#he likes bernie sanders
marvelsmostwanted · 2 months
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They’re trying so hard to paint Tim Walz as a radical leftist that they forgot Bernie Sanders is in Congress
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sugas6thtooth · 10 months
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frnkiebby · 9 months
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fucking cutie pie~🎃
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sage-nebula · 6 months
The fact that all these judges keep finding bullshit reasons to delay Trump's trials so he can pardon himself when he's reelected because "leftists" have their heads so far up their asses they can't see the big picture and are willing to let the entire world (including Palestine) burn by voting 3rd party has me 💥
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lactosegremlin · 9 months
hello hi important announcement:
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that is all.
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elegantartisanperson · 2 months
listening to "here comes the sun" by The Beatles at 2 a.m and crying, godddd life can be so beautiful. How can people make others think differently. I don't want to ever be the reason someone thinks differently. I should be a better person.
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youareunbearable · 2 years
Modern Slim AU where Maglor, for the clout, creates a dedicated side tiktok account where its just cameos/thirst trap videos of his Stupidly Hot Older Brother Maedhros just doing like... normal things but maybe he has his sleeves rolled up (to show off his arms) so they dont get dirty while cooking Ambarussa dinner, or helping Nerdanel lift some marble/stones/busts in her workshop, and the one with the most views and comments is the one where his long red hair is up in a messy bun and hes got an apron on overtop of a soft looking sweater and little baby Tyelpë on his hip and he's talking into his cell phone about some political thing for their grandfather. The audio is (obvi) covered over with the song "Guy.exe" meme
It's stupidly popular, everyone loves this stupidly soft beautiful man. Fingon has followed the account since Maglor first started (as did most of the siblings and cousins) and shows up sometimes in vids. One of the most liked ones is where Fingon looks to Maglor and the camera, goes "No matter what, if I throw myself at Maedhros he will catch me in his arms" and then takes a running leap at Mae (who is talking to their grandfather in some important looking political office, he's wearing a suit) who panics, turns to basically body block their grandfather and catch Fingon. The caption is "and then Maedhros yelled at us for 2 hours straight"
For their 2 mill followers Maglor gleefully takes requests in the comments. Maedhros, who was aware of the account but thought it was so stupid that he never really interacted with it, was bribed and blackmailed into actually interacting with their viewers one (1) time.
The video, which has the most views and went viral, to Maedhros' mortification, is a video of Maedhros himself in a maid costume with little ginger cat ears holding notecards. Behind him, armed with pillows and ready to strike if given any hesitation, are Celegorm (a full grown man) and the two gleeful (teenage) Ambarussa twins. He reads from the notecards a set of phrases paid for by the highest donations. Its a few shout outs, some memes, and the video ends after he pauses, frowns, looks at Maglor behind the camera and goes "What is an OnlyFans and why would someone pay just to ask me to make an accou--" and he is cut off by Celegorm and Ambarussa beating the hell out of him with their pillows. Maedhros annoyed yell is cut off my Maglor scream-laughing behind the camera and the video being cut just as Maedhros twirls around, ripping Celegorm's pillow out of his hands and goes to retaliate, skirts twirling a little too high but nothing is seen.
#amber rambles#maedhros#maitimo#maglor#kanafinwe#fingon#silmarillion#silm#lotr#I picture Mae to be around 29 Maglor is about 27 Celegorm is 26#Caranthir is 25 and Curufin is 24 and Ambarussa are 15#little baby celebrimbor is a fresh baby like maybe 3 months old at the most#Ambarussa are the Surprise Babies and Mae basically helped raise them since the pregnacy took a lot out of their mom and she was bedridden#I imagine the doctors told her that after she had the 3C so fast that her body couldnt heal properly and Curus birth was really rough#so it was reccomended that she didnt have anymore kids but well things happened and Mae was there to help as Feanor took care of his wife#Finwe is like an important political figure like a premier of a province or something and Mae is like helps him out with some stuff#more like an advisor/laywer but hes more on the bottom rung as he just finished law school a couple years ago#and is working his way up as hard as he can. he ends up leaving government to work for an NGO in his 30s#Finwe is very popular with the general public. I imagine hes like a Bernie Sanders type of deal everyone loves their grandpa#Feanor is a professor and Nerdanel is an artist and Maglor is a gifted composer who has songs in some popular movies#Celegorm went to school for forestry conservation but mostly spends his time going off the grid to go hunt and live up north#Hes big on Indigenous rights traditional methods of conservation and while he means good a lot of Indig ppl are off put by him#Curufin just finished his engineering degree and was going to trade school but is taking time off to raise bby celebrimbor#who was a one night stand during uni and while the mother wasnt ready Curufin is willing to be a single dad#All his brothers and cousins are more than willing to help him raise bby celebrimbor as well
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homosekularnost · 10 months
ooof i know hes just an easier target for my anger than like. the entire zionist project but watching andrew "if youre not making the right people uncomfortable you might be wasting your time as an artist" "swan upon leda, empire upon jerusalem" "jackboot only jumps down on people standing up" "i could cry power" "(second verse of be)" "preachy musician" hozier-byrne grow vague and lukewarm in his support of palestine as the people of gaza are begging us to speak up is. something!!!!
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straightlightyagami · 5 months
don’t think my dad would be ok if i was queer but he is weirdly ok with my political beliefs and jokes about me being a commie and such without expressing any wish to kill me or whatever
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jyndor · 1 month
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look at him lol they could never make me hate you bernie sanders
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lightdancer1 · 6 months
I also have one headcanon on the Anakin-Padme relationship:
More broadly I see it as a match made in Hell where they make each other worse and are massively codependent on each other because they are sheltered people who leaped into something without really understanding what they were doing. But in terms of things 9 in 10 of the faults originate with impulsive rabid golden retriever Anakin Skywalker. The 1 in 10 that didn't is that the Anakin of the Prequels and OT era is a dramatics specialist who is one of the most flamboyant people in a Galaxy of flamboyant people.
Does anyone believe this idiot could really be the brain trust behind keeping a secret? I think that the whole secrecy part, which is one of the big parts of how the garbage fire did its reverse Midas touch on both of them, was 100% Padme because there is zero evidence that Anakin Skywalker has the self-control for such secret-keeping or the ability to consistently stick to it.
As such I also think that a lot of this stems from what's been built up with Padme that the poor woman had very little in her life that was truly hers, and Anakin Skywalker was a lot of it, which tells you a lot about both of these people that it was so. It never comes up in canon because the canon is how Anakin copes, and that badly, with the prospect of things falling apart but if it somehow happened in reverse where he gets a sudden brick to the face of proportion, would Padme really accept that relationship falling apart easily and the loss of one of the very few things truly hers and not Queen or Senator Amidala's?
She doesn't have to be a villain or a bad person for any of that, either. This would be 100% hero antagonist aspect and specifically antagonist, not villain, because it'd be a very painful exercise in growing up for two people who never really did it and where in canon one of them balked and it went badly for everyone I can't see the other one managing it any better if it somehow went that way.
Naturally since most fanfic takes the easy road of making the rabid golden retriever the one whose issues come from clinging too much and go for either 'Palpatine/the Force decided the Jedi done gone the way of the dodo' or 'the Jedi were uWu innocents and not an established religious organization indoctrinating people from infancy and very clearly dogmatic with aspects of fundamentalism and real life tells you repeatedly how religious fundamentalists cope with nuance', well.....
I've decided since I haven't really seen this take done anywhere or a plausible route to it that I'm going to bite the bullet and once again do the 'nobody's really written this story where everyone involves are humans as opposed to shilling one or another faction instead of 'nuance where everyone's deeply flawed and some flaws come with a side dish of impulsive mass murder' it falls to me to at least try it.
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philosopherking1887 · 6 months
Just saw Neil Gaiman had reblogged a political post by Cory Doctorow with an unironic guillotine picture at the top in which he advocated for "left populism," and I made the mistake of clicking on a link to one of his blog posts in which he lamented that Jeremy Corbyn had been "smeared by Labour's right." I am now profoundly disappointed in both of them. Corbyn and the Labour Party he fostered were antisemitic in the bad old model of Stalin, and populism, Left or Right, is always bad for the Jews. If you encourage bloodthirsty vengeance against a small minority who are not considered a true part of "The People" and can be blamed for all of society's ills and purged, it will not stay confined to billionaires. You can advocate for more egalitarian economic policies without resorting to dangerous populist rhetoric. We agree that there should not be billionaires, but that can and should be achieved with confiscatory taxes, not summary executions that open the door to arbitrary purges led by those who claim to speak for "The People."
I am proudly and always will be a liberal, in the sense that I believe individual rights to life, basic liberties, and due process must be considered sacrosanct. This does not entail the kind of "economic liberalism" that Leftists think necessarily goes along with it; property and financial rights do not have to be included among the basic ones.
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ravenkings · 1 year
ethics in succession is such an interesting topic to me bc i genuinely don’t think there is a single unambiguously good person on the show, but i also don’t think there are many, if any, characters who i would consider to be unambiguously bad people
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flowerygraves · 1 year
i like taking pics of my desk setup when it changes so heres the latest one since i just finished unpacking it from moving :PP
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lactosegremlin · 9 months
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that is a very content little boy
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Okay, but the LAST thing you need to do in Wisconsin is bring in Bernie Sanders, you get that?
Fine, Obama, Harris at a stretch, but if you think that Bernie Effin Sanders is going to help you reach out to white middle-class midwestern Wisconsinites in one of the swingiest, purplest states in the entire nation, then you really gotta rethink your campaign strategy, pal.
Ron Johnson is one of the worst Republican senators (I know, I know, there are so many of them it's hard to choose) and in an ordinary political environment this should be a cakewalk, but it isn't an ordinary political environment by any means. Sanders will not help you reach out to anyone who is not on your side already. He is not an effective campaigner or good at coalition building in the way that, again, you will need to win in friggin' Wisconsin. Truly, if you're a progressive running for office, the progressives are on your side already, and you don't need to trot Bernie Sanders in there. All that will do is turn off the squishy moderate middle who, yet again! You NEED to get on your side to win in places that are not Leftist Liberal Utopia (which in America is, uh. Most places).
Bernie is not helpful, useful, an asset to your campaign, or any of that, and God do I wish progressive Democrats running in competitive races would stop feeling the need to wheel him out at every opportunity, to prove to his insane fans that they have the Bernie Seal of Approval. There is literally nothing else that he contributes, and the stakes are too high to be fucking around with ideological purity and See Look Bernie Likes Me, That Means I Must Be Good!
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