#he wanted that they/them sooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!
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wuntrum · 2 days ago
can you speak on your severance s2 opinions? i promise this isnt in bad faith or anything, im just anon bc im shy lol, im genuinely curious
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i'm gonna put this under a read more because it's gonna be long but...yeah [scratches head] if YOU the person reading this looooved this season and see nothing you didn't like about it, thats awesome and i'm happy for you. i also liked things in this season, and also its normal to be able to critique things you like, love and light <3 its literally just television
generally, yeah, i found myself disappointed with it. i think the writing this season, both the dialogue and then the actual character/world writing, fell flat and/or seemed like it was completely incongruous with the characters and world that we had seen in season 1. i think something i really appreciated about season 1 is that yes, mark was our main character and the lens we got introduced to both the inside and outside world, but both felt so much BIGGER than just him.
season 2, the entire plot and world and characters bend and contort to make mark like, the center of the universe lol. it's kind of ridiculous, the extent to which the world revolves around him now. it makes the world feel SOOO small. parts of my favorite worldbuilding aspects are seeing how the outside world feels about severance--i think the part where we see how working as a severed employee makes it almost impossible to work anywhere else is great! and in concept i like seeing other towns that have been devastated by lumon's industrialization, though i don't love the execution that we got. so like...everything lumon does is about mark? ALL of it? i know we don't know exactly how long lumon has been operating but like...they've been working on this stuff for longer than two years, lol. like, how many files have dylan completed? irving? petey? that girlie who wrote the lexington letter? is all of their work literally meaningless? like i get that there were people before gemma who failed the tests and they died, sure, but what about when mark started working there? what about the files that irving started and didn't finish, why don't they care about those? ohhhh right, because that's not the one that mark's working on. i get that it'd be a big deal if they got it to work fully once, but surely they'd want to make it work AGAIN, right??? like a science experiment?? i just wish we got like, A nod to other people on the testing floor, because i think the implication is that all of them are working on files connected to…different people, but maybe they're all just different versions of gemma?
honestly all of the innie stuff this season just felt so…idk, aimless? it feels like parts of the building only exist when the writers want them to, and just generally are not interested in exploring anything outside of the romantic aspects for all of these characters. like sure, after the season 1 finale, their asses are not gonna wanna work (EXCEPT FOR WHEN THEY DO? TO MOVE THE PLOT ALONG?), but where's the camaraderie? what about all those other people in O&D, they literally export things to the testing floor, maybe they know about gemma? fundamentally i think the thing that's the most frustrating about innie mark is that they keep telling us that he doesn't care about gemma. which, sure, outie gemma, he doesn't have that same connection with as helly, whatever. but also, he DOES care about her, he literally knows that that's ms casey and that lumon was just going to do what they always do when they fire people????? like s1 mark cared soooo much about his coworkers, ALL OF THEM, even the ones that weren't there anymore—seeing petey and then ms casey get removed was like, a HUGE deal and vital to his growth as a character!!!! and the way that they constructed this whole season basically to remove everyone that isn't mark and helly by the end. lol. i'm honestly shocked that they didn't make a new version of the desk that was just two chairs, like dylan was just excluded from the finale except for when they needed him to come in and hold the door against mr. milchick. again. lol
i don't inherently have a problem with exploring the romantic stuff, i think that could have been done well, but i just don't think it was. and that's primarily because, i think the writing this season for helly was ass! they took away her agency and subjugated her to be just the love interest for mark! especially with the finale, i just feel like the helly i know would've been like mark, what are you doing??? go?!? like she wants to take down lumon, THAT's what will take down lumon! like whatever, mark made the choice that he did, but helly playing along with it makes no fucking senseee. like they want us to think that it's the same ol helly we know and love, they give us crumbs of her anger, like when she's rallying the marching band people or whatever, but again, only when it's plot convenient. WHY WOULD SHE NOT ATTACK JAME? he's like 90???? and helly doesn't like this man???? she has nothing to lose???? fucking THROW something at him helly!!!! the helly that tried to chop her fingers off and hang herself and gave that speech in the s1 finale is not in the room with us. and i don't mean this in a way where i think it's helena again, it's not. they've just completely fumbled her character because they want mark and helly to be together at all costs. and honestly, i think it's so reductive to make this show just about ships, but textually it feels like that's what they want us to do, and i think that's sad. again, it makes the show feel so SMALL, when the world within it used to feel so BIG and like we would want to learn more about it. i care about mark and helly--before they kissed!! i think it was rewarding to see the ways they challenged each other and grew as people!! them as a romantic thing could work but they haven't put in the work to MAKE it work. and, it feels like of redundant even to say, but i do think it's fucking ridiculous to write a story where we get kissing and fucking for allllll the straight characters and then the one gay couple doesn't even get a kiss before separating them completely and writing irving out of the show, basically. like what are we in, hayes code era television?
but yeah, the information they chose to reveal vs what they didn't was also frustrating. i honestly wish they revealed less! there's so much TELLING this season. it feels like they think we're stupid (which, i can't speak for the entire population watching the show, maybe some people literally do need mark to look at the camera and explain everything, idk). like there's sooo much clever storytelling in the first season that just, completely gets snuffed out from overexplaining. i understand in the finale that oMark needs to tell iMark about why he did all of this but like, WE as the audience already know??? we don't need to see this?? and cobel confirming stuff i feel like we already knew about how the numbers work and like, i just don't knowwww. like you can just show me it, i was picking up on it. like we know about the four tempers, you show it to us all the time, cobel having to look dead in the camera and explain it just made me feel like there was a better way we could've done this. i do think some stuff benefits from a "hard" confirmation. like i'm glad they confirmed the helena thing, BECAUSE it backs up and supports all of the lovely and subtle things they had already shown to prove that it WAS helena! like i've known since the first episode LOL, so they do KNOW how to do subtle storytelling. and i think the gemma episode was great, i loved seeing her as a character and thought it gave her so much depth. but again, i think allll of the explaining they do this season not only snuffs out the fun of speculating on the viewing end, but from a writing perspective it just kind of writes them into a corner. i think they're focused too much on making these elaborate set pieces and events take place without thinking of how they fit together, not only on like a writing/episodic level but just the world of lumon at large.
i think a great way they showed story in the first season is through the paintings, and through irving and burt bonding over the paintings! like it not only establishes the lore of kier and then we get to learn more about them as characters through their reactions to the paintings. the paintings this season, honestly, were weak, they were so heavy handed. love and light to whoever painted them, but they were nottt doing the job for me.
(this is a small thing, but like…the intake questionnaire asks them to "name a US state or territory," so they KNOW that delaware is a state. so why would they think the equator is a building? again its just like. a cutesy moment for mark and helly to banter but they could've done it in a way that isn't contradictory to like, our understanding of what information crosses over the sever and what does not).
i keep thinking about the ORTBO, and it just seems fucking CRAZY to me that they aren't freaking out about SEEING THE SKY? BREATHING FRESH AIR? FEELING FIRE? SLEEPING?? WASN'T THE WHOLE THING THAT THEY COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP???? i guess my impression of how the chip works is that the technology doesn't know how to handle when they enter a subconscious/asleeep state, so the innie and outie memories begin to bleed together, hence why dozing would be a bad thing on the job. but again, they clearly had this idea of how they wanted irving to reveal that it's helena in the waterfall, and yes, i did enjoy the spectacle of the episode, but its another example of how they'll build these moments and only focus on what they want to see. like there's so much interesting stuff that they could explore and just choose not to, because (usually) it doesn't involve mark, or mark and helly.
also, i'm just gonna say it, i feel like the writing for the women this season all was kinda bad! it's, again, a byproduct of the world revolving around mark now. reghabi is brought into the story when mark needs her, and cast aside when he doesn't want her anymore. devon has been completely reduced to mark's lackey, like i guess ricken and the baby are fucking fine or whatever??? because she only exists when mark is around, and her only job is caring about mark (which obviously yes, they're siblings, of course they care—but s1 devon had a life outside of mark as well). cobel is only brought back into the story to explain to mark how cold harbor works. i said this before but honestly i like the concept of her little solo episode, though the execution wasn't great, because at least she was doing something on her own (except for when she needs that guy to help her. heaven forbid a woman does something of her own accord without a man to help). and again, helly is completely flanderized to be mark's love interest. i think there's a way to have mark and helly be together and them be their own people, but for the length of the season they did not have the proper time to unpack all the shit from the ORTBO episode so everyone just…conveniently gets over it very quickly, like in the span of a day. like i do think it's a jump to go from "i don't trust you, are you even you?" to missionary under plastic tarps that quickly, i'm sorry. and i think even gemma suffers from this fate as well. i think with hers it makes more sense, like she fucking loves her husband, but i wish she was given opportunities to like…want things for herself, too. like she hasn't been outside in two years! i bet she misses her job, her students, her family, devon, ricken, like anyone outside of mark? but she has to be the tragic love interest that can't be with mark but can't run away from mark, either. she's reduced to set dressing for mark and helly by the end.
they constructed this season i think, with the hopes and knowledge that they'll likely get a season 3. which yes, we know now that it's been confirmed and approved or whatever, but they didn't know that when making season 2, and it feels like no one got a full character arc. it's all start and no follow through. we've had the same "mr. milchick experiences racism in the workplace" moment like what, five, six times, and yet we haven't even started to see him DO something about it yet? like sure he told mr. drummond to eat shit, but then to play along with the minstrel show cold harbor shit, they just didn't care about giving that plot line any action so it'll just get brushed along to season 3. (and while there's intentional commentary about race in the show, it also feels like there's unintentional consequences to their writing choices that upholds the whiteness. like, natalie is just forgotten about, reghabi is dropped as soon as mark doesn't want to play with her anymore, ms. huang barely gets to do anything before being written off and sent away, and yes, i do think having gemma suffer as mark and helly skip away is part of it. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sorry!). i think dylan is maybe the closest we get to an interesting arc, and i enjoy the inclusion of his wife, but even he's reduced to JUST this story, only getting to talk to mark or helly when the writers need him to, i guess. and the stuff with burt and fields is so nothing, like it feels like it should be going somewhere but they're just leaving it open for season 3 (i guess??? even though it seems like irving isn't going to be in it at all, so why would we be following burt and fields??? and also don't even get me started on how the outie irving stuff is just NOT EXPLORED AT ALL. like whatever sure who the hell cares, sorry for wanting to see that go somewhere or whatever).
it's too early for full reintegration to happen so, we'll just finish that in season 3. (then why introduce it so early in season 2? ohhh right, we need cliffhangers to end every episode on). it almost feels like they don't have faith that people will keep watching without introducing these dramatic moments, but it's all just gasps of breath, there's no actual momentum. like, i've already watched the first season, you don't need to bait me with the prospect of seeing meaningful progression and then take it away from me when the next episode starts. the structure of how episodes speak to each other is that they…don't? like obviously i don't need every episode to pick up on the exact moment the last left off, but the timeline of this season is just soooo strange. the first two episodes are in the same span of time, and then there's gemma and cobel's episodes back to back…it genuinely just feels like they didn't consider the season as a whole which, considering how much money and time it took to make it happen, makes no sense.
and to continue on the timeline aspect, it feels so confusing as to how much time has really passed. it feels like the wanted the structure of the first season, but the pacing mechanic of the first season (working up to the end of the quarter to get to the waffle party) makes the pacing of the second feel even worse. like a.) mark's completed like 3 files a quarter (if we assume he's worked there for 8 quarters, i.e. two years), so making THIS file the super special final one truncates the possible time by at least a third.but then also, b.) he's been at like 95% complete since like, episode 5..? again, i just think it should've been considered more during the planning stages. and it kind of boggles my mind that the creative team views the marching band in this finale to be analogous to the waffle party in s1 when, it's way closer to the music dance experience? (they said this in the like behind the scenes for the finale ep). and in that regard, it really does kind of feel like a retread that doesn't work as well because, again, it's all about mark! especially after the shit with the kier statue, why would mr. milchick play along with the song and dance, like it just feels like they wanted to use tramell tillman's dance experience again, and they wanted to use the colored lights again. he could've just stood by the door to make sure mark and helly stayed there, which was obviously the goal of having all those people there. and yeah, i get the work is mysterious and important or whatever, but the implication that they have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE whos sole job is to be a marching band makes no fucking sense, i'm sorry. i find it hard to play along with the worldbuilding, again it makes lumon seem like its run by like dr. doofenshmirtz or something, it's so cartoony. like are they a global and successful company, or are they incompetent and leave gaping holes for their employees to undo everything? this is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN LUMON HISTORY and they couldn't…shut the door to MDR like they had before? the goat sacrifice room is directly outside the exports hall door? the music dance experience works so well as a catharsis moment because everyone has their own shit going on, and we get to see the guy who hasn't really disobeyed yet (dylan) finally snap, and we see the others come and support him as a TEAM. it's just spectacle for us, the viewer. and especially the thing where they make the panels with mark's face on it—HE CAN'T SEE IT???? i don't need fan service winking moments like that, i dunno, that just annoyed me lol.
anyway, i feel like i have more to say probably but i gotta go do things so, i'm gonna leave it here. in conclusion, i'm missing my friends from s1 MDR sooo so bad, i feel like i haven't seen them this season at all. i did like parts of this season, but overall it was not what i was hoping it would be. (i don't even really KNOW what i wanted it to be, and of course it doesn't matter what i "want," but i feel like what i "want" lined up with what they wanted to do explore with season 1 so…maybe that's where the dissonance is coming from). and whereas at the end of s1, where i left it being like "where are they going to go from here?? (as in, theres so many possibilities", this season finale has left me asking "…where are we gonna go from here?" because i'm left like, inherently incurious about the people we have left and the choices they've made. and, i feel like THEY (as in the executive team making it) must feel this way too, because apparently they've completely scrapped the writers room from this season and added on two new showrunners. good luck to whoever that executive story editor is LOL
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astars-things · 2 days ago
Secrets revealed on Twitch
Lando Norris x Reader
Lando wasn’t even thinking when he said it.
He had been casually chatting with his Twitch chat, laughing as he played a round of iRacing, completely immersed in the game. His focus was sharp, his reactions quick, but then, in a moment of pure instinct, he said the words that changed everything.
“No, my girlfriend thinks that’s stupid too.”
The chat froze.
Lando didn’t notice at first, still focused on the track. But then, out of the corner of his eye, the messages started flooding in.
He blinked, his hands tightening on the wheel as realization dawned. His heart stuttered. Oh, crap. He hadn’t meant to let that slip. It had been months of keeping things private, of soft moments away from the cameras, of quiet mornings and late-night phone calls. And now, in the middle of a stupid Twitch stream, he had blown it.
Quickly, he grabbed his phone with one hand, barely glancing at chat as he fired off a message.
Lando: Sooo I might have just accidentally told the entire internet I have a girlfriend. Lando: And now they’re kind of freaking out. Lando: And now they want to meet you. Lando: Want to come say hi?
You stared at your phone, biting your lip as you read his messages. Part of you wanted to tease him for slipping up, but the thought of actually going on stream made you nervous. You weren’t a public person—not in the way he was, at least.
But then another message popped up.
Lando: They’re literally begging. Like, I can hear them screaming through the screen.
You rolled your eyes fondly before sending back a simple, Give me five minutes.
When you finally walked into his gaming room, he was still looking at the chat, a sheepish grin on his face. “Guys, I don’t know if she’s gonna—oh, wait. Here she is.”
He turned to you, his expression instantly softening. “Hi.”
You smiled, stepping into the frame as he leaned back in his chair, looking up at you with that adoring gaze he always had when you were around. The chat exploded.
SHE’S REAL. OMG SHE’S SO PRETTY. WE LOVE HER ALREADY. Lando, blink twice if she’s holding you hostage.
You laughed, shaking your head as Lando pulled you closer, an arm wrapping around your waist. “So, this is the chat that’s been harassing you?” you teased, glancing at the flood of messages.
Lando groaned dramatically. “Yes. They’re relentless.”
You leaned into the mic. “Hi, chat. Be nice to him.”
Lando rolled his eyes playfully before looking up at you again. “They’ve been asking questions.”
“Oh?” You raised a brow. “Like what?”
“Like how we met, how long we’ve been together, and whether or not I’m being forced into this relationship against my will,” he said, smirking.
You grinned. “I mean, should I let them believe that?”
Chat went wild.
Lando groaned, dropping his head against your stomach, making you giggle as you ran your fingers through his messy curls. “Great. Now they’re never gonna let this go.”
You leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head. “You’ll survive.”
He tilted his head up, eyes crinkling with warmth as he looked at you. “I always do when you’re around.”
Chat collectively lost their minds.
Lando just smiled, pulling you down onto his lap. “Well, chat, there you have it. My not-so-secret-anymore girlfriend.”
You laughed, relaxing into him. “Guess the secret’s out.”
And honestly? It wasn’t so bad.
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brucethegirl · 15 hours ago
#killian vs telling emma she has too much faith in him#im gonna have to ramble here just listen#i think part of captain swans dynamic that is so special is simply the fact that they both hate themselves. literally.#they both put on these tough confident personas to mask it but its very true#for very different reasons#killian hates himself because of the things he’s done in the past#he doesn’t think he deserves a good life or a family or a woman who loves him#especially a woman like EMMA#she’s good and a hero and she BELIEVES in him#but emma hates herself for completely different reasons#she hates herself because she’s never known love#only for a short period of time when she was a teenage girl#and it landed her in prison#her whole life she never had family or friends or anyone who cared about her#and it became something she would internalize#like oh no one ever wanted her so there must be a problem with HER#even coming to storybrooke and having her family there was such a huge part of her that felt like all she was was the savior#she didn’t feel like she was loved and wanted simply for being emma#but instead she believed her worth came from what she could do for other people#captain swan were stuck in these cycles of self loathing but then they met each other#and they loved each other like it was breathing#emma believed in killian so much that it made him feel like well if SHE could believe in me maybe im not so bad#always telling him he’s changed and he deserves the faith she’s giving him and that he’s a hero#he put that same faith in her in camelot#okay im gonna stfu now bc im sooo normal about them#captain swan
Hey ams?
could you never actually stop talking please?
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one year of captain swan: 363/365
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this-is-tiny-mia · 19 hours ago
Table 11 (H.S One Shot)
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ceo!harry x fem!reader
Summary: based on this request.  An encounter at a restaurant brings together Y/N, a hardworking waitress with little time for love, and Harry, a successful yet guarded man who fears opening up. Both hesitant to risk their hearts, they find themselves drawn to each other, their bond growing through late-night conversations, stolen moments, and quiet acts of understanding.
A/n: Hi again!! my second one shot out there! i’m so excited! i hope you all enjoy it and thanks to @panini for sending the request i enjoyed writing this sooo much. And as always thanks to @eileenrry for hyping me up always. If you wish to be tagged in other works please comment, or dm me.
Word count: 8k
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, use of y/n, casual alcohol consumption over dinner, 700 words of SMUT at the end, use of puppy and daddy, unprotected sex. (If i missed something please do not hesitate to tell me)
“Can you grab table 6 for me?” you asked Mandy while balancing three cocktails on a tray, your fingers trembling slightly from the weight. It was Valentine’s season, and Velours et Flamme was packed to the brim. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses echoed through the gilded dining room, where even the flickering candlelight seemed to exude wealth.
It didn’t matter that it wasn’t Valentine’s Day yet—everyone wanted their moment under the chandeliers. For them, it was romance; for you, it was a chaotic shift.
You’d been working at Velours et Flamme for a year now, and you knew the drill: smug diners with wallets thicker than your rent, checks that could pay off your student loans, and that absurd scotch on the menu—£1,500 a pour. To this day, you were waiting for the kind of client who would actually order it. 
“Sure thing,” Mandy said with a wink, swooping past you with practiced ease. She had a knack for smoothing things over, whether it was with a picky customer or a stressed coworker. If Mandy wasn’t here, you weren’t sure how you’d survive these shifts.
London was unforgiving, and the pay barely covered the essentials—your rent, your transit card, and the occasional discount coffee from the café down the street. Your shoes, now with a small but growing hole near the toe, told the story of just how tight things had become. God forbid you needed to replace anything.
As Mandy headed for table 6, you stole a moment to glance around the room. The scent of truffle oil and roasted lamb was in the air, mingling with the sharper scent of overpriced cologne. Couples leaned in close at every table, champagne glasses raised, their conversations drowning in the clinking cutlery and soft piano music. Mandy, as usual, glided effortlessly between the chaos. She was stunning—like she belonged on the cover of Vogue instead of weaving through tables at Velours. The way she carried herself, you wouldn’t guess she was struggling just as much as you were. But you knew better. Beneath her flawless smile and the perfectly knotted apron, she was just like you: one bad week away from disaster.
You adjusted the tray in your hands and sighed. This was your life now. Maybe someday you’d climb out of this rut, but for now, it was all about surviving one shift at a time.
Just as you turned to deliver the drinks to table 9, the heavy oak doors of the restaurant creaked open, and the cold London air swept in. You glanced toward the entrance, catching sight of a man walking in. His tailored coat was with some raindrops, and his dark hair was just long enough to curl at the edges.
He was greeted by the host, and you caught his name—Harry Styles. You watched as the host confirmed his reservation.
Harry was alone, which was odd for this time of year. Valentine’s season practically demanded companionship at a place like this. But maybe his date was running late. Or his wife? You glanced at his left hand, but from this distance, it was impossible to tell.
He looked about 33, though it was hard to pin down exactly—youthful yet mature, effortlessly put-together in a way that suggested his wardrobe cost more than your yearly salary. His tailored black coat hung perfectly over broad shoulders, and when he ran a hand through his hair, the movement seemed practiced, like he was used to being observed.
And worth a million dollars? That part wasn’t in question. Everything about him screamed money—the subtle watch peeking out from his cuff, the polished leather boots, the way he carried himself like the room was his even though he’d just walked in.
The host gestured for him to follow, leading him straight to a table in your section. Your section.
You felt a flicker of something—nerves? Annoyance? You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. All you knew was that your curiosity had been piqued. You adjusted your apron and reached for the notepad tucked into your pocket, readying yourself to take his order.
Before you could take a step, Mandy appeared at your side, her lips curving into a sly smile.
“Think that’s the guy who’s finally ordering the scotch?” she teased, nudging you with her elbow.
You snorted softly, shaking your head. “If he does, I’ll frame the receipt,” you muttered.
Mandy’s grin widened, and she winked before sashaying off toward table 6.
You took a steadying breath and made your way toward his table. As you approached, you couldn’t help but notice how his gaze briefly flicked up from the menu he’d been scanning
“Good evening,” you said, forcing your voice to steady as you reached his table. “Welcome to Velours et Flamme. Can I start you off with something to drink?”
He looked towards his phone on the table “Just water for now, thanks,” he said, his voice rich and smooth, but maybe with a tired undertone
Not the scotch, then.
“Of course,” you replied, scribbling it down. You walked towards the bar and Mandy was there patiently waiting
“The scotch??” she asked, her smile mischievous as her eyes flicked over your shoulder in the direction of his table.
“Water,” you said, your voice tinged with mock defeat as you plopped your notepad on the counter.
Mandy looked at you for a moment before the bartender slid the glass of water across the counter. She grabbed it and handed it to you with a knowing smile. “C’mon don’t be so sad, we will find that scotch guy”
You laughed softly, shaking your head as you headed back to his table. As you approached, you couldn’t help but glance at him again—his fingers tapping idly against the edge of the table, his eyes scanning the room but never settling on anything. There was something about him, something you couldn’t quite place.
“Here you go,” you said, placing the glass of water on the table.
“Thanks,” he murmured, his voice low and steady. “Can I get the smoked salmon, the asparagus salad, and…” He paused, finally looking at you. The pause lingered longer than you expected. “A Blackthorn Reserve. Neat,” he finished, his gaze still fixed on you.
“Smoked salmon, asparagus salad, and Blackthorn Reserve,” you repeated, trying to read him, but his expression gave nothing away.
“Thanks…” he said going back to his phone No date, no wife—just him, casually dining in an absurdly expensive restaurant while everyone else was tangled in whispered conversations and candlelit stares. He was the only one alone, a stark contrast to the Valentine’s frenzy buzzing around.
Something about him tugged at your curiosity. Why was he here, of all places? Who was he? How much was his coat, and why did it cost more than your rent? Rich men came and went every day, dripping with smugness and entitlement, but he was different. There was no show, no pretense. He treated this place like it was McDonald’s—calm, unbothered, as if the exclusivity and extravagance meant nothing to him. That nonchalance only added to the mystery, making it impossible not to wonder what his story was.
The bar hummed with activity, a low symphony of clinking glasses, muted laughter, and the occasional scrape of chairs against polished wood. You navigated the crowd, the weight of the tray in your hand feeling oddly grounding amidst the chaos.
“Can I get a Blackthorne Reserve, neat?” you said to the bartender on call. He barely glanced up, focused on shaking a cocktail for the group at the other end of the counter. The momentary wait was a blessing—giving you a second to steal a glance at him again. He sat at the corner table, the one slightly shrouded in shadow. His posture was relaxed, one hand tracing the rim of the empty glass in front of him.
When his drink was ready, you balanced the tray carefully and made your way over. The coaster slid neatly onto the table before you placed the drink on top.
“Blackthorne Reserve, neat,” you said softly, your voice steadier than you felt.
He looked up, his expression calm yet unreadable. “Thanks... Can I get your name, please?” His tone was casual, but his words carried a strange weight that made your heart stutter.
“Y/N, sir,” you replied, meeting his gaze for a second longer than you intended.
“Thanks, Y/N.” He smiled then—a small, soft smile that you could feel, inexplicably, in your chest.
You nodded and turned away, heading to the next table, though you were suddenly more aware of the way you moved. You kept busy—taking orders, clearing plates, laughing politely at some table’s joke. Yet, every so often, your gaze wandered back to him. He wasn’t demanding, not like some of the regulars who snapped fingers or tapped glasses. No, he sat with an air of quiet patience, occasionally checking his phone, occasionally glancing around the room. You wondered what had brought him here tonight. A celebration? A distraction?
When his dinner order was ready, you rushed to the kitchen pass, grabbing the plate with a precision born of habit. You steadied your breathing as you approached his table, placing the dish down with care.
“Smoked salmon and asparagus salad,” you announced.
“Perfect, Y/N. Thank you so much,” he said, and there it was again—the faint curve of his lips, his voice as soft as it was warm.
The evening rush began to taper off, leaving the restaurant quieter but no less busy. You caught sight of him still at his table, the remnants of his meal neatly pushed to the side. His glass sat empty now, save for the last amber droplet at the bottom, and you found yourself wondering if he was ready to leave.
Before you could approach, he raised his hand slightly—a small, deliberate gesture that seemed to summon only you.
“Another Blackthorne Reserve?” he asked when you were close enough to hear.
“Of course, sir.”
“Drop the ‘sir,’ please,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching into a barely-there smile. “Harry, my name it’s Harry”
You felt a flush of warmth creep up your neck but nodded. “Coming right up, Harry”
At the bar, you relayed the order, watching out of the corner of your eye as he leaned back in his chair, gaze drifting lazily around the room. By the time his drink was ready, you were certain he had no intention of rushing out. You placed the glass in front of him with the same careful precision. “Blackthorne Reserve,” you said softly.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he said, his voice quieter now, as though the dimming energy of the restaurant had reached him too. “Anything else?” you said softly
He didn’t immediately answered instead, he cradled the glass in his hands, staring down at the dark liquid for a moment before lifting his gaze again. His eyes roamed the room, landing briefly on each table. Couples sat scattered around the restaurant—some leaning close, sharing quiet conversations; others laughing over shared plates. A few tables sat in comfortable silence, the kind that came from years of companionship. And then at you.
“Busy night,” he murmured, catching you lingering nearby.
You looked around as if you didn’t knew it ws a busy night, then nodded. “Always is, especially with so many couples out. Valentine’s coming up”
“Yeah,” he said, his voice carrying a wistful note. He swirled the drink in his glass before taking a slow sip. “Guess I picked the wrong night to dine alone.”
The words caught you off guard, but you managed a polite smile. “Some people prefer it. A quiet drink, good food—it’s not a bad way to spend an evening.”
He looked at you then, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. “What about you? Do you get much time for quiet evenings like this?”
The question was unexpected, and you faltered. “Not much,” you admitted. “Work keeps me busy.”
He nodded, as if that answer satisfied him, but there was something in his gaze that lingered. It felt like he wanted to say more but didn’t. As the evening wore on, he stayed longer than most, nursing his second drink and watching the world around him with a quiet attentiveness. You found yourself glancing his way more often than you meant to, wondering what kept him there—and whether he might ask for something else before the night was over. The restaurant was nearly empty now, the hum of conversation replaced by the clatter of plates being cleared and the occasional murmur of the remaining people. You passed by his table one last time, noting the way he stared into the near-empty glass, lost in thought.
As if sensing your presence, he looked up and offered a faint smile. “Can I get the check, please?”
You nodded, quickly retrieving the bill and placing it on the table. “Here you go.”
He glanced at it, pulled out a sleek black card, and handed it back to you. “Thanks, Y/N.”
The transaction was quick, and when you returned with the receipt, he stood, slipping the signed copy back into your hands.
“Have a good night,” he said softly, pausing just long enough to meet your eyes before heading toward the door.You watched him leave, his figure disappearing into the cool night air. The faint sound of the door closing behind him was a strange punctuation mark to the evening—unremarkable, yet lingering all the same.
And then, the rhythm of work pulled you back, but you couldn’t quite shake the weight of his presence. “Y/N? C’mon there’s a lot of mess here” you heard Mandy and glanced at her, plates, glasses, napkins. It was going to be a long week.
Valentine’s day arrived and the soft murmur of conversations filled the elegant space of Velours et Flamme. You were just adjusting a neatly folded napkin at your station. It was already late, just 2 hours before closing, couples were coming and going, but this was the last shift of reservations
“Good evening, welcome to Velours et Flamme. Do you have a reservation?” the host asked.
“Yes, Styles. Harry Styles,” came the reply. His voice was smooth, distinct, and enough to draw your eyes toward him. Standing tall in a sleek coat.
“Table 11, if possible,” he added with a polite nod, his gaze drifting briefly over the dining area.
“Table 11 is currently busy, but I can offer you 19. It’s a lovely table by the window.”
There was a brief pause “19 it is,” he said, his voice tinged with reluctance.
The host gestured toward the far side of the room, leading him past softly glowing tables and couples lost in intimate conversations. He sat down, still looking for you but his perspective was interrupted by Mandy, the epitome of calm under pressure, She greeted him warmly, placing a menu on the table. “Good evening, sir. Welcome to Velours et Flamme. Can I start you off with a drink tonight?”
He looked up from the menu, his polite smile softening as he spoke. “Thanks, but before I order… Is Y/N working tonight?” 
Mandy blinked, caught off guard, but quickly recovered. “Y/N? Oh, yes, she’s here tonight. She’s been covering the other section.”
He leaned back slightly in his chair, his expression unreadable “Do you think she could take my table instead?”
Mandy’s lips curved into a knowing smile. “Of course. Let me check with her, and I’ll be right back.”
As Mandy walked toward you, you noticed her smirking like she was holding onto some juicy secret. “You’ve got a request,” she said, her tone teasing.
Your brows furrowed. “A request? For what?”
“For you,” she said, nodding toward table 19. “Mr. Styles wants you to take his table. Any idea what that’s about?”
Your stomach flipped at the mention of his name. You clearly remembered him from two nights ago. You wiped your hands on your apron, trying to steady yourself. “I’ll take it and you can take table 10 for me” you said, as you headed toward his table.
When you arrived, he looked up, his expression softening into a warm smile. “Y/N,” he said, your name sounding effortless on his lips. “Good to see you.”
“Good evening, Mr. Styles,” you replied, your voice steady despite the quickening beat of your heart. “I’ll be taking care of your table tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?” “Wine, Soléne Blanc, Truffle-infused Fettuccine and sparkling water” he said not even looking at the menu “Coming right up” you said smiling, you somehow felt happy, you had your usuals clients, but they were cold, smug, mostly annoying, him? totally different vibe. You kept serving him with a small smile, always checking in case he needed something, but he didn’t ask for much. He ate quietly, sipping his wine and enjoying his pasta like it was just another evening out. Like if the restaurant wasn’t all decorated with heart balloons and cupid stuff.
The night went on, and the restaurant slowly emptied. Couples left hand in hand, tables were cleared, and the soft hum of conversation faded away. Eventually, it was just one other customer in the far corner—and him. You busied yourself wiping down tables and resetting for the next day, glancing at his table now and then. He didn’t look like he was in a rush, finishing his wine and leaning back slightly in his chair.
Finally, he raised his hand, and you walked over, thinking he was ready to leave.
“Would you like the check, Mr. Styles?” you asked politely, ready to grab it for him.
But instead of nodding, he looked up at you, his expression calm but curious. “Not just yet,” he said. “Are you allowed to sit down for a bit?”
The question caught you off guard. “Yes, of course,” you said, glancing around. The manager and the host had gone home early that day to be with their SOs, but you? Along with the servers, chefs, and cleaning staff? Yeah, no such luck.
You sat down across from him, feeling a bit nervous, not sure what this was all about.
“You know,” he started, his tone hesitant, “I don’t know if this is weird at all—and you can tell me to fuck off if it is—but...” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t have many friends, and tonight... I just need to vent.”
“Well, I’m a good listener,” you replied, suddenly way more curious than before.
He exhaled deeply, his hand still resting on the base of his glass. “It’s Valentine’s Day, you know?” he started, glancing out the window. “Supposed to be about love, connection... all that.” He let out a dry laugh. “But here I am, eating dinner alone, wondering if I’ve got it all wrong.”
You tilted your head slightly, encouraging him to go on.
“My love life?” he said, leaning back in his chair. “It’s... nonexistent. And it’s not like I haven’t tried. But most people don’t stick around. They see me, and they assume—‘CEO,’ right? So they’re either intimidated or they expect me to be some larger-than-life, perfect version of myself. I end up pushing people away because... what’s the point? I’ll never be what they want me to be. And even if I could... it wouldn’t feel real.”
He paused, his expression softening. “It’s stupid, isn’t it? A room full of people earlier tonight, and I’ve never felt lonelier. Sometimes, it feels like there’s this... wall between me and the rest of the world. Like I’ll never find someone who’s really... my person.”
Your heart ached a little at his words. “I don’t think that’s stupid at all,” you said softly. “I mean, I get it... in a way. Maybe not from a CEO perspective,” you added with a small laugh, “but... I get it.”
You leaned forward, your fingers lightly tracing the edge of the table. “I’ve been working as a waitress for years now. Just trying to make ends meet, you know? And between shifts and side jobs, there’s no time for... anything else. No time for dating or even dreaming about a real future.
“The few boyfriends I’ve had?” you continued, shaking your head. “They never got it. They’d complain about me working too much or not spending enough time with them. But they never thought about my goals—what I wanted. And let’s be real,” you added with a small shrug, “it’s not like my paycheck could make those dreams happen anyway. So, yeah, I guess I’ve given up on that, too. What’s the point, right?”
You let out a short laugh, trying to lighten the moment, but he didn’t laugh with you. Instead, he studied you, his expression softening even more.
“It’s different,” you said quickly, “but... I think I understand. Feeling like you’re giving so much of yourself but never really... being seen.”
He nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on yours. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “Exactly that.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. The sounds of the kitchen winding down and the soft hum of the music filled the space between you.
“Thanks” “Anytime”
After that first night, when he opened up to you, something shifted. He became a regular, showing up more often than you expected. Always in your section. Always polite, Always Harry. with that soft smile that somehow made your stomach flip no matter how much you tried to ignore it. And yet, every time he walked through the door, you felt a tiny pang of dread mixed with curiosity.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t kind—he was. He never made you feel uncomfortable, never crossed a line. But that was exactly the problem. It was too easy to talk to him, to laugh at his dry jokes or share fleeting glimpses of yourself you hadn’t meant to reveal. You’d been down this road before, or so you told yourself. You knew what happened when you let someone in. It started with little things—a laugh, a smile, a shared moment. And before you knew it, your heart was tied up in something messy, something that always felt like it demanded too much of you.
Your exes had taught you that love wasn’t about equal footing, at least not for someone like you. Love had been another job, another place where you had to prove yourself, where your dreams took a backseat because someone else needed more—more time, more attention, more of you.
And now, here he was. Harry. A man who, on the surface, seemed worlds apart from you but had a way of making you feel like he truly saw you. And that terrified you.
Because what if he didn’t? What if, like everyone else, he was drawn to an idea of you—someone kind, patient, maybe even a little mysterious—but not the real you? The one who worked double shifts just to keep the lights on, who barely had time to think about her own dreams, let alone share them with someone else?
So, you kept your walls up. You kept things professional, polite. You smiled, laughed when it felt safe, but you never let yourself think too much about why his visits mattered or why your heart raced when you saw him.
Until that night.
You brought the check over as you always did, a practiced smile on your face. He signed it, handed it back, and thanked you like he always did. But rushed to go out.
When you glanced down at the receipt, your breath caught.
“123-456-7890 Call me? - Harry”
The number scrawled below it was neat, confident, like he hadn’t hesitated for a second. But you did.
You gripped the paper tightly, your mind spinning. This was the moment you dreaded—the moment where things teetered on the edge of something more. And with it came all the fears you’d been trying to bury.
Because what if he meant it? What if he actually wanted something real? What if he saw more in you than you could see in yourself? And maybe worst of all... what if you let yourself hope, only to have it all fall apart again?
You froze for a moment, staring at the slip of paper, your mind racing. He had just walked out the door, and you glanced after him through the window, catching the faintest glimpse of his silhouette.
----- A few nights passed, and you convinced yourself that ignoring the receipt was the right thing to do. The thought of calling him felt too big, too real. You’d gotten good at guarding your heart, at keeping things simple. But deep down, you felt the faint sting of regret every time you thought about it.
Then, on a quiet evening, as the rush died down, there he was.
You saw him before he saw you, his figure familiar now, confident but approachable. He made his way to the host stand, scanning the room until his eyes landed on you. His smile was soft, almost hesitant, like he wasn’t entirely sure he’d made the right decision coming back.
“Table 11 again?” he asked the host.
You approached, trying to steady your nerves. “Good evening,” you said, your voice quieter than usual.
“Hi,” he replied, leaning slightly forward. His expression wasn’t upset, but there was something thoughtful in his eyes. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by.”
You shook your head, unsure what to say. “Why would i?” 
“I just wanted to check in,” he said. “About the number. I wasn’t sure if I crossed a line leaving it. If I did, I’m really sorry. That wasn’t my intention.”
You blinked, surprised. The last thing you expected was for him to apologize. God you expected an angry response, even pretentious but you even scolded yourself in your mind just thinking Harry was capable of that. “No, you didn’t cross a line,” you said quickly. “Not at all. It’s just...” You hesitated, feeling your walls crack ever so slightly. “It’s complicated.”
“I get that,” he said softly, leaning back in his chair. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. That’s the last thing I’d want.” The sincerity in his voice made something shift in you. For all your fears about opening up, he was here, not pushing, not demanding, just... waiting. The crack on your walls was now getting bigger.
“Thank you,” you murmured. “For saying that. And for... being patient.”
He nodded, smiling faintly. “I figured it was worth it. You seem worth it.”
The words hung between you, and for a moment, you couldn’t speak. Your chest felt tight, like you were standing at the edge of something unknown. And then, before you could overthink it, you made a decision. 
One wall completely down.
You reached into your apron pocket, your fingers brushing against the scrap of paper you’d tucked away days ago. Slowly, you slid it out, unfolding it carefully before placing it on the table in front of him.
He glanced down, his brows lifting slightly as he recognized the paper.
“I didn’t call i did save the number in my phone but..i didn’t call…” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “Because I was scared. I’ve always been scared. But maybe...” You took a shaky breath. “Maybe I’m tired of being scared.”
His eyes softened, and for the first time, you saw a flicker of something you hadn’t let yourself hope for—understanding, warmth, maybe even relief.
“So,” you continued, your voice steadying as you looked him in the eye. “If the offer’s still open, I’d like to start over.”
His smile widened, and he picked up the slip of paper, tucking it into his jacket pocket like it was something precious.
“The offer’s still open,” he said, his tone light but full of meaning.
For the first time in a long time, you let yourself smile back. “Can I start you off with something to drink?” you said going back to your waitress self, but this time with a big smile on your face.
The rest of the night carried an air of something new, something unspoken. You noticed it in the way his gaze lingered as you brought over his glass of wine—a different one tonight, a crisp Sauvignon Blanc.
“You’re not sticking to a favorite?” you teased lightly as you set the glass down.
He smirked, his fingers brushing the stem. “I like variety. Keeps things interesting.”
“Does that apply to everything or just wine?” you asked, surprising yourself with the boldness.
He chuckled “Guess you’ll have to find out.”
The banter flowed easily after that, your interactions feeling more relaxed, almost playful. When you brought out his dinner—tonight, a wild mushroom risotto—you couldn’t help but make a small quip.
“Risotto,” you said, placing the plate down. “Trying to impress someone tonight?”
“Just my server,” he replied smoothly, making you glance away with a shy smile.
As the evening wore on and the restaurant began to empty, you found yourself gravitating toward his table more often. He didn’t seem to mind; in fact, he welcomed your presence with a smile each time. When he finally asked for the check you came quickly and handed it over.
“Thanks,” he said, glancing up as he pulled out his card. “Should i leave another note on the receipt or should i ask right away?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “About what?” 
He handed back the signed receipt, a sly grin on his face. “Well, if we are skipping the middleman. Have dinner with me—somewhere that isn’t here. I promise I won’t make you serve me.”
You blinked, caught off guard by how casually he’d said it. “You’re asking me out?”
“Too fast?” he teased.
“A little,” you admitted, but your heart was pounding. “But i like it this time”
He stood, shrugging on his jacket. “Well, think about it. No pressure. Just... somewhere nice, where we can talk and you don’t have to carry plates around.”
You couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face. “Okay,” you said softly. “But only if I get to pick the place, no fancy Michelin-star restaurants.”
“Deal,” he said, standing and shrugging on his coat. “But just so you know, I’m good with street tacos or diner burgers.”
The laugh that bubbled out of you was genuine, and as he waved goodnight and walked out into the night, you realized you were already looking forward to whatever came next.
The dates started slow, testing the waters of this new, fragile connection. Their first was at a cozy, family-owned pizzeria, far removed from the polished dining spaces Harry was used to frequenting. They sat in a corner booth, sharing stories over thin-crust slices and soda. You learned that his laugh came easily when he was truly comfortable, and also learned or imagined how wealthy he was. Him telling you about his company didn’t compared how one of your ex-boyfriends talked about a new crypto. He was passionate, honest, not even mentioning how much money he makes in a year, it was pure. As pure as corporate can get.
After that, there was a second date at an indie bookstore. Harry had smiled as you danced from shelf to shelf, excitedly recommending titles, while he kept his hands tucked in his pockets, quietly absorbing your passion. You ended up leaving with two novels you insisted he had to read and a poetry collection he bought, saying, “I thought of you when I saw this.”
Then came the late-night phone calls. You both quickly learned that your lives rarely aligned, but you made the most of the small pockets of time you shared. He’d call after a long day at work, his voice a little tired but steady as he asked about your day. You’d talk quietly from your bed, recounting the chaos of the dinner rush and sharing little anecdotes about your coworkers. sometimes until you fell asleep and he heard your steady breathing through the call.
“Do you ever get a day off?” he joked one night, his voice warm through the receiver.
“Not often,” you admitted. “But I’m used to it. And hey, at least I’m not running a company.”
“Touché,” he replied, laughing softly. “But don’t think for a second I’m not impressed by what you do.”
The weeks passed in a flurry of mismatched schedules and stolen moments. When aligning your off-days seemed impossible, Harry started stopping by the restaurant on his way home from work, not to eat but just to see you.
“Table for one?” you teased the first time he showed up unexpectedly.
“Not quite,” he said with a smile, taking a seat at the bar instead. “Just water, please. I didn’t want to add to your workload. i just wanted to see you” 
You brought him the water, leaning against the counter for a brief moment when the restaurant was quiet. “You didn’t have to come all this way,” you said softly.
“I wanted to,” he replied, his gaze steady. “You’re the best part of my day.” ---
The first kiss came on a rainy night after one of those visits. The restaurant was closing, and he had waited outside under the awning as you locked up. When you stepped out into the night, he was there with an umbrella, holding it out for you.
“Need a ride home?” he asked.
You nodded, and he quickly arrived to your place. At your door, there was a brief pause as you turned to thank him.
Before you could speak, he leaned in, his movements precise, as though giving you time to pull away. But you didn’t. When his lips met yours, it was soft and sure, his hand coming up to cradle your cheek.
It wasn’t hurried or frantic—it was the kind of kiss that made you feel like you had all the time in the world. And for the first time in a long time, you let yourself believe you deserved this. When he pulled back, his forehead resting lightly against yours, he whispered, “Finally.”
You laughed softly, your cheeks warm despite the cool rain. “Took you long enough.”
And with that, the lines between your busy lives blurred a little more, the moments you carved out for each other feeling less like an interruption and more like a necessity.
It happened on an unusually quiet night. You were sitting across from him at his place, a cozy loft that felt miles away from the chaos of the restaurant. The table was littered with the remnants of takeout boxes, and you were laughing at a story he had told about a disastrous business trip. The laughter faded into a comfortable silence, he leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning your face as if trying to figure out the best way to say something.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, his tone casual but his expression serious.
“That sounds dangerous,” you teased, though the look on his face made your heart flutter with curiosity.
“I’m serious,” he said with a small smile, leaning forward now, his elbows resting on the table. “I’ve been watching how hard you work. You’re on your feet all day, running around, dealing with difficult customers. And then you come home and somehow still have the energy to take care of everything else in your life.”
“That’s just life,” you said, shrugging. “You know how it is. You make it work.”
“I know,” he said, his voice softening. “But it doesn’t have to be like that. Not for you.”
You frowned slightly, unsure of where this was going. “What do you mean?”
He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. “I’m saying I could offer you something different. A way to work that doesn’t involve twelve-hour shifts and aching feet. Something where you’d have more time for yourself, for your dreams, and…”—his voice faltered just slightly—“for us.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you leaned back in your chair, trying to process his words. “Harry, are you asking me to quit my job?”
“Not asking,” he clarified quickly. “Just… suggesting. If you wanted to. I could offer you a job. Something in my company, but nothing high-pressure. Maybe in admin, or operations, or whatever you’d like. You’d have a flexible schedule, a good paycheck, and, most importantly, time to breathe.” Of course he wasn’t asking, he’s Harry, ALWAYS making sure it was purely your decision.
The weight of his offer hung in the air, and you felt a tangle of emotions—gratitude, doubt, and an overwhelming sense of being cared for in a way you hadn’t expected.
“I don’t know,” you said slowly, trying to find the right words. “I’ve always worked for everything I have. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m just…”
“Stop,” he said gently, cutting you off. “This isn’t about charity. It’s about giving someone I care about a chance to live their life differently. You deserve that. And it’s not just for you—it’s for me too. I want to see you happy. I want to see us happy.”
You looked at him, his eyes earnest and unwavering. “And you think this would make me happy?”
“I do,” he said simply. “But it’s your choice. If you’re not ready, or if you want to keep things as they are, that’s okay. I’ll still come to the restaurant and order my overpriced water just to see you.”
That last comment made you laugh, easing the tension in the room. You stared down at the table, tracing the edge of a takeout container with your finger. “What would I even do at your company?” you asked softly.
His expression brightened slightly, and he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “Anything you want. Admin, scheduling, planning events—whatever feels right to you. And we can figure it out together. No pressure.”
You bit your lip, considering his words. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Dead serious,” he said, his tone firm but gentle. “You deserve more than what you’ve been settling for. And selfishly…I’d love to have more time with you.”
His honesty warmed you in a way you hadn’t expected. For so long, you’d carried everything alone, convinced that leaning on someone else meant weakness. But Harry wasn’t asking you to lean on him; he was offering to walk beside you.
“Okay,” you said finally, the word barely audible.
His brows lifted in surprise. “Okay?”
You nodded, a nervous laugh escaping. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll work for you.”
The grin that spread across his face was enough to make your heart skip a beat. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“I better not,” you teased, though the smile on your face betrayed your nervousness. “But just so you know, I’m not going to be some pushover employee. If you’re a terrible boss, I’ll quit.”
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Fair enough. But I think you’ll find I’m quite charming.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing despite yourself. “We’ll see about that.”
In that moment, the fear you’d been carrying felt lighter. You weren’t just throwing yourself off a cliff—you were trusting that Harry would catch you, and for the first time in a long time, you felt like maybe that was okay.
Life had changed in ways neither of you could have imagined. The small apartment you'd once called home was now replaced by a shared space filled with light, laughter, and little touches of each other everywhere—his collection of vinyl records stacked neatly in the corner, your books scattered on the coffee table, and the scent of fresh flowers he insisted on buying for you every week.
You had found a rhythm together, a balance between his busy days running his company and your own work, which had evolved into a role that allowed your creativity to shine. You weren’t just an employee at his company—you were a partner, bringing ideas and energy to projects in ways you never thought possible. And at the heart of it all, there was love. Open, unapologetic, and boundless love.
Mornings were filled with teasing banter over breakfast, and nights ended with shared dreams and whispered promises under the covers. On weekends, you’d go on adventures—sometimes exploring new cities, other times simply enjoying lazy days at home. There was no hesitation in showing how much you adored each other, whether it was in the way he’d kiss your forehead absentmindedly or the way you’d hold his hand tightly in crowded rooms.
One evening, after a particularly exciting day of work, Harry had an idea. “Let’s go out for dinner,” he said, tossing his jacket onto the back of the couch.
“Sure,” you replied, grabbing your shoes. “Where to?”
He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Velours et Flamme.”
You froze for a second, then burst out laughing. “You’re kidding.”
“Not at all,” he said, his grin widening. “It’s been a while. I think it’s time we revisit the place where it all started.”
Despite your initial hesitance, you found yourself walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand with him that evening. The familiar scent of wine and spices filled the air, and the decor, though slightly updated, still held the charm you remembered.
The host greeted you with a polite smile “Welcome to Velours et Flamme. Do you have a reservation?”
“Styles,” Harry said smoothly, squeezing your hand.
You were led to a table by the window, the same spot you’d served him on that Valentine’s Day when everything began. As you sat down, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over you.
“This feels surreal,” you admitted, glancing around.
“Good surreal?” he asked, his eyes twinkling as he leaned forward.
“Very good surreal,” you said, smiling and carefully looking at the menu, when an idea quickly popped into your mind. You bit your lip, hesitating for a brief moment before speaking up. “Can I splurge a little? Or maybe… a lot?”
Harry tilted his head, intrigued. “What’s on your mind?” he asked, glancing at the menu with a playful smile.
You took a deep breath, letting your finger trace over the menu’s edges before landing on the words you’d been eyeing. “Cairnburn 18,” you said firmly, looking at him with a small, determined smile.
“Scotch?” he asked, raising an eyebrow but not even glancing at the price.
“It’s something I need to do. Please,” you said softly, a touch of vulnerability in your tone.
He didn’t question it, didn’t protest or ask for a reason. Instead, his expression softened, and he reached for your hand, cradling it gently before bringing it to his lips. The kiss he pressed to the top of your hand was tender, a silent reassurance. “Anything you want,” he said, his voice calm and sincere.
The waiter arrived, and Harry placed the order without hesitation, his gaze never leaving yours. You couldn’t help but feel a swell of gratitude for him in that moment—not just for agreeing, but for understanding without needing an explanation.
As the Cairnburn 18 arrived, the rich, £1,500 a pour, amber liquid catching the light, you smiled and raised your glass to him. “To us,” you said simply.
“To us,” he echoed, clinking his glass gently against yours. ----
You both knew how the rest of the night would go the minute you left the restaurant. Back home, he helped you undress, kissing every inch of exposed skin as he did. When you were bare, he pressed his lips to yours, the heat between you building as his hands roamed over your body.
The way he touched you everytime was unhurried, like he was memorizing every curve. His fingers teased along your collarbone, traced your hips, and softly grabbed your breasts. His hands were everywhere, But nowhere near the place you needed him most.
Finally, he pulled back, his breath ragged, his eyes dark with desire. You let him guide you to the bed, watching as he stripped off his clothes and joined you. The heat of his body was intoxicating, and you found yourself craving more—more contact, more skin, more of him.
He sensed your need because he moved closer, the length of his body pressed against yours, his cock hard and thick against your thigh. You ached for him, the anticipation coiling in you, but he didn't rush.
Instead, he trailed kisses along your neck, his stubble rough against your sensitive skin. His fingers danced along your inner thigh, teasing closer and closer to your folds. When he finally touched you, it was with a firm, confident stroke, his thumb brushing against your clit and making you gasp. "Harry..." you moaned breathless
"Yes puppy?" He asked with an innocent tone and used that nickname that made you weak, and kept up the torturous pace, working you higher and higher until you were a trembling mess beneath him. You moaned, begging him for more, and he finally relented, easing a finger inside of you and setting a relentless rhythm. “More” Your pleasure built quickly, the intensity making you cry out, but just as you were about to tip over the edge, he pulled away. Before you could protest, he positioned himself between your legs, his cock hard and glistening at the tip.
He leaned forward, bracing his forearms on either side of your head and gazing down at you with a look of pure devotion. "I love you," he whispered, the words sending a thrill through your entire body. "And I'm gonna take care of you, puppy. Always."
With that, he thrust into you, filling you completely and stealing the breath from your lungs. The feeling of him inside you was almost too much, and you clung to him, desperate for more.
"Fuck, Harry," you breathed. He didn't respond, instead burying his face in your neck and moving slowly, deeply, as if he was savoring every moment. His hands roamed your body, teasing and caressing as his hips continued their torturous rhythm.
"Do you like it puppy? me being so deep inside you?"
You could only nod, too overwhelmed to form words. The sensations were overwhelming, the pleasure building and building until it threatened to consume you.
Suddenly, he shifted, changing the angle and hitting a spot deep inside you that made you see stars. "it's so....big" you barely said in a moan
"That's right puppy. Take all of it. Just like that"
You writhed beneath him, unable to hold back the moans spilling from your lips. Your release was within reach, and when he finally slid a hand between your bodies, stroking your clit, it was enough to send you tumbling over the edge. "Come on daddy's cock puppy, don't be shy" he murmured
His words were enough to push you over the edge, your body tensing and trembling as pleasure washed over you. You felt him pulse inside you, and he followed soon after, his breath hot on your neck as he came with a groan filling you with his hot cum.
When the last waves of your orgasm faded, you collapsed against him, completely spent. You both stayed there for a moment, tangled in each other's arms, neither of you willing to break the spell.
Eventually, he pulled out and gathered you into his arms, holding you close. You nuzzled into his chest, breathing in the scent of his skin and the faint trace of his cologne.
Both of you were now cuddled in bed, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting warm light across the room. Harry’s arm was wrapped securely around you, his fingers tracing lazy patterns along your shoulder as you rested your head against his chest, listening to the now steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Your eyes drifted to the two frames hung just above the bed. The first one held the receipt from the night that had changed everything—the receipt where he’d written his number, sparking a connection that had grown into the life you shared now.
The second frame hung beside it, empty but not forgotten. Its purpose was clear—it was waiting for tonight’s receipt, the one with the Cairnburn 18 scribbled on it. The night where everything had come full circle.
Taglist: @hermionelove
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calebrity · 7 hours ago
terrible thing
subject: caleb x reader
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cw. yandere! caleb, obsessive behaviors, toxicity, unhealthy relationships, childhood bestfriend! caleb, unrequited love, jealous is an understatement, scoundrel caleb, manipulation
an. THIS IS FOR THE NONNIE THAT ASKED FOR THIS!!! im sooo sorry it took so long but i super hope u enjoy <3 i liked ur idea and made a lil fic based around it <3 by lil i mean almost 6k words :3 also listen to ‘terrible thing’ by ag because that song is LITERALLY CALEB.
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Some things are better left unsaid.
And whenever Caleb is involved in the conversation? Your new boyfriend is definitely one of them.
You feel a little guilty for it, you know. For not telling him. I mean, you’d only spent the better chunk of your childhood running towards his room for safety during thunderstorms, using his arms as your own personal refuge whenever lightning flashed behind the windows and thunder boomed. You still have the ledger you’d written in your youth against him, stowed in a box in your closet, to record his slightest transgressions. It collects dusts like all the countless summers you’d leisured away with him as little children.
He’s your best friend, always has been; entering your twenties does not change that- or the thick tether connecting you from humble Linkon to his expensive suite in Skyhaven.
It’s just…
You know Caleb. Of course you know Caleb- your shared history a direct proof of that. Calling him protective would be the understatment of the year and you’re sure as soon as a significant other is introduced into the foundation of your life, he’d do all he could to uproot him from it. Not out of malice, no, his habits (resting an arm over your shoulder, hovering and glaring at men- or people in general- who stare at you for so much as a second longer than necessary, dismissing the idea of romance completely when you innocently bring it up, in awe at the prospect of finding your own disney prince to whisk you off your feet) come from a good place.
But for as caring and considerate your bestfriend- the veritable staple to your adolescence- has been, that ‘good place’ is one you want to leave. Gently extricate yourself from. It’s high time you grow up and see the world for what it really has to offer outside of your Gran’s cozy suburban home, from the crook of Caleb’s elbow, comforting as it is.
And your new boyfriend? Yeah... It’s better not to tell Caleb about him. At least not until later.
You convince yourself it’s better that way, that you’re making the wiser choice, because c’mon- Your friend is just terribly busy what with his rank as colonel at the DAA, his missions that leave him tired and pressed for free time in his day-to-day hustle. It’s impressive how he still manages to find the time to call you with the scant windows of opportunity his schedule allows, barraging you with thoughtful messages and cute pics he takes of miscellaneous items because they, quote-on-quote, ‘reminded him of you.’
Caleb would blow his fuse. Oh, undoubtedly.
And you worry for him sometimes, you know? This decision is in your boyfriend’s better interest- one hundred percent- but it’s in Caleb’s as well. You don’t want him slipping on the job because his mind’s a mess and his bestfriend from childhood- the one he has an inexplicable, self-bestowed duty to protect- has put his heart into overdrive.
You’d just worry him to death. Mistakes, no matter how seemingly minor, are fatal within aircraft apparatus. He can’t afford to make them, and you don’t know what you’d do with yourself if something were to happen to him. It’d be devastating.
For so many reasons— informing your bestfriend of your new suitor is just an awful, harebrained, bad fucking idea.
That’s… for another time. But not now, not when you’re so in love it feels like you’re walking on a cloud with him, his larger hand in yours like an anchoring weight between chaotic hunter trips and scares- a very welcome consolation that calms your heart and makes you feel like a princess- the one you’d always secretly wished to embody as a little girl.
You’re… older now. Grown. Caleb can’t scare them all away, right…? Especially not if he’s unaware of them.
This fairy tale- perfect, gentle, sweet- is one you want to indulge in for a little bit longer.
So yes. Whenever Caleb visits again, eagerly inviting himself into your quaint apartment with a bag of your favorite snacks in tow as conferral, your boyfriend will not be mentioned.
When he comes in, he brushes past you- wafting up cold air and the citrusy notes of his faded cologne- and ruffles your hair with a chuckle.
The stirrings of unease take root in you as you toss a laugh back and trail him into the kitchen like a lost puppy: not just because you haven’t kept a secret from him in ages- a miserably failed attempt, might you add- but mainly for the reason that your phone is buzzing in your pocket and you have no choice but to ignore it because the caller is the one individual you have vowed to hide.
Mere seconds before Caleb turns to face you, setting his haul on the counter, you fish your phone from your jeans and power it off, wincing at the apology you’ll have to give your boyfriend later when he inevitably asks what became of his unanswered call. It’s- It’s fine, though. He’ll understand once you tell him, albeit, the same cannot be said for Caleb.
The brunet idles between your cabinets and fridge, scrutinizing your stock, and speaks behind his shoulder, nodding you over. “C’mon, pipsqueak. What’re you waitin’ out there for? Need your help puttin’ away all the groceries. What do you say, will you lend me a hand?”
Walking in, you quickly get to work, humming nonchalantly. “Ah, I suppose I can.” You rotate the items of his purchase in hand and smile appreciatively, tucking them away neatly- all the while, your eyes dart to his profile as he rearranges the contents of your refridgerator without prompting. He throws you a glance in between though, violet eyes soft with mirth, his lips drawn in an easy smile, to thank you. “What would I do without you?” He teases.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you repress a grin, shrugging with nonchalance as you squeeze between his broad shoulder to slip a carton of apple juice in the fridge, “But I will say I’m thankful for the loot. This is enough to feed a family of five.”
“And you for a week,” he comments lightly with an innocuous pinch to your cheek on your exit, “which is all that matters.” You grimace and swat his hand away- long fingers, ever tactile, dropping to instead poke at your side- rubbing your face dramatically, and Caleb chuckles. Genuine and warm.
“Guess you can’t live without me either.”
He says, awfully pleased with the fact, and then you watch from your periphery, still pouting for the theatric value, as his face turns into a severe blur, his hand casting out to latch around your wrist.
Unthinking, you pause. With a hard blink, you feel yourself get spun around and then he’s right there, in your face, dwarfing you completely as he brings your little hand to his side and peers down at you, thick brows furrowed steadily.
“What?” You go.
Almost hesitantly- like he’s fearing the worst- he leans forward, dips his chin down, the tip of his nose grazing your shoulder in a way that has you bracing for impact, or something else- and breathes the scent of you in.
Floral, soft, tinged with your lavender detergent. Pleasant on the senses; Caleb’s never outright admitted that your smell is like a balm to his nervous system, mild and soothing, but he can make that confession in his heart when it takes all of five seconds to pin the anomaly marring it.
It’s faint, but there. Another man’s cologne— a little minty, a little earthy, about as aromatic as a wet dog let in from the rain as Caleb snuffles at your neck and scowls.
“Who is that?” He asks. More of a demand, really- his long, slim digits giving yours an unwitting but growingly hard squeeze in his. You immediately blanche, and you inwardly pray he can’t see the bob of your throat as you swallow or hear the heavy thumps of your heart in your chest as his invasive words- and touch- spurs it into unease.
You try to steel yourself. “W-What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” he chastises without so much as a doubt of your apparent wrong. Despite his icy, intense stare, his touch betrays it, his grip firm but his thumb rubbing gentle, fast circles over the back of your hand as he keeps it in his. “I can smell somethin’ on you. Someone. You… Pipsqueak, you haven’t been gettin’ up to no good while I was at the DAA, have you?”
It’s rare to hear his voice lower like it is now, friendly, playful charm replaced by an almost cold, foreign edge as his eyes- no longer so warm- narrow into an accusing glare. They flit across the bridge of your nose down to your parted lips, and then to the wings of your collarbone as his lashes slowly flutter.
Contemplative. You almost wonder what it is he’s thinking before you bar yourself off from that curiosity, reasonable as it is. You’ve seen, from your younger years, just how far he’ll go to protect you- whether that be from punks down the street or guys at school who shove love letters in your locker on Valentine’s day- and you’re not so sure you want to re-experience the vivid footage of that which is very likely replaying through his head right now.
You get it, okay, you do. You grew up together and as your bestfriend- really, your singular stronghold- he’ll do his very best to shield you from the world and all the creeping men in it. But your boyfriend does not fall under that same umbrella. Your boyfriend genuinely cares for you and wants the best for you, but you doubt Caleb will take any of his real affection into consideration.
It’s why you plant ten toes into the ground and look him dead in the eye when you say,
“No. ‘Course not,” and you give a short giggle for good measure, gently weaseling your hand free from his own (albeit, it takes a considerable amount of effort, his grasp not quite willing to part with you). “C’mon, you know I work with all sorts of people at the Hunter’s Administration. And I didn’t shower yet. What, do I smell bad?”
“No,” he ripostes, still louring into your eyes like they’re a gateway to the most abstruse corners of your soul, waiting for them to offer up your secrets. “You could never smell bad,” he clarifies, “but the same can’t be said for whatever’s on you right now.”
“I see and interact with tons of people each day, Caleb. It’s nothing, really.” A gentle but firm, if not marginally amused reminder from your end- although your stomach is absolutely churning under his scrutiny which only seems to deepen and not let up.
He looks uncertain with himself, his own mini emotional outburst, as his jaw opens and closes. His indigo gaze, still smouldering but somewhat assuaged, flits across your clavicle before he looks up and slowly says,
“You’re not… keeping things from me, are you? If someone started seeing you, you’d tell me, rrright?”
“‘Course,” you snicker after a beat, and at the small lump of bitterness in you, you can’t help but tack on- “Not that you’d let anyone see me, anyway...”
Missing its sardonic edge, Caleb heaves a small laugh at your not-joke and gives a half nod. “Yeah,” he agrees without an iota of shame, “but it’s for your own good.” Reluctantly, he releases your hand and lets you apply a number of steps between you, still eyeing you as you resolutely continue unpacking his groceries. “‘Member what I told you, back when we were kids? Guys only ever want one thing from girls, and I don’t wanna see some peabrained jerk break your heart, Pipsqueak. He wouldn’t deserve you anyway.”
“I think,” He starts, laughing to himself, but now it’s your turn to miss the punchline, “I think I’d actually see red.”
Before you can so much as formulate a response in your head, your friend takes it upon himself to stop your busying hands and say in a gentle voice, “Hey, I got the groceries, okay? Why don’t you… go get cleaned up? So you’ll be all nice and comfy durin’ the movie.” Caleb flashes you a winning smile as a bonus, peering into you with less agitation than before and more calculated softness. You can tell, for both of your sakes, he’s still trying to calm himself from that little boyfriend scare.
As another incentive- perhaps the most tempting- he adds, “I’ll even make the popcorn while you’re in there!”
You don’t acknowledge the cause behind his words- what really pushed him to voice that suggestion- and instead nod diplomatically.
“Alright, if ya say so,” you murmur easily. “But you’d better put lots of butter on it.”
“Oh, you be careful what you wish for, Pipsqueak. Especially when you’ll end up throwin’ it all on the floor at the slightest jumpscare,” he teases. “I’ll be scrubbing the carpet for hours.”
With a pout, you give him a playful shove and dismiss him completely, not bothering to reply to that. You abandon your post behind the pantry with barely-concealed relief and sigh once you reach the bathroom, locking the door and typing out a quick text to your boyfriend as a temporary olive branch. You don’t want him to be mad. In any case, you don’t think he will be, considering he’s far more understanding than Caleb in some regards- but if you want to maintain good terms in this blossoming relationship, it’ll have to be far from your friend’s controlling- but well meaning- hand.
Caleb’s… just making a big deal out of this. Per usual.
If anything, despite the niggling sense of guilt that makes you feel awful to even look him in the eye, you just feel even more compelled to keep this from him.
He really might blow his fuse, otherwise.
When you exit the bathroom with a towel around your shoulders, Caleb pushes a bowl of popcorn into your hands like he’s trying to placate you.
He smiles, giving you a once-over. “See? Nice n’ clean.”
You’re not entirely sure what the point made is, but you deign a nod anyway, gleefully accepting the bowl.
Extra butter, just as he promised.
You’ve loved Linkon for as long as you can remember.
It’s held you, welcomed you in when you were just a tatterdamelion girl fresh from a facility that you don’t really remember, but still carry somewhere deep within you all the same. This city supplied you with a roof over your head, a loving grandmother, and an opportunity to lead a normal life— it’d be more difficult to not fall in love with it.
You think Caleb’s presence, warm and comforting, has a lot to do with your pleasant feelings surrounding it. He was both your bestfriend all throughout childhood and your safeguard; wherever you went, he happily trailed, and with the two of you- and Gran- things were simple and tranquil.
This is your hometown.
You’d thought you’d experienced most if not all of what it had to offer, fondly memorized each route and cornerstore- but over a candlelit dinner at a restaurant you’ve never been, your boyfriend smiles as the waitress brings out your entrées.
Hestiantly awaiting him to dig in first, your fork hovers uncertainly over a dish you’ve never seen before- but it makes your mouth water all the same. With a warm chuckle, he instructs you to eat and you do, gushing at least a million times about how good it tastes.
Between bites, you carry on easy conversation (mostly your rambling- about hunter work and then that cute cat you saw the other day- and his happily lending an ear) and your date is moving splendidly. Midway through your meal, the table falls silent for a moment while you take an indulgent sip from your fruity, non-alcoholic drink, and your boyfriend perks up as if remembering something.
“Ah,” he says, setting his own glass down with the hint of a cheeky grin, “You know, I have something to tell you.”
You lift an eyebrow, recuperating from your long chatter which, you realize with a dollop of bashfulness, was one-sided. You were just so excited to speak with him- and can you really be blamed? He’s perfect, sweet, understanding… He doesn’t get mad at you for not allocating your whole time to him, your schedule hardly allowing for it- although you’d be happy if it did- and he doesn’t drop so much as one cautionary piece of advice at the somewhat short dress you’re wearing tonight- just for him. His opening word was a warm compliment of ‘you’re stunning’ paired with a quick embrace, and you felt like he really meant it.
Honest to God you think you love him.
“Y-Yeah?” You smile tentatively, nudging him to continue. You’re not quite sure what he has to say, but you want to listen. “What is it?”
He takes a beat to laugh softly. You wrinkle your forehead and laugh back, curtly reaching over the table to give his hand a little squeeze. “What is it?” You press with amusement, his eyes glittering under the dim, lemony light the fixture overhead casts.
“Nothing to worry about, just-“ His grin only intensifies as he begins to elaborate, but yours slowly fizzles out, your lashes fluttering thoughtfully, “I think you’ve got a secret admirer or something, babe. The other day, someone hit me up with a text to piss off. And I was confused at first, you know-?”
The pleasant sound of his unaffected chuckle does little to soothe your nerves as they build in your gut, the gears in your head turning for an answer- some explanation for the inexplicable dread clutching your chest. “Like, who is this asshole? But then I remembered that blond guy from your work and-“
No. No.
You startle without thinking, darting forward to offer out a trembling hand, “Hey- can I see that text?” With perfect, singleminded focus, you watch his face of humor warp into one of slight unease, but he gives a belated shrug and fishes it from his pocket. “Uh, sure. Here you go, babe-“
Slumping back down into your booth, you dial out his password and scroll through his contact list with your lower lip caught in your teeth. You don’t want to believe the worst- God forbid this awful suspicion end up being true- but there’s a little niggling doubt in the back of your head that speaks with strange clarity and you can’t will yourself to ignore it, not after that interaction you’d had with your friend last week.
Your thumb stops in its tracks to hover over a singular, unlabeled profile picture. With a thick swallow, mucus feeling thick as mollasses in your throat, you tap on the message and it fills his phone screen.
Hey guy, look, i’m sure you’re a cool dude and all but stay away from y/n. I won’t tell you again :)
A quavering breath filters in through your glossed lips.
Surely not.
A- A prank. It must be a prank on his end, right?
But you know Caleb. You know him from anywhere, you know him like a fucking mirror- or a platonic soulmate, you’re so close. He’s been your bestfriend all throughout childhood and you’d be damned if you couldn’t recognize him in text, even over a small number of words on someone else’s phone screen.
The world sears around you, darkening in your periphery. Your surroundings- blurred with the coming of a very angered, indignant emotion- and the concerned visage of your boyfriend- wither away like ash.
All you can see is how small- how helpless- Caleb has made you feel, the color red, terrible and pigmented, stinging your sclera.
W- Why can’t he just fucking see that you’re fine-? You don’t need him to protect you, and—
The better part of your rationale fades, tears wetting your eyes and the mascara that’d clumped on your lashes, balling your fingers with an iron grip in fear of your carefully-applied makeup waterfalling all over your cheeks. Dammit! You’re so upset right now you can’t even think.
The chair screeches from under you, alerting the fellow restaurant-goers who perk upright around you, but you can’t find it in you to care about them- or your sweet, gawking boyfriend as you throw him a feeble, too-tight smile and march for the nearest exit.
“Uh- b-babe-? Wait-“
It’s long overdue that you grow up, yes, but you realize this- the little stunts pulled to keep you in the house, more notably the attic, as a teen, and now the blatant threats made to your present partner through ominous texts- is childish, and Caleb is pushing the envelope, too.
You’re starting to fucking wonder if he even wants to grow up, or keep you and him trapped in his fantastical, little imaginary world forever.
To your singular surprise, he’s already there when you arrive, emerging from the living room of your apartment with the ease of someone who owns the place.
He doesn’t own the place. You worked taxing hours, both physical and otherwise, at your job and counted up the pennies to afford the rent here- your flat falls under your name and it’s yours. Not his. Not everything is Caleb’s- not everything can he just assert his hands all over and take.
This is your life! What you’re trying to make of it!
You’re so angry you can hardly look at him without glaring daggers, crossing your arms across your chest just to keep them from shaking at your sides as you halt by the threshold and find your bearings.
“Caleb,” you grit out. He’s stupidly self-assured as he folds his own arms and props himself against the wall, dipping his chin slightly to appraise you. A low-cut, silky dress that leaves little to the imagination, lipstick that makes your lips almost glitter and mascara that threatens to run— you wonder just what that squint in his eye means as he takes it all in.
When he lets out a breathless, angered sort of scoff, you think you’ve grasped the fundamentals of it. He doesn’t like it. And of course he doesn’t, right-? Because you look grown up, like a confident, take-no-bullshit woman- a country mile from the little fumbling girl he grew up with and constantly had to monitor.
You haven’t seen him in a week, and even now you realize this unannounced visit is earlier than his general schedule, but a lot has changed in that short amount of time.
“Hm. What’s got you so worked up, Pipsqueak?”
“You-!” You unclench your jaw just enough to speak. “You know what you did!”
“Sorry. I’m gonna need you to be a lil more specific,” he teases with a hint of a cruel smile, “Help me understand what you’re sayin’ here.”
You’re almost impressed with how steady the words come out; you’re half expecting to break down in furious sobs right then and there, but you more or less manage to save face. “You’re threatening my boyfriend now?”
There’s nothing to be leisured on here- so you’ll just cut to the point because the quicker he understands the line you’re drawing, the sooner he’ll leave and you can be done with this. Your lovely date has been ruined for the night, you’re all kinds of humiliated and you’ll have a whole plethora of apologetic texts to type out for your boyfriend— who you’ve inwardly decided will have to become privy to the little dilemma with your overprotective friend. You wanted to keep it off the books, but Caleb has made that all but impossible.
A little muscle in his face twitches. Some of the mirth, contrived as it was, fading at your accosting. “And you’re keeping things from me now?” He accuses back.
He hardly gave you any other choice, did he? Caleb’s no different than a guard dog wherever you’re involved, and your poor boyfriend wouldn’t stand much of a chance if your closest friend thought you to be in some kind of danger and blindly rushed in. But he’s— that’s just where Caleb doesn’t understand, does he? That you’re fine on your own, truly, that you’re safe and you feel loved in his arms. It’s so so maddening but you try your damnedest to hold onto the trace of dignity you still have left after the last hour.
“I’m allowed to fall in love, you know! Go out and- and start a life separate from you and our childhood!”
A sharp intake of air on his end. The arms folded over his chest stiffen, fingertips bluntly digging into the crooks of his elbows.
“And what about me?” He asks slowly. “You think I’ll just… be content to be left in your dust while you go and- and give yourself up to the first guy who looks at you?”
A wounded sound disguised as a laugh escapes your lips. “Oh, is that what you think of me? Think I’m just some insecure little school girl who’s got a crush and doesn’t know how to act?”
With a coolness that masks the true turmoil inside him, Caleb pushes himself off the wall and approaches you. Whether it’s the stirrings of fear that keep you grounded in place- the unexpected but startling realization that right now, you feel afraid of him- or the determination steeling your nerves, you don’t know, but you hold your ground even when he’s no more than a foot away.
“Honestly?” He starts, “you’re lookin’ the part right now, Pipsqueak.”
Tears well up in the corners of your eyes. Your fingers mirror the brunet’s, curling up together and stabbing the fleshy plane of your palm. You refuse to cry in front of him. It’s different from when you were kids, like if you were to burst into tears now, he’d use it as more of an example as to why you’re not steady on your own; the warm memories of being tucked in his embrace seem sugar-coated now, like you were missing the bigger picture all along.
Perhaps it was naivety- wishful thinking- believing that the spot under his arm or at his breast was the safest in the world.
This Caleb is one you don’t even recognize, let alone want to cuddle up to.
Your nostrils flare, your tone beaten, small, but it reaches its mark. “I’m trying, okay? I’m trying my best to get out of your shadow.”
Seemingly, he ignores you, simply saying, “You can do… so much better than him.
“Hah, oh really? And what’s better, Caleb? Since you’re soooo enlightened,” you throw back, bravely (or stupidly) stepping closer to sneer in his face until yours is just meager inches from his. He makes no move to reapply that distance, small as it was, indigo eyes regarding you with a slight narrow as he looks down his nose at you and frowns.
You don’t care if you’re being reckless. You deserve an answer after all his awful antics. Maybe you’ve been going around his back with your boyfriend, but it’s not like he was owed that knowledge to begin with, and he’s done you an even greater disservice by running behind yours to tamper with your relationships.
You press, “What’s better, Caleb! TELL ME!”
“Me,” Caleb murmurs, but you take it clear as a bell. You slacken, anger loosening from the tight lines in your visage, but you watch- unseeingly- as a mite of joy blinks across his face. Light as quicksilver. “Caleb is better.”
Without a word, you push past him, leaving him alone in your apartment. It’d be a losing battle to kick him out your door, and you were tired of fighting.
Tired of him, really.
You don’t know how fast you’re going, or for how far you drive. Just that it’s barely below the speed limit, you guess, and it’s within Linkon’s outskirts. It’s a handful of hours that pass when you realize you’re going in circles. You’re not so sure where to land.
It’s after dark when you swerve your car into some empty parking lot- a park, you think- and get out to sit yourself on a wooden bench. It’s a starry night, a beautiful clear sky overhead- but you can’t find it in you to admire the view as frustration and sorrow, the feelings you’d been burying all throughout the seemingly endless drive, bubble to the surface.
You hang your head between your hands and cry.
Something is wrong with Caleb. He’s like a dog with a bone; you’re more than horrified to realize that in the grand scheme of things, you are the chewtoy. He’ll nip at the hands that get too close, your boyfriend’s most of all.
If tonight taught you one thing, it’s that he cant be reasoned with. Fine. You don’t need him anyway. If he’s just gonna see you as some pitiful little object he can put a leash on at his own whims, then you don’t think you want to be friends anymore- the decade of knowing him, relying on him, be damned.
(But you suppose he doesn’t want to be ‘friends’ either, huh?)
When he’d said he wanted to be a pilot, you didn’t stop him. No, you clapped him on the back and pulled him into a hug and told him you’d support him every step of the way, that you were proud.
Evidently, he doesn’t give a shit about you or how you feel or what you want— he’s bigheaded and selfish. Does he seriously think he can just say what he said tonight without any consequence?
Me. Caleb is better.
You scoff, fingernails denting your palm as you clench your fists. It’s all you can do to stop them from shaking or punching the air.
For a moment you almost contemplate picking yourself up, giving your partner a ring or climbing back into your vehicle to steer it towards home… B-But you don’t think you want to go back, not when it means facing him, not right now—
Between the gap of your wrists as you cradle your temples, headlights pour over the concrete below. The rumbling hum of an engine gets louder and then tires crunch over pebbled road as a car pulls in. Your shoulders stiffen. You risk a wary glance up and feel a mixture of relief and confusion when you clock it as your boyfriend’s.
…What? What’s he doing here?
You prepare to stand, but a figure throws a long leg out of the front and the silhouette that appears, tall and broad, approaching with measured ease, makes you freeze.
His face shines under a singular lamp post and you’re embittered all over again at the sight of Caleb.
Wiping your tears away before he can fully see them, you practically leap off the bench when he’s still a couple yards from reaching you, but your heart lurches to your throat when something- an invisible force- throws you back onto the seat.
“Sit,” his voice, leaving little room for negotiation, rings.
Gobsmacked, you jerk your head up. He’s a few feet away now, swiftly trimming that space until he’s stood right before you and slipping his hand under your chin to hold your gaze, wide with shock, on him.
“It’s late. You shouldn’t be out here.”
Your dreadful expression hardens into one of calm anger. “What, am I your prisoner now? You’re really gonna- fucking hold me hostage on this stupid bench?” You sniffle.
For a certain window of time, the familiar car behind him slotted by yours is completely forgotten, your attention wholly fixed on the man (your should-be bestfriend) towering over you.
Dimly lit, you watch as his eyes narrow, sweeping over you with thought- albeit, just what exactly is running through his mind, you don’t know if you want to find out. Right now, though, you think you hate him, and you have waning faith that he’ll choose the right option here- that is, to piss off to wherever he came from and get his nose out of your relationships.
“…Did you hear anything I said?” He asks pointedly.
The sharpness of it silences you, your jaw fluttering shut above his palm, his touch betraying a gentleness that flummoxes you. He shifts it to thumb away at your silvery tears.
You struggle for an answer, for an appropriate way to even respond to all this. “Caleb-“
“Do you even realize what you do to me?” He lets out a little laugh, then, but the hurt is clear as day on the half of his face that the dim, lemony light glows on. He shakes his head, “After what I said, you just… left? You’ve become quite the heartbreaker, huh, Pipsqueak?”
His eyes glitter. You get the vague feeling that there’s something you’re not grasping here, like another nonsensical joke you don’t understand yet as a tinge of amusement pinches his lips.
Finally, you break from his inscrutable gaze and heave a sigh. “Caleb, look, I-I just want to forget tonight and—“
“I’m gonna say a few things,” he cooly interupts. You gawk. “Caleb-“
“-And you’re gonna listen.”
You’re stunned into a clumsy sort of quietude, mouth quavering shut as you spare a frenetic glance down to your wrists, bound by invisible restraits to your side, straight as a ramrod. You can’t move them. Every second spent is tense, and wraught with the anticipation that he’ll shortly let go and tell you this is some prank- definitely his sickest yet- but you’re sorely mistaken.
“I love you, Y/n,” he starts, with an expression so sober that it steals the breath from your lungs, dark violet eyes rippling with intensity. The swing set somewhere behind you offers a groan as a breeze whisks its chains aside. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest; perhaps the one thing he can’t paralyze into silence.
Time drags to a screeching stop at his words- not because you’ve never heard them before: years ago, during stormful, scary nights you’d cling onto him and press your ear to his chest, the steady thrum of his heart and those three words lulling you into peaceful sleep- but because you’ve never heard them in that way.
Not even from your boyfriend.
A second passes and you’re… frightened. Unmistakably, horribly frightened.
You get the feeling he’s wounded, however, face warping with some deepseated, double-edged conviction, as he stares.
He lifts a hand, his free one, and splays it over his broad chest, bunching the fabric of his shirt as his brow furrows, “I love you so fucking much it actually hurts sometimes. And it was… fine, for a while, pretending all I felt for you was friendly. But—“ and this is when his face, and the kicked puppy sort of look, darkens, his nostrils flaring as he drops his hand to his side.
“But then you started running from me,”
“I- I never tried to run, Caleb-!?”
Smoothly, he continues. “Decided I wasn’t good enough for you. But haven’t I always protected you? When it was thundering, when the neighborhood bullies came knocking on the door- I was there to hold you. To fight off your bad dreams,” He breaks off with a breathy laugh that sends a cold chill down your spine. Franky, no amount of humor, no matter how small, feels appropriate right now. “Remember? Even when Gran said to eat your veggies, it was me who cleaned your plate for you. It was always me, Pipsqueak.”
You blink. But every time you open your eyes, you think it’s someone new standing before you. It’s all surreal, like you can’t trust your own sight.
“And now…” he moves impossibly closer, sandwiching you against the back of the bench, hunching over. You give your wrists, trembling from resistance, another harsh tug but they don’t move.
“We finally get to be together again, just to find out you’ve been tryin’ to seek that out in another guy? Pipsqueak- you know nobody will love you like I have, right…?”
Distantly, as the tip of his nose nears yours and you spot a fleck of something on his cheekbone, smeared and red, you wonder just whose car you’ll be escorted home in.
Yours, or your boyfriend’s.
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livrelady · 2 days ago
#this whole problem also requires the extra step of making Holmes into someone who’s like actively cruel and terrible to Watson specifically#which like he also isn’t in canon at all#he’d probably be an inconvenient roommate that not everyone would personally want to put up with#but he’s not like endangering Watson all the time and interfering in his affairs constantly#The way writers always adapt him doing#so like it’s a problem they’re inventing and then writing a silly solution for#and no one better come for me for ‘bad taste’ I was trying to be funny and also Holmes is insane#the fact that Watson took one look at him and his bonkers lifestyle and pledged his life to him is just proof that Watson is also insane#in the when harry met Sally way of ‘thank god these two found each other and spared the rest of us the trouble’#anyway this is all part and parcel with the way writers who adapt Holmes don’t understand Watson#and even people who LIKE Holmes and get his deal still rarely get what makes Watson great#BUT that’s an essay for a different time and I won’t get into it now#sherlock holmes#john watson#doctor watson#acd#acd canon#tagging this as canon is sooo silly sorry but I don’t know what else to put#also worth noting that like the idea of working with Holmes as this chronically super dangerous thing is also silly#Like a solid percentage of their cases are solved from the comfort of baker street#there’s definitely some dangerous cases (‘bring your revolver’ is a meme for a reason after all) but like not enough of them#that you can make a strong case for John Watson: Adrenaline Junkie™️#except that modern writers make every case life or death high stakes serious so like….thats where it comes from#ANYWAY (X)
it’s wild to me that like every modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes (and by modern I mean “made recently” not “set in modern times”) is like Hell Bent on coming up with a Reason™️ that Watson stays with Holmes and trots around with him on adventures all the time despite the inconvenience and the danger and all, and so it’s like “oh, Watson’s a gambling addict, he loves uncertainty and mystery” or “oh, Watson’s an adrenaline junkie, he gets off on being constantly in danger from criminals” or even like “Watson’s atoning for sins of the past of BEING IN THE WAR by solving crimes with Holmes now” or WHATEVER. And it’s like, girl, maybe he’s just in love! Did you think of that?? Maybe he’s got a crush and it’s making him do stupid things. Maybe he’s just got bad taste and his type is guys who don’t know how to refold newspapers properly but can identify different types of cigar ash by sight, smell, and taste. And wrote a monograph on the subject. Maybe he’s down bad is all. I mean, Keep is simple, stupid!!!
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midnightshindig · 3 days ago
Ahhhhhhhh why are you so good at embodying the characters when you write??! (Teach me👀)
This has been on my mind for awhile, but Mark x platonic ride or die bestie headcanons. I just feel bad for him yknow? Home boy/girl/babe is ready to rock the next enemy’s ****shit**** if they make things a smidge stressful for him or his loved ones. But is also simultaneously very considerate/sweet in their own dumpster-fire way. No matter what dimension, what decision, what future, they’re there because they care. Oh imagine them being like an older sibling figure to Oliver or later on Uncle/Aunt figure for Tara!
Thank you for your time - hope you’re doing well 🫡✨
Mark & Bestie!Reader
Okay so here's where I tell you all my shameful secret:
I had one of those etsy accounts where you pay to get a letter from a fictional character in middle school...
I made like over a thousand dollars with it before deactivating it for school reasons. and that's how I'm so well versed in getting into character. Is I used to get paid to do it.
My one tip is to-- obviously-- understand the character. But not from their perspective, from YOUR perspective. You have to get it and find a way to be them that is still you or else it's too unnatural and you feel cringe
ALSO IDK WHAT THE FUCK A TARA IS BUT I WILL SMITE YOU. Please no comic spoilers <3 (/nm)
anyways hcs under the cut!
Mark was a pretty feeble dude in high school pre-powers
and William-- as a scrawny gay kid-- can only protect him from so much
Which is why when you-- tall ass feisty ass chomping-at-the-bit Y/n-- came into his life, you clicked instantly
It was a classic case of Muscle and brain
except you were both Mark's protector AND his geography tutor
sooo.... idk what Mark really brings to the table
I'm kidding I'm kidding!
you and Mark are absolute homies and you're so happy to have met him
especially when he GETS SUPERPOWERS???
All those years of you beating down cruel jocks and trash talking snobby snoots have finally paid off
because now this 18-year-old dweeb owes you like basically a lifetime of free flights to wherever
ohhhh and you abuse this power SO much it's not even funny
"Mark, I feel like Pizza-"
"Oh no..."
"In Italy!"
"This is the fourth time this month!"
"Chop chop, super boy."
Not to say you're using him, though
you're still the same gung ho supportive riot you've always been
When Cecil is getting in Mark's space and business, you're the first person up from your chair to bark at him to
Like "Mark dude I really don't like you taking orders from some politician snob. He's bad news."
and he'd come to an "I told you so moment" with you in a few years.
But you never hold it against him.
You're also one of the only people who Mark listens to when he's wrong
"I'm not leaving Eve!"
and you fucking kick in the door like
"Mark- your eight year old brother is out there ALONE and DEFENSLESS against MURDEROUS YOUS. Debbie is who knows where and if you don't take the fight to them, they're going to bring the fight to you with my head on a stick." You jostle him and shove him by the shoulders
Mark, frazzled and annoyed "no! I'm not leaving her-"
"Shut the FUCK UP." You stop, holding him sternly "Eve is going to HATE YOU for this. Get the fuck out there and let me handle things here." your face softens "I'll make sure these pigs don't touch her."
Powerless though you are, this brings him enough comfort to agree to go back to fighting
Eve can't thank you enough for this when she wakes up weeks later
Mark has a lot of power imbalance issues
it's good that he has someone so staunchly opposed to him who loves him so much
but you're not here to corral Mark into what YOU want him to do
for example
"Y/n, I don't know what to do, Cecil won't stop using D.A Sinclair and Darkwing- but they're murderers! How can he expect me to just work with them?!"
You took a long sip of your sweet tea, perched comfortably on your gaming chair
"I mean, I don't know, Mark. They seem under a tight leash, and doesn't everyone deserve a chance to make up for what they did?"
"Ugh- not murderers. Not guys like that." Mark is conflicted, folding his arms
You spin in your chair casually "I think you're dead wrong, but if you want to storm the capital and fuck up Sinclair yourself, I'll back you."
Mark nods in appreciation, his soles hitting the ground when he didn't even realize he was floating
"Thanks, Y/n.... I appreciate that."
"You know it, man. I'll overthrow a government for you any day. Your powers, my smarts-"
"Yyyyyou have a C in physics-"
"Ah ah aH! HONORS Physics. For second years. In college. and I'm what?" Mark opened his mouth to answer before you cut him off "I'm a first year! So blah blah blah YOUR superpowers and MY smarts." You took another drink of sweet tea "We got this."
You're the only person Mark really trusts to babysit Oliver
Since you're the only person Oliver is too scared to disobey
like not that you beat the kid or anything
you're just intimidating
He sees how you boss around his older brother- his whole WORLD- and he's like... damn gotta get in my pjs and brush my teeth before 8 ig
But you're pretty lax with him
"Hey Oliver, wanna go to the skatepark tonight?"
He's like bouncing on his toes all excited "yeah!!"
"Okayyyy but you gotta eat your peas and fly me there"
so he eats his peas and you get the hilarious visual of an eight year old holding your hands as you dangle helplessly in the air
he's literally too little to hold you any other way lmao
Mark never knowssss
Oliver is in bed by the time anyone gets home
and you're on the couch flipping through and prank calling every telepalm reader in their yellow pages
"Oh hey, you're home!" with a big, mischievous ass grin
and then Mark joins you on the couch and prank calls hella telepalm readers with you
You help him not lose his teenage boy-ness
and he needs that
so desperately
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yvesssssssss · 18 hours ago
I watched yellowjackets last night and wow it was messed up😃 can you do a nagumo x reader where it's readers favourite show and nagumo being a good boyfriend wanted to watch it with them and I want to see what his reaction would be to the Cannibalism
Nagumo Yoichi Watches Yellowjackets With You (and Regrets It)
I hope you like it! OMG, I barely know anything about Yellowjackets, but I had so much fun writing this. I did my best based on what I know about the show (and a little research), but if there’s anything you want me to add or tweak, let me know!
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A peaceful night in. Just you, your boyfriend, and one of your favorite shows.
Nagumo, ever the supportive and slightly nosy boyfriend, had declared earlier: "If my darling’s obsessed with it, I gotta see what the hype’s about! Let’s watch this Yellowjackets thing together."
Oh, he had no idea what he was in for.
The first episode? He was fully invested. Feet up on the couch, chopsticks in one hand, snacks in the other, grinning like an idiot. "Alright, so we’ve got teenage drama, sports, and a plane crash? This is Lord of the Flies but make it sexy. I like it."
Then the survival part kicked in.
Then the cannibalism part kicked in.
Nagumo, mid-bite into his dumpling, suddenly froze. He slowly lowered the food, eyes locked onto the screen as the girls feasted on roasted human.
He blinked once. Twice.
"Sooo… they’re actually eating her, huh? Not a metaphor? Not a hallucination? Just—" He made a vague motion toward the screen. "Full-on dinner time?"
You nodded, stuffing popcorn into your mouth. "Mhm. Wild, right?"
Nagumo looked at you. Looked at the screen. Looked at you again.
"You enjoying this a little too much, sweetheart?"
You smirked. "It’s just a show, Yoichi."
He narrowed his eyes. "Uh-huh. You ever look at me like that when I’m sleeping?"
You grinned, baring your teeth dramatically. "Wouldn’t you like to know?"
Nagumo immediately scooted an inch away. "No, actually, I would not like to know, thank you very much!"
Still, he toughed it out, watching with rapt attention, though his snacks remained untouched. His usual playful commentary turned into increasingly horrified remarks.
"Okay, so they’re justifying it. Cool, cool, totally normal."
"Damn, they’re really digging in, huh? No hesitation. No seasoning, either???"
"Wait, who’s next on the menu?! Ohhh, nah, see, that’s why I don’t do group trips—"
At one point, he dramatically turned to you. "If we ever get stranded in the wilderness, and food runs out, you’re not eating me. Got it?"
"You’d probably taste bad anyway," you mused, trying not to laugh.
Nagumo gasped. "Wow. Wow. So all this time, you’ve been checking me out not because I’m hot, but because you’re assessing my meat quality???"
"I mean… if I were desperate—"
By the time the episode ended, Nagumo had his arms firmly crossed, shaking his head. "Dsrling, I love you, but what the hell is this show? Is this what you watch when I’m not home???"
"It’s a psychological masterpiece!" you defended.
"It’s Hannibal but Girl Scouts Edition!" he shot back.
Despite all his complaining, he stayed for another episode—partly out of morbid curiosity, partly because he refused to be the one to tap out first. But the second someone got that hungry, glazed-over look in their eyes, he side-eyed you again.
"You’re never cooking for me again."
"Oh, come on, I make great food."
"Yeah? And where do you get that food, huh?"
You rolled your eyes. "Relax, Yoichi. If I ever wanted to eat you, I wouldn’t need a plane crash as an excuse."
Nagumo stood up immediately. "Alright, nope, I’m sleeping with one eye open from now on."
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michimars-room · 7 hours ago
Hiiiii have you written about the ghouls and oral yet? If not could write some headcanons for each of them or how good they are at oral, who enjoys receiving/giving ect? 💖
nonnie i love u so bad rn... ♡ ty for this
Ghouls & Oral preferences 🌶
♡ enjoys giving & receiving but receiving more so.
as previously stated,,, likes to watch you struggle taking him in any and every way! Will grab handful of your hair and fuck your mouth.
But on the flip side, when giving oral…. good lord he is so good and takes his sweet sweet time. He wants to feel you shaking from an intense orgasm.
♡ enjoys giving more than receiving.
Very good at giving oral, an integral part of foreplay when he is able to take his time with you. You have to cum at least once from eating you out before he fucks you.
♡ enjoys giving more than receiving.
Definitely a man of service! Is decent at giving, but after learning your body, he gets much, much better. Eager to please. He doesn't rush. He takes his time exploring, mapping out every part of your body period. Places sweet kisses up your leg slowly before licking tenatively while watching your reactions. Even if you beg for him, he refuses to rush through the process.
♡ enjoys either way. (man is touch starved)
Prefers giving though, for the simple fact that he gets embarrassed when he ends up rutting into your mouth and loses self control and cums without warning. But when giving oral; he gets a sense of pride knowing he can make you squirm for him. Very hesitant & sloppy to start, you would have to guide him and be very vocal on what feels good and what doesn't. But,,, he is very eager to please and you only need to tell him once he wants to commit it to memory as best he can so the next time he does go down on you - you won't have to say or do anything than moan ♡
♡ giving more than receiving
He is very anxious about being too rough or losing control, but being between your thighs he has more control vs receiving oral and ending up fucking your face…
Messy but so good??? praise him, and he's not moving from that spot. Will stay there for hours if he could…
♡ receiving period. [It's frustrating though because he literally has a tongue piercing… put it to GOOD USE!!!]
probably very very good at giving but just doesn't want to. When he does though, teases to no end…
Prefers receiving and cumming in your mouth or on your face. but that doesn't mean he's dominant- make him beg for it.
♡ giving & receiving equally
Very very very very good, actually enjoys oral simultaneously the most, makes it a competition on who cums first… (Leo & his bets rubbing off on him fr)
Sometimes prefers giving because damn… he can't get enough of your juices running down his chin.
either takes his time, or eats you out like a starved man…
♡ no preference with giving and receiving
He is decent, either rushes or goes too slow but of course be verbal about what feels good and he gets it right away, and likes to watch you fall apart on his tongue.
Receiving when it comes to quickies!
♡ hates receiving, his soulmate, his dandelion is a pillow princess, prefers giving!
Is actually so good it's insane, keeps going and going and going, will overstimulate you - first by accident then on purpose. his sweetheart squirming and whimpering for him is so so so satisfying! ~♡
♡ so, the rules for giving & receiving are so specific.
Enjoys giving so he can hide his face while he's eating you out. When receiving he prefers you on your knees underneath his desk, letting him fuck your mouth while he plays games.
He's decent… He gets embarrassed when you give him instructions, but good god, when you do, he can play your body like a video game. ESPECIALLY HIS FINGERS. gamer boy…. and his fingers (im drooling)
Taiga *screeches*
♡ prefers giving more than receiving
……. the shape of Taiga’s tongue…. yeahhhh he loves to eat his kitty's pussy sooo much. good lord the way his tongue reaches deep, he would pull away teasing the hell out of you while you whine, nips at your thigh before going back to work slurping up your juices with the most obscene sounds…
♡ giving & receiving equally
A man of equality & like Sho: enjoys performing oral simultaneously with their partners.
Is very very good @ giving. the way he barks orders… what that mouth do otherwise? (a lot) will have you shivering in under a few minutes. expects the same pampering in return of course.
♡ prefers giving
Doesn’t want to get caught or do anything on the clock - so going down on him under the desk is a no go during work hours. Maybe during roleplay sure! Still prefers giving overall.
He's not the best initially but he'll be damned if he doesn't learn quickly! Would definitely research women's erogenous zones and find out what makes you feel good and use that to his advantage the next time & oof have fun :-)
♡ slight preference to receiving, doesn't mind giving but is kind of shy doing so initially.
Prefers receiving for the simple fact of lacking the confidence on making you fall apart on his tongue. Takes him some time, not the best. Not necessarily shy; just unsure on what feels good you will need to guide him.
♡ giving and receiving: enjoys what TURNS YOU ON MORE.
If him fucking your face turns you on more? He'll tease you and ruin you right after…. If him going down on you turns you on more, good LORD.
Yeah idc what anyone says. Skilled with his tongue, words, and fingers. A deadly combination, he will not stop until you squirt or beg!
(putting aside the fact he is a ghost!)
♡ prefers giving, more than receiving.
He sings you high praises and worships your body before even getting his hands or tongue on you. A gentle, sensual lover, maps out every inch of your body first, kissing and licking, finding your sensitive areas and will drive you insane but no matter what - sex will not be rushed with him. No quickies.
♡ no preference on giving/receiving.
He is skilled but rusty. been a hot minute since he's been intimate like that with someone. Refuses to when you're on your period because he will go feral. Hard to resist no matter what he says, it's in his nature. Will devour you.
♡ giving and receiving: enjoys what TURNS YOU ON MORE.
same as haku (evil twin) but also like towa, you're his pillow princess! lay back and enjoy him unraveling you slowly and meticulously. very skilled, there's a reason why he's the playboy of the school…
♡ …. he has no idea genuinely.
Rough at first with both giving and receiving, He needs a lot of help and guidance. Messy wants to keep trying to please you as best he can. A LOT of communication needed for him to become decent.
♡ prefers receiving over giving.
Enjoys receiving while he's at his desk, even though you're a HUGE distraction.
He believes in theory that because he knows anatomy, that he would be great! In reality though he is too rough at first, then he's barely touching or moving until he gets it. Also won't stop until he knows properly (your body is his new research assignment for the time being!)
♡ a man of service 🫡 whatever turns you on more is what he prefers as well!
Yeah Jiro is built differently… he knows anatomy, knows where the erogenous zones are and that sensitivity varies by person- prepare for him to research you thoroughly! :) he is very skilled & will either keep edging or overstimulating you until you beg otherwise!
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yenich · 1 day ago
how r heather and dagur like in your au? pls pls i neeed to know
hiii thank u for your qustion i really appreciate it!!!
i actually have a lot of thoughts and ideas about these two but struggle to connect all of it with the main gang (like i want to make a whole logical plot for my modern au but just still cant!! its hard haha)
anyways, im gonna share my ideas about these two here with u (i thought i already did it here but didnt find anything... whoops)
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sooo yeah they are brother and sister with 4-5 years age gap
Dagur didn't like his sister when they were growing up cus their mother died after giving birth to Heather (after several years) and as a child he kinda blamed her
Heather felt bad about it, she was sometimes bullied by her older brother, but she still had father who loved and cared about both of them so it was fine...
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Things got worse when their father dies
Dagur has some mental problems and sort of anger issues? (u remember how crazy he is in shows...) he is a little maniac... and well long story short he KINDA kills his father (or did he..?) at least he believes so.
He goes to jail, Heather is an orphan who has nobody
Sad :(
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After some time Dagur left jail because a) money and b) his mental contition and went to rehab
Their father was rich and owned a company, which was willed to Dagur (idk how those things works sorry ahahah)
After rehab he changes completely and tries to fix his life He understands that Heather is the only relative he has and desires to fix their relationship as well But she changed too and doesn't want it at all...
i think its everything i've got about them... thank u for reading!! :) old sketch to make u smile
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shinsau · 3 days ago
"You ruined your life once before by not listening to me" OKAY REGINALD.
You may smart, but you're dumb at parenting.
Wow, so great how a father can go out of their way and blame their own kid for something they didn't know what was going to happen. What a great father!!
Imagine just being 13, a stubborn teenager that just wants to prove their parents that they're ready. Ready for something they think they can do it, but their parents think they don't.
We've all been stubborn before. We've all make mistakes. We've all done things that we didn't know the consequences of it. Yet being blamed for not knowing those consequences?? What do they think of us?? Having a power to see the future or shit??
Reginald blaming Five for "ruining" his own life pissed me off. Sure, it was PARTIALLY Five's fault for disobeying his father in the first place, like how we would disobey our parents and do the exact opposite of what they say and know the consequences. BUT It was kinda also Reggie's fault because what the hell does he think would a 13 year old to do? Listen easily? Especially for a kid like five who is clearly stubborn and arrogant. (A bit egotistical to add that in)
But Five didn't know what was going to happen, so how was he supposed to know that he would be stuck in an apocalypse for way too long without a way back home?? (Yet)
If I was Five, I would've been SOOO upset bro. It sucks being blamed at by someone for ruining your own life, like bro it's not my fault. It's not five's fault either. He's already getting blamed at by his siblings, now he's getting blamed at by his abusive father who blames him for "ruining" his own goddamn life just because he didn't listen to him??
Reginald should've known any better either. I bet he didn't care abt Five when he time travelled, even though Pogo says he's been waiting for him or something in s1. Yet still. He didn't even try to go out looking for him?? Maybe try to do something?? Anything?? Instead he just WAITED for him to come back and not actually TRY anything??
Honestly most parents would've already tried searching for their child at this point, not just WAIT FOR THEM TO COME BACK. But oh no, that's not the type of parent Reginald is. He's a shitty father that couldn't care less abt his own children that he himself adopted.
AND ALSO Five was so impatient in using his powers, OF COURSE HE'D TRY AN ATTEMPT TO TIME TRAVEL EVEN IF HE'D DISOBEY HIS FATHER. If I was Five, having a power like that, I'd be stubborn and impatient too. I think we all would be eager to use a power of ours that's so powerful, you can't resist to just disobey ur parents and use it without knowing the consequences.
SORRY this was just a lil rant abt Reginald lol. He may be my top 10 favorite list of characters but God do I hate him. Anyway sorry if I offended anyone or anything,but the point is...It's not Five's fault for ruining his own life when he didn't know what would've happened. Because hey, we've all done mistakes too, right? We did mistakes that we didn't know what would happen/the consequences after it. It's like the same for Five too.
I felt bad for him at that scene bro, he should've been upset with him, but hey it's not lile we'd get any breakdown from him ever. 🙃
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cosmique-oddity · 7 hours ago
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Maybe its time I start to understand how tf do we draw backgrounds I don’t know
Sooo the Bird AU.
‘’There’s a very very large jungle, luxuriant, with a lot of trees, lot of species, who came across its wire to eat all sort of vibrants and curious fruits, it’s beautiful. But not near as beautiful than its inhabitants, as colorful and different as Primus, the original Garuda choosed them to be ! He shaped all of his children’s in the form of the most free of all animals, the Bird, with long wings capable of facing the storm without failing, and capacities to sing its joy to the whole jungle.
Long ago, we were all governed by a Concil, detentor or the Shiny Marble, who gave life to every Birdformer, some would say it’s the heart of Primus, but nobody really know. Some would say it’s their soul, their Spark…. In any case, the Shiny Marble guaranteed life and luxurious feathers to everyone, unlike the Council.
The council….? Very unfair Council, they think Birds are not meant to fly where they want. They think we must bow under the three and do as we are told. No,really. The Council was bad. And a powerful Bird, answering the the name Megatron, whose wing could awaken a storm, decided the council was not worthy of guiding the Birdformers, nobody was. You cannot tell birds where to fly. He decided to take the Shiny Marble, with some loyal birds, and teared every wing appart from the counselors, leaving them to fall from a cliff, them, who wanted to keep us from flying. After that, things went bad, the birds still needed the Marble, and this time, the Marble itself choosed another counselor.
His name is Optimus Prime now, and nobody can remember who he was before. At least I can’t, don’t want to, the bird is so impressive and inspiring ! But Megatron wouldnt gave up the Shiny Marble, never again, the source of life form all of us ? It wouldn’t be the possession of anyone again, especially a counselor.
So he flew away, deceived, and with him, every other deceived bird, we call them the Decepticons now. Optimus is great, even after losing the Marble, he stayed a counselor and guaranteed a good life for every Birdformer. Until……. Until he got sick. Very very sick. Ratchet said he could die. But I know he won’t, I will prevent that. I will retrieve the Shiny Marble from the land of the Decepticon, the Mountains and the Desert, and Optimus will be cured. Luckily I won’t be alone…..the only really annoying thing is…..the Decepticons fly better than us. So we will have to fulfill this admirable quest…..from the ground…….
Hot Rod, Freebird, Till all are one.
So, the first team is made of Hot Rod, fearless leader, young bird, who decided Optimus won’t die, surrounded by Bumblebee, who is very very close friend to Optimus and let Hot Rod guide him, out of worry for the counselor. They are pretty safe for now.
Oh and he is not the only one…..very much not the only one Freebird quitting the safe Jungle to lost himself on Deception’s lands.
‘’All of this is weird….I am sure Optimus isn’t sick from nothing….the land is weird, at the frontier of the Decepticons…..stranges rumors say a mysterious thing is changing those arid lands into something even more dangerous….and that stupid empty head of Hot Rod went almost alone ! Stupid childrens that never listen to me ! What ? He is not a little nestling ? I don’t care, I’m old comparing to them, so here i am ! Going to make them regret going on a dangerous quest alone ! And surely on the road I will be able to save some other endangered bird…… the only problem is, I couldn’t be faster than the news, the original owners of this land noticed me….and I think they are following me now….
Ratchet, Freebird, don’t piss me off.’’
Ratchet is……not so safe on the other hand. But he is a medic ! He have seen worse.
Its an imperfect lore dump, some things might change and there’s actually other teams but I’ll let you guys add as many ideas as you want :)) Im open to suggestions and lore stuff ! Im happy to do that !
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sublimati0ns · 1 day ago
I have to wonder if showing Knockout his own war crimes would actually be a punishment for him considering his sadistic tendencies ;)
YEAH AHAHA I do not think he would feel particularly guilty for any of his actions or their effects on other people/the galaxy… He always struck me as someone who can regret things—like, he might agonise over the desire to have done something differently, cuz his actions or inactions had adverse effects on his life… But remorse is often considered a different emotion, one focused on feeling bad for how you’ve affected other people.
I tend to imagine Starscream experiences the latter pretty strongly and is monumentally bad at dealing with it (not least because he hates feeling so awful and does mental gymnastics to justify his own actions to himself so as to tamp down on the guilt), but Knock Out is just kind of balling to me LMAO Though say if he hurt Starscream without intending to make a big thing of it, I feel like he’d get antsy about the spiral and want to fix it—not because he’s a sympathetic person at his core, but because now there’s a ‘problem’ in his life and he has to ‘fix’ it for his own peace of mind.
But that’s all internal nuance; the end result on the outside is that KO probably comes off as the more mature one between them half the time, just cuz he has better people skills and is more introspective—more aware of who he is and what his priorities are. I also think Starscream would outwardly frame his emotional problem-solving the same way Knock Out does internally, saying it’s only practical he resolves the issue, but on the inside he actually feels sooo baddd.
While I don’t think the psychological aspect of blasting Knock Out with a highlight reel of his crimes would prickle at his already-low-empathy at all whatsoever, the lore of the Ludovico Technique is that chemicals the subject ingests before treatment take effect during the screening. These effects are nausea, dread, and panic, and the point is to condition the subject to have negative associations (and a paired bodily response) to antisocial (≠asocial) stimuli, like an evil version of Pavlov’s dog experiment.
So I think that would work on him, which is sad because he loves his hobbies :( Don’t take away his violence, crime, thrill-seeking, non-compliance, and transgressive sex he needs them to thrive
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kit reads a comic: untold tales and alternate timelines, issue 1 (part 1)
due to popular demand (like 5 guys and some likes on the post) i have decided that on top of all the other stuff i have going on, i should add reading a bunch of comics and yapping about them to the list. now, i'm not exactly the most articulate of guys, so there's probably not going to be anything particularly insightful throughout this whole thing (the closest we'll get to that is probably going to be screaming and several emoticons) but! what i lack in brain power i make up with bingo! that's right i'm also going to be playing bingo as i read HAHA
to kick off the series of comic readings and subsequent yap fests and bingo checking, we have issue 1 of the IDW comics! the titles of the stories in this one are "when marty met emmett" and "looking for a few good scientists", so i guess the first one's going to be the comic's version of marty breaking into doc's garage! the second one i'm not as sure about, mayyybe it's doc being recruited into the manhattan project? bc i know the comics touch on that
i've never read these before so my following comments will be in real time, more or less, but. i will say. i know about and already have Opinions on the comic's version of how marty meets doc.
pre-conceived opinions and more under the cut!
so the comic begins with doc working on the time train before clara and the boys walk in. we get this exchange:
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he wants to say the title of the franchise he's in sooo bad. also i love the little model on the side
he goes on to explain a condensed version of his life story to his sons, which includes his house burning down. i've only ever heard of it being an accident or his own doing for insurance money, but interestingly he suggests arson as a reason for it burning to the ground! thinking about this a little more, this still lines up with doc doing it himself bc that is still arson, and that probably was the intention with the line? but now i'm thinking if someone else besides doc himself burned his house down? never thought of that before idk why. someone could do something interesting with that i think
HE CALLS HIS GARAGE AN AUXILIARY STRUCTURE LMAO. anyways doc's starting on his "how he met marty" story now
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marty.... my boy.... he really loves his red tshirt and jeans combo huh
needles comes in and demands his interocitor tube for guitar reasons, they scuffle, it breaks, he needs to get one back or else needles is going to beat the crap out of him, all that jazz. oh and also needles confiscates his guitar. just to be even more of an asshole
also this blonde chick needles hangs out with reminds me of spike from griff’s gang in 2015. mcflys are always getting harassed by blonde bullies it seems. get your mitts off him girl!! also also the third cronie’s face in this panel is so funny to me. dawg is thinking about getting taco bell or something his ass is NOT present in the conversation
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on his quest to get another tube we spot red the bum. hi red
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turns out doc bought all the tubes so now marty has to go to his garage to get them. marty cracks the password riddle to doc's fence (after getting electrocuted by it gbkgbjkg), to which he responds "kid's stuff." which is really funny to me for some reason. what a dork. marty i've got terrible news for what you are (a kid)
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do the walls just keep closing in? will he know if he’ll ever win?
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he's a very polite trespasser. no broken property from this boy! marty finds a key and worms his way into the window, where he comments that it's a good thing he's not as big as needles. being 2 apples tall does have its uses after all
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oh the iconic "auugh". "aiigh" edition. my man’s in air jail </3
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marty frees himself from Air Jail and immediately gets tackled by einie. doc emerges from wherever and tells him congrats! he passed the test! doc says "it's about time" which implies that he's just kind of been waiting around for some guy to solve his puzzles? like that rube goldberg was primed for a While. he wakes up in the morning and goes man i hope i get someone with my rube goldberg today. does he have to navagate around that thing? he's got a dog loose in the garage auxiliary structure. has he accidentally rube goldberged his dog? has he accidentally rube goldberged himself? the active rube goldberg at any given moment is really funny to me.
oh he put up a job listing as an assistant that's why he set up the whole thing. i thought he just did that. for fun. wait i knew this already why am i surprised? anyways he thinks marty figured out his employment ARG and asks him when can he start.
by the way. not me going "how can i make this about him being transgender" quite predictably. but i don't think once marty's name has been said by anyone so far? it's just been "mcfly".
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he starts with his last name which everyone calls him, then realizes this is probably as safe a space as you can get and gives him the name he picked out for himself! his name's not just mcfly, it's MARTY mcfly, emphasis on the marty. and doc immediately uses it!
also unrelated to this tangent look at einie. he sits so polite. marty's "uh." of confusion at einstein's name too GJBGJG
putting this entire bit here bc i have things to say about all of this:
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1st panel: this is like the one thing i like about this version of this event. einstein likes him! he's an excellent judge of character! he smelled Friend and oh yeah that is a Friend alright. good boy
2nd panel: moment IMMEDIATELY ruined. do NOT try and tell me this is how doc got his nickname!!! i know in my heart of hearts marty 100% came up with the "doc" nickname himself naturally and completely randomly one day and you can pry this hc out of my cold, dead, over-used and under-stretched hands. i’ll be so fr this is the bit i have the most problem with out of this entire version of their meeting LMAO. sure whatever you can have the inexplicable rube goldberg. you can zap people who try to ring you up and hide a password in there. but you can’t have this!! i refuse to believe!!
the whimsy in doc's step is amusing though.
3rd panel: bro looks devastated...... he was here to rob him :( ? his employment ARG didn't work after all :pensive: marty petting einie and clarifying that he would've asked "very politely" is very cute though. like i said, most polite trespasser
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they're relating their interests...... excellent. "i never discuss it!" is really funny to me for some reason. bro is so cheerful about his wretched Work which he cannot disclose for any reason. also einstein's food thing was just always Like That i guess. gross, doc
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ok wait so doc Was actually just waiting around to see if he'd catch a guy in his rube goldberg. freakish behaviour tbh /aff. also marty seems genuinely upset that there's no job! he wanted to hang out with that old man so bad :(
(i’ll be so fr. i kind of laughed when that second panel came up. it’s so dramatic for no reason BDJDBDJ.)
ends up doc just wanted the box the tubes came in. im sure there must've been a better way of doing this, doc. also when asked about pay negotiations bc doc offered him the job anyway, marty says he's just "happy to be the guy who knows doctor emmett l. brown!" which i think is cute. his payment is friendship <3
anyways marty hands over the tube to needles and goes oh yeah i stole this from doctor brown. to which needles holds it like it's a bomb LMAO
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also they drew this pic!! so cute
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verne fell asleep through the story </3 so sad. guess you'll have to start over doc
i don't like how convoluted they make the breaking and entering thing, i feel like doc would not really be all too concerned with rube goldberging someone breaking into his garage to be friends with after they solved his riddles two. i think he's fully committed himself to the recluse life at this point. after reading all that, this opinion has Not changed for me in the slightest, but it was still fun to read! i can dislike the story direction and still think it's cute. we accept all sorts of doc and marty first meetings in this household. if you want to know how i personally think it went though i have this ask i answered once
originally i was going to do the second story in this same post but i think that's enough comic for me today. here's how the bingo sheet is turning out so far:
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no bingo alas. recently i figured out that the story needs time travel or at least the delorean in order to get a bingo (where i was playing it with something else and got literally every square except any of the time travel ones and had like four almost bingos) and im going to pretend i did that on purpose bc im pretty sure i didn't LMAO. master bingo maker right here
next on kit reads a comic: we search for a small amount of decently qualified scientists
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romeoslaughter · 8 months ago
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poobirdy · 11 months ago
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a bingqiu witches x xianxia fusion, as prompted by cass and fulfilled as part of an ongoing fundraising event at svsss gotcha 4 gaza!
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