#he literally heard blocks breaking and steps and looked back in their direction before he started talking lmao
kqluckity · 1 year
okay but qquackity told qbad to follow him from afar just in case, so what he says to cucurucho about wanting to join the federation and that he's going to betray the others to get tilin back, he says knowing that bad could possibly, most likely, be hearing, so no shot he actually means it lmao
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bakuettes · 2 months
Kill Bill
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! : toxic!reader, toxic!bakugo, mentions of drugs, reader smokes, lots of cursing bc what’s a bakugo fic if he isn’t cursing????, slight infidelity?, alcohol consumption and lots of spelling errors 😭
Tonight you were supposed to chill out with Mina and Momo in the dorms but word got around that Jackson Wang was hosting a party at a frat house off campus..so obviously you got your ass up and put on the cuntiest outfit you could find in your closet. You had originally wanted to talk with your boyfriend (who’s not your boyfriend but everyone knows he’s your boyfriend) about what the hell you two even were. there would be days where you wouldn’t even get a text back, not a ‘hi sorry i’m busy’ or a ‘let’s talk later im in a training session with kirishima’ literally nothing.
You were fine with it, honestly. If he wouldn’t give you attention then there’s a whole campus of guys that would. It sounds terrible but you’ve learned that it is what it is and you’re on what he’s on. No way in hell would you ever beg for his attention.. at least not anymore. You looked good, you know you did. Tonight was supposed to be filled with good times and (bad decisions) fun memories. He said he was exhausted after hours of grueling training and that we’d talk tomorrow morning. So why is it that you see your boyfriend sitting on a couch outside the frat house with some girl whose name you don’t even know on his lap?
momo stopped all three of you in your tracks, glancing over at you. “y/n, we can always just leave? i’m sure another frat is hosting a party.” should you leave? it’s not like you haven’t seen this from him before. countless nights you spent crying, wondering why you weren’t enough for him to show some effort. fuck, you even wondered if he liked you at all. “what?! no way, why should y/n leave just because he doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants? we came to let loose!” mina disagreed with momo from the opposite side. he hasn’t noticed you guys from a far. sitting there with a red solo cup in his hand, man spreading for the whole block to see and looking as cocky as ever.
fuck no, you were not leaving. he no longer gets to ruin your fun. “it’s cool momo, we’re not leaving. i want to have fun and drink a little before exams start kicking our ass next week.” she looked at you a little unsure but started walking in the direction of the house once more. mina cheered with a shit-eating grin on her face, happy that you chose to stay. walking with a little more confidence in your step, you made your way up the lawn and straight to katsuki. you pursed your lips, faking a look of understanding “exhausted huh? yeah, i’d be exhausted too entertaining all these other bitches. it must get hard trying to keep count, no?”
there was something about seeing him with another girl on his lap that made you want to crash the fuck out. sure you’d hear stories of him jumping from girl to girl while you two were on breaks. a break doesn’t mean you’re completely over, a break mean you two put a pause on your relationship. you still expected loyalty and trust but even that was wishful thinking. the girl was sat on his lap, arm around his neck, giving you a one over. she looked (in the nicest way possible) cheap and tacky. not because she wore the smallest dress known to man but because of the way she carried herself. she had a look of arrogance and a serious case of lash blindness. you were not a bully by any means. you got along with majority of the girls on campus, always gave out hero advice or fashion advice. you’d lend your lip gloss to girls you’d meet in bathrooms if they asked. you truly loved the feeling of having so many friends who can lean on you and vice versa.
But what you hated most were girls who thought that they were superior to others. ones that didn’t respect boundaries OR relationships. you hated this girl.
the smile fell off his face once he heard your voice, probably thinking that you were at the dorms in bed. “y/n, what the fuck are you doing here?” he has such a punchable face, fortunately for him you never believed in putting hands on your significant other. the audacity of him to question you when he was the one who lied? “what the fuck am I doing here? no, what the fuck are YOU doing here? you said you’d be asleep but you’re at a party and laid up with some girl on top of that? you have no right to question me.” you scoff, looking them up and down. you said you wouldn’t let this ruin your night and it won’t. if he wants to act single then you could too. momo and mina follow behind you, throwing dirty looks at both of them. “you ever heard of girl code? bakugo will drop you as soon as y/n calls his name.” momo says and drags mina inside. tonight you’re gonna let loose and let go.
𝐚/𝐧 !! okay so this hasn’t been proof read so there may be mistakes but let me know how you like it so far!
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kenposting · 1 year
New Guy Part 2! Ah!!!
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Summary: Ken invites you over for dinner at his house - something you were greatly looking forward to! Until you noticed something was on his mind.
WC: 4.2k
AN: literally so many people asked me to write more and i just wanted to cry wtf .......... i just feel so silly like i just like him!!! and u guys like him too gosh i luv u guys!!!!!! wtf!!!
Read Part 1 here: New Guy
Ken was off today and you really, really missed him. For some reason. He brought a sort of light to the diner that was just not there before he arrived. Sure, he made zero fucking sense 90% of the time, but he didn’t take himself too seriously, and that was incredibly refreshing. 
The girls you worked with snickered behind him often, though, and you did pick up on his face whenever he saw them laugh at a question he had or an encouraging comment he’d make. He really was trying his best, but it seemed no one took that into consideration. 
Perhaps that’s why he asked you to come over after your shift today. You never laughed at him, you always answered his questions no matter how simple they were, and you actually spoke to him like you respected him. Because you do! 
It was an odd feeling to keep looking up at the clock. You didn’t have class since it was now Summertime (and neither did he, as important as studying Beach was to him) and, upon realizing Summer meant a break from college, he very hurriedly asked if that meant he could “take you out sometime – but, you know, only if you wanted to, I mean, I don’t want to make you feel pressured or anything…” 
He was so cute for whatever reason and you found yourself unable to let that go – it’s like he wasn’t real; like he hadn’t been tainted by the rest of the world. He cried – literally cried – the last time you were late for a shift because he thought something bad had happened to you. You promised you’d make it up to him however he wanted and all he could think of was asking you to teach him how to ride a bike. You didn’t know why he was like… that… and you didn’t worry yourself trying to figure it out. 
The directions he gave you to his apartment were drawn in crayon on the back of a paper placemat from work. He made sure to include a tiny house and tiny diner and lots of arrows. He knew the way well, too; as if he had recited it to himself lots of times. Maybe he was scared to forget where he lived. Now that you thought about it, he never drove, only ever walked, and he did say he was new to town when you met him a few months back. 
His house was tiny and sweet, only six short blocks from where the two of you worked. You could tell he took great care tending to it, even just by observing the front yard. It was blocked off by a metal gate and seemed to be an older home, simple and freshly painted eggshell white. He had planted flowers around the outside beside the front step before the small patch of grass began. 
You couldn’t see it, obviously, but he had been pacing around inside for half an hour, nervous about seeing you. And you seeing him. Did he look okay? Was his house okay? He was just beside himself, which didn’t go away at all when he heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Hey, Ken!” 
He stood meekly in front of you as you opened the door, nervously folding and wringing his hands together, scared to do or say something that would make a bad impression. He was nearly hiding behind the door. This was silly since you worked with him almost every day (and hung out with him almost every evening). You noticed a shift over the last few weeks – like his bubbly demeanor had subsided a little. It was probably your coworkers getting to him. 
“Thanks for having me over. I like it so far!” 
He smiled sheepishly and looked at the ground, a blush arising on his cheeks as he seemed to regain a little bit of himself at your presence. 
“Thanks! I’ll show you the rest of my mo–” 
He stopped himself, brows furrowed, like he was going to say something out of habit, but remembered something and decided against it.
“My house, but it will probably only take, like, five seconds. It’s pretty small.” 
He stepped aside, holding the door open for you (something ‘gentlemanly’ he had learned from observing other couples at the diner – he was proud he noticed this). You saw his hands shaking, but you appreciated the confident gesture anyways. 
You stepped in beside him as he closed the door behind you, taking in the scenery. His house was… definitely… something. 
“My friend Gloria helped me find it and even paid for the deposit so I could live here and work! I paid her back, of course.” 
He was confident in his home, it came across in his tone of voice. He had surely made it his own. It was loud as hell. The walls were a bright pink color, but somehow it kind of worked. 
“They helped me paint it too! Gloria and her groom-husband and their daughter.” 
Brushing past his bizarre choice of words (but what’s new, it’s Ken), you surprisingly felt relief within yourself at hearing she was married. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath on that one. 
Your eyes glanced around the place, taking in all of the little things that were so… him. It was like a frat house, but way nicer; cozier. He had shelving all around with little trinkets carefully placed everywhere, some of horses, some of small glass fish, and even some of tiny people. He had put so much thought into these scenes of humans just having fun, one shelf showing a scene of a bunch of friends playing beach volleyball and another showing guys in all black posed in various dance positions playing rock-paper-scissors. 
“Ken, this is so sweet. Did you make all this yourself?” 
He looked aside and blushed, shrugging off the compliment. 
The adjacent wall had framed photos of people dressed in what you assumed to be Halloween costumes. A scene of a fierce man in a gold tracksuit posed next to a blonde girl with a sparkly dress on, the framed photo sitting proudly next to a shot of a group of girls (and one boy) in a mock supreme court dressed in all pink jumpsuits. 
He opened his mouth to tell you about the people in the picture, but you watched as he teared up just thinking about them. It must’ve been a sensitive subject, so you thought it better to not ask. 
Above his (ridiculously messy) desk were tacked drawings on the wall. Crayon drawings. You saw him making them on his breaks. There were little doodles of horses, and some of people having fun at the beach, but mainly horses. You sensed a theme. 
“This section is for all the things people gave me when I came to the real world.” 
His voice was trembling a bit, like he missed them very dearly. Ignoring the ‘real world’ thing, you looked where he was gesturing to see a whole lot of unique and incredibly thoughtful gifts. A tiny disco ball, a small pink model car, a gag book called “Backflips for Dummies” where ‘dummies’ had been crossed out with marker and replaced with a handwritten ‘Ken’, a baby blue record player with matching pink headphones, a seashell, a tiny model campfire, a collection of various headbands, a pink first aid kit – it was just endless. He was clearly so very loved by these people. 
“And all of my furniture was made for me by carpenter Barbie!” 
The Barbie thing was ever-present in his descriptions of home. It didn’t bother you, really, but it was just… getting old. You knew it was just some bit, assuming he was calling his ex-girlfriends Barbies since his name was Ken. A classic joke, sure, but he had beaten it to death at this point. 
“Jeez, Ken, how many girls have you dated?” 
You were careful to come off playfully, never wanting to risk hurting his feelings. You got it, really. He was so sweet and charming, but it felt weird to hear about Carpenter Barbie and Lawyer Barbie – even Stereotypical Barbie. It wasn’t like him at all. His entire personality glowed with respect for everyone he's ever met, so why was he reducing his past loves to just their job title? 
“Oh… No, I haven’t ever… dated anyone before. Their names really were all Barbie, their careers were just how we’d all tell the difference when we were talking about them. I know things are different here. Even you – you’re not named Barbie.” 
You blinked at him. He knew you didn’t believe him, and it showed on his face, like he wanted so badly to just take your hand and introduce you to everyone. His genuineness was hard to pass over, but seriously? All of them were named Barbie? It didn’t make sense. And you supposed it didn’t have to. What did it matter – he lived here now, didn’t he?  
“It’s okay, Ken. Maybe I can meet them one day.” 
His ears pricked at that, stuffing that idea aside for later. It was Summertime, after all. Doesn’t everyone go on vacation for Summer? 
“Mmhm, I can take you!”
It was like he was trying not to fist-pump. He was always so animated. It was one of the very first things you noticed about him. “Anyways… I made dinner. I figured you’d be hungry after working so hard.” 
He stepped into his (tiny) dining area and for the first time, you got a good look at him. His house was kind of a lot – so much so that it had sort of overshadowed him, but as he stood there, the golden evening light from the window washing over him, you wondered how it had taken you so long to notice. 
He stood tall in the archway, wearing a gray pullover sweater, one you’d get at a university (but it had the Barbie logo embroidered on it). Light jeans were cuffed enough to show off his socks. He had swapped the usual white crew-style for patterned ones with little jellyfish all over them. His face was glowing in front of you and you felt yourself just wanting to leap towards him. He looked so cozy and soft and kind and handsome and – 
“I’m not sure what you like with it so I just kind of made everything…” 
You looked over his shoulder to see a rather extensive display of food. Still simple, though, nothing too extravagant, but it was clear he had put a lot of thought into everything. 
Most of his dishes were plastic (and heart-shaped) but you found that rather charming. He had made the same lunch your mom had made growing up, the one you had told him about just days before when he asked you what you’d be doing right now if you could be anywhere in the world. 
“Probably back home, but I’ve got rent to pay so I can’t travel for the Summer if it's longer than a day trip.” 
You remembered him looking so sad, like he was going to cry. The two of you were taking your lunch breaks together, as you did most days. You snacked while he drew horses with crayons on a napkin. He said he wasn’t hungry and that his head was hurting (probably because of the alcohol he’d ordered for the first time on your study date the night before). His cheek was squished, resting on his fist as he scribbled away, very focused. 
“What would you do at home?” 
“Have lunch with my mom at the kitchen table, soup and sandwiches. All the best things always happen at the kitchen table.” 
His face furrowed and scrunched as he put his whole heart into his drawing. His tongue even poked out a few times before he proudly showed it off to you. 
“My art teacher wants to put these in the gallery this weekend! She told me that my drawings perfectly capture the nostalgia of childhood, but I don’t know what those words mean.” 
You looked at him now, standing in front of you in his tiny little house, having prepared all of this just for you, remembering and holding on to everything you had passively told him. It was nearly maddening how kind he was – like you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment. There had to be a catch. There was no way this guy was real. 
He pulled a (baby blue) chair out, allowing you to sit first. You thanked him for putting all this work in, but he shrugged it off like it was nothing. It was like he was created just to serve the people around him. Even the girls at work that were mean to him – he’d pick up their shifts the second they didn’t feel like coming in and he spoke so highly of them, noting how they’d helped him to get the hang of his job. If only you could figure out this whole Barbie real-world thing, maybe you’d understand him a little better, but right now it all just seemed a little ridiculous – both the stories of his hometown and his chivalrous behavior. There was no way he was real. You’d pinch yourself to see if you’re dreaming, but that didn’t work the last twenty times, so really there’s no point. 
Seriously, though. What was his deal? You liked him so much – it just snuck up on you. You weren’t looking to be with anyone but you just couldn’t figure him out, and maybe you didn’t want to. Every guy you’d known had some bizarre at the least or toxic at the worst trait that came up eventually and you so desperately wanted him to be different. Now was as good a time as any to get it over with, rip the bandaid off, and be free of this false hope. 
“Hey, Ken…” 
His mouth was full but he looked up at you immediately with a great intensity, like he was so concerned to make sure you were alright. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked at you, waiting (literally) on the edge of his seat. The seats were too small for him. He kind of towered over most of the things in his house, actually. It was like this was a little dollhouse and he had barely begun to outgrow it. 
“What’s with all of the Barbie and Ken stuff?” 
He just looked at you, confused at your question. 
You sighed. 
“I mean, you always say Barbies and Kens instead of just saying women and men. And you always talk about how this… place, this world, is different from your own. I really like you and I’m really trying to understand it but I just don’t get it.” 
He blinked at you, brows furrowing as he nearly choked on his food and tried to gather some sort of answer that wouldn’t further confuse you. 
“You… you like me?” 
You realized what you had said just moments before. It came as a shock to the both of you. You did like him. You liked him so much it was starting to annoy you, actually. 
You nodded, frustrated, like you were searching for some sort of explanation that wouldn’t further confuse him. 
“I do, I like you a lot. I think about you all the time, you’re so silly I just love being around you, you’re ridiculously handsome it’s actually absurd, you’re so good at your job and so kind and you try so hard in school, I love your drawings, I love eating lunch with you, I just love… you. All of you” 
You watched as his lip quivered. He had been trying to hold it in all evening but he just couldn't anymore. 
“You like me?!” 
He bit down on the inside of his lip to stop the shaking. 
“I like you! And I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long but I’ve just never felt this way and… And I just feel like I never know what I’m doing. This place is so different than back home and I always want to take some initiative to show you how I feel but I’m just scared I’m going to bother you and that didn’t work back home and it’s so weird having my own house and–” 
He sighed, looking up at you. 
“This world – this place is so hard to live in.” 
You watched the look on his face. It’s the same face he makes when things get a little too overwhelming. You had seen it before, most recently after he walked right in to a sliding glass door, despreately trying to convince you that they just don’t have those where he’s from. Some things like that are just hard for him. 
You nodded, placing a hand on his. 
“This place is hard to live in. I’ve felt that way my whole life. Like I don’t really fit anywhere and everyone around me knows what they’re doing except me.” 
He nodded so desperately, like you were the first person to ever really understand him. 
“But… Ken, if this place is so hard to live in, why did you come here? And why did you stay?” 
“I came here to figure out why I did what I did.” 
There it was. He answered so quickly, like he had been waiting to tell you this since he met you. You knew it was coming sooner or later. There was no way he was as kind as he seemed, and he was about to tell you about some insane or horrible or creepy or despiciable thing he did to some poor girl before skipping town to ‘find himself’. You’d heard it all before. 
“I really liked this girl back home and she didn’t feel the same way. Not even like she didn’t like me, she just… it was like I was a bother to her, and I was. I waited for her to show up everywhere I’d go and I just wanted her to like me too, but not even romantically. Just like me, as a person, respect me, acknowledge me, validate me, reject me even. She didn’t even do that, she just…” 
He took a deep breath, steadying himself. Your jaw tightened, waiting to hear him say something he couldn’t ever take back. 
“Anyways… I didn’t mind that she didn’t like me, truly. I just hadn’t ever really thought about it before. Like we were meant to be together, but not in a good way – like it was planned and I couldn’t escape it. It was Barbie and Ken, there was no Just Ken.” 
Again, as bizarre as this whole Barbie and Ken thing was, his tone of voice was incredibly convincing. 
“But there is just Ken. I am Ken – and that’s it, that's good, but I didn’t know what that meant or who I was without spending my days just pining for her. After all that she came here to the real world and I wanted to as well. I didn’t come for her, I came for me. And I stayed for you.” 
He was crying now, tears slowly falling from his eyes, like he had been waiting for ages to find the words to explain all of this. 
“I mean… I came here to study. The first time I visited I learned about Patriarchy–” 
“The patriarchy.” 
“Right, the patriarchy, and I felt respected and seen, but I didn’t really get it. I tried to figure it out, I really did, but I couldn’t even do beach here and I kept getting arrested and I just... I just felt worse and worse so I…” 
His lower lip was really shaking now, like he had done something unforgivable. 
“I came home without Barbie and I let her get kidnapped by Mattel and I told all the Kens about what I saw and… and–” 
He was holding back actual sobs. 
“And I turned her dream house into a mojo dojo casa house for Kens only and I made Barbieland into Kendom Land Land of the Men and I made her listen to me play the guitar for, like, ever and ever and I just feel so bad about it all.” 
He took a shaky breath in, still clearly upset about everything. 
“But she was so nice to me about it when we finally talked. And then she came here, so I did too. I signed up for school so I could figure out why I did that and how to help other people realize what they’re feeling before they do something like that too. I know it was wrong and really mean, but I can also see that I was sad and I just liked her and I felt invisible and I didn’t even have a house.” 
He didn’t even have a house? 
“But now I do have a house! And I love learning about Beach and horses but what I really want is to do everything I can to help other people understand why this system doesn’t work, no matter who’s in charge. It didn’t work in Barbieland and it surely doesn’t work here either. It’s all ridiculous and it benefits no one, including those in power. It’s not fair, to guys or girls, to you, even. You can’t even go home during Summer because they barely pay you as much as they pay me just because you’re a girl, and I just started! You trained me! It’s absurd!” 
None of this was making any sense logically, but emotionally, all of it tracked. You felt the same way. You came here to understand the unhealthy behaviors in yourself and to try to help fix the system any way you could. 
“I love my house so much. I’m doing everything I can to figure out how I did something so crazy to all of the Barbies, but I won’t let it make me cynical or cold or mean anymore. I love being alive and even though people make fun of me for crying or blushing too much or asking stupid questions, I love being alive. I know it’s silly, but I love it, I love all of it. Every time you compliment me or help me with something or show me something new I just feel like I’m gonna explode. I don’t understand it, but I never even felt this way about Barbie – I don’t even know if I liked her, really, I think I was just programmed to act like it. I love seeing the older people that come in to work, they love each other so much and I just… I want that. That’s real and I want something real. I want more than a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend bride-wife – I want what I see every day here. Like my friend Gloria and her groom-husband and everyone we see at work and at school. You know how people come into the diner every day – literally every day! – just to eat together? And hold hands? And look at each other for so long and just talk and laugh? I have no idea what that’s like, but I want to know so bad. I want to have that. And I want you to have that – even if it’s not with me! Even if you don’t feel the same way, you deserve a good groom-husband more than anyone I’ve ever met, it's absurd that no one is taking care of you!” 
He sighed, closing his eyes. 
“Sorry, what I’m, trying to say is, I just… I don’t understand it but all I want to do is spend time with you. I tried to ask some people at school what to do about... this feeling but their answers were so mean, like you were an object I was entitled to just take for myself. I tried to ask our coworkers but they told me you wouldn’t like me anyways and I believed them. I just… I don’t want to be... patriarchal about it and I have no idea what I’m doing.” 
A quiet fell over the place. You watched as little dust bunnies glittered around him. He had soup on his shirt. 
“Ken, I… I don’t know what to say.” 
You smiled, letting out a gentle laugh. He laughed too. You had been holding your breath at everything he was saying, a blush creeping over your ears. He was blushing too, mostly at himself for going off a little, but also at you. He could stare at you for hours. Most days he’s telling himself not to, straining his eyes away from you at work. His heart just ached when you spoke so kindly to customers or your coworkers or him. Gosh, when you spoke to him. He just melted every time, turning away from you as quickly as possible so you wouldn’t see him fall apart, just bashful. 
“I think you know exactly what you’re doing. And you’re damn good at it, too. If you’d asked me I’d say you’re the most experienced human I know.” 
Relief was painted on his face, a sense of calm falling over the two of you like a gentle, quiet snowfall. You really were the only one that understood him, but moreover, he was the only one that understood you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing either, Ken. I don’t think anyone does. Everyone is just pretending, I promise. I watch the way those same couples spend their days just… existing together. It’s like they don’t have a care in the world when they’re next to each other and I feel that way when I’m with you. I also don’t know what I’m doing, but I can learn. We can learn. We can figure it out. And I don’t really understand the Barbies or Kens or Real World stuff you’re talking about most days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show me.” 
He looked so simple, sat right in front of you, and you watched as he smiled – like all of a sudden he wasn’t so confused anymore. 
“Do you know how to roller-blade?” 
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spikedsoul · 2 years
maid's worst nightmare - ch 13
i keep working on this one instead of literally anything else haha oops sorry monty simps...
previous chapters
The awkward silence that hung in the air was palpable and you wished very badly that it would suffocate you. Ludwig's eyes flicked between you and Bowser, all three of you looking like a deer in headlights; this was your first experience knowing the king could actually get stunned. It seemed to stretch on for an agonizing eternity, your heart getting loud in your ears the longer nothing happened. It was like everyone was afraid of the consequences of breaking the silence, but it would have to be done at some point.
Bowser and Ludwig seemed to have the same idea at the same time and suddenly everything was chaos and cacophony.
"It's not what you think!" Bowser yelled, violently jerking off of you.
At the same time, Ludwig covered his eyes and shouted, "Dad, what the fuck!"
Which prompted Bowser to point a threatening finger at his son and growl, "Watch your fuckin' language, son!"
While mildly amusing to hear, you absolutely weren't going to miss your chance to escape the messy situation - it was between father and son, not you, the lowly, unspecial handmaid. So, you did the only thing you could do.
You bolted.
You scrambled onto your feet unceremoniously and sprinted for the door, which thankfully was still wide open from how Ludwig had barged in. Behind you, Bowser spluttered a few times as he struggled to get any words out, apparently not happy with your chosen flight response.
Ludwig's head whipped around to watch you run. "Spit it out, man!" he practically snapped at his father.
Finally, Bowser was able to find his words. "GRAB HER!" he bellowed.
The ground under your feet seemed to shake with the force of his bellow and that just spurred you on quicker, practically leaping down the stairs. Whatever goodwill he'd curried with you from that morning had been ripped away just like that from the fear he now instilled. Behind you, you heard the few steps from Ludwig before either they stopped, or you got too far away. Option two didn't seem likely so you hoped somehow it was option one.
You'd just gotten to the ground floor when something made you skid to a stop; despite the speed at which you'd gotten down the stairs, your breath caught in your lungs, only rushing out in a soft whoosh when Ludwig landed behind you.
"Hey, lady," he snapped, grabbing your wrist. "How dare you run from dad?!"
"Don't touch me!" you shrieked. At the very least it forced you to tear your eyes away from the procession of Beanbean Kingdom knights and royals that was slowly making its way into the main hall. Ludwig jumped a little, surprised at the wild look in your eye and the shrill tone of your voice, but made a grab for your shirt when you started to back away.
What the fuck? Why was this all happening to you? A sick feeling wormed its way through you when you thought you recognized one of the knights guarding the prince. What were you supposed to do now, retreat straight back to the koopa king like the coward you were? Or risk him seeing you?
"Hey." Ludwig tugged on the hem of your shirt but you didn't move. You couldn't. You felt rooted to the spot, frozen in your panic. Ludwig growled, but when you still didn't respond he went with a different tactic. "Dad! I got her, but there might be a problem!"
For whatever reason (beyond just your violent reaction) he was hesitant to physically push you around. You were simultaneously grateful and frustrated by that, because it meant you'd stay exactly where you were. The procession was closer now, and you could definitely make out individual faces among them; your stomach lurched when the face you feared above all others turned your direction. You blanched.
But just a split second later, Bowser landed heavily in front of you, immediately blocking your view of him with his large shell, those spikes just a foot or so away from you. "Ludwig, get her out of here," he said calmly.
"She won't move," Ludwig huffed back.
"Well well, King Bowser, to what do I owe the displeasure of this visit?" Prince Peasley cut in. Bowser glanced at you over his shoulder - your eyes flicked to his, but that was all you could manage to do. His nostrils flared as he inhaled and exhaled sharply, and only then did he look back at the prince to address him.
"Measly Peasley," Bowser sneered. His tail slowly curled around your legs, the two spikes near the tip carefully angled away from you. You stumbled just a bit as your frozen limbs were forced to move. "We've got your supply of ore ready to go, but more importantly, I need you to give Peach a message for me."
The prince crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "A message?" he repeated skeptically, "Why don't you do it yourself?"
"Because I doubt she'd believe me. But you're her good friend, so I know she'll believe you." He snickered quietly and reached his hand back, gingerly placing it on your back to urge you forward. The pressure was gentle, just enough to make you peek around his side, but he kept you close to his warm hide. "See, I stole this pretty thing when I visited her recently. I'm sure she's missing her precious handmaid, so I'd like to offer a trade: the maid for a power star."
Oh. So that's what you were to him: a pawn, something to be traded. And the poor, deluded koopa somehow thought you were worth a whole power star. At this rate, you'd never be free again.
Peasley immediately straightened his back, flipping his blonde hair when he saw you as his carefully neutral expression slowly dropped, apparently utterly aghast that Bowser could ever do something like steal someone who wasn't Peach herself.
"You fiend," Peasley hissed. Bowser cackled at the word. "What makes you think I won't try to rescue her myself, hm?" His chest puffed out in a self-important manner, a defiant scowl on his face.
"My liege, that's my girlfriend who went missing," the demon of a man spoke up. "Please, we have to get her back!"
You stiffened against Bowser. Your lungs stopped working (again), as did your heart, as an all too familiar terror seized your nervous system. Fuck! Honestly, you'd rather stay with Bowser than go back to him!
A feral snarl ripped from Bowser’s throat the second the knight took a step toward you, the king taking a half step forward with a slight pivot so that he was partially blocking you, his fangs bared, tail encircling you, and free claws held up threateningly. The hand on your back shifted so that his fingers hooked lightly around your side; despite the defensive stance, he kept his claws from digging into you.
Everyone seemed to be surprised by the reaction but no one brought it up.
"If any of you try to steal her from me before the trade, I'll rip your fuckin' arms off!" he hissed.
"Rodney, get back," Peasley ordered. Rodney glared at you as he did so, but his prince missed the look entirely since he was focused on Bowser.
Bowser did not miss the glare.
Without warning, he spat a fireball at Rodney's feet, just shy of hitting him. Rodney yelped as he jumped back from the smoldering hole that now marred the carpet. To his credit, Prince Peasley seemed undeterred by the aggressive show.
"Oh, come now," he said with a smile you were sure he thought was a winning one, "Surely we can figure out something you want from us to get her back? At which point I can return her safely to our dear Princess Peach."
"So you'll gimme the Beanstar?" Bowser snorted.
Peasley frowned, glancing toward you. "Well, no. Even if she still were a citizen of the Beanbean Kingdom, anyone less than myself or the queen wouldn't be… er, worthy of that trade. Sorry, handmaiden. No offense, King Miserable, but what makes you think Princess Peach would hand over her power star?"
Great question, you mused. You bit your lip and glanced up at Bowser.
He smirked, slowly resuming a more relaxed position - but his fingers didn't leave your side. "She won't," he stated matter-of-factly. "She'll send her little boytoy Mario, and potentially Luigi too, to come rescue her. The moment they leave her alone I can send in my troops for a full scale attack to secure the star."
"And now she'll know not to do that since you just told me," Peasley smirked triumphantly. The smirk faded when Bowser just laughed. He wouldn't get a chance to ask anything further, though, because Bowser abruptly turned his back to the entourage, scooping you into his arms as he did.
You were too surprised to even squeak.
"I guess one way or another we'll find out what Peach's true colors are," he hummed, glancing down at you. You looked away, one of your hands pressed against his chest in an attempt to both keep some kind of space between you, and keep you a little grounded with what just happened. Just like in your dream, his skin was malleable and rather soft. "Ludwig, escort them out," he ordered his son as he headed for the stairs.
"I wanna talk to you later," Ludwig grumbled as he passed by the two of you. Bowser just grunted, leaving his eldest son to handle the departure of the Beanbean posse as he carried you back up toward his room.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
An Exhibition of Muggle Duelling [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 2042
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Angry George is hot. He’s even hotter when he’s fighting. Based on that scene - you know the one - in Order of the Phoenix.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @sarcasticallywitty15 @tyyyweasley @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @wonderful-writer @marauders-loving-queen @vogueweasley @marvelettesassemble @thisismynerdyself @gcdric @loony-loopy-lupinn @gloryekaterina @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whiz-bangs78 @oh-for-merlins-sake @heavenlymidnight @aylinw3asley @vivianweasley @andineversawyoucoming @nkjktk | message or send an ask to be removed! unfortunately, my taglist is closed until further notice due to hitting the max. amount allowed on one post!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: shoutout to kaylah ( @pit-and-the-pen ) for finding the pages that the fight scene takes place and sending them to me - literal angel, thank you sm my love!! ❤️ also the ending isn’t great, i had a breakdown trying to figure out what to write, but hope you guys like it anyway 😂
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Gryffindor had won.
It was supposed to be a happy occasion, despite the song Malfoy had gotten many of the Slytherin students to sing, but as you ran down the steps from the stand and onto the pitch, followed closely by Hermione, you realised something was wrong, Malfoy’s laughter being the most prominent sound.
You approached the Gryffindor team, wanting to make sure Harry was okay after the fall he took at the end of the game, though seeing Katie and Alicia hugging him assured you he would be fine.
“But we couldn’t find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see. We couldn’t fit in useless loser either - for his father, you know-“ you heard Malfoy jeer.
“You’d know all about being a useless loser, wouldn’t you Malfoy?” You spoke out, arriving by George’s side as his arm automatically moved to slide around your waist, his head turning in Malfoy’s direction, jaw clenching as he realised what he was talking about.
“Leave it,” Angelina looked towards you and the twins, particularly Fred who had taken a step in Malfoy’s direction, “Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he’s just sore he lost, the jumped-up little-“
Malfoy smirked in yours and Harry’s direction, a nasty look on his face as he sneered, “But you like the Weasleys, don’t you Potter? And you, L/n.”
He spat out your surname with a grimace. You felt George trying to move and gripped his wrist, running your thumb softly over his skin. He swallowed, hands curling into fists as he glared at the blonde boy.
“Spend holidays there and everything, don’t you?” Malfoy continued, laughing with his usual sidekicks, enjoying the way he was winding you all up, “Can’t see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you’ve been dragged up by muggles even the Weasley’s hovel smells okay-“
George suddenly lunged forward out of your reach, his name leaving your lips just as Harry caught his arm, pulling him back and holding onto him, trying to prevent him from pouncing on the blonde.
Angelina and Alicia were holding Fred back, helped by Katie who had a grip on his shirt and one of his shoulders, though he was still struggling to get away from them, pulling them forward as they dragged him back.
Malfoy laughed again, the sound piercing your ears and making you scowl, “Or perhaps you can remember what your mother’s house stank like, Potter, and Weasley’s pigsty reminds you of it. And don’t get me started on you, L/n. The fact you’d even allow a Weasley to touch you-“
“You git-“ you yelled, moving to grab your wand. But before you could even throw a hex at him, Hermione grabbed your waist, keeping you back as you realised Harry had let go of George, and they were both now on top of the blonde boy, having shoved him down into the mud, throwing punch after punch. You stopped struggling as much as you watched the scene unfold before you.
“Harry! Harry!! George!! No!”
The Gryffindor chasers yelled out their names, but couldn’t do much more as they were still holding Fred back, who was still trying to get to Malfoy.
You held your wand loosely but couldn’t bring yourself to use it, watching as your boyfriend’s fist collided with Malfoy’s nose, his muscles straining and abs prominent as his Quidditch shirt rode up, showing off his toned back as he threw more punches, easily blocking Malfoy’s weak attempts at fighting back. He was swearing at the Slytherin boy, angry growls escaping his lips and you felt your mouth drop a little.
Swallowing, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the scene, George’s ginger locks sticking to his forehead with sweat, both from the previous game and from fighting, a snarl on his face as he continued his attack.
You’d never seen him like this, so aggressive, so in control of his actual movements yet not his emotions as he allowed his anger to fuel him, his eyebrows furrowed, clenched fists accentuating the veins in his lower arms as he landed punch after punch, before suddenly Madam Hooch was yelling out, and he was hit by a spell, one that paused his actions - or rather, slowed them down.
Harry jumped to his feet, as the Quidditch coach yelled out, “What do you think you’re doing?”
Malfoy lay on the floor, curled in a ball however you could see his nose was bloody. Fred was still struggling to escape the grasp of the chasers. And George, his lip was swollen and he was breathing heavily, but otherwise he seemed okay, for which you were thankful.
He pulled his shirt back into place angrily, a string of curses being muttered under his breath. His hands were still pulled into fists, his biceps clenching under the jersey, his jaw tensing, before he and Harry headed up to the castle without another word, practically marching away angrily towards McGonagall’s office, under Madam Hooch’s orders.
Fred pulled himself away from the chasers, though he was careful not to hurt them, and they hesitantly released their grips, ready to pull him back again if he attempted to finish what his twin and Harry had started. He scowled as he turned towards the changing rooms, grabbing his broom and heading off.
Hermione let go of your waist and you stomped after Fred, who was grumbling under his breath, and though he nodded at you in reassurance he was okay, you knew the twins and anger didn’t usually end too well.
No one seemed to want to celebrate Gryffindor’s win after the match. In fact, you were sat in the common room completely alone, waiting for your boyfriend (and Harry) to come back from being reprimanded by McGonagall. Fred had sullenly stomped to his room a while ago without a word, simply kicking the wall beside the stairs in anger as he passed by it.
Even Angelina - who you’d expected to have been happy by her first win as a new Captain - had retired to her own dorm room with a frown, along with Alicia and Katie.
The common room felt odd, being so quiet, but you appreciated the calm. That was, until the portrait door slammed open and two familiar - angry - faces stormed in.
You didn’t have chance to acknowledge Harry before George had pulled you up off the couch and, despite his split lip, he brought you into a rough kiss, one that made your toes curl and caused your greeting to become muffled, his hands gripping your hips as he pressed himself against you.
His tongue ran across your bottom lip, before pushing into your mouth, desperately kissing you as though it were the last thing he’d ever do. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.
You weren’t aware he’d started moving you until your back hit the stone wall beside the fireplace, his hand moving to grab your bum, travelling to the back of your thigh to lift it round his waist, his hips pressing against yours.
“Did you hear what he was fucking saying?” He mumbled against your lips, parting briefly to take a breath before kissing you again, “‘Bout my parents, and Harry’s Mum. And you- Merlin he’s lucky he didn’t say much more about you, he’d have had more than a broken nose, I’ll tell you that much.”
Your breathing was heavy, fanning across his lips as you replied, “Trust me, if he’d said much more, I’d have been right there with you breaking more than just his nose.”
He hummed, his mouth hovering over yours as his eyes grazed over your face, your leg still resting around his waist, your hands now gripping his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” You asked. Perhaps a redundant question, considering the events of the day, however as George briefly screwed his eyes shut before opening them again, you knew he understand what you meant - there was something else bothering him, and he knew you could tell.
“‘M fine, love,” he gave you a quick nod, before sighing at your pointed eyebrow raise, “Aside from being banned from Quidditch.”
You blinked, not expecting that answer, lips parting in surprise as his hand moved from your hip to your thigh, tracing random shapes on the skin showing, “Wait McGonagall banned you? She wouldn’t do that! She adores your team! They don’t stand a chance of winning without you!”
“Not her, the toad. Gave me, Freddie and Harry a lifelong ban. Can she even do that?” He swore aloud, his head dropping to your shoulder and you ran a hand through his ginger hair.
“Oh Georgie,” you breathed out, your heart almost breaking at the idea of him losing out on something he loved so much, “I’m sorry to say but you know as well as I do... she can pretty much do whatever she wants, sadly. She’s got the Ministry behind her. I’m so sorry.”
Your gaze moved to the back of your hand, where you knew there was light scarring from a previous detention with her, knowing that if she could get away with something like this, then she’d do it.
“‘S not your fault, is it? Should’ve controlled myself and not fought Malfoy. No matter how much the git bloody deserved it,” George curled his hands into fists as memories of the fight danced through his mind, a snarl setting across his features as he buried his face into your shoulder.
“He definitely deserved it. Least you got in a few good punches, eh? And if it wasn’t you, it would’ve been Fred. If it makes you feel any better though...” you trailed off, causing George to look up at you in anticipation of your next words, “I kinda maybe definitely thought that it was hot, the way you fought Malfoy. Just a little bit.”
He looked you up and down with a smirk, seemingly calming down at the revelation of this new information, “Me fighting is hot is it?”
“Oh Godric yes. You’re sexy when you’re angry anyway, but seeing you punching Malfoy?” You bit your lip and he let out a low groan, “Baby, that was attractive.”
George grinned cheekily, though a tad too wide causing his lip to split again, making him swear and dab at it with the collar of his shirt, reaching his other hand out to squeeze your thigh, “Well now I know that I might cause fights more often.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching as his tongue darted out across the cut, before leaning up to press your lips against his again. He kissed back immediately, almost as if he was waiting for you to do it, then began trailing kisses down your jaw, your eyes fluttering closed, before he pulled away suddenly, making you open them again, ready to protest.
“What is it about me fighting?” He asked, the corner of his mouth curling up, as if he was trying not to smile too smugly.
“Now you’re just begging for compliments,” you shook your head.
“Humour me. Humour me and I’ll go back to kissing you,” he countered.
You rolled your eyes, absent-mindedly moving to stroke his biceps through the Quidditch jersey he was still wearing, “Couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. Guess it’s your muscles...”
You pressed your lips together as your gaze caught his, “And how strong you are.”
You hummed, fingertips dancing up his arms and towards his shoulders, “Oh yeah. You could hold my wrists above my head and I could struggle with everything I have and you’d keep me in place with ease.”
“That a hint?” His voice had dropped a few octaves as he brushed his lips against yours gently, grabbing both your wrists in one hand and pinning them against the wall above your head as you shot him a cheeky grin, gazing up at him.
“A challenge.”
His free hand was already moving under the material of your skirt, as he casually glanced over his shoulder towards the staircase to the dorm rooms, before pressing himself against you further, his lips hovering over yours once more,
“Oh yeah? Then challenge accepted, love.”
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devilyn · 4 years
i told you i’ll catch you if you fall | tsukishima kei
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— alexa, play: like strangers do by aj mitchell.
If you saw me on the train would you look the other way?
Like strangers do
And if you passed me on the street
Would you look down at your feet
And move on through?
Like strangers do
— synopsis: you thought tsukishima fell out of love, and he thought so too, but maybe that wasn’t exactly it.
— genre: angst lol, happy endings
— word count: 2.3k
Falling out of love is a strange thing. Tsukishima’s life was always busy, but there was always someone he could look forward to returning home to. You’d welcome him home with a bright smile and a gentle kiss on the cheek. Some nights, he’d pull you into his arms and fall asleep with his head against your chest. Others, he’d let you cuddle into his side and run his fingers through your hair as your warm breath fanned against his neck. No matter what, he was always happy just to see you.
At some point, he stopped looking forward to those things. Kisses became a chore, and he became used to sleeping with his back towards you. Dinners together were usually quiet, but now they were silent. Yet he couldn’t even find it within him to break up with you.
So you broke up with him.
“You should’ve just told me,” you told him with a teary smile. His heart squeezed in his chest at the way your voice cracked. “That you fell out of love with me.”
And he was silent. He didn’t chase after you even after you finished packing an overnight bag and left your shared apartment.
Falling out of love is a strange thing. Because Tsukishima wasn’t sure if he ever really fell out of love, or if he just should’ve tried harder to love you. 
Now, he spent his rare free time sitting at the cafe the two of you used to frequent because it was close to your shared apartment. He’d order two drinks. One was his usual order. The other was yours. 
He’d set your usual order across from him and gaze out the window. If he tried hard enough, he could pretend like he wasn’t sitting alone. And sometimes, when he looked over, he’d delude himself into thinking you were smiling that smile you give him that says--”I really, really love you.”
And then he’d blink, and you’d be gone.
Other times, he’d stand outside your lecture hall just to catch a glimpse of you through the tiny window in the door. He always felt like such a creep when he did that, but when his eyes trailed over your concentrated expression, his heart would skip a beat in his chest, and he’d ask himself why he ever let you leave.
Once, he gathered up the courage to send you a text, and he felt like crying for the first time when he realized you had blocked his number.
Little by little, your things were disappearing from what used to be your shared apartment. You were clever. You only stopped by when you knew he was at practice or in class so he wouldn’t ever run into you. The polaroids of the two of you that you forced him to take with you were still hanging against the bedroom wall, but the photos of you and your friends left empty spaces in the carefully planned photo grid.
Your little belongings were gone. Your skincare disappeared from the bathroom sink, and your clothes that took up half of the closet were almost completely gone. Planners, notebooks, pens, highlighters, things he had never looked at before--they were all a part of you, but they were leaving him as well.
Soon, he started to recognize the symptoms of heartbreak. His eyes began to follow you whenever he spotted your familiar figure on campus. He’d notice the small changes--you looked more tired, like you hadn’t gotten any sleep. Your usual sunny smile whenever you saw him would be replaced with a hurt expression whenever you caught his eye, and you’d hurriedly look away.
Tsukishima started to fall asleep in class. He’d never done that before, but he hadn’t been able to sleep at all, recently. Because at night, he’d lay awake and stare at the ceiling while his hand continuously came down on the space where you used to lay next to him. He started messing up at practice, to the point where his coach had to pull him aside and reprimand him to rest properly. But he couldn’t. He doesn’t think he’s slept properly since you left.
He thought he had fallen out of love with you. So why was it that he could no longer function properly without you?
“You want me to call her?” Yamaguchi asked one night while he was visiting to check in on his heartbroken best friend.
Tsukishima was silent. He’s not sure if he would feel hurt or relieved if you responded to his best friend’s calls but not his.
“...can you?” he finally asked. At this point, he had kicked his pride to the curb. He sat with his head in his hands at the dining table, his best friend standing in the doorway with a worried look in his eyes.
Yamaguchi didn’t hesitate to pull up your contact and call it before putting it on speaker. It rang once. Then twice. Three times. Then four.
And then it stopped, and the two men heard shuffling on the other side of the line.
“...Tadashi, is this about Kei?”
Tsukishima felt like he was going to collapse, even though he was already sitting. He can’t remember the last time he’s cried, but he sure felt like crying now.
Your voice sounded like home. A wave of relief washed over him, even though your voice wasn’t even directed towards him. Yamaguchi’s gaze flickered between his phone and his friend who had now buried his face into his arms.
“It is,” he answered hesitantly, “but I also wanted to check up on you. How’re you feeling?”
You were quiet for a second before responding. 
“You won’t tell him if I tell you, right?”
Tsukishima was surprised at how easily Yamaguchi could lie. He finally lifted his head up as the brunette took a seat next to him so he could hear your voice better.
“...in all honesty, I’ve been feeling terrible,” you laughed weakly, and Tsukishima felt like his heart was going to fail him at how much the sound hurt him. He did that to you.
“You need to take care of yourself too,” Yamaguchi responded worriedly, now concerned for both of his friends.
“Maybe,” you hummed softly. “But I’ll be alright, just check up on Kei for me, alright? He looked a little tired when I saw him on campus today.”
He almost cursed out loud. How could you still be worried about him after everything? Without knowing, Tsukishima’s hand raised to grasp at his chest, as if doing so would ease his heartache.
“Why don’t you check up on him yourself? I’m sure Tsukki would appreciate that,” Yamaguchi advised as he glanced at his friend with furrowed brows.
“Ah,” you sighed softly. “Uhm, I think...he wouldn’t want his ex to check up on him. Especially since he fell out of love with me in the first place.”
“You broke up with him, Y/N--”
“Only because he was dragging the relationship on for my sake,” you cut Yamaguchi off quickly, and the two men lifted their heads at your sharp tone. “Did he not tell you, Tadashi? About how he treated me like I was literally air in the last month of our relationship? I was invisible to him! He didn’t tell you he fell out of love?”
Tsukishima couldn’t really remember the rest of the phone call. All he remembered was how you cried despite how much Yamaguchi tried to comfort you, and all he could think was ‘I did that’. He repeated the three words like a mantra each time he remembered the way you sobbed about how much it hurt to physically watch him fall out of love with you--to watch him stop caring about you and your relationship.
“You know what’s worse, Tadashi?” you croaked out between cries. “I still love him.”
Tsukishima doesn’t remember when Yamaguchi left. Just that he did, after murmuring that the two of you should talk to sort everything out.
The blonde middle blocker laid awake that night, staring at his ceiling and smoothing his hand over the sheets where you used to be. He hurt you, and now you were hurting even more than he was. He considered himself fortunate, because at least he knew you still loved him with all of your heart, even if you went out of your way to avoid him.
But you didn’t know that. You were living with the lie that he had stopped loving you a month ago, and he needed to fix that. He needed you to know he couldn’t live without you.
So as the sun slowly began to peek through his curtains, Tsukishima sat up and resolved that he was going to talk to you today, whether you liked it or not.
Which is why he was now standing outside your lecture hall, gazing as your exhausted eyes flicked from your screen to your professor as you tried to diligently take notes. Even now, he couldn’t help but think you were beautiful.
He snapped back into reality when a student obstructed his field of vision to exit the crowded lecture hall. Using his height to his advantage, he peered over the line of tired university students to watch you pack up your bag and join the patient line waiting to leave.
The moment your eyes locked with his, your shoulders slumped, as if you had expected this to happen eventually. Instead of filing out of the building like everyone else, you exited the crowd and stepped in front of him. And he inhaled your familiar scent for the first time in what felt like years, but was only really a few weeks.
“Were you waiting for me?” you asked quietly with a weak smile.
The question was a familiar one. So he smiled sadly back, reaching forward to gently cup your cheeks.
“...yeah. Thought we could talk at our cafe.”
“Our cafe? I thought only I used to call it that.” you teased lightly, and Tsukishima felt himself relax at your familiar, lighthearted tone.
“I got into the habit of calling it that too,” he murmured as he held his hand out to you. “After you left.”
Your playful smile faded as you slipped your hand into his. His fingers laced easily with yours, and he brought your hands to his lips so he could press a soft kiss to your knuckles. Your brows furrowed immediately as he savored the feeling of your hand in his and his lips against your skin.
“Let’s go,” he cut you off purposefully, and you stared up at him before sighing and nodding.
Admittedly, he realized he didn’t have much of a plan as he sat down and placed your usual order in front of you. His long fingers wrapped around the warm cup and slowly brought it up to his lips.
“You really shouldn’t give me false hope like this,” you spoke quietly, gaze focused on the people passing by outside the window. As if you couldn’t even look at him.
“I’m sorry,” he started, and your eyes quickly turned back to him. You were surprised. “I’m sorry--I should’ve told you that I never really fell out of love.”
“Kei,” you furrowed your brows and tilted your head. Frustration. He recognized your habits. “If you were still in love with me, you sure didn’t act like it.”
“That’s why I’m sorry,” he cringed slightly. His pride was surely injured, but it was faring better than his heart. “I thought I fell out of love. I really did. But then you left, and I realized...it was never you.”
His hand reached across the table to take yours into his again. His thumb brushed over your knuckles, and he watched the way your expression softened at the simple gesture.
“I was tired, and took it out on you. I didn’t know how to balance everything, and I thought that if I cut you out of the equation, it’d solve everything,” he admitted quietly. “But turns out, you were a necessary variable to make the equation work.”
“Are you really equating me to a math equation, Kei?” you asked exasperatedly, and he chuckled. “Right now, of all times?”
“Maybe,” he mused.
“You’re the worst,” you retaliated quickly with narrowed eyes, and he smiled--a genuine one. Probably the first one in months.
“And you love me,” he responded. He watched you hesitate before nodding slowly.
“...I do. But it doesn’t make our relationship any easier,” your gaze turned down to his thumb, still brushing slowly over your knuckles. “You can’t just ignore me whenever things get hard. You have to tell me what you’re thinking--I can’t read minds, Kei.”
“If I promise, will you move back in tonight?” he paused before continuing, “...I can’t sleep without you.”
Your expression morphed into one of pure love, and your free hand reached across the table to gently cup his cheek. Your thumb slid under his lenses to brush over the dark bags under his eyes, and he leaned into your touch.
“...sure. If you promise.”
“Then I promise,” he answered quickly, and you laughed. He watched you with awe, taking in the way the corner of your eyes crinkled as you giggled and how your eyes shimmered with stars he couldn’t find anywhere else.
He didn't care if you were in public anymore--he could no longer resist.
He leaned across the table and kissed you softly, pouring every ounce of his love into your lips. You melted against him, and reciprocated by doing the same.
When he pulled back, you were smiling, and he was sure he’s never seen anything so beautiful in his life before.
“...I love you,” he whispered. “Sorry it took so long.”
“I love you too,” you responded with those familiar stars shimmering in your eyes. 
He knew then, that he’d spend every day proving his love for you. And he’d never stop trying.
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yanderedanganronpa · 3 years
can this nonnie get hcs/or a ficlet of the aftermath of escaping shuichi? thank you xoxo!
Escaping Yandere Shuichi Saihara 
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TW: themes of kidnapping
this is kinda shitty so I’m probably going to rewrite it buuut just incase I wanted to post it for now. After writing this I realized that aftermath could’ve meant like after being found so I’m not sure but i’m sorry!! Love love ♡
Your legs were almost numb from all the running, not even mentioning the pain on the heals of your feet from the harsh gravel.
You couldn’t even get your shoes before you escaped. I guess he saw no real reason to keep them in the room he stored you away in.
That doesn’t change the fact that your feet were going numb and every step made the pain worse, but you had no choice, you have to keep going.
You saw an opportunity arise, when he forgot to lock the window, a random leap of faith deciding to open it.
You swallowed your tears and relished in the new-found fresh night air, having your first taste of freedom in a while.
Keeping your ears perked for any sign of movement, after all you just knew he wouldn’t be far behind.
You found yourself in the dark city streets, looking for any place open or better yet, a police station.
But you were out of luck, having no idea how long you’ve been wandering and not finding anything to help, your anxiety worsening.
Who knew what he’d do to you if he found you, so you kept walking, eventually you’ll find some help, right?
Wrong, your close to giving up hope when you stop at the shop at the end of the block, the lights were off anyways but you thought you’d try.
You knocked on the door not even expecting an answer but not having many options. No response, standing there by the front door at a loss of what to do now.
Before you could finish your thought, you heard quiet footsteps right behind you. You knew it had to be Shuichi. “S/o, there you are!” a relived sounding voice proclaimed. In a second that thought finalized, it is shuichi!
Turning around quickly, you saw that you were right, you audibly gasped as he was approaching, holding his arm out assuming to grab you with, a scowl on his face, furrowed brows walking in a hurried pace. “God, I was worried sick!”
He had found you, your stomach dropped and you knew you had to run. Turning so fast your head already fuzzing with adrenaline.
“Hey, Hey!” you heard him shout behind you.
“S/O! Wait!” his pace quickly increased to keep up with yours as you started to run.
You didn’t even know where you were going, but you didn’t stop, not even when you heard the sound of his footsteps following close behind, giving chase. “Where are you going?” You thought you heard his voice breaking.
“Leave me alone!” You shouted, increasing your pace, not even stopping for a second. You can’t go back, not now when you actually made it outside.
You thought you’d never see sunlight again, and you weren’t going down without a fight.
You ran as fast as you could, not even caring about the direction. Not even looking behind you until you ended up at a dead end.
Letting on a more than disappointed sigh, you turn around of course only to see Shuichi walking towards you at a slower pace now that he knows he’s got you. “S/o, please,”
He walked towards you until your back was pressed against the wall, knowing that it was over. “Please, stop running..” he stood right in front of you now, you could make his disappointed features. “Just stop running from me.” There was his voice cracking again. You had no feeling but disgust at his display of such emotions, if he really cared about you, he’d let you go, right?
But you were out of luck, up against the wall, literally.
He snapped out of his sentiments, planning to deal with that later and held out his hand kindly “Let’s go home.” forcing a small smile on his face.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
manager reader getting hit on
Tsukishima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Ushijima x Reader - Manager Reader Headcanons
@belli-jelly‘s request: “May I req hcs for tsukki, oikawa, iwaizumi, & ushi wherein their manager!s/o during qualifiers, instead of kiyoko on s2, got hit on by terushima when their s/o went back the gym to get smth that the team left behind/forgot. What would be their reactions?? You can change things up if this is too specific hehe.”
a/n: okay so i used Terushima (our lovable f-boy) in Tsukki’s hc, but changed it up for the rest of them. i also made it so that you weren’t their s/o yet, but there are def feelings involved! hope this is ok!!
warnings: harassment, slight language
total wc: 1300
the Karasuno boys were getting restless waiting outside for their beloved manager by the bus
and it’s not that Tsukki was super worried… but you’d been missing for a little while now
you weren’t answering his phone calls and Tsukki had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong
“What’d you do this time, y/n…” he sighs under his breath, making his way back to the gym
he starts his search where he last spotted you, but there’s nobody there
Tsukishima is slightly concerned now, listening out for any voices or noises in case it had anything to do with you
when he reaches the hallway, he recognizes the echo of your voice
“-not interested and I need to find my team, sorry!” your nervous response directed at a bleach-blonde volleyball player… with piercings?
“Come onnn, babe. I just want your number!” Terushima’s hand his now by your head, your back pushed up against the wall
“Oye, back off, asshole.” Tsukki’s voice rings out, still walking his way over to you
Teru only briefly glances at him then immediately turns his attention back to you, stepping closer
you have a panicked look on your face and for the first time in a while, Tsukishima’s chest tightens in empathy which morphs into a muted fury
“I said get off of her.” Tsukki’s hand is on Terushima’s shoulder now, pushing him away from you
“Jeez, okay bro.” Teru responds with a smirk, throwing his hands up, “I was leaving now, anyway.” 
as soon as he’s gone you can finally breathe again
Tsukki turns to ask if you’re okay, but before he gets a word out, your arms are around his back
“Thank you, Tsukki. I’m so sorry you had to see that.”
the shock of your touch fades a little and he slowly wraps his arms around you, a barely noticeable flush on his face
“Stop going off on your own, stupid… and don’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
it was 30 minutes into practice at the Seijoh school gym and you were a no show
which is incredibly unusual considering you usually arrived before the rest of the team (besides maybe Oikawa, who’s already warmed up)
Oikawa checks with the entire team, asking them if they’d noticed you on their way inside or if you’d said anything about missing practice, but no one has seen or heard from you
luckily, Oikawa keeps tabs on his team, which includes you since you’re their manager (and he kinda-sorta likes you a lot)
so he takes a short break, quickly making his way to your usual hangout spots and checking around corners
it takes him a moment to soak it in, but there are two guys cornering you near your locker
he knows, in most cases, you can handle things by yourself… but this feels so wrong
you’re clearly uncomfortable, uninterested… and once he catches you eye, he can tell you’re scared
before he knows it, Oikawa has already grabbed one of them by the shirt and shoved them away from you
“What the hell is your problem??” he shouts, “Get away from her.”
Oikawa is literally seething at this point, hand gripping even tighter on the boys shirt, threatening to tear the fabric
his friend recognizes Oikawa and knows that the whole school would find out about this if they didn’t leave soon
so they both take off down the halls
he turns around, grasping your hands firmly
“Are you okay, y/n? Are you hurt?”
“I... I’ll be okay.” but he feels you shaking
“Let’s just get out of here then. I’m gonna take you out for a few to get some fresh air if you’re okay with that?” he gently tugs you toward him
“...Yeah. Please.”
this will be the first time he’s missed a practice in years (but he’ll make up for it later in the week)
and right now, his main priority is you. making sure you’re okay and that you can recover peacefully... preferably with an ice cream cone or a cold drink in hand
you and Iwa have shared several classes together over the years and happened to sit next to each other for most of them
so it really isn’t a surprise that y’all have gotten pretty close
he’s actually the reason you became the Seijoh manager in the first place since he’d been complaining to you about how unorganized things were getting on the team without one
unfortunately, being the manager doesn’t just revolve around caring for individual teammates… it also means you have to keep up with their dirty laundry sorry hun
Iwa, since he did drag you into this mess, normally offers to help take the jerseys and clothing  to the laundromat with you
you usually refuse his offer, but for some reason, you let him join you this time around
you and Iwa bring in the first batch of clothing, greeting the laundromat owner, and get everything started
“I’ll head out to the car for the next basket, Iwa!” you tap his shoulder, letting him know where you’re going
“Okay, I’ll be here. Lemme know if you need help.”
he waits a while, but when you don’t return Iwaizumi lets a slight panic set in, hurrying outside to check on you
“Y/n are y-” he stops talking when he notices an absolute sleezebag hitting on you in the parking lot
the stranger is reaching out to grab your arm, but not before a fist collides with the man’s face
Iwaizumi knocks the man to the ground. his fist curl back, fingers digging into his palms, ready to swing at him again
“Get your filthy hands away from her.” he growls out
this sends the creep running, shock setting into your body
and you look over to notice just how tense Iwaizumi’s body is
you gently grasp his wrist with your shaking hands
“You shouldn’t have to come out here by yourself, y/n. I’m coming with you next time.” he says, and you notice a flash of guilt in his eyes as he turns toward you
you just pull him into a hug, releasing your own fear and calming the both of you down
all of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team is indebted to you
you’ve traveled with them to every single game, you’ve dealt with so many strange players, and above all, you’ve brought them together, completing their team
so it’s no wonder they hang out with you outside of their volleyball obligations, bc fr they all love you so much and you bring them some much needed normalcy
when you suggest heading to the beach for a day trip, they’re all on board. even Ushijima
you and Ushi usually end up sitting together on the way to any practice games or tournaments so you can plan and prepare together
so you both naturally sit next to each other… but it’s super casual and the conversation is actually fun and chill. relaxed Ushijima is such a nice change of pace
when you all arrive, everyone splits separate ways to get changed
but as you leave the changing room, all cute and beach ready, there’s a guy leaning near the door, outside
“Hey sweetheart, you need some help with that?” he smirks pointing at the sunscreen in your hand
“Uh… no thanks.” you say, starting to squirm under his stare
you attempt to walk away, but he just follows you, so you move faster
Ushijima spots you, noticing that your movements are a bit frantic, so he approaches you
as Ushi finally reaches you, the man runs into him and stumbles backward into the sand, Ushjima’s frame blocking him from you entirely
“Y/n, is he bothering you?” his eyebrows furrowing, looking at you with a tinge of concern
“Because… he really shouldn’t be.” A stone-cold glare overtaking his features
“No, I’m just leaving actually.” The man dusts the sand off his legs and walks away, annoyance (and fear) etched onto his face
you turn to the tall, incredibly attractive ace and thank him profusely, apologizing for the situation
“You’re safe with me, y/n. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Handcuffed together 11: Expectations
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A few days later than origanlly planned, but here is the next chapter ;)
Word count: 2.065
Two weeks.
You were in the house with Thor for two weeks and still haven’t heard anything of the team. In those two weeks you had played every board game that was in the house with Thor. Watched a bunch of series and movies. Even got drunk one evening. If you thought that combat training with Thor was hard, combat training with Thor while having a major hang over was much worse.
Slowly losing your mind, you were getting on Thor’s nerves on purpose. Hoping he would let you out of the house, but he couldn’t be convinced. You tried to sneak out a few times, but he had caught you. Apparently growing up with a trickster brother, you learn a thing or two. With plenty of time to think about the whole situation you decided that you were mad at Loki, very mad. You knew he had arranged this, thinking it was the right thing. But he didn’t talk to you about it, he didn’t give you any choice or voice in this, that made you angry. You didn’t want a relationship where he would just make his own plans, without consulting you. Or that he would think it is okay to do whatever he wants.
Thor tried to defend Loki’s action, but even he had to admit that he understood your point of view. After that the two of you decided not to talk about it, trying to make the best of the whole situation. Halfway through the third week Thor got a call from Tony. The security system should keep out Thanos’ minions, tough not Thanos himself. There was half a plan, so the two of you could return back to the tower. Finally, you walked with Thor outside. Inhaling the fresh and warm air, you saw the jet with Natasha approaching. Looking around you asked Thor ‘So, where are we exactly?’
‘Some country called Italy’ he answered.
Your jaw dropped ‘I’ve been in Italy this WHOLE TIME. And weren’t able to see a thing?’ you yelled.
‘So, excited to see that boyfriend of yours. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he missed you terribly’ Natasha beamed.
On the flight back to Stark Tower
The flight home was long. Thor didn’t come with you and Natasha. He had some things to sort out on Asgard, regarding the Tesseract. Leaving you alone with Natasha. You sat down in the co-pilot seat, and watched Natasha fly for a while.
‘I- I don’t know’ you answered.
‘How come?’ she asked.
‘Seriously? Avoiding me, knocking me out and shipping me to Italy, without even talking to me comes to mind’ you angrily reacted.
‘Not the most tactical approach, but effective. I mean, it’s Loki. What did you expect? A heart to heart?’ she said.
‘Wow, thanks for your understanding’ you sarcastically reacted.
‘Come on, it took him literally attacking you to finally tell us everything that he went through and is still going through. And still he is extremely vague about it’ she answered. ‘The only reason he agreed to stay was if we got you out of there. Thor and I had to stop him thrice from leaving that night. I was exhausted’
‘He tried to leave?’ you didn’t think he actually was serious when he said that maybe he tried.
‘Almost succeeded, I might add’ she said.
The rest of the flight the two of you rode in silence.
‘Don’t tell me he left’ you said to Steve.
At Stark Tower
Entering Stark tower, you were greeted by the whole team, expect Loki. He was nowhere to be seen.
‘No, he didn’t. He just rarely leaves his room since it happened’ Steve said.
‘(Y/N), I think maybe we should talk’ Tony said to your surprise. He has been keeping a distance from you since you and Loki started to get involved with each other.
‘Not now’ Steve sighed to Tony.
You raised an eyebrow but nobody gave you an explanation. Not wanting to waist anymore time you left it at that, and went straight to Loki’s room. You knocked on the door.
‘Door is open’ you heard him say.
Entering his room, he emerged from his bathroom. He was shirtless and his hair was still wet. Resisting the urge to run into his arms, you closed the door and stood still in the room. When you looked at him many emotions surged through you. You had missed him, but you still felt betrayed and angry.
‘How could you?’ you asked, holding back your tears and anger.
Loki looked sad, maybe a bit guilty. ‘I had to’ he answered.
In your anger you made an energy ball and flung it at Loki. He dodged the ball by ducking down, making it disappear in the bathroom. You heard a loud crash and saw several bottle flying and breaking through. Now it was Loki’s turn to look angry and betrayed.
‘Darling, calm down. Let’s talk’ he said.
He took a step in your direction. The fact that he told you to calm down had the opposite effect. Shooting another ball, he redirected it towards the wall where his closet was. Clothes were falling out and the closet was damaged. Loki kept walking towards you, redirecting the balls you threw at him. His desk was split in half, the cushions on his bed were hit making feather fly across the room and the table was slightly burning. Loki got closer and closer, making you step backwards with your back against the door. He grabbed your wrists with one hand and pinned them above your head. Grabbing your chin harshly you hissed in pain.
‘You want to fight? Let’s fight’ he said angrily.
He released your chin and pulled you from the door. He pushed you towards the middle of the room. You attacked him by hand, but he blocked you easily. Punching you in your ribs, making you groan and bend over. Even tough it hurt slightly, you knew he was holding back. You tried to punch him in the face, but he dodged you making you spin around. Grabbing your hips from behind he holds you close to his back.
‘Pathetic’ he whispered in your ear.
Spinning around again you started to walk towards him, while trying to hit him. You tried to throw your punched as fast as you could, but he was faster. He blocked every attack you threw at him, but didn’t attack back. When he was almost with his back against the wall he sweeped your leg, making you fall on your back.
‘Improvement. Yes. Enough? No’ he said. You saw the mischievous look on his face, he was certainly enjoying your rage.
You made an unexpected move and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell down with a groan, wiping the smug smile from his face. You pinned yourself above him, your knees pinning the arms against his body. Grabbing his chin like he did earlier you growled ‘You can’t just decide and act like you do, without including me!’
Loki didn’t look fazed, he looked calm. A bit too calm for your liking.
‘I can when it is about your safety’ you heard him say from behind you. Two hands grabbed you by your waist and pulled you up. The Loki under you faded away and you started to struggle against the arms around you. He threw you on the bed, making feathers once again fill the room.
‘It’s been a while, but I’ll get you purring again kitten’ he suggestively said. Crashing his lips down on your before you could protest. He broke the kiss and started to trail his kisses down your neck, marking you like he did the first time. You cried out but he ignored you. You were still struggling against his grip and the weight of his body on yours.
‘Stop. You can’t just send me away and expect me to go back to you whenever you like’ you said angrily.
Loki stopped what he was doing and looked into your eyes with an intense gaze. ‘And you can’t expect me to be with you if my presence endangered the woman I love’ he growled. With a hand wave the both of you were naked. Your wrists were tied together above your head to the headboard of the bed. There was a large ball in your mouth, preventing you from speaking. The ball was connected with chains to clams on your nipples, forcing you to look down at Loki. When you tried to move your head you pulled on your nipples, making you moan and Loki smirk. He positioned himself between your legs and worked your clit with his tongue. Slowly circling it with the tip and licking it with the flat of his tongue. He maintained eye contact with you the whole time. Even tough you wanted to, you couldn’t look away.
Right before you orgasm hit you, he stopped. Groaning around the ball he just laughed. A paint brush appeared in his hand. With one hand he opened your folds, exposing your throbbing clit to him. With the other he started to stroke it with the brush. The feeling kept you on edge, but it was nowhere firm enough to topple you over. Your nipples started to hurt, so you had no other option than to watch Loki play with your body. In an attempt to come you bucked your hips to create more friction, but Loki made the brush disappear.
‘What is it, kitten?’ he taunted.
He made the ball in your mouth disappear, but kept the clams on. ‘Now?’ he said.
Totally out of breath you gasped for air a few times. ‘Please, fuck me’ you begged him.
‘Good girl’ he praised.
He entered you with his cock in on smooth motion. He started to thrust into you in a fast pace, hitting the exact right spot. You wrapped your legs around his waist. He started to leave open mouth kisses on your neck and mouth. One hand slowly trailed downwards and played with your sensitive clit. You came hard, clenching your walls around his cock. Loki groaned loudly and you felt his cock twitch and spill his seed in you. He thrusted sloppily a few times and collapsed on top of you.
He was heavy, but it made you feel secure. The restraints disappear and you wrapped your hands around his back. Loki popped up on his elbows but stayed on top of you.
‘I missed you terribly’ he whispered against your lips while kissing you.
‘I missed you too’ you said back.
‘I didn’t want to send you away, but I had no other choice. Darling, if I ever think I’m a danger to you.. I’m going to send you away. And I know you will hate me for it. But I’d rather have that than kill you’ he started to trail his tongue up and down your neck, biting you slightly to make you squirm. You felt his cock starting to erect again.
‘And if you can’t handle that, I suggest you leave now’ he whispered in your ear. You felt two fingers enter you and his thumb started to toy with your clit again. You tried to get away from the overstimulation, but Loki’s weight prevented you to. After a long-time having sex and cuddling with each other, even Loki was finally tired. You were completely exhausted. Still, he pulled you out of bed and sent you to your own room. After the mandatory shower there was a beautiful green dress on the bed. You put it on and found a note under the dress.
- See you at the roof – L
When you got out of the elevator you saw Loki. He was standing in a suit near beautiful set table with candles and roses. There was a bottle of wine in the cooler. It was dark and the lights of the buildings were beautiful to see. Loki smiled brightly when he saw you. Walking towards him he pulled a chair for you. When you set down you felt his lips against your ear. ‘I am not going to apologise, but will make it up to you for spending two weeks with my idiot brother’ he said while kissing your ear lobe. When he set down it was Steve who served you your first course. He winked at you ‘Just friends, hmm?’ he said.
Permanent tag list: @delightfulheartdream @the-best-phineas @pescadoavocado @theaudacitytowrite
Series tag list: @l0nelyasian @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @ragweed98 @thehornytitties @oh-my-gerd @morganmofresh @saiyanstars @rahne85 @charistory @not-your-bitch @kamrynnnnn
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
New Partners
Erik Stevens x Black!Reader
(Y/N) and Erik are partnered up on a mission. After getting stuck together, things get a little heated between the two.
Warning: Cursing, SMUT, 18+ Content, Semi Fight Scene, mention of infertility, self harm
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(Y/N) looked around the table with men as she rolled her eyes. So many men sitting here with their pride so far up their ass, it was showing in their face. She knew they had a problem with her being here, but it was more that just that. She was one of the best assassins this organization had to offer. They were intimidated by that. Who wouldn’t be. 
You were on of the girls that escaped the Red Room. That’s right. You were a black widow, trained along side the infamous Natalia Romanova. Better known as Natasha Romanoff. After loosing you’re home from S.H.I.E.L.D, you joined this organization. Just one thing threw it off. You were the only women here. Even though you irked something in their head, they couldn’t help but find you sexy. The only person in here who’s never given her a hard time was Erik. 
Erik was to himself. He didn’t speak to no one unless it was call for for a mission. He was just to himself.
“Good morning everyone.” Your boss Ricky came in as you put your phone away. “I’m going to keep this meeting short and simple. We heard a big deal going around the streets that some of the alien space craft parts from the attack on New York in 2012 is floating around the black market. We will be attending a bidding so that we can get those parts in our hands. Each of you guys here have been handpicked by me because you are  one of the best that we have here.” he said. 
After going her case file, she saw that was playing the role of Isabella Hardaway.  The wife of Simone Hardaway. She looked at all the information that was given to her. 
After the meeting, she was walking to her office when she felt someone tap her shoulders. She turned around seeing Erik standing there with his arms cross. It looked as if she just came back from a mission considering he had all of his tactical gear on. 
“I am going under as Simone Hardaway. Meet me at my office to discuss details before you go on lunch..” Was all he said before stepping away. She turned around walking back to her office and shutting the door. 
Before her lunch break, she walked to Erik's office knocking on the door. She heard a come in before walking into his office. The first thing she noticed was the interior of it. Everything was black and gold. It smelled good in her, kind of like Pine Cone. And he had a lot of Wakandian artifacts. The only reason she knew about it was because back in the red room she would read all types of articles and books about Wakanda. 
“You have a very nice office..” she trailed off. 
“Let’s just talk about the mission, yeah?” he said. She nodded. 
Erik was a cutie. She was always attracted to the guys who didn't say much. Due to some research, she knew it was always the niggas that didn't talk a lot knew had to handle business.
And there was nothing more than she wanted for him to handle her...
(Y/N) rode the elevator back to the quarters that same night. It was time for them to start the plan and she was only a couple of  minutes late. As the doors opened, she walked into the building and instantly everyone's eyes were on her.
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She ignored their stares as she went to the tactic room grabbing the gear that she needed. As she was signing out her equipment, Erik came beside her leaning against the wall. 
“You’re late.” he simply said as she looked up at him giving him a fake smile. She closed booklet before looking at him standing up fully. 
“Sorry but I have to look the part of a billionaire.” she said then looked at herself. “It just doesn’t happen sweet heart.” she finished before walking out the room. Erik turned around as she walked past him, looking at her backside as she walked outside the door.  
There was no hesitation that Erik wanted to have his way with her. She was fine, smart and witty. She’s been working here a little over two years now and this was the first time he could actually talk to her. Even the first time on a mission. 
They received their instructions sitting in the back of the limo, riding to the place where they were doing the bidding at. (Y/N) was looking over the notes she had tucked into her clutch before Erik spoke up. 
“You shouldn’t hide the notes in your hand bag.” he said in a suggestive tone as she looked at him. 
“I’m not. I just bring it with me so that I could go over everything before the mission.” she said folding it and tucking it under the seat. He shook his head chuckling. She looked at him raising an eyebrow. “Oh wow.. he actually laughs. Someone record this.” she said shaking her head.
“Anyways...” he trailed off turning around and looking at him. “There are somethings that you need to know about this place. It’s heavenly guarded. Metal detectors everywhere. So.. those weapons you have is useless.” he said. 
“Yeah I figured that out. But that’s why I have this.” she pulled her dress up to see a knife strapped to her thigh. Erik wasn’t really focused on the knife, more of how full her thighs looked. Damn, he wouldn’t mind being in between those thighs and getting lost. She pulled it back down, Erik not making it noticeable that he wasn’t paying attention at all. 
“A knife. You are going up against a bunch of men with guns... and your defense is a knife?” he asked pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh.. you have a lot to learn my friend.” 
They inserted the hall, their arms linked with each other. “Their holding the parts on the 5th floor but it’s heavily guarded.” They heard in their coms. 
“We need to make our presence known a little bit, then we can sneak off.” she told him as he nodded.
“Ah, you must be  Simone and Isabella, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” An Italian man walked up to them. Erik reached his hand out for him to shake.
"Ah, you must be Giovanni." Erik said to him as (Y/N) shook his hand.
"Oh wow, you're even beautiful in person." he winked at her. Deep inside, she was disgusted. But she had to play along with the roll.
"Oh stop, you're making me blush." she playfully said as he smirked at her.
"Well the bidding is going to start an hour so make yourselves comfortable." he said. They were left alone as Erik whispered in her ear.
"We need to get back there before they start bidding." he said as she nodded.
"I memorized the floor plan of the place. There is a hallway on the left side of the building behind the bar. It should direct us back there." she said. They saw the entrance was blocked by two guards standing there with AK-47s.
"Yeah, but those big ass niggas standing in the way." he said as she smirked at him.
"Well, all we need is a distraction." she said to him as he leaned back in the chair. "What do you mean you have a plan?"
"Just follow my lead..."
- - - - - - - -
She walked to Fabian tapping his shoulder. He turned around about to snap until he saw who it was. "Oh, Mrs. Hardaway. Is everything alright?" he asked placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Actually, one of your guests here have been incredibly rude to me. A-And it's just making me and my husband a bit uncomfortable and I really just don't appreciate it." she said shaking her head.
She pointed in the direction where a man by the name of Rodney stood. She knew who he was. Rodney was one of the dudes that ran a drug ring on the West Coast near Compton. He was a hot head that didn't mind popping off on anyone at any minute.
Mixed with Giovanni, who didn't think with his head but his fist. If this was going to be a distraction, she didn't know what was.
"Aye, what the fuck Rodney!" Giovanni yelled walking over to him. "Why the fuck you're being a bitch!?" he exclaimed as Rodney eyes went wide with pure anger.
"Nigga who the fuck are you calling a bitch, bitch."
And they fell right into place. The two guards standing at the door ran to the commotion as Erik walked calmly to the back door. She followed as they ran down the hallway.
"See, easy work." she said to him as he shook his head.
"No you're just lucky that the two of them don't know how to control their emotions." she responded as she shrugged.
"Same thing." He followed her as the posted behind a wall. She turned her head to see more guards standing at the entrances. She turned to look at Erik putting up five fingers to tell him that there were five guards.
She dug into her purse grabbing the penny electricity lock before turning around smirking at Erik. She flipped it around the corner before she heard the groans.
"Yo.. you're fucking crazy." he shook his head as she smirked.
"Okay, well look where it got us." she said walking down the hall. She picked up the guns only to see that they were digitally activated. "What kind of..." she whispered looking at this.
"Yeah we can't use these." Erik said looking over her shoulder.
"Whelp the only form of weaponry is my knife so let's get this thing rolling." They grabbed the key card opening the door letting themselves inside. Erik shut the metal door before he walked in shutting the metal doors.
"I have a feeling that Ricky only sent me on this mission for the if it goes wrong because it seems like you got this figured out." Erik said leaning against the table. She dug into her purse grabbing a pair of tweezers before she chuckled. "
"I've seen you're record file, you have some pretty impressive stunt work under your feet." she said as he tilted his head to the side.
"So you stalked me?"
"No, I was just making sure that Ricky didn't put me with an idiot. And he has not." she said cutting the wires to the safe. She heard the air exit the safe before Erik opened the safe. He grabbed the piece as (Y/N) looked at it.
"That's it? It literally just looks like scrap metal." she said as he nodded.
"Well, this is what we need so-"
"Hands up!" Both of them turned around to see a guard standing at the door. "Put it down and step away from the safe." he said as she looked at Erik. He placed it on the ground before the guard walked further inside.
"Alright, lift your dress up."
"Nigga what the fuck?'
"Excuse me?"
"I'm the one with gun here, lift it up." he said as she nodded.
"You don't have to do this? I mean-"
"Shut up! Lift it." she nodded, faking pouting. She lifted up her dress before grabbing the knife aiming it at his arm than throwing it making him drop the gun.
"What the-" Erik punched him the nose the nose before flipping him on his back, grabbing his arm and bending it before she heard a crack. Before he could scream, Erik punched him again in the face as his eyes went shut and he laid limped on the floor. She grabbed the wreckage before smiling at him.
"A bunch of men with guns.. and you bring a knife?" she mocked him as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah.. okay. You can handle yourself. I like that." he said licking his lips as she raised her eyebrows.
"Don't look at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like that. You lookin at me with some, 'I wanna fuck you' eyes." she said as he smirked.
"Maybe I do."
"Boy bye. You wouldn't know what to do with all this even if it came with instructions. Now come on." she said walking out with a sway in her hips.
- - - - - - - - -
They were outside walking to the limo when the agent on the phone started talking. "Change of plans you guys. They found that there has been a breach with the stuff. So you guys have to stay in character. We guys got you a hotel downtown." they heard as Erik mumbled a 'shit'.
"Well let's get out of here before they think of something?" he said, she agreeing. They got into the car before the limo driver pulled off.
They made it to the five star hotel and settled into their rooms before she sighed. "We don't even have clothes." she groaned as he shrugged.
"I sleep naked anyways." he said walking into the bathroom. 
“By the way, they have the room wired just in case something goes left!” she yelled out for him but he didn’t hear her. She smacked her teeth before taking off her shoes. I mean she did too, but sleeping next to him. She wasn't going to lie, she was a bit intimidated by him. But oh well. 
As she waited for him to get out the shower, she went through some paperwork she bought with her before she stripped from her gown laying it on the sofa that was in the living room. She grabbed a whiskey glass from the bar before pouring herself a glass of crown royal that Erik purchased. She drink a little more before she felt herself have a little buzz. 
  She had a wet rag wiping the make up off when he stepped out of the bathroom. She didn’t even notice the shower stopped running. He had the tower wrapped around his waist before looking her up and down. She noticed the scars that sat over his body. 
Damn that shit looked sexy... 
He wasn’t hiding that he was checking her out. His eyes traced over her frame. His tongue traced his bottom lip as he looked up at her. He looked further down noticing the scar above her abdomen. 
“What happened to you?” They both said at the same time.
“I said it first.” she said quickly, as he rolled his eyes. 
“Do you want the simple version or the extended version.” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “Extended version?”
“It’s just something that I did to myself to remind me how many people I killed. You know, never make me loose sight of who I really am. Also to remind myself of what I can become.” he responded honestly. 
“You did that to yourself?” she asked, shocked. He nodded. “And you call me crazy...” she said as he chuckled. 
“And you?”
“Do you want the simple version or the extended version?” she asked him. 
“So, I grew up in the program called the red room.” she started. 
“Oh yeah. I heard about that shit. That’s why you’re so good at what you do.. huh?” he said as she nodded. 
“Yeah, well anyways. At your graduation ceremony, we had this procedure done. They told us it was just tying tubes so you don’t mess up and get pregnant. But turns out, they took... everything.”
“Ohh...” he trailed off. “That’s-”
“Yeah, It sucks. I want my life to be more than just this. I want to have a kid one day but that’s never going to happen so.. yeah.” she responded.  
“Damn, I’m so sorry.” She didn’t want to end so awkwardly, so she used a little bit of her dark humor. Something she did to avoid having to dig into her feelings.
“But on the bright side, I don’t have periods. The sex is amazing, well depending on the person I’m fucking.” she responded as he squinted his eyes. 
“Why you say that?”
“Well, if their clean, I don’t need protection. And sex is best when it’s raw.” she winked at him.  His eyebrows raised with a sense of caution. He didn’t know if that was a sign or something, but he took it as one.
“Well, I need to get going into the shower.” she walked passed him, walking into the bathroom before turning around and shutting the door. Apart of her wished that he would turn around and follow her inside but she knew he would never do that.
She stripped naked before turning the water to a comfortable temperature. After that, she stepped in letting the water drip down her skin. The water pressure in the shower was no joke.
While she was in her own little world, lathering her body up, she didn’t even notice that Erik came into the bathroom with her. He took the towel off placing it on the sink before putting his hands on the glass. She still didn’t notice that he was in the bathroom with her. Erik wanted that.
He slid the door open, (Y/N) turning around in shock to see him standing there. Dick standing tall and him breathing hard. (Y/N) was stuck. Here he is, one of the sexiest man she has ever laid eyes on, is butt naked in the shower with her. Something took over her as she wrapped her tiny hands around his dick slowly stroking it up and down.
“You want this dick, (Y/N)?” Oh his voice was deep deep. “Once I start I ain’t going back. I plan on ruin your little ass.” he said as she looked up at him.
“That’s what I want..” she whispered to him. She leaned forward placing a kiss in his chest before making her way down, placing kisses all the way until she was face to face with the monster.
His dick was just as beautiful as him. Long and thick, a vein very noticeable and his tip leaking out with ore cum. “You want this pussy?” she asked him, putting her hand down there rubbing her clit in a circular motion. “She stay wet and ready to take some big dick like this..” she whispered kissing along his dick. He clenched his jaw as he leaned against the shower wall.
“Keep talking like that. Watch me fuck that mouth of yours.” he warned her as she smirked. She wrapped lips around the tip, swirling her tongue around it collect all of the syrup he had to offer. Sweet but tangy. She liked it.
She slowly made her way down his dick as he closed his eyes throwing his head back. “Yeah... you know what you doin. Show me what ya little freaky ass got.” he said to her. She wrapped her other hand around the base stroke it as she sucked him properly. It was nice and slow. For her sake, this man was big. Way too big to fit in her mouth. She don’t even know how she managed to get this much of him.
“You’re so big Erik.. you sure it’s gonna fit in this tight ass pussy?” she asked him as he chuckled.
“You should be asking yourself that question. I’m digging in that shit no matter-ooh.” his sentence was cut short when she started to stroke him faster while sucking his dick. “Show off then. Little nasty bitch, I love me a nasty bitch. Play with that pussy. I want the shit dripping down my chin when I eat that shit you hear me?” he said as she nodded.
“Yes sir.” Oh that made his dick jump. She noticed the little peak of excitement before smirking to herself. She focused her attention on his dick before letting him fuck her mouth. Her hands were on the floor as he grabbed her hair keeping her still as he attacked her throat.
“Fuck! Your shit is dangerous ma!” With a final thrust, he came all down her throat. It came out of no where and she coughed. She wasn’t no bitch though and swallows it.
“Swallow all that shit.” he directed her. He saw her swallow it before smirking. “Stick ya tongue out.” she stuck her tongue out before he grabbed her by the throat pulling her to her foot. Within a split second, he had his tongue down her throat. He sucked on her tongue, tongue gliding along each other as she moaned.
“I know, I’m finna play in that pussy right now. I know she’s wet.” (Y/N) stuck her tongue out once more as he looked at her confused until it finally hit him.
This is just one nasty bitch... yeah he definitely keeping up with this one.
He spat in her mouth as she smiled bringing him into a soul crushing kiss. “Go put your leg on the counter, I’m hungry and I want some of that pussy.” he told her as she smiled in content. She opened the glass door before stepping out. He followed her to the counter as she placed her leg on the counter stretching out. He walked behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. She felt his hard dick rubbing against her thighs as she leaned back against him. With his other hand, he rubbed her ass then giving it a slap.
She gasped then moaned as he smirked at you. "You like that, don't you?" he said as she nodded. His fingers traced around further before he was rubbing her clit from the back.
"You got this wet just by sucking my dick?" he asked her a she nodded.
"Yes.. I love sucking dick." she told him as he smirked.
"Yeah, slutty ass." Unexpectedly, he dipped his finger in her pussy as she gasped. Damn this nigga have some thick ass fingers.
"Shit you tight.. you sure she can take all this dick." he said rubbing his dick against her ass as she nodded.
"Yes I can take it- ooh." she moaned closing her eyes throwing her head back. He curved his finger hitting her G-Spot as she moaned.
"Fuck daddy, Right there. Shit!" she gasped out as he kissed her shoulder. His pace went faster as she felt a pressure in her abdomen. "I'm going to cum.." she whispered.
"Yeah, let me get that." he said as she smirked. A couple of seconds later, she came all over his fingers. He kept going like nothing ever happened. She was overly sensitive, and he could tell bu the slight shake she had.
"Fuck... Erik wait." she gasped as he shook his head laughing.
"Nah, all that fucking teasing you did. Keep your leg up. Don't fucking move." He bent down gliding his tongue along her folds as she fluttered her eyes shut.
Erik moaned as her wetness dripped down to his tongue. He thought it was damn near impossible for someone to be this wet but here she is like a faucet. He stood up as she placed her foot on the ground. He turned her around lifting her up and sitting her on the counter. She bit her lip looking at him as he shook his head.
"It doesn't make any fucking sense how wet this pussy is.." he said to her. He grabbed his dick rubbing his tip along the fold as he sighed in pleasure.
"Stop teasing me.."
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." he grunted at her. He teased her a bit more before entering his slowly.
"Fuck..." she whispered out as he stretched her out. "Fuck you're filling me up."
Erik on the other hand went silent. He was in complete shock about this. He slowly started to thrust as she gripped the counter top for support.
"Good ass pussy, this my shit here. You understand?" he said as she nodded.
"Yes.. oh my god." she groaned. She put her hands between their bodies, rubbing her clit in circular motions. "Faster please." she moaned a nodded. He started to fuck her faster, the sounds bouncing off the bathroom walls.
"Fuck..."he groaned picking her up. He walked out into the room, pushing her against the wall, thrusting faster into her. She let out a loud scream before he kissed her to muffle the noise.
"Fuck baby... you beating my shit up."
"Like I'm suppose to. You hear her, making all that fucking noise." he said a she nodded.
"Talk to me."
"Yes, I hear her!" she moaned.
"Yeah, she like that shit. Slutty ass pussy.." he grunted. She bit his shoulder in attempt to keep her from screaming.
"I-I think I'm about to cum." she whispered as he smiled. "Let me feel that shit." With a tight squeeze, she released all on him as she hit her head against the wall.
"FUCK!" she groaned. Her body shook once more as he carried her to the bed. He flipped her on her stomach before arching her back.
"We not done.. far from it." he said. Without warning, he thrusted fully into her, thrusting into her at a fast pace. She bit the sheet as she moaned. Tears rolled down her eyes as she let the pleasure overwhelm her.
"What happened to me not being able to handle yo ass? What was that shit you was talking?" he taunted her. Now it was her turn to be stuck. He grabbed a fist full of her hair, pulling her back to his chest. He laid his chin on her shoulder whispering in her ear. "Answer me when I'm talking to you? You got some good dick and now you can't talk?"
"Baby.. please." she whispered as he smiled at her. Oh that shit was wicked.
"Baby please what? I can already feel that pussy tugging on my shit. You about to cum again?"
"YES!" she screamed as he smacked her ass. "Stay just like that while I bust this nut all in your guts bitch." he grunted letting go of her hair. The pressure came quick again, and within a couple of seconds she squirting all over him and the bed. She lost balance falling into the bed with him following her.
It triggered his own orgasm as he let his cum drip deep inside of her. "Fuck!" he grunted out as she spasmed a bit feeling it.
"We ain't done..." he whispered to her as she groaned.
- - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile, in the control room, the entire team was in shock. At first they were confused.
"It's silent, why can't we hear them?" Ricky said as one of the tech geeks, James, started typing away.
"Everything seem to be connected. We don't know. We can hear the shower running..." he said as Ricky stood up biting his nail.
"Maybe we should-"
"Fuck daddy, Right there. Shit!" They heard that shit loud and clear.
"Uhhh...." James awkwardly said. It was silent for a few moments before the heard smacking noises. That's when they heard a loud scream.
"Fuck baby... you beating my shit up."
"Like I'm suppose to. You hear her, making all that fucking noise."
"Should we turn it off?" James said about to push the mute button.
"Just put them on low. We can't risk not hearing anything if something happens." Ricky said, his face in utter disgust. "Jesus Christ..." he said walking away shaking his head.
- - - - - - - -
The next morning, they woke up to a loud banging on the door. (Y/N) shot up looking around to see Erik laying next to her snoring." She grabbed the robe that the hotel provided wrapping it around her body. She ran to the door to see guards standing outside of her door. She opened it.
"Oh well how can I help you gentlemen?" she asked smiling at them.
"We are reporting to all the guests that was at the bid last night. Some artifacts was stolen from us." she said as she gasped.
"What? Oh my goodness, who would do such a thing?" she asked.
"Well we suspect you two. You guys aren't really together are-"
"Everything alright baby?" Erik came into view as they looked at him in shock. Not because of his scars but because all of the hickies and scratch marks that was over his body. They took notice of the ones that you had on your neck.
"No, they are accusing of us of not being together! They think we stole some artifacts from that place. Well I tell-"
"So why were you the first ones to leave?" he asked as she scoffed.
"After that fight, we decided that it was out of control and unprofessional. We can take our business else where." she said rolling her eyes. "Y'all don't have any cameras or security. Just ghetto if you ask me."
"We did have cameras, they were all out."
"So you're accusing us of stealing? We don't need to steal."
"Do you want us to show our wedding pictures? Because we-"
"Actually Mrs. Hardaway, we don't have any more questions. We are sorry for bothering you." he said. She slammed the door in their face before turning around.
"I'm surprise you can even walk."
"Shut the hell up."
- - - - - - -
They made it back to the quarters for the briefing. After the briefing Ricky went to your office to talk to you and Erik. "First I would like to say congratulations. You guys did an excellent job." he smiled at the two.
"Well you know I always try my best." (Y/N) said smiling back to him.
"And another thing. If you know the room is wired, please be a little more quiet when you guys do the do. It's very uncomfortable." he said before walking out. (Y/N) eyes went wide as Erik chuckled shaking his head.
"I totally forgot that it was wired..." she said putting her hands in her face.
"To be honest... I realized half way through but I was like fuck it." he laughed as she threw a pen at him but he caught it. "While we're on topic, I need to finish up my report. But meet me in the quiet room in an hour. I want some more." he told her and with that he left.
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soggy-platee · 3 years
It Goes Both Ways
Rating: M (Somewhat graphic talk of injury)
Pairing: Din x GN!Reader
Summary: You take a hit for Din, feelings and angst ensue.
Note: Hello sorry this is literally all angst, a tiny bit of fluff. I can't stop myself, I just love the whole "feelings being revealed through injury" trope. If anyone wants, I was thinking about a smutty part two to this one! Let me know. Also, y'all were so kind with Doubt, so thank you!
The fight went bad from the second it started.
Well, before that, if you were being completely honest. Everyone in the cantina had been too still, too tense when you and Mando entered. It was so clearly unnatural for the usually boisterous atmosphere of a Nevarro night.
Yet somehow, you both missed it.
The kid was really to blame. He had been a ball of energy all night, practically bouncing off the walls of the hull while you and his father did everything in your power to get him to calm down. You were both annoyed and tired as your set out to meet the contact, should have known there was no hope of success. When the eight men in the cantina converged on you both, you were immediately thrust into the defensive. Exactly where you knew Mando hated to be. You had taken down several attackers, using your blade to slash and hack until it broke off in the chest cavity of some blue creature. You had lost just a moment as you attempted to wrench the hopeless blade from the now lifeless corpse, but it was enough time for a rough tug to pull you to the ground and a heavy weight to climb on top of you. You remembered the previous night almost fondly as opposed to the impossibly tight grip on your throat now.
Your fingers dug into the hand around your throat to no avail as the man- a Twi’lek, you now realized- bared his teeth down at you. Hot breath brushed over your face and you grimaced even further. Eyes rolling, you managed to steal a glance at Mando who was engaged in his own battle. There were two on him, one managing to get Mando’s arms behind his back in a tight hold while the other approached with a raised blade as you looked on. Fear shot through you at his vulnerable position and you doubled your efforts.
Your fingernails finally caught purchase on the arm that held you down at the same moment you bucked your hips with everything you had. A hiss came from above as you managed to pull one leg above the hips holding you down. Twisting hard, you flipped the man into the floor at full speed, his cheek cracking against the hard dirt. On your hands and knees now, you whipped your head up to see the armed man raise his blade and prepare to strike at Mando’s exposed neck. The fabric of his cowl would do nothing to stop the glowing, razor-sharp weapon that was mear inches from him now.
You shot up, your boots digging into the dirt as you righted yourself directly into a sprint. It happened in a split second. You reached Mando just as the blade completed its arc, half-throwing, and half-pressing yourself in front of his armored chest in a protective stance. You followed your first instinct, forearm coming up to block the blow.
White-hot pain bloomed along your arm, reaching all the way to the bone, as the blade cut through you like butter. Gasping at the initial shock, you managed to get a gut punch into the man in front of you before dropping to one knee. You clutched your forearm, trying your hardest to not collapse and curl up right then and there. You dimly registered fighting directly behind you through closed eyes, hoping to God it was Mando dealing with the last guy.
No offense to him, but you felt like you had done enough.
A wave of nausea came over you as you dared to open your eyes, taking in the bloody mess that was now your arm. The cut wasn’t overly long, but it was deep. You knew you had felt it hit bone, but jeez, you didn’t think you would be able to see it.
A blaster shot from behind you gave your enough adrenaline to rise on unsteady feet, turning to see Mando with his arm still raised, blaster smoke rising from the body of the final hostile in the room.
He turned to you with an immediacy that made you sway, the speed of the movement causing another wave of nausea to rise up. You doubled over as he approached, pressing your good hand to the back of your mouth. He was mumbling something as he approached you, Mando’a you would realize later. His hands found your hunched shoulders as you finally heard a word you recognized well,
“Cyare-hey, hey, look at me-”
With your hand still planted firmly over your mouth, you glanced up at him. You were taken aback by just how shook up he looked, even underneath the armor. His hands were tight around your shoulders, almost bruising you with their intensity. His chest was heaving, but it couldn’t be from the fight now. His voice nearly shook.
The pain almost blinding you was nothing compared to the icing feeling that crept down your spine at the sheet panic he was radiating. It wasn’t right, you had never seen him simply break like this.
You had seen him trembling underneath you, above you as he came, but he was still always in control when you were together. This was different.
This was frightening.
His hand pulled up to cup your jaw as you faced him, tilting it back and forth, frantically searing you even though the source of your pain was obvious. You wanted to say something, anything, to get him to calm down. But when you managed to pull your hand from your mouth, all that escaped was a low groan of pain.
Well that didn’t work, you thought faintly before your face collided with Mando’s chestplate, blackness overtaking you a second after.
The swaying was what woke you. A constant, fast motion shook you all over. Most pertinently, it was shaking the hell out of your arm. Something was wrapped around you, holding you close to a hard metal surface.
Why did it hurt again?
Ah yes, the cut.
The cut. The fight.
You forced your eyes open, instinctually pulling away from whatever was retraining you. A gruff voice spoke to you as you turned your eyes to face the dark fabric of Mando’s chin.
His faceplate didn’t even turn to you, just one word directed outward to the now-dark street ahead of you. He was carrying you through the town bridal style, your damaged arm tucked up into your chest as your calves swung with each footfall.
The memories of the night flooded back to your in greater detail, mainly your injury. An injury, you now noticed, hurt a lot less than it had...a few minutes ago? An hour?
Your confusion formed a question. Fighting the dryness in your voice, you huffed out, “How long was I out?”
“Not long.”
Another short answer, again not facing you.
A frown tugged on your lips, brows furrowing. Had something happened you didn’t remember? Why was he suddenly pissed at you? Finally, you glanced down at your arm. Wrapped in several bacta patches, secured with more bandages.
When the hell did that happen?
“Cantina had supplies”
Sometimes his ability to read you pissed you off.
You finished the trip in silence, doing your best to let off a pissed-off vibe. It was childish. You knew how to communicate, you knew Mando hardly ever did. But you were tired, hurt, and you didn’t know why that was such a huge problem to him. You had saved his ass, anyway.
You should be the pissed one if anything.
You approached the Crest’s ramp and you prepared to be set down, tensing your legs and starting to push off his chest with your good arm.
His grip simply remained firm, however, showing no indication he would be letting you down. You twisted your head in an attempt to look him in the visor, confused as all hell. His face remained stubbornly to front, much to your continued irritation.
You pushed off him a few more futile times, wiggling your hips in an attempt to loosen his hand around your knees.
You just slumped in his arms then, waiting for what seemed like the world’s slowest ramp to hit the ground.
He stomped into the ship and didn’t set you down until the ramp started to raise. His demeanor still remained stony, but he set you down with a gentleness only reserved for you and the child. He steadied you as your feet hit the ground, but his hands pulled away as soon as he confirmed you could stand alone.
Before you could even speak, he was gone, heading to the ladder of the cockpit.
That was it, you had absolutely had enough.
You threw your good hand in the air before shouting across the silent hull.
“Yeah, thanks for the ride, I’ll just go fuck off then.”
It wasn’t your best line, but you were pissed. And confused.
And hurt more than anything.
To your credit, the words were enough to stop him, hand on the first rung of the ladder. You stood expectantly, breathing heavily from your words and your injury.
You made an incredulous sound, turning around and folding your arms to the best of your ability.
“Leave it to me to fuck up and save your ass, my bad, it won’t happen again.”
You winced as the words left your mouth, it was mean. It was terrible. You didn’t mean it. You would lay down your life for him at any moment and he knew it. Well, you thought he knew it. You thought he would do the same for you, too. But here he was, acting like you were a liability. Like he didn’t care about you at all. It made you defensive. Maybe you misread things between you too. Maybe you were just sex to him. Maybe you didn’t go any further.
That was fine, you could handle that. You just needed him to tell you, and not do whatever this was.
Leather creaked as his hand tightened on the metal with your words, but silence persisted. The fight in your was waning as your thoughts continued to run wild.
Your next words came out more defeated than aggressive, “If I’m an issue, just tell me. I’m gone.”
That sparked something in him, hand flying off the ladder as he whirled to face you. The movement caught you off guard, combined with the weakened state it made you stumble back a step Then another, then more as the suddenly fervent Mandaoliran stalked toward you across the hull. Your back hit the wall before he finally stopped a foot away from you, helmet tilted down at you as his shoulders rose and fell with deep, ragged breaths.
His helmet searched you, looking you up and down while his hands came to hover near your shoulder. He didn’t touch you, however, simply grasping at air several times in contemplation before fisting them once more at his side.
“Of course you’re an issue, you are the issue -my issue.”
His tone was unreadable, half-angry, half-desperate.
You gaped like a fish in his face, trying to make sense of what the hell was going on. Where was this coming from?
Your silence rushed him forward. Pushing a finger into your chest, he rambled, “You did fuck up- saving me. I didn’t want you- you shouldn’t have- I didn’t need it.” He spat the final words, but there was something underneath it, far too similar to his tone earlier, his panic.
Still, his words reignited your anger and confusion. “What do you mean you “didn’t need it”. That knife was going for your neck!”
He threw his head back, hands coming up to grip the sides of his helmet.
“Exactly! A knife which you jumped in front of, with no plan, no defense. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking I didn’t want you to die, idiot! What the hell did you think I was thinking?”
He stumbled, whatever retort he had dying soundlessly on his tongue. Then, he spun from you, crossing his arms over his chest as he did. His next words were quiet, dismissive but firm.
“I didn’t ask for that. Never do that again.”
You literally could not comprehend his train of thought. Did he want you to just let him die? You grabbed his shoulder with your good hand, trying to force him to face you to no avail.
“You don’t get a say, you don’t have to ask. Don’t you get it? If I want to take a hit for you, that’s on me.”
He rounded on you once more, helmet coming so close that it nearly made contact with your forehead. “You don’t get to make that choice”, he growled, low and urgent.
Oh, now that was fucking golden.
“What? I don’t get to make my own choices with my own life? Is that what it’s come to now? Clearly, you don’t trust me, but I at least thought you could afford me my own autonomy.”
Finally, his hands came up and grabbed your shoulders, shaking you with intensity as he shouted in your face.
“Would you just listen to me? I won’t- cannot lose you. Not for me. Not ever.”
Your shoulders tensed in his grip and your eyes shot wide. His words startled you, the meaning washing over you in steps. They first relived you, convinced you that you felt the same way about each other, regardless of the fact this was the first time you were both voicing such outright feelings. But they also struck that same anger in you.
“So you get to protect me but I can’t do that same for you?”. Your voice was calmer now, eyes searching his visor for some sign he understood how unfair- if touching- his words were.
His hands loosened on your arms, shoulders dropping from their tense state. His helmet dropped from your gaze, swinging loosely before he sighed, “...Yes.”
His voice upturned at the end, almost in question of his own words. Of course. He knew how stupid it sounded.
Anger left you at his defeated look, head hanging between his shoulders. You raised your good arm, slowly placing your fingertips on the bottom of his helmet. He tensed for a moment at the touch, but you pushed gently enough on the metal that he simply followed your guidance. His visor came to face you once more, the blackness reflecting the look of concern in your eyes. You could only imagine that his held the same look.
Gloved fingers found your bad arm, still drawn tightly to your chest. They brushed over the patches gingerly, making their way to your hand and intertwining with your own digits. Your eyes fluttered at the touch, the familiar feeling melting away the residual pain like water down a stream.
He sighed heavily, before speaking with a subdued sincerity.
“You make me so fucking scared, pretty. I’ve never-I didn’t know that feeling until you and the kid. I can’t focus on anything else. I can’t lose you- can’t live without you.”
His fingers tightened around yours as he spoke, and your soft smile was reflected in silver back at you.
“Do you not think I feel the same thing, feel the same way about you?”
He gave your hand a squeeze before breathing, “...I do.”
Your smile faltered at his admission, worry coloring your next words.
“Then why do you think I could live without you?”
It was times like these you cursed his helmet, his creed. You wanted- needed to know that your words were getting across to him, that he understands just how fucking much he meant to you. While his face was unreadable, a short breath through the modulator and another sharp squeeze of your hand told you that you had hit the mark.
You took a deep breath before saying, “Listen. We protect each other. Equally. That’s how this works. You can’t stop me. So if you want to keep me out of harm’s way, then you have to keep your own metal-ass safe, yeah?”
You swore you heard a chuckle from underneath your helmet at your comment, and you broke into a grin. You pulled your good hand from his and placed it behind his helmet, tugging it toward you and resting the cool metal on your forehead. His hand mimicked your position, coming up to intertwine with the hair at the base of your neck.
You let your eyes slip shut before saying, “Do you understand now, dummy?”
His hand gripped your hair tighter, pressing your closer. His words were thick when he spoke, “I do.”
You released your grip on him, righting yourself, but his hand simply slid down your back. He still held you close when he said, “And I’m sorry… for the way I acted. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you. I was just…”
He faded off, but you knew where he was headed. You chuckled and flashed another smile, “It’s alright, make it up to me by taking the next knife, huh?”
The usual huff of laughter at your stupid comments didn’t come however, his helmet simply tipped down to take you in, hand tightening on your lower back.
“Actually…” he started, voice growing lower, softer, “I had another idea about how to make it up to you”
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dracarys-wp-writes · 4 years
Title: Moments Requested by: @hacker-ghost
Request: 5 times Corpse almost kissed the reader and one time he actually did. Where corpse and reader are like bff roommates, oblivious to how much the act like a couple even though everyone tells them that. (additionally I'd love to end it with something like it turns out that Jack Felix and others were betting when it would finally happen 😅) (A/N: Sorry I couldn’t work the bet part into this with the way that I was going with it.)
Word Count: 3739
Warnings: Little swearing, Angst, mutual pining, little fluff.  (c/b/f/n) = Childhood Best Friends Name.
Note:  Just to be clear I will not write things that would make Corpse uncomfortable and If he ever says that he is uncomfortable with fanfiction being written about him I will delete this.  *** Y/N and Corpse had known each other for several years, 4 years to be exact and they have been best friends for three of those and roommates for two, and for the last year Y/N had been developing feelings for the man. She thought that he had the same feelings for her but over the past few months she had begun to doubt it, there had been several times that she thought that he was gonna make a move and kiss her but every time he would pull back or something would cause an interruption and he would pretend that it never even almost happened. 
It was starting to frustrate her because she actually wants him to kiss her, but she’s too afraid to take the leap herself and make it happen.
The First Almost Kiss:
Over the past few days Y/N had noticed that her best friend and roommate Corpse had been acting a little weird around her and when she asked about it he just brushed it off. 
“It’s nothing Y/N” would be the answer that she got each time she asked and each time she sighed not believing him but she didn’t press it. It was a few days later that it almost happened for the first time, the two were sitting on the couch having a scary movie marathon, just cause they could and Y/N loved scary movies, all the curtains were drawn to the point that it was dark in the apartment and the only source of light being from the TV playing the first Paranormal Activity movie. Y/N had her head laying on his shoulder something that wasn’t unusual for their movie marathons, when there was a jump scare and she jumped letting out a little squeal, which made him laugh. She playfully glared looking up at him, she loved hearing his laugh. He looked down at her with a teasing grin on his face, they locked eyes and she couldn’t help but let the glare slip off her face, she could get lost in his eyes. His eyes broke contact and flicked down to her lips and then back to her gorgeous (y/e/c) and he leaned in slightly as if he were going to kiss her and, her breath caught in her throat, and her hands got a little clammy, and then all of a sudden he pulled back and cleared his throat. Y/N dropped her head, her cheeks heating up from the embarrassment, that she had actually wanted him to kiss her and she thought he was going to only for him to pull away, she wasn’t surprised, no one that she liked in the past had ever liked her back so why would he be any different? She blinked back tears of disappointment, and focused on the movie as an awkward silence settled between the two, it got so tense that Y/N had to leave the room because she couldn’t take it. After she was in the safety of her bedroom she let out a sigh. He watched as her door shut and he kicked himself ‘Fuck, nice going now you upset her. Why the fuck did you even try that? Of course she’s not going to like you the same way that you like her.’ She was upset but just not for the reasons that he was thinking, he thought she was upset because he had tried to kiss her, when she was really upset because he didn’t kiss her. ***
Things got a little weird between them after that but Y/N tried her best to just brush it off, like she wasn’t slowly falling for him more and more, but she never let it show cause of course he wouldn’t feel the same way about her. The next time it almost happened was a month and a half later.
The Second Almost Kiss:
Y/N sighed she had been feeling a little down ever since the incident but she refused to bring it up, he could tell that something was bothering her but she wasn’t budging on giving up what it was. No matter how hard he tried. Y/N had been in the kitchen making lunch for the two of them when all of a sudden she heard a crashing sound and immediately she ran towards the noise and what she found was Corpse, in front of a broken mirror and she sighed “Come here” He looked at her noticing the startled look she had on her face, “Sorry.” She gave him a smile shaking her head “It’s okay, Corpse, you don’t need to be sorry the noise just scared me a little that’s all” and then she made him sit down before she pulled a first aid kit out from under the sink and she started cleaning his hand, disinfecting it. She leaned a little closer to him to get a better angle while cleaning the cuts on his knuckles from the broken glass., she was putting the bandage on his hand and she looked up not realizing how close together they were, she ended up staring into his eyes, and if she were to lean forward just a half and inch their lips would be touching. She unintentionally pressed a little too hard on the bandage, as she was pressing it down making sure it was secure, that made Corpse wince and slightly hiss in pain and he pulled back, she gave him a sheepish look as both of their faces heated up slightly embarrassed at how close they had gotten. “Sorry, I didn’t mean t-to press that hard.” she avoided eye contact as she stood “there you go all cleaned up. I’m just gonna get the rest of this glass up and uhh there’s food on the counter. I was just finishing up making lunch when I heard the glass breaking.” Then she carefully cleaned up the rest of the broken glass. He nodded at her “Uh Thanks.” ‘Stupid, remember the last time you tried that, she got upset.’ ‘What the hell was that? Why are you so damn careless? Literally could have kissed him there, if you weren’t so careless’ Were the thoughts that simultaneously popped into their heads as they quietly walked into the kitchen, a tense silence falling over them for the second time. 
The third time that he almost kissed her happened exactly two weeks after the second incident. Y/N felt even more down than before she really beat herself up for messing up the second time, and she just kept reminding herself that she’s reading too much into that he doesn't have the same feelings for her that she does for him. The Third Almost Kiss: 
It had been two weeks since the mirror incident and Y/N had finally managed to convince Corpse to get out of the apartment for a little while, it was around 8 PM and she convinced him to go on a walk with her, since it was late and there wouldn’t be that many people around and he reluctantly agreed. 
So they went for a walk. It was a nice night out a little cloudy, and he couldn’t help but smile at the smile on her face as they walked back towards their apartment. It was almost 10 now even if he wouldn't admit it he had enjoyed going out on the walk with her, the two were about a block away from home when it started raining. 
Y/N grinned, she had always loved the rain, she used to play in it as a child, and getting caught in the rain like that made a feeling of nostalgia flood through her. Corpse ran in the direction of the apartment but stopped noticing that Y/N hadn’t followed so he looked back and saw her smiling, with her arms open, and she started spinning around in the rain laughing and seeing her that happy made a smile slip onto his face. He decided then that he loved seeing that smile on her face, she stopped spinning and grinned at him “Come on, spin around with me… I love playing in the rain.” she gave him a little pout and he sighed but walked back to where she was and she made him spin in circles with her as the rain pelted down soaking both of them. He smiled the smile she had on her face right now was worth standing out in the rain for. He spun her around, kinda like they were dancing in the rain and they both had the biggest smiles in their faces and they both leaned in slightly and right as they were about to kiss a car drove past, running right through a puddle and splashed them both making them pull apart. Y/N bit her lip, her cheeks tinting red, she cleared her throat “we should probably head back before we get anymore soaked from the rain” He agreed and they headed back to the apartment with a bit of an awkward silence enveloping them as they walked home. 
The fourth time was a few days after the almost kiss in the rain. 
The Fourth Almost Kiss:
The cough coming from the other room was what distracted Corpse from the editing of the video that he was supposed to post next weekend. Quickly looking at the bottom corner of the computer screen checking the hours, the young man saw that exactly three hours had passed since the last time he checked her. He paused everything he was doing, got up from his chair, left his recording room and headed to the kitchen where he picked up a small bottle of water and some strawberry cookies, which were Y/N’s favorites.
Without delay he knocked on the girl’s bedroom door, waiting for the little hoarse ‘Come in’ that came in response, and entered it. He found her sitting on her white gaming chair, with some headphones on her head and totally focused on the computer screen, which showed the construction of a witch house that she seemed to be making in Minecraft.
“Here, eat this and hydrate yourself.” He placed the items on her lap which was covered with a fluffy blanket that she had to cover her legs, and was careful not to step on the other empty water bottles that she had on the floor next to the desk. He also guaranteed that he was out of the camera frame and was not seen by any of her viewers.
"Thank you." She said, coughing again. She was pale but with red cheeks, her face was glistening with sweat and she looked sleepy and tired.
"Take a short break. It's been 20 hours, it's almost over." He informed her, checking now the watch on his wrist (it had been a birthday present from the girl in front of him), and making sure he was right in what he said.
Y/N was making her monthly challenge of streaming for 24 hours straight, just pausing to go to the bathroom and eating something. Corpse had gone to sleep and woken up with her still on the computer, and every three hours he checked on her.
Still looking at the screen she opened the package of cookies, took one and stuck it in her mouth, eating it quickly. Then she opened the water bottle and sipped it all in big sips, and the empty bottle went to join the others on the floor to be filled with tap water later.
The cough came back again, however.
"Are you okay?"
"My throat hurts a little." She informed in a tired voice and eating another cookie.
Corpse narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and without further ado he approached and touched her forehead and cheeks (his hand and the black sleeve of his hoodie being the only thing they could see). "Y/N! You are hot, you must have a fever."
"No I'm not, I'm okay."
"Yes you are, finish the stream now."
"I can't, it's almost over."
"Don't be stubborn, of course you can. They agree with me, stop and go to bed."
And it was true, her chat was in an uproar with thousands of people sending messages so quickly that it was almost impossible to read, extremely concerned about the girl and also telling her to end the livestream.
"Alright..." Y/N quickly said goodbye, extremely sorry but at the same time too tired to fight against them.
He calmly helped her walk to the bed (after that she almost fell when she got up) and when the stream and the computer were off. He snuggled her up in the bed, and left quickly to fetch more water and some medication that they had in home.
When Corpse returned he watched her put herself in a more sitting position, and gave her the pills which she swallowed quickly, then coughed a little. Corpse sat on the bed next to her, touching her forehead again, feeling her skin almost boiling against his cold hand.
"You pushed yourself too hard, Y/N."
"Maybe, but... I feel like I'm disappointing them, however." She said sadly.
"You're not, you have to take better care of yourself."
"Look who's talking." Y/N provoked.
"Shut up." He laughed, pulling her hair back behind her ear and watching her fever-red cheeks.
"Thanks Corpse, if you weren't looking after me, I don't think I would."
"You do the same for me..."
They shared a smile and a sweet look. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, the two snuggled together. "You should stay away, I don’t want to make you sick."
"You need me here."
"You can't live without me." She said with a malicious gleam.
"No, I can't."
And then, without really knowing how, they gradually got closer to each other ... ending the distance centimeters that separated them slowly, now so close that their breathing is mixed and their lips almost touched ...
Until Y / N quickly pulled away to have a coughing fit, and looked at him embarrassed.
"I'm going to get the thermometer, we have to measure your temperature." Corpse ran away so fast that it left Y/N unresponsive…
And the next day he was sick too.
The Fifth Almost Kiss: Y/N sighed she had finally given in to go on a blind date that her (c/b/f/n) had set up she wasn’t looking forward to it but she had to forget about him somehow since it had been made clear at least in her head that Corpse didn’t return her feelings, so she had agreed to the blind date as a way to forget about her feelings for her roommate. Corpse had been pacing around his room while Y/N got ready for her blind date, he really didn’t want her to go, a feeling of jealousy bubbled up in his chest thinking about it and right then he told himself that he was gonna try and stop her from going. Y/n had spent the past half hour trying on different outfit with (c/b/f/n) on facetime, and was finally in an approved outfit, that made her roll her eyes she really didn’t want to be doing this but she felt like she didn’t have a choice at this point so she would push down the feeling that bubbled up every time, she thought about it. After about 10 more minutes she was finally ready and ended the facetime call, she gave herself a once over her bathroom mirror, before walking out into her room, she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag. A thought lingered in her mind as she walked towards her bedroom door ‘maybe I could pretend I got sick last minute and back out.’ then she shook her head knowing that (c/b/f/n) would never believe it, wouldn't be the first time that excuse had been used to get out of a date.  ‘Suck it up Y/N and stop being such a little bitch, it’s just a date, you’ve been on them before’ 
She walked out of her bedroom, Corpse looked at her and faltered ever so slightly, she looked beautiful, he always thought she looked beautiful but at that moment she took his breath away. 
“Who are you going out with again?” “I’ve never met him actually (c/b/f/n) set it up, it’s a blind date.” “Why agree to go out with someone you’ve never met?” Y/n shrugged “i don’t know, try something new I guess.” she walked towards the door “I’ll be late if I don’t leave now, so I’ll be home later.” she opened the door but before she could walk out he gently grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. “Don’t go.” Y/N looked up at him “why? Why don’t you want me to go?” He looked down into her eyes for a moment before he dropped his hand from her arm, but he hesitated and once again didn't kiss her. She sighed "I'll see you later." 
Then she walked out of the door.  
Corpse ran his hand through his hair "dammit, that was your chance why didn't you take it?" 
Y/N took a deep breath as she got out of her car at the restaurant that she was supposed to be meeting her date at. 
She waited outside the restaurant for three hours and her date never showed, she rolled her eyes and couldn't help but feel slightly down about it. 
She got back into her car and drove home. 
She walked in and didn't see Corpse so she figured he was in his recording room,  she doesn't want to bother him even if all she wants is one of his hugs that always makes her feel better. 
She kicked her shoes off by the door and dropped down on the couch pulling her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees and she sighed a feeling of sadness settling in her chest. She really just didn't want to be alone right now so she got up and knocked on the door she heard "Come in." 
She walked in "hey." 
He looked at her "hey Y/N, how'd it go?" He questioned. 
She sighed trying to not seem as bummed out as she really was “it didn’t” She didn't do a very good job at hiding it cause he caught it almost immediately. “What happened?” 
“Didn’t show… all the effort I put into this, only to be left standing outside where we were supposed to meet by myself looking pathetic for 3 hours.” she sighed. All he did was stand up from his computer chair and pull the girl into a hug. ***
Corpse had reluctantly gone out with Y/N, she had convinced him to go to the beach with her, it was the middle of the week in October so there shouldn’t be too many people around. She smiled at him as they sat on the sand “See not so bad is it?” He gave her a look “I guess not” was the answer that he gave and everything was going just fine until about an hour later. Someone nearby had recognized his voice but wasn’t sure where it had come from so Y/N got him up off the sand and ushered him towards the car “Let’s just get out of here alright? They haven’t located where we are so we can slip past without being noticed okay?” The man in question nodded at her not saying anything to avoid further being noticed and the two successfully made it to the car without incident Y/N pulled the keys out of her pocket and  they got into the car and she started driving them back to their apartment. Y/N pulled over about halfway home because the man beside her was having what seemed to her to be a panic attack, his hands were shaking uncontrollably and she noticed the ragged breathing and deduced that he was having a panic attack so she pulled over to try and help him calm down, she unbuckled her seat belt and completely turned in her seat to face him “Hey, look at me.” She tried to get his attention but it wasn’t working; he was too lost in his own world of panic. So she grabbed his face and gently turned his head to look at her “Corpse, look at me, I need you to focus on the sound of my voice, okay?” but he was still not responding to her and then suddenly she remembered reading something about panic attacks and holding your breath so she blew out a breath and muttered “god I hope this works.” She grabbed his face and leaned over the middle console of the car and she kissed him, the kiss lasted maybe 15 seconds before it was over and he let out a shaky breath but it wasn’t feeling like his throat was closing up on him anymore. “Why did you do that?” Y/N let out a breath as well before answering “I read somewhere that holding your breath could stop a panic attack, so uhh when I kissed you, you held your breath and it looks like what I read was right because it stopped.” They are staring into each other's eyes now Y/N had a soft smile on her face as he stared back at her with a small smile present on his face as well “was that the only reason you kissed me to get me to hold my breath?”
Y/N’s face turned red “I- uh… Let’s go home yeah?.” he agreed and she got turned back around the right and finished driving them home. Once they got into the safety of their apartment Corpse looked at Y/N “So are you gonna answer my question or not?” her face heated up once again as she stuttered “Uh- I- Uhh” then she tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm lightly to stop her. And he turned her around to face him and whispered “Because I am hoping it wasn’t the only reason.” then he kissed her again only this time he was the one that instigated the kiss, Y/N smiled into the kiss before she kissed him back. 
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
hi!! can i request a hc of the batfam reaction of their eastasian!reader gf  experiencing racism? thank you <33
just a reminder if you took place in any involvement of asian hate block me rn bitch :)
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this anon, i tried to make it accurate without stepping over any boundaries since im not asian myself. if anyone finds any sort of this offensive pls dm me !!
warning ; racism, batfam beating hoes, mention of blood
parings : bruce wayne x asian!reader, jason tood x asian!reader, dick grayson x asian!reader, stephanie brown x asian!reader, tim drake x asian!reader, damian wayne x asian!reader
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it’ll honestly take a minute for bruce to realize what happened
when first entering the store he took notice of the man glaring but brushed it off thinking it was directed towards him as bruce wayne
you however didnt really pay attention to the dirty looks being thrown at you
with bruce excusing himself to the restroom and makes a promise of a quick return, you wander around the area by yourself
it was all fine until a man approaches you, giving a fast glance at him before turning away. there was definitely something up with him
“you don’t belong here”
your head shot up at his words, looking around you to make sure he was talking to you
“excuse me?” you lift an eyebrow at him, knowing what he was hinting at
“you fucking heard me, you don’t belong here. go back to your country.”
you inch away as he steps closer,”you better back the fuck away..”
he simply gives a smug face only coming closer,”or what?” you tighten your jaw when he loosely lets out a slur, your fists clenched.
“or i dislocate your arm.”bruce’s voice rings out, deep in anger as his eyes flicker to you and scanning to see if you were ok physically.
the ugly bitch’s face pales when he realizes who’s your boyfriend. without hesitation bruce yanks him away from you, slamming him to the wall
demanding for a first and last name,  squeezing his neck when the guy stays quiet
shaking he gives in and tells, flinching when bruce slams him against the wall one last time before dropping him
“i guaranteed whatever poor status you do contain i’ll tear it completely, say goodbye to your job.” he grabs for your hand and brings you into him as you both walk away.
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have left you alone, my fault,”he presses a kiss to your temple.”and please don’t think any worth of that garbage’s words.”
you shake your head,”he was just some lowlife, not worth thinking about.” you reply leaning into him.
he looked at you and could tell no matter what those words still hurt somewhat and it angered him to no end
no one deserved to hear that disgusting shit, especially not his girlfriend.
his eyes hardens but doesn’t push further to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably already are
giving another kiss to the side of your head he makes a quiet promise to himself not to leave you alone anymore in public with disgusting people like that around
jason todd:
as soon as the slur leaves the guy’s lips jason’s fist collides to his jaw, no doubt   shattering it
you and jason were grabbing lunch at some restaurant slash bar since it was the first time in a few days jason was free
everything was okay until you got up to go to the bathroom and some guy bumped into you
jason watched with hardening eyes as you apologize instead of the guy who slammed into you
“watch where the fuck you’re going at.”
you fall shock at the word, staying in place
while jason is on his feet in no time, swinging to the asshole’s face
screams were heard as well as the sound of bones breaking from his fist impact, the guy stumbling to the floor
“you racist fucking prick that’s my girlfriend you ugly fuck,”lifting him by his shirt he grabs his face and turns him to you.”apologize to her before i break your fucking face.”
he quickly rambles apologizes, crying in fear or pain. most likely a mix of both
jaaon lets him go and gives him another punch, this time to the nose. finding satisfaction at the pool of blood now seeping out
jason grabs your hand and starts to lead you outside,”let’s go eat somewhere else and forget about this shithole.”
you barely had time to give a reaction to anything as everything happened so fast
“hey look at me, don’t listen to that worthless fuck and his fucked up mindset. i dont know what to say to comfort you since i never experienced anything like this.” he stops at the car, placing his hands onto your shoulders
you nod sighing lightly, you only wanted a simple lunch with your boyfriend but instead got hate crime for simply  breathing.
“it’s nothing i haven’t gone through before,”he shakes his head blue eyes filling up with rage.
“no one’s gonna be doing that anymore, or at least getting away with it while i’m around
he was completely taken by surmise at the slur being thrown at you, as well as the fault of you being the root of the covid 19
but before he had any time to react you were already on your feet glaring,”the fuck you just called me you piece shit.”
before he could reply you already kneed him and punched him between the eyes, dick laughing at the cries of pain
“you want me to take over or you wanna handle it babe?”
even how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of the pos the choice was yours
you denied and wanted to handle this on your own
but everytime the guy tried to get up dick would just shake his head and tell him to stay down, or simply push him back down
eventually if you start going too far richards would pull you away and tell you hes not worth it
he understands your anger but he doesn’t want you to past a line you won’t recover from bc of some worthless grime
“c’mon, he’s not worth anymore of our time. lets go eat pizza.”
swing first talk later
he’ll just look at guy for a few seconds with a blank face
then he’s literally knocking them out
will probably kick him into the wall or ground
u dont know if you wanna pull him away because you already the tabloids, or if you wanna let him continue to beating the guy
damian probably wouldn’t realize how much he beat the guy to a pulp until you’re tugging him away
nudging his neck with to your nose to try and calm him down
he’ll end the fight with spitting on him tbh
your face reddens with anger when your eyes met the racist bitch, enjoying the view of his blood on the floor
“racist piece of shit,” he hisses before finally turning his back brow still frowning with anger
unlike the others (mentioned) he also knows and experienced racism and understands your point view way more
and know bow to comfort you better tbh
afterwards he’ll talk to you and comfort you, as well as opening up about his racist encounters, as well as his mothers.
if you’re still upset about what happened some hours later he 100% offers to beat up the guy again
you laugh it off cos hes serious about doing detective work, finding the guy and beating him to a pulp
you thank him but deny his offer and settle to confiding into him and just telling him how your feelings
“are you fucking serious right now bitch?”
steph deadpans staring at the girl who called you the slur with ease, going on about how you were the cause of corona and to go back to your country
shocked at the words, hearing all of this before but it still doesn’t fail everytime you hear them
turning to you and seeing the hurt on your face from the word, she quickly turns to seeing red
without a second thought she grabs the collar of the woman’s shirt
“you’re gonna fucking apologize to my girlfriend right now or i’m gonna slam your face into the floor and break it
you stay still, pleased at watching the girl shake in fear under steph as she chokes out a mesh of a shit rushed apologizes
stephanie throws her down to the ground after her third apologize
“are you okay?” she knew you weren’t but asking the question would lead into the stage of comforting you
you nod but go on to tell her that this isn’t the first or last time this will happen, but it still never fails to shock you
she frowns at your experiences and doesn’t quite know what to do to help since she never went thru anything like that
she offers to take you to your favorite restaurant and end the day in wayne manor watching whatever you wanted
smiling when you accept, pulling you in her and pressing a kiss on-top of your head
“dont worry i’ll beat any jackass that pulls any racist shit.”
i think he’ll be the less  violent one out of everyone
he would honestly be so disgusted and gross out at humanity and how the woman thinks shes superior just because she’s white
if it was a guy saying what was said, then he would probably hit them ngl
but he takes the higher road with the woman, belittling and ending her with his vocabulary
and you’re pretty sure that his words hurt her more than an actual punch would 
you laugh when he compares her built to a buffalo
he then goes on to a more education lean, explaining how skin tone has nothing to do with a person, and she should adapt to modern times and stop being a racist cunt
after he ends it he goes on to find out who she is and email/call her workplace to inform what kind of employee they have
probably also goes on to make sure she wont be hired anywhere else
comforts you alot and and will get you anything you want
prob gets you both milkshakes as you vent to him about today and other racist things said to you
hates how you have to go thru any of this for simply existing
the  incident opens his eyes and he starts talking to bruce about opening a charity for ‘stop asian hate’
would shy away from the press and say you both came up with the fund
u’ll dismiss that rq and tell everyone it was all tim’s idea
all the money goes people got assaulted and paying for any hospital bills or anything needed
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 15
No, you’re not dreaming, here is indeed chapter 15 ! I sincerely hope you’ll enjoy it 💕 (and please, forgive me for the quality of the translation 😭)
Chapter 15 : We’re going to make a deal, you and me
- Good evening, my little dragon.
I closed my eyes for a moment to savor the sound of his voice in my ear, feeling like an eternity had passed since the last time we were alone. At this probably late hour, the corridor was quiet, there was hardly anyone to surprise us which helped me to let myself go and take advantage of his proximity.
- Good evening, I answered, amused to hear him call me like that a second time, the first being when his ice had mingled with my breath.
I felt his lips in turn sketch a big smile close to my head. Running one of his hands to the doorknob of his bedroom door, he opened it before placing his two palms on my hips to push me into the room, leaving me no possibility of stealing away. Once inside, he closed the door behind us with a snap. I took the opportunity to finally turn to him and remained speechless for a moment.
Lance was visibly coming out of the shower as his loose hair was dripping onto his black t-shirt and the rolled up towel he had laid casually on the back of his neck. His locks, an almost bluish white, fell wildly on his face, making him look younger than I had ever seen him before.
I literally thought I was fainting when he looked at me with his eyes both icy and burning under the barrier of his frivolous locks.
My God, he was so beautiful.
- How are you feeling ? I went to see you in the infirmary but you were snoring pretty loud, I didn't want to wake you up, he said seriously before bursting into a frank laugh at my bewildered look.
I really hoped I hadn't done this.
- I'm much better, thank you, I replied, giving him a grimace in passing. And at least I hope you liked it, otherwise I don't know how to go about looking attractive.
Approaching with a bemused air, a thin amused smile stuck on his face, he slipped his hands under my neck until his fingers came to mingle fiercely at the base of my scalp, thus tilting my head in his direction and giving birth to light currents of energy on the smallest bit of skin he touched.
- I'm really reassured, he confessed intensely, before resuming in a much lighter tone. Your snores are the sexiest I've heard, don't doubt it. Besides, if you hadn't been bleeding, I would most likely have had a hard time resisting your charm.
I couldn’t help but laugh in my turn at his nonsense. I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen him so relaxed before, but I liked it more than I dared admit.
- In that case, I'll try to be careful not to look too attractive, you shouldn't give up.
As if to prove my words right, his intense gaze drifted shamelessly to my lips, giving rise to a new sensation in my lower stomach. His expression, meanwhile become indecipherable, literally hung on me at the slightest of his movements, my heart pounding so hard I was sure it could almost become audible.
But it was with disappointment that I felt him slowly let go of me, brushing my neck with a tiny involuntary caress.
- You’re right. I unfortunately have the impression of not being far from it, at times.
Suddenly absent, he lost himself for a few seconds in contemplating the void behind me, which allowed me to observe him more openly. I was about to answer him when his voice echoed between us again.
- You look much healthier than yesterday, anyway. Besides, were you able to eat something ?
Oh. How could I tell him that the only thought I had in my head when I woke up in the infirmary had been to see him, before even thinking of anything else ?
Realizing he was right, I rubbed a hand on my stomach as a low gurgling sound was heard.
- Uh... not yet, I said, caught in the act. In fact, I didn't have time to take a shower either.
A new smile surreptitiously dawned on his lips.
- Was the little human in too much of a hurry to find me ?
- No matter what, I defended myself, looking away, the blush rising in my cheeks. I just walked past your room before arriving at mine. And then, you didn't give me the choice to enter, I'll call you back.
- It's true that you seemed completely against it, he said ironically.
This idiot was having too much fun with the situation for my liking, so I decided to fake my departure.
- Well now that I'm gone, I'll be able to go take care of all that. I'll probably see you tomorrow, Lance.
My light tone didn't seem to baffle him for a second. I walked around him to make my way to the exit while watching him out of the corner of my eye casually remove the wet towel from his neck. But, when my fingers were about to engage the handle, a dark-skinned hand suddenly entered my field of vision, coming to rest with authority on the wooden frame, keeping the door firmly closed. His breath tickled my cheek.
- Alright, we're going to make a deal, you and me, he began. You can go take a shower, but then you meet me here. I take care of the rest.
- When you say "the rest", do you mean that I take my meal in your room ?
- It's almost midnight, the refectory is closed but Karuto is still in the kitchen. I know very well that he will make an effort for you, on the other hand he will never let you eat on the spot when he has just cleaned the room.
I did indeed imagine Karuto reacting that way, which made me laugh.
- What if I don't accept ?
- Who said you have the choice ? he wondered, breaking into a broad, confident smile.
I crossed my arms, an eyebrow raised and an amused pout.
- Isn't a deal just supposed to be accepted by both parties ?
He withdrew his hand before shrugging, feigning innocence.
- Call it what you want as long as your butt comes back quickly here, and know that I will not hesitate to come and get you myself if necessary, he concluded with an air that didn’t leave the leisure refuse.
This man was just incorrigible, but for once I must say I was ready to listen to him very wisely.
Once my shower was finished, I quickly went to my room to put on some clean clothes. Was I stressed about joining Lance ?
With a lump in my stomach, I knocked on his door and then entered without waiting for an answer. Leaning over a book with an ancient cover, the dragon seemed to be searching for something in these pages yellowed by time. Crouching on the ground, his long top hair fell over his eyes, hiding part of his concentrated face.
I walked into the room as he carefully closed the book, straightening up in the process.
- Hey, I said softly, stopping near him. What are you looking for ?
Seeming relieved to see me come back, he grabbed me delicately by the waist to plant a kiss on the top of my head, making my poor heart resume its frantic run.
- Hey, he replied calmly while releasing me, as if nothing had happened. I go through all of the HQ books relating to the three great races of Eldarya, including dragons and aengels, but I can't find anything similar to what's happening between our powers. I almost wonder if this phenomenon isn’t totally apart, even if it’s quite insane.
Tilting my head to the side, I observed the old cover he still held between his fingers before noticing that the title was written in Greek. Turning my head in the direction of the bookcase that adorned the wall beside me, I was amazed to discover that it was filled with a multitude of alphabets that I was unable to read.
I returned my attention to him.
- Maybe this is information that has been intentionally suppressed ?
He seemed to think about my guess, his gaze in turn lost on the covers.
- At the point where we are, I think anything is possible.
He tried to push the wicks that blocked his view with a passage of his hand, but they immediately returned to their place, which made him look incredibly... wild.
And sexy.
When he returned his attention to me again, I had the unpleasant feeling that my thoughts were on my face, which probably made me turn crimson. Fortunately, the dragon seemed in a calm mood and did’nt get up.
- Are you hungry ?
His question caught me off guard, I had totally forgotten that point of our "deal", if I could really call it that. Lance went to get a tray on his desk, on which sat a real full meal. So he wasn't laughing when he said that Karuto would agree to do this for me, I clearly hadn't expected that much.
He put the tray down on his bed and invited me to sit down.
- I don't really have a suitable place to eat here... I hope it will be okay anyway.
My heart warmed even more at his attention. I felt... good, to be completely honest.
- It’ll be very good, don’t worry. Thank you so much.
I sat down and began to eat timidly at first, then with more and more appetite as my hunger aroused. By the time I swallowed my meal, the dragon had returned to his activities, leaving me plenty of time to observe him.
Entirely dressed in black, only the color of his hair contrasted, highlighting the trace of his scar on the back of his neck. It was the first time that I had seen it almost entirely, it ending its way under his top.
Leiftan's words came back to me then. This scar, it was probably the wound with which he had been made dead, becoming as a result of this incident the character of Ashkore. What had happened to him, exactly ? The aengel had described it as his only weak point, which was why he never went out without covering the back of his neck. But another question was bothering me.
Did he ever show it openly to others, as he was doing with me now ?
My gaze fell on his back, which was both wide and slender. Our relationship was progressing step by step, it was a fact, but had it evolved so much without me realizing it ?
It was true that we had kissed, but this incident had only happened once. I had reacted with my deepest fears, seeking some comfort in the arms of the only person who had actually seen me. And, in truth, Lance had ultimately only responded to my urges.
But, calmly, what was it then ?
I ended up swallowing my entire meal, and it was with a full stomach that I got up to put the tray back in its original place. Probably remembering my presence, the young man decided to stop his research and put back the books he had taken out. I decided to join him, placing myself at his side in order to help him.
- Did you manage to find something ? I questioned him, cascading my long black hair down behind my shoulder.
- Not at all.
Leaning forward slightly, he came to rub his face with both hands, looking visibly overwhelmed at not finding any information that could be of use to him.
- I didn't find anything about your connection with Leiftan either, to believe that these phenomena are totally unique to you, he said while giving me a sideways glance. You really have something special, no matter what you think of it.
I pretended to be focused on my task to hide the cloudy feeling his assertion gave me.
- Something special, that's for sure. I'm sure there hasn't been any aengel before me that's been on the verge of death because she couldn't pull out her poor wings.
Lance laughed frankly at my reflection, visibly amused by my jaded expression.
- On the verge of death, exactly ?
- Obviously ! And don't laugh, it's a lot more complicated than you think, I continued on the same length.
His gaze much sharper than a moment earlier, made butterflies born in my stomach. I liked to see him come alive when one of our discussions amused him.
- Indeed, I had forgotten that I did’nt know what it was like to have wings, he quipped before nimbly intercepting my vain attack on his shoulder, making resonate again his hoarse laughter as his hand decided not to let go of mine.
- You will end up hurting yourself, I will prevent you for your good.
Personally, I used to call it an oversized ego. I assumed, however, that it was too late to make up for this point on him.
- Besides, you could see your back when you went to take your shower ?
- Yes, I said, remembering the image of my skin, it strangely almost healed. We hardly distinguish anything, there are only a few traces of bruising. I don't understand, yesterday I passed out because of this, and today... it's like there never was anything.
The dragon was silent for a moment, probably analyzing my words.
- It's already a good thing that it has improved, even if I understand your frustration at not reacting in a "normal" way, let's say.
I stopped, my free hand resting on a book and my gaze fixed in front of me. That was it, he was right. Although in this particular case it was a good thing, my body was once again reacting in an abnormal, inexplicable way, and it was this point that bothered me the most.
Without ever showing anything, Lance always listened attentively to the slightest of my silences.
Sometimes I felt like he understood me better than I did.
I turned my attention back to him and was surprised to fall directly on his gaze of such cold blue and such deep intensity, that I lost myself in it without any escape. His hand finally let go of mine to move up my arm, stopping its course when his long, thin fingers reached my cheek. When these slid down the back of my neck, I instinctively turned my face in his direction.
Just before his lips caught mine bluntly.
I in turn buried my fingers in his hair while responding eagerly to his kiss. Without warning, his other arm wrapped around my waist to lift me up against him, pinning my legs on either side of his hips. In two long strides, Lance turned off the overhead light to turn on a new, much more intimate one, then laid me confidently on the mattress. His body positioned just above me, I pushed him to stand up with my hands against his chest, following him in his race. When he found himself only leaning on his knees, I lifted his dark t-shirt to pull it over his head. The dragon helped me without flinching, rolling his muscles under his tanned skin as he sent the garment to graze.
Without giving me time to do anything, he made me tilt back again so as to come over me completely. Catching my hips with his large hands, he slid me so that I was pushed up higher in the bed.
I grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled on it, quickly baring my stomach and then my chest. Lance didn't have the patience to wait for me to finish removing it to take it to the next level. With dexterity, he was already unbuttoning my pants with one hand while kissing each part of my body which was revealed little by little, then, with a sharp and precise movement, he pulled on them in order to slide first my buttocks then my legs, until I remove it completely.
Only wearing my panties, I dug my fingers into the quilt above my head under his feverish gaze. He continued to kiss my body, varying sometimes between a nibble or a lick on my burning skin, his eyes disappearing in the wake of his messy hair as he started the slope of my curves.
When I felt my underwear slide over my thighs, his kisses became softer, deeper. He parted my legs with his suddenly patient hands, stroking my thin skin in a slow trajectory as he positioned himself lower.
My breath quickened in a split second when his tongue met me.
First applied, the young man wasn’t long in settling on the crescendo of my moans to deepen each of his licks, bringing me to the climax when his fingers joined the dance, sinking deep into me. My legs began to shake, forcing me to sink my teeth into the flesh of my arm so as not to wake up the whole HQ. When my jolts finally subsided, the dragon didn't give me a second's respite. Kissing my mouth passionately, he stood up to remove the only clothes he had left. I couldn't help but bite my lip as I admired the beauty of the man standing in front of me.
A slight smile spread across his full lips as he towered over me again, making his way effortlessly between my thighs. He leaned on one arm and grabbed one of my legs with his free hand, pulling it over his hip. I took the opportunity to wrap it around him and at the same time raised my pelvis, so as to make it easier for him.
Sliding my hand on his cheek, I anchored myself in his gaze so intense that I was deeply moved.
Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my fingernails from digging into his flesh when he pushed hard inside me. A single drop of blood immediately escaped the scratch and came to his lips as he began to perform several massive back and forth movements.
He leaned close to my ear.
- My angel, I have just started and you already bleed me, he laughs weakly.
But he didn't give me a chance to answer, at least not as I would have liked. Accentuating his jerks, my cries began to fill the room more and more loudly.
It didn't take long for our mouths to meet again, as if magnetized now that they had finally found each other, in turn making the red pearl flow to the hollow of my lips.
(Chapter 16)
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
My Life is One Complication After Another 3
Cursing Ahead 🤬
Ao3 *** First *** Previous *** Next
Ever since Mari's classmates stopped talking with her, they also stopped asking her for favors. Along with a blocked and rotating schedule for patrols meant that she actually had a sleep schedule. Sure she didn't get nearly enough but that was what coffee is for.
That was how she found herself down in the bakery with her papa. Roy had called her and the four of them talked and it was comfortable. Mari was the one who opened and was watching the front. She was still talking with Roy, but now it was on a headset, as he was out patrolling In Starling City.
"So as I was saying before we were oh so rudely interrupted." came Roy's voice in her ear. "So Ice cream and movies?"
A soft laughter escaped her and a smile on her lips.
"Sounds gre..." the bell at the door chimed. "Hey guys come in," she greeted the Waynes.
"Let me guess the bats?" Roy supplied as Dick bounced towards the counter.
"Good morning Marinette!" Dick practically sang loud enough for even Roy to hear.
"God how the hell is he so chipper so early." she heard Roy grumble.
"God damn morning people," she grumbled. That elicited laughter from both Roy and Jason.
"Amen to that!" Tim seconded in a monotone lifting a coffee cup. "Maman I'm going to take the Waynes up." she called poking her head into the kitchen. Her Maman nodded so she picked up her phone and walked towards them.
"I'll Let you go," Roy was about to hang up.
"Wait how about we give the Bats a heart attack." she smirked changing to the ancient language of miracles.
"I like the way you think, I'll catch you later." he responded in the same tongue.
"See ya then." she smiled, switching back the language. Ending the call and removing the ear piece. “Are you guys coming or do I have to drag you guys?" she turned back already at the door. Granted most of them showed confused faces and side eyes, but she smiled. They followed her without saying a word.
Once they were in the apartment she excused herself to change into more appropriate gear. She activated Kaalki’s miraculous, who then silently portaled out.
That being said she changed into a pair of black skinny cargo pants with red combat boots. A black long sleeve shirt under a cropped red sleeveless hoodie. Her hair was half down with red and pink streaks and a mini white gold backpack with three patches in the same white gold finished her outfit. She grabbed four parcels and went down.
"So we can either do the boring ground tour or," she held up the bundles. "we can turn up the speed."
"I like the way you think Pixie Pop." Jason stood and she handed him his.
"Roy sent me you guy's sizes, so I altered and customized a few things." she smiled. "bathroom is over there and the guest room is next to it." Dick looked torn between excited and horrified when handed his stack.
Tim seemed awake, but she knew better, "go change and I'll have a fresh pot of coffee ready." He nodded robotically as he got up.
She set the last bunch next to Damian, who was looking like an angry kitten. She sat down next to him and leaned in.
"What are you.." he started but Mari whispered in his ear.
"The jacket has a hidden sling for a katana, which will be practically invisible when on." His eyes widened slightly and there was a bit of slack in his jaw now. Before turning into an amused smirk. "Use my room up the stairs and through the hatch." she finished as he headed up the stairs.
"I'm impressed he let you close without struggling," Bruce broke his silence, as she finished prepping the coffee maker.
"Well he would have if," she began as Damian practically crashed down the stairs and all but tackled Bruce before rushing out the door. The closest she had ever seen her baby brother smile, which effectively made her smile.
"Holy crap! What are you?!" Dick made himself known.
"More importantly what the fuck did you do with Demon spawn!" Jason shouted from next to Tim, who was being propped up by both Jason and Dick.
"Tt. I am right here Todd." The scowl reappearing on his features. "It is adequate Dupain-Cheng."
"I'll take it as a compliment on one condition."
"And that is?" he rose a brow.
"You call me Marinette not Dupain-Cheng. I'm your sister aren't I?"
He seemed to war with himself for a moment before stating. "That is acceptable, Marinette."
At this point all the bats in the room were playing a game of ping-pong between Marinette and Damian. They were trying to figure out what magic spell Marinette must have used, when in reality she just seemed to fall into Damian’s good graces automatically. OK so maybe Marinette being the holder of the ladybug miraculous as well as being the great guardian of the order has that affect on most people, a sense of respect and trust that seems to permeate her aura.
She was handing Tim a huge mug as the front door swung open to reveal her Maman.
"Hello Bruce," Sabine greeted.
"It is good to see you Sabine," was his response.
“Maman," Mari pulled her mother's attention from her biological father. "These are Bruce's boys and my brothers. Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damian." she motioned to each one respectively.
"It's nice to meet all of you." Sabine smiled, "why don't all of you get something from the bakery before you go."
After finishing their small breakfast in the park Mari pulled out a map and a marker.
"So what do you guys want to see?" They listed off places that she marked down. She added a few to the list to fill it out, marked the route and took a picture and sent it to Roy. "Okay so this will work." she glanced at her phone. A quick look on social media showed no one has found Andre yet. She pulled out a case of comms and added, "Also keep your eyes out for Andre."
"Who is that?" Dick asked taking the earpiece.
"Andre's Ice cream cart, the best ice cream in Paris." Marinette answered.
"Then why must we look for him?" Damian added.
"Well he changes locations daily and turns it into a game of tag of sorts."
"Alright, lead the way Pixie." with a smirk she dashed off her brothers close on her heels.
Yes this is the best way to get to see the city, but this was also a test to see how the bats did without their toys.
Getting to Notre Dame was uneventful. Dick kept up a steady conversation with her, just a step behind with Damian, Jason brought up the rear but would constantly toss in quips and questions. Damian and Tim were mostly quiet, unless they were trying to get one of their brothers to stop a particularly embarrassing story.
Getting to the Louve was even more entertaining. Now that Dick had a feel for the Parisian roofs he would do flips and vaults to make her laugh. In the Louve is another story.
They had accidentally ran into some of her classmates, quite literally. She and her brothers were taking goofy 'walk like an Egyptian' group photos on the second floor of the Egyptian exhibit, the mini Ladybug camera was reattaching to her phone charm when Tim began asking her questions about it.
"Well my best friend loves anime, and we kinda sorta binged the entire Dragon Ball series and when we saw the ladybug camera. He said it would be impossible to create and maintain the quality of the image. So I kinda sorta made it out of spite." she mumbled the end.
"Hell if you weren't my sister I would beg Bruce to adopt you," Tim stated. "Do you have the files I would love to look through them. Maybe send them to Babs or Cy!"
"Sure I think I have it on a flash drive." That was when a tall body, walking backwards slammed into her, pushing her into Jason. "oof."
"You okay." Dick was in full mama hen mode fretting over her.
"I wasn't watching where I was going." the figure spoke as he turned around. "I'm sor." the words died on his tongue, Kim.
Max, Alix, Nino, Alya, and oh kwami no Lila, who were now all snickering.
"I'm fine Dick," she smiled to reassure him. However her classmates were shocked.
Lila of course was the one who broke the silence, by beginning to cry. "I'm so sorry about her. I know she hates me but to be so rude to a complete stranger!" her sobs breaking the sentence while her lackeys went to console her, glaring daggers at Marinette.
"Seriously girl," Alya began to scold her. "Your little out burst not only made Lila cry. Your insulting someone who is just trying to be nice."
She and her brothers were now standing awkwardly being scolded by a teenager. After three minutes of trying to figure out what they were being scolded for and why the guys hadn't apparently left.
"What the fuck did she do that your yelling at her for?" Jason finally broke Alya's rant. Now it was the five Parisians and the Italian to stand there confused.
"She called him a dick," Alya sighed exasperated.
"Yes." Dick answered confusing them further.
"Dick."Tim now called.
"Dick!!" Damian, Marinette, Tim, and Jason all called, and immediately began laughing.
"What? Oh, oh," a sheepish smile now on his face. “Names Richard but I go by Dick,” he explained to those who weren’t laughing, smiling at them.
"Tt. this is why I call you Grayson." Damian rolled his eyes. "Besides this one still has not apologized." he jabbed a finger to Kim.
"It's not worth it Damian,” Marinette shook her head. "We should head back to the bakery anyways. Maman has probably finished scolding Bruce." she smirked.
"Damn I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation" Jason lamented.
"Well..." she held up the ladybug charm and flipped it over showing an empty space.
"Two!" Tim shouted.
"Anyone who beats me back gets a copy," she smiled.
"Your on." Jason nodded as he vaulted over the safety wall from the second floor. Damian and Dick sprinted in opposite directions.
"Sorry Mars your gonna loose." Tim shouted as the last to leave.
"We'll see," she shot back. "Bye," She turned to her classmates as she grabbed the railing above and flipped up and over to the third floor, running to one of the secret zip lines the miraculous team set up.
"What the fuck" was faintly heard behind her, all but Lila and Max shouted by the sounds of it, as she jumped from the window.
She made up quite a bit of distance and seemed to be on Damian's heel. She had passed Tim and Dick was a few steps behind. Jason was just out of arm reach. So with a burst of speed both she and Damian were shoulder to shoulder with Jason.
The three of them simultaneously practically crashed into the side door of the bakery.
"I won."
"In your dreams Todd."
"I beat both you and Pixie"
"Check your eyes, or do you need the camera installed in your helmet." Jason's gaze hardened at Damian's words.
"How about we call it a three way tie and you both get a copy." Mari interrupted. "We should head up." Laughing Marinette opened the door and went up.
Lunch was rambunctious, but she was coming to expect that with her brothers.
“Too bad we couldn’t find that ice cream guy Mari,” Tim spoke up once everyone had finished eating.
“Oh let’s see if anyone has posted where he’s at today!” She went to check her phone but a message ended up distracting her.
Andres in your favorite spot I’ll meet you there at 7 your time.
"Cool he’ s in my favorite spot in all of Paris which just happens to be the last spot on our list today," she announced, sending off a text, setting her phone down, screen up.
Can't wait Katniss
"Why don’t you all go and Mari can get to know Bruce," Sabine offered.
OK granted it’s a good idea, maybe I should get to know my biological father but am I ready to? Do I want to? Am I yes, yes I want to get to know my biological father, yes I want my family to grow, my brothers are such protective goofballs and I love them already.
"Sounds good," she smiled.
That was when her phone lit up from a message. She went to pick it up, but she was to slow.
Jason was the one who snacked her phone. "Message from Katniss says see ya then Peeta. So who's Katniss Pixie."
"Well..." she started but she began to blush furiously.
"That would be her boyfriend," her Maman decided to add before heading back down to the bakery with Papa.
Dick pounced asking a million and one questions, Bruce physically froze but she could tell his mind was racing because that look was much the same as hers. Jason was pensive, while Tim and Damian just seemed bored or tired.
So that was how she found herself talking about Roy, blushing furiously. While simultaneously avoiding his name and details that would tip any of them off. After about a half hour of her answering questions did Dick start telling her about his fiancée. How they were planning on setting a date for the wedding.
After that the next few hows was spent sharing stories and tidbits of themselves.
However, thanks to Dick a design was swimming in her mind. so she did the only logical thing and ran up to her room. Grabbed three drives, her tablet and pen and ran back down. She tossed the red drive to Tim, and Jason and Damian each a black drive. Plopped down and began stretching out an Italian suit with a nock lapel. A rough coloration of a midnight blue offset by a sapphire. Accents of golden thread, emerald buttons and an Osiria rose in the lapel. She signed the design 'Mira Luck' and handed Dick the tablet.
"So I couldn't help myself," she begun to fidget. "But in my defense you told a designer about a wedding and my brain wouldn't stop screaming at me until this was on something. So what do you think? I know its rough but."
"Holy Shit your Mira Luck as in M, Jagged Stones personal designer. You are M as in the designer for the Lucky Spot!!" Tim screamed lunging to take the tablet from Dick.
"That's me," a blindingly bright smile lit up her features.
"So what do you think?" she asked again.
"It's amazing we were actually hoping to talk to you about Kori’s dress." Dick smiled. "I could call her it's not too late there."
"Perhaps it would be best to discuss it in person when Marinette next goes, that way she can get to know Gotham." Bruce interjected.
"That actually might be sooner than you think," she responded.
"I was actually accepted to be an exchange student for the next semester at Gotham Academy."
"Wait you’re willing we going to Gotham to study! You ’re going to Gotham willingly. Bruce I think your daughter might be a little crazy." Jason surprisingly brought up.
"I might be but but it’s no crazier than Paris and it’s a Akumas. Besides I would love to design your fiancée’s dress and we should head over to Andre’s ice cream before the sunsets that way we can watch the lighting of the Eiffel tower." She got up and called out. "Hey Jason mind passing me my backpack."
"Yeah sure," he went around he couch to grab it and toss it to her but before he did he finally seemed to notice the patches. "Wait are these The Outlaws."
"Yeah Red Hood, Arsenal, Star Fire, and Bizarro." she was smiling.
"Why choose The Outlaws?" Tim brought up.
"Honestly it was because Roy mentioned something about Arsenal and Red Hood and I ended up liking of the logos, so I made them into the backpack," she shrugged. "Besides unless you’re looking at it close enough you can’t tell which is always fun to see if people pay attention to it, let’s go."
At that the six of them walked out of the apartment, away from the bakery towards the Palais de Chaillot.
"So what's so special about Andre's Ice cream?" B asked.
"Personally I think he is a meta. But what he does is he can either see your true reflection or that of the person best suited to you."
"So he sees souls?" Tim added.
"Not quite, more like he sees the main qualities of you or your go." she tapped her chin.
"But he is meta,” Tim tried to figure.
"That's the only explanation I can come up with but I have no idea." Marinette shrugged.
"So how does he do it." Tim was now fully invested in this.
"Well you either ask for love or self and he usually does three to four ice cream flavors and gives a short reason."
They were now at the top of the stairs at the Palais de Chaillot looking out at the Eiffel Tower. They stood there as the last of the light faded from the sky. The city was dark for a moment as the Eiffel Tower lit up and slowly the lamps lit up.
"So that's why this is your favorite spot Minnie." A voice behind her chuckled. She turned around and nearly tackled him.
"Hey speedy." she pecked his cheek.
Not a second later did Jason scream, "Roy!"
"Ready for that movie?” Roy asked her an arm around her shoulders.
"Of course," she smiled. "See you guys around."
"What the fuck are you doing in Paris Roy!?" Jason screamed.
"Um... Date night," he answered. The Waynes were now practically surrounding the couple.
"What?" Apparently it was Dick's turn to yell.
"Seriously. I thought you said the bats and birds were detectives." she spoke just loud enough for them to hear. "It's kinda hard to believe with the big bat having a heart attack over there." Sure enough Bruce was seriously hyperventilating.
"Oh mind giving this to LB?" He handed her a small nondescript red box.
"Sure," Marinette took the box, "Au Revoir."
From there they left and oh kwamii did she wish she could replay that again, oh wait I can.
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milliedazzledust · 4 years
Viens, Embrasse moi (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request by @husherstan​: One Shot with Bucky Barnes in which he and the reader are spies. Idk if you watched The Man From Uncle - American and Russian spies together to get an intel. They hate each other and have all that sexual tension. Based on the song ,,Les Yeux Noirs" by Pomplamoose (I have no idea what the lyric says) where they dance to prove who is the best.
Words: 4.689 words
A/N: I spent the last couple of days listening to tango, Pomplamoose and the ost of tfatws, I guess I was inspired coz this is super long so be aware. Thank you for that request - I’m really self-conscious about my writing so I’ll hope you’ll it! (ps: the title mean “come and kiss me”)
The mission was simple. Get inside the mansion during a fancy party by some rich man, retrieve valuable informations about Hydra’s whereabouts and get the hell out of there. Steve had decided to pair Bucky and Y/N for this. Two spies with specific skillsets that he knew would get the job done. This is why they had landed in Paris earlier that day.
They had taken a hotel room inside the infamous Le Meurice, courtesy of Tony Stark. He thought it was hilarious to provoke them since he knew they didn’t particularly like each other. That was what everybody thought, except Natasha. She had told Y/N she could see right through their games. The frustration and the tension together were a ticking time bomb that would either lead to one of them dead or both of them in a bed.
They hadn’t talked to each other the whole flight, they were too busy studying the blueprints of the mansion they would infiltrate, rehearsing their role and getting into character to care about annoying one another.   Bucky had ditched the uniform for a white shirt and a black tie. His suit jacket slung over a chair next to the luxurious bathroom where Y/N was getting ready.
“What is taking you so long ?” Bucky complained as he sat on the bed, putting on his cuffs.
He heard the bathroom door opening behind him.
“Gotta look the part if we want to blend in” The woman smirked.
The moment he saw her, he froze. If there was an undeniable truth he would never lie about, it was her haunting beauty. She was breathtaking. She had chosen to wear a provocative dress that night, a dark shade of green falling of her shoulders, putting the tattoo on her back on full display. It was made of silk, so soft Bucky swore he could feel his fingertips aching to run through the material. The high-length skirt sat perfectly on her curves and the Sergeant gulped when his eyes trailed down her leg. The dress was slit to the middle of her thigh. He could almost see the knife strapped around her muscles, hidden just under the satin gown. His gaze finally stopped on her high heels, admiring the whole outfit. She looked feminine yet deadly and had a confident glow, a radiance he could feel across the room. She was captivating.
She sniggered, pleased by his reaction. Like a wolf hunting his prey, she walked up to him without hurry. He was still sitting on the bed, his eyes glued to her body, following her every move. His mouth was dry, no word were enough to describe how mesmerizing he thought she looked. Without breaking their gaze, she started to undo his tie. Making it roll agonizingly slow around his neck, she tossed it on the bed. Bucky felt his heart skip a beat when she opened up the first two buttons of his shirt.  
“That’s better” She whispered, adjusting his collar. He shivered when her fingers grazed his skin and tried to hide it with a cough, but she could see right through him.
“You look …”
“What ?” She coyly cut him, a hint of defiance in her voice. “Sexy ? Ravishing ? Yeah, I know”
She had a glint in her eyes he couldn’t miss. She was enjoying his bewilderment.
“Pick up your jaw off the floor, Barnes. We’ve got work to do”
And with one last cheeky smile, she was on her way out. He shook his head vigorously, swearing under his breath, before grabbing his jacket and following her to their rental car.
Nestled in the woodland, away from the noises of the city, was the mansion. It wall all concrete and tall glass windows. The architecture made it seem a few centuries old and Y/N stopped for a short moment to admire the gigantic house surrounded by trees.
“And here I thought nothing could impress you” Bucky joked as he noticed her interest.
She rolled her eyes in annoyance, letting him lead her to the entrance. Before they could step inside the venue, a man in a grey suit stopped Bucky, putting a hand on his chest to prevent him from coming in. The Sergeant tensed, hoping he hadn’t been recognized. He had told Steve earlier that day that it might be a mistake to send him inside a place filled by Hydra agents. Even with the fresh haircut, somebody that knew the Winter Soldier could have easily recognized him.
“Votre invitation, Monsieur “ (your invite sir)
Bucky didn’t move an inch. He coldly starred back at the man, not understanding a single word of french.
“Il est avec moi” (he’s with me) Y/N quickly answered.
As soon as the man turned to look at her, his whole demeanor changed. With a smirk on his face, he eyes the woman up and down. By the way he licked his lips and he puffed his chest, she could easily guess he liked what he saw. She faintly heard Bucky grunt but ignored it. Seductively, she put a hand on the stranger’s shoulder and brought her face near to his.
“Pour être tout à fait honnête, il n’est pas de très bonne compagnie” (if i’m honest, he’s not very good company) She told him without a trace of an accent.
The man snickered.
“Puis-je demander le nom d’une si belle créature ?” (can I ask the name of such a beautiful creature?)
She smiled, pretending to be pleased to talk to him.
“Eléonore Charbonnier” She introduced herself with a name that wasn’t her own, faking shyness.
“Bienvenue, Madame Charbonnier. C’est un plaisir de vous avoir parmi nous ce soir” (Welcome, Miss Charbonnier. It’s a pleasure to have you tonight) He replied, bringing her hand to his lips before kissing it lightly.
She was playing with her hair, drawing his attention and Bucky didn’t like one bit to just stand there, silent, without a clue of what they were talking about.
“Tout le plaisir est pour moi” (The pleasure is all mine) She attractively responded with a lopsided grin.
She exchanged one last look with the french man and took a step inside. Bucky followed her closely, but not without one last threatening stare toward the stranger.
“That went smoothly” She congratulated herself.
“What ? You flirting with him or him eye-fucking you ?”
She laughed at his irritation.
“Such a potty mouth you have, Sergeant” She joked.
He responded with an unpleasing grunt before offering her his arm as they stepped into what seemed to be a ballroom. The place was enormous with a checkered floor contrasting with the golden walls. Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the ceiling, illuminating the room while marble pillars surrounded it, carrying a large upstairs balcony. The place was already filled with wealthy people, all potentials investors for Hydra. Bucky glanced around the room, trying to spot the organization’s agents hiding among the guests.
“How are we going to get to the second floor ?” Y/N asked him discreetly.
“We mingle”
She raised an eyebrow.
“That’s your plan ?”
They were aware of the noises and the crowd but even more so of the curious stares in their direction.
“Alright” She shrugged. “Let’s dance”
“No” He quickly replied, which made her smile.
She turned to look at him and playfully tilted her head.
“No as in you can’t dance … or you don’t want to ?” She elatedly riposted.
“Both” He grunted, quickly glancing at anything but her.
He groaned when he saw how amused she was by the situation.
“My, my … and here I thought there was nothing Bucky Barnes couldn’t do”
He took a tentative step toward her, placing his metal hand on the small of her back. They were now inches apart and the attraction between them became a tangible thread in the air before any of them could speak a word.
“Now is not the time to play, doll” He muttered. She didn’t know if it was his tone, his proximity or his hand moving slightly lower, but she felt the premises of desire starting to form in the pit of her stomach.
“Steve should’ve paired me with Sam. At least he’s fun” She provocatively replied.
Her answer had an immediate response. He instantly stepped back, removing his hand from her body. She watched him closely, pleased when he pursed his lips with exasperation.
“You owe me a dance” She added and winked at him.
He gave her a dirty look and she chuckled before looking around the room, trying to think of something to get upstairs without being noticed.
“There’s literally one guard blocking the access” She stated seriously.
“Think you can distract him ?” Bucky asked.
“Consider it done.”
With one last glance, she moved to one of the waiter, grabbing a glass of champagne. Leaving Bucky behind, she took a sip of her beverage, seductively playing with her hair, swaying her hips until she was almost in front of her target. She knew he was already looking at her, she could feel his eyes on her body. Pretending to lose her balance right when he was next to her, she let him catch her in his arms.
“Oh my god ! I’m so sorry !” She apologized.
“Are you alright, Madame ?” He asked her with a thick accent.
“Yes, just a bit dizzy” She answered with an alluring chuckle.
She noticed his hands on her hips, she knew he didn’t let them there to keep her steady. When she looked up at him, she purposely bit her lips and placed a strategic hand on his arm. She saw the man gulp and smiled. It was working.
“You look …” He didn’t finish his sentence but instead put one of his hand way lower than it should have been. If it was anybody else, she would have break every fingers of that hand, but right now, it was exactly the reaction she was hoping for.
She glanced back at Bucky, who was fuming. The guard caught that and tried to turn his head to see what was distracting her, but before he could do that, she kissed him. Slowly, without an ounce of passion and with force she pressed her body against his. Her eyes stayed open, and she watched Bucky taking advantage of the situation by sneaking behind the french man and quickly getting upstairs. Once she was sure he was out of sight, she took a step back. She cleared her throat, smoothing her dress.
“I should go freshen up” She shyly told him, fluttering her lashes.
“There’s a bathroom upstairs” He offered.
She smirked. She knew her plan would work.
“Merci” (thank you) She told him with a fake accent.
She climbed the stairs, pretending to look for something, while the guard resume his position. Bucky was already waiting for her in the hallway, standing against a wall where no one could spot them.
“Did you have to kiss him ?” He inquired, infuriated, as she joined him.
“If I remember correctly, you told me to distract him”
“With your lips ?” He ironically continued.
She chuckled, her fingers fiddling with his jacket. She slowly leaned toward him, her red lips tentatively grazing his cheek.
“Careful, Barnes, one might think you’re jealous” She whispered against his ear.
He rolled his eyes.
“I don’t get jealous, doll”
She smirked, lowering her eyes on his lips.
“You keep telling yourself that”
“I’m just saying …” He kept talking as they walked to their destination. “Stop flirting with every man we come across”
“Is that an order, Sergeant ?” She knew she was on thin ice and she loved every minute of it.
He groaned. He was exasperated and she could see how much it drove him crazy. It had been that way for months now, they were always bickering, ready to bite each others head off.
Walking strategically through the corridor, they knew exactly where they were going. They had studied the place. Behind one of the doors was Hydra secret files on the super soldier serum and their experiment to create more Winter Soldier. The mission was to retrieve those informations to thwart their plan.
They had no trouble finding what they were looking for. From outside, what seemed to be an abandoned storage room was in fact a huge chamber with computer equipments and piles of files. For a second, Y/N thought it was unusual there was no one to guard the place before she silently followed Bucky inside. While he was looking through the papers, she took the flash drive she had hidden in her cleavage and plugged it into a computer. It was a malware designed by Stark to discreetly sneak inside their files, break every firewall and find their secret without leaving a trace.
“Anything interesting ?” She interrogated Bucky while Stark’s program was doing its magic.
He looked up from what he was reading and she visibly saw him gulp and shut the file he had in his hands.
“Nothing that I didn’t know of already”
She eyed him suspiciously.
“Why don’t I believe you ?” She accused him, backing up against a desk.
“Because you're a spy” He answered truthfully. “You don’t trust anyone but yourself”
She hummed.
“And that’s exactly why I know you’re hiding something” She continued, crossing her arms at his reluctancy.
He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. She could see his jaw tightening and his fists clenching. For some reason, he was getting angry at her. She tilted her head, curious at his reaction. Without a word, she raised an arm, opening her hand. It was a silent request to give her the file he was reading, which he eventually did.
She started to read and realized it wasn’t about the Winter Soldier initiative but about the Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes and what had happened to him in details after he fell off a train in 1945. She didn’t go through the end of the first page and shut it before handling back to the man in front of her.
“You’re not reading it ?” He questioned.
“No. If you want to talk about it, you will.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t need to know the details of a procedure you’d rather forget”
He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her actions. He was expecting her to be more curious and try to prey informations out of him, but instead she just stood there and gave him an honest smile.
“Don’t look so flabbergasted, Barnes. I might be a spy but I’m not cruel”
“It’s just … I wasn’t expecting that”
“Expecting what ?” She asked, turning back to the computer.
“…To be given the choice not to talk about it”
She was shook by the force of his sincerity for a moment, but didn’t comment. It was rare for Bucky to share anything this personal with her. They had work quite a lot together, but it was always teasing and bickering. This was different. She could just guess it by the way he was looking back at her. He cared about her and valued her opinions and judging by his gaze, she had just given him a reason to trust her a little more. He suddenly cleared his throat, somehow embarrassed, and she grinned.
“All done” She declared, showing him the flash drive.
“Good. Let’s get out of here”
Just as he said it, an alarm started to ring inside the room. Both of them tensed, suddenly anxious.
“What is that ?” He groaned.
“They know we’re here”
She hid the flash drive in her cleavage before slowly backing against the wall next to their exit.
“So much for being invisible” She muttered under her breath.
Bucky half opened the door, picking outside to see what they would be up against. Armed men were already scattering the hallway, ready to launch the assault. He quickly closed it back, his expression now a mix between worry and annoyance.
“They’re at least six of them waiting for us” He informed her.
She secretly hoped they would avoid a situation like that but seeing as they had no other choice, she mentally prepared herself to give them hell. Bucky watched her with wide eyes when he saw her tearing her dress in half, making room to move freely.
“What the hell are you doing ?!”
“Mingling” She simply answered, repeating what he had told her earlier, before taking the knife attached to her thigh.
Bucky grabbed the handle and glanced back at Y/N one last time before the fight. They shared a knowing look, both of them reassuring the other with a silent nod. As soon as he opened the door, the gunshot started. The music and the people downstairs were a slight contrast to what was happening, the noises were loud enough to cover the sound of bullets shot across the room.
It wasn’t unfamiliar territory for Y/N or Bucky, they were used to fighting. Doing it together was different though. They had discovered they were a pretty good match on a battlefield. It almost felt like a quick pace tango, a choreography only they knew about. Bucky watched her smirk, and she saw him wink. They were about to give them a taste of their talent.
She let the Sergeant go first, knowing his brute force and especially his vibranium arm would most likely knock some of them out. One of them dodged her partner and went right to her. She blocked every of his punches and flipped the knife she had in her hand, stabbing the man in the gut. She rolled upside down, making him fall on the floor, unconscious. Another one tried to take advantage of the situation and decided to kick her. She twirled around, blocking him before hitting his chest with her heel, knocking him out of breath. From the corner of her eyes, she saw two of them going after Bucky. The agents would have had the time to attack, but all it took was a look between the Avengers and Y/N threw her blade at the Sergeant. He grabbed it mid-air and less than thirty seconds later, the men were on the ground, bleeding to death.
She started to make a movement toward her next target when she felt an arm wrapping around her waist. It all happened too fast. All she felt was the bullet touching her shoulder before her body was pushed against a wall and the men were out cold. Normally, she would have resisted but instinctively, she recognized the musky scent of Bucky’s colognes and the cold sensation of his metal hand against her hip. She realized he had shoved her out of the way when one of their opponents had fired, aiming directly at her.
“Are you alright ?” He whispered, making her shudder.
He was so close she could feel his heart beating. He was towering her, shielding her body with his own. The situation was quite ludicrous. They were surrounded by men they had just taken down but none of them seemed to care. She opened her mouth to demand that he release her, but the words never formed. His chest flushed against hers, he was slowly invading her senses. They were both exhausted by the effort, and his staggered breath was enough to send a fire coursing through her body. She risked a peek at his face and swallowed when she saw his blue eyes darkening with an emotion she couldn’t quite place.
“Don’t look at me like that” He spoke with such intensity she shivered.
She licked her dry lips before speaking.
“Like what ?” She teased.
Bending his head, he buried his nose in her neck. She struggled at the proximity, purely a reflex. He answered by pulling her even closer. He looked up at her again, his mouth hovering a few inches from hers. Every nerve ending inside her was screaming for his touch but she didn’t move, simply stared at him. She wasn’t going to kiss him, but there was still a strange satisfaction flowing around them, pleased that they were just as susceptible to the treacherous desire between them. She could see it in his dark crystal-blue eyes, in the thundering beat of his heart and his metal hand, possessively holding her, gently stroking her covered skin.
“You’re bleeding” He said after a while, his gaze falling on her wounded shoulder.
She didn’t even turn to assess the damage and kept her eyes focused on him.
“I’ve had worse” She told him, voice filled with need and desire.
“Y/N…” He warned her.
His human hand crept into her hair. He was inexplicably drawn to her, she was intoxicating. When he traced a path over her cheek with his thumb, she closed her eyes, savoring the moment.
“Fuck” He cursed under his breath.
He kissed her temple, the movement so gentle yet so significantly filled with unsaid feelings. They heard noises, more people coming their way, and just like that their frozen time was up. He took the piece of cloth she had torn apart and wrapped it around her bleeding shoulder quickly before grabbing her hand and leading her toward their escape route.
She followed him without protesting. He led her to a window and both of them jumped. The car wasn’t far and they sprinted to get to it. They could already hear the agents rushing, they had to hurry. Bucky glanced rapidly in Y/N’s direction, making sure she was alright. The blood had started to flow on her arm through her made up bandage of clothing. She simply nodded her head to reassure him. They drove in silence, checking every now and then that no one was following them. Apart from the altercation, the mission was a success. No one had recognized them and they had what they were looking for. Worn out and a bit dizzy from the loss of blood, Y/N let herself relax and yawned. Bucky felt himself breath a little better now that they were out of harm’s way and surprised himself when a smile spread across his face at the sleepy form of his partner.
Later that night, they safely got to their hotel room. Completely tired, Y/N let herself fall on the bed. She watched Bucky from the corner of her eyes heading to the bathroom. He came back with a few items and silently sat next to her. He unfastened the cloth around her arm without looking at her or asking her permission and opened a bottle of alcohol. When he poured it on her injury, she hissed. She tried to push back, a reflex to get away from the pain, but instantly stopped when she felt his cold hand keeping her in place. She glanced down at her shoulder and studied the wound.
“Doesn’t look too bad” She inspected.
“The bullet didn’t do any damage”
“Good” She sighed, falling back on the bed.
She watched him clean it then wrapped it up with gauze. He was methodic, every movements seemed rehearse, like he had done it many times before.
“Thank you, Bucky” She murmured.
She saw the corner of his mouth rising, forming a small grin he was trying to hide. Without a word, he stood up and started to walk around the room. Y/N observed him curiously, wondering what he was doing. She sat back against the headboard of the bed and followed his moves. He stopped next to the door and dimmed the light.
“What are you doing ?” She asked, half amused, half confused.
He held up a finger, silently telling her to wait. He took out his phone and suddenly music filled the room. He discarded his jacket, tossing it in a corner of the room, rolling up his sleeves. That simple action was enough to raise the temperature of her body. He was aware of her hungry gaze on his muscles, following his movement and didn’t miss the way she bit her lips. He slowly walked to the side of the bed, right next to her, raising his metal hand toward her.
“What is this ?” She interrogated him, her voice so small she wasn’t sure he heard.
“You said it yourself, I owe you a dance”
She starred back with doubtful eyes but took his hand nonetheless. He led her to the center of the room and began to slowly sway with her.
“La bohème” She recognized the song.
“You said you loved it”
“Didn’t think you’d remember”
“It might come as a shock, Agent Y/L/N, but I do pay attention” He flirtatiously sniggered.
Her breath caught in her throat when he pulled her closer and sneaked an arm around her waist. Spinning and circles and shuffling his feet to the rhythm, he made her laugh. He surprised himself thinking he wished he could carve that sound into his head and never forget it. They danced together, their body close, and she knew she must have been blushing. It only made his smile grew bigger. He stood looking down at her with a hint of danger in his eyes. There was so much more she saw in him than an experiment and a super soldier, but she would never admit that. For some reason, she wanted to find a flaw in him, something that would level the field between them. Until she realized that with him, all bets were off.
“I’m not sure I like that” She said, hating the note of anxiety in her voice.
“What ? Dancing ?”
“Us not being at each others throat” She sincerely answered. “But I’ll admit, you’re a pretty bad dancer”
She felt the rumble of his chuckle against her body.
“You can still fight me if you’re up for it” He replied, smirking down at her. She smacked his chest and he pretended to be hurt for a second. She rolled her eyes at his antics.
He made her twirl and she felt an adrenaline rush when he drew her close to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and made a movement to brush her hair away but his hand stopped hers. Instead he carefully laid it on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying about my dancing ?” He smirked as he made her spin once again.
“That you had no sense of rhythm” She joked.
He laughed and dropped his head, studying her.
“I like it” He confessed, an answer to what she had admitted earlier.
A surprising sense of comfort suddenly settled in her stomach at his admission.
“This stays between us, Barnes” She warned him.
“Is that a threat ?” He laughed.
“Exactly” She whispered, laying her head against his chest as they continued to move together, too lost in the music to halt. “One word to Steve and you’ll be on the wrong end of my knife”
She felt his smile when he lowered his head to kiss the naked skin on her uninjured shoulder.
“You have my word, Agent Y/L/N” He winked. “And just so you know, I’m a better dancer than you are”
“No you’re not”
“I guess I’ll just have to prove you wrong”
“Is that your way of asking me out ?” She smugly smiled with a hint of seductiveness in her tone.
“Maybe… is it working ?”
“I still haven’t decided if I want to fight you yet”
He grinned, he couldn’t help himself but felt at ease around the dangerous woman. After a while, they stopped moving. Bucky felt her body relaxing and her weight getting more heavy as she started to fall asleep against him. He buried his nose in her hair, closing his eyes to enjoy their moment out of time. When he was certain the woman was asleep, he carried her to the bed. He made sure she was comfortable enough under the covers, taking extra precaution not to touch her wound. Then he sat next to her, already knowing the moment they would get back, he would go to Steve for advices. She would be mad, most likely with a newfound desire to kill him. They would probably fight, but strangely that perspective only made his smile. He was ready to wrestle if it meant they would both win in the end.
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