#he happy uvu
pavpavlova · 12 days
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Pig(eon) in a blanket ❤️
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luckycharms1701 · 6 months
Lucky I write down potential asks in my notes and literally just scribbled this today so the fact hur open now is a wild coincidence and also ily /p have a great night !!! Drink fluids !!
The set up premise might be.. different? so ignore if inspiration doesn't tickle ur scrote but I am a person who eats spicy food on a daily basis and if it's painful enough it can look like a damn sexual experience(panting, sweating, flushed face, gr/moaning(in pain), whines, milk spills, the works). I can see bay Mikey doing some kind of prank or dare without knowing what would stir within until suddenly ur being dragged off to his bedroom trading one heat for another-
I'd hoped this was just about blurbish length and that I make sense ;-; (I am so nervous about sending request asks in I am ill)
(-gornack but anon cuz if i sound nonsensical I don't want the embarrassment of having my account attached)
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^ how i felt reading this ask
there is nothing to be embarrassed about here!!
sorry for the fade to black but hope you enjoy anyway!
It takes exactly three wings for you to realize that you’ve made a mistake. You pause when the heat hits your tongue, and that is another mistake. You swallow without tasting anything and look at Mikey’s expectant face with a shaky smile. “No problem!” You give him a thumbs up, hoping he’ll ignore the increasing redness you can feel in your face.
When Mikey came to you, begging to recreate those videos he was obsessed with where people eat progressively spicier food, you knew this would happen. You knew. But one look into those tearful puppy dog eyes and you folded faster than wet cardboard. Now you (and your relatively low spice tolerance) find yourself wishing that you weren’t head over heels for him.
“Yes!” Mikey cheers with his hands in the air, and all the pain you are about to endure is immediately worth it. Damn him. You look back down at the remainder of the wing in your hand and both dread and determination run through your veins. Well, mama didn’t raise no quitter. You bring the little bomb to your mouth and eat the rest of it, trying and failing to keep the sauce off your lips. Shit.
You nibble on some bread to help with the heat, saving the milk for later when you’re truly suffering. Your fingers tap along to the beat of the music Mikey put on as you look for the next spicy little enemy. Instead of offering you the next saucy wing, Mikey is staring. At your lips, specifically. You touch them hesitantly. They feel a little inflamed but dry. “Did I miss some sauce or something?” Mikey shakes his head with an unusually (even for him) loud “No! You’re fine.” You shrug and reach for the wing he offers you.
Sweat forms on your brow before the heat hits, and you brace yourself just in time. A breathy “oh” leaves your parted lips as the heat rolls through your mouth like thunder. You give in and reach for the milk as the heat crests, gulping a little too quickly and spilling some. When the teasing you expect from your best friend doesn’t manifest, you try to contain your panting and look up to find him once again staring at your mouth. “Okay, I know what’s up with me, but what’s up with you?” You reach up and swipe at the line of milk dribbling down your chin with your thumb, and Mikey visibly swallows.
“N-nothing, angel. Just wondering if you’re still up for this. You look… heated.” You groan loudly at what you assume is a very bad pun, holding out your hand for the next torture device. The heat in your mouth is now at an alarmingly high steady burn, but you are trying to ignore that in favor of getting through this ordeal.
“Hit me, Michelangelo.” He mutters something under his breath that you can’t hear over the music, and you study him as he hands you the next wing. He is twitchy, eyes dark as he watches your fingers wrap around the meat. Wondering why Mikey is acting so weird is a good distraction from the pain in your mouth, so you continue to observe him as you raise the fifth wing to your mouth.
It seems almost like Mikey is the one on the spot, you muse as you chew, with the way he can’t sit still. He’s looking everywhere except at you now, fingers tapping agitatedly on the can of Orange Crush in between his hands on the table. Then the heat hits you like a brick wall, and there is no room in your head for anything except the stinging pain. Tears fill your eyes as you whimper.
Mikey’s chair scraping across the floor startles you as you chug some milk, and you spill some again. Your whimper turns into a groan as more milk dribbles down your chin. How embarrassing. The milk pools in your hand as you try in vain to keep it from getting everywhere.
“Okay, that’s it!”
Before you can process what’s happening beyond the fire raging in your mouth, Mikey rounds the table and picks you up. You stutter his name, hands flailing, beyond bewildered. He ignores you and beelines for his room, squeezing you firmly against his plastron.The door closes with an ominous snick, and you brace yourself, still panting from the heat of the wings. The tension leaves you though, as Mikey tosses you on the bed and shows you exactly why he was acting so weird. Oh. Ohhhhh. OH.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @morenovix218 @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds
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despairforme · 29 days
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He's the reason why things have the "do not eat"-label.
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solivcgant · 5 months
⚠ I need some slides on Yuji and/or Akane
@getsusekaii sent ⚠ for a bad presentation slide about their muse
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tvrningout · 8 months
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guess who just finished delwyn's bio B)))
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
lotsa spoilers for a.tsv below! i'm here to ramble a lil more about mr. o'hara bc i love he <3
rewatching a.tsv and realizing!! that miguel tells miles that he blew another hole in the multiverse, which means more random villains and spider people and who knows who else ending up in random dimensions, which means miles ( and spot, really ) just kinda undid a bunch of miguel and the other spiders' hard work. so it isn't just the fact that miles is in spidersociety when he isn't supposed to be, it isn't just that miguel now has to explain to miles why he can't go messing with the canon despite realizing his dad is gonna die -- miguel is already worked up by the time miles brings him that empanada bc there are more dimensions already in danger from miles' run in with spot.
i'm not justifying miguel's reaction bc yeah!! dude shouldn't be slamming a kid against a train. but i also think people are quick to hate on him and forget that he's not this big bad villain trying to hurt miles. he tries to calmly explain that the canon has to happen bc otherwise, entire worlds could be destroyed. he tries to avoid conflict and go the rational route first. he only overreacts when it's clear that miles isn't gonna listen ( and you can't blame him ); he only overreacts when he believes miles is going to put not just one world but all of the multiverse at risk for one person.
i dunno if it's really the proper term?? so forgive me if i'm misusing it, but i view it as miles triggering miguel bc like miles says/jokes at the beginning of the movie, " men his age tend to repress a lot. " when the kid doesn't respond well to reason, makes a run for it, argues in favor of trying to save his dad, all miguel can think about is his daughter and the world he destroyed all bc he didn't want to let her grow up without a dad. all bc he was selfish. it's all he can think about, he's seeing himself in miles, and miguel is so angry at himself. so he takes that out on miles.
once again, to be clear!! we're not justifying it, but we're dissecting it. bc miguel is our antagonist for a chunk of the film, but he's not a bad person. he doesn't want things to be this way. but it's the only way he knows he can keep everyone safe.
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exghul · 2 years
drops in here randomly to say your dami is kick ass and i love reading your threads very much you make my dash a better place!
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ironbloodcd · 1 year
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He's still quite stunned to learn that someone believes that he's fit to be their partner in life, but he'd be lying if he were to say that he isn't happier than he's been in centuries. He just hopes that he can make Kazuha as happy as the samurai's made him.
ft @tenebriism
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solitariusdeluna · 2 years
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a wild and rare starrk smile appears 
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blackmesa-researcher · 11 months
So, did you develop that crush yet? 👀
Sh-Shut up. Just shut your face, anon. Shhh. SHHHHHH!!
I do not have a crush.
[flustered wing fluffing]
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nokkomo · 4 months
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If Adam is pigeon coded, he 100% LOVES taking multiple baths per week like pigeons do, VEEEEEERY long baths, and of course, he has to invite his dom bestie and crush
(because yeah, pigeons love taking baths. If they're dirty animals, it's because they live in dirty places. A CLEAN CITY IS A HAPPY AND HEALTHY PIGEON)
Side note: Adam was muscular when he just arrived in heaven, and then he became chubby UvU
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despairforme · 1 year
It was about time he texted him...
📱: Hey Nnoitra! It's Tesla! Your neighbor :)
📱: I have a question; do you play video games?
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It was raining today. Late-summer rain, like a warning that autumn was just around the corner. The light drops tapped against the single window. The light cast into the room was even more gloomy than usual. Gray and cold. Nnoitra was sprawled out onto the couch, one hand on the floor ( his arms were too long to dangle off the couch ). He was watching TV about ' the most dangerous animals in Latin-America ', and rating how badass he'd look fighting these supposedly deadly animals.
I'm bored.
He thought to himself as dangerous animal nr 20 made room for nr 19. The weather was shit, and he was well aware that his current past-time was what he was going to spend MOST his time doing once autumn hit. THAT was depressing as shit! He rolled awkwardly off the couch and got to his feet. There was only one thing that could save his plummeting mood - THE FRIDGE!
As he was walking over to the ( most likely ) empty fridge, with a false sense of hope, his phone buzzed. Two texts. It wasn't all that common for him to receive texts. His friends knew that it was better to call him ( Nnoitra fucking hated texting ). He fished out his phone, to see a new contact flash on the screen. He hadn't received any texts from his neighbour, Tesla, before. What did he want? What was the classic trope? Borrow sugar? Nnoitra opened the texts.
Tesla wasn't asking him for sugar. Instead - he was asking him if... He played videogames? Nnoitra read the text again with a not-so-intelligent look on his face.
No, he didn't really play videogames. He'd had a playstation once, WAY BACK WHEN, but he'd ended up throwing the controller into the TV, breaking both. After that, he'd figured it was more economical for him NOT to attempt any sort of videogames. He only played ONE game, and that was a mobile game designed to help you relax.
His thumb was hovering over the reply button. He was going to answer ' no ', he figured. But, then again... He WAS bored. Surely, Tesla was asking him if he wanted to play videogames with him. Weren't the two of them a little old for that? Nnoitra shoved his phone back into his pocket.
Then he went out the door, across the hall, and - knocked on Tesla's door. He'd wait, wait. Wait for him to open the door, and, when he did?
❝ I can play. ❞
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anemptypuddingcup · 6 months
🌹ace + hunter/hunted
Also uvu happy vday I hope you have a good day
Ooooh! Interesting kink choice!
A rose for:
Portgas D. Ace W Predator/Prey!
“Oiiiiii~ Where are ya m’little slutty lamb?~”
The sound of Ace’s voice echoed throughout the house as you hear his bare yet heavy footsteps press along the floorboards. You trembled there behind your shared bed in excitement yet nervousness, hearing his footsteps move closer and closer to you.
The door slowly creaks open and you hear him step in before humming out curiously.
“Where are you baby? I know ya in here~”
Your breathing was shaky but it was a bit too loud, which gave away your place to Ace.
He slowly crept up onto the bed before he peeks down at you before smiling widely.
“I found youuu~”
You freeze in place and slowly look up to see Ace peering down into your eyes, a hint of lust and yet hunger deep in his eyes.
The feeling of his strong hands gripping your arms makes you yelp out before he pulls you up into his arms, his lips pressing against yours so hungrily but needily.
“Mmgh~ Aceeee~” You gasp out his name so sweetly, his hands clawing at his your hips and back as he roughly thrust his cock in and out of your pussy. You whine out shakily as you held on tight to his larger frame, your legs wrapping tight around his hips while you clawed at his shoulders.
His hands moves from your hips and up to your breasts, gripping them both before latching his mouth onto both of your nipples. You huff out shakily and bite your bottom lip tightly, your toes curling as the pleasure of his mouth against your sensitive buds and his cock inside of pussy made you melt easily beneath him.
He glides his tongue along your nipples and areola before humming out and licking his lips, his ravenous eyes looking deep into yours with lust and somewhat a hint of love.
“Lemme eat ya up little lamb~ M’gonna eat the fuck outta you~”
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tvrningout · 10 months
y'all remember when i said maybe cyrillo dies?? i take it back. he's faking his death and retiring to some village by the sea bc i said so uvu
#and actually i think that would be a more fulfilling end to his story for both cyrillo and readers#bc his thing is that he pretty much is living to help others and doesn't give himself that same care#he doesn't neglect his health or anything but the dude never goes on vacation#he throws himself into war when he swore he'd never do that again but it's like!! someone's gotta help the free army!!#so i really like the idea that maybe there's a situation in which it /appears/ cyrillo died#but nah he lived and he retired and became a no one like he was before everything happened#and he's happy he's finally living for himself and taking advantage of his second chance at life /for himself/#for both cyrillo and rin i think a big character-defining trait of theirs is that despite what they've been through and will go through#they love life they love the world they're in they love people and so i think both of them are gonna have that choice#go rest or go back to work#and workaholic cyrillo chooses rest in the form of disappearing to a lil village#and rogue rin goes back to work bc she can't help it. she can't deny that people need her#and hers is a lil more serious bc sunna is like 'i don't gotta resurrect you again. you could die and be reborn anew'#but no rin loves her life despite everything. she's not ready to go yet#AAAHHH SORRY FOR THE RAMBLING I'M :' ))))))#i wanna try to write a lil more before bed so let me stop asdfg#headcanons | dórverold#headcanons | cyrillo#i don't wanna lose this just in case bc of the tags uvu
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goosewriting · 1 year
Of bunk beds and confessions
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summary: when there’s a new crew member on the Mantis, reader feels discouraged to confess to Cal.
relationship: Cal Kestis x GN reader
warnings: slight spoilers for Jedi Fallen Order, dw it has a happy ending uvu
word count: 2.8k
A/N: recently finished JFO (finally! lol) and i have A Lot Of Feelings so, here you go
prompt used: hesitant kisses, but when they part one whispers "do it again. please."(source, by @urfriendlywriter)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
You’re waiting on the Mantis with Cere and Greez for Cal to get back with the Astrium. You’re currently on Dathomir, and you’re not entirely sure what he had to do to get the thing, but he comm’d you some minutes ago saying he’s on his way back to you.
You stand at the top of the ship’s ramp, trying to see if you can see him somewhere. You’ve been worried out of your mind when he would send you short and clipped messages, telling you he had to fight some mysterious but apparently very powerful traveller he met on this planet. The whole place gave you the creeps; with the Nightsisters gone and all, it just felt like a hollow, haunted memory of a civilization. 
Despite everything being tinted red, from the rocky formations all the way up to the sky, your eyes catch a familiar flash of copper hair. Your head turns and you look out to Cal, who’s about to reach the ship. Only then do you finally allow yourself to breathe properly again. 
The thought crosses your mind that, with how worried you are when Cal’s gone, not knowing if it’s the last time you’ll see him when you wish the Force to be by his side as he leaves for several hours, only to come back all beat up… Maybe you should finally tell him how you feel. It’s a selfish thought, but you’re not sure how much longer your heart can take this. 
Turning back inside, you shake your head and try to calm the pounding against your ribcage. The important thing is that he’s back, he’s alive. 
“Cal’s back!” you call to the rest of the crew, and everyone gathers around the dinner table just as Cal walks up the ramp to the Mantis.
“You found it!” Cere says when she sees the small, black item in Cal’s hand, who’s showcasing it.
Suddenly, there’s a flurry of green and black behind him as a person appears out of thin air.
“Whoa, who’s this?” Greez asks, pointing to the stranger. 
As you take in her appearance, you kinda freeze: it’s a Nightsister. BD beeps excitedly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the pilot asks the droid, still unsure about her presence on his ship.
“It means I’ll be joining you,” she says, with an accent and with confidence. You look at Cal, hoping for him to intervene, but instead, he looks excited. Cal points to each of you, introducing you all by name to the newcomer.
“And this is Merrin,” Cal finishes, pointing to her.
“Wha–” Greez looks up at him just as shocked as you are. “She’s a witch, isn’t she?”
“A Nightsister,” Merrin corrects him. “Your fear is unnecessary.”
“I couldn’t have gotten the Astrium without her,” Cal explains. “We fought Malicos together. I trust her.”
Those words hit you like a bag of bricks. He trusts her. They fought together. She must be a skilled warrior, then. Meanwhile you’re just… you. And next to her, it doesn’t feel like enough. 
“And we trust you,” Cere retorts with a smile directed at Cal, then turns serious as she looks at Merrin. “You will have to earn it.” 
“Fine, grab some seat,” Greez mutters under his breath as he makes his way to the cockpit. “As long as she doesn’t do anything funny.”
“Welcome aboard,” Cere finally says to Merrin and follows Greez to the front of the ship. 
Cal looks after them for a second, then turns to the new crew member.
“They like you,” he remarks, and looks at you as if waiting for you to add something, but you’ve long averted your eyes from him. 
The image of Cal looking at Merrin is now burned in your retinas. Doubt and jealousy spread within you, so you leave for the back of the ship, missing Merrin’s questioning gaze on you. 
Greez sets course for Zeffo to bring the Astrium to the temple and finally, hopefully get the Holocron. You wonder what will happen after that. Is the crew gonna split up? You sure hope not; you don’t really have anywhere else to go.
You didn’t join the Mantis team much earlier than Cal did, so this was your first time you were on the move with Jedis, and if you were being honest, you liked it. Most of it, at least. You liked the sense of adventure, sure. The constant worry about a certain redhead, not so much. And yet you can’t get enough of him and his boyish smile as he apologises for the scratches and bruises you nurse back to health. You’re sure that you’d follow him to the end of the Galaxy if he asked you to. 
But that probably isn’t gonna happen, not if you correctly read how Cal and Merrin exchanged looks throughout the evening when eating dinner. Merrin asked for her steak rare, and you felt that with every jab of her fork into the meat (which to you was way too red), she was looking in your direction. You really weren’t in the mood to confront the newcomer, especially when Cal and even BD seemed so thrilled to have her here, so you tried to ignore her most of the day. Which probably wasn’t the most polite thing to do, but there were other things on your mind.
When the time came to sleep, the crew had to make a few changes. The Mantis has four separate rooms with two bunks each, and until you figure out something better, Cal volunteered to bunk with Greez so Merrin could have her own room.
Now lying in your bed at night, you think back to how you almost didn’t get to talk at all with Cal since he arrived with the Astrium today, despite how worried you were. Just like every other time he’s gone ever since this race for the Holocron started.
As the medic of the crew you’ve had to patch up Cal several times, often giving him a piece of your mind, given how badly injured he came back sometimes. You don’t consider him to be reckless though, in fact you saw how competent he is first-hand when he defended you from an Inquisitor. But still you can’t help the knot in your throat and the tightening in your chest that only loosen up when you see him coming back to the Mantis in one piece. 
And just like every time he came back, today too he sat on the chair as you cleaned up his wounds. Usually you two would chat while you work, but today you had refrained from saying too much, scared that the conversation would shift to the new crew member, and as such giving away how you felt about her. Not that you disliked her (you still hadn’t dealt with Merrin enough to get an idea of the person she was), but her being seemingly close to Cal had put a significant dent in your confidence. Your plans of confessing your feelings to him were now thrown into the bin and you felt silly for ever thinking you had a chance to begin with.
You sigh to yourself in your bunk, pulling the blanket up to your chin and waiting for the ship’s constant hums of hyperspace to lull you to sleep. But at the speed your mind is racing, you doubt sleep will come your way any time soon.
Just as you’re considering doing some reading instead of sleeping in an attempt to tire yourself out, there’s a knock at your door.
Your breath hitches and you tense up. The first person that comes to mind is Merrin; what if she’s here to tell you off or something? To confront you about your attitude at dinner? Or worse, what if she’s here to… hurt you? 
No wait, that’s ridiculous. Shaking away your thoughts, you clear your throat.
“Come in,” you call to the person on the other side.
Much to your surprise, when the door slides open, it’s Cal standing there. A shirtless Cal to be exact, only wearing sweats. He's holding BD in his arms and quickly comes in, closing the door behind him, and approaches you to sit on the edge of your bed.
“I did not know a body so small could snore so loudly” he remarks and yawns. 
Even though you've seen Cal without his shirt plenty of times when patching him up, you can feel the heat prickling your cheeks. You really hope he can’t see how you're eyeing him up, no matter how much you try to tear away your gaze.
“Can I… sleep here tonight?” he asks, and your heart skips a beat. You internally reprimand yourself for that as he’s obviously asking about the bunk above you, not about sharing your bed. 
“Of course,” you reply, hoping your voice doesn’t betray you. 
He thanks you and climbs onto the bed. BD beeps something you don't understand, and Cal answers in quiet whispers you can't really hear.
Some minutes pass by, and you have to remind yourself to breathe. Now there is for sure no way you'll fall asleep, great. You plan on waiting for him to pass out so you can pull out your book, but Cal keeps shifting back and forth, seemingly unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. 
“Can’t sleep?” you ask after some time, and he sighs deeply.
“Sorry, I'm probably shaking the whole thing,” he says with a sheepish chuckle.
“Wanna sleep down here?” you find yourself proposing, and mentally facepalm yourself. What you meant to say was “Want to switch places?”, but now you made it sound like you're inviting him to sleep in your bed with you. Not that you'd have anything against it, but he's probably taken aback by it–
His fiery hair hangs from his head as he’s peeking down over the edge of the bunk to look at you.
“Really?” he asks, and you can't tell if the tone of his voice is teasing or hopeful. He probably understood what you meant about switching places, right? And that's what he means to do?  
You merely nod your head with an affirmative hum, and Cal’s face disappears so he can properly climb down. He comes to stand beside the bed just as you're sitting up to get out. You're about to throw your legs over the edge when he places a knee next to you, and you freeze.
“Scoot over” he instructs, and you follow. He lifts the blanket and slides under.
You turn on your side with your back to him, trying to shuffle all the way to the wall so he has enough space. Instead you feel yourself being pulled back as Cal hugs you from behind and brings you into his chest, tangling his legs with yours. BD joins the nap pile as well and settles at the end of the bed.
“Is this okay?” he asks, tightening his hold around your waist ever so slightly, and you're still too stunned to speak, so once again you merely nod, and he heaves a deep sigh, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
“Is this okay for you though?” you suddenly blurt out. He lifts his head at the question.
“What do you mean?”
“I thought… you and Merrin…” you say and immediately regret it, forcing yourself to shut up. You should have just kept silent and enjoyed this moment. 
“What about her?” Cal asks, the arm at your waist pulling you over to lie on your back while he props himself on his elbow to look down at you.
You don’t answer immediately, unsure of what to say. You fidget with the hem of the blanket. 
“I don't know, the way she looked at you… I thought you two...”
He gives you a small, maybe even shy, smile.
“Greez was snoring,” he states, which seems pretty unrelated, so you quirk an eyebrow at him. “And whose room did I go to?”
You avert your gaze from his, not wanting to give in just yet. Somewhere in the back of your brain there was still a little voice saying that there's no way he's implying what you think he's implying, and that you shouldn't get your hopes up because you're only gonna get crushed.
Then he softly calls your name, and you're suddenly aware of how he can possibly not just hear but feel how your heart is pounding against your ribs, with his body pressed to your side. His hand reaches up to gently hold your chin, turning your face to look at him, and your cheeks burn once more.
The way he looks at you, how the dim lighting from behind seems to form the faintest of halos against his copper hair, how his ocean eyes shine through the darkness and look into yours longingly… You make sure to commit everything to memory, afraid of this moment ever ending. You're so busy counting every freckle, tracing every line of his face with your eyes, his jaw, his collarbones, that you miss how his own eyes flicker to your lips for a moment, and he starts leaning in. 
Before you can even process what’s happening, Cal presses his lips to yours. The touch is feather-light, almost like he’s scared to press too hard. Just as quickly as it started, it ended much too soon. Pulling back only enough to look at you, he’s about to say something, but you go first.
“Do it again,” you demand in a whisper. “Please.”
Cal’s happy to oblige and leans back down, now with more confidence. This time he feels you reciprocate, so he moves on top of you, his arms on either side so as not to crush you with his weight. He traces your bottom lip with his tongue, and you open your mouth to meet it with your own. Your hands reach up, one around his toned back, the other over his shoulder, to his nape, and into his fiery hair. Tangling your fingers into the strands, you pull ever so slightly and he groans into the kiss. If you thought your cheeks were burning before, now your whole body is positively ablaze. 
He breaks the kiss for much needed air, peppering some more on your jaw and neck, which makes you giggle lightly. 
You’re both panting lightly, trying to get your breathing and erratic hearts under control, still looking at each other in awe of what just happened, when BD suddenly beeps.
“Wha- Yeah, I was about to!” Cal says over his shoulder to the droid.
“What did he say?” you ask, cupping his face with both your hands, and he leans into your touch, closing his eyes.
“He said I should tell you how I feel about you,” he explains sheepishly, and when you chuckle at that, he looks back at you.
“I think you’ve made it plenty clear” you tell him with a grin. “But you can’t never be too sure.”
Cal stifles a laugh while shaking his head, hugging you to him and turning around so now you’re on top of him. The action makes you squeak in surprise, and your hand shoots up to cover your mouth as you hide your face in his chest in embarrassment. He chuckles, and you can feel it rumbling through you both. 
“Then let me clear it up,” he starts and his face gets a bit more serious. His hand comes up to hold your face, brushing over your cheekbone with his thumb. “You’re the first thing to make sense in a very, very long time. I’ve been running, hiding for so long… You reminded me that there’s more to life than just survival. And now I can’t imagine a life without you in it.”
You place your own hand over his own, leaning into it and closing your eyes to savour the moment and make sure that you’re not dreaming. After a moment you look back up at him with a smile you can’t stop from spreading no matter how hard you try, not that you’d want to. 
Since you don't really know how to answer and put your feelings into words, you decide to kiss him one more time. It’s cut short though as you have to lean back for a yawn you can’t stifle. Despite your racing heart and the million thoughts going through your head right now, the claws of sleep are slowly creeping in to claim you. 
You kinda slump onto Cal, who huffs in surprise but hugs you nonetheless, and you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as you nestle your body against his, your leg over his hip.
“I also want you to stay in my life, Cal,” you mumble as you lazily trace shapes onto his skin. “Even after we find the Holocron and everything, no matter where you go, I’ll be right by your side and kiss you better when you get your ass beat by some monster somewhere.”
“Can’t wait,” he says with a chuckle and a kiss to your head, then wishes you good night, hugging you impossibly closer to him.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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If you were to be kidnapped by the LOV, the league of villains, they would be watching you like creepy stalkers for a VERY LOONG time. It would be really infuriating for them to watch you doing the same boring things over and over again and again for days together. Won't you EVER get bored of living that bland vanilla life? You CLEARLY needed some spice in your life, at least, that's what THEY felt (Read, more like what DABI and TWICE felt. Shigaraki just didn't give a damn about you, that egoistical prick)
But no matter how much Shigaraki claimed that you were a useless spoiled brat, even HE couldn't shake off his feelings for you. Toga and Dabi would often tease him about it which would always result in a full fledged slapping war till mama Kurogiri tells the crybabies to CALM TF down
HECK, even KUROGIRI thinks you won't be so bad... When the other members of the LOV asked him to open up his warp gate and help them kidnap you, he resisted saying that you just needed some time. Even he was curious as to why most of the members of the LOV had suddenly taken an interest in you 
You were the prey, the victim they ALL fell in love with and the fact that they weren't controlling you yet and possessing you yet was pissing them TF off and was driving them INSANE
It won't be long before they kidnap you. You might be skipping along one day, looking like a happy cute adorable little chipmunk that's excited for something and suddenly, BOOM! Everything goes dark and fog and mist surrounds you (Cue the special effects and the dramatic evil chuckling and creepy organ music playing from the middle of nowhere) 
You would be TERRIFIED out of your wits to see Kurogiri just staring at you as well as the other members of the LOV as well (Well, of COURSE, who WOULDN'T be scared of out of their minds when you see villains glaring at you?) This is their chance to PROVE to you that you shouldn't place your faith and waste your breath on those pathetic no good hero scum who are useless most of the times anyway 
You would be gagged for a few days, chained and all. Dabi would have to deal with Toga's constant pestering asking whether she could make you bleed since she thinks you look cute and adorable in red and with blood all over you... Damn, this is scary
Crusty lips would be the MOST SCARIEST yandere, no doubt about that. He'd threaten you the most, show you the LEAST amount of love and affection, and basically, acts like a spoiled kid with the aura of a demon. He might even threaten to turn you to ash if you don't stop flinching away and turning away from him (SOMEONE HAND ME A KNIFE, I HAVE A CRUSTY RAT TO STAB!!!!! UvU)
That arrogant jerkface would LOVE to taunt you, call you all sorts of names and he gets some sick sort of pleasure seeing how HELPLESS you were under HIS control, poor sweet dumb little thing.... He wouldn't actually turn you to ash but seeing the way you squirm around from time to time just makes him feel so... aroused and gets all these crazy thoughts about you that'll be left to YOUR imagination ;)
Is Toga a yandere? BWAHAHAHAHAH XD Is that even a QUESTION to ask? She is the MASTER of all yanderes, and I honestly think she and Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would be best pals and killing buddies. She'd swoon all over you and coo how cute you are in that sickeningly sugar coated voice of hers and say how beautiful you'd look in blood till Dabi pulls her away from you. When it's her turn to spend time with the LOV's 'pet' she's gonna literally POUNCE on you, trying to take your blood, tying you up and making you beg for more (HONESTLY, how TF is she NOT a vampire!!!???) She LOVES being dominant and unfortunately for you, you're her little plaything 
Twice is kinda chill AND DEADLY scary at the same time. I think he has a bipolar personality since one minute he's gonna be laughing with you and the next minute he's gonna do somethin dangerous towards you. This guy's really unpredictable and it's horrifying. You might be running into HIS arms for comfort AND yet, at the same time, you might be running away from him too like your hair's on fire. This dude's personality is so unpredictable, is damn scary.... TvT 
Mr Compress might just be the BEST yandere or captor you could EVER ASK for, PERIODT. He'd treat you well and certainly not like it when the other members try harming you in any way. He would never degrade you either. He'll take you to his room at night and show you all  sorts of cool magic tricks and slow dance with you like in those cutesy dramatic romantic movies. He'd stroke his thumb over your soft lips, caress your cheeks lovingly and say how cute and adorable and amazing you were and how he'd be your source of comfort from those overgrown morons with an IQ of a sardine tin can. He'll LOVE it when you're dependent on him and ONLY him and he would NEVER bring himself to hurt you like the others (Man, this dude is making me cry....)
Dabi couldn't care less at first when he saw you. He thought you were another little plaything for his use and he'd toss you away like a Kleenex after you were broken. And yet, something about you just attracts him to you and that's actually pretty terrifying. If Dabi's in a bad mood, you better start saying your freaking prayers since this man takes sadism to a WHOLE NOTHER level, it's a question now, who's more of a sadist. Dabi or Shigaraki? If he's in a good mood, he'll just ask you to shut up and cuddle with you and rub some gentle circles on your back
To piss Crusty Face Handyman even MORE, he'll make you sit on his lap during meetings while Shigaraki's gonna be damn pissed at BOTH you and HIM and that'll jus t make the prick Dabi satisfied. Sometimes, he won't be so bad to you, otherwise he's gonna make you do all sorts of things you're uncomfortable with and he's gonna be like your WORST NIGHTMARE in HUMAN form. He and Shigaraki might even TAG TEAM when it comes to your punishments and they CERTAINLY WON'T be your favorite yanderes, that's for SURE
Oh JESUS... when it comes to Spinner he's like the MOST SOFTEST yandere EVER just like Mr. Compress. He LOVES showering you with love and affection, and he's just so pure, he can't EVER hurt you... OMG, MY HEART!!!!!....
He CERTAINLY feels bad with Compress when the league uses you as their personal stress toy and hence, they're the ones who'll actually take care of you and treat you with such gentle care and tender love. He'll be one who'll actually make you happy, by sneaking food for you when the league tries to starve you since you were being bad, talk to you about the things you like and care about, won't EVER touch you inappropriately since he DROWNS in his respect women juice and feels really bad since he can't help you escape. This boi is so PRECIOUS, IMMA DIE FROM A CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!
Kurogiri will be like the parental figure and whenever the punishments get out of hand like the villains trying to touch you inappropriately and all, he'll be there to stop in no time. Though he's a villain, he cares for you just like Compress and Spinner. He won't hesitate to punish you, but his punishments will just be a bit tamer than the ones the others give. His punishments will be something like him just ignoring you for a few hours and all that. He'll make sure to take good and proper care of you and feed you and on time and ensure you aren't malnourished. He'll talk to you about the current things going on around the world and honestly... he ain't so bad
In my opinion, Stain is a chivalrous guy. He won't torture you, EVER nor will he ever invade your personal space. He thinks you're cute and adorable and he'll compliment you oh just a DOZEN times a day. Like Kurogiri, he ensures you're safe and all right and after a harsh treatment with the Terrifying Trio (aka. Stabby blood rat, crusty chicken nugget and BURNT chicken nugget) he'll be there to comfort you and wipe your tears away and gently hold you to sleep after he tends to your injuries. If you're locked away somewhere, he'll at the very least try sneaking some food for you and telling you that you're strong and you'll be able to cope with it and gently encourage you
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