#he is just sorta being a placeholder
dogmetaph0r · 5 months
hoping the sam enjoyers of the world know that he is a DEPRAVED FREAK in the making. mostly not his fault but partially just that he’s a freak at heart
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cherry-shipping · 11 months
one of the (admittedly many) reasons i love love love LOVE my uf and ht self inserts i think is because all the shit i hate about myself is amplified with them and i LOVE them for it. theyre weird gross perverted overbearing annoying creeps who nobody really feels comfortable around. and its the BEST!!!!!!!!! like yeah they suck shit. they dont know anything and theyre genuinely disturbing and disgusting people. arent they just the BEST
#cherry chats#i happen to love girls who are the worst ever. is the thing#when my ht/uf inserts make everyone around them uncomfortable and gross people out and when nobody likes them i think its so awesome and fun#they both suck so bad. theyre awesome#they dont KNOW shit they cant DO shit theyre weird nasty FREAKS#theyre overbearing and clingy and creepy and selfish and completely fucked in the head. and theyre everythinf 2 me#^____^#i love my fucked up little self inserts. they are so not okay over there#had a visual image of my uf self insert lighting they and sans’ bed on fire cause he annoyed them. lmfao#blame kiss with a fist That song is everything in the world to me Ok#btw speaking of which i should really give my most common self inserts nicknames#because going ‘my uf and ht self inserts’ every time is a pain#like. my trollsona although i dont talk about them much is a favorite too and their name is zairku Cuz troll names etc#and in my head i nicknames my horrortale guy 207 for. some fuckin reason#ermm. whadda hell do i call that underfell freak then.#……………… cherry???? bc thats qhat i used to go by way way WAY back in the day???#and it. SORTA fits the general uf aesthetic…..???#well. just like how 207 was a placeholder that just became their nickname i guess cherry would be the same#if i called them that as a temporary placeholder while i think of something else itd just end up being their name anyway. lol#okie dokie hehehee thats good then ^__^ i think ill add that 2 my pages when i get out of bed#which is. very soon bcuz i wanna smoke. so im goin outside. its -4° out
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toffeebrew · 3 months
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I present to you!! magic!sans (placeholder name- if anyone has any suggestions ill take em)
I couldn't believe I had never made a sans oc when I was younger, so I took it upon myself to make one! I didn't want to be the only one without one, after all. He's kinda a sansona but sorta not lol!
More info under the cut!
This is just me combining all my favorite aesthetics and putting it onto a sans. He was originally going to have a super simple design...whoops.
if by some long-shot someone wants to draw him u can idc but like you don't have to
Name: Magic!sans or Witch!sans
Age: 32
Height: Same height as classic
Pronouns: He/They/It (He/him preference)
His lore is a WIP, but here are some notes!
He has a cat named "Tootsie" who is also his familiar! He calls her "Toots" for short (stole that from someone hehe). Tootsie, being a familiar doesn't need to eat or drink. She is a magic cat :D The star on the back of her head isn't special; all familiars have that.
He only wears his glasses sometimes because he's too lazy to clean them all the time, although his brother (Papyrus) often posters him about it. Something about how it'll make his eyelights worse.
He often uses magic for practical gags and jokes, like changing perfectly good items into socks or something (and back again).
Monsters don't need wands to use magic, but Sans pretends it comes from the wand anyway.
His eyes are constantly stars. He has the permanent grin classic does.
He won't fight unless he feels he has no other choice.
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yourstrulyray · 2 months
s4 beginning prediction + hetty power because im going insane :3c (warning it's very yapful)
nigel temporarily goes back to the shed because hes still not over the wedding (isaac lied about the "he understands" thing to make him not look like a total failure in front of the other ghosts) and sorta just. mopes. theres a possibility jenkins would be involved but idk 🤷‍♂️
thor and flower's wedding wouldve probably been being prepared... only if, isaac were there. he'd been gone for a while, which brought concern among the ghosts, they thought he mightve went to properly apologize to nigel but its been over half a day so everyone thinks he went missing. one of them visits the shed to see if isaac was there (lets use pete as a placeholder because hdjsnf im too lazy to type). nigel explains that isaac never went to the shed, or knew where he was, or cares, which confuses pete because isaac told them he reacted fine. then boom miscommunication-while-the-other-is-absent situation, blalala pete continues by saying isaac has been suspiciously gone for a little over 12 hours already, which then does concern nigel (finally)
thor is super stoked for the wedding but flower says she doesnt want to wed until they find isaac. this sort of irritates thor because he wants to get married as soon as possible, just to prove how loyal he is and how much he loves flower, but she puts friends first. thor and flower go on a minor respite (haha get nisaac'd) because of this
its almost the end of the day but they still cant find isaac. one of the ghosts suggests he got sucked off, but that's just too much to handle (especially for nigel), so sasappis suggests that maybe the puritan ghost isaac let go of that one time kidnapped him for revenge. also diabolical, because she probably got sucked off. buuut that doesnt mean she did, riiight??
yeah. they decided on that. but there's NO way in heaven nor hell are any of them gonna walk through dirt. this is where my prediction for hetty's ghost power will come in: echolocation. you know how telephones were used to, well, talk to people from far away? and also phones from her time ring loudly? well I think that when she expresses a very strong emotion or uses enough strength like thor, it triggers a ringing sound and gives off a "feeling" of someone's prescence/where a person is. im thinking maybe she could use this power to find isaac through the dirt, but honestly she might end up finding patience instead. theres a chance. but oh well !!!!
also another minor/side quest thing, im hoping hetty brings nigel along with finding isaac. given their previous beef in s2, i think they'll have a mini arc where they both just accept the fact that isaac loves them both equally, and no one is more important to him than the other, allat stuff. also putting each other to risk because, well, theyre in the dirt they cant see shit. hoping that during their traverse under the ground they'll both learn to value each other ,,,,,okay thats just cheesy
now i have no idea what will happen when they find isaac. but its exciting to think of it‼️‼️
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oblong-egg · 2 months
do more of your oc's have voice claim references or descriptions of what their voices would sound like
I haven’t actually put together a collection of voice claims, but I have figured out a few. I’ve tried finding voices that seem realistic rather than super cartoony, so I think most of them would just sound pretty ordinary. (I say as I proceed to pick voices mostly from cartoons 😅)
For Spot, I imagine he has a kind of small and unassuming voice, sorta uncertain and wobbly on occasion. I was considering Elijah Wood, specifically in the role of Wirt from Over the Garden Wall for him as a kind of starting point.
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Angel has a very energetic voice, but not like the stereotypical squeaky anime girl kind of energetic. I’m still looking for a specific example for her, but I’m open to more possibilities.
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Fang I think has a more youthful sounding voice than he looks. At least definitely more youthful at the start of WKoL. Most of the time, he speaks very flatly, but also has the ability to project his voice when he needs to. I don’t have a specific claim for him yet.
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Seth has a much deeper and more powerful voice than you’d expect. I want people to be surprised when they hear him speak for the first time, but not make it too mismatched that it’s disorienting every time he speaks. Again, I don’t have a specific voice claim for him yet.
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Emmi has a very soothing voice. Since she’s a dragon, I imagine her voice is a little deeper, but still feminine. She grew up in the UK, so she has an accent. So I think Estelle as Garnet from Steven Universe fits perfectly.
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Soul is another dragon, so again, he has a pretty deep voice, in high contrast to how goofy he is. I imagine breathing all that smoke has also affected his vocal cords, making him sound gravelly. But it also has the capacity to be incredibly warm. And uh… Corpse Husband
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Sky is just your average really buff guy. He’s a dork and doesn’t usually take himself seriously, so he’s another character with an energetic voice. He’s also a leader and has that commanding tone when he needs to. This one is kind of a placeholder or a jumping point, but I could see it actually working… I was considering John Cena lol.
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Tom’s voice has been super elusive to me. I’ve been playing around with some voices, but I’m not sure yet. He’s older than he looks, so his voice might reflect his age a little more. I also don’t hear it being deeper than average. I’ll definitely have to do more searching.
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And Oreo is just a lil guy. He doesn’t have a voice.
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I think that covers most of them… I’ve been meaning to put together an actual compilation of voice claims, I just haven’t gotten around to it sobs. I’ll do it eventually.
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ccextendeduniverse · 2 months
some cceu clanmew names
I love Clanmew. It's one of my favourite things ever (again: big fan of BetterBones), I've always wanted to try my hand at conlangs. What better way to start off than creating a dialect for an already existing conlang? Credits to @/bonefall for the Base Clanmew. The Cloudclan Clanmew is actually pretty important because I need to work some things out with it to come up with some things with the Featherseekers (one of the three groups in CCEU).
I'm not sure what I'll call it, so I've been calling it Cloudclan's Clanmew in my head, but I might change it to something more along the lines of Cloudmew, Feathermew, or Islandmew. Cloudmew being from Cloudclan and the -mew. Feathermew being from the Featherseekers and -mew. Annnd Islandmew being from the fact they live on an Island...and -mew. More about the island thing later, I'm still figuring out how it fits into everything. (Edit: as of August 2nd, 2024, the official name for it is Islandmew.)
I'm not too sure how to go about with conlangs or dialects, but for now, I've chosen two cats with names that have words that aren't in the Base Clanmew lexicon and tried to translate their names to Clanmew...and thus having to create a new word or two in the process.
First up we have...
Spiderlilystar! (Reyskepaishai)
Okay, so Spiderlilystar doesn't exactly have a design? I haven't thought too much about her, she's more a nebulous being to me. She'll get more love later due to her having overthrown Saturnstar during Saturnstar's reign (been trying to come up with a new name for Saturnstar, it's just a placeholder). But, anyways. Spiderlillies aren't in Base Clanmew, but they're in the CCEU Clanmew.
The word I chose for spiderlily is skepai. Ske being the word for "spider" (cobspiders, specifically, as in spiders that make cobwebs. The most generic term for spider in Clanmew), + pai being petal. It's because the spiderlily flower looks sorta of like spider legs curling up when they die to me, so like, what if the cats called them the equivalent of spider petal? The original word would've been something more along the lines of spider petal flower, or spider petal plant, but plant/flower part got omitted overtime due to wordiness.
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The word used in Spiderlillystars name specifically is reyskepai. So, when spiderlillies in her name are very specifically red spiderlillies. Red like blood. The cats actually have three words for spiderlily here---skepai, generic for all spiderlillies, regardless of colour; reyskepai, red spiderlillies; and oskskepai, white spiderlillies. They see both red and white spiderlillies, so it felt like it makes sense that they would have words for both colours.
So, anyways, Spiderlilystar's name in Cloudclan's Clanmew would be Reyskepaishai. Reyskepai being "spiderlily (red)", and shai being "star".
Second we have...
Beatleeyes! (Skssspir)
Beatleeyes...I actually tend to just call him Kabutomushi, as in Beatle. As in the Japanese Rhinoceros Beatle. Most of the stories actually focus on him during his apprenticeship, when he's Beatlepaw, but I decided to go with his warrior name.
I looked everywhere in the Clanmew lexicon for a word for beatle--- kbkbkb, as in buzzed, as in for the flight of buzzing insects such as beetles, flies, bees, but not beatle itself. So, I did some more thinking---so much thinking that translating Beatleeyes name actually ended up with a whole new tradition in Cloudclan.
When Cloudclan talks about beatles, they're most often referring to the beatles they use in Beatlefighting. The specific beatles are Japanese Rhinoceros Beatles.
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They're honestly really cool. I love these things.
Beatlekit was named Beatlekit by Fernstorm because of his ferocious nature. I looked up some sounds beatles make---they make this weird hissing sound when disturbed. I tried sounding it out, and came up with sksss. They actually use this word so much for beatles that it's an overarching term---it refers to all beatles, not just the beatles they use for Beatlefighting. I actually considered having the word for beatle be based off the sound they make when fighting, but then I decided to go with the other sound instead.
Thus: the first part of his name, sksss.
The suffix, eyes, isn't exactly referring to his actual eyes? Spiderlilystar gave him the suffix eyes for his good eyesight. So, instead of being literal and going with the actual word for eye (ipa), I chose pir for sight. So: Sksspir. His name can be translated as either Beatlesight or Beatleeyes. I prefer Beatleeyes.
Anyways, that wraps up the names thing. I hope it makes sense? These were really fun to do and come up with, really!
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atinyladybug-art · 5 months
God okay yea Recollection AU Lore time.
We're talking about the O5-7 position today >:3c
(Major thanks to @teethsies-chompies and @sleepyflameygoblin for brainrotting with me to get the bearings and things)
The 1st O5-7 was titled "The Architect" and they were one of the original 12 alongside Adam Kravitz and Founder.
The Architect was the one who built the Foundation sites, especially the oldest ones. Site-001 was also Architect's thing.
But I think that The Architect is the kinda guy that sorta lost himself in his work? Like he kept trying to perfect the site, making sure its the safest it can be. He utilised Thaumaturgy, reality bending and a lot of other anomalous things to make Site-001 concealed and safe.
But in doing so he lost bits and bits of himself and eventually he probably became Site-001? Like he became the thing he wanted to built or something.
And then his seat was left empty to which the Heretic came. Heretic is blood related to Architect (either father-son or siblings). He founded the Foundation education system and continues utilising anomalies.
But at this point, the Foundation were stopping their use of anomalies and were starting to detach from the rest of the anomalous community due to the risks and losses of using anomalies.
So this is where it causes Heretic to defect to the Chaos Insurgency.
Then the seat was left empty with the Foundation Civil war, it was so hard to find someone to take the seat so that's where Teeth came in.
Teeth is a deity that Architect worships and worked with closely. They gifted Architect the ability to built the sites he did and seeing Architect's work ruined by the Heretic, decided to show some pity and basically comes and volunteers to hold the place for the time being until a better fit is trained/found.
So that's how we got O5-7 "Teeth", a placeholder eldritch God who just maintained, restored and cleaned up Heretic's mess.
And when they were finally done cleaning up, they passed their seat over to Abirt, "The Eternal". Teeth gave Abirt that title in hopes that no one else will fuck up that seat and they don't have to clean up after anyone anymore. (They're eldritch gods they have better things to do??)
Abirt is the newest O5-7 and will probably be the longest O5-7.
Edit (Additional comment):
God there's just so much symbolism about Architect who worships Teeth and stuff and then the next one is heretic who destroys everything. I think Rec AU O5-7 seat is cursed with divinity.
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sol-shines · 10 months
@ your tags PLEASE talk abt your parker designs!!!
this is for you and @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars THANK YOU for enabling me :3 sorry this took a little bit
if you don't know what this is about i drew my takes on the parkers here !
rambles under the cut:
SO what i sorta wanted to do was make. each parker flow into the next while subtly changing in between ,,, something something losing yourself to the game, becoming unrecognizable. so let's cover it parker by parker:
prime: i personally Love the hc that the coin is parker's mom. so prime is a lil ancient roman coded guy. he's SOOOO eldest sibling coded help. like he and his mom have a very strained relationship but also he thinks that if he just does whatever she wants she'll finally be proud of him :P whoops! and yeah v explosive anger (firewalker reference!), leading to ego, leading to. You Know. anyway. oh ALSO the parkers get younger as we progress so :))) they all STARTED at 19 but have varying degrees of age. so prime is in his mid-thirties.
parker ii: AH the most elusive of the parkers. SO: in my personal lore interp, parker ii was created when prime starting to push back against the coin more and more to the point where it was becoming a problem. and prime of course is very destructive and makes a mess when he's angry. so ii came about from me going "...what if parker just. said fuck it and left. didn't give a shit about ego just didn't wanna play the game anymore and found a way out." and that's exactly what my ii did. absolutely fucking vanished and quit the game for good. somehow. which uhhh MIGHT have been what caused prime to go apeshit ("why does ii get to leave and i'm stuck here?") and end prehistory. whoops. so i wanted to make them look very vagabond-y. somehow got even edgier than prime (impressive). also they're abt 30-ish. and have crazy gender stuff going on. possibly transfem. "but how is that possible if you hc the parkers as transmasc-" shhh. i don't know <3
park3r: GOD i loved doing this one. this parker is such a bitch and i love him. the first commissioner parker, created bc "OKAY so we gotta make him more young and impressionable and less unstable AND take him out of this game bc very clearly Bad Things will happen if he stays" so they made. a chronically online teenager and made them commissioner AMDNFM. god yeah i love this design he's sooo. just a 19-year-old trying to fill an impossible role and putting on a cool face about it. tragic, yes. but they're gonna complain the whole time and make everyone else miserable too. fully believe he was just scared and out of his depth the whole trial :( oops why are parkers iii and iiii so sad. i drew him closer to mid-20s here but honestly he could easily be younger
p4rker: LOVE this guy's lore so my hc is that after the trial that killed park3r it was like "uhhhh FUCK we need a new one of those. stat." so. they just. took park3r's incin'd body (ik it's not really Canon that park3r was incin'd he just Died but. let me have this) and like. stitched it back together. so p4rker is covered in burns and stitched together like frankenstein all over, and they just threw a mask on them like "see!!! new guy!!" the result of this being they didn't have. a whole ton of time to add shit like Personality, so p4rker is the outlier in that they're very naive and even polite? they don't understand what all the fuss is about them and just wants to be. nice? shame he didn't stick around long :/ the drippy bits are a little percolation nod! in this particular drawing he's like 20 :(
pvrker is. obviously the least human. park3r was more of a prototype of a commissioner, p4rker was a temporary placeholder at best, pvrker... was well and truly made For The Game. and his appearance reflects that. kinda a combination of iii's bluntness and 4's naivety. in-universe some people think he's the most sinister or whatever bc he's so directly Controlled By ILB Shit and that's not NOT true but like. give him a break guys he's like 6 days old he's new at this :(
ANYWAY that's so long holy shit. here are my rambles i hope u like them. im So Bad at blaseball lore so someone yell at me if something i put in there isn't accurate but. yeag :)
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unluckystarboy · 6 months
I'm kinds sorta writing this for @ramsywasalittlelamb cause they're rly coolandiadmirethemandirlyliketheirficslolanyways-
This is a tim drake fiction based around the kind of fiction ramsy writes (they're rly cool you should like, go check them out) anyways, onto the story. This has angst with some comfort btw lolol
Tw for cursing and angst (sorry if you guys don't rly like that it's just kinda based on my experiences with this topic kinda so-)
It wasn't his fault. None of it was.
Not his parents leaving him to go on digs or to go away for business meetings and such, not for having to spend most of his childhood alone in his big house. Not being able to experience a some-what normal childhood like most of the world did. Well, if you could consider normal childhoods like figuring out which Rouge, villain, or hero you'd wanna be for Halloween and risk the chance of that hero or villain seeing you out like that and taking a picture with you at least.
And it wasn't like Tim was jealous that he didn't get a "normal" childhood- or life for that matter! His parents provided safety, a large mansion that he graciously lived in for most of his life, food, access to just about anything technology wise, and utilities! Most gothamites didn't even have three of those things. Just because of the fact that he didn't have a some-what normal childhood didn't mean that Tim was jealous of other people for that. Heck, he should be grateful!
Then why did he have this feeling in the back of hit throat whenever he was stressed out when cases were loaded onto him? Why did he start to feel a bit to overwhelmed than usual when things with his share of WE and Red Robin got to much? It didn't use to be like this, well, maybe it was. Maybe he just didn't really notice it before. Or maybe he did, maybe he did notice it and just push it down with every other burden in his life.
Yeah he's gone through a crazy ton of stuff, who hasn't? For Christ's sake, at least he still had basic necessities. And he had somewhat of a family, it was more than what was offered to him when he was birthed at least. Yeah they were a handful, and stressful- but that was only because they cared about him. At least he thinks so, it would make sense if they didn't. As a matter of fact he knows they probably don't as much. He was just a placeholder, a pretender. Heck, he stalked them for Christ's sake. He's a weirdo. It's been made known multiple, times before. Dick wanted to send him away to Arkham when Bruce "died", Jason tried to kill him, heck they still weren't on the bestest of terms after that. Damian tried to kill him on multiple occasions and resents him. Steph...
He scoffs, rolling his eyes a bit.
"Hell if I know with her anymore."
Red Robin and Nightwing were currently patrolling the west side of the city, near the docks. Nightwing had gone towards the outer city part of the docks, leaving Red Robin alone for the time being closer to the boats. Letting out a huff of air, RR leapt from shipping container to shipping container.
"S'not like they even need me..like, why the hell am I even here?..I jus' like-"
A minorly erupt thud comes from one of the shipping containers after RR lands on it rather roughly- the big bad bat wouldn't be proud at that one.
"Ow- shit-.. whatever. Jesus fuc- why in the world am I even here?? Like, really."
Red Robin softly taped his ear piece twice, connecting it to the line where Nightwing and Oracle where the only ones residing.
"It's a slow night..Wing, check in."
The line beeped once for confirmation.
"Nothing much here Red, I'm gonna head back to the cave before I leave for blud tomorrow. You should head back soon too."
RR squatted down onto the shipping container, "Will do wing. RR out." A soft beeping noise could be heard, letting him know that the line had been closed for the night.
Sighing, Red Robin leapt from container to container until finnally grappling onto a nearby building.
This is what he liked to do most, it was his favorite personal thing to do when he had first became Robin. Feeling the cool Gotham air fill his hair and lungs as he flew from rooftop to rooftop. It was like his form of a teenage rebellion. Defying all laws of gravity and life and just living. Just flying.
Seeing the cave entrance at last he snuck in silently, not like that make any differences, seeing as it required a DNA confirmation and retinal scan along with multiple passwords and confirmation in order to get in. Dicks request, after everything with Talon and the Court of Owls of course. Although Tim considered it overkill.
"Batman, Hood." Tim acknowledged. Earning a grunt and a roughened dismissal, "hey" in return.
Shedding his uniform and hitting the showers, letting the warm water run off of his hair and body. Letting his thoughts run free.
He must've been in there for a while, cause when he came to from his trance the locker room had become misty with steam. Drying off and changing clothes with haste, he finishes up and steps back out into the cave.
He thinks, quickly noticing the shift in atmosphere from the hot bathroom and the seemingly icy one of the cave. He's gotta get outta here, the quick change from hot to cold does not pair well with having no spleen. In which no one on the team really knows about. It's not really their business anyways, if they really wanted to know more about him, the world's greatest detective could've just figured it out himself.
"Tim?" God damnit.
Tim halts midway up the stairway, "Yeah? Is there something you need B?"
"Yeah...come here for a moment please."
"Fuuuuckkkk" He mentally reprimanded himself.
Stepping down with as much haste as his already tired legs would let him, Tim walks up to Bruce and the Batcomputer.
"Yeah B? What's up?"
Without even turning towards him, Bruce hands Tim a large envelope. "This is new info on the Dowry case. New info showed up, the father apparently left the kid alone for weeks on end. I need you to investigate why he did and what he was doing during this time."
Tim opens the envelope slightly, glazing over its contents.
"Okay..thanks B." Tim rushes up the staircase and shuts the clock behind him. Great. Just great. Not only did he already have to try and push back that godforsaken feeling in his throat and head away, but he had to do even more paperwork and had the chance of catching a stupid cold. All just because dumb ol' Batsy couldn't wait until tomorrow to give him this case. He couldn't really blame Bruce for that though..that was stupid, and childish.
Mopely shrugging to his room and flopping lazily onto his bed, Tim rips open the envelope and sets down the paperwork and photographs. Cold, hard, evidence. Tim could do that, simple enough. Can't fuck up cold hard set in stone facts. This was good, this was something he was good at.
As the hours past, Tim had gotten so in the zone with this case it was almost solved. The dad was off in Kansas reliving his glory days for some strange reason, and in doing that had just left his kid off in their house to fend for themselves.
And that's when it hit him, hard.
He could see himself in the kid, little Timothy Jackson Drake. So mature for his age, so smart. He skipped a grade in school don't you know? He's able to fend for himself.
The kid was almost just like him in some aspects, same short black hair, pale skin, blue eyes- oh god-
His parents.
He could see his parents in those eyes.
Those eyes that were almost like his mother's. Those sharp, demanding eyes.
Tim hadn't even realized he was staring at the picture until water began to stain the photo, making it rise with bumps after a while.
Jesus, why was he even crying? S'not like it's even a big deal. He can take care of himself, maybe this kid couldn't but that was just because he was a kid!! Tim was different. Tim had been smarter than all the other kids in his grades he has straight A's, he excelled.
That was the difference between him and this kid.
He wouldn't understand the type of pain that this kid went through, he couldn't.
Then why was that feeling back stronger than ever? Why did he feel a blooming warmth in his chest, trying to fill that void? Why did his head feel light and misty like a cloud? And why did he kind of want it to take over?
Setting down the photo and leaning back, he runs his hands through his hair, sighing.
"I don't know what's wrong with me...what's wrong with me...why am I like this.."
Soft tears ran down rose pink cheeks, landing on the soft bedding below. What if..what if he let the mist take over? Just for once? Maybe just..softly. He didn't even know what that feeling was but, it seemed to slightly feel good. Maybe it would make him feel better if he laid down. Tim turned off his bedside lamp and got up.
Pulling up the covers, he got under them and closed his eyes. Slowly letting the warmth blossom in his chest and take over, drifting softly to sleep.
Uhhhh so that's the story lemme know if you liked it and maybe I'll post a pt two, I also have an ao3 and I you guys like it i may post pt 2 (or of ramsy if you like it and want more parts I'd be glad to do so and put it on my ao3 lol)
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ozymoron · 6 months
tell me a bit about sophia (i mean if u want) im interested
gladly. i love talking about her
shes a 20 something year old german trans woman living in nz. shes 5'10" (somewhere around like 177.80cm) and a lesbian. she uses she/her pronouns but is fine with being called a guy or people using he/him for her as long as she know they believe her when she says shes a woman (like they dont mean it in a transphobic way). she has a deep voice and a german accent i havent really got much of the worldbuilding down yet but i do have most of her personality down. also her story takes place in some vague year between 2000 and now
shes kinda a huge loser like in the sense that she spends most of her time just sorta sitting around at home drinking beer and smoking while listening to industrial and hardcore and metal and shit (shes almost definitely depressed but im yet to explore that side of her lmao). she drinks and drives, shes incredibly wreckless. she kinda doesnt care that much about others but more in a way where shes just kinda always in her own head only thinking about herself and what she wants but when it comes to the people close to her shes incredibly protective like a guard dog. she acts like kinda a silly idiot around her loved ones but as soon as someone even looks at any of them wrong, shes fully ready to kill them. she clings onto her friends and stuff like theyre the last thing she has left. less in a desperate kinda codependent way and more in a "i could not live without you i will protect you with all i have trust me please stick around and keep me in your life i will make my existence worth your while" kind of way
shes a wannabe badass but also just is a badass. like she acts all cold and stoic but laid back, i guess in a way trying to seem all mysterious and cool but mostly just comes off like a bit of a jackass (cause she kinda is a bit of a jackass but she means well. sometimes.) i havent got to this part of the worldbuilding so i dont have an explanation for why she is this way but im planning that theres something she has to fight against or something like that. i have a bit of a vague idea of what i want but no specifics but she has a side to her where like shes actually kinda badass. she wears a wolf mask and carries around this baseball bat which the tip is like covered in nails and shit. im planning she gets covered in blood often because women covered in blood is awesome. im planning a theme with the group of characters she hangs out with where they all wear some kind of animal mask and each have their own weapon which like reflects their personality and whatnot
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she works in a fast food restaurant which i feel like explains a lot about her
she mostly wears the mask to hide her identity but also to just hide her face in general. shes not insecure about how she looks but more just worried about what other people think of her. shes on hrt but she wants to keep her body hair cause she likes her body hair which includes her facial hair though she does regularly shave it cause she knows it gets her misgendered. she also wears a spiked collar and sometimes a leash (if shes not wearing a leash shes wearing some kind of bondage harness thing) both to continue the whole wolf dog thing shes got going on and also for sexual reasons of course
she has a romance thing going on with another oc of mine called blair (the name is a placeholder im so bad at picking names). blairs tiger/big cat coded shes more of the happy-go-lucky chaotic type. sophia goes incredibly soft for her like the whole trying to be a stoic badass thing completely drops around her she would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if it meant blair was kept alive and safe which worries the fuck out of blair cause half the time she does not need to sacrifice herself but she puts herself in danger for blair often times for no reason cause she believes its what she needs to do to keep her safe. like her life is meaningless without blair so she'd rather be the one to die than live without blair. which like yeah theres a flaw in her logic cause like if she dies shes still without blair and now blairs sad but yknow. maybe she'll figure that out someday not sure tho shes a little stupid
idk what else to write so ill just add little tiny things i added to her for fun her favourite movie is evil dead 2 (this is me projecting onto her), she moans when she pees, she would give everything to be a werewolf, she had her drivers license taken from her she still drives tho. she shouldnt but she does, she hates beer but drinks it anyways. i think she doesnt know theres other kinds of alcohol. no idea how she doesnt know maybe she just hates herself and wants to drink shit that tastes bad for fun,
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shes all i have left im going crazy
i also have a playlist for her if anyone besides me cares i care so fucking deeply. also my tag for her i feel also illustrates her personality well
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kheprriverse · 1 year
the language of Termina that you showed in a wip with Terminus and Time interacting...is that from anywhere in particular, or did you create it? I'm very curious for details! 👀✨
[I hit a button on accident (twice) when nearly done with this and it reverted and deleted basically everything (twice) so please excuse any sorta messy un-hinged-ness to my writing here. Plz take Ctrl+Z away from me I'm begging you]
but AAAA!! ty for the ask as well as the kind words and general interest in the reblogs! And you wanted me to infodump so... uh below the cut will have my brain garbage flung out until I decide to stop typing. Enjoy!
For now what's in the post is a complete mix of things.
I was delving into some fan-created Hylian languages, but mostly used the font from here (which its all a very interesting read even if its incredibly old) for now as a placeholder. Because I DO plan to delve deeper into Terminian sometime in the future, along with some cultural stuff.
As for what it says, its totally scrambled nonsense LMAO. English translated poorly into japanese, written backwards, then scrambled a little, then flipped XD
I was going to be somewhat simple with the post and just using OOT/MM's script and maybe jumbling it, but in going through fan-made languages I sorta fell in love with the font that I ended up using. It IS a placeholder though and not meant to be insanely accurate to anything let alone easily deciphered.
Buuut in case you wanted to know what's actually being said I have it written out already!
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Terminus taking the time to shit on Legend for no other reason then that he just can. Much to Time's displeasure.
I decided to scrap the short comic. But I liked the idea of Time and Terminus both being able to converse with one another privately (without the rather invasive mental connection they have with each other).
I like the idea that the hylian languages across the eras are so similar, enough to where the boys can MOSTLY understand one another in speech (but maybe not in writing). Then as they travel over time, things become easier and easier.
But Terminian?? Not a single one of them knows it or has even HEARD of Termina until FD came along and Time had to spill the beans. They probably didn't even know a separate, completely different, language like this even existed. Much like Mudoran in lttp.
Things I wanna focus on/keep in mind when working on this:
What was the cultural impact FD (dubbed Terminus by the boys) had on Termina? (What came first: the chicken or the egg? Also what is his role here?)
How does termina's culture compare to Hyrule? (holidays, food, beliefs, history, etc)
What does the language look like? Do I want it to be Syllabary? Abugida? Alphabetic? I'm personally leaning towards Syllabary but other forms of writing have interesting potential. Whereas Alphabetic (like some of the other hylian scripts) would be easier to work with.
What does it sound like? I feel like this would be where Terminian and Hylian experiences a sort of disconnect (especially if we go with an alphabet system). I've thought of a very stilted(?) almost reversed way of sound -- like smth isn't entirely right and just feels strange. But to residents of Termina it's completely normal and very easy to speak.
Termina is a very strange place and I really wanna play into it. I'm also very happy that you showed interest in this because it allows me to say stuff I normally would've just kept to myself.
Also I plan to delve into a Twilit language, culture, and just generally the whole world, too. Because yeah ofc we're going there. I am simply coping.
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gross-gal · 2 years
"First Kiss" a.k.a. Weeb's first Repo self ship fic
Alright, here it is. This is the first self ship fic I've done in a looong time. Don't have much to prelude soooo, hope y'all enjoy this incredibly self indulgent thing I made.
*6 months into their friendship, Repo decides he wants to show his appreciation about their relationship for Clementine/Clem (Weeb). So the two go on a friend date and he spoils them. Both are crushing hard on one another but neither are ready to say how they feel. 
*This takes place after the date and they’ve returned back to the Scrapyard. Clem wants to say her thanks.
**Clementine is a placeholder name cuz I’m not calling my sona Weeb here lmao. ALSO I use multiple pronouns to address them (she/they/he)!!
“Noooo shut up. Let me be nice now..”
Repo knew he wasn’t going to win against Clementine’s kind and stubborn heart. They always had to make it known their appreciation for the ones they loved, even if it wasn’t called for, she was just sappy like that. Which overtime, Repo had grown to adore.
“It’s really lucky that we got to meet like this. I kinda just asked you for a job on impulse, that wasn’t something I normally do…but I’m really glad I did. I know you don’t see it but you’re a pretty sweet guy deep down, the bestest friend I could ask for haha…so thank you for today, not just cause it was fun but it means a lot that you went out of your way for…uh…meeee…”
She dragged on the last word for a second or so. The awkwardness from being so vulnerable already getting to her. 
Repo smiled warmly.
“Heh! Yer such a jokester most of the time, I always forget yer so sentimental Hahaa!”
“Whatever, I can’t exactly compete with your gifts, I wanna show my thanks somehow, you know?”
His comment only fanned her embarrassment. She was kinda regretting saying what she did but chose not to linger on that thought.
Truth is, Repo said that only to distract from his flustered state. 
Not wanting to make her feel bad, he swallowed his pride and responded after clearing his throat.
“Ehhh well…anyways I should be the one thanking youse. Yer also the bestest friend I got…one of the only ones.”
He took a second to think on what he wanted to say. Looking off to the city and focusing on the skyscrapers from afar.
‘Damn…how does she do it so freakin’ eloquently??’ He thought to himself.
“I ain’t too good with the words, kid. Not even my gifts can compare with yer bleedin’ heart. But I care about ya and youse been a real nice thing in my life. So thank ya, again.”
When he turned his head back to them they had a dopey grin forming on their face.
“YOU’RE SUUUUCH A GOOOOOD FRIEND!!!” She blurted, mockingly.
She narrowly avoided the lunge he prepared. Looks like he was aiming to put them into a headlock.
Clem could dodge well enough but they could never hope to match Repo’s swift athleticism. 
He tackled them to the ground and their bodies came crashing to the dirt together. Repo quickly sitting on their back before they could worm away, he twisted their arm back, though not nearly enough to seriously hurt them. Wrestling was a thing they were used to and enjoyed.
“Ah right, take it back!”
“Heheh, dis the thanks I get fer bein’ so charitable?” Repo chuckled at the predicament they brought on themselves. 
Sincere, kind, a joker, fighter (sorta)… those were a few of the traits he saw and admired from them. 
“OKAY!! I’m done, my back is hurting…pbbt!” Clementine tried turning their head to face him but just ended up catching their large hair to the face.
And good hair…he liked that too.
An exasperated sigh blew out their mouth once Repo got off them. Though he was fairly lean, he still had some weight thanks to his abdomen, which did a number on their back after the tussle.
“Ya been werkin’ for me fer 6 whole months, how the hell do ya still got no muscle or anythin’?”
“Heh…genetics?” She joked.
“Pfft- yeah right. Lazy ass.”
“I’m an artist~ I don’t have to worry about muscles. I need to conserve all my energy for my drawing, you know that!” He proudly emphasized this by raising his chin.
“Oh yeah, I getcha…better go easy on ya so youse can still finish dat logo thingy I asked ya for!”
“Hmmm, how long ago was it I asked ya to do that?” His elbow lightly nudged her shoulder.
“…yeah okay…” Clem begrudgingly muttered.
It was a jab but he didn’t really mind all that much she neglected it. He just liked having a hand in keeping her artistically motivated…though it would be nice if they actually got around to it…
The smoother part of his claw then moved to rest on their head and he tussled their hair. This was his way of saying “you’re okay” Without actually having to. He’d done it a few times before but neither of them ever really got used to it. 
It never failed to make Clementine smile.
Repo wasn’t a particularly emotionally vulnerable person, she picked up on that after sometime. And he especially wasn't the physically affectionate type, that was reserved for his cats and on certain occasions like today, only for Clementine.
That alone was enough. 
She was content on her assumedly one-sided crush. Though it brought an ache to her heart, knowing that these feelings she had would never be reciprocated, she still was able to make him happy and was allowed to share intimate moments such as these with him. Those brief, warm moments, they’d treasure.
About an hour had passed, they spent that time mindlessly chatting until Mrs. Nubbins hungry mewls put their conversation to a halt.
“Oh it’s that time already?”
“Never a dull moment around ‘ere…PAPA’S COMIN’ MY SWEETY PIE!!”
Had this been months ago, she would’ve made a joke at his sudden cutesy-ness. But Repo is incredibly unabashed about his love for Mrs. Nubbins, so that wore off long ago. And now to her, it was actually rather cute. Which they sorta hated to admit.
“Ah uh…guess dat means youse should be leavin’?” His voice lowered, saddened.
“Nah, I’ll stick around and help you with Mrs. Nubbins at least.”
His antennas perked up…
“After all, I AM her favorite~” 
And then laid flat…
“Watch yer mouth, kid.” 
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She was careful to keep her snickering to herself. This was a satisfying little victory.
Repo went onto share stories about his bond with Mrs. Nubbins till they arrived at her cave of junk. 
It was a lot easier feeding her now with Clem here. She still wasn’t used to mutants and certainly not Repo, perhaps had something to do with the new instincts she had. But humans were alright to her and she grew a liking to Clem.
This was another thing Repo was thankful for but he’d never admit that. 
After finishing up with Nubbins’ dinner, Repo escorted Weeb out the yard.
He didn’t really say much during the walk. But his mind was racing with a thousand thoughts per minute. Mainly thinking on what more he could’ve done to make today special, was it really enough? Wishing he could’ve said more about his gratitude, was he too mean? Was he open enough?
‘No…don’t think it…’ But it was too late.
Today would’ve been perfect to tell them how you feel.
‘Keep dreamin’ jackass…he just considers ya a friend.’
Why did he have to get caught up in his feelings now of all times? All these emotions made him feel like a stupid, confused, lovey kid. 
“You okay?” Her concern pierced through his mind.
His head shot up, checking their surroundings. They’d already reach the gate. 
“Yeah! Just thinkin’ ‘bout what I’ll have to eat later.” 
Despite having eaten already earlier, they chose not to inquire about his appetite. 
“Alright…get some rest soon though, okay? I promise I’ll make it up to you when I can!!”
“Oh ya don’t gotta haha…” 
“I wanna though! And I’ll make sure it’s reeeeal special!” 
“Whatever ya say, kid.” There was no point in fighting him, not like he would bother any further, any chance they’d give to see him, he’d take it. 
They made him feel so cared for. It was too hard to keep himself from smiling, his cheeks were hurting a bit too.
In fact he felt so giddy, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling them into a hug.
‘What...?’ Was all Clementine could think at this sudden contact.
She couldn’t remember the last time, if he’d ever done this.
Their hearts were pounding, as if they wanted to burst from the walls that were their chests and embrace one another even further. This was all too much. 
What was going to happen when they pulled away?
It was less than a minute that this actually went on for. Eventually they would have to pull away and it had to be soon so neither seemed suspicious.
Repo was the first.
For a few seconds, Clem’s brain stopped processing and seemed to black out whatever had happened in those instances.
Why had the air gotten so tight? It seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.
The face Repo was making was nothing they’d seen before. It was…bewilderment? Shock? Fear?? And why had their faces felt warm?
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‘And my lips…?’ Though it was only barely, they’d also had been puckered. 
Oh shit.
“OKAY SEE YA BYE!!!!!” Clem blurted before their brain could fully put the pieces together. But they knew enough that whatever had happened, it wasn’t typical.
Repo was stunned and face flushed. 
None of it really made sense to Clem as they focused on running to the suddenly arriving bus. They showed their pass and collapsed into the seat towards the side exit. 
Now it was all coming together.
Oh god…
She kissed him. On instinct. As if he was a loved one. A significant other. She, carelessly, had kissed his cheek. 
They gave a loving goodbye kiss to her crush/best friend. 
Repo proceeded to spend the evening yelling into his pillow.
He was 25% embarrassed this socially awkward nerd put the moves on him first, and the other 75% elated.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
Christian's Bio
Warning: This character is pretty unhinged & albiet... brain dead. Also, he is mentally insane & has a bit of a thing going on where he just snaps & goes feral in very dangerous situations. A lot of this, however, is due to trauma-related things, so you really can't blame him much, can you?
|| Name: Christian "Stargazer" Locke | Gender: Male (Trans), Any Pronouns (But prefers He/She) | Age: 24-28 | Sexuality: Qeustioning | Height: 6'5 ft | Enithcity: Filipino (Prob with some Korean Ancestry) | Personality: A pretty unhinged & insane person who cleraly has experienced some extreamly traumatizing things in the past. Has major anger problems but luckily does have the ability to control them (untill he snaps). Likes being alone lots | Occupation: A deserted/wandering biologist & astronomer (Formally/Part-Time), A Stellobak Corp Worker (Also part time due to his issues) | Family: The Locke's (His adoptive family) | Species: Human (Earthling) | Other: Is quite unhinged but is pretty aware of what is going on to the point he can be pretty... unnaturally aware... Was diagnosed to be brain dead at 15 & was mainly living with his gramma which was also the age he was then adopted by the Locke's. Has major trauma issues relating to his past life on Earth & the fleet that he generally doesn't want to talk about it unless it's extremely important. Kinda has a problem... by problem I mean 2 problems as he was injected with the parasites of the Isolation Syndrome & the viruses of the Elmwire disease which sorta explains why she acts the way she is (listen this man has so many problems but plz dont worry he's are working on them... it just its gonna take awhile) ||
Extra Info: He's the main protag of "A Stargazer's Diary" which is about him, owning a Diary about his findings & what is currently going on in his life (& going on pretty dangerous adventures on different planets). It was given to him by his older adoptive brother, Carmen (aka one of the ppl he tried to save but then was unfortunately punished for failing to..). The Diary is really what he has of left of Carmen which while it makes him sad, he pushes himself to eventually move on from his brother's supposed death.. (Yes I do mean supposed, Carmen is technically still alive somewhere but Chris doesn't know that)
(Btw, uh... "A Stargazer's Diary" is just a placeholder name for the new universe but despite that ill prob introduce other OCs of mine in this thing. but as primarily background characters. As for the main genres I'm not really sure (since im not really gonna take this new universe seriously till i know what the frik im doing with it) but i think its gonna be a mix of exploration, Sci-fi, Fantasy, & maybe some slight horror (if you didnt know theres a demonic being pretty much huanting & taunting our protag who already has a bunch of problems & this being has last since he was born).)
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zackieboyo · 2 years
headcanon time!!
so you guys know the character personality shift between classic and legacy? like with Matt especially it was a pretty stark difference he was much more like super overexcited and hyperactive all the time for some reason like they kinda downplayed him to just "owo sowft bean" but one thing they did was made him super wanting of Tom's approval for some reason like in Space Face pt 2 and Fun Dead so my headcanon is that his memory getting erased has something to do with it and that the reason he's so desperate for Tom to be his friend is because to his memory erased brain Tom is the closest person he knows to Tord, in name and in a few personality traits, so he's almost trying to remake a friendship he doesn't remember with this completely different person because he doesn't remember who the real person he had that friendship with was. Tord and Matt had a lot in common, they were both quiet and a bit edgy and enjoyed the thrill of unnecessary violence(whereas Tom and Edd basically just did violence for personal or survival reasons), they both showed an enjoyment dressing up, ruined just especially shows how similar and willing to go along with the other's shenanigans the two are(pure husbands energy but regardless they're good friends), and of course just the fact that the two have never had a direct conflict or outward annoyance or distain of the other like literally every other dynamic between the main 4(sure, Matt shows annoyance being paired with Tord in Ruined but tbf Tord is wreckless as hell and they're in an old ruin that could topple at any moment so I feel like he just understands this is not Tord's right environment, in the same episode they wear matching outfits and Matt jumps in Tord's arms so like otherwise it's just Matt switching how he feels about his and Tord's relationship midepisode for absolutely no reason 💀).
now of course, legacy has the memory eraser take place at the beginning of 25ft under the seat when Matt's personality change was when legacy started(sorta space face in animation and voice direction, but mostly fun dead) but it's a total recon so I honestly see legacy as its own continuity so the headcanon could still work under the theory of legacy being an alternative universe. also,,, gay. Matt is gay. he's searching for his Tord that's why he disregards Tom the moment Tord comes back cuz he finally found him and Tom was just a placeholder image boom headcanon explained mic drop TordMatt gayass real
bonus headcanon:
Matt is super happy about Tord and enjoys him being around when he comes back because he immediately feels just how Tord made him feel when he knew him despite not remembering him, it's like a vibe thing but he genuinely trusts and loves Tord because they were close beforehand. Tord betraying them probably hit Matt like a trainwreck, like that guy is rejection sensitive as hell and the only friend he's ever had who just genuinely cared about and liked him turns out to have been visiting after years of no contact and Matt not even remembering that sort of care and friendship, not for him or to see him again but simply for his own personal gain? fucking stings man.
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ethmaron · 9 months
mer au ramblings under cut ↓
i was thinking about the mers and their behaviors in particular-- i can't remember if i've ever really talked about it (if i have it's on one of the older posts? probably under one of the asks from capricorn) but bc i had spotted that recent thing i drew in my canvas library the mers are so cat-like in my head. or something. i do think they hide under their tails a lot when they get upset or embarrassed and stuff but that's probably more coming from i think they hide away in little caves and stuff normally and its like just a placeholder behavior sorta deal. they like the dark and small spaces bc like tims got that cave he likes to go to a lot (he takes kon there eventually--idk if ive ever mentioned tims little hideaway lol)
i do think they also like to smack each other with their tails as a playing thing which is fun until its a human and they get absolutely wasted by 30+ lbs of pure muscle. i do think it would be hilarious if in some of the first interactions dick smacks someone and there is very quickly rules established. he ends up only being able to play with jason until he goes . "missing". (tbh this is making me think about little dick and jason and im getting very teary. thinking about bruce deciding to reach out to the humans as a way to help protect both himself and his sons from poachers and stuff. gets them access to medicine.)
i DO think that dick and jason woulda been much closer in this though and i feel like being honest mers kinda have shorter lifespans in the wild? (bruce is probably still pretty young by human standards i think, but is getting up there by mer standards) limited access to food + getting into fights + poachers. actually the fighting aspect is interesting to me because i dont think i've thought much of it before? the only natural defenses they have are teeth, nails and tail. i think mer fights would probably be very quick and typically escalate fairly fast. (also realizing bruce would definitely be a killer in this au by virtue of protecting his territory + his family. wonder if it would turn into a more he doesnt want his kids to have to ever kill? but idk bc that would be a part of the lifestyle of a mer, and they would need to know how to defend themselves anyway) weak points definitely tail fins and throat. fins specifically because they cant swim without them so they'd just kinda sink and rot at the bottom of the ocean if they dont have someone helping them; which is to say in the case of shredded fins because jason kept his fins but theres holes in them which Does effect his swimming speed but only because of the holes and not the material of his fin (i do think the humans have tech that could theoretically replace tail fins in order to help them swim again but they wouldn't be as durable as their natural fins. wouldn't be able to tolerate fast swimming. probably what would've happened to babs--i don't think ive ever addressed her in this au? i should go and design some of the people that are missing. i think shed be reallyyyy pretty.) but i think that once a fight is determined to be to death they just go for the throat/gills.
regardless that is to say that the hiding behavior i think is funny and i do fully believe the first time kon or jon sees it they immediately make a cat comment and then show pictures. depending on who the mer is/their landside education they dont even know what cats are which would be kinda funny i think. hilarious to me if damian convinces jon to bring a cat because he wants to meet it (he definitely still loves animals--probably bffsies w some of the sharks and other animals in their territory.) I DESPERATELY WANT KON TO BRING KRYPTO oh god kory would have a heart attack if he snuck krypto in. bart would love him. i think tim and cassie would be a little ehhh about him but krypto so sweet just a little baby .
i had talked about a while ago that i should try to work bernard in--i think itd be kinda silly if there were a bunch of tims like comic HS friends that are just interns or something in different areas of the facility and stuff and they all end up kinda becoming friends anyway. bernard, darla, ives, etc. idrc if it doesnt make sense this entire au is a trainwreck anyway lol
ACTUALLY very funny to me i was thinking abt how tim gets a little demanding in getting carried/carted around on land and he finds out kinda quick most the people there can't actually lift them up (kon can technically lift tim/bart/cassie but he Struggled at first). him asking ives to take him to a different tank and ives just gives him a really long look before getting a wheelchair and helping tim drag himout of his current tank LOL i think there would be lots of cursing and sniping from both sides .
ill wrap this up but now im thinking abt mer courtship stuff--idk if ive ever talked about that here? its kinda silly LOL
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I just read the new chapter! I loved reading Karimis powers in effect it was so well done and really interesting to see the extent of her abilities!
You mentioned (or Mihawk mentioned) Karimi honing her powers in the future, I think you've said her powers activated when she was little bit are they awakened yet? (As in, are they to their full extent?) Because that usually involves the user being in total control and a boost in strength, control, and the range of what they can do (like unlocking some hidden abilities)
(I think you said that she would be able to suggest things to people in the future as well)
I'm so very glad you enjoyed it!!
I kinda sorta really look forward to your asks because your questions are so wonderfully in-depth and it honestly helps me develop things even further, so thank you so so so much ❤️❤️☺️
It was Mihawk that mentioned her honing her abilities; while he definitely wants to utilize her abilities (at the present for his own gain alone), he also utterly detests the thought of having her in his head, and wants to see her get to a point where she has more control over her power to that end.
Karimi's devil fruit abilities are nowhere near awakened, considering she spends the vast majority of her time keeping them suppressed. She was almost four years old when she ate the devil fruit, and her grandmother used her haki to keep Karimi's abilities suppressed from age four to fourteen. This was in no small part because Karimi was so young and being able to hear the thoughts of everyone around her could easily have broken her mind; but also in no small part because several of the residents of Conch Cove were Helena's old crewmates, and Helena didn't want her granddaughter to know about her history as a pirate and be influenced to follow in her footsteps. She did train Karimi in combat and survival skills, but she did so as a precaution. Helena knew her bounty was still active and that she might one day face persecution, and she wanted to make sure Karimi was ready to face the world on her own should that ever come to pass.
So Karimi has really only actively used her devil fruit powers since her grandmother's death when she was fourteen. It was two years later that she joined the Red Hair Pirates and Shanks mentored her in Armament Haki so she could suppress it herself. For the vast majority of her life, she has either had her abilities suppressed or suppressed them herself. She mostly resents the., and typically only uses them in desperate situations.
Awakened, it does allow the user the ability to plant thoughts in others' minds, which I think I mentioned in her character sheet; and likewise, to send her own thoughts to others, essentially allowing for telepathic communication. It will also extend beyond hearing once awakened (e.g. seeing/sending mental pictures, influencing dreams/nightmares, so on), as well as allow better control, e.g. being able to attune to one person at a time and delve deeper than just the surface of their thoughts.
As I said in a previous reply, "Kiku Kiku" (hear/hearing) no Mi was a name coined for her devil fruit without any knowledge of exactly the extent of its powers. As of right now Karimi isn't even aware that it was just a silly placeholder name coined by her father's first mate. It will have a different name later on.
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