#he makes you take him to a coffee shop before you do anything
transform4u · 3 days
Fangs and Football
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In the heart of a Midwestern autumn, the woods near the small college campus were alive with color. Brilliant reds and oranges framed the path that led to a secluded spot, where the air was crisp, biting just enough to send shivers down your spine. The scent of fallen leaves mingled with the earthy undertones of damp soil, creating a comforting, yet eerie atmosphere.
Inside a parked car at the edge of the woods, Josh and Ashton were lost in each other. Josh, with his tousled scruffy hair and bright blue eyes, exuded a playful energy that contrasted beautifully with Ashton’s more grounded presence. Ashton, the slightly more muscular of the two, had raven-black hair that fell just above his deep brown eyes, which sparkled with a mix of intelligence and mischief. As Josh leaned in, his fingers trailed gently down Ashton’s neck, sending a shiver through him.
“Do you think we’ll ever make it to New York?” Josh whispered, his breath warm against Ashton’s skin.
“Of course,” Ashton replied, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “Once I’m a successful coder, I’ll have enough cash to take you anywhere. Just imagine it—us, living in the city, you doing your theater thing, and me... well, probably still coding in a coffee shop.”
Josh laughed softly, their foreheads touching. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we are.”
Just then, a rustle echoed through the trees, cutting through their moment. The mist began to creep in, swirling around the car, casting an unsettling veil over the vibrant foliage. The radio, once playing Lady Gaga’s infectious pop beats, crackled with static before shifting to an urgent news bulletin.
“—this is a special report. Authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant as a convicted felon has escaped from Morningstar Prison. Last year, he was involved in the gruesome massacre of a local science team, and since then, he has been subjected to experimental treatments aimed at reducing his sentence. If you see anything suspicious—”
Josh’s smile faltered, his brow furrowing as he exchanged a worried glance with Ashton. “Did you hear that?” he whispered, pulling back slightly.
Ashton nodded, his expression turning serious. “Yeah… it sounded like they were talking about that massacre from last year.”
Just then, a rustling noise echoed from outside the car, followed by the snapping of a branch. The mist thickened, swirling around them like a living thing. Josh’s heart raced, the earlier warmth of their moment replaced by a creeping unease.
“Josh,” Ashton whispered, his voice barely audible over the static on the radio. “What if he’s out here? What if he—”
Suddenly, a heavy breathing filled the air, a deep, heaving sound that sent chills down their spines. It was close—too close.
“Did you hear that?” Josh gasped, gripping Ashton’s arm tightly.
“Yeah,” Ashton replied, eyes wide, scanning the foggy darkness outside. “It sounds like—”
Before he could finish, the sound of footsteps echoed, heavy and deliberate, as if someone—or something—was approaching. Josh pressed his back against the seat, fear gripping him, while Ashton’s jaw clenched, instinctively reaching for the door handle.
“Maybe we should just drive away,” Josh suggested, his voice trembling.
“Wait,” Ashton urged, holding him back. “What if it’s nothing? We can’t just panic.”
But as the breathing grew louder, the tension in the air thickened, and the shadows of the woods seemed to draw closer, both boys knew that whatever lay outside was anything but nothing.
As the mist thickened around the car, a monstrous figure emerged from the shadows. A jock, almost larger than life, loomed by the window. His broad shoulders strained against his shirt, and his beady eyes glinted with a wild hunger. Drool dripped from his lips, pooling on the ground as he leaned closer, confusion and intensity etched on his face.
With a terrifying ease, he yanked the car door open, metal groaning in protest as if the vehicle itself were trying to resist him. The door flew wide, clanging against the frame with a sickening thud, sending Josh and Ashton recoiling. “Get back!” Ashton shouted, instinctively shielding Josh. But the jock was relentless. He lunged forward, his hands like bear traps as he seized Josh’s wrist, dragging him toward the open door. The jock’s breath was hot and foul, a wave of rot hitting Josh like a physical blow. Saliva dripped onto Josh’s skin, burning like acid as it splattered across his arm. “Josh!” Ashton yelled, panic coursing through his voice, but the jock’s grip tightened, his fingers digging in deep. Josh felt a sharp, searing heat radiating from the drool that dripped onto him, spreading like wildfire across his skin, a tan forming in its wake as if it were more than just saliva—it was poison. Before he could process the pain, the jock leaned in closer, his mouth opening wide. In one swift motion, he bit down, teeth sinking into Josh’s arm, the pain sharp and overwhelmed him, pumping the young boy with energy and lust.
​​With each passing moment, he could feel his body changing. Muscles began to swell beneath his skin, transforming him. The sensation was surreal—his twink frame slowly adapting, filling out, becoming something more powerful.
His biceps pulsed, thickening like coiled steel cables, pressing against the fabric of his shirt as they grew. He could feel the fibers of his muscles tearing and rebuilding, each contraction sending waves of warmth through his arms. The veins on his forearms became more pronounced, tracing a path that hinted at the newfound strength surging beneath the surface.
As his shoulders broadened, he sensed a weight settling in, making him feel both grounded and liberated. The deltoids expanded, rounding out into smooth, powerful contours that complemented the tapering of his waist. It was as if his body was sculpting itself, each muscle group harmonizing into a new form that radiated confidence.
His chest swelled, pushing outward and upward, filling out the fabric tightly. The pectorals surged, a firm wall of muscle that gave him an exhilarating sense of solidity. He could feel the strength there, an undeniable power that made him want to test his limits.
As his abs began to form, he felt a delicious tightness pull across his midsection. The definition deepened, each muscle segment chiseled and sharp, creating a landscape of ridges that called out to be touched. It was an embodiment of strength, a core that spoke of endurance and tenacity.
As Josh slowly staggers up, his shredded shirt hangs off his muscular torso in tattered strips, exposing his glistening physique to the moonlight. His pecs are visibly bulging, each one larger than the last. The moonlight dances across his abs, highlighting the defined V-lines leading down to the waistband of his shorts. His broad shoulders taper to narrow hips, the muscles rippling with every labored step. A light sheen of sweat coats his skin, accentuating his toned physique. His arms hang heavily at his sides, the triceps flexing with minor movement.
Across from him, Ashton stares in awe at his boyfriend's transformation. His blue eyes roam hungrily over his body, taking in every dip and curve of his sculpted muscles. He licks his lips unconsciously as he imagines all the things he wants to do to him. But as Josh begins to shout, his voice growing louder and more manic with each passing second, Ashton's expression shifts. Josh's eyes glazed over with a desperate, animalistic hunger. "BABE.....BABBBBEEE....BABBBBBEEEESS....Must find BABES!" he bellows again, his voice cracking. "MUST FUCK HOT BABESSSSSS!" Ashton swallows hard, realizing just how far gone he's become. Ashton watches in stunned horror as Josh careens through the woods, his mind clearly fractured by a potent cocktail of adrenaline and lust. The primal need to rut consumes him entirely, pushing aside all coherent thought. "Gotta... gotta get 'em..." he grunts with each heavy step, grunting as he slams through the underbrush. His hands paw clumsily at his crotch, fumbling with his belt buckle in his desperation to free his straining erection. "Football... babes... working out..babbbess. beer...babes" he mutters deliriously, his words slipping together in a garbled mess. He can't stop thinking about pinning some nubile young thing against a locker room wall, ripping off her tiny shorts and pounding into her tight heat until she screams.
As Josh stumbles through the woods, he feels a deep, feral hunger stirring within his loins. The urge to rut, to breed, consumes his every waking thought. Memories of his strict Catholic upbringing flash through his mind - his father's shrill lectures on what it means to be a man, the shame of wearing a condom, the sin of premarital sex. But none of that matters anymore. All that exists is the primal need to dominate and conquer, to prove to the world that he's a real alpha male now. He snarls as a surge of testosterone floods his veins, his cock pulsing urgently in his gym shorts. "Fuck that pathetic loser I used to be," he growls under his breath. "Time to show everyone who I really am."
Approaching the edge of the forest, Josh spots movement in the distance - girls walking back from a nearby party. His nostrils flare as he catches the sweet scent of their arousal.
As Josh approaches the sorority house, the intoxicating scent of feminine arousal grows stronger, making his head spin with desire. He licks his lips hungrily, imagining all the tight little holes he's going to defile. "Gonna show these sluts what a real man looks like," he mutters under his breath. "Gonna fuck 'em all senseless and pump 'em full of my superior seed." The thought of knocking up some helpless co-ed fills him with primal glee. He stumbles up to the front door, nearly falling over in his haste to get inside. The house is dark and quiet, but he can hear the distant thump of music and laughter coming from upstairs. Perfect.
Without hesitation, Josh barges into the living room, his massive frame looming over the startled sorority girls lounging on the couch. "Where's your hottest bitch? Jo---Joo---Jace needs to fucccck" he bellows, his voice rough with lust.
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justallmyfantasies · 18 hours
under these lights you look beautiful
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are we dating? are we fucking? are we best friends? are we something in between that?
series masterlist
contains: 18+ smut! (teasing, fingering, unprotected piv, blowjob,
word count: 8.1k (i feel as if this is the longest thing i’ve ever written.)
alex was your friend, well best friend. you did everything together from first learning how to ride bikes to then getting your first job together at a coffee shop. both your parents knew you both wouldn’t concentrate working together but surprisingly they were wrong.
he invited you, his friend jamie and his other friend, matt to a party. this wasn’t his party, this was a party of a girl he had been crushing on for a few months.
he was determined to speak to her at this party, so he was hanging around her group for most of the night, looking like he was failing badly. you and the rest of your group silently laughing at him from afar. he was embarrassed.
eventually, he came walking back over. his shoulders slouching and his face miserable. “mate, she’s a psycho.” he sat back down, nicking your drink and chugging it all down.
“hey!” you protested. “that was my drink!” you playfully slapped his arm.
jamie turned back to the main conversation. “what did you say to her this time, man?” amused with his friends lack in the romantic category.
alex shrugged, his cheeks flaring up red in embarrassment. “i didn’t do anything, all i said was that she looked nice.”
you snorted, alex stared at you. you quickly changed your facial expression and started to fix your lipstick, trying to avoid his gaze.
you couldn’t help but say a snarky comment. “you seriously know how to charm the ladies, don’t you, al?” you smiled mockingly at him. al was a nickname all his friends used for him, he didn’t mind.
alex couldn’t help but smile at your comment, “piss off, you. you’re not any better than me.” he chuckled, playfully shoving you. “remember kyle?”
kyle was your ex boyfriend, well, would you even class him as that if you only dated him for 20 minutes?
you laughed, shoving him back. “okay yeah, i remember. and you’re right, i’m no better. but the difference is, you’ve had countless failures and i’ve only had one.” you paused, poking him in the arm. “so statistically that makes you worse.
he rolled his eyes at you. “statistically speaking, you’re a knobhead.”
"watch your mouth." you shot back, swatting his arm again, though you couldn't help but smile.
the party went on, you and alex spent most of the night chatting and laughing with your friends together. eventually the party was winding down.
you and alex were now walking home, he was drunk, but not crazy drunk, although his intoxicated state making him more bold made it seem so. you walked side by side, you kept your eye on him as he stumbled about.
the chilly night air made you shiver as you walked. alex noticed, but before he could say anything, he tripped on his feet and fell forward. he would’ve face planted the pavement if you hadn’t caught his arm and steadied him.
“you can barely walk without falling, you idiot.” you rolled your eyes, helping him stand up straight. “here, give me your arm.” he did what you said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, leaning on you slightly. you could feel his warm body press against yours as you walked.
you tried not to notice the heat that pooled in your stomach. you pushed that thought down deep inside of you, shaking your head to try and rid yourself of those thoughts. it was alex for god’s sake, he was your best friend.
alex chuckled, resting his head on your shoulder. “you’re a good friend, y’know that?” he slurred, his hot breath brushing against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
you swallowed, trying to ignore the way your heart rate sped up. “yeah, i know. and you’re a total mess when you’re drunk.” you teased, trying to act normal.
he laughed, his arm around you tightened a little bit. “maybe i should get drunk more often, then you’ll take care of me.” he joked, grinning at you.
you rolled your eyes, smiling to yourself. “shut up, you’re a handful as it is. i don’t need you being a drunk idiot on top of that.”
“oh come on, you love looking after me.” alex said, his words a bit mumbled. he was still leaning heavily against you for support as you both continued walking.
finally, you arrived at his house. his house was small but homely, you had been in there before as he wanted to show you some new tunes he had been working on. he was music obsessed.
you helped him walk up the front steps, supporting his weight as you led him to the door. he stumbled a bit, almost falling again, but you managed to catch him. you shook your head, a mixture of annoyance and concern. he really was a mess.
once he has managed to open the door, he leaned against the frame. “thanks for bringing me home.”
“no problem, just don’t expect this every time you go out and get shitfaced.” you retorted, “and tell penny i said hi.”
he chuckled, rolling his eyes. “yeah yeah.” he paused. “you could stay here, y’know. it’s late and i don’t want you walking back by yourself at this time. plus, me mum won’t mind.”
you thought for a moment. staying over at his place would be more convenient than walking all the way home. and he was right, it was late and you didn’t feel safe walking back alone at night.
“fine, i’ll stay.” you relented, pretending to sound reluctant.
“great, come on.” alex said excitedly, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside. he led you up to his bedroom, which was just like the rest of the house, nice and cosy.
he let go of your hand and stumbled over to his bed and flopped down onto it. he let out a satisfied sigh as he sunk into the mattress.
you stood awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to do with yourself. alex suddenly patted the empty spot next to him. “come and lay down.”
you raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t refuse. you walked over to the bed and laid down next to him, trying to keep as much space between you as possible, which wasn’t easy in a single bed.
alex rolled over slightly, facing you. despite being slightly drunk, he looked at you intently. “me and the lads are playing a gig this weekend.” he murmured, a lazy smile on his face.
you turned your head to look at him. “oh yeah?” you replied, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. “where is it?”
“just somewhere ‘round the corner.” alex said, he suddenly smirked at you. “you should come.”
you chuckled, rolling your eyes. “yeah? why should i come?” you asked mockingly, though you would probably end up going anyways.
“because i want you there, you twat.” he replied, the alcohol making his words slur together. he suddenly poked you. “say you’ll come.”
you batted his hand away. “alright, alright. i’ll come then.” you relented, knowing you’d never be able to deal with his constant pleading if you didn’t accept.
he smiled. “good.” he mumbled, he suddenly moved a bit closer to you, his body now pressing against yours. “i’ll need someone in the audience to cheer for me.”
you could feel your breath catch in your throat, your body suddenly feeling warm. the space between you had shortened considerably and you couldn’t help but feel acutely aware of every place where your bodies touched. “don’t be so cocky, i might not cheer. i might just boo you instead.”
he laughed, the vibrations of his chest against yours sending a shiver down your spine. “nah, you’re gonna cheer for me. you like me too much.”
you could feel your heart pound in your chest at his words, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how his words affected you. you forced yourself to scoff. “yeah, keep telling yourself that.”
“i will.” he said matter-of-factly. he lifted his hand and gently touched your hair, playing with a strand. his fingers moved from your hair to your cheek, caressing your skin like some sort of treasured object.
you couldn’t suppress the shiver that went through your body at his touch. the air around you shifted, becoming thick and charged with tension. alex’s hand lingered on your face, the skin-contact making your pulse race.
“you’re blushing.” alex mumbled with a smirk, his hand still on your cheek. he suddenly looked thoughtful for a moment. “y’know, you’re pretty. it’s a wonder you don’t have some boyfriend drooling all over you.”
you gulped, your heart skipping a beat at his words. he was so close, you were nearly nose-to-nose. “oh shut up, you’re drunk. you don’t know what you’re saying.” you muttered, trying to cover up how flustered you felt.
alex chuckled, his hand moving from your cheek to your neck, his thumb drawing lazy patterns on the sensitive skin. “i do know what i’m saying.” he said, his voice lowered to a soft murmur. “you’re gorgeous, but you never see it.”
your brain was going into overdrive, the feeling of his fingers on your skin sending electric sparks through your body. you were having trouble forming coherent thoughts, but you tried to stay calm. “you’re drunk and you’re just saying nonsense. you don’t mean any of that.”
your eyes widened at the sudden change in position. your legs were straddling his waist, his hands resting on your hips. you were practically sitting in his lap.
“i do mean it, you know.” he said, looking up at you with something in his eyes you couldn’t quite recognise. his hands squeezed your hips, almost like he was trying to anchor himself.
your brain had short circuited from the way he was looking at you. there was a heat in his eyes that had your mind racing. you were too close to him, your thighs pressed against his waist, your chest almost touching his.
your heart was racing, and the butterflies in your stomach went wild. alex’s hands were on your hips, his fingers slipping underneath the hem of your shirt and gently caressing your skin. he was looking at you with a mixture of desire and something else you couldn’t quite identify.
“alex…” you breathed out, your voice low and shaky. you needed him to say something, anything. the way he was looking at you was going to drive you insane. one of his hands moved up your side, his thumb brushing against your ribcage. the feeling made a shiver run through your body.
“you look so pretty like this,” he said huskily, his eyes raking over your face. “on top of me, straddling my hips like you belong there.”
his words made your breath catch in your throat, your head spinning at his bluntness. you swallowed, trying to think of something to say. the heat of his body pressed against yours, his hands on your skin, was making it almost impossible to think straight.
you kissed him, that took alex by surprise. he froze for a moment, his eyes widening. but then, he responded, kissing you back with a fervor that caught you off guard.
his hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you down so you were fully resting on top of him. his tongue slid into your mouth, coaxing and teasing you into a dance that left you breathless.
you gasped against his mouth as his tongue moved against yours, your hands coming up to grasp the material of his shirt. your brain was no longer functioning, all thoughts having been replaced by a burning need to be even closer to him.
alex groaned into the kiss, his own hands snaking underneath your shirt and roaming over your skin. the heat of his touch sent shockwaves through your body, making your head spin.
you moved your lips away from his mouth, trailing kisses down his jaw and to his neck. you latched onto the sensitive skin of his neck and sucked gently, the way he had done to you before. alex let out a guttural moan, his hands gripping your waist tightly. the sound made heat pool in your stomach, making you bite down on his neck.
he cursed under his breath, his hands moving to your back and pulling you down even closer. you could feel the hard planes of his body pressed against yours, the feeling was intoxicating. you continued to explore his neck with your mouth, nipping and licking at the flesh.
“god, you’re gonna kill me, doing that.” he groaned, his head falling back and giving you more access to his neck. one of his hands moved to your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands and tugging slightly.
you smirked against his skin, enjoying the way he was coming undone under your touch. you continued to explore the column of his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and nips along the way. alex’s breathing was getting erratic, his hips arching slightly, seeking friction.
you suddenly bit down on his neck, sucking the skin into your mouth and leaving behind a mark. this action caused alex to let out a strangled moan, your hands go straight to his mouth to cover it. his hands gripping your hips with an almost desperate force. the sound of his reaction sent a jolt of arousal straight through you, making you moan against his skin.
he suddenly flipped you over, switching positions so he was above you. his hands pinning your hips to the mattress, his eyes burning into yours. his gaze was dark and hungry, his lips slightly parted in an open pant.
the shift in position left you breathless, your brain unable to process the sudden change. your back pressed into the bed, alex’s body hovering over yours, pinning you in place. you could feel the heat radiating from him, his breathing ragged and his cheeks flushed with arousal.
his fingers moved to the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it over your head. alex paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you lying underneath him, now only in your bra and pants. he let out a low growl, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin.
“god, you’re beautiful.” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. his hands moved to your waist, his fingers dancing along the edge of your bra. he suddenly paused, his eyes meeting yours, as if asking for permission. you knew what he was asking, and you nodded, unable to speak. alex’s eyes darkened, his hands moving to the clasp of your bra and quickly unfastening it.
he pulled the garment away from you, leaving you exposed to his gaze. his eyes took in the sight of you, completely unguarded and vulnerable. you could see the way his breathing quickened, how his eyes dilated with desire.
your body was on fire, the feeling of his mouth on your skin making your head spin. your hands clenched the sheets, trying to find some sort of anchor. when his lips found one of your nipples, you let out a choked moan, he smirked against your skin, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. you could feel the heat of his breath, the wetness of his mouth, like a brand on your skin. his hands continued to rove over your body, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
you could feel his body pressing against yours, a slow grind that made your head spin. his mouth moved back up to your neck, sucking and biting at the skin in a way that had you writhing beneath him.
“alex please.” you gasped out, your voice breathy and desperate. “i need you. please.” you hated how needy you sounded, but you were too far gone to care. alex let out a growl against your neck, his hands gripping your hips tighter.
his mouth was back on yours, his kisses frantic and desperate. his tongue slid into your mouth, mimicking the movement of his body. you could feel the muscles of his back tense under your hands, the heat between you continuing to build.
his hand suddenly snaked down to your pants, undoing the button and slipping under the waistband. you arch against him as his fingers brush against your sensitive skin through the tin material of underwear.
he breaks the kiss, his breaths coming in ragged pants, “god, you’re so wet.” he murmurs, his words making you shiver. his fingers continue to explore, dancing over your sensitive flesh.
his touch is driving you wild, making it hard for you to think straight. your body is on fire, your thoughts consumed by him, by the sensations he’s creating. his lips find your neck again, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses and nips as he moves down your body.
you can feel your body responding to him, your hips moving to meet his touch. his fingers delve deeper into your heat, exploring and teasing, while his mouth continues its path down your body, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
he looks up at you, his eyes dark with hunger. he can see how far gone you are, how desperate you are for him. he moves back up your body, positioning himself between your legs, still fully clothed.
he leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, one hand coming up to cup your cheek while the other continues its exploration between your legs. you moan against his mouth, trying to communicate the need and desperation you feel.
his touches are maddening, drawing out every little sound from you while keeping you on the edge. one of his fingers circles your entrance, just teasing and not giving you what you want, he swallows your moan.
you can feel him hardening against you, the friction between you both almost painful. you need skin on skin, you need all of him, and you need it now. you break the kiss, pushing against his shoulder and flipping him over onto his back.
he lets out a surprised gasp, looking up at you with wide eyes. you straddle his hips, enjoying the fact that he’s now underneath you. you can see the way his chest is heaving, the way his pants are tented in the front. you move your hands slowly down his body, relishing the way he’s looking at you.
you slowly start to unbutton his shirt, your eyes never leaving his. the sight of his exposed skin has you salivating, you just want to touch and taste every inch of him. you slowly slide the shirt off his shoulders, revealing his toned chest and stomach.
your hands move to his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them. you can feel the heat wafting off his body, the muscles in his thighs tensing. you slide the pants down his legs, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.
he looks up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and awe. you can tell he’s surprised by this new side of you, but he’s clearly enjoying it. you lean down, letting your breath wash over his ear, “i want to taste you.” you whisper, your teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin of his earlobe.
he shivers, a low moan escaping his throat. “please…” he manages to get out, his voice rough with need. your hands move up his chest, mapping out every contour of his body. you slowly move down, your lips following your hands in a trail of wet kisses along his neck and chest.
you take your time, savoring every little reaction you get from him. each twitch of a muscle, every gasp, everything. finally, you reach the waistband of his boxers. you look up at him, waiting for his consent.
his eyes are dark with lust, his chest heaving. he nods, a silent command to continue. you hook your fingers into the waistband and slowly pull them down, freeing him. you take in the sight of him, hard and leaking. your breaths start to quicken at the sight, your tongue unconsciously darting out to the tip of him. the shudder that goes through his body at the contact is everything. you flatten your tongue and slowly drag it up his length, collecting the bit of precum leaking from him.
his hands move to your hair, tangling in the strands and gripping tightly. he lets out guttural moan, his head falling back against the pillow. the sound is amazing, to have him this undone because of you, it’s overwhelming.
your own desires are growing more intense, the taste of him on your tongue making your mind spin. your hands flatten against his thighs, your nails digging into the the muscles of his thighs, and he lets out a hiss of surprise. his grip on your hair tightens, and you can feel his body tense. clearly, your nails are getting just the reaction you want.
you circle your tongue around his tip, teasing and tantalizing. you can hear his breath coming in sharp pants, and you can feel his body trembling under your touch. his hands move slightly, not sure if he wants to pull you away or pull you closer. his head tilts back, a string of curses falling from his lips. you can taste the saltiness of him on your tongue, and you’re intoxicated by it.
he’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted, and you can’t get enough. your mouth engulfs him, taking him in as deep as you can, wanting to bring him as much pleasure as possible. he lets out a strangled moan, his hands now gripping your hair desperately. he’s losing control, the sight filling you with a strange sense of power.
you continue your assault, your tongue swirling and sucking him with everything you have. his hips are arching up, his body writhing and shaking, overwhelmed by the sensations you’re creating. he’s getting close, you can tell. the sounds he’s making are absolutely sinful and they’re driving you wild.
the fact that you’re doing this to him, bringing him to the edge like this, it’s the most addictive thing you’ve ever experienced. his hands suddenly move, tugging at your hair, trying to pull you up.
“please… i need you, need to be inside you.” he gasps out, his voice ragged and pleading. the sound of him begging, the desperation in his voice, it’s almost too much to bear. you move up his body, your lips finding his in a passionate kiss.
your bodies press together, the skin-on-skin contact making your head spin. his hands are everywhere, roaming over your back, in your hair, trying to pull you closer. you can feel his heart racing, his breaths coming in short pants. you lift yourself up slightly, positioning yourself over him.
he looks up at you, his eyes burning with desire. “please…” he says again, his voice a low growl. you can feel his need, how badly he wants you. you slowly sink down on him, taking him in inch by inch. his hands instantly grab your hips, his fingers digging in to the the muscle.
the feeling of him stretching you, the way he fills you completely. it’s overwhelming, and it’s everything you’ve been wanting for a long time. you sit still, adjusting to the sensations, while he just holds on to you, his eyes closed, his breaths coming in uneven pants. it’s like you’re both taking in this moment, relishing the feeling of being together like this. but then, he rocks his hips slightly, a small movement that sparks fireworks in your body.
you let out a gasp, your body going taut. it’s a silent signal to continue, to move, and you oblige. you start to roll your hips slowly, getting used to the feeling of him inside you. his hands tighten around your hips, his nails digging into the flesh for a few seconds before releasing. he’s letting you set the pace, giving you the control. but you can tell by the way his muscles are tensing that he’s hanging on by a thread.
you start to move faster, the sounds of your mingled breaths and moans filling the room. with each movement, the heat between you is building, the tension growing tighter and tighter. his hands are roaming over your body, touching every bit of you he can reach.
he’s murmuring praises, words of how good you feel, how beautiful you look. it’s like he’s worshipping you, and it’s more intoxicating than any drug. you start to ride him in earnest now, the pace fast and needy. you can feel the heat building, the sensations overwhelming.
you lean down, your lips finding his in a messy, desperate kiss. his hands find their way to your hair, gripping tight, pulling you closer. the intensity is growing, your bodies moving together perfectly.
he breaks the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, mouthing and sucking at the skin there. “i’m close.” he gasps out, his breaths ragged and uneven. “i don’t know how much longer i can hold on.”
“look at me.” you say, your voice firm, demanding his attention. his eyes snap open, locking on yours. they’re burning with need, filled with a fire that you can’t resist. you cup his face in your hands, your eyes never leaving his. “i want to see you let go. i want to see you lose control.”
his eyes widen at the words, his brain processing your request. then, like a dam breaking, he lets go. his body tenses, his muscles straining. his hands grip you tighter, almost enough to leave marks. his eyes are locked with yours, and you see the moment he loses control.
his eyes roll back, his head falls back on the pillow, and a guttural moan tears from his throat. his release is intense, shuddering through his body in waves, his hands pulling you down against him as he rides the wave. watching him, feeling him beneath you, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
it’s like seeing a god unraveling before you, and it’s so much more than you ever expected. you collapse on top of him, your body feeling weak and shaky. his arms wind around you, holding you tight against him.
his breathing is still coming in harsh pants, he’s trying to regain his composure, but is clearly having difficulty. you bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent, relishing the familiarity of it. you can hear his heart hammering in his chest, so close to your ear.
you just lay there for a moment, wrapped up in each other. neither of you have the energy to move, and it feels like time has stopped. it’s like the world exists only in this moment, nothing else matters but each other. he brushes a hand down your back, a gentle, soothing gesture.
“i think you actually broke me.” he says after a while, his voice still rough and thick with emotion. you lift your head and look up at him. his hair is sticking up in all directions, his face flushed. he looks well and truly ruined, and the sight fills you with pride.
“good.” you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
he lets out a weak laugh, his eyes full of affection. “i didn’t know you had it in you.” he says, his hand still stroking your back. you just shrug and rest your head on his chest.
his heart rate is finally slowing down, his breathing evening out. the two of you are silent for a few moments, just soaking up the afterglow. he lifts his hand from your back and starts running his fingertips over your skin, drawing invisible lines over your back, shoulders, arms. it’s soothing, almost lulling you to sleep.
but then, he speaks again, pulling you from your near-slumber. “can i ask you something?” he says, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. you lift your head and look up at him, seeing the hint of uncertainty in his eyes.
“if you want.” you reply, your voice gentle. you can tell he has something serious on his mind, and you want to hear what it is. he’s silent for a few long moments, his fingers still tracing patterns on your skin.
“what are we doing?” he finally asks, his voice quiet and a little guarded. “like, we’re best friends.. this isn’t normal, is it?” you’re surprised by the question, by the vulnerability in his tone. but you also know that it’s a conversation that needs to happen. you take a deep breath and think for a second before answering.
“normally, no, it isn’t.” you answer honestly. “friends don’t usually do what we just did.” you can feel his body tense slightly at your words, but you continue. “but to be fair, we’ve never been normal, have we?”
he lets out a small chuckle, the sound filled with both understanding and relief. you can tell he’s glad you agree with him, that he’s not the only one feeling a bit thrown off by the situation. he’s quiet for a moment, mulling over your words.
“so what does this mean for us?” he asks, his voice filled with uncertainty. “are we just friends who occasionally do this?” he gestures between the two of you. you can feel the question hanging in the air, heavy with implication.
you take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain everything you’re feeling. “i don’t know” you say truthfully. “i mean, obviously i care about you, more than just a friend. i don’t do this with just anyone.” you can feel him relax slightly, relief washing over his face at your admission. “but i don’t know if it’s a good idea to put a label on it right now.” you continue, trying to be as honest with him as possible. “i care about you a lot, and i don’t want to lose our friendship, but… i don’t want to mess things up either.” he nods, his head bumping against the pillow with the movement.
“i feel the same way.” he says, his voice quiet. “i don’t want to lose you, and i don’t want to mess this up either.” there’s a pause, the room filled with the sounds of your breathing.
the work is boring as usual, a slow day in a slow week. you’re manning the counter, your chin resting in your hand, bored out of your mind. alex is in the back, sorting through a box of new arrivals.
you let out a sigh, tapping your fingers against the counter. you swear it’s been hours, and there hasn’t been a single customer. you glance towards the back room, wondering what’s taking alex so long.
finally, you decide to go see what he’s up to. you push away from the counter and head into the back. you find him standing there, going through a box of records, his back to you.
“find anything good?” you ask, walking over to him. he jumps at the sound of your voice, clearly not expecting you. he turns around, a sheepish look on his face.
you can’t help but smile at the sight. even though he’s just doing mundane work, there’s something about him that’s always so endearing. you clear your throat, letting him know you’re there.
he jumps a little, clearly surprised by your presence. he looks up, a sheepish smile on his face. “ah, hey, uh nothing good.” he says, running a hand through his hair. “how’s the front desk?”
“boring as hell.” you reply, moving further into the room. “i swear it’s been hours, and we haven’t had a single customer.” you come to stand beside him, peering into the box of records.
he lets out a huff of agreement. “yeah, it’s been weirdly quiet today.” he rummages through a few more records. “i think we’re just gonna have to entertain ourselves.”
you raise an eyebrow, a sly smile spreading across your face. “and how do you propose we do that?” you ask, leaning your hip against the table.
he looks up at you, a similar smile spreading across his face. “hmm, i’m not sure yet.” he says, his eyes looking over at the janitors room then back at you.
you follow his gaze, a shiver of excitement running down your spine. “the janitors room?” you ask, your voice lowering. “what about front desk?”
he just shakes his head, a sly grin on his face. “i’m sure it’ll be fine. besides, lucy is out there.” he sets down the record in his hand and reaches out, grabbing your wrist and tugging you forward.
you let him lead you deeper into the back of the store, your heart rate picking up in anticipation. you’ve never done anything like this here, and the thought of it is making your body hum with excitement.
you reach the janitors room, the tiny space just big enough for two people. alex pulls you inside, shutting the door behind him. the room is small and dark, the only light coming from the cracks in the door.
he presses you against the back wall, his body trapping you in place. his eyes are burning bright, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. his hands are on your hips, his grip tight.
“you know we’re gonna get in trouble if anyone catches us.” you say, your voice barely a whisper. your body is already responding to his touch, growing eager and needy.
“i don’t care.” he replies, his voice low and rough. he leans in, his lips moving to your neck, mouthing at the sensitive skin there. his hands move to the hem of your shirt, slipping under the fabric, his palms hot against your skin.
you let out a gasp, your head falling back against the wall. your body is already reacting to his touch, heat pooling between your thighs. his mouth is making it hard to think, your mind becoming filled with a fog of desire.
he pushes you further against the wall, your body pressed fully against his. you can feel his erection against your hip, a hard reminder of his own desire. his lips move up your neck, his teeth biting down on your earlobe, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
his hands are roaming over your skin now, touching you everywhere he can reach. they move up your stomach, tracing the curves of your body, leaving behind a trail of heat. he grinds his hips against you, the friction making you moan softly.
“you have to be quiet, love.” his voice is hot against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. you nod feebly, trying to hold back another moan as he grinds against you again. his hands are moving higher now, slipping higher under your shirt.
he pushes your shirt up, exposing more of your skin to his roaming hands. his fingers find your bra, teasing the edge of the fabric. he lets out a soft huff against your neck as he toys with the fabric.
you arch into his touch, your body practically begging for more. he seems to get the message, one hand leaving your skin to fumble with the hooks of your bra. your breath is coming in short pants, the wait and anticipation almost too much to bear.
finally, he manages to undo the hooks, the bra falling loose around your shoulders. his hand is warm against your skin, palming your breast, his fingers tweaking your nipple. you let out a moan, biting down on your lip to try and keep yourself quiet.
his lips are back on your neck, his tongue tracing patterns against your skin. you can feel him shifting slightly, his other hand undoing the buttons of your jeans. his hand slips under the waistband of your jeans, his fingers rubbing against your panties. you can feel how soaked you are, the fabric already clinging to you.
another moan spills from your lips, the sounds of your ragged breathing filling the small room. alex presses his lips to your neck in a silent warning, telling you to keep your voice down. but it’s hard, almost impossible, when he’s touching you like this, when your body is buzzing with desire. his fingers are tracing patterns over your panties now, adding to the growing tension. your nails dig into his back, desperate for something to anchor yourself to.
he let out a low groan, biting down on your shoulder. he clearly likes the way you’re clinging to him, the sounds you’re making, because he’s pressing you harder against the wall, his body pinning you in place.
his fingers finally push your panties aside, his touch making you whine, the sound only muffled by the skin of his shoulder. “fuck,” you gasp out, your voice pleading. “please.”
you can feel his smile against your skin, clearly enjoying how needy he’s making you. but the smugness only lasts a second before he obliges, his fingers slipping into your wetness, making you bite down on his shoulder again.
you’re trying so hard to keep yourself quiet but it’s difficult, his fingers are doing things to you, making you feel things that are hard to restrain. his movements are firm and sure, clearly intending to take you apart, to push you right to the edge. the room is small and dark, filled with the sounds of your combined ragged breathing and the rustle of clothing against skin.
his fingers are working you now, his mouth back on your neck, sucking and biting at the skin, leaving behind marks that you’ll have to hide later. your hands are fisted in his shirt, your nails digging into the fabric. it’s all becoming too much, the pleasure building and building, but just out of reach.
“please,” you gasp out again, your voice desperate. “I need you, please.” your body is taut, practically trembling with tension. you’re so close to the edge, but you just need that last little push.
alex lifts his head from your neck, his eyes meeting yours. they’re dark and intense, filled with a desire that matches your own. his voice is thick when he speaks, his body clearly also affected. he withdrew his hand from you, placing them onto his belt and undoing it.
your eyes follow his movements, watching as he quickly undoes his pants. you’re eager and impatient, wanting him as close as possible. he pushes the fabric down his hips, freeing himself, and you reach for him, your hands gripping his shoulders.
he spins you around, pressing your front against the wall. you can feel the coldness of the concrete against your skin, a stark contrast to his warmth. his hands are on your hips again, his body pressed flush against yours.
his lips are at your ear again, his voice ragged. “do you want me?” he asks, the question a mix of teasing and genuine need. you arch against him, pushing your hips back against his.
“yes.” you gasp out, your voice filled with want. “yes, please, I need you.” your body is buzzing with anticipation, desperate for more.
he lets out a low growl at your admission, his hands gripping your hips tighter. “good, because I need you too.” he says, his voice rough with desire. he pushes himself against you, his chest pressed against your back.
you can feel his hardness rubbing against your backside, the friction making you whine. your own body is practically begging for him, your muscles quivering with need.
he shifts slightly, his hand moving to your thigh, lifting your leg up. he lifts it, hooking your shoe to the edge of the counter. this new angle makes you whimper, your body now open and exposed.
he pauses for a moment, his hand ghosting over your inner thigh, his touch light yet electrifying. “you okay?” he asks, his voice quiet but hoarse. you can only nod, your body practically vibrating with anticipation.
he clearly takes your nod as an okay, because suddenly, he’s pressing himself against you, his hips fitting perfectly against yours. you let out a gasp, your skin feeling electric, your hands gripping the edge of the counter.
his arms wrap around your middle, holding you in place, his lips at your ear again. “you’re so tight, so perfect” his voice is a low rumble, his words making you shiver. one of his hands moves up your torso, his fingers teasing your skin.
his touch feels maddening, your nerve endings firing in response. you push back against him, trying to get as much contact as possible, your body craving more. he lets out another low growl, his hips moving faster now, the rhythm picking up.
his hand moves higher, his fingers ghosting over your breast, his touch just a tease. it’s driving you insane, the way he’s touching you, his pace and the angle he has you at, it’s all slowly driving you towards the edge.
you can feel him everywhere, his hands on your skin, his body against yours, his breath hot against your ear. with each thrust he’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge, each movement making you gasp and whimper.
“please” you find yourself whispering, your voice needy and desperate. “please, harder.” your body is screaming for more, the pleasure becoming nearly overwhelming. alex’s response is immediate, his grip on you tightening, his movements becoming relentless. you’re being pushed against the wall, your feet just barely able to stay on the ground as he moves behind you. his body is pressed against yours, his chest against your back, his breath coming in short pants against your ear.
“you feel so good.” he gasps out, his voice broken with need. “i’m so close, i’m..” the rest of the words are lost as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
you can feel his pace becoming erratic, his movements becoming less coordinated. he’s close, you can tell, and that thought alone pushes you closer to the edge as well. his hands are gripping your hips now, holding you in place.
you arch against him, the sensation almost too much to bear. the room feels hot and cramped, your sweat mixing with his as you cling to each other. you’re so close, your breath coming in short pants, your muscles taut with tension.
“please.” you gasp out again, your voice broken and needy. “please, i need.. fuck.” your words are cut off as another moan slips past your lips, the pleasure building and building until it’s almost unbearable.
his movements become more frantic, his hips moving harder and faster, his breathing ragged. you can tell he’s close, the way his body is tensing, the way he’s gripping you tighter. it’s enough to send you over the edge, your body jerking as pleasure rushes through you, a wave of heat and ecstasy that makes your vision go white.
alex lets out another groan, his body stilling against yours as he reaches his own climax, his breath hot against your skin. you both collapse against the wall, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. your body feels heavy and shaky, your legs barely able to support you.
alex’s arms are still around you, his body pressed against yours. he’s still breathing heavily, his forehead resting against your shoulder. for a moment you both just stand there, basking in the afterglow, the only sound your ragged breaths.
“well.” alex finally says, his voice slightly hoarse. “that was…” he doesn’t finish the sentence, but you can feel his grin against your skin. you let out a shaky laugh, your body still trembling slightly.
“yeah.” you agree, the word coming out as a sigh.
alex lets out a huff of agreement, his hands gently stroking your hips. “we should probably clean up.” he murmurs, kissing the skin of your shoulder softly.
you nod and slowly push yourself off the wall, your legs feeling shaky and weak. alex steps back, giving you room to turn around and grab some paper towels. your hands are still shaking slightly as you clean yourself up, but you can still feel the afterglow buzzing beneath your skin.
“god.” alex says, his voice still low and ragged. “i’m never going to look at this room the same way again.” you glance over at him, and he’s standing there with his pants undone, his shirt wrinkled, and a satisfied smirk on his face.
you can’t help but laugh, the absurdity of how disheveled you both are hitting you. “well, we can add ‘janitor’s room’ to the list of places we’ve… uh, defiled.”
alex actually snorts at that, his grin widening. “oh yeah? what other places are on that list?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
you were about to reply when somebody knocked on the door. both you and alex freeze instantly, the knocking interrupting the peaceful afterglow. alex curses under his breath, quickly doing up his pants.
you shove the used paper into a nearby trash can, quickly checking your clothes to make sure nothing is obviously out of place. the knocking comes again, more insistent this time.
“just a second!” alex calls out, his voice sounding deceptively casual. he glances over at you, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.
you give him an affirmative nod, smoothing down your hair one last time. you’re both presentable, as long as whoever is on the other side of the door doesn’t look too closely. alex reaches out, taking a deep breath before unlocking the door and opening it a crack. you hold your breath as you hear a familiar voice.
“there you are!” lucy’s voice filters through the crack in the door, and you can just barely catch a glimpse of her blonde hair. you can’t see her expression, but she sounds slightly annoyed.
“uh, hey!” alex says, his voice coming out a bit too cheerful. he’s covering for you both well enough, and you’re not sure whether to be impressed or concerned.
“what’re you doing in there?” lucy asks, and there’s definitely a note of suspicion in her voice now. she tries to peer around him, but he quickly steps forward, blocking her view.
“oh, uh, i was just… looking for something.” alex replies, his voice slightly strained. he’s desperately trying to sound nonchalant, but you can hear the slight edge of panic in his tone.
“like what?” lucy asks, her voice growing more curious now. you’re almost afraid she’s going to push the door open and catch you both in the act.
“uh, my phone!” alex says, his voice taking on a falsely positive tone. “i thought i lost it in here.” he holds up his hand, showing the phone clutched in his grip.
there’s a pause on the other end of the door, and you can practically feel lucy’s skepticism through the wood. finally, after what feels like an eternity, she speaks again. “alright. come back out now. we’ve got customers.”
“be right there!” alex calls out. he waits for a moment, probably listening to make sure lucy has walked away, before he closes the door and turns back to you. he groans, running a hand through his hair.
“that was close.” he mutters, and you can see the tension in his shoulders. he’s trying to hide it, but he’s clearly shaken up by the near-miss.
“yeah” you agree, your voice coming out a bit breathless. “too close.” you can still feel the lingering adrenaline from the near-miss, mixed with the heady afterglow from before.
alex lets out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “guess we should get back out there.” he says reluctantly. he takes a step closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek softly. “you okay?”
you lean into his touch, relishing the feel of his skin against yours. “yeah, i’m fine.” you tell him, giving him a small smile. his concern is warming, and you can see the worry in his eyes.
“good.” he replies, his voice low and soft. he brushes his thumb over your cheekbone, his gaze studying your face. his touch is gentle, almost reverent, and it makes your heart skip a beat.
he leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “i better get back out there.” he murmurs against your skin. “you follow in a bit. try to look a bit less… disheveled.”
you huff out a laugh, knowing he’s right. “okay” you tell him, letting go of his hand. “i’ll be out soon.” alex nods in acknowledgement, giving you one last lingering look before he opens the door and steps out, closing it quietly behind him. you’re alone now, the silence of the room surrounding you.
was it this normal to catch feelings for your best friend?
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kaiyunsim · 2 days
HEARTS IN THE MARGINS — chapter 12 : og bf
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written section : (wc : ~450) not proof read :>
Jake shows up at the usual meetup spot, the library, this time a half-hour early. He feels bad for having you come over on such short notice so he decides to pick something up on his way there. The place he stopped by was a coffee shop that you mentioned that you liked, he took a mental note of it and hoped it would make up for the mini emergency that he had.
fifteen minutes pass, normally you would be there. he doesn’t think much about it though because it’s still early. eventually it reaches the time you agreed to meet up and he looks around for you, still nowhere to be seen. he starts to check his messages if you said anything. empty. he decides to text again, thinking you probably just missed his previous message.
hi y/n erm you’re coming right
he texts, of course not expecting a response right away so he puts his phone down. he starts to scan his surroundings checking if you are around. he kills some time by preparing the area and setting up his supplies and books.
eventually fifteen minutes pass, he just makes up another excuse, ‘maybe they’re bus is late’ ‘maybe they had to do something’ ‘maybe they forgot’ he rambles on and on in his own thoughts wondering why you aren’t there yet. he checks his messages again, all of them left on delivered.
are they ignoring me?
jake thinks to himself. after waiting another fifteen minutes, for a total of thirty minutes later than the scheduled meetup, jake finally packs up and starts to leave. at this point his gift that he got you was cold and ruined already.
jake leaves and drives off to the last place he last knew you were, heeseung’s place. once there he knocks. heeseung opens the door and greets jake with a confused face.
”why are you here? i didn’t know were having a game session today…” heeseung rambles,
”no i’m not here to play,” jake scoffs, slightly annoyed by the comment from heeseung, “is y/n here?”
”oh you know them? they left just a bit ago”
”really? which bus did they take?” jake asks, knowing you don’t have a car and just use public transit.
”oh they didn’t take a bus, their friend picked them up.”
jake sighs in defeat, not knowing of any more places to check or find y/n.
“why don’t you try asking hoon? they’re friends,” heeseung comments, trying to help jake out. it sucks to see him like this so heeseung wanted to do whatever he could to help.
jake nods before waving goodbye and hopping into his car, driving back to his dorm, leaving him thinking about what to do next.
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a/n : sorry everyone been busy doing school :(( BUT i have a long weekend so maybe oneshots?? i didn’t really like how this turned out but i have some ideas for future chapters. plus i had to get something out i feel bad for being so ia so it def feels a bit rushed. (please request things so i get out of this writing block for hearts in the margins)
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taglist ! : (OPEN !) comment or send an ask to be added !
@onlyhyunjin @starchasing-cryptid @bubblztaro @kanattac @nootnootpinguuu @gnusihcom @kkurbys @w0uldyoukissme @ilovejungwonandhaechan @pshwrldd @minoouz @winuvs @zhaegon @danielleism
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wolfywolfy · 8 months
I'm obsessed with Modern!AU Astarion not being able to drive. He just has to be driven everywhere. Passenger princess to the extreme. He COULD learn, but why when you can just drive him wherever he needs to go??
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nanaslutt · 9 months
Forgotten lunch
synopsis: Nanami forgets his lunch and you being the sweet wife you are, decide to stop by Jujutsu High to bring it to him
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contains: fem reader, established relationship, teasing, dirty talk, possessive!Nanami, rough sex, manhandling, squirting, oral(f!r), cum eating, office sex
note: this was a vip request from a friend :3 i hope u enjoy <3
You awoke to a chime sounding from your phone on the nightstand, a text message from your husband, Nanami. He texted you only seconds ago, letting you know he had left for work and would be home later that night. He did this every time he left for work when you were still asleep, and every time it never failed to make you swoon. It was such a small thing, but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
You couldn't wait for the day you transferred to work at Jujutsu High instead of the Kyoto school. The thought of getting ready every morning with Nanami and commuting to work together--maybe stopping at a coffee shop before you arrived at the school, made your heart flutter. Only two more weeks and your fantasies would become a reality.
After stretching your body and groaning dramatically, messing up the sheets in the process as you splayed your body out along the length of the bed like a starfish, you begrudgingly pulled yourself out of bed and got ready for the day. You had finished all of your assignments early the day before, meaning you had a day off. A rare occasion, but one you were extremely grateful for.
When you walked into your shared bathroom to wash your face, you were met with a small pink sticky note on your side of the bathroom, a heart, and the words 'Have a good day' written in Nanami's neat handwriting. You smiled as you looked at it before putting on your headband to keep the stray hairs out of your face as you continued with your skincare.
Once you had finished all of your morning care, and pulled on a simple, comfortable outfit, you strolled into the kitchen for breakfast, rubbing the back of your neck as you walked into the room. Immediately, you noticed Nanami's grey lunchbox sitting atop the counter. Furrowing your eyebrows, you walked up to the bag, wondering if he had forgotten his lunch, or if he had used a different bag today and this was the one he used the day prior. 
Sure enough, when you unzipped the bag, it was full of the lunch you had prepared for him the day before, the cold leaked out into the air, feeling it on your fingertips as you looked inside, letting you know that the food inside was still good. Thank god for insulated lunch boxes. You shook your head and smiled at his mistake, it was unusual that Nanami missed something like this, he was a man severely devoted to his schedule after all. 
You chalked it up to him being a little tired from the night before, causing his lunch to slip his mind. Because you had the day off, you might've been a little selfish the night before when you made Nanami fuck you into the sheets over and over again. Clinging onto him as you whispered into his ear 'Don't stop, give me more~' until the early hours of the night. 
It's not like Nanami was complaining, he was just as eager as you were. You definitely could've shortened your... session a little bit for his sake though. Maybe you would've if his dick allowed you to think of anything other than how deep it was inside you. Shaking your head you snapped yourself back into the present, pushing down the growing arousal you felt between your thighs while your brain replayed the most intimate moments you spent together last night. 
Clearing your throat, you zipped the lunch bag shut, taking it in your hand as you decided to take it to him. You had nothing to do on this day anyway, it's not like it was a hindrance to you in any way. Besides, Nanami's commute to the school was so close--a lot closer than you were to the Kyoto school.
Sitting on the floor with Nanami's lunchbox beside you, you pulled your shoes on, getting ready to leave. You checked your appearance in the mirror before you walked out the door, making sure you looked presentable before you saw your husband, ignoring the fact that Nanami had said many many times that he would find you attractive if you were in a garbage bag. 
You were surprised Nanami hadn't texted you about his missing lunch. Maybe he still hadn't noticed, even if he did, you doubted he would ask you to bring it to him. Even though he knew you had nothing going on today, Nanami wouldn't want to inconvenience you--such a selfless man. You grabbed the handle of his lunchbox, lifting it from the floor, and with that, you were on your way.
You always loved the Jujutsu High campus. The scenery was beautiful, and the plants and flowers that decorated nicely around the buildings were so well tended to, making it look so clean and inviting. Another plus was the people. Everyone here was so sweet and welcoming, save for a certain old guitarist who appeared to be withering away in front of your eyes, and the higher-ups of course. It was seldom that you saw them though.
The students on campus loved you as well, they were all so excited when they heard from Nanami that you were transferring. You hadn't had many interactions with them, but you could tell they were good kids and respected your husband, especially a young Yuji Itadori, who seemed to almost worship the ground Nanami walked on.
You knew the way to Nanami's office with ease, you had been there many times when you got off work before him and decided to come to his work and sit in his office with him while he finished up. Strolling through the quiet halls of the teacher's offices, your eyes lit up when they landed on Nanami's, his office placed next to Gojo's, whose door was poorly decorated with flowers and hearts that looked like third graders had drawn them. It always made you smile when you saw it. 
You knocked softly against Kento's door, not speaking as you wanted to surprise him. Before you even finished, the door was being swung open, and your eyes were met with your husband's, his reading glasses pushed atop his head, his hair being pushed back with them. You shamelessly raked your eyes over his body, god he looked good in a suit. His built stature was practically ripping through the material of his clothes, making your thoughts run rampant. You hoped he didn't catch the blush spreading across your cheeks.
"I sensed your cursed energy, what are you doing here my love?" Nanami asked. The tips of his ears were turning a light shade of pink. He was excited to see you--cute. Your hands were behind your back, hiding his lunch box from his view. He said a quiet 'come inside' before you spoke, stepping to the side as he opened his door more for you, letting you into his space.
You didn't miss the way he locked the door after he shut it, making you smile to yourself. "Forgot something, Ken?" You asked, tilting your head at him knowingly as you revealed his lunch box to him, holding it out with both hands in front of him. Nanami sighed, a small smile gracing his features as he took the lunchbox from you, taking a few steps to set in on his desk before he walked back over to you and wrapped his strong arms around your body.
"You didn't have to bring it all the way here, I would've realized at some point and gone to a cafe to get something to eat." He explained, his large hand caressing the side of your cheek. Nanami's body heat spread throughout your entire body as he held you against his chest, nuzzling your cheek instinctually against his hand. "I made your favorite, wouldn't want you to miss out. I'm not doing anything today anyways, it was nothing." You replied, tipping your face against his hand so you could press a kiss to the side of his palm.
Nanami leaned his face down toward yours, his hand sliding down to your neck as he rested it there softly. His eyes flit between your soft lips and your gentle eyes, filled with so much love for him. "Mmmm." He moaned against you as he pressed your lips together, relishing how soft you felt against him. He kissed you slowly, passionately, before he pulled back, way too soon for your liking. 
You felt that same throbbing you felt while you were fantasizing about the night before making its appearance once more as he looked down at you with a smile, brushing the stray hairs from your face. "Well, I appreciate it, my love. Truthfully I would've been slightly disappointed when lunchtime came around and I realized I wouldn't get to eat you're cooking." Nanami said, his hands pulling away from your waist as he made his way back to his desk, sitting down in his expensive office chair.
While you mourned the loss of his hands on you, your greedy eyes took in the way his thighs bulged through his pants as he sat down, the material covering them straining to fit his muscles. Maybe you should get him some new pants... or maybe not, the sight of them was too delicious. 
Biting your lip, you strolled over to him as he looked back down at his documents, his glasses finding their home on the bridge of his nose. "What are your plans for the day? Just relaxing or did you need to go out for something?" Nanami asked, keeping his eyes on his paperwork. His body jolted slightly before relaxing when you came up behind him and started massaging his shoulders with your smaller hands. 
Your fingers dug into his muscles, working him over so well as you loosened the knots in his shoulders. Nanami rolled his head to the side, pressing his lips together as his eyes fell shut, relaxing against your touch. You leaned against the shell of his ear, biting the tip of his before you whispered teasingly, "I was just going to wait at home all alone in my panties till my husband came home." 
Nanami groaned in response, his eyes cracking open as he looked to the ceiling for help before he looked back down at his document when he realized what you were trying to do. "Don't do this right now." He said sternly, trying to ignore the heat that started to bloom deep in his stomach from your words. "Do what? I'm just helping you relax. I can't do that?" You replied, playing dumb.
Nanami felt his cock stir to life in his pants. He hated that he liked it when you played coy with him. "Honey, I have a lot of work to do. Was yesterday not enough?" Kento responded, his eyes fluttering when your thumbs dug into a particularly tense spot in his shoulders. You felt your arousal grow at his mention of what the two of you did last night. "I can never get enough of you Ken~" You teased, saying his name seductively in his ear. 
"Honey please." He begged, doing his best not to give in to you. "Gojo is just one room over, I can't do this with you right now." He said firmly, his shoulders flexing under your hands when he leaned forward to start reviewing the documents in front of him. "Hm? Why are you bringing him up? What kinds of lewd things are you thinking about in there?" You teased, tapping the top of his head with your finger.
Nanami was already fully hard in his slacks, just from a few touches and a couple of dirty words from you. Your ability to rile him up like this was truly a talent, he was absolutely whipped by you. You peeked over his shoulder when he stayed quiet, looking down at the very obvious bulge in his pants as he wrote something unintelligible on the paper, trying to look busy. 
"Are you hard, baby? I didn't even do anything, what got you so worked up?" You giggled, biting your lip as you watched his cock twitch through his pants, the sight making your mouth water. Nanami was losing his cool, he didn't know how much more of your teasing he could take. You decided to test your luck further, sliding your hands down his shoulders your ran them over his chest, your fingers teasing his solid pecs over his shirt. 
Nanami groaned when you raked your nails back up the expanse of his chest, they scratched over his sensitive nipples, making his cock twitch in his pants. You were about to say something overconfident and snarky, but you were cut off when Nanami stood from his chair, shoved it to the side away from his desk, and turned around to catch your slender neck in his hand. 
"You really wanna get fucked here? Want me to pause my work because my wife is a needy slut?" He growled lowly, keeping a firm grip on your neck as he brought his face close to yours, his other hand holding your waist firmly. The sudden change in his demeanor made your head spin as you smiled at him. You were getting exactly what you wanted. "Yes please." You said selfishly, your smile growing with your arousal as you kept your lidded eyes on your handsome husband's face, plastered with frustration.
Your hands came up to grip Nanami's wrist that was holding your neck as you waited for him to make his next move. He licked his teeth before he manhandled you down on the desk, your chest crumpling any of the documents that were unfortunate enough to be sitting in front of him. He kept a large hand on the back of your neck while your hands gripped the edge of the desk.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest and echoing in your ears from how excited you were. You tried to turn your head far enough so you could watch Nanami undo his belt when you heard the clinking of the metal as he ripped the leather from the confines of the belt loops on his pants. "What do you think you're looking at?" Kento asked harshly, squinting his eyes at you as he hastily unzipped his pants to release his cock from the too-tight confines of his work pants.
"Your cock." You said boldly, your eyes locking onto the appendage as he pulled it out from his boxers, keeping his pants on but lower on his hips so his cock had enough space to get out. Nanami wrapped his hand around his dick, the tip already dripping pre-cum onto the floor from how worked up he was. 
"You want this as bad as I do, don't you Ken?" You asked, wiggling your ass at him. You really weren't planning on jumping on Nanami like this when you decided to bring his lunch to him, but a single quick one over of his impressive frame in his work clothes managed to change that. "Shut up." He growled back, releasing his cock after he gave it a few strokes to pull down the casual pants you wore, panties and all, exposing your dripping cunt to the room.
"If you wanna pretend you're all angry with me you can, I like when you get rough." You teased, feeling a new wave of arousal wash over you when he exposed your cunt to the room. You watched from your peripheral as his eyes took in your soaked cunt, his thumb spreading open your folds to his greedy eyes. "And what makes you think I'm pretending, hm?" Nanami spat, the vein in his forehead popping out at your teasing. 
He slid his thumb down to your clit, rubbing slow teasing circles over it, effectively shutting you up. The hand he had on the back of your neck tightened against you as he watched your jaw drop in a small o, your eyes fluttering back in your head. "So fucking easy, all I gotta do is touch your clit a little and you behave," Nanami said, his cock dripping pre-cum against your ass as he throbbed watching your face contort from your pleasure.
"'M n-not easy." You tried to spit back. Nanami was right though, the second he gave you any sort of attention, you were a good girl. He knew just how to calm you down. "No?" He asked, rubbing his thumb faster against your clit. "Look at yourself." He said, his fingers on your neck emphasizing his words with a squeeze to your pulse point.
You tried to press your thighs together as he rubbed your clit, but Nanami was having none of that. His larger thigh knocked your knees apart, keeping you spread open for him so he had full access to your pretty pussy. "You're gonna be quiet when I fuck you. Not gonna make a fucking sound." Nanami instructed, not giving you an option. 
You nodded, agreeing to his words--but honestly, you would say anything he wanted you to if it meant he gave you his cock. You whined at the loss of his thumb against your pussy, but the feeling was soon replaced by the fat head of his cock, rubbing up and down your folds, mixing his precum with your juices, making sure his cock was nice and wet before he fucked you.
"Let me know you heard me, tell me you're going to be quiet," Nanami repeated, catching his head against your entrance and pressing against it teasingly before he pulled back, making you whine. "Yes, yes Ken I'll be quiet, just-, please." You begged, trying to push your ass back against him so he would give you his dick already.
"Please what?" He asked. You didn't miss the teasing tone his voice took, it was his turn to play with you now. "Y-your cock, give me your cock pleasee~" You whined, pouting against his desk as you tried to look back at him through your blurry peripheral. Nanami released the back of your neck to grab both of your wrists in his one large hand, keeping them restrained against your lower back. "So easy." He repeated, referencing his words earlier as he slowly slid his cock into your cunt.
Your jaw fell open agaisnt the wood of his desk before a loud moan slipped from your lips. Nanami wasted no time in wrapping a hand under your face and pressing his hand against your mouth, his back lying flush against yours as he crushed you with his weight, his hand restraining your wrists being crushed between your bodies, his mouth right against your ear as he spoke, "Be fucking quiet." He groaned, keeping his voice semi-quiet as he spoke.
"Two inches of my cock inside you and you break your promise?" He whispered, thrusting the rest of his cock inside you, a muffled moan resounding against Nanami's hand. "I wasn't fucking kidding. Gojo is right on the other side of that wall and you just moaned like a slut for everyone to hear." He growled, slowly humping his hips against your ass. 
You let out soft moans against his hand, your eyes rolling back in your head each time his fat tip brushed against your sweet spot deep inside you. "You're my fucking wife. No one else gets to hear how you cry for me when I fuck you, got that?" He whispered, his deep voice in your ear sending goosebumps down your spine. You loved when Nanami got possessive, it made you feel so fucking hot all over.
You nodded against the desk, your pussy squeezing tightly around his cock as he fucked you open for him. He kept his weight against your back as he fucked you, his balls slapping against your thighs making lewd noises to echo around his office. He was too worried about your moans, he should've been more concerned with that. Anyone who walked by his room would easily be able to tell what was going on from the slapping alone, whether or not you were making any sound.
You did your best to keep your moans quiet as he pressed his hand against your mouth, but it was proving to be so fucking hard. It was rare that you and Nanami got intimate at any place other than your home, so you weren't used to having to be quiet. It wasn't like you had much of a choice either. Nanami was fucking you so hard, he was practically punching the sounds out of your body.
His cock was touching all the right places inside you, making you see stars behind your eyelids. "God your pussy is squeezing me so tight." Nanami groaned, his head burring in the crook of your neck as he whispered the words, his hot breath tickling your skin. "M-mmmm" You moaned into his hand, your ass wiggling back against him as you tried to escape the intense pleasure he was giving you--or were you trying to get more? You couldn't remember, he was fucking you dumb.
"What's wrong? Too much?" Nanami asked, faux sympathy laced in his voice. He sped up the pace of his hips against you, the slapping echoing louder in the room as he abused your g-spot with his cockhead. You could only whine against his hand, unsure what you would've said if he wasn't covering your mouth. "That's too bad. You wanted this, so you're going to fucking take it." He growled.
You whined, your legs shaking from the intense pleasure flooding your body. Nanami's balls were slapping harshly against your clit, making your brain turn to mush as he fucked you so deep. "Shhhhh." He reminded when you started to get a little too cockdrunk, forgetting where you were. His hand could only do so much in keeping your moans down, he needed you to help him out a bit. "Be quiet baby, do this one thing for me, c'mon." He urged.
You wanted to laugh. How could he say that, then somehow fuck his cock deeper inside you? Fucking tease, he knew what he was doing. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt your orgasm build up inside you. All the stimulation was too much. Your hands started to go numb from how hard Nanami was gripping your wrists combined with his body weight crushing them. That was another thing--his body weight.
He was effectively suffocating you but in the best way. Each time his cock slid inside you, it punched the air from your lungs, and with how much he was laying on you, it was making it very hard to recover from his thrusts and take in a breath. It felt like he was choking you, but ten times more intense, and you loved it.
You think that's why your orgasm came on so quickly. The anticipation combined with how deep he was pounding into you was going to make you cum--and hard, all over his cock. "You got tighter...are you close? Hm? Gonna cum all over my dick right now?" He asked against your air, his deep voice only adding fuel to the fire as his soft lips sucked the lobe of your ear into his mouth, his teeth slightly pulling on it.
You nodded, your moans increasing in frequency but the volume stayed the same, you didn't want to anger Kento more than you already had. "Good, do it. Cum all over my cock, pretty girl, c'mon." He cooed into your ear, his own dick twitching inside you with his impending release as he kept the same pace up, working you higher and higher to your orgasm.
Your shins crossed over one another with the sheer intensity of the pleasure you were feeling. Your eyes screwed shut and your mouth fell open against his palm as it opened in a silent scream. "Yeah, that's it- oh fuckkkk, atta girl, good fucking girlll." Nanami groaned as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your moans sounded shaky as the rest of your body jolted as it was wracked with your high.
Nanami didn't have to look to know you had just squirted all over his cock, and undoubtedly all over his pants. "Gonna cum inside you, that's what you want right? Wanna feel me deep inside you?" He babbled against your ear, his thrusts becoming sloppy and stuttered the closer her got to the edge. He released the hand he had on your mouth so you could speak, he needed to hear you beg for him.
"Y-ess Ken c-cum inside me pleaseee~" You whined, your moans coming out slurred and choppy as he fucked you through the aftershocks of your high, slightly overstimulating you as he used your cunt to get him off. "O-okay okay- fuck c-cumming-" Nanami's hips stilled against your ass as his cock twitched inside you with every rope of cum he shot deep inside. His balls clenched with his cock as he released all of his seed inside you, groaning loudly against your ear--so much for being quiet.
"Oh fuck- there's s-so much." You whined back, keeping your thighs pressed together as he rolled his hips against you, letting your walls milk him entirely before he stopped moving. "God... fuck..." Nanami huffed as he came down from his high, his body crushing yours even more as he relaxed against you from such an intense orgasm.
He was still deep inside you and he could already feel how his seed was spilling out around his dick from how much he had given you. "K-ken... can't... breathe..." You whispered against the desk, your cheek being squished into the wood. Nanami quickly sat up, standing his full weight on shaky legs. "Sorry honey, that really took a lot out of me." Nanami groaned as he slowly pulled his spent cock out of your tight walls.
You hissed in overstimulation as he slid out of you. Your walls clenched around him in instinct, making him wince as your pussy hugged his tip before he slid it fully out of you. He reached over your body to grab the tissues on the side of his desk, grabbing a couple as he wiped his cock clean before tucking it back in his pants.
You layed still against the desk for a couple of seconds before you tried to push yourself up. You were quickly stopped by your husband, who pressed his hand against your lower back, keeping you on his desk. "Don't move." He instructed, to which you obeyed, blushing as you laid still against the wooden desk, your body still shaking and twitching from your orgasm.
You looked around the room as you waited for Nanami to do something. Your body jolted when you felt his tongue lap at your used cunt, his large hands gripping the fat of your ass as he spread you apart so he could clean you better with his tongue. You slapped your own hand over your mouth as he ate his cum out of you, making you whine in oversensitivity.
"K-kento!" You whined through your fingers, your free hand shooting back to rake through his sweaty hair, your head tipping to the side so you could make eye contact with his lidded eyes as he licked through your folds, cleaning you up. Nanami moaned in response, shaking his head against you so he could get his face deeper, tasting your combined essence on his tongue.
You blushed at his antics, moaning softly agaisnt your hand before he pulled away, standing as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, looking down at you innocently. "How's your cum taste?" You teased, smirking at him with a flushed face. He smirked back before he lifted your tired body and placed you on his lap, facing him, as he sat down on his office chair.
You adjusted your pants on top of him, covering your cunt with your pants and panties once more before he gripped your chin and leaned forward. You leaned into the kiss, your lips slotting together with his as he immediately slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you slowly. You tasted the familiar bitterness of his cum on your tongue, mixed with something else you could only assume was yourself. 
He pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds, a small string of saliva connecting the two of you together as you gazed at him with a slightly slack jaw. "You tell me, how do I taste?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over your lip before he dropped both hands to your thighs, rubbing the skin there soothingly. 
You blushed at how bold he was being, oh how the tables turned. You pouted at him as he smirked, rubbing his hands along the soft material of your pants. "Any chance this was premeditated and you brought an extra pair of pants for me?" Nanami asked, looking down at the very obvious wet spots on his crotch and thighs from where you squirted on him.
"Was that- did I do that?" You asked, looking down at the mess and blushing furiously. You don't know how you were only noticing it now, it was a massive dark patch, really. "Yes baby, you did that," Kento responded, nodding. You looked around the room for anything that could be suitable pants or at least something he could use to cover himself when he left for the day.
After your eyes found nothing, of course, because you were in Nanami Kento's office, the very organized man who only brought with him what was necessary--you looked back to him before speaking, "You uh... you wanna wear my pants?" 
It was the thought that mattered.
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augustinewrites · 4 months
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yesterday afternoon - after an unsuccessful coffee shop date - you’d decided that dating sucked. it was much too awkward and formal and not at all like it was in the movies, putting too much pressure on the people involved.
last night - after watching shoko flirt her way into free drinks - you’d been tipsy enough to take her advice. 
casual sex! it doesn't have to be with a stranger, just pick someone you know. someone you’re sure you won't fall in love with.
this morning you’d woken up to find gojo laying in bed next to you.
you lay shoulder to shoulder with the one person you should not have picked, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for the other person to speak. 
“did we really–” 
“three times,” satoru confirms happily, rolling onto his side to grin down at you. “i'm surprised we didn't do this sooner, really. our sexual tension has always been off the charts.”
when he leans in to kiss you, his lips meet your palm as your expression wrinkles. “don’t get familiar.”
“we’re naked together in bed– we slept together in more than the literal sense. can’t get more familiar than that.” 
“and this never happen again,” you promise, refusing to look at him. 
“why? because you’re afraid you’ll fall in love with me? it’s okay to admit it. i'm extremely lovable.” 
you’ve seen the way girls fawn over him. how they swoon over his pretty eyes and confident smile. he’s satoru gojo. a legend amongst jujutsu society. you’re no one in comparison, not a user of an otherworldly cursed technique, not from a major clan. 
people like him don’t fall for people like you. you’re afraid of rejection, afraid of being hurt. 
“we’re friends,” you tell him honestly. “i don’t want to risk ruining our friendship over something like this.” 
he tilts his head as your look at him. “shoko told you to try casual sex, didn't she? why not with me?”
“she told you?” you groan, dragging a hand down your face and making a mental note to never ask your roommate for advice for anything ever again. 
“hey, look at me,” he urges, grasping your hand. you do as he says, meeting his earnest gaze. “i can be casual and chill, it’s not like i have a huge crush on you or anything.” 
it’s so hard to say no to him. you really wish you could.  
“i’ll think about it,” you tell him, rolling your eyes when he fist pumps. “but you need to go home before shoko sees you.” 
but you’re dealing with satoru gojo, who almost never does what he’s told. “you’re not getting rid of me that easily. come here.”
he winds an arm around you, pulli my you in so you’re snug against his chest. explicit memories of last night flash through your mind, sending heat through your veins.
 “i can’t.” you tell him (though you’re mostly reminding yourself.) this is insane— satoru, what are you—”
you’re cut off when he shushes you, whispering let’s sleep in for a little while longer. 
he starts to drift off again as you struggle to escape his grasp, but your efforts are futile. even on the throes of sleep, satoru is stronger than you. 
so you give up, resigning yourself to a few more minutes of…cuddling. shoko isn’t a morning person anyways.
after a minute, you find it's not entirely awful. it’s a purely physical reaction. gojo is good looking, even with his hair mussed with sleep and his mouth hanging open. because you know that under the softness of his skin lays defined muscle, and spending the morning in his nicely toned arms isn’t the worst thing in the world. 
(it’s purely physical, is what your head tries to convince your heart, which is beating a little faster than usual.)
a very soft, content sigh slips past your lips. 
then, shoko knocks on your door. 
“hey! don’t tell me you’re too hungover for grocery shopping.” 
“shit!” you whisper harshly, shoving him away from you. “she cannot see you in here.” 
“afraid you’ll have to share?” he teases, narrowly avoiding being hit with a pillow. “okay, okay! where do you want me?”
“closet!” you instruct, scrambling my around the room to make sure none of his clothes are lying around. you thrust them into his hands, pushing him into your closet. 
he catches the door before you can close it, smiling down at you. “aren’t you glad we’re doing this?”
you shove him inside, slamming the door shut just ask shoko bursts into the room.
“hey,” you greet, trying your best to appear casual as you lean against the door. your heart beats in your throat, as she squints at you, then lets her gaze sweep across the room.
“did you bring someone home last night?”
she looks at you. really looks at you, you think. 
“okay,” she finally says, though you can’t tell if she believes you. “i just– i thought i saw you leave with gojo. suguru said you two were flirting all night.”
“gojo and i?” you try to laugh, but it comes out a little strained. “never in a million years.”
shoko only shrugs, and you let yourself relax when she turns to leave…
…only for her to turn around once more, leaning the the doorframe. “well if you really don't like him, just let him down easy, alright? suguru told me he has a huge crush on you.” 
you hear a sharp inhale through the door. 
“yeah,” she nods. “you really couldn't tell?”
gojo…has a crush on you. it takes a few seconds to truly sink in. “i had no idea.” 
“of course you didn't. he’s definitely got a really weird way of showing it.”
she turns to leave for real this time, but you wait a couple extra seconds before opening your closet, finding a wide eyed, blushing satoru staring at you. 
you can't help but laugh. at his expression, at shoko’s revelation, at this entire situation.
dating sucks, but maybe it won’t be that bad if it’s with him.
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kenananamin · 1 year
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Tie my tie, marry me
Summary: The moment Nanami knew he never wanted to tie his tie by himself ever again and wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side. fluffy, nanami x fem!reader, nanami already loves everything you do but something about tying his tie was so intimate and special to him
It had been a year since Nanami officially asked you to be his girlfriend, but you had just started staying over during the weekdays. If either of you would stay at each other's houses, it would only be during the weekends when you both knew the next day could be dedicated to each other. Only recently had that unspoken rule changed.
You had both gone to the mall to shop for your new professional wardrobe and Nanami asked if he could buy a few extra things for you to keep at his house. You both knew what that implied and told him he could buy it, only if you could buy some stuff for him to keep at your house. You had both never been happier to spend more time and money at a crowded mall.
Nanami woke up a bit later for work than usual because of a power outage that turned off his alarm clock and did not charge his phone. You went into work after he did so you make his coffee and pack his lunch while he took a quick shower. You run into the bathroom to let him know he had less than 15 more minutes.
He steps out of the shower and grabs his razor to shave. You reach for the hairdryer he bought for you to keep at his house and start to dry his hair as he quickly shaves. You run out and start to rummage through his closet to set his clothes on the bed. Nanami finishes shaving and follows you out to get dressed.
"Shirt first, hurry," you take the shirt off the hanger and throw it to him.
Nanami begins to button the shirt when you get in front of him and start pulling his collar up and putting his tie around his neck. He looks at you with a questioning look and you quickly explain, "My dad taught me how to tie a tie. Never thought it'd come in handy since I never knew anyone who regularly wore a tie before you." You laugh at the memory but continue what you were doing to avoid making your boyfriend late.
Nanami however... his fingers stop buttoning his shirt. He looks at you, concentration and rush covering your features, but your fingers gently grazed his skin as you looped his tie. She's the first person to ever tie it for me, Nanami thinks. He had to learn how to do it from a video and was later corrected by some older male coworkers who showed him with their own ties.
The events of that morning finally dawn on him. You jumped out of bed right after you felt him jump out and started rushing around the apartment with him. He hadn't even mentioned that he was late, but you opened your eyes and knew what to do. He could smell the coffee from the room and heard the clanking of the leftover containers being opened and slid across counters from the shower. You dried his hair knowing that his route to work was not long enough to let it dry itself, and you took out exactly what he would have worn that day while he shaved. And now... there you stood before him, helping him tie his tie so his hands could do other things.
It seemed so... small. It was so small, so truly insignificant in the scale of life, something that could not hold weight in the world or change anything in the universe. But it changed his life, it was his favorite view in the world, and it would become his universe.
You look up at him and see him staring... and his hands not moving?! You move his hands away from the buttons and rush to finish buttoning it down. He takes your face in his hands and leans down to kiss you slowly. So very slow and soft. It stops you completely and you wrap your arms around his waist, relishing in the smell of his aftershave and body wash. Nanami deepens the kiss and moves an arm around your waist to pull you in closer. As much as you love when he pulls you in, the movement pulls you out of the kiss trance.
"Oh my god, Kento, hurry!! You're late, you're late!"
You step back and shove his pants into his arms. You tell him to hurry and that you'd grab his shoes to put by the door. You start yelling across the apartment that it would rain the entire afternoon and he needed to take the umbrella.
Nanami listens as you rustle through the closet looking for the umbrella and the light thud of what might have been his lunch bag and coffee thermal on the entryway table. He walks out the room putting on his suit jacket and sees you lightly jumping while telling him to hurry with his shoes.
Nanami leans down to tie his shoes but pauses after he's done. He goes to touch your bare leg since you hadn't even gotten dressed after waking up. You only wore his large shirt and underwear. He kneels and carefully lifts one leg to kiss your knee. He looks up from his kneeling position and says, "Thank you for helping. You really didn't have to."
His loving eyes close slightly while you lean down to give him one kiss as your response. "You're late," you whisper against his lips.
Nanami stands and takes his things while waving bye to you and your bed head. He heads out the door and begins a light jog to catch his regular train.
Yeap, she's the one, Nanami thinks.
Nanami spent his lunch break at the jewelry shop looking at rings that would look beautiful on your finger. There were so many engagement rings that would look gorgeous on you, but one caught his eye as he imagined that ring slightly moving on your finger as you tied his tie.
"I like that one. Do you have a size (your ring size) in stock?"
Nanami buys the ring at that moment and texts you to ask if he could come over to your house after work. He does not plan to propose on a regular Tuesday evening with no special plans, but he wants to hug you, smell your lovely perfume, take you some flowers, and give you a special thanks for helping him. And maybe, maaaayybe (most likely), stay over at your house to help him with his tie again the next morning.
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
Danny is Some Guy with a not so secret admirer.
Part four? Post #four? I don’t know, none of these are exactly in order. Post one, post two, post three.
By the time Tim opened the door, Danny had his coffee made and handed to Mia at the register. He resolutely ignored her smug face and went back to making the other orders.
Tim had been a regular long before Danny had started at the coffee shop but it was three days into Danny’s third week when Tim had stumbled in at eight a.m. and did a double take upon seeing Danny. A very obvious double take followed by intense staring before Mia had cleared her throat. The blush that lit up Tim’s face was only rivaled by the one on Danny’s.
He had never had anyone openly stare at him before.
Mia had been insufferable ever since.
It also didn’t help that shortly after their first meeting Tim had started taking his breaks at the little coffee shop. It’s been three weeks, nearly a month and Wayne Enterprise’s CEO went from a bi-weekly regular to an everyday one. (Danny wondered if he should be concerned for the man’s caffeine intake but he only had the one cup every time so probably not.)
Originally, Danny had no plans to talk to Tim. It seemed obvious the guy had a crush on Danny if the constant looks over his laptop were anything to go by and Danny didn’t want to encourage it. Danny barely had time to make new friends let alone start a relationship.
There was also the added problem of what was quickly becoming his bat stalkers. How do you explain to someone that you were being watched by Gotham’s vigilante’s for no reason? (Or worse because he had made a poorly timed sleep-deprived comment.) Danny didn’t think you could without seeming suspicious.
Incidentally though, Danny’s plan went out the window when on a slow afternoon as he was cleaning tables and passed behind Tim. Once he saw the article the other man was reading he snorted.
Bruce Wayne and The Batman? Could This Be A New Romance For Gothams Most Beloved Billionaire?
It was one of those gossip rags that printed things like: Elvis: alive and well and Superman: a mild mannered farm boy? It was all nonsense.
Danny asked Tim why he bothered with the site and Tim responded that he found it amusing to read and that his family had a group chat where they sent the articles to each other.
“Okay. But Batman? Really? Your dad could do so much better.”
“You don’t like Batman?” Tim asked. Danny had slid into the chair next to him and shrugged. “I respect what he does but for as intimidating as he is, he also seems a little silly.”
Tim had given him an incredulous look and Danny hadn’t given him time to ask for an explanation, “and his kids can be just as rude. Like that flying monkey one.” Tim choked on air and Danny politely waited for him to calm down. “Kids? Wait - flying monkey one? Which one -?”
“The one always doing back flips with the blue bird symbol. He’s also a dick that gives hypocritical lectures about fighting.” Danny wouldn’t say he hated the guy but he wasn’t sure how many more lectures he could endure before going ghost and fighting him.
Tim had turned to Danny completely and was watching him with a look of disbelief, “you mean Nightwing?”
“Is that his name? Imma call him Dickwing.”
Tim had started choking again, this time Danny patted his back hoping to help. Yet it was all for not once he kept talking, “I think I’ve only had positive interactions with the one who looks like a walking red flag.”
“Red flag? Do you men hood-?”
“No, although he is definitely a red flag, I mean the other Red one. I’m sorry, I don’t know all these peoples names yet.”
“Danny!” Mia called.
Danny stood and patted Tim, who looked a little shell-shocked, on the shoulder. “Well work calls, see you later Mr. Drake-Wayne.” As he walked away he heard Tim mutter “it’s just Tim.”
(Tim for his part, placed his head in his hands and thought, well at least I have his name now.)
After that first interaction Tim stopped playing the lurker and started to actually talk to Danny and vise versa. Danny never asked if he still had a crush on him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
Unfortunately, their growing friendship had only encoraged Mia as she happily sang “your boyfriend’s here!”
Danny, very maturely, did not stick his tongue out at her. He did however flip her off under the counter like an adult.
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helaintoloki · 2 months
May I request a five x reader where they are living domestically and just being happy and lovey dovey especially experiencing everything they did together while being in the apocalypse, the time commission, stoping the other apocalypses etc (five x Lila doesn’t exist five x Lila doesn’t exist five x Lilia doesn’t-)
a/n: this piece is basically a big fuck you to s4 so enjoy five being happy and domestic with reader and not his own brother’s wife. also five and reader are mentally older adults but physically in their twenties
warnings: language, fluff, mentions of pregnancy
summary: now that the timeline has been fixed and the world is no longer in danger, five can enjoy a peaceful life with you
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The sunlight that bleeds through the curtains is almost blinding as Five begins to stir himself awake. Stretching out his limbs until he hears a satisfying pop, he lets out a sigh and moves to reach out for someone that isn’t there. Your spot in bed is still warm which means you haven’t been gone for long, but Five still rises with a sense of urgency when greeted with your absence. Call it muscle memory from dealing with multiple kidnapping ploys against you or an old habit that just won’t die off after having to remain vigilant when protecting you from the enemy, but the poor boy’s heart always skips a beat when you go missing.
He finds you in the kitchen brewing a fresh pot of coffee, your back to him as you hum along to the radio that plays on the counter and search for Five’s favorite cup in the cabinet. He has to pause and take a breath to remind himself that you’re not in danger, your life of protecting timelines and ending apocalypses is over, and the fresh start you’ve made for yourselves isn’t in any jeopardy. You’re real, you’re alive, and you’re his.
“Morning,” Five softly calls with a careful smile as he rests a hand on the small of your back and presses a tender kiss to your lips.
“Good morning,” you great cheerfully before handing him his cup of coffee. “I didn’t hear you get up. Did I wake you?”
“Not at all,” he assures you before taking a hearty gulp of the hot liquid. After years of being together you know how to make Five’s coffee just the way he likes it and could probably do so in your sleep if asked. Your thoughtfulness is just one of the many traits of yours that have him wrapped around your finger always.
“We need to go grocery shopping,” you note dutifully as you peek your head into the fridge in search of breakfast. Frowning, you announce, “We’re out of eggs, so I guess it’s frozen waffles for breakfast.”
“Why don’t we go out for breakfast today?” Five suggests with an innocent shrug.
“Really? But you hate breakfast places. They can never make your coffee right.”
“I also hate seeing you eat frozen waffles three days in a row,” he reminds you with a wry chuckle. Maneuvering you out of the way, Five closes the fridge shut and gives you a gentle nudge in the direction of your shared bedroom. “Go on, get dressed. You can wear that new dress you bought the other day.”
“You’re right!” You exclaim with an excited gasp and rush off to your room before Five can change his mind. Not that he would, of course. Five would do anything to see you happy after all the shit he’s put you through in your time together. Sometimes he still wonders why you ever agreed to marry him, perhaps a slip of sanity or lack of care for your own wellbeing, but he wasn’t one to complain. He liked living the quiet life with you, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
The night air is cool against your bare shoulders as you sit comfortably upon the porch swing and listen to the cicadas sing their evening song. The sun has long since set, but the string of lights that hang above you are enough to allow you to see the pages of your color by numbers book. Beside you, Five sits with a book in one hand while the other rests atop of your legs strewn across his lap. He enjoys sitting in the silence of your company as you remain glued together despite partaking in your own hobbies separately.
“We’ve been married for thirty years,” you state simply, breaking the silence but never once breaking your focus from your coloring book.
“Sure have,” is Five’s thoughtful reply. Setting his book aside, your husband gives your calf a gentle squeeze and turns to look at your concentrated features.
“Not including your siblings, it’s always been just us. Together in the apocalypse, partners under the Commission, husband and wife.”
“Is that a bad thing?” He asks, not quite sure what point you’re trying to make. Are you rethinking the marriage? Are you finally starting to have regrets about marrying him? He watches with bated breath as you set your materials to the side and finally meet his anxious gaze.
“I want to start a family of our own,” you finally confess, nervously fidgeting with your wedding ring as you await his response with hopeful eyes. “I don’t want it to be just us anymore.”
Sighing, Five leans his head back and shuts his eyes as he processes your request. He can’t say he’s surprised by your question; he’s noticed the way you eye babies in public, how you linger just a little too long to admire the window display of the infant clothing store at the mall, how you’ll hold the twins for hours in your arms and refuse to give them back until Diego has to physically pry them from your grasp. It’s only natural for you to feel this way, but that’s not the problem. The problem is Five isn’t exactly sure how he feels about becoming a father.
“I don’t know,” he admits carefully, taking great caution when choosing his next words so as to not upset you. “Having a kid, becoming parents… it changes everything.”
“I know we couldn’t before because there was the Commission and then the multiple apocalypses, and that’s why I never asked. But Five,” you urge gently, shifting to sit yourself up on your knees so you can reach over and take both of his hands in your own, “all of that is done with. We fixed the timeline, and all that end of the world nonsense is over with for good. No one is coming after us anymore or trying to kill me to get to you. We can properly grow old now and have a simple life together, wasn’t that always the goal?”
The boy is silent as he mulls over your speech. You’re completely right; saving the world and resetting the timeline to its proper place in order to ensure you and his siblings could have the lives you deserved was always the end goal. But after spending his entire existence trying to complete that task, he finds it hard to adjust to his new life of normalcy. Perhaps he’s not exactly scared of becoming a parent, but scared of what a baby would mean in the grand scheme of things. It would be proof that his work is truly over now, that he can turn his survival mode off after having it set to fight for so many years, and that’s a big adjustment for someone like him.
But when he looks at your hopeful gaze and sees the way you anxiously worry your lip between your teeth, he realizes that he’ll do anything to give you the happy life you deserve. He brings one of your hands to his lips and holds it tight as he murmurs his answer into the skin of your palm.
“If you think we’re ready, then I’m in.”
“You mean it?” You gasp while doing your best to withhold your excitement. Your eyes are wide and full of hope as Five lets out a soft chuckle before giving you a reassuring kiss.
“We survived the end of the world several times, how scary could raising a baby really be?”
He isn’t given an answer to his hypothetical question as you fling yourself into his arms and assault his face with multiple kisses along his skin. It’s safe to say his answer has eased your anxieties, and the boy can only laugh as you express your gratitude.
“I’m so happy you agree!” You exclaim giddily, your hands coming to rest upon his chest to ground yourself as you then suggest to Five’s surprise, “Let’s start trying tonight!”
“That has to be the tiniest Hargreeves I’ve ever seen,” Klaus gushes adoringly as he takes in the details of the ultrasound photo in front of him. “Look at the little peanut, isn’t it precious?”
“I can’t believe Five is actually going to be a dad,” Allison notes in astonishment as the three of you turn your gaze to see him arguing with Diego over the proper way to baby proof your home while Ben eggs them on and ruins Luther’s efforts at trying to keep the peace. You’re only two months along, but Five is anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for your child’s arrival.
“You know, you might just be the first 65 year-old woman to give birth,” Klaus points out cheekily. “You should be in a world records book or something.”
“Very funny,” you retort sarcastically before taking back the ultrasound photo to hang up on the fridge. You falter for a moment when your eyes remain stuck to photo and your brain works on overdrive to commit the image to memory as best as you can.
“Everything okay?” Viktor asks after noticing the sudden change in demeanor.
“I just can’t believe this is real,” you murmur quietly, blinking back tears that threaten to spill. “After everything we’ve been through and everything we’ve lost, I guess a part of me worries that one day I’ll wake up and this will all have been a dream.”
“I know how that feels,” Allison assures you with a comforting squeeze to your shoulder. “But I promise you this isn’t a dream, and whatever you need we’ll be there.”
“Because you’re family now,” Viktor adds on with a confident nod. “And we look out for family no matter what.”
“Even though at one point in our lives we’ve all thought about killing each other,” Klaus notes humorously before giving you a tight squeeze.
“Everything okay over here?” Five asks, appearing at your side and placing a comforting hand on your back as you all turn your gazes towards the fridge and admire the newest addition to the family.
“Everything is perfect.”
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felixbit · 28 days
up all night
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pairing: bang chan x gn!reader w. 3.9k genre: shameless smut summary: chan is in the studio working late, stressed about a deadline and pushed to his limit. you convince him to take his mind off work. warnings: reader has somewhat implied afab anatomy but no gendered terms/pronouns are used. petnames used: baby, love, honey a/n: making my smut debut with chan! written for the best person ever
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As of late, Chan has been in the studio far more often than you'd like.
You knew he was a workaholic when you got into the relationship. He cared about his career, music, and group so much he'd push himself to the brink. He wrote, composed, and produced all of his own music and wouldn't have it any other way. If he wanted success, he needed to make it himself.
It came at a cost, though. You saw the way his mental health would deteriorate around the time of deadlines. He'd spend almost entire days in the studio, perfecting every last word and beat. You watched as he shaped this music from his hands, sculpting them to smooth out every edge and imperfection.
Even Chan was far too aware how bad it was for himself. You'd try to find ways for him to take breaks, always bringing him food and water to keep him going. He'd thank you in a million ways, with words and fond touches but it ended in him going back to work.
When he finally was home, he returned to the kind and gentle boyfriend you knew him to be. Holding you as you fell asleep and buying your order at the local coffee shop before you woke up. He'd make you breakfast in bed when he had the time, writing love notes whenever he had to leave before you woke up.
As it always happened, a new deadline was approaching. Chan often slipped out after schedules to the studio and worked himself down to the bone. You tried your hardest to spend as much time in there with him, even if it was just laying on the couch scrolling your feed. Every little thing helped.
That night, you'd ordered him some takeout but it was eaten long ago. The time on your phone showed it was half past three in the morning and Chan was at it in earnest. Headphones on, replaying samples and tweaking sounds.
You looked over from your phone when you heard him swear under his breath and take his headphones off. Chan let out a long sigh and covered his face with his hands for a moment before looking back down at his work.
"It- it just won't sound like I need it to. It's not right, it's.." Chan rambled into the air.
You got up from the couch and walked behind his chair, putting your hands on his broad shoulders and massaging them with your fingers. "I know, Channie. Is there anything I can do to help you right now?"
"No, I'm sorry," Chan let out a long sigh and smiled up at you weakly, "You being here is enough."
You felt a stirring in your stomach at the sentiment, but you wouldn't give up that easily. "I can't just let you suffer alone here. Do you want to take a break or wrap up for the night?"
"I won't remember how I want it tomorrow. If I give up on this now, there's a chance I never fix it and it goes out sounding wrong. I can't do that."
"Chris," You stopped massaging his shoulders to turn his chair around, looking down at him, "I know you want it perfect. Write it down on a sticky note what you want and take a break. It's gonna be four soon and I'm not letting you spend another all nighter here."
Chan looked up at you curiously before deflating back in his chair. "I mean- are you sure? If I forget, it's gonna be noticeable, and-"
"I'll remind you. I'll put it in my phone and tell you exactly what you need to fix. Here, tell me what it is and I'll write it down. Got it?"
Chan paused for a moment before nodding, allowing you to open your phone before speaking. He gave you the exact timestamps of the song and the strange producer jargon that you couldn't quite make sense of. You wrote it down word-for-word just as he needed it.
"There, it's in here for you later," You recited it back to him and he gave a confirmatory nod, "You're all set for tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? I can't be done for the night, there's too much to work on and not enough time. I'm sorry, just another hour. Please?"
You shook your head and set your phone down on the table before sliding into his lap, straddling him in the chair. "You're not working another second on those songs tonight, Chris."
Chan looked up at you a little stunned before a sly smirk crossed his face. "Baby, you know that's not fair to me. I need to work and you're doing something dangerously distracting."
"What are you going to do, then?" You replied back, unable to hold back a grin, "You gonna remove me from your lap to do some boring work instead?"
You could see Chan chew on the inside of his cheek before sighing. "It's not boring, and I really should get back to it.."
"Then you're going to have to remove me yourself, because I'm not moving."
Chan let out a dramatic sigh before his hands moved up the outside of your thighs, resting right next to your hips. "You know damn well I'm not going to do that."
"And why's that, Channie?"
His hands moved over your thighs, giving a light squeeze. "God, you're driving me insane. Coming into the studio every night and making yourself useful at every opportunity.. I wanted so bad to stop just to make you feel good. You deserve that, instead of me working the whole day."
"Your opportunity has finally come, I'm all yours if you want me right now."
Chan chuckled, "You could ask me that a thousand times and I could never say no."
You leaned in to his ear and whispered, "Then make your move."
There was a moment of silence before Chan pulled you in for a kiss, messy and rushed. His hands were all over your thighs, waist, back. He couldn't pick a spot and stick to it, deciding instead everywhere needed to be felt over.
You tried to keep things centered, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck. One of your hands played with the curls growing on the back of his head, enjoying the soft feeling through your fingers. It was the only thing keeping you sane.
His hands finally found a place to reside when he hooked them on the hem of your pants, giving light tugs as you felt him squirming under you. Pulling away from the kiss with a grin, you looked down at Chan and his flushed appearance. "So eager.."
"Can you blame me? Now stand up and help me get those off," Chan demanded with a rushed voice, helping get you to your feet as he followed in your footsteps. His usually deft hands were fumbling as he desperately pulled your pants off of you and discarded them to the floor.
Watching him undo his own sweatpants like a madman had you giggling at the sight. "You go one week without any action, and this is how desperate you get?"
"I'm a starved man, honey," Chan's face was red and already had sweat on his brow, "I can't wait any longer, not after all that teasing."
"Teasing? What-"
"Get on the damn couch."
That much was enough to have you laying down on the couch without hesitating. His sweatpants joined yours on the floor, showing off the black boxers he was sporting underneath. A quick glance showed he was pitching an obvious tent.
Although as quick as you were, Chan caught you looking. He raised his brows and laughed, "And I'm the eager one here?"
"You are the eager one here, hardly put your hands on me and you're giving those boxers a run for their money," You responded with your own laugh.
"You little.." Chan shook his head and leaned over you, putting his weight on one forearm on the couch as he kissed you once more. Instead of the fast and desperate pace he had set before, Chan was far slower and delicate. It was almost infuriatingly slow.
You couldn't show how much you wanted him to go faster, that would only prove his point. Instead, he was slowly breaking you down by the second, one arm stabilizing himself and the other hand on your neck, softly stroking your jaw with his thumb.
The waiting game paid off when Chan suddenly took your bottom lip between his teeth, giving it a small tug before he pulled away. "I can't keep this up. You win. Damn you, I'm eager."
There wasn't time for any words to respond before Chan was back where he was before, sloppy and fast. He kissed down your neck, excessive in his biting and sucking at the sensitive skin. Not expecting it, a sound broke its way out of you.
You did your best not to give in to the rest of his harsh and aggressive kisses down your neck. After a week of downtime, he was making up for it in marking your neck as his own. Nobody was going to know who the perpetrator of the hickeys were later (other than the upset staff), but it was the idea that mattered.
There were bigger problems actively stealing your attention. Namely, the small amount of friction made with him moving ever-so-slightly between your legs. It was easy to ignore at first, but the neck kisses were causing the pleasure parts of your brain to kick into high gear.
With one harsher movement than the rest, you were unable to bite back a small, unfiltered sound that escaped you. Chan broke contact with your red and bruising skin to look up with a grin on his face.
"What was that, love?" Chan's tone was starkly different than before, far more teasing and with a dark edge to his voice that you only recognized coming out in bed.
Attempts to take his attention off of it failed and you were forced to fess up in the moment. "You have to stop moving like that, it's driving me crazy."
"Moving like what?" Chan shifted his legs, slotting his thigh directly between yours and pressing firmly against you. This elicited a frustrated sigh, the feeling too strong to push away.
Upon no immediate response, Chan pushed his thigh forward and forced a fuller, more in-tact moan out of you. "Fine, fine- that. Putting your thigh between my legs. That's the thing that's driving me crazy."
"There you go," Chan's words were sickly doting in a way that made you break at the seams, "What do you want instead?"
With his thigh slotted firmly between your own, finding coherent strings of words was difficult. "Just.. get this underwear off me and use your fingers instead."
Chan smiled, clearly pleased with your answer. He moved his leg out from between yours, relieving the pressure and allowing you to breathe. He sat back on his legs as he removed the last layer of clothing from below your waist, tossing it to the growing pile on the floor.
He nudged himself closer, Chan's hand finding its way to where his thigh was once situated before. His middle finger teased you with a circular motion around your entrance, so close to where you needed it most.
"Chan." You demanded, shooting him a glare.
"Okay, okay. Just admiring how worked up I've got you," Chan smirked before his finger pushed inside, slowly filling you up and drawing out a long sigh. He worked slowly yet decisively, knowing exactly how you like it.
That was one of the things you loved about Chan: he knew your body like the back of his hand. Where you were most sensitive, what drove you wild, how rough you liked him to get. He could push your buttons perfectly, string you up in his words until you were tied up into a nice present for him.
Before you could process the first, Chan had already added a second finger and was growing more confident. He worked his fingers in and out in a steady rhythm, not slow enough to leave you wanting more nor fast enough to want to slow down.
"That good, baby?" Chan's eyes met yours, and you saw a different side of him for a moment. The way he sought your approval and made sure everything was right had your heart melting. He had confidence in his abilities, but occasionally needed reassurance.
You nodded eagerly, on the cusp of desperation. "It's good, Channie, you're doing so good," You said between soft moans as his fingers pumped deep, feeling him tease a third and giving him a nod.
The third was always a stretch that had you biting back whines in conjunction to moans, but the feeling was too good to beat. The feeling of being full, on his fingers or otherwise, was what drove you wild.
He kissed you once more, slow and tender as his fingers continued to work. It was hard to keep properly connected, devolving into moaning against his lips with small kisses in between.
"Chris," You said, "Can't wait any longer. Need to have you inside, baby."
Instead of his usual entourage of teasing questions, Chan nodded. He made quick work of his boxers, tossing them haphazardly towards the pile as he moved back to you. He was painfully hard, already leaky and worked up.
"Can I?" He looked down for your reassurance, which came with a nod as he lined himself up. His hips moved forward slowly, feeling him filling you up more by the second. It always took a second to adjust to the size, catching your breath as he bottomed out and waited for your signal.
When you gave him the go-ahead, Chan couldn't help but begin a slow and steady pace. He knew better than to go fast right off the bat- he was a lot to handle. But you could hear him whining softly over top of you and knew he was desperate.
Looking up at him, you cupped his face and pulled him in for a quick kiss. "You can go faster, Chris. You won't hurt me."
You heard Chan let out a breathy laugh before his thrusts grew harsher. Instead of the slow, fluid motion of before; he was faster, precise. Every movement had purpose, each angled just right and hitting the sweet spot.
The sudden adjustment had you whining and letting out louder moans, unable to properly cope. It was overwhelming how good he was at it. All you could do was wrap your hands around the back of his shirt and claw at it helplessly as he had his way.
The fabric getting in the way of your fingers on his skin was beginning to frustrate you. "Off," You managed to get out, "Shirt- off."
Chan grinned, sitting up for a moment and slowing down to a snail's pace to pull his black t-shirt over his head and discard it. You reached up, dragging a hand down his chest and over his abs. Every muscle was yours to touch, to claim.
"You like what you see?" Chan said with a laugh.
Deadpanning, you shook your head. "Shut up."
In a second, he was back over top of you and his pace was back with a new force he didn't have before. It was often he was without clothes, but you weren't under the impression a shirt would be the thing holding him back. Either way, you relished in the fact his back was open to you.
Your nails dug in to his tanned skin, dragging along as he fucked into you steadily. You could hear him sucking air in between his teeth followed by his soft moans. He was always one to endure a little pain.
An idea popped into your head when you thought of before, sitting in the chair in his lap. "Chris, stop for a sec." He immediately halted all movements, looking down at you to make sure everything was alright. "Sit normally, facing the booth."
Chan looked at you perplexed for a moment, but pulled away. He did exactly as you told him to, sitting with his legs spread facing the booth he was just sitting in front of not twenty minutes ago. "What are you planning?" He asked.
You sat up and climbed over to him, straddling his waist with your legs and feeling him hard underneath you. "What I wanted to do to you when I was in your lap earlier."
The realization slowly filled his eyes and a knowing smile returned to his face as he sat back, leaning against the black couch cushion behind him. "Go right ahead."
"If you make me do all the work, we're going to have problems," You glared at him as your hand guided his cock, slowly sinking down on it with a sigh.
Chan's large hands wrapped around your waist, slowly guiding you as you moved up and down. Riding wasn't always the easiest job, and it definitely took some getting used to at the start. Your thighs were slowly building up muscle from the practice.
"God, you're so pretty like that," Chan's voice pulled you from your thoughts, looking down at him to see him smiling up at you. His face was pink and he almost had stars in his eyes.
Seeing just how infatuated he was made your heart race and your face flush, almost forgetting to continue to move. "You're pretty, too."
Your hands were situated on his shoulders to keep steady, but one dragged down and you couldn't resist feeling up his chest a bit. Chan looked up at you smirking again. "Do you ever keep your hands off those?"
Snickering, you pushed down a little harder to see him whine and catch his breath before you responded, "If you're going to keep your clothes off all the time, I'm going to feel up the assets you work so hard on."
"Why do you insist on teasing me all the time? You know what happens when you do that," Chan had a dark look in his eyes that you knew far too well.
Shrugging, you moved your hand up to run through his hair. "Did you ever consider I might like what happens when I tease you?"
"So be it."
Without hesitation, you felt Chan's grip around your waist suddenly tighten. You leaned forward instinctively, both of your hands secured around his shoulders.
He began to thrust up into erratically, fast and without caution or precision. The sound of your skin connecting was obscene, thanking the amount of soundproofing around you as a chorus of moans spilled out of you. Every movement had him deep inside you as you attempted to roll your hips along with him.
"Fuck, Chris," You whined, his pace unrelenting and seeming like he wasn't going to let up any time soon, "Close."
There was a distinctive feeling growing, one you knew too well. The amount of pleasure from every movement was rapidly growing as your body was being overwhelmed. Chan heard you, but didn't stop for a moment. It was almost if it was a sign for him to fuck you faster.
Either way, you were tipping over the edge before you had time to process it, spasming around him as you let you a whorish moan. He slowed down, letting you ride out the high. "That's it, baby," He coaxed, "You got it."
Just as you settled down, you felt him start to work himself into a moderate pace again. Your legs felt shot from your energy levels dipping so you asked, "Do you want to me to move, baby? I don't think I have much in me to keep going right here."
"If it's not comfortable to be right there, of course we can move," Chan said with a smile as he allowed you to reposition to pretty much the same spot you were in before. You laid on your back, Chan coming back over top of you. "That better?"
"Much better," You said with a nod as he went back to the pace he had set before. It wasn't as rough as before your orgasm, but steady enough to keep you whining and your brain somewhat fogged up from the constant pleasure.
Meanwhile, you could see Chan was already getting worked up. His face was redder than usual, his eyes trained on one spot, breathing hard as he kept the effort going to thrust his hips in one continuous pace.
His deep groans and whines had begun to turn into full-fledged moans and swears under his breath. His hands eagerly gripped and kneaded at your waist, seeming like he might accidentally bruise the skin. You were about to open your mouth when he said something.
"Honey, I-" Chan was cut off by his own faltered moan, "I'm close, so fucking close."
You pulled him down to kiss him briefly, keeping his face inches from yours as he continued to erratically thrust. "You don't have to wait, cum for me."
Chan nodded vigorously, his hips snapping back and forth at a speed that had you holding onto the couch for dear life, hearing him let out strained moans and teary-eyed cries as he climbed closer and closer to the top.
All of the sudden, he pushed deep inside you, letting out a gasp and a whine as you felt him come deep inside. His hips stuttered as he slowly rocked them, riding out the high. "Oh my god, that.. that was amazing."
Allowing him a moment to catch his breath, you smiled up at him and gave him another quick kiss. "I've missed you, Chris. I've missed this," You admitted after another silent pause.
Chan nodded, pressing his forehead against yours and sighed. He had finally mellowed out, still buried deep. "I've missed you, too. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do this with you and.. be a good boyfriend."
"No, you're okay. I know how much work matters to you and getting things right means that you see that success you've always wanted. I just always miss you in the times you're working, even if I'm in the same room as you."
"I just feel bad when you're here til way too late at night. Speaking of, what time is it?" Chan slowly pulled out, leaving his mess inside you as he quickly grabbed his phone from the floor, "Oh my god. It's half past four."
Your jaw dropped, standing up quickly as Chan hurried around the room to find something to help you clean up. He settled for his own black t-shirt, telling you he'd just go home shirtless if he had to. Of course it looked terribly stained when you had wiped yourself down, sighing while knowing it probably cost a crazy amount.
Digging through a closet, you found one of Chan's old jacket. Chan was standing shirtless and pacing with the rest of his own clothes on, the defiled shirt balled up in his hand.
"Channie, guess what I found?" You asked with a grin, hiding the jacket behind your back.
Chan looked at you with a nervous smile. "Is it something good? I'm just not super stoked to walk home shirtless at four in the morning.."
You tossed the jacket to him, Chan opting to drop the shirt in his hand before he caught it to not get the filth on it. He happily slid it over his shoulders and zipped it up all the way, picking up the soiled shirt once more.
"Shall we go?" Chan said as he double-checked his pockets and walked towards the studio door.
"We shall."
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HEAR ME OUT!! ollie thinking felix is single right, hanging out at oxford and everything and then one night felix is nowhere to be seen and he finds him with a girl. turns out feliz is vv much not single but ollie knows her as the smart girl of the school so he's shocked by the pairing?!?!?!
Who would've thought? || Felix Catton x reader
A/n: I actually hate how I did this but oh well, also, my first felix catton fic did so well so quickly!!!! so happy you guys enjoyed it :)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, drinking, idk rlly im so bad w my warnings 😭
Wc: 764
Felix Catton Masterlist
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"Gorgeous, isn't he?" Your voice causes Oliver to flinch as he whips his head to where the sound of your voice came from. "W-what-" He stammers. You giggle at his behaviour, taking a long drag from the cigarette before dropping it to the ground and stepping on it.
"I see the way you stare at him, Ollie. I don't blame you though, he's a sight for sore eyes," You sigh, leaning your head against the wall, watching Felix with his friends.
Oliver didn't know what to say. He only stared at you before gravitating his gaze back to Felix. Oliver knew you as one of the smartest girls at school, your grades rivalling with his.
"You can admit it. He's gorgeous." You open your mouth again, turning your head at Oliver with a grin. He gulps. "I-uhm-" He began before you interrupt him, "Come on, Ollie" Your tone was playful.
"He's gorgeous." Oliver quickly replied as you smile. You push yourself off the wall, patting Ollie's shoulder before leaving him standing there dumbfounded.
"Fuck!" You curse as you feel the hot liquid cascade down your front. You let out a loud groan, throwing your coffee cup in a nearby bin. "I'm so sorry-" "It's fine! Completely fine," You mutter to the idiot who bumped into you because his eyes was trained on a book.
You let out a deep sigh, checking your watch. You would be late if you turned back around to change. "Hey! Y/n!" You hear a voice call out from behind you. Turning your head you spot Oliver coming your way on his bike.
“Hey?” you greet him with a hint of confusion. Without a word, he unzips his backpack, pulling out a plaid shirt. “Wear this to cover the spill,” he suggests, a warm smile accompanying the gesture. You conceal any distaste with a subtle expression, graciously accepting the offered shirt.
“Uhm-” “Just return it later when you can,” he cuts you off, not giving you time to answer before riding off. You stand there, looking down at the plaid shirt, before letting out a sigh and slipping it on.
“Cute shirt, babe,” your boyfriend chuckles, and you respond with an eye roll, sitting down with a loud huff escaping your lips. “Don’t even. Some idiot bumped into me on the way here,” you mutter, opening your notebook aggressively.
Farleigh strolls in, joining the two of you, “Woah, loving the shirt, y/n. Where’d you get it from? The charity shop?” He jokes, prompting you to scowl at him. He raises his hands in surrender as Felix’s chuckles resonate beside you.
“Jesus, what’s got your panties tied up in a knot?” he laughs, taking a seat beside you while you choose to ignore him. Suddenly, Felix exclaims, “Oh, shit! Farleigh, we gotta go. Professor Davies wants to see us,” checking his watch before swiftly getting up.
Farleigh vents his frustration with a groan, “Sorry, babe. See you later?” Felix plants a kiss on your cheek, and you nod in response, waving the two boys off before redirecting your focus to the notebook in front of you.
“Hey,” you raise your head to find Oliver approaching. Flashing a warm smile, you greet him with a friendly, “Hi Oliver,” your attention briefly returning to your book as he stands there, exuding a hint of awkwardness.
“I’ll make sure to return your shirt once it’s washed,” you reassure him, receiving a silent nod in acknowledgment. Returning to your book, you shift your attention back to him, “Is there anything else you need?” He nervously scratches his neck. “Do you mind if I study with you?” His question catches you slightly off-guard.
“Absolutely, feel free,” you graciously respond, rearranging your belongings to create space for him to settle. A warm smile graces his face as he takes the offered seat, expressing gratitude with a simple “Thanks.” You reciprocate with a light chuckle, assuring him, “No problem at all.”
“He is such a nerd,” Farleigh snorts as you roll your eyes, your fingers moving to play with Felix’s necklace around his neck. Noticing your quietness, Felix looks at you on his lap. “You okay?” He says quietly as you hum, taking a sip out of his glass, before pressing your cheek against his, your eyes wandering around the table.
“I should probably go now, I don’t wanna study too late,” You let out a quiet sigh as you get up from your boyfriend’s lap. Felix lends a helping hand to adjust your skirt, smoothly guiding the denim down while playfully patting your ass, accompanied by a mischievous grin.
“Where are you going? It’s still so early!” Annabel shoots you a disapproving frown from across the table. “I really need to study for that test tomorrow,” you respond, the playful boos from others resonating as you playfully roll your eyes.
“Listen, I’ll buy the next round yeah?” Your offer is met with enthusiastic hoots as you chuckle. Rounds tend to be costly, especially with our group, but being part of a wealthy family, the expense doesn’t faze you.
Felix joins you in fetching the drinks before you wave at your group and make your exit. Outside, the cool night air embraces you as you walk down the stairs, and a twinge of regret sets in over your choice of attire.
Lost in thought, you accidentally collide with someone. Looking up, you find yourself face to face with Oliver, whose initial surprise transforms into recognition. “Oh, Oliver, hey,” you manage a smile, and he reciprocates it warmly.
“Hey. You headin’ back?” He gestures behind him with his thumb, and you nod, “Yeah, studying for that test we have tomorrow morning.” A chuckle escapes you as he nods, an awkward silence settling between the two of you.
“Is it, uh, busy in there?” Oliver speaks up. “Hm? Oh. Uhm, no, not really,” you shake your head. Another moment of silence follows. “Listen, Ollie, I should really get going,” you purse your lips as he moves aside. “Yeah, of course,” he offers you a warm smile, and you nod your head, walking away.
Over the course of the next couple days. Felix and Oliver had become very good friends. You would hear Felix’s recounts of his day when the two of you were entangled in each others arms and it always included Oliver.
The party rolled around and you found yourself dancing with Felix, your ass on his crotch as the two of you seamlessly moved to Sexyback.
With one hand cradling a red plastic cup filled with alcohol, and the other clasping a partially smoked cigarette, Felix guided your hips skillfully, his touch resting casually on your hipbone.
“You look so fuckin’ hot,” Felix exclaimed loudly over the music as you smirk to yourself, already abit tipsy. “Do you wanna go somewhere?” You reply back to him, turning around as he eagerly nods.
You giggle to yourself, knowing what the rest of the night would consist of. Fucking Felix. You stumbled as Felix pulled you along the house. “Fuck, these heels,” You moan in annoyance.
Eager to reach his dorm quicjly, Felix scooped you up in a bridal carry, one arm under your knees and the other supporting your back. A light squeal escaped you, drawing the attention of those around, their curious stares following the two of you.
The second he shut the door behind him, your clothes littered his room as he ravenously attacked your lips, his hands roaming around your body as you let out quiet moans, enjoying the way they groped every inch of your body.
Meanwhile, Oliver was roaming around the party, completely and utterly bored. He first wandered around looking for someone he knew, but that was only three people. You, Felix, and Michael. Michael wouldn’t even be there, so just you or Felix.
Acknowledging the fact that neither you or Felix were here, Oliver’s gaze fell on Farleigh at the other end of the room. With a joint in hand, reclining on the couch, Oliver decided to test his luck and headed in Farleigh’s direction.
“Do you know where Felix is?” Farleigh looks Oliver up and down before raising an eyebrow at him. “Why do you wanna know?” His tone was flat, bored from talking with Oliver already.
“Just wonderin’,” Oliver shrugged awkwardly. Farleigh, taking a long drag, nonchalantly answered, “He went back to his dorm, I think,” his tone uninterested as he flicked ash from his joint.
“Thanks,” Oliver nods his head before turning around. The walk to Felix’s dorm was all too familiar for him, often spending time there whenever he and Felix hung out.
He knocks on the door. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. Oliver then tried the door handle, twisting it only to find it unlocked. Opening the door with a loud creak as his eyes look around the dimly lit interior of Felix’s room.
“Felix-“ Oliver cuts himself off as he realises what he just walked in on. A feminine gasp reached his ears as he instinctively tried to avert his gaze. “For fuck’s sake, mate!” Felix’s irritated voice resonated, accompanied by the rustling of sheets in the room.
Felix quickly moves to cover the both of you as you screw your eyes shut. “Can’t you fuckin’ knock Ollie?” Felix exasperates as he slips on his boxers, his frame still covering you from Ollie’s eyes.
"Sorry, the door was unlocked, so I thought-" Oliver began, but Felix cut him off, "Yeah, well, you thought wrong," accompanied by an annoyed chuckle. You reached for Felix's shirt, slipping it on as you sat on the bed.
Oliver couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity at who Felix was fucking; there was no denying it. It couldn’t have been Annabel or India—two girls he's often heard talking about Felix as if they were together—both of them were at the party when he left. So who was it? “Seriously mate. If I don’t answer, I’m either not here or don’t want to answer,” Felix runs his hands through his hair.
He was very bothered that he was interrupted. Felix hated being interrupted in the middle of things. Especially sex with you. “Felix, it’s okay,” You rest your hand on his shoulder as he looks back at you.
Oliver's jaw hung open, frozen in a momentary state of shock, as your head playfully emerged beside Felix. His eyes widened as he tried to process the unexpected sight before him. A cascade of questions flooded his mind, evident in the incredulous expression on his face. "Hi, Ollie," you greeted with a light chuckle, amusement dancing in your eyes as you observed his stunned reaction.
The air seemed charged with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as Oliver stammered through his words, attempting to articulate the myriad of questions racing through his mind. "I- What- Are you two-" he fumbled, his sentences colliding in his attempt to understand the situation unfolding before him.
Felix, ever nonchalant, cut through the awkward tension with a matter-of-fact tone. "She's my girlfriend," he stated, his words hanging in the air. As if to emphasize the point, you casually moved to sit on Felix's lap.
A moment of stunned silence enveloped Oliver. Felix had a girlfriend, and it was you. The revelation hit him with unexpected force, leaving him momentarily breathless. Questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't comprehend why no one had ever mentioned it before.
"Why do you look so shocked, Ollie?" Felix chuckled, a lighthearted tone in his voice, while you added to the teasing atmosphere with a playful giggle. You could practically sense Oliver's head spinning with the unasked questions, creating an intriguing air of mystery around the situation.
Oliver's eyebrows furrowed slightly, his expression a mix of confusion and surprise as he processed the unexpected pairing. He released a nonchalant shrug, attempting to mask the internal whirlwind of thoughts.
"No one’s ever said anything about it, I just assumed you both were single," he admitted, his eyes fixed on you and Felix. Oliver's head continued to shake in a subtle attempt to grasp the reality of you being in a relationship with Felix.
A faint smile played on your lips as you tilted your head at him, a touch of amusement in your gaze. "You never asked," you pointed out casually, your words hanging in the air. Oliver's lips formed a perfect 'O' as he absorbed the implication, silently nodding in acknowledgment.
The room was then engulfed in an awkward silence, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the atmosphere. Sensing the discomfort, Oliver took the initiative to break the tension. "Uhm, I should get going," he announced, his hand absently scratching the back of his head. Felix, understanding the unspoken cue, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, go ahead."
Oliver's lips pursed, his gaze flickering between you and Felix, caught in a moment of realization. With a slightly awkward smile, you innocently waved at him. "Bye, Ollie!" you chimed in a light-hearted manner, attempting to alleviate the awkwardness as he leaves the dorm.
Felix couldn't hide his amusement. "You really didn't tell him?" he asked, breaking the silence with a playful smile as he looked down at you. In response, you innocently shrugged. "I didn't think it was that necessary to bring it up, besides, he really never asked."
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onlyhaos · 2 months
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🧴 · yapper!reader x husband!Vernon , fluff
Your husband loves hearing you talk about literally anything, especially when it’s evening’s self care time
“Baby, hold still, I can’t apply the mask if you move”
You said, as you put on the face cream with a small spatula, your fingertips resting under your boyfriend’s chin.
“Sorry” Vernon mumbled tight-lipped, holding back a smile.
“Do you want to tell me about your day? You forgot to do so today” He spoke in a whisper, trying to not move his mouth as much as possible.
You smiled at his attempt to stay still, still straddling his lap as you scooped up more cream.
“Today was pretty boring, just like usual. Though my co-worker made me work overtime, as you might’ve noticed, since she forgot to do an important thing in the project that we’re working on right now. But it was okay since you were also occupied with work and weren’t alone at home. Oh- and also..”
And there you went, talking about everything that came to your mind right now.
Whether it was about that show you wanted to watch, the pretty purse you saw on your way home or the food you’d crave for tomorrow evening. Vernon always listened to what you had to say.
He never minded the way you talked about your interest or whatever you wanted to say.
And he’s thankful for you being so talkative, otherwise he would’ve never met you and would never be married to you like in this lifetime.
While he worked as a barista, he’d never seen you in the shop before. What he didn’t know, though, was that you had always peeked through the glass of the cafe when you’d walk by.
Until your friend finally dared you to go inside and talk to him you would’ve never thought you’d step foot into this comfortable and small-spaced cafe.
“And what’s the order?” The kind boy asked, and oh was his voice pretty.
A small gulp and you got over it “A normal latte, please” You answered, taking in the way his pretty eyes looked into yours.
Nodding, he placed the order. “Alright, what is your name? Today’s pretty packed, so I can easily call you over” Liar. Yes the cafe was filled with more customers than usual, but it wasn’t that packed that he had to take names.
“Y/n,” you answered with a warm smile, staying quiet. But as he wrote down your name, you couldn’t stop the words that flowed over your tongue.
“Would you also like my number?” Your eyes widening at your own sentence. You really dared to do it now.
Looking at the boys’ face, you couldn’t tell what his thoughts were. Scared that he might decline, you tried to calm yourself by saying all he can say is no.
But that doubt was quickly replaced by his gentle smile. “Sure, but maybe after I placed the other customers orders, is that okay?” He asked politely.
You quickly paid for your latte, watching as the other customers placed their order one by one. Thank god it was Saturday, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to wait those unbearable 10 minutes.
“Alright, I think I’ll allow myself a small break by letting you give me your number, since I made you wait now” The brown eyed man spoke, introducing himself as Vernon.
Getting ready to leave the cafe, his voice suddenly called out to you. “Y/n, your latte” He chuckled. Wow, his chuckle was even prettier than his warm smile.. no both of those were equally pretty.
Before getting lost in your thoughts, you immediately smiled back, letting out a small awkward smile.
“Right, sorry” Grabbing your coffee you made, or tried to, make your way out of the cafe, but now holding your latte that the cute guy made you in your hand you began talking to him.
Not that he minded, and his co-worker Seungkwan also didn’t. Well, he bickered a bit since he had to take over, but it wasn’t as bad since he knew his friend might finally get a damn love-life.
“Love, you’re telling the story like I wasn’t the guy you asked for his number” Vernon, or different, your husband said as he was now putting the cream mask onto your face.
“It’s such a cute story though, I can’t wait to tell our kids one day.” You said, slightly tired but still giggling.
Both of you, with your face masks on, continued talking in the embrace of your warm bedsheets.
It finally got more quiet as tiredness started seeping into every cell of your body, moving your exhausted body to the bathroom and finally peeling off the face masks it was time to put out the lights of your nightstands.
With a small sigh leaving your mouth, followed by Vernon’s small sigh, your eyes fell shut.
“I’ll always appreciate and be thankful for your love for me, my favorite” You whispered, sure that Vernon was already is dreamland.
So when you finally drifted off to sleep, you didn’t register the quiet response from your husband.
“It’s the least I’ll ever be able to do for you, my pretty” the familiar warm smile following as he, too, drifted off to sleep.
— ౨ৎ
I actually didn’t think it’d end up this long and definitely didn’t plan to tell how they met but I’m pretty proud of this one. Also it’s not proofread, it’s 11:20 pm and I’m deadly tired now😭😭 Much love, and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this fic and much as I enjoyed writing it for you💓💓
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wondersinwaynemanor · 2 months
hc that the batkids' partners go to Steph for anything as she's a batfam member already so she has ideas on what the others like or dislike.
Wally, hands Steph a Batburger: Here ya go.
Steph, narrows her eyes on the food: Extra cheese?
Wally nods.
Steph: Did you ask for extra ketchup?
Wally, shrieks: You don't have ketchup in your apartment???
Steph: Do you want to know whether Dick liked the flowers you gave him last week or not?
Wally, already zooming away: Give me a sec, Stephanie!
Roy, hands her the coffee machine that he fixed: Just loose wiring.
Steph, nods at it: Great job, Harper. Thanks.
Steph, hands Roy the tools she borrowed from the cave for his next project: If these even get a little scratch, B will not be pleased.
Roy, rolls his eyes: Delicate fingers, Brown.
Roy, hands some flowers he got from Dinah's shop: I believe these are fresh, Cass will love these.
Steph, smells them: Beautiful.
Steph, hands the special recipe of Butternut Squash soup that Jason loves: And if you lose this.... Then Alfie will take both of us down in a heartbeat.
Roy: I would never want to be against Alfred.
Steph, groans: What is it this time, Clone?
Kon, floats by Steph on the rooftop: How did you handle it when Rob was having nightmares?
Steph: Does he still sleepwalk?
Kon, shrieks: He sleepwalks???
Steph, shrugs: Maybe.
Kon: What am I supposed to do??
Steph, shrugs casually: Slap him awake and kiss him, I supposed.
Izzy, calls Steph: So...
Steph: I figure you need some advise on something related to Duke?
Izzy: Hey, I was just going to ask if you want to go get your nails done.
Steph: You paying?
Izzy: You are the one living under that mansion, Steph.
Steph: Not exactly.
Izzy: Ohh.
the conversation dies down for a couple of seconds, before Steph speaks again.
Steph, sighs: Take him to the new movie that's out. He likes Sci-fi movies.
Izzy, squeals: You're the best, Steph!
Steph: It's about time the little Kent showed up.
Jon, floats by Steph on the rooftop: So Kon has done this too?
Steph: All of them thinks I know everything.
Jon: Well, you have the advantage.
Steph just shrugs and then shows Jon the kitten she picked on the street yesterday.
Steph: Here. She's cleaned and I also fed her some of my food at home, but Dami has everything she needs so make sure you handle her with care, okay? Not the Kryptonian strength of yours.
Jon, nods eagerly and takes the kitten from her hands: Got it. Thank you, Stephanie.
Steph, ruffles his hair: Steph is alright, little dude.
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auroralwriting · 2 months
his little finger
spencer reid x fem!hothead!reader
part two here
spencer has you wrapped around his finger; you'd do anything he said without question. your team can't quite understand it. little do they know you and spencer have an unsaid.. thing.
warnings: reader has a hot temper? is that a warning? | words: 1k short but sweet!
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You were known to have a confident personality. You never let anyone shake you, that's why the team loved you so much. You were the sole, beating heart of Aaron Hotchner's team; you never let them give up. Not only, but you were kind of a badass. You knew how to profile amazingly, and you could hold your own if an unsub got a little too rough.
Something else you were known for? A hot temper.
Okay, maybe it could go a little bad sometimes, but you truly meant well. Like that time you accidentally made a teenage boy cry. To be fair, he was a potential unsub. He actually was the unsub, so not all was a total failure.
Today was different for you. The coffee shop you frequented before work was closed due to issues with the electrical systems. That put a chip in your day. How was one to thrive without coffee? Next, you forgot your badge at home, making you late for work since you had to retrieve it to even get into the building. That put a dent in your day.
Derek was known to be a funny guy. Not the kind of funny guy you'd actually laugh at, but the kind who kind of pissed you off sometimes. Yeah, that kind. While he meant well at heart, it just royally pissed you off. You couldn't help that!
You leaned your elbows on the table, listening to the coffee pour into your cup. "Hello my little fox," Penelope greeted, her face frowning when she saw the look on yours. "What's wrong?"
"Bad day so far," You muttered. "Everything's just going wrong."
"It's only seven," Derek said as he walked in, smile on his face. "Come on, sugar. Go on and sit down at your desk. I know how you like your coffee." You thanked Derek quickly as you went to your desk. It was right next to Spencer.
Oh, Spencer. The boy who fell hard for you, who made you fall for him. Neither of you knew that, though, your crushes remaining secret still. "Y/n," Spencer frowned, "what's wrong?"
"It's alright, Spence," You forced a small, pathetic smile. "Just a bad morning."
Spencer gave you a half smile, "Positive attitudes actually give you a higher likelihood of having a better day by ten to thirty percent," Spencer rambled, "and that actually is the same for social connections, being a twenty to forty percent. You're on the right track."
You loved Spencer's rambles. They were adorable. "Thanks, Spence." You smiled.
A few minutes later, Morgan came to your desk with your coffee in hand. "For you, sugar." He grinned like the Cheshire Cat. You quickly took a generous sip.
It left your lips quicker than it entered. You spit it out into the trash can next to your dest, face turning sour at the taste. It was so bitter, so salty. "What the hell, Morgan?!" You cried out, "What is this?"
"Salt, sugar." He teased.
Your face turned hot, "How old are you, six?" His face slowly fell as you became angrier, "Genuinely, how old are you? Because last I checked, children don't have jobs."
"Hey," Derek tried to calm you down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to actually upset you."
"Oh, of course you didn't!" You replied with sarcasm dripping from your lips. "You just don't get when people don't want you to make them feel worse!"
Derek's face fell into a frown. You didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but you couldn't stop your words. "Y/n," Spencer said firmly, "Sit down, now."
Before you could even think, you followed his command. The whole event caught Penelope, Emily, Rossi, and JJ's attention. JJ was quick to rush over, grabbing your coffee. "I'll get you the right one, it's okay." She comforted as Emily quickly lead Derek away. Rossi and Garcia decided to mind their own business, smart.
You groaned, head in your hands. Spencer was quick to kneel by you, taking your hands into his own. "Y/n," He said softly, "Take a deep breath. I know, I know." You followed his instructions, inhaling and holding it like he demonstrated, softly letting it out after. "Good job, sweetheart, do it again for me, okay?"
After a few more times, your face cooled off. You closed your eyes, sighing. "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings."
"I know, he knows, too." Spencer assured. "He knows he was out of line. You reacted the same way anyone would. It's alright."
Spencer raised his hand to your face, softly brushing your cheek with his thumb. JJ walked over, unsure if she was ruining.. something?
"Hey, I got you your coffee," She hesitantly spoke. You looked up, reaching out quickly.
"Thanks," You mumbled, taking a cautious sip. When you realized the taste was right, you took a bigger sip, sighing at the warmth flooding down your throat.
Spencer gave you a small smile, "See? It's okay now."
You nodded with a smile, thanking him softly. He went back to his desk, re-opening his report. You did the same, clicking your pen open.
"Okay, now what the hell was that?" Derek asked, the previous team members crowding around Rossi's desk.
"I felt like I was walking in on them," JJ mumbled awkwardly. "The tension was so strong I thought it was gonna slice me clean in half."
Emily smiled, "I bet they're in love or something, only love can make a person react like that. She would've bitten anyone else's head off." Everyone mumbled in agreement.
"I bet two weeks," Rossi said after a moment.
"Nah, knowing Reid, it's gotta be more like three." Derek shook his head.
Emily laughed, "I bet a week and a half. Y/n's too badass to not admit it first."
"I don't think they ever will until we do for them." Penelope sighed, knowing how stubborn both individuals were.
"I say one week, solid." JJ nodded. "I felt that tension."
Hotch's voice came out of nowhere, "Four days."
Everyone turned around, shocked. "Hotch, you sure about that?" Derek asked, a slight tease in his voice. "You know them."
"I do," He nodded, "Four days. You'll see I'm right."
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harrysbelovedd · 5 months
espresso [rafe cameron]
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“oh he looks so cute, wrapped round my finger..” ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
pairing - rafe cameron x reader
summary - rafe doesn’t do relationships, cuddling, kisses, and sweetness. strictly no commitment hookups had sufficed. that was until he met the girl at the coffee shop.
warnings - nothing rlly, just super sweet whipped rafe
Rafe was heartless. Cold. Rough. Any situation he had with girls was nothing more than that—a situation, a fling. He had absolutely zero desire to be in anything committed.
To his friends, his sisters, his family, and his hookups—he was a mean, heartless monster. (Only tolerating Wheezie, of course.)
And he liked it that way.
No one expected anything from him, no one bored him with their feelings. It made his life so much easier not being overly concerned about the well-being of others.
But today, when Wheezie dragged Rafe to some fancy coffee shop she’s been wanting to visit, his philosophy flew out the window.
“Yeah, I’ll have the caramel latte with cold foam,” the young girl recites her order. “Oh! And a chocolate croissant.”
“Yeah, for sure!” I smile at her, typing her order into the till. “Anything for you?” I turn my attention to the man next to her, presumably a father or brother—probably brother, he seems younger.
He doesn’t say anything, his gaze remaining intent on my features, like my words flew right past his ears.
“Um.. sir? Did you want anything?”
The girl next him sighs, shoving his shoulder. “Stop staring at her you creep.”
His head shakes, like he was snapped out of a trance. He comes to the situation at hand, pinching the bridge of his nose “I’m sorry, that was probably creepy, my bad,” he chuckles awkwardly. The girl next to him makes a face at him, surprised by his actions.
“It’s okay,” I smile. “I zone out a lot too,” I let out a small giggle, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
He grins, “Yeah, um, I’ll take a macchiato, thanks.”
“Great, and could I get a name for the order?”
“Rafe,” he interjects. I grin, writing his name down.
He pays for the drinks, smiling at me before going to find a table with the girl.
“What was that?” Wheezie questions loudly.
“Shut it, Wheeze. I was zoned out, is all.”
She blows out a puff of air, “Yeah right, me and that barista could practically see the drool falling out of your mouth the second you laid eyes on—“
I kick Wheezie’s leg under the table when that same pretty barista comes by with our drinks.
“One caramel latte with cold foam and a chocolate croissant,” She smiles sweetly, placing the pastry and sugary drink in front of Wheezie. “And one macchiato for Rafe.”
When my name rolls off her tongue, I swear I see stars. She says it with a sweetness I’ve never heard before. Her voice so soft and kind. As she’s placing the drink in front of me, all I can think about it how much I wish I knew her name.
So, I incite a moment for her to tell me. “Thank you…” I pause, trailing off.
“Oh, Y/n!” She says, surprise I asked such a question.
Y/n. So fitting. It’s perfect.
“That’s a pretty name,” for a pretty girl, I wish to say.
She grins, her cheeks flushing a shy pink. “Thanks, if you guys need anything else, let me know!” She informs before wandering off.
Once she’s out of ear shot, Wheezie begins. “Might as well go kiss her over the coffee beans.”
“Oh, shut up, Wheeze.”
one year later
I walk through the doors of Tannyhill like I have so many times before, it’s become a second home.
“Hi, sweetie.” Rose says from the living room where she sips on a glass of wine, reading a book.
“Hi, Rose! Do you know where—“
“He’s in the gym with Topper and Kelce. Beware I hear a lot of groaning and shouting. Too much testosterone for their own good.” She jokes.
I chuckle, shaking my head as I head to the side of the house near the garage where the gym is. The blasting of rap music grows louder the closer I get along with the clanking of weights, and occasional grunts.
I open the door and see Topper and Kelce doing pull ups while Rafe bench presses. Rafe can’t see me due to obviously needing to stay focused.
“Hey, Y/n,” Topper greets, jumping down from the pull up bar.
Before I could ever reply with a greeting, Rafe hooks up the bench press, sitting up quickly. “Y/n?” He smiles, his smile faltering when he turns back toward his friends. “Aye, Kelce, turn that shit down.”
He gets up, walking toward me and pushing me out the door and back into the hallway. He closes the door behind him and his hands find their spot on my waist, a grin taking home on his lips. “Hey baby.”
I smile, my cheeks flushing pink. “Hi.”
“What’re you doing here?” He asks, his thumbs rubbing comforting circles into my skin that’s exposed near the hemline of my shirt.
My hands run up his chest, manicured nails running along the collar of his shirt. “Nothin’… just missed you is all.”
“Yeah?” He questions, that sly smirk on his lips. “You missed me, baby?”
“Yeah, come hang out with me? We can just stay upstairs or we can go to the beach maybe? Or go get lunch, hm?” I coo, my hands now running along his jaw, studying his every feature.
“Whatever you wanna do, my love. Just wanna spend time with you.” He leans in, his lips kissing their favorite spots along my jaw and neck. He pauses for a moment when he hears childish giggles from the other side of the door.
Topper and Kelce walk out, teasing grins on their faces. “I missed you baby,” Topper mocks. “I missed you more, come kiss me and spend time with me, please Y/n. Let me worship the ground you—“
Kelce was cut off by a rough punch to his shoulder. “Ow! Shit, Rafe. Not my fault you’re whipped.”
Topper and Kelce chuckle, walking past us toward the front door. “Try that shit again and you won’t be able to walk out of here!” Rafe threatens.
“Oh cmon, Rafe. They just know you’re wrapped around my finger,” I say loud enough for them to hear.
“Ain’t that the motherfuckin’ truth!” Topper shouts before shutting the front door behind him.
Rafe buries his head in my shoulder, “Baby, you’re just egging them on.”
I chuckle, “Sorry, you’re just so cute all wrapped around my finger.”
He looks back in my eyes, a smile on his lips. “I’m whipped and I’m proud.”
I chuckle, slapping his chest playfully as I drag him upstairs.
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nanaslutt · 11 months
PLEASE write more of geto being a perv🙏🙏
“pt.1” here
Geto x reader, in showing you how sorry he is for being a creep<3
perv!geto is my obsession atm
contains: fem reader, non consensual photography (reader is kinda ok w it), pervy roomate!geto, crack, gojo makes an appearance, talk of gojo wanting reader, sexual tension, cunnilingus, masturbation(geto), degradation, soooooooo much dirty talk, sweet!geto at the end<3
About a week ago you were watching a scary movie with geto on your laptop, drinks placed on the table next to it; dumbly.
So of course when the scariest jump scare you’ve ever seen in your life occurred, your legs jerked into the glass of liquid, spilling it all over your laptop and absolutely ruining it.
“God- Fuck! Noooo! nonono!” you shot up to grab a blanket, pillow, anything, to soak up the liquid, “TAKE YOUR SHIRT OF NOW,” you yelled in a panic to your dark haired roommate, who; you noticed throughout this entire excursion had barely moved a muscle to help, besides the muscles used to laugh at you.
“Babe I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that shit is beyond saving,” he laughed, placing his hand over his chest while he did.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck, I use my laptop every single, and day I absolutely cannot afford to buy a new one right now.” you placed your head in your hands in defeat.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” geto said, at the end of his fit of giggles at your expense.
“Yeah right, ur broke as shit too, that’s why we’re living together.” you said, muffled into your legs as your body had now fully collapsed in on itself.
“Yeah ur right, but that kinda hurts my feelings,” he said, smirk showing through his faux pout, “thought you liked livin’ with me,”
The two of you bickered back and forth for a while. You ended up putting the laptop in a bag of rice; to no avail, it was completely ruined.
Geto had been nice enough to let you use his laptop in the meantime; only when he was with you though, which you found slightly weird but at least you had access to it to some degree.
Right now you had the house to yourself though. Satoru had picked him up half and hour ago, saying something about wanting to try some new coffee shop with word famous sweets; that meant you had free range of his laptop.
You knew how to clear search history, so you would be fine. You just wanted to watch a movie anyways, nothing criminal.
Sneaking into his room, you unplugged the silver electronic, sliding it under your arm as you took it back to your room. Placing the laptop on your bed and getting comfortable against your pillows, you cracked it open, You had accidentally seen him type in his password before, so getting in was no problem.
What was a problem is what was on the screen when the laptop came to life. An entire folder of up skirt panty shots; and not just anyone’s panty shots; they were yours.
Scrolling through the decently filled folder, you noticed ones that dated back months ago. You saw a picture of you laying on your bed, head in your hands while you kicked your feet behind you; the short skirt you were wearing gave geto the perfect view of your unobstructed ass, slight pink peaking between your cheeks.
Other too, you doing more mundane things like sitting on your knees on the barstool you had in the house, poking out your ass, once again giving that dark haired pervert the perfect shot of your clothed mound.
You were almost impressed at how many there were, and how make different angles he was able to get without your knowledge.
Trying to wrap your head around the idea that yes, your sweet roommate who has never attempted to come onto you once, had a secret folder filled with lewd photos of you.
Saving the file, you sent it to yourself. Once you heard the chime on your phone you quickly copied the link, and sent it to the culprit himself, no other message attached to it but the folder alone.
“Ummm ooh, I’ll also get the triple chocolate cream filled crepe cake please! What do you want suguru?” gojo chirped.
Geto started at him with disbelief, he had just ordered 5 full size deserts with the longest name he’d ever heard; all sounding like a stomach ache and a half; and they were all for himself.
“Right..uh, i’ll just get the vanilla scone and a black coffee please.” Geto politely spoke to the man taking his order.
Gojo continued conversing with the cashier, finishing up ordering any last minute items and paying.
Geto felt his phone buzz in his pants, checking it quickly while gojo finished up the interaction; both of them starting to walk to booth in the corner of the cafe.
Suguru’s heart sank to his balls when he opened your message. He knew you were mad too, because you didn’t say anything else other than a link to his private folder of your panty shots. “Fuuuuuuuuuck haha,” geto laughed, hand coming up to cover his smirk as they slid into the booth.
“Huh? let me see, what happened?” Gojo nosed, trying to peek over the table at geto’s phone when he noticed it was the source of his distress.
“I might have to sleep at your house tonight, maybe for the rest of my life I don’t know.” he said, hand dropping back into his lap as he shut his phone off.
“Did you forget to do your dishes or somethin’?” he asked, knowing how angry you got at Geto when he didn’t pick up after himself.
“Yeah maybe, or maybe my roommate just found the upskirt pics i’ve been taking of them for the past couple months.” he giggled, slight remorse in the back of his head. Not from doing it, but from being caught.
Gojo’s jaw dropped, covering his own mouth as he let out a boisterous laugh. “Hahaha oh man, you really are fucked.” the blonde slapped his own knee, “I’ll let you co-sign my lease tonight,” he said, scared that if suguru went home, he might actually get murdered.
Geto kicked satoru’s shin underneath the table, making him wince. Their giggles died down at geto’s misfortune after awhile. “So..” gojo started, “Yer’ gunna let me see the pics right?” he asked, “Already hurt you didn’t tell me about this,” he pouted,
“In your fucking dreams satoru,” geto snorted. He already saw the way gojo looked at you when he was over, always making passes at you and touching you any chance he got.
He would be damned if his bestfriend got his hands on you before he did. “WHAT???” gojo yelled a little too loud for the tiny space they were in, resulting in him getting shushed by geto, “pleaseeeee, I know how good you are at taking pictures I bet they’re soooo gooood.” gojo wined, crossing his arms on the table and laying his head against them.
“Keep dreaming satoru.” he laughed. The whine haired man kept his pouting up for awhile, calling Geto selfish and unfair, his sorrow immediately being forgot about when the massive tray of his deserts finally came out.
When you heard the front door to your shared apartment finally crack open open a couple hours later, you were in your bedroom.
His laptop had been tucked away in your bedside table in confiscation, while you awaited with a racing heart, for him to knock on your bedroom door.
You heard him place his keys on the table through the thin walls, then you hear his heavy footsteps as he starts to make his way to your room.
The air was still when the footsteps came to a stop in front of your door. You were feeling a lot less confident than you were before he got here, now the thought of confronting him made your mouth feel dry; heart beating out of your chest.
Finally, the knocks were being rapped on your door, you swear you died for a second when you heard his familiar voice call your name, followed by him asking politely if he could come in.
"Its open," you yelled back. When the wooden door creaked open and his frame came into view, you had to fight off all the neurons in your brain telling you to look away from his hooded eyes.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, the tension in the room was so thick it could be cut through with a knife. You had no idea why, but the current situation was admittedly arousing.
You stayed silent for a while, just staring at each other, neither one of you daring to break eye contact first, "So? What do you have to say for yourself?" you asked, voice coming out a lot less confident than you wanted.
"Im sorry." he replied, swallowing thickly, quickly sucking his lip into his mouth to wet it.
"You're sorry for what?" you asked clarifying, This wasn't going how you expected.
"I'm sorry for being a pervert and taking panty pics of my roommate." He said, taking a couple steps towards where you were sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Are you really sorry?" You asked, voice full of need, as you did your best to supress it, trying to ignore the growing heat in your stomach.
"So sorry" he answered, having made his way inches away from you, eye contact still not being broken. You both noticed how heavily you were breathing, his eyes flitting down to your lips for a second before he sucked his lip into his mouth again, and letting it slide out, dark eyes meeting yours again.
The only thing you heard was your heart beat loudly in your ears as you spoke your next words, "Show me how sorry you are."
"Mm so fucking sorry," geto's voice vibrated against your clit.
"F-fuck ohmygod," You moaned at the feeling of him wrapping his lips around the bud, tongue peeking through to flick at it.
"A-again-" you whined,
"'M sorry," he groaned, staring up at you with a smirk as he released your clit, flattening his tongue over the sensitive bud.
You were laid back, ass placed at the end of the bed, Geto was sitting back on his heels as he perched himself on the floor between your thighs, hand rapidly stoking over his throbbing cock.
"W-wipe that sm-ile off your face" you wined, trying to keep the little hold you had over geto.
He didnt stop smiling, but you could'nt tell when he burried his tongue inside your pussy, pressing his face hard into your wetness and shaking his head. His pointed nose rubbed your clit in the most delicious way when he did that.
"S-so fucking dirty" you chastised at how sloppily he was eating your cunt. He was trying to fuck his apology into your pussy with his tongue, really trying to prove how sorry he was.
Loud slurping noises bouncing off the walls and going straight to your head; and to his cock; making you both dizzy at the situation.
"Sorry I'm so nasty," he groaned, muffled by your folds as he tongue fucked you like his life depended on it.
Quickening the pace of his hand against his cock, he was squeezing it the same way your walls squeezed his tongue, trying to mimic the feeling. Pre was dripping steadily from his cock and onto the floor, leaving a little puddle there.
Geto was getting off on this so hard.
Every time you squeezed your thighs around his head and degraded him, his abs clenched, balls tightening with the need to blow his load.
"O-only thing youre good for is eating my pussy, f-fuck" you said meanly with a whimper, eyes dropping down to his handsome face and seeing how fucked out he looked from your words, as he nodded his head and moaned into you, agreeing with you.
He needed to you keep talking to him like that, to keep humping his face, suffocating him, treating him like a bitch, he needed it.
"Use me-" he cut himself off as he moved his mouth back up to your clit, making out with the little bud messily, "wanna show you how sorry I am." he drunkenly smiled at you.
You gripped his hair in a makeshift bun, rolling your hips against his face as he stuck his tongue out for you to get yoruself off on.
Groans of "mhm mhmm" could be heard from Geto between your legs, pumping his cock impossibly faster feeling your wetness gush out of you from his minstrations.
"Ohmygod feels so good- shit-" You wined, tipping your head back, feeling your orgasm build quicky as you rubbed against his tongue just right.
His chin was absolutely covered in your slick, pretty eyes rolling back in his head as he felt himself get pushed towards the edge as well, abandoning his hand keeping your thigh spread to join his other between his legs. He massaged his balls between his fingers, increasing the pleasure he felt while you worked towards your end together.
"Fuck t-tell me your sorry again," you whimpered out, teetering on the edge of your orgasm, "Sorry" his deep voice immediately groaned out, cock throbbing when you yanked on his hair.
"Ag-ain" your moans broke up your speech,
"Sorry, m' sorry, sorry-" He kept babbling against your pussy, sending delicious vibrations through you.
You were feeling hotter at the strange power dynamic going on, using that to your advantage as he kept mumbling the word into you, sending you straight into the most mindblowing orgasm of your life.
"Coming f-uck fuck f-" your voice getting cut off as your stomach started contracting and jerking, you rode your high out on his tongue while he groaned a lengthy moan into you.
Behind where your vision was blocked by the bed, Geto was cumming all over his hand and the bottom of your comforter.
Geto's eyes repeatedly rolled back in his head, hand massaging his cum out of his balls as he stroked himself roughly through his orgasm.
Finally being able to breathe when you loosened your legs from their hold on his neck, dropping your hands from his hair as you laid back on the sheets. Geto's hands wet with his seed came up to massage your thighs, his head rasing from between them.
You both took a second to breathe heavily into the open air, your cunt as his cock alike twitching in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
You felt his hold on you cease for a moment, a couple seconds later something was bouncing heavily next to your head. When you turned your head you were faced with a brand new, rose gold laptop, still in its packaging.
You looked back up at geto, who was now standing, running one of his damp hands through his hair, "If me eating your pussy didnt prove how sorry I am, I hope this will." He smirked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Fuck, Geto are you serious?" you beamed, picking your limp body up from the sheets and holding the package in your hands, he smiled at you fondly, watching you tear it open like a kid on Christmas.
Peeling the plastic from the cardboard you spoke, "Still making you delete all those photos by the way," resulting in him tipping his head back in a loud groan of defeat.
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