You nod your head at him in approval.
You sit up at the back of the bed giving room for Johnny to sit next to you. Johnny starts scrolling through the different genres of movies, listing them as he goes. “Horror, romance, comedy, porn-“ He looks at you with begging eyes and you shake your head in disapproval. “How about a horror movie?” You suggest. Johnny nods and finds a movie that appeared to be 2 hours long.
It's about 7 PM and your 1 hour into the movie. You feel a pair of eyes on you and turn to look at Johnny. “What?” You quietly ask. He starts to realize he’s staring at you and stress. “Oh um, I-I was just um wondering if you were cold” He makes up an excuse and you laugh knowing very well that wasn’t it.
“Why are you laugh,” He asks with a little smile. “Nothing. It's just cute how you made an excuse to ask if I was cold when you were staring at me” You look at him to see he looks almost panicked. “N-no,” He says. “You even stuttering” You point out. “N-no I'm not” You laugh at him. He straightens his posture. “You think id be staring at you because of how beautiful you look in just a hoodie and shorts. How I can even focus on the movie because I can’t take my eyes off you. How I want to kiss your lips so bad and cherish your body forever. 
The smile that was once on both your face is now gone. Johnny leans in closer to the point where you can smell his fresh laundry detergent. Your lips meet together and move in harmony. He brushed your hair out of the way with his hand and places it on your cheek. He swipes his tongue across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter. You grant him permission by opening your mouth wider and your tongues fight each other for dominance as he takes the lead. “A little aggressive aren’t you?” He smiles again your kiss.
You slither your hands around his neck to get a better angle to dominate him but he reaches his hands behind you, lightly tugging your hair as a small moan leaves your lips and your head leans back. He smirks at the sound and starts trailing wet kisses up and down your neck until you were interrupted by a phone call from Taeyong.
He stops what he’s doing as he goes to answer the phone and you grunt in annoyance. “Hello?” He answers the phone. “Yeah we arrived, we’re just watching a movie to pass the time. Yeah okay, sounds good. Bye,” He hangs up the phone and turns to you. “We should go to bed. We need to wake up pretty early tomorrow” You felt kind of sad but you had a job and needed good sleep in order to do your best.
You get under the blanket and watch as Johnny goes to the couch, using an extra pillow and blanket to sleep for the night. The room is dark and you couldn’t help but think about how you wanted Johnny's arms wrapped around you as you slept, or even better, his lips all over you.
“Johnny” You call out. “Yeah” He replies and you sit up. “Do you mind if you sleep next to me tonight?” You see a black figure sit up on the couch, not hesitating to comb over and climb in bed next to you. “Miss me?” He teases you. “Yes,” You reply as you attach your lips to his. He adjusted quickly and kiss you back. This time even most passionately. He pushes you down so you're underneath him and he’s hovering on top of you with his hands roaming freely on your body.
Your hook your arms over this neck and let your fingers tangle around his hair. You bring one hand down to the hem of his shirt and lightly tug at it, gesturing for his to take it off. He sits up on top of you and brings his t-shirt over your head. You look at his toned body while placing air two hands on his shoulder and slowly feeling down his chest. He then roves your hoodie, leaving you only in your bra. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful” He pants, diving back into your mouth before moving to your neck.
After placing kisses cross your neck, he starts sucking on your skin like honey, making sure to leave marks with not one place untouched. He moves down placing kisses down your chest and onto your stomach until he reaches your pants. He looks up at you for permission to remove it and you nod, taking your bra off too. He pulls your pants to the side and teasingly breathes on it making your head go back.
He reaches his left hand over to your breasts, slowly massaging them before gliding his tongue across your fold. You let out a soft moan as Johnny repeats this gesture with his tongue. He starts sucking on your clit slowly and softly making sure to get every inch before sliding a finger in there and gently thrusting it in and out.
You start to lose your patience as you try to move your hand down to your slit but get stopped by Johnny's big hand. He places your hand to the side and thrust his finger and faster while flicking his tongue on your wet slit at an exceptional speed.
Your back arches in pleasure and you start to close the gap between your legs until Johnny pushes them open and digs his tongue inside or you even harder, which causes you to moans out his name uncontrollably loud. “I'm about to cum” You say in between moans.
Johnny takes this as an opportunity to place his pointer and middle finger inside of you, quickly thrusting until you come all over his face. He uses his tongue to clean you as if your juices were his treasure. He sits up and looks at you before crawling his way closer to your face. You can see your glimmering juices on his face as he uses his tongue going in a circle, getting it all off “You taste so good, baby”.
He re-attaches his lips onto you. You didn't care that he just ate you out and now his tongue is in your mouth. He slips out of his sweatpants and reveals his giant cock. He stands at the edge of the bed before you come over to replace his hands with yours. “Spit on it” He demands, and you obey spitting on his tip before spreading it across his whole length.
You started by tracing circles with your tongue at the top before slowly doing down on him until you manage to take all of him in. You use your free hand to massage his balls earning a low moan from him. Every time you reach the tip, you make sure to swirl your tongue around the top before going back down to the base.
He tangles his hand in your hair and starts taking the lead, going slow at intros but then quacking his pace. You start to deep throat him as he praises you with every move. “Fuck, your os good” he bites his lips. “Look at me” You look up at him and his hands go faster. You realize he likes it when you look at him as he fucks your mouth. 
Tears start welling up in your eyes and you feel his cock twitching inside of your mouth as his hands get weaker. You give him a hand by robbing your head up and down until you feel a warm sensation fill your mouth and his head leans back. You swallow every last drop of him and he brings his hands on your neck, lightly pulling you up to kiss you. “Can you lay down for me princes?” He asks and you do exactly that.
He quickly grabs a condom from the suitcase and glides it across his cock. He sits in front of you, pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, and slowly enters your heated core, earning a moan from boh of you.
He adjusts himself and starts thrusting in and out of you, again, starting off slow but then picking up his pace. The room is filling with loud moans and the sound of your skin slapping together. He reaches over to your breasts slowly massaging them one by one before smacking your ass as he cusses loudly. “Say my name” He speaks, in between shaky breathes. “J-Johnny, fuck” You moan out loud. 
“Johnny, I'm close” You let him know, and make sure he’s balls deep instead of your, earring a scream of pleasure from you. You feel him twitch inside of you as come all over his length, not long before he finishes too. You're both panting heavily as you try to regain your energy. He stands up taking the condom off before throwing it in the nearby bin. 
He cleans you up first, making sure your okay and comfortable, before helping himself. He helps you to his t-shirt that he was previously wearing and throw on his sweatpants, laying nectar you and pulling you in his arms. “You were so good,” He says and you giggle. “I'm happy there weren’t any other rooms available” You reply and he kisses you once more before you both fall asleep, ready for tomorrow morning.
Thank you for whoever suggested this story! I couldn't create a small short story so I decided to do this- @_@ 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - Little Bro’s Self-Cultivation
🍒This R&S (小弟的自我修养) is part of the Dream Heart Lake event which has not been released in EN🍒
Note: There’s a lot of filler, so most of it is in bullet-point form
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Cancelled Gavin R&S:
> minor’s memos
> tilted time
> little bro’s self-cultivation ♡
> ashes
This R&S focuses on a guy called Zhang Liang Wan (”Zhang”), who is known for his unparalleled skills in acquiring information. In EN, his name is “Johnny Legs”
He usually spends his day sleeping or drinking. When he runs out of money for drinks, he would collect protection fees from outside the bar with his fellow lackeys
One evening, he and his lackeys intimidate a random lad dressed in Givenchy
Suddenly, one of his lackeys, who was supposed to collect protection fees from another part of the bar, is flung over
Seeing this, Zhang no longer cares about the Givenchy Lad on the ground. He tosses aside the cigarette butt in his hand and roars: “Who dares to touch my men? You don’t want to live?”
“Who did you say doesn’t want to live?”
The person who speaks steps out from the shadows. He has a hand in his pocket, his face full of impetuousness and unruliness.
Zhang recognises Gavin - the first time they met, it was behind a school. And instead of Givenchy Lad, Zhang was the one who ended up on the ground
Zhang gets his men to beat Gavin up
Of course:
The only person left standing is Gavin. He pats the dust off his hands, completely unscathed.
He crosses through the thugs lying on the floor and grabs Zhang, fishing out handcuffs and skilfully cuffing him:
“Do you know the way to the police station?”
Zhang is very surprised that Gavin is now a cop
Surprisingly, Gavin doesn’t send Zhang to the police station
He ends up in the police station a few days later anyway (for the third time this month)
Gavin sees him:
Gavin casts him a glance, then takes out a photograph and shows it to him. He asks: “Know him?”
Zhang looks at the face in the photograph. After a moment of recollection, he instantly replies: “I know him!”
Gavin’s eyebrows arch upwards: “Tell me more.”
Zhang is about to open his mouth, but he suddenly laughs: “Heheh. Captain Gavin, will I get any benefit from it?”
Zhang hurriedly shakes his head. “I wouldn't dare to. It’s just that I’m... not very comfortable here, and it affects my memory.” As he speaks, he rubs his head pretentiously.
Unaffected, Gavin shows Zhang two more photographs: “I can release you earlier, but I want inside information on these three people tomorrow.”
Zhang happily agrees, and he gets released
The time comes for the handing over of information. As per their arrangement, Gavin arrives at the backdoor of the bar, riding a cool black motorcycle. Zhang whistles, offering him a cigarette once the motorcycle stops. 
Gavin remains unmoved: “Speak.”
With a roll of his eyes, Zhang keeps the cigarette. Actually, he didn’t conduct any investigations at all. However, he did create a fake report, and he conveys it to Gavin with a serious expression and a sincere attitude. Gavin listens, a thoughtful expression flashing across his face, his brows gradually furrowing. Watching Gavin’s face, Zhang’s heart sinks. He smiles: “C-captain Gavin, I’m done.”
Gavin responds with a “mm”, then takes out another photograph and dangles it in front of Zhang:
“I know that you’re afraid of going to jail. But what if I show this to Boss Liu?”
At that moment, Zhang can’t bring himself to smile any longer. He feels all the blood draining from his body, and his entire self is frozen in place.
“Captain Gavin! Let’s talk things over. I beg you, please don’t do that!” Zhang is so frantic that he’s about to cry. If that photograph ends up with Boss Liu, he’d meet his doom!
Patting Zhang’s distressed face, Gavin says: “Do you remember the three people I asked you to investigate now?”
Zhang Liang Wan nods, reminiscent of a chick peking rice: “I remember now, I remember now!”
Satisfied, Gavin retracts his hand and puts on his helmet. After starting the motorcycle, he tosses a glance at Zhang Liang Wan through his protective screen:
“We’ll meet at this location and at this time two days later. If you don’t want me to take action, don’t play tricks again.”
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On the day they are supposed to meet, Gavin isn’t able to find Zhang at the bar
One of Zhang’s lackeys, utterly terrified, tells Gavin that Zhang might be in a place called Tianjie Alley
Gavin finds him there - Zhang is kneeling on the ground and bleeding, surrounded by over ten people
Gavin saves him before he gets stabbed with a knife
That bunch of police officers are always doing righteous things, living in the bright sunshine, as though all the energy in the world is gathered there.
But Gavin is different. He doesn’t concern himself with doing what’s right, much less concern himself with being in the bright light. So what exactly does he care about?
Zhang Liang Wan is simply unable to comprehend him. But he knows that when faced with such a situation like today’s, the only person who would rush over is Gavin. 
Turns out Zhang did prepare the information! He hands it to Gavin before losing consciousness
After he recovers, Zhang waits outside the police station for Gavin
Out of the three people Gavin asked him to investigate, one person’s information still required clarification. With much difficulty, Zhang managed to source for information. Yet, he has been unable to contact Gavin
After waiting for several days, he finally sees Gavin
The moment Gavin steps off the motorcycle, Zhang Liang Wan greets him: “Big Boss!”
A touch of surprise flashes across Gavin’s face, but it immediately returns to his usual expression. Zhang Liang Wan grins and says: “I’m here to thank Big Boss for saving my life! If it weren’t for Big Boss, I would have been doomed.”
Gavin’s voice is as light as always: “I did it for the information. I was just taking what I needed.”
Zhang is still smiling as he presents an envelope to Gavin: “The information back then wasn’t complete, so you have to add this.” He suddenly remembers something, and stretches his hand towards Gavin. “...that’s right, Big Boss, the photograph?”
Gavin takes the envelope and gives it a look. Then, he lifts his head and casts him a glance: “Do you know that there’s a technology called Photoshop?” 
Without waiting for Zhang to respond, Gavin has already walked past him and entered the police station. Zhang looks at his receding form and seems to be deep in thought. Not long after, he breaks into another smile. He thinks he more or less knows what Gavin cares about.
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From then onwards, Zhang becomes Gavin’s informant
One of Zhang’s lackeys asks whether he has collected money from Gavin for his investigation regarding the three men
In response, Zhang says:
“Money money money - only thinking about money the entire day! You all better listen up. The next time you see Officer Gavin, you have to respectfully call! Him! Big! Boss!”
He knows that Gavin will definitely not respond to it, but he sets this unwritten rule anyway.
A person like Gavin is truly a big boss.
Other cancelled R&S: here
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noonachronicles · 4 years
The Malebranche Pt. 1
Im Changkyun/I.M. X Reader & Lee Jooheon X Reader
Word count: 9.4k
Warnings: There is cursing. It’s a story about demons so...probably a little dark in theme. This is demon smut. I’m not being flippant or dramatic. It’s literally smut with demons. This is 18+. I’m not your mom and I’m not the fan fiction police. So just don’t have unprotected sex and don’t fuck demons. There’s also some edging. 
Genre: Demon AU. Modern Fantasy. Sorta Soulmate AU
A/N: This is for @nemesyis​. You probably just wanted some porn without plot but if you haven’t noticed... I’m incapable. Here is some porn with a light sprinkling of plot for flavor instead. 
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‘The Path to Paradise Begins in Hell’ - Dante Alighieri
The Eighth Circle was a beautiful burlesque club. It was expected by many to be a front for a brothel or a drug ring but there had never been any proof of it even after several raids and countless undercover investigations. Everyone just assumed that something illegal was happening there, and no one could blame them. It was a cesspool of sin and debauchery.
The club was located just outside of the city in a three story Victorian style mansion. The inside had been completely gutted and renovated by the owners but the outside stayed essentially the same. Only a new layer of paint had been applied. Wine red paneling, black trim, and gold accents. Gothic Barbies dream house.
Inside there was a large foyer with blood red carpets and gold walls. The ceiling was covered in a renaissance style painting. Though the art was not light and angelic like one might have expected. It was dark. It demons and sin. It was the inferno. Beautifully done, but terrifying if you looked too long or too closely. The foyer broke away into three different theatre style rooms. The Red Room, The Purple Room, and The White Room.
The Red Room was the most popular room, it was the most sinful of the three. Named appropriately for it’s color scheme. Red furniture, red floor, red walls, red velvet panels draped overhead. The only things that weren’t red were the crystal chandeliers. Those were consistent through every room in the house. The Red Room experience stood in the center of the four corners. Night club, burlesque club, strip club, and sex club. Consent was the only rule in The Red Room.
The Purple Room offered a slightly more cabaret atmosphere. Mostly purple everything with silver accents here and there. The performances were rambunctious and inclusive. Despite the dark aesthetic it was a classic good time. Usually The Purple Room housed bachelorette parties and birthdays. Large groups of women just looking for a memorable night out.
The White Room, the third of the triplets, was mostly white with accents of gold. It was the most elegant room The Eighth Circle had to offer. Sheer white fabrics hung from the ceiling along with gold and crystal chandeliers. The floor was a bright white marble laced with rivers of gold striping. The couches and chairs were white velvet cushions on gold framing. Women, scantily clad in white lingerie, carried gold trays filled with champagne in crystal stemware. The White Room was mostly for politicians and businessmen that would bring in out-of-towners to impress and seduce them into working with them. Occasionally vanilla couples would partake in The White Room as well if they were trying to spice up a fading love life. Typically if it worked the couples could be found in The Red Room within a week.
The owners of The Eighth Circle were the Malebranche Brothers. Sometimes they were referred to as the Malebranche Twins. Though you’d seen them before in town and couldn’t imagine they were at all related. Most people, however, just called them the Demon Twins.
You would have normally suspected that particular nickname had to do with all of the references to Dante's Inferno that surrounded them whether intentionally or unintentionally. You found it much more likely that the people thought the brothers had a hint of evil in them and less likely that they would have picked up on the literary references. It wasn’t that you thought everyone in town was an illiterate moron. You’d lived in this town your whole life. You knew that everyone in town was an illiterate moron.
The brothers, if that’s even what they were, were young. In appearance they seemed about your age but there was something about their mannerisms that made them seem much older. It’s part of what attracted you to them. They were unlike every other bachelor in this town. It was like they were from somewhere else entirely. A bigger city was your only guess. They had a sense of class and elegance that made them entirely desirable. Unfortunately they weren’t only desirable to you. Every woman and several of the men in town flung themselves desperately at the pair every chance they got. So while you continued to fantasize about them, you knew that’s what they would remain, a fantasy.
From what you knew of them Jooheon was the older of the two brothers but not by much. He was known for his unbelievably plush lips and unmistakable dimples. His hair color usually changed with the seasons but you always thought he looked best with a darker tone. He was also said to be the kinder of the two. He had a pleasantness that his brother seemed to lack, which was probably why he was the one known to take care of the business side of The Eighth Circle.
His brother was Changkyun. He’d been nicknamed the Evil Twin by the people in town. Mostly due to the stern, unimpressed look of his lips when his face was resting. On occasion you’d seen him out to lunch or in a shop with his brother and thought he’d seemed quite playful and even childish. He didn’t scare you too much.
Though you knew Jooheon was meant to be the kinder of the two brothers you would never forget the first time you’d seen them. You were shopping in the city. Jooheon had just stepped out of the car and was headed into a restaurant when he’d turned in your direction, looking just over his shoulder, and his eyes met yours. It was terrifying, just the way it felt, like in that instant he was inside of you.
It was as if he knew every one of your thoughts, every desire. There was just something about him. Lust incarnate with the way your attraction to him tugged at you like there was rope around your waist whenever he was nearby and he held the opposite end firmly in his grasp.    
In that sense you felt lucky that they were a deviant desire and nothing more. Certainly you wouldn’t be able to handle either one of them.
Changkyun stood on the third floor balcony that overlooked The Red Room. He was leaning over the banister, soaking in the immoral energies of the night's patrons. A wicked grin grew across his lips as he watched hands grasping flesh. Lips on lips. Very little attention made to who was partaking in who. He loved his work.
“Honey.” he said as his brother moved behind him, not bothering to turn his attention from the activities below.
“Kyun.” Jooheon said leaning against the bannister beside him.
“How are things running?”
“Smooth as ever. Smoother even. Busy for a Wednesday.” Jooheon shrugged, sipping from his glass of bourbon.
“Lucky for us, brother, sin never takes a day off.” Changkyun laughed and snatched the liquor from his brother's hand to take a drink.
Jooheon grew silent, closing his eyes. Changkyun looked over just as they snapped back open to show pitch black orbs. He inhaled deeply, his hand gripping the wooden banister so tightly his knuckles grew white with strain. When he exhaled his eyes lightened to their normal brown.
“She’s here.” he gulped.
Changkyun’s eyebrow perked with mild interest, “Your little townie girlfriend?”
“Don’t be an asshole.” Jooheon glared.
“Where is she? No! Wait!” he chuckled enthusiastically, “Let’s play a game.”
Jooheon shook his head, “I don’t want to play with you. You cheat and you’re mean.”
“Don’t be such a fucking infant.” Changkyun snapped, but his smile had returned in the same blink, “Pleeease, Honey. You never play with me. I’m bored.”
He sighed in quick defeat, prefering to avoid another of his brother's temper tantrums, knowing that Changkyun could always make things worse if he was denied what he wanted.  “What’s the game?”
“If I can figure out who she is on my own, without any hints from you, I get to fuck her.” Jooheon’s jaw clenched, but his brother wasn’t done yet. “I get to fuck her...first.”
“Changkyun.” he growled between tight lips.
His brother only laughed, “Oh please! Please, brother! Who knows if I’ll even be able to figure it out?”
“What if I make it a little harder for myself?” he asked, “I only get three guesses.”
Jooheon rolled his eyes knowing full well Changkyun was not going to let it go until he agreed to play. “Fine. Three guesses. No hints.”
“Deal.” Changkyun grinned and held out his hand.
Jooheon grabbed his brother's hand and in an instant they were wrapped in a bind of fire to seal the deal. Jooheon could see the flames dancing in his brothers glistening black eyes, he already felt defeated. His brother always got everything he wanted. Why should she be any different?
After the deal was sealed Changkyun clapped his palms together. “Let’s begin! ONWARD! To the foyer!”
You stood at the bar in the foyer suppressing a yawn. Requesting a date on a Wednesday night meant this guy had already been docked points in your book. Being late meant he’d lost even more. Mostly you just hoped he wasn’t going to stand you up. You chewed on the stem that had been attached to the cherry that came with your drink and eyed yourself through the mirror behind the bar.
You looked so good tonight considering the speed with which you had to get ready between getting home from work and the original meet up time. Your dress was stark white and tight against your curves. The hem sat against the tops of  your thighs, not even thinking about nearing your knees. The neck was a deeper v than you normally wore but the white lace sleeves made it seem more classy than slutty, so you thought anyway.
Your blind date was forty minutes late and you had to decide between getting another drink or calling it a night. You lifted your hand to grab the attention of the bartender, ready to close your tab and giving this date a time of death but then you felt it. A tightening in your stomach, you crossed one red stiletto covered foot over the other, squeezing your thighs together and tried to keep breathing. You didn’t know how you knew it was him, you just knew he was somewhere nearby. This wasn’t the first time you’d felt it.
“Did you need something?” the bartender asked. “Refill?”
You shook your head and after a slightly put out look she turned and went to the next guest. Turning around you leaned your back against the bar and searched the room. It didn’t take long before you saw him. Not your date. Jooheon. Standing at the top of the stairs with his brother at his side.
Changkyun was saying something energetically as he looked over the crowd of club attendees. With a gulp you looked Jooheon over. His hair was bright red tonight, the last time you saw him it was blonde, and pushed back off of his forehead. You could see the dip in his cheek from his dimple from where you were, that's how deep it was, and the double slit in his eyebrow.
You bit your bottom lip as they made their way down the stairs, your heart was racing. He’d missed a few buttons on the black silk shirt he was wearing, intentionally you assumed, and you were mesmerized by the thin silver chain around his neck with its pendant that bounced against his bare chest. Your gaze had just made it to the holy grail, a golden snake belt buckle and a pair of tight black, leather pants that had your mouth a confused mixture of desert dry and waterfall of drool.  
That was when you heard, “Did it hurt?”
Moving your focus you met your date, Kihyun, with the single red rose he said he was bringing. “Huh?”
“When you fell from heaven?” he grinned.
Oh. No. You faked your very best chuckle. “That’s cute.”
“I’m Kihyun.”
You lifted the rose he’d handed you, “I’d gathered.”
“I reserved a table in The White Room. People say it’s hard to get a reservation here but honestly I found it easy. I always get into wherever I want probably because-” he continued to brag, not even humbly, but you had stopped listening anyway.
With every step The Twins moved closer. They walked right past you as if in slow motion, the sleeve of Jooheon’s black blazer brushed the back of your hand and you nearly lost your breath completely. Wishful thinking had you believing he’d even looked at you, however briefly. He hadn’t even gotten two steps away and you’d already imagined about four different ways he could take you right then and there. You could probably kill someone if it meant running your hands through his hair, kissing that dimple, knowing that man. Honestly you couldn’t help but to think to yourself that you might have to just sleep with Kihyun tonight even if things didn’t go well because you were pretty sure you were in heat. And why should you have to suffer through the night just because this guy hadn’t yet had the decency to apologize for being an hour late.
“Y/n?” he said, placing his hand gently on your forearm.
You jumped slightly, you were so incredibly wound up. “What?”
“I asked if you wanted to go to our seats now.”
“Yeah, let’s go...” You said with one last longing look over at The Twins.
While you were getting comfortable with Kihyun in The White Room, Jooheon was following Changkyun around on his mission through The Eighth Circle. First the foyer, where he would look at every guest and then back at Jooheon to search his face for some sort of slip up. Then The Red Room where he moved around the room in his charismatic way, gently touching guests on their hips or arms, asking them if they were having a good time and trying to read their energy. By the time they stepped out of The Purple Room he’d wasted two of his guesses. Changkyun was furious and Jooheon was feeling hopeful. Only one more wrong guess from his counterpart and he was free to pursue you.
“Give me a fourth guess.” Changkyun huffed, “One for each room and the foyer. It’s only fair.”
“What’s fair is you playing by the rules we’ve already set.” Jooheon declined the request, “One more guess.”
He hoped that in his frustration Changkyun would get reckless with his last guess. Guess on a whim, be wrong, game over. When they stepped into The White Room it was hard for Jooheon to not look directly at you. He also didn’t want to completely avoid you either, as Changkyun would be looking for that as well. His hands were shaking as he made it to the bar and requested a drink to steady his nerves.
Changkyun sighed deeply looking over the room. “Well, she’s definitely in here.”
“What makes you think that?” Jooheon asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“If you were vibrating any harder, every woman in this room would cum in an instant.” He grinned.
Jooheon shrugged, trying to remain casual. “Well, I mean, if you’re sure. You have one guess left.”
“Tiny or tall. Big or small.” Changkyun hummed to himself, “Blonde or Brunette. Virgin or...slut.”
“Are you and your horrid rhyming skills done yet?” Jooheon asked, “Shows about to start. Maybe you’d like to take a break from your boring little game.”
Ignoring Jooheon, Changkyun had a thought. “Maybe she’s neither virgin nor whore. Maybe, maybe she’s part innocence and part evil. You wouldn’t be attracted to anyone too good, that’s bland. But she couldn’t be too evil either or it would annoy you. You need someone just right. A Goldilocks.”
“What are you talking about?” Jooheon sighed. “How could you know what any of these women are like? I’ve never even met her. I don’t know her personality. There’s no way you could.”
“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, dear brother.” Changkyun grinned and placed two fingers against his lips as he scanned the room. “Eenie meenie...miny moe.”
Slowly he pointed his two fingers out like a gun and took aim with you in his crosshairs. His eyes lit up and his thumb dropped as he released a pop from his lips.
“Found her.” He blew a gust of breath on the barrel of his finger gun and looked over at Jooheon with a wink. “Dressed like an absolute angel but there is... nothing very nice inside of her.”
Jooheon swallowed the lump in his throat. “Fine. Congratulations, you won your dumb little game. Please, don’t do this.”
“What’s the point of winning if you don’t get your reward?” He asked and sneered over at Jooheon who was pouting, “Oh good God. Stop acting like you’re in love with her or something, you don’t even know her. It’s pathetic.”
“If she says no to your advances…”
“Then of course nothing will happen,” Changkyun scoffed, “I’m not a fucking monster.”
“Guess that depends on who you ask.” Jooheon muttered.
“Well, this was fun but I think it’s time to collect my winnings.” Changkyun looked over at Jooheon curiously, “Are you going to watch?”
Jooheon rolled his eyes and finished off his drunk, “Go fuck yourself, brother.”
“Oh but I won’t have to!”  Changkyun laughed to himself as he watched Jooheon storm out of the room.
Kihyun had gotten you a new drink before the two of you took your seats in the front row booth he’d reserved for your date. However he’d also talked so much, about himself, that your drink was already down to the ice cubes. You half listened to him as he described in detail what his average work day looked like and half watched the runoff of your melting ice. Taking a sip every time there was enough collected at the bottom of the cup to warrant taking a sip. What felt like three hours, but was only about twenty minutes passed before he finally looked at his watch.  
“Wow, I can’t believe how fast time is flying.” He said with a smile.
“Who knew investment banking was so fascinating.” you offered with mediocre enthusiasm.
“I think they’re really about to get started soon. Would you like me to refill your drink again beforehand?” he asked.
You nodded gratefully, “That would be amazing, thank you.”
“Okay, but last one.” He laughed sliding out of the booth. “No one likes a girl that can’t keep her wits about her.”
Suppressing an eyeroll that hard nearly gave you an instant migraine. The second his back was turned you pulled out your phone and sent a text to the friend that had set you up on this blind date to let her know she was now your ex-friend. You cleared out a few of your awaiting notifications and then before you could even stop yourself your jaw dropped in the biggest yawn you’d ever experienced in your life.
“A yawn that big does not bode well for my business.”
If Changkyun was any other man in the world you assumed you would probably despise him based on his tacky fashion sense alone. Tonight he was wearing a silk, snake print shirt under a purple, velvet blazer. That alone would have been enough to turn you away from any other man, then on top of that his belt buckle was a massive, eye catching, howling wolf's head. Infact, rather than being repulsed by the outfit you found yourself staring quite unabashed as he stood in front of you. His pierced eyebrow was raised as he looked you over, and you noticed the flash of silver on his tongue as it moved across his bottom lip.  
In your head you thought of at least ten clever, sexy comebacks to give him. Ultimately, after too long, all you gave him in reply was, “Huh?”
He snickered to himself, knowing full well he’d already ruffled your feathers and he was only just warming up. “If you’re not having a good time, I want you to know I will make it my personal mission to make sure that you do.”
Shaking your head you blushed, “It’s not...The club is great. Beautiful. Entertaining beyond comparison.”
His eyes darted over to the bar, lingered on Kihyun’s back for a moment, and then went back to you, “Oh no, it’s not...your date? Please tell me you’re not here, in that dress, with someone who is yawn worthy boring.”
Your mouth opened and then you closed it slowly into a smile as Kihyun came back to the table. He handed you your refreshed drink and took his seat in the booth before realizing Changkyun was standing beside your table.
“Hi...can we help you?” he asked, clearly confused.
“How rude of me…” Changkyun held out his hand and Kihyun accepted it. “I’m Changkyun. This is my club. Well, half of it anyway.”
“Do you often walk around to make sure people are having a good time?” Kihyun asked.
“Ahh.” Changkyun smirked, “Only when I see a truly beautiful woman in one of my seats.”
“Yes, well, y/n is a stunning specimen.” Kihyun smiled tightly, “I’d thank you for the wonderful time we’ve been having, but the conversation has been all us. The chemistry...spectacular.”
You could see the look in Changkyun’s eye, the one that said he had something witty waiting on that sharp tongue, but the lights began to dim. “Can I sit with you? Just for the first performance? I’d hate to be in anyone’s way.”
“I don’t think-”
“Of course.”
You and Kihyun spoke together, but ultimately you scooted into the booth further and allowed Changkyun to slip in beside you as the music began and that was the end of the discussion. The room went dark and a bright white spotlight hit the stage where the white velvet curtains parted to show the stage. An old, big jazz band song started to play and you watched wide eyed as a huge silver ring descended from the ceiling and sitting on the bottom arc of the circle was a scantily clad woman. You watched fascinated as she began moving around the ring. Hanging, dangling, contorting her body all around the thin bar.
Taking just a moment to break your gaze away from the stage, you grabbed your drink to take a sip. Your eyes caught Changkyun’s hand, resting on the top of the table, his fingers thrumming against the white table cloth. Silver bands on two of his fingers and black nail polish on three. Placing your glass down on the table, it took maximum efforts not to reach for his hand.
They looked so long and soft. You wanted to feel them and feel them on you. You realized that this might be the closest you ever got to one of the brothers, so you let your eyes wander. Over his hands, over his wrist with the thin silver bracelet that dangled from it, over his body. The rise and fall of his smooth chest, that you could see clearly from the way his shirt rested open loosely. He was leaning back against the booth and his neck looked so long you gulped. His profile was flawless, jaw sharp, chin perfectly curved, nose...god, his nose. There was a smirk across his lips when he turned his face. His eyes locked with yours, refusing to let you go, not that you’d have looked away anyway.
Changkyun lifted his hand to your face, dragging his fingers down your jaw before holding your chin between his fingers. You felt dazed in a way you had never felt before. You leaned towards him, you were nearly there, lips ready to press against the ones that waited there for you. Then you blinked. Just a blink and you were sitting back in the booth, the lights coming up from the end of the performance. Kihyun was applauding enthusiastically and Changkyun was slipping out of the booth.  
“Wait!” you said suddenly. Changkyun turned to look back at you. “Do you...have to leave so soon?”
“Y/n,” Kihyun reached out and placed his hand on your knee, “I’m sure he’s a busy man with a lot to do. Let’s not bother him further. We can go get dinner.”
“Didn’t you say it was your personal mission to make sure I had a good time?”
“I did say that, didn’t I?” he grinned, “I suppose I could spend a while longer with you.”
“...that’s really not necessary.” Kihyun said quietly, but it was pretty clear he was quickly becoming the third wheel on this date.
You bit your lip as Changkyun sat back down next to you. Kihyun watched flabbergasted for several minutes as the two of you flirted right in front of him before he got up with a huff and took off. You felt a little bad but not enough that you would have gone back in time to change anything.
Changkyun, one of the widely sought after demon twins, had his arm over your shoulder and all of his attention focused on you. You pinched yourself several times until you flinched because it just didn’t seem real.
After a few more performances you mentioned needing to think about calling a cab to go home. Changkyun offered sweetly to take you home and you jumped at the chance. This night started out as such a flop and had turned into a fantasy.
“Stay here.” Changkyun said, letting his hand drag over your hip. He’d walked you out of The White Room following the last performance, and into the busy foyer. “I’ll call for the car.”
You inhaled deeply and let out a relaxing sigh. Being around Changkyun had you so tense, so unbelievably aroused. The knot in your gut was screaming for release, and though you didn’t want to be presumptuous you thought you might actually have a chance with him tonight. A big part of you wished you’d caught Jooheon’s eye, but getting to be with either of the twins was more than you could have hoped for yourself.
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight?”
Your blood prickled as Jooheon stepped next to you, his hands in his pockets.
“I..heh...um.” you shook with nerves.
Jooheon just smiled, his dimple digging deeper into his cheek. You wanted to swim in it.
Looking over at you completely he smiled kindly, “Be careful on your way home tonight. We’d like to have you back here again soon.”
“Wow.” You gasped.
You’d never seen him up close before, and honestly you weren’t ready for it. Changkyun was something. Jooheon was something else completely. His eyes were dark but glistened like galaxies. His lips were so...wet. Soft, plush clouds. Your heart was pounding so hard against your chest you were certain it was about to crash all the way through.
“What?” He asked quietly, like a whisper, just for you.
“It’s just..you’re breathtaking.” You’d be embarrassed about saying it later on when you remembered but for now it just had to be said.
He blushed at the compliment. “I could say the same for you.”
There was just something about him. Something inside you was so drawn to something in him. You thought about what it would feel like to just be held by him. He looked like the definition of comfort.
“Y/n.” Both of you turned to see Changkyun, standing in the doorway looking, in contrast, like the definition of devious. “We’re all set, are you ready?”
“Have fun.” Jooheon bowed out and you watched as he turned and left.
“Yeah, ready.” You smiled at Changkyun and he led you to the car waiting outside.
You slid over the black leather of the backseat and Changkyun slid in after. After you gave the driver your address the two of you sat quietly together. Several blocks passed by the window before Changkyun turned to you.
“You prefer my brother.”
“What?” You asked as if you hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes thinking endlessly about Jooheon and his impossible dimple and his unstoppable lips.
“It’s okay. It won’t hurt my feelings.” He assured you.
You sighed, “I don’t have a preference, it’s only that I’d noticed him first.”
“That’s a shame.”
“Why?” Your whole mood dropped.
“It’s just Jooheon is deeply interested in someone right now.”
“Oh…” you didn’t know why it stung so badly, you should have already known someone like him would have someone.
“She was there tonight at the club. Absolutely stunning young woman.”
“That’s so nice...for them.” You wished he’d stop talking about it already.
“It is, isn't it? Then there’s two poor, lonely idiots like us. Right?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed lightly, “Poor, lonely idiot...that’s definitely me.”
Changkyun looked down at his lap and sighed, “Well, unfortunately I can’t get you what you want, but I can give you second best if you’re willing to settle.”
“What?” You asked in genuine disbelief. “You...would be interested in someone like me?”
“Not someone like you.” He corrected. “I’m interested in you.”
“Really?” You asked, “I don’t mean to sound...so surprised. It’s just, I find it so very hard to believe someone as handsome as you would be interested in me.”
“Why do you think I spent my whole night with you?” He chuckled.
“Honestly? Pity.”
“Not at all. Not even a little bit.” He looked over at you and smirked, “I spent my night with you in hopes of getting a kiss.”
You practically snorted in shock. “What?”
“Something small. Just to taste you.”
“Are you serious?”
He shrugged, “Only if you wanted it too. ...but since I’m not Jooheon.”
It would have been stupid to waste even another second so you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. You could taste how smug he was. The tip of his tongue swiped at your lips and you opened your mouth to him without hesitation. His tongue was soft and slick with the exception of the little metal ball that massaged your tongue.
You moaned into his mouth while his hands roamed over your body. He’d turned his body to yours, his fingers slipping up the thin fabric of your dress until his hand was your hip and the skirt was pulled all the way up to your stomach. You were a panting, breathless mess and his hands were only urging you further.  
You pressed your palm against his chest, “Changkyun…while this is nice and I desperately want more...your driver is like right there.”
“Who?” He said looking towards the front seat and then back to you, “Minhyuk?”
“Yeah…” you nodded, “He’s probably already heard everything I doubt he wants to see it too.”
“Don’t worry. He’s deaf, and blind...and mute.”
“Your driver is deaf and blind?” You smirked.
“Sure he is.” He leaned in and sucked the skin of your neck until you whimpered . “Isn’t that right, Minhyuk?”
When you looked over you saw Minhyuk's eyes flicker to the rear view mirror and then back to the road.
“See, and mute. Like I said.” he slipped his hand between your thighs, fingers grazing your wrecked panties. “Now tell the truth, since your soaked pussy already has. You kind of want him to watch.”
You shook your head, “I don’t care about that. I just...It’s you. I really want you.”
A fire flickered in his eyes and his chest puffed up enthusiastically, “You do?”
“Well...yeah.” you laughed, brushing his cheek with your hand.
“Then you should have me.” His hand pulled gently on your hip.
The pull wasn’t aggressive, only suggestive, until you were throwing your leg over his lap, and sitting on top of him. As the car moved through the streets the backseat filled with the sounds smacking lips and desperate, lustful moans. His hands spread out over your ass and he brought your hips into his. The size of the bulge you felt between your thighs was more than you could have expected. Your eyes rolled back while your hips rolled forward in a needy attempt at getting the friction you hadn’t realized you were missing out on.
Changkyun sat smug beneath you, enjoying the frenzied way that you thrusted against him. Your teeth dug into his lips. It was as if you’d lost all control. Your animalistic need for him was outweighing any desire you had to preserve an image of a respectable woman. Then you were close, you could taste your orgasm on the tip of your tongue. All you needed was maybe ten more seconds with his bulge. And then it was gone. With a surprising amount of strength he plucked you from his lap and you were back on the seat, stunned into silence.
“It seems we’re here.” Changkyun said calmly as he straightened out his shirt and jacket. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
“I..umm.” you straightened your skirt down your trembling legs. “Well… thank you for the ride. I appreciate it.”
“I should thank you for the ride.” He laughed and then he asked in a slightly condescending tone, “You didn’t expect me to go in with you did you?”
Too embarrassed to even look at him, you shook your head and opened the door, “Of course not. Uhm, bye.”
You slipped out of the car and began the shameful walk inside. You heard the door shut and were waiting for the car to drive off when you heard Changkyun call out to you.
“Why would I be expected to come inside when you didn’t even ask nicely?”
Turning around you smiled at the sight of him standing beside the waiting car, looking proud of himself for fooling you.
“Changkyun… would you like to join me inside?”
With his hands in his pockets he walked over slowly. Casually, taking in the outside view of your apartment building, until you were standing chest to chest. Leaning down he whispered against your ear, “I would love to come inside of you. Oop, I meant with you.”
Without even asking your brain permission, your hips pushed forward until they were pressed against his. “I-uh…”
“Go on…” he prompted. “Tell the truth. Tell me again what you want.”
He was so close you couldn’t miss the opportunity to taste him again. Kissing softly along his jaw until you met his ear you whispered, “I want you.”
“Want me to what?”
You blushed and shook your head, “Just you.”
“Come on, y/n.” He grinned, “I know how filthy you can get. I just watched you hump me relentlessly in the backseat of my car. Stop playing coy and tell me what it is that you want.”
“I want you to fuck me until I can’t feel my legs.”
He inhaled sharply and stepped back with a pleased smile, “Wonderful. Lead the way.”  
Somewhere between your initial excitement outside of the apartment building and the ride up the elevator you remembered that your apartment was a mess. Usually your home had that typical ‘lived in’ feel to it, but it wasn’t a pigsty. However after the hurricane you had become in your attempt to get ready for your date it was a sloppy disaster. You tried to talk  Changkyun into waiting out in the hall while you cleaned up but, too amused by your panic, he refused.
“May I have a look around?” Changkyun asked politely as you hurriedly picked up loose clothes from the floor.
“Sure...it’s messy. Obviously.” You warned, “I hadn’t planned on having anyone up.”
“Not even your date?” He called curiously from the living room as he surveyed your belongings.
You let out a quiet sigh as you considered how to answer him. Shaking your own head in disbelief you said, “I don’t typically do this kind of thing. You know, just… invite people home on the first date.”
Changkyun laughed heartily from the doorway of your bedroom and it made you jump. You hadn’t realized he was right there. “You don’t have to lie for my benefit. In fact I prefer your filthy, slutty honesty.”
Between the suggestive tone of his words and the dark look in his eyes, goosebumps popped up all over your body. He swiped his long, wet tongue over his lips and then casually turned his back on you to continue perusing your belongings.
“Can I get you anything? Water...wine…” you asked, lighting a scented candle and then leaning against the dresser once you’d finished your quick clean.
“Do you have any banana milk?” He asked and looked over his shoulder at your surprised face before he laughed, “I’m fucking with you. I don’t want anything.”
Your thighs rubbed anxiously together as you watched him look over your bookshelf. He opened a few boxes to find letters and photographs before moving on.
“You look like you’re looking for something.” You said with a tiny gulp.
“I am.” He said honestly before tugging open one of your bedside drawers.
“How do you know I even have what you’re looking for?”
He smirked as he made his way around the bed to the second drawer. Placing his hand on the handle he watched your cheeks flush and he said, “You absolutely have what I’m looking for...angel.”
You were practically shaking as he pulled the drawer open. He laughed again before reaching into the drawer and pulling out your favorite teal colored vibrator. Turning towards you he spun it around in his hand.
“Not even in the cute, silk drawstring bag for added privacy. Just sitting right on top where anyone can find it. What a bad girl...” He stepped over to you and dragged the toy against your thigh. “This guy must see a lot of action.”
“Maybe.” You said as he moved the vibrator up under your dress. “Why were you looking for it?”
“I wanted to see what you’re used to.” He leaned in until you felt his breath on your neck. “I wanted to see if you could take me.”
Your eyes closed gently, “And?”
“Inconclusive.” He said inhaling you deep into his chest. “I’ll have to conduct further tests. So if you’d be so kind as to go lay down for me.”
“So agreeable.” He watched you slip past him and move toward the bed. “Take the dress off first.”
You stopped just at the edge of the mattress and unzipped the side of your dress. His eyes stayed on you as you tugged the dress off your shoulders and slipped it down your hips and thighs until it fell to the floor at your feet. Turning around you looked at him, his head was tilted and there was something evil in his smile as he took you in. Noticing that you hadn’t moved he looked up and caught your eyes and with a small shiver you climbed onto the mattress.
“No bra.” He noted.
“Doesn’t go with the cut of the dress.”
“Interesting that you didn’t plan on having any visitors tonight, and yet you’re wearing such mouthwatering panties. Maybe you’re just the type that owns only fancy matching sets.” He said, pushing himself off of your dresser and moving towards the bed, “If I check your panty drawer what will I find, y/n? A dozen matching lace, satin sets or a mismatched  mess of cute cotton panties with pineapples and puppy dogs on them.”
“What do you think?” You asked softly as he sat down on the mattress next to you and crossed one leg over the other.
“I think I’d prefer you in neither.” He grinned, his pierced eyebrow raised and you realized his comment had been a subtle command.
Biting your lip, you squirmed as you pulled your panties off your hips and down your thighs. Changkyun cleared his throat and held out his hand once they’d unhooked from your ankles. You handed him the laced satin fabric. Fisting them in his hand he brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply with a satisfied groan.
“Mmm. That’s a five star cunt if I’ve ever smelled one.” He smiled, and placed the bundle of fabric in his pocket. His fingers danced across the skin of your stomach, over your hip, and down your thigh. “I’ve already done such a nice job on you. And we’ve only just begun.”
You watched quietly as he pushed your legs open and teased your soaked sex with this fingertips. They slipped over your slick folds, circled your sensitive clit, and dipped briefly into the velvety depth of you. He kept his eyes on your face the whole time, taking in every reaction, no matter how small. No matter how hard you tried to hide it from him, he was learning you too quickly. He lifted his glistening fingers to his mouth and hummed pleasantly as his tongue ran over them.
He dropped his hand down to your mouth and said, “Open.”
You twisted your tongue around his fingers before sucking them into your mouth. When he groaned and his eyes fell closed you wanted to cheer in celebration that you’d finally gotten him. Even if it was small, and even if he was definitely going to own you much harder, you internally celebrated your little victory. After a long minute passed with his fingers in your mouth he removed them from your lips and cupped your face in his hand.
“I...like you.” he said softly, rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
Dropping his hand beside him he picked up the vibrator that had been laying on the comforter. A shiver went through you when he clicked the toy on and brought it between your legs. Your toes were already starting to curl into the blanket beneath you and all he’d done was drag the vibrator over your pussy. He circled the toy around your clit several times before dragging it down and back up. You didn’t know exactly what his plan was but you loved how it felt. Once he’d gotten the vibrator as dripping wet as you were, he pressed it inside of you slowly. Your mouth fell open at the sudden filling sensation of it.
“Touch yourself.” he requested.
As your hand reached down to play with your hardened clit, Changkyun leaned forward and took one of your nipples in his mouth. There was something so...detached and demeaning in the way you were completely naked and exposed while he remained fully dressed. Despite how small he had you feeling, you still felt incredibly powerful with all of the focus being on you. It was surprisingly sexy. You moaned as you felt your oncoming orgasm for a second time that night, while he fucked you with your own vibrator. Your free hand slid up into Changkyun’s hair and massaged the back of his head as he continued to suck and tease your breasts with his teeth.  
“Fuck!” You shouted, back arching off the mattress, “Don’t stop, I’m so close. I’m gonna cum.”
You were right there that moment of agony before the ecstasy. Except ecstasy didn’t come and neither did you. Changkyun had pulled the vibrator from between your legs and turned it off and with the loss of the fill your hand had dropped subconsciously.
“Why?” You whimpered.
This was the second time he’d done that tonight and you were annoyed and furious and so aroused you wanted to scream. He looked down at you, his fingers brushing a few stray strands of hair from your sweat beaded forehead.
He shrugged, “It’s funny. You’re very cute when you squirm.”
He stood up from the mattress and pulled his jacket from his body before folding it and hanging it over the plush reading chair in the corner. He hummed a cheerful song as he walked back to the bed, rolling his sleeves up his forearms.  Standing at the end of the mattress, he looked over you. Grabbing your ankles and he dragged you down the bed slightly until he had you where he wanted you and then he climbed onto the bed between your legs. Spreading your legs wide open he admired what he’d done so far. You laughed to yourself as he inspected your swollen, sticky cunt.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, spreading your lips open.
“Nothing.” you answered quickly.
You gasped as he smacked your sensitive sex, “Don’t lie. Tell me what you think is so funny. I love a good joke just like anyone else.”
“It’s just…” you sighed, “If you’re going to try and eat me out...it’s not going to work. Not after you’ve already gone so hard with the vibrator. It just won’t be enough to get me off.”
He laughed lightly, “Do you mind if I try it? If you think it won’t work, it probably won’t work but, I’d still like to try.”
“I’ve never said no to head before.”
You’d had one boyfriend in the past who always asked you to sit on his face. It was some of the best head you’d ever gotten. The way his tongue got deeper than any other before him, you were sure it was the only way you could come from oral alone. That was until now, until Changkyun.
He started out so timid. Tiny kitten licks, a long slow swipe of his tongue from bottom to top. It was nice but as you’d suspected it wasn’t about to bring you to orgasm. Then he changed tempo and once he had you suspected that his original apprehension was a red herring.  
He pushed your legs open and put the weight of his arms down on them to keep from moving, which was smart because in seconds your body was attempting to snap them shut on his face. He sucked your clit between his lips and beat it senselessly with the tiny metal piercing on his tongue. You’d been wrong, and if he’d asked you would have admitted it readily. However he didn’t ask, he just kept going. You fisted his hair in between your shaking fingers.
“What...the...fuck.” you gasped as he snaked his tongue inside of you.
Not just inside of you, but deep. Deeper than should have been physically possible. There was half a sense of concern, what had he actually shoved inside of you, but the rest of you just didn’t care. The part that didn’t care won over as your hips started to push up into his face, needing more.
“Oh my god!”
Your gasps turned to shouts of pleasure as he brought out his secret weapon. With his tongue impossibly deep inside of you, the piercing massaging your slick sensitive walls you thought you could come like that. Then his nose brushed against your clit. You couldn’t breath. Your eyes blew wide and it felt like everything you thought you’d known about your own body was a mistake.
“Yes!” You screamed out as your hips tried to buck further into his face, “Fuck! YES! Oh god! Oh- shit!”
He kept on and you kept screaming until there was aggressive pounding on your bedroom wall from your neighbor. You knew you should stop screaming, that you should pull yourself together, but Changkyun and his devilish relentlessness wouldn’t let you.
“Fuck! I'm gonna cum! I’m! Gonna-”
Changkyun pulled away from your pussy with a pop. He licked his lips as he pushed himself up off the mattress.
You deflated against the pillows like a sad balloon. “I don’t like you.”
He shrugged, “For a minute there it sounded like you were incredibly fond of me.”
“Why? Why do you hate me?”
“You said I wouldn’t be able to make you cum.” he said innocently, “It would have been so embarrassing for me if I failed, so I thought it would be better to just quit while I was ahead.”
Grabbing the pillow from beneath your head you swung it into his face. He grabbed the pillow with a genuine laugh and tossed it back on the bed.
“You know I was right there. You know you were going to get me off.” you glared. “Asshole.”
Walking around to the side of the bed he grabbed your hips and tugged you ruffly until your legs were hanging off of the edge where he stepped between them. He leaned forward and sucked the skin of your chest between his lips, moving up until he was latched onto your neck. Your arms slid up his back until your hands were hooked over his shoulders, holding him close.
Finally he pulled back slightly and whispered, “Maybe I just wanted to feel you cum on my dick. Would that be so bad?”
“No.” you said breathlessly as the dark look in his eyes washed over your body like a wildfire.  
A gulp traveled down your throat as he stood fully and removed his belt and unzipped his pants. “Flip over for me.”
“I want to see it.” you said curiously. 
“Fine.” he smirked and placed his hands on his hips. “Go ahead.”
Without a second thought you sat up on the bed and reached to unbutton his pants. You dragged them down his hips just slightly, along with the black boxer briefs beneath. Then, teeth digging anxiously into your bottom lip you freed the massive bulge you’d enjoyed so much earlier in the car.
It was what you could only describe as the holy grail of dicks. Smooth and long, with perfect and even coloration. It was pretty. The thickness of it made you both nervous and excited. It sat heavy in your palm and the tip glistened with precum. Leaning forward you pressed a sweet kiss against the head and then sat back to lick the taste of him from your lips.
“Will it do?” he asked
“Only one way to find out.” you turned around, and dug your knees into the mattress.
You could feel his hand move between your legs once more. He pressed three fingers inside of you, just to be sure you wouldn’t be stretched too uncomfortably. When he finally sunk into you, you lurched forward onto the bed.
“Is that okay?” It shocked you how thoughtful and caring he sounded.  
You nodded and pressed back into him for assurance. “Don’t stop this time.”
“I won’t.” he promised, his hands wrapping around your hips as he continued on.
It was so slow and easy at first, you thought it would be nice if he could just keep doing it forever. A long satisfied moan escaped your lips. Once he knew you’d taken to his size he went harder, faster. Reaching forward he grabbed your hair tightly in his fist and pulled you back against his chest. It surprised you how sensitive your skin was against the silk of his shirt. Almost as sensitive as your pussy had gotten to his silk cock. The arm that wasn’t hanging onto your hair slipped around your body, his hand cupping your bouncing breast.
“Oh! Fuck me! Harder!” you begged as he slammed into you.
Your orgasm was close, coming faster than any of the ones before and only building bigger with every hard thrust.
“Oh, baby…” he panted against the top of your head, feeling you start to contract around him.
Then your eyes went wide, “NO! What are you doing? Don’t you dare.”
He’d pulled out and hadn’t pushed back in with the swiftness as he had before.
Changkyun only laughed. “Calm down. I just want to see that pretty little face you’re about to make when you cum all over my fat cock .”
You flipped over one more time and looked up at him skeptically. “I swear to God...”
He chuckled as he lifted your leg up around his waist and sunk back into you. “God doesn’t give a fuck if you cum. I do.”
There was something about being face to face. Having your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, his forehead pressed against yours, your tongue being gently sucked in between his lips. You were glad he’d made the switch. This was nice. And though he was still fully dressed it felt intimate.
“Oh..Changkyun...yes.” you cried out as your orgasm tore through you threefold. You’d never come so hard, you weren’t sure you could stop. The tightening of your walls milked out his own orgasm soon after. Your body shook almost violently as you came but so sweetly your voice flowed against his ear when you breathed out a simple, “Kyunnie…”
It wasn’t something he’d ever wanted anyone to know. If people found out it would make him appear soft and weak. However, as intentionally uncaring and cruel as he often came off, all he’d ever wanted was to be wanted. Really, truly wanted. Not wanted because he was attractive or rich or had a big dick. And it was impossible for him to know what you’d really wanted him for but it just  felt different with you. It felt like more when you said his name like that, like you still wanted him even though he was done with you.
He knew when you said his name like that he’d fucked up. All he was trying to do was piss off Jooheon. It had been a joke. He didn’t plan to actually like you, he didn’t want to. He wanted to discard you like trash. Give you away to his brother as sloppy seconds and see how much he wanted you then.
“Stay here.” he said hurriedly. He pulled out of you and tucked himself into his pants before disappearing into your attached bathroom.
“Where would I go?” you muttered, before dropping back onto the mattress exhausted.
You closed your eyes and listened as he moved around your bathroom, trying to figure out what he was doing in there. You had figured he was just washing up but it was taking longer than you expected. When he finally returned you were nearly asleep.
“Not yet…” he said waking you up and then helping you off the bed. “Can’t let you go to bed looking like some teenage boys used sock.”
You snorted out a laugh and leaned your head against his shoulder. “You’re just so romantic I don’t know how to handle myself.”
In the bathroom you were genuinely stunned to see that he’d run a bath for you, complete with overflowing bubbles. He helped you step into the tub and eased you down into the warm water.
“Kyunnie…” he looked away from you and then gulped before looking back, “This is actually really sweet.”
“Well,” he grabbed a washcloth, dunking it into the water to use on your skin, “it can’t take all night. Minhyuk is still downstairs waiting for me.”
Lifting your hand you moved it over his neck and pulled him down for a kiss before muttering against his lips, “You can tell him to leave...stay the night with me.”
“I can’t.” he stood up from the tub and dropped the towel in the water. “I’m going to clean up out here. I’ll be back to get you out in a minute.”
He was panicking and he needed to get his composure back. It might be nice to stay the night with you. It might be what he wanted to do, but he wouldn’t. Not only was Minhyuk waiting to take him home, but Jooheon was waiting there for him. Jooheon. His brother. His only friend on earth. The only person who ever would and ever could understand him completely. The only person that would ever put up with his bullshit no matter what.
Jooheon. The one that he was certain was bound to you. At least if the mark on your forearm had anything to say about it.
So he took a deep breath, cleaned up the mess he’d made of your bed and went back to help you out of the tub like he said he would. He even dressed you and tucked you into the bed before getting his jacket off the chair. When he turned to say goodbye you were looking at him with big needy eyes and your lip between your teeth and he hated it.
“Will I see you again?” you asked.
He looked at you with one of his classically smug smirks that you’d seen over and over again all night and said, “I’m sure you will.”
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Peter Green who Died: July 25, 2020 in Canvey Island, Essex, England
Peter Allen Greenbaum (29 October 1946 – 25 July 2020), known professionally as Peter Green, was an English blues rock singer-songwriter and guitarist. As the founder of Fleetwood Mac, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998. Green's songs, such as "Albatross", "Black Magic Woman", "Oh Well", "The Green Manalishi (With the Two Prong Crown)" and "Man of the World", appeared on singles charts, and several have been adapted by a variety of musicians.
Green was a major figure in the "second great epoch" of the British blues movement. Eric Clapton praised his guitar playing, and B.B. King commented, "He has the sweetest tone I ever heard; he was the only one who gave me the cold sweats." Green was interested in expressing emotion in his songs, rather than showing off how fast he could play. His trademark sound included string bending, vibrato, and economy of style.
In June 1996, Green was voted the third-best guitarist of all time in Mojo magazine. In 2015, Rolling Stone ranked him at number 58 in its list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time". Green's tone on the instrumental "The Super-Natural" was rated as one of the 50 greatest of all time by Guitar Player in 2004.
Peter Allen Greenbaum was born in Bethnal Green, London, on 29 October 1946, into a Jewish family, the youngest of Joe and Ann Greenbaum's four children. His brother, Michael, taught him his first guitar chords and by the age of 11 Green was teaching himself. He began playing professionally by the age of 15, while working for a number of East London shipping companies. He first played bass guitar in a band called Bobby Dennis and the Dominoes, which performed pop chart covers and rock 'n' roll standards, including Shadows covers. He later stated that Hank Marvin was his guitar hero and he played the Shadows' song "Midnight" on the 1996 tribute album Twang. He went on to join a rhythm and blues outfit, the Muskrats, then a band called the Tridents in which he played bass. By Christmas 1965 Green was playing lead guitar in Peter Bardens' band "Peter B's Looners", where he met drummer Mick Fleetwood. It was with Peter B's Looners that he made his recording début with the single "If You Wanna Be Happy" with "Jodrell Blues" as a B-side. His recording of "If You Wanna Be Happy" was an instrumental cover of a song by Jimmy Soul. In 1966, Green and some other members of Peter B's Looners formed another act, Shotgun Express, a Motown-style soul band which also included Rod Stewart, but Green left the group after a few months.
In October 1965, before joining Bardens' group, Green had the opportunity to fill in for Eric Clapton in John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers for four gigs. Soon afterwards, when Clapton left the Bluesbreakers, Green became a full-time member of Mayall's band from July 1966. Green made his recording debut with the Bluesbreakers in 1966 on the album A Hard Road (1967), which featured two of his own compositions, "The Same Way" and "The Supernatural". The latter was one of Green's first instrumentals, which would soon become a trademark. So proficient was he that his musician friends bestowed upon him the nickname "The Green God". In 1967, Green decided to form his own blues band and left the Bluesbreakers.
Green's new band, with former Bluesbreaker Mick Fleetwood on drums and Jeremy Spencer on guitar, was initially called "Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac featuring Jeremy Spencer". Bob Brunning was temporarily employed on bass guitar (Green's first choice, Bluesbreakers' bassist John McVie, was not yet ready to join the band). Within a month they played at the Windsor National Jazz and Blues Festival in August 1967, and were quickly signed to Mike Vernon's Blue Horizon label. Their repertoire consisted mainly of blues covers and originals, mostly written by Green, but some were written by slide guitarist Jeremy Spencer. The band's first single, Spencer's "I Believe My Time Ain't Long" with Green's "Rambling Pony" as a B-side, did not chart but their eponymous debut album made a significant impression, remaining in the British charts for 37 weeks. By September 1967, John McVie had replaced Brunning.
Although classic blues covers and blues-styled originals remained prominent in the band's repertoire through this period, Green rapidly blossomed as a songwriter and contributed many successful original compositions from 1968 onwards. The songs chosen for single release showed Green's style gradually moving away from the group's blues roots into new musical territory. Their second studio album Mr. Wonderful was released in 1968 and continued the formula of the first album. In the same year they scored a hit with Green's "Black Magic Woman" (later covered by Santana), followed by the guitar instrumental "Albatross" (1969), which reached number one in the British singles charts. More hits written by Green followed, including "Oh Well", "Man of the World" (both 1969) and the ominous "The Green Manalishi" (1970). The double album Blues Jam in Chicago (1969) was recorded at the Chess Records Ter-Mar Studio in Chicago. There, under the joint supervision of Vernon and Marshall Chess, they recorded with some of their American blues heroes including Otis Spann, Big Walter Horton, Willie Dixon, J. T. Brown and Buddy Guy.
While touring Europe in late March 1970, Green took LSD at a party at a commune in Munich, an incident cited by Fleetwood Mac manager Clifford Davis as the crucial point in his mental decline. Communard Rainer Langhans mentions in his autobiography that he and Uschi Obermaier met Green in Munich, where they invited him to their Highfisch-Kommune. Fleetwood Mac roadie Dinky Dawson remembers that Green went to the party with another roadie, Dennis Keane, and that when Keane returned to the band's hotel to explain that Green would not leave the commune, Keane, Dawson and Mick Fleetwood travelled there to fetch him. By contrast, Green stated that he had fond memories of jamming at the commune when speaking in 2009: "I had a good play there, it was great, someone recorded it, they gave me a tape. There were people playing along, a few of us just fooling around and it was... yeah it was great." He told Jeremy Spencer at the time "That's the most spiritual music I've ever recorded in my life." After a final performance on 20 May 1970, Green left Fleetwood Mac.
Green was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent time in psychiatric hospitals undergoing electroconvulsive therapy during the mid-1970s. Many sources attest to his lethargic, trancelike state during this period. In 1977, Green was arrested for threatening his accountant David Simmons with a shotgun. The exact circumstances are the subject of much speculation, the most famous being that Green wanted Simmons to stop sending money to him. In the 2011 BBC documentary Peter Green: Man of the World, Green stated that at the time he had just returned from Canada needing money and that, during a telephone conversation with his accounts manager, he alluded to the fact that he had brought back a gun from his travels. His accounts manager promptly called the police, who surrounded Green's house.
In 1979, Green began to re-emerge professionally. With the help of his brother Michael, he was signed to Peter Vernon-Kell's PVK label, and produced a string of solo albums starting with 1979's In the Skies. He also made an uncredited appearance on Fleetwood Mac's double album Tusk, on the song "Brown Eyes", released the same year.
In 1981, Green contributed to "Rattlesnake Shake" and "Super Brains" on Mick Fleetwood's solo album The Visitor. He recorded various sessions with a number of other musicians notably the Katmandu album A Case for the Blues with Ray Dorset of Mungo Jerry, Vincent Crane from The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and Len Surtees of The Nashville Teens. Despite attempts by Gibson Guitar Corporation to start talks about producing a "Peter Green signature Les Paul" guitar, Green's instrument of choice at this time was a Gibson Howard Roberts Fusion guitar. In 1986, Peter and his brother Micky contributed to the album A Touch of Sunburn by Lawrie 'The Raven' Gaines (under the group name 'The Enemy Within'). This album has been reissued many times under such titles as Post Modern Blues and Peter Green and Mick Green – Two Greens Make a Blues, often crediting Pirates guitarist Mick Green.
In 1988 Green was quoted as saying: "I'm at present recuperating from treatment for taking drugs. It was drugs that influenced me a lot. I took more than I intended to. I took LSD eight or nine times. The effect of that stuff lasts so long ... I wanted to give away all my money ... I went kind of holy – no, not holy, religious. I thought I could do it, I thought I was all right on drugs. My failing!"
Enduring periods of mental illness and destitution throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Green moved in with his older brother Len and Len's wife Gloria, and his mother in their house in Great Yarmouth, where a process of recovery began. He lived for a period on Canvey Island, Essex.
Green married Jane Samuels in January 1978; the couple divorced in 1979. They had a daughter, Rosebud(born 1978).
Green died on July 25, 2020 at the age of 73.
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Blue Flu (8x03)
I'm not sure how to fully articulate the level of distaste I felt at watching this episode. I don't envy the writers the task they have, at trying to keep a liberal show going under the guise of all the main characters being cops, but... this ain't it, that's all I can say.
So, the premise of this episode is that a bunch of police officers pretend to be sick in protest for a police officer being "attacked" when he found a mouse in his burrito. They're obviously faking, so it becomes the task of the Nine-Nine to prove that it's a hoax and end the "Blue Flu" so the cops will get back to work.
Um... okay. So. Collective action is one of the most important tools our workforce has to combat unfair working conditions, right? In this story, the cops were striking for a bad reason, pretending to be victims and basically punishing the populace for all the anti-cop sentiment that has been rising up over the last couple of years. But in concept, unions are... good? And the collective power of a strike is... good? I just found it really weird that this story was: "let's stop people from striking." It felt messy to me, when in reality, if we really, really want to be honest about the police: each individual police officer isn't a "bad person", whatever that means. Pretending they're all evil and want to hurt you isn't going to do any political good. If all the "good ones" or whatever could use their collective bargaining power to demand real systemic change... that's a good thing? We should want systems in place allowing them to do that?
The other thing about this that I find really gross is that when everyone is out on strike, Amy's job becomes how to continue patrolling/policing. Now, to the episode's credit, they did eventually come around to the super obvious realization that with all those cops off the streets, quotas were not being made, so less arrests were being made, and... ultimately that's a good thing. It distressed me that this wasn't the obvious point reached in the first minute, but instead a last-minute "aha" moment from Holt. And then? The bad guy ends the Blue Flu, putting the cops back on the street. Holt says they'll use this lesson to change things, but... I don't know. Doesn't this feel muddled and unclear to anyone else?
To synthesize this, I think I'm realizing that in the show's attempt to show the problems with the police, it's just shedding a light on the culpability of these characters over the whole course of the show, the ways in which they complacently contributed to a shitty system. I've seen procedural cop shows tackle the corruption in the police force before. This show has done it, in fact. But the vibe is still "we live in a mythical universe where most cops are good, and there are some bad ones, but the good ones are here to weed out the bad." That's... well, that's propaganda, obviously. It's also perhaps the only way to make a comedy TV show that's... fun to watch about these characters who are in fact cops? Because that's the show? I don't know. There's really no way to make this work, honestly.
I also thought the comedy subplot about Holt's tattoo was a little odd. Did I forget a running gag about discovering that tattoo, or something? Because honestly it felt odd that it was being brought up here as if it was a known thing that Jake was desperately trying to find out about Holt's tattoo. This plot also included one of my least favorite gendered jokes, where Jake reveals that he spend two thousand dollars on finding out about the tattoo, to which Amy reacts with anger. This idea that Jake spent this huge amount of money carelessly without consulting his wife is... well, it's not funny, I'll tell you that much.
Of course, I found Boyle's confrontation of his own mortality very moving... I like how Jake and Charles' friendship is mostly played for laughs but there's this surpassing warmth and connection underneath it all, highlighted when Charles realizes just how well Jake knows him. They're both a couple of weirdos with different goals and tastes, but they love each other underneath it all.
I also somewhat liked the whole trident/fork running joke about what to call the secret plan, and who gets to be which part of the trident and which one is strongest/sharpest/most important. That was a little funny. The other districts sending in their Hitchcock and Scully-equivalents also made me smile.
That's it... god, I hate that reviewing this show for its final season is going to be such a bummer. But there you have it. Onward to episode four...
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zoocross0vers · 4 years
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Sorry for not posting this sooner, I had some problems with scanning and lighting but I’m glad that is finally done. Here are some doodles of Sonic/Zootopia crossover from my 2 favourite movies. Those two movies are complimenting each other. Remember when I told you how Tom👦 and Maddie👩🏾 (these are names of those characters from Sonic movie) remind me a lot of Nick🦊 and Judy🐰? Well, after I watched the movie (10 times in cinema, 15 times at home after pandemy, don’t judge me!), it turns out that they have lot in common indeed that I thought. Those are my favourite moments from movie with Nick and Judy as Tom and Maddie and so does other characters from Zootopia (I really enjoy also that scene akward conversation about shooting Sonic with tranq-gun, that is hilarious for me). Wish I could include more but unfortunately after I drew I realized that my paper is not big enough, dang it! Thankfully I was able for example including at least 3 important moments like Sonic looking at happy couple behind window wishing been part of company, because of fear of him all alone forever, which it saddening him (😢 „sniff“ can someone please give that kid a hug?!😭), Ozzy licking Sonic’s face (awwwwww :3) and of course “THE FINAL BATTLE WITH ROBOTNIK” (at least the confrontation). The only thing I didn’t include was Longclaw and echidna tribe, since they had small screen and I small space (dang it!). Which is bummer because I really like Longclaw, she is really interesting character and wish we could see more. There were only two scenes of her, the one from begging of the movie and the deleted where she end up in earth with Sonic for some time but died from s-sicknes-ss “sniff”😢 (I’m sorry for that but this moment always makes cry every-time I watching it😭, it’s just really personal for me for certain reasons.). I guess you questioning the Ozzy licking Sonic’s face scene considering there are no domestic animal, including dogs and Zootopia is world of anthromorphic mammals, so I thought I would use Yoshi as Ozzy as a cameo from Mario (you know because of friendly rivalry between Sonic and Mario) and also as a gift for Yoshifan, especially after seen many pictures of Nick and Yoshi who’s calling him “Mama Nick” and I found it pretty funny. After I started drawing I realized there are some obstacles that would be problem like (aside from Ozzy) raccoons, bear-head from Piston Pit, chilli-dogs (considering what meat they put on these things if, IF it is a meat), the Sonic’s shoes (the old and new ones) and of course Robotnik himself considering I don’t want to change him into some mammal. Like I said before Robotnik works better as human and he doesn’t need to change to an animal considering he put animals from Sonic’s world, anthromorphic and normal, always in danger or abuse (like making them into badniks, or robotized them). So, how are gonna fix it you ask? Well I have some idea. Like I said before for Ozzy I choose Yoshi for that role (and honestly I don’t have any other options, heheh. BUT you must admit that it is adorable 🥰), raccoons were a challenge so I came multiple ideas for example:
Instead of raccoons we use gerbil jerks from Zistopia concept art
Raccoons will be anthromorphic teens who like mess with Nick while eating from trashcans (like Mr. Big said, evolved but deep down still animals)
Since mammals are sentient how about use non-mammal “trash pandas”(lol, I like that nickname) like birds as ravens, crows or pigeons (pigeons are also known as “flying rats” – thank you Spies in Disguise)
Those are mine options, if you have other in mind I’m listening.
Then there’s taxidermy bear-head. Considering that pouching would classified as not just illegal but also as psycho (still not get over that taxidermy Moose-head from Sly 2. Yeah I know that was part of mission to blend in to not rise a suspicion but seriously, WHY those Moose have that head, did they just-…you know what let’s not think about it😖) I came up with idea instead of taxidermy bear-head how about some mask of unusual mascot like the manticore from Onward, eh eehh? (Or it can some dino but I rather prefer manticore). As for those motorbike gang at first I want to suggest those Ranger Scouts. That would be delightful punishing them that way (evil chuckle😈). But then I remembered the trash gang from Zootopia comic “A hard day’s work” and to be honest those characters are ideal for those roles: wildebeest could the black cowboy, elephant as the belly guy (oh come on, like you didn’t think same nickname after seen Sonic sprung out of his belly) and hyena with green Mohawk as of course the Bear-head jerk. But if you want combine them be my guest.😁
As for chilli-dogs since are Sonic’s favourite we cannot left them behind. Thankfully I was watching on YouTube where there mentioned Tails been vegetarian and one comment that said “Chilli-dog: Am I joke to you?” that made conversation about mobians been vegetarians. So in that case since Zootopia is filled birds (and sometimes bugs), and synthetic meat, proteins, probably tofu, we can assume that there are Chilli-dogs made especially in Zootopia universe (and honestly we do not really know, what exactly hot-dogs are truly made of).🌭
👟The shoes were honestly a very hard obstacle for me considering mammals don’t wear shoes since they are still animals, like our directors said, BUT that doesn’t mean they don’t exist in Zootopia.
Evidence 1: Gazelle – she’s wearing high heels from Preyda
Evidence 2: Poster of (parody) movie Cinderellephant, with elephant-size glass slipper
Evidence 3: Judy Hopps – she wears half-sockets in her police uniform (that still does count as a foot-wear)
So I came with headcanon that only celebrities and patients with sensitive feet wear shoes as a luxury or medical protection (I mean we have a lot of animals that can’t live on different area with their conditions, come on have someone of you seen a polar bear live in Sahara Square?) and in this case it’s the latter (plus there is in this story a human character that needs his own footwear) since Sonic is wearing his running shoes considering that his speed is high enough to burn his feet (ouch🤕).
And finally with Robotnik, we use that orphan idea and certain headcanon from Sonic X about planets that once were one until they divided and made their own time and space alterations, prof. Gerald Robotnik (Eggman’s grand-father) could study Mobius for finding cure for Maria, creating Shadow, G.U.N. etc. It could be three worlds (Sonic’s world/Mobius, Robotnik’s world/our world, and Zootopian’s world) or just two (Mobius and Zootopia), what works better.
As you can see there are some characters I included in in certain scene (aside from Yoshi), I present to you Judy’s niece named Cotton and one of Judy’s (many) sisters Violet Hopps. No, those are not an OC from any fandom, those are official characters from Zootopia universe. You already actually know Cotton but for those who don’t know who is Violet, she was introduced in Zootopia Graphic Novel in comic named “Brothers & Sisters” and considering how she is very overprotective of Judy (like any other Hopps) I thought she would fit perfectly for Rachel role (I don’t think she’s Cotton’s mother so don’t ask), and also she’s the only official Hopps sibling with name we know. I wanted also include another characters into this doodles but I like I said before I didn’t have enough space on one paper. So here are my character ideas: Clawhauser as Wade, Bogo as Major Bennington, Mayor Lionheart as Commander Walters (no surprise). For others like Crazy Carl and Agent Stone I had some problems.
For Crazy Carl I first thought about who would fit perfectly and I came up with a lot of ideas: first I thought about Duke Weaselton, since he has face for that crazyness but then I declined since he doesn’t fit on the character, then I thought about Pop-Pop Hopps but that was questionable considering in movie he had a huge aversion of foxes (red as devil) and comic he’s not biased but then I thought who could describe Crazy Carl better than well-known concept crazy theorist Honey Badger am I right?
As for agent Stone I had no idea what to do with him. I could let him stay as but that would make questions of humans and I didn’t want to put Bellwether into this position. If she was unhappy of been unappreciated and humiliated by predators then I don’t think she would really want to work with someone who is full of himself more than her and only see humanity as an excuse of stupidity and “herd of useless sheep (get it?)” and only relay on machines. And characters from Zootopia Crimes was not an option and Jack Savage was out of question no in my point. Not saying that Jack Savage could be a great option but I don’t think fans would appreciate another bad guy role for Jack and I already have something different for him in my mind. Then it came another that would fit for Stone and that is a certain platypus Dr. Starline from Sonic The Hedgehog IDW comics. He admires Eggman and his evil genius (questionable) and in comics he’s working as partner/assistant for him. But since he is mobian as Sonic we could use idea that government knows about it (partially) but does not tell and he thinks that he is an unusual zootopian platypus (after all he does wear clothes and looks “more” normal unlike Sonic) and we could do the same with Robotnik considering his past about grand-father and project Shadow if Jeff Fowler would follow some headcanons (I wouldn’t surprised if some government keeping some secrets even from employers). But then again we could use also Tony, a bunny from Zootopia Crime Files since he is shady and bland at once and already wear a suit, like agent Stone (great, now I don’t know which one to choose again).
You know what, I’ll give you an option who would fit for role of Agent Stone:
1. Dr. Starline, a platypus from Sonic The Hedgehog IDW comics
2. Tony, a bunny from Zootopia Crime Files
3. Jack Savage, a jackrabbit from Zootopia concept art/Savage Seas (you don’t have to take that third one too seriously, but just in case)
DONE (pass out from exhaustion). Haahhh so much work, editing fixing hands, oohh boyyy. You have no idea how hard this was for me to finally made it. I wish I could do more. But for now I’m so glad that I was able to draw at least some of my favourite moments because I feel they’re important for storytelling: first the introduction of main characters, their struggles, interactions and how they greatly compliment to each other (both Sonic and Zootopia). I mean you can’t just see Judy call Nick and Sonic cute and not imagine that, or there was also moment where Sonic dry like dog so his fur and quills(?) go puffy and Nick would look mesmerized by fluffiness. Come to think of it Sonic has lot in common with Nick and Judy that he would actually fit for the role as their son. You’re not believe? Well here are some examples.
Similarities between Sonic and-
1. heroes in blue (get it?)🌀
2. pretty fast (Sonic more faster than Judy but still…)
3. impatient😤
4. first act then think (always put themselves into danger)
5. thing for get into trouble
6. sense for justice
7. never give up
8. preys but not rodents (that’s right hedgehogs are not rodents)
9. became a friend with fox (their natural predator, that was bullied in past, huh strange, just as strange as hedgehog be taken care of by owl that is also his natural predator)
1. sly smile😏
2. mischievous trickster
3. green eyes
4. omnivores (hedgehogs eat melons, watermelons(what’s the difference?), berries (blueberries headcanon!) and insects, snails, frogs snakes🤢- uhhh I think chilli-dogs works better thank you)
5. cringy sense of humor😒
6. thing for nicknames (by Nick: Carrots, Buffalo Butt, Yakity yak, Flash Hundred Yard Dash, by Sonic: Donut Lord, Pretzel Lady, Eggman, Knucklehead, Super Observant Carl)
7. loyalty (they never left their friends behind)
8. never let them see they get to you (despite suffering a lot of emotional damage, thanks a lot SEGA)
9. smooth talker with heart of gold
-both🐰 🦊:
1. traumatic past
2. sacrifices for others
3. fight for what is right
See they had a lot in common. Anyway I am still glad I was finally able to finish this. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
But I guess, that I made it hard for you with those moments so how about this we use the final moments like in your fanfic Carcass Bride: FINAL BOSS BATTLE SONIC VS. ROBOTNIK because honestly this moment is epic (wish I could make it bigger), it would start Sonic running from Robotnik, like we’ve seen in beginning of the movie, get shot retelling in short whole story, like in movie only less detailed and faster the confrontation between Nick and Robotnik (Sonic would unconscious but still hear them and had a self-doubt like Naruto in first chapter/episode if you what mean until he hear the important words that’ll give him boost), the final battle and then epilogue (Sonic with his new family) with open ending (you know the Eggman in Mushroom planet and then Tails’s introuction). As for what kind of universe all of them would be I have another suggestions:
1. Sonic movie universe in Zootopia (but still happening in Green Hills only Zootopia would be San Francisco and Transamerica could be Palm Hotel like in Zistopia storyboard) and Night Howler Case never happened.
2. Night Howler case happened Nick and Judy are still cops, but later decided to live in Green Hills
3. Night Howler case happened but was solved instead of Judy and Nick by Jack and Skye who later became agents and don’t like Robotnik for his ego:
a) Nick come from Green Hills (Wachowskis live as police in GH for 50 years), but suffered from Ranger Scouts move to Zootopia became “shifty fox” until he’s saved by childhood friend Judy from Bunnyburrow (from wrong decision and targeting to become savage) and the return to Green Hills become sheriff along with his new wife.
b) Both Nick and Judy just heard about it in Green Hills.
I guess the first and third are more interesting.
Okaayy now I realized that this became more ambitious that I planned but I guess that happens when you try balancing two franchises so it can make sense (enough for headcanons). But I’m not saying that I’m proud of myself. So I’ll leave you the rest (the options and writing) so I can’t wait for one-shot fanfic good luck. And also (even though it’s late but still better than never) Happy birthday Sonic, this is for you! GOTTA GO FAST!🐰🦊🦔💨
#AlwaysRemember (this is for late actreesses that they will alway be remembered and in our hearts❤️)
Oh wow! This is really great! You put a lot of scenes from the film, this is awesome!I also see that you gave Yoshi a cameo, lol! @yoshifan30​ will definitely love that, lol! I like the collage look you gave the whole thing. Also, I just realized, is that supposed to be Cotton? Judy’s niece? Thank you so much for this! I will reblog this soon so I can read it more thoroughly and discuss anything I may have missed :) And once again, this...is...INCREDIBLE!!! <3 Fantastic Job Guest! You’re really talented! :D
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imaginesofeverykind · 4 years
Oh Partner, My Partner || Chloe Frazer x Elena Fisher
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[literally the only gif i could find with the two of them together omfg — yall i wish these two had more scenes together]
This took so LONG because I had no idea how to write these two best gals without them just trauma bonding over how much of a shit Nathan is lmaooooo I might have to do a part 2 idkkk man 👀👀
Request: Hello! I just saw your post about fanfic requests. Can you write something for chloe x elena (as a ship) from uncharted? Please. Thank you!
Words: 1.7k 
Warnings: None ! Just a bitta flirting 
“Step on it! We got Company!”
Everything was a complete blur, happening in rapid succession that it was nearly impossible to process. Elena Fisher had partaken in her fair share of shoot outs, some incredibly similar to the current situation she was in, the difference now was merely semantics.
She barrelled down the narrow walkway, ancient ruins encompassing the way out in a claustrophobic manner. If the circumstances didn’t call for panic and nimble feet, she’d take a moment to admire yet another long lost civilisation in her wake.
Gunshots echoed through as the army-for-hire attempted to hit the two figures, the two barely managing to exit the choke point and out into the open.
Elena took a moment to catch her breath, lamenting on the fact she could never simply get a story nowadays without being shot at. Her eyes trailed over to her partner — who was equally out of breath, however urged her to press onward.
“C’mon, take one of their trucks, we’ll be lucky if we hit the nearest town before they tail us.” Chloe Frazer motioned for her companion to follow, as unlikely as the pairing had been, the two women found each other’s company much more bearable than initially expected.
Of course, it wasn’t without needing something the other had. Elena had been stumped just days prior at the prospect of losing a big story after her source had been unceremoniously blown up — quite literally. It just so happened that the bar she weighed out her options had also been the same bar the familiar Australian woman had been on the lookout for her next big break.
The two hijacked one of the unmanned vehicles, tearing up some of the lush terrain as they made their quick escape. Both looking back with wide smiles at the near death experience turn successful lift and having enough proof to run a highly intriguing article.
“I can’t believe we did that!” Elena laughed out loud, her heart still thundering in her chest while the adrenaline surged through her. Her hands gripped the edge of her seat as she beamed at her companion, who was rather proud of the work they completed today.
Chloe weaved the truck in and out of major obstacles, having some indication where they needed to go in order to get to town, “we make a pretty good team, don’t we?”
The blonde was taken aback by the compliment, a light blush painting her cheeks as she flustered to find an answer. In the short few years she’d known Chloe, it was clear that the Australian was hard to impress, rarely allowing anyone in too close. To hear her point it out was an honour.
“Y-yeah… I think we did great.” Elena beamed, her eyes lingering over her partner a little too long.
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Chloe raised her brow, her eyes trailing back and forth from watching the road to her passenger.
It was a miracle they managed to both make it out alive and managed to get enough evidence for the journalist, unlike other times which resulted into her having to sacrifice her story just to make it out alive.
This time was different, and both of them were aware of that major difference; No Nathan Drake. As much as they equally admired and appreciated his heroic efforts, they couldn’t deny the fact he was quite literally the worst treasure hunter. Somehow, someway always finding the ability to blow up his latest find in some spectacular feat.
Without him in the picture, it was unexpectedly easy to pull off the job.
In the several days finding the next lead, following the trail of some illicit blackmarket group, Elena saw a side to Chloe she was quite happy to see. That sentiment also applied for the Australian, no longer believing the outspoken journalist was as bothersome in her regard.
The two had driven for the most part of two hours, ditching the truck somewhere ambiguous while they trekked the rest of the way into town. The dark haired woman praying that their plane ride out of the secluded outback town was still available, wanting to get the hell out of dodge as soon as possible.
With the harsh summer sun beating down on them, the trek felt much longer than it actually was, the American completely out of her comfort zone as she watched in envy at her companion who was seemingly unbothered by the heat. Elena fanned her face with one hand and held up the other to alleviate the glare from the sun, cursing herself for not thinking to bring sunglasses — of all things.
Chloe looked back in amusement, finding it funny that her partner was sweltering in the blistering heat, “bit hot, love?” The facetious tone not at all deterring the glare she got in response, merely laughing more as she wipes away the sweat beading on her neck.
She pointed lazily ahead, “town’s not too far away — won’t melt on me, will you?”
Elena squinted at her, only because she was so conveniently placed right by the sun, “y’know what, I just might.” She panted, taking a short breather.
The local stifled a laugh, “c’mon hot stuff, that article of yours won’t write itself,” she strode ahead, not particularly overthinking her comment coupled as she could just spot the town ahead.
“Here I was thinkin’ I’d catch a break from the shameless flirting… must be a common trait among thieves.” Elena was smug, catching up with her strides as she walked in sync with Chloe. The statement was purely a soft jab at the way people in this specific profession tend to talk to one another.
“Oh — was I not being clear enough?” Chloe retorted, an equally as complacent smirk on her face, even more so upon noticing the flustered look on the blonde's face, “I’ll be more obvious next time, love.”
It was hard to determine whether or not she was being sarcastic, her accent lent little to the imagination with the monotonous drawl, but her sultry tone of voice often always contradicted the accent. As someone who knew her relatively well, how she spoke to other people and carried herself; Elena was still confused.
Maybe the flirty comments were always so obvious when she was directing them elsewhere, then again, Elena was sure that it was simply a shared trait among the many within this business.
Truth be told, the only other person who had attempted to charm her was Nathan, and his measly endeavors were so blatantly obvious it was borderline cringeworthy. She could barely count Harry Flynn as an eligible contender considering he tried to blow the lot of them up.
She wasn’t sure why she was so stuck in her thoughts about it, she was an adult after all and didn’t need to overthink every single remark made her way. Yet here she was, the familiar feeling bubbling up inside her all the while her partner walked in a proud strut.
“I’m sorry — are you joking? I - I really can’t tell if you’re pulling my leg.” Elena eventually spoke out, deciding that the adult approach was the best way to feed into Chloe’s zero bullshit, blunt attitude. She was well aware now wasn’t the time to be having a conversation like this, and typically she’d be happy to let the comments fly by with having a witty retort. This time felt more urgent, like she needed to know before proceeding further.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Chloe winked, jogging up ahead as they entered into the small isolated town. Elena laughed to herself, finding a sense of relief fill her from that sufficient answer. If she was being completely honest, she hadn’t met anyone quite like Chloe before but she had an alluring aura, even when she was being unlikeable; one couldn’t help but be drawn to her. Elena was no exception.
Nevermind that the pair of them looked like they actively fought some of the native wildlife, the two of them disregarding odd looks thrown their way as they casually strolled down the main street.  
The local ushered her companion into a dingy old pub that definitely looked like it wasn’t up to code — if that even existed this far in isolation. The town itself was home to one grocery store, two pubs, an abysmal excuse for a doctors office and one lousy looking police station that sat surrounded by approximately twenty-six houses.
Inside the pub was not much different than outside; muggy with a thick musk scent that mixed with the aroma of sweat from the patrons. Elena must have pulled a face subconsciously, earning a chuckle from her partner as she guided her through the building, “mining towns aren’t all they chalk up to be, aye? Poor bastards leave their families for months at a time to live in luxury at a shit hole like this.”
“Yeah — I guess you could say that…” Elena nervously laughed, not a big fan of the way the workers were eyeing them suspiciously. She wasn’t quite sure if they were looking at them because they were quite clearly outsiders, or for some other reason.
“Stop your worryin’, love — you got me to protect you.” Chloe flashed her a smile, opening the backdoor to the sweet sight of their getaway plane. The makeshift airport was barely manned, only passing the odd pilot or two on their way to greet their pilot.
Elena looked around cautiously, knowing that typically this was the part of the job where they get ambushed; then again, they had pulled this job off without the antagonising presence of Nathan Drake, so the likelihood of something like that happening was incredibly low. It wasn’t his fault he had an undeniable knack for pissing off the ‘bad guys’ effortlessly.
Seeing that she wasn’t in the conversation, Chloe reached over to her and softly grabbed Elena’s hand, “Tommo’s ‘bout ready to leave, you still with us?”
The blonde snapped out of her preemptive panic, giving her partners hand a squeeze as she nods, “only if you’ll have me.”
“I think I’ll keep you around a bit longer.”
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manikas-whims · 5 years
Hi, i follow your todomomo oneshots book on ao3. You said you're taking requests. So uh can you please write Momo comforting Shouto after a mistake on his mission. Ohh and can you please make them older in this. ty
Thank you so much for this request dear anon :3
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Consoling His Heart
Words: 2059
Rating: T+ (slight kissing)
Read on: AO3 | FFnet
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He found her standing on the porch of their shared house, her radiant smile brightening everything around her. On sighting his approaching form, she raised an arm and began waving it, as if she was ecstatic to see him again. She was always there, bidding him farewells when he left for missions and greeting him with open arms upon his returns. Always.. And he was glad (fortunate actually) to have her as an important part of his rather dull lifestyle as the number 3 Pro Hero of Japan. She made him happy, filled the emptiness he always used to experience. She made him believe that he was more than just a man born of his father’s stubborn resolve for supremacy. He was always grateful of her. But that day, he couldn’t face her. After the offence he had committed on his latest mission, his hands were sullied by a wrong he could never wash off. And he didn’t want to tarnish her pristine skin with his touch.
“I just saw you on TV and figured you’d be coming back soon so I came outside to wait.” She told him cheerfully, stretching her arms as an invitation for a hug. But he couldn’t even meet her gaze.
Nodding his head in acknowledgement, he walked right past her inside their house, ignoring the confused expression marring her beautiful face.
Shouto Todoroki didn’t deem himself worthy of her.
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Her brows knitted together in confusion due to his sudden aloofness towards her yet she shrugged it off as mere side-effects of the grueling mission he was sent on. Turning around, she followed after him into their house. She shook her head, her petal lips curving up into a fond smile. Like always, he had left his boots carelessly on the floor so she arranged them in their proper place in the shoe rack.
They’ve been in a relationship for two years now. She was the one who couldn’t bottle her feelings anymore and ended up confessing to him during their final year at UA. He was shocked at the revelation because apparently ‘he didn’t consider himself on par with her’. Whatever that means. As soon as they graduated, they joined separate agencies to work under, making it hard for them to see each-other much. And so, this year onwards, she suggested that they start living together, to which he agreed without any hesitation. The only reason they haven’t tied the knot yet is because (again) ‘he wanted her to be sure of whether she wished to spend the rest of her life with him or not’.
Frankly speaking, she doesn’t understand the point of such questions or why he wants her to reflect on her decisions again and again. He made her realize what she was capable of and for that she will always be thankful. He made her happy, made her feel strong and important, not just as a pro hero but as an individual.
Momo Yaoyorozu couldn’t imagine her life without his calm presence in it.
With one last look around the porch, she closed the door and walked towards their bedroom. She blushed at a faint memory of all the unspeakable things they’d done in that very room but quickly pushed it away.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, face as devoid of emotions as ever. But she was so used to seeing it that she easily caught the hints of self-loathing swimming in his mismatched irises. He was back at it— questioning his existence and doubting his worth.
“Shouto”, She called softly as she entered the room and approached him.
He jerked his face to glance at her before receding back into his glum state of mind and mumbled in a grave tone, “I failed.”
She was stupefied by his choice of words. Failure and Shouto Todoroki did not belong in the same sentence. The word failure had no relation to him whatsoever. For the four years that she had known him, she had always seen him learn from his mistakes and improve until he became a great hero. She was there to witness it all. She saw him become the man she came to love not simply because of his striking features but because of whom he was.
She’d been watching the news just minutes ago and media was singing praises about the success of his mission. So then, why exactly was he sitting so dejectedly?
Kneeling down before him, she cradled his face in her palms and tilted it, making his pair of gray and blue eyes meet her onyx ones. “What happened? The news said it went well and-”
“I failed, Momo.” He repeated, his jaw tightening. “I was supposed to apprehend the man running those fighting pits. Instead I nearly killed a little kid’s mother.”
She moved her fingers further up his grimy face into his equally dirty hair and began massaging his scalp. “Hey, calm down.” She said in a soothing tone, “I know you, Shouto. You can never hurt anyone.”
His lips quivered at the degree of faith she had in him. He shook his head like a child feeling the guilt of stealing cookies from a jar he wasn’t allowed to touch. “No you don’t..” His hands shot out and his long fingers wrapped around her dainty wrists, in hopes of channeling his anger at himself. “There were a lot of spectators so I called the back up team. But before they could even reach the scene, panic broke out amongst the audience because well..all of them have some sort of history in crimes. They got scared as soon as I broke in and began running about.”
Momo listened to his explanation patiently, nodding every once in a while. “The owner, he ordered his strongest fighters to deal with me. And..” He gritted his teeth in frustration, “..and I was so consumed by the thoughts of detaining the pit owner that I..I used my left side and..there was a kid. He was crying so much for his mother. But I didn’t understand. I was so consumed with rage..”
He took a long breath, averting his eyes at his dark haired girlfriend of two years, wondering if he should really tell her the remaining bit. He wanted to. Whenever his mind made him restless, he vented to her because he knew she’d have a solution to his problems. She always had. So he just needed her to listen to him once more. He knew he was being pathetic, behaving like that at the age of 20 but he needed her to listen and understand. He wanted her to be certain of their relationship. He wanted to know if she’d choose to stay even after hearing what an abhorrent deed he had committed.
“I released a large wave of fire at the three pit fighters and this lady out of nowhere jumped in front of one guy. The kid..his cries grew louder and he began running towards the scene..” Shouto gulped, his hold on Momo’s wrists tightened before going completely lax and he let go of them. “Everything clicked in that moment and I realised the lady and the man she was trying to protect were parents of that crying child. I was the bad guy there. I was fighting against his father and attacked his parents with my flames. Thanks to the backup team and police officers for showing up. The parents of that kid haven’t sustained any life-threatening injuries and will be out of the local hospital soon.” His fingers crawled up his cheeks and he removed her palms, replacing them with his own to bury his face in shame. “I almost killed them. If police wouldn’t have arrived when they did-”
The dual haired Todoroki's eyes widened at being silenced instantly by a finger on his dry lips. Momo shushed him. Casualties are unavoidable on missions like these and they hurt a lot. But to detest himself over an obvious mistake is so..stupid and yet so like him.
“You didn’t mean it, Shouto.” She said assertively , “There are so many things we can infer from this whole happening. First of all, if those two had decided to be criminals, then they should’ve considered the consequences of bringing a child in their life. But since they did have a kid, those parents should have atleast been rational enough to not bring the kid to a dangerous place like a fighting pit..”
She knew she was rambling but guys like Shouto are so hard upon themselves that they need proper clarifications. They need people like Midoriya or herself to tell them that its not their fault, that there’s no harm in letting things go instead of shouldering unnecessary blames. “Yes, you used your fire on them but it was a mere defensive measure you took amidst a battle. And they’re both still alive and recovering so be glad. If anything, this mission will be an experience not just for you but them as well. Maybe this will be the moment of their awakening. Maybe they’ll finally understand the repercussions a child suffers due to their parents' actions. Maybe they’ll actually take this as a sign and move forward to become good civilians and give their child the life he deserves..”
Shouto peeked through his fingers up at her, his eyes widened in bewilderment. “How do you do this? How do you redefine my worst aspects as if they weren’t bad to begin with? How do you make me look like this saint that I’m not?”
“You’re not a saint.” She answered, pulling his hands away from his face and entwining their fingers. “But you’re no sinner either. You’re just human.”
She smiled lovingly at him, “Humans make rash decisions. You were concentrating on the objective of your mission and wanted to eradicate the hindrances quickly. That’s all. But now you’ve learnt that being reckless can be harmful at times. So stop being so resentful towards yourself and move on.”
Shouto narrowed his eyes in confusion and gazed intensely at her, searching for that thing in her eyes that makes her so kind and benevolent. He felt the heaviness being lifted off his soul, the ache alleviated from his heart. He felt lighter— better! And it only took her a few sensible words to ease his mind of the chaos. Somehow he always lost himself to the smallest of his errs but she was right there, offering her hands to help him up. And he knew she’ll be there for him in the future too but he needed assurance. He just wanted to hear her say it again.
“Momo,” he called in a feeble tone, staring at her innocently, “Are you sure you want to-”
“Yes Shouto” she cut him off immediately, knowing very well what he was asking her for the umpteenth time since they started dating, “I want to be with you forever. I will never leave you. I will always be here with you.”
His heart brimmed with joy at her honest confession and he spoke instinctively, “I love you.”
She grinned at him, pulling him up into a standing position by tugging at their interlinked fingers, “I love you too, you adorable dummy. Now go get washed up. In the meantime, I’ll cook some soba.”
She let go of his hands but was barely able to leave the room as he snaked his arms around her hips, turning her around and capturing her bottom lip between his. He began kissing and nipping, his demeanor suddenly changing entirely with wanton need for her. Afterall, one of the major reasons for his hastiness during the mission was so he could get back to her as soon as possible and ravish her.
She slapped his arms playfully, willing him to get going already but he only released her lips to worship her alluring neck instead, whispering breathlessly, “I need help cleaning up.”
She giggled at his statement and let him carry her to the shower. He really needed to keep his personal desires in check during work so he won’t do something as precarious as he did on this mission. But for now, he wanted to pay her back just as much love as she gave him everyday. And he was way better at expressing himself with his actions.
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*Send requests for SasuSaku, TodoMomo, HitsuHina, Zenyuki via asks ☺
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grimmbrookhq · 5 years
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Ida Lawson wasn’t supposed to be alive; she wasn’t even a planned pregnancy. Her mother wanted one daughter, one to spoil, one to push into everything. So when Marisol gave birth to her first daughter, Kate, she wasn’t really looking for another baby, especially for what she was told about Ida. In the womb, there was always one baby that had more movement, and just healthier you know? And when it came, the doctors warned Marisol of the other twin’s activity, or well, lack thereof. So when she had Kate, who was moving and screaming, crying at the top of her lungs, Marisol was just happy to have a healthy baby first, never thinking that a screaming baby was such a good sound. But when Ida was born, nine minutes later, she never made a sound, hell; she didn’t even open her eyes. But despite her deathly composure, right before the doctor was about to pronounce her, Ida began to scream, much louder than Kate had, crying and what not; just a little late, but all the more heart-attack inducing. And so, from this little event within a few minutes of her life, she had the middle name, Faith, faith to bounce back, given to her by her father.
But that was one of the last times that Ida knew of her mother’s concern. From that point onward it seemed that she was always in Kate’s shadow. Of course when she and Kate were little girls, children, they were put into every extracurricular activity known under the sun, but it was Kate who always got the shiny gold, Kate who got the attention. Things changed as they got older. Middle school went by seamlessly as she flowed into high school. She became one of the most popular girls in school, funny, loud, just herself that happened to make friends so easily. It did help that she looked like more of a girl that her now socially inept sister, Kate.
When the girls were seventeen, her sister disappeared. They said the last time she was seen was when she was walking home from school and a white van approached her. No plates, no leads, no suspects. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air. Her parents became obsessed trying to find her and all the stress eventually drove them apart. 
Six years ago Kate’s remains were found outside of a town called Grimmbrook. Ida wanted to find out what happened and it was never her intention to actually stay in town. Yet for some reason she can't bear the though of leaving. Not without finding out the truth.
Farishka Dugal: When Ida first met Farishka, she was this gorgeous mysterious woman who showed a special interest in her. She fell for her fast and hard, and the two got married within little time of knowing each other. For years, she was blissfully unaware of Farishka’s real line of work, and they were happy. They were discussing the possibility of having a child when Ida found out the truth. She tried to be okay with it, that was how much she loved Farishka, but in the end thinking about how their child would be raised around that kind of business made up her mind that as long as Farishka is involved with illicit drugs and organized crime, she can’t be with her.
Noah Cameron: Upon first meeting, Ida thought he was polite, respectful, decent. She saw the way he treated Ella’s mother and thought he was pretty much prince charming. Then, slowly, she picked up on details, and when Ella finally told her about how the Camerons treated her, she decided that Noah Cameron isn’t a good man. She can’t be sure he had a finger on his late wife’s death, of course, but he doesn’t need to be a murderer to be a bad guy in her eyes. And to Ida, his biggest crime is not treating Ella as a daughter. That particular subjects hits too close to home for her to ignore.
Ella Gertrude: Ida has hit it off with Ella as soon as she first met the girl. Hardworking, down to earth and with a heart of gold, Ida thinks the world of her. She was heartbroken to hear about her situation at home, and quick to offer her own place as a sort of safe space for Ella to stay in. After her divorce, the house feels a little too quiet anyway. She tries her best to make sure Ella stands up for herself and backs her up whenever she has the chance. She thinks of her as a sort of little sister.
Declan Vasquez: Ida had spent the night keeping an eye on all the customers at Midnight Pub. She saw one man downing drink after drink. To make matters worse, she saw him grab his car keys and drive away. She knew that was dangerous, and called the police to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone. It was too late, but at least they caught the guy. She knows Declan knows she called the police, and he doesn’t seem too happy about it. Of course the complaint was quickly gotten rid of by the Triton Group, and Declan still comes to the Midnight Pub often to rub that on her face.
Anastasia and Drusilla Cameron: Despite her general discontentment with the Camerons’ behavior towards Ella, Ida finds it in herself to forgive the spoiled Cameron girls. She thinks they are still young, and following their father’s example rather than having a mind of their own on the matter. She hopes they will come around and realize that family has nothing to do with blood, and tries to offer advice here and there as someone with a lot more life experience than them.
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crashandwhump · 5 years
Sleeping Beauty
Shepherd felt a smile creep on his face as he looked at the beautiful person laying on the bed in front of him. In fact Shepherd wouldn’t even call the person a person anymore but a doll, his doll. 
Long ebony hair spread over the parameters of the bed, it had been well maintained wouldn’t want it to become greasy and matted. His doll deserved better than that. The beauty that lay in front him didn’t deserve to be tarnished by anything even if the beauty himself didn’t understand that. The well defined cheekbones and jaw, the piercing green eyes that rested beneath his eyelids, his thin nose, everything about this man was perfect. 
Shepherd walked up to the bed Marcus was laying in and looked him over. Even with all the medical equipment attached to him he still looked beautiful. A nasogastric feeding tube inserted in his nose and more tubes were attached to his body. It wasn’t pretty, but it was a necessity to keep him Shepherd’s and Shepherd’s. Shepherd slowly stroked Marcus' cheek, first revelling in every second of of it. Shepherd heard a slight murmur coming from his doll. “Ssssh my doll,” Shepherd shushed as he climbed onto the bed “there is no need for you to talk.” That seemed to do the trick as Marcus' body went back to it’s serenic state.
It had been a few months since Shepherd had found his doll. Well he had known him for quite some time but never knew how deal with it. Marcus had been part of the police force. The first time Shepherd had been privileged with the visage of his doll was when Shepherd’s home had ransacked by some brutes. His ebony hair had been been hanging in his face as he asked in a dulcet tone about the well being of Shepherd. Of course this was all standard police protocol, but the fact it came from him mad Shepherd feel good. 
A turning point in the conversation came when Shepherd went to shake Marcus' hand and noticed the scars on his arm. “Quite a shame” he had mumbled to himself.
“What is?” Marcus replied until he noticed what Shepherd had been looking at. “Oh those,” He chuckled “it’s all part of the job, we can’t all come out of it looking like supermodels.” He continued with a casual shrug.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, you still look quite gorgeous.” Shepherd said with an express tenderness on his face as he was stroking Marcus' arm. “You just need to maintain it better, perhaps a career swap would do? I know plenty of people who’d be willing to give a better paying job.”
Marcus chuckled again. “You flatter me Shepherd, but my love for punishing bad guys would never allow me to leave this job”
“Perhaps someday?” Shepherd asked raising an eyebrow.
“Wouldn’t count on it,” Marcus had replied as he started packing his stuff “it’s pleasure to have met you, hopefully next time we meet the circumstances will be better”
“Indeed” Shepherd had called out after the man.
After that Shepherd couldn’t get the dark haired man out his mind. He couldn’t bear the idea of his beauty being tainted by this awful world. He found the man’s social media littered with photos of him and what Shepherd could only assume were friends and family.
People who didn’t deserve him. They didn’t appreciate Marcus' beauty like Shepherd did. Shepherd would do anything to protect this gift god had given this world. Even if Marcus himself didn’t appreciate it.
It had taken Shepherd quite some time to come up with the idea. It actually came to him when he was looking through his library and stumbled upon an old fairy tale book. Looking through it he came upon the story of Sleeping Beauty, a princess whose beauty was never tarnished even after a hundred years if sleep.
It was perfect. If Marcus was asleep he couldn’t do anything to hurt himself. Shepherd could enjoy the visage of his beauty whenever he desired. A win win situation for both parties involved.
Shepherd considered many ideas. His first idea had been to cryogenically freeze him, but he threw the idea out when he realized that would mean that he wouldn’t be able to touch his doll. Another idea had been to just fully sedate him, but the side effects weren’t worth it. He didn’t want his doll to suffer after all. He searched for many ways to to sedate a person for eternity without causing any pain in the long run.
It was when he stumbled upon a sedative regime amusingly called M&M: Morphine n Midazolam that he decided to actually enact his plan.
A few days later Shepherd sent Marcus an invitation for a dinner as thanks for helping him out when his place was ransacked. Marcus being the perfect man he was, was fashionably early.
“Good evening, my dear,” Shepherd spoke with a tenderness in his voice “How are you doing?”
“Shepherd pleasure to be hear again,” Marcus replied. “The place is looking a lot better than last time” he continued with a wink.
“Indeed come with me, I’ve got something to show you” Shepherd hastily answered as walked he walked onward.
Marcus walked behind as he saw that they passed the dining room. “Say Shepherd I think you missed the dining room.” Marcus said with a smirk.
Shepherd turned his head towards Marcus and chuckled. “Oh Marcus, you are worth so much more than a dining room.”
“If you say so.” Marcus said with a shrug
The two walked for what must have five minutes when they finally reached what seemed to be basement. Though it wasn’t like any basement Marcus had seen. It was much fancier than any of the rooms he had ever slept in. This reminded him of a room a royal would have, with cool colors tinted with warm golds. A beautiful king size bed standing in the middle of the room. The one thing that stuck out were the medical equipment that were standing there.
As Marcus was admiring the room he heard the Shepherd close the door behind him and then heard it get locked. “Uh Shepherd? Why did you lock the door? Afraid the food might escape?”
Shepherd chuckled “Don’t worry about the food,” he said as he lead Marcus towards the bed. I” suggest you take tired, you look quite tired”
“Oh that’s fine don’t want to be rude” Marcus said as he stepped away from the bed.
“Really I insist,” Shepherd said with a smile slightly too wide for his face as he stepped in front of Marcus. “You clearly don’t know how to take care of yourself”
Marcus pushed Shepherd aside as he tried to make his way to the exit when Shepherd grabbed him by the wrist. He looked and saw that Shepherd had a syringe in his free hand. “What the fuck are you doing!?” Marcus felt Shepherd grab his face and pull him towards him.
“Those aren’t very beautiful words for beautiful man like you” Shepherd said as he pulled Marcus even closer to his face. “I’m only doing what’s best for you”
“My mom used to say the same thing and she wasn’t very nice either” Marcus said as he tried to free himself from Shepherd’s grip until he felt a sharp pain in his arm. 
Shepherd held Marcus as he struggled until he felt Marcus' body go limp, the anesthesia kicking in. Shepherd stroked Marcus' face as he carried him to the bed, the bed specially made for Marcus.
The months passed smoothly Shepherd had seen a few missing posters for Marcus around, but after months of searching they had declared him dead. Which made things significantly easier for Shepherd.
Shepherd sat on the bed looking at Marcus' beautiful form.“You deserve so much more.” He whispered before he gave the unconscious man a peck on the lips. Despite not waking up he truly was a sleeping beauty.
His sleeping beauty.
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forkanna · 5 years
                                            ~ x JUDGMENT x ~
"I thought you were leading up to something more."
Makoto smirked across the table as she sat back in her chair. "Why, whatever do you mean, Onee-sama?"
Clearly irritated by the formal tone her sister had taken, Sae crossed her legs in the opposite direction to abate the sudden discomfort. "You and Kawakami were kissing on your bed. That painted a very specific picture of the events that would unfold."
"So now you're mad that I didn't meet your expectations? That she didn't push me down and force me into anything? That's nice, Sis."
"Not 'mad'. But that was my hypothesis, and it's… I'll have to adjust my thinking." Then she smirked a little and sat back, unconsciously mirroring her little sister's movements. "I am curious about something else, though."
"Really? Is it the leftover duck? I was a little surprised you didn't ask about that."
"No, no. And I was just thankful that it was delicious." She noticed Makoto's eyebrows shot up at the unexpected praise, but pressed onward. "Why does her teasing about feet get to you so much?"
At that, her little sister looked like her little sister for the first time since she had walked in the door, deflating and scowling toward the corner. "Come on, do we have to talk about that? I swear, I just really liked giving her a massage; she enjoyed it so much! It has nothing to do with me being 'into' feet!"
"Sure it doesn't," she snorted. "Mostly, I'm surprised to be learning all these things about you. It's fascinating."
"Don't be fascinated by things that aren't real," she sighed.
"Maybe not. I suppose you should finish telling me what is real." But while she said as much, she turned the chair to the side and propped her heels up on the table, crossing her legs at the ankle.
And Makoto glanced. She didn't stare at her high heels openly, but her eyes definitely flicked in their direction. Police instinct told Sae that was a red flag that the girl might have a budding fetish, but that didn't necessarily mean she was lying to her; sometimes people weren't ready to admit things to themselves, which meant they were literally incapable of admitting them to someone else.
Or perhaps it was purely due to the teasing - both from her and from Kawakami. Sometimes, that could almost create a fixation against the target's wishes. Or it could have simply been an innocent glance due to the movement and nothing more.
"Y-yeah," she stuttered before clearing her throat. Another red flag. "What's real. I'm not sure you're ready for that, but I'll keep going."
                                            ~ x The Priestess x ~
We finished dinner without anything else happening to interrupt. And the conversation went back to school, and eventually to Ren. I found out that he had known for weeks, and she found out that I already had spoken to him about it a little. Plus, she reassured me very firmly that there was nothing romantic going on between them… despite the many, many visits to his little loft.
Then she helped me with the dishes. I tried to tell her to relax, but she said she couldn't since she was supposed to be my maid - despite the clothing change. It was oddly heartwarming, doing something so mundane and domestic next to her.
"So I guess there's no point trying to change your mind," she sighed as we set the last few in the drying rack.
"Maybe. I still don't really understand all this, but every time I ask myself if I like you… I have to say 'yes'. Even if it's inconvenient."
Sadayo laughed quietly as she picked up the towel to dry off her hands. "That's one word for it. Kind of 'inconvenient' for you to date your teacher."
"Yeah. But how can I let that stop me? Look at you… I mean, you're already so pretty in class, but now? In this dress? It's like you're a pop idol."
Finally, my little comments were starting to flatter her instead of making her distressed. Smiling and biting her lip, she took a few steps away. "What, this old thing?" Then she did a little spin for me, and covered her face when I hooped and hollered. "Stop!"
"Hey, you twirled! If you didn't want me to like it, why did you do that?"
"I don't know!" When she lowered her hands, she was still smiling. "By the way… I don't exactly know how to say it, but you look nice, too. I'm just not used to thinking of girls like that but I should have said it earlier."
"Oh, I don't care about that," I lied. I mean, I did care, but I also didn't… so it was half-lying. I guess.
"But it's important. You're a really beautiful young lady, and I don't want my, uh, straightness to keep you from knowing that."
"Like I'm that much gayer than you! Considering I have never looked at any other women!"
Pacing closer again, she took up my hands and squeezed them gently. "How can I be your first? That seems… I don't know. Unrealistic somehow."
"Well, you kind of tried to touch me somewhere nobody had before," I whispered, and she flinched. "Hey - it's alright. I should have been more clear that I didn't want you to; you just thought I was nervous, like a lot of your other clients probably are."
"They are," she admitted with a hesitant nod. "You sure seemed to enjoy taking my tights off, so I thought I might get to… 'upsell' you into a handjob. Isn't that terrible?"
"Not for most of them. I'm sure a lot of them are happy you're showing interest - and underneath my fear that you would find out my identity, maybe I was, too." In a whisper, I added, "I certainly enjoyed the feeling."
Flushing a little darker shade of red, she whispered back, "And I hated it. But only because it felt like… you know when you're walking up the subway steps, paying too much attention to your phone, and you think there's one more step but then there isn't?"
"Ohhhh. Yeah, I know that feeling - it was like that?"
"Definitely. I, um…" Letting out a deep breath, Sadayo announced, "I've never touched another snatch. What a weird thing I have to say out loud!"
That got me smiling and stepping a little closer. "Me, neither. So at least we both have a first that we can still enjoy together."
"That's true." And her eyes danced with something like hope.
"Anyway, what I meant was that you touching me, letting me take your tights off… flirting at me, giggling, all that stuff. At first it didn't do anything, but after a while, I could feel it…" I paused, gathering my thoughts. My teacher waited. "It drew something to the surface that was already hiding beneath it. I always thought you were beautiful, it was just… I had no reason to think it was anything besides… not quite 'hero worship', that's not it. But similar."
"Am I your senpaaaaaiiiiii?" she called out in a very Becky sing-song. When I rolled my eyes, she laughed and pulled me into a light, gentle hug. "Mmm… oh, Makoto, I'm sorry. This whole thing is my fault; I should have tried to find another part-time job. An educator shouldn't spend her off-hours going down on random guys in a French maid outfit."
"No, she shouldn't," I breathed against her skin, breathing in the light, clean scent. She clearly only used the perfume on her shoes and undergarments; it was so severely muted that I was mostly only enjoying pure Sadayo without obfuscation. "But that's not your fault, and you aren't doing anything wrong. It just… turned out this way because I'm so nosy. It's my fault you ended up servicing me, not yours; I made the call."
"Alright, alright. Maybe we should just quit blaming each other. I just can't believe I didn't see through your disguise!"
Grinning, I began to sway slightly to the piano music that was still playing, even an hour later. "Well, we worked pretty hard on it. My friend and I."
"Your… friend?"
"Yeah. She knew about this, but she didn't know which teacher I meant - and I told her I wouldn't tell."
The taller woman pulled back to blink down at me. "You told a friend? That's… why?"
"Because I'm so confused. Still am a little, but I just needed to talk through some things to figure out what to do."
"Well…" Sighing, she nodded before resting her head atop mine - and it felt so good. Why? I loved it and couldn't even quite put my finger on the reason. "I guess that's not really a big deal. You didn't even tell her who I was. Did you blame Ms. Chouno?"
"She did guess Chouno," I giggled, and she laughed as well. "And you, and Ms. Usami. I just didn't confirm anything at all and she told me she didn't care that I wouldn't tell her. Respected my choice."
"That's a good friend."
"But I trust her. And I did eventually have to tell her everything, because... I needed her help guessing your dress size. I'm sorry, but I promise she won't tell anyone."
"Oh, it's fine. Everybody else and their cousin is finding out, so why should I be mad at you for trusting your friend?" We were both quiet for a minute. Then she began, "This friend…"
"Hmm? You want to know who it is?"
"I do, but it's alright if you don't want to tell me. Cuts both ways, right? That wasn't what I was going to ask." After a brief hesitation, Sadayo went on, "Have you ever… with her?"
"Have I ever what? I'm not s- oh! Oh, no, no way!"
"Sorry, sorry." And she definitely sounded apologetic. More than that, she sounded mortified that she asked at all. "Just curious because, well, this whole thing is new to both of us. I thought maybe you and her…"
Leaning up to gently kiss her cheek, I whispered, "Told you that you're my first. Anything."
"God…" This close, I could actually hear her swallowing, and somehow that was the most exciting thing I had ever heard. "You're driving me crazy…"
"Good. And don't worry, my friend is not going to steal me away from you. I promise. We aren't like that."
After a weak whimper, she finally replied, "Maybe she should… I don't know. Why would you want some oba-san when you can have a girl your own age? Is she not prettier than me or something?"
That made me laugh out loud. "No way! You have no idea, she's practically perfect!" But when she drew back to raise an eyebrow at me, I realized my mistake. My stomach seemed to shoot straight down into the floor. "W-wait, that's not- I didn't mean it how it-"
"No, no, it's totally fine. I know I'm over the hill and shouldn't expect to be able to compete with girls in your class."
"I meant that the reason I like you and not her doesn't have anything to do with her being ugly or whatever! Not that you aren't beautiful, because you are! You're the most… come on, don't be mean to me, I'm new at this!"
Laughing at my expense, she reached up to cup my burning cheek tenderly. "That's kind of the whole problem, isn't it?" The mirth left her expression until she just looked like the exhausted teacher I had come to know over the years. "You have no idea what we're about to go through."
Her telling me that did make me take an extra second to contemplate my response. I already knew what I wanted to say, but I tried to take her feelings into account first. Then I shrugged and kissed her on the chin.
"You're right. I don't know. But I trust you to help me figure it out. I trust you completely."
"That's so dangerous," she warned me as we swayed in the space between the dining room and living room. "You already know my life is a mess, and you think I'm going to do any better of a job with yours? What if I screw this up, and I hurt you somehow? What if I ruin everything?"
One of my shoulders rose and fell as I laid my head on hers again. Letting her lead. "We'll fix it. Or we will figure out that we can't, and deal with that when the time comes."
"Wise little girl. Young woman," she corrected with a quiet laugh. I felt her hand slide down to push into the small of my back, and tried not to think about how badly my legs wanted to turn to jelly. "Too sweet and trusting for your own good. But I promise I'll try my best to take care of you. Really, even if I fail, it won't be because I didn't try."
"Yeah," I said as we slow danced. "And this feeling… I would chase it across the stars."
For a few more seconds, I thought Sadayo would not answer at all. Then she breathed, "So would I." Her fragile, frightened voice just barely loud enough for me to hear it.
"Are you really going to be okay? I keep trying to let you go, and you keep trying to let me go… but we're still here. I could kick you out if it will be easier."
"I… no. I think it's too late for that tonight. Maybe we'll both wake up tomorrow and come to our senses, realise we made a huge mistake. But tonight… oh… Makoto, I really don't think I should be saying these things to my own student. But do you wanna hear them, anyway?"
"Sure. No… let me rephrase. I need to hear them, but will also understand if you can't."
Drawing back to look me dead in the eyes, she swallowed hard - and I saw for the first time that she was crying. But she had kept it out of her voice completely. Maybe that's what being an adult was all about: learning how to cry without crying. Her hands moved up to rest on either side of my neck, holding me steady.
"I think you're strong. And beautiful, and… noble. Nosy." At the last one, I laughed shyly, and she smiled a little wider. "But now I know it's because you just… really need to do the right thing. That's very rare to find. And you're also sweet, and steadfast and a million other things. But more than all that? You make me scared because never in my life have I felt more like losing someone would hurt than I do when I look at you."
The raw emotion in that statement bowled me over, and I had already been floating on a cloud at the rest. Now I felt like I might ascend to a higher plane of existence. "Lose me…?"
"Yeah." As my hands moved up to wipe away her tears, she half-flinched away from them but forced herself to stay put. "I just found you in my life - losing you now… isn't that even worse? When we barely got to…"
"I understand," I breathed as I leaned closer. "It's why I keep coming back for more. Just need you, and I'm scared if I don't take what I can get now, that I'll miss my chance. That's a terrible outcome."
Her head shook from side to side as her lips ghosted over mine. "Terrible… but I still don't understand this." We kissed again, still hesitant but less so. "Don't understand… why me…?"
"Because I'm not an idiot," I whispered back, pursing my lips on her bottom one and tugging gently. That shiver along her spine was real and visible.
"Maybe we both are."
"Maybe… I just can't seem to care."
The next kiss lasted a lot longer, and took us to the wall, then over to the counter. Sadayo's lips were so sweet and inviting, her body warm and soft, that I couldn't imagine ever getting enough - and if her reaction was any indication, mine must not have been so bad, either. We seemed to unconsciously take turns pursuing and being pursued. Oddly enough, even though I hummed a lot and felt my entire body tingling in anticipation, she was the one who more often squeaked in surprise, who took breaks to gasp and mention again how crazy this all was. Wasn't I supposed to be the virgin?
Finally, I had her pinned to the couch as we devoured each other's mouths. We had both felt flashes of tongue but never dared explore that deeper. One particularly loud moan broke us apart to catch our breaths, eyes locked in a blistering gaze of warring intentions.
"This… I really-"
"Holy shit," she finished for both of us, and I laughed a little. "That was incredible! Where have you been all my life?! Wait… wait, don't answer that."
Smirking, I shifted my hips atop hers from side to side. "Why? Don't like to think about where I was when you were my age?"
"Makoto, do you actually want me to keep going or to die of embarrassment?" Still, she bit her lip to weather the heat as I ground against her - a totally subconscious act. "Stop, I don't think I'm… ready for all… that…"
"Neither am I. Honestly, I only know how this is supposed to work from what I've read."
"You read about this?!" she gasped out. "Lesbian sex?"
"No! What?! I mean, mostly in class for sex ed. But then… after all this with you, I started to wonder… how… to do it? And I still can't quite picture it in my head."
My teacher's expression grew even more bashful as she looked away. "You were that serious about me? Before tonight, I mean. That is… I don't really get it, but I can't deny it feels wonderful. Being yours like this."
"You're mine for as long as you want to be," I purred. But it didn't take her long after that to push me back slightly. "What?"
"Listen. I, um… I need a little more time to think about this. Before we go any further, I mean." The shame was etched into every inch of her face, so I had no trouble believing her.
"Okay." My hips came to a stop despite how much I wanted to continue. "Seriously, don't be afraid to tell me to slow down at any time. I know it seems like I'm… only interested in pushing this as far as I can, but I swear that's not what's happening. I'm just really awkward."
Sadayo thought about that for a moment before she snorted. "Yeah right. You're working me so easy! But… I know, it's all new for you. Awkwardness plus inexperience equals… well, a lot of what's happened tonight." With a helpless laugh, she added, "This is insane, I can't believe it feels so natural with a woman! I thought it would disgust me!"
"Me, too! But… at least you've been on actual dates with men before. Maybe that makes it worse for you?"
"Oh, definitely. I keep finding unexpected things and not finding things I expect!" One of her fingers poked the side of my breast and I shivered. "Like these."
"Well, they do tend to be found there on women," I laughed softly, earning a much more full belly-laugh from my teacher.
"And you're so soft and delicate, gentle… which is part of what's throwing me. I'm used to exclusively dating men taller than me who can truly make me feel like a lady. I was kind of shallow about it, if I'm being really honest with you. But a year or so of working this job for Victoria has kind of broken me of that shallowness. Maybe…"
When she had been thoughtfully silent for a few seconds, I kissed her cheek and prompted, "Maybe?"
"Maybe that's part of why I'm not running screaming from this right now. Being required to flirt with and jerk off a bunch of gross guys reset my expectations. A cute girl like you is… a relief? Definitely a step up from any of them, even if I never thought about it before."
"And even if I'm a little younger than would be ideal," I admitted. She did nod her agreement, but also looked apologetic about it. "I get it. And I know there's really nothing I can do about it, but I would if I could."
"Whoa, whoa, wait." She rested a hand on my shoulder. "You don't think I blame you for being in school, do you? I would never-"
"No, no," I assured her quickly.
"Good," she sighed in relief. "This is nobody's 'fault', it's just a really cruel twist of fate. You're an amazing young woman, Makoto, and I wouldn't change a thing."
I must have been smiling even wider than I thought, because Sadayo kissed both of my cheeks tenderly. "Th-thank you."
"What? It's just the truth." Then she rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, if I could magically change one of us, why make you older when I could make me younger? Talk about a waste of a wish; I'd rather add ten years to my life then subtract from yours."
"Nine years," I corrected gently, petting up and down her side. But it made her laugh. "What? Isn't that less bad than ten?"
"Yeah, but I really doubt it's going to make much of a difference to our families." Then her eyes went wide. "Oh God… my parents."
Wincing, I pictured the middle-aged couple that had been yelling at Miss Kawakami in the hospital. I knew they definitely were not her parents, but my brain filled in the mental image with them anyway. "Are they going to think less of you?"
"Definitely. They are good parents, don't get me wrong, but they're pretty traditional. Take your pick! Will they be more mad that I'm gay or that I'm dating a teenager? Honestly, I'm not sure."
"Bisexual," I corrected again. Though I did start to worry that correcting her so much would be annoying. "You still find men attractive, right?"
"They won't care about that. Especially because they think girls liking other girls is 'just a phase' anyway." Her hand caressed over my hair, and I leaned into the touch. "I have to go soon."
My heart squeezed in my chest. "Oh. Yeah, I guess our time's almost up. I should grab your money."
"Thanks. It's… I can use it, sure, but really it's the best protection I have against catching hell for sneaking around with you. If it's part of my job, who can really blame me?"
"Exactly. And it's not forever."
As I extricated myself from her tempting body, she looked vaguely sad. "No… not forever. You're right. Just feels like it."
                                            ~ o ~
Within about five minutes, she was back in her maid outfit and I had her ¥10000 stuffed into her pocket. We lingered by the door. Neither of us seemed to know what to say, but kept trying to communicate something with our eyes to the other person. I know what I was trying to communicate was that I hated to see her go, that all I wanted was for her to stay so we could explore the strange new feelings together. I can only guess what she was trying to tell me.
"Thanks for a wonderful evening," she told me with a smile and a bow. "You really pulled out all the stops. Kind of blew me away."
I bowed back. "My pleasure. I'll… have to save up a little before I can request you again. Sorry."
"Oh… I'm sorry, we can find some time when I'm not working. I don't want to bleed you dry! Maybe…ugh, it'll be riskier but you could come to my place. I live alone."
"They'll see you going in and out of my apartment. God… okay, what flimsy excuse will we use? I'm tutoring you? I mean, you're probably the smartest girl in school. But… maybe with me being a female teacher, it could work…"
Eyes dancing with with ill-suppressed glee, I leaned up to deliver another heated kiss to the woman I was suddenly dating. Or something like dating. Then I pulled back, biting my lip as I watched her sway and waiver.
"We'll just have to be very careful. Like a game."
"What a dangerous game. Didn't think a little kid like you could be such a gambler." But at least she was smiling as she bowed low at the waist. "Thank you for your support, Master! Becky really enjoys getting dirty for you!"
I don't exactly know where the flirty line came from. But before I could stop myself, I was muttering, "Seems like you do." It was the reason a deeply blushing Sadayo scrambled for the doorknob and out of my apartment as fast as she possibly could.
                                            To Be Continued…
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themachiavellianpig · 5 years
Prodigal Son, Episode 10: Merry Christmas with the Whitleys
Episode 10 of Prodigal Son, and Malcolm really honestly tries to follow orders. For at least a whole minute. Promise. Meanwhile, Ainsley and Jessica have an honest conversation, and Gil tries desperately to juggle the Whitley’s never-ending nonsense. 
As always, full review and spoilers galore below. 
The episode begins with the highlights of Ainsley’s interview with Martin, which Malcolm is watching as some sort of self-inflicted penance. Ainsley included the footage of Martin absolutely losing it at the accusation of being a bad father; it’s less clear whether or not she used the footage in which she outlines her brother’s personal mental health diagnoses to boost her own ratings. 
The appearance of Jessica in Malcolm’s apartment is heralded by her shoe going through Malcolm’s television - seems she’s about as happy with Ainsley’s interview as I am. Her main worry, though, is the Girl in the Box - more specifically, the way in which she and a whole lot of well-meaning adults told young Malcolm over and over again that his memories could not be trusted. The revelation that Malcolm was chloroformed by his father is another blow to an already unsteady woman; the idea that Martin had, at the very least, been a good father seems to have meant more to Jessica than we might have earlier realised. But of course, how else could you rationalise inadvertently raising children with a monster? By believing that the monster only really happened to other people. 
Malcolm gets called away to a crime scene in a busy hotel, everybody but our hardworking detectives in full Christmas mode. The crime of the week includes a dead high-ranking police officer and a prostitute in a hotel room in an apparent murder-suicide. Given the way that such episodes go, it’s hardly surprising that Malcolm deduces that it wasn’t a murder-suicide in less than a minute. 
It’s more surprising that everyone in the room just lets Malcolm wave around a loaded gun, including pointing it at his own chest and head and even cocks the damn thing before anyone calls him out on it. Good gun discipline is needed, especially when you don’t want a double homicide to become a triple. 
Special Agent Colette Swanson makes a grand entrance, taking over the conference room, throwing Malcolm’s new lack-of-job-title in his face, and then accusing him of misogyny-through-profiling before claiming Dani for her team. She comes across as staggeringly unlikable in this scene - a bit of a disappointing choice, to be honest, given that it would likely have been far more interesting to watch Malcolm and the team hand over the case to someone who wasn’t instantly the bad-guy. 
Malcolm, meanwhile, consoles himself with a box full of Turner���s old cases, trying to find someone who hated him enough to murder a bystander to get to him. He finds a photo of Owen Shannon (played by Sean Pertwee), a detective who had borderline harassed little Malcolm after the arrest of Martin. Shannon doesn’t seem to have calmed down at all in the intervening years, answering his door with a loaded gun pointed at their heads. 
Shannon, it turns out, is massively jealous of the fact that Gil arrested the Surgeon, the man who Shannon had been hunting, and doesn’t have a huge amount of time for Gil, Malcolm or their accusations that he should be the prime suspect in Turner’s death. He’s far more concerned about Emily, the young woman in the hotel room - who couldn’t have been hired by Turner, given that the man was apparently gay. 
In a brief interlude, Colette continues to have issues around Malcolm, so self-evident that they could probably be seen from space, and can definitely be seen by her colleagues - even the usually professional Dani accuses her of coming here to bury Bright rather than catch the Junkyard Killer. 
Jessica comes to speak with Gil, desperate to identify the Girl in the Box and find her body so that Martin will finally go away for good - I’m not sure why one more body would take away Martin’s freedom to have visitors or give interviews or consultations, but Jessica is convinced. Not convinced enough to sway Gil, who wants to save her from the case which is already destroying Malcolm, and so who can really blame Jessica for nosing through his files and stealing a photograph of the Girl in the Box’s bracelet. 
Dani and Malcolm have a sweet moment, in which they commiserate about their respective cases and Malcolm opens up a little about his difficulties with Eve - although saying “screwed up” instead of “nearly attacked her with a knife during an intense hallucination” is a hell of understatement even by Malcolm’s generous standards. Dani insistence that Malcolm isn’t beyond fixing is pretty gosh-darned optimistic at this point, but goodness knows that boy needs all the encouragement he can get at this point. 
Ainsley goes to Jessica’s for Christmas and they finally talk about the interview - harsh words are exchanged, especially when Jessica accuses Ainsley of throwing not just their family but the families of all of Martin’s “real victims” back into the media storm purely to serve her own ambition. Ainsley’s claim of retaking control of the narrative of the Surgeon seems a flimsy defence at best - especially when she takes off immediately afterwards, reclaiming the bottle of rosé she’d brought with her for dinner. 
Malcolm gets waylaid on his way to this fun family dinner by Shannon, complete with creepy flashbacks to Shannon’s attempts to get little Malcolm to confess to helping his father with the murders. Malcolm opens up a little - Shannon was right, there was another person involved, but Malcolm can’t find him without help. Shannon offers some help in exchange, in the form of Turner’s private stash of information. 
Gil and JT, left to their own devices, have managed to do some actual proper policework and have tracked down the Madame of Caged Bird, Emily’s “matchmaking” service. She admits to sending Emily to trap Turner in a compromising position, in an attempt to stop Turner coming after the Caged Bird business. 
Turner’s private stash is so private that I genuinely thought that Shannon was going to try and torture Malcolm for information in an isolated storage shed; fortunately, that doesn’t happen and instead they discover that Turner was investigating the Junkyard Killer, complete with all of Shannon’s old files. Despite Shannon’s belief that Turner gave up on him and the case, just like everyone else, Malcolm points out that Turner must have been trying to help - to prove that Shannon was right, that the Surgeon wasn’t working alone. 
They find Shannon’s old list of suspects - useless at the time, but with the new information that Martin met his accomplice at a specific hospital, they managed to whittle down the list to a single name: John Watkins. 
And now they do maybe the stupidest thing that Malcolm has ever done, and I’m included the earlier incident with a loaded gun - he goes to the last known address of a serial killer without telling Gil what the address is, even when Gil calls to ask him where he is. Seriously, Malcolm, backup is a wonderful thing and needs to be far more than a drunken cop with an unregistered firearm. 
Award for Most Awkward Moment this week goes to Gil, who has to go and admit to Colette that not only have Malcolm accidentally been working on the case that he was repeatedly ordered to leave alone, but that he had no idea where Malcolm is. If someone doesn’t LoJack Malcolm in the second half of this season, I will be most surprised. 
At the house, Malcolm and Shannon find Matilda, the Junkyard Killer’s blind grandmother. After Malcolm’s glee at being inside the childhood home of a serial killer (the apparent “Holy Grail” for profilers”, he starts trying to gently unravel John’s childhood - in between trying to escape being force-fed microwave ready-meals by the woman who raised a serial killer. Matilda quickly hits all the buttons Malcolm was probably looking for - she writes off her own daughter as a sinner, a filthy whore who chose heroin over her family, thus giving us a neat one-sentence summary of the beginning of John Watkins’ messianic mission of “salvation” for addicts and other such “sinners”. The only missing components were given when John’s grandfather died - crushed underneath a car right in front of the young John - and when someone installed a lock on John’s cupboard, complete with metal restraints and claw-marks inside it. Where John himself was punished a child, or where he kept his first victims? A flashback suggests the former, but who knows?
Malcolm returns to the table to find Shannon’s throat slit and blood pooling into the ready-meals; Matilda called John and is utterly unconcerned by the dead man at her table, as “Johnny takes out the trash!”. Malcolm grabs Shannon’s gun and goes outside to be smacked down by John, at last revealed to be being played by Michael Raymond-James with a most impressive beard, who Malcolm finally remembers as the other man on the camping trip. With the promise that “they’ll never find us where we’re going”, he drags Malcolm off into the dark for one long mid-season hiatus. 
Finally, trapped in her own home by ambitious paparazzi, Jessica finally decides to try directing the narrative herself. She steps out of her house to give a statement, showing the photo of the bracelet and begging for help to identify the Girl in the Box - complete with a million dollar reward for any real information. 
As far as mid-season finales go, Silent Night was a strong contender, yanking the ongoing plot of the Junkyard Killer onwards to the reveal of John Watkins, leaving us on an acceptable cliffhanger for the second half of the season. I can guess the bare-bones outline of episode 11, but am still interested to see these characters moving forwards - and, in a era of endless crime dramas, the characters are all we’re really here for. 
The only thing missing was Dr Tanaka and her delightfully inappropriate flirting, but I suppose they had to save something for the mid-season premiere. 
Other Prodigal Son Reviews are available here. 
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bitchronan · 6 years
lime to the heart
Draco x Percy
College, non-magical AU
Crowds of obnoxious college-aged kids weren’t out of the ordinary on a Saturday evening at the store where Percy worked - they arrived en masse pre messy nights out to bulk buy vodka and own-brand mixers - but even still, the group that had just passed through the automatic sliding doors exuded the cocky self-confidence that could only be pulled off by the incredibly entitled.
The group was headed up by an arrogant blonde boy drawling loudly into a mobile phone as he pointed his friends towards the liquor aisle.
“I don’t care if there’s vodka there,” he was saying. “If you think I’m going to drink dollar store toilet cleaner, you’re sorely mistaken.”
Percy sighed as he began to unpack the next crate of tomatoes, thankful only that he wasn’t on checkout tonight.
“Can we do tequila shots with pink Himalayan sea salt?” A brunette girl in heels about as high as her skirt was short asked.
“Only if we’re criminally insane,” a dark-skinned boy replied rolling his eyes. “Honestly Daph, you’re as blonde as your sister sometimes.”
‘Daph’ stuck out her jewel-studded tongue at the tall boy and returned to perusing the shelves.
“Marcus says to get more solo cups - they’ve run out - and also to bring him some fags,” the cocky blonde boy announced, having hung up his phone and loaded two bottles of tequila into a shopping cart being pushed by a girl with a razor-sharp bob and a bored expression.
“Oh, Draco don’t talk about yourself like that,” Daphne quipped, causing the girl pushing the cart to laugh loudly and obnoxiously.
“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood,” Draco shot her a venomous look but the corners of his mouth twitched into a small smirk.
“I wasn’t sure,” Daphne replied. “It’s so similar to your bad mood.”
“Is anyone but me going to be useful?” Draco ignored the jab, “Or do I have to do everything myself.”
“Title of your sex tape,” bob girl smirked, blowing a large pink bubble with gum that popped loudly.
“I’m a saint to deal with you lot,” was all Draco replied before he swept ahead of the group towards the fruit and vegetable aisle.
Percy immediately put his head down and tried to look invisible - an impossible feat considering his carrot-top hair and green polo emblazoned with the words ‘ASK FOR ASSISTANCE’ across the shoulder blades, but an admirable attempt nonetheless.
The short-haired girl leaned forwards over the handle of the shopping cart, giving anyone looking an ample view of her chest covered only by what Percy suspected to be lingerie rather than a top.
“What, we need broccoli or something?” She asked, “Worried no one at the party will have enough vitamin C?”
“Scurvy is an admirable cause,” the tall dark boy replied. “And Draco is a philanthropist.”
“Scurvy or preventing it?” Daphne asked with a grin, plucking a peach from the stand Percy had finished stacking only ten minutes earlier and biting into it.
“God, Daph,” the other girl scoffed, popping her gum again.
“Want some?” Daphne asked, holding the peach out. Juice dripped down her wrist onto the shiny laminate floor.
The girl wrinkled her nose and Daphne turned, “Hey Blaise, want some of my peach?”
“Is that a metaphor?” Blaise replied, “Because if so it’ll have to be a hard pass.”
Daphne had just taken another bite of the peach when Draco rounded the fruit display.
“Excuse me?”
Percy didn’t look up from his tomatoes.
“Excuse me?” Draco repeated, louder this time.
Percy straightened slowly, plastering his customer service face on. “How can I help?”
“Do you have any limes that aren’t so… ugly?”
Percy couldn’t help but frown at this, “Ugly?” He repeated.
“Yeah, like more aesthetically pleasing limes,” Draco confirmed.
The unnamed girl snorted from behind Percy, Draco glared at her over his shoulder.
“Whatever limes are out are all we have,” Percy said, dumbfounded at this line of questioning.
“We could go to Trader Joe’s,” Daphne suggested through a mouthful of peach.
“They’re limes,” the dark-haired girl said. Percy stepped out of the middle of their conversation, wondering if he could return to unloading his tomatoes.
“We’re gonna be too drunk to see what they look like in an hour,” she said rolling her eyes.
Draco sniffed, “Maybe you, Pansy. I won’t be able to enjoy myself if I know our limes are so deformed.”
“You’ll be deformed in a minute,” she retorted. “Go grab some limes before I hurt you so badly you won’t be able to enjoy yourself ever again.”
Percy wished fervently he wasn’t experiencing this.
The four of them stood in silence as they waited for Draco to return with the limes. After what felt like an eternity he dropped several into the shopping cart, which now contained two bottles of tequila, several stacks of red solo cups, a tub of table salt, and several admittedly unattractive limes.
“Onwards,” Daphne declared licking peach juice off her wrist whilst waggling her eyebrows at Blaise.
Percy wondered if she was planning to pay for the peach or not.
Pansy threw Percy a penetrating look as the other three left toward the checkouts.
“What time do you finish working?” She asked her gaze moving from him to the crates of tomatoes.
“What?” He asked.
“What time do you finish?” She repeated, “We’re going to a party at Phi Delta Alpha, come along once you get off.”
“I don’t really… do parties,” Percy protested.
“Whatever, I don’t care. You should come anyway.”
“Because,” she said like it was obvious, “Draco likes you and I’m sick of listening to him talk about how depressing his life is, or whatever.”
“Sounds like you’re a great listener.”
“Thanks,” she said, unaffected. “You’ll come then.”
“When was the last time someone said ‘no’ to you?” Percy asked.
“They don’t. I don’t let them.”
“How democratic.”
She didn’t reply, just grinned wickedly and turned towards her friends who were arguing loudly by the door about cocktail umbrellas versus tiny plastic swords.
Percy wished he could claim he didn’t know where Phi Delta Alpha was but it was pretty much impossible to attend UW without at some point acquiring such knowledge. He could, however, honestly say he had never been there before. When he pulled up and squeezed his tiny, shitty car into one of the last spaces left on the street he almost pulled immediately out and left again.
Students spilt out of the front of the house onto the lawn, most holding red solo cups and some smoking and vaping. Percy knew this area was mostly student and Greek housing so parties tended to be thrown here regularly, he’d never come to one before.
Summoning all his courage he climbed out of the car and approached the frat house - he’d changed out of his green polo shirt back into the casual button down he’d been wearing earlier that day but still felt incorrectly dressed for the occasion.
He squeezed through the crowds of people into the house, some rap song Percy didn’t recognise was blaring from the speakers and a keg was shoved unceremoniously in one corner of the living room. Percy stepped over a discarded solo cup, trying not to let his discomfort show on his face and moved further into the room.
A girl shrieked and someone grabbed his arm halting his progress.
“You came!” Daphne screamed at him, more than loud enough to be heard over the music and chatter.
Her brown hair had been twisted into a careless bun on the top of her head, and her insanely high heels discarded in favour of a pair of high-top converse that were clearly several sizes too big for her and had been laced tightly to stop them from slipping right off her feet. She held a solo cup in the hand that wasn’t still wrapped around his wrist; it was full of what looked like Red Bull and sloshed dangerously.
“Want some?” She offered the cup to Percy.
“No, thanks,” he replied. “Did you pay for that peach?”
She screwed up her entire face with the effort of understanding him after he’d repeated the question enough times to make him feel ridiculous she grinned childishly. “What are you the peach police? Peachlice?” She laughed at her own joke then, seeing his frown replied, “Calm your tits, of course I paid for it. Draco’s in the kitchen with Pansy by the way.” She added, taking a swig of the drink.
“Right,” Percy replied. “Cool.”
Someone called Daphne’s name, and she turned away, already smiling widely at the newcomer. She tripped on her too large converse and made her way across the room laughing to herself, wiping red bull off her skirt.
Percy found his way to the kitchen, unsure of why he had come here at all. The song had changed to Barbie Girl and, upon entering the room, Percy found Pansy sitting on the kitchen island, her legs loosely looped around Draco’s waist and both of them singing along to the music. Unsure of whether to make himself known Percy stood stupidly in the doorway until someone walked into him, spilling half a beer down his shirt and causing the rest of the kitchen to turn towards the commotion.
“Watch where you’re fucking going!” The stranger who had poured their drink down Percy’s front swore.
“Crabbe,” Pansy said sharply.
Crabbe turned to look at her, opening his mouth to retort.
“Fuck off,” Draco supplied picking up a drink from beside Pansy and joining Crabbe and Percy by the door.
Crabbe scowled but did as he was told and Draco held the drink out to Percy.
“What is it?” Percy asked frowning.
“Lemonade. You can pour it yourself if you don’t believe me,” he added seeing the scepticism on Percy’s face.
“You were confident I’d come.”
“You came didn’t you?” Draco smirked pushing the drink into Percy’s hand, “Come on.”
Percy followed Draco into the kitchen proper and watched as Draco prepared himself a confusing concoction of drinks.
“I’m Draco by the way,” he said once he’d taken a sip of the purple drink.
“Yeah,” Percy replied slowly, pretty sure he was having an out-of-body experience. “Percy.”
“Right, your name tag said so.”
“Do you normally invite random guys to parties with you?” Percy asked feeling supremely uncomfortable.
“Pansy invited you,” Draco pointed out, taking another swig of the purple concoction.
“Right.” Percy put the untouched lemonade down, “I should go.”
“No, I’m sorry, I just meant - no I don’t normally invite random supermarket workers to parties. That’s more Pansy’s thing, but I’m glad she did.”
“Well, how has your night been so far?”
Draco laughed, “Better than yours I’d wager - you’ve probably made an enemy for life in Crabbe.”
“He walked into me!” Percy protested before catching Draco’s expression, “You’re joking.”
“Yeah,” he replied with a grin. “He has the memory of a possum.”
“How do you know possums don’t have really good memories?” Percy challenged.
“Do they?”
“I don’t know. You’re not as drunk as Pansy threatened,” he added when the conversation lapsed. “Did the ugly limes affect you that much?”
Draco grinned, “Didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you more than I already had. Although, ugly limes do plague my mind.”
Destiny’s Child was now pounding through the speakers. Percy wondered if he’d been transported to an alternate universe where frat parties played nineties hits and rich kids were actually kind of charming.
Feeling bold he turned to Draco, “Wanna dance?”
Draco looked a little shocked but decidedly thrilled with the suggestion and downed the rest of his drink before overzealously dragging Percy to the makeshift dance floor.
As soon as Percy realised that even if he was sober everyone else was too drunk to care what a fool he was making of himself he found he actually rather enjoyed frat parties. He and Draco danced to the two Destiny’s Child songs that played back to back (Say My Name and Nasty Girl) then, when some techno song neither of them knew came on, Draco dragged Percy back to the kitchen and allowed him to mix him a drink. It turned out the colour of fertiliser but Draco drank it anyway and mostly managed to conceal his disgust.
Percy watched as Draco wiped the corner of his mouth, “That was… delicious,” he said, eyes watering.
Percy smiled wickedly, “I can make you another.”
Draco looked panic-stricken for a moment before he burst out laughing, “You’re a menace!”
Feeling emboldened Percy stepped forwards, closing the short distance between them and pressed his lips to Draco. The other boy responded instinctively, one hand grasping the back of Percy’s shirt at the small of his back and the other reaching up to cup his face. Draco opened his mouth and Percy tasted the remnants of the drink he had made on his tongue.
When they broke apart Draco was flushed and Percy’s shirt had come untucked from his jeans at the back.
Percy pulled a face, “Pansy was right, you must really like me if you drank that.”
Draco laughed, “And you must really like me if you’re willing to come to frat parties and get beer poured down you.”
“Guess we’re even,” Percy said smiling.
“Guess so,” Draco pulled him in for another kiss.
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