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Ralak te Sepawn ieyk’itan: Special Episode VI
Labor of Love - Part III
Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info

🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's insanely talented creator @zestys-stuff. Thank you so much for allowing me to play around with your characters!
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (25) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (20) featuring Metkayina!Zu’té (29)
Warnings: zero smut, explicit childbirth, water birth, difficult labour, contractions, amniotic fluid, breastfeeding, family fluff, expletives, this is a bit angsty but there’s a happy ending
Word Count: 7.3k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: the following depicts a very detailed, difficult, and medically inaccurate birth. This is graphic. I am quite literally going to simulate a birthing experience in your pov and I strongly suggest opting out now if anything pregnancy or birth related could make you uncomfortable. Finally, this is most definitely not medical advice, nor should this be used as a reference for what to expect during birth. This is a fanfiction about blue aliens, after all. With that being said, let’s welcome Ralak into fatherhood!! Enjoy 😊
Synopsis: Things were moving too fast until they weren't moving fast enough. The time has come and you're starting to doubt your capabilities. But thankfully your mate is here to guide you through this.
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“Okay, Toto. Just do it. Go in there.” Zu’té sounds breathless as he speaks to himself, turning around to face the door. He hears your whimper and his jaw tightens. “Shit. Okay. Right.” Just as he raises his hand to pull back the curtain, he hears a winded voice. “Brother.”
Zu’té spins around to face the voice of an angel—Ralak.
“Oh, thank Eywa. Thank you great mother. Thank you.” Zu’té chants in relief despites being one of the least spiritual persons someone can meet. He knew deep down that Eywa answered his call.
Zu’té makes eye contact with the dishevelled and worn out giant. His attention is immediately drawn to the lengthy gash on his shoulder that seems to have been stitched up in a haste.
“Ay’ana.” Ralak growls when he sees him staring.
The colour drains from Zu’té ‘s face, but before he can respond, Ralak’s ears perk up when they hear what seems to be a low whimpering. It sounds as if you're straining and struggling to breathe. His eyes dart behind Zu’té and then quickly snap back to his brother, filled with panic.
Zu’té just barely shakes his head, urging himself to focus on the most important thing right now.
“Your mate is in labour, tak.”
Ralak’s eyes widen at the confirmation. He knew it. He felt it back inland.
Without another passing second, Ralak pushes past Zu’té and enters his marui. You hear the faint flap of the door and try to shift yourself in order to keep some level of decency.
“I said to leave.” You’re breathless, gripping relentlessly onto the wooden stilt.
Ralak’s frozen in place, taking in the sight of you labouring by yourself. One that no matter how painful, is a sight he has always longed to see. A sense of pride fills his chest, his mate is showing such great strength that it’s admirable. Bringing life to his child is something he will eternally be grateful for.
But then he sees your fingernails. How they've gone dull from all your gripping and scraping, and his sense of pride quickly mixes with shame. Shame that he has left you alone in this.
Your laboured breathing is audible, practically wheezing as you struggle to breathe through the last lap of this contraction. You keep holding your breath and it’s more than evident from the red tinge in your face. Breathing is no longer the thing that you’re most focused on anymore, it’s the pressure between your legs.
He doesn't want to startle you but he can’t just watch you suffer any longer. He approaches you cautiously, examining you in attempts to discern how far into your labour you are.
You're glazed in a layer of sweat, glimmering in the faint light of the first sliver of sun. Your shoulders rise and fall rapidly as you pant faster than a viperwolf pup, and your belly is low and firm as it tightens from the contraction.
Ears laid flat to your skull and brows tightened, you curl over and clutch your stomach. He releases his clenched jaw and lessens the distance between the two of you. He gently places his hands on your lower back, pressing into you with the ball of his palm.
The warmth alone provides a bit of relief for you, allowing you to momentarily catch your breath.
“Zu’té.” You hiss under your breath, surprised he’s even come in, much less laid a hand on you.
You let go of the marui stilt to swat away his hand with a loud smack. The reminder of you labouring in the presence of another man that isn’t him makes him wince.
“Muntxate [wife].” Ralak husks quietly, using his thumbs to rub circles into your back. Your ears lift from your skull and perk up when you realise it’s your mate, back home from the excursion.
Tears overflow and spill down your cheeks. Tears of pain. Tears of exhaustion. Tears of relief.
“Ralak.” You let out a nasally sob, unable to look at him just yet due to the contraction still rippling through you. You speak between your moans, voice cracking.
“You’re back. You’re here. It’s happening, lak. He’s coming. And I—I thought you’d miss it. I thought you weren’t coming back. I thought… I thought—”
“Alright, alright. I am right here with you, tanhì. Mawey, mawey [calm, calm].” He hums steadily, already reaching behind him for his kuru. “How long have you been in labour?”
“D-Don’t know.” Your breath catches in your throat and your knees begin to tremble. “Too l-long.”
Ralak’s heart throbs in his chest at the thought of you enduring this on your own for that long. The contraction is finally subsiding, and you're eager to find relief in your mate. You exhale shakily and grip his wrist as you try to straighten your spine.
“Easy.” Ralak is quick to help you to your feet, holding you by your hip and arm. “Can you stand?”
You nod your head as you slump back into him regardless. “It’s happening, ‘lak.” You wheeze, resting your head on his chest. Despite the slight sting, Ralak smiles, joyful to know his son will soon be born.
“It is, my tanhì.” Ralak hums, swaying side to side with you against his body as he brings his glowing tendrils towards the end of your braid. He’s spent but he knows the exhaustion he feels is nothing in comparison to yours. “I am so sorry I have left you alone in this.”
“‘ts not your fault, my love.” You murmur, lulling your head against his chest. “...not your fault.”
Though your contraction has passed, the pressure in your pelvis has a steady, constant groan vibrating in your throat. It’s a feeling that won’t let up, and the further you progress the more intense it gets. It feels like your body’s at its limit, unable to accommodate your babe any longer.
“Mmmn—tsaheylu, please.” Your plea is drawn out and low, unaware that he’s already one step ahead of you.
When he makes the bond, the pressure is instantly lightened but is quickly replaced with a sharp pain in your shoulder and back. He sucks in a sharp breath and grimaces from the sudden pain and pressure that flows into him.
You gasp and clutch your left shoulder, whipping your head around to look behind you. Immediately, you catch sight of his wound.
Fresh blood spurts out between the ragged stitches and globbed over herbal concoction, dribbling down his chest and back in thin streams.
“Shit.” You curse, ripping your queue away from him, abruptly severing the bond—causing the pressure to come back tenfold. “Fuck—you’re injured.”
“I am fine.” Ralak insists, reaching for your kuru again.
“Tsaheylu will infect it.” You insist, keeping your kuru away from him.
“Ke tare [it doesn’t matter].” He says sharply, catching his tone and softening it. “Allow me, please.”
Ralak reaches for your kuru again, eager to make it up to you—to take the pain for whatever time you have left. But you shake your head firmly.
The fact that making tsaheylu caused it to rupture and bleed, a gash that size will surely worsen with the influence of your labour. Ralak respects your wish, although he’s in disagreement with it. He’d never make the bond without your consent and he feels as if he’s already missed too much of your labour to continue the argument.
“…what happened?” You ask shakily, terrified to know the answer. “Wh-What did they do to you?” You feel yourself begin to tear up.
Seeing him so hurt always made your heart heavy.
Your question catches him off guard, bringing him back to the moment he saw his own karyu. He swallows, having trouble keeping his calm and figuring out what to say. He has no intention of keeping it from you, but truthfully it isn’t the right time to speak of such matters. Not when you’re nearing the peak of the birth of your firstborn.
“Not now. You are labouring.” Ralak says sternly yet gently, reshifting his focus and concern back to you.
And if it weren’t for the unbearable heavy sensation in between your legs you would’ve protested. You nod lazily as your breath hitches repeatedly, your hand finding its way to the lowest part of your abdomen to press into it. Your lengthy groans start up again, you can feel your entire body begin to tense up.
“Another? So soon?” Ralak’s voice falters, concern now evident in his tone. He steadies himself behind you, pressing his hands into your lower back once more.
“Pressure. ‘ts too much.” You pant, leaning forward and using your free hand on the marui stilt for support.
“Pressure?” Ralak tries his best to understand what you mean. Thinking that he’s pressing too hard into your back, he eases up and apologises. You shake your head and quickly replace your hand onto the lowest part of your abdomen with his.
“Pressure!” You yelp the word like a plea for help, hoping he’ll get it without you needing to explain. Talking is becoming more difficult with each passing contraction. When he does finally understand, his eyes widen and brow bones jump.
“Ah—he is moving down, tanhì.” Ralak tries to speak calmly, sliding his other hand over your stomach. His fingers smooth over your skin, taking in its heat and supple texture. He then feels it tighten even more, contracting right under the pads of his digits.
“Tewti [whoa].”
It’s the first he’s ever felt a contraction, despite being a mandated witness to numerous first breath rituals in the clan. He begins counting under his breath, trying to gauge your progression by determining how long they’re lasting. But before he can get into the double digits your low grumble turns into a high pitched cry.
Ralaks ears immediately go flat, hearing a cry like that rip from your throat makes his heart tighten in his chest. He shuffles closer to you upon realising that you're curling over from the pain. Moving quickly, he supports your body weight with one hand to your belly and another over your chest.
“Ralak!” You cry out, “Please! Do something!”
With that, Ralak’s hands slip back down to your lower abdomen, cupping your belly and gently pull upward. This always helped if the baby was sitting too low, relieving some of the heaviness and pressure on your bladder.
Instantaneously, the pressure relieves. Your cry dissipates into a loud sigh, your downturned lips flipping up into a small smile of relief.
“Thank you—” Pop. “—ugh” Gush.
You’re silent, but your face screws into a grimace as the pain rushes back in with a vengeance. You look down in a painful daze, feeling the trickle of liquid down your thighs and legs. Through blurred vision, you watch as a pool forms at your feet, as well as Ralaks.
“Shit.” Ralak mutters under his breath, recognizing what’s just happened.
His head whips around to the sound of the flap of the marui door. He looks behind him, met with the panicked, bulging eyes of Zu’té, who’s staring intently at the scene unfolding before him. He's just worked up enough courage to enter the room.
Zu’té finally makes eye contact with Ralak, and Ralak nudges his chin in the direction of the village, mouthing—‘Get a healer’. Zu’té nods and takes off at full tilt.
“…fuck‘m sorry. My waters...” You mumble, fingers digging into his arms in attempts to keep you standing, to no avail.
Your knees buckle beneath you, and you lose all ability to keep yourself on your feet. Ralak supports you, moving down with you rather than trying to keep you standing. He slowly and gently lowers you to the floor, away from the growing puddle.
“What for? Your water breaking? No need to be.” Ralak chuckles breathily, trying to make it obvious that it’s no big deal—he’s unbothered by it.
“Me-messed you up.” You grunt, breath straining as you lean all your weight back into him.
“You did no such thing.” He reassures you through a quick breath, adjusting you into a more comfortable position.
You lay on top of him, shifting onto your side and off the sharp throb in your lower back. You clutch his bicep with one hand and keep the other snug under your bump.
He’s more so in an awkward position than not, his back now against the base of the bed and his right leg propped up to keep you from rolling back. He has no issue staying put in this position if it means some sort of relief for you.
But your groans only deepen, lengthening and ending with small grunts.
“You alright, mama?” He checks in on you through a whisper, knowing that things move quickly once the water breaks.
You nod your head, trying to be strong, but he can see right through it. And you know it. You sputter out a sob and shake your head, finally admitting the truth—finally facing reality.
“I know, I know, tìyawn. Almost there.”
Even without tsaheylu, he is able to tell how long you have left just based on your sounds and body language. With each little grunt he notices that your face shifts to a brighter shade of pink.
He takes note of your tail, and how it’s now tightly coiled, tucked to the base of your tailbone—out the way. Your shoulders are bowed and your stomach sits low, hard as a rock.
“Oh!—Eywa, ple-ase.” You mumble a plea, eyes squeezing shut when you come to the height of your contraction. “Mmm’fuck—fuck.”
“A little longer.” He places a firm, comforting kiss on the temple of your head. “It will soon be over.”
You feel Ralak’s hand firmly patting your lower back, attempting to put the fire out. But now the pressure’s released, the pain is only more intense—spreading and morphing into a new feeling altogether.
“Ralak—Ralak!” You panic, your head rolling side to side as you strive against this new sensation.
“Right here with you.” He hums, pressing hard into your lower back with the ball of his palm. “What do you need?”
You begin frantically tugging at your soaked loincloth, trying your hardest to get it off of you. Ralak quickly takes over, untethering the knot and slipping it off you.
“Need to—aahaa! I think he’s—haah—he’s—he’s coming!” You yell, unable to fight the new feeling. An urge you’ve never felt before. The urge to push. “Ralak—I’m scared!”
“Listen to your body.” Your mate encourages you with a steady and calm voice.
His gaze snaps down to witness your leg rising into the air and your hand hooking under the back of your knee. His hand cups over yours, helping you support the weight of your suspended leg.
Ralak manoeuvres himself in a way that allows him to support you and see what’s happening. He gently tugs your leg back a little further, having a proper look. He can see just how swollen and tender the flesh between your legs is—ripe and ready. It’s time.
“Muntxate [wife]. Bear down if you need to.”
“I—I—urgh!” You cry out, finally giving into the urge to push, allowing your body to bear down in the way it’s been trying to. Holding your breath, you tuck your chin to your chest and sink your fingernails into Ralak’s bicep, pushing as best as you can in this position.
“Good, good. Good push, tanhì.” His voice is hushed but steady as he watches in awe as your body flourishes. “Syeha si [breathe].”
As the urge subsides, you release your breath and gasp for air a few times. If he’s really coming, you don’t want it to be here. You had both discussed doing this in the comfort of your own lake. The lake in the cave, where your relationship with him had blossomed to begin with.
“Not here.” You say out of breath, legs shaking terribly.
Ralak leans in closer to you, listening carefully to decipher your murmurs. You keep your eyes closed shut, unable to open them anyway. They feel as heavy as you do, weighed down with exhaustion and agony.
But as you feel your stomach tighten and the urge rush back in, you realise that time lessening. “Water—get me in the water, please!”
Ralak hesitates, scanning your body to see if moving you in this state is the right thing to do. He watches as you tense up in agony as you contract, and quickly the realisation dawns upon him, too. At this rate, the babe will be here at any moment.
And if your wishes are to give birth in the water, now is the time to fulfil them.
Ralak scoops you up into his firm clutch, rises to his feet, and rushes out the door. Taking his time down the steps, your grip around his neck tightens just as a groan rumbles in your chest. Your legs squirm in his grasp as they try to snap open.
“Hurry! He’s coming!” You grunt, burying your face into the crease of his peck, biting down to fight the feeling.
Ralak glances down at you a few times, brows gathered from the worry that plagues his heart. He’s holding you tight, so as not to let the wiggle of your body loosen his grip.
“Here.” He huffs out, nearing the entrance of the cave.
Immediately immersing himself hip-deep into the water, he moves hastily, submerging you as he makes his way over to the ledge and helps you into position.
The ledge makes a smaller, more shallow pool in the lake, perfect for you to sit in with your back supported by the bank.
Water is up to your chest, slushing and splashing against your neck as you desperately readjust yourself to get comfortable. Your head is perched on the bank of the lake, hands spread across to hold onto the rocky surface. Your toes grip the floor, rooting yourself to the ground to keep you stable, knees bobbing at the water's surface.
“Fuck! Ralak!” You cry out, feeling your body act on its own accord.
Ralak is already in front of you, one hand on your bump as the other slips between your thighs to feel your progression. All while he’s looking down at you with nothing but concern etched into his features, unsure of what more he can do for you without tsaheylu.
He witnesses your face turn red as you hold your breath again, using as much force as you can to push him out.
Ralaks hand moves from your bump to cup your cheek, his fingernails raking away the streaks of sweaty hair plastered to your face and tucking them behind your ear.
“Syeha si, tanhì [breathe].” He reminds you gently, exaggerating a breathing pattern you had rehearsed a few weeks ago, and you try to match his rhythm.
But you’re stuttering and sobbing, unable to establish a pattern and push at the same time. Your back is on fire and it feels as if the baby isn’t moving any further down.
The contraction finally ends with a loud wheeze and your head slumps back into the rocky bank. You shake your head as you struggle to open your heavy lidded eyes.
Your vision is blurry and spotty. You glance down in a haze and lock eyes for a moment with the worried giant before you, and then you feel yet another contraction wash over you. They are on top of one another—back to back—with little to no break between them.
“Fuck. Please. Please. Plea—” You weep weakly, eyes slamming shut as your chin makes contact with your chest, cutting off your pleas with a lengthy, guttural grunt. You push with what you have left, giving yourself a throbbing headache as a result.
“Pushing so, so well.” Ralak praises you with a hushed voice, feeling something press against his fingers.
As you strain, you feel the delirium set in. The panic of not knowing if you’re capable of doing this. Every inch of you more than ached, yet some parts of you have even gone numb from how long this has been going on.
You can barely get a proper breath in much less breathe the way you should when you’re pushing. You feel like your body may give out at any moment.
“Keep going, y/n.” He encourages you, seeing your exhaustion and feeling you stop.
“Ralak…lak.” You let out a sob and try to relax your body, but end up collapsing back into the rocky surface again. “‘m tired, lak.” You mumble shakily between laboured pants, “...want him out.”
“I hear you.” Ralak tries to reassure you, now supporting both your trembling legs as they threaten to give out. “He will soon be out, tanhì. But you have to keep going.”
“No—oh, no, no.” You cry, tensing up from another agonising contraction. You didn’t think they could get any more painful. “No more. No more, please.”
“Come now, big push for me.” Ralak instructs softly, repositioning himself to help deliver his son.
“Ugh—!” You scream, giving all you have left into this push. Beads of sweat roll down your temples at a concerning speed, and your face shifts to an even more vibrant shade of red. “Please! Please get him out of me!”
“He’s coming out, tìyawn. Keep pushing, almost there. Almost there.” Ralaks voice is low and laced with panic, despite his greatest efforts to keep calm and collected.
This cycle repeats for some time, instilling worry into both you and Ralak. You’re having a difficult time, and it’s taxing on your body to keep this going.
Truthfully he can tell that you’re really struggling, and he’s getting a little more worried as time passes. But then he feels the baby press against his fingers and hope fills him once more.
“That’s it. Push just like that, y/n.”
“Fuck—” And just as last time, you collapse back into the bank, depleted with nothing left to give. You begin to think that maybe everything you’ve been hearing was right.
Maybe you can’t do this.
“I…I can’t.” You sputter defeated, letting your legs go limp either side of you.
“Mawey [calm]. You can. Your body is made for this.” He reaffirms for not only you but also himself, he’s too afraid to lose you. No, he can’t lose you, too. He’s experienced too much loss.
“’s not comin’.” You shake your head lethargically, feeling faint. “He’s stuck.”
Hearing that makes his heart sink. Ronal’s words echo in his mind, putting him in a frantic state. He quickly composes himself, probing the tender flesh to help stretch it out. He feels something slimy and silken, and his ears perk up.
He’s right there. So close.
“He’s not. I feel him, he is right there.” Ralak tries to keep calm for you, attempting to reassure you as he quickly thinks about the next best move.
Zu’té isn’t back with the healer and there's not much else he can do. He looks down at you, taking in just how uncomfortable you look as he tries to imagine just how much pain you’re in. With a position like this, no wonder your back hurts. His eyes widen.
No wonder your progression has stalled.
“Move with me. Easy.” Ralak croons, carefully tucking his arm under your back to sit you up slowly. He throws your limp arms around his neck, and brings you to your knees and then your feet—supporting your weight as you get there.
“Lak, Lak!” You grimace and whimper as you try to work with your mate—your body is already so sore and weak that any movement is torturous.
“Need to get you off your back.” Ralak huffs, holding you in position until you’ve adjusted. You hold on to him, arms wrapped tightly around his neck as you settle into a squat. “A few more pushes, mama.”
“Haa—no, no.” You squeal in desperation, feeling his head descend even further down now that gravity has come into play.
Then your belly stiffens.
You bite the flesh of your cheek until you taste blood and bury your face into the dip of his collarbone—refusing the urge to push. But the instinct overrides you completely, leaving you in a panicked and delirious state.
“Take h-him out! Make the cut!”
“No, no cut. No cut.” Ralak utters a throaty whisper, pushing down into your lower back. “Bear down, muntxate [wife].”
“Ple—ase.” Your broken plea comes out as a low grunt as you shake your head frantically, driving your dulled nails into your mate. “It hurts, it hurts!”
“I know, ma’ y/n. But you must bear down, please.” His voice trembles, filled with worry, but his words are firm—non-negotiable. You continue to shake your head, fighting with what you have left, your laboured breathing deepening as you run out of strength to resist.
Ralak’s worry quickly turns into pure panic. Panic that you’ve really given up. Panic that you really may not make it out of this. That…he’ll lose you. He knows what he must do, despite it being against your wishes.
He gives your kuru a quick stroke, his way of warning you. It sends a shiver through you, but the pain is so excruciating that you can’t resist this, too.
Ralak quickly makes tsaheylu, bringing a brief moment of pure, instant relief, just enough to bring you out of your delirium. His wound reopens, burning and weeping. But not even that could prepare him for your pain.
It feels like each vertebrae in his spine instantaneously shifts out of place. It is excruciating. And strange—that urge to push. He can feel it too. It’s like an itch deep under your skin. Irresistible and uncontrollable.
“Push!” Ralak groans loudly, prompting you to bear down with whatever strength you can muster up.
You scream at the top of your lungs, achieving a frequency and volume so high it can be heard from the village. Ralak’s fingers quickly probe the tenderness between your legs to check your progress once more. Finally, he feels the baby’s head begin to emerge.
“Perfect push, tanhì. Keep going, keep going.” Now he’s winded, flustered and speaking breathily.
Your scream is cut off by your vulgar tongue, “Fuck! Fuck—it burns!” You cry out, feeling a bolt of white hot fire split you in two, making you jerk back. “It’s burning!” You sob, trying to wiggle away from the flame.
“He’s crowning. His head, shit—” He huffs, realising that the babe is coming too quickly, not giving you enough time to adjust, “Stop pushing.” His fingers probe the taut skin in attempts to prevent you from possibly tearing, “Breathe him out. Just as we practised.”
Your fingers dig even deeper into him as your head snaps up to shoot him a deadly glare. Wasn’t he just demanding that you push? To ��listen to your body’?
You take deep, intentional breaths, eyes flicking down to search the cloudy water as you try your hardest to resist. He can feel your frustration through tshayelu, he can hear your thoughts.
“Syeha si, syeha si [Breathe, breathe]. Let yourself adjust. Let your body push for you.” Ralak tries to explain, using the bond to his advantage and setting a steady breathing pattern.
‘I can’t do it.’ You think to him, unsure if you’re even doing it right.
“You can. You are. Just like that.” Ralak works with you, probing the tender skin once more as he feels the head emerge. “A little longer.”
But yet, you feel yourself giving in.
“Can't. Help. It.” You whimper, your breath stuttering as it catches in your throat. Tears roll relentlessly down your cheeks. You need him out.
You drop to your knees and tuck your chin to your chest. “Haah!” Your breath finally releases, and a guttural, lengthy grunt follows after.
Ralak feels you push — hard. He readies himself, steadying his stance as he traces his fingers around the circumference of his unborn’s head to help guide him out.
He is, too, looking down into the murky water, trying his best to see what’s going on. All he can do is rely on his sense of touch and the feeling through the bond to help him.
“Ngh—ugh!” You feel a pop between your legs and the pressure minutely releases.
Just then Ralak feels the rest of your baby’s head emerge. He can feel the curls of his silken hair, and how they’re laid flat to his skull. Ralak nearly breaks down right there, but fights the array of emotions bombarding him all at once to recenter his focus back on you.
“His head is out.” He croaks, supporting the babe's head with the palm of his hand. “Hair like yours.”
Ralak gently unlatches your grip on his shoulder and guides your hand under the water and towards his. Aside from wanting you to feel what he’s feeling, he’s hoping that this will give you the strength to keep going.
You feel the sliminess first, and then the soft, velvety texture of your son's head. You weep, slumping your head into Ralak's chest as you focus on gathering as much energy during the small break from the contractions.
It’s incredible to know that your body created this life.
“Oh god…it’s him.” You barely whisper.
“You are so strong, you know that? Mighty.” Ralak hums, cupping the back of your head with his hand. You lift your head to look at him and he rests his forehead against yours, searching your eyes with his. “One more push for me, okay?”
You nod your head, bottom lip curled over to touch your chin. His hand slips from your neck to your cheek, his thumb wiping away one tear of a thousand. The tightening of your stomach has you tensing up, gripping onto him for support. You groan and moan until the contraction reaches its peak, where you begin to grunt and push against the budding pressure.
He steadies himself once more, quickly slipping his hand off your cheek back into the water. He holds your son's head with one hand, and hooks the fingers of his other hand under his son's left shoulder. It pops out with the help of his gentle tug, and you bear down even harder.
“A little more.” He encourages you, waiting patiently to feel his son's right shoulder emerge. He feels the bridge of his shoulder and Ralak jumps into action, carefully guiding his son's shoulder out. “Perfect, there it is.” Ralak mumbles quickly, hyperfocused on ensuring a safe delivery.
You whimper when the burning sensation comes back, shoving your forehead into his chest. It’s hard to breathe. Every fibre in your being has you wanting to hold your breath for more leverage to get him out. Your noises fade to little choked muffles, quick and uneven.
“Breathe.” Ralak chokes out, feeling your burning lungs through tsaheylu. He immediately establishes a somewhat steady breathing pattern for you to sync into.
“Pwah!” You let out a shaky, harsh breath of air, panting as you try to sync with him. “Urgh—ah!” you groan as you push, surprised by how long this torturous contraction is lasting.
“Please get him out of me, please, please.” You whisper into his chest.
“Shoulders are out, tanhì” Ralak huffs next to your ear, tenderly rubbing his cheek against your temple.
“Catch him, Lak.” You wheeze, your legs shaking uncontrollably from carrying your weight for such a long time. He wants so badly to do the rest for you, now really sensing your weariness through the bond. But he couldn’t, all he could do was support you through every second of this.
“I have him, muntxate [wife].” He whispers, lips pressed to your ear. “Last push.”
A hoarse, empty cry evades your trembling lips as you bear down a final time. Suddenly the pressure releases entirely, and you feel your son slip out of you and into Ralaks hands. You let out a loud moan of relief, immediately pulling away from Ralak’s chest to look down into the water.
“He’s out. He’s here, tanhì. You did it, mama. You did it.” Ralaks cracked voice is full of relief. “He—he is so small.”
You fall back onto your behind, breaking tsaheylu with your mate. Your eyes search for your newborn but you can’t make anything out of the murkiness of the water.
You look up to witness tears fill Ralak’s eyes for the first time as he holds the baby underneath the water. Your back hits the rocky bank of the lake in solace knowing your son is in safe hands.
Then Ralak grits his teeth and lets go.
“Lak. Ralak.” Your panicked, hoarse voice calls for him, but you’re too weak to get up. “Ho-Hold him, Ralak.”
Ralak looks like he’s fighting his own instinct to scoop up his young and cradle him in his chest. And that’s because he is. It’s taking everything in him not to do just that, but he knows that this is the way. The right way.
“Mawey [calm]. First breath.” Ralak gently reminds you of the Metkayina ritual. He knows he must do this, especially in the absence of the Tsahik. “Let him swim.”
You watch intently as the water slowly clears, revealing the wiggle of your newborn's body. “Help him.” You plead with trembling lungs, having a hard time watching this unfold.
Ralak stays close to his newborn, ready to jump into action in an instant. But the babe rises to the top all on his own—swimming directly from the womb. You burst into tears, chest swelling with pride and every emotion under the moon.
Nonetheless, Ralak taps his bum softly, his other hand hovering underneath his son's feet in the case he needs to intervene. This is the first moment where your son has made you both proud.
Your son breaks the water with his face, chubby cheeks and puckered lips. You hear the sound of his little, first breath — pwah. His eyes open as he looks around, catching sight of his father scooping him into his arms.
“You did it, my little one.” Ralak whispers with a crack in his voice, shifting his gaze over to you. “You did it. I’m so proud of you.” He repeats in absolute shock and awe, and this time you know he’s talking to you, too.
Ralak holds his son close to his chest and away from his weeping wound, using his body heat to keep him warm as he makes his way over to you. The babe wails when he catches your scent, squirming in his fathers arms as if he were trying to get to you on his own terms.
“She is right here, son.” He whispers, bouncing him a bit as he places him in your arms, helping you hold him for the first time. “Hold his head.”
Your arms feel like jelly and they won’t stop shaking, but you’re eager to hold your newborn. Ralak tucks himself closely at your side, keeping a precautionary hand under your arm. Immediately, he calms, gurgling and cooing as he listens to the familiar and comforting thump of your heart. It’s all he’s heard in the past ten months.
Teary eyed, you look down through blurred vision, taking in the sight of your son. Every feature. Every stripe. Every freckle. His dark turquoise skin, golden eyes, pointed pink ears. A tail like his father, but five fingered, like his mother. He is the perfect mix, the perfect balance.
“You’re perfect.” You whisper, admiring his little coos and floppy, soft ears that lay flat against him. His head turns towards your bosom, puckered lips brushing against your top in search of your nipple. “Hungry? Hm?” You hum shakily.
Ralak is quick to help you, helping you position him just right. Your son shakes his head as he tries to latch for the first time, and both you and Ralak watch quietly with wobbly smiles plastered on your faces.
With two fingers, Ralak presses down onto your breast, angling your nipple in a way that makes it easier for you and him. You can’t help the grimace on your face when he does latch and suckle, but it quickly turns into a smile as you watch him feed for the first time.
“Rak’äni.” Ralak proudly announces the name of his first born son.
You look up at him, witnessing a tear or two roll down his cheek. You’d never seen this giant cry like this before. The past two days have been too much.
“Rak’äni.” You repeat with a smile, Ralaks eyes finally meeting yours. He leans in and meets your lips with his, kissing you tenderly. He lingers there forehead to forehead as he pulls away, allowing himself to be vulnerable—to soak in his emotions.
“I love you. I see you, y/n. For life. And beyond.” Ralak sheds a few more tears as he speaks the words.
“Nìt’iluke [neverendingly; forever].” You say wearily, heavy lidded eyes struggling to stay open.
Ralak hears the sound of a branch breaking underneath the weight of a person's foot. Ralak looks behind him, hand under the water clutching the dagger on his hip, ready to protect his family. He sees the silhouette of a woman standing at the opening of the cave, basket on her hip as the last rays of sun shine through her.
The first eclipse is starting.
Is that how long this has gone on for?
His heart skips a beat as his eyes narrow to see who it is…to see if it’s how he suspects it may be. Did she really follow us?
He then sees a taller figure emerge behind her, then another, and another…and another. And soon he counts seven heads in total and it dawns on him.
It’s your family—and his.
“We have visitors, little one.” Ralak coos quietly at his baby, his thumb just barely gliding over his cheek. “Are you alright, mama?” His voice sounds muffled and distant, as if he were at the other side of the lake. “The healer is here.”
“Tired...Hurts.” You mumble, letting your eyes fall shut.
You feel Ralak’s gentle touch as he tucks himself behind you, supporting you with his body. His arm is under yours, keeping the babe safely above water as he feeds. You can fully relax your body now, sinking into your mate’s pillowy chest.
“Rest.” Ralak whispers. “I have you.”
“You won’t believe, brother. The tshahik is also in labour. And I couldn’t find you…I heard y/n scream and—oh…” Zu’té lowers his voice to a whisper, catching sight of the freshly born babe in your arms. “Tak. He’s here.” His voice falters even more as he nears his blood.
His only family outside of Ralak. He’s awestruck, taking in all the different features of a new kind as he feeds. The babe's skin resembles the depth of his mother, but the tone of his father. Stripes like an omaticaya. Tail like a Metkayina. Five-fingered.
Truthfully, the length of his stare has Ralak feeling a little uneasy and a bit protective.
“Toto.” Ralak hasn’t called him that in years, “Meet your nephew—Rak’äni.”
“Rak’äni.” Zu’té repeats through a whisper, keeping his distance from the babe. “Fyole [beyond perfection].”
Ralak relaxes, smiling proudly. “He is.”
Zu’té fumbles with a small satchel on his hip, taking something out of it in a haste. He hands Ralak something small, something delicate. It's weaved to perfection, with colours of the sunset.
"For him." Zu’té says in a hushed voice, unfolding the garment to show his brother. It's a hat, an entirely new concept to the Metkayina. Ralak looks at him, a little confused, eyes bouncing between the strangely shaped item and his brother. "For the child's head."
Ralak smiles, his furrowed brows relaxing when he understands. Zu’té raises his brows and gently nudges it closer to the babe in your arms. Ralak nods, watching as Zu’té slips it on his head as gently as he can.
"Toto, that is very kind—"
"Don't flatter yourself." Zu’té cuts his brother short, pulling back to see the finished result of his hard work. It fits perfectly. "I had plenty of time."
Zu’té steps back, giving you two some space.
A sudden splash of the water makes Ralak jolt in his skin, but he calms down once he realises that it’s the healer situating herself next to you so she can tend to you. He isn’t all here right now, either.
“You did well, sa’nu.” You recognize her voice and strain to open your eyes, vaguely seeing her features.
She was at all your lessons with Ronal. The only one who didn’t look at you like some sort of alien. The only one who treated you with respect.
“All on your own. You need to be strong for a little while longer, alright? This may hurt.”
She begins gently massaging your abdomen under the water—a step that is empirical for healing. You clench your jaw and squeeze your eyes shut, shoving your head back into Ralak, who is visibly trying to withhold his look of displeasure.
“I get that look quite a bit. It’ll be over soon, sempu.”
You look down with foggy vision and see the hat on your baby's head. Immediately, you know who made it. You turn your head, looking directly at Zu’té and smile, mouthing 'thank you'. Zu’té returns the smile with a slight nod, remaining silent.
A high-pitched, excited voice has both you and Ralak turning your heads to see your little sister.
“Woah! Mama, look!” Tuk exclaims, tugging Neytiri by the hand to get a closer look.
“Shh, Tuk. He is asleep.” Neytiri hushes her youngest, nuzzling her into her side. The others stay quiet as they approach, crouching down at the bank of the lake to look at their new family member.
“I am so proud of you, my daughter. He looks like you.” Neytiri whispers, raking her fingers through your knotted hair.
You exhale a shaky breath and smile weakly, leaning into your mothers comforting touch.
Jake looks down at the suckling babe in your arm, eyes burning as they gloss over with tears. “You did it, babygirl.”
Hearing your fathers words after so many years of feeling like a failure, you can’t help the sob you sputter out.
“D-Daddy.” You cry shakily, breath hitching. “It was s-so h-hard.”
“I know, baby. I know. But you did it. ” He coos at his own baby, rubbing your shoulder as he looks over to Ralak. “You both did.” He smiles with his son-in-law, cupping the back of his head with his other hand.
Neteyam and Lo’ak wait patiently at the back, not wanting to crowd you. Neteyam is particularly worried for you, he’s been beating himself up for not checking on you when he knew deep in his gut that he should have.
Lo’ak is… nervous, despite his big talk about being the best uncle. Your parents pull back, allowing some space for you, Ralak and the healer.
“Guys.” You sniffle, craning your neck to look at them. “C-Come see your nephew.”
They approach cautiously and kneel down next to you and Ralak. Neteyam smiles, golden eyes quivering as he takes in his features.
“It’s uncle teytey.” Neteyam takes his nephew's tiny hand, his thumb grazing over his five fingers. Then Neteyam looks at you, his expression going from bright to glum. “I’m sorry I didn’t check on you.”
You shake your head and smile, barely keeping your eyes open. “Don’t be.”
“Y/n. I—” To your surprise, Lo’ak is speechless. “He is beautiful.”
“Thank you, uncle Lo’ Lo’.” You smile with another sniffle, using that god-damned nickname he wouldn’t let up on.
Lo'ak returns the smile, hearing it fall from your quivering lips makes his heart full. You finally lean back against Ralak's chest, allowing your eyes to close, heavy and swollen from all your shed tears of joy and pain.
You feel the healer’s hands leave your stomach and make their way to your chest where she ensures the babe has latched properly. “Perfect latch. You are a natural, y/n.”
You smile wobbly at her words, feeling extra proud of yourself.
“I will leave the medicines here, ensure she takes them on time.” She’s speaking to Ralak, who is also in a daze, gazing down at his son. “I will come and check on her tonight. Until then, she needs to rest. No heavy lifting.”
Ralak finally averts his attention to the healer, a smile on his lips as he nods. He’d never let you lift a finger, anyways.
“Ralak, your wound is open.” Neytiri speaks with concern in her voice.
The healer looks down to see his mangled laceration. “Eywa…Now, this will hurt.” Her eyes go wide and she immediately gets her things to sew him back up. Neteyam and Lo’ak look at the bleeding gash with wide eyes. Jake grimaces.
“D-Does that hurt?” Tuk asks shyly, peeking out from behind Neytiri to see.
Ralak shakes his head with a smile, too overjoyed with the safe delivery of his first born son to even notice anymore.
“No pain. Only happiness.” Ralak says softly, accent heavy on his tongue as he looks back down at his now stirring babe.
#ralak#metkayina#metkayina oc#sully reader#sully reader x oc#oc x sully reader#na'vi x reader#na'vi x sully reader#na'vi avatar#metkayina x omaticaya#metkayina x fem reader#ralak x y/n#ralak x reader#ralak x you#na'vi pregnancy#na'vi pregnant#ralak pregnant#avatar pregnancy#ralak angst#ash people#awow angst#avatar angst#angst#ralak x female reader#awow oc#awow ralak#avatar 2#avatar 2 x reader#labour#labor
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Hi, I would like to request a tonowari x fem human reader were his kids (aonung and tsireya) and her kid (girl, fully human) are like a blended family and the sullys show up to the metkayina and theyre like 🤨 because they didnt even know humans went outside the omatikaya. it can go where ever you want just had that idea in my head
Thank you <33
Our Family- Tonowari x Reader
(This kinda turned into a Son! Aonung x Stepmom! Reader, too. I hope that's alright!)
Main Masterlist ~ Avatar Masterlist
1793 words
+ When the Sully family sought uturu in the Metkayina clan, they didn't expect to find humans there, that far out in Pandora. They especially didn't expect to find out that the Olo'eyktan is in a relationship with the woman and has adopted her child as her own. Not to mention, his children listening to her as if she was their birth mother.
"Aonung?" I called from my spot by the cook pit. He popped his head into the marui's entrance.
"Yes ma?" He asked.
"Can you grab me the leather ties? Your father accidentally put them out of my reach again." I asked, pointing to a basket on a high shelf. He nodded and walked over to the basket grabbing a few ties for me.
"Here you go, ma." He hands them to me.
"Thank you." I took them and tied up the stuffed roasting leaves. He knelt down next to me and adjusted the grate over the cook pit for me. As I was about to set the food on the fire, we heard the horns from the reef.
"What the..." Aonung muttered before sharing a confused look with me. We both got up and walked over to the entrance. We saw 5 ikrans approaching.
"Ma?" Aonung looked down at me. As the ikrans landed I saw Ronal heading that way.
"Go on. If you see Kira, send her home please."
"Yes ma." He leaned down and kissed my head before running off. I walked back in and a few minutes later my daughter Kira came running in.
"What's going on, Mom?"
"I don't know. We'll wait for Wari to come and tell us." I run my hand over her head. "It's safer for us to stay here since we don't know the Navi that have come."
"Okay." She went and sat on a mat before pulling at the top she had been working on. It wasn't long until Tsireya walked in.
"Ma? Kira?" She smiled at us.
"What darling?" I looked up at her.
"Dad wants you to come meet some people." I was surprised but nodded.
"Come on Kira." I said as I walked towards the exit. She ran over and I pulled her into my side. We followed Tsireya to see a family of six standing next to Wari. As we walked up, I saw the family look at us completely shocked.
"Daddy!" Kira ran over to Wari and hugged his leg. He chuckled before picking her up.
"Hello, my Katir (rainbow)." He greeted Kira. He held her on his side before reaching for me. "Yawne."
"Hi." I took his large hand and he brought it up to his lips.
"Um, I'm confused." I heard one of the newcomers say. I looked at them. I looked at the oldest Male and realized he looked familiar. I glanced down and saw he had 5 fingers and toes.
"Jake Sully." He met my gaze as I said his name.
"Yes. I am. How did you..." He trailed off.
"I worked at Hells gate." I said in English at first before switching back to Navi. "I was a scientist for botany. Another scientist and I were out on assignment when the battle of the Hallelujah Mountains happened. I was against the RDA's plans and tactics so I was deemed okay to stay."
"Oh. But how did you end up out here?"
"12 years ago, my companion and I were chased from our outpost lab by some viperwolves and he was killed. I made it to the coast but got washed out to sea by a severe storm. I was pregnant at the time and I was washed up here." I explained.
"How did you not get... Well, um killed?"
"We were shocked when she washed up. But when we realized she was pregnant, we couldn't hurt her. Even Ronal was hesitant. Ultimately, We realized she wasn't a threat and was allowed to stay. Along with her child." Wari explained before smiling at Kira.
"But you two are together?" The woman asked. Jake looked a little mortified.
"Neytiri. Human and Navi relationships weren't unheard of back home." Jake said quietly.
"Yes but the Olo'eyktan? That isn't ..." She started to ask.
"Neytiri! Not our place." He said urgently. I chuckled. "Plus you really have no room to talk." Her eyes widened.
"Fine." She huffed before turning to us. With a genuine look in her eye, she apologized. "I am sorry."
"It's alright. We know it's out of the norm." Wari smiled. "Now, Tsireya will show you to your marui."
"Thank you. It was nice to meet you." Jake smiled and Tsireya led them away. Wari let Kira down who followed her sister. Wari and I headed back to our marui.
"So, why are they here?"
"They seek uturu."
"Uturu? Why?" I looked up at him confused.
"From the sky people." I nodded. I had a nagging feeling in my chest but shook it off. "You're worried about something."
"You know me to well." I chuckled. He reached down and picked me up. "The thought of humans back on Pandora is just a chilling thought. I can understand why Jake has done this."
"Do not worry, Ma'Y/N. We are safe here." He nuzzled my cheek. I cupped his cheek.
"I know. I just can't help but worry." I said as he carried me into our home.
"Everything will be Okay." He assured me. He sat down and set me on his lap. He began playing with my hair. I sighed, relaxing.
"Okay, my love. I trust you." Not long after that Kira, Teysira, and Aonung came in.
*Time skip*
A couple of weeks later, I was out collecting some shells for jewelry and clothes. I was out wading in the water a ways away from the village when I heard the sound of a fight. I quickly walked that way to see the Sully kids and Aonung with his friends fighting.
"Okay enough!" I yelled walking up to them. "Aonung! Roxto!"
"Shit!" I heard Lo'ak muttered.
"Break it up." I snapped. Aonung and Roxto quickly broke off and backed up. Neteyam pulled Lo'ak away. "Seriously?! Acting like petty children. I can't believe any of you!"
"Ma, I'm ..."
"Don't even Aonung!" I turned to look up at him. "I know you started this so don't even start. I am very disappointed in you." His ears fell back and he curled into himself with his tail dropping.
"Yes ma'am." I turned to the Sully boys and Kiri. They looked surprised at me.
"I'm disappointed in you two as well." I said to Neteyam and Lo'ak. They looked guilty. "Everyone, back to the village. We're going to talk to Wari and Jake now. Kiri you don't have too, sweetheart."
"Yawne?" Wari looked up as we entered. "What's wrong?"
"I'll explain as soon as Jake gets here. Wari looked between the boys and his gaze hardened at the looks of them.
"I may have an idea after all." He said. Once Jake arrived, I explained everything to Jake and Wari and we parted ways to speak to our kids privately. Once at our marui, I pointed at the mat for Aonung to sit.
"Do you have any respect for Kira and I?" I asked. Aonung's ears laid back.
"Of course I do."
"Then why do you treat Kiri like that? Lo'ak? Why do you treat them like demons when you call me Ma? Me, a human?!" I snapped. He flinched. I could feel Wari standing behind me. "You are being disrespectful to me and your sister as well as the Sully children. No more."
"Yes ma'am." He nodded. I turned away, rubbing my head.
"Go, think about what you've done. Think about our family. " Wari dismissed Aonung.
"Yes sir. Yes Ma'am." He stood. "I'm truly sorry, Ma." I nod and he leaves.
"Wari..." I turned to my mate with watery eyes. He gave me a sad smile. "Did I do something too..."
"No, no. You haven't clone anything. I'm sorry, Yawne. I don't know what's gotten into him." Wari knelt in front of me. He took my hand and nuzzled my neck. I could feel the tears nearly spilling from my eyes. I cuddled into his chest. He ran a hand up and down my back. "Shh, yawne."
"I am just confused. Sure he doesn't like humans much and I understand. But Jake proved himself to the Na'vi. His kids are born Na'vi and don't deserve to be treated like demons."
"I hate to say it but I figure he's following his mothers displeasure in the situation." Wari said and I agreed. furiously wiped my face.
"You're right. But Aonung is doing a lot more than grumbling about this." I mumbled as I nodded. He gave a small chuckle before cupping my cheek.
"Well, I believe you straighten him out, Ma'Y/N." He comforted me with encouragement.
"Thank you, Ma'Wari. I hope so." I smiled before sighing. "I don't know what we're going to do with that boy."
A little while later after Wari calmed me down, Jake came to us nearly in a panic with Neteyam and Aonung in tow.
"What?!" I exclaimed as Jake told us that Lo'ak was missing. My mind immediately went to Anoung doing something. I turned to the boy with a glare before Neteyam stepped up.
"I can assure you Aonung didn't have anything to do with it. Just after he spoke privately with you, he came and found me to apologize. And I went with him to apologize to Kiri. So Aonung was with me and Kiri when Loak disappeared."
"Alright. Good. Thank you Neteyam." I said and gave Aonung a soft smile. He gave one back. Tonowari set his hand on my back.
"I'll help look for him." He says turning to Jake. "I have a feeling that this has something to do with my friends. Plus I need to try and make up for the way I've treated him. It wasn't right or fair. I am very sorry."
"Thank you for apologizing," Jake nodded.
"Come. We'll start the search." Tonowari said to Jake. He directed some others before turning to me. "I'll be back. can you keep an eye out in case he makes it back?"
"Of course. Go." He nodded and gave me a kiss on the head. Everyone quickly dispersed but Aonung walked up to me.
"I'm sorry ma. I promise I'll do better by our family." He said genuinely as he knelt down in front of me.
"I know." I hugged him. I gave him a pat on the head. "Now go. Help find Lo'ak. Anything can happen to him out there. You, I, and your father will talk about it more later."
"Yes ma." He smiled. He followed everyone else. I sighed and shook my head.
"Eywa, what am I going to do with that boy?" I asked out loud. I heard a familiar set of giggles next to me. I turned to see Tsireya and Kira. "Come on you two. We better go check on Tuk, Kiri, and Neytiri."
"Okay Ma." They nodded and we left.
#imagine#imagines#james cameron avatar#avatar the way of water#avatar tonowari#atwow#atwow imagines#avatar 2009#avatar 2022#avatar 2 x reader#avatar x reader#tonowari#tonowari x reader#tonowari imagine#tonowari x y/n#tonowari x human! reader#tonowari x human reader#requested imagine#avatar imagine#atwow tonowari#aonung#atwow aonung
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Only 658 Days Until We're Back Home
#avatar the way of water#avatar twow#avatar#jake sully#loak sully#loak x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam x human reader#avatar 2 x reader#lo'ak sully#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#lo'ak x reader#lo'ak avatar#neteyam#kiri#avatar fic#jake sully x reader#tsireya#sully family#avatar 2#atwow#ronal avatar#ronal x reader#ronal x tonowari#ronal x you#ronal x y/n#tonowari#avatar jake sully#recom quaritch#recom lyle wainfleet
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summary ;; three short moments with neteyam.
pairings ;; neteyam x fem!na'vi!reader
warnings/notes ;; mentions of war and wounds ;; very short, honestly. just a few ideas i had for one-shots for neteyam.
word count ;; 0.5k
✦ "I hate war."
Those were the words that left your lips once you finished cleaning the wounds of one of your companions, hearing Neteyam approach from behind you. You felt his chest lean against your back and his warmth was enough to make your lips quiver.
"I know, I hate this too. Not knowing if our brothers will come back… not knowing if Eywa will allow us a day of rest…" he murmured, slipping his arms across your chest and you intertwined your fingers with his.
"Ma Neteyam…" without looking at him, you spoke again, your voice almost cracking. "Promise me you will take care of yourself."
"I promise, Ma Txe'lan" he rested his cheek on your shoulder, sighing.
✦ "Wanna play?"
You laughed as you signaled your ikran companion to hasten flight, hearing Neteyam's laughter behind you and thus the squawks of his ikran, following you.
"Depends!" you indicated at his words, passing under a floating mountain, hiding among some rocks and laughing softly, stroking the head of your ikran, who squawked silently.
"Gotcha!" from the side, Neteyam appeared flying, causing both you and Syo to swoop down, amused. "Oh, please, it's your turn!"
"Prove it!" you looked up at him through your windblown hair, meeting his gaze and determined, he continued the flight after you, grinning.
✦ "Boo!"
Neteyam opened his eyes and trying to keep his balance, he swung his tail and arms forward, but it was inevitable, he fell backwards into the water and you burst out laughing, climbing down from the tree.
Watching him come out, you couldn't help but keep laughing, holding on to the trunk and crouching lower and lower. He gave a hiss, feigning annoyance and you felt your tail being grabbed, cutting off your laughter abruptly as you fell into the water.
"I can't believe it, you're a sore loser!" you laughed, tossing your hair back, catching your breath once you surfaced.
"Me? Excuse me, but I got to the waterfalls first!" he spoke mockingly, sitting down on one of the rocks over there, shaking his head to dump the rest of the water and thus, his braids, knocking you around a bit. "You were the one who decided - as a sore loser - to scare me" he smirked at you, as he gave you a soft smack on the nose, making you frown.
"At least I didn't get scared being a warrior" you rolled your eyes, smiling and felt two of his fingers dig into your sides, making you squirm, in between laughs. You tried to remove his hands, but it was impossible. Between the rocks, your hair was still getting a little wet, but you were too busy laughing and snorting to worry about that.
"Who's the warrior, huh?" he asked, smiling at your giggles and playful desperation, still tickling you, but you threw some water at him with one of your hands, causing him to cover up and stop for a few seconds.
You smiled at him with amusement and hugged him, slipping your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him to you and rolling with him to the right side, re-entering the water, this time together, amidst giggles.
a/n ;; i'll post a request later (priya chen !!!) and then i'll watch the movie again bc i forgot a lot of things, sorry, i have been too focused on my own projects <3 do you like these type of writings? like- shorts?
#neteyam x reader#neteyam x female reader#neteyam fluff#neteyam x you#neteyam sully#avatar 2 x reader#avatar 2 neteyam#avatar way of water#atwow#avatar the way of water#avatar twow#avatar james cameron#avatar 2022#neteyam x na'vi reader
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My husbands, ma yawntus & my loves
There has been many words that you have learned, to call someone you truly loved. Some of these names you found very funny, but there were some you truly love. Those were the names that you would use when you, finally had found love and started down on the path with the ones who had your heart.
Y/n “ …….” You are floating in some water having a spa day, and just enjoying some relaxing time at the moment. It has been a very busy week for you at home and in the village, so when you have been given the opportunity to have a break you took it.
y/n “ ……” you had ran your hair under the waterfall, enjoying the good moment. When you soon felt someone grabbed you from behind.
????? “ hey there beautiful this moment remember me of something, from the past”
y/n “ Jake” you soon opened your eyes and turned around to see Jake, standing there he soon smirked at you.
Jake “ hey there baby”
y/n “ I thought you were away at the moment”
Jake “ oh yes neytiro and Tsu’tey did drag me out on hunting mission, but we found nothing so we came back so when we got back I came right here”
y/n “ so it seems like I will be saving you from their wrath once again”
Jake “ oh come on that was years ago”
y/n “ are you sure my husband because last time I remember, you and them were on a stand off way different form the first day they meet you”
Jake “ hey I was a stupid dreamwalker back then, but now I’m toruk makto”
????? “ oh look what I the stupid dreamwalker”
???? “ no he more like a bothersome pest” it seems like Jake idea of thinking, he was going to get away with sneaking off to be with you had failed as you two other husbands had soon showed up.
Jake " hey tsu'tey and neytiro didn't know you two will be here"
Tsu’tey " we came here to save our wife from you sykwang"
Jake " oh come on I'm not the bad"
neytiro " this coming from the guy who put here in danger two different times fifteen years ago"
Jake " that is all in the past"
tsu'tey " it hard to forget that past idiot"
neytiro " hell ma y/n"
y/n " hello ma yanwtu how was your day"
neytiro 'it was okay we were hoping to bring back some caught but it seems, like we are not the lucky today"
y/n " don't worry everything will be fine"
tsu'tey " yawne why have you come here to today"
y/n " well my love the kids are doing their own thing today, so I had taken today to have some time to relax"
Jake " well mind if we join you"
y/n " well are three are already here and it would be bad to send you all away" your husbands had mailed as they joined you in the water, and the peace of the area as well.
y/n " you know it really has been fifteen years since that day"
tsu'tey " yes it has I and neytiro thought we will never see you again, but it seems like we were proven wrong as we got to see you again"
neytiro " along with one we will come to see as friend as well"
Jake " hey I had thought I will never have a wife or kids in my life, but it seems like that I was proven wrong when I meet y/n"
y/n " well if you three most know my life had changed when you three had come into my life once again or meeting you for the first time" your husbands had smiled as your words made them feel very happy.
y/n " you are all my husbands, Ma yanwtus, and my loves there is nothing that will change my mind about it ever"
neytiro " so be honest with us who do you love the most"
y/n " I'm not going to answer that my husband"
Jake " then what about the topic of having a new addiction to the family, as we have been having talks about in the past"
y/n " that might be a good idea but I thought you three think our family is big enough"
tsu'tey " maybe" you shake your heads at your husbands as you splashed them with water, which seem to be a bad move as they soon started chasing you in the water and on land. Even after fifteen years they are still made you fall in love with, them over and over again. The couple soon returned home it had been a good day, as they soon reached closer and closer to their home to hear their kids laughing and talking. As you had looked at your mates happy about the life you had made here with them, after many years of happiness and sorrow but at the end this was the life you have forever.
#avatar#atwow#avatar 2#avatar x y/n#avatar the way of water#avatar x reader#neytiri x reader#avatar 2009#jake x reader#jake sully x reader#jake sully x you#jake sully x y/n#neytiri x y/n#neytiri x you#tsu'tey x you#tsu'tey x reader#tsu'tey x y/n#atwow x reader#atwow x you#atwow x human reader#atwow x y/n#avatar x human reader#avatar x you#avatar x fem reader#atwow fanfiction#avatar 2 x reader#avatar 2022#avatar james cameron#avatar movie#james cameron avatar
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hi! i loved songcord so much, i thought you could really do this idea justice. i was thinking, and what if reader finds lip gloss or something similar in one of the old buildings and decides to try it on. either of the sully boys (your choice!) just cannot stop looking at it and wanting to kiss them! maybe a little spice please? thank you!

➜ Pairing: Lo'ak x gender!neutral!reader
➜ Summary: You find a little treasure while exploring an abandoned building in 'Hell's Gates' with Lo'ak that leads to a tender moment between the two of you.
➜ Warnings: kissing
➜ Word Count: 1.7k
➜ Notes: hi guys ^_^

“Lo’ak we can't be here!” You hissed, tugging at his hand in an attempt to get him to turn around. He refused, continuing to move through the thinning underbrush of the forest.
“It’s been abandoned for years, we’ll be fine!” he replied insistently, pulling you along with him. You grumbled in protest, but he ignored you, looking through the last layer of leaves to make sure it was, in fact, as clear as he insisted. His eyes swept the area back and forth, catching at every small movement before he deemed it clear and marched right through onto the turf of Hell’s Gate.
You bit your bottom lip, cursing his stubbornness and scurrying out of the greenery behind him. You follow behind him as he runs to the nearest concrete structure. It takes the two of you, and a good amount of pulling, to pry the airtight door open. Finally, it swings open, its hinges squeaking from years of neglect and making you stagger back. It begins to close again by the time you both regain your footing, and you both slip through the narrowing entry. Just barely avoiding the heavy thing closing on your tail. You squeak in surprise.
The inside of Hell’s Gate is just as empty and – if not more – dead as the outside. It lacks the lively greens that have grown over the grey structures. Everything is white, gray and an “ugly medical blue" as you'd heard Jake describe it once. The machines and tables are covered in a heavy layer of dust.
You swipe the pad of your finger over one as you pass it, frowning as the blue of your skin turns grey.
“This is gross,” you state, whipping your finger against yourself with a frown. Lo’ak nods in agreement.
“Definitely not as cool as what we have back in the mountains,” he adds, although technically speaking it's all the same, just less dusty.
“But look at the size of it…no way all those tiny sky people needed this much space,” you joke, and Lo’ak laughs. Pushing the door to the next room open, he notes that this door is much lighter than the last.
The two of you walk in, your eyes glazing over everything in the room as you drift off from him to explore it. The room reminds you of where Norman and some of the other scientists sleep, so you gather it must be some type of sleeping corridor, although it is quite bare. There are no sheets or pillows, no bags full of belongings or clothes on hooks or racks. Just steel and metal structures that stack on top of one another and hold thin white mattresses on them. Although the mattresses can hardly be described as white now.
“It's empty!” Lo’ak exclaims from his side of the room, beginning to make his way towards you. You open your mouth about to agree with his statement before a small bag catches your eye. It’s tucked under one of the bunks, just barely visible from where you stand. It must have been forgotten. You have to bend down to see the whole thing, and get down on your hands and knees to reach it.
Lo’aks heavy footsteps halt as he reaches you. “What are you doing?” he questions with furrowed brows and an amused smile.
“I found…” you reach under the bunk, pausing as you grasp onto the bag and pull it out, “this.” You pull yourself back up, grasping the tiny bag between your pointer and thumb. There's a floral pattern imprinted on the fabric. Unsurprisingly you don’t recognize any of the plants depicted in the design.
“Is there anything inside it?” he asks with a grin, giddy eyes eager for an adventure. You shake the bag to answer his question, a small grin of your own forming when you feel something rattle around inside it.
“Yes!” you giggle, fumbling around with the piece of fabric, trying to find a way to open it. After a moment your large fingers get a grip on the tiny zipper head. With a gentle tug you pull the zipper open, and flip the bag upside down, letting the small treasure inside fall into your palm.
This time you're both confused as you stare at the small clear tube in your hand. Inside you can see a long stick that goes through the middle and looks to be connected to the silver head of the tube and a thick looking liquid. The tube looks to only be half full, with a light pink tint to the liquid inside.
Your eyebrows furrow and you shake the bag again to check if there's anything else inside, maybe something that could explain or at least give you a clue to what the odd-looking liquid is for, but nothing comes out.
Lo’ak takes it from your small hand into his larger one, spinning it between his fingers. He squints looking closely at it.
“I think something is written on it…” he says uncertainly. He brings it closer to his face, in an attempt to read the tiny English text. A language he could just barely read, thanks to his lessons with Jake as a child.
“Can you read it?” you ask, watching as he sounds out the letters to himself. His mouth opens and closes, whispers of sounds coming from them for a minute before he strings them together.
“Lip-gloss.” He says uncertainly, and then he repeats it, more confident this time, “It’s lip gloss.” Lo’ak frowns at the tube uncertainly, letting you take it from his hands. You roll it over your fingers, inspecting it.
"I'm going to try it.” You decide.
“You don't even know how to use it.” Lo’ak argues.
You look at him like he’s stupid. “It’s gloss for your lips, you put it on your lips, Lo’ak. It’s in the name.” He rolls his eyes, his face contouring into an almost pout like expression. You giggle, which only upsets him further and he looks away from you.
Turning your attention back to the tiny tube, you decide to ignore him for a moment. You grasp the tube by the bottom with one hand, fumbling at the top of it with the other, attempting to unscrew it. You grunt in frustration as your fingers slip and fumble around the tiny thing, but after a few moments of struggle and much effort it gives a little pop, and the top unscrews.
You can feel Lo'aks eyes on you from where he stands, watching as you bring the product-soaked wand to your lips, gliding it along the surface of the soft skin. You can't see it, but Lo’ak is blushing as he sees the soft tint of pink showing through the gloss. The way he’s so eagerly staring at your lips doesn't go unnoticed, and your cheeks begin to burn in embarrassment when you notice it.
You bring the tube down, hesitantly asking, “does it look bad?” His eyes snap to yours, and he clears his throat.
“No it-” he stutters, and you cringe at the hesitation. “It looks good.” He looks away, taking a deep breath in an attempt to collect himself, before moving in front of you to continue into the next room. “We should explore more before we have to head back.”
He swings the metal door open, holding it open for you with an outstretched hand, and letting it shut behind you. You can't bring yourself to make eye contact with him, still slightly embarrassed, but you can feel his eyes on you, or more so your lips. The next couple of rooms are the same as the last, and you guys walk through sleeping area after sleeping area in silence until Lo’ak speaks up.
“Are you alright?” he asks suddenly. You turn your head slightly, your eyes fluttering up to meet his and then going back down.
“Yes why?”
“You’re red," he says.
You offer a half-assed explanation, “It’s just a little bit hot in here.” Suddenly he stops walking, and you come to a halt beside him. Your eyebrows furrow and you look at him in confusion. “What’re you doing?” you ask.
He doesn't answer for a long moment, and you can practically see the gears in his head turning as he thinks. If this had been in a different context, you would’ve made a joke about how it's probably taking him so long to think of whatever it was because he doesn't do much thinking, but you hold your tongue.
“I think the lip gloss looks really nice on you!” He blurts suddenly, and your cheeks flush a deep red.
“Thank you Lo’ak.” You say shyly. He takes a step closer to you as you speak, his eyes trained on your lips as they move before flicking up to your eyes. He takes another step towards you and your breath hitches at the lack of distance now. You can faintly feel the heat radiating off him, and your eyes flutter up to meet his.
“What’re you doing?” The question comes out in a whisper. The distance between you and him, or lack thereof, makes you breathless. Lo’ak doesn't respond, instead your answer comes as the feeling of a rough hand cupping your waist and another on your cheek, pulling your face forward. You don't have time to think about what happens next, and as if by instinct your eyes flutter shut, and you feel his warm lips pressing against yours.
The kiss is slow, and sensual, and you melt into it. You’ve known the Sully boy most of your life, but never had you thought that you would end up in a situation like this with him. After a moment Lo’ak pulls back, and breaks the kiss.
As his eyes open and meet yours there’s an oddly raw and venerable look in his eyes that you’re not used to. You’ve only seen it a couple times, and you were honestly not sure you were supposed to have seen it, but this time your gaze feels welcome.
“Was that okay?” he asks quietly, and you can hear an underlying worry and nervousness in his tone.
You assured him gently, "That was perfect.”
#adrunkskeletonsduck#x reader#avatar way of the water#avatar 2009#avatar fics#avatar the way of water#avatar fanfiction#awow x reader#lo'ak x y/n#atwow loak#lo'ak fic#lo'ak sully#lo'ak x reader#lo'ak x you#lo'ak avatar#loak sully#loak x reader#atwow#avatar 2 x reader#avatar requests#avatar fic#loak x you#loak x y/n#lo'ak x fem!reader#the sully family#lo’ak x reader
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Incorrect Quote
Neteyam: It doesn’t have a bone.
Y/n: Then why is it called a boner?
#incorrect avatar quotes#avatar incorrect quotes#avatar#avatar 2022#avatar 2 x reader#avatar x y/n#avatar x na'vi reader#avatar x human reader#avatar x you#avatar x reader#neteyam x omaticaya!reader#neteyam x human reader#neteyam x na'vi!reader#neteyam x you#neteyam x y/n#neteyam x reader#neteyam x human#neteyam sully x y/n#neteyam sully x na’vi!reader#neteyam sully x reader#neteyam sully x you#avatar neteyam
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Imagine being Jake Sully’s and Neytiri’s adopted daughter, child of someone who was an old friend of Jake’s:
Info: reader’s mom’s avatar had darkskin black features (Afro hair + dark eyes + dark blue skin) so reader also has those features, reader has an Jamaican accent, reader is Navi Avatar hybrid and has 5 fingers and eyebrows, reader is 13 years old
Boom your mom was 5 years old when she moved from Jamaica to North America, she and Jake became childhood friends (more like they became soul siblings)
The same day the RDA recruited Jake, they recruited your mother too
She also spends time observing the Navi and learning their ways with Jake, but Tsu’Tey was her teacher instead
As she lives there for months, she and Tsu’Tey fall in love and mate at the tree of spirits (JAKE N NEYTIRI DUUUUPE)
She and Neytiri actually became pregnant at the same time, literally shortly after they both mate with their men at the spirit trees
Your dad dies during the war yada yada yada, they win and skip boring stuff
For some reason when Neytiri has her baby, your mother is unable to give birth to you and she remains pregnant for 2 more years
The pregnancy drains her energy, making her look even skinnier and her skin color fade as her cheeks become hollow
When she finally gives birth and before she dies she whispers a name that’s a mixture between her’s and Tsu’Tey’s
Neytiri holds your small crying form silently shushing you while Jake cries over your mom’s dead body, she was like an older sister to him
Jake adopts you and when you’re old enough he starts teaching you about your human culture as it was a big part of your mother’s life and she loved her culture more than anything
This leads him to also explaining why you’re different from all the other Omaticaya, but he also explains it’s not a bad thing
You growing up with mixing your life with both your Navi and Jamaican cultures
You are the closest to Neteyam, he’s SOOOOO protective over you (you are his favorite shhhh don’t tell Lo’ak)
Since you’re a lot shorter than your older siblings, you often get carried by them
Jake teaching you so much about humans, pop culture references, music tastes n everything!!!! (Girl you literally take inspiration from his teachings and make your own clothing style out of Navi clothes)
Neytiri making you the most beautiful song cord ever about the love story of your mom and Tsu’Tey and your birth
You and Kiri bonding over both being adopted
You and Tuk are so goofy together, always making Neytiri laugh n shi
You two also bond over being the babies of the family
You and Lo’ak always playing tag in the forest
You immediately loved spider when you all first met him as little kids, (I mean, your mom was once human so you didn’t hate them at all)
ALWAYS wearing your mother’s Na’vi and human hair pieces and your father’s necklaces
Jake teaching you how to fight the human way because your mom was better than everyone in the RDA at that
Going to the Lab with Kiri to see videos of your moms together (they also grew to be close friends and would sometimes just make videos of them being stupid together)
Jake and Neytiri are the only ones allowed to do your hair (your mom taught them how to take care of Afro hair once), they make sure your hair is always healthy
You look so much like your mom but you get your smile, eye shape, and bodily markings from Tsu’Tey
When you can’t sleep, Jake would tell you his childhood memories about your mom
You’re a very spiritual child, always talking with a calm voice, you’re a little shy and always have a good opinion on everyone (girl while Neteyam finna future clan leader, you’re the future Tsahik)
Boom Quaritch bitch ass shows back up (YALL IM SORRY BUT HIS AVATAR IS SO FINEEEEE) and y’all have to flee
You have your own Ikran and she’s named after your mother (let’s just call her Irie)
Y’all make it to the lands of the Metkayina and Ronal starts hating on y’all for being different then she points out how your hair and looks over all are different from your family’s
Neytiri hissing at her as Neteyam and puts you behind him side eyeing Ronal, Jake defending your looks (W DAD)
Y’all get to live among the clan and lowkey….Rotxo he kind of crushing on you I mean not tryna be that one writer butttt uhhh you are the prettiest member of your family (behind Neytiri no one beats her)
You and Rotxo lowkey be flirting with your eyes, giving each other shy looks and blushing like middle schoolers
BUT ANYWAYS THAT’S IT FOR PART 1 IMA DO A PART 2 (this has been marinating in my drafts for months)
#korizzybee’s work#x black reader#avatar 2 x reader#avatar x reader#atwow#atwow x reader#roxto x reader#roxto avatar#jake sully x daughter reader#jake sully#neteyam imagine#neteyam#neytiri#kiri sully#tuktirey#loak sully#james cameron avatar
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avatar x oceanic na'vi fem!reader headcanons

a/n: headcanons with Tuk are ONLY PLATONIC, otherwise you and the character are dating, also every character has two headcanons in here and when i say every character i mean every but i don't like lyle so he's not there; i also don't like quaritch but MANY avatar fans like him so... that's why he's here, anyway enjoy!
ronal will introduce you to her spirit sister, ro'a. her spirit sister means so much to her, just like you, so she wants both of her favourite girls to like each other.
spider wants to learn everything about everything! he only lived with the sully's (omaticaya people/forest na'vi) so that's the only na'vi he knows. you are so different and so beautiful, he can't get enough.
neteyam often catches himself staring at you from behind. he watches after you so if anything happens; he can protect you. he also admires you.
tuk sees you as her new big sister and she always wants to pet baby ilu's with you or feed the big ones with sea leaves.
quaritch will probably 'kidnap' you from your village to have you close to him, because nobody can know about your relationship, for now.
tsu'tey will often provoke you; like flick your ear or pinch your hip just to see how your ears went back and you cringe your nose, it always makes him laugh. you also hit his arm right after that.
every morning, tonowari looks at your bottom cloith and then add something to his own, to match yours. like a feather or a shell that's the same color.
trudy wants you to tattoo her, because when she saw the traditional oceanic na'vi tattoo (because metkayina is just a clan, yk) she fell in love with them!
kiri will dive with you for HOURS, while exploring the sea together. different animals and plants, rocks and crystals, all of this while spending time with you, she loves it!
tsireya loves to hold your hand and she will, all the time! it bring her comfort, she also often swings them while walking or stroke your thumb.
neytiri will make you a lot of tops, bracelets, necklaces,... but she will use gifts from the sea. she'll also make you matching ones, which is always magical.
every time you take a nap, ao'nung will become your bed, and he LOVES it. like one time he layed on a rock with you on top of him while the sea waves were still touching your legs.
grace will love to learn your ways and like 'study' you. it brings her curiosity back (because she probably knows everything about forest na'vi) which somehow makes her feel young and loved.
jake always admires how elegant are you in the water. you look so magnificent, so divine. he could watch you all day without getting tired of it.
when you said that payakan may not be a killer, lo'ak fell in love immediately. it meant a lot to him, he also trusts you with his life now.
trudy will love swimming with you. i feel like she did many sports as a child so it brings her nostalgia, she can also spends time with her love.
spider will protect you at all cost, and slowly he'll become loyal only to you, not to quaritch, not to rda, not to the sully's, not even to kiri, just to you.
ronal will often massage you. it's her way of saying 'you did really good today, i love you'.
tsu'tey can dance and he will dance with you pretty often because he loves it! he can hold you close while looking at your beautiful face, but he surprisingly also likes the dancing.
quaritch will get your name tattooed near his heart on his chest, as a sign of loyalty and love that he holds for you.
racing on skimwings is one of tonowari's favourite activity to do with you. he always laughs when you fell off or when you laugh that he fell off. your laugh warms his heart so he's falling off pretty often.
neteyam will often bring you different sea flowers or land crystals that catches his eyes while training, hunting or just walking that remains him of you.
tsireya loves when you braid her hair, you massage her scalp while kissing her forehead and you always manage to find the perfect hairstyle for her.
neytiri will try to learn how to ride an ilu because of you, but most of the time she's on her ikran right above you, protecting you from the sky. but if you try to learn how to ride an ikran, she'd be pleased!
you are basically an idol to tuk. she really admires you, she finds you funny, gorgeous and strong. it's cute, really.
ao'nung will often hunt with you because he's one of the best metkayina hunters so he can show off his skills. he wants to impress you and let you know that you are safe with him.
kiri has some spiritual connection with you, just like she has with eywa so she feels safe with you. you are her true home.
lo'ak secretly practiced diving and holding his breath every night, just so he can impress you the next day and spend more time playing and talking than learning.
jake will tease you, how he already managed to ride a skimwing in a such a short time and then race you, his mouth is wide open every time you win; which is almost every time.
grace has three photos of you she once took and she has them placed; first near her bed, second in her notebook and third in her lab, so she can always look at your face when she misses you.
#sivyera's masterlist#sivyera#sivyera masterlist#siyvera's writing#avatar na'vi#avatar#avatar x reader#avatar 2 x reader#avatar twow x reader#avatar x reader headcanons#avatar 2 x reader headcanons#avatar 2 headcanons#avatar headcanons#avatar jake sully x reader#avatar 2 jake sully x reader#avatar twow lo'ak x reader#avatar 2 lo'ak x reader#avatar twow ronal x reader#avatar 2 ronal x reader#avatar quaritch x reader#avatar 2 quaritch x reader#avatar twow tonowari x reader#avatar 2 tonowari x reader#avatar tsu'tey x reader#tsu'tey x reader#avatar grace x reader#avatar grace augustine x reader#avatar twow tsireya x reader#avatar 2 tsireya x reader#avatar twow kiri x reader
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Interview With A Vampire
Joseph Woll x Yn Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton x sister!reader, Lando Norris x platonic!reader, Charles Leclerc x platonic!reader, Yuki Tsunoda x platonic!reader, Jamie Flatters x platonic!reader, Matt Rempe x platonic!reader, other f1 grid members x platonic!reader Lewis Hamilton x sister!reader, Lando Norris x platonic!reader, Charles Leclerc x platonic!reader, Yuki Tsunoda x platonic!reader, Jamie Flatters x platonic!reader, Matt Rempe x platonic!reader, Jack Champion x platonic!reader, other f1 grid members x platonic!reader
series masterlist

ynhamilton: honoured to have been apart of this, thank you
liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and others
lewishamilton: killed it
landonoriss: binging it as we speak
charles_leclerc: amazing!
mattrempe: love it

josephwoll: watched with matthewknies like 10/10
liked by mattrempe, matthewknies, and others
#joseph woll x reader#joseph woll x hamilton!reader#charles leclerc x platonic!reader#lewis hamilton x sister!reader#lando norris x platonic!reader#yuki tsunoda x platonic!reader#jamie flatters x platonic!reader#° braindead writes#f1 x platonic!reader#f1 x reader#nhl x reader#matt rempe x platonic!reader#jack champion x platonic!reader#avatar 2 x reader#avatar: the way of water x reader
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Neteyam and PDA
Greetingsss, it’s been a while…this is a Neteyam x reader fiction that takes place before the um…yk…he goes bye bye. This contains an established romantic relashionship, reader is gender neutral and an assuption that reader is into/ doesn’t mind PDA. Enjoy!!
You and Neteyam had been dating for almost 5 months, and by now everyone in the metkaina clan knew about your relationship, ESPECIALLY his family. While he didn’t talk about you much with his father, due to their extremely strict “soldier-general” dynamic, he wouldn’t shut his mouth about you with his mother and brothers (Kiri developed a death wish at some point).
Every time they were all together he’d have to talk about or mention you AT LEAST two or three times, bringing you up whenever he could, and eventually everyone got used to it (even if he still has to deal with Roxto, Ao’nung and the others teasing you two).
But how did he act when you were actually around?
He’s always by your side, never leaving you unless there’s an emergency or a particular situation. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t touching you, what matters is that you’re by his side. This man LOVES to hold you:he holds your hand, he holds your hip if you’re standing next to each other, he has his hand on your tight when you’re sitting, he has his hand on your shoulder… He’s basically never letting you go, letting the world know that you two are together.
And if someone says something about him being “too clingy” or “cringe” he’d probably give the person a judgmental stare and walk on. You’re the only one allowed to complain or say something about his manners in public regarding you.
Although he’s totally more than ok with hand holding or overall physical touching in public, when it comes to kissing it’s a different story��kissing is the most intimate and romantic thing you two could do (he’s 15 guys c’mon😊🙏) and he doesn’t want the people around you to be part of that intimacy by witnessing it. He won’t hesitate to softly peck your forehead, back of your hand and even lips, but if you’re around other people just know that it’ll be pretty quick.
In case you’re asking yourself how the others feel about this…well..
Kiri is disgusted
Lo’ak is both unbothered and annoyed
Ao’nung, Roxto and Spider are mostly teasing both of you with their immature asses
Tsireya thinks you’re the cutest couple on earth (after her and Lo’ak obv)
Tuk basically sees you as her big sibling
Jake and Neytiri look at you and see their younger selves falling in love with each other <:’)
Sorry this is so short🥲

#avatar#atwow#atwow neteyam#atwow fanfiction#atwow x reader#neteyam#neteyam x reader#loak sully#jake sully#tsireya#avatar 2 x reader#fanfic#x reader#character x y/n#gender neutral reader
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Ralak te Sepawn ieyk’itan: Special Episode VI
Labor of Love - Part II
Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info

🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's insanely talented creator @zestys-stuff. Thank you so much for allowing me to play around with your characters!
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (25) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (20) featuring Metkayina!Zu’té (29)
Warnings: zero smut, angst angst angst, mention of past trauma, expletives, pregnancy, contractions, heavily described labour, blood, mild physical violence, reader is really going through it, ralak is too but he'll be alright i promise, brother!neteyam makes a star appearance, cute family fluff, let me know if i forgot anything
Word Count: 6.5k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: Hope you're enjoying your tour in angst town...we're almost finished. You could say we're nearing the final attraction, so continue to keep your seatbelts buckled. lol why am i like this? anyways... please don't hate me for this chapter, and i will try my best to get the next one out quicker so you guys can get some closure lool :)
Synopsis: You didn't plan for things to turn out this way. But no amount of denial can make reality go away...
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And when Ralak sees it, he almost caves in on himself. His mask of indifference—of intimidation, cracks. Hell, it shatters. Into thousands of pieces, scattered at his feet. Tonowari’s previous right hand. The banished. His karyu.
Time chips by at a torturous pace. You spend the first hour sitting on the beach, eating some fruit whilst watching what your brothers get up to. Neteyam, of course, is bearing most of the responsibility whilst Lo’ak and Tuk are taking a more easy approach to the day. Mom and dad made sure to leave them with a list of things to get done whilst they’re away—number one being to keep an eye on their sisters.
Number one, check.
All that floods your mind is your mate and if he’s okay. You try to process everything he’s said but it’s all too much to wrap your head around. All too new. Your brothers aren’t much help either, as they claim to be ‘out the loop’ as much as you are. You know it's bullshit, and probably just another thing that they’ve been ordered to keep from you so as not to ‘stress you out’.
Regardless, it’s all you can think about.
Until you feel your son do a flip in your womb, big enough to make you gasp. Your hands immediately fly to your belly, feeling around to gauge his position. A pressure begins to grow against your bladder. One so intense it presses into your tailbone too. The pads of your fingers sink into the skin, tapping around as you make out a leg, then a knee. A hand to the left.
Is he…head down? You think to yourself.
“Everything alright?” Neteyam asks, concern wrinkling his forehead.
“Hm?” You look up, seeing the outline of his silhouette in front of the sun.
“You okay? You’re…you look a little—”
“Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine. He’s moving a lot today.” You smile, catching Tuk excitedly running over in the corner of your eye.
“Really? Can I feel? Please?” She squeals excitedly, falling to her knees in the sand next to you.
“Of course, Tuk.” You smile, and place her hand on top of your stomach, right where his foot is. Only a few seconds pass by until your son gives Tuk a strong kick, making her mouth open with glee.
“Wow! Tey, you gotta feel this!” Tuk exclaims, tugging your brother by the hand so he’s next to you too. Neteyam looks at you, unsure if you’re okay with it. You nod with a gentle smile, tugging his hand over to the other side of your stomach. His hand hovers as he hesitates for a moment, this is his first time feeling his nephew move. He gives you a final look, and gently rests his hand on your belly
A few moments pass and nothing.
“Aww, he stopped moving.” Tuk sighs with a pout.
“Patience, Tuk.” You whisper, feeling him kick on cue. Her face lights up with a beaming smile and Neteyam seems to be in awe with wide eyes and slightly parted lips.
“Woah, y/n. Your tummy’s getting hard.” Tuk says innocently, looking at her brother to see if he feels it too.
“Hm?” You hum, feeling a bit spaced out and achy.
“It is.” Neteyam lets go and keeps his hands to himself, feeling like he’s invading your personal space. A heat floods your back, and you feel your thighs spasm. You begin to groan, holding your breath until the strange feeling subsides. “Hey. You okay?”
You nod, finally release your breath, and hear Tuk’s excited voice. “It’s all soft now!”
“All good.” You smile, but Neteyam doesn’t seem convinced at all. “Ronal says they are normal. They aren’t the real thing. Mom had them with Tuk, remember?”
Neteyams' features soften as he nods, prying his little sister's hands off of you. “Ease up now, Tuk.”
“Sorry, sis.” She says quietly, ears laying flat to her head.
“Nothing to be sorry about.” You say as you roll to your side to get up, shamelessly using Neteyam to gain some momentum. “Think it’s time for me to take a walk, though.”
“Yes, sure. Where are we going?” Neteyam asks, ready to accompany you anywhere.
“I’m going down to the rocks.” You emphasise on the first word, making it clear you need some alone time after being babysat all day. “I think Lo’ak needs some help with the net.”
Neteyam and Tuk look over to see their brother struggling with a tangled fishing net, and turn back to see that you’re already waddling down the beach.
Suddenly, Ralak’s back inside of his family marui pod on his iknimaya night. Trapped. Small. Powerless. Cornered by a person he once looked up to. A person he trusted. Manipulated by her heat— her pheromones. A crime punishable by banishment. Forced to give, forced to receive. A betrayal he’ll never forget. A face he swore to himself that he would never see again.
No wonder they ‘demanded’ his presence.
Tonowari and Ronal lose their colour when their eyes land on her. It’s been so many years. They quickly look over to Ralak, who is seemingly falling to pieces where he stands. The expression on his face is no short of pure shock and… terror. Truthfully, the last time they’d seen such an expression on his face was the deaths of his parents and spirit brother. Jake and Neytiri aren’t aware of what’s going on, but they know it must be serious for Ralak to be so…expressive.
They can even see his shoulders heave from how hard he’s breathing, and how his face of terror quickly morphs into something of fury. Tonowari notices the way he tightens his grip on his weapon, and his eyes as they gloss over red with rage. It takes a lot to make this man blind with anger. Tonowari knows if he doesn't step in now that this could turn sour in the blink of an eye.
Releasing a shaky exhale, you begin your walk back to your siblings. That was the second ‘practice’ contraction you’ve had since starting your walk, and your third since coming here with your brothers. Your waddle is becoming more sluggish with each step and the fire in your back is beginning to burn hotter rather than fade out.
“Not now, little one.” You whisper as you caress your bump. “…please.”
Weariness sets in as you make it halfway back, making you perch on your knees to take a break. The fire spreads from your back to your thighs, and up your stomach. You brace yourself for the tight feeling, holding your breath in the base of your chest. You grumble a little, swaying side to side until it passes, which thankfully doesn’t take more than a few seconds.
Finally making it back to the beach, you see Neteyam and Lo’ak hauling a few sacks on their backs, with Tuk skipping behind them. You overhear Lo’ak trying to convince Neteyam to let him be with the other warriors, and Neteyam reminding him of your parents orders. They stop mid sentence when they hear your heavy, muffled footsteps, taking one look at you and knowing that something isn’t right. Lo’ak in particular, to your surprise.
“Damn. You look exhausted.” Lo’ak says, earning a jab in the rib by Neteyams elbow. “What? She looks like she’s about to pass out.”
“You can’t say that to a pregnant woman, skxawng [idiot].” Neteyam hisses.
“It’s fine. He’s not wrong.” You say, tail dragging low and heavy behind you. Ralak still clouds your mind, and you’re eager to know if he’s back yet. “I want to go home now. I really need to lie down.”
Neteyam just nods, understanding that something deeper is going on. “I will take you.”
“I got it, bro.” Lo’ak interjects, plunking the sack off his back and onto the ground.
“Stay with Tuk.” Neteyam orders, clicking for his skimwing.
“Why don’t you stay with Tuk?” Lo’ak snaps back.
“Guys. Please?” You sigh, waddling towards the winged beast, throwing a leg over its tough back. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Come ‘teyam.” Neteyam smirks, making the bond with the beast and mounting it in one swift move.
As you arrive at your marui, you see Zu’té at the outside fire pit, concentrating on not burning yet another type of meat-on-a-stick. Hearing your arrival, Zu’té turns and acknowledges your presence. He puts down the sizzling meat on a leaf, allowing the fire to continue to burn as he begins to make his way over to collect you. Neteyam and him exchange glances and silent greetings, and suddenly the air is thick.
“Right…I’m going up. Thank you, tey. See you.” You say out of breath, giving him a quick hug.
“Let me—” Neteyam begins.
“No, I’m okay.” You cut off your brother, hualing yourself off the tsurak.
“Right. Kìyevame [see you again soon]. If you need me, send your watchdog.” He speaks clearly, holding you by the wrist to steady you as you get off.
“I will, tey.” You chuckle lightly and make your way to the marui. Neteyam waits patiently, making sure you get in safely.
Zu’té is only half way there when you reach the bottom step, already offering his arm for the stairs. You sigh and shake your head, hurriedly climbing the stairs as fast as your swollen ankles will allow it. For some reason, his gesture really annoys you. Your mood is off and you feel queasy and achy—like your entire body is throbbing.
All you want is for everyone around you to stop babying you, and let you be alone for the rest of the day.
“I got it.” Your voice strains as you wobble ahead, leaving Zu’té and your brother behind. Neteyam remains silent for some time, locking eyes with Zu’té.
‘Keep a close eye.’ Neteyam signs with disquiet wrinkling his forehead. Zu’té gives him a puzzled look at first, but slowly nods when he successfully deciphers the message. Neteyam nods as well and dives underwater.
By the time Zu’té gets to the bottom step, you’re already at the top, clutching onto the railing as you lean forward in pain. You couldn’t even make it into the pod without another hitting you so soon. You take a few deep breaths rather than holding it in, waiting until the tight feeling subsides.
Zu’té darts up the stairs to your side, offering a hand in support only to be swatted away. “What is it?”
“It is nothing.” You catch your breath and insist that it was nothing—because it was nothing, right?
His brows furrow in disbelief, a look of concern washing over his face. Zu’té allows his eyes to fall to your bulging, veiny belly for the first time, taking in the sight. “You were in pain.”
“I’m fine.” You’re short with him, stony eyes staring into his.
“Someone once told me no good comes from pretending that things don’t hurt.”
“Well nothing’s happening until my husband is back. Okay?” You try to remain nonchalant, to believe your own words.
He simply stares down at you for a bit, analysing your facial expression. Despite your stone cold facade, he can easily see the fear etched into your features. Fear that this baby may come before Ralaks return and that if you allow yourself to accept reality, then it may really come true. He glances down at your hand still stuck to the side of your stomach and swallows, looking back up to you.
“Right. Now...” You huff, contemplating if you should say what you want to say. You feel like telling him to back off—to give you some space. But he’s obviously just making sure you’re okay. “...I need to lie down. Just, keep an eye out for—”
“My brother? Sure. Rest well.”
The Olo’eyktan lets out a lengthy growl, earning a look from the traitor herself.
“Waari.” She sings with a grin, shifting her leer to his mate behind him. “Ronal.” Her eyes fall to her swollen belly, “You are expecting…again.”
It wasn’t a, ‘congratulations’ either, no. But rather a ‘I see that you are the most vulnerable.’
Ronal scowls, hissing through her teeth. Tonowari steps in front of his mate, blocking her from Ay’ana’s view.
It was one thing to commit kawngkem [a crime; evil deed] and be banished for it, but it’s another to seek uturu with the enemy. She is no longer considered to be among the ‘banished’, but is now the ‘enemy’.
Ay’ana looks behind Tonowari, not at Ronal, but at the two deeper skinned, slender na’vis. She scoffs, the corner of her mouth pulling into an evil smirk, revealing her sharpened teeth. Tonowaris eyes widen when he sees that she’s completely adapted to this vile peoples’ ways by putting a file to her teeth. Her eyes flick past them to the last person, the most important.
“Ralak.” She slowly moans his name as she peers up at him with sultry eyes, allowing her tongue to glaze over her canines. “Such a pleasure.” Ralak winces, chest heaving violently as it fills with repulsion and loathing. “Ah. I remember you being quiet, but not this quiet. Nothing to say to your karyu?”
A couple hours have passed and the pain is enough to disrupt your rest. The sunlight dulls with each passing minute, casting a familiar orange hue into the marui. It comes in waves, rippling through you like a bolt of lightning striking the tallest tree in the forest. Making it hard to tell yourself that things are okay—making it hard to keep things quiet.
“Agh!” You groan suddenly, feeling another jolt of electricity shoot up your spine. It stops you in your tracks, the tracks you’ve been burning into the floor with your constant, nervous pacing. You quiet down into a whisper, “...please wait for your sempu [daddy], my child.”
“You—uhm.” You hear Zu’té clear his throat at the door, projecting his voice so that you can hear him through the curtain, “You alright in there?”
“Mmn—yes! Fine.” You grate out, making your way back to the bed to lie down. Your feet are so sore.
“Hungry?” He asks, food in hand in the case you were.
“‘m not.” You try to speak up, but you’re still in the height of the contraction.
He grits his teeth, leaning into the frame of the marui door. “I didn’t burn it this time.”
You wish you could laugh, but you can’t even muster up the strength to raise your voice.
Zu’té lingers at the door quietly, knowing plain as day that you weren’t okay. “...what about water?”
“No...I’ve got.” You say at a normal volume, finally released from the constraints of your pain.
You begin closing your eyes in hopes that sleep may find you, even if it's just for a few minutes. Zu’té remains at the door for a moment longer, feeling so helpless and useless. He sinks back to the floor, putting down the meat and picking up a new, special piece to weave.
Weaving passed the time, distracting him from the tiny sounds that managed to escape your mouth.
Until night fell, and those tiny sounds morphed into deep, lengthy groans and high pitched wails.
“Let us begin.” Tonowari speaks over Ay’ana, averting all attention back to their leader, another female that goes by the name of ‘Varang’.
She’s almost grey in colour, embellished with a red headpiece that resembles something of an ikrans wings. Her eyes narrow as she looks straight at Tonowari, standing close to his height.
“Let us.” She hisses with a smile, leading Tonowari to a smaller, private room sectioned by a leather curtain. She motions to Ay’ana to accompany her, leaving the rest of her men to stay with the others. Tonowari lets out a soft grunt, and grits his teeth. He knows he must choose, but his mate is heavy with child and Jake has no interest in leaving his mate in such a place alone. Therefore, he must choose his right hand—Ralak. He motions with a quick tilt of his head, prompting Ralak to clutch his weapon close to his chest and follow closely behind.
“Y/n.” Zu’té’s at the curtain again, half considering to pull it back and come in on his own terms. But he would never invade your privacy like that. And by the sounds of it, things are picking up. “Do you need the healer?”
“No!” You shout out of breath, wobbling to the door with a hand clutching your stomach. You lean all your weight against the wall, knowing he’s on the other side waiting. “No healer.”
You’re drenched in sweat, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. He hears your back slide against the surface, and he mirrors your movements, sitting on the floor too. Only a wall sits between your backs, separating you two.
“You’re in labour.” Zu’té speaks, his poor attempt at urging you to face reality.
You know that. Of course you know that. But you don’t want it to be true—you didn’t expect it to happen this way—you didnt want it to happen this way. You take a few deep breaths, concentrating on breathing through the remainder of this horrible feeling. And when it’s finally over, you rest your head against the wall and close your eyes—leaving silence to fill the air.
Where are you, Ralak?
The room is much smaller than the one they were in, equipped with some sort of table or workbench with a few spears and bows mounted on the wall. Ralak stands quietly behind Tonowari, as does Ay’ana to Varang.
As they negotiate the terms of the treaty, Ay’ana keeps her eyes locked onto Ralak with a smug look on her face. Her hungry eyes wander, shamelessly taking in every inch of the man before her, surprised by how much he has changed. He’s much bigger, more filled out in his warrior attire. His muscles—more defined, thicker. His skin—calloused and scarred. Inked, unlike before.
And as her eyes trail down the line between his abs they lay upon the six stripes that peak out over the band of his loincloth. Her eyes widen and glisten with greed before darting back up to his face, meeting his eyes that bore into her fearlessly.
What’s worse is that she can see that his mind is elsewhere.
That his mind runs on you. You’re all he’s been thinking about since he stepped off the reef. He feels deep in his heart that something isn’t right back home. That you need him. That perhaps, you’re calling for him right now, swollen and heavy with his child.
And it bothers her.
“It is decided, then.” Tonowari speaks in a confident tone.
“Yes, it is.” Varang’s smile is uncanny as she unsheaths a small, double edged knife from her hip.
She grabs Tonowari by the hand, placing the blade in the middle of his palm, and closes his fingers around it. She rips it from his hand, drawing blood, and then hands Tonowari the knife and gives him her hand. He returns the unsettling act, slitting her palm. She keeps a smile on her face, locking hands with him until their blood combines and drips to their feet.
Supposedly, it is a method of establishing some level of trust between the two. Where each has the ability to do much greater harm, but makes the deliberate choice not to. Then, when blood has been drawn, it is mixed by bringing the hands together, sealing the treaty.
“Bound by blood.” Varang whispers, letting go of his hand to bring hers to her mouth for a taste.
She sighs and smiles, popping a thumb in her mouth before gesturing to him that they leave. Tonowari fights the flinch on his face, disturbed by her behaviour. Ay’ana stays back, watching the two leaders exit the room. But as Ralak is about to leave behind Tonowari, Ay’ana calls for him.
Another couple agonising hours pass, and you’re constantly changing positions in hopes of finding some relief. Desperation sets in, making you beg the great mother herself to guide you through this. To bring your mate back home. But there’s still no sign of his return. The night dew settles on all the surfaces around you. Pacing no longer helps, leaving you to take refuge in your bed, panting and shivering.
No matter how much you twist and turn, your stomach only tightens more. Deep groans rip past your lips to cope with the feeling—the pain shooting through your core. Beads of sweat roll off your body at an alarming rate, soaking the sheets on your bed. You feel him move further down, his head now sitting plush in your pelvis, creating an immense pressure that’s almost unbearable. His feet press into your ribs, and with each strained breath you begin to yearn for your mate more and more. For his comforting touch. For the bond.
“Ralak.” She sings, making him stop dead in his tracks. “A word.”
His ears tuck back and he looks at Tonowari, who gives him a begrudged nod. Ralak sighs and turns around, fixing his mask of indifference tightly to his face. He remains silent, his hand practically bonded to his spear.
“Still tight lipped, hm? Come now, tak. That is no way to treat your karyu.” She speaks in a condescending tone, approaching him warily.
Ralak nearly takes the bait, a heat growing in his chest so hot it makes his jaw tense. How dare she call herself that? To taint such a word? He swallows, taking a single, deep breath to recenter himself as he looks away from her.
“I have to admit.” She steps towards him, the crown of her head meeting the bow of his shoulder. “You have grown into a fine man. You are taller than me now.”
Ralak just looks down at her, still as stone, his mind consumed with the fact that he could be on his way home to you but this…vile creature is keeping him away. But he will do what he needs to keep you safe, even if it means to tolerate this for the time being.
With no reaction, Ay’ana grows frustrated and begins circling him, a single finger tracing around his body.
“You know…My body still yearns for you.” She speaks with a sultry voice, stopping at his side and bringing herself to the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, “...especially when I’m in heat.”
For a second, Ralak succumbs to her tactics, the ones she used to use on him years ago. A memory, forcibly resurfaced, reminding him of the way she whispered in his ear on that night. It makes him feel so small. Impotent. But only for a second. Ralak recoils, stepping back to create distance between them. He towers over her, dwarfing this small, lanky woman, regaining his confidence and power.
“Is that all?” He growls, looking her dead in the eye—facing his past with no fear.
Facing the reason why he lived in a bottle before he met you. You. You. He can feel you. He can feel you yearn for him and he’s ready to come home to you. For this to be over.
He’s too focused on you to even notice Ay’ana’s face of shock. Shock to know that she’s been releasing her pheromones this entire time and he’s been completely oblivious to them. Which only means one thing.
“You’re mated.” She gasps.
And he’s back.
Staring at a mirror now that he is, too, in a state of shock. Ralak’s heart leaps out his chest, beating so hard that Ay’ana can hear it. How could she know that? He watches as a grin spreads across her face, ear to ear. She knows she’s got him now, despite the jealousy bubbling inside her. She could use this to her advantage—it didn’t matter to her that he’s called for, after all.
“Using tsaheylu for such useless things.” She bellows a wicked laugh, which fades out when she sees an even more serious look on his face. A look that tells her he’s trying to mask something more, something deeper. “Oh? Is there more to it?” The twitch of his brows and quick flare to his nostrils reveals the truth. “I have to know. What is it, hm?” She nears him once more, two fingers walking up his chest. “Come now, you were never this hard to read.”
Ralak remains silent, focusing on slowing his heart rate.
“Is she ill?” She asks as she searches his eyes, fingers grazing across his quivering jawbone. “No, no. It’s not that.” She sighs, stepping closer and closer until his back hits the wall. He moves his head away from her touch, still looking her in the eye—refusing to be the first to break eye contact. Her eyes light up and her ears stand tall.
“She carries your child, doesn’t she?” Her eyes gloss over green with envy. “Pregnant.”
Ralak swallows his spit, the lump in the column of his throat quickly undulating.
“There it is. I knew you would make strong babies.” Her hand slips down his chest, slithering over his abs and down to the twine of his loincloth, causing him to jolt. “Ralak.” She moans his name slowly, “Oh, Ralak. The last I see of you, you were barely covered in this vile ink with no one at your side…and now you are mated and a father to be.” Her fingers tickle the raised skin on his most intimate tattoo. “I have always longed to be bred by you.” Her fingers attempt to burrow themselves under the band of his loincloth.
“Enough.” He lets out a deep growl, shoving her away, dropping his weapon in doing so. She loses and quickly regains her balance in a few seconds, throwing herself on him. He grabs her by the wrists, restraining her with ease so that she can’t come any closer to him.
“Perhaps we need to renegotiate the terms so that you are a part of them, yes?” Her voice is full of desperation, trembling as she strains against him. “How does that sound numeyu? You know we have a population problem, right? We could all use you.”
“I have no interest in being your stud.” Ralak spits, forcefully shoving her away, causing her to stumble back and for her head to hit the table.
He moves quickly, picking up his spear off the ground and heading for the door. She lunges at him, dagger unsheathed from her hip and armed in her hand, whilst her other arm snakes around his throat to pull him onto the ground.
During the struggle, Ralak drags her off his back, resulting in a nasty gash from his collarbone and down his shoulder blade. He hisses from the burn, instantly assuming an offensive stance to plunge his spear through. Ay’ana returns the hiss, crouching with her bloodied dagger ready to strike.
“I will kill you.” Ralak threatens, nearing the pointed tip closer and closer to her chest. “And I will take great joy in doing so.”
“Is that right?” Ay’ana hisses, tail wagging in excitement with unsettling smile spread across her face. She looks as if she’s toying with him. As if she’s playing a game and she’s winning. “Let me have a taste of you.”
“Nìtam! [Enough!]” Tonowari roars as he yanks back the curtain, instantly averting Ay’ana’s attention to him. Perhaps it was her roots calling her to respond to her true leader. Varang appears beside him with a scowl stained on her face, displeased with her subordinate. One more move and the treaty would’ve already been broken.
“Easy, Tak.” Tonowari murmurs, and Ralak relaxes into position next to him, blood trickling down his chest and back.
“Come with me.” Varang snarls at Ay’ana, seizing her by the queue.
“Night has fallen. We will take our leave.” Tonowari speaks roughly, trying his hardest to contain his anger as he rests a careful hand resting on Ralak—leading him out the room.
“In another ten years, Olo’eyktan.”
Tonowari grunts as he and the rest push past the swarming ash people. As soon as they’re far enough, he stops Ralak and has Ronal safely look at his wound. It’s weeping and open, prone to a nasty infection if not dressed immediately. She unclasps her medicine pouch from her hip, and retrieves a small bottle of iridescent liquid, a viscous concoction of herbs, and a needle and thread.
“Come, son.” Tonowari speaks softly, ripping the cork from the small bottle with his back teeth and spitting it on the ground. “That vonvä’.”
Ralak sits on the nearest rock, elbows propped on his knees and head hung low to hide his face. Jake and Neytiri observe in silence, cringing as Tonowari douses the gash with the liquid as Ronal prepares the needle and thread.
Ralak groans, biting down tooth on tooth.
Tonowari leaves a little left in the bottle, offering it to Ralak who is visibly trying to keep it together. He plucks the bottle from Tonowari’s hand and knocks it back, puffing out a sigh.
“Keep still.” Ronal orders, driving the wooden needle through his skin.
Ralak grumbles, letting his head hang between his knees and his hair fall forward. At this point Neytiri looks away, but Jake can’t. His eyes are plastered to the scene unfolding before him as he recognizes his son-in-law’s strength and perseverance.
“That should hold until we are back.” She declares, gathering her supplies and stuffing them back into her pouch.
“Irayo [thank you], Ronal.”
“You’re strong, boy.” Jake mumbles, patting Ralaks back as he gets up. “Anyone care to explain what the hell happened back there?”
Ralak just shakes his head, leaving Tonowari to speak for him. “I will explain on the way back. You all have someone waiting for you.”
Ralak’s ears spring up at the thought of you, giving him a burst of energy to spring to his feet, gather his gear and lead the trek himself. The women walk behind him, concerned about his wound. Tonowari and Jake are left at the back, sharing a look before they begin their journey.
“Fuck. Fuck.” You pant, looking down at your trembling hands that sink into the bed through double vision. You sway from side to side, trying to take steady, deep breaths, but the pressure between your legs is starting to make you panic. The possibility that you may have to do this alone is quickly becoming a reality.
Zu’té is the one doing the pacing now, unable to sit still in his spot for much longer. He has long abandoned his woven pieces, burning lines into the patio floor as he walks back and forth outside—conflicted on his next move.
He doesn’t want to go against your wishes and call a healer without you requesting it. But he must keep his word to Ralak—to keep you safe—which means calling for a healer. He chews on the toughened skin on his thumb, listening to your continuous whimpers and whines. By the sounds of it, you’re in active labour now, ready to give birth at any moment.
A few hours have passed since they started the trek back home. Everyone has fallen into new positions that work for them. Ralak, eager to be at his pregnant mate’s side, leads the pack, clearing the path for the others. Jake and Neytiri stay not too far behind him, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. Tonowari and Ronal are far at the back, linked together as she trudges on despite her extreme weariness.
“Let us take another break.” Tonowari speaks quietly to his mate, hand on her stomach. They share a look, speaking to one another with their eyes. She doesn’t want to hold up the group much more than she already has.
“No. We are almost there—ugh!” Ronal lets out a sudden groan, clutching her stomach as she doubles over.
Everyone stops dead in their tracks, turning around with wide eyes. Tonowari supports her, and carefully walks her over to a nearby fallen log, lowering her down onto it. She takes a few deep breaths as Neytiri and Jake rush over to her.
“Is it time?” Neytiri asks, crouching down next to her. Ronal nods once, completely in tune with her body and aware of exactly what’s happening.
Which is why she insisted they continue, or else she won’t make it back in time. Ralak watches at a distance, his face contorting with sheer worry. No, borderline distress. He looks almost mortified, but not for the reasons that one may think. They all know why, it's obvious. If Ronal is in labour,
…that means you probably are too.
“Go ahead.” Ronal pants, beads beginning to form at her temple.
But Ralak doesn’t move. He can’t move. He’s at conflict with himself. An internal battle of knowing that he should stay and help, even though he really wants to go—needs to go.
“We got it, son. Go to her.” Jake huffs as he helps Tonowari lift Ronal to carry her. “Go on!” He shouts, prompting Ralak to look to his father figure for approval, to which he meets him with a quick nod before averting his attention back to his labouring mate. And with Neytiri’s soft smile of reassurance, Ralak takes a few steps back before turning his heel and booking it home.
“Haah…holy fuck—holy fuck.” You moan, feeling another contraction start up and the pressure between your legs intensify.
This one has you on your hands and knees, clutching the bed head so hard your nails dig into the wood. It’s undeniable now. This baby is coming whether you like it or not. And as the contraction reaches its peak, you scream.
“Zu’té!” It pains you to cry out for his name and not your mates. Hearing your call—your permission to enter—he finally bursts through the door and rushes to your side.
“I’m here, I’m here.” He’s out of breath and on edge.
“I think—oh god—I think the baby’s coming!” You cry out, swooping your hand between your legs to try and feel what’s happening.
“Shit. Like now? Like right now?” Zu’té panics as he watches you, hands hovering around you, unsure of what to do.
“I d-don’t know! I—I don’t—I want Ralak! Fuck, fuck. I want lak!” You cry out in sheer agony. “I want my mate. I-I need him!”
“Y/n. Eywa.” Desperation is potent in his voice now.
The fact that you’re calling out for his brother means the time has come and he feels like a fool to have let this get this far without stepping in. He swallows and takes a breath to calm down, just as your contraction ends and leaves you sobbing on your knees.
“I’m getting the healer.” He says firmly, turning his heel to leave but you grab his wrist before he can walk away.
“No! Don’t leave…Please don’t leave me alone.” You beg, fear glossing over your eyes until it spills onto your cheeks once more. He looks at you with furrowed brows, lamenting for you. Now he’s really conflicted, because this means…it’s him or no one.
“Ah, shit. Shit. Uhm.” He rakes his fingers through his scalp, thinking about his next move. He’s seriously considering going regardless, able to see the situation for what it is.
“Please, Zu’té.” You plead weakly, slowly lowering yourself onto your behind and off your knees, leaning back into the bedhead.
“Okay, okay.” He nods and you let go of his wrist, immediately using your hand to support your stomach. You let your eyes close, they’re swollen and heavy. “Uh–right, right.”
For some reason he can’t stop repeating himself twice. Perhaps it’s his way of keeping grounded. He heads straight for the bucket of water and rag to bring it over to you. He dips the rag into the water, and wrings it out. You barely open your eyes at the sound of the bucket making contact with the floor, and see that he’s nearing you with a damp cloth and raised brows. He’s waiting for your go ahead.
“Yes.” Your voice is hoarse and trembling.
Zu’té begins to wipe away the sweat that’s dripping in your eyes, your forehead, neck and chest. Dipping the rag back into the water, he wrings it out once more and wipes down your shoulders and arms. You can’t help but sit there and close your eyes, allowing him to do it all, exhausted.
Feeling something press against your lips, you open your eyes in a daze. Zu’té holds a cup of water to your mouth, and you drink ardently, gasping for air and closing your eyes when it’s emptied. Sleep calls to you, taking you as you barely manage to mutter out a weak, “...thank you.”
Zu’té calculates another five minutes before your next contraction, giving him enough time to fetch a fresh pail of water—something absolutely necessary for the birth. He leaves you sat up against the bedhead, rag on your forehead as you sleep. But not even three minutes go by before he hears your languid moan.
Abandoning the bucket, he rushes back into the marui, finding you standing and holding onto the marui stilt with one hand as the other tugs at the strap of your top. Seeing you try to undress has him stopping in his tracks and turning his head to look away.
“Ughhaa—” You grunt, untethering the knot of your top. Your body is trying to get comfortable for the birth of your son now, and these pieces of cloth feel suffocating. “Get out!”
With that, Zu’té turns and retreats back to the patio, hands on his head as he begins to make his plan. If he flew on his skimwing, he could make it to the village and back with a healer in about ten minutes. But would that be enough time? What if you didn’t have ten minutes? Your pained groan turns into a howl and it makes his ears twitch.
By the sound of that, you might not even have five minutes.
“Come on, baby brother. Don’t make me do this. Please. Don’t make me go back in there. Oh shit—I’m going to have to go back in there, aren’t I? Eywa. Eywa. Okay—It’s okay. I can do this. Childbirth. It’s just childbirth. Right? Right.”
Zu’té tries to convince himself that he’s capable of this despite this not being what he signed up for.
“Okay, Toto. Just do it. Go in there.” Zu’té sounds breathless as he speaks to himself, turning around to face the door. He hears your whimper and his jaw tightens. “Shit. Okay. Right.”
Just as he raises his hand to pull back the curtain, he hears a winded voice.
#ralak#metkayina#metkayina oc#sully reader#sully reader x oc#oc x sully reader#na'vi x reader#na'vi x sully reader#na'vi avatar#metkayina x omaticaya#metkayina x fem reader#ralak x y/n#ralak x reader#ralak x you#na'vi pregnancy#na'vi pregnant#ralak pregnant#avatar pregnancy#ralak angst#ash people#awow angst#avatar angst#angst#ralak x female reader#awow oc#awow ralak#avatar 2#avatar 2 x reader#labour#labor
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Gift From Eywa Pt. 2 - Neteyam
Main Masterlist ~ Avatar Masterlist
1583 words
Part 1
Warnings: none except slight spoilers of you haven't seen ATWOW
+ The impossible has happened. Neteyam was back, breathing and unharmed. No one can believe it but everyone is beyond happy. After the intial high of his return, it was time for Neteyam to learn about

"This is impossible." I said while sitting next to his head. After Aonung and Tsireya returned with help, we took him back to my marui and Ronal had met us. She immediately began to check him over.
"Quite." She said as she circled him but paused next to me. "Maybe your visions were not just from grief. I think Eywa was trying to tell you of his return." She gives me a smile, caressing my head. She moved on around me. I heard commotion outside and then Netyiri ran in. She froze in the door before letting out a loud cry.
"Neteyam!" She collapsed next to us. She was crying heavily. "This can't be real. This can't be real." She cried out as she hovered over his side.
"Neytiri..." She Looked up at me. "He's here. He's really here." She smiled and reached up to cup my face, setting her forehead against mine. I held her wrists as Jake came in at that moment with Tonowari behind him. He stumbled at the sight of his boy and Tonowari held him up.
"How?" The question came out as a puff of air.
"I'm not sure. But I see it as a Gift from Eywa." Ronal said blissfully. Jake knelt down behind Neytiri. She grabbed her son's hand to hold it to her chest and I felt Jake set his hand on my head. I looked at him and he was giving me a look asking if I was okay. I nodded with a smile. He moved his hand to my shoulder and kept it there.
After Ronal had checked him over and deemed him in good health, she left with instructions for me to look after him. She said she would return when he wakes. Everyone else left reluctantly when it came to turn in for the night. All except Lo'ak. He refused to leave.
"You carry too much sometimes, Skxawng." I chuckled as I placed a blanket over a sleeping Lo'ak who made his place in the corner. He hummed in his sleep as I covered him up.
I walked around, snuffing out the lights before returning to Neteyam's side. I laid down next to him and caressed his face. I sighed, afraid to fall asleep in case I woke up to it being just a dream. I forced myself to sleep with a hand on his breathing chest, over his beating heart.
"Hmm." Warmth from the morning sun woke me from my slumber. I squirmed under the blanket before sitting up. I peered around the room. The memory of yesterday came rushing back and I looked next to me. Neteyam was gone. "No... no, no, no." I got up and ran from the marui. I ran around the village, looking around frantically for the boy.
"I missed you so much." I heard Tuk yell. I ran in that direction and saw Neteyam in the middle of his family, Tuk attached to his waist. He was hugging his sister tight, cupping the back of her head. I slowed and stopped not far from the group.
"Neteyam..." I hiccupped in relief. His ears twitched before he looked toward me. His expression turned from joyous to concern.
"Yawne." He pulled away gently from his sister and ran towards me. I reached out for him and latched onto his shoulders as soon as he got close. I buried my head in his chest and let out the breath I was holding. "Oh love, I'm here."
"I thought... you were gone when I woke up. I thought it was all a d-dream." I stuttered. I sniffled and he cooed as he cupped the back of my head. I moved my head to his neck before looking up at him.
"Oh, love. I'm so sorry." He pulled back and cupped my face, nuzzling his nose against mine as he whispered some comforting words. I collapsed into his chest again and he held me tight. He cradled the back of my head and wrapped his other arm around my waist. "Lo'ak told me about how you've been lately and thought it was best to let you sleep. I'm sorry. I should have stayed close."
"No, no. It's alright. I know you would want to see your family. I just..." I trailed off while playing with on of his braids sheepishly.
"I know." He kissed my head before resting his cheek against my head. I looked over his shoulder and saw everyone watching us with smiles. A sad thought crossed my mind.
"Did they tell you?" I asked gently. I felt him grimace and pull away, realizing what I was asking. He held me by my biceps and I held onto his battle belt. He looked down and nodded. I placed my hand where the bullet wound should be. "I was so lost..."
"I'm here now. I don't know how or why but I'm here now." He set his forehead against mine, holding me tight against him.
"I hate to break up this tender moment up but I figure you're both getting pretty hungry?" Jake chuckled. As if on cue, both of our stomachs growled. I hid my face in Neteyam's chest in embarrassment.
"Come on bro. Let's get you both something to eat." Lo'ak came over and wrapped his arm around his brothers shoulder. Neteyam let his brother pull him away but paused when I didn't follow.
"Go on. I'll be along." I assured him. He brought my hand that he was still holding up to kiss it.
"Okay. Don't be to long. You have a lot to catch me up on." I watched as Lo'ak drug him into the marui. I chuckled and felt my heart swell at the sight. I turned and looked out over the water. I closed my eyes and took a big breath, thanking Eywa for the miracle. A tug on my hand brought me back.
"Come on, Y/N." I turned to see Kiri holding my hand to her chest. I smiled and squeezed her hand back.
"I'm coming." She pulled me along and had me sit next to Neteyam. I just stared at him as he ate, still in disbelief but ecstatic nonetheless.
After breakfast, Tonowari had arranged for a celebration in honor of Neteyam's miraculous return. It had been a long day of celebrating and the two of us needed a break. We stole away for a moment alone just before eclipse. The sun was setting over the water and the moment was serene.
"I can't believe I was gone for a year." He said softly while gripping my hand. I sighed and nodded.
"It was torture for the first few months... for all of us. Neytiri couldn't sleep, Kiri was less lively, and Tuk couldn't stop crying. Even Tsireya and Aonung were devastated beyond reproach. But...Lo’ak and Jake were especially torn up." I pulled him to a stop and we faced each other. "They both blame themselves heavily. No one could or can convince then otherwise."
"I know. I could see it in their eyes." He looked down, nose scrunching in distress.
"I honestly think Lo'ak blames himself for all of this." I ran my thumb up his nose, smoothing out the skin. He relaxed his face.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, he thinks if he never had gone to the old lab, We would have never had to move and we would not have had to fight the RDA at Three Brothers."
"What?! That's absurd. Quaritch would have done anything to come after Dad anyway! Regardless if Lo'ak and the others getting caught." He said, confused.
"I know." I reached up and cupped his neck. "And I think he needs to hear that from you. You're the only one I think he'll listen to on this."
"I will." He wrapped his arms around me. "You've mentioned how everyone fared... except you."
"Observant as always." I chuckled. I set my forehead against his chest. "I could hardly stand it."
"How so?"
"I was completely numb for days ...months." I looked up at them. "If it wasn't for Tuk, Tsireya, and everyone else, I would have faded away. I felt empty and couldn't find it in me to go on."
"Yawne..." I could see tears welling up in his eyes, anguish taking over his face. He pulled me into a tight hug, arms wrapped snugly around my form. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe you had to go through that. I'm..."
"Shh..." I placed my fingertips on his lips. I leaned up and kissed him. He immediately responded, kissing me softly. We pulled away but only a bit. Neteyam kissed my head. "It's okay. You're here now and that's all that matters."
"And I never plan to leave you or everyone else again." He said with soft determination. I nodded and nuzzled into his neck. He ran a hand up and down my back while the other ran through my hair. "And if you'll have me, I want to be mated to you as soon as possible. I don't want to wait any longer."
I saw Neteyam glance at me with a smile before he looked at the stars, too. Above us, the stars twinkled as if Eywa herself was answering me.
"Neither do I." I nose his cheek. As Eclipse came upon us we started back towards the village. I looked up at the stars and smiled. "Thank you Eywa for the best gift of my life."
Tag List: @lunamochii @dayyzlol @ravenodindottir
#imagine#imagines#james cameron avatar#avatar 2009#avatar#avatar the way of water#avatar x reader#neteyam x you#neteyam imagine#neteyam x reader#x reader#neteyam#neteyam x y/n#atwow neteyam#atwow imagines#atwow#avatar 2 x reader#avatar 2022#neteyai
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ok but like imagine, a human born on pandora or came with the RDA and became one of the people spiritually bonding by Eywa's will with an outcast Ikran or Ilu that was born without a Queue and they let the human tame them
#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar twow#jake sully#loak sully#loak x reader#neteyam sully#neteyam x human reader#atwow#avatar 2 x reader#tsu’tey x reader#tsutey#neytiri x fem reader#neytiri#neyteyam#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#lo'ak sully#lo'ak x reader#lo'ak avatar#tsireya#neteyam#kiri
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summary ;; maybe he reacted a little late.
pairing ;; neteyam x fem!na'vi!reader
warnings ;; none ¡!
word count ;; 0.4k
word of the day ;; nì’eyng [nɪ.ˈʔɛjŋ] adv. back, in response, in answer
"I think I like you" you murmured quietly. Your arms resting behind your head as you and your best friends brother were looking at the sky at night. You could tell how he held his breath for a few seconds, maybe because he couldn't believe it until his voice that sounded like a simple sigh questioned.
"Excuse me?" he sat up softly, looking at you intently. Without meeting his eyes you spoke again. Maybe it was the silence so comfortable, maybe that you couldn't hold something in your chest for so long anymore or it was just on impulse, but you repeated it, no matter what he said.
"I think I like you, Neteyam." he was silent again, thinking, you could conclude, but you didn't care much… or so you wanted to pretend. "Well, it was a lovely night," you admitted, standing up and picking up your bow with your remaining arrows at your side, with an impassivity that made Neteyam entertain the idea that you were lying. "I have to go back to my clan. I'll see you tomorrow."
He wanted to say something, he wanted you to stop and really explain to him how you felt, he wanted to know how you found out, for Eywa, he wanted you to answer so many questions, but his voice could only come out when your footsteps had already stopped being heard the moment you stepped into the forest to go back to your home. Then it dawned on you the most obvious thing, but which he overlooked given the growing feeling of warm in his chest.
He didn't give you an answer. That thought, that idea itself was in his head all night.
"I didn't answer." but you didn't seem sad, you didn't seem afraid of rejection, although you didn't seem excited about reciprocated feelings either.
Since you were little you both had certain ways of expressing affection, but he always took it as something normal. He liked to show affection physically to his beloved ones and just assumed that you did too, despite any differences you might have, he assumed it was all platonic.
His heart beat when he remembered what the stars looked like reflected in your eyes and he laughed to himself, ashamed of his ideas.
The words couldn't even leave his lips to himself because of how embarrassed he felt, his face now heating up as he covered himself with his hands.
"I like her too. Ugh, what an idiot I am." he thought, squirming in his hammock.
a/n ;; i had a series idea for neteyam but mmmm still thinking about it-
#neteyam x reader#neteyam x female reader#neteyam fluff#neteyam x you#neteyam sully#avatar 2 x reader#avatar 2 neteyam#avatar way of water#atwow#avatar the way of water#avatar twow#avatar james cameron#avatar 2022#neteyam x na'vi reader
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Hi I had an idea for a request for Tonowari x Fem Reader x Ronal:
Tonowari x Fem Reader x Ronal (poly mates)/ Aonung x Tsireya x Rotxo x Fem Reader (platonic/parental relationship):
Where the Reader, Ronal and, Tonowari are mates. The Reader has ent been at the clan for a while because she was visiting her family. But while she was there that’s when the RDA attacked so she stayed to help her family and clan rebuild their village. So it’s been a while. So then this will be set after the second movie: Neteyam doesn’t die and they adopt Spider. Anyway When the Reader comes back she has scars and bruises/ burns. So the clan starts to gather around the Reader and Tonowari and Ronal show up and are excited to have their mate back (and the kids their mom). But then when she is introduced to Jake Sully she recognizes his name and attacks him and she goes off about how how she lost clan members and many were hurt because of the war he brought. And then she notices Spider and goes to attack him but is held back by some of the warriors and she basically gets angry that they let the Sully family stay. But in the end they will make up someway (and it will take the Reader some time to trust the Sully family and Spider).
I had something similar request to me before so I had made some changes, so it not fully the same as the other request I have been given
The ocean has had times of peace and chaos, like anywhere else on pandora. Life was not always going to be quiet and calm, there always had to be some chaos and trouble. Those elements had been easy to deal with over the many decades, but there had been something that brought more trouble and chaos from the sky. They had been driven away but it seemed once again they have return, to bring more trouble once again.
Y/n “ ……..” you had been out visiting some healers and gathers some herbs, it had been a weeks since you been away from home. Your mates tonowari and ronal didn't wish for you to go, but it had been the task that was assigned to you.
y/n " the water feels uneasy since the return of the sky people, they have changed the ways of the ocean" you are on your IIu heading home, and speaking with your IIu. Your words are very true as since the sky demons had come back, they had started throwing off the balance of the ocean and forest.
y/n " everything will be okay girl we will be home before the day ends" you are looking forward to being back at home with your mates and kids, being away home them made you worry about them as well.
y/n " ......." you are traveling on the water with a small smile on your face you couldn't, wait to see everyone again and be told on everything that you have missed while you were away. It was easy to tell the kids will right away tell you all that you missed, when you were away from home. Then your mates will take some nights to spend with you, after not having you home for a long time.
y/n " huh" there was something off at the moment it felt very uncomfortable and uneasy for you right now. That soon become true when akula had shot up from the water nearly getting you and your IIu. There was a scream that you let out as you and your IIu had been tossed into the air. You had soon landed into the water and started looking around for you IIu and the akula.
y/n " ........" The akula was now circling around you as you were holding onto your blade, looking for a plane of defense and escape. That when the akula had started coming after you and chasing you as you swam, away trying to escape but getting rammed by the akula.
y/n " ........" you had hit some of the rocks and corals when the akula had hit you with his jaw, your body was now in so much pain at the moment. You didn't want to leave the world like this without seeing your family again. When you had thought it was over that was when something or someone had rammed into the akula, getting into a fight with the creature.
y/n " ......" you saw the akula had been defeated as you soon started swimming to the surface and called your IIu, but before you could reach the surface you had felt tried and soon started losing your version and movement. Soon enough you had passed out ad the creatures that saved you came towards you with your IIu, take you back to the surface.
minutes later
y/n " huh what happened" you are barely awake as you were looking around, trying to find any sings right now of where you are right now. Along with finding else what happened as well when you soon noticed, you are laying on something.
y/n " a tulkun .... payakan" you had move but felt pain in your body, as you got a bit closer towards payakan.
y/n " payakan"
payakan " hello y/n I saw you were in trouble and came to help you"
y/n " thank you payakan" you had laid on the tulkun as moved in the water, you were doing your best to stay awake and not fall asleep at the moment. Payakan had traveled in the water for a while longer, until someone had spotted him.
????? " payakan brother"
???? " there you are payakan I have been wondering if I will see you today, there others might come along as well ... hey is there someone on your back ... oh no" that someone soon got onto payakan back and soon rushed towards you, your eyes were barely open when you saw a teenage boy.
lo'ak " hey it going to be okay we will get you help ... guys over here there some lady here and she badly hurt"
y/n " o... okay"
???? " lo'ak we are here"
lo'ak " good I found payakan and he had some lady on his back she badly hurt"
???? " we can help her .... who is the women ... mama" you had heard your daughter face and turn you head a bit to see her.
y/n " tsireya"
tsireya " mama what has happened to you"
y/n " akula attack I ...."
tsireya " don't push yourself to hard kiri"
kiri " I can help you tuk stay with the IIu"
tuk " okay"
neteyam " hey is everything okay we heard your call lo'ak" you were now looking at the tens and little girl, as they were on payakan or near by him.
tsireya " aonung rotxo is mama she hurt"
aonung and rotxo " mama" the boys came by you as well worried looks on their faces like thier sister.
y/n " my sons"
kiri " here eat some of this it will help with the pain" you had nodded your heads, as tsireya was still by your side.
Tsireya " Neteyam, aonung, and rotxo head home and tell our parents what has unfolded"
kiri " our grandmother as well we will need help"
neteyam " okay tuk come with us"
aonung " mama"
y/n " I ... will ...be .... fine ... go" the three boys had taken off soon leaving.
lo'ak " come on payakan lets head home we have to get her help" payakan had soon started swimming faster toward the village, as kiri and Tsireya are doing their best to help you. They soon reach the village, when a horn had sounded getting everyone attention.
kiri " I think we can help her walk toward the shore"
tsireya " mama can you do it"
y/n " yes I feel like I have more strength" the girls and lo'ak had helped you stand, and walked towards the shore.
???? " ma y/n" soon tonowari had come with Jake following after as well.
y/n " ma Tonowari"
tonowari " Herę kids I will take her from her come along we are getting you to healer hut" tonowari soon picked you up and carried you towards the healer hut, where you saw ronal working with neytiri and mo'at.
ronal " tonowari ...y/n lay her down over there we need to give her help as well"
y/n " ronal"
ronal " it all will be okay ma y/n" tonowari soon laid you down as ronal, and mo'at began to help you the rest of the way. As the kids had stayed outside waiting for any news about you. When averaging was done you had been able, to be brought for some rest and to be taken care of as well.
Later at night
tsireya " mama how are you feeling"
y/n " good my daughter take you for making dinner"
tsireya " your welcome"
y/n " I was not planning to come home with this"
aonung " baba and mother are mad"
rotxo " they are very mad I have never seen them like this"
y/n " they will calm down over time they worry about us all"
aonung " they people are saying Jake sully and his family along with his clan are to blame"
y/n " they are not to blame my son the evil sky people are who have changed our waters for their own greed"
ronal " tonowari I don't care if he toruk makto his war has nearly taken our mate from us"
tonowari " ronal I love her as well but we need to talk about it"
y/n " ma yanwnes" ronal and tonowari had seen you with the kids, as they had returned.
y/n " we all need to rest our nerves for now and make decisions for everyone safety later on, we shall not blame the sully family and their clan"
ronal " yes ma y/n"
tonowari " we shall speak with them in the morning right now we wish to be with you"
y/n " thank you so now tell me what has happened since I have left" the kids smile and laugh as they started telling you that you missed, as your mates had embraced you happy to have you home with them. It was good to be done with the chaos that has happened right now, and enjoy the peace that was happening right now. There was so much for you to caught up since you have been gone, now that you have your family with you and clan all will be good.
#avatar#atwow#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#avatar x reader#avatar x y/n#tonowari x y/n#tonowari x reader#tonowari x you#tonowari x ronal#ronal x y/n#ronal x tonowari#ronal x reader#ronal x you#tonowari x reader x ronal#atwow x y/n#atwow x reader#atwow x you#avatar 2 x reader#avatar 2022#avatar james cameron#avatar twow#avatar x you#avatar x na'vi reader#atwow fanfiction#atwow fics#atwow tsireya#tonowari avatar#ronal avatar#aonung
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