#he loves you too
dr-demi-bee · 1 month
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screentimeoverlord · 6 days
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ask-shane · 5 months
You're such a good lookin guy, I love ya
shut up...
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lizaisdrawing · 7 months
The way you draw Wallace is literally making me rip my skin off my arms in a good way bc I love him 😋☝️
I’m concerned but flattered, thank you ☺️
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hime-bee · 5 months
Brainrotting about Njero go brrrrrrrr...I wanna see more of this old man whenever possible. Out of the four I like him the best really caught my eye with his design too <3 He be filling the handsome magic instructor that loves you shaped hole in my heart. This old man has been living in my head rent free ever since I played the game last week. Thank you for creating him! Sorry if theres if I have too many questions this is my first ask ever here in this site. What field of magic does he excel at and teach...what's his favorite spell...does he prefer tea or coffee...what kind of sweets does he prefer...when did he first summon his familliar and what kind of a familliar was it...about the time he was in his not the best student era what kind of stuff was he not good at...how would he court the mc whenever he can...finally how would he feel with an s/o that has a very strong affinity for combat magic but rather average on any field of magic. Oh and I heard that your hand isnt feeling very well lately. I hope it gets well eventually so no rush on these~~ I wish you well!!<3
Anon, you have no idea how happy you've made me 😭 I didn't think that many people liked Njero, but I'm super happy to see that there are some who consider him a favorite! I don't mind the questions, also!! I'm just super happy that you like him so much 🥺 (Side note for those who don't know him, but his name is pronounced "n-err-o", the "j" is silent)
Anyway, lemme answer those questions for you!
Njero excels at elemental magic, which is what he teaches! He's the best with fire magic, though, and his favorite spell is anything that makes his life more convenient (similar to Howl). He prefers tea (specifically hot tea, with four sugar cubes and milk), but he doesn't mind coffee! He wasn't always a huge fan of sweets, actually- he only started eating them because of his familiars. They like cookies and candy, so he usually eats that when he doesn't have time for a meal 😩 He actually summoned his first familiar when he was still under the tutelage of his master, which was abouutttt 100+ years ago! He summoned a pixie named Amme first, and a few years later, he summoned a shape shifting demon named Sepher! When he was first learning magic, funnily enough, he was pretty bad at elemental magic. Because he wasn't the best at it made him want to practice more, and he ended up mastering it and enjoying it a lot more than most magic. His idea of courting the MC would depend on them, mostly! If they wanted a normal date, he would be more than happy to set that up! He's big on words of affirmation, also 😊 And lastly, I don't think he would mind what kind of magic his partner does, as long as they're content with it! If they are more offensive, though, he would make sure to tag along wherever with healing spells ready just in case!
Again, thank you so much for the ask, anon! I rarely get any for Njero, so I really enjoyed answering this! And thank you for the well wishes 😭💙 My hands have been getting better, but I don't wanna overdo it- I was gonna doodle a little Njero for you, but you know how it is 😩 Maybe later!
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fromxxthexxashes · 1 year
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lokisis · 2 years
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Valentine's! What a dumb holiday ❤️
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badlydrawnrose · 11 months
Jaspers. Jaspers listen to me closely. I have a sacred task. IF someone asks something outrageously strange or thematically inappropriate, please dispose of the ask. Feel free to fucking eat it. I love you
Mew mew!
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muses-morii · 1 year
@wayfaringnobody asked: 💢 ( @ sora ) send 💢 for an angry starter .
~ Sora ~
Sora was speechless. He was sick, with anger. Shaking with outrage. But god, he was so relieved. Even as he ran down the stairs, taking two at a time, he was flooded with gratitude and joy. But the sorrow, the hollow feeling of longing still hugged the edges of his heart and squeezed his chest so tight, he couldn't breathe.
He ran up to Roxas, torn between wanting to hug him and wanting to shake him. Tears pricked at his eyes and he stared at his Nobody with a look that was somewhere between fury and amazement. Fingers twitching by his sides, lip trembling, he searched Roxas' face, seeking answers there that he didn't know he would find. Roxas had been gone for days. Days.
Without a word to anyone, he'd left sometime during the night and as far as Sora was concerned, had disappeared to the far reaches of the all the worlds. He'd gone so far, that their connection to one another had been worthless. He hadn't been able to find him, despite searching and searching. Already poor with sleep, he hadn't rested in days. Every fibre of his being hell bent on finding his other half. He'd been scared Roxas had left them all.
He'd been scared that he'd hurt Roxas and that his Nobody wanted nothing more to do with him. He knew that sometimes people needed space, hell, he did too sometimes. But Roxas had been gone for actual days without so much as a message saying to leave him alone. How dare he disappear like that and make him worry? Make them worry? How dare he just, walk back into the tower like he hadn't been gone? Tears slid down Sora's cheeks and he moved to hug the blonde, but he stopped, knowing that Roxas didn't like to be touched. Choking on his feelings, he grabbed at his chest over his heart instead, fingers curling into his shirt. “Don't... Do that...” He begged, biting his tongue and turning his head toward the ground. “You can't just... Vanish.” There were people that cared about him. That depended on him and needed him.
Sora was speechless.
He was sick, with anger. Shaking with outrage. But god, he was so relieved that Roxas had come home.
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
oh for the ask game since anon's off now i'll just do it off anon: phobia whumper is my favorite because of all the unique whumping ideas :)
He's so smug in my head right now XD
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arabiidhound · 2 years
Kisses your holoform Blitzwing aggressively
I love your random so much like he could do no wrong
Kejskdbddhdbdd aaaa thank you sm 🖤✨
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libelelle · 2 years
I dunno about everyone else, but ik I am vewwy content with the random scenes you got going one with time twinz
AWW thank you!!! you're the sweetest🥺
all my thoughts come very randomly so i gotta get them down quick! usually ends up with lots of silly sketches and posts so im glad!! tbh i kinda want to string it all together more coherently but thats a project for another day
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ask-shane · 5 months
what the- *party popper noises*
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oeugh. thanks… i do the best i can with what i have.
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stillafanofsonic · 2 years
Love you
Love your fics
Love your dog
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christadeguchi · 1 month
"we know how to move our bodies, but i didn't know how to manage my heart, so you need help for this"
hi we need to talk more about judo gold medallist christa deguchi.
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noknowshame · 2 years
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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