#he is not always funny but he tries to be funny sometimes even with his stoic delivery
lcriedlastnight · 2 days
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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chosolala · 10 hours
Nanami Headcannons 👉👈
nanami headcannons *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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thank you for the request!! here are my cute nanami headcannons :]
(i love him sm)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
falls asleep after you and wakes up before you everytime
when he has to go to work, he always makes sure his alarm doesn’t wake you up and does his morning routine
literally only works so he has money for you to spend on whatever you want
hes actually really funny, like he has a sarcastic sense of humor and a lot of his jokes are missed because nobody gets the references
really good cook but can never take the time out of his day to actually make a nice meal
if youre cooking he'll def help u tho ^.^
loves antique stores,, he buys the funkiest house decor there
candy crush lvl 80000
probably tried playing like trumpet or flute at some point in his life but gave up fairly quickly
can literally sense if anything is off with you immediately and always has something to make you feel better, like your favorite snack or takes you out
always ends up watching hour long video documentaries on the stupidest things and just has a bunch of useless knowledge on random topics
always makes you coffee/tea in the morning when he doesn't have to work
randomly just brings you breakfast in bed for no specific reason its so cute
also randomly comes home from work with flowers for you
your fridge is covered in polaroids and pictures of you and him on vacation
always talking trash about gojo to you its so funny how mad he gets over gojos stupid pranks
loves having his hand on your thigh
really likes marvin gaye lol
has a really big sweet tooth, a lot of the time when he comes home he'll bring treats for you guys to share from a bakery
loves to run his fingers through your hair or brush it for you
when youre on your period (or just sick) he will run and buy whatever crazy foods you're craving even if its like 12am
would drop everything for you, even if it messes him up in the future hes always there for you :]
loves to have game nights with you, video games or board games
probably bought you guys a switch and plays overcooked with you (it genuinely stresses you guys out)
literally the most graceful sleeper ever, bro mews in his sleep and just looks so peaceful
sometimes when he gets home from work he just goes straight to the bedroom and falls asleep, suit on and everything
sometimes he'll pick you up and bring you with him to bed
his hands are always so soft, even though hes a busy guy with a rough job his hands are never rough
probably has a record collection
reads in bed before he falls asleep
older women love him so much (like senior citizens)
no matter how bad his day was he never is annoyed or takes anything out on you, hes really good at separating work life from home life
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syrupfog · 2 days
Luffy grew up with two brothers who, at first, hated him and kicked the shit out of him. Then, eventually, loved him and who expressed that love through kicking the shit out of him. 
Luffy's grown up with a low level of violence as love his whole life. 
His crew is the same, from very early on. Nami will beat on anyone (or at least any of the boys), and Zoro's been known to land a punch to the back of his head at every dumb remark he makes. 
And Sanji... his kicks are INTENSE. 
Luffy's lucky he's made of rubber.
and he laughs it all off-- because it's FUNNY. He knows his crew loves him, they're his CREW. He knows his brothers loved him, they're his BROTHERS. Luffy has always known violence as a form of love, although notably he rarely reflects that methodology onto others.
When Luffy meets Law the first time, Law watches as Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon in the face. That violence is, obviously, NOT a form of love. 
When Luffy meets Law the second time, it's when Law is saving his life, doing impossible levels of knitting him back together.
Luffy doesn't remember a lot of that bit, or the bit right after, on Amazon Lily, when the grief is at its strongest. 
But then, two years later, he sees Law again on Punk Hazard, and they form an alliance, and Luffy declares that Law is a good guy. 
No one else agrees.
But when has Luffy ever cared about other peoples' opinions? Now certainly isn't the time to start. Law gave all those pirates new legs. He saved Luffy. He's good. 
and then Law is travelling with them, aboard the Sunny. 
And he's mean and grouchy and short tempered and, again, everyone is wary of him. 
Luffy's not, of course, because that's just how Law is, but he's confused. 
Because no matter how many times Law snaps or yells or threatens to slice people apart, he's never violent. He doesn't throw punches or kick or draw his sword.
Which does make Luffy wonder if he's done something wrong, that Law doesn't feel like he can be free with Luffy, to go after him when he says something stupid. Everyone else does, is it because he's the captain? But Law's captain too, and they're in an alliance, they're equal.
But he doesn't say anything on it-- and even in Dressrosa, when Law tries to tell him the alliance is over, Luffy knows he wouldn't attack him even if he could. And it's confusing. He couldn't count the amount of times Ace landed a punch on him just for waking him up wrong.
After all that is said and done, and they land on Zou, and Luffy meets the Heart Pirates in all their glory, all twenty of them, he doesn't know if he gets more confused or less. 
The Heart Pirates LOVE their captain (as they should, Traffy is great!) and clearly would do anything for him, starting with those dorky poses they strike. And they yell at him for abandoning them, but they don't get violent with Law, and doesn't get violent with them. He sort of just... lets them yell at him and then talks over them. 
It's weird.
This isn't a thought that keeps Luffy up at night so much as it's a thought that he returns to whenever he looks at Law, reclining as his crew tries to get him to talk about what happened, or whenever Luffy's getting literally kicked out of the kitchen by Sanji.
It's a fact that Luffy puzzles on even in Wano, as Law is passively letting Luffy ruin every plan and then announcing that he planned FOR Luffy to ruin every plan. 
He doesn't hit Luffy for ruining his plan. He doesn't even elbow him in the side.
Before Luffy had seen Law with his own crew on Zou, he had thought that maybe Law didn't really like him. But after seeing Law interacting with his crew, he started to reevaluate. Law loves his crew, and although he threatens to use his Room on them (and maybe sometimes he does), that's not a violent thing. They can pop back together like Kin'emon did. 
But Luffy wonders-- what does it mean to be close with someone without feeling the freedom to get physical with them? 
He wonders this and doesn't have an answer, because that's never been his world.
And of course, what Luffy doesn't know, is that Law grew up with that violence. Had those formative years with Doflamingo, where he was taught to fight and lived with a family who was just as violent as Luffy's own. He was full of hatred and happily took it out on people.
And the only difference was Cora-- who at first was just as violent, to be fair, throwing him out a window and all that. 
But Cora who saw him as someone that could be saved, who sacrificed everything from his mission to his life, to give Law freedom of a different kind— the freedom of gentleness. The freedom that comes from being able to live for yourself. The freedom that comes from being loved enough that the one who loves you gave it all up for you. 
He gave Law everything he had, and he held him tight and told him it would all be okay.
And it wasn't, because Cora's gone, but Law took that love and internalized it, and from the very start the first thing he does is save Bepo from being hurt. 
He gathers a crew little by little and does so by giving them second chances like he was given, and gives them safety— including physical safety. Because separating himself from Doflamingo and that hatred means also separating himself from that senseless violence that comes from growing up in organized crime. 
Law's crew respects him because, despite his prickly exterior, he's stoically kind.He's using his fruit to help and to heal-- even when he gives those pirate hearts to the marines, did he kill them? Debatable. 
Law has worked hard to excise that violence from his life, and Luffy can see that even when no one else on his crew seems to notice.
And Luffy doesn't know why-- doesn't understand it-- but god it makes him smile wide when he sees Law snap at someone and knows that he can trust that Law won't hurt. 
It's like having a wild animal, capable of destruction, lay lazily at your feet.
Luffy wants that. It's an addicting feeling, to feel safe in that way. 
He loves his crew and he loves his brothers and he's made of rubber-- they couldn't hurt him, wouldn't hurt him. 
But the secret gentle kindness of Law is addicting.
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actuallysolace · 2 days
Random Nico & Will HCs
Being Nerd Geeks
When: Distressed / Angry / Tired
I didn't have a lot of ideas....Please leave asks for hc requests if anyone wants to hear more *batting my eyelashes*
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Mythomagic card game fan (Obviously)
(Past) Pirate fanatic But if the topic comes up he gets hyped
I think he'd like Pokémon. (Personally idk much about it)
Potentially could have a huge advantage in Pokémon Go (With Shadow Travel).
Not the type to talk about his interests a lot, preferring to indulge by himself or discuss with a select few people.
Although when given the opportunity you can see the light visibly enter his lifeless eyes.
Him and Frank bond over picking up Mythomagic again as "Eventual In-Laws".
Probably still thinks to himself in Mythomagic terms when discussing Greek mythology.
"So how much HP did he lose" he ponders as he's meeting Lester Papadopoulos for the first time. (The answer is: Clearly A Lot)
WS 🔆
Star Wars fan (Obviously)
Has a ton of Lego Sets littered around Cabin 7
True Crime Listener (Confirmed in TSATS)
DHMIS (Past, but if you mention something even somewhat related it'll reawaken.) hyperfixation do not ask me how he landed on YouTube.com....i have no clue. I just think it'd be funny.
(Young 10 year old) Will at camp and one of his siblings ask "What are you interested in?" expecting some kind of hobby such as painting or singing and then all of a sudden you've got this kid yapping up a storm about a "Cult Leader Butterfly".
Rip Will Solace you would've loved YouTube Essays, and then getting frustrated when they're wrong about small minor details that only you care about.
The Type to Talk About Their Interests. Frequently. Certified Yapper. He can and will bring them up whenever to whomever. He can and will make references that nobody gets. He is a walking advertisement.
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Stands stiller.
He tries to keep them under control but his Powers act up a bit in the form of small bone bits and dead grass.
If he's deeply upset the ground might crack up (like in Titan's Curse) as if he's reaching out the Underworld or Wanting to dig up a ditch and lay with the dead.
WS 🔆
Pacer. Starts speed walking around like they've got places to be and multiple deadlines.
Sometimes starts glowing in distress without noticing. Possibly his own body trying to soothe itself?
Already fidgety but it increases when they're just feeling extra something whether it be upset or excited.
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Quick to get defensive and start arguing
He feels rage at 1 million percent
WS 🔆
Tends to suppress their feelings in the moment trying to make peace and or mediate whatever's going on
Skilled at staying level-headed, cause he has to be
Sometimes you just gotta bite your tongue
So he did once
Like Literally
It started Bleeding
He had to heal it himself
Screams in the Woods After particularly anger inducing situations
A few dryads are concerned about him. Mentally.
Sometimes (if it's too dark out) into his own pillow
Casually leaves screaming session as if nothing happened
"what do you mean you heard screaming in the woods" "maybe a dryad just had a really bad break-up"
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Talks less and less
Can sleep anywhere
Under any condition
Like he could be in an active Tornado, snoring.
WS 🔆
Talks more and more
Getting increasingly less coherent and more nonsensical
What is bro yapping about
He can go for longer without rest (Thanks Apollo) but practically drops dead once they get the chance to sleep.
Like collapses and barely breathes. Someone had to be on "Check Will's Pulse" Duty before Nico was around to keep sensing that his boyfriend is not deceased.
Always ends up in an entirely different position when he wakes up versus how he slept
Apollo passed down trait of ending up in some Dramatic Damsel in Distress coded pose while unconscious to a large majority of his kids. Will included.
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Littered in scars
Probably didn't seek out proper healing for a long while unless absolutely necessary, instead choosing to abuse Ambrosia and Nectar.
Even now that he does seek proper healing (usually), chooses to keep whatever scars he can.
Cause, "They Look Cool"
Makes him feel like a Pirate
WS 🔆
Heals quicker than the average demigod (Pro of being Apollo's Offspring)
Typically his wounds will start healing themselves like small cuts or minor bruising never lingering for too long.
Still takes steps to clean up and dress them. He is a professional of course, What kind of example is he setting if he leaves them be???
NDA 🏴‍☠️
Nico goes through funnily extreme lengths to maintain his Son of Hades look
Will is still in the works of getting "Allergic to Color" approved as a valid allergy
No of course Will doesn't believe that, but he enjoys partaking in shenanigans
Honestly I think he just does things to 1. See how much he can get away with 2. Watch Chiron visibly yearn for retirement.
Closet is very black with some white with a hint of brown cause like leather and also dirt.
Possibly just purchasing anything with a skull on it.
Is it cause Son of Hades or because it reminds him of Pirates the world may never know.
WS 🔆
Honestly just pulling stuff together
Their face is doing most of the work Really
Hasn't been the same ever since they discovered Crocs
Owns a Set of Rainbow Crocs
I don't see Nico stealing Will's clothes but I think they'd both enjoy the irony of a medic wearing a skull shirt aka Will wearing Nico's clothes.
Nico offers his jackets frequently in the winter or nights because Maria raised a gentleman. And also because Will is never ever truly prepared clothes-wise (he tries he really does it just never works out) and then he's just Standing there, shivering like a wet cat.
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sakinote · 15 hours
Busy schedule — nrk : Fighting + readers a lonely loser lol ✉ wc : 4.5k
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: "She became a victim of my busy schedule though, and I know that it's not fair that don't mean that I don't care."
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Riki was always busy. He had a bunch of extracurriculars he did for school on top of dance, so you never really got the chance to see him anymore.
He'd always apologize, saying he knew it sucked never getting any of his attention but in the end, nothing ever changed. He was still busy and you still rode the train home alone every day.
Riding the train by yourself wasn't a new concept, lonely yeah but you got used to it eventually.
People on the train were usually either elders coming home from work or students huddling in groups of themselves, and it sounds depressing but beyond Riki, you didn't really have friends, which was okay. Until Riki joined a bunch of extracurriculars beyond his daily dance practice, which left him no time for you.
And it's bad to think about but the thought eventually got a hold of you and you started wondering if Riki enjoyed not being around you as often. You were clingy so it was understandable wanting some space from you, it still made you upset to think about though.
This thought alone has caused you to distance yourself from Riki subconsciously, which despite how busy he is he noticed because you're still his girlfriend after all.
The train was often packed with teenagers on the way home, you'd think you'd bump into someone and make friends for once but not once has it happened. You've begun to lose hope in talking to people.
Sure you could strike up a conversation but that's terrifying so you choose not to, which is probably one of the reasons you don't have any friends. How you started knowing Riki on the other hand was a grace from god.
In middle school, Riki came up to you rather then the other way around and asked to be friend's.
Spacing out on the train, thinking to yourself made you realize just how lonely you were when he was he wasn't around. Considering he's been your only friend since you guys were 12, being 18 in high school now. You've become slightly dependent on him, and it's another thing you've added to the long list of your lonely life.
Long lost in thought you feel a head hit your shoulder, you jump slightly cause it startled you but when you look to your right its a boy. Probably fell asleep, why else would he put his head on a stranger's shoulder.
Your body tensed up a bit, it was kinda hard to not be tense with someone resting on you.
You wanted to wake him and ask him to move but disrupting him wasn't in your best interest so you left him alone. On the plus side his hair smelled really nice.
The train came to an abrupt stop which shook the boy awake
Realizing he had fallen asleep on a stranger, he stood up and started apologizing profusely like a scolded child.
You followed in his steps and stood up, letting out shaky reassurance and telling him not to worry about it. It was overwhelming with people around looking at the two of you but eventually, he calmed down and explained himself "I really didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that, let me make it up to you!"
He was enthusiastic and energetic, especially for someone who was just freaking out.
"Oh oh no need! Really it's not a big deal." Still shaky you tried to convince him he was blowing it out of proportion. He wasn't taking no for an answer and he even managed to get your number so he could apologize more properly later.
After that he said goodbye and ran off the train, leaving you dumbfounded. You kind of just spaced out the rest of the way home, the whole situation was so dumb it was kind of funny.
So funny you wanted to tell Riki which you planned to do when you guys called tonight, you guys always called sometime before bed.
It was a point he made. No matter how busy he was and how little time he had for you, he'd always call.
You laid in bed waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
12am and no call. You weren't mad at him, you understood he couldn't always be there but you thought some notice would've been nice, instead of just laying there for hours on your phone.
Time passed and you gave up on waiting for a call. You placed your phone on your nightstand and got in bed.
Your mind started to wander, what was he doing that was so important? All of his activities end before 5 so why couldn't he call you? Was he okay? Was it a family thing? Did you do something?
In the midst of thinking you fell asleep.
In English the next day, during break time. It was your 4th period and Riki had yet to even mutter a word to you. As time passed, it was getting more upsetting and even more nerve-wracking.
You scanned over everything that's happened the past few days and you couldn't think of anything you've done.
You looked back at Riki to see him sitting at his desk analyzing his work, but you turned back around when you got a text.
Some random number that you didn't have saved.
"You're in English rn right?" The text creeped you out a bit, so you pressed to know who it was "Oh shit sorry! Just realizing I never gave you my name yesterday! It's Akio from the train. I wanted to come say hi if you were in English :)" Knowing it was him made it sorta less creepy feeling, he was still technically a stranger though.
You hesitated on replying but gave in "Ohh right haha, yeah I'm in English"
He liked the message but didn't actually say anything back.
Eventually, he came swinging in loudly with a booming "HI" as soon as he opened the door. It shocked not only you but everyone.
Riki who was staring at the boy in confusion.
Riki's eyebrows furrowed even more as he saw the boy walk up to you and hug you like you'd known him forever, slightly glaring at the boy. He sit's down in the chair next to you "What class do you have next?" His voice still much too loud for the atmosphere, the girl next to us shushed him, in which he apologized quietly and turned back to you.
"Uh math." You said quietly, shaken up by the boys incredibly friendly demeanor.
The boy started rambling on about how that was his next class too and how it's surprising you guys hadn't become friends sooner, all while you look back at Riki to see him still eyeing the boy down.
Riki got easily jealous, and he was possessive, but this looked more like confusion and annoyance then anything.
While on the other hand luckily for you the boy tended to talk more then he listened which was good as you were still too nervous to talk to him like a normal person.
Once Riki realized you weren't all that invested in what the boy had to say he finally took his eyes off of the boy and returned to his work.
After what felt like forever of Akio rambling and you silently smiling and nodding, it was time for Math.
Besides Math and English, you and the boy didn't have any other classes together, so the rest of the day went as normal, besides the fact that Riki seemed busier than usual and wasn't talking to you.
But the way home from school was different.
On the train ride home, you were walking to sit where you usually do when a familiar voice started to yell for you, you turned around, and it was Akio.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a seat, exclaiming that now you had someone to ride the train with. Before you could get a word in, he continued, once again going on about anything and everything.
He was a bit over the top for you, but you had to admit, he was nice, and the company was nice too.
The train came to a stop, and you said your goodbyes, he offered to walk you home, but you declined. You told him you lived a bit from the station, and he left it at that. Getting home you got into some comfy clothes and passed out.
Asleep for about an hour and a half, you were awoken by a text from Riki
All it read was "I'm coming over" Don't get me wrong you were excited he was coming over; this was the first time in a while, but you were still upset with him for not only not calling you but also ignoring you all day. So you just texted back a simple "ok" and started your homework while waiting for him to arrive.
He didn't live very far so it didn't take long, as soon as he got there, he plopped on your bed and gave you a look.
You asked him what it was for, and he stayed silent for a few seconds followed by a contemplating hum, "Who was he? The guy in English that was acting all buddy-buddy with you?" He said it so calmly as if he didn't care if he got an answer.
"Ohh I met him on the train" You turned back to the homework on your desk "He fell asleep on me and asked for my number so he could apologize later!" his brows furrowed and his eyes creased a bit, "Seriously?"
You nodded and he continued "He gave you his number so he could 'apologize later'?" You again nodded at his very sarcastic question.
His tongue played with the inside of his cheek "Has he apologized yet?" He sounded almost annoyed
You chuckled nervously, his gaze was strong and intimidating.
"No, not yet.." He let out a 'psh' sound, he was clearly annoyed but not with you. More so with the situation. "He gave you his number cause he thought you were cute. Not cause he wanted to apologize." His voice was deeper
You didn't believe it so you rebutted "That's not true ki, I'm sure he'll apologize soon!" He continued to look at you, almost like he was trying to analyze what you were thinking. "Block him" He sits up on your bed
He repeats himself "Block him"
"Why Riki."
"Are you dumb? He clearly doesn't want to just apologize. Does he know you have a boyfriend?" He started to sound angry, almost a little sad sounding. "How do you know that? You've never met him."
"I've met guys like him and you didn't answer my question, does he know you have a boyfriend? Me? Does he know you have me?"
You opened your mouth but nothing came out for a second, "I don't know? I mean I didn't mention it" Before you can finish, he tsk's and looks away "But the only reason I didn't mention it was cause he didn't ask Riki. I really don't think he's trying to get with me."
He ignored you "What's so good about him anyway?" He was starting to get fed up "He's nice Riki. I mean he made time to see me in English today despite being busy himself." You emphasized the 'made time to see me' part which Riki took as a jab.
You didn't necessarily mean it as one but you were tired of never seeing your boyfriend and so it just kinda came out. "You know I try to make time for you." Instead of sounding annoyed, he sounded genuinely hurt and tired, he looked down a bit as he continued "And I know that you don't really have friends besides me but you shouldn't befriend the first person that talks to you." He gets off your bed and heads to the door, "It's stupid and pathetic." He finishes before he shuts the door, harder than he should have.
His voice was laced with venom, almost like the sadness from before completely desecrated. And it left you dumbfounded too.
You weren't one to cry, you didn't cry about anything.
Not that you couldn't, but you made a point not to. It's pathetic and embarrassing, but despite that, you felt your eyes well up. You wiped them before anything could come out and decided to head to bed early. Couldn't cry if you weren't awake!
Granted it took forever to get to sleep, but you kept replaying what Riki said non-stop. 'Stupid and pathetic' weren't new words to you, but when they came out of Riki's mouth they felt a million times worse.
Going to School was dreadful, more than before.
Riki was avoiding you and so you were avoiding him back. You continued to hang out with Akio, it probably wasn't the best idea but you rather hang out with someone Riki doesn't like than be lonely again.
A whole week of this pettiness has gone by, nightly phone calls have stopped, goodnight and good morning texts, walking you to and from school whenever he had the chance, all of it stopped.
You know you shouldn't totally blame Ki, it wasn't completely his fault. You said some mean stuff too, but you couldn't help but be so angry at him despite it all.
Of course, you guys have gotten into arguments, and of course, with those arguments came insults but he'd never said something so cruel to you, something you confided in him he used against you, which hurt the most.
Everything was too much to think about so you dove into your studies, more than you already were. Not only studies but other things too, anything to get your mind off of it. Throwing yourself into things isn't a new concept for you, you did it whenever you got overly anxious. It would cause you to eat less, go outside less, and socialize even less than you usually do. Now the difference between then and now is you'd usually have Riki to make you feel better, but you don't so sitting in your dark room all day will continue.
Riki on the other hand, doesn't know what he's feeling. Though he's noticed you not taking care of yourself properly which is making him feel crazy guilty, he knows it's because of him.
Riki's so mad at you for choosing some other guy but he feels so bad for the things he said.
He didn't mean it, he knew you knew that, at least he hoped.
He just wanted to apologize and make it all better but he couldn't. His pride mixed with not having a lot of time made it hard to talk to you so he just didn't bother. Plus he wanted to truly work out what he was going to say before he attempted to talk to you.
He'd catch your eyes in every class, in the lunchroom, in the auditorium, everywhere. He wanted to see your face, he wanted to see you and hold you but he just couldn't let himself be vulnerable and admit he misses you. He's hoping you'd do that but you were just as 'non-vulnerable' as he was, maybe even more.
Which meant he'd either have to make it up to you or lose you over some random boy you met a few weeks ago. Luckily for you, he's sickly in love with you whether he'd admit it or not so he chose the former.
It wasn't spontaneous, Riki thought it over.
He planned when it would happen, how it would happen, where it would happen, and what he thought the outcome would be. He wanted to start it all off by making sure to spend the whole day with you.
So he went to your house before school, he loved walking you to school but he rarely got to do it since he had to be at school so early. But the way you get all giddy when you see him at the door makes him happy so he canceled morning activities to walk you.
Seeing him at the door was a little surprising, especially cause he didn't knock, you opened it before he could and the walk to school was uneventful. Silent, but not awkward.
Riki didn't try to hold your hand. He didn't want to make you upset by acting like nothing was wrong, but when passing by a little shop he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside.
At the rate you two were going you would've been early to school, and he saw something in the window he knows you've been eyeing so why not.
He didn't say anything as he pulled you through the shop up to where the display was.
A large stand with matching phone charms.
It was a niche interest you had, and you had tons of them at home but the thing about these ones is that they're matching.
Two long chains, decorated with beads that had small charms on the end. One with black beads and a white star on the end, the other with white beads and a black star on the end.
Riki knew you had been looking at them for a while, thinking it was cute considering his favorite color is black and yours is white.
He found matching things cute, he found it even cuter when you'd get a tint of rose on your cheeks and try to hide your smile as you showed him a new piece of matching items you bought for the two of you.
He thought about this as he walked to the register, making his own cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as he looked at you. You weren't looking at him but it didn't go unnoticed.
Walking out of the store, chains in hand, without letting go of your wrist Riki asks for your phone and puts the charm on.
He does the same for his phone and then holds them up together in his hand to show them off.
You tried to act non-cholent but your dumb little smile made its way onto your face and made Riki smile even harder as he handed you your phone back, and you guys continued walking.
You hated your smile. You felt it was too... cheeky. Too wide, and it made your cheeks all big.
But Riki adored it. The way your eyes would light up and close a little every time something made you happy, or how you'd cover your mouth if you felt you were smiling too much, just for him to pull your hand down and hold it in his. He loved your smile, he always looked for it everywhere he was, he especially loved it when it was he who was the one causing it.
He knew he couldn't always be the reason you were smiling but as long as you were happy it didn't matter to him.
He kept on glancing at you just to see you smiling and looking at the phone charm, you saw him doing it but didn't say anything. You thought it was cute how cheesy he acted when he thought no one was looking.
The rest of the school day was normal for the most part; the assigned seats of each class were fumbling with Riki's plans to be by your side all day, which he knew would happen.
Tables in your class were set in pairs of two, you were at the front of the class seated with a girl you barely knew and Riki was a few seats behind.
As break time started, Riki used his height to his advantage and threw a piece of paper above the guy in front of him and it landed perfectly on your desk. You looked back to see who it was, despite already knowing. You gave him a small smile which made him melt, and as you opened it you saw two stick figures holding hands in a flower field.
It was cheesy, yeah but it was cute. Cuter coming from Riki as he wasn't one for cutesy things.
He would write cute little notes and letters to stick in your locker but that was rare, so this act made you blush so bad you had to hide your face slightly.
You went to draw a cute photo back but before you could even get your pen out Akio spotted you and caught your attention.
Riki tried to ignore it, he didn't like the guy yeah but he also knew he was your first friend besides himself so he wanted to attempt to become friends with him for your sake.
Looking at Akio you saw Riki come up behind him. They had never stood side by side so you never realized how much taller Riki was in comparison and it shocked Akio too as he let out a child-like yelp when he turned around and saw Riki behind him.
You could tell Akio put his guard up a little.
During Riki and your petty silent treatment towards each other, you talked to Akio about how you were dating Riki and that you still wanted to be his friend but there needed to be a bit of distance.
He took it really well which was lucky for you as you had a hard time confronting people.
Akio backed up a little from Riki who was giving him a slightly annoyed-confused look, and bumped into your desk.
He wasn't scared of Riki per se, but Riki was intimidating. Tall, broad, cold stare, etc.
But in the moment of silence, Riki begrudgingly introduced himself.
Akio stood up a bit and introduced himself back, voice kinda shaky which made Riki chuckle. Akio, who has proved himself to make friends easily, quickly got comfortable with Riki and started talking about anything and everything.
As the conversation went on, Riki took the seat next to you as the girl had left a bit ago.
Riki grabbed your hand under the table, another thing he didn't often do as PDA wasn't something he enjoyed.
Eventually, the break was over, and it was time for the next class.
Akio said his goodbyes and ran off, Riki on the other hand wanted to walk you to your next class.
Walking to class, Riki had yet to let go of your hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth here and there.
And luckily the class was on the other side of the building which left you guys some time to talk, or more specifically some time for him to apologize.
He looked over at you almost nervously and squeezed your hand the tiniest bit before starting.
"I didn't mean it." He wasn't the greatest at starting apologies or apologizing in general, and although you were pretty sure you knew what he was talking about, you still asked. "Didn't mean what?"
He took a sharp breath in "When I said you were stupid and pathetic, just overall being a jerk..." he paused and looked at you before continuing.
"But that's not even all, I haven't been making any time for you, I was petty and ignored you, I got overly jealous and possessive, and I have just been a huge asshole." You were so focused on him apologizing that you hadn't even realized you guys weren't in the school building anymore, you were outside behind the school, in the small garden the school had created not too long ago.
"What are we doing out here?" You looked at him with confusion "I wanted to talk with you more privately."
"We're gonna get in trouble for skipping class, Ki."
"Don't worry about it, okay? I'll take all the blame." You looked at him, debating if you should stay out here or convince him to talk later but his eyes were almost pleading for you to stay out there, and so you listened. "Fine," you said with a slight smile.
He took a second to collect his thoughts and how he was going to go about this but eventually, he got it and started.
"I'm sorry I've left you alone so long. And I'm truly so sorry that I never made time for you, a busy schedule isn't an excuse to be distant, and I need to learn that."
"Rik-" You tried to cut him off and say it wasn't his fault but he didn't let you. "Wait just, wait okay." You shut up
"I care about you so much, you're truly the only one for me, and you mean the world to me. What I said during our fight was so fucked up, and I need you to know I didn't mean any of it. I want to be around you all the time, but I know I can't, and I'm glad you found someone you can be with when I'm not around.
I want you to know that I want to make all of this up to you. All the lost time, the phone calls I missed, the dates, just hanging out together, I want to make up for all of it. And I will, I promise.
I love you. A lot, and I'm gonna prove it this time. I'm going to be the best boyfriend you can ask for and I'm going to be your best friend again. Okay? I'm going to spend as much time as I possibly can with you. I love you so much. You don't have to forgive me now but I-"
"Riki." You successfully cut him off this time as he was starting to run out of breath and his cheeks were all pink.
He looks at you like a scolded puppy, catching his breath a little, Pure word vomit he thought.
"I love you too, so much. And I promise I'm not mad. It hurt never seeing you, yeah, and we definitely have distanced, ourselves as both a couple and friend but it's not your fault. You're busy and I understand okay?" He gave you an apologetic small smile before bringing you into a hug
It was warm and loving, just as all of Riki's hugs were.
He put his head into the crook of your neck, "I missed this so much" He mumbled, squeezing his arms around you tighter. "I'll do better. I promise." You smiled and softly caressed his hair. "I love you Ki."
"I love you too baby. So much."
Later throughout the day Riki walked you to every class, smiled at you whenever your eyes met, and was friendly with Akio whenever he came around.
After school, he came to your house and you guys just laid with each other. Something you hadn't done in ages, and although you knew he wouldn't be able to do this every day, you were just happy he was trying to make more time for you, and he was just happy to have his girlfriend back.
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@ Sakinote
Note: Sorry if the ending is bad or rushed, iv been working on this for like 2-3 weeks now and just wanted it out. But this is definitely my longest fic and I hope u guys like it :)) also I think I made Akio seem like a bigger character than he actually was... srry
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Miquella is nice
After finishing the DLC, Miquella made me think a lot. Before the DLC, he had a rather… one-sided image, I don't know what else to call it. He was incredibly kind, and we saw references for his connection to St. Trina initially (because we still remember Gwyndolin, who lived as girl. And we know Fromsoftware loves the archetype of the sad feminine young man). Miquella was a victim, was a martyr, and was an incredibly kind soul who prayed for Godwyn and invented a true miracle - the Golden Needle, which can help to hold the rot.
But the DLC absolutely turned his image upside down! And it makes me very sad to see a character's incredible transition and acquisition of a new layer of morality (gray) labeled as "bad writing" and "fuck GRRM he spoiled my baby boyy :(((((".
Today after talking with my spouse (He always helps me realize any fragments of lore. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding the simplest things that everyone has long understood and accepted. Also! Happy birthday to my beloved!), I could only finally understand why everyone is getting so worked up about Michella, even though we've had a scenario similar to his "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" a long time ago. That was Laurence, everyone's favorite in Bloodborne, and Gwyn (he really wanted good things and it didn't turn out well :/), etc. I'll also remind you that the fandom (in the general sense) of Fromsoftware games is very fond of villains, and that's fine. But for some reason, when Miquella turned out to be not the good guy everyone wanted him to be, no one appreciated it. And I tried to defend him to the last in a discussion with my husband - Miquella sacrificed everything for the "greater good" in his understanding of the word, Miquella went the way of renunciation, Miquella knew how to love and loved his sister, Miquella wanted to correct all the sins of the past.
However, unlike most Fromsoftware villains, Miquella HIDES his atrocities (even from himself). Nashandra, Shabriri, Micolash, anyone - their motives are clear. They have principles, egos, backstories, justifications for wanting to be a destructive factor, some have these reasons built in at birth, some are insane, etc. Miquella, on the other hand, finds followers by Dishonest means, condemns Radahn to suffering for which to end the festival is organized, leaves his sister to die, condemns Mohg to be a puppet in his scheming, and still thinks of himself as a VIRTUE. He believes that the era he is about to found - will be good and bright. And with words of goodness he kills us in battle with Radahn!
Miquella is a golden apple with a very rotten core. We don't know, really, at what point he started to "rot". What's funny is that of the two twins, Malenia was rotten on the outside and he was rotten on the inside.
Miquella's center is in love. He carries self-love everywhere, charming and falling in love with almost everyone. That is why Malenia says, "My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all." I think he is the type of child who got used to being loved. The problem with this type is that he can become a wonderful person, or he can turn into a monster who will take love and attention at any cost. (My spouse reminded me here of stories of crazed maniacs who kidnapped those they loved and dreamed of a nonexistent future, not realizing the damage they were doing.)
But there are many questions that, perhaps, everyone should answer for themselves?
What vow did Miquella make to Malenia?
In my opinion, Malenia was not charmed by him. I've always wondered WHY she waits for Miquella at the cocoon in the Tree, even though it clearly shows Miquella being stolen???? She knew, she probably knew his plan originally. She had been waiting for his return like a god. But what had he promised? That when he returned, he would cure her of the rot permanently?
When did Miquella begin his "fall"?
There is no denying that Miquella was a good guy. He tried, he tried to help his loved ones. He looked up to Radahn as a child with respect, as the description of Remembrance of a God and Lord says. Miquella was in harmony with his other self, Trina. But what changed him? Failures? The desire to save everyone at once? The desire to be the most loved? To be perfect - a god? I'm inclined to think it was all of those things that corrupted him at once. After all, as a favorite child, he may have been flawed deep inside from the beginning.
Miquella had resurrected Radahn as a young, beautiful warrior, just as he had been before. But Radahn does not utter a single phrase during the battle, and his movements are more automatic. Radahn feels nothing, and it makes me think more and more that he's more like Miquella's wish come true, his hope of having a worthy consort he loved by his side.
Is Radahn a puppet or a future lord?
Nothing has been confirmed. I've also read that Miquella's spell was broken when his rune was split, that's how many NPCs come to their senses and realize everything. But I think his power would be enough to, like a necromancer, control a resurrected one? And honestly, it's unlikely Radahn would have wanted such a fate. He was holding back fate itself, the stars, so that what did happen to him in the DLC wouldn't happen. Thanks to Miquella, Malenia had turned Caelid into a solid rotten mess and blossomed her divine flower, and left Radahn in an insane state waiting for a noble death at the hands of other warriors. Miquella mutilated him. I don't think Radahn would have appreciated his methods, considering how dedicated he is to warriorship and uprightness, and also honors Godfrey.
What would have happened if the Age of Compassion had happened?
I think it would have been VERY bad. And after a major flourish of life and honoring Miquella, there would have been a decline and another Shattering. Miquella shows himself to be a man who does not tolerate dissent. I think there would have been a flowering of the Inquisition, persecution, murder, and brutal tyranny. And Radahn, most likely, would have simply been "squeezed out" by Miquella and destroyed by his boundless love. Yes, Miquella rejects his love, as @jarognieva correctly pointed out. But he rejected, in my understanding (we need a clear translation from Japanese here), his destined love, i.e., his intended spouse, Trina? Just as Radagon was Marika's spouse. Our Marika is a deity, but she is capable of love - her love for her son, Godwyn, caused her heart to break.
Fandom cancelled Mohg, now he is cancelling Miquella. People don't accept and don't want to comprehend the things that make them change points of view. That's how the witch hunt begins! So stop being shitty and decide for yourself what you think of Miquella before claiming him a "bad written character"
Miquella, as a character, has become an incredible bastard, manipulative and truly evil with a mask of piety. He doesn't go into battle as an honest warrior, he uses others. He "sacrifices" himself by actually sacrificing everyone else. But doesn't that make him MORE interesting?
He's broken a lot of headcanons, but I sincerely hope that the wave of love for him as a VERY gray character will still come! After all, he's a worthy villain archetype! A true evil hidden in a pure soul. How many fanfics, how many musings can be spawned from that. No need to deny him, rather try to accept Miquella for who he is. And don't make it into "good" or "evil". There's a particular aesthetic to how awful Miquella is.
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slytherinshua · 2 days
genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. none. pairing. tws x fem!reader. wc. 548. request. request by anon: for tws pet names/nicknames they give you. a/n. this was so fast to do cause i literally had ideas for all the members immediately omg <33 it's such a cute thing to think abt too :(
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shinyu will call you ‘sweetheart’ most of the time. he says it in the most romantic way every time and it makes you absolutely fold. he could literally be asking you to pass the salt and you would get butterflies because he would ask so gently and romantically. he’s too romantic for his own good to be honest. he never told you this but when you just started dating, he tried to think of the most romantic pet name to call you and settled for sweetheart. probably researched it and everything.
dohoon loves to call you ‘baby’. it’s classic and it’s cute. he also likes how it’s pretty lowkey and he can use it to address you whenever. it doesn’t have to be reserved for a romantic date or anything. he might use ‘babe’ as well sometimes if he’s in a rush or asking you a question, just whatever rolls off the tongue easier. on dates, though, he’ll call you ‘my love’ or ‘princess’ when he wants to be more romantic.
youngjae calls you ‘angel’ or ‘love’ because you are his angel, you’re so perfect in his eyes. he likes gentle pet names or any that are just soft and romantic. he has the softest and sweetest voice ever that whenever you hear him call you his angel, you fall 10 times more in love with him. he treats you like you literally hung the stars in the sky. maybe cause he’s so teased in tws and you don’t tease him that often but he definitely gives you special treatment, including the pet names.
hanjin would call you 亲亲 (qīn qīn, dear one) or 宝贝 (bǎo bèi, baby/love). it’s so cute cause 亲亲 also means ‘kiss’ so he would ask for a kiss while calling you that. he melts if you call him that back. even more so if you use something like 甜心 (tiánxīn, sweetheart) or any cute chinese nickname. he loves pet names so much, he’s always thinking of new ones to call you in different languages as well. he always asks you which ones you like the most as well, so you both have a say.
jihoon likes food nicknames a lot. something like ‘peaches’ or ‘sugar plum’. he thinks it’s funny and also really cute. maybe he jokes about biting you a bit too often… and sometimes he does actually bite you which only adds to the joke that you are food to him lol. if you’re shorter than him, he’ll call you ‘shortcake’ there’s just absolutely no escaping it. even if you’re only shorter by 1 cm. he’s one of the shorter tws members so he takes what he can get.
kyungmin would call you a nickname or shortened version of your name rather than a pet name. he’s tried pet names with you and most of them just don't sound right. the only one he does use is 자기야 (jagiya, baby) but it's not that often. whatever nickname he gave you feels more special and unique so he likes it more than any pet name. the nickname is reserved for just kyungmin’s use and if anyone else dares to use it to address you, he’ll fight them (more like get super pouty and complain to you about it later but shhh).
↳ tws taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @seunghancore,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy
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natsuo not forgiving his dad but making peace with his past and moving on was actually really great; and i liked where endevour ended up -- even now its hard to say everyone's fully moved on from his abuse -- becuz thats not how it works, i think ive said it before but endeavors redemption arc always confused me becuz compared to characters like bakugo, his was so weak -- and that i thought (and still do) it was done on purpose
bakugo's growth is shown at a very slow and gradual process, when he apologizes to izuku, he's not only realized he was awful, he's already been actively better and he's already grown -- also bakugo's pre-arc self doesn't compare to endeavor who literally abused his entire family, leading his wife to a breakdown, his son to death and then villiany, along with many other things -- im only comparing them becuz they both had redemption arcs written by the same author not becuz i think theyre comparable
bakugo's actions werent good by any means but he, per every arc, gradually changed over and over, not only how he treated izuku but how he thought of him and how he acted overall (all the while retaining his loud personality lmao)
endeavor on the other hand essentially got what he wanted, realized he was a piece of shit and /then/ tried to make it up -- it wasnt like bakugo who was already being better when he apologized -- who was waiting to apologize -- endeavor's arc, in that way felt insincere
altho the scenes where endeavor tries to be a better father and todoroki ignores him are funny, they also show that endeavor just kind of tries to flip the switch -- there's not gradualness, no process, one day he's just like "well enough of being awful" but the thing is, why would siblings who have been hurt their entire life not want some aspect of love? of course it makes sense that even tho natsuo was the least likely to be willing to forgive endeavor, some times u thought that maybe... but natsuo could never forgive him, could never pretend that nothing happened and that they were family now, and that was perfect for him becuz he didn't owe endeavor anything
even when the dabi-touya reveal happens, endeavor fails to actually take action/responsibiltiy over his abuse of his family -- he's vocal about wanting to change, he tries to play up some reselblance of a father, but he fails to genuinely show growth most of the times (not to say he's never had moments where his regret is obvious, just that there are a lot of moments where he should be doing something but doesnt)
endeavor's arc is a show that sometimes u regret what u've done and u try to change, but u fail at it, sometimes apologies dont account for anything, sometimes people dont forgive u -- its a show that no every character arc is meant to end with the character forgiven --- endeavor says that he'll continue apologizing and give reparations for his crimes for the rest of his life, he accepts that that means nothing to natsuo and that natsuo wants to move on w/o him, he says he'll take the blame, that he chose to dance, so he'll take the consequences -- its a very bleak ending but it fits his arc the best -- endeavor was not able to really fix anything -- he did not fix his family, he did not save touya, he did not earn the love of his children, but he finally became ready to actually repent, without expecting anything in return
to clarify, i dont think that endeavor's regret is insincere, by the way, i think he does regret what he did to his family, however his regret for the abuse he forced hsi family through does not dictate how his family should react, no matter how sincere the regret, the apology, or the love, no one is required to forgive and move on -- and natsuo could not do that, but at the very least, becuz of endeavor's change, he was finally able to have some peace with it all
finally, the touya situation
the todoroki family is genuinely hell for me, the touya/dabi-shoto interaction killed me, i think ppl forget that touya's so called hatred for shoto is stemmed from the endeavors actions and abuse, touya is able to recognize that its not really shoto's fault but he cant /help/ but have all that anger in him anyway becuz of endeavor -- all of touya's siblings were born for the sole reason of being his replacement
in another life, the todoroki siblings would have loved and cherished each other, in another like touya would have been shoto's big brother and shoto would have been his little brother, they would have had soba together, they would have trained together, they would have all been a family
the "shouto im sorry" and touya crying was the worst and best thing horikoshi has ever done
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ryuichirou · 2 days
More dark hcs
We have a bunch of asks about some dark-themed hcs, I’ll try to reply to everything today. As always, it took me ages, but I am still grateful for these asks. Thank you to all the Anons in this post!
Ships mentioned in this post: Ortho/Idia (Igni mob/Idia), Floyd/Idia, Jade/Idia, Trey/Idia, Trey/Vil
Anonymous asked:
Do you have yandere headcanons for tweels? Or they are not much different in your opinion?
In terms of darkness and fucked-up-ness, they really aren’t very different; I feel like every single hc list we have for the tweels is somewhat dark, but! A yandere is a bit different because yandere’s actions are motivated by obsessive love and devotion.
And I am not saying that Jade and Floyd with their “now I’m interested, now I’m not” personalities can’t get obsessive, but it’s a bit more tricky for me to think about them in this scenario. But “tricky” doesn’t mean “impossible”, so yes, I do in fact have some yandere headcanons for them! I hope I don’t repeat myself though, sorry if I do.
The target of their obsession in this list is Idia, I hope this is okay with you.
Alright, let’s go then:
Anonymous asked:
Just to complete all of Idia’s evil exes, how about headcanons for the Tweels and Trey as yanderes for him (Sorry, Idia, I swear I do love you 😭)
(Idia deserves all the love, especially if it’s obsessive, Anon….)
The more Idia tries to avoid them, the more obsessive they become. They didn’t mind him paying attention to other people and doing other stuff at first, but the more Idia openly avoids the Tweels, the more they want him. At first they just started to get clingier: Floyd literally started touching and hugging Idia all the time, Jade – texting Idia every other minute and cooking for him. It was almost funny and cute at first (not to Idia though): it’s as if Idia just got two love interests at the same time!
One day they would just break every single gadget and machine in his room. For no reason other than they really wanted his attention, and he didn’t give it to them. Of course, Idia would be absolutely distraught after that, but it’s okay, they are here to cuddle him while he is having a panic attack. Or haze him more… these two are such childish jealous brats sometimes. They might even dispose of Ortho if there is “no other choice” for them.
Sometimes they get jealous of each other too, but it’s mostly just Floyd getting fussy. Still, it was Jade’s suggestion to start marking Idia’s body just so they each know which part of him belongs to whom. Sometimes they start arguing about it, but it’s for a show: they know that Idia gets nervous and scared because of that, so if they poke him enough, he might start promising things! Like, maybe he’d give one part of his to Jade first, but then give it to Floyd… what other things Idia could promise them? They wonder.
DMMD Virus and Trip Ending. If you know, you know. If you don’t know: I think they would kidnap him at some point and keep him as their plaything. Sometimes they would take turns, sometimes they would have sex with him together, sometimes they would just sit there and talk about how everyone else is doing while Idia is stuck here with these two. Idia’s body got used to the pain (and pleasure), but the emotional torture keeps Idia’s wounds fresh.
If this is what happens, they would make everyone think that Idia is dead because now he only exists to be their precious toy. Even Azul wouldn’t know that Idia is still alive, and the Tweels would find it hilarious because they would have a somber conversation with Azul about how horrible Idia’s fate is, and then come back home to see him tied to a bed, hungry, miserable and barely resembling a human being. But oh so loved!
Maybe one of the reasons why Trey got so obsessed with Idia is that Idia sees right through him (even though Trey’s also in denial about many things about himself). And while choosing whether to be wary of Trey or to call him out for his lies, Idia chose both… At first, Trey felt confusion, but then his interest in Idia just kept growing, and then he started to show up in his dorm again and again. People started gossiping  that these two are dating, and that Idia probably used some kind of charm or love potion to attract Trey. The second part is obviously false, but the dating part became true at some point… somehow.
Yes, teeth, OF COURSE we’re going to talk about teeth, come on, it’s Trey. Trey brushes Idia’s teeth for him. At first he just checked on his teeth every morning and evening, then one time he brushed Idia’s teeth for him just to show him a proper way to do it… but now he does it 3 times per day every single day. This isn’t just him taking care of Idia’s teeth (even though he always talks about how Idia isn’t going to do a good job if Trey isn’t helping him, and somehow phrase it in a nice way), this is him having a special tradition only for them…
Idia knows that Trey is bad news, and he doesn’t even fully understand why they started dating, but he just can’t resist him anymore. Trey seems so wishy-washy to others, but Idia knows that he could be stubborn and strict in a very sneaky way. They never argue, but Idia still can never “win” somehow – he always has to do what Trey thinks would be best for him. And Trey genuinely believes that he knows best, sometimes he thinks that Idia is a bit… inadequate at living. But he feels it very lovingly, very parentally, but still very-very sexually somehow… in his ideal world, Idia would rely on him so much that he would stop doing anything by himself, even the most basic things.
Idia never talks to anyone, but if he does, Trey gets jealous. He is very jealous of whoever Idia is talking to while he is playing games. Sometimes he wishes he could just break all of his computers and stuff like the Tweels would, but these aren’t his methods. His methods are to poison Idia’s sweets to make him so sick that he wouldn’t be able to do anything but throw up, cry and cling to Trey for a couple of days. It’s okay, when he gets better, Trey will nurse him right back and make sure he eats plenty.
He is very protective of Idia, and if someone is legitimately mean to him, he’ll never forgive that person. For some reason it’s easier for him to stand up against Idia’s bullies than to stand up against Riddle’s mom lol Anyways, with his mind being all messed up because of this obsession, he might actually do the yandere thing of killing a bunch of people for Idia’s sake. He’ll never let Idia know about it of course, but Idia isn’t stupid: he can see that something about Trey’s eyes changed. And he is legitimately scared of him.
Yeah, speaking of Trey! What a smooth segue lol
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I really like your character thoughts! I was wondering if you dive a bit into Trey's darker side and some more TreyVil headcanons? Thank you!
Thank you for enjoying our posts, Anon! <3 Trey/Vil as a ship doesn’t appear here very often, but I feel like whenever I think about them together, they just keep growing on me woah.
Of course Trey is obsessed with Vil’s teeth, that’s a given. And even though Trey doesn’t have Rook levels of dedication to his creepiness craft and doesn’t know everyone’s dental situation, he still thinks that Vil is one of the best ones. He was also lucky enough to witness Vil’s evening routine once, and while Vil found it intimate in a subtle way, to Trey it was so much more than that. He started dreaming about the way Vil brushes his teeth all the time. It’s so elegant, but still a bit messy (a little bit of toothpaste stuck to his lip for a couple of seconds before he rinses his mouth…), but also absolutely perfect, but also so… vulnerable before Trey’s eyes. He really wanted to masturbate while touching his teeth.
The fact that Vil is more experienced and sexually aware than some other potential partners of Trey is something that Trey has to constantly keep in mind. He does enjoy Vil being flirty and even hinting at things at times, but at the same time, if Trey gets too horny, Vil will definitely notice and address it. And it’s great when the timing is more or less appropriate, but if Vil notices that Trey is horned up when they’re discussing things like dental hygiene (embarrassing) or something horrible (like things that happen in the film industry)… then Vil might realise that he gets bad vibes from Trey for a reason and stop talking to him, and Trey doesn’t want that.
Trey has a rape kink, and he wishes it was purely hypothetical. Sometimes he has intrusive thoughts when he chats or hangs out with Vil about how technically he could assault him right here, or at least try to (since Vil isn’t that easy to assault). But would the thrill be worth the risk? Trey usually decides that it wouldn’t, but that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes he dreams about different scenarios in which he would rape Vil. And he isn’t always fully asleep when he has these dreams…
One time Trey saw Vil being very puzzled, angry and a bit embarrassed. He knew exactly why, but asked him about what was going on anyway, and after avoiding answering for some time, Vil confessed that somebody stole his used underwear. Trey expressed that this was super messed up and comforted Vil, gently ensuring him that it will be okay… and it’s honestly a miracle that Vil didn’t notice that Trey was lying through his teeth. Of course it was him who stole it. Another intrusive thought.
Trey would love to make Vil obsessed with his cakes, and by “obsessed” I mean “literally addicted”. Vil is way too good at avoiding sweets, but this could be changed if Trey figures out how to make a potion, one drop of which would make anyone who takes a bite addicted to this food forever. Of course, Vil is great at potions, and there is no way just any potion would work on him, so for now Trey is experimenting and using his own dormmates as guinea pigs. This is his private science project that he has to keep in secret from both Vil AND Rook…
Or something among the lines~
Alright, I don’t have a segue for this one, but let’s come back to Idia for a moment because we have another ask about him!
This is related to this post.
Anonymous asked:
I know you went into this in another post but what other ways has Ortho had other students haze Idia?
Alright, a couple of more ideas! Not a lot though, because I can’t share some because I want to draw them, and also I am a bit tired lol but still, I am happy you like this theme, Anon! You’re inspiring me to think about it more…
Ortho didn’t intend it to be a roast, but he made the other students chant at Idia about his love for Ortho when he left his room one time. This poor guy opened the door and got called a brocon by like 40 people. He got so terrified and shocked that he couldn’t move for a minute.
Another one that Ortho didn’t expect to end up being so evil is that he let the other students into Idia’s room at night and let them steal all of his clothes + his blanket, including the ones he was wearing while asleep. Idia woke up completely naked with zero clothes and a bunch of people outside waiting for him to laugh at him and take pictures.
Another time when Ortho let the guys into Idia’s room at night was when he wanted them to wake him up in a fun way! And the guys ambushed his bed, grabbing him, jumping on him, spraying him with water and making loud noises into his ears. After that Idia started stuttering, and it continued for a week… it’s a miracle it went away, to be honest. And also he pissed himself.
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A Simple Christmas
James Potter x Reader
Tags: Enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, slow burn, Christmas fluff, unrequited love, angst/fluff, GRYFFINDOOR QUIDITCH Y'ALL
Summary: You and James Potter have been rivals since first year, but a Quidditch incident in your fourth year brings you closer. Spending Christmas at the Potter's, you realize your feelings for James might be more than just rivalry. With a little holiday magic, you discover that sometimes love is hidden in the most unexpected places
Warnings: Minor injury, mild language, slight angst (concerned reader), tensions...
Words: 2.7k
You started the tradition of Christams at the Potter's in fourth year.
It was an unlikely thing for you to agree to, seeing as you hated James Potter's guts from the moment you bumped into him on the Express in first year.
He was rude, loud, arrogant and the most devious 11 year-old you'd ever had the displeasure of meeting.
And then he grew up...
He and his gang of Mauraders were always the talk of the school, "Potter this- Potter that." "Oh,did you hear about Potter's latest prank? It was brilliant!" She began to detest him with even greater passion. It certainly didn't help, in third year when you both tried out for the Gryffindoor Quiditch team. He was a great Seeker- you'd give him that- yet, every time you won a match, you couldn't help the strange sensation of emotions that would fill your chest and cloud your eyes.
He was so, easy, everything was easy for James Potter. Talking, smiling, laughing. You started to notice everything about him and suddenly that became easy too. He would do something funny and outrageous and you'd catch yourself staring. He'd make a quip at you, you'd fire back and you'd find yourself laughing. Smiling even!
Then every day, you'd tell yourself, 'this has to stop.' Or, 'pull yourself together, Y/n! We hate him! He's a foul example of Gryffindoor overconfidence, he's a lousy classmate. He couldn't spell the word reliable with the help of the Imperious Curse!' And then you'd stop short and sigh, and watch the way he talked to her.
Lily Evans was beautiful, she was the "most talented witch of her age," Professor Dippet would praise after every assignment. She was smart, she was vibrant. Everything James Potter could want. In fact he did, he'd wanted her from the very moment he'd seen her on that train. He'd bumped into you to get to her.
Was that why you hated him? Because he'd chosen her over you? You shook your head at the thought. No. Of course not, you'd both made your beds with those very first insults on that train. That's how it was and how it would always be.
Until it wasn't...
It was the first match of the term in your fourth year. Tensions were high. Slytherin vs. Gryffindoor. Everyone was on edge to get one over on the other house. You had to admit, you were feeling strung pretty high to win this particular game. And it was not happening.
You groaned from your broom as you listened to Sirius Black narrate yet another goal for Slytherin over the loud speaker with slew of curses flying off as rapidly as he could come up with them. You caught a brief glance of the new Transfigurations teacher, Professor McGonagall, snatch the microphone from him and tell him off with such sterness, you could understand why the infamous trouble causer was cowering in the stands.
You stole yourself from the scene and focused on the task at hand. A fellow Gryffindoor Chaser was flying for you, fast, you steadied yourself on your broom and prepared to take the Quaffle. You snatched it at lightning speed, taking off to the other end of the pitch, the Slytherin Chasers caught in your dust. You scored. "10 points to Gryffindoor!" Black shouted.
Good, you were tied now. You spun around, you jumped as something hurtled past you and downwards to the field. You heard the roars of the crowd before you could make out what it was. "Potter's got the snitch!" Sirius bellowed. The Gryffindoors were chanting Potter's name before you could even steady your broom. You were smiling at him.
He was holding the snitch in his hand, waving it around in triumph. "Way to go Potter!" You called down to him. He looked up at you, grinning at you lopsidedly.
"That a compliment Y/l/n?" You shook your head at him playfully.
"Don't let it go to you'd head!" His grin widened.
"Not like that would-" You couldn't hear the rest of his sentence before you looked around to find a Slytherin Beater 30 feat away, her bat raised over her shoulder and the bludger she'd hit, flying straight at you. All you could comprehend was the searing pain in your head as it made impact. You slid off your broom ... it was all so hazy... someone caught you... someone was saying your name... and then came the darkness.
You woke up with a searing headache and foggy vision. -"concussion Mr Potter. You must leave my patient to recover."
"But it's been days Madame Pomfrey. Shouldn't she be awake?" You couldn't quite make out the owner of the voice, your ears were buzzing like a colony of pixies were fluttering around in there. You made a guess though and when you gingerly opened an eye, the first thing you saw was his shaggy mop of black hair cascading over his worried face.
Worried? Why should he be worried about you? He hated you, right. Right? Then you listened to his voice, the pleading tone and lilt of angst. It was so unlike the boy you'd spent four years getting to know that you were taken aback. You felt the urge to make fun of him by saying something clever, instead you just groaned and your smirk turned into a grimace. "Y/n!"
He was by your side in a flash, or perhaps you'd just blinked really slowly. While Madame Pomfrey fussed over you, you listened to him talk. -" and then, that skeevy brat, she had the gall to pretend to be sorry when the ref told her off. Of course, the Captain was furious and he spent an hour and a half trying to disqualify them from the whole season. It's a pity we've got a Slytherin flying coach this year, else he totally wouldn't have allowed them to play after you'd got hurt." James shook his head like the very notion disgusted him. "But, I think their Beater, Doldra Macconal, she'll find herself a nice little surprise tomorrow morning." He smiled devilishly. Perhaps it was the ointment that Madame Pomfrey had put over your bruises that turned your face bright red but suddenly you felt very hot.
Madame Pomfrey bustled away to fetch a clean cloth and this gave you time to think. "Wait, who caught me after I fell? I would've had a few more broken bones than this if I just fell off my broom." It was the first time you'd actually spoken, your voice sounded foreign in your throat and you jumped slightly. James looked at you sympathetically for a moment before your question sunk in. You watched him curiously as his cheeks pinkened and a bashful look fluttered over his face.
"Well, you just fell, like, clean off your broom. And- and I was right there, so..." He seemed much to embarrassed to continue. So you finished for him. He nodded sheepishly. You smiled at him, even though it hurt and asked, "What'dya mean Macconnel will find a surprise tomorrow morning?" You glared at him more sternly, "James, what did you do?" He gafawed at you.
"I think that's the first time you've called me by my name." You looked surprised at him, even he seemed surprised. Then you both burst into laughter.
You chatted for what seemed like hours after that, going back and forth between the match and the gossip around Hogwarts while you'd been out. But after a painstakingly short 20 minutes, Madame Pomfrey shooed James out of the hospital wing. He glanced back at you with a sad smile. You tried to smile back, it didn't go very well, but he got the message.
When you got out of the hospital that seemed to be it. You, James Potter and his Marauding gang became inseparable after that. It was like all you needed to do was talk to him and suddenly you were head over heels- no! No way!
The train was bustling with students all heading home for the holidays. You stood on the platform, proudly suiting your 6th year status and watching the first years fondly as they lept onto the train. "Watcha thinking 'bout Y/n/n?" You smiled at James as he came to stand beside you. He heaved his luggage in front of him with a disgruntled huff.
"Hmm, just when we started being friends. Hey, what did you actually do to Macconnel after she bludgered me? I never actually asked." James laughed his hearty laugh that you'd come to love. You shook your head, stop it, you scolded yourself.
"Oh Goddric,it was so great. But id forgotten 'bout it. We gave her a right scare." He smiled fondly at the memory.
"It's creepy that you think about it with that kind of smile on your face." You stepped onto the train, dragging your trunk after you.
"Oi! What's that? What's wrong with my face?" He followed after you.
"I think she means you look right ugly Prongsy." Came Sirius's lilting voice from a nearby cabin. You laughed as you shoved past him, the two of you exchanging mischievous glances.
"Listen to Pads, James. He has a point." You stuck your tongue out at him, deciding to drop the Macconnel story. He glowered back at you. He heaved his trunk onto the top shelf, turning to you and so naturally lifting yours up, taking it from your hands. Your stomach did summersaults as your fingers brushed. Sirius chuckled. You spun on him and did a wild shushing motion with your full upper body. This only made him fully laugh.
James turned. "Eh, what's funny now?" Sirius held his hands up in mock surrender at your furious glare.
"Nothing, nothing mate. Swear it." He slumped down onto the seat closest to the window, leaving just enough room for you and James to sit achingly close together on the opposite bench. You felt like hexing him, but you supposed James would notice and ask what all the fuss was about. He wasn't that dense.
You elected to change the subject. "Moony not coming this year?" James and Sirius sighed in unison.
"Nope. Burried his nose so deep in the library's books I'm worried he'll turn into one before we get back after the holidays." Sirius answered. You scoffed.
"Oh please, he's so prepared for our N.E.W.T.S next year, even McGonagall is telling him to give it a rest."
"I know!" Both the boys exclaimed in unison. "Where's Wormtail though?" James asked the reclining nuisance of a wizard taking up half the cabin. Sirius shrugged.
"Dunno. Says your mummy scares him. Decided to stay and 'keep Remus alive.' Whatever that means."
The train ride back to the Potter's was usually your favorite part of the holiday, but so close to Prongs, you might as well have burst into flames where you sat. "You okay, Y/n/n?" Your very oblivious crush asked.
"Yeah." You cleared your throat. "Yep, just fine Prongs." You squeaked. Black sniggered. You threw your shoe at him.
It was an hour to midnight, an hour 'til Christmas and you were wandering the Potter house in the dead of night. The absence of sleep very obvious. You sighed as you found yourself, yet again, in the living room. You plodded over to the fireplace, where the dying embers crackled soothingly. You sank down with a thud and a heavy sigh, curling your blanket around you.
A dawning realization had struck you about 3 hours ago and it was churning your insides like sticky taffy, getting stuck in your every waking thought. You were in love with James Potter. This morning, mind you, you'd mearly thought you'd liked him and then he smiled at you- really smiled- and you knew.
And it was the most impossible thought you'd ever had. He loved someone else, someone much better than you. He maybe didn't deserve her, but he certainly had more of a shot with her than you did with him. He was your best friend! Loving him was like loving your pet Grindylow until it bites your hand off. You didn't want your friendship to be at stake, it was the last thing you wanted to think about, but here you were; thinking about it.
"Y/n?" Came his groggy voice from the stairs landing.
"Yeah Jamie?" Whoops, that just slipped out. Obviously he didn't notice because he came and sat beside you. You watched him rub the sleep from his eyes and yawn. He put his hands out in front of the fire and shuddered.
"It's bloody cold down here. Why're you still up?" You shrugged. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear. The firelight made his cheeks look redder than usual.
"Lots to think about. Why're you still up?" You mimicked. He glanced away.
"I've been thinking; there's this girl-"
"Yeah, yeah, Prongsy, Lily, the light of your life. Let's assume I've probably heard it before." You felt your heart tug painfully.
"When have you heard me talk about Evans like that?" He accused.
"Uhm, all these long, harrowing years that I've known you?" You shot back.
"Harrowing. Huh." He huffed. Looking affronted. You smiled at him softly. Bumping your shoulder against his.
"Sorry Jamie." It happened again, but you didn't really mind.
"See there you go again!" He shouted, standing up. You were following him before you knew it. Your blanket falling to the floor.
"Shh! Shh!" You pointed to the ceiling, warning him about waking his parents. He shook his head.
"You're bossing me around and it's driving me crazy!" He whisper-yelled. "You're- you're calling me these sweet little nicknames. You're brushing my hair out of my face, you're worried about me when I get hurt on the Pitch. And Merlin Y/n, the way you look at me..." He softened now, "The way you look at me just makes me..."
"Crazy?" You finished. Your heart was beating out of your chest. There was a glimmer of something there, but you couldn't let it be hope. He was looking at you dazedly through his square glasses, his hair ruffled and his lips softly parted. You could imagine the feel of them against yours.
He gulped. "Something like that." And then it clicked.
"In- in fourth year, when I'd just woken up in the hospital wing. I asked you, I asked you if you liked me or something, because you were acting so strangely... I just thought... but it was a joke!" You were whisper-yelling now. Frantic. "You replied and, and I didn't hear you... but you said that. You said-"
"Or something." You were both staring at each other. The tension so thick you couldn't cut it with a knife.
You shook your head. "You're in love with Evans!" He took a slow step towards you. "I'm not her, I could never be her. I wouldn't want to be."
"Good." He said as he reached you, he put a tender hand to your cheek. "Because I haven't thought about Lily Evans even half as much as I've ever thought about you. She couldn't hold a floating candle to you Y/n. Not in my head." The look in his eyes was so soft, so beseeching, that you just had to ask:
"Jamie, kiss me already?" And suddenly he was on you. His lips colliding with yours, melding into you. He felt so perfect, a piece of a puzzle snapping into place. He prodded your lips with his tongue, you eagerly obliged, your lips parting.
You both groaned into the kiss as he deepend it. You wrapped your arms around his neck, he leveraged your legs in his hands, guiding you to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. You were just about to take his glasses off when-
"Bout bloody time. You know lovebirds, I couldn't stand one more bloody Christmas with you two pining after each other. I think Moony was going to implode if we had to see one more honey-eyed-"
"Sirius!" You both shouted. James let you out of his grasp, but he kept you firmly pinned to his chest.
"Sod off, you prat. We're busy." James growled.Padfoot waved an absent hand and turned to head back upstairs.
"Off I go. But Merry Christmas to the happy couple." He snickered. "Ooo, this is the best Christmas present ever! Those two back at Hogwarts are gonna be so mad!" He said with a singsong cheeriness that was much too righteous for 12 am. The clock struck midnight.
"Happy Christmas Y/n." James smiled at you warmly.
You kissed him again, running your hands through his tussled hair. "Merry Christmas Jamie." He picked you up again and you giggled at him. "You know what I want my Christmas present to be?"
"What, princess?" He asked with a lovesick smile.
"Be my boyfriend?" He beamed at you.
"Ask and you shall receive!" He threw you onto the couch, you shrieked and giggled as he followed suit. He shushed you, but it would be many hours before either of you were actually quiet.
A/n Yes! Okay, I know it's cannon divergent but I thought it was cute (and yes, probably getting hit square in the head with a bludger would blow your brain up, but I'm allowed some creative and magical liberties).
Requests/asks are open
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batsplat · 2 days
a lot of dramatic irony in the fact that vale's attempt at an act of erasure is what truly tied their legacies together. i mean, first of all, in my opinion, vale has a bigger chance at winning his tenth if he doesn't make that accusation public, even if he believes it. but secondly, it is that claim of sabotage that means no one ever can forget that marc and vale were part of each others careers, nor can their intrinsic similarities and differences be denied
valentino's low-key quite quirky with legacy management in general, like there's a different ask in my drafts about this but it's sooooo funny how he keeps talking down biaggi/gibernau because. y'know. why would you do that, they were your main opponents in your prime... it's in your interest to talk them up! you want people to think they were super strong and tough to beat! also you did struggle with them you twat. with jorge/casey it's just kind of interesting how little he's concerned with arguing his case, y'know? jorge and casey, especially the latter, are quite actively concerned with Selling their sides of that rivalries, reexamining various controversies quite regularly - which is fun and interesting because it's kinda unintentionally revealing about what's going on in their own brains where valentino is concerned, how they want to be perceived etc... it'd probably be a bit undignified if valentino started getting petty in the press about it, but that didn't need to stop him... he really just has taken a general 'ah isn't nostalgia lovely' approach to discussing these rivalries, he's really not doing much of his own pr in that regard
obviously makes it interesting that he still kinda gets into it with marc when you catch him in the right mood and idk host a podcast. but even there, is that really legacy management? is that really pr? honestly, I kinda think that's just the stuff that feels a bit more compulsive... it's a bit confessional vibes, where usually when he's asked about marc he can be quite sensible about the whole thing and keep it to relatively bland + uncontroversial statements. on the rare occasion where you get more out of him (and it really is pretty rare, that podcast was a bit out of nowhere when you're following this stuff on a rolling basis over the years), it's less selling his story and more just needing to have a bit of a rant? kinda the urge to be a bit cruel with it where he usually knows it's not really in his interest? basically from at latest mid-2016 onwards, he was aware of this dynamic and tried to starve that rivalry of oxygen more often than not... but sometimes he's slipped up. quite memorably so, on one or two occasions, still clearly a slip up
anyway I'm sure it is kinda frustrating how closely they are linked, which, yeah it's fun! marc and valentino were always going to end up linked just because of how bloody good they both are and how they did have a decent bit of overlap in their competitive windows... but! now it's a story! it's the rivalries everyone remembers, and they've managed to tell the most memorable one of them all. I still think in a way, y'know, the deed was done because he did still manage to cut that interpersonal link... it's not like most fans of either of them these days would really see the two blokes as particularly similar. kind of the natural result of the polarisation that's taken place, but it is a narrative that's gradually changed... obviously more neutral fans are generally still aware of it lol - but I wouldn't say the similarities can't be denied... a lot of people seem to be doing just fine at that. still, even the fans can't deny the importance of the enemy in their guy's story, kinda beautiful in a way. everyone's trapped forever and ever
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ryllen · 25 days
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Fun with zayne ☃️🎶🎵.°
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mused on some thesis about how billions uses Indignity to illustrate that something someone does has failed / gone wrong in one way or another, and how the way this punishment is an Emotional one means that it can't land if the character just doesn't Feel that punished by it, or at least doesn't like attribute the supposed failure to something inherent enough to them to particularly stew on it, see for example people heightening/escalating their efforts to embarass someone if even that person doesn't Seem to sufficiently externally react in embarassment. winston able to truck along while (a) consciously crafting or maintaining some persona, of eternal and irrefutable dignity or whatever else is associated with "merit"/status, isn't much of a priority, when to him his skills speak for themself even though to others this is about their own merit in recognizing independently if winston's skills Happen to have use, and putting him down if he tries to speak to that anyways, and (b) he's also just able to move along from L's handed to him, whether he thinks it was warranted (like that he'll accept it doesn't count if he only thought it but didn't say it) or not (why can't you count to loyalty), when even if this resilience To How Others Treat Him isn't exactly peak realistic, that he thinks of himself in such a way that he doesn't need to be striving for some paramount official status, or think he's defined by never failing or indeed never possibly able to be seen within a "wow undignified / embarassing" framework so long as this winningness is recognized, or so long as anything is anything, is sure feasible enough.
but anyways thought about it like this thesis is just "i am cringe but i am free" like yeah that works
#winston billions#just lifelong recognition that like the [the way they are means they generate comedy] type like peripheral characters are the ones like#yeah of course That's who's relatable; never the like supposedly aspirational and/or peak relatable central/main characters#and that can extend easily enough to the [basically just a running joke] Outlier Single Weirdo Always Just Doing Their Own Thing#like boy we all know people like that huh eyesrollingemoji like yeah. we sure do lol#but also like I Love You any time smthing using comedy is like; look: Everyone is funny & ''weird'' & ''uncool'' & ''doing things wrong''#like yeah they and we are lol#billions is creating what we Get to see or hear of in the first place / what info we get; how a character is shown to us....#and boy it just so happens that the characters who aren't epic enough to be brought further into the center of things#also just so happen to inadvertently or advertently Spontaneously share more info abt themselves for ppl to have negative reactions to#while we may be ''surprised'' that axe sucks b/c huh wasn't he so externally epic seeming???? like on what planet; first of all....#meanwhile winston is not here to be like as ambitious as possible & is more like. sometimes he'll play around; since he's here....#but this joie de vivre spontaneity is never Cool(tm) of him & maybe he'd be Cooler if he was like (scrolling) ''beneath me; beneath me...''#(he would not be lol. he's not allowed; fundamentally! it's not Merit in there or out here. nobody has a Deserved greater Air of Dignity)#(but he's getting to have a bit more fun now and then; he'd be punished for his inherent inferiority anyways. and even if like#basically his continuing to be present; continuing to choose to do shit; unacceptably flies in the face of the theory that someone's#inherent superiority will just Make It So that inferior ppl are shunted out of their way or w/e; means that ppl lash out about that by at#least trying to momentarily take Whatever away from him: positive emotional motivation; space to speak unpunished much less be listened to;#space to guaranteed have a Presence unpunished &/or unignored....like well that's the tradeoff to that versus if he tried going for the#tradeoff of much lower highs on average and maybe slightly higher lows on average. not up to You The Individual to simply ''correctly''#strategize your way out of anyways. e.g. rian has to Choose to treat him with basic respect for his being a person. or someone else has to#Choose to intervene in such a way that lends enough support to winston / thwarts the means with which rian can torment him.)#and in the meantime he apparently can only be peripheral & [funny; little] b/c his Dignity is low stakes. no Arc to ''restore'' it in eithe#anyone else's eyes or much more usually the character's own perception of themself. winston will just be like eh yeah i suck then lol#(when like basically the way He Sucks that ppl give him shit for = his being autistic like ofc he can only roll with / ''accept'' that)#and then he can go whee yippee wahoo & have a blood orange flavored doughnut & ppl can go my god if i were him i'd die#mafee i guess exemplifying this too. Generally able to scuff his foot on the ground like aw gee :( yeah i effed up cringefail style huh#and then move on without it really being much of a whole damn thing. even though it's also Often abt taylor likewise being the one like#[head in hands over mafee fucking up having the collateral or direct damage for them] but they're not here to be fueled by grudges#& ofc this all being Perspective; everyone in billions Is cringefailing lol; but not everyone gets continual [joke at their expense] for it
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detectivekonan · 2 years
I need to smoke 1 million grams of weed right now
#the only way I could smoke weed is if my Aries moon friend comes over sometime after he gets off work 😭 he said he would sometime soon but#he’s always working and I’m always tired. he works even after the store closes because they don’t bring everything back for him to clean#until after closing#he’s a good friend but sadly was the reason I started smoking cigs heavily because he smokes them around me lol#like I could smoke two packs in a day#😬#he’s cool though and gets along with everyone and also like#he’s told me so many stories that are funny but awful and I am glad I didn’t meet him before we were both adults bc of#how high strung I used to be and I still am just less so#esp about weed like I was scared of weed when I was in high school#and he also was like more like. impulsive lol he has adhd#he’s told me how he used to get into fights with dudes and he’d win and how he got slashed with a knife a few times fighting w a friend#also how the police didn’t believe a guy got kidnapped by another guy at his house for trying to hurt his little sister while people were#and other things happened that day like guns got involved but no one was injured and the guy that tried hurting her ended up being forced to#move out of town#he’s also into guns and homemade bombs in the i explode them in the back yard deep dug pit in the dirt#AND YET HE TOLD ME I WAS THE BOLD AND STRAIGHT FORWARD AND INTIMIDATING ONE when we were still neighbors#also we went to the same elementary school#I told him and his friends and the teens smoking there (lots of weed smokers in that complex)#where I grew up and#they all were like 😰😰😰#I won’t say what one of them said but it was very funny#he’s like city guys are different than us country folk...
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relicsongmel · 1 month
Just spent over an hour searching for the static Ho-oh in the overworld and suddenly Ryuji taking literal years to reunite with his family makes sense to me now
#mel's musings#forest for the tree#the joke is that during his deadbeat era he was off doing the exact same thing. hunting for legendary pokemon to show his daughter#at least my ho-oh was stuck in one spot. HE on the other hand had to find that bastard roaming. makes sense it took so long#denise's dad is an enigma to me. he's not a bad dude at his core but he has VERY misguided ways of showing he cares#case in point: trying to make dena happy by helping her meet the pokemon she's been fascinated with since childhood#except this idea was born from him just straight up abandoning her and her mom. which is THE root of almost all her Issues™#he also lacks emotional maturity and is utterly incapable of seeing things beyond his own perspective sometimes#when his arguments with jen reach a breaking point he takes it as a sign she doesn't love him anymore#rather than recognizing they're both impatient by nature and not the best communicators and probably got married too young#and instead of analyzing his own feelings or talking them out with her (or you know. going to therapy) he just. leaves#his decision IS motivated by love in a way. because he thinks she'd be happier without him. but it's mostly just insecurity and fear#and he does feel bad that little dena got caught in the crossfire. so he tries to make it up to her in his own way#dena's conflicting feelings about his re-entry into her life is a WHOLE other can of worms to be honest#because she doesn't even realize how angry she is with him until she sees him again. she doesn't forgive him right away#but she's at least willing to give him the chance to prove himself again. bc that 10 year old girl who wanted her dad back never died ;_;#why is it that every time i try to be funny on tumblr dot com i end up writing emotional ass meta instead. how does this always happen#this was supposed to be a joke about dena's ho-oh hunt going about as well as her dad's. like father like daughter or some shit yk#ANYWAY that ho-oh sucks and i hope he lands on a stealth rock. good riddance#mel plays scarvi
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slytherinshua · 18 hours
summary. how tws react to you pranking them. genre. headcanons. fluff. warnings. none. pairing. bf!tws x reader. wc. 640. request. requested by anon. a/n. my brain is shit at thinking about different types of pranks so sry if this is vague... but i tried my best this is what u get 👹
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he just blankly stares at you, eyes wide, maybe blinking a couple times
his brain is trying to process how he just fell for your stupid prank
he really thought he was smarter than that…
he’s proud of you… in a way
but also rethinking his entire life lol
he keeps asking you how you did it, trying to desperately justify that maybe the prank was smarter than he thought
he’s trying to save his ego but in the end the prank was really dumb and easy to see right through
so shinyu is a bit embarrassed that he fell for it
keeps thinking about it throughout the day and freezes and just cringes remembering how naive he was
he goes through the 5 stages of grief
denial stage lasts a while, bargaining even more than that
honestly he feels betrayed by you
how could you do this to him ??? why would you pull a prank on your own boyfriend 💔
if it was a prank over text it’d be even worse for dohoon
any prank related to breaking up/calling another guy hot/anything to test how dohoon would react would get him rushing over to your house so quick LIKE??
man would not waste a second he is r u n n i n g
once it’s all over he does think it’s funny but it definitely wasn’t funny when he got a heart attack at first…
honestly i don’t know how you’d be able to prank youngjae
he’d see right through it immediately, man's too smart 😭
you probably tried 20 times and he caught it every time
but let’s say the one time he doesn’t catch on and you successfully prank him with you A-list acting skills
he’d be so done
doesn’t even appreciate your effort smh
but you’re so excited about your victory after so long of trying to outsmart your boyfriend
he can’t help but be a little proud of you as well for pulling it off successfully 
this baby believes everything you say like it’s gospel
if you prank him he’ll be so confused :(
and then when you tell him it’s a prank he’ll get upset
cause why would you do that to him, he really believed you 💔
he’s probably pouty for the rest of the day…
either gets really quiet or complains your ear off about it 
you’d think he’d learn to not be so naive after that
but if you try to prank him again sometime he still believes you 😭
even if it was the most obvious lie you were telling him he still believes you…
sigh he’s too precious please don’t prank him
first of all you have to be brave to try to prank jihoon
and he sees through it really easily so his reaction isn’t even worth the effort you put in…
plus jihoon is gonna take it as a personal challenge
and hence starts… the prank wars of 2024
you have to always be on guard cause you never know when jihoon is gonna strike
and he gets creative with ways to get payback
honestly makes you regret even trying to prank him in the first place
cause now you have to live in constant fear of whatever your boyfriend was thinking of doing next
he’s shocked to be honest
jaw dropped so wide and he looks so cute skdjs
you made him go on a whole scavenger hunt and complete missions just to find his sweater
which you were wearing the whole time
you only did it cause you were bored but kyungmin never forgets it
he thinks it’s so fun and definitely gives you applause for how good it was executed
he’d love to prank the other members with you
as the little mischievous maknae that he is, he’s always up for some harmless prank
↳ tws taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @seunghancore,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy
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