#he is going to be a MONSTER when he becomes a coach like that's his calling
soullistrations · 3 months
okay i got to episode 21 and i REPEAT: sugawara is THEE glue and THEE heart of this team!!!!!!!!!!!
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glorious-spoon · 10 months
i respect the school coach/counselor steve movement, but in my heart of hearts i know that steve is going to grow up and become a hairstylist. he'd love it. the bitchy gossip, the human drama, the satisfaction of making someone feel comfortable and look how they want to look
maybe he follows robin to the big city for college. tries a couple of classes, drops out, goes to cosmetology school
(does NOT tell the kids until after he's finished. they still tease him within an inch of his life, but like - whatever. he fought interdimensional monsters on like five different occasions before he was old enough to legally drink, he can handle dustin hassling him for knowing what a strand test is)
(eddie is not around to hear about this. he lit out of town as soon as he finished summer school, diploma in hand. steve can't blame him. hawkins was never a good place for eddie munson, and even after the murder charges were cleared, it got worse)
(he still misses the guy, though. they ended up hanging out a lot that summer, and it sort of felt like the start of... something, but it'll take years for steve to work out exactly what)
anyway, eventually he uses some of his government hush money to set up a salon. he settles into his life as a regular person, and it's nice, it's good, it really is. eventually he gets around to figuring out why eddie's over the top flirting always made him feel clumsy and thrilled, and that's another part of himself that he settles into. finds some more family. some more community
he still keeps in touch with the hawkins crew, of course. robin lives nearby, and dustin calls all the time. nancy, too, when she can. she's overseas now reporting in war zones. it was never gonna work out between them
he hasn't seen eddie munson in almost ten years on a brisk day in february when the door to the salon swings open to admit a swirl of snow and a lanky figure wrapped leather, and steve drops the clipper he's holding and thinks, shit, what happened now and then, absurdly on the heels of that, he's going to freeze dressed like that
and then he's crossing the salon to yank eddie into a hug and getting hugged back just as hard, and ten years feels like nothing all of a sudden, and maybe he wasn't too late, maybe neither of them were, maybe they were right on time.
(eddie drifted out of touch with almost all of them other than dustin, who was tenacious, brilliant, and just unprincipled enough to track him down every time he moved
he told eddie to look up steve when he moved to the city, and eddie did, then dithered outside the door for twenty minutes freezing his ass off before he could make himself go in)
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dyaz-stories · 9 months
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman || Park Chan-Young x f!Reader
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summary: Yeong-Su breaks a window at the stadium, and Chan-Young takes the blame for it, resulting in severe consequences. Fortunately, you're here to pick up the pieces afterwards.
word count: 3.1k
warnings & tags: spoilers for season 2 of sweet home, violence, injuries, soldiers being assholes, coarse language, making out, the pronoun "she" is used in reference to the reader
A/N: couldn't find gifs for chan-young so I made this one, but I'm by no means a gif maker, so, yeah. Also, I don't know anything about baseball, so please pretend this makes sense if you know better. I'm not sure which team Chan-Young was supposed to be on, so I picked the Doosan Bears because Sweet Home takes place in Seoul. Finally, it's my first time writing for him, so I hope you'll enjoy my take on this character!
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It’s another day at the stadium, which means it’s another day of boredom.
Oh, there are things to do around here, sure. If you don’t mind being ordered around by soldiers who stand behind you with a scowl on their face and remind you that the only reason you’re even there is because of their good will, you’ll find a job to do. Cleaning a corner of the stadium, probably, in hopes that someone will be able to live there — as if there were enough mattresses — or doing the inventory, again, while looking the other way when rations mysteriously go missing and everyone knows who’s doing the taking.
Thing is, you’ve never been one to grovel. In fact, back in the Before days, you were the one giving the orders. Youngest assistant coach for the Doosan bears, the Seoul baseball team, you were in line to become the youngest coach in the history of the country. And, yeah, you weren’t completely in charge, but you were trusted. You had responsibilities. People knew to take you seriously.
You’ve had ideas for how to run this place more efficiently, to avoid making the civilians feel like they’re second-rate citizens, but it’s been made clear to you that you weren’t welcome to make suggestions. So you haven’t bothered, lately, but you also won’t play in that stupid game, where people get to change the rules without telling you.
It means that you do a lot of aimless walking around in the stadium. Chief Ji implicitly lets you roam around, a testament to the fact that you knew each other well back in the days, when you used to bring her coffee before big games, but you mostly try to make yourself useful in the way soldiers haven’t bothered accounting for.
A lot of that means keeping an eye on kids that are left to themselves otherwise. Their parents are busy, and it’s not like there’s much to do for them, here, so you try to keep them entertained. Unfortunately, you’re no teacher, meaning that it’s a lot of physical activities, wherever you find enough place. Other days, people who are teachers take over for you. That is the case today, meaning you’d have the day ‘off’, if it weren’t for Yeong-Su not showing up for class.
You don’t personally think he should have to attend class. You know how mean the other kids can be to him, and though the teachers don’t do much in the name of keeping the peace, you don’t let that fly when you’re in charge. Which is probably why the kid never misses your classes, a small pride that you keep well tucked in your heart.
Still, the teachers insist that you make sure he’s okay, so you agree to go try and find him. He knows the stadium well, meaning it will be no easy task.
You end up finding him throwing a ball against a wall. It looks like he’s practicing his aim, you think when you notice that he’s drawn a square on it. You’re about to approach him, maybe give him a few pointers, when a particularly hard throw has the ball bouncing too high and it crashes through a window, finishing outside of the stadium.
You freeze. Monsters don’t approach the stadium much — it’s been months since there’s been a case of that happening.
But the mere thought of there being something open here still has your heart pounding with fear. It’s only a few seconds before you compose yourself, but that’s long enough for someone to come running. You rush towards Yeong-Su, prepared to fiercely defend him if you need to.
It’s Chan-Young, and you relax, even if your heart is now pounding for a whole other reason.
“What happened here?” he asks.
He may have been running with his whole equipment, but he shows no sign of being out of breath.
“I’m sorry,” Yeong-Su mumbles. He’s hard to handle, especially these days, but he clearly respects Chan-Young a lot. “I didn’t mean to— I was just practicing and—"
Oh gosh, you realize, kid was practicing pitching, and it’s not lost on you that that’s the position Chan-Young mainly played as.
“…and now I’ve lost my ball,” Yeong-Su sniffs.
He’s trying to hold back tears, and it tears a little piece of your heart away. You know that Yeong-Su had found a ball autographed by Chan-Young, know that it’s one of his most prized possessions. It’s no surprise that Yeong-Su can’t stand the thought of losing anything more than what he already has.
Chan-Young glances at you, still standing a few steps behind Yeong-Su.
“He didn’t mean to,” you say. “I’ll help you fix the window.” Eun-Yu probably won’t mind giving you a hand, too.
Chan-Young nods, and you watch as he puts a knee to the floor, so he’s at eye-level with Yeong-Su. If he was any other soldier, you’d be more cautious, but you know him. Worked with him, when he was on your team, lost him when he enlisted, and now you’re in this strange limbo, where he doesn’t seem to know how to interact with you, even though there is this obvious familiarity between the two of you, every time you do speak.
“You need to be more careful,” he tells Yeong-Su, putting on his Serious voice. “If a monster heard that and came in, it could be very dangerous for everyone. And if you’re in front of the window when it happens, it would attack you first. So don’t let that happen again, okay?”
Then he gives Yeong-Su a small, comforting smile.
“If you want to practice again, come ask me next time, okay?” He glances up at you, and there’s such softness in his eyes when he does. “Or ask the coach. She knows her stuff.”
You’d never become coach, not officially, but his use of the word makes your heart swell.
“Okay,” Yeong-Su mumbles, staring down at his feet.
For a moment, it looks like everything will resolve itself just like that, and you’re already putting a hand on Yeong-Su’s shoulders to pull him away with you, when you hear the familiar stomping of military boots coming towards you.
Chan-Young’s expression changes immediately.
“Go,” he orders.
He spins around to grab your shoulders, lowering himself to look straight into your eyes.
“Go,” he repeats. “Please.”
There’s such urgency in his voice that you can’t deny him, even if you’re not sure what is going on exactly. You grab Yeong-Su’s hand and pull him with you until you’re both behind a corner, just in time. You keep an eye on the scene, confused. The soldiers behave like assholes, you know that, but surely—
“What happened here?” the Sergeant bellows in Chan-Young’s face. “You’re lucky it was us, who were standing outside the window, and not something else! You better have an explanation, soldier.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” Chan-Young says, shoulders straight, from what you can see. “I was just practicing and—”
Before you can wonder why he’d lie, the punch catches him in the stomach, and he doubles over in pain. You catch yourself before you can gasp out loud, and instinctively cover Yeong-Su’s mouth, which is probably a smart move, because he starts thrashing to run towards Chan-Young. You don’t blame him, but you also absolutely cannot let him do that, not right now.
“Yeong-Su,” you whisper, mimicking Chan-Young’s attitude with you just a minute ago. “You need to go back to Ms. Cha. Okay?”
“But they’re…”
You wince, because they’re still berating Chan-Young, and one of them has just given him a hard kick to the ribs. All the more reason for you to intervene.
“I’ll take care of it, I promise, but I can’t do that if you’re here. So go back to her, and I’ll come see you when everything is okay again, alright?”
He sniffs, rubs his eyes to hide the tears, then turns around and runs. At least he’s got a good survival instinct, you think, even if it hurts to remember where it comes from. The second you’re sure he’s not coming back, it’s your turn to run, but towards the soldiers this time, with a confidence that you now worry is wholly unwarranted.
“Hey, don’t you think that’s enough?” you interject, maneuvering so you can get between them and Chan-Young.
There’s a scoff and they roll their eyes. One of them puts his hand on your shoulder and pushes, but you barely take a step back. You’re used to men trying to intimidate you.
“I thought we’d made it clear that your opinions weren’t welcome,” Seo-Jin snaps at you, getting too close to your face for comfort — like that would make you budge.
“Doesn’t mean I’m going to let you beat up someone because he broke a fucking window, when if you’d gotten to work, that hole would be closed by now,” you reply on the same tone.
He opens his mouth to yell at you once more, a vein bulging on his forehead, when Chan-Young comes to stand in front of you. He’s barely just gotten on his feet, has one hand pressed against his rib cage, and still, he’s already coming to stop you from taking any risk. You want to scream at him and hug him all at the same time.
“Please, sir, she doesn’t have anything to do with this.”
Neither does he!
“That’s enough, Seo-Jin,” sergeant Kim finally intervenes, and the man immediately takes a step back. “Don’t let it happen again,” he tells Chan-Young. “And fix the hole,” he tells you, as an afterthought, before leaving and taking his team with him.
Your blood is boiling. He might try to be the voice of reason now, but you saw him doing nothing while his men got blood on their hands so he wouldn’t have to.
You don’t have time to think about it, though, because next to you, Chan-Young has slowly let himself slide to the floor.
“Are you okay?” you ask, panicked, while he grimaces and leans against the wall.
“I’m fine,” he says, an obvious lie. “You shouldn’t have said anything.”
“You took responsibility for something you had nothing to do with, but I’m the one who shouldn’t have said anything?”
He sighs, shakes his head.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he says. He looks at you with warm eyes, and you feel your breath catching in your throat.
There’s something about Chan-Young, there always has been. You always have to remind yourself that he’s nice to everyone, because he’s such a kind person. Even that didn’t stop you from falling for him — and it’s the second time that it happens, damn him.
“I’ll go get medical supplies,” you say, pushing yourself to your feet. “Stay here.”
“There’s no need to—”
“Please, do you want to die from an infection after surviving all these monsters? Stay. Here.”
You ignore any further protests as you rush to get the supplies.
It doesn’t take you long. Chief Ji provides you with what you need without questions, and apologizes for not being able to give you painkillers — they’re reserved for emergencies, she explains. You know the other supplies are, too, but you understand her reasoning, and just thank her with a quick nod and a promise to help out for the next few shifts outside the stadium, if she needs it.
When you come back, Chan-Young’s moved to sit on one of the boxes that are always laying around in here, and you grab another one to sit across from him.
“Open your jacket,” you say as you take the disinfectant.
“I— I don’t think that’s necessary—”
“C’mon, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” you say with an eyeroll, because the guys on the team weren’t exactly shy about taking their shirt off in front of you and he should remember that.
He clears his throat and glances away, and you notice his ears turning red.
“Um, right. Yeah. Just a second.”
Under the jacket, he’s wearing a simple white t-shirt, and he lifts it up so you can see for yourself.
And it’s not looking good. The area is red and swollen already, and you worry it will be worse soon. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about that, so you disinfect the scratches caused by the boots, and gesture for him to put it back down. You’d normally advise to put something cold on it, to calm the swelling, but that’s not really an option here, not when the little electricity you have is mostly used to keep the lights on.
“Try not to move around too much, okay?”
“I’ll try my best,” he says with a brief laugh. It’s a silly recommendation, and you both know it, but you still felt the need to say something.
“Now give me your hand, I’ll see what I can do.”
He does, and you carefully turn it to check the palm. You’re not sure if he hurt himself when he fell earlier, or if it’s just that there’s constantly manual work to be done and it’s hard not to injure your hand. Either way, you start cleaning it and disinfecting it as well.
“Do you think they would have been as hard on a kid?” you ask.
“No!” he protests immediately, maybe a tad too strongly. “They’re humans. I’m sure they wouldn’t have—” He interrupts himself, and you suspect that he knows they still could have hit him, a thought that makes your stomach turn. “But… Yeong-Su’s had a hard enough life as it is. People here are not… kind to him.”
“I’m not blaming you, especially after that,” you sigh, “I just— You do realize that it’s not your responsibility, right? I’d have helped the kid, and it could have ended better than…”
You gesture vaguely at him, and he closes his eyes for a second. He closes his fingers over yours where you’re holding his hand, rubs his thumb over your skin, which sends a wave of heat through your body. It only lasts a moment, though, before he catches himself and lets go.
“I’m— I was in charge, when his sister— I was supposed to be helping them. And I failed him.”
“What?” Ms. Cha told you that story, in hushed whispers, to explain why Yeong-Su was such a complicated child these days. It had been clear that there was nothing Chan-Young could have done. “You can’t blame yourself for someone turning into a monster and going on a rampage.”
“It happened on my watch,” he insists. “If I’d been more careful— If I hadn’t left the bus—”
You stop yourself to look at him straight in the eye. He’s close, but you don’t feel uncomfortable, not with him.
“That could have happened to anyone. You couldn’t have planned for it.” He exhales, long and slow.
“Thank you for saying that,” he says, but you can tell that your words haven’t sunk in. It breaks your heart, and yet you have no idea what more you can say. After all, you weren’t there. It makes sense that he wouldn’t believe you.
“You still shouldn’t put yourself in the line of danger to—” to what, anyway? Expiate his sins? What does he have to prove? Does he have a death wish or something? “You shouldn’t put yourself in danger when you don’t have to.”
“Better me than Yeong-Su,” he insists. “He’s just a kid, and he has his mom — well, Ms. Cha. And he has you.” You set the disinfectant back down, hands almost trembling as you realize where he’s going with this. “Better me than him,” he just concludes sadly.
“Park Chan-Young,” you say, “you don’t seriously think that, right?”
He doesn’t meet your eyes when he replies.
“He has a family here. I— don’t really have anyone—”
You’re not sure what goes through your head when you put your hand on his cheek and kiss him. If you had to rationalize it — which you’re not really in any position to do when it happens — you’d say that you just wanted to prove him how wrong he was. Truth is, though, that you also couldn’t bear the idea that you were letting him believe that when it was so entirely untrue.
His lips are warm against yours, and you think you feel him leaning into you, but you pull away too soon to know.
“There,” you say as you gather your things. “Now you know you do have someone, so don’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily, alright?”
Then you’re on your feet, hell-bent on fleeing the scene.
Of course, Chan-Young catches up with you in an instant. He grabs your wrist, and pulls you back against him. His eyes are wide as he searches yours.
“Did you mean that?” he asks, his voice catching in his throat.
“Mean what?” Your heart is pounding in your chest. You’re… not sure where he is going with this.
“It wasn’t pity, right? You— I have you?”
The words almost send a shiver down your spine.
“Of course you do. I don’t exactly go around kissing people—”
Next thing you know, his hands are cupping your face and his mouth is on yours. He kisses you feverishly, like he desperately needs you to prove your words to him. You kiss back without hesitation, wrapping your arms around his neck. It isn’t long before your back hits the wall and you let out a brief groan.
“Sorry,” he says, pulling away from you to check on you. “Are you—”
You don’t let him finish, pulling him back down against you. His hands move down to your waist, one of them slipping under your t-shirt to feel your bare skin. He’s kissing you slower now, more sensual, and he abandons your mouth to kiss down your jaw, then your neck, before he comes back to your lips.
“I shouldn’t—” he mumbles against you. “I’m not supposed to—”
“Everyone’s doing it,” you reply, but it doesn’t surprise you when he tears himself away from you. He’s a sight to behold, flushed and out of breath — and is it odd that you enjoy seeing him panting from kissing you when you know he can run for hours without struggling? He’s always been one to stick to the rules closely. It says a lot that he broke one right now, but you won’t push him any further, not until he’s ready.
You take a step back towards him, take his hand in yours, and press your lips to his cheek for one last, soft kiss.
“Don’t forget now,” you say. “You have me. Don’t risk your life without thinking.”
He doesn’t kiss you again, but he leans in to press his forehead against yours, squeezing your hand in his.
“I have you,” he repeats, as if to convince himself. “I have you.”
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I hope you liked it! as always, if you did, consider reblogging and letting me know what you thought! feedback is really motivating and is what keep us authors going, so leaving a comment or sending an ask or anything really helps to keep me writing!
more writing for sweet home
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mavrintarou · 1 year
[4:44 PM] Suna Rintarou
Quickly whipped this because I'm trying to find an excuse to not go to the gym. Nothing edited. I know all I ever post about is Rin, Rin, Kiyoomi, Shinsuke, and Rin again... he was just too fitting for this. I'm really trying to expand my fantasy to the other characters.
Warning: Angst, asshole Rin, makeup smut contents .
Rintarou let out a frustrated sigh having been blocked once again. That was three times now in a row.
“Shake it off!” he heard his teammate shout.
“Suna!” Turning his head, he can see his coach signaling for him to rotate out, switching with his other teammate.
As soon as he was off the court, his coach jerked his head, indicating for him to take the empty seat beside him. “What’s going on?”
Rintarou inhales sharply, “bad day, I guess?” He knew what was going on, just didn’t want to speak of it.
“Well, turn that bad day into a good day, shake it off, everyone needs you.” His coach pats his shoulder, “do whatever you gotta do.”
EPJ Raijin lost their second set, this third game will determine their win or not.
With a towel over his head, Rin zoned out, tuning out the sound of the crowd and everything else around him. The only thing on his mind was Y/n.
Three weeks ago, they abruptly ended their casual fling.
No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that it wasn’t his fault, it was definitely, his fault.
He is a hypocrite.
He was the one who said just casual sex. No feelings.
But the moment he saw her at a table with another man he did not recognize at one of Matsumoto’s top restaurants, he lost his shit.
How dare she doll up and wear a red dress, the red dress he purchased for her to go on a date with this mother fucker.
He watched as Y/n looked at her phone, the smile on her face immediately disappeared. Rin looked down at his phone, seeing the Read underneath the photo he sent her.
Y/n glanced up, her eyes scanning the room until they met his. He arched an eyebrow at her, and she responded by tilting her head, mirroring his expression perfectly.
Bathroom. Now. He texted.
Rin didn’t need to look back to see Y/n following him shortly as he made his way to the restroom.
He tugged her into the private room, locking the door behind him. “Really?” His eyes scanned her from head to toe.
“Really,” Y/n smiled, and she gave him a spin. “Do you not like it?”
Y/n knew how to rile him up, making the green jealous monster within him wake up and flip a table.
Rin stalked towards her, noticing how her smile slowly faded as she stepped back until she hit the counter of the sink. He pressed himself against her, sandwiching her between him and the counter. His fingers trail along her jaw, “does your date know that I purchased this dress and that I’ve fucked you while you were wearing it?”
“Be careful Rintarou,” she only used his full name when she was serious, “jealousy looks good on you but some might believe you’ve developed feelings for me.”
She has become bold, voicing her feelings each day.
Rin was not oblivious. He knows this casual fling between them needs to end. He wasn’t blind to her recent advances.
How her eyes twinkle for him when he comes over.
How she holds him tighter when he’s rocking deeply inside her.
How she whispers his name with love.
How she kisses his palms before a game, giving him luck.
She is expressing her love for him in every possible way except through words. Because the moment she played that card, he would end the game.
“You’re becoming delusional, Y/n.” He gritted, his lips smirking, “I will admit I am jealous, should I show you how jealous I am?”
They glared at one another, Y/n looking deep into his eyes, searching for the man she fell in love with. Deep down, she knew her place. “Do it,” she whispered, “I dare you.”
His eyes darken and she’s flipped around in a blink of an eye. She sees in the mirror as Rin tugs her dress up, bunching it at her hips, his fingers immediately graze over the thin lacy thong, circling her clit.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, biting down on her lip to prevent herself from moaning. “Hurry, I have my date I need to get back to.”
“As you wish.”
Y/n half gasped and yelped at his hand and slapped her right ass cheek. Her thong is pushed to the side as feels his cock sliding in between her thighs.
“You’re soaked, was it me or him?” He began rocking, thrusting in between her thighs. He pulled her against him, locking an arm around her shoulder. He locked eyes with her through the mirror, “answer me.”
“You.” Y/n whispered, “you made me this wet…” she whimpered when he rolled his hips, his cock grazing against her clit. “Please… Rin…”
His teeth nips her earlobe as he reached in between them and align his cock to her pussy and slipped inside in one swift thrust. He wastes no time pounding into her from behind. Y/n’s hand comes to cover her mouth.
His groans are heavy against her ear and he hated it, hated how she made him feel. His teeth bite down on her skin, biting down hard until he can feel Y/n flitching and tightening around his cock.
Rin pulls away, satisfied by his mark, knowing it would be visible. He pauses his movement for a second, maneuvering her until she is bent forward before him. His grip on her hips tightened as he resumed his thrusts, pounding until the small bathroom echoed only of their skin slapping.
Y/n drops onto her elbow, head falling forward as her moans are muffled by her hands. He was thrusting deep inside her, triggering her orgasm faster than usual. “Ri – Rin…” she whimpered, a hand reaching behind to push against his abdomen. “Too fast…”
He gripped her wrist and thrust faster until the moment he felt her pussy flutter around his cock.
“Ah,” he groaned coming undone, pounding into her slowly yet hard with each ejaculation. His eyes suddenly widened, “fuck.”
He forgot to wear a condom.
He let go of her wrist and immediately withdrew, his cock was coated with their essence. It wasn’t a time for his cock to twitch lively again at the sight of his cum leaking down Y/n’s pussy and down her thighs.
He swore again, half turned on and half pissed off at himself.
He always wore a condom.
“Here,” he slammed a few bills on the counter, “get yourself the pill. Let’s end this.”
Rin groaned, covering his face. He was such a fucken asshole.
He glanced down at his palms, feeling disheartened by his poor performance, and was convinced that it was all because Y/n hadn’t kissed his palms before the game.
His mind flashed back to the very first time she had done it. She had come to his game, and just before it started, she called his name and took hold of his wrists. Rin looked at her confused, but she gently turned his palms upward and pressed her lips to the center of his hand. “Good luck kisses,” she whispered with a smile.
“Hey, look it’s Y/n.”
Rin’s head snapped up, and he swiftly removed the towel from his head. Before him stood Motoya, gazing towards the crowd behind Rin. In response, Rin pivoted his upper body and scanned the bustling crowd. “Where?”
“Right there!” Motoya pointed.
Rin’s gaze tracked his pointed finger until it intersected with the eyes of the pair he longed for so intensely.
As if caught in the act, she hastily concealed her face and attempted to make a swift getaway.
“Y/n!” Rin roared over the loud music and crowd chatter, chasing after her. He hopped over the barriers and ascended the stairs with determination. “Y/n!” he called out once more, steadily closing the gap between them as she weaved through the crowd.
Finally, reaching his limit, he lengthened his strides and snagged her wrist, gently drawing her into his embrace. “Stop, please don’t run,” he implored softly. His arms constricted around her, one hand tenderly cradling the back of her head. “Please don’t go,” he whispered.  
She remained tensed in his embrace and softly uttered, “you’re the one who walked away.”
“I know, I’m a fucken fool. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I left you. Please,” he pulled away, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Please come back to me, I am a mess without you. I need you, Y/n. I –” he blinks the tears back, “I’m in love with you, please come back to me, please.”  
Her eyes widen, hearing the words she longed to hear. Tears filled her pretty eyes as she closed them, letting the tears fall down her cheeks before she nodded her head.
Rin sighed in relief and hugged her once more, “thank God. I love you. I love you, Y/n. I love you so fucken much and it took walking away from you to realize I am in love with you all this time.” He leaned back to cup her face, “please, can I kiss you?”
She extended her hand to gently cup his face, drawing him down to meet her lips. Their mouths danced in a graceful, passionate exchange until they parted, both gasping for breath. Their lips inches apart, “I love… I love you too, Rin. I loved you for a long time.”
“I know, I know baby.” He pressed his lips against hers again. “I’m never letting you go again.”
Y/n nodded, “promise?”
“Yeah, promise.”
Her eyes widened and she leaned back, “Rin don’t you have a – “
“Suna! Where the fuck did you go? The third set is about to start!”
Rin’s mouth never once left Y/n as they stumbled into his apartment. He pulled away briefly to tug off his shirt before his mouth resumed hungrily against hers.
In the grueling third set, EPJ Raijin fought valiantly, shedding blood and sweat, and managed to secure a hard-fought victory. Finally, with the fortunate kisses pressed onto his palm by his beloved, Rin executed his spikes flawlessly, scoring nine crucial points that contributed to their triumphant win.
His hands rest on Y/n’s hips, guiding her backward towards the hall of his place and into his bedroom. He is nervous, almost shy at standing half naked before her. “I… I didn’t get to shower after the game – do you want to shower together?”
Her lips curved upward as she grabbed his hand leading him into his bathroom. She quickly stripped her clothes off and turned on the shower, looking over her shoulder, Rin stood there gawking as if he had never seen her naked before. “You coming?”
He quickly pushed down his joggers and boxers, striding into the shower with her. The water cascaded down their bodies as she reached for his body wash to spread it all over his body.
Rin caught her wrist that was lathering his chest with body wash and brought it down to his cock, he closed her hand around it. He hissed feeling his cock harden from her touch. “Y/n,” he murmured, slowly thrusting into her hand.
Y/n stepped closer, pressed her lips to his left nipple, sucking it gently and swirling her tongue around the bud. Her hand tightens around his cock as she strokes him faster.
He hissed, reaching with his other hand to find her clit, “missed this.”
“I missed this too,” Y/n squeezed his cock, pressing her thumb against the tip. She was about to drop to her knees when he stopped her.
“I need to be inside you, now.” He lifted her, her legs wrapped around his hips and arms around his neck. He easily slipped his cock inside her pussy.
For a brief moment, they savored the intimate moment of being united as one again.
Y/n leaned down and kissed him deeply and passionately, rocking her hips to meet his thrusts. “Ah!” she breaks the kiss, moaning his name. “We – we forgot a condom – again…”
Rin thrust deeper, pressing his lips to her clavicle. “I’m clean, there – there’s been no one but you…”
Y/n’s arms tighten around his shoulder and neck, her lips to his ear, “that’s not what I mean… Rin – we could risk –“
Rin is reminded of the last time he came inside of her. He is selfish but he wanted nothing more than to cum inside of her again, over again and again until he knows she is pregnant.
Y/n pregnant with his baby, he loves the thought of that.
He wanted that.
Y/n moaned loudly into his ear, “you like that?” She tightens her pussy around his cock, hearing him groan, slowing his hips. “You want to knock me up, Rin? You want me to have your baby?” He hummed, agreeing. “You want to breed me?”
“Yes. Fuck yes. I want to breed you. Cum inside you again. And again.” His nose trailed along her neck until he reached her ear, “I’m not asking Y/n, I’m going to cum inside you. I’m going to put a baby – my baby inside you.” He nipped her earlobe, fastening his thrust. He is so closed, all this promise is knocking him over the edge as he is eager to cum inside of her. “You’re mine.”
Y/n tightens her arms and legs around him, chanting, “yes! Want your baby!” Her tummy coils, tightening and her body trembles in release, cumming around his cock.
Rin pressed Y/n against the tile walls, hooking his arms behind her knees and hoisting her weight so he could pound into her pussy with the purpose to breed.
Her overstimulated pussy fluttered around his cock until he painted her womb with his cum.
Walking over to the seat built into his shower, he sits down, keeping Y/n close as she straddles his lap. They catch their breaths, gazing tiredly yet lovingly into each other’s eyes.
Y/n was about to lift herself off of him when he stopped her, “don’t, not yet.”
She relaxed around him, holding onto his shoulders. “You’re serious about baby-making?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “It sounded like in the heat of the moment talk but I’m dead serious. Were you not serious?”
Y/n threaded her fingers through his wet hair, slicking it back. “Aside from you telling me you love me and want to be with me, I want nothing more than to have your baby.” She lifts herself off, letting his flaccid cock fall limp. “But before that, let us focus on just the two of us for now.” She pressed her lips against his, “take me out on a proper date first.”
Rin grins against her lips, “a little out of order but yes, anything you want.”
. . .
E/n: When I'm writing and releasing my dirty imagination, Rin is the only one I can see getting away with this shit. He can talk about breeding any time and I'll be like... "yes daddy." Please don't be like me. Make good choices. Lol. I'm finishing up on Lord Ushijima... I'll share it soon.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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dotaeisms · 1 year
𝙨𝙠𝙯 𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 ☆ (𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖾) ☆
song recommendation: ‘my universe’ (seungmin & i.n) (feat. changbin) ♪
an: this is my first post! i’m new to tumblr, so please go easy on me T^T
📂; use of the word daddy (x2), bullet points, bolds are a summary, use of pet names (sweetheart, my love, my rose), pure fluff
𝙟𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜...
< 🐺 > BANG CHAN; 
the dad who definitely coaches the kids soccer team, because why wouldn’t he?
all the ladies wanna flirt with him, but he doesn’t want them
y’know craig from dream daddy? yeah, basically him
the proudest dad ever! kid forgets their dance on stage? cries on stage? picks flowers during a soccer game? still buys them flowers or ice cream
the best for laying the child on his chest, cradling them as they both fall asleep :(
‘goodnight sweetheart, i love you so much’ then he’s just out
his go to sleep cartoon is big hero 6, it’s just so nice to watch alongside his kid, and they both fall asleep to it on the couch together
the biggest worry wart ever :( he just wants to make sure his family is always safe and sound, and always misses them when he’s away.
< 🐰 > LEE KNOW; 
the funny parent
when he gets playful, he chases his kids around the house, pretending to be a monster
the type to lay on the couch, his kid laying in front of him, stroking their hair as if they were a cat (he was a cat dad before a becoming a real dad) 
he thinks his kids deserve the entire world
somewhat of a karen, if his kids ever get bullied he will be confronting their parents to make them stop, he takes no bs!
the stay at home dance dad, makes homemade food all the time, and it’s the best. 
< 🐷🐰 > CHANGBIN; 
this makes me feel so soft and sad omg i love him sm
he loves to lift them up with his arms, whooshing them around like their flying or a superhero
similar to chan in the sense, his chest is the best for cuddling. the sheer warmth and protection? AUGH
‘yeah? you wanna learn how to lift weights too? maybe when you’re older my love.’
big on pinky promises :(
definitely speaks to them in his aegyo voice, and the kids love it so much
he’s just a little kid in a short grown mans body, he gets along with his children so well, it’s so cute.
loves the park, specifically the swings and the slide
they are truly his child, as they are a huge daddy’s baby, only ever listening to him, and following his actions. 
< 🥟 > HYUNJIN;
he definitely paints with his kiddo on his lap, helping them hold the paintbrush in their tiny hand, guiding them to leave a few strokes on his masterpiece
spoils the kid out of their mind
strolls around the mall with the kid in their stroller and him with a starbucks iced americano in his hand, sunglasses on and everything 
makes sure kkami acts nice around kids, as the now second love his life needs to respect the new first love of his life
lets the child cuddle on his waist or arms :( he just rubs their back and strokes their hair
calls his kid ‘lavender’ or ‘rose’, just silly nature sensory words because it embodies how beautiful they are to him
‘wow! the painting is going along beautifully my rose, i’m so proud of you.’
(maknae line) 
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asimperingswannsong · 11 months
Request: fluff with Larissa where Rissie is having sad girl minutes and Reader cheers her up, please
🤗 Thank you for the ask! I can certainly try! This was my first attempt at a Reader insert. It was a fun challenge. Hope you like it! 🙃
Another Dismal Dance
Larissa Weems x Reader
Notes/Summary/Warnings: Just fluffy stuff. Larissa has another disappointing Rave'N and reader tries to make it better.
You were standing with Ms. Ingram, the other rookie teacher, by the punch bowl at the Rave'N chaperoning the students as they arrived. She was busy mindlessly speculating on who might be dating who and whether any of the speculative couples would be making an appearance together as official items, but your attention was elsewhere. You were trying to be subtle about it, but it was difficult because the object of your affection was positively radiant this evening.
From the moment you'd interviewed with her and bonded over your shared interest in Outcast History, her former subject, you'd been enamoured by Principal Weems. This was your first teaching job and she had been an amazing mentor, always ready with words of encouragement or offering an ear for you to vent. And when she'd begun to confide in you during your fireside chats in her office, you couldn't have been happier. She'd been having a tough time this year with the monster attacks and Wednesday's constant need to solve the mystery surrounding them. You'd become increasingly worried about her as you could see from the windows of your rooms how many evenings, she'd been working late into the night doing damage control for Wednesday's latest antics.
But you'd been able to cheer her up anytime she expressed frustration with things just by mentioning the Rave'N. She was so excited about the preparations. She wanted everything just right for her students to have a memorable experience and her enthusiasm was one more thing about her that you found so endearing. You'd been having little cautionary chats with yourself lately just to check in and remind yourself to respect boundaries since this was your boss and making an unwanted advance toward her could be a huge mistake but it was hard to keep your resolve everytime you saw her flitting through the halls. She was so beautiful and so elegantly put together. And her personality matched her appearance, charming and perfect. It was a struggle not to be a complete simp.
Especially right now, she was stunning in her knee length silver dress, and she looked so happy seeing all of her hard work come to fruition. She had done an incredible job on the themed decor. It was nice to see her have this perfect evening after all the stress she'd dealt with recently. Now, if only you could work up the courage to go over and tell her as much. "Right?" Your eyes widened as your realized you'd become so engrossed in Principal Weems that you'd completely checked out of the conversation with Ms. Ingram.
"Sorry?" "Coach Vlad." She was met with a look of confusion. "I said he thinks his track suit is formal wear apparently. Crazy huh? Are you alright, Y/N?" "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about Monday's lesson plan and whether to include a pop quiz," you lied trying to cover for the actual reason behind your inattentiveness. Ms. Ingram rolled her eyes dramatically and grabbed you by the arm shaking it, "We're off work. It's a dance. Loosen up and have a little fun, Y/N." "Yeah, I'll try…"
You managed to excuse yourself from Ms. Ingram's gossip train and finally made your way to Larissa. "Ms. L/N! You look lovely this evening darling. That dress is so pretty!" she greeted you happily. You blushed noticeably at her compliment. "This is amazing Principal Weems. You should be so proud. And you are a vision. Perfection." "Really?" her turn to blush noticeably. "I love it. And the gloves, the jewelry, and the hair, they're all absolutely beautiful." She smiled still blushing, "Flatterer." "Just facts." "Ms. L/N?" You heard Ms. Ranier, the other history teacher, call from behind you.
You reluctantly started to turn away from Larissa to acknowledge Ms. Ranier, but she reached out gently and took your hand to draw your attention back to her for a moment. "Ms. L/N?" You turned back with a look of inquiry. "Before you go…" "Yes?" "I just wanted to ask if you'd like to stop by my office later? Maybe for a celebratory drink? I'm so happy with how everything came together." "I would love to. That sounds fun," you said beaming at her. She smiled in return and winked at you, "See you then, Y/N." The wink has caused your stomach to abruptly relocate within your body. You turned and floated away.
Everything was going so well…until it wasn't.
You were standing against the wall with two other teachers deeply engaged in a terrible dance battle with each of you showcasing your cringest of moves when you felt a droplet land on your shoulder.As you looked around trying to find the source of the leak you noticed the droplet was red. "What the hell?" And then there was two, three, four. "What's going…" And then the sprinklers opened fully and rained down red.
People started to scream as their formal attire they'd spent weeks choosing became stained all over. Then they started to try to get away and began slipping in the mess. You immediately started trying to help students up and direct them to the exit, but it was chaos. And then you heard a loud scream and you turned to see Larissa having a full-blown meltdown in the center of the room and your heart broke in two.
She'd wanted this to be perfect so badly and she'd already dealt with so much this year and now she and her beautiful dress were stained from top to bottom. She was breathing deeply and shaking. She seemed to be having a panic attack or hyperventilating. You tried to make your way toward her, but you kept getting caught up in the on rush of the exiting crowd. Over and over again you were thwarted from getting to her. Eventually you were pulled along by your fellow teachers who all just wanted out.
In the aftermath you stood and looked frantically around for Larissa. You just wanted to make sure she was okay. Unable to find her, you hugged and comforted crying students encouraging them gently to return to their rooms and get cleaned up and apologizing for their dance being ruined. Finally you spotted her, but she rushed by on her phone and you heard her addressing Sheriff Galpin. She'd recovered from her earlier panic and now she sounded furious.
Realizing this was not an ideal time to try and speak to her you returned to your own rooms and cleaned yourself up. You paced your room using baby wipes to clean the stains from your face and out of your hair as much as possible before changing out of your ruined dress. You could see Larissa pacing furiously in her office and gesticulating wildly at the other occupants.
You determined when you had a chance you would try to intervene and do what you could to comfort her in some way. You grabbed a large basket and began filling it with items, baby wipes, cloths, a blanket, a candle, a bottle of red wine you'd bought after trying it in Larissa's office one evening, and finally a small bouquet from your pink hellebores. You made your way over to the main building and saw Sheriff Galpin and Mayor Walker leaving as you entered. You made your way upstairs.
As you entered while knocking you saw Larissa hastily try to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes as she stood from her desk. "Y/N? Are you alright? I'm so sorry for what happened?" You came in and placed the basket on the couch. "Am I alright? I came to check on you. I know how much you were looking forward to this. I'm the one who's sorry for the way it turned out." She'd been making a valiant effort not to cry but she lost the battle and started to weep openly. You rushed over and hugged her tightly. "Oh no sweetheart. Don't cry. I'm so sorry."
She clung tightly to you and sobbed loudly. You held her tightly in return and rubbed soothingly on her back trying to bring her some comfort. As her sobs lessened slightly you placed your arm around her lower back. "Come here, sweetheart," you said gently leading her toward the couch in front of the fire, "let's sit down together for a minute." You brought her around to the couch but she hesitated. "I don't want to stain it," she sniffled still wearing her ruined dress. You moved quickly over to your basket and removed the blanket, unfolding it and holding it open like a towel. She continued to hesitate.
You wiggled it at her invitingly, "Come on. I brought it just for you. Feel free to stain it all you like." Larissa smiled through her next sniffle and moved closer to you. You wrapped her up into a red burrito and hugged her once more before encouraging her to sit. She did and you removed the candle and flowers placing them on the table and lighting the wick. Larissa smiled and wiped a strand of stained loose hair from her eyes. "What are you doing?" she asked curiously.
"Me? I'm currently in the middle of an impromptu and somewhat desperate attempt to provide some small modicum of comfort to you after what was an unmitigated disaster perpetrated on the most undeserving of creatures." Finishing your quick mood setting decor, you reached over producing the bottle of wine and holding it out to her. "May I interest the madam in a glass of the house's finest Beaujolais Nouveau?" you said in your corniest French waitress impression. Mercifully she chuckled as you poured her a glass.
Darling, you didn't have to do any of this." "I wanted to. I felt terrible seeing you crushed like that." You held up a baby wipe. "May I?" "Please." You placed a knee on the couch beside her and bent forward over her wiping the stains from her face gently. She gazed up into your eyes with a look of gratitude that made you weak. "Thank you," she whispered as you continued to wipe away the red. "Of course, sweetheart."
When you finished cleaning as many of the streaks from her face as you could, you sat down next to her on the sofa and poured yourself a glass. She held hers out for a refill and you both sat and stared into the fire for a while. You felt her hand lay over the top of yours and you turned yours over. She entwined your fingers together and you continued to watch the flames. "Are you going to be alright?" you whispered. "Yes, darling, don't worry about me." "But I do," you said after a pause. She caressed your hand gently and smiled.
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arthur-lesters-tummy · 2 months
had some fic ideas for AUs of parts 21-23 but I just can't write them so I'll share them here.
version 1: (semi dark!)Arthur doesn't tell Yellow anything about John or the King in Yellow. Pretends to have no idea as to what happened. Lets Yellow think he's manipulating Arthur when really Arthur is coaching him to become his protege, to make Yellow trust him and be interested in the poetry John liked. A misguided attempt to create a Better John who doesn't have baggage.
Their relationship goes better in this au, with Yellow giving Arthur a heads up about not showing his money to the bartender or making him drink. But Arthur fucks up when he threatens to kill Larson and Yellow is like "who tf are you actually? that threat was far too quick to come from a normal person". John doesn't come back in this au. Arthur still doesn't tell Yellow the truth, kills Uncle, and Yellow refuses to trust Arthur and is a little scared of him.
version 2: (dark!)Arthur lies and says Yellow is the God of Art and Mania, Arthur tells him he went rouge and that being trapped in Arthur is his punishment. Yellow needs to be convinced bc he remembers things from before he went to the dark world. Arthur is just full on abusive because he's treating this fragment like it's the King, and crushes Yellow’s pride/ego.
When Arthur threatens to kill Larson, Yellow thinks his otherworldly influence made Arthur go crazy and blames himself for Arthur's outburst. Arthur uses this against him. John comes back -all 3 in the same mind - and is horrified at what Arthur did to Yellow. John and Yellow treat each other like brothers, united against Arthur and take over his body.  
version 3: a more lighthearted au in which Yellow remembers being the King in Yellow but doesn't tell Arthur. He wants to understand why this human doesn't see John as a monster or as someone deserving punishment. He asks about John, how he could act like him, though Arthur tells him he's his own person now. They have discussions about Yellow's self loathing and why changing behaviours/attitudes is worth the effort, again their relationship is better than in the original.
just before Larson throws them into the mines, Yellow reveals he remembers being the King and that the fact Arthur likes him means he likes the King, and that he really is mad. John comes back and Arthur is like. we need to find out why the King wanted to leave the Dreamlands I think he might be a good guy deep down. John says it's bullshit but Arthur goes on to have a few existential crises about how he feels towards the King now
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Reading TLH again #2
Okay, I finished the second Jason chapter and I have more thoughts.
Let's go by chronological order. But before anything I want to share this lil Jason & Leo moment:
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When I say they have cute moments like this throughout the whole book, I mean it. Very small snippets but it gives such a good relationship foundation for them. I love Jason and Leo friendship 😊
Now, let's dive into it:
Interesting observation #1: Coach Hedge's a fascinating character even tho he is treated like a joke
I find Coach a very good new character. At this point in the book he seems pretty unidimensional at surface but he has more to him than meets the eye.
For example: Coach is a unusual satyr.
His species are known to be strictly pacifiers and nature lovers, and even if we are not new to the concept of brave satyrs, Coach is a different kind of brave than Grover is.
He is much more bold and his presence is definitely louder. He is also bound to violence, which is a uncommon fact on itself
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He is also very protective towards this trio, especially Leo and Piper (the ones he knows from before), but his protection extends to Jason too sometimes.
Leo and Piper are, unquestionably, his favorites tho. Including all the seven 🤭
Also, everyone forgot (I think Rick forgot too) about the magical bat Coach had in the beginning, it changed forms
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More magical bat: it chases targets
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Coach Hedge is supposed to be retired. I guess this is not actual important info, but I think about this taunt as a way of informing the readers he didn't actually want to retire, and we don't know why they dismissed him.
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I just love Coach. I really like his character, he is a refreshing air and I think Rick made the right choice in putting him as the chaperone of the Seven. He is a comedic, action bound and brave character that deserves more love!
Interesting observation #2: Gaia treats Jason as a special case from the very beginning
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I remember she has this annoying habit of having favorites, as in favorites to become her "sacrifice". If I remember correctly, her faves are: Jason, Percy and Annabeth. We can see her playing with Jason's value for her plan from this very chapter, already treating him like a "reward"
Interesting observation #3: Piper surprises everyone with her courage
In this chapter, Piper demonstrates her bravery during the confront with the venti. She has surprising good scenes, and even if she isn't very helpful in terms of combat, she thinks quickly and is very agile.
Most important fact is that, even if she doesn't understand what is happening, she doesn't seems afraid. The girl can act under pressure, we have to give her that.
In this scene, she takes command and tries her best to be supportive to the other students, acting like a in-control guide in the middle of a hurricane.
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Than we have her acting as a sidekick to Jason during an actual fight. She is determined to help him defeat these strange creatures she doesn't even know.
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Bonus observation of Jason being attracted to her violent tendencies lol
Finally, she tackles a monster to protect Jason. Head-on TACKLES it.
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Piper have guts in this chapter. I like it. She is much more reckless than Leo and Jason, very "act first, think later" style.
Interesting observation #4: Jason's inhuman durability
Jason gets caught in some lightning from the Venti, who states is powerful enough to vaporize "twenty men"
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He shows a super high durability during this hit.
Even tho I would like to observe that he can get hurt by lightning! It doesn't have the healing effects water has on Percy. Just an observation. I have a theory, but that is for a later post.
Interesting observation #5: Jason has aura
One thing I observed during this whole affair at the Grand Canyon is that the enemies (in this case, the Venti things) are a little wary of battling against Jason. It gets explicit in 2 (+1/2?) occasions:
Aura Moment #1: The subordinates Venti are not happy to fight him after seeing what he can do and survive
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Aura Moment #2.5: When he slashes them, they don't reform right away. Jason's aura is that powerful or was it consequence of his super classy Imperial Gold blade?
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Aura Moment #2: Finally, even their leader, Dylan, gets afraid of Jason after a while
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Boy has that energy oozing off of him. Badass aura points +
Interesting observation #6: Even if he has good intuition, Jason is reluctant to save Piper when she slips from the platform.
COACH has to tell him to save her TWICE before he moves. I also find this funny lol.
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When she falls, his first action is to not dive after her. In his defense a normal person wouldn't too, especially for a girl they don't actually know. Coach has to tell him what to do, but he still does nothing.
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Coach tells him to save her, AGAIN.
AND he still hesitates for a few seconds before letting his guts do the job.
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In this scene we can clearly see how Jason narrative has an air of the Logic vs. Instincts theme.
I would like to point out that this is, again, another of these moments where Piper and Jason aren't really clicking. His hesitance has to do with his way of thinking but also with the fact he doesn't know her.
Interesting observation #7: Jason is a VERY selfless character
We already defined he doesn't know anyone here, so logic dictates Jason doesn't own these people anything.
My boy was READY to DIE with Piper at the Grand Canyon! And he wasn't even phased by his imminent death.
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Pause for an observation: Jason isn't afraid of heights. If Thalia was here and not him, Piper would be history by now.
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Boy was prepared to die with Piper here. Impressive. Also, very nonchalant about the fact they were dying.
Following chronologically, right after these scenes we have the very first ACTUAL cute scene of Jason/Piper:
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Nothing to say here. It wasn't very detailed, didn't made me feel anything at all. We just know Piper's heartbeat went crazy but we don't really know if is because of Jason or because she was free falling the Grand Canyon. I am assuming it was cause she was dying, but maybe that is just me lol.
Interesting observation #8: his powers are similar to Percy's in the beginning, more like the element attending their wishes than actual control
It makes me wonder the actual laws of their abilities, if the elements of their heritage bends to their command forcibly because it doesn't have a choice like it happens to the gods or if the elements of their domain just bends to their will because it listens to their wishes and decides to comply, like Jason describes here, with words like "wished" and "imagined".
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Jason doesn't actually fly like superman would, he uses air as a supporting platform, more like buzz lightyear falling with style
Following we have a sequence of mini facts:
1 ) Jason finds easier going down than up (probably because of the effects gravity has on his control)
2) His first thoughts are for Coach and than Leo
3) Piper being brave moment #4
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Interesting observation #9: More of Jason's amazing instincts kicks moments
I already stated in the previous post that Jason has amazing instincts, but I would like to keep highlighting these super cool moments where his body takes control and muscle memory is stronger than his brains, because he sometimes gets flabbergasted when it happens and I find it funny
Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #1: He is very used to his weapon of choice, even if he doesn't remember where it came from (which is a super classy, I love this coin thing)
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #2: When he dives 1.200 meters down after Piper. This one was already quoted previously, but it is worthy mentioning again
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #3: When he half-heartedly tries to convince himself and the others he didn't know how to fly, even if he is already dismissing his rational thinking and slowly believing more in his internal pointers
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #4: Another muscle memory moment with his super dope weapon
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The part 2 of this post is here, where I will talk a bit more of Leo's poor situation during this fight (that is also very funny) and FINALLY will talk a bit about Annabeth, since she apperas at the very end of the chapter
Other posts:
JASON II - Part 2
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tossawary · 10 months
So, I started thinking about a Kuina Lives + Strawhat Kuina AU specifically because of a paragraph on the wiki page. I was looking up info on Shimotsuki Village while I was taking down notes for a potential Pre-Canon ZoLu fic inspired by the live-action show.
Allegedly, the infamous 4kids dub CHANGED things so that Kuina didn't die, she was PERMANENTLY DISABLED to the point of being unable to pursue her dream. And my brain went: "?!" I see no reason why (aside from a few very extreme cases of disability) a disabled Kuina could not become a Strawhat pirate and go on adventures anyway! (Franky is a CYBORG who looks increasingly like a MECHA and Chopper's pills are BONKERS.)
Relevant quote: "Per standard policies, the 4Kids-dubbed anime censored her death, stating that she had been permanently injured by the friends of a man she'd defeated (and removing all scenes depicting her funeral or grave)." Which is driving my brain UP THE WALL with possibility when Kuina and Tashigi also supposedly both have names referencing flightless birds. The THEMES. The SYMBOLISM.
Personally, I still prefer Kuina becoming injured in an innocuous fall rather than having people directly responsible for her physical disability. The degree of her injury depends on what story that a person is individually writing. I see two potential ways forward (of many) that both interest me.
OPTION A: Kuina is physically disabled to the point of being unable to fight well generally, especially with swords. She uses a wheelchair and crutches to get around, and has some other lingering issues. So, like, she can definitely still whack people with a sword and shoot a gun, but Zoro is wielding Wado Ichimonji because Kuina feels she cannot do it justice. (But she's still supervising!!! She's Zoro's coach.)
Kuina's grandfather was a swordsmith, so in this case, she would end up in a smith, weapons expert, and quartermaster role for the Strawhats. She, Usopp, and Franky can be the Crafting Team! Ship maintenance crew! Kuina takes Merry's sinking nearly as badly as Usopp does.
OPTION B: Kuina has "mostly" recovered from her injury, which set her back for several years, but is still struggling. A dedicated female fighter on the Strawhat crew is VERY tempting as an idea. Monster quartet, yes? Yes! She's wielding Wado Ichimonji and Zoro is still searching for his own dedicated swords.
She could still be a swordsmith and quartermaster in this case! In either case, A or B, I think it might be cool to give Kuina a hook? (Kuina @ Crocodile: "Compensating for something, huh?") She could get other prosthetics or just super cool assistive devices as the story goes on with Chopper and Franky's help.
KUINA'S POTENTIAL ARCS: I do really like the idea of Kuina (if she can still fight with a sword) and Zoro moving forward together, neck and neck, for the title of World's Greatest Swordsman. I think it would be cool to come to a resolution that the title is more or less something that they can share? Like, only one of them can beat Mihawk in a "fair" duel, so that's an issue in the competition between them, but I do like the idea of the two of them going back and forth beating each other in duels, at the top of the world together.
Arguably, when Zoro sacrifices himself at the end of the Thriller Bark Arc, he has come to the resolution that he'll give up his dream for Luffy and the crew, where he gives up the last remnants of being self-centred and throws himself completely behind Luffy's philosophy of friendship and enjoying the journey. He still wants to be the World's Greatest Swordsman, but his crew comes first. I don't recall after this point any reckless moments of a similar nature to him stabbing himself in Orange Town when fighting Buggy's crew to prove a point. Zoro's recklessness culminates in sacrificing himself with purpose.
It does feel a little weak, but... Kuina could decide that she's comfortable in her own skills and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. She KNOWS she's as good as Zoro is. She can declare herself the World's Greatest Swordswoman and let Zoro fight Mihawk. (They did probably flip a coin over it or something.) Maybe she never really wanted to be the World's Greatest, maybe she just wanted to live her life the way that she chose, and felt like becoming the World's Greatest was the only way of permanently shutting up every sexist jerk who has ever talked down to her. (They will never shut up. Sexist jerks will always find something to nitpick.)
ALTERNATIVELY: Kuina could have a heartbreaking and healing story about having to give up your dream because it's not physically possible anymore. Even if this is a story where she's still fighting as a swordswoman with Wado Ichimonji and is monstrously dangerous, maybe her physical disability prevents her from now fighting on Zoro's level, which really fucking sucks for her when she feels like she has so much to prove as a woman.
Shounen manga has always had an issue where the solution to some fights is that the protagonist just needs to "fight harder, yell louder, and believe in himself more", even when the protagonist is bleeding from everywhere. "One Piece" is fun because there are plenty of fights and problems where the protagonists succeed due to being genuinely clever, but there are other fights where it's all about a manifestation of willpower (sometimes literally). And this often works thematically.
I think Kuina would be interesting as a character for how she could contrast against Zoro, so I'm leaning towards giving her a very different story rather than making her Zoro 2.0 (Female).
For example, where Zoro is reckless, I think Kuina might be cautious, especially if she's been badly injured before and is still struggling. In flashbacks, she's open about her problems and anger to Zoro because he's her friend and also a safe target - he's an outsider / outlier in the dojo and she can beat him in a fight. In a martial school that probably demands some level of respectful behavior, Kuina might not display the same bravado and unhappiness to her father, who is also her teacher and responsible for the sexism that she's internalized.
If she's a swordswoman still, I don't know that she would challenge Mihawk at the Baratie. For one thing, it's STUPID. Zoro had to KNOW that he was nowhere near Mihawk's level and he's lucky that Mihawk had some level of honor and curiosity to spare him. If Mihawk had been a little more of an asshole, that would have been the end of Zoro's dream. He was really stupid there (affectionate, that's my boy). The smart thing to do is keep your mouth shut and live to challenge Mihawk another day, but I think Kuina would also hate herself for this kind of "cowardice".
Her personal struggle as a character might be with reserve and fear of risk, whether this culminates in her ultimately overcoming all obstacles and succeeding in her dream with the help of her friends, or in her giving up her dream due to a physical disability (or multiple physical disabilities) that is no fault of her own in favor of a new dream. You could try your best to combine all of these different elements into Kuina's arcs and abilities. There's a lot of possibility.
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aftg headcanon: dan and andrew actually become friends in dans senior year
so idr if this is in the ec or not but i think the upperclassmen had a great time at edens twilight on halloween and they end up going out with the monsters on a semi-regular basis. nora never mentions it but i reckon edens has a really nice smoking area where neil and andrew will go out for a cig. this is nothing groundbreaking so far BUT my hc is that dan used to smoke in high school (like on break at the club with her sisters), and still occasionally will crash a cig off someone when shes drunk. so please join me in picturing a Very trashed dan wilds pleading with a bemused andrew to give her a cigarette
also i love the idea of when andrew actually starts caring abt exy he seeks dan out to talk to her abt the team, like things hes noticed abt the backline or whatever. the first time dan about jumps out her skin when andrew is waiting for her after class but then he just wants to tell her about a new backline strategy hes thought of
I'm such a slut for the foxes becoming closer, especially inter-upperclassmen/monsters relationships so this is right up my lane. I think the upperclassmen DO start going out with the monsters and while Andrew probably has no interest in becoming close with the upperclassmen, Dan is the one most desperate for closer connection so I think she'd make a point of trying to learn what needs to be done and how to approach Andrew in the way that he'll accept. and I think it takes some time and a lot of being played with by Andrew before it becomes not unusual for them to be comfortable spending time with each other.
anyway I keep going back and forth on whether dan would be a smoker because I feel like she'd be the type of athlete to hate smoking/drugs (maybe?) but honestly for sake of this hc, fuck it. I think it'd also amuse Andrew to see the lengths she'd go to to get into his good books.
obsessedddd with the last point specifically because I see that happening even more clearly. I think he'd even prefer going to dan over Kevin or Neil because I think there's still that piece that wants to fight exy, that still doesn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing him enjoy it. but Dan will never be that important to him and she wouldn't see it as a big enough deal to draw attention to it.
maybe one time Andrew goes over to coach's place to annoy him and finds coach and dan drinking coffee and talking exy and Andrew makes a point of being uninvolved with the conversation, instead just walking around poking through coach's shit or making himself a shake with the ice cream that only he eats or pulling out all the books on coach's shelves. and then he settles himself on the floor with his shake still characteristically mute and looking bored until the conversation changes. but then the next day he meets Dan at her class or corners her after practice and says "here's why your strategy sucks: " and she's very startled that he was even paying attention enough to understand it, let alone to think about it for a whole day afterwards but she collects herself and goes back and forth with him and next time she's ready for it.
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lazy-to-an-l · 5 months
I can't shut up about the foxes so heres another appreciation post.
Neil says during the Winter Conference that he doesn't think they (the upperclassmen) would be so watchful of the Monsters if Andrew was there, but I think he was just flat out wrong. When the Ravens did their strange V arrangement at the Fall Banquet, the upper classmen were out to help them in seconds. Allison spotted it and alerted it immediately, and the upper classmen were behind them immediately and fullheartedly. And Matt went searching for Neil the moment he could. The Upperclassmen may dislike the Monsters modes of operation, but they are their teammates and they will defend them until the end. They all huddle around Andrew when hes withdrawaling, they protect him and his secret sobriety fiercely. Even if they want to fight him constantly.
Matt Boyd, I adore him so much. He is ride or die for his foxes and so protective of them in his own kind and loving way. He respects Andrew but would fight him if he hurt anybody too badly. He and Wymack have similar operations, but while Wymack is hardened, Matt is empathetic and caring to his core. He loves his teammates, even the monsters, to the depths of his being. He doesn't agree with them, but he would happily fight anybody for them. That was shown the first game of the season when he took the card with a smile on his face after Kevin asked him to get the backliner off of him. Matt lets them handle their problems, like when Dan crotch shot the asshole Raven, or Neil waved him off when dealing with Riko. But the MOMENT they need him, he is ready for a fight and prepared to get hurt for them.
Allison is grieving and she dislikes the monsters on principle, but nobody fucks with her team without consequences. She dealt with her car getting damaged with calm hate and vitriol towards the Ravens fans and decidely didn't fully blame neil/ got over it quickly. She may not want to deal with the monsters more than necessary, or neil, but she would get carded protecting them, or alert the people she needs to to make sure they are okay.
Renee is closest to the Monsters because of her friendship with Andrew, but her priority is to protect the upperclassmen as Andrew and her have agreed. But her team is her team, and she is willing to go to great lengths to protect them, or anyone close to them like Jean. We know her loyalties deeply, and I think that's enough said for her.
Dan Wilds. I have so much to say and praise about her, and I am so glad she canonically becomes a coach like Wymack later on. She takes the shit thrown at her on the chin, and always has. She wants to throttle Andrew, but respects the Monsters decisions and Neils. She is hard as nails and is willing to fight and bleed and cry for her team. She handles things so well, and she doesn't take anyones shit. She won over Andrew's respect at Edens, and I wouldn't ever question if she could or would. She is fiercely protective of her team, and fiercely supports them no matter what. She is so expressive and caring, she doesn't always try to approach the Monsters because of how rocky things are between them and the upperclassmen. But she wanted to kill Riko for what he did to Andrew, and Seth, and Kevin, and Neil. She wanted to work out plans with them and converse with them. She is proud to be a Fox, and she is proud to call them all her teammates no matter their differences.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Other thing with the time travel AU is that Kevin is just rapturously happy with his pick. Like if there was a man who just craves normalcy it is Kevin Day. This is why he is such a fan of the Trojans and why in canon he gets Jean over there after the Nest.
He gets out of the nest but he immediately aligns himself with the craziest group within the foxes. Yeah he feels safe because Andrew will keep him safe but he’s not the best at making friends (see: every upperclassman) and the group he is with is more for pure survival than anything.
Then after the worst couple months of his LIFE here is a guy who dragged his no name team in AZ up to the state champ level. He isn’t bothered by anything Kevin says or that the other monsters do / say. He is as much of an Exy addict as Kevin is, very talented, and he has drills that feel like someone handcrafted them to rehab his hand / improve on all of the things Kevin considers most important (of course because Neil & Kevin crafted these drills in their late 20s/ early 30s because it irritated both of them that the Raven Drills were still considered the best), and he’s so damn normal.
“What are you studying?” “Oh I’m in finance and accounting. I’m going to get my accounting license and be a CPA when i can’t play Exy anymore.” Amazing, so rational, so normal. He’s gonna be great on TV!
Then the Kathy Ferdinand show happens and Neil sees Riko and part of him just cant help but just see a shitty kid. He was the either the vice captain or captain for the Foxes for years and after he graduated he still came by with Dan and Kevin to mentor. He’s developed a soft spot for kids with rough backgrounds and Riko has a very rough background with how he was raised as a commodity something to earn money for his brother and never good enough for anything else.
And Kevin watches as Neil stops Riko dead by just being genuinely interested in what he does outside of exy.
“I thought Kevin went to Palmetto because our history program was so much better than EAs? That way if you hand didn’t heal you’d have a good fallback if you didn’t want to coach either.”
“You thought I left EA for Palmettos history program????”
“What EA is a liberal arts school! You’re terrible at art. All art. Theres nothing for you there if you cant play Exy? By the way what do you study there Riko? You seem like a pottery guy.”
Riko is so unused to someone being interested in him for anything other than Exy (even Jeremy Knox is all shop when its with Riko) that he kind of forgets why he came on the show. He was actually kind of proud of how his recent vase came out and Neil is actually genuinely interested in the pictures he took.
They leave after an actually relatively nice conversation and its only after Riko catches Neil in the backstage hallway and asks if they could exchange numbers and tries to get Neil on the Ravens that Kevin sees a hint of the monster his brother had become again when Neil turns him down.
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bettabythesea · 1 year
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Hey I’m still doing Danganronpa stuff!! Like. a lot of it-- and basically none of it is ready to show sadly. So please accept this humble magical girl au concept, which I call: The Muses of Hope. (Also also @caldroids was a major help in designing these costumes and actually he’s really good at costume design in general so like. take a gander at his stuff if you have the chance)
It basically takes place in a universe kind of similar to the one in Talent Development Plan, but like there’s some sort of sinister force that’s endangering the students of Hope’s Peak!! More info under the cut
Angel Harmony The magical form of Kaede Akamatsu and the leader of the trio. She was hurt when she tried to protect her friend Shuichi from a monster attack one night, and so the fairy Usami lent her power directly to her in order to save her life. As such, Kaede gained her wand and her angelic-type power. She is capable of flight, even outside of her magical form, although it takes time and lots of coaching from Kaito to get used to what is essentially zero gravity. She takes her role as a magical girl very seriously and works hard at it...although she does look forward to the day that all of this monster nonsense is solved and she is able to get back to prioritizing honing her skills as a pianist. Siren Melody The magical form of Sayaka Maizono. When her bandmates were threatened by a monster, she risked her life to protect them and as a result gained the ability to transform into the heroine Siren Melody. She is able to maneuver effortlessly underwater as though an actual mermaid. She's also able to breathe underwater, even when not transformed. Her weapon is a pair of daggers that she is able to summon from the gemstone on her belt, which she can either wield as-is or use them like a conductor's baton to control her water-like magic. At first, Sayaka was extremely reluctant to accept becoming a magical hero (for a whole plethora of reasons) and only fought when necessary. However, when she witnesses a classmate having his talent stolen by a monster, she becomes much more proactive in getting to the bottom of the mysterious goings-on. Dragon Beat The magical form of Ibuki Mioda. After she happened to discover what was going on with the monsters and their connection to the disappearance of two of her classmates, she had a strong desire to fight and from then on was able to transform into a fighting hero. As Dragon Beat, she is incredibly connected to the concept of rhythm, which manifests as having a command over the element of earth. She is able to create fissures and manifest sharp crystals in battle. Her weapon of choice is a flail formed from a spiked cluster of crystals. She is also overall more physically strong and durable than before, which is a trait that carries over to her civilian form. Of the three, she's the most optimistic about her new responsibility. To her there's an inherent coolness in getting magical powers, and she feels empowered that she's able to do something about the ongoing crisis at hand.    
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Hero (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader)
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Description: Abde gets his chance to wind down and relax with you after ending his extended season and finally with a gold medal around his neck.
warnings: sexual jokes, references to sex (no descriptions)
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“HEY!” He yells , waving his arms around, a big smile plastered on his face.
Oh god. You thought. That was your surprise ruined. You were hardly close to the front row so you had hope that he wouldn't notice you among the crowds but alas. You attempt to hide your face and turn around but you can faintly hear him say something first
“I can see you, silly! No point hiding now!” He laughs and you relent, giving him a shy wave.
Everyone around you in the stadium is looking in your general direction and they take a while to register who he’s referring to. Eventually their eyes do lay on his mother who sat next to you and it doesn’t take them very long to connect the dots when they see your flustered face and the number 16 jersey that was just a little too big on you.
You can’t help but laugh as well when you see him beckon over his teammates, pointing you out to them. You want to be stern with him but he’s so cute. Ibrahim is the first to notice you among the crowd, somehow going even crazier than Abde at the sight of you.
You had grown quite close to the team. From the way Abde spoke of them when they weren’t around to the way they were when you first met them, they didn’t disappoint at all. They were indeed extremely energetic almost beyond belief, like your little cousins but somehow even more so. In a fairly short space of time, they had become family to him. 
He wasn’t overjoyed at the news of his ‘demotion’ to the under-23s. And he certainly didn’t like the word ‘demotion’ either. When he had come to terms with the fact, he was constantly reminding himself that it wasn’t that at all. Not for the role he was expected to play, anyway. Nevertheless, the social media discourse referring to it that way never failed to irritate him. 
He had no idea that he was going to become the official captain and armed with that information, he maybe wouldn’t have felt so down about his placement. The questions that constantly circled in his head soon dissipated when he first got a glimpse of that blue band. It sat pretty on the hanger which held his jersey. That was still the same at least. Another sign that he was nowhere near out of the count. He was still a part of his national team, he was still appreciated but he supposed that the new role would be perfect for his development. 
It was different from the senior team. He couldn’t blame his older teammates for passing to the safer options, of course Ounahi would think of passing to Hakim or Youssef before him. Matches needed winning and the other forwards certainly knew a lot about that. Much more than he did. Although he still wished for more chances, just a little bit of faith but alas. 
Although the first concession did almost send him swirling into a panic, he managed to pull himself together and was sure to not repeat old mistakes. His teammates trusted him with everything as captain and he wasn’t going to break that. This would seal off his redemption if all went well.
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“Went well” didn’t do him justice at all. The trust from his teammates and coaches was turning him into a true monster. Everything was on the upturn: his passing, communication, decision-making. He wasn’t the little Neymar-wannabe he used to be, he was serious and he was going to fight tooth and nail for the win.
That fire was exactly what led him to the present. They made reaching the finals look so easy, it was almost funny but now was the true test. It was no secret that Egypt had been achieving similar performances. They were good. In the intimidating way: darkness on their faces, ruthless, knew how to get under players’ skin. Abde had picked up on enough of their habits to know just how to work around them. They were good but there were weak points he was going to take advantage of. He was worried, of course, but more than anything he was excited.
“Man, you had better not let your girl distract you!” Ayman slaps the back of his head and Abde pushes him off, attempting to shake off his love-struck haze.
“Oh please, this is just more motivation! Not like you would know what this is like!” Abde scoffs and he’s met with another slap on the head before they both get back to warming up.
Of course, you couldn’t hear a word but you were worried about him being distracted too. You hoped that your presence would be a surprise for the end of the match - you were pretty sure of the result even if he wasn't - he wasn’t supposed to catch you out like this among the crowd. Apparently fate had other plans.
Your worries didn’t really settle because even while warming up, he was constantly looking over at you and pointing you out to even more of his teammates and making cute little faces. It was sweet and your heart fluttered at the idea that he always had you on his mind, enough to catch you in the middle of such a crazy mob like this one. Proud to show you off to anyone and everyone who would entertain him. Nonetheless, he needed to get his head in the game and eventually coach Charai does, physically, knock some sense into him and he finally diverts his attention away from you.
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The start of the match is far from picture-perfect, the team looks good but much to their annoyance, Egypt does too. And they’re not going easy on your love either. Every chance he gets on the ball feels like a death-wish with the tackles they were trying. Especially with the first concession, an absolute screamer of a longshot, they don’t back down. They look hungrier and their tackles get more and more reckless. 
Of course Abde had anticipated it, he wouldn’t dare let himself get injured like that but he could certainly frame the players for trying. His plan finally comes to fruition with one wrong move. A tackle that digs straight into Abde’s ankle and you wince immediately. It looks awful and you couldn’t tell whether it was one of those times he was playing it up. Thankfully a red card comes after what felt like years of deliberating. Of course, your Abde got up just fine, raring to go with the new advantage they had.
But still, they’re a pain to break past. There was no doubt that the boys were doing great, but still. They still needed that cut-through, they weren’t going down without the fight of their lives, that was for sure. 
It feels like years but it’s a very welcomed shock to the system when one finally does bury itself into the back of the net. As the crowd around you goes wild, the only thing you can feel is relief. You can’t even bring yourself to scream because you were beyond exhausted. The stress you were feeling from the match was finally simmering down. They were still in it, far from being done. 
Once again, you feel your heart in your throat as your love goes to take a free kick. What was most certainly going to be the last of the night. You knew that free kicks were far from his specialty, he’d complained about his inability to take them in the past. You were always so sure that he was simply being harsh on himself but at this very moment, you hoped with everything you had that your assumption was correct. There was an underlying fear that he was, in fact, right. The way he was taking his sweet time didn't really help either.
You can feel the tension in the air, the otherwise ear-shattering screeching of the crowd quieting into an uncomfortable silence. It was almost painful, the sense of dread was apparent across the stadium.
You can see Abde finally set the ball down, Bilal pushing a player that was getting too close for any of their liking. One thing catches your eye, though. A straggling player to Abde’s side, barely moving. It was as if he was trying as hard as he could to remain invisible. Not a single Egyptian player thought to mark him so perhaps it was working.
It was as if you could hear the entire stadium suck in a breath as Abde takes his step towards the ball and you all expect a rocket of a ball to fly through, the Egyptian players do too as they all jump from their wall formation in an attempt to clear but nothing. A quick cross to his side, barely visible and right to the straggler. It has everyone in the box completely blindsided and there's a frantic scatter, a mix of red and white shirts all pushing and shoving. It's all so messy that the ball flies, almost completely unnoticed from the straggler and finally, FINALLY, into the back of the net.
It's almost too quick to process and there's a moment of near-complete silence as realisation settles in. The roar that emanates across the little stadium is practically deafening, ear-popping. 15 minutes on the clock and the deadlock finally broken. The red shirts all piling in on each other to celebrate the breakthrough. Your Abde may not have had the best track record with free-kick goal attempts but he certainly had his wits about him.
This time, you scream. As loud as you can manage. You can’t hear yourself amidst all the other chaos but you feel your throat strain. It was so close, you could envision your love already lifting that trophy. You were confident now because if there was one thing this team knew how to do, it was defend. They would do it with their lives. 15 minutes.
Chaos was what it was. A blur of tackles and wasteful long passes by your beloved red shirts. Screams of frustration from the whites. A little bit of extra time-wasting and showboating by Bellaarouch who was perhaps treading very fine line but with 5 minutes on the clock, you supposed that he could care less. 
It was evident that the Egyptian players had all but given up. Their best players off the pitch now to be replaced with subs that, if anything, were only wasting more time for themselves. Some rather pathetic last-ditch attempts at earning a penalty, their only hope, but it was very clearly over.
You reach the dying seconds of the game and the tension rebuilds itself rapidly as you all await the final whistle. So so close. The wait was painful and you supposed that your impatience wasn't really speeding things up.
The players and coaches all lined up at the edges of the pitch, hands on their heads. Some raise theirs in prayer. Literal seconds. An exhausted Egyptian and an antsy Moroccan one. Seconds and the stadium had gone quiet as everyone awaited that final whistle. 
You can only hear the beautiful sound for a second before the whole stadium is lit up with screams and sparklers. It was pure electricity in there, it moved throughout the stadium and through your body. Visceral. Some manage to make it onto the pitch from the front seats and the players are all piling on each other to celebrate. The Egyptian players all frozen in their spots, defeated as ever and with very little sympathy from the sea of red that surrounded them. 
You only see the flash of red for a second before you’re enveloped in his arms and it quite literally knocks the breath out of you. He was so excited and had seemingly forgotten how strong he was so the impact paired with the squeeze around your frame was a shock to your system. The adrenaline is rushing through you too so you manage to recover too, one hand on his back and the other on the back of his head, pulling him into your neck and you feel his tears fall onto your shoulder. Months and months of doubting himself, hours of you talking him down from his panicked ramblings. All of that pain and stress had finally settled and it all felt so worth it. He had come so far and words couldn’t describe just how proud you were of him.
He pulls his face from your neck and lets his forehead rest against yours. Lips only centimetres away from yours and you can see his eyes drift. There’s nothing you want to do more than kiss him, among other things, but with the crowd surrounding you - and his mum right there - you knew it would be best to wait.
“Abde, behave yourself.” you whisper so only he could hear and he grins, rolling his eyes and opting to kiss your forehead and the tip of your nose before hugging you to his chest. You could feel him physically relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever. He rocks you back and forth for a while before letting you go and trapping his mum in the same, bone-crushing hug. 
He has to leave you both again as the podiums were laid out for the awards ceremony, the gold medals all ready and waiting for them. Abde’s golden boot, his first ever, waiting there as well alongside the AFCON trophy. Your heart could burst with pride for him and it felt like a genuine possibility when you watched him receive his golden boot. You weren’t as far away anymore so you could see the look on his face: amazement and disbelief. Of course, you had always known what he could do but even with the award in his hands he still couldn’t believe it. 
You quickly grew impatient as you waited for him to receive his medal because of course he had placed himself at the back of the line. The silver medallists get it over with pretty quickly, barely looking up and avoiding the camera flashes, only a few of them keeping the medals on as they walked down the line. It felt like time had slowed to a near pause as the Moroccan players received their accolades. And of course, the love of your life was right at the back of the line as he held the responsibility of lifting the trophy as well. You were growing antsy, counting down the players until it was finally time. The shock had finally worn off and now he just looked ecstatic. He had recently developed a not-so-nice habit of denying himself such celebrations but it seemed that he was finally allowing himself to revel in the satisfaction.
 He gets the first lift of the trophy to himself before he’s ushered to where his teammates were all standing. He takes his sweet time to reach them, in bouncing steps; much like his football hero only months prior. One final, especially a big leap and he finally raises the trophy with his vice captain almost perfectly in-sync with the beat of the music. Green, red and gold streamers everywhere and fireworks lighting up the sky above. 
Once the main photos are taken and after yet another victory lap of the stadium, Abde rushes over to you and practically drags you, his mum and his brother down to the field so you could all celebrate properly.
The cheering felt so different on the grass, it hadn’t quietened down at all and the way it all just surrounded you now. It was something so so special. The noise and colours hit you in every direction equally and you felt overwhelmed yet amazed at the same time. He takes you around so you can meet with his teammates again, now without the stress of the match weighing them down. His arm doesn’t leave your shoulder once as you make your rounds. As always, ready and waiting to show you off to everyone.
Although you don’t say, he knows that you don’t find any of the conversations particularly entertaining. How could you? Your world was so different from his and even though you were so deeply in love with each other in spite of it all, he could never blame you for struggling to understand things. He makes sure to slip a joke to you every once in a while, whispering in your ear the second everyone’s looking away, sneaking in gentle kisses onto your cheek and temple. At least you both think everyone’s looking away but the photographers had gotten quite sneaky so some of the sweet moments were captured anyway. The internet would have a field day with those photos, as they always did. 
Over the course of the on-field celebrations, his arm drifts down from your shoulder to your waist which he gently squeezes every once in a while, just to remind you that your AFCON gold-medallist was still there and soon to be all yours.
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Once the main crowd on the field had left, many of the journalists and photographers, he ushers you all to sit down on the podium steps and before you go to sit next to him, you feel him gently tugging at your wrist. You pause, looking at him in slight confusion and he pats the spot in front of him and between his legs. Your eyes widen, slightly bewildered and he shrugs nonchalantly, pulling you down so you could finally relax. It wasn’t like his family cared anyway, they adored you as if you were theirs and there was no doubt that you were a good influence on their boy. 
Although you manage to create some distance between the pair of you, he’s not having any of it so he wraps his arms around your middle and pulls you so that your back is against his chest. Thankfully his mum appears to be distracted talking to one of the other players but his brother was very much still there and you could hear him chuckle. He didn’t mind the behaviour at all but he found Abde’s infatuation with you absolutely hilarious. It wasn’t even just now, it was a pattern of behaviours that left him without a doubt in his mind about how in love his little brother was with you. It was impressive. 
“You idiot, there are still photographers around!” you scold and he only responds with a kiss to your temple.
“Anjo, come on! I deserve a reward, no?” he teases and you roll your eyes, although he can’t see. You imagined he was quite proud of that double-meaning. You pretend to be annoyed but the second you hear him start to laugh, you can’t help but chuckle quietly at his dumb joke.
Once you finally relax into his hold, he’s quick to remove the medal from around his neck and place it around yours instead. You distract yourself playing with the heavy, golden disc as he gives his final interviews of the night. You know he’s done when his head drops down onto your shoulder and his hands move to cup yours.
“We really did it.” he sighs as you press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I told you!” you point out and he hides his face in the crook of your neck while you tease him. He keeps you close for a while, enjoying the way you were loosening up a little as the last of the photographers left. The final few did manage to sneak some more shots of the pair of you before leaving but that was the next day's problem, you were none the wiser for the time-being.
“The armband looks nice.” you mumble and he smirks.
“You’ve mentioned it one or two times.” He wants to tease you more for your infatuation with the thing, maybe get a few more compliments or even a hint as to what was to come. but alas he’s whisked away by his teammates for the locker room celebrations while the rest of you are ushered to where the after party was going to be.
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Eventually his brother and mum end their night early and make their way back to the hotel but not before waving Abde their goodbyes. A congratulatory hug from his mum and a punch from his brother, just like when they were younger. 
The party itself is quite the spectacle, the hotel reception lavishly decorated and filled with all of the players’ family members. The excited chatter was somewhat refreshing from the noise of the stadium with the emotions still running sky-high. Yet there was some semblance of peace, you could hear your thoughts and somehow that only made things more exciting and you were itching to see the love of your life come through those doors again, you certainly weren’t going to be leaving him for the rest of the night. 
You make use of the spare time to go and talk with your fellow WAGs but the room nears silence when the hotel staff announce the players’ imminent entrance. You didn’t need much indication because you could hear their loud yapping from a mile away. The tense silence is worth it when you manage to spook the boys with the loudest cheers and hollers you could all manage. It was like being back at the stadium when the party quickly hit full-swing, the cheering and the chants echoing down the walls of the venue. It was pretty large but it somehow became suffocating as you weaved through the crowds trying to find YOUR winner. He was searching too, you couldn’t have been too difficult to spot with the giant gold medal still around your neck.
After a good couple minutes of scanning, he’s finally able to spot you lost as ever in the middle of the hall, frantically looking around. He’s quick to end your misery, bounding over, tunnel-vision preventing him from responding to anyone trying to talk to him. He doesn’t want to scare you too badly so he resists the urge to pick you up and hug you from behind. Instead, a little tap on your shoulder and he’s only able to saviour the relief on your face for a split second before you throw yourself at him for a hug.
“I missed you.” you mumble into his ear and he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“We were only out for a couple of hours!” he laughs and you remove your head from under his chin, creating a bit of distance before slapping his chest.
“I don’t see your point.” you say matter-of-factly, returning to resting your head on his chest while he rocks you both back and forth. You hoped that you would be able to stay like this for a lot longer than the hug in the stands but he’s pulled off you and you’re both dragged to the centre of the hall and up onto the tables as the chanting began once more.
Abde manages to get his instagram live working again to share the craziness with everyone, for once featuring you which has the live chat even more stoked than before. He kept his family life as private as he possibly could and he had been pretty successful in that, no one outside of his circle even knew the amount of siblings he had. He was even more secretive about you. Your face was known and practically nothing else so any little snippet of your relationship elicited a lot of excitement from the fans. There were a few photos of the pair of you celebrating together and he had mentioned you a handful of times during his interviews. That was really all they had and you were happy to keep it that way. Break-up rumours circulated pretty often with the lack of content but it only served to make the pair of you laugh.
Today, emotions were running high. All positive of course so having the pair of you on live together didn’t feel wrong at all, you were too overcome with excitement to care about any of that. Not the haram police, not the jealous girls that lurked around his page, none of that mattered today.
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The party goes on for what feels like years and you’re both so relieved by the time you reach the hotel room. It was lavish to say the least, nothing but the best for you but he hadn’t spent much time in there himself. And for the little time he did spend, he was strictly off any “boyfriend-girlfriend” activities, as much as that pained him. Having you massage his aching muscles at the end of his gruelling training sessions did a number on him yet he couldn’t do anything. And you certainly weren’t one to go against the rules either.
He had plenty of images in his head of all the things he wanted to do to you, and you had plenty of ideas of how you were going to reward him but the second he fell onto the bed… 
“Anjo I don’t think i can move from here.” he sounds disappointed of course but you couldn’t blame him. It had been a rough few weeks, non-stop work as a kay player and captain. He didn’t have time to be exhausted for a solid two weeks and it was crashing down the very second his mind was freed of the stresses of the tournament.
You make your way out of the en-suite, makeup off and only donning one of his shirts over your underwear.
“You could at least get yourself under the covers, no?” you joke and he thinks for a second.
“Well I was hoping that, y’know…” he leaves the statement open, hoping that you’ll catch onto his request because now that he’s actually able to take a second, his back is absolutely killing him. He manages to get his shirt off, not without groaning in pain and you finally do catch on.
“Can you keep the armband?” you ask quietly, and he laughs, enduring the pain he feels in his back even from that. He doesn’t press further and he relents, leaving it on for you.
You quickly get yourself into position, grabbing the lotion and straddling the backs of his thighs. His back is peppered with bruises and a couple of nasty looking scrapes, scabbed over so you supposed he got those in one of his many scraps in the last match. 
You start with the knots on the back of his neck and he immediately sinks into the sheets, sighing out in relief as you worked your magic on his tense and sore muscles. Even with the massages you gave him in between every training session, after the other matches, nothing could hold up against the amount of work he was doing. Of course it was all worth it in the end, the gold medal very much still around your neck. But it had taken its toll on his body and he was finally processing the amount of pain he was in.
you’re careful to not put too much pressure on his bruises as you slowly work your way down his back. He gives you the occasional grunt of approval, sighing as he feels the pain melt away at the tips of your fingers.
“So warm…” he compliments, taking a deep breath in and revelling in the way it didn’t hurt anywhere near as badly as it did before you worked your magic.
“That’s my freak trick!” you joke, it was true though. Your hands were always weirdly warm, even in the cold winter months. Your hands always persisted as mini space heaters and it was something he absolutely adored about you. His hands always firmly grasped yours whenever he needed warming up.
“You’re not a freak!” you scoff at that.
“You’re not! You’re an angel who’s perfect in every way, hands and all.” he assures and you chuckle at his certainty, he really never gave you room to doubt yourself. You were the definition of pure perfection in his eyes. Nothing could come close to you and when you did things like this for him, it only solidified his beliefs.
“Those defenders were…”
“Getafe-standard ankle-breakers.” he mutters, annoyed at even the thought of them. Not that he was wrong, playing low-block in what was supposed to be a super important final was… a choice. And indeed very akin to Getafe.
“You got the better of them though, hmm? Made them look like fools out there.”
“Not before they tried to shatter my legs. That Diomande guy from Mali… now THAT'S a real defender!” he admits. He may have had an ego but you loved the way he was able to appreciate other players around him, even opposition. 
“What about the blond one? The Hopper?”
“Oh Atef? Yeah, he was an advantage to us if anything. How do you waste the dying minutes of a game YOU’RE losing to try and bag a penalty when you knock YOURSELF out?” he wonders and you can’t help but laugh. He was right, everyone had expected much better out of the guy who was supposed to be replacing their best player. You were sure Abde didn’t mind it at all. At the very least, they didn’t make the same mistake as they did against Mali. 
You continue to go about the expanse of his back, trying to keep him talking so he wouldn’t fall asleep on top of the covers. Asking about other players he had come across, his teammates, he mentions a food place that he wanted to take you to the next day.
By the time you’re done with him, he’s just about awake but you can tell that he’s ready to drift off at any given minute. You bend down to press soft kisses across the expanse of his back and shoulders, your hands doing one final swoop over the ridges and bumps, quietly admiring all the hard work he had put in. You thought he was built like a greek statue before but he had turned things up a notch and you were beyond obsessed.
“I love you, you know that right?” you mumble into the back of his neck and he hums in satisfaction and pleasure. He felt so much lighter after the massage but your soft lips doing a once-over? He felt like a whole new man.
“I love you more.” he mutters and you laugh. You’ve had this competition far too many times.
“You keep telling yourself that.” you move off him and tug at the blankets, hauling them over the pair of you. He shuffles towards you, finding comfort with his face pressed against your neck and arms wrapping around your middle. You keep one hand in his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp to further help him drift off.
On a normal night, you would continue the little competition but he was beyond words at this point so you don’t speak another word. The comfortable silence and the feeling of your heart-beat lulls him to a peaceful, well-deserved slumber. You can feel his breaths slow and his grip around your waist loosen and you’re not too far behind him, allowing the sleep to take you over as well.
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Your sleep is perfect and you wake up pretty early in the morning. Thankfully, before Abde so you get your chance to execute your plan. Somehow, during the night, you ended up back in your usual sleep position with you on top. The strong arm around your waist is still there but his grip is iron. It takes a while but you manage to wiggle out without waking him, although he does furrow his eyebrows and groan softly before quieting back down. 
You tiptoe to the bathroom and try to freshen up as quietly as you can manage. No makeup but you do your best to wash away the tiredness from your face before making your way back to the main bedroom. Not ideal but he is already up, wiping his eyes as he scans the room, a little confused with your absence but his eyes fill with relief when he sees you.
“Anjo?” you don’t respond just yet, slowly removing your sleep shirt to reveal what you had intended to treat him with yesterday. You supposed today would work just fine as well. His eyes widen a little but he’s quick to regain his composure and smirks as you saunter over to the queen-sized bed. The underwear really didn’t leave much to the imagination but you still heated up under his gaze, he made no effort to hide the way he was undressing you with his eyes.
“All for me?” he asks, as if he didn’t already know that answer very very well.
“You didn’t think I was going to let my captain go unrewarded for his work, did you?’ you pout as you place your legs on either side of his thighs. His hands rest on your hips and he draws small circles with the pads of his thumbs as he awaits your next move.
He has an idea before you can do anything though, carefully reaching the side of the bed frame to grab his gold medal. He places it around your neck and relaxes back into the bed, hands back on your hips.
“Come on, anjo. I think I’ve waited long enough…” 
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heyyyyy... how y'all doing... I think I've got my motivation back lmfao. Stay in tuned for part two!!!!
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bonebabbles · 7 months
I keep using the word "frustrating" but I feel like it doesn't capture the anger that's building in me at how it doesn't seem to remember its own goddamn books. Everything with Jagged Peak in particular is incredibly sloppy.
With Clear Sky I get the feeling that they HAVE to misremember previous books, else you encounter the simple truth that he is a fucking monster. If you don't use passive voice religiously as if you're writing a NYTimes article about a cop, you'd have to address that he wanted to kill children after he slaughtered their mother for her land, that he beat an innocent woman to death and blamed it on a fox, and that he's a compulsive liar with a fragile ego. And you can't do that and ALSO say "he was a good mislead boy all along."
So... it's malicious but it's "understandable" on some level. The character they wrote is completely incompatible with the ""redemption"" they're trying to write. So you have to ignore it.
But Jagged Peak...
So Thunder is watching Jag's kittens as they play in deep snow. Jag sees this, freaks out a little, and tells the kids to stop playing because they could get hurt. We get this confrontation;
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Those who have been following will remember that it was partially JAGGED PEAK'S fault that Sparrow Fur got mauled by One Eye, by letting her run off into the woods alone because "she was very insistent" about finding her biodad, Tom the Wifebeater.
This teeny little scene feels like they're going to address how Jagged Peak's biggest flaw as a kid was his recklessness, and that his irresponsibility continued into his adulthood because he was coddled. That this, right here, is a sign of character growth... but, the rest of the series doesn't seem to actually think this.
Gray Wing gets scolded for being "unkind" to him as if he's the same as Clear Sky. Jagged Peak's physical ability, like fighting to defend his honor and leading a patrol to get herbs, are what the narrative is fixated on. It's the thing he did back in Blazing Star that made Clear Sky "realize he was wrong about him." It bothers me. Badly.
We are slowly watching Gray Wing die of asthma (except when he needs to do something "cool" like rescue Turtle Tail from Tom the Wifebeater) and every other disabled character dies horribly. But here's Jagged Peak, with a story about how he's "Barely Even Disabled At All" with a little love and encouragement :)
What was behind the choice to make so much of this disabled character focus on his physical ability? In this arc which has THREE "useless" cats exiled for their lack thereof (Jagged, Bumble, Frost)? They say Jagged Peak needed a wife (introduced and then pregnant in the same book) to become his life coach, and that allowed him to overcome his leg... but why?
Why do this, when they obviously COULD have focused on his character traits? This little fucking scene proves it. They COULD have done this instead.
It feels like they're 3 different stories they want to tell about Jagged Peak and none of them are coming together; but the main one they're trying to write is awful.
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klein-sodor-bahn · 11 months
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Time for a Heinrich lore dump!
Welp since I built a Lego-not-Lego model of my him I think it’s the best time to talk about my favorite fast boy Heinrich.
Heinrich is/is based on the real life preserved engine DR BR 18 201 or the number it currently wears 02 0201-0 (Which looks god awful on the smoke box imo). Heinrich’s history is basically the same, but enough chit chat it’s time for lore!
And it all starts with the VES Halle (Saale). The facility was located in the GDR (East Germany) and needed an engine to haul newly built express coaches at speeds up to 160 km/h (ca. 100mph) and beyond for testing purposes. A newly constructed Diesel for this task would have been too expensive so it was decided that the new engine was going to be a steam locomotive. For historical context in East Germany steam lasted into the 1980s.
So the project came to life, spearheaded by Dr. Baumberg from the VES. He for example is responsible for the design of streamlining which was inspired by SNCF 232.U.1. Another quirk this engine received was Giesl-Ejector. Which most of you know Peter Sam has too. In 1960 the construction began. The works responsible was the RAW Meiningen which is still operational as the Dampflokwerk Meiningen (they built Tornado’s and are involved in the P2 project). To realize Baumberg’s vision the engineers decided to attempt something. They had heard about Henry’s rebuilt at Crewe years prior. So an engine called Heinrich was brought in together with parts of two other engines and a tender from a forth engine. This original Heinrich was DRG 61 002 one of the two Henschel-Wegmann Tank engines.
They went to work and on the 31st of May 1961 their job was done. But to the shock of everyone involved behind the scenes this new engine woke up only knowing its name: Heinrich. What had gone wrong was that original Heinrich didn’t want to be so heavily altered so he basically perished, only traces of his memory remain. This has consequences for current day Heinrich. He has terrible nightmares which cause him to have bouts of insomnia. And becoming a scaredy-engine when left alone by his crew at night. But regardless this Frankenstein’s monster of an engine was not only successful but also became the fastest, in service steam locomotive in the world. The men at the VES grew fond of their new engine. They dubbed him Jimmo, because they felt like Heinrich sounded too pompous for such a chipper and friendly fella. Heinrich/Jimmo was rarely seen outside of the VES, when he was he could depart 10 minutes late and still arrive on time at his destination. Early on it was decided to give him oil firing and during the oil crisis Baumberg insisted on keeping it or he would need an army of firemen for to get Jimmo going. Because the high speed has its price, after all the three cylinders that power a set of 6 driving wheels with a diameter of 2.30 meters (ca. 7’5”) don’t power themselves. Heinrich after the end of his service life changed owners a few times. Nowadays he’s owned by the WFL and lives at Nossen which is near Dresden.
He’s revered by engines and enthusiasts alike. But he’s rather reluctant to be that famous. He only leverages his authority if an engine acts like an asshat. Heinrich has a strong sense of justice, but also a habit of being very direct. Which often results in him unintentionally trampling over the feelings of others. This brutal honesty is something Henry and Charlie like about him. Heinrich is also helpful and curious about the world. Although his curiosity occasionally results in embarrassing mishaps. Like when he chased a butterfly, demolished a set of buffers and ended up off the rails. Another quirk is that when turned on the turntable he instantly falls asleep. He and Henry become friends almost instantly. Henry helps him overcome his fear of the dark. And also influences him to become a bit more mature. Heinrich is also very respectful towards engines like Flying Scotsman and Saxonia. He even called Henry “sir” when the two green engines first met. Heinrich loves going fast. He gets ecstatic when he travels at high speeds. It’s a child like joy. He’s truly one of Germany’s finest.
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