#he might not be able to see himself in mirrors but he can sure be one. for the world's dodgingest piece of shit love priestess*
wsdanon · 2 days
hello everyone I made a little poll about this wip on my alt blog, so here it is \o/!! fic for some of the shotgunners (Matt, Felps, Guaxi) except I don’t feel like I’ve watched enough to write about this confrontation + resolution correctly, so just take this little lead up thing I wrote because I really wanted to write something for them…
reblogs appreciated, hope you enjoy \o/!!
Well, Felps is now stuck between a rock and a hard place. Although using rock to describe the demon pathetically clinging to his arm—who made himself smaller just so he could stare up at Felps with wide eyes—doesn’t seem entirely accurate. But it is working. Even if it makes it a little hard to see what he’s signing. 
“Matt…” Felps sighs. How to put this? “I want to stay on good terms with Guaxinim.” 
“It’ll be fine!” Matt insists. “You two have already fought, right? Just say it’s a misunderstanding similar to that if it goes wrong.” 
“He might be too paranoid for that, you know?”
“But we’ve already all investigated together and he was fine then! It doesn’t need to be anything big—just, you know, that you trust me.” Matt pauses, seeming to consider something. “And… maybe that you don’t think people will think badly of him for talking with a demon?”
“Ah, Matt… you’re pushing it a little, yeah?” Felps sighs. “But, fine. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you!” 
Matt uncurls himself and throws his arms around Felps in a tight hug. Honestly—he is taller than Felps. That crouched position to make himself look smaller couldn’t have been very comfortable for long. Or maybe it’s fine for demons—he doesn’t know. 
Out of Felps and Guaxinim it’s almost funny that it’s shaken out like this. But he’s never been a very good Saint. Does Matt appreciate the irony, too? 
“Okay, okay.” He hugs Matt a little tighter before trying to pull away. For a moment—he doesn’t think Matt is going to let him. “I’ll go talk to him now. But don’t expect it to work, okay?”
“Of course.” Matt smiles—and how can Guaxinim say with so much confidence that the man in front of him is ugly? It’s certainly not true. Not in Felps’ opinion, at least. “Thank you for trying, though.” 
“Of course, of course, it’s no problem.”
He does… sort of trust Matt. Compared to everyone else on the island that isn’t in their group, he could even say he trusts Matt the most. If someone suggested he be added to their chat, Felps wouldn’t argue. They are already kind of investigating with him, anyway. 
He has no idea what’s going on with Matt and Bagi, but maybe if this thing with Xinim and Matt smoothes over he will get an invite. If Meiaum has any reservations about it Felps is sure he’ll easily be able to convince those away. 
With another thank you, and a goodbye, Matt runs off. Leaving Felps with the mammoth task of somehow convincing Guaxinim to be less harsh with Matt. 
“Where are you?” He messages Guaxi. “I want to talk.”
Guaxinim sends his location. With a belated, “Everything okay?” 
“Just have some information.” Felps replies. 
Then he plugs the coordinates into his map and stops focusing on messaging in favour of getting there as quick as possible. It’s starting to turn night, and Felps doesn’t want to deal with the myriad of monsters that will shortly appear. At least he seems close. 
He has no idea how he’s going to do this. Guaxinim worries too much. Or maybe not too much—just… too explosively. After all, Felps is fairly certain he does like Matt, he just… doesn’t want to be seen with him?
With every passing day back on this earth he understands the people on it less and less. 
At least the chaos they create is entertaining, but it does beg the question—should Felps reveal what he is? Will that calm Guaxinim’s mind? He really didn’t want anyone to know, but maybe…?
Matt knows. Matt definitely knows. The first time they met Matt had looked at him like he could see more—like he could see the haze Felps himself sees when he looks in mirrors—red eyes wide and glittering with wonder as he called him Saint Felps after Felps had introduced himself. 
And that’s already one person more than he would like to know. 
But if Guaxinim is worried about Matt’s demon status reflecting badly on him, he shouldn’t have to. As much as Felps isn’t good at being a Saint, Matt isn’t good at being a demon, either. Anyone on this island will easily see that. 
And somehow he has to convey that without revealing what he is. Because, no, thinking about it—two people knowing is quite enough, thank you. And Guaxinim has sold him out before… maybe. Felps is still unclear on the truth of that situation, but he’s willing to put it mostly behind him. 
He doesn’t want this information getting out, and Guaxinim can’t be trusted with that right now. He’ll save it for if things really start going wrong. 
Guaxinim jumps out in front of him with a hello on his hands, and Felps barely notices the latter—too busy yelping and recovering from the fright. 
“Hey, Felps.” He repeats, smiling a little too much like he finds this funny. “You okay?”
“What a scare.” Felps lets his hands shake as he signs it, then he weakly pushes at Guaxinim. “For the love of god, Xinim, don’t do that!” 
“Hey, it’s not my fault, right?” Guaxinim complains. “You were too deep in thought—how else was I supposed to get your attention?”
And… Well, he’s right, but Felps isn’t going to admit that. 
“Listen…” Then he sighs, and looks around, and beckons Guaxinim a few steps to the left. “Come here, come here—it’s too exposed there.”
“Okay, okay.” Guaxinim signs as he follows after Felps with a laugh. 
Good. He doesn’t want this to come off like a serious conversation. 
…Even though they have been having serious conversations like this, too. But it at least adds some levity to the situation. 
this is about as far as I dare write with how little I currently know… hope you enjoyed though \o/!!
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vaultsixtynine · 1 year
ana is the poster child of emotional unavailability at a level that only halsin can rival (and even then, he actually says the things he wants out loud and pursues them still - eventually) and i think astarion spends most of act 2 being mad at ana about it. certain durge scenes most certainly do NOT happen in that act, as imo they're paced weirdly for this romance and other durge stuff i want to do. she certainly is still durging, but not That. Not Yet.
neither of them ended act 1 "together" in good faith, and then. the entirety of act 2 is that unraveling - them, unraveling, in their own private ways. discarding the wheat from the chaff. getting the shit threshed out of them.
but! astarion's not really realizing a) that he's mad (as in, he knows he's Something but even as familiar as anger is, so rarely has he felt it in this shade and tone) or even b) why??? why is he UPSET about something that is blatantly benefiting him with no requirement for repayment? she's not playing his beloathed game (but she used to? why? what benefit to her was that? was she just humoring him? mocking him?) - even as he realizes he has no taste for it anymore and he is adjusting his conceptions of her day by day even as it feels like hers (of him, of course) remain stagnant.
driving him crazy. he doesn't understand what makes her tick because all she does is say words that Might mean something but mostly don't, meet everyone in the group on their level in her mellow-mannered, casual-touch-affection way, and hide in plain sight as a cipher that mirrors everyone around her for their benefit. she is trying so hard. he can see the strain, if he pays attention. he just doesn't know what drives it or why it's getting worse - besides the obvious. he's mildly infuriated by her at all times and certainly upset with himself for both wanting to be around her and also caring so much about what she is or isn't showing as 'genuine'.
i do think it takes him the entire act to say the magic words "i want this to be real" (oh, astarion, i'm sorry about the bizarre spiral you're about to kick off) because it takes him nearly the entire act to trudge through the mire of his fucked up little emotional landscape enough to realize he does have genuine feelings amid the vexation - admittedly, they spawned a decent amount of the vexation. she at no point was helpful. thank you, anathema.
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 7 months
He's been at Steve's house a week before he manages to gather up the courage to ask.
He shuffles into the living room, Steve's old slippers on his feet, Steve's old pajamas hanging off him. He'd lost weight in the hospital. And hadn't gained much back yet, still in too much pain to really have an appetite. But this, it needed doing. He needed it done.
"Steve?" He asks, throat clicking, voice scratchy from underuse. Steve looks away from the tv immediately, hits the mute button, eyes wide and on Eddie.
"Hey. You okay?" He asks, turning his whole body on the couch, towards Eddie, giving him his full attention.
Eddie just nods. Slowly. His eyes going unfocused, staring at the floor.
"Eddie?" And Steve's in front of him now, he hadn't even heard him get up.
"Hmm?" He hums in his throat, eyes still feeling foggy.
"Did you need something?" Steve asks, Eddie's eyes focus, the concern in Steve's voice bring him back into his body. He looks at Steve, nods, says,
"I need you to cut my hair." His lip trembles, he digs his teeth in.
"You... what?" Steve's confused. Rightfully so. Eddie swallows around the fire in his throat, tries to explain it to Steve. This thing he can barley figure out himself. Has a half formed idea at best. He wipes at his nose with the back of his hand, Steve steps a little closer.
"It's just- it keeps- I keep laying on it. And it... pulls. And I'm sleeping and it pulls and I wake up and I can't breathe and it's-" he inhales, sharp and shakey and then Steve is there, his hands on Eddie's shoulders.
"Okay. It's okay. I'll do it. Whatever you want Ed's." He pulls Eddie upstairs, into his bathroom. Stands with him in front of the mirror, scissors in hand.
"Where do you want it?" Steve asks, his eyes meeting Eddie's in the mirror. Eddie takes a deep breath, brings his hand up, winces at the pull on his ribs but keeps going.
"Above my shoulders. But like... I wanna still be able to tuck it behind my ears?" He's not sure why it comes out as a question, but Steve just nods, Eddie sees his lips twitch into the start of a smile before dropping again. He reach up, drags his fingers genlty through Eddie hair.
His stomach sinks, his hair is gross. He hasn't washed it in days. Too tired. Too much pain. Too much effort.
"Sorry my hair's gross." He mumbles, lips barley moving.
"It's not. It's fine." Steve assures him, his voice soft, sections out a small lock of hair, he looks at Eddie in the mirror again.
"You're sure about this?" He asks, he looks sad. Eddie hates it. But also doesn't. Because it means Steve sees him, understands him, and how important his hair is to him.
But it doesn't matter right now. That his hair is a peice of him, a peice of the Eddie he'd built to keep himself safe. A peice of his armor.
"I'm sure. Please." He isn't begging, exactly, but his hands fist in his pajama pants, and it feels like it anyway.
"I'm gonna go just above your shoulder at first okay? And then if you want more off we can do that." Steve waits for Eddie to agree and then starts cutting.
Eddie closes his eyes when the scissors sink through his hair. Keeps them closed as Steve works. He stops a few cuts in and tells Eddie to wait there. Eddie sits on the toilet seat as he waits for Steve to come back.
He brings a radio with him, clicks in one of the tapes Eddie made him, and gets back to work. Eddie's eyes stay closed. He finds himself smiling as he listens to Steve hum behind him. Scrunches his nose when Steve full on sings a few times.
Not because he's bad. He's got a really nice voice actually. Eddie loves listening to him sing. But if he didn't scrunch his face he might to do something else instead, something stupid, with Steve so close.
It only takes a couple songs before Steve's hands are on his shoulders, gentle, reassuring, an anchor.
"Okay. It's done. Or at least. Might be. I can take more off if you need me too." His voice is soft in Eddie's ear, Eddie can feel the heat of his chest on his back he's so close.
He opens his eyes and feels his heart flutter in his chest. His head swimming a little. His hair hadn't been this short since junior year. He can see Steve watching him in the mirror.
"Good?" He asks, dragging his lip into his mouth and letting it go again.
"I think so." Eddie says, feeling a bit dazzed, a bit dizzy. And then Steve fucking reaches up with both hands, tucks Eddie's hair behind his ears genlty, his fingers moving down his neck to rest back on his shoulders.
"I could take another inch. It'd still fit behind your ears." Steve's eyes are moving over his head, like he's doing some complex math equation. Eddie wants to cry. His chest tight.
"Okay. Take it." He says, Steve's eyes move to his in their reflections again.
"Yeah?" Steve asks, reaching up and smoothing his hand over Eddie's hair. Eddie nods.
"Yeah. One more inch." He breathes the words out, like he just needs them gone, out of his mouth. Steve smiles at him, untucks his hair from his ears and starts cutting again.
Eddie watches him this time. Watches the way his tongue sticks out as he concentrates, measuring Eddie's hair between his fingers before he cuts. His tongue peaking out between his lips, brow furrowed in concentration.
Eddie watches him and tries to convince himself he actually wanted it shorter. And maybe he did. But he knows too, that he didn't want Steve to stop touching him. Steve's eyes meet his in the mirror and he smiles again. Eddie looks away. His cheeks burning.
"Okay. You're done Munson." His voice is teasing, it makes Eddie's stomach flutter.
"Thanks. Harrington." He teases back. Too soft. He knows. But he can't help it. His voice is stuck in his throat. Steve snorts as Eddie turns, takes a step toward the door.
"Actually. Can I-" Steve stops, his hand curling around Eddie's bicep, stopping him there. Eddie looks at him. Waiting.
"Can I wash your hair for you?" Steve asks, his voice quiet, Eddie barely hears it over the radio.
"My...?" Is Eddie's articulate reply.
"Please? It'll make you feel better. I- I think." Steve stammers a bit, always so endearing when he does that. Eddie loves when he's flustered.
"I uh... yeah okay. If you want." Eddie shrugs, tries to act normal. Like any of this is normal. And Steve fucking beams at him, that beautiful smile on full display.
"Okay cool. Just uh... here you can sit here while I get this cleaned up and get a towel and I'll be right back." He's talking fast, his hands flailing and jumping around as he talks. Eddie just nods, smiling at him as he watches him toss Eddie's chopped hair into the trash. Watches him take a lock of it and tie it in a knot, tells Eddie he'll put it somewhere safe. So they'll know when it's fully grown out again.
Steve wipes up the counter and disappears, comes back with two towels a few seconds later. Instructs Eddie to sit on the floor. He sets a towel down for him to sit on and lays the other over the side of the tub.
Eddie lets Steve guide him. His hands gentle as he lowers Eddie's head back over the tub, asks if he's comfortable, Eddie hums an affirmation. Steve makes sure the water is warm, not too hot, because Eddie doesn't like hot water. He gets it perfect. And then starts pouring water onto Eddie's hair.
Eddie's not sure where he got the cup. Or if it was already there for some reason. He means to ask but Steve's fingers sink into his hair and his brain short circuits. The shampoo smells amazing. Minty. It tingles against his scalp in the best way as Steve's fingers move in slow circles.
Eddie's eyes fall closed. He's sure he makes some obscene noise but Steve is kind enough not to comment. His fingers working magic in Eddie's hair. He rinses with warm water, the contrast from the cool minty feeling making Eddie shiver.
He hears Steve laugh a quiet laugh as he does and smiles himself. He hears another bottle pop open and closed and then Steve's fingers are back. Working the conditioner into his hair slowly, massaging it into his scalp as well. His hands moving slowly, with a purpose, for what feels like hours. He pulls back eventually, fingers dragging slowly through Eddie's hair as he goes.
"I'm gonna let that sit for about two minutes and then we'll rinse okay? You doin okay? Not in pain are you?" Steve all but whispers in Eddie's ear. The radio is still playing in the background. But Eddie couldn't tell you a single fucking song that had played since Steve started touching him.
"I'm good. Kinda tired. But that might just be your magic fingers." He peaks one eye open, watches as Steve laughs, shakes his head. He closes his eye again and laughs too. Only it wasn't a joke. Not really. Steve's fingers were magic. Just like the rest of him.
Steve hums along to Queen's Radio Ga Ga as they wait, Eddie tapping out the beat on his thigh as Steve hums and sways. The song ends and Steve scoots closer.
"Ready?" He asks, turning the water back on.
"As I'll ever be." Eddie deadpans, scooting back a bit from where he'd slid down.
"You're not gonna try and put products in my hair and blow dry it are you?" Eddie asks as Steve starts pouring water over him, fingers moving quicker now, moving his hair around to get it clean, he snorts again.
"No. Just wanted to get you clean." He says, pouring one last cup of water over his hair and turning the tap off. He grabs at each side of the towel under Eddie's neck and lifts, pulling Eddie up and wrapping his hair in one smooth motion. Eddie's eyes land on him and he can't help it.
"So my hair was gross. I knew it." He sighs, watches Steve's nose crinkle.
"It really wasn't that bad. But you thought it was. So i figured this would help." Steve shrugged, like it was nothing. Eddie bit his lip as Steve patted and scrunched his hair in the towel, being careful not to pull.
He claps his hands down on his thighs and helps Eddie get back on his feet. Pulls him genlty to stand in front of the mirror again and smiles soflty when Eddie takes the towel off his head and drags his own fingers through his hair.
It's short, leveled at his chin, a little above when he tucks it behind his ears. And he feels... better. Lighter. He shoves his hands up into the back of it, taking a deep breathe when his fingers drag over his neck, it makes him shiver.
"Fuck. I'm gonna be cold now." He mutters, chuckling in his throat, he hadn't thought about that.
"I'll keep you warm." Steve's voice is soft, when he speaks. The tape in the deck clicks and goes quiet as they stare at each other in the mirror.
"I just wanted you to feel better. But I'll gladly keep you warm too. Whatever you need Eddie. I- I mean I'm here. For you. Not goin anywhere." He shrugs after he mumbles through his little confession, his eyes on the floor when he turns to Eddie.
"I feel better." Eddie whispers, bites his lip and decides to be brave.
He steps forward, into Steve's space, Steve lifts his head, hazel eyes darting around Eddie's face. Eddie hears his breath stutter when he leans closer, presses his lips to Steve's cheek, firm.
Wanting no doubt in Steve's mind that Eddie means this. Means to kiss him. Means to pull him into a tight hug after. Means to hum happily into Steve's neck when Steve pulls him close, arms wrapping around Eddie's skinny frame and holding him tight.
"I'm not going anywhere either." Eddie breathes into his shoulder, presses another kiss there, into his shirt, like a promise. Steve squeezes him tighter, Eddie thinks he might be crying. His chest fluttering against Eddie's as he breathes shakily.
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Eddie asks, lets Steve pull away a bit so he can see him. Eddie was right, there are tears in his eyes, but he's smiling as he looks at Eddie.
"Yeah. Course you can. You can sleep there every night if you want. Forever." Steve says, nuzzles into Eddie touch as he wipes tears away from his flushed cheeks.
"Forever huh?" Eddie teases, kissing acoss Steve's cheeks genlty as he laughs, it's wet, and wobbly, and Eddie is so fucking in love with him already.
"Yeah. Forever. Or however long you want me I guess." He shrugs again, dismissive, as if he really thinks Eddie would ever give him up.
"Forever sounds good to me. Not fucking letting you go now I've got you." Eddie whispers, his hands holding Steve's face, Steve's hands on his wrists, holding him too.
"You're gonna keep me forever?" Steve asks, his lip trembling as he looks at Eddie with hope in his teary eyes.
"Forever and ever, if I can." Eddie nods, and it seems to break Steve. He sighs, grabs at Eddie's pajama shirt and tugs him forward. Their lips crash together, a little rough at first, their teeth clicking until Steve seems to calm and slow down. His lips move genlty against Eddie's, soft and slow, and when he pulls back he's smiling again, his crooked little half smile that Eddie loves so much.
Steve scrunches his hair a few more times and then drags Eddie upstairs, gets them both comfy in his bed. And he holds Eddie as they fall alseep, pressing kisses into his hair and against his temple before sleep takes him.
Eddie wakes up warm. Drapped across Steve's chest as the sun hits them. He feels lips press into his hair, smiles when Steve makes exaggerated kissy noises. But he keeps his eyes closed, nuzzles deeper into Steve as he feels his fingers press into his hair.
Eddie hums as they drag through a few times, nimbly untangling rats or snags as they move. He sinks deeper into Steve, his heart fluttering as Steve's hand moves through his hair genlty, scratching at his scalp as he goes, before settling against the back of his neck, his thumb moving in slow cirles against the newly exposed skin.
Eddie whimpers into Steve's chest and snuggles closer, Steve keeping him warm, just like he promised. Eddie couldn't wait to spend forever with him.
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cherrychilli · 3 months
18+ Eddie Munson x f! reader, established relationship, PIV sex, unprotected sex, semi- public sex, mirror sex Summary: Feeling needy at a party Eddie's taken you to in order to deal to the attendees, you steal him away and give him a different kind of show by making out with a woman to excite him. The woman? yourself. WC:1.8K
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A/N: Was I drunk when I came up with this? yup. Was I drunk when I sat down and wrote it? yupx2. Am I drunk right now? honey, what do you think? anyway, enjoy!
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"Show me"
He stares you down in that way that makes the guest bathroom feel much smaller than it actually was, like there might not even be enough air for the both of you to occupy it at the same time with the way he keeps stealing your breath.
You could still hear the music echo as it continued to blare outside, the beer you'd downed to give yourself the courage to whisper into Eddie's ear in the first place now sloshing around inside your belly, adding to the intensity of having his eyes roving all over you.
It all began an hour into Todd Henley's party, fed up of all the drunken bodies swaying around as they bumped right into you without apology before they passed by on unsteady legs.
But what irked you the most was that half the crowd had been spending more time with your boyfriend than you were able to all night, all of them handing him crumpled dollars in exchange for little baggies and whatever else he could fit in his pockets to keep the partygoers' spirits high.
You couldn't take it for very much longer though. Unable to help yourself, you sprang into action just before Todd himself could attempt to approach Eddie, cutting in front of the birthday boy, entirely uncaring of the scowl that twisted Todd's lips because Eddie was all you could think about. And you let the latter know as much.
"I need you" you'd whined as you'd wrapped yourself around Eddie's arm when you pull him towards a lonelier corner of the room, all sweet and clingy and then a little more quietly; "watching you made me so wet".
As you'd expected, he's quick to grin at you when he takes your hand. Gently he led you through the crowd, even turning down a few potential customers like Todd who'd tried to approach Eddie with cash in hand, a quick but firm "not now" grunted at them over the music.
It made your hopes rise, growing giddy, thinking he'd take you back to his van to fool around, away from the rest of the party only to end up pouting when he'd pulls you into a vacant guest bathroom instead.
"Go on. Show me", he'd repeated again, still soft and patient with you, standing tall over you as you grow so pliant under his stare, giving in easily as you reach under your dress to pull your panties down to your mid thighs.
He observes closely as you part your legs as much as your underwear will allow, showing off the collection of slick sitting warm and wet on the thin red cotton.
Eddie whistles low as he sees it. "Looks serious", he mused, pressing his index finger into the middle of your panties. He pulls his damp finger back, rubbing it against his thumb and pulling them apart to watch a clear web of your essence develop between them.
Hoping you've pleased him enough you try again.
"Can we, Teddie? Please?", you make sure to dial up the sweetness, all saccharine and cute as your plead.
But the thing is Eddie sometimes liked to have fun with you at times likes these, anything to work up his girl in good jest as another toothy grin develop on his face. "Sorry. Still got some dealing to do, angel face", he explains, looking the opposite of apologetic about it until he sees your face crumble and fall.
"Hey hey, I'm only teasing", he's quick to drop the suave, unwavering persona he treats his customers with for his usual rough around the edges kind of natural warmth, kissing your wobbling bottom lip hard for good measure. "You know I'd never turn you down", he makes sure to add, taking your hand and pressing it over his clothed erection to show you that he's telling the truth, feeling relieved when your lips spread into a smile.
"Tell you what. Since we're already in here why don't we just make use of it?", he offers with a cheesy grin and raising his brows in a way that comes off more cartoonish than it does suggestive but it makes you happy nonetheless. He chuckles at the way your whole face lights up at the suggestion because honestly, you couldn't wait any longer, reaching behind Eddie to lock the door shut.
You warmed up to getting led in here by Eddie even more when you noticed how the room smelled pleasantly of white jasmine thanks to a little sachet of air freshener hung up on the door handle. The living room where most of the party had congregated including yourself for that one hour was all booze and smoke and sweaty bodies barely guised by cheep perfume and cologne, and for that reason you were glad to be away from it all and not sifting through the thick crowd of people to get to the van.
But mostly, you liked getting handsy in Todd's guest bathroom because unlike Eddie's van, this had a mirror.
When you bend over the sink, you do so quickly and willingly, making Eddie huff out a small laugh through his nose. Carefully he gathers as much of your hair as he can in one hand, pulling on it to encourage you to keep your eyes on each other's reflections in front of you.
It's a filthy sight when you're made to look at yourself. Your tits are spilling out over the top of your dress, made so by when Eddie carefully pulled at it enough to free them, pinching, pulling and nipping at them before he settled you in this new position facing away from him.
With your panties drawn down a few inches above your knees, you could feel Eddie pull your dress up over your ass, eagerly pressing his turgid cock between your thighs once he's pried it out his boxers, the fat tip and length of his cock gliding between your folds and against your puffy clit perfectly.
Watching closely in the mirror, you memorize the little knit between his brows as he does it, a thrill coursing through you as his cheeks then blend from a light pink to a deep mauve while he humps between your thighs.
"Y' ready for me?" he huffs, his lips parted as he looks to your reflection for an answer.
"I'm ready. Please, Teddie. Been waiting all night", you whine back to him over your shoulder, catching the way the corner of his mouth picks up into a smirk.
He's inside you not long after that, stretching you with his thickness which even after all this time, still makes you hiss through the initial sting. But you've never complained about it, always inclined to moan with a wave of pleasure especially now when his hips connect with your ass, bouncing against him while he has both of his hands set firmly just below your waist to keep you steady.
It's not gentle the way Eddie pummels into you but it is a steady and easy climb towards your release. It's because he knows exactly what it takes to make you cum, just minutes of him thrusting into that spot inside you that only he can reach until your belly's winding tight and your toes start to curl inside your shoes.
"Eds, I'm close", you squeak, more a warning than anything else when he pulls at your hair again. Your knees are quick to wobble when he makes you watch yourself getting ruined by him, noticing the runny mascara down your cheeks and your pretty lipstick smudged near the corner of your mouth, bare tits bouncing with every thrust.
"God, you look so good. Go on baby, give yourself a kiss", he tells you through ragged grunts, his free hand landing a few spanks on your ass for good measure.
You do as you're told, leaning closer to your reflection, your lower stomach pressing against the sink in a way that in this position, makes it feel so much more intense with his cock still inside you.
Lips just centimeters away from the glass, the idea of making out with yourself didn't strike you as all that arousing at first, only going along with it because it was something Eddie had wanted and that was reason enough for you to oblige.
You begin by pressing your lips against the cold mirror, chaste at first until you see the desperation swirling behind your hooded eyes. You looked so utterly fucked out, lips parted and your tongue lolling out with a thin rivulet of drool dripping down to your chin. You liked it more than you could understand, especially with Eddie right behind you and in view too.
Finding yourself getting worked up the longer you keep at it, the fire burning inside you only burns bigger and brighter as you see Eddie's reflection while he keeps pumping into you, his bangs stuck to his forehead with a light sweat, his lips pink and full from his teeth biting down on it and the look he gives you when you eyes connect through the mirror.
"Y'like it don't you, doll?", he asks the obvious question just to see you squirm under him, his lips pulled back into a pleased smile as you muster up the strength to nod.
Your breath fogs up the mirror as you continue to pant through Eddie's thrusts, giving him a show as traces of your red lipstick are left behind from your kisses, growing more aroused at the sight of yourself taking Eddie's cock like this.
It's sloppy and oh so perfectly dirty. Eddie watches in amazement as you tongue at your own reflection, your swollen lips leaving traces of spit all over the mirror, uncaring if Todd or his family find the muddled mess of lipstick on their mirror by tomorrow.
"That's it. You see how pretty you look like this? can't help it can you? Good girl. Use your tongue a bit more for me, yeah? fucking perfect..."
It's different being fucked like this, half of you unsure of which reflection you ought to keep your eyes fixed on as you near your climax, deciding to switch from one to the other the closer you get.
Sighing and whimpering underneath Eddie, you mean to warn him just before you tipped over the edge but with your mouth so busy as you press one last kiss against the glass, Eddie can tell that you're cumming when you squeeze your walls around his cock sporadically, crying his name out with your cheek pressed against the once clean glass.
The sight of you all spent and the feeling of you clamping down on him triggers his own orgasm, creamy white spurts filling you up between your legs while he bites down on your shoulder, grunting so deeply by your ear as he thrusts through the final wave that overcomes him.
"You did so well, baby", he groans into your clammy skin during your mutual comedown, teeth grazing the place where he'd bitten down on you as you look up to smile at him lazily through the mirror. He admires you fondly through the mirror, one hand rubbing your back.
"Also", he pats his jacket pocket while he's still inside you. "Remind me to give Todd one on the house", he finishes and the both of you share a laugh, looking over the mess on the counter top and mirror as a result of your time together.
Yeah. Todd's definitely entitled to a freebie. That's for sure.
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
My Blooming Rose (Enchantress' Child!Reader x Ben Florian)
@iliumheightnights Hi friend! May I please request a little story? I'd love to read a story about Ben Florian dating a son of the enchantress reader. Reader still is learning magic and Ben helps him when he can and encourages him? All the fluff please?
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In some respects, no one would necessarily blame your boyfriend's father for wanting to imprison your mother on the Isle of the Lost.
She did, after all, enchant a young, albeit spoiled, prince and condemn him (an eleven-year-old, mind you) to ten years of suffering and self-loathing in a body not his own.
But no. King Adam and his Queen would never have met if not for the Enchantress.
Besides, they learned well from the example of Queen Leah and King Stefan - don't piss off the magical entity in close proximity.
And so the Enchantress lived within Auradon, and you, her child, were born.
You're not sure you quite approve of the whole Isle of the Lost thing - your mother's punishments tended to get to people before they became irredeemable, so the idea of endless incarceration seems harsh, even by her standards.
But all the same, you are invited to Auradon Prep, mainly to study with the Fairy Godmother to hone your talents in magic. And since you aren't expected to enter a royal line, you don't even have to do some of the more inane Auradon courses.
But who would have thought that without any magic at all, you'd have ensorcelled the heart of Prince Ben.
Ben is just a spot of sunshine in your world, he's so affectionate and lovely.
And supportive!
He's figured out the loophole in the rule that he can't spend all his free time with you by organizing "study dates" in addition to normal dates.
But since magical homework and study is pretty involved, that just means he hangs around in your dorm with you more often than not.
Not that either of you mind.
Except this can sometimes lead to minor mishaps.
You're practicing a spell in the mirror, meant to help disguise someone by changing their appearance.
Focusing on your hair, trying to lengthen it just a little. Just a small test.
But then Ben leaps up to kiss you on the cheek and you wave the training wand just a little haphazardly-
And Ben gets a face-full of your magic.
"Oh my gosh, Ben! Are you okay?"
"Yup!" Ben groans from the floor. "Nothing broken. I think."
He hops back up to his feet, and you gasp.
Your boyfriend's smooth jaw has sprouted patchy growths of hair that are still thickening until they make a rather nice beard and mustache. "Ben... I..."
Ben sees himself in the mirror and grins. "Oh, this is nice!"
"It was an accident."
"If even your accidents are this great, you're gonna be a better wizard than Merlin!" Ben pats your shoulder before stroking his new beard. "It's not even scratchy!"
You blush. "You look really good with a beard."
"Do I look kingly?" Ben asks eagerly, striking a pose.
"You do, but let's try and find a counterspell quickly. Accidental magic tends to corrupt pretty fast. You might end up with the hair changing colors like a chameleon or something."
"That actually sounds kinda-"
"And then I wouldn't be able to see where to kiss you."
Ben instantly gets serious. "Let's hit the books."
"But uh... when you do reverse the spell... Maybe try it on purpose? I wanna see what kissing with a beard is like."
You grin. "Oh really? Why?"
"Cause when you're my Royal Consort, I'll probably grow out a beard and kiss you all the time, so... I wanna see what I'm working toward."
You laugh and then squeeze his hand. "In that case, let's get this thing reversed as soon as we can."
"Love you. My blooming rose."
"Love you. My noble king."
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
Can we get a nsfw alphabet with joost please?💫
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Yippee ya yay I was waiting for someone to request this!!! Thanks for the request yah!
|Summary:Nsfw Alphabet For Joost
|Content Warning⚠️:Nsfw duh
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The absolute sweetest, pats your head and plays with your hair.
If your REALLY done and your absolutely exhausted he'll pick you up and help you get cleaned, washing your face and helping you wear your clothes as you both giggle and talk about how good that was
We all know he's a ginormous smoker so what's better than a smoke after having sex with someone you adore? He'll take you with him out to the balcony and either have you sit down on his lap or next to him, if your a smoker to you'll share together, playfully blowing smoke on eachother
If he's too tired aswell, you'll be the one in charge, helping him slip his clothes back on and then laying on top of him, soft kisses everywhere until he sleeps.
I'd say he's more of a giver than a receiver though so it's mostly him caring for you afterwards!
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
I'm a firm believer that joost is a tits man, prove me if I'm wrong, he loves your tits, small big medium it dosent matter hell still be fondling them and placing kisses on your sensitive nipples
He lives the dips and curves you have, whether you were a fat or skinny person, he loves feeling the curves and dips on your thighs and rib cage or tummy
As for himself I'd say his hands, just adores how much he can do to you with them, he knows how much you notice the size difference between your hand and his. Loves the fact he can ruin you with just one hand.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as I think he'd love to cum inside of you at all times, when he knows he can't or if your simply not into that at the very moment, it's always gonna be on your lower part of your tummy, always there, loves the whimpers and soft gasps you let out when he comes on your tummy and the warmth of it shocks you once again.
If you let him cum inside you? Well it's over, he's gonna stuff you full with his cum until your hole can't keep it inside, and he'll still use his fingers to push back the cum oozing out of your cunt.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
REALLY wants to fuck you while wearing those slutty lingerie fits, it might not be extremely dirty but I feel he would view it as so
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm pretty sure he already said he isn't a virgin(after attempting to lie that he's a virgin XP) after a while of knowing you I'm sure he'd be able to memorize your body like the back of his hand
He knows every part that could get you to arch your back by then
And he definitely has experience with a couple of women
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Doggy style probably,, enough of those references joost:o pulling slightly at your hair just to see the way your face scrunches and the way your mouth falls open when he slams his cock deep inside of you
If there's a mirror than that would make things even better
Cowgirl too, rubs circles into your hips as you desperately bounce on his cock to chase after your climax
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Most definitely silly, cracking a joke every now and then
Always stopping mid way to say something stupid that will get you laughing for 4 minutes straight
He's just fucking funny man
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
NEVER shaves it at this rate i don't think he ever picked up a razor for the purpose of shaving it
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Despite being silly alot during it he will make sure you feel loved and desired
Placing kisses on your cheeks and thighs when he's going down on you
Complimenting you during and after
"You did so well, so gorgeous" he'll tell you while playing with your hair after your both done
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He's got you, why would he wanna jack off?
When your not around and he's out on tour or your simply not in the mood I'd say he jacks off at least twice a week, all while thinking about you
Whimpering your name forever and always😞
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink(he'll praise you at any chance he has)
Breeding kink(he just loves seeing your tummy all round and full of his cum)
Dacryphilia(only if your tears are from pleasure) he'll coo at you and brush your tears away despite how much he loves seeing them
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
does he even care at this point?
Wherever you want, whenever
His favorites are your bedroom and backstage sex will always be his favorite
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The way you look at him will always get him, fluttering your eyes and acting all innocent
Seeing you wear his clothes of any kind
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to do with piss😞🤞
Even tho I think he'd be open to anything I feel like public sex will always be a no no unless it's discreet yo a certain extent
No threesomes why would he give you away to someone else
Any weird ass petnames like daddy or something (master, sir)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers going down on you
When isn't he NOT pussy drunk
He won't get off of you until he makes sure you came around his tounge atleast 3 times
He's very skilled, his tounge circling around your clit and teasing your hole before pushing his tounge further inside
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends, morning sex with him would be slow and sensual, he'll focus on making sure you feel good and loved, kisses everywhere and praise all over the place
Usual sex at night will be slightly rougher, bending you over anything in your room. Fucking you like it's the last time he'll get his hands on you
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Never passes a chance to get a taste of you
Fingering you in a bathroom stall and when you both hear people come on his hand will fly to your mouth to shield all the moans that slip out
Yet he still continues fingering you, despite all the noises your poor cunny is making
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Open to trying things, no matter what.
Hell take some risks here and there if he's really in the mood
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I feel like you both would have equal amounts of stamina
Hell go for 3 rounds maybe 4 if he's really full of energy
Or you'll both doing an extra round that's too sloppy cuz your both exhausted
His thrusts become sloppy over the rounds, which only makes you more overstimulated and frustrated
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He found out you owned toys on a random day and now when he comes over he'll randomly find one when he's looking around at your room and just ends up using it on you
If you own vibrating panties or small vibrators he'll use them when you both go out
Watching you squirm in your seat if he turns the vibrations up
Your mouth falling open as you try to regain composure so you wouldn't out yourself to everyone
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Biggest fucking tease out there
Whether it was normally or sexually
He'll never pass a chance to tease you in bed either
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not too loud if he isn't throwing praises at you
Groans and whimpers here and there and that's about it
Mostly quite just to focus on hearing the sounds you make
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Cock warming lover
It dosent even have to be sexual He just loves the feeling of you on his cock, warming up every inch of him, sometimes he'll end up bucking his hips and thrusting up into you occasionally
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches max 6 if he's really hard
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty horny, atleast 3 times a week, but you always have something going on almost everyday
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He dosent really sleep afterwards, just goes out for a smoke or just smokes while your laying on his chest, drifting into sleep but he just simply stays awake, smoking.
|Okay don't blame me if this turns out shit I haven't done these in a decade or so. Thanks for the request!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Modern AU stuff is stuck in my head.
Thinking of one where Robin gets a new number and scribbles it down for Steve in a rush because she has a Tinder date with a really cute girl, and she does not have time for Steve to inevitably mistype his phone password several times before finding his contacts app. She rips off the scrap of paper and shoves it at Steve as she rushes to finish her hair and retouch up her mascara.
“Robin, you look great.”
Robin huffs, “I don’t need to look great. I need to look fantastic! You saw the girl! She’s hot, and, for once, I had such a great conversation and we were immediately connecting, you know?”
She rambles on as Steve rolls his eyes and tries to tune her out a bit. It’s not that he isn’t happy for her, it’s just… he’s suffering from a small, embarrassing crush on Dustin’s older friend. And while he knows he could just ask him out like any other person, he finds himself at a loss for words in front of the hyper man. And usually, Steve is more than happy to ramble about random shit and flirt until he has the person practically melting into a puddle of goo at his feet.
All he’s saying is Eddie Munson is different.
And he doesn’t know what to do about it but suffer in silence until their inevitable interactions where he unapologetically shoves his way into his space and calls him little flirtatious nicknames that make Steve’s mind go blank.
Steve has never felt so flustered in his life.
A snap brings him back to reality, and he looks at Robin who does a final spin and asks, “Good?”
Steve looks her over and smiles. “Perfect. Now, go have fun and be safe. I’ll text you to make sure she’s not a serial killer or something.”
“That’s comforting,” Robin says but looks in the mirror one more time before nodding and rushing off yelling, “Bye!”
Steve looks down at the piece of paper in his hand a cringes and the hurried scribbles. Hopefully he’ll be able to decipher it correctly.
He watches through the window, trying not to look too creepy, as Robin climbs into the car with a big smile before it slowly starts moving down the street. Steve feels better once he sees her date is a careful driver.
Steve waits a few more minutes before he makes his way out of the house and goes to his own. Once he gets into his room, he pulls out the piece of paper and types it into his contacts - after messing up the password and struggling to find his contacts.
Steve: So not a serial killer I hope?
There’s instantly some typing back that worries Steve. Shouldn’t Robin be distracted by her date?
Robin: Not a serial killer but you might be… who is this? You intrigue me.
Not Robin. Steve’s heart races as he looks at the scrap of paper. Damn scribbled mess.
Steve: Sorry!! I must’ve typed in the wrong number. Friend is on a first date and was checking in
Not Robin: So sweet of you. Although it makes me nervous that you have no way of contacting your friend and finding out
Steve hadn’t even thought of that. His heart races more. He’s always been one to worry.
Steve: Shit.
Not Robin: Do they have an Instagram that you can message and ask for their number? Not that I mind texting you this lonely Friday night, but it’s probably a good option
He sighs in relief. The stranger is smart and honestly a bit charming. It’s definitely a lonely Friday night for him too. He goes to Instagram and send Robin a quick message before returning to his texts.
Steve: You’re a genius! But what’s a genius doing alone this Friday night?
He stares at the message before sending it. No regrets.
He looks at it for a minute longer as the stranger doesn’t reply. Okay, maybe he has some regrets.
He starts typing out an apology, but a response comes in.
Not Robin: Nothing much really. Debating playing my guitar or staring at my ceiling for a few hours. Both very exciting options. Although I like this new option of texting you more… I will say I’m a 20 year old male though. Don’t want to be texting a minor or some shit.
Steve stares at the message and his heart thuds. 20 year old male. What are the chances?
Steve: 19 year old male here, so you’re in the clear. Unless one of us is lying.
Not Robin: hmm… that makes you sound a bit suspicious but I’ll pinky promise that I’m not lying to you on my end if you’ll do the same
Steve smiles at the message as he types back.
Steve: Pinky promise ❤️
He stares at the heart that’s a little bold, but hey. Why not take a risk?
Not Robin: Looks like my night is getting a lot better
Steve laughs and can’t help but think the same thing.
They text nonstop for the next few days. Steve opens his soul more than he has in years, and the stranger does the same in return. They flirt and exchange jokes and whatnot as well, but Steve always looks forward to when it’s late at night, and the stranger is always up and willing to hear some of his deepest thoughts.
Robin’s worried a bit about the person being some lying creep, but Steve isn’t too worried. He’s given away nothing too personal… except his crush on Eddie Munson.
He hasn’t told the stranger the name of his crush or exactly how he knows him, but in response, the stranger talks about his own hopeless crush on this hot guy who doesn’t really say much to him. They both joke about how they’re hopeless, and Steve almost wonders if he’s falling for the stranger alongside Eddie.
But it’s a crazy thought. The guy could be halfway across the country, but Robin argues that they’re nearby with the way the area codes match.
Steve just shrugs it off and tries not to think too hard about it.
Two weeks pass and Steve finds himself giggling in his bed at 2am, trying to fight sleep as the stranger rattles on about some kid he’s friends with that sounds oddly like Dustin. Steve shares his own stories about his Dustin and his annoying habits, but the two of them agree they wouldn’t change a single thing about their friends.
Not Robin: By the way, I’m going to be MIA for a few hours tomorrow. Got this sort of big game coming up.
Steve’s heart drops a bit at the thought. Tomorrow he was going to try to get a pep talk from the stranger before he has to face Eddie after the big final to his Dnd campaign.
Steve: damn. I’ll miss you. I’ll be hyping myself up tomorrow before I see my guy. Think you could give a brief pep talk?
He watches as the stranger types for a while, but is surprised with how short the text ends up being.
Not Robin: Just be yourself. If he can’t see how amazing you are, then he’s not the right guy for you 🖤 goodnight, stranger. Wish me luck as I will be seeing my guy too
Steve stares at the heart and feels his own heart beating fast.
Steve: Good luck :) Same to you 🤍. But hey, try to get his number this time! Goodnight
He feels his stomach kind of flip at the idea.
Not Robin: thank you. I’ll try
Steve hearts the message and puts his phone down. He stares at the ceiling and tries not to think too hard about the jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he drifts off.
Steve is slightly freaking out. He’s about to see Eddie, and he’s decided if his stranger is finally going to get his crush’s number, then he’ll ask Eddie for his. It’ll be fine. It’ll be great.
He stares at the school and waits for Dustin to bust out the doors with Eddie trailing behind him. Steve nervously pulls out his phone.
Steve: About to see my guy and I’m freaking tf out! Miss you :( you always know what to say
He sees his stranger typing and his heart races.
Not Robin: Weird, I’m about to see mine too. But I’m gonna ask him for his number!! I’m determined. But hey, I’ve miss you too :( game just ended by the way
Not even seconds later, the doors to the school open, and Steve watches as Eddie comes out behind Dustin looking at his phone before turning it off and pocketing it. Steve’s heart races.
“Steve! Eddie’s campaign was incredible! I almost died twice, but Will ended up saving all our asses when he rolled a nat twenty during our final battle! It was so cool!” Dustin says running up to Steve.
He laughs and nods not totally understanding what he’s saying. But he sees Eddie come closer out of the corner of his eye. Okay. Get his number. Easy enough. He can do it. His stranger believes in him.
“Okay, you can tell me all about it on the way home. Just give me a minute here,” Steve says patting Dustin on the shoulder as he approaches Eddie for once. He feels like he might pass out.
“Hey,” Eddie says with a big smile.
“Hey yourself. Heard that it was a good game,” Steve says, trying not to do a little dance at how he’s able to get a full sentence out.
It seems to also surprise Eddie who has a blush rise to his face. “I was hoping it would be. Um…” he trails off and kicks a rock on the ground. “So, I was uh. Wondering if…” he takes a deep breath and looks at Steve. “Wondering if I could get your number? In case… you know… something happens with Dustin or something. I don’t know,” Eddie rambles out and pulls a piece of hair in front of his face.
Steve digs out his phone with a big smile. “How about I get yours?”
Eddie smiles and his hands drop down to fidget with his rings as he rattles out his number. Steve goes to his messages and types it in, only it shows the number appear as Not Robin.
Steve shakes his head and deletes the number. Surely he did something wrong. “Sorry, could you repeat that?”
Eddie nods and repeats his number slower. It pops up again. Not Robin.
Steve’s heart thuds. “Uh…” he says and then carefully repeats the number back.
Eddie smiles and nods.
Steve swallows. Shit shit. Holy shit. Not Robin is Eddie. He’s been talking to Eddie this whole time and bearing his soul and talking about him to him. Holy shit what is life?
“Hey, Steve, you okay?” Eddie asks, concerned written all over his face when Steve glances up.
Steve stares and nods. “Um… just… you’re really not going to believe this.”
Eddie’s brows furrow. “Believe what?”
Steve takes a deep breath and types out a message to Not Robin.
Steve: Hey Eddie :)
Eddie’s phone dings and he looks at the message before doing a double take at it. His jaw drops. “You’re…”
“Yeah,” Steve replies.
Eddie nods looking like he’s half on the verge of panicking. “And your guy is…”
“You,” Steve admits then his heart races. “And your guy?”
“You,” Eddie says as his tongue comes up to worry his top lip.
Steve lets out a sigh of relief, “Oh, thank god. I’ve been falling for both of you this whole time.”
“Me too,” Eddie says with a laugh. He holds Steve’s gaze. “So… what do we do from here…”
Steve scratches his cheek and shrugs. “Well, I say we take a night to connect the dots about everything and then go on a date tomorrow? Eight o’clock? I’ll text you details tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” Eddie says with a big grin. Steve nods and starts to walk back to his car where he feels like he’s about to have a full happy breakdown. “Steve?” Eddie calls out.
Steve turns around and looks at him.
“The buttheads we’ve been talking about are Dustin, right?”
Steve laughs and can’t help it as he walks back to Eddie throwing his arms around him in a hug. “God, I missed you tonight.”
Eddie squeezes him back, “I missed you, too.” They pull away but stay close. “This is going to take a bit of getting used to. Both my dreams guys are you.”
“Same here. Shit.” Steve takes a moment to look into Eddie’s eyes. “I really want to kiss you.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Eddie says leaning in.
The car horn beeps loudly causing them to both jump back. “Listen!” Dustin yells leaning out the window, “I don’t know what the fuck I missed, but I would appreciate it if you filled me in on the way home before my mom starts freaking out!”
Steve sighs and drops his head to Eddie’s chest. “What a butthead.”
Eddie laughs and hugs him again. “Tomorrow,” he says like a promise.
“Tomorrow,” Steve says pulling away and raising up his pinky towards Eddie. He smiles down at it and links his pinky with his.
The car horn goes off again.
“Alright alright! I’m coming!” Steve yells over his shoulder then gives Eddie one last pinky squeeze before walking away.
This is going to be a long car ride, but Steve doesn’t mind at all.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
dk why but im thinkin about shoto w a sweet tooth who follows you and hangs around the kitchen waiting for the cookies you made to finish baking while staring at the oven like a kid, soooooo.. (shoto might be a bit ooc, slight super small pinch of angst but super fluffy as usual ! gn reader, mentions of food, lemme know if i missed sum else ! <3)
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"sho.." shoto hums in response, eyes fixed on the oven.
"the cookies aren't gonna bake faster if you stare at 'em."
you hold back a giggle when he slowly turns to look up at you from where he's crouched down on the floor. his eyes that were practically pasted to the oven widening the slightest bit like he'd been caught doing something bad. he blinks at you, then swiftly looks away.
"i'm just checking to make sure they don't burn." he explains. you don't know if you've seen him blink more than four times the entire time you've been staring at him staring at the chocolate chip marshmallow cookies you made together. (together meaning with him watching you most of the time and occasionally mixing. as much as you love your boyfriend, he should absolutely not be trusted around food.)
"that's what we have the timer for." you quip, leaning against the kitchen cupboard and crossing your arm with a smirk.
he looks up at you, then fixes the kitchen timer sitting on the stove with a little frown that you recognize as a pout, you huff out a light laugh at his cute expression. from his miniscule facial expressions you can see he's a little embarrassed at the fact you'd outsmarted him. he turns to look at the cookies again.
"i can see when they're done baking better from here. faster than the timer can."
"oh yeah ?"
he nods "very clearly."
you snort. after looking at him for a while longer you sigh to get his attention. it works immediately and he looks up at you, eyes occasionaly trailing back to the oven towards the cookies as he waits to hear what you want.
you wordlessly spread your arms out, batting your eyelashes at him. he blinks, then a small smile grows on his handsome face in realization. he slowly walks over to you before pulling you into a comfortable hug, he huffs out a chuckle when you squeeze his waist.
shoto buries his head into your shoulder, right into the crook of your neck, and breathes you in. he’s had a habit of doing that often—if not every time you hug—and you don’t really know why he does, but you definitely don’t mind.
"you could've just told me that you wanted to try the cookies first." you tease, giggling when he huffs against your shoulder. he turns his head to speak against your neck.
"that wasn't my intention." he mumbles weakly, nosing at your neck when you scoff out a laugh.
"right. that's why you were practically glued to the oven mere seconds ago."
"i did no such thing."
"don't lie !" you reprimand, tugging at his hair lightly in joking punishment "you're not getting any cookies if you do." you hear him huff and feel a slight smirk growing against you.
"i..may have been surveying them rather closely—"
"very closely."
"—but it was simply to check." he finishes, ignoring your comment. shoto noses at your shoulder and sighs "i felt like even though you wanted to make the cookies together, i was barely able to help you with anything.." he trails off. your eyebrows furrow, and you try pull shoto out of the nest he's made for himself inside your shoulder, but shoto could be extremely stubborn when he wanted to be. his arms tighten around your waist and he his hair tickles against your cheek when he tries to shove his head inside your shoulder somehow.
you sigh, giving up your attempts to get him to look at you and simply settle on running your fingers through his hair, soothing him as he sighs contently. "sho, you helped me out lots. you always took over for me when i didn't feel like mixing anymore and helped me out with those big strong arms of yours." you feel him smile against you and your smile grows mirroring his.
" but i really wanted to help you out more, i know i'm not really good at this.." he mutters sadly, a frown grows on his face and you feel the corners of your mouth turn down as well.
"but you're real good at a lot of other things ! i'm not great at everything either." you reason, absentmindeldly twirling a strand of his hair around your finger "but i could teach you some tips and tricks, if you want."
he looks up at you at that, the smile growing on his face makes your heart race. "really ? i might be a little hard to manage." he jests, running his hands up and down your sides. his eyes brighten the more he looks at you and you're 100% sure you mirror his expression when you throw him a smug smirk.
"don't you underestimate me, mr todoroki ! you're nothing compared to what i've dealt with before."
"oh ?" he hums, lifting a brow. you nod and his smiles grows " and what, if i may ask, have you dealt with before ?" he challenges.
"that is classified information that i cannot disclose. you're just gonna have to trust me." you shoot back and press your finger to his lips, snickering when his eyes widen a fraction before he looks down at you playfully. he takes hold of your hand and presses a kiss to each of your fingertips, making fireworks go off inside your stomach.
"well then," he presses a final lingering kiss to the back of your hand with a run of his thumb against your skin. his eyes glow with mischief when he looks at you.
"i'm in your care."
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alphajocklover · 5 months
Wake Up Pops
**A sequel to my earlier story, ‘Wake Up Bro’. It might be little premature to write a sequel only a month later, but the second picture really inspired me. Hope you guys like it, and check out the story of Owen’s transformation into Big O**
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“Wake up pops.”
Ben Smith looked up at his son in shock. Lately his son, Owen Smith, had been acting strange. He had shot up more than a foot seemingly overnight, and had gained an almost impossible amount of muscle. It almost hurt Ben’s brain to think about it, like he was noticing something he wasn’t supposed to be able to. Like he was staring at the sun. But he brushed his son's seemingly impossible transformation as a strange growth spurt, just like everyone else did. What other explanation was there? What he couldn’t brush off was his sons… other changes. It was like he was an entirely different person. He had gone from the shy, sensitive, geeky kid that Ben adored to a sport obsessed, crude, overly sexual jock. Worst of all, their relationship as father and son seemed to have just… stopped. Owen and Ben used to be so close. Owen looked up to Ben, Ben adored Owen, and they did practically everything together. But since Owen’s transformation into ‘Big O’ he had consistently ignored his father. Too busy with his new position on the football team, with his new jock bro friends, and with the girls he seemed to constantly be hooking up with. This was the first time that Owen had spoken to Ben in weeks, and what he was saying made… no sense.
“Owen? Is something wrong?” Ben asked, his first instinct to help his son. Strange transformation or not, Owen was Ben’s child. He had to make sure he was ok. Owen grinned a cocky, dumb grin, looking at his dad with slight dull eyes.
“Everything fucking great pops. I just need you to wake up pops.” Owen said. Ben looked at him with confusion. What was his son talking about? He was awake, wasn’t he? Own continued, looking at his father with a strange mix of dull amusement and genuine love. “I know you miss the old me. You miss us being close. I’ve missed you too pops. We can be the same again. You’ve just got to wake up pops.”
Ben, concerned and confused, made a move to comfort his son, when suddenly a wave of vertigo overcame him. The room around him dimmed till all he could see was his sons grinning face, his voice echoing around him. “I love you pops, but a stud like me needs a stud dad. A mentor. I can’t have a geek for a dad. And this way we can be close again. You’re meant to be more than this. It’s time to wake up pops.” Owen said, his grin turning more satisfied and victorious.
Ben felt the room began to spin as he fell back mentally, the words repeating in his mind like an all consuming loop, almost like a vortex. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. WAKE UP POPS.
Ben was so lost in the words that he barely noticed as his son led him over to a mirror. Ben was so shocked by what he saw that he almost passed out right there. He looked… godly. He was impossibly big, with a body so thick and beefy that it commanded respect. His face had become so chiseled and manly that it put marble statues to shame. He barely looked like the suburban dad he once was. More like he belonged in the movies or in porn. He heard Owen laugh, a confident, manly laugh that Ben felt himself echoing without even meaning to. Owen spoke once more, a look of pride on his face.
“Fuck yeah pops! Now we’re both total studs! You let your inner jock wake up, and now we’re gonna fucking rule this town together!”
Ben felt his old self recede, as something else, someone else woke up and took control. Ben fell asleep, and Big Os pops, Coach Smith, woke up. Coach patted his son on the back, a smug grin on his face “Fuck yeah we will son.”
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
No one looks like they did in high school forever (be kinda weird if they did, honestly). Changes catch up with everyone sooner or later. For Steve, it seems to have happened sooner.
Personally, Eddie is in favor.
It isn’t that he hadn’t thought Steve looked in good in high school – god knows it isn’t that (Eddie may have thought Steve had been an asshole at the time, but he’d been a pretty one). It’s just that high school had been a time of basketball and swim meets and carefully watching his diet and carefully curating his appearance to match what he’d thought other people would want to see.
The time since graduation has been spent putting on the type of muscle that would better facilitate fighting monsters and keeping a band of misfit children safe (because after three times around, Steve hadn’t quite been able to bring himself to believe that the Upside Down was really gone), being fed by a rotating cast of mothers who appreciate him being there for said misfit children, and in letting himself decide how he thinks he looks good.
The first time Eddie really gets a good look at Steve after he’s left high school, he’s gone from lean muscle and looks a bit closer to the tank that Dustin’s been insisting he is. The first time Eddie sees him in action, he decides he wants to climb Steve like a tree.
Broad shoulders, strong biceps, solid core, thick thighs, that ass—is it objectification if you’re dating the guy and also madly in love with him? Whatever—Eddie is of the opinion that the time since high school has been very kind to Steve, appearance-wise.
He’s startled to realize, then, that Steve does not always share this opinion.
It doesn’t happen often; it’s rare enough that even Robin almost misses it, and Eddie is a big enough person to admit that she’s a more experienced Steve-watcher than he is.
For the most part, Steve is comfortable in his skin; he knows he looks good, he knows Eddie thinks he looks good, he knows what he’s capable of, and he’s pleased with where he is. Some days, though – some days just aren’t good days.
There are times when Eddie will catch Steve lingering in the mirror, frowning over a shirt that used to fall differently, or a pair of shorts that used to fit a little more loosely. He might reach for one of the cookies that Claudia sent them home with after their last dinner over at the Henderson household, before faltering and grabbing an apple instead (or, sometimes, nothing at all). He might wear extra layers, steal one of Eddie’s slightly oversized flannel shirts, go on an extra run, or he might not be in the mood to cuddle up to Eddie in bed (in spite of the fact that Eddie knows how much he loves getting to be the little spoon, even if he still refuses to say it out loud).
Most of these things by themselves don’t really have to mean anything, but somehow, Eddie can always tell when it’s one of those insecure days.
(And if Eddie had ever thought when he was younger that Steve Harrington could feel insecure about the way he looks, about his body, he might have cracked a crass joke about King Steve’s obvious need to overcompensate for something. Now, though, he knows better. Also, he’s a tiny bit more mature than that.)
So when he comes into the living room one afternoon to find Steve practically crammed into the corner of the sofa, curled in on himself just enough to suggest that he’s trying to take up less space, Eddie decides that that will just not do.
Eddie loves Steve’s confidence. He loves the space Steve takes up in his life (metaphorically and literally). He loves Steve, and he sure as hell isn’t about to let him spend the day feeling bad about himself, so he ducks back into the bedroom for the book on his nightstand and then plops down on the other end of the couch.
He reads for a little while and doesn’t really have to worry about getting too distracted from his plan, because he always finds himself tilting towards Steve like a compass to magnetic north, whether he’s actively trying or not. So he reads, and he shuffles around on the couch a bit, and he lists to the side a little, and then he’s finally just close enough to Steve to plausibly ask, “Hey, d’you mind?”
Steve glances up from the magazine he’s been reading, brows furrowed. “Mind what?”
Eddie points to the way Steve’s legs are drawn up almost to his chest. “Stretching your legs out? I wanna lay down.”
And normally, Steve doesn’t hesitate – hell, normally, Eddie doesn’t even need to ask; it’s almost as if he can just tell when Eddie wants to rest his head in his lap and automatically moves to welcome it. Today, though, he rolls his eyes.
“We have pillows on the couch for a reason,” he says, jerking his head towards the throw pillows at the other end of the couch (as if Eddie could forget the throw pillows; they’d spent a goddamn hour at the furniture store staring at the choices and had walked out laughing about how boring and adult and great it felt to be decorating their apartment with fucking throw pillows – but that isn’t the point).
Eddie scoffs. “Why would I settle for a pillow when I could have something way more comfortable?”
“Yeah, there’s no way my lap is better than a pillow,” Steve drawls.
“Baby, your lap is the most comfortable resting place known to man,” Eddie states, so dramatically intoned that it makes Steve laugh, even though Eddie is fairly serious. “Now why would you deny me my favorite place to lay my head?”
Steve rolls his eyes again, but obligingly (if slowly) stretches out his legs and rests his socked feet on the coffee table to make space for Eddie.
“Thank you,” Eddie says primly, before flopping down on the couch and making himself comfortable with his head situated on Steve’s lap, then giving a demonstrative little wiggle to settle in. “Yep, that’s the stuff. Perfect.”
“Man, shut up,” Steve mumbles, turning back to his magazine.
When Eddie glances up to check that he hasn’t gone too far, there’s a bit of a flush high on Steve’s cheeks, but no real displeasure on his face, so he doubles down.
“I will not. Not until you acknowledge the perfection that is your thighs,” Eddie declares, pressing his head further back into Steve’s lap. “Firm, but with just enough give–” he reaches up and pinches the side of Steve’s thigh, smiling innocently when Steve jolts and glares down at him, “always warm. Perfect.”
Steve turns his eyes resolutely back to the magazine he’s got balanced on the arm of the couch. “Not perfect.”
“Well, sure, perfection is subjective, means different things to different people, blah blah blah.” Eddie waves his hand in a vague ‘et cetera’ gesture and accidentally smacks Steve in the arm before he turns his head (and his hair is absolutely going all staticky after being rubbed against the fabric of Steve’s sweatpants, which is going to be a nightmare later, but that’s a problem for future Eddie) and presses a kiss to the spot just above Steve’s knee. “But they’re perfect to me.”
For a moment, Steve is still. Then he shifts slightly in place, and Eddie has the feeling that if he were standing, he’d be shuffling from foot to foot.
“And I have it on pretty good authority that my opinion counts for something,” Eddie goes on. “So if you ask me—which you should—your thighs are one of your best features.”
Finally, Steve glances back down at Eddie. “You think so?” he asks, soft and a little hesitant.
“Absolutely. One of my favorite parts of you, on a rotating basis with every other part of you,” Eddie says, grinning when Steve scoffs, because this time Steve is smiling, too. “What? There are so many good features, I’ve gotta make sure I pay them all equal attention.”
And the thing is, Eddie does know that what got Steve into this mindset in the first place was spending so long seeing himself as valued only for what he can provide physically: a handsome face, a lean figure, a human shield, the Party tank – whatever it is. Most of the time, Eddie makes sure Steve knows what he loves about him as a person, not just about his body. He could gain one hundred pounds, he could lose all muscle mass and be as skinny as a rail, he could look like anything, and it wouldn’t matter, because Eddie loves him.
But that doesn’t mean Steve doesn’t also want a little reassurance now and then that Eddie loves his body, too – which Eddie does, and is happy to provide.
“And today, I’m paying attention to your thighs,” Eddie concludes.
“Stop saying ‘thighs,’ it’s starting to sound like gibberish,” Steve shoots back, but there’s a pleased tilt to the corners of his mouth now.
Eddie hums. “I especially love when you let me lay in your lap. Love having your legs under my head. Or wrapped around my head.” He waves his hand around his face, smirking up at Steve. “Just, in the vicinity of my head, really.”
Steve loses the battle with the laugh he’s been trying to hold in and it overtakes him, shaking with mirth under Eddie while Eddie smiles along with him.
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve says, once he’s gotten his breath back.
“I’m just putting it out there,” Eddie says.
Steve cocks one eyebrow at Eddie and turns back to his magazine with a smirk. “Uh huh. Well, I’m a little busy right now.”
“Oh, sure, me too,” Eddie says easily, bringing his book up over his face as if he’s going to continue reading, even though he isn’t even sure he’s on the right page.
They do settle after that, though, quiet and close and comfortable being draped over and under one another. Steve’s hand finds its way into Eddie’s hair and cards through it absently like he’s petting a cat. Eddie would probably purr like one if he could.
“Love you,” Steve murmurs, glancing down as he flips from one page to the next.
“Love you, too,” Eddie replies, tilting his book away just enough to smile up at Steve.
Maybe later Eddie will get to prove how much he loves Steve’s thighs wrapped around his head. Maybe not. For now, though, he hadn’t been lying – just this is perfect.
[Prompt: Resting your head on your partner's lap]
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thedensworld · 6 months
Stupid Cupid | K.Mg
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Pairing: Mingyu x Reader
Genre: fluff, love at first sight
Summary: You must be the reason why he's been nervous for tonight's event. There must be something that Cupid has been doing.
Author note: Happy birthday to the charming man, Kim Mingyu! You deserve the world, and I can't wait to see your amazing work and improvements in the future. Thanks to your mother for raising such a gentleman and kind son. Thank you for being born and setting such high standards for men. I can't stop falling in love with you. Every girl needs man like you mingooooooos🥰
Mingyu raised his hand and placed it on his chest, exhaling deeply, which caught the attention of his diligent manager who was navigating them to the venue. Despite Mingyu's seasoned experience with fashion events on an international level, his heart seemed to thump twice as fast for this particular occasion.
"You nervous?!" His manager's surprised tone rang out, to which Mingyu could only chuckle, adjusting his suit and shirt sleeves.
Mingyu shot his manager a look via the rearview mirror that said, "Don't ask me that question. Because I am, and I'm trying hard to pretend I'm not."
Closing his eyes, Mingyu silently thanked his manager when he switched the playlist to a more calming one, silently praying that his heart would follow suit and calm down too.
Once Mingyu entered the event, nothing particularly eventful occurred besides the incessant flashlights popping here and there as he made his way into the venue. Guided by professionals, much like previous events he'd attended, Mingyu found himself experiencing the same routine. Yet, despite the familiarity, his heart continued to pound.
"Mingyu, can we take a photo?" a voice interrupted his tour of the venue, and Mingyu nodded, obliging the request before taking a moment to rest and engage with other guests.
Offering his best smile, Mingyu's attention suddenly shifted as he noticed a figure in a stunning red wine bodycon dress making her way towards him. Though the person thanked Mingyu, he found himself momentarily speechless, captivated by her confidence and the radiant smile she shared while conversing with the director.
"This is Kim Mingyu, you might already know him," the director said, introducing Mingyu to you.
Suddenly, Mingyu felt like he was malfunctioning, barely able to raise his hand to accept the handshake as the world seemed to slow down. His focus was stolen away by your face, your eyes, and the charming sound of your voice as you introduced yourself. He knew you, but he hadn't realized just how attractive you were.
"Y/n and I worked together while she was filming her last movie," the director continued.
Mingyu barely heard the director's words, offering only nods as his senses were consumed by your presence. You looked breathtaking in person, and he didn't mean that you were unphotogenic.
"Yeah... I shot an ad with Seungcheol, Mingyu's member," you added.
Mingyu cursed Seungcheol in his head for gatekeeping you from him all this time.
"I'll let you two talk, I have to go," the director said, excusing himself.
Mingyu and you bowed to the director before facing each other awkwardly. Mingyu couldn't believe this was happening; he felt foolish for acting so awkwardly in front of a girl. He always knew how to handle himself in front of fans, but now he was frozen.
"Seungcheol talked a lot about you," you said, breaking the silence and starting a conversation.
Mingyu nodded, trying to hide the embarrassment coloring his face. "Is it a good thing?"
"Sure, he spoke highly of you. He even said you're his favorite," you replied, offering a reassuring smile.
Mingyu silently rescinded the curse he had mentally placed on Seungcheol. But now he couldn't help but wonder about the nature of your relationship with Seungcheol. Had you two grown close? Were you something more than friends? Mingyu's mind raced with questions.
"Did you two meet regularly?" he asked, attempting to subtly probe for information without breaking the bro code.
You tilted your head before shaking it. "Not really. We met a few times, but we both got busy. He's like a brother,, really."
Mingyu raised his brows, recalling something Seungcheol had mentioned about having a new sister. It must have been you.
Mingyu felt a wave of relief wash over him at your response, glad to hear that there wasn't anything romantic between you and Seungcheol. He couldn't deny the flutter of hope that sparked within him at the realization that there might be a chance for him to get to know you better.
"I watched your movie, Exhuma. Amazing," Mingyu complimented your acting, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
You looked genuinely surprised by the praise. "Thanks. It means a lot to me," you replied, a hint of humility in your tone.
"Actually, one of our members, Vernon, watched it twice just in case he missed anything," Mingyu added, a smile playing on his lips as he shared the anecdote.
You gasped in disbelief, clearly touched by the dedication. "Please convey my gratitude to him," you said earnestly.
Mingyu nodded, making a mental note to pass along your message to Vernon. "Sure," he replied with a warm smile.
"Y/n... Can we take a photo with you?" Two people approached both you and Mingyu. Mingyu gestured for them to take a photo with you, and you smiled and nodded, posing for the camera. Your wavy hair danced in the air as the photo was taken.
Once they left, Mingyu invited you to join him in watching the fireworks, a highlight of the event. He positioned you in front of him, standing closely behind you, almost touching your back. As the night grew colder in the outdoor venue, Mingyu removed his suit jacket and gently draped it over your shoulders. You looked surprised by the gesture, but a warm smile spread across your face as Mingyu gave you an assuring nod.
The tender moment between them was accompanied by the dazzling display of fireworks overhead, casting a magical glow over the scene as Mingyu's gesture of chivalry warmed both your bodies and hearts amidst the chilly night air.
"The fireworks matched the music," Mingyu whispered to you, and you nodded in agreement, turning your head to smile at him.
"This event has a great playlist, by the way," you remarked playfully, eliciting a soft laugh from Mingyu.
"The DJ deserves a raise," Mingyu joked, and you nodded in agreement, sharing a lighthearted moment.
As you two conversed, people nearby couldn't help but take pictures and record videos of the charming interaction between you and Mingyu. The ease and comfort between you both were evident, drawing the attention of the media and onlookers alike.
Mingyu looked genuinely at ease with you by his side, and vice versa, creating a captivating dynamic that sparked interest and admiration from those around them.
The aftermath of that night buzzed with chatter and speculation. Whispers circulated about how Mingyu looked at you adoringly, and how your presence seemed to perfectly complement his energy. Yet, amidst the gossip and rumors, only three individuals truly understood the dynamics at play: Mingyu, you, and probably Seungcheol.
Together, you shared a secret bond, hidden from the prying eyes of the world. Mingyu's affectionate glances and your seamless connection spoke volumes, but the truth remained known only to those within the inner circle.
Perhaps it was the work of Cupid, orchestrating the fateful encounter between you and Mingyu that night, weaving together the threads of destiny in a tapestry of love and intrigue. Whatever the case, the memories of that enchanted evening lingered, etched into the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness the magic unfold.
Scoups hyung: Mingyu!
Scoups hyung: You might be my favorite, but I won't let you hit on my Y/n! She's like a sister to me.
Scoups hyung: Okay, I mean, you might have a chance if Y/n says okay. But I won't let you off that easily!
Scoups hyung: I saw that cheap stare you threw at her!
Scoups hyung: We better meet after this, and you buy me soju!
Scoups hyung: I'm not kidding, okay!
Mingyu: Hyung, chill! Okay, let's meet. But not on Saturday, I have a date with Y/n already ;)
Scoups hyung: You little—
Kim Mingyu of SEVENTEEN Confirms Relationship with Actress Ji Y/n
In a surprising turn of events, Kim Mingyu, a beloved member of the popular K-pop group SEVENTEEN, has confirmed his relationship with actress Ji Y/n. The dating news has been officially acknowledged by both Pledis Entertainment, Kim Mingyu's label, and BHEntertainment, Ji Y/n's label, putting an end to speculations surrounding the couple.
In their joint announcement, Pledis Entertainment and BHEntertainment expressed their support for Kim Mingyu and Ji Y/n, emphasizing that the two artists deserve happiness in their personal lives. The agencies also urged fans to continue showing love and support for the couple as they embark on this new chapter together.
Fans of SEVENTEEN and Ji Y/n have flooded social media with messages of encouragement and well-wishes for the newly revealed couple. Many have expressed their delight at seeing their favorite idols find love and happiness, pledging unwavering support for their relationship. Fans are eagerly anticipating any updates or glimpses into their blossoming romance.
The end. Delulu is soluluヾ(^-^)ノ
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avenging-fandoms · 7 days
okay, i just got this angst at start but fluffy ending type of storyyy. can you do something where the reader is pregnant, and only hotch knows, so he’s panicky when he finds out they found where she’s at but calms down when he sees that she’s okay and only has a few scratches on her face? if not that’s fine but thank you for reading!! have a great day angel 🥰
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Yn only found out 3 months ago that she was pregnant and hadn’t told anyone yet, expect for Aaron. He was her boss and also the father but no one on the team knew that.
Yn and Aaron started to secretly see each other almost a year after Haley died. Slowly the two started to meet for breakfast, then he was making dinner, then Yn was meeting Jack.
“Oh my goodness, you’ve popped.” Yn stands in the bathroom mirror in her bra and underwear as she gets ready, Aaron holding Yn’s hips to make her turn. He hums and holds her stomach, kissing her neck. “I can’t believe this is happening, are you sure you want to wait to find out what it is?”
Yn chuckles and puts her hand over his. “I’m sure, hon. Don’t you love waiting until the day they come earth side?” She looks at him in the mirror and he smiles, kissing the side of her head.
“You’re right, get dressed. I’ve made french toast.” He mumbled against Yn’s ear lobe and she giggles, kissing him quickly before he leaves the bathroom.
A year and some months later, Yn sat on the bathroom floor while Aaron sat on the tub, Jack on her lap. “Can I look Daddy?”
Yn smiles at the idea. “Of course you can, buddy. If it has a smiley face, that means there’s a baby in Yn’s belly.”
Jack stands up and you grab Aaron’s hand, kissing it a few times when Jack grabs the test. “There’s a smile!”
Yn gasps as Aaron lets out all the air in his lungs. “We’re having a baby.” Aaron whispers, kissing his girlfriend softly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
Both Aaron and Yn were shocked the team of profilers hadn’t figured it out yet, but they had it all planned out, that was until the baby news arrived.
The team delivered the profile of the unsub, a man in his 30s kidnapping women at night. It was Yn’s idea to be used at a decoy, which Aaron shut down immediately.
���Come on, Hotch, you guys will be near, no? If anything happens you guys will save me.” The rest of the team nods and looks at Aaron.
“I still think it’s a bad idea. He’s very quiet, we might not be able to catch him.”
“We will, come on, I can do this.” Derek nods and rubs Yn on her back.
“I believe in you.” He reassures his friend and Yn gives him a small smile.
“Alright, let’s plan this out so we don’t miss him.”
Yn was dressed normal, no vest, just jeans and a jacket walking down the street, sitting on a bench in the dimly lit park. The only thing she could hear was her breath until the ear piece turned on.
“You can do this, Yn. Please, be careful.” Aaron spoke softly. “I love you.”
She does the sign for ‘I love you’ and looks around, hearing the snap of twigs and then everything goes dark.
“Hotch, she’s not here.” JJ spoke over the radio and Aaron steps on the gas pedal, bringing the car to a screeching halt when he gets to the park.
“Where did she go? Did he get her?” He looks around frantically, yelling her name a few times.
“We believe so, sir. I have Penelope looking at the cameras-” Aaron didn’t let Jennifer finish as he calls Penelope on speed dial.
“Garcia, tell me you have something on the cameras.” His tone was harsh, his eyebrows knit and JJ watches his behavior.
“All I got, sir, is Yn doing the.. rock star sign and a brown van and he’s.. oh my god. He threw Yn into the back of it.” Aaron bows his head and sighs, knowing it wasn’t the rock sign.
“Try and get that license plate, Garcia, we need to know who he is and where he’s going.” Aaron hangs up and gets back in his car, Derek walking over to JJ.
“Is he okay?” Derek asks as they both look at Aaron.
“He didn’t want to do this in the first place, he’s probably beating himself up for saying yes.”
Aaron’s phone rings and he answers it immediately. “What do you have, Garcia?”
“An address, sir.”
Yn’s head hangs as she was chained to a wooden pole standing up, hands strapped at her sides. “Hello?” She speaks groggily, gasping at a man sitting in a chair across from her.
“You’re with child.” The unsub spoke, looking at Yn’s bare stomach. He had cut her shirt off, leaving her in her bra with her belly clearly out, unprotected. “Do you know how special that is?”
Tears fall down Yn’s face as she nods slowly. “It’s my first.” She speaks weakly, chin trembling, barely able to look at the unsub.
“I hope it’s a boy.” He gets up from his chair, sauntering over and dragging a hand on her stomach which made Yn cry harder.
“Please..” She sobs loudly, trying to wiggle her way out but it was no use, the tip of the knife dragging along her skin, tracing a circle on her belly.
“FBI!” Aaron’s voice booms off the warehouse walls and the unsub picks up the knife to put to Yn’s neck and Aaron puts 4 bullets in his body, an extra one in the head. “Yn.” He holsters his gun immediately and rushes over to his girl.
Yn sobs as he holds her face, crying with her. “Let me out, please.” He unbuckles the straps and picks her up off the stand, Rossi draping his jacket over her shoulders.
“Are you okay?” His hand falls on Yn’s stomach and she sobs, holding his arm tightly.
“Take us home, please.” She keeps the jacket tightly closed as Aaron helps her out of the building.
Police and ambulances surround the building and Aaron take Yn to the nearest one. “She’s pregnant, help her, please.” He puts her on the gurney and the team’s eyes widen behind him.
“She’s.. pregnant?” Emily asks and Aaron looks at them, hand on the door to step in the ambulance with Yn. Emily’s eyes narrow, studying his face and giving him a smile. “Congratulations, sir.”
The rest of the team finally catches on and some jaws drop, but every person congratulates him and wishes them good luck.
Aaron holds Yn’s hand all the way to the hospital, giving the doctor all of her medical history and following the nurses and doctor into a room.
For an hour they were constantly checking in on Yn, making sure her and the baby were okay. An OB came to check on them, bringing an ultrasound.
She puts the wand on Yn’s stomach, moving it around searching for a heartbeat. Yn squeezes Aaron’s hand during the silence, closing her eyes and opening them when she hears the most beautiful sound.
“A great heartbeat, your baby girl looks healthy.” Yn and Aaron look at each other with smiles, Aaron standing and holding her head as they cry. “I’ll let you two be, congratulations.”
They thank her softly and Aaron gets in the bed with her, stroking Yn’s hair. “A baby girl.” He chuckles and kisses her head.
“So much for waiting.” She sniffles and smiles. “I don’t care, I care that she’s healthy. I was so scared.. he..” Yn takes a deep breath and snuggles into Aaron, stroking her thumb over her stomach. “He said he wished it was a boy, and dragged the knife in a circle.. he was going to hurt her..”
“I know, I know.” He tilts Yn’s chin up and kisses her softly. “I think we need to take a vacation. Me, you and Jack. No stress, just relax.” Yn hums and closes her eyes, laying her head on Aaron’s chest.
“Is she sleeping?” Yn’s eyes open slowly as she hears Spencer’s voice. The two had been close the day Yn started so it was no shock he was here before anyone else. “Hey, Yn.”
“Hi Doc.” She sits up as well as Aaron, Spencer tucking his hands in his pocket.
“Are you okay? Is the.. baby okay?” His voice was cracking and Yn looks at her best friend.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He takes a step closer and she grabs his wrist.
“I’m sorry, Spencer. I just didn’t know how to tell anyone I was dating the boss, let alone having his baby.” The three share a laugh and Yn looks at him. “We were actually talking and we were wondering if you’d be our daughter’s godfather.”
“Of course, thank you.” Spencer squeezes Yn and she smiles, Aaron smiling at the two.
Yn recovered in a little over a week, and her, Aaron and Jack were off to Florida for a few weeks of sunshine, theme parks and no worries.
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sydsaint · 7 months
Gotta show my Latino Papi some love <3
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Summary: The reader is Damian's plus one at Dominick's wedding.
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You and Rhea are taking the afternoon to buy dresses and get your hair and nails done for Dominick's wedding later in the day.
"What about this one?" Rhea pulls a ruby red dress off of the rack and presents it to you.
You look up from the rack you're looking at and examine the dress. "Not really my style." You shrug. "But I bet it'd look killer on you, Rhea. You should try it on." You suggest.
Rhea nods in agreement and hangs the dress over her shoulder while she browses for a few more options to try on. You go back to browsing the rack you're in front of and come across a pretty black dress.
"How about this one, Rhea?" You pick the dress up and present it to Rhea. "I like the neckline."
Rhea turns around and almost instantly nods her head. "YN, yes." She beams. "That will look so good on you."
You giggle and hang the dress over your shoulder so you can browse some more.
You and Rhea both collect four or five dresses to try on and head for the dressing rooms. The two of you have been friends for years so you opt for one of the bigger rooms and share.
"Zip me up, yeah?" Rhea asks you after she's pulled on a black dress.
"Sure, turn around." You nod.
Rhea turns her back to you and you pull the zipper up her back. She turns back around and you compliment her. "How is it you manage to look good in literally everything?" You jokingly complain.
"It's a gift, really." Rhea giggles. "Here, try this one on." She picks up the black dress you picked out and hands it to you.
You begin pulling on your dress and Rhea slips out of hers to try another one on. You get settled into your black dress and admire yourself in the mirror. "I really like this one." You admire your reflection. "What do you think, Rhea?" You turn back to her.
Rhea turns around while she's shimmying into the red dress she picked out and her eyes widen. "Damn, YN." She compliments you. "You might look too good in that dress." She teases you. "How badly are you trying to impress Damian tonight?"
You giggle with Rhea and grab your phone from your bag sitting on the bench. "Do you mind if I snap a quick pic?" You ask Rhea. "I wanna see what Damian thinks of this one."
"Sure." Rhea nods since she's got her dress on by now and is admiring herself in the mirror. "Let's take a few together after you're done." She adds.
"Yes!" You agree and snap a quick mirror picture of yourself.
You send the picture to Damian then take a few with Rhea for fun. You decide on the black dress, and Rhea choses the red. The two of you get your hair and nails done then head back to the hotel to wait for your dates to come pick you up.
"Yeah, we're good, Damian." You call out to him and reach for your clutch sitting on the table.
Damian comes into the door and you watch his gaze flit over Rhea and come to a halt when it reaches you.
"Well?" You ask Damian with a giggle and do a little sin for him. "How do I look?" You ask him.
Damian chuckles and the sound sends a shiver down your spine. You could easily become addicted to the way he looks at you.
"You look absolutely stunning, princessa." Damian shakes his head and walks over to you and wastes no time in pulling you into his side by the hips.
"Told you that he wouldn't be able to keep hiss hands to himself." Rhea laughs.
"You won't ever hear me complain." You grin and lay your hands on Damian's chest. You smooth out his tie for him before tugging him down by the neck for a kiss. "You look handsome too, baby."
You and Damian share a quick heated kiss while Rhea collects her bag. She walks over to the two of you and loops her arm with yours. "Let's get going, yeah. Wouldn't want to let Dom down on his big night by being late."
Damian nods and strides over to the door. He swings the door open and steps off to the side. "Right this way, ladies." He grin at you both. "I'll go on ahead and pull the car around for us."
"Thanks, babe." You touch Damian's arm gently as you and Rhea pass him.
Everyone arrives at the wedding venue about half and hour later and heads inside. You and Rhea find your seats at a table near the bride and grooms place. Fancy cream name-cards mark your spots for you.
The ceremony is beautiful and you shed a tear or two for your friend and his girlfriend, now wife.
The real fun begins after the ceremony. Everyone files into a immaculately decorated space with plenty of room for dancing and a wide array of foods off to the side of the room.
"You hungry at all, hun?" Damian asks you after you've found your table with Rhea and a few other friends from work.
"I'm aright for now, Damian. Thanks." You shake your head. "Dom and his girl look so happy." You gush. "Gosh, I can't wait until I finally get to plan my wedding."
Your comment earns a giggle from Rhea and a wide-eyed look from Damian. The two of you have been ating for about a year now.
"No pressure, Damian." You laugh when you see the guilty look on his face. "I'm content just the way we are."
Damian sighs in relief and plays it off like he wasn't freaked out. Everyone mingles at the table for a while until the dancefloor begins to fill up. You watch people dance for a while with a longing look in your eyes. You know Damian isn't much for dancing. So you try not to get your hopes up.
"YN, Amore, dance with me?" Damian gets up from his seat next to Austin after a while and offers you his hand.
"Oh, you don't have to, Damian." You shake your head at him, but Priest persists.
Damian keeps his hand outstretched to you and flashes you a deabonaire smile. "Come on." He urges you. "I know you want to get out there. And I'm not opposed to once dance." He insists.
"Really?" You take Damian's hand and he leads you out onto the dancefloor. "Thank you, Damian." You smile at him as a slow song starts to play.
Damian pulls you close to his chest and the two of you sway to the soft music. "I know I said it before, but you really do look stunning tonight." He compliments you. "I know I don't say it often. But I love you, YN."
"I love you too, Damian." You blush and lean in a little closer.
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trashmouth-richie · 7 months
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♔ 𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍: 𝖜𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊
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♔eddie x female reader (lilith au)
♔ tw: 18+ minors get fucked. as all of the lilith au—can be read as a stand alone fic, nicknames, voyeurism? nude in public, driving while receiving head, driving while fooling around sexually, mentions of hickies.
♔a hot summer day calls for a drive out of hawkins out of indiana, but when your boy toy looks as delicious as Eddie does, you can’t keep your hands (or mouth) to yourself
more lilith here
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“What does she say in that movie?” 
  Examining your neck in the mirror of Eddie’s visor, your fingernails poke the purpling marks adorned with deep swelled red pocks from his teeth. Some faded, others fresh and still slicked with your lover’s spit. 
  A joint burning fresh extends across the center console to share with you from ringed hands, nudging your bare shoulder with knuckles that were scuffed and scabbed over. 
  “Shit, not sure princess,” Eddie mouths around a cloud of smoke, “that cheesy musical?” 
  Taking the joint you flip the visor up, cranking the window down a few more notches before putting your painted toes on the dash, one foot on the vent. 
  “Something about looking like a leper, anyway, these….” you say pointing to the string of hickies on your neck, “are the prettiest necklaces I’ve ever owned.” 
  Eddie smiles a wicked grin, barely able to contain control of the steering wheel at you admiring his handiwork. 
  He was covered in marks from you as well, pink scratches down his chest and back, a permanent swell on his bottom lip from the way you sucked and bit on it, teasing him whenever you could. 
  He winks and nearly growls, “it’s a collector’s item, one of a kind, baby.” 
  “count me rich then, how much further?”  
  “Border is coming up I think,” he reaches his arm towards you playing with the steel bar between your bare nipple, “I love seeing you like this, but you might wanna put some clothes on.”
  It was hot in the van, hotter yet after Eddie had enough of your teasing tongue on his earlobe and decided to pull over for a quickie on an abandoned road. Pounding you raw until tears split from your eyes. 
  You were sitting completely naked, pussy bare as you fiddled and finagled with the air conditioning levers. “It’s so hot, and I’m sweaty, clothes are staying off… or is it bothering you?” 
  Eddie was shirtless as well, his skin sparkling with a sheen of sweat, fresh claw drags across his torso. 
  He grabs for your leg making you swivel in your seat as he pulls it towards, ass cheeks sticking and rubbing on the itchy fabric, “nothing you do bothers me little vixen,” his eyes flutter to you and then his crotch, eyeing you again so you can see the bulge growing in his jeans already, “you know that.” 
  Your eyes hood as you look at him through your lashes, a smirk slithers to your lips, “good.” Shifting sideways in your seat your bare toes rest on his lap, dangerously close to his erection. 
  Cranking the window down the entire way you stretch your arms and head out into the lazy breeze. Your body is on full display for him to feast his eyes on. Resembling a Victorian styled painting. 
  He drank in the way your skin stretched over your ribs as you bent out of the window, chin pointed to the cerulean sky, fingers twirling in the wind. The sun sparked hot against your tits, glinting a hue of seafoam blue from the windshield visor. Neck prickled sweetly with his hickies. 
  Your black painted toes circle around his cock, working him gently with the arch in your foot, a silver ring on your second toe. 
  “Baby, baby, baby…” Eddie groans, shifting himself deeper into the driver's seat.
  The wind chilled your fingers enough to cool you down, they felt like ice on your burning skin as they slithered further down to the warmed wet heat between your legs. 
  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he groans as your feet stroke him again and again. 
  Middle finger deep inside of yourself you only smile, spreading your knees apart to show him, “don’t I always?” 
  “Fucking Chriiist,” his arm stretches out over your knee, reaching for any part of you he could without killing you both by going off the road, his lips press tight together when you whine out from your own pleasure. And you can feel his dick kick up, “goddamn sweetheart.” 
  Minutes pass of Eddie glancing between the open road and your fingers feverishly rubbing at your clit and slipping in and out of your slick folds— trying to focus on his task at hand. 
  A pretty little pout crosses your brows, frustration painted on your face, “your fingers are bigger than mine, it doesn’t feel the same.” 
  An idea crosses Eddie’s mind, filthy and genius. 
  “Want me to do it for you, angel?” he half mocks, pushing your feet back to you, “sit up straight.. normal.” 
  You do as your told, legs stretched open with a foot out of the window. His middle and ring finger curl towards your mouth and you open with no hesitation, sucking, tongue rubbing softly on the pads, his blood boils at the warmth from your mouth. 
  Popping his fingers out with a little pop, he works on your clit first. Teasing, rubbing, pinching. Your angelic moans fill the van, music to his ears. When his thick fingers push into you, your eyes roll at the pained pleasure, coloring your vision to a dim onyx, seeing spots. 
  “right there, huh?” Eddie grunts when you gasp and pant his name, “sucking me in deep princess holy shit.” 
  Your release hits fast, gushing over his fingers like a faucet, nipples tweezed between your pinched grip. Eddie encourages you through it, his hot breath steaming up the window, sweat on his brow.
  Opening your eyes, the sun seems like a hot iron poker to your retinas, the blissful high coming down as your body heaves deep breaths, lips pursed. 
  Eddie’s fingers pull out and you groans at the way you’ve coated his fingers, “look at you, making a mess.” 
  “Let me fix it,” you purr before grabbing his hand and wrapping your tongue around his fingers, sucking your taste from them, licking them clean. 
  “Fuck,” Eddie pleads inaudibly, and you only bat your eyelashes and smirk. All hope is lost when your cheeks hollow and you look at him with innocent eyes. 
  “That mouth of yours.. I need it on me, now.” 
  You oblige all to giddily, planting your knees on your seat and leaning over to unthread his belt, licking at the claw marks on his skin as his cock flops out from his boxers in all its veiny glory.  
  A dribble of spit falls from your tongue like honey, trickling on the head of his cock, “should we pull over?” 
  Eddie’s eyes are nearly shut as he holds your chin, “nah, I got it, just need you… please.” His hand rubs down the bare of your back, cupping the fat of your ass, breaching your pussy lips open with his middle finger and you let out a satisfying moan. 
  “You good, baby?” he asks, “so fucking dirty for me.” 
  Pumping him slow with your hand, you lower your mouth to the soft velvet of his cock, sliding him in and out of your mouth, nodding along to his question, and popping off to mutter a gasped, “mm only for you, Eddie.” 
  He cants his hips up to your open mouth, nearly cumming when you gag and slurp him up, bruising your throat. He works his fingers the way you like, stretching you open and going deeper than your own could reach. Your vibrating moans around his length have him squirming in the drivers seat, swerving over the yellow lines and back into the lane again. 
  You cup his balls, rubbing a thumb between them in circular motions, and Eddie yells out. 
  “fuuuuck, take it baby,” his hand falls from the wheel and holds your head down as he cums hard. Coating your throat in his second orgasm in less than an hour, aching sensitivity pulsing through his throbbing cock. 
  Your name falls from his lips like a chanted prayer in a backwoods church, soft and quick. His warm cum stays in your mouth as you suck the soul from him— hungry for more.
  When you pop off of him and tuck him back into place, he looks wrecked, fringe of his bangs frizzy, dripping from sweat,  navel pooling with perspiration. 
  Opening your mouth to show off his spend on your tongue, he about comes undone. It took him a while to get used to this but now he knows you’d never spit, not his girl. 
  Swallowing, and brandishing off your empty mouth, you lick lips like a cat after a meal, “you taste so fucking good, Eddie. How the hell did your previous girlfriends never do that?” 
  “Fuck princess,” Eddie groans, pulling your lip down and watching as the plump flesh thumps back into splace, sending a shiver down your spine, “I dunno, still trying to wrap my head around how I got lucky enough to find someone who loves doing it… fuckin’ won the lottery with you, my little sex addict.” 
  Relighting the joint from earlier, you press your lips to his, shotgunning smoke from your lungs into his mouth, letting his heady taste go from your tongue to his. 
  He inhales and you sit back on the sticky mess you had made earlier, ashing the joint out the window lazily, “only thing I'm addicted to is you.” 
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fisshbones · 8 days
Hcs of some Hoyoverse characters!!
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ft!! Heizou, Sunday, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Furina, Sampo, Xiao, & Pela
Genre: fluff/crack!! No warnings that I can think of besides of being mildly ooc and some being shorter than others. Could be read as platonic. Modern Au Gn! Reader.
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Heizou ->
Has thousands and thousands of screenshots, pictures, and videos saved on his phone. Refuses to delete them because “you never know, they might come in use later.” Once in a VERY LONG while does his habit actually pay off. He’s paying for the cloud subscription service 1000% If he doesn’t his phone is borderline useless. If you go through it you’ll wonder how he finds jack sh*t in that phone, there’s no organization on/in that thing. That being said he doesn’t need to put things in separate albums because he had absolutely no issues with finding what he needs. (he’s literally me)
Sunday ->
Sunday likes to tend to his multiple gardens back where he lives. There’s two green houses back at his home. One is his and one belongs to his dear sister. If you want one too, he’ll gladly make some plans for yours next. When him or Robin can’t tend to the flowers, he has a gardener come tend to them in the meantime. While all of them brings joy to him he has a special soft spot for (white) calla lilies and spider mums.
Scaramouche/Wanderer ->
The definition of an annoying menace. He’ll put sticky notes with (sometimes with writing) on your back without you knowing. He used to do this to Childe too, only when it was Childe it would be way meaner. One fool read the ‘kick me’ note on his back and actually did it. Poor idiot guy learned a lesson that day. The worst he’s put on your back was a note with a stupid face on it. And if someone makes fun of you for it, he’ll give them a black eye! He’s the only one allowed to be an ass to you. :)
Furina ->
Does catwalk struts in her mirror when no one is home. She gets wayyyyy too into it. She’ll start on one side of the house and when she gets to her mirror she’ll strike a pose. One time you walked into her standing in front of the mirror doing pose 28. She couldn’t look into your eyes for a week afterwards. If you ask her to give her a lil show, she’ll do it but don’t laugh cause she might cry. lol. (she’s so me coded)
Sampo ->
He plays those driving games with the steering wheel and all. Sampo started streaming it too to make some hot cash$$ This man is DEDICATED to the act he preforms while streaming this game. If he gets into an accident in the game he makes it look like it happened irl too. He’s given himself whiplash from how fast and hard he slammed himself in his chair. think this.
BIG CONCERT FAN!!! Hates the crowds so much though (T ^ T) He’s so not a people person. Always manages to get great seats for you guys. He’s willing to see any performer if it’s for you, even if it’s not someone he likes. I personally see him as liking every genre of music, so there’s a fat chance he’ll still like the music being played. Xiao would put you on his shoulders if you ask him too. But I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to see any better this way because of how short he is.
Pela ->
Pela makes a crap ton of edits and fanfics. Any where between thirst edits and angst edits of anime characters. She’s got over 50k followers just waiting for her to drop the newest robin or satosugu edit. She’s also got of followers on the platform she posts her fanfics on. She’s big on x readers AND ship fics. That girl puts in work making sure both her edits and fics are absolutely perfect.
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If you enjoyed likes/reblogs/replies are appreciated!!
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fisshbones © 2024 do not repost or translate
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intoanotherworld23 · 8 months
Do Not Disturb
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MDNI, there is loads of sex in this so you have been warned, sex in a dressing room, minor spanking, dirty talk, unprotected sex
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Summary: Joel can’t keep his hands off of you even in a dressing room, and doesn’t like to be disturbed
Authors Note:Comment! Reblog! Heart! Your feedback is what helps me in this and to support us authors and our work so I appreciate you all! Tag list is open so please be sure to let me know if you want to be added! Thanks you everyone so much! XOXO
Hall Of Hunks
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"Be quiet sweetheart." Joel leaning forward as he whispered in your ear. "Don't want anyone to hear us now do we?"
Not saying a word just a whimper in response afraid instead you'd let out a pathetic moan, and all the women in the store would hear, and you two would be in a lot of trouble. Since sex in the changing rooms of clothing departments was pretty frowned upon.
Joel couldn't keep his hands off you as soon as he saw you change into a new set of bra and panties. Wasting no time in bending you over your hands pressed against the wall the mirror right in front so you could watch what he was doing.
It was such a turn on though to know at any moment someone might hear or possible even walk in. The thing about Joel is though once he has started something he won't stop until he finishes.
"That's a good girl." He praised a hand snaking up your spine as he gripped the back of your neck.
Giving himself even more leverage and more power. His other hand had a hold of your hip so he could pull you back to meet his thrusting. He wanted to keep the pace, and he wanted to be in complete control over you.
His pelvis hitting yours every time making your move slightly forward. Your skin sticking to his making a smacking sound that surely someone was going to hear. Joel licking his lips as he looked down watching your cheeks jiggling every time he pushed into you.
"Been wanting this pussy all day." Smacking your cheek leaving a sting behind. "Nobody can fuck this pussy like me."
He was very accurate on that part. Joel was always able to fill you to the brim, but it felt like he was stretching you out every time. Knowing exactly how to use your body, and which buttons to push.
Joel could melt inside of your body, and wanted a taste every waking moment. It was something about you that made him insatiable. He was almost like a feral animal being driven by your mere presence.
"Joel." Hearing that crack in your voice as you closed your eyes.
"Shhh baby what did I say?" He chuckled at how desperate you were right now. "You've gotta be quiet."
Seeing no other option the hand that was keeping grip on your neck had moved more until it was in front of your mouth. Muffling your little moans and whimpers. Smelling the hand wash that he had used earlier wafting up into your nostrils.
Pulling the straps of the bra down just enough to wear your breasts could pop out. Feeling the lumps of flesh swinging back and forth. Joel was quick to grab one of them in his hand as he squeezed your nipple between the tips of his finger.
"I could touch you all day." Snapping his hips softly so he was pressed tightly against you keeping still. "Such soft beautiful skin."
Keeping the same hand pressed on your breast as he continued his movements. Not once missing a beat. Sometimes you really were amazed how he could move his body like he did.
Now there was a burning sensation radiating from your spine all the way down to your calves. Adjusting your position just slightly in hopes it would ease that pain. Joel could see what you were doing and just smirked.
"I know I know it hurts." Kissing your shoulder in comfort. "This'll help."
Feeling the hand pressed against your mouth now hovering over your raw core. Straightening his fingers out as he started slow circles against your clit. Loving how wet you were, and hearing the sounds of your slickness was like music to his ears.
"God you are just dripping." His eyes glued to your face.
Mouth hanging wide open panting like a wild dog in the heat. Struggling to keep your eyes open as you kept your glance to the floor. Joel noticed this and clearly wasn't a fan of how shy you were becoming.
"Look at me baby." He spoke up as you raised your head to look at him. "That's such a good girl for me now keep your eyes on us."
His pupils were dilated and blown out from pure bliss. His cheeks were a light pink color like he was blushing or he had just ran a marathon. Noticing a drop of sweat had slid down his forehead, and onto your hot back. The coolness lasting for a couple seconds.
Keeping in rhythm between the motions of his fingers to his cock slamming into you. It was almost becoming too much as you could feel that pressure building between your legs. You would only be able to last for so long.
"Joel I'm so close." Crying with a busted tone, but before he could respond someone knocked on the door.
"Is everything alright in there?" The woman asked.
Both you and Joel looked to each other your eyes wide open afraid to talk in case you moaned instead. Especially since Joel was still moving inside of you, and didn't plan on stopping.
Biting your bottom lip so hard you about drew blood. Joel wasn't helping in the least bit when he bent his knees and pushed in a new angle making you gasp. Looking at Joel through the mirror with a scowl, but he just grinned.
"Ma'am?" She asked again this time a little concerned.
“Get rid of her.” Joel nibbling on your ear begging you to make her go away so soon as possible.
"Y-yes." Trying your hardest to sound normal. "I'm alright. I'm just having some cramps."
That was the only thing you could think of to say at the time. Joel tried to control himself and not burst out laughing. The woman on the other hands though was a little suspicious about what was going on.
"Okay let me know if you need anything." Hearing her footsteps depart Joel grabbed your hips standing you up straight, and turned you around to face him.
"Lay down for me." Not wasting a second laying on the weirdly hall leather bench that was just big enough for you to lay on.
Grabbing your legs pushing them wider and higher up as he grabbed the base of his cock pushing slowly inside of you again. He knew you would still be sensitive, and didn't want to hurt you.
Pushing in and out noticing a creamy colored looking string on his cock. The image of this had Joel growling not thinking it would drive him wild like it did. He needed you to cum and cum quickly.
"I know you wanna cum so badly sweetheart." His fingers connected to your bundle of nerves once again. "You need to cum for me."
Joel was so close and he wasn't going to last any longer. Which is why he was pushing your to your orgasm so he could release himself as well.
Looking down between your bodies in admiration as he would disappear inside of you. His pubic hair prickling against your skin making you feel tickled.
"I'm gonna cum." Hands gripping the sides of the bench.
"I'm right there baby." He panted out of breath.
That was all you needed to hear to send you spiraling. Toes curling in the air as your legs shook with your orgasm smacking you in the face. Your chest was heaving up and down rapidly as Joel kept his eyes focused on you the whole time.
"Fuck fuck fuck." Groaning as his cock twitched spilling his own seed inside of you just seconds later.
Your body had felt like a cooked noodle. Arms laying still beside you your legs feeling incredible heavy. Joel gripped your knees as he tried to keep himself upright.
"Shit I really needed that." He chuckled as his fingers massaged your skin soothingly.
"I think we both did." Joel leaning forward to give you a tender passionate kiss.
Then another knock came on the door interrupting both you and Joel's intimate moment. Both your heads pointing towards the direction of the sound. Preparing yourselves for what was about to be said.
"Customers are complaining about the noises coming from this dressing room." Her voice timid as she spoke, but all you and Joel could do was burst into a fit of laughter.
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