#he totally gives 10/10 hugs
me: brb gonna go fight Childe my friends: for the weekly rewards, right? me: :) my friends: .....for the weekly rewards, right???
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chuluoyi · 4 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 10:00 A.M 」
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SUMMERRR @ohimsummer you’re so responsible for this infinitely adorable idea omg🤧 based on this ask & this video !
a part of gojo's love entries
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“papa. come on. pa-pa~ say it after me!”
sunday morning. the first sight you saw after getting up was another shenanigan staged by your husband—
in the form of him shoving your humongous wedding photo in front of your one-year old boy’s face.
“this is pa-pa~” satoru’s singsong voice echoed through the baby room, full of enthusiasm, pointing at his face in the photo. “pa-pa~ easy right? now…”
your baby merely blinked though, chewing his pacifier in pure ignorance. his eyes—a pair blue marbles—glancing between his desperate papa and the wedding picture with little interest.
“hmph,” satoru clicked his tongue, and then he pointed at your beaming figure in the photo, voice visibly flat. “this is… mother.”
you quirked an eyebrow, totally snorting.
but he succeeded in grabbing your baby’s attention this time, as his crystal blue eyes widened a bit in wonder, staring at you in the picture.
“mother is pa-pa’s wife. she makes your food, nice on some days, but be careful! she can put a ban on our supply of mochi if she is in a bad mood!”
“oh, do i?” you walked over to him with a bark of a laugh, crossing your arms.
satoru made an exaggerated spooked look, mouth curving into an ‘O’. “uh-oh, mama dragon is here.”
“look, you big bully. why are you bothering our baby first thing in the morning?”
“i’m not bullying him! it’s education! he has to see that his papa is the gallant sorcerer—”
. . .
silence. both of you stiffly turned towards your little munchkin when you heard that little, feeble sound.
your baby and his clear, watery eyes made a grabby motions towards you from his bouncer chair, lips wobbling with effort. “ma—ma!”
...another silence before you snapped—
“my baby!!” you squealed, immediately plucking him, giving and smothering him with the tightest hug and kisses, whereas satoru’s jaw dropped to the depths of soil behind you. “kyaaaa~! i love you soooo much!”
“i definitely didn’t go through the pain of giving birth to you so you can call your deadbeat papa first!”
“—?! hey! i’m fully responsible for child support!”
and so you left him in his sorrows, walking out while cooing at your bundle of joy, leaving trails of your baby son’s happy giggles along the way as your defeated husband, who felt so betrayed, sulked in the background.
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“come on… just once, please? say papa.”
this time, satoru has his baby son open a book beside him, as he points at the father figure in that storybook, still urging his mini-him to call him.
but contrary to his expectations, his little boy just aggressively turned the pages over, only seemingly interested in seeing the illustrations on each page.
“papa. come on, buddy, hmm?” he prodded his chubby arms and tickled his tummy, and once again, his prickly baby retorted with—
“ma! ma!”
satoru sighed in defeat, but this time he relented, as the way his son was all energetic while calling you somehow wormed its way to his heart too.
he was still babbling incoherently, and yet this time satoru only pinched his cheeks together. “you sure adore your mama, huh?”
“yeah, me too, kiddo. me too.”
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scarletlizzard · 4 months
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Valentines Day
Pairing: wanda x female reader
Tags Minors DNI: fluff, tooth rotting fluff, smut, fingering, strap on use (R receiving), oral (W receiving), blink and you'll miss it parent trauma, love ×4, reader being a hopeless romantic
A/N: Happy Valentines Day, my loves!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day filled with love. And if you don't have a Valentine, you do now! ❤️ Just remember you're loved beyond what you think 😊
Thanks for reading! Be my Valentine?
□ Yes
□ No
■ In a delusional relationship with Wanda Maximoff
(I totally understand, you picked correctly)
Valentines Day was a special day for you.
You loved, love. The idea of being in love, the idea of someone loving you. Every year it came around, you wished you had someone to spoil with love and flowers and notes. To feel the butterflies in your stomach.
Thankfully, love came in many different forms.
10 Years Old
"What's a Valentine?" You hear from across the room a girl ask your teacher. The class was working on Valentines Day cards during art. You quickly looked up from the card to see the teacher walk to the girl.
"Well, you can ask someone to be your Valentine, or someone could ask you," she says softly and leans down over the brown headed girls' desk. "You see a valentine can be anyone special to you. A friend, a love, anyone you admire."
The small girl nods thoughtfully and looks back towards you. With wide eyes, you blush and look back to the card you were working on, coloring in a crooked heart on the front.
"Who's your Valentine?" The boy sitting next to you asks, causing giggles from the classroom.
"My valentine," she thinks for a moment and looks around the room. "Well, all of you, of course!" The class laughs again, and you can't help the smile on your small face.
"And who is your Valentine, Pietro?" The teacher smirks at the boy next to you. He doesn't move or cower, but with confidence, he stands and looks at the table next to you.
"Mary, will you be my Valentine?" Pietro asks a tiny girl with glasses and blonde pigtails. Her face turns red as the class laughs.
You can hear them talking as you continue to work on your card, putting extra care into the portrait inside. To anyone else, it was a child's drawing, but to you, it was your best work. You finish coloring, and with your best handwriting, you sign the card, adding a few more hearts.
Pietro nudges your shoulder, causing you to close the card quickly.
"That was easy! Who is yours?" he smiles and tries to grab your card.
"Pietro, stop!" You groan as you push him away, the two of you laughing as you play. He finally gives up, and you hold the card to your chest.
"Fine, don't tell your best friend.." Pietro says and shakes his head, smiling.
At the end of every day, you meet the Maximoffs out front of school to walk home. Today, you were met with only Wandas smiling face.
"Where's Pietro?" You ask as the two of you begin to walk side by side.
"He's walking with Mary ," Wanda giggles and jumps over a large crack in the sidewalk. You think back to earlier when she asked the teacher what a valentine was, and you stopped walking.
She gives you a curious look as you take your backpack off and set it on the ground, opening it up.
"I um.. I have.. well, here," you manage to get out, handing the card you so carefully made to Wanda. She smiles as she takes it from you, staring at the heart on the front. When she opens it inside, she sees a drawing of the two of you, the words inside:
Thanks for being my best friend
Will you be my Valentine?
To: Wands
From: Y/N
The writing is messy and crooked, as you were a better artist than you were with words. By now, your backpack was back on, and Wanda looked to you with a wide grin.
"Of course I will!" She laughs excitedly and throws her arms around you in a quick hug. A weird feeling in your stomach happens as she does, but you ignore it and hug her back.
Wanda takes your hand and begins walking again, swinging your hands back and forth and holding the homemade card in her other hand.
"Y/N?" Wanda asks as the two of you reach her house.
"Yeah, Wands?" You smile at her and watch as she picks a red flower out of the bush in her front yard. She hands it to you with red cheeks.
"Since we're best friends, we should be Valentines every year." You take the flower and smile.
"Every year?" You ask her. Wanda nods quickly.
"Okay then, Valentine. Every year!" The two of you laugh and go your separate ways.
17 Years Old
You stand at your open locker, switching out books between classes when a person hits their back against the locker next to yours.
"What are your plans tomorrow?" He asks and raises an eyebrow, signature smirk on his lips. You think about the card in your backpack and shrug, looking to the blonde haired boy.
"I don't think I'm doing anything this year," you mumble. Pietro frowns and gives you a confused look.
"I thought you and Wanda always do something?" He asks, and you sigh, looking away.
"She'll probably do something with Jarvis. He is her boyfriend..."
"Oh whatever, the guys a loser," Pietro scoffs and looks at you with a knowing eyes.
"Did you ask anyone else?" He asks, again, knowing.
You shake your head. "Not this year."
You look up at him and follow his gaze down the hall. Wanda stood talking to Jarvis, seeming to have a heated discussion. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the boy.
"Hey, I can be your Valentine. I mean, close enough to Wanda, right?" Pietro smiles at you, and you raise an eyebrow, cheeks heating.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you shrug and close the locker. He laughs.
"Oh, you're right. I have no clue that you're in love with my sister, my mistake," he puts his hands up in defense, another smirk on his face. "I'm not as dumb as you two think I am. Certainly not as dumb as her for not getting it...." Pietro puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Is it that obvious?" You groan and rest your head against his shoulder. He hugs you tightly.
"Painfully..." He chuckles.
So there you sat on Valentines Day in your bedroom, for the first year without a Valentine.
Every year you and Wanda would do something together, you would always make her a card. She would always get you flowers. Maybe you would watch a movie or take a walk to the 24/7 dinner that serves your favorite pancakes.
You had two partners before, both cut short due to the fact that your heart belonged to someone else. Wanda also had boyfriends and girlfriends before, but they never stayed together long enough to matter, and she never seemed to have one during Valentines.
You knew eventually it would happen.
Eventually your best friend, who you were deeply, fucked up ridiculously, in love with, would be with someone else. You hadn't told her how you felt, because you didn't want to ruin what you had... you weren't sure if she felt the same way and you couldn't risk the friendships of the two most important people in your life.
So you were trying to be okay with the fact that you were by yourself. You put on a stupid cheesy rom com on your laptop and pulled the blanket up on your chest. Trying not to think of Wanda.
A noise against the window disrupts your train of thoughts. You groan and turn up the movie, but the tapping sound happens again, and again.
Until finally, you hear a 'crack' and sit up quickly. You turn to your right to the window and see a small crack in your window, thankfully not splintering off into more cracks. When you walk over and look outside, you see Wanda down below with her hands on her mouth. You open the window and look down at her with a surprised expression.
"Wanda.. what are you doing here? And why are you breaking my window?" You whisper down to her.
"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry! I was trying to throw rocks! You know? Like in those movies you love!" She's laughing nervously now, and you can't help but laugh with her. "Can I come up?" She asks, and you nod, waving your hand.
You quickly step back to check yourself in the mirror, running your fingers through your messy hair and groaning at the sight of your red looking eyes. You rub them a little as you hear Wanda climbing into the window.
"That tree gets harder to climb every year," she mumbles to herself and plants her feet on the floor, smiling at you. The two of you stand staring for a moment in silence.
"Hi..." Wanda whispers, coaxing you as she takes a step forward. You roll your eyes playfully and laugh.
"Hi..." You whisper back, looking to her hand behind her back.
"You um, you didn't make me card this year," her voice is soft, tone almost hurt sounding. You look around the room and shrug.
"I wasn't sure if I should." As you speak, she holds out a red rose, the same rose she gave you every year from the bush in front of her house. You take it with a smile, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach as her fingers brush against yours.
"Well, it's okay, you're still my Valentine." Wanda speaks matter of factly and puts her hands in her jean pockets. You raise an eyebrow at her.
"But what about...?" You ask, hinting to her boyfriend. Wanda nods and hums.
"Well, we uh, broke up yesterday."
"Wanda.. why didn't you tell me?"
"Why do you keep calling me that?" She asks back, ignoring your question. You frown.
"Your name?" You raise an eyebrow, confused. Wanda moves to sit on the edge of your bed, resting her hands on her knees.
"You've called me Wands since we were 10 years old. The past couple of months, you haven't said it once..."
And there it was again, the hurtful tone of voice and sad green eyes. Had you really not? The couple of months she's been.. dating Jarvis. You've been trying to hold back, you hadn't even realized.
Instead of speaking, you turn your back and reach for your backpack by your desk, pulling out a homemade card. With red cheeks, you hand it to her, standing in front of her nervously.
Wanda smiles at the front, a detailed heart on the cover. Inside was an intricate penciled portrait of her, down to every detail. The smile lines on her cheeks, the few freckles, that could have formed a constellation, spread on her face. She half gasped half chuckled as her fingers traced the lines, along with the heartfelt words you wrote beside it. At the bottom signed:
Thanks for being my everything
Will you be my Valentine?
To: Wands
From: Y/N
"You know, for such an amazing artist, your handwriting still looks like it did in grade school," she jokes as she looks up at you. You finally break a smile at the comfort of her joking demeanor. You sit next to her on the bed and stare at the rose in your hand.
"I don't think it'll ever get better," you sigh with a chuckle, feeling her shoulder press against yours. There's a quiet moment before she speaks again.
"I couldn't see him being my Valentine," Wanda speaks quietly, turning to face you. You do the same, heart in your throat. "I couldn't see him being my anything, really..." She leans closer, you can smell the scent of her cinnamon gum and vanilla perfume as she does.
"Oh?" You swallow hard as her face is inches from yours. She nods slowly.
"There's really only one person I want... but I don't know if she feels the same," Wanda mumbles, eyes glancing from your lips back to your eyes.
"I'm sure anyone, especially her, would love to have you," you whisper, feeling her arm move around your waist.
"You think so?" A small smirk on her lips makes the butterflies in your stomach flap their wings.
"Definitely..." You nod, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek.
It's when Wanda leans in and closes the space between you, her soft lips moving against yours, that the butterflies inside of you soar.
21 Years Old
Wanda giggles as she pulls you inside her bedroom, shutting the door. She wastes no time pressing your back against it, her lips attaching to the curve of your neck.
"Happy Valentines Day, babygirl..." Wanda whispers against your skin. You smile and grip onto the back of her shirt tightly.
"Happy Valentines, Wands..." You rasp out as she sucks harshly on your pulse point. "Oh! Y-Your card," you moan as her hands find their way under your dress.
Wanda pulls back with a smile, "Y/N, do we really need to worry about the card right now?" You take in her puffy red lips and darkened eyes, the way her hair was already ruffled from when your fingers tangled through the strands. She looked like she wanted to devour you.
"I um guess we can probably worry about that later," you giggle and lean in.
"Thank god," She laughs as she meets you, kissing your lips with the same passion she always did. You can taste the alcohol on her tongue as she slides it into your mouth. Wanda lifts your dress up your thighs, her knee pressing between your legs.
"I'm so glad you wore this pretty dress to dinner," she groans into your mouth, grabbing your hips and pushing them down. You grind yourself onto her thigh, feeling yourself become wetter with every move of her leg.
"Just for you, baby," you moan and hold onto the sides of her neck, fingers brushing against her sharp jaw.
"That's right sweetheart move your hips- just like that, fuck you're so pretty..." Wanda purrs and lets her lips travel back to your neck. You feel the burn in your stomach become hotter, coiling up inside as your clit rubs against the rough fabric of her pants. You can't help the whimper escape your lips as your desperation builds.
"Wands, I need you to touch me please," you beg.
She doesn't waste another minute taking you to her bed, the two of you undressing each other as you stumble backward giggling. You loved that about Wanda, how comfortable she always made you feel in every moment. That even in the most intimate of moments, you could still laugh.
You lay your head down onto her pillow, the tantalizing smell of vanilla and Wanda invading your senses, as she crawls on top of you. She kisses every inch of skin she can, whispering sweet words as she does. Your hands grab onto any part of her that you can, nails scraping the skin of her back.
"Just like that baby?" Wanda smirks as two fingers slip inside of you, pumping in and out at an even pace. You moan at her words and nod, holding onto the back of her neck.
"Y-Yes just like that fuck!" She watches your chest become red, spreading up to your neck and cheeks. Wanda would never get tired of that fucking blush. It only drove her to move her fingers faster, curling them inside of you as she did. Her mouth collides against yours in another heated kiss, the two of you moaning into the other.
She feels you tighten around her fingers and whispers, "Cum for me babygirl. That's it, that's it baby.." coaxing the orgasm out of you.
Wanda gives you a moment to come down before removing her fingers. As she kisses your jaw, you let out a happy sigh.
"Let's try it out," you whisper, nodding your head in the direction of the new box on her end table. Wanda pulls back with a glint in her eye.
"Yeah?" She smiles widely, and you nod, watching her closely as she stood from the bed.
You don't think you would ever get over seeing your girlfriend, bare for your eyes only. She was beautiful, the most perfect woman alive. It doesn't take long for her to climb back on top of you, this time with a strap attached at her hips.
"It might be a little bit uncomfortable at first, but it'll feel so good," she assures as she presses the tip up and down your slick folds, your arousal wetting the plastic cock easily. "Just tell me if it's too much, okay?"
Wanda gives you a serious look, making your heart swell at the care she took in you. You nod, "I will Wands," you whisper and watch as she smiles.
She slides it in slowly, pausing to check on you as she stretches you out. The feeling was new and unexpected. Wanda peppers your face with soft kisses and praises you as you become adjusted.
"You're doing so good for baby..."
"Almost all of it, just a little bit more..."
"There you go, that's it, sweetheart..."
As she bottoms out inside of you, her hips meet yours, a moan leaves her lips at the feeling of the strap rubbing her deliciously. You reach your hands up to move the fallen strands of brown hair out of her face and your arms wrap around her sides. Wandas soft hands move to fold your legs around her waist, you feel her move deeper inside of you.
"You okay?" She asks carefully, looking down at you.
"I'm okay, it-it feels good," you rasp out as she begins to move a little faster.
"Just- fuck -just tell me if it's too much okay baby?" Wanda moans and the look on her face, the pleasure between her parted lips and furrowed brows would be enough to draw out another orgasm.
You lean up and kiss her again. It's a messy kiss as the two of you begin breathing heavier, Wanda finding a steady rhythm as she thrusts inside of you.
"Christ, Wands, it feels so good," you moan into her mouth.
Her arm slides underneath your shoulders, bodies pressing impossibly close as she rocks into you.
"I love you so much, so much," she breathes against your skin, her lips attaching to your neck.
Your fingers dig into her skin, one hand scratching up her back as you hold onto the back of her neck. "I love you - oh god! - so much baby," you stutter out as her pace quickens, another orgasm quickly approaching.
The way she held onto you, the kisses she left on your skin, the whispers of how beautiful you were, you had never felt more loved in your whole life. As Wanda kisses you again with a smile on her lips, you feel the love you held for her swell in your chest, the butterflies in your stomach going wild at the sounds of her moaning your name.
You look over at the alarm clock on Wandas' nightstand, seeing 3am. She has her arms wrapped around you, both of your legs tangled together as you turn back to face her.
"We stayed up all night," you giggle with red cheeks, looking at her peaceful demeanor. Your finger runs across her chest, marking a path from the marks you left on her skin.
"Totally, totally worth it," Wanda chuckles and scrunches her nose. You can't help but lean forward to kiss it. "You know what I could really go for right now?"
She smiles at the way your eyes light up excitedly.
"Pancakes?" You ask.
So there you were at almost 4 in the morning at the dinner you had shared many pancakes with Wanda over the years, sitting in the same booth, dressed in one of Wandas shirts and a pair of her sweatpants.
You slide her homemade card across the table.
"For you, my love," you smile brightly at her, watching eagerly as she reads the card and brushes her fingertips over the drawing inside.
"I think this might be your best handwriting yet," Wanda jokes with a smirk, acting shocked when you throw a napkin at her. "I love it so much." She holds it to her chest, meaning it.
"I um, I got you something a little different this year," she says quietly, her cheeks becoming a light shade of pink. You look curiously as she reaches for something in her pocket.
She sets a small velvet box on the table, and your eyes go wide at the sight of it. "Wanda..." You whisper, her eyes going wide too.
"It's not exactly what you think! Its.." She puts her head down and laughs to herself, amazed she still had nerves when talking to you after all these years. "Here," she says and hands it to you.
You open the box to find a gold ring. The band was made of little gold metal leaves and thorns, at the top sat a red gem.
"It's a rose that will last forever," she says as you stare at the ring. "There will be more flowers, and there will be another ring, in the future." She makes clear and reaches out to take your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger. "For my little Valentine, a rose for every day."
Tears well in your eyes at the sentiment, at the way she softly held onto your hand and looked at you with a gentle smile. Her green eyes shimmer in the dim lighting of the old diner, the blue lights that lit up the sign outside highlight the angles of her face.
Looking at the smile on Wandas lips and the blush on her cheeks is enough for the swarm of butterflies to take flight inside you, beating their delicate wings against the walls of your stomach.
25 Years Old
"Please go check on her for me? It'll make me feel better if I know she's okay," Wanda says to her twin, fixing the bowtie that lay crooked on his shirt.
"Sestra, you have nothing to worry about. Y/N is in the other room right now, totally fine," Pietro says with a comforting smile. He leans in to kiss Wandas cheek, stopping at the door before he walks out to give her another look. "You really do look beautiful..." He says softly.
Wanda smiles as she looks in the mirror then to him, her skin reddening under the white lace.
"Thank you, Pietro..." She whispers. He nods, leaving the small room to walk down the hall to yours.
"Alright, Y/N, you ready to -" Pietro stops as he shuts the door behind him. He watches as you look over to him with a sad smile, a few tears falling down your face. You quickly wipe them away.
"Hey, sorry is it time?" You ask with a small sniffle. Pietro raises an eyebrow.
"You aren't walking out on my sister, are you? Cause that will be really awkward for both of us."
You can't help but chuckle at his joke, feeling relief when he steps closer and pulls you into a comforting hug. He gives you a moment to cry on the shoulder of his tux, resting his cheek on the top of your head.
As he looks around the empty room, he realizes the reason for your tears.
"They aren't coming, are they?" Pietro sighs and hugs you tighter as you shake your head no.
"Well, no worries... I happen to be great at walking girls down the aisle." He pulls back, signature smirk on his face.
You wipe your eyes as you look at him, "Really?"
"Y/N, we've been best friends forever, I already think of you as my sister..." He chuckles and hands you a tissue.
As you wipe your tears, you look up to the man, seeing the little boy who grew up beside you all those years ago. The one who teased you about everything, playful fights in the halls. The one who was always the shoulder to cry on. The one who always made you laugh when you needed to smile.
"Thank you, Pietro. For everything." You sigh and hug him again, thanking God for the Maximoff twins.
"Now... I told Wanda you were doing totally fine in here, so we're going to keep that lie going."
You finally smile, and when it reaches your eyes, Pietro grins, holding his arm out to you.
Wanda smiles as her father kisses her forehead, dropping her off at the altar. Although, it fades as she looks beside her parents to see a missing spot. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks for her twin, worry getting the best of her as her eyes search for him.
But when she looks down the aisle and sees the woman who held her heart, arm in arm with the man who was her other half, she can't help the tears that stream down her cheeks or the smile that takes over her face.
"When we were 10 years old, you handed me a card and asked me to be your Valentine," Wanda says and takes your hand in hers, squeezing tightly. "I told you since we were best friends we should just be each others Valentines every year."
Guests around the room chuckle from their seats, a blush forms on your face at the memory and the way her green eyes hold so much love for you as she stares into your own. The world around you blurs, and time seems to stop as the words leave Wandas mouth. In that moment, it truly was just the two of you.
"So I'm saying now, that I want to be your Valentine forever."
The two of you exchange rings, and Wanda slides another band next to the rose ring you already wore.
On this Valentines Day, you say "I Do," and listen to the same two words slip her tongue.
And when instructed to kiss the bride, she wraps her arms around your lower back and pulls you to her, kissing you as if she wanted to convey a lifetime of affection in that one moment. With each kiss, Wanda could feel your love pouring into her a warmth spreading through her body like sunlight on her favorite summer day.
Amongst the cheers and applause of both of your loved ones, you felt the same feeling you always did inside of you when you were with Wanda, a kaleidoscope of butterflies in a storm.
32 Years Old
"Ohh sweetheart, just like that fuck!" Wanda half whispers half moans, her fingers tangling in your hair as you continue to let your mouth devour her. Your hands hold onto her thighs, keeping them spread as you lick upwards and suck on her clit.
A soft sigh escapes her lips, her back arching in response to the sensation. A gentle blush spreads across her cheeks as she looks down to see your eyes were already on her, watching her reaction. You hum against her, the vibrations causing her to surrender to the pleasure.
"Baby I'm gonna cum! Don't stop, please - oh god," she says and feels your hand reach up to cover her mouth.
With each breath, she feels a wave of bliss wash over her, a symphony of pleasure leaving her lips. You moan against her, your tongue lapping up everything she'll give you.
Wanda lets out an exasperated laugh as you finish, covering her face with her hands. You smile up at her, lips wet with her arousal as you chuckle at the sight of her.
"I told you I wanted breakfast in bed this morning," you grin, and she laughs even harder, catching her breath. You grab her hand and kiss the finger that wore her wedding ring.
"Happy Anniversary, Wands..." You say with a cheeky smile. The blush stays on her face as she leans up to kiss you, tasting herself.
"Happy Anniversary, my little Valentine," she smiles into the kiss and wraps her arms around your neck.
"About that..." You say with a joking wince, looking at the confused expression on her face.
"So you aren't going to ask me to be your Valentine this year?" Wanda pouts and gives you her best sad eyes. You kiss her nose.
"Unfortunately, you're going to have to share," you say, and at the realization, Wanda nods. Her heart flutters in her chest as she looks at you with a soft smile.
"I suppose we will have to share, won't we?" Wanda giggles, and you can't help but laugh as you hear small knocking on the door to your bedroom.
The two of you quickly help clean each other up in a fit of giggles and kisses, and as you walk to the door, you both hear the voices of tiny whispering from behind the wood.
"What color is yours?"
"Mom likes red so I did that,"
"But I did red too!"
"It's fine yours is different!"
You open the door to reveal the other set of twins that held your heart, a smile on your face as you see the pair holding a piece of paper each.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" You ask and watch as Tommy runs in the room, jumping on the bed into Wandas arms. Billy just smiles up at you, and you chuckle with a small shake of your head as you lift him up.
"We made you Valentimes Day cards!" He beams at you, his eyes sparkling with pride. Your eyes meet Wandas at his adorable pronunciation of the word, a small silent laugh shared between you as you carry him to the bed.
As the four of you sit in the bed, boasting over your boys handmade cards decorated with crayon hearts and crooked letters of messages with love, you feel the purest form of love.
You look from the twins to your wife, feeling her squeeze your hand as her eyes set on yours. A surge of gratitude and love wash over you.
You think back to all of the Valentines leading up to this one, wondering how you could've gotten so lucky. You felt lucky to be surrounded by so much love, to know what it felt like to be loved.
Wanda leans over and kisses your cheek, seeing the overwhelming happiness in your eyes.
"Our two little Valentines," she says with a chuckle, kissing the top of the boys head.
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
Stranger in a Bar - Part One
A DBF!Joel Fic
You meet a stranger in a bar, one who is fun and sexy and makes you wonder if the single life is all it's cracked up to be. But there's one big problem: you probably shouldn't be fucking your dad's best friend.
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Pairing: DBF!Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: This is smut, OK? Just a lot of smut. Protected P in V sex. Oral sex (m and f receiving). Age gap of 20 years. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI, 18+ only.
Length: 6.8k
AO3 | Fic Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: So this was supposed to be a one shot and then it started getting out of hand. It's going to just be two parts for the moment, this is going to be a very little baby fic, OK? Small. Lil baby story. Also. there's a hefty age gap and it comes up because logistics but no power imbalance. Thanks for always putting up with my shit, y'all are the best ❤️
Bar None, Present day
One of your friends had just put Single Ladies on the jukebox when you saw him across the bar. Bar None, the place you’d picked for the night, had one of those stupid app-powered ones and the three girls you had kept in touch with from high school had been abusing it all night long. But the man across the bar was so distracting that you hardly noticed. His eyes were locked on you, so tight and hot that it would send a chill up your spine if it was from the wrong set of eyes. But they were his eyes. Dark and molten and set into a sculpted face with patchy scruff and shaggy curl streaked with gray. 
No, you thought, he couldn’t spark anything but desire. 
“We should do the dance!” Your friend Emily slurred, tugging your arm. “C’mon! Now that you’re a single lady again, you have to own it.” 
She flashed her empty ring finger as Beyonce sang, a cocky - if half drunk - look on her face as she did. 
You smiled at her. 
“He did put a ring on it,” you twisted the stem of your martini glass. “That’s why there was a problem when he put his dick in someone else. I think I’ll pass on the Beyonce. But thank you.” 
“Come on drunky,” your friend Dana looped her arm around Emily’s waist. “Let’s go dance.” 
“Woooo!” Emily threw her arms in the air and Dana gave you an exasperated but happy smile over her shoulder as she guided her to the dance floor. 
“Jesus, is it that late?” Parker looked at her Apple watch. You half smiled and took a small sip of your drink as she rifled through her clutch for her phone and let out a relieved sigh. “Thank God, Kevin hasn’t been texting with a ton of stupid questions. Why did I think letting a baby get totally attached to me was a good idea? The fact that she only said mama for two weeks was great at first but now that she refuses to do bedtime without me, I’m having regrets…” 
“Do you need to go?” You asked, brows raised. 
She winced.
“Would you hate me if I left you with the party animals?” 
You laughed. 
“No,” you said. “Go home, see your husband and kid. I really do appreciate the warm welcome back, you have no idea.” 
“See?” She reached across the small table and gave your arm a squeeze. “I told you, just like old times.” 
“Did you go back home at 10:30 to make sure a baby was properly put to bed when we were 18?” You teased. “I forgot that part…” 
She rolled her eyes. 
“Almost old times,” she said. “Besides, you love Bella.” 
“I do love Bella,” you said. “And I love you. Go home, I’m good.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Positive. Text me when you get there?” 
“Of course,” she slipped off the bar stool and came around to give you a hug and kiss your cheek. “I really am glad you’re back. Even if it’s because Reid was a dumbass.” 
You just smiled a little and watched her leave, Parker pausing to wave to Dana on her way out the door. 
“This seat open?” 
The man from across the bar stood beside you, nodding to the seat Parker had just vacated. You smiled a little and nodded once. 
“You have very convenient timing.” 
“Well,” he shrugged. “Leaving a pretty girl all alone at the bar seems like a crime. Trying my damndest to stay on the right side of the law.” 
“And how’s that going for you these days?” 
He smirked a little. His cheek dimpled. 
“Well enough.” 
You looked at him, tracing the creases in his face with your eyes, the streaks of gray catching the low light of the bar. He was probably the oldest man there but damn, did he wear it well. 
“You in town for a visit?” He asked, turning his beer bottle in his fingers and nodding to your friends on the dance floor. “Seeing friends?” 
You cocked a little smile at him. 
“No, actually. Just moved back.” 
He raised his eyebrows, a look you couldn’t quite place passing over his warm features. His eyes drifted to your ring finger before he seemed to catch himself and look back at your face. You saved him the trouble, lifting your bare left hand and turning it so he could see. The indentation from your three carat engagement ring was still on your finger but your hand was empty. 
“I think we should talk, Joel.” 
Bar None, 10 years earlier 
The man across the bar had no damn business being that good looking. 
It was almost pissing you off how good looking he was. Tall, broad, with golden skin and thick, dark hair, he had the kind of face you wanted to explore intimately, in the way you could only do when someone was inside of you. The way men couldn’t control their expressions then was almost addicting. The way their eyes would roll back and their mouths would fall open, the way they stopped fucking around with pretense and just let themselves feel something - even if it was just your cunt - was beautiful and fascinating and almost elemental. It was like you could look into the very core of them for a moment, the way they always seemed to be able to look into you with just a glance. You wanted that with this man, whoever he was, this man who you caught glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. 
“Aww,” Parker pouted happily at her phone. “Kevin misses me!” 
“Misses you?” Emily snatched the phone from her grasp, gaping at the screen. “You’ve been gone like two hours!” 
“Will you just…” Parker snatched the phone back and looked at the text again. “And I think it’s sweet.” 
“You’re ditching us, aren’t you?” Emily sighed. 
“I think so,” Parker winced. “Is that OK?” 
You just smiled a little. 
“Go see the guy who’s got you all crazy,” you said. “But I’ll see you again before I leave town, yeah?” 
“Course!” She came and gave you a hug. “Good luck getting rid of me. Have fun at that thing tomorrow!” 
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I’ll try.” 
Emily rolled her eyes and judged Parker for a bit but it was less than an hour before she was leaving, too, with a man who’d asked her to dance and bought her a beer. 
“You sure you’re alright?” She asked as she went to leave. 
“Babes, I know how to be at a bar on my own. And my hotel is two doors down. I think I can figure it out.” 
She kissed your cheek. 
“Love you,” she said. “Try to have some fun!” 
You watched her go, thinking about just how long you wanted to be sitting by yourself at a bar versus in a Holiday Inn Express standard room when a voice appeared beside you. 
“This seat open?” 
The man from across the bar nodded to the seat Emily had just abandoned. You smiled a little and nodded once. 
“You have very convenient timing.” 
“Well,” he shrugged. “Leaving a pretty girl all alone at the bar seems like a crime. Trying my damndest to stay on the right side of the law.” 
“And how’s that going for you?” 
He smirked a little. His cheek dimpled. 
“Well enough.”
You smiled and introduced yourself before holding out your hand. He took it. 
“Joel,” he said. “Don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” 
“Because I’ve never been here before,” you smiled. “I’m in from out of town, my hotel is a few doors down. This was convenient and hey, the Yelp reviews weren’t the worst.” 
“What brings you to the great city of Austin, Texas?” He asked, settling in on the seat beside you. He was older than you but you kind of liked men that way now that you were in your mid 20s and exhausted by every man you’d dated in college. You liked them a little older, more established, men who knew how to cook their own damn food and give you your own damn orgasm. “Business or pleasure?” 
“Neither,” you smiled a little, taking a sip of your drink. “Family event.” 
“That’s not pleasure?” 
You laughed once.
“Not the way my family does it.” 
“That why you’re in a hotel and not stayin’ with them?” He asked, brows raised. 
“Bingo,” you replied. “I get in, I get drunk, I get out.” 
He nodded slowly. 
“Good system.” 
“Worked well enough for me over the years.” 
The two of you ended up talking about music and books and UT football until last call - far later than you’d intended to stay out. 
“Mind if I walk you back to your hotel?” Joel asked. “Not tryin’ to be a creep but… I’d sleep a lot better tonight knowin’ you got back safe. Promise it’s not a ploy.” 
“Damn, it’s not?” You asked, tucking your purse on your arm and heading for the door. “Because I was going to ask you to come up to my room if it was.” 
“Well shit,” he said, catching up with you. “Maybe it is a ploy then.” 
You found yourselves drawing out the walk back all the same, pace more of an amble than a brisk walk, but the hotel was so close that it really only added a few minutes to your walk all the same. 
“Well,” you smiled at the door to the lobby. “This is me.” 
“Yeah,” he nodded once, looking inside for a moment before looking back at you. “Look… you don’t owe me anything, alright? I’m not the kind of guy who wants to force something. I can just head on back to my truck, no hard feelings…” 
“Well maybe none for you,” you teased a little. “But I might have some. Unless you really don’t want to fuck me.” 
“Oh, I want to,” he said. “Trust me on that…” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he laughed. “Been at the top of my list since you first walked in that place, baby, lemme tell you.” 
“Well then,” you jerked your head toward the door. “Why don’t we cross it off the list?” 
You took his hand in the elevator, his palm so broad, his fingers thick and long and callused in yours. You pressed your back against the wall and pulled him onto you so his hips were on yours and his nose brushed your own. His eyes ranged over your face, hungry and soft and open. 
“You sure about this?” He asked, looking down at the rest of your body for a moment before going back to your face. “Sure you don’t have something better to do than some old man?” 
“I’m sure,” you smiled at him, draping your arms over his shoulders. “Besides, I like old men. How old are you, anyway?” 
“Forty-five,” he said. “How old are you?” 
You snorted. 
“I’m not sure I should say,” you said, holding him a little closer all the same. “Since you’re all hung up on age…” 
“Not hung up on it,” he rolled his eyes. “Just… don’t need to be some youthful mistake is all. Wait, Jesus, please tell me you’re at least out of college, tell me you’re not a teenager…” 
You laughed. 
“No,” you shook your head. “Not a teenager. And I’ve been out of college a few years, I’m 25.” 
“God,” he closed his eyes and shook his head once, like he was trying to shake the idea of you loose. “Still, that’s… you’re…” 
You pressed your lips ever so slightly against his, more a quick brush than anything else, giving him every opportunity to pull back. 
He didn’t take it. 
Instead, he pressed his lips to yours, his hands going to your waist and tugging you tightly to his body while he pushed you back against the wall. Your arms got tighter to him and you opened your mouth, his tongue licking into you almost immediately. Joel didn’t need an engraved invitation, all he needed was a sign that you wanted him and fuck, you wanted him. More and more, each passing second, you wanted him. There was heat in you that was starting to flare so molten and hot that you pulled at his clothes, forgetting that you weren’t alone, not really. 
The elevator dinged and he all but sprang back from you, both of you panting for breath. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, looking you up and down, pupils blown. 
“C’mon,” you took his hand. “I’m down the hall.” 
You pulled him along behind you and fumbled to get your room key out of your bag. Joel’s wide, thick hands slipped around your waist as you did, tugging your ass back against his growing bulge and fuck, but he was huge. Thick and long and you knew his zipper had to be fucking killing him, cock that big and hard restrained by mere fabric and a slip of metal. His lips found the hinge of your jaw, your neck, down to your shoulder and you groaned a little as you clumsily forced the keycard in the door, the little beep the mechanism gave one of the best damn sounds you’d heard all night. 
The two of you practically fell into your hotel room. You dropped your purse on the first table inside the door and started stepping out of your heels as Joel turned you around to face him, manipulating your body to put you right where he wanted you and the fire in you sparked higher, brighter as he manhandled you. Every touch he gave was loaded with need, the air thick and heavy with it as he pawed at your clothes and skin, licking into your mouth at every opportunity, taking your chin firmly in his heady grip to tug you open further for him, all but forcing you to give him everything. 
You were as rough with his clothes as he was with your body, pulling so hard and fast at the buttons of his shirt that two popped free, pinging off the glass of the mass produced art that hung on the wall. 
“Shit,” you panted, looking around the dark of your room for the buttons. 
“Don’t give a fuck,” Joel replied, breathless, clutching you close and tight before you could pull away. “Didn’t really like this shirt, anyway.” 
You shoved it down and off as he tugged your dress down your body, leaving it in a pile on the floor before turning you so the backs of your legs were against the bed. He deftly unhooked your bra with one hand then, ripping the straps down your arms but almost reverently lowering the cups, panting for breath as he exposed your breasts to his gaze. Joel tossed your bra to the side before taking the soft weight of your tits in his hands, cupping them, brushing his thumbs over your hardening nipples as he looked down at you with a look of near awe on his face. You half expected him to shove you back down onto the bed after his race to get you undressed but instead, his arm went around your waist, his hand splaying wide over the smooth skin of your back and he pulled you tight against him, making you gasp. 
He moaned, deep and low, and dropped his head to your bared shoulder before trailing his nose over you to your neck, the wet heat of his breath on your skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so goddamn soft,” he groaned, almost pained, and pressed his lips to your throat, making your breath catch. You clung to the broad expanse of his back, fingertips pressing into him, trying to get at every inch of his skin that you could find. 
His mouth found yours and he gently, delicately, lowered you back onto the bed. He cradled your body against his own, keeping the firm line of him taut to you as he kissed you. Joel rested you on the mattress and you let your legs fall open so he could settle between your thighs, the heady weight of him pressing against your clit and making you moan. 
“You got a problem if I explore this pretty body of yours?” He asked, his lips still brushing yours when he spoke. “Because fuck, baby, seems like a sin to not touch every goddamn inch of you.” 
He rocked his thick, hard, still clothed cock against your core, as if to make his point, and took your responding moan as the yes it was. He trailed his lips slowly over your body, down your throat, your breast bone, your stomach, your navel. His nose brushed against you, his breath covering you in warm and needy pants. When he reached your underwear - the last thing still on your body - his fingers looped through the band before he paused, looking up at you over your stomach and between your breasts. 
“You still with me, pretty girl?” He asked, mouth so close to your skin that the wetness of his lower lip had caught on your stomach. “Still good with this?”
“Yes, Joel, please,” you were practically squirming. He was so close to precisely where you needed him it seemed like you might melt with the want of him. “Fuck, please…” 
“Fuck, you’re even prettier when you beg,” he said and started to pull your panties down over your hips. You lifted yourself up off the bed to help and it wasn’t long before you were naked below him. He knelt in front of you and took your knees in his hands, parting your thighs for him and groaning when he did. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed, so quiet you weren’t sure you were meant to hear it or if he’d meant to say it out loud at all. “Just… fuck.” 
He opened your legs enough to lay between them, settling with your thighs over his shoulders. His thumb traced a slow, tender path over your slit, brushing your clit and making you gasp when he did. 
“Swear you’ve got the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he said before he pressed his lips to your leaking hole. He moaned as he did and you couldn’t help but thrust against him once. He pulled back from you just a little, his nose barely touching your clit as he did. “Needy little pussy, too, huh?” 
Your fingers knotted in the bedspread and Joel’s mouth found your clit, softly sucking the sensitive nub between his teeth to tease with his tongue. You fought the urge to rock your hips against his face, trying to remember that this man was practically a stranger, not a lover whose tastes you knew intimately. But that was hard to remember as he worked his way lower, his tongue slipping inside of you with a deep groan. 
Joel ate you like you were a delicacy he longed to savor. He started slow, tasting and teasing you open, before delving deep like he couldn’t resist it, his thick tongue exploring and finding the soft and tender places inside you. His thumbs spread you open wide to him, his nose against your clit and you couldn’t stop yourself, you rolled your hips against him. He moaned into you and you forced your hips down on the bed, trying to clear your head enough to be still. 
“Sorry,” you panted. “I didn’t mean to do that, you’re just… really fucking good at that.” 
He stopped and pulled back from you enough to look up your body again, a frown on his face, your slick glistening on his beard in the light from the parking lot outside. 
“You think I don’t want you fucking my face?” He asked. “Fuck, baby, I want nothing more than for you to take exactly what you need. Want you to make yourself come on my face, you understand?” 
You swallowed and nodded. 
“What are you going to do?” He asked, voice almost stern. 
“Make myself come on your face?” You more asked than answered. 
“Better sound more sure than that,” he said, fingers moving to your clit. You gasped and moaned at the contact. “Come on baby, what are you going to do? Say it. Own it.” 
“Come on your face,” you panted. “Fuck, Joel… I’m going to come on your face, I’m going to make myself come on your face, please…” 
“Good,” he said, going back to eating your pussy. 
It was like he’d been holding back before but had nothing stopping him now. His tongue pressed deep, his nose nestled in your slit to nudge your clit, his arms looped over the thickness of your thighs to keep you open for him while also pressing the softness of you to the sides of his head. Your orgasm built quickly, the heat in you sinking to your core, everything inside you there going taut and tense. You were just on the edge of it, whimpering below his tongue and his touch when one hand left the warmth of your thigh and moved to your slit, his finger sliding inside you alongside his tongue. He pressed into the soft, tender place inside you that seemed to elude other men, finding it with an almost practiced ease and moaning when he did, sending the sparks of your climax shooting through you. 
He groaned, needy, as he ate you through it, not letting up, not even for a second until your orgasm had subsided and your head was swimming. 
“Fuck you feel amazing,” he pulled himself from you, sucking the finger that was inside you clean before wiping your slick from his beard while his other hand traced over the smooth softness of your inner thigh. “Should’ve asked this sooner but… please tell me you’ve got a damn condom. I wasn’t exactly lookin’ for this tonight, not until I saw you, so I’m not exactly prepared.” 
“I do,” you propped yourself up on your elbows, trying to remember where the hell you left your suitcase in the dark. You spotted it on the dresser, thankfully still mostly organized since you’d arrived that afternoon. You nodded to it. “Suitcase, top zipper pouch inside the lid.”
He got one, the crinkle of foil strangely loud in the silence of the room. 
“Here,” you sat up and reached for him as he came to stand between your legs at the edge of the bed. “Let me do it…” 
He gave you the packet and you opened it before palming the condom, holding it tight in one hand while slipping the other into the open zipper of his jeans and into his underwear to find his thick, heavy cock. 
You moaned as you wrapped your fingers around his length, hard as steel wrapped in silken skin, and you stroked him, just half way up his cock at first before going from root to tip. He was dripping there, his arousal making his head slick and wet. You brushed your thumb over his leaking tip, the smooth skin making your mouth water. You looked up at him through your eyelashes as you leaned forward to lick him before taking just the very end of his cock between your lips. You suckled at him gently, lapping up his precome, Joel’s breaths getting heavier and faster as you did, before you took him into your mouth. He moaned as you sucked him, his hand going to the back of your head and holding you against him, your nose brushing against the base of his stomach. You took his head into your throat and moaned around him as you sucked him, making him hiss in pleasure, his grip on your skull tightening. 
“Fuck, woman,” he managed as you kept sucking him. “Gonna make me come if you keep doin’ that…” 
You pulled back from him slowly, his hold on you easing as you did, until he slipped from your mouth, still slick with your spit. 
“Should probably stop then,” you said, a little breathless. You took the condom - warm now from the heat of your hand - and put it over his head before rolling it over his thick shaft. You stroked him once, twice and leaned forward again, sucking his tip for a moment when it was in place and his head tipped back, staring at the ceiling as he groaned. 
“Jesus,” he panted. “Fuck, you gonna let me inside that soft little pussy of yours or make me come in your mouth?” 
You laughed once, needy and low, before pulling yourself backwards on the bed, Joel’s eyes hungry on your body as you went. He shucked his jeans and underwear off before crawling, finally naked, between your thighs. His head brushed against your sex and he took the base of his cock in his hand, trailing his tip up and down your dripping slit before spreading you open for him, your pussy swollen and tender as he did. He put his tip against your dripping entrance, pressed just the very end of him inside, barely opening you to him. His hands moved to your thighs, brushing over them to your knees before trailing back toward your center, his fingers splayed wide over you soft flesh. 
“You ready, baby?” He asked, needy. 
“Yes,” you breathed. You’d passed ready a long time ago. You were desperate now, aching and all but begging for him to take up every empty space inside your body. 
“Good,” he pressed forward until his head was fully inside your tight channel and you both moaned with it, one of your hands finding the smooth skin of your breast and squeezing it. He groaned at the sight as he started fucking just the tip of him into you, rocking in and out of you in short, sharp bursts. “Fuck, there you go baby. Just like that.” 
He started feeding you more of his cock then, driving further into you with each stroke until he fucked all the way into you, his hips flush to yours, his thick length stretching you open, the burn of him meshing with the heady pleasure of being so utterly full. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed, his cock buried inside you totally. “This pussy… fuck me.” 
One of his hands went from your thigh to over your hip coming to rest and the soft swell of the base of your stomach. He spread wide over your skin, his palm swallowing the space over where he was inside of you and pressing down, making you moan as the tight fullness inside you got more intense. His thumb stretched down toward your clit and he started working you there as he just held himself within you, making your cunt throb once around him. He groaned at the feeling. 
“That’s right,” he said. “So full of this cock ain’t you baby? Taking me so damn well…” 
He kept working your clit for a minute, not moving inside you, just pressing into your skin until you were practically writhing below his touch. He was so big, you were so full, the pleasure in your body so tight. It made your head spin. 
“Joel,” your fingers scratched at the blankets. “I need you to move, please, please, please…” 
“Please what, pretty girl?” His voice was dark, low. 
“Please fuck me,” you begged. “Please, please fuck me, please…” 
He drew back then, achingly slow at first, watching where his cock was pressing into you with a hungry look on his face, before thrusting back in, deep and firm. 
This, you thought, was why you liked fucking older men. Joel knew what he was doing. He worked your body with expert skill, grinding his cock deep inside so his head pressed against the most sensitive parts of you, the thick drag of him making your back arch and toes curl. He kept rubbing your clit with his thumb, the pressure and pace keeping your pleasure building and building but never quite cascading over the edge. 
He kept fucking into you that way until you were desperate, your whole being drawn tight and achy around his cock. He’d stopped watching where your bodies were joined and had moved to your face, his gaze drinking in your desperate little moans and the way your eyes would scrunch closed as you got so close to coming but didn’t quite make it, whimpering as your climax fell just out of reach yet again. 
“Got you so tight and needy, hm?” He said, breathless. You just nodded, trying to rock your hips up against him but held in place by his hand on your stomach. “Why don’t you tell me what you need? Tell me exactly what it is you need.” 
“To come,” you whimpered. “Fuck, I need to come, you need to let me come, please let me come…” 
“Think I’ve been keepin’ you on the edge too long?” He asked. “Think I should let this little pussy come? Let her just milk me dry?” 
“Fuck, please,” you begged, not caring if you sounded pathetic. It’s not like you’d see this man again after tonight, anyway. 
He took his thumb off your clit but before you had a chance to whimper in protest, he adjusted your legs to drive somehow deeper and leaned over you, pressing his bare skin to yours before kissing your neck, sucking and licking at the tender skin there as he fucked into you, making you whimper, your nails scrabbling over his back. His lips moved from your neck to your ear, his large hand coming to cup the crown of your head, his pace never relenting. 
“Come for me,” he whispered, low and needy. “You can come, want you to come, want to feel you come. Just let go for me, just give in to me.” 
His hips rocked against your clit, his cock buried so deep and you saw stars for a moment before you cried out, your orgasm hitting you hard after being on the edge of it for so long. It broke your whole body down, muscle clenching desperately, blood rushing, fingers clinging. You felt it everywhere, starting at your core and radiating out in hot, aching waves. 
“Goddamn, that’s it,” he fucked you through it as your core fluttered over him. “Just keep comin’ for me, just like that, feeling so damn good baby just…” 
He pressed deep as your orgasm started to fade and moaned, the sound going straight to your raw, fucked out cunt. The pulsing of his cock, in you to the root, rolled you into another orgasm, this one less intense but still making your pussy grip him close and tight as he spilled into the condom. 
He collapsed on you for a moment as both of your climaxes eased, his chest heaving. Before his weight became too much, he adjusted, rising up enough to kiss you as he slid his softening cock from your body and falling flat on his back on the bed beside you. 
“Damn,” you panted after a moment, staring up at the ceiling. 
He laughed lightly beside you. 
“Know the feelin’.” 
You lay there next to each other, listening to each other as your breaths came back into a normal, steady cadence. Goosebumps started to pebble over your skin, the air cold as you were naked without his body on yours, the air conditioner below the window humming along. 
You turned your head to look at him and he did the same. 
“Should probably go…” his voice trailed off but he sounded reluctant. Or maybe you just hoped he did.  
“You don’t have to,” you said, probably a little too quickly for a man you’d just met. Even in the dim light of the moon and the parking lot lights out your window, you could tell he raised his eyebrows. “I’m just… you can stay, if you want. It’s a big bed. Think we can manage it.” 
“Wouldn’t want to impose…” 
“You’re not,” you said. “You can leave, too, if you’d rather but… don’t feel like you have to rush out.” 
He smiled a little. 
“Then I’ll stay. I’d like to stay.” 
You smiled back, that blissed out and relaxed feeling you had after you came settling over you.
The two of you settled far across the bed from each other at first but drifted quickly, until your head was on his chest and you were curved around his side as his arm wrapped around your shoulders, his fingers trailing up and down your arm until you fell asleep. 
He was somehow even more beautiful in the light of day. 
You realized it as the two of you went about the strange intimacy of getting ready for the day side by side with someone you didn’t know. He blinked sleep from his eyes when first woke up and stretched his back before getting out of bed, his curls haphazard and messy and his body soft and warm. He got dressed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to tame it. You offered him your travel toothbrush as you got dressed and he watched you pull on your jeans as he leaned against the bathroom doorframe. 
“Been a while since I’ve done this,” he said, a little hesitant. 
“Just how long?” You asked, teasing as you pulled on your shirt. 
“Longer than I want to admit,” he said, small smile making his cheek dimple. “Long enough that I don’t remember exactly how this is supposed to work but… I’d like to take you to breakfast. If you want.” 
You smiled. 
“Sure,” you said. “I’d like that.” 
Joel walked back to the bar and picked up his truck before taking you to a diner not too far from your hotel. You laughed with him about menu typos and the questionable song choices coming from the speakers over greasy eggs and toast soaked in butter. 
“Know we just met,” he said as you were on your fourth cup of coffee and you were both avoiding the fact that you’d have to leave this table and go your separate ways soon. The remains of your hashbrowns had long gone cold, ketchup smeared across the plate and you weren’t ready to say goodbye to him yet. “And that you’re in town for some family thing but… if you’re not busy tonight, would you want to come with me to this party? Buddy of mine is throwin’ in, supposed to be nice. Think he gave me a plus one in hopes I’d actually use it.” 
“Damn,” you winced a bit. “I really wish I could but the thing I’m in town for is tonight.” 
“Damn’s right,” he smiled a little. “Think you’d be my best shot for a good time at that thing.” 
“Yeah, back at you for my thing,” you laughed.
“Here,” he pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it before handing it over. “Put your number in. Maybe we could still get together later…” 
You took it but hesitated, thumb tapping on the side of his phone case. 
He frowned.
“I live hours away,” you said. “Is this really smart?” 
He shrugged. 
“Don’t really care if it’s smart or not. Just want to see you again. If you’ll let me.” 
You smiled a little and shook your head before putting your number in his phone. 
“There,” you said, handing it back over. “Let me know when you’re done with your thing. I can think of a few more ways to get some good use out of my hotel room.” 
Two more cups of coffee later, Joel dropped you off at your hotel. You kissed him goodbye in the cabin of his truck, moaning against his mouth before pulling away. 
“Alright, go before I come back in with you,” he said playfully, reaching across you to open your door.
You laughed. 
“Don’t tempt me,” you got out and paused before closing your door, taking one last chance to look him over. “If we don’t see each other again… It was good meeting you.” 
“Good meeting you, too,” he said. “But don’t worry. I’ll see you again.” 
You went inside, looking back over your shoulder once you were in the lobby, Joel’s truck still sitting near the doors as he waited to make sure you were safely inside. 
There was an odd sense of loss in you as you got ready for your parents’ big anniversary party. You hadn’t expected to meet anyone when on your trip back to your hometown, let alone someone you liked so much. You’d been single for a while, doing things alone didn’t really bother you. But now, you felt this tug of desire to have him getting ready beside you where you could help him with his tie and he could zip you into your dress. 
But that was stupid. You knew it was stupid. Your job had taken you to Memphis and you liked it there. You weren’t in a rush to move back to your hometown. And Joel had a business here. It wasn’t going to happen. It’d be a lot easier in the long run if you just accepted that now. 
You showed up early to the party, your older sister wanting help to get things set up in the tents outside. 
“Who all is coming to this shindig anyway?” You asked as you put pictures of your parents out around a guest book near the entrance of the tent. 
“Oh, you know,” your sister waved you off. 
“Not really,” you said. She gave you a look. “What! I haven’t been home for a family party in… well, it’s been a minute.” 
“Yeah, and I’ve been the one doing all the work to help with those for a while,” she said. 
“And you’re definitely not bitter about that…” 
“Not one bit,” she teased. “But the usual people. The closest neighbors, the aunts and uncles, Mom’s book club, church people, Dad’s friends…” 
“Dad has friends?” You gaped at her. “Since when?” 
“He’s had friends for years!” 
“OK, he’s never had friends,” you said. “Where is he finding friends? Shit’s unnatural…” 
“Don’t let them catch you saying shit,” she said. “And there are a few from work, one from this basketball league he joined…” 
“Ew,” you crinkled your nose. Your sister laughed. 
“Definitely not ew,” she said. “At least not the basketball friend one, he’s weirdly hot, it’s disturbing…” 
“Well, there’s no accounting for taste, is there?” You teased. 
“You’ll eat those words when you meet the guy,” she said. “Just wait.” 
“Whatever you say,” you rolled your eyes, skeptical. You and your sister had never had the same taste in men, you didn’t see any reason for that to have changed. 
But still, you were keeping an eye out for this mysterious hot friend of your father’s as people started to arrive for the party. Or trying to, anyway. You kept getting pulled away by distant relatives you hadn’t seen since your cousin’s wedding or to do a favor for your mom as she frantically rushed around trying to take care of everyone while also trying to have fun at the party that was being thrown in her honor. 
Everything was in full swing when you heard your father call your name from across the large, increasingly full tent. He waved you over, leaning around a man he was talking to, and you worked your way around the dance floor, trying not to think about how much you’d like to have a date at this damn thing - how much you’d like to have Joel as your date at this damn thing - when you froze beside your dad. The man standing next to him was devastatingly familiar, even from behind. Tallest man in the room, broad shoulders, thick curls. Your heart beat faster. 
“Hey honey,” your dad said, tugging you closer. “Want you to meet my friend. Joel, this is my youngest that I’ve told you so much about.” 
He turned around, a beer bottle in his hand a smile on his face that fell the moment he saw you. Your dad was saying something else but you didn’t hear it, too busy staring at the man who had been inside you less than 24 hours earlier. 
The man who had you thinking about what life alongside another person would be like. 
The man who was apparently your father’s friend. 
“Hi,” he said after your dad had stopped talking. You hadn’t noticed. 
“Hi,” you said, still staring at him. 
Fuck, you were in trouble. 
A/N: Here's whatever this is. He's unhinged, I don't know what's happening to the Joels who live in my head lately but they're just going crazy up there. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Love you!
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dr3c0mix · 10 months
Can we get more Goth yandere? Like when he offered us the chance to read those dark fairytales together I imagine us in his bed on a rainy day and a candle is lit and we’re snuggled up next to him reading about the darkest shit ever and he’s stuttering because he’s so nervous. Like we’re both under the blankets with our leg over his
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*sniff* man..
Yandere! Goth x GN! Reader Pt. 2
🥀 He was dreaming right? This was a dream? Yeah it's a totally a dream!
🥀 No it's not a dream..
🥀 "Jas? So is it your place or mine?" Your voice snaps him out of his trance.
🥀 "Wh-oh! Uhm, y-you can come over to my place if..thats ok.." He's trying to keep calm, but the fact that you're coming over to his house is almost unreal to him!
🥀 The two of you have been partnered up for a science project and you wanted to work on in together at home.
🥀 Jasper was trying not to pass out from happiness over the prospect of hanging out with you without anyone to bother you two, maybe he can finally make a move!
🥀 You walk home with him, and you arrive at his house. It was a grey house with dark blue tiles on the roof. The yard was filled with bushes and vines that grew everywhere, it was rather charming.
🥀 Your both enter and you're greeting by his mom. She was in the middle of cooking when she greeted you sweetly.
🥀 "Why hello dear! I've never seen Jasper bring home a friend before! I'm so glad he's making friends in school!" She smiles.
🥀 Jasper blushes and pouts "Mom of course I have friends.." he laughs, giving his mom a big hug.
🥀 "Awe I know sweetie, now you two come in! I'm making dinner!" She shoos us away from the kitchen so she could cook, and we run up the stairs to his room.
🥀 His room was full of posters and fairy lights; it was gloomy but in a weirdly comforting way. You could see shelves full of curiosities like a jar full of what seemed like raw ore and..is that the pen you lost?
🥀 Jasper lights a few candles which were scented like flowers, and he sits down on his desk "So where do we start?" he smiles.
🥀 The whole time you were working on the project, Jasper was smiling like an idiot. The thought of you spending time with him in his room sent him over the moon!
🥀 Whenever you leaned near him to look at his laptop, he may or may not have gotten a whiff of your hair..
🥀 A few hours pass, and it's started raining. Jonesy came into the room to sleep in our lap as you two finished up the report.
🥀 "Huh, that's weird. Jonesy hates anyone that isn't me or my mom.." Jasper smiles as he pets the little black cat on your lap.
🥀 You joke that you're his second parent and Jasper turns bright red and starts stuttering like crazy. "R-really? I-I mean you can if you wanna I'm not stopping you! N-not like I'm asking you to be my partner of anything right? I mean it's just a cat! Hahah..yeah.."
🥀 You smile at him and laugh before looking around his room again, complimenting his decor.
🥀 "Th-thanks..Oh! I promised you I'd show you my books! I just got Dante's Inferno! You wanna read it with me?" He asks happily.
🥀 You agree and he gets the book, the two of you lying on his bed as he opens a lamp and starts reading, but he's utterly crap at not stuttering every 10 words.
🥀 He could feel you leaning on his shoulder, your bodies getting closer with each paged turned, it was both exciting and calming to him.
🥀 Jonesy jumps off the bed and out the room as the two of you read.
🥀 The atmosphere was so relaxing, the soft glow of the candles and fairy lights in the room and the rain tapping against the window was like a river flowing all your worries and anxieties away.
🥀 Soon enough the two of you drift off to sleep, cuddling eachother with the book discarded on the floor, Jasper held you close to his chest as your legs were tangled together under his blanket.
🥀 "Kids? Time for- oh.." Jasper's mom quiet's down as she peeks in and sees us sleeping together. She giggles and gently closes the door and picking up Jonesy. "We should let them rest for a bit Jonesy.." She smiles as she goes back down.
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wolfiesmoon · 7 months
But... there's only one bed!
i missed writing cliche fanfiction tropes so here we are (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
i am in a very bad mood tonight but it's fine, if i cheer others up with my fics then i'll definitely feel better also silly writing style makes a return
characters featured: bachira, nagi, chigiri, rin
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Bachira Meguru
instead of freaking out like you, he just gets excited in true bachira fashion
you're like a new exciting pillow to try out 🤭
and wouldn't you know it, he is feeling a bit tired right now so that means you're getting dragged to bed by him
he gets very comfortable on your chest straight away, falling asleep almost instantly
you cannot push him off, it is physically impossible
be honest tho, you want to resign to a sleeping Bachira😌maybe being under him isn't so bad
it's like relaxing under a living (and also cute) weighted blanket, if you will
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Nagi Seishiro
he's like... okay with it
as long as you don't bother him he doesn't mind sleeping in the same bed as you
that night he gets enlightened.... about how nice it is to share a bed with you🙏
normally he would be bothered by someone telling him stories when he's trying to catch Z's but he likes your stories
so when you passively mention asking the higher-ups for your own room the next morning he immediately shoots you down
how dare you like actually, leaving him now is unforgivable
"You're really warm." is the only reason he gives you as to why you shouldn't switch rooms... wow🥴
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Chigiri Hyoma
he does not look like he is holding up too well when he sees that the bed is singular but neither are you tbh
you have to ask him "are you really okay with this?" like 10 times because you're so worried he might be uncomfy with this
after the initial shock he feels oddly excited and doesn't really get why he feels so worked up right now
sleeping is like... the opposite of a football match 🤧
(he is in denial about having a big fat crush on you, fyi)
when he wakes up the next morning you're leaning on him and he just kinda... malfunctions for a moment
yikes that cannot be good for his heart
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚ Itoshi Rin
this dude really just turns around and walks out when he sees that there's only one bed 💀
but the puppy eyes always work and he is sitting down on the bed within 10 minutes
he is oddly smitten for you, and that is bothersome
so bothersome that he instinctively wraps his arms around you as you sleep
"...Rin?" you question the next morning only to get a total of ZERO responses
He did not hug you in his sleep, what on earth do you mean?
also, your sleeping face might or might not be distracting him from football practice a little bit
how troubling😔
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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Embracing opportunitues | Lotte Wubben-Moy x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're overworking yourself to earn a spot in the starting eleven
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.1k
You hadn't realised how late it had gotten until the floodlights surrounding the pitch turned on engulfing the field with bright lights. “Shit.” You mutter under your breath, and start packing your stuff immediately.
While Leah had been out on injury you had started almost every game, but ever since she had made her comeback, you were back to starting out on the bench. Of course, you were overjoyed for Leah to be back from the horrible injury she suffered from, but you couldn't help the sinking feeling in your chest every time after that your name was no longer amongst the starting eleven.
That is why you had been training more and more outside of your regular team training sessions. Running drill after drill, to perfect your form, and build your stamina. You were doing everything in your power to better yourself. Anything to give you a leg up, and to prove to your coaches that you deserved a starting position.
“You were out late again.” Lotte's voice comes from the kitchen. You can’t quite place her tone, so you drop your bag in the hallway and rush into the kitchen to apologise to her. “Love, I am so sorry, I totally lost track of time. I didn't mean to stay out so late.” 
Lotte stops your rambling by placing her hands on your shoulders. “Baby, relax, it's fine.” She brings you in for a hug and you relax into her arms. “How about you go take a shower, and I'll have dinner ready once you're done?” You thank her with a kiss, before quickly making your way to the bathroom, not wanting to delay dinner even longer.
Your girlfriend knew how you were feeling and tried her best to support you in everything. She even trained with you some of the days you were training extra. Recently she had gone through a similar situation with her national team. After years of hard work she finally earned herself a starting position with the Lionesses. You had been so proud of her, she deserved that spot on the field, and that wasn't just you being biassed. She was an amazing defender, one you would add to your team any time someone asked you to build a team.
The quick shower did you good. You got dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie from Lotte. When you head downstairs, you’re immediately met with the most amazing smell coming from the kitchen. “Oh love, you’ve outdone yourself. It smells incredible.” You peck her shoulder a couple times as you hug her from the back while she’s washing up the dishes and utensils that she used. 
The soft moment between the two of you gets interrupted by the loud ringing of your phone. You take the device out of your pocket and see Jonas’s name on the screen. “It’s Jonas, I’ve got to take this really quickly.” Lotte nods, “Take your time, love, dinner needs another 10 minutes anyways.”
“Hi Jonas, I'm alright, thank you. How are you?” For the rest of the conversations Lotte hears you hum and say okay a couple of times, but it's still unclear to her what the call was about. “Alright, thank you. I will let you know tonight.”
You slowly pocket your phone again. With furrowed brows you turn back to Lotte, you were trying to process the offer that Jonas just gave you by speaking your thoughts out loud. “He just asked me if I wanted to play in midfield while Lia is out, and Kyra can't play for a couple games.”
Lotte nods, “And what do you think?” she asks, careful not to assume your feelings. “I don't know Lot. I'm a defender. I've been training my whole life to be a defender, how am I supposed to prove myself if I don't even get to play in my own position.” 
Lotte reaches out and takes your hand in hers. “Sometimes, opportunities come in unexpected forms. You are an amazing footballer, and I don't think that is limited to defending. You're always moving forwards on the pitch, trying to work the flanks. I think you spend more time in the midfield than you think already. I would say embrace the opportunity and show them what you can do in that position. Make the position your own, and show them that having you in that position is something the team needs.”
You took a step towards Lotte, who instantly wrapped her arms around you. “You always know what to say, and you're so good with your words. What did I do to deserve you?” Your girlfriend chuckles lightly, “You didn't have to do anything but be yourself, and I try.” She keeps holding you until the oven dings, letting you know that dinner is ready. She kisses your forehead before stepping away to get the lasagne she made out of the oven. 
“Alright, eat up cause you’ve been training hard.” She puts some of the lasagne on your plate and you dig in instantly. “And a good cook, I’ve managed to get the whole package.” Lotte rolls her eyes jokingly. “It tastes amazing, baby, thank you for dinner.” While you loved a good joke, you would always show Lotte appreciation for the things that she did for you.
After dinner you called Jonas back, letting him know that you’d fill the spot in midfield. Lotte had convinced you that you should embrace the opportunity with both hands. You were determined to prove that you were more than just a defender. That you could be the versatile player to help the team. That you would be the difference that the team needed.
A couple months later, Lia was fully back from injury, and Kyra had been playing for a while again. You had been working hard, and actually finding the new position rather exciting. 
You had sat down with Jonas and Kim, talking about your future at Arsenal. Kim was very pleased with the way you had stepped up, and wanted to discuss the option of you being a part of the midfield squad moving forwards. 
After your meeting with them ended, you rushed to find Lotte. “How did the meeting go?” She asked the moment she saw you. “So... I’m going to be a regular starting midfielder!” Lotte’s face lit up at your words. What you had been working so hard towards was finally becoming a reality. 
She steps towards you and wraps her arms around you, lifting you in the air. “I am so proud of you. All your hard work led you to this moment, baby. You did it!”
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
What its like hugging the creepypasta characters
jeff and ben and toby are the only ones written as strictly platonic but the others can be seen either or! kind of wanted to do something easy for creepypasta characters (+ masky and hoodie) since i missed writing for these bozos </3 that said requests for creepypasta are open so crp fans go ham! return to this blogs roots! rah! written more as a rating as well as how it actually feels to hug them and not really a scenario that leads to you guys hugging yk?
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very tall and skinny, maybe even boney. im still trying to decide if slenderman/slenderbeings have internal organs/bones/ect... though i can say that slenderman is fairly cold. hes not ICE cold, but hes noticeably cooler than your average person. can adjust his height to better suit his needs, so you dont have to worry about literally climbing him like a tree if you want to give him some affection... likes wrapping some of his tentacles around you during an embrace. not bone crushing, but not... well now its hard to explain, he seems odd with affection, not too sure how long or how tight to hold you... but hes learning! 7/10 love him, my tall wife
very similar to slenderman in the regard that hes also very skinny and tall, though i do think hes just a teeeeeeny tiiiiiiny warmer than his brother! not by much but its a noticeable difference! loves lightly swinging you around before tugging you close to his chest, sometimes sways a little while holding you! holds you a little tighter than slenderman does. perhaps even nests his head on top of yours when you guys hug. honestly i can see him having a habit of just picking you up and carrying you around, platonic or romantic it doesnt matter, hes going to do it unless you express that you dont like it... 8/10 due to him being a little less cold (emotionally and physically)
now this ones ice cold, like youre going to need to bundle up if you want to cuddle up next to him since hes going to just snatch the heat out of you in a few minutes. admin personally hcs him to be on the shorter and thicker side, so theres that at least! very soft! generally not the type to seek out affection, though, so youre going to need to step up and initiate a lot of that stuff. not that he doesnt want it, he just doesnt really think about it all that much + he may or may not fear taking a bite out of you. shrugs... though i like to think that despite that, he can give some solid hugs! 6/10
very warm, always seeking attention and affection from you so hugs are not in short supply. sometimes purrs when you guys hug, and similar to splendorman hes going to swing you around a bit.. though sometimes he gets too into it or too excited and it comes off more as thrashing you around. probably when hes feeling a little sillier than usual he pokes his cone nose into your cheek (gently). wraps his arms around you, like. totally around you since his arms can stretch and they dont really have.... bones... you know? probably sometimes hugs you from behind, typically after sneaking up behind you/poofing behind you from his smoke thing 8/10, would say 10/10 but i think he might accidentally crush you to death
not... very.. good at hugs. at most youre going to get one of those side hugs from him, at least when hes awake. sometimes when you two cuddle and he falls asleep, hes wrapping his arms around you and locking you in to his chest. normal body heat, maybe a little above average, but nothing too insane since hes still a human... hmm... doesnt really give those two armed hugs unless hes sleeping or you were just in danger. adrenaline and fear can do a lot to someone, you know... 6.5/10 masky gets a higher score than EJ since hes warmer
as for tim, hes a little more open to giving you affection, i think! while masky only really does it when you ask, i like to think that tim might be more likely to do it unprompted! likes resting his head/chin/jaw on your shoulder or head, depends on the height difference! 7/10
i think in general i tend to type hoodie as a touch more open/social than masky.. masky tends to be a little... eh... he expresses stuff less than hoodie, at least in my take. shrugs. i do think hoodie likes to hug you from behind when youre doing something. very tall, personally hc him to be roughly 6 feet tall. neither buff nor skinny, have some pudge. generally very comfy, plus his hoodie is sometimes nice and soft, sometimes warm if you've managed to get him to wash it! likes swaying you a little while he looks over your shoulder to see what youre doing, only occasionally letting go to sign something to you.. 8/10
brian is more or less the same, but hes verbal so his hands are staying put on you. i also think hes a little bolder and more willing to just hold you whenever, let that man be affectionate with the reader! if this is romantic he likely puts his hands on your hips.. also 8/10
very affection starved, i think, but he also doesnt really initiate anything due to a deep rooted fear of rejection. so youre going to need to take the lead here! skin and bones, very cold since skinny people tend to be colder (at least in my experience with hugging!). when you guys do hug he does tend to hold you a little too tight. he doesnt mean anything malicious by it, its just that hes truly not used to hugging people and also subconsciously he doesnt want the hug to end, you know? 7/10 me thinks
very short very cold and... damp? i personally headcannon that the most of the time hes in a digital device, but on the rare chance hes in the real world... hes very cold and as previously mentioned damp. might also have a general electric buzz about him, too. kind of like holding a cold soggy plushie straight from a washing machine. not at all pleasant but he cant help it :( 4/10 the ghost boy does not make a good hugger there isnt much else to be said
very lanky, admin also headcannons him to be very tall. like 6'2. lanky fucker. probably a "where's my hug" person but not in the gross neckbeard way and more so mocking those kinds of people because the look you give him makes him lose his shit and cackle. his jacket kind of smells, youre going to have to get him to go wash it. it doesnt smell putrid or anything but it definitely needs a wash. what being a dude on the run after committing homicide does to a mf 5/10 only because he has a weird aura
VERY lanky and VERY cold, kind of rigid thanks to his weird puppet joints. kind of like hugging a wooden puppet. i dont think thats a pleasant thing.... hm... is usually slightly levitating off of the ground so its even harder to get a hold of him, given that hes also already really tall as is... you have to make him stop hunching over so you can actually get in there. absolutely basks in the fact that youre giving your time and energy to him, kind of gets annoying with it sometimes but thats just him being an ass. 6/10 but only because i fuck with him sometimes when i remember him
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honeybadger16 · 1 year
Honey Badger in the Lion's Den
Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader x Dan Riccciardo
Warnings: smut, threesomes, fmm, swearing
Word Count: 1.5k
a/n: Maxiel is real, prove me wrong. Let me know what you think about the pairing, I hope you enjoy it!
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Summary: Being the girlfriend of Max Verstappen has its perks: traveling all around the world, attending luxurious parties, and grabbing the attention of a certain Australian driver who can't stop staring at you and Max.
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You and Max had been dating for two years, and enjoyed every second of it. From traveling around the world to attending the most luxurious parties, Max made sure you were always comfortable and happy during the busy racing season. For him, most weekends consisted of tough practice sessions and grueling workouts.
You made it your mission to help him relax when necessary in order to prevent burn out. This consisted of massages or venting sessions before bed. If it was a particularly bad day rough sex in the bed or shower was usually the solution.
This weekend you arrived in Australia, just as Max and Daniel were doing media duties. You couldn't imagine any serious answers were given as the two drivers loved to mess with other during interviews. Watching the two interact from a screen there was no denying Max's boy crush on Daniel. This had been a long running joke online between fans, but it wasn't far from the truth. Max had been idolizing Daniel since they first met, and considered him a best friend. Max would never tell a soul, but whenever his imagination ran loose, the idea of Daniel on top of you made his pants get tighter. He thinks to himself it's wrong to imagine his girlfriend with another man, but it's just a harmless fantasy right?
Australia had been a total disaster for Max, not finishing the race due a gas leak was the last thing any driver wants on Sundays. Daniel had finished 6th, a respectable position considering he was driving in a shitty McLaren tractor-like car. Max was still in a bad mood as night fell on the racing city. Most drivers wanted to go clubbing and celebrate their earned points, including Daniel.
That's when the two of you heard knocking on the hotel door around 10 P.M. Opening the door you find Daniel's signature smile pulling you into a hug. "Hey y/n I haven't had a chance to say hi all weekend, how are you?" You responded by giving him a recap of the shops you visited and the restaurants you tried- his recommendations of course. Max hadn't looked up from his phone, not in the mood to match the Australian's cheery mood. "Are you guys coming out with us? The club we picked has the best champagne."
Max responds by telling him he's too tired to go out tonight and to have fun without him. Daniel could see through Max's bullshit response and looks over to you for an explanation. You shrug your shoulders not exactly sure what to say. Usually when Max had a rough race, him fucking your brains out helped him feel better. That's when you thought of an idea to cheer up Max. It was risky and could ruin one of the closest relationships Max had, but you were positive it would exciting.
Leaning closer to Max, you whisper, "what if we let Daniel watch as I suck your cock?" Max turns quickly around to face you, turning red in the cheeks, "what?" You snake your hand to palm his crouch, already hardening. You turn to face Daniel who's eyes glaze over with desire as he stares intently at the two of you sitting down on the chair nearby. "I think he also wants to watch me take you in my mouth."
Kissing up Max's neck, you unzip his pants and continue to palm his hard cock through his boxers. Max had given in to the pleasure and began making louder noises in response to your touches. You could hear the zip of Daniel's pants as he takes his semi-hard cock out beginning to slowly stroke it.
You decided it was enough teasing for one night and helped Max take off the article of clothing that was separating your mouth and his cock. He was already painfully hard, his tip was colored brightly red, begging for some sort of relief. You began at the bottom licking the shaft and taking his balls in the hands, avoiding the head. "Fuck-please take it all in y/n." You could see how much pre-cum had collected on top of his cock and collected it all on your tongue.
Max soon becomes confused as you get up and walk over to Daniel. He can only watch as you sat on you on one of Daniel's thighs and connected your lips together. After releasing your mouths apart you ask, "How does Max taste?"
"Like fucking Heaven" Daniel is quick to putting his hands on your shirt tugging it off of you. He was pleased to see you opted for a braless outfit as he began to fondle your breasts, kissing you once again. Max began to notice your hips moving against the Australian's thighs, in an attempt to give your clit some attention. Your hands found Daniel's cock and began rubbing him until he was fully erect.
Max thought he had died and was in his personal Heaven, this scenario only played out in his head when he was jerking off by himself, giving him the most intense orgasms. Yet, here they were, his girlfriend and best friend making out as Max got unbelievably harder. He could see y/n whispered something to Daniel as they both got up to remove the remaining pieces of clothing they both had on.
You came up to Max, while Daniel came from the back. Stroking his cock Max let his head fall back onto Daniel's chest. "That's it baby keep going" You however had another idea. You took one of Daniel's hands and placed it on Max's cock, molding it to go up and down the shaft. Max opened his eyes and began grunting louder turning to face Daniel. The two began to make out as Max was reaching closer to his orgasm. Daniel's lips tasted like the pre-game vodka he drank before he knocked on their door. Even though the taste of alcohol lingered on Max's lips he could get drunk on the feeling of having Daniel so close to him only. Why hadn't they done this sooner?
You removed Daniel's hand and instructed Max to lay down as you climbed on top of him and began rubbing his cock on your wet pussy. Finally, you push yourself down, having to adjust to his size no matter how many times you take him inside you. Riding on Max's cock you take Daniel in your mouth moving up and down. Sounds of moans and grunts could be heard as the three of you reach closer to the end.
Max moves his hips at the same time as yours to reach into deeper and faster. Max's cock curves perfectly into you pushing on your walls as you bounce on him in a faster, more desperate pace. He takes his fingers and rubs your clit, "come with me y/n." With the combination of Max deep inside you and stimulation on your clit, you explode first, Max following soon after. The two of you feel as Max's cum fills you up to the brim.
Daniel grabs your head and brings it down on his cock until your nose pressed against his abdomen. "Shit I'm going to cum." He pulls you off and releases his cum onto your lips and face, groaning as waves of pleasure ripple through his body.
You pull off of Max when Daniel puts you on your back, legs open towards him. Max's cum had started dripping out of you when Daniel began licking at your pussy. Throwing your head back in pleasure you couldn't believe you were close to cumming again so soon. He stuck his tongue inside of you licking up all of Max's cum and swallowing it. You finally reached your end as you tugged on Daniel's dark locks and made eye contact with him. As you rode through your second orgasm of the night, you noticed Max had gone to the bathroom and brought water and washcloths for the three of you.
Still breathing hard, you sat up on the bed and accepted the water giving a soft thanks, while Daniel helped clean you up. The room was silent, but comforting. Daniel and Max put on their boxers once more, while you wore one of Max's shirts. In the middle of the bed Max welcomed the embraces of both you and Daniel. He first kissed you also whispering a soft thank-you. He turned to Daniel and kissed him tenderly as the older man accepted the show of affection. Cuddling up all together the three of you drift to sleep, not worrying about the questions you would receive the next day from the other drivers about your absence.
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cozage · 1 year
Hi! My sister suggested your blog to me and I must say, your writing is very good!
May I request a reaction headcanon for Luffy, Law, Kidd and Shanks with their fem!s/o (reader) acting more clingy than usual, giving more kisses, etc or pulling pranks to gain their attention?
A/N: Wow omg that such an honor! Hello to you and your sister and welcome!!! It's been a bit since you sent this, I hope you are still enjoying my content :)
Characters: female reader x Luffy, Law, Kidd, Shanks
Cw: so much fluff
Total word count: 800
Extra Clingy S/O
Luffy isn’t the type to comment on the fact that you’ve been clingy more frequently, but he sure does LOVE. IT.
He’s such a clingy person anyway, and his love language is 100% physical touch and quality time, so he is thrilled you are giving him more attention
This man is a head empty kind of guy, so he doesn’t even question why you might be doing it. He just loves that you are. And he always returns it back to you tenfold.
Luffy feels that if you’re acting that way towards him, it just means you’re super comfortable with him to do it and act silly with him. He loves that he has someone who can always match his energy
He’s also not afraid of PDA. He loves showing you off and letting everyone know that you are his. He gets his signature goofy grin whenever you kiss him in public or hug him or hold his hand. He’s so obsessed with you and he never wants to let you go. 
Law loves his crew. He loves his family, and he loves you. He really does. And he likes to show it in simple ways. He doesn’t like to make a show of his love, and he tolerates it from others, but he ends up more embarrassed by it all than feeling loved by it. 
And so that’s what he does. He tolerates it. He doesn’t snap at you, but he doesn’t react to it much either. He thinks if he ignores it, then it might go away. 
Pranks though, they irritate him in the moment. He’ll walk into a room and get drenched in sea water, and he’ll scream at his crew while you and Penguin snicker in the corner. 
Does he enjoy it overall? Not really. But he does like how happy it makes you, so he lets it happen, and he gets a soft little smile watching how happy it makes you. 
It doesn’t cross his mind that you might have a reason for doing it. He figures if there’s something going on, you’ll talk to him about it. 
This man is an absolute fiend. I think at first he would be irritated with it (just because he’d be confused, and he gets irritated with things that confuse him), but he would quickly turn it into a competition. He’d say something quippy about it, like “If you’re going to start giving me more attention like this, you better be able to keep up with it”.
You give him 12 kisses one day? You better give him at least 12 the next day. If not, you’ll hear about it, and he’ll claim you don’t love him anymore, and he’ll whine about it all day long. 
He might even turn it into a competition with you. “Oh, you gave me 10 kisses? Well I gave you 15, so I guess I love you more and I have the cold hard facts to back it up babe.”
He loves the way you love him, and it really boosts his ego when you’re extra clingy like that, so he tries to love you back just as much to show you how important you are to him too. 
Shanks loves PDA. He loves goofing around with you, and he loves to keep you close. On the ship or in public. He loves making people sick of you two. So when you start to be overly affectionate, he falls in love with you even more.
He’s smart enough (unlike all the other idiots in this list) to do a quick self evaluation and make sure you aren’t acting out or changing things up because of something he did. Has he been ignoring you lately, or making you feel unloved? Do you know how important you are to him? When’s the last time he bought you flowers, or took you out to a romantic dinner? Better do it all again now, just to make sure you’re not feeling insecure in your relationship. 
He holds you tight and returns all of your kisses passionately, making sure you know through words and deeds how important you are to him. 
One day he even asks you point blank if something is bothering you, just to make sure the lines of communication between you two stay clear. He doesn’t want something stupid to be bothering you when he could easily put it to rest. If something is bothering you, he gives you plenty of love and reassurance. But if something isn’t, he’ll shower you in kisses anyway and say something like “Well, I like this new level of affection you’re bringing to the table. I guess I’ll have to up my game, huh?”
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luxekook · 2 years
call him bestie in bed | minwon
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❯ pairing: mingyu x reader x wonwoo
❯ genre: best friends to lovers, slight angst, smut, fluff
❯ summary: you realize you’re in love with your best friends. chaos ensues.
❯ word count: 8.2k
❯ warnings: 18+, cursing, reader thirsts over minwon (and who can blame them?), some miscommunication and self-sabotaging behaviors (reader is an idiot for a hot sec), light drinking, brief mention of heavy drinking (one reference to a past event), dirty talk, jealousy, teasing, everyone is a switch but mingyu’s a total baby boy and reader calls wonu daddy, mingyu likes degradation and denial uwu, wonwoo just wants to please uwuwuwuwu, reader has breasts and a vagina and uses she/her pronouns, wonwoo calls reader pretty girl, gyu calls reader baby, smut [heavy makeouts, oral (giving and receiving), fingering, masturbation, unprotected penetrative sex (wrap it plz folx), creampies on creampies hehe]
❯ an: this fic is based on the meme "call him bestie during s*x" and on the beautiful gifset by @jaemtens.
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It hits you smack in the face at 10:42 PM in the middle of Seungkwan’s crowded kitchen. Unable to look away, you stare at your two best friends as they pose for ‘candids’ courtesy of DK. Mingyu and Wonwoo lounge against the liquor-filled countertop, murmuring to each other in between flashes of smiles.
It’s then that the pesky little thought you’ve somehow suppressed for weeks finally surfaces, detonating all over your life.
You are in love with your best friends.
You’re in love with Mingyu. His generous heart, his pouty sweetness, his natural caretaker persona.
You’re in love with Wonwoo. His quiet strength, his unmatched wit, his ride-or-die attitude.
And the two of them together? The yin-and-yang combination results in such an overwhelming pull that you just can’t ignore any longer. It’s their inner beauty you really fell for first. But the outer beauty? Wow.
You’re vaguely aware that Dino is talking to you about some sort of new TikTok dance he wants to cover, and you nod along with the proper non-committal hums in response. But when Mingyu grabs Wonwoo’s necklace and tugs him closer, your body short circuits. “I need some air,” you gasp out to Dino, pushing past partygoers to escape to the small balcony attached to the apartment.
It’s empty. No one else seems to be willing to risk the frigid winter chill except for you. You hug yourself tightly as you stare out at the city lights twinkling around you. Heaving a sigh, you watch as the fog from your breath dissipates in the breeze.
Honestly, what are you going to do? How the fuck are you supposed to act now? What will they think of you?
Your mind plummets down dark paths filled with rejection and dismay. How could this possibly end well? The beginning of tears sting in your eyes, and everything feels off-kilter.
Maybe you should just go.
Your eyes shut, shoulders slumping low. It seems you missed the sound of the balcony door under the roar of your restless mind.
“(Y/n),” Wonwoo repeats with a sigh. “What are you doing out here? You’re going to freeze to death. I made Mingyu go grab your coat.”
You give a half-hearted shrug in response, feeling Wonwoo’s sharp inquisitive stare on the side of your face. You can tell he wants to say more, but he’s interrupted by the balcony door opening and closing with a loud thud behind you.
The weight of your jacket immediately envelops your shoulders. “Are you crazy, (y/n)?” Mingyu practically shoves your arms through your coat sleeves for you before tossing Wonwoo his own jacket. “I swear you’re shaving years off our lives! It’s almost December! It snowed yesterday!
“Well yeah, but that was yesterday,” you reply. And apparently that was the wrong response given the fact that both boys are eerily silent until–
“Okay, what’s wrong? Because I know everything was fine before we got here, wasn’t it?” Wonwoo gently takes your chin in his hand and turns you to face him and Mingyu.
They must see the tears glistening in your eyes because Wonwoo curses under his breath. Mingyu’s nostrils flare. “(Y/n),” Mingyu says softly, your name falling like a vow off his lips. “Who do we have to deal with? Was Dino saying something to you? Because that little shit will pay–!”
“No!” You cut him off before he does anything drastic, because Mingyu absolutely will. “I just needed some air. That’s all. The cold makes my eyes water.”
Your friends exchange a long look that you know screams of disbelief, but you are well past caring. You need to blow this popsicle stand. Now. “I’m out of here,” you plaster a hopefully believable smile on your face, “I’ll see you around?”
Without waiting for any sort of response, you push back inside. The sudden noise briefly jolts you, but the heat is a welcome relief. Finding Seungkwan in the living room, you thank him for the invite and assure him you’ll get home safely. It’s then that you feel their presence again at your back.
“I’m sure you will,” Seungkwan grins at you before looking up at the two boys you’re now certain are right behind you.
You roll your eyes at his antics. “Bye, Boo,” you say, hugging him and kissing his cheek. Seungkwan sends you off with a wave.
Making your way out the door, you stop in the narrow hallway and turn to your friends. “You don’t have to follow me, you know. I’m perfectly capable of getting home by myself.” It’s a difficult feat to meet their hard stares, but you manage it.
“When have we ever let you leave somewhere by yourself, (y/n)?” Wonwoo’s voice is deceptively calm for how annoyed he seems to be by your statement. Too bad you’re too frazzled to pay it half a mind.
“Doesn’t seem fair of me to interrupt your night,” you reply, crossing your arms in front of you. “I don’t want to be a cockblock.”
“A what!” Mingyu chokes on air, fuming. “The only thing that’s blocking our—!”
Wonwoo cuts Mingyu off with a look that clearly screams shut-the-fuck-up-you-idiot before turning back to you. “(Y/n), where is this coming from? We’re your best friends. You can talk to us.”
It’s that statement that makes you deflate. The air quite literally leaves your body in a wheeze of a sigh. “It’s nothing, Wonwoo. I’m just tired.”
You turn before either boy can respond and start walking down the hallway towards the elevators. After punching the down arrow many more times than necessary, you pull your phone out of your pocket and tap the rideshare app.
“Absolutely not,” Mingyu grabs your phone right out of your hands.
“Kim Mingyu,” you growl, lunging for your stolen device, “Give that back!”
Chuckling, that tall fucking skyscraper only holds it up higher. “No, we drove you here; so we’ll drive you back.”
You stare up at him and his beaming smile, his bright eyes, his beautiful energy. It’s too much. Way too much. You slide your gaze from Mingyu to Wonwoo, who has the smallest smile on his face as he looks at you both. He’s always been just as deadly.
It’s the elevator that saves you. The ding is like a bolt of lightning to your resolve, and you launch forward into the awaiting lift. You’ll let them drive you home and then inhale your emergency pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food. You got this.
Turns out you do not got this. The vibe in Mingyu’s black SUV is not it. Everything with the three of you is usually comfortable, easy. Tonight, you know your quietness is making waves. But what are you supposed to do? Blurt out your bombshell of a realization? Potentially ruin your friendships because you’re scared of a little silence? No way in hell.
You need to process this for at least a few days and plan your actions for another. You had to be smart about this. Wonwoo and Mingyu are too precious, too vital to your life to be risked by any means. It honestly should not have come as a surprise to you that you love them. But maybe denial had been easier until now. Because now you feel as if you want them to love you back more than you want air in your lungs.
Ah, the drama.
Finally, the car pulls up in front of your building. “Thanks for the ride, Gyu,” you turn to him, shooting him the best smile you can muster up.
“Anytime, (y/n). I mean it,” Mingyu’s voice rumbles out of him. His gaze hooks on your smile for a half second too long. You blink and turn to the backseat where Wonwoo’s stretched out in the middle seat. His long legs open wide, practically an invitation– Nope. Not going there. Not today, Satan.
“Bye, Woo,” you smile at him and turn to get out of the car.
“Hey!” Mingyu’s voice trails after you as you hop out of the tall SUV, “No goodbye kiss for me and Wonwoo?”
“Or are those exclusively for Seungkwan?” Wonwoo’s door opens as he gets out to take your spot in the passenger seat. His deep voice is teasing, but his eyes… His eyes demand an answer.
“Well,” you pause, knowing that you’re about to give the most idiotic rationale, “Host a party and maybe I’ll consider it.” With that, you give them the most embarrassing finger wave of your entire life and hightail it out of sight into your building.
Later, your phone chimes with a message. It’s to the main group chat with all of your friends.
It’s from Mingyu.
“Thanks for the party, Seungkwan. Wonu and I got next. See you all Thursday night at ours. ;)”
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“Wait, I don’t understand,” your sister squints at you through your phone as you FaceTime, “You’re really going to sit there and tell me that you just realized you like them? As more than just friends? Bitch, our whole family thinks you’re in a poly relationship and supports it. Even great grandma Ethel is jealous of your men.”
The sip of coffee you just took comes flying out of your mouth. “What!” You splutter, coughing. “Please tell me you’re kidding about Granny Ethel.” This is not at all what you expected to hear when calling your older sister for advice after last night’s fiasco.
“Fine, I’m kidding about her, but our entire family does think you’re in a relationship.” She shrugs at you like this isn’t news. “I mean, you know that is how they act with you, right? They act like boyfriends.”
“How?” You rack your brain to try to come up with any fitting example, but you can’t seem to think of a single thing. “They just seem to act like good friends to me.”
“(Y/n)…” Your sister sighs, “I love you, but you are so oblivious. Remember last summer? When Wonwoo and Mingyu came to my graduation party, and we both got a little too drunk off of Mom’s wine stash?”
You laugh, remembering how the boys found you and your sister in the backyard chasing each other with your little cousins’ water guns. “Yeah, I tripped over the sprinkler and hit myself in the face with a Super Soaker.”
Your sister cackles, “Such a priceless memory! But I meant what happened after that.”
“You mean when I got my ass handed to me by two overprotective boys?” You shake your head at the recollection of being carried into the house by Mingyu as Wonwoo ranted your ear off about being more careful.
“More like when you got cuddled and bandaged up by your two beefy boyfriends who then wanted to go set fire to a sprinkler for daring to hurt you,” your sister laughs as your face twists at her words.
“That sprinkler did go missing after your party…” you muse, finally giving in and laughing along with her. Your best friends are menaces, and you love them for it. You love them, period. And if that isn’t the crux of it.
“So, what do I do?” You plead with your sister, “If they do love me like you say they do, how can I know for sure?”
“Just ask them.” She takes one look at your horrified face and scoffs, “Oh please, what happened to (y/n) ‘I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me’ (y/l/n)?”
“Never heard of them,” you lie.
Your sister mutters what are surely insults under her breath before shrugging. “Fine, you could just test it out instead. See the response to some different scenarios.”
“Yeah? Like what?” You barely get the question out before your eyes widen in terror at the maniacal smile that splits across your sister’s face.
“Here’s what you’re going to do…”
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After spending the next week dodging calls from Wonwoo and Mingyu, sending the barest of texts and contemplating your very existence, you find yourself standing outside of the boys’ apartment.
You’re late. The music already pounds through the walls, the door practically shaking with each thump of bass. You’re pretty sure no one realizes you’re even coming. But that’s what the plan essentially is… at least that’s part of it.
The other part is this outfit. You’re honestly on some real hot girl shit in your tight leather pants, slightly sheer black crop top, and black strappy bra.
Yup, the plan is all about attention. You’re not usually one to demand it, but here you are.
Turning the knob of the door, you strut inside. Your friends are scattered throughout the apartment you know like the back of your hand. The music covers up the sound of the door slamming shut, but not entirely.
“(Y/n)!” Jun yells, practically bowling you over with a hug, “You’re here!”
“Hi, Jun,” you grin up at your affectionate friend, “How’s the party so far?”
“Honestly, the vibes were a bit weird before you got here,” Hoshi butts in from behind Jun. The blond haired boy holds out a beer for you, which you accept with a smile.
“I think Mingyu was sulking?” Jun giggles, “More pity party than party-party if you ask me.”
“I haven’t even seen Wonwoo tonight,” Hoshi adds, cutting Jun off. “Why throw a party if you’re not even going to attend?”
You hum, not really sure how to respond. Your skin prickles under the weight of so many stares. You shrug it off as best you can, pushing further into the apartment and greeting friends along the way.
You don’t see them until it’s too late.
You’re in the middle of a conversation with Vernon when your eyes meet his. Wonwoo is sprawled next to Mingyu on their couch. You’re going to kill Hoshi for misinformation when you see him next because you really needed a warning. The way Wonwoo’s arms look in his blue cut-off shirt should be illegal.
Wonwoo finally looks away from you, glancing over at Mingyu. Your eyes follow, and your legs threaten to buckle as you realize Mingyu is already looking back at you. He looks at you like he wants to devour you whole. God, the way his teeth sink into his lower lip makes your mind fill with the dirtiest thoughts.
His dark eyes slowly flick over your body before meeting yours again. You want to run. You want to jump on him. There is no in between in this case.
“You’ve got it bad.” Vernon’s voice coaxes you back to reality. He continues, “If it makes any difference, I think they’ve got it worse.”
And then he just walks away. Like he didn’t just drop that bomb.
Classic Vernon. You can’t help but laugh.
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An hour later, you’re playing pong in the boys’ tiny dining room with Joshua against Jeonghan and Cheol. You’ve successfully avoided Mingyu and Wonwoo so far tonight. And with the sort of looks that they gave you earlier, you need all the breathing room you can get. Because is your loved-up mind conjuring up reciprocation? Or are they actually feeling some type of way? It’s honestly driving you insane. So insane you almost miss Mr. Yoon Jeonghan cheating for the fifth straight turn.
“Jeonghan, if I see that elbow cross the table one more time I’m going to tackle you,” you cry, shaking your head at the boy’s inability to deviate from his devious tendencies.
Jeonghan just smirks and makes an elaborate show of pushing his elbow way past the edge of the table. “Oops,” he says, his smirk widening, “Please don’t follow through, (y/n).”
“You little—!” you start towards Jeonghan, rounding the table and marching towards him with purpose.
“(Y/n),” Joshua calls nervously.
“Not now, Josh.” Your eyes narrowing on your prey, “I’m defending our honor.”
“But—!” Josh never finishes his warning before you’re tugged out of the dining room and thrown over someone’s shoulder. A shoulder that smells suspiciously like Mingyu.
“What the fuck?” You yelp, wiggling around, “Put me down!”
Thwack! Your ass stings before you realize what had even happened.
“Did you really just spank me?” All the blood is rushing to your brain, and it’s making it hard to wrap your mind around this utter bullshit.
The world spins around you for a second as you’re tossed on a bed. Wonwoo’s bed. With Wonwoo standing over you next to a pouty looking Mingyu.
“Hi,” you blink up at them. Like an idiot.
“Hi,” Wonwoo drawls back to you. Mingyu says nothing, but the look on his face speaks volumes. Clearly, you are in trouble here.
You push up into a sitting position. “You could have just asked to talk to me instead of kidnapping me from your own party, guys.”
“Oh yeah?” Mingyu scoffs, “Could have fooled us. You didn’t even say hi when you walked in. Not to mention you’ve been ignoring us all fucking week! You’ve been weird ever since Seungkwan’s party, and we’re over it.”
“You’re going to tell us what’s up with you, (y/n).” Wonwoo’s no-nonsense tone sends a shiver down your spine. He reaches out to grab a lock of your hair, playing with the strands. “Start talking, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl?
You’re done. “I don’t have to tell you anything,” you blurt, completely flustered over Wonwoo. You stand, getting him to drop your hair but now placing yourself entirely too close to both of your friends. “I’m going back out there. Joshua needs me.”
“Oh,” Mingyu laughs darkly, “Joshua needs you? I thought you wanted Jeonghan.”
You stare up at him, eyebrows raised. Is that… jealousy? A hint of hope dawns. Your inner bad bitch finally steps in. “And what if I did?”
For a moment, no one speaks. The room practically crackles with tension. Your chest is tight, hands shoved into your back pockets to keep from reaching up to sooth it.
“If you did,” Wonwoo murmurs, sharing a dark look with Mingyu, “We’d have to deal with it.”
“Yeah, you’d have to deal with it,” you nod emphatically. “Why are you saying it like you’d take him out or something?”
They both just shrug. You decide you hate being on the opposite end of the silent treatment for once. Karma really is a bitch.
“You know what? Maybe I will just go out there and jump Jeonghan since you both clearly think that’s what I want. Maybe I’ll even go for Josh, too! Might as well at this rate! No one else is volunteering!” You move to stalk past them when it happens.
Mingyu slides in front of you, blocking any means of escape. Wonwoo comes up behind you. His body leans into yours, halting any more movement.
“She’s not getting it.” Wonwoo mutters. You feel his hands resting on your hips, burning into your skin where his fingers rest under your shirt.
“She’s really not,” Mingyu agrees, staring down at you with furrowed brows and a glower of epic proportions. His hair is in disarray but frames his face so well you really might pass out.
“She is standing right here,” you protest. Your body is firing on all synapses and when Mingyu presses closer to you, his fingers hooking into your belt loops, you have to bite back a moan.
“So she is,” Wonwoo says, lips brushing your ear.
Mingyu flashes you a smile that’s more teeth than anything else. “Finally.”
“If one of you doesn’t start explaining yourself, I'm going to start screaming,” you warn. Except your so-called warning comes out weak, easily being dismissed by the two boys currently sandwiching you in between their bodies. The only reactions are a burst of heat in Mingyu’s dark eyes and a slight squeeze from Wonwoo’s fingers.
You clear your throat, desperation clawing at your insides. What is even happening? How dare they toy with you like this! Wedging you between them like you’re nothing and then ignoring you altogether!
You lose it. “Let me go!“ Your arms push Mingyu’s hard chest to no avail. You push harder, frantic. It’s too much to be so close to them. To feel them like this knowing what your true feelings are.
“Don’t ask us to do that,” Wonwoo murmurs, grabbing your hands and tugging them gently into his at your sides.
“Because you’re never getting rid of us, baby.” Mingyu’s words are a fierce declaration, but the thing he does next is even fiercer still.
He kisses you.
His hands frame each side of your face, gently stroking his thumbs over your cheeks. His plush lips are firm on yours, demanding in their capture.
The sudden feeling of Wonwoo’s tongue dragging up your neck causes you to gasp, and Mingyu doesn’t hesitate. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, rolling across yours.
“Fu-uck,” Mingyu moans against your lips, “She tastes so good, doesn’t she, hyung?”
“Better than we imagined,” Wonwoo smiles against the thin skin under your ear before he nibbles at it and then sucks.
The whimper that bubbles up from your chest would have been embarrassing if you cared about appearances. You’re well past that now.
“You two were discussing how I taste?” How is one supposed to feel about that information?
“Without me?” Okay, so you’re a tad bitter. Sue you. FOMO is a curse.
“You can participate now if you want,” Wonwoo laughs, chest shaking against your back.
“Cool,” you shrug, feigning lots of confidence you don’t really have right now. Honestly, fake it ‘til you make it. “I taste fruity with a hint of musk.”
The air stills.
You grin. Finally. The upper hand has never felt so good.
Suddenly, you’re swung around. Wonwoo’s hand rests lightly on your neck as his mouth descends on yours.
This time you don’t hesitate. Your mouth opens, tongue meeting his. Your hands clutch at his shirt, dragging him closer.
“What? No fair! Baby, I want a redo,” Mingyu whines, his hands gripping your hips before grinding against your ass. He’s hard and so fucking big that you really might be losing braincells from how badly you want him. Or maybe that's just from the restricted airflow courtesy of Jeon Wonwoo. Honestly, it’s a toss-up.
“You weren’t talking about how your mouth tastes, were you, pretty girl?” Wonwoo asks, panting slightly. His lips brush yours with each word.
“Nope,” you laugh, wiggling your ass back into Mingyu.
Both boys groan.
“Fucking evil,” Mingyu sighs dreamily before kissing up the side of your neck, sucking over the same spot Wonwoo had minutes prior.
“Why does it make so much sense that you’re into it?” Your laugh turns into a moan as Mingyu bites down on your earlobe and tugs. “Hey, watch those fangs.”
“Knew you’d be bratty,” Wonwoo chuckles, his hands sliding up your shirt ever so slowly. His fingers tease the bottom of your bra, caressing your tits through the barely there material. “Surprised it took this long.”
“Well,” you say with as much snark as you can muster despite the fact that you’re full-on panting now. “Who can blame me? It’s not everyday my friends corner me, kiss me, and admit to previously conversing about eating me out.”
The boys seem way too pleased about the state they have you in. Wonwoo’s grin widens with your words, and you can feel the smugness emanating from Mingyu as his hands slide into the back pockets of your pants.
You jolt as Mingyu squeezes your ass, and it’s his muffled laugh into your hair that makes you say it.
“Well, it's not everyday, but last week Minghao said he’ll marry me if we’re both single by thirty. So, I’m counting that.”
“How is that even remotely similar?” Wonwoo’s eyes narrow when you open your mouth to retort. “No, don’t answer that. It’ll just make me mad, pretty girl.”
“Hao should know you’re off limits,” Mingyu fumes, “Sounds like we need to have another talk with him, hyung.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Wonwoo shrugs. “We know that (y/n)’s marrying one of us, and that’s it.”
“Again, an invite to this conversation would have been nice!” You cry, pouting in a very Mingyu-like fashion.
“Why?” Mingyu laughs into your hair again, and you’re this close to losing your shit on him. “So you can go freak out for a week like you just did?”
Okay, fair but rude.
“Fuck you, Gyu.” You shimmy out of their holds with a speed you didn’t know you had in you. You don’t make it two steps towards the door before they’re both there, leaning casually against your only means of escape. And damn them because why do they have to look so fine with their tousled hair and swollen lips? The hungry looks in their eyes don’t help either.
You’re really in denial that you’re fucked here.
“Fuck me?” Mingyu smirks, “Go right ahead, baby.”
You march up to him and grab a fistful of his shirt, “You can’t say shit to me like that, Kim Mingyu. Not when you’ve just been tag-teaming me with Wonwoo and then talking about marriage? What the fuck am I supposed to think? That you want me for sex? Or that you want me for more? Because I may have just realized I love you last week, but I know what I want. And it’s not just sex.”
“You love us?” Mingyu has hearts in his eyes, grinning hugely down at you.
“That’s all you got from that?” You huff, turning to Wonwoo to get more of an answer only to find him looking at you with a devastatingly soft expression.
“You love us,” Wonwoo breathes out, his shoulders slumping slightly. The stress you never noticed before seems to evaporate.
“I do,” you smile at him. Soft Wonwoo might kill you, but you’d literally thank him for it. “Now, are you going to say it back? Or should I go grab Minghao––”
“Over my dead body,” Wonwoo growls. “You’re ours, pretty girl. I love you, too. Always have.”
You’re melting. Your eyes pan to Mingyu. “Gyu?”
Mingyu rolls his eyes, pouting. “How can you even ask me that? Of course I love you! Do you think I drive just anyone around no matter what? Do you think I cook all your favorite foods on the regular just for fun? Do you think I haven’t fucked anyone since we met because I’m interested in lifelong celibacy? Baby, come on. I’m yours.”
You jump on him. To his credit, Mingyu doesn't even hesitate. His hands cup your ass as soon as you finish wrapping your legs around his waist. Your lips take his, sucking his lower lip into your mouth and biting down.
“Oh shit,” Mingyu moans into your mouth, “Fuck me up, baby.”
You barely register that Wonwoo has pushed you both further into the room and is currently kicking everyone else out. Screams of encouragement from your friends as they leave are lost on you and Mingyu as you continue to devour each other.
You slide your tongue into his mouth, teasing his with a swipe and making him chase you. You suck his tongue as he enters your mouth.
“I hate you,” Mingyu groans once you let him have his tongue back. He spanks your ass for the second time that night, “Who the fuck taught you how to kiss like this?”
“Archive of Our Own,” you grin.
“Fucking nerd,” Wonwoo reenters the room just in time to roast you. Peak Wonwoo behavior.
“But you love this fucking nerd,” you shrug as best you can when you’re being manhandled by a 6’2 golden retriever type.
The smile you get in return could heat all the buildings in your city this winter. “Bed,” Wonwoo orders.
“What?” The word is barely out of your mouth before Mingyu unceremoniously dumps you onto Wonwoo’s bed and you're staring up at them yet again.
“Now,” Wonwoo says, “Tell us what you want from us tonight, pretty girl. Because me and Gyu will give you anything you ask for. Nothing more and nothing less. You’re setting the pace here. You want to cuddle? Fine. You want to make out some more? Great. You want to get fucked by Mingyu while I cum on your pretty tits? Exceptional. You want to slide up and down my cock while we make Mingyu watch without touching himself? Cool.”
Mingyu’s lips purse at the last suggestion, piquing your interest.
“Last one,” you grin at Wonwoo. “But I wanna ride you in reverse, Woo. I wanna face Mingyu as he sits in your chair and does nothing while I fuck myself on your cock, tease my clit and squeeze my tits.”
“Bet,” Wonwoo flashes you a grin and whips his shirt off. “Let’s go, pretty girl.”
“This is so unfair,” Mingyu whines, trying and failing to act like he’s not rock hard right now.
You both ignore him. Your shirt flies over your head before your hands fall to the fly of your pants.
“Oh no, I’ll be doing that, (y/n),” Wonwoo purrs, kneeling at the foot of the bed. “Lift up.”
Wonwoo slowly slides your pants down your legs, inch by agonizing inch. Vaguely, you sense Mingyu cursing under his breath as he drags Wonwoo’s chair into position and falls into it in a huff.
“Mmm,” Wonwoo hums, staring at you with pure hunger as your pants fall to the ground. Your body is covered by nothing but your bra and panties.
“Down in front,” Mingyu complains.
“Wait your turn,” you snap back, raising up to your elbows to stare at the boy across the room. Mingyu’s stripped down to his tight black boxer briefs, his cock straining the tight fabric.
His surly expression brightens immediately at your words. “I get a turn?”
Wonwoo lightly slaps your clothed pussy, “Don’t get his hopes up like that, pretty girl. Ruins half the fun.”
You shiver at his touch, “It just makes denying him later even more fun, daddy.”
“Too true, pretty girl,” Wonwoo’s grin turns feral. “Now call me daddy again.”
Mingyu’s ranting about your combined evilness, but you and Wonwoo are too focused on each other to pay him half a mind.
“Yes, daddy,” you drawl. The words barely escape you before your panties are ripped off your body and Wonwoo’s mouth is between your legs. His tongue is hot on your pussy, lapping at your wetness.
“F-fuck,” you moan, your hand entwining in his hair and gripping it as he finds your clit and sucks. His tongue circles the swollen nub. Your other hand winds its way up your body to your tits. You pinch and tease your nipple beneath your bra, wishing Wonwoo had ripped that garment off, too.
All thoughts leave your body as Wonwoo starts fucking you with his tongue, small groans escaping him with each taste of you. Your hips grind down on his face, needing more and more. “Greedy girl,” Wonwoo smiles against your pussy, “You lied earlier.”
“What do you mean?” You gasp out as Wonwoo’s finger replaces his tongue, easing into you.
“You should have told us you tasted like creamsicles,” Wonwoo removes his finger from inside you. “Should we let Mingyu try?”
“Yes!” Mingyu appears immediately, sucking Wonwoo’s finger into his mouth. The sight is so hot that you shrug off Wonwoo’s silent askance on disciplining the boy. Mingyu moans around Wonwoo’s finger, his tongue swirling around the long digit.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Wonwoo wrestles his hand back. “Now go sit back down with her taste in your mouth and watch me fuck her.”
“Fuck my life,” Mingyu groans but listens just like a good boy.
You sit up on shaky legs, reaching around to unhook your bra. “Let me,” Wonwoo murmurs as he stands. His hands brush across your shoulders, his mouth following their path with hot kisses. Your bra falls to the bed, and you fling it out of the way.
“Lay down, Jeon,” you shift over, pointing at the spot you just vacated. “My turn.”
“As you wish,” Wonwoo slides his pants down his legs, kicking them off. His cock bobs up, slapping against his abs.
Your response dies on your tongue at the sight. His cock is just so pretty – so long with a hint of curve that you just know is going to fill you up so fucking good.
“Damn, hyung,” Mingyu’s groan sounds from somewhere in the room, “She’s drooling for you.”
Wonwoo chuckles as he slides next to you on his bed. “That true, pretty girl? You want my cock in your mouth? Well, go ahead–!”
Your mouth is on him before he can finish his thought. You suck the head of his cock into your mouth with a moan, flicking your tongue at the bead of precum weeping from him. It’s Wonwoo’s turn to thread his hand in your hair.
“Mmm, yes, just like that,” he rasps, guiding you up and down his cock. You squirm at the encouragement, sucking him down further.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so damn wet,” Mingyu says, the words sounding strangled. “Please let me eat you out while you suck Wonwoo.”
You release Wonwoo with a pop. Flicking your hair over your shoulder, you look back at Mingyu. The boy looks wrecked. The tent in his underwear has a massive wet spot from his weeping cock. His temples bead with sweat, his hair a mess. His eyes are dark, desperate and pleading. His fists clench and unclench at his sides, like he’s seconds away from lunging for you.
“Please.” The word falls barely above a whisper.
“One lick,” you nod, a truly generous queen.
He’s on you before you can blink. Mingyu’s hands lift up your hips, his nose burying itself in you first. “Fuck me,” he breathes you in. You clench around nothing but the air he breathes out. The touch of his tongue on your asshole really shouldn't come as a surprise, and yet here you are, cursing into Wonwoo’s toned thighs.
Mingyu licks you at a glacial pace from ass to clit. It would be a good debate on which of the two of you is greedier. Clearly, Wonwoo is the patient one of the bunch. You reward Wonwoo by bringing a hand to his dick, jerking him off slowly.
“Mingyu,” you laugh, feeling his tongue stall on your clit for at least thirty seconds and counting.
“I th-till lickin’!” is the absolutely insane response you receive in true Mingyu fashion. “It th-till coun-ths!”
“Okay,” Wonwoo’s patience finally seems to run out, “That’s enough. Back to your chair, Kim.”
“Fine,” Mingyu sulks the whole way back. You stare openly at the expanse of bare back presented to you and decide then and there that you’re going to mark up that real estate so good.
The sound of a throat clearing brings you back to earth. “Are you gonna ride me, pretty girl? Or let Mingyu get away with something else, too?”
You scowl, hooking a leg over Wonwoo’s lap. You shoot him a glare over your shoulder as you sink down on his cock. “Happy, daddy?” You pant, feeling yourself stretched out so good on his dick.
“You have no idea, pretty girl,” Wonwoo’s eyes squeeze shut as he flexes, fucking his cock up into you.
You both moan. Your head falls back as Wonwoo’s hands grip your hips and ass, fucking you at a demanding pace.
“Harder,” you order, bringing a hand to your clit, circling it in time to his thrusts.
“Brat,” Wonwoo says with a spank that has you clenching down on him and has him chuckling. “Knew you liked it when Gyu spanked you.”
Mingyu, ever the opportunist, takes the mention of his name as a go-ahead to start talking. “Knew you liked it, baby. You squirmed all over me. Look at you now, falling apart on Wonu’s cock. You like how he fucks you, (y/n)?”
You glare at the boy across the room. Mingyu looks even more fucked out than you, so you have no idea where he’s getting the audacity to come at you like this. His arms are behind his back, causing his biceps to flex outrageously. His head is tilted back, showing his neck as he watches you with heavy-lidded eyes.
“Careful, Mingyu,” you warn, leaning back to place a hand on Wonwoo’s chest. You start fucking yourself down onto Wonwoo’s cock, meeting each of his thrusts. Your eyes never leave Mingyu’s. You grin at the rapid steam of curses the other boy emits. “You were awfully confident for a boy seeing none of the action. What happened?”
“So mean,” Mingyu whines, his cock twitching in his briefs at your words. He brings a hand to rub it.
“Don’t,” you order, nails digging into Wonwoo’s skin as his thrusts quicken. Mingyu whines but listens.
Wonwoo hits that sweet spot inside you and you whimper, “Yes, Woo, right there, please, daddy.”
“Like that, pretty girl?” Wonwoo’s raspy voice sends an added shiver down your spine as he hits that spot again and again. You feel the warmth of your impending orgasm sweep up your body.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cry, swiveling your hips. “Want your cum, daddy!”
“Fuck,” Wonwoo growls, his hips stuttering for a quick second under you. “You want my cum, (y/n)? I told you I’d give you anything. You want me to stuff you full, pretty girl?”
Every stroke of his cock brings you closer, his words edging you closer still. “Yes, daddy, please! Fill me up. I want to feel you dripping out of me!”
“Goddamn,” Mingyu groans, bringing your attention to him. His briefs are abandoned now, your eyes immediately go to his cock. His giant cock that really looks like it needs attention from how pink and swollen it is. Precum is leaking down the tip onto his thighs and you really want to taste it.
“Gimme,” you say, pointing at his cock.
“What?” Mingyu’s eyes are glued to the way your tits bounce with each push of Wonwoo’s cock.
“I wanna taste your precum on your fingers. Now, Gyu!” You demand, so fucking close to cumming all over Wonwoo but still desperate for more.
“Goddamn,” Mingyu curses as Wonwoo’s hand slaps your ass twice in rapid succession.
“Greedy girl wants both of us inside her already, Gyu,” Wonwoo’s voice is strained with the effort not to cum before you do. “Give it to her.”
Mingyu stands, scooping the drops of precum onto his pointer and middle fingers and crosses the room to you. He barely moves his fingers in front of your mouth before you suck them into your mouth. “Shit,” Mingyu sighs, eyes glued to the suction of your mouth around his digits.
Your eyes fall closed, the taste of Mingyu on your tongue and the pounding of Wonwoo’s cock inside you are overwhelming. You cum with a scream, gushing all over Wonwoo as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm. “Wonwo-ooo!” You cry, your body falling forward into Mingyu’s, his fingers falling from your lips.
“Yes, pretty girl,” Wonwoo groans, his thrusts becoming wild, “Milk my cock.” You feel him coming, painting your walls and filling you up with his warmth. The grumbled curses falling from his lips make you clench around him one more time, and the moan he emits is nothing short of beautiful.
“God, (y/n), I really fucking love you,” Wonwoo slowly turns you around in his lap, bringing you down to cradle you to his heaving chest.
“Love you, too,” you smile, kissing his neck before licking a trail of sweat from it. How are you still needy? You can feel the cum beginning to drip out of your pussy and squeeze as best you can to keep it inside you.
Wonwoo’s body jolts. “(Y/n),” he groans, “Gonna kill me.”
“Nah,” you smile, “Like you too much.”
A throat clears from behind you, “Yeah, this is sweet and all, but I’d just like to remind you both that I’m so hard I might pass the fuck out.”
You and Wonwoo just grin at each other, much to the displeasure of the boy behind you. You pull back from Wonwoo’s neck to give him a kiss. He smiles against your lips. “Go put him out of his misery before he keeps us up all night jerking himself off.”
“Hyung!” Mingyu cries before muttering, “How did I forget how much of a little shit post-nut Wonwoo is?”
“Not as much of a little shit as pre-nut Mingyu apparently,” you laugh, moaning slightly as you ease Wonwoo out of you. You turn to look at Mingyu over your shoulder. “Help me up, please?”
Mingyu is pouting – again – but ultimately helps you off the bed. You stare up at the boy before you. His hair is damp with sweat, his muscles straining. His cock juts between you, the vein pulsing angrily. You close your hand around it.
“Shit,” Mingyu hisses, body jerking forward into your hold. His cock is hot velvet beneath your grasp.
“Such a good boy,” you murmur, “Waiting so nicely over there while your hyung fucks and fills me.” Mingyu moans at your words, cock twitching with each tug of your fist. “Did you like watching us?” You question, “Did you picture it was you fucking me instead of him? Did you want it to be you that was stuffing me full of cum? That it was you making me cream on your dick?”
“Liked watching you and hyung,” Mingyu pants, eyes rolling to the back of his head, “But want you to fuck me, too.”
“Sit,” you push him back into Wonwoo’s chair. You hear the slight protest from Wonwoo behind you but choose to ignore it. Oops.
Climbing onto Mingyu’s lap, you position yourself over his cock. “You like feeling Wonwoo’s cum coat your cock, baby boy?” You purr, grinding yourself on his dick back and forth.
“Fuck yes, baby,” Mingyu’s hands rest heavily on your hips as you continue to coat his cock with your and Wonwoo’s juices.
“You gonna give me your cum, too?” You lean over, placing open-mouthed kisses all over his throat.
“All of it,” Mingyu’s words die on his lips as you finally take him inside you.
You both curse. He’s bigger than Wonwoo, and the stretch is almost absurd. His grip on your hips turns bruising, but you don’t care. You drag your hands down his back, digging your nails into his pretty skin.
Unlike with Wonwoo, you’re setting the pace, truly riding Mingyu into a frenzy with each swivel of your hips.
“Fuck, baby,” Mingyu moans, biting his lip, “Dreamt about this.”
“Did you now?” You bite his neck, “And how does reality compare?”
“Better than anything I could have thought up,” he pants out, cock twitching inside you. A hand leaves your hips and comes to rest on your pussy. His fingers tease and circle your clit, drawing a moan out of you.
“Your pussy grips me so good.” Mingyu’s head drops to your shoulder, “Wanna stay here forever.”
“Sharing is caring,” Wonwoo says, suddenly popping up in your field of vision. He’s still naked aside from a pair of glasses he must have just slipped on after taking out his contacts. Your eyes fall to his cock… It’s hard again.
“Fuck off, hyung,” Mingyu ducks his head lower and sucks your nipple into his mouth.
“Yeah,” you sigh, cradling Mingyu’s head closer to you with your palm, “Fuck off, hyung.”
“Careful,” Wonwoo grabs your hair in his fist, yanking your head back to meet his eyes. “I’ll put that smart mouth to work again.”
The sassy reply dies on your lips when you feel Mingyu’s cock jump inside you. “Oh damn,” you giggle, causing the boy to twitch even more beneath you. “He really does like it when we’re mean.”
Wonwoo’s lips quirk, “I know, pretty girl. He’s helpless.”
“Hate y’all,” Mingyu mumbles around your tit. His fingers increase their pace against your clit, drawing you higher and higher.
“She’s close, Gyu,” Wonwoo warns, like it hadn’t already been abundantly clear from your actions. Wonwoo’s hand still grips your hair, while the other is jerking himself off.
“Thank god,” Mingyu stutters, hips shifting up underneath you. “Wanna cum. Please let me cum, baby. Wanna fill you up like Wonu did.”
His pleas more than anything hurtle you closer to coming, the fucked out expression on his face is a thing of beauty.
And so you deny him. “Not yet,” you gasp out, doubling your pace. “Not ‘til I say you can.”
“Fuck, please, (y/n),” Mingyu’s eyes squeeze shut, “Feels so good. Can’t hold on.”
“You better,” you grind your hips viciously into his. “Now suck my tits again like a good boy.”
He listens immediately, moaning around your sensitive nipple as you continue to fuck yourself down onto him.
“You’re wrecking him,” Wonwoo tugs your hair, bringing your attention back to him. His cheeks are pink with exertion as his fist works his cock harder - the tip swollen and leaking. “Where do you want my cum this time, pretty girl? Tell me now.”
“My ass,” you moan, wiggling it before pushing up almost all the way off of Mingyu. “Want you to cum all over my ass, daddy, while my pussy sucks all the cum out of my baby boy.”
“Consider it done,” Wonwoo grins, releasing his hold on your hair to stand behind you in position.
You return your full attention to the boy quaking under you. “P-please, baby,” he whines, “So fucking close.” You place a gentle kiss on his lips. A deception he easily falls for. Cutie. As soon as Mingyu sighs into your lips, you sink down his cock in a split second.
“Ah!” He cries, thighs clenching underneath you. Tears leak from his eyes as he throws his head back, the strain of not coming exhausting him.
“Such a good boy,” you purr, hands stroking up and down his chest. You ride him hard, pace brutal. “Come.”
The word barely finishes before he’s coming with a roar, hands gripping your hips, cock deep inside you. You feel his release shoot so deep within you, joining Wonwoo’s. That thought alone sets you off, your orgasm ripping through you. Seeing stars, you whimper as you feel Wonwoo’s own release paint your ass.
The flutters of your pussy milk every last drop out of Mingyu and the poor boy is spent under you. “Fuck me,” he moans, his head buried in your tits. “Never gonna let you go. This pretty fucking pussy is ours.”
Wonwoo’s hands are on your ass, rubbing his cum into your skin. “Damn right, Gyu,” he agrees, emphasizing his point with a slap.
Mingyu groans as he experiences first-hand what those spanks do to you. “Never thought I’d say this but don’t spank her again, hyung.” You and Wonwoo laugh, and Mingyu groans even louder. “No laughing either! Oh my god.” His frustrations only make you laugh harder.
“Hyung!” Mingyu cries, and Wonwoo finally takes pity.
“Alright,” Wonwoo chuckles, tugging you off Mingyu and into his arms. You pout at the sudden emptiness. “Don’t give me that look, pretty girl. We have all night.”
“We have forever,” Mingyu corrects, standing and running a hand through his wet hair. How the fuck does he still look that good? Honestly, it’s unfair.
“I never said we didn’t,” Wonwoo retorts and sends the both of them into a frenzy of bickering.
Mingyu: “Well, I just wanted to clarify so she doesn’t get ideas.”
Wonwoo: “Ideas?”
Mingyu: “Like– Well– You know!”
Wonwoo: “I don’t know.”
Mingyu: “Yes, you do!”
Wonwoo: “I don’t.”
Mingyu: “… I hate when you do this shit!”
Wonwoo: *pushes glasses up nose* “What shit?”
Mingyu: *produces series of unintelligible babblings*
“Okay, okay!” You laugh, patting Wonwoo’s arms to be put down. “I really need to use the bathroom, but feel free to continue this without me.”
Mingyu shoots Wonwoo a glare, but the other boy only has eyes for you. He sets you down gently, “Go get cleaned up, pretty girl. Feel free to shower and take any clothes you want, okay? We’ll be right out here.”
“I’ll make us some ramen!” Mingyu bounces on his feet, eager to contribute. “Or would you prefer something else? I’ll make anything! I just know you really like ramen. It’s your favorite! But–!”
You cut him off, “Ramen’s perfect, Gyu. Thank you.” You smile up at the gorgeous boy with the even more gorgeous heart. How lucky are you to call him yours?
“Okay,” Mingyu breathes out, looking just as taken with you.
“Okay,” Wonwoo clears his throat, ever the voice of reason. “Now, get going so we can all cuddle, people!” Your heart sings.
“Yes!” You cheer, skipping on the way to the bathroom. “Can’t wait to cuddle in bed with my besties!”
Silence greets your ears.
You slowly turn around to find them both staring at you with displeased looks on their faces.
“What?” You blink.
“Besties?” Wonwoo growls out.
“We just had our dicks inside you, baby!” Mingyu pouts. “Surely that’s boyfriend status?”
“Oh,” you pretend to think it over, enjoying how much this is annoying the two of them. “Anything for my besties, I guess!”
“(Y/n)!” Their voices bellow as you slam the bathroom shut behind you and lock it. Cackling, you turn the shower on. You’re so going to enjoy teasing the shit out of your two new boyfriends. After all, they’ll always be your besties, too.
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an: hope y'all enjoyed! it's been so long since i've written anything but damn did minwon give me some inspiration uwu
© luxekook do not repost, edit or translate as protected under this license
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
♡︎Beomgyu Boyfriend Head Cannons♡︎
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♡︎Special thanks too: Beomgyu, TxT
♡︎Note: not requested but I suddenly got the urge to write for my bais, also please remember that I have an 25 days till Christmas event going on rn request whoever your like to see requests end on December 1st (for the event)
♡︎TW: kissing : jealousy : food : video games : cooking : yelling :
♡︎Taglist: @mxlly143
♡︎Beomgyu loves playing with your clothes/fingers/hair whatever he can reach, its calming to him.
♡︎He also loves giving you random kisses like what he did with Soobin, his eyes kinda droop, he'll grab your jaw and pull you in for a kiss.
♡︎Total boyfriend material, he loves hugs constantly attached to you.
♡︎When you sit on his lap he rubs his nose on the back of your head and leave light kisses.
♡︎Jealousy...when beomgyu is jealous over something you did for someone else he'll make it known, he doesn't like hiding his jealousy, he even admitted to it on a live with Soobin.
♡︎If your hungry Beomgyu would sit there and order your favorite foods without you knowing.
♡︎He is loud super loud especially when he's comfortable around you, if you match his energy the both of you will constantly torment the other members.
♡︎He loves teasing, constantly messing with you rather it be hiding your phone and convincing you, you lost it, or feed you but keeps pulling the fork away.
♡︎He owns a lot of the same flannel's so if he randomly decides he wants to match with you he'll run and go throw one on you.
♡︎A way he often wakes you up is, he'll scream in your ear if you slept in and he's been up for awhile he'll just come up and scream.
♡︎Back to him playing with your hands, he loves pulling your nails back, ik it's random but it's his favorite but if it bothers you or hurts you he'll stop.
♡︎Beomgyu loves playing video games with you, he may get cocky and be Lowkey rude but it's all jokes.
♡︎Sometimes he'll drag you into his shenanigans against Yeonjun.
♡︎I feel like he's the type to spontaneously decide to cook something he seen on TikTok only to fail.
♡︎He gets so annoying if you didn't give him his morning kiss.
♡︎He also gets super upset if you don't eat the food he's offering I mean he'll scream but not in an offensive way if that makes sense.
♡︎Beomgyu since he's an idol and can't really have your picture as his wallpaper he'll have your favorite colors all over his phone.
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tigertales9 · 8 months
Hard Reset III
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut
Description: This fic covers the week 4 loss to the Titans.
Time/Place: Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023 / Cincinnati, Ohio
A/N: This is the third fic in the Hard Reset series. It's also a shameless sex-fest. I promise there will be more actual plot (and sex!) in the next fic.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sunday, 10/1/23 (after the week 4 loss to the Titans)
You check your watch as you pace around the kitchen, your mind grasping at what to say to Joe when he gets home. You roll your shoulders to relieve some tension as you think back to the game.
~ ~ ~
The 27-3 loss to the Titans felt like a huge step back after the Monday Night Football win against the Rams. The entire game was a disappointment to put it mildly. Every single phase -- offense, defense, special teams, play calling -- was lackluster as hell. The only positive was Joe's calf injury didn't seem to get re-tweaked, but you never know how it will react from one day to the next. Joe had once again requested you and his parents not greet him if the Bengals lost, so y'all were already in the car heading for the exit when the clock ticked down to 0:00. You beat the team charter flight back by a couple hours, and Joe's parents decided to head home since they knew he wouldn't want company.
~ ~ ~
The sound of the garage door opening pulls you back to the present, your pulse picking up when Joe walks in and locks eyes with you. "Hey," you greet, quickly walking forward to give him a hug. "Hey," he mutters, dropping his bag before wrapping his arms around you. "Sorry you traveled all that way just to see a shitshow," he continues, giving you a look that's half grin/half grimace when you pull back and look up at his face.
"It wasn't a shit …"
"Yes it was," he interrupts, heaving a tired sigh. "Don't sugar-coat it."
"Yes, sir," you mumble. "How do you feel?"
He runs a hand through his hair before answering. "Physically, not too bad. Mentally, like total shit."
You swallow hard and give a quick nod, a little disconcerted that he seems to be looking right through you; before you can think of something to say he speaks up again.
"Listen, Sam's gonna pick me up in a few minutes. We're having a team meeting at his house tonight."
"The whole team?" you ask.
"No, just the Captains and a few other guys." He picks his bag up and heads for the stairs before continuing. "We've gotta figure some shit out, make sure we're on the same page then put it to bed." He pauses halfway up the stairs and finally makes good eye contact with you. "The entire season is on the line; somebody has to light a fire under our asses and …"
"You're just the man to do it," you interject, giving him what you hope looks like an encouraging smile.
"Exactly," he states, before disappearing upstairs.
He reappears a few minutes later wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, quickly checking his phone when it chimes with a new text. "Sam's here," he says, dropping a kiss on your forehead before heading for the door. "I may be late getting home. Don't wait up."
Your eyebrows head for your hairline as he breezes out the door. "Love you, too," you grumble under your breath after the door closes behind him. You try not to take his abrupt departure personally, but you're feeling a little sorry for yourself when the door slings open and he walks back in. "Did you forget something?" you ask.
"Yeah," he answers, striding up to you. He leans down and gives you a lingering kiss before pulling back. "Love you," he states. "Love you, too," you answer, giving him a big grin as he hurries back out the door. "Telepathic ass," you chuckle once he's gone. "I swear that man can read my mind."
~ ~ ~
A couple hours later you wake up abruptly and sit straight up in bed, your heart pounding for several seconds until you realize the noise that woke you is just Joe in the bathroom brushing his teeth. He eventually walks into the bedroom giving you a sheepish grin when he sees you. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up," he mutters, crawling into bed and basically faceplanting into his pillow.
"It's okay," you soothe, turning onto your side to face him; you run your fingernails up and down his bare back, smiling at his muffled groans. "That feels good," he mumbles into his pillow, a shiver running down his spine when you slide your hand into his hair to lightly scratch his scalp.
"Did y'all figure some things out?" you ask, admiring his tall frame which is clad only in a pair of black boxer briefs.
"Mmm-hmm. Mainly that I sucked today and we won't win shit until I get better."
"The whole team sucked today, not just you."
"Thanks for admitting I sucked."
You roll your eyes and give his ample ass a loud smack before rubbing it.
"Don't get me started," he warns.
"Meaning I know where this is headed, but I don't feel like having sex tonight."
You withdraw your hand and scoot away from him. "Sorry," you whisper. "I just thought … nevermind."
"Listen," he sighs, flopping over onto his back to stare at the ceiling. "I don't want pity sex, and there's no way you're turned on after how awful I played today."
You narrow your eyes at the slight slur in his speech. "Have you been drinking?"
"A little."
"Then I won't tear your ass up about projecting until you sober up."
"What do you mean projecting?"
"You know exactly what I mean." You take a deep breath before continuing. "We've had this conversation before."
"Refresh my memory."
"Should probably wait until tomorrow. I'm in no mood to sugar-coat it tonight."
"Fuck sugar-coating," he snorts, "tell me what you're thinking."
"Fine." You push up into a sitting position and look down at him, the hallway light providing just enough illumination to make out his petulant expression. "When you lose a game you get really down on yourself, and you project that feeling onto me. But -- like I've said several times before -- the way I feel about you is not determined by whether or not you win fucking football games, okay? If you lose every single game for the rest of your NFL career, I'll still want you more than anything. Why is that so hard to understand?"
"I just …"
"I'm not finished," you interrupt. "I'm starting to think you're the one who doesn't want sex after the team loses, which is fine, but you need to quit blaming it on me." You slide out of bed as you finish your mini tirade. "I'm not sleepy anymore," you state as you head for the door. "I'm gonna go get some work done."
You walk down the hallway to your office, shutting the door behind you before dropping into your desk chair with an annoyed sigh; you click your desk lamp on and run a hand through your hair. "Way to overreact, dumbass," you grumble under your breath, immediately feeling guilty. "You know he always needs extra affirmation after a loss and instead you chewed him out. Better go apologize."
You stand up and head for the door, stopping in your tracks when you hear a soft knock. "Come in," you call, biting your lip as he walks into the room. "I'm sorry," you blurt before he can say anything, quickly closing the distance to wrap your arms around him. "I overreacted."
He returns your hug for several heartbeats before leaning back to lock eyes with you. "You don't need to apologize. I need to stop being an insecure brat every time I lose a damn game."
"You don't really think I lose attraction to you after a loss, right? I used to think you were just teasing, but I seriously can't tell anymore."
He shrugs his broad shoulders, the action causing his forehead curls to bounce. "I'm mostly teasing, but I've been feeling pretty bad about myself lately so I guess I've been fishing for compliments more than usual." He gives you a sheepish smile. "And I was def hoping to have sex tonight. I guess I laid the pity party on a little too thick, though."
"So -- to be clear -- when you said you didn't feel like having pity sex …"
"I really meant I wanted you to seduce me. To show me you still want me even though I played like shit."
"Okay, that's good to know. I mean, that's what I normally do when you get in this mood, but it's starting to feel like I might be boundary stomping."
"You're not boundary stomping." He slides his hands down your back and cups your ass before easily lifting you up, smiling when you wrap your legs around his waist. "If I really didn't want sex I'd let you know, but don't count on that happening anytime soon," he states, punctuating his words with a throaty chuckle that sets off a steady throb of arousal in all the right places.
He walks to your desk chair and drops into it with you straddling his lap, his lips immediately on your neck after he pulls your t-shirt off and drops it on the floor. You lean your head to the side to give him better access, moaning at the feel of his mouth on your neck and his hands on your breasts, his agile fingers teasing you with barely-there touches before pinching and tugging your sensitive nipples just hard enough to make you gasp his name. "You like that?" he whispers against your ear, his hot breath causing a gush of wetness in your core. "Yeah," you whimper, grinding your crotch against his obvious erection as he continues to tease you.
He eventually drops a hand down and rubs your clit through your panties before slipping his fingers inside to play with your wet folds, his deep voice in your ear sending shock waves of pleasure down your spine as he slides a long finger inside you, adding a second finger when you beg for more. "So wet for me," he growls, making a feral noise deep in his throat when you start riding his fingers, slow at first then faster, your breathless whimpers leveling up to louder moans when he latches his pretty lips onto a nipple, his cheeks hollowing out as he sucks on the hardened peak.
"Don't stop!" you urge, biting your lip when he pulls off one nipple and moves to the other, giving it a gentle nip with his teeth before sucking it into his hot mouth. "I'm so close," you whine as he grinds his thumb against your clit while pumping his fingers inside you, a steady stream of whimpers spilling from your lips as your climax hits. You bury your face in his fragrant neck and gasp for breath, feeling lightheaded by the intensity of the orgasm, existing in a state of total bliss for several minutes until your dainty desk chair gives an ominous-sounding creak.
"Uh-oh," you pant, leaning back to lock eyes with him. "I think both of us in this chair is too much."
The chair makes another, even louder creak and Joe raises his eyebrows. "Why do you have such a flimsy-ass desk chair?"
"Because it's cute and comfy. Plus it's perfectly fine when it's just me sitting in it."
"You calling me fat?" he asks playfully, sticking his bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout.
"No, you goober," you giggle, easing yourself off of his lap to settle on your knees on the floor between his manspread thighs. "You're tall and muscular and big," you state. "Deliciously big," you continue, ghosting your fingers over his impressive erection while licking your lips. "Let's lose these," you whisper, pulling his undies off and tossing them to the side.
You take your time enjoying the view before dropping open-mouthed kisses up the long length of his thick thighs, his soft, blonde leg hair tickling your lips as you work your way up to his crotch; he sucks your essence off of his fingers as he watches you through heavy-lidded eyes, the look on his face making you want to do deliciously naughty things to him.
"You're gorgeous," you whisper, sliding your hands over his abs, smiling when his muscles tighten under your touch. The heat radiating off of his big, hard body makes you more than a little lightheaded, and his scent -- a purely masculine musk -- literally makes your mouth water. You decide to let him know. "You make my mouth water," you groan, continuing to drop kisses near, but not quite on, his hard cock.
"No I don't," he scoffs, color rushing into his cheeks at the compliment.
It always amazes you when he gets shy about his good looks; in his mind he's still a nerdy guy, and he's not quite comfortable with the fact that he grew up to be a total sex god. You give him a sultry grin as you double down.
"You 100 percent make my mouth water. Want me to show you?"
He studies your face for a bit before responding. "Yeah … show me."
"Okay." You take your time gathering the excess saliva on your tongue before opening your mouth, letting the spit drizzle down on his shaft while holding eye contact with him. "So fucking hot," he hisses, his cock twitching as you lean down and flatten your tongue against it, licking base to tip before lapping at the precum on the plump, velvety head. The sensual, uniquely masculine taste has another flood of saliva pouring into your mouth; you lean back and lock eyes with him as you gather the moisture again, this time spitting it in your hand before wrapping your fist around his thick shaft, jacking him with smooth, steady strokes for a minute before dropping your head back down to tease him with your lips and tongue, slowly replacing your hand with your mouth as you take him deep, your gag reflex firing a few times before you hit just the right angle to deep throat him.
He buries his hands in your hair as you pleasure him, the words of praise spilling from his lips interspersed with soft grunts and groans that go straight to your core. Tears roll down your cheeks, and he brushes them away then lifts his fingers to his mouth, licking the salty liquid before hissing in pleasure as you lightly scratch your fingernails over his balls.
"Shit, babe, hold up a sec," he grits out. "I don't wanna cum yet." You pull off of his erection with an audible pop, wiping a hand over the spit and precum coating your chin while panting to catch your breath. "Just let me know what you need," you offer, your pulse picking up at the feral look on his face. He loudly sucks his plump bottom lip into his mouth, the action and noise so suggestive that you feel your core throbbing in unison with your racing heartbeat.
"I need to taste you," he purrs, his voice husky with desire. "Then I need to fuck you."
The throbbing in your core escalates, and you cup a hand over your soaked panties to try and ease the almost-painful ache; his gaze flicks down to your crotch before returning to your face, the carnal promise in his smile making your pleasure points hum with anticipation.
"How sturdy is your desk?" he asks, eyeing it as if sizing it up for a naughty, vigorous romp.
"Not sturdy," you mutter, gasping in surprise when he quickly stands up and reaches down, wrapping his hands around your waist and picking you up before striding for the door; you wrap your legs around him and bury your face in his neck as he walks to the bedroom.
He sits you on the edge of the bed and slides your panties off in one smooth motion, dropping to his knees on the floor between your spread thighs; you lean back on your elbows and watch as he lowers his head and flutters his tongue over your clit before plunging his tongue inside you, the noise you make causing him to lock eyes with you as he repeats the action. "I'm gonna cum in ten seconds if you keep that up," you whimper, biting your lip when he lifts your legs over his broad shoulders. "Then let's slow it down," he purrs against your most sensitive flesh, the vibrations from his deep voice causing a shiver of pleasure to shoot through you. "I'm gonna take my time," he continues, dropping delicate kisses and licks on your aching folds while avoiding your clit.
After what seems like an eternity on the edge, you decide to take matters into your own hands; you slide a hand in his messy curls and give a tug, using the leverage to grind your pussy against his face in a way you know he loves. "You drive me fucking crazy," he growls once you let him come up for air, his eyes dark with lust when he raises his head to look at you. "I'm seriously about to cum," he grits out, his breath catching in his throat when you quickly lift your legs off of his shoulders and slide off the bed, straddling him and reaching a hand down to line his cock up with your slick entrance before taking him balls deep.
He makes a noise that's half groan/half growl and 100% primal when your core clenches his thick length; you dig your fingers into his muscular shoulders and start riding him hard, whimpering on every down stroke at the feel of him bottoming out. He leans you back until your back is pressed against the edge of the bed, the new angle causing him to hit your sweet spot on every stroke. "Just like that!" you pant, moaning when he drops a hand down to tease your clit. "Fuck, baby," he hisses as his climax hits, the hot spurts coating your core as he pinches your clit with just the right amount of pressure to pull your trigger.
The sound of your mutual heavy breathing is the only noise you hear for several minutes; when you finally open your eyes and look at him, you have to smile at how totally fucked out he looks. "I think I passed out for a sec," you pant. "Me too," he chuckles.
~ ~ ~
Thirty minutes later -- after a shared shower where both of you laughingly complained about your shaky legs -- y'all are lying in bed, trading yawns and agreeing to sleep late the next morning.
You're just on the edge of sleep when he speaks up. "Babe? You still awake?"
"Can I ask you something?"
The silence stretches out for a minute before he speaks up again. "It's kind of stupid, I guess. Maybe I'll keep it to myself."
"What is it?" you ask, sitting up so you can look down at him.
He scrunches his perfect nose up. "We have two games left before the bye week."
"Yeah, Cardinals and Seahawks."
"If I play really awful like I did today, and we lose both of those games, will you still secretly marry me during the bye?"
You give a snort of laughter before you realize he's not laughing with you. "Are you serious?"
"A little, yeah."
You take a deep breath before responding. "Remember that convo we had earlier tonight when I said if you lose every single game for the rest of your NFL career, I'll still want you more than anything?"
"Yes, ma'am," he mumbles.
"Well, let me drive that point home a little harder." You brush his curls off of his forehead and give him a smile before continuing. "If you play like total dogshit in both games, throw twenty picks, lose fifty to nothing, and cut a huge fart in the post-game pressers, I'll still want you more than anything. I can't wait to secretly -- and eventually not-so-secretly -- marry you. Does that answer your question?"
"Yeah," he laughs along with you for a minute before quieting down. "Sorry I'm being such a needy baby lately."
"You're being human instead of a robot," you soothe, leaning down to press a kiss on his lips. "It's a nice change," you say cheekily, giggling when he flips you over and lands a loud smack on your ass. "Don't get me started," you echo his words from earlier.
He rolls you back over and pushes up on an elbow, looking down at you in the dim lighting. "Meaning?"
"Meaning I know where this is headed," you purr, licking your lips just before his mouth captures yours.
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
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Answering to this desperate cry for help
Maaan this was so much fun fr, i hope I made these bad boys justice. Also, didn't know what kind of format I should be using and especially how to repost the original thing, since copying and pasting on the reblog would be absolute hell rip
𝐓𝐖: people biting each other but in an affectionate way, idk lemme know if there's more
𝐅𝐭.: Dottore, Xiao, Childe - GN!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k (in total)
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: 3rd Made in Abyss soundtrack - Kevin Penkin (yes, it's that good, no comment)
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OHOO he's gonna be so intrigued by this weird habit of yours.
We all know he's not big on social interactions and all -he barely values human life- but when you came into the picture he felt invested in someone for the first time. Hence he observes... Normal people, to learn the basics.
He's smart, a quick learner. Will understand in no time your likes and dislikes, but one day you?? Bite him? Chomp like a feral newborn kitten? Oh, his scholar personality spikes through the roof.
Dottore's never seen anyone bite their partner like you do, it confuses him at first, although he won't say anything and just chuckle. He'd rather observe you and come to his own conclusions before asking.
Was it a one time thing? When, how and where do you like to do it? Is there a deeper meaning, a show of intimacy? Need for attention? Affection?
Yeah he'll treat it like a maths equation, that's how he is.
Some days you'd see him without his mask, leaning particularly close to your face. Other times he'd set his gloves aside and let his digits linger on your cheeks and jaw for every little thing. (He knows he’s difficult to bite because of his clothes)
"Oh Dear, look at your lips, they're chapped/full of crumbs/smeared with any other kind of food/every single excuse he can come up with."
It takes you a bit longer than you would've wanted, but you realise his true intentions eventually. If you feel smug you can just chomp on him randomly and see him lose his mind (he thought he'd figured everything out rip dottore.exe).
I advise against it though, he'd repay the torture tenfold. (aka not cuddle with you even if you ask nicely).
Overall, Dottore finds this habit of yours cute. You're a nice little, innocent thing in his eyes and that just adds to your charm.
Yeah you can be a 1.90m tall menace of a person and he'd still tease you, an arrogant, mean jerk >:(
After some time he starts biting you back (ouch shark teeth), not in a painful way ofc. He's so casual with it, most likely to strike when you least expect it just to see your surprised and/or flustered face.
Or to have you chomping in return, even ;)
I'd say 7.5/10, good chomping partner but will "fight" back.
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My guy, poor guy.
He's another social inept, we all know why.
He started to learn about human customs after meeting you, and you've helped him out a lot, but he's still so stiff.
He probably gets a heart attack every time you give him a surprise hug. The day you chomp on him his soul leaves his body.
It's not that he's a scaredy cat, physical touch just overwhelms his senses if he's not prepared :((
Asks you to tell him beforehand next time.
But aside from that he doesn't seem to mind. He finds every human custom weird in a way, this one is no exception, and eventually it becomes routine yeah?
I think he's a perfect subject for chomping, with all the exposed skin he has. I mean, look at his shoulders! The urge to sneak up from behind and just CHOMP.
He's got muscles for days too, won't shatter your teeth on his bones. AND HIS CHEEKS- his baby cheeks, they look so soft how can you not bite those.
But yeah, just give him some time and he'll get used to this.
Xiao's not stupid either, he notices right away that you're the only human partaking in this activity, or in public at least. Lowkey feels happy and proud to have you as a partner, you're so special and unique :( <33
At some point he'll want to try it out as well, but he's sooo shy about it and a bit scared he'll hurt you. You gotta make him confess with bone crushing hugs.
When he eventually chomps back he's UGHH so soft with it. For Xiao it's more about the meaning and the bonding experience than the chomp itself.
9/10 if you're fine with doing all the chomping. 8/10 if you want chomps back, but definetly recommended.
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He is THE chomping menace.
Let me tell ya, you're putting your life on the line. It's like a declaration of war and he will not hesitate to respond with all he's got.
We know for a fact that he's always up for a challenge. If you're crazy enough to engage and bite him first, well I hope you have a survival plan for the rest of your life cus he won't stop.
It can and will escalate in a "fight" if you're in a private space (you know the tickle fights where you become a mess of tangled limbs? That.) If you try that in public though? He's gonna look at you like a damn predator.
He'll eat your cheeks once you get home, good luck.
His bites are rough-ish too, unfortunately for you. He’d never hurt you on purpose, and is always careful with his strength, but in the heat of battle he’ll forget; 7 times out of 10 you leave the field with a 32 teeth bite mark. 
I think he is more of a cheek guy than anything. They're always available and easy to reach, regardless of your height, and it's also so intimate because who else touches your face? No one, aside from him.
He's the chosen one.
And don't think it will stop at the first time, no no. You've unlocked a new hobby for him. He'll put so much effort in it, it's terrifying.
If you act surprised or flustered well, bonus points in his opinion. Your face is just priceless and will make a habit to make you react that way.
At that point you either fight back or succumb. His soft spots are his stomach (duh, nibble on the exposed skin when he's in his work clothes, I bet he's ticklish), his nape, collarbones and overall the base of his neck.
The rest of his body is still a good chomping surface, but his instincts kick in and his muscles go taut, it's like biting a rock and has no effect on him.
Childe will definitely give you a hard time. It's up to you to take advantage of the right moment and give him a good revenge chomp.
Honestly, he's my fave ever but I'll give him a 5/10 just because of that. Can't even bite the man in peace anymore 🙄
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
i discovered your blog today and i have a scenario in mind that i have to share with you!
could you write a Heartsteel!Kayn request with K/DA!reader? — headcanons, fic or even the two of them talking on discord; it could be anything! — if you want to ignore it, i will understand, dear.
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.1k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I'm also going with headcanon of the idol thing where they try not to get caught in public together to avoid gossip but people somehow ship you guys and speculate anyway teehee ITS CUTE!!!!! I'm also pretending you guys got together after he joined Heartsteel so its after he got removed from his old band.also PARANOIA DROP IN 10 HOURS LETS GO TEAM!!!!!!!! I LOVE HEARTSTEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xxxx On Tour xxxx
-  It sucked so bad! It was touring season and the both of you guys were busy. All your time together were quick video calls over Discord and sporadic updates via message. It wasn't a secret to your bandmates at least so your respective bands did try their best to give you space. Quiet moments in dressing rooms to call each other were now your small moments of peace between practice sets and live shows.
- Somehow still finding ways to love each other apart. Kayn getting Akali to buy you some chocolates from him. You pleading Alune to help you send Kayn some flowers after his show. (She's a sucker for romance so she lovingly helps you.) Or the way he would spend money getting someone to deliver dinner to you after a long show.
- If only one of you guys are touring, the other totally pays and watches all the livestreams and tries to pop by to shows! You're performing 3h from him? He's begging your manager to let him drop by. Waiting for you backstage to congratulate you on your hard work.
- If you're the one waiting for Kayn backstage he always visibly lights up. He tries to look cool and badass on stage but when its after a good show, seeing you wave at him in the halls, his heart soars! He runs over, pulling you in for a tight hug. " Did you hear me! I was good today wasn't I!" He'd smile proud, giving you a kiss as he fishes for compliments. There is no approval he craves more than your own.
- The other boys are surprisingly nice about it, no one really makes fun of Kayn for being so excited to see you (other than Ezreal). They treat you as one of the band, giving you VIP passes to pop by their shows. And you do the same for them! When possible you slip their manager some VIP tickets to your show for them to sneak in. A mutual understanding from both groups to protect you and Kayn from media.
- Pre-debut Heartsteel, Kayn has also went to almost all your shows, front row every time and surprisingly he always tries to match you hair color for the tour. You have bright blue for tour? So does he. Its blonde now? He's the same. Kayn just thinks its kinda cute to safely match with you in someway shape or form, it is just a small thing that paparazzi wouldn't pick up on so easily since so many other fans do it too.
xxxx Off Stage xxxx
- A supportive power couple, you two help each other out with band activities off stage. You aid him when he practices singing. Kayn giving you tips on how to get keep a good rhythm in your verses, and is also a personal cheerleader for dance practices. You'd help him get connections to other companies that K/DA has collabed with, trying to help Heartsteel succeed! Kayn helps out in his own ways too, sometimes playing tunes in his room for you to sing to. It is all really sweet.
- When he drops by your studio its adorable, it was before Heartsteel's debut and shortly after the peak of KD/A's release. Kayn trying to hide from paparazzi for your sake as he sneaks in through the back. Always in a different cap and sunglasses that he stole from Ezreal, he would wait in the practice room, sitting in a corner and cheering whenever you successfully get a dance move down. The other members don't seem to mind him much, he's now a common presence in the studio. The other girls seem fond of him, happy that you have someone so supportive by your side.
- You try to do the same between your busy training schedule too. Dropping by Kayn's place during band practice evenings, Yone always being the one to let you in since Kayn always sleeps in late. You'd bring snacks and a discerning ear. Your feedback being super useful as you're one of the few people Kayn actually listens to. What Aphelios or Sett say would take multiple attempts and a lot of effort to get through to Kayn, as such, the rest of the gang keep trying to get you to push him to not try to squeeze a "totally sick line" into the rap bridge.
- He doesn't show it off but Kayn has all your merch, you offer to give it to him but he refuses, something about manly pride and supporting his partner, he will spend his own money and time fighting with other fans to buy your merch. A lightstick by his bed, your album on his shelf. A limited edition photocard safely stacked in a top loader on his table (he doesn't have a wallet or else he would totally bring it around.)
- You do the same for him, as one of Heartsteel's first fans you own some of their original merch, simple tees with just their logo, a average blank CD with " Paranoia KAYN MIX" scrawled on in messy marker, they are all your treasured possessions. Kayn even let you keep some of his guitar picks, you have one with a hole punched in as a necklace that you wear when apart from him. Your one secret? You have CDs from when he was in his old band, only the album that he was included in of course, but you don't bring up how you were secretly a fan from his early career. - Sometimes you guys try to go out on dates, risky but fun! 3am walks at the beach, alone together as he plays the acoustic guitar for you by the waves as you sing. Expensive private room dinners at secluded restaurants, walking in, both of you with your hair temporarily dyed black with hair spray dye to try and avoid attention. Small things. Fun things. - It was a little embarrassing when rumors first circulated. Fans somehow finding it cute that Heartsteel can be seen at your shows or how sometimes K/DA gets spotted backstage at Heartsteel concerts. They started to ship members together and when a photo of Kayn looking at you with a soft loving smile was snapped, the internet went wild! *Isn't it cute how they can get Kayn to smile that way!* *Ah! It should be me I want to be them so bad!!!!* Kayn would never admit it to you but he likes all the TikTok video edits of the two of you together, he thinks its really cute unironically.
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leclerckins · 1 year
Hi Dina, I hope you're okey if you have the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Charles Leclerc looking after his girl. Maybe she's not doing so good and he takes the time to tidy, cook a meal, make her bed etc 🥹 feeling all the feels tonight. Thank you x
truly madly deeply [cl16]
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❀ pairing (s) — charles leclerc x student!reader
❀ notes — hi! gonna do this in some sort of headcanons of what I think how Charles would react to his girl having a bad day! and i think i got carried away omg anyways hope ur having a good day and hope u would like this!
You are having the most horrible day like your assignments are piling up and you still have to submit your resumes since you're in your final year of uni so everything just gets too much for you
You haven't even been to the last couple of races because of how busy you are
Your absence from the races actually raised some speculations about your relationships like all the gossip pages pinpointing and tracking when was the last time you and Charles were spotted together
This just gets on your nerve and makes you even feel so much worse with people saying that you are not being a good girlfriend like whatever that means
You didn't want to tell Charles about the things that are bothering you since he is also having the worst time with his races
It's another race weekend and you are still not able to go and support Charles which makes you feel even worse even though Charles has assured you that it is totally fine and he understands why you couldn't go
During the weekend, you kinda moved into Charles' apartment because you just miss him and his scent
And you found yourself being able to focus on your work when you are working from his apartment
You also multitasked with finishing up your resumes and also watching the race at the same time
As usual, Ferrari fucked up and you just wished you could be there for him
When he called, you rushed to answer your phone and you could hear his tired voice which made you wish you could give him the biggest hug
Charles says he is coming home tonight and you mentally note that you need to pack your things by this evening
But you fell asleep in front of your laptop on the couch so when Charles walked into the door of his apartment, he nearly had a heart attack but smiled softly seeing you sleep on his couch
He drops his bags at the apartment door and moves to carry you to his bedroom
You stir but didn't wake up and instead just snuggle further into his neck
Charles settles you on his bed and he smiles at the mess you made in his bedroom like your books on his table, your notes on his bedside table and your clothes on his chair
He kisses your forehead and settles himself down for the night before slipping in next to you and he becomes the big spoon as he hugs you from behind
Charles woke up first and kisses your forehead as he gets ready to buy breakfast for the both of you (wouldn't bet on Charles cooking breakfast like there wouldn't be a breakfast if he is the one in front of the stove)
He comes back to you still sleeping since this is actually the first time you managed to get more than 3 hours of sleep so he just gets your breakfast ready and made your coffee just the way you like it
Charles wakes you up with peppering kisses all over your face and you smile as you wake up to the smell of him and also coffee
"Good morning, mon ange (my angel)" he says as he kisses your temple and also helps you up from the bed when he leans down to kiss you
"Nope! morning breath!" Charles just chuckles while ignoring your ridiculous (to him) notions about morning breath and still kisses you
You kiss him but immediately run to brush your teeth so that you could give him #real kisses
He is already waiting in front of the bathroom door and immediately snatches your waist and you two finally kiss (reads: makeout)
And when I say you guys spend 10 minutes just making out like okay we get it yall are obsessed with each other omg
Both of you finally move to the kitchen to have your breakfast
"You cooked?" "More like the cafe three blocks down, baby"
You both catch up on everything and you slipped up on how tired you are lately
Charles didn't say anything but he just moves closer to you to give you the biggest hug
That's when you finally broke apart and just become a crying mess in his arms and his heart breaks seeing you cry
You rant about how ridiculous people are to assume you guys are broken up just because you weren't at the races this year but also feeling like such a bad girlfriend for not going to the races especially since it has been shitty for Charles
Charles shushes you and carries you over to the couch so that he could position you on his lap and you just try to collect yourself
You are looking the absolute worst (Charles: cute) with your reddened nose and cheeks and your hair all over the mess
Charles thinks he would never trade anything else for this view like he wants the bad and the good (bless him)
Once you've calmed down, he runs his fingers through your hair and cups your face with him stroking your cheeks
"First of all, you are the best thing that happened to me. Second of all, they know nothing about us. Lastly, baby even if you are not coming to the races with me it is fine like do I want you there? more than anything in the world but also at the same time, you're always in my mind so it still feels like you're there with me"
He's so cheesy but just like he said in that one interview: "I am romantic"
Charles kisses your forehead and you snuggle into his chest
You actually fall asleep again on his chest and Charles carries you into the bedroom and tucks you in
While you're sleeping, he tidies up your books and notes so that they are organised on his table and will make it easier for you to study later
He charges your laptop and your iPad since they are running low on batteries
He picks up your clothes on the floor and put them with the dirty laundry and also puts them in the washing machine
You're still sound asleep so he goes over to your house to pick up extra essentials like extra clothes, extra skincare and your favourite blanket that he knows you forgot
He stops by the grocery store to get some stuff to make a cute little care package like your favourite chocolates, snacks, extra hairbands and the sequel to the book you are currently reading (he learns how to do this from tiktok)
It's late afternoon and he manages to come back home while you're still sleeping so he runs you a bath with your favourite bath bombs and soaps and then proceeds to wake you up
You woke up to Charles' soft kisses on your face and he leads you to the bathroom
Your heart just gets full at the sight of the bath he prepared for you
He leaves you to have a little time to yourself while he makes a dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant
You finish your bath and you see a beautiful silk dress on the bed and a pair of Louboutin high heels that you have been eyeing and are currently in your online cart right now
Charles walks into the room and hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder
"We are going out tonight so get ready, amour"
He leaves to get ready and while you're getting ready, you saw the care package he has put together for you
You want to cry at how sweet he is and you also notice how organised your things are and how there are extra clothes in the closet for you
Charles comes out from the bathroom and you immediately just jump on him
He laughs and warns that you might not get dinner if you distract him like this so you behave
Both of you going out looking like the IT couple you both are and got every gossip page eating their words out
When both of you are back home, he is the one who is removing your makeup and is doing your skincare routine for you (yup, he memorised your skincare routine)
The night ends with smiles on y'alls faces because both of you are truly madly (obsessed) deeply in love with each other and that's the only thing that matters
extra: Charles broke the internet with a instagram post by the end of the week!
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liked by yninstagram, carlossainz55, pierregasly, joris_trouche and others
charles_leclerc The reason why I didn't pick up any calls this week
scuderiaferrari and Fred said it's okay! you get a pass!
leclercstan ATE the breakup rumours up
charleswdc and to those gossip pages that have been talking shit....WHATS GOOD
arthur_leclerc literally radio silence from both of you
unhingedleclerc i hate hot people who are in love (let me join pls)
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