#i had a blast reading those. hopefully you guys also find my much less cohesive thoughts enjoyable as well!
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kit reads a comic: untold tales and alternate timelines, issue 1 (part 1)
due to popular demand (like 5 guys and some likes on the post) i have decided that on top of all the other stuff i have going on, i should add reading a bunch of comics and yapping about them to the list. now, i'm not exactly the most articulate of guys, so there's probably not going to be anything particularly insightful throughout this whole thing (the closest we'll get to that is probably going to be screaming and several emoticons) but! what i lack in brain power i make up with bingo! that's right i'm also going to be playing bingo as i read HAHA
to kick off the series of comic readings and subsequent yap fests and bingo checking, we have issue 1 of the IDW comics! the titles of the stories in this one are "when marty met emmett" and "looking for a few good scientists", so i guess the first one's going to be the comic's version of marty breaking into doc's garage! the second one i'm not as sure about, mayyybe it's doc being recruited into the manhattan project? bc i know the comics touch on that
i've never read these before so my following comments will be in real time, more or less, but. i will say. i know about and already have Opinions on the comic's version of how marty meets doc.
pre-conceived opinions and more under the cut!
so the comic begins with doc working on the time train before clara and the boys walk in. we get this exchange:
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he wants to say the title of the franchise he's in sooo bad. also i love the little model on the side
he goes on to explain a condensed version of his life story to his sons, which includes his house burning down. i've only ever heard of it being an accident or his own doing for insurance money, but interestingly he suggests arson as a reason for it burning to the ground! thinking about this a little more, this still lines up with doc doing it himself bc that is still arson, and that probably was the intention with the line? but now i'm thinking if someone else besides doc himself burned his house down? never thought of that before idk why. someone could do something interesting with that i think
HE CALLS HIS GARAGE AN AUXILIARY STRUCTURE LMAO. anyways doc's starting on his "how he met marty" story now
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marty.... my boy.... he really loves his red tshirt and jeans combo huh
needles comes in and demands his interocitor tube for guitar reasons, they scuffle, it breaks, he needs to get one back or else needles is going to beat the crap out of him, all that jazz. oh and also needles confiscates his guitar. just to be even more of an asshole
also this blonde chick needles hangs out with reminds me of spike from griff’s gang in 2015. mcflys are always getting harassed by blonde bullies it seems. get your mitts off him girl!! also also the third cronie’s face in this panel is so funny to me. dawg is thinking about getting taco bell or something his ass is NOT present in the conversation
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on his quest to get another tube we spot red the bum. hi red
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turns out doc bought all the tubes so now marty has to go to his garage to get them. marty cracks the password riddle to doc's fence (after getting electrocuted by it gbkgbjkg), to which he responds "kid's stuff." which is really funny to me for some reason. what a dork. marty i've got terrible news for what you are (a kid)
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do the walls just keep closing in? will he know if he’ll ever win?
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he's a very polite trespasser. no broken property from this boy! marty finds a key and worms his way into the window, where he comments that it's a good thing he's not as big as needles. being 2 apples tall does have its uses after all
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oh the iconic "auugh". "aiigh" edition. my man’s in air jail </3
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marty frees himself from Air Jail and immediately gets tackled by einie. doc emerges from wherever and tells him congrats! he passed the test! doc says "it's about time" which implies that he's just kind of been waiting around for some guy to solve his puzzles? like that rube goldberg was primed for a While. he wakes up in the morning and goes man i hope i get someone with my rube goldberg today. does he have to navagate around that thing? he's got a dog loose in the garage auxiliary structure. has he accidentally rube goldberged his dog? has he accidentally rube goldberged himself? the active rube goldberg at any given moment is really funny to me.
oh he put up a job listing as an assistant that's why he set up the whole thing. i thought he just did that. for fun. wait i knew this already why am i surprised? anyways he thinks marty figured out his employment ARG and asks him when can he start.
by the way. not me going "how can i make this about him being transgender" quite predictably. but i don't think once marty's name has been said by anyone so far? it's just been "mcfly".
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he starts with his last name which everyone calls him, then realizes this is probably as safe a space as you can get and gives him the name he picked out for himself! his name's not just mcfly, it's MARTY mcfly, emphasis on the marty. and doc immediately uses it!
also unrelated to this tangent look at einie. he sits so polite. marty's "uh." of confusion at einstein's name too GJBGJG
putting this entire bit here bc i have things to say about all of this:
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1st panel: this is like the one thing i like about this version of this event. einstein likes him! he's an excellent judge of character! he smelled Friend and oh yeah that is a Friend alright. good boy
2nd panel: moment IMMEDIATELY ruined. do NOT try and tell me this is how doc got his nickname!!! i know in my heart of hearts marty 100% came up with the "doc" nickname himself naturally and completely randomly one day and you can pry this hc out of my cold, dead, over-used and under-stretched hands. i’ll be so fr this is the bit i have the most problem with out of this entire version of their meeting LMAO. sure whatever you can have the inexplicable rube goldberg. you can zap people who try to ring you up and hide a password in there. but you can’t have this!! i refuse to believe!!
the whimsy in doc's step is amusing though.
3rd panel: bro looks devastated...... he was here to rob him :( ? his employment ARG didn't work after all :pensive: marty petting einie and clarifying that he would've asked "very politely" is very cute though. like i said, most polite trespasser
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they're relating their interests...... excellent. "i never discuss it!" is really funny to me for some reason. bro is so cheerful about his wretched Work which he cannot disclose for any reason. also einstein's food thing was just always Like That i guess. gross, doc
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ok wait so doc Was actually just waiting around to see if he'd catch a guy in his rube goldberg. freakish behaviour tbh /aff. also marty seems genuinely upset that there's no job! he wanted to hang out with that old man so bad :(
(i’ll be so fr. i kind of laughed when that second panel came up. it’s so dramatic for no reason BDJDBDJ.)
ends up doc just wanted the box the tubes came in. im sure there must've been a better way of doing this, doc. also when asked about pay negotiations bc doc offered him the job anyway, marty says he's just "happy to be the guy who knows doctor emmett l. brown!" which i think is cute. his payment is friendship <3
anyways marty hands over the tube to needles and goes oh yeah i stole this from doctor brown. to which needles holds it like it's a bomb LMAO
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also they drew this pic!! so cute
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verne fell asleep through the story </3 so sad. guess you'll have to start over doc
i don't like how convoluted they make the breaking and entering thing, i feel like doc would not really be all too concerned with rube goldberging someone breaking into his garage to be friends with after they solved his riddles two. i think he's fully committed himself to the recluse life at this point. after reading all that, this opinion has Not changed for me in the slightest, but it was still fun to read! i can dislike the story direction and still think it's cute. we accept all sorts of doc and marty first meetings in this household. if you want to know how i personally think it went though i have this ask i answered once
originally i was going to do the second story in this same post but i think that's enough comic for me today. here's how the bingo sheet is turning out so far:
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no bingo alas. recently i figured out that the story needs time travel or at least the delorean in order to get a bingo (where i was playing it with something else and got literally every square except any of the time travel ones and had like four almost bingos) and im going to pretend i did that on purpose bc im pretty sure i didn't LMAO. master bingo maker right here
next on kit reads a comic: we search for a small amount of decently qualified scientists
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