#he drives me crazy. yeah i get youre grumpy and pissed right now but so am i. i was worried sick and youre hurt. so just. lay down. rest
cozyships · 11 months
spoilers for t:t//dp if anyone is worried about that ^-^
when your new criminal "friend" is like, "So yeah, this is what I've been doing lol" and it's cool and whatever, but you're like, "Hey... don't you think this is all pretty weird? Like, I feel like something is up here. The money seems good, but you don't know these guys, and it's weird they'd want this stuff, " and he's just like. Shrugs. "Whatever. Not like any of that stuff is real anyway lol"
And a few nights later the city is under threat by an old god.
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fic idea if you feel like writing any <3
dad Matty is left in charge of getting his little ones ready for school. his eldest daughter can get herself ready but he still checks on her and she helps him get the little ones ready. just some cute shit like making breakfast, doing their hair, driving them to school??
Gave them names cuz it gets clunky constantly referring to them by their ages, though i can't possibly imagine what Matty would name his children.
Warnings: None
Matty tiptoed towards his eldest's room, grinning to himself. His heart fluttered at the prospect of seeing her excited face once he hands her the coffee he'd gone out to get her. He cracked the door open as delicately as possible, wincing when it creaked. It didn't seem to bother her though. He smiled softly at the sight of his first baby girl, sleeping soundly, and thought to himself that she almost looks the same as she did back when he used to set her down in her crib, over a decade ago.
"Alice, honey, wake up." He whispered, nudging her gently with one hand, holding the coffee cup in the other.
Alice stirred slightly but seemed, on the whole, unaware of his presence. "Baby, I'm sorry cuz you look so comfortable, but- it's time to get up now."
She groaned and mumbled something Matty couldn't quite make out, pulling the covers over her head.
"what was that?" He laughed.
"I said you stink." she mumbled from behind the duvet.
"Just got back from the gym. Didn't have time to shower cuz I wanted to get you this." he stuck his coffee-carrying hand into the tent she'd made herself with the bedding. "Does that help at all?" he giggled. "It's full of that sugar and cream and gross shit that you like."
Slowly, she accepted his sacrificial offering, peeking her head out to look at him with squinty eyes.
"Wait, where's Ellie?" She sipped on her beverage, letting the saturated sweetness warm up her body.
Matty noticed that she held her coffee with both hands, exactly as he always does, and smiled to himself. "Oh, she's in the baby chair in the living room."
"You took her to the gym with you? you crazy?"
"'Course not, dropped her off at Hann and Carly's."
"hmm." she crossed her eyebrows, taking another sip.
"what? I wasn't pawning her off, I promise! went to pick up Hann anyway cuz he wanted to come with me."
"I just feel bad for Carly. Every time she thinks she's done with the infant phase, one of you lot has a baby and asks for her help."
Matty chuckled and shook his head. "She knew what she was in for all those years ago when she married Hann. It's a deal. You marry one of us, you've married into the whole band. Besides, I'd watch their kids in return....one day. When they're old enough to-"
"to not need your help? yeah."
Matty laughed, in awe of her. "Warning: im going to kiss your head now."
"Don't you dare- ewww you're gross." she squirmed away to maintain the grumpy teenager facade. Secretly, she liked when he was sweet with her.
"Count your blessings, kid." he smiled. " You think my dad ever brought me coffee in bed? He banged on the door twice, if I didn't wake up, then it was all my fault."
"Grandpa Tim's too sweet for that."
"Finish your coffee and get dressed, alright? I've got the other two to take care of." Matty walked away from her, heading for the door.
"Make sure you shower first!"
"Piss off!"
"Right, so what're we feeling today? pig tails? bun? what's the vibe?" Matty ran the comb through his 5 year old's hair, looking into her eyes through the mirror they were both facing.
Emma sighed loudly, looking away from his reflection.
"hey, what is it, darlin'?"
"Well, I want small braids in my hair, but you always make them too loose and they end up falling off. So...I'll take a pony tail, I suppose." She rolled her eyes.
"Excuse me! I'll have you know, I've been practicing my technique!"
"no, you haven't!" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Yes, I have! Your uncle George's been showing me. You want me to call him so he can tell you?"
"I guess you can just prove it by doing my hair. Tightly this time!"
"Yes, m'am!"
"Okay, I've got all three of you, my car keys, my head hasn't exploded, yet. So, off we go, i guess...c'mon."
"Not so fast." Alice tapped his shoulder. "Em refuses to wear the right shoes."
Matty frowned, looking down at his 5 year old's feet. "she's got shoes on. What's the issue."
Emma pulled her sister's arm and whispered something about not telling dad the situation, but Alice simply shrugged her off.
"well....you see those butterflies with the glittery wings?"
"They violate the dress-code.
"She's 5! why does she need a dress code?"
"Hey, I'm just the messenger."
C'mon Em, you're not changing out of these shoes. If anyone says anything to you, tell them to give me a call." She grinned, wide and toothy, just like her dad, hopping and skipping over to him to take his hand as they walked out the door. "these....fuckin' tyrants squashing out a kid's sense of self with their oppressive conformity." He mumbled all the way to the car.
"Hey, if you're so anti-establishment, you shouldn't have put her in that school."
"It's the best there is!" Matty shrugged, unlocking the car door and setting his infant down in her car seat. "Though I'm gonna have to have a talk with your mother about this tonight...a school with strict rules for kids? Can't be the best there is..."
"Whose turn is it to pick the music?" Matty asked.
"NOT yours!" Emma yelled out from the backseat, making her dad burst out laughing.
"So much for democracy." Matty muttered and handed his phone to Alice in the front seat. "Well, we're dropping you off first, so you pick for the first half, and then Emma can change it after."
"Best dad ever."
"fuck yeah I am. And don't you two forget it!"
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Imagine Bakugou x stoner!reader
So... maybe I got carried away, and maybe this turned into more of just you and the bakusquad being besties, but I literally love this concept and will 100% be writing more.
Warning(s): obvious mentions of drug use, and some language. All characters are 18+.
So, let’s say, just for the hell of it, that this is a quirkless!college!au 
just imagine...
- you befriend Sero and Denki first, meeting them in a class, and they love you right off the bat
- you’re personality just meshes so well with theirs, you become bffs almost instantly
- the three of you raise hell in that class, I’m convinced, like RIP to whoever sits near you goofs
- you slowly start to hang out outside of class. maybe it starts as a study sesh, but let’s be honest here. the three of you can’t focus to save your life, and eventually Sero asks if you guys wanna smoke
- and, to their complete surprise, you outsmoke them (Denki later bows down to you, literally, and proposes to you with a ring pop. he’s such a dork I love him)
- this becomes a weekly thing, as it should, and the three of you are practically attached at the hip
- your favorite part of hanging with them is, of course, all their crazy stories about their friends
- so of course they want to introduce you to the bakusquad, and you are just as eager to meet the rest of the group, if not a little nervous
- Denki and Sero assure you they’ll love you (”c’mon, you’re just like us, they’ll adore you!!!”) and they take you out to lunch with Mina and Kirishima
- now, if you thought you, Denki, and Sero was a chaotic trio, just wait until you add Mina to the equation
- Kirishima lives for the chaos and thinks you’re adorable, but the guy has his hands full keeping the four of you out of trouble, that’s for sure
- (when Bakugou’s not around, Kirishima is in charge of the braincell, I don’t make the rules)
- Mina immediately kidnaps you for a girls night, and is ecstatic about having a girl to hang out with her and the boys 
- (SIDE NOTE, Mina introduces you to Jirou, and the three of you are THE baddest bitches around, thank you. the three of you definitely have girl nights and either kick the boys out, or force them to join, face masks and all)
- anyway, you finally get the opportunity to meet Bakugou
- and, as always, he’s in a sour mood. but! you don’t let his grumpiness upset you, in fact, you take it in stride and throw his attitude right back at him
- you aren’t mean, and you certainly aren’t going out of your way to bug him, but if Bakugou makes a snide comment? you better believe you’re throwing one right back at him
- and at first, Bakugou is annoyed, and thinks you’re mocking him. like, who do you think you are? 
- but the more he gets to know you, he realizes that you’re way too sweet to be that mean. you fit right in with the idiots he’s friends with.
- and, to be honest, it drives him nuts. because he likes you. he likes you, and he likes when you snap back at him, and he likes watching you goof off and laugh with his friends
- in true Bakugou fashion, though, you’re convinced he hates you. it’s just the icing on top of the cake when one night you notice that every time you’re there, and Sero lights up, Bakugou disappears 
- when you finally tell Mina this, she laughs. actually laughs! and you’re just like ....what?
- turns out, Bakugou hardly ever smokes with them, and he’s just like that. 
“Trust me, babe,” Mina tells you, “It’s not you. Bakugou just doesn’t know how to relax, he’s got a terrible case of trust issues and a bad attitude to top it off. But he likes you, trust me! He’ll come around.”
- you weren’t so sure about that, but you take her word for it. 
- and then, one night it’s just you, Denki, Mina, and Bakugou, and he stays!
“Someone with a brain has to make sure you idiots don’t do something stupid.” He says, when you ask.
- that night ends up being one of the funniest nights of your life. the three of you are high as a kite, and everything is funny. seriously, you can’t stop laughing!
- then, you find out Bakugou’s birthday is on 4/20, and you have never been so excited in your life (so you say). it’s the funniest, most ironic thing to you
- you go up to Bakugou, grabbing both his arms by the biceps, and are going on and on about it, bouncing on the balls of your feet and giggling, and Bakugou just listens to you talk and he blushes 
- you’re adorable, and he can’t lie to himself anymore, he likes you. he really likes you. and this realization really freaks him out (he calls Kirishima later that night absolutely freaking out, and he has to totally calm him down. Kiri ships it)
- over the next month or two, he tries his best to not give himself away, but it’s so hard. 
- he starts sticking around when everyone smokes together, and sitting next to you during movie nights (because you always fall asleep, and theres a good 80% chance you end up leaning on his shoulder), and he offers to help when you complain about a class you’re struggling with
- and it all comes to a head one night when he gets jealous. 
- he was definitely reading too much into things, but he swears you’re acting clingy with Sero, leaning on his shoulder, and grabbing his arm when you laugh, and playing with his hair. he definitely has himself convinced Sero is making a move on you, and he’s pissed.
- at some point during the hangout, he gets up and storms out of the room, and no one really notices but you and Kiri. after a minute or two you’re curiosity gets the best of you, so you go after him
- he’s in the kitchen, glaring at this plant Denki and Sero have (that is totally, 100% dying, and probably can’t be saved) and he’s pouting
“I don’t think staring at it is gonna bring it back to life.” You say, and he just looks at you weird and asks what you want
- you say you’re just checking on him, and he asks why you care. and you’re just like dude ??? i care about you? hello? we’re friends ??
- and Bakugou, being himself, snaps at you and makes some kind of rude comment
- so you snap back, offended because you’d just wanted to check on him
- and halfway through you telling him what a jerk he is, he kisses you
- he kisses you like his life depends on it, because he’s still pissed off about Sero and, come on, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t do anything halfway
- and maybe the two of you make out in the kitchen for way longer than you want to admit
- and maybe you laugh and call him an idiot when he tells you he was jealous of Sero
- and maybe Denki catches the two of you, and screams like a little girl on christmas morning
- cue protective Denki and Sero telling Bakugou he better not EVER hurt you... and then crying happy tears a minute later because you’re so cute together
- after that, Bakugou is literally never seen without you by his side. he walks you to class, cooks you dinner at least once a week, helps you study and takes you out every time you ace a test. this man knows your coffee order, and has your schedule memorized, it’s impressive 
- god forbid he see’s you eating junk food
- listen, he knows how Denki and Sero eat when they get the munchies, okay, and that is absolutely not allowed. this man is such a simp behind closed doors, he will literally make you homemade snacks for when you go smoke with the guys. 
- he’s not the greatest with words, okay, but he loves you and he shows it through small things like that. he’s always pushing you to do your best, and bragging about you, and doing little things to remind you how much he cares
- he’s also a little over protective, but he means well, and cmon it’s kinda cute when he get’s jealous, sometimes
- but overall you guys are just the cutest couple. like the bakusquad is absolutely obsessed. (you make Bakugou soft, but don’t tell him they said that)
- and sure you fight over little things every once in a while, but you learn how to handle Bakugou’s attitude quick, and it never lasts too long. 
- if you do have a big fight, you take a step back and let each other cool down, and then you make Bakugou talk it out. he hates it at first, because sharing his feelings is so not something he wants to do, but it does help and he knows it.
- if, on the rare occasion, the two of you have a bad fight you can’t resolve on your own, therapist Kiri is there to save the day
- now, let’s get down to the whole reason i made this au in the first place
- the first time the two of you celebrate his birthday after getting together, he makes it clear that the day of he just wants to spend it with you
- so the weekend closest to his bday, the whole squad goes out and celebrates, but when it comes to his actual bday? Bakugou has a surprise for YOU
- you show up to his apartment, not really knowing what to expect, and this man pulls out a pan of brownies
- yeah, those brownies
- turns out, he and Sero used to sell them in high school
“What? Sero already sold, and I can cook, so we just... did it. It was good money.”
“How could you keep this from me?! Have I told you recently that I adore you?”
He just laughs, “You’re such a dork.”
- so you have the PLEASURE of getting high with Bakugou for the first time
- and let me just tell you, you’re in for a treat
- Bakugou. is. so. clingy. as soon as it hits, you know, because he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap
- he’s speaking so softly?? and he’s just relaxed, and content with holding you and talking about anything and everything, just cuddling with music in the background
- high! makeout sessions! with Bakugou! that’s it, that’s literally it. he is INSATIABLE 
- the man just wants to kiss you, for hours, okay? give him what he wants!!
- he used to get super paranoid, that’s why he doesn’t smoke much, but with you he’s calm and comfortable, and not anxious
- it becomes tradition to make brownies on both of your birthdays, and you look forward to it all year
- and every once in a while, Bakugou will smoke with the squad, and they quickly learn that he can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s high. they tease him relentlessly, and Sero and Denki definitely have asked him (aka whined to him) to stop hogging all your attention
- also, he definitely lights the bowl for you, because he is a gentlemen
- shotgun kisses. yup. that’s all I have to say.
before I get carried away again, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I literally can’t get enough of this au I’m in love with it!! I’ll be writing more of this au soon, hopefully, and my requests are open!! 
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hoe4almondmilk · 3 years
Safety Net: Chapter 3
Present! Carol Denning/Reader
Trigger Warning: There is mentions of Attempted sexual assault, nothing in detail though. 
“Oh, don’t be like that! Just give me a piece and I won’t make an arrest for reckless driving and possession.” The cop chuckled as he attempted to grab your shoulder.
“I said get the fuck away from me!” you yelled. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as his face approached yours. 
He grabbed you by the shoulders, everything was happening so fast and yet it felt like it was all in slow motion. That's when you grabbed his gun from his waist and shot him.
You gasped, sitting up quickly. Your heart was pounding and your skin was slick with sweat from the nightmare. It took a few moments to finally catch your breath.
“Oh my god.” You groaned quietly, as you rubbed your eyes from exhaustion.
This was your first nightmare in a very long time. The last time you had a nightmare was back when you first arrived at camp but that was years ago and you were on antidepressants. You had almost forgotten how real they felt. How they brought you back to that horrific moment. The moment your life was turned upside down and changed for the worst. 
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Carol groaned in a grumpy tone from underneath her bunk in a groggy voice interrupting your thoughts.
“Nothing. Just a nightmare.” You replied blankly as you laid back down.
After a few minutes of silence you heard Carol ask “You okay, kid?” Maybe you were delusional from being tired but you could’ve sworn you heard the slightest bit of concern in Carol’s voice.
“Not even a little bit.” You whispered as you attempted to hold back the tears.
It felt almost like hours before you could fall back asleep, scared your nightmare would continue if you closed your eyes.
“Wake the fuck up, Inmate.” C.O. Hellman yelled as he smacked the door of your cell, making a large clap noise that made you jump up from your sleep.
“Okay, I’m awake.” You groaned, as you rubbed your eyes and slid down from your bunk. You must’ve slept in pretty late, considering Carol was absent from her bunk. 
After getting changed into your navy scrubs and brushing your teeth, you made your way out of your cell into the common area. 
You scanned the room to see Carol at her usual spot playing bridge with the other women. 
You and Carol were on good terms now after your agreement the other night. An hour before lights out she’d even spend some time with you, giving you a bridge lesson. Still you still really weren’t sure if you were on that level of familiarity with her yet to just go sit at her table. You looked over to see your two favorite people Piper and Alex and made your way towards them.
“Well, someone slept in pretty late.” Alex said as she looked up from her book.
“Yeah, I had some trouble sleeping last night and I guess my body made up for it.” You groaned and you got comfortable in your seat.
“(L/N), what happened to you the other night? I can still see the bruises on your neck.” Piper inquired.
“Oh, shit.” Alex hissed as she leaned in to take a closer look at the now yellow bruising on your neck.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Your hand rubbed your neck as a pathetic attempt to shield the bruises. 
“Was it Badison?” Piper’s eyes widened. “You see Alex, I told you Badison is fucking crazy.” 
“Chapman, shush!” You hushed Piper. “Seriously, watch what you say around here.” 
“So it was Badison?” Piper whispered.
“Jesus, yes, Chapman. Listen, I have it taken care of, okay?.” You groaned, you did not want what happened to you the other night in the showers happening to her.
“If you say so.” Piper sighed as she looked over to Alex in hopes for a response. Alex just shrugged her shoulders. 
“Well, speak of the devil.” Alex warned as Badison made her way over to your table.”
“Hey lezzies, sorry to interrupt but Carol wants to see Mouse.” Badison chuckled. “Now.” She demanded.
“Well, off I go.” You sighed as you got up from your spot following the rambunctious blonde.
It’s safe to say you probably should’ve sat with Carol when you entered the common room. Hopefully, she’s not too upset. How could you have known? You gulped out of nervousness. What if you did piss her off? If Badison could get two girls to jump you in the shower imagine the damage Carol could do if she really wanted to. 
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts when you made it over to Carol’s table. Akers, Creech, Teng, Brock, Chambal and of course Carol were all sitting at the table. Badison sat down in front of Carol. You could feel not only her eyes on you but the eyes of the other women who sat around Carol. 
“Brock, move.” Carol said not looking up from her cards.
Brock rolled her eyes as she got up and away from her spot next Carol.
Carol looked up from her the cards in her hands and met your eyes with hers. “Sit.” 
You nodded and sat next to her, filling in Brock’s spot.
“It’s your turn to switch in.” Carol slid the deck of cards to you.
“What is she doing here?” Teng grunted obviously annoyed by your presence at the table. 
You couldn’t really blame her, Badison did order her to go jump you and made you out to be an enemy, yet here you were sitting next to Carol playing bridge.
Carol looked up from her cards and glared at Teng. “She works with us now.”
“So, Mouse. What the fuck are you in here for?” Badison smirked. You could feel the eyes of everyone at the table on you, except Carol who was too focused on the cards in her hands. 
“I’d really rather not talk about it.” You replied as you drew a couple of cards trying to focus on the game. 
You actually hadn’t told really anyone about why you were in prison in the first place but camp was small so word got around and so did rumors about what you had done, most of which weren’t true. You didn’t care, let them think what they want. You wanted to do your time and leave this place behind. But of course, your luck, the riot happened as you only had three years left of your seven year sentence. 
You were at maximum now, things were different here. You were surrounded by some of the most violent types of offenders. Maybe you should’ve been here in the first place. No, you shouldn’t. You did what you had to do.
 “Probably something petty, you did come here from minimum.” She chuckled. “Ain’t nothin tough about you.” It took everything in you not to roll your eyes at her. 
“Madison.” Carol cautioned with a glare. After a few moments of silence, Carol asked “Are you gonna tell us?”, as she glanced over at you waiting for an answer.
Should you lie? No, no definitely not. Carol was the boss, she could probably have a CO find out for her if she really wanted to and she'd have your head if she found out you lied to her.
 “I shot a cop.” You muttered as you pulled another card from the deck. You looked up when you noticed the wave of silence that washed over the entire table. Everyone was shocked to say the least. Even Carol whose face normally wore a blank expression looked slightly surprised with one of her eyebrows raised. 
“Damn, Mouse is a cop killer!” Creech laughed. 
“Yo, that’s badass!” Akers joined in with Creech. Both women were laughing in unison.
“Bullshit.” Badison laughed. “You just want to look tough.”
“It’s true.” You replied, as you sank further into your seat. Just wanting the attention to shift away from you. 
And unfortunately you were telling the truth but you couldn’t blame her for not believing you or anyone for that matter. You hated people finding out what you did. You didn’t necessarily regret what happened but you hated the way people saw you after you told them. Especially in prison, it gave a false image of you. You weren’t a violent person nor did you ever try to appear as one.
“Then why were you in minimum “cop killer”?'' Badison leaned forward, asking almost as if she was challenging you. Everything was a competition to her. 
You slammed the cards down on the table. “Not that it’s any of your business, Badison, but I didn’t kill him and it was self defense.” 
“I’m not buying it.” Badison continued.
“I don’t have to prove anything to you, Badison.” You scoffed, as you once again tried to center your focus back to the game. 
“Well that’s a shame cause you really sho-“
“Madison.” Carol interrupted her mid sentence “Stop.” Her eyes burning onto the loud blonde, obviously having enough of Badison starting petty pointless fights. 
You tried your best to stop the corners of your mouth from curving into a small smile. It was nice knowing Carol was keeping her end of the deal. 
Badison gulped and did as Carol said. 
“You know what,” Carol put her deck of cards down. “Madison, Scat.”
“What?” Badison asked almost dumbfounded.
“Unless you can play bridge well, all of a sudden, go. You’re annoying me.” Carol continued her glare at Badison.
“Fine.” Badison stood up from her spot and slowly trudged off, anger obvious in every step. 
Normally you would’ve been scared but you weren’t. Badison knew she was already crossing the line with Carol’s patience. She knew not to fuck with you like she did last time. 
“Let’s start over.” Carol sighed as she began to reshuffle the thick deck of playing cards.
After an hour of non stop rounds of bridge, Carol decided to take a break. She needed to talk to Badison about their new haul of pills. You weren’t complaining, your ass was starting to hurt from sitting on the hard plastic seat for so long. You headed up the stairs to your cell to lay down for a bit. You let out a quiet groan, as you rubbed your lower back. Your lower back definitely needed a break too.
“Psst.” You heard a voice whisper to you right before you walked into your cell, stopping you in your tracks. God it better not be fuckin Badison. You looked over and almost screamed. It was Nicky. 
“Long time no see, Doll.” Nicky chuckled as she leaned against the custodial cart.
“Nicky,” It took everything in you not to run into her arms and hug the absolute shit out of her. “I- How-... What are you doing here?” 
You couldn’t believe your eyes, you hadn’t seen Nicky since you guys were in Ad Seg but you two couldn’t really even have a real conversation because of the asshole guards. 
Nicky was one of the few real friends you had at camp. You remember the day she first arrived to camp. You two had been inseparable since and not that you would ever admit it but at one point you had a slight crush on her. You never mentioned it nor would you ever mention it to her because you value your friendship with Nicky more.
“What, not happy to see me?” She chuckled as she faked a pout.
You looked around to make sure no one was looking, seriously not needing another jumping. You smiled looking back at her, “I’m so happy, if I could hug you and not get jumped I would.” 
Nicky’s smile quickly faded when her eyes landed on your neck, “A second time? What the fuck happened?” 
You groaned, damn how long were these bruises gonna stay. “I don’t want to talk about it, it won’t happen again.”
 Nicky rolled her eyes and she gripped the mop in her hands tighter, her anger was obvious.“Who did that to you? I swear I’ll-“
“You’ll what? You’ll get jumped too, Nicky. It’s not like camp. Red can’t protect us here. Where is she anyway? Is she in D-Block with you?” The last time you saw Red was in Ad Seg.
“No, She must still be in Ad Seg.” Nicky looked hurt answering that. You wanted to hug her. It was painful knowing you couldn’t. 
“How are you, Nicky? Seriously, I fuckin miss you.” You could feel your eyes watering up. 
Nicky sniffled, “I miss you too,” She wiped her eyes, “You know, I’ve been better, Lorna and her bunkie adopted a pack of rats so I’ve had to hear about that for the past four days.” Nicky chuckled.
“Ew, that’s gross.” You chuckled softly.
“Nichols!” CO Blake yelled. “There’s a spill down here!” 
“Heigh-ho, off to work I go.” Nicky groaned, as she started to wheel her cart away, She turned around to say “I miss you, kid.��� sadly.
“I miss you too, Nicky. More than you could know.” You replied, you slowly turned around trying to soak up as much of her image as you could before you made your way back into your cell. 
You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes before anyone saw. You hated it here. None of you deserved to be in here. You wanted your prison family back even if it was a dysfunctional mess.
You crawled up your bunk and into your bed, plopping face down into your very thin pillow. Praying that you’d just wake up from all of this and be back home with your family before all of this mess happened. Prison was a tortuous hell. 
Snapping you out of the hypnotizing darkness that was your pillow, you heard, “It’s barely noon and you’re asleep again?”
You lifted your head up to see Carol leaning against the entrance of the cell.
You let out a groan as you flipped onto your back, as you faced the ceiling. “I wasn’t sleeping.” 
“That’s surprising.” Carol chuckled as she strolled into the cell and sat herself down on her bed. “You’re so young, what do you have to be tired about?” 
You rolled your eyes, you absolutely hated it when people told you that, it was so annoying. “You know, that’s really invalidating.” You sat up on your bed, leaning your body towards the edge of the bed so you could look at her.
Carol was hardly listening, too focused on her magazine and lollipop. “Invalidating, how so?” She gave you a glance, taking a minuscule break from her scantily clad men.
“You’re just assuming, I have nothing to worry about solely because of the fact that I'm young. I don’t even feel young because of the place. Prison has robbed me of my youth. I should be in college.” You looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I should be anywhere but here.” 
Carol was silent for a moment, looking at you. “How long have you been in here?”
“I was eighteen, when it happened. I just graduated high school.” 
“Eighteen.” Carol repeated, She chuckled. “You were about my age when I first got here.” 
“You’ve been in here since you were eighteen?” You asked, you were shocked. Carol’s spent her whole life in this place and by the looks of how she runs things here, she wouldn’t be getting out anytime soon. 
“Crazy, isn’t it? It’s gone by so excruciatingly slow yet time flew by so fast.” She sighed as she removed her glasses from her face to rub her eyes. There was a hint of sadness and yet some passive aggressiveness in her voice. “It was originally just twenty-five years but I was betrayed by someone I cared about and so I got an extra thirty stacked on top.” She leaned her head against the wall of her bunk.
An “I’m sorry, Carol.” was all you could say, was there anything else you could say? This woman has spent her whole life in this place and was most likely going to die here, yet for some reason you thought you had the right to complain about a measly seven years.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m different now. I’ve learned not to trust anyone here so easily.” She put her glasses back on her face. There was a moment of silence. “So, exactly why did you shoot that cop, tough girl?” 
“It’s hard to talk about.” You muttered. “I have so many mixed feelings about what happened.”
“Sit down here with me.” Carol invited, scooting over to where her pillow laid.
You nodded as you climbed down from your bed to hers, not wasting this act of kindness from Carol. You knew she was cold blooded and was rarely kind to anyone. So far though, she made an exception for you. You just took it as her being nice because you were new and could offer something for her business.
You sat down on her bed, pulling your knees to your chest. “I didn’t intend to shoot him. That was the last thing I wanted to do but I didn’t have any other choice.” Your voice became hoarse as you tried to hold back the tears. 
Carol watched and listened to you in silence. 
“I had to, I wasn’t going to let him rape me. That’s what he wanted. I saw how he looked at me and how he grabbed me. I can still feel his grasp on my arms.” Tears fell from your eyes. Three years later and it was still so hard to talk about. You should be getting proper counseling, not the bullshit you were getting from Healy back at camp.
“Is that why you woke up last night?” Carol asked. You looked over at her and her expression was soft. Before it was a word that couldn’t be put with Carol. She was hard, tough and cold. Yet somehow she was showing you sympathy.
You nodded. “This was my first nightmare in years. My last one was when I first arrived at camp.” You wiped your tears away and chuckled. “What’s so fucked up is I’m the victim and yet I'm the one in prison. They decided his gunshot wound was his punishment.” 
You flinched when you felt Carol’s hand touch your back. Your muscles slowly relaxed when she began to rub your back. She didn’t say anything for a moment there. She didn’t need to. Her hand on your back was all she needed to say. This was the first time in a while you had felt someone show you slightest bit of affection. It was nice. You were touch starved.
“Thank you.” You gave Carol a small smile.
And she smiled back at you.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
A Place To Call Home: Oh Baby
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Summary: The reader and TJ decide to have their first baby together and the experience is anything but simple...
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 3,600ish
Warnings: language, pregnancy, pregnancy/delivery scare
A/N: Enjoy!
“Hey,” you said, rubbing TJ’s bare back in bed after he’d gotten Allie down for bed. He groaned happily as you gave him a massage, sinking further into the mattress. “You’re rocking this dad thing you know.”
“Back at ya mom,” he laughed. “You really think so? Cause I’m scared shitless half the time.”
“Same. But she’s happy and healthy and safe. We must be doing something right,” you said. He patted your leg and you slid off of him, TJ rolling to his side and wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you down. “What are you thinking, handsome?”
“I noticed you haven’t taken any birth control this week,” he said. 
“We said we’d talk tonight about it. I wanted to be prepared,” you said. He brushed his hand over your cheek and your whole body felt warm at the touch. “This is way off base of our plan for kids. We can totally wait if you want to.”
“We could. But we said way back when we talked about this that when we had kids, we wanted to keep them not too many years apart. Allie will be more than two by the time we have one. I know our plans got changed completely when she came into the picture.”
“Well, the original plan was two of our own and then when they were in their teens, we’d look at adoption for number three. What do you think?” you asked.
“I think it doesn’t matter what our plan is today. It’ll probably change in some way. It already did,” he said.
“Do you want to make a baby?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he said softly, sliding his hand down to your stomach. “I can’t imagine how adorable of a child you would make. Let’s start trying. Allie deserves a brother or sister.”
“Are you sure? We could wait until your student loan is paid off,” you said.
“Did I not tell you?” he asked. You shook your head and he smirked. “Work pays off my loan for me as long as I stay there.”
“Where’s the money in the budget for your loan going then?” you asked.
“It’s still student loan but it’s for Allie or kids to use. We got plenty and you got your raise and-”
“Raise? I didn’t get a raise.”
“Jensen said just the other night…oh I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” he said.
“I’m getting a raise?” you asked. 
“Yeah. Like a big one. For how you’ve been stepping up lately,” he said. “Don’t let it out that I said something.”
“I won’t. So we can afford another kid, we have the time, the energy, Allie’s a good age...sounds like we got our ducks in a row,” you said. 
“Wanna make a baby?” he smirked. “And then love it forever and ever?”
“Fuck yes I do,” you said. “Now get naked and let’s have some fun.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Six Weeks Later
“Want me to write down anything else for the grocery store?” asked TJ as you sipped on some coffee while Allie ate part of a waffle at the breakfast table. “I haven’t bought pads or tampons in a while. You’re probably running low.”
“Yeah, you can…” you said, staring at him. “I haven’t had my period TJ. I’m two weeks late.”
“I’ll get a pregnancy test,” he said, a cautious smile on his face.
“Yeah. I’ll call the doctor, see if I can get an appointment in soon,” you said.
“I’ll be back as quick as I can,” he said. 
“Momma, waffle,” asked Allie from her high seat, opening her hand up, her plate wiped clean.
“Sure thing, honey,” you said, TJ flashing you a quick smile before he was gone.
“Hey babe,” you said half an hour later into the phone. “You still at the store?”
“Heading for checkout now. Want me to pick up-”
“I just got my period,” you said. “Just now.”
“Yeah,” you said. “We can do the test to make sure, like triple make sure and I still have an appointment for the afternoon.”
“Okay,” he said, sounding a little off.
“We only tried that one night,” you said. “And we weren’t really even trying. We were having more fun with not using a condom for the first time than actively trying really.”
“True. We got a little carried away,” he said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks sporting a light blush if you had to guess. “Do you want to like, really try?”
You turned your head and saw Allie sticking some pads to herself where she sat on the bathroom floor and you smiled.
“For some crazy reason, yes, yes I do. Also, I need more pads. Allie’s playing with them,” you said.
“Alright. I’ll pick up something special for dinner,” he said. “Love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
Three Months Later
“Another beer?” asked your dad as he stood up from your back patio. 
“I can get it,” you said, TJ handing you his empty, Allie passed out on his chest from where the three of you sat around the fire. “I want a snack anyways.”
You ruffled his head and wandered inside, your dad following you in to use the bathroom. You took out a beer and set it on the counter before you opened the freezer and pulled out a pint of ice cream.
“Someone’s got a sweet tooth lately,” he said. He took out a beer for himself and cracked it open, smiling at you. “Been awhile since I’ve seen you have a drink. Not that you did a lot but the empty calories line doesn’t seem so convincing at the moment considering the tub of cookie dough in your hand.”
“You think I’m pregnant?” you laughed. He shrugged and you shook your head. “No way. Just been trying to eat healthier. TJ ate most of this anyways.”
“You’re really not?” he asked.
“No. When’s mom and everybody come home again? Tomorrow? TJ and I wanted to have everybody over for dinner,” you said.
“Sounds good,” he said. You stuck your head around him, looking at TJ outside. “What’s up?”
“Okay I kinda want your opinion on something. I got a present for TJ’s birthday but I’m not sure if he’ll like it,” you said.
“What is it?” he asked. You left and ducked into your office, smiling to yourself but wiping it off your face by the time you returned. You held out a box to him, your dad opening it up. He looked confused as he held up a pair of blue sneakers. 
Very small blue sneakers.
It took him a second but soon he was staring at you, a funny look on his face you remembered seeing on your wedding day.
“Liar,” he grinned.
“I know,” you said, getting a big hug from him. 
“You’re gonna have a little boy,” he said, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“That’s what the sonogram said. You’re the first person we’ve told. We wanted to wait a few months to make sure everything was okay before we said something.”
“How far along are you?” he asked as he peeled away, staring at your stomach.
“About three months. We found out the sex earlier this week,” you said. “You can touch, it’s okay.”
“I didn’t realize you guys were trying,” he said. He put a careful hand on your stomach, smiling to himself. “You made a baby.”
“We wanted Allie’s sibling to be close in age. We only like actually tried once. We were kind of surprised it happened so fast,” you said.
“Does it feel any different than Allie? It’s not like you’re a parent for the first time again but I imagine it’s got to be a little different,” he said, pulling his hand away.
“Obviously this time I’m actually going to be the one having him but I don’t know, it doesn’t feel that different.”
“Good,” he said, smiling still. “These two are gonna grow up and not even think about who was adopted and who wasn’t.”
“TJ thinks he’s gonna have his black hair.”
“He could. Boys are a spitting image of their fathers sometimes,” he said. “A little boy. He’s gonna grow up just fine with you and TJ.”
“Do you have any advice for boys?” you asked.
“Love him the same as you love Allie. Teach him boys can love and cry and feel their feelings and to help others and he’ll turn out to be just as good a man as TJ.”
“You’re not half bad either,” you said with a smirk.
“I could have been better, especially when I was younger.”
“Dad, you were shy. Mom’s told me stories. You’ve always been good. I know you feel stuff, you just like to process it inside and on your own sometimes, like me. Look at Zepp. What other boy do you know that talks to his dad about stuff the way you guys do?”
“Oh I could name a few,” he said.
“You’re doing good is all I’m saying cause you’re good. We just hope he’s kind and good too,” you said.
“Love ‘em and the rest of it pretty much works out on its own,” he said. “Oh. Changing diapers? Cover them at all times. Like every single time. You’re gonna get pissed on a lot more with a boy, especially in the face.”
“Oh god, dad,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Just being honest,” he chuckled. “Not much difference though.”
“As long as he’s happy, I’m good,” you said. “Are you...surprised? Happy? None of the above?”
“You are a kickass mom. I can’t quite describe it but yeah, let’s just say I’m happy,” he said. “I’m so happy for you both and to have another munchkin around. I’m proud of you, kiddo.”
“Thanks,” you said. “Second one should be easier, right?”
“Should. It’s your first time pregnant though. I’m sure we’re gonna run into some fun things for sure.”
Five Months Later
“Hey dad,” you said, giving him a wave in the parking lot. He smiled and you walked over before you headed off into the park with him. 
“How’s work going?” he asked. “All ready to go out next week?”
“You know most people don’t take the month off before their due date,” you said.
“Most people don’t work for mom and dad,” he chuckled. “You’re covered. I see you back at that brewery for anything more than a beer run and we’re gonna have problems.”
“I know, grumpy. I’m good. Well, I was until I was driving over here to walk and my stomach started killing me,” you said. He stopped and you walked ahead of him. “What? You forget your phone or something? We can-”
“Fucking shit,” he said. He grabbed you and you made a face as he walked you quickly back over to his car. 
“Dad, what-”
“There’s blood dripping down your leg,” he said, not even bothering with his seat belt before he was backing out and speeding away. You glanced down, a small thin streak drying on your skin. You reached under your shorts and felt more wetness, a pit forming in your stomach. “Y/N, are you listening to me?”
“What?” you said as he ran through a red light.
“I said you need to call TJ right now and tell him to meet us at County West. You’re having the baby right now.”
“S’not supposed to be bleeding,” you said quietly. 
“I know. On the bright side, it could just be a little tear and that’s what it is and you and the baby are perfectly fine.”
“When has my life ever been on the fucking bright side,” you said. “Something’s wrong isn’t it.”
Your dad hit a few buttons on the wheel before the sound of ringing filled the air.
“Sup, Jensen?” said TJ.
“County West. The baby is coming. Move your ass now,” said your dad before he hung up.
“Oh, I’m completely not worried now,” you said. You shut your eyes and by the time you opened them, you were parked and the drivers door was open. Your dad ran over to the entrance and said something, somebody coming out with a stretcher. You rolled your eyes but let a few nurses and a doctor you were guessing move you on top of it.
“How far along?” asked the doctor.
“I’m-” you said, throwing your head back when pain shot across your abdomen. You screamed, a bit surprised at yourself honestly and suddenly were inside, your dad talking a mile a minute to the people that were rushing you down the hall.
“Y/N, I’m Dr. Astle. Are you having contractions?” she asked.
“I don’t…” you said, shouting again when pain hit you. “Gah, it’s not supposed to hurt that bad, right?”
“No, it’s not,” she said. You kicked when you felt it happening again, your dad grabbing your hand and using his other to run over your head. 
“It’s okay,” he said softly. “The doctor’s are gonna fix you and the baby up like that.”
“We need to do an emergency C-section,” said Dr. Astle as you realized your shorts had been cut off.
“Dad don’t look that way,” you said.
“You and me right here,” he said with a smile. “You’ll be fine. You’ll be just fine. Just breathe.”
“TJ needs to be here,” you said. 
“Tall munchkin I don’t think they can wait,” he said.
“They’re gonna wait over my-” you said, a flop of sweaty black hair running past the room. “TJ!”
“Hey!” he said as he jogged back to the doorway. “Are-holy shit. That’s a lot of blood.”
“TJ, up here,” said your dad. 
“We need somebody from maternity, Dr. Astle,” said a nurse.
“Baby and mom do not have the time. You’re the husband?” asked the doctor, TJ nodding. “If mom passes out, you’re calling the shots.”
“Please don’t pass out,” said TJ.
“I’ll try…” you said, something tearing inside and you were out before you could even register the pain.
You woke up in a quiet room, your dad sitting in a chair and bouncing his leg like crazy. You tried to stretch and felt your abdomen was flatter, hand instantly shooting to it. You looked around but saw no sign of TJ or a baby and swallowed.
“Dad,” you said quietly. His head shot up and he was out of his chair like that. 
“Hey. How you feeling?” he asked.
“Is the baby…” you swallowed.
“He is a perfectly healthy boy. Big boy. Your due date was off by a couple weeks they think. You were over nine months. He got a little too big for ya. The placenta started to tear and he was kicking at it they think which is why you were in so much pain,” he said.
“Okay,” you said with a big smile. “As long as he’s good, I’m good.”
“He’s up in the nursery with TJ, just letting him get some rest while you got some. You had some pain but you’re okay. Perfectly capable of more kids. Maybe we use a different doctor next time is all,” he said.
“Can I go see him?” you asked, surprised to not feel a bandage across your stomach. “I thought they did a C-section?”
“Well, you passed out pushing him out in one go. Doc said you’d be sore for awhile,” he said. “Let me go see if I can find your boys.”
“Dad,” you said as he turned to go. “Did I do that?”
You nodded to his bruised hand and he shrugged.
“Let’s just say in labor you is kind of terrifying,” he said. 
“Dad,” you said and he sat on the edge of the bed. “Thank you. I was freaking out before.”
“Little secret, I was freaking out more,” he said with a chuckle. “You, you were just thinking about the baby. Me, me I was thinking about the baby and you. Understand?”
“Yeah. Go get me my son, old timer,” you said, shutting your eyes again.
“Yes mam,” he said, rubbing your arm. “You did real good today, kiddo.”
“I’m getting a letter later, aren’t I,” you said. He laughed and felt him ruffle your hair.
“I’ll save it for when you guys head home. Nothing’s gonna top this,” he said. You heard the door open and opened your eyes, TJ walking inside with a bundle of blankets in his arms.
“You’re kind of a badass, you know that right?” he said.
“It’s why you married me, isn’t it?” you teased. “I want to meet him.”
“I told you I’d bring you back around to see mommy,” he said. Your dad slipped out as TJ sat on the edge of the bed and handed you over your son. You giggled when you saw the black head of hair under his blue cap. “Told you he’d have my hair.”
“It’s a good thing your daddy is pretty,” you said, booping his little nose. “How’d you get here so fast?”
“I was at work. I took the stairs and then sprinted over. The hospital’s only a few blocks away,” he said.
“Why are you in scrubs?” you laughed.
“May or may not have ripped my pants in the said sprinting. Your mom is gonna bring me some clothes when she comes up. Somebody had to go and be all dramatic with his entrance,” he said.
“Dad said the doctor got my due date wrong,” you said.
“Based on my math, you actually did get pregnant that first night we fooled around. Your period was super light when you had it and the doctor did say some people can have them during pregnancy, especially at the beginning if…”
“Dude. I know how it works,” you said. “He’s cute.”
“I know. There’s a couple of really ugly babies down the hall. We got lucky,” he said. You laughed and the baby looked up at you, quickly shutting his eyes. “Someone’s smitten.”
“He’s not the only one,” you said. “You ever decide on a boy’s name?”
“What do you think about Colin? I know it wasn’t on the list but-”
“It’s perfect,” you said, giving the baby a kiss. “Just like you, aren’t you Colin.”
One Week Later
“Dad,” you said when you caught him peeking over the back of the couch again. “He didn’t wake up in the span of the last three seconds you weren’t looking at him.”
“Your father’s in love,” laughed your mom as she set a bag of takeout down in front of you. “I got tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos and brisket per your request.”
“Mmm,” you said, TJ reaching his hand into the bag. You stared up at him and he slowly backed away. “That’s what I thought.”
“TJ, yours is in with the other containers,” she said, setting a few containers down on the counter. Your siblings all grabbed one and took off to the movie room, JJ taking Allie up with them and your mom and TJ wandering into the kitchen and talking quietly. Your dad was still looking over the back of the couch and smiling down into the crib. 
“He awake?” you asked.
“No. Just adorable,” he said. 
“Well get dinner grandpa,” you said, reaching over to the end table for your drink and pausing. You shut your eyes and felt it pass, your dad suddenly right there and helping you to your feet. “Thanks.”
“Still sore?”
“Oh yeah,” you said. You sat up at the counter, grabbing a taco first and taking a big bite. “I’ve been dying for one of these for months.”
“Hopefully the spice doesn’t bother you too much,” he said, stealing a nacho from your bag. He looked over at the crib, Colin making a half-giggle sound. “Kiddo. Do me a favor.”
“What?” you asked.
“Enjoy it. They grow up faster than you think,” he said.
“I know,” you said. He nodded and you saw him look sad for a split second. “Dad?”
“Just cause I made a baby doesn’t mean I’m not your kid anymore,” you said. “Based on how you are, I’ll never grow up so win-win for you.”
“Loser,” he said, ruffling your hair with a smile before he took your burrito. “Speaking of which, I was gonna prank the trio once they start watching scary movies later. You in?”
“Duh,” you said.
“That’s my girl.”
A/N: Read the Jensen’s Day timestamp here!
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julemmaes · 4 years
“If I go on a date with you, will you bring the dog from your profile picture?” for Rowaelin or Elorcan maybe? 🙂
Puppies - October 15th
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre
A/N: I think I’m running a fever and I’m pissed cause it’s not the ideal right now, don’t you all think? But still, I wanted to post this and PP chapter 6, but I cannot for the love of god try and translate that too, so I hope I can do it for tomorrow, in the meantime enjoy this fluffy/cute thing since I’m always giving you just angst.
Oh and I think I’m gonna write a part two to this, just like for the Rowaelin one when I get the time and I finish every prompt. Also, again, I’m sorry if this is taking so fucking long, I do understand it’s December and this thing is called October Something so yeah
Word count: 3,883
Lorcan could not get over the fact that a beautiful girl like Elide had agreed to go out with him. Or rather, he could not understand how a beautiful girl like her had asked him out on a date.
A hint of panic crept into his mind, causing his smile to waver when he remembered his best friend's mocking words. "She didn't ask you out, she just wants to see your dogs." Rowan had joked when he had explained why he was taking the dogs for a walk dressed so elegantly.
Lorcan had eyed his black skinny and his beige sweater with an arched eyebrow, feeling sorry for Aelin if Rowan thought that outfit was elegant. He told him he had to meet a girl and his friend demanded to see some photos and Lorcan knew he would never let him out until he pulled out her tinder profile.
Rowan had opened his eyes wide in front of Elide's black-haired, pearly-skinned beauty, then burst out laughing, slamming his hand on his back and telling him he didn't stand a chance with someone like that.
Now, as he walked with Opal by his side with Maya pulling them both way too excitedly, he felt the anxiety grow with every step.
They had exchanged numbers almost immediately and talked for a week, sending pictures of what they were doing and eating, and when Elide had sent him a picture of a meat plate with rice, he had asked her where she was. She had gone out with some friends to her favorite restaurant in town and from there a conversation about their favorite places had started and Lorcan had mentioned that he should try the dish she had ordered, because it was as if he could smell it through the phone. At that point Elide had told him that she would gladly accompany him and Lorcan, like the idiot he was, had asked her if she was serious and she had sent him a message: "If I go on a date with you, will you bring the dogs from your profile picture?"
He had grinned like an idiot, happy to know that she didn't think they were vicious beasts. His two little dogs, two sisters, had entered his life when they were only a few weeks old and now he couldn't imagine his life without them, but sometimes it was difficult to convince other people, especially strangers, that they weren't aggressive and wouldn't tear them to pieces.
They had decided to meet at the Gardens of Orynth so that his two pitbulls could run a little bit free, instead of having to walk around the city with muzzles all the time and Elide had sent him a short video of her jumping happily at the idea of meeting him.
He was looking around for the girl, when he heard someone calling for him and his head snapped in the direction of the Turtle Fountain.
He opened his eyes wide, chuckling in dismay when he realized that Elide was dressed almost exactly like him. A beige sweater tucked on the front of her black pants, torn at the knees, which did absolutely no justice to the legs he had seen her show on her tinder profile. Even the shoes were the same, simple black lumberjack ankle boots, years old in appearance. The only thing differentiating them was the religiously black jacket she wore, which enveloped her figure perfectly.
That moment of distraction in which he admired her cost him the grip on Maya's leash, which with a sudden snap managed to pull him forward and free herself. The pitch black dog ran up to the girl and Elide smiled widely, crouching on the ground and opening her arms. The little dog immediately started to welcome her, licking her face and getting up on her hind paws, scratching her legs with those in front.
Lorcan cursed loudly and ran towards them, Opal looked up at him for a moment, starting to toddle next to him a second later, to keep up.
"Hello you beautiful," Elide was saying, rubbing her hand on the dark fur, "you must be Maya." When the dog started whining, wagging her tail even more, she giggled, "Yes, it's you."
Lorcan was sincerely surprised by the scene, but when Elide looked up, smiling at him with bright eyes, he remembered that he should speak. "I'm so sorry, normally I can hold her." He apologized, scratching the back of his neck.
She shrugged, "Don't worry about it." Then she went back to the dogs, extending her hand to Opal, who seemed just as excited as Maya, but sat next to him.  When she sniffed Elide's hand without approaching, she stood up and Lorcan saw with horror that she had mud marks on her pants. He felt himself blush, "Fuck, I'm sorry," and then she handed him Maya's leash, shaking her head. He touched her hand and his brain short-circuited.
"Don't worry," she said smiling and showing her teeth, "really." she repeated when Lorcan glared at the dog. Then she tilted her head to the side, "Hi."
Lorcan smiled in turn, looking at her. God, she was so beautiful.
She leaned towards him, leaving a light kiss on his cheek and immediately returning to her place, adjusting her bag on her shoulder, "I like the way you are dressed, excellent choice."
He was dumbfounded for a moment by her spontaneous gesture. Not that no girl had ever kissed his cheek, but her lips had been so soft and warm against his skin and at the same time so confident and solid. He quickly recovered, pointing to her clothes, "Yes, I must say that your taste is impeccable too."
She smiled at him, shifting her gaze to the dogs for a few seconds, then those black puddles locked on him, "So, how's your day going so far?"
Maya kept circling around her and Opal seemed less and less uncomfortable, her ears now low and her tail moving slightly behind her. The most excitement she would show for a stranger, Lorcan knew. But he was still happy that she was not hiding behind his legs.
He grinned at her, "Very well, I was looking forward to going out with a certain girl," he joked.
Elide snickered, looking him in the eye, "Yes, I was quite excited to meet this new friend of mine too." Then she turned to the dog pen - a huge section of the park reserved for animals, so that people wouldn't bother them while they too were running free. "Shall we go there?" she asked, pointing with one hand.
Lorcan nodded, urging the puppies to walk.
The second he released the leash to both of them, the dogs snapped forward, starting to run in the area. The two of them sat down on a bench just right by the fence and when he turned towards her, Elide was giving him a bright smile.
"What?" he asked her, arching an eyebrow.
She shrugged, "Nothing," she muttered, "I just thought you'd be a lot more chatty, you know."
Lorcan felt himself blush again. It was true, by message and the few times they had called each other, Lorcan had talked a lot and there had never been a second he hadn't had his line ready, but now it was almost as if he no longer had the ability to have a normal conversation. He gave her a frustrated look, "Sorry."
"You don't have to apologize," she giggled and Lorcan felt his chest tighten to that sound. She turned to the dogs when she heard Opal barking and he was breathless when her smile widened even further, seeing the silvery dog running in their direction, "What did you do this morning that was so important that you couldn't answer me?"
He forced his body to relax under her inquisitive eyes, "I had to convince my roommate that calling a plumber to fix the toilet was a much better idea than trying to solve the problem on our own and-". Lorcan puffed, passing a hand through his hair, "Sometimes he can be difficult."
Elide became pensive, "Are you talking about Rowan?"
He nodded, surprised that she remembered the name of his best friend.
"If it's any consolation, my roommates are headstrong too," she said as she opened her eyes wide, "and most of the time it's just as hard as childbirth to have someone else help us around the house," she sighed, "Asterin drives me crazy, too, for other reasons."
Lorcan raised an eyebrow, asking tentatively, "How come?"
He had heard about her roommates, Asterin and Manon, only a couple of times and Elide hardly ever answered his messages when the two girls were present, she always found an excuse to end the conversation.
Initially, Lorcan had thought that Elide simply wanted to spend time with them, but the more days passed the more she avoided him when they were home. He started to think that she didn't want them to know that she was talking to a loser like him, which hurt him more than it should. He was used to people avoiding him on the street and judging him too soon because of his grumpy attitude and the grimace always present on his face, but Elide had found out more about him than any other person had ever done in twice the time and he believed there was a connection between the two of them.
Perhaps it was not the same for her.
When she took a while to respond, he looked closely at her, seeing that she was biting her lip.  Maybe he shouldn't have asked. He should have left it alone.
Before he could tell her that they didn't need to talk about it, she said, "She always brings new people home and" she made a noise that sounded more like a grunt than a laugh, "I have absolutely nothing against having a different partner every night," she said.
Lorcan stiffened beside her and saw her eyes open wide. Now that he thought about it, she was hardly ever free in the evening to call him or to stay on face time.
She carried her hand to her mouth, snorting, "Oh God, I didn't mean it that way -" she stopped, "I don't do- I never- Shit." She cursed out loud and took a deep breath, "I meant Asterin is big and vaccinated and can do whatever she wants, I'd just rather she was less noisy." she concluded sighing and carrying a hand to her chest.
Lorcan looked at her gently, "You know," he offered to comfort her, "there would be nothing wrong with it if you had a-" he choked on his words and coughed, "a different partner every night."
The idea disturbed him more than expected. Not because he saw such a thing as distasteful - he, too, had had his golden days when he was younger by Rowan's side - but because the idea of someone else touching Elide as he had only once dared to dream about, gave him chills.
She looked at him carefully, frowning, and he had to shift his gaze to the dogs because he couldn't stand the emotion on her face. He could not decipher it.
He spoke in a low voice when he said, "But I'm not looking for something temporary or a fling, Elide." he gave her a thoughtful look, letting her see the sincerity in his eyes, "I'm quite tired of the occasional stories I find myself in every time."
His mind went straight to Maeve and a shiver ran down his spine.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and when he turned around, she was smiling, "I've never dated anyone, Lorcan," she whispered, as if she was afraid of his reaction. Her hand slipped away from his body and he missed that touch immediately, "I'm serious." Then she grimaced, "I've never even had a boyfriend, but that's a story for another date. Definitely not for our first time out."
Lorcan studied her carefully as Opal approached them and let herself be pampered by Elide. Maya somewhere playing with the other dogs.
She seemed upset and if the deep frown between her eyebrows was not enough to let him realize it, her bouncing leg confirmed his doubts.
Whatever they would talk about that night, neither of them would bring up the subject of relationships, and he felt relieved, if only slightly.
"I didn't want to meddle in your affairs, I just wanted to make it clear that I don't want anything casual." he bent forward, resting his elbows on his knees and crossing his fingers.
He was surprised when she murmured, "Neither do I."
He threw a stunned smile over his shoulder and she took a deep breath. Then she chuckled, scratching behind the dog's ears and making her mumble, "And not to mention Manon." She closed her eyes and dropped her head backwards, without letting go of her grip on Opal's snout, "That girl will be the end of me."
This time he remained silent, waiting for her to continue.
"She's been dating a guy for years and it seems like their fucking honeymoon phase never ends." she grunted, "Between the two of them I don't know which one makes me feel worse about my non-existent sex life."
Lorcan laughed, covering his face with his hands. He liked how comfortable she was talking about such things with him. All the girls he had dated up to that point had been uneasy just because he used bad words in his daily life, but Elide seemed to use them in turn, so she certainly wouldn't dump him and tell him she couldn't be with a longshoreman.
He leaned against the backrest, extending an arm behind her and maybe it was his imagination or maybe not, but it seemed to him that Elide moved closer to him. "I feel you, Rowan and Aelin, his girlfriend, are the loudest couple I know and it's so agonizing sometimes that I have to go to sleep at our neighbors' house. And even there I can still hear them, but at least I can fall asleep." she looked at him amused and shocked at the same time, "They have been our friends for years too," he explained quickly.
Elide nodded, "I have no neighbor to seek shelter from."
He caressed her shoulder lightly, "You can always camp in my living room, they tell me that the sofa is very comfortable."
She laughed, "Thank you," then looked at him, licking her lower lip, "I will consider your offer the next time Dorian or the stranger number two thousand will be our guest."
They didn't notice Maya running towards them until a big heavy black hairy ball threw itself between the two of them and Elide let go a noisy breath, laughing, when the dog gave her a muzzle against her chest with all her strength.
"Maya!" Lorcan scolded her, gasping. The dog wagged his tail on their legs, hitting them both in the face as she turned to lick his face first and then hers. Lorcan tried several times to push her away to prevent her from ruining Elide's light makeup, but the girl didn't seem to care at all and when Opal got on the bench, laying her snout on her leg, Lorcan gave up completely.
They played for more than half an hour with the dogs, even getting up at a certain point to throw sticks and balls and when the sun began to set, Elide turned towards him, short of breath for the various races made to chase the dogs, "What do you say if we head towards the restaurant?"
Lorcan sniffed, trying to catch his breath, "I'd love to."
Putting the leashes back on Maya and Opal, Elide asked him if she could carry one. He didn't even think as he passed her Opal's. Surely if he had let her carry Maya, it would have ended badly and she would have fallen over and he didn't feel like finishing the night in the emergency room at all.
They were walking along the perimeter of the park and Maya was pulling as usual, dictating the pace and Lorcan tried as much as possible to pull her back so they wouldn't have to run, but it seemed impossible.  He tried to slow down every time Elide started talking and by the sixth time she had to stop mid-sentence to catch her breath, Lorcan wondered if everything was alright.
At one point, she had taken his hand and now, while they were talking about this and that, he was trying not to squeeze her fingers too hard every time he had to squeeze the leash. The gesture was a spontaneous reaction of his body.
When Maya made them speed up one more time, Elide whimpered and stopped talking, stumbling slightly in her footsteps. Opal turned around in a flash towards her, stopping a few steps in front of them.
Lorcan halted, taking his hand away from Elide's and turning completely towards her. Her breath was wheezing and her forehead was sweating and he could see she was suffering. Panic poured into his stomach.
"El," he murmured that nickname silently, opening his eyes wide in front of her pained expression, "what is it?"
He, too, had been out of breath, but it was already twenty minutes they were walking along quietly, and even though Maya seemed to want to give them a slimming workout, she shouldn't have been so tired.
She closed her eyes, shifting her weight to her left leg and jerked, grunting, "It's nothing." she breathed, looking at him with blurred eyes, "Don't worry," she smiled slightly.
"I shouldn't worry?" he put his hand on her arm, pushing her gently toward a bench nearby, "It looks like you're about to die." the fear was clear in his voice. Elide held back another groan, but Lorcan heard her gasp under his grasp. "Are you having an asthma attack?"
He said the first thing that came to his mind and was surprised to hear Elide giggling beside him.
The second she sat down, her expression changed completely and she seemed to relax. She stretched her right leg forward and his eyes fell on her ankle. Only then, with her pants pulled up slightly and her shoe shifted, did he see the scars that marked her skin. He held his breath.
When he met Elide's gaze again, she had a guilty grimace on her face.
"I'm sorry," she murmured to him.
Lorcan shook his head, closing his eyes, "Sorry, mh, why are you apologizing?"
Elide sighed, passing her hand over her face, "Normally I can walk on it for more than an hour without any problem, but with running before and Maya pulling now, I think I strained it too much and it's really hurting me." In the meantime she had leaned forward, her hands stretched out on her leg while she was massaging her calf going further and further down towards her ankle.
He sat down next to her, making sure that both dogs were sitting on the opposite side of her, so as not to risk worsening her already difficult situation.
He didn't know what to say, too many questions were going through his head.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could have taken a cab or we could have met directly at the restaurant," he told her, putting his hand on her back when, touching the swollen part of her ankle, she whined.
Elide looked at him from under her eyelashes, "Because guys normally don't want to go out with cripples. Or a girl with a cane." Then she turned down again, "And I really wanted to go out with you tonight."
It warmed Lorcan's heart, but he was still annoyed that he made her think he was that kind of person and that she didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth - or hide it from him. Then he felt sick at the thought of how many more times Elide had had to face that conversation and who knows how many more times someone had told her that they were no longer interested after finding out the truth.
He swallowed, choosing his next words wisely, "I don't care if you have scars or if you have difficulty walking without support, Elide." He told her sincerely, "I understand why you didn't tell me, but I'd rather you didn't hide these things from me from now on."
He would not ask her questions about how or why her leg was damaged in such a way.
Elide sat up, covering her face with her hands, "Do you think you could slow Maya down a little bit?" the sound muffled by her fingers, "The restaurant is right on that street." she pointed out a road only a hundred meters ahead. Then she looked at him and her eyes were shiny and Lorcan's throat tightened.
"Are you alright?"
He immediately regretted the question. It was obvious she wasn't.
It didn't seem to bother Elide in the slightest. She nodded, then moved her foot in a circular pattern, biting her lower lip so hard that Lorcan thought she was going to tear it off. "Yes, I'm fine," she said with wheezing breath.
Lorcan looked at her with worried eyes, "You don't look well though."
Elide stared at him taking deep breaths, "Because the bones in my ankle are rubbing against each other and I have no water behind me to take painkillers," she said honestly, "But I can make it to the restaurant and on the way back I'll take a cab or call Manon or Asterin to pick me up."
Lorcan looked at her and then the restaurant, then her again, "Are you sure you can make it?"
"What other options do I have?" she smiled at him.
He nodded, "You're right."
She sighed and put her forehead over his shoulder. It seemed so familiar to Lorcan that he risked tearing the skin off his face so quickly he smiled.
"Can we rest for five minutes?" she asked him in a tired voice.
Lorcan put his arm around her shoulders and held her closer, feeling brave and kissing her temple, "We can rest all night as far as I am concerned."
Elide made a verse of approval and when Lorcan looked at her, he noticed that her eyes were closed and although she still had a sweaty forehead and a grieving expression, she was smiling.
They sat down for more than five minutes and only when Elide was able to take more than five steps without flinching, Lorcan decided that they could go to the restaurant. An arm tied around her hips to support her and the two leashes tightened in his free hand.
He did not know for what grace of God, but even Maya seemed to have realized the situation, and had slowed down her pace drastically, trotting alongside Opal undisturbed.
Inay, the owner of the place, had made them sit inside, near the large window overlooking the river, and there, Elide and Lorcan enjoyed the first of a thousand other dinners they would share.
tog taglist (if you wanna be added or removed dm me or send me an ask)
@maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @ladywitchling @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 24
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: NSFW, flangst
WC: 2824
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘voice kink’ square for @spnkinkbingo.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons <3
This series is complete on Patreon!
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He’s pissed and overly grumpy. It’s too fucking early to be dealing with bullshit. But he’s also grumpy because he had to see Y/N off.
Walking around the corner, Cas’ notices him and nods. 
“Again?” Dean asks, sees them washing down the red paint. It looks bloody and it smells awful. It almost made him nauseous.
“Yeah,” Cas sighs, “It’s nothing I couldn’t deal with, so I didn’t feel the need to call you.”
“That’s okay,” Dean crosses his arms over his chest, watches the paint come off the walls before he turns to Cas, “Security footage?”
“We got it,” Cas says, but he doesn’t look happy about it so Dean already knows that it’s probably not even worth mentioning, “The guy wore a Vendetta mask and was dressed in black.”
“Great,” Dean breathes out, his hand goes up to rub at his forehead. There’s a puddle of paint running down the pavement towards him, and he takes a step to the side.
It’s moments like these that Dean wants to give up completely. That he wants to just sell the whole fucking thing and go do something else, being a fucking accountant for the firm Sam’s working in or just something that’s less stressful. Somewhere where he has to deal with less hate, maybe. Less jealousy. 
He places a hand on Cas’ shoulder, “You go home and get some shut eye. I’ll see you for the briefing later,” 
“‘K,” Cas answers and turns to walk away. Looking back, he calls out to Dean, “Balth is waiting in your office!”
Dean groans and rolls his eyes at that.
Apparently, he can’t catch a fucking break around here.
Dean walks into his office and sees Balthazar sitting on the couch. The man’s busy working on his laptop. A scent of coffee lingers in the air. He must have brought a cup with him because Dean doesn’t have a coffee machine in his office. What he has, though, is a fucking bar and he wonders if it would be too soon to pour himself a couple of fingers? It’s probably five o’clock somewhere , right? 
Even though his mouth waters at the thought of the burning liquid filling his throat and clouding his head, Dean abandons the thought quite quickly. She doesn’t like him to drink. It has a lot to do with how she grew up and Dean respects that, has toned it down since Y/N came back into his life, and he wants to keep that up.
“Balth,” Dean greets the man and walks over to his desk, sits down with a loud grunt, “What can I do for you?”
“How’s your hand?”
“Good.” Dean nods and holds it up, takes a look at it himself.
It’s bandaged. Y/N was telling him that he should let her do it or she’ll get angry at him. He smirks at the memory. He would have loved to say that she could get mad all she wants, because he likes how cute she looks when she’s mad, but he thinks that would have been a bad move on his part, so he just held still while she sat on his lap and bandaged his hand. The lap sitting was a deal he negotiated because he said that he wouldn’t let her if she wouldn’t sit on his lap. She rolled her eyes but sat down and it’s crazy how his lap was made for her to sit on.
Balthazar clears his throat before he closes his laptop, and Dean is catapulted back to reality. Back to an annoying work day. He thinks maybe he should take a break, ask her if she’s game to go on a road trip. Just the two of them, driving where the road takes them with no clear destination. Dean doesn’t think he needs one with her.
“I’ve stayed with Cole after you left.” Balthazar says while he places his laptop back into its bag.
“And?” Dean frowns.
“He won’t press charges,”
Dean snorts, “Yeah, because we have the upper hand.”
It’s no surprise. Dean knew that he wouldn’t. If he would, he’d see his ass in jail and Dean doubts that Cole would survive a day in there. All Dean wanted was to make a statement and he thinks that he was pretty clear about what the statement entailed.
“Still, you should be more careful with breaking bones.” Balthazar gets up from the couch and walks over to the chair across from Dean. He doesn’t sit down, though, only braces his hands on it, leaning in a little.
“He was touching what’s fucking mine, Balth. What do you want me to do?” Dean shouts out and immediately regrets his outburst because it hurt his own ears. He pinches the bridge of his nose. It’s too fucking early. 
When Dean calms down a little, he asks, “So, you had your eyes on him? He wasn’t anywhere near the club?”
“Nope, I drove him to the ER and he underwent surgery to correct his fucking jaw that you broke. He’ll stay there for the next two days, at least.”
“Good,” Dean nods. It’s not exactly good when it comes to the club, though, because Cole’s out of the picture, “Can you get more people on board? I want someone watching the club after closing. It’s a tiny window of time, three, maybe four hours.”
Balthazar nods, “I can do that.”
After Balthazar left, Dean decided to start up his computer since he hasn’t checked his emails for a couple of days now. He deliberately doesn’t have his work emails on his phone. It’s his private property and he made it clear from the beginning that he’s separating work and private life.
Dean clicks through the emails. There are some new member sign ups that he needs to go through. Some harmless threats which he usually bins right away. But then there are some mails that are more worrying as well.
He clicks on the first one with the title I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT . The email opens up to pictures of the altercation in front of Y/N’s office building. Dean can see that it was shot from across the street. Maybe from a parked car. He immediately forwards the pictures to Balthazar. 
There are more emails. Without pictures though, just words. Hurtful ones. 
  It’s really nothing new. He gets those threats quite a lot and he always makes sure to block the sender but they keep making new email accounts and so he’ll keep deleting and blocking them. Dean can’t win in this, but neither can they, so at least there’s that.
Later in the day, while Dean’s briefing his employees, his phone vibrates in his pocket. He fishes it out, thinks it’s Balthazar calling him about new developments. The man had called earlier already, only to suggest for Dean to get a fucking bodyguard but Dean really doesn’t know about that. He just thinks it’s a waste of money. Only when Balth mentioned that Y/N’s safety might be in danger too, does Dean at least agree to consider it.
Dean stops his speech to look at the caller ID, has to suppress his smirk while he holds up his index finger, “I gotta take this one, Cas?” 
“Yeah,” The other man jumps in, grins himself because he knows, and Dean actually wants to wipe that smile from Cas’ face but he gotta hurry if he wants to take it before she hangs up on him.
Dean turns around, picks it up, smiles like an idiot because apparently, he lost the ability to control his fucking face, “Hey,” Dean walks up the stairs and disappears into the VIP room for some privacy.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting? You must be busy.” 
It sounds like she’s pouting, Dean bites back a chuckle, “No, it’s okay, you never interrupt. How’s the workshop going?”
He tries to sound cheerful, doesn’t want to tell her about the things that happened yet. There’s no need for her to worry, really. 
“Ugh, boring,” Y/N sighs, and adds, “I have a short break before I have to go for the mandatory dinner.”
Dean flips his wrist, sees that it’s past 5pm. He grins, “You wanna spice things up at the dinner?”
“What?” He chuckles.
“Well,” Her voice is almost whiny as she considers his words, “Yeah?”
“That’s my girl,” Dean smiles, “Jesus, I’m getting all excited myself.”
Cas appears in the room and Dean nods at him, “Baby, I gotta go, I need to finish something here,”
“Okay,” It sounds like she’s pouting and god, Dean feels bad for making her feel like he doesn’t have time for her or that he doesn’t care when all he’s doing is to make fucking time. But he guesses she’ll understand once they see each other. 
“Wear it and let me know when you’re going to dinner, alright?”
“Yeah,” She sighs, “Miss you.” 
Dean sighs, closes his eyes briefly, his heart flutters at those words. He smiles at the feeling, “I miss you, too.”
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Y/N runs up to her room right after dinner, keys in her hand and leans back against the closed door as soon as she’s inside. She’s dripping wet from that vibe but she didn’t come yet. She doesn’t know how Dean does it but he always managed to stop when she’s about to come, making her whine out audibly once, and when Charlie, her friend from college who sat next to her asked what was wrong, she just said that she liked the food very much. 
God, it was so embarrassing!
She thinks about calling him but he’s probably busy working as it’s already past 10pm and the club is at its peak right about now. 
Taking off her shoes, she walks to the bathroom to clean her face and she brushes her teeth,  walking out into the bedroom shortly after. She quickly gets out of her dress and slips out of her panties that are completely soaked. 
The device is still inside of her and clear enough, it starts to buzz again, making her shriek out. She swears if he won’t let her come again—
—her phone rings.
Letting herself fall onto the bed, still in only her bra and nothing else — except for the vibrator in her pussy — she grabs at her clutch that she left there before she walked to the bathroom. 
  The vibrator still buzzes lightly inside of her and she picks up, has to gnaw on her bottom lip to suppress the moan.
“You are the worst!” It blurts out of her as soon as she swipes her thumb across the screen.
“Wait, what?” He’s laughing loudly.
“Yeah,” She pouts and moves up the bed, rests her back against the headboard while she spreads her legs and enjoys the buzzing between her thighs, “You turn me on and then you stop, and I was so close to coming.”
“Awe, poor baby,” Dean says in his mumbling voice and it sounds so fucking sexy, “Are you still turned on?”
“Yeah,” She mutters under her breath, “Please, you have to let me come.” 
“I don’t know,” He chuckles, “Have you been good, Y/N?”
Oh my god , he’s pulling that card, isn’t he? 
“I have. Please?” She nods and whines, teeth sinking into her bottom lip when she feels the buzzing getting stronger, moaning out shamelessly. 
“Christ, you sound so fucking sexy,” 
She can hear him growl on the other end. 
“No, you do,” There’s another increase of vibration and god, it makes her arch her back, as a shrieking sound rolls off her tongue. 
“I do? I don’t think so, sweetheart. I’m getting hard just hearing you moan.”
“It— ah— it’s your v—voice, Dean.”
“My voice? What’s with my voice, baby?” 
And it’s like he’s taunting her because it rolls deep, smooth like fucking honey and it feels like he’s wrapping her up in the warm sound. He increases the vibrations, and she didn’t know it could go further up but it does. One of her hands goes to her tit, kneads at it while she has a tight grip around her phone with the other. 
“Ah— it’s.. Fuck— it’s so deep and gravelly and oh god— it’s sexy,” 
“Yeah?” He chuckles, “Bet you’re so wet, ain’tcha, baby? You always are so wet for me. It’s the fucking best thing. Especially when you gush and come around my cock, Jesus—”
His breathing is ragged, he’s turned on too. 
Good , she thinks. At least she’s not the only one. 
“My panties were soaked. I took them off and now I’m on my bed in only my bra,” She manages to say, tongue darts out to wet her lips, “Wish you were here.” 
“I wish I was there too. Wish I could kiss you. I’d be right between your thighs right now, eating you out like you’re the sweetest thing, because you fucking are,” It comes out a little strained, “Does me telling you these thing turn you on, huh?”
“Yeah,” She chokes out a moan, “You could read me the goddamn phone book and it would turn me on, Dean.”
“Christ, I’m just imagining you right now, all spread out and wet,” There’s a low growl before he speaks again, “Can you do me a favor, huh?”
“Use your words, sweetheart,” His voice is more stern. Doesn’t make it less sexy, though.
“Good girl,” 
God the praise . Y/N has to press her thighs together, already so fucking close. 
Dean goes on, “Take off your bra for me, baby. Take your thumb and forefinger, give them a firm tug for me, bet your nipples are sensitive, huh? I wanna hear you.”
She sits up to unclasp her bra before she throws it carelessly into the room. Leaning back again, her right hand goes to her left nipple, tugs hard and moans out in pained pleasure. 
“Good girl,” He coos, “Such a fucking good girl,” 
The vibration increases again and she thinks that’s the maximum it can go. Hopes it is, because she’s right there, dancing dangerously on the edge.
“Dean, please, I’m—”
“—I got you, baby,” He breathes out a soft chuckle, “Come, you can come, now. Come for me, okay? I wanna hear you come for me.” His whispering low, and the words paired with his voice, plus the added buzzing in her cunt was enough to tip her over.
Oh god. His voice is really out of his world. She comes with a squeal. His name rolls off her tongue as she squeezes her eyes shut and her legs start to tremble. Her hips buck up and she doubles over and has to roll herself into a fetal position on the bed.
There’s a ringing in her ear from the orgasm and she feels the vibration getting softer until it’s completely gone. Dean’s voice is faint in her ear through the phone.
Good girl. My fucking good girl.
She swallows hard, her eyes are still closed. When Y/N comes back to her senses, she starts to giggle and then she hears it. The knock at her door. 
“What’s so funny?” Dean asks as she sits up straight, startled from the knocking.
“Oh my god, someone just knocked at my door.” She says, her heart’s still pounding fast.
“Go on, open it.” 
“No, who would knock at this time of night? I’m sure they just have the wrong room.” She doesn’t know if she’s trying to talk to him or talk herself out of her anxiety of the realization that someone came knocking at her door late at night.
“Maybe it’s room service?” 
“Dean, I just came from dinner, I didn’t order anything!”
“Jesus Christ, I didn’t think it would be this hard!” Dean growls and she might be hearing things because she hears the deep growl outside of her door? He sighs then, “Baby, I really think you should open up.”
“Oh my god, you didn’t... Dean, no.” She scrambles off the bed, and somehow she doesn’t even care if she’s fucking naked. 
“Dean, yes!” He chuckles lightly, “Come on, I’m standing in the hallway with a visible boner and I think if someone sees it, they’ll call the cops.”
She hangs up and drops the phone onto the bed as she makes her way to the door, opens it up wide to see Dean smiling at her.
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Chapter 25
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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missorgana · 3 years
everything i do (gonna think of you)
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy
rating: teen and up
word count: 4690
warning: swearing, alcohol
summary: Finn and Poe are on a break. Neither of them are okay. But Finn hears Poe singing about him on the radio, and they'll be okay. Always. (musician poe, artist finn, long distance break-up + getting back together)
(it’s been ages but my space bfs, it’s good to be back!! a long overdue installment in my finnpoe alphabet series. did not expect e to be the most difficult letter to work with !!! thank you to Cat / @wendigostag​ as ALWAYS for beta reading and supporting my messy ideas 🥰 love uuuu. enjoy??)
read on ao3
“And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, I’m sure!”
The audience erupts in a half-laughter, half-cheer, and the host smiles, looking a bit too tired for his age.
“Tonight’s special performance is by someone who has, quite frankly, taken the whole of America - and dare I say the world? - by storm!”
Previous cheers resurface, louder and more certain than before. Even a few wolf whistles, making the presenter laugh as well.
“Here to perform his new single ‘cardigan’ from the debut album ‘folklore’, Poe Dameron!”
Quite literally everyone in the studio goes crazy, and as the camera directs towards the stage, a light turns on and reveals the curly haired man in all his glory.
He smiles slyly to the audience. A few noises, bordering on the line of screaming, makes him chuckle, but he puts all his focus on the guitar. Snaps, strums, and as the piano starts accompanying him, a soft voice forming strange and unfamiliar words.
Finn wipes the tear away in frustration before it even gets a chance to move, just tiny droplets stinging his vision. He’s sniffling, and biting his cheek, staring at the already half-empty bottle of red wine on the table.
Never in his life has he ever felt more pathetic, that’s true.
He doesn’t know why he’s watching this. And judging by the two texts pinging in on his phone, his best friend Rey somehow knows he’s doing it, too.
His vision’s too blurry to type, he thinks. Fuck it, pour another glass of wine. Who cares?
On the screen, Poe smiles while singing each word. But Finn knows the man better than anyone in that studio to know that it’s not really a smile. It’s the kind that his boyfriend- ex-boyfriend put on at their last FaceTime call. The one where he suggested they took a break.
He figures he should turn off the television when the performance comes to an end. No need to rub anymore salt in the wound, as Rey said.
Yet Finn sticks around for the interview because… because what? He hates himself? He hates Poe?
Neither. Maybe he misses him. Of course he misses him, enough to fight back the sobs, far from sober. But he’ll fight that obvious realisation, as well.
“Thank you for coming in tonight!” the host tells the singer, who thanks him in turn for the opportunity. Always the golden boy. The image of polite, kind, heart full of love, yet so goddamn stubborn.
“Mothers love me.” Poe had told him, back in college, the smug idiot. Finn’s mother loves him.
It’s mostly questions about the album, the upcoming tour, pictures of his parents and his pearly whites gleam when he speaks of them, how proud they are of him. It envelops Finn like a warm embrace. Huh. They haven’t hugged in five months.
They haven’t seen each other in five months.
Then the host starts grinning like a maniac, and he’s got a hunch what’s coming now is what he’s been wanting to ask all along, “Evidently, you got a lot of ladies who love you here.”
Audience cheers. Poe runs a hand through his hair. He’s so nervous, it’s adorable.
“You got a special lady in your life?” a question that quiets the audience significantly, still, waiting.
The singer glances at his shoes like they’re the most fascinating thing in the universe. Finn can’t hold his glass still, because, yeah. He looks like he’s thinking about it too hard. He wants to save him from that situation.
And although it feels like a million years pass, it’s probably only ten seconds before the reply settles, “Not at the moment, no.”
The crowd is nothing less than thrilled. And not only women, as the host implied, nah, everyone in that studio recognizes what a heartthrob Poe Dameron is. Finn couldn’t agree more.
What he knows about his ex-boyfriend that the strangers in the TV don’t know is, obviously, that Poe’s not interested in the ladies.
So does his family and close friends, anyone out of show business, really.
He also knows why his ex-boyfriend isn’t out to the public about his sexuality, yet. Or he’s got an idea. Maybe. Finn convinces himself of that, because then, he can also convince himself that he’s not the only one still feeling he’s being torn to pieces by this breakup. Feels better.
Although the screen connecting to his boyfriend’s call tugs on his heartstrings with its familiar warmth, Finn is, above all, pissed.
And for some reason, he feels ashamed for that. He knows he shouldn’t.
Poe hasn’t been home in a month. He was supposed to be here two weeks ago, but due to press bookings, credit to his boyfriend’s brand new agent, he called Finn late at night apologising like a broken record and promising to make it up to him.
And it makes him feel like shit.
Every apology made him feel more guilty for… harboring his time. Which is crazy, because they’ve been going steady for three years. They talked about this, the possibility of long distance, and knew, definitely, that it was gonna be hard, especially since they’ve been attached by the hip for so long.
Thing is, this has happened three times now, and it’s made Finn question himself.
Is he good enough for Poe? then later, another thought creeps in, Is Poe tired of him? or… is he not in love with him anymore?
Finn feels like he’s going crazy.
And even when he sees his boyfriend’s soft curls and eyes full of sunshine pop on his phone, it’s those thoughts that still inhabit his head. Fuck.
“Baby!” Poe says, excitement gleaming right through him and into Finn’s bedroom. They’ve been talking about moving in together, but, well, with long distance, mostly only talk for now. He’s off chasing the fame, which he deserves more than anyone, thank you very much, and Finn’s already booked up with art galleries and auctions eagerly grasping for his paintings. It feels like they’ve made it.
Except, “Phasma’s got me on Jimmy Kimmel! Like, can you believe that?!” his boyfriend spills out everything from this week, and it warms Finn’s chest, his gut, all the way down to his toes. But at the same time, this being Poe’s first words to him stirs weirdly alongside that warmth.
His career’s important. Of course. Finn’s happy for him, like, over the moon, all the way across the solar system happy.
He wants him to be successful. So then… then why does it feel like Poe prioritises it over them? It’s probably him overthinking it, he reasons. Again.
Finn can definitely feel he’s supposed to be sleeping right now; that’s another thing, cursed with being in vastly different time zones. He listens, smiling half-tiredly, thoughts wandering to everything and nothing.
Which is why he finds himself, all of a sudden, replying to his boyfriend’s, “I, uh, I’m actually writing you another song. Don’t laugh, please,” with, “A secret kind of song? ”
It takes Poe by surprise, visibly, and it takes himself, as well.
Finn bites down on his tongue in the cringe of it all. His boyfriend’s blinking, slowly, probably waiting for some sort of elaboration, but when he has no idea what to say, Poe inquires, “What do you mean?”
He sighs. Wholeheartedly, wistfully, nostalgic.
Finn thinks about when Poe asked him out, driving up to his window in true cheesy romantic comedy style and having offered to write essays in exchange for a school marching band performance.
Their first date, eating cotton candy and the curly haired boy insisting on trying and failing to win Finn a prize, until finally facing defeat. He won Poe a prize instead, first try, so the previous grumpiness faded in a matter of seconds. The butterflies threatened to burst his stomach the entire day.
Their first time, clumsy and awkward, teeth clanging in kisses and stupid buttons in Finn’s shirt being stuck and they laughed until they were out of breath. It was more perfect than anything either of them could’ve imagined.
He thinks about this, because neither of them were out before they got together.
This coming out thing? It scared the shit out of Finn. He was so lucky to have a supportive family, supportive friends. The school was a mixed experience, but he and Poe were in it together. His boyfriend tried to play it cool, but he knew how scared he was, too. He knows like the back of his hand, almost.
And this concern, it makes him feel so guilty he might vomit.
“I just… I was just wondering if you wanted to be official.”
“We are official, Finn.”
“No, I-I mean, public.”
He gulps around the growing lump in his throat. Poe goes scarily quiet.
This is also something they’ve talked about before. Fame is so new, it’s a whole new leap, learning how to handle all this, so it didn’t bother either of them to be secretive about their relationship, so to speak.
Their close network still knew, obviously, but the music industry, Hollywood, that’s way, way different than Finn’s newly established and growing network of artist connections and colleagues.
It wasn’t a problem. Until it was.
Coming out is personal. But ever since his boyfriend said he wanted to go public, then didn’t, as they were both on edge, then decided they should move in together and go public to slam down journalists linking Poe to a member of a girl group he met last summer, then didn’t.
It’s happened a couple of times. And finally, it seems, Finn is coming to terms with being tired of being ready and then backing out.
He’s terrified. Terrified of Poe being embarrassed of him, which he knows sounds crazy, also. But fuck.
“Baby, we’re gonna do it,” his boyfriend reassures him, but he’s distraught now, “You know we are. My agent just talks about my image, you know, I need to make sure-”
“Your image?”
That… that pisses Finn off. Conclusively. Because what the fuck?
“Phasma thinks we should do it at Christmas, season of love, you know?” Poe smiles shyly, he always loved the holidays. And he just doesn’t know how to react. “She’s fine with it, like, she didn’t ask me to fake being straight, like the guy I talked with before. Just-
“Are you embarrassed of me, Poe?” he finds the words slipping out before he can stop his mouth.
His boyfriend’s eyes widen significantly on the small screen, opens and closes his mouth several times, and there’s definitely a yell from somewhere in the studio, but Poe ignores it completely, “Of course not. Finn, I’m the luckiest guy in the world because of you. I just really… really think we need to time this right.”
“I,” Finn starts, but he’s barely sure where he’s going with the sentence. All he knows is that he’s scared Poe might tell him that all this time meant nothing to him. He doesn’t know why he leaps to that, but he does. His boyfriend might find something better than him in the limelight, “I know. You’ve told me, and I get it, I do. It’s just difficult being so far away from you, and then…”
He feels himself drifting off into a cloud of numbness and nothing, but Poe interrupts the sentence, “I thought you’d be more supportive of my career.” Finn nearly jumps. The words don’t sound cold, per say. But it’s weird. The good old butterflies flutter hesitantly, sort of in question.
“I am, darling, I-” he sighs again, “I’ve always been. You’ve just seemed like you’re ready, and I got the feeling that your agent didn’t want you to, and-” “Phasma wants it.”
“But on Christmas, Poe. This Christmas. I’m just scared you’re…” Finn shakes his head at himself, decides to be completely honest, because that’s how relationships work. Right? “Waiting for the moment to end this.”
“End this?” his boyfriend’s voice raises just an octave, looking perpetually confused. He also, admittedly, looks pissed. Hurt. “Do you want to break up with me?”
“No! Why would I-
“You’re the one who brought it up.”
Finn rubs his eyes, feels like they’re on goddamn fire. Poe’s biting his lips, rummaging around after moving what he assumes is a more private room than before, and avoiding eye contact. They shouldn’t be doing this on the phone. They shouldn’t be doing this at all.
He wishes his boyfriend was next to him, so he could curl up on his chest and sleep the entire weekend. It’s all he wants.
Ultimately, Finn makes the suggestion, “Baby, I’m sorry, I just… why don’t I call you next time you’re free? Or can you… are you getting back anytime soon?”
He doesn’t know how to describe this feeling, what’s happening, in any other way than it seems like Poe’s on a different planet than him, drifting in a meteor rain.
What Finn doesn’t expect least of all is his boyfriend’s answer, “Nah, you know, if you feel like that, we should take a break. A breather.”
And Poe smiles, but he sees through that bullshit. It doesn’t reach his eyes.
He’s trying to play it cool. Fuck. Why are Finn’s eyes stinging, now?
“A break?”
That’s so much to process. Fucking process it. The protests are bubbling under his skin, boiling and ice cold at the same time, but he doesn’t get the time when the yells on the end of the world resume.
“I really should go.” Poe tells him, but he doesn’t sound like he wants to.
“Poe…” he tries to breathe around the butterflies currently panicking inside of him. He’d scream at them to stop for just five seconds, if he could. His boyfriend’s already getting up from the seat, which is why Finn pinches the bridge of his nose and tries not to look at him, “Okay. Okay.”
The silence that settles between them, then, until they end the call in confusion and boiled up emotion, is far from the comfort they’ve been accustomed to. It ends without a goodbye. Without an I love you.
So, naturally, he gets absolutely zero sleep that night.
Whenever Rey told them they were being overdramatic, she was probably right. This is no exception.
Ever since the damnation of their FaceTime call, Finn tried to get into his head what went down. Namely, him and his boyfriend speaking over each other’s heads. It settles in the morning, the realisation that Poe assumed the worst of what he said, while he himself didn’t understand why he couldn’t come home . Just one day. Just to talk this out.
But in a recognizable stubborn fashion, his boyfriend ignored his calls and texts for the weekend. Finn tried so, so hard not to get pissed again. But also, Poe actively avoiding him made him want to cry. Not being able to just hear his voice made him want to cry.
Naturally, the following week, when his boyfriend decided to reach out, Finn became the one to ignore all forms of contact. It felt like they were walking in circles.
This is new and raw territory.
Finn and Poe don’t fight. It’s a basic law of the universe. 
Which is why he doesn’t blame Rey for widening her eyes in shock at this new development. He also knows that she wants to intervene, badly so, given how protective she is of them, but because she’s lovely she always somehow knows when Finn needs his own space to think. Or scream into the void a little bit, whatever does the trick.
He’s pretty sure she didn’t expect this to go on for four months, now. He sure as hell didn’t expect it.
But… they’re both to blame. Finn’s pretty much dug himself a hole in the ground filling up with all his feelings, and as every week passes by, waits for his boyfriend to make the first move. He expects Poe to do the same. Nothing’s moving forward.
So, if Rey didn’t know him as she did, she’d ask him why.
Why don’t you just call him? He could. When his boyfriend stopped ignoring him, that is. Thing is, Finn’s world is sort of crumbling right now, and a confrontation with that isn’t something he can handle, he thinks.
It’s the thought of losing Poe for good. It’s the thought of Poe thinking Finn doesn’t want him anymore, when in fact he fears the exact opposite.
After watching that interview, though, he could breathe a little easier, he’ll admit.
And it’s weird. He felt inherently about a hundred times worse during it. The day after, he just kept thinking about Poe and his stupid curls and his nervous smile and what he might be doing while Finn was helping his sister with the dishes.
Maybe it’s knowing his boyfriend- ex-boyfriend (?) is okay. Does look more okay than himself.
It calms him. The next day, it makes Finn want to burn up all their polaroids and mail the ashes to the singers’ hotel in a massive envelope. As said before, this hole is deep, too deep, making it difficult to be rational.
A week after the interview, he’s just about on the edge to complete numbness.
Maybe he’s been reading those hilarious dumb gossip magazines whenever his boyfriend was on the cover. Shut up. If he acknowledges the ridiculousness of that, it’ll only make it worse.
Finn feels weak for being this torn up after a breakup… or break. He’s had breakups before Poe, but none of them hurt like this. Does it ever just fucking stop?
Apparently not, because when he picks up the phone with Rey’s name flashing, Finn expects it to be another question of what’s going on. How he’s doing, or not even a question, but an order to let her in as she’s probably already standing in front of his building carrying ice cream and bad horror movies.
He doesn’t get why she doesn’t just use the key he got her already, but it’s still endearing. Except, “Turn on the radio.”
“Finn, turn on your radio. Trust me.”
And so he scrambles around, the determination in her voice definitely not something to mess around with. Finn eventually uncovers it underneath the mountain of Poe’s vinyl records, and while his best friend doesn’t even tell him what station she’s referring to, he’s got a feeling about it. Also, it’s the first station that pops through the speakers when he turns it on, so.
Then, he has absolutely no idea what to listen for. The hosts are making some jokes about the song they’re gonna play next, thereozing about a “lost love” , and Finn’s about to ask until he realises Rey’s hung up on him, and a text.
just wait. u won’t regret it.
It’s too ominous for his best friend’s usual shenanigans. He’s a little worried.
But unlike the last hellish, unbelievable four months, Finn doesn’t have much time to worry, before the voices announce, “We present an exclusive live performance from our new favorite heartthrob, Poe Dameron!”
Oh God. Oh God, oh shit, oh my god.
Naturally, Finn’s anxiety kicks in like a punch in his gut.
In fact, he’s about to pull up his best friend’s contact again, sick of hearing the single that Poe wrote for him and not even being able to revel in the feeling anymore. Only it’s not ‘cardigan’.
Four months ago, a few days before they decided to take a break, his boyfriend sent him a couple of voice notes, containing lyrics and guitar pieces and other bits for the album he wanted Finn’s approval on. He always wanted his opinion first. It makes him all warm again.
This song, however, is brand new, unheard to everyone’s ears. Including Finn.
  “I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit
Been saying "yes" instead of "no"
I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though
I hit the ground running each night
I hit the Sunday matinée
You know the greatest films of all time were never made”
  The melody has the same calm like the other songs he’s heard, an image of fairytales and bare feet dancing in the woods and stars twinkling in the night.
The melancholy is unfamiliar, though.
  “I guess you never know, never know
And if you wanted me, you really should've showed
And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow
And it's alright now”
  Finn’s thumb hovers over Rey’s contact name, but he can’t bring himself to move.
It’s the alright part. Except, despite how much he tries to lie to himself, he swears to everything god that his boyfriend’s voice breaks over the word. It’s subtle enough that the interviewers could pass it on as him being hoarse, he reasons, but Poe can’t fool him.
He wants him to be okay. Actually, no, because being okay means not missing Finn like Finn misses him, and that would hurt more than anything he can imagine. But also, he’s too far away for a reassuring hand. That’s why he wants him to be okay.
  “But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you”
  For some reason, it’s only then it settles into Finn’s mind.
The song keeps going, and his emotions keep going, from the chaotic jumbled mess he’s become accustomed to a quiet buzz. He feels like his breathing’s slowed down, and a pocket in his heart is being emptied onto the floor.
Poe feels exactly the same way, he imagines. He has to.
Finn’s abandoned his phone somewhere unknown between the couch cushions, and he’s stuck staring at the empty wine bottle he hasn’t had the energy to get rid of, his microwave dinner half eaten, until his ex-boyfriend’s song comes to an end.
‘the 1’ is the title. He doesn’t know if he’s crying or not, which sounds a bit dumb in his own head.
“Poe Dameron!” one of the interviewers yells obnoxiously, clearly trying to hold in their excited giggling, “Those were quite emotional lyrics. I’m guessing there’s a story there somewhere?”
Finn could roll his eyes into the next century at that comment. Jesus Christ.
The singer’s complained about these kinds of people before, of course, he chuckles, politely, hesitantly, probably spinning the best way to avoid opening that door of vulnerability on open air, “I think everyone writes from their own experience, really.”
His voice has the same elegance and softness and gruff that makes Finn think of home, despite the tinny speakers and distraction that vibes off of him, all the way over in the states. It’s unbelievable.
The interview keeps going in the most standard way possible, a couple more questions Poe subtly circles around (including about dating, obviously), some jokes, and they eventually get to that segment where the listeners can call in and ask their own question to the dreamy man.
Some are boring, some are weird, some are intrusive, some are just teen voices in awe of his relatability and what not, mountains of flattery which his boyfriend is all too shy and starstruck to handle.
Finn bites his lip.
They repeat the number of the radio twice. The programme ends at nine. That means about forty five minutes of fan questions.
He shouldn’t. This is ridiculous. But what if… what?
Poe’s voice somehow carries his hand to fish the phone up again, though, like a strike of magic. And then the tone sounds, one, two, three, and it’s too late to take it back now. Shit.
“You’re live! Can our next lucky listener introduce yourself and your question?”
He tries so hard, desperately so, to swallow around the lump in his throat, seeming impossibly massive. The eerie silence is simply too painful to bear, though, so Finn squeezes his eyes shut hard for two seconds, before forcing the reply out.
“Yes, uh, hi. This is Finn Solo. From Pennsylvania.”
A beat. “Pennsylvania?! Well, honey, that’s actually Poe Dameron’s home state, isn’t it?”
Two beats. The singer clears his throat. “Yeah.” Clearly, he recognizes his voice in an instant. Well, obviously, he’d be shocked if he didn’t. Still, Finn feels like curling up in a ball and hiding from the world. He wonders if Rey’s listening, right now.
The interviewer seems unfazed from Poe’s hesitated answer, or they just choose to ignore it, he supposes. “The floor is yours, Finn. Ask ahead!”
So… how is he supposed to do this, again? 
This is the worst idea Finn’s had in his entire life. Seriously. And he accepted Rey’s dare to swing all the way up and around the swingset in fifth grade, he’s well aware of what reckless looks like. This is it.
Still, he’s stuck now. Poe’s listening to him. Kind of forced to.
And against his own better judgement, Finn silences the million overthinking thoughts in his inner ear by simply saying whatever hits him first, “Did you mean what you said? In the song?”
Seconds feel like fucking hours right now.
“Sorry, can you-” one of the hosts start, but he feels moved to continue. “When did you write it?”
It’s low, the feedback of his boyfriend’s microphone can just be made out. He prays that was only comprehensible enough for Poe’s own ears, because Finn could never possibly live with himself if he outed the person he loves most in the world. Seems so, given the interviewer once again asks the singer in confusion.
“What do you say, Poe? Do you need, uh… for him to elaborate?”
“No.” the man says simply, shyness seemingly having faded away in a glimpse. “Finn, I wrote this back in May.”
Four months ago. Same month as their FaceTime call.
“Only a week after our call. Took me five hours. I needed to get every word just right.” Poe says those words so steadily it shocks Finn. His hand feels numb and itchy around the tiny device, and one of the hosts gasps.
“I-” he starts, but has no idea where to go, where to turn. Finn didn’t expect any of this tonight. A deep breath is needed, “Do you mean… you wrote it about me?”
He feels like an absolute idiot for asking, even doubting it, but given the emotional rollercoaster he’s been through up until now, he’s grasping for straws of confirmation. Poe chuckles, barely audible.
“All my songs are about you, darling.”
What the fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Another gasp is heard in the studio, a little louder this time, but he sends a silent thanks, still, to them being too taken aback to intervene.
Okay, these are definitely tears in Finn’s eyes, now.
One rolls down, cool against his hot cheek, and he almost wants to laugh widely, processing what’s happening over and over in his brain.
What’s mostly replaying is the nickname that he’s missed… too much.
If they were in the same room, in front of each other, alone , he could say and ask a million things. This conversation is impossibly too vulnerable for open air, but Finn really thinks, really, that this step was needed. At least, it’s something he’s been longing to hear.
Instead of breaking down in the happiness and sadness he’s feeling, instead of talking about the miscommunication they’ve been the victim of, he smiles. Can’t stop. It’s hurting his whole face, actually, but his chest feels endlessly lighter.
“If… uh,” Finn chuckles at himself again, him and his stupid emotions, probably laced obviously in his voice, “Is there a chance that you still want to write songs about me?”
Poe laughs back, warmer and wobblier than before. “Of course. Of-fucking-course. There’s no one else I’d rather write about.”
Those hosts over there are probably freaking out big time, but Finn can’t bring himself to care much.
They sigh rather in unison. Him and his boyfriend. Breathing shaky and yet steadying themselves, almost. Together.
“Okay. Okay. Thank fuck,” he finds himself sniffling, “Okay.”
“They’ll always be about you.”
21 notes · View notes
pollenat · 4 years
RED VELVET and A secret romance with their gang’s rival
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➛ Note: Obviously, gang!au. These scenes are super random and not exactly as long as others, but I had this in my drafts for a while now, didn’t feel like completely discarding the work I’ve already done.
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Joohyun’s body moves on its own, her mind still asleep. Otherwise she wouldn’t have (or maybe she would) turned and reached for the other side of the bed. The lack of a body disturbs her awake.
She’s not home, though the bedroom is far from alien to her. The contents of shelves, the number of stains on the rug, the location of small holes in the walls - she already knows them by heart. Something she’s proud of, but shouldn’t share with others.
Lonely, perhaps scared of the word’s meaning, she calls for you. Usually, you’re fast to drop everything for her. Whatever it may be, nothing seems as important as Joohyun. This morning you’re not running like crazy to learn her demands. A repeat of your name makes no difference.
An electric shock of nervousness makes her get up after long hesitation. This is a safe haven, somewhere the outside world can’t reach, and yet her mind comes up with only the worst of possibilities. Nude feet stomp down the wooden panels. The floor feels cold against her heels, but Joohyun doesn’t show any sign of discomfort. She makes a stop by her jeans, lazily discarded the previous day. Fingers tighten around the object pulled out of a pocket. The black surface gleams under a ray of sunshine. Its owner has enough experience to always expect the unexpected.
Close to the wall, she slides down the corridor. Quiet and eagle-eyed, she’s ready to notice the abnormalities. Her ears pick up the sound of ragged breathing first. Then she notices a silhouette reflecting in the tiles of a corridor.
“Why are you holding a gun?” You ask her, genuinely confused.
Joohyun scoffs, partially relieved, partially annoyed. It’s 7 a.m. and you’re opening a jar of pickles instead of sleeping in. She drops the weapon on a countertop. The sound that comes from the meeting of hard surfaces makes you cringe.
“I thought something happened. Why are you up and not in bed?” The frown turns into a pout as Joohyun hugs one of your arms.
“I just felt like eating some pickles-” Without another word, she grabs the jar you are struggling to get opened, and easily does what you couldn’t. “Here, open. Now let’s go back to bed!”
“I love it when you unload frustration on objects.”
“Yes, yes. I’m aware.” She doesn’t hand you back the jar. “Pickles will come later. Now, we’re going back to bed. You’ve got a lot of making up to do.”
You may have abandoned the snacks, but something about Joohyun’s strong pulling and a sweet smile tells you there are better things to do.
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The night sky is dotted with stars, as if they were its pride - jewels decorating collarbones. Something poets have always described as dark, being light. Although you want to share that thought aloud, you don’t. Not because of embarrassment. Seulgi would never laugh at something you’re serious about. Your choice is led by the dreamy atmosphere of your evening.
The two of you are lying on a blanket, somewhere in the middle of a forest. An hour long ride away from the city. A spot you feel like asking Seulgi about.
In your peripheral vision you can see her face turned towards you. There’s a smile you must’ve somehow caused.
“What?” She hums, hand sneaking under yours. “You’re staring.”
“Can’t I?” Fingers tighten around each other for a moment, before you push yourself up to lean over her.
Seulgi’s smile is still adoring, though now it’s sunken in shy undertones. She’s like that with you only. Otherwise, everyone knows her as the scary right hand woman. Her boss would’ve shot you in the face, had they known how close you were. It’s the sweet adrenaline of forbidden romance for you. Now, smiling, your fingers curl around loose locks of her dark hair.
“So, how many people have you taken on a date here?”
“Believe it or not, you’re the first one.” She brings her hands up to play with laces hanging from your hoodie.
“Then how did you find out about this place?”
“You know, drove by. Was followed, so I hid here and figured its a pretty lovely place.” One of the laces curls around her finger, just like a strand of her hair around yours.
“And you thought of me? Aww, you’re a real romantic.”
She laughs shyly, embarrassed by the conversation. You don’t intend on playing around though. A kiss is enough to silence her laughter. Seulgi hums in enjoyment, her face now covered by the shadow of your silhouette. As you press yourself closer to her, the back of her gun, always pinned to the belt, pokes the inside of your thigh. It’s a strong sensation. One that’s bound to burst a bubble. Yes, you’re used to it, but for some reason it’s not the same as holding the weapon in your two hands.
“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asks, feeling that something’s not right.
“Nothing, just got lost in thoughts for a moment here.” But instead of leaning forward once more, you return to lying on the back.
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You’re smiling widely in anticipation. The door opens suddenly, but it’s not able to startle you.
“Are you crazy?!” Her voice drips with pure anger, but her eyes scream relief.
Without any second thoughts, you push her inside and cage her little silhouette in a tight embrace. Seungwan does a poor attempt at escaping. She’s aware it’s of no use. She needs the comforting gesture as much as you do.
“You could’ve at least texted me first.”
“I did, but you’ve never answered me.”
When you finally let her go, she pulls out a phone and then gives you a look of pure disbelief. You might’ve written the message on your way to her apartment, but in your defence, Seungwan is the type of person that always has her phone close.
“What if someone was here? What if others saw you? Do you ever stop for a moment to think?” She scoffs at your ridiculing smile.
“Oh come on. What’s life without a little bit of excitement?”
“Umm, a good life?” Seungwan states as a matter of fact, which makes you wanna laugh in her face. But not to spite her. Rather to show her how sweet her whole being seems to you.
Yes, you’re the blunt one in whatever your relationship is. You’re the one to be touchy, clingy, also the one to piss her off with how “little” you care about being caught.
“Babe, you really need to chill. I’ve got it all covered. Of course, unless someone decides to pay you sudden visit, but even if, then that’s not on me!”
Her feet don’t follow you inside the living room. Instead, she’s watching you make yourself comfortable from the hallway. Expression of annoyance still present, it’s only a matter of time before Seungwan joins you.
“Stop being grumpy and come to me! I need a hug!”
She secures the lock first, but eventually does as predicted - joins your side on the couch. There’s still doubt on her face which you’re not at all worried about. These moments with Seungwan are the only way for you to experience normality. It tastes of the woman’s favorite toothpaste, feels like a fluffy rug, sounds like scoffs and occasional laughter.
“The things I do for you.” There’s still anger in her gaze, though much gentler than the one that welcomed you few minutes earlier.
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It lasts a moment. In just a matter of few innocent seconds, she turns from a blonde in over-sized clothes to the Sooyoung you know, but maybe that shouldn’t be said. The passenger side in your ride quickly goes from free to occupied, and you don’t even hesitate before pressing accelerator. A taxi driver you’ve pretty much almost hit, honks. Your ear registers a string of curses thrown at a “senseless fuck”. Unimportant - the window closes.
“So, I suppose it went well?”
Sooyoung is redoing her lips in the mirror. Bright red is stark on the canvas of fair complexion. The corner visible from your point of view turns upwards.
“It did. Your boss is rampaging tonight.”
“Eh.” Indifferent, you wave the image of the closest future away. “When is he not.”
Soonyoung finishes her makeup with a loud pop of lips. She’s no longer the cold Mrs. invisible you saw earlier. Now, she’s the version you’re the most familiar with - the happy-go-lucky girl that happens to be doing shady business on the side.
“Where are we going?” She leans over the armrest to stare at you. Her chin rests on a hand, like a child does when watching movies. “Or wait, don’t tell me! I want it to be a surprise!”
“In a few minutes you’ll change your mind again.” Without missing a beat (this time), you change lanes.
“Yeah, probably. And you won’t tell me either way.”
“That’s just how well we know one another.” Your smiles meet.
Soonyoung returns to her previous position, but leaves her arm behind. An open palm catches your attention. Fingers wiggle in anticipation. Amused, but in no position to reject them, you give in. Soonyoung’s grip is a strong one, full of need and comfort.
The car zooms through the city sunken in the remnants of a sunset. Pedestrians walk by, unaware that someone who should be behind bars is passing them. Same with the drivers. The thought makes your heart flutter from excitement. An overpowering feeling of having the world at your mercy causes you to put more pressure on accelerator. Soonyoung’s thumb caresses the side of your hand. Her red lips are a stable point on the blurry and constantly changing background.
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Funny how the two of you live for the adrenaline.
“Isn’t it a bit risky?” You ask, swiping the corner of her lips with your thumb.
Yerim’s eyes follow, as you put the crimson colored tip in your own mouth. It humors her, and drives crazy at the same time.
“You love risky.” Neither of you address the tension, nor are oblivious to it.
Music may be blasting above you, but right now, here, by the bar, it’s just you two, a pair of bodies pressing at each other’s side without doing much more. Truth be told, the crowd is so busy with itself, you don’t know why you’re too hesitant to follow their lead, and join them with Yerim.
Your eyes meet again. These rendezvous that the two of you have every now and then are a rare occasion. Therefore, you always make an effort to take everything about the notorious Kim Yerim in, starting from the depth of her gaze, ending at the height of her heels. She’s a masterpiece, and your worst (best) rival, but not tonight. Tonight, she’s your alluring date.
Her head moves a little bit closer, pink lips opening to speak.
“Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” Yerim’s brows rise in a manner that could seem innocent to anyone else. But you know what she means, and you want to tease her a bit before eventually giving in.
“Why? Am I boring you with my wine?” Acting indifferent to her hand on your thigh, you grab a glass and sip on it.
She smirks knowingly, but sighs anyway. It’s all just an act to keep you going. Something of a roleplay - faking that you’re not putty in each other’s hands. The truth is much different. Had Yerim’s tone been stricter, you would have been the one to lead her onto dancefloor.
“What’s wrong with it?” Before Yerim gets a chance to respond, she makes a face of surprise, and pulls out her phone.
You don’t have to ask to get a gist of the situation. It’s business. As always.
Yerim meets your gaze with evident sadness. But that’s your line of work, and you’re not the one to keep someone from doing what they have to do.
“Just go.” You smile bitterly. “Before I try to steal your job.”
The kiss she gives you is too short, and too weak for your liking.
“I’ll text you later.”
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➛ pollenat’s list of headcanons
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
➛ pollenat’s list of scenarios
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kyuublu · 3 years
Ice cold
part 3 (Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader | series)
Ice Sakting AU
Song rec: Pope Is a Rockstar - SALES
„Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving Paris shortly...“
My brows furrowed in confusion as I slowly started opening my eyes. Grimacing at the pain in my neck I started rubbing my hand on the area. Sakusa was seated beside me looking out the window, a pair of headphones stuck in his ears.
Tapping his shoulder carefully, I tried making conversation with him since his lack of movement scared me a bit.
„Did you not leave your seat once?“ I asked casually after gaining his attention. „Of course not. I’d rather piss myself than getting on one of the toilets here.“ The boys‘ eyes skimmed over his phone. After taking a brief glance to the side he earned a groan from me.
„Jesus, did you listen to that the whole time?“
Sakusa finally turned fully to the side, greeting me with a annoyed face. „Are you interrogating me?“
I huffed out a laugh before the deeper voice on the other side of me could chime in.
„Y/N is trying to say that you should maybe put your attention on something else for a bit so you can breathe and think clearly for the competition.“ Both of our heads were now turned to the trainer that had a magazine in one hand and a wine glads in the other. „Wasn’t that what you were trying to say dear?“ I only shrugged, dismissing the caring undertone that he had implied. „I just personally think it would drive me crazy.“
“I’d rather listen to this song for days on repeat than have to listen to your snoring again.” The curly head was getting more and more sarcastic over the course of the flight and I was getting sick of it.
„Well thank god we don’t have to sleep next to each other ever again.“
Looking him directly in the eye, I finally felt a little more on eye level with him. I guess we just both get a bit bitchy when we‘re stuck in a big metal box with wings for hours.
„I mean, you never know what the future holds.“Both of us snorted in disbelief at Mr. Watanabe as he kept his gaze on the magazine.
Here we were, Paris. It was beautiful.
I mean- as far as I could tell from the short taxi drive from the airport to the hotel.
„So you guys know, no breaks. Go up to your rooms, leave your stuff there and we’ll go directly to the rink.“ Sakusa only nodded after taking one of the key cards from his trainer. Sighing at the stress that was already hitting me since we got off the plane, I also took a card. Room 147 B.
Suddenly I noticed that the dark haired boy had already left my sight. I gotta admit, he is fast.
After getting to my designated room and literally throwing my stuff in there. I only quickly got changed into something that didn’t smell like a long day at the airport. After closing my door I came face to face to the man himself.
„Tzeh, he wasn’t wrong when he said we wouldn’t know what the future holds. I’ll probably hear your snores through the walls.“ Sakusa had what appeared to be an attempt of a smirk on his face, as he then walked down the hallway.
„Oh my god, its not even that bad. Can you stop being such an asshole?” Rolling my eyes I followed the skater down the hall, back to the lobby.
The venue was even bigger than I expected. As we walked past the huge white walls towards the rink, Sakusa excused himself to the lockers. The ceiling was open and the all the seats around it made me feel dizzy. All eyes will be on one performer.
Shuddering at the thought I turned to Mr. Watanabe. “Do you think he’s-“
“He’s alright, trust me. Sakusa has performed in bigger venues.”
The trainer confidently clapped his hands together. My mouth fell open as my brows furrowed at the thought of even bigger rinks. “You’re kidding...”
Suddenly I heard scratching ice and felt a figure coming to a halt on the rink behind me.
“Don’t you know, Sakusa is a little superstar!” I turned excitedly when I recognized Sugas voice, engulfing him in a awkward hug over the railing between us.
“Wow! At least someone is happy to see me.” The smile was evident in his voice. We both had really missed eachother, since after the time we first met we had been texting constantly. He was a great friend to me eventhough we haven’t seen each other often.
“Of course! I’m not just here for grumpy cat.” We chuckled at the nickname of the black haired boy until I could feel his eyes pierce through my back.
“Nice to see you have chosen to befriend the enemy.” I rolled my eyes as Sakusa stopped to stand next to me. “Oh come on Omi, relax a little. Behind the scenes we’re all just buddies after all.”
“I’m not your buddy.” The boy mumbled as he secured his skates once again. Suddenly another figure swiftly appeared behind Suga.
“Omi, you seem thrilled as always.” The boy leaned confidently on the railing next to Suga. This must be Aran Ojiro as Mr. Watanabe had informed me beforehand. He was an amazing performer, gathering alot of points for his presence alone.
“I told you guys to stop calling me that.” Sakusa stood up, ignoring the two skaters as he departed towards the ice rink. He easily moved to along the ice and made his rounds. After Sakusas little fit, Aran turned to me with a grin as he held out a hand. “I’m Aran by the way.” My hand found his as I returned the smile and introduced myself.
After talking a little with him and Suga, it was clear to me that they had already been close for years.
“So you and Omi? How long have you guys been...?”Aran raised a brow playfully, I immediately shook my head.
“Hell no. Not in a million years.”
“Excuse me? So you mean to tell me that you came all the way here to the City of love, only to watch some skinny boys twirl on ice?”Suga exclaimed as he gave a look.
“I- I uhmm... Yeah?” My confidence went downhill as I thought of another thing to say. Both of them were such big characters. I kinda felt boring between two pro skaters that lived these crazy lifes. Flying from one country to another, performing in even bigger venues than the one we were currently standing in.
“Well let me tell you, I’d never thought I’d see him inviting someone to a competition. Let alone a girl.” Aran chuckled as his eyes travelled to Sakusas form that was still moving to warm himself up.
“It’s not like that though.” Both of the boys eyes were now on me, seemingly interested in what I’d say next. I looked down as my face began heating up. He could never like me like that. “I- I just helped him with picking out a song and the rest was thanks to his trainer.”
Aran hummed in acknowledgment but decided to speak up again. “That’s something though. He wouldn’t consider to ask us for any type of advice really.”
Sugawara chuckled at his comment, lightly pushing himself back on the ice. “Well, I’ll have to get moving again before I’ll start freezing to death.” I gave him a quick smile as I watched his skate away, Aran close to follow the grey haired boy until he quickly turned around again.
“Was nice meeting ya! Maybe you guys can meet us at the entrance after practice. We’ll probably explore the city for a little bit before the big day tomorrow.” My eyes went wide at the offer, that caught me off guard. They really wanted me there? I barely knew anybody besides them. “Sure! But we’ll see if I’ll manage to drag Omi along.” I playfully remarked, which was met with a small chuckle from Aran as he also pushed himself back onto the rink.
My eyes snapped open as I felt someone’s elbow meet in my side. Still slightly in shock I looked to my right.
“Jesus Sakusa, couldn’t you have woken me up a bit less violent.”
The curly head didn’t even seem to listen to my nagging since his eyes were fixated on the rink. I followed his gaze until I was met with a tall lanky figure, moving elegantly on the icey floors.
“Lev Haiba. He’s one of jury’s favorites.” Sakusas tone was more serious as he watched the boy skate his routine.
“Don’t worry, just because heart a favorite doesn’t mean he’ll do any better than you. You’ve been working on this performance for so long. You’ve actually tried something new and decided to change things up while maintaining your style.”
My hand subconsciously rose to almost land on his shoulder but I decided against it, as I drew it back between my legs. “You’ll definitely outshine this guy in a heartbeat when you step on the ice.” I looked at him through my lashes, waiting for any kind of reaction.
“We’ll see.”
The boy stood up abruptly without sparing me another glance. Then suddenly I got a hold of his one of his sleeves to ask him the question I had been dying to ask for hours.
“Do you maybe wanna... hang out?” Sakusa turned to me with an unsure look on his face. To me he seemed as if he was either confused as to why I’d even attampt to ask or why I’d dare to hold his sleeve. I quickly let go of the end of the skaters jacket and stood up infront of him. “So?”
He sighed in defeat as my eyes stayed expectantly locked on his. “Alright, but lets ask Mr. Watanabe before we-“
Loud laughs could be heard from the seats above us. One of them clearly being from our precious coach, enjoying his time with some of the other coaches (probably the femal ones).
“Well, I guess he won’t mind a little fun!” I walked ahead of the black haired boy with my head held high. This time I won’t let him run away from me nor his other ‘friends’.
When we arrived at the entrance there was a group of around 5 people waiting. Sakusas pace slowed down a little as he saw Suga approach us.
“Oi, you guys actually decided to come! I thought I’d have to wake you before Omi would leave you to sleep in the venue.” Me and some of the people giggled along with the joke but Sakusa clearly wasn’t amused.
“Well, are you guys waiting for more?” I asked curiously but Aran shook his head. “Nah, we can go. We’ll probably look for some food place before we can check out the area.” Nodding at his idea, the group slowly took off until I noticed Sakusas figure standing still like a statue.
I turned to the boy with brows furrowed in confusion, why was he making such a fuss now? “Just go ahead, I’ll wait for Mr. Watanabe and head back to the hotel.” The boy stayed nonchalant not even noticing how I was practically fuming on the inside. He can’t even allow himself to have fun in freaking Paris.
“Are you serious?”
I stared him down now, tired of his behavior. Sure he can be antisocial but these guys were all so nice to him and trying to be his friends, but he wouldn’t budge.
“We’re in Paris! We should be exploring, having fun-“
Sakusa only let out a cold laugh as he looked away from me in disbelief. “I’m not here to have fun, y/n. I’m here for a freaking competition.” Suddenly he stepped closer to me with a daring look on his face.
“These aren’t my friends and they aren’t yours either. As soon as we leave, they’ll forget about you and your stale personality because they have more important things to worry about than texting some average girl from a small little town.”
I looked down to my feet. This time I wasn’t feeling shame or embarrassment. I was in rage.
Then a voice rang from further away, breaking the tension. “Are ya guys coming or not?” I cleared my throat for a second, turning towards the group. “Just a minute!” My head moved back up to face the boy infront of me.
“Just because you can’t let anybody get close to you, doesn’t mean they are automatically the bad guys. You won’t even open up to me, Sakusa.”
I slowly walked away from his form without seeing his reaction but I decided to speak up again, my back turned towards the skater.
“I’m sick of trying to excuse or even understand you and your ways. I’m done.”
My feet moved on their own as I kept my eyes locked on the group in the distance. Their giggles and talks piercing through the heavy tension I had just left behind.
After finding a small restaurant that wasn’t going to cost us a whole three day budget in Paris, we finally settled down at a table.
I actually calmed down pretty quickly after the fight with Sakusa. Usually my thoughts would be stuck on these type of things for hours but I felt confident in what I had said. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night or any of the others for that matter.
“You okay?” Sugawara sweetly leaned towards me next to my seat. I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I had before and responded “Yeah, I’m just hungry.”. The boy gave me a sympathetic look before handing me one of the menu’s. “I definitely feel you on that one.” Letting out a laugh I quickly scanned over the menu.
Some time later we had all been full and ready to hit the streets. I also got introduced to the other people of the group in which mainly Suna and a pair of twins had stuck out the most. The Miya twins usually bickering and Suna showing me recordings of some of the most iconic fights between the other skaters. They were a pretty loud bunch, but it was actually pretty refreshing.
As we roamed around Paris, it seemed that tall classy buildings and cosy cafes were all over. Even in the break of dawn it seemed as if the night was still young. Lights adorned the streets and people were still busy as ever.
There was a little thought in the back of my head, just for a moment. Maybe Sakusa would have liked seeing some parts around here. The more quiet once, or the little river that mirrored the lights of the city.
When we ended at the infamous Eiffel Tower, Sugawara had already persuaded me into going onto the attraction though. It took me abit of strength to actually get all the way up there but the view was worth it.
All the city lights seemed to shine even brighter. Even the height was forgotten when the beauty of Paris had engulfed me already.
“I haven’t been up here since I was 12.” The voice of the one person I have been trying to avoid in my head was suddenly right behind me. I didn’t let myself turn to the curly hot head as I crossed my arms. “Why didn’t you just tag along if you’d end up here anyways...”
Sakusa stepped next to me, eyes focused on the view infront of us. “I only left the hotel a couple of minutes ago.” He then held a an image of Sunas instagram story up towards my face. “It wasn’t that hard to find you guys though.”. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Sakusa actually looking through our instagram stories to find us. “You’re ridiculous.”.
I felt his gaze on me. “I’m sorry about that thing at the venue...” His voice was barely audible, as if he wasn’t even sure what he had wanted to say next. “What thing exactly?” My eyes stayed on the buildings and lights, not once budging into giving him my attention.
Kiyoomi sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He really wasn’t good at these kinds of things. “I didn’t want to be so fucking rude. I just-“ The boy stopped himself but then decided to just blurr out what he had already been thinking.
“I just thought you wanted to hang out with me, not with the whole group... I thought you’d actually want to be alone with me for once.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “We have been alone countless of times Omi.”
The use of his usually dreaded nickname suddenly made Sakusa look away quickly to hide his creeping blush. “Yes but it was because we had to be, not because you actually wanted to be around me.” My eyes went wide at the confession, my head snapping to his face. “What?”
Suddenly I could feel his hand touching mine cautiously. “I don’t want to be around those idiots-“ I chuckled at his remark until he continued his little speech. “but I shouldn’t have told you all of that crap. I was just a bit...” He looked to the ground, almost looking shy at this point. “Jealous?” I asked curiously with a hint of a smile on my lips. The boy looked up, a bit taken back by my sudden boldness. “Irritated, I guess.”
I smiled at the underlying victory, I knew what he was thinking for once. I could finally be more casual around him.
“Are you still nervous about the whole Lev thing?” I asked to break the silence that had been dawning on us for a bit now. “No, I think I’m alright.” My brows were raised at his relaxed answer. “So my peptalk did ease your mind, huh?” He smiled softly “I think you have that effect on me generally.”
As he turned to me his gaze lingered for a little too long, making me feel like I was about to freaking pass out. His hand swiftly grabbed mine and I knew I couldn’t contain my smile anymore.
“You know... I think I might like you.”
Finally I catched his eye, basically exposing my shameless happiness that was spread across my face.
“I think I might like you too.”
Everything; Paris, the competition, the job I had back home, all of these expectations including my year off of college, suddenly werent clouding my thoughts. We were both finally just here, in the moment.
And I had a lingering feeling, that even Kiyoomi could finally breathe for a second.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it didn’t end with the competition but I wanted it to rather focus on the relationship they slowly built than on the skating alone. Hopefully it was still a nice ending though ^^
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OMG, Jensen and Misha are having SO MUCH cybersex. Probably only slightly less than all of the cyber cuddling they're doing, too. I bet this is SO HARD on them 😢
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They’re both sticky—from sweat and everything else. Jensen can see the low lamp light gleaming off Misha’s skin; and Misha can see the same in the glow from Jensen’s screen.
It has been months since they’ve actually been next to one another—the longest time they’ve been apart in over ten years. To say they hate it would be a grave understatement, but at very least, they have video-chat to make it all a little more bearable.
“Jesus—I’m disgusting” Jensen grumbles, reaching off to the side to grab a box of Kleenex.
Misha watches as the man cleans the splotches off his own stomach; and he smiles, knowing that Jensen could roll around in fresh manure and still be far too attractive for his own good. “Yup. You looking all sweaty and sexed-up is the worst.”
Jensen rolls his eyes but he still grins into the camera. “Well, you’re looking pretty bad yourself then … with your hair all long and that scruffy beard on your face.”
“What? Now you don’t like my beard?”
“Nope. I hated running my hands through it. I hated how it felt against my thighs. And I really hate it when you’re all scruffy like that and then you suck me off. It’s just awful.” Jensen’s grin has grown from ear to ear because the memory of the last time Misha’s lips were around him is already making his spent-dick twitch again.
“If that’s true, then why didn’t you let me shave it the last time were all together?” Misha knows the answer, but he loves Jensen’s post-orgasm ramblings too much not to egg him on.
“What can I say, I’m a masochist.”
“So—the next time I see you, I should just tie you down and torture you with my beard hair?”
Jensen bites his lip as he imagines it. “If you must.”
Misha chuckles softly. “When it comes to tying you down and having my way with you, it’s basically law.”
Jensen laughs a little too hard at that. “Since when do you care about following the law?”
After a pause, Misha sits up some more. Jensen has heard all his stories—the breaking-and-enterings, the petty theft, even the ones that he didn’t get caught doing, which is really lucky, because if he had, he’d probably still be in jail. “I have my moments.”
“Well …” Jensen sighs, feeling a sudden wave of tiredness wash over him, “I miss your moments, and I miss you.”
Misha’s eyes lax at the corners, feeling something wash over him as well—but it’s not exhaustion, only love and admiration for the man on the other side of the screen. “I miss you too. Very, very much.”
Jensen yawns and then scoots closer to his laptop so that he can prop his elbow on the desk and hold his head up with his hand. “But I miss you more. I should be falling asleep next to you right now.”
“I know. You’d be the little-spoon.”
Jensen nods, eyelids sagging a little—the new closeness to the image of Misha making him feel just a little bit better and a little more relaxed. “I like being your spoon.”
“I like spooning you … and forking you. And occasionally knifing you.”
Jensen scoffs as he fakes a grumpy-glare into the camera. “Okay, Cas. What has Dean done to piss you off this time?”
Misha snorts but soon, he’s leaning closer too, wishing he could feel Jensen’s warmth through the monitor, but there’s only the cool air of the room around him and the dim hum of his computer.  “He hasn’t kissed me yet.”
“Hmm” Jensen says in understanding. “Well, I will make sure to give him a good talkin’ to. Cas will get all the kisses the next time they see each other.”
Misha smiles, watching as Jensen’s body droops and his eyes start to flutter closed. “Good. I hope next-time is really really soon. Jensen nods slightly but he doesn’t respond, and Misha knows that it will only be a few more seconds before the man is asleep in his chair. “Jensen … Jensen …”
“Huh?” Jensen snorts, jolting awake a little. “Wha?”
Misha can’t help but laugh. “Go to bed now, or else you’ll wake up with keyboard-face.”
“Don’t care” Jensen grumbles after another moment. “I miss you too much.”
Misha sits back once more, wishing so badly that he could crawl through the screen and hold the man, it makes his stomach hurt. “I know … but I will still be here tomorrow. We can talk then.”
Jensen groans, but he eventually sits back too, stretching out his naked body into a long, beautiful line, and Misha can hear some of his friend’s bones crack through the speaker. “Oof” Jensen grumbles, finally relaxing before rubbing his neck.
“See?” Misha muses. “You’re too old to be up this late. Now, go to bed—before Danneel scolds me again for exhausting you.”
“Nah, she’s getting sick of me at this point. She probably welcomes the break from my snoring.”
“I know Vicki feels that way about me” Misha says, but he’s all too serious. Him being around the house so much is driving the poor woman mad. She never asked for a third child.
“Well, tell her she can send you my way if she needs to get rid of you” Jensen mumbles sleepily.
Misha looks the image of Jensen over once more—noting the bags under his eyes and the slack in his muscles. “Will do; but seriously, Jensen … go to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow.”
Jensen glances as the clock in the corner of the screen as it reads one AM. He is exhausted, and he knows that his kids won’t let him sleep in tomorrow since he promised them a game of soccer in the backyard … the idea of which seems almost painful to think about now. “Yeah … yeah, you’re right. I’ll go to bed.”
Misha smiles into the camera, happy that his friend is finally listening. “Good. I’ll call you later, okay?”
Jensen nods once more, but then stops, finally waking up just enough to really look at Misha through the screen. “Okay, but hey, Mish … do me a favor, will ya?”
Misha pauses, leaning a bit closer with the serious tone he hears in Jensen’s voice. “Of course. What do you need?”
Jensen takes a moment, taking in Misha’s face—his nose, his lips, his beautiful eyes that glow even brighter now that the guy is sitting so close to his monitor. He’s stunning, and Jensen can’t help but stare.
“Well …?” Misha prompts.
Jensen shakes his head a little as the gravel in Misha’s voice sends a small shiver up his spine and jolts him out of his trance. He smiles “Don’t shave your beard in the morning, okay?”
Misha smiles back, chuckling at the silliness of this man—this man that he’s been head over heels for for the better part of a decade. “Okay … I won’t shave it … for you.”
Jensen sighs, feeling extremely lucky that Misha would do anything just for him, even something as simple as not shaving a beard that he knows drives the guy crazy when it gets this long. “Thanks… I love you … a lot.”
Misha feels his chest tighten, and suddenly he’s finding it hard to fight back the burning tears welling up in his eyes. “I love you too, Jensen. More than you know.”
“Good” Jensen says, locking eyes with the brilliant blue ones that are halfway across the country but completely in his heart.
“Very good” Misha smiles. “The best.”
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
~Headcanons for dating Bakugou~
This is my second time writing this type of stuff so I hope it’s all enjoyable! I just kinda want to share my ideas about how he wound handle a relationship. Overall, If you have any requests or ideas for more stories please don’t hesitate to let me know! Feedback is always appreciated thank you!
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Okay I fully believe he would confess first in his own angry way.
Like he’d be all like “yeah your pretty cute or whatever dumbass” and then he’d just shoot his shot since Kiri said he wouldn’t
“So do you plan to spend the rest of your time with extras or do you want to be with a real # 1 hero.”
It didn’t make sense at the time but you agreed to go out with him if that was what he was implying
I also like to think he would apopogize first after a fight. I can imagine him just being angry over anything but when your mad at him, he literally can’t stand it.
Like he gets so antsy and grumpy he would just mumble a “sorry” and hug all up on you
“Sorry I made you upset..I didn’t mean to..can you please stop giving me the silent treatment and hug me..?!”
You give in but not before a stern stare down to shake his ego a little. You stay with him because you love him not because he’s the best at saying sorry
Hes also a perfect doctor when you get sick.
He’d obviously be annoyed your dumbass got sick but in general it’s chicken soup and care all day
“Tch. Don’t fight it dumbass. Just take the stupid medicine so I can kiss you sooner.”
Totally kisses you while your sick anyway
Catches whatever you had and now you need to be the doctor
He cooks and you clean.
It’s pretty silly since when you do cook he’s all backseat driving you so it’s easier to let him have it
“Make sure you add more salt or else it’ll just stay bland.”
“Just move over I’ll take over from here”
Just let him have it. It’s not worth being stared down
But if you manage to finish cooking unbothered he will always love the cooking and give you cute compliments
“Tch. I guess for someone who didn’t want to listen to me you did a pretty good job.”
He’s ridiculously overprotective.
Like if anyone so much as glances for too long it’s a wrap
“Oi! You got a staring problem or something you damn extra?! Eyes off my girl!”
While he does hate it when people talk about you he enjoys it when you get complements so he can turn it around on himself
“Damn right she’s beautiful why would I date her if she wasn’t?”
Would blow a gasket if someone flirted with you right in front of him. Like, run for the hills because no one is safe in that situation
“You must got a god damn death wish you fucking idiot.”
He would still overall crazy about you. He would die before anything happened to you. If you get so much as a small scar he’s losing his mind.
If you get into fights very often he probably scolds you like a parent and takes care of your bruises or scars if you have any
“You can’t just go around starting fights stupid! Your ego can’t be that damn big.”
Coming from him it’s always rich
Like you just laugh and let him fuss and then cuddle all up on you
With affection he’s much more comfortable doing it in private but he has no issue kissing or holding your hands in public
Sometimes he does it to piss off anyone else if they start talking to much or he just wants an excuse to get out of talking to them
In private though he’s almost always on you.
Cuddling, neck kissing, hands always on you. The works normally.
He likes doing actual gentle stuff sometimes. Like when doors close his whole tough guy act melts down and he’s much more quiet and calm
He likes rubbing your back or arms or laying you on his chest
But if anyone walks in or knocks his whole gremlin mood just builds back up and he’s all loud again
Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow for more!
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sierraraeck · 3 years
Healing - Epilogue
What happens after the end?
A/N: Just shit headcanons of mine. Some might be things I wanted to include and didn’t fit, or just fun ideas I had.
Later at the dinner party, Savannah makes a comment about Spencer and Aundreya and their relationship and whatever so Derek describes it to her.
He says he’d describe it as “He’d die for her, and she’d kill for him. Hell, they both already have.” Flashback to that time Spencer got shot and that other time her dad grabbed him and held a gun on him and that other time he had a sniper on him and that other other time he got kidnapped and tortured.
Then Derek asks Aundreya (who’s no longer paying attention to anyone other than Spencer) “Speaking of, what is your body count for him? Five?”
“Uh… let’s not talk about it.” It was seven. Darrell Fairchild (the guy in prison), a prison guards (she accidentally blew too much of the drug in his face), Dakota (Spencer’s dealer), Xena, Archer, Joe Spade (her dad died in prison because she sent him there and died probably due to her friends on the inside if we wanna count that), and DeLeon.
She didn’t kill DeLeon when she first cuffed him, but her friends in prison killed him on behalf of her so…
Aundreya insists that Spencer get her ring symbol tattooed on his hip like the rest of them. His has a little diamond on the inside of one of the infinity loops so everyone knows that he’s “the king to Alionth’s queen”
Aundreya stays with the BAU but whenever she has free time, she visits the ring and does what she can to keep them going, but Deen is doing a pretty good job on his own.
Deen is totally in love with Penelope and the two of them go on to have an amazing life together, causing Deen to step back a little.
Which means that Mateo and Niko get to take on more responsibility.
Ugh he was a good one, but he wasn’t Spencer. Mateo knew it was coming before it happened. He could see it in Aundreya’s eyes. He’s doing okay and will hopefully find some new lady soon.
Niko and Roman are together, by the way, so they’re all good.
Everyone, including the BAU, was invited to the wedding. Chaos ensued.
Mateo finally gets to rename “the ring” “the Lions”
The Lions become a criminal information network that consults with the FBI. They still do their own shit, but are up for hire, by the BAU specifically if they need it.
Aundreya finally stops dancing for money.
But she still does it for fun.
Like for Derek’s bachelor party, she got all of her best girls to dance with her, and even taught Savannah a few moves which she learned at her bachelorette party so that she could perform for Derek.
Aundreya totally gives the girls lessons.
Emily is strong so she's pretty good at it, but she’s not as flexible as JJ who is actually kind of a natural. She’s also a twig, so that doesn’t hurt. Tara has already taken a pole dancing class, so she’s got it together. Penelope is the best at all the dance stuff and could give you the lap dance of your life. Deen approved.
They perform it one night at the strip club and make a shit ton of money. What do you expect, though? They’re wearing these super hot revealing clothes and everyone is losing their minds. The girls understand the appeal and why Aundreya hasn’t quit yet. Plus, free drinks afterwards.
Aundreya always comes home to Spencer who is more than willing to reap the rewards of her in sexy stripper clothes.
But she also totally has fun staying in and reading, or curling up on the couch with him watching tv.
They’re amazing in the field.
They have very different skill sets, but when they team up, watch your back. They bounce ideas off of each other so fast sometimes the team can’t keep up. But the real magic happens in the interrogation rooms. They play off each other so well it’s honestly scary. They’re always on the same page and can freely improvise and the other can totally change their plan and follow. Like mind reading, but scarier.
Both of them still have nightmares, Spencer more than Aundreya because of his memory, but she’s always there to comfort him. They’ve had their fair share of late night walks. Spencer always brings his gun, and Aundreya has a dagger. They’re prepared.
She once took down a man that had been walking in the same direction as them for too long and kept side eyeing them. Apparently he was ‘looking at Spencer wrong’
Turns out, he was super gay and into Spencer and wanted to know if that was his girlfriend or someone else.
“Who else would I be to him?”
“Uh, I don’t know? Sister, cousin, friend…”
“I totally see the appeal but he’s taken.”
“Aundreya, get off him, I’m so sorry sir.”
They snuggle.
Neither will admit it.
But it happens.
One time it happened on the jet and the team had a meltdown.
They made fun of Spencer, asking him 21 questions about how he could get Aundreya to soften up, but no one really said anything to Aundreya about it.
Except Derek.
He made fun of her relentlessly and she kicked his ass.
The two of them spar a lot because it’s fun. They’re pretty evenly matched, but when Aundreya is pissed, Derek doesn’t have a chance. He’s stopped sparing with her when she’s in a bad mood, no matter how much she begs and reasons that it’ll make her feel better.
“But it won’t make me feel better”
“That’s not true. I know that you enjoy a good workout”
“Not when I can’t walk the next day because you don’t know how to take it easy”
“I always spar when you’re angry”
“Yeah because I’m not an out of control maniac!”
He had a point.
It’s usually their entire workout for the day. They usually draw a crowd because they’re mesmerizing to watch, but there was one time that a bunch of teenagers were around, so they recorded it and posted it on YouTube and Instagram. They went viral.
Aundreya is Emily’s wing-woman at a lesbian bar and totally helps her get this super hot trainer. It happens more than once, sometimes with Tara joining too until Emily and Tara pull themselves together and kiss. Aundreya had a similar pep talk with Emily as she had with her about Spencer.
The only other person besides Spencer that sees her soft side is Penelope. After a really rough case, they’ll drive to as many pet shops in the area and look at/hold as many cute animals as they can. The owners know them by now and will let them basically hold and take care of any animal they want to.
Rossi gifts Aundreya his expensive whiskey from that night as a housewarming gift when her and Spencer finally get a little townhouse. They didn’t want something big, but still wanted an upgrade from an apartment.
Side note: Aundreya not only wanted to recruit Penelope to join her ring, but she was looking to rope Rossi in as a client since he’s stupid rich. Never happened but could’ve been fun.
Spencer and Aundreya can really only sleep if the other is with them. It’s like they’re the other’s sleeping drug. They always get paired in the same room, because one time they tried to separate them, and they were inhaling caffeine like it was the only thing keeping them alive and were grumpy as hell the next day.
They check on the other whenever they can. It’s usually small, like longer eye contact or a small squeeze on the shoulder. They’re not big on PDA so they wait until they’re in private to just full on collapse into the other and hold each other.
They call when they haven’t heard from the other in too long because they worry.
But their favorite little “tradition” is the mornings. They have a nice routine, but the mornings they love the most are the ones they have off. They have a porch, so they’ll take their coffee and tea out there, and just sit, enjoying the morning air. Even when it’s snowing, they don’t take as long, but they make the effort to just go outside and take a deep breath before the craziness of the day starts. It grounds them and helps remind them that they’re alive, and that the other is right beside them.
And always will be.
Series Taglist
@justanothetfangirl @kris-stuff @blameitonthenight21 @wooya1224 @unded-bride @swiftingday @dezzxmx
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Mandoctover Day 15: Jetpack
(or alt. livin’ on pedro’s Din Hair~)
@dindjarindiaries @leo-moon
Warnings of physical harm, mild to severe concussion (up to you but Din’s basically drunk on pain meds) Also there is a hetero couple in this that I LOOSELY based off of my high-school music teachers but oh well. 
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(I had to use this gif, I know it’s not a Frankie fic but you’ll get it once you’ve read it XD) Somedays you thanked both the Maker and the Armorer for Din’s jetpack. 
Today...wasn’t one of those days, if this morning was any sort of example.
Firstly Din had grabbed you with no warning whatsoever, picked you up like you were a ragdoll, and to top it off, he thought it was okay for him to launch into the air with you completely unaware of the complications of flying.
Y’know...with no armor on to cushion your breakable body.
Maybe he knew this in the back of his mind. But his carelessness towards the situation pissed you off more than you cared to admit. 
That all came crashing down when he shielded your body with his against a crumbling mountainside. 
Tearing recklessly through the rubble you screamed his name until your throat was scratchy. When you could no longer speak let alone shout, tears blurred your vision. Rubble, boulders and stone. You didn’t know how much longer he would be okay for...he didn’t know your true feelings for him, romantic or otherwise. You couldn’t do this alone. 
That’s when you heard him rasp against the stone destruction.
This time you were crying in happiness, hope yet the searing pain was still there as you could only just make out the outline of his visor. It was cracked in some places. You hoped he had suffered any brain damage...thank the gods, at least he recognised you.
“Mando! Din! Are you okay? Can you hear me?” You shouted quietly this time. Not wanting to bring any unwanted attention back to yourselves. You were both running out of time. 
Din was in no shape to use his jetpack...or to fly the Crest.
Which meant only one thing...either you let the baby drive, or you would end up destroying his precious Crest one way or another. 
You knew what he would say if he were half conscious.
“Get out of here, go. I don’t care about the Crest-” The romantic part of your brain effectively cut you off as his hand wrapped around your wrist. 
Nothing was broken thank god but you had no clue about his vital organs, his ribs or, gods forbid, his lungs. 
You had no idea how to treat a punctured lung. Not only was this mission’s time coming to a close alarmingly fast. You also needed to race to the next safest planet just to find the best medical care the both of you could afford.
“Y/N Djarin?” 
“...Y/N Djarin?”
Preparing for a fight as you had fallen into an uncomfortable yet fitful sleep next to his bedside, you could only cry with relief as you saw a doctor and a nurse standing in front of you. 
“We have a few mandatory questions for you. Heh, Mandatory questions for the Mandalorian that is.”
Any other day you would’ve found that funny, maybe Din too if it was a good day. 
A babble of laughter erupted from your lap. Ad’ika was wide awake. 
“Thank you...for cheering him up when I couldn’t.”
An exhausted sigh left your mind as you glanced over your beloved Mandalorian...what a mess. 
A beautiful mess to you...but to a doctor. You had no idea how you were going to afford this. 
“I have a few questions too if you don’t mind answering them doctor…” trailing off you hadn’t caught the medical duo’s names
“Dr.Pavan, Dash Pavan. And this is not only my wife but my assistant doctor/nurse Pana Pavan.” Wow, this couple was all about repetition huh. 
“Uh...I’ll call you by your first names if you don’t mind.”
“Oh everybody does dearie don’t worry about it.” The female doctor was built very similarly to you, which scared you in a way because of how put together her life was in comparison to your...well, at least yours right now.
“I...don’t know how I can afford the medical treatment he needs. It’s true that his line of work isn’t good to him but I can’t just let him die either.” Attempting to keep yourself together, you saw pain and sympathy flash through the couples’ eyes. 
“We know exactly what you’re talking about. If we didn’t make nearly as much as we did last year I could’ve died myself...I was expecting y’see and well, we lost our daughter.” Pain rang through your heart as your hands tightened around Ad’ika’s slouched form. He was tired but he refused to sleep, just like his buir.
“I’m so sorry...I can’t imagine what that must be like. I’m scared too.” 
“If the force is on your side dear, you never will, and the husband is always the biggest of help, I love Pav with all my heart and I knew that when we married we'll stick together no matter what. Which is why I married him in the first place. It was tough...it still is sometimes when we face similar cases today....which is why we offer free medical care to those who need it the most.”
You couldn’t help sobbing into your son’s head as they told you this. They were so kind when the rest of the universe had been so cruel to all three of you. It was a race for the little moments...moments like these when all you could do was watch as Din got better more and more every day. Yet you continued to lie just so you were allowed in. 
It wasn’t your fault they mistook you for his wife. You cared about him a great deal, you weren’t afraid to show that now. Not after this accident. You knew when he woke up...you were gonna tell him how you felt. Whether he reciprocated or not. 
It was...one of those moments
“Good morning Djarin.”
“Hello Pana. Please, call me Y/N.”
“Oh shucks. Alright Y/N. That’s such a badass name, Y/N Djarin.”
“I guess so.” you chuckled.
“So...how did you two meet?”
Oh no...now you had to lie for real. 
“Well...he saved me. I was all alone with only an Ugnaught named Kuill to guide me, he was like a father to me. Then, late last year, he was killed. Protecting the little one from imperial troops.”
“Oh my!” 
“I know...sounds way more dramatic than it actually was, believe me. Well...in my case anyway, I’m...just a mechanic. I’m nothing special.” 
“Dear listen to me. Everyone is special in this universe. My mum taught me that. When she passed away I was devastated for years. Then I met Pav and...everything just fell into place.”
“...it was like that with me and Din. Although...I’m not afraid to admit it was puppy love. When I walked into Kuill’s hut that night I wasn’t expecting another...bounty hunter to show up. Let alone a Mandalorian. I wanted to ask him so many questions, yet I didn’t want to pry about his culture...his past. There’s still some things to this day I don’t know about him...but I remember when I started falling in love…”
“Aw...You sound like you’ve come straight out of one of my western novels!” 
You blushed at this admission. Not wanting to sound like the starry eyed waif that you were. You fell in love with the man...not the helmet or the blasters and definitely not that infernal jet pack. 
“One night...Ad’ika was fussing and I just snapped. I couldn’t cope, it felt like the stars were imploding on me. I couldn’t sleep, my hormones were going crazy (this isn’t aimed at a specific gender btw) I refused to eat until after I slept so my stomach hurt. I was going through the paces of newfound buirhood it seemed.” You laughed to yourself.
“It’s Mando’a for parent.” 
“Oh, they are a very gender neutral race aren’t they?” 
“Yes...it was also one of the many reasons I didn’t know if he was gonna love me back. I was scared. To say the least. When he startled me awake I realised I had been close to dropping Ad’ika on his head. It hurt me...that I wasn’t being a good mother. It was so unexpected...I didn’t have any heads up whatsoever.” Laughing to yourself at the memory now, you realised how fond of the both of them you really are. They were your Aliit.
“I love them both so damn much…” Reaching over to Din’s bed side, you grabbed his bandaged hand. Rubbing the newly discovered yet so ardently him, tattoo with a smile on your face. 
“I will always love him...I know that now.”
You were standing in line for some caf at the hospital canteen when you ran into Pana again.
Or...more accurately she ran into you. 
“Yes Pana you found me.” You were way too grumpy and sleep deprived for this much energy, which is probably why you missed the cheshire cat grin on her face.
“YOUR HUSBAND IS FINALLY AWAKE! DON’T STAND THERE WAITING AROUND FOR SOME CRAPPY CAF!” Yanking the empty plastic cup out of your hand she yeeted it as hard as she could towards the bin. 
“That’s so bad for the enviro-wait...what did you just say?”
You had never run so fast in your life, you didn’t think it was possible for your lungs to burn. 
Dashing through the door, your heart warmed at the familiar sight. Ad’ika was babbling up at his father happily once more, his helmet resting in his son’s hands as they talked in hushed tones. Clearing your throat playfully yet with your eyes full of tears.
“Din...you’re awake.” You tried so hard not to cry, you really did. 
You didn’t even notice both the doctors step out of the room to give you both some privacy. 
“Good morning...my love.” 
Then everything froze.
“...Pana told you didn’t she.” 
Deadpan tone returning to your voice...you knew he was never going to let this one go. 
“Actually I kind of like it.” 
“You, you do?”
What the kriff was going on?”
“Yeah, I mean I always hated your last name.” 
“Djarin that’s so unfair how could you say-”
“Only because I’d happily give you mine.”
Was he….proposing?
When Pana and Pav next entered the room you didn’t even realise that you had gained a concussion from keldabe kissing him so hard. 
They gave you a pink and blue bandage though…
Besides the modest wedding band on your finger, it was a badge of pride that you were now happily married to Din Djarin. 
Although getting married in a hospital wasn’t unconventional, you adored the fact that Pana and Pav happily agreed to be your best man and woman. Seeing as they brought you two together of course. They easily forgave and forgot the common lie of pretending to be someone’s wife/husband/partner just to see them. 
A couple months later you were buzzing with joy about telling Pana about the daughter you had named after her.
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jojparasol · 5 years
baby love
Ehhh, this one’s iffy but I posted it anyway so enjoy! This was inspired by an episode of ‘this is us’ and I couldn’t help but write about it. Was wondering if i should put my writing under ‘read more’ cut, I got an ask about it from my first writing but I never got to it? Anyway, this is a lil rough but she’s alright.
the one where Y/N’s pregnant and it’s Harry’s birthday
Word count: 1.5k
fluff, fluff, fluff
Y/N’s pregnant. Heavily pregnant.
Five, six months — she doesn’t even know, forgetting how long this baby has been growing inside of her. All she knows is that the baby is growing and it’s growing quickly. It meant she couldn’t fit inside her clothes she usually wore, her head has been hurting like crazy and her emotions were scattered all over the place.
And she’s been sleeping a lot. It was her pregnancy brain and the fact that sleeping would be an excuse for her to not do anything that would require any physical activity. Although Harry would protest at times, he learnt to leave her alone to doze off and he would spend his mornings talking to Y/N’s stomach.
“Baby…” Harry whispered against her neck as she groaned, her hand covering her face.
It was safe to say that Y/N was not in the mood today. All she wanted to do was sleep and stay in the comfy duvets of their bed. But it seemed like Harry had other plans and she wasn’t amused.
“Harry, no.”
Harry pouted, his pride a little down so he decided to go to the next option. The baby.
Harry loves his baby. His baby. He couldn't believe that he can even say that he’s a father. He’s in absolute awe at the fact that the love of his life can give him a baby. And he knows the baby girl in his love’s stomach is already perfect, being the perfect mixture of Y/N and him. Oh, his baby love had all of Harry’s heart and seeing Y/N grow everyday made his heart warm. He never minded waking up in the middle of the night to help his wife go to the loo or dealing with her mood swings where she would be bawling her eyes out then laughing in seconds.
“Think your mummy’s a lil’ grumpy this mornin’,” he mumbled his body shifted so his face met her stomach although it was facing the other way.
It was then that Harry heard a groan from above. “Harry, I swear to god, If you don’t leave me alone to sleep, I’ll make sure you aren’t getting anymore children out of me.” Harry frowned, his body getting out of bed as Y/N adjusted her blanket, snuggling it up against her face.
It was almost two in the afternoon. She’s usually awake at this time, even if she was feeling her laziest. It was his phone ringing that made him walk out of his room, leaving his sleeping wife in deep slumbers.
“Happy birthday my baby!” Harry smiled, hearing the sound of his mother’s voice through the phone.
“Thank you,” he replied, taking a seat on the couch. It was his birthday and he received messages and phone calls from all his loved ones. But he was still waiting for his own love and it didn’t seem like it was coming soon, or anytime at all.
“So are you coming over soon?”
It was a tradition to do so. Both Harry and Y/N felt equally at home at his mother’s house and there was no arguing that spending special occasions over there was a must. It was a place that Anne raised her children, where all their memories were stored and soon enough, Harry’s child will be able to create her own childhood where Harry grew up. And Anne would make the best dinners and their small family would spend all day hanging out whether it would be a barbecue or the dusting board games that were taken out when everyone was over.
“Yeah, but the missus won’t be joining.” A small gasp was heard on the other side and presumably, Anne thought the worst.
“Did you two fight? Harry you know she’s heavily pregnant, have you—“
“No. She jus’ wants to sleep, she didn’t remember my birthday.” It hurt Harry more than expected when it was said aloud that his lovie forgot his own birthday. Sure she was pregnant and all but was he that unimportant that she forgot?
“Oh, Harry,” Anne cooed, realising that her son was hurt about this event. “She’s pregnant, when I was pregnant, I would forget everything. Don’t feel bad, honey.”
Harry pursed his lips, trying to think the best of the situation but it was hard since the most important person he wanted to hear ‘happy birthday’ from gave him an unkind threat instead. But his mother’s words were enough for him to leave the house and drive over to where his sister and mum waited to surprise the birthday boy. And he smiled, he smiled as they placed a ‘birthday boy’ hat on him and he smiled when they gave him their gifts and when he won monopoly. He felt like home but there was still something missing.
Y/N woke up alone and her head was aching. She stared down at her stomach, giving it a small caress before stretching her arm to obtain the phone that laid on her nightstand. Her eyebrows furrowed at all the notifications from twitter and the fact that the time was five in the afternoon. And her heart dropped. It felt like it dropped down to the baby inside of her because her husband was trending on twitter. Trending with everyone greeting him happy birthday. Shit.
Y/N slowly got up as best as she could, mumbling profanities under her breath. “Baby, mummy messed up,” she whispered to her stomach, panicking at what to do since, to be honest, she had nothing planned. What a shitty wife, she thought, her eyes pricking with tears as her helpless body plopped onto the couch.
“It’s okay, we’ll be okay,” she tried reassuring herself in attempt to make her less stressed as she got up and waddled towards the kitchen. She was gonna make a cake. She knew the basics and it was the best thing she could do right now. She had learnt how to bake a cake from Harry early on their relationship when he claimed to be a baker but got the piss when he barely knew, considering the fact that he was a cashier. Then, she baked a small cake on the day that her pregnancy was announced to him where they ate in bed after the news. She told herself and their baby love that she was gonna survive this messy dilemma she put herself in and bake the best cake she can.
It was the front door opening that distracted her from frosting the cake, her head immediately turning to see her husband walking in, a small smile on his face and she couldn’t help but melt a little.
“Oh, Harry,” she announced, walking over to her husband’s welcoming arms as he engulfed her into a hug. “I’m so sorry baby. God, I’m so stupid.”
Her mood got the best of her as tears eventually returned as Harry massaged circles on her back, trying to comfort his pregnant wife. Y/N’s face nuzzled into his, a space between their bodies because of her bump but they somehow managed and Harry pulled away, frowning at his love’s sadden expression.
“It’s okay lovie.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb as she shook her head.
“No, it’s your birthday. Can’t believe I forgot and… and I was so mean to you today.” And to say her crying couldn’t get worse — it did. The realisation that she was so mean made her fall into more tears and they seemed uncontrollable.
“Shh, baby,” Harry soothed, caressing her hair as she tried to calm herself. She always tried doing that with Harry being there to hold her hand and guide her breathing. Her hands tried wiping her tears as she started rambling on about how sorry she is.
“Don’t you worry 'bout it. I love you so much, ’s okay.” He kissed her face repeatedly until a small giggle released from her mouth. “There it is, missed that gorgeous smile.” Y/N looked up, her eyes clearing up as she watched Harry move his kisses to her hands. “Now, ’s that cake I smell?”
She nodded, a hopeful smile on her face before leading her husband towards the kitchen, presenting her half frosted cake. “Isn’t this sweet, huh baby love?” He talked to her bump, palming her stomach as Y/N watched Harry use his finger to take a lick from the frosting.
“I’m sorry for today, happy birthday. We love you so much.”
Harry smiled at his wife, placing a small kiss to her head. “Thank you baby. Let’s take this cake back to mum’s house? Dinner should be ready.” He took another lick of frosting, placing it in between his lips.
“God, your mum!” She shrieked, realising she forgot the tradition before Harry shushed her, reassuring her it was okay. Y/N nodded as Harry scooped another piece of frosting and smothered it on Y/N’s nose to which she giggled.
“I love my two girls more than anything,” he proclaimed, looking down at her bump where a small kick was felt between the parents.
“Looks like she loves you too."
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word-scribbless · 5 years
Your Move
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X female reader
Gifs not mine. 
Enjoy jealous Jay!
After a tough case, the team had gone to Molly’s for drinks. Y/n, Kim, and Hailey had drank a little more than usual and suggested that they all go dancing at a club down the road.  The guys all agreed to go along, some more eagerly than others. Adam and Kevin were keeping up with the girls drink wise and were game right away while Jay mostly just went to keep an eye on their friends. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t specifically keeping an eye on Y/N.
Y/n and Jay had an unspoken flirtation-ship going on ever since she was brought up to intelligence a few months after Hailey.  Any time things started to get a little too close or beyond just flirting, Jay would back away. Y/N realized this was probably a result of everything she had heard about him and Erin. However it still drove her insane. Early on she understood that he was probably just hurt and having commitment issues, but after over a year of the constant hot and cold she was over it.
Honestly, she was far from over it, and it was probably the reason she had let go a bit more than usual tonight. She was trying to be over it though. However the past week had been extraordinarily annoying. Jay and Y/N had gone out for coffee after a tough day earlier in the case, they had started to talk about how glad they were that they had gotten to know each other. Jay had touched her hand and started to lean in to kiss her, suddenly he caught him self and pulled away. He told her he was sorry but he had to go, insisting on awkwardly walking her home first. He then proceeded to barely talk to her for the rest of the case.
That was 2 days ago and she felt completely lost not knowing how to talk to him, and completely broken from being basically rejected. She had spent the whole night at Molly’s laughing and joking around with Kim and Kevin. To be honest Jay only noticed how much she’d been laughing with Kevin. Jay had been a mess the past few days too, not knowing what to do anytime he was around Y/N. Of Course he had wanted to kiss her, he wanted to never stop kissing her. Hell he wanted to call her his, but he was terrified she didn’t want the same thing or that it would ruin their friendship. However he couldn’t think of any of that now as he walked down the street to the club watching Y/N hanging on Kevin’s arm as she walked. He was realizing that maybe it was time to stop ignoring his feelings, but now it seemed like it could be too late.
Jay was obviously not as covert in his anger as he thought, because Adam bumped his arm as they walked. “Yo man, I’m not trying to break up a brawl tonight. Put the fight face away, she’s just having fun with her FRIEND.” He said trying to calm him down. “Yeah, ‘friends’. Sure.” Jay scoffed, eyes narrowed at Y/N and Kevin. Adam laughed, “Well is there any reason they couldn’t be more than friends? Have you actually made a move?” he asked pointedly “Don’t go there man” Jay answered through gritted teeth. “Why not dude? You’ve obviously fallen for this girl, and its not a new thing. So when are you gonna stop screwing around and tell her how you feel? You know she feels the same way.” Adam says, hoping his friend will finally listen. “Yeah, cause that looks like a girl who has feelings for me.” Jay scoffs again as he motions towards you laughing with Kevin. “Dude, There is no reasoning with you!” Adam says, giving up for the moment.
Y/N enters the club with the group, glad she has Kevin to help distract her tonight so she isn’t sulking about Jay. Kevin and Kim know her whole situation very well and promised to make her forget about it for the night. So far they’ve done a great job and she hasn’t noticed Jay’s angry glares, but Kevin has.
Once they get drinks the whole group goes right to the dance floor, everyone except for Jay. Y/N was dancing her heart out, enjoying finally having time to relax with her friends. She was mostly dancing with Kim, but when she stepped off the dance floor to sip her drink Y/N took Kevin’s hand goofily and started dancing with him.
Everyone could see it was merely friendly, except for Jay of course. Kevin caught his eye as Y/N spun around in front of laughing. Kevin was starting to worry that this was going to cause some trouble. He didn’t want to bring her attention to Jay, but he also didn’t want Jay trying fight him. “Hey Y/N/N not to piss ya off, but your boy is looking mighty grumpy over there girl” Kevin laughs out. “Yeah, well if he wants to dance with me then he can come ask me, but we all know that won’t happen.” Y/N said glancing over to see a fuming Halstead. “Alright alright, I’m just sayin’”. He says putting his hands up defensively.
Y/N looks over again and sees him angrily taking a swig of his beer. Her heart tightens seeing his anger. She wished he’d just suck it up and either admit he has feelings or cut her loose, because this was driving her crazy. She huffs, realizing she needs to just go at least try to talk to him. She walks over to the bar and sits down on the stool next to him. “Hey there Mr. Grumpy, Why aren’t you over there dancing with us?” she says trying her best to sound upbeat. “Nah, I’m good here. Your having an awful lot of fun over there with out me anyway.” He bites out. Y/N takes a deep breath deciding it couldn’t get much more awkward so she might as well make her move. She feels mostly sobered up by now, having only drank water for the past hour and a half, but the liquid courage is definitely still helping her. “Jay, “she said putting her hand on his forearm getting his attention “I’ve been settling for them all night waiting for you to ask me to dance. Sooooooo when you’re ready to finally make your move… you know where I’ll be.” She said trying her best to seem confident. Turning to walk away before she could see his shocked reaction. She hoped that was enough to finally get him to make a choice, and now she was going to go dance and pretend her heart wasn’t beating out of her chest.
Y/N was back on the dance floor, facing away from the bar where she left Jay. She had her eyes closed, dancing like a fool with Hailey and Kim when she felt a hand gently land on her hip. She swung her head around hoping not to have to deck a stranger. She came face to face with a smirking Jay. He offered his other hand out for her to take. “Consider this my move Y/L/N. Dance with me?” he said in a low voice. She couldn’t help but smirk as she took his hand. “I thought you’d never ask Halstead.” she said with a giant smile. He spun her away and back into his chest “Yeah, well it’s about time I stop acting like an idiot and be honest with you.” He confesses “Well then be honest with me Jay. What is this?” she asks, trying her best to continue looking into his eyes. Her heart, beating record speed. “This is me asking you to forgive me Y/N, and to give me a chance.” He breathes out as he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger on the side of her face.
She nods as she leans into his touch. “Yeah?” he asks smiling, as she nods again. “So will you go on a date with me then? Jay officially asks. Not able to hold back his smile. “Hell yes!” She laughs not hiding her happiness. “but I have a request!” she says with a smirk. “And what’s that beautiful?” He says, loving the way his compliment makes her blush. “We call this our first date so I don’t have to wait to kiss that handsome face of yours anymore!” she says as she reaches up to touch his cheek. “Deal sweetheart, I think we’ve waited long enough” he agrees with a chuckle as Y/N bites her bottom lip nodding.
With that Jay leans in, closing the distance between them. Y/N sighs, finally feeling his lips on hers as she lets him pull her closer with a hand on her hip. She moves her hands to tangle in the short hair at the nape of his neck. The kiss is sweet and perfect but passionate, tasting like beer and Jay. He pulls away reluctantly but keeps her close, leaning his forehead against hers. “I really, really like you Y/N, I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass lately.” He whispers “I really, really like you too Jay. I think I can forgive you, but I might need another kiss to be sure.” She says with a smirk. “That I can do!” he says leaning back in for a shorter kiss this time. Interrupted by their cheering friends who couldn’t keep their excitement quiet any longer. The girls run to hug her, pulling her away from Jay. Adam pats his friend on the back and Kevin shakes his hand and says “Thanks for not killing me man, I’d never get in your way with her.” Jay laughs and pats his friend on the back telling him not to worry about it as he catches y/n’s eye while she dances with her friends. She sends him a wink that he returns. Both loving the feeling of knowing they finally have each other.
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