#he gets embarrassed but he owns it saying “they're songs that just remind me of you of course i'd make a playlist of such songs” or smth
alhaith4ms · 1 year
college au pining! alhaitham who prolly plays cupid by fifty fifty or smth on loop while he stares at you longingly from afar in the library as you study, heart skipping a beat when your eyes meet and you give him a smile as you beckon him over to sit next to you.
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irishmammonagenda · 5 months
Hello! I hope your requests are open 🧚‍♀️
Can i ask, what brothers' reaction would be on MC who sings something like MSI (you know smth like "son of a bitch! God's like me!") or just alternative rock/punk in general?
Answer only if you're okay with that❤️
Have a great day🏃‍♂️
hihi‼️(i love the amount of emojis u use i can feel ur personality through the screen teehee)
i absoluetley can‼️‼️ also tysm for the new music to listen to (im kind of new to alt rock and punk i only really used to listen to MCR lmao😭)
anyway this was fun to write
grma for the ask <3
Obey Me Brothers React to MC Being a Wee Emo.
DISCLAIMER: emo is used as a word because where im from emo is used to describe nearly any type of alternative fashion bc we're all dumb over here app, also im 2% sure pop punk/poprock is emo music bc i think thats what mcr is, so we're going w/ it ig, the only thing ik abt music is that bars 13-20 in the dambusters themetune has fanfare so if i get any terms wrong lmk 😔✊
WARNINGS: There's a slight slight hint of drinks being spiked in Beel's one. nothing ever happens its just him keeping an eye on your drink at a concert just in case.
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He hears music blasting in the music room in the House of Lamentation.
At first he just sighs, it sounds like the type of music Belphie would listen to when trying to plan out another Anti-Lucifer League. The teenage angst probably helped fuel the seventh born’s desire and motivation to prank him.
He sneaks into the Music room. Technically he just walked in quietly, but you still jumped when you saw him.
"L-Lucifer!! Hiya!!" You say awkwardly, not looking the first born in they eyes. "What's up?" He blinks slowly at you, fighting the urge to place a gloved hand on the bridge of his nose and pinch it in disappointment (and/or second hand embarrassment) "I'm not going to say anything. Just keep it down, MC." He sighs, normally he'd have lectured you. But it reminded him too much of a wolf-cut, guyliner filled past that for the sake of his pride, he did not want to remember.
He wasn't a stranger to musical genres, the man collects records for fuck's sake.
The drums and guitars he can normally get behind. Especially with catchy rhythms.
The lyrics?....they're normally a hit or miss. It really depends on the song.
'God likes me' (MSI) 'Hail Mary, Forgive Me' (PTV) Religious references just kind of ruin some songs for him.
Lucifer spends his time collecting cursed records, but your music taste is a special kind of cursed MC.
Although, he is strangely supportive in his own way.
"MC, Lord Diavolo has gifted me some tickets to concert [small devildom band] is putting on, I thought you would enjoy it."
(Lucifer bought the tickets himself.)
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Haha, Emo!
"Yer a wee emo so ye are, MC"
It's not exactly his style of music (the man listens to Kneecap ffs)
BUT!!! He wants to share things with you dammit! Let him listen to your stupid emo music with you!!! He's your first man!!!
He does, however learn how to play guitar so he can play some simple chords while you sing horrible improvised lyrics with horrible improvised chords.
You don't have the heart to tell him that acoustic guitars aren't normally used in Punk/Rock music.
The sound of horribly improvised chord progressions ring out in your bedroom as you and your first man stand back to back, horrible matching messy eyeliner on both of yours and Mammon's eyes as you hold a hairbrush to your mouth and improvise lyrics. That is, if you can even get them out of your mouth before laughing. "Blood in my body! Because I'm aliveeee!!!" You sing off key while Mammon strums the guitar. "Love in my Bugatti! Because The Great Mammon can drive!" You laugh. Mammon whistles while missing out on the fingering of a chord and then pretending it didn't happen.
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The first thought in this man's mind is karaoke.
He sends you a playlist of Rocky kinda anime openings that you should totally listen to.
He's the least shocked and weirded out, (not that the others are weirded out)
He really likes your singing voice. It doesn't matter if you're a horrible singer, its you so it makes him happy.
You guys could do a duet? If it wasn't too much for you to sing with a stinky smelly otaku like him :(
"Levi-" You sigh, looking at the Levi shaped lump of seaweed in his aquiriam, the demon's tail twitches through the pile of aquatic plant, showing that he's listening. "Levi... Of course I'd love to do Karaoke with you...You didn't give me a chance to answer before jumping into the tank! C'mon!" It takes Levi a few more minutes before he feels ready to leave his seaweed pile, his face is completely red, but there's a small smile on his face as you set up the karaoke machine.
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Satan enjoys your music taste.
He likes most if not all human world music because music is so important to culture and he loves learning about human world culture.
What he doesn't like however, is people dropping his name in lyrics for edginess smh.
No MC, no one in Je T'aime is his bitch. Please stop asking.
He also takes you to gigs! Because why not!
The blond haired demon sat in the bar, earning a few looks from the people surrounding them. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his jumper and jeans and the book in his hands in comparision to black denim and leather, chains and sub-cultural clothes that everyone else was wearing. Satan payed it no mind as you came back with the drinks, all decked out in clothing matching the rest of the people in the venue in style. "Hope you weren't waiting long....the lines were long!" Satan takes a drink from your hand and sips it, giving a soft smile, "Not at all."
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The music is a hit and miss tbh, he prefers the more pop punk kind of thing, leaning more into pop than anything else.
He likes paramore though!
Loves the clothes associated with the genres and subcultures of the music! Adopts some of it into his own style!
(He alters it heavily, but some designs are inspired by the subcultures)
He could be your adorable gorgeous boyfriend and you could be the wee emo gremlin partner!
The opposites attract will look so cute on his Devilgram.
But he geniunely supports you and your interests, he designs and makes clothes for you in the style associated with your music taste.
He even makes you merch of your favourite bands and albums inspired into clothes.
He also does your makeup before you go out to concerts or gigs
Your his emo after all.
You squirm as Asmo runs his fingers along your flushed skin, he laughs as you jerk away. "It's just a brush, it wont hurt you darling!" He laughs, putting more black eyeshadow onto the makeup brush and applying it---or atleast trying to---to your eyelids, biting back teasing comments as you jerk away. You were ticklish god dammit! It wasn't like you were meaning to! It was a natural reflex!
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He likes it.
but not because he enjoys the music persay. Don't get him wrong he can listen to it and enjoy it but he wouldn't normally seek it out.
He likes it because you and Belphie like it, and the style reminds him of the both of you.
In terms of rock music he likes the more slow ballady types. Belphie normally listens to them when he has trouble falling asleep.
Very supportive.
If you're ever in the Mosh Pit in a concert, Beel will go with you, you're just so tiny and people can push you about! (You're tiny to him. So yes MC, his point still stands.)
Taking that back, if you're at a concert, Beel's probably with you. Unless you're with another brother, Even then, Beel's probably going to come.
Bro is like your own bodyguard.
Reports to Lucifer when at concerts and makes sure you're not taking any illegal substances, you don't know what's in them MC!
He makes sure nothing is put in your drink either.
He just wants to keep you safe :(
Beel had been staring at the cup in your hands back and forth for a while now, you smile and offer it up to him. "Want a sip, Beelie? You've been staring at my drink a lot" You practically shout over the music. You weren't in the mosh pit, and though you stood a good distance away, the music was still loud. Beel shakes his head, pointing to his pint and smiling his closed eye smile, "No thanks, MC. I'm just making sure you're staying hydrated and don't need refills." He says truthfully, though that truth isn't whole. You grin, "Aww...that's so sweet!" Turning your attention away from him and back to the stage, Beel wraps an arm around your waist. Eyes alert and wary when someone so much as walked past, or a crowd member got a little too close while dancing. He was overprotective and cautious. But you deserved to be safe.
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Give him back his albums what the actual fuck.
Look just because he takes your life it doesn't mean you get to take his music taste.
Wowwww. Petty.
Fine, you can borrow his limited edition special cut vinyls.
What? Lucifer's not the only one with a record collection.
He did not get this idea from Lucifer, No you Liar.
He did.
Belphie listens to rock ballads to get to sleep when he has trouble sleeping and when he wants to.
Sometimes when you nap together he puts some on.
It's kind of like a white noise machine.
Will go to concerts with you and Beel, but has to have slept for atleast 2 whole days leading up to it so people don't think he's passed out in the crowd.
Mention any similarites about his little music vinyl collections to Lucifer's cursed record selections he will not let you borrow any for atleast 3 days.
Long before Eve bit the apple and the brother's wings turnt black, a small boy with indigo hair wakes up from a nap, pouty lips wobbling when he realises his twin is nowhere to be found. Belphie sniffles, but doesn't break into tears. He's a big boy now! Big boys don't cry when they miss their twins! Beel was probably out on a walk with Michael and Lilith in her stroller! He'd come back! But still, Belphie's bottom lip trembled, eyes watering, the little boy didn't like being seperated from his twin! He was about to cry when he heard loud music coming from a room down the hall. More curious than anything, Belphie gets off of his bed, and (taking his teddy bear with him) walks down the hall following the sound. Though his walk was more of a waddle with his tiny legs. He'd never heard anything like it before! When Beel got back he could tell him about his discovery! Soon enough he reaches a slightly cracked open door and the music is super loud here. This must be it! Waddling into the room, Belphie could see a figure laying spread eagle on one of the beds. Half of the room decorated in colour with one bed and the half of the room with the person laying on the bed was almost completely in black with a bunch of posters on the walls. Most importantly, on the floor lay a box with a spinny thing spinning that seemed to be playing the sounds! Belphie held his teddy in one hand and lifted up the thing that was running across the big black circle. Immediately the sound stopped and the figure sat up, with layered dark shoulder length hair, layered dark black white and red clothes, and enough eyeliner to paint the colourful bright half of the room pitch black. A teen Lucifer looks down at Belphie with a sour expression, upset his mope session had been interrupted. "What are you doing here?" He asks the small indigo-haired angel. Belphie looks up at him with wide, sparkling eyes before pointing to the record player. "Why's it makin' sound? There's no choir in there...." Lucifer's eyes soften. His mope session about meeting the demon prince, not hating him, and finding him pretty like the human he met down in the human world could wait. "It's a record player, Belphs." The teenager's too emo, the end is nigh, everything sucks, too cool for love and affection persona drops and reveals his softie interior. Lucifer picks up his younger brother and places him on his bed as he takes out the record that was playing in the record player and putting on one that would be much less intimidating for someone as young as Belphie. He sits back onto the bed and the small boy cuddles up to his big brother, ever the affectionate child. As the record plays on Belphie grins up at Lucifer, revealling one missing front tooth. He had lost them early, shortly after Beel's tooth had fallen out. Lucifer grinned too, suppressing a chuckle at how Beel hadn't even realised his tooth was wobbly until he bit into his breakfast and found his tooth lodged into the food. "Luci! I likes this music!" "Do you?" "Mhm!" Lucifer grins, petting his youngest brother's head. "I'll tell you what. For your birthday I'll get you your very own record player and lend you some vinyls, we can even go to the human world and pick some new ones out. I'll show you how to play them when you have them, okay?" "Okay! Thank you Luci!" After a while, the songs change from high energy into ballads, Belphie's eyes grow heavier, as do his big brother's. Belphie curled up into the elder's side, abandoning his teddy bear for grabbing at the fabric of Lucifer's shirt with tiny grubby hands as he nodded off. Lucifer made sure to try not to move, in result of the slow rock ballad music and staying completely still so not to jostle and wake up his youngest brother who would 100% get cranky if woken. Slowly, Lucifer's eyes start to close, and he falls into a soft slumber as well.
And hey, if Michael returned from his walk, and after leaving Beel and Lilith into a play room went to check in on Lucifer and saw that sight; and then proceeded to grin and take multiple photos of said sight from multiple angles to use as blackmail on his little emo twin brother Lucikins on a later occassion, then that was Michael’s business and Michael’s business alone. And Lucifer's business when Michael didn't want to do the dishes when it was his night to do them, of course.
But if you ask, Belphie'll tell you that visiting the human world is what got him interested in that type of music.
Because he's a stinky smelly little liar and should be locked up in an attic.
On a side note he bullies you for being 'emo' :(
Bro is such a hypocrite.
But to be geniune, Belphie loves that he can share his music with you. He's happy you can bond over this with him.
Not that he'd ever outright tell you.
But you can tell in the way he gives you albums and vinyls as gifts, and makes you little playlists of ballads to sleep to. (He's gotten you into the habit smh.)
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starsunderwaterr · 5 months
can u write agent 8 x reader again pls 😓 i rlly like ur content
I need a break from uni work for a little and omg. lucy by corbon amodio (the "bingo, bingo baby" song) has been STUCK in my head and it reminds me so much of agent 8! it's so her coded! so here we go! i missed you loves so much!
So, here we go! <3
General (Fem) Agent 8 Headcanons!
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Warnings: slight mentions of a heated makeout sesh
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Okay so, I definitely feel like Eight is the type of girlfriend to sing you the "bingo bingo baby, I love you. ain't that crazy? i want you, i want you, over again :)" part of the song over and over
I feel like in general, she sings to you a lot, usually in the comfort of your shared apartment
Will grab your hands and dance with you back and forth with a big smile on her face
She always knows when to dance with you, too, like
She can pick up on when you're having a bad day and she knows how to approach the situation perfectly
It's probably from her time being an agent, analyzing situations and body language, but she's also just an intuitive person :3
Will force you to get outside and go on walks with her, will point out the funny shapes in the clouds with you and will even buy you ice cream or boba!
Just wants to be with you :') she loves you so much
When it comes to cuddling, this girl is a monster
She will open her arms for you to crawl into, and when she's done wrapping her arms around you??
Absolutely loves kissing you and looking into your eyes
She will cat stare you from across the room, and her pupils literally dilate when looking at you
She really is the "bingo, bingo, baby" audio because she basically is a cat
When you're working on something, say on the couch, she'll just plant her head in your lap and stretch out unbothered with a yawn
"Uh... Eight?" "Hm?" She yawned, closing her eyes happily as she pushed the laptop out of your grasp
"I was working on-" "No.-" She cut off, looking up at you with a pout
"Come on and cuddle." She whined, demanding attention as she snuggled her head into your lap
Eight. LOVES. Cuddling.
I don't need to say it again
This girl will lay her head on you always
On the train, on the couch, out in public
In the mornings when she's really sleepy, she'll even cuddle you from behind and rest her head on your back
In bed, it's heaven
She gets close, right up against you, but sometimes she wants her space
She usually will always have a body part touching you though, cause she just likes to be close to you
She's a little bub
Having dates with Eight is so fun because god forbid it's like turf, say, she gets ultra protective of you whilst also being your biggest fan
Like, during matches, she'll hype you up even if you're on the opposing team and will splat her own teammates (or try to) if they're coming at you
You were getting slammered by a Splatana user, they just wouldn't leave you alone!
Suddenly, from across the map, you hear a loud charge ring out!
Shit! This time she was actually going to splat you!
But the body next to you fell to the ground, and the little spirit floated up with a whine.
You looked back at Eight, who now stood there from behind the bridge hiding spot
She waved to you with a closed mouth smile, her E-Litre perched on the cement top
You had to stop swooning over how cute she looked because you almost got splatted yourself-
Eight could be so clueless sometimes tho, it was hilarious
A turf player was explaining turf to you like you were stupid, and you were clearly uninterested
Looking to Eight, you gave her a look, hoping she'd catch on, but instead, she just smiled at you confused-
Oh, Eight... what are we gonna do with you
After that conversation the best thing she said was, "He smelled like Crusty Sean's van... embarrassing."
Eight's facial expressions are everything omg-
When she dislikes something, she makes it known
But the cutest of them all was when she once saw you <3
The two of you had been apart for a long time due to her work during SO, and she had texted you that she would be coming home soon
You decided to meet her at the entrance to the train station, and you noticed her walking around nonchalantly taking in a new part of the city
Suddenly, she caught a look of you, and she did a double take
Her previously grim expression was now full of joy as she saw you and all of your greatness
See? Y'all, when I'm telling you she loves you... she loves you
She instantly rushed over and hugged you, kissing your cheek a ton as she greeted you
"I missed you so much!" Her voice rang out, happiness in every word
Her accent makes everything cuter omg
When she pronounces certain words, she says them uniquely and it's so cute
You tease her about it sometimes and she doesn't even pay any mind to it, just repeats the word with cute confusion
"And so I was telling him to give me the Octo Snypear (Sniper)." "Heh... Snypear."
"..." "..."
You're not judging her for her accent, you just find it cute that she pronounces certain words a certain way
Surprise, surprise, Eight gets needy
Aside from her wanting to cuddle, there are some days that she comes up to you and just needs a hug
Sometimes her mind gets too foggy and the memories get to be too much, and she just needs you to be there for her
She walked over to you, your smile fading upon seeing her own frown
"Baby, what's wrong?" She didn't say anything, just hugged you and whined softly
Poor baby just needed some comfort and your touch
It's often all she needs
She'll take naps cuddled up on your shoulder, her head resting there as she hugs your torso
Surprisingly, she's not too big on lip kisses, but she does love a good makeout sesh here and there
For the most part, she'll kiss any other part of your body like your hands, your cheeks
But each kiss is fast and repetitive
She just loves you so much, and she shows you
Through her care for you, her kisses, her little favors for you
Need something?
Before you could think of it, she's on it
The best thing about Eight, was that one night, after a bad breakdown for you
You went to take a shower, and when you came out, the towels laid out for you were warm, fresh out the dryer...
This girl took the time to do that for you... she really loves you
Like I said, she loves you, so she's willing to do anything for you, happily
She's your lil bingo bingo baby >:3
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pentacentric · 7 months
I probably think way too much about how very little Sam knew about Mary. How John and Dean gave him almost nothing, to the point that she wasn't even really like a ghost shadowing his life, more like the story of one overheard in bits and pieces over the years. And yet, his whole life from when he can first remember—every bit of motivation or guilt, every point of pride or shame—is built around his mother, this person he isn't allowed to know.
I've written a lot of bits and pieces about it before, but never a standalone. This is actually an excerpt from a longer story, but I modified it some and I think it works on its own, hopefully (he knows about hunting already but that's really the only canon difference).
When Sam's in fourth grade, and has to write a page about his favorite memory, he asks for Dean's help. All he can seem to dredge up at the moment is just too weird or too farfetched. Things that say far too much about the way they live for a teacher to read.
So he asks Dean what he would write about.
After some teasing about his best memories being of all the times Sam's embarrassed himself (and a well-aimed pink rubber eraser hitting him between the eyes) Dean quiets down and turns thoughtful.
"Well, I dunno what my most favorite memory would be, really. I guess…" He bites his lip, chews on it for a second, gaze directed absently into the distance. "I think it would prob'ly be my first memories? It musta been, like, when I was three and four maybe. They're…of Mom."
"Oh." Sam's chest gets a little tight. He speaks quietly, cautiously. Dean—Dean and Dad both—they don't talk about her much. Sam's seen her picture, the one that Dad keeps in his journal, a few times, but he knows so little about her. Just that she was pretty (beautiful), with a smile that reminds of him of Dean's and wavy blonde hair. "What was she—what are they like?"
Dean smiles, maybe a little sad, but it's more than that. Warm, wistful; gaze still unfocused and distant. "Mostly…happy. Like…bright. She'd sing to me a lot, and, like, I didn't know the songs back then, but, when I hear 'em now, I can hear her voice singing them. Beatles, Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, um…Peter, Paul, and Mary, maybe…" Dean chuffs out a laugh. "I remember Puff the Magic Dragon, at least…I think I even remember Dad teasin' her about how she better sing me some real music, too, not just sissy crap, but, I dunno, maybe I made that up."
Dean pauses, that bittersweet expression on his face, still, and Sam doesn't want him to get lost in it. He also doesn't want to miss this opportunity, if he can help it.
"I dunno. He'd say somethin' like that." Dean spares him half a smile, still somewhere else in his head. "What…what else do you remember? What'd you guys do together?"
"Well, not a whole lot. I guess mostly just the normal stuff you do with a little kid. Like legos, I remember we'd build castles an' fortresses and stuff. I wanted her to build me a car but we didn't have enough black bricks, so she made me a little boat instead. Dad said it looked like a bathtub." He smiles. "Um, she'd dance with me, sometimes. To the radio. Make lunch—I mostly remember sandwiches and Mac n' Cheese. I'd sit in that little seat in the cart when she went to the grocery store, and she'd ask me what was on the list and I'd pretend I could read it and make up dumb stuff."
The silence is longer this time. Sam breathes out, carefully. "What kinda stuff?"
"I dunno. Just silly things, like 'elephant steaks!' Or 'a unicorn!' Or 'poop n' rhubarb pie!'"
"Gross." Sam wrinkles his nose.
Dean grins at that. "I think you're, like, the only kid ever who never found poop and fart jokes funny."
"'Cause they're not."
When Dean laughs, muttering little weirdo, Sam looks around for something harmless to throw at him, pouts.
"Don't worry, Sammy, if anyone wonders why you're so weird I'll just tell them it's 'cause you still poop your pants, and you're kinda sensitive about it an' all."
Sam decides that his pencil is perfectly fine to throw after all and, as a concession, doesn't aim it at his head. Dean grins, not seeming too annoyed by the assault, so Sam decides to push his luck.
"Did Mom think it was funny? Your lists?"
Dean's melancholy little smile is back. "Yeah…yeah, I think she did. She'd always laugh, anyways. An' she had the best laugh. I'd make up stuff that just got more and more ridiculous just so I could keep watchin' her laugh." He sighs, shrugs. "Anyways, yeah…that's Mom. That's what I remember."
It gets quiet after that, and Sam can see Dean's face starting to shutter over as he withdraws. It's rare for Sam to get to see his brother so open and unguarded any more. Over the last few years, Dean's started to change; Sam can tell. Still fun, still charming, still affectionate, at least with Sam (mostly when there's no one else around to catch him being so uncool). But, even though they're not always alike—Dean doesn't usually brood, rarely explodes, and he never gets that kind of burning cold John does when he's focused on something—sometimes now he kinda reminds Sam of Dad. He's been more closed off, the way Dad can be, his deeper emotions pushed farther away, out of Sam's reach. Doesn't show when things get to him, like he used to.
It's actually kind of lonely, sometimes.
"So, what are you gonna write about, Sammy?"
When Sam shrugs, Dean suggests the time they ran out of gas on a back road in central Florida. They'd only walked two miles before an Oscar Myer Wienermobile came barreling down the road, seemingly out of nowhere, and gave them a lift to and from the closest gas station (still a good eight miles away). Sam counters with the night in Montana that Dad got so drunk he started fighting with the motel owner about yetis (Dad coming down hard on the side of 'hoax'). They ended up getting kicked out at two am after Dad had cut down the guy’s “Bigfoot Crossing” sign with an axe. They toss back and forth increasingly ridiculous ideas until they're both laughing so hard they're in literal tears. When John comes back, they can't even stop long enough to answer what's so funny. Dad just smiles, bemused and fond, and shakes his head before heading off to shower.
Sam thinks maybe he can add this afternoon to his Good Memories pile.
In the end, he waits until that evening, before bed, and easily fills up a page-and-a-half about the time, last summer, when Dad was on a hunt out west and he and Dean had spent all afternoon exploring tidal pools in Yaquina Head, Oregon, marveling at the tiny little aquatic worlds they found. He invents an older teenage cousin that tagged along so the teacher won't question why two young kids spent the day alone in a national park.
He gets an A.
From then on, Sam keeps his eyes out in thrift stores for cassettes from the bands Dean mentioned; pockets them when he can to listen to later on the beat-up Walkman knock-off Dean stole for him for his sixth birthday. He likes a lot of it, but he's careful about what he keeps; only his favorites. He stashes them in the bottom of his school bag, in the hollowed-out book that Bobby showed him how to make last year, on a rainy day when Sam got bored with watching old Westerns.
For some reason, he doesn't want Dean to know about them. Doesn't want him to feel like Sam's trying to take something away from him. So he slips them in when he's sitting in the back of the Impala alone, on long trips, and closes his eyes. Lets the albums pour into his ears over the headphones; shuts the rest of the world out. Sgt Pepper's. Pet Sounds. Bookends. He tries to imagine his mom, Mary, singing the songs to him, in a sunny kitchen.
But he can never really pull together a complete image of her; just bits and pieces, blurred-together impressions: yellow hair, the smiling face from the picture (looking kind of flat, like a mask), a flowered dress he'd seen in a shop window. And he doesn't know what her voice sounded like, so it kind of just ends up being a composite of the voices of some of his favorite teachers (along with the mother of a classmate back in Indiana who drove him home once when she spotted him waiting for the rain to stop under the playground slide).
So he gives up on trying to picture her, and, instead, just tries to sink into the music, sees if he can feel what she was feeling when she listened to it. Imagines the conversations they might have: which songs would be her favorites, why she would have liked them, where she was the first time she heard them playing.
When he hears those songs on the radio now, or over the speakers in a restaurant, it makes him feel kind of happy and sad at the same time.
They remind him of her.
(Except for America—for some reason, that one makes him think of Dean.)
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
Drunk 141 & friends headcanons:
Price : complains a lot : "Nik is way too romantic, can you believe I'm gonna have to learn how to waltz to surprise him for our anniversary? How fucked up is that?" or "These two assholes are so annoying, like they think I'm blind or something, do they know how much effort it takes to not tell them to get their heads out of their arses?" or "Did you know Nik forced me to confess when we were young? He kept looking at me with his eyes, so I told him to stop or I'll kiss him and he blushed so I did. Asshole. … I'm gonna ask him to marry me."
Laswell : falls asleep where she is. Price can keep talking to her for hours, doesn't actually care if she listens or not. Gushes about her wife when she's awake.
Ghost : likes to drink but rarely gets drunk, doesn't like the loss of control. When he does, he gets anxious and cuddly but won't ask for it, will just stare at Soap in silence (Roach moves too much, too overwhelming). Is happy even if just Soap's or Roach's thigh is touching his own, but prefers when Soap is using him as a pillow or backrest, or Roach is climbing on him. Tears up when Price pats him on the head.
Roach : takes any bet anyone is telling him, climbs on any surface available just to see if he can. They once found him asleep on top of a pub's cabinet.
Gaz : rambles and forgets how to talk. "Yeah, I was head down in uh that green shit, y'know, uuuh grass! And there were… they… fuck. Whazzit called… Lullabies. No. Butterflies? Mmmno. Like little choppers, y'knoooow… I don't like choppers. They're mean to me."
Soap : forgets what 'inside voice' means, aggressively whispers for thirty seconds when people tell him to be quieter before going back to shouting instead of talking, giggles at everything, his accent in English gets thicker and he'll also just start speaking Scots.
Rodolfo : looks at Alejandro with hearts in his eyes, never stops smiling. Ale could be telling the dumbest story ever, he'll still look absolutely enamoured. (doesn't change much from sober lol)
Alejandro : tells all his friends he loves them, gets very emotional in Spanish, randomly starts to sing songs going through his head.
Nik : needs a lot more than what they generally have to get drunk, will get tipsy at best, keeps an eye on all of them and pretends to not remember what Price says, especially when it's supposed to be a surprise.
Alex : either laughs about absolutely nothing, starts crying in the middle of a sentence, or stares unblinkingly at the wall, nothing else. Might say afterwards that it reminded him of frat parties when he was young, that's a lie, he's never been to one, he was a shy nerd before the army, he only looks like a jock.
Farah : probably doesn't drink tbh, religion and all that, but she keeps an eye on them with Nik. Gets second hand embarrassment about them sometimes, but will get angry if anyone else makes a remark.
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instarsandcrime · 6 months
Worried Sick
So gonna start with some honesty here. This might be the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written. My theater gay ass couldn't keep away from an interpretation of a subplot from G//uys//and//Do//lls//. The idea of someone getting so worried over a Big Thing(tm) that they end up with a psychosomatic cold until the problem is resolved got me. Also Ade/laide's La/me/nt was the first thing that awoke the kink in me, so there's some BIG inspiration taken from that song and scene overall.
SO. I decided 'hey, why not' and now Lu/ci/fer gets to suffer because he definitely was not a mess when Li/lith was pregnant. Featuring a few of @glitterrosesnzz headcanons because his ideas are chaotic and I love that dearly.
Enjoy! ❤️
It was six months into Lilith’s pregnancy that Lucifer stopped fussing and fretting over her. Instead, to her lack of surprise, her husband had decided to spoil her rotten. And although he was increasingly sweet– and she didn’t mind a bit of pampering now and again– old habits died hard. Centuries of serving Lilith in Eden had led to the occasional reminder that yes, she was safe. And yes, her fallen guardian angel needed to step away from his duties once in a while.
Sadly, this routine was not limited to using the stairs.
"Lucifer, I'm fine."
"But Lilith–!"
"They're just sore ankles, my love. Nothing to worry yourself over." The queen giggled as she pried her husband’s grip from her waist, kissing the backs of his hands affectionately along the way.
"Okay. Gotcha. Stairs good. Ankles bad but also good. Say no more." Lucifer pulled back, wringing them as they walked. Desperately trying to keep boundaries without bursting into flames. "It's just. I mean. If you trip and fall you could get hurt. And if you get hurt the baby will get hurt! A-and if that happens– snff!"
"Then it's a good thing I won't." She added, gesturing to the bottom step beneath them.
"Oh." The obsessive rambling cut itself at the stem, an embarrassed flush blooming on his face. "I, um. I see that we've made it."
"So we have." Lilith said with a fond look. She continued her journey down the hallway with her head held high– caretaker skittering to the front and walking backwards as they went.
"Lily dear, if I could just mention one more thing?"
"It’s alright, Lucifer. Speak your mind."
"Much as I hate to say it, you've been working for hours, and bending all day might hurt your back! Ugh.” He shuddered for extra emphasis, “You should be resting, not signing documents for some stuffy Goetia noble."
"And if I were confined to writing in bed, wouldn't I still be upright?" Lilith pondered aloud.
“And those downy pillows can only do so much.”
"Well– well yes, but! But, I…ah, shit. I did it again, didn’t I?" Lucifer mourned. Entering the queen’s large, lavish office, the demon rushed to pull out a seat for her. “Fine, fine. You win. I trust you.”
“Good boy.” Lilith purred as she graciously accepted, leaning back to peck him on the cheek. Watching with deep affection as the great demon king all but melted into a lovestruck puddle. "You know, I have a question of my own."
"Yes, my beloved?" Lucifer’s voice sung like windchimes, still stuck in his reverie.
"How are you feeling?"
"In perfect condition, Your Highness. With just a snap of the ol’ fingers, anything in the universe will be yours. You just name it!" He smirked, adding a quick little bow for good measure.
"Ah, no. What I mean is," Lilith’s gaze softened, "are you feeling anxious about the baby?"
The air around the king of Hell froze just short of ten degrees.
"I...w-well...oh, geez. That's a-ahh...a cohh! Complicated question, isn't it?" Lucifer laughed nervously between light, hiccuping breaths.
"A simple yes or no would suffice."
"Nnnnooo..." He drawled, scratching lightly at his arm.
"...Oh. Alright." His wife answered simply, turning to her paperwork.
"If you say you are well, I will trust your judgement." Lilith picked up her pen, tip hovering just above the parchment as she peeked a glance from behind. "Although, I was wondering. Have you thought of a name for our little girl yet?”
"I! Well! Um!" He discreetly swiped at his nose, "You're certainly coming up with...w-with– Ahem! With those hard-h-hih! …hhhhitting questions today, aren’t you?"
"Then what would you propose we do for her new crib? Any toys in mind?" The queen asked, very much aware of the other losing struggle that was worsening by the second.
"You always like t-to...to think...ahehhh...aheadD'SHH'hhiu! T'shhhiew! Etch'SHIEW!" Ribbons of fire poured from between Lucifer’s fangs, and he slapped a hand over his mouth to tamper it.
"Goodness, bless you!" Lilith went to stand, but Lucifer quickly waved open a portal before she could stop him.
"Gotta go for a– kaff! a sec!" He croaked between smoking coughs, "Be back soon, I promise! Don't-- kaff kaff! Don't get up, just stay off your feet!"
And with one last flickering outburst of a sneeze, the portal closed behind him.
Alone and left to her own devices, the queen only shrugged and pushed herself upright. Well. Better late than never to confront this, she supposed.
The bathroom door slammed in a hurry and, disaster temporarily abated, Lucifer slumped against it. With a hoarse sigh he shed his illusion like snakeskin, checking the mirror for what lay underneath. Puffy eyes with dull yellow pupils and sickly red sclera. Beads of sweat rolling with every wave of nausea. Scarlet cherub cheeks shifted to gold, glowing with a feverish holy blush. Groaning over a sudden realization, the fallen angel pulled back his collar to observe tiny stars that peppered the ends of his shoulder blades to the tips of his pointed ears. Ugh, and he thought he got rid of those pox-like symptoms when his form changed. He peered under his gloves and uh-huh. Yyyep! This sucks.
Stopping to scratch his cheek, he threw open the medicine cabinet and snapped his fingers. In an instant the shelves and edges of the tub were lined with vintage bottles and beakers, assorted in colorful rows. Mortar and pestles collected in the sink, covered in all different types of thick, herbal powders. Wadded tissues overflowed a once-empty wastebin, and Lucifer quickly snatched one from a nearby box to blow, wincing at the touch of his raw nose.
"Ughh. Okay, where did I leave off?" Another flick of the wrist and piles of stacked books littered the floor, each one marked with all sorts of angelic and demonic symbols. Sitting on the counter he began to read, cotton cloth pressed to his face. "Six months of this. Unbelievable."
He read aloud half-heartedly with another soft sniffle, "Angelic flu. Patient may experience bouts of nausea that make me want to die a second time, the sudden urge to cough up a fucking lung, a rash made of stardust because of course I still get that down here, an itchy nose that won’t quihh…hihhhh...! Hih-hih-hhhit'SCHHH! It'SHIEW! HIT'SHH’HHIEW!" He fumbled to catch his book before it could hit the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. "Whew! Don’t talk about the fourth thing. Got it."
Tugged along to the instructions he opened his other palm, producing an ornate teacup that graciously fell into an equally fanciful saucer. Amber apothecary vials lifted themselves, pouring small helpings of this and that as he continued. "An easy remedy to cure the chronic organic symptoms of," his voice soured, "a feeling of insecurity and frustration caused by withheld duties-- oh, for Heaven’s sake!"
He threw the book to the ground with a loud clatter. No matter how many fancy words are written, no matter how many diagrams are shown, no matter how long he’s waited and waited around for this wonderfully delicate life to come into this world–
“ET’SCHH’HHIU! Snff! Ugh…”
He's seen the same damn result every time! It's– it’s just a small case of the sniffles. That’s all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Lucifer?" A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Is everything alright? I heard something fall."
"Just a mo-ment!" Lucifer winced at the way his voice cracked, threatening to break down in a coughing fit. Biting the bullet he downed the tea in one gulp, waving away the medical concoctions and used tissues to another existence. "I, uh– um– spilled a drihhh-drink!"
His breath suddenly hitched and he fought the urge to drag a hand down his face, silently swearing when the remedy somehow made things worse. Every inhale burned with a strong tickle, and he pinched his nose and sniffed hard in a desperate attempt to settle it.
"You spilled a drink in the bathroom?" Lilith asked, voice tinged with quiet amazement.
Lucifer cringed as he finished the magic touches on his starry spots, "...Yes?"
The door clicked, and his guest stepped through the threshold with the sweep of her wrap dress. She circled every nook and cranny, taking in its shimmering appearance. Her gaze moved to her husband– put together and pristinely dressed, boasting a huge grin. In short, everything around her was absolute perfection.
How unnerving.
"I suppose you will be joining me in my office?"
"Your-- oh!" Lucifer nodded stiffly,  "Of course, of course! I just need more ti...t-tihhh...time– Ahem! Oh dear, 'scuse me. Had a little bit of a t-tickle there."
"I would love to invite you back," Lilith’s brow furrowed, "but it might do you well to take your own advice and get some rest."
"Hm? Did I do some...s-somethihhh...hih! S-something I shouldn’t have?" He swallowed, fighting the urge to close his fluttering eyelashes.
"No– at least, not until today. I hate to do this darling," His wife crouched, holding a handkerchief of her own, "but you missed a spot."
Before he could think Lilith wiped at the angry flush that brightened the bridge of his nose like it were a smudge of dirt, and the reaction was immediate. Lucifer gasped, eyes lined with irritated tears. "W-wait! Let's talk abouhhh...a-about thihhh…!"
"Poor thing." Lilith sighed, moving to brush the rim of his nostrils. "It's so sensitive now, too."
And with that, she kissed the tip, helping her husband hold the cloth as he snapped at the waist.
"Het'shhh! 'Tchiew! 'Tsshhh! Hit'chh-tshh!-tshhh-het'shhh! Heh'TSHHH! H-hih...H-hih!...waihhht-- 'tshh-tch! slow dowhh- down-- Hih'kschh! please-- Het'Schhh!" He begged to himself, sadly to no avail. His illusions went down, and so did his strength. "Hih-hih-hit'SCHH'HIEW! HT'SCHHH-'Tsh!-'TSH! 'TSHHHIEW! Hehhh-Ht'CHT! HET’TCHHH'hiew-TSHHH'HIEW! H-hehh- c-cad't- Het'CHHHIEW! stoh-huh!...st-stohhp...HIT'SCHHH'HHIU! Hih-hih-Hih! Hhh...ghhh..."
A slender finger pressed just underneath his twitching nose, and all that was left of the uncontrollable fit was a shaky, tired breath. "Thadk you. Snff!"
He blinked his vision into working order, bashfully taking the handkerchief to let loose another blow. All the while gentle claws stroked loose, damp locks back into place.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Three-- kaff! Th-three days."
Lilith raised an eyebrow.
"One month?"
She crossed her arms. “Try again.”
"...Six months." He cleared his throat. "But that doesn't matter! I don't have any responsibilities at the moment, and you're taking the brunt of well-- everything! Your work, the pregnancy. You should be focusing on yourself, not worrying about me."
"What? No!" Lilith took a seat on the porcelain rim of the tub, scooping the fallen angel into her lap with a warm embrace. "No, no, don’t neglect yourself for my sake. You have every right to feel nervous too."
"Of course." She urged, "Nervous that you may be a bad father, perhaps?"
"Wh--" Lucifer huffed out a laugh, scratching at his neck. "Don't be absurd! I-I don't think about that! Nehhh...heh! Snff! Never."
"Oh?" Lilith tilted her head curiously, "So the rambling, fussing, and conveniently timed illness means nothing?"
"Nnnnope! Nuhh-snff! Nothin’." The demoness nearly jumped out of her skin as large pillars of books reappeared in a flash of holy light.
"I just stopped my search at angelic flu-- which was a bust, by the way.” Lucifer continued, picking up a book to smack the cover in frustration. “That eliminates most heavenly illnesses. I didn't check curses yet, but I've got a hunch it's some type of plague. Those are all the rage on Earth these days. Actually, when we start using the stroller, should our little girl be outside on walks when another case carries over? She could get sihh-hih!...s-sick just from br-brea- snff! breathing. Can you imagine–…imagine thahh...th-that?"
"Darling." She tilted his chin upwards with a teasing smile, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Be careful. Talking about the baby too much will send you into a fit."
"Pfft! What, me? Noooo! Sure, I just think about her once in a while and wor-- consider! Consider the fact that I might mess up. And when I consider the fact that I might mess up, I tend to...to sn...s-sneehh...! Heh!"
Lucifer pushed himself from her grip, pitching helplessly into slowly soaking fabric. "Het'chiu! Hih'tchhh'hiew! Hihhh...hih! HITCHIEW!" With every sneeze his demon horns grew until they cradled Lilith’s cheeks.
"I warned you, didn't I?" His beloved huffed, rubbing a hand on his back while his breaths began to calm.
"Ughhh…Sorry 'bout thahh-hah-h-hhhah! HAT’SHHHIEW! HET’KSHHHOO! Hhheh…hihhh-hih!…ohhh…" He moaned, punctuating his misery with a loud, gurgling blow.
"If it helps break this 'curse' in any way," Lilith scratched at the base her patient's horns, and his twisted expression finally relaxed, breathing a dreamy sigh. "I think you'll make a great father."
"Mmm? Why's that?" He slurred, leaning into the touch.
"Because our child isn't born yet, and you've already worried yourself sick over her." Wide eyes snapped open, and Lilith pursed her lips to bite back a laugh.
"Ugh, that pun was terrible. Even for me." Lucifer pouted dramatically, collapsing against her. 
“I love you too.”
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elvisabutler · 2 years
this is neither the time nor the place
summary: baz likes to throw pre-oscar parties on the beach near his house. baz's parties are always a little interesting. austin shows you why. fandom: austin butler | elvis 2022 pairing: austin butler x plus size female reader rating: m. it's kinktober, y'all at best i can manage a high t in lower ratings. word count: 1550 warnings: public sex acts. thigh riding. fingering-ish. p in v sex, unprotected. literally having sex in front of people while they're not watching. minor embarrassment/humiliation kink. use of the word king and queen to describe the reader and austin. me making jokes about the reader being persephone and austin being hades. author's note: welcome to day 12 of kinktober, public play with austin butler. so this started out as fingering, then was going to be sex on the beach before i settled on this. i really actually like where it went. hope y'all enjoy this! this is subtle plus size reader, but let's be honest, i secretly just want to picture austin with a his girl in his lap, all the fabric of her skirt hiding the two of them and what they're doing. and before you say that's not possible, you should see the amount of fabric some of my skirts have.
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Baz is excited this year. Baz has actually been excited from the moment production wrapped on Elvis, his post wrap party being one that Austin has told you about numerous times in between your giggles at Baz's antics- are you sure he wasn't drunk sweetheart- and your jealousy that you weren't a part of Austin's life back then. Every night he reassures you with kisses to your lips, your neck and your chest. You weren't a part of his life then, but you are now. You're his Persephone, enrapturing him from afar in the spring and summer but staying glued to his side the minute the cold gusts of autumn rolled in. Oscars are the last time you'll be able to spend an extended time period around each other. He's got yet another project booked and you- regretfully have to get back to your own job. Your own boring job despite his pleas to let him take care of you. To let him use his newfound fame and mild riches to take care of you. Maybe one day is always the answer he gets, with a side of you reminding him as much as he enjoys calling you Persephone and you teasing him about being Hades, he is not nearly rich enough just yet.
Baz greets you the second he sees the pair of you, enveloping Austin in a warm hug and pulling away to look at you with a hint of awe.
"Oh, Y/N, he has been hiding you away hasn't he? You look stunning. You actually rival my view of the sea." He practically croons and you can't help the way you tilt your head down and bite your lip.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Luhrmann. I still haven't quite forgive you for what I heard you did to my king. It'll take quite a few boombox moments with Nessun Dorma to get me to forgive you." You scrunch up your face in mock anger, wagging your finger as you do.
Baz laughs and leads you two inside. "Catherine will love you. Austin if you don't marry her- I may have to revoke your rights to come here as you please."
Austin gasps as he shuts the door. "You wouldn't."
Baz's only response is a shrug as he ushers you to the kitchen where some song you don't recognize is playing. It feels like a party and feels every bit like the party Austin had told you about. A few times you feel a little out of place, surrounded by absolutely stunning individuals but the second you even have a hint of distress on your face Austin is whisking you into his arms, dancing with your bodies pressed close together, his hands squeezing your hips, allowing your full ass to grind against him. Even during dinner you find yourself being lifted onto his lap. It's not the first time you've sat on his lap but as time went on you kept trying to move, trying to wiggle away to give his leg a break from your weight only to have Austin's lips at your ear, nipping at it just enough to earn a small gasp from you.
"Babe, if you move from that spot, everyone is gonna see what you've done to me, what you've done all night." He murmurs, looking around before his hand drifts to between your legs. "And we don't want that, do we?"
You shake your head slightly before placing your hand over his. "Austin- what are you doing?"
"Making my queen happy." He answers simply as he starts to bounce the leg you're on up and down, his thigh brushing your core every time he does. "Unless you don't want me to. Unless you want to stay aching for me all night. Don't know when Baz and everyone will leave us alone."
There's a sharp inhale of breath on your end before you lick your lips and move your fork to grab- fish, maybe it's chicken, honestly you've suddenly forgotten what you're eating in the haze of what Austin's proposing. "I don't know if i can stay quiet."
Another kiss, this time you can feel Austin's smirk against your skin. "You can. Ride my thigh, Queen. Your King knows what you need."
His leg keeps bouncing slowly, allowing you to shift every so often, allowing you to press your cunt against his thigh, reveling in the pressure it brings. It takes a minute to get into a groove but you're holding conversations, same as Austin as you feel your cunt clenching around nothing, trying to feel something other than the warmth of his thigh. You pause and move to get up off Austin only to feel his arm wrap tightly around your waist, pulling you back down with an audible thump. "What are you doing?"
You look around, noting that Olivia is staring at you with a raised eyebrow that you shrug off. It takes her a minute to look away but when she does, you lean into Austin's hold, making sure your entire weight is on him before you answer. "Need your knee, I'm close, Aus. Let me just-"
He growls lowly, earning another look, this time from Catherine and Kelvin and you feel the embarrassment and horror starting to eat away at your arousal before Austin smiles at them both and rather than giving you his knee, he starts to undo his pants, pulling out his leaking cock. No one can see it, not even those sitting closest to the pair of you, but it still almost makes your eyes pop out of their sockets to realize what he's doing. You're about to say something when he grabs you by the waist both hands lifting you up plopping you right on his cock. It's not perfect and once you realize what's happening, you end up having to adjust your skirt as he pulls aside your underwear. You're fully in his lap now, fully seated on his cock and you bite your lower lip so harshly you swear you feel blood. Austin decides that's the moment to take a bite of something and moan around the fork. You feel your cunt clench around him, you're not coming but something about hearing him moan like that has your body reacting. You wish he could grab your breasts like the normally would. That he could play with your nipples like he normally would but there's too many people at the table and you know you can't.
Austin moves his hips up, signalling for you to try and ride him. He doesn't say a word, instead choosing to lightly kiss you on the neck, his hands playing with your stomach absentmindedly. To anyone at the table, you just looked like a couple deeply in love who didn't want to keep their hands to themselves. You and Austin knew the whole truth though, that right now he had his cock buried in your cunt and your constant shifting was you bouncing up and down on his cock. You're becoming a little breathless at the effort to keep quiet and at the way you're having to move to feel the slide of him in and out of you so you try and hide a moan in a bit of potato only to have Baz look over at the two of you.
"Are you alright?" He asks just as Austin's hand slips in between your folds to find your pulsating clit and flicks his finger against it. You cough out a groan before you nod.
"I'm fine. Just- the food is good. Great even. I see why Austin talks so fondly of that last party." Your words are coming out in a rush as Austin continues his onslaught of your clit, rubbing and tracing small shapes, trying to get you to come. You can already feel him twitching, almost like he truly is getting off on knowing that any second now someone is going to realize you're fucking yourself on his cock. "It's practically orgasmic."
Somehow hearing you say orgasmic and feeling how you used your bit of kegel strength training to clench your cunt around him has Austin spilling inside of you, his cum filling you up. There's a moment when you realize Austin isn't wearing a condom and you panic, but not before he pinches your clit and you practically jump just slightly as your body has you coming, the force barreling into you like a freight train and having you grip the table with all the strength you can muster. You know it's written all of your face that you just came, you know it is especially when Baz's next words leave his lips.
"For both of you, it looks like." His lips curl into a knowing smirk before gathering everyone's attention for some story. "Austin's looking a little flushed, Y/N, there's a bathroom around the corner, see if you can't freshen him up."
Austin finally seems to come back to Earth at that and looks positively mortified even as you can feel his cock starting to swell back up. He lifts you up and quickly puts himself back together before standing up and pulling you close to hide his newfound erection. "Yeah. We're- we'll be right back."
You're not back until dessert.
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gwyns · 5 months
E/riel’s are really going crazy over SJM posting that Taylor Swift song, Guilty as Sin, on ber Instagram story. 😂 One E/riel even said “Not going to lie, I think Taylor is an ACOTAR fan. So many of her songs are coded for our girlies. I'm like she's had to have read these books!!!”
I feel like not everything that Sarah posts has to do with her books. Maybe she just wants to post/enjoy girly things without it being deep. If people want to headcanon it for their ship then that’s obviously fine, but some people are being way too aggressive about it. According to and E/riel, one Gwynriel on TikTok said it reminded them of Gwyn because sin makes them think of protested and the E/riel said “People will reach for anything”. So it’s okay for E/riel’s to make headcanons about the song, but Gwyn fans can’t? E/riel’s believe that song is their ship because of the religious language that mimics E/riel.
It kinda reminds me of how E/riel’s say Elain isn’t leaving the NC, but when SJM posted spring stuff on her story they were screaming Elain. Or when some came up with the theory that Azriel’s mother is living in the Spring Court because of his property being called Rosehall, and so they connected Elain to that. Azriel does have a property called Rosehall, but I’m pretty sure Tamlin does too in the SC. Also, it would be weird for Azriel’s mother to live in the SC. Wouldn’t he want his mother close to him just in case? And wouldn’t he and his mother have to get permission by the High Lord of Spring to live in his court? Funny how E/riel’s don’t place Elain in Spring unless it’s to their benefit/it connects her to Azriel. Gotta love that cherry picking.😂
or... and hear me out... taylor makes songs that can be applied to any ship in any fandom, much like a lot of other pop music. it's not that deep lol. e/riels really need to stop reaching so hard, they might throw their backs out if they're not careful
yeah, sjm isn't subtle or really sneaky at all but these new fans seem to think everyone has to leave hints and clues outside of their work, when she has never done that over the span of her decade old career. why start now? anything she writes will earn her millions anyway, seems unnecessary to me. i believe that sjm's new team is just trying to get engagement and that it doesn't go very far beyond that
oh e/riels have severe main character syndrome. they think everything is about them and their ship and if it isn't they twist facts and omit information to make it seem so. it's sad that a lot of them are grown ass adults too like girl... don't you have bills or something to worry about? but you're on social media bullying others over fictional pairings? embarrassing. i know i talk mad shit but god damn i don't keep up with them like they do gwyn fans/gwynriels. i spend my free time on things i don't claim to hate, weird i know! but honestly we all know they're secretly fans at this point 🤭
lmfaoooo they're so hypocritical it's insane. how is elain going to stay in the night court with her sisters, spy besties and broody bat "where she belongs" while also being in spring/tied to spring? we all know azriel is not leaving rhys or his court so... seems to me like you wouldn't want to connect elain to spring. you know something that eluciens and actual elain fans have been doing for years now? because we understand her character?? and yes! no way in hell does az's mom live in the spring court. no way. they're just killing off all their own critical thinking for fun at this point
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boricuacherry-blog · 29 days
Ari Lennox Went from Uber Driving to Headlining Her Own Tour
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I'm curious: If you had tried out for American Idol or The Voice back when you were doing your covers, how would you have done?
My career would be in the trash can. I would have embarrassed the fuck out of myself. Back then, I didn't know who I was. I just wasn't developed. Now I think now I could maybe do well on there.
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How often were you talking to J. Cole during the album's development?
He was very involved. He helped me decide what I really loved. And of course, he killed "Facetime" [as the producer] and came through on "Shea Butter Baby."
There were a couple of songs where you had to put your foot down and be like, "Look, these songs aren't for you," right?
Right. It's for women. I felt like he couldn't understand why I love "New Apartment" so much, and I think he was, as a producer, focused on the beat not being as perfect as "Whipped Cream." It's just a different vibe. And what's most important about "New Apartment" is the message. I just wanted to talk about achieving that dream. I never thought I'd ever be able to afford an apartment. I never saw $1,000 until working for Uber, because Wendy's and Papa John's, they don't pay you shit. So when music started happening and I started seeing more money, I was finally able to get my own spot and it was the best feeling.
I think that's a big thing from the album that stuck with people, its relatability. On "I Been," you sing about your Tinder troubles. I don't remember a song really mentioning Tinder before.
Damn, really? I just be talking about the things in my life. But yeah, so many people are just not very genuine online. I caught myself looking for my ex, and a lot of these people that I would swipe right on, I'm meeting them in real life and they're just not that guy at all. It was just a terrible, terrible time.
A couple months ago, you tweeted, "I want to stop being compared to y'alls fave so badly." Who do you hear about the most that you're sick of being compared to?
So, I'm only sick of this because it sometimes makes me feel like there's no room, and that's Erykah Badu. Absolutely no shots at her, she's amazing and a legend. But for me, it's like, if you guys think I sound just like Erykah Badu, is there room for Ari to ever be her own artist? Plus, I've never met Erykah. I'm scared to for a million reasons, and I also don't want her thinking I'm trying to jack her swag or anything. I guess that's my biggest fear - I don't know why she would have time to think about me at all. That's my paranoid mind.
I really think only Erykah Badu can be Erykah Badu. I wish I could create something as legendary as Mama's Gun and Baduizm. That's an all-time body of work right there.
This interview is beautiful because you're asking so many different things. But a lot of times people just jump straight to, "Yeah, you remind me of Erykah," and I'm just like, "Man, did you check out other things? Do you really know my discography? Do you know anything about me?"
They did that to SZA! They compared SZA to Erykah, and I do not hear that at all. I could understand why they'd say that with me to at least some extent. I almost didn't want "Chicago Boy" on the album because even though I wasn't trying to go to the studio and sound like Erykah, I could hear influences of certain things she's done.
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You don’t mind giving your opinions on this iteration (03) of the bros
My opinion on the 03 turtle bros? I don't mind at all!
Overall, 03 is definitely my 2nd favorite iteration, if not my 1st (it changes depending on my mood but its usually a close tie between 03 and Rise). The way they interact with each other reminds me so much of me and my siblings, in 03 specifically, they make jabs at each other but it never feels malicious.
I think it's a little unfair how much Donnie gets absolutely nerfed, always getting the shortest end of the stick, but I also think that it brings out something in their characters that really shows how much the care for each other, none of them really have this "the mission is more important than my family" attitude, and I love that they would drop anything just to save each other, no matter the cost.
They're so much of a team that they literally fall apart if one of them is gone (hence SAINW, that episode where Karai ambushed the lair while Leo was gone and decimated them, and the Good Genes arc, and possibly more, my brain just don't work rn) and as much of a fault as that may be, I also find it endearing. Sure they might not be able to win every battle even as a team, but they sure know how to put the word team in teamwork.
They have endless support for one another, and have each other's backs even if they aren't completely confident that they can protect one other, they sure as hell are going to try their best. I feel like I'm repeating myself, but yeah.
As individuals, well, I love them all, Donnie the most for sure, but these guys are all so lovable.
Mikey is so comfortable with himself and isn't afraid of being embarrassing, which is something that just comes with being a Mikey I think, and we love him for that, and he's always surprising everyone with his skills and how he uses his own special knowledge to solve situations that no one else can think of an answer for. (I named my dog after him, he's such a goofy little guy)
Donnie is smart, and also a total nerd, but no one makes fun of him for it (well, except Casey in that one episode, when they went up against the nanobots again, but even then that doesnt really count). He doesnt always have the answers and he's not afraid to admit that, and is always willing and eager to learn more. He's also chaotic and off his rocker, and he deserves to be a little insane sometimes as a treat, he's always busy being the sensible one, sometimes he's gotta get a little crazy too. His sass is off the charts, too, and his humor is just unmatched.
Raph isnt just some hothead and I'm here for it, I absolutely love it when he gets episodes that are just him being the most gentle and caring soul, and learning from his mistakes. He's like the opposite of Donnie in that sense, he's always doin the crazy stuff, he deserves to be calm and caring as a treat. I think that's why the two of them get along so well in this series (their dynamic is so focused on here and I love it)
And Leo- he's certainly a character, that's for sure, a very human, and relatable character, one that I think a lot of eldest siblings can relate to. I think just as Raph acts as the opposite to Donnie, Leo acts the opposite to Mikey, he's a motherly brother who gets a little silly sometimes, and is very trusting. He's quiet, palatable, and respectful, and I can really appreciate that about him, he's certainly not my absolute favorite turtle, and I feel bad for not having much to say about him, but he is one of my favorite Leo's, and is a very interesting character, nonetheless (I just clearly have a favorite 03 turtle)
I hope this is what you were expecting, I think I rambled a bit, but there's my opinion (I'm very biased- and the 03 theme song is just *chefs kiss*)
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
Hi, i hope you dont mind this ask, but i noticed that in your bio post you mention you speak 4 languages and are learning 2 more, and thats honestly so cool and inspiring!! Do you happen to have any language learning tips you used so far that you like? Im in the process of learning french as my 3rd language and while i have the structural knowledge of how to learn a language, i have hit somewhat of a wall in my learning process rn i think. So while i know language learning varies a lot from person to person id still apreciate knowing other peoples process if youd be okay with sharing :] hope youre having a nice timezone
hi! i definitely don't mind, glad to hear you're learning a new language :D big reminder at the top that i'm just some a guy who's way too into languages and linguistics. you want to ask me about jewish theology on the concept of knowing, go right ahead, but in terms of language pedagogy, this is just my personal experience from learning a lot of languages and spending a lot of time thinking about this stuff, though i do have some experience in education. take everything i say with the grain of salt of my personal context!
my initial tips kind of revolve around your goals; do you want to get generally better at the language, or are you specifically looking to strengthen certain areas? if its the former, i recommend doing anything and everything, but most of all practicing, and practicing with french speakers (or speakers of whatever language you may be learning). it might be embarrassing, especially if you're trying to speak with native speakers, but it is hands down the best way to learn, and it means you get very hands-on practice.
if you want to strengthen certain areas, it can depend on which, and it can also depend on your learning styles and what works best for you. for a couple examples: if you want to improve pronunciation, flash cards can be really helpful, and i know quizlet has ways of including pronunciation. if flashcards aren't your thing, i recommend listening to native speakers (i.e. youtube videos, podcasts, etc. etc.) and repeating after them to try to get down their pronunciation, and i recommend a variety of them so you pick up on how pronunciation varies by accent and region. another example: if you want to improve comprehension/listening ability, again, i recommend listening to native speakers and getting the hang of what theyre saying; this is particularly helpful if you can watch something with subtitles in the language as well in your own native language(s) so you can pick up on exactly what they're saying. i do this sometimes when i'm watching cellbit-- instead of putting stream captions on english, i put them in portuguese so that i can see what he's saying along with hearing it. this works well for me though bc i read pretty well in most languages i speak/am learning and i already speak spanish, which makes reading portuguese very easy. again, it depends on your own learning styles and what works for you, so find something that really clicks with your brain and run with it. and this goes for any goal you might have-- if it's being able to read books in french, you can practice reading kids' books and move up to something more advanced; if it's translation specifically, you'll want to look a bit into translation studies and look at professional and amateur translations to see how it's typically done.
there's also the context of the language itself-- yiddish literature is a HUGE part of yiddishism, and translation is also a really important factor for a lot of people, so we read a lot of books and poems and did full translations of texts as practice, but for some languages, there's far more emphasis on song, oral storytelling, writing, or any number of things. if you've previously focused on some elements while learning other languages, it can be strange to switch to something new with another language, but it really helps round out your understanding of the diversity of languages and how cultural context has an impact on it all.
my big big big tip is to practice as much as possible and, if you think you're plateauing at kind of an intermediate-advanced level, that's very normal. every language i've studied, you reach a point where you have a pretty decent grasp on a lot of technical things, but you still don't necessarily feel super confident in the language. i recommend studying new vocab, as that will make you feel more like you can speak it at any opportunity, and engaging in media in the language, like i said above. when i got into advanced yiddish, we read and practiced and had conversations constantly, and it helped me gain a lot of confidence that i was able to open a text and know a lot of what was being said, including vocab, without having to reach for a dictionary all the time or ponder exactly which auxiliary verb was being used, or to be able to express myself really clearly to my peers.
i think it's easy to feel railroaded after you've got a lot of grammar and structure down, so you need to find new ways to gain knowledge and confidence in the language so you don't get stuck at that level. also find a crew to speak french with!! i wouldn't have learned yiddish nearly as well as i did if i hadn't had friends in my classes and built connections in the yiddish community at large, and i think that's a really meaningful way to engage with a language. language is about human connection, so finding ways to build that really does help. and don't forget to review!! you will, if you're like me, get caught up in some element of the language and then may misremember some basics, so it's always good to review those and keep up with anything that might start to slip your memory.
one last thing! if you learned another language as a kid or a teen and now you're learning as an adult and finding its not quite as easy, this is also really normal. kids' brains are so, so good at absorbing information, particularly languages, and it's very normal to get into your twenties and thirties and be like "why can't i learn this as fast as i could as a kid?!" the easiest time to learn a language is as young as possible, but you are not late to the game or slow. you just came at it at a different time, and you're still going to be able to pick it up. especially if you're trying to learn in between other classes and work and just general adult life, it's just going to be a bit harder, and that's okay! for thousands and thousands of years people have been learning new languages at every age and you are not alone in that. may we all have a decent time at it, and best of luck to you. bonne chance!
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tadpolejourney · 6 months
Day 5
The situation at the grove is tense to say the least. The druids are doing some sort of religious rite to close the grove to outsiders because they're afraid of monsters and goblins. They mean to leave the tieflings to die. They don't care that there are elderly and children among them, nor do they care what they've had to endure to get here.
Kagha is cruel and dangerous, ready to murder a child over a wooden idol. The druids are cowardly and even those who oppose her in private will not act against her. I offered to find Halsin, their real leader, in the hopes that will keep them from doing something foolish. Zevlor, the tiefling leader, thought me a murderer for hire, and wants me to kill Kagha. No thanks. I really hope I can find Halsin alive and keep those tiefling kids safe. I've made a huge mistake and gotten attached to them. I know their names.
Nettie, the druid healer, tried to murder me rather than cure me. I knocked her out, and I hope no other desperate infected crosses her path.
I met a bard named Alfira, helped her finish a song. The cat's out of the bag... they know I'm Calypso now. None of them have met me before or seen me on stage though, so that saves me the embarrassment of not remembering yet another person in a sea of faces and single-serve encounters. She seemed star-struck but wasn't too weird about it, which I appreciated. She has a lot of potential from what I can tell. A very sweet heart, with a sweet voice to match. She seems like she could nurture the talent in others if she wanted to.
Shortly after meeting Alfira, a cambion appeared to us. Offering a cure for the infection. Raphael, he calls himself. Took us to his House of Hope, used a lot of bad poetry and threats as a sales pitch. Typical devilry, 0 stars, did not purchase. He's just as full of shit as any other devil, and I refuse to give him what he wants. I'm betting he knows nothing about Mephisto and I. He better watch himself if he knows what's good for him.
We saved a tiefling boy from a pack of harpies. Actually the toughest fight we've had yet. He wrote a story about me. Sweet kid.
Still not entirely sure what Gale's deal is. He complimented me with one sentence, and then proceeded to fully overshadow his compliment with a long declamation of self-aggrandizement and boasting about his superior magical prowess. So strange.
I went to speak to him at camp tonight and he was staring longingly at a conjured image of Mystra. I can tell there's more than just religious devotion there; it seemed like intense obsession. We talked of magic and channeled the Weave together. I've felt the sensations of magic before, naturally, but this was more powerful and more practiced than I could ever be. I finally got a glimpse of just how powerful of a wizard he was before this mess. Channeling the Weave was intimate, sensual, but safe. It didn't matter that it felt safe; it was too intimate for me and I could feel myself starting to panic. However, that anxiety was completely overpowered by my wanting. I had to make serious, concerted effort to hide how I was feeling. It felt like my heart was pounding so hard, surely he must have heard it. I kept trying to remind myself that I can't trust this man, that he's hiding something major, he's full of himself, he's obsessed with a goddess, etc. I tried to give myself a million reasons why my feelings in that moment should not be acted upon. But it was as though I were completely deaf to my own wisdom, fear, and reason. I conjured the image and feeling of what I thought it would be like to kiss him. Being that close to him, it was as though there was so much heat. I've felt chemistry with people, attraction, wanting, all familiar territory. This felt like drowning in a bonfire. I watched his face, and it flickered quickly from shock to contemplation to something indescribable.
I've realized why he annoys me so much. It's because I want him. It annoys me that I feel this way when we've only just met. He didn't refuse me. He told me what I conjured was 'most welcome'. But nothing happened either. UGH
I think I have everyone else pretty much figured out. I don't think Lae'zel has any secrets whatsoever. The Blade of Frontiers and Shadowheart still have their secrets of course, but the nature of their characters is clear to me. They would both be difficult to get close to, but for entirely different reasons. Wyll (he does have a real name after all) is all about the cause, the mission. He will entertain very little else. Still, he's courteous and kind which is more than I can say for the vast majority of people I've met. I trust him for the most part. Still think he has something serious going on, which I can't place full trust in anyone who has something that big to hide. Shadowheart is simply determined to keep everyone away from her, and she is rude and abrasive to accomplish that. I don't think I'll try anymore. Maybe she'll come around, or maybe she'll just be an asshole the entire journey. If that's the case we can hope it's a short one.
I'm pretty sure Astarion's only real secret was being a vampire spawn. He opened up to me about the situation he was in before the infection. His old master Cazador was so horrible to him that he'd actually take the devil's deal rather than go back. I don't know details but I don't need to. I could see it in his eyes. I wonder if he could tell just how well I understood. I feel as though I now know him best out of everyone, which is unexpected. He's fun, and I like him. He stole a book from the tiefling kids for me because he noticed I'd been collecting that particular series of books and hoped to find a full set. While it was sweet and all, I told him not to make a habit of stealing from children, but to feel free to steal whatever he can get away with from rich people, assholes, and monsters. He's treating me with what I believe to be equal parts placation, flirtation, and intimation. I understand that pattern of relating very well. It's what I've done to protect myself in the past too. I won't take him seriously unless I have cause or occasion to do so. It's fun to be flirted with by a beautiful man. So long as he doesn't cross any lines, I'll be fine. She says with little confidence. Anyway, when you're staring death in the face all the time and you're surrounded by other people who think little of you (some of whom are openly hostile towards you), hearing sweet words that make you feel special feels really nice. Even if they're lies.
I finally got sheet music thanks to Alfira. I can start writing out Act V! Maybe if I can bring myself to stop writing about my companions I'll be able to get this work done.
<<< Day 4 | Index | Day 6 >>>
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the-cannibal · 1 year
hiya again! i would like to request a matchup, specifically for scream i'm CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH IT!! i'm bisexual so i'm ok getting matched up with male or female. i can be a little awkward and shy when i'm around strangers, mostly because i don't know what to say and i don't want to make a fool out of myself. if you stick around long enough that awkwardness and shyness goes away and i act like my true self. i'm always there for my loved ones and if they ever need help with something or need advice or to rant, i'm there to help or to listen! i usually comfort people by making them laugh or if they need a hug i'll give them one! i'm a pretty funny girl if i do say so myself 😎 i love coming up with cute and silly nicknames for my loved ones and they're more than welcomed to give me one back! as for affection, i usually go with my partner wants. if they're not that affectionate that's ok with me, but if they're super affectionate i try to be the same. i'm a laid-back person and i like to mind my own business most of the time, so i'd hate to get into fights or into confrontations, but if it's to defend my loved ones then i'll beat your ass. but if i get into a really bad argument with a friend or something i might start crying and that's just SOOOO embarrassing, because like why am i crying????? my top hobby is listening to music, i just love music there's a song for everything, so when i'm upset or mad i usually listen to music and that helps me. my fav genres are rock (oasis, blur, red hot chili peppers my beloveds <3), pop, kpop and mexican music. i'm definitely the type make playlists for my friends and partner with songs that remind me of them. i also like reading and looking for movies that i haven't watched and seem interesting. when it comes to horror movies i prefer to watch it with someone since i get easily scared but i still keep watching lmao. a horror movie i refuse to watch is chucky because he just seems so scary 😭😭 and i've had a nightmare about a possessed doll before so no thank youuu. i'm 5'5 and i kinda resemble a rabbit because of my teeth and cheeks. i think this is getting too long, so i stop right here. thank you in advance lovely ♡
I was stuck between two characters to match you up with because omg they both would be so good with you!
But I ended up pairing you with…
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Billy Loomis!
Someone to listen to him, comfort him, and offer advice is honestly exactly what this boy needs (plus some therapy bUT HEYYYY ITS FINEEEE-)
This boy would adore your silly little jokes. I mean cmon his best friend is Stu, so don’t be afraid to make some dumb jokes! He might make some back at you (but he honestly prefers to listen to yours rather than tell his own)
He is mixed on nicknames. On one hand he loves it when you call him your baby, love, honey, whatever. He sees it as you showing your love to him! On the other hand he gets very confused when you call him your “little meow meow” or “baby girl”… but I mean he won’t stop you. Not because he finds it funny and likes it or anything… he does
He isn’t the most affectionate person in public. The most he would do would be simple stuff such as hand holding, wrapping an arm around each other, or having you sit on his lap. So the fact that you respect that means so much to him :) but in private this boy is a clingy koala so be prepared for that
You two definitely have gotten into spitting matches with other people because y’all are so passionate in defending each other. That chill laid back personality you have MELTS -away for your man and it gets him SWOONING
And of course he is there to comfort you, wipe your tears away, and praise you while rocking back and forth and pressing gentle kissing on your shoulders
Oh as soon as you mention you like horror and prefer to watch it with someone he has made it an unofficial rule that HE is the one you watch them with. Bro is a bit dramatic and if you watch them with someone else he is lowkey kinda hurt. (But don’t worry he isn’t actually mad or anything, he’s just a baby, BUT WE LOVE HIM)
Be prepared for him to sneak up and startle you when he finds out horror can easily scare you.
But also be prepared for him to hold you and whisper comforting words when you have nightmares. Big strong Billy won’t let anything or anyone hurt you.
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Sorry to bug you again but how about Noel and Betty headcanon
I got two requests for this, so while I'm still working on two of the last one shot requests I thought I'd finish these up and get them posted! Enjoy!
First of all, how they got together.
Obviously, we all know Betty isn't great with emotions, on the other hand it seems Noel is overly emotional. Most people would probably say Noel was the one to initiate something, but I actually think it was probably Betty.
Think about it, she's doing her work, trying to focus, in the zone but Noel will NOT STOP STARING AT HER. She's like "why is he staring at me? Is he okay?"
Bernard (I have decided that Bernard was their matchmaker and you all can't convince me otherwise) is like "why don't you go over there and find out?"
And she walks up to him and is like "why are you stalking me?"
He's all awkward and embarrassed because he really thought that he was being discreet, even though he was just straight up staring
He has to awkwardly admit that he's had a crush on her for a while but he doesn't see anything actually happening between them because she's always busy with her duties training to be the next Head Elf
She's surprised that he's noticed her in that way so she really has no idea to even respond to that. She probably slaps/punches his arm because she's now confused by emotions and then asks him on a cocoa break to apologize for it.
After they're together, they are THE North Pole it couple
Nobody's sure why, but they just WORK.
Noel is the only one who can convince Betty to calm down when she gets too worked up.
Betty is very strict about keeping her romantic life out of the workplace though, so at work they are only ever professional with each other.
And when she has issues with him, the first person she always turns to is Bernard because he's the only person she trusts with her personal life
By the time, Scott Calvin comes along they've already been married for a while. Her training time with Bernard decreases because he has to bend over backwards making sure the first human Santa doesn't (pardon my french) fuck shit up.
This means that Betty and Noel get to spend a lot more time together
Noel is a very clingy boyfriend, he gives that vibe but he's respectful when Betty needs space as well
The two of them do all the cute elf couple things, drink hot cocoa, decorate trees, snowball fights
When Bernard leaves and doesn't return and Betty has to take over as Head Elf, Noel is her biggest supporter. He believes in her more than anyone else and sometimes, all the time, when she doesn't believe in herself she reminds herself that Noel does
Noel makes Betty things all the time. Toys, cookies, knitted hats/scarves, you name it he's probably made it for his love.
Obviously, they adore nicknames for each other
Noel is the only elf Betty lets herself go around
Hand holding, because Noel wants to be close but Betty doesn't like being all wrapped around each other constantly
You can't tell me these two don't wear each other's random items of clothing sometimes
They sing Christmas songs together in the safety of their own home and you can't convince me otherwise, Betty is always not into it until Noel starts getting really into it and they're dancing and singing around their little home
They have secret codes for dealing with Scott, convince me otherwise
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archiveikemen · 2 years
Amamiya Henri Main Story — Chapter 13
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Henri: Oh that was awkward.
After we found the little girl’s mother, we had another problem.
Little Girl: No—! I want you to come home with me—!
Mother: Hey! Cut it out.
(I can’t believe she’s crying because she doesn't want Henri to leave.)
No matter how her mother tried to stop her, the little girl grabbed tightly onto Henri’s arm.
Mother: You’re bothering big bro. Come on now, let’s go!
Little Girl: He’s not big bro! He’s a prince!
Her words reminded me of just now.
== Flashback Start ==
Henri: Come here, little princess.
Henri: Don’t cry. You’ll look more adorable when you’re smiling.
== Flashback End ==
(He treated her like a princess, of course she would see him as a prince. Anyone would react the same way.)
As I was thinking about that, I glanced at him and he spoke in a gentle voice but with a serious look on his face.
Henri: I appreciate the invitation, but I’m sorry I can't go home with you.
Henri: I…
He crouched down to look into the little girl’s eyes and pointed at me.
Henri: I’m a prince who only belongs to that big sis.
When Henri declared with a smile…
Little Girl: Whaat!
The little girl and I exclaimed in surprise at the same time.
After laughing at our reactions, Henri gently grabbed the little girl’s hand.
Henri: There will be lots of princes waiting for you in the future, and they're all more handsome than I am.
Henri: Okay?
The mother, little girl, and I turned beet red when Henri winked.
Henri’s words succeeded in getting the little girl to stop crying and she went home with her mother.
After I waved them goodbye, I looked up at Henri.
MC: Henri.
Henri: Yeah?
MC: Here. Your juice.
Henri: Ah, thanks.
Henri took the bottle of juice from my hand and took a sip.
Henri: I’m glad we could reunite that little girl with her mother.
MC: Me too. But…
Holding the juice bottle in both hands, I mumbled.
MC: … Henri, you don’t actually belong to me, right?
(I know that was a lie to convince the little girl to go home with her mother.)
Henri chuckled and closed the lid of his bottle.
Henri: Well… yeah. But…
Henri looked into my face and asked,
Henri: MC, you said that you’ll fill my heart from now on, right?
Henri: So it's the same as me belonging to you now.
(Those words…!)
== Flashback Start ==
MC: I’m going to fill the void in your heart, and you’ll never say that it's empty again.
MC: I’ll make you the main character of my song.
== Flashback End ==
Being reminded of what I said at the cafe made me so embarrassed that I quickly looked away.
MC: That’s not what I meant.
Henri: Oh. But can I interpret it that way?
MC: Uhm…
MC: D-Don’t ask me something like that.
When I was looking away, I heard Henri giggle.
Henri: Since you didn’t say no, that means I can, right?
Henri: Am I yours now, MC?
MC: … Don’t ask me.
Henri: Hahaha your reaction is so cute.
(He’s definitely having a blast!)
Henri reached his hand out towards me again.
Henri: Well then, since we’ve settled that situation already… shall we go on?
Henri: With our date.
When I turned my gaze back to Henri, he was giving me the same dazzling princely smile he gave the little girl.
MC: … Yeah.
(I feel like he’s always leading me on.)
I realized that a smile had naturally appeared on my face, and I gently interlaced my fingers with Henri’s.
Afterwards, we went to Henri’s favorite restaurant and time flew past quickly while we were eating delicious food…
We headed back to the Sakuragi at night after our date.
Henri • MC: We’re back—
When we went to the living room together to drink water…
Kyoichiro: Welcome home.
Kyoichiro and Kanade were seated side-by-side on the sofa.
Henri: Huh? It's rare to see the two of you here at this hour.
Henri: Kyoichiro usually studies hard even on his off-days, and Kanade works in his room.
Kyoichiro: Yeah. But today…
Kyoichiro glanced at Kanade.
Kanade let out a small laugh and raised the glass in his hand.
Kanade: I want to drink, Henri.
Henri: What? Drink?
Kyoichiro: It’s been a while since the last time three of us had a drink together. I have a lot to ask you about.
Kyoichiro gave a meaningful smile and shook his glass that was filled with ice.
Henri thought about those words for a moment.
Henri: Ah—... have I been worrying you guys? It's okay. There's nothing unusual going on with me.
Henri smiled brightly.
Henri: But it’s indeed been a long time since I had a drink with you guys, so I’m glad you asked!
Henri: Come join us, MC!
MC: Me? Um…
I cast Kyoichiro and Kanade a puzzled look.
(I do want to drink with them, but…)
(Kyoichiro said that he has some stuff to ask Henri about, and I feel like I should give them some privacy.)
I looked at Henri and responded with a smile.
MC: I still have some things to do, so I’ll be going back to my room.
Henri: Is that so? That’s so sad.
After having a drink of water, I left the living room, while Henri continued sulking.
As soon as I exited the living room into the hallway, Otto walked towards me.
Otto: Nya—
MC: Hello, Otto.
Otto meowed when I crouched down to stroke Otto’s head.
An image of Henri flashed into my head while I was petting Otto.
(I can’t wait to get back to my room and start working on that song.)
(Henri’s song.)
MC: Let’s go!
Otto: Nyaa?
I balled my hands into fists, stood up, and went straight to my room with Otto.
After returning to my room, I was so focused on making Henri’s song that I didn't realize it was already midnight.
MC: … Sighhhh
I took off my headphones in front of my keyboard and sighed.
(What kind of song would fill the void in Henri’s heart?)
(What should the melody sound like? What about the lyrics?)
I thought about the things I said to Henri earlier today.
== Flashback Start ==
MC: I’m going to write you a song that will change the world!
MC: I’m going to fill the void in your heart, and you’ll never say that it's empty again.
MC: I’ll make you the main character of my song.
== Flashback End ==
(... I could write something like a ‘tanka’, I guess?)
(But I think I need to get to know Henri better first, before writing a song for him.)
Keeping that thought in mind, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
I decided that I needed a change of environment, so I gathered my music sheets and headed for the soundproof music room.
Right when I left my room and reached the staircase…
MC: Ah…
I heard the living room door open, and I turned around to see Kyoichiro coming out into the hallway.
Kyoichiro: You’re still awake. Your eyes are a little red.
I rubbed my eyes when he said that.
MC: I’m not very sleepy. Perhaps just a little worn.
Kyoichiro: … By any chance, are you going to the music room?
Kyoichiro’s gaze was on the music sheets in my hand.
MC: Yeah. I just thought I needed a change in environment…
When I answered honestly, Kyoichiro pointed at the living room behind him with his thumb.
Kyoichiro: Hey. Before that, why don’t you stop by the living room for a while?
MC: … What? But—
(Will it really be okay for me to intrude?)
While I was searching for an answer, Kyoichiro patted me on the shoulder.
Kyoichiro: I know what you're worried about, but it's alright now.
Kyoichiro: I need your help with those two guys.
Kyoichiro gave me a wry smile, and I smiled back at him in response.
Kyoichiro invited me for a drink, so I put the music sheets back into my room and came back to the living room.
Kanade: What? I thought you were cooped up in your room making songs.
Kanade’s question caught me off guard.
MC: Y-Yeah I was. But I wanted a change in environment, so…
That's when I realized,
MC: Huh? Henri…
Kanade was alone on the sofa, and Henri was nowhere to be seen.
Kyoichiro: He should be in his room. He’ll be back soon.
MC: Oh, I see…
(Maybe I’ll finally get to hear about that!)
I quickly sat down on the sofa, causing Kanade to give me the side eye.
Kanade: The look on your face tells me that there's something you want to find out.
MC: What!?
(It was that obvious.)
I was left speechless. Kanade laughed at my reaction and slowly crossed his legs.
Kanade: I’m in a good mood tonight. Shall I help you out?
Kanade’s lips curled into a smile.
Not long after that, Kyoichiro brought me a cup and sat cross-legged on the carpet.
Kyoichiro: Kanade. No more drinks for you, got it?
Kanade: Mm… did you say something?
Kyoichiro sighed. I leaned forward and asked,
MC: Well then, if it's alright with you, can I hear about Henri and your trio!?
MC: Please tell me as much as possible.
Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol on him, Kanade looked sexy leaning against the sofa and chuckling.
Kanade: Okay.
Kyoichiro: Anything specific you want to hear about?
MC: Hm… I want to hear about your high school days.
MC: I heard that your band was formed in high school, but… how did it all start?
Upon hearing my question, Kyoichiro narrowed his eyes, feeling nostalgic.
Kyoichiro: Kanade and I stayed behind after school to play our instruments in the classroom, and Henri came to peep at us.
MC: Peep!?
Kyoichiro: He heard the rumors about Kanade and wanted to see for himself.
Kyoichiro: As soon as he heard us playing, he burst into the room saying “let me join!”.
MC: Sounds exactly like something Henri would do.
Just imagining a smiley Henri saying something like that was enough to make me smile.
Kanade was also feeling nostalgic, and he said in a clear tone.
Kanade: Henri told us to let him join, and we did. But he’s still the same as back then…
Kanade: He would always step away and watch us from the sidelines.
Kanade: It’s as if he’s putting himself in the audience’s shoes.
Kanade shook his ice-filled cup.
Kanade: That bad habit of his has stuck with him from those days, all the way until now.
MC: Oh gosh…
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d010811sh · 3 months
What’s your comfort movie? Inside Out
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This movie was released in 2015, meaning i was 14 back then.
I remember growing up watching this movie, captivated by how unique and cute all the characters are. The way those memories are stored, how each memory has its own category, and the best part is core memory!
Little me watching this movie and seeing how all of these emotions work made me even more excited since i always find it fascinating by how someone's brain works. That never changes and never will.
But i know one that has changed, my point of view for the overall movie. And i can say that i'm totally the opposite from how i felt back then.
Rewatching this movie again because i can't wait for the second one to arrive, that right now i'm pretty eager to break down some of the highlight scenes that (in my opinion) are the main parts of this movie and why everything makes sense when all emotions take part.
Grownups' Emotions : It's interesting to see the parent's emotions. Riley's mom and dad have more balanced emotions compared to Riley, whose main emotions is Joy. For Riley's mom, sadness seems to take control, and for her dad, Anger (judging by how those emotions are sitting in the middle and by how they're the ones that make command for others). This reflects traditional roles, where mothers are expected to be soft, loving and caring, providing emotional well-being for the family, and sadness may be the right emotion that can represent that. On the other hand, fathers use rational thinking and logic to support and protect the family. Hence, anger is the right emotion to represent those traits. Every emotion has its own spotlight because they are grownups and based on this movie, grownups are expected to understand their own emotions and how to control and express them, that is why Riley's parents' emotions seems to have a perfect balance among each emotions.
The Dent Gum Song : This scene is hilarious because it's true! When the workers of memory eraser keep the gum song and won't get rid of it, it reminds me of those unimportant yet funny and entertaining memories that pop up randomly, like a commercial jingle or an embarrassing moment from childhood.
it is a fact when people say, we have to lose something to gain something. Life keeps moving whether we're ready or not. It hurts to lose something, but that doesn't mean it's always bad. It means you're done with that part of your life and you are ready for something better to fill the hole. We are constantly growing, and we can't bring everything with us along the journey. Just like how Bing Bong realized he had to sacrifice himself so joy could go back to the top of the hill. He knew it was time to let go of Riley and let her move on without him, because he knew that Riley is done with him and she's ready for something better.
Feel. Everything. Don't be like joy, who tries to prevent Riley from feeling anything but happiness. We have multiple emotions for a reason. It's abnormal to be happy all the time, as abnormal as it is for us to refuse to feel it. People who think they don't deserve happiness or avoid it won't improve their lives. If you don't embrace happiness when it comes, you'll feel worse when you're angry or sad because you never allowed yourself to feel happy before even if its only for a brief moment. We shouldn't neglect all our feelings, in fact, i think they help us appreciate things even more. Just like when Riley's team lost because she failed to made a score for her team that she felt sad. But then what happened after that made it to the core memory. Her parents and friends were there for her, cheered her up that she felt happy again. See the power how different emotions complete each other to create a beautiful memory there?
Talk and don't be afraid to have "That" conversation. Riley expressing her sadness and homesickness to her parents and discovering they also miss their old hometown, was a "slap in the face" scene for me. As someone who struggles to express my feelings and overthinks others' reactions, i am more convinced that it's important to let others know what we feel. We can't expect people to understand us if we don't talk. They have feelings, not mind-reading abilities. Besides, you want to know what they think too, right? this can lead to effective, healthy conversation with deep (but again, in a healthy way) feelings involved. And nothing is better than that.
I used to hate sadness. 14 years old me agreed with Joy most of the time. Sadness seemed... sad and annoying and intrusive back then for me. Now i’m almost 23, i appreciate her more than ever.
Many people forget that life's formula isn't about feeling one emotion ; being happy all the time, think that by forcing yourself to feel fine most of the time in hoping eventually that sadness or anger will disappear, or even try to convince yourself that one emotion is the only thing that should be in charge above the others, especially when it comes to vulnerability. They see crying or feeling sad as a sign of weakness, thinking it's humiliating or bad.
If so, please answer these :
How do you express sadness? if the answer is you switch it to anger, don't you think you'd get even angrier when you're mad? Is it really healthy to mix up emotions and avoid certain ones? Why is it so hard for you to use your emotion just like how they are built for you? Smile or laugh when you're happy or cry when you're sad.
Or by humor? well not gonna lie, i also still do this to mask sadness too. It might work temporarily and i understand you do this because you try to "buried" that sadness. But here's the reality, that feeling that you tried so hard to avoid or run away from will slowly crawl back to the surface, and you will experience that break down. badly - trust me.
In most cases, neglecting or mixing emotions doesn't end well, whether in the short or long term. It's important to let each emotion have it's own spotlight and embrace what we feel in the moment. Again, that's the main purpose of having diverse emotions, to represent our true feelings in different situations.
On top of everything, it makes perfects sense for Riley to feel just the way how it pictured in the movie. If joy controlled everything and Riley was happy all the time, it would seem weird, like she's a robot that only understand to be happy all the time because she was programmed to only feel that way. And i think it applies to reality too, it would be strange for someone to appear happy or angry or sad all the time right? You are not a robot so at least feel relief about it and try to use that emotions, okay?
Ultimately, try to accept everything you feel. You don't have to do it in front of others of course, just be true to yourself.
Don't feel ashamed of it because it makes you human.
Don't hide it because it's something that makes you, you.
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