#and i like them a lot >:3ccc
exghul · 2 years
drops in here randomly to say your dami is kick ass and i love reading your threads very much you make my dash a better place!
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altocat · 3 months
‘Ello!! Hope it’s been a lovely weekend!! 💕
I don’t know if I’ve ever asked you this before but shshhshshshhs Can we get some Zack & Seph bonding over Angeal angst/comfort plz?? :3ccc
Yesssssssss of course !
Sephiroth and Zack don't really talk much after the incident in Modeoheim. There's a lot of bitter feelings there. Zack blames Sephiroth for making him have to deal with that heartache. It should have been Sephiroth, not him. Sephiroth could have stopped it. It's not fair! Angeal would still be alive!
Sephiroth is aware of Zack's ill feelings, mostly mourning quietly alone, his nightmares getting worse than ever, barely eating or sleeping. Most of the time, he's mindlessly performing tasks thanks to the cocktail of drugs Hojo is pumping into him.
Despite this, thanks to the dwindling ranks in SOLDIER, both are assigned a mission together investigating some rogue rebel activity in the mountains. It's cold and rainy and miserable. And Sephiroth and Zack can't even bear to look at each other.
They tail the rebels all the way to the peaks, cornering them on the fragile remains of a bridge, now halfway frozen over from the chill.
Zack moodily thinks that now's the part where Sephiroth coldly murders everyone. That's what soldiers do, right? That's what HE had to do to Angeal. Just mindless killing. Callous slaying of anyone who doesn't fit. Ruining lives. Just like Angeal.
Zack isn't paying attention, too agitated to notice the enemy creeping up from behind. He has mere seconds to react before the gunshot rings out, followed by the frantic rush of air as Sephiroth shoves him out of the way to take the hit.
He watched in horror as Sephiroth falls nearly twenty feet, crashing hard into a jutting snowy cliff side below.
He's an absolute mess when the helicopter comes in to retrieve them, Sephiroth's battered body being taken away to Medical the second they land.
Zack's a shaking, helpless wreck, reliving Angeal's death over and over. Oh gods it's happening again. And it's all his fault. And now he's going to lose someone else too. And he was so cold to Seph beforehand. He blamed him for everything when really it was NO ONE'S fault. And now Sephiroth is going to die and he's going to have to bury another friend and and and...
Days pass. Zack endures sleepless nights letting his inner demons eat at him. He is a trembling mess by the time he's finally able to step out onto the main SOLDIER floor again, freezing at the sight of Sephiroth standing near the doorway, alive and well, his arm carefully wrapped up in a sling.
"You're... you're okay."
"Mm? Oh. Yes. It was a bad fall. But my healing capabilities proved to be amply useful for such an occasion. I received clearance this morning to return to my duties, though I've been instructed not to strain myself."
Zack miserably hangs his head, relief and guilt intermingling in his belly, his face hot, eyes red and watery.
"Listen, Sephiroth? I... about earlier..."
Sephiroth tilts his head, seemingly confused, watching as the young First dithers and balks.
"I...you saved me."
"Think nothing of it. It was instinct. A team leader's responsibility is to protect his men."
"I thought you'd died. I mean...gods, this is such a mess. I was so mad at you. I shouldn't have been. But I was. I blamed you for Angeal when I should've just talked it out. I just let it get to me. And... and... and you still..."
He forces himself not to cry, not even when Sephiroth's free hand gently, if not awkwardly, reaches over to pat his shoulder.
"...I was not keen on losing you as well."
And the tears are coming now, his efforts fruitless. He feels like a child, pawing at his eyes, shaky laugh as he shakes his head. "G-guess we have that feeling in common, huh?" He just wishes he understood it sooner.
He spends the rest of the afternoon at Sephiroth's side, holding his tablet up for him to make it easier for him to write. They don't speak much. But it feels different this time, awkward smiles exchanged, a kind of fragile reluctance when it's finally time to part ways for the evening.
But afterwards, Zack makes it mandatory to keep in contact at all times, sending Sephiroth text reminders so they can meet up to unwind together after a long hard day.
This goes on for a long while, an unspoken trust building, both parties emotionally relying on each other without ever saying a word. A pure bond; burgeoning, unexpected, but genuine. Real.
Until Nibelheim.
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
Do you help spot Sportacus when he exercises? Or help him provide healthy tips for the Lazy Town residents?
Also, do you help him stop Robbie Rotten?
It's so nice to see this underrated gem get love nowadays. I was worried people forgot about it.
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Maybe,,, in this situation my s/i asks Sportacus for help with being active and exercising more and he decides they can do it together and help each other! She spots him while he bench presses and gets so lost in watching his muscles work and looking into his blue eyes while they're so deep in concentration while the sweat starts to bead and drip down his furrowed brow....I'm sorry what? Oh yeah she lost count ajfjf and also she's had a heart attack and died 😂😂😂
Him spotting her wouldn't be much better, say he helps her by holding down her feet while she tries (and mostly fails) to do sit-ups and she has to deal with him leaning over and giving her praise, or him helping her stretch and get a little more limber since she tends to be a bit high-strung from all her worrying and feeling his strong yet gentle hands glide across her body to help her into the right positions...
Good lord let's move on
I think that she does try to be a role model for the kids as well when she can, especially after Sportacus comes to town and he inspires everyone to lead better lives!! She probably encourages them to express themselves through arts and crafts more than healthy eating though, she's got a lot of work to do herself in that department 😂 and I'm honestly not entirely sure what her relationship with Robbie is tbh! There's definitely some potential there, I think before Sportacus came to town and he was encouraging everyone to stay INSIDE, she listened because he sort of exacerbated her fears of the outside 😅 either by putting creepy ideas into her head or even just jumping out at her or leaving things for her to get scared by....not because he HATES her or anything, he just thinks it's funny and it's unfortunately very easy to do (my partner would know lmao 😂😂 which is why they're perfect for him >:3ccc)
But I think she catches onto his bullshit at some point, and his old tricks don't work anymore! And say in the episode 'sportafake' (which...the name is starting to make even more sense because it sounds like 'spot a fake'!!) She wouldn't be fooled very long because that's obviously NOT her beloved Sportacus 😤
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the-desert-beast · 8 months
Wandering into ur askbox to ask u some random looking questions for Rhosyn🍐 🌶 🍏 >:3
>>>>>:3ccc TYYVM SILV ty bestie
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
rhosie has some pretty good ties to the sunspears and aiding amnoon & refugees much like her brother but without all the blood & bounty hunting (and other illegal activties) on her hands. id say pretty good around elona! I dont know if she would change it much, beyond maybe, more people know of her and her brother's legacy. She loves maelgwyn and wants the best for him after what he suffered through, i think her intent on getting their names out there would be "You deserve to hear of the good youve done for them; same as i do."
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
this is tHE FUNNY ANSWER BUT LIKE FAREN. YEAH. i think faren is her caomh and she wants to hunt him for sPORT IMMEDIATELY. with the culture & experiences of the twilight sylvari and their tree she would also want to pick a fight with logan & jennah. fistfight anise in the back of a denny's parking lot at 3am. but yeh farens vibes i think would be fully rancid to her HFDGIUAHS
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
rhosyn is so so so happy go lucky giddy loud and she has been told to shut up or be quieter plenty of times, and it DOES hurt but its way worse if youre mean about it. its like one of the only things she wishes she could change about herself cause she tries to be quiet but then she gets happy and excited andgets loud again and yeah.
[ask game link-a-roo]
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darkburning · 2 years
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Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings. They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them.
They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone.
They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much.
tagged by : i stole it from fae like the thief i am. tagging : @harpyiiai , and everyone else who wants to steal :3ccc
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avid-adoxography · 1 year
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o, 😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?, 💚: Who gets jealous?, 💗: How do you two like to cuddle? for you and Sturm!! :D
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
Oh man, where do I even begin dfxghfjgk Uhm... ok so.
He's such a good listener omg. I feel like I can talk to him about everything and anything, and he's always eager to lend an ear, no matter the topic of conversation.
He’s SO affectionate!!! He has a lot of love to give and the way he shows it makes me feel important, and special and loved every second I’m with him <3ccc
His tummy. Yeah, no I can't just leave out the best stress toy ever sdfghjkjjh
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
His engine hums for a long time, then it revvs up with a sort of staccato, muffled roar. Then it backfires with a gentle but sudden pop as it goes back to droning, fans whirring quietly somewhere deep in the machine.*
* translation: It’s hard to pick just one thing, but the way she deeply understands and accepts me is really high on the list. That kind of love has been very transformative. In a, uhh, metaphorical AND literal kind of way.
💚: Who gets jealous?
Sturm can be quite protective, sort of borderline possessive, as in he doesn't like seeing other Soldaten get too close to me (read: within a 2 mt./6.5 ft. range). He’ll try to push another them away so he can get my attention, especially if he's feeling particularly clingy. Not only that, he also tries to force himself in between me and them, even during my routine check-ups, and he may even attack them if he senses the slightest hint of defiance.
This used to happen a lot, mostly at the beginning of our relationship, because he was afraid of losing my affection. It took me waaay more time than I'd like to admit to make him understand there’s no real threat, and that he doesn't need to stay on high alert every time someone approaches me. He still headbutts them from time to time though, just as a reminder uwu
💗: How do you two like to cuddle?
Oh we do be spooning 24/7 and yes, I am the big spoon here. Well,.. most of the time. A bitch needs to be smothered by their mechanical teddy bear every once in a while, aight?? Speaking of: sometimes Sturm'll just. Crawl in bed and lay on top of me, turning me into a literal pancake and refusing to get up until he's satisfied with the hug. Or until I retaliate with unfair cheating methods >:3c
When it gets too hot though, we just tangle our legs together. Or go butt to butt. Basically any position is good as long as we're touching, even if it was just having our pinkies intertwined sdfgjhg
Basic ass selfship ask game
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
📂📂📂📂📂 :3c
mina has not one, not two, not even three, but four tiny bishounen anime keychains on whatever she attaches her keys to. this is because she keeps her more valuable bishoujo figurines safe from everyday wear in her room, but still wants to see pretty people all the time
aizawa likes to pretend he doesn’t know what a rickroll is
kmjr first start dating because mina dared kaminari in a game of truth or dare
jirou would have brought a saxophone with her to the dorms but didn’t after aizawa did a luggage check and said it would be too disruptive
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sirsharp-a · 4 years
“Examine!” Vivian's glasses [ for eddie ofc -- ]
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       @unladylikc​   /   send ‘examine! + an item and i will write an rpg description of it.
                                                         _____   【 🞮 】   _____
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     “Black framed glasses that appear both sensible and cute.  Curiously, you raise      one  of the lens to your eye  -------  hey!    Things look slightly clearer!    Now all      you need is something to read...”
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
any chance you can share those sweeter obikaka kink headcanons you mentioned? No pressure ofc
you betcha, sweet nonnie! sorry this took so long to answer, I’m busy with camp jgfjhf
n/s/f/w under cut, minors dni x
Okay so!!! I love Obikaka because they could have such a fun flippy dynamic.
Like, obviously bottom!Kakashi is my bread and butter, but I do genuinely see them as having such dom/sub Switch potential!
So I imagine they keep it fresh and are always up for trying new things. They're both total freaks and not afraid to experiment, so things stay exciting!
Kakashi has a whole-ass sex dungeon in the basement of the official hokage residence and literally nobody is surprised. Shikamaru drew the line at him putting a sex swing in his office instead of his chair though lmao
Sometimes Kakashi puts on his Cold Commander act, and Obito acts like the bratty subordinate! It's a similar dynamic to when they were kids, but without nearly as much blood and death, and with a lot more 'fun' punishments lmao.
I imagine Kakashi would probably enjoy distance-domming in that sort of scenario? Like, taking control of this super-strong, giant Juubi-guy with just his words, not touching him at all except when Obito's 'good'... Sitting at his desk in full uniform, doing his hokage paperwork while telling a naked grumbling Obito how to touch himself on the floor of his office... >:3c
Obito puts on this big show of grumbling and acting like he's angry at not having Kakashi's full attention, but they both know he'd just walk away if he wasn't into it...
In contrast, Kakashi has a big ol' masochist streak. When he's in Sub Mode, he really wants to get hurt and trash-talked... but after, uh, everything, Obito's kinda reluctant to fulfil that domming role.
At the same time, he really gets off on being trusted like that. He loves that fun power imbalance - loves knowing he could tear Kakashi apart, but Kakashi is still letting him play with him like this, letting Obito fuck him and break him down and hurt him and loving every moment...
Anyway, they both dance around the subject for aaaaaaages, because they suck at communication. Whenever Kakashi tries to encourage Obito to be a bit rougher and meaner, Obito freaks out - but graaaaadually, over time, they both start easing into harder play.
Kakashi's big obvious NOPE button is any trash-talking that involves actually calling him trash or scum, and any mention of their past - which is fine by Obito, because he really doesn't want to go there in this context either!
But he loves sneering at Kakashi and talking down to him and calling him filthy and pathetic. Loves messing up his Hokage uniform, flipping up his robes and fucking him rough over his desk right before a Kage summit, then sending him in to talk to his peers with shaky legs and Obito's cum snaking down his thighs... AHEM.
Like, 40% of the time, Obito cries after domming Kakashi and needs to be held and have his hair stroked while Kakashi tells him he did a very good job :3c
Sometimes while Kakashi's still tied to a spreader bar and bleeding lmao :3ccc
(Obito just strikes me as the King of topdrop, and I love the idea of Kakashi preferring to sub during scenes, but also loving to provide aftercare... give me all the unconventional dynamics!)
Kakashi absolutely tries to push things too far and get Obito to really hurt him, at least once.
But after Obito shuts that shit down and tells him firmly that he is not here to be Kakashi's way of punishing himself (and is clearly pretty fucking distraught about being put in that position) Kakashi learns to control his need for self-punishment.
Now, on bad days where he wants to Suffer, he goes to Obito and explains, and they go train hard together or something and then Obito cuddles him.
And vice versa too! I get the sense that Obito doesn't go quite as self-destructive with his guilt - he gets ANGRY and BROODY and GRUMPY. On those days, Kakashi knows to give him space to work through his own shit, but when he crawls into bed beside him at night Obito always starts really far away from him, on the far side of the mattress - but graaaaaaaaaaaadually migrates until Kakashi can snuggle up to him and rest his head on them Beefy Tits and just gently hold him.
And sometimes they have really soft sweet sex on those nights, no words passing between them, just moving against each other in the darkness, letting each other know they're still here...
GAH I love them
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bitchfitch · 2 years
What if it was both? They can't speak in anything but questions but it also compels the other person to answer no matter what >:3ccc
I've been chewing on this ask since i got it and like. That's a good taste. very >:3ccc indeed. But it would prevent them from being able to have like, honest conversations.
Like ok, you're talking to someone right? and they ask a question that's a little too personal or too weird or too embarrassing, so you either avoid answering, or lie. That's an important part of conversing. It gives you an exit from an uncomfortable situation and gives them the feedback that maybe that question wasn't something they should have asked, or if you lied, that you already have them an answer and they don't need to push on it.
Ok, so if sphinxes could only ask questions, and all their questions must be answered, it would turn every conversation with them into an impromptu interrogation. There would be that anxiety at the back of your mind that at any moment the sphinx could just ask for your credit card info and you'd have to give it over.
And like, if you could lie to a sphinx in this scenario or avoid answering its question in a round about way, the sphinxes being like this hasn't added anything to the story, its just piled on a lot of clunk and extra words that provide no more characterization or plot momentum than if they weren't there.
But that clunk Does taste good. Its like whipped cream on pancakes. Does it do anything other than provide a bout of gastric distress? no. Does it taste really good in small amounts and look good while doing it? yes.
And clunk is the name of the game with this conundrum ain't it?
If they can only ask questions than they'll struggle to answer them. Or those answer will have to be phrased in an awkward, ugly way that doesn't Feel good to read or write. "Do you like blue" has to be answered like "Will you believe the answer is yes?" or "is the sky blue?" Clunk.
If they can't ask questions without making someone answer, but they can otherwise speak just fine, then its going to be an Issue when they want to have a respectful conversation with another person. Where they can't ask anything because that would violate the other person's free will and potentially force them to say something they might not want to. which does add an extra oomph to when they Do ask a question but it makes every other conversation sound like this: wants to ask someone their favorite color= "You like blue." or "you have a color preference." or "tell me your favorite color." Clunk.
And then they can only ask questions but everyone is compelled to answer is the best and worst of both world. All the clunk of both, all the charm of both and I'm not sure if the extra charm is worth the extra clunk.
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megatraven · 3 years
i want to send you... all of the fanfic ask meme letters??
>3c gladly! i'll take out the ones with [insert fic] tho
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
I have an Alyanette fic I wrote awhile back where they reunite at the airport which was inspired by this couple i saw at the airport Actually running into each other's arms and spinning each other around
C: What character do you identify with most?
>3ccc Astoria MC. workaholic. in love with nonbinary demigod. stressed. confidence for miles. hell yea
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
I can't tell if this is asking about fics I wrote or fics I like but my two favorite hurt/comfort fics are In Case of Sadness (an ML fic) and Even to the Edge (an LS fic)!!! In terms of one I've written..... all of them are my favorite >0c but I'll pick Wedding Blues
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
Oh easy. It's called dude. and it's only 24 words but it's probably the best fic i've ever written. (shoutout to kelly for consistently reading it LMAO)
H: How would you describe your style?
I don't know! I don't really think about it. I have no idea what my style's like, I don't reread my work often and it's not something I pay much mind to while I write
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh, so many. So many guilty pleasures. I'm a huge fan of angsty endings and character death, both in terms of reading and writing.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
The "angstiest" idea I've ever had is genuinely so cringey, OOC, and lacking in logic that I cannot bring myself to share it.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
Probably my Astoria Shrek AU :/
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
SO MANY? Too many. I know I've mentioned it but I've got a shapeshifter!Cerberus au on the back burner that I'd really like to get to. I have a snippet of a fic for it... somewhere. OH AND MY AI!JULIETTE AU!!!!! Where Juliette is a rogue AI created by her parents that steals/mods an android to be Juliette, though it can also switch over to the Bat Suit.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Yes. Infinitely yes. Every unfinished fic I have. Every idea. I wish someone else would just pluck the ideas from my head and write them for me.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I think more often than not, my stories start with dialogue that launches right into the plot- if there is a plot.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I'm guessing a gardener bc I do not plan my fics at all beyond the initial idea(s) that inspired them
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Oh hell yea. My tumblr drafts are full of them!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Pretty much all of my friends who write (especially from MLF shoutout to them) are an inspiration to me and influence me in some way!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Corruption arc corruption arc corruption arc corruption arc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soulmates! Rivals to lovers! Enemies to lovers! Friends to lovers! CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Way too many to list. way, way too many.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Honestly there's so many, but I'd love to write fic for Bakudeku someday. Catradora, too. There's a lot of Obey Me pairings I'd like to write for too oof......
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
Alya. Always Alya. She will never have enough appreciation. Nino too.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I like them both, but I'd probably say I prefer general prompts. Prompts that get too specific are sometimes hard for me to get excited about, especially if they're ones that I don't think would happen or be possible to write for in-character.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
All of them? All of them. But right now I especially like to make Alex and Astoria MC suffer. And Hades. And-
Y: A character you want to protect.
*sweats* A..... all of them.......
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Yes! I answered this for a guilty pleasure trope question above pretty much. Major character death makes for interesting fic for me and there was a time early in the Miraculous fandom where I read every single listed MCD fic on AO3. Characters whose deaths I can't tolerate....... probably Alya. Reading fics where she dies were always the most difficult for me.
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
I know they haven't interacted yet but maybe Levi, Junichi or Ushio? Asdffghhjk I'm curious👀
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\\ imma do two for each :3ccc
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  — Honestly I can see them both being little shits to one another lol like they both try to pull some bullshit and the other is ‘lol no??’ Or i can see Junichi trying to pull something and Mukuro calls him out and vice versa lmao
  — Because they’d probably(??) be drawn together since they’re both kitsune either by realizing it or not, they end up in the same place at the same time a lot of the time. 
  — Since she knows him due to her late fiancé getting tattoos from him, she’ll feel comfortable asking about getting a tattoo from him
  — Honestly i can see this being like a friends of circumstance evolving to either good friends or something romantic ( because i’m a sucker for that kind of thing ) lol 
  — Secret gaming rivals!!!! lmao since Mukuro doesn’t like to make it known that she’s into video games, she’ll play them but under usernames that wouldn’t fit with her personality ( probably something like pinkbearguy27 lmao )  And she’ll just be an absolute shit lord in game by mainly kill stealing lol or whatever the equivalent would be in whatever game.
  — to add to the above, he tries to doxx this rival and then he’s just on the hunt to figure out who it is. I honestly don’t know what his reaction would be if he figured out it’s Mukuro who’s behind the account lol 
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【 headcanons for our muses! 】                    ♡                   【 accepting 】
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kj-munch · 3 years
OK! So, the duo is Agent Molly [he/they]. and Mag Agent Cyber [they/them]! Agent Molly is the one I have the most for rn, so i'll start with him! Agent Molly secretly really likes Decora fashion, and the color pink, and dreams of one day being able to leave the agency with Cyber to somewhere other than Nevada so they can have their happily ever after together. But, until then, they use alcohol to cope with everything that's happening to them Agent Cyber was a mag before they met, though Cyber met Molly before too much about them was changed. Cyber is a Cyborg mag! They love Molly a lot, and other than that i don't have much in mind for Cyber! Either way, they're dating in secret, and love eachother very much. [though, they were made with the intent of their story being angsty as hell, so they're probably never gonna get their happy ending]
oooooo thats rlly cool!!! magxagent ships 5ever im such a sucker for themmm
good luck on your angst conquest >:3ccc u should make a happy ending au for them though they deserve one
ALSO i saw your other ask showing mollys design and i love it hehehehe i love their hairclips
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Ok ok ok so I saw your Leona n MC pinning to betrayal post before his Overblot 😩👌💖💖💖 good shit! BUT please consider the reconciliation n comfort after his Overblot, esp during the Azul questline when MC has to stay not only in Savanaclaw but in Leona's room. The potential that has 👀👀👀 I M A G I N E
>: 3c You.... You get it, anon. You Get It. >: 3ccc
EXACTLY THO???? Like especially if MC’s experiences on Earth make them able to relate a lot to Leona, and the overblot is the final straw that eventually leads them to spill the beans to him? Like yes, hello you emotional idiot, I love you, and I DO understand how you feel, PLEASE stop sabotaging yourself and get the help you need and deserve?? (Of course he’d make sure you’d do so too 😔💛🧡)
LIKE PLAYING MAGIFT AFTERWARDS (I find it hilarious they still all fucking played that game despite the aftermath of a FUCKING MOB RUNNING AROUND LIKE AJDHAKDBSK W H A T??? HOW DID NO ONE DIE GETTING THEIR RIBS TRAMPLED IN THAT BUT OK SURE I GUESS PLAY THE FLYING FOOTBALL GAME AJDHWKDJWJ), AND AND AND??? Havin a Simba and Nala moment where you’re rollin around together for God Knows What Reason, and either one of you has a “pinned ya~” moment with the other?? 👌🏻
Hehehehehehe and the bed~ >: 3c
Oh noooooo there’s only enough futons for Ace and Deuce, oh nooooooo, SOMEONE’S gotta share with Leona, and it sure as hell’s not gonna be either of them, lol.
You wake up to see you’ve snuggled each other bc you’re both warm and comfy~. He even had his tail draped over you~. And you both jump back and try to play off how awkward that is ajdhajdsj
But Ace and Grim already saw, so good luck living that down while they make kissy sounds at you~. (Only you, they don’t want Leona attacking them, lol.)
Feel free to ignore that tho, and sneak back some night to have a nighttime swim in their freaking??? Gorgeous pool???
Maybe a certain lion will catch you, and grumble, but share a sweet Can You Feel The Love Tonight moment with you around the waterfalls~ UvU 💛
That does mean it starts out romantic, and ends with him bear-hug pulling you into the pool, yes, akdhajdjs
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Ok ok so I’ve spent the last like hour and a half or so (at work) thinking about the OCs and their arcs and doing a bit of world building, let’s see how much I can get down:
• Aster, Ethan, and Puck all have arcs that sorta complement each other. Aster has trust issues out the wazoo, Ethan has abandonment issues, and Puck sorta fucks with both of those things - I had more thoughts and explained it so beautifully to myself like forty five minutes ago and now I’ve got basically nothing beyond that, whoops lmao
• I’ve mentioned how Elemental Masters have personalities informed and structured by their respective elements before, but I wanna go into how that affects the five main characters. Aster and Ethan, being masters of ice and earth respectively, tend to crave stability and reliability. They also struggle with change - like, they CAN change and adapt to situations, but if there’s too many changes or they’re too large or too clustered, they tend to break down a bit.
• On the other hand, Puck, Lena, and Fen handle change a lot easier - being masters of wind, lightning, and fire respectively, they have change basically built in. Fen is considerably more constant, however, and they’re also the oldest, so Aster and Ethan learn how to deal with change through them first. The downside is that Puck and Lena especially struggle with routine - once things start to settle, those two start getting antsy and anxious. Of course due to personality differences, they all show it differently, and there’s slight differences wrt what feels most stifling to them, but at its core the issue is the same.
• I’ve mentioned the school and how large it is before, but I don’t think I’ve quite emphasized JUST how sprawling and engaged it’s become in the last few centuries since its inception. There’s obviously the main campus at Wu’s old monastery, but then there’s satellite campuses dotted around Ninjago as well. Most people know about the school, and most people know to take their kids there when they start showing elemental masteries. It’s a bit like the Jedi Order by now, what with how much political and social power it holds. There’s always at least one or two graduates sitting on various councils and boards across the continent, ranging from local offices to national ones. And that, of course, leaves a L O T of room for potential corruption >:3ccc
That’s as much time as I’ve got right now, I’ll come back on my lunch break and keep going!!!!
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I see you handing out praise, so... tell me how you feel about spookyscientistskeleton :3ccc
Come and get your--hey, wait a minute!!! || Not accepting anymore
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oh jeez
my opinion on;
character in general: I’d say it’s hard for me to pick a favorite but like I mean, it’s Ferno, I love Ferno, I’ve invested so much emotional energy into Ferno, multiple times while writing Ferno I’ve had that mid-typing revelation about myself that has me just like “damn hoe maybe you oughta ring up your therapist”, I just always end up feeling a lot of Feelings about him. Writing him dealing with his struggles and gradually trying to improve is really cathartic for me! And it’s just been surprising and nice. I still love my other muses of course. My Grillby has been a lot more based off “Will You Stay” and le-poofe’s general depiction of Grillby, but he’s just a soft, caring flame boy with such a good heart. And Flambe motivates me a lot in pursuing my goals. Gaster ended up taking a backseat over time, which is funny since he was my first UT muse, but I’ve gotten so attached to the way I write him and the dynamics he’s built up here over time. He’s also just funny, and I love writing funny characters.  the mun: Okay my goal is to get through this and not be self-deprecating. But wow! Spacy! You are kind of a spacey dork, but damned if you aren’t trying your best. 8,) You really try to be a good friend and a good person, and even though you’re really hard on yourself sometimes, you still don’t stop trying. You’re passionate and independent and driven, and you’re fearless when it comes to taking on new things. You are kind of cool! And you should give yourself more credit for that. 
do i;
follow them: Yep rp with them: I mean yeah want to rp with them: I mean yeah ship their character with mine: I’d ship my Grillbies with each other, idgaf. 
what is my;
overall opinion: A fun assortment of fire boys and one single skeleton, pretty swell mun, doing her best
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