#he has his daughter but his wife died
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lyxchen · 26 days ago
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year ago
TotK DLC idea!
The screen is black. You don’t hear anything for a long time. Then, faintly, in the distance, you can hear it.
Link. Link. Open your eyes.
While the line echoes familiarity, the voice does not.
Or. Well. It does. Because while it isn’t Zelda, it’s a familiar man’s voice speaking gently, so gently you almost don’t recognize it because there’s no way he ever spoke like this in the main game.
But he is now. And instead of a golden light being the first image you see before the screen shows Link awakening
 you see gloom floating in the air. The image cuts to a Hylian waking up who
 doesn’t look like Link from TotK?? He’s different, still small in stature, with slightly tanner skin, platinum light blonde hair, and red eyes. But
 something’s wrong with his forehead. There’s a weird line on it.
This new character you apparently are gonna be playing in the DLC blearily blinks his eyes open, clearly groggy and too weak to really move. But then that line on his forehead moves a hair, it splits apart, and you realize it’s a freaking eye, red and yellow and it’s like the ones on gloom hands and oh gosh what the hell is it doing on his forehead—
Link realizes something is off and his eyes blow wide, his hands reach for his forehead and he screams in agony and terror, only for someone to scoop him into a hug to soothe him.
And suddenly you realize why that voice was eerily familiar.
It’s Ganondorf. He resurrected you from the era of the Imprisoning War. You, who have a history with him and his family. You, who he wants to protect, who he views as his kid, who he calls a prince and says he’ll keep you safe by controlling your body with his dark magic if he has to.
Welcome to Tears of the Kingdom: Hero’s Shadow.
You have to play a long gone Hero who was resurrected. Ganondorf, who is still recovering his strength in preparation for killing the current Hero, tasks you with finding your betrothed, his daughter, as well as his wife. They’re buried somewhere in the Depths like you were. He wants you to find their burial sites so he can use his secret stone to resurrect them like he did you, and control them as well. Which is doubly bad when you realize his wife was the original Sage of Lightning. He gives you free reign to wander once you go through a tutorial (he tests you to see if you’ve recovered enough strength), because he knows you love wandering and collecting things. Your own personal objective, however, is trying to help Hyrule from the Depths, to break free from Ganondorf’s control, because Link would rather set himself on fire than let Ganondorf resurrect and control the love of his life and his mother-in-law. Your best hope is to find shards of the shattered Master Sword to try and stab the eye on Dark Link’s forehead and break the control Ganondorf has on you. Until you can, though, the monsters are your allies, you can teleport across the Depths by manifesting out of the gloom created by gloom hands (just like what Phantom Ganon does), and the world below is your oyster. If you get too close to sword shards when gloom hands are nearby, Ganondorf can see your attempt and immediately takes control of your body, and no matter what button you press Link just walks back to Ganondorf’s location and stays there until you get a chance to try again.
You start with three hearts, all empty looking like when gloom hurts you, and if you get injured they just shatter. Whenever they all shatter, you respawn at Ganondorf’s location because his gloom hands came and rescued you from dying. The only way you can get more hearts is by collecting poes and offering them to the statues in the Depths. You can communicate with the spirits of soldiers, who may give you combat tips or info about the area. If you gain enough of Ganondorf’s trust, he’ll let you command monsters, and he might even let you wander the Surface (under his supervision) during a blood moon.
You learn of Link’s and Ganondorf’s history through discovering ancient relics/texts that trigger memories. This connection between you and Ganondorf stems back to time before the war, well over ten thousand years ago. Link was engaged to Ganondorf’s daughter, but during the Imprisoning War the family fought against the demon king. Ganondorf did love his family, but he loved power more. Link sacrificed himself, letting himself get mortally wounded to save Rauru from a killing blow. Gan held him as he died, and it allowed Link to both beg him to stop and stab him in the heart with a light shard. The shard didn’t kill him, but it was what Rauru connected with when he hit him in the chest, allowing him to seal Ganondorf away. Ganondorf still wants the world, but his love for his family is still present, though now twisted, so he thinks he can control Link and everyone else with his dark magic in order to keep them safe and in line. Once the threat of the current Hero is eliminated, the world will be his, and his family will be safe. As such, he treats you, Link, the player, like a stubborn child, reeling you in, but does so in a horrific way, torturing Link by controlling him.
You have to break free of this and stop him, and the only hope you have is the distant call of a sword spirit

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randomnameless · 23 days ago
didn't heroes say rhea turns fallen when she despairs because she will never see sothis again?
Heroes did!
Just like that weird "call me by name call me immaculate one plz" thing that makes Nopes' Sothis exchange with Flayn completely nonsensical, the "Rhea became berserk because she despaired and felt like Sothis would never return" felt like a quick fix-it made with adhesive tape and the contents of a gummy bear.
Like, this doesn't explain why Rhea doesn't become red in VW.
And you won't make me believe that she wasn't despairing the hell out of it after witnessing Zanado and being its lone survivor, nor after seeing whatever remained of Sothis after Nemesis deboned her.
We can make a point about her being more "angry" than desperate, same as in CF when Seteth'n'Flayn kick the bucket - even if her mental state's pretty low and precarious at this point - but then, VW still stands, as in, Rhea realises after eating missiles and "zumba'ing for 5 years in Enbarr's finest 5 stars resort" that her Mother never gave a flying fuck about the remaining Nabateans, or her role as the Goddess, and yet, she doesn't become red.
(Hell, you can even make a point that it's Billy who wants to save her, and went out of their way to "try to help" her during GM's assault, not Worst Mom!)
Seteth mentions in SS' finale that he already saw her red (but not in her second "red with vines" form!) and she managed to return to normal, so it's just...
As Seiros the Warrior, she despaired - but not too much - a bit and turned Red, but Cichol and the other Saints where here to make her snap out of it? But somehow, they cannot in SS and Seteth straight out says Billy has to kill her, even if, when he says this, she hasn't turned in her second form yet, aka, she's as red as she was during her Seiros the Warrior days?
Frankly IDK, and given how this route was the one that apparently was written first and served as a basis for the rest of the game, well, idk what to tell you anon.
It is frustrating, but as in "welp Tellius' writers wrote something and its contrary in the same game!" but more as in "they had to cook in the microwave a watsonian reason to explain why this final boss exists", and FEH just added 30 seconds.
Sure it's enough to make your gummy bear melt, but honestly, who's going to be satisfied with that?
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athinginmotion · 6 months ago
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Smiling women and girls in art history
MĂšre Poussepin Seated at a Table, Gwen John, oil on canvas, 1915-20
Portrait of the Artist’s Sisters Playing Chess, Sofonisba Anguissola, oil on canvas, 1555
Portrait of a Young Woman, Frans Hals, oil on canvas, 1655
Portrait of Isabella Brandt, chalk on paper, Peter Paul Rubens, 1620
Self-Portrait with a Camellia Branch, Paula Modersohn-Becker, oil on canvas, 1907
Self-Portrait with her Daughter, Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, oil on canvas, 1786
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maegalkarven · 11 months ago
A future fic carcass I'll write when I write (after I finish 9 ungoing fics)
King Viserys dies at the wedding celebration of his daughter, Crown Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
No one else does.
I am a firm believer Otto and Viserys are the rot on the face of the House of the Dragon and without these two everything would be fine-ish.
Unfortunately, we need Vissy T for his kids to be born, so Viserys dies soon after Aemond is conceived. Sorry, Daeron, not this time.
Joffrey doesn't die because he doesn't manage to provoke Criston before the king dies.
Rhaenyra overrules his father's decision and marries Harwin Strong.
Their son Jacaerys Targaryen is the heir to the throne, Lucerys Targaryen is the heir to Harrenhal.
Daemon marries Laena and lives at Dragonstone (Rhaenyra grants him that), their firstborn is the heir of Driftmark.
Laenor joins the Queensguard and is sent to Dragonstone to protect Prince Daemon (ha) and his future heirs.
Criston Cole becomes the Commander of City Watch while still retaining his white cloak (what? He did it in canon, can do it here).
Rhaenyra removes Tyland Lannister as the master of ships and appoints Corlys Velaryon (back).
When Baela and Rhaena are born, it is decided to betroth Prince Aegon and Lady Baela, making him future lord-consort of Driftmark (and successfully removing him out of succession of the iron throne).
When Jace is born, his and Helaena's betrothal is announced.
Baelon is born without an issue and the royal family meets at the celebration on Dragonstone, where Aemond claims Cannibal and loses an eye in the process.
(Kinslayer, everyone. It fits).
Afterwards Luke is sent as a ward to Harrenhal with his father. A huge ass scene ensures there Luke clings to Aemond and refuses to go.
Aegon makes a greasy comment and gets punched.
Both Aegon and Baela are sent as wards to Driftmark.
Lucerys still leaves.
Harrenhal doesn't burn bc even if Larys kills Harwin and Luke, there's still Lyonel and Joffrey in the equation. Lyonel keeps serving Queen Rhaenyra as her Hand.
Years later the royal family meets at the wedding celebration of Baela and Aegon, where Luke and Aemond behave very much like Rhaenyra and Daemon at Rhaenyra's not happened wedding.
Rhaenyra and Alicent clutch at their pearls, Rhaenyra suggests father died because of seeing something like that.
Daemon asks if she implies they killed Viserys, then asks where is Baelon.
Laena replies Baelon is playing knights with Joffrey.
Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong (no) have three more children, Aegon, Viserys and Visenya, all silver-haired like their mother (her uncle).
Laena is fine with it, they have a poly. Laena doesn't have more children because Baelon's birth was a ghasty one.
Baelon claims the Grey Ghost.
Otto is never called back to the capital because (suprise!) Rhaenyra didn't rush to kill her 3 y.o brother or the other one who was born after Viserys' death. Instead she marries Aegon off so he's no threat.
Aemond eventually joins the Queensguard and is appointed to the future lord of Harenhall.
Lucerys refuses to marry and appoints his brother Viserys as his heir, who marries Visenya. They have a very good life in Harrenhal.
The reason Luke skips over Joffrey is because Joffrey is always at the sea (with Baelon), and Aegon the Younger is bethrothed to Baela and Aegon the Elder' firstborn, Laena.
Everyone lives happily ever after, Otto gets to be the head of the house Hightower after he successfully plots against his own kin, since his blood is secured on the throne, if in unconventional for him way.
He once tried to manipulate Aegon, but was cut off sharply by Rhaenys and Corlys, who kind of adopted the boy as theirs.
Aegon enjoys wandering about Essos very much, he, of course, whores around, but he and Baela have an agreement. One of Baela's children is born from Alyn of Hull, but no one is any wiser, since everyone just thinks the child looks like her.
Jacaerys and Helaena have three kids, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and then Maelor.
Jaehaera is oldest and so is the heir.
Oh, and Rhaena is happily married to Corwyn Cobray. They have a daughter, Rhaenys.
#hotd#hotd au#queen rhaenyra#hotd fanfic#fuck viserys#i will write it one day bc i have such a vivid image of the scenes such as: viserys' death. rhaenyra overruling her father's decision#explaining it and trying to mediate it so Corlys wouldn't start another war#'i thought it was in the tradition for the king or queen to marry their hand's child'#the greens' FACES at that#rhaenyra gathering Laenor and his entire fam and suggesting queensguard#“but then he won't be able to wed a woman. have a family-”#-exactly *Rhaenyra and Laenor lock gases. she nods. he nods.* -i accept#Aemond just fucking WANDERING AWAY TO CLAIM THE SCARIEST ASS DRAGON THAT IS THERE#the total panic then Laenor finds him and brings back with EYE LESS. (he almost got to the castle but fainted mid way)#corlys trying to push for baelon as the heir and laena&rhaenys being: “NO”#the unspoken kinship in the house of whoring around. Harwin being like “i support my wife's wrongs” and loving egg vis and visenya as his#NO ONE KNOWING THEY'RE NOT HIS. LIKE LEGIT THEY COULD BE HIS OR HARWIN'S. EVEN RHARNYRA DOESN'T KNOW#aegon living his best life as a sailor and explorer#Aemond looking at Laenor and being like “i can do that too”#laenor living THE BEST LIFE by his sis and her husband/his friend's side. and Joffrey is ALIVE#criston eventually getting over himself and accepting that Rhaenyra indeed couldn't run away with him#like imagine if they run away and then vissy t died#whoops i guess#also i just realized i accidentally made it so that Harrenhal is eventually ruled not by Strongs but Daemon's kids#lmao i guess#They are Targaryens (tm) your honor#the amount of dragons they're about to have...like harrenhal has 4 just with luke aemond and visx2#Dragonstone has 3 even if all kids scatter about#cobrays have 2 (Rhaena's and her daughters)#driftmark has at least 3 and then Laena is born and its 4
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willowcrowned · 1 year ago
it’s actually wildly funny that amethar’s epithet came about because he was the only person in his family not horrifically murdered. imagine if every single one of your relatives got stabbed and from that point on everyone called you “johnny no-stabs." that’s amethar’s life
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cherrybudgie · 2 years ago
A quick reminder you should take a nap. 😮
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milflewis · 9 months ago
went for a run this morning and met this gorgeous sheepdog whose owner was this old man that ended up telling me pretty much his entire life story as i threw a sliotar for his dog. it was a little bit sad and a little bit lovely and i did just want to keep running but you know he was clearly lonely and not talking to old people that just want a ten minute chat is like not smiling at babies you see on the street so
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invisiblegarabgetruck · 2 years ago
Do you think Hermit Jerry has PTSD?
I do think he does.
like, look at the dark circles under his eyes. he probably hadn't had a good sleep for days.
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also, I noticed not only the signs of lack of sleep, if you compare him to his S3-self, Hermit Jerry, is a lot smaller than himself in S3E1. so I think he's physically weaker and hasn't been taking care of his body much.
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there is also when Morty first finds his camp and it was quite far away from the house. avoiding the place that would remind him of his family (and since Beth and Summer likely died at the house, I could see why)
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He only returns to the house when he met Morty. but then he quickly abandons Morty and the house to Isolate himself again.
and other things like being on guard all the time. acting aggressively (even toward Morty)
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(off topic but Chris Parnell is such a good VA)
though most of this is just my thoughts
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ameliathefatcat · 6 months ago
Here are my headcanons for the names of the some of Fireman Sam characters parents
Sam and Charlie- Julius Jones and Gwendolen ‘Gwen’ Jones (nee Peyton)
Penny- Allan ‘Al’ Morris and Patricia ‘Pattie’ Morris
Mike- Adam Flood and Mara Flood
Jodie and Ellie- Lawrence Phillips and Beatrice Phillips
Krystyna- Oskar Kaminski and Maria Kaminski. [Stepmother] Nancy Kaminski
Helen and Malcolm- Marvin Williams and Harriet ‘Hallie’ Williams
Moose- Jonathan ‘Jon’ Roberts and Barbara ‘Barb’ Roberts (nee Levine)
Dilys Price- Stanley Price and Martha Price
Bronwyn Jones (nee Griffiths)- Gareth Griffiths and Sarah Griffiths
#fireman sam#Sarah is named after both of her grandmother since both Sarah Griffiths and Gwen Jones passed away before the twins were born#the parents who have passed away are Gwen Jones Sarah Griffiths Adam and Mara Flood and Maria Kaminski#haven’t decided the fate of Stanley and Martha Price yet 😈#Mara passed away from breast cancer when Mike was pretty young so Adam raised him on his own#Adam passed away unexpectedly right before Mandy was born#Maria died of an terminal illness when Krystyna was still young around the age of 10-12#Gwen died not long after Charlie and Bronwyn’s weddings#Sarah Griffiths passed away when Bronwyn in uni#yes I know that Moose’s mother has the same name as Barbie but I wanted to give her the most generic Jewish mom name#why does it feel like there might be a Barbara Levine at my shul since it feels like such a generic name#Hallie is also a nurse Helen became a nurse just like her mother#Hallie wants Mandy to become a nurse because than she’ll be the third generation of nurses in the family#Julius is spending his senior years traveling since Gwen always wanted to see the world but never got the chance to#oskar is a total pos his actions include:#cheating on his dying wife (Maria) moving to a different country while his teenage daughter (Krystyna) is at boarding school#he’s the reason why Krystyna and Peter have a lot of half siblings#Krystyna hates her father she has no problem with her stepmother#Oskar’s actions is one of the reasons Why Krystyna has custody of Peter
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fideidefenswhore · 9 months ago
re: that last quote, i feel like there is this predominant take that the boleyn downfall was inevitable in one guise or another, always, due to anne's unpopularity specifically, which i feel like underrates...that her unpopularity, as it were (at least, outside of court) seems to have...for lack of a better word...plateaued? by that year.
#im sure it reached a spike in the aftermath of fisher and more's and the carthusians' executions#and yet at the same time her progress with henry that year was considered very successful; and has been so by historians as well#coa had died and so her adherents focused their efforts on promoting the interests of her daughter#and the legitimacy of more questionable marriages had been grudgingly accepted in similar circumstances; historically ; before this#(ie; yes there would always be some that would assert theirs was illegitimate because it took place when coa was alive#but they had what many canonists and lawyers would have considered a common law marriage by that point for years#and coa was no longer. so.#retroactive legitimacy is kind of a thing; again depending on who judges it ; of course#but the reason henry's annulment was not granted in the final judgement#was that he had lived with her for so long as to 'deprive himself of the right to protest against it'#ie lived on the assumption of the soundness of that dispensation for long#and he had been granted a similar dispensation to marry anne (of course; only to be applied in the case of either coa's death or the#annulment of that marriage)#(one that elizabeth would ask for a copy of later...btw)#he had not been living with her as his wife for nearly as long; of course#but diplomacy and the need for allies meant that conceivably some european powers were likely going to be willing to either...#airbrush out those technicalities or ignore them#of course he would not have had an actual marriage ceremony with anne which would've been what the papacy would require ; in 1536#because that would suggest elizabeth's illegitimacy and that he'd been an adulterer for three years and that wasn't his belief#but it is all very...things that make you go hmmm
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kaerinio · 10 months ago
jaehaerys the conciliator, existing:
me: i hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk. i hate the way that you dress - - -
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voltas-do-mar · 1 year ago
when i was young on christened boat / "be strong," said amélie, "wind guide your sail from the lonesome pale / and don't drift out to sea." "(and don't drift far from me)"
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cjadewyton · 1 year ago
Man I just realised that people might interpret my OC Daimon gaining weight as like. A negative thing?? Like a “oh he got DEPRESSION and got fat because he’s UNHAPPY” or whatever and oh my god noooo I cannot bare the thought of that interpretation
In context of his backstory its just him going from a super active lifestyle (on the road, fighting criminals, training, etc) to an extremely inactive lifestyle (stay at home dad who never leaves his sickly daughter’s side) without changing his other habits or calorie intake
It’s literally just A Thing that happens to him,,, completely unrelated to his grief for his wife & actually related to just how much he loves his daughter & how he slows down to match her pace
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boysdontcryboycry · 2 years ago
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kills myself
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furiousfinnstan · 5 months ago
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URGENT!!!Help Abdul Salam Al-Anqar and his family get through this war in Gaza!!!
I was asked by @nader5555 to make this, if u cannot donate please please share this post. Copy pasted from a message i was sent:
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"Only a Few Hours Left Before We Enter Our First Year of War, Genocide, Starvation, and Displacement A Final Plea from the Heart of Hell: Save Us Before Hope Dies đŸ’”đŸ”„ I am Abdel Salam, and I have nothing left but words written by a trembling hand ✍. The war has not only destroyed our lives; it has taken everything from us. Our home, which was once our refuge, is now a pile of rubble đŸšïž.
My car, my only source of livelihood, was destroyed in a sudden strike 🚗, and the work that sustained us is now a distant memory đŸ’Œ. Today, I live in an endless nightmare. Under a sun that burns everything in its path đŸŒžđŸ”„, my family and I sit in a worn-out tent, a tent that shields us neither from the summer heat nor the winter cold ❄. Insects 🩟 invade the place, diseases consume our bodies đŸ©ș, and my younger siblings cry from hunger and thirst 🍞💧. We have no clean water or a crumb of bread to ease our hunger. Each passing day deepens the weight of this hell we live in.
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My Daughter Eman is Dying from Malnutrition 😹 My daughter Eman suffers from malnutrition; I have nothing to feed or treat her with. The deterioration of her health is killing me slowly. Every glance in her eyes, every pain she endures, crushes my heart 💔. How can I explain to her that what was once our hope has now turned into nothing but a mirage? The Night Only Adds to Our Pain 🌙 The night does not bring us rest; it only adds to our pain. We sleep on hard ground, feeling the cold in every bone of our bodies đŸ„¶, with nothing but pieces of cardboard 📩 to cover us. My wife Aya cries in silence đŸ„ș as she watches our daughter’s future fade before her eyes. My mother Eman suffers from illness and needs urgent medical care đŸ©ș💊.
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My Father Ahmed is Sick with Cancer and Needs Emergency Treatment My father Ahmed, who is sick with cancer, needs emergency treatment outside Gaza, and the cost of his treatment is at least $10,000, not including accommodation. As he suffers from severe pain, I cannot provide the treatment he needs due to our dire situation.
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My Siblings Are in Constant Suffering ⚰ My brother Omar was unable to continue his studies due to the situation. My brother Nader could not take his high school exams, and my younger brother Mohammad suffers from brittle bones and needs treatment we cannot afford. Every day we live brings us one step closer to the end. Death surrounds us from every side: if not from hunger đŸœïž, then from illness 🩠. And if not from illness, then from the despair that devours our souls. Where is Humanity? Where is the World? 🌍💔 We want to leave the devastated Gaza Strip to escape the machinery of destruction and killing and the severity of hunger and poverty. The cost of travel for each person is $5,000, and we are a family of seven members, bringing the total cost to $35,000.
Where are the compassionate hearts? Are you waiting for us to disappear into the depths of this suffering? Are you waiting until death takes us before you act? We are drowning, and we don’t have enough strength to scream for help 🆘. Will you let this cry go unanswered? 😭 Your donation today is our last thread of hope. With the little support I received, I was able to buy a simple phone đŸ“± to reach out to you. But the bitter truth is that what I and my family need is much greater. We are not asking for much; just enough to save our lives from this hell đŸ”„. Every donation, no matter how small, could be the difference between life and death for us 👐. Don’t Let Us Disappear in the Darkness of Suffering 🌑 Don’t let our story end here. Be the light that guides us to salvation đŸ•Żïžâœš.
With every tear, with every pain, I write this final plea to you, Abdel Salam."
@butchniqabi @xinakwans
@biconicfinn @stopmotionguy
@bryoria @shesnake
@lautakwah @sovietunion
@neechees @evillesbianvillain @antibioware
@akajustmerry @dizzymoods
@ree-duh @neptunerings
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