#he tale of the bunny picnic
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theyareweird · 2 months ago
Forgotten Jim Henson Works
James Henson (1936 – 1990) was an American puppeteer, animator, actor, and filmmaker. He achieved worldwide notability as the creator of the Muppets. Henson was also well known for creating Fraggle Rock (1983–1987). He was even the director of The Dark Crystal (1982) and Labyrinth (1986). However, there are many other treasured works of Henson that are not well known to the public.
1. A Muppet Family Christmas
Although this was a television special, this is truly a gem in Henson's projects. It's a simple yet heartwarming story about all the beloved muppets celebrating christmas together. In addition, the Sesame Street characters and Fraggle Rock characters also make an appearance. This showcases all of Henson's wonderful creations in one film. In the end, Jim even makes an appearance himself, showing how much love was put into this.
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2. The Tale of the Bunny Picnic
Jim Henson is known for taking classic tales and retelling them with his muppets. This little film is no exception. However, rather than twist the story with additional jokes and humorous scenes, Henson has decided to tell this fairy tale directly from the book as it is, truly, bringing this story to life with his puppets.
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3. Jim Henson's Wilkins Coffee Ads
These commercials were quite a surprise to find in Henson's early line of work. The ads feature an early version of Kermit named "Wilkins," who enjoys Wilkins coffee. Meanwhile, another muppet named "Wontkins" doesn't like the coffee. Henson made around 179–200 commercials showing the violent ways one can end if they don't drink the coffee.
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4. Jim Henson's the Storyteller & the Storyteller: Greek Myths
The birth of this series came from a television segment called The Jim Henson Hour. During this time, a mysterious storyteller and his dog tell the viewers about various nearly forgotten fairy tales. Many of these stories are not well known. Thus, there's always some intrigue to the events. The tales come to life with prosthetic makeup, costumes and puppetry.
Just like the original Storyteller series, all the tales are told live. Except instead of fairy tales, a new storyteller and his dog tell the viewers about greek mythology stories.
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5. The Christmas Toy & Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas
While both TV specials evolve around Christmas and have appearances from Kermit, these videos are separate. Emmet Otter is a cute story around the holiday, but Henson truly gets into the minds of children with The Christmas Toy. All the toys come to life when no one is around. However, there's always some suspense that the toys could be caught at any moment. All while these toys have to learn about accepting change. Despite this emotional story, love is certain no matter how much change occurs over the years.
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6. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Series
It's unfortunate that this series was canceled. As a prequel to the Dark Crystal film, the natural special effects truly captured Henson's original work; from the puppet characters to the live sets. The story was also amazing to fans of the show and fell in line with the universe's original lore.
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7. Muppet Classic Theater
Whatever Jenson does work with the muppets he always involves jokes and humorous scenarios. Retelling fairy tales and nursery rhymes are no exception to his twists. This is exactly what happens in this movie, but with a one-hundred present muppet cast. Multiple stories are told in a theater by Rizzo and Gonzo.
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8. "Hey, Cinderella" and "The Frog Prince"
"Hey, Cinderella" and "The Frog Prince" are two separate straight to video TV specials. They feature Henson's retelling of the classic fairy tales with the muppet and their usual humor. Unlike the previous listed work, these do present human stars in the stories.
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9. John Denver & the Muppets: A Christmas Together
In this movie, Denver and the muppets all celebrate Christmas together. However, the group all take the time to learn about the true origins of Christmas from a religious point of view. Seeing as this is for kids, nothing is discussed too deeply. The characters simply discover why Christmas is the way that it is through the Bible and why it's such a cherished holiday for religious people.
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10. Muppet Vision 3D
As the title states, this was a short movie experience in 3D. While the show played, audience members would literally experience the sounds and physical touch of the video. People get water sprayed on them, objects flying into their faces, etc. Unfortunately, the attraction in walt disney world has been taken down.
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What do you think? Were there any Jim Henson works that I missed? Please share with me!
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friendrat · 2 years ago
Guys... when the bunnies all stand together and sing about "freeing their brother who has suffered under wrong," they are singing about Mr B-bop-d-diddly-dog-bop! And they are still terrified of him! 🥺 But they all stood together to save him anyway! 😭
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breawycker · 3 months ago
[Photo ID: three screenshots from The Muppet Christmas Carol showing Ebenezer Scrooge (Michael Caine) and Bean Bunny (a little bunny muppet). Ebenezer is calling down to Bean from the window in his house. The ground is covered in snow.
Ebenezer: You there, boy! What day is it?
Bean Bunny: (in all caps) Why it's almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas Day sir
Ebenezer, very happy: Then I haven't missed it!
End ID]
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Waking up every December 24th
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cryptids-of-spielzeit · 1 year ago
Spielzeit Bestiary #7: The Spielzeit Fae
Tales of fairies have been passed down from generation, with various descriptions of what they actually are. Some stories depict them as small, flying humans with the ability to grant wishes, others say they are beings not to be messed with, to never tell your name to, lest they steal it.
But in the case of the town of Spielzeit, their fairies are somewhat mischievious. The Spielzeit Fae, sometimes referred to as "The Smiling Fairies" or "The Giggling Sprites" by locals, are a group of creatures that supposedly roam the woods near Spielzeit, particularly near common picnicing areas or fields.
The actual appearance of these creatures varies greatly from one another. According to locals, there are 8 variants, each with their own personalities. The few common traits in all 8 are their huge, believed to be never changing, smiles and their childlike laughter.
1. Welpe: The Welpe Fae are described as being small, orange Cocker Spaniels, surprisingly similar to the appearance of another piece of Spielzeit folklore, the Sun Dog. Welpe Fae are commonly seen playing with the other fae, and in some cases coordinate pranks and heists for the other fae.
2. Jungtier: Jungtier Fae are described as small, red Bear cubs. Jungtier Fae are said to be incredibly clingy to other fae, and in one case, humans. They seem to show a form of affection through this clinginess.
3. Hase: Hase Fae are described as small, bright green bunnies. Hase Fae have been said to be incredibly energetic, and in some claimed "heist" encounters are the ones said to run off with whatever it is they stole.
4. Huhn: The Huhn Fae are said to be similar to baby chicks in appearance. Huhn Fae, according to locals, usually try to "one up" the other fae in their activities. What this entails is up for debate.
5. Ferkel: Ferkal Fae are said to heavily resemble a common piglet. Ferkel Fae, in most encounters, are usually the first seen, eating whatever they have stolen from the poor sap that crossed them.
6. Kalb: Kalb Fae are described as being small, sky blue elephant calfs. These fae are said to have a great memory. According to local baker Annie Puntz, she gave a Kalb a piece of cake, and the next month, it brought her back a flower.
7. Eins: Eins Fae are commonly described as being very small unicorn-like beings, with white fur and pale blue manes. Eins fae are theorized to be incredibly artistic, as a few locals described witnessing an Eins fairy using the cherries from a cherry tree in the town's Fruit Basket area to paint a rock.
8. Kätzchen: Kätzchen Fae, strangely, are said to highly resemble a tiny version of The Grinning Cat, down to the deep purple fur color and the big grin. Another interesting comparison to note is their tendency to "sleep". Encounters with Kätzchen fae usually start with the witness finding it asleep before waking it up, causing it to run away.
More often than not, groups of fae contain more than one variant, if not all 8. The first documented sighting of the Fae came from the late Dave Fitz, who described having a picnic with his grandchildren, when suddenly a Welpe and a Kätzchen appeared, trying to steal food. Mr. Fitz shooed them away, only realizing later that night that that was a mistake, as he found a huge group of the Fae ransacking his home.
Since then, it has become tradition to leave a piece of food out for the Fae during picnics, even if they never show.
Ranger Angelo Floros was asked about if he believed the Fae were real.
"I, personally, find these rumors to be a load of bologna. Fairies only exist in fairy tales. As for the supposed laughter, there are plenty of children here who love to spook their elders, and this idea of laughing fairies is perfect for them! I have no further comment."
Whether they exist or not, the Spielzeit Fae have become a big part of their folklore, even serving as one of the many creatures celebrated during their Summer Solstice festival, along with the Sun Dog.
All we ask you is...do you believe?
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tymime · 2 years ago
Something I did recently was watch almost all the major Muppet TV series, movies and specials, starting from The Muppet Show and all the way up to the NBC era, ending with The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz, right before Disney purchased them.
So basically I finally watched every episode of The Muppet Show, The Muppets Go to the Movies (which is essentially a lost episode of The Muppet Show), The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show, the first three seasons of Muppet Babies, Little Muppet Monsters, The Jim Henson Hour, The Muppets at Walt Disney World, Muppets Tonight, Kermit's Swamp Years, and a bunch of other things.
The reason I did this is that I was actually woefully deprived of all things Muppets when I was a kid and for most of my teenage years (although I watched Sesame Street regularly when I was little).
I had the Vincent Price and Alice Cooper episodes, Muppet Classic Theater, Muppet Treasure Island, and Muppets from Space on VHS, but that was pretty much it. I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t actually watch any other episodes of The Muppet Show when I was a kid. I’m sure I would have if I had been aware that it was airing on Nickelodeon at the time.
(Instead I read The Muppet Show Book before I watched the episodes they were based on. Bizarre, I know.)
So I had these brief glimpses and vague impressions of the characters and the timeline, but I really wanted to know what I had been missing this whole time.
Something that was particularly interesting was how many nearly forgotten TV specials they did in the ‘80s, in between making movies. It seems to me this is the most overlooked period of the Muppet timeline, despite how iconic the movies are.
The main revelation was there were various characters that were either less or more important than I thought they were:
First of all, Rizzo (one of my favorite characters) wasn’t all that much of a main character during Jim Henson’s lifetime. He was a minor character in the last two seasons of The Muppet Show, stole a scene in Muppets Take Manhattan, but he really didn’t become a main character until The Muppet Christmas Carol, when his chemistry with Gonzo first became apparent, lasting throughout the rest of the decade.
Their relationship is something I really miss, ever since Steve Whitmire left. They seem to be trying to force Pepe into the same role, and it just doesn’t work.
I wasn’t aware that Bean Bunny first debuted in The Tale of the Bunny Picnic. Based on his fairly prominent role in Muppet Vision 3D, I thought he was used way more often.
I also got the impression that Waldo C. Graphic made his debut in Muppet Vision 3D. It’s weird to me that he’s a lot less wacky and toony in The Jim Henson Hour.
As I’ve said before in other blogs, I wasn’t aware that Pepe debuted in Muppets Tonight and Clifford debuted in The Jim Henson Hour. Very few new characters survived those shows, and it always puzzled me that they were the ones that were ever used again. One day I was watching Muppets from Space and I thought “Who the heck are these characters?” and went on to be even more confused when Pepe refused to go away.
All in all, it’s nice to finally have the whole picture.
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ciar-galyna · 10 months ago
A Court of Shackles and Glass
Chapter Four
Word Count : 8.7k
Warning(s) : N/A
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I always preferred eating outside to eating inside. I want to eat where there is sun on my back and I’m surrounded by fresh air with a cool breeze that quietly passes by, ruffling my hair a little. Maybe surrounded by beautiful flowers or plants or trees. But in general, eating outside is better. I don’t care if it’s a feast or a small snack, it doesn’t really matter so long as I’m filling my stomach and I’m not stuck inside a dull castle.
And the Spring Court is the perfect place to have a picnic. It was Lucien’s idea originally, Tamlin was hesitant but complied, leading us to a field and setting everything up. Lucien explained that there several snacks, foods, and treats were set up with tea and some fruit juices. He had helped me avoid sitting on any snacks or creases that would cause a spill. Now we all just sit in silence, enjoying our lunches.
In the background I can hear birds singing as a gentle breeze dances with the vines of a nearby willow tree. A small creature is running through the grass, probably a bunny. I imagine it’s still quite beautiful here. My family had visited this Court a few times for official business. Each time I was enchanted and thought it was gorgeous here. Our plants never looked as lively, vibrant. Our gardens could never compare to the one’s of Theron’s for example. Even after he taught us how to garden better. Maybe it was the soil. Maybe our home could never host life properly, or at least normal life.
Of all the Courts I believe Spring was always my favourite. Winter was too cold, though Gyn always loved it’s frigid weather and her ties to it. Autumn was too cruel, or at least the Vanserra’s always had incredibly untrustworthy characteristics to them, except Lucien, who has proven he’s nothing like the Vanserra’s I’ve met. Summer was nice, but it usually had more tropical plants, less fields of flowers and more water. Dawn was always nice though, a comforting feeling place that always played neutral parts well. Day was…so lively. It was always bright and everyone had a never ending energy until the sun set. It was exhausting, but the libraries were always magical and incredible. We could get lost for years inside them and we’d be content with it. The Night Court was dreadful, misery everywhere and no light underground. Velaris was nicer, but I always felt a little cooped up there, I couldn’t explore a lot. At home Gyn would take me on walks, we’d explore for hours, she’d tell tales of things, I’d listen. We’d be home well past sundown. Despite how much older my brother and sister are, there were still some spots they’d never found before. Creatures they’d never met. Our home can be a living hell, but it never fails to offer endless adventure outside, endless fantastical elements with calm danger.
There were some nights where I was upset, and I’d thought I was quiet and sneaky, that I could get away with crying myself to sleep. Whether it was from stress or genuine hurt, it never mattered. Achlys and Gyn would scoop me up in my blankets and we’d leave with the moon being the only thing illuminating our path. To calm me down they would hum or sing lullabies, show me beautiful, gentle animals and flowers, and tell me stories of a brave Prince who greatest battle was against his heartless Father, the King. It worked everytime. I would fall asleep, comforted and happy. I always woke up in my bed, smelling flowers, a vase of them beside my bed, freshly cut and from one of their personal gardens. Gardens Theron helped plant, gardens that could rival those of the Spring Court’s. Which makes sense, Theron was a male my age who became the High Lord of Spring. He was smart like Boreas and Cosmas, befriending my siblings so he’d have their protection and support. Though their original intentions faded after time, we all did become and stay genuine friends. Long gone are those days though.
Sighing I take another bite of my sandwich. It’s funny, thinking of such old memories. And now that I think of it..this is where I met Reqius. He was a servant, one of the gardeners, he attended to several sections of roses, all of which he expertly kept alive and gleaming..yes I met Reqius in the Spring Court. And now all I have left of him is Ellian. That poor, sweet boy. By the Mother I hope he’s alright. He was always strong and brave, even after what happened to Rima and Terris. He had Reqius’s kindness and determination, so of course he was never easily shaken.
“Enjoying your sandwich, Lyphon?”
Lucien’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, returning me to the Spring Court and our lunch. I hum, nodding.
“Yes, it’s well made, thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank us for. The chefs made everything, we merely brought everything here.” Tamlin speaks up, his voice rough enough that he clears his throat afterwards.
“Yes, well, you still allowed us to eat outside, which is a nice change. So thank you for that.”
The two are silent for another few minutes, everyone enjoying the snacks or sipping drinks. Tamlin speaks again though, that serious High Lord attitude appearing again.
“I have news.”
I imagine Lucien perking up at this, interested by the announcement and excited on my behalf.
“Did Lyphon’s family contact you?”
I chuckle a little before Tamlin can answer. While the notion is nice, the reality isn’t quite the same.
“I doubt they would. They know that we know better and that we’ll return on our own time, I doubt they’re worried about me or my siblings. I would be more surprised if they did.”
“His family did not contact us, no. I had asked Helion about any records regarding his family, and recently he has invited us to stay a week in the Day Court. Because of this invitation I believe he has found something. He never disclosed that however. So the beginning of next week is when we will visit.”
I hum quietly. Helion…High Lord of the Day Court. I’ve not even the slightest idea about who he is or what he’s like. I can remember one of his ancestors though, or who could be his ancestor. His name was Atalo. He was clever with a quick tongue and charming personality. I suspected that it was all a charade, a carefully made mask, but no one ever batted an eye at him because of it. He was also quite intelligent, and generous enough to allow some to visit the libraries. I wonder how alike the two are. Somehow I doubt Helion will be too serious, like Atalo.
Visiting for a whole week…that should be interesting. It would be nice to visit the libraries again, see any new editions to them. Plus, it would be interesting to see what records Prythian has on us. I’m sure there’s a few ugly patches, but as far as I’ve been aware we were never all that bad, we helped more than we challenged or caused trouble since we had several of our own issues to deal with.
Humming I switch trains of thought.
“Lucien, you previously mentioned you aren’t from Spring. Are you from Autumn?”
Lucien is quiet for a moment, softly humming as he thinks, likely deciding whether to answer me or change the subject. He sighs a little, taking a sip of whatever drink he chose before settling on his answer.
“I was..but I left and came here instead since Tamlin and I were old friends. He let me stay and made me his emissary.”
I hum a little, carefully searching for my glass and taking a sip of my juice. There’s clearly more to the story, but I won’t push, it’s likely a touchy subject anyways.
“I see..tell me. Are the others High Lords cruel?”
Tamlin grunts, almost scoffing.
“It’s a mix. Beron is notoriously cruel, along with Rhysand. Tarquin is more on the kind side. Kallias and Thesan tend to be more neutral. They’re not cruel, but they don’t jump to be kind either. Helion seems to be between neutral and kind, but I’m sure he has the capability to be cruel.”
I chuckle quietly.
“Anyone has the capability to be cruel, should they be pushed far enough. Even the kindest of people can crack and eventually shatter, usually leading to a terrible consequences for everyone surrounding them. Though some are just naturally cruel, whether they intend to be or not.” I say, my head falling back a little. If my eyes weren’t so bad I’d be staring at the sky, maybe watching clouds float by, observe their odd shapes.
That being said though, I’m hoping Gyn and Achlys aren’t stuck in Autumn or Night. Sure we had friends in both in the past, but that was a very long time ago and those ties have been cut. Briefly I wonder what it would take to rebuild those alliances. Probably a lot of bargaining, honestly.
“You sound like you speak from experience.” Tamlin says, sounding almost thoughtful.
“Yes, well, I’ve seen it many times before. The kindest souls being pushed to their very limits and yet still, being expected to act as sweet and unbothered. The cruel ones see them as nothing but stupid pawns to walk all over, and when the time comes when they snap..somehow everyone is surprised.” I hum, “there was one such case many years ago with a family, who had been causing us a lot of trouble, and we suspected it was entirely on purpose. We learned quickly they were abusive to their servants, one in particular.”
“I can still recall the marks on their body that couldn’t be as well hidden as the others. It was disgusting. And he was a sweetheart too. Achlys was concerned and warned the family that they’ll end up biting themselves in the ass. But Gyn and I saw it coming miles away. Gyn had a dagger made for them and offered them a job in our main palace. They said no, at first, deciding to stay loyal, hopeful…”
A silence follows, it feels somber and still. Even the breeze feels a little stiff and tense. We all know the ending.
“They endured half a year more..and then they snapped. It was at a banquet they were hosting. We were in attendance. Their eldest son threw a fit, the perfect image of a spoiled, narcissistic brat that thought he ruled the world. He took the brunt of it, and then…chaos erupted. He apparently carried the dagger with him everywhere, and he’d used it to slit the son’s throat.” I sigh, what a night that was. “In a matter of minutes he’d pulled us outside, given us a load of evidence proving their involvement with underground dealings that spelled out their plans of eliminating us and taking the title of ‘Ruling Family’. He’d also set fire to the manor. The family ended up demanding us for compensation, and we refused. Revealing the collected evidence and arresting them. Thankfully, he’s doing much better now.”
I smile a bit at the memory. Had it not been for that devilish family, he probably would’ve been much happier for longer. Not stuck in some hell with a loyalty for the demons surrounding them, hoping them to truly be secretly angels. The poor soul.
Tamlin hums at the story, Lucien stays quiet, mostly. I can hear his eye moving a bit from time to time. I wonder if his eye ever gets dry, probably not as it’s enchanted for one, and likely not made of flesh. I’m sure both my siblings would be fascinated.
“Where is he now?” Lucien asks after a moment, I’m guessing he’s checking that he’s not poor or homeless, something we’d never allow to happen. Homelessness is a death sentence in our Court, it’s basically a crime to allow anyone to sleep anywhere outside, not unless they were given strict permissions from us.
“He took up Gyn’s offer. Though he requested to work in her palace instead. She complied, so now he works and lives there. It’s a good ending to that story. I can’t imagine why anyone would abuse those who serve them, especially if you rely on them. They say there is strength in numbers and well…who will help you when they turn on you? Or when you fall? You’ve essentially made sure there’s no chance of anyone catching you. So what will you do when you need help?”
I hear nothing, so I imagine Lucien nodding at the information, satisfied with the outcome perhaps.
We return to the silence of before, continuing to snack on our food, drink our drinks. I listen for anything nearby. The wind stays gentle, there’s the odd bird singing a few notes, and sometimes a small critter running somewhere. If I’m not careful there is a good chance I’’ll relax too much and fall asleep.
“Well, it’s time I go back inside. I have a meeting in a half hour and plenty of paperwork to sort through.” Tamlin speaks up, standing up afterwards. He leaves, walking back towards the manor, Lucien sighing a little.
“I suppose lunch is over then..ugh back to dreadful work then. Do you want to come inside with me, Lyphon? I’ll have the servants gather everything.”
I shake my head.
“No, I’ll stay here a while longer. Thank you though.”
Lucien stays quiet for a moment before turning and heading back to the manor, leaving me to my lonesome.
I’m relying heavily on muscle memory to get me through this. I haven’t had to fight or use a weapon against someone in a very long time, so actually training again is…interesting. At some points I briefly get excited when I recognize the preparation of a move from my opponent or when I guess their next move correctly. But those moments aren’t very common and honestly they feel more like deja vu than getting a question right on a quiz.
Across from me Tarquin is braced and ready for any possible oncoming attacks on my end, not that any are coming, I’ve sort of forced myself into defensive to the point I’m not sure I’d ever let myself try anything offensive for fear of making a fool of myself. Thank the cauldron Tarquin doesn’t seem to mind though.
We circle each other. While I eye him warily he simply looks at me with amusement. I suspect we both think a child could fight better than I am. Sighing I go back into a defensive stance, this is starting to tire me out more than yesterday.
“You’re not even going to try to attack me once?” Tarquin teases, making me scowl. By the gods this makes me think of Achlys again. We’d both mock and tease each other when training together, pissing each other off endlessly.
“Maybe some other time Tarquin, besides, didn’t you say you wanted to practice some offensive moves?”
He chuckles, shaking his head.
“Yes, well, that was with the hope and assumption that you wouldn’t make me overuse every move I’ve learned. Not once have you attacked me. Since when have you ever been strictly on the defensive?”
“Today. I haven’t had a reason to fight recently, so this feels abnormal to me right now.”
He raises a brow, looking rather amused by something.
“And you think I’ll go easily on you because of that?”
I scowl, an expression that’s probably quite common for me.
“Not at all.”
Tarquin smirks, going in for another jump attack. One arm keeps his midsection protected, the other raised with a sword in hand. I’m already on the edge of the rink, so I angle my body more leftwards and back up, moving along the edge. If he jumps me or hits me hard enough I’ll definitely loose..though right now that isn’t sounding too bad. I’m getting pretty worn out, my breathing is already a little strained and my movements are slowing down, even if by a little, my reaction time is slower too, and I’m sure by now he’s picked up on that. Though he hasn’t bothered to capitalize on it..for some reason.
The attack is followed by a few more, smaller and more controlled ones, ones that require less energy but are still effective, especially when used correctly. His movements are swift, and I actively have to put more effort and energy into dodging than before, a few strikes nearly hit.
Tarquin makes one last move, light glinting off the steel as it narrowly misses the bridge of my nose, instead severing a stray hair halfway. The thin strand falls, but rather than landing on the sandy floor of our little sparring arena, Tarquin catches it, pinching it between two fingers. His smirk grows as he holds it up for us both to see.
“You’re getting slow.”
Sighing, I can only nod. The arm carrying my own sparring sword drops, the blade feels heavy in my hands and I’m all to aware of the sweat dripping down my neck, back, and sides.
“Yes, well, I’m getting tired.” Breathing and speaking are two things I cannot do simultaneously, right now at least. “Honestly, I’m not sure I can even continue after this..goodness, I yield. If you need me-”
“You do not yield.”
“Excuse you?”
He chuckles seeing my expression. But repeats what he said nonetheless.
“You. Do not. Yield.”
I raise a brow, though my annoyance still clear. Huffing I take a step back, or try to. It would be enough for me to technically lose. But Tarquin isn’t having any of it. He grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him and backing up into we’re both in the center of the ring, inches apart. I’m not enjoying the victorious look on his face.
“You are not allowed to yield or leave this ring until you’ve attacked me. And no ‘low effort’ attacks either, I want you to treat me like an actual opponent. Fight me like you would on the battlefield.”
Only then does he back up, going into a defensive stance. I narrow my eyes this time, more from concern and warning.
“I’d really rather not, Tarquin.’
“Just try.”
Exasperated and getting pretty foul mooded, I back up. He looks confused for a moment before I charge, running at full speed with my sword pointed right at his chest. He raises his arms higher, twisting his sword to use it as a sort of shield. He moves forward too, planning to take the sword head on, but I move left at the last second, raising the sword to strike him in the head, and then kick him in the knee instead.
He grunts as he almost kneels. Swiftly I kick at his nose, then at his chest, both attempted strikes are blocked by one arm, the other being used to raise his sword and aim a strike. He stabs at my chest, I barely raise my own sword fast enough to block that. I jump back, giving us both space as he stands to his full height and starts to approach, smiling.
It’s his usual smile, the one that’s soft and in any other context would make me think of calming waves and shining pearls. But right now it just puts me more on edge. I wonder if he smiles at his enemies like this before killing them.
Huffing slightly I run at him full speed, keeping my sword and body lowered. At the last second I dodge to the side, spinning just enough to get behind him and kick the back of one of his knees before pressing the sword against his throat, not enough to do any real damage, of course.
He grunts as he lands, using a hand to keep the sword’s edge away from his throat. He must not have been very affected by the attack however, since he’s quick to roll forward, taking me with him. I think I feel my spine crack a few times. I groan as we stop with him and planting of his body weight laying atop of me, specifically my chest. Now I’m taking in even less air. I’ll probably pass out in a minute.
Hissing I put more effort into moving the sword back towards his neck. My arm shakes as he pushes back. While he’s a bit more distracted I raise my legs, high enough to wrap them firmly around his diaphragm, before squeezing like a boa constrictor. This might not work out well for me though. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can hold his breath longer or be able to last longer without oxygen than the average fae.
He almost tenses up immediately. One hand works on keeping the sword away from his throat, the other works at untangling my legs or at least loosening them enough that he won’t have to fight for air every breath. He’s not giving up fast enough though, so I reach out with my free hand and place opposite his hand on the sword. Twisting the sword in my other hand, I make sure it’s flat against both our palms. Despite wheezing a little, Tarquin manages to chuckle slightly.
“How are you supposed to slit my throat with the sharp edge facing away from me?”
A strangled laugh escapes me, I sound a bit exasperated, desperate too.
“If I get it close enough, strangling you will all be too easy. All I need to do is angle it properly between your neck and jaw.”
He barks a laugh, the sound startling me and I’m temporarily unsure of how to react. Is he ok? Is he pushing himself too far? Do I need to do something? He stops before I can check for any health problems though.
“You nasty, nasty girl.”
“You’re the one who told me to fight like you were my enemy. I don’t necessarily need a quick victory, I just need to win..or lose. Whichever will make you let me leave faster.”
He grunts as I pull the sword closer to his throat, cursing the hand trying to remove my legs switches between hitting my side with the hilt of his sword and with as much force as he can use at the moment, and trying to push the sword away. Each strike to my side feels like fireworks of pain exploding and worsening with each strike. He doesn’t even need to hit me anymore for my whole side to ache and throb, but it’s worse at the main strike point, which would be my bottom rib.
With a rough gasp I tightening my legs around him as much as I can, both legs shaking as I struggle to keep squeezing his diaphragm. It’s paying off though. His breathing has become short, quick gasps that I know aren’t getting him much air. Close, so close to victory. Until I’m not.
His one arm raises again, poised and ready to strike.
Pain explodes in my entire side as the hilt of his sword strikes the bottom bone again. I feel a crack, probably the rib fracturing. Lovely. Unfortunately I falter, one hand slipping briefly from the sword, giving him enough time and strength to rip the sword from my hands and toss to the other side of the arena. He hits my fracturing rib again, I hiss, agony and lack of energy causing my legs to loosen, practically flopping to the side as Tarquin quickly unwraps my legs.
I barely notice him turning until it’s too late. Instantly air is whisked from my lungs and I try to inhale, only to meet the resistance that is his weight pressed onto my diaphragm through his knee. The point of his sword presses against the middle of my throat.
Oh if Great Great Grandfather could see me now..I would surely never be able to return home until I floored him in the first 10 seconds. I would be quite the disappointment. I might’ve had an excuse as a child. But not now. I’m fully grown and I’ve already been trained. To think Ulysse was so successful I can barely fight now. Cauldron I might just cry myself to sleep tonight. Coming from a family who takes pride in their strength and ability to defeat others…of course I feel like a weakling now. A failure almost.
Anger boils up inside at the thought. After everything I’ve had to go through to prove myself, to get a peaceful, quiet living, this is what I’ve become? It was really this easy? To defeat me, weaken me, make me give up?
I basically snarl like an animal as a grab a fistful of sand and throw right as his eyes. I don’t give him time to process as he raises a hand to block the sand, possibly get some out of his eyes. I punch him in the throat, then raise a leg to kick him in the crotch before using that leg to shove him away. As he lands, wiping the sand from his eyes, I stand up, marching over to my sword and picking it up. When I turn he’s still keeled over, coughing though. I have to make this quick. It seems we both are going till the other taps out, so I’ll have to force him to. Pressing a blade to his head won’t do that, but almost slitting his throat probably will.
Before he can get up, I stand over him and put the blade in the curve between his jaw and his neck, before carefully pulling up. I don’t actually want to hurt him, but I need him to give up. He almost curses, scrambling to push the blade away, but I don’t let him move it. He’s trying hard not to cough, but it’s clear he’s about to and if he does blood will likely spill..well maybe, I’m not entirely sure how sharp these swords are. Huffing he hits my leg three times.
Sighing with a bit of relief I move the sword away, tossing it to the other side near the stands that hold other practice blades. Moving a few feet away I sit down on some of the steps, wincing as my side throbs again and the pain spasms when I cough a little. Tarquin practically has a coughing fit for a minute, but he’s okay otherwise, thankfully. When that’s done he stands up, takes a few deep breaths, and turns to me.
Quietly he walks over, offering a hand. I take it, almost distracted by the contrasting feel of soft yet calloused. He pulls me up into a standing position.
“Ah well, thank you. Though I’m certain you did more damage than me. Much more. So good job for that.”
He frowns at that, eyes instantly going to my side. One hand reaches, about to touch the growing red patch, but I grab his wrist before it can.
“Please don’t. My rib was fractured. I know you’re gentle, but that will still hurt.”
Concern colours his eyes as they flick back up to meet mine.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize- let me take you to the healers.”
He’s quick, I’ll give him that. I can’t form a response fast enough before he’s slipping the hand hovering above my side into my own hand, tugging me towards the exit.
“No- it’s fine, Tarquin. I’ll be fine. Just let me rest and I’ll look after it once I’m more energized.”
Stubbornly though, he shakes his head, pulling me along.
“No. We’re going to the healers. I won’t risk you accidentally harming yourself further by using this chance to practice your abilities more. I trust you know what you’re doing, but I’d rather have you healed immediately than wait for you to do it yourself.”
Sighing I increase my pace to match his, following him as he expertly moves from hallway to hallway in search of the healers wing. Or just healers. I’m assuming there’s a mini-hospital in the castle, but I could be mistaken.
We both fall into a comfortable silence. Him, determined to find a healer and searching. Me, lost in thought as I stare out any windows at the vast sea. The silence is softly broken though when Tarquin asks a question.
“What was that, back there? Do you hate losing?”
I’m quiet for a moment, thinking.
“No..not quite, at least. I- I think it was more just, in my family, strength is something that we were raised to put a lot of pride in. Me and my siblings, we were all raised with the ideal that we couldn’t afford to lose, not even once.”
“Couldn’t afford to lose..what do you mean by that?”
“I suppose a simple way of saying it is that by my family’s standards, loosing means you’re weak. And in a family that values strength highly..well my Great Great Grandfather has a set of standards that, if not met, mean he’ll make you an outcast or just straight up disown you.” I wince at a few memories that pop up. “The Mortis name carries a lot of protection at home..if you’re apart of the family or at least respected, you’re well protected and regular or weaker creatures won’t attack you, you won’t really be challenged. But otherwise..you’re open game.”
Tarquin hums, nodding slightly.
“I see, well. I think it’s a bit foolish to place all your seashells in one basket, if strength is the only thing your family values..then they’re blinding themselves to many other wonderful things, and building up themselves for failure. Or at the very least, a very miserable family. You didn’t need to beat me for me to know that you’re strong, Gyn.”
His words make me smile, the smile growing into a giggle as I grin at him.
“Thank you, for that. I’m sure it could take me a while to fully agree, but I’m at least aware that my Great Great Grandfather should try using more baskets.”
He chuckles, smiling back. We walk for a few more minutes before we arrive at a door labeled ‘Medical’. He knocks, the door swinging open immediately. A fae woman looks between the two of us, then at my side and motions for us to come inside.
Tarquin leads the way until the woman motions for me to sit on a bed. I seat myself on the edge, and she begins her examination.
“Is your side the only place of concern or are there any other injuries I should be made aware of?”
“Only my side, I’m fine otherwise. My rib is fractured, I don’t know how severely though.”
“I see, very well.”
The woman grabs a clipboard, scribbles a few things down before reaching and, quite gently, brushing her fingers across my side. I grit my teeth as fire follows the light touch, exhaling slowly to stop myself from screaming or cursing too much. Both Tarquin and the healer notice the reaction, of course. And the few tears that threaten to spill. Tarquin gives my hand a squeeze, muttering an apology. I just give him a light squeeze back.
“Well, I’m not sure what the cause of this injury was, but your rib is a hair away from being broken. It’s an easy fix, thankfully. Though I will need to touch you to heal you..”
Tarquin’s eyes widen at her statement. I almost chuckle, but instead respond before he can.
“That’s fine, just get it done with, please.”
The healer nods, nimbly she works at healing me. I hiss at the pain, but it lightens up fairly quickly. It only takes her a few moments to heal my side completely.
“There we are. Everything is fine now, you’re good to go.”
I nod, hopping off the bed.
“Thank you, do I need to pay you?-”
“No, I’m a healer that works under the palace, so I have no fees for anyone I heal. I simply heal anyone brought here and get paid at the end of the week.”
“I see. Well thank you.”
She nods, turning and taking her clipboard with her, heading into an office area. I’m about to say goodbye and head to my room, but the guilt ridden expression on Tarquin’s face stops me.
“Are you alright-”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I had nearly broken your rib. Had I known that would happen I probably would’ve just let you go and rest. I probably should have in the first place. I’m-”
“It’s fine Tarquin. You did nothing wrong. You fought me fairly and I just happened to be injured. This isn’t the worst I’ve ever experienced either, so please don’t let this weigh heavily on you. I appreciate that you didn’t bother going easy on me..at least I don’t think you did. I would find it quite insulting if you decided to baby me after insisting I stay to fight.”
He seems slightly less upset, but still feeling guilty. He nods, acting a bit like that was all I needed to say to convince him. Sighing I shake my head. He almost turns to leave, but this time I stop him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.
He tenses for a moment, but he returns the hug.
“I’m okay, Tarquin. It’s okay. I strangled you for cauldron’s sake. I should be apologizing to you instead. So please don’t be upset because I got hurt. So did you.”
He sighs, conceding.
“Alright. Fine. I’ll try to…forgive myself I suppose.”
“Thank you, are you busy today?”
“No..I only have one meeting today, thankfully. And that’s just before dinner.”
“Good. Let’s go on a walk. I know you’ll still feel bad or down for a little while, so let’s go on a walk. Clear some of the air. You usually feel better after walks or visits to the beach, right?”
He smiles a little, nodding, letting me push him out of the healers room.
The High Lord’s office reminds me of what was my Father’s. A simple yet intricately carved door opening to a spacious area meant for greeting or waiting with two couches facing each other with comfortable and soft pillows placed in the corner between cushion and arm. Then a few small steps that lead into a sort of study area. Both walls lined with bookshelves, two long tables placed two feet away with several cushioned chairs placed around them. Papers, books, quills, and ink pots line the tables too. And then there a few more small steps, leading up to where the High Lord sits, waiting or writing and signing away behind a fancy or elaborate desk that likely has a few hidden compartments for secret or important documents.
I suspect that an important part of the design is intimidation and condescension. I can remember a few times where the long walk from the door to the desk was nerve wracking, all the while my Father wouldn’t even spare me a glance, and I hated how it felt like he was superior and above me, that I wasn’t worth his time, but those rotten documents always were. Just like how he tried to make my baby sister the same, making her sign dozens of practice sheets everyday since she turned 12, and scolding her when she tried to get her work done faster, claiming she wasn’t even reading the pages, that she was making herself to become a poor High Lady.
I work to quiet down the building anger. Snapping at a High Lord has never really done me any favours. And it’s not even like Eris is the one who’s made my sister slave away at a desk for hours on end.
Sighing, I step into the High Lord’s office. It’s warm, probably from the fireplace near his desk that burns away.
Eris looks up from the pages in front of him, placing his quill down. He beckons me forward, waiting patiently while I walk forward. It takes a moment for me to finally reach the desk and sit down in one of the seats placed in front of the desk.
His amber eyes track me the whole way, following me like a predator would when they’re not sure whether they’re stalking prey or another predator. He doesn’t appear tense, but he’s also not relaxed in any sort of way. I’m sure I am only another dangerous problem that has made itself known.
We both stay quiet for a moment, waiting to see if the other will speak first all while staring each other down in silent scrutiny. I decide I’ll be the first to speak.
“You called, High Lord?”
The barest hint of frown. The barest hint of amusement.
“You’ve made me curious. Your family has always brought me fascination, and it is easy to recognize that your siblings would be incredibly helpful to me, and you would be more comfortable if you were all here.”
I don’t bother hiding the disgusted frown that grows on my face. Sure, it would be nicer if we were all together again, but it would be even better if we were together away from this place, outside of the hellish Autumn Court.
“We won’t be your slaves, High Lord. Nor will we ever be. No Mortis ever bows before anyone else. While a reunion would be nice, don’t expect my siblings servitude as a returning favour.”
He chuckles quietly.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. But you’re smart, and something tells me that you already have a few guesses as to where your siblings have been placed.” He hums, “I’m going to assume you know you have nothing in Prythian. You can threaten me all you like, but we both know for the time being they are nothing but empty, dangerous words. So let me extend a hand. You tell me about your sister and brother, and in return I will send letters to the High Lords on your behalf. Does that seem fair.”
The disgust melts into a suspicion that does well to disguise itself. I can feel the muscles in my face relax away back into the neutral mask every High Sovereign’s child has become intimately familiar with. My gut tightens though, a sense of unease washing over me like a filthy water that makes you itch to bathe.
“That’s..quite generous of you. Why make such an offer? It seems like you have quite the disadvantage in this deal. Only receiving information and finding my siblings for me in return? I have no doubts you have something else planned. Something that requires that information.”
“Not at all.” He shrugs, “I’m merely curious about your family.”
He smirks, glad I haven’t seen the full picture yet.
“But I’m also playing the long game here. In the end that information can play key roles for me in getting what I want, and I’ll have the satisfaction of having more information as the middle man or messenger. You will never know if I have more information on your siblings, their conditions, and their whereabouts and you’ll have to trust that I’ll share that info with you when I receive it. But, if you decide that you won’t take the deal, you’ll need to collect the information yourself and I’ll willing to bet that you’d rather take the quicker route and find them faster.”
This is a familiar feeling to that of being locked in a chess match against my cousin, Melchor. He’s intelligent in a way that he can trick you into making moves that only benefit him all while making you think it was the better move. Subconscious trickery. But Eris has revealed some of his hand. Nothing too important of course, he’s only given me a slight hint at his intentions and personality in the wad of information I could’ve guessed on my own. It almost feels like a battle of wits.
“Let’s say I do take the deal. Realistically, there isn’t any guarantee that the High Lords will respond in the first place, nor is there any real guarantee that they will respond truthfully. If they’re smart, they, like you, will know or realize how much of an asset my siblings are. And if they’re as scheming and cunning as when we were younger, we’ll be nothing but bargaining pieces for them.”
“That is, assuming, that all our High Lords are in fact the cunning, cruel creatures that made the High Lords when you were younger. Like my Great Great Great Grandfather, Eldmar.”
I almost shudder at the name. I remember Eldmar, quite well actually. He left quite the impression. He had a regal and authoritative presence and he was quite a clever man. You never knew what he was thinking, and he was always able to control any conversation or negotiation he was a part of, always in his favour of course. He was scary in how strategic he was. It was always odd, being around him. I recognized that I was the more powerful one, and yet I genuinely felt like I was outclassed when I was near him, that I was the weaker one.
“And are they? Like their ancestors? Or are have things changed that much already?”
His eyes narrow slightly, an amused twinkle in his eyes. They haven’t changed that much at all then.
“Some..are different than what you might expect. But I suspect that is because of different circumstances. Most aren’t that much different though, so I can’t say your suspicion is miss placed. How about you just tell me where you suspect they are, and I’ll tell you what their chances are with that Court’s particular High Lord. And I’ll still send letters.”
“Or you could just tell me about the different High Lords that rule today.”
“No. Either you tell me your suspicions and about your siblings, or I let you go about your own research. And I won’t provide you any aid in that case.”
I roll my eyes, but consider the different pros and cons. He’s only asking for information, information he plans to use later on for his own goals. Though his terminology was vague enough where if I agree, I’ll be saying I’ll give any information on my siblings that he requests. But..he’ll also contact other Courts and try to find my siblings. If I went out on my own and went searching for my own answers, I would have a much harder time. I have nothing tying my to Prythian, so getting a job would be difficult or earning any money. I could be perceived as a threat and treated as such if I ever approached any High Lord. I have nothing. But he has something and is offering some of his resources. Groaning I make my choice.
“Fine. Our cousin hated us dearly and I’m going assume placed in locations that played on some of our biggest fears. I hate caves and my prison was placed inside one. My sister is terrified of deep waters, so he’s likely placed her prison somewhere with lots of deep water. Likely the Summer Court. Lyphon hates being buried alive, so somewhere where it wouldn’t be difficult to move a lot of dirt. My best guesses are Spring, Day, and Dawn.”
Eris considers the information, nodding slowly before moving his papers aside and grabbing blank pages and placing them in front of himself.
“I’ll send a letter to Summer. And one to Spring as a starter. We’ll wait for the replies and proceed from there.”
The sound of a quill writing away fills in the silence. I read each word and line as they’re written, following without problem. Reading upside down is something I learned when I was still young. It’s quite handy.
High Lord Tarquin,
There isn’t a chance that you have a female by the name of Gyn Mortis under your care at the moment, is there? Or a large, strange prison somewhere deep in the waters that surround your Court? Recently I’ve found one such prison in my Court, it’s prisoner making me quite curious. I wish to find his two other siblings that have also been imprisoned. He has informed me that he suspects his sister resides in your Court at the moment. Should she ask which brother is in my Court, simply answer her elder brother. Do lend a helping hand and bring this family back together?
—High Lord Eris
High Lord Tamlin,
How does Spring fare? Recently a strange prison was found in Autumn and the prison had made me quite curious. It is in my interests to help in finding his two other siblings. He has informed me that he suspects his younger brother, Lyphon, could be potentially be found in your Court. Should you find or have found him, please contact me.
—High Lord Eris
Once the letters are written and sealed, ready to be sent, he places aside for later, returning his attention to me.
“So then, tell me about your family. Your sister and brother, preferably.”
“What exactly do you want to know? Anything?”
He smiles softly, the smile disappearing quickly.
“Anything. Indulge my curiosity.”
“If you’re really so desperate. Tell me what you already know so I don’t waste either of our time.”
He rolls his eyes, sitting back in his chair while he toys with a quill, spinning it between his fingers as a drop of ink threatens to spill.
“My my, so spoiled and demanding. I don’t know intimate details, only history and impressions about someone based on the writings of the author. I’ve studied the various wars your family was apart of. I’ve gone through all the records my family has about anything that involved your family or Court.”
“And what have you learned about us? You’re smart, I’m sure you’ve already read between the lines.”
A small, prideful smirk grows on his face. He’s glad someone’s finally noticed, I’m sure. Eager to brag or maybe he’s just glad someone finally hasn’t underestimated him. If there is one thing I’ve learned about Autumn, never underestimate a Vanserra, especially ones that parade themselves as weaker or uninterested. Not that Eris checks those boxes, but still. New High Lords are always underestimated and yet to earn the respect of their fathers or forefathers. An unfortunate thing, but it comes with the presumed lack of experience. Observation and experience can be two very different things at times.
“Your family seems oddly peaceful for one that presents itself as violent and threatening. I’ll guess your patriarch is quite selective in what your family gets themselves involved in. All things considered he might even have some morals.”
I snort at the comment. Oh if only he knew or met our oh so wonderful Great Great Grandfather.
“He’s never had morals. He does things when he gets bored or because he gets irritated. He doesn’t do things for ‘good’. Gyn and Lyphon have morals, maybe not as many as some, but more than most in my family.” I don’t stop my snicker, “take a war over freeing slaves. The Knight would fight to stop the annoyance of begging for help and freedom. It could go either way, he would slaughter for either side. Gyn would fight for their freedom. I would simply offer to kill them all, free them that way. And well..Lyphon would probably use everyone’s bodies to help him fight.”
I laugh, quite loudly actually, but it’s true. Lyphon never spared a corpse, if it was available and not too badly damaged it could help him.
“Though, he would likely follow Gyn, he’s like a sheep or a puppy in that case. He looks to her for help and guidance at times. They always connected well, and Gyn was determined to be a good older sister, make life less miserable.”
Eris quirks a brow but hums, spinning the quill the opposite direction now.
“Interesting. I was under the impression that your family had a strict hierarchy, that you all looked to and obeyed your Great Great Grandfather.”
There’s a dark chuckle from me.
“Not necessarily. Pops rarely appears and even more rarely reclaims the control he’s generously given to some of his descendants. There is, I suppose, an hierarchy of sorts. It’s mostly based on power and the relations we have to The Knight. For a while now Gyn and I were considered 2nd in commands, we didn’t rule the Court, naturally. But we were given respect and power for being successful results of selective breeding and proving to be quite useful.
“I’m liked for my obedience because I’ve never had a problem with the orders given. Gyn, on the other hand, can be too timid to speak up against our Great Great Grandfather. So she’s subtle in the ways she defies him. Fighting in wars, but sparing those who wish for peace, and offering them a home, though in a different form. But Pops loves Gyn, so he never punished her. In fact he took interest and praised her for her knowledge in biology and her strength. That being said, we are family you know, not sheep. We only obey as often as we do because we trust Pops’ judgement. He’s never been wrong.”
Eris narrows his eyes slightly, a look of consideration and realization on his face.
“You sound like you trust each other a lot…not quite something I’ve heard of from a High Lord’s family. Usually, from my experience, most High Lord’s and their families aren’t usually on good terms with each other. But it sounds like you might just have..a decent family.”
I frown slightly at that. It’s true, most High Lord’s families I’ve met could be compared more to a den of wolves that have been starved a few days. Or snakes. Something nasty that’s thirsty for blood, rich with envy, and hungry for power that they may or may not use correctly. That being said, my family isn’t all that much better.
“I’m not sure I can agree with you, on that point. We may trust each other for certain things, but we’re as ugly as the rest. Look at me and my siblings. Ripped from our beds by a traitorous cousin and shoved into metal boxes that leeches power from you until you’ve been freed before being tossed into places where he hopes we won’t be found. There is no shortage of hatred, fear, and blood in our family.”
The confession shouldn’t give away too much information, and I don’t believe it can really be used against us. It might sound like it could be easy to sway someone in our family into betraying and killing off family members or imprisoning them. But Pops is quite..meticulous in his control of the family and its members.
An entire tradition has been made out of him rooting out anyone he finds don’t meet his standards. His word is law in the family and if he judges you to be worthless in the family, then you’ll be removed. Countless cousins, aunts, uncles all killed or banished because they’re too weak or useless. Our family is more comparable to a unit in the army than a proper family, I think. Some of us are close, but usually it’s a relationship and bond built up over the years, not something you feel or recognize naturally. Sometimes it just feels like we’re dolls in a doll house, and Pops is the master that controls us.
The door of the office opens and we both turn to see who’s entered. It’s a servant, carrying a silver tray with a tea pot, two tea cups, and some small dishes and utensils for anything we might want to add.
Eris gestures for the servant to approach. They’re quick and quiet as they approach and place the tray on the desk between us where no papers are. They’re just as quick to leave. Reaching forwards Eris takes one of the cups, pouring himself a drink.
“Feel free to refresh yourself with a drink. I don’t imagine this conversation will be over for a little while..”
I hum, reaching forwards to pour myself a drink.
“Maybe not.”
Thank you for reading and for your patience. Writer's block sucks. Enjoy your day/night.
Btw, this fanfic is available on Quotev and AO3.
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kumabeom · 3 years ago
sour grapes - 최수빈
soobs || unedited , food
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“don’t you think we should just stick as being friends , y/n ?”
you look up , pasta still draping from your mouth as you were in the middle of eating. your eyebrows furrowed.
“i- i just feel like you’re not necessarily happy with me , i’m busy 24/7 and i feel like i can’t meet your standards , i just can’t be the type of person to make time for you , i would certainly love to- but let’s be honest , it hasn’t happened in 2 years and it just feels like you’re sort of trapped.”
Oh, I don't know either
It's sweet, I mouth-watered, this is truly love
I'm staring at you for a long time
your eyes scanned soobin’s , he didn’t know how to tell you but he wasn’t truly in love with you anymore , not to mention he had fallen for someone else in the past week , he knew it was too short of time for him to actually fall for someone , but he didn’t want to keep deceiving you.
you cut off the pasta with your teeth , swallowing the amount in your mouth. was he really pulling this stunt off in public ? “you have made time for me soobs , like last week when i took you to see my parents , or the week before that one when you took me to see yours. and the week before that you took me to the amusement park , or how about the week before that when you took me on a picnic date.”
soobin’s excuse failed immediately , looking around hoping nobody saw you turn down his break up attempt.
Waiting for it to fall into my hands
I want to have it easily
An romantic fairy tale
When climbing the ladder
I'm feel dizzy under my feet
“oh and even right now ! you said you had a meeting but you quickly got it over with to take me out today !! thank you soobs !” you stated. you picked up more and more of your pasta with you your chopsticks , bringing it up to your mouth , eating it.
“well.. but still i just don’t feel like i’m showing you a whole lot of attention , it feels wrong.” soobin remarked , a pink shade beginning to cover his bunny-like cheeks. were you going to embarrass him right here. honestly you weren’t one for revenge , but you weren’t going to let him humiliate you in public by leaving you there.
But even if I stretch out my arms a bit longer
I can't reach it even if I lift my heels
Love that can't hold hands utterly
Oh, I'm the only one who's going to get hurt
Yeah, you'll hurt me
“hmm ? what are you talking about , you show me a lot of attention , we watched that one anime you like together , the one with the girl with the pink hair… what’s her name again-“
“anya… her name is anya and it’s spy x family , we watched it together and you don’t remember ?” he questioned you , noticing how you had zero memory on the show.
“i fell asleep during it a lot because you wouldn’t stop cuddling me , you know your cuddles make me fall asleep. partially because you’re really warm and partially because you were the one to give them. i guess they’re both because of you.” you voiced , realizing you were almost done with your food , but still a bit hungry. silently asking permission to grab from his plate by putting your chopsticks over his sides , as he nodded at you.
It's bittersweet that I don't wanna taste
I don't think it's going to be that sweet
Unripe emotions, I just feel afraid
I'll never bite, I'll never bite the pain
Sour, a soury taste that makes you cry
Sour, if there's such things as love
I don't wanna taste, I just feel afraid
Love is sour, love is sour grapes
“thank you , plus what about yesterday , we spent all of yesterday in bed spending time with each other. and you take me out on a date at least every other week , thank you soobs. i really don’t think i could have a better boyfriend !” honestly all your words represented how you truly felt. everyone’s heads turned , feeling sympathy for your obliviousness to your boyfriend’s break up attempt. while others threw dirty looks towards soobin for leading you on.
what other excuse was he meant to make up , he didn’t want to seem desperate to get out of a relationship with you , he truly did love you but he didn’t want to lead you on.
“Are you done with your food , bin ?” he nodded , removing himself from his distracted state , as he watched you put his plate on top of yours making it a little bit easier for the restaurant staff to clean up.
When an eye passed by
I feel nervous at the end of my heart, sometimes
It's my first time feeling this heart
I'm wondering if you could take one bite
Losing all eyes on the redness of the fruit
Grapes on the tip of the branches
I imagine if it's sweet
you took out your wallet getting ready to pay , as he stopped you giving the waiter his card before you could. soobin couldn’t stop getting distracted , his mind was somewhere else as he thought deeply. he didn’t want to go through with breaking up with you anymore the thought of letting you go seemed terrible now that he was experiencing it first hand , he took a few days to gain the courage to even tell you.
as the waiter brought back his card , you grabbed it seeing soobin look out the window depressingly.
“soobs …” god was that mere crush worth losing you , was he really going to let you go for a crush he got within a week. his eyes began to pool with water. “hey binnie , are you okay ?”
he looked up at you nodding , grabbing his card , putting it into his wallet as he let out a deep sigh , swallowing the lump stuck in his throat that caused it to burn a bit. he grabbed your hand as you two walked out of the restaurant and into the heavy rain. soobin opened his umbrella , covering the both of your bodies , mainly yours , he didn’t mind if his shoulder got a bit wet.
But even if I narrow it down one step at a time
I can't hold your hand
The love that lies above the ladder
Oh, I don't want to be the only one who gets hurt
Yeah, you'll hurt me
the two of you entered your apartment , as you entered before soobin , you face him. admiring him as he took off his dress shoes , putting on his bunny slippers , looking up to see you staring at him. all the guilt washing over him once again as he struggled to smile at you.
“soobs… you.. you can leave if this relationship is really that torturous to you. i just didn’t want to end it in public..” he watched as your lip trembled , it must’ve hurt having to pretend to be completely unaware in public. “i didn’t know i was making you feel trapped in this relationship , soobs , you should’ve told me. that way you could’ve been happy out there.”
his heart shattered seeing a lone tear fall out of your eye. his lips becoming dry , as he didn’t know what to say. he hoped you truly were unconscious at what he was trying to imply earlier , that way he wouldn’t have to tell you that he changed his mind.
Don't get me wrong
I've never exactly liked you
I don't feel a bit sorry
I tricked myself all day, all night, yeah
his mind crosses back to the day his so called crush confessed to him , it was just yesterday that they claimed to love soobin and would do anything to make him happy. truth be told , he had his happiness right in front of him , he wanted you and only you. how could he have been so blind to choose someone over you. you were there for him.. always , you took care of him when he was sick , exhausted , sore. you always watched any anime that he forced you to watch , like the time that he forced you to watch all 307 episodes of inuyasha within 4 days , and somehow you met that deadline.
you were always there for him , you even offered to massage him as long as he would be happy and get out of the boring and sad mood he was in. and you were willing to deal with his scary attitude when he was completely upset. and you were there to listen to all the enraging rants he had about his day. you even recommended to sleep together since you knew he could sleep anywhere at anytime but his own bed at the time he needed sleep the most.
“y/n i don’t want to let you go… i don’t want it. you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me , i don’t know why i said that. i thought i would be happier with someone else.. but you’re all i need. i really really love you , you do so much for me , you take care of me. im grateful that you didn’t leave me there at that restaurant , thank you for helping me come back to my senses , what was i meant to do if i lost you.” he walks over to you , engulfing you into one of his right embraces. “you’ve never made me feel trapped. i love you so much.”
you felt your back become awfully wet. feeling his damp cheek against your shoulder as he crouched to make it feel like you were hugging him from above.
“i love you too , soobs.”
Grapes that are not ripe yet
Maybe it's not the time for me
Your scent is still unripe and green
I'm feeling scared, I'm feeling scared, yeah
Sour, a soury taste that makes you cry
Sour, if there's such things as love
I don't wanna taste, I just feel afraid
Love is sour, love is sour grapes
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moodyinapinkbow · 4 years ago
Hii, do you have any recommendations for fantasy or dark academia books?
Why yessss. 
First off, let’s cover our bases. I feel like there’s a good chance you’ve already read (or at least heard of) most of the titles that belong to the Dark Academia Starter Pack. But, just in case, here's a list of modern novels that seem to have helped inspire the Dark Academia trend.
Starter Pack: 
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Vicious by V.E. Schwab 
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo 
Bunny by Mona Awad
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novak (I personally disagree with this--would even go so far as to encourage you to avoid Naomi Novak on account of personal bias due to my loathing for all of her works--still, I’ve seen this book quoted often enough and the subject matter is relevant to our theme.)
To this largely agreed upon/already popular list, I would personally add: 
Sweet Days of Discipline by Fleur Jaeggy 
The Idiot by Edith Batuman
Normal People by Sally Rooney
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell 
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Moving forward, let’s cover some subdivisions. In my mind, Dark Academia is a broad theme. In fact, I feel as though any book that combines an appreciation for the arts (usually centered around the pursuit of self discovery) and a whiff of the dramatic qualifies. Pick your own vibe. 
Folklore & Fairy Tale Vibes: 
My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales by Kate Bernheimer 
Transformations by Anne Sexton
Apple & Knife by Intan Paramaditha 
The Complete Fairy Tales by George MacDonald
Hag: Forgotten Folk Tales Retold by Daisy Johnson 
The Fairy Books (any color, my favorite was always Crimson) by Andrew Lang
Spooky + Dreamy Surrelist Vibes: 
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders by Vítězslav Nezval
Rebbeca by Daphne Du Maurier 
Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote
Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi 
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides (Light on the academic theme, but the writing here more than compensates.) 
The Auteur OR Just Try to Make A Good Movie Out of My Elaborate Word Salad, I Dare You Vibes: 
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
White Oleander by Janet Fitch 
The Waves by Virginia Woolf
Truly Dysfunctional With a Side of Occasional Batshittery Vibes:
Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Pisces by Melissa Broder
Sisters by Daisy Johnson
Treasure Island!!! by Sara Levine
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
Classical Mythology Vibes: 
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
The Roman Way by Edith Hamilton
The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton 
Circe by Madeline Miller
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (ONLY SORT OF fits the classical mythology theme, but is an amazing novel either way)
GOTHIC! Vibes: 
Don Juan by Lord Byron
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke 
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig
Dracula by Bram Stoker
I’d also be happy to delve deeper into any category/cater more to any personal interests you may have if you’d like! 
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Carnival of Hearts (Part 4/6) ~ Bucky x Reader College!AU
A/N: Hello lovelies! Sorry I’m late. This week was crazy. I plan to be back on schedule this week, but we shall see. 
This is my entry for @buckysknifecollection​​​ ‘s 3k Follower Challenge. Congrats on the milestone lovely! Go check out the blog. Personal fave is Hush (a must read if you’re into soft!Biker!Bucky)
Prompt: Our friends set us up on this carnival date but we’re both pining after someone else and this a bit awkward
Summary: When you’re set up on a carnival date with Bucky Barnes NOTHING turns out the way you expected.
Rating: T
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1708
Story Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Your phone vibrated as you shifted from foot to foot, impatiently waiting in line.
Bucky: Got a table by the Mega Slide.
Y/N: Still in line. Be there soon! :)
Once you had the three different bags of kettle corn you were practically skipping towards where Bucky said he would be. You took a moment to look over to the Mega Slide line where you expected to see Steve. Instead you saw Jane and Thor happily chatting away as they took tickets and handed out the mats. Disappointed you started looking for Bucky.  
You smiled the moment you felt a set of hands settle on your waist and a broad chest press against your back.
“Looking for someone?”
“Maybe. Have you seen someone who is clearly shirking their ticket taker responsibilities?”
He laughed and tugged on your belt loop to turn you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you close.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
“Hey, Stevie.”
“I missed you this morning.”
“I missed my muffins,” you hummed.
Steve huffed, making you giggle. You looked up into his eyes.  
“And you. Of course.”
“How about I make it up to you tomorrow morning and then we binge the Witcher?”
“Sounds perfect. But you usually don’t run until late on Sundays.”
“Sam bailed this morning too because he had an early meeting, so we’re going to go together early.”
“Gotcha. That’s good.”
“And actually, I want you to meet him.  
“I am not getting up with you at five in the morning to meet your running buddy.”
“I know better than to ask you that. He’s here. I just ran into him.”
He kept an arm around you and started leading you towards the table Bucky was sitting at with someone who you would have known was Sam based on the lovesick look on his face.
Well this was going to be interesting.
“Seriously though, I thought you were working for another hour,” you questioned as you walked towards your date and the object of his affections.  
“Thor took over early so he could spend time with Jane,” Steve explained.
“Mm. That makes sense. They’re so cute together,” you sighed as you looked over at them.
“Yeah they are. They want to get dinner with us next week. I told them I’d check with you but probably Thursday after your six o’clock?”
“Thursday is perfect.”  
“Great. I’ll set it up with Thor.”
You smiled and turned your attention to the table he was leading you to. Sam and Bucky were giggling together as they ate funnel cake, knees brushing as they sat facing each other at the picnic table.
“So the guy on the left is Sam my running buddy. And then the guy in the denim jacket is his roommate Bucky. Sam’s totally in love with him and he’s really obvious about it based on the ten minutes I spent with them. And the fact that other people have told them they’re a cute couple which bugs Sam. It will kinda seem like Bucky’s into him too, but he’s straight.”
You stopped dead in your tracks. Steve looked back in concern.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
You panicked. And patted your pockets to make it seem like you were looking for something before laughing and holding up your left hand.
“Thought I lost my phone for a second.”
He smiled and shook his head.
“What am I gonna do with you?”
“No idea.”
He held his hand out to you and you took it and intertwined your fingers. When you finally got to the table Bucky flashed you a smile but there was a bit of anxiety in his gaze.
“Hey, Steve. Finally found her hmm?” Sam smirked.
“Yep. Sam, Bucky. This is y/n.”
“Nice to meet you. Steve never shuts up about you.”
“That’s not true,” Steve grumbled.
You winced internally, but played it off.
“Nice to meet you too. Guess you guys will have to run faster if there’s so much time for talking.”
You turned to Bucky and smirked.
“Is that my funnel cake?”
“Yup. Is that my kettle corn?”
“Caramel as requested.”
Sam and Steve looked back and forth between the two of you as you traded food.
“Wait. You two know each other?”
“Oh yeah. We go way back,” You grinned.
“Really?” Sam arched an eyebrow.
“Mhmm. About four hours.”
“Wanda and Nat bailed on us, so he’s been my carnival buddy.”
“Small world.”
Steve gripped your hand tighter as you swung your leg over and sat down before straddling the bench beside you, keeping his arms around you as he slid you closer. You pulled the funnel cake towards you and ripped a piece off, offering it to Steve - feeding it to him when he refused to let go of you.
Apparently he was clingy without Saturday morning cuddles.
“So, what happened to Nat and Wanda?” Sam asked.
Though he was looking at you, Sam’s entire body was turned towards Bucky and his hand was resting on his knee. You felt like you were going to vibrate out of your seat.
“Nat got stuck working because someone called out sick. And Wanda had a hair appointment?”
“Apparently they were running and hour behind at the salon.”
Bucky couldn’t keep the incredulity of his voice. You both knew that had been a bald faced lie.
“That sounds like a set up,” Sam frowned.
“Well Bucky is the perfect guy for me,” you faux swooned.
Steve tensed beside you.
“According to Nat at least,” you added with a giggle.
“And Wanda insists that Y/n is exactly the girl I need,” Bucky reported.
“Is that so?” Sam’s jaw clenched and you did a little happy dance.
“Mhmm,” you told him smugly.
A child sobbing cut off Sam’s response. The four of you look up to see a little girl you recognized looking around helplessly and crying. You were on your feet in a second, hurrying over to her.
“Cassie, sweetie, are you okay?”
The little girl, holding her favorite bunny stuffed animal sniffed as she looked up at you.
“How do you know my name?”
Of course she didn’t remember you. You had met her when she was two. You were friends with her father, Scott, but you hadn’t seen him for a couple of years, though you’d been keeping up with his life on Facebook.
“I’m friends your daddy. Are you here with him?”
She nodded.
“Daddy was getting us food. I should have stayed with him. He was talking to someone and there was this puppy on a skateboard. It was really cool.”
“It sounds like it.”
“I followed him but then I couldn’t find my Daddy.”  
She started to cry again. The three boys had kept their distance, not wanting to overwhelm the child but they were watching intently.
“It’s okay, Cassie. You can sit with me and my friends and then we’ll find your Daddy okay?”
“Daddy said not to go anywhere with strangers.”
“That’s smart. And you shouldn’t go anywhere with strangers, but,” you pulled out your phone and quickly found an old picture of you and Scott with Cassie. “See, this is you and your daddy with me and my friend Steve who’s over there.” She looked at Steve who smiled and waved.
“I don’t remember that.”
You laughed.
“Well, you were really little. But I’m going to try and call your Daddy okay but let’s go sit over there.”
She took your hand and you led her back to the table.
“So, boys, this is Cassie. Cassie, this is Steve, Sam, and Bucky.”
“Bucky’s a funny name,” she giggled.
“I tell him that every day,” Sam told her with a wink.
You let Sam and Bucky entertain her while you turned to Steve.
“I’m going to try calling Scott. Can you call into the info booth on your walkie in case he goes there.”
“Sure thing.”
You called Scott, growling when you got a notice that the number was out of service. Steve’s smile gave you hope he was having better luck.
“That’s great news, Hope. Yeah. Right by the Mega Slide. Perfect. See you soon.”
He turned down the volume on the walkie and gave you a thumb’s up.
“Cassie, honey, your daddy’s on his way.”
“He is?”
“Yup. He’ll be here soon.”
Her tears were all dried now as Bucky told her a story about Wolfy McWolf, and you couldn’t help but smile both at the adorable tale and the fond smile Sam was giving him. At least one of you was gonna get a happy ending.
Scott tore through the crowd scooping Cassie up into his arms immediately.
“Peanut, I was so worried. You can’t wander off like that,” he panted as placed her down and knelt in front of her.
“I know. I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“It’s okay, Peanut.”
He hugged her close and looked at you all, gratitude etched in his face.
“Thank you for keeping her safe.”
“Of course. And you’ll be proud to know she did invoke stranger danger until I showed her a picture of us.”
“That’s my girl.”
You all chatted for a bit before  Scott and Cassie left for attempt 2 at getting food. The longing look back at Hope was also not lost on you and you nudged her with a knowing look.
“Shut up,” she muttered before pointing at the walkie on Steve’s belt. “I’m gonna need you to sign that back in.”
“Can I do it at the end of the night?”
“Technically, yes, but…”
Steve pouted and you put your hand on his arm.
“Go now. That way we don’t have to worry about it. You can meet us back here.”
He thought it over before nodding.
“Okay. I’ll be back in fifteen?”
“I’ll be waiting.”
He kissed the top of your head, nodded to Sam and Bucky and followed Hope.
“You were really good with her.”
“Three little sisters,” Bucky shrugged.
“Two,” Sam echoed as you reclaimed your table. “I’m actually going to go the bathroom really quick.”
“Sure thing.”
Once he’d been swallowed by the crowd you and Bucky turned to each other, eyes wide.
“Steve thinks you’re dating.” “Sam thinks you’re straight.”
“WHAT?!” “WHAT?!”  
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 A/N: So if you’ve read my work you will know that I love idiots to lovers. This one’s no exception. Stay tuned. 
Tag Lists are Open (Please send an ask)
Carnival of Hearts
@deepmuffinspymaker​​ @dee-vn​​
Bucky/Sebastian Tag List
@waywardpumpkin​​ @sadanddeadsoul​​ @captain-maaarvel​​ @isaxhorror​​ @run-your-cleverboy​​ @ria132love​​ @mbsgr​​ @hereisanapplepie​​  @thejourneyneverendsx​​ @stevieboyharrington​​ @mywinterwolf​​ @jendz33
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rosethornewrites · 3 years ago
Sunday T & G reading
The usual.
Of Emperor's Smile and Radish Babies, by Enk (2 chapters)
When Wei Wuxian returns to Gusu after a few months of travels, he notices something is off with Lan Wangji. Nothing a good drink of wine and a picnic can’t fix!
journey to taiwan, by escapingaugust
Wei Wuxian is exhausted and thinks he needs to retire, but they find a solution
i want your heart to be for me, by ThirtySixSaveFiles
Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate in their lifetime; Wei Wuxian is just unlucky enough to find his. Twice.
dark and glimmering, by Sanguis
The price for cultivating immortality is that you become something else, unbearable, terrible, utterly incomprehensible. Perhaps that is why Baoshan Sanren had disappeared up a mysterious mountain, never again to be perceived.
The Lightbearer and the Destroyer behave rather curiously.
Scenes from a Tour, by Nelmara (2 chapters)
Lan Zhan is the first chair cellist of a prestigious university chamber orchestra about to go on its annual tour. Lan Huan, serving as the conductor's TA, is in charge of the rooming roster for the tour—and has apparently decided to force his little brother to confront his feelings for the guy he's been pining after for nearly five years.
Heliocentric, by Coolio101
Wei Wuxian is born as the third son of Wen Ruohan. He is his father’s greatest disappointment.
Lan Zhan falls for him anyway.
Resilience., by Vrishchika
Five times things get out of Jiang Wanyin's control and the one timeline where everything goes right for Lan Wangji.
Forever melodies for you, by Ashjustsleeping
Lan Wangji hadn't meant to be out this late. It was a mistake, really. He had accidentally saw a black bunny running around a building. It seems like an old...library? From the outside he can see how old it is, maybe years? But the inside look like a new library that no one ever entered...
Don't let go, by Moonlit_dewdrops
The juniors compile a plan to get Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian to talk to one another again. Unfortunately, things don’t go exactly as they planned
Jiang Cheng hadn't seen Wei Wuxian since Guanyin Temple. When he sees Wei Wuxian again, he doesn't expect one of them to be on the verge of death.
The Secret of The Golden Jin Twins, by Sweet_William (5 chapters)
Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangyao, or 'Zixuan and Ziyao, The Golden Jin Twins' as they call themselves, have a secret. How the few people who know it found out, and how it all started, is a complicated tale that stretches back to when they were teenagers. It's a story about a shitty father, annoying in-laws, a perfect wife, and two teenagers making poor life choices. But mostly, it's how two brothers decided fate was whatever they wanted it to be.
Now, by Anonymous (2nd in a series)
Lan Wangji never let go of his love and his devotion to Wei Ying.
Silence, by Anonymous (3rd in a series)
Wei Wuxian tries to stay silent for Lan Zhan's sake after a long and exhausting day, not realizing that's the last thing his husband wants.
Chicks, by AshayaTReldai
Hanguang-jun watches the mother hen and her chicks, and appreciates his husband.
Almost Like Normal, by Skadiseven (4 chapters)
After wandering around with Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian wants to go home to Lotus Pier for a while.
It's weird at first.
There are misunderstandings.
But brothers forgive each other, right?
Because family is family.
No Regrets, by AluraRose
Lan Wangji took a deep breath, centered himself, and swallowed his pride.
“I apologize.” He bowed low to Jiang Wanyin and held it. “I wish only to help your brother. I humbly request access, and give my word that I will touch nothing and speak to no one of what I see.”
“I can’t just let you in there!”
“Even to save Wei Ying?”
And suddenly the wind seemed to go out of the sails of Jiang Wanyin’s anger. “I can’t” he repeated more quietly.
In order to save Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji must first convince Jiang Wanyin to trust him.
Been There, Done That, by FlautistsandPeonies
By some trick of fate, Wei WuXian is sent back to the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign at his time of death. Determined to save not only himself but also his family from the cultivation world’s mechanisms, he will have to throw himself into a world of lies, deceit, and politics once more. But first, he must win a war.
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littl3one · 4 years ago
Can I please request Stella and Brandon!
sure anon! i wrote a oneshot, if that’s alright, if not you can request again and i’ll try to fix it! it’s gonna be pretty fluffy, sorry if it’s not what you wanted, i hope you enjoy it anyways tho!! <3
flowercrown - stella x brandon, fluff
birds were chirping, hiding in trees and spying on the couple, that made their way to the field of flowers. “oh, i bet you will love it bunny!” brandon said, his excitement was kinda cute, stella thought, as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ears. “you’re making me so curious, how long are you planning to keep me walking? my feet are hurting in those shoes.” stella groaned. she knew she shouldn’t have picked those shoes, but how would she have known, that her boyfriend made her walk that much? today, he just ran up to her and asked her to come with him, without even telling the slightest bit of their destination. brandon laughed and took stella by the hand, making her look directly at him. “come on, it won’t be far.”
so the two of them walked, talked sometimes, listened to the songs that birds sung, as stella noticed the noise of water splashing. curious, she looked at her boyfriend, which smirked and continued to lead her, until brandon led off the path. “brandon, are you sure this is the right direction? i don’t want to sound like i’m doubting you, but this doesn’t seem-” “and, here we are!” brandon interrupted, as he pulled some branches away, revealing a picnic blanket, laying on beautiful flowers. stella was in awe, as she walked through the doorlike branches, that brandon held away from her so fine.
the blanket was right in front of a lake, it looked like it was a cutout from a fairy tale. stella couldn’t help but jump in excitement about this sweet suprise. her heart was bouncing up and down, as her eyes fell on her boyfriend, which already let go off the branches and stood right in front of her now, smiling nervously. “brandon! this is just perfect! when did you do this? and- oh my god!” her arms fell around his neck, as she kissed him on the cheek. her eyes were shimmering like stars and brandon couldn’t help but smile about her excitement. “it doesn’t matter, this is for you and me. try out those strawberrys!”
brandon sat down on the blanket, followed by stella. the two of them were trying out the food, brandon had prepared. “oh my! are those these cookies-” , “yeah the cookies with-” “honey flavor!” both of them exclaimed simultaneously, which had them laughing. stella took a bite and her eyes were shining again, brandon watching her happily. “you really know how to keep a girl happy, baby.” stella said and continued to eat the cookies, which made brandon laugh. “ah, you mean, i know how to keep you happy.” he teased. “that’s almost what i was saying.” she smirked.
after talking, eating and laughing, brandon was now laying his head upon her lap, while his girlfriend picked the flowers in her area. soon she started braiding them together, brandon watching her relaxed. “do you think we’ll stay together forever?” the blonde girl asked suddendly, continuing to braid. “sure. i don’t think there’s anything that can really seperate us, stella.” brandons voice was certain, not even a hint of doubt was to be found in his answer. the princess nodded and laid the finished flower crown upon his head. “then you’ll be my king.”
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thefivecalls · 5 years ago
Things I associate with each of the sides for no reason
I understand he's supposed to be dark blue or indigo. Regardless, he will always be teal. This teal:
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For some reason when I got detention that one time I got a Logan vibe so yeah theres that
"Space... The final frontier..." But uhhh just the opening has his vibes
Why is he always whereing a neck tie and not a bow tie? If anyone has necktie vibes its Janus not Logan
Logan also has chaos incarnate vibes that are only in check because of his last shreds of humanity one of these days he'll break and when he does thomas can and will set something on fire using bill nye the science guy tactics
He is waking up early and going to bed late
He is framing posters
He is dancing in your bedroom to awesome music that has never been such a vibe before that moment and will never be again.
Broken clocks
Beaker from the muppets? I don't quite get it but yeah
Rock of ages
Getting a pitcher of soda or tea or whatever and setting it on his desk, then getting 23 straws and taping them together so he can lay in bed on his phone and safely drink it without spilling
Grilled cheese
Kahoot music
Death waltz. Not the synthesia no the one that takes 14 people to play.
Obviously he has close combat weapons but have you thought about giving him a bow and arrow? I have and yes thats a vibe because he is one of three people I've ever met with those vibes ok
Portable speakers
He is bonfires and fireworks.
He is hyperfixating on something and writing a story until 4 in the morning.
The fact that witches ingredients are actually just named strange things but are edible somethings? Like mustard seeds being newts eyes and the like
In my human anatomy class we dissected deer hearts and when we found the blood clots we called them the Forbidden Jellies.
The county fair
The circus that comes around at fall festival time
Homecoming game in football/rugby
I feel like if he played an instrument he'd be a baritone
The lime green smoke Disney villians have
Zootopia the movie
Hopping. Or bouncing in place.
My family's crest?? I think its because of his crest but he had those vibes before the outift upgrade???? Idk
The ponytail thing that give you a unicorn horn when you've got short hair but bangs that are beginning to grow out
He is picnics at the park
He is also going shopping
He is also dancing in the rain at four in the morning with the outside lights on and the music blaring but its ok the neigbors are four acres away and they sleep like the dead.
When I went to my first metal concert and I saw the mosh pit? The exhilaration that comes with wanting to join but not wanting to get crushed is a Roman thing.
Cold pizza at midnight
Fire and cane whiskey
The warm smiles that the bearer never gets to see because they don't get the chance to see it in a reflection
Springtime showers that makes snowmelt rivers
Prom. Dont ask this is just a him vibe ok
He seems like the guy that would make a blanket cacoon/nest when his bedsheets are in the wash and can I say mood
Looking off my back porch and seeing the feilds of corn beginning to dry out in late fall every three years.
Pumpkin soup
Apple cider
Not only is he snowmelt rivers he is also the first thunderstorm of summertime
Sun tea. Not the brand the stuff that you make via harnessing the suns power
Cucumber facemasks
Wildflower honey
The person who youd never guess goes to comic con but is actually the one who wins first place in the costume contest every year
Oversized sweaters
German Sheppards and yellow labs sunbathing after playing for hours
Antique mirrors
Burlap canvas bags
Oil paint
Espressos at ten at night
Late night chinese food runs
Spice. Not the average spice either I'm talking could eat a carolina reaper and yes he'll be more red but he could still talk and thats more than I can say for myself
The red rubber balls from kick ball in elementary. By god I can smell the plastic just thinking about it
Flappy stims! Almost every time I flap he comes to mind I never really questioned it
The weighted blanket my dad got that I steal from him all the time
'He's a Mary poppins in a world of hasselhoffs" my friend once said that not even talking about Virgil but like. Come on.
Basically all of Star Lord's vibes are Virgils
Jack Skellington (kinda obvs)
Sample perfumes that are like the size of a pinky
Not writing an essay but instead learning all about world history or astronomy or psychology
Earings. Specifically hoops
Black pearls
Boardwalks that have tiny shops along them with a bunch of food.
Going to a club or a party with flashing lights and even though you're kinda nervous you have fun and live like tomorrow is still a dream away.
Ripped movie posters that the theater is selling
Tying ropes together to make nets.
Fairy lights
Taping movie theater tickets to your wall after you've gone and seen it
Scarecrows sitting on bales of hay at sunset next to my willow tree and the cicadas are on their 13th year so they're the loudest they'll ve until another 13 years have passed
The glint in someone's eye when they think of something mischievous
Bang by AJR
The corpse bride's tale/song
The lazer eye meme. This one
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Graham Crackers. Not smores, not candy crack-just the cracker ok
Pep rallies
The pet store??
Sugar sculptures
Corn pits (strictly midwestern thing)
Driving for hours upon hours and seeing the strange statues some towns have as you pass them by
Silver sparkles
Art herpes glitter
Photo booths
Riding in the back of a pickup truck on the county's main road
Wedding crystals cabinet where you put the fancy china you're going to give to your children that never gets used once but is probably worth half your house
The chubby bunny challenge
The moment when you tip your chair back too far and you know it but you can't do anything because you'll be on the floor in a second anyway
The thing maya did from Girl Meets World when she slammed lockers closed and caused the chalkboard to let its dust fly
That moment when everything is going by so quickly so you step back and watch the world go by for only a few seconds but then you're back in the present laughing with your friends
Snow cones melting and getting the syrup all over your hands
Orange Side:
All things citrus but especially lemons no not oranges lemons
Men in black 1 not the rest just the first
Pineapple too hes got a lot of pineapple vibes
Combat boots but with spikes
Also lace?
And tea. Like, all kinds of tea but especially the really expensive stuff that I've only tasted like twice thats imported from Ireland
Himalayan salt lamps.
Sensies. the wax melting things
Candles too
Once we meet him I'll have more but this is it for him for now
Thats it! If this gets notes I might do emile remy and thomas but I think I'll leave this be for the moment. Have a great day y'all!
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friendrat · 2 years ago
Why does Drum of Time have to hit so hard? I wasn't even watching the movie, and then I hear the Drum of Time and immediately stop what I'm doing and start to get choked up.
🎶When you stand all alone And you feel the weight of zero in your bones When the wrong just goes on And the fight is like a night without a dawn
There’s a voice you will hear It will tell you what is right in spite of fear And the voice is a drum It will lead you to your courage, it will tell your friends to come🎶
And when Lugsy joins in... 🥺😭 I can't! Why am I always so choked up over fictional rabbits?!
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21st April 2020
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Bean Bunny
Bean Bunny is a Muppet introduced in the late 1980s and rarely used since the death of Jim Henson. His first appearance was in the 1986 special, Tale of the Bunny Picnic. After this, he appeared in The Jim Henson Hour, The Muppets at Walt Disney World and played a major role in Muppet-Vision 3D. He also appeared in the then-Disney MGM Studios as a walk around character for Here Come The Muppets and Days of Swine and Roses. He then went on to appear in animated form in Muppet Babies and Muppet Kids (despite already being a child Muppet). In The Muppet Christmas Carol, he played an urchin begging Scrooge for money, his only speaking role in a movie. By the time Muppets Tonight premiered, Bean was relegated to background scenes. He has appeared in Muppet Treasure Island, Muppets From Space, It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie and Muppets Wizard of Oz. He has not appeared in any modern Muppet productions.
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talesofealdancynedom · 4 years ago
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Polaris after she went dark. When she said she liked bunnies, she didn’t mean the magical kind.
Tale 15: Castor Radcyning & Pollux Erolcyning (chapter 3 - Losing Your Wish 3/5 ) part 3. Stories of True Love
death, drug use, swearing
   As the children grew, Augustine was in their lives less and less. In fact, Augustine had stopped getting cards and pictures once Castor graduated high school. Mathilda had stopped calling, and it took Augustine a while to notice. Years of manipulating time, made it fluid and confusing to Augustine and Mattias. Once Augustine realized how long it had been since he heard for his friends, it took everything inside him not to vent his anxiety to Mattias. Belle wasn’t enough of a comfort anymore, to her disappointment.
Mattias had recently reconnected with his son, after ten years of separation. Augustine helped Mattias find Orpheus, and it was nice to meet his nephew again. However, Augustine had removed Orpheus’s memories of him and his sister, and now had to start from scratch with that relationship. Augustine offered to give his nephew his memories back, but Orpheus refused. It was yet another bad decision Augustine regretted. Mattias and Requiem, nieces and nephew, were Augustine’s first family; And he had lost or manipulated them, in a desperate attempt to save someone. Even with the opportunity to heal, Mattias and Orpheus were so close, it pushed Augustine aside once they reunited. Augustine was having even more trouble reaching out, now that he finally wanted to.
Seeing Mattias and Orpheus together, made Augustine consider after many years in a gutter, that he should get some help and put himself together. If that was even possible. Maybe meet someone, get clean, have a normal job, and find a therapist. But alas, the urge to search for answers about his missing friend, called him to adventure. As did his stash and bed, now that Matias stopped checking on him.
Augustine, after sulking for nearly a month, decided to look for the family who he helped make and care for. For someone who has no trouble abandoning morals, and distancing himself from other, Augustine cared a lot about the people around him. It was just hard to move past the cocaine, thrills, nightmares, panic attacks, dissociating, and isolating. The numbness tantalizing and familiar. Even when he was aware he was emotionally and physically drained, Augustine couldn’t escape a cycle of caring for others more than himself. As if him, his ambitions, emotions, and needs, were expendable. Being unable to save people in his past, or make himself forget, Augustine would do anything to help people in his present. He was in a constant state of desperation. Augustine’s trouble getting proper trauma counseling, had caused him to stray from his goals; And after so many years, give up entirely.
   Three years ago, the family went for a weekend picnic. Their favourite spot, was park by the enchanted thickets not far from home. The Rat Gate was a dry bluff with a creek, laden with fey; It did not look like a forest, but it was indeed very magical. Right at the doorstep of where Augustine was born and raised; Musham manor. Across the tracks, was where Mathilda lived. This little park in town was not as glamourous as a theater, but more palatable than the boarder tour of abandoned military equipment, intended to teach youth to love thy neighbor. The Central North was looked down upon due to an imperialistic past, fueled by poverty. Home-sweet-home, has the real treasures.
While the Mathilda and Hephaestus talked on the checker blanket, Castor and Pollux began running around the mystic brush to find fey to talk too. Castor was excited; What if there was a Terralith Tree princess! Pollux wanted to track down jackelopes for Polaris; Bunnies were her favourite. Polaris had decided to pick dandelions by her parents.
“Over here! Follow me!” Pollux yelled from down the hill. Castor got up from the picnic, and held Polaris’s hand as they went to see the find. Pollux had such good senses from her magery, that she tracked down the coolest things all the time. If Pollux said she found something, it was going to be good. The Mathilda waved happily at her children, asking them not to stray too far, as the three went to a creek side clearing. Gesturing her brother and sister forward, Pollux knelt by a bush. Looking through a gap in the foliage, they saw a fluffle of fat plush jackelopes.
“They’re so cute right!” Pollux whispered with excitement. Castor smiled; Polaris loves rabbits. But not fey ones. Pollux may have had good intentions, but that’s what paves the road to misfortune in some cases. Polaris, in spite of her siblings attempt to show her something wonderful, went dark from fear. But this was no ordinary overwhelming etheric flow through a person; It was gray dark. A type of magical release that is uncontrollable, and causes neurological damage. Initial instances of going dark cause changes one’s colours, but also hemorrhaging and fever; But grey-dark causes the sufferer to go in and out of a highly magical state, in a psychotic manor, that slowly kills them. Polaris’s explosion was so intense, their parents heard their children screams; As Castor and Pollux also went dark from proximity. They were also becoming consumed by Polaris’s state. Luckily, they all fell unconscious, stopping further bodily harm. Mathilda had never felt fear the way she did when she saw all of her precious miracle babies laying still, bleeding, and with new colors.
Emergency was quickly called, and they were all given treatment. It took a week for Castor and Pollux to recover, but Polaris; She was still going gray-dark. She had lost all of her memories, and soon many motor functions. Polaris, would not be coming home. Desperate to keep their baby alive, their parents sold many things, and worked overtime to pay for Polaris’s care. Long term care facilities were not fully covered by the state. It slowly added up. Eventually they ended up in a trailer park with a dusty pantry.
This left Castor and Pollux to their own devices, while their parents were off at work. Mathilda and Hephaestus were too scared and busy to call Augustine; They knew he loved the children, and he would be heartbroken by what happened. Castor distanced from his friends, and began smoking and dropped secondary. Pollux had a different approach. She would not leave her sister’s side. Pollux wanted her little sister to smile to the last breath. Pollux visited Polaris after school, and came home late just to play with her little sister. Polaris forgot who Pollux was every visit, and had the mind of a smaller child, at thirteen. Polaris looked ill, and was often in bed. It terrified Pollux, as she stayed strong. She sewed herself a costume, and got a silver fox plushie as a side kick. Pollux came each time introducing herself the same way, and performing beautiful winter spells and playing games with Polaris. Polaris seemed too absent to be scared of anything anymore, never mind magic.
“Hello, your big sister is here” The nurse would say. Polaris would be confused.
“Hi Polaris! I’m Pollux, a loyal hero and paladin of the Wolf Kingdom!” Pollux would dramatize. Polaris always gave an innocent gleam and giggle when Pollux came. Even though Polaris had no idea who the girl visiting her was, she loved meeting new friends.  However, each time Pollux visited, she went home sobbing and clutching her plush fox; She named it Iliad. Like it was a familiar or comfort object. Pollux felt so helpless inside, for someone who wishes so badly to be strong. Just like Castor, Pollux neglected her friends, the law, school, and her body. As if she was becoming feral and refused to approach her parents out of fear of burdening them.
One night, like many others, dinner came from a can on a card table, while everyone was tense and silent. Everyone was near breacking.
 “Why don’t you ask uncle August for help?” Castor asked after a long silence. His voice had a furious undertone.
“Why is Pollux late?”  Hephaestus deflected
“She visits Polaris on her way home; Maybe she’s running late? Dogs always come home dad.” Castor sneered.
“Please don’t refer to your sister as an animal. She’s developing a complex.”
” Also, you didn’t answer my question! Uncle August always helps out, he says so himself. We need help. I’m sure he would come. Mom you haven’t even been in touch with him since Polaris-” Castor went on.
“That’s why I haven’t asked for help Cassy. He loves us so much; I don’t want to hurt him. Augustine already has so much to grieve. It would break his heart if he lost another person through no fault of his own. He would blame himself. August is just a family friend, and has no obligation to help us; Even though we all know he would gladly do it. We can do this. It will be ok Castor.” Mathilda said, beginning to tear. The last part felt like a lie.
“I’m going to go get Pollux. I’ll be back.” Castor said standing up, grabbing a coat and slamming the door.
“I’m sorry.” Mathilda sobbed. Even though she knew nothing was her fault. But she felt like she should’ve been able to do something. In reality, no amount of money or help from Augustine would stop Polaris from eventually dyeing. The exact same thing had happened to his sister decades ago. Mathilda was right; It would destroy Augustine, and he would help them anyway.
   Castor walked to hospital, in hopes of running into Pollux. It was later than normal, and he was angry that his mother was doing nothing while they starved. Castor didn’t like to visit Polaris, wanting to remember her sweetly; He came only once every few weeks, and did some light illusions to tell stories. He also showed off his alchemy cameras to Polaris, who was now calmer about magic. She looked like a small quiet mouse; Her long hair was now white instead of black, and her eyes a sweet pale honey instead of hazel. Like she was already a ghost. Polaris’s eyes were still the same colour as his, like before magic had changed them. But Castor’s changes in colour, mostly his now rusty hair, only reminded him of the day they went dark. Castor cursed into the cold autumn night.
When Pollux suddenly rammed into him, squeezing the breath out of him. She was in incoherent tears. Castor had never seen her like this. Pollux wasn’t supposed to cry too loud, because her sound abilities could destroy things. She absorbed sound to make magic, making her silent while running, even with all the metal adornments Castor made her. He didn’t hear her coming. But also toppled over, Castor was happy to feel her warm and safe in his arms. However, he was overcome with worry seeing Pollux in shambles.
“Gifts of the fey your safe! I had to go looking for you! We were so worried.” Castor growled. Pollux began crying harder. Castor was now seriously concerned; Pollux was shivering and gasping. Trying desperately not to release all her sound at once. Castor bent to Pollux’s level, due to quite the height difference, to calm her down a little.
“What happened?” Castor asked, putting his hands on her shoulders. Pollux whipped her face with her cuff, gasping in tears.
“I went like normal, and everything was fine. But then a nurse came in and told me to leave. When I wouldn’t leave, the nurse tore up Iliad; Saying I was too old for toys. This made Polaris so sad she went dark again; And then there was beeping, and people rushed in and pushed me out of the room, and they had needles and, and-” Pollux sobbed holding out the torn up stuffed animal. Castor felt himself begin to cry as well. To think Pollux had to witness such a thing.
“Did they fix her up again?” he asked softly. Castor couldn’t let go of his hope that it would be ok one more time. He was trying desperately to stay calm. Pollux then began to scream, Castor went dark and Pollux’s voice began disintigrate things around her. Castor summoned a protection spell for himself, to stay by her side; He was not going to leave his sister alone. Pollux crumpled in to the ground, she felt like she was dying. Castor went in to embrace her, as everything lost colour and decayed in the small green space. Castor had never been so scared to go home. He would have to explain the property damage, and that they are sick from going dark again. He didn’t want to worry them. Castor picked up Pollux to piggy back her home, once she had stopped out of exhaustion. She had a temperature, which was noticeable in contrast to the crisp night air. Pollux was lulled by Castor’s heartbeat as he also started a fever. Pollux had never felt so safe and understood as when her brother held her. She slowly stopped crying as they approached their trailer.    
When they arrived, Castor put Pollux in bed, and saw his mother crying, holding the phone. They made eye contact just long enough to see they both knew Polaris didn’t survive this time. The next day, their parents went to the hospital to collect Polaris’s things and sign some paperwork. Pollux lay on the couch fiddling with her new familiar, who was also a silver fox of which she also named Iliad. In a fever induced dissociation, she summoned him in the middle of the night. She didn’t remember doing it. Though sick, neither Castor or Pollux were in need medical treatment like last time.
“Only damaged people get familiar Cassy,” Pollux said. “Am I damaged now?” Pollux asked. Castor was doing dishes; He was unsure if he felt anything at that point. Like he was empty, but it was only because he was in the eye of a hurricane, and had no more tears left to cry. He nodded silently. He realized how much he hated their citrus dish soap. Then he looked at the phone. A wireless home phone, that brought news of death into their home. He wanted to break everything. Then Castor remembered the dinner conversation from last night.
“Do we have Uncle August’s number anywhere?” Castor asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m told I’m good at finding things. Care to join Iliad?” Pollux said wistfully. Iliad hopped off her stomach, and Pollux began to investigate the entire messy, dusty, old, trailer until they found it. The number was in a small worn number book their mom had hidden. Castor had ten minutes until their parents came back. He wasted no time dialing.
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fieryfantasybooklover · 5 years ago
Hammocks And My Chemical Romance - A Prinxiety fic
It was a sunny may Saturday that looked like something right out of a fairy tale. The sun was shining, a gentle wind was blowing, and the world was glowing. And since the sides had just finished recording a video with Thomas, Patton and Logan both decided that everyone needed to recharge. The latter planned a day trip to a forest in the mindscape, complete with picnic food and hiking boots. Patton had no trouble agreeing to go, as he knew they would see cute animals. “Do you think we could adopt a bunny Logan? Oh pleasee..” Logan went for the benefit it would give to Thomas’s mental health. “After all, I cannot function if Thomas cannot.” And, Roman, ever the helpless romantic, was already planning a date. “I can’t wait to see the waterfall. It shall be as grand a date as one straight out of Shakespeares’s sonnets.”
Knowing that Virgil would never agree easily, Roman showed up at his emo boyfriend’s door with a dozen black roses, swearing to watch all of Virgil’s favorite Disney movies and lend Virgil his favorite sweatshirts. Though he tried to hide it, the angsty side was in love with Roman’s hoodies. Poor Virgil was completely unprepared, and became a blushing mess. “Uhhm. Yea sure I’ll come. It’s whatever.” Virgil muttered while already withdrawing into his hoodie. Roman, while internally swooning, took his boyfriend’s hand as they headed to join Patton and Logan.
They arrived at the place, and even Virgil couldn’t hide his smile. There was in fact a waterfall and a river. The meadow was filled with wildflowers and wild animals, to which Patton squealed, dropped the picnic basket he was carrying, and sprinted in an attempt to catch a squirrel to take home. Roman grabbed Virgil’s hand and whirled him around, knocking Virgil to the ground, pinning him there, and reveling that he was still able to make his dark god’s eye’s shine. And they were. Virgil’s eyes were incandescent with golden light. Logan, sighing at Roman’s antics, set up the picnic blanket and rescued Virgil from the trap of Roman’s arms. It might have been Logan’s imagination, but he could have swore he saw regret in Virgil’s eyes.
The day flew by surprisingly quickly. They did not, in fact, adopt a bunny, much to Patton’s disappointment. Logan nearly caved in to Patton’s puppy eyes, but Virgil reigned both at the last minute, reminding them that “You do not actually want a bunny. Patton is using magic to make you think you do.” They all went swimming, which reminded Roman how very gay he was. Virgil was slim but muscular, and all Roman could do was stare. Virgil, fully aware of the effect he had, smirked and said “Roman, I swear if you stare more your eyes are going to pop out of your head. I promise you’ll get to stare plenty later.”
At this Roman’s brain malfunctioned, short circuited, and Logan had to splash cold water on him to wake him from his trance. This, of course, started a splash war. The rest of the time flew by quickly, filled with lunch and tackling and snarky comments and several almost arguments.
Roman sighed, having just packed up everything that was his to take back. Logan had divvied up everything evenly so nobody was taking more than the other. Poor Roman had no idea what was waiting for him, as he was the last one back.
Virgil was waiting for Roman, listening to music and humming along, while swaying in a hammock. “This isn’t bad, maybe I should relax more often” Virgil thought before he was interrupted by an explosion of frenzied choking sounds. Looking up, Virgil’s mouth formed an unconscious shy smile when he saw Roman standing there staring at him.
“Is he trying to kill me?? He has no business looking that good. No business-- Oh sweet Zeus I’m a mess. How can somebody be so infuriatingly hot. Oh Shakespeare help me.” This was Roman’s thought process as he stared at Virgil. The dark souled side was wearing skinny jeans and a loose purple and black T-shirt. And of course, Roman couldn’t handle the absolute gorgeousness of his boyfriend as Virgil lounged in a hammock, smirking and softly singing along to MCR.
“Oh hey Princey. Is there something I can do for you? Or are you going to stand there and gawk all day.” In truth, Virgil was normally self-conscious but that was made significantly harder when Roman gazed at him like he held the entirety of the universe inside him. Roman tried to speak several times, but nothing came out except squeaking. So all he could do was stroll up to Virgil, grab his boyfriends face gently, and roughly say “Kiss me you fool.”
Virgil responded, bringing his face to Roman’s face in a kiss as tender and as precious as anything that ever was. Virgil flipped Roman so he was the one on the hammock, and twined his fingers in his boyfriend’s beautiful bronze locks, kissing him with all the love he was unable to express. Roman, unable to breathe, twined his fingers through Virgil’s void dark and feather soft locks, kissing him back like the world was on fire. Roman had decided it was time to make his love’s eyes shine again, and to make him feel like he was Roman’s entire world.
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