#he keeps selling himself out to this industry because it feels good but only for a short while
"Prostitution is the world's oldest profession..." and "The "i" in lie" are great songs because they both talk about the same thing -- selling yourself out in the music industry-- from two different viewpoints
#essentially what i mean is that gabe is getting PAID to sell himself out by the very people that hate him for selling himself out#while patrick is cheating on the music he wants to make with the music that he knows will do well commercially#<- which btw is not what soul punk is. and honestly soul punk is the OPPOSITE of selling out#which i could make a whole post on but to sum it up soul punk is exactly what it sounds like. its full of soul and is a kind-off fuck you to#people who think pop music is easy to make/only needs a computer to do and not require an ACTUAL human to make the music itself#but in the i in lie patrick tells the story of a man cheating on his wife even though he KNOWS ITS WRONG AND FEELS GUILTY OVER IT#he knows selling himself out to the music industry is wrong. he doesnt like doing it and would much rather be making music he wants to make#but he keeps selling himself out because its the money and fame of it all. '...in the silent aftermath/butterflies subsiding but they can#never look back'#he keeps selling himself out to this industry because it feels good but only for a short while#and so he lies to fans and to himself that he wants this.#but for gabe he understands that the music industry is well an industry#and so to stay on the top you have do 'dirty' things#and that thing will be selling out#and he doesnt think its bad! he thinks its a revolution actually!#he thinks its the only way to 'humor the fools' who could be the people that consume the music (not the fans)#he literally states he doesnt care what people think of him for selling himself out and that the ones that are hating ARE THE ONES THAT ARE#PAYING FOR HIM TO SELL OUT#just. ugh. these two songs are doing something to me today
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hwnglx · 1 month
hello, could you please do a reading on how male and female idols view mingyu? thank you!
disclaimer, this is NOT a personality reading. i basically looked at mingyu through other idols' eyes, which means it's all a completely subjective perception.
mingyu's reputation among idols
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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male idols 8ow, 4op&7ow, mo, stre, know, emp&6op, acop&4osw
+ talks a lot. like a lot. (can see him cursing a lot too) male idols perceive mingyu to be someone very communicative, a person who has a lot of contacts, great at socializing and networking. very charming too, they're aware of him being someone who can talk his way out of anything.. great way with words, very witty in that regard. also extremely protective and possessive over what is his. i keep getting this very greedy energy, but many idols envy it to an extent, since it just made him incredibly wealthy in the long run.
they think he's an amazing business man, and his opportunistic tendencies have brought him a lot of success they're very jealous over. i keep hearing "와 나도 그렇게 욕심 부리면 더 잘 될 텐데 아 씨발" which kinda translates to "fuck, if only i could get that greedy, i'd do better too" i'm getting a lot of intimidation and envy, like they're jealous over how he can play his cards so cleverly, over how he can stand his ground so firmly and doesn't really seem to falter in front of people's eyes, over how he's great at justifying and defending himself. they believe he's amazing at playing people and selling a certain image of himself that isn't really representative of his actual self. "show your best hide the rest" type of thing. someone who knows the industry incredibly well and is able to win people over in his favor by figuring out the way they tick. i can see a lot of male idols not being comfortable approaching him, since they feel kinda threatened and honestly, lowkey scared. he has this ability of just reading people very well, which makes them uncomfortable. like he's just annoyingly clever in their eyes. - they think a lot of the strong mask he puts on is just a shallow facade he hides behind. i keep hearing "crybaby", i can hear them saying "he probably acts all tough in front of us and cries in his mothers' arms once he's home" lmao, they think mingyu blows himself up tremendously in order to hide his insecurities underneath.
male idols also think he basically got a lot of his opportunities fed on a silver spoon, just because he's a handsome prince charming. many of them think he isn't talented and didn't have to work as hard to get to the place he's at, they believe it's unfair. he's just another person benefitting from pretty privilege. they believe he always gets his way because of his god given looks and doesn't put in nearly as much effort. like the man winks and smiles at everyone, boom he has the job. they also believe he is too greedy. like he can't ever get enough and is constantly striving for more and more. very materialistic.
many of them also look at him as a fuckboy. someone with very high sex-drive, sleeps and flirts around a lot.
however, i can see many male idols sucking up to him in order to benefit from him somehow. "if you can't beat them, join them" type of mentality.
female idols kiow, wo&mg, 9op, 2op&4oc, 2osw, 8op&de
+ mingyu is definitely a popular guy among female idols. i can see many swoon over him, think he's incredibly good looking, attractive and charismatic. similarly to the guys, they believe he has an irresistible charm that makes you weak at your knees. they also think he's great at flirting in this very self important manner. he's the type to brag about himself, act like he's mister perfect in front you, put on a perfect demeanor. like he has it all. he's great at selling the fantasy of a perfect man in their eyes. he knows exactly what women want and plays his charm to his own benefit.
they also think it's lowkey impressive (i'm getting this in more of a passive-aggressive 🙄 manner lol, like backhanded) how he's able to be so successful in his career while living the private life that he does. like damn, this guy really knows how to put on a show, and exactly knows what to do in order to get his bag. you know those annoying people who've probably spent the entire night drunk and being a mess, but are still able to turn up at work the next morning looking perfectly fine? that's the type of guy they see mingyu as.
- female idols just think he's emotionless and shallow. like literally, the guy doesn't know how to nurture an emotionally fulfilling relationship, doesn't know how to feel empathy for others. they think he's way too obsessed with himself to pay attention to anyone else. he disassociates and detaches from everyone, unless it's beneficial for him or displays an opportunity he's interested in.
i can also see a lot of women feeling turned off by his boastful behavior. they believe he's all talk and nothing behind it. they think mingyu would be the type of boyfriend to be very bothered by his girlfriend being more successful than him. a great guy for the night, but not someone you'd want a relationship with.
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jaylleoo14 · 11 months
TW// Dark/Yandere themes - tread carefully
So i had a little thought, something my brain just magically thought of because I was thinking of my favorite Tako man :( (hes so cute I wanna just kiss his cheeks!) and then from then on it just kept building! (I had a soda, the sugar is giving me a sugar rush) I need him to be sitting next to me on the couch right now as he tells me about what stocks to invest in as I listen and drink some tea and the TV is running in the background ARGHHHHHHHH TT
You're a quiet person, someone who doesn't usually put themselves out there and tends to keep a low profile. Not that you are shy, but you feel that it isn't necessary to be all that extroverted, at least not here in Twisted Wonderland where it is filled with many flawed people and magicians. So its only natural you have a small tight group of friends, people who you can easily let loose around and be your true self without having to hold anything back. To say in simple terms, yes you are an introvert, but you know how to prioritize your time and values. You work at a coffee house located in a pretty high standing area where you're bound to see many office workers and other overworked individuals in many different industries. You make good small talk, well known to the people who come by often and seen as a industrious coworker who keeps to themselves.
Azul Ashengrotto, the founder of Mostro Lounge who now has branches of other cafes and running businesses. Someone of power and someone not to be on bad terms with. In the light he's seen as a smooth talking and successful business man, a multi millionaire enchanter. In the shadows however, is a crafty con man who swipes up deals in his own favor and dwelling under shady businesses where far too many unimportant people go missing.
Only people who are desperate enough to seek out help even in the deepest of trenches would find themselves eventually in front of Azuls feet, begging and groveling under him. The most unfortunate type of people, the people who are at their lowest parts in their life, and the people who have nothing anymore, a lot of different types of miserable people and situations come racking up and knocking on his door. And of course, as the benevolent and kind hearted man he is how could he just not help them when they are so desperately asking for his help?
Perhaps to pay off their debts, the money they need to pay off their 3 months worth of rent, money to get rid of their ex's, money to get back at their bosses, all in how they need and use money to a variety of usages is to simply sell your organs, your limbs, or perhaps information worth his care. After all, he is a very versatile man ^^
He makes sure no one, especially the public eye, knows this side of him. Of how he runs a blood market, always making sure to stay anonymous yet still making a name for himself in those bloodied and dark waters. "Vanessa" is the name that he goes by, and "the granter" as many know him by. These people would think that this "Vanessa" is a cunning, beautiful, and frail women - making it all the more easier for people to come out of their shells and try their luck. It usually is easier to approach women after all.
Hook, Line, and Sinker.
On a not-so-fateful day you managed to get yourself in quite the predicament. As your old classmate, the Azul Ashengrotto is now here right before your eyes with his coat soiled and drenched with spilt coffee and your hands now shaking and eyes wide open as your heart sinks.
"Aaah? Looks like Shrimpy made a mess."
"It appears so Floyd, and Azuls exorbitant coat seems to have a new design fufu"
A quick apology is pulled out of you and you feel yourself getting cold. Though it was an accident! You didn't intent for this to happen at all! You are a great worker, a diligent one at that. So how could have this happened? Its not like Floyd purposely bumped into you after Jade not so meticulously called you over to position you into that exact spot where it'd guarantee right now's situation.
"Oh dear, whatever shall I do? This coat has nearly cost me a fortune!"
You could scoff at Azul's dramatic words due to him being a very wealthy and well off man - if it weren't for the amount of power he held as well and the status he carries alongside the heavy atmosphere.
For a long while now, Azul has had his eyes on you. Too long in fact. Ever since you two had graduated from Night Raven College he hasn't been able to decipher you not at the slightest. You were always so tight lipped about yourself, keeping your ground low. One could even say it bests Jamil's play of being secretive of ones self. In his words, "you were like a random and unimportant nobody who always made their unexpected appearances when something absurd happen." Yet you were always able to worm into everyones favor, burying yourself in the deepest of crevices of the organ in which pumps blood for its body. How could you have possibly pulled such a thing and yet little to none is reveled about you? At least to him, you dont show your true self. The you that you show to your little group of friends who are also very cautious and wary of what information is being shared about you. The new you that you started to recently show towards Riddle as he starts to slowly reciprocate the feelings you are starting to grow, the seeds of roses slowly coming to bloom as they are starting to get nurtured.
You've always caught his interest the moment he realized how little he knew of you. The moment he realized how you can slip out of his hold with his suckering-like grip. For only a short moment before he underwent a tremendous growth of power, he and you crossed paths when he had lost the interest and sight of you when everyone had departed to do their own things after graduation. It was only then that he remembered his interest in you.
And it was due to that encounter that his interest in you had resurfaced, even more so when he was able to figure out who you still kept in touch with.
So before he could let those pre-matured roses bloom, he's going to do whatever it takes to fish you into his arms. That being making you indebted to him, and now that he has plenty of connections and influence its all the more easier. And while he's at it he might as well take up a more difficult task of getting rid of Riddle, in which its off with his head. In fact, if he thinks about it, it may pay high as well if he were to put it in the market.
"A-ah, Azul. Long time no see. I'm sorry but I don't have enough money to compensate." You know how Azul is. You know how he works, how else have you been managing to stay low and out of his grasp during your high school days?
"Oh of course. I doubt anyone working at a coffee house is going to be able to make enough to pay this off."
He's been watching for awhile, keeping tabs on you, and finally now you'll be his. He's planned this, running different simulations in his head on how he can subtly slip into your life to make it all natural.
Looking up at you, a pleasant and dashing smile on his handsome face as he fixes his glasses, his soiled up coat now hanging over his forearm, you can only conclude and predict that this isnt going to go well.
"Perhaps we can arrange something for you then. The amount of money and sheer work being put into these pieces of clothing only for it to be soiled is something I find hard to over look."
Of course, Azul isn't going to let this go. You're now in his grip, the feeling of his tentacles slowly slithering around your limbs as you wait for him to say his signature words.
"Lets make a deal (y/n), one that I ensure would be nothing but merit for both parties."
There it was. And with the pressuring and piercing eyes of Jade and Floyd on both sides of you, you give a response to which makes Azul delighted.
And so it begins, the process of fishing you out and bagging you up. You're now in the grips of a powerful man, and as he begins to undergo his plan in making you his, "Vanessa" is going to undergo another plan to successfully weed out those pesky garden of roses settling in your heart.
He wants to know the true you. That new side of you that you were showing to Riddle. Dissecting every part of you limb by limb till he's able to see the deepest parts of you. Opening up every dark secret you hold and hide. Your soft and warm body against his as he envelopes you whole. He wants you, the only and true you. And he'll do whatever it takes to ensure that.
Truly, what a predicament you are in. A very very unfortunate one that is.
AHHHHHHHHHHH OMGOMGOMG STOP BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY LIKE SPLURGING AND JUICING OUT SO MUCH IDEAS FROM THIS LITTLE BRAINROT AHHHH. Perhaps I may tweak some of the things here, or maybe make Azul some kinda serial killer in disguise or something! But for now he is an organ trafficker under cover. And not only that, he is totally whipped for you so that may be a great thing for you Reader! :D
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dandelionxbby · 7 months
: ̗̀➛ Modern TWOW Kids Headcanons
╰┈➤ Neteyam
High school junior - 17 years old
Captain of both varsity basketball and soccer
4.1 GPA, working towards Stanford
Often spends time in the library
Reads classical literature
Played Romeo in their school production of R&J
Has his licence and drives a ford
Models for small black owned fashion brands for a little extra cash
Runs Tuk's Etsy were she sells bracelets
Collect Records - R&B and Rap
Headphones > Speakers
Introverted but Extroverted around his friends and sports teams
Teacher's pet - carries the whole class. Answers when no one else does
Often gets into fights with Ao'nung because Ao'nung wants to be captain of the basketball team
Drives Tuk to school and extracurricular activities
Love to cook, in the kitchen almost every night with Neytiri
Not that close to Jake, he craves Neytiri's approval more than his
Nose, industrial, and multiple cartilage piercings
Plays violin
Has been growing his dreads since he was 7, but they don't look bad bc he keeps up with them
╰┈➤ Lo'ak
sophomore - 16 years old
JV Football and Basketball
2.3 GPA, Lo'ak isn't dumb, he just doesn't try
Made a music video to his rap for film class and it got a B-
Facetimed Reya right after he got his grade, he was really proud of himself
Skateboards to school and practices but Neteyam drives him home
Collects 90s/00s rap CD's - eminem, tupac, biggie, etc.
Talks back to the teacher, kind of a class clown
Wants to join the Marines like Jake
Worked as a cashier at the movie theater to buy him and Reya tickets to the Eras tour. He didn't know all the words to the songs but he tried.
Is outside from the time he comes home 6:30 to 11:00 at night shooting hoops bc he really wants to be on varsity basketball with Neteyam
Always has his airpods in
Records his raps in his bathroom bc it has good acoustics
Closer to Kiri than the rest of his siblings
They all has their own rooms but he is always in Kiri's for some reason
Taper fade with braids
Besties with Rotxo, he talks to him about things he can't with other people
Wants a tattoo so bad, but Jake says "You can get one once you paid your own rent"
Has an Ig with 134K followers
╰┈➤ Kiri
Crochets her clothes
Thrifts or depop clothes only, doesn't believe in fast fashion
Low-key in her Kat Stratford era
Plays piano and bass
Has an all girl band - boygenius is her idols
Loves anime and K-pop - has her Bias as her laptop wallpaper
Anti-plastic, only uses her hydroflask - hates stanleys bc "consumerism has America in a chokehold"
Photographer for the school's digital newspaper
Wears dangle mushroom earrings everyday
Has a wolfcut and red hair
She has natural freckles but they are barely there so she draws them on with a brown eyeliner pencil
She's in theater club and is the composer of all the musicals
Dance moms is her guilty pleasure
Very much vegan and will give someone the stink eye if they eat meat next to her
works at a crystal shop and will geek out anytime a rookie collector ask her what a specific crystal is for
has a septum piercing
Super introverted her only friends are Reya and Rotxo
Always challenging her teachers
Her only social medias are Twitter (X), tumblr, and tiktok
Loves Taylor Swift and Minski
Watches french films and reads french books
Closer to Jake but Neytiri is her go to girl when she needs to talk
Her phone background is Grace and her when she was 3, it was taken 3 months before Grace died
Hates sports, doesn't understand why people are going crazy over football recently
Her walls are covered with posters
Low-key loves all of Lindsay Lohan's movies - she's her celb crush
╰┈➤ Ao'nung
Same year and age as Neteyam
I feel like his family is rich
Drives a benz
going to uop on a basketball scholarship
6'3 1/2 - got his dad's height
Super protective of Tsireya
On the debate team, he loves arguing
If he's not playing basketball, hes surfing, if hes not doing that he's studying
Posts him playing basketball on his tiktok and ig, hoping one day he'll get noticed by a scout, thousands of people repost his videos
Has every pair of Jordans known to man
crosses people over in the hallway
I feel like he bullies freshman boys but sticks up for the freshman girls bc he sees them as his little sisters
Ronal is the principal so he get's good food at lunch
always late to class but has amazing grades
introverted extrovert
teaches basketball to kids at the community center
Throws the best parties
brings speakers to school
Frenemies with Neteyam and Lo'ak
Of all the Sullys, Kiri is his favorite
╰┈➤ Tsireya
Sophomore - 15 years
Post GRWMs on tiktok
Tennis and volleyball
Starting ballet this year
skincare and makeup obsessed
wears her mary janes everyday
super coquette / coastal grandmother
team conrad
Loves Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
Priscilla, Marie Antoinette, Belle, Girl Interrupted, Black Swan are her favorite movies
Wears the friendship bracelets that Kiri and Tuk make her
Watches Vouge Beauty Secrets when she gets ready
Her favorite youtuber is Sabrina Lilliane
Thrifts with Kiri
Has a baby pink Stanley and wears ugg slippers
On the school dance team
Has a Jeep but can't drive it yet so she rides with Ao'nung
Carries K-pop Idol photo cards
4.0 GPA, she doesn't play about her grades
Often helps Lo'ak with school
Reads poetry books
Researching to start her own haircare line with the help of Neytiri
Doesn't wear a backpack only tote bags
If she doesn't have starbucks every morning then she'll be cranky all day
Always wears a locket that has her parent's pictures in it
Is the star of all the musicals
Sophomore year class president
Did the best petting zoo fundraiser
╰┈➤ Rotxo
Head of the school paper
doesn't play sports
The smiths are the only people he listen's to
works at a record shop
volunteers at a soup kitchen
4.2 GPA going to Harvard Med
Wants to be a surgeon
Manages Ao'nung social media accounts
Introverted, hates large crowds
Drives Kiri to thrift stores, they're besties
╰┈➤ Tuk
3rd grade - 8 years old
Sells friendship bracelets
Went to the eras tour with jake, had a big sign that said "Give her her scarf back, now"
She traded bracelets with a bunch of people
Did ballet for a while and hated it so now she does gymnastics
Spa days with Neteyam
in her "only eating chicken nuggets and craft mac and cheese" phase
loves to rollerblade
Has an unboxing channel on youtube
always making slime
doesn't have any electronics bc Jake and Neytiri doesn't want her to be an Ipad kid
Tuk is really popular on youtube but she doesn't know it
Loves Reya like another sister
Takes horseback riding lessons
╰┈➤ Spider
Doesn't go to Pandora High like the rest, he goes to an athletic boarding school on a lacrosse scholarship
Was really close to the sullys but since his school has a no phone rule they've grown apart
Still hangout on the weekends and in the summer
no doubt he's going pro
Grew up around military vets
cut his dreads off once he got to school
takes archery as an extra class
really good at math
The sullys send him care packages full of junk food
He sleeps over at the sullys on the weekends bc he would rather not be with his dad
Still really close to Kiri but not as close to Lo'ak as they used to be
Loves the MCU and goes to the theaters when the movies come out even if they are bad
Thank you for reading <3
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chasingmidnights · 9 months
An Offshore Love - Part One
Title: Offshore 
Pairing: roughneck!ari levinson x reader 
Summary: You arrive at the Jupiter and you can already tell this crew is in rough shape just by looking at them. You just hope they take you seriously enough. 
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A/N: This is kind of a slow burn and this first part is more focused on the reader, but if you bear with it, Ari pops up in the second part! 
Warnings: All of my work is 18+, minors DNI, even if there aren't many warnings to look out for. In this first part, some warnings may include some self-doubt; mentions of the ocean & motion sickness/sea sickness; and I believe that’s it. I apologize if I missed anything but you are responsible for what you read and your own internet consumption. By clicking keep reading, you agree to these warnings and that you are over 18. I do not claim to be a professional writer, any and all mistakes are my own; nothing is beta read. 
Wordcount: 2,998
You sat in the plush leather chair of the conference room, you were in your fourth meeting of the day and you had started to feel antsy. You were bouncing your pen between your thumb and forefinger as you stared out the large windows of the skyscraper of Baizen Oil Industries. A small sigh left your lips as you thought how you would much rather be on an assignment instead of being in meetings all of the time. You absolutely hated the agonizing day-to-day of office work. It was so mind numbingly dull and you didn’t have the patience for that type of work. At least when you were sent to one of the offshore oil rigs or even one of the land based ones, it provided a little more challenging work, or depending on the day, a little excitement. 
“Before we conclude this meeting, I’m going to hand it over to Carter Baizen himself.” Your supervisor’s words barely registered in your ears as you continued to play with your pen. If it wasn’t for your coworker’s jab to your arm with their elbow, you would’ve continued to look out the window. 
You instantly sat up and refocused your attention back to the meeting at hand, just as Carter walked into the conference room. You watched as Carter buttoned up his suit jacket as he took your supervisor’s place. Carter cleared his throat before he started to speak. 
“Good day everyone, I’ll try to be as quick as I can so you can get back to work. But I came here before you today because one of our offshore oil rigs is in trouble, the Jupiter.” Carter paused for a moment as he clicked on a remote towards the center of the table and a blue holographic image of the mentioned oil rig appeared before everyone. “The Jupiter is one of the company’s most prosperous rigs, bringing in the most oil in the last five years but she also seems to be our most problematic rig. From crew members getting injured to machinery malfunctions, it seems she’s been through it all.” 
This was it, your next big challenge. You immediately started to get excited at the thought of helping another oil rig out, especially since your last one was a success. At least, you thought it was. If Carter didn’t already have a team in place, you would definitely be volunteering before the meeting was over or at least by the end of the day. 
“So, the plan is to send in a small team, no more than two, to get this place whipped back into shape. If this doesn’t happen, I’m afraid that we’ll end up either selling the Jupiter or shutting her down. This is completely voluntary, but if no one volunteers, I’m not afraid to pick and choose who goes.” Carter then looked around at the filled conference table, immediately noticing the nervous looks on the majority of the faces. 
Here was your chance. “I’ll go.” You spoke up confidently, you were beyond certain you could handle this job. 
Carter nodded at you in appreciation and you could see the look on your supervisor’s face, rolling his eyes and clearly not surprised. He knew how much you hated being in one place for too long and the fact that you had only been back barely two weeks and ready to leave, didn’t surprise him. 
“Another volunteer?” Carter asked, giving everyone another chance before he picked someone. 
You didn’t blame your coworkers for not wanting to volunteer, Being on an offshore oil rig was dangerous and getting there even more so. Not to mention that the Jupiter was located in the middle of the North Sea, one of the most treacherous seas in the world. As you waited for another coworker to volunteer, you thought back to your first time on one of the company’s offshore oil rigs. You were assigned to be a part of a team to collect data and to check the quality of life of the workers who were on board, along with several other assignments. Needless to say, you hadn’t quite gotten your sea legs yet and you spent the majority of your first week on the rig with sea sickness. After that though, you became a natural and developed your own system on how to get these rigs, along with the crew, back into shape. 
“Um, I’ll go.” One of your coworkers stammered as he raised his hand slightly. 
You internally groaned when you saw who it was, an IT guy who’s barely been with the company for five years. By the looks of him, he didn’t seem like much and he seemed much better suited for land. He’s probably never been on a boat before either; with his dainty frame, those waves would take him out in a heartbeat. But of course, you didn’t say any of that and just offered him a forced smile. 
“Excellent, you two come to my office before you leave today and I’ll give you more information on this assignment. Meeting adjourned.” Carter then left the conference room, followed by your supervisor. 
Shortly after that, everyone started to collect their things and went back to work. While you collected your things, the other volunteer nervously approached you. 
“Hi, I’m Jake.” He introduced himself as he stuck out his hand, when he realized you weren’t going to shake it, he pulled it back and scratched the back of his head. 
“I know, you’re the IT guy around here.” You replied as you continued to collect your things. You took a moment before you turned to face him and introduced yourself properly. 
Jake nodded as he spoke. “I look forward to working with you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
You let out a small huff. “I hope you don’t believe everything you hear.” You then started towards the door of the conference room. 
Jake followed after you. “O-of course not. How many oil rigs have you been on?” 
“Land, six; off shore, the Jupiter would make it four. Let’s get one thing clear,” You stopped and turned to face Jake, who instantly became worried. “I’m in charge here. I’ve done this countless times and I know what I’m doing.” 
Jake pushed his round framed glasses up the bridge of his nose before he nodded. “Got it.” 
“Oh, also, don’t let the roughnecks give you too much of a hard time.” You teased playfully. 
“Roughnecks?” Jake asked as he arched a brow. 
“Yeah, the crew on a rig. They do the day-to-day work to make sure the rig works properly.” You let out a small sigh, realizing how much of a rookie Jake really was, this was going to be an interesting assignment. “I’ll put together a 101 pamphlet with terms and what to expect before the day is over.”
“Hey, thanks, I’d appreciate that!” Jake beamed as continued to follow you. 
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By Sunday, you were locking up your apartment and making your way to the airport. Your luggage rolled behind you as you went down to the waiting company car. You greeted the driver with a tired smile as he took your luggage and placed it in the trunk and you opened the passenger door, you took a sip of your coffee from your tumbler. However, you nearly spat it out when you saw an excited Jake in the backseat of the car. You had somehow forgotten that the two of you were riding to the airport together. 
“Good morning, sunshine! I wasn’t sure if you’d have coffee already or not, so I had the driver stop so I could pick up some breakfast.” Jake greeted, too chipper for your taste this early in the morning. 
“I’m hearing this,” You made a motion with your hand to mock someone talking. “And I want to hear this.” You made your hand stop moving to signal silence. 
Jake chuckled at your response. “Not a morning person, eh?” 
You simply glared over at Jake. 
“Alright, alright, I get it sunshine.” Jake said and he acted as if he was sealing his lips and then locked them. 
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When you landed in Germany and finally got to the port, you took in a deep breath of the ocean air causing a smile to curl up on your lips. You glanced over at Jake and immediately noticed how pale he looked. It reminded you of yourself when you went on your first offshore business trip. You looked back out to the ocean, the waves were relatively calm near the port but you knew the further out you went, that would change in a heartbeat. 
“Baizen Oil Industries?” A dock worker asked as he jogged up to you and Jake, his voice slightly raised. 
“Yes, that’s us.” You said as you turned to the man. 
“The shuttle to take you to the Jupiter is ready for you, if you follow me.” The dock worker gestured. 
“Of course.” You said and you motioned to Jake to follow. 
When you got to the boat, the dock worker was claiming to be your shuttle, you were in awe. The boat was more like a massive barge ship and you were in awe of the size of it. 
“This is a shuttle?!” Jake exclaimed, stopping to look up at the ship before he stepped onto the boarding ramp. 
“Welcome to the Orion.” The dock worker announced, his voice somehow deeper than before as he welcomed you to the barge ship. 
Jake then bent over and started to throw up causing the dock worker to shake his head and chuckle. You couldn’t help but do the same before you stepped onto the boarding ramp. 
“Come on Jake, we don’t want to be late.” You said, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. 
You watched the waves crash against the ship, a sense of calm washing over you, compared to your counterpart anyway. Jake hadn’t stopped throwing up and currently had his head in a bucket. As you glanced back at him, you were grateful that at least one of you had your sea legs. 
“Why is it always carrots? I haven’t even had carrots.” Jake mumbled before he threw up again. 
You laughed quietly to yourself before you turned your attention back to the ocean, watching the waves from one of the cabin rooms. You swore that each wave that formed was bigger than the last one. Each wave crashed into the barge ship as if it was nothing, causing the ship to rock and tilt to its side. The waves were thick and packed quite the punch, you couldn’t help but wonder how these men came out onto this sea every day. There were several times where you thought the waves were going to knock the ship over and capsize. However, the Orion prevailed and continued to make its way through the North Sea to get to the oil rig.
When you finally reached the Jupiter, your eyes nearly bugged out at the sheer size of the oil rig. Sure, you had been to multiple offshore sites but this one had to be the biggest one yet. The platform stood on top of a single, concrete let that was giant in itself and at least several hundred feet above the sea; yet the waves were still grazing the bottom of the platform. Your eyes wandered all over, trying to figure out what sight to take in first. The platform was just as impressive as the concrete leg it stood on, built from a mixture of solid concrete and heavy duty, industrialized iron, it was truly a sight to see. You were always in awe of these oil rigs that you visited. As you continued to stare up at the structure, your nerves started to kick in and you suddenly felt uneasy. However, you kept it together, you’d be damned if you gave these men any inclination that they could roll right over you. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the Captain ushered you and Jake down to the deck of the ship. There, you spotted a few workers trying to direct a metal cage that was being lowered onto the deck of the barge ship by a crane. 
“What the hell is that?!” Jake exclaimed as he adjusted his glasses. 
“That son, is your way up to the Jupiter.” The Captain of the Orion said, clapping Jake on the shoulder. 
The door of the metal cage opened and out stepped a heavyset, older brunette and you could feel him instantly judging you and Jake. You knew exactly what he was doing, he was trying to see if you were going to be a pushover or not, but he’d be in for a rude awakening. You held your head high as you walked towards the man, sticking out your hand as soon as you were close enough and introduced yourself to him. He eyed you up and down, one more time before he spoke, shaking your hand in return. 
“Lee Bodecker, ma’am, I’m the rig manager here. Welcome to the Jupiter.” Lee introduced himself as he sucked on his teeth. 
“Pleasure. This is my assistant, Jake Jensen.” You greeted politely and with a tight lipped smile. 
“What’s up?” Jake greeted with a nod as hugged his belongings to his chest. 
You internally groaned as Jake greeted the rig manager the way that he did. 
Thankfully, Lee just chuckled as he turned his attention towards Jake. “What’s the matter son? Don’t got yer sea legs yet?” 
“Afraid not, first time out on an oil rig, let alone the ocean.” Jake admitted, it was evident that Jake had been suffering from some sea sickness. From the lack of color in his face to the sweat dripping from his brow from constantly throwing up. 
“I can tell. Well, let’s stop dilly dallying and get to work. After you!” Lee then stepped to the side to allow you and Jake into the metal cage. 
With a jolt, the cage started to lift and just in time as a wave crashed onto the deck of the Orion. A cold breeze enveloped you as the wind picked up slightly, causing the cage to sway as well. When you got to one of the landings of the platform of the Jupiter, Lee opened the cage door and allowed you and Jake to exit first. As Lee led the two of you through the oil rig, you could feel everyone’s eyes on you and Jake as you passed by. You could feel your stomach begin to lurch but you kept holding your head high. As you looked around, to try and familiarize yourself a little bit, you could tell that these men looked a little more on the rough side than most crew that you’ve been around. You only hoped that you could help them as much as possible and get their quality of life back to where it should be while living on an oil rig. 
“I’ve set up a couple of meetings for the two of you tomorrow morning. You’ll meet the rest of the crew and management then.” Lee called back to you. “Tonight, the two of you focus on settling in your new quarters. I hope you don’t mind bunk beds.” 
“Sounds good, thank you, Mr. Bodecker.” You called back to him, having to shout over the noises of the oil rig. 
“Please, it’s Lee.” Lee insisted as he glanced back at you and Jake.
Lee held open a door and it was almost instantly warmer and brighter in this part of the oil rig. You also noticed that there was a lot more life in this part as well. 
“This is the Hub, the life of the Jupiter. Here, you’ll find entertainment rooms, the cafeteria and a few other eateries, laundry, the sleeping quarters and there’s even a gym if you’re into that sort of thing. There are also a few offices and conference rooms located in this part of the oil rig. There is internet but it can be a bit spotty sometimes.” Lee informed as he strutted through the building, pointing out different amenities. 
The three of you reached the third floor and Lee showed you to your new quarters for the next couple of weeks. You peered into the room once Lee had opened it and expected Lee to show another room for Jake. However, when he didn’t, you spoke up. 
“Are we sharing a room?” 
“What? I don’t have a problem with that. I’ll even take the top bunk.” Jake offered as he walked into the room and took a look around. “Pretty spacious here actually.” 
“Good man, Jake. Sorry, miss, but we’re full to the brim here. I actually had to kick out the two who were staying in here just to make room for you lot. They were not happy.” Lee explained, his southern drawl making its presence. 
“Right, well then, thank you Lee, I appreciate your hospitality.” You gave him a small, tight-lipped smile, the last thing you expected was having to share a room with someone. 
Lee simply nodded. “Dinner is whenever you feel like eating, so if you want food, you can come down. Otherwise, your first meeting is tomorrow at  seven in the morning and I’ll have someone come get you.” 
“Sounds good. I think I’m in for the rest of the night, so, I’ll see you tomorrow at seven.” You said, wanting to get some work done tonight and put some finishing touches on a few things. 
Lee didn’t say anything, he simply turned on his heel and walked away. You then stepped into the room and noticed Jake already setting up shop. A small smirk curved up slightly onto your lips as you did the same thing. You couldn’t lie, a part of you was extremely nervous about the next day and yet, you were also looking forward to the next few weeks while aboard the Jupiter.
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musubiki · 8 months
lol I love the idea that Clarinette in her “Lime collects weird things I’ll find some weird things for him!” she accidentally finds something SUPER rare and hands it to him and he just casually pockets it. He thinks he can just get away with giving it to Mochi and taking all the credit but then has a mental crisis of LYING????? to MOCHI???????
Funny continuation of this is it’s AM (after Mochi) so he sheepishly confesses that Clarinette is the one who found it and Mochi goes up and thanks her
Sad contunuation of this is it’s BM (before Mochi) is him having a mental crisis of how dare he even think of lying to her. He would never lie to her before she left! What’s changed in me. And then slowly watching it wilt away.
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OKAY FOR ALL FOUR OF THESE POINTS I WANNA SAY SOMETHINGS!!!!! first of all i love it and it makes me sad and happy thinking about them :')
1 ) first i think clarinette would think its so cute that lime collects random stuff. everyone says "Ah nice, so the witches cant use it. good thinking" but clarinette sees just a LITTLE bit past it and thinks its a weird and endearing hobby of his. imagine how disillusioned she is when she finds out "Oh, this cute quirky thing he does isnt actually a cute quirky thing, its him thinking of the other woman the whole damn time."
2 ) LIME ACTUALLY LIES TO MOCHI MORE THAN HE SHOULD!!!!!!!! and it SUCKS because its always to save himself from looking like a simp or a dumbass because the truth is embarrassing for him, but it damages her levels of trust in him unfortunately. and she keeps telling him to stop but then another thing comes up where he doesnt want to admit the truth so he lies again (lime flaw). one example is when she asks him why he stays in the m34th, and his answer is "Because they pay well and I'm bored," but no matter how much extra commissions she finds and money she can magic up, he stays anyway. she has to learn from fucking clarinette that he stays because they make him stronger (real lime quote). he doesnt want to tell mochi that he feels so inadequate and inferior when he cant keep up with her, and the m34th is the only way to get his ass up to her level consistently. without it hes back to 16 year old lime who can barely help for shit in the face of magic and monsters
3 ) THAT LAST POINT IS SO TCWG IN NATURE!!!!!!!!!!! lime finding a super rare ingredient and its about to go bad so fuck it, sell it to the merchant. maybe he can keep it fresher than me and i get some money for it. and mochi sees it among the merchants wares and buys it :') bonus points if however shes keeping it fresh with magic, he sees it among her spell ingredients years later. its not IMPOSSIBLE to find one, its just so rare that makes him think if its the same one <3
(and of course the merchant doesnt say shit about where he got it. mochi goes "wow! so rare! where did you get this!" and instead of telling the TRUTH he goes "Industry secret!")
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chillwildwave · 1 year
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4Townies, my manga came today, I’ve read it already and I have a few thoughts…
It was actually quite good, what I liked is that the characters are fully fleshed out so that us, as an audience can sympathise with some of the members; for instance, Tae previously was scared to open up about his past to Jesse but after a few panels, he decided to tell him his backstory witch was quite deep with mentions of abuse from one of his parents which he is dealing with at the moment, another example is when Jesse finds out that he is adopted because his birth parents were not ready for him yet, later when he became a father, he juggles between performing and selling records with the group and his family life: this, in my opinion showcases the hidden shadow of the music industry that not much people talk about, some celebrities struggle between catching up with their schedule and their private life, which is actually quite a challenge for us human beings!
I also learned that Aaron Z has a rivalry with Robaire for a reason: it is because he’s an overachiever and is willing to achieve almost everything which results in Z becoming a nobody, from that chapter alone, he deals with self-worth, and he keeps comparing himself to Robaire as he thinks that it is the only way to keep getting better when it actually isn’t!
And of course, we know that Aaron T is Abby 2.0: you know why, he is just a ball of energy and is extremely extroverted, but when he went to a mall with a bodyguard, he isn’t aware that some fans were at the mall roaming in like an octopus with using its tentacles to grab him only for an autograph: this also shows that sometimes, when signing autographs, it can get very out of hand to the point where it just causes incidents everywhere as if it felt like Black Friday; which is also a sign of the dark side of fame.
I also absolutely adored the illustrations, when I look at them… It already feels like I’m looking at a work of art or at least a concept piece from some sort of movie, each one captures the essence of each member with so much detail, look, Imma let these explain for themselves…
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Overall, this is actually a spin off that actually worked very well, from the plot, characters and illustration, it all sums up to a masterpiece, I wonder if we’ll ever hear more from them, we’ll just have to wait and see!
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Hello how are you? I don't know if you see the picture that Jensen shared for 4th July in Instagram I wonder your opinion
I don't follow Jensen on Insta but I did see the pictures via my friends.
Jensen looks awful tired and disconnected for someone who was on vacation and Elta looks smug and she is whoring him out as her prize, as always. That woman truly is incapable of love. At least, he has children that can love him unconditionally not as a prize, tropy, sex symbol, status symbol and all that nonsense.
Professionally, I would advise against posting family pictures on an account that is meant to promote his brand and types to his buyers. The more he does that the more he is diluting his already badly branded image. He is going to end up like Elta, uncastable. If you want to be seen as the top tier actor then act like one and be professional. Buyers care about your acting skills, types, professional knowledge and you being a trusthworthy professional. Actors who make amateur like posts end up looking like the wannabes they are. Look at Danneel, her career ended the moment she fakely tried to rebrand herself from the bitch/other woman to "mom of Jensen Ackles' babies". Casting didn't buy the image at all and her roles dried up fast. Not that she ever had any actually relevant roles to begin with. She's what lead actors call and extra lol In other words, she has about as much charisma as sandpaper.
Note for Jensen: Next time you want to sell fake happiness please make an effort, as an actor, to actually look like you are happy and in love otherwise people will just see things for the attention seeking desperate actor antic they are. 🤦🏼‍♀️
The Ackles lack class, chemistry and, most importantly, credibility.
I hope Jensen gets some actual rest at some point because he looks exhausted around his own family and that's just sad on every level.
My overall impression is that Jensen needs to get a clue about his image, direction and industry or he will end up as an extremely forgettable "actor". He will end up like Elta who is now relying on the fact that she is sleeping with Jensen to further her "producer" career. 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
I'm very creeped out by their dynamic, sorry, anon, that's probably not what you wanted to hear. I am unimpressed by his lack of savvy when it comes to his own industry and there is something fishy about him I can't put my finger on. He is trying waaay too hard, perhaps covering something up? One thing's for sure, casting will not be impressed. They aren't looking for regular joes with families who go fishing, they are looking for capable, trustworthy leading men who are dedicated to their craft. Jensen needs to establish himself as that and only after make a few ON BRAND family posts, if he feels he absolutely must. An actor is a product and ruling people's fantasies is important, the more he signals "daddy day care with boring wife" the less attractive he will be to his buyers and to the people who create stars.
Seriously, this goes for all of us. Define what your objectives are and make your posts relevant to you being the person that embodies those objectives. If you must have a personal account then make it super private. Even company recruiters nowadays check everything online. Be smart. Brand yourself, stay constant and professional and watch opportunities open up. The people who are looking for your talents and skills are not looking to marry your family or join your drunken escapades with friends, they are looking to learn who you are, what you are about, how good you are at what you do and how trustworthy you are so please, keep your image clean and think of yourself as a product that can bring value to people because that's true, you have a lot to offer, you just need to showcase it more. 🧡 Family pictures are lovely but there's a right way to do things and then there's the layman, amateur way that will only end up diluting an actor's brand and types. Same goes for regular accounts, you can post about your family if that's what you are all about but it needs to be on brand and authentic.
I will never state this enough but as an actor you are not a regular person so please stop acting like one on social media, you are diluting your star power and castability. I know it's a hard truth to hear but people don't tune in to television to see regular people and regular drama, they can find that at the street corner. They tune in to see expectional people overcoming exceptional odds. If you've chosen a career path that involves YOU being the core image then be faithful to that and stop diluting your brand.
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comfy-whumpee · 2 years
The Forum
References events in this post. TW: modern slavery (BBU).
@neuro-whump​, @rosesareviolentlyread​, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpsday @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
r/boxieadvice holepunch5309 two hours ago
Office pet beat up by other staff (advice)
Posting this from a throwaway so I don’t get fired. My company is a small business that has a boxie in the head office. He technically belongs to the manager but he was bought with company funds. He does hospitality, cleaning, filing and stuff. But recently the heads of department have started hurting him.
 It's a really small office, less than ten people. Boxie does a good job, works hard, but he's not that bright. Sometimes he fucks up and the guys hurt him. At first it was just small stuff, a slap or something. But he made a big mess last week with some accounts and one of them drew blood.
 I don't know if I'm overreacting. I grew up with a really shitty dad and I guess I'm sensitive to people escalating that kind of thing. Nobody else seems to have a problem with it or thinks he deserves it. Boxie ends up hiding and can't take care of himself. Even if someone helps him they're usually kinda weird about it, making him beg them or stuff.
 I feel like it's going to get worse and worse. The boss beats him up when he's stressed already. He's really helpful normally and I don't want to see him get broken. Is there anything I can do?
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  AUTOMOD 🛡✔ Pinned two hours ago
Welcome to Boxie Advice! Please refresh yourself on the key rules:
Do not offer to buy or sell boxies, ask for or offer product numbers, or     recommend self-recruitment methods.
Be polite and civil at all times. This is not the sub to debate the existence of boxies or the human pet industry. Go to r/petpol.
All advice threads are locked by default to sub members only. Advice posts have a tendency to get to the front page of Reddit and posters are often harassed, so comment at your own risk.
 vivaciascar (pet owner) two hours ago
The best thing to do in a situation like this is go to the root cause. Your boxie has got tasks he doesn't know how to do. If he can't handle accounts, don't give him accounts. Let him stick to making coffee. Pets aren't designed for being in work environments without specialist training. You're already straining him with filing. Stop overloading him and the mistakes will stop too.
 somethingboromired (pet owner) two hours ago
This is the answer. He's overloaded and he can't keep up. Your team is putting too much pressure on him and he's buckling, which gets him punished, which makes him tired and hurt, making more mistakes. Remember boxies are fundamentally dumb. They shouldn't be near money and your boss could get in trouble if he lets it happen.
 pm_me_your_salads (wannabe owner) one hour ago
His problem isn't with the mistakes though, he's upset at how the others are punishing the pet. Sounds like reasonable punishment to me though, if he makes a big mistake it should be a big consequence. It's how they're trained and it's how he'll learn.
 ree4ree (pet owner) one hour ago
Jumping on top comment to point out as well that boxie already got punished for his small mistakes and he didn't learn. OP can't see that they are escalating with him because he hasn't shown improvement
 holepunch5309 48 minutes ago OP
He has training for office work and we trained him on the accounts. He does fine 99% of the time but the moment he screws up someone is beating him up. He can't take that from them forever.
 IDontEatCrab (verified handler) two hours ago
I get your concern but that's not your pet. He belongs to the company and the name on the paperwork is your boss. It's his decision what the pet gets and what's right for him. Focus on doing your job.
 Nineteen84 (ex-owner) one hour ago
Don't get fired for a boxie's sake, they're not worth it. They'll sell you up the river for praise. Take it from me.
 holepunch5309 42 minutes ago OP
Is there any way to get his ownership transferred to me or can I do anything for him as part of the company?
 Britbird03 (pet law) two hours ago
It sounds like there's things missing from your account OP. You're worried about escalating punishments, but your boss already beats him. You said in another comment that he's trained for office work, but the only company that does that is Help at Home, and they advise against giving your Boxie paperwork. Is your manager pushing him too hard, or do you have a genuine pet abuse case on your hands? I've advised on those before, please DM me if you need advice.
 holepunch5309 seven minutes ago OP
Thank you, I have
 BigAl69 (pet owner) one hour ago
Boo hoo for your pet. He fucks up, he gets hurt. It's the only way they learn. You're making the classic mistake thinking about him like a person. He's not a person. He's trained to understand orders and pain. He doesn't know anything else. He doesn't need your sympathy
 CoachCheesey (wannabe owner) 39 minutes ago
The problem isn't the punishment the problem is that he's doing accounts. Would you trust a boxie with your money? Why does your boss? Sounds like you need to ask why you're even using him for the jobs your finance team should be doing. Someone's slacking and making the boxie pick it up.
 ree4ree (pet owner) 19 minutes ago
This. Even if a pet is doing data entry or something, the finance team should still be checking what he does like any boss would do for a human employee. Even more so in fact
 cootiesmaster (multiple pets) two hours ago
This is way to vague for us to help with, what even is "drew blood"? Did they break skin on a hit or did they stab him??
 holepunch5309 36 minutes ago OP
I can't be specific because it would identify me. It was a small but deep wound. He's never had anything like that before.
holepunch5309 Hi.
Britbird03 Hi OP. Thanks for coming to talk. I'm not a lawyer first of all, so I won't be suing you or reporting you or anything. But I'm a welfare campaigner, and I thought I could give you some advice on what you're seeing.
holepunch5309 Ok. So what…happens?
Britbird03 Why don't you start by telling me what happened in more detail? You've realised that something is wrong, and I want to help you understand why your instincts went off today.
holepunch5309 I guess
holepunch5309 I guess it was just a shock. Not because he got hurt. Is that shitty? I was used to him getting hurt. The boss does beat him. Uses him like a stress toy punching bag. He always picked him up afterwards though, looked after him. Got hi patched upand stuff.
holepunch5309 But today it was like…everyone just left him. He was hiding and crying and he didn't do anything to fix it. I don't know if he even knows how. He was just sitting on the floor crying and I went to help him and nobody else even paid attention. And I guess I just thought…what if they do something worse sometime and I can't fix it for him? He's already got one thing that'll probably scar now.
Britbird03 Thank you for explaining. It sounds as though you're right, and things are escalating. This is the most dangerous time for a boxie. We don't have a disproportionate incident to act on, but we know one is coming.
holepunch5309 Do you think?
Britbird03 I do. It sounds as though your colleagues have been pushing boundaries and daring to see where the line is. None of them are stepping up and making things stop. Of course, you could be that person, but it can be risky to try. You're the one who has seen there's something wrong. You're not okay with what is happening. Your boxie needs someone like you looking out for him.
holepunch5309 Damn
holepunch5309 I hadn't thought about it like that. Thank you.
Britbird03 You're very welcome. There are two options ahead of you. One is safer for him, and the other is safer for you.
holepunch5309 Let me hear it
Britbird03 If you want to guarantee that your boxie won't be hurt anymore, the only way to do so is to liberate him. It is difficult to do legally, I have to warn you, but it is the safest thing for him. You may be saving his life. The alternative is to wait until something provably abusive is done to him, and report it then. But the investigations are slow and the bar you have to clear is very high. Police are very strict about what counts as abusive because of the influence of pet companies. You can do this anonymously, but it might not work to save him. And obviously, along the way, something unquestionably awful has to be done to him to give you the evidence.
holepunch5309 Those are both pretty fucked up options
Britbird03 I'm afraid that's all I can recommend within the limits of the law.
holepunch5309 What do other people do?
Britbird03 Some stay under the radar, bury their conscience, and wait it out. Others intervene, try to prosecute, and more often lose than win. A few take matters into their own hands and smuggle the boxie to a shelter or across the border.
holepunch5309 But that's illegal
Britbird03 It is. I can only imagine they see it as more important than the law. A risk worth taking.
holepunch5309 All that for a boxie. Seems weird.
Britbird03 Often those are people who recognise the human dignity of pets. It's a rare thing and arguably heroic. But as I've said, I can't suggest that. It's safer for you to follow a legal route.
holepunch5309 But
holepunch5309 Not safer for him
Britbird03 No.
Tyler leaned back from his laptop with a sigh, his old gaming chair creaking at the movement. The stranger was all facts, as best he could tell, mercilessly concise. The only thing people did that properly worked was liberating or smuggling them. Anything short of that and the problem didn’t go away. Maybe there would be a way to force it to court, sue for ownership or persuade Charlie to let him go, but it would be an uphill battle.
Maybe he’d just make the whole office hate him and get himself driven out of a job. Maybe he’d make things worse for Roman, making them blame him for turning one of their own against the group. Maybe he’d get the poor fucker sent back to be brain-blasted into forgetting everything and getting resold.
He had no idea what he was doing with this. He just knew that Joel stapling Roman in the hand made him feel sick at the pit of his stomach. Finding Ro in the kitchen hyperventilating about it was even worse. He couldn’t get the image out of his head. Roman had been white as a sheet, platinum hair and white shirt only adding to the sallow look of him, hand clutched to his chest with a dark line struck across his hand. The resistance of the skin against the bent metal as he’d tried to work it free with as little pain as possible. Roman’s wide, teary eyes, one brown and the other blue, fixed on him with gratitude. The hitch in his breathing. The way he’d wobbled on his feet. The red.
He would have sat there alone if Tyler hadn’t gone. He would have stayed there.
He was so stupid. He’d just made it worse with the outfit. It had been a joke, but it wasn’t a joke to Ro.
He was so fucking stupid.
He didn’t know what to do.
Roman had a little strip band-aid on his hand when Tyler went in the next morning. The little wound was covered up and he seemed more like his usual self. He was sitting on the floor between the desks, sorting out sections of the newspaper along with everyone’s post. He smiled at Tyler when he came by.
“Morning, Ro.”
“Good morning.”
“C’mere a second.”
Roman got up, gathering the unsorted envelopes, and followed Tyler across to his desk. He went to his knees when Tyler sat, setting his stack on his lap.
Tyler glanced around. Dillon wasn’t in yet and Phil was with Charlie. Joel was off on his far side, not yet caffeinated to the point of acknowledging anyone else. Tyler asked, “I got a question for you. I was just wondering if you like it here.”
Roman’s eyes lit up. “I do!” he affirmed brightly. “It’s wonderful here. There’s lots to do every day and I can be helpful for everyone. I’m happy to be helpful.”
Tyler frowned. He’d heard Roman say that a dozen times. He was almost certain it was a trained slogan. “That’s good. Yeah, good stuff. Is here anything that you want to make it better?” If Roman said he didn’t want to be hurt, Tyler would fight for him. That would be the line. If Roman knew what discipline was, what a real punishment felt like, if he’d been trained for that like everyone said – then he would recognise what counted as excessive, right? They wouldn’t train a Box Boy without any self-preservation.
“I…can’t think of anything,” Roman answered after a dutiful pause for thought. “I am happy. I’m sorry that you were worried.”
“Nah, not worried.” He couldn’t let that get back to the others. “Just wanted to make sure you knew you were doing a good job. Mostly. ‘Cause of yesterday, you know. Don’t let it get you down.”
“Thank you, Mr Tyler.” He seemed to be smiling again, but like he couldn’t remember how. He made those expressions sometimes, like he couldn’t just do them instinctively, they were all put on or...trained.
Tyler pretended not to notice.
“You’re a good guy,” he said, hand moving automatically to ruffle the pet’s hair. “Doing a good job.”
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
In Defense Of J.Jonnah Jameson
When asked about fictional jornalists that would he a part of Fox News we are likely to see Jameson. His MCU interpretation specially goes into this comparison hard. And I think this is unfair.
The thing Jameson - in most medias, he still have some good somewhat recent comic appearances, it really depends on the run - was extremely flanderized over the years until he became basically a joke. His whole personality became "he hates Spiderman" and I think it takes away an interesting discorse behind his feelings about your friendly neighboor Spidey.
▫️Jameson and Responsability
Here that's the only point that matters. J. Jonas Jameson doesn't hate Spiderman. Let me explain: of all big popular heros Peter is the only one who can't be taken acountable.
We the readers know Peter is responsable and has a guilty complex only rivaled by Batman, we know he is a good guy who cares a lot and would never do something deastic. But Jameson doesn't.
To Jameson Spider is a powerfull person doing good things. Except this particular powerfull person has no face, no adress and no name.
We all know why it's so important that Peter keeps his secret identity but again Jameson doesn't. He doesn't know Peter is poor and would not be able to aford top security. He doesn't know about Peter's elderly aunt or friends or MJ or any of the people whose life would be endengered if the secret camr out. All he knows is that Peter is super enhanced and can sense danger and is out there.
He is a hero NOW. But if Spiderman decided to go around killing criminals for the greater good or even just became an straight up villain... than all we could do would be hope the heros do something. If Spider does a grave mistake but thinks he is right. That's it. No one can tell him otherwise. We can't ask about what Spiderman is doing, we can't really question his moviments, or better we can (Jameson does) but we can't do it directly or ask for an answer.
Even when all the Avengers keept their secret identities they had Tony Stark (pretending to just be their sponsor) as a spokesperson and a mailbox. People could send their fears and complains and if the Avengers fucked up they would have to talk about it, to cut their funding via Tony. People can hold them acountable.
The X-Man had the school and later a whole different nacion who abide by their own laws but also by international diplomacy. They can be hold accountable. The Fantastic Four has the Baxter Building. Always had.
Spiderman isn't a team. He doesn't have a known base or a spokesperson or even a small group to discuss his decisions with. If he fucks up and he will because he is just an well-intencioned guy. This is it. And we know Peter will hold himself accountable. That he will try to fix it. But Jameson isn't a reader. He doesn't know Spiderman's intencions (he knows Peter but not Spider and that's why he stops bashing Spider in most timelines after he discovers his identity, because he knows Peter can be hold accontable and won't go mad with power) and so how can he trust him.
Is it really weird for him to question the insanity of an world who is just happy to praise and accept this new guy without any concerns? Yes his headlines are overeactions and insulting but that's the only way one can sell, most newspappers have misleading headlines. It sucks but isn't a Jonah problem is an industry problem.
Yes Spiderman saved his son and he should be more gratefull. But should he let his private emotions influenciate his supposed unbiased bussiness. Saving his son didn't made Spiderman more acessible, didn't made so Spider can hear the normal or even underpriviledge comunities voices. Didn't mean that he will respond if he comits a crime. (We know Peter listens and wada wada wada this isn't me bashing on Spider, he is great, is explaining why for someone who doesn't have the reader privilegde of onipotency it makes sense to do it).
Peter doesn't deserve Jonah's critics. He is a true hero and a great guy who truly cares and listens. He doesn't deserve hate and he already has too many problems as it is. But Jonah doesn't know that! Is s shitty situation with no guilty parties.
▫️Social Work
Good portrays of Jameson besides explaining his motivations show him as someone with a huge sence of comunity he was pro-mutant in a time where other newspappers were all against them and we can assume the same for other minorities.
Not only that but he isn't a hypocrite either (well wasn't nowdays he mostly is but oh well) he listens to criticims and either explain his points or tries to improve. He is open to be taken accountable by his viwers AND by his employees. He pays his employees well and is open to hear them and after offering an unfair salary to Peter he listens to Parker and raises it.
Jameson is a good guy. He is -should be- more than a joke. He should be a guy that makes Peter question things he shouldn't. There should be a tragedy in this two good man working together who could help each other and be great allies but, by complex circunstances Jonah can't truly understand, they aren't.
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amailboxlemur · 1 year
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Definitely made the right choice to save Omar’s sommarprat for after work so i could listen and read the translation at the same time all in one go because that was… wow.
First of all he’s SUCH a good storyteller. His tone, pacing, the emotions in his voice added so much, even as a non Swedish listener and I really recommend listening to it even if you don’t understand the Swedish. There’s this one moment about a minute in where I heard his breath hitch and it was just so raw and captivating.
I love the structure he chose, starting and ending with his mama. They’re so close and so much of his talk being dedicated to Wilnur felt right.
“Now that my music career was over”. That HURT. He was born to sing. To know that he was that close to giving it up, and half his discography could have just… not been released…
I loved hearing about his happier childhood memories. It’s so easy to fall in the trap of knowing how much hardship he went through and only thinking of that. Baby Omar wanting his mama to be a princess at her wedding and eating all the strawberries. Playing dinosaurs with his hands. Flying his kite. Even though it was his fantasy land, it’s nice hearing how he kept his sense of self through that time.
That said, he REALLY went through it all. His dad used to kidnap him? Him disappearing and trying to sell the house out from under Wilnur is so low. As great as it is hearing about all the strong women who made him who he is, it’s so messed up it had to be that way. And it goes to show how wonderful they all are for Omar to be determined to be the one to break the cycle.
Loved the story about him promoting himself at school, I hadn’t heard it before. He’s really always been about the hustle and that work life.
I hate how he was made to feel in school. He loved performing but the way he was treated for it. It’s heartbreaking to think that all these opportunities he was so excited about was fodder for bullies. Even as he’s telling the story now, you hear the giddiness in his voice and know it’s about to be crushed.
I feel like in the fandom, we talk a lot about how he felt too Venezuelan to be Swedish, but he also felt too Swedish to be Venezuelan. Poor guy really never blended in anywhere, and it shows how strong he is that he used it to stand out, to carve out his own space to be himself.
I’m glad he included Build A Girl, because my greatest shame is that I think that song is SUCH a bop
The idea of teenage Omar being essentially homeless and couch surfing during the early days of the Fooo is horrifying. The entertainment industry is messed up, but man…
“Om om och om igen” was that on purpose? Or is it just a common enough expression that it’s a coincidence?
“It didn’t feel like a privilege, more like a punishment” ok, but like that HAD to be on purpose, right?
Felicia telling him what Young Royals was about when she wasn’t supposed to. I just NEED to know what he said when he reached out to the show and how they reacted to him having all this info he shouldn’t.
“You’ve been offered the part of Simon” “I know”. We stan.
I never watch new shows on Netflix. Stuff will be in my watch later list for MONTHS and I’ll keep avoiding starting it. Or I’ll watch 2 episodes and stop. I’m truly, genuinely so glad that didn’t happen with Young Royals because Omar has become so important to me ever since the first time I heard him sing.
Happy 2 years to Young Royals 💜
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smol-feralgremlin · 1 year
Hello and happy STS! :D If your main characters were sucked into our world, The Devil Is a Part-Timer-style (i.e., dropped into our world without the resources/status they had in theirs, transformed into basically human with no powers, and the only thing they've got are the clothes on their back and their memories), how well would they fare? What would they do to survive, who's failing at adapting and how, and most importantly, who is working at McDonald's?
Hello! I started this moments after you sent it in, and then my brain proceeded to go on strike about writing ANYTHING. But better late than never right?
Soooooo...this is gonna be a shit show. None of the worlds I've created are like our own(?) so I'll do Shadow Triad.
It's gonna be a little long, so it's all under the read more.
Oli takes things as they come. He adapts fairly well and spends a good amount of time consoling Petrel, while supporting Vailon in his attempts to find work while also looking for his own work. There's always someone who is looking for a little help with metalworking or carpentry. He finds himself incredibly frustrated by the fact he can't just call breezes to him anymore to cool him down as he works or to move things around, or catch voices better, but otherwise the loss of his magic isn't as bad as it could be. Being the calmest of the three, and usually known as the "ringleader" he becomes even more of a sturdy rock for his partners.
Vailon adapts best of well, he's done so many odd jobs in his own world that its not a problem for him to do it again, and this time he doesn't have to try and hide what hes doing from his parents so it goes even better. He's the one who works at McDonalds, and he doesn't hate it. It's different from the other food service jobs because its our world, but not so different he can't get the hang of it in a day or so.
The one who has the hardest time adapting is Petrel, because now she's in a world with none of her family connections and few skills that would be useful for life here. She's always been working as a spy under her grandfather since she was a young teen, and as an assassin since she was 20. Both are things that require...a lot of what she now doesn't have now because she's separated from her family connections, the moneys shes earned herself, and her family wealth.
The other problem is just how FILTHY she comprehends our world as. She keeps asking cleaning staff for the supplies necessary to clean things herself, or when shes not allowed to do it herself she'll ask for someone to do it while she watches. And she's very polite about it. But that's not exactly how things work here and it's incredibly distressing for her. She's used to people knowing who she is, and accommodating her "quirks". She's been asked to leave several buildings actually. Turns out most people don't appreciate having someone who flinches and keeps throwing pinches of salt when a shadow moves too quickly, the constant knocking at doorways, rearranging things to stop the worst of the feelings of foreboding and how if she doesn't fix things a vengeful spirit can and will get her. Especially devastating is the loss of her wardrobe, which has the fine linen gloves she uses to protect herself from directly touching surfaces, and all her soaps and cleansing salts and all manner of things she uses to keep herself feeling clean. Oh dear, she'd lose her shit about the quality of fabrics and the state of the textile industry. (in that she's devastated about how bad it can be) There's so many things she has trouble with in regards to our world. She stays at home a lot where she can actually control things.
She does ink wash paintings to sell, which she values at a fair price, which is rather high considering the materials used and the fact that she's been honing her skills since she was very young, which means that it doesn't always sell very quickly and she's just a little bit distraught about it because she wants to contribute to the household funds. So what's a woman who knows she's attractive and isn't afraid to show off supposed to do? Starts an Onlyfans or something similar and goes for nudes. Vailon and Oli help compose the shots. No one else has to touch her and she can do everything in the safety and comfort of being at home. She sells her ink wash paintings alongside her explicit material as well. Win-win in her opinion.
Vailon picked up on social media really fast. Oli adapted well to it and Petrel is a minor snob about it, preferring paper and ink, which both men playfully tease her about.
"Petrel, people are going to think you were raised by the elderly people of this world." "I don't care. I didn't practice to have an elegant hand under my grandmothers tutelage for nothing, which a necessary skill for a refined noble lady, and I will not disgrace my grandmothers teaching or the art of ink and paper by dulling my fingertips on glass in order to communicate my words." "lol" "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!"
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The 1934 Disappearance of Wilderness Explorer, Everett Ruess.
Christopher Ruess and Stella Knight were married on April 2, 1905. He was a Unitarian minister and she was a dancer and artist. Their first child, Waldo (named after Ralph Waldo Emerson), was born on September 5, 1909. A second son, Everett (named after the author and historian Edward Everett Hale), was born on March 28th, 1914, in Oakland, California.
Both Stella and Christopher had a deep love of books and of art, which they imparted to their children. They were avid diarists as well and encouraged both of their sons to not only keep a diary themselves, but to also copy out long passages from their respective diaries in letters home when they were separated from their parents.
In September 1918, the family moved to Brookline, Massachusetts, because Christopher had decided to take a job with the Chautauqua Industrial Art Desk Company. When Stella’s father became ill, she and Everett traveled across the country by train to Los Angeles to care for him. Along the way, they made several stops at memorable locations such as the Grand Canyon and the Yosemite Valley. Everett was nine at the time and began keeping his first diary during this trip. His earliest writings showed his growing fascination with nature and his love of traveling. As Everett grew a little older, he also developed a passion for writing poetry and painting. He was even able to sell some of his watercolor paintings from time to time.
Everett graduated from high school in 1931. Though his parents very much wanted him to attend college, Everett had other ideas. That same year, Everett went off on his first solo adventure, hiking and camping out in the wilderness, as well as keeping a detailed diary about his feelings and experiences, and writing frequent letters to his family. He also loved visiting Anasazi ruins and collecting artifacts from these sites. Thus began his pattern of hitchhiking, camping, and hiking for months at a time before briefly returning home, only to leave once again, starting the cycle anew. He met many people along the way during these solo trips, but a certain shyness and inherent desire for solitude kept him from forming connections with most of the people he encountered during his travels, a fact which he sometimes lamented in his diaries. He tried to support himself by selling paintings, but because he was rarely able to make a sale (and keep in mind that this was during the Great Depression), his expeditions were mostly financed by his parents.
Everett adopted a small and adorable brown and white dog named Curly, from a Navajo Reservation in 1931, to have as a companion. He also always had either a pair of burros or a pair of horses to accompany him out in the wilderness.
Everett suffered from frequent periods of dark moods, which some have theorized may have actually been depressive episodes. In a letter to his older brother Waldo in 1931, Everett alluded to having been suicidal the previous summer:
"Whatever I have suffered in the months past has been nothing compared with the beauty in which I have steeped my soul, so to speak. It has been a priceless experience–and I am glad it is not over. What I would have missed if I had ended everything last summer!"
On September 8th, 1933, Everett was stung by bees at least a dozen times in addition to already being covered in poison oak blisters. In his attempt to escape the bees, he fell into Goddard Creek, but was in so much pain and was feeling so lethargic that he struggled to find the strength to pull himself out of the water and nearly drowned.
However, by 1934 and particularly in the weeks leading up to his disappearance, he was seemingly in very good spirits and doing better than ever before. In his letters to his parents, he spoke of having “great fun” with the locals and even alluded to having come into quite a bit of cash recently (though he never elaborated on the source of this money) and stated that he now had “more money than I need”. Also, for the first time ever, he sent money home to help his parents out.
On November 21st, 1934, two sheepherders named Addlin Lay and Clayton Porter, encountered Everett on the Hole-in-the-Rock trail, where they were camping. According to them, they offered Everett a quarter of mutton, but he declined, saying that he had plenty of food. They then watched as Everett and his burros, Cockleburrs and Chocolatero, made their way southeast, towards Davis Gulch. This was the last time anyone is known to have seen Everett Ruess.
Though almost two months had gone by since Everett’s family had heard from him, they didn’t think much of it to begin with, as Everett had warned them back in the fall that he may not be near a post office for a month or two. However, by late January they were becoming concerned. Their alarm only heightened when they received their own letters to Everett back in the mail, the envelopes still sealed. They began writing letters to every postmaster in every town in the southwest that Everett was known to have visited. When this yielded no answers as to where their son was, they started writing to sheriffs, traders, newspapers, radio stations, and Indian agents. But no one had seen Everett in months or knew anything of his current whereabouts.
The Search
Finally, on March 1st, months after that last sighting back in November, a search party was formed. A man named Jennings Allen, along with a dozen other local men, headed into Davis Gulch on horseback hoping to find some sign of Everett or what had become of him. They turned up nothing until March 6th, when they found Cockleburrs and Chocolatero, Everett’s burros, in a corral. There are discrepancies in the accounts of the searchers as to the condition these burros were found in though, with some claiming that they were “thin and emaciated”, while others said that they were “fat and healthy”.
Nearby, in a natural alcove, they found what was presumed to have been Everett’s final campsite. There were footprints, Anasazi potsherds, candy wrappers, empty cans and an impression in the dirt from a bedroll. Notably absent from this site were Everett’s money, camping gear, cooking equipment, paintings and art supplies, and his 1934 journal. They also discovered two different spots in Davis Gulch where “Nemo 1934” had been etched into the rock. “Nemo”, Latin for “nobody”, is a pseudonym that Everett was known to have adopted and so it is assumed that he’s the one who made these inscriptions. Both inscriptions are now underwater and have been since 1957, when the waters of Lake Powell rose during the construction of Glen Canyon Dam.
Beyond this, nothing more would ever be found that would shed light on what happened to Everett Ruess.
Additional Information
There was a rumor in Escalante, a nearby town, that Everett had been robbed and murdered by local cattle rustlers who mistook him for a government agent. By 1934, cattle rustling was becoming rampant in this area and due to this, the Cattlemen’s Association spread a false rumor that an undercover government investigator had been sent out to the area. As the story goes, Everett arrived in town shortly thereafter.
A Navajo man named Aneth Nez told his granddaughter (Daisy) a story in 1971 about witnessing a young white man being chased and then murdered by Ute Indians near Comb Ridge in the mid-1930’s. After the Utes left, Nez buried the body. Remains were eventually found in that area, but DNA testing confirmed that they did not belong to Everett.
In the 1970’s, a tourist found bones wedged in a crack in Davis Gulch. The bones seemed to indicate that the person had suffered a broken hip and a fractured collar bone. He turned over the bones to a National Park Service ranger, who in turn gave them to his supervisor. However, shortly after this the bones went missing and have never been found.
Accidental death, perhaps due to a fall or drowning.
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getawayheaven · 11 months
I understand louis was unnecessarily rude but the way so called larries are throwing him under the bus and saying good luck filling those stadiums when they say they are here to support him and his music whether HL is real or not and the next moment he says something about larry they’re all taking how they cancelled or re-funded their show tickets.. and these people wonder why louis feels pissed off(when they very well know that louis keeps himself updated whats happening in fandom) when all that they do is talk about a relationship which at this point i doubt is still going on..
I get what you are saying and that makes me angry too. The ship has sunk a long time ago i know. But let's just agree that most of the larries are his fans because they think they are fighting on his behalf like a soldier and they would get a big coming out where they would proudly say "told ya!!!". There are only 10% of larries who actually care about him and his music rest 90% are just sticking around for reasons that sucks. And this is reason why he should have kept his mouth shut. He has fucking stadiums to sell and he still needs these so called fans around. He's not in a position to piss them off. I mean look at Taylor. Everyone knew Gaylor is fucking bullshit but she only called that out when she's on top and even president of America cannot bring her down from that throne. She kept her mouth shut when she needed every single one of those fans on her side. That's how you survive in industry. Your every word, every move, needs to be strategical and in favour of your career. And our cute little Louis is doing just opposite of that. He needs to keep his mouth shut till he gains so many dedicated solo louies that he won't need larries around. Having some so called "conspiracy theorists" won't hurt his big dick till then.
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zendyval · 1 year
I’ve been watching Tom complete his press junket for TCR and noticing the headlines that are getting picked up and used for clickbait. A few headlines that stood out in particular, because he actually said them, were “being a producer, dealing with the day-to-day problem that come with any film set, just added to that extra level of pressure” “Holland to take a break from acting after new series broke him”“I’m now taking a year off and that is a result of how difficult this show was,” and “I thought that after two months I’d be itching to get back on set. I’m now six months in and I’m absolutely loving my time off. I’m really enjoying myself.”
🧐Should we be reading in between the lines or the writing on the wall?
I am by no means attempting to play mental health olympics. I understand feelings and emotions are personal and no two people feel everything the same. However, Z played Rue for 16 months, showed us pictures of her literal cuts and bruises from knocking down doors, had the same (if we’re being totally honest, even more) pressure on her since the person whose life she was portraying was always two centimeters away and she also had to go to deep, dark emotional places for twice as long (and she did a fantastic job) but she didn’t “take a break from acting” or use the job description of an EP to sell herself to critics, journalists or fans. Outside of Claire, no one from Z’s side has ever mentioned her being an EP.
I sound like I’m nitpicking because I am. It’s just Z doesn’t complain (publicly) or ever do the woe is me act. During Z’s Cinema Con acceptance speech, she said her “purpose was to be a story teller for those who can’t tell their own stories.” In your opinion, do those quotes up there sound like someone whose passion is acting or someone who’s become slightly jaded and is going through the motions?*
*again, feel free to not answer if you feel this/your response will reek havoc on your page.
p.s sincerely hope you and yours are getting through the terrible air conditions in new york as best as you can!
Yes, I was in NYC today and it looked like apocalypse. I know many on the west coast are used to this but I have never seen anything like it in my life. NYC was orange.
Anyway, your ask. I'll preface being I don't love comparing them and also that I really haven't read a lot of his TCM press interviews though I have seen the clickbait titles, more around him taking time off.
I think it's hard to say how Z really feels because there is also the idea that they only let us see what they want us to Z and I think Z has the added pressure of not being white and knowing that she she has to present a certain way because she has less room for error or to mess up or to be seen as angry or any other judgment that white men don't usually have. That said, I do think Z currently genuinely has a passion for storytelling.
I don't think there is any point comparing who handled their mental health better when dealing with more difficult roles but I do think it's good on Tom if he could see where it was messing with him and could talk about it or get help or do what he needed to do for himself.
I really don't know if acting is his one true passion, or maybe he is getting jaded? I also think there are people that genuinely love the craft but get disillusioned at everything else in the industry that comes along with it all.
I also keep in mind that both Tom and Z got into the industry as young children and so it wouldn't be totally crazy that they reach a point in their still young lives where they question if that is the career they want. Tom has certainly been way more vocal about it than Z, even before this when he would be talking in interviews about potentially retiring and having a family.
My guess is Tom doesn't want to completely retire and it's not that he lost his passion for the arts so much as he maybe doesn't want the kind of full on career he's had since Marvel and wants to take it a slower pace. Fans want their faves to work constantly and always be at the top of the box office.
Can I see current Z retiring? Not even a little bit. Could I see Tom taking a step back? Yes but I also think he would miss it if he ever did entirely. Purely guessing though.
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bonniesbookreviews · 1 year
In The Miso Soup
Author: Ryu Murakami
Published date: 1997
In The Miso Soup is about Kenji, a just-turned-20-year-old who works as a tour guide of Japan’s nightlife that revolves around the sex industry, ranging from massage parlours, S&M bars and pretty much everything else you could imagine. On New Year's Eve, he meets with a client, Frank a tourist from America who has all the means and cash for his desires. 
Kenji begins his tour with Frank, showing him what the nightlife offers but as time goes on and Frank starts to open up to him showing his personality Kenji starts to get creeped out, be it over Franks's odd inhuman-looking skin and his cold empty eyes. 
In the meantime, there has been a gruesome murder of a young girl that seems to be sexually motivated. Kenji becomes paranoid, thinking of who the killer could be, even feeling them closer than he wished not to.
I was surprised with how I liked this book and that it was good enough to get me out of a reading draught, the length of the book was good enough that it didnt overwhelm me and suited well for the story and the way Kenji and Frank only knew and spent time with each other for 40 hours, a longer word count wouldn’t have suited this story. 
There is not much character development for Kenji but I feel thats okay for this story as the main focus is on Frank and the disturbing things he is involved with.   
The story itself is creepy and unsettling but Chapter 2 is the so-called money shot of the book with its grandiose and gory indulgence of the reader seeing Frank in action, brutally killing everyone in a bar. Kenji reacts to this by freezing from fear unable to do anything but personally, I feel it could have been more intense and it needed more adjectives to show his fear, but thats just me being picky.
I didn’t find the grand killing scene to be the most scary scene in this book, instead, I felt more disturbed towards the ending when Frank has his monologue on when he started to kill and feed on blood as a child. Seeing where and how it developed, moved me more than the slashing and butchering.  
The ending was effective even giving me chills, I was expecting Kenji to hand Frank over to the police but instead, the only thing being handed over was the feather of the swan most likely from the same swan Frank killed years ago. It's almost like Frank had kept the swan feather all of these years because he was expecting to tell his truth one day to only someone he fully trusted.
Although Kenji is not the villain in this story, is Kenji the second villain in the story for not telling the police about Frank and even letting many more murders come in the future? 
In the ending, during the see final moments between Kenji and Frank and even where the name of the story comes from when Frank says 
“But now I’m in the miso soup, myself just like those bits of vegetables. I’m floating around in this giant bowl of it.” 
I feel like this shows that as he didn't get caught again he will still be floating around drifting, floating in the soup that Japan’s nightlife, leaving pieces of human remains here and there as he floats and dips under hiding from the law once more.
I noticed a somewhat misogynistic description of teenage girls and women that made me pull a 'not impressed facial expression' in real life. Still, I think thats on the writer himself and maybe a reflection of the subject matter of the story but who knows right?
Overall, I really liked the fast-moving pacing of it as I am someone who gets frustrated with slow-paced stories and will easily give up books halfway through if I dont see any hope or reason to finish them. But in this case, I got stuck into the story pretty quickly and that was good motivation for me to finish the book.
Favourite Quote / Highlight: N/A
Rating: 4/5
Keep or sell: Keep
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