#he seems sneaky
adastra121 · 6 months
Touchstarved as DnD?
Disclaimer! I really only know Dungeons & Dragons via Baldur’s Gate, but this is how I imagine each Touchstarved LI would class. BG3 doesn’t have every class, so I’m just using the ones I know from the game. Please feel free to reblog with your own ideas and headcanons if you have (hehe) insight!
Kuras= Cleric, if the nunnery doubled as a med school. I think it would fit because of the cleric class's use for healing and all the religious themes around it — and Kuras is a doctor and an angel. And according to a friend of mine more experienced in DnD, clerics are one of the most powerful classes in your party. That seems fitting with how Kuras might actually be one of the most powerful in the main 5.
Leander= Sorcerer-Bard. Sorcerers are spellcasters that have inherent magic in their bloodline. Isn’t he from a Highborn family known for their magic users? And wasn’t it mentioned that he’s a gifted mage? Anyway, it seems like powerful magic comes naturally to him — for now. Maybe it’s actually a warlock situation, where some other entity is giving him his powers, because he wasn’t born with magic, maybe his gift is a lie and he had to make deal to be able to wield powerful magic like everyone expects him to and whoa, this isn’t the post for theories like this, back to classes—Bards are also spellcasters they are known for their charm, storytelling, and performance. Leander is a charmer and a performer — I’m not sure if he’s a musician, but his ability to command the attention of a crowd and weave any narrative is very bard-like.
Vere= Druid-Rogue. Druid might be a bit of a cheap shot, it’s…it’s because animal. XD Druids’ powers are connected to nature — they can shapeshift into animals. And Vere appears to have a fox beast form that he transforms into, judging by his shadow. I wasn’t going to put him in Rogue class, but his ability to pickpocket MC in the demo? That’s stealth and dexterity proficiency at play. And judging by the tour of Eridia post, he seems to break into places (Kuras’s clinic) often, which is classic rogue activity.
Ais= Warlock-Barbarian. Barbarian for the rage — all those hints about Ais’s calm surface hiding a great depth of emotions and how he can lose control of them — and warlock because it seems like he has a deal with Ocudeus, similar to warlocks and their patrons (from what I understand, warlocks make a contract with a magical being for their powers).
Mhin= Druid-Rogue. I’ve heard of a Bloodhunter which might fit them more, but I don’t know much about it, unfortunately. I put down rogue because they seem to be good at ambush hunting and sneaking in the demo, both important to how a rogue fights. And as for the druid part, they seem to have a beast form like Vere.
As for the Touchstarved MCs, based on each backstory, it seems like Unnamed would be a Cleric, Hound would be a Rogue, and Alchemist would be a Wizard.
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abisalli · 11 months
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sometimes he forgets the power behind his magic and goes a bit overboard-
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honestlyvan · 4 months
I do kind of wonder if the implicit assumption that Door is mad at Alan for involving Saga should be re-examined a little bit.
The game is very careful to not frame any of Saga's relationships as paternalistic. Like, repeatedly, with emphasis, especially among the relationships with people who are close to her and have reasons to act protective over her. Having Door primarily be motivated by a sense of righteousness over someone messing with his protectorate goes against theme with her, and would single him out as the only male character whose help Saga does need.
Furthermore, we know Freya didn't seem to think that highly of Door, never telling Saga anything about him and being firm in not wanting to discuss the topic. Her considering Door a potential danger to Saga just like her powers and choosing to hide the truth to protect her wouldn't make sense if she, too, could use her seer powers to confirm that Door did have Saga's best interest at heart, and with Door existing outside of time, I don't think there's adequate signalling that this would be something he would have had a change of heart about.
Furthermore, while Door is very likeable and definitely not a villain or even an antagonist... he is very trickster-like, and seems very cavalier with how he chooses to interfere and when. From his interactions with the Old Gods, spending fourty years on kill-on-sight terms with them only to happily fanboy over having them on his show and collaborate with them to mess with Alan, to the way he almost deigned to let Alan create a hint for Saga about how to use her powers rather than letting Saga and Tim just work it out amongst themselves, he's playing the long game in every situation and seems to enjoy making the story take twists and turns because of his involvement.
So Door is in a weird superposition of meddlesome/hands-off largely because I almost got a sense that with Saga, he's keeping his distance on purpose. Keeping himself concealed and out of the conversation, despite much of her story being discovering her origins and discovering her own supernatural influence. Outside of letting Alan create a single manuscript page about him, he doesn't even hint at his own existence while Saga is in the Dark Place, theoretically right there for him to reach out to.
And if Door does ultimately think that surely any daughter of his can handle herself, there is one another innocent that has been involved in this all by Wake I could see him getting worked up over instead.
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merakiui · 10 months
Would CEO Azul pressure them to have sex with him after their one night together? Does he ever get the twins involved as a cuck situation?
Oooo I think the tweels would pressure you into sex. Maybe because they’re both lusting over you and it’s not fair Azul got to spend a night with a cutie like you. >:( the twins want their cake, too!!!! And if Azul isn’t willing to share, they’ll just have to fuck you in the break room or in his office when he’s out for meetings or even up against the counter in the department kitchen to whet their appetites. The twins wheedle you into all sorts of secret, salacious exchanges and you’re powerless to say no because they hold your employment status over your head. One word to the CEO and your cushy position will be taken away. :) they’re absolute menaces and they get away with it, too.
Of course it starts covert, but Azul is perceptive and eventually he’ll notice something’s not right in the way you interact with the twins. And the twins want him to know. They want him to catch you with hickeys, see your rumpled uniform, observe you hurrying to fix your makeup before anyone can ask questions. They want Azul to know that they’re filling you up daily. <3 so they probably fuck you on his desk minutes before he’s set to return just so he’ll walk in on the explicit display and you’ll be absolutely humiliated and terrified all at once. But imagine how much it would sting if he walks in on you and the twins and you think he might take your side and help you out of this situation, but then he’s shutting and locking his office door and… oh dear. He’s just as bad as the twins. >_<
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babaroqa · 2 months
i really don't understand how anyone who loves jude can hate taryn. i mean they're cut from the same cloth. they are both consumed by desire, by want, by longing, and both do cruel things to get to where they want because they feel like they're less, they both feel like they constantly have to prove their worth to everyone around them. they're also both haunted by the murder of their parents and their actions are shaped by that huge event, it's only that jude focuses on aspect of it that is the fact of the brutal murder and taryn focuses on the love that caused it all to happen.
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icantalk710 · 3 months
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Not too bad a day at the office yesterday--helps that we can use our patio in nice weather again 😌--leading into a decent arm day workout 💪🏽 (despite how long it took to get a bench for chest press work 😩)
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vivid-vices · 9 months
i really think that if the tanizaki's roles were reversed and naomi was the ability user detective and junichiro was the ungifted office assistant then naomi would be a fan favorite character
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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So, hum. I just found out about a highly important Kaeya fact. In case you didn't know, apparently Kaeya has slightly different voice lines during the Caribert quest in the archives, concerning Mondstadt and his father.
And why is it important? Because saying:
«Maybe my father left me in the peaceful land of Mondstadt for no other reason than simply to give me a happier life... A happy life sounds good to me, of course. Even if it means being cut off from... certain things».
Is vastly different from saying:
«Maybe my father left me in the peaceful land of Mondstadt for no other reason than simply to keep me alive... As well as ensuring I'd be safely cut off from... certain things. The thought that I might be able to actually live a happy life there must have been the icing on the cake».
In case you want to confirm it yourself but are too lazy to go to the archives, check this tiktok! I've confirmed it in the archives myself, so it's the real deal, guys.
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 7 months
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You're unlikely to get an update on DUCKLINGS THAT DROWN before the year's end due to various bullshittery (imma quit this second job i just got 🎉 because i hate it 🎉)
But the upside is my piece for The Pale Static Exchange is turning out extremely good.
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slythereen · 8 months
vasseur's behaviour recently baffles me bc charles spoke so highly of him recently, saying that he's exactly the type of principal he needed after the one we shall not mention. also charles was literally his golden sauber child that got him points even with a B list car. i dont know why they make so questionable decisions recently and prioritize carlos over charles even in scenarious where charles would make more sense to be the #1 priority.
PREACH. like... charles speaking so highly of fred back in august made sense. sure, fred had been a little sus, but growing pains and faith and all that. charles continuing to be glowing in praise in october, after The Horrors™? makes less sense. like sure, this is around the same time that charles told espn (austin) that the car is being developed in his direction and next year's project is looking good, etc. so it could just be part of charles' overall branding and the image he is/was cultivating as being faithful and supportive of the team. i don't really think charles would lie about supporting fred though, so...
anyway but as to fred: he baffles me too. literal sauber golden child may or may not have hand-selected you to be team principle for ferrari and you... squander him? he seems sensible and ready to throw down for charles sometimes. other times he sounds like he's giving the company's line in interviews. did the politics get to him?? is there a plan in there somewhere?? is it all just laying the groundwork to have a huge marvelous turn around in 2024??
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note-boom · 2 years
you know, we're so focused on the whole soukoku scene when they fought lovecraft and steinbeck (obviously so cause that was an EPIC scene) that we're completely forgetting the fact that kunikida and tanizaki fought them and won first...
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cementcornfield · 15 days
Is Ja’Marr still in Paris ?? Please say yes cause he posting like he is
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A. love that you're asking me as though i'm any kind of authority (sadly ja'marr is not messaging me updates as much as i wish he would 😔)
B. maybe????????? i mean we have three different outfits now, so is that three different days he was there and he's just posting the third outfit pictures now?? to like....fit in? show that he was also in paris while everyone else is posting their fresh paris pictures? or is he still there right now and just went silent for a few days? if so what was he doing then 🤔🤔🤔
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
Reisi is trying to really pull off his Halloween costume so he doesn’t wear his glasses but he has Adolf guide him around to keep Reisi from tripping over things.
Shiro’s Halloween costume is ‘the guy who keeps Munakata from running into walls.’ Imagine Munakata quite excited for Halloween, he intends for S4 to have a big party as usual and they’ll be inviting like all the local children and families to come and get candy. Shiro thinks it’s nice that Munakata wants to improve S4’s perception among the locals and offers to come help along with Kuroh and Neko, since they don’t have much to do on Halloween and would probably enjoy it. Munakata is perfectly happy to have Shiro join him for this party and they make a plan to meet before the party to help each other get their costumes together.
When Shiro shows up at the appointed time he’s surprised to hear the sounds of chaos from inside Munakata’s room. He worries for a moment that there’s been like a random surprise attack and he opens the door, saying Munakata’s name. Munakata looks up, in full ninja costume but without his glasses on, loudly knocking over a lamp as he greets Shiro. Shiro is concerned like shouldn’t you have your glasses on, Munakata says not to worry it still be fine, he simply felt his glasses wouldn’t work well with this outfit. He’s ready to go finalize the party preparations and asks Shiro to come along, talking to a potted plant two feet to Shiro’s left. Shiro has a bad feeling about this and says why doesn’t he help a little, taking Munakata’s hand and leading him. Munakata insists that this is not necessary but he appreciates the assistance, Shiro is suddenly wondering if Munakata did this on purpose so that Shiro has to hold his hand all night.
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13eyond13 · 1 year
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a-very-fond-farewell · 5 months
me: oh maybe today I’ll leave my village and go to the city for a stroll
me: *surrounded by pretty women from all sides*
me: *YEARNS*
so.. that was a mistake. time to write my feelings away.
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the implications....
folie a deux meaning / folie a deux album cover / pete's bear hat(s)
#myevilposts#pete wentz#also the teddy bear rug would be fun to mention in this discussion but these ones are more serious.#the thing with pw is that sometimes he does things that are so devious and strategic and genius and sneaky and poignant#and other times it just seems that way and was actually just him being silly.#this goes both ways btw.#like a lot of mania era stuff i feel was mocked as him being silly but was actually deep and then a lot of older stuff#that people obsess over dissecting was actually Not That Deep on his account at least.#it's kinda not his fault that he's a cartoon character. kinda. but he knows how to lean into it.#pw understands camp better than 99% of users on this website tbh.#fall out boy#also pete and bebe wearing matching bear hats during hiatus. is like exactly what i'm talking about. lol.#the implication being that the bear/becoming a bear represents embracing the madness and becoming one with the grizzly bear#that the human in the bear costume is carrying on the folie cover.#i feel like it's not a coincidence that the guy looks like pete too. it might be but i always figured it was intentional.#the grizzly bear/real life equivalent to the madness of folie a deux as a condition is open to interpretation more#i think. obviously it could represent the co dependence between pete and patrick. but it could also#represent pete's marriage as a whole to the band/his work.#i think it's most noteworthy again that he wore the bear hat matching with bebe DURING HIATUS.#similarly to the stump club shirt i feel like it's pretty clear he was incredibly torn up about the hiatus.#maybe it's that pete had a co dependent relationship with his public image/identity within the scope of fob's fame.#A LOT of black cards calls back to fob / is in response to or commentary of his fame from fob.#because of course it did/was. fob was intrinsic to his celebrityhood. and that celebrityhood obviously was intrinsic to him.#this is not to downplay the other aspects of his identity. the opposite actually.#especially considering that his public image was so skewed and dumbed down and he was rightfully very upset about that#and that is very prevalent/important/vital i think to understanding things like black cards as a whole.
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