#he was a fucking nightmare (derogatory)
littlefingies · 2 months
I think this needs to be its own thread, didn't want to distract from the excellent s2 discussion.
@daria-meoi YES SO MUCH THIS:
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Wee John had so few character moments in this season, and then his big moment gets transferred to Izzy.
His tailoring skills have had several beats throughout both seasons at this point, and I think this was meant to be the payoff for all of that. And then that moment is taken from him.
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wizzard890 · 9 months
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Bastian and Volo - The Antichrist and his Hound
There once was a boy who served in a castle. The noble family who lived there paid him no mind.
One day, like a blow through the heart, that boy saw God.
Something bright. Something terrible. Something holy, greater than every blazing star: Bastian, second issue of the Duke of Burgundy, seething and ambitious and wrathful.
Souls depart the body through the eyes; the boy never looked away.
Bastian was eighteen when he noticed Volo: the young son of a stablehand who had taught himself to read, to carry, to serve. Desperately ready to file himself into a cold and razored sword for Bastian's hand, if only that hand would close like a collar around his neck.
And so, in time, Bastian seized him.
It is your turn to see them now, years on, as the storm gathers.
Ecce homo: A Conqueror on a pale horse, his banners flying behind him, with a hunger for heaven on his lips and a burning crown on his head. But that which truly bears his glory runs at his heel.
Ecce canis: A chaste and brutal Galahad, rimed with frost, leading the legions of his Lord to any end, any dictate, as long as he is granted the final honor of slitting his own throat on Bastian's altar.
They are linked by a silver chain. God to slave, king to knight, love to worship. Even death cannot break it.
There once was a dog who served his master. The dragon who holds his leash will never let it go.
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Chapter 6: Best Friends Forever
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you never expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy.
Word Count: 9.9K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), derogatory comments, sexism, swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, sexual tension, little bit of homophobia (It's Soldier Boy). Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: I know I said I was gonna be more angsty with this chapter, but I got distracted, the sun was in my eyes, and my hand slipped…
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The next morning Mike’s screeching begins all over again, but today he starts with "My Girl" by the Temptations.
He's getting warmer.
You think with a smile, singing along to the song under your breath as you prop yourself up on your pillows with a content sigh. The smell of gardenia wafted over your bed in a gentle wave as your curtains opened, allowing the sunlight to drift over your bed. The beautiful white flowers bloomed from the plant sitting on your bedside table, each petal frosted with mist from the mister hanging on the wall behind it.
Gardenias reminded you of home. They were your grandmother's favorite. There were several large bushes gracing the front yard of her home that rose almost as high as the second story. Whenever you were back home you would make sure that they burst into bloom so she could fill her home with the sweet smelling flowers. It helped you relax and sleep at night, though sometimes it didn't do much to keep the nightmares away.
You hadn't had a good night sleep in a while, but after Ben and you had been up late putting together the bookshelf that stood proudly in the left corner of your bedroom, you were exhausted. Now it was filled with your worn brightly colored paperbacks and covered with a healthy amount of pothos vines as was everything else in your home, but you loved it.
When the delivery men had arrived late yesterday evening and they had been more than willing to carry the couch up the three flights of stairs, but Ben had told them to leave and said "I'm not some kind of pussy that waits for her fucking husband to come home because she needs him to change a lightbulb."
And so they left, leaving Ben and you with the box your unassembled bookshelf came in and a giant three piece couch.
Mike's mother had set up a folding chair with her best friend Mary Ann outside on the sidewalk, drinking glasses of wine and giggling like schoolgirls each time Ben and you came back down to haul another piece of the couch back up into the apartment. He tried to make you sit upstairs and wait for him to bring it in, but you had cussed him out and held up the only finger that mattered.
Putting together the bookshelf hadn't been that much better. Ben had almost broken two of the tiny wooden pegs that secured the back panel all the while cursing under his breath when you tried to show him the instructions.
And being in the presence of the instructions seemed to trigger Ben. It immediately turned the two of you into the couple in the car that bicker over a map before they get murdered in a horror movie.
The shouting got so loud that Mike raced over hopeful that Ben had broken your heart and that he would there to pick up the pieces, while Mike's mother followed in quick pursuit hoping to console Ben.
But when Ben had answered the door sweaty and shirtless- because you'd ripped his shirt on accident when he tried to walk away from you muttering something about "women and their fucking instructions" and you'd grabbed him while shouting "say it to my face you geriatric asshat!"- Mike thought that he had interrupted something else and retreated back to his apartment in shame while his mother stood in the hallway waving a hand in front of her face to calm down.
As annoying as Ben was, you loved the bookshelf. It was perfect for your bedroom and looked a little whimsical, which was how most of your apartment looked with the mismatched vintage furniture, all the plants, and the crocheted blankets. What you couldn't figure out was why he bought it for you.
You had relented on his purchase of the couch, because it did make sense, he was spending the most time on it, but his purchase of the bookshelf confused you. He'd been in your bedroom all of five minutes a few days ago and had only looked at the pile of vine covered books once.
So why did it bother him so much that I had a pile of books on the floor of my bedroom? Why did he have to buy it for me? Why did he care enough to?
No one had ever done that before for you. Your high school boyfriend, Newton, had seen the same pile of books in your bedroom back home every time he came over and never did anything about it, but Ben had only seen it for a moment and remembered.
I don’t understand why he’s acting so nice. You stretch your hands up over your head and begin to get out of bed. Probably because he thinks if he’s nice I’ll sleep with him.
The thought was becoming familiar, but you weren't sure what other reason it could be for. The two of you had nothing in common. He was always angry, sexually forward, annoying, not to mention he was from another century and he didn't understand anything about the present time.
I mean sometimes it's kinda cute how clueless he is about stuff like that. He always gets that adorable frown and- Nope, nope, nope not thinking about that right now.
Bean purrs in agreement with your thought at the end of your bed, stretching his front legs and arching his back. His charcoal fur looks almost silver in the light from the sun that streams through the open window leaving behind the imprint of the brilliant square on your comforter.
Bean had enjoyed watching the two of you put together the bookshelves, well, he enjoyed playing in the box that the bookshelf came in. He ran in and out, back and forth through the openings on both sides of the  box, using it like a tunnel all the while Ben complained over the small screws and even smaller pegs that never seemed to fit where they needed to.
Personally you just think Ben was jealous that you knew how to read the instructions and he didn't.
And last night you understood just how bad Ben was at receiving directions. He had ignored you when you tried to help him, which had lead to the yelling match that Mike walked in on.  
But you still didn’t understand why he cared so much about the pile of books in your bedroom. They'd been sitting there since you moved in, because you hadn't found a proper place for them, not to mention the pile just kept growing.
At least he didn't look too closely at the titles. The last thing I want Ben to know is how many romance novels I read.
You grab a bundle of your clothes and open your bedroom door, while Mike continues to sing "My Girl." You creep down the hallway, intent on taking a shower, but your curiosity gets the better of you, so instead of going to the bathroom, you peek into the living room.
Ben is sitting on the new charcoal couch that you crammed into the room, reading a newspaper and you have no idea where he got it.
Maybe he already left sometime this morning?  Guess he can be quiet when he wants to be.
Bean prances down the hallway behind you and jumps onto the back of the couch, kneading his paws in the soft pillows, before dropping down next to Ben. Ben smiles at the cat and folds the newspaper closed so he can scratch him under the chin.
"Hey buddy." You hear him mutter. "Y/n up yet?"
Bean only purrs and rubs himself further into Ben's hand.
"Don't know how anyone can sleep with that jack-off next door." Ben rolls his eyes, but doesn't raise them from the cat that has begun to crawl into his lap. "Why does she hate me so much?" He whispers to Bean with a sigh.
His question made you freeze where you were standing in the hallway. It was so open, so honest, so completely unlike Ben. It was the last thing you were expecting him to ask your cat, well, honestly you didn't think that he would talk to the cat at all. You suddenly wondered what other things he said about you when you weren't around.
And why does he care so much if I hate him? I mean I don't, he just gets on my nerves constantly, and knows how to press all my buttons.
You liked to think that you were an easy-going person, but Ben drove you crazy. You'd never met anyone who could do that to you before, never allowed yourself to get angry, not even when Poppy Mansfield who put chocolate pudding on your seat at lunchtime when you were in fourth grade and made everyone think you'd pooped your pants. You'd only shrugged and walked to the bathroom, it was Annie who lost it. Annie had grabbed a handful of pudding and smeared it on Poppy's face and earned her the nickname "Poopy Poppy" until she transferred to another school at the end of the year.
But not with Ben, he crawled under your skin and stayed there whenever he teased you . Usually you let insults and teases roll off your back like water off a duck, but not with Ben. He knew what to say to make you lose your temper. You didn't know how he did that.
Not all the time though.
The trip to IKEA had been kind of fun, well, fun until Ben had insulted your boss and when the two of you watched a movie together it was fun.
In fact, the more time you spent with him, the more you were starting to like him. You wish you didn't. It just made everything harder. You remember what he said at the plant shop, tried to burn it into your heart, that he didn't care about feelings or emotions and you did. You wanted to be with someone who cared about that, someone who understood everything about you, and loved you. You wanted love so bad your heart ached sometimes, and yes maybe you read way too many romance novels, but you wanted something like that to happen to you. You wanted to be so wrapped up in someone else that the world faded away, someone kind and sweet, who remembered little things like how much you liked gardenias or how much you loved pineapple iced tea from the place just around the corner and someone who would be okay with sitting on the couch or in bed, with you laying back in their arms while you read your newest book or tried to crochet.
Ben didn't care about any of that, probably what he would call "pussy shit." He just wanted sex, plain and simple, nothing more, nothing less.
And you didn't want just sex.
You didn't want to start something with Ben, develop strong feelings for him, and then only have him push you away as soon as he got what he wanted. You couldn't handle having your heart broken again. Newton had been enough and after him you told yourself you were going to try harder, were going to find someone who saw your self-worth. Of course that had been a few years ago and each year kinda felt like another nail in the coffin when you went on countless dates with people who never seemed to want the same things you did.
Plus, you were sure that Ben was only interested in you because you kept saying no and that made you "exciting" or whatever. So that just meant you were going to have to keep trying to find someone else.
You take a step back into the hallway, creeping further away as silent as possible. You didn't want him to catch you spying on him and you didn't want him to know that you had heard him ask Bean that. You force your door closed, before putting your clothes in the bathroom and shuffling down the hallway, purposely being as loud as you can so Ben can hear you over Mike's inhuman screech.
“Good morning.” You say as you enter the living room, as if it’s the first time.
“Morning Petals.” Ben looks over the back of the couch. He smirks as his eyes trace over your body. “Don’t you look delicious this morning.”
Your shorts were a little shorter than what you usually wore, hitting the middle of your thigh, and the oversized shirt you wore hung over them giving the illusion that you weren't wearing anything underneath it.
He is so confusing sometimes. Maybe he really just doesn't know how to talk to a woman in this century. Did that really work for him before? Does that work with all his dates?
“Thanks.” You say dryly.
Ben’s smirk twitches and something passes through his eyes that looks a little bit like regret, but it’s gone as soon as you see it.
You turn towards the kitchen. You didn’t know what you were looking for, truthfully you were just making conversation because you felt bad about what Ben asked Bean. You didn't know why that hurt you so much for him to think that you hated him, maybe it had something to do with everything that he'd been through. You wave a hand, perking up the plants in the box over the sink and the raspberry and blackberry vines covering the refrigerator to distract yourself.
“Um-“ You begin, but Ben interrupts you.
“There’s coffee in the microwave!” Ben suddenly blurts.
Why is it in the microwave? Shouldn't it be in the coffee maker?
You sniff the air for the tell-tale smell of coffee, but smell nothing. A glance in the direction of the coffee maker reveals that the pot is still sparkling clean from when you washed it out last night.
Is he really lying about coffee? It's like he wants me to hate him.
“Um I mean-“ Ben clears his throat. “I got you coffee.”
“You got me coffee?” You parrot, surprised. “When?” You turn to look at him. He's watching you from over the back of the couch and he almost looks a little awkward, like he's not sure where to go from here as if he's not sure what to do when he does something nice for someone.
“I went to get a newspaper and I walked past a coffee shop.” He shrugs as if suddenly uninterested turning back around to face the jasmine covered wall, picking his newspaper up and opening it.
But you have a suspicion that he wasn't actually reading it, that he was just using it as a prop so he didn't have to look at you anymore.
“Oh. Thanks." You open up the microwave and withdrawal the still warm coffee mug taking a sip.
How in the fuck did he know how I like my coffee? You think to yourself, about to do a spit take you were so shocked, because the coffee was perfect. "How did you know-"
"I read the label on the one plant boy bought you the other day." Ben doesn't look up from his newspaper. "Is it… okay?" He asks it tentatively and a little awkward.
"Yeah. It's perfect actually. Thank you." You say it almost robotically. You couldn't believe that he remembered something like that about you. That he actually thought about you when he went to get a newspaper this morning.
He grunts a "You're welcome."
You take another sip and place it back in the microwave. Preparing to go back to take a shower.
"Do you…" Ben clears his throat again. "Do you work today?" He says it hesitantly.
"No. I usually have Friday's off because Annie and I make plans, but this week she cancelled because Hughie got tickets to some concert a few hours away and they're making it a day trip or whatever." You tried not to sound disappointed, but Friday's were usually you and Annie's day. You would plan random trips to shops in NYC, go to brunch, find ridiculous tourist attractions, try new restaurants, or you would go spend the day in Central Park reading. But Friday nights were wine, greasy pizza, sushi, Chinese food, snacks, and movie nights, had been since your parents died. It had been a family tradition before, Friday night films, but when they died Annie took it upon herself to continue it with you because your brother hadn't been willing to. Of course, when you were kids there wasn't wine, there also weren't movies with Glen Powell or Pedro Pascal, but as you grew so did the films and the conversations and the men, but your friendship blossomed with it.
"Oh." Ben leans his head back over the back of the couch, the smirk back in full force. "Well I've got a few ideas for what we could do today. Sounds like you're a little disappointed there Petals. I'm sure I could cheer you up."
You roll your eyes. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Great, I need one too." Ben jumps to his feet, leaving the newspaper on the couch as he turns to follow you.
"Ben." You sigh his name in frustration.
This is exactly what I'm talking about, he does something really nice and then he follows it up immediately by trying to sleep with me. Is that what this is to him? Do something chivalrous to make me like him and then finally let him fuck me?
It made you angry that he believed it would work.
"What? It'll save water and I just want to make you feel better Petals." Ben wiggles his eyebrows. "You sounded so sad when you said that Annie ditched you-"
"She didn't ditch me!" You snap. "She just had plans with Hughie that's all. And I can't believe you!"
"What the hell did I do?"
"You think that doing something like buying me coffee will get me to sleep with you."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about! You're trying to act all chivalrous and nice just so that you can get me to finally sleep with you. But I'm not going to fall for it Gramps! I am not going to sleep with you just because you do one nice thing for me or try to pretend to care about me." You turn and stomp down the hallway, leaving Ben absolutely speechless in the living room.
When you get in the bathroom you blast your ABBA Gold Album from your Bluetooth speaker to drown out Mike's singing and to drown out your insane internal monologue. And when the music doesn't work, you start to sing the lyrics to the familiar songs letting the melodies soothe you.
You’d liked ABBA since you were a kid. Your mom would listen to it when she was cooking in the large kitchen in your childhood home and when your father got home from work at the end of the day he’d creep up behind her and pull her away from the stove for an impromptu dance.
Your childhood was filled with so much love from two people that were absolutely head over heels. And it made you want that too. It’s why you wouldn’t give in to Ben, because the memories of your parents and the love they shared still warmed your heart years after you’d last seen them.
You dry your hair with a towel, continuing to sing as you dress in your jeans and t-shirt, hoping that you could just escape the apartment by going to Central Park and read on your favorite bench to avoid seeing Ben. You were maybe a little embarrassed that you had yelled at him again. You never intended to.
Maybe I can just creep past him.
You think to yourself as you open the door of the bathroom, but as you step into the hallway you trip over something big on the ground and begin to pitch forward with a started screech. The thing you tripped on catches you so that you fall directly into Ben's lap, your legs on either side of his thighs. You realize that it was Ben you tripped on, who had decided to lounge with his back against one of the walls of the hallway, his legs bent at the knee, directly outside of the small bathroom.
As you fall into his lap, your hands land on his shoulders grabbing tightly in fear and surprise, while his hands catch your hips, pushing up the shirt you had just changed into enough that his hands are resting on a sliver of skin that peeks between your shirt and your favorite pair of jeans.
You weren't expecting it to feel so damn good for his skin to touch yours, to feel the roughness of his hands against the soft skin of your hips. Your hands are still gripping his shoulders tightly, heart thrumming in your veins as you lock eyes with him, adrenaline from the fall still rushing through your veins. He looks as surprised as you do. His face is so close that you can feel his breath on your lips, his body warm and hard beneath yours, and it's making you have flashbacks of the other night when he kissed you in front of Mike, when Ben crushed you against him and kissed you with so much passion that you couldn't equate it to anything else you'd ever felt in your entire life.
You weren't about to admit that aloud, that the kiss you shared with Ben was the best one you'd ever had. And you weren't going to admit that if he kissed that good, you were betting that he would be the best you ever had at other things too. Newton hadn't exactly been a Casanova, and you'd hoped that Newton would have gotten at least a little better at some things the more you two were intimate, he hadn't. You'd also hoped that Newton would have been more concerned about you the closer the two of you were, but each time you were a little disappointed and he was, well, happy.
No. Not thinking about sex right now, not when I'm sitting on top of Ben for fucks sake.
That was a little detail that you were trying very hard to ignore, but it was difficult, not when you could feel everything that made Ben-ahem- Ben, beginning to get interested in your position on top of him.
Ben's eyes are dark, focused on your face, an emotion swimming behind them that makes something snag under your ribs and try to yank you forward, to close the distance between the two of you. His eyes flick from your eyes to your mouth for just a millisecond, moving his face an inch forward, just enough that you can feel the warmth of his lips, but they still do not touch.
"Ben what are you doing on the ground?" You say leaning back to lengthen the distance between your faces, but you can't force your voice into more than a hoarse whisper.
"Dropped my keys." He lies.
Ben hesitates for a moment. "You've got a pretty voice, wanted to hear better." He admits under his breath, looking as if you caught him with a baseball bat outside your broken kitchen window.
You could feel yourself flushing to the roots of your hair. You'd forgotten that he could hear you in the shower and forgotten that his hearing was so good that he’d be able to pick up what was Mike and what was you. “I’m sorry if it was too loud-“
“No. It was nice.” The end of his mouth twitches in half smile, eyes twinkling impishly. “I’d never tell a woman she was being too loud. I like that doll."
You roll your eyes at him, but his comment doesn’t annoy you this time. You wondered if that was because you were getting used to him and the way he was.
You wanted to kiss him so badly that your lips were aching. He always looked so good and right now was not an exception. Some of his dark hair had fallen forward over his forehead and your fingers itched to push it back, to drag your fingertips over his skin and feel the dips and grooves of his handsome face. The smell of his shampoo was everywhere, spicy and familiar in the best way.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” You whisper. Your hands hands have fallen from his shoulders to rest against the front of his shirt. You don’t really remember when you did that, just that now you can feel the warmth of his chest and the subtle beating of his heart in the palms of your hands. “I think I am kind of upset that Annie cancelled on me today.”
“It’s okay, I'm used to it." Ben's hands are still on you waist, firmly keeping you on top of him. “You always seem to yell at me.”
"Shut up I do not yell at you that much." You laugh, pushing back on his chest playfully.
Ben smiles, but then you watch it drop.
“Look I didn’t get you coffee because I thought it would make you let me fuck you. I got it because you always say you need it to deal with me.” The way he says it breaks something, because he sounds almost sad and you’d never heard him sound that way before. “And I figured that I would see you today and that you’d need it.” He drops his gaze to where your hands are placed on his chest. He’s watching them curiously, like he can’t quite understand it.
Honestly you couldn’t understand what was going on either. Ben was holding you gently, almost reverently on his lap. It was odd. You’d never seen him be this way with anyone.
“Ben-“ You sigh. “I need coffee to deal with everyone, not just you. You’re not special.” You joke to get him to smile again, but he doesn’t instead he continues to look at your hands.
“Hey.” You whisper and this time your hand drifts softly to Ben’s cheek holding his gaze on you. His eyes widen slightly with your bold touch. “Ben I don’t hate you. I just-“
 There’s a loud frantic knocking at the front door that startles you off of Ben and on to the ground beside him.
“Were you expecting anyone?” Ben asks as he stands up and holds out his hand to help you.
“Um- no actually.” You reply taking it.
The frantic knocking starts again.
“Do you think it’s Mike checking to see if we broke up again?” Ben snorts.
“I think it might be his mom hoping you answer the door shirtless. Almost gave that poor woman a heart attack.” You start to walk through the living room.
“I remember you having a similar reaction a few days ago Petals.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “Though I will say if you ever decided to walk around the apartment shirtless I’d be perfectly okay with that.”
“I did not. And I’m sure you would.” You roll your eyes. “But I doubt you’d be okay with letting me answer the door like that since you seem to be so jealous. Are all the men from your generation so possessive of women they can’t have? Or is it just you?”  You tease, remembering how he reacted yesterday afternoon at IKEA in front of Jake.
You doubted that he was jealous. Ben didn’t have anything to be jealous about. He seemed to be plenty happy with the women he found on tinder and you thought it was ridiculous that he needed to have you too.
You glance back over your shoulder to look at Ben seeing if he’s preparing another insult. He’s gone stick straight, his jaw clenched tightly, eyes dark, frown deepening.
Shit I was just kidding but-
You turn back to look at the door but can’t fight the tight feeling that rose in your chest when he looked at you like that.
Get a grip.
You interrupt the next bout of frantic knocking by opening the door.
A man in a rumpled navy suit stands out side the door, a bright blue quilted baby bag covered in elephants hangs from his left shoulder, a little girl holds on to his left hand, while a little boy screams shrilly and hangs from his right arm.
“Mr. Wilson- hi-“ You stutter, surprised. “Are you alright? Here-“ You reach to take his almost one year old son, Josh, from his arms. Josh continues to wail loudly, shaking his head back and forth.
“Can you please watch the kids?!” He says eyes frantically looking around the apartment behind you and focusing on Ben.
Mr. Wilson was another one of your neighbors, but he and his wife lived on the fifth floor. You’d met the Wilson’s by accident when Martha, the five year old holding on to his left hand wearing a bright pink tutu, decided to ride the elevator down to the lobby all by herself and met you while you were moving all your stuff into your apartment. She’d declared you her best friend as soon as she saw the colorful assortment of flowering plants you were lugging through the lobby of your apartment building in a cardboard box. You’d babysit for the Wilson’s sometimes when they needed a few quiet moments alone and on date nights. Not to mention they had a ton of money and paid almost five times per hour the amount you made in an hour working at “Please Don’t Die.”
Josh wails, his face turning bright red, so loud that Ben flinches behind you. You remember what he said about the supe that blew out his eardrums and can't help but feel a little sorry for him. Your own hearing was only a little better than other people's, but not enough to be as bothered as Ben.
“Hey little guy, its okay.” You coo gently bouncing Josh on your hip to make him stop crying. He sniffles and wraps his arms around your neck, gurgling quietly as he catches his breath.
“Y/n!” Martha shouts putting your right leg in a choke hold.
“Hi Marty.” You smile down at her, adjusting your weight so you don’t drop Josh. You look up at her father. “Mr. Wilson, I'm just not sure that now is the right time."
You think about Ben standing behind you and how horrified he looked when the children descended upon you, as if they were ticking time bombs. You weren't sure if you wanted Ben around kids, or if he had ever been around children before. He wasn't the best influence, not to mention you didn't think that he would be able to filter what he said or what he did around the,
“My wife she just-“ He swallows brown eyes wide. “She just went into labor."
"Oh. OH. Well-"
They had been expecting their third child for a while now, something that had resulted from you taking care of Josh and Martha more and more, and Mr. Wilson's promotion at work. You had learned before Mr. Wilson by accident when you reached down to pick up Josh's binky that was on the ground and your ear brushed against Mrs. Wilson's almost completely flat stomach and you heard the heartbeat.
“Please! I’ll pay you triple the hourly rate and her mother will be here tonight to take over for you.” The man looks close to getting on his knees and begging you. "You won't have them for long-"
Have a heart she’s going in to labor. What else is this poor man going to do? Drag the kids there with him? A part of you whispers. But then they'd be stuck here with Ben all day long. Well, maybe he will leave.
“Okay.” You relent with a sigh.
“Thank you!” Mr. Wilson exclaims shoving the bag into your free arm and then disappears from the doorway without saying goodbye to his children, but you were going to cut him some slack. You understood that when a woman went into labor most men didn't understand what to do with that information.
Shit. You grit your teeth to avoid saying it aloud when taking the bag throws you off balance. With one kid still hanging from your leg and the other one hanging from your neck, it was difficult to maneuver with the bag too.
Ben’s hand appears in your line of vision and he takes the bag, practically with one pinky.
“Show off.” You mutter, but turn your attention to the little girl hanging from your leg.
“I want a flower crown!” Martha crows.
“Okay sweetie just give me one second.” You take another step with her holding on to your leg.
“Martha.” Your voice turns stern as you look down at her and she pouts. "Please let me get Josh situated first."
“Fine.” She pouts and lets go of your leg.
The relief you feel is quickly overshadowed by Ben standing there, holding the diaper bag out from his body like it’ll bite him. Honestly you wished you had your phone ready to take a photo of Ben holding the bag, and then use it as blackmail.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Ben asks looking down at the two children confused.
“Shh language!” You snap, eyes widening as you look down at Martha and Josh. Josh has begun to pull your hair from the ponytail at the back of your neck.
"What language?"
You give Ben a death stare wincing when Josh yanks the hair tie out. Martha has let go of your leg and is looking up at Ben with the same fascination that you'd seen her look at Prince Charming from Cinderella.
Guess it works on girls of all ages.
You think about telling her that Ben might be charming from a distance, but he isn't anything like a prince. Honestly, you were more worried that Ben was going to act like a total dick and crush this little girl's heart.
"Hi." She waves her hand at him. "I'm Marty."
Ben stares down at her, as if he's deciding whether or not to say his name aloud. "Ben." His eyes flick back to yours. "What are you doing?"
"We have had the money conversation many times, but I guess you must be getting forgetful in your old age, so we can have it again." You smirk. "Some of us weren’t born with a silver spoon in our mouths or have a trust fund. I don’t have money, therefore, I babysit to get some extra cash sometimes. Hence the children.” You wave your free hand commanding the vines to open up the pantry and grab Josh's high chair out to set up for you. "I told you that I work several jobs."
"What do you mean several? You said that you worked for Butcher and plant guy." Ben huffs, still holding the bag.
"You know his name is Jake. And we live in America if you can't remember. You know? America home of the free, home of the brave single woman trying to make ends meet and pay for her crappy apartment by working fifty million jobs?" You begin to buckle Josh in to the high-chair. "But thanks for showing me how to fix the plumbing under the sink. Definitely going to add that to my job application.
"How many jobs do you have?"
"I mean it’s really what I do when I’m not working for Butcher. I works at the plant shop, I babysit, sometimes I’m a dog walker, oh and there’s this senior living facility a few blocks over that I run errands for when the people living there need me."
"You run errands for senior citizens? What kind of fucking person does that?"
"LANGUAGE! And this freaking person does that thank you. It's not all that bad. Plus I thought you were going to act like them when I first met you, but you are more h-a-n-d-s-y." You spell it out because you don't want the kids to say it. "Oh and I'm also a gardener."
"A gardener?"
"Sometimes." You shrug. "But now that you've met the kids, it's time for you to go."
"I don't want him to go." Martha stomps her little foot enclosed in a bright pink sparkly flat.
You ignore her and reach for the table part of the high chair, strapping Josh in. He's wearing an adorable pair of overalls and a teddy bear t-shirt underneath. Despite his early hissy fit in his father's arms, Josh is smiling happily at you, his wild curly black hair sticking up in different directions. “I’m not going to let you be around a kid. You're barely on your best behavior around me."
“What do you think I’m gonna do?”
“I don’t know. Smoke a doobie, roll a doobie, make horrible life choices, drink, curse-“ You cross your arms over your chest and turn to face him, raising an eyebrow.
“You really don’t see me in a positive light.” He smirks at you. It's hard for him to pull off when he's still holding the bright blue bag covered in elephants. It was quilted, probably a knock off Vera Bradley, which only made you wish for your phone even more.
“No I do not.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“Fine, just go watch TV in my room. But if you start going through my underwear drawer I swear I will cut off your D-I-C-K.” You spell the word and narrow your eyes, letting them flash bright green to emphasize your point.
Martha is still staring up at Ben, upset at the idea that he's going to go anywhere. "Wait y/n! Please let him stay, he can help me braid Betty's hair!" Betty was Martha's favorite doll, one that you were sure was in the sparkly backpack that hung across her back. Another photo opportunity you did not want to miss.
“I don’t want to go in there.” Ben states.
“Well that’s the first time you’ve ever said that. Usually you’re all for going in my room.” You huff, before turning to look down at Martha. "Alright, you want jasmine like last time? Or do you want some Lavender too?"
"Strawberries!" Martha exclaims.
"Strawberries!" Josh echoes, mashing his meaty fist on the tray not quite comprehending.
"Alright, but you remember. Our little secret right?"
Martha and Josh's parents didn't know you were a supe, they figured that you really liked plants and that Martha's occasional flower crowns came from you manually making them, not from you waving your hand and watching the stems weave together. You weren't sure how the Wilson's would react to finding out that you were a supe. They were more straight laced than you.
Probably also wouldn't like Ben hanging around if they knew who he really was. Actually I'm surprised that Mr. Wilson didn't ask more questions about Ben when he saw him.
Martha nods eagerly.
"Secret?" Ben asks.
"The Wilson's don't know I'm a supe." You murmur so only Ben can hear plucking a strawberry from the plant on your kitchen table. Secretly it was your favorite plant and it was much older than all the others in your apartment, encased in a hand-painted pot.
It was the first plant that you ever grew, sprouted from the chopped strawberries on your high chair tray when you were nine months old. Your parents had potted it inside the house and since then it had never wilted, and it never would. It meant everything to you, weird as that may be, strawberries were like a good luck charm and the plant that sat on your threadbare circular kitchen table was the symbol of your origin story.
"What do they think all the plants are?"
"They just think I like plants." Your eyes are glowing bright green allowing the strawberry in your hands begin to grow a stem and leaves, the stems weaving together to form a circle, sprouting small white flowers that ripen into red fruit, delicately intertwining to create the crown that Martha wants.
She squeals happily when you put it on her head and dances past Ben into the living room on tip-toe.
"You want one too Gramps?" You smirk at Ben.
"Tempting, but no."
"Alright." You look back at Josh, who has begun to chew on his chubby fist. "Are you hungry? I think you're hungry." You turn to look at Ben who is watching Martha do a mock impression of a ballerina with a horrified expression. "Ben can I see the bag?"
His head snaps in your direction. “Why?”
“Because it’s a magical bag with baby food in it.”
He holds it out and you snatch  it away.
“Geez. Calm down Petals.” Ben leans against the counter behind you watching you  methodically take out the jars. “Now what?”
“Well Sherlock, I’m going to feed the baby.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“I know! I know!” Martha screams jumping up with her hand in the air. “Oh please!”
You bite back the urge to laugh. “Yes Marty?” You act as if you're calling on her in class.
“He can help me make friendship bracelets!”
Ben scoffs and rolls his eyes while crossing his arms over his chest. “Like hell I’m gonna-“
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*Twenty Minutes Later*
“Please tie another knot for me.”
“No.” Ben grunts
"You're funny." Martha laughs and hands Ben the elastic string so she can start another friendship bracelet.
She was wearing the one that she had spent the last twenty minutes on, a string of bright pink, light pink,  hot pink beads, and white pearly stars broken up by the name Marty. Ben had sat there the whole time next to her, pouting while occasionally throwing angry looks at you like it was your fault.
It's not.
You couldn’t understand why he stayed. You figured that he would leave to go on a date or try to escape as soon as Martha mentioned the words "friendship bracelet," but he hadn’t. He sat there at the kitchen table with Martha, whose little legs hung over the front of her chair, her face tight with concentration as she made friendship bracelets.
You’d taken two photos and you were very excited. But you’d been more focused on feeding Josh. He was still eating bits of strawberry and watermelon, but you would give him the occasional bite of teether.
Ben had looked like he was going to throw up when you broke off a piece for yourself.
It wasn't that bad. Kinda like eating a piece of flavored cardboard.
"You really like the watermelon huh?" You ask Josh taking another piece from the plastic container and cutting it up so it's small enough for him to eat.
"Waa waa." Josh mumbles picking up another piece. The red sticky juice was running down his little arms and each time you tried to wipe him off he would scream "No!"
You figured that he had learned that from Martha.
You hold out the circular Tupper-ware of watermelon out to Ben, who takes a piece, still frowning at you the whole time.
He's got to lighten up.
“Benny pick a color for me!” Martha says shuffling her fingers through the organized little boxes of her friendship bracelet kit, the beads rustling loudly against the plastic sides.
"It's Ben."
"Benny!" She whines. "Pick a color."
Ben sighs heavily as if she’d asked him to stab himself. He was probably considering that to get out of this hell. “Green.”
“Light green or dark green?”
“I don’t give a-“
“Ben.” You growl under your breath staring at him.
He sighs again sinking lower in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “Dark green.”
When Martha finishes the bracelet it has light green, dark green, and black beads with brilliant pearly white stars and the name Ben spelled out on the strand. She hands it to him. “This is for you. Now we’re best friends forever.” Her face turns serious. “Guard it with your life.”
Ben holds the bracelet between his thumb and index finger, frowning down at it. For a second you hope that he’s not going to throw it away in front of Martha. You noticed that she was trying to impress him the best she could and even you had to admit that her bracelet making skills were unmatched. You were also a little jealous. She didn’t make one for you.
But then Ben does something you didn’t think you’d ever see him do, but puts it on. “Thanks.” He grunts and Martha’s smile is so wide you’re sure it would blind anyone in a ten mile radius.
You’re surprised, so surprised that you drop the watermelon you had been holding on the ground.
What in the actual fuck is happening? He’s being so nice to her.
“Y/n, pick a color!” Martha shouts handing Ben another piece of elastic to tie a knot in.
“Um- light green.” You say, but you can't look away from Ben.
Am I hallucinating?
You were so shocked at his behavior. Yes he was still being a little bit of a dick, but he hadn't done anything that bad in the time that the children had been here, just occasionally curse.
The bracelet that Martha makes you looks a bit like Ben’s, except you have light green, dark green, purple, and black beads with white pearly stars broken up by your name.
"Thank you Marty." You smile at her and roll it on your wrist.
"Yes sweetie?"
"I have to go to the bathroom." She stands from the chair and hops from foot to foot. "I don't want to go by myself, the hallway is scary!"
"Oh okay." As soon as you get up Josh begins to wail, face turning bright red as he does, pounding his little fists against the tray of the high chair, sending pieces of strawberry and watermelon flying everywhere.
Oh shit.
"Hey it's okay Joshie." You unclip him from the high chair and pull him into your arms, bouncing him to make him stop crying.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnn!" Martha whines, continuing to hop from foot to foot. "I really have to go."
"Well I- um." Your eyes dart to where Ben is still sitting at the kitchen table, cringing slightly when Josh gives another particularly loud wail.
Am I really about to do this?
"Ben can you take him for just a second."
"What?" Ben's eyes widen.
"Please? I have to take Marty to the bathroom."
"She can't go by herself? Suck it up or whatever?"
"It's dark Benny!" Martha cries, peering around him down the hallway. "I don't want to go by myself."
"But-" Ben begins to say.
"Please Ben." You plead.
He curses under his breath. "Fine." He stands up and takes Josh from your arms, holding him away from his body in the air with both hands like Josh is a live grenade, which only makes him scream louder.
Martha grabs your hand and begins to drag you down the hallway, while Ben grimaces at the wriggling child in his arms. "Try holding him against your chest." You say to him as Martha continues to pull you towards your small bathroom.
I am definetly getting a night light for this hallway. Then again, she doesn't even like it when the lights are on. She said that the yellow glow looked "creepy." But I don't think I should leave Josh alone with Ben. What if he drops him or kills him or- shit why did I do this.
As soon as Martha is finished and has washed her hands you return to the kitchen prepared for the worst, but then you see Ben. His back is to you, but he's gently bouncing Josh in his arms who giggles happily over Ben's shoulder at you.
"See you just need to man up." You hear Ben say. "The ladies don't like a man who cries kid, take it from me."
You smile to yourself. And if you thought that Ben was gorgeous before, Ben standing with a baby making a baby smile, makes something primal at the back of your mind begin to stir and unfortunately makes every plant in your general vicinity burst into bloom. The smell of gardenia, hibiscus, honeysuckle, and lavender hitting you in a strong wave as they do. You weren't sure what instinct it was, all you knew was that the image of Ben and the baby would be very  difficult to wipe from your mind.
"Did you miss me Benny?" Martha shouts coming up behind him, her strawberry crown still perched over her dark braids.
"Um." Ben turns around to look at where you're standing at the edge of the kitchen. He looks a little sheepish, like he didn't want you to catch him with a kid.
That's understandable. Hughie told me how he reacted to seeing a diaper commercial. The guy just doesn't seem to be the most gentle or really loving. And yet look at how he is with Josh.
"Of course he did Marty." You smile rubbing her back. "Right?"
"Sure." Ben sighs, but then he lifts his gaze back up to you. "You shouldn't call her that." Ben grunts.
"Why not?"
"You keep calling her a man's name and everyone is gonna think she's a boy."
You kick Ben hard in the shin.
"Ow. What the fu-" Ben snaps, eyes blazing.
"Marty, why don’t you pick out a movie you want to watch, anything you want." You smile sweetly at her, ignoring Ben's angry glare.
"Anything I want?" She exclaims, eyes bright.
"Anything you want."
She squeals happily and runs to the couch, disrupting Bean who had been watching with contempt from the cushions that line the back. He didn't like the kids as much as Ben did. Bean leaps off the couch and vanishes down the hallway before Martha can catch him.
"I call her that because she asked  me to Ben. Don’t say things like that to a five-year old. In fact don't stuff like that at all. It's 2024 not 1920."
"What does that mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean." You frown at him.
"Fine." Ben huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Why are you still here? I thought that you were going to go on a date or whatever it is you do when you're not being forced to work for Butcher?" You say taking Josh from Ben, who fights you as you rub a wipe against his sticky cheeks.
"I didn't want you to be outnumbered Petals." Ben smirks.
"Uh-huh. Sure. Admit it, you really wanted a friendship bracelet."
Ben leans closer to whisper in your ear. "As soon as she leaves, this is going in the trash."
But for some reason you don’t believe him, but at the same time you didn't care, because you had photo evidence on your phone of Soldier Boy  making friendship bracelets.
The opening song of Frozen begins to play from the tv behind you and you smile mischievously at Ben.
Now he's in for it.
"You're gonna wish you left Gramps." You snort.
"What do you mean-" Ben starts to say.
And then Martha begins to sing.
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After a stunning  and masterful performance of the Frozen movie done by Martha that included singing, dancing, and screaming the dialogue back at the tv, followed by Frozen 2, both Josh and Martha have fallen asleep just as the Aristocats began to play, leaving you and Ben to sit in the blessed silence of your apartment with the movie playing quietly in the background.
You were all sitting on the couch, Josh was sleeping on top of you, his little head buried in your left shoulder, while Martha curled up beside you, covered in one of your crochet blankets. Ben was sitting on the other side of Martha, leaning back and avoiding any contact with her feet that occasionally twitched while she slept, scrolling on his phone.
As much as Ben had hated the performance, you think that he might have actually liked Frozen. He'd noted that Elsa was hot, which Martha didn't quite understand and stated "No silly she's cold."
But then Ben followed up the observation by saying "You know, I knew this supe that looked exactly like her, who did this thing with her tong-" and you'd clamped your hand over his mouth and hissed "the kids are too young for that. Frankly I am too." Ben had only smirked at you and for the first time since you'd seen him do that, you smiled.
You didn't think that Ben had been paying attention, given that he had been scrolling on his phone through the entire movie, but he was. Because when Hans betrayed Anna Ben muttered "what a dick" under his breath.
Butcher had called during Frozen 2 and Ben had taken it in the hallway, filling you in quietly when he got back. Tomorrow Butcher wanted the two of you to infiltrate the party and see if the supe showed up to steal any of the cars.
It sounded like a solid plan, but it also meant that you were going to be on a mission alone with Ben, wearing God knows what. The last time Frenchie had stolen a dress for you wear on a mission, you'd practically had a heart attack when you first put it on and then made Annie go instead. You hoped that this time Frenchie got you something a little more, you. But you doubted it.
Plus the whole idea is to not be you genius.
“You’re really good with them.” Ben murmurs from his seat on the other side of the couch interrupting your chain of thought.
“You sound surprised.” You whisper back gently rubbing Josh's back with your hand. “And here I thought you were going to make a misogynistic comment about me having to be good with kids because I’m a woman.”
“I thought about it.” He shrugs shooting you an easy grin that makes you roll your eyes.
“Wouldn’t have expected anything less Gramps.”
You'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying Ben try to act normal around the children. You liked watching him be all uncomfortable and awkward, especially because he prided himself on being a "big strong man." It was the same look he got in his eyes whenever Mike's mother cornered him.
“So have you been around kids before?” He asks.
“No. I never had any younger siblings, just my older brother. Were you ever around kids?”
You barely knew anything about Ben or his life before becoming Soldier Boy, just all the propaganda that Vought fabricated about his early life. He had called you guarded but he definitely seemed to keep everything closer to his chest. Sometimes you found yourself wishing that he would tell you more. You wanted to know more about him, but another part of you told you that it was a bad idea. You were getting too close to Ben, developing feelings for him, and you knew that it wouldn’t end well.
“Not people I knew. Vought used to send me on tours around America, talking to assemblies at schools.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Do you-“ Ben pauses considering. “Like kids?”
“I mean I like that I get paid to watch them but-“ You look down at the children quietly sleeping between the two of you. “I like these two. I think it kinda depends on the kid.”
He nods and turns his head back towards the tv. Thomas O'Malley has started his song, sauntering along to the tune.
Is it wrong that I think Ben has Thomas O'Malley vibes? Or Kovu from Lion King 2 vibes?
You thought about texting Annie that exact question, but you didn't want to tell her how you spent your day babysitting with Ben. You knew that it would only bring on another onslaught of photoshopped baby pictures and potential baby names.
“Do you want kids?”
“Huh?” You glance over at Ben who is watching you curiously. He was doing that thing again where he acted completely different than how he acted around the team, had been doing it all day long.
“Um-“ You contemplate. “I’m not sure. I’m kinda young or well in my head I am. I think I’d want to wait a little bit.”
“But you do?” He presses.
Why does he want to know that so badly?
“I kinda see myself as a mom.”
Ben’s eyes are studying you. “I think you’d be a good mom.”
The compliment makes you inhale in surprise. Ben had been acting weird all day long, being nice to Martha, wearing the bracelet she made him, sitting with her to watch a movie and listening to her recount the lore behind it. He was being uncharacteristically patient and kind. For another moment you see the possibility of Ben being more than just an angry, horny, jerk, and you try hard not to give in.
“Do you want kids?” You whisper back.
Ben’s expression darkens and he turns back towards the tv, arms crossed over his chest. He doesn’t say anything for a good two minutes, the silence awkwardly growing between the two of you. “I did.”
“With Countess right?”
He looks at you surprised.
“Hughie told me.” You bite the inside of your cheek. “I’m sorry Ben.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. You’re not the bi-“ He stops and looks down at the kids who are still sleeping silently. “You’re not her, Petals. You don’t have to be.”
“I know that, but still. What she did was shitty.” You whisper the curse word. “You didn’t deserve that. Any of it.”
It was the first time you’d said that to Ben. The first time the two of you would have a conversation about his life before you met him, the life that he seemed to want to forget. You couldn't blame him for that. In fact, the two of you had barely talked before these past few days other than the occasional tease or Ben’s attempt to get you into bed with him. And it was actually kind of nice, learning more about him.
Josh gurgles quietly and you adjust him in your arms, gently rocking him for a moment. Martha stirs but then leans further against your right arm cuddling up against it.
Ben watches you for a minute with the same expression he has when he seems to be unable to understand you and then the mask slips for just a moment, enough for you to see something genuine in his eyes. "Thank you." He murmurs.
"You’re welcome." You reply with a small smile as you turn back to watch the movie, aware of Ben's gaze on you.  "Then again I should be thanking you. I couldn't have made it through today without that coffee."
Ben chuckles and leans back against the couch cushions. "You're welcome Petals."
Mr. Wilson's mother in-law shows up to take the kids just as the movie finishes. Ben and you stand there for a moment in the aftermath taking a breath and when you smile at him, Ben actually smiles back.
But before you can ask Ben if he wants to order a pizza or something, he states that he has a date and not to wait up for him as he shrugs into his leather jacket.
And when he goes you try not to notice how quiet the apartment is and how empty it seems without him in it.
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A/N: Alright the angst will begin to come NEXT chapter, probably, I promise... I just couldn't get this silly little idea out of my head and I thought why not?
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I see you’ve also gotten sladejay-pilled recently. Bro words cannot explain the way this ship has deranged me for the past few months. Of all ships to get me this one got me so bad
heheheh that's just how it goes, you're walking along one day and then suddenly a ship grips u by the throat and won't let go! idk how deranged I'll be about it, it's possible this will be a casual interest, too soon to assess the damages yet, but I will say it's a very different flavor of ship than my usual and it's very refreshing!
Here are some of the broad concepts that I find compelling:
First is the psychological impact upon one Dick Grayson. He has an extremely fraught, complicated, violent-yet-sometimes-allied relationship with both of these characters. I'm not sure how yet, but I'm convinced learning about them being romantically involved would deal 12d6 psychic damage to him and I want to see it happen
Second is that Slade has several kids, bad relationships with all of them, and most or all of them are older than Jason. This could result in an amazingly awkward and fucked up step-father situation that absolutely no one wants. Except for me. I want it. I want to see Rose introduce them as "My step-father Jason (neutral but on thin ice) and his husband Slade (derogatory)."
Third is that somehow, against all odds, they end up being super good for each other. Slade's track record with relationships is... Very Bad as far as I understand it. Jason's track record with relationships is basically nonexistant but also no part of this man is well adjusted about anything. Every character that knows of them could reasonably expect their relationship to be some kind of toxic nightmare tar pit. But what if it wasn't?
Horrible, terrible, no good power couple who make each other deeply happy and mentally healthier.
Thanks for welcoming me aboard decks Captain Anon :3 Now I'm off to write more fanfiction!
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
-Quickly skitters into the inbox, with a boom box and an increasingly bass boosted version-
- Party In The USA anon, on the recent glorious news
Look. LOOK. I know we've had technically bigger fish, but the Georgia case is a Big Fucking Deal. Because:
It is a MAJOR indictment both in terms of scope and seriousness of charges. Not just Trump, but *eighteen* of his allies and cronies got charged with RICO (anti-racketeering, often used against mob bosses) felonies, including Rudy Giuliani (I repeat, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA), Jeff Clark, Mark Meadows, and other high-profile Trumpworld enablers
No Lindsey Graham (at least yet) but I guess we can't have everything
It encompasses both in Georgia and other states where Trump illegally tried to alter election results (Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania), as those activities related to a conspiracy centered on Georgia/Fulton County
This is the big whopper: TRUMP CANNOT CANCEL THIS INVESTIGATION EVEN IF HE GETS RE-ELECTED. He can shut down the federal Special Counsel investigations run through the DoJ, but this? Bupkis. And Georgia governor Brian Kemp, another of the Republicans who dutifully continues to defend Trump even as Trump slanders him up and down, CAN'T PARDON HIM.
That drives the Republicans NUTS. So nuts that they were, you guessed it, already on Faux News whining about how they should make Georgia change that law.
Boo-fucking-hoo, you absolute fucking wankers.
Also: we need to remember that Trump rose to political prominence by being wildly racist and xenophobic about America's first Black president. He has coddled and exalted white supremacists and white supremacist rhetoric at every turn, it has been the central defining feature of his campaign, and his election subversion efforts were chiefly aimed at canceling the votes of heavily Black cities (Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, etc.)
Trump also won in 2016 thanks to the Electoral College, itself designed as an element of structural racism, by defeating probably the most qualified and beyond any doubt most historic candidate there has ever been, after it was revealed that he was a serial sexual assaulter and after he screamed for months about LOCK HER UP (every Republican accusation is a confession, etc)
All that said, with Trump's vile, derogatory bile spewed at everyone, but especially a) Black people, b) women, and c) powerful Black women, it is a Big Fucking Deal that a powerful Black woman, aka his worst nightmare, pulled this trigger on him.
Don't get me wrong. I deeply appreciate me some Jack Smith. But he is also a white male special counsel appointed by the Department of Justice, and who used to work for the Hague prosecuting war crimes (true story). It's in his brief to do this.
Fani Willis is a county district attorney AND a Black woman, as Trump's nonstop shitgibbering on Truth Social just can't help himself from pointing out. This kind of sprawling, country-wide investigation against a wildly corrupt ex-president and his cohort of equally corrupt cronies is not something she is, in the normal course of things, ever expected to do, but she did it.
NINETEEN DEFENDANTS, Y'ALL. Including Trump. On 41 different charges. That's a hell of an indictment, and she knows it puts a target on her back, while (as noted) she doesn't have the resources and protections of the federal government/DOJ to do it.
Let's hear it for Fani Willis (and Judge Chutkan, who informed Trump the other day the more he runs his mouth, the faster she will proceed to trial) y'all.
Black Women Get Shit Done.
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moldy-flowers · 1 month
Naruto au where Jiriya comes back to Konoha to adopt Naruto like he promised to do but somewhere along the way they get Tsunade back in the village and Tsunade becomes Sasukes caretaker (She adopts him but neither are comfortable calling eachother mother and son yet so they stick with "The Lady in my house who cooks bad" and "the brat who doesn't appreciate good meals when he sees them")
Then at some point when Naruto and Sasuke are genins Jiriya and Tsunade get married and now Naruto and Sasuke have to live together. There's a really emotional scene of Sasuke having to say goodbye to his old home and its like "oh god its really all over they're not coming back I'm not coming back I can't just leave them behind I need to let go but I just can't do it" and Tsunade calls Sasuke her son for the first time and he totally doesn't cry!!!
Forest of death but Sasuke Sakura and Naruto already know who Orochimaru is, Sasuke knows absolutely not to trust him so the curse mark doesn't really affect him too horribly but it does lead for a lot of tension in the group. Also after being the girlboss she was born to be Sakura decides she can't be protected anymore and bc Tsunade is like, right there she asks her if she can be trained and Tsunade says yes obv. Hiruzen dies purely because i hate that guy but Orochimaru also dies to Jiriya and Tsunade also because I really really hate him too.
Theres the time when Kisame and Itachi visit Konoha and Itachi hears Naruto refer to Tsunade as his mom and Sasuke as his brother and hes GOT to know what's going on so he spies on them and learns that Sasukes been adopted but he sees this moment of Tsunade announcing she's pregnant (what a shocker she was 🤏 that close to never having to worry about pregnancy ever again but Jiriya just couldn't keep it in his pants for another 2 years, the manwhore.) And itachi sees Sasuke realising he's gonna be an older brother and being super happy about it saying he's gonna be the best big brother ever (Hades hangs his laundry on the bar its so low all he's gotta do is not kill everyone and he's already better than Itachi) and Itachi is like "ah man but how's he gonna get stronger there's no hatred in there i need him to do my suicide for me!!!" But Jiriya noticed he was there and confronts him a little later but see Jiriyas a little smarty pants and has been living in Konoha for years and always knew there was something fishy with the massacre and danzo so Jiriya just bluffs his way to the truth (Phoenix is that you?) And he's like "look Sasukes ur brother but he's my son now, he has enough nightmares and enough trauma and enough trust issues to last him a lifetime feck off and if you wanna die so bad then kill yourself and don't use your brother as a tool for ur suicide" <- I may be projecting a bit but ANYWAYS Itachi and Kisame have to leave Konoha bc Naruto is under watch by Kakashi, Tsunade and Jiriya and they are NAWT winning that fight.
Skip to shippuden era Sasuke v/ Itachi fight but Itachis been skipping out on his meds!! (He did it because he's a nerd loser guy who thinks "oh man sasuke isn't angry or filled with hatred and overall living a really terrible and unfufilling life he's probably so weak i need to stoop down to his level") Oh no so hes really super sick and Sasuke has picked up a lot from Tsunade so he knows Itachis time is near and although Sasuke really wants Itachi dead he's like "fuck it, dude you absolutely ruined my life and gave me trauma I'm never ever going to recover from sometimes I still wonder if my friends or family are going to turn around and kill me do you know how fucked that is why the hell did you even do that I don't want some bullshit excuse tell me" like he absolutely chews that loser (derogatory) out and Itachi is like, "kk ill tell u everything" and Sasuke is RUINED and he takes like a long 30 minutes of silence between the two just sitting there for Sasuke to go like "Itachi, I don't... think I forgive you. But I understand why you did it. I would have done it too" And its very emotional!! That moment is all Itachi needs bc he was sort of barely clinging onto life as it is and now that he's got peace he can finally die and they share a really sweet moment before he goes :(
And when Sasuke gets home and cries, (this time he can admit it cause he's a big boy now and understands it's okay to feel) to Tsunade he calls her his mother for the first time and its so ahaishahabnabsjsjnd
Anyways they all lived happily ever after the end no wars no nothing all over bye bye
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cushfuddled · 5 months
I wish I didn't hate Ed and Stede but here we are I guess
I didn't have time to put a section about this in my review (since it would add another ten minutes onto a fifty minute video hhhhh) but I just gotta take a second and vent about how much I dislike Stede and Ed in season two.
When I watched season two for the first time, I assumed I didn't ship Gentlebeard anymore because I'd...I dunno...gotten bored of the ship or whatever. But when I went back to rewatch season one, I was immediately sucked back into the Ed/Stede jet engine. I loved them through the finale, up until around the middle of season two...at which point I became totally disinterested again.
Even going back through season one clips for this review...the chemistry is soooo strong for me. The only time I got that feeling from season two was like, from the mermaid scene and the finger-stacking scene.
And I honestly think my disinterest stems from the fact that I can't stand Ed and Stede as characters anymore. They're dicks in season one, but ANNOYING dicks in season two, and I guess I just...don't ship characters who make me want to tear my hair out.
In season two, Ed behaves like a petulant five year old with a gun. It's so "say sorry to your friend right now!" "I don't wanna! :(" followed by a stint in the time out chair and a mumbled non-apology. For all of season two, Ed behaves like a spoiled brat, and I really can't stand it.
My friend pointed out that Ed is in a position where he needs to reparent himself. His emotional development likely stopped around the time he killed his dad (when he was still a kid). No one modeled healthy behavior and emotional regulation for Ed past the age of...maybe fifteen? So of course he's gonna behave like a kid. It's gonna be a long road for Ed to learn these regulating strategies as an adult, and I guess...hhhhhh.
None of Ed's trauma excuses Ed from torturing and traumatizing his crew. It feels shitty to find a deeply traumatized character's behavior "annoying," but...I mean. I say this as someone who's experienced suicide ideation myself: Ed isn't real, and I'm not Ed's friend, and so I don't really feel obligated to extend patience and understanding to a fictional construct when that construct spends 90% of his screen time behaving like a stuck up, self-obsessed, capricious, whiny, murderous asshole.
Add season-two-Stede to the mix and CHRIST...Stede—like Ed—was always a dick, but the way he encouraged Lucius to divulge his trauma only to react with cartoonish disgust, cower like a cornered animal, and then flee while begging Lucius to be quiet...
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Then Stede decides to veto the crew's decision to ban Ed—their abuser—from the ship ("talk it through as a crew" my ass)...? Oh, and gotta love how Stede-"I've been the cause of death. It changes you"-Bonnet sets a guy on fucking fire and laughs, then kills a bunch of English soldiers with nary a backward glance. Okay. Would've loved some kind of exploration re: that major heel turn, but fine. And then Ed and Stede stand over Izzy's grave—the (mutilated) body of their dear friend and crewmate—and their combined eulogy amounts to "He was tense. Very tense." "Yeah, he was a fucking nightmare. What a guy." How endearing. Season two turned these two bastards (affectionate) into bastards (derogatory) for me and I'm still salty about it. God DAMMIT.
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coff-in · 4 months
hii, I had made a request earlier but idk if you had got it, so I'm writing again just to be safe.
earlier I had a thought about how would Andrew be with a overly affectionate younger brother(reader)...? Like Andy and said younger brother would be cuddling on the couch watching some shitty movie Ashley had put on and she keeps glancing over to keep tabs on Andy and their her older siblings, knowing she can't do anything about it. So later that night when Andy gets his "nightmares" he crawls into his younger brothers bed while he's still awake because he can't sleep, so reader starts teasing Andy, and they take it from there 🤭
notes from coff-in: I DID GET YOUR PREVIOUS ASK AND IM KEEPING IT FOREVER!!! /positive what's better than incest? therapy and gay incest. LET ANDREW AND ASHLEY BE BI OR SOMETHING PLEASE!!! sorry. i'm losing myself rn, please enjoy what i have cooked up. this is also a ramble, i'm in a rambling mood rn
[masc] reader-insert, [reader] is younger than ashley by about one year, NSFW, incest, dry-humping
omg imagine if andrew liked boys :3 that's it send tweet. i wonder if andrew would have conflicting emotions about his feelings towards his brother since that's his brother you know? like, especially if he still has his incestuous feelings towards ashley, would he feel bad if he had them towards [reader], too? god, he is such a sis/sibcon. just some food for thought you know? (especially if he's dating julia around this time, omg. he goes on dates with julia while thinking about ashley or something and when he's at home he's getting real close and comfy with his baby brother-- poor julia)
i think an overly affectionate (especially physically) little brother would be kinda perfect for andrew. he definitely shows his love threw physical touch whether it's playing with his hair or holding his hand or pulling him close. there's also that added layer to their dynamic that they're both boys/guys, there's nothing wrong with them being shirtless or naked in the same room with each other and such. andrew could brush off their closeness as just them being brothers, this is normal for them cause they're brothers, nothing weird about this at all.
ashley being jelly of her baby bro is so silly to me omg. she presses herself to andrew's other side while they all watch a movie together but she still glances at andrew's arm draped around [reader], playing with his hair, or how [reader]'s probably laying his head on andrew's lap. ashley's not mad (maybe a little concerned because if andrew is exclusively attracted to guys that could be an avenue of control she loses access to) but she's letting it be known that she wants attention too.
later that night, [reader]'s in bed probably just staring at the ceiling or listening to the clock tick by to try to go to sleep. he looks over and sees andrew standing above them and he automatically lifts up his blanket to welcome him under. andrew encompasses [reader] in his arms and holds himself close to him while [reader] teases him, "do you need your little brother to help you sleep? poor andrew, it's okay. i'm here for you." and then, AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN
[reader] places a little kiss on his cheek. "there, there. all better, see?"
andrew is just like "wh-what the fuck? you can't just--" "why not? it's just a little kiss on the cheek. moms and dads give kisses on the cheek in movies." AAAUGH!!! love them love them love them. the cuddling turns into like a light makeout session, with [reader] and andrew kissing each other anywhere BUT the lips. just light pecks here and there, you know like brothers do.
time passes of them doing this and it evolves into rubbing against each other. at some point whenever andrew lets go and just fucking admits that he's a little incestuous freak (non-derogatory) he just starts humping [reader]. first while they're laying next to each other spooning but one point he gets on top of him and starts humping him like a dog, "ah- ugh- good boy... fuck..." "doesn't this feel better, andrew?" "yeah... it feels- uhg-- much much better now."
im absolute shit with dialogue but please see my vision, i beg of you. also thank you for bringing this to me. this was honestly so delicious
(no joke while writing this i was listening to an audio from reddit about a femboy little brother being used as a substitute for his big brother's girlfriend and OH MY GOODNESS)
embrace and indulge
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
Pilot Lucifer and your version of lilith i'm sure they gonna give Adam a fucking nightmare
I have heard pilot Lucifer was more of a villain, Adam would call pilot Lucifer and my version of Lilith a match made in Hell in a derogatory way. He would much prefer his duck obsessed short king who is kinder and sillier.
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littlefingies · 4 months
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You made him the captain he is today
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I'm not the captain now, you are
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rrxnjun · 2 years
annoying (derogatory). ldh
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pairing: lee donghyuck x fem! reader genre: college au, halloween au | crack(?), fluff wc: 3k (2.920) warnings: too much alcohol, kind of rushed and very stupid a/n: i know its technically not halloween anymore but this idea came to me this morning and i just had to write it. haven't posted anything in a while and i missed writing a lot <3 also thank you @decembermoonskz and @yaesnovels for the help with this fic!
you arrive at a halloween party only to find out your biggest nightmare came true in real life: you accidentally wear matching couple outfits with your biggest enemy. or where annoying (derogatory) turns into annoying (affectionate).
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Black skinny jeans, blue jean button-up, black shoes and a tacky black coat. Your eyes meet with none other than your main enemy, a shit-eating grin slowly creeping at his face making you freeze in your spot and arch your back like an angry cat when you realise a fact that is immediately confirmed by the snicker coming from behind your ear.
“Your couple costume is so good guys, didn’t know you were dating-”
“Jeno, shut the fuck up. You know damn well this is not a couple costume,” you mutter, not liking the fact that your friend is feeding into this situation.
“Oh,” Jeno blinks, faking a surprise, “but he’s Edward. And… you’re Bella… isn’t it a couple costume, then?” he asks, pouting, acting lost in thought.
“No, it’s not-”
“Just admit that you planned this all along, Y/N,” Donghyuck grins, “you wanted to match with me, obviously.”
“I did not! I didn’t even know you’re going as Edward. If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone as Bella, for fuck’s sake,” you mourn in agony, hating the Halloween party you were invited to already, solely for the fact that you’re accidentally wearing couple costumes with the guy you hate the most on this earth. 
Lee Donghyuck has been on your death wishlist for as long as you’ve known him. His annoying (derogatory) attitude and the confidence he radiates was already a hint for you that you wouldn’t like him when you first met him at university, but it was only solidified on one sunny day when he made fun of your haircut. Yeah, it might have been a bad, terrible haircut– you can even admit that– but he really didn’t have to call you Dora the explorer every time he saw you at campus until your hair didn’t grow back. Yes, this was the exact situation that made you hate the guy more than you hate anything in this world. Some would say you’re petty. You just think you’re being reasonable.
“I talked about it in the groupchat!” Hyuck exclaims, referencing the Whatsapp group chat you’re both in because of mutual friends.
“Well, I have your number blocked so I don’t have to read your annoying messages every morning,” you snap, seeing Donghyuck only smile at your frustrated figure, making you more annoyed.
“I’ll have you know, Ryujin enjoys my good morning texts,” he smugly proclaims, shrugging.
“Yeah,” you nod, “because she lacks common sense,” you add, seeing the man in front of you snicker at your nasty remark, loving the sight of you all worked up and frustrated.
“Don’t be mean,” he says, “I thought that was my job. Or, at least, that’s what you told me when I called you Dora-”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, not this again,” you roll your eyes at him, not wanting to see the look on his face he always has when he teases you. “See? He’s being annoying again-” you turn around, wanting to find comfort in Jeno, only to realise he’s no longer watching over your little quarrel, but is standing in the corner of the room with his friends from class instead, drinking out of a small red cup.
Turning back around to see Donghyuck leaning on the kitchen counter, hands resting at the very top, you try hard to ignore the grin on his face. Catching him eyeing you from head to toe, you furrow your brows and shake your head in disapproval. “Stop staring at me, weirdo.”
“Just wanting to see if you’ve done a better job than me, that’s all.”
“Yeah, sure,” you sigh, walking over to the kitchen counter, looking for a cup that would contain something you’d enjoy drinking– because you can’t even smell vodka without wanting to physically carve your stomach out of your body (you’d call this reflex your bad flashbacks from war)– Donghyuck’s voice lands into your ear once again, possibly the effect of his figure standing so close to yours.
“Chill out already, would you? Let’s dance,” he says, pointing his chin towards the living room, resonating with roaring music and filled with various other people from your university, all dressed in costumes. A rumor has it that Johnny-- the host-- was kicking out everyone that came without one, and with how much this guy loves Halloween, you don't even try to doubt the information.
You huff, laughing at Hyuck's proposal. “I would rather die than to dance with you, Lee Donghyuck.”
Silence– well, to a certain extent, with the loud EDM music playing in the background– overtakes the two of you after your response, your eyes still searching through the sea of alcohol poured in various red cups over on the kitchen counter, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Do these people really not drink anything other than vodka and cheap beer? Sighing in disappointment, almost reaching for the beer– because everything’s better than vodka– a hand holding a single red cup comes into your rear point of vision, making you look up at your silent companion in confusion.
Taking the cup into your hand and sniffing, your eyes meet your supposed enemy, to which he expressionlessly says: “Rum and coke. I know vodka makes you puke.”
“Thanks,” you say, hesitantly taking a sip and averting your gaze from the male, taken aback by his sudden act of service.
“Will you dance with me now?”
Sighing, you shoot him a glance, seeing the shit-eating grin appearing on his face again, making your blood boil at unreachable heights. “I will kill you tonight, Hyuck.”
“We’ll see about that, spider monkey.”
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“Oh, you two look amazing together-”
“We’re not a couple,” you cut off the stranger passing you by on your walk down the street, sighing to yourself.
A few drinks, screams at the top of your lungs on the dance floor and selfies in your Halloween costumes later, you two and another few friends– the most sober ones of the group– were sent on a McDonald’s run. You argued that you could just order pizza, or that you could just get Postmates, but Jisung got too drunk to remember how it works and insisted on you getting it personally, because, quote, the stranger could eat his chicken wings, and, well, Jeno can never say no to Jisung, so… here you are.
“Not gonna lie, dudes,” Mark says, laughing to himself, “the disgusted look on Y/N’s face every time she has to explain this to someone is the only thing keeping me going right now.”
“I’m glad that at least someone is having fun,” you mutter under your breath.
“Who said he was the only one? I am enjoying this,” Donghyuck snickers, walking by your side as if to annoy you even further. Every time his hand accidentally brushes against yours as you walk– because even though you’re the most sober of the group, the amount of rum and cokes you’ve drank tonight is still enough to make you walk a little to the side– makes you want to turn around on your heel and scream into an endless void full of your misery. 
Every time you see the man next to you grin with his perfect pearly whites, the hairs on your arms stand up in nerves, your stomach feels funny and the pit on the very bottom of it only deepens. You’ve never felt this much frustration, annoyance and anger towards someone. Normally, you’re a pretty chill person– it’s just that Lee Donghyuck is a menace to society and to yourself twice as much. 
Walking into the McDonald’s that’s luckily only a few streets away from Johnny’s house, you stand in line and wait for your turn to finally order the endless list of meals the group waiting back at the party managed to stick together. Looking around, seeing a long line of teenagers dressed in various costumes, you find a new sense of appreciation for humanity. Isn’t it funny how once a year, we dress as someone else for one day just because we feel like it? Humans are actually pretty cute, if you think about it.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost don’t notice Donghyuck talking to someone that’s standing behind him. His words blur in your tipsy mind, allowing yourself to relax for just a bit and calm down before you have to carry the bags with food down the street again, back to the party, when the words girlfriend and Bella startle you awake.
“Yeah, it took me so long to convince her to come as Bella, ‘cause she always refuses to watch the movies with me, but she loves me too much, so she finally agreed-”
“What the fuck are you talking about, Donghyuck?” you ask, not even having enough energy to scream at him anymore, just furrowing your brows in resignance. 
“Don’t mind her, she gets a little grumpy when she’s drunk, right, sweetie?” Hyuck grins at you as he puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. The smell of his showergel mixed with the cologne he uses– strawberries and coconut with just a hint of pinewood– hits your nose, making you swim in a weird sense of comfort and jumpiness. You once told him he uses too much cologne. He joked that it was so you would notice him, but ever since, the smell of his cologne has become less prominent, the sweet mix of strawberries and coconut making itself more known to your nose every time he was close to you in any way.
“We’re not even dating…” you lock eyes with the stranger dressed like Batman as you sigh, seeing the confusion in his hooded eyes when they jump from your figure to Donghyuck’s close to each other in a comfortable embrace.
Standing in the line at McDonald’s, various grinning teenagers pointing towards you two and telling you what a cute couple you are, you grow tired of explaining to them that your matching costumes are a mere coincidence. And with Lee Donghyuck sabotaging your every attempt at getting it straight and telling everyone that you actually hate your supposed other half, it becomes impossible to spread your truth, and so you just eventually stop trying.
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Drinking so much the world is spinning and you feel hot in your cheeks, talking in the kitchen with Jaemin, Jeno and (ignoring) Donghyuck, you feel like this evening couldn’t get any better. You see, you may sound like an alcoholic right now, but the more rum and coke you drink, the less you mind Hyuck’s annoying teasing and the bad music choices from the resident DJ Jungwoo. You asked him to play Pitbull twice. He refused both times, and if that’s not a sign of a bad DJ, you don’t know what is.
Laughing at a joke Jaemin made, you momentarily lock eyes with Hyuck before you jump up in surprise at a loud scream coming from behind your back.
“Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?!” 
Turning around, you see a tall man with a wig on, wearing the most ratchet outfit cut out of a 2009 movie– there was no doubt, this was none other than Xiao Dejun dressed as Jacob from Twilight. Laughing at the whole situation– because there’s nothing else you’re able to do now, after realising that the three of you accidentally wore the costumes of a love triangle without knowing the other’s intentions, you watch as the man replicates the scene from the movie and runs towards you to pick you up into a spinning hug.
“This is getting ridiculous,” you giggle when he puts you on the ground.
“Why? You didn’t plan this?” he asks, seemingly not knowing about the rivalry between you and Hyuck as his eyes dance from him to you, seeing you shake your head in disapproval.
“Don’t listen to him if he tries to tell you otherwise, but no, we did not plan this,” you laugh, seeing Dejun join you in the little moment of you slowly going crazy. 
“Well, that’s just great, because that means I can drag you to the dancefloor without Edward here getting mad at me!” Dejun yelps as he physically drags you to the living room by your right hand, body swaying to the beat of the never-stopping EDM music playing through the speakers. You don’t really remember you and Dejun being this close, you only had a few classes with him last semester, but it seems that the alcohol level in your blood is no longer letting you have any barriers tonight. Eyes shortly switching to the kitchen– completely subconsciously, really– you notice Donghyuck staring at the two of you with a cold look, jaw clenched. It only adds to the costume of Edward, you’d say, since you don’t remember the man having any other expressions in the movie, but the sight of Hyuck looking like that makes you a little taken aback, since you’ve never seen him with this face before.
“Are you sure you two didn’t come together? ‘Cause Edward Cullen over there looks a little jealous, if I may say so myself,” Dejun screams into your ear, making you roll your eyes at the comment.
“Don’t mind him,” you shake your head, “we hate each other.”
Dejun’s eyes widen at your last sentence, surprise overtaking his features. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” you snicker, “he called me Dora the explorer for two months after I got a really bad haircut, I can’t stand that guy,” you laugh, seeing Dejun only snicker as he takes your right hand and rises it towards the ceiling, urging you to twirl for him like a ballerina. 
“Well, that’s understandable,” he laughs, “even I’d hate him for that, if I was in your place.”
When the song ends and Dejun finds another familiar face in the corner of the living room, you find yourself sitting on the abandoned sofa in the middle of the room, finally letting yourself take deep breaths and try to force your head to stop spinning. Fanning your face before you take off your statement Bella zip-up hoodie, you let your eyes rest for a moment as you notice the sharp pain in your left temple– the first sign that you’ve had enough alcohol for tonight. Telling yourself you’re only gonna stay until you don’t feel a bit better, you try to force your brain to not shut off, before a painful slap to your thigh startles you awake as the sofa dips next to you with the weight of another figure. 
“You okay?” you hear the all too familiar voice of none other than tonight’s Edward Cullen. After so many hours of being around him, you don’t even hate it as much anymore– in the loud screaming of the evening, you’d even consider it a safe haven.
Humming in agreement as you nod, you notice his hand on your thigh lightly massaging the spot he slapped before, the touch of his hand burns your clothed skin, sending shivers down your spine. “You want some water?” he asks, but as you shake your head to say no, there’s not a single thought in your head as you focus on the motion of his fingers on your leg, thinking of how you’ve never seen him so caring before, making you believe that maybe if he wasn’t so annoying towards you, you wouldn’t hate him as much. 
“Do you want to go home?” he asks again, making you want to curse at him for breaking the silence (well, not really, since the havoc is still happening and the music is still playing), but instead, you only hum and cover his hand on your thigh with your palm, not even thinking about your actions. The danger of drinking is that you never know when the drink you have is the last one that takes you over the edge of having fun to being absolutely fucking miserable, and you think that the one you had right before Dejun dragged you to the dance floor was exactly the one doing just that.
“In a bit. Want my head to stop spinning so much first,” you say, letting your head drop onto his shoulder, enjoying the calmness of the situation after the stress and loudness of the whole night.
The smell of strawberries and coconut overtakes the smell of alcohol lingering in the room, calming your senses and making you wonder why you never gave Hyuck a chance before. It’s not like he was wrong about the haircut, after all… 
“I’m team Edward, just by the way,” Donghyuck mumbles into your ear, making you snicker. To think you were considering that he wasn’t so bad just a few seconds ago…
“You know, Hyuck, I’m starting to think you’re an actual vampire, with how you’re sucking out my energy the whole evening,” you mutter, hearing the boy laugh at your comment before his tone turns suggestive as he leans even closer to your ear.
“Maybe I can suck your neck instead, like an actual vampire, you know-”
Feeling hot in your cheeks from the comment that just escaped from between his lips, hating the way it made you feel all funny in your stomach, you sigh and move away from him, standing up from the sofa in urgency. “I’m actually going to kill you, you know-”
“Oh, come on,” he giggles, taking you by your hand and dragging you back down to the sofa, “sit for a bit and then I’ll walk you home, okay? I was only joking…” he says, seeing you roll your eyes, but your body slides deeper into the sofa cushions, getting comfortable. “Unless…?” 
Yeah, never mind. Lee Donghyuck is still the most annoying (affectionate) human being you’ve ever met in your whole, entire life.
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zalgoid · 2 months
Jeff and Nina headcanons :]
I rewrote their stories a while ago but I'm too lazy to put it any way other than bullet points.
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I scraped the romance dynamic pushed on them, it’s boring to me.
They're father and daughter
Not just in dynamic but also like legally
Jeff is Nina’s stepfather and only legal guardian
Jeff was a serial killer (infamous for killing couples and cutting their face into smiles) before he married Nina’s mother
He took a few months break around the time he was marrying his wife.
The relationship was shaky AT BEST
Jeff eventually planned to kill her
He was smart enough to know if his wife died he would be the first suspect
In an attempt to divert attention from him being the killer he hatched a plan to make him a victim.
He spent a few months feeding Nina the idea her mom was a monster of a woman
He eventually killed her and cut up him and Nina to make it seem as if they were also attacked
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Nina <3
Bpd girlie (projecting)
Selective Mutism
Manic pixie nightmare girl
She’s still in high school
She's never been normal since her mom died
Got hella clingy toward Jeff cause she was 11 at the time but never grew out of it
Her smile scar is much more jagged than Jeff’s cause again she was 11 and obviously squirmed when Jeff cut it
She's never actually killed anyone
Obsessed with killers though
Like she's the type to make flower crown edits of murderers
And probably has
The one alternative kid in a tiny midwest town
And the weird cousin
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Old white man
Blond (derogatory)
He's a barbecue dad
He's like almost 50
Some kind of blue-collar worker
Probably an electrician
He conveniently stopped killing after his wife died (it was almost like he had an 11-year-old to raise)
Still a little murderous in his own way
Like those dads who threaten to kill their daughter's Ex’s
But he's way too serious about it
He never remarried
Also gaslighting king
He didn't go through a bunch of trauma when he was like 13
He's just fucked up like that and wanted to kill people
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I've never done this before but if people like it I might make some more
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tidesreach · 3 months
that whole eddie is daniel incarnate is one of the most delusional things i've ever read from the other side like truly and that's why eddie was not in the coma dream....like no sweets no.
yeah, god. honestly anon i wish i didn't know what you're talking about. but unfortunately, i do. the thing about that whole theory, other than being fucking insane (derogatory), is that well. where did they get it from? because the coma dream very clearly establishes that actually it's not a coma dream at all but a coma nightmare. like, buck isn’t enticed by the coma dream because he now has a brother, he's enticed by it because the fact that he has a brother (a brother who is alive) means that his parents love him for who he is and not what he can do, thus he doesn't have to go through that trauma of constantly feeling like he’s not good enough and the need to continuously prove himself and be something. like, it isn't about having a brother, or a brother-figure. the whole fucking point of the coma dream (nightmare) was to establish that buck does not need his parents to experience love. that he has a family (the 118) who truly value him and need him and love him for him despite or even in spite of the fact that his parents did not love him for him.
like, the fact that eddie wasn't there speaks to a number of things. 1) that buck joining the 118 fundamentally changed the trajectory of both his and eddie's and christopher's lives forever, leading to 2) buck literally forging his own family. like, "you don't find it, son. you make it." and that's exactly what he did. what they did. and 3) the fact that if buck even so much as looks at eddie and all the reasons why he changed the trajectory of their lives forever and why they forged that family together he would have to acknowledge exactly what that means. like, in the same way eddie literally had to force himself into buck's hospital room, couldn't even look at him in that hospital bed. because if he did he would also have to acknowledge exactly what it all means.
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The Clone Wars 2x13 ‘Voyage of Temptation’ Reaction
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There was so much in that little “Very well.” from Obi-Wan
Anakin is on to you Obi-Wan and you are not helping yourself with all of those defensive and unsubtle reactions.
Why did that clone sound like an Aussie? G’day mate?
Lol of course there’s something in the crates
Satine is making an impassioned argument against war but it is rather undermined by her lying on a pile of plush cushions on top of a giant stepped throne that positions her above her subjects so she is literally looking down on them. The opulent setting, servant droids and champers being passed around doesn’t help either. 
“I meant no disrespect.” said with all the underlying sass possible. That “Really” from Satine shows that she saw right through it.
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“Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.” SCREECHING THE SAVAGERY
“Your highness is too kind.” The Sassery Continues!
I only noticed this while pausing but why the fuck does Orn Free Taa have two Twi’lek girls hanging off him?!
I love the framing here when Obi-Wan is addressing Satine. He’s almost at her eye level even though she’s on top of her throne pedestal. Visual metaphor for how similar they are yet how they are kept apart from eye other due to their duty to their beliefs? So close and yet so far.
Mum and Dad are fighting again.
“I think a multitude makes discord, not good counsel.” Satine absolutely shutting down Orn Free Taa. I love her. She takes absolutely no shit.
“There may be two sides to every dilemma but the Duchess only favours hers.” And you don’t only favour yours Obi-Wan? Side eyeing
Hello Mixer! Oh, they’ve named a clone, and we’re in a dark and spooky environment. He’s not going to last very long is he?
R2 you cheeky little shit
The clones definitely sound Australian. They’re supposed to be Kiwis, not Aussies. Very different accents. Humans are space australians though so maybe we can use that as the loosest of explanations?
“Droids” (derogatory). Is immediately stabbed to death by a droid.
The flirting continues! I mean fighting! The fighting continues. Yes, they’re definitely fighting. Totally not flirting at all.
“Even extremists can be reasoned with.” I love you Satine but I’m gonna have to disagree with you on that one.
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“Ah, the sarcasm of a soldier.” “The delusion of a dreamer.” So that’s where this exchange comes from. That is some serious staring contest going on and neither is backing down.
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Oh rip Redeye, we didn’t even find out his name until after his gruesome death.
The jump from the clone getting stabbed to death by the droid to the opulent surrounds of the upper levels of the ship was jarring. Probably intentionally so.
“You and Satine have a history.” ya don’t say
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CACKLING at Obi-Wan’s side eye at Anakin after he said Obi-Wan’s description of his year protecting Satine sounded romantic. Anakin did have a point though. Obi-Wan’s voice definitely sounded like he was reminiscing about old (romantic) times.
“That would’ve been problematic.” YA DON’T SAY
Anakin finding out his Master had a girlfriend?! Surprised pikachu face.
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“A jedi must not form attachments” says the little shit with A WIFE
“But he usually leaves out the undercurrent of remorse.” Aw sadge
“Alright men, what’s the problem? I’m missing dinner.” Anakin back to being a shit again I see. Normal service has resumed.
Anakin did you just cut off Cody to talk to your droid?! How Dare.
Giant empty box in an obvious spot in the cargo bay. Yup, that looks pretty obviously out of place.
“That’s not good.” Do I have to say it again?
Anakin talking to R2 like he’s a dog. That is definitely Talking To My Dog Voice. WHOSEAGOODDROIDYESYOUARE
The droid walking out the dead body of Redeye is maximum levels of creepy
Is this a spider droid?
Oof lightsaber right through the droid eye
Oh of course there are babies. Of course it had creepy tiny baby assassin probe droids. More nightmare fuel.
It’s probably cruel but I did laugh at Orn Free Taa screaming and running away from the tiny assassin probe droids.
They’re fighting back to back and protecting each other! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah
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“Do you always carry a deactivator?” Obi-Wan is so not impressed
“Just because I’m a pacifist doesn’t mean I won’t defend myself.” “Now you sound like a jedi.” Hmmmm he’s got a point there
I don’t think Rex got the braincell today
“I meant the scar I got after you fell and dropped me.” “Oh. Yes.” CACKLING AND SCREECHING
Satine completely stepping on Obi-Wan’s knight in shining armour moment there.
I think that quote about how people treat those below them rather than those equal to or above them is really relevant to Anakin here, who treated that droid like absolute shit.
A traitor?! The sinister plot thickens!
Dark!Obi-Wan decides to come out and play as he basically threatens the senators with an assassin droid.
Hello to senator Kin Robb
Called it. I thought there was something off about that dude when we met him in the last episode, though I thought he was a slimy advisor rather than a senator. Reminded me of Wormtongue from LotR
Obi-Wan did you just hit the assassin droid away from Satine with a frying pan?!
So Merrick has instantly transformed from smooth talking slimy advisor/senator to OTT scenery chewing villain
Lmao at Cody just randomly shooting into the air when the baby assassin droid leapt onto his bucket
Rex freaking out and smacking into the storage crates as he tries to keep the other baby assassin droid off his bucket
Anakin: Well, we found the little ones. What about the mother? Rex: Haven’t seen it Also Rex: *immediately gets body slammed by the mother assassin droid*
Rex when you see the mother assassin droid, don’t just point at it! Poor Rex, he definitely didn’t get the braincell for this mission
Rex just catching the assassin droids giant stabby legs and then kicking it off him like it’s nothing 
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Rex taking it up a notch and leaping on top of the assassin droid, pinning it under his boot and blasting all the tiny assassin droids to bits. Sir did you have to go So Hard?
I didn’t catch this until I replayed this little section over quite a few times but Anakin actually signals to Cody to stop firing at the mother assassin droid so that Anakin can fling his lightsaber at it and chop off some of its legs. 
I also didn’t notice this little detail until after multiple replays but the mother assassin droid actually headbuts Rex straight in the bucket. Poor Rex, if he didn’t have the braincell today before that then he definitely doesn’t now.
Also the assassin droid sounds like it screams when Rex steps on it. He can step on me like that any time he likes
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“This may not be the time to ask” YA THINK ANAKIN?!
Lol @ Obi-Wan’s defensive reaction. It definitely has a bearing on the situation at hand. Their reactions and expressions after are just as hilarious. Poor little Obi-Wan and his sad little face.
That is one weird looking ship
Well that’s one way of boarding a ship
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“Anakin, she’s not my girlfriend!” CACKLING
Merrik has gone full villain stereotype
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“I’ve loved you from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago.” SOBBING
Also, Merrik’s look of utter disgust in the background and the overly dramatic eyeroll is absolutely sending me
“Satine, this is hardly the time or place for…” DAMMIT MAN LISTEN TO HER
Satine: *puppy dog eyes* Obi-Wan: Alright
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“Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi order.” SHAKING AND CRYING
Merrik utterly ruining the moment there. Though the absolute over the top scenery chewing villainry that he’s channeling is still deeply amusing me.
Was that a tactical love confession from Satine? I’m not saying it wasn’t genuine or real, just that it seemed a both obvious and clever time to tell the love of your life that you’ve loved him ever since you met. We’ve already seen that Satine is exceptionally smart and shrewd and I wouldn’t put it past her. 
“You have the romantic soul of a slug Merrik *stomps* and slugs are so often trod upon.” YASSSS GET HIS ASS SATINE
Merrik getting his villain monologue in. He has got them in a philosophical quandary though and he knows it. I am absolutely loving the over the top sarcastic overly dramatic villain mode. It’s like they’ve got every stereotypical villain trope and shoved it in him.
Merrik: “Who’ll strike first and brand themselves a cold-blooded killer?” Anakin: Me!
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That was definitely a slowed down few notes of the Imperial March playing over the shot of Anakin popping up after stabbing Merrik through the chest with his lightsaber. It’s an interesting juxtaposition because Anakin pops up from the bottom of the screen with this little smile and looking almost sweet and wide-eyed. Yet the music is hinting at what we all know happens in the future. Another thing I didn’t notice until multiple replays of this little section is that the framing of Anakin here is also very dark. The entire background is black or dark grey. Plus his armour and jedi robes are black, very dark grey and red. How did anyone not see this coming? Or rather, they probably did and didn’t know how to handle it or realise it was past the point of no return until it was too late.
“Obi-Wan, I…” DAMMIT CODY. Why did you have to pick now to be your usual hyper competent Marshal Commander self? Talk about a cock block
“I must get back to the business of diplomacy.” Nooooooooo
“As you say Duchess, some other time.” SOBBING
That feels like Obi-Wan’s version of “As you wish.” from The Princess Bride.
That is a lot of fancy words and diplomacy and Great Negotiator-ing for ILOVEYOU
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“I’m still not sure about the beard.” CACKLING
Obi-Wan’s little concerned and flustered reaction. My girlfriend doesn’t like my beard?!
“It hides too much of your handsome face.” Dayum gurl Satine with the smooth talking moves right there.
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Anakin: A very remarkable woman. Obi-Wan: She is indeed. Anakin: Ya know, if you need any tips on how to keep a relationship a secret, I know a guy.
Also, that hand on the shoulder from Anakin spoke volumes
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Headcanons for the Dreamtale siblings, not always used when depicting them but semi-consistent/fun
Passive: The eldest (by like two seconds), usually incorporeal or a ghost because- y’know- he’s dead. Shortest overall and most naive due to dying young, I usually think of him as slightly older than canon such as like 9-10 rather than 6, either way he has gained more knowledge/wisdom in the afterlife and it’s quite the amusing contrast. Known as “brother” or “twin” by Dream, “little big bro” by Shattered, and “big brother” or “sapling” by Nightmare (corrupted).
Dream: Eldest living, yet the shortest alive as well. Most mature of them at the end of the day, constantly butting heads with or having trouble with Shattered. Known as “brother” or “twin” by Passive and Nightmare and “doppel-brother” (a play on doppelgänger) or “Sunny” by Shattered.
Nightmare (as in corrupted): Second youngest, seems the most mature but is often just frankly not. Kinda spiteful of Shattered, not really but definitely looks down on him in some small ways. Typical younger sibling drama. Known as “brother” by Dream, “little brother” by Passive, and “big sib” (if given a nickname or addressed at all) by Shattered.
Shattered: Youngest, most immature, trying to be a villain like Nightmare and failing spectacularly. Cartoonishly evil yet no fucking idea what he’s doing. Known as “baby brother” by Passive, “doppel-brother” or “eclipsed” by Dream, and “little bro” by Nightmare.
A lot of the more fancy or “cool” sounding nicknames aren’t used super often and are usually comical terms of endearment if not derogatory.
I just find them all so silly and so fun to see the dynamics of. :3
also: drea//mare, passi//shattered, or any other pro/shippers DO NOT TOUCH THIS POST! It is not for you.
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little-red-fool · 2 months
Another question for you hehehe How does Jackal feel about his body? Does he care about the scars? And how was his recovery after the explosion going? (Btw, did he meet Ocelot befor or after it?)
Ehe thank you :3c
Jackal met Ocelot 10 years after the explosion, which happened during his first mission as a merc. He was far enough from the explosion to not be dealt any fatal or serious injuries, however he was still close enough to get hit by a shit ton of flying glass which caused a lot of lacerations and punctures over his body (most of these were on his front and left side of his body, as well as his right forearm, due to how he tried to turn away and shield his face from the explosion—my drawings are slightly inaccurate though because I just tend to put the scars wherever lmao)(the slice in his left ear and cheek is also from the explosion). A lot of the wounds were quite shallow so none of his vital organs were hit but there were some deeper ones especially around his upper arm, side, and thigh that required a lot of stitches so his physical recovery time was probably around a month since some of the larger and deeper wounds took longer to heal.
The mental aspect of his recovery took a bit longer—he’d served in the military for 10 years prior to becoming a merc but even then he’d gotten through it with barely a scratch, maybe a couple scars here and there but they were usually small and easy to cover. Which is quite a big difference to having your body become a mosaic of scars that are difficult to hide, and the pain was probably the worst thing he’d ever felt as well. Even after being physically recovered for some time he didn’t go on any missions for a while due to the fear of something like that happening to him again. He still has nightmares about it but it doesn’t bother him as much and he’ll talk about it a bit if asked but he doesn’t like to go into detail.
As for how he feels about his scars, when they were newer he was very insecure about them—Jackal’s always been a little vain (so as to how he feels about his body in general—👍) and gaining that many scars all over his body pretty much overnight was quite upsetting for him, so he’d try to cover them up the best he could, like always wearing long sleeves and trousers, and it’s also the reason he grew out his hair, so he could hide his ear and cheek better. But yeah the explosion damaged his self-esteem quite a bit. I think him getting shot in the mouth later on actually helped him feel differently about his scars, because that could have killed him, it shattered part of his skull and ripped out one of his teeth, but he still survived with scaring and got a metal plate in his skull with a replacement tooth that could be used as a weapon. After that he started viewing his scars more as ‘well I’m a really tough guy to fucking kill, if I can survive that I can survive anything’. It also got him to feel better about his previously derogatory nickname “jackal” which he got in the army for his cowardice and untrustworthiness, but turns out jackals are notoriously tricky and apparently known to “cheat death” so it’s something else he started to wear with pride too. I’ve mentioned previously in another post but the explosion was how he got the “Glass” part of his nickname “Glass Jackal”. Now he actually quite likes his scars as again they’re proof of how difficult he is to kill, and he’s comfortable with showing them now which is why he can wear tank tops without feeling insecure. He does get a few stares and questions because even for a soldier he’s got quite a lot of scars, and it does annoy him a little but he also thinks it adds some mystery and an intimidation factor which he’s alright with.
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