#he great gatsby
ya-what--ya-erster · 4 months
I swear I’m going to kick the heck out of the next person to make fun of my interests right now (Newsies, Illinoise, Gatsby (the musicals))
I don’t care if you think it’s too repetitive
I don’t care if you think it’s for kids
I don’t care what you think about the queerness of the characters, I don’t care that you don’t like it, I don’t care if I talk about it too much, I don’t care if I analyze too much
Literally leave me and my interests alone we don’t need you
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personinthepalace · 8 months
I shouldn’t say that *adorable laughter* - Jeremy Jordan from bwaygatsby instagram
Edit: this video was deleted and replaced with this new one
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Any theater nerd that denies being absolutely head over heels for Jeremy Jordan is a fucking liar
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besotted-with-austen · 3 months
Jay Gatsby: why would Daisy stay with that horrid excuse for a husband? We are in love and he is in the middle of our romance, he should make himself scarce! That's how the story goes, right? The poor boy starts from zero, he does a few illegal deeds to climb the social ladder, he becomes a prince, he gets the princess with the castle and they live happily ever after! The End!
Readers: sorry, what was that in the middle that you said?
Jay Gatsby: the boy becomes a prince!
Readers: the other thing?
Jay Gatsby: he gets the princess and the castle!
Readers: no, the other-hey, you did hear what he said, right?
Nick Carraway: *heart-eyes* he thinks he is a prince in a fairytale! Look at him, he kept an innocent soul even after seeing the cruelest parts of our society with his own eyes!
Nick Carraway: *dreamy sigh* what a miracle he is! Pity that he is deluding himself about Daisy!
Readers: he is the one deluding himself?!
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crystaltreebee · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time Jeremy Jordan showed up in random media I’d have-
so many nickels. Someone needs to stop this man. Please.
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highlyincorrect · 8 months
It’s so funny reading about queer male classic authors bc it seems like every single one of them-across continents even- knew each other by name. Like you’ll look up Bram Stoker or some shit and Wikipedia.org will say “had several orgies with Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, hung out with Alaina Locke in spare time to shit talk F. Scott. Fitzgerald” and you have to say well okie dokie then
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
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going-down-to-orlando · 2 months
"He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced-or seemed to face, the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour. It understood you so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey." Nick Carraway about Jay Gatsby, 'The Great Gatsby'
This is a PARAGRAPH about Gatsby's smile. Not even Gatsby, just his smile. Nick wrote 2 sentences about Jordan and his thoughts on her appearance. Jordan, his supposed "love interest".
This shows us two things. Firstly, Nick is definitely not a good, unbiased narrator. Secondly, Nick is a flaming homosexual.
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people watching Teen Wolf (apparently??): Scott is a neurotypical boring character with no vulnerabilities or nuance
Scott McCall: in response to an extremely traumatic series of event in which my agency and bodily autonomy were wrenched out of my control at the age of 16, i am now tying my self-worth directly to the well-being of every single person in this town (including those who have repeatedly tried to kill or actively harm me) and if i ever ‘fail’ to save someone i probably deserve to die or suffer a bunch more than i already have :))). also, the narrative has emphasized at multiple points that i will sacrifice myself not only out of compassion but because of a deeper feeling of complete worthlessness in the face of my own limitations. i am desperately sidelining my own past as much as possible yet my PTSD is still shaping how i try to act out the values of kindness and mercy (sometimes to rigid or illogical extremes) because these qualities weren’t shown to me when i was at my most vulnerable. it feels like someone trapped a monster under my skin and even though i am trying to use my abilities for good, it’s still hard to unlearn the pure terror and pain that i associate with becoming a werewolf against my will :)))
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smol-soop-spoon · 7 months
the amount of "i can fix him" energy henry winter (or any other tsh character tbh) produces in people should be studied
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vincent-is-vintage · 9 days
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Too much stress for Nick, he’s just a girl who wants a nice summer
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emmaspersonaldiary · 11 days
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madsgotmadagain · 2 months
Getting too comfortable in a class sucks bc I'll say somthing like "The Great Gatsby was good and all but its mostly just rich people problems and Nick being gay for Gatsby" and everyone will look at me like I just massacred their entire blood line and im like
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the-kestrels-feather · 3 months
Therapist: describe your current mental state
Me: Jay Gatsby in "Only Tea"
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rhysdoesstuff · 3 months
I feel like all the newsies fans of Tumblr will get a giggle out of this-
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me-in-my-autumnsweater · 10 months
dog nicknames are always like “goodest boi” or “sweetie pie” or “lil floofy” but here is a list of things i call my fish on a regular basis:
- My Son
- old sport
- sport
- little guy
- sir
- child of divorce
EDIT: thanks for all the love on this, Holden died in February but every time i get notified for this it makes me happy to know how appreciated he is.
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