#he was in his warm hide but as soon as I opened up the enclosure he peeked his head out in food mode
a-noodle-named-daemon · 3 months
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Have Daemon being a very dramatic boy while I heated up his rat last night 🐍
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moonsaver · 5 months
The Care Package II
Got your first, shiny new gacha character you were working oh-so-hard to get? That's great! Don't know how to care for it? No worries! This guide will have you covered!
Summary: not doing this, its in part 1 here, this post has Aventurine and Sunday. The previous one has Dr. Ratio and Argenti. Have fun reading !
The Gem-Deluxe Package
You receive a lavishly decorated box at your mail! It is covered in jewels and black ribbon, and similarly to the Red Rose Package, users may experience difficulty in unboxing Aventurine from his gift box. Please watch this tutorial in case you are unable to do so aswell.
The gift box is lined with a soft material, and several, smaller layers that act as a makeshift bed for your sleeping Aventurine. Please let your Aventurine wake up on his own accord, or you may halt his growth process from Beginner to Intermediate by communicating urgency if you wake him up too soon. When Aventurine wakes up, he will make his presence known very well, and he will naturally call out to you regardless of wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
Aventurine comes with a unique combination of accessories that are specific to each model – thus a specific user manual is provided for each of his items. You may receive either one of the following SSR items; Gold Coin [I], Pack of gold Cards [I], Small Aventurine Stone [II], Teal Peacock Earring [I]. Please note you may only be able to request another copy with your specific user manual when you open the package - if you are unable to find it, search Aventurine's pillow or ask him about it. Some users express their delight at Aventurine's tricks of hiding certain things, but it is advisable to warn him of certain valuable items before he hides them to entertain his user.
Aventurine may seem as though he does not mind being picked up in any way, however, he wishes to be held with great care. Please hold out both of your hands so he may feel cared for, and wait for him to feel comfortable enough to climb onto your hands. Aventurine may tell you it doesn't matter, but it is advisable to take great care and consideration of his emotional and mental wellbeing regarding your actions towards him.
Beginner Aventurine enjoys enclosures that are bright with natural light and open, but also safe and guarded well. You may keep him near your windows, on your bed, or any designated spot where he is free to explore that is well-illuminated. However, if he is picked up in the middle of his exploration process, he may whine and sarcastically compliment your furniture.
Beginner Aventurine is more personally closed off, so users are advised to be patient. He is, however, comforted by the sight of beautiful jewels, a comfortable bed, and warm food [Please refer to Care Package for accessories, especially regarding jewels. You do not need to buy real diamonds to impress Aventurine.].
The longest stage is the Beginner stage, so users may not be pleased with the delay in level up when it comes to Aventurine. He is not comfortably accustomed to change. It is advised he grows according to the rate he deems fit. However, the new Companion Feature allows Aventurine to interact with Dr. Veritas Ratio, and Aventurine's level up may be encouraged further if he witnesses Veritas Ratio level up, or receive his advice and help. Users are advised to supervise their interactions closely, as Intermediate Aventurine and Advanced Veritas Ratio are prone to petty arguments.
Intermediate Aventurine shows not much difference with the later stages of Beginner Aventurine, however, he may start interacting more openly with his user. He will frequent your personal space, initiate more friendly conversations and become inquisitive about your personal life – please tell him all about your Friends and Family. Aventurine feels closer to people the more he knows about their personal relationships. Users are also encouraged to compliment Aventurine whenever he decides to explore an area he tends to avoid – this will level up Aventurine's premature skill “Lost and Found [I]” to “Observe and Retrieve [II]”. Aventurine may find objects of precious value to user that may have been lost before, and will help the user find misplaced items with greater ease. It also supports the continual growth until he reaches Advanced level.
At the Advanced Level, Aventurine finds it very easy to accustom to User's routine. His skill may also level up from “Observe and Retrieve [II]” to “Initiate and Succeed [III]”. Advanced Aventurine will be more open to user and relay his personal feelings without hesitance. He may also choose to be called Kakavasha at this stage [Our users are informed that Kakavasha was the name of the previous model Aventurine is currently based upon,and to not fear any errors]. Aventurine at this stage may grow exponentially overnight depending on how deep the bond between him and his user is. If you reach a close bond level, Aventurine grows up to a size of 5’6-5’7 overnight, and delight in his own growth. Users are advised to prepare in advance once Aventurine reaches Intermediate stage.
Congratulations! You now have a full grown Aventurine, who may choose to go by Kakavasha in private. Aventurine is extremely skilful in managing the user's finances and personal relationships, offering advice and deciphering actions of others around his user. However, Aventurine is prone to safeguarding seemingly invaluable things, such as handwritten notes, old jewelry the user may have wanted to discard, and frequently visits the user's personal space. Aventurine, however open he may be, still hides some of his personal feelings. Users are advised to be comforting and patient with Aventurine, and oblige with his unsure nature regarding trust and belongings. Aventurine is prone to Neglect [IV], and users are heavily warned to never ignore Aventurine, especially in times of need or when quarrels occur. You may comfort him during your busy schedule by offering him handwritten notes of small reassurance, or provide him with the Gold Card Pack provided within the Care Package.
The Raven Package
The box is very fragile, and contains many pieces of accessories, so please do not shake it. It is light blue in colour, and is adorned with a small golden brooch the user may keep as a decorative piece. Inside, you receive a transparent box encasing a sleeping Sunday, and a plethora of neatly arranged accessories beside him. Please handle it with great care.
Sunday does not mind being woken up, but he will be displeased if you let him sleep too much. You may use the clockie accessory to wake Sunday up at an appointed time.
Handle Sunday with dignity! Users are advised to not haphazardly hold Sunday, he holds himself in high regard and does not like being carried with impropriety. However, users may occasionally hold Sunday by the back of his collar like the scrunch of a kitten, for short durations of time.
Beginner Sunday requires a well-organised area with neat schedules and planners. He prefers yellow-lighting and if the user has a study lamp, Sunday may occasionally nap under it. He is open to talking but will maintain an ample distance with his user; but do not be discouraged. Beginner Sunday may become more open if the user manages to help him to their haircare products and share tips on preening his wings.
Intermediate Sunday is a bit difficult to deal with, according to user experiences. Sunday may demand more attention and become more meticulous with manner and speech. He may advise the user in their appearance and presentation. However, Sunday does not mean ill. He is simply trying to help his user. If the user becomes agitated due to his constant advice and expresses their feelings, Sunday may enter Sulking [II], and hide in his gift box. You may comfort your Sunday by arranging his accessories Conference Table Prop 2, Office Chair (8), and Sandpit Prop 1, Musical Instrument Violin Prop 2 and Documents Prop, and asking him to check the current layout which will lure Sunday out of Sulking and into Curiosity.
Intermediate Sunday may experience difficulty reaching the Advanced level, so we advise users to be more supportive during this stage. Sunday may act irrationally or out of character, and pace around in a space, supervise you constantly, meticulously manage seemingly insignificant things, and try to manage things by himself, which will leave him prone to Overworking [II] and Exhaustion [I]. You may comfort Sunday by offering reassurances and feeding him small, sliced strawberries, or sweets.
Advanced Sunday becomes much easier to handle. Sunday will become self-sufficient and engage in many conversations, mainly pertaining to your duties and responsibilities and help you become more efficient at them. Sunday specialises in Planning [II] which greatly supports the skill Initiate and Succeed [I]. He will also greatly help the user form connections and relationships, giving them social advice. However, at this stage, Sunday is also prone to Overworking [III] and Loneliness [I], which affects him in a greater degree than Intermediate Sunday. The user has to directly engage with Sunday and lure him out of work actively, and provide long hours of company.
Congratulations! You now have a full-grown Sunday. He may grow up to 5’6-5’7, and does not require much maintenance. You may request a copy of accustomed accessories with the appropriate specific manual provided in the care package. Sunday's Companion Feature works greatly with Robin, and it creates more resistance to Overworking [II], [III] and Loneliness [I], and helps him feel less lonely. However, users are warned to not use this Companion feature with Aventurine or Dr. Veritas Ratio, as it may create animosity between them and stunt Sunday's growth, along with weakening his resistance to Overworking [III] and deleveling his skill, Planning [II] to Planning [I].
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skeletinmoss · 8 months
Ruffled feathers
Chapter 2: The avian's nest
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Ships planned: Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeciet
Patton and Virgil are brothers in this one
Thanks @lovelivingmydreams for being my beta
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Virgil wasn't sick for too long. And after speaking with Emile he was much easier to deal with. He still hissed at anyone who got close to him though, even his brother. He hated being vulnerable and certainly didn't want to be treated like a baby.
« Being sick sucks,» he decided observing his brother's work from the height of the tree.
« Is that so? You must be glad it's over then,» Patton briefly looked up from his creation and quickly returned to gathering. It didn't look like much yet, but it began to look like a circle. Virgil huffed from his observation point.
« Are you making a nest?» he asked confused. « You think it's safe enough here?» he already knew the humans were going to freak out about it.
Avians made nests for two reasons: they either felt really safe or really stressed. In particularly bad situations avians made so-called panic nests. It was usually a couple of twigs and leaves, or, as they both did, from anything they found at hand (one time Patton made it out of cutlery). Panic nests looked rightfully awful and the word 'nest' mostly meant it was kinda circular pile of things.
What Patton was making looked nothing like that. It was going to be a proper nest about two meters wide judging by the lines Pat drew on the floor. This meant he wanted to make this his sleeping place. And he even did it in the open where everyone else could see.
« It's mostly so we can get more comfortable,» he blushed looking for the sticks he could use. His brother growled in disapproval, « You don't even have anything soft for it.»
« Yes, I do! I have moss!» he pointed at the floor, «And our wings will start to molt soon.»
« Eh. A so-so nest. Not sleeping in the mossy bed,» Virgil hopped on the ground and strolled past the construction.
« You sleep on the floor!» Patton argued.
« Yeah. And that's why I'm not making a bed out of it,» bit the black avian before disappearing behind the door.
Bathroom was Virgil's favorite place. It was warm and shiny. And oh boy did he love the shiny stuff! He made a mental note if ever going to build a nest he will steal that bigass mirror.
He started at it for a minute. There was a scar on his nose left from a muzzle, two more on his hands from the handcuffs and one on his neck from the electric collar. They looked kind of badass, but held dark memories. He looked skinny, but not as bad as before. A proper feeding could do wonders, and he hoped that he could get his muscles back too. He was sick of being weak.
He took off the hoodie, struggling a bit to get it off the wings. Pants went down next, and he plopped into the warm water face first. Wings, still dry, held him him on the surface of the water as he did little to no movement, drifting in the middle of the pool. He tilted his head just enough for him to breathe and relaxed.
It looked like a corpse. And it scared Roman half to death. He sprinted out of the door, through the hallway, past the confused Logan, past the not so confused Janus, into the enclosure and into the bathroom. But before he could pick the body up, it moved disturbed by the sound of splashing water. He did however drag the avian out of the water.
The rescued was not pleased with it and declared so with a strong bite. Roman however was reliеved, « You can't just drown yourself!»
Moody stuck his tongue out.
Roman frowned at his bratty patient. «You looked dead! Did you think that wouldn’t make us worried?»
The avian seemingly tasted the thought. He grabbed Roman by his shirt and walked back in the water, not even bothering to hide his naked body with his wings. He once again settled on the water's surface. His wings were now wet because of him jolting from Roman's touch, so he sank deeper than before. But his head was still afloat and Roman calmed down after he realized it was simply the way he relaxed. Moody squinted his eyes from the comfortable warmth and purred quietly.
« You're an absolute nightmare,» the rescuer huffed dramatically. He observed the avian a little intrigued. It's been a while since he was this close to him. Moody hadn't allowed himself to relax near anyone other than his brother and now he was swimming near him seemingly unbothered.
« Your wings look better,» Roman couldn't help himself but to comment. To his delight the avian in question blushed and started daggers at him. « What? It's true! We definitely need to thank our fawn friend for that thing he gave you,» he declared.
The actor pushed himself out of the water and sat on the edge. His clothes were soaking wet now, but it wasn't something that bothered him at the moment. He couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful feathers. Now looking at them he noticed how wobbly they looked. It wasn't just because of the water, they looked more messy when they should be. They were ungroomed. It would have been understandable if Moody was on his own, but he had a brother. Didn't they groom each other?
Now thinking about it he remembered what Logan told him. Right… Patton didn't have any claws, and his brother simply couldn't reach his back to do it on his own.
« Can I touch them?» he asked finally.
A hiss was the obvious answer.
« I can groom them, you know,» he tried to justify. There was a hesitation before the next hiss, a true master of pretending to not understand the language. Now Dark and Stormy moved further from Roman not quite interested in letting an untrusted creature near his wings. It made Roman frown.
He wasn't frustrated, no. He was angry actually, but not at the avian. Each time he tried to help, Virgil would hiss and try to get away. And it was all because of how he was treated before. It was infuriating! Who can do something bad to a creature this beautiful?! Or any other creature for that matter, not just the beautiful ones. It was so wrong and inhumane!
« I will make friends with you,» Roman half jokingly threatened, and had to go after another loud hiss.
Later, when Virgil finished his bath, he went out to now three people working on the nest. There was a couple of boxes with some soft materials like animal undercoat, feathers and cotton fiber. Patton was currently looking through the box with twigs, Logan helped making the base of the nest and Princey was mostly being a hype man and helping them both. Still in semi wet clothes.
« I told you I got soft stuff for it,» Virgil's brother pointed out smugly.
The black one huffed at that. « You mean THEY got it,» he argued.
Patton's wings shot up flustered, nearly hitting the nerd in the face. His darkwinged brother smirked and stuck out his tongue. There was a moment of silence between them until Patton stood up. Another moment. And then suddenly they both ran: Virgil for the trees and Patton after Virgil.
« Come here, you smart butt!» yelled Pat trying to catch his brother who climbed away as fast as he could giggling to himself.
Eventually they both reached the top and Virgil didn't have anywhere else to run. « No, stop! I'm sorry!» he laughed as his brother got him in a head lock and started to ruffle his hair.
The humans watched it with amazement. It was nice seeing the avians coming back to life. They probably didn't have much opportunities to have fun and banter like that in captivity. To think only two weeks prior they hadn't even talked in front of anyone.
« They are nice,» Patton said more quietly, releasing his brother from his hold. « Don't you want to talk to them?» he wondered.
Virgil took his time to respond, « What if they are still hiding something? Princey absolutely hates me. We're clearly doing something to upset them.»
« I don't think they are upset,» Patton replied. « Not at us at least. They give us nice food and we can move how much we want, they take care of us,» he brushed Virgil's hair.
Storm cloud sight and hugged his legs. « You can talk if you want to,» he relented. The smile on his brother's face lit up his soul.
« I'll ask them if we can go outside!» Patton suggested.
V shook his head at the helpless optimism. « Don't get your hopes up,» he warned, but Patton was already on his way down.
« Can we go outside?» this was the first official thing any of the avians said to their saviors in the human language. The conversation before it was short, but the older brother clearly allowed for it to happen. The whole team should have discussed this and given an answer later with all of the details figured out. But looking in those innocent blue eyes all Logan could say was « Yes, of course.»
Both birds got a little surprised at the answer.
« R-right now? Can we do that right now?» Patton's wings folded behind his back in anticipation. He tried to make himself presentable and obedient as if a little walk outside should be earned.
« If you won't fly away I don't see any reasons not letting you. Clear air is good for health, as people say. And our goal is your recovery.» Logan allowed and Prince nodded.
They should have discussed this with the team first. They should have predicted that something like this would happen.
Virgil tried to fly.
And he fell, of course. They couldn't have reacted in time. The avians were just walking and enjoying the grass and the trees, and the wind outside when the Black one suddenly started to climb higher with a surprising speed. His wings unfolded to their full size and a moment later he was in the air.
The landing was not as rough as it could have been if one of the humans just jumped of a tree. Wings still allowed for some gliding. But it was heartbreaking. Very heartbreaking. And Virgil showed just how much with the enraged scream that left him.
His brother slowly went up to him and hugged him.
They stayed like that for a while before going back into the enclosure.
Tag list: @aphandgflover @yourdragonwitchroyalty @warcats-cat @aevhee
Let me know if you want to be in the tags. Preferrebly in the post
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hii! Can you do a part two of your Carl x fem!reader where she got taken by the saviors instead of daryl??
A/N: Thanks for the ask, and of course I can! I didn’t think people like this one, but it makes me happy that you want a part 2. Also sorry if it seemed rushed in the middle, I really wanted to get it out.
P.S: Also, it swaps from the reader to Carl talking, it only does it once then the rest is all Carl!
Pairing: Carl Grimes x Captured!Reader
Hope you like it!
“Carl! Carl, hey! What the hell are doing?” Michonne asked, forcefully grabbing my arm to make me look at her.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m packing my shit.”
“You are not going over to the Saviors, Carl.” She said, and I ignored her and kept on packing.
“So this is it, huh? This is your bright idea? Does it even have a plan or are you going in blind and guns blazing?”
“If I need to, then so be it.”
“Carl, there are more people in there than you have bullets. You will be torn to shreds. You are not going anywhere.” I roll my eyes and let my bag drop to the floor in front of my feet. “We’ll find a way in and out of that place without losing anyone. Okay?” I nod and Michonne leans in to give me a hug, before walking out of the room.
“(Y/N)?” I heard someone call out to me. Then I heard metal scraping along the door of my enclosure. “(Y/N)? You awake in there, pumpkin?”
I wrapped my arms around myself tighter, hoping he’d give up and walk away from the door. But I would’ve been asking for a miracle, for that to happen.
I squinted and I shielded my face from the light the creeped from around the corner of the now open door. “Hey, pumpkin. Today’s special, look at what I brought ya.”
He lifted the dome of the platter to reveal waffles with blueberries on top, with a side of bacon and orange juice.
I stared down at the plate of food, it was almost like it had been a fever dream of some sort. With how long all of us have been in this post-apocalyptic world that’s happening, having a warm breakfast and fresh orange juice was something a lot of us yearned for.
But this had to be some sort of trick, the blueberries had to be poisoned or old or something.
“You know, you’ve been staring at the food for a while now. If you don’t want it you could’ve just said so..” He stood up, not forgetting to take the plate with him, and I was quick to call out to him.
“Wait!” I called out, hating myself for doing it— for calling out to the devil, showing how desperate I was, but I couldn’t go one more day without real food.
He swiftly turned on his heel and handed me the plate. “Atta’ girl.” He smiled and watched as I ate.
“I’m going to leave this door unlocked, you have the choice to leave and join the Saviors or stay and rot for who knows how long?”
As soon as he said ‘join’ the Saviors, I stopped eating and pushed the plate away. “No, no, no, that’s not how this works; you made your choice, you ate our food, you become one of us? Or I’ll make sure you and Lucille get real acquainted.” He said with a laugh before leaving the room and he left the door unlocked, just like he said.
And now I had a decision to make.
Stay in this room or Join the Saviors.
The choice was mine..
“Come on! We don’t have much time!” I shouted in a whispering tone.
“Okay, first slow down! Carl, slow down-”
“No! I brought you with me cause I thought you wouldn’t slow me down. Turns out you’re just another dead weight.” I huffed and turned around to keep trudging through the forest trying to find the Saviors hide out.
“Carl, why are you acting like this?”
“I need to save her! And you’re slowing me down!” I exclaimed, as Enid shushed me and grabbed my arm and brought us behind a bush.
“What are you doing?” I exclaimed and Enid put a hand over my mouth, trying to shush me as a couple walkers walked by. I rolled my eyes and took her hand off my mouth.
“They’re gone, let’s go now.” I stood up and Enid immediately brought me back down to her level.
“Not before you tell me.”
“Look, I promise to tell you, but not now, okay?” I said as Enid sighed and I stood back up and continued looking for the Saviors hideout.
We looked for a while it was nearing sunrise, and we finally saw the base. With a fence that had walkers inside.
I crept up closer before triggering a trap that was well hiding in the bushes. Enid tried to help me out of it, but I shushed her and told her no to come closer.
“Oh boy, now what do we have here? A rat caught in a trap?” Simon said, and I furrowed my brows in anger.
“You must want something. Cause no one in their right mind would waltz on over here, like they got a stick up their ass.” He said, and one of the Saviors laughed, causing him to turn around wordlessly tell them to shut up.
“But I don’t have something of yours do I? Oh, no, wait. That’s definitely not true. I do have something of yours. In fact that something is a someone, correct?”
“You better answer me, you little shit.” He said and I turned my face up and spit in his face. He closed his eyes and wiped his face before, slapping me across the face.
He was going to reach down and do it again, but was stopped by Negan walking out with (Y/N).
“Woah, there Simon. This ain’t how we treat our guests, ‘specially him. Why don’t you come inside? Take a load off-”
“I’m not coming inside, I’m here to get (Y/N) back. I don’t give a shit about your hospitality.”
“Oh? That’s all you wanted? Well, then I’ll give her back, if she wants to. We’re fair people. Now, sweetheart, do you want to go with him or stay with me?” He said, and (Y/N) stood there and thought about it.
“Remember that nice breakfast you had this morning? Remember how I gave you those clothes you’re wearing?” Negan said trying to persuade her.
“(Y/N), please. Come with me-” I begged not caring how crazy it sounded or made me look.
“Oh! And how you don’t have to lift a finger when you’re with me and the Saviors?” Negan exclaimed shouting over me. “Just reminding her of a few things. Take your time, honey.”
It took a while for her to answer, but she eventually respond; “I am Negan.”
“Well, shit! Hot damn! Don’t that just hurt, that little heart of yours? You knew it was going to happen, don’t even know why you tried, kid.”
“No. This isn’t supposed to..”
“Happen? Well, it did. And she’s staying with us, kid. Look I like you kid, but you’re gonna have get a move on, I’ve got some serious shit going on and we do not need you getting in the way o’ things.” He said and I remained silent, and he rolled his eyes and told everyone to wrap it up and head inside.
I stood up and started heading back in the direction of Alexandria. Enid tried comforting me, but I didn’t listen, I couldn’t listen.
The only thing that could be heard was (Y/N) saying those three words we promised each other we’d never say.
“I am Negan.”
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norhimorovine · 2 years
Shelter and Strange Passings
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Misah'to sighed as he managed to close the door behind him. The girls stood near him, peering around the darkened and dingy diner. Annia frowned and looked back to Misah'to. "This place will be better than the last one?"
Misah'to nodded and reached down to scoop up the bag he'd drop. "There's a woodburning stove in the kitchen. And it's smoke was redirected so as not to disturb the neighbors. We won't be reliant on ceruleum. And wood's a lot easier to find right now. There may even be food that hasn't been scavenged yet. We'll set up some barriers around the wood stove, to make our hiding space. I will show you."
Annia nodded and helped herd Bianca after Misah'to. Bianca reached up to tug at Misah'to's sleeve. "Mimi… Why's it called The Glass Garlic?"
Misah'to blinked down at her and then said, "Umm… That's the name of a song. Some band may years ago. I figure the owner of this place must've liked the song."
Bianca frowned. "Someone wrote a song about garlic?"
Misah'to smiled. "People write songs about a great many things."
Bianca was dissatisfied with this answer. But she let herself be pulled into their work for the day.
The two girls helped him disassemble a few tables to use the tops as impromptu walls. With those and some table cloths secured in a small shelter around the wood burning stove, Misah'to then set about shoving some of the table legs into it's opening. He quietly instructs the girls, teaching them about maintaining fires and what they needed to know.
Once the fire was started, they scoured the kitchen for what food was left and quickly stashed it in their shelter, with their other supplies. And by the time that was done, there was warmth enough to sleep.
Not that Misah'to was capable of any solid sleep any more. He woke every bell, checking on the girls worriedly. And by morning they all woke to a sparse, but grateful breakfast.
Once breakfast was cleaned up, Misah'to turned to the girls. "Now, I'm going to go take care of a couple things. I won't be gone more than a bell. But… I'm going to leave clues for someone. We can't stay here forever. And I don't know… who we can or can't trust right now. But I remember someone who I think would help us, if he's still about. So, I need you both to stay here and stay warm. I won't be long."
Annia and Bianca looked at each other and then back to Misah'to. Bianca lurched forward and hugged him. "Be careful, Mimi."
Misah'to blinked and then melted a little, gently hugging the girl back. "I'll do my best."
Annia quickly dived in as well then, joining the hug. "We'll stay put and we'll be quiet. I'll keep Papa's rifle ready."
Misah'to nods. "Good girls. Now, the password is laurifolium. Got it?"
Bianca nodded. "Laureefo-lum!"
Misah'to chuckled. "Good enough."
He took up his spear then and slipped out of their enclosure. He snagged a cocktail napkin from the bar, looking at the watermarked name on it. He never did actually like that song. He then exit the diner and made his way up the street. It wasn't a long journey by distance. But longer in time than he wanted, dodging those strange monsters, and the loose magitek. But soon enough, he was at the old Verzo household.
As he stepped inside the gate, he found himself staring up at a large window that faced the street. His mind was transported back to an odd moment, eight years ago, when Misah'to stood in this same spot and stared at that same window. It was late. And the bright light inside showed Galeia cen Verzo walking back and forth and rocking her two year old daughter, Annia.
Misah'to felt anger in that moment. Anger that the woman used that too public view for an audience, showing off what a good mother she was. Anger that the 'good mother' routine hadn't extended to helping find her daughter that morning, when Annia had slipped out into the garden and ditched her governess. Anger at how Misah'to had to desperately scramble to keep the child from discovering the danger of thorns, if only so as to not disturb the Lady's very important political guests. And anger at how close that had come to disaster. He did not want to know what would've become of him, had he embarrassed the Lady in front of her important guests, all because of allowing Annia to learn what consequences were.
Misah'to shook off the memory and turned for the garden. Poor Annia probably didn't even remember him gently pulling her away from the rose bushes. Or the half panicked governess coming to fetch her. And with the sky burning that sickly red above, it hardly mattered anymore. Galeia was dead. Dead and buried in someone else's yard.
He took a moment to dig up a jasmine plant that hadn't died, potting it in an extra clay pot. He then took the napkin and gently nailed it to the front door of the house, trying to make as little noise as possible. With that done, he scooped up his potted jasmine and snuck back to the diner. He left the potted plant in an alcove at the top of the stairs, before descending and going back inside. He called out the password and heard the rushed sighs of relief and exclamations of joy, at his return. He looked around the diner and knew this couldn't be a long term solution. And who even knew if that big guy would even remember him. But this was what he had for the moment. He and these two girls.
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lemonlillybee · 2 years
K is for Kitten
Title: K is for Kitten 
@halloweenie-event Prompt: Fangs
@flufftober Prompt: Animal Shelter
Summary: Peter and MJ volunteer at an animal shelter
Word Count: 573
Read on AO3
“You didn’t have to come with me.” MJ looks over at Peter. “I know you probably have a lot of other things to do on the weekends.” 
“Oh!” Peter blinks at her. “No, I– I wanted to come! I don’t have anything else to do. Anything better, I mean. Well, I mean, I have…stuff…but I would way rather spend time with y– uhhh, with the animals. I mean, with–”
“Thank you,” she interrupts him, and Peter blushes, pressing his lips together to stop himself from saying anything else and making more of a fool of himself. He nods, then turns away to hide the stupid smile that he can’t keep from spreading across his face. MJ makes a sound that sounds suspiciously like a giggle, then reaches down to pick up a kitten. 
“Okay,” MJ directs. “We’re gonna move them all over here so we can do some cleaning.” She takes the kitten over to another area across the shelter, where a small pen is set up for them. 
Peter nods, leaning down and carefully lifting one of the kittens out. 
“We’ve been bottle feeding them. They don’t have a mom,” MJ tells him, returning to scoop up another kitten.
“Same,” Peter whispers to the gray kitten in his arms. He carries it across the room and sets it gently into the other enclosure. When he turns around, MJ is walking towards him with a kitten cradled in each hand.
“One more,” she says, nodding over her shoulder, and Peter goes to get it. 
The last kitten is the smallest, black all over except for a small white spot on its chest. He picks it up, cupping both hands around it and cradling it against his chest. He turns around, then yelps when he feels something sharp sink into his thumb.
“Ah!” He shakes his hand with a wince, careful not to jostle the kitten too much. “This one has fangs! It bit me!” 
MJ giggles. “That one’s my favorite,” she says, leaning in close to Peter until their shoulders are touching and stroking the top of the kitten’s head with her finger. “He’s sweet! And he’s the littlest.” 
Peter scoffs, examining his thumb. MJ takes his hand, frowning when she sees the two tiny dots of blood. Her hands are warm and soft and gentle and Peter doesn’t want to pull his hand away, but he does, knowing his skin will already start healing soon. 
“I’m okay,” he assures MJ, then turns to the kitten as he walks across the room. “I’m naming you Dracula,” he says in a stage whisper to the kitten before setting it on the ground next to its brothers and sisters.  
“Mm, his name is already Halloween. I call him ‘Hal’ for short.”
“Whoa, Hal, watch the fangs!” Peter says, yanking his hand up before the kitten can get him again.  
“Get sweeping, Parker,” MJ says, tossing him a broom before he even fully turns around, and she raises an eyebrow when he catches it with ease. “Nice reflexes.” 
Peter’s mouth drops open. “Uhh…”
“I said, get sweeping,” MJ smirks, and Peter nods, almost tripping over his own feet as he hurries over to begin his chore, his face flushing again at the way she giggles, and he thinks he could probably sweep up litter and get chewed on by kittens every Saturday for the rest of his life if he got to do it with her. 
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
DEN OF COYOTES - Chapter 22
Part 2 - Naylan
"I'm their Alpha, they'll get over it," I insisted, looking over to the pack clearing that was nothing but a few steps away now.
One of the wolves had come forward, wagging its tail as we stopped in front of it.
Where's Maggie? I asked, looking past the Wolf and into the pack grounds.
She went out with Peyton, it said in my head, letting out a little back.
"Lagasnerie?" I asked, asking for the next person in line of command.
The Wolf barked, rubbing in a circle before nodding.
"Can you get him out at the canopy soon. I want to tell him something... scratch that. Can everyone come out by the canopy soon?" I asked, watching as the confused guard Wolf nodded, looking from me to Mavis, acknowledging his presence since we got to the entrance.
"I have a special announcement to make," I said, giving Mavis' hand another squeeze.
I watched the Wolf hesitate a bit before leaning closer to give us a smell.
I blushed a little.
I know we haven't gone all the way sex wise but one could possibly smell that we'd been fooling around in the past day or two.
I tried not to let the warm feeling in my face bother me and kept my authoritative stance.
I wasn't going to let myself get judged by pack members.
I was bringing in a male coyote/wolf and calling him my mate and they'd just have to deal with it.
There was a whine from the Wolf and then a flapping of its ears as its tail wagged again.
It barked, signaling the other wolves in hiding to creep out of their bushes and shrubs.
I'll tell Lagasnerie, I heard the wolf say in my head before scampering off and allowing Mavis and I make our way into the pack grounds.
It was nearing evening now, so most people were within their cabin rooms, had headed out for a hunt or had taken the bikes out for a spin downtown.
It was quiet and the serenity added to the tension of me leading Mavis to my room.
I hadn't asked him if he was staying over today but since it would take a while to get a note out for an emergency compound meeting, he would have to stay a wild... probably as late as ten at night.
"They're sending word out for a meeting," I said, letting go of his hand since we walked into the pack grounds before climbing up the stairs to my cabin door.
"So, we'll have to wait for a while. At least until Lagasnerie can meet with us."
"Lagasnerie?" he asked as he climbed up the stairs too.
"Fourth in command," I said, demonstrating with my hands, before turning and opening the door to my cabin.
I walked in and Mavis followed suit, hovering behind me.
Suddenly I felt a bit embarrassed about the books I had littered on the floor and the stray empty bowl I'd used to eat cereal before heading to Georgiou's place.
"I know it's a mess..." I trailed, pinching the baby hairs on my hairline as I watched Mavis wander around a bit.
He shrugged, walking over to my bed before taking a seat on the side.
"It's okay," he said as his eyes drifted to the little rodent enclosure I had by the window.
"Is that your guinea pig?" he asked, raising a brow at the dark brown animal gnawing on a piece of carrot.
"Yeah, Casper," I said heading over to the enclosure.
I took Casper out, cradling him in my arm as I walked over to my bed and took a seat beside Mavis.
"You know, I showed you pictures of him," I said, rubbing the guinea pig's forehead as I looked over at Mavis who was now giving the animal a curious look.
I feel a little less nervous now.
I think getting to present Casper like a proud parent got me out of my funk about my messy cabin.
"Can I hold him?"
"Sure," I said, giving the confused animal to Mavis who held him like he might mistakenly squeeze Casper to death.
"Huh?" Mavis said, smiling a bit as he watched Casper continue to gnaw on his piece of carrot.
"It's pretty cute."
I chuckled, watching Mavis rub Casper's back with the base of a finger as he hummed.
The cabin grew quiet again and the state of my room was starting to make me feel awkward again.
"Sorry about the... err... how the room is," I trailed, feeling my face warm up as Mavis looked up to meet my gaze.
"It's okay," he said, giving me a smile.
"It feels authentic. Very you," he said, looking down at Casper again.
"Besides. I like it here. It smells like you."
I almost choked.
"It's... what? Sorry?"
I mean, I got what he meant.
I'd love being around anything that smelled like Mavis but I wasn't sure I would ever work up the courage to admit that out loud and Mavis seemed way too calm letting that slip.
"Your cabin smells like you and I like it. Is that a problem?" he asked, raising a brow at me.
"Or am I not allowed to like how my mate smells?"
The choking feeling in my chest was coming up again but I rubbed it away with a fisted palm as I let out a deep breath.
I still wasn't used to Mavis being so chill about the whole mate thing.
"It's not that. It's just... you're very frank about it," I managed to say and Mavis laughed.
"I mean, we have to get to that point if you're ever thinking of shoving your dick in my mouth, you know."
Thank goodness for dark skin because I was sure I was a full-on red lipstick colour from head to toe under all the melanin.
Mavis laughed, scooting closer to me before resting his head on my shoulder, acting like he hadn't just casually mentioned giving me a blowjob.
I liked the new 'pro-mating' Mavis but honestly, I think I might collapse or embarrassment before we got to the mating point. 
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otptings · 3 years
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☽ Requested; Yes
☽ Idol; Jungwon
☽Word Count; 3.3k+
☽ Genre; Hanahaki (lots of mentions for it) Friends to Lovers, slight Angst
☽ Warnings; Self deprecating thoughts, mentions of hanahaki disease, slight blood, lots of cringe flower metaphors
☽ Synopsis; Date night has been a monthly tradition since before Jungwon debuted in Enhypen. This is your first day out in months with Jungwon, but somethings different about this one. Is it the fact that he's an idol now, and all of your activities happen in empty establishments that have been bought out by his management, or is it your newly returning feelings for Jungwon that threatened to choke you out, causing dark violet flowers to spew out of your mouth at every interaction with him?
☽ A/n; The zoo I am describing for this is the Honolulu Zoo because that is the last one that I've been to, so if some of the animals aren't in Seoul than I apologize for that. Hope you enjoy this and sorry for taking so long on this request I had so many ideas of how to pull off the dates
You trusted Jungwon. It came easily like breathing, only a natural side effect developed effortlessly over 5 years of friendship. Days spent laughing and telling jokes, venting to each other about worries and stresses, studying for hours the night before tests. With someone as generous, and lovable as him it was easy to trust him with your life. He has also used this to his advantage, convincing you to do questionable things with a flash of his dimples. Like now, allowing him to lead you down the streets of Seoul while blindfolded. Completely at his mercy.
"Are we close? My feet are starting to hurt. We've been walking for hours." You whined as Jungwon pulled you around another corner. You've lost your sense of direction 4 turns ago, and he seemed to keep on going. "Why couldn't your manager just drive us the whole way? You had to have him stop super far from wherever you're taking me?" Jungwon just let out a laugh and gently squeezed your wrist. . His hand surrounding your wrist was comforting and grounding, a reminder that you were safe with him.
"We're almost there I promise. And if I would've done that it wouldn't have been a surprise now would it." You humphed knowing that Jungwon was stubborn when it came to things like this.
"You always do this. It's not fair, your ideas are always so much fancier than mine." Jungwon let out another laugh, and you didn't have to see him to know his expression. Eyes probably scrunched up, his dimples greeting the world as he laughed at my pain.
"It's not my fault that I love you so much. Plus I always want to do something special with you." Confusion flooded your mind while your heart skipped multiple beats at his words.
In the same sense of truth, feelings were natural too. Flowering in your chest with every sweet action he did, never wanting a reward for it just doing them because that's the kind of person he is. Packing extra food in his lunch box knowing your tendency to forget your own. Cupping your cheeks while he wiped away your tears, listening to you rant about your sorrows or broken hearts. Pulling you close to his chest afterwards, massaging the back of your head knowing how bad your headaches get after crying. Arms wrapped securely around you as he whispered calming words into your ear, a sense of security and comfort blanketing you while listening to his heart beat. Every gentle, caring and loving action made the flowers grow.
When Jungwon told you about his plan to audition for Be-Lift one part of you was selfish. You wanted him to stay, turn down the biggest opportunity of his lifetime, continue being only your Jungwon. That part was tiny however; and you squashed down those bitter feelings. You were absolutely ecstatic for him, having been the one to even push him towards the auditions. Stayed up hours at night to watch him practice, seeing his confidence grow tremendously the weeks leading to that fateful day.
When he got accepted you both celebrated the great news. His parents held a dinner in his honor, and his family sat around the table, congratulating him and his accomplishment. At first you were happy for him, overflowing with joy that your best friend had passed the biggest audition of his life. But as the day got closer you had to hide your heart break, smiling despite the tears you shed at night. Knowing that he was going to leave you soon.
The night before he left for I-Land was the hardest one, cuddling into his side while you laid in his bed. The last time in a while you would be in his room like this, only the two of you and the quiet of the night. You didn't sleep the whole night, only savoring the feeling of Jungwon holding you tightly, the last night of him being yours. Your best friend. Your first love.
Your Jungwon.
For the first time in 5 years you were apart for longer than a couple weeks. During this time the flowers started to wilt. You were grateful, ecstatic. Of course you missed Jungwon terribly, tuning in every Friday to support him. Eyes watering every time you watched him perform , pride prevailing over any negative emotions you could have as he confidently took the stage. When it was revealed he had made the debut team you had wailed, preening at your best friend's accomplishment knowing that his hard work paid off.
When Jungwon came home to visit your feelings were gone. You didn't feel the twisting in your chest when you hugged him, tucking your face into the crook of his neck as you both cried. Pulling away to look him in the face your heart didn't flutter at his smile, you only relished in the feeling that your best friend was back.
You thought your feelings had wilted into piles of dust and blown away. Not having seen him for months of course that'd be normal. You had thought your feelings were gone for good when you started to see him more frequently and they still hadn't returned.
You were wrong.
"Are you okay bugs?" Snapping out of your daze you realized that Jungwon was standing directly in front of you, one hand cupping your face and concern in his eyes. You nodded your head, cursing yourself for being getting so distracted.
"I'm fine bunny." His eyes scanned your face once before he leaned back, letting his hand linger.
"You know I just worry about you sometimes." Dropping his hand to his side he turned dramatically, switching the topic and gesturing at the box office in front of us. His manager was there waiting for us, underneath the gigantic sign for the zoo. "But I knew that you missed the zoo since we haven't gone in a long time. So I actually convinced management to rent it out for us for 2 hours."
Practically leaping into his arms you wrapped your arms around his neck, a huge smile spreading across your face. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Pulling away you saw his facial expression mimicking yours, dimples proudly on display and bunny teeth prominent.
"Come on, let's go." You giggled as you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the gate. After getting your wrist bands - just for the experience - you downloaded the digital map and headed into the zoo ecstatic for your day with Jungwon.
"Come on bugs, just look at the snake." You shook your head vehemently, trying to yank your hand free. His fingers only tightened around you wrist as he attempted to convince you to look at the giant snake in the glass enclosure merely 3 feet away from where you stood.
"Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Jungwon." You whined out his name, refusing his outrageous request.
Snakes were definitely a no for you. Especially a boa constrictor that can grow up to 13 ft long. The one they held in the exhibit was only 5 ft, but it could always become bigger. What would even need to get that big? Any animal that needs to be 5+ ft is a menace to society, and only here for evil. You'd already catered to Jungwon enough in this godforsaken reptile and amphibian section. The frogs were cute, absolutely adorable with their big glassy eyes, hanging on to the glass. Lizards weren't a big deal either, some of them over 3 ft long, lazing about their enclosure, enjoying the surprisingly warm Seoul day.
"Isn't this supposed to be a special day for me? Why would you make me see a stupid snake? They don't even have arms, that's so weird and creepy." Jungwon let out a laugh before pulling you over to him, a squeal leaving your lips as your back met his chest, and his arms wrapped around you. At the slightest display of affection you stopped fighting him, feeling the vines squeezing around your heart painfully, before he started to walk forward and you remembered where you were. Fighting for your life.
You tried to plant your feet in the ground to prevent Jungwon from forcing you to see the snake, but he only lifted your feet from the ground as you cursed the stupid Be:Lift gyms. His manager stared in amusement from the corner, his phone out to record the two of you and undoubtably show it to the rest of the members.
Another loud squeal left your mouth as Jungwon brought you right in front of the glass enclosure, the snake was sitting in the corner but slowly started moving towards the two of you, as if you had fascinated it. You turned your head, placing it in the crook of Jungwon's neck as you squeezed your eyes tight. Ignoring the fear that coursed through your body knowing that the snake was only separated by a thin layer of plexiglass.
"Bugs just look." You only shook your head, "I promise the snake won't hurt you as long as I'm here okay? You know I'll always protect you." Jungwon's soft voice cut through the fear, and you sighed knowing that you were falling into another one of his traps. You turned your head while taking a deep breath before opening your eyes, being met with the face of the snake.
With Jungwon's constant flow of reassurance in your ear you took a good look at the snake. The snake was against the glass, falling back down before slithering up again. Its eyes were wide open and almost looked like doe eyes, black and glassy as it stared at you. The scales were a pretty pastel yellow, mixed with white, resembling a banana cow. You were so distracted admiring the snake that you both jumped when his manager suggested you should get along, and walk further into the park. You felt your heart clench painfully as Jungwon stepped away from you, a blush running up his neck and spreading over his cheeks as he quickly walked to the next exhibit not bothering to wait for you.
"I think this is the best friend date we've ever had." Jungwon spoke happily as you two walked out of the zoo gift shop, a red fox panda stuffed animal tucked safely in your arms. His treat since he refused to let you pull out your wallet and purchase it for yourself. You chose to ignore the flutter of your heart and rush of heat at the thought of this being a true date, your mind decidedly ignoring the word 'friend'. Your cheeks ached as you smiled. They've started to hurt after the amount of time spent joking and laughing while visiting the animals.
"It was. I really appreciated it. I've missed you, it's been so long since we've been able to hang out like this." Jungwon nodded in agreement, an uncharacteristically shy smile spreading across your face.
"Come on. The nights still not over, I have one more surprise for you." Jungwon tossed his arm over your shoulder as he led you to the car, excitement and surprise as you thought about what he could potentially still have planned.
Being ever the gentleman he opened the door for you, waiting until you were safely inside to close it and join you. His manager turned on the radio as he drove you two to the next destination.
"Don't tell me we're going to have to walk again? My feet are still dying from the zoo." Jungwon let out a laugh as he grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it as he intertwined your fingers.
"We won't have to walk too much I promise. Just sit back and relax, it shouldn't take too long to get there." You nodded your head before quickly looking out of the window, no longer able to ignore it.
The vines grew in your chest, clenching painfully around your heart, writhing and squeezing like a boa constrictor trying to capture its prey, crawling up your throat making you resist the urge to gag. Lungs filling with petals that swirled and fluttered around with every breath until there were too many, leaving no room to move around, just clumping together as breathes became sickly. Until you could no longer resist the urge to cough.
The sound of you hacking and gagging, the sight of a worried Jungwon when the first petal comes out. Dark violet petals fluttering out with every spasm of your lungs, some full flowers with stems still attacked, coated with a thin layer of maroon liquid, staining the pretty petals and tinging your pink sweater with spots of red, the bitter taste of the flowers mixing with copper. Your throat sore as the taste of bile rose alongside the rest of the petals, finally emptying your lungs. Filling the car until there was no room to hide from it, hide from your feelings. Hide from the predicament that you were in, feelings for you best friend, the rookie idol.
How could you be so stupid to believe that you could hide it? You were always so easily exposed to Jungwon. He knew you better than you knew yourself. What if he already knew and was just biding his time before he left you, the thought of your feelings disgusting him, being too much for him? He could surely find another best friend, one who wouldn't fall for him.
But could that ever happen? Someone not falling for him. It's easy to fall for his eyes, chocolate eyes that always saw right through you. That knew when you weren't feeling good and were trying to hide it. Dark unruly hair, never easily tamed but was so silky when you ran your fingers through it. Despite being called bunny he practically purred whenever you did it, causing your face to burn at the feelings that always resurfaced. Caring nature that assured he'd become the leader of his group, always wanting to care for everyone around him and make sure that they were happy.
You don't think it'd ever be possible for someone to not fall for him.
"Are you okay bugs?" You blinked realizing that the car door was open, Jungwon standing in front of you with the same concerned look that made you feel ashamed, and yet warmed.
Glancing around you realized you had imagined the coughing fit, drowning in the sea of your own emotions and being buried under a mountain of petals. It was all in your imagination, hanahaki didn't exist. How could it? If it existed you would surely be dead.
Shaking your head you waved off the question, unbuckling your seatbelt and quickly hoping out of the van.
"Of course. I'm perfectly fine, just feeling a little tired I guess. Must've gotten lost in my thoughts. Anyway, where are we?" Jungwon raised a brow at your rambling, knowing you only did it when you were nervous before choosing to ignore it and grabbing your hand again. You hoped he couldn't feel how sweaty your palms were, nerves taking over you at the realization your feelings and thoughts had run away from you again.
"Well I wanted to do something really special for you," You shook your head before cutting Jungwon off.
"The zoo was perfect Jungwon, you don't have to do anything else. Today was perfect already." Jungwon shushed you as he led you into the building, his manager staying behind. Leading you to the elevators he pressed a button before getting on, waiting for the doors to close behind the both of you before he continued to speak.
"You've supported me throughout this whole journey. Pushing me to audition when I was too nervous, and didn't think that I would make it. When I got accepted into I-Land you supported me even when I was leaving you in the middle of the school year, texted me every night to let me know that you were watching and were always rooting for me. Knowing how proud I was making you when the thought of me debuting wasn't official helped me work harder, and continue to push myself," He got cut off as the elevator dinged, signaling that you were at your floor. Jungwon pulled you off the elevator towards a set of stairs that led to a door labeled roof. Jungwon turned towards you, his face deathly serious causing you to get a lot nervous at the sudden sober move.
"Before we go out there I just wanted to tell you that I am grateful that you are in my life. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you, constantly supporting me throughout everything. You are what has pushed me this far bugs, and I love you. You're my best friend and I owe you so much for constantly being there." You smiled, ignoring the pain in your chest. Of course he'd only think of you as his best friend, there's no way he'd see you as anything else.
"Of course Jungwon. You can't put it all on me, you worked hard to get to where you are. I'm proud of you because you constantly push yourself, not because you've been successful. You'll always be my Jungwon even if you wouldn't debuted with Enhypen, and I would've always been proud of you." Red dusted over Jungwon's cheeks as he smiled shyly, before opening the roof door and pushing you in front of him.
You were left speechless at the sight in front of you. Blankets laid out over the ground, picnic baskets placed in the middle to prevent the wind from blowing them away. Pastel pink flowers spread out being blown lightly by the wind but not leaving the roof. Fairy lights spread out emitting a soft golden glow barely recognizable under the setting sun. Clouds flitting over the pink, and orange sky. Adding on to the beautiful aesthetic of the set up.
What truly had your attention was the rest of his members standing around the blankets, signs being held out at arm's length. Their various expressions showed excitement, minus Niki who tried to look emotionally detached from the situation but was bouncing on his toes, practically jumping.
From tomorrow,
I'll protect you
All Day and Night
Now Lean on Me
Will you go out with me Bugs?
Hot tears pricked at your eyes, a thick lump in your throat growing. All of their expressions morphed into worry, Niki had even stopped bouncing on his toes, Heeseung glanced at Jungwon slight panic evident in his face. A loud sob left your mouth as you turned around and threw yourself onto Jungwon, tossing your arms around his neck. A nervous laugh left his mouth as he slid his around your waist, holding you almost protectively.
Jungwon pulled away from you, bringing his hands to cup your cheeks, attempting to wipe the river of tears away.
"These are happy tears right?" A weak smile spread across your lips, nodding slowly at him. Seeing his smile come back full force, dimples showing happily. Vines loosening around your heart for the first time in months, falling away as they disintegrated. Petals evaporating leaving behind only fresh air in your lungs, breathes flowing freely as you stared at Jungwon. Boba eyes staring back at you, only showing love. His thumbs stopped wiping as he leaned forward barely, glancing at your lips briefly.
"Can I kiss you?" You eagerly hummed, a soft yes being your answer.
Jungwon leaned forward, leaving space for you to back out if you were too overwhelmed. You met his lips, inciting cheers and groans from the members present, seeing their leader kissing his best friend. Your lips moved in sync, one more thing you guys did perfect together. You must admit, the taste of salt from your cheers, along with the dramatic cheers from his members did not make for the best first kiss experience. Especially for a first kiss that you had fantasized and imagined about for years.
Knowing that was only the first of many however, made it all the sweeter.
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mochegato · 4 years
Chapter 1     Chapter 2
  Chapter 3 – Lions and Robins and Ladybugs, Oh My
“The lions!  This is where the lions are!  I love the lions.  I love their hair.  It goes out everywhere.  I wanna make my hair look like a lion.”  Mar’i babbled loudly and happily as she pulled Marinette towards the lion exhibit. “Do you think we’ll see them?  I hope we see them.  They’re my favorite.”
“I thought the otters were your favorite?” Marinette commented with a smile.  Almost every animal they’d seen had been Mar’i’s ‘favorite’ so far.  They were enjoying a rare warm day and decided to celebrate by visiting the Gotham City Zoo before the next cold front blew through that night.
“I LOVE otters.  They’re so cute and fluffy!  But I love lions too.  They’re my favorite favorite.”  She rattled off, still pulling Marinette with her.
They had just made it to the Plexiglas enclosure for viewing the lions when they heard screaming.  Marinette automatically picked up Mar’i and held her close.  She turned toward the door and said loudly, “I wish someone would investigate and see what is going on for me,” hoping Tikki would pick up on the hint.  She then turned back to Mar’i.  “Let’s stay hidden in here until we figure out what is going on.”
They waited there for a few minutes observing people running scared and looking over their shoulders in both directions, almost like they were all running from something.  Soon, Marinette saw Tikki flying back to her.  She nodded subtly to Tikki and brushed Mar’i’s hair out of her face. “Hey, sweetie, do you see any lions or are they hiding too?”  When Mar’i turned to the enclosure, Marinette leaned away, trying to put as much space as she could between Mar’i and Tikki, without letting go of Mar’i.
Tikki flew to Marinette’s ear and whispered quietly enough for Mar’i not to hear her.  “It’s some guy wearing a black mask.  He has a bunch of henchmen working their way through the zoo.  They are working in teams to gather people.  There are two teams headed this way from opposite sides.”
“Damn it,” Marinette mumbled under her breath. “Why does everyone try to kill us?” They were in the worst part of the zoo for this.  They were in a section that had Plexiglas enclosures on either side of the walkways. There was no place to hide.  No getting off the path to hide Mar’i.  No sneaking into an enclosure to hide Mar’i. And with them approaching from both sides, there was no outrunning them.  Marinette looked around her in a panic, frantically looking for anything she could use.  She could turn into Ladybug but that was a last resort, a Mar’i-is-about-to-get-hurt-resort.  
She glanced out of the observation room and stopped.  The lemur observation room was directly across the walkway.  The rooms were really tall, to ensure that the lemurs couldn’t jump over them.  So tall, nobody could climb up there from the pathway.  So tall, nobody could see the rooves from the pathway.  “You have to fly.”  She told Mar’i suddenly.  “I need you to fly up on the lemur roof and lay on it.  Stay on the roof and away from the edges.  Do not move from the roof.  Do not stand.  Do not do anything but lay in the middle until you hear your Dad’s voice.  Do you understand me?  We’ll wait until nobody is looking.  Now, if we could just get someone to mess with the cameras on this section….”
Mar’i nodded at her, a look of fear appearing in her eyes, missing the red blur that flew to the camera pointed to their area. “It will be okay, Mar’i.  I promise you that, okay?  You lay down on the roof and stay there until you hear your Dad’s… or Tim’s… or your grandfather’s? voice.  Okay?  I need you to do it now.  Do not make any noise no matter what you hear unless it is your Dad’s or Tim’s voice okay?” Mar’i nodded again.  “Okay.  I love you, sweetie.  You’re going to be okay, okay?  I’m going to lead them away so they won’t look around here and your Daddy can come get you, okay?  And your Dad will come for you in no time.” Marinette gave her a tight hug before holding her out.  “Now go.”
Mar’i nodded and floated up to the roof.  She backed away from the edge and laid down on the roof, curled in a ball, trying not to cry.  As soon as she couldn’t see Mar’i and it looked like she was staying away from the edge, Marinette let out a breath and whispered “Good girl”.  She paused to send Dick and Kori a text message letting them know what was going on and where she was having Mar’i hide, before she chose a pathway and started running.
She didn’t get very far before she came across the first set of henchmen.  There were unconscious bodies strewn across the path behind them.  So, they weren’t taking prisoners, they were just knocking people out… or killing them and robbing them, if the outturned pockets and open purses meant anything.  
As soon as they saw her they started laughing. They didn’t expect her to continue running toward them.  She motioned to kick their legs out from under the first one.  When he bent down with a leer to grab her before she could reach him, Marinette jumped, delivering a flying kick that broke his jaw, knocking him over into the other henchman.  She then turned back in the other direction.  She needed to get the other set of henchmen away from Mar’i’s hiding spot.
She just got to the lion and lemur enclosures when she saw them.  She stopped running and discretely checked to make sure Mar’i couldn’t be seen.  She made sure they saw her before turning around and running back toward the henchmen she had just knocked down.  As she had hoped the new henchmen started running after her too, away from Mar’i.
She slowed to a stop once she reached the original henchman.  She lowered herself into a fighting position, trying to calculate if she could get past him and lead them even further away.  There was a chance, slim, but she just needed a little bit of luck to pull it off.  Luckily, she knew the embodiment of luck.
Marinette bounced from foot to foot like she was trying to come up with a plan, really she was analyzing the first henchman. When she was ready, she started running toward him.  She motioned to sweep his feet again.  As she expected, he braced himself for a high attack.  Instead, she slid between his legs.  As soon as she was on the other side of him, she started running again. She checked over her shoulder to make sure the three were following her.  When they started lagging behind, she slowed down and pretended to consider her options, even though there were none.  She didn’t want to risk them losing interest and turning back.
After a few seconds, she came to a fork in the path… and more henchmen.  It was now five to one and that one hadn’t fought, beyond playful sparring matches with Adrien, in years. She looked around for a way to escape or get past the new henchmen.  She could try the same maneuver again but… fuck it.  It worked twice, third time’s the charm right?  No, wait… that didn’t work in her favor in this instance. Three times lucky?  That worked in her favor didn’t it?  Sure, that’s what she was going with.
She ran full speed at the henchman on the left, motioning to kick his legs out from under him.  He hunched down to block her way and Marinette jumped to go over him again. Unfortunately, the henchman on the right had his partner’s back and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. Marinette kicked the head of the left henchman since she was already in a position to, knocking him out.  She used that leverage to add force to her throat punch to the right henchman.
He dropped her instantly, bringing his hands to his throat.  She hit the ground in a crouch and pushed off to start running again but instead saw a blinding light followed immediately by the blurry ground rushing up toward her. She landed roughly on her hands and knees.  She tried shaking her head to clear it, but that just made her head hurt more.  She pushed back to kneeling as one of the henchmen walked in front of her.  He swung a bat around saying something to her that she couldn’t quite make out.
Another henchman walked in front from the other side. He grinned maniacally at her and raised his foot to kick her in the face.  Marinette didn’t register his foot approaching until it was a few centimeters from her face.  She summoned the last of her strength to twist out of the way and kick up, meeting the most sensitive part she could reach with enough force that it was unlikely he would ever be able to have children.  With that energy spent, she collapsed to the ground.
She tried to brace herself for the oncoming beating, but instead heard distant grunts and the distinct sound of punches landing.  She wanted to open her eyes but her body was fighting her.  When she finally felt someone’s hand meet her, it was gentle and urgent feeling.  “Marinette! Marinette, are you okay? Marinette open your eyes! Please!”  The voice sounded pleading and familiar.
She finally opened her eyes and saw white. She scrunched her face in confusion. She tried to refocus her eyes and took in the person’s unfamiliar full face.  It was a mask she realized as she studied the face longer.  It was Red Robin kneeling over her.  She tried to look around for Nightwing.  “Dick,” she gasped out.  “Mar’i.”
“The girl you were babysitting?  We know about her. My colleague is looking for her right now.”  Red Robin assured her.
Marinette looked up at him, the world starting to settle a bit and make sense again, “Her dad?” she asked quietly.  “I told her to only come out for her dad or you or Bruce.”
Red Robin gaped at her.  “You…”
“Have a functioning brain cell?” She slurred slightly. “Yes, yes I do.  It seems a little slow right now…”  She tried to look around to see who was nearby to overhear them and relaxed slightly when she saw they were alone, police having already dragged the henchmen away.  “Well maybe I don’t or I wouldn’t have outed myself as knowing just now. But, I normally have a functioning brain.”
“And a concussion.” Red Robin commented dryly.
“Ugh, I hate concussions.  They last forever.” She clumsily tried to sit up and turn toward the direction Mar’i was hiding, squinting her eyes to see if she could see him yet.
Tim grabbed her to give her support, cradling her between his knees.  “Easy, easy. Try moving slower,” He cautioned her. “I can hear him over the coms,” Red Robin told her quietly.  “He has her and she’s safe.”  Marinette let out a quiet sigh of relief.  “A little scared but safe.”
“Thank God.” Marinette smiled closing her eyes and laying her head on his chest.
“Hey, no.  None of that.  You have to stay awake for me, okay?” Red Robin’s voice suddenly became strained. “We’re going to get you to a hospital and you can fall asleep there.”
“Liar,” she mumbled.  “They won’t let me sleep either, not for a long time.”
Red Robin chuckled lightly.  “You’re right.  But humor me and talk to me.  I like hearing your voice so it’s win/win for me.”
“I like your voice, you should talk to me and I can fall asleep to the sound.  Win/win for me.” She retorted.  
“Not if you fall into a coma.  Come on, let me see your beautiful, blue eyes.  I like looking into your eyes.” Red Robin gently begged her.
“You first,” she scoffed. She opened her eyes and shifted her eyes around them, remembering where they were.  “Ignore that.  Don’t show me right now.”
“Later, I promise.” He assured her, hugging her closer to his chest.  He gently brushed her hair out of her face.
She smiled sleepily, still struggling to keep her eyes open.  Her eyes popped open wide a few seconds later when she heard Mar’i scream her name.  Marinette blinked a few times and turned her head in her direction.  “Marinette! No, you got hurt!  Marinette!  Is this because of me?”
“No!  I’m okay, sweetie.”  She tried to smile reassuringly.  “I just… fell for Red Robin’s good looks again.” Mar’i giggled in her father’s arms.
“Hey, why are you giggling at that?” Red Robin pretended to be upset.  “That was a serious comment.”  Mar’i giggled even harder.  “That’s it, you’re grounded young lady.  Go home right now.”  Mar’i only laughed harder at that, nearly falling out of her father’s arms.
“You heard him, it’s home for you.  Or maybe we can take you to your Grandpa Alfred, huh?  Let’s go.” Nightwing said turning her away from Marinette.
“She does that a lot,” Mar’i giggled.
“Does she now?” Dick asked with an amused tone, but his eyes stayed sharp.  He gave Red Robin a concerned, questioning look, darting his eyes to Marinette.  He only continued walking away with Mar’i after Red Robin nodded to let him know he could handle talking care of Marinette by himself.
“And let’s get you to the ambulance, huh?” Tim gave her a gentle smile as he carefully picked her up to carry her to the ambulance.  
He gripped her tighter into his chest when she laid her head on his shoulder and let out a relieved sigh. “She’s safe.” She slurred sleepily. “She’ll be okay.”
“You both will be.” Tim assured her, kissing the top of her head.  “As long as you stay awake.  Maybe while you are awake you can tell me why you decided to come here without me?  I like animals, too.” He pretended to pout. “Enjoyable things to see, delicious food, did I mention the fries here are amazing?  Spectacular company...  Sounds like a perfect day.”
Marinette giggled into his shoulder then groaned at the pain the vibrations caused in her head.  “I’ll make sure to invite you next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” he whispered as he handed her off to the EMTs.  His fingers itched to keep holding her hand, but it would be dangerous for Red Robin to take too strong of an interest in one particular victim.  He had to settle for watching them take care of her in his peripheral vision and praying everything would be okay.  He knew, logically, that she would be, but that didn’t stop him from worrying until he could see her brilliant, radiant smile again.
     Chapter 4
@timari-month-event, @ichigorose @stainedglassm
243 notes · View notes
imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
The Rescue: BNHA x Fem! Reader- Dusty Chinchilla
The rescue intro: here
You laughed as she led you back into the main section of the store, weaving through cages and various animal supplies. She quickly deposited her bunny into a glass enclosure before ducking out of view. She popped up a moment later as she scanned the cages in front of her for something specific. While she looked, you wandered the store. There were so many enclosures with fascinating animals in them. You had made your way to the rodent section when the fairly quiet chattering of the animals kicked up a notch accompanied by a high pitched barking noise. The tank that housed the seemingly angry animal was pushed towards the back, away from the other animals. You were a bit concerned about the noise and Inko's nonreaction to it, so you decided to check it out. Just in case there was something that needed to be dealt with.
You were quite surprised to find the animal that was making the noise was a Chinchilla. He was screaming across the aisle at what looked to be a black snake. He was looking directly at the tank across the way and making irritated barking noises, pressed against the glass. He was really cute, a kind of grey-blue color, and besides that, he was the fluffiest animal you had ever seen. But man could you tell he was angry about something.
You knelt in front of the glass, shivering lightly as the thin material of your work pants did little to shield you as your knees met the cold tile of the floor. A small smile tugged on the corner of your lips as you observed him. The animal was quick to notice you, his curiously red eyes zeroing in on you as he went dead silent. You pouted and tilted your head as you looked him over.
"Aww, did I interrupt your tantrum?"
Your teasing words were met with silence for a beat before the rodent's little hands found their way to his neck, scratching in an aggravated way that immediately made you wince.
"aww, no honey, don't do that. That can't be good for you." You sprang up and waved Inko over, concerned about the little animal.
Inko pulled her phone away from her ear for a beat to acknowledge you before hurriedly hanging up and heading your way.
"what's wrong dear?"
You gestured to the angry chinchilla with distress.
"He's so stressed out! Is there anything we can do for him?"
Inko bit her lip, staring at the animal with pity but also a fair amount of annoyance.
"Tomura does that. I could get him a cone in order to stop, but he'll work himself into a tizzy trying to get it off. Not to mention he hates being handled. Come, I'll take you to see the other pets."
You paused as she began to walk away, leaving him just not sitting well with you. Glancing back at the angry creature, you couldn't help the wave of concerned curiosity that swept over you.
"If I walk away now, is there much hope someone will take him?"
Inko looked back at you, wringing her hands nervously as she thought it over.
"He's temperamental. It would be difficult to place him."
A beat of silence passed as you pondered her words.
"I'll take him." As you said the words, you saw the Chinchilla stop scratching from your peripheral vision.
Inko grimaced before taking a deep breath and offering you a gentle smile.
"You have a lot of compassion. I should have known you'd be interested in our more troubled pets. Let me make a call and get you some supplies. It's the least I can do.  I'll be right back."
As she turned to find the supplies you'd need, you focused back on the tank.
Tomura, as Inko had called him, was watching you with an intensity that made you fidget in place a little.  His tiny hands had stopped their scratching and were frozen against his neck. He didn't move until you stepped closer to the tank, eyes now level with him as red met (e/c).
"Hey little guy, everything's going to be alright now. I'm busting you out of this joint!"
He was scowling. You didn't know rodents could scowl, but that's definitely the vibe you were picking up from him.
Tomura was confused, absolutely seething, but also confused. Not only was he trapped in this ridiculous body, but now he was being treated like a common animal, a pet to be owned! This was nowhere near what his sensei had planned for him and he couldn't enact his plans in this form. It was utterly infuriating. He decided he would do whatever was in his power to make you regret taking pity on him. How dare you make fun of him! Were you actually trying to play hero with him. think you could save him from being left behind? How naive.
While he was throwing a mental temper tantrum, you were watching with amusement. His anger couldn't help but be a little funny to you, especially now that he wasn't scratching anymore. What did a Chinchilla have to be angry about?  You wanted to reach in and reassure him, but you had a good feeling he'd bite you if you put your hand anywhere near him. You'd have to work your way up to that in time.
"Don't be too upset, I'll make sure to take good care of you. Also, you won't have to fight with that snake again! He'll be far away."
Tomura seemed to pause to think about your words. He supposed that at least one good thing would come from this arrangement. The ability to talk to the other humans affected by the quirk that had caused the animal mishap was both a blessing and a curse. Dabi taunted him constantly, taking immense pleasure from his annoyance. While some of the heroes had attempted conversations, he was quick to shut them down. However, that didn't stop the thin golden retriever from checking on him daily, which he'd be glad to be away from. Perhaps he could find a way to escape once he was out of the store? Maybe this ordeal could be a good thing. This train of thought calmed him considerably.
All too quickly for Shigaraki's liking, Mrs. Midoriya was back with a cage and several supplies as well as a carrier. Your eyes widened at the wagon she had loaded for you. Chinchillas needed quite a few things to keep them healthy, you noted. You would have to do some research before bed. You narrowed your eyes in concentration as Inko went to get Shigaraki, wanting to copy her method so you didn't hurt him accidentally.
The kind shopkeeper was surprised when the usually volatile rodent stayed calm and still as she moved him from the tank to a carrier. Once the door was securely shut, she offered the wagon to you. This worried her slightly, but her quick call with Nezu assured her that things would work out.
"There you go, dear. This should be everything you need for now. Hopefully, he doesn't give you much trouble. He's an angry little rascal, but I'm sure he just needs a little extra love and care. I think you're up to the challenge."
You nodded excitedly and cradled the carrier close to your chest, briefly peeking in to smile at your new pet.
"Are you sure you can give me all this? How much do I owe you?" You were struck with sudden concern. All these supplies must be expensive.
Inko simply laughed and waived your concerns.
"It's alright. On the house. It's the least we can do considering you're taking care of Tomura for us."
You nodded and adjusted your grip, shielding the carrier with your coat as you exited the store. It wasn't until you were half a block away that you realized she had said we.
You decided it wasn't a thought worth exploring right now, especially because you had to get Tomura somewhere warm soon. He did have the fluffiest fur you'd ever seen, but you wouldn't wish this cold on anyone. You hugged his carrier to your chest, stubbornly plodding on, wagon handle cold in your other hand. You quickly regretted rushing out without gloves that morning.
Any complaints died on your tongue when your apartment building came into view. Excitement was the main emotion filling you when you remembered that the heater would be on when you entered. When the door slid open, you gave a sigh of relief as a wave of warm air hugged you. Pulling the wagon inside, you shut the door and carefully placed the carrier on the coffee table. You shed your jacket and sat criss-cross on the floor, elbows resting on the table and chin in your hands as you gazed into the carrier.
"Sorry about the bumpy ride, but we're home now. I'll get your cage set up in a jiffy! I want to get you settled so you can relax. No more anxious scratching, okay?"
Tomura simply narrowed his eyes at you from the corner of the carrier where he had retreated when he felt the cage level out. He didn't care what you did, so long as he would be left alone. He had plans to make in order to escape, and that meant you needed to leave him alone.
Tilting your head, you smiled and blew him a kiss before hopping up to paw through the supplies you had been given. The wagon was well stocked. A box rested at the bottom that held all the pieces you needed for the cage. Also included was a bag of timothy hay, pellets, bedding, some treats, food and water bowls, and exercise wheel, a little structure for him to hide in, wood and mineral chews, a bag of dust, a cool little bowl for the dust bath, and a variety of toys that you hoped he enjoyed. It looked like Mrs. Midoriya had really thought of everything!
You focused on setting up, humming to yourself as you worked. Cycling through a variety of video game themes, you jumped as you heard the door rattling on the carrier. You turned back to look just as Tomura retreated further into the cage. Apparently, he had gotten closer to the door and accidentally jostled it in the process.
"I'll be done with your cage soon, dusty boy. Then you can stretch your legs to your heart's content."
He watched you get back to work, not realizing that it was the humming that had drawn his attention. Tomura didn't have a high opinion of most people, but he liked video games. And apparently so did you. His opinion of you had risen. Not by much, but a tiny bit.
Once the cage was done, you were faced with the difficult task of transferring your new pet into it. Hopefully, he would be as calm getting taken out of the carrier as he was being put into it. As luck would have it, it was as easy as putting the entrance of the cage against the opening of the carrier with both doors open. It didn't take long for Shigaraki to scurry inside and hide in the little structure that was there specifically for that purpose.
After shutting the cage, you allowed yourself to stretch. Rolling your neck yielded quiet cracks as the tension of the day caught up to you. You gave the cage a tired smile before standing.
"Sleep well Tomura. Tomorrow is a new day."
With that, you turned off the light and retreated to your bedroom. Once you finished your nightly routine, you settled into bed. For a while, you thought about how best to care for Tomura. He would be difficult to get to open up, but you were determined to love him and make him feel cared for. The anger he carried might be from a past owner, and you were determined to help him. Consumed by a fluffy comforter and assortment of pillows, you let sleep carry you away from consciousness.
~~~~~ The first few weeks were frustrating for all involved. It was definitely a learning curve when it came to caring for Shigaraki. He was antisocial at best and antagonistic at worst. Not to mention he was too smart for his own good in your opinion. He was quick to figure out the doors on the cage, despite his lack of opposable thumbs. This led to quite a few frantic searches on your part. To his dismay though, doors and windows were absolutely beyond his capabilities in this form. That is the predicament he was currently facing when you found him in the morning when you had been getting ready for work.
"Tomu! What on Earth are you doing on the window sill! You're going to get hurt, silly boy!"
Swooping in, you deftly lifted his squirming body into your arms. You gave him a peck on the forehead and he froze. He was never sure how to respond to your affection, so he simply malfunctioned. Error 417, Tenko.exe is unable to meet the requirements for this emotion. You giggled at his reaction and peppered his soft little head with more kisses before carefully placing him back in his cage. Once he was back inside, he put as much distance between the two of you as he was allowed before furiously scratching at his neck with agitation.
You pouted in distress, far from happy about his reaction. You were giving him lots of attention, but it was a slow process to get him to trust you, still the freeze-ups were better than him outright pulling away.
"Tomu, stop that. That's not good for you! You're going to hurt yourself."
His little paws twitched but slowed. Your voice distracted him simply because of the tone you were using. The habit didn't seem to annoy or disgust you as others would often say. Instead, your voice was filled with distress, as if the thought of harm coming to him hurt you as well. This was not a sentiment Shigaraki was used to in the slightest, nor did he know what to do with it.
It took him some time to notice you had left for work. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed your departure. He was unnerved to discover this bothered him. He wasn't sure why, but he had grown used to your overly affectionate presence. It was infuriating, but he was more content when you were around. Having someone to interact with who purposefully sought him out was nice, even if he told himself it was annoying. The door to the cage slid open with practiced ease. He was irritated by his own reaction, but he didn't want to think about what that meant. The best course of action in his mind was to find a distraction.
As a human, he found himself drawn to video games. He was quite put out to discover your lack of gaming supplies, especially after all the tunes he heard from you that were popular games he enjoyed. Still,  considering his minuscule form, there was no way he could have indulged anyway, controllers are made for human-sized hands after all. Wandering the apartment, he allowed himself to take in your decorations. This was the first time he had escaped from the cage without the intent to find a way to escape the apartment. Now he was able to take everything in without distraction. You had few decorations, almost as if you were scared to make the place your own. He had experienced that many times when he shuffled from hideout to hideout. Not that he had many possessions of his own anyway, his most prized possession was his computer, as it was his escape. Sensei allowed for his gaming habit, purely because of the strategy it taught. For Tomura, it was less of a strategic play than it was a chance to be someone else. Someone people trusted and would treat with respect. The more noticeable and stronger he was in the virtual world, the more people paid him attention. No one would ignore him then.
He shook himself out of his thoughts, continuing to explore. Once he reached your room, he let out a disgusted sound. Of course, you were a hero supporter. He was tempted to see if he could reach the Allmight poster on your wall so he could shred it to pieces. Unfortunately, it was too high of a goal, so he contented himself with chewing a hole in your Allmight hoodie instead when he found it unattended in the livingroom.
That was how you found him when you came back from work. The long day had clearly worn you down. Your hair was messy from where you had run your fingers through it too many times. Hanging your jacket by the door, you placed a small package on the counter before collapsing onto the sofa next to him. Pausing in his attempt to massacre the article of clothing, he was surprised to see you hadn't noticed him. Your eyes were closed and you were clearly exhausted. A groan of weariness and pain escaped from your lips before you finally turned your attention to him. The look on your face was supposed to make him feel smug. Instead, he felt something akin to pain, a raw sort of scraping feeling in the pit of his stomach that made him feel smaller than he'd ever been. He hated it. He never wanted to see that expression on you again if it made him feel like this.
"Tomu, how could you... That's one of my favorites. " Your tone was quiet and disappointed like you wanted to be angry but just didn't have the energy. You took the hoodie from him and pulled him into your lap, setting the jacket aside. It surprised both of you when he let it happen. There was something about you today that he despised. This isn't how you usually acted. You were supposed to be mad! You were supposed to scold him and then make a joke about not knowing what to do with him. He didn't like your quiet, it wasn't you and it wasn't right. His paws rose to his neck as his confused thoughts roared.
A choked sort of whimper came from your chest, all the stress from your day and the concern for him coming together in one pitiful noise. He froze at the sound. Your fingers carefully gripped his paws and moved them away from his neck.
"You stop that. Everything's alright, you're safe here and I won't let anything hurt you, even if it's you. "
To say you had a bad day was an understatement. The cafe had been severely understaffed and you were worked ragged. Most of the customers were not understanding and having worked another hard shift the day before, you were at the end of your rope. When you had finally been allowed to leave for the night, you had been exhausted and dead on your feet. Stopping at a bakery on the way home, you allowed yourself a small indulgence in the form of a single cupcake.  On your way to the apartment, you had almost been involved in a quirk incident by some thief nearby. All this and when you finally were able to get home and relax, your pet had put a pretty noticeable hole in your favorite hoodie. It was one of the first things you had purchased for yourself since you had moved to Japan so it was incredibly important to you. You nearly cried when you saw the damage that had been done. You wanted to scream and rant, but looking down at Tomura, you knew you couldn't be upset with him, not really. He was acting out becuase you weren't home. You were fairly sure he had some separation anxiety. Any anger or hard scolding would do more harm than good. Instead, you focused on what you could do to help him instead. Poor thing was obviously stressed about something. Maybe he could learn from this and not act out to get your attention.
After you were sure he was done scratching, you put his paws down. He was calmer, but you still wanted to be sure he was okay. You carefully ran your fingers through his fur, offering what comfort you could through your touch. He let himself get lost in the sensation, the yelling in his mind quieting to whispers. You were singing now, words washing over him as your voice lilted, a distraction for you as much as for him. He vaguely recognized the tune from a videogame but didn't let his thoughts linger on it, rather enjoying the soft quiet that had come over him.
It was a slow realization, one that took quite some time to get through his thick skull, but that night Tomura realized that he didn't hate you. Far from it. He had grown fond of you without realizing it. He didn't like when you were upset, especially when he was the cause. If he could stop you from ever looking so sad and tired and pained, he would do it in a heartbeat. He told himself it was because your face made him feel strange, but he never stopped to wonder why he was upset that you were upset. Still, this was the start of something that would only grow over the time spent together.
You fell asleep on the couch that night, comforted by the soft fur under your fingertips and the repetitive motion that came with petting him. The stress of the day piled up on your shoulders and the weight buried you so much that gentle waves of exhaustion flooded your mind. Sleep overtook you with little hesitation.
The next day, you awoke with a crick in your neck and pleasant warmth in your lap.  Looking down at Tomura, you couldn't help the fond smile that insisted it makes itself known on your face. He had never willingly let you hold him until last night. And he had stayed. That spoke volumes about how he felt. Your fingers carefully caressed the top of his head as those pretty red eyes slowly opened.  
"Good morning, my sweet dusty boy. Did you sleep alright?"
Shigaraki knew he should get up, but he pushed those thoughts aside. Sensei wasn't here right now to scold him, and he was tired. He could let himself rest in the lap of the pretty lady for just a little while longer and let you call him yours. You made him feel safe and cared for, something he craved. There was this foreign warmth in his chest that he had never had before. But oddly, he wasn't concerned about it. Perhaps it was a powerup he hadn't encountered before. His senses were dulled by the warmth and he didn't feel like moving, the sensation too pleasant to give up. Once your fingers found the fur on this head, his eyes quickly slipped shut again in bliss.
No one had ever done this for him. Physical touch was always some form of discipline, he didn't understand what others gained from it when it was displayed in his dating sim games. But now, he was hooked. Your fingers were so gentle, he didn't know humans could be so gentle. Idly he wondered what your fingers would feel like against his human skin. Would you still be this gentle? Would you still handle him like he was something precious?
would you be scared of him?
His eyes snapped open when he realized where he let his thoughts wander. He couldn't allow thoughts like that, sensei had drilled into him that thoughts like that were a weakness. But still... he burned to know the answers.
"What's got you so quiet, pretty boy?"
Humming, you stood, Tomura securely in your arms. As you headed to his cage, you noticed the box from the bakery you had abandoned on the counter. Switching directions you carefully placed him on the island.
"Want to know a secret?"
The chinchilla curiously smelled the air, whiskers twitching as he smelled the sweet treat you had opened. You gave him a conspiratorial smile before sticking a single candle into the dessert and lighting it.
"It was my birthday yesterday. The first one I've spent alone. Well, you're here, so I guess it wasn't actually spent alone. Thanks for being here for me when no one else was."
Shigaraki felt that scraping feeling in his stomach again. Birthdays weren't things he considered important, but in games, they were treated like great occasions. He had upset you on a day you were supposed to be happiest. This didn't sit well with him, but your words.... they were important. He was here for you. He liked the sound of that.
"Thanks for yesterday, Tomu. I know you don't like being handled, but you let me pet you. I kind of needed that after the day I had. Even though you put a hole in my hoodie, I'm still so so grateful to have you."
Your smile was one of the loveliest things he had ever seen. The warmth from earlier was back and fiercer than ever, overcoming the bitter feeling from before. Even with all the stupid and mean things he had done while under your care, you refused to hate him. In fact, it seems you did the opposite. These thoughts rested heavily on his mind but he let them settle, not wanting to disturb the growing warmth that only you had ever triggered.
Singing softly to yourself, you wished yourself a happy birthday and blew out the candle. Shigaraki took a mental screenshot of that moment, where your smile made all the stress fade away and you were simply happy to be there with him.
Since your birthday, you were pleased to find your little dusty gremlin was warming up to you. It had started slow. He was aloof tentative with you before he softened again. Now he let you hold him all the time and even actively searched you out. Spending time with him was easy and coming home to him was the highlight of your day. Long shifts at your stupid job were going to be the death of you, but it was worth it for those moments spent with Tomura. You had taken to talking with him as if he could actually understand you. Lying on the floor or the couch, you would tell him about your day, absently petting him as dreams and trials alike spilled from your lips. Sometimes, he even gave you reactions that were so human that you had to stop and point it out with a giggle. He hated when you called him cute, but he didn't get all snippy like when you had first gotten him. Now it was just a little annoyed huff and he was back to listening intently. You treasured this time with him and he seemed to look forward to it too, even when you talked about heroes and how much you looked up to them.
You had long since given up trying to keep Shigaraki in his cage. The doors were now left open so he could roam as he pleased. He waited for you in the living room, excited to see you after a long day. He had noticed you had been working more hours recently and always came home tired. The way your eyes lit up when you would enter the room and see him made that pleasant warmth glow brighter.  He had given up denying it at this point. The only logical explanation was that he cared about you. Without his noticing, you had raised his affection points, and now... He was hooked. He would do anything for you to make you happy. Sensei would call it a weakness, but Tomura saw it as strength. Adding you to his party as his second in command, his player 2, would benefit both of you. Still, he wasn't human anymore, something he was becoming more and more bitter about as days passed.
He perked up from his thoughts at the sound of your key in the lock at the door. It was late, he noticed. How rude of you to keep him waiting for so long. Crossing the room quickly, he waited impatiently for the smile you always greeted him with. Unfortunately, it was absent as you trudged inside. One of your coworkers told the boss you would cover her shift without confirming it with you first. This led to a frantic text in the morning saying you were late. Because of this, you had gotten chewed out at work because of course, he believed your coworker over you.
You were too wrapped up in your thoughts to even offer Tomura a greeting as you trudged past him. You made sure he had fresh food and water in his cage before throwing yourself on the couch, not having the energy to make it to your room.
Shigaraki quickly scurried over, face set in annoyance by your attitude. He wondered what on Earth had happened to make you ignore him. Going through a mental checklist, he was positive it wasn't something that he had done, so it must have been something that happened while you were out.
Your gaze found his as he peeked over the seat of the couch at you and the tears you had been holding back started to slip. His ears flattened in alarm. Tears? Were you hurt? Hopping up onto the couch beside you, he nosed around your torso, looking for the source of pain. Your arms found his body and you gently curled yourself around him for comfort.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, Tomu. They fired me today."
He stiffened at your words. Even he could see the stress you put on yourself to keep your stupid job. You had no support from family, lived alone, and worked to make sure he was taken care of. You couldn't afford to lose your source of income. It pained him that he could do nothing to help.  Instead of wiping your tears away like he longed to do, he nuzzled against you, a reminder that he was there and you weren't alone, he wasn't going anywhere. Emotions were confusing, and while he still didn't know how to react, he knew that sometimes you had just had to get all the emotions out before anything could get better.
"I'll make sure you're taken care of Tomu. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."
Your breathing slowed gradually after your declaration, energy all but gone as you surrendered to sleep. Shigaraki was in awe of you nonetheless. All this time, you were upset about the possibility of losing him. He was important to you and that mattered to him.
He carefully freed himself from your grip to attempt to drag a blanket over you. Hopping onto the floor, he looked back at your sleeping face. His heart ached to see the dried tear tracks on your face, but he was pleased to see you looked more peacefull now. The warmth he usually felt around you seemed to grow in strength, normally a warm glow, it was turning into an inferno that spread out from his chest. The sensation of liquid fire filling his veins was vaguely uncomfortable and was accompanied by a tinging that turned to pinpricks of static. When he felt like he couldn't take the feeling anymore, it disappeared with a barely heard pop sound.  His limbs felt heavy and as the disorientation faded, he came to an important realization. He was human again. He quickly brought his hands up to his face, he winced at the dry texture under his eyes and the stinging pain that came with the smile that formed. He was back to normal.
A sudden light distracted him from his thoughts.. Your phone lit up with a message displayed on an Allmight lock screen that made him roll his eyes.  He was careful to keep his pinky up as he grabbed your phone from where it  had fallen on the floor. The message displayed was one that set his teeth on edge.
'You left some of your things in the office. You have until tomorrow at 4 to get them or I throw them away. And make sure you have someone cover your shift for tomorrow. Just because you're fired, doesn't mean you get to screw us with your shifts. '
Few things made Tomura as angry as the message from your exboss did. How dare they treat you as if you had inconveinienced them by being fired! His player 2 was levels above this, this slime. How dare he talk to you like that? White hot anger filled his veins as emotions overpowered him. His fingers twitched as he resisted the urge to scratch his neck. He decided what his first quest should be with his body back.
He didn't notice your wide eyes peering at his back from your spot on the couch. You had noticed his warmth leave you earlier and watched his transformation with stunned shock. You quickly snapped your eyes shut when he started to turn back to you, coaching your expression into one of false sleep.  A blanket was carefully tucked around you. His fingers ghosted over your cheek, gently brushing the hair from your face with a featherlight touch. You only allowed yourself to open your eyes again when you heard your bedroom door shut. Your pet... He was a man. Not only that, but he was a famous villain. You could barely process this. Your gaze jumped up when he exited your room, donning your largest pair of sweatpants and a black tank top that rode high on his hips. He grabbed the closest jacket, the allmight hoodie you were so fond of, and he slipped out the front door.
There was no way you were letting him get away so easily. He was going to get himself caught out there! You grabbed your phone and hurriedly put on shoes before following him as quickly as you could. It was a miracle you were able to keep up. The man may be skinny and barefoot, but man did he have long legs. It took a while to notice, but you were surprised to see the route was quite familiar to you. Originally, you had thought he'd be headed to a hide out, but instead he led you to your workplace.
Shigaraki looked up at the cafe with distaste. You had worked here a given your all, yet they somehow had the audacity to fire you. It appeared he was right on time. The owner was exiting the building, having finished closing for the night. A dark grin spread over Tomura's face as he closed in on the man, hand extended with full intent to dust the man who had caused his player 2 to be upset. What he wasn't expecting was a hug from behind, effictively halting him from moving forward. He glanced down with irritation before grabbing a wrist from the interlocked hands around his waist. Whoever dared to stop him was a very unlucky soul. He dragged them into an allyway out of sight and whipped around to face them. He froze almost comically when he saw you staring back at him with anxious eyes.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here? " He pulled away from you as if he had been stung, fingers leaving your skin with lightning speed. He could have hurt you, one more finger and you would have been gone. The horror of what he could have done left  his fingers twitching for his neck.
You looked over the man, taking in his pale hair, the red eyes you always thought were so pretty, and the thin frame hidden in an oversized hoodie. You had seen him on tv and in news reports, but they didn't do him justice. He may be a villain, but he was yours. The pieces came together and you let a soft smile form.
"You were after my boss, right?"
He gawked at you. He had almost killed you, and that was what you were concerned about?
"Are you an idiot, girl? You could very likely die by my hands any second. Now is not the time to worry about that insignificant man you just sacrificed yourself for."
You shook your head, hands up in a placating gesture.
"Tomura... calm down. I know you wouldn't hurt me. Sorry for startling you, but as nice as the sentiment is, i'd prefer you didn't murder anyone for me."
He narrowed his eyes.
"You know who I am... You think you could take on a villain by yourself? So arrogant. "
He knew he was self sabotaging, but he had to prove a point. Your reckless behavior could have gotten you killed. Had it been any other villain.. you'd be dead. He needed you to realize the danger you were in. Sure, all he wanted to do in that moment was pull you into his arms, but you should be afraid.
"I do know who you are. I know exactly who you are. You..."
You took a step forward. With each move forward he took a hesitant step back, until it was him with his back against the wall.
"You, are my sweet dusty boy. You are there for me when I'm lowest."
You reach up, one hand moving to cup his cheek as he watches you with wide, uncertain eyes.
"You are mine, and you wouldn't hurt me. Couldn't hurt me."
As you hold his face, you can feel the tension, but your last words to him break something in him. He leans into your touch, letting himself be held in his true form for the first time.
"I know what your quirk does Tomura, but you don't have to worry."
Confusion pools in those ruby eyes before your other hand finds his, all five fingers finding his. A moment of horror filled panic fills his eyes at the touch before he flinches back.
You stepped back and calmly held up your hand for him to see.
"I basically consider myself quirkless, but... I do have one ability. Other people's quirks don't work on me."
You were expecting his relieved expression. What you weren't expecting was the sudden kiss now desperately pressed against your lips. You melted into it, hands going to hold him back as he crushed you to him like a lifeline.
He only relinquished his hold once the need for oxygen demanded it. You looked up at him with that smile that made him so happy.
"Hey, I promised it would be okay, remember? I wouldn't break my promise to you. "
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duskamethyst · 4 years
close to you. | part. Ⅱ
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a/n: i am beyond grateful that i’ve got requests for a part two when i initially didn’t plan for this to be a series. i also don’t know what you’re expecting from the previous ending. i can make it spicy if that’s what you want (if you wish for part three), but i’ve no experience in writing gn!reader smut (so it’ll be f!reader instead). so, yeah. drop me something. it’ll really help. if not, i’ll just end it here.
word count: 3.2k
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
pairing: catboy!kuroo x gn!reader
← read part. Ⅰ
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“w-what do you mean?” you reply, refusing to look at him in the eyes as you speak. 
“you know, give me a kiss like you always did.” he purrs. “i kind of miss it, to be honest.”
your mind walks you down to memory lane where you always cradled him and gently kiss him on his wet nose. it was one of your favorite things to do and you swore you would’ve given him so many kisses on the nose but he always ended up squirming around and ran away. 
then you thought of kissing your cat in his human form and your cheeks start to warm when you realize how embarrassing it would be. you know he’s still your cat and all but it’s a bit different now, right?
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you sneer, crouching down and over his arm to step away from his silly enclosure like you’re a mouse that he managed to corner. he looks at you dejectedly, ears plopping down but perks back up the moment an idea pops in his head. from the look of his face, you can already tell that you hate it already. 
“how about we play hide and seek?” he suggests, golden irises glinting with playfulness. you know he’s stubborn and you can’t do anything but give in.
you sigh, “and what’s the catch?”
“if i catch you, you’ll have to kiss me.” he claims proudly as he puffs out his chest, hands on his hips and you regret asking in the first place. 
“what?!” your jaw almost drops. this game would only benefit him. you’ve played with him plenty of times before and you’re aware that he’s damn good at it. he’ll find you in a jiffy with the help of his strong sense of smell. 
“but that’s not fair! you already know where–” 
“ten, nine, eight...” kuroo completely ignores you as he closes his eyes to begin the countdown. although being completely forced into this game, your mind is already fumbling to figure out where would be the best spot to hide as you run away from the male. 
certainly not the closet– it would be too obvious. 
under the dining table? too easy.
under the bed? nah, that’s where he usually hides from you.
you don’t have much of a choice so in the end, you choose to hide behind the thick curtains in the corner of the living room. maybe if you hold your breath and sink in your stomach, you’d appear flatter and blend in with the curtains. 
“one!” he chirps before you start to hear his footsteps become louder and fade into the distance. just as you thought, the bedroom is the first place he would look into since that’s where the closet is located. you can hear the door open and a startling ‘boo!’ from him that almost makes you giggle before he closes it back again. 
it makes you anxious when you hear echoes of footsteps pacing back and forth as he walks to the bathroom then to the kitchen before they suddenly become quiet again and you think that he probably stops walking around the house. kuroo probably realizes that the sounds from his feet are making quite the noise in that form unlike when he was walking on his paws. 
“gotcha.” you squeal in surprise as kuroo yanks the curtains away and pulls you into his hard chest. “i immediately knew when i passed the living room but it wouldn’t be fun if the game ended so soon.”
“oh, shut up. you knew you would win anyway.” you huff in frustration. 
“you’ve picked the worst place to hide,” he smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear, “or was it on purpose?”
“you wish i was.” you roll your eyes, ignoring the shiver running down your spine when you feel his hot breath fanning your ear. 
“of course you didn’t.” chuckling, he then looks at you dead in the eyes. “and my reward?” 
“i didn’t agree to anything.” you internally curse at yourself when your heart makes a skip over how close his face is to yours, only separated by just a few inches. 
“but you played, didn’t you? you could’ve said no.” he purrs, hazel eyes flicking down to your lips and back to your eyes. 
“yeah– y-you didn’t give me a choice.” your breath comes out short as you realize he’s closing the space between you. “kuroo, stop.”
“don’t want to.” he cups your face gently to hold you still. you close your eyes as you nervously wait for his lips to crash onto yours and you can feel his bangs tickling against your face.
however, kuroo abruptly pulls away as a ‘pang’ sound reverberates throughout the room followed by an odd, stinging pain on his cheek.  
“ow?!” he yelps, his hand reaches his cheek and his eyes are blown in bewilderment. it feels warm, but it’s not the kind that he likes. it doesn’t feel anything like your body heat when he curls up on top of you despite the fact that it does heat up because of you.
“sike!” you laugh triumphantly but the man only looks at you in dejection. 
“you’ve never hit me before.” the corners of his lips tug into a frown and his tail curls around his waist for comfort.
you ponder for a moment, “true. but i find it easier to slap a man instead of a cat.” 
“then you’ll kiss me if i turn back into a cat, right?” his ears perk up as a sign of piqued interest.
you roll your eyes, “not necessarily.” you stretch your arms as you walk away to your room. “well, i’m beat. goodnight, kuroo.”
“coming!” he catches up to you but the door slams into his face before he can enter your room.
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kuroo ended up sleeping on the couch that night. he’s not entirely happy about it and you can see his attitude switches up the next morning. weekends mean you get the chance to laze around and steal the opportunity to wake up later than usual, and living with you for years means kuroo is also familiar with your schedule.
unfortunately, an unwanted noise disturbs your slumber. 
and he is scratching the door.
“go away, kuroo!” you groan, rolling to your side with a pillow between your head as you cover your ears in hopes to block out the racket right outside your bedroom. 
yet, kuroo is persistent, and you both are aware of that. whatever he wants, he will get. 
well, almost.
jumping off the bed and stomping your way to open the door, you look down to see the roguish cat grinning up at you tauntingly. 
kuroo meows as a reply and strides to the kitchen, glancing over to you to see if you’re following him before he stops and sits straight next to his empty bowl. you reach for the fridge to take out the fish for him and put it in the sink to let it thaw. 
kuroo jumps on the counter to scrutinize his food before looking up at you again, tail wagging in annoyance with wide brown irises surrounding his narrow pupils.
“that’s for misbehaving. i’m revoking our ‘truce’.” you sneer conceitedly with intent to show who actually holds the power around the house and him. 
kuroo only growls lowly, his ears pushed back in irritation but you only laugh. 
“that’s right. i can. i’m your master.” you say, before emitting a long, audible breath when you realize something. “but then again, i’m the one who has to work my ass off to feed you.”
kuroo only observes you in silence and curiosity– he thinks you look sad as you’re suddenly lost in your thoughts but you smile at him again and boop his little wet nose, making his heart flutter because it reminds him of the generous kisses you used to give him. if he knew it was going to turn out like this, he would’ve never struggled to escape when you cradled him into your arms. 
“but it’s okay. it’s all because i love your annoying ass.” you mindlessly mumble, almost forgetting the fact that kuroo is able to comprehend your language very well, and embarrassment washes over you once your mind becomes fully aware of it. even when he doesn’t speak, his pupils dilate in astonishment and he is utterly pleased. 
“i- uh, i mean– i have to give you credit where it’s due!” you say a little too loudly out of awkwardness, looking around anywhere except his gaze– you can already picture his stupid, smug grin in your head and you just wish for the ground to swallow you whole right now.
“anyways! i have to run to the grocery later after i feed you.” you quickly change the topic and run towards the bathroom to take a shower (or hide), leaving poor kuroo baffled on the counter. 
this time, he thinks that maybe he doesn’t mind having tuna. 
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kuroo lounges on the couch alone, watching the clock on the wall ticks by as he waits for you to come home. he’s getting anxious– you’ve been out for a while now and it doesn’t help the fact that he couldn’t read the time no matter how hard he stares at the numbers. but that one thin line seems to move fast and it already made multiple cycles. so that surely means something, right? 
his ears perk up at the sound of your footsteps and jingling keys and his gaze quickly shifts to the main door but he decides to act cool, turning on the tv (he knows that one since he has seen you do it plenty of times) and pretends to watch whatever is playing. 
“kuroo, look what i found!” you chirp happily as you open the door, but his sharp nose has already figured and it’s something he’d definitely won’t be too pleased about. 
putting your grocery bag down on the floor, you skip into the living room and show him the calico cat you’ve found on your way back home. you hold the cat by his armpits, shoving the poor thing in front of his face.
his eye twitches at the sight and his tail fluffs up in annoyance, “hah?!”
you cradle him protectively against your chest and the cat meows almost too quietly as his bright golden eyes look up at you. “don’t shout, kuroo. you’re gonna scare him.”
“w-what– you can’t–” he gets up on his seat and glares at the calico that’s practically clinging back onto you. 
“oh, yes i can.” you laugh. “no nails on the couch, kuroo.” you simply say before turning around to pick up your grocery bag to the kitchen. he’s fuming and he doesn’t even realize how hard his hands are clenching down on the couch. to make it worse, kuroo doesn’t miss the dirty look that the cat throws his way when you walk to the kitchen and boy, it makes him want to kick him out of the house immediately.
you quickly notice the intimidating vibe from the male as he observes you and your newfound friend, making you feel a little bad. “i’m just kidding, kuroo. i already asked if anyone wants to adopt it so i’m just gonna let him stay here for a while before my friend picks it up tomorrow.”
so you’re not entirely betraying him and he’s a bit relieved to hear it, but his territorial nature couldn’t stand the fact that he’s forced to go through one night with another feline in the house. kuroo could just leave the house for the night but then again, he’s the one that lives here so why should he? you may be oblivious, but kuroo can tell that there’s something malicious about him and it’s definitely not because he’s jealous.
“are you hungry, kenma?” you coo, ignoring the feeling of kuroo’s intense gaze burning holes from your back as he looks at you in disbelief after hearing the name you call him.
“k-kenma?! you already gave him a name?!” he yells and he’s so close to shredding the cushion underneath him. 
“mmhmm, i think it’s cute and it fits him.” you giggle as you watch the calico devour his food like he hasn't gotten a meal for ages. “or maybe kyanma is cuter?”
“ew.” kuroo tears his eyes away, no longer able to stand the sight of you smothering– (he can’t even bring himself to say the name) kenma despite being in his presence. first, the stupid blonde guy and now this? you’re breaking his little heart.
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“don’t look at him like that.” though your eyes are glued to the screen, you can feel his piercing gaze from the other couch as you lie down with kenma sleeping and purring peacefully on your chest. it’s such an eyesore for kuroo and he just hopes you’re not going to sleep in bed with him tonight. 
kenma’s eyes flutter open to glance over the older feline and his lips twitch into a victorious smirk before snuggling back on your chest to sleep again, causing kuroo’s jaw to clench in vexation. 
but what gets on his nerves even more is when he suddenly hears the sound your lips make as you kiss kenma on the nose. 
his ears are blowing steam right now and in his head he’s already throwing stupid kenma away to sit on top of you and yell at him to stay away from what’s his and that he’s unwelcomed here. he wants to do it, but he knows that you wouldn’t like that and he fears that he’ll be the one to get kicked out from the house instead of his competitor. 
alternatively, he tries to get your attention.
“i’m hungry.” he whines as he looks at you with his innocent and pleading eyes in an attempt for you to melt into them. 
“but i’m going to wake him up if i leave.” you answer, genuinely feeling bad if you start to move away from your seat. 
“he’s not sleeping.” he quickly replies and kenma’s ears perk up when he’s aware that he’s on the topic. 
“trust me, i know.” 
“hmm, fine.” you gently caress the cat and kenma mewls when you put him down on the couch to leave for the kitchen. kuroo watches you from his seat and turns to kenma once he’s confident that you’re distracted from preparing his food for him.
“listen here, you little shit.” he growls intimidatingly before bopping his head up to peep at you to see your back facing him, “i know what you’re up to and don’t you dare think that you’re running this place because you’ll be gone first thing in the morning.” 
“kuroo?” you call from the kitchen and he immediately stands up and pretends that nothing has happened as he skips happily to his plate. 
“feed me, pleaaase.” he shamelessly requests, but you only look at him weirdly and repulsed.
“but you already know–”
“pleaaaase?” his lips feign a pout but you roll your eyes.
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you wave your hand to disregard his plea and walk back into the living room and take kenma to sit on your lap before his head rubs on your hand to ask you to pet him.
kuroo only sighs and takes a mouthful of his meal into his mouth. 
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morning has finally arrived, though later than kuroo expected. he couldn’t sleep a wink knowing that you were having kenma together with you on your bed while he had to settle for the couch again. he said it was either you bring him with you or leave kenma with him in the living room. but you couldn’t possibly leave the two together in the same room, even if you were there and asleep. kuroo was literally on his knees and begged to come inside the room with you, yet your answer was resolute. 
but it’s fine, you can say goodbye to kenma now and you’re going to be stuck with him until the end of his life. 
your friend comes with a cat carrier in hand and they just fall in love with the calico as soon as they lay their eyes on him. you’re a bit sad since you’ve grown attached to the little guy over the short time, but your friend assures you that you can stop by their place anytime if you wish to see kenma. they think that maybe you can bring kuroo along so they can play together, but you just laugh at the idea– knowing kuroo doesn’t like him and you only kept kenma close to make sure he wouldn’t be too distressed. and well, they’re not dogs either.
as soon as you close the door for your friend, kuroo wraps his big arms around you and sighs in relief. 
“that was mean of you.” he whines softly. 
“you’re being dramatic.” but kuroo holds you tighter and your cheeks start to get warm.
“no. you keep on picking up nasty scents from others. first, your ugly friend and then… then...” he nibbles his lip, as if uttering the name would cause him to vomit.
“atsumu and kenma?” you giggle, causing kuroo to grunt when he hears the names. 
“but now that i have you like this, you can’t run away nor slap me again.” he purrs, leaning his chin to rest on your shoulder. 
“i don’t get it.” you reply coyly, as if him rubbing his cheek against yours isn’t clear enough to tell you what he wants to do. 
“look at me.” he orders, and you nervously turn your head to him. although there’s a shit eating grin plastered across his face, it only makes him look even more gorgeous especially when he is only a couple of inches away. 
there’s a sparkle of mischief in his umber eyes as he stares into you, “close your eyes.”
and you do. his hot breath prickles your skin when he closes in the gap and he finally plants a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
your eyes flutter open once he pulls away. “is that it? is that the kiss?”
“mmhmm.” he nods his head a bit too proudly and lets you go. 
you burst out laughing when you’re reminded of a pure, curious child that knows absolutely nothing of the world. 
“then, you missed.” you chaff, turning to face the clueless male.
“w-what?” kuroo blinks in confusion and his ears and tail plop down dispiritedly. he’s pretty sure that he did it right. besides, that’s how you’ve always kissed him when he was a–
you take a step closer to him and get on your tiptoes before cupping his face to pull it closer to yours. it must be the waves of endorphins rushing in your veins or the look of his handsome yet dejected face after thinking that he has accomplished something great– but you found the urge to kiss him properly on the lips, leaving kuroo stunned and wide eyed as he relishes on the new feeling of your soft lips pressing against his before you pull away all too quickly.
“that’s how you kiss someone.” 
well, maybe you shouldn’t have taught him that because now, he’ll just might want more.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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For my dearest @frenchfryfranki​, happiest of birthdays my darling! Please enjoy this Aquarium date with a very soft and sweet Jack Daniels AKA Agent Whiskey. 
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F! Reader
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The evening is quiet as you sit in the passenger seat of Jack’s car listening to soft country music play out of the speaker. You rest your crossed arms across the window of his black mustang, watching as the landscape of the city suburbs rushes past, the sun setting in the distance and turning the sky into a vibrant orange, pink and purple gradient. You smile contentedly at the beautiful evening. It was your birthday and Jack was taking you out on a date. You had spent the entire day enjoying time with your family and friends, but you were taken completely by surprise when Jack had whispered in your ear that he had something special planned, just the two of you for later that evening. You had said goodbye to everyone, and Jack had whisked you away, seeming just as excited as you.
Turning to Jack once more you analyse the features of his face, the lights of the highway glimmered in his soft brown eyes, the profile of his nose resting prominently above his mouth, turned up in the corners into a warm and comforting smile, the soft creases in his expression showing off his adorable dimples and the crinkles by his eyes. He notices you staring and flashes you a broad grin. “What’s on your mind little one?”
You match his smile with one of your own as you rest your head back onto the soft leather of the seat. “Just wondering what you’ve got planned for this evening Jack. You’ve been very elusive with the details… Agent Whiskey…” You giggle lightly to yourself.
“Well just know that you’ll like it sugar. I know you pretty well darlin’ and I think I’ve planned a pretty good surprise for you.” His smile broadens and his brow quirks as he looks over to you. You sigh happily as he rests a reassuring palm on the top of your thigh as he continues to steer with his other hand. Whiskey continues to drive as you make your way further out of the city finally pulling up into a large dark carpark. You look over at Jack, a quizzical expression evident on your face. You had never been good at hiding your emotions, Jack always said he could tell exactly how you felt whenever he looked at you. He loved that you were such an open book, and as soon as he looked at you, he burst out laughing. “Have you finally taken me to a deserted carpark in the middle of the night to kill me agent? These past three months of dating was just a cover wasn’t it?” You say jokingly, your tone dramatic and silly as you try to hold back your own giggles.
Once Whiskey had finally recovered from his bout of laughter he hops out of the car and opens the passenger door with his arm outstretched. You wrap your arm around the crook of his elbow as he shuts the door behind you and leads you towards a large building shrouded in the darkness of the night. He takes you to one of the back doors your confusion only growing as he says, “Close your eyes darlin, I want this to be a proper surprise.” You smile as he places his hands over your eyes, “Just to make sure you’re not peeking!” Giggling as he you hear the door open and feel Whiskey lead you inside. Continuing forward Whiskey finally pulls you to a halt. “Ok you can open your eyes now sugar.” You hear Jack whisper softly in your ear as he takes his hands away from your face. Blinking your eyes open slowly you are met with the most beautiful scene laid out in front of you, so pretty it could be the cover of a postcard. You were standing in a tunnel made of glass, surrounded by water and thousands of different sea creatures floating above you. You look up in awe, a huge smile breaking out across your face. Scattered across the floor at your feet was a trail of red rose petals creating a little pathway through the tunnel and further. Whipping around to face Jack you see him standing behind you, hands behind his back as he looked up at you with a nervous smile.
“So what do you think sweetheart… do you like your surprise?”
You don’t know how but your smile gets even wider, so much so that your cheeks begin to hurt. “The surprise was taking me to the Aquarium? Jack I love it…”
He pulls you up to him, a hand on your cheek, and plants a tender kiss on your lips. “I’m so glad darlin.” You both look into each other’s eyes, brimming with emotion. Kissing you gently on the nose, Jack finally breaks the silence, “So are you ready for your private aquarium tour sugar?”
“Am I ever!” The excitement evident in your voice.
The two of you wander slowly through the aquarium taking in every exhibit following his trail of rose petals through the empty halls. You felt like a kid in a candy store, enjoying every single little thing that you came across. Jack was enjoying it just as much but all he could really focus on was you and how happy and excited you were. He loved seeing you like this, full of unbridled joy as you pointed out different things that he just had to see. Constant calls to him as you pulled him along as you walked hand in hand, “Jack you have to see this!... Woah did you know that this species of star fish glows in the dark?!... Oh my goodness look at that one!” You walked from one exhibit to the other, from the coral reefs full of vibrant colours of different flora and fauna, to the touch pools full of star fish, sea urchins, and anenomes. You both put your hands into the water excited as small children to touch the little animals. As you pulled your hands out of the water, you flicked your fingers spraying each other with little water droplets, giggling together. As you laughed Jack grabbed you around the waist and lifted you up as you both continue to laugh together, voices ringing out joyfully in the empty space. He puts you down and you both catch your breath as you grab his hand once more and lead him further through the space.
You continue, both smiling happily as you walk through the other exhibits moving through the coastal waters. You watched as the seals and otters frolicked through the water or rested together in the waning light of the evening on the shore of the enclosure. You let a small aww leave your lips as Jack pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. Continuing along you reach the deep-sea area with colourful luminescent jellyfish and camouflaging fish, looking around the tank eagerly all of a sudden the face of a shark appears out of the darkness and you jump back scared, nuzzling your face into the centre of Jacks broad chest to hide. “What’s wrong sugar?” He says looking down at your eyes worry evident in the furrow of his brow.
“I really don’t like sharks Jack, they freak me out!” You say, voice being muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
He chuckles lightly as you look up at him with doe eyes, melting him in an instant. He lifts the black Stetson off of his head, revealing the soft fluffy brown hair beneath, slightly tousled after being under the hat all evening. He slowly lowers it onto the top of your head and as he does it slips over your brow. It as just a little too big for you. He chuckled as the hat fell onto the bridge of your nose, all he could think was that you’d never looked more precious. “Is that better darlin? You can’t see them now and they can’t see you. Alright sweetheart lets get you out of here then, shall we?” You nodded lightly, the hat wobbling on your head slightly at the motion. He took your hand in his and slowly steered you out. You finally came out into the open, slowly taking a deep breath of the cool night air. Jack leaned down to you and lifted his Stetson off of your nose so it rested lightly on the top of your head. “There you go little one… much better.” You both chuckled to each other at the situation feeling giddy once more at his romantic gesture. “I think you look even better than I do in that hat sweetheart, and that’s saying something.” He smirked at you, a cocky glint in his eye.
Swatting his arm lightly you rolled your eyes. This was the silly cowboy that you had head over heels fallen for, the sweet and the ridiculous. All rolled into one. Reaching out his arm once more you took it and began to follow him down the flight of steps around the back of the building. Watching your feet as you went you slowly began to hear sloshing waves as you rounded the corner. Looking up you saw the shoreline of the ocean right in front of you, another part of the aquarium but out in the open. Your mouth dropped open for the second time this evening at the beauty of it all. The moon shone brightly giving the waves a beautiful white glow, the sound of birds rustling as they settled for the night.
“One last surprise my love.” You looked over to where Jack had walked to, the platform of the aquarium that jutted out over the water, where a beautiful picnic was laid out. Candles and fairy lights surrounding a red and white checkered picnic blanket, a small wicker picnic basket full of your favourite foods and a smiling cowboy, with the biggest grin resting underneath his scruffy moustache.
You had never been so happy in your entire life. You run over to him, one hand holding onto the black Stetson resting atop your head, and the other quickly wrapping around the back of Jacks neck as you jump into his embrace. His arms wrapped around your waist once more as he lifted you up to his height and pulled you into the softness of his lips. You kiss him back passionately, both holding onto each other closely as you conveyed every last ounce of joy you felt, being here, with him, in this moment. Finally breaking away from him you looked up into his soulful brown eyes glimmering in the moonlight. “I love you Jack.” You whispered as your eyes started to well up. He gently brushed a stray hair that had fallen across your face back behind your ear.
“I love you too sugar. Happy birthday.”
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leafs-lover · 3 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 42
Chapter 42
Series Masterlist
Authors Note: Here is some photo’s to go along with this chapter to help you get a feel for some of the idea’s I was going for if you’re interested. 
Warning: Swearing, a little drinking, smut, angst, cold feet
Word Count: 9800
“Hey babe” you hear Fred call out looking for you.
“In here” you call out from the kitchen. You hear his shoes get kicked against the wall followed by heavy steps on the wood floor as you pour some steaming water into your mug. A pair of large arms wrap around your stomach. You feel his sweat drenched t-shirt and catch a wiff of the stench radiating off him.
“Couldn’t take a day off eh” you laugh pulling away mixing your tea.
“Well I’m about to have almost two weeks off so I figured I should get something in now” he grabs a glass and pours himself some water while you lean back against the counter. You see his damp shirt clinging to his stomach and your eyes gently rake over his body. Glass hitting the counter echoes as you lose yourself watching while he grasps the hem of the shirt.
He slowly drags the fabric up his stomach exposing his chest before discarding it on the floor. A ball catches in your throat when Fred clears his throat; your eyes instantly snap up to his face. A few beads of sweats roll over his flushed skin, his red curls clinging to his forehead.
“You can have this babe” he smirks taking a few steps closer placing a hand on either side of you, his weight leaning against the counter.
You decided that once you arrived in Denmark you would wait to have sex until after the wedding, a decision Fred wasn’t particularly fond of. It’s only seven days from your arrival to the wedding which you didn’t think would be that long. Fred has road trips longer than that and you thought you would be super busy with the wedding and the kids.
But since arriving in Denmark all you have had is people offering to take your kids from you, people wanting to spend time with them during their visit. That kid free time has led to many lingering glances, playful winks and the occasional pinches of your ass when Fred thinks nobody is looking. Even with sorting out the finishing details you still have had a lot of free time the last couple days.
Only thing you didn’t consider was Fred was going to do anything to convince you otherwise. He always gets you to a point of wanting more. He may not agree with waiting but he respects your wishes. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to sway you. He is always coming up beside you trailing his fingers across your warm skin, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. Doing anything and everything he can think of to make you weak in the knees.
His mouth is centimetres from your neck, lips ghosting over the skin. His mustache tickles you pulling some goosebumps to the surface. “All you have to do is ask” he whispers before gently sucking on your neck.
Your hands find his hips as he leans in teeth softly biting your flesh. “Fred” you groan pushing him away slightly “you can’t leave a mark.”
The edges of his lips curl upwards while he softly sucks on your skin again. “That’s why you want me to stop” he mumbles pulling your shirt down sucking on your collarbone. “Because you’ll have to hide a hickey on your wedding day” he hums. “Thought it would be because you don’t want sex until the wedding.”
Before you can respond he steps back and grips the waist of his shorts. He quickly pulls them along with his boxers off leaving him completely exposed. It takes so much willpower to not drop your gaze, willpower you don’t have and your eyes trail down his chest. They land on his member, hard and thick, the tip oozing with precum.
He presses his lips briefly to your cheek drawing your gaze before shooting you a playful wink and walking away toward the bathroom. Taking a few minutes to gather yourself you finally gather his clothes left littered around the kitchen and take them to the bedroom, placing them in the hamper. Sitting on the bed you notice Fred is taking longer than normal and you slowly open the door a crack. His back is to you, leaning against the tile wall while his other hand is wrapped around his cock as he strokes himself.
A low groan falls from you, the sound muffled by the stream of water. Watching his shoulder and bicep flex, large hand stroking over his hard member has your knees almost giving out. You immediately look away because if not you will pull your shirt over your head and join him in the glass enclosure.
Instead you walk out of the bathroom and change out of your sweats into a pair of denim shorts and a loose off the shoulder t-shirt. Climbing on the bed you rest with your back against the headboard, ankles crossed scrolling through your phone. You try to occupy yourself, distract your mind. Forget about the fact that your fiancé, your incredibly sculpted gorgeous fiancé, is in the bathroom with his large hand wrapped around his cock.
The hand that wraps around your throat; the hand that massages your breasts and pinches your nipples, the hand that can bring you to multiple orgasms in a matter of minutes is instead doing that himself. You are tempted to pop your short button and slide a finger inside your slick heat; but you know that you it won’t be as good as Fred.
You also know you don’t have the time. Fred has been in the shower longer than normal, but you know he will be out soon. If he walks out and see’s you knuckles deep thrusting your fingers in and out of your throbbing pussy he won’t let you hear the end of it. You also know you could step into that shower and that hand that is currently bringing Fred to his climax will be on you instantly.
He would pin you against the tile wall within seconds. Mouth in your ear mumbling how it was a stupid idea to wait, how you wasted the last five days. Every deep thrust into your pussy accompanied by him mumbling how he was right.
You are so lost in your thoughts you don’t notice your screen has timed out and is now black, or that the shower has turned off. It’s not until the door creaks open that you are pulled from your trance. A towel hangs low on his hips, droplets of water across his chest. He runs his hands through his red lock, messily pulling them aside while he smirks seeing your legs rub together in search of some friction.
“See something you like?” he grins dropping the towel.
Mumbling a light fuck you shake your head watching as he pulls a pair of boxers up his thighs. Slowly he approaches the bed and grabs your feet pulling you from the headboard before he climbs over you. Hands resting beside your shoulders you giggle and pull his face closer to yours so you can smell his body wash and shampoo.
“Where are the kids?” his brown eyes piercing into your sole, his entire weight pressing against you.
“Out” you reply running your hands through his beard bending one of your knees.
“Out eh” he mumbles into your neck as his large hand finds the back side of your knee.
“Mhm” you laugh as his beard tickles your neck. He slowly pulls your shirt exposing some more skin, his mouth peppering kisses on your warm skin. “Your mom and aunts have the boys. Allie and Carlee are having a girl day with E” you explain.
His hand strokes up your thigh and gently plays with the hem of your shirt. “They are actually gone for the night” you explain your hands finding his hips. He mumbles lowly under his breath and tries to press his weight down onto you.
“Fred” you dig your nails in pushing him up slightly. “We can’t.”
“We can” he smirks his lips finding your collarbone. “We have many times before.”
“We gotta go" you groan hands on his hips playfully trying to push him off. 
“We have no kids, we can literally do anything we want and you want to run errands” he teases 
“Errands” you laugh. We have to get the suits, and the rings…” you trail off slightly as his warm breath fans over your neck. “We are getting married in 48 hours we have things to do.”
His lips continue to ghost over you and one hand dips under the hem of your shirt cupping your breast over your bra. You dig your nails into his skin harshly causing him to groan and pull away “fine" he huffs. “Let me just get a shirt.” 
You feel cold without his warm body pinned against you, left feeling empty. Closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths you hear Fred alert you he is ready.
“Why can’t I see my ring” you whine as he puts the car in park. He leans over the console and places a soft kiss on your cheek and wordlessly exits the car. Throughout the planning process there have been very few things Fred has taken complete control over. He wanted to pick the song for your first dance and plan the honeymoon in its entirety.
Giving up input on the first dance was hard for you, but the honeymoon was easy. Through the years Fred has planned multiple trips for you; Greece, San Diego and even that trip away in Pittsburgh. It was an amazing trip until the morning you imploded everything.
But still, not seeing the wedding band has been difficult and frustrating. The two of you went out a couple months ago and looked at wedding bands. Within five minutes of walking in you both saw the black titanium band and new it was the ring for him; the only thing that remained was the engraving for you to do yourself.
Once his was picked out you dragged him to the other display, but before you could begin browsing he pulled you out of the store telling you he already had that under control. You have repeatedly asked him about the ring but he has always shut you down. You found it a little frustrating that he wanted to be a part of his ring selection but you don’t even get any input on yours.
But for the last three months Fred has refused to divulge any details, just that “you’ll love it.”
A few minutes later Fred returns to the car, placing the small brown bag on the floor of the backseat. Putting the car in drive his hand quickly finds your thigh giving you a soft squeeze and setting off to collect the suits and Elise’s dress.
“Are we done” Fred groans leaving the seamstress garment bag in hand. He opens the back seat and hangs Elise’s dress from the hanger beside the suits, carefully closing the door.
“Yes” you laugh “all done.”
“Good” he presses his lips to your cheek “I have a surprise for you.”
He reaches around you to open the door but you don’t move quirking an eye brow to him. “Get in babe” he prompts gently closing the door after you. Getting in the car he can see the confused on your face and he just smirks pressing the on button and setting it to drive.
Over the next half hour you repeatedly ask where you are going, like a child too impatient to wait. He ignores all of your questions taking you outside of the city and on some back remote roads. Not that you have any idea where you are or where you are going, unfamiliar with the streets of Denmark.
“You’re worse than Oliver” he groans every time you ask if you’re almost there. You just huff in response, a slight smirk tugging on his lips as his one hand squeezes your thigh. Finally you pull into a brick driveway, leading to white house with red shutters, red clay tiles on the roof and a rounded red door.
Once the car is in park you jump out not waiting for Fred. You hear his shoes on the gravel driveway and you turn around to face him, his hands landing on your hips.
“Why are we here?” you ask wrapping your hands around his neck.
“I wanted to show you your wedding present” he smiles pressing his lips to your forehead
“What?” you shriek eyes going wide. “You bought me a house?!”
“Let’s just go inside and talk kay?” he hums as you eagerly nod.
“Come on” he grabs you by the wrist tugging you towards the front porch and opening the door. Once inside you look through to the living room, floor to ceiling windows showcasing the beautiful backyard. A swing set is off to one side, a large outdoor eating area on the other. Beyond the grass there is sand which leads out to a beach, a private beach.
Fred stops at the island letting you walk in and further exploring the space. Walking by him you set your purse on the large twelve person table one of the windows is open allowing the warm salty breeze to blow through your hair. The walls are painted a simple white, a blank canvas for you to decorate how to see fit. Sitting down on the couch you hear his footsteps before he finally sinks into the fabric beside you.
“My wedding present” you ask turning to face him on the couch.
“Well it’s not ours yet. Still have to sign the papers.”
“And why would we buy a house in Denmark when we have a house in Pittsburgh?” you chuckle.
“We always talked about moving to Denmark once I was done playing hockey” he shrugs. “Coming here I realized how hard it to not have any of the stuff they normally need. The rental is great but we had to get a bunch of furniture into storage so we can fit cribs, high chairs and their toys. And we have to get everything switched once we leave and next year when we visit we have to find a new place and do it again.
We also struggled to find a place large enough for all of us, we only have three bedrooms which is fine now. But next year Elise will be one she shouldn’t be sleeping in our room then. It might be nice to have our own place here where we can stay, something we can decorate. Hang pictures of the kids and make it feel like home. Even if we don’t move here when I retire it’s still our place to stay in for the summers. Something to come back to every year.”
You sit there for a few minutes processing everything he is saying. It all makes sense. You were the one who suggested a while ago raising your family in Denmark once his career ends. Having their cousins and aunts around all the time, family dinners on Sunday, Christmas mornings together. Climbing into his lap, you gently rake your fingers through his beard pulling his lips closer to yours. His soft lips press against yours, groaning while you smile into it.
“We should do it” you grin. “I always wanted to move here when you’re done hockey, have them grow up around their family and Danish culture. I didn’t have aunts and cousins around growing up but they have so many here it would be good for them to grow up around them. For the next few years we can use it for our summer visits so the seven of us have somewhere to stay.”
“Seven? Are you pregnant?!” his face goes white as fear washes over him thinking of having another kid so soon after Elise, and so soon after the twins.
“No” you laugh “but we’re going to have a puppy in a couple years. And he will love the backyard and chasing the geese off the beach.”
He sighs in relief shaking his head as you have been relentless in your quest for a dog. It’s not that Fred doesn’t want one, he just wants to wait until the kids are a little older so it will be slightly less chaotic. But you want the kids to grow up with a dog, and you also recognize that with four kids your lives will likely always have a little chaos.
His hands grip the back of your legs and pull you closer until you land with a knee on either side of his thighs. His hands on the back of your legs have always been one of your favourite feelings. Him giving you a gentle squeeze pulling your body closer to him as his thumb caressing your skin as he slowly edges the hem of your shorts up.
“And maybe it will help get rid of your terrible accent” he teases as you roll your eyes.
You have spent the last couple years trying to learn Danish, but you still have some ways to go. When people speak to fast you often get confused, and you have been told you have an obvious accent, something you have been working on. But living in Denmark, surrounded by the language all the time you know you will only get better.
“Besides if we aren’t happy we can move back to Pittsburgh, or to Toronto, Calgary, LA; anywhere really” he pulls you closer crashing his lips against yours. You taste the chap stick on his lips before you slide your tongue inside swiping across the inside of his cheek. “Home is wherever you are” he mumbles.
He quickly flips you so you land on your back, pulling the air from your lungs while he hovers over you. A large smile is pressed on your face as one of your knees subconsciously hooks around his back. The air is pulled from your lungs but before you can gather it his lips are on yours. It starts soft until a quiet involuntary groan slips from your lips. You briefly feel his lips curl upwards and he pushes down.
Your hands tangle into his shirt; the hem slowly lifting to expose some skin. His mouth quickly finds your neck and begins peppering soft kisses on your collarbone. You want more, you want to pull the shirt from his chest so badly but you know if you do you won’t be able to stop.
“Fred” you try to warn but it comes out as more of a whimper. Fred takes that as permission and one of his large hands slides under your shirt and begins massaging your breast.
“Babe” you whine as he pulls your bra down, calloused fingers rubbing over your skin and rolling your nipple through his fingers. You have a tight grip on his hips and try to find the strength to push him off when you hear the front door click shut and heels clicking on the warm light hardwood. Fred must have heard the noise because he quickly jumps off you almost falling when he tries to find his footing.
“Hej du må være Fred” a woman says entering the room. His cheeks are pink, hot with embarrassment and he clears his throat walking towards her. You push yourself off the couch adjusting your shirt “Jeg er agent Sophia” she continues oblivious to scene that was unfolding mere seconds ago.
“Hej” Fred sticks a hand out to greet her
“Hej jer er (Y/N)” you interject walking over to them.
“Oh right the Canadian” she remarks at the thick accent laced in your words. Fred chuckles and shoots you a smirk before she continues “what do you guys think of the place?”
“Oh we just got here, haven’t been upstairs yet but we love this space" Fred says eyeing around the main floor.
Sophia begins explaining the history of the property. Originally the property was a small two bedroom cottage built in 1933, in 1980 a family bought it and added on a major addition. That included enlarging the original floorplan and adding the second story to include 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. They wanted to keep some of the original charm of the house and that included some of the original beams and fireplace in the living room.
There is a games room currently with a foosball and air hockey table and some built in shelves for toys and games. The rooms are smaller than your place in Pittsburgh, but it feels more homey. You can see your family crowded around the table playing board games on a Friday night, or curled up on the couch while Fred works on the fire for a family movie night.
“So 4 bedrooms” Fred reaches over the console to lace his fingers with yours “a little smaller than our current place. Think we can manage?”
“Yeah the twins can share” you lean back in the seat turning your head to look at him.
“What about when people visit where do they stay?”
“At a hotel” you laugh. “No there is the office on the main floor. We can get some kind of convertible bed or something for there.”
“It’s a lot smaller than our current place are you sure?”
��Well for now it will just be the place we stay at in the summers. We can see how it works as they grow. If we need more space for the kids, or for friends and family then we can look for somewhere else. But I think we’ll be fine. Besides you saw the view, we can sit on our balcony watching the kids play on the beach, watching the sunset every night once the kids are asleep…” you trail off thinking of the two of you curled on the outdoor couch. Half empty wine glasses resting on the table the warm salty breeze blowing through your hair. Fred’s large hands roaming over your body, sweat dripping down your chest as you ride him.
He brings your hand up to his lips pressing a soft kiss on the back. A low sigh leaves your lips; you aren’t sure if it’s from the contact or the aching between your legs, but either way you are unsure if you can make it until your wedding night which is still two days away.
“Hey smuk” Fred mumbles peppering soft kisses to your collarbone. The morning sun has begun to filter through the blinds, shining off his bare back.
“Morning” you sigh squirming under his touch. Somehow you managed to get through the night without having sex. The two of you reviewed the papers for the house and signed in an offer, and when you tried to go over your speech for the reception he pried the pages from you and locked them in the safe to try and get you to turn your brain off.
He drew you a warm bath, lavender scent and steam filling the room. Stepping into the tub water spills over the top splashing onto the tile but you don’t care as your back rests against his chest. A glass of wine in hand the two of you basked in the warmth of each other long after the water turned cold. Once climbing out of the water and lying on your stomach he had one knee on either side of your hips. His hands gently rubbing your back, slowly working the knots and tension you didn’t realize you had been holding onto.
Just as you were about to give in Fred fell onto his back pulling you onto his warm chest. Your hand gently resting on his abs you heard his breathing slow as he fell asleep.
“What time is it?” you murmur with a raspy voice.
“Almost 11 I made breakfast” he explains pulling you out of bed. Once in the kitchen you realize he didn’t just make a simple breakfast he went all out. Bacon, eggs, hash browns and french toast with fresh fruit.
“Smells amazing” you smile not sure if it’s the maple syrup or the hazelnut coffee filling the air.
“Mommy” you hear a little voice squeal and you set your empty plate down on the counter. Turning around you pick up Oliver wrapping your arms around him.
“Yum” he says looking around you. Laughing you send him to the table and Fred grabs another plate for him just as Noah stumbles in.
“Dadda” his eyes light up as he opens and closes his fists making an up motion to Fred.
“Hey” he quickly picks him up throwing him above his head slightly before kissing him on the cheek. You start scooping some food on a plate for Oliver when Lucas walks into the room wrapping his arm around Fred’s large leg. After handing Oliver his food you look over to Fred who is holding the twins laughing with them, he looks over at you to see the large smile on your face admiring how similar they all are.
All three of your sons are spitting images of Fred. Dark brown eyes, curly red hair on their heads and dimples beside their mouths. You could stand there for hours just basking in their laughter that fills the room; Fred with the kids is your absolute favourite thing to watch.
“Hey dad” Fred says as Noah reaches out towards the food making a come here motion with his hand. “Grandpa not feed you guys” he laughs passing Noah to you while you both strap them in a highchair.
“They all woke hungry up at 6 am” Ernst explains grabbing one of the mugs of coffee from the counter “probably looking for lunch now.”
You laugh slightly seeing the bags under his eyes, but thankful it wasn’t you being woken up that early. Ernst stays for a few minutes while Oliver tells you all about his sleepover and the fort he built with Sebastian and Amalie. The twins babble along giving random “mmm’s” when Fred hands them pieces of food.
“I’m gonna go get ready” you kiss Fred’s cheek after Ernst leaves.
“Wow I make you breakfast and you’re going to leave the dishes and three sticky kids” he whines with a grin on his lips.
“This is literally my life when you’re on the road” you kiss his lips briefly. “Only difference is I dip the food in the syrup. Otherwise the boys end up just putting their hands in it and then touching their face.”
Before he can respond you walk away to the bedrooms and finish packing up the bags for the kids. Your venue has rooms for everyone so you are spending tonight after the rehearsal and then you and your bridesmaids will be getting ready, and the boys all in another room on the other side of the property. Everyone is staying overnight after the wedding, and then you and Fred will be leaving for your honeymoon.
His parents are watching all the kids for the honeymoon so you need to make sure they have everything they need for the next 10 days. Once everyone is packed you begin getting yourself ready, you hear laughter and some random cries and whining from the living room, knowing it’s likely the twins fighting over the same toy.
“Hey babe" you walk up to Fred who is holding Elise looking out at ducks on the pond. Once arriving at the venue you went to your room to hang your dress and ensure everything is ready before dropping the boys suits off in Fred’s room. At some point he found Carlee and Allie who brought Elise with them to the venue earlier in the day and dressed her in a pink floral dress with a matching hat.
“Hey" he smiles looking out at the boys who are trying to learn how to skip rocks with Mitch. Oliver has had a few attempts that slightly resemble the form required but Lucas has just been throwing rocks over his head and Noah has mostly been sitting picking grass.
It is a surprisingly warm day for Denmark, temperatures hovering at almost 30°C throughout the day. There is a warm breeze blowing through the trees slightly ruffling the leaves on the trees. Your arm wraps around his lower back and his over your shoulder as his lips gently press into your hair. He holds Elise close, using his body heat to keep her warm, her tiny body looks so small pressed against Fred’s large chest. But she also is perfectly at ease wrapped in her daddy’s arms.
“Ready for tonight?” he laughs watching Lucas fall onto the ground almost directly on his face.
“Geez" you groan when he pushes himself up a minute later mud staining his blue t-shirt and overalls.
“Kids get dirty" his hand grabs a ball of your shirt holding you against him stopping you from taking him to change his clothes.
“I know but…”
“Hey it’s not his suit” his lips press into your hair. “Let them have their fun tonight, tomorrow I won’t let them play with Mitch.”
“Or Auston" you add. “Just until after pictures.”
“Deal" he finally turns to look at you. His eyes immediately drop to your chest and you swear you feel his dick twitch slightly against your hip. “You changed” he states through gritted teeth.
“Couldn’t wear my jeans" you retort as his eyes lock on your breasts. The low cut of your white summer dress accentuating them. The top is tight and hugs your curves and it flairs out at your waist, gently blowing in the wind.
“It’s just a rehearsal” he groans his tongue pressing to the back of his teeth.
“You don’t like it” you bat your lashes up at him innocently.
“You are such a tease” he mumbles turning his gaze back to Elise who is cooing in his arms.
“You’ll be fine, it’s not even that much longer”
“It’s only 20 hours and 17 minutes but who’s counting” he smiles his hand sliding further down the small of your back causing you to giggle in response.
“Someone’s excited” you wink.
“That’s not the sex countdown. That’s the countdown for you to be my wife” he replies pressing his lips to your head. Before you can respond you hear Steph shriek and Noah crying. You turn and see he had stepped towards the water; he had barely got his feet wet before a wave knocked him over.
“Should we help them” you laugh as Mitch picks up a screaming Noah and tries to comfort him. He isn’t hurt, he fell backwards landing on his bum; it was just the shock of the cool water that lead to his tears.
“Nah he needs the practice” Fred’s hand gives your waist a light squeeze “for when theirs gets here.”
“Wait! What?” you ask in disbelief. Fred’s eyes go wide, his lips curls upward and he shifts uncomfortably on his feet.
“Don’t say anything” he finally says smirking down at you. “Mitch got drunk last night and let it slip. She isn’t very far along and they aren’t telling people so you can’t say anything.”
“I won’t” you smile up at him “that is so exciting for them.”
“Mhm” Fred smirks. “He was going on last summer about how raising a baby will be similar to raising Zeus, so I’m excited for him to realize just how wrong he is.”
He turns his attention to Elise who is tightly pressed against his chest, eyes wide as she looks towards you. “You little lady are super easy” he bounces your tiny daughter and she smiles slightly. “Yeah you eat, you sleep, you smile sometimes even laugh, and it’s a good time. Your brothers on the other hand are mayhem, running into tables fighting over toys. And you just sit there staring at them, loving every minute.”
She has no idea what Fred is saying but she smiles up at her dad who she currently looks nothing alike. She has a few strands of hair similar to yours on top of her head, and big eyes identical in colour to yours. Fred says she looks exactly like you as a baby, he even put your baby picture beside hers for comparison, and he isn’t wrong she even has the little dimples on her chin.
But she also is very young, and you know her hair and eyes could change. Your three sons all have red wavy hair and dark brown eyes and you assume that she will also end up with his hair and eyes. Not that you mind, your three sons are pretty cute.
He pulls Elise in front of himself, lifting her so she is in front of his face. He brings her stomach to his mouth blowing raspberries against her dress. Her legs kick out in response and she laughs making Fred press harder. You begin laughing along with her, her laughter lighting up your heart.
“I love her little baby laugh” you finally say when Fred pulls her back against his hip.
“Same” Fred brushes his lips against yours briefly.
“Almost makes you want another eh” he teases pressing his lips back to yours preventing you from countering back. But before you allow yourself to fully sink into it you recognize that Noah is still screaming as Mitch tries to calm him.
“I should change him into some dry clothes so we can get started” you say pulling away and walking over to help Mitch.
“Okay so after everyone walks in you will stand here” the officiant says to you before turning to Fred “and you there.”
He turns to the groomsmen and begins to shift them getting them into position, angling them slightly before doing the same with the bridesmaids. He begins to breeze through what to expect tomorrow, the brief version of the wedding ceremony.
“Then we do rings” he turns to Auston “that’s you’re cue, then you kiss.”
Fred steps forward placing his hand behind your head and pulls your face to his. Your lips connect in a soft but passionate kiss. There is some light chuckling from people around the room as you open your lips allowing him further entrance not caring that everyone is staring. Your hands snake up to grip his tongue swiping the inside of his mouth.
You groan involuntarily into the kiss causing someone to loudly clear their throat which causes you to pull back slightly. There is heat in your cheeks and a dampness in your underwear as Fred presses a final soft kiss to you before taking a step back.
“Yes, just like that” the officiant says while Fred shoots you a devilish smirk with a wink. “Then you will walk out followed by the wedding party.”
“And we’ll be married” you say smiling at Fred who has a large smile on his face.
“Any questions” he asks. Your eyes are still glued to Fred and you pull your lower lip through your bottom teeth both of you shaking your head.
“Alright, well guess we’ll do it all again tomorrow” he says.
“Daddy you married now” Ollie asks running away from Sebastian and to Fred who bends down to pick him up.
“We get married tomorrow Ollie” Fred laughs
You can see some confusion on his face as he processes what just happened. “That was just a practice” Fred further explains.
“You ready for some food” you ask grabbing Fred’s hand and heading down the aisle with them.
“Yes mommy, Uncle ‘bastian said they have ice cream, cookies and cake” his eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.
“I’ll have to talk with your uncle” Fred mumbles.
“Cookies and cake!” Mitch exclaims running up beside Fred and pulling Oliver from his grip. The two of them take off running, a loud squeal escaping from your child’s lips. You can tell Fred wants to take off after them but you squeeze his hand holding him back. Partially because you know Mitch will make him eat some food, albeit grilled cheese or chicken nuggets before getting dessert, but also because the boys aren’t staying with you tonight so you don’t have to worry too much about their sugar high.
“Want to go for a walk skat?” Fred hums in your ear. Elise is resting gently in your arms, eyes getting heavy as her bed time approaches “help get her to sleep.”
You nod and stand up, Fred grabbing your phone putting it in his pocket since your dress doesn’t have any. The two of you casually slip away from the group. Everyone is a few drinks in, food long gone laughing and chatting. He grips your hand and passes you a plush blanket to wrap Elise in to help keep her warm. The sun is beginning to fall and the temperature has dipped down a few degrees.
Warm red and orange hues reflect off the pond back at you as you slowly walk around it. Fred slows his pace and the two of you fall into an easy conversation, his arm quickly wrapping over your shoulder pulling you in tight. He leads you over to a bench by the water where you can hear some gentle waves as you look over the water to the castle, the venue for tomorrow.
You fall beside him throwing your legs over his broad thighs, his hand landing on yours giving you a light squeeze. Bouncing Elise a few times you hear her coo softly, Fred pulls the blanket back to reveal her wide eyes wrapped tightly in her blanket, you can see the heaviness behind them and know she will fall asleep soon. Your conversation falls silent, but not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence where you stare at the other person, taking in some final moments before you get married.
He stares into your eyes softly, gently running his finger up and down your thigh causing you to shudder at the touch. His touch burning a trail along your skin. He smirks knowing the effect he has on you and before you can tilt your head to look away hit thumb gently lifts your face.
Like a moth to a flame, his lips find yours. Your tongue swipes along his bottom lip before licking the inside of his mouth. Your tongues dance in each other’s mouths as you pull a loud groan from him. Finally with puffy lips he pulls back resting his forehead on yours, the two of you capturing your breaths.
“Jeg elsker dig så meget skat” (I love you so much honey) he whispers, his deep brown eyes flicking open to meet yours. A wide grin plastered on your face as you repeat the words back to him, bringing your head to his shoulder. Glancing out at the water his arm wraps around your body, a light breeze blowing the few stray hairs from your face.
The two of you sit silently watching as the sun continues to set behind the rolling hills. You hear some light chirping of birds and the beating of Fred’s heart through his chest. His thumb gently ghosting over your arms; pulling some goosebumps to the surface.
“It was built in the 1500’s” he nods to the castle. “Frederick the 2nd had it built, him and his wife Sophie were supposed to move in with their seven kids.”
“Seven?” you laugh “that’s insane.”
“Mhm” his lips brush against your forehead. “Well the castle was finished in 1588 but he died a few months before, and his 11 year old son Christian became next in line for the throne but he had to wait until he became 18. They made a council to help lead the country during those years and the family moved into this castle during the mean time.
They set a date for the coronation for when he was 19 and his younger brother, Frederick the third, was jealous he wouldn’t be king, so a month before the date he lured him to the basement. Back then they used medieval torture devices and dungeons; and his younger brother used one of the items to bludgeon him to death. He left his older brothers body and changed his clothes, after a few hours they noticed Christian was missing and set out after him.
After finding his body they found the bloody clothes and then he was also sentenced to death in this castle. They thought that Frederick’s wife knew and the killed her also. And those three were the first of many people to be killed in the basement here. They weren’t the best record keepers but the number is believed to be over 60 people killed and buried around the grounds.”
“Are you serious?” you ask wide eyes pulling your head from his shoulder to stare at him. “We’re getting married at a place where numerous people were killed. I’m going to walk down the aisle and marry you while murdered dead people lie underneath my feet?!”
You can feel your heart beating rapidly, your body gets hot and your palms are sweaty. “How could you not tell me this?! How could you let us get married here!?” you whisper sternly trying to not disturb Elise.
His facial expression remains the same as he stares back at you. You try to push off of him to rise to your feet when he bursts out laughing “no babe.” He pulls you back into him tightly, you landing in his lap sighing in relief.
“This wasn’t a royal castle, no royal families ever lived here. And King Christian lived a long and happy life with lots of kids. But he was responsible for burning almost twenty witches.”
“Oh my god” you sigh. “What is wrong with you” you laugh the edges of your lips curling upwards as you lean back in his grasp.
He is still laughing when he pulls you closer, lips brushing against yours gently. “Seriously can’t believe you bought it” he smirks pulling away as you just shake your head in response.
“I’m happy I’m finally going to marry you” he says. “Pretty little gullible you.”
“We should get her inside” you say noticing Elise has finally fallen asleep in your arms. Once inside Fred tells you he wants to get something and he’ll met you in your room for a couple minutes. He knows that the bridal party will be spending the night in the room and they will be making their way upstairs shortly, but he said he has to do this tonight.
After putting Elise to sleep in her bassinette in the bedroom you change into your pyjamas and wait on the couch for him. You hear the door softly close and light footsteps while Fred makes his way to you,
“You haven’t played for me in a while” you rest your elbow on the back of the couch turning to face him as he rests the guitar on his thigh.
“Well I’ve been working on something I was hoping would be ready for the wedding but it isn’t unfortunately. But I still want to show you, just you.”
Turning his attention to the guitar he does a few practice strokes and begins to play the chords from a romantic melody. It takes you a few seconds but you quickly recognise it as Thinking Out Loud. A smile spreads on your face as he continues through the song.
A few of his red locks have fallen onto his forehead while he looks down with concentration. He struggles a couple times changing the chords, albeit very briefly. In all actuality you wouldn’t have even noticed if it wasn’t for the slight frown that crosses his face and his nose scrunching up before he finally completes the transition and continues on with the song.
“Wow babe” you sigh “that was amazing.”
He sets his guitar on the table before shifting closer to you “still needs some work.”
“Hey” you brush the hair from his forehead “it was amazing. You are amazing, I loved it.”
“You recognize it?” he pulls your legs over your broad thighs.
“I’m pretty sure everyone knows that song babe, it’s Ed Sheeran” you tease over your glass of water.
“Mhm” he hums taking the glass from your hands setting it on the table. “It is a very popular song” you continue.
“You don’t remember eh” he runs his thumb gently over the skin of your thigh.
Taking a minute you try to think back to some of the moments of your relationship, trying to remember a time this song was playing. While you are sure it has played multiple times, there isn’t a moment that sticks out. No momentous occasion in which this was playing in the background.
“Four and a half years ago I was having a terrible day so I decided to go out. It was snowing lightly when I stumbled into a Toronto bar that was mostly empty. A few couples in the booths and one absolutely breathtaking woman sitting at the bar.”
You chuckle slightly as heat hits your cheeks. “Well I walked up and sat beside her and this song pretty much started as soon as I sat down.”
“No it didn’t” you say in disbelief.
“Swear to you it did” he puts one hand in the air and the other over his heart. “I remember it as if it was yesterday. I don’t know why but this has stuck with me through the years, every time I hear it I think of you. You in that navy blue shirt, straight hair framing your face. The lipstick gone from your lips, but it stained the rim of your glass. I think about how I considered not going for a drink and how happy I am I did. I passed like 3 bars on my walk, no idea what drew me in to that one but I’m so happy I did.”
“That’s what you think of when you hear this” you smile.
“Sometimes. Sometimes I think of that time I first felt Ollie kick, or that morning when we were in bed and you told me you would come spend your maternity leave. Or that feeling I had when he was finally born and I became a dad, the first time I held him. But mostly I think of you in that blue shirt sitting in that bar half drank glass of whiskey in your hand.”
His thumb comes to your face and wipes away the tears that have pricked the corners of your eyes. “I love you so much” you whisper as more tears fall from your eyes. You can’t believe that Fred remembers this detail from the night he met you, that night you were just a random girl he never knew if he’d see again. But he remembers every minute detail, something that still surprises you but it shouldn’t after all this time.
“I can’t wait to marry you” he whispers eyes glossed over with tears and your chest tightens slightly. He leans in cautiously pressing his lips to yours. His mustache tickles your upper lip and your hands gently stroke his beard.
Pulling away his forehead presses against yours, his nose resting beside yours. “I should go” he whispers softly after a few minutes of holding each other. He carefully swings your legs off him and rises to his feet. Leaning down he presses a final soft kiss to your lips and turns around toward the door.
“Freddie” you croak out stopping him in his tracks, he turns around eyes finding you.
“Fuck me” you say voice drenched in desperations. Trailing a finger over your calf, cheeks still stained from the tears that fell moments ago.
“What?” he asks.
“Do I really have to ask twice” you smirk.
“N..No” he stammers out popping the button on his pants and quickly unzipping the button. He presses his pants and boxers down his legs, and trips over the fabric in his rush.
“You okay babe” you laugh as he kicks the pants off his legs and quickly peels his shirt off tossing it aside.
“I’m so fucking good babe” he mumbles sinking to his knees, pulling your legs to the side. His warm lips press to the inside of your thigh. He gently bites you causing you to gasp out. His hands find the elastic of your pyjama shorts and he hooks his fingers under pulling them down your legs.
“Thought you wanted to wait baby” he hums spreading your legs staring at your glistening cunt. The edge of his lips curls up seeing the slick that has built up for him; from him.
“That was a stupid idea” you groan as his tongue licks a stripe up your folds. He flicks his tongue against you before he draws the number eight around your throbbing clit.
“Such a stupid idea” he mumbles his beard rubbing against your skin, lightly grazing your throbbing heat.
“Fuck” your back arches and your hips lift pressing yourself further into his mouth. He curls his tongue sliding it inside your walls and your hands grasp the roots of his red locks. His tongue fucks in and out of you, each one pulling a louder moan than the last. His arms wrap around your thighs to grip your hips.
He digs his fingers into you rolling your hips closer to him. You feel a slight bubbling in the pit of your stomach, your entire body getting hot as your orgasm begins to build.
“Baby I need you to fuck me” you tug his hair lifting his head from your core. His lips are glistening with your juices, eyes lit with fire.
“You taste so good though baby” he counters turning his gaze back to your dripping core.
“Freddie” you whine. “I need you” his brown eyes peer up to yours “please.”
He shakes his head at your plead but crawls up your body, pulling your satin tank from your chest. “So needy” he smiles pressing his lips against yours allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue.
“For you” you lean back against the pillows pulling him down against you. His swollen tip presses against your entrance, a leg hooking around his broad back.
His mouth is on yours as he slowly sinks inside your heat swallowing your moans. He stretches you out your dripping core easily welcoming him. Once fully inside he pulls back, forehead resting against yours as you pull your lower lip through your teeth.
You become acutely aware that your friends can wander in at any moment; the two of you are right in the middle of the living room. But you also know that neither of you will last that long. The build up from the past week has had you both on the edge.
His pace is slow and your moans are swallowed by his lips as he pulls back and presses back inside you. “God I love you so much” he mumbles increasing his pace slightly. It’s still slow, but every time he presses forward he hits deep inside your walls. Every thrust hits your G-spot, your nails digging harshly into his broad shoulders.
His hips press into yours, your nails leaving marks all over his back and shoulders. His head ducks down and sucks on your breast a thumb finding your clit, adding to the pleasure rapidly building inside you. You gasp at the feeling, his thick cock stretching you out hitting your cervix with every thrust. Your heel digs into his back to hold him closer.
“Fuck Freddie” you groan feeling your orgasm building. He smirks against your breast dragging his teeth against your nipple. One of your hands find his hair tangling into his roots, gripping it for dear life as you are seconds away from your release.
He gasps sharply at the feeling but doesn’t let up, groaning when he feels your walls flutter around him. You chant his name between your heavy pants. The feeling of euphoria fills your body, toes curling as pleasure erupts inside you and you spill around his cock. He groans at the warmth dripping down him but he continues to work you through your high.
After a few more sloppy thrusts and he grunts. You are met by Danish curse words being mumbled in your ear while a familiar warmth spills inside you, painting your walls white as he collapses on you. Breathless the two of you lie there for a few more minutes, sticky skin all that separates you.
“If I had of known playing my guitar would have gotten you in bed I would have done it days ago” he teases; his warm breathe against your neck. You laugh lightly gently running your fingers over his back “who was I kidding, I’ve never been able to stay away from you.”
After a few minutes Fred pulls out causing you to whine at the emptiness, his cum leaking out of you. He returns a couple seconds later with a damp cloth gently cleaning you before he starts throwing articles of clothing in your direction.
“You should go, before my friends show up” you say as he steps into his boxers.
“Oh I text them a while ago on your phone telling them not to come for a bit” he explains finding his shirt. “I didn’t want them to come in when I was playing for you.”
“Right” you tease pulling your shorts up.
“I had no intention of sleeping with you when I came here” he smiles. “You practically begged me.”
“Good night babe” you walk over to him with a smirk pressing a soft kiss on his lips before ushering him out the door.
“Mommy you look beautiful” you hear your son call. Turning around you see the three of them in matching navy tuxedo’s complete with black bow ties. Fred took you and the kids out a couple months ago to the tailors to pick out the looks for the groomsmen and the boys but you never imagined they would look this adorable.
The dark fabric against his light skin, matching suspenders and hair combed to the side just tugs on your heart strings. A white boutonniere pinned to the outside of his jacket. You wipe away a stray tear quickly picking him up for a big hug.
“Oh my goodness look at you” you coo pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You are just the most handsome best little man.”
A smile tugs on the edge of his lips “thanks mommy.”
“How is daddy doing?” you ask giving him another kiss tickling his side.
“He said I can’t tell you” he giggles making you laugh. You hoped Oliver would divulge some details into how Fred was handling today. If his nerved were getting to him, or if he was calm like when he is in net on game day. But it appears Fred beat you to the punch, telling your child to stay tight lipped.
You wish he hadn’t told him though, you wish Oliver would tell you he is anxious. That he had to pour himself a glass of whiskey to calm down, his leg was tapping anxiously against the wood floor.
“Oh and look at your brothers” you say as Mitch walks in, holding each of the twins hands. They have on identical suits to Oliver, hair combed over to the side. “All of you are just so handsome.”
You walk over completely bypassing Mitch and scooping them for a big hug. You press your lips to their foreheads holding your three boys tight. Oliver begins to groan about it being too tight and you release him standing up to be met with Mitch.
“Hey Mitch” you say straightening his bow tie before he wraps his arms around you for a tight hug.
“You look beautiful momma” he says into your ear.
“You look nice too” you smile.
“I look better than nice” he smirks. “Is the little lady ready?” he asks looking over to Elise. Wide eyes and smiling in her bassinet dressed in a white dress. It has a lace top and tulle bottom, a large bow tied around it, a white floral headband on her head.
While planning the wedding you tried to find a way to include all of the kids in the day. When you thought you were having a boy you planned on one of the bridesmaids pulling him down the aisle in a wagon. With the surprise of having a girl you switched to a groomsman pulling her down the aisle, and Mitch immediately volunteered to pull her down the aisle. During the ceremony she will be with Charlotte in the first row but you still wanted to have her be a part of it.
“Yeah we just have to get her in the wagon” you smile as he walks over picking her up. He grabs a blanket placing it over his crisp suit to protect himself from the potential baby vomit, before pressing her against it. She coos in his arms reaching out to grab his thick brown locks giving them a tight yank.
“Okay” the planner comes into the room scanning around at everyone “Fred is ready and waiting for you.”
You feel yourself tense at the words, fists clenching firmly. Your nails dig harshly into your palms and you take a few uneasy breaths.
“Ready” Carlee comes up wrapping her arms around you for a tight squeeze.
Pulling away she sees some tears in your eyes, your bottom lip beginning to quiver. “Hey don’t cry” she wipes away the tears with her thumbs. Immediately recognizing these aren’t happy tears, they are the tears that often come before a collapse of emotions “what’s going on?”
She pulls you in tight and an involuntary sob slips from you before you breakdown against her. The room goes quiet only your sobs echoing as her hand tangles into your curls holding you close.
“(Y/N)” she whispers running her other hand up and down your back.
Your chest heaves and you fall apart in her arms “I don’t know if I can do this” you whisper through a deep shuddering breath as Allie comes up to you wrapping her arms around the two of you. Your chest tightens and your breathing gets erratic the room feeling like its crumbling around you. You feel like you are outside your body watching everything unfold. Stuck in a glass box and no matter how hard you pound your fists against it, it won’t break.
“What do you mean (Y/N)” she ushers you over to the couch your head falling onto Allie’s shoulder, Carlee crouching down in front of you. The silence that fills the air is deafening. You can feel the tension in the room as everyone watches on, waiting to see how everything unfolds.
“You don’t want to marry Fred?” Carlee asks softly squeezing your hands, your body stiffening at her words. 
Next Chapter
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timebird84 · 4 years
🎄 PotO Advent Calendar 2020 🎄
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By @flora-gray​
The Gift Exchange
(Rated T)
Erik was wrong. 
It was a rare occurrence, in Christine’s experience, but even geniuses don’t know everything about everything, and he certainly didn’t seem to know much about anything when it came to love. 
He had insisted that the distraction of a suitor would interfere with her studies — it had not. She hadn’t missed a single one of their covert lessons, but had continued to put in the endless hours of practice he demanded, with irreproachable focus and without complaint.
He had been adamant that a man of nobility could not be trusted to do right by her, yet here they were, six months on, an engagement ring on Christine’s finger and a gift in Raoul’s hands, carefully wrapped in bright red paper trimmed in gold.
After all those summers at the seaside, this was their first Christmas together, the first of what Raoul promised would be a lifetime of many. Christine chewed at her thumbnail — a nasty habit, Erik would say whenever he caught her — as her fiancé ripped open the paper, a smile twitching on her lips. 
“Oh, Christine!” Raoul exclaimed as he pulled a little ribbon-wrapped bundle from the box. The spicy-clean scent of peppermint filled the air. “Polkagris? Wherever did you find this?” He pulled a candy stick from the bundle, the glossy swirls of red and white glistening in the dressing room’s soft lamplight. “I haven’t had polkagris since we were children! I can’t believe you remembered how much I used to love them.” A smile beaming on his face, he tucked the candy back into the box and pulled her into an embrace. “Christine, you truly are the most thoughtful person I’ve ever known.”
“It’s just a little thing,” she replied, her cheeks glowing a warm rosy pink. “I remembered how you used to beg Papa for them, and I happened upon a candy shop run by a Swedish family.”
“Well, I’m afraid mine will seem rather uninspired compared to yours,” Raoul said, speaking up over the sound of rustling paper as he dug into the bag next to him, “but I do hope you’ll like it anyway. I’ve hardly been able to stand having to wait all week — I had to hide it away in a closet so I wouldn’t be tempted to give it to you early!” He placed a box on her lap and rubbed his hands together, nearly bouncing in his seat. 
The package was large and flat and covered in thick, heavy paper printed all over with shining silver arabesques, topped with an elaborately tied white satin bow. “It’s so beautifully wrapped, I almost don’t want to open it,” Christine said, trailing her fingers over the soft, shimmery ribbon before tugging it loose. Gingerly, she slid a nail around the edge to loosen the paper.
“You needn’t be so careful with it, I have plenty more of the stuff back at home. It’s all yours, if you like it so much,” Raoul laughed, his eyes lit up with anticipation.
“Good,” she smiled teasingly back at him. “Then I’ll expect you to wrap up everything you ever give me just like this from now on.” The paper fell away and she lifted the lid.
Layers of impossibly thin tissue paper covered the contents, and she peeled them back, one by one. 
On top was a fine linen handkerchief trimmed in lace, embellished with intricate embroidery. “It’s lovely Raoul!” Christine breathed, lifting it from the package and letting her fingers glide along the underside of the smooth fabric, all the while wondering vaguely if she’d ever stop feeling uncomfortable with such fine things. 
Raoul’s casual displays of wealth, though never snobbish, were evidence of the privilege he’d been raised with, so different from her early life of scraping by, of simple meals of bread and cheese and rough muslin against her skin. And even now, she was acutely aware of the gulf that lay between them. It was impossible not to, when she was occasionally mistaken for a shop girl while they strolled Le Bon Marché together, an experience he found much more amusing than she did. Even once they married and she went from Christine Daaé to Vicomtess de Chagny, she doubted she’d ever truly fit in amongst the fine ladies who’d been raised with finishing school and balls, who sat and enjoyed operas from velvet-lined boxes rather than performed them, sweating under the hot lights for a modest salary. And though Raoul was insistent that he loved her just as she was, that certainly didn’t seem to stop him from trying to outfit her like somebody else.
Unfolding the handkerchief which likely cost more than her entire dress, Christine spread it open to admire its details. “I’ve never seen such gorgeous lace!” she gushed. “And are these our—” 
“Yes, our initials!” Raoul finished triumphantly. 
Christine’s brow furrowed. “Actually…” She brought the handkerchief up to her eyes and squinted at the letters. Her heartbeat began to quicken. “It says R, and...” She blinked, but the letter stubbornly stayed the same. “And...V.” 
“What? Let me see!” Raoul’s hand shot out and yanked the handkerchief from her slack fingers. Turning it over and over, he examined every inch of it, shaking his head. “There must have been some mistake! Perhaps the girl at the shop heard me wrong — I suppose the letters do sound the same.” He looked up at her, eyes anxious and searching. “I’m so sorry, my love, I can’t believe I didn’t notice! I can have it remade right away.”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” she said, her lips forming the words automatically. A formless sense of unease was slithering its way into the back of her mind, but, with a firm shove, she pushed the feeling away; there was no reason to let a simple mistake ruin their first Christmas. “Really,” she insisted, arranging her lips into a smile that was only a little forced.
Beneath the next layer of paper, enclosed in its own small, shallow box, was a pile of silk, white as snow and with that same incomparable look, as though it were delicate enough to melt under her fingertips. This new luxury unfurled as she raised it up between them, the folds falling, forming the shape of...a pair of ladies’ drawers?
The breath escaped from her lungs in a sharp gasp. Heat flamed at the edge of her ears as she dragged her eyes up to where her fiancé sat, stock still.
A red flush was creeping up from under his collar. 
His voice wavered. “That— that’s not a shawl?” 
“No, Raoul,” she replied evenly, despite the queasy fluttering in her stomach. “It is not.”
“Are those…?” He dropped his gaze to the floor.
“Yes, they are.”
“I—” Raoul squirmed in his seat. The flush was working its way up his neck, spreading across his face, leaving beads of sweat in its wake.  “It was meant to be a shawl. I would have never—” His words fell away and he looked up at her with pleading eyes.
“I know you wouldn’t have,” said Christine quickly. She jammed the drawers back into their box and shoved it all to the side, eager to leave the subject behind. 
And it was true, she could not think of a less likely thing for him to give her. Their relationship had been quite chaste, almost to the point of frustration, with nothing more than sweet, sinless kisses, always broken off far too soon. He’d never given any indication that he so much as even thought about what lay under her skirts, let alone considered the subject enough to buy her such intimate garments. The mistake would almost be funny in its outlandishness, if it weren’t so mortifying — and such an unpleasant reminder of her most secret insecurity: the fear that though he undoubtedly seemed to love her, perhaps he did not desire her. That perhaps he held her up against those lovely ladies of high society he’d been pushed for years to accept, with their bosoms spilling from their silk dresses and their ample hips swaying beneath their skirts, and found nothing inspiring about her waiflike frame. 
But no, he was just being a gentleman, wasn’t he? He wasn’t like the other men of the aristocracy, who took mistresses and visited brothels — no, no, he would never. Raoul, that sweet, brave boy from the salt-kissed seaside was now a respectful and honorable man, and he loved her for herself, not her body. There was nothing wrong with that.
But of course this was the last thing she wanted to be thinking about right now; Christine shook her head to fling away the thought and refocused the entirety of her attention back on the box in her lap. 
“Oh, look! There’s still something left,” she said, infusing her tone with much more enthusiasm than she felt, and she lifted a red velvet pouch from where it lay, heavy, at the bottom of the box. 
Raoul sprang forward. “Actually, why don’t you just give that back to me,” he said, his voice tight and trembling, reaching to take it from her hands. “This has turned out horribly so far, and I—”
“Darling, please.” Christine pulled the object out of his reach. “Certainly one of the three will be as you intended. Your luck can’t be that bad,” she laughed, though in the pit of her stomach sat a sour, sick feeling.
Grasping the pouch in one hand, she reached in with the other and slowly began to pull out a thick pillar of ivory, sculpted and polished, heavy as a candlestick — but not shaped like any candlestick she’d ever seen. It was too irregularly formed, the contours somehow too carnal, and her cheeks were already inexplicably burning before she’d even finished withdrawing it from its velvet enclosure. 
It couldn’t be… 
She’d heard that such things existed, but she never—
Too late she realized she should stop — not that she was sure she could have — but her hand kept moving, pulling the thing free from its covering to stand tall and proud in her clenched fist, absurdly large and luridly detailed — each vein, each curve of ivory flesh on display as she held it high, an obscene trophy.
Not a sound could be heard in the room. Not even a breath — not from her, and not from Raoul, who was looking at her, slack-jawed, with complete and utter horror written in every line of his face.
A minute passed, and then time unfroze.
Gasping as though she’d surfaced from deep underwater, Christine’s fingers flew open, loosing their grip on the vile thing; it hit the carpet with a muffled thud. Then she was on her feet, groping blindly for her cloak and gloves.
Raoul didn’t move from his seat; pale and trembling, he sat staring at the now empty gift box. “I don’t understand...”
Christine rounded on him, hot tears pricking at her eyes. “You don’t understand?” That formless unease had now taken a sinister, serpentine form, snaking itself around her heart, which spasmed within its crushing coils. “What was all that, Raoul?”
“I don’t know! It doesn’t make any sense. I wrapped it myself — that wasn’t in there!” 
He stumbled to his feet, reaching for her hands; she pulled them away, pressing her clenched fists against her turning stomach. “What’s the explanation, then? Are you implying that the contents of the box were just magically replaced without you knowing?” 
“No of course not! I mean, I don’t think so…”
One desperate, near-hysterical sob wrenched itself from Christine’s throat, and she fell silent. The painful throbbing of her heart had ceased. That place within her chest was cooling, hardening until it was as cool and hard as the piece of ivory which lay on the carpet, that disgusting thing which forced her to admit the truth to herself, a truth she’d been trying to deny since the moment she saw those embroidered initials. 
How could she have been so stupid? This never could have worked out. He was highborn, she was practically a peasant. Perhaps he did love her, but likely it was a love born of nostalgia and pity, the love of a brother for his sister — and even if he had been willing to marry her, that kind of love isn’t the only kind men need. And perhaps...perhaps he really wasn’t different from other men, after all. 
Christine gathered her cloak and gloves into a bundle and shoved it under her arm. “Goodbye, Raoul,” she said with finality, and steeling herself, she turned her back on the man she thought she loved.
“Christine!” Raoul gripped her arm in a wide-eyed panic. “You can’t believe that I would ever give you such a thing!”
Shaking off his hand, she held her head high. “No, Raoul, I don’t believe you would.” She could not look at him, not if she wanted to hold onto the last scraps of her tattered pride. “Do you know what I believe?” Despite her best efforts, tears were beginning to leak from her eyes, making the words thick and strained. “I believe that gift was intended for another woman.”
“What?” he cried, nearly choking on the word. “No!” 
“The wrong initials,” she sobbed, no longer able to hold back the tide; bitter tears flowed freely down her cheeks. “I may be naive, but I’m not stupid, Raoul! Who is she? How long has this been going on?” Christine tugged the gold and diamond band off her finger. “Is she wearing one of these, too?” she demanded, brandishing the ring in his face.
“Christine…” Tears welled in Raoul’s beautiful blue eyes, but she would not be swayed by the obvious ploy meant to prey on her sympathy.
She flung the little piece of gold at him, and it bounced off his chest and fell to the floor with a pathetic clink. 
“I should have listened to Erik!” she cried, and slammed the door behind her.
Erik was right. 
But then again, he usually was. 
It was never going to work out between Christine and the boy; affairs between the nobility and the bourgeois rarely do, she had to know that. Really, it would be a mercy for it to end sooner rather than later. It was inevitable. And hadn’t he tried to warn her?
Still, he pretended surprise when she showed up at his door, red-eyed and sniffling, her ring finger blessedly bare.
Wordlessly, he brought her inside, wrapped her in a blanket and sat her down by the fire, brought her hot tea and let her pour out her heart — along with a steady stream of tears. Eventually, she slept, and Erik carried her to her room, tucking her into the bed he’d readied for her. He brushed the curls away from her face, now so hot and raw from crying, but no less beautiful.
He hated to see her in such pain, but someday she would understand, and she would have to agree that it was for the best. Erik always knew what was best for her.
Just like he knew that idiot boy would never notice a few feet of missing wrapping paper. 
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sephirothisaslut · 4 years
Hypocratic Oath
(Featuring doctor/researcher!Cloud)
Cloud was 8 when he first found the library in the Nibelheim Mansion.
Through his childhood, Cloud often stayed in the mansion. Hiding from bullies, staying the day to pass time, or just simply to explore. No one would bother him here. All the kids think the place haunted, and all the adults fear it just as much. It made the perfect place to relax or hide.
Cloud thought he had already seen every nook and crany in the mansion. But was surprised when he found a library full of scientific text. It's doors made to look like any other wall, making it hard to spot.
There arent much books in Nibelheim. There's a library in the school, but it can more accurately be described as a classroom full of books instead of a proper library. And it's not like the custodian would let him in.
So as soon as Cloud entered, he immediately started reading.
At first, Cloud was very confused. He had a very limited understanding and comprehension of the text. But even from the little information he was able to gather, he was able to piece together the horrifying things ShinRa has done.
It spooked him so much, it took him a full week till he decided to read more.
He read them all. Project S, Jenova, and Sephiroth.
At that time, Cloud didn't know who this Sephiroth is. All he knows is that he must have led a painfull life.
Cloud was 10 when he first saw Sephiroth on the television.
A general leading a war.... A fourteen year old general.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Cloud's mother immediately noticed this.
"Cloudy you look pale, are you ok?" Claudia stroked her son's forehead, looking for any sign of fever.
"Y-yeah I'm good" Cloud managed to hide his shock.
"Yes ma. Really"
That night, Cloud thought of how it must have felt. His mother is warm and kind, he'd feel lonely without her. He wondered if Sephiroth felt any semblance of kindness or tenderness in his life.
The very next morning, he immediately raced to the mansion to find more. To find answers.
He found his answers in the form of Vincent Valentine.
He almost quite literally fell on him.
The man loomed over Cloud. His glowing red eyes and equally blood red cape screamed 'vampire'. And Cloud was rightly frightened so.
"What are you doing here child?" The man said with a glare.
"T-the library! Sephiroth- I mean-"
"What do you know about Sephiroth?" The man demanded.
Cloud stiffened both in fear and surprise. His face draining of color. The tall man seemed to notice this, and slowly crouched down to Cloud's level, now attempting to look non threatening.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, but can you tell me about Sephiroth?" The man asked kindly.
Cloud only nodded, his fear slowly evaporating. "I can show you the library" he said quietly.
"Take me there? Please?" The man asked almost desperately.
Cloud just nodded again, and took the stranger by his hand and led him to the hole he fell in.
Vincent looked at the child. How curious that this kid would choose to guide him by his misshapen hand.
"I'm Cloud. Cloud Strife" the child said in a shy tone.
"Vincent Valentine"
The child's small smile made him think there's hope for him yet.
Years passed and Cloud and Vincent's friendship grew.
Vincent was able to teach Cloud a number of things. He helped him comprehend the numerous scientific texts in the library, and even taught him about science and self-defence.
Vincent also helped distinguish truth from lie.
Cloud learned the truth of Sephiroth's true mother. How a scientist named Hojo betrayed them, and what he did to Vincent. In turn, Cloud told Vincent about Sephiroth's role as general, frequently updating him on the situation in Wutai. And sometimes bringing him home cooked meals.
With Vincent's tutoring and the library's numerous texts, Cloud grew smarter. He read because of curiousity. But now read to learn. This brought him to the top of his class, sparking an interest in biology and science. Though this didn't change the town's view on the Strifes.
His Ma, on the other hand, felt proud. And so did he.
Cloud was 14 when he decided to go to Midgar.
Not to be a SOLDIER, no. But to be a Doctor.
After learning all those things about how SOLDIER was made, he couldn't stomach possibly being one.
It was a week after his birthday that he decided he'd help Vincent in any way he can. At first, Vincent disagreed. Saying it'll be dangerous, and that he'd be safer away from him. But Cloud is stubborn and fierce. There's a reason they're called Strife.
So, after some reluctance, Vincent eventually agreed.
Cloud is but a child. He's abysmal at fighting, and his aim with a gun is barely passable. The Turks wont suit him, and neither will SOLDIER. The only thing he has is his intelligence.
So Cloud steeled himself, and made the decision to join ShinRa's Science Department. Bringing him closer to Hojo, and by extension, Sephiroth.
"Oh my little raincloud, I'm going to miss you!" Claudia hugged her son. Silently praying to Odin for a safe journey, and thanking him for blessing her with Cloud.
"I'll miss you too ma." Cloud said, hugging back. Who would have thought that his grades would be enough to grant him a ShinRa Science Program Scholarship.
With a wave goodbye to his mother, Cloud Strife set out into the harsh world.
"Professor Hojo, the President want's to see you" Cloud said behind the man.
The greasy scientist only tisked. And angrily dumped his clip board on Cloud.
"Keep track of the the data. Do not take your eyes off the specimen" Hojo snapped.
Cloud held back a snarky remark and politely nodded instead.
He looked down into the enclosure. The creature thrashing around in it's own blood. Choking on the mako gas.
He only continued to record data.
"I'm Zack Fair! SOLDIER extroidinaire!" The newest SOLDIER First Class saluted at Cloud. His cheery smile a stark contrast to the rubble behind him.
Cloud had headed out in civilian clothing hoping to meet up with Vincent and Aerith. (Aerith was scared of him at first, learning that he apparently worked for Hojo).But instead somehow got caught in an AVALANCHE explosion.
"Name's Cloud. Cloud Strife" He somehow was reminded of a puppy as he studied Zack.
"Oh! You're Aerith's friend!" Zack shook his hand enthusiastically.
"And you're her boyfriend"
"You know as her friend, I'm obligated to say: if you break her heart, I will break you"
"Yeah yeah I know the drill"
Cloud only smiled at the raven-haired puppy's antics.
Two dark figures walked through the dark alleyways of the slums.
The smaller one knocked on the door of a closed bar.
"It's me"
The door opened and the pair walked in.
Both of them shedding their cloaks revealing two SOLDIER First Class.
"Ok he's here now explain" Zack sat on a stool facing the rest of the room.
Angeal and Genesis are there. So is Aerith and Vincent.
"Yes, do explain. As I recall, you two told me that you'd 'never show you faces' to me ever again." Sephritoh said, clearly hurt from Genesis and Angeal's defection.
"Seph, please wait-"
"I did my waiting Genesis! Now explain before I leave."
"They were dying" Vincent said from the corner of the room. "The J-cells they had were degrading"
"And how did you cure this? Even Hollander couldn't save them." Sephiroth asked suspiciously, still mad from the previous interaction. "Unless you asked Hojo"
"Before we do, we need to talk about Jenova-" Angeal was cut off by Sephiroth.
"We can do that later. Now answer my question."
Both Zack and Sephiroth looked at the group expectantly. There is weight to Sephiroth's words.
"I cured them" a voice from the door suddenly said.
"You" Sephiroth hissed.
"Cloud?" Zack gasped.
"I work for Hojo. I'm his primary assistant"
"What?" Zack tensed
"And you trust this man?" Sephiroth turned to Genesis and Angeal, gesturing to Cloud.
"Will you stop and listen!" Cloud snapped. "Listen here you pompous asshole, I risked my ass making you three that cure in Hojo's lab!"
"Wait three-"
"Yes, three. As in even Sephiroth needed one. So you better sit down and listen to what we have to say" Cloud growled, staring Sephiroth down. Daring him to say something.
As the silence permeated, Angeal cleared his throat, as if to ask permittion to continue.
"It started with Jenova"
They burned the Nibelheim reactor to the ground.
Sephiroth and Zack defected with Genesis, taking with them the rest of SOLDIER and a bulk of the infantry division.
They recruited Tifa on the way. Along with Yuffie -a Wutainese ninja, Cid - a pilot with a penchant for tea, and Nanaki -one of Hojo's specimens that Cloud helped escape, and AVALANCHE.
Cloud stayed in ShinRa as their spy.
But ever so often, he'd still meet with his friends just to chat or drink.
Cloud looked at Sephiroth questioningly. "What can I do for you?"
Sephiroth almost looked bashfull. His body language looked shy.
"I would-... I would like to thank you"
"For what"
"For...everything, I suppose" If the Silver General could blush, then he might have been now.
Cloud's breath hitched. "You're Welcome, General"
"Please, call me Sephiroth"
"Well then, call me Cloud. Sephiroth"
That day, Zack endlessly teased Sephiroth about his tiny smile.
Cloud tended to Sephiroth's wounds. Careful to make sure it didn't hurt the man any more than necessary.
"You really need to take care of yourself"
"I'm fine"
Cloud sighed, "Sephiroth, you're still human. You need rest."
"After what Hojo did, I'm surprised you can still call me human" Sephiroth said bitterly.
Cloud grasped the man's shoulder, turning the general to face him.
"Sephiroth. Look at me" Cloud asked sternly. "You're as human as everyone as us"
"Humanity isn't determined by your genetics, you know that" Cloud gently insisted.
"I-...Thank you" Sephiroth whispered, sounding broken.
That made Cloud realize how much Sephiroth must have wanted to hear that.
To hear confirmation of his humanity.
It took several aching years till they finally took over ShinRa.
SOLDIER readily supported their generals, and the Turks soon defected after Veld and Vincent told them everything.
It didn't take long for Hojo to fall, and ShinRa to be taken over by Rufus.
Scarlett, Heidegger, Palmer, and even Hollander died. All of them officially coincidentally died of heart attacks. Confirmed by the new head of the Science Department himself.
"We finally did it huh?" Cloud leaned against Sephiroth's shoulders.
"Hmm, you think this will work?" Sephiroth moved to wrap his hands around Cloud.
"Well me and Reeve are working on alternate energy sources right now. It should be fine"
Sephiroth nuzzled Cloud's neck. "For now we should rest"
Cloud sighed into their embrace. "Yeah...we should"
(Loosely based on Professor Strife)
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xxtraord1nary · 4 years
Tumblr media
Fandom: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Charlotte West)
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: This is my first published work wish me luck! Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Summary: Ethan gets caught up in a steamy situation with his sexier than ever protégée who continues to run through this mind.
Warnings: Foreplay, Mild Language, NSFW!
Tags: @katkart122 @justanotherrookie @missmiimiie @starrystarrytrouble @openheartfanfics @dr-colossal-pita @heauxplesslydevoted @the-pale-goddess @rookie-ramsey @perriewinklenerdie @ernestsinclairs @writinghereandthere
As she slowly dragged her impeccably manicured ivory polished nails up the expanse of his mildly hairy broad chest Ethan found it quite hard to control his breathing and remain impassive to the bewitching woman before him. One thing about him was that he was not intimidated by anyone, and certainly not a first year resident for that matter but the divine woman had the ability to turn a highly intellegant diagnostician like himself to a puddle of mush.
For if she told him to jump he’d dutifully ask how high in attempts to please her. Her luminous golden brown eyes shone as bright as the afternoon sun through a glass of whiskey as they bore into his never ending sea blue ones challenging him. Almost daring him to stop her.
But that was the fun of it. He couldn’t no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t. For how many times he unsuccessfully attempted to remind himself that a relationship between them was highly inappropriate and would be detrimental to her development as a doctor. As if she could hear his repetitive mindless thoughts, she rolled her eyes so hard she could’ve sworn she saw the back of her damn brain.
But instead of starting another asinine argument which would draw them to the same conclusion of him once again pushing her away and ultimately hurting them both she pushed him onto the couch behind them and she stood her grond in front of him and dropped to her knees. And without word began to run her hands over the front of his slacks which by the minute became increasingly uncomfortable as just the intense eye contact between the pair made him want to get on his knees and worship her body all night long.
“We seem to have quite the situation on our hands now don’t we Dr. Ramsey?” she remarked in a faux surprised voice as she ghosted her dainty fingers over his covered member. The combination of her heavenly touch and the use of his title rolling off her tongue in her paradisiacal french accent made him choke out a strangled groan. She moved herself upon the couch next to him leaning over his tall and domineering stature reduced to a dazed mess of a man.
“Would you like me to take care of this for you? Hm, is it my hands you want all over you and making you feel pleasured?” she asked once again, always being one to derive more pleasure from her lovers verbal affirmations of her actions. Trying and failing to form a coherent sentence after her line of questioning once she immediately applied more pressure and began to gently stroke him through his slacks.
Unable to produce words he instead looked down at her hands as they worked their magic he had to put his hands over hers to halt her ministrations to prevent him from unraveling so soon as he much preferred to be inside her. “Rookie-” he tried to protest but was quickly brought to silence by a finger to his lips. “I want you silent,Dr. Ramsey. Wanna know why?” he wordlessly nodded completely transfixed by the melanated enchantress.
“Because I’m in charge, and you're gonna and obey. Understand?” he eagerly nodded and with the consent she craved she continued her ministrations with more pressure this time and delved between the crook of his neck eliciting a loud moan from the object of her desires.
“Good god Charlotte.” he rasped out in a haze of pleasure causing her smirk and nip at his throat and making her way down to his adams apple. The confirmation of his pleasure only increased her own as well as her name on his lips which she wouldn’t mind a taste of at the moment. And with that thought she wasted no time in detaching herself from him only to straddle him and strip her scrub top from her body revealing to him a sight that could bring a hundred men to their knees in submission full mounds that hypnotized him at their every sway to which he hurriedly took handfuls of.
She wasted no time in tugging him roughly by the back of his neck causing their lips colliding together in a mix of unrelenting longing and pent up lust that had been expressed through their longer than necessary glances and not so innocent accidental touches throughout their work days that left him a flushed mess and her a smirking bundle of arrogance. Releasing this pent of lust he began to palm her generous backside and dig his nails into her wide tantalizing hips hard enough to surely leave a mark. As she choked out a moan from the pleasure of him unofficially staking his claim.
Somehow the woman on top of him could do what no woman ever had the avail to do, and that was have complete and utter control over Ethan Ramsey. So infatuated with the woman she could break his heart a million times over and he’d still come back dutifully on his knees. As bad as it may be within the short span of a year Charlotte Adora West had the key to his heart and soul and virtually owned him. Her other hand leaving it’s firm grip on his throat ventured down between them and free him from the confining space of his underwear held him firmly in her grasp and next he did something that shocked the hell out of her and turned them both on by belief all at the same time.
He brought her fingers resting on his face into the warm enclosure of his mouth and expertly sucked his fingers with profound experience and she began her quest of bringing to his peak with skilled adept and in response he dipped his hand into her scrubs and began to skillfully rub her bud with his thumb and forefinger causing her moan and breathe harshly. Replacing her fingers with her mouth they became a mess of panting and moaning tangled tongues and limbs.
As she climaxed her voice rang out in the empty space bringing him to his peak of pleasure to let out a husky growl and her to speed up stroking before-
A loud resounding smack on his desk bringing him out of his scandalous daydream and back into the present expanse of the diagnostic teams office to be met with the inquisitive prodding amber eyes of the subject of all his desires. Dr. Charlotte West herself.
As she just so happened to glance down at the tightening of his slacks she laughed quietly to herself and muttered something he couldn’t understand in french and returned her gaze to his with a knocking smirk.
“What were you fantasizing about Dr. Ramsey?” she seductively inquired, never making the move to break eye contact. He sputtered clearly embarrassed as he was no more than a blushing mess at the moment. “Dr. W-west, what are you doing in here?” he fumbled trying to look anywhere but her beautiful face. “This is the team office, remember? And I needed you to sign this.” she said slyly, still smirking subtly as she handed him a patient chart. “Oh.” he said, snatching up the chart and hurriedly signing his messy signature. “Merci.” she remarked on her way out the door but not before turning back to not so subtly eye his obvious hard of which he tried unsuccessfully to hide.
“Next time you’ll have to call me to fix that, try not to daydream too much of me sir.” she said chuckling before adding, “This is a hospital, Dr. Ramsey” not forgetting to send a suggestive wink his way on her way out leaving her once again victorious at his misery.
The most rewarding in her opinion.
And a flustered Ethan Ramsey, a world famous diagnostician, was left a muddled mess in his chair admiring the view of Charlotte's curvy figure that her scrubs did little to nothing to hide as she effortlessly swayed her way out of his office.
Thanks for reading!
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