#he often just refers to me and the other girl being trained as 'girl' or 'that girl
thecedarchronicle · 2 months
#VENT#VENT TAGS AHEAD !!#so the job is...awful.#i applied for 20-25 hours#they asked if i could do 30#and now theyre pushing me into 40.#i didn't realize that when i agreed to 30 that was NOT binding (i should have known because it wasn't in my job offer. but i am 19 and--#ive never had a job offer letter before. even tho this is just retail)#and i can't adjust my availability for 90 days.#and since i put full availability expecting 25 hours max#now i have FULL 24/7 AVAILABILITY ON FILE for three months at least#and i have no idea what to do because this means i cant commit to any classes coming up for college#but ive been job hubting for months and barely got anything#and if i lose the job i have to move back in with my dad which is almost worse#whats wirse is my leader/boss is so mean. im not saying this lightly#i dont want to get into it but im barely a week in and he's made disrespectful and pushy comments towards me#has basically told me to stay late (which theoretically i cluld say no; but im still on my three months of 'we will fire you if we want to'#and like i said. need the job.#so he told me to stay late knowing i cant really say no#he's given me a frankly absurd amount of work (instock and i get carts filled woth 2-3x their max capacity unorganized and dangerously--#overloaded) and then he pushes me and snaps at me to get it done in an absurdly short timeframe while im still in TRAINING#im afab and present femme as i haven't transitioned irl and he is so ragingly sexist#he often just refers to me and the other girl being trained as 'girl' or 'that girl#and to top it all off#i took this job over a second interview at a place i really liked#because i thought the hours at this olace would be more consistent#nope! full time! surprise!!#and now im kicking myself so fucking hard over it. i feel like i fucked up so hard#and my friend i moved here with has been home for two months and will be this month so im just. alone. and i don't really have anyone to#turn to. im just so very stressed and tired and lonely
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For @the-californicationist's “Cali’s Nameless Challenge” writing challenge!
(Remember to leave your guess of who this is about in the comments!)
[ Challenge Masterlist ]
words: 560 (pushed it a little SORRY). cw: MDNI!, smut(tish), piv, terms of endearment (including daddy), you/your pronouns, afab!reader
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You've heard the recruits talking. They always do when they don't think anyone's listening. They're very judgmental, these kids. Makes you wanna go particularly hard on them during training when you remember the way they gossip.
They're always always talking about others, like school children, disrespecting their commanding officers, talking about their hair (head, facial and otherwise), their habits (smoking, drinking), their personal lives (or what they expect them to be), and, of course, their body types.
Their most recent victim, or, at least, the one you've heard referred to most often, is one you didn't expect. They know better than to mention someone like that, or, at least, you hoped they did.
Sure, he's not very intimidating looking, average height, average weight. His voice doesn't ring out through the halls whenever he's pissed and reaming out some recruit or soldier that serves beneath him.
But that should be more of a reason for them to fear him, not a reason for them to speak about him.
They lack the life/career experience to realize that bigger/louder doesn't always equal scarier.
Soldiers like you, like him, don't get where you are, at your age, without being a scary motherfucker, ready to shoot someone right between their eyes, only to then turn around and go have lunch as if nothing's happened. Especially not here.
But maybe you're biased.
After all, you notice the details about him.
The way his voice coos gently, softly, politely, full of understanding and care whenever he speaks to the soldiers around him.
The way his hands are calloused and rough, long fingers with cracked skin around the fingertips and knuckles.
The way his arms, ever hairy, despite rarely on display, cross over his chest when he's paying his full attention to people speaking to or around him.
The way his thick brows scrunch judgmentally when he hears someone say something stupid.
The way he leans back on window sills and balcony railings to light his cigarettes.
The way he looks at you, those big brown eyes all soft and fond, too gentle for a man that regularly trades shots with criminals.
The way he smiles and half-smirks, especially when you press your nose to his cheek, and pepper his moles with kisses.
The way his eyes, weighed down by deep eye bags, flutter over you whenever you lower yourself onto his leaky cock, your ass bouncing off his thighs with fervor.
The way he purrs words of praise in your ear while he fucks you from behind, his hands pushing down on your lower back, his body curled over yours to whisper in your ear.
The way he calls your name, first, middle, last, your rank too.
The way he uses terms of endearment.
"That's it, princess."
"Doing so well for me, baby girl."
"That feels good, doesn't it, pretty girl."
"Don't be too loud, can't let people hear how good I'm making you feel, heart."
"Just like that, moan for daddy, cutie."
What do those stupid fucking kids know? Nothing.
If only they could see him the way you do. But they can't. He doesn't want anyone to know the way he looks under his uniform.
All the better too... Easier to surprise people by how much of a punch he packs with a single haymaker.
Not to mention, you're not keen on sharing.
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thebigbadbatswife · 4 months
He Let Me Steal You Like A Thief In The Night
Pairing(s) - (Starts with) Bruce Wayne x F!Reader, (Ends with) Selina Kyle x F!Reader
Summary - After Bruce Wayne continues to not treat you the way that you deserve, Selina Kyle decides to steal you away from him.
Warnings - Inspired by the song Diamond Girl by Set It Off. Bruce is a dick, Angst, References to cheating, Implied sexual content, Fluff and a happy ending, Bisexual!Reader. (If I missed anything, lmk!)
A/N - So, several months after saying I was working on this fic it's finally finished! It's also now my longest one shot to date which is cool! Anyway I hope the wait was worth it and that you all enjoy 💜
Word Count - 10k
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As you finish putting your earrings in, you pause and look at yourself in the mirror. You look good tonight, you think. Your dress hugs your figure and accentuates your breasts and ass, but in a classy way that’s fitting for the charity fundraiser that the two of you are going to tonight. Your jewellery and makeup is much the same. Classy. Nothing too flashy. You wonder if Bruce will even notice the effort you have put in to make yourself look nice. He hasn’t the last few time. Hell, the last time he took you out to an event like this, he not only barely payed any attention to you, but he completely vanished from the venue. Leaving you alone and having to call Alfred to pick you up and take you back to your apartment.
Though Alfred had done a good job that night to try and hide it, you had still been able to tell he was absolutely fuming at Bruce. As are you each time that you think about it. Though you do have to keep in mind that he has been very stressed recently in regards to his company. While he hasn’t told you exactly what’s going on, you know it’s left him with a lot on his mind, a mountain of paperwork and has led to him being forgetful. You’re positive that it will all pass once he’s figured things out and then everything between you and him will go right back to the way that they were before. 
Back when he would text you while in the middle of a meeting because he was thinking about and missing you. Or when he would call you, usually in the middle of the night, because he was miles away in another country and desperately wanted to hear the sound of your voice. And there were the times when you and him would curl up on a couch and watch a movie for date night instead of going out to some restaurant, away from the constant flashing of cameras that often left you becoming overwhelmed very quickly. Or there was that time…
Your train of thought is broken by a knock against the door of the en-suite. It’s probably Bruce wondering what’s taking you so long to get ready.
“Yes?” you call out.
“Master Bruce was wondering when you would be down.” It’s Alfred… Wait… Alfred? Bruce couldn’t even be bothered to come up and check on you himself? You push the thought away.
“I’ll just be a couple of minutes!” you call back. 
“Of course, dear. I’ll let him know.” 
With Alfred now gone, you turn you attention to the two bottles of perfume on the counter. One of the bottles is an expensive perfume that Bruce bought you for your birthday. It’s not your favourite scent in the world, but it was a gift from him and you have yet to wear it. The other is the perfume that you wore on the night that you and him finally went all of the way. Maybe if you wear that one he might actually pay you attention. The scent of it making him remember that night hopefully. After a moment of debating you decide to go for the latter. Tonight you wish to stay hopeful.
Once you have spritzed the perfume onto your pulse points, you grab your clutch and make your way out of the en-suite and bedroom and to where Bruce is waiting for you in the foyer. As you make your way down the stairs you expect him to look up at the sound of your heels clicking on the wood. Instead his eyes remain glued to his phone screen like a teenager; his fingers typing out a message just as fast as well.
You do your best to hide your disappoint, keeping your face blank, but it must have shown briefly because, as you reach the bottom of the stairs, Alfred suddenly clears his throat. The sound catches Bruce’s attention and he finally looks up from his phone. Before he’s allowed to say a word though, Alfred is speaking.
“You look lovely, dear,” he tells you. His compliment has you smiling. At least someone noticed.
By now, Bruce’s phone is back in his pocket and he’s stepping toward you. He checks you out, his eyes lingering on your breasts a little longer than is gentlemanly. His smile that genuine one he only ever gives you. 
“Absolutely beautiful,” he says, his hand coming to rest beneath your chin and tilting your head up a little. “Aren’t I the luckiest man in the world?” You can feel your cheeks heating up at his words and the way he’s looking at you, as he breathes in your perfume. He presses a kiss to your lips. It’s a light one so that he doesn’t end up ruining your lipstick. “Come on. We’re going to be late.” He pulls away and takes your hand in his. 
You and Bruce grab your coats and say goodnight to Alfred, who wishes you both a pleasant night. He leads you down the stairs to the car already parked out front. 
The drive is a silent one. Neither of you saying a word nor him even bothering to put some music on. It has you yearning for the days when you both couldn’t stop talking, discovering all of these new things about each other or even discussing how you’re going to sneak away from the event at some point. Usually so that you could do other things together. And then there were the times where the speakers of whatever car you were in at the time would be blasting music as you and him sing along loudly to whatever song was playing.
Not being able to listen to the silence any longer, you decide to break it yourself. 
“What’s the charity that’s being supported tonight?” you ask him. You don’t remember him ever mentioning a name, just that there was a fundraiser.
“Uh, it’s something to do with endangered animals,” he replies.
“What sort of animals?” There’s so many of them this day and age that are in trouble and you doubt that tonight is going to cover every last species.
“I believe it’s for big cats, but I honestly can’t remember. We’ll find out for sure once we get there.”
“Right. Of course.”
The car once again falls into silence as you struggle to think of what else to talk about. What even is there for you to say? How that was the longest you have spoken to him without his phone ringing and him walking away to answer it? And it’s not like Bruce is trying to fill the silence either. Is it just as awkward for him? Or does he simply not care?
You turn your attention to your window, watching as the city passes by as he drives. Silently, you continue to hope that things will get better once you arrive and he is no longer focused on getting to the venue.
Upon arriving, Bruce does help you out of the car and keeps you shielded from the vultures who are sat outside of the venue, waiting. The bright flashes from their cameras is blinding as they do their best to surround both of you, making large dots dance in front of your eyes. You’re sure that you would be stumbling blind if it wasn’t for him keeping you close and guiding you toward the entrance. Even after you both are inside the building and the doors are closed behind with security making sure that the paparazzi cannot follow, he keeps his arm linked with yours. Despite the harrowing experience with the paps that has left your heart hammering against your ribcage, not once does Bruce ask if you are okay. Perhaps he assumes that since you have been with him for the past year and a half that it no longer fazes you? You honestly can’t imagine it ever not fazing you, how invasive those people can be. 
You are about to say something to him, ask him why he cares enough to try and shield you, but not enough to actually check on you, yet you’re not given a chance to as you’re already stepping into the main hall. All eyes are on you both. Bruce is already smiling that dazzling billionaire smile of his and you quickly follow suit, shoving your irritation away. The last thing you need is headlines about how pissy you look. 
Your arms stay linked together for the majority of the night. Though they might as well not have been considering he spends the night basically ignoring you. You sip on champagne while Bruce talks to men who have no interest in the good cause that they are all suppose there for and would rather try and get him to invest in their company.
It’s not like you expect him to have his tongue down your throat (though that did happen a few times very early on in your relationship). And it’s not like you’re just standing around expecting him to pick up that something is wrong simply by your mood. You’ve tried talking to him, but each time he dismisses you. You’re honestly starting to feel like the only reason he brought you is for you to be his arm candy. The thought has you wanting to be anywhere, but here with him. And you would call Alfred and leave if you thought that you wouldn’t end up on the front page news thanks to the cockroaches sitting in wait outside. 
Even with that said, you still don’t want to be around him right now and this is a big hotel. There’s got to be somewhere for you to retreat to for a little while. Some sort of garden or courtyard perhaps? You’ll find out once you slip out of the ballroom.
You pull away from him, unhooking your arm from his, as you tell him that you need to get some air. He doesn’t look you, not even a glance, as he replies with an “okay” and continues talking to the three men in front of him. As you make your way through the ballroom, you place your half finished glass of champagne onto the the tray of a passing waiter and leave the room through the nearest exit.
You wander the halls of the hotel for a little while, following the various gold plated signs that eventually lead you outside to the flower garden. A majority of the flowers are in bloom, leaving a very floral and sweet scent in the air and there are lamps in the ground between the flowerbeds, lighting up the pathway for you. You follow it until you reach a bench, where you decide to stop and take a seat.
It’s nice and quiet out here. The perfect place for you to be left alone with your thoughts. All of them about Bruce. You honestly do not even know when things started to actually change. It’s like one morning you woke up and he went from being totally and completely head over heels for you to not giving a damn about you. It leaves you wondering if the girls, who had approached you shortly after your relationship became public knowledge, were right. Has he grown bored of you? Is he really only keeping you around while he looks for someone new? 
What if he’s already found that someone new and is with them on the nights that he doesn’t come back to the manor? 
Almost as soon as the thought has entered your mind, you’re shoving it away again. No. No! You know Bruce. You’ve seen the way that he looks in disgust at the people in these rich people circles who are cheating on their spouses. You’ve listened to how he talks about them, a sharp edge to his voice. He hates cheaters so why would he turn around and do that to you? No. Absolutely not. He would never. Maybe… maybe this is just the end of what they call the “honeymoon phase”? At least, that’s got to be part of it. And you cannot forget how busy he is. But the more that you think about it, the more you think about these last few months, the more the doubt starts to trickle in. What if you’re wrong? What if you don’t know him like you think you do?
The more that you think about it, the more upset you become. So much so that you can feel tears threatening to spill, but as much as you want them to fall, you can’t. You’ll ruin your makeup if you do and as upset as you are, you don’t want that. It took forever and you do look really good tonight. Not that the man you got all dressed up for even cares about the effort that you put into your look tonight. Other than back at the manor, he has barely even looked at you.
And that thought alone is enough to finally get the tears rolling. After all what the hell does it even matter if he doesn’t care? 
As you cry, you don’t even hear her. You don’t hear her heels against the stone pathway that leads to the bench you’re sitting on. You don’t even feel her as she sits down next to you. You only become aware of her when her hand comes in contact with your back and she rubs your back. You don’t jump at the sudden contact, you’re just confused as you look up at her, brow furrowed. 
You go to speak. You’re not sure what, maybe to apologise for the state you’re in? You honestly don’t know, but it doesn’t actually matter as she doesn’t let you say anything, shushing you softly. The woman pulls a handkerchief from her purse and uses it to dab away your mascara filled tears. As she does that, through your tear blurred vision, you do your best to make out her appearance. Perhaps you know her?
She has striking green eyes, almost like a cat’s, and long, curly black hair. She’s gorgeous. That much is clear to you, even in your heartbroken state. And you’re certain that you do not know her. You would remember if you did.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
You shake your head, not trusting that the second you try to speak that you won’t turn into a babbling mess as your tears start to fall again. And it’s not really fair to burden a stranger with all of the reasons why you think that the man you’re in love with likely doesn’t love you. The look she gives you is one full of sympathy, which only makes you feel worse.
“A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t be crying over a man like him,” she tells you.
“But things were so good in the beginning,” you say. All reservations that you had a moment ago about not burdening a stranger with your problems are suddenly out of the window. As you talk you half expect her to come up with an excuse to leave, most people would, but she doesn’t. Instead she stays and listens. The more you tell her the more annoyed she seems to get, but it doesn’t feel like it is directed at you. More likely she is getting annoyed at your boyfriend. Hell, now that you’re talking about it, and therefore thinking about it more, you are starting to get annoyed at him yourself as well.
“I’m sorry. That’s a whole load of information that you really did not need. I haven’t asked you your name.” And now you’re completely embarrassed. So caught up into your own shit that you completely forgot about basic manners. She doesn’t seem to have minded though. She smiles softly.
“Selina Kyle,” she introduces herself. “And you are?”
You introduce yourself. For some reason her name strikes a cord of familiarity with you. It takes you a second for you to know where. Tonight’s fundraiser, of course! She’s the one who organised tonight; you remember seeing her name on the notice board just outside of the ballroom. She must be so busy tonight yet she’s still taken time to make sure you are okay and she doesn’t even know you? It has you feeling rather touched.
“We should probably be making our way back,” she begins, “but first let me help fix your makeup,” she offers as she reaches into her purse.
After she helps you fix up your makeup, making it look you had never cried to begin with, you and Selina make your ways back to the hotel’s ballroom. Not long after you have reentered the room you lose sight of her. Not that you expect her to spend the rest of the night with you. You are strangers, after all, and she is busy. Instead you set yourself your own mission; finding the bar. You don’t care to look for Bruce. He didn’t bother coming to look for you despite how long you were gone for, so why should you look for him?
It doesn’t take you long to find the bar. You order your drink of choice and take a seat. Now that you’re here, your only interest is drinking as much as the bartender will allow.
As soon as the two of you re-enter the ballroom, Selina leaves your side and quickly, but gracefully moves through the room. Her eyes scan the area as she moves, looking for someone in particular. 
Honestly she can’t believe him. Actually, maybe she can. This is Bruce after all. It still infuriates her. How is it that he has a beautiful woman like you in his life, who very clearly loves him, and yet he treats you like you are just another one of those models he used to “date”? And, from what you have told her, things weren’t all this way.
She can easily think of what’s changed. It’s the exact same thing that led to her leaving, several years ago. No matter what. One way or another, Batman will always end up taking priority over everyone else. Clearly, he needs a serious wakeup call. 
It doesn’t take her long to spot him. He’s with several other men and honestly looks extremely bored. Yet he would instead give them his time than give it to you. She scoffs and rolls her eyes. Typical. 
Bruce takes notice of her quickly, doing a double take as his eyes widen for a brief moment. He regains his composure, the shock disappearing as his eyes narrow and his brow furrows, his lips set in a grim thin line. He’s not happy to see her and, quite frankly, she’s not too pleased to see him either. A cat does not easily forget those who have wronged her. 
She had been hoping that she would not have to interact him at all tonight. Simply take his money for her charity and then leave this city once more. Maybe forever. But things rarely go to plan in a city like Gotham. 
Selina raises an eyebrow at him before gesturing with her head for him to follow her. She doesn’t look back, doesn’t wait for confirmation that he will. She knows he will follow. His curiosity always gets the better of him whenever she’s involved. Almost like it’s a law of life like gravity.
She weaves her way through the crowd once more, leaving the ballroom behind her. She decides to head back toward the hotel’s flower garden. It’s the perfect place to talk away from he nosey busybodies that make up Gotham’s higher society.
“Hello, Bruce,” she says, turning around to face him.
He scoffs. “Really? After all of this time that’s all you’ve got to…” he shakes his head. “I’m already with someone else. I–”
“Oh I know,” she cuts him off. “I’ve already met her. She’s beautiful, it’s just a shame that she’s so sad.”
Bruce frowns, an eyebrow raised. “What are you talking about? She’s fine.”
“She’s not, but you would know that if you were actually paying attention.” Selina steps toward him and leans in close. “Let me put it this way, clean up your act and start paying attention to her or I will.” 
It’s toward the end of the night when you finally see Bruce again. You feel all warm from the alcohol running through your veins and each step that you take isn’t very coordinated, especially in these ridiculous heels.
“There you are,” he says as he approaches you. You’re currently using a pillar to steady yourself after almost tripping over your own feet. He looks troubled, but you don’t care enough to ask him what’s wrong. As of right now you really don’t see why you should. “Come on.” He links his arm with yours again, bringing you close to him to support you. “Let’s get back to the manor.”
You follow him back to the car. You’re so in your own head, focused on how good the drinks have made you feel, that you don’t even notice that there are barely any paparazzi around now, as he helps you into the car.
Much like the drive to the hotel, the drive back is silent. Of course you really don’t think you can hold a conversation properly any how. You’re sure to slur your words and, damn, your eyelids feel so heavy right now. It wouldn’t hurt to close them for a few minutes. Your last thought is how you’re going to have a killer headache in the morning.
The cafe had been busy when you had first entered, but the more that time passes and the lunch rush ends, the emptier the place becomes. You were suppose to meet Bruce for lunch, but while you showed up, he hasn’t. He hasn’t even bothered to reply to any of the texts you have sent him either. Instead they have all been left on read. You put his contact on mute. If he can’t be bothered to even reply to you then you can’t be bothered to talk to him full stop.
What makes it all worse is that, the day after the fundraiser, when you were somewhat recovered from your hangover, he had promised. He had promised that things would change and that you were important to him. And things had changed… For about a week. Once again you are left wondering whether or not the man that you love even loves you anymore.
The looks of pity and sympathy the other customers keep sending your way have you wanting to disappear forever. It’s humiliating. You decide that, as soon as you are done with your hot drink and food, you’re going straight back to your apartment and never leaving it again. You do your best to finish your drink and food as quickly as possible while also trying to not draw anymore attention to yourself.
As you are finishing up your drink, the chair across from you is suddenly pulled out and a woman sits down. Despite getting drunk, you recognise her instantly. Selina Kyle, from the fundraiser. Even now you still feel embarrassed about that night, crying and venting to a complete stranger about your relationship issues.
“Sorry I took so long, traffic was a nightmare!” She says it so casually, like she is the one who you were meeting today. She gives you a smile and wink. She doesn’t have to do this, hell you don’t even know why she is doing this, but you play along with her anyway.
“It’s fine. You’re here now,” you reply.
You briefly get up from the table to get another drink. After you have sat back down, the two of you beginning to talk. It starts off as basic small talk. The weather, the city’s current state, the money she had raised through the fundraiser and the good it was going to do for the big cats. She even leans across the table to show you pictures of her many, many cats. All of whom are, of course, utterly adorable.
As you take a sip of your drink, she asks you the question that you have been waiting for from the moment that she sat down at your table. 
“That boyfriend of yours was supposed to meet you, wasn’t he?” she asks you. Though, you suspect, that she already knows before you answer her.
“Is it that obvious?” 
She nods and, immediately, you want to disappear completely once more. She regards you for a moment, before speaking once again.
“Forget about him,” she tells you. “At least for tonight.”
“If I’m forgetting about him for tonight, what will I be doing instead?”
“You’ll be coming out with me to have some fun.” 
The way that she says it. Like they are plans that have already been made and you are not allowed to back out. You don’t want to anyway. It sounds like fun, a night out with Selina, leaving Bruce alone and wondering where you are for once. It’s the least of what he deserves. Maybe it will be the wake up call he needs. And if not… You don’t want to think about that right now. He’s pissed you off, but he is still the man you love and, even with the way he has been treating you recently,  you still cannot imagine a life where he isn’t in it. 
So, you agree to going out with her and you exchange phone numbers. For the first time in a while you were actually looking forward to something.
The nightclub is loud, the base thrumming through you and you cannot hear yourself think. The place is packed and so many bodies close together has you feeling hot, and you haven’t even done any dancing yet! 
These types of places are not usually your scene. You find them far too loud and there are far too many people around, but it’s hard to focus on all that with the woman in front of you. Selina’s outfit and makeup is casual, a strapless black top, jeans, a simple cat eye and red lipstick, yet she is easily the hottest person in the room. Sure, you’re in a committed relationship with Bruce, but you’re not blind and you can appreciate still. You are sure that he does.
She grabs your hand and leads you through the crowd and toward the bar. Much like the rest of the club, there is quite a few people around the bar. Definitely not enough room for the both of you to approach, so you tell her your preferred drink to order and she disappears amongst the crowd to get it.
You’re not entirely sure what to do with yourself, while you wait for her. Which has you feeling rather awkward. It doesn’t really help that people keep looking over at you. They’re likely just checking you out, but, standing here by yourself in your own head, you start wondering whether or not they are just judging you and the outfit that you have picked out for tonight. You aren’t left to fall down that rabbit hole for long though as Selina repappears, drinks in hand.
You do your best to shout over the music to thank her, but after the third time she finally moves in close to you. So close that her body is now touching yours, which leaves your heart thumping hard against your ribcage. Now that you have been able to thank her, she somehow moves closer, bringing her lips up to your ear. You can feel her breath fanning across you skin, making goosebumps raise across your skin, despite the heat of the nightclub.
“If you want to thank me, relax and have some fun.”
You almost laugh at her words. Is your nervousness that obvious? You had been hoping that you would be able to hide it more from her, but it seems she doesn’t miss a thing. Your nervousness doesn’t last. With the alcohol of a couple more drinks flowing through you, any doubts or anxiety you had before are quickly forgotten about. As are any thoughts of Bruce.
Hours fly by without you noticing as you dance and drink with Selina. Your laughter is loud, though still drowned out by the base, but she hears it easily enough. The green of her eyes seems to almost sparkle each time the neon lights hit them. The same way that you remember /his/ eyes lighting up when he first met you. Though you’re sure that it’s just the alcohol making you see things. She knows that you have a boyfriend and there’s not possible way she could be interested in you like that. (Though there had been a time you had thought the exact same when it had come to Bruce).
As the night draws on and the club starts to empty once curfew has hit, instead of finding your way back to your apartment, you and Selina find your way in a diner. With how late it is, the diner is mostly empty. The only other two customers there being a couple of cops taking a short break on their night shift. She leads you to the booth furthest from the cops, side eyeing them like she expects them to do something.
The waitress brings over a couple of menus. You thank her and take one of the menus while Selina declines, ordering only a coffee. After looking over the menu, along with your own coffee, you also order a burger and fries. While you did eat before coming out tonight, all of the dancing has left you absolutely starving.
While you wait, you decide to have a quick look at your phone. You quickly wish that you hadn’t. There’s dozens of messages, voice mails and missed calls from Bruce. He is very obviously worried and it has you feeling guilty. Maybe you should give him a call and let him know that you are okay?
“Your boyfriend?” Selina asks, breaking the silence that had fallen.
You nod. “Yeah. Maybe I should give him a call,” you say. “He seems really worried.”
“Does he call you when you send texts worried about him?”
You stop to think for a moment. “No,” you finally reply. “He usually only sends a short text.” Almost immediately, you understand what she is getting at. He doesn’t call you, only texts. So that’s what you do. A short text that reads “I’m fine. Still out with a friend.” Then you turn off your phone’s screen and return your attention to Selina.
Within that time, the waitress returns with yours and Selina’s coffees and your burger and fries. You both thank the waitress before returning to your conversation. You talk quietly, mostly about tonight. Despite your originally anxiety about tonight, you did end up having a lot of fun that you otherwise wouldn’t of had, had she not met you in that coffee shop and suggested it. As you talk, between taking bites of your burger, she steals a few of your fries, causing you to smile and shake your head.
“If you’re hungry, why didn’t you order your own fries?”
She shrugs. “They taste better when they’re not actually yours.”
Her reply makes you laugh and nod in agreement. After all, you are guilty of having done the same thing a few times, in the past.
The food and coffee does a good job at sobering you up. Not that you had been super drunk. Certainly not nearly as much as you had been after that fundraiser. Once you’re both finished, you reach for your bag to pay, but Selina beats you to it.
“You can pay next time,” she tells you.
You raise your eyebrow at her. “There’s going to be a next time, is there?”
“Of course there is.” She says it so matter of factly, like it’s already a done deal despite there not even being a discussion. Not that you mind. You would be more than happy to come out with her again.
With the food and drinks paid for, you and Selina leave the diner. Her driver is already waiting out front for both of you, ready to drive and drop you off at your apartment. You thank her again for suggesting that you go out with her tonight and that you definitely wouldn’t mind if there was a “next time”. You both say goodnight to each other and you make your out of the car and into the building.
Your apartment is pitch black and you fumble in the dark for a few seconds before your fingers finally find the switch. Despite the fact that you were expecting it, you still wince as the sudden brightness of the lights blinds you for a moment. You’re actually surprised to find your apartment so empty, you would have thought that Bruce would drop by unannounced, he has a key and you remember the endless messages and voicemails left by him, that you saw just a couple of hours ago. You haven’t checked them since then. Maybe you should do so now, but first your feet are killing you and you desperately need to get your shoes off.
With your shoes finally off, you collapse onto the couch. You pull your phone out of your bag and have a look at your messages. Since the one text you sent while at the diner, he’s only sent you one other text.
”Why didn’t you let me know? I had something planned tonight.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t going to make it to lunch?”
As soon as you hit send, you decide to put your phone on do not disturb mode. You will deal with Bruce in the morning. Now that you are home, the high of the night is starting to wear off and you are starting to feel really tired. All you want to do is get your makeup off, get into your pyjamas, curl up and go to sleep. So that’s exactly what you do.
In the weeks that follow, you end up spending a lot of time with Selina. She takes you to the other nightclubs that are dotted around the city and you often meet up for lunch. You learn a lot about each other during these lunches. Like how she came to have so many cats and the passion she has in the various causes that she supports. In turn you tell her about your own work. As you talk you honestly expect her to lose interest and not pay any attention. You expect various hmms and huhs and to see her looking either at her phone or at something else in the room instead of you, but it doesn’t happen. The entire time her attention is always focused on you and she actually asks you questions. You have got so used to being ignored that you had forgotten what it was like to actually be listened it. 
It’s not like Bruce didn’t ever not listen to you though. He did, in the beginning at least. But like everything else, with the honeymoon period being over, he just doesn’t do it anymore. All of it leaves you to continue to wonder whether or not he does actually love you or if you were just another “conquest” in a long line of them. But it’s not like you can even ask him. Right now Bruce is half a world away from you, thinking that sending endless gifts, flowers and chocolates is a good way to apologise. Which is not the effect you had hoped ignoring him that first night out would have. And even if he wasn’t half a world away from you, getting him to stay and talk to him is nearly impossible since you can never seem to hold his attention for more than a few seconds.
It’s late at night and you’re laying wide awake in bed. You can’t stop thinking about Bruce and not in the way that you used to. More like you have no idea how you even feel about him anymore. Do you love him? Before you had an immediate answer. “Yes, of course I do.”. Now though? You can’t answer it anymore because you don’t know what the answer is. 
And then there’s Selina. The way that she looks at you from over the table during lunch or the way that she touches you when the two of you are dancing together. It makes it feel like there are butterflies fluttering around your stomach and your heart pounding hard against your ribcage. More often than not you have found yourself looking at or dreaming about her lips, wondering how it would feel for her to kiss you…
Almost as soon as the thoughts come to you, you shove them away. They really aren’t helpful to your current dilemma when it comes to you trying to figure out how you feel about Bruce.
You groan and bury your head in your pillow. When did things in your life become so complicated?
“You seem distracted,” Selina says. You look up from the plate where you have just been pushing the food around, like a child.
“Sorry,” you reply. She invited you out to dinner a few weeks ago, at one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham and you’ve spent the entire time distracted because you can’t stop thinking about Bruce and how you feel about him. It’s been plaguing your mind for a few weeks. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks. 
“I…” While you have thought the words a couple of times now, you don’t think you are ready to say them out loud. Especially in public with so many eavesdroppers. You shake your head. “It doesn’t matter.”
Selina frowns, clearly not believing you, but she doesn’t push it. Which you are thankful for. Saying those words out loud will make them really real and you don’t know if you are ready for that. How did the relationship you had once been sure would last forever end up turning into this?
For the rest of dinner, you do your best to push away any and all thoughts about Bruce and your relationship with him. He will be back from his business trip by the end of the week and you can deal with your feelings then. Though, as you eat and talk with Selina, it briefly occurs to you that he had once promised to take you, but never did. It leaves a somewhat bitter taste within your mouth.
You pull your coat close to your body as you and Selina leave behind the warmth of the restaurant and step out into the cold Gotham night. She links her arm with yours and pulls you close as you start walking down the street, back toward your apartment. It’s not a long walk, only a couple of blocks. 
Selina knows why you have been distracted, not only tonight, but for the past couple of weeks. She’s felt the way you have responded to her touches and she’s seen the way that you have been looking at her. She has also seen how you are around Bruce now, during various events he’s taken you to. You are no longer looking at him, waiting for him to pay attention to you, instead you are looking around for her.
She hasn’t missed the way you react to her when she touches you, while you are dancing with her. And she certainly hasn’t missed the way that you look at her. Especially her lips.
She hasn’t made a move to kiss you yet though. While you’re drifting away from him, you haven’t actually broken up with Bruce yet. And you have so much inner turmoil right now she doesn’t think it’s fair to add on to it. But if you were to suddenly decide to kiss her, well, she certainly wouldn’t stop you. In fact, she would like it a lot. 
Does Bruce even know? She wonders. He prides himself in being the world’s greatest detective yet, as far as she can see, he hasn’t caught on to the fact that you’re drifting away from him. Or that she is the cause. 
At least he hasn’t caught on to it until tonight.
Out of the corner of her eye, high above on a rooftop on the opposite side of the street, she catches the sight of a large black mass billowing out into the wind. He lied to you. You have told her that he said he would be back at the end of the week, yet here he is. Using his mask to spy on you instead of the usual crimefighting he’s so passionate about. 
Knowing that he’s watching, she pulls you closer to her.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“It’s colder than I thought it would be tonight and you’re nice and warm.” 
She knows that Bruce can hear the two of you speaking and she knows that it must be driving him crazy that he can’t just swoop down and interrupt. There’s people everywhere and, from what she can tell, you have no idea what he does when the sun sets. Things probably wouldn’t be as bad between you and him if you did know about his nightly activities. Or, maybe, if you did know, you would have already left him.
“Do you want to come in?” you ask her, once you and her have reached your apartment and you’re opening the door. 
“Normally I’d love to, but something has come up with the land I was hoping to turn into a cat sanctuary,” she explains. Selina has her phone out, open on the email she received at the start of the week. It’s not a complete lie. She has hit issues involving that land, but she’s not dealing with it tonight. 
Your face drops for a second before it’s quickly gone and replaced by a well practised understanding smile. Even the words you say “Of course, I understand,” sound rehearsed. He has done a number on you and it has her feeling a little guilty. How many times has he pulled this move on you? And now she’s doing the same thing. She steps forward and takes ahold of your hands. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” she asks, “We could have lunch, maybe even check out that new jewel collection at the museum? You know, to make up for me having to suddenly leave.”
You look at her for a moment, like you weren’t expecting that. “Oh, I’ll have to check my schedule, but I think I should be able to. I’ll text you?” 
“Of course.”
As soon as you are in your apartment and the door is shut, Selina is gone. Back out into the night, into her car and then back out into the night once more; wearing a completely different outfit. It’s not long before she is swinging high above the streets of Gotham, with a certain pointy eared man following after her. 
It doesn’t take him long to catch up to her. She feels the change in the air around her as his hand closes around one of her arms and her world spins briefly as he grabs and spins her around, slamming her against a wall.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Selina?” he growls, the white lenses of his cowl narrowed. His act might work on the common criminal, but it has never phased her one bit. Calmly, she removes his hands from her arms and pushes him away. 
“I warned you, Bruce,” she says as she steps away from him, putting space between them. “Don’t you remember? I told you what would happen if you didn’t change how you were treating her."
“What? I didn’t think…”
“You never do. If it makes you feel any better she hasn’t kissed me yet. Maybe there’s still a chance for you, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
“It’s rather simple, you weren’t treating her correctly so I decided that I would.” Her shrug is causal, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Which it should be to the person who considers himself a detective. “And maybe it’ll make you think twice before you decide to treat another woman like this.”
She doesn’t wait for him to say anything. She walks to the edge of the roof, not even taking the time to look back like she once did a long time ago, and jumps. He doesn’t follow. Likely too caught up within his own inner turmoil about the revelations of tonight.
If she was anyone else, Selina wouldn’t be able to understand how or why you are still with him. But she does understand the how and why because she was you several years ago. It’s easy to get caught up in a man like Bruce Wayne. With his looks and the way he talks, that silver tongue of his. The way that he makes you feel like the most important person in the world just with one look. 
Though, she really does wish that you would break up with him and soon. 
This may have started out with her proving to you that you deserve so much better than putting up with the way that he treats you, but she has grown to like you. A lot. And she would rather see you with her than him. Though, she supposes, it’s only a matter of time before that happens. She simply needs to have some patience.
When you wake up it’s to a couple of texts from Bruce. Telling you that he’s coming home early and wants to meet for lunch. You reply telling him you can’t, you already have plans. So he offers dinner at the manor, away from the prying eyes of the public. Just you and him. Normally the premise of having a quiet and private night with him would excite you. Finally having him all too yourself far away from flashing cameras and gossipers. Instead, you don’t feel… anything. There’s no more looking forward to seeing him. No quicken of your heartbeat against your ribcage, or between your thighs, as you think of him. No wanting to blow off any other plans so that you can see him sooner. Hell, you don’t even want to see him. Not really.
As you sit there in bed, looking over the text messages again, those words comes back to you. The ones that you have been struggling to admit out loud. Though, with this newest revelation, you know that you need to and sooner rather than later. It’s not fair on either of you if you don’t.
Lunchtime feels like it takes forever to arrive as you do some chores around your apartment. You only just saw her last night, like every time, you can’t wait to see her again. And that excitement has the hours ticking by so slowly. There is a part of you that does have you pausing for a moment, wondering if this new feeling of excitement will end up the same. But you remind yourself she isn’t him. 
You meet Selina at the same cafe that you had when she had suggested going out and giving Bruce a taste of his own medicine. You often meet her here. The place essential becoming your “spot”. Like how the park had once been yours and Bruce’s.
She’s already at the table, waiting for you. She has her hair done up in a bun and she’s wearing a red dress. You feel your heart almost skip a beat when you lay eyes on her. There’s already a latte on the table. 
“I’m not late, am I?” you ask as you sit down. There had been some traffic on your way, but you had been sure you would still arrive on time. 
“You’re on time,” she says before covering her mouth and yawning, “I didn’t get much sleep last night,” she explains. “I already ordered you your usual.”
“You’re not going to lose that land are you?”
“With all the work that I did last night, I would say that it’s safe and sound now,” she replies with a smile.
“That’s great news.” 
She looks you over for a moment, her smile now gone and replaced by a small frown. “Something’s still bothering you,” she states.
“Bruce texted me this morning, he’s back early and wanted to meet for lunch, but I wasn’t about to cancel plans with you, so we’re having dinner instead tonight…”
“But you don’t want to go.” 
“Is it that obvious?” You glance around the cafe, wondering if anyone is listening to your conversation. This city is filled with people who don’t know how to mind their own business. Especially when you are dating the renowned “son of Gotham”. 
“I just… I know I have to face him because it’s unfair on both of us to keep this going, but I feel so guilty. He’s got no idea.”
“He would had he been paying attention,” she says. You can’t help, but agree. 
Much to your disappointment the lunch goes by relatively quickly and before you know it your back at your apartment, getting ready for your date with Bruce. Just as your finishing up, there’s a knock at your door. 
You answer the door to Bruce, who’s holding a bouquet of red roses and that genuine smile that he has only ever given you. You honestly weren’t expecting him to show up. Instead you had been expecting him to send Alfred.
“Hey, baby,” he greets you, using his free hand to pull you close and pressing a light kiss to your lips. Doing his best not to mess up your lipstick. “You look beautiful.” 
The way he’s looking at you and kissing you has your heart skipping a beat. For weeks now this is all you have wanted. Your man looking at you like he actually loves you and wants you. All of his focus on you. But a voice in the back of your head reminds you of what he’s been like for weeks now and that he’s only acting like this now so that you don’t leave him. Chances are, as soon as he’s sure you won’t leave, things will go straight back to him ignoring you again until you think of leaving and the cycle will repeat.
You can’t go through that again. You won’t go through that again.
“I need a few more minutes,” you tell him as you let him inside of your apartment. 
“Of course. I’ll put these in water for you?”
“You can just leave them on the side if you want. I’ll deal with them later,” you reply. 
“It’s no trouble.”
You really wish that he would just leave the damn flowers alone. After tonight you’re only going to end up throwing them out. By the time you’re finished up and leaving the bedroom, he’s put the roses into a vase of water and set it onto your coffee table.
The more that you look at him, the more you can see the man that you fell in love with to begin with. The way that he looks and talks to you, touching you, making you feel like the only woman in the world. But, once again, you can’t forget the way he’s been. Going from the most attentive boyfriend ever and then completely ignoring you like you aren’t his girlfriend, just another acquaintance he has on his arm and back again. And other than your heart skipping when he kissed you earlier you’re not feeling anything else. Your heart’s not even skipping anymore.
You haven’t eaten a thing all night. You usually love Alfred’s cooking, but tonight you have absolutely no appetite. It makes you feel worse than you already do, even if Bruce has barely touched his own food. You push your plate away from you.
“Sorry, I’m just not hungry,” you say.
“Same here,” he replies, shoving his own plate away. He sighs before taking a sip of his drink. 
A long awkward silence falls between the two of you. Just as you start to think about saying something, perhaps the words that you have been too chicken to finally say, he breaks the silence.
“It’s over, isn’t it?”
“I’m sorry, Bruce. I just… I don’t love you anymore.” 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s sorry. It’s my fault. Maybe if I had been more attentive or something. I don’t know. Maybe I could have saved this.”
“I still should have said something sooner.”
“Maybe, but at least this way I got to see you one more time.” Bruce gets up from his seat. “I’ll go get the car and I’ll drive you home.”
“I really am sorry,” Bruce says. His hand is cupping your face, thumb softly stroking your cheek. You expect him to kiss you for the last time, but he doesn’t. He pulls away, letting his hand fall away and back to his side. “Maybe we could have made this work if I was a different person leading a different life or maybe we would have ended up here anyway. I don’t know, but don’t blame yourself, okay?”
You nod. “I think I’m going to miss what we could have been,” you reply. 
“So will I.” He steps forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Goodbye,” he says your name softly, as if it hurts him to say it. “Good luck with the rest of your life.” 
“Goodbye Bruce.”
As soon as he’s gone, and you’re back inside of your apartment, you’re pulling your phone out of your purse and dialling Selina’s number.
“I thought you were supposed to be on a date,” her voice comes over the phone, sending butterflies swirling through your stomach.
“I was. Are you home?” you ask. 
“I am. Why?” You picture her smiling, like she already knows why you’re asking.
“I have something to tell you, but honestly, I need to say it in person,” you explain.
“Oh? Well I certainly won’t say no to you coming over. You know my door’s always open to you.”
“Good because I’m on my way over.”
Your heart is hammering against your chest as you stand in front of Selina’s apartment, waiting for her to answer. It feels like forever before the door finally opens, which only makes the butterflies worse. Her hair is flowing over her shoulders and the only thing she’s wearing is a short red silk robe, that’s barely containing her breasts. 
“I broke up with him,” you tell her. 
“Well it’s about time,” she replies. She pulls you close. Her fingertips on your skin, sending electricity jolting through you. One of her hands remains on your arm while the other comes to cup your jaw. Her green eyes flicker down to your lips before quickly returning to your eyes. Understanding her silent question, you make your move and lean in. Your heart is somehow beating even harder, feeling like it’s trying to burst from your chest while everything else seems to slow down. Seconds feel like they trickle by before her lips finally connect with yours, making everything stop.
Selina kisses you slowly and sweetly. Her lips are even softer than you imagined them being. Kissing her is even better than you imagined. Your hands find her hips and you move forward, stepping more into her space until your bodies are touching. She smiles against your lips and pulls away. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” she says. Both of her hands are cupping your face now and that look in her eyes has your stomach doing flips. 
“And you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that,” you reply. That makes her laugh softly. 
“Come inside?” she offers. You agree eagerly and let her pull you inside of her apartment. 
The feeling of kisses being pressed to your face slowly bringing you out of your sweat dreams. You grumble as you turn over and try to bury yourself further into the covers. Laughter reaches your ears and has you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. She keeps kissing you. Pressing them to your neck and shoulder blades. You sigh as you finally lift your head and look over your shoulder at Selina.
Playfulness sparkles in her green eyes. Her hair is a mess, but you think she looks as radiant as ever. You sit up and pull her close to kiss her. She kisses you back with fervour and heat rushes through you. Before you know it, she’s straddling you and has you pinned down against the mattress. You whine when she pulls away. You do your best to chase after her lips again, but she holds you down.
“As much as I would love to keep you in bed, we’re only here for a couple more days and we still have a long list of places to check out,” she says. She gets up off of the bed and walks over to the curtains where she pulls them open, letting the daylight into the hotel room and showing the view it has of the Eiffel Tower. 
You and Selina had come here to Paris after visiting and exploring London. Shortly after getting together, you and her had decided you both needed a change of scenery, far away from Gotham. Before the two of you had left she had let you know about her secret double life. 
She didn’t want there to be secrets. She knew how quickly they could break down a relationship so she told you about Catwoman. Stealing from the rich and how she was the East End’s self appointed protector, keeping the women and children safe from the men that prowled the area.
You didn’t believe her to begin with. That was when she showed you her catsuit and her bullwhip. You couldn’t not believe her after that. While it had come as a shock, it didn’t change how you felt about her. You love her.
“Don’t you mean you have a long list of places to case so you can take from them?”
She turns around to face you, hands on her hips, completely unashamed of her nakedness. Not that you’re complaining as you run your eyes over her body. “They’re not all for me. Picked out a few spots that I know you’re going to love.”
As soon as you have showered and you’re dressed, you and Selina leave the hotel. You let her lead the way, like always. First she takes you to a small cafe for breakfast. The food and drink is good, though your company is certainly better. Once you were both done eating she takes you by the hand and you continue your tour of the city. 
She takes you to a couple of different museums, sharing with you her favourite exhibits. And then she’s taking you to almost endless jewellery and clothing stores. Neither of you buy anything from any of the stores you visit, but you know, beyond a doubt, that she is shopping. You don’t know the ins and outs of it, it’s safer that way if the cops come knocking, but in the fifteen minutes you’re in each store, she already knows what she wants and how she’s going to get it without tripping the security systems. And she knows what you want as well, keeping an eye on whatever your eyes linger on for just a moment too long.
As evening time rolls around, you and Selina decide to end your long, yet enjoyable, day at a rooftop restaurant. The Eiffel Tower acting as the backdrop, like you’re in some ridiculous cheesy romance movie. 
Though you both arrived back at the hotel to change for dinner, she leaves long before you. You know why, but if anyone was to ever ask you where she is was on any particular night, you already have an answer. “Yeah, she was with me all night.”
Selina doesn’t leave you waiting at the restaurant for long, arriving five minutes after you. She arrives breathless, but looking perfect. Ringlet curls, a smokey cat eye and purple lipstick that matches her dress. Your mouth almost drops open at the sight of her. 
“I didn’t keep you waiting long, did I?” she asks as she sits down.
“Of course not. You never do,” you reply. 
Dinner goes by quickly which isn’t hard with how caught up you and Selina are with each other. The subtle touches sending goosebumps across your skin and how she looks at you. Only this time there’s no guilty when you think about kissing her. And you can kiss her. Nothing and no one in your way to stop you. And you do love kissing her. 
“I’ve got you something,” she says. She reaches into gift bag she brought with her and presents you with a blue rectangle box, complete with a green bow. It’s light and doesn’t make much noise when you gently shake it. 
You undo the bow and remove the lid. Inside of the box is the diamond bracelet that you had been eyeing up earlier. You smile at the sight. She leans over to help secure it to your wrist.
“You shouldn’t have.” 
She shrugs. “It’s not like it cost much,” she laughs.
After dinner, you go for a walk together through a nearby park. You walk hand in hand, talking and laughing quietly. She suddenly stops in her tracks and before you can ask what’s wrong she kisses you. It’s not a peck either. Her full lips move against yours, tongue working your mouth open and stealing away your breath. Not that it’s hard for her to do that.
She rests her forehead and you can’t stop thinking about how happy you are. It’s strange for you to think that there had once been a moment not too long ago when you had thought you knew what happiness was. You had been wrong. Standing here with her, you know what real happiness is supposed to be.
“Let’s sit,” she says. You agree, thankful for the chance to sit, your heels are starting to hurt. She leads you toward a nearby bench where you take a seat.
With that feeling of happiness that’s flowing through you and the realisation you have come to, you decide to take a chance.
“I love you, Selina,” you tell her. 
She looks a bit taken back which has you panic. Is it way too soon to say that? It only lasts a moment though as she smiles, the corners of her eyes crinkling before she’s leaning back in to kiss you again. 
“I love you too,” she replies. Hearing those four words has your heart feeling like it might burst from how happy you are. You can’t hide your huge smile, nor would you want to. She then leans in close and lightly strokes your hair. “How about we go back to our hotel room and, should we make it the bed, we won’t leave it for all of tonight and tomorrow hmm?”
You agree eagerly.
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multific · 1 year
The Prince and Princess of Slytherin
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Your life was planned from the beginning. And maybe, it wasn't so horrible. 
Your family had a great relationship with the Malfoys.
Your parents being among the pure-blood families, with a rich history of great Wizards and Witches, it was natural that your parents and the Malfoys were to unite.
Your marriage to their son was destined from the moment you were born.
It was seen as a sign that the Malfoys had a son while your mother had you. 
Naturally, as a young girl, you hated the idea of marriage, especially to someone your parents chose and Draco was much the same.
During the first and second years, you two hated one another and avoided each other at all costs.
Of course, you would be put to Slytherin along with him.
However, during the end of the third year, you and Draco became friends. It was something completely unexpected.
And as the fourth year, Triwizard Tournament and Yule Ball approached, you two were in a relationship. Although unspoken, it was a relationship.
And it all blossomed during the Ball.
You were rather surprised when he asked you to the Ball. You were even more surprised when you said yes.
You took your time to find the perfect dress, and to your absolute shock, you had the best time of your life. You danced and laughed so much with Draco.
And after he walked you back to the stairs that lead to your room, he kissed you.
A sweet, innocent first kiss.
After that, no one was able to separate the two of you.
You loved him, and he loved you.
You were often referred to as the old married couple. 
But more so, the Prince and Princess of Slytherin. 
That stuck with you as you often called Draco your Prince.
You were often blinded by your love towards him, you often failed to notice his flaws. Even if someone was to shout them into your face, you would still not realize. You ignored them because you loved him.
But deep down, you knew it was true. You knew what they were saying was true, but you didn't care. They didn't see beyond, they didn't know how he was when it was only you two.
They didn't know the real Draco.
You did.
Of course, your families were delighted with the fact that you two were in love. It meant you two wouldn't fight them on the marriage. So they saw it as a win.
But the real winners were you and Draco.
You would always sit next to him.
One instance, was on the train, heading to Hogwarts for another year, you sat right next to him, his hand in yours as you two got some sweets.
Or rather, Draco got you some.
As you happily munched on some chocolates, while looking out the window of the train. Suddenly, you felt a kiss on your shoulder, as you turned back you saw Draco smiling at you.
You placed a quick kiss on his lips before turning back to your sightseeing.
Yes, those were the times you enjoyed the most.
But soon, things started to change, you felt it in the air, and your parents told you as well.
The Dark Lord was back.
And Draco had a task.
A task you helped him with.
How could you expect the love of your life to go through with something like that all alone? Of course, you helped. 
You watched him suffer and you were in just as much pain. Seeing him struggle, knowing you couldn't help was the worst.
However, when all hell broke loose, all you could focus on was finding him. 
And you did, or rather, he found you. When Voldemort called his army back and let you 'bury your dead'. 
He was devastated to see the injury on your arm, as you were helped by a teacher.
Thankfully you weren't injured anywhere else.
"My Love!"
"Draco, I'm happy to see you alive."
"What happened?"
"A Death Eater..." you whispered.
"They weren't supposed to attack you. They know you are with me."
And they did. Yet, they didn't care. And so, Draco was quick to realize that they played dirty.
Then Voldemort walked in, Hagrid carried Harry. Narcissa begged Draco to go to her.
Draco turned to you as you lifted your hand to hold his and you both walked over.
You felt like a coward, a traitor. But you were afraid and you didn't want to die.
As Voldemort touched Draco you nearly vomited. Then, he turned to you and did the same. 
Narcissa grabbed in one hand Draco, in her other you, and walked away.
You heard the battle behind you start and you felt guilty.
But you didn't want to die.
Back at the Malfoy manor, Narcissa explained what happened to your parents. They were gone. And somehow, deep down you knew that the moment you didn't see them when the Dark Lord arrived.
Which meant you were all alone now.
You locked yourself into a room.
Grieving your loss and regretting your decision of leaving for many many days.
But you never regretted staying with Draco through it all. 
A knock came from your door and you turned to see Draco there. Much like you, he also couldn't sleep. Not alone at least.
He joined you by the window as he too, looked out.
With his father in Azkaban, his mother slowly crumbling, all he had left was you.
"I remember when my mother told me that I am supposed to marry you. I was angry. Wondering how could they decide to make me do this. Marry a boy I don't even know... I fell in love with you not long after, watching you at school I always knew the bully was only insecure." you stayed quiet for a couple moments. "You have beautiful eyes Draco." He leaned in, putting his head into your neck as if he was hiding. Your arms moved around him, holding him.
He was so glad to have you there with him every step of the way. 
And even now, you were there. Mourning the losses, while holding him close.
He didn't need anything else. 
A year after the war, you married Draco. It was a small wedding at the Malfoy Manor. 
You felt like it was the first time in years that you managed to smile full-heartedly. 
How amazing he looked in his tuxedo, and just how breathtaking you looked in your gorgeous dress.
You missed your parents from the ceremony, but you also knew that they were watching you, happy for their daughter.
When Draco started working for the Ministry, you found a job as well. 
You would say you lived simple lives. Narcissa was a lot better as well which was a delight.
Then, five years later, you got pregnant.
A completely unplanned baby, but you were extremely happy.
Draco arrived home from work as all three of you sat down to eat dinner. All day, Narcissa could tell you had something up your sleeve, but she didn't ask. 
"I have something to share with both of you." you announced as dinner was ending. "I went to the doctor's today and she confirmed, I'm pregnant." 
Complete silence filled the room as if both were waiting for an 'only joking' from you but it never came. 
In the end, Narcissa was first to speak.
"Congratulations, Darling!" she said as she hugged you and soon Draco followed her.
Everyone was truly happy. 
Draco was extremely affectionate during your pregnancy. It was as if he was still the young teen who kissed you so many times on the train or in school.
You missed this side of him.
He would often run his hands over your belly, feeling your child growing under your heart. 
Every night, as he hugged you close, both arms securely around you, you reminded yourself of the great times you had with him and the more amazing memories you will create together.
You felt so silly now, you wished to go back and tell your younger self that everything will be okay.
You wish to go back and tell yourself, the little girl crying in her room because her parents decided she was to marry a Malfoy, you wished to tell her that it will be the best decision. That Draco Malfoy will turn out to be your life, heart and soul.
You wished to tell yourself that soon, you will have a child of your own, and you wouldn't have this baby with anyone else but Draco. 
Your little boy was born on July 5th. A month after his father's birthday. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was the little twinkle in your eye. The little boy stole your heart away the moment he opened his beautiful blue eyes.
"He looks just like you, Draco. I spent all this time giving birth and he dares to look like you... so unfair." Clearly, the boy looked like an exact copy of his father. The blond hair, the eyes, little boy couldn't even deny he was a Malfoy.
"Maybe he will behave like you."
"I doubt it, the Malfoy gene is a lot stronger than mine." you smiled as he took the boy from your arms and looked at him.
You watched your husband place a kiss on his forehead. 
"I still think we should have picked a different name." you said as Draco sat down in the chair next to you. "We basically set him up to be a villain." you laughed, obviously joking. 
"If he is anything like you, he surely be." your husband joked and it made you gasp in shock. "I mean... everyone was afraid of you. The Princess of Slytherin."
"I-I-You! Draco!"
"It's true! I was running around being a brat while you so elegantly put fear into everyone's heart."
"Can't argue with that." you smiled as you leaned back, ready to take a nap. "I already know what his first words are going to be." you said as you closed your eyes. Draco looked at you.
You let out a yawn. "My father will hear about this." you said trying your best to imitate his voice as you finally drifted off to sleep.
Draco sat there, his boy in his hands, shocked. He looked down at the little boy, looking up at him, eyes filled with wonder.
"Your first word has to be 'mommy' or else I will never live it down." he kissed him on the forehead. "But you can tell me anything you want, I will be a good father, I will try my best at least."
The little boy also yawned before closing his eyes. Draco leaned back in his chair, watching his son and wife sleeping.
He too wished to go back and tell all about this to his younger self. Tell himself just how amazing his life is going to turn out. 
Maybe having your life planned out wasn't such a bad thing. After all, even if it is planned, it can turn out to be exactly what you want.
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Hey girl! Since you write 2 of my fave genres and saw your're accepting requests I hope that maybe this message reaches you and you will give my idea a try. It is of course some angst to fluff with Gojo x reader. Both in their 20s (let's say JJK0), reader is pretty new to the Jujutsu world but just as strong as Satoru, super funny and sarcastic but very chill (so a bit his opposite if you will). Shoko, being close with the reader notices that she has feelings for Gojo and she doesn't confess because of fear of rejection. Things get worse when reader *thinks* she sees him flirting and tries distancing herself and wallow a bit. So maybe at the end either something happens and Gojo confesses (in his own emotionally constipated way) ooorrr Shoko *helps* out a bit by having a talk with good 'ol Gojo (or both *wink*). Either way, you take this idea, turn it, twist it, do whatever your magical talented self wants with it and you have all the love from me (you have it nevertheless ^^). Thank youu
Misunderstandings Can Often Be Helpful {Gojo Satoru}
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A/n: thank you for requesting, I hope you like it
Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Trigger Warnings: none
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Everyone who knew Gojo in a relatively more personal level could see it. Geto leaving hurt him. His wounds were still fresh and bleeding but he was now the strongest. Alone. The word didn't even feel right, refering to himself as the strongest when he had been so used to saying "we" since Geto was supposed to be always there with him. His best friend. His one and only.
But life went on and soon a new student was announced. With the only exception that you were no regular student. After the arrival of Yuta in Jujutsu Tech, Gojo had naturally expected you to be more around the first years age. The shock on his face when he learnt that you were just a few years younger than him would forever remain imprinted on your meomory... and on paper since Shoko managed to take a picture of him.
When the principal told him about you, Gojo expected to see someone with no abilities whatsoever. He knew of course that you were almost on the same level as him power-wise and from Yaga's sayings, you had no idea how to control your powers. It went without saying that he had been assigned to be your teacher since he not only was the only one who overpowered you but because he was the only one knowledgeable enough to help you understand and control your powers. That was what he told Shoko anyways.
What he didn't expect however was to get his ass kicked both physically and mentally. And all that on your first day there as well.
"Whoah, were are you going?" He quickly stood up, stretching his back. The last kick you had given him behind the knees had been enough to make him realise that turning off his limitless was a wrong decision.
"To get some water, I assumed we were taking a break? You seemed really friendly with the floor." You opened the door, ready to walk out.
"Do you usually assume a lot of things?"
"It appears as such. I assumed you were stronger in physical combat."
Now that was a hit below the belt. Apart from Geto and occasionally Shoko, no one ever had the balls to call him... weak. Gojo Satoru wasn't weak. He was the strongest!
"Damn that would have looked great on camera..." Shoko shrugged, blowing out the smoke from her cigarette.
"Are you kidding me? I don't even have time to respond! It's one sarcastic comment after another!" Gojo chuckled before shouting a 'time out' for the first years.
After that day, Shoko took a great liking in you, mostly because Gojo seemed to be getting gradually better emotionally. In fact, she went to properly meet you the very next day. And the rest was history.
You and Gojo were the only reasons why she would stay up late in her office, waiting for your training session to end, just so she can catch up with all the latest gossip brought by none other than the new strongest duo.
But Shoko was no fool. Be it after training sessions, after missions or even after some casual nights out with the two of you, she had quickly picked up on the way you looked at Gojo. It wasn't really admiration. Hanging out with his annoying ass had brought your ego to the same level as his. It wasn't the expected teacher-student dynamic either. That had long been gone after you managed to give him a black eye (accidentally obviously) during your early days of training.
It was something else, something she could say was a developing crush on the world's most annoying human being. But it was fun seeing it. Gojo knew your favourite drink by heart and would order it for you before you could even open your mouth. You would slightly blush when he would pass it on to you after the waiter mistaking it for his order. On extremely rare occasions she would catch your apologetic expression as you brought him to her office after landing him a hit that wasn't supposed to hurt him at all. Not to mention how she would notice you looking at him during your breaks. Yes, that was what sealed the deal for her.
The only problem was... Shoko knew Gojo and most importantly, she knew the reputation that surrounded him and if not the reputation then... the crowds of women. Not to be mistaken though, Geto was surprisingly far more popular with women back when Gojo and him were teens.
"You're here alone? That's a new one." She patted Maki's back, signaling for her to leave as Gojo entered the office.
"Yeah well... y/n left right after practice ended." He groaned and laid down on the cold metal bed Shoko had. "She did strain her leg though so I don't know why she refused when I offered to take her to you."
Shoko's alarms went off. You, refusing help from none other than Gojo Satoru? The guy you had a crush on for the last year now? Sure, there had been a few times here and there when you refused to help each other out of pure banter but at the end of the day, both of you walked into her office together.
"What's with that smile?" Gojo raised the left side of his blindfold just to side eye Shoko. "It's creepy."
But Shoko's life had just gotten a new meaning because the very next day she was ringing the doorbell of your apartment. She knew it was Saturday, you didn't have any missions and no practice time with Gojo so this was the perfect time to learn what had happened the night before.
Shoko wasn't someone who liked gossip. Scratch that: she wasn't someone who liked to work in order to learn the latest gossip. To his credit though, Geto always brought her something juicy. With him now gone, she was counting on you and Gojo.
"It's... 8 in the morning... what are you doing here? Why are you even up so early?" You let out a yawn and stepped aside to let her walk in your apartment.
"I need to know everything." She removed her shoes and her coat. "And when I mean everything, I mean even the tiniest bit of sweat that ran down Gojo's exposed forehead that made you not come to my office yesterday." With an air filled with nonchalance, Shoko took the ashtray you had bought specifically for her and walked towards your balcony. She knew you didn't like the smell of smoke in your house. "Come on! I need words coming out of your mouth sweetheart!"
You would have made up an excuse. Shoko knew you would, she could practically see it forming in your head but she knew you weren't going to say it. Because she was your best friend and you were hers and in the past year, the two of you had shared more secrets with each other than she had with anyone else. Yaga's hemorrhoids? You had discussed that in your first week there. Yuta's crush on Maki? Been there, said that.
"Um... I just... does he have a girlfriend?"
"No? Why?"
"Because... like..." And then you finally caved in, taking the closest chair and placing it next to the one Shoko was sitting on. "Two days ago, after we had returned from our mission, I filled in the paperwork and as I was heading to Yaga's office I saw him talking to a woman... and she seemed both serious and flirty?"
"How did she look like?" Shoko asked a little hesitantly, hoping you weren't talking about the one she thought you were talking about.
"Tall, blonde hair, she was holding a helmet."
Her assumptions had been correct. "Yuki? Tsukumo Yuki?" She turned to look at you with wide eyes and a cigarette that was hanging so loosely from her fingers that could fall in any moment. When you didn't respond, Shoko bursted out laughing. "Are you shitting me? Yuki is a special grade sorcerer. She would never... god... anyways, I have to go to the office."
That was a lie. Shoko wasn't going to the office.
Conveniently enough, yours and Gojo's apartment were as close as a fifteen minute walk so when she finally reached the fifth floor of his flat, she wasn't breathless.
"If you don't confess to that poor girl in the next hour, I will personally call her and tell her that her contact name in your phone is love. With a red heart."
"It's almost nine in the morning what are you doing here? Why are you even up so early?" He let out a yawn but unlike you, he didn't let her in so Shoko just pushed her way in. "No matter the case, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh you do. You have bought her kikufuku over a thousand times. Kikufuku that were meant for you!"
"I am a person who likes to share." Gojo leaned against the kitchen bar.
"He is lying." The old lady that he had hired to clean his house on Saturdays spoke, walking out of his bathroom. "He keeps following me while I clean and talks about her. I even sent her a gift on her birthday since aparently I know her better than her own mother."
Shoko's eyes widened at the sound of this new information and it wasn't long before she started throwing the apples on the kitchen counter at Gojo.
It took Gojo three minutes to put on some nice clothes and he could swear that if Shoko was tall enough to reach him, she would be dragging him to your house by his ear.
"Have fun!" Shoko pushed Gojo inside your apartment and before both of you could protest, she closed the door and glued her ear on it so she could listen to every single word, every single comma said between the two of you.
"How's your leg?" He asked. If anyone were to grade him right now, maybe he could get a D- for the effort.
"I'll live."
"Um... so..."
Was he nervous? Gojo Satoru, nervous. Let me rephrase that: Gojo Satoru was nervous while talking to a woman?
"You have made huge progress this past year. And I appreciate that we..."
The truth was that not even Satoru himself knew why he was so nervous. He had performed this speech for months in front of his mirror even though he knew how unlike himself this was. Gojo Satoru never rehearsed love confessions because he never needed any. The girls confessed to him, not the other way around.
"Please calm down a little. I am trying to remember the highlighted part at the corner of the page."
No, he hadn't written anything down. Hell, he had never even completed one rehearsal of this supposed love confession. But humour came naturally to him; it was the only way Gojo knew when it came to dealing with stressful situations. Especially after Geto left.
"I am glad we are the strongest um... together."
"Sure." You brushed it off, unaware of the amount of effort this poor guy was putting into confessing.
"Great, I'll pick you up at 7."
"For what?"
"Our date?"
"What date?"
"The one I am taking you on because I just confessed and this is what couples do?" A small pause followed and Gojo could practically feel the sweat staining his forehead even though he wasn't really sweating. "No?"
"8 works better."
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wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and Hero of cookies part 4
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 2999
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Dani haven't considered how hard it can be to save people from house fire
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Trigger warnings: house fire, panic attacks, temporary character death (am I over dramatic to say this if background child character's heart stops for a long moment and Dani hears it?) slight dissociation (tell me if I missed something, I'll fix it)
Dani proved to be useful addition to Duke’s patrol routine even though she couldn’t always join him, had very little actual training and was a certified mess most of the time. It was nice to banter with her in the free time, she did help when needed and her enhanced hearing was great in finding trouble he would otherwise overlook. She also often brought snacks (he did too, because girl had no idea what was healthy and in the love of god, if he didn’t try to get her in better habits). 
“Fire on seven. Some people are stuck inside,” Dani blurted out and flew faster than baseline person should be able to withstand. Duke run and grappled after orange blur she became. It was less than perfect that she couldn’t tell more specifically where things were going down, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t train. 
They rarely intervened with fires, unlike Gotham’s police and CPS, firefighters here worked pretty great. Dani knew this, so her going there in the first place meant something was up.
On a fly he grabbed his gas mask. It was made to withstand Scarecrow and Joker when they released their toxins and not smoke so it should do its job. He hoped that Dani would stop before entering so he could give her spare mask and well, coordinate. But she didn’t, of course. What did he expect from kid who body tackled Joker’s goon without second thought about idk, four other goons with guns being in the same room! He only saw end of her cape in between flames when he swung to the right street. Duke made sure his mask was secure when he stopped on a nearest save rooftop to assess the situation. Fire was too big to be put out with personal means like fire extinguishers so all they could do was to evacuate. 
“Hoopoe, you reckless idiot, don’t die in here,” he muttered, sure she would hear him before grappling inside too.
About five seconds after entering building, Dani decided that she didn’t like fires. It probably came from her time in Amity but she was far more comfortable when she could beat the root of the problem into submission. Also, it was surprisingly loud, like need-to-cover-her-ears-for-a-hot-moment type of loud. Not louder than a rogue attack, it would be really hard to beat that level of noise but fire was worse in some way. It was somewhat similar to nails on a blackboard. Not in a sound per se but in a vibe she got from it. How she couldn’t tune it out like she usually did.
She straightened herself and dove ahead to the nearest person she heard. Smoke rendered her eyes nearly absolutely useless. Though she saw, heard and felt enough to find safe routes. Of course she could go intangible and in theory wouldn’t be affected by anything from physical realm but even when intangible fire kept burning for some reason and she would prefer to stay raw to being crispy. Rescued people should stay unfried too.
She didn’t quite remember first few rescues, just that it went smoothly, she took a leaf from Danny’s book, throwing some puns and references she didn’t quite knew but from context thought they would fit. Then once outside, she kept telling them to wait for paramedics and went back inside. She was more and more on edge for some reason.
She was really glad she didn’t need to breathe as much.
Middle-aged man grabbed her arm and shook her violently, asking to save his children.
“Fourth floor, fifth window to the left. Please save them!” man cried. Dani felt kinda like snapping but took deep breath to stop herself from it. Signal would be disappointed if she yelled at panicking civilian. She could kinda relate to the man anyway. She was probably also panicking.
“I’ll save them, I promise,” she said instead, phasing out of his grip.
She heard them, little boy weakly whispering to his sister that everything would be alright as soon as the heroes would get to them. His voice was hoarse, choked, interrupted by shallow breaths while the girl sobbed. Dani darted their way. Fire unit and medics were finally getting closer.
Girl yelled when caped hero appeared in room full of smoke. They both were sitting, older boy slightly swaying.
“It’s okay, I’m here to get you out to your dad,” she soothed, grabbing them both into a hug like carry. She barely jumped away from under the crushed lamp that fell where they were half a second before. Girl yelped.
“It’s okay, I got you, it’s okay,” she muttered, hoisting kids into more comfortable position. She flew nearest way out of the rom, looking for a clear spot on an outer wall. Her stomach dropped and core spasmed when she realized that boy stopped breathing, going limp in her arms. She was panicking throughout whole of this fire rescuing mess but only then she became frantic.
Maybe it was because of the smoke that kept cluging in her throat. She didn’t need to breathe as often but now she felt like she was suffocating and was suddenly all too aware of each bit of air she managed to swallow in her lungs.
She almost dropped when they finally got out. It took less than a second for her to fly to the kids’ father. She put girl down a little to hastily before gently laying boy n the pavement. Adult was beginning to hyperventilate and honestly Dani wasn’t too far behind him. She wished Signal was there. He would know what to do. Dani only had been on one first-aid course and she spent the better part of it on reviewing memes.
She had to remember something!
Breaths! She had to make absolutely sure if he was breathing!
She remembered practicing this one, so she did as instructed, counting to fifteen instedad of ten for a good measure. Then to twenty just to be safe. She knew she was counting too fast anyway.
Boy wasn’t breathing.
He wasn’t breathing!
She wished her ears were deceiving her but there was no heartbeat too!
What was she supposed to do now?!
Oh, right, she remembered chest compression thing from movies. She could do it.
Someone yanked her back, so hard she almost hit her head.
“You’re doing it wrong. I’m nurse, I’ll do it,” young woman declared, already kneeling were Dani was mere seconds ago, unzipped boy’s hoodie and got to work. Only then halfa realized that they got circled by small crowd of people rescued from building. Two of them were calming boy’s family down. She would use some comforting too.
She scrambled to her feet, racing out the crowd. Nobody even glanced her way.
She turned around and flew back inside the burning building.
Why did it feel like running away?
First ambulance arrived three rescues after the boy. Dani was so relieved she had to stop for a moment because her knees buckled and flight betrayed her for a hot second. She heard only four other people inside and Signal. They would finish soon enough.
Her head was spinning slightly.
“Congratulations, you are being rescued, please do not resist” she announced with forced confidence, appearing next to the man who probably was in a gang. Thankfully he didn’t fight her. When she was back in Central City one of the Flashes told her to make sure that people know she was trying to help them especially if they seemed like the type to choose fight over other crisis responses. This man certainly did. He almost punched her anyway.
Next was boy who was far too little to be left alone. She gave him her cape. She assumed he could use the comfort it gave her. There was a reason she choose comfiest blanket to this role.
She heard Signal making his way to the last victim but for some reason it was slow going. She flew up there after the last reassuring words to the boy.
She learned why Signal got stuck about three seconds after appearing on the right floor. It was a literal epicenter or whatever it was called. The root of the problem. The literal Hell on earth. Dani stopped for a moment, downed by the coughing fit and tears making her sight absolutely useless.
Signal was talking to someone. Asking them to calm down. She wasn’t sure. Dani forced herself to stand up and go see what was happening. She was probably swaying a little.
There was young woman in the middle of the fire. There was no scent of burning skin or hair so Dani assumed there were some powers involved. Thankfully most likely she wasn't a ghost. Dani wasn’t in the right headspace to fight a ghost and as cool and competent as Signal was, he couldn’t fight ghosts either.
Woman was visibly terrified. She kept screaming, begging Signal to go away because she was too dangerous to be so close. Hero tried to talk her down. She yelled that it was all her fault and she shouldn’t be saved.
Woman had to just learn about her ability and lost control over it. Go big or go home, right? She didn’t exactly have home anymore so…
Dani barely kept herself from hysterical laughter.
Ghost fights were so, so much easier, she just had to beat the cause of the problem into submission and trap it in the thermos. No persuade it into stopping.
It was all too hot, too loud, too suffocating.
Dani could barely think.
Creaking of the ceiling boomed through her brain, somehow getting over the overwhelming cackle of fire that made her just want to hide in the corner and cry, even ignoring absolute onslaught to her other senses.
Ceiling was going to fall down and crush all of them.
Dani could barely think, so she didn’t.
She forgot to turn intangible when she crushed through window, meta woman held tightly in her arms. Thank Ancients she was durable enough to not break her head for that. Signal could handle himself. Hopefully.
Dani gasped on fresh air. She felt lightheaded, barely cognizant from instinctual relief to be out. She was free falling, her body limp, eyes half-closed, wind rushing in her ears and on her face. It was paralyzing but not in a bad way.
It felt good.
It felt like freedom.
It felt like something she could do for the rest of eternity.
It felt-
“HOOPOE!” panicked yell cut through her haze.
She was plummeting to the ground. She held someone. They would die when they crushed.
She should stop falling.
Could she do it? 
She had to.
She dropped off the blue haired woman with the nearest medic squad and ran. Or flew. She wasn’t quite sure. Her brain still didn’t feel right. But she knew she had to leave.
Next thing she knew was the pain from practically collapsing on a wall and dumpster she hid behind. From what, she had no idea. She had no idea about anything.
So she did only thing she still could.
Dani cried.
Duke was getting frantic in his search for Dani after that room collapsed. He knew she made it out, he saw her falling head first to the ground. He was trying to catch her but he knew he couldn’t do it on time. And then she caught herself, left Abigail with medics and flew away in a blur. And Duke couldn’t go right after her because some cop had questions. Duke did his best to wrap it up quickly but still by the time he could look Hoopoe was nowhere to be seen. He was straining his eyes trying to see any sign of her but other than the boy with her cape as a blanket there was nothing. He was tempted to ask Babs for help.
Scratch that, he didn’t have time to do this on his own. Pride and this stupid bet be damned. He turned on his comm, not bothering to go off the main channel.
“Oracle, I need you to search for white-haired preteen girl dressed in white and black. Somewhere near Rossaire street. Probably there will be no clear footage”
“Need help in search?” Steph chimed in gently “Spoiler can be there five minutes flat”
Duke considered it for a moment. Steph knew how Dani looked (as much as anyone who saw her only in photos could know how she looked) and wanted to meet girl anyway. She could be useful help. On the other hand, she mentioned before she had some important stuff. And he wasn’t sure how Dani would react to someone unknown finding her in this state. Last thing he wanted was scaring girl even more. He searched road for Dani’s past light, again.
“No, don’t worry. She just got a little overwhelmed”
“Alright, good luck with finding your kid then”
“She is not my kid!”
“Signal who-” Bruce grunted but got interrupted by Babs.
“Turn right, she entered blind zone but I can lead you there”
“Thanks O”
“No invisibility?” Steph mused.
“Thank God for that,” Duke answered, while grappling to the left. He shoot forward as fast as he could ”Or maybe not. She has to be quite out of it”
“Left again”
“Signal, who are you looking for?” Bruce asked again.
“Next alley to the right. It’s the last place I can see her”
“Thanks O.”
“Later B.”
Duke landed in the alley, turning his comm off. He knew that sooner rather than later he would have to explain himself and would probably get endless teasing but it wasn’t important at the time. He searched again for past light. He run after glimpses. He stopped when he heard sniffle from behind a dumpster. He slowed down, approaching loudly. It wouldn’t do any good to scare her.
Her breath hitched. Duke sat down next to her far enough to not invide her personal space but close enough to make her feel not alone.
Her face was black from ashes and smoke other than where her mask was and cleaner tracks her tears were making.
Her mask was laying on a ground (clearly forcefully thorn off which ouch), cape obviously nowhere in sight. When she calmed down, he would ask what happened with it. It would probably be a good distraction. But not now.
“Hey kid. Can you try breathing a little slower for me?”
She mumbled something, inaudible between loud wheezing.
“I know it’s hard but I’m sure you can do it. Who if not you?”
Girl visibly tried, shifting around as if she tried to find some much needed comfort. Clearly, the lack of pressure her cape was giving her wasn’t helping.
“How about you try putting hand on my chest and matching my breathing? It often helps”
She moved her hand and he led it to his chest. Dani shuddered.
Slowly, telegraphing his movements Duke extended his arm and put it across Dani’s shoulders. Girl leaned into it with choked sobs.
“I know it was scary,” he muttered as she shook silently “You did so well, Dani”
Girl let out quiet, high-pitched whine that didn’t sound quite human, trapping him in the hug much stronger than child her age should manage. He rubbed her back gently.
They sat in silence, as girl relaxed a bit.
“I officially despise fires. Just not my vibes, y'know,” was the first thing she managed to say. Duke smiled, still trying to comfort her. He knew far too well what she was trying to do. He let her. Every hero needed to retreat to humor every once in a while. Majority of his family and associated vigilantes did it constantly.
“Right here with you”
She looked at him, searching for something on what little she could see on his face.
“You see more, don’t you?” she asked but didn’t wait for an answer “It was too much even with normal eyes. How can you be so calm?”
“I have normal ears and after fifth or tenth time it loses its charm”
“Yeah, okay,” she wheezed out “I didn’t expect the fire to be so loud. And smoke was a bit much in terms of texture and smell and everything”
“I would give you a mask if you waited, you know?”
He felt more than saw how she shrugged. It seemed like she wasn’t exactly listening to him anymore.
“But since you didn’t, we should get you looked up by some professional. You breathed in some nasty stuff”
Dani didn’t respond. Then she sprung up with gasp, a little out of his grasp, not standing but sitting straighter. She grinned, wide, eased thing gracing her lips as fresh tears began to create new paths on her dirty cheeks. She let out a choked laugh, more sign of relief or release of tension than actual happiness. It sounded rougher than usual, probably because of smoke and ashes aggravating her throat.
He wanted to ask what was up but it felt like the wrong time for it.
“He is breathing again” Dani cheered gently, as if unsure before repeating loudly, letting herself believe “THE BOY IS BREATHING AGAIN!”
Girl was shaking again, no bothering with drying tears this time.
Duke could guess what happened. He didn’t want to think about it too hard.
“It’s great to hear”
“Yup!” she grinned between fat tears.
They sat in silence as Dani gradually calmed down again. He knew she didn’t feel all that well yet, she couldn’t but she was probably calm enough to not break down in the middle of the BatBurger.
“I think this day counts as quite bad one,” girl said, wheezing a bit. Duke smiled, knowing where this was going. He ruffled her hair.
“Yeah, I think so too”
None of them said anything for a long moment.
“You’re up for a ‘bad day combo’ Gotham style, Hoopoe?”
“Yup” she smiled.
Apartment building: *is on fire*
Dani: It can't be that bad
Narrator voice: It was in fact, much worse
Kid, whose heart stopped thankfully didn't have too many issues tied to it and nothing life treatening long term. Every person who was in the building during fire left relatively unscathed. This fic is supposed to be mostly fluff I'm not killing anyone
Kid who got Dani's cape-blanket refused to phisically let go of it for solid two weeks. Later it still had to be in his sight. Understandable since his life went of the rails and did it hard. Kids ripe age of seven shouldn't be home alone. Especially not for whole day...
Dani: *still clearly shaken* Does your bad day combo include fries?
Duke, on his way to The "I had mental breakdown and need calories" Waffle Foodtrack: No, but we can change it!
Underpayed BatBurger employee: ...
Duke&Dani looking like they've just returned from war:...
Underpayed BatBurger employee: ...
Underpayed BatBurger employee: *deciding they don't have enough mental energy to care* Welcome to the BatBurger, can I take your bat-order?
Duke: One kids meal, please
Employee at The "I just had mental breakdown and need calories" Waffle Foodtrack, used to seeing Bats crying: *sees Hoopoe munching on her fries but in a sad way* Ah, babiest one got christened by fire already?
Employee: *takes out notebook to note down crazy combo this kid will come up with**they have every Gotham vigilante in here*
Dani: I haven't had a waffle ever before so maybe nuttella and whipped cream? I don't know, sweet?
Employee, offended: Let me surprise you.
It was great waffle, sweet enough to give sugar rush quite big group of preschoolers. It had marshmallows, sprinkles, whipped cream, jellybeans, whatever else this person on the mission found and could mix. Dani absolutely loved and devoured it.
I finally didn't forget to add
I really want to draw Dani and Duke togheter but I can't find any pose references that satisfied me. Do you have any good ones? Can be chibi though preferably not
Next part
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The Outsiders as Modern Fast Food Employees
Based on stuff I have seen/done at work
-The management very clearly have a 'brand' about who works out front, so stereotypically 'pretty' people are usually interacting with customers and everyone else gets banished to the grill (this is a real thing that happened at my work. We have one token dude who works at the front and the rest of us are all rosy cheeked young girls with long hair. Seriously, put me and most of my female coworkers together we look scarily similar) POINT IS Soda, Ponyboy, and Angela would all get to work front of house
-Steve works grill and he's the coworker everyone likes for no reason, he's just chill and good at what he does and helps out when front of house is swamped without needing to be asked or being a dick about it
-Every fast food place has one good manager and one evil manager (it's a canon event ok) and as long as the evil manager isn't working Steve lets everyone working eat some of the leftover fries before he chucks them each night
-Ponyboy found a mouse in the walk in pantry once and took it home in a cup to keep as a pet. Darry wouldn't let him, so Curly agreed to foster it for him, and now they relentlessly refer to it as 'the baby'. Newly hired coworkers are always confused and a little concerned because are they actually gay teen parents? No, they're just dumbasses, but no one tells the new hires that because it's fun to see how long it takes them to figure out they're cooing about a pet MOUSE not a human child
-Everyone chats and shit talks over the headsets all the time, even though they're not supposed to. Since Curly and Angela speak spanish but no one else does, they shit talk about the evil manager when she's there, and tell her they're talking about their brother if she ever asks what they're going on about
-Sodapop hates working drive through but gets it almost every shift since he's one of the few people trained to do it
-Two-bit is that guy who's technically employed but has like...one scheduled shift a week and still calls in all the time
-Theres a group chat where the schedule gets shared but only Soda and Steve ever use it, and never for it's intended purpose
-Angela can cry on command and anytime a customer starts to complain about anything she immediately bursts into tears. As soon as the customer leaves she stops
-Angela's customer service voice is already high pitched (we love customer service voice woohoo) but when she's working drive through it's so shrill its a wonder anyone can understand her
-Darry has his other jobs so he definitely wouldn't work where the rest of them work but he's that family member that stops by all the time and chates to soda and/or pony for half an hour and everyone else is annoyed 'cause they gotta pick up the slack.
-Dallas also wouldn't work with them because that man could NOT do customer service but him and Tim could drop by all the time and be really nice to the workers but yell at other customers. Someone is letting their kid run wild in the lobby? Tim's scolding that kid AND their mother. Some old guy is bring curt with the staff? Dally's gonna be more than curt to him
-Johnny would be a doordash/skip driver but he's at the store so often that everyone greets him by name and kinda treats him like an honorary employee
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
The Copollogism Essays - Part 1: The Tent Scene
SO. Here we are. I have absolutely ascended to insane over two fictional characters' relationship by this point, and this will merely cement that into place.
I do not know how often I will update this, but rest assured I have it all figured out! I'll update with links below for easy access to the other posts as I analyze our favorite dumpsterfire ship >:3
Believe me when I say I have Thoughts™️
These essays will detail the scenes Apollo & Commodus have shared, as well as a look into how it affected them and we'll also take a look into where it stands in the toxic relationship territory (The answer may surprise you. Or not. I am not quite sure myself at this point in time LMAO).
Additionally, I will be giving my own thoughts on a few things I've noticed within the series. I will refrain from talking about my own personal headcanons and focus on what we're given in the books, as well as any and all historical facts from Commodus's life that relate to their lives/relationship.
From The Book: Part 1 (The Tent) ~ Part 2 (The Assassination) ~ Part 3 (Lester's Reaction) ~ Part 4 (Leo's Questions/Seeing Commodus Again) ~ Part 5 (The Arena) ~ Part 6 (The Waystation) ~ Part 7 (The Yacht) ~ Part 8 (The Final Moment)
Analysis: Part 1 (Apollo and Commodus as Individuals) ~ Part 2 (Toxic Relationship?) ~ Part 3 (Codependent - Or Is It?) ~ Part 4 (Other Thoughts)
Let us kick off with the infamous: Tent Scene.
The Tent Scene
All quotations from The Dark Prophecy
Let's break it down.
I could certainly sympathize with his feelings. Marcus Aurelius was the sternest, most powerful father in the world aside from my own father, Zeus. Both loved to lecture. Both loved to remind their offspring how lucky they were, how privileged, how far short they fell of their fathers’ expectations. And of course, both had gorgeous, talented, tragically underappreciated sons.
How their fathers treat them is certainly a focal point of their relationship, with Apollo knowing enough about Commodus's feelings on Marcus Aurelius to be willing to compare it to his own relationship with Zeus (which is...honestly worse than Commodus & Marcus's).
“My father made me his junior co-emperor when I was fifteen, Apollo. It’s stifling. All duty, all the time. Then he married me off to that horrid girl Bruttia Crispina. Who names their child Bruttia?”
We're told that Commodus has been co-emperor since he was 15 - certainly a young age by modern standards, but rather par for the course in Roman times. However, that does not mean the pressure of being co-emperor wouldn't be a lot on 15-18 year old Commodus.
He is a teenager, after all. And he is a teenager that is rather abhorred to responsibility.
I didn’t mean to laugh at the expense of his distant wife…but part of me was pleased when he talked badly about her. I wanted all his attention for myself.
Oh, Apollo sweetie...you have issues too XD
Wanting to keep your lover's attention to yourself? Yeah, sorry Apollo, but that's not a good sign. This just goes to show that they are both toxic influences, and they brought out the worst in each other.
“I’ll make peace with the barbarians,” he said immediately. “Then we’ll go home and celebrate with games. The best games, all the time. I’ll gather the most exotic animals in the world. I’ll fight them personally in the Colosseum—tigers, elephants, ostriches.” I laughed at that. “Ostriches? Have you ever even seen an ostrich?” “Oh, yes.” He got a wistful look in his eyes. “Amazing creatures. If you trained them to fight, perhaps designed some sort of armor for them, they would be incredible.” “You’re a handsome idiot.” I threw another grape, which bounced off his forehead. A brief flash of anger washed over his face.
Leaving this here for future reference but we WILL be coming back to it!!!! In a future post!!!!
I knew my sweet Commodus could have an ugly temper. He was a little too fond of slaughter. But what did I care? I was a god. I could speak to him in ways no one else dared.
Apollo is the ONE PERSON who is able to challenge Commodus. And from the previous passage, we can infer Commodus is not used to it, even though he is well aware Apollo is the one with all the power in this relationship - although, he sure does like forgetting about that detail a lot lmao
Commodus looked at me, panic in his eyes. “Go,” I said, as calmly as I could, forcing down my misgivings. “You will always have my blessings. You will do fine.”
A sweet thing I find in this section is; 1) Commodus looks to Apollo for comfort, for some sort of it will be fine; and 2) that Apollo is encouraging despite his misgivings. Apollo is aware what kind of leader Commodus could be. He knows there is a high chance of his lover becoming a worse version of himself.
In fact, he even admits it;
But I already suspected what would happen: the young man I knew and loved was about to be consumed by the emperor he would become.
But he tries to go the you have my support, you have my love route. Romantic, but ultimately, it's not enough to keep Commodus from the path he goes down.
into the mouth of the wolf, Apollo says. Because this is the last time he truly sees the man he loved.
The next time they meet? It will be a crazed, paranoid tyrant he has to end - and in doing so, breaks the promise he once made.
He rose and kissed me one last time. His breath smelled of grapes. Then he left the tent—walking, as the Romans would say, into the mouth of the wolf.
This whole, entire scene? It's drenched in a tragic aura. It starts out light and teasing, but it ends with this.
This is their final kiss. This is the final time they get to see each other without the barrier of betrayal between them.
And that, is truly heartbreaking.
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saintbarou · 1 year
 tags: 18+ minors dni, fem reader, penetrative sex, female receiving oral, unprotected sex, overstimulation, dubcon voyeurism (reader is not aware of it happening), themes of jealousy, possessiveness, reader and kunigami grew up together but began dating well into his pro soccer career, phone sex, shitty ex boyfriends, references to the hellscape that is blue lock- let me know if i missed something. inspired greatly by @prettyboykatsuki
synopsis: when your ex-boyfriend keeps the phone ringing the the last thing he expects is for your current boyfriend to pick up the call.
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When Kunigami returned from Blue Lock it was your happiest day, 6 months away from him who was at the time your best friend, was painful but when he gripped you tightly in his arms after being destroyed and rebuilt for the sport he loves you knew something else happened to him beyond soccer training. His career took off and you were there for him every step of the way but it was undeniable that he came back differently. Kunigami Rensuke at the age of 17 was warm - it shone in the autumn of his eyes the gentle way he would tuck the hair behind your ear when you would confide in him the terrible things your then boyfriend had said to you and it was felt in the understanding ways he would comfort you. Now he has changed - before he was a warm campfire, now Kunigami Rensuke was a wildfire that rages just for you and the field. 
 And maybe it is because of this newfound fire that makes him act the way he does when he finds out that your stupid fucking ex-boyfriend has been calling you non-stop since he was away for the season. It was the first thing you told him when he came back - that you planned to change your number as soon as he came back since your ex-boyfriend who had broken up with you 2 years after high school, right before you met, has taken to calling you and messaging you. Sometimes it was drunkenly, other times it was when he was sober but all the same, Kunigami hated it.
Kunigami does not hate most things - aside from losing and milk-soaked cereal he really, really hates your ex-boyfriend. He hates how the dumb schmuck doesn’t know that your favorite breakfast since middle school is toast with butter and jam followed by hot coffee with milk. He hates that he didn’t know that your favorite manga is Fruit Baskets and your favorite pokemon is a Glaceon. He hates how the fucking idiot doesn’t know that it’s your dream to see the Northern Lights and that you like a watercolor painting even if you aren’t the best at it yet.
Most of all, Kunigami Resnuke hates that this man had you for 5 years, throughout high school and two years after, and could not treat you with the decency you deserved. It was almost unjust, how a man like that had a woman like you. You were a kind-hearted girl, he remembers being little kids and how you struggled to play soccer with him but you always entertained him just because him being happy made you happy. Or you trying to learn how to play his scary gun games because that's what he liked to play and the years had made you as beautiful as your heart, it is an undeniable truth. Now you were his and he made it his goal to treat you as lovingly as you regard him.
Even if he has to put up with both of your mothers knowing and teasing glances at your budding and enduring relationship.
This is why he takes it personally when he hears your phone ring only a day when he’s back in the country - returning from abroad from the season and he sees a blocked number flash on the screen. Sucking at his teeth, a habit he’s picked up from Isagi from all people and he slides the call denied button, turning off your phone to give you peace of mind for the rest of the night. It works only for a while as you come out of the shower, skin flushed from the water he often jokes about being scalding with a soft smile that fades when you reach for your phone, turning it out to look through your emails and find that someone had called you - the person you wish had never even taken a second glance at. It makes Kunigami frown, he hates it when your smile falls and your pretty face is made into something that tugs at his heartstrings.
It bothers him, an itch he can’t scratch as he watches you from the corner of his eye as you go through your routine of brushing your hair and applying lotion to your freshly bathed body - a new habit you started as you had enough of dealing with the itchiness of dry skin.  That sad look on your face haunts him every time he closes his eyes and it’s what leads him to get up from his place on the bed until he is at your back from where you sit in front of the mirror. You raise your gaze to look at him through the mirror and you smile, so softly he still feels his knees go a little weak.
“Hi baby,” You say as you lean back to him to let him put his hands - so big and tan on your shoulders until your back is flush with his front. Kunigami is mighty in all things and even his heart can be felt through his skin until it marches to the beat of your own. Between the two of you, you are the one that vocalizes the affection of your relationship - saccharine pet names often befall your lips in a way that leaves him hot, cheeks blushing, and ears tinted pink. Even now Kunigami does not stand a chance when you call him your baby.
“Are you okay?’ He asks and you only sigh, eyes downcast in a way he can’t stand, and he tongues at his cheek in frustration because he knows why you are upset but he can’t do much about it if he doesn’t want to end up in some prison. You don’t even have it in you to say something back, letting yourself be brought close to him in a way that makes you wish you could just melt into bones and be one with the man you love more than anything.
“You want a distraction?” He asks, nose in your hair and he sighs at the scent of peppermint and tea tree oil. His question makes you shake - yes, yes you would like a distraction only he can give to you. You had wanted to hold back, give him the night to be settled but you’ve missed Rensuke, you missed how he kisses you and how he makes love to you. This time apart has been hard, the constant digging of an old wound has made you vulnerable and you need him as close to you as possible right now.
It’s why Kunigami takes you to the bed - kisses you with teeth and tongue, and puts his mouth on places only he has discovered. No one compares to him in how thorough he is with pulling every whine and soft moan from your plush mouth. He has you on your back, your legs crossed and narrowed with your heels digging into the curvature of his flexed shoulders as he keeps you in place for himself to devour you entirely. White teeth shine with the slick he pulls from you, lips that are often bitten and slightly cracked are wet with you as you tremble above him, sighing his name like he’s some sort of god to you - “Rensuke, Rensuke, Rensuke!”
Maybe he is because that’s what lovers see each other as right? He is sure you were something divine from the moment you two traded vulpixes and growlthies in the copies of LeafGreen and FireRed you two played in his childhood room to how he looks at the diamond rings he plans for the engagement that you don’t even know about. He drinks from you like you are something mythical, ambrosia and nectar can be sourced only from what your spread legs bear for him and him alone, he doesn’t even notice it but he’s made you cum twice now. Kunigami raises his head, the bottom half of his face slicked and shining with you and he eyes your puffy cunt with hungry eyes.
Desire, he hungers for more of what only you give.
You’re breathless, panting, and soaked with cum on your bottom half, sweat above the waist. Autumn eyes stay focused on your puffy cunt, swollen and sticky with his drool, and your release that clings between your thighs like a spider’s web. His tongue, the same one that was as deep as it can get inside of you, licks his bottom lip and you can only clench around nothing at the sight of it. Kunigami grins victoriously at the motion, you always bring your thighs flush when you clench and tighten at the idea of him being inside of you he finds it precious as it is enticing.  He laughs, it’s gruff to your ears but you already know what comes next so with a whine that is lost in the heated air of the room, you spread your legs and he soothes your hiss with a thumb that rubs at your inner thigh.
His cock is in his other hand that doesn’t soothe you and you try not to think that it is so like him - one side still has the Kunigami you grew up with and the other has the side of him that changed without you. His cock is tanned and heavy, bending under its weight it frightened you the first time you saw it; it would be a lie to say it still doesn’t. However Kunigami is a kind lover, he makes sure you are wet, leaking for him before he puts that monster you’ve lovingly called it before near you. This is why when the head meets the fluttering opening of your heat you only whine - high-pitched and faint when it first pushes in and you only gasp at the halfway point where his cock is the thickest. Kunigami huffs a laugh, he still thinks it’s cute you take his cock every time like it’s the first time although his libido makes it so you’ve taken him almost a hundred times.
You’ve taken him to base now - he fills you so well you wonder if you were made to be his. Panting and drooling, your legs are wrapped uselessly around his hips from how they tremble under the weight of his strokes. Kunigami likes to fuck you deeply, starting slow he builds the pace until your brain is melting out of your ears. Your breath is shortened, it’s hard to moan out his name at its full length and it’s apparent in how you mutter out short rasps of “Ren, Ren - oh!” Short, girlish little pants are taken from you and Kunigami delights in them - this is what victory tastes like, bathed in the sweetness of your honey that sticks to his pelvis to his balls.
He can still taste it on his tongue too.
The head of his cock never misses, it hits the bundle of nerves on your insides that make you squeal into his neck as your thighs are molded into his hips, he feels like he is something special if he gets to see you like this. 
Which is why, when your phone rings for the second tonight - you can only moan when you see the darkened look that paints his handsome face. The gray screen of the blocked number flashed and something wicked came your way. You couldn’t have stopped him, your mind is muddled by pleasure and your form is weakened by how he saps the strength from you with each thrust. You are entirely helpless when he reaches over, Kunigami as long as he is broad and he answers the phone with a well-timed thrust that makes you moan high over the rustling of the sheets and your boyfriend’s low moans. The call is quiet, shock paints the absence of sound as the sounds of your coupling echo in the receiver of the call.
“The hell you keep calling for - she’s fucking,” Kunigami rasps a groan as your cunt flutters, a sign that your third completion of the night is on the rise.” Fuck, she’s busy. Stop calling.”
You can faintly hear the muffled curses that your ex lets out but it doesn’t matter now because now you are thrown over the cliff's edge - Kunigami’s thumb found itself at your clit while you were too busy gazing up at him. The pleasure is immense, from the way he looks down at you; Kunigami sees you as both his person and his possession - people are allowed to covet for what is his but they are not allowed to commit any attempt to try and take it. He can share anything but you, he can give anything up but you. The same way he is greedy so is the pleasure he plucked from you, your vision whitens and you swear you hear the ocean in your ears.
Kunigami Rensuke has earned the right to be at your side, anyone else is a nobody that doesn’t deserve to breathe your air. Not even the stupid fucking chump that once was your boyfriend.
You are so lost in the sea of pleasure you don’t realize that the call hasn’t dropped yet - the receiver echoed the warbled cries and moans of you cresting orgasm paired with the sticky, wet sound of your cunt being fucked makes you whine in embarrassment as your hearing returns to you. Kunigami is still fucking you - drawing his hips back to press himself deeper and deeper until it aches. It’s only when it aches does he cum with a grunt, hands gripping into the soft skin of your hips and it’s like he is trying to well his fingers to your bones - so he may never have to be apart from you again.
The call is still going and you’re still still in a haze. You can’t hear what your man says into the microphone, his voice low and gruff from pleasure - “Call her again, and I’ll beat the shit out of you.” The call is cut, and that is the last day you ever hear from your ex boyfriend. 
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acourtofladydeath · 7 days
Eris Week '24 Day 6: AU/Retellings
On day 6 of @erisweekofficial I'm choosing to fulfill a both prompts together with the first book of "The Song of Azris".
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The epic begins. In Book I: The Promise, we learn of Azriel's past and the fateful day in Sparta that would once again bring these men together again in Troy.
Referring to each chapter as a book is also a nod to Homer's style, and the way he outlined both The Iliad and The Odyssey.
Be sure to read the "Catalogue of Characters" and "Ode to the Muses" before you get started. TW/CW for Book I include fire, burns, death, parental abuse of a child.
Read a snippet of Book I below, or find the whole book on AO3.
The days in the training field had been hard, and Azriel’s hands were sore from holding the metal sword thrust upon him. He was only twelve- he shouldn’t have been a full-size sword yet- but his father had commanded it. No one refused King Menoetius, especially not his youngest son.  Menoetius decided Azriel had to be good for something. He was much younger than his brothers and would never be a king in his own right. So, he was to be a soldier. The best soldier, meant to protect his brothers’ backs as they were trained to take his father’s throne.  He’d passed by the beach, looking for where his mother and sister would play skipping stones. Not finding them there, Azriel approached the small house where Phoibe would hide from their brothers. She told Azriel she was safe there - no one could touch her. But the bruises he so often found on her arms indicated otherwise. As the eldest, she should have been first in line for the throne- would have been if not for the misfortune of being born a girl. Their mother was sickly, unable to care for Azriel as a child, and Phoibe had practically raised him. Some of his best memories were of just the two of them, playing together, laughing, separate and safe from the others.  Kicking dust as he made his way toward the cottage, deep in thought, Azriel watched the sun as it dipped below the horizon, sending tendrils of light like flame across the sky.  The screams broke him from his reverie, spurring him into a run. His legs ached, muscles screaming as he pushed them once again after breaking himself in training from sunup to sundown. Cresting the hill’s horizon, Azriel took in the cottage, the tendrils of flames licking the room, caressing the sun's dying rays. 
Keep reading here on AO3!
Special thanks to @alexandia03 for helping me correlate all of the characters, piece together the myths/legends, and for beta reading this fic.
And thank you also to @the-darkestminds and @pippsmcgee for beta reading!
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist! @pippsmcgee, @born-to-riot, @chunkypossum, @bubybubsters, @queercontrarian, @yanny-77, @fieldofdaisiies, @iftheshoef1tz, @secret-third-thing, @jules-writes-stories, @the-darkestminds, @climbthemountain2020, @molcat07
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
PAIRING: Dark!Chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Innocent!Reader
WORDS: 1,837.
SUMMARY: Aegon finds himself a new obsession in the form of you, that drives him beyond his wildest, unimaginable dreams. 
WARNINGS: dark!aegon, fingering, non-con sex, breeding kink, innocence kink, mentions of stalking, slight reference to Stockholm syndrome, mentions of unintentional harm, mentions of pregnancy, NSFW.
A/N - this aegon has been on my mind for quite some time now & I don't think he's ever going to leave. I apologise for my shit ass smut, I wish ya’ll could just read my mind LMAO. 
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Aegon became grossly infatuated with you the moment, he’d laid those lilac eyes on you, the moment he heard the sweet, innocent sound of your laugh and could feel your overall warm presence. 
He’d observe you closely at a distance in court, he was the son of the King and ‘rightful’ heir to the Iron Throne, he did not want to frighten you off just by his mere stature.
He had asked around about you, who you were, what you were like, however he gathered that by listening in on your conversations.
He often forced his own knights/servants to spy on you if he could not himself, for he wanted updates on who you’d interact with, what about and why. He needed to know everything. 
You began to occupy his thoughts night and day, and he could not find solace, even when he attempted to settle his urges and desires with countless women he sought in the Streets of Silk.
Even in his drunken state did this worsen his mind, for he filled himself with filthy thoughts of all the things he could possibly do with you. Envisioning your body beneath his as he pumped himself into you, the way your mouth would feel tightly wrapped and sucking on his throbbing cock, taking all his girth in. The way he'd shove your head deeper, as he satisfied himself, and comforted you for being such a good girl. 
He'd concluded that nothing could nor would satisfy him unless it was you. 
Nonetheless, after his investigations into you, he’d come to gather that you were innocent, unwed and untouched. This only drove his want for you deeper, every fibre in his body urging him to thrust and force himself on you, so that he could claim you.
In time, you had heard whispers that he had been asking around about you, he was the King’s son and he was curious, people inevitably talk. 
His reputation was notorious across those familiar with King’s Landing. He was known to bed with as many whores as he pleased, often even forcing himself upon helpless servants. He’s been known to conduct bets in the fighting pits, and Gods know what other carnal pleasures he lusts for. 
You did not want Aegon to pursue you, he was not a man but a monster in your eyes. 
Although, much to your unfortunate he keenly noticed how less apparent and absent you'd become to court and royal feasts and events. 
This angered him, it wounded him, for he knew you were frightened and had come to the decision that you did not want him.
This wouldn’t stop him, as his spies had gathered plenty of evidence to know of your usual whereabouts, he was able to find you in no time. Often you shared similar lessons with Helaena, his younger sister, and he relished in this.
The frustration of not seeing you acted as his courage, as he stopped you in an isolated hallway, it felt all planned for there was not a single soul insight. He must've commanded the guards to leave. 
“You’ve been hiding from me, my sweet girl.” 
You’d frozen, not being able to comprehend this sudden ambush nor having the courage to muster any response.
You felt yourself pacing slowly backwards, although Aegon followed you, closing the distance until you found yourself barricaded in a corner between the stone wall edges and Aegon’s massive frame.
Aegon, unlike his younger brother, was larger in size. Although he trained occasionally in combat fighting, and rode his dragon Sunfyre, the physical activity could not compete with his large appetite, nor his thirst to drink wine by the barrels. You could smell the strong tinge of alcohol on him, although he did not seem drunk, however much more alert.
His piercing eyes glued to you, wandering all over your body, you thought you could almost hear a deep growl bellowing in his throat. 
His hand reached up towards your breast, and you instinctively slapped it away, although this entertained him, a sly smirk appeared on his face. 
Not a second passed, before his hands gripped your arms, turning you to face the wall, as he pushed himself into your back.
“See what you do to me, how you make me feel.” 
He began slowly gliding his hard cock against your backside, its form burying itself into ass cheeks, one hand remained firmly entwined with your arm to resist your escape, as your palm remained rested on the wall, and his other hand, fingers interlocked with yours began to snake its way down to you cunt.
Much to your surprise as he lifted up the front of your dress, his fingers still locked with yours circling your entrance.
A low chuckle escaped his lips that stood directly against your ear, as he too felt the wetness beginning to pool.
“And look at what I do to you, hmm.”
This only made his cock harder, you could feel the restriction in his pants, the deeper he thrusted himself into you.
He deploy inhaled your scent in, nibbling at the tender sides of your neck, as you turned resting your head on his shoulder.
“Fuck, Y/N. You think I could let you walk around without giving me what I want.”
You couldn’t help yourself, the way your body gave into him. You tried so desperately to stop when your senses gathered some normalcy, although Aegon was too strong to overpower.
Your back arched just perfectly against his stout stomach, his fingers shoved in deeper encircling your cunt in ways you never thought possible.
You’d never been touched like this before.
As you felt your body heating, an excitement building in between your legs, Aegon had let go completely, leaving you a squirming, whimpering mess. You fell to the floor, and as he gathered himself, he disappeared.
From that moment on, it was not the last encounter Aegon would intend on having.
He found himself sneaking into your chambers, forcing himself on top of you, this time he’d commit to the deed.
Or he’d even send for a servant, deceiving you to miss out on a lesson or an event, where he could meet you in some dingy, isolated place in the castle or outdoors, where he could fuck you senselessly whenever he felt.
After various attempts you did not resist, for the sex and the attention he gave was an addiction. No man, had ever come remotely close to what Aegon would do to you.
And although this was not how you envisioned your life to go, you did not fight it. Aegon despite his tendencies and dark fantasies, took care of you. He made sure you were safe and protected out of harms way, for God’s sake he was the future King.
He ensured maids were sent to help you after your sensual interactions, and occasionally sent gifts to you, such as jewels, clothes (to make up for the many times he’d rip and tore your dresses and beloved jewels off of you in the heat of the moment.
He did not care that you were not wed for he could not physically wait, and he knew that the formalities of betrothals were time-consuming.
He did not intend to gain your father's hand in marriage for he knew, most likely he would be denied for who he was. 
Aegon knew how people saw him, and to some degree it turned him bitter. Although, having seen you, you were his last strand of hope, that perhaps he could force someone to see him in a different light. 
Despite your initial pleas to wait to consummate, you’d succumbed to Aegon’s desires, for you knew now you were his, tainted by his seed.
His primal instinct to claim you had overpowered him, as his thick cock would bury itself deep into you, stretching your walls out, as it throbbed for him.
“Ugh, look at how tight you are, how well you take me all in. Just perfect for me.”
Aegon loved your tits, he often found himself biting down on the meat, and suckling at the nipple. He’d seat you on his lap, his cock still buried in you, as he’d leave wet, trail marks of kisses and hickeys all across your soft skin.
His hands would tightly grip your ass cheeks as often he became tired, would he encourage you to ride him as he watched from below. Your hands rested on his stomach and podgy muscular chest. He loved the way you straddled his thick thighs, because of how large they were your cunt would naturally expose itself, allowing you to ease yourself down onto his cock. It was the perfect seat. As you rode him, the way your cheeks smacked down against his thighs, the friction he loved.
Another thing you’d come to realise of Aegon was how he did not care for how he looked, he has the body made for a King and you deeply would come to admire it as he did.
You’d noticed now that his drinking habits (not yet come to a halt) had eased. Much of your encounters occurred when he was sober, from time to time he would seek you out drunk, although he knew that this displeased you.
He was much more rough and sloppy when he was drunk, as often in the following days, he’d realise the bruises he’d leave on your body from the way he’d tightly grip you. The one that frightened him the most, was a bruise he’d left behind, that he noticed whilst you were asleep on top of his chest, his finger marks pigmented purplish-green on the skin of your throat.
He did not know his own strength, and so he vowed to himself to lessen the drinking.
He did however love to sip the wine off you, if he had not drunk prior throughout the day. The way he poured and allowed it to flow down your cunt, as he would longingly eat you out, the way his tongue swirled and devoured your sweetness infused with the wine.
The man thrived off your body, and it drove him even more feral that he knew your body was made to take his children.
“Going to fuck you senseless until I see your stomach swell with my child. I want everyone to know who did this to you.”
“Look at how well you soak up my seed, your body was made for me, my sweet, sweet girl.”
Aegon would always cum inside you, regardless of where you were fucking or what mess was left behind, he wanted people to know.
He wanted people to know the reason your stomach swoll was because the child that grew warmly inside was his, the reason your breasts became large and tender full of milk, and the way your hips grew to prepare for birthing the babe was all because of him, the way you’d waddle around the castle yard… All his undoing.
He had no shame, and would argue with anyone that had an issue or spoke ill of you in front of him. He even attacked a young knight that dared to compare you to a whore, as he had momentarily walked by. 
As part of Aegon’s plan, you were confirmed by a maester to be pregnant. Once his family had known that you were with child, an immediate, private wedding ceremony was held, to uphold and appease the Faith.
Aegon did not mind for this, for he did what he had set out to do.
Overtime, you had come to love Aegon as he loved you deeply. For certainty, he took great care of you and your child. Whether it was an obsession or not, he had eyes only for you, you were his and his alone.
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inkymoon16 · 1 year
My masterlist
Remus Lupin x Reader
The only empty seat on the train is with Sirius, James, Lily and their friends. Since it's a full moon Remus is not on the train. But they think you two would be a good match...
Naturally you were in a rush. You flew through the magical barrier at Platform 9 ¾ and went careening around the corner with your luggage almost falling off the cart. Parents waved goodbye to their children through tear filled eyes but you pushed through the throng of the crowd. You unloaded your things to a train conductor and boarded the train, slightly out of breath. 
Boarding the train always made you a little bit downcast because there was no one to wave goodbye to. When your parents died in a car accident, your aunt whisked you away to an orphanage. Alone and cold, your world changed for the better the day you got the Hogwarts letter in the mail. One of the headmasters at the school was the same as you, a witch. 
You searched the train for an empty seat but as you passed full compartment after full compartment your heart sank. There wasn’t a seat to be found. You didn’t really make friends your first year so there was no one to rely on to save you an empty spot. 
The first thing you heard was their laughter that drifted into the hallway. You peered through the glass windows to see an empty seat. Now faced with actually inserting yourself into a group of people your skin broke into a cold sweat. You must have stalled for a couple seconds too long because a girl with flame red hair and pale skin opened the compartment doors for you and waved you in.
“The train is so packed today! We have an open seat if you want to sit with us though.” She said. You awkwardly shuffled in, sitting down next to a boy with black hair and an impish smile. “I’m Lily by the way. This is James, Sirius, Marlene, Peter, and Mary.” 
“Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“What year are you?” Sirius inquired.
“Second year.”
They all broke out into a smile. “Yeah, us too.” 
As comfortable conversation broke out among the compartment you found you had a lot in common with the rest of the group. It was very easy to sit among them and their company was good fun. They seemed to like you. 
At dinner that night they invited you to sit with them which gave you hope for new friends. They were a raucous group, with little care for the rules. They laughed loud, talked with their mouths full, and poked fun at each other. But they all clearly cared deeply for each other. 
“Hey, I think Y/N will get along really well with Moony. They’re both so quiet.” James said. You gave an awkward smile at the mention of being quiet. You hated being referred to as quiet. Somehow that word had such a negative connotation that you just couldn’t stand. 
Lily looked over at you. “You’re right. But something tells me that Y/N isn’t that quiet.” She smiled at you, as if reading your thoughts.
“Who’s… Moony?” You asked. 
“Only our best friend!” Sirius boomed. “His family is still on holiday traipsing some sort of mystical mountains saving animals or some other ridiculous bullshit.” 
“He’ll be returning tomorrow though. We’re throwing a party in his honor just because. You should come to Gryffindor tower. Our parties are somewhat legendary.” James said, puffing his chest with a pompous flair. 
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You responded, smiling a real smile for the first time in what felt like ages. 
As you walked through the drafty castle halls towards the Gryffindor common room you couldn’t help but let your imagination wander about “Moony”. You had kept to yourself last year and you really hadn’t seen this group of people before. You’d seen Lily in the library often which made you feel drawn to her. They all agreed that you’d like Moony so maybe this could lead to a good friendship. Hopefully he was attractive. 
They had given you the password at dinner last night so you entered the Gryffindor tower with ease. The common room was crowded with lots of people. It was loud, but not raucous yet. You spotted Lily’s red hair from across the room and made your way over. The common room was cozy despite its massive size. Spiral staircases led their way up to the dorms. 
“Glad to see you here!” Lily said genuinely. 
James and Sirius join your company and you all chat about your first day of classes. Their easy joking manner made conversation flow effortlessly. Your eyes roamed the common room, looking at all the people that had come to this party. 
Sirius caught you marveling at all the people. “See I told ya. Legends.”
You laughed at his comment. “Who’s that?” Across the room, near the record player stood a mysterious looking boy. He had light colored hair and a mousy look to his face. He was attractive in a studious way. 
James followed your gaze. “Oh him? That’s Moony!” He grinned. “I knew it. I’ve never been wrong in my life. Knew ya’d like him.”
You blushed, embarrassed. They ushered you over to him and James gave him a slap on the back. 
“Remus, this is my dear friend Y/N.”
So his real name wasn’t Moony. You wondered where he got that nickname from. 
You gave a shy smile. “Hey, I’m Y/N.” 
You two talked the entire night, the conversation never falling silent. James and Sirius were right, you guys had a lot in common. He was a very sweet boy and had a smart insight to many topics you talked about. 
The thing you shared the most with Remus was your taste in music. You discovered that you both shared a love for your favorite singer, David Bowie. He put on his favorite record and Bowie boomed across the entire common room. It was awesome. 
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hbpseverus · 8 days
For the past day somebody has been in my TikTok comments arguing about Snapes Worst Memory and the definition of SA (mind you, under a post that was entirely unrelated to the topic!) and their replies are just... insane? I'm going to block this person and I would hope they are simply quite young and very biased towards their favorite character (being James), but I thought I'd share some of my... highlights here. For amusement but also for further discussion since TikTok replies are too restrictive for proper analysis. Obvious trigger warning for discussion of SA ahead.
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- Let's start with this topic of pantsing. I do not think this term is appropriate for what happens in SWM because that scene goes beyond the usual understanding of what 'pantsing' is. Severus was simultaneously being choked and magically restrained upside down in the air in a position where he could not defend himself or simply pull down his trousers/robes again. Imagine a boy and his friends restraining a girl in the schoolyard, exposing her underwear for everyone to see and collectively laughing at her. Or a stranger pulling down a womans skirt on the train, for example. Surely both of these cases would be considered SA, right? These women could undoubtedly go to the police with this. So why is it different when it happens to Severus? To me it feels like it boils down to the 'boys will be boys' mindset. When a boy does this to a girl we all agree that it's SA, but when a boy does the same thing to a fellow boy it is 'not that deep' and just a prank. And this exact mindset is a serious issue, with male victims not being taken seriously, especially by fellow men.
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- Well... this last reply I thought was absolutely insane so I'll let it speak for itself lol. Fact is, whatever James' intention, the act of exposing someones underwear and especially genitals against their will is always inherently sexual. For obvious reasons, this can not be compared to a parent changing their childs diaper.
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- They then dropped this definition at some point. What bothers me the most about this is especially the second part. The intent of SA, even rape, is never truly simple sexual arousal or gratification. It is first and foremost about abusing power. James saw Severus as a love rival when it came to Lily. He did not threaten to undress Severus to gain sexual satisfaction, but to humiliate him and therefore gain power over him. That does not mean it was not SA. The attackers intention matters little to the victim. There are of course also so many forms of sexual assault that do not include physical touch, it can even happen online.
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- Finally they tried to argue that James did not threaten to remove Severus' underwear at all, stating that 'pants' refers to trousers, not underwear. Now I am not a native english speaker, but it should be obvious to any literate person who reads the chapter that this cannot be the case. It is described that, as Severus is lifted upside down into the air, his robes fall over his head, immediately revealing his bare legs and underwear with no mention of trousers, followed by other characters explicitly seeing and mocking his underwear. He clearly was not wearing any trousers under his robes. I also argued that it was translated into 'underwear', not 'trousers', which they did not want to hear because JKR did not translate it herself. The movies can not be used as an accurate source here. The source material are the books. The movie was not written by JKR either. The movie scene as a whole was changed drastically. The movie could also most likely not display the full original scene as it's target audience were children and it would be considered too graphic. They then used quotes about other characters wearing trousers as 'proof' that Severus also had to have worn trousers under his robes. Do with that what you want. What I will say is that this conversation often shifts towards victim blaming, i.e. 'it is Snapes fault for not wearing trousers under his robes!'. I don't need to explain how dangerous and morally horrible this is.
Well. Honestly being a Snape stan can be exhauating sometimes. I'm honestly getting real tired of having this conversation so often, but as long as I wake up to my comments blowing up with people arguing about the fucking definition of SA I will keep talking about it because this clearly goes beyond simple arguments over fictional characters.
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hueberryshortcake · 2 months
crawling out of the void to present a rare
this week it's DANGEROUS DISGUISE which is one of my favorites so you know i had to roll up. let's get going
so this comic was written in the middle of 1950 and is about spies. what else happened in 1950? THIS GUY. pause for hatred:
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[for the non-americans because i don't know how common this information is: joseph mccarthy gave a speech in early 1950 that leveraged post-war anxieties about the soviet union's influence on countries weakened by the devastation to turn americans against each other by claiming that secret communist spies were infiltrating the US government. he made up most of this information but it sparked another Red Scare where everyone was particularly afraid of spies and stuff. birth of the cia etc. this has been an off-the-cuff history lesson by caoimhin]
okay anyway so we start out with the ducks having been banished to europe because they were annoying uncle scrooge too much. this is after barks realized that having a rich guy as a plot device to let the ducks explore was, comment dit-on, awesome. so that's Interesting Barks History Fact Number 1. donald says "i wish uncle scrooge would get mad at us more often" . swag
Interesting Barks History Fact Number 2: homeboy got in trouble for having too many humans in this comic. in fact i believe that the duck family are the only non-humans in this one. after this he tends to stick to his "vaguely dog-humanoid things" strategy when he doesn't feel like coming up with unique animal designs. i approve of this because it means i get to go full sonofmegavolt humina humina at some of the women he drew. outside of disney early in his career barks drew some quite racy stuff btw. insert wolf whistle here. ANYWAY.
we get some "gee whiz uncle donald do you think any of these cool europeans are spies" from the boys to which he's like "whatEVER" and theHOLD ON HOLD ON WHA
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ok im focused.
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i lied. donald gets it
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these panels are fire. i just want to take a moment to appreciate this for being hella violent. there's like six guns in one panel guys. everyone say thank you carl. huge fan of cloakan dagger, what a great name.
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and here she is. my beautiful wife madame triple x. i mean who. who is that. well we can tell she's french because of. she talks like that. everyone point and laugh at the french people. anyway madame xxx looks incredibly sexy and says "it's fine for me to read this message there's nobody around except for those three little boys digging in the sand" which is her first mistake because as we learn time and time again they're. well they're Like That. also when she thinks to herself she loses the accent which i did not pick up on initially because im silly
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he's just like me guys
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this made me shriek sorry dude just appeared
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i KNOW barks was giggling and kicking his feet when he wrote this
at which point huey throws a grown man off a bridge. huey kill count 1
and would you LOOK WHO'S BACK
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madame triple x are you free on thursday because i am free on thursday when i am free
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how long was this guy just sitting there
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"i'm just a girl lol"
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bro you are two inches tall
you see it's FUNNY because the FRENCH PEOPLE went on STRIKE
"sorry dude im on strike"
omg. see it's donald but you can tell he's spanish because he has black hair
next the triplets trap donaldo el quacko in the shower by holding him at Freezing Water Point. this wouldnt work on me because even though i have severe cold sensitivity ive been taking cold showers for three days [rv water heater broken]
after this we have a clever reference to El Materdor when donald gets ready to fight a bull.
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get his ass louie
i like to think Miss Georgia Cornpone has a southern accent. actually can we fancast dolly parton. because of beautiful women
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that was so beautiful. thanks for coming with me guys. this comic is so good everyone listen to the Carl Barks Remarks episode about it because it's funny and informative ok byeee
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itspkuwu · 4 months
Why I Think Marie Kanker Can Be A Good Person
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I truly don’t think that Marie is really “evil” (unlike Lee). Even in the show, she does have some nice moments. My conclusion: Marie is only the way she is due to being under Lee’s bad influence.
People would say that it’s only May who’s under the bad influence. But let’s really think about this. We’ve seen Marie vent out her anger in Hanky Panky Hullaballoo in a HEALTHY way through painting. Sure, her art was passive aggressive, but nobody was actually getting hurt. Even if it was only shown once.
And Marie isn’t individualistic like May. Marie relies on Lee for practically everything. Imagine if Lee wasn’t around. Would Marie be as cruel? Would she be jabbing at May? Because Lee often says things like “Good one, Marie.” whenever Marie does jab at May. So the backup “support” from Lee is still fueling Marie’s train. Every bad thing Marie does comes from Lee.
Oh and another thing! When Marie was bickering with Jonny over the pie slice. Was Lee around? No. Therefore, did Marie see the need to pummel him? No.
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Like I said, when Lee isn’t around, Marie will fight vocally. But not physically. Case and point: This scene from Hanky Panky Hullaballoo
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Lee is even the one who points out to Marie that Double D is “flirting”. And instead of instantly going after May with direct anger, the scene fades out to show Marie venting through passive aggressive painting, which is actually a healthy way to deal with anger. This time, unlike other times, she was able to hold herself back. For the sake of not wanting to hurt her little sister again. And she’s not even facing Lee, most likely knowing Lee already disapproves of her artwork.
But unlike in Fistful of Ed when Marie was fighting with Jonny over the pie slice, Lee is around. The frustration of wanting to know what’s on those cards Jonny’s running with, and thinking that Double D is her significant other, sparking jealousy, is already bad enough, but remembering that Lee can clearly see what’s she’s doing, and probably already aware that Lee is expecting her to use violence, and is even watching over her argument with Jonny…
This is what causes Marie to snap. The peer pressure of needing to prove her reliability.
So, if not for the bad influence from her older sister, who is Marie Kanker?
If you look hard enough, Marie is actually pretty smart.
She’s logical and wanted to call the cops when the ship in a bottle was stolen.
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And no, this isn’t like in A Twist Of Ed where Lee also wanted to call the cops. Lee only used that as a last resort. Meanwhile it was Marie’s first, and actual reasonable instinct.
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She keeps her history with her, and corrected Double D when he thought it was “Eddy’s land”.
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She also has an artist side. I’ve already shown her painting, but earlier on in the same episode, she referred to May as “Vincent Van Stinko”(which I’ll explain why she jabs at May further down) So Marie clearly knows famous artists from history.
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She even seems to have a liking for mechanics. She became very excited when Eddy tricked her into thinking there was an abandoned car axel near by.
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And it could be argued that they ALL have a thing for car mechanics, like when they’re all reading a magazine about tire irons, or when May says “I love truck tires!”
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But this trait especially shines through with Marie in The Mis Ed-ventures video game. In The Nightmare On Ed Street level, The Eds are to bring a gift to each Kanker Sister. Marie’s gift is a can of axle grease.
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Oh, and in case you’re curious, Lee’s gift is another stupid ship in a bottle, and May’s gift is a book about taxidermy. (poor girl probably thought it was about stuffed animal toys)
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And I don’t know if it’s just me, but I swear I can only hear Marie and May giggling and being excited over the tire irons magazine. Not Lee. Just listen:
Probably just another form of manipulation. Pretending to be just as thrilled as her sisters to keep their un deserved trust towards her. Or maybe I’m just crazy. But I prefer to go with the former.
And Marie DOES have really sweet moments. She was playing movie star with May and even hugged her later on in Homecooked Eds.
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(i’m obsessed with this picture of them hugging) She used that same camera a lot in the episode so she’s into filming.
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And most important of all: She doesn’t instigate like Lee. And I feel she only jabs at May to gain Lee’s approve. She’s afraid of Lee herself, and only uses violence when Lee is around. Like what I said before with Jonny and the pie slice.
In conclusion: I’d call Marie a creative individual. Who knows how to open her heart, but has it locked away again by Lee.
And Marie even jabs at Lee too. Probably to get back at her for making her bully May. My favorite example: When she yanked out Lee’s arm pit hair.
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Marie was ignoring May when she asked her to flip her over. And right before Lee jumps onto Marie and goes “Can’t you hear your sister talkin to ya?”, probably to instigate more sarcastic teasing upon May, you can see Marie frowning a bit. She must’ve felt bad for her and maybe even regretful when she heard Lee tell May to shut up. And so, to get back at her, she seeks the opportunity to cause Lee even a little bit of physical harm and calls her a “sucker”.
To me, Lee is like this angry, evil villain boss. Meanwhile Marie and May are her two little “minions” who secretly want to leave, but are too afraid to. Or in this case, don’t know any better. And I’m just trying to proof that Marie DOES act like an actual person. Something I definitely cannot say about Lee. Think about it, what other character traits has Lee shown other than bully, creep, and (I guess) leader?????
I don’t really know how to end this post lol. So I’ll just say I’d like to hear your thoughts on Marie :3
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hayakawalove · 9 months
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“Are you the Devil?” You breathlessly ask.
Suguru smiles softly before fixing a piece of your hair.
“The Devil was an Angel, I’m something much worse.” 
TW: Just kind of gross overall, reader has fem genitalia and is referred to as a girl, slight sexism, blood, anal sex, rimming, vampire, dubcon, fear, sacrilege.
A/N: I'm sorry. Just kidding I'm not. Enjoy this gross man. Thank you to those below for helping me come up with things for this. The top two are on archive of our own. @icepopbucky23 @JuicyT @zeninsama
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You hear the church bells before your eyes open. 
You weren’t completely used to them yet. Before you became a nun the sound never bothered you, it was barely a blip on your radar. But now it guided your every movement. 6 am, wake up and have breakfast. 12 pm, lunch and mid day prayer. 6 pm, dinner and afternoon prayer. Between the loud chimes there were duties that helped fill your time such as cleaning, helping new sisters, and baking. You were left with one day a week to do whatever you pleased, and it so happens that one day of the week was today. 
You groggily stand, dragging your feet around your room to get ready for the day. You throw on a white long sleeve shirt with a black floor length skirt. Even though you could forego your usual attire today, you still wore your coif. You look into the mirror and adjust the headpiece, letting the length of it flow against your shoulders. 
You had heard murmurs around the convent of a forest nearby. A forest that had wild blueberries, ripe for the picking. You planned to get a basket full and bring them back to make desserts for the other sisters. Not only were there whispers of fruit, but there was talk of a being that lived in the forest. The idea occupied your mind more often than you’d like to admit. The stories ran rampant, all different versions so there was no way to know what was true and what was not. 
Hushed whispers between sisters were often exchanged while cleaning. 
“Sister Sarah told me it has razor sharp teeth and glowing red eyes!” 
“What? No way. It has horns and fur just like the Devil himself.” 
You never participated in the discussions as you had only joined the convent several months ago. But you certainly listened. 
And because of this, you had decided to venture out into that very forest for blueberries. If you happened to catch a glimpse of the being that lurked out there, that wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen, now would it? 
With a wave and a smile you leave, woven basket in tow. 
The forest was a short walk behind the nunnery. The further you walk, the more the shrubbery engulfs you. Bird song fills your ears, along with the sound of a creek running freely in the distance. You spot speckles of blue, and you can hardly contain the excitement that flows through you. 
Your knees hit the ground while you reach over, plucking blueberries and dropping them in your basket. 
You were so distracted with the task at hand you didn’t even see him coming. 
“My my, looks like I have a lost little lamb on my hands.” 
Your head snaps up in the direction of the words. A man. Not just any man, but a beautiful man, venturing on ethereal. His long black locks flow freely from his head, with beautiful dark eyes trained on you. His attire was out of place for the forest, a long black dress shirt with black pants to match. 
Your eyes rapidly blink like a deer caught in a trap. You had no idea what to do. 
“It’s okay darling, I don’t bite.” 
Had the birds gone silent? You could have sworn they were chirping only moments ago. 
“I-Im so sorry Sir. I didn’t know this land belonged to anyone.” Lies. Yes you did. You just hadn’t expected it to be owned by someone like him. 
Your staggering words amuse him. A deep chuckle rings out, a sound so heavenly it competes with the voices in the choir. 
“It’s okay, I’m only teasing you. I don’t mind, really.” He takes several steps forward. 
“They do taste wonderful this time of year, I like using them for tea.” He continues on. 
You can’t help the confused look that grows over your face. 
“The blueberries. I take it you’re here for them.” He looks down at your basket. 
“Oh! Right. Yes, but I apologize for picking them without asking. I will leave this here for you, I didn’t mean to take from you, truly.” 
A soft smile spreads over his face. 
“You can take as many as you like, Sister.” 
Your heart beats so rapidly that you feel like it will burst from your chest any moment. 
“In fact, there’s also raspberries out here as well. You can have some of those too, if you like.” 
Heat creeps up your cheeks, and you’re sure it wasn’t from the mid autumn breeze. 
“You are too kind-“ You realize you don’t know his name. 
“Suguru. You can call me Suguru.” He speaks smoothly. 
When did he get so close? He was a foot away now, legs lowering into a deep crouch beside you. 
His cologne fills your senses, and a low buzz crawls over your skin. He smells dark and forbidden, you couldn’t get enough. His hair falls around his shoulders and you briefly wondered what it might feel like against your hand-
He reaches forward and picks a berry from your basket, slowly bringing it up to his lips. You can’t look away. It feels like a sight you aren’t supposed to see, bordering on something intimate yet completely normal. 
“Are you okay Sister?” He brings you back to earth. 
“You don’t look so well. Would you like to come back to my house for a drink?” His tone dips into that of worry. 
His words shock you to your senses. You shouldn’t be out here in the middle of nowhere with a man, a man you hadn’t met before, no less.
“No thank you sir Suguru, I should be heading back actually. But I’m truly grateful for your kindness and generosity.” 
He looks deep into your eyes, his shoulders relaxing. 
“That’s a shame.” 
The hypnotizing hold he had on you is broken once he stands up. You let out a shaky breath and stand as well. 
“Well, if you ever want to get raspberries or more blueberries, you are welcome to stop by again.” He speaks with a soft smile. 
Despite the soothing effect his voice has on you, you can’t help but notice how the hair on the back of your neck stands up when he speaks. You nod curtly, thanking him once more before scurrying back towards the nunnery.
Thoughts of him occupy your mind for the rest of the night, and several nights thereafter. You were expecting a monster lurking, not a man. Not just a man either. You had never seen someone so beautiful. His words captivated you, you had held your breath every time he spoke. 
The blueberries you had picked were all used for baking that week, and you found yourself craving more. 
At least, that’s what you told yourself. But really, what you craved was more of his presence. 
On your next free day you decided to get blueberries once more, nerves filled your veins at the idea of catching a glimpse of him again. 
After a short walk you find yourself in the middle of Suguru’s forest once more. You see him sitting under a tree, a meal spread out before him. 
“Oh hello Sister, here for some more?” He asks, looking up at you with a grin. 
Heat creeps up your cheeks. 
“Yes, if you’ll allow it.” 
You work in silence as you pick more blueberries. He continues sitting against the tree, eyes flicking over a book that sits in front of him. 
You try to keep from peering over at him, but you can’t help yourself. You try to steal glances much like a schoolgirl with a crush. 
“Is everything alright Sister?” He caught onto your act. 
You clear your throat and stare at your hands working in the bush. 
“Yes. What is it you’re reading, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“The Old Testament. I like to refresh myself occasionally.” 
Your eyebrows quirk up and you whip your head around. A book binded in black leather rests against his lap, the pages flipped to the middle of the book. 
“You read the word of the Lord, Suguru?” 
His gaze catches yours, and there’s a glint of something sinister lurking behind his dark eyes. 
“I like to indulge myself once in a while.” 
You feel your cheeks begin to burn at the intense eye contact. Your fingers begin to work on plucking more blueberries as you rip your attention back to them. 
“I didn’t know.” 
Suguru flips a page, the sound filling the quiet space. 
“That’s alright. We’ve only just met, after all.” His voice sounds like velvet. 
Your fingers tremble. You were unsure why your body had such a reaction to being around him. He was a kind man, you had nothing to fear. 
“What’s your favorite passage?” You ask, trying to stave off your nerves. 
“Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your god. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” He speaks. 
You could recite the testament by memory, you knew it just as well as you knew your own name. 
“Isaiah 41:10.” You breathe out. 
Suguru hums softly and flips another page. 
“What’s your favorite, Sister?” 
“Oh, I don’t think I could pick.” Just as you had swore you knew the Bible inside out, all memory of it completely vanished the second he asked. You don’t think you could remember a verse if you tried. 
“You truly are a devout follower.” 
You feel your knees begin to ache beneath you. Surely you had been here for at least 30 minutes by now, but time passed by slowly with Suguru. 
Your legs straighten out as you stand up. Suguru looks up at you, his face relaxed and beautiful as ever. 
“Done already?” He questions. 
You look down at your basket, happy with your harvest. Your eye trails over to the food laid out beside Suguru. He hadn’t touched a single thing since you had gotten there. Maybe he wasn't hungry. 
“I think so. I’m on dinner duty tonight so I need to get back.” 
“Okay, well it was a treat having you again.” His voice both warms you and chills you to your core. 
You smile softly.
“Yes, it was nice to see you again as well. Thank you sir Suguru.”
“Just Suguru is fine.” 
You look down bashfully. Addressing him so casually felt wrong, but if he said it was okay then it must be. 
You turn around when a flash of red catches your eyes. A bundle of flowers nestled in the greenery sticks out to you. 
“Oh, these are beautiful.” You lean over and hold one of the petals. The color was breathtaking, the beauty of the flower completely entranced you. You didn’t even notice the thorns. 
“Ah, yes. Euphorbia milii. Christ’s Thorns.” Suguru sighs out behind you. 
“They are so lovely. How long have you had-“ Your words cut short as your finger slides against a thorn, the sharpness slicing through your flesh. 
You let out a yelp and draw your hand close to your chest, cradling it against you. A pressure presses against your back, making you turn your head. You were met directly with Suguru’s piercing gaze. He looks down intently towards your hand. How did he get to you so fast? 
“Are you okay?” He asks, his tongue sliding against his bottom lip. 
“Yes, I think I just pricked myself.” You murmur, looking back down at your finger. 
Blood was dribbling from the nick, a bright red, a red rivaling that of the flowers. 
Suguru grabs your finger, pulling it to his mouth. His tongue slides against the pad of your finger, before his lips encase it. You feel as he sucks on the wound, his warm saliva coating you. Pain spreads through you before instant relief. His lids close as his tongue laves your finger. 
“Suguru, what are you doing?” You ask shakily. 
His eyes flutter back open as he comes back down to earth. 
Suguru pulls your finger from his mouth and looks down at it, before meeting your eyes. He draws in a sharp breath, staring deep into you. 
“I'm sorry, force of habit.” He brushes off. 
“Do you need first aid? We can go back to my house if so.” The smell of copper leaks from his mouth as he speaks. 
Goosebumps cover your arms as you look up at him. 
“I think I’m alright, it’s not that bad. Thank you, Suguru. I should be headed off.” You stutter out, completely taken aback. 
He's somehow even closer than before. You take in his appearance, noticing the way your blood stains his bottom lip. There was something predatory in the way he looks down at you. Your stomach fills with unease at the sight of his pupils dilating. With a weak smile you turn around and head back to the church. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could feel the way he stared at you as you left. 
You had gone back to the forest several times. You couldn’t explain why you kept going back. It felt like a magnet was drawing you to the depths, you were unable to resist. Every time you returned, Suguru was always there. It seemed as though he was lurking around, waiting for you. But you knew that was impossible. He lived nearby, you figured that must be why he was constantly around. 
The two of you had gotten fairly close. You had explained to him why you joined the church. A missing piece in your life, it had seemed. He rarely spoke. You wanted to learn more about him, but he always waved you off, telling you he preferred to listen. 
The next time you had gone, you barely even realized the dark heavy clouds that hung in the sky. You picked a decent amount of blueberries, with Suguru stealing several of them. Before you could gather more than a few dozen, rain started to pour. The two of you ran towards a large tree seeking refuge. 
The wind rushed around you. Suguru’s voice melted into the sound. His words flowed together, but you were sure he offered you shelter at his house. Before you knew it, you said yes. 
It was a short walk to his home. The building was small and blended into the trees surrounding it. You certainly would have missed it if he didn’t guide you. You were sure you would’ve gotten lost if you didn’t watch his tall figure in front of you. 
The door creaks open as Suguru turns the knob. He ushers you inside, the door clicking shut behind you. Suddenly you felt like a rat in a cage. 
“Stay here Sister. I’ll go get matches.” He squeezes your shoulder before heading off into the darkness. A shudder runs through you, but you blame it on the way rain water clings to your clothes. 
You expect to hear noises or movement, but the entire house was completely silent. The storm rages on outside, but somehow the noise of it was completely drowned out by the absence of noise in the house. 
A loud swish catches your attention, causing you to jolt. Suguru had struck a match, and was lighting candles around the house. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He looks at you from the corner of his eyes as he drifts across the room. 
You chuckle and watch his figure move skillfully about. 
“It’s okay, just on edge I suppose.” 
Suguru looks down and blows on the match once all candles were lit. 
“Would tea help? I find that always calms me down.” His voice is like honey. A warm noise that fills your bones. 
“That would be wonderful.” 
Suguru excuses himself once more to get you tea. You hear him call out to you shortly after. 
“Follow me.” 
You feel a lump settle in your throat at the request. There was no reason for you to distrust him, so you make your way towards the sound of his voice. 
You find yourself walking into a decently sized kitchen. Suguru stands beside the counter with two cups in front of him. Steam floats above them, carrying over a heavenly scent to you. It smelt like blueberries, it must be the tea he had mentioned previously. Suguru lifts up one of the cups, offering it to you. You gladly accept, striding over to stand beside him. You slowly sip on the liquid, letting it warm you inside out. The two of you stand in silence before Suguru breaks it. 
“Sister, has anyone told you how breathtaking you are?” 
His deep voice rings through your ears. You feel as heat spreads throughout your body, suddenly making your outfit feel stifling. 
“Pardon me?” You look up from your mug and meet his gaze. 
His face was neutral but his eyes were calculating. He steps forward in front of you, placing his hands on the counter on either side of you. A sickly sweet scent fills your nostrils. You weren’t sure if it was the berries on his tongue or the cologne concoction on his throat. Had men always smelt this addicting? You had never been so close to one before, so you weren’t sure. 
“It’s a shame you’re cooped up there so often.” He muses to himself quietly. 
Your eyes dart to peek at his tongue when he speaks. Stained red. Must be from the berries he had let you pick. 
“I enjoy my work, Suguru.” You try to defend your home. 
You did love being a nun and all the work that surrounded it, so why did it feel like you were lying through your teeth right now? Your mind knew you preferred the pews, so why did it go against every instinct your body was telling you? Each day that passed by since meeting Suguru, you felt yourself wishing to be by his side. Even if that meant you weren’t in the house of God. 
You expect to feel a fan of breath hit your face at any moment, but it never comes. 
“Of course, my apologies.” He murmurs, before pushing himself off the counter. 
You find yourself missing his closeness as soon as he steps away. Your fingers idly fiddle with the mug. Your tea began to get cold, and you had only drunk half of it. You had been too preoccupied with Suguru up until that point. Your eyes drift down and you notice that his cup was still completely full, not a drop of his tea gone. Maybe he wasn’t thirsty? 
“Maybe it’s for the best. Men can be scoundrels. It wouldn’t be safe for you.” His finger traces the lip on his mug once he settles in place beside you again. 
Your throat feels dry as you straighten yourself out. 
“What do you mean?” You hadn’t put much thought into men before. 
“Temptations of the flesh, of course.” His finger stops and his eyes meet yours. 
Your cheeks instantly heat once you realize what he’s insinuating. 
“What about you Suguru? You are a man. Are you not tempted by flesh as well? Are you dangerous?” 
His tongue darts out to wet his lips. 
“I’m safe, Sister.” You feel a chill run down your spine at his words. 
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted. Sometimes I wonder why it’s a crime under the eyes of the Lord.” He goes on to answer your question. You suddenly feel uncomfortable under his piercing gaze. 
“That must be the Devil luring you.” 
“Is it? Tell me Sister, why would God make something feel so good if he didn’t want his children to indulge in it from time to time?” 
Suguru was as much of a child of the Lord as you were, but you couldn’t help but feel like he was a part of something else much darker. 
You’re in a trance as Suguru removes the mug from your hand and sets it on the counter beside you. 
“It can’t be that good.” You find yourself stating as he moves closer to you. 
Suguru lets out a chuckle. 
“Is that so? How would you know? Have you engaged in fornication?” 
“Of course not.” You stutter out, defending your purity. 
“Have you ever been curious? Surely that isn’t a sin alone.” He questions. 
You had wondered what another’s hands would feel like against your skin from time to time. You always redirected your thoughts as soon as you caught yourself slipping, feeling guilty the second it happened. 
“I was waiting for marriage before I became a nun. Once you become a nun, you are married to the Lord, there is no room for another.” You say. 
You look up and notice him staring intently at you. A tingle shoots through your body, you nervously glance away. You could still feel him stare at you. 
“Yes, well, there are other ways to indulge in the pleasures of life besides lying with a husband.” 
You peer up at him. 
“Like what?” 
You had only ever been taught about wedding nights, learning about certain things a woman must do to please her husband. 
He takes a step closer towards you. 
“There are many… pleasurable areas to explore.” 
Suguru reaches for your hand, his long fingers wrapping around your wrist. 
“Come Sister, let me show you what it’s like to enjoy yourself.” 
You have no time to protest. He leads you away from the kitchen counter, bringing you towards a table. It was made of a dark mahogany wood, with nothing on top. Suguru slides you next to the table, and you can’t help but look up at him in confusion. 
“Get on top.” He says. 
His strong hands help you sit on the table. You sit on your spread knees, your ass hanging off the edge. 
Hands grasp at you, inching your skirt up. You find yourself helping to pull the clothing out of the way. You let out a shaky breath as you feel a cold brush of air kiss your thighs. 
“I’m not sure about this.” You whisper, suddenly becoming aware of the situation. 
Suguru’s movements slow. 
“Do you trust me Sister?” 
You wait for a moment before nodding your head. Fingers wrap around your underwear, pulling it to the side. A feather touch breezes past your asshole, making you gasp out. 
Hands grab onto your ass, pulling your cheeks apart. Something wet presses against your asshole, making a moan slip past your lips. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You couldn’t tell if you liked it or not. Suguru kneels behind you as he begins to devour your ass. You wiggle around, not sure if you want to press into him or not.
Wrong. This was wrong. 
But if it was so wrong, why did it have to feel so good? You were always warned not to indulge too much, but how were you supposed to stop now? 
Suguru’s warm hands hold your quivering thighs down. The wood table digs into your skin and you swear you were getting splinters. Somehow you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, not when you felt something warm and wet press against your entrance. 
You let out a soft whine, feeling your hole clench around nothing. Suguru’s tongue traces around your asshole lightly, teasing you. 
“S-Suguru-“ You whimper. 
Before you could say anything further you feel one of his strong hands reach up, grazing over your lower back. He pushes your back down, softly but forcefully. You can’t help but lean over completely, only jutting your ass out further. 
Suguru’s tongue dips in your hole once causing you to moan out. His hands grasp each of your cheeks as he spreads them apart, laying you open for him. Your face was flushed and hot in embarrassment. You had never been so exposed before, not even when you laid your sins bare. 
Suguru continues to poke his tongue in and out of your ass, every so often wiggling his tongue inside. You feel your chest tightening with every breath you take. Your pussy aches in need, you could feel it dripping against his wooden table. How filthy. 
Your fingers twitch, desperately wanting to relieve some of the pressure. But you couldn’t, it was wrong. This was wrong. Your moans fill the kitchen, bouncing off the walls. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough. 
You could feel as your hole twitches around his tongue, begging for more. 
His tongue slides up and down against your ass, drawing more moans from you. Nothing in your life had ever felt so good. 
“How does it feel, Angel?” 
Your mouth drops open, trying to respond to him. 
“It’s- it’s-“ Another swipe against you causes you to shiver. 
“Will you let me show you more?” He asks, pulling away. 
“Yes, yes!” The words escape you before you can think to regret them. 
Suguru stands up straight, smoothing his hands against your perched ass. You hear something clink and unbuckle. Your head turns before Suguru grabs it, facing you forward again. 
“Eyes forward, little lamb.” He commands.
You nod your head shakily. The world stills around the two of you. Nothing could get between you in this moment. 
Suguru stands behind you, while you kneel on the table. Your back straightens, no longer awkwardly leaning down. One of his arms wraps across your waist while the other reaches up to hold your jaw in place. You feel as he takes a deep inhale against your neck, lips placed against your pulse. 
“Are you ready?” 
The question runs through your mind. Were you ready? You knew once this happened there was no going back. But your body craved him. It was like an invisible force pulled you to him with string. You needed to be closer to him.
You nod your head as best you can while he holds it. Suguru clicks his tongue and licks up the side of your neck. 
“Need to hear you say it, little one.” 
“I’m ready.” Your voice squeaks. 
You feel as his cock slides against your ass, rubbing against your tight hole. 
“I’m scared.” You admit, trepidation trembling your voice. 
“What’s my favorite passage again?” He questions. 
“Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed-“ you begin reciting the passage from memory. 
His cock pushes against your opening and you feel it slide in. Your face pinches in pain while you feel the dull ache of his cock splitting you open. 
Just when you think he can’t get any deeper, he pushes in more. 
“Hurts.” You moan.
“You’re doing so well.” Suguru speaks against your skin. 
He pulls his thumb from your face and slides it into your mouth, the length of it stretching across your tongue. You suck on Suguru’s thumb, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
The hand resting across your stomach slides down and holds your thigh open at the crease. His hand was dangerously close to your pussy, and you couldn’t think of anything you wanted more than for him to touch you. 
Pain shoots through your body once his hips meet yours. His grip remains tight on you as he fills you. Your hole clenches around him, sucking him further into you. 
He pulls back slightly before shoving his cock in you once more. It felt like your head was in the stars, a mixture of pleasure and pain pulsing through your veins. 
His cock keeps a steady pace as he stretches you out over and over again. Tears prick your eyes at the sensation. 
Your hand holds over his tightly, afraid you would fall forward if he didn’t keep you upright. 
You moan around his thumb. 
“Does your pussy feel neglected Angel?” He asks, pulling his thumb from your mouth.
You hold tighter onto him. 
His hand slides out from underneath yours and he grabs your hand, guiding it between your legs. 
“Touch it for me baby.” 
“It’s wrong.” You moan out. 
“Why is that? Is it wrong to feel good?” 
You feel your fingers make contact with the sensitive nub between your legs. Your stomach tightens as he applies pressure against you. 
“Feel how wet you are?” 
He moves your hand to collect the wetness from your slit before pulling it back up to your clit. 
Suguru thrusts his hips into you, his strong hands holding you in place. 
You can’t stop yourself. Your fingers begin to draw small circles over your clit, eliciting gasps from you. 
“Feels so-“ you moan out. 
You feel something sharp graze your throat. 
“Yeah? Tell me how it feels.” 
“Feels so good Suguru, thank you!” You can’t help but cry out. 
A deep rumble sounds out from his chest. His cock never slows down, continuing to fuck your tight hole. 
Your fingers slip against your soft skin. You no longer cared about what was right and what was wrong. There was only what felt good, and right now that was this. 
Your fingers speed up as you feel something growing within you. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to stop, you had never done this before. But your body begged you not to. 
“You’re gonna cum for me? Cum on my cock?” 
Your body shakes in his grasp. The force of him fucking up into you would shove you down if it weren’t for his strong grip on you. 
“I- oh!” Your moans tremble throughout your body. 
“That’s it. Don’t stop.” He urges you. 
You feel your body tighten when something explodes inside of you. A moan falls from your lips, between pleasure and desperation. Your tight hole squeezes and spasms around Suguru’s hard length. As you feel yourself let go, something sharp pierces into your neck.
You clutch Suguru’s arms harder, your moans falling into desperate pleas. Your mouth moves to ask him something, but nothing comes out. Something warm trickles down the side of your neck and down your chest. The pain from your throat burns across your skin, making your chest pound. It hurt, but the pain felt irresistible.
Your eyes glance down and you see red trickling down your chest, sliding down. 
“Suguru” you start, unable to say anything more. 
His teeth dig in deeper, sending waves of pain throughout you. Your body felt like it was set ablaze, the high not completely washed over. 
His cock drives further into you as you twist in his arms like a wild animal. It felt like his hands were everywhere all at once, keeping you pliable. 
“You do taste sweet.” You hear his voice grumble beside you. 
His tongue licks up the side of your neck, trailing against the warmth that dripped down. 
Teeth graze against your neck once more, diving deep. Suguru’s lips make contact with your throat as he sucks the life from your veins. You can’t help the moan that escapes your throat. Your body felt incredibly dizzy, your mind woozy. You can’t feel anything besides the way he forces himself into your ass over and over. 
“You’ll let me fill you up, won’t you?” 
His hand keeps your face forward, not giving you much moving room. 
Your lips twitch to respond, but nothing comes out. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get your body to speak. 
Despite the way you involuntarily thrash in his hold, your body aches for more. His mouth cracks into a grin and he speeds up his pace. His cocks slams hard into you making you shake like a leaf. You feel warmth spread inside you when his cum shoots deep into you. You couldn’t tell if he was breathing hard or not, your heartbeat was too loud. It felt faint in your chest, but the sound of it deafened you. 
Something wet slides against your neck once more. You identify it as Suguru’s tongue when you feel sharp teeth graze your sensitive throat. You wait for him to puncture you once more, but it never comes. It was like he was showing you he could do it again, and there would be nothing you could do to stop it. 
Your panting fills the room so loudly you swear it shakes his house. Suguru’s fingers dig deep into your waist as he slips himself free from your tight ass. You whine as you feel his warm cum seep from your hole, dripping against his kitchen table. Freezing fingers grasp your ass and spread it apart once more. Suguru’s tongue makes contact against your hole. A strangled noise escapes your throat as you feel him lick the dripping cum from you. His grip remains steady against you as you try to wriggle free. 
“Hm, good girl.” He whispers against your skin. 
Suguru parts from your ass and slides his hand around your waist again. He lifts you with ease off the kitchen table, and you suddenly become aware of how badly your knees ache. You wobble for a second, grabbing onto the desecrated table. Suguru grabs onto your hips and leans down. You watch as his tongue slides against your stomach, following the trail of blood all the way up your chest. He licks your skin clean while staring into your eyes, and in some way this felt far more intimate than anything else the two of you had done. Once he finishes licking it up, he straightens out. 
“I don’t like to leave messes.” He speaks. 
Your hand reaches up to grasp your neck, feeling the ruined skin. Your body feels incredibly hot somehow, a warm tranquility settling over your bones. 
You look at the man in front of you, if you could even call him that. 
“Are you the Devil?” You breathlessly ask. 
Suguru smiles softly before fixing a piece of your hair. 
“The Devil was an Angel, I’m something much worse.” 
The words shock you to your core. You weren’t sure of what happened, or why your body liked it so much. 
A loud church bell sounds out, snapping you from your thoughts. 
“It looks like it’s dinner time for you, Sister.” Suguru says. 
He helps guide your skirt back into place, and adjusts your headpiece. You couldn’t find any words to speak. Everything felt like a dream, you weren’t sure if you were awake or not. 
Suguru tucks you in his side and leads you outside. The rain had cleared up, a beacon of light shining on the tall roof of the nunnery. It feels as though you’re in a trance as he leads you back to the house of the Lord. He guides the two of you all the way up to the large entrance of the nunnery. Large wooden doors greet you. Suguru knocks twice, before the door creeps open. A mess of white hair comes into view. 
“Oh, Sister. We were looking everywhere for you.” The head of the church looks between the two of you. 
“My apologies. It seems she got lost in the forest, I’m just returning her to you, Satoru.” The lies slip past Suguru’s lips so easily you almost believe them. 
“Thank you, Suguru.” 
You feel yourself freeze at the realization that he knows Father Satoru. The door opens wider as Suguru passes you over, the other man ushering you inside. You turn around, your eyes locking on Suguru’s. He cracks a small smile before the doors slam shut.
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