#he trained murders to attack and they help with guarding
"back off" with Jaason?
TW: patronizing man
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Scary dog privileges. That’s what Artemis called it once when she saw him in action.
Even if you were simply stopping by the corner store for some more bananas and yogurt, he was there. Anytime the sun set on Gotham and the criminals began to crawl out of the shadows, you couldn’t go anywhere without your guard dog.
At first it rubbed you the wrong way. Did he not trust you?
But then you learned quickly that it wasn’t you he didn’t trust. It was the leering monsters of Gotham who preyed on young women like you. You found solace in his presence, even if he insisted on following you the ten feet it took you from your work to your front door.
But this was the first time that Jason Todd had to go into scary dog mode during the day.
He had left the table the two of you were occupying so he could go help a woman outside who appeared to be struggling to juggle her grocery bags and her cane. You loved your kindhearted man and savored the sight of the way the corner of his eyes crinkled with his laughter. He took her bags in one of his big, strong hands and offered her his arm which she gladly took. Jason glanced at you through the window and jerked his head towards the left before holding up four fingers. 
He wouldn’t be gone long so you could hold down the fort for a bit.
The humid Gotham air caused condensation to gather on the surface of your travel mug and you absentmindedly drew your finger through the droplets as you thumbed through some paperwork that Bruce asked you to take a look at. For Wayne Enterprises, that is. Not the night job.
The Bowery wasn’t just Jason’s territory. You pulled the marionette strings for the daytime practices. As he cleaned up the mob, you focused on filling in the power vacuums left behind by various murders and arrests. Job training programs, continuing education, supporting schools, that was your thing. So when Bruce approached Jason about building a new library in the Bowery, your boyfriend directed his father to you.
You were so engrossed in the details of the building plan that you didn’t look up when the chair across from you pulled away. You assumed it was Jason, of course.
“Did you know your dad wants the entire first floor to be for children and teens while also supplying a social worker program on the second floor for the unhoused?” you mused. When your question went unanswered, you raised your head to find a man who was decidedly not your boyfriend leering at you.
“Can I help you?” you sighed.
“Hi. I’m Mark. I was working over in the corner and noticed that you were really focused. Can I ask what you’re working on?”
“No, but you can fuck off,” you said as politely as your sharp words would allow. “If you saw me sitting here, then you saw my boyfriend seated here too.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, I was just looking to make polite conversation but you’re over here jumping to conclusions. Can’t a guy just come say hello?”
You clasped your hands in front of you on the table and leaned forward. “Alright, Mark. What were your intentions when you came over here? Especially since you waited until my boyfriend was gone. That doesn’t seem to be polite conversation but predatory behavior.”
You flashed him a fake smile and batted your lashes. His lips screwed up tightly and he scoffed. “All of you females are the same. I mean, you really thought that I would want to hit on you? How arrogant can you be? Here’s a tip: learn to respect men an-”
He was cut off by a hand curling around the collar of his shirt. Jason yanked Mark up and out of the chair and pulled him in close, his lips peeling back in a sneer.
“Here’s a tip: you see any girl, but especially my girl, and you learn to back off before I break your arm off and shove it down your fucking throat,” Jason growled. You blinked up at the two men and then grinned, leaning your head on your hand and watching as your guard dog went into attack mode.
“Hey man, I was just trying to be friendly,” Mark gasped out. There was no way he could take on the over six foot tall tank that was Jason Todd. Your boyfriend’s jaw clenched and a vein throbbed under his skin, which you really shouldn’t find so hot. 
“Yeah? I wasn’t. You should be glad I’m feeling charitable today. Now, you’re gonna pack your shit up and get out of my fucking sight.”
He let go of the weasel and stepped back so his thigh brushed against your shoulder. Jason crossed his arms over his chest, accentuating his already massive form with the bulge of his biceps. Mark raised his hands as he scooched around the mountainous man and darted back to his table.
“Sorry, Mallory,” Jason called to the owner of your favorite cafe. She merely waved him off and shot you a wink. You leaned your head against Jason and raised your hand to settle on his waist but he didn’t relax until Mark was out of the store, the bell ringing behind him as the door slammed shut on his ass.
“He didn’t touch you, right?” Jason asked. His voice still held that sharp edge to it but it softened when he turned to face you. One of his hands came up to cup your cheek and you smiled at his touch.
“No, baby. I wouldn’t let him touch me even if he tried.”
“Good.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before he rounded the table and settled back in his seat. One of his hands remained clasped over yours as he gazed at you from across the table.
“Guess what your dad wants to do on the first floor?” you asked as you waved the building plans in front of his face.
“Tell me,” he hummed. Jason Todd might be your guard dog, but you never saw his fangs directed at you. Despite his size and stature, he was just a little puppy when it came to you.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 month
Folsom Prison Blues | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? ;) )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, sexual harassment, crude sexual comments directed at reader, mentions of rape, panic attacks, sexual coercion, blackmail, recovery from an assault (PLEASE PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN READING THIS CHAPTER IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO ANYTHING PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED! Please take care of yourselves, lovebugs.)
Word Count: 5303
A/N: This is definitely one of the darker chapters I’ve written. I just wanna reiterate that if you are at all triggered by mentions of rape or sexual harrassment happening toward the reader, please skip this chapter. However, there are no explicit scenes of assault. I always feel like that crosses a line when writers add those really descriptive scenes.
Remember, if you are a victim of anything like this, you are loved and you are not defined by what happens to you. As a victim myself, I completely understand if you make the decision to skip this week's chapter.
Again, please, please, please take care of yourself while you read this chapter. I love you all! And minors, definitely do not read. doooo notttt readddd.
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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“Have I mentioned that I hate this idea?” you said to Dean harshly, standing outside of the Impala.
Dean chuckled. “I think a few times.” He kissed your forehead. “Look, Deacon’s a friend of ours. He’s got you covered. See you in a few days, okay?”
“I fucking hate this idea,” you groaned.
Dean leaned down to kiss you, effectively cutting off your sentence. “Just trust me, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. See you, Dee.”
And with that, you set off to meet a friend of John Winchester’s, Deacon, at Green River County Detention Center. Several men had been brutally murdered in the B-block of their men’s prison, and Deacon, the warden at the prison, had come to the Winchester brothers for help. Reluctantly, you agreed to pose as a guard in-training to be right there with the boys the whole time and to assist with their escape. 
Your plan was only able to be accomplished due to the fact that the FBI hadn’t gotten a clear photo of you; not from the bank and not from your previous arrest. Your mugshot from Baltimore had “mysteriously disappeared.” However, Sam’s and Dean’s photos were all over the place; Dean’s from St. Louis and a sketch of Sam from a witness in Milwaukee. The two boys were going to purposefully get arrested to be able to get into the B-block of the prison. That was why you hated the idea so much. 
Deacon was tough, you wouldn’t lie, but no tougher than your father. His whole “ex-military” thing didn’t intimidate you at all, and perhaps that was what kept the other officers from messing with you. You’d proved in your “training” how capable you were, and Deacon claimed that was part of the reason they accelerated the hiring process for you. 
However, your tough, impenetrable attitude didn’t deter the inmates from making jabs at you. Your first day on the job, a scrawny inmate with rotting teeth smacked your ass harshly in the cafeteria. You promptly had him on his stomach with his arm twisted behind his back. Deacon called you into his office afterward to fill out an incident report.
“Guessing you guys don’t have that many female hires, huh?” you asked Deacon upon entering his office.
He chuckled. “That’s a nice way of saying it. Most girls wouldn’t be caught dead in here, and we pretty much don’t hire ‘em. Just for their own safety.”
“Don’t you think that’ll raise some red flags, then? Especially given the fact that I appeared out of nowhere and ‘accelerated through training’?” you questioned.
“(Y/N), we don’t exactly hire the best and the brightest. Besides, that sort of thing happens with the guys all the time. Some get transferred from other prison, for others, this is their jumping-off point before they start workin’ for the police force. Actually, I think a lot of ‘em are too excited to see a girl to even think about where you came from. Trust me, nobody’s paying enough mind to your circumstance to notice any of the cracks,” he assured you. 
You let out a breath. “Okay. The boys get arrested yet?”
He nodded. “Should be on their way over now. Just finished questioning them a few counties over.”
“Wait, questioning them? How serious of a questioning are we talkin’ here?” you asked.
“Uh, I don’t know. That’s above my paygrade, kid,” he replied. “Look, I’m gonna be honest with you. This isn’t gonna be a cakewalk for you. I run a tight ship, but you’re fresh meat. Some of these guys haven’t seen a girl in fifteen, twenty, thirty years. When they see you, be prepared for some wild animals. What happened earlier isn’t gonna be an isolated incident. 
“But one of ‘em even looks at you funny, you tell me. Don’t go lookin’ for trouble, though. Keep your head down and only jump in when you absolutely have to. I have you on patrol of the cell blocks so there’ll at least be a barrier between you and them. At meal and rec time, though, I can’t protect you from what’ll happen.”
You nodded, bile rising in your throat. 
“Why don’t you get outta here? I’ll see you around, okay?”
You nodded again and smiled a little before turning around and heading out of the door. Some of the male guards snickered as you walked past them through the hallways of the prison, but you paid no mind to them. You were focused on seeing your boys again. 
“You don’t belong here,” one of the guards called after you.
You turned on your heel sharply. “What’d you say to me?” 
“You heard me, toots. Go back where you came from,” the guard replied, a foul smile across his face as his buddies snickered.
You gave him a challenging glare. “I’m gonna say this as politely as I can: get fucked.” 
You turned back around and walked away, only to feel a harsh yank on your arm to turn you to face the man. “What’d you say?”
“You heard me, toots,” you said, mocking him. “How small is your dick that a third-grade insult from me got you all fired up? And holy shit, do you need some listerine. You got halitosis? What’s going on there?”
The guard’s friends began to laugh, too, much to the chagrin of the man still holding your arm. He released you roughly, and you knew it’d bruise tomorrow. “I oughta teach you some respect,” he said.
“Oh yeah? And risk losing your job?” you questioned. “You make one wrong move, and I start screaming.”
He scoffed. “Whatever. Just fuck off.”
“That’s what I was doin’,” you replied, turning away again. This time, he let you leave, and you were grateful. You were trying to remain as unnoticed as possible during your time here; despite the fact that being the only female guard put an immediate spotlight on you. 
You continued down the corridor to your assigned patrol; right outside the doors of one of the cell blocks. You tried to seem as unfazed as possible in your nerve-wracking situation and walked with authority; as much as you could muster given most of these men towered over you. You mentally cursed your father for stunting your growth by starving you to make sure you stayed small for hunting purposes. Your baton in hand, you walked up and down the cells. 
“Hey, they got us a hooker,” one of the men from the cell laughed. “How much for the hour, sweetness?”
As that man’s cell erupted into laughter, you walked past another where a man was pleasuring himself in plain view of the hallway. You knew he was doing so to get a rise out of you, and you swallowed your nausea and continued walking. 
“I’m gonna fuck you real good, sweetheart,” a man growled from behind his bars. “At rec time, your ass is mine.”
Again, you just kept walking, ignoring their lewd and offensive comments. You prayed to see Sam, Dean, or Deacon sooner rather than later to continue going through with this. And for a moment, you wondered if this case was even worth it. ‘If these fucking scumbags are the ones dyin’, I’d be okay with that,’ you considered. 
At the prisoner’s scheduled lunch time, you held up the end of the line of prisoners heading to the cafeteria. Every time the men at the back of the line tried to turn their heads to sneak a glimpse at you, you used the butt of your baton to hit them on the back of the head and turn their gazes forward. You weren’t completely comfortable doing that, but you were doing your best to prove that you weren’t someone to be messed with.
When you arrived with your group of inmates in the cafeteria, you saw Sam and Dean sitting alone at a small table and talking in hushed voices. You hoped your face didn’t convey your relief to see them. Even though they were in orange jumpsuits, just the sight of the Winchesters made you feel safer. Dean caught you staring at him and smirked a little before turning back to his plate. You forced yourself to remain stoic and keep your hardened expression on your face. Dean got up from the table with his tray to go throw his food away, and Sam followed. Sam somehow didn’t notice a heavily tattooed prisoner with a thick goatee heading straight for him, and he crashed right into him.
“Sorry. I—” Sam tried.
“Watch where you're going,” the man said.
The brunet stumbled over his words. “Yeah. Sure. I just—”
Dean walked up in front of Sam, voice darkening. “He said he was sorry.”
“You talking to me?” the man scoffed. “Are you talking to me?” 
“Great, another guy who's seen Taxi Driver too many times,” Dean quipped. “Yeah, I'm talking to you. Trust me. Let it go.”
The tattooed man walked away, and Dean turned around to Sam. He said something quietly and winked at his brother, making Sam roll his eyes before catching sight of the much larger man the tattooed prisoner was walking back over to them with.
You tried to keep your composure when the man swung a punch at Dean. Dean, however, caught him and held him in place from behind. “We can end this right now. No harm, no foul,” the Older Winchester asserted.
The prisoner soon broke from Dean’s hold. He grabbed him again and slammed him against a wall. The man stepped back on Dean’s foot, and Deacon subtly jerked his head at you for you to step forward to help break up the situation.
“That’s enough!” Deacon commanded, walking over to the man Dean had brought to the floor. “On your feet, Lucas.”
The tattooed man, whose name you just found out, stood. “Yes, sir, boss.”
Deacon held out his baton and pushed Dean’s chin up with it. “What's your name?” he asked him.
“Well, Winchester, not a good start.” Deacon stared him down angrily. “Solitary. You too, Lucas.”
You immediately grabbed Dean’s wrists and began pushing him in the direction of solitary confinement while another guard grabbed Lucas. 
“Are we having fun yet, huh?” Dean called over your shoulder to Sam.
You roughly shoved him forward, making him face ahead again. 
“Y’know, I usually don’t let girls tie me up without a first date,” Dean quipped. You knew he was trying to rile you up and get you to break character for his own fun.
“If you wanna keep your tongue, I suggest you keep your mouth shut,” you replied forcefully.
For some reason, that comment seemed to excite Dean. You fought back an eye roll at his amused expression. You roughly shoved him— not too hard, just hard enough to sell it— into the solitary confinement cell and slammed the door shut. 
Dean smirked at you. “See you around, sweetheart.”
You tried to fight the heat rising to your cheeks, upset by how easily he could get a rise out of you. You left him in solitary confinement and followed the guard who’d brought Lucas to solitary back to the cafeteria. 
“The boys seem to like you a lot,” he sneered. “Havin’ fun yet?”
You recognized him as one of the men who’d taunted you after you left Deacon’s office earlier that morning.
“Buckets,” you responded dryly. 
“I can think of a few ways we could have some more fun,” he said to you, backing you into a wall. 
“Get off me!” Your breath quickened, and without even thinking about it, you used the flat part of your forearm to push his chest away and kneed him in the groin.  
“You bitch!” he yelped. You took off running back to the direction you thought the cafeteria was in, taking a moment to steady yourself against a wall. You couldn’t seem to catch your breath, and you slumped down against the wall, clutching at your chest. You closed your eyes and did your best to steady your breathing and thankfully succeeded. You wiped the few tears that had fallen from your eyes, and steeled yourself to go back out there. 
You rejoined your group of guards, including Deacon, and the other prisoners. Deacon seemed to notice you were upset but said nothing about it. All he said was, “You’re watching the bathrooms with Jones,” referring to your next assignment during the prisoners’ working hours and your partner for the time being. 
You were relieved to see Sam when you made it to your destination. He was having to scrub the floors with a mop that seemed to be more like ragged threads now than a cleaning tool. 
“How you doing?” Sam asked the older prisoner he was with.
“I’m fifty-four years old, mopping the floor of a crapper with bars on the windows. How you think I'm doing?” the man’s scratchy voice replied.
“Alright. Bad icebreaker. I'm Sam.”
“Nice to meet y—” Sam cut himself off, seeming to have realized something. “Randall. Hey, weren't you there the night that guard died?” 
That caught your attention. You threw a look to the guard in the other part of the bathroom ensuring he was focused on other prisoners and not Sam and Randall’s conversation.
“Yeah,” the man replied.
“Well, what happened?” Sam pressed.
“They say the stress of the job got him.”
Sam stopped mopping. “Yeah? What do you say?”
Randall didn’t answer. “Why are you inside, kid?”
“ 'Cause I got an idiot for a brother.”
“That'll do it,” Randall replied. “Well, this place ain't so bad. Compared to the old cellblock, this is the damn Hilton.”
“You spent time in the old block?” Sam questioned.
“Oh, yeah, I was a regular customer.”
“Didn't they have Mark Moody over there for a while?” Mark Moody was the man who Sam and Dean suspected of being your ghost killer.
“He was there. Yeah I was there, too, the night that lunatic bought it,” Randall explained.
“Yeah? It was a heart attack, right?”
The older man chuckled. “Sure, his heart stopped right after the guard stopped using his head for batting practice. The next morning, I was in his cell, mopping up the blood. What a mess.” He shook his head.
“Wait. So he– he was beaten and– and nobody reported it?” Sam asked in confusion.
“You kept your mouth shut, unless you wanted to die from the same heart attack, y’know?” Randall chuckled; the gravelly sound almost sending a chill down your spine. 
‘This guy could easily play Hannibal Lector,’ you thought.
“Randall, exactly how much blood was there?”
*** When working time was over, the prisoners had an hour in the yard before dinner and returning to their cells. You watched from the far corner of the fence while he played poker with every man who was dumb enough to try him for cigarettes. You folded your arms across your chest and watched with amusement when Sam came up to him and began bickering with him about something.
Dean then stood and yelled, “Hey, fellas! Who's ready to deal?”
He played several more rounds of poker, and you did your best to pry your eyes away from him so as to not arouse suspicions of any kind. However, that proved to be the least of your worries.
The guard from earlier whose balls you’d kicked in came up beside you and nonchalantly leaned against the gate. “You’re playing hard to get. It’s cute. I like it,” he said.
“Leave me alone, please,” you replied coolly. You were ready to bash his head in.
“Or what?” he challenged, still facing forward. “I think you owe me an apology for earlier. I’ll have a real treat for you tonight when we get off work.”
You jerked your head toward him. “You try anything, and I swear to god I will gut you.”
“Easy there, princess. It’d do you well to get in good with me. I’ll be able to protect you from them.” The guard nodded out to the inmates who would turn their heads every once in a while in your direction.
“Not interested,” you said simply. “Besides, I think I need more protection from you than from them.”
You could feel his gaze burning into the side of your head. “Maybe so. Maybe if you don’t give me what I want, I’ll take it out on your little inmate friend over there.” He nodded toward Dean who was triumphantly fistpumping after winning another hand of poker. 
You looked back at him, worry swimming in your eyes.
“That’s right, I noticed how you keep looking at him. You’re not very subtle, I hope you know. And he’s definitely not,” the guard said. “So, if you wanna keep him alive, you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. I’ll see you tonight.”
You stared at the ground ahead of you in fear and tried to think your way out of your situation. All that played over in your mind was the sickening feeling of his body against yours in that cinderblock corridor outside of solitary confinement. Bile rose in your throat, and the only thing snapping you out of your trance was the whistle indicating the end of rec time.
You went through the motions of your “job” by escorting the prisoners from the yard into the cafeteria for dinner. Your head was not at all in the moment or in the case, and fear kept your adrenaline moving for the next several minutes. It wasn’t until Dean got in another fight and nearly got himself killed that your adrenaline surged for a different reason.
“If we'd waited any longer, you'd be dead,” Deacon told Dean.
“You waited long enough,” Dean huffed, trying to catch his breath.
Deacon shoved his baton into Dean’s stomach, and you nearly lunged at him for doing so. He grabbed the back of Dean’s head and told him, “Do yourself a favor. Don't. Talk.” The warden looked up at you. “Take them both up to the infirmary.”
You and the guard who’d been harassing you did so. Dean noticed how off you were, but did his best not to convey what he knew. When you got both Tiny and Dean into cells, you had no desire to leave with the guard; afraid of what would happen to you.
You were almost angry at yourself. You were (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You’d fought monsters, ghosts, and demons, and you were losing your mind over a guy that would shit his pants if he knew what you’d seen. However, the fact that he was still a very real threat drowned out those thoughts.
The man Dean had fought had apparently died in the infirmary; no doubt by the hands of the thing you were hunting. While Dean was fighting said man, Sam snuck to the room Moody had been murdered in and burnt the rest of the blood away, so you knew it couldn’t be him. All you could do was wait for the boys to talk to the other prisoners to get the name of your true target.
Later that night, you just wanted to make it back to the Impala when you got off your shift. You even waited a while after everyone else on your shift had left to make your way out of the prison. You hoped the guard whose name you didn’t even know wouldn’t make good on his threats. However, your stomach dropped when you saw him leaning against Dean’s car.
You stopped several feet from him.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he told you.
“How the fuck do you know what car I drive?” you questioned.
“It’s not hard. I mean, you’re the only ‘67 Chevy in the parking lot. Nice ride, by the way,” he said.
“Fuck you.”
In an instant, he was running toward you. You turned and sprinted away, only to be knocked to the ground by the man. He roughly pulled your hair back, yanking your head back against him. “Remember what I fucking told you,” he growled against your ear. “Are you gonna start playing nice?”
Everything felt wrong. No matter how many showers you took, you couldn’t scrub the feeling off your skin. Back in your motel room, you laid on your side wrapped in an oversized shirt. You stared at the wall in the dark, completely numb. You hadn’t even been able to cry since it happened.
You couldn’t think. You couldn’t move. For hours, you laid there. You wouldn’t allow sleep to hold you close enough to darken the world around you. 
One thing you kept thinking was ‘I’ll never be the same again.’ The words played on a loop over and over in your mind. They danced around in your head for hours, taunting you. 
You wanted to climb out of your skin. Start the day over. You wished you’d fought back. Wished someone had been sound to stop him. The scrapes on your left wrist and arm were undoubtedly going to bruise in the morning, and your uniform wouldn’t exactly hide them. You knew Dean and Sam would ask questions, and the former would rip the guy’s head off. You didn’t even know that guard’s name. Everything just felt so wrong. 
But you wouldn’t let this stop you from doing your job. You wouldn’t let those boys brave that place alone with no word from you. And so, despite everything in your body telling you not to, you went back to the prison the next day.
You could tell Deacon knew something was wrong, but he didn’t press you further. The other prison guards didn’t seem to notice a difference in you; except, of course, the guard’s posse. They would snicker at you every time you walked past, and you could only imagine what your abuser had said about you. 
Thankfully, you only had to endure this last day of awfulness. Deacon was going to “fire” you right after rec time was over to give you enough time to get the Impala pulled around the back of the jail for the brothers to escape through. Your job was to wait for Sam to come over to you and give you the name of the person you were after and find what cemetery they were at. Then, you were going to get the boys the hell out of dodge. 
You watched the boys in the rec yard talking to Randall, the man Sam had gotten information from while they were cleaning the bathrooms. Then, the younger brother came over to you. 
“Hey,” he said, looking around to see if anyone was paying much attention to him.
“Hi,” you replied.
“Whoa, what happened to your arm?” Sam asked in concern, noticing your very obvious scrapes. 
“Oh, it’s nothing, I—”
“This guy bothering you?” That awful, familiar voice said from behind you. 
Without turning around to face your abuser, you replied, “No. Please, go away.”
Sam glared at the man behind you when he noticed how upset the guard’s mere presence made you. You could tell he knew the guard had done something to you; he was a smart boy. 
“Glockner,” was all Sam said to you before turning away. 
“Surprised you’re able to still walk—”
You immediately turned around to him and punched him square across his jaw. 
“Bitch!” he yelled.
“Fuck you!” you yelled. 
‘Deacon’s firing me anyway,’ you thought. ‘Might as well give him a legitimate reason to.’
You got down on top of the guard and started punching hard. His face was bloodied and bruised, the man barely hanging on to consciousness before you were pulled away, kicking and screaming by two other guards. They dragged you over to Deacon, who promptly made a scene of firing you. He escorted you out to the parking lot where he said the cops would be waiting for you to bring you in for questioning. 
Once the two of you were far enough away, he roughly spun you around to face him. “What the hell was that?!” he questioned. “You know they’re gonna be out for blood now!”
“I know that, Deacon! Maybe if your guards weren’t fucking scumbags, though, I wouldn’t have had to do that!” you yelled back.
“What?” his voice quieted considerably. 
“Nothing,” you said. “Just tell my boys I’ll be back for ‘em tonight.” You turned on your heel and walked away. 
“Hey, kid,” Deacon called after you.
You turned around. 
“Thank you. And… I’m sorry. For whatever happened.”
You nodded and turned back around again.
*** You discovered that “Glockner” was the name of a nurse in the seventies who’d been caught in the crossfire of the inmate uprising that occurred following Moody’s death. She’d been buried at Green Valley Cemetery following the severe cerebral edema the inmates gave her. 
You returned to the detention center under the cover of night and pulled the car around the back of the prison away from the parking lot where the guards were beginning to change shifts. You waited anxiously dressed in civilian clothes again for the boys to come out of the HVAC unit Deacon told you would be attached to the room he would be bringing the boys into following their staged fight. 
“Oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes,” a familiar voice rumbled. 
Dean and Sam leapt over the fence separating you from them, and you couldn’t help but collapse into Dean’s arms. “Whoa, sweetheart, what’s—”
“No time, guys,” Sam reminded you. “You can reunite later. We gotta go.”
As if on cue, an alarm began to sound through the prison. Immediately, you nodded and broke away from Dean. You headed to the driver’s seat so Sam and Dean could change while you drove. Quickly, you headed to the cemetery Nurse Glockner was buried in. 
The brothers caught you up on everything that had been happening to them since you hadn’t been able to talk much over the last week.
“What?!” you exclaimed, following them through the cemetery. “Henriksen’s here?!”
“Yeah, which is exactly why I wanted to get the hell out,” Sam told you. “They were gonna extradite us back to St. Louis or Baltimore or something. Whatever was gonna happen to us, it wasn’t gonna be pretty.
“Jesus,” you responded. “And no doubt, they’re gonna be looking for me soon, too. I beat the fuck out of a guy who knows I drive a ‘67 Impala.”
“What?!” both boys questioned upon reaching the grave of Nurse Glockner.
You nodded solemnly. “Yeah,” you said. 
“I’m gonna need a bit more of a response than ‘yeah,’ sweetheart,” Dean grunted as he began digging.
“Later. Let’s just get this over with, okay?” you said, helping the boys dig faster. 
You could feel both brothers staring at you in concern, but you couldn’t look up at them. 
When Glockner had finally been salted and burned, you and the Winchesters returned to the Impala and quickly drove away. 
“You know, I almost wish I could see Henriksen's face,” Dean joked as the Impala’s engine purred.
“Really? 'Cause I'd be happy if I never saw him again,” Sam replied tightly. “I mean, we're not really out of the woods yet, Dean, you know? You thought we were screwed before?”
“Yeah, I know. We got to go deep this time,” Dean responded.
“ ‘Deep,’ Dean? We should go to Yemen,” Sam quipped.
“Ooh, I'm— I'm not sure I'm ready to go that deep.”
You were silent the entirety of the drive over state lines and to a motel in the middle of wooded nowhere. You were silent through the check-in process, and silent when Dean crawled into your bed behind you later that night. He began to kiss down your neck, and you wanted to enjoy the feeling so badly.
“Dean.” Your voice broke as you whispered his name.
Immediately, Dean took his face away from your neck. “What?” he asked, hearing how upset you were. “What is it?” 
“I, um—” you started, unable to turn to face him. “I can’t.”
“Why?” he asked softly.
“The guard—” you said. “—from the rec yard. He, um.”
Dean lightly turned you to face him. “(Y/N), what’d he do?” His voice had darkened considerably at the thought of someone hurting you. 
“He, uh—” your breath shuddered, and you were unable to meet his gaze. “He raped me.”
You swear all of the oxygen looked like it’d been punched out of Dean, his face hardening in the darkness. “Oh, I’ll kill him—”
“Dean, don’t, okay? It’s not gonna—” you protested, reaching up to grab his face to make him look at you. “It’s not gonna change anything.”
“I know, but—”
“Dean, I thought beating him to a bloody pulp was gonna make me feel better. It didn’t. I just feel more disgusting. Like, why didn’t I do that when it was all happening?” You began to cry. “I just— I’m trying to forget it ever happened. And I know I won’t. And it’s awful. And I just— I need time,” you explained.
Silence settled over the two of you for a moment.
“Do you want me to leave?” Dean asked softly.
“I— I don’t know. I just—” You took a deep breath. “I don’t really know how I feel about touching right now. Can you just lay with me?”
He nodded and climbed into bed beside you, the two of you staring up at the ceiling. Wordlessly, you slipped your hand under the covers and reached for his hand, lacing his fingers with yours and squeezing tightly. 
Your world was turning completely upside down. Your mind wouldn’t slow down, and you didn’t sleep much at all that night. However, you knew that whatever happened to you, Dean was there to keep you grounded. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
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Some more dragons
To give more context to people! Yes this story sounds very silly but I was trying to make things work with the tons of headcanons I have lol
Geno (sky/ice), Fresh(rain/ice), and Error(night/ice) are all half-brothers (they share the same mother who is now dead) They live in the rainforest together between the Nightwing and Rainwing territories
Geno is sickly and often needs a scarf or blankets to make him feel warmer. He sustained injuries to an attack to the rainforest and Error found out he was an animus by wishing his brother to stay alive
Fresh is a very clever hybrid who can change the colors of his scales but not as well as full Rainwings. He tends to stay either bright colors mixed with his original white
Error learned he was an animus after an attack on the rainforest, he's best friends with Ink despite always getting mad at the happy-go-lucky rainwing (Error is cousins with Cross but that'll like never get brought up or found out by any of them)
Ink is just a regular Rainwing but is friends with the hybrids out of the village so people thing he's a little funky. He's an artist through and through and Error gives him a giant brush that makes his drawings come to life using his animus powers
Dream and Nightmare are both twin Nightwing/Sandwing princes (Nightmare got bullied too hard for being a "bastard prince" even though Dream is also one) Both are empaths and can feel other's emotions!
A massacre happens in the Sandwing Kingdom when the royal family (trying to stay pure) tries to kill Nightmare when Dream isn't around. Nightmare escapes, angry that his brother got better treatment than him, while killing many other dragons in the process
Blue is a royal Seawing guard in training even though his parents wanted him to be a cook and Red is a Skywing who is captive by the queen since he was experimented on by his father (scientist)
Reaper is an outcasted Nightwing due to accidentally killing people with just a touch (animus curse by xgaster) He uses it to his advantage with his Nightwing powers by being able to prophecy someone’s future or find parts of their past. He is known as this Reaper judge that gets sent for when giant disputes happen and the Queens of the tribes need to figure out who to punish. When he meets Geno, who is also animus touched to not die, Reaper is fascinated that he is able to touch Geno
The broad animus stuff is due to Xgaster (Nightwing who is part of a split tribe situation with eviler Nightwings lol) trying experiments on Nightwing eggs to make their dragonets stronger. I imagine its a group still like wanting to be better than every other tribe and resides in the old Nightwing palace
Cross is a Nightwing who is gonna stop his dad in the big storyline
MURDER TRIO! All of them are dragons that were outcasted and seen as incompetent or needed a home. They pledged their allegiance to the Sandwing prince Nightmare and promised to help him take the throne.
Dust is an animus prince in the Icewing tribe that went crazy after killing his siblings, he tends to be calm but becomes crazed easily and can kill easily with his powers (although he tends not to use them anyways and is just a very good fighter). He created a cloak to calm himself down and he tends to keep it over himself. He actually ran away because the judge (Reaper) was going to be sent to their tribe
Killer is a Rainwing that was captured and trained to fight in the now shut down Skywing arena. He was used as target practice for his changing scales and they even burned a target onto his chest so they'd always be able to see him even when his scales changed
Horror is a bigwings who watched all his sibs die during a famine in the Mud kingdom (due to drought). Older Mudwings tried to kill him for being a waste of space but he escaped and joined Nightmare.
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idle-soliloquy · 1 month
Prison AU (?)
TW: Attempted SA (not between Gale and John), violence.
About 4 hours ago, this idea hit me like a freight train. I think I might turn it into a full fic, but for now... here it comes.
After years of suffering abuse at the hands of his father, Gale finally snaps. He’s had enough, and for the first time, he decides to fight back. 
With little mercy—not that his father deserves any—he doles out the punches. His mother is there, watching, screaming at the top of her lungs and begging them both to cut it out, but it’s far too late. It’s vicious and heated, a rabid fight for survival. A fight to the death, as it turns out. 
The facts of the case are indisputable—after a push to the chest, James Cleven falls back and hits his head, cracking his skull on the tiled kitchen floor, dying instantly. 
Gale’s lawyer claims self-defence, leaning on the years of abuse as mitigating circumstances. The murder charge gets changed to voluntary manslaughter. Gale is sentenced to five years in prison, with the possibility of parole. 
Heading for the prison gates, Gale’s aware of his vulnerability. He’s young, has no prior history of violence, no connections inside the joint, or in the criminal world outside of it. He’s distinctly alone—there’s no one he can count on to stand by him when (not if) things get out of hand. Afraid, but ready to stand up for himself, he enters. 
He’s placed in a cell with a young man named Curt, who’s loud and brash, but ultimately friendly. It quickly becomes apparent that prison life has its own intricate set of rules. Observing the ebb and flow of inmates and their daily interactions, he notices a couple of prominent groups emerge from the more passive crowd, including a respected ‘gang’ of inmates that call themselves the 100th, with a man called Bucky at the helm. 
Gale’s wary of him.  According to his bunkmate, Bucky’s swell. But how can one be swell, if they murdered a man in cold blood in the middle of a train station? 
In the chow hall during breakfast, and out in the yard, Gale can feel Bucky’s eyes sliding across his back like a hot poker. It’s unnerving. Makes Gale’s teeth stand on edge. Bucky’s illicit presence is like a blazing cocoon of (un)wanted attention that settles around Gale’s shoulders, and stays there no matter his disgruntlement with its weight.  
As the days go by, Gale keeps his distance, but can’t deny that he’s horribly intrigued. Why won’t Bucky come to him, if he’s so bothered? Curt says it’s cause Bucky never forces anything. Gale should be the one to come to him. That’s just the way things are done around here. 
Gale’s too proud to bite the bullet and reach out. So, they keep circling each other, Bucky always somehow in Gale’s vicinity, and Gale standing on attention, his unreasonable heart hammering in his chest when he spots the other man out of the corner of his eye. 
A couple of weeks into his incarceration, the dreaded moment comes: Gale is set upon by one of the other prominent gangs in the prison hierarchy, one with a less pleasant reputation than Bucky’s lot. At first, he holds his own, but things are looking bleak. Roughed up and swaying, Gale’s strength is close to waning, when—
Three guards step out of the shadows, and break up the fight. Chaos ensues, but the attackers are quickly corralled, and the main offender is sent off kicking and screaming. 
A figure looms at the periphery. With one eye nearly swollen shut, Gale watches Bucky come closer, with Curt hot on his heels, and... lets himself be helped, lifted off the ground. He hates it, viscerally, but his body’s aching and there’s bile in the back of his throat. He’s acutely aware of what Bucky’s just saved him from. 
His jaw is so tense it’s clammed shut. He wants to thank him, but the only pathetic sound he’s able to force out is a wheezing cough. 
Bucky rubs his shoulder, helps him get the tremors under control. 
“You’re alright. It’s gonna be alright,” he says, tone soothing. His piercing gaze is gone, replaced with a swell of tenderness.  
After a trip to the infirmary, Gale gets back to his cell and crawls into his bunk. He can’t sleep, staring at the ceiling, mind in a perpetual whirl. 
He hears Curt roll out of his bed and tiptoe across the room. 
“You alright?” 
 The blooming bruise above Gale’s right eyelid pulses like a living thing. He looks at Curt, and nods with little conviction. 
“You know it was him, right?” Curt says. 
“What?” Gale swallows. “What do you mean, him?” 
Curt points to his battered face. “The guards. They came to save your ass cause Bucky called.” 
“You’re shitting me.” 
“Cross my heart, hope to die. It was him, alright. And when you were in the infirmary, one of the guys from the 100th was standing watch.” 
“Why?” asks Gale, breathless. 
“Cause Bucky’s told him to.” 
Gale shudders. Of course, Bucky’s got the guards at his beck and call. Gale’s done nothing so far but ignored the man, but he’s still dispatched them like it was nothing, like it didn’t cost him anything, which Gale knows cannot be true; here, every favour is a trade. In one way or another, Bucky’s paying for Gale’s protection. 
“You have to get yourself sorted out, man,” Curt whispers. “It’s gonna happen again, you know that. We can’t keep an eye on you 24 fucking 7, unless—” 
“What am I supposed to do?” 
“The only thing you can do. Get yourself under Bucky’s protection. It’s the safest place to be. No one in the 100th holds with rape, it’s pretty much the only rule we go by.”
“And what do I have to do in exchange for his protection?” Gale asks through gritted teeth, expecting the worst. 
Curt frowns. “I just told you we don’t hold with rape. Nothing. Be a part of the group, uphold the code. Protect others in turn.” 
It sounds too good to be true. 
Curt won’t stop talking, praise after praise pouring out of him. You’d think he is Bucky’s biggest fan, and maybe that’s exactly the case, and for a good reason too. Gale learns that Curt went through a similar ordeal, but since he’s been running with Bucky no one has dared to touch him. But the final straw turns ot to be the full story of how Bucky’s landed himself in prison: the man he’s murdered in cold blood raped and killed his teenage sister. Bucky chased him across the country, from Wisconsin to Wyoming, after the man was acquitted due to lack of evidence. 
“I’ll talk to Bucky first, let him know you’re coming,” Curt suggests, and Gale, swallowing down his pride, agrees. 
A strange thing happens the next day—Gale’s moved from his cell to a new one, with cleaner, sturdier walls, and a bed that doesn’t creak and wail with every shift of his body. He’s even got a proper pillow, all fluffed up, with a mint chocolate placed neatly in its centre. 
His new bunkmate is none other than Bucky himself. 
“Curt came in for a chat this morning. Said you wanted to see me,” Bucky says from the doorway. “I pulled a few strings and got you moved in here for now. Better keep an eye on you.”
Bridling, Gale turns away, but doesn’t mouth off. Doesn’t want to come off ungrateful.
“So—” Bucky says when Gale remains silent. “What do you wanna chat about? I am all yours.” With a wink, he sits on his bunk bed, arms crossed on his chest, head cocked to the side. 
The words barely crawl out of Gale’s mouth. “Let me join you. Protect me,” he says, “and I’ll stand by your side.” 
Bucky smiles, a wicked glint to his eyes. “What’s your name?” 
“You don't know it?” 
“A name is something willingly given.” 
Gale blinks, bewildered. “It’s Gale—” 
Bucky barks out a laugh, and shakes his head. “Gotta give you a new one, a proper prison name. A name like Gale’s gonna get your ass kicked even with my protection.” 
“How am I supposed to—” 
“Your name is Buck from now on.” 
“What?” Gale gapes at him, frozen to his spot by the tiny sink, nails biting into the heels of his palms. “You gave me your name?” 
“Gotta clean out these pretty ears of yours, Buck, or are you hard of hearing? It’s an entirely different word. I’m Bucky, you’re Buck. With a name like that, there’s gonna be no doubt who you belong to.” 
More to come (maybe) to ao3 near you… 
Thanks to @angelfruittree for being the best brainrotting partner, and @nicijones and @don-humes-tiny-shorts for their brilliant suggestions on what crimes Gale and John would be capable of. Kissing your brains!
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In prison AU, I feel like darling would be an young cop in training and with not very much experience and that Darling just got out of college and just started the work. The reason why they hired Darling in an such dangerous prison (Probably the most dangerous prison as there's demons and ghosts and insane man) is because just like in the Mental Asylum AU, Darling is very good the job and pretty good at it.
Well those are my thoughts but I would like to hear yours words at the Darling in this AU, If you don't mind😊 .
Something Short (Prison AU Introduction)
Warning: Criminals, death row, rape and sexual assault mentioned, murder, violence, cannibalism, graphic descriptions of crimes, mental disorders, mental instability, sadism, apathy, sexual themes, robbery, drug use, sexual harassment, short tempers, big sentences I'm talking life, massacres and more. This AU is not for the faint of heart.
Yep! I didn't do all of them (I think I left out 2 people, but besides that they're all here.)
I feel like you would be having a paid internship at the maximum security prison due to you being the best cop at the college you're attending.
Here's what you need to know.
Jeffery Woods. A man in his early 30s, arrested for multiple accounts of serial Murder, Mutilation, Kidnapping, Torture, Stalking, Vandalism, Arson, Breaking and entering, Parricide, Drug use and rape. He has the reputation of assaulting, mocking, teasing and harassing guards. Jeff is often in solitary confinement, but that doesn't stop him from his usual actions. Has to be kept away from Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw due to them activity starting fights. He is deemed one of the deadliest prisoners. During your internship, he will be one of the prisoners you'll be interacting to help sharpen your skills. He will by far be one of if not the hardest to interrogate.
Tobias Erin Rogers. A man in his late 20s arrested for Serial murder, Torture, Vandalism, Arson, Stalking, Patricide, Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, and suspected of multiple accounts of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed. Currently sentenced to life in jail with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. He suffers a handful of disorders and quite often causes trouble for both staff and other inmates. He struggled with controlling his emotions and his impulsive behavior which often leads to himself, inmates and staff to be harmed. Despite this, you will be interacting with him during your internship due to him being able to get a long with staff for a short period of time if he finds them "hot." Warnings, don't get too attached, don't believe most of the things he says, don't give or take anything from him, and don't let his suffering fool you. He has a history of using his suffering against others and actually led to him escaping when he was first sent here when he was 19, and they didn't capture him again until last year when he turned 27.
Liu Woods, also known as Homicidal Liu. A man in early to mid 20s, arrested for Serial murder, stalking, kidnapping, robbery, breaking and entering, assault, and vandalism. Currently serving a a sentence of 50 years but has a chance of parole once he serves 20. Liu is the little brother of Jeffery Woods, and after Jeffery almost murdered him, he developed an alter ego named Sully. Lui is is relatively quiet, observant, possessive and violent. But his violence gets worse when he's Sully. Lui normally doesn't harm guards or prisoners unless provocted, but he has attacked them with no apparent reason on multiple accounts. Liu is one of the prisoners you will be seeing often due to you working mostly in his section of the prison, where most of the pastas are such of Eyeless Jack and Toby. Warning when dealing with Liu, watch your words and actions, DO NOT touch anything of his unless it's a danger to him or others, and don't asked him too much about his past due to it being his biggest trigger in becoming Sully. If you're dealing Sully, be extremely careful, don't make sudden moves and don't anger him. Sully is extremely violent, sadistic but oddly childish. Sully is supposedly a seven year old according to both himself and Liu, so treat him as an extremely dangerous child.
Helen Otis, also labeled The Bloody Painter. A man between the ages for 25 to 35, arrested for Serial murder, kidnapping and breaking and entering. He culprit of both the 1994 school massacre and a murder case in 2003. He is sentenced to 45 years without parole. Helen is extremely apathetic, cold and selfish. Despite this however, he can be polite, a gentleman. All of his murders represent some form of art, using the blood of his victims to create beautiful work at every crime scene. Helen is two faced, meaning that his gentleman front is an act, nothing genuine. Helen doesn't fight staff or prisoners, only attacking if they were to attack him first. He's known to be polite to both staff and prisoners, even flirting with some of the staff members. You'll be using Helen's cases as a way to practice investing crimes scenes, and you'll be interacting with Helen occasionally in order to figure out the motives behind his murders. Warnings when interacting with Helen, don't fall for his manipulation, don't fall for his charm and never allow yourself or him to go off topic.
Eyeless Jack. A demon is what he is. Not a human, not a ghost, but a demon sent from hell. EJ's age is unknown, we don't how long he's been commiting his crimes or even how long he's been around. But, relying on appearance alone, he appears to be a 24 year old humanoid with no eyes. Ej is charged with serial murder, cannibalism, kidnapping, breaking and entering, and stalking. EJ's sentence is life in prison without parole and the judge is consider the death sentence. Ej doesn't talk much, always watching the other prisoners with hunger written on his face. He's often wearing a mask, but when he isn't you can see the Eyeless sockets and if he opens his mouth, the hundreds of tentacle like tongues he has. No staff member is allowed to be alone with EJ due to him in the past immediately murdering and eating the staff members' organs. EJ is known to be cruel, sadistic, highly intelligent and scarily patient, he's a predator. During your internship, you won't be interacting with EJ unless told, and even then you won't be allowed alone with him. But you can't shake off the feeling someone is following or watching you. Is that... Blood?
Laughing Jack. Another demon we holp in or facility. To be honest, we don't even know if he's a demon or an imaginary friend gone real, we really don't know. We don't know his age or how he manifested. Even if we rely on his appearance, we can't determine how old he might be. Jack is arrested for serial murder, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, and breaking and entering. Jack is extremely playful and childish, his main victims being families, but mostly their children, he claims he's a child's best friend, he's also evil, sadistic, cruel, and an overall mystery to us. He is sentenced to life in prison, but even then he has escaped multiple times. You won't be interacting with Jack at all during your internship, due to his case still being looked into and more and more charges are being found for him. But every day he finds you, talking to you, showing you tricks, being playful and entertaining, but you can't ignore the look in his eyes. You don't exactly know how to explain it, but whatever it, his plans for you are far from innocent fun.
Timothy Wright. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for serial Murder, Stalking, trespassing, kidnappings, rape, vandalism, breaking and entering, and arson. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Tim is quite the unstable prisoner, often seen yelling and cursing and fighting people oen minute, and muttering, pulling at his hair, screaming and crying the next. Tim suffers from both schizophrenia and MPD, and due to us restricting his meds so he wouldn't abuse them causes him to be, uncontrollable. Tim has an alter ego named Masky. While Tim is more calm yet violent and moody and often in some form of distress, Masky is short-tempered, violent, sadistic, and an awful man. Whenever Tim is Masky he claims he doesn't even remember the stuff he did, but he describes it as him blacking out. Tim isn't out often so during your internship you'll mostly be interacting with Masky, not Tim. If your interacting with Tim, don't think for a second he's nicer or safer. Tim can be rude, mean, manipulative and violent, but with Masky it's at a whole different degree. When dealing with Timothy, don't fall for his manipulation, tricks, charms, nothing. In the past he's been known to have lighters, cigarettes, guns and other things just from having one conversation with a guard. If Tim starts become more and more unstable, leave and call a hard to take him back to his cell to calm down. You have to have Strong skin if you're gonna deal with Tim/Masky. He's ruthless, blunt, sadistic and will make you cry and breakdown, all for his amusement. He often fights with Tobias and yells at his 'friend' Brian, who often either ignores him and mocks him.
Brain Thomas. A man in his early to mid 30s, arrested for Stalking, serial Murder, Theft, Kidnapping, suspected of sexual assault but is yet to be confirmed, vandalism, hacking, blackmail, breaking and entering, arson and torture. Sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole after serving a minimum of 30 years. Brian also has an alter ego by the name of Hoodie. Brian is often quiet, observant and keeps to himself most of time, mostly only interacting with Tim and a few others but tends to be by himself in his cell most of the time. He has a reputation of being a charmer and a flirt with the guards only to use them to get stuff such as phones and cameras. What he needs the camera's for, we don't know. Hoodie on the other hand rarely talks. And when he does it's slightly deeper than Brian's voice. Hoodie is way more hostile and alert than Brian, and unlike Tim, Brian remembers everything that he does while as Hoodie. When you interact with Brian, don't listen to words, don't fall for his charms, and more specifically, don't fall for his blackmail. It's not sure how, but Brian has dirt on everyone who works at the prison, and anyone who hasn't followed his orders became another victim to his blackmail. Brian, just like his co-workers Tobias and Tim, is very sadistic and cruel, and surprisingly apathetic. He admitted that everytime his victims would cry or tell him how bad of person he was, he'd only smile and laugh and told them that he didn't care. When dealing with Brian, don't talk too much, and don't talk too little. Brian is a gather, an interrogator, he knows how to get info by any means.
Benjamin Lawman, also known as Ben Drowned. A man in his between the ages of 18 and 23. Ben is a ghost, or more a vengeful spirit, but he's like a human, being able to touched and seen. Ben was charged with serial murder, kinda of a cult leader, drug use, kidnapping, hacking, vandalism, torture, stealing government files, tampering of evidence, and suspected of rape but is yet to be confirmed. He is also on death row but the judge is considering possibly taking him out if he's willing to help them with tech, but by how things are going so far Ben is stuck on death row. Ben is a sadistic, apathetic, oppressive, controlling, perverted, master manipulator who literally doesn't give a shit about anything. His mugshot was like those teenage dirtbag videos you see on TikTok. Ben is known for starting power outages, corrupting camera footage, sexually harassing staff and making the prisoners in the other half of the prison his bitch just by manipulating them. Ben doesn't see prison as prison, he sees it as a small little vacation, the only thing missing is the tech and drugs. You are forbidden from interacting with Ben due to him being a high level threat. Those who have to interact with him remove any and all tech, including walkies and watches. Ben is held in a special cell, with him cuffed and against the wall. When you walk into his room, his glitched out voice erupted into laughter and he has a deranged smile on his face. He's extremely close with Jeffery and EJ, all them being trialed together and sentenced together. When he heard about you from Jeffery, he paid you a little visit on the camera feed, even walking out of the computer and touching you. They thought moving the computers to a different building would stop him, nope! If you ever were to run into Ben, protocol is to do what he says and get out as soon as possible. Ben loves how hot you are, he mainly wants your ass. Ben wants you purely for his own pleasure, both sexually and physically, he wants to hurt and fuck you so bad, but until he gets the chance to work with you, he must wait.
Jonathan Blake, or popularly known as The Puppeteer. A ghost between the ages of 20 to 30. An evil spirit. Charged with serial murder, Stalking, Breaking and Entering, and Abuse. He's been sentenced to life in prison without possiblity of parole. The Puppeteer is a dangerous and hostile being, in the past having interns and staff who struggled with their mental states to kill themselves after interacting with him only once. Due to this, you'll be getting a mental evaluation to see if you're classified to interact with him during your internship here. The Puppeteer does tend to be quite an emotional rollercoaster, sometimes he randomly enters states of rage and confusion before shutting down. We don't know much about his past, any time we tried asking he'll either be confused or enter a state of rage. If you are classified to interact with him, here's what you need to know. We don't call him Jonathon, he doesn't respond to the name, it's possible he might've blocked out his memories, so we call The Puppeteer, since that's what he responds to. Don't let him get to your head. The Puppeteer is infamous for the mass suicides in the area. He's extremely manipulative and also a charmer, so it's important not to fall for his antics. We does have two confirmed accomplices, but we are yet to confirm who exactly they are, nor have we caught them. One day during your internship you were caught by, golden strings? That's when you saw him. He claims that you were too beautiful to kill, but you would be perfect as a puppet. His mindless, emotionless puppet. Be careful around him, very careful.
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sweeneydino · 8 months
*BIG INHALE* Hi! I’ve been rotating the Spikeangelo au in my brain for a while, and things might get incomprehensible real quick. Not all questions, some just comments... 90% of this is just musing as the train of thought jumps rails and causes massive casualties; no need to answer all if you chose to answer any.
1. The fact that Master Splinter lets Titan live with them BEFORE he knows that he’s a version of Mikey, even after the attempted murder… man will look at a mutated turtle, ask, “Is anyone going to adopt that?” and not wait for an answer.
2. In Turtle Temper, Splinter says, “Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story”. Ronin has a choice here: pest Raph by eating, or troll Splinter by not. What choice would he make?
3. It seems like during the Slash and Destroy episode, Titan already had his outfit. If so… where did he get the clothes? The little turtles don’t really wear anything (and their clothes would be much smaller), so unless Splinter has a secret goth wardrobe, the only thing I can think of is that Raph is Very Optimistic about how tall he’s going to get, and has stockpiled clothes accordingly.
4. A while back you mentioned Titan “chewing [Shredder] out” after Shredder kills Splinter during the Triceraton invasion. The image you drew made it look like a tirade, but the first thing that came to mind for me was… more along the lines of using Shredder as a dog toy.
5. You said that after Slash and Destroy, Titan hides for a while out of shame. When does he rejoin the others? Before the invasion, *during* the invasion, after? Does he join the farmhouse arc, or does he do as canon Slash does and defend NYC while the rest of the turtles are gone?
Ah... there's a very long part six that's just about the ghosts... I don't think I'll be bothering you with that today.
When I see these types of asks, I can never control the squeal that comes out of my mouth. I love detailed analyses about my aus
I also love completing things, so let's do them all!
1) Yep! Idk whats with the Splinters, but if it's turtle-shaped and needs a home, well say no more!
When Spike turned to Titan, Splinter already sensed something off with him, something more familiar than a family pet, but he would never figure out why until their lair is attacked by the kraang at the start of the invasion.
It's hard not to realize that your son's former pet knows moves (and shows a strange amount of wisdom) that you're 90% sure you never taught or shown to any of your sons.
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I think he's still upset about the pizza. Or Raph's anger.
3)Dumpster diving?
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I'll be honest, I forgot to write it down... So we will stick to this simple solution for now🗿
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Okay, well... Shredder ALMOST became a dog toy. Let's just say that (this will totally not be a future comic)
5) He reunites with them after the newtralizer arc! After a little convincing ofc
When the invasion begins, he's with Splinter and Leatherhead, having defended their home and now searching for the turtles. They find Shredder after they exit the sewer, and Titan isn't too pleased to see the old bastard, attacking him in a rage once he hears about Leo's possible "demise."
Unfortunately, when he gains the upper hand, Titan is the one caught off guard and knocked into the machine, crushed by the pipes.
Before Shredder could really begin his usual evil monologue, he becomes distracted with Leatherhead, allowing Splinter to check on Titan and help him out of the pile of metal. Despite the likelihood of having a huge bruise on his ribs, he'd be fine. Even better if he could get rid of all their issues right there in front of him.
The one wrestling an alligator. And somehow winning.
And when he sees that devil in that all too familiar armor toss leatherhead into the pit, he's all too ready to kill him.
Yet he can't. Because He's not the only one wanting to prevent the past from happening again.
Splinter sends him away to find his sons, Titan's brothers - well, sorta - and even if he wants to bring Oroku Saki, the worse pain imaginable, he's more concerned if they are okay.
Okay, well, if the rest of them are okay
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He'd find them, with him.
And uh. I think Leo's perfectly fine.
So when they decided to leave for April's farmhouse, he stayed in the city to search for Splinter and the other Mutanimals after leaving Leo with the others.
Maybe he sees himself as a burden.
Then the rest you make up on the way 👍 /j
This was very fun! Maybe I should just write paragraphs or smol little chapters with much more detail and flow🤔
Nah, I'll just draw.
Can't wait for the looooooooooonnngggg part six :D
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neverniko101 · 3 months
Krxkentale- Nightmare’s Gang
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Canon Horror? Fanon Horror? What about both. On the same team. Ehehehehehehehehegegehhe-
To be clear I love them both equally and have nothing against anyone who likes/dislikes one or the other
Rambling below!! This will eventually be a comic I swear, just wanna finish current ones first :3
Fanon!Horror- The Bear
Original by Sour Apple Studio
- Worked for a multiversal agency that provided highly trained soldiers to act as mercenaries to whoever could pay, regardless of what they did. Horror was one of these soldiers, as he was indebted to the agency for rescuing he and his brother from his collapsing AU. This agency (too lazy to name it) was very shitty to those who worked for it, paying almost nothing and often making them fight for food to encourage violence and distrust. They wouldn’t want an uprising, after all…
- As these mercenaries were being hired by Nightmare’s enemies and proving to be quite annoying, he showed up and destroyed everything, killing, capturing, scattering, or recruiting all the soldiers. He offered Horror the opportunity to work for him as a guard and soldier, in exchange being treated as a noble with all the food he could want.
- Horror is large, gruff, and always hungry. Despite his rough nature, he tends to be the kindest of the gang and becomes very protective of the others as he gets to know them.
- The reason his AU collapsed was because the code itself was starving, drained of enough magic that it started digesting its own code, collapsing in on itself. Fun. Otherwise, it began as a normal Horror!tale AU.
- His brother worked at the kitchens of the agency and went missing during Nightmare’s attack. His whereabouts are unknown.
Murder!Sans- The Crow
Original by Ask-Dusttale
- A Mad scientist both in the terms that he is crazy and he is angry. Made a deal with the god of Death (Reaper) to permanently kill the human from his timeline despite their Determination, having Reaper personally come and drag them into hell. In exchange, Dust worked as Reaper’s minion/preist, carrying out his bidding to help maintain the order of life and death.
- Fascinated with the prospect of reanimation and dreams of bringing his Papyrus back to life. Reaper doesn’t like this, but finds Dust’s experiments interesting and therefore allows him to continue.
- ✨Potions✨
- Has a pet crow named Terrance that he uses to communicate with Reaper. We love Terrance.
- Reaper has been anxious about Nightmare’s activities and sends Dust to act as a spy, joining the gang and reporting back to Reaper.
Xtale!Sans- The Wolf
Original by Jakei
- From an ice-covered Xtale AU, the young Paladin is used as bait to capture and kill the demon X!Chara, failing as the spirit fully takes control of Cross’ body and escapes before the two can be sacrificed. Almost completely overtaken by the monster, Cross makes a desperate plea to the moon god to come save him, summoning Nightmare. NM restores Cross’ control, but refuses to remove X!Chara altogether, using that as leverage to make Cross work for him; he can’t spend too much time away from Nightmare without the demon overtaking his body.
- Originally a Paladin to the sun god (Dream, although neither know it) and is therefore resistant to Nightmare’s magic (hence why he can’t make magical deals and contracts like the others and has to be controlled in different ways).
- His sword, dubbed Fred, is imbued with magic and glows in the dark. It also boomeranged back to him when thrown, but he, uh…needs some more practice with that part.
- Red pupil gets larger the more control X!Chara takes, filling both eyes when in complete control.
Something New- The Cat
Original by Rafwabas
- After everyone in his AU was dead, Killer got bored. Very, very, very bored. Why not poke around the old lab he used to work at, then? He might find something neat. And he does- with the magic he’s accumulated, he’s able to fuel a portal machine that can transport him to other AUs. He quickly redevelops his interest in engineering, stealing parts from other AUs to build his machines…until he’s caught. And thrown in jail. And freed by Nightmare, in exchange for working for him.
- He is a cat. Will climb. Knock thing over. Sit wherever he wants.
- He isn’t a murderer in this AU, instead fusing with the human in a last-ditch effort to stop them from wiping out the entire underground. He was forced to stay behind as everyone else evacuated, though, as it was unknown if the procedure would work or if Killer would be safe to be around. Which, to be fair, he isn’t.
- All of his socks have cat paws on the bottom
Horror!Sans- The Fox
Original by Sour Apple Studios
- Horror sans #2 lmao
- Due to the loss of his eye and most (if not all) of his magic, Hatchet finds his strength in wielding weapons and building traps. He is fast, agile, and stealthy, though his time of starving had left him physically weak.
- Some of the monsters in the Underground went haywire and attempted to sacrifice Hatchet in some effort to gain more food, only to be stopped by, you guessed it, Nightmare. Hatchet agrees to come work for Nightmare as long as he kills Undyne and restores someone halfway decent to the throne, which he does. Other than that, the inhabitants of his AU can fend for themselves. Except for Papyrus. He’s coming with him.
- How does one person have so many weapons on their body. Where is he keeping them. Where did he get a six foot tall hammer. Why does he have fifteen knives-
- His brother works at the castle too! He picks out Hatchet’s shirts
Okay it’s 1 am I have to go sleep now bye
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glittergelpensblog · 1 year
In the Dark (II)
Eventual Azriel x Reader
Witch!Reader Word Count: 2,122 Summary: You were a witch made into High Fae by your family, kidnapped by the King of Hybern. After he attempts to use your power, you are saved by the Night Court Warnings: Kidnapping, murder, canon violence, graphic descriptions of death, torture, fire, scars, mentions of SA, but nothing happens to reader, panic attack, please let me know if I missed anything! Note: Finally some Azriel interaction!
Prologue Part I
The fire was too much. 
You tossed and turned into the sheets, unable to find any position that was comfortable enough to lull you to sleep.
Perhaps you should’ve told Amren, but your pride shoved your voice down. She wouldn’t understand, and if she did, you didn’t want to confront her pity filled face.
The fire that had burned your home, the smell of burning flesh, the screams of your people being burned alive.
It was too much, too recent, and it was dragged into the present by conjuring your magic in that form.
Perhaps that was why she did it, a way to make you stronger, face your past. 
But by the Mother, you would’ve given anything to try to conjure your magic in a different form, any form, in the thousands of ways you could wield your power.
Pure magic was what you were cursed with. Magic that you could bend to your will, take any form. Fae had been trapped to gifts passed down through blood, taking form in healing, bending water, or even the darkness of night as Rhysand’s power had manifested. 
It was magic one could kill for.
You shivered at the thought, and then shoved it down.
You got no sleep. 
You looked at the sunrise from the garden of the townhouse, the orange and the pink on the horizon blending into the purple that eventually kissed the blue from the leftovers of  night. The last of the stars were beginning to twinkle out, and you swear you had never seen stars that shone so bright before. 
“You missed breakfast.” Azriel stepped onto the patio, softly closing the door.
You turned to face him, a gust of winter wind biting straight through the leathers that had been left on your dresser the night before. You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself as your eyes met Azriel’s. 
“Yeah,” You muttered. “I didn’t want to get sick before training.”
“Sick?” Azriel raised an eyebrow, and heat filled your cheeks at the question.
“I wasn’t really… fed in the dungeons.” You looked down at your boots. “It’s been hard to keep anything down after barely eating for months.”
“We have a healer,” Azriel stepped closer to you, the warmth of his body reaching yours. You almost flinched at it, how little distance there was between you. “She can make you a tonic, to help with the nausea.”
You were still looking down, your gaze brought to his hands, covered in whirls of scars, almost as if they were burned. 
No, they were burned. 
The flames flashed in your mind, the heat kissing your face, the screams of people, the burning flesh–
“Are you alright?” Azriel stepped even closer to you, you were almost touching, the guard was touching–
Your breathing quickened, shallow frantic breaths, and you felt your magic bubble, going up to the surface, up up up.
Azriel gently took your hand, and you squeezed your eyes shut. It was him, it was that nasty sentry–
“Don’t touch me,” You rasped, your knees almost buckling beneath you as you took a step back. “Please, please.”
Azriel’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening, the smell of fear rolling off you in waves, felt the rumble of power as you shook.
You are not weak. You are not weak. You are not–
“Y/N, it's Azriel, you're not there anymore. You’re in Prythian, you’re not in Hybern.”
You couldn’t hear him, you couldn’t hear anything over the screaming, your family, your aunt, your nephew, the crackling of wood, the shattering glass–
A hand was on your shoulder, and the power, you couldn’t stop it. “I said don’t touch me.” You shoved against a chest at the word, your power shooting behind it.
You heard a grunt, and rumble of a male as he was slammed against the far wall of the patio. The ground shook from the force, and you opened your eyes. 
Bright morning from the sunrise, the harsh winter breeze, and the smell of jasmine filled your senses.
And to the wall was Cassian, currently being helped up by a wide-eyed Azriel.
Cassian, he must’ve come outside, to investigate the surge of power–
“Oh my god,” You rasped, rushing over to the males. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“Now imagine what that can do on a battlefield.” Cassian's eyes met yours, and there was no pity, no fear. Just amusement and that cocky grin he constantly wore.
“Are you hurt?” You were now kneeling by him, peeling his head from the brick wall. 
“No, Y/N, I’m fine.” Cassian assured, stretching out his wings as he stood up. 
“I don’t believe you.” You stood on your tiptoes, your fingers examining the back of his head once again. You were proven correct when blood met your fingertips. 
“Oh, mother,” You gasped, as you stepped away turning to Azriel. “The healer.” You stated, your voice firmer. “You said there was a healer, where is she?”
The world was miles beneath you. 
Beautiful, long, distant miles. Azriel banked, the force of the wind ripping your braid free. 
“Are you okay?” He spoke over the wind. He seemed hesitant to fly you himself, but Cassian’s wings were still healing, and it wasn’t worth the risk for him to carry you.  
“Yes,” You breathed, “It’s– perfect.” 
The world was nothing but a map beneath you. 
“I’m sorry.” He murmured, his voice almost a whirl of the wind itself.
You looked up from the land beneath you, meeting Azriel’s gaze through your locks flying in the wind. You didn’t dare let go of his shoulders to push the hair back.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” You stated, “I was the problem. It wasn’t you, I wasn’t scared of you. It was…”
You swallowed your pride, as if you hadn’t already been destroyed earlier. Leashing your magic out on a man trying to help you. 
“I was back there. In my village. And it  wasn’t you touching me, it was that damn Hybern sentry, Aruhn. The thought of him being there, of his hands on me, I just…”
His eyes hardened, “Did they, did they ever–”
“No, not like that.” You swallowed, not wanting him to finish his sentence, to say the one thing you were spared from. “Aruhn specialized in torture, but no, never that.”
He heaved a sigh, and his eyes softened. 
“I should be the one apologizing,” You said, glancing at Cassian flying to your left, and he gave no indication as to whether or not he was listening to your conversation. “I couldn’t contain my power, couldn’t control myself. What happens next time? When will I take it too far?”
“That’s what the training is for.” Azriel assured. “Not just with us, but with Amren, also. She may be… harsh. But she knows what it's like. To wield power in an unfamiliar body.”
And unfamiliar yours was. You had barely been a fae for a few months before Hybern came to take you. The sneers of your village did nothing to help you accept your elongated limbs, your pointed ears. 
“And you?” You asked, “Cassian told me most Ilyrians needed one siphon to harness their power. He said that when you’re in battle, you wear seven.”
“Mine is a different story than Cassian’s.” He stated, flying lower to the streets of the city, “I started training a lot older than most Illyrians start.”
“I think that makes your story more similar to mine, then.”
Azriel landed softly on the cobblestone street, before gently guiding you to stand from your spot curled in his chest. You shivered in the absence of his warmth in the winter morning. 
“I guess it does.”
Azriel took note of every step you took as Cassian guided you to Madja’s healing quarters. 
The trip was useless, as Cassian’s head wound had most likely healed on the flight there, but the sheer determination in your eyes when you demanded the male see a healer kept every arguing word from leaving his mouth. 
And even if Cassian needn’t be healed, at least you were doing something other than trying to control that unworldly power. 
It had been almost a week and a half since Hybern, and all you had done was sit in the living room with Amren, conjuring your power. And when you weren’t doing that, you were reading with her, learning of the history and inner workings of Prythian. Unsurprisingly, living in a secluded village with distaste for Fae, you knew nearly nothing of the history. Just exaggerated stories of the abuses of magic and your kind. 
What was once your kind. 
How did you handle it, being the one creature hated by everyone around you? Nevertheless, being made into the one you were raised to fear? Azriel’s chest ached at the history similar to his. To be hated by all around you, left with no family, to be feared by everyone because of a rare but deadly gift. 
And Hybern of all people had found it, probably using the very Cauldron he dipped Feyre’s sisters into. 
And he had tortured you for months, trying to break you until you did his bending. A weapon of no other by his side. 
What would you think of him once you knew his job was to do the same? Not just the spymaster, but one who carved up men just as it had been done to you? How sometimes, when the torturing went too far, he would revel in the pain of those at his hands. 
For the first time in almost 200 years, the thought of torturing someone made his stomach churn. 
You turned around to look at him, hair still wind blown and cheeks still red from the flight. And while Azriel was keeping an eye on you for any spouts of anxiety in the bustling city, your eyes were shining bright, and a small smile graced your lips.
Azriel remembered it too, his first visit to Velaris. His first time seeing life outside of the Illyrian mountains and Windhaven. The awe of the happy city, the joy of its citizens as they milled about their day. 
Maybe this was what you needed, to be out in the world, to see life, rather than being cooped up in the townhouse all day. Azriel tucked away the thought for later.
He gave you a reassuring smile before you turned around and followed Cassian into the healers quarters.
While Azriel didn’t say it, you knew from the look in his eyes that he thought a trip to the healer was useless. 
But you didn’t think it was, as you watched Madja patch together the small remnants of the wound on Cassian’s head, taking note of the way her magic patched him back together. 
And after that, you watched how she made a quick inspection of his wings, noting the differences she spoke of that showed the healing of them, and sneakily swirled out an invisible strand of your magic, just as Amren taught you, and examined her power with your own. Whether or not the healer felt what you were doing, she didn’t say anything. 
If you could truly bend your magic into any form, then you were sure you could use it for healing, and that the power would be useful if Hybern truly wanted war. 
If you could use your magic to heal, not hurt. 
The ride up to the House of Wind was just as cold as earlier, your re-braided hair whipping behind you. 
“So you had other intentions of seeing Madja other than Cassain?” 
He really doesn’t miss a thing.
“Of course,” You feigned, meeting the Shadow Singer’s eyes, “You said she could make me a tonic for nausea.” Indeed, in the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Azriel’s neck, you clutched the tonic and a tin of salve for sore muscles–one that Cassian stated you would need after today with a wink.
“I am the Spy Master for a reason, you know. I saw how you watched Madja, and my shadows could sense your magic.”
You swallowed at his words. Were you truly that much of a threat? That Azriel constantly had to monitor your magic? Why had they even taken you in? Just so that Hybern didn’t have you as a weapon? 
You kept your face cool. “If my magic can turn into anything, it can turn into healing. I might as well learn to clean up the messes that I make.” You shot a glance at Cassian.
“Y/N, that could’ve happening to anyone learning–”
“Not everyone is as powerful as me.” 
Azriel didn’t reply as he neared the house, shooting down for the training ring.
Tag list: @lizziesfirstwife @waytoomanyteenagefeels @starryhiraeth @knmendiola @bionic-donut @caosfanblr @lena-davina @starriestarlight @younxii @starsdoulikedem @lucyysthings @esposadomd @naturakaashi @carolinaflicker @missusbarnes-rogers @vlysseve @lollipop974 @whydohumansss @spaxxxi @graciereads @dumb-sailor-jay @jesssicapaniagua @we-were-beautiful @judig92 @littlemisslovestoread @toriluvsfics @nightless @cassiefromhell @in-luvais @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @poshestpigeon @alainabooks143 @princesslolaasworld @thelov3lybookworm @vickykazuya @fussel9913 @hayley-jadee @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hereticdance @kodokunarisu-blog @alainabooks143 @forsiriussake @fussel9913 @marvelouslovely-barnes @blurredlamplight @i-am-infinite @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @the-hidey-hole @amieinghigh @rorel1a @microwaveallthedemons
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femoso-seben · 6 months
Humanoid monster
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“What was that about?” Soap asks Gaz. The two of them backed down when the reporters got nosy, they followed her all night long hounding her for answers.
“Abraham believed In a theory, it's written in Latin so either she knows Latin or Abraham told her.” Gaz grumble digging through his notebook.
“What theory?”
“There was a time were humans and monsters got along, they worshiped this female deity. She was murdered, and war broke out, Abraham was born in the last few days of her reign.” Gaz explains finding his notes he had written about back when he was in school.
“So Abraham no longer speaks about this time, and in one of his papers, he theorizes this deity is still alive.”
“That woman is highly educated, she shouldn't be, she wasn't born here she *came* here. Teaching humans is banned in all states except for Switzerland, how does she know?” Gaz asks Soap shrug, it didn't sound important to him but from the look on Gaz’s face said it all.
“Mr. Garrick,” the two sergeants froze and turned to see Priscilla standing there peeping her head in head feather raising in slight embarrassment. “Do we need to cancel flight training?”
“No!” Gaz shouts and walks closer to her. “Your mother.”
“Did she go to school?” asked a question with a smile.
“No… Why?”
“Well your mother knows things she shoulders like a diety—“
“Oh you mean Abraham’s fairytales? he likes to tell fairytales when we were little, you know? of a better time where we’re all equal, it helped most of us sleep.” Priscilla says fondly with a sweet smile on her lips.
Gaz sighs and Soap pats him on the shoulder, with a small reassuring look and smile, “See mate, you overthinking it.”
“Your mother where did she come from?”
“She came from South America and found most of us traveling up to North America and sailing over to Asia, then traveling to Switzerland.” Gaz nods and the two walk to the field with the little Harpies.
The press saw them, and the monster swarmed them, “What’s your view of the orphanage director?” The first reporter asks.
“She’s my mother—"
“So she cut off your wings?”
“No! She found me like this—“
“If given the opportunity would you go home?”
“This is my home!” Priscilla shouts her frustration begins to teetering on tears. Gaz spread his wings out blocking her from the cameras.
“Don’t bother the kid—“
“As a soldier in the monster military aviator wing, what’s your view of this almost dystopian utopia?” One Gargon asks her snakes hissing with delight and anticipation.
“I am weary but everything here so far looks good, and the orphanage director didn’t know we were coming or how long we are staying,” Gaz said in the most PR statement possible. Switzerland has one of the biggest armies, and it is wise not to attack its citizens and their politics. The media followed them, Priscilla couldn't stop looking over her shoulder, they were making her uncomfortable.
“What's your relationship with each other?” a reporter asks.
“I'm helping the younger harpies fly.”
The reporters mostly watched, occasionally they would speak to their camera, and it was easy to hear them.
“Most of these harpies are missing wings or mutilated. We suspect that the orphanage—”
“Shut up, pendejo!” One of the kids shouts at the reporters. “We all had these injuries before the orphanage.”
“It’s done by you monsters,” another girl snaps.
“Why do you defend this place?”
“It’s our home,” nearly everyone replies.
The air of attrition on cordiality was fading, for every child was a surveillance camera all going back to Mother Maia. This was not lost on anyone, not the soldiers or the reporters.
The children slowly became guarded. Weary and secretive. It wasn’t lost on the task force that they were no longer welcomed there. The gargoyle creatures that usually only watch began to show themselves more often, the dragons were more active, and they were expanding their territory.
Both sides of the war were left with little progress made, and far more interest in the orphanages. The human side is more than the monster’s.
“Maia,” Abraham walks into the dimly lit office. She looks up, and the veil hangs up on her hat hook. Abraham nodded and sat down. “My old contacts have warned me that the monsters have decided to hack—”
“I understand” Mother Maia responded in a calm tone, “I’ll change a few things. The only thing they will get is the spending log, it’s best.” She smiles and begins to type away.
“There have been talk about monsters adopting—”
“I will not allow it,” Mother Maia looks up, “we both know the children who will be adopted will be sent into the military or worse eaten, I am no fool and neither than you.” Abraham smiles and nods before standing up, his wings doing a small stretch.
“I am glad we are on the same page,” Abraham said with a smile, Mother Maia only nodded and continued to work.
Abraham always knew humans were not equal to monsters in strength, but their intelligence is quite admirable. It’s been centuries since Abraham found a human he could view as equal, but another Maia was that human.
She was articulate and wise for someone who never had a true education. And yet with his simple guidance, she was able to keep her children.
“What about the new disease?” Abraham froze and sighed. Everyone knew at this point, even the humans.
“The Monster scientists have named it Cerebrum deterioration, or as the soldiers call it brain rot.” Abraham studied Mother Maia’s face, most humans couldn't hide their glee when disguising this topic, all except for Mother Maia.
“How pitiful, has it linked to the human resistance?” she sighs the scars across her face rippling with the slight movement of her face.
“No, the scientists said it was discovered rather than made.” Mother Maia nods and continues to write.
“Let's keep informed if a war breaks out this could affect this free state.” Mother Maia said sternly. Abraham agreed. “And when the vaccine is made, be sure to be one of the first to get it, you are a model.” Abraham laughs but nods.
“You are a strange one—”
“I am only being realistic Abraham, even though you've been a pacifist for a few hundred years, you still hold power.”
“Of course.”
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast
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Darth Maul x Queen of Naboo!Reader
Summary: Maul is tasked to keep you in line while his master's plan comes together on Coruscant...
Warnings: angst, enemies to lovers (it doesn't really get to the lovers part but that's where this is going); mentions of child kidnapping, of murder and maybe other war crimes, of blackmail/threats (from canon), not proofread at all, a mess of POVs, long fic?, idk I went a little crazy with this
inspired by @alexversenaberrie's edits for @maulweek
~ 3K words
• Darth Maul masterlist • Main Masterlist • Moodboards masterlist •
• Series masterlist • Next part •
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You called him a beast the first time you've seen what he is capable of. You never would have thought that he takes it to heart and tries to hide from you through the weeks when he acts as your guard while keeping you imprisoned in your own palace.
Maul wasn't much of a talker, so to say he was speechless when he saw you for the first time would probably not justify the feelings that still hold him captive from that moment - along with the pain and rage that your words caused him, of course - but he had no better way to describe the experience, as he was never taught to indulge in anything like this. Quite the opposite actually.
He was holding onto those lessons, trying to fuel his rage with the pain he felt when he realised he wanted you and you would never feel the same. He was trying to hate you, telling himself that you are just a spoiled princess who is nothing but a pawn in his master's plans.
His resolve would crumble within seconds of meeting you each day. The way you proudly held on and denied each offer of an easy way out, readily providing a defiant and sometimes mocking answer to everything your weak-minded enemies said. They thought they could break you but Maul knew better, he felt your strength and the underlining growing rage that might just burn them all in the end.
The Queen of Naboo fascinated him beyond words, not just with her beauty that he was fortunate to witness without all the paint you hide behind these days, but everything else he learned about you in this short time. Even the fact that you are strong enough to keep him out of your mind.
You felt his eyes on you all the time, he never said anything but most of the time you could tell what he was thinking. For how little he was showing of his face, it was really telling. Especially his eyes, that you were unfortunately too mesmerised by to look away from on the rare occasion he was actually facing you and not staring out of the window or looking menacingly at your captors.
But he was also your captor, you had to remind yourself way too often. Your mind regularly took you in the direction of wondering about his past. Because you needed to understand him in order to defeat him. Or at least that's what you've been telling yourself.
One afternoon he decided to barge into your bedchamber and caught you hacking into the Trade Federation's network to communicate with your trusted handmaidens, one of which took your place and your senator who escaped with the Jedi the Sith tried to kill. He smashed the consol with his mind and grabbed you by your throat, finding you without your armour of paint and jewels.
For a moment Maul thought the tears, fear and pain he saw were a result of his attack but the message you just listened to was still on and the display kept glitching but he understood the point of the news you received. The Senate abandoned you.
He saw how your misery turned into scorching anger that any Sith could envy and he couldn't help but stare admiringly. Then he let you go, curious as to what you would do. He did not expect you to have a weapon in your sleeve though.
It took him by surprise, not just the dagger but the attack too. You were nowhere near as good as him but you were trained well to use everything to your advantage and if he was an ordinary man, you might have managed to seriously hurt him too.
The first stab grazed his cheek, drawing a faint line of blood but he didn't even flinch and that somehow made you angrier, if that was possible. He let you surrender to your rage, not even trying to stop your attacks, just leaning away and stepping backwards a few times until he got you next to a pillar and grabbed your hand, hitting it against the stone until you dropped the blade.
He caught you, turning you around and pulling you to him, trapping you in his arms as you fell to the floor then he just let you scream with helpless rage while you still struggled against him. But after a while you became too exhausted, sagging in his hold completely, the back of your head hitting his shoulder.
He let you go after savouring your closeness for a stolen moment. After you pulled away, turning around, positioning yourself to face him while you sat against the pillar he carefully moved too, not to scare or agitate you. Resting his elbow on his bent knee, he subtly leaned a little closer, studying you while you collected yourself.
He didn't say anything as you calmed down and wiped your tears with your sleeve. Then you were looking at him, trying to figure out why he let you off so easily and you wanted to ask so many other things but you realised you didn't even know what to call him, so you asked first, "What is your name?"
"Maul," he answered before he could think this through and didn't even take your acknowledging hmm as an insult as he might with anyone else. And before you could start to interrogate him, he let his curiosity known.
"What is yours?" Your frown told him what would be your answer, so he quickly clarified. "The real one."
Maul didn't expect to get a weak smile at that and even though it was gone before he could blink, he knew it was there and the image would surely come back to plague him later.
"Can't you read my mind and find out?" You arched a brow challengingly, almost playfully and he felt a tug in his hearts at that. Before you continued and managed to hit a sensitive topic. "I thought Jedi could make people do things..."
"I am not a Jedi!" he growled back at you, cutting off your taunting.
"Clearly," you responded with only a little less hint of disdain.
He narrowed his eyes, apparently deeply insulted by the comparison. "The force is not the privilege of the Jedi, no matter how highly they put themselves above others."
"Is that why you hate them?"
"They wiped out my kind." You frowned at that.
"You are a Zabrak, aren't you? Your kind lives on Iridonia and Dathomir, I..."
He interrupted again, obviously not wanting to discuss that topic either but his confused expression betrayed the reason for his sudden change of topic. "The Jedi will not help you, nor will the Senate. Sign the treaty and end the suffering of your people."
Now that you were starting to understand him, you knew how to get what you wanted. In his case, with a little bit more antagonizing while satisfying your curiosity. "You could force me to sign it. Why didn't you?"
He stood up, turning his back on you, going to take his usual place in your presence, staring out of the window. "Only the weak are easy to control."
"You almost killed two Jedi, I don't suppose that is an easy task either."
He turned back to you, reaching up and slowly taking off his hood, daring you to look away. So you didn't. You kept looking at him, taking in his features with little to no emotion on your own face.
"What? You don't find this beast so hideous anymore now that you have no other hope?"
Now that, got him a reaction. You looked at him in utter confusion before you understood what he was referring to.
"I did not call you a beast because of the way you look but for how you acted." Although you truly meant it, he took the hint of laughter in your voice in the wrong way.
Quickly making the distance between you, he grabbed you by your throat once more. "You think I am so easily fooled?"
It was a little harder to breathe from the pressure but he wasn't really hurting you so you took a chance and went back to the question he dodged twice now. "If you don't believe me, why don't you look for yourself? See what I think about you."
You could see how he was struggling to hold back something but he gave up on it after a long moment of silent contemplation. But he decided to show you instead of simply telling.
You felt something trying to push into your consciousness, and despite it being almost gentle, something in you snapped and shouted inwardly 'no!' as you somehow pushed it away like it burned you. Your vision darkened for a second, and you could have blamed it on that or the following dizzyness that you saw a hint of a smile on his usually stern face but his eyes were still telling, speaking of feelings you did not want to dig deeper into.
But then he confirmed his admiration for you as he explained with a gentle tone, "You are strong. To break down your walls would mean breaking you."
With his answer, his hold on you loosened too and if you didn't know better you would have sworn you felt him caress your chin as he let you go. He moved to step back and give you some space but you surprised him again.
"Try it again."
It was almost cute how he tilted his head to the side and regarded you with utter astonishment. Then he did as you asked.
Your little experiment went a bit sideways though, because while you managed to let him in, somehow you also caught a memory he obviously didn't mean to project to your mind. And he did not take your thoughts well to that painful memory of one of the first lessons he remembered.
"I am not broken," he growled, oversimplifying what you thought.
"Yes, you are." You boldly approached him, explaining your conclusions with a gentle tone. "The Jedi take very young children to train them. You were taken too. Otherwise, you would know more about your origin, if it had been your choice to leave."
He didn't answer and even refused to look at you but you were not afraid anymore. You didn't have much to lose anyway.
"You have a master, don't you?" Still no answer. "He's the one who broke you. And he will order you to break me too."
He knew you were right but it would mean that all of his suffering was for nothing, because he knew couldn't do it. He couldn"t hurt you and he will lose everything. So he did what he was taught and leaned on his anger, lashing out at you to avoid facing the truth.
"What do you know of any of that, Your Highness? Living in your fancy little palace, surrounded by servants and riches must have been a terrible fate."
The fury reflected in his glowing eyes might have scared you a few days ago, but not anymore. You did not even return his anger, answering in a calm and confident tone that enchanted him.
"I was elected to be Queen for the first time when I was barely fourteen. While I can't even imagine what you went through, I do have an idea about the weight of expectations put on you when you are way too young to bare them."
You jumped a little as he finally silenced the still crackling comms and left without a word.
The next morning your predictions came true. His master contacted them.
"Let's end this once and for all. Make her sign it." The hooded figure ordered him and for the first time in years, he did not follow the instruction immediately.
"If I force her mind open, it will kill her."
Maul knew it was no use to try to subtly argue and his master confirmed that without delay. "She only has to live long enough to sign the treaty."
"I understand, my master." And for the first time, since he can remember, he truly did. He knew what he had to do.
Maul, as always, kept his eyes on you from the moment you were led into the throne room in your usually complicated attire. You didn't meet his gaze though, probably preparing for the worse.
The droids surrounded you, with the two Neimoidians on Maul's right. They asked for your cooperation one more time. You refused.
Maul reached out and took hold of you with the force, finally making you look at him as he held your body immobile. He grabbed his lightsaber and ignited one of the blades, making his supposed allies nervously fidgety next to him.
Your gaze flickered to the blade too before you met his again with confusion. Then you felt it. The nudge against your mind, it was deceptively gentle but it made you gasp and your eyes widen and that was enough to fool your enemies for now.
Maul realised you didn't trust him, so he had to change his plans if he didn't want to risk you getting hurt. So his eyes flickered in the direction of the throne where he knew the guns were still hidden and he applied a little more force into his hold to let you know he will push you that way.
The four droideka were firing before their masters even realised what was going on. He dodged their shots whit his lightsaber, cutting down the Viceroy with the same swing. You quickly grabbed the weapon, using the throne as a cover and fired on the other droids and witnessed with awe as Maul sent two of the shielded droid out the large window, crushed another with a big piece of stone he pulled from the floor and simply crushed the last one with the force.
Despite the loud fight, you did not hear any reinforcements approaching so when Maul dragged the other Neimoidian from his hiding place you approached them and to your new friend's amusement didn't hesitate to knock the other male out with one punch.
Maul felt his hearts skip a beat or two as you smiled at him with gratitude. He felt himself to be in some kind of trance as he deactivated his lightsaber and stepped closer to you.
He wanted to reach out and touch you but halted as he realised that he would smear the paint he liked to refer to as your armour. You caught the hint of the smile he was trying to hide but before you could ask, he reminded you that your fight was not done yet.
The two of you went to the chamber that was used as a prison, freeing the pilots and guards and locking in the Neimoidian.
It was easy from then on, with the droid control ship gone so was the invading army.
Somewhere during the meeting between the remaining council members, Maul wandered away and you later found him lounging on your throne. You stifled a laugh and quickly stopped your guards from shooting at him, dismissing them stating that, "I will be perfectly safe."
When you look at him, he silently taunts you and you could almost hear the "Why are you so sure that you are perfectly safe with me." And you can't help but smile at that, looking at him with a similar expression that says "Comfortable?"
Then he stands before you in a blink of an eye, reaching out again but stopping this time as well. Only for you to take his hands, stepping a little closer.
Your smile fades as you realise. "You want to leave."
He shakes his head, looking away. "I defied my master, he will not forget that."
"So you just plan to be on the run for the rest of your life?"
Your anger takes him by surprise, he expected you to be glad that you don't have to deal with the political headache that his presence would bring. And he certainly not expected you to be ready to fight for him.
"You can stay here. If you want." The addition to the offer was not lost on him. So much has changed in such a little time span, he was free to choose what to do, and he wasn't sure how to handle this.
Taking his silence as a sign that he was thinking about it you started to think through the possibilities. "I am certain you can handle any assassin he would send and I doubt your mysterious master would come here personally..."
Your tone asked for confirmation but he just quietly huffed at the way you said 'mysterious' as one would call someone a coward or something equally insulting.
"The Jedi and the Senate will want my head."
He thought that was it, but again, it seems he underestimated your stubbornness. "Well, fuck the Jedi and fuck the Senate. They did not save us. You did."
"I also helped your enemies."
You sighed and let go of his hands to cup his cheeks like he wished to do with you countless times. And he felt his throat tighten not just at that gesture but because of what you said next. "Was that something you chose to do?"
He took a deep breath and looked down again, unable to meet your eyes. Unable to handle your faith in him. But you did not let him go that easy.
"Stay with me," you asked in an almost whisper, feeling just how fragile was this moment.
When he looked at you again he placed his hands on yours and you felt the now familiar push that meant he was trying to read your thoughts. You let him but you also said them out loud.
"Stay." You repeated. "I will protect you and you will keep me safe."
He smiled at that. It was little more than a hint of amusement but it reached his eyes and the sight filled you with warmth.
You were so preoccupied with that that you did not realise he went a little deeper, chasing that emotion he felt from the moment you met but could never put it into words. He understood that you knew what it was but weren't ready to consciously acknowledge it yet, he would have to ask you later. Until then he might just get more comfortable with his other feelings and newfound freedom, he could live with this annoying little tug on his hearts and on what one might call a soul for a little while. Only if it didn't get more bothersome every time you smile at him. Like now, when he returns your promise with a single word. "I'll stay."
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black-dragon1998 · 1 year
Lone Wolf chapter 11
Summary: the story continues
Author note: First I want to apologize it took so long for me to post the next chapter for lone wolf. After that, I want to thank everyone who has sent me comments and kudos for my writing. I haven’t forgotten this story, writing has just been difficult the last couple of months.
previous chapters: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4- part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8 - part 9- part 10
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“What! Gives you the right to touch my daughter!” you were livid. How dare this boy touch your daughter. Madi in general had a hard time with being touched. The only people who were allowed to touch her freely, were you, Lexa, Clarke and Anya. From time to time Indra, but that was only when Madi instigates it. So who did this piece of shit think he was for giving Madi a panic attack.
At this point, you were really starting to regret coming to the Skaikru. Would Clarke be really upset if you cut this guy's throat? Probably. Pushing aside the murderous intent you were feeling you turned toward Madi who was still protected by Dina. Madi who was still sobbing uncontrollably. You throw the sword in your hand to the side and crouch down so you are at eye level with your daughter. Dina steps away from the two of you and keeps the rest away.
When Madi spots you through tear-filled eyes, she looks you straight in the eyes but doesn’t move to get closer to you.
“hey, peanut.” You say in a voice you only reserve for your daughter. The little girl is so attuned to the sound that she is already calming down.
“Yes baby, it is Mama. Are you feeling big emotions?” you knew she was but this made it easier for Madi to work through it. Madi gave you a small nod.
“is the feeling going away?” most of the time the emotions Madi was feeling would pass on their own. When Madi shook her head, you gave her a reassuring smile.
“that is okay. I am here and we are getting through this together. Can I touch you?” with speed almost too fast for a human, Madi was in your arms. She pressed her head against your chest to feel your steady heartbeat. The sound helped in calming her down.
“alright baby, can you tell me five things you see?” your voice is just about a whisper but Madi could hear you just fine.
Clarke and Lexa were wrapping up their meeting. Things had gone smoother than hoped and resulted in the two being able to meet (Y/N) and Madi for lunch. Clarke was putting away the last of the documents when one of the guards sprinted into the tent. The markings on their arms told them that they were on (Y/N) personal guard. Lexa was aware of the guards (Y/N) had put on both her and Clarke.
“Heda! Permission to speak.” The guard asked. Like all your subordinates they had discipline.
“speak soldier,” Lexa said in her heda voice.
“Heda, Wanheda, both of you are needed at the training grounds. One of the Skaikru boys tried to touch the princess. Causing her to have a panic attack and the general to lash out at the boy. Some of the females with the boy are afraid of an escalation.” The guard spoke so fast that Clarke and Lexa almost didn’t catch all of it. The moment Clarke heard Madi was involved she started walking toward the training ground, not listening to Lexa who was calling after her.
Lexa took a moment to collect herself and thanked the guard, before going after her wife-turned-mamabear. She already felled sorry for whoever stood in her way.
Clarke was at the training grounds in no time. There she saw the Gona from a circle around you, Raven, Octavia, Lincoln and Bellamy. Dina was standing close to you ready to react to any situation. You were cradling Madi to your chest, trying to console the sobbing toddler.
Madi didn’t seem to be injured, neither did you. Bellamy on the other hand was sporting a big red line around his neck. Steeling herself Clarke stepped forward to make her presence known. Bellamy was the first to approach her, like a kid rating out somebody to the teacher. You however stayed where you were, cuddling Madi close to your chest.
Instead of listening to Bellamy rambling Clarke made her way toward you and Madi. Laying a comforting hand on Madi’s back.
“Maid sweetheart, look who is here.” You whisper in your daughter's ear. Locking eyes with Clarke, conveying that it was a bad one. Very slowly Madi lifted her head from your shoulder and looked behind her. When she spotted her mommy, she started reaching out for her and you quickly handed her over to Clarke so she could soak in her mommy’s scent. The toddler sagged into the blond's hold immediately.
For some reason, Clarke’s and Lexa’s scents had always a calming effect on you and Madi.
“hey love, somebody told me you were cuddling with Mama. Mind if I join?” Clarke spoke in a tender tone, to not set Madi off again. That had happened in the past when she was overwhelmed too soon.
“Mama helped. Big emotions. Counted. Calmed.” Madi’s sentences were cut short, telling Clarke she hadn’t down completely.
“oh! You and Mama did the counting. Did it help?” Clarke was relieved when Madi nodded into her chest. While Clarke was talking to Madi you had positioned yourself in front of them with crossed arms and a death stare levelling Bellamy, who was trying to get closer.
“what made you feel the big emotions? Can you tell Mommy?”
“Man touched me,” Madi said burring her face back into Clarke’s chest.
“what man sweety?” Clarke Cöed as to not set her off again. without looking Madi pointed a finger toward Bellamy, who was trying to push past (Y/N). (Y/N) however, wasn’t bunching an inch. In the meantime, Raven and Octavia tried to pull Bellamy back.
“let me pass! I have to talk to Clarke.” He tried to sound intimidating, hoping you would let him pass.
“you upset my daughter, do you really think I’m just going to let you near her? No way in hell! If Clarke wants to talk to you she will come over here. Until then back off!” your voice was nothing more than a growl.
Clarke really had hoped Bellamy wasn’t involved. You already didn’t like him and this wasn’t helping. She could only hope to settle your mood before things escalated. Clarke still remembered the last time somebody touched Madi without permission. It was a warrior from Azgeda. He had quickly lost his hand and head. Then she hadn’t batted an eye at it. She hoped it didn’t turn into a brawl. You would level Bellamy with no problem, the only question was when you would stop once you started.
Clarke walked with Madi still clinging to her chest but stayed a couple of feet behind. Hoping this was enough distance for Madi. You immediately sensed Clarke come up behind you, turning partly around so you can look at her and Madi, still preventing Bellamy from getting closer. Clarke knew her next words would be hard for their friends but she had to think about her daughter and wife first. She could talk to her friends later, but first, she had to defuse the situation.
“I think all of you should return to camp until things have calmed down,” Clarke said while looking at her friends. Raven and Octavia seemed to understand, Lincoln respected the words of his kwin. They also knew that if they stayed longer and Bellamy did something stupid, they would be putting Clarke on the spot. Bellamy however started immediately pushing against you to get to Clarke.
“Clarke! Please listen to me. I didn’t mean to do this.”
“Back off!” you got into the shaggy-haired boy's face and pushed him back.
“you come here, make my daughter cry and now you dare to make demands toward our kwin. I should skin you alive for that.” This finally makes Bellamy back down with a loud gulp.
“General!” there was an edge to Clarke’s voice that told you you were getting onto thin ice. It made you back down just a little. The last thing you wanted to do was upset your wife.
“we will leave for now,” Raven said, pulling Bellamy back toward the camp. Leaving you and your family as the only ones in the training ground. The gona had scattered already, knowing nothing good came from upsetting their kwin when she was in mama-bear mode.
Lexa arrived at the exact moment the Skaikru left. You had turned around to look at Clarke. The blond looked anything but happy. Believing it to be best for you and Clarke to talk about whatever the issue was. So Lexa took Madi from Clarke's arms and retreated toward the tent.
“let’s go Madi. Mommy and Mama need to talk.”
“mad?” Madi asked.
“don’t know bug. Why don’t we go find something to eat and wait for them?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You could have taken Bellamy’s head off today.” Clarke exploded the moment Madi and Lexa were gone. Now that everything had sunken in, Clarke had gotten angry with you. Her reaction made your anger surface again. why was she angry with you?
“He upset Madi. I just reacted on instinct.” You say between clenched teeth, not wanting to snap at Clarke.
“That was an over-the-top reaction. Bellamy didn’t know Madi would react like that.” Clarke counters, while stepping close to you. Like she wanted another response from you. At this point, you had a hard time not glaring at your wife.
“If it had been anybody else but that Skaikru boy we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“ you went too far. You acted like a sa…” Clarke seemed to catch herself at the last moment, but you knew what she was going to say. You had heard it often enough. The dark part in you that you had suppressed for so long reared its ugly head and you could feel your emotions freeze. Looming over Clarke you glared at her.
“say it.” A moment passed and it stayed quiet.
“say it!” the ringing of your voice surprised Clarke. She had never seen you like this.
“Savage.” The word was nothing more than a whisper but you could hear her loud and clear. Did your wife really think of you like that? You could stand for everybody else thinking you were a monster but not your family.
“maybe Clarke I am nothing more than a savage beast, pretending to be something else.” With that, you walked away and into the woods, leaving Clarke alone.
The moment you left a pang rang through Clarke. What had she done, she had never seen you so cold toward her before. When Clarke finally turned around she, you were gone.
part 12
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Carl Grimes x male reader who is the leader of his own settlement in a private school and they become close and they are so cheesey and cute together and sneak out to see each other
I miss The Walking Dead. I stopped watching after like the middle of the 6th season. I just couldn't handle all the death anymore. But I hope you enjoy.
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When (Name) was a kid he had a best friend that not only was his classmates, but was his neighbor. His name was Carl Grimes. He was everything to (Name). Just like how (Name) was everything to Carl. Especially since all (Name) had was his grandmother. Who half the time didn't even remember the poor (hair color) male.
So when the world fell apart. Neither boys knew what happened to the other. Carl tried to convince his mother and Shane to help his friend but they were more worried about getting themselves out and to safety then for the kids. Sadly when (Name) when to the Grimes household and saw it ransacked he thought the worst.
That Carl hadn't made it. (Name)'s grandmother hadn't. In fact she had attacked poor (Name) who sadly had to choose between his life or her dead life. She was already turned so (Name) didn't feel as much guilt as he would've if she was alive.
(Name) over the years had been all over the place. Saving many people and families. While some people tried to double cross him, (Name) didn't let that affect him. (Name) would save whoever he could and if they chose to stay with him, he'd let them as long as they don't hurt others in the group.
(Name) had honestly never been one for violence but sometimes that's all a person knows. He has done some questionable things over the years. But the others in his group didn't hold it against him. They knew he was just doing it with their safety in mind. Especially after an incident when a man tried to force himself on one of the younger girls.
That was the first time (Name) had killed a living being. It haunted (Name) but the thanks that the girl and her parents have him helped. His wife had tried turning the group against him. Calling him a murder and a liar. Until the girl explained what happened in exact details.
The woman didn't say anything after that. Just asked for a few supplies and left the group. (Name) had of curse blamed himself but the group supported him. So when they had found a private school in an hour and half from D.C. he decided the group needed to settle.
So he worked hard along with the volunteers that helped him clean it out. They turned it from a private school to a heavily protected fortress. He set up a routine with the workers and was even able to give the children the feeling of normality with going to school. Which made many people happy including himself.
He had a routine fr scavenging, training, teaching, and guarding. He had displayed it on the inside of the front door. But when people wanted to change they had to discuss it with him and see if anyone would switch. If nobody could switch he'd do it himself. Since everybody needs a break he'd say.
So imagine his surprise when on one scavenging hunt he runs into not only the old sheriff but his son too. "Mr. Grimes? C-Carl?" The two had quickly turned with weapons drawn. But both were pleasantly surprised to see it was someone alive. "Um I'm sorry how do you know us?" (Name) pulled his long hair up showing off his face.
"It's me. (Name). (Name) (Last Name)." The two froze. "Holy shit (Name)!" Carl practically tackled the poor male to the ground from the surprise hug. (Name) yelped and winced upon impact and Rick quickly pulled Carl off the smaller boy. "Are you bit?" Rick asked gun trained on (Name). "Ah-no. I broke my left hand earlier trying to get something off a high self."
The two Grimes looked at him confused. "Oh I was scavenging for my group." The two tensed at the information. "Are you talking about the Saviors?" (Name) confused tilted his head. "Saviors? I don't know who that it. But I'm talking about my group. We're set up at John Kennedy Academy. It was a private school before everything happened."
The Grimes looked at each other then looked at (Name). "Whose the leader then?" (Name) pointed at himself. "I am. Surprising I know but I've worked extremely hard to get to where I am and I'm very proud of it." The two shared a look and Rick nodded. "We'll take you back to your group then. I know Carl is dying to spend more time with you." Carl blushed and lightly hit his father.
(Name) chuckled and nodded. "Alright follow me if you want. I came in a car. Do you guys need a ride?" The Grime winced then nodded. (Name) led them to the van he was using. "This is our Scavenger Van as the kids like to call it." Rick chuckled with a nod. He knows how kids are. When they piled in (Name) realized something. "Um actually could one of you two drive. I forgot about my broken hand..."
Rick nodded and took over as the driver as (Name) directed him to the Academy. When they arrived at the gate an older male had his gun trained on Rick. "Staye your business!" (Name) rolled down the window and stuck his head out. "Nick! It's okay they're with me. I accidentally broke my hand again!" The man now identified as Nick opened the gate.
Once they entered Nick immediately opened (Name)'s door and took a look at his hand. "Yep definitely broken. What'd you do this time kiddo?" (Name) bashfully looked away and softly spoke. "I tried climbing shelfs for items." Nick huffed and messed up (Name)'s hair. "Well get to Stefanie then. We should have the right material to bandage it."
The male nodded and turned to leve but saw the Grimes. "Oh I completely forgot! Nick meet my old neighbors M. Sheriff Rick Grimes and his son Carl." Nick nodded at the two and shook their hands. "My name is Nicholas Blake. Or just Nick for short. I was a baker before the world ended." Rick nodded before asking. "How'd you meet (Name) then?"
Nick was silent for a moment. "I-I had lost my wife and daughter. They'd be bit and I couldn't kill them. So they turned. I couldn't find it in myself to end them but luckily this kiddo saved me." Nick ruffled (Name)'s hair again making said male whine. "Now (Name) go to Stefanie for that hand while I take the stuff in." Rick offered to help which Nick agreed. Leaving (Name) and Carl.
"Wow (Name). You've done a lot over the years haven't you?" (Name) nodded and started up the Academy stairs. "Care to join me?" (Name) held out his right hand. Carl smiled softly and grabbed it letting (Name) lead him. It honestly felt like old times as they walked and talked about what happened over the years.
"Wait so your telling me. Because you killed her husband who was trying to harm a little girl, she tried turning your own group against you? What did you do?" (Name) smiled sadly. "I didn't do anything. The girl came forward and told everyone what had been happening before I stepped in. She told her everything in detail. The wife didn't say much after that. Just asked for a few supplies and left."
Carl nodded. He knows how hard it is after killing a living for the first time. While they were walking and chatting many and the settlers saw how happy their leader was and smiled. Glad he finally had his happiness again. Well that was until they made it to Stefanie's office.
"(Name) (Last Name)! What on earth did you do this time?!" Stefanie was a lady in her early 40's and honestly the look on her face scared Carl a little bit. (Name) stared at the ground and kicked at an invisible rock. "I was climbing a shelf to get a some cans of food and an undead sent the shelf backwards and I landed wrong."
Stefanie sighed and ran a hand down her face. "Honestly kid. Your so clumsy I swear. What are you gonna do when we run out o medical supplies?" (Name) had answered without hesitation. "I'll go out for more. We have too many people here to not have any medical supplies. Which reminds me! I found the equipment you had asked me to look for a few months ago! Nick should be bringing it up here or Mr. Grimes will."
Stefanie smiled softly. "Thanks kid. Your always looking out for us. But whose gonna look after you?" That's when Carl spoke up. "I will. I know how clumsy he is. So I'll gladly look out for him." Carl sent (Name) a soft look and Stefanie couldn't help but snort. "Young love."
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applepie-enthusiast · 2 months
Medieval AU ft. Sanegiyuu and Sabigiyuu
Giyuu's parents were the king and queen of the kingdom. They reigned peacefully and the family was happy for a certain time.
That was until they were betrayed by their subjects, and those bastards wanted to kill Giyuu since he is the heir to the throne. He was only seven years old. His older sister, Tsutako, hid him in the castle's secret passage that only she and giyuu knew.
Giyuu stayed there, shaking and crying because they saw their parents murdered mercilessly. He pleaded with his sister to stay with him. But, Tsutako promised him that she would just find another place to hide so that the attackers would be confused and not find them both. She never came back.
When the attackers were within earshot to the entry of the secret passage, they couldn't see him but Giyuu heard that they were looking for him, but instead one of them stated that just "found the bitch sister and killed her".
His memory was a blur after, he was beyond terrified, shocked and in terrible pain after losing his entire family. Still, he wanted to at least see them again. He ran outside one night and was pursued by two guards who cornered him to a cliff. Bracing death, Giyuu closed his eyes tightly waiting for the end, but instead he heard them grunt in pain, followed by a loud thud.
Giyuu opened his eyes, the second guard was looking at something behind him but he wasn't fast enough, he cursed under his breath,"You little—" before he too, was seemingly hit on the head by something that knocked him unconscious.
Giyuu was dumbfounded to see a young boy with peach-colored hair, carrying a makeshift weapon that threw medium sized stones.
The boy ran to him, "Are you okay???" The boy's concerned voice rang in Giyuu's mind and the last thing he noticed was the boy's large scar and a concerned expression lacing his face before he collapsed due to excessive stress, fatigue and extreme shock.
Giyuu woke up to an unfamiliar, worn-out but comfortable room, and upon turning to the side, he sees the same boy from earlier, both worried and excited to see him awake. The boy seemingly called someone for help, and an older man with white hair and a bizarre mask entered the room.
"I'm sabito! And this old man is my guardian, Urokodaki-san! Are you okay? What's your name?"
Giyuu sat down with the help of the boy and the old man, he opened his mouth to say his name, but froze. He couldn't remember his last name, only his first name and the moment before sabito saved him.
Sabito and Urokodaki remained understanding of him, and decided to welcome him to their small family.
Urokodaki is a former blacksmith and former knight who served in the war almost fifty years ago. Now he is training Sabito the ways of the sword as well as how to make various weapons.
Giyuu thought that's why Sabito always has varying weapons on him, mostly his own innovative invention. But his favorite is a sword.
Because of their same age, they quickly became close, best friends.
Giyuu knew that neither Urokodaki nor Sabito liked the current Monarch, since everyone knew it was from betrayal. While Urokodaki wants to live peacefully amidst it, Sabito is actively trying to start his own movement to overthrow them, which Giyuu worries about. He steals from the rich and gives it to those who need it most, not even saving some for himself. Urokodaki refuses anything Sabito gives him. (Sabito kinda like Robinhood?)
As years went by, now twenty-one, Giyuu learned from Sabito and Urokodaki as well that he knows how to defend himself. He often tags along with Sabito, much to Urokodaki's worry for their safety. They have so much fun doing "missions" as Sabito dubbed it, and soon feelings arise from their shared time together.
Though neither faces it yet, Sabito always gives souvenirs to Giyuu. Hair ornaments, writing tools, books. The latest one Sabito aimed to give Giyuu is his greatest one yet, and one that he didn't steal from the rich but he saved up to buy. it's a ring that he wanted to give to Giyuu before he confesses his feelings on Giyuu's birthday.
But then on that day, while on their mission, Sabito, Giyuu and another friend miscalculated because the information they gathered was wrong. The carriage they were sabotaging was not just a noble man, but the prince, the son of the current king, himself, who in due time the duo learned was adept in using the fancy sword in his hand.
A few more moments of struggle, the carriage lost its footing on the pathway and as Sabito aimed to grab Giyuu before it falls to a cliff, he wasn't able to grab Giyuu's hand that was reaching out to him too. Sabito screamed Giyuu's name as he was dragged out by their other friend, who realized it was too late to save Giyuu.
The carriage fell off to its ruin and Sabito cried his frustration and shock out, the ring still on his pocket.
Giyuu woke up, again, wondering if he had died already.
Instead, he saw the prince from earlier, sitting a few meters away from him. Giyuu would have been alarmed but he noticed the prince was bruised and wounded in different parts of his body. With a huge scar in his face that seemed to be from long ago, much like Sabito's.
But unlike Sabito, this man's facial expression was nowhere near soft. Though not feral and evil either.
"Finally awake, huh?" The prince started, wincing at the large cut on his legs and his broken knee.
"What—" Giyuu started, after noticing he himself sustained non life threatening injuries.
"I saved your pathetic ass, if that's what you're wondering." The prince spat his way.
"but why?" Giyuu pushed, worry now lacing his expression.
The prince sighed, his shoulders relaxing. "You and your friends must be the 'Pillars' movement I've been hearing about. Stealing shit from rich people but giving it to the weak. I knew you guys weren't batshit insane and rotten like my father. Still, it's your fault we are in this goddamn situation."
Giyuu mumbled an almost inaudible apology. Then it struck him. "You hate your father? The king?"
The prince glared at him. "So, will you help me up or will we both die here?"
To be continued I have to sleep.
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seaskate · 2 months
I know that it's been theorized who from the ada is going to the PM because of the deal and everyone has been drawing parallels and ideas on who it could be, but one thing that I dont see may people looking at is behavior.
Personally I think that it will be Dazai that will go, he's the logical choice and would act as the best bridge between the ada and the pm, especially since Kunikida was named to become the next president and Dazai is his partner, so if Dazai were to go back and become boss at some point then that relationship is already there and is better than Mori's and Fukuzawa's from the start.
There has been a lot of points made about Dazai not being with the Agency when they are all gathered together (like that one manga panel or the party after the Guild or Kyouka's party) and how he appears more with or parallels Mori more in the intro than before (all of which is true) but we dont talk enough about how his behavior had been changing since episode one.
Dazai in episode one was only serious for maybe a small handful of seconds of screentime during the tiger debacle in the warehouse, when no one else was around to see. We can easily assume that home acting like a class clown happened more often than not from the way that he acts in the series. However, ever since the introduction of Atsushi and the Port Mafai in the series, Dazai has been slowly acting more serious than before.
In the first season alone, He sets it up so that the Azure Poet is killed and doesnt show any emotion when Kunikida tells at him for it. He bugs Higuchi and listens in on her and then basically goads Akutagawa into declaring war. Small instances, but close together.
When the Guild came there were more. There was the Q incident at the train where he all but threatened to kill the child and then slapped Atsushi out of a panic attack (which pain is actually one of the easier ways to remove someone from a panic attack, which is why people often dig in their nails or snap bands at their wrist when they feel one coming, but that's another argument to be had) which was effective but anyone else in the ada would have attempted another method. There was the Moby Dick and how he acted with Akutagawa there. And the meeting between the Ada and the pm where Dazai talked about war strategy. He blew up Lovecraft and allowd Chuuya to kill countless Guild hired guns when they ambushed him during that same instance.
None of those actions were things that someone at the ada likely would have done before the current arc. But now Dazai is continually acting in such away more often. Acting less like a detective and more like a mafioso.
He's relying on the mafia more often too.
Dazai had gone two years without any mafia contact while at the Agency, but now he's going to art museums with Hirostu and met with Akutagawa in the woods. That's not counting Chuuya and how they have worked together three times now in as many months, if you count Dead Apple, this current time in which Mori even helped with the fake vampire teeth. Not only that, but Dazai still calls Chuuya his partner. Not former partner, current.
Dazai dances on a fine line between good and evil, even as he believes in neither, but if it means that he could save those that he’s come to care for then he doesn’t hesitate to cross it (murder isn’t exactly condoned at the Agency, yet that’s exactly what he did to Fyodor - I know that he came back, but still - and has set up for Chuuya to do to those that had stood in their way since reuniting. Like the prison guards). Mori - who still has the executive seat waiting for Dazai to reclaim it, and had told Oda four years ago that Dazai would likely be boss in a few years time - knows this.
Yosano thought that this deal was a ploy for Mori to get her back, but she wasn’t the only child that he lost to the Agency. If we adds this to the paraless in the opening that exist and the fact that Dazai had been acting more and more like the Demon Prodigy with each season, Chuuya, and his place as an executive, it wouldn’t be surprising if he was the one chosen.
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writingpiecesak · 8 months
Training with Bakugou hasn’t always been easy. To start off, he never holds back. He believes in fair fights no matter who he’s battling. He takes in seriously as if he is for real fighting some street criminal. It’s one of the reasons why you respected him so much, and thus leading you to ask him one day,
“Can we train together?”
For sure, this threw him off. A lowly extra asking for training time with the all mighty explosion murder god, Katsuki Bakugou, himself? He thought it was some stupid joke so he laughed. However your relentless pestering, seeing him everyday after class with the same question wore him down and he gave in, for the fun of it.
Never did he thought he would meet someone who threw the first punch. Sure enough it caught him off guard but with his skills he dodge it last split second. He saw that determined look in your eyes, and he grinned.
This is gonna be fun, he thought.
The first session was everything you’d expect, you got your ass, respectfully, whopped. Of course you knew Bakugou was stronger and his quirk is both great for close up and distant attacks. Your quirk, sonic boom, was more of a distance advantage.
It packed heavy punch to any in the 10 mile radius, so it was safe to say anyone five feet close, would have partial deafness for about a week. However, you’ve been working on using lesser range for short distance. Your mentor, Present Mic, goes all out for his quirk but helps you out on moving your sound to small groups and spaces.
If any classmate saw to their naked eye, it’s obvious Katsuki has the upper hand. But they also know not to diminish your combat moves.
“Damn it, where are you hiding extra!”
Cut to a month later and fourteen training sessions later, Bakugou struggles to find you on this ground. Ground 1A helps you a lot more, granted more distance and places to surprise attack yet you weren’t going to hide like a coward anymore.
You take in a deep breath and held your hand into a fist making a small hole for the sound to travel. You aimed towards Bakugou’s direction from behind, and then you scream.
He clutches his ears but the direct line shot blasts him into a tumble, of course he gained balance soon enough and started holding his ground. You rushed up to take this opportunity for a more close combat, you swung your leg to his side an unknown weak spot. He aimed his gauntlet and started sharp shooting his explosions. Your body was thrown back hitting a wall, yet you were still up.
“Quirks?” You asked.
“No. I wanna see how much you’ve learned.” He answered, unlocking his gauntlets and letting them fall to the ground. This met business.
You both had your hands up in balled up fist, no quirks meant this is now a hand to hand combat. Surely to see how much you’ve progressed but now’s not the time to be nervous.
A first round house kick was thrown by you, blocked by Katsuki as he jabbed your stomach, the open area. You threw your jab at his cheek, neither of you were pulling punches. You knew Katsuki wouldn’t fight with you if you did, so no matter how much it hurt, you wanted to earn his respect.
Jab after jab, kick after a heavy ass knee strike from you, Bakugou took note of this you using your legs a lot in a fight. Finally in a brief moment of pain, Katsuki took this opportunity to grab your legs and slam your back to the ground. The impact brought out a grunt of pain. But Katsuki stayed above you, both of yous catching your breathes and letting his sweat drip onto you.
“You’ve…improved.” He said in between breathes.
“I….had…to.” You respond.
Maybe it’s because your back just got slammed into hard concrete and your winded but, Katsuki out of breath from fighting you and dripping sweat hovering over you? This was a sight to see.
For a moment, you saw Katsuki’s eyes dipped to your lips and then back to your face. Subconsciously, you did the exact same thing and hoped he didn’t realize. His eyes darted away and he removed himself to just sit up besides you. You brought yourself and felt the awkwardness creep in.
“Wanna’ get some food?”
You smiled, “yeah, I’m pretty hungry. Where?”
Katsuki shrugged his shoulders, “My dorm? I’ll make some spicy ramen, with poached egg.”
The blush swept across your cheeks as you smiled to the ground. This feels like a step towards friendship after being training buddies. Of course, this is new territory for both of you nevertheless, you looked to him and smiled and said yes.
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belit0 · 1 year
Could you please write 12 with Madara? 😳🙏 Thank you in advance
12) Imagine that Madara and reader lived together. Madara comes home one day and hears loud moaning coming from their bedroom, recognizing the reader’s voice. Madara assumes, to his horror, that reader is cheating on him, and he rushes to the bedroom and opens the door. Instead of seeing a cheating partner, Madara actually walks in on the reader masturbating/using sex toys while moaning out Madara's name.
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The night is silent, and the Uchiha compound looks like something out of a fairy tale. Lanterns illuminate the homes, families prepare for a refreshing round of sleep, and Madara makes his way home at a leisurely pace.
He loves being able to appreciate his home in times of peace, where there are no groups of ninja training in the middle of the night preparing to attack the Senjus, or the infants having to flee along with the women for shelter lest they perish in the act.
No one would have thought a signed document and a handshake could bring such harmony and beauty to life, but apparently, it was all that was needed. Now the people are genuinely happy, without having to think about a glimpse of war or losing their loved ones.
The leader enjoys the view, and can only think about getting home.
The day has been long, and all he wants to do is have dinner with (Y/N) and go to bed, maybe read a little or take a bath, but nothing crazy. His inner peace and happiness are so great it makes him feel drowsy, as if he wants to just head to the pillow and sleep for ages, safe in the knowledge that no one will have to go off to combat any time soon.
He smiles to himself without even noticing and makes his way quietly to the entrance of his house. Removing his footwear before entering, it hits him. Screams and strange sounds come from inside, his wife's voice.
He is oblivious to the situation and feels incredulous for letting his guard down like that. Did someone infiltrate and try to attack the Uchiha from the heart of the family? Mess with his special person? Force him to break the peace and defy everything he fought to build?
No... those don't sound like cries of pain, they're more like... moaning...
Oh... oh.
Faced with a completely different scenario than the one he first set out, Madara weighs the possibility of (Y/N) growing tired of life with a politician, and deciding to seek pleasure in another man. Perhaps she's sick of waiting for him every night because of his meetings, of missing him every evening because of his training, of him being absent every morning because of his business within the clan.
The Uchiha makes up his mind and encourages himself not to lose to another man.
If she genuinely has another person between her legs, he will cut his head off over her naked body and bathe her in his blood. (Y/N) might be traumatized afterward, but she will understand she cannot cheat on him, she cannot dump him like that, and she cannot destroy his heart in such a way.
He activates his Sharingan and enters the household silently, using chakra to move and catch them in the act. He wants this moment to be etched in his retina, in his memories, the story of how he failed to be a good husband to (Y/N) and killed her lover over her. It will be a learning curve and a bump in the road, but they will get through this.
With a kunai in hand, he approaches the room and slips into the shadows unnoticed. He will catch them in the moment, and torture the man in ways he can't even imagine. He may even ask Izuna for help.
With a thousand ways to murder the person in his thoughts and pure rage in his hands, the Uchiha encounters a scene he didn't expect at all.
On the bed, (Y/N) is on her knees, laying her chest on the mattress. In one of her hands is a bright pink toy, producing vibrations between her legs. It is so wet that it glistens in the candlelight, and his wife moans at the stimulations, unaware of his presence.
There is no such man, no such murder, just his woman having a night of passion with herself.
He approaches her stealthily, with his Sharingan still on. He records in his memory how (Y/N) moves the object in a circular motion, seeking to trigger a specific point that generates spasms in her body. Madara takes the whole experience with study purposes, remembering each particular motion and part of her body to then replicate it with his own fingers on another occasion.
Reaching the foot of the bed, he watches intently. (Y/N) did not notice him yet, squeezing her eyes tightly shut to tolerate the waves of pleasure and continue her adventure. She moans in desperation, whispering Madara's name between rubs.
The Uchiha can't bear to be just a spectator, and with his hand, he presses the toy even harder on that spot that makes her tremble. In a mixture of surprise and panic, she tries to get up and turn around, to see the face of the disembodied hand that just touched her, but her husband grabs her by the hair and presses her back against the bed.
He knows she likes it rough, and that's just what he's going to give her.
Hovering over her, he whispers mischievously, "You better not stop until I've had enough, or else, we're going to start all over again." A moan of euphoria and exhilaration escapes her lips, and he knows with certainty his words make it all the way into her pussy with no trouble.
"Very bold of you… wanting to have fun without me. Maybe I'd have to make you pay, hm?" He presses the dildo even harder, reading her body and realizing she's about to cum. As (Y/N) approaches her peak, the man takes possession of the toy and rips it from her hand, pulling it away from her skin and cutting off the stimulation suddenly. "Where are you going so fast, (Y/N)? This is just getting started."
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