#he has no time for your approval HE is the companion you earn HIS
bloodwounds · 2 years
Like , in Origins , Wulf is in Lothering helping people , you meet him when you run into the highwaymen , he lets you choose what to do with them , death or chase them off , you find out he's a blood mage later. In II , he comes to Hawke directly during a quest involving Ferelden refugees and you learn he's a age and blood mage during that quest. And then there's Inquisition where he is actively stepping to the Inquisitor and not so subtly telling them to fuck off if they have bad intentions , and remains sarcastic the entire conversation if the Inquisitor gets off on the wrong foot. Wulf's growth is just getting really fucking tired of protagonists , either keep him around or leave him alone.
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teojira · 4 months
[Caesar and Proximus' day to day life] [headcanons]
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Summary: You're a human companion to the two apes, this is little things to expect as you live with them and in addition, the rest of the apes.
Word count: 900+
Warnings: None that I can think of! This is mostly platonic, some romance in Caesars if you squint.
Pronouns: Not specified.
A/N: first Planet of the apes request!! I'm so excited, shoutout to the other writers on ao3 I've looked up to for years. I hope this is okay anon! I couldn't reference back to your ask since I lost it and I hope this is the general idea you were hoping for 💀🙏
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For the sake of this, Caesar did NOT die at the end of war, and you're immune to the disease! (Nova is also fine here bc fuck you that's my daughter)
Truth be told it was very very very fortunate for you that you appealed to his good side after all this time, He's tired.
Tired of being hurt, tired of losing family, but he has no choice but to push on, when you offered at first to help him with any injuries or issues that arise in the colony, it's a firm no.
Despite everything he's been through, Caesar does love humans, he think a part of him always will, so just keep trying and you will crack his shell.
Once you two finally have something akin to friendship, is when he finally learns that he can rely on you.
It isn't uncommon to see you holding Cornelius and walking to and from different parts of the colony, Caesar trying in vain to tell you to let the boy down, saying you'll start to spoil him (it's too late, Cornelius will start to go to you for when his dad tells him no.)
Caesar doesn't really think he'd ever find another mate, but without his notice, you start to fill in that role.
Spending the most time with him, helping him make decisions, taking care of Cornelius, helping the other apes learn and sign, you take on the role fairly well.
It isn't uncommon for you to tend to his wounds, he prefers to go to you versus the others, he acts akin to a child when in your care though, hissing dramatically when you rub a salve on his forearm. It results in you slapping his shoulder and it makes him laugh.
Speaking of laughing, he never thought having you around would lighten the weight of the world he constantly holds over his shoulders, you make him feel young again. Before all of this.
He grows fonder of you when he sees some aspects of Caroline in you, noting just how loving and caring you are not only to him, but to everyone, Maurice, Rocket, even Bad ape with how much of an odd ball he is.
Caesar may be the leader (and old, you remind him. He ignores you.) but it doesn't mean he can stay at the colony all day, he goes out to hunt with the others, and when he does, he'll come to you and do a palms up, waiting for your permission.
He doesn't need it, but it makes you feel better when you see him off.
Maybe this is me projecting but he is SO possessive of you, he's lost so much, he lost Buck, Luca, Blue eyes, Cornelia, Koba, Will, his grandfather.
It puts him on the defense, never wanting you to go anywhere without at least one ape to protect you. It'll lead to arguments you Will not win.
Sorry if you just want to go to the river to wash up, either he's coming with you or Rocket is. Too Bad so sad.
Other apes come to you to ask you to ask Caesar if they can do something they Know he would never approve of, it's because they know out of everyone here, with the exception of a handful of apes, you're his soft spot.
Many apes were concerned with you joining them, but you've earned your spot among them, you are loved and trusted.
Koba would be rolling in his grave, seeing you work alongside Caesar, being a genuinely good person and a loving companion.
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It's canon that Proximus has a fondness for humans, but it's so severely different than Caesars, no matter how much he claims to be like the former.
You're more so of a toy to him, similar to Trevathan, but while he reads the Bonobo literature and teaches him things, you're like a pet. You keep him entertained.
This isn't to say he treats you cruelly though, all things considered, you're taken care of fairly well with a lot of luxuries the other apes under his rule are not privy to.
You wear a collar, which is demeaning, but it is better than having a chain connected to it, so everyone knows you're his.
Poor Sylva being forced to be your guard when you ask if you can go walking alone the beach, he doesn't want to do it but he WILL (he becomes fond of you begrudgingly, partially out of respect for Proximus but you're too nice for your own good, asking him how his day is going and whatnot. He hates you.)
Proximus calls you pet, btw. He knows your name but will only use it when it's the two of you or for special occasions.
Brings you out into the colony to show you all the progress being made, he's looking for his ego to be inflated, go ahead and do it so you two can head back inside and get out of the heat.
He likes to show you off while he does, telling his subjects that you're special, like Nova was to Caesar. He's delusional and Caesar would be fucking pissed to be compared.
He doesn't need you to do much honestly, you're meant to sit there and look pretty and make him feel important. Maybe help him out with grooming and taking care of his belongings. He trusts you to mend and keep his crown and his attire in good condition.
Likes to play with your hair, the texture is different than apes, and he finds it soothing to run his fingers through it or just pet your head. Once again, it is very demeaning, but it could be worse.
Like Caesar, he is possessive and will try and limit your contact with the others in fear you'll like them more. Your little trio consists of you, himself, and Sylva. He lets you interact with Trevathan, but it's not an everyday thing.
He does care for you more than he'd ever admit, but it doesn't mean he'll particularly change for your sake, at least not intentionally. He's kinda insane and kinda a piece of shit, and you're aware of this.
Makes you sit next to him when he hosts dinners, making sure to pat your head and coo at you (When Noa first sees you at the table getting treated like how he'd treat an eagle, he gives you one of his signature side eyes bc lmao what the fuck is going on)
When it comes down to the ending of the movie when he dies, you're at a loss, Mae frankly thinks you're too far gone, and Noa is not willing to take a chance to offer you a home.
All you have really left to do is to go back to the colony and what's left of it, back to the remaining apes and humans still left unattended. Telling them they're free to go.
At some point among the years of being the closest to Proximus, you do care for him, and it's hard to think he's gone, he offered you a sense of security and belonging, but it's gone now.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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theroyalyandere · 1 year
Hi! May I request some headcanons for the yandere emperor & a fire mage? Maybe a fire mage that works for him/the empire?
yandere!emperor x fire mage!reader
authors note: I would like to make this gender neutral if you don't mind :> I added some spicy scenes but not full on smut!
content warning ⚠️: dark content, yandere, murder, noncon/dubcon, kidnapping
let's set the scenario shall we? you first met the newly crowned emperor as the new fire mage of his empire
when he first laid his eyes on you, he thought you were the most loveliest being he has ever seen
he kept his eyes on you so intensely that he never looked at anyone inside that room besides you
his eyes tell a dangerous story, so you look away trying to focus on the words of your master introducing you and a few other mages to serve the empire
the emperor immediately approves and makes a request for his servants to escort all of you to your rooms
a week in the palace, the emperor always took time to visit the mages' chamber to check the latest updates on everyone's work but actually he's there just for you
he's always behind you, following almost breathing down your neck
he keeps asking so many questions you try to keep up with him as he is the emperor
everyday, despite his duties he always manages to find time to see you even during your times of relaxation
he's very possessive and obsessive, he found out your schedule through his spies and every person you interact with your daily life
if someone ever gave a hint of interest with you small or big, it doesn't matter because that person will be declared dead the next day
it worries you what has been happening around you, you later confided with the emperor who has now become a sort of companion to you despite his presence by your side making you isolate yourself from everyone else
his eyes had a glint but his words were full of reassurance that no harm will ever come in your way, just continue being his little mage and he will secure you for life
you did as you were told so, you were often called to be by his side to the point you couldn't even work properly due to the amount of time spent with him
he loves to see you perform your magic infront of him, always watching with a fascinated grin
he indulges you and your fixation towards your experiments and he always gave you the latest gadgets and things that would help you improve
he also moved your chambers right next to his without your permission, despite your protests he says it's for your safety and so you will no longer walk far from his own
he makes it very clear for everyone that you are untouchable
as your relationship progresses his actions became a little more... Intimate
you found his hand lingering with whatever skin he could find or brush his hands on it
he also has a thing with pressing your back to his chest
you would not resist fearing for his anger when he gets too close for your comfort then he breathes you in like a drug
he took a liking to showing you as you were his spouse by making you stand beside him at balls earning the stink eyes of the nobles and whispers
it would definitely reach to him and immediately that person is either dead or fallen from nobility
one of the mages bitterly expressed the obvious favoritism towards you and the next day they were found dead
you grew cold when you found out, it's no denying who's the cause behind the deaths that has been circulating
however you are not a fool and you kept your mouth shut despite the urgency to run away because you no longer felt safe
the emperor could sense your anxiety and he knew it's only a matter of time he has to make extreme actions to keep you by his side
despite your magic he is still smarter than you
you thoroughly made a plan on how to escape the capital and yet to no avail you found yourself cornered by his men
you used your magic against all of them defeating some but they did not relent and still decided to pursue you
you felt something hit you and you fell unconscious
when you wake up, you are in a extremely dark place only wearing a thin robe with shackles around your wrists and ankles making you immobilized
your struggle echos and soon the door opens with the emperor coming in with a dim expression on his face he sits infront of you and tries to brush your face but you turn away
you beg him to let you go and stop the madness but your begging only spurned him on
"you think you could run away from me my love? I am not the emperor for nothing dear. you should never underestimate me. ever. again." he says with a growl his expression almost looks manic
it scares you what he has turned into
he gets on top of you and you try to kick him away
"tsk tsk, stop being defiant now obey your emperor and submit. I will guarantee you everything you want if you obey me."
he places his hand around your throat to stop the flow of oxygen and slowly your movement ceased then he let go
he gets closer to your face and licks the tears streaming down your eyes, his hands untying the thin robe covering your body
your nakedness makes your vulnerability even worse as your stomach fills with dread with what is about to come
his hands rub and grope your skin making you nauseous with his actions
he breathes raggedly almost salivating at the thought of consuming you whole
you cry out more
"If you don't stop from being naughty, I guess I have to go with the rough way."
okay this is kinda meh I'm sorry 😞
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tavshortfortavern · 10 months
Companions with a Tav from Modern Earth
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Modern!Tav who still has their things from earth
Characters: Astarion, Gale, Karlach
Learns that you have never met another race other than your own and he was the first elf you've met outside of stories, he's all smug that he was the first one you've met and horrified of a world without elves.
"Well darling, how is your first meeting with an elf?" He asks, posing proudly. "Must be a momentous day."
You stare at him up and down. "I thought you'd be taller." He gasps and glares indignantly but you kept making fun of his height
When he mentions not being able to see his reflection, you take a picture of him with your phone. He's alarmed with whatever your doing with that strange device until you show him his picture
"Is that me?" he's stunned, reaching out towards where his image is shown. The curse doesn't take into account digital reflection.
You do your best to explain the cellular device but most importantly the camera feature. You've been using it to snap pictures of places, fantastical scenes in this fantasyland and documenting memories
He listens enraptured. You come to almost regret it bc now said phone frequently goes missing. Astarion having pickpocket it to take selfies or simply admire himself in the screen
Soon your memory is almost full thanks to the selfies he's taking. He remarks you should be thankful to have such gorgeous sights immortalized in your device. He's doing you a favor
You will admit he's gotten real good at taking photos of himself. He'd quickly become a popular social media influencer/model back home.
Found out your little hand mirror could also show his reflection. The way your world made mirrors was without silver and could reflect him. You give it to him freely, as long as it means your phone is stolen less
Genuinely thankful for the gift. Keeps it close to him at all times. You know this when you observe him gazing at himself thru the mirror, touching his face with a look that says he can't quite believe what he's seeing. Quickly earns you a lot of approval.
Asks for your handmade soaps and shampoo made from natural resources you scavenged and bought. It eases the experience of roughing it out in the wild
When he feeds on you the first time, its great but immediately notices something wrong. Your blood tastes different somehow.
You explain microplastics and he's horrified. (but if he canonically gets a taste for Gale's blood, he will for yours)
Can't wrap his head around a world without magic.
Listens to you explain you and the majority of the population believing magic was a fairy tale and never heard of this 'Weave'
Wants to hear about your world, its history and how its progressing having no magic and only containing humans.
He understands this must be a lot for you and is willing to teach you everything you need to know about Faerun
Always interested in whatever device you pull out. Asking plenty of questions. From your phone to a ballpoint pen. Once spent a day studying the taser you had.
Loves the look of childlike wonder on your face whenever a spell is cast. Even a simple cantrip. Gladly shows off and soaks in the rapt attention you give him whenever he talks about spellcraft.
Helps you out with your own casting, if you obtained the ability to use magic, he could provide a little insight in guiding a new power
Soon you'll be sharing your stationary items. Started with the pen, next the multi-colored ones and so on.
Usually protective over kitchen duties but welcomes you to make dishes from your home world. Some even become a staple in camp.
If you have any soda, don't let him drink without warning him. He'll startle when the fizz hits his tongue and maybe choke.
Understands your homesickness. Being torn from everything you've ever known to a dangerous environment must be a lot. Is very patient when answering your questions even if they seem inane.
Show him pictures and videos of your home and he'd be intrigued, the glass towers, structures that pierce the sky, streets lit with colorful lights, and flying machines. Some parts remind him of Waterdeep.
Loves soda and whatever fast food you have. Could go months just eating that if Gale hadn't put his foot down.
Introduce her to rock music and heavy metal. Hypes her up for a fight. Even music that's nice to dance to. Will be dancing a lot in camp. And jamming out.
Also learns you're still new to meeting other races. Thinks its great how your willing to help people you might have been alarmed to see at first and being so open minded to befriend anyone
Sympathetic when your homesick. She has her own experience being sent off into a different plane for years with nothing to connect her to home
You talk about modern medicine back home and heart surgery. Both of you wonder if they could just get her engine out and replace it with a normal heart in a hospital. It's a frequent topic of conversation as you work out the logistics
Is also happy to listen to any stories from your world. From classic fairy tales to history. Asks for them whenever it gets too quiet
Wants to see your world some day. If her engines gets fixed wants to visit and see everything you've told her and places shown in the pcitures in your phone
Photobombs your pictures. Its especially funny when she does it to Astarion trying to take another pic of himself, he complains but never deletes the picture
Will go through your photo album and ask about them. Who are the people your with, what are you doing in this, where is this and whats it like there
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whaledenwtf · 9 months
Hey, can I request a drow!Tav who's actually very kind, has strong sense of justice and tries to help people out when she can with Astarion? It seems a bit tricky combination, but I really love your writing. 💛
I love elf-type races so the idea of a soft-spoken sweet drow is actually very interesting and I'm totally interested in exploring! Since you wrote she I'm assuming you wanted AFAB!Tav so I will be writing with she/her pronouns. Warning that there is a minor Non Consensual/ Dubious Consensual moment in the fic. I will be marking it with two stars ** so you are aware of when it ends and when it begins.
Request: Drow!Tav/Drow!Reader x Astarion - As Sweet As Can Be
Warnings: ANGST (Lots of it) Fluff, Some Smut (NonCon/DubCon), AFAB!Reader, SPOILERS!!!! Speak of Astarion's Lore (Including and not limited to S/A and lack of choices) and Act 1, Love and Support for my Angel Astarion 💖
As always, the goal is to keep the characters as close to their in-game personalities as possible.
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People always tell you "it's so easy to just be nice". What a load of bullshit. They never could understand how difficult it was to go against your very nature at every turn. You were raised in the depths of the Underdark, fighting your way out to feel the rays of the sun on your amethyst-toned skin.
That may be why you sympathize with Astarion. You understood what it felt like to be in constant darkness because of your nature. Fighting tooth and nail for freedom, without being someone's puppet. When he tried biting you, you accepted him whole-heartedly. When he asked to drink from you, you accepted him whole-heartedly.
"I still cannot comprehend why you are so kind. They do not deserve your pity." He told you once, at the beginning of your adventure. You ponder his words, and your response.
"All it takes is one kind soul to change a person's future." You had responded. He also pondered your words late at night. He questions what one kind person would have done to change his life.
You told yourself you found a kindred spirit in Astarion, but he wonders if he too had found a kindred spirit in you.
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You had saved Arabella from Kagha's viper. Despite many of your companions approving of your actions, you saw Astarion wasn't too pleased with time being wasted on a child.
"We're not getting the information we need. Should we not focus on the worms wriggling in our skulls?" Astarion said to you as you leave the inner sanctums of the Emerald Grove. You could see other companions shoot your spoilsport vampire some sour looks. You put a hand on his shoulder.
"The worms in our skulls are not going to disappear. We have time to focus on them."
"Exactly. They are not going to disappear. You may be content with turning into a mindflayer, but I have my good looks to keep!" He says loudly, earning more disapproving looks from your companions. You sigh.
"You may question my actions, but I will not let an innocent child die at the hands of a treacherous viper. We got our information, and we will find the Arch Druid Halsin. After all, he may have the answers we seek." This seems to appease him, slightly.
"Plus, you get to kill goblins." He grins at those words.
"Now you are speaking my language." You grin at him, patting his shoulder gently. You turn to your other companions.
"We will tread forward and save Halsin, then go to this Creche. I understand that these are much more stops than intended, however we must gain as much information as possible so we could get a full understanding of what is happening and how to prevent it from getting worse." Gale walks up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"I will follow your lead, wherever it leads us." You smile at the human, nodding at everyone else.
Astarion can't help but scoff at Gale's actions.
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It was late at night now, and everyone else was asleep. You notice a particularly antsy vampire pacing around quietly, deep in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You ask him when you walk up to him. He jumps, shocked.
"Gods! You can't scare a vampire like that... I'll bite." He ends with a seductive lilt in his tone. He smirks at you as you blush, turning away.
"I am just... thinking." He answers your previous question, frowning. You see his defeated stance, and sigh.
"We're going for a walk." You decide, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from camp, nodding at Halsin as you pass. He lets you drag him until you're in the thicket of the forest, the light of the camp a dot in the distance.
"Why are we walking? Don't we do that enough?" Astarion complains to you, whining loudly. Once you have distance from the camp, you let go of his hand and continue walking.
"I think you need to clear your head." You tell him, humming a soft tune.
"The only thing I need to clear my head of is this tadpole, darling." He says quietly, following you. You find a small clearing near a river, the treeline becoming sparser and allowing the moon's light to bathe you both. You sit near the shoreline, the water lazily moving as if it was also taking reprieve. He grumbles about his clothes getting dirty as he sits next to you.
"I understand how difficult it is for you, Astarion-"
"Nothing is difficult for me. I'm perfect." He says confidently, though you can tell it is forced.
"Must have slipped my mind." You say simply. He continues his act, boasting of his greatness.
"I am wonderfully stealthy, and beautiful." You nod, smiling at him. "I can speak my way out of anything, including Gale's dreadfully boring speeches-" You giggle at his words. He smiles at you, turning to look at you.
"The world is for the taking, darling. And I plan to take it." He says with certainty.
"Are you done your speech?" You tease him, turning to look forward and watch the stars. He gapes next to you, galled at your audacity. He splutters, unable to form a sentence in shock. You laugh loudly, the sound melodic.
"I want to speak about your troubles." He turns away from you now, no longer analyzing your profile.
"All this talk is wasted on me." He whispers, frowning. You turn to look at him again, seeing his scarlet eyes focusing on the rocks below your feet.
"Nothing is wasted on you." You answer simply. His gaze snaps to you. For the first time, you can clearly read his emotions through his eyes. There is a sadness, all encompassing.
"You think I do not understand your plight?-" You look into eachother's eyes, leaning closer. "I was once Lolth's puppet, like most Drow." You turn to look at the sky now, the moon's beams illuminating your face. If Astarion did not know better, he'd think you were a fae, magical and powerful. Beautiful.
"Lolth is a chaotic goddess, blood-thirsty and uncaring. Many of my years in the Underdark were filled with loss, anger, bloodshed... betrayal. I trusted no one. I still find it difficult to trust." You say quietly. He stays silent, allowing you to continue your story. "I began to rebel. I was punished, severely. I knew at that moment I needed to go on the surface. Those years were filled with darkness... the first moment I felt the sun's rays on my skin- I cried. A century of darkness and pain was behind me. I began to follow Eilistraee, and found my path. This anger was a weapon, and I wielded it poorly. Innocent people do not deserve that. I decided to be the good I desperately needed in the Underdark." You ended, tears in your eyes. You turn to look back at him and he was closer, only a couple inches away from you. His eyes flicker to your lips before looking back up at you. He surges forward, kissing you passionately. In shock, you stay still, though your lips move against his.
**NonCon/DubCon Content Warning**
He climbs on top of you, hand going up your night clothes. You pull away when his hand grazes your under boob.
"Astarion-" He kisses your neck, lips kissing the mark he made two nights prior, when he drank from you.
"Astarion, please." He misunderstands you once more, his hand going up to touch your breast, groping it lightly. Your hands go on his chest and push him away. He falls backwards, giving you both some very needed distance. He looks broken, his gaze void.
**NonCon/DubCon Content Warning**
"This isn't right." You tell him, biting your lip. He frowns, turning away.
"I've never had someone turn me away..." He says quietly, looking down. Your heart breaks for him.
"Is this what Cazador asked of you?" You whisper, biting the inside of your cheek. He doesn't answer, but his body language is enough.
"You do not need to put up an act for me, Astarion. You are worthy and enough as you are. I do not need you for your body." You see his eyes get misty, but the tears never fall. He doesn't answer, staying silent.
"Come here, please." You tell him, lying down and spreading your arms. His gaze leaves the ground and he looks at you, before nudging himself closer slowly. He lies next to you, still not touching you.
"May I hold your hand?" You ask him softly. You turn to look at his profile, but he does not meet your gaze. He nods. You take his cold hand in yours, linking your fingers.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. You shake your head.
"I do not want you to apologize to me." You tell him. He turns to you then.
"I... I almost..." He bites his lip, unable to finish his sentence.
"Listen to me, please-" You grip his hand tighter, thumb caressing the alabaster skin.
"You are hurting. You do not deserve this. You are surrounded by darkness. Your reaction... you were conditioned to act in such a way. Did you mean what you did?" He shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Then I will not hold it against you." He turns over, laying on his side to look at you. You turn as well, both facing one another and on your sides.
"You're too good for me." He whispers again.
"You're much more than what Cazador has made you believe you are. You aren't just a puppet. I am proof of that." You tell him. His other hand goes up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Let us just... lay here for awhile. Look at the stars. Enjoy the freedom we found." You right yourself, laying on your back. He mirrors you, laying on his back.
"This freedom will not last... not for me." He says after a long period of silence.
"I will make sure it will." He turns to look at you. You turn to him, gazing at his beautiful features.
"200 years of pure shit. I lost all hope in anything." He says to you. You squeeze his hand, fingers still linked.
"I will kill Cazador." You say simply. He laughs loudly, his whole body shaking at the intensity.
"You can certainly try, darling." You smile at him.
"We can do it, together. You do not have to carry your burdens on your own, Astarion." He nudges closer to you, his head leaning on your shoulder.
"I will think about it." That was enough for you. You hum in acceptance, before leaning your cheek against the crown of his head and enjoying the darkness together.
Suddenly, the world didn't feel so alone.
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Exploring Astarion's lore and storyline always hurts me, and I try to use it to better fulfill what I wish for him, which is growth and happiness. The scene I wrote which was noncon/dubcon is something I particularly found important to write about because I personally feel like Astarion would use sex as a coping mechanism, and is not used to people pushing him away. Abuse is a cycle, and throughout the game we see Astarion stuck in that cycle, and later on continue it (despite him thinking otherwise).
I think many people overlook the psychological layers to a character like Astarion. To write something that I feel is close to the character, I try to explore every aspect of their past and personality, especially the dark parts. I hope I was able to do so.
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limpfisted · 11 months
wyll as the resist urge designated companion would:
bury alfira’s body with you. you can earn several approval points from this, enough to make up for the disapproval u earn killing her in the first place (if u learned how to play an instrument from her, or u are a bard, u can get an extra special cutscene where u play her song again over her grave. if you don’t, you can choose to sing what you remember of her song, and wyll will sing with u. if u vhoose not to sing at all, wyll will simply sing the song alone.)
check in with you! every time u resist the urge, wyll can see it. he doesn’t always tell u he’s proud of u, but he does always insist you go hunting together afterwards. u dont get a cutscene after the first time, but when u go for a long rest—u have a full twenty extra camp supplies of meat, and a few extra potion ingredients from where wyll pointed out the beauty of the sword coast to you, and the bounty of the land
and finally:
after that hunting cutscene, wyll would admit to u he also has intrusive thoughts sometimes. killing is killing, blood is blood. violence doesn’t have to be evil, sometimes its even necessary. and you’re not evil for your thoughts, no more than he is for making his deal with mizora at all. it matters to him, that you mourn and respect the dead. it matters to him that you care, and you know when you want to do something wrong, and it matters even more that you don’t give into the urge anyway. it’s hard to be a good person, and it’s hard for him, too. he struggled, more than he wants to admit, choosing not to kill karlach. but he chose, and he doesn’t regret it. and he hopes you both keep choosing to do the right thing, even when it hurts.
it would be interesting also if he said that the voice that called him out to the cliffs that day to fight the cultists wasnt the first time he heard zariel’s voice. she tried dozens of times to corrupt him before, and after, and wyll fears sometimes she even suceeded. but the times she failed, and he triumphed, matter just as much.
and your reaction to your mistakes, the way you learn, the way you do better when u learn, the way you keep trying, every time u can, to do better. matters more than if u were perfect and never made mistakes at all
he would also call u out on ur shit tho. like bro. no. lmao, u really do have to resist the urge to gain approval, but u gain a LOT more resisting than anyone else
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murdertoothpick · 2 years
i'm taking this moment—
Silco x fem!Reader | w/c: 2070
Warnings: some jealously, oral (f receiving)/cunnilingus, fingering, closet sex, biting, 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: yes im back but no promises with what im back with. this has been in my drafts for ages. not fully proofread bc i just wanted to get it out there. for now have this.
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Your face hurts. Your body too—with the heavy dress weighing on your shoulders, and the scratchy faux jewels that embellish said dress—and your feet, strained in these god-awful heels that threaten you within an inch of your life every time you step forward. Fortunately for you, Silco has proven to be very effective in helping you maintain your balance by offering his arm for support, as well as being good company. Unfortunately, he seemed to have disappeared, and you're stuck talking to some topsider that doesn't care what a wink you say so long as you keep smiling and laughing with him. Yeah, your face hurts a lot.
And it doesn't help that this man has the most punchable face you've ever had the obvious displeasure of looking at.
Behave. Silco's reminder rings in your head. You're here so that he can keep good graces with the Piltovans—taking their greatness as his, and making sure that they do not intervene with his control in Zaun. So why is it that you're having the unpleasant conversations, batting your eyes at men who have far too much bravado for their brains to know what to do with. It's a surprise you haven't downed your entire glass of champagne yet.
'Say, what's a pretty girl like you hanging around sumprats for?'
You had forgotten that you also grew out your nails for this event. Your fist balls at your side, manicured fingertips digging into your skin as you refrain from yelling obscenities at this man and his audacity. You're appalled by his Piltovan-hubris and further baffled by the ignorance of this man - far too privileged to know that people cannot move to Piltover as they please, not that you would want to. But still, surely the council has more to offer than the man that doesn't seem to know the regulations he has a hand in approving.
Gritting your teeth behind a feigned smile, you respond. 'I'd hardly expect you to be a better company,' you joke, though there is no lie in your quip.
The man raises his arms in mock surrender, receiving your words the way you concealed them. He grins disgustingly, only emboldened by your attitude. 'Now there,' he laughs almost tauntingly, 'I only meant it as a compliment.'
That earns him an eye roll. 'Can't say the same,' you return, raising your glass to the jest and smiling into its narrow rim as you take a sip. But as you pull the drink away from your mouth and feel his fingers slide against yours around it, it takes everything in you to not smash the glass over his head.
Again, the audacity.
You don't protest as he takes the glass from your hands, but your mouth falls agape as he downs the rest of your drink and discards your cup. Is he expecting you to swoon at his bawdiness?
'What th—'
He offers his hand to you. You stare at it blankly. 'Let's start over. Salo, and you?'
—are about to tell him to shove his slimey fingers up his frivolous-looking a—
'Silco, charmed,' he interjects, an arm crossing the space in front of you to shake hands with your company. The other loops behind your back, squeezing your waist in a silent greeting. 'Darling,' he drawls, both eyes regarding Salo with no sign of impress or genuine intrigue towards your companion, 'You didn't tell me you've already made friends.'
'It's been a pleasure,' you retort coldly, not caring to stroke the man's ego any further than you apparently have.
Still, Salo doesn't get the hint and is rather emboldened by Silco's presence. 'Your lady has been keeping me very entertained,' he responds, a painfully obvious attempt to look you up-and-down paired with his words.
'Oh? Has she now?' Silco, smug as ever, raises his eyebrow at you, 'Have you been holding out on me, dear?'
You can feel your jaw clench under the pressure of the smile you are maintaining.
'Well, I—'
'I sure hope not,' Salo interjects, cutting you off rudely, 'Gods know how many men - or women! - I don't judge'—he winks at you and you roll your eyes when his returns to Silco—'are dying to get their hands on something like her.'
'You know, I really think we should get going,' you urge irritably, tugging at your date's sleeve. Your eyes meet his in a silent 'help me out here' and then widen to communicate a threatening urgency to him. As if to say that if you don't leave this instance, you will be dislodging your nails into Salo's eyes. Silco gets the message.
'I'm afraid she's right,' he smiles dashingly, eyes full of fondness. 'We have a little one at home,' he begins to apologise to Salo, excusing the both of you from the conversation and hopefully, the rest of the night.
'Nonsense!' he exclaims with a laugh, 'It was a pleasure mee—'
'Pleasure was all ours,' you rush, already pulling yourself and Silco away from that pretentious douche as fast as you can—not caring for your insincerity, not that Salo knew any better. Your feet scurry out of the ballroom, pulling you and Silco into an empty hallway.
'Darling,' he begins, 'Might I say—'
Silco grunts with the sudden impact of his back to the wall, the rest of his sentence morphing into a low groan with the way you push him backwards with forceful lips on his.
He entertains your eagerness for a moment, pushing back. 'C'mon darling,' he groans against you, mouth refusing to fully separate from yours. 'Let's get out of here.'
You're absolutely giddy with your ungraceful escape, hands snaking down to tug at Silco's belt with intent and refusal against his suggestion. 'Nuh-uh,' you chide, 'We can have fun right here.' Your hands fumble at his hips clumsily, as if you were teenagers both horny but unable to stop giggling.
‘Surely we can have fun in behind one of these doors,’ he suggests, knocking just to the side of the wall behind him, where there conveniently happens to be a door. ‘And look!’ he gasps dramatically, hand twisting around the handle, ‘It’s unlocked.’
You roll your eyes as he opens the door, walking past his outstretched arm in an exaggerated show of chivalry. 'We do this all the time at home,' you sigh, 'Can't we do something a bit more...indecent.' While you love the rendezvous you have with Silco at The Last Drop, this gala presents you with a fine opportunity to be naughty.
The door closes, prompting you to turn back to Silco as he makes use of its lock. When he faces you, his eyes narrow, capturing yours as he stalks over to you. He chuckles darkly.
'I'd be happy to defile you on every surface of this building—the whole fucking city—if you can prove to me you can be quiet.'
You inhale a steady breath as Silco lowers himself.
Ah. Only behind closed doors are you given the pleasure of seeing the Eye of Zaun drop to his knees so willingly. It's really a testament to your power over him.
He brushes slender fingers up your bare leg through the slit of your dress, your heart rate picking up against his unhurried movement towards your arousal.
'That pretty boy—What was his name?'
'Salo,' you grit, drawing in a shallow breath.
'Salo.' He tastes the name on his tongue, a bitterness in his tone. 'He's been gawking at you all night.'
'Hmm.' So he noticed.
His hand stops, too close to where you want him but not yet there.
'But he's not your type? Is he?' You shake your head at his question but he pushes on, not satisfied. 'Why not? He's pretty. Rich. Powerful—'
You scoff, cutting him off. 'He doesn't know power.'
He seems to be in agreement, though wants to hear more of your stance. The hand that presses against your thigh becomes a slight indication for you to continue as it remains unmoved.
And the timbre of that voice. Yeah, that too.
'He's arrogant. Salo holds no true power—none over Zaun or even Piltover. Rich, sure, but he's never worked for anything. He might have a pretty face—'
A pinch to your thigh, your leg jerks at the pressure.
'Careful,' Silco warns.
'But you...' you can't conceal your grin as you hold Silco's upwards-turned gaze, knowing that this is how you get what you want. 'You... are devilishly handsome...'
'Wicked girl,' he comments.
'Rich. Powerful. Striking. And you know what else?' He quirks a brow and you drop your voice, a smirk tugging at your lips. 'He could never satisfy me like you do.'
A beat of silence. You swear the temperature rises. And then—
It's the sound of your yelp that cuts through the air of the closed space as determined hands separate your legs, forcing one of them over his shoulder. The skirt of your dress parts with your thighs, allowing Silco closer access to where you need him as he comfortably settles in between them. While the change in pace has you startled, you are not complaining.
'Hush, darling,' he croons, splaying a hand over the exposed thigh resting languidly over his shoulder, 'we wouldn't want to be kicked out of this fancy party too soon, do we?'
Well, not before you get off.
'—Not before I get to defile you on every surface in here. Like I promised.'
Oh right. Definitely not before that.
You shake your head at him, pointedly not responding with a sound but instead grinding your hips in a silent plea.
'Patience, girl.'
And then he inhales. You shudder as his nose presses against your panties, earning him a whiff of your cunt as he balls the fabric of your dress in his long fingers.
'Please...' you whimper, though it's barely above a whisper.
He flattens his tongue along your still-clothed cunt, then presses harder, as if your panties weren't soaked already with your arousal alone. Salivating. Tasting you.
It's not enough. For you or him.
A forgotten hand of yours snakes itself through his hair, parting the gelled strands, mirroring your dishevelment. Then, a tug.
Again, a silent plead. Please.
A hum in return. Okay. A tug of your panties, then a snap against your skin. A contained yelp from you. A 'you asked for this' as he frees you of the scrap of fabric.
There is no teasing this time when he pounces on your cunt. No warning as two fingers breach your opening and slide in with ease. None as his tongue, wet and wanting, separates your folds, lapping at the arousal already spilling out of you, and you—despite his desperation matching yours—aren't allowed to make a single noise even as he groans shamelessly against you, indulging in your sex.
You try to stay quiet, you really do. But for every dart of his tongue, every push of his fingers, every grind of your hips against him, there is a gasp, a squeak, an apology to every tug on his previously elegantly styled hair.
A beg for more, more, more.
And he is the one to indulge you. To make you cum as his tongue finally latches onto your clit; grinding, pushing, sucking on the delicate bud. A sensitivity that makes your toes curl in those absurdly uncomfortable shoes, numbing you in a state of euphoria rather than the strain of Piltover's exhibitions.
The obscene noises caused by the man between your legs are more telling than your whimpers; those high-pitched noises becoming echoes of your suppressed moans. And the noises echo, unwavering almost as his tongue laps and laps again, pushes against your clit, between your folds, even teasing your entrance despite the two fingers slick with your arousal with every push against your walls. Pushing and pushing until you're falling over the edge, only able to stifle your moans by sinking your teeth into the flesh of your own arm.
Well, nothing you can't survive.
And even if you do make a sound, Silco will just have to punish you. In which neither of you are particularly averse to. Especially not with his promise to take you on every clean Piltovan surface, leaving his mark as the king of its underworld with his queen at his side. More likely, you under him.
If you thought the night was long before, it's about to get delightfully longer.
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bardic-perdita · 3 months
22 and 104, for all three of the fellas :>
I got a little carried away with the first impressions, but these were fun to answer!
22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...)
Alternate title: Act 1 Breoch is secretly a bitch
Breoch: “He’s very attractive and he knows it. Though he is not as good at flirting as he seems to think he is. If he thinks that merely offering me sex is enough to earn my favour, then I shall let him believe that he has the winning hand…for now.”
Shrike: “One of the most beautiful men I have ever seen, and the first person to truly appreciate my sense of humour.”
Zeke: “Does this man ever stop complaining?”
Breoch: “If he tries to wizardsplain the weave to me one more time, then I swear on my honour as eldest son of House V’ysse that I will pulp him into spider feed.”
Shrike: “The man looks pained and terrified, though I can’t understand why. I hope he knows that I have no intention of leaving him behind. There’s really no need for him to try so hard to impress me.”
Zeke: “I could listen to him talk all day and get lost in those beautiful brown eyes of his. I wonder if he knows that he’s already captivated my heart?”
Breoch: “An archdruid could be someone very useful to know. He’s dedicated to his duties, yes, but I can see the hunger in his eyes. He desires me (not that I can blame him), but I shan’t make it easy for him.”
Shrike: “He’s smart, kind, and hard-working. I bet he gives amazing hugs too.”
Zeke: “How did he get so big? Would he tell me his secret if I asked?”
Breoch: “A formidable woman. I’ve known matriarchs less dangerous than her. I’d best be on my guard.”
Shrike: “Now here is a true leader. I don’t know why, but I feel as though we can rely on her.”
Zeke: “Am I the only one that’s never heard of Jaheira? Famous or not, I really don’t appreciate being tangled up in vines before I have a chance to say hello.”
Breoch: “It’s rare to meet a friendly face. If Wyll is to be believed, then she may prove to be a most useful ally indeed.”
Shrike: “Being called ‘soldier’ by her seems to feel right, but I can’t think why. I’m looking forward to travelling with her and sharing a pint when this is all over.”
Zeke: “Another tiefling from the hells? I bet she’d have the latest news about the Blood War in Avernus. Though that might have to wait until we’ve fixed our tadpole problem.”
Breoch: “She seems to approve of my methods, though she doesn’t seem overly swayed by my attempts to charm her. Fortunately, handling powerful women who’d rather have my head than give me head is my speciality.”
Shrike: “Her mastery of the sword is unparalleled. I hope she will allow me to spar with her one day so that I may admire her skill up close. Oh, how I wish to slice open those limbs and fully appreciate the musculature behind her technique…wait, what?”
Zeke: “Why is she always scowling at me? Is it just at me or does she scowl at everyone?”
Breoch: “I’m sure my pet spider was harder to manipulate than this hunk of dumb muscle. If I have to spend another minute listening to his senseless ramblings, then that is a minute too many.”
Shrike: “The hamster intrigues me…how can it be both small and ferocious? I have much to learn from its wisdom.”
Zeke: “I wasn’t listening…is Boo the hamster or the man? I think Boo must be the man, and Minsc is the hamster? ...Minsc is adorable.”
Breoch: “Now this is the last place I expected to see a Baenre. Oh, isn’t this just delightful? How far she has fallen to need to rely on feral beasts and a jaluk mongrel from the most despised House in Menzoberranzan.”
Shrike: “Her very presence sets my teeth on edge. I will take great pleasure in painting these walls with her offal.”
Zeke: “This must be the drow Zevlor told us about. How dare she invade my mind without a second thought. She must be destroyed.”
Breoch: “Finally somebody that can appreciate the art of persuasion and deception. It’s clear that she doesn’t trust me, but that’s no matter. I require her loyalty, not her confidence.”
Shrike: “Having another healer on side will be useful. Her religious insignia is unfamiliar to me, and she seems unwilling to talk about it. It’s almost as if she remembers as much about herself as I do.”
Zeke: “I don’t think she likes me very much, though I don’t know why.”
Breoch: “Another naive hero. If he wishes to sacrifice himself for the greater good, then so be it. He’d better not expect me to follow.”
Shrike: “A virtuous man. It’s clear the tieflings respect him and I will do all I can on my honour as a paladin to support his endeavour.”
Zeke: “I can’t say for certain, but this man does have a whiff of the infernal about him. I can recognise an eldritch blast from a mile away. Why would he keep his warlock patron a secret?”
First impression of Esper (if their paths ever crossed)
Shrike: "What a fine assassin...are all bards as skilled with a blade?"
Breoch: "An intriguing companion, to say the least. Though I do wish they would stop looking at me like that, as if they're always seeking to correct or question me. Can they tell when I'm lying through my teeth?"
104. Who did your Tav romance? How did this romance develop throughout the game? What happened at the end?
I answered about their future in this post, so I'll just focus on the events within the timeline of the game here.
Both Shrike and Breoch romanced Astarion. Breoch’s pursuit of Astarion was more calculated as he realised that there was very little reason for Astarion to stay, so he endeavoured to become that reason. Besides, Astarion seemed like he’d be the best in bed out of all of the companions. It’s only after Astarion begins to open up about his past that Breoch understands the similarities between them– that he’s finally found somebody that knows how it feels to make oneself into an object of desire for survival. They go on a similar journey together as they have to learn how to ‘drop the mask’ as it were. It takes some time for Breoch to fully forgive himself, as everything bad that happened to him is as a result of his actions; he chose to manipulate and hurt people, and it eventually resulted in his downfall. Breoch learns to become comfortable with showing vulnerability and imperfection, and eventually even feels brave enough to express genuine love and affection without fear of endangering those closest to him.
(In the poly with Shrike, this process goes along with their accepting of their past and gives him another person to rely on. Breoch feels he needs to be ‘the brave one’ for Astarion’s sake, but Shrike refuses to let him take on that role alone. This is also helped when Shrike introduces Halsin into the relationship as he becomes more of a supportive figure for all three. This is also reciprocated by both Breoch and Shrike, who allow Halsin to be the one receiving support rather than the one solely responsible for leadership and guidance. Very much the embodiment of ‘get loved, losers. Get absolutely treasured’.)
Shrike, however, was fully taken in by Astarion’s charm and loved him sincerely from the start. Their thirst for vengeance for themselves and Astarion is what fuels them. They appreciate that Astarion never asks them to change or be a more palatable version of themself. Once they break their oath after meeting Gortash and realise their role in the Absolute plot, it is Astarion that helps them understand that they are not the monster their father wanted them to be. They also brought Halsin in as there was a strong attraction between them. They love both of them equally, and is considerate of Astarion’s anxieties due to his past.
Zeke romances Gale, and is very much a case of ‘dumb warlock bewitches highly intelligent wizard’. Compared to Gale who is slow to open up (understandably so), Zeke is an open book whose very being radiates with the intensity of the love he feels for Gale. He makes no secret of how much he cherishes him and how much he values Gale the man, rather than Archmage Gale of Waterdeep. Until Act 2, those two are pining to the point of annoyance for everyone else at camp. Once they finally do confess and act upon those feelings, they would be unbearable in a different way: always looking at each other with the dumbest lovesick expressions on their faces, using every opportunity to hold hands or kiss, and it’s all very tooth-achingly sweet.
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Paws and Spike
Bokuto Kōtarō, the enthusiastic ace of the Fukurōdani Academy volleyball team, had always been an outgoing and lovable guy. However, there was one little creature that seemed to defy his charm—your adorable, feisty cat.
Ever since you and Bokuto had started dating, you had hoped that your feline companion would warm up to him. But much to your amusement and Bokuto's dismay, your cat seemed to have taken an immediate disliking to him.
One evening, you invited Bokuto over to your apartment, hoping to spend some quality time together. As Bokuto stepped through the door, your cat, aptly named Whiskers, arched its back and hissed at him, causing Bokuto to take a step back in surprise.
"Oh, uh, hey there, Whiskers," Bokuto said cautiously, extending a hesitant hand towards the feline. Whiskers responded with a low growl and promptly scurried away, leaving Bokuto slightly dejected.
You chuckled softly, patting Bokuto's shoulder. "Don't worry, Bokuto. Whiskers is just a little stubborn. It might take some time for them to warm up to you."
Bokuto sighed, his bright eyes filled with determination. "I'll win Whiskers over, just you wait and see!"
And so, Bokuto embarked on a mission to win the affections of Whiskers. He spent hours researching cat behavior and even consulted with his teammates for advice. Armed with newfound knowledge, he approached Whiskers with caution and offered enticing treats. But each attempt only resulted in Whiskers batting them away and slinking off with a defiant flick of their tail.
Undeterred, Bokuto refused to give up. He decided to approach Whiskers with a different tactic. He sat on the floor, patiently waiting for the cat to approach him. Slowly but surely, Whiskers crept closer, their piercing gaze locked on Bokuto.
With a soft, gentle voice, Bokuto spoke soothingly to Whiskers, offering no sudden movements or gestures. Miraculously, Whiskers seemed to relax, inching closer until they were within arm's reach. Bokuto cautiously reached out, allowing Whiskers to sniff his hand.
To everyone's surprise, Whiskers leaned into Bokuto's touch, purring softly. Bokuto's face lit up with pure joy as he scratched Whiskers behind the ears, finally earning their approval.
You watched in awe as the once hostile relationship between Bokuto and Whiskers transformed into one of mutual affection. It became a common sight to see Bokuto playing with Whiskers, their bond growing stronger each day.
"I did it, (Y/N)! Whiskers finally likes me!" Bokuto exclaimed, beaming with pride.
You laughed, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm so proud of you, Bokuto. You really won Whiskers over with your determination and kindness."
Bokuto grinned, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "Just like how I'll never give up on you, (Y/N). I'll always work hard to make you happy too."
As you cuddled up with Bokuto and Whiskers, the room filled with a sense of contentment and love. Whiskers had found a place in both your hearts, reminding you that sometimes, the bonds we forge require a little patience, understanding, and a whole lot of determination.
a/n: whiskers is their child. the excitement is so bokuto lol.
the message was "could you write me a bokuto x reader story where the reader has a cat and they don't like bokuto?"
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Ok, I will try not to talk too much about this on here, since this blog isn't really about this type of content, but I need to nerd out to someone, none of my friends are into this, and this is my main blog, so here we go:
This is mostly just me needing out and gushing, though, lol.
Ok, ok, so for the past five days, I have been fucking binge playing this game. I literally spent the first day I got it sitting around for, like, seven hours (don't be me, and make sure to get up for breaks if you're gonna do the same thing). I was - and still am - absolutely hooked.
I LOVE this game!!! It's the first DnD based game I've played, especially of this quality (even though my laptop runs it like shit and the lag is killer ☠️). I'm playing on Explorer, so it's been fairly easy and very story-focused. I find the lore so intriguing, and I'm so interested in seeing where the story goes! I haven't seen anything past the camp party after saving Halsin, though, so no spoilers please. 🙏
So, I started off with one playthrough, but I came in with the knowledge that you are able to romance the characters and such. I REALLY wanted to romance Astarion (as most people I see talking about the game lmfao), but my bitch ass just could not get his approval, no matter how hard I tried. It got to the point where he actually made fun of me after we saved Halsin and had the camp party. 😭 I honestly suspect he might've glitched out somehow, since I had read online that people have had similar issues with earning the trust and approval of companions. This definitely bummed me out, but I was still enjoying the game a lot.
Along with that, in my original playthrough, I literally forgot to seek out Lae'zel. I had planned on doing it, but I just didn't know where to go, and by the time I had met Gale, I honestly forgot about finding her because I had to get offline at that point. 💀 I felt really bad about it, and I only went to go look for her after saving Halsin because I was reminded of her, and she had already broken out of the cage and killed the two tieflings who trapped her. I felt so bad that I just left her there on her own all that time. ☠️
After realizing that I wouldn't be able to recruit her until a bit later, I just decided to restart my playthrough on different save files. I figured I'd also at least get a proper chance with Astarion as well (love him so much; he is my meow meow 💕), and all while still playing as the character I took quite literally two hours to make (I was very indecisive about them lol).
So far, the new playthrough has been going very well, and I'm actually pretty happy that I restarted, since I had also apparently missed the scene of Astarion sharing his vampiric nature as well as some very key information from, and about, Lae'zel. I'm only about seven hours in right now, but I feel like I've somehow gotten more done in this playthrough than I did in my original which had something like fifteen hours. I've explored places I didn't even realize existed, picked up a ridiculous amount of loot, and even acquired all the companion characters that I know of in the First Act. It's been extremely successful! Not to mention things with Astarion are going very well. 🥰
Anyway, I've been enjoying this game a lot! This is my first ever time playing it; I didn't have Early Access and hadn't even heard of it until my friend told me about it this past Sunday lol. I'm honestly really glad that I got this game, despite the price of it and the price I had to pay for a new storage drive for my laptop in order to run it. It was certainly lots of money spent, but it was definitely money well spent.
I feel like my perspective on the world around me has changed slightly from playing this game (in a positive way). I feel a lot more curious about things than before, and I'm more inclined to take spontaneous risks which has always been a struggle for me beforehand. I also kind of feel like I can talk to other people a lot easier as well, as strange as that sounds. I play a Bard in the game, so my character has high charisma and stops to talk to other characters a lot, and I'm not really sure why, but seeing my character interact so easily with others has kind of inspired me in a way and helped to make social situations a lot more comfortable for me (I have social anxiety, so talking to people has always been pretty tough). As unusual as it may sound, this game has already changed me in such positive ways as a person, and I can't wait to see what other lessons it may have to teach. ☺️
All of that said, I couldn't recommend Baldur's Gate 3 more! It's genuinely one of those games that I think anyone can pretty much enjoy, and I also appreciate how inclusive it is with gender stuff and queer relationships. The other characters even refer to me with the correct pronouns, despite me never needing to enter my pronouns in! It's a very impressive game, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous (especially when your laptop isn't absolute shit like mine lmao). Frankly, it's just great!
Of course, being so new, it does have its problems. I've personally experienced lots of lag issues - dialogue and animations won't be in sync, characters taking a long time to go from one location to another, environments not loading in very quickly, etc. I've also had the game crash on me a few times, but I honestly believe it's more related to my laptop than it is to the game, and for the most part, it hasn't caused me too much grief.
Despite its flaws, I personally believe this game is very much worth a play. It's loads of fun, and the characters are pretty charming and entertaining. The storyline is interesting with lots of twists and turns, and if you ever get bored of the mainline quest, there are literally endless sidequests for you to enjoy. Exploration is highly encouraged, and as you explore the realm, your map actually reveals the locations you've been to. Fast travel is also a super great feature, although there are some locations I wish that were on there that aren't, sadly.
Ok, I've...talked a lot, so I'm going to stop now. 😂 Thank you to anyone who actually read all this, and I hope you have fun playing or watching someone else play, if you plan on doing either! Take care. 🧡🪽
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purgetrooperfox · 7 months
yeehaw ask game moment 🌀🌤️❄️
[wip ask game]
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
not a summary I'd actually put on the fic itself but I'm working on one that's centered around Gale getting snatched by Orin. Astarion's pov, bloodweave undertones (and overtones. tones in general tbh) of the Astarion-can-no-longer-deny-how-much-he-cares variety, Gale whump, headbutting trauma, aftermath hurt/comfort, all that good stuff. I'm insane about it and I really hope I can get it cleaned up enough to post 😭
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
At times, typically in the night, after most of the camp has retired, his mask drops and Astarion is gifted with a look at the man behind the illusion. When he isn't rambling on about theories of magic or regaling their merry band with tales of Waterdeep, or his beloved tressym, or his allegedly wild youth, Gale watches. His gaze is sharp, analytical, like it seeks to see through his companions' armor and down to their squishy underbellies. He wants to know what makes them tick, what makes them laugh, what earns their approval, what pulls them in or pushes them away. 
Like recognizes like, and Astarion recognizes Gale. He knows the look of someone hiding, afraid of being found out. Of a secret that could change everything. He knows the look of someone working tirelessly to become needed. Indispensable. A thing to protect. 
But above all, more intimately than he knows anything else, Astarion knows hunger. Alone at the fire, clutching his elbows, gaze trained on their darling leader's tent, Gale is a man starving. 
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
(realizing rn that I have all these bg3 drafts but very little dialog, which is Not like me lmaoooo star war it is. will put this under a break so post isn't stupid long)
"Echo," Nocte cuts him off, finally redirecting his attention from his screen to Echo's face. "Can it wait? I'm almost off shift, I'm sure someone else–"
"I wanted to request access to Fives' autopsy report," he blurts all at once in a jumbled rush.
And Nocte stares at him, face unreadable, for a moment that seems to stretch out long between them. His expression doesn't so much as twitch and the drumming of his fingers freezes. “Why?”
“He was my brother."
“I'm your brother. Why?”
He carefully doesn't purse lips. “He was my brother and he died.”
“We're at war,” Nocte's voice is sharp, almost a warning, “and he was a soldier.”
It's more resistance than Echo expected, two appeals more than he thought would be necessary. While Nocte has a reputation for many things – questionable bedside manner, gruff demeanor, variable patience – callousness isn't one of them. The family card should have worked. “Haven't you lost anyone you cared about in all this?”
Barely there, his expression tightens. “Watch yourself, lieutenant.”
“I thought you'd understand,” Echo snaps before he can stop himself. “I thought–”
“Echo.” He doesn't raise his voice because he doesn't have to. “Stop, before you say something you'll regret, and tell me why.”
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helenawa-art · 1 year
what is bg about all I know is that it's a game and I think you can fuck a vampire which makes it a 10/10 imo
Oh my god tia. You have no idea what you just asked me I'm gonna make a read more cause. Yeah. Sorry in advance for the wall of text 🙏
Okay so bg3 is a dnd type of game and I don't know much about those types of games cause this is my first time I'm playing one but okay the plot is basically: your character wakes up and is on a strange nautiloid and there are mind flayers that are basically like the enemy right and they're like let's put a tadpole inside this bitch brains so!! Your character has a mind flayer tadpole in their brain which is supposed to make you turn into one so the plot goes around how your character needs to find a cure for that. And get to baldur's gate which is a real place in the game lol
BUT that's just the beginning of it all cause there is soooo much story and so many characters and so many. Everything that is hard to sum up so.
There are multiple fantastic races and classes that you can choose to make your character and they're all really cool! If you wanna know, my character is a tiefling so she's half fire resistant and she's an assassin rogue cause I just adore playing as a rogue fr. The battle system is like goes with turns and yeah well pretty boring to explain but it's actually funnnnn.
I'm gonna talk about my favorite favorite part of this game that is the companions!!! So turns out you're not the only one who has the tadpole right and as the story flows you will meet other people with the same issue than you and you can have them in your party. As you complete their missions and interact with them you will earn their approval!!!!! Which is soooo cool to me. But you can also fuck it up and earn disapproval. You can also romance them if you have your approval high enough and want to!
Anyways, YES you can fuck the vampire his name is astarion and he's my companion he was originally a rogue but I needed to be the center of attention so I changed his class 😌 he's a little bitch I'm ngl but I'm surprised of how deep his character arc is! Cause at first he's like kind of flirty and just sarcastic and I was like nicee but then it was more and I'm like. NICEEE 😢. Sad sad vampire... I feel bad for you. I love him, a tragic vampire... He was really made for me truly
Anyways I could spend days talking about each of the companions cause I love almost all of them... With the exception of one and is just cause I'm kinda petty but yk. YEAH. sorry this was sooooo fucking long none of my friends really care about dnd games and I've been itching to talk about this with someone so thank you for asking 🤧🤧🤧 I'm gonna end this ask with a picture of astarion and another of karlach that will be my companion in my next run cause I love her!!!!!!!!
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 9 months
@thatndginger This ask you sent me back in November (mea culpa) was sitting in my drafts. But since it no longer seems possible to edit a reply to an ask (?), I had to start fresh.
Original Ask: Happy STS! I might be bearing my own secrets a little here, but oh well! Your characters are playing a dating game, which archetype are they going for? (ie: the arrogant one, the cold one, the childhood friend, the older man, the shy one, the flirt, etc)
Fortunately for us, Dorian is as much an expert on dating games as they are vampires and dinosaurs. They graciously compiled the data for us in their observation notes while traveling with their companions
Test Subject #1: Isaac Soto
Little to no prior experience with material in question
Self-reported type: Claims he doesn't have one
Game Selected: Love, Me
Subject initially very grumpy and reluctant to play. Finally agreed after I batted my eyes teehee 💜
Took nearly 20 minutes deciding which character to spend personal time with when first prompted
Went with the Shy, Quiet Type who only opens up after earning her trust (recognition of the self? working out personal issues through fiction? just trying to throw me off bc I'm watching?)
Played through that storyline and got happy, romantic ending. Subject expressed general satisfaction and was amenable to a second try
Went with the Playboy who's secretly deeper than he appears and craves love (going to the other extreme? unconscious desires?)
Subject sarcastically expresses doubt and scorn about Playboy's every action. Not unlike with a Certain Someone irl 😏
Subject grew increasingly more flustered and annoyed as Playboy showed more facets and genuine feelings
Subject very quiet and went to bed after getting happy and romantic ending. Has been still and silent but not actually sleeping for the past half hour
Test Subject #2: Kinslayer
Claims extensive knowledge of material in question
Self-reported type: "Gothic novel protagonist" or "anyone with a heart that continues to beat despite how easily it bleeds"
Game selected: Monster Wife
Judging from the amount of tentacles involved in the game design, I may have made a grave miscalculation here
Subject has kindly offered to let me know when to avert my eyes. However, I will remain vigilant. For science 🫣
Went with Tsundere Type werewolf (identity crisis? repressed emotion? just likes brawny women? <- relatable)
Surprising amount of story layered between the heaving bosoms and horny cutscenes
Subject makes game and gift choices which net high approval every time
Image feed flickered several times during more emotional scenes. Subject apologized off-handedly. Said they'd been "tasting the story", which can interfere with electronics (???)
Subject achieved happy and rather explicit ending. Asked whether I had learned anything
I deflected by suggesting we go out for pancakes, which was accepted
Subject #3: Renato Faria Dimas
Has heard of subject matter but has no experience with it
Self-reported type: Self-destructive and/or tragic heroes
Game selected: Wine x Blood x Roses
Subject very amused by the vampire theme
Despite stated preferences, subject is romancing Unassuming Girl with Glasses. Claims it's bc she stood out from the rest of the brooding/seductive characters (protective streak? desire to corrupt? being honest about his feelings for once?)
Unassuming type is indeed quite interesting. Not shy per se, but with a disarming cheer, and keeps avoiding talking about her history
Subject obviously intrigued despite his jokes about how she must secretly be evil. Gives no sign if he's noticed he uses the same cheery tone as her while doing this
Turns out Unassuming is much older than the other vampires, and she killed a lot of people in the past. She's slowly turned around, though, making a quiet life for herself among books and studying nature
Subject did not have any quips for these revelations
Same during the points where Unassuming questions whether she even deserves peace after all she's done
Subject repeatedly chose responses that reassured Unassuming that she's not a monster deep down and that people can change and learn from mistakes
Happy, platonic ending achieved
Subject thanked me for showing him the game despite his haunted stare. Quietly slunk off to brood somewhere for awhile before I could figure out how to get him and Subject 1 to just talk already
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blindshoot · 1 year
How do they advise the player character on Raphael? Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with?
Dareth has a general disapproval around making deals with things, especially if it's the devil himself. He is immediately disgruntled at the sight of Raph when he first shows up to taunt the group. He also hates Ethel and Mizora &lt;3
[ during Raphael's encounter ]
Dareth: Poetic riddles get you nowhere and neither will this man. Tell him to shove off.
[ after bringing Tav back from House of Hope ]
Dareth: If you are considering a deal with this Devil then I can see you only as weak. There is never any need to make deals such as these.
( if Tav responds with something along the lines of 'I'm not' ) Dareth: Good. I do not wander with idiots. / Dareth approves.
( if Tav responds with 'Maybe I am/It could be useful' ) Dareth: Those who seek the quickest end will surely find it. / Dareth disapproves.
Dareth doesn't care who you spend the night with because what you seek pleasure in is your own business as he expects you to treat him with a similar amount of respect. He does have little quippy comments though, we love a gossip queen sometimes! These are not full romance dialogues (I absolutely would write out a whole chain of dialogue for him) but just the comments he makes at the tiefling party
on astarion. Dareth: I see it is more than his teeth that have sunk into you. on shadowheart. Dareth: You would do well to treat her with kindness, souls as haunted as that crave what they don't know.
on lae'zel. Dareth: If she does not break you like a twig you will have earned my respect.
on wyll. Dareth: I saw you talking with Wyll. That is perhaps the first time I have seen his face light up in some way since what had happened with Karlach.
on karlach. Dareth: It would perhaps be more efficient to toss yourself into the firepit.
on gale. Dareth: I would not bring any magic attire if I were you.
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artilaz · 7 months
if Tristan were a companion what would his romance route be like?
Okay I can't really say anything about what kinda quests or w/e you'd have to do to romance him, but I can definitely tell you about what he's like and how he'd act and react to your decisions. So here goes:
Tristan is a genuinely good guy without a hint of a mean streak in him. He's kind, compassionate, and willing to give almost everyone a chance, and displaying similar traits is the easiest way to gain approval with him. Helping others without the expectation of a reward, supporting those around you, and showing mercy to those who wronged you are high up on his list, whereas any kind of cruelty will earn you a stern talking to from him, and if you overdo it, it'll cause him to leave your party.
He also wears his heart on his sleeve, so if he likes you, he'll let you know. He'll never flirt with you if he doesn't mean it at least a little seriously, and he doesn't like it when people do it to others. A little mutual play flirt is one thing, but getting someone's hopes up just to crush them by telling them you weren't actually serious is something he's not going to react kindly to.
He's got a huge romantic streak, so his romance has the potential to be absolutely sickly sweet. Ever since he was a kid, he's (semi-)secretly dreamed of being swept off his feet by his very own fairytale prince. His previous lover, of whom he'd thought he was The One, however, left him in a very sudden and cruel way, and now his broken heart is giving him a hard time truly letting someone into it again. He's an optomistic person at the same time though, so he wants to believe there might still be a chance for love for him out there.
Tristan is a ride or die kind of guy, so if you actually manage to win his heart, he'll be fully invested in you. One of his love languages is engaging in things you enjoy, to the point where he'll literally learn new skills for you, even if he's never been into them before the relationship, because he thrives off of your happiness.
If you're in a relationship with him, he'll actually let you get away with an array of less than kind behaviour, since his trauma has made his sense of self-worth suffer severely, making him believe he wasn't good enough to stick with. There are, however, a few things that'll make him break up with you immediately, including but not limited to cheating, or him finding out you were only using him, even if you did develop genuine feelings later on.
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Sure I asking some questions!
How is your favorite companion?
What weapon does Liz like to use?
Can we say collectively all hate yum yum deviled eggs.
Can I draw your character? :)
(Sorry if I annoy you, just want to help out :} )
I'm assuming you're asking "who" not "how" because even I dont know how they are all the time.
For Fallout 4 I find it difficult to play favorites with just one. So here's top 3:
Deacon for his humor and insight
MacCready mainly because he's my main romance choice and his dumb laugh is super cute sometimes
X6-88 or Xavier as I call him because he somewhat has earned my approval and he seemed to care at some deep level. Dont get me wrong, I dont like the institute and go minutemen route, but X6 is not all bad.
New Vegas has me tripped up on Boone and Gannon.
Lizz uses a modified short combat shotgun (Also known as the A-20) with a calibrated powerful reciever, Long ported/shielded barrel, Marksman's Stock, medium quick eject mag, and a Muzzle brake. I named it.
Not a fan of Yum Yum deviled eggs mainly because what kind of person puts their deviled eggs in a box? A cardboard box none the less. That stuff is messy.
You can draw Lizz if you want. I dont mind. Oh and dont worry about bothering me, this means a lot. I need more things to keep me busy and all due to some real life problems and it's nice to be able to focus on other things.
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