#he understands and wants himself a safe loving comfortable space
ultfreakme · 2 days
Jon and Co-dependence: my boy's mad at me. i'm going to make him move in w/ me and make him popcorn
Absolute Power: Super Son gave me a lot to think about. In terms of writing I really can't complain, it was executed very well for a one-shot. But in terms of characters, I'm frustrated(in a way indicative of good writing) about Jon and Nia.
This issue does not resolve Jon's problems, it brings them to audience awareness in an explicit manner. People who've been keeping a keen eye on Jon saw this coming since 2021 in SOKE but no writer stated it in clear terms on page this way. Avoidance, denial, and an inability to think in terms of his humanity and only as a tool or a part of a whole(family, romance, friendship). Jon knows he's avoidant, he doesn't like thinking about his trauma or talking about it, he will suffer through it alone. Even in his deepest, most lowest moment, he speaks of his own trauma in terms of his family.
His autonomy and individuality have been slowly chipped away by the prospect of being Superman. Superman does not live for himself, he takes risks and sacrifices himself for the greater good. That label and the shadow of his father in that suit has been following him since he was 9-10 years old.
The only thing Jon seems to want solely for himself, is Jay.
Up until this point, Jon has been fairly chill and normal about seemingly on the surface. Their relationship was always very sweet, they were always on the same page and never had a reason to fight. There is a deep admiration and respect between them. But the understanding, the ability to see the person for who they are at their core, has yet to happen.
Regardless of that, Jon loves Jay in a way that is damn near unhealthy and codependent.
His love for Jay is what breaks Jon out of Brainiac Queen(BQ)'s control, but it makes him reckless and impulsive. He needs Jay in his life. Throughout the issue, Jay was pointedly not present in the dreams Nia constructed to keep Jon's mind safe from BQ's attack. This is precisely what kept breaking any shield Nia put up.
Jay's absence drives Jon deeper into spiraling. The lies Nia made for Jon never, ever worked because Jay was missing. A dream of his which Nia repeatedly showed Jon and which Jon has admitted is his wish to move to San Fran and get an apartment with Jay in it.
Nia gave him the apartment and the city but not the man and that always, ALWAYS broke Jon out. When Nia isn't around to keep things in-check, Jon just spontaneously remembers Jay on his own and inserts him into the dreamscape.
Nia built those dreams to protect Jon, but also to help him in fighting back but Jon was extremely weak to BQ's control regardless of those efforts. The only time Jon manages to find the strength to fight back is when Nia drops the dreams and instead just shows him the truth of BQ and acknowledges his trauma. She correctly identified that Jon needs help to fight back, but not through falsehoods, but through the truth.
That's when Jon fights back and breaks out of the control. At every turn, Jay and the things he stands for are what pull Jon out of false comfort.
There's those phrases right? Sweet dreams. Ugly truths. That's Nia and Jay.
The reality with Jay is nothing like a dream but Jon would rather take the pain of reality than be trapped in fake happiness. There was a pattern in the issue where Jon kept texting Jay after every dream session with the Amazonians. Jay checking in asking if he's okay, Jon replying he's 'totally fine' despite not feeling like that. Jay was his guide to the truth in SOKE, AOSJK, and now Super Son.
Jon's had his reality fucked with a LOOOOOOOT. Manchester Black, Waller & BQ, Injustice Universe, and the whole space trip. Jon has had this existential turmoil since he was a child, it was made worse by his trip to space with Jor-El. The impossibility of his existence is frequently emphasized. Most people see it as a miracle, Jon sees it as point of fear and doubt about his existence. He needs something, anything to stay above the surface and that is Jay.
Like, it is now canon, that Jay is Jon's tether to reality. He is the one thing he will selfishly ask for himself and by golly is he selfish about it. He clings. It's a repeated pattern.
The night they become official, the tendencies start showing.
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SOKE establishes that Jay is always the one letting go, and Jon is always the one holding on by any means necessary. This leads to so truly ✨Problematic✨decisions on Jon's part.
A list, if I may:
Gives Jay a new suit and half-proposes to him with a legion ring
Nearly fights Batman over him
Goes to Jay's counterpart in the injustice-verse with no evidence of if he may be good or not and just trusts him blindly
Took Jay to his own Fortress of Solitude and planned on keeping him there during the Siege of Gamorra
Burst in through a wall because he thought Jay was in danger
Asks to move in with him and move across the country with him
Safe to say, Jon needs Jay in some deep, fundamental, and kind of unhealthy way. The last one happens when Jay suggests it's not going to work between them if Jon insists he must forgive Nia. You don't define your own reality based on one person if you don't got issues, and unfortunately Jay does dish it like it is and calls himself the truth so like Jay was doomed from the second he opened his mouth and posted his recordings online.
Jay suggested breaking it off-- for understandable reasons- and within five minutes Jon dropped his very first "I love you" to Jay and asked him to move in with him.
This kind of leads to Jon deifying Jay and not seeing him entirely as a person. Jay is deeply upset about his mother's death, when Jon just rush at him with moving in together, Jay cries but doesn't immediately agree. He actually pulled away and seemed like he might have protested if not for the Amazonians calling Jon in to stop Waller.
Jay's relationship with Jon is filled with this, and Jay has to call Jon out to slow down and address Jay's issues(this makes him sound so bad, he really isn't, he' just gets too caught up in "protect him protect him protect him" mode when he's under distress). He does this when Jon is about to leave him to go fight Bendix, and in AOSJK when Jon's being all happy about getting to go out freely in public while Jay's stuck wearing disguises.
Jon's tendency to view Jay as his tether leads to him dismissing Jay's very human, raw and awful emotions. It's why he's so shocked when Jay feels nothing about Nia's death. It's also why he's quick to just ignore the topic and because yeah he feels terrible about it but if he keeps pushing this, Jay will leave him.
Jay's story.....is one of a loss of autonomy, just as much as Jon's. It happens in how he gains his powers, the way Nia betrayed him, the loss of his secret identity which he HEAVILY relied on to convey news, the seeming loss/ lowered involvement with The Truth news streams, and frequently with Jon where Jon chips at it with his desperate need to keep Jay by his side.
Jay doesn't dream of San Fran. Jay doesn't dream of shared apartments. No one has yet to properly let Jay cry about the loss of his country and his mother. Jon's avoidance strategy HURTS Jay here in an immense way.
If this keeps going, this relationship is going to break. Jay's always putting up with this, with Jon, because at this moment, he has no family. Jon is his closest tie to anyone, he can't let him go either because if he does he loses his entire support system but he's willing to since he actually prioritizes his grief over his mother. Jon centering Jay as a concept around his desire for himself is going to cause huge problems in the future.
Anyways, Jon's a freak, free Jay. Stan toxic yaoi.
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g0thsoojin · 2 months
#basically he is all i've dreamed of and he is REAL#which hurts so much more to be forced to let go of him and us#for 25 yrs i've never met anyone who lives up to all the dreams i have in my head#but he does...... he is all of that and more and he exists#:(((((( i love and want him more than anything#also he is like.. one of the things that idk will ever happen again#is that he's someone who i would be safe exploring my darker sides with#like there are many things i think of and stuff that i wouldnt condone irl to unwilling ppl#but i think my deep profound fear of some dark and depraved things make my brain#.. hmm... idk how to explain actually#but like i would wanna have a photoshoot where i get tied up and have duct tape over my mouth etc etc#but it is 'staged' and i can only do that if i feel safe during it#and he is the only one i've thought abt this stuff w for real#bc i trust him and i know he is a lot like me in regards to mind pov#he is drawn to the darkness and macabre stuff#but he isnt an empty cruel person who gets off on actual innocent ppl being hurt (the way a looooot of ppl who are into 'dark stuff' do)#he is in the perfect middle space where he is drawn to it but itsnt actually an awful person#he understands what it is like to be drawn to it and want to explore certain aspects without actual real harm or being traumatized etc etc#he understands and wants himself a safe loving comfortable space#so i dont know i dont know how i could ever even trust anyone else with these stuff#i never have thought i could. i always kept it in my imagination#daydreaming abt fictional characters and stuff like that#then i met him and i thought that omg.. he is real. this is real. i could have it fr#but now he is gone....#like just the thing of... i AM fucked up i am broken#i punch and hit myself in the face. i might not want to but i do. and nobody cares lmao#i have brought it up with therapists but they dont care lmao :p#so i do. but i wanted him to do that to me. and be in a safe loving space where he hurts me (not too bad) bc i trust him and want him#and ache for him and live for him. those deep profound feelings make me come alive#but now i will never have that ..... :(((
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p4nishers · 11 months
thinking about her again (ed and stede holding each other w both hands and playing thumb war)
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 2 months
Blind Gojo adjusting to his new life…
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The fight against Sukuna took a lot from everybody. With everyone making sacrifices, it was only right Satoru did too. He wanted to win, he was the strongest right? He had to win, no matter what. Losing the six eyes was just the mere cost of winning the battle. It was worth it right?
Satoru believed he didn’t deserve to live, but he had too now for everyone who died. Ultimately, deciding to now live his life as Satoru Gojo and not "the strongest” anymore. Losing the six eyes initially lead to frustration and anger, as he tried to adjust to being blind. He felt useless for a while, not being as efficient as he was. But over time, this loss lead to his personal growth. Gojo developed a deeper sense of humility and empathy for others, finally understanding the struggles of those who are not as gifted as he once was.
It wasn’t until he met you that he started to feel a sense of normalcy. And here he was at almost 30 learning how to live as a human for the first time. You taught him what true genuine love was and you patiently taught him how to reciprocate it back to you. He learned how to express his feelings to you instead of bottling them up inside. You created a safe space for him where he could unveil the true side of himself. Trust and intimacy forming between you two. Both of you navigating the complexities of loving each other.
He also didn’t know exactly what you looked like, not that he cared. His other senses were still in top shape and keen allies to him. That’s why his hands are always on you, he could feel you. Feeling the warmth of your body against his fingertips, large cold hands always coming to your face. He liked tracing your bone structure with the pads of his fingers, caressing your cheeks, and especially savoring your lips against his own. With each caress, he discovered new assets of your beauty, not defined by your visual appearance but by the sensations that awakened within him.
He could also smell your scent. He knows when you walk into a room when the sweetness of your perfume fills his nostrils, causing it to twitch like a bunny. He buries his nose into your hair because he loves the fresh fragrance of your shampoo. He loves when you bake him all his favorite sweets, the aroma of brown sugar lingering on you makes you smell even sweeter.
The sound of your voice. Satoru could never get tired of it. For once in his life, Satoru found himself not being the talkative one in a relationship. He cherished all the words that would leave your lips, each word a symphony to his ears. In the mornings Satoru would always lay in bed until you woke up waiting for the sound of your voice to be the first thing he heard each day.
All these aspects combined Satoru knew he was finally living the life he finally dreamed of. Every touch, every word, every moment was filling his deepest desires. In your presence, he found the reason why he deserved to live. He found peace and joy, a sense of completeness that he had long yearned for all in one person.
Even though he couldn't see anymore he felt things he didn’t before. He made up his mind that he didn't want to waste any more time. Satoru was now certain that his blindness didn’t stop his ability to love or to commit fully to you and he was more than grateful that you showed him that. It wasn’t long before you both decided to marry.
“She’s perfect…” you utter softly, handing the baby gently into an anxious Satoru’s arms. He cradles the baby just like you taught him, careful to not get too excited and accidentally hurt her. The baby babbles as she feels the comforting warmth of her father.
“The little sounds she makes are my favorite thing to hear,” he says, poking the baby’s cheek. “Describe her again to me, will you?” Satoru looks up from the baby, trying to decipher where you were.
You walk over to join him on the couch. “Of course, she has your beautiful blue eyes…” You noticed Satoru smiling, still holding his daughter close to him. “And your white hair…” you continue, Satoru’s finger coming up to her head, feeling the softness in her hair.
You describe every detail you could about the little baby to Satoru. You tell him about how her eyes seem to gaze into his soul full of love, and the way her tiny nose wrinkles when she sleeps just like his. A lone tear falls down Satoru's face, filled with heartache knowing that he will never be able to see her with his own eyes.
In that vulnerable moment, you hold Satoru close, letting him know that you were there. He smiles at you as he feels your touch, sniffling. There was determination in Satoru’s eyes. He was going to cherish every moment with his family.
"I'll be there for both of you," Satoru whispers, his voice filled with quiet resolve. His words carry a promise.
Thank you @suguwife for this lovely idea and the discord server as well!
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tbaluver · 1 month
Hiii , can I ask for headcanons on how LaDs boys act around an introverted reader?
(´。• ᵕ •。) Hope you have a good day♡
When You're Introverted- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: fluff fluff a/n: hihi anonnie ! i hope this was alright and you enjoy! have a good day/ night! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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He enjoys spending quiet quality time together with you. Whether it's your shared activities or your own favorite separate activities. Overall he just adores spending time with you. He would find activities for the two of you to do. He'll try to learn about the things you take pleasure in.
He'll help you with things you weren't comfortable doing. He's always ready to speak for you. If you were nervous to order your own food or if your order was wrong then he would happily talk to the waiter and do everything for you. If you wanted to do anything outgoing, then he would gladly help you get comfortable doing so. He'll be right by your side the entire time.
He did not mind you were an introvert. Sometimes you two would sit in comfortable silence when you didn't have anything to talk about it and he would enjoy it. He'll mostly just drift off into sleep but you didn't take any offense to that because you know how sleepy he can be.
Some of your dates includes late night strolls with him or anywhere that isn't crowded. One of your favorites is watching the stars in the park at night. It would be peaceful and quiet especially since there wouldn't be that many people around. He would just love you for you and treat you as his equal.
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As an introvert himself, he understood you pretty well. He doesn't mind it all either. When you're together, there's a peaceful, easy silence that feels just right. There's no pressure to talk between the two of you. Most of your dates are in quiet, less crowded places so you both can feel comfortable and relaxed.
Or if you don't want to go out in public then you both can spend time at home. He doesn't mind as long as he's with you. You both can spend the evening curled up on the couch reading something or watching a movie together while enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
He would probably be the one to initiate anything intimate like hand holding. He would ask if you were okay with it or if you were comfortable. He would slowly intertwine his fingers with yours and finds your flustered face adorable. A small smile would slowly appear on his face. Or small affections like kissing you at the top of your head or cheek until your more comfortable to do more.
Your talks can range to a lot of topics. He's one of the best listeners ever and he'll listen intently to anything you have to say. The space that you two make in the relationship is very safe and understanding. He appreciates your thoughtful insights and enjoys having conversations with you.
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He has no problem if you were an introvert. He is patient to wait until you were comfortable around with him. He would start off by including you with activities or ask your opinions on things until the comfortable air starts to form between you two. He would respect your needs for space and alone time or if you needed to recharge your social battery.
At first it took you some time to open up to him but once you did, Rafayel was really happy about it. The misconceptions of introverts don't talk isn't true, it just depends on the right person so when talking with Rafayel it just seemed natural and it clicked. You can talk to him for hours and he was more than happy to listen and talk with you more. The times you would laugh at something, he would always comment that he loves hearing you laugh.
He loves that you're a great listener and he even enjoys quiet time together. While you do your own thing, he'll be right beside you painting or sketching while music is playing in the background.
He would invite you to his exhibitions and would stay by your side as he talks with the sponsors or directors. If you felt like you wanted to leave then he is more than happy to leave his own art exhibition with you and take you somewhere more quiet and peaceful. He'll deal with an upset Thomas later.
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He doesn't mind if you were introverted one bit. He finds it to be quite adorable at times.
When you were comfortable enough, he loves to listen to you talk about anything you were interested in. He loved hearing you talk about your passions and anything you wanted to talk about. He would also respect it if you wanted some alone time until you were ready to hang out again.
He would stick by you if he invited you to any big event. He knows you can start to get nervous with all the people around you so he would either have his hand on your back and stroke it softly to calm you down or he would hold your hand and give it a gentle squeeze for reassurance. He knows that you don't like having attention drawn to you so he will happily take the lead in any conversation you don't want.
If you two were at a restaurant and you didn't receive your order right, he'll handle it for you. He'll be the one to call the waiter and ask if they can bring you the right order. He'll also be the one to order your food and happily pay for the purchases himself.
He takes care of everything calmly. Especially when any scenario could happen or if you felt uncomfortable. He will ask if you want him to do something about it.
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nocturna-iv · 8 months
You're a loser, baby~
I love the level of detail in "Loser, baby" on a narrative level and how much it can tell us about HuskerDust. Husk didn't want to go after Angel; Charlie sent him. But at that moment, when the mask began to fracture, Husk extended his hand to the real Angel.
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The smile? Husk has a plan. The kind of plan that involves pure nihilism and stopping self-judgment so Angel knows he's not alone. Husk doesn't need to do this, but he already knows the real Angel (when he's drunk) and likes him. So, Husk is offering the real Angel his company.
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Angel is waiting for the typical “everything is going to be fine” talk. How many times has he heard it? Cuddles, hope, and light But Husk surprises him by treating him like an equal, someone who won't break. Obviously, it bothers Angel, and he gets defensive. Is this guy kidding?
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The same guy who was annoyed by Angel's presence is now all over him, with the most pretentious smirk in the universe, calling him a LOSER (and baby). Angel is so confused by the turn of events.
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So, obviously, Angel thinks Husk is playing with him. His face says it all! And Husk is still all over him, telling Angel the truth.
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In this part, Husk shares his insecurities. Yes, there was a time, but the pain is still there. And from what he's gotten to know Angel, Husk feels like they could connect there. “You are not alone” goes both ways.
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Husk manages to get Angel to open but does it with sarcasm. At this point, Angel doesn't think anyone is going to accept him as he is. So, he says something that many know: his contract with Valentino, who has a dangerous reputation. That's the opening Husk was looking for.
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This part isn't Husk making light of Angel's situation. He's making it clear to Angel that he's not “unique”, that is, he's not alone. His suffering is not something that separates him from others. Husk is breaking into Angel's self-isolation due to his abusive relationship.
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Obviously, Angel doesn't believe him. Years of abuse made it clear to him that no one is going to care for the real Angel. But he's indulgent with Husk, playing along, visibly skeptical, wanting to know where this is all going.
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And Husk takes him by surprise again. He is gentle, guiding Angel, giving him space, always offering his hand. It's a fun dance for two. They are both losers. Husk isn't insulting him. He is telling him that it's okay to make mistakes. They both have done it.
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So Angel decides to trust. Just a little. Because he knows how people react when they know who he is. Angel is barely singing, not fully entering the song.
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And when Husk tells him that he's fine with Angel being like that, it's liberating. Angel sings, there is a crack in his voice, because he is having fun! He is not acting, he is being sporadic and exaggerated, almost a parody of his flirtatious mask.
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Now it is Angel who seeks out Husk, recognizing him as the one who can understand him and is liberating! And Husk reaches him, reminding Angel that they're in all of this together. And Angel smiles. A big and real smile.
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Husk shares his addictions to give Angel the opportunity to share his in a safe space. And now Angel sings with all his potential, being himself and having fun. And Husk reaffirms him. This is Angel, the real Angel that Husk met when Angel was drunk.
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And that is the theme of the song. Embrace who you are and don't be ashamed. Take every self-destructive comment, dirty insult, and don't let them sink you. Say "So what?", it's you, you're fine, you're good.
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Accept your mistakes, your failures, your flaws, and stop being your own enemy. It's hard to escape, but there is someone who understands you, and you aren't alone. Existence sucks; bite it with a smile!
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And that's the point. Things aren't magically going to get better. The problems are not going to disappear. Life sucks, but you're not alone. The burden doesn't disappear, but it may be more bearable.
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Angel is the one who comforts Husk, telling him that yes, existing is difficult, but he's not alone. He has him. And for Husk, that's something. The song is about them, after all.
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And Husk tells him that maybe he and Angel can be losers and find happiness.
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And now it's Angel who offers Husk his hand. Now it's Husk who puts his hand on Angel's. And Angel can't erase his surprise and smile.
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Now Angel is the one accompanying Husk. Angel's voice becomes an instrument that follows Husk in harmony. The fun dance of two returns, but Angel includes his style. Husk no longer has to guide him.
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They both reach for each other. Husk extends his hand almost at the same time as Angel, with his eyes closed, extends his.
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And in the end? They both support each other, literally and symbolically. They are equals. Husk and Angel meeting in the middle. The real Angel being accepted by Husk.
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misswynters · 7 days
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Let the World Burn
[SYNOPSIS: You and aegon have to beautiful twins, Aelora and Maeron. It takes a dark turn when you are ambushed while singing them a lullaby. You have gravely injured and the twins are no where to be seen. Aegon is furious.
[TAGS: kidnapping, pure angst, crying,
[a/n: abit rushed near the end sorry :/
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The first light of dawn crept through the half-drawn curtains of your chambers, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. You stirred awake, the weight of sleep lifting from your eyes as you glanced around the familiar, cozy space. Beside you, Aegon Targaryen slept peacefully, his arm draped protectively over you.
It was a rare morning of quiet calm in the bustling capital, and you relished the tranquility. You carefully disentangled yourself from Aegon’s embrace and slid out of bed, not wanting to disturb his rest. You padded softly to the window, pulling aside the curtains to reveal the sprawling city below, bathed in the gentle morning light.
Aegon stirred at the sound, his eyes fluttering open. He stretched, his gaze immediately finding you by the window. A lazy, contented smile spread across his face as he watched you.
“Good morning, my love,” he said, his voice still thick with sleep but warm and affectionate.
You turned to face him, your heart swelling at the sight of his sleepy smile. “Good morning. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Aegon sat up, propping himself up on his elbows. “You could never wake me. The sight of you is my favorite way to start the day.”
You walked back to the bed, sitting beside him and resting your head against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you close. The warmth of his body and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat were comforting, making you feel safe and loved.
“I was thinking about how much has changed since we first met,” you murmured, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest. “How different everything is now.”
Aegon chuckled softly, his hand coming up to cradle your face. “Indeed. Back then, we were just two souls navigating the complexities of life and duty. Now, we have each other and our little ones.”
A soft knock at the door interrupted your quiet moment. Aegon looked up, his smile turning into a grin as he rose from the bed. You followed him to the door, and when it opened, a servant appeared, carrying a small bundle wrapped in a soft blanket.
“Your grace,” the servant said, bowing slightly. “The twins are awake and waiting for you.”
Aegon’s eyes lit up with joy. “Thank you. We’ll be right there.”
He turned to you, his expression a mixture of excitement and tenderness. “Shall we?”
You nodded, your heart fluttering with anticipation. Together, you made your way to the nursery, where the morning light filtered in through the windows, casting a warm, inviting glow.
The sight of Aelora and Maeron in their cradles brought a smile to your face. The twins, with their tiny hands and faces full of wonder, were the embodiment of love and hope. Aegon carefully lifted Aelora from her cradle, his movements gentle and practiced. He handed her to you, and you cradled her in your arms, feeling her tiny fingers curl around yours.
Aegon picked up Maeron, his face alight with a paternal pride that never failed to touch your heart. The sight of him holding his son with such care and affection was a reminder of the depth of his love for both you and your children.
“Look at them,” Aegon said softly, his voice filled with admiration. “They are everything we’ve ever dreamed of.”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his with a shared understanding. “Yes, they are.”
The four of you settled into a cozy corner of the nursery, surrounded by the soft colors of the room and the gentle hum of the morning. Aegon sat beside you, his arm around your shoulders as you both took turns speaking softly to the twins, their eyes wide with curiosity as they listened to the soothing sounds of your voices.
“Do you think they know how much we love them?” you asked, looking up at Aegon.
He smiled, his gaze tender and thoughtful. “I believe they do. They feel it in every touch, every word, every glance.”
You leaned against him, feeling the steady beat of his heart and the warmth of his love. “I’m grateful for every moment with you and our family.”
Aegon kissed the top of your head, his touch gentle and loving. “Me too. Every day with you and our children is a gift, and I cherish every second.”
As the morning sun continued to rise, casting its golden light over the nursery, you felt a profound sense of peace and happiness. With Aegon by your side and your children in your arms, everything will be alright. The warmth of the moment and the strength of your shared moments together made you feel as though you could conquer anything. In the soft embrace of the morning light, you knew that the greatest adventure was the one you were living every day—with Aegon and your precious twins.
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The council chamber of the Red Keep was abuzz with the murmur of discussions as King Aegon Targaryen presided over the meeting. The large, oval table was surrounded by advisors, generals, and key figures of the realm, each discussing matters of state with a sense of urgency.
Aegon, in his regal attire, listened intently as a seasoned advisor detailed the latest developments in the kingdom. Despite the importance of the discussions, his mind kept drifting back to the nursery and the peaceful morning he had shared with you and the twins. The memory of Aelora’s soft cooing and Maeron’s playful gurgles was a balm to the relentless pressures of his duties.
Suddenly, the doors of the council chamber burst open, and a breathless messenger stormed in. His face was ashen, eyes wide with a mix of fear and urgency.
“Your Grace!” the messenger called out, struggling to catch his breath. “I have grave news.”
Aegon’s heart sank. The tension in the room shifted palpably as all eyes turned toward the messenger. Aegon’s expression hardened, a sense of dread settling over him.
“What is it?” Aegon demanded, his voice low but commanding.
The messenger hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Your grace, there has been an attack on the nursery. The twins… the twins have been taken.”
The words hit Aegon like a blow to the chest. His blood ran cold, and his mind raced with images of Aelora and Maeron in danger. He gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles whitening as he struggled to maintain his composure.
“What of ___?” Aegon asked, his voice strained. “Is the queen safe?”
The messenger’s face fell further. “The Queen… she was injured in the attack. She is being tended to by the maesters, but her condition is grave.”
Aegon’s world seemed to collapse in that moment. The thought of you, hurt and in pain, was unbearable. He could hardly process the fear and anger boiling within him. His heart ached with a profound sense of helplessness.
Without another word, Aegon turned on his heel and stormed out of the council chamber. The corridors of the Red Keep seemed to blur past him as he raced toward the royal quarters. The sounds of his hurried footsteps echoed off the stone walls, each step fueled by a fierce determination to find you and his children.
When he reached the nursery, the sight that met him was a nightmare come to life. The once serene room was now a scene of chaos, with broken furniture and scattered toys marking the violent intrusion. The air was heavy with the scent of blood and fear.
Aegon’s heart pounded in his chest as he pushed open the door to your chambers. The room was dimly lit, and you lay in bed, a pale and motionless figure amidst a flurry of concerned maesters and attendants. Your face was pale, and bandages were wrapped around your head and limbs.
Aegon’s breath caught in his throat as he approached your bedside. He knelt beside you, his hand gently brushing against your face. The warmth of your skin was reassuring, but the sight of your injuries left him feeling as though the ground beneath him had been ripped away.
“___,” he whispered, his voice trembling with anguish. “Please, stay with me.”
One of the maesters, a stern-faced man with a practiced demeanor, stepped forward. “Your Grace, the Queen is stable for now, but her injuries are severe. She needs rest and continued care.”
Aegon nodded, though his eyes never left you. “And the twins? Have there been any developments?”
The maester shook his head solemnly. “We are still trying to ascertain their whereabouts. The city is being searched, but it will take time.”
Aegon’s heart hardened with resolve. He stood up, his face set with grim determination. “I will find them. I swear it.”
With that, Aegon left your side, his mind focused solely on the task ahead. He gathered a group of trusted guards and emissaries, quickly briefing them on the situation. His commands were clear and unwavering: find the twins, bring them back safely, and bring those responsible to justice.
As he prepared to set out, he took one last look back at you, lying so still and vulnerable. A surge of fierce love and protectiveness surged through him. He would not rest until his family was safe and whole again.
The search for the twins began with urgency, every resource at Aegon’s disposal devoted to the task. He knew that each moment counted and that his determination would be tested like never before. But with the strength of his love for you and his children driving him forward, he would face whatever challenges lay ahead.
The battle for his family had only just begun, and Aegon Targaryen was prepared to fight with every ounce of his being. The flame of his resolve burned as brightly as ever, and he would not be swayed until the twins were back in his arms and you were safe once more.
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taglist: @benjicotblckwood @spn-obession @beebeechaos @staarflowerr @veroneverleft
banner: @cafekitsune
407 notes · View notes
anakinstwinklebunny · 24 days
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TW: at some point it contains extremely filthy sexual content, so if you're sensitive to that or don't feel comfortable with it, please do not read it for your own safety and comfort. Daddy kink, breast play, praise kink, reader is younger than anakin but she's also off the age! (which means i won't give her specific age, but she's definitely NOT a minor). Lightly relationship with benefits (at first)
Author's note: and he happened to be the rich CEO 🤭
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is at the restaurant for a high-stakes business meeting with some important clients. He’s there to close a deal, his mind fully focused on the negotiations, but the moment he spots you, his attention falters. You’re the one serving his table, and despite the chaos of the busy restaurant, he can’t take his eyes off you. Your charm, your smile, the way you carry yourself—it’s all incredibly enticing to him. He’s captivated by the way you interact with customers, maintaining grace under pressure. After the meeting, Anakin leaves an exorbitant tip, much larger than necessary. Along with it, there’s a business card with just his name and number, a subtle but unmistakable invitation for you to contact him.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, after you muster the courage to text him, he invites you out for coffee, a subtle test to see if you’re interested. He’s direct but not pushy when he suggests an arrangement—offering financial support in exchange for your company. At first it surprises you, since it's uncommon for you to gain interest from older men..but, he was polite, very polite (you couldn't help but compare him to guys your age). Seemed like a true gentleman with specific needs you were suggested to fullfil
Sugardaddy!Anakin who makes it clear that he’s not interested in just a transactional relationship. He wants to spoil you, yes, but he also craves your genuine presence, your wit, and your warmth.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who made you sign NDA before any further actions. And after that, the first few dates involved extravagant dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, shopping trips where he insists you pick out anything you like, and even trips to luxurious resorts. He loves seeing you adorned in the finest things that his wealth can buy.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his powerful position, Anakin values privacy and keeps your relationship under wraps. He’s protective of you, not wanting the media or his corporate world to interfere.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often sends his private driver to pick you up, whether it’s for a date or just to bring you to his penthouse after a long day. He makes sure you’re always comfortable and safe.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a soft spot for you that his colleagues would be shocked to see. He’s attentive to your needs, whether it’s something simple like remembering your favorite coffee order or something more intimate, like understanding when you need space or affection.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is fiercely protective
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes a genuine interest in your ambitions and goals. Whether you’re in school, pursuing a career, or exploring new hobbies, he’s there to support you—financially and emotionally. He offers advice, mentorship, and even opportunities within his vast business empire.
What starts as a sugar daddy arrangement quickly grows into something deeper. Anakin finds himself genuinely falling for you. The way you challenge him, care for him, and bring a sense of normalcy to his chaotic life makes you more than just a 'sugar baby'
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, the stoic CEO, surprises himself with how open he becomes with you. He shares his fears, his past, and his hopes for the future. You’re the only one who gets to see the man behind the powerful exterior.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who doesn't mind age gap although, when you're sometimes showing him something he has no idea what it is (like social media and stuff). So he's kind of a boomer..just a tiny bit..
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes you on spontaneous trips to the most exotic destinations. Private jets, luxury yachts, and five-star hotels are the norm. He loves the idea of you experiencing the best life has to offer, especially when you’re together
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often works late into the night, but he makes time to talk to you before bed (sometimes it'd be a call but sometimes it'd be a small talk face-to-face);
He sighed as the door clicked shut behind him, the exhaustion of the day slipping through him as he loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Despite the fatigue, the thought of coming home to you brought a sense of peace. “How’s my favorite girl doing?” he asked softly, tilting your chin up after walking into the living room.
“I’m alright… just dying to get some sleep,” you murmured with soft voice.
A smile tugged at his lips as he took you in—curled up on the couch, wearing one of his oversized shirts that nearly swallowed you whole. The sight was enough to erase any lingering stress. “Poor girl,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Sorry I’m so late.”
“S’okay…” your eyes heavy with sleep.
“Let’s get you to bed,” he murmured, his arms slipping around your waist to lift you effortlessly. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your face snuggled to his shoulder z he couldn’t help but notice how precious and absolutely beautiful you looked, wrapped in his shirt, with no make-up on. It was a simple moment yet with you in his arms, nothing else mattered.
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Sugardaddy!Anakin who is attentive and loves to make you feel special in every way. He’s dominant yet caring (so it makes him a soft dom), always ensuring your needs are met. So the intimacy between you two is intense;
you'd had sex almost daily over the last two months but you, nor him, would never initiated it in half-public before. It wasn't something you'd do, you were more of a private person however...the slight possibility that the driver could glance in the mirror and see you sent a strange thrill cursing down your stomach..
Well, you live once..
It wasn't your first time giving Anakin a blowjob, yet, you still couldn't fully get used to how big he was. How thick and long.
With your watery eyes, you whimpered, tasting the salty sweetness of him before swirling your tongue around his head. Slowly, softly at first, as if checking the territory, them you did it with more confidence, falling into the rhythm of just sucking, licking and bobbing till you were soaked
It shouldn't turn you on like it did. But yet, the feeling of his member filling your mouth, his large hand sank in your hair, his soft groans and whimpers made you twist yourself in pleasure.
Your eyes watery, your underwear wet, your nipples hard and this sensitive skin that burned with never ending fire for this man made you completely forgot how you got here, where you are or even where you're supposed to go
"That's right baby..take every inch like a good girl.." the words slipped through his lightly opened mouth in a moan
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He grips your ass cheeks tightly, spreading them apart to get a better angle as he thrusts into you from behind. "Look at this ass, baby...so fucking perfect... gonna fucking own this ass..." He growls, his hands moving to slap your right cheek hard.
You were a mess; holding for dear life to the kitchen counter with nothing but moans leaving your mouth. Not even your eyes could stay open anymore, as they rolled or closed automatically in the feeling
He hisses through his teeth as he feels your squishy walls clench around him, gripping him tightly "That's it, baby...take it all...You're being such a good girl..." h his hands moved to grip your hips tightly as he continues to thrust with more intensity, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the kitchen.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves having you ride him;
His fingers dug into your hips, encouraging you to set a faster pace as his own hips lifted to meet yours, the two of you falling into a rhythm. "just like that, baby...you look so good on top of me"
"yeah?" You whimper out, feeling like going crazy with his member deep inside you
His hands slide up your waist to your breasts, cupping them gently as he praises you. "Definitely..riding me like a real cowgirl.."
your mouth opened to let a moan escape your lips and, to feel more, you sped up a little bit
He grins wickedly up at you, his hips bucking upwards to meet yours while he toys with your peaks "You like that, baby? Like daddy playing with your pretty little toys?"
"love it" your mouth lightly opened in pleasure
"Good girl...gosh..could stay buried inside of you forever." Anakin lets out a groan, his eyes rolling back as the feeling of you sinking down onto him once more and it suddenly gets too much to bear. "Fuck, baby...you feel so good...such an eager girl to please me..keep that pace, baby...want to watch you fall apart on top of me"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves when you visit him at the office, especially after hours when most of his employees went home
Sugardaddy!Anakin who even if makes love to you a bit roughly sometimes, he can for sure be very gentle;
He slowly enters you, his touch gentle as he cups your face tenderly. "gonna go nice and slow, alright?" He whispers softly, his hips moving in a gentle rhythm. "if you wanna stop just say the word.."
"okay" you whimper
He enters you inch by inch, his touch gentle as he kisses you passionately. "You're so tight, baby...feels so good..." his pace slow and gentle. He leans down and kisses you slowly as if you were a ceramic doll he was scared to break "my beautiful girl.. doing so good for me"
your warmth enveloped his senses and it only made him more crazy for you. You just seemed so perfect to him. Even your flaws were something he deeply cherished, found captivating, irresistible
"you okay, baby?" He whispers softly, his voice laced with autonomical concern. "wanna go slower?"
"yes, please" you whisper-moan
He slows down even more, his movements almost imperceptible as he carefully makes love to you. "there we go...so slow and gentle...just for you, baby..." He leans down to kiss your neck softly, his breath warm against your skin. "love you so much, you know? Gosh, could do anything for you.. you have me wrapped around your finger.."
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a particular obsession with lingerie. He frequently buys you the most luxurious pieces—silk, lace, and satin—in colors he knows you look stunning in. Seeing you dressed up in something he chose just for you ignites a fire in him, and he loves taking his time to remove each piece, savoring the reveal of your body
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a possessive streak, and it shows in how he wants to leave marks on you—not just hickeys, but subtle reminders that you belong to him. He’ll trace his fingers over the marks later, a satisfied smirk on his face as he sees the evidence of your passion..but stil..;
He was laying on his side with his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you close as if you might slip away in the night. You were slowly drifting off to sleep, in comparison to anakin, whose sleep eluded him. He lay there quietly, his eyes tracing the familiar curves of your body in the darkness, as if rediscovering them for the first time.
His gaze lingered on the spots where his touches had left their mark. Faint hickeys dotted your upper thighs and hips, and a few more adorned your neck and collarbone. He couldn’t help but admire the evidence of his desire for you, the way he’d claimed your body as his own. The possessive satisfaction he felt was undeniable, yet there was also a tender need to ensure that his passion hadn’t caused you any pain.
"Does it hurt?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room.
"No... I'm fine," you murmured half-asleep
"You sure?" His fingers brushed over one of the darker marks, tracing gentle circles on the sensitive skin of your hip.
"Mhm... it's nothing serious"
He hummed in acknowledgment, though the worry still lingered. He couldn't shake the need to make sure you were truly okay. His hand slowly moved up to gently push your hair aside, exposing the smooth skin of your neck and shoulder. Leaning in, he nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his lips brushing against the tender spot he had marked earlier. "Sorry," he whispered, his voice a mix of apology and affection
"It's okay, really" you whispered back, your hand finding its way into his messy curls. Your fingers gently stroking through them as if to soothe both him and yourself.
He pressed another soft kiss to your skin, letting his lips linger against it. The warmth of your body, the steady rise and fall of your chest, and the feel of your hand in his hair finally began to ease his mind. Holding you close, he let the lingering guilt fade, quickly replacing it by the comforting knowledge that you were safe and okay
Sugardaddy!Anakin who enjoys the thrill of teasing you in public settings, knowing you have to keep your composure. A subtle hand on your thigh under the dinner table, his fingers tracing dangerously close to your inner thigh, or whispering in your ear about what he plans to do to you later, all heighten the anticipation for when you’re finally alone.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, over time, begins to consider a more permanent relationship with you. He starts dropping hints about you moving in, or even starting a family someday.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's definitely into some roleplay (but mostly you surprise him with them)
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is open to exploring new things in the bedroom, and he enjoys introducing toys into your sex life. Whether it’s a silk blindfold, a vibrator, or even some light bondage, he knows exactly how to push your boundaries while making you feel safe and loved.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his dominant and sometimes intense nature, Anakin is always attentive to your needs afterward. He makes sure you’re comfortable, bringing you water, wrapping you in soft blankets, and holding you close. His fingers gently stroke your hair as he whispers sweet words, grounding you after an intense session.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's more of a type of guy to send you flowers when he's out for business trip or etc
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a habit of giving you jewelry that symbolizes his ownership. A necklace with his initials, a bracelet that matches his watch
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves playing with your breasts;
"Dirty little thing, aren't you? You just love when daddy plays with your big tits, hmm?" his fingers pinching and rolling your nipples
"Mhm.." you lightly wriggled on his lap, feeling the well known hardness poking between your legs
"And you're mine, aren't you, love? This beautiful girl wouldn't leave me, now would you angel?"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who had an actual conversation with you about taking things more seriously, if you even wanted. And soon later he proposed to you
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @erosmutt @haydensprettyprincess @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @fuckmyskywalker @slutforfinnickodair
(if you want to be removed or added then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
424 notes · View notes
assriels · 5 months
take me to church
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pairing: azriel x f!reader
summary: azriel was not a religious male, but you were his goddess incarnate and he would willingly worship at your feet until his dying breath
word count: 3.8k
warnings: smut (18+!! mdni pls), canon typical religious imagery, allusions to azriel’s work but nothing explicit
a/n: my hozier era has returned i fear
banners by @/cafekitsune !
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Azriel was not a particularly religious male, offering his acknowledgement to the Mother oftentimes in the heat of battle, on the brink of death as a curse on his lips, hoping someone somewhere would heed his plea to live another day. Whatever religious underpinnings existed within him were but remnants from ancient tradition, built into his body as steadily as his bones. But, aside from the rare moments he’d faced Death and lived, Azriel was not one to offer daily prayers of thanks.
Since meeting you decades ago however, Azriel had considered more and more changing his relative indifference to the celestial beings that reigned. He was sure he hadn’t done anything in his lifetime to deserve you as a lover — let alone a mate — but still the Mother blessed him, and for that he was more grateful than words or prayers could ever express. 
Every brush of your lips against his skin, every tender gaze and soft smile was enough to bring Azriel to his knees every night before the altar between your legs. He sang praises and hymns until his jaw was sore, desperate to pull those seraphic moans from the depths of your throat as he worshiped you ceaselessly. He pledged his life to you the moment the bond snapped for him, never having been able to imagine an existence without you by his side.
Azriel had assumed that he was condemned to a life of desolation and loneliness, rotting with guilt and insecurity for all the things he had done and all the things he could never be. But despite the blood that perpetually stained his scarred hands and the weight of his past burdening his shoulders, you never shied away. Never so much as frowned when he confessed to you the serpentine nature of his hidden work for the Night Court or the calamity he’d endured as a young, lost child. 
You had sat and listened all those years ago, delicate fingers tracing the calluses on his palm as if the lines on his hands whispered all of the things he left unsaid. You’d understood the complexities of his character, loved them as much as you loved every other part of him. 
You made your unwavering affection for him known at every possible opportunity, often massaging away the crease between his brows when you knew he was losing himself to the spiral of his unwanted thoughts. You’d kiss his forehead and run your fingers through his hair, silent but understanding as you allowed him time to open himself up to you in whatever manner he pleased.
Azriel’s adoration of you was no different. He cherished the way you confided in him, revealing to him the depths of your own darkness and fears. He would safeguard your trust with his dying breath, always and forever striving to be your safe space, a lockbox where you could store your darkest thoughts and insecurities without fear of judgment. 
Just as you had always done for him. Just as you were doing now.
In the comfort of your shared bedroom in your private residence, you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, rolling on to your toes to kiss the back of his neck while he undid the intricate laces and buckles of his leathers. Your deft fingers soon joined his in the process as you both worked in comfortable silence to unfasten the tediously complex web of clasps. 
The tension in his shoulders and the microscopic ruffle in his brow was all you needed to conclude that his latest task was a gruesome one. One of those missions that tended to stick around, following him and taunting him until his guilt festered and spread. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, voice steady as you removed the last of his Siphons secured tightly around his bicep. It was an effort not to gawk at his exquisite physique that lay hidden beneath the constricting leathers; no matter how many times you’d seen Azriel shirtless, you didn’t think you’d ever get used to the sight. 
He hummed in response, taking a moment to survey his torso in the mirror for any cuts or bruises that needed tending to. When he didn’t spot any — most of them had quickly stitched themselves together on the flight back home — he met your gaze in the mirror and shook his head gently, “Not really.” 
Azriel was somewhat avoidant by nature, too used to minimizing his feelings in lieu of the success of a mission, but the gentle definitiveness in his tone told you all you needed to know. He’d open up about this latest operation when he was ready, but he needed time to process and think, formulate coherent thoughts about what had transpired. And as much as you wanted to soothe the emotional aches and pains you knew plagued him after every mission, you would give him that time. 
You sighed and came to stand in front of him, taking both his cheeks in your hands as you forced his gaze to yours. It took everything in him not to lose himself in those pretty eyes of yours.
Azriel could sense the worry you habitually hid in the moments after he returned home, and so he leaned into your touch, turning to kiss the heart of your palm before offering you reassurances, “I’m okay. Promise.” 
Azriel held his pinky out cutely and you chuckled, shaking your head fondly before wrapping your own around his. You used your joined hands as leverage to pull him down to slot your lips over his. Azriel sighed contentedly at the pressure of your kiss, his long lashes fluttering shut as his hands repositioned themselves around your body. 
One hand splayed steadily on the cage of your ribs as the other made the devious trek down, grabbing a handful of your ass to squeeze playfully. 
You yelped and pulled away as he smirked at you fondly. His gaze traveled over your shoulder to look in the mirror, never tiring of how the curves of your body looked pressed against his. 
The two of you stayed like that for a long while, Azriel’s chin hooked over your head as your arms wound themselves comfortably around his waist. The cadence of his heartbeat was one you were well acquainted with, like a steady metronome that measured itself to the beat of your own heart. 
When he pressed his lips to the crown of your head, you murmured, “Want to take a bath?”
You felt the near imperceptible quickening of his pulse against your ear and you pressed yourself further into his chest, reveling in the way he so instinctively reacted to every little thing you did.
“Only if you join me,” he responded cheekily, corners of his lips twitching in affectionate jest.
You hummed and pretended to think about it, shifting to rest your chin against his heart, pretty lashes fluttering as you looked up at him. 
“I could be convinced.”
Gods, how beautiful you looked. How beautiful you always looked. Your charming allure caught Azriel off guard every single time you merely breathed in his direction, and he briefly wondered if he’d ever get used to the ease in which you enchanted him without even meaning to. 
Unable to resist, his hands came up to cradle your jaw, supporting your neck as he bent down to kiss you, his nose brushing affectionately against yours as he pulled away. 
“I’ll carry you,” he offered, lips brushing your skin, hazel eyes never once leaving yours.
“Deal,” you said, laughing delightedly when he lifted you, throwing you playfully over his shoulder to make a beeline to the bathroom.
Running a bath — a normally automatic part of Azriel’s routine — was made infinitely harder when he was so busy pressing his lips to your jaw, your cheeks, your mouth. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him tonight — maybe it was the adrenaline from a hard task completed, the warmth of home coaxing him to let go and savor you — but he wasn’t complaining. And neither were you, if the way you matched his fervor was anything to go by. 
When both of you finally settled into the warm water, he sighed in contentment, lazily, adoringly watching as the tension eased out of your shoulders. 
Before you came into his life, Azriel had never really understood the desire to worship. He knew logically that it was an act of devotion, but never did he really feel the inclination to pray to a god in thanks.
But it was moments like these — the wonderfully mundane moments of bliss with you — that finally made him understand. If the Mother was anything like you, it wasn’t difficult for Azriel to fathom a devotee’s need to pray.
He thought this as he ran his soapy hands gingerly over your body, as he buried his fingers in your hair to massage your scalp. If you were his goddess, then these were his acts of reverence and he would practice until his physical body no longer could.
And when you did the same for him, when you gently scrubbed his back and wings and arms and chest with the deliberation and gentility of an artist with a craft, he thought that maybe this gratification was what the gods felt when their followers prayed. 
After a while, once the soap had run down the drain and the water was warm and clear again, you settled against him with your back pressed to his chest. 
It was in that moment he realized the arousal that had slowly eked its way into his bloodstream; he had been too busy basking in the feel of your fingertips on his aching muscles to realize that your lovingly innocent touch had made him hard. Embarrassingly so.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly, his attention now on the way his cock pressed so tightly against your lower back.
Your laugh — melodic and lovely — curled around his ears in a lover’s embrace, “Don’t be sorry. I’m irresistible, I know.”
He knew you’d meant to tease, but he couldn’t help but agree; if he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought that you’d casted a spell on him to ensnare his unyielding devotion to you. Your head fell back onto his shoulder and you captured his chin in your fingers to tilt his lips towards yours. 
This kiss, unlike the ones you two had shared earlier in the night, was much more insistent, revving your desire with each stroke of his tongue. 
His hands remained frustratingly chaste on the curve of your waist, and you squirmed in his embrace, willing him to touch you. The pressure of him against your back and the feel of his mouth — now leaving a scathing trail of little bites down your neck — pressed to your skin left the space between your legs slick with a wetness unattributable to the warm bath water. 
Your hand settled over his and for a brief moment your mind flickered to appreciation of the ridges raised by the scars that wound themselves like vines up his fingers to his wrists. Azriel had always been somewhat self conscious of the puckered skin of his hands, but you stood firm in the belief that they only served to make him that much more wonderful. 
(And you couldn’t deny the pleasurable sensation they added when his fingers were buried inside you. But that was neither here nor there.) 
You guided his touch as he reared back up to kiss you again. You led one of his hands down between your legs and the other to your chest, where he eagerly played with the peak of your nipples. 
“Oh?” he intoned, amusement coloring his inquiry at the feel of how wet he now realized you were. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, mimicking his earlier apology with much less sheepishness.
“Don’t be sorry,” he mimed back to you. His hands fell into a practiced rhythm, circling your clit with delicious pressure. 
You arched into his touch, moans falling from your lips as he teased your entrance before he mercifully sank a single digit into you. The stretch was a welcome feeling, but it quickly dissolved into the need for more. But it seemed that Azriel was in no hurry, languidly alternating between lazy strokes and nonchalant circles.
You arched again, silently pleading with him to give you more as you gripped his knee beneath the now tepid water. Though the heat of your body alone was probably enough to re-warm the bath. 
Azriel indulged you, unable to resist your alluring pull. He added another finger to his ministrations, blissfully dizzy with the sounds falling from your lips. His other hand snaked from your nipples down between your legs, timing his well placed caresses of your clit to the unrelenting plunge of his fingers. 
He knew you were close — so quick, he thought with a lethal satisfaction — by the octave of your moans and the desperate way your hands fought for purchase on his legs, your breasts. 
He bit down on that wonderfully tender spot at the junction between your shoulder and neck, and shivered when he felt you clench around his fingers, walls pulsing temptingly around his fingers as you came. 
Azriel captured your lips with his own once more, prolonging the pleasure from your release for as long as possible. You shifted to straddle him, never once breaking the kiss as the water sloshed dangerously close to the lip of the tub. 
The way you ground your hips down onto his had him groaning, eyebrows furrowing with the effort to restrain himself. He could take you now, could give in to your attempts to guide him inside you, but you were shivering, goosebumps raising the skin on your back and shoulders as the chilled water and even chillier night air caressed your form. 
Besides, his mind was working in overdrive, crafting plan after plan to have you keening and arching for him, all of which required a more comfortable setting than the marble bathtub in your bathroom. 
He stood with ease, looping your legs around his midsection to carry you back to the bed.
He tossed you softly — though quite unceremoniously — onto the bed, and you would have complained about getting the sheets wet, but 1) you knew Azriel would make an obscene joke about how they’d get wet anyway and 2) the feel of his cock grinding against your clit was enough to rob your consciousness of any coherent thought. 
Azriel was murmuring sweet endearments into your damp skin as he made the excruciatingly slow trek down your body, his lips mapping a tedious trail of kisses down your torso as if he were committing each ridge and valley to memory in fear that he’d lose his way on the journey back. 
Finally, finally his mouth found that wonderfully sweet spot between your legs and he licked a broad stripe up the length of you. You shivered as he lingered, tongue lazily alternating between teasingly shallow strokes inside you to wide circles around your clit. 
It was torture of the purest kind that he wasn’t giving you exactly what he knew you wanted, and by the wicked glint in his darkened hazel eyes, you could tell he was being intentional. Your fingers found their home in the impossibly silky and slightly damp strands of his hair as you attempted to pull his mouth tighter against you, petulant pout curving your lips downward.
His responding chuckle was enough to make you groan, the reverberation vibrating against your cunt before settling tantalizingly in your bones. Azriel’s arms came up to encircle your legs, effectively keeping you from grinding your hips up. You tossed your head back and keened, giving in to the languidness of his affections. 
Your eyes met his at the sound of a purposely lewd smack of his lips against you, and you felt him smirk against you before you were swiftly flipped over. 
What was meant to be a gasp of surprise quickly devolved into a moan of pleasure by the time the last syllable of his name left your lips. You were acutely aware of the sudden switch in positions as you were now straddling your mate’s head. 
He coaxed your gaze down to his with a featherlight touch down your spine, and you were met with a swirling mix of love, lust, and adoration swimming in pools of hazel. Your chest swelled momentarily and you probably would’ve said something sweet and much more coherent than what left your mouth as he pulled you down onto him and feasted. 
Azriel was addicted to the way he could make you fall apart, even from beneath you with your knees straddling his head. It was borderline sinful – an angel brought to the precipice of obscenity and seduction.
His hips shifted on the bed, body desperate to find friction. But this moment was yours, and so Azriel refrained from giving in to his baser physical desires. His tongue sang praises against your cunt, his hymns translated to the exquisite moans that fell from your lips. 
It wasn’t long before you were toppling over that wonderful edge into what felt like a never ending orgasm. You could barely register the change in your positions again, head spinning and dizzy with insurmountable pleasure; before you knew it, your back was pressed against the cool sheets of the bed, eyes glassy with a post-orgasm haze.
Azriel leaned down to kiss you then, a sweet contrast to the near indecent way you could taste yourself lingering on his lips. He took his time kissing you, sending you wave after wave of undying love and loyalty down that invisible golden tether wound tight around your heart. 
You briefly thought of returning the favor, of flipping him onto his back and putting your mouth on him in just the way you knew would coax those wonderfully rare sounds of unbridled, wanton pleasure from him. But his body was heavy against yours – a more than welcome comfort – and you couldn’t find the strength in you to pull away from the warmth of his skin. 
You arched into him as you wound your arms around his neck, pulling him closer while you encircled your legs around his waist. Relishing in the way he shuddered against you, you urged your hips up to grind against his, aching for the feel of him despite having just orgasmed. Twice. 
Thankfully he obliged you, shifting to ease himself inside you, slowly – gods, so slowly – pushing into you with the deliberation and practiced self-discipline of a male centuries trained in espionage. 
Azriel let out a half-restrained groan when his hips were flush against yours, always marveling at how close you could make him without even lifting a finger. He had meant to take a few moments to collect himself, not wanting to ruin the moment with a quick release (though admittedly he was struggling), but you shifted beneath him impatiently as you whispered salacious pleas into the shell of his ear. 
The drag of his cock in and out of you was a pleasure you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to, and you couldn’t help the prurient sounds that tumbled from your lips. Though, this just seemed to urge Azriel faster, more insistent in the most delicious way. 
You knew he was close by the way his breath hitched in his throat and his fingers tightened around the flesh of your thigh. The feel of his abs flexing as he pushed his hips into yours and the perfectly timed grind of his hips against your clit filled your head with a heady, hazy bliss and you nearly forgot where you were for a moment. 
You wound your fingers into his hair to steady him as you bit kisses into his jaw, nails raking a gentle path of encouragement down his back.
“Come for me, Az,” you half-pleaded, half-commanded.
And he did. With a gasp and moan so beautiful it sent you into another spiral of pleasure, arching into him as he whispered incoherent praises into your neck. 
As you basked in the aftermath, chest heaving and legs tangled beneath your fluffy duvet, Azriel couldn’t help but feel a lightening in his chest. He once again thought of how he had been shown so much mercy, so much kindness by the Mother, the gods – who or whatever governed the celestial plane of existence – to be bound so graciously to you. He never ceased to be amazed that he had met his goddess incarnate and had the overwhelming honor of loving her. 
With your cheek resting above his heart, he didn’t doubt that you could hear the quickening of his pulse when he pressed his lips to your hair. “I love you.”
Those three words were his prayer, his penance, his praise, and he would never stop offering them to you so long as you allowed him the privilege of saying them. He could feel you smile as you kissed his collarbone, sleepily offering your benediction in return, “Love you.”
As you fell asleep, encased in the warmth and safety of his arms, he idly traced the lines of your mating tattoo, swirling tendrils of ink dancing up your hip to your waist. He always loved how they were so reminiscent of his shadows. The shadows that were now winding through your hair and tickling your cheeks in adoration. 
As he too began slipping into the sweet relief of slumber, he briefly thought of his mission – it had felt so far away, so long ago now that he was guarded within the shield of your presence – and the guilt and sorrow he’d feel in the coming days. He used to dread the aftermath of his work, never allowing himself to rest comfortably for fear that sleep would be too much of an undeserved reprieve for the atrocities he’d committed. 
But ever since he selfishly allowed himself to love and be loved by you, he had found solace in your embrace. You couldn’t offer absolution of his sins – if such a thing even existed – but he was certain you were his salvation. An offering from the Cauldron – that he was convinced he was wholly unworthy of – as a chance to right his wrongs. You listened and loved him and saw him for all of the parts he was ashamed of, and for that he would willingly spend the rest of his life striving to deserve.
(Though he was sure you’d frown at him and adamantly insist that he need not do anything but exist to deserve the love you gave him.)
As he let himself descend into the comforting darkness of sleep, Azriel thought that if he would be punished in his next life for the sins he committed in this one, as long as he’d be able to love you through it all it would be worth it. 
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First Time (18+)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Damn, I think this is my longest one ever. Big time Donnie love!💜
Donatello is more than a little nervous about the thought of having sex with you, not trusting his own abilities, but with some reassurance and guidance from you, he rises to the occasion.
Warnings: A more angsty build up that I had planned, unprotected sex, Donnie having his first time with you💜
To say that Donatello was an amazing boyfriend, wasn’t enough to do him justice. He was fantastic! The sweetest and most genuine guy you had ever met. He was attentive and treated you well. Sure, he might be a mutant turtle that lived in the sewer, yet he was the best boyfriend you had ever had. Whether that spoke of your former poor taste in guys, or just the general low bar for human men you did not know. But you knew for a fact that Donatello was one of the best things that had ever happened in your life.
Donatello would say the exact same thing about you. You were not just the best thing that had ever happened to him, but a dream come true. Before meeting you, he had never actually believed that he would get to experience something so good. Just as he had accepted his fate as a lonely mutant turtle that would spend his days alone in hiding with his brothers, you came along and changed his life for good.
The friendship the two of you shared was just what you needed. You may not fully understand everything Donnie had going on inside his lab, but you listened nonetheless, finally giving a much needed ear to his thoughts and inventions. He in turn provided you with a safe space to go to, whenever your life became a little too much.
During those years of friendship you and Donnie grew close in ways none of you had experienced before. Not even his brothers could read him as well as you did, and you in turn had never thought that anyone would understand you as well as Donnie did. So therefore it was only expected that stronger feelings would blossom.
When you and Donnie started dating, it felt natural. Just like your first kiss. It just came naturally to the two of you. No grad gestures and no confusion. Both you and Donnie knew what it meant, and you were just happy to be with someone that understood you so well.
But if there was one thing that didn’t come as naturally to you and Donnie, it was sex. Actually, it didn’t come naturally to Donnie. You didn’t blame him. The poor guy had lived most of his life, convincing himself that sex would never be something he would get to experience. So when you and Donnie started dating and kissing, and the first thought of sex came up, Donnie started overthinking. You were a human that had had sexual experiences with other humans before, and he was a mutant turtle who had his hand as the closest thing to a former sexual partner.
It didn’t mean that Donatello didn’t want sex, because oh boy, did he want to! He was just nervous. Really nervous. It was almost nerve racking to believe that he could actually have sex, let alone with someone as beautiful as you. And you understood. You really did. You took the time to sit with him and talk it through, making sure he felt heard and comfortable, especially talking about a subject like that. What did he feel? What did he fear? What was he excited about?
Other than the general confusion and trauma that came from accepting your fate of loneliness, you learned that Donatello feared not the action of sex itself, but how he would act. More specifically, he was nervous and overthinking, because he did not know what to do. Where should he put his hands? What was he supposed to say? And the thought that haunted him the most; if he didn’t do good, would you leave him? All very valid fears for a mutant turtle, who did not even dare to dream of being with a human.
You took Donnie’s hands in yours and told him it was okay. He was allowed to be nervous and overthink, and he was allowed to not know what to do. You told him that you loved him, and you wouldn’t leave him if he didn’t make you feel good the first time, nor the time after that. Humans too would be nervous before their first time, and it was very normal not to be satisfied the first time.
And after that conversation, you and Donnie slowly started preparing for your first time together. With Donnie being a totally different species than you, he started preparing you for what you could expect. He told you where his cloaca was located and how it worked, along with other parts of the turtle anatomy you may or may not have known already. You in turn did the same. You told him where humans liked to be touched and answered his questions about human anatomy. And it calmed Donnie down. It calmed him down enough, to the point he dared to ask if he could touch your breast.
The make out session that came from that, was one unlike any you ever had had with Donatello. With his hands groping your breast, you were at a shock of naturally good your sweet tech boyfriend was at this. You had expected him to be more unsure, but you soon learned that when he had the confidence he could do anything. Making you moan against his lips while he played with your nipples, this guy did not know what talent he possessed.
This unlocked a new area of your relationship, that you and Donatello carefully explored. Make out sessions became more common, with hands exploring and building up the courage, going a little further each time, until one night Donnie told you he wanted to try.
“Are you sure?”, you asked. You were sitting in his room, you in his lap with your arms around his neck, still breathing heavily after the heated kiss the two of you had just shared. One of his hands was in the back of your neck, playing with your hair, while the other rested on your ass, squishing you through your pants.
“I’m sure”, Donnie answered, watching you through hooded eyes. The hand on the back of your neck crept to the side of your face, letting Donnie’s thumb glide across the corner of your mouth. “I really want to try”.
You nodded your head, biting your lip with a smile, before letting Donnie close the space between you once more. Your lips dancing together as your tongues slowly found each other, letting a small moan escape you, as you felt the vibrating churr being in Donnie’s chest. You had heard that sound quite a few times now, and each time you loved it more and more.
Your hands moved from Donnie’s neck, and down to the top of his plastron, enjoying the feeling of his vibrating chest through your fingers. You moved your lips to his chin, making your to his neck, feeling the hand on your ass pull you closer. Donnie’s breathing was heavy, his chest moving as he felt you work your lips around his neck.
Donnie’s hands found your waist, dipping under your shirt to feel the warmth of your smooth skin against his rough palms. You took this as a sign, removing your lips from Donnie’s neck to take off your shirt. This made Donnie move his hands to your breast, palming them through your bra as you reached back to unhook it. The breathy curse that left Donnie’s mouth once your bra was off, went straight to your core, making you clench around empty air. And Donnie could smell it. The scent of your arousal was strong, making him slightly dizzy.
Donnie nuzzled his head against your neck, pressing kisses against your skin like you had done to him, enjoying every sound that left your mouth and the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. His hands moved from your breast to your pants, where he tried to undo them, only to grow frustrated at the small buttons in his big fingers.
“Want me to take them off?”, you asked, gliding a hand up his neck.
“Please”, Donnie answered, bringing your hips close to him once more.
Donatello watched, with his head resting on your shoulder, through the valley between your breasts, as you undid your pants. Once you got them past your waits he helped you, sliding them off of your legs before throwing them somewhere in his room, leaving you in nothing but underwear on his lap.
“Shit”, he moaned, his heart raising once more as yet another wave of your arousal hit his nose, stronger than before. He hooked his thumbs into the straps of your underwear, his eyes finding yours to ask for permission. Breathless you nodded, lifting your hips to make it easy for him to pull your damp underwear down your legs.
The sight of you naked on Donnie’s lap was enough to make him moan. Your cheeks were already getting pink, and your pupils were just as blown out as his. The best way Donatello could describe the sight in front of him was; hot. So fucking hot.
He kneeled your hips, biting his lips before he asked; “Can I… Will you show me… Will you let me finger you?”
Once again, Donnie’s words went straight between your legs. The way he looked at you and the way he spoke. Needy and so ready to try. You loved every second of it.
“Of course you can”, you answered him, before bringing him in for another needy kiss. You took one of his hands in yours, guiding it down between your legs, helping one of his fingers glide through your folds, letting him feel the wetness that had built up. Donnie shivered, letting a whimper against your lips. You couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling from his lips, finding his reaction adorable.
“You feel that?”, you asked him, letting his finger glide through once more. Donnie nodded, letting out a small shuttering yes. “That’s all because of you, Donnie”. Your boyfriend cursed once more, his face showing frustration and absolute bliss.
You moved his thumb to your clit, guiding him on how to circle his finger around your small bundle of nerves.
“Like this?”, Donnie asked, watching your facial expression as he worked his fingers on you.
“Yes”, you breathed out, arching your back enjoying the feeling of his thick thumb on you. “Just like that, Donnie”.
Donatello bite his lip, watching your face closely, while remembering the things you had told him about the human body. How humans liked to be touched. How you liked to be touched. And with that thought in mind he wrapped his other arm around your waist, holding you close and still, while his index finger glided through your folds once more, before finding your entrance. He slowly pushed his finger in, sighing in delight at how tight you felt around his finger. You moaned, leaning your head back, happy that Donnie had wrapped his hand around to stabilize you.
“Fuck, Donnie”, you moaned, feeling how his finger went further in.
“Is it good?”, he asked, brows knotting together, biting his lips as he felt the familiar feeling from his cloaca, threatening to let dick drop.
“Yes, Donnie”, you moaned, your legs shaking against his. “Please, move them Donnie. Like this”. You held up your hand, showing your boyfriend how to move his fingers inside you. Donnie nodded, doing just as you showed him, moving his fingers in and out of you while his thumb rolled against your clit. You moaned, dropping your head against Donnie’s shoulder. He moved his fingers faster, feeling you move and shake against him, every moan from your mouth sounding like sweet music in his ears. He continued like this, feeling you tighten around his finger, your climax inching closer and closer until you came around his fingers with a loud moan.
When Donnie removed his fingers from your used cunt, he could not resist the urge to bring them to his mouth, sucking them off in front of you. The look in your eyes and the way you smelled told him everything he needed to know. You enjoyed it. All of it. He brought your lips back to his, your tongues finding each other. You moaned at the slight taste of you in his mouth.
Donnie pulled from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, listening to your heavy breathing, feeling it against his face. “Can I do it?”
“Do what, Donnie?”, you asked, your hands smoothing over his shoulders and biceps.
“Can I fuck you?”
You nodded, too stunned to speak. Once again, you had not expected Donatello to be so straight forward, having thought he would be way more shy.
Donnie took your lips in for another kiss while he slowly laid you down on your back. Once your back was flat against the mattress, he started moving his clothed crotch against you, moaning against your lips as he felt himself getting closer to his drop. You whimpered against his lip, almost begging him to take his pants off. Finally he sat up and undid his pants in full view of you. He pulled his pants off along with his boxers, before climbing back on top of you, feeling your legs close around him the best they could, bringing his cloaca to meet your wet center.
“Can I drop into you?”, Donnie asked, his lips ligering against yours, his hands moving from your hips, up your sides to your shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
“Yes, Donnie”, you moaned, buckling your hips against his, causing him to moan, feeling himself tipping on the edge before finally dropping down in front of your entrance. To his surprise, you were the one to move your hand down between the two of you, taking his cock in your hand moving it to your opening before pushing it in closely.
Donatello moaned, his head falling down beside yours, your cunt hugging him tightly as he sunk further in. You kissed the side of his face, whispering sweet nothing as he sunk in as far as he could. He stayed there for a moment, letting you and himself adjust to the feeling of him inside of you. You were a tight fit for him, but he couldn’t deny it felt good.
“Donnie, please move”, you moaned, moving your hips under him. Donnie wrapped an arm under your shoulder so he could bring you even closer to you, resting his forehead against yours once more as he slowly began to move, moaning and cursing in delight over the feeling.
His thrusts started out slow and soft, until you told him it was okay to go harder and faster, to which Donnie obliged. He cursed, one of his hands grabbing on to the bedding beside your head, enjoying this knew feeling around his cock.
“Fuck”, he breathed into your ear, causing tingles to erupt in your stomach. “It feels good, (Y/N). Fucking good”.
Your hand found his face, stroking his cheek making him look you in the eye. The sigh was enough to make both of you shiver.
“Wanna go faster?”, you asked him. Donnie nodded, his lips slightly agasp. “Go as fast as you want to. Fuck me as fast as you want, Donnie”.
And that was all your boyfriend needed. Every trace of nervousness Donnie had showed you during your first conversation about sex disappeared, leaving behind what you could only describe as a feast for the eyes. Donnie was concentrated, his brows frowning, his pupils wide as his muscles flexed before he let loose against you. You gasped and moaned loud, grabbing onto Donnie’s shoulders as he thrusted faster and harder into you. He was rougher than you had thought he would be, but you found it to be a pleasant surprise.
But then Donnie did something you never saw coming for his first time. He took one of your legs, hooking it over his arm before thrust into you even deeper than before. This new angle caused you to arch your back in ecstasy, as he continuously hit the sweet spot inside of you. It didn’t take long like this, before you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach as you clung closer around Donnie.
“Donnie!”, you moaned out, your pitch higher than he ever had heard it before, making him growl in delight. “Donnie, I’m close!”
Donnie did not answer you. Instead he dipped his head down to your neck, where he started nipping at your skin, his hips working against you like a piston. He wanted you to cum around him, washing away every fear he ever had about not making you feel good. And you knew. You knew your boyfriend, and you knew what he was thinking. And as he started groaning and biting your earlobe, you couldn’t hold back anymore, almost screaming his name as you came for him once more.
Donnie moved both hands down to your hips, holding you still as he started chasing his own high, helping you ride out your own in the meantime. As he moaned louder and louder as he got close, his thrust became more and more erratic. Finally he came, pushing himself all the way into you as he shot out his white ropes, letting out a moan better than porn star you ever heard.
Once down from his high, Donnie pulled out of you, before slumping down next to you, sweaty and out of breath, his dick still out in the open.
He looked at you, his eyes tired yet full of love, making you feel warm in so many ways. “Was it good?”
“Are you crazy?”, you asked, smiling brighter than any stare Donnie had seen. “It was amazing, Donnie!”
Donnie chuckled, wrapping an arm around you to pull you close against his plastron, giving you a kiss before resting his forehead against yours once more, a smirk spreading on his pretty lips. “Does that mean you’re up for another around after a quick nap?”
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tac-the-unseen · 1 month
Could you write slashers with a s/o who’s an artist? You can do with all/any you want but I would specifically like maybe the Sinclairs, Billy Lenz, Brahms and maybe Pinhead?
Slashers x Artist Reader + Pinhead
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Micheal Myers:
•Pretends not to care, but he's an artist at heart
•If you sculpt or blind things he will insist on watching you over your shoulders
•Will steal supplies for you whether you ask or not
•if you Draw or paint, it's going on the fridge or wall
•He truly admires your work
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Billy and Stu really just lets you do your thing
•Stu suggest glitter no matter the work or meaning
•Billy Suggests You make a lot of gore pieces
•Both of them will go the extra mile to kill models for you, so you have a subject
•Both Jokingly propose to model nude for you
Thomas Hewitt:
•Loves it when you proudly show him your art
•if you draw/paint on paper, He'll build custom frames So he can hang it up
•If you paint on a canvas, He'll make you canvases so you can make more art
•If you sculpt/Make pottery He'll make a display case for your work
•He's very proudly flaunts it to the family
Bubba Sawyer:
•Shows you his Bone art
•Wants to make art with you
•No matter what you do, He wants to join
•Will be as happy as can be if you make crafts with him or use his supply of bones in your art
Bo Sinclair:
•His Brain immediately connects you to Vincent
•He subconsciously starts treating you like his brother, no matter your relationship with him
•When he goes to other town he grabs you and his brother some supplies
•kinda just plops you down with Vincent and expects you to to get along, especially if you sculpt
•That's about as nice as he can get
Vincent Sinclair:
•He's excited to have somebody who understands
•Will silently sit next to you well both of you work on your craft
•Feels oddly comforting to him
•His family has always been connected by art, even though they're not great people. So having you make art with him solidifies your position as family to him
•shows you his technique with wax working, and wants to teach you how to sculpt with wax
Lester Sinclair:
•pt. 3 of familial bond
•because he didn't receive much attention as a kid, He desperately tried to be an artist to gain favor of his mother
•It didn't click with him the way it clicked with Vincent so he was shoved aside for “real artists”
•If you sit down and make art with him, he will cry
•constantly seeking your validation and praise
•holds your art very dear
Billy Lenz:
•Yet another creature looking over your shoulder
•He's fascinated by your ability to create
•You have hands And he has hands, yet your creations are always different than his
•He's a little jealous
•demands you teach him how to be better
•If you already don't know he'll show you how to crochet in return
Brahms Heelshire:
•In All his time locked away He has had plenty to make art
•He focus on the more classical sides of painting and traditional drawing
•He makes stunning portraits, So if you have a different art style it confuses him
•He's lived his life very sheltered so at first he might not even consider it art
•He later learns how much time and care you put into these works and starts to appreciate your dedication
•He also steals some of them to put up in his room
Hannibal Lecter:
•Very excited
•Starts showing off his own private art collection
•Takes it upon himself to teach you “proper technique”
•Gives you random history lessons on your choice of art form
•buys you very expensive supplies
Will Graham:
•Okay dude
•Doesn’t really care
•Just happy that you're happy
•Secretly admires your work when you are away
•Always make sure your work is safe and undamaged
The Lost Boys:
•Marko is immediately grinning ear to ear
•David pretends not to care
•Dwayne silently watches you
•Paul is all up in your personal space while you work
•No matter what you make or how proud of it you are, It's going in the horde pile with all their other treasures
•Paul and Marko asking you to draw them all the time
•If you do it's being hung up on the wall
•Another artist in his own way
•He prefers body modification and rigging as his art form
•Will creepy watch you work from a distance
•He’ll give you polite criticism from time to time
•Seeing you so focused and dedicated makes him think of all the other past artists he's met
•Decides fairly quickly that you are his favorite
Thanks for reading <3
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chuusmuts · 9 months
imagine innocent!kabukimono going wild
smut. afab reader, fingering, tiny angst before kabukimono went wild. not proofread so... grammar errors(?)
i was too busy playing project sekai, everyone. i'm sorry. also, thank you for 200 followers. .·°՞(≧▽≦)՞°·.
kabukimono was a puppet. a naive puppet. or at least that's what you thought. he was new to the world, especially to human's feelings. he didn't understand them yet why– why did he feel so warm around you? why was he so afraid you might leave him as well? why did his heart goes doki-doki around you and his palm grow all sweaty whenever he's with you?
ah, it must be that– friends. but wait, friends don't feel like that toward each other, was what one of the kids in the village said. at last, he made up his mind to tell you about this matter instead.
"y/n?" as usual, you were reading a book when kabukimono suddenly knocked on your door. you turned around to find him looking at you with that innocent face of his. "hm? what is it?" you petted the empty space beside you, inviting him to sit beside you on the bed.
kabukimono walked over to you, noticing how tired you looked after helping the villagers for the day. he sat down beside you and laid his head on your lap, his arms snaking around your waist. he felt safe and loved being close to you. he didn't know why he did this, but he couldn't help himself. he just really liked to be near you.
naturally, you ran your fingers through his indigo hair despite being in confusion. "what's wrong?" your eyebrows furrowed as you asked him softly. did something bad happen to him that caused him to be this clingy? you were beyond concerned.
he suddenly looked up at you, his eyes full of tears, causing you to panicked. "I don't want to lose you," he whispered, his voice shaking. seeing him cry definitely made your heart ache. you quickly wiped his tears away as you too began to feel emotional, feeling tears forming in your eyes. "i- i won't leave you. i won't leave you, okay? so don't cry." your voice cracked as you said so.
kabukimono hugged you tighter, burying his face into your chest. he believed that you wouldn't abandon him, no matter what happened, but he's still scared. it was as if there's a voice in his head telling him you'd eventually leave him sooner or later. even so, having you there gave him some comfort.
"gosh..." a silent sigh left your lips as he cried softly on your chest. he's too schmaltzy, you couldn't even do anything about it. that's when you got an idea. "shall i kiss you to cheer you up?" you suggested, trying to stop him from crying. a little crazy idea, but that would do it.
kabukimono looked up at you, his eyes wide with surprise. he didn't expect such a thing from you, but he also didn't mind it. he nodded eagerly, his cheeks still wet from his tears. without a word, he leaned forward, giving you permission to do whatever you wanted. you could do anything you wanted to him, and he would let you.
you let out a chuckle as you felt him getting more and more excited. you couldn't help but think of him as a sad puppy. when you gave him food, he'd immediately get excited. slowly, you leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw, and lastly, his lips. the kiss was slow and short as your hand crawled up to cupped his pale, soft cheeks.
a moment later, you pulled away to be met with a warm cheeks kabukimono. "there. do you feel better now? or should i kiss you more?" you asked with a small smile. your cheeks weren't that different from his, hinting that you're probably shy and your heart was beating millions per seconds yet you still acted like this was nothing to you.
the corner of kabukimono’s lips curled upward, feeling much better. you kissed him just to cheer him up, and he was grateful. he leaned closer to you, giving you another small peck on the lips. this time, he held onto you tighter, not wanting to let go. you instantly reciprocated his hug, feeling warm in your chest and butterflies in your stomach. you pinched his cheek softly, earning a grunt from him, "you're so cute. i wish i could kiss you more." you blurted out accidentally.
kabukimono looked up at you with surprise, his eyes glistening under the room's light. he knew you meant well, and he trusted you completely. he leaned in again, he didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips against yours. he was nervous, but he also found himself enjoying the sensation. the reason was unknown, but he liked it so much, and he knew he wanted more. more kisses, more touches, more closeness. he needed them to survive.
you closed your eyes, savouring the taste of his saliva and the feel of his skin against yours. but the kiss quickly turned into a heat make-out session as he pushed you, so you're laying on the bed while he's on top of you. his wet tongue was now inside your mouth as he explored the depth of it. though, the longer you kiss him, the harder it was for you to breathe hence you pulled away, trying to catch your breath. kabukimono was fine as he's a puppet, he didn't need to breathe.
"have you kissed someone before?" it was kind of unbelievable that you're asking this question. but he was just too good at kissing, and it made you flustered. and for a second, you forgot you're making out with kabukimono, himself.
he shook his head, unable to speak due to the lack of vocal cords. he looked fine to you, but on the inside, he was really nervous and excited. grabbing your hands, he held onto them tightly. he wanted to tell you that he had never been kissed before, and he was so happy that you were his first kiss. he wanted to tell you that he loved you and that he would never leave you. but he couldn't, so he just held onto you, hoping that his actions would convey his feelings.
an awkward smile appeared on your feature when you realised you couldn't move your hands. "i– i see... i'm sorry, that was wrong of me." you teared your gaze away from him as blush creeped up your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed because of your wrong assumption.
however, when you turned your head to the side, his hand grabbed your chin, forcefully making you look at him. his eyes held no malice, but it was no lie that you felt a little stunned and shocked at his sudden behaviour. when his eyes locked with yours, it seemed like an electric charge kept you from looking away. before you even realised, he crashed his lips against yours once again. this time, harder with a tad of hunger.
kabukimono moaned softly as he kissed you. his hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of you as you whimpered and writhed underneath him in response. he wanted to touch you everywhere, and he didn't care if it was wrong or not. he was lost in the moment, and he wanted to stay that way forever. as he kissed you, he felt a surge of energy flow through him, filling him with life and happiness. it was the first time he had ever experienced something like this, and he wanted more. he wanted to feel this way all the time, with you by his side.
he wanted to express his love and gratitude to you, but he didn't have the words. instead, he showed you through his actions. he didn't mean to push you, but he was so desperate for affection and connection. his body responded to you in ways he didn't understand, and he didn't care. all he cared about was being close to you and experiencing these newfound feelings. he wanted to feel you deep within him, to hear your moans of pleasure, to feel your body tremble underneath his. he was lost in his own desires.
you couldn't believe how fast things escalated. he was so overwhelmed by his own emotions that he lost control. in the beginning, he thought you would be upset, but when he saw you all blushing and flustered, it only fueled his desire to kiss you more.
kabukimono groaned as he continued to kiss you passionately. he felt his body reacting to your touch, and he couldn't stop himself. he wanted to please you, and he would do anything to make sure you were satisfied. reaching down between your legs, he felt your wetness and excitement. he slid one finger under your kimono and pushed it inside of you, causing you to cry out in pleasure, his other hand still holding on your wrists tightly.
your soft whimpers were muffled by his lips as he began to thrust his slender finger inside you. you kept bucking your hips, trying to chase the pleasure he's giving you. "one– one more finger, please..." you pleaded. how could he refuse, especially when you begged him with your sweet voice and that cute face of yours.
kabukimono nodded eagerly, his eyes bright with desire. he slid another finger inside of you, causing you to cry out louder than before. he continued to thrust his fingers inside of you, moaning into your mouth as he did so. he wanted to make you feel good, and he wouldn't stop until you came on his fingers.
feeling an orgasm building up, you clenched your fingers as your walls clenched tightly around his fingers. when the coil in your stomach finally snapped, you moaned his name loudly, white liquid came spilling all over his fingers shamelessly. you panted heavily as your clit throbbed with neediness. you had just orgasmed, but you felt like it wasn't enough. though, you quickly dismissed that thought as you focused on kabukimono, who's right on top of you.
kabukimono grinned, feeling satisfied with his work. he leaned down and pressed his lips to your neck, sucking on it gently. "I want to please you," he said simply. he crawled off of you, then stood up. reaching for his kimono, he pulled it off and dropped it to the floor. he reached for your kimono as well, pulling it off you. he watched you carefully, wanting to make sure you were okay with everything he was doing. he then took off his own shorts, revealing his eager and hard cock, twitching to be inside you.
he wasted no time positioning himself above you before lining his hardened member with your entrance, wanting to feel your tight walls wrapped around him. he started to slowly enter you, giving you time to get used to his size, which earned a small moan from you.
kabukimono groaned as he felt you wrap yourself around his cock. he leaned down, pressing his lips to your neck once more. he moved his hips, starting to thrust slowly, each movement causing him to moan into your ear. eventually, he let go of your wrists as he reached down, cupping your breasts in his hands. he played with your nipples, rubbing them gently to further stimulate you.
he let out a breathy moan, his eyes shut as he began to thrust into you. he wanted to take you to heaven and back tonight, and he wouldn't stop until you screamed his name (again) in pleasure. he bit his lip, feeling your walls tightening around him and he increased his speed, fucking you hard and fast.
soft moans began spilling from your lips, feeling the way he slammed into you and reached the deepest parts of your pussy. god, you felt so good, your gummy walls wrapped tightly around him.
kabukimono moaned into your ear, his hands running through your hair. kissing your cheek, your neck, your collarbone, he increased his speed, wanting to feel you come around him. he felt your walls squeeze around his cock, causing him to groan in satisfaction. as if that's not enough, he pinched your nipples, causing you to mewled in pleasure.
your moans grew more desperate the faster and the sloppier he thrusted into you. moaning his name loudly as you came on his cock, your thighs trembling and your walls fluttering around his length. he wailed, feeling your walls contract around his cock. he came, shooting his seed deep within you. he held onto you tightly, not wanting to let go. kissing your forehead, he gave you a warm smile. "one more round, yeah?" he whispered before leaning down and giving you an open-mouthed kiss.
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babyleostuff · 3 months
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✩ THEME: fluff, attempt at humour + a bit of angst mainly due to jungkook being away in the military ✩ PAIRING: idol!jungkook x fem!reader ✩ WORD COUNT: 871
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“bam!” you yelled out, “stop scratching the door and come for dinner, baby!” 
it was weird to say the least. usually, all you had to do was to pass by the food bowls for bam to be on high alert and ready to be served lunch, tail wagging and ears pointy, but now… he was nowhere near as interested in the 99% meat protein boosters mixed with the whole grain chicken clusters (jungkook loved buying bam all of the funky and fancy food) as he was in the entrance door. 
you sighed, as you heard another scratch. “bam,” you said for the twentieth time in the last five minutes, “dinner is ready,” you crouched down, and placed his bowls on the feeder stand. “if you don’t eat it, i will,” you muttered under your nose, and lowered your head to rest it on your lap. 
these were the moments when you missed jungkook the most. 
as if bam could sense the sudden shift in your mood, he slowly padded over to where you were crouching, his nails tapping against the wooden floors, and nudged you with his snout. “finally changed your mind, hm?” you giggled, scratching your big baby behind his ears. almost as if he could understand your words, he nodded his head excitedly, nearly knocking one of the bowls over. 
“okay big boy, let’s calm down and eat.” 
but before bam could even get a sniff of his food, a quiet, yet very familiar sound drew your attention back to the entrance door. the doberman didn’t waste a second and started barking like crazy, which did not help your paranoia that something was off. jungkook made sure that bam underwent all the necessary training to avoid situations like this one, and never since you’ve met bam had he acted so chaotic and unlike himself. besides, you couldn’t open the door to your apartment with the code anymore since the touchpad was broken, and the only people with keys were you and your boyfriend. 
and jungkook was far away from here, so… 
technically bam could protect you and jungkook in case of a break-in, but you didn’t want to be left without a weapon, so you grabbed the nearest candlestick so you could stab the intruder with a half burned candle. 
“bam, come here,” you whispered, your heart pounding in your chest. 
you managed to grab him by his collar just as the intruder slowly opened the door, so much so that you could take a peek at one of the black military boots that was… oddly familiar. then the person threw a large backpack inside. that’s probably where he’d pack all the things he planned on stealing from your home. mhm, over my dead body. the only thing you were ready to give away were jungkook’s underwear - they took way too much space in the closet. 
you held onto bam a bit tighter as the intruder grunted, and threw inside another duffel bag. wow, so this was a big heist. 
“don’t move!” you shouted out, and raised your hand with the candlestick. “i’m armed and i have a doberman, so if i were you i’d find another place to rob.” 
but before you could unleash the beast in the form of a scaredy-cat doberman though, you heard a giggle. and not any giggle. 
it was the giggle you fell in love with after hearing it for the first time. it belonged to you best friend, to your one and only love, to your comfort person that you’d look out for in any crowd. 
but it was impossible because he wasn't supposed to be home for the next month.
the intruder pushed the door so you could finally take a proper look at the person who was about to rob you. expect for- “hi, baby,” jungkook smiled, and crooked his head in amusement taking in your form. 
with a candlestick in your hand, and crouched over the dog holding onto him for dear life, jungkook couldn’t think of a better welcome back home. “it’s good to know the apartment is safe in your arms,” he laughed, as the realisation hit you. 
he was there. jungkook was standing right in front of you. 
you dropped your makeshift weapon and squealed, quickly making your way over to your boyfriend. “what? why?” you breathed, and threw your hands around his shoulders, that seemed even wider now. as much as you hated being away from him, god - he looked hot as fuck in the uniform. “what are you doing here?” you finally managed to ask. 
jungkook circled one of his strong arms around your waist, keeping your feet off the ground, and cupped your cheek with his other hand, stroking it gently. “you’re really here, aren’t you?” you slowly pulled the cap off his head to get a better look at him, and ran your hair through the short, black strands that were sticking in all different directions. the scar on his cheek, the mole under his lips, the doe eyes.
“i am,” he smiled. jungkook didn’t have to say how much he had missed you - you could see it all in his eyes, and that meant more than a thousand words.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Love Me*
Summary: The fifth and final part to Teach Me*
You and your best friend Harry have a few things to figure out.
So, why not figure them out while you're riding his face?
Word Count: 8.1k
*Contains Mature and Explicit Content. Take care of yourself first, only consume what you feel comfortable with!*
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Instantly, you go deathly still, muscles straining as the word echoes around the walls of your mind. Repeating itself over, and over, and over.
You attempt to sit up, but he doesn’t let you. He keeps his arms around you like a vice, caging you against his chest as his heart races beneath your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper, a certain ringing in your ears that won’t quiet. “What is it, what’s wrong?”
Somehow, his touch constricts even tighter, snaking around your ribcage as if to suffice as his reply.
“Harry?” you ask a bit louder, and you feel him stiffen at the sudden volume. “Harry, what’s wrong?”
He’s quiet. Far too quiet as his chin meets the crown of your head. 
“Harry,” you stress for a third time. “What happened? What is it? If you’re gonna use your safe word, you have to tell me—”
“Nothing,” he breathes, fingers digging into the skin on your side. Bracing himself from the truth. “Nothing. Never mind.”
“Never mind?” you nearly gasp as he finally lets go, allowing you to scramble upright. “Harry…you can’t say that and then never mind—”
“I didn’t mean to say it,” he mumbles, meeting your eye for only a moment before his lashes flutter and he looks off into the bedroom. “I just…I forgot. It’s nothing. Everything’s fine, okay? Just forget it.”
He pushes himself up as you climb off the bed, but your attention never leaves him. Studying his expression closely to find the real answer. 
“Harry…” you venture cautiously, and again, you catch the way he hesitates. “If I did something—”
“No.” His answer is instantaneous, head shaking once before he looks up. “No. I told you, it’s fine. Really—”
“It can’t be fine if you said it—”
“Well, I didn’t mean to—”
“How can you not have meant to? What were you trying to say? Nothing else really sounds like watermelon—”
“Just…forget it, okay?” he sighs as he stands up and reaches for his boxers. “What’s the opposite of watermelon? I’ll say that.”
“Harry,” you huff for the hundredth time. “You…look, if there’s something we need to talk about—”
“There’s not.” The conviction in his voice is final as he proceeds to slip his shirt back on. 
You’re slow to do the same, shimmying back into your clothes while also trying to maintain his focus. “We agreed that this only worked if we talked to each other. If we trusted each other—”
“This has nothing to do with trust, Bee,” he insists as he glances over at you. “I told you, it’s fine—”
“It’s not fine.” You nearly want to whine at his stubbornness. You’ve known him long enough to understand his little tricks. His tells. The way he avoids confrontation.
The way he avoids how he really feels.
“It is,” he says again, now brushing past you toward the door. “Okay? So…please. Just forget it.”
“I can’t forget it,” you argue as you follow him to the kitchen. “It’s a safe word for a reason. It means that you can say it and feel safe. That you can tell me what’s wrong, and what you’re thinking—”
“I don’t—” he begins before his eyes squeeze together and his jaw clamps shut. “I’m thinking I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. Okay? I just…I wanna drop it. So let’s drop it.”
You watch as he braces himself against the kitchen sink, hands gripping onto the tub as he leans back and aims his glare at the floor.
And it hurts. It hurts to go from happily content in his arms to anxiously dejected a few feet away.
It hurts to know that there’s clearly something wrong that he refuses to share. Hurts to know you can’t help. Even after everything.
You taught him how to touch you.
But not how to talk to you.
You straighten up. “Fine,” you agree. “Fine, we’ll drop it.”
“Thank you.”
The small space falls quiet as you do your best to ignore the ever-present ringing in your ears.
Dropping it doesn’t fix it.
But you don’t know what else to do.
“I think…I think I’m gonna go,” you whisper, already taking a step back.
His head lifts, lips parting as he watches you move away from him. “Oh…okay.”
Despite it all, you wish he’d ask you to stay.
After retrieving your things from his room, you head for the door to his apartment, your heart dragging behind you on the floor.
He doesn’t move from his spot. He doesn’t chase after you or try to explain. He watches you walk away from him as if he always expected you to.
You pause to glance over your shoulder and find him. To offer him one last chance. “Harry?”
You take a deep breath. “Do you regret it now?”
You half expected his answer to come as quickly as the others.
But this one doesn’t.
This one seems to catch in his throat as his expression falls. “…I don’t know.”
And that tells you everything.
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You don’t hear from Harry for three days.
He doesn’t text you. You don’t text him.
He doesn’t call you. You don’t call him.
You’re not trying to be petty. You’re not even trying to punish him, you’re just…
You and Harry don’t fight. Not once in the fifteen years that you’ve known each other.
Sometimes you’ll get into spats. Or heated arguments. But you don’t ice each other out. You don’t resort to games and the silent treatment.
If that’s even what this is.
You knew opening this door in your friendship would make it impossible to close.
And now, it’s letting in a draft.
And after everything you felt with him, after everything you realized…
Having him so far away, so distant…makes you feel empty.
As if there’s a missing piece to your puzzle.
You allow yourself to wonder if he’s simply learned all that he’s needed to learn from you. If he’s ready to be a good partner for Tina, and ready to resume just a platonic, non-sexual friendship with you.
Which you’d be more than okay with.
You would.
You’d have to be.
Because you don’t want to know what happens…if you wouldn’t.
So, you shove all thoughts of Harry and his lessons away. You reject each memory of his hands, and his lips, and his body, and his cock.
And you continue on with your life. You revert back to the way it was before, when it was just you and your vibrator.
But nothing is ever that simple, and you should have anticipated that even before there was a frantic knock on your door.
Confused, you toss your throw blanket aside and stand from the couch.
And when you swing the door open, you find Harry. Standing in your hallway. Slightly out of breath and wearing a curious expression on his face.
Kind of like the day he asked to eat you out.
The rush of deja vu almost overwhelms you as you blink at him. “…uh, hi?”
“Hi.” His greeting is as rushed as his gasp for air, as if he ran all the way up the five flights of stairs. 
“What…are you doing here?” you ask hesitantly, letting your eyes trail down his body, cautiously looking for an explanation.
There’s a pause as he seems to study you back before he straightens up and takes a step forward.
“I’m finishing the list,” he exhales before seizing your face between his hands and kissing you.
You don’t have time to grasp onto the concept of his lips as he walks you backward toward the wall, kicking the door shut on his way in.
And he takes. Exactly the way he had before. He takes and he savors, and he owns. He says everything with this one kiss. Everything you know he can never say aloud.
You don’t fight him on it. You probably should. Should probably stop him and ask him what he’s doing. Ask him what happened, what changed.
But maybe you don’t wanna know what’s changed. Maybe you’re just grateful it did.
So, you kiss him back. You kiss him, and you whisper his name, and you let your hands scratch down the back of his neck.
And you revel in the way he groans. In the way he drags his teeth down your throat to freshen up the already fading marks from the time before.
Then, his fingers trail down your arm to latch onto your wrist. And he tugs. Tugs you away from the wall he had pressed against so he can drag you toward your room.
“What are you doing?” you murmur as you scramble after him, an excited shiver traveling down your spine.
“You’re gonna sit on my face,” he declares, practically slinging you toward the bed. “Gonna sit on my fucking face and let me taste you.”
Your ass meets the mattress as he towers above. And despite how enthralled the idea has you…you pause. “Harry…I don’t know if that’s—”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he interrupts, leaning down to press his palms to the bed, caging you between his arms. “I don’t wanna talk, I don’t want to overthink…I just want you to sit on my face.”
Your lashes flutter. “Harry—”
“No,” he repeats. He offers a single shake of his head. “No. You said this is about trust, right?”
“Right, but—”
“So trust me,” he whispers, dipping closer until the tip of his nose brushes against yours. “Trust me when I say it’s fine. Trust me…when I say the only thing I want…is to have you ride my tongue.”
And right now as you stare at him, and feel him, and inhale him…you have no other choice but to trust him, too.
“Okay,” you breath, already desperate to have him touch you. Hold you. Remind you why it felt so right in the first place.
“Okay?” he checks, the corner of his mouth curling up in a pleased smile.
You nod. “Okay. I trust you.”
And he’s overcome with exhilaration as he grabs onto the back of your neck to bring your mouth to his.
It’s only been two minutes—tops. But you’d missed his kisses. Missed having his lips on yours. Missed the way he completely owned you. 
Missed the way he made you his.
He guides you onto your back, laying you against the mattress comfortably while allowing him the room to crawl on top of you.
And his frantic touches follow you all the way down, his nimble fingers dancing up your shirt until they can find your bare chest.
You gasp into his bottom lip as he takes you into his palm, effortlessly and expertly caressing you until you’re arching into his touch. 
He groans when he feels you. Takes pleasure in having you. Getting to hold you the way he is now. Explore you.
His knee makes a home against your cunt, pressing into you subtly, as if to jumpstart the process. And you squirm against it, lungs aching for air as you tangle your hands in his curls.
And for a moment, you both simply enjoy. Enjoy this rather innocent connection. This innocent sensation of your bodies finding a rhythm together. This harmonious link between your body and his.
Then, he scoops his arm beneath your hips and rolls you both over.
Your knees meet the bed, one on each side of his waist as you brace yourself against his chest.
He grins lazily but he’s far too focused on the task at hand. So, he curls his fingers around your sleep shorts and begins to pull them down. 
There’s a bit of awkward shifting and rearranging that follows as you help him toss them aside.
But once they’re off, his palms wrap around the backs of your thighs, and he brings you closer.
You’ve ridden a face before. Have quite enjoyed it, in fact.
But Harry…Harry isn’t just someone. Harry is…Harry.
And riding Harry’s face is a lot different than riding his thigh.
But he doesn’t give you a moment to think about that. And you’re almost positive he knows you are.
Because he shoots you this look of warning before tugging you closer to him, forcing your knees to scuffle a bit closer until you’re exactly where he wants you.
You take hold of the headboard to brace yourself, already tingling from where his fingertips are pressing into your skin.
And you can feel him breathing against you. Soft, chaste kisses being trailed along your inner thigh as he travels his way up. 
He might be new at this, but he knows exactly what he’s doing. At least when it comes to you, and you could almost smile at his attention to detail.
“Relax for me, Bee,” he instructs, nose bumping your clit as your breath hitches. “Come on, it’s all right. Just relax and let me taste you.”
You try to do as instructed, allowing yourself to sink down a bit closer. 
But the moment he drags his tongue through your arousal, you suck in a sharp breath and straighten up.
“Bee,” he growls, hands already pulling you back down. A bit harder than he had before.
“I’m sorry,” you gasp, lids growing heavy as the lust-induced haze begins to wash over you. “M’sorry, just don’t…don’t wanna hurt you—”
“And what did I fucking say about that?” he nearly snaps. “Hurt me. Fucking suffocate me, if you have to. Sit on my goddamn face until I can’t breathe.”
“Harry,” you whisper, eyes screwing shut as he repeats his previous action. “I don’t…I can’t—”
The sharp smack to your ass makes your head drop back. It’s loud, and it’s firm, and it stings more than his previous spanking.
But it’s fucking amazing.
“I’m not gonna tell you again,” he warns. “You’re gonna ride my fucking tongue until I’ve had enough. Is that understood?”
You feel yourself clench around nothing from the dominant tone of voice. Nails already scratching down the wood of your headboard as you try to find the strength to speak.
There’s another zealous slap to your skin, his palm painting your body red with salacious intentions. “Answer me, baby girl.”
“Yes,” you whine. “Yes, I understand.”
“That’s my girl,” he hums, lips ghosting your cunt as he speaks. “You do what I say. Go where I tell you to go. Let me put you exactly where I fucking want you.”
And to prove this point, he tugs on your hips until your pussy meets his mouth.
And suddenly everything makes sense.
It’s fucking magic the way he treats you. The way he tastes you. The way he covers his tongue in your need for him. 
He sucks and he swallows, and he pulls you so far down onto him that you’re surprised you don’t disappear into him.
But it’s…
The only concept you truly understand in this moment. Him and his mouth and this endless desire to take. To have.
And you let him. Let him have you. Let him roll you over his tongue as he laps at you like he’s an animal.
“Harry,” you breathe for a second time, legs shaking from beside his head. “Fuck…please—”
Another spank lands firmly against your outer thigh. You can’t tell if this is to please you or to punish you, but either way…you enjoy it.
You swallow another curse as you surrender to his instructions, allowing yourself to be guided even further down.
“That’s it,” he says before nipping at your clit with his teeth. “Knew you liked it. Knew you needed me to take care of you, didn’t you?”
Your whimper comes from deep in the back of your throat as you let one hand travel down to his hair.
And when you scratch at his scalp with bliss, he smiles.
“Oh, you did,” he answers for you. “Needed someone to make it better. Needed someone to do it right.”
And those stories you used to tell him about Eric come rushing back as you’re reminded of all the ways he’d never been able to get you off.
And the way Harry has done nothing but get you off since the moment you started.
 “Don’t you?” he pushes, clearly wanting to hear your confirmation, and you’re not surprised he has a praise kink. “Fucking needed me—”
“Yes,” you tell him. “Yes, always needed you—”
Another slap. “That’s right. Know you do. Know you need someone to make you feel so fucking good. Make you come the way you deserve. Make you see fucking stars—”
You cry out something resembling his name as his fingers begin to scrape down your legs. Forcing you impossibly closer. Forcing you to give him everything.
And he’s relentless. You truly cannot fathom anything besides the feel of his lips on your pussy or the way he holds you over his face or even the way he speaks to you. The low vibrations dancing right up the back of your spine.
Your mind is blank. Filled with nothing but images and feelings and ideas. Of the pleasure barreling toward you at an alarming rate. At the way he’s been working on you for only a few minutes but already you’re at the mercy of his objective. 
“Please, please, please.” The word drips from your mouth like falling rain. Over, and over, and over. You can’t do anything else but beg. Beg him to keep going, beg him to go harder, beg him to never stop.
“So fucking good,” he murmurs, tongue driving inside before curling. Beckoning your release closer. “Aren’t you, baby girl? So fucking good for me—”
You nod, lip between your teeth as you chew. 
“Make me so happy,” he says, nails clawing at the base of your spine. “Don’t you? Make Daddy so proud—”
“Shit—” Your forehead finds the headboard as you tug on his curls. It’s almost too much. Yet somehow not enough. “Harry—”
“Uh-uh,” he tuts, guiding you up as your chest just about caves in. “No. Try again.”
“Try again.”
Your eyes roll, half from the pleasure but mostly from the pain of his annoyance before you oblige. “Daddy…please.”
He doesn’t answer with words, instead forcing you back down to continue his ministrations. 
He knows you’re close. You know he knows. And his desire to get you there is power in itself. 
Because even after everything, even after fighting, even after years of friendship and dad jokes…he wants to take care of you.
Wants to give you exactly what you deserve.
So…he does.
The sound of his name on your tongue is dissolute and depraved. Needy and pathetic and filled with the kind of yearning you yourself don’t even understand.
But you welcome the relief with open arms. Welcome the way he holds onto you as he swallows the rush that follows.
And he fucking groans. In a similarly desperate way that nearly doubles the length of your orgasm. 
He’s never sounded so content. So satisfied and pleased. And you do feel good. Feel so good to have made him so proud. To have been the reason for this eager agreeance. 
But then…he doesn’t stop.
He doesn’t stop, even after you’ve attempted to squirm up and away from his continued attempts. Even after you’ve whined, “Harry,” and scratched a little harder on his scalp.
He keeps going.
“Har,” you sigh, already too sensitive to form a cohesive thought. “Har…s’okay…I came—”
“I know,” he says simply, palms pressing into your side to keep you exactly where you are. “And you’re gonna come again.”
“Harry,” you gasp, almost as if shocked by the very idea. “Har, I…s’too—”
“What?” His tongue flattens against your cunt before dragging up toward your clit. “Overstimulation was on your list, right?”
Your lashes flutter rapidly as you rest one hand back on the headboard. “I’m…yes…yeah—"
“Then you’re gonna come for me again,” he informs you. “And again. And again, until I’ve decided you’re done.”
And you want to argue. Wanted to tell him that you’re exhausted but you can already feel the next one on its way.
Because he’s speaking to you in that familiarly aggressive way that makes your heart pound. That makes your skin erupt into goosebumps and your brain turn to mush.
God, his voice. His voice alone could do damage. Could tip you over the edge a hundred times. He could be whispering the fucking alphabet and you’d be putty in his hands.
And maybe it shouldn’t be so easy to turn you so submissive, but you’ll happily do as he asks as long as he keeps asking you in that voice.
As long as he keeps telling you that your pleasure is his. That you…are his.
Nobody else exists outside of this room. Not Eric. Not Tina. Not any future lovers or partners.
Not even any consequences.
Right now, in this room…it’s just you.
The second one doesn’t hit as hard as the first, but it still knocks you off-kilter, forcing you to shake within his hold.
But he keeps you steady. In more ways than one. He makes sure you don’t have the room or space to crawl off him, or even think about takingyour pussy away from his greedy search.
“Harry,” you mewl, pulling so hard on his curls that it has to hurt. “Please…please—”
You aren’t sure if you’re asking him to stop or let you come again, but either way, he pursues the third one. 
And this time…he adds his hand.
After repositioning you just so, he easily slips two fingers inside, meeting your g-spot almost instantly. 
You nearly go blind from how good it feels, how hard it hits you. From how happy you are to find relief in his arms.
The third is kinder to you. Shorter but much more intense. Like a burst of pure adrenaline and euphoria. 
It almost hurts when you finally begin to unwind, and his movements start to slow. He must be able to tell you don’t have too much left to offer and you appreciate the way he eases out of you with great care.
He helps shuffle you back until you can collapse onto the bed beside him. But he doesn’t let you go too far, one arm wrapping around your shoulders to help cement you into his side.
Your leg tangles between the two of his while your face buries into his neck. You’re spent. Physically and emotionally. But he allows you a moment to rest, fingers stroking your skin gently to help bring you back to him.
“You okay?” he murmurs, turning his head so his lips can meet your forehead. “S’it too much?”
“No,” you breathe, eyes falling closed as you inhale the comforting scent of his cologne. “No, it was good. A little confusing…but good.”
And you know he knows what you mean.
But still, he chooses not to respond. Chooses not to offer any sort of insight into what happened that day in his room.
Instead, his arm pulls you closer. “Well…did we cover everything? Is there anything left to check off?”
Your head rolls back so you can see him, the idea already taking root in your mind. “I can think of one more thing…if you’re up for it.”
His eyebrow raises.
You smile. “Pegging.”
He leans back, eyes growing wide. “Really?”
“Yeah. But…only if you were actually serious about that,” you correct as you begin to sit up. “Most guys are a little hesitant about it, and I guess I get why. So…if you don’t think that’s something you’d really be—”
“I’d be honored if you’d fuck me.”
You blink. “Really?”
“Really.” His hand comes up to brush a fallen hair behind your ear, touch lingering on your cheek as he studies you. “I know you’d do it right.”
You grin. “I’m flattered you have so much confidence in me.”
“I do,” he agrees softly, thumb sweeping across your jaw. “Of course I do. You should know that.”
But you don’t know that. Not after what he said last time.
And the reminder of your previous argument makes you hesitate. “You need to really think about what you’re agreeing to, Har. Because if you don’t like it, and you want to stop…I need to know that you’ll tell me. I need to know that you trust me enough to tell me what you need.”
His brows pull together, lips quickly falling into a frown as his hand drops to his chest. “You know I trust you—”
“Do I?”
His tongue comes out to run over his bottom lip. “I promise. I trust you. I want to do this. I want to try it. With you.”
“If I don’t like it, I’ll say something. I promise,” he continues. “But I won’t know if I like it or not until I try. And you should always try everything at least once, right?”
You huff. “Yeah, but—”
“Come on…don’t you wanna fuck me?” he teases, gingerly nudging you with his elbow. “I’ll be such a good boy, I swear.”
And you groan at the playful way he speaks, already feeling much better about the proposition. “God. See? This is why I think you’re annoying.”
“You love me,” he declares as you stand from the bed.
And for some reason, your stomach tightens. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You gonna sit there all day or are you gonna strip?”
Instantly, he perks up, watching you closely as you rummage through your nightstand. “What, I have to take my clothes off by myself? You’re not gonna help me?”
“Nope.” You glance over and nod your chin at him. “Go on. Be a good boy.”
This time, he rolls his eyes as he laughs and begins to undo his pants.
As he begins to undress, you begin to gather what you’ll need. You locate the bottle of lube and the dildo, heart in your throat as you allow yourself to imagine what’s about to happen.
You don’t know if he’ll truly like it or not. You want him to. Want to give him as much pleasure as he’s given you. As much pleasure as he deserves. 
But…guys are weird about this. And this kind of intimacy goes far behind missionary.
You know what you’re doing. This isn’t your first time exploring the pleasures of a strap-on with a guy. You know you’ll be able to take care of him for as long as he lets you. 
You just…don’t want it to change anything else. You don’t want him to retreat into himself the way he did last time.
You don’t want to lose him.
You can’t.
Once you’re ready, you return to the bed just as he’s peeling his shirt off his chest and tossing it toward the floor.
And you let yourself admire him. Let yourself drink in each tattoo, each scar, each dip of his muscles. 
He is beautiful.
You notice the way he smiles at your admiration before looking down at the items in your lap. “Where, uh…where do you want me?”
You glance over the mattress. “Hands and knees should be good. Just…anywhere you feel comfortable.”
He nods once, swallowing thickly as he steps forward and begins to crawl back onto the bed.
The room is eerily quiet as you both move into position. You hadn’t expected things to feel so…heavy. But you suppose they are. Suppose neither one of you anticipated your adventure leading you here.
But…you don’t exactly mind.
He stills when he’s gotten into position, head dropping as he stares at your duvet and waits for your next instruction.
You clear your throat and reach out to smooth your palm down his spine. He jolts when he feels you but relaxes quickly, exhaling an anxious sigh.
“You okay?” you call softly, continuing the gentle caress to loosen him up. 
He nods again. “Yeah. Promise. Just…nervous? I guess?”
“I know,” you whisper, settling onto your knees as you dip down to press a kiss to his bare hip. “You still trust me?”
And you can feel the way his entire body goes rigid from your mouth on his skin, his chin meeting his chest. “Yes.”
“Fucking promise, Bee. Just…”
“Just what?” Your fingers dance toward his ass, ghosting over the curve as you move your kisses toward the middle. “Tell me.”
You’re happy to put him under the same duress he put you earlier, and the way his fists curl around the blanket beneath him makes you smile.
“Bee,” he attempts to warn, but you aren’t having it.
You simply trail your lips down the back of his thigh, and hum, “Come on, Daddy…wanna take care of you. But I can’t until you tell me what you want.”
You can see just how badly he wants to comply, his cock swollen and red. You know that’s mostly thanks to him eating you out and you feel your cheeks warm at the knowledge that it did that to him.
That you did that to him.
“Doesn’t it hurt?” you coo, reaching around to slide your palm down the tip as he hisses and lurches forward. “Poor Daddy…bet it’d feel so good to come, wouldn’t it?”
“Bee…please,” he respires. “Please, just…god, please touch me. M’gonna lose my fucking mind.”
You smile again as you straighten back up and reach for the lube. “See? Was that so hard?”
Your head shakes. “Mhm. Okay…I’m gonna start with a finger. But I need you to really be—”
“I know,” he whispers. “I know, I’m sure.”
“Okay,” you repeat, equally as soft before you squeeze the liquid into your hand. “Take a deep breath for me.”
He does, the muscles in his arms tensing as the tip of the bottle meets his ass. And when he feels the gel begin to drip down, he reels.
“That’s just the lube, Har,” you tell him, biting back a laugh.
“I know, but it’s cold,” he grumbles as you finish and toss the item aside. 
You give him another moment to unwind before you bring your pointer finger closer…and gingerly slide inside.
You’re more than careful, listening closely for his reaction. It sounds like…relief, but you can’t be sure.
“Har?” you call again, other hand smoothing along his hip to give it a squeeze. 
“M’fine,” he mumbles, once again fisting your duvet. “Promise. Go.”
“Are you—”
“Go,” he stresses before sucking in a quiet breath. “Please, baby. Go. Keep going.”
So, you do. You ease in a bit further until you’re about halfway in, pausing to let him adjust.
He seems to be doing pretty well, despite the way his stomach quivers and his cock twitches. 
And after pumping him once or twice with great care, you push in to the knuckle.
He likes this, a particular groan emitting from his throat as he subtly shifts back into your hand. “Shit, Bee.”
“How’s it feel?”
He takes a moment to think. To find the right words. “Good. Full…I guess.”
“Yeah, and that’s only my finger.”
You hear him make a noise that resembles a laugh before he groans again. “God…please don’t stop. Please…I promise, I’m fine. I just…I…”
“Need more, don’t you?” you answer for him, working the lube in and out as he nods quickly. 
“Yes. Yes…more.”
And who are you to say no?
You pump him a few more times before bringing a second finger into play. Again, you go slow. Making sure to gauge each sound and movement he makes so as to not hurt him. Or catch him off guard. 
But he’s growing desperate. Mindlessly following your thrusts as he grows accustomed to the feeling. As he becomes familiar with the pleasure it brings him.
His jaw drops, hand coming up to his cock to stroke it lazily, needing some sort of friction.
But you reach around and slap it away, tsking as you warn, “Not yet. Not until I’m ready—”
“Bee,” he whines, and the desperate waver in his voice almost guts you.
“Shh. Just one more minute, okay?”
“I know. M’almost ready. Promise.”
He does his best to comply, nodding weakly as he lets his hand drop back down to the bed.
And you feel bad for him, you do. But seeing him so unhinged just about ruins you, and you can feel the way your cunt aches. The way it practically yearns for him, dripping all down your thighs as you continue to work your fingers into him.
And once you’re sure he’s ready…you reach for the dildo.
You’re more than generous with the lube, making sure to keep the experience pleasurable and easy.
And the dildo itself isn’t all that intimidating. Not nearly as big as he is. Average, at best. Perfect for a beginner.
The lack of stimulation makes him restless, and your heart clenches for him as you secure the strap-on around your hips and finally bring the tip back to his glistening hole.
The faint brush of it makes him whimper, and the sound of this confident man coming undone by your hand is what changes everything.
It’s music. A goddamn symphony, and you chase the sound by slowly easing the dildo in.
An easy enough task, exactly like you’d hoped.
But he loses it.
The moan is deep and vulgar, echoing off the walls of your bedroom as you squeeze your legs together and press your fingers further into his hip.
“Good,” you hum, dipping down to kiss the base of his spine. “So good, Har. Promise. You okay?”
“Fucking shit,” is his reply. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You smile. “Give me your hand.”
He sluggishly reaches back for you, fingers intertwining with yours when you find him. And it makes your stomach flip but it’s not what you had in mind.
You bring your hands over to his cock, guiding him along the swollen shaft as he instantly ruts into your palm.
“Bee,” he gasps, squeezing both your knuckles and his tip. “Please—”
“I know,” you say again, continuing to work the dildo into him. Slowly at first before you find a steadier rhythm. “I know, doing so good—”
“That’s it. Just like that. Like when I play with you, don’t you?”
He nods as you both begin to pump him, now matching the pace you've set with your thrusts and the dildo. "Yes...yes. Please don't stop—"
"Won't. Promise," you whisper, kissing down his hip. 
His squirming increases, the one arm holding him up now shaking as he does his best to remain upright. 
But it feels too good. You can see the pleasure written all over the side of his face, and it does fucking wonders for you.
You've never felt more proud to be responsible for his pleasure. To be responsible for making him fall apart the way he is. For showing him exactly what he deserves.
And he takes it. Takes it so fucking well, clutching onto you as you continue to work him closer. 
And he feels so good. So good in your hand. So heavy, and needy, and ready for the release you've promised him.
You want to give him that release more than anything. Want to show him how good it can be. Want to show him the fucking stars.
He yells when he finds it. Your name and about a string of curses, all falling from his tongue one after the other.
He covers your hand, and your bed, and his stomach. And when he collapses, he takes you with him, pulling you down until your chest meets his back.
You imagine this can't be all that comfortable for him, especially with the dildo now halfway out, but he doesn't complain.
He continues to hold onto your wrist as he works to catch his breath.
And you don't fight it.
A minute or two passes before you gently ease the object out, unclip it from your body, and toss it aside.
He hisses at the loss of contact before settling once more, fingers still cemented to your hand.
You know you’ll need to clean up, but he doesn’t seem to have any future plans to do so.
It makes you smile, your cheek pressing into the space between his shoulder blades. His skin hot and slightly sweaty. 
For some reason…it feels good.
“Bee?” he calls quietly, as if not to disrupt the tender moment.
You hum.
“Thank you.”
You let your eyes flutter shut. “Hey, what are friends for?”
A beat.
He tenses. “Yeah…”
Then, the silence returns.
But this time, it’s different.
This time…it’s heavy.
And when he lets go of your hand, you realize it’s not just in your head. 
Things happen quickly. You barely get the chance to roll off of him before he’s sitting up and climbing off the bed. You don’t even have time to ask what changed as he begins reaching for his clothes to re-dress, your heart instantly dropping to your stomach.
“Har…?” you stammer as you awkwardly reach for your underwear. And this rush of deja vu is much more unpleasant than the last. “What…what’s—”
“I gotta go,” he mumbles under his breath, his back to you as he slips his hoodie on. “I forgot. I’ve got…something I’ve gotta do.”
“Oh…” Your chest deflates as you watch him step into his shoes. “What…um, what do you have to do?”
Once he straightens back up, he stills, and you wish you could see his face. “S’not important.”
With that, he heads for your living room, leaving you behind.
And you watch him go, a dumb founded look on your face as he makes his way for the front door.
A hundred and one things instantly run through your mind, from explanations to unpleasant realizations.
But the moment you watch him disappear into the hallway without so much as a glance back, you realize none of it fucking matters.
Just him.
You chase after him, scrambling toward the lobby in hot pursuit as he pushes through the double doors and disappears into the parking lot.
And you’re right behind, slipping out as well as he strides away from you, when you’re suddenly forced to a screeching halt the moment you’re met with a downpour of rain.
The sky is dark, the only smattering of light coming from the few street lamps placed along the sidewalk.
You hadn’t realized it was so late, or so rainy, but you don’t let it stop you.
Instead, you plant your feet onto the steps of the building, and shout, “Watermelon!”
It echoes across the parking lot until you see him freeze, his drenched back still to you.
Then…he turns.
Only about halfway, the hood on his head allowing just enough light to catch the side of his face.
But it’s enough.
“Watermelon,” you repeat as you take a step closer, water trickling down your hair, your body, your clothes. But you don’t care. “I call watermelon.”
He frowns. “The hell are you doing? Go back inside—”
“No.” Your teeth grit, fingers squeezing into fists by your side as a rumble of thunder rolls across the sky. “No. I want you to talk to me.”
His hands disappear into his pockets as he tosses a glare your way. “I told you, I don’t wanna talk—”
“Tough shit.” You take another step. “’Cause I do. And you owe me that.”
The frown deepens. “Bee…don’t.”
 “No, you don’t.” Another step. “After everything we’ve been through…you really think you can’t talk to me? You really think I’m not trustworthy enough to hear what’s going on?”
He scoffs and glances away. “God, you never fucking listen. I told you, it’s not—”
“No, you didn’t tell me. You didn’t tell me anything,” you remind him, volume raising ever-so-slightly as you continue closer. “Something is wrong, Harry. I know you. And I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me—”
“I don’t want you to fix it,” he seethes. “I want you to drop it.”
“I can’t.”
“Because we don’t do that. We work it out.”
“We can’t work this out.”
You hesitate as the first clue slips free. “So there is something to work out?”
He sighs, eyes falling shut. “Bee…please go back inside—”
“No.” Yet another step. “No. What is it? What happened? What did I do—”
“Nothing,” he nearly growls, whirling around to face you as if to really nail in his point. “I fucking told you. Nothing—”
“Then what?”
“What? Is this about Tina—"
“For fuck’s sake—”
“Seriously, did she say something—"
“Is she mad about this—”
“Can you just—”
“What? Do you feel guilty—”
“No, I just—”
“If you wanted to stop, all you had to do was say something—”
“I didn’t—that’s not—”
“Then what, Har? What happened? Why won’t you fucking—”
“I can’t do this.”
You stop.
He stops.
But nothing else stops. Not the rain. Not the lightning. Not the thunder. Not the racing in your chest as your heart beats against your ribcage like a goddamn drum.
I can’t do this.
You don’t think you heard him right. “…what?”
He scrapes his teeth together. “I can’t…I don’t wanna be friends with you. I don’t wanna be just friends with you, I don’t…fuck.”
He looks down at the wet cement as your lashes flutter and you work overtime to figure out what he’s saying.
“I—for fuck’s sake,” he hisses, almost more to himself before his eyes snap back to yours. “Look, I know that all of this was just…you helping me out. Okay? I know that. I know it meant nothing.”
A crack of lightning strikes the sky and somehow, it’s still not as intimidating as what he’s about to stay.
“But then…it did mean something,” he continues, a bit softer. “It meant everything.”
You don’t know what to say. Don’t know what he wants you to say.
“Don’t fucking look at me like that,” he grumbles, frowning once more. “I know, okay? I know. And that’s not…we agreed that it would just be…this. Just this. Nothing else. ’Cause we don’t do anything else. We don’t do…whatever, okay? I know.”
He looks back out into the dark city, leaving you to stare blankly at the side of his face. 
“But it’s you,” he says, hands nestling further into the hoodie. “It’s you, and it’s always been you. Fucking always, Bee. Ever since we were kids. And I didn’t…I didn’t know why. Didn’t even know what it was, but it’s never felt like this with anyone else. Only you.”
Only you.
“And I don’t wanna…fuck, I don’t wanna lose you,” he just about sighs. “I can’t fucking lose you, Bee. But it just…I don’t think I can do this and not fall in love with you.”
You suck in sharp breath, and he looks back.
“Because I will,” he whispers, despite the rain. But you hear it, clear as day. “I will fall in love with you, and I don’t know what I’ll do if you won’t have me.”
He stops now. Allowing the words to sink in. Allowing the truth to make a home in your mind.
And you work to understand. Work to find a response…but the only thing you manage is:
“What about Tina?”
After all, this started with her. It’s only fair that she play her part now.
His expression twists. You don’t know which way. “I like Tina. She’s nice. And she’d probably be really good for me.”
A pause.
“But she’s not you,” he finishes, and for some reason…you’re filled with relief. “It doesn’t feel like this with her. I don’t think it ever will.”
“You don’t mean that,” you blurt out, head shaking quickly. “No, it was just the sex. It’s throwing you off, it...it screws everything up and makes people think they feel one way…when they don’t.”
“Bee…” he begins, almost as if tired, but you barrel on.
“No, you said it yourself. Remember? Endorphins and shit?” You brush some wet hair from your face. “You just…it’s not me. It’s just the sex.”
“No.” He sounds so sure. So confident in his decision. “No, it’s not. It’s you. Always you, Bee—”
“You don’t have to like it. But that’s how it is—”
“Harry…you just…you don’t—”
“But I do.”
“Harry.” You want to stomp your foot. “You can’t…you don’t mean it. You’re confused.”
His eyes soften. “I’m not. I mean…I am, but not about why. Not about this—not about you.”
A pause settles between you as more thunder echoes across the dark sky.
And you look at him. Really look at him. Look for the truth, or the deception, or for anything that will help you make sense of all this.
“You said watermelon,” you remind him, blinking the droplets of rain from your eyes. “Why did you say watermelon?”
Another sigh as he glances back down at his sneakers. “’Cause…I knew. I knew I was starting to…need you. More than I should. And it fucking…it fucking scared me. It scared me how fucking…real it felt.”
Truthfully, you’re a little surprised that the man who has never once before admitted defeat would now confess his fear to you.
 But it makes your head spin.
“And I just…it was a lot,” he continues. “Seeing you. Seeing what I’d done. I mean…the marks. On your neck. I did that. I’ve never done that to someone before. But then I did. And I liked it. I liked getting to be that way with you, and it fucking terrified me. Because what if I hurt you? Actually hurt you somewhere down the line? I’d never fucking forgive myself.”
Your lips press into a quivering line. “…why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because it didn’t matter,” he huffs, stepping back. “It doesn’t matter. None of it fucking matters because you don’t feel that way, and we’re finished with the list anyhow.”
You instantly follow after him, bridging the gap he made. “Don’t. It always matters with us, Har. Always. I mean…do you really think I haven’t wondered the same thing? Do you think it’s been fucking easy to do this with you and then just go back to watching Schitt’s Creek? It’s killed me. Fucking ruined me from the inside out to watch you walk away from me.”
His teeth grit once again, as if steeling himself from the truth.
“You mean everything to me, you goddamn twat,” you just about shout. “Sex or no sex, it doesn’t change that. I agreed to do this with you because I knew it was us. I knew we would be okay. Because we had to be okay. I can’t lose you either, Har. So stop trying to make me—”
“Then, what do you want me to do, huh?” he bellows. “Just wait around for you to believe me?”
“I…I do believe you, I just…I—”
“You just don’t feel the same way—”
“No, I didn’t say that—”
“Then what—”
“What? I have to tell you, but you don’t have to tell me—”
“That’s not…that’s—”
“What do you want, Bee? What do you want me to do, what do you expect me to—”
“I love you.”
He stops.
Suddenly, and all at once, his eyes going wide.
But you don’t stop. “I love you,” you repeat loudly. “And I’m fucking terrified, too. Because I don’t want it to be just about sex. I don’t want it to be just the endorphins and shit. I want it to be real. I want us to be real.”
The silence seems to span an eternity as the rain continues to beat down around you.
Then…he surges forward.
He grabs hold of your wet cheeks with his drenched hands and yanks you closer.
And he kisses you.
He kisses you until you’re more him than you. He kisses you until you no longer have the strength to stand or the power to fight him.
He kisses you until it makes sense.
After a moment, he pauses to allow you a minute to breathe. But he doesn’t go very far. He presses his forehead to yours and he keeps you.
And it’s fucking…everything.
“What if we’re not?” he whispers. “What if we’re not real? What if we aren’t…us?”
You shake your head. "We'll always be us."
He exhales a gentle laugh before brushing his thumbs across your skin. "What if it changes everything?"
You wish you could assure him that it won't. Or even that it will, but in the best way.
But you can’t.
So, instead, you squeeze your fingers around his wrists and smile. 
“There’s only one way to find out.”
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Thank you so much to everyone for reading, following along, and offering me so much support on this series 😭 I will never be able to thank you enough for all the kind comments and wonderful feedback, but please know I appreciate you all endlessly 🥹💞💞💞💞
Also, I suppose I did kind of lie. This will probably be the last part of the “main” series but I’ve actually got a few more ideas for extra blurbs and parts about other kinks and situations they might get into. So, if you’d like to follow along, I would be so honored to have you back!
And if you’d rather leave their story here, that is absolutely okay, too! Thank you so much for being here!
Now…I’m gonna go cry HAHAHA ♥️
Next Part:
~ Find Me* (A Teach Me Extra)
Previous Part:
~ Feel Me* (Pt. 4)
~ Full Teach Me Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Tags: (I have no idea if you all wanted to be tagged in each additional part, and if not, please let me know and I am so sorry for dragging you here! And if you did...then welcome back!!)
@onlystylesss28 @winterrays @jessitpwk @aslugforharry @allthelovehes @straightnogayhs @adoringhrry @harrysxcarolina @lillefroe @avasversion @littlelunamoon @harrysgf01 @indierockgirrl @lexiecamposv @spinningoutwaiting4ya @hs-tpwkrry @vyctorya @b-reads-things @thiyaabs @buckybarnessimpp @whoreforjamesbuckybarnes @cherryluvhobi @mybabyh @xellybellyx @harrysxcarolina @reneemunson @juliatpwk @wolfmoonmusic @buckyssbestgirl @wandasbae616 @straightontilmornin @imavirginhoe @nuggetdean @tiaamberxx @chubby-cheek-calum
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chikaras-garden · 1 year
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Sometimes, when smut gets intense, we need a reminder that we’re still safe and loved. Read this if you need a safe space after heavy smut with your F/O.
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Pairing: your fave x fem!reader
Words: 1.1k
Contains: unnamed male!F/O, implied sub!reader, mentions of overstim and rough sex, aftercare, cuddles, sweet nothings, praise, doting, mushy relationship stuff, F/O calls R “sweetheart,” “honey,” “baby girl,” and “good girl,” your F/O is called “partner” so you can decide if it’s husband/boyfriend/etc.
Notes: 18+ or you’ll be blocked. Feel free to tell me who you imagine while you’re reading ❤️
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You’re sticky, hot with sweat, and your lungs struggle to fill with air. Your eyes squeeze shut as you wriggle against the bedsheets, trying to find comfort through the thick of your own overstimulated arousal. Though your body feels numb, you’re aware of a dull ache in the back of your mind, but you can’t tell if it’s mental, physical, or both. All you know is that you just spent what felt like hours at his mercy, and that turned you into a weeping mess with a throbbing core and limbs too heavy to move.
There’s a soft sound that echoes around the room, circling you; it’s a shush, a hum, a coo that sounds an awful lot like your name said in your favorite person’s voice. You sense him before you really feel him; it takes your brain a few seconds to realize that he’s leaning over you, hands caressing up and down your sides, and speaking to you in a soft voice, using words you can’t understand.
He takes your hands with the gentlest of fingers, nuzzles each of your palms, and presses a tender kiss to each wrist. The feeling lingers like a slow-moving cloud on a summer’s day, and the tightness in your chest loosens at the sensation. You take deep breaths in—one, two, three—and fill your lungs with warm, light air.
When you open your eyes, he’s smiling at you. “Hi, sweetheart. Feelin’ okay?”
“Mn,” you half-moan, half-grunt. Though your bones ache and your skin is sore, you gather all of your remaining strength to reach for his shoulders, to hoist yourself up to latch onto him and never let go. All you can think about is how you need him, the touch of his skin, the whisper of his praise. But, he sways out of your grasp.
“Uh-uh,” he tuts, grinning. “Water first.”
Biting your lip to hold back your pout, you think of phrases spoken in his domineering timbre: ‘be good for me,’ ‘tell me—tell me what you want,’ ‘good girls do as they’re told.’
Looking away, you mumble. “I need you.”
He cups your face with one hand, tilting your chin so he can see you. You can’t—don’t want to—resist, so you feel the weight of his eyes locked on yours while he reaches behind him, toward the bedside table. “You’ve got me, honey; I’m not going anywhere. ‘M right here. We’re all done. You’re safe.”
The cool glass of your water bottle meets your palms. It’s uncapped already, and you feel his hand resting on the small of your back. His fingers work into each muscle, and you only now realize how tense your posture is. 
“Need my help?” His doting eyes watching you with a worry that’s so ‘him,’ your heart flutters back to life. You shake your head, and he acquiesces; instead, he occupies himself with pressing warm, open-mouthed kisses to your bare shoulders.
It takes a moment for you to raise the bottle and drink. You close your eyes while a slow stream of water flows down your throat. Like the leaves of a dormant plant, you unfurl as water reaches through you. Life returns to your arms, your legs, your fingers, your toes. Even in your mind, the fog of your just-finished session begins to part, and the afterglow of your partner’s love for you is what shines through.
You take another deep breath while you lower the water bottle to your lap. Weighing the half-full container between your hands, you notice the tremble in your lip and a persistent ache in your wrists and shoulders, a chill in your bones that just now registers.
There’s a blanket waiting for you, warm from his body and smelling like his shampoo. Strong arms reach behind you, wrapping it around your shoulders like a cape. He joins its ends under your chin, smooths his fingers over the marks a different version of himself left behind on your neck.
Compared to you, he has a significant lack of coverage. Bare-chested and wearing only a pair of quickly-donned boxers, you realize he must be cold, too. “You—”
He cuts you off with an over-pronounced smooch to your cheek. “Don’t worry about me for now, ‘kay? I wanna get you cozy first.”
You give him an uncertain look, to which he just chuckles. It’s a quiet noise, like the purr of a cat; then, he leans close, resting his forehead lightly against yours. “Taking care of you makes me feel better.”
“Love you,” you murmur in response.
A sound that lives at the intersection of a shuddering breath and a delighted laugh leaves his mouth while he wraps his arms around your waist. He leans, shifting onto his hip, and tugs you effortlessly into his lap. “You did so good for me, honey. You’re the best girl, my perfect sweetheart, doing everything I asked and more. Where’d I find someone like you?”
You muster the energy for a dreamy half-smile. “I found you, remember?”
His next words flow out of his mouth without hesitation, as if he isn’t in control of them at all. “You saved me, baby girl.”
“From yourself?” You grin. “I think I’ve heard this one.”
Then, you wind your blanket-wrapped arms around his chest and nuzzle into his shoulder. It’s his turn to let out a dreamy sigh; leaning back against the headboard, he plucks your water bottle from you and takes a sip, beginning the ritual of taking care of himself, now that he’s certain you’re safe, drifting peacefully through the warmth of your bond.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers. “Such a beautiful, perfect thing.”
“‘M yours,” you counter amidst peppering baby kisses along his jaw. 
He swallows under your lips, and his hand finds your hip to squeeze. “No, sweetheart; you’re your own. You’re just sharing yourself with me, trusting me, and I…” He gives you a serious look. “Thank you, for that.”
So gently that you barely feel him, he taps the underside of your chin, guiding you upward to kiss him. His mouth is open, but not wanting; with how slowly his lips move, it’s almost like he’s baring his belly to you, showing you where he’s most vulnerable as his way of reciprocating what you just did for him.
“Love you,” you repeat in a whisper.
“Love you,” comes his echo.
Somewhere outside of this room, in a bathroom that’s just a few steps and too far away all at once, there’s a scented bath and silky lotion waiting for you—both of you. But that’s just the thing; it’s waiting, and it can wait a little longer, because all you need for now is to remain here, at peace and entangled with the man who loves you like no one else can.
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corvidcrossbow · 4 months
It's late when I'm writing this and I'm sleepy and I'm (again) thinking about Daryl falling asleep during sex.
Not in a mean way; say like he comes home from a run pretty late in the evening or night, you get him some food then help him through a shower and maybe a massage that ends in both your clothes gone and missionary.
Your bodies are about as intertwined as they could be; your legs hooked behind his back, arms around his neck and shoulders, his arms curled around your torso and head buried into your chest and crook of your neck.
He keeps murmuring about how much he missed you, how warm you feel, how good you smell, how soft your skin is; just how much he loves you. His thrusts are slow, almost lazy, kisses accompanying his words of admiration.
He's purring again, completely lost in you, melting into the feeling of your body beneath his cause it's the most comfortable thing to ever exist. His body's on autopilot to maintain his movements, but eventually his brain drifts a little too far to keep it up and he just falls asleep in your hold.
You whisper his name just once to check his consciousness, confirming that he's gone, then smile to yourself and resist your chuckle as to not rouse him. You brush hair back from his face, tenderly tucking it behind his ear with sweet little goodnights and a kiss to his forehead; to which he subconsciously cuddles closer to you. You watch him for a little, then fall asleep yourself.
Daryl groggily wakes up a couple hours later (he practically never sleeps more than a few hours without waking up), disoriented from drifting off mid action. Awareness trickles back to him, remembering what he was doing, only now pulling out of you and shuffling to the space in bed beside you, accidentally waking you in the process.
He tries to get you to go back to sleep, but is a little distant which just wakes you more. Truth is; he's embarrassed. In his perspective – from things he's heard and been told – falling asleep during sex is not only bad, but insulting: essentially saying you're disinterested and find it so boring you snooze.
Of course you catch onto this without him even needing to say it, but still persuade him to explain it himself since it's part of working with him on getting better at freely expressing his feelings and being honest. He keeps apologizing, saying he didn’t mean it like that at all and he was just really beat from the run; if you wanted to restart right now he's willing (he definitely feels like he disappointed you and assumes you're upset with him) (again that stems from preconceptions, not actually you)
So you shift up against him, wrapping him back in your arms and saying you understand he was really tired, and that's okay. He didn't hurt your feelings at all. In fact, you love that; the fact he fell asleep – that he felt so safe and comfortable with you, even during such a vulnerable thing, that he fell asleep.
He's confused. I mean… you were having sex, and seemed to be enjoying it, then his exhaustion essentially ‘ruined’ the moment, and your pleasure (this was early on enough in your relationship that he's still wrapping his mind around the fact you're in love with him, and not the sex – you love that too obviously, but that's not why you're with him. He struggles a lot with seeing relationships as 50/50, rather more 75/25, or 90/10 even, where he's most of the weight. It all stems from his upbringing and experiences, and feels he has a debt to be constantly repaying you simply because you're claiming you love him – he just feels like if he's not meeting expectations he set, he's not good enough, and if he's ‘fumbling’ in something as crucial as sex that's a major problem) (I gotta stop that here or ima get off track)
But anyway, you continue to correct and reassure him, running fingers through the roots of his hair, holding him to you and periodically peppering kisses to his head, temple, jawline and such while you speak, lulling him to rest again.
It takes him a little while to accept that what you say is true, as do most things you reassure him about. A lot of the earlier chunk of your relationship was spent undoing the intricate knots of negative thinking patterns and thoughts that wove into his mind throughout his life – all this being one of them.
He comes to accept it eventually, along with other things, and can now just cuddle up with you in intimate positions, but not actually having sex, and fall asleep in each other's embrace.
Yes your Honor, I am guilty of loving non-sexual cockwarming where you just stay like that to feel connected 😔🤞
(I swear I will post a req fic soon I needa lock in 🗿)
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