#he does have a Gift for bending them to suit his needs
deafsignifcantother · 3 months
alastor just being weird
♥ summary: alastor wanting you solely for the fact that you smell delightful so he starts searching your room ♥ relationships: alastor x [deaf] woman reader, deafness not a major point ♥ word count: 600 ♥ notes: reader wears makeup, she likes photography, she also doesn't really gaf about alastor being snoopy and weird LOLZ
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Now that you're not in here, he can look around. He's welcomed himself into your empty room, eyes roaming everywhere except the attached bathroom, of course. He's immoral but not indecent. Where should he even start?
As the hotelier, it is his job to meet and make the guests comfortable. To be able to do that, he needs to know more about you, which is out of kindness and does not relate to how good you smell or how he would enjoy making you his next meal, most be mistaken.
Your dresser's drawers are a good start.
Just a standard assortment of socks and underwear, some salacious as any demon would have, neatly arranged. One pair of fishnets, a small collection of photos, a camera, a notebook. Do you always keep things like this? Or did you develop a new habit after the sudden move-in. He is hoping to find a clue as to who you are, and notebooks have saved him a lot of times before. He lightly picks it up and flips it open. Blank pages. Do you write in invisible ink? His claws finger through the pages one at a time before he bends them and watches them fly by. There's nothing.
He's wasting time. He places it back and lifts up the photos. The red sky above. One is a long shot of the pentagram with the Hazbin Hotel in the center.
In the next drawer there are no clothes, only a single makeup bag and accessories. Mismatched earrings, it seems you have a habit of losing one of every pair and then stashing them away—in case you find the other?
Alastor opens the drawer closest to the ground. Empty except for what he can only guess is a miscellaneous drawer. The brush smells like you from the multiple hair strands wrapped around it. His nose twitches; how delightful. He reaches for it slowly, brain rocking back and forth in his skull. But by the time he grips the handle, it's too late to stop. The bristles meet his nose, and he takes a whiff, savoring the pleasant fragrance that fills his lungs. He puts it back before he gets carried away.
Your room has a lovely and quite large wooden wardrobe. As he expected, when he opens it, there is space needing to be filled. His smile twitches at the soft gust of your smell; the scent assaults his hunger.
His index claw drags down a long sleeve, wrapping around the material and bringing it up to his nose. Even when clean, you've corrupted the cotton.
The moment the door opens, he fades into the shadows. He stands before the bathroom door as you step out in a robe, fresh out of the shower. It's the robe he gifted you, a welcome gift. He'll never tell you it's for capturing the soapy aroma of your wet body.
You look behind him, eyes flickering back. His smile tightens. Ah, he left the wardrobe's door open.
Alastor straightens his suit, shoulders a bit taut from embarrassment. He makes a show of brushing off his sleeves while you stand in the same place; the weight of your stare makes him sweat. "Well, my dear, I'm afraid I must be off, one can't even imagine the things I'm busied with!"
He looks up at you, his monocle hiding one of his eyes, his expression unreadable while he waits for a response. His wavery pupils match the small, excited shake of his hands. He doesn't leave immediately, curious him.
"And 'be off' you may," you walk past him, signing in simple pse to strengthen your point, not acknowledging him further. Your hand rests on the wooden frame, getting a small glance inside the wardrobe before closing it softly. By the time you turn around, Alastor is gone.
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ideas-ideasideasideas · 7 months
JayTim omegaverse AU where Tim presents as an omega when he’s stalking Batman and Jason-as-Robin. Jason finds him collapsed on a rooftop and tries to help him but the proximity triggers his own presentation as an alpha. From there things go to hell in a hand basket and they ride out their first heat/rut together. In the immediate aftermath, once they have both recovered enough presence of mind, they agree that this is no one’s fault but it doesn’t stop Jason from feeling guilty about taking advantage of Tim so he escorts Tim home (in the process finding out they’re neighbours) and asks if there’s anything that he can do for him to make up for whatever the hell just happened.
There’s a lot of trauma to unpack here for the both of them but Tim is barely a teenager and Jason has emotionally repressed Batman for a parental figure so they just mutually decide not to mention it ever again because if you pretend it never happened then it can’t hurt you right? (Wrong.) Anyway, Tim tells Jason that if he really wants to do something for him then maybe he can just not tell Batman that Tim was on a rooftop at night, pretty please? At which point Jason, horrified that a boy Tim’s age is running around on rooftops unsupervised in the most crime-ridden parts of Gotham at the most crime-infested time of the day, makes it his personal duty to figure out why Tim does this and also how he can convince him to NOT do this. What he did to Tim was wrong on so many levels but oh god, what if someone so much worse found Tim instead? He agrees to Tim’s request on the condition that Tim carries a beacon at all times during his nighttime extracurricular activities.
Jason brings the beacon over as soon as possible, which turns out to be the next day after school (as Robin of course), and the sight of Tim alone in a giant house compels him to stay for a while, and a while turns into the rest of the day. Tim shows off the photos he’s taken of Batman and the Robins, and Jason is reluctantly but appropriately impressed by Tim’s stealth.
A friendship grows between them.
And then Jason dies.
And Batman grows too reckless.
And Dick refuses to be Robin again.
And Tim becomes Robin—
Except he doesn’t. Not really. He wears Jason’s Robin suit for a very short time before random bouts of nausea take him off the field. But Batman is still beating the shit out of petty criminals and Tim is desperate to help, so he allows Alfred (bless him) to call him a discreet doctor to ensure that his illness is not due to anything he was exposed to while Batman-wrangling before he’s allowed back on the field. Tim just wants it over and done with quickly so he can get back out there and—
He’s not allowed to back on the field.
He’s holding a little black-and-white picture of a literal human growing inside him and he is absolutely benched until there is no longer a literal human growing inside him.
Doctor Thompkins lays out his options, is brutally honest about how his body (too young, too small) will handle a pregnancy (not well), and asks if there is anything he wants to tell her (if there’s anyone Batman needs to put in jail for touching him). Tim doesn’t have long to consider his options—he’s nearly too far along for most clinics to be comfortable performing an abortion (although, given his age, they might be sympathetic enough to bend the rules if Doctor Thompkins can’t perform the procedure for him).
He decides to keep it, a parting gift from his friend Robin to be cherished beyond his death. There is a difficult conversation with Bruce about the child’s father (no, you can’t arrest them, they’re already dead, no, I’m not defending a heinous rapist, it’s your goddamn son, Bruce, this is your grandchild). An unforeseen but extremely welcome consequence of this is that Batman starts pulling his punches, now that he has something to live for again. He looks only half-broken now and he offers Tim a room at the Wayne manor when he finally learns about Tim’s extremely absent parents.
(Tim worries about how to break the news to his parents until he no longer has to worry about it because his mother is dead and his father is in a coma and god he wanted to avoid having that conversation with them but this wasn’t how he wanted it to happen.)
Properly benched now for the foreseeable future, Tim picks up remote vigilante-wrangling instead (from Babs?) and makes headway in some cold cases. He pulls out of school to be homeschooled instead, keeps out of the public eye, and generally avoids leaving Wayne manor because a thirteen-year-old pregnant omega living alone with an adult alpha (and his butler) is a Very Bad Look even for Brucie Wayne and Tim would rather not be known as Bruce Wayne’s child bride thank you very much.
Life proceeds in this manner, the child is delivered by Caesarian with very little fanfare. It is, unfortunately, very difficult to hide the presence of a whole infant. The public settles on the theory that the child is Bruce’s illegitimate son from one of his many dalliances and Tim allows the misconception to propagate simply because no good can come out of him, all of fourteen, publicly claiming his child. But it still stings, just a little. He made this child, held him safe in his womb for eight months. He puts him to bed and nurses him and loves him so much but nobody outside the manor will see it.
Tim bursts back into society when he’s officially adopted by Bruce. He refused to register his son as Bruce’s (it takes some extremely deft work by Oracle to file the appropriate documents for Tim’s claim on his child to be legally valid without alerting the press) but he also understands that Bruce wants a legal connection to his grandchild, so he becomes his son’s dead father’s legally adopted brother. It’s a mess, but at least people who should be are allowed into hospital rooms. It’s not like it will matter, right? Jason’s dead, right?
Jason is very much not dead and very much bewildered by the presence of a baby Wayne that isn’t Damian and it completely derails his plans to exact revenge on Bruce for not killing the Joker. It fucking hurts to see that he’s been replaced by not one but TWO new children but at least they aren’t Robin. At least no one is Robin. At least one of them is Tim, his lonely friend who deserves a family. He returns to Gotham, heads to Crime Alley, becomes Red Hood, and buries himself in shooting out enough kneecaps to push Bruce and Batman from his mind. That was another life. He’s fucking furious at Bruce and his replacements but god the baby has the same curly hair that Jason did and Jason can’t help but think that Bruce might actually have missed him, at least a little.
But probably not enough to love Jason as he is now, full of anger and rage and impulse to hurt hurt hurt the people who hurt others. He channels it all into cleaning up the Alley, perhaps more aggressively than Batman would (should) have, but Batman doesn’t give enough of a shit about the Alley to know that what he’s doing isn’t enough and it’s up to Jason to get his hands downright filthy if he wants to make any changes around here.
Tim notices Red Hood, because of course he does. And it takes him no time at all to realise, oh, that’s Jason. That’s Jason.
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iskratempestmadness · 9 months
The characters of "Baki the Grappler" and places to kiss
This is already something like a ritual. You wake up and get a kiss on the cheek. You're going to work and he's going to kiss you on the cheek again. Guess what he does before going to bed... That's right, he'll kiss you on the cheek. It's just that Bucky likes to show his love that way, and consistency suits him. But why the cheeks? He doesn't fully understand it himself. It's just that when he looks at you, his gaze seems to be magnetized to your cheeks. It is also possible that he will sometimes bite your cheeks 😈
Hanayama :
Yes, it's simple. He just loves your lips. No reason at all. But he kisses you clearly more tenderly than shown in the spin-off. He likes it when you initiate kisses. That's why he asks you to kiss him when he buys you something or does any housework. It's SWEET, but sometimes it can get to the point of absurdity. Just as kissing is his way of showing love, so are gifts. (Yes, yes, yes, I remember writing about it, but it really seems to me that it is difficult for Hana to express herself in words)
Ohhh, she beckons him. He likes your neck for several reasons. First, he LOVES your reaction, Sometimes his kisses are like tickling, so you always need to be ready, besides, he has no sense of proportion at all. Second, he just can't help but do it, it just seems so logical to him. Like he can do when you're hugging or when you're standing with your back to him, or when... Yes, this part of the body is always just convenient for him. The third is your scent, it also attracts him. (uh, I'm sorry, but in this case he looks like a dog just.... Uhhh... hell, I once read a fic in which the author compared him to a Labrador and this idea firmly entered my head. It's JUST THAT he REALLY LOOKS LIKE) Small bites to the neck are also possible (he is loving)
The back of the head or forehead
Why two at once? It all depends on the time of day. At night, he prefers to kiss the back of the head (he is a big spoon, of course) during the day and the forehead. Why? It's easier for him to reach it. Like even if you're tall, he'll have to bend down to kiss you, so it's really closer. He also thinks that it's somehow more caring towards you, somehow cozy. The story is the same as with Bucky, it's a ritual. (Something like a blessing) AND YOU WON'T LEAVE FOR WORK UNTIL HE KISSES YOU ON THE FOREHEAD. YOU CAN'T BREAK THE RITUAL.
Firstly, he has always been, is and will be a gentleman for this very reason. It's just a cute gesture in which he can show respect for you and interest (it seems to me in all other cases he either just introduces himself to the girls or stretches out his hand to shake) Secondly, he also likes your reaction when he kisses the back of his hand. He likes to make you laugh that way. He also likes to kiss your knuckles and watch your embarrassment.
In general, he likes any place where touching it can make you laugh. But he is drawn most often to his back. Especially to the shoulder blades. Especially before going to bed (yes, he is also a big spoon, but he also does not mind being small, he even likes the second option better) or suddenly give you a kiss on the shoulder blade while you are working around the house (if you have open clothes, of course). It is also convenient for him, as you may have noticed, he is small (it seems to me that he would not want a partner less than himself, although he is loyal to this in principle)
He often buries himself in your shoulders when he hugs you and can't help but give them kisses. He's also attracted to your scent, which he thinks is concentrated in your shoulders. And of course he likes your reaction of surprise and embarrassment. With this bunch of factors, how can he hold back now? However, if you try to kiss him back, his confidence will collapse instantly and now he stands confused and worried.
(it doesn't seem like he's not used to showing feelings on your part)
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 22/22
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21
STORY 2 - Sequel
I can't believe it?? I made it, Ma!
Luci's General Suit inspired by this FANART on twt by @kajina_97
This is the COMIC that inspired me to write the whole thing because I wanted this ending so bad klajdklsa it's by @Sandranetta_13 on twt
Dk what tomorrow might entai. Might be the first chapter for the sequel?
Let me know what you guys think! Please, I'm very desperate.
I'm willing to do a Q&A regarding your thoughts. DMs and Asks are OPEN! <3
Will link the sequel here once posted
Everything was relatively normal the following week. His and Charlie's long overdue moment with no more miscommunication made Lucifer feel a whole lot better. He couldn't ask for a better daughter.
Dressing himself in one of his battle suits, he felt like he could take on the world. Nothing says King of Hell like your best warrior outfit and a badass sword in full display.
Lucifer: Looking pretty dapper there, me.
Lucifer doesn't even bother to style his hair- it now flows animatedly like that of Lilith's.
Flowers were still being sent to him especially when he was first spotted roaming around the hotel after a week-ish long recovery. Charlie had the amazing idea of making a greenhouse or some sort of garden to put all the flowers and keep them alive as long as possible.
They got rid of any red ones after someone sent a buttload of them which then caused him to have a mini panic attack. Alastor is subtly trying to take that moment off his mind by leaving Marigolds everywhere. It's sweet but soon they're going to need a separate greenhouse for just the Marigolds. Where'd he even get these??
Finding his first Marigold of the day, in the bathroom of all places really Alastor??, he makes his way to the lobby. Everyone was there doing their own thing.
Husk and Angel are at the bar as usual, with the latter talking animatedly about something that puts an endearing expression on Husk's face. Nifty is putting on roach puppet shows for Alastor. The radio demon notices him and conveys his most 'help me' face but he just chuckled and gives him a thumbs up. The cyclops named Cherri is today's gift screener, grumbling about the pollen and the shitty taste some demons have.
Charlie and Vaggie were talking to a small group of demons by the entrance. As soon as his daughter sees him, she said something to the group then walked over to him.
Charlie: Good morning, dad!
Lucifer: You look busy.
Charlie: They're sinners who are asking about the hotel! I'm so happy that people are at least coming here to check it out. Did you have a good sleep?
Lucifer: Well, I don't feel like passing out today. So pretty good!
Charlie: That's great, dad!
Angel: Short king! Looking good in that fit!
Cherri: Yeah! Do a spin, hot stuff!
He blushes at the sudden attention. Everyone is looking at him in awe- maybe it was too much?
Alastor: Nonsense, dear.
Alastor appeared beside him in a flurry of shadows, seemingly reading his mind. He bends down at Lucifer's level to whisper in his ear. He plucked the Marigold Lucifer was holding, putting it behind the King's hair.
Alastor: I, for one, think you never looked so.. raveshing~
Damn him.
Lucifer: Shut up.
Lucifer hisses in response. Like, seriously? In front of his daughter? Thank Father, Charlie didn't hear that.
Charlie: Yeah! You look so cool. I don't think I've seen you wear that except for when there's a banquet.
Lucifer: Yeah, well, I wanted to look put together after everything.
Charlie softens at his words.
Alastor: No need for that, sire. I'm sure no one is foolish enough to comment negatively on what the King of Hell chooses to look like.
Lucifer: What does that make you then?
Alastor: Privileged, my King~
Lucifer rolls his eyes at the audacity but he can't help but smile. Man, he never thought he'd miss their constant banter.
Charlie: You look awesome, dad, okay? Al, please slow down with the Marigolds, Nifty's going crazy. Oh! Dad, right, Aunt Bel called said that the Sloth Ring is making incredible progress and that she'll visit again soon. I think Aunt Bee is planning a party with the other Sins and would like it to be held here in Pride! At the hotel! It would be so cool and of course if you're not ready I can tell them and maybe a little get together would be better. I'll even invite Sev! He gave flowers for you too and Vaggie was so jealous when I said he was my ex and thought the flowers were for me, she was so cute-
Lucifer tried, but he stopped listening halfway through his daughter's talk. It was a bit of an information overload but he kept a small, genuine smile on his face for her.
Then something caught his eye that made him stopped smiling altogether.
Charlie notices this causing her to stop talking.
Charlie: Dad?
He should answer but his eyes were locked on the wall behind Charlie. Plastered on the higher part of the lobby's wall was a glowing mark- gold wings with a dot on the center.
Lucifer turns around so fast to look outside the hotel's window. Heaven looks so out of place up there, sticking out like a sore thumb upon Hell's red skies.
A glint in the distance made him act. Without warning, he took off with such force that those inside the hotel were knocked down by the gust of his wings.
He breaks the window on his way out and pulls out Lightbringer. Lucifer brings the sword up and-
A powerful explosion lit up the sky. The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over Pride. At that moment, everyone became so hot that they couldn't bear it, as if their whole body was on fire. They wanted to rip their skin off just to get a sense of relief but then the sky shut closed. A strong thump was heard by every demon in the vicinity and then they were all thrown a few meters.
It felt like an eternity before Charlie and the others could get their bearings. Those that didn't get knocked out went outside, once there, they see Lucifer far up in the sky, holding up a flaming sword. The signature pentagram of the city has been fractured by whatever happened and demons all around were either hurt or unconscious.
Charlie: Dad!
Charlie calls out to her dad but he doesn't acknowledge her. His gaze never leaving Heaven, as if he's seeing something that no one else can.
A screen locked on Hell zooms out as the machine's voice rang out 'target disengaged'.
An angel looking similarly to Lucifer, except there's blue tints on the spots where Lucifer had reds, was looking down at Hell pulling back a large, golden gun. They blew the smoke residue and sighed.
Michael: Hello, Lucifer... Still causing trouble, I see.
it's done??
cliffhanger but don't worry, there's a sequel!
I spent 30 minutes looking for that comic that inspired this ending.
Did y'all catch that Lemmino reference? I'd have that description in my head rent free ever since I watched Grazed by the Apocalypse
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! This was my first published baby and I'm so proud !
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pluviophiles · 1 month
umbrella academy season 4 ending - rewritten (PART 1)
since we were absolutely robbed this season, i felt the need to publish my own little version of the tua s4 ending. im sure it's riddled with plot holes, but it does give me a bit of satisfaction after watching whatever the tom fuckery happened in the last season.
warnings : tua s4 spoilers, wordbuilding, unpolished writing
... as luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, viktor, and lila are slowly engulfed by the monstrous blob, there is a blinding flash of gold. the scene cuts to black. [after a short pause] hard cut to BEN sitting on the subway - the very same scene we saw in s3 post-credits. it plays out the same way we've seen before, yet continues even after ben looks up from the book in hand. the train slowly comes to a stop, presumably having arrived at a station. cut to the subway door, which slowly opens. enter KLAUS, and then DAVE. the two of them converse, cheerily, hand-in-hand. klaus walks straight past ben, and the audience realizes that, in this timeline, the umbrella siblings are complete strangers. the two of them sit down several feet away from ben. as klaus reaches for dave, the audience can see a newly-inked tattoo on his forearm - a marigold. the camera pans back to ben, zoomed further in. now, the audience can see that, on the side of his glasses, there is a small, bedazzled marigold design. a flash of recognition can be seen in ben's eyes. he scrunches his eyebrows together, as if trying to piece together two foreign pieces of information. the camera pans again, revealing JENNIFER in the seat across from ben. JENNIFER ben… is everything alright? ben shakes his head slightly, unsure of himself. BEN it's nothing. [he clears his throat, and with more conviction, repeats, ] it's nothing. jennifer is clearly unconvinced, but decides to drop the subject for now. cut to the subway door once more, and the rest of the umbrellas file in, one-by-one. first, ALLISON, with CLAIRE and RAY. the three of them sit down in one far corner of the car; a happy family. as the light shifts, allison's necklace glints and shimmers. (design? a marigold.) then, DIEGO and LILA with their three kids. as they sit down, GRACE shyly pulls out a marigold flower, handing it to her parents. GRACE [incoherent] ...for you. diego takes it with a huge grin on his face and tucks it behind lila's ear. the latter bends down to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead. after them came LUTHER. he was by his lonesome, but sat down near a beautiful woman - SLOANE. clumsily, he brushes up against her, and quickly offers awkward apologies. they fall into a comfortable conversation. the audience can see that here, he has a watch similar to the one reginald originally gifted him, with a marigold in its center. VIKTOR comes in, trailing behind SISSY and HARLAN. the two of them are now married, with matching stones set on their fingers. viktor is donning dark blue jean jacket, an embroidered marigold at the top. the last one to the party is FIVE. however, here, he is no longer a teenager. instead, he has gotten to live his life like the rest of his family, and is now at the ripe age of 35. he sits down with his partner, who the audience recognizes as DELORES. hazily, he wraps his arm around her. he's wearing a suit as per usual, with the addition of a marigold brooch. each of the seven siblings seem to be in their own bubbles, suggesting that they finally reached contentment. still, they are connected together by the marigold, even if it is no longer inside of them. in this timeline, the umbrellas were almost the opposite of dysfunctional. perhaps the problem was never them, but reginald. for, here, the seven of them flourished.
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
Salutations! I was wondering if you are up to writing another Yandere Ganondorf. I previously read one you wrote, where Ganondorf tries to romance an heir to a small kingdom, and I was wondering if you are willing to write another with a similar plot. I quite like how the reader gives in to Ganondorf to save their people from ‘war’, but I would like to see how Ganon would react if he was denied. I would like to see the reader as cold and wary of Ganon’s attention and honesty and preferring to prepare for war instead of allowing Ganon the pleasure of their hand. Scared that they would be hurt if they fall to Ganondorf’s whims, even telling it to his face before abruptly leaving. It would be nice to see it! Thank you and have a pleasant day!
Ganondorf by nature is a very wise and cunning man. Every action he makes is carefully planned out and he is being heavy handed for a reason. He knows that this is the easiest way he can get what he wants from you. If he pushes the people above you, you'll have no choice but to bend the knee. Your refusal to bend not only makes him want you more because it makes you a tougher catch, but it also shows you're not simply willing to bend to him. That protective spark shows up and he both wants to take you away from the people who would withhold your freedom from you and give you to him; and he wants to help them push you further to him. He plays both sides of the field and will win either way. In his eyes it's all a matter of time. You have nowhere to run. If nothing else works he'll just run through your kingdom with an army but that is hardly any fun, and you need a reminder that he knows more than you do about this.
He gains a rush by being able to force others to bend to his power. It proves to him that he is above everyone and while he wants you to submit he also really enjoys it when you don't. Something about a defiant streak really just proves to him that he made a great choice in his darling.
Ganondorf isn't known for being a kind ruler or even a kind man to those who oppose him. He is willing to steal from anyone and will kill people for simple insults and it's clear he doesn't care for the lives of anyone in your kingdom. It wouldn't be hard to rally the people to your cause. You could even convince some senators as well, but by the time you speak to them you're going to realise that Ganondorf already has approached them. He's no stranger to the darker sides of people's hearts, he is a demon's rage reincarnated, they deal in sweet but evil packages, and he knows how to worm evil into people's hearts. He has spies in your walls and they are more than willing to help if the price is right.
They won't leave with their heads and if you suggest for it he will happily execute all those worthless worms who would dare sell you out. Anyone who stands by you is a threat- but anyone who sells you out is dead.
The whole time this is going on he's dancing around the topic of marriage and why he wants your hand. The way he dances around it to your face doesn't stop him from being heavy handed. You're blunt and not afraid of speaking your mind. He loves the way you're not afraid of him. You don't hide what you're thinking or how you feel just to appease him. It doesn't stop him from pulling you into his lap, sending you gifts, giving you clothes that are only suited for his homeland, requesting you come home with him, or even saying to your face what it is he wants to do with you once this game is over. He enjoys it more because you're willing to stand up to him and call him out on how his actions are inappropriate.
Ganondorf loves the chase and the thrill of the hunt and you darling, will make a magnificent prize once your kingdom is set to sorrow. Losing their ruling family will be such a loss. Especially once the kingdom's heir is taken from them. He doesn't want to hurt you but he does want you to come at least somewhat willingly. Even if that means war he will certainly do that. It would set him back a bit to do so but he's done more for less. 
The people of your country think you're so strong and kind hearted to stand up against him. You had to outmanoeuvre him without giving yourself up, which is hard to do against a man who is used to getting what he wants through both brute force and cunning.
Offering him a slap to the face, metaphorically and possible literally, was expected but he will make you pay for that. He enjoys a feisty prize but he can't stand to appear weaker and will have to teach you a lesson. probably by killing your people and blaming it all on you. He won't play fair and once he has you in his arms. Rubbing your loss in your face while talking about how this all could have been avoided if only you let him step on you to get what he wants.
He hates being bored so having a chase is good for him. He still showers you in gifts and takes you out to show you off but having to plan out ways to keep you by his side by force or manipulated compliance is such a threat to his ego. The goal is to one day have you as a loving spouse he can dote on but for now all of this political talk will keep him happy. For now. 
Being able to see you all warmed up to him after the years of backlash will warm his heart…just a little. Now he just has to convince you to let him start a family.
taglist: @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate
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wisehearts · 3 months
thoughts on ceo mike x personal assistant will??
nonny... I LOVE it! especially after those photos of finn in the suit dropped and made the vision clearer jfc......
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I love playing with the richer boy aspect of mike in AU's it's fun! ceo mike would not shy away from playing favorites 😋 there's nothing anyone can do about it, it's a good thing they all actually like will anyway. he's sweet and great eye candy 🤭
now for more thoughts...
firstly I love how you know will would get reported to HR for his outfits by some jealous coworker but mike just says he doesn't see a problem (he bought the clothes)
haven't thought about how they met, all I'm sure of is that mike was taken aback by how protective and possessive of his assistant he felt straight away, it earned him curious looks to begin with until he got it under control
they've christened every surface of mike's office (including against the floor to ceiling windows the one time mike wanted to show will off)
mike takes phone calls while balls deep inside his assistant. sometimes will's bent over the desk and basically edged because mike's focus is in multiple places, and other times he cockwarms mike until the phone call ends
oh btw they're still nerds and ceo mike gets early access to any video game will is interested in, or that they both are and want to play together 🫶🫶🫶 mike makes time to turn off his brain and enjoy his interests
whenever mike's in a meeting and will comes in to drop something off, the visitors are like 😯 and mike tries not to be smug about it. will also pretends like he doesn't show off just a little bit with the way he bends to speak to mike
he doesn't do it in public like a sleaze but ceo mike definitely smacks will's ass whenever will leaves his office and will glares at him as threatening as a bunny can be
ceo mike can be a hard ass and comes across as grumpy sometimes but oh he is very capable of being very soft. his workers think it's just because he must've gotten laid but no, being with will and in love with will levels him out
will does art and gifted a piece to mike for one of his birthdays. needless to say it immediately went up in his office and mike points it out to everyone who comes in. will gets a little emotional someone appreciates his work that much
will always knows exactly when mike needs stress relief and is more than happy to provide it <3 he locks the door, he pulls mike and his chair out from the desk, and either crowds mike against it, hops on the table and spreads his legs, or tugs mike by the tie to the couch in his office
obviously assistant will wears lingerie sets sometimes, at least just panties, and they always contrast with his clothes so that they stand out and drive mike insane when he catches glimpses. mike loooves pulling them to the side when they need to be quick
ending it sappily with: ceo mike's workers notice their boss becomes lighter at some point, he has newfound direction and shows more passion, they like this change and it's all thanks to him dating will and finding happiness amen
I'm still having thoughts but omg let me cut myself off here!!! 🙈
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Can we learn more about Heatherpaw and Breezepaw's relationship or just Heatherpaw in general? She's one of my favorite characters but I don't see her much on this blog :,D. How does she use her power? Is Breezepelt still an antagonist?
You're right Anon, I don't talk about her enough, especially compared to the other 12.
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I write her with an adventurous and social spirit. She'll always put what's right ahead of the rules without question, unlike her brother Harespring who attempts to go about things in the most respectful manner. Heathertail is an act first ans ask questions later type of gal, a reflection of her power with how her mind seems to be moving at a mile a minute. She can't sit still, always needing to act and be doing something. She's very kind, though in her hastiness she can be overwhelming and fail to give others the space they need. She can be rather impatient, preferring to just go and get the job done rather than face a slow build up. This shines in her hunting where she has a terrible crouch and lacks stealth, yet her incredible speed makes up for this.
Her power though is that speed. Heathertail's gift from the stars is she can outrun anyone - cat or prey. She'll catch you no matter what. her tireless energy on the moor can leave even her fellow WindClan cats gasping for breath. While still a fast cat after losing her power post-Great Battle, Heathertail struggles to hunt for her clanmates as she can no longer rely on her sure-fire speed to net her the kill.
She's best friends with Breezepelt, who has had a crush on her since their days in the nursery. The two are very different, Breezepelt being more awkward and reserved while Heathertail always tries to push him out of his comfort zone. In efforts to impress her, he reluctantly agrees, which can often land the both of them in trouble.
Heathertail is close with her brothers Harespring and Kestrelflight. Harespring can be rather exasperated with her endless enthusiasm, but her optimism and tendency to bend the rules is an excellent compliment to his more strict and mindful personality. Heathertail and Kestrelflight both have very caring and kind souls, Kestrelflight often covering for her in situations. Kestrelflight can worry a bit about his sister as she can end up with injuries in her hastiness, leading to him having to patch her up and look out for her.
She initially insists on accompanying Kestrelpaw on the journey to find SkyClan because it "sounds like fun", a stark contrast to Harepaw who is worried about his brother journeying without him there, and with cats from other clans nonetheless. Heatherpaw and Harepaw stay in WindClan though, and await their brother's return. However, while Kestrelpaw and the others are away, that is when Sol and his group of rogues enter the Lake Territories.
Onestar, her father, at that point had been a leader who was difficult to work with - he was quick to fight, independent, and didn't cooperate with the other clans even when it may be beneficial. That is how Heatherpaw and Harepaw knew their father to be, as he had been this way ever since he succeeded Tallstar. Initially Onestar had been quick to try and drive out Sol's group, but rather suddenly changed his tune upon a fleeting interaction with the member known as Darktail. This doesn't go unnoticed by Harepaw and Heatherpaw though, even some of their clanmates questioning why Onestar was scared of these rogues now when he wasn't before. Onestar orders his clan to stay away from the group and cease their interactions with them, much to everyone's dismay. While confused, Harepaw does listen to his father and follows his orders. Heatherpaw on the other hand disagrees, and in her curiosity, she and Breezepaw sneak away to investigate the rogues for themselves.
Of course stealth isn't Heatherpaw's strong suit. While Breezepaw does his best to protect her, the two are taken prisoner and Breezepaw's ear is badly torn. Unable to speak with the other members while Jaypaw is absent due to not having his dream walking abilities available, Heatherpaw isn't sure what she can do. As Sol questions the two apprentices, Darktail takes interest in Heatherpaw upon learning who her father is. Sol believes they can use this to their advantage and the group decides to use Heatherpaw and Breezepaw as bait to lure out WindClan.
Harepaw still walks in the Dark Forest at this point, and begins to have doubts about his father upon seeing his hesitancy to rescue Heatherpaw and face Sol's group. This was so unlike the leader he admired so much and it had Harepaw questioning his leadership methods. In an act of desperation to save his sister, Harepaw confides in Lionpaw, Tigerpaw, and Minnowpaw, asking for their help. This is a pivotal moment for Harepaw as well as he is the most reluctant to work with other clans at this point due to his father's influence.
All the while in Sol's camp, Heatherpaw and Breezepaw are given food. Breezepaw is rather angry and ashamed of his own perceived uselessness, unwilling to talk to Heatherpaw. This gives her time to instead speak to the cat she was so curious about - Darktail. After all, what had he said that made her father turn tail and flee?
Darktail was surprisingly gentle with her, calmly asking her what her father was like and how he treated her. Heatherpaw spoke well of her father, as to her Onestar had always been a strong and loyal cat. It was at this though that Darktail would scoff, saying how his own mother told tales of a gentle and soft-spoken tom, a far cry from who Heatherpaw knew. Yet Heatherpaw recalled the stories her mother told - Whitetail recounting the once close friendship between Onestar and Firestar. Suddenly Darktail's words began to make sense, and Heathertail realized what he said was true. The pieces began to fall into place...
Lionpaw and Tigerpaw infiltrate Sol's camp together to try and get Heatherpaw out, but the WindClan she-cat refuses to leave - not without Onestar coming to get her himself. Stunned, Lionpaw and Tigerpaw are forced to leave or risk being captured themselves. They relay this back to Harepaw, who is shocked. The one who can really understand this rule following nature is Hollypaw, who Harepaw confides in. Heatherpaw has been a prisoner for some time now, and Onestar won't do anything. WindClan is eating itself alive and Harepaw is scared. Hollypaw, someone who too follows the code with diligence, puts herself in his shoes - imagining what she would do if one of her brothers was taken. There's a moment between the two of understanding, and the two agree to put the pressure on Onestar with the one cat who can light a fire under him - Firestar.
Once Firestar learns of this? Oh he's horrified. How Onestar could let one of his clanmates, his own daughter mind you, be taken prisoner as he fails to take action - he could never. Firestar puts Onestar on blast, the WindClan leader shocked since with his isolation he is questioning who told ThunderClan. Regardless, this challenge to his power is, unfortunately, what actually gets him to act.
Finally, Onestar enters Sol's camp. He expects a fight... and yet there isn't one. Darktail calmly escorts Heatherpaw and Breezepaw out, the two both downtrodden and broken. Heatherpaw knows the truth, and she looks at her father with anger and shame. She tells him to say it aloud - to tell her who Darktail's father is.
Seeing his daughter's earnest blue eyes, her pain, her sorrow - he tells her. He admits it aloud in the silence of the clearing.
That he is Darktail's father.
That takes place over the first portion of Po12 for Heatherpaw (would be like Book 2 content for her). I hope this gives some good Heathertail content :)
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ || ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
2k12! Leonardo x Waterbender! reader
Y/n groans, setting down her bags. She does a few stretches to ease the ache in her shoulders, yawning slightly.  
It had been a few days since she left the Fire Nation, and she was on her way to stop by the village where Hama, the bloodbending witch, used to reside. 
She shudders, thinking back to their encounter with her. Both she and Katara had been the victims of Hama’s knowledge, having had no choice but to use it to stop Hama from controlling both Aang and Sokka to attack them.
She glances down at her hands, a reminder of the power she possesses. An evil, devious one she would never use again as long as she lived.
She starts setting up her camp, making a tent and laying out her bedroll inside. Sweat drips down her brow, using her wrist to roughly brush it off, and standing up after.
Right, She needed to build a campfire. 
Y/n heads off randomly, using chalk to mark the trees she passes by. 
“Why is everything so green?” She complains to herself, bending down to pick up twigs and branches scattered across the grass.
Making her way back to her campsite, she notices a small waterfall to the west, deciding to do her daily exercises there the following day.
She returns to her campsite, placing the firewood scraps she had collected in a messy pile. Starting it up with a flint and steel, she was pleasantly surprised to find some pie wrapped in palm leaves tucked away in the corner of her sling bag. 
‘Sokka’ was scrawled on top of the palm leaf. She chuckles fondly, realising that it was a secret gift he had snuck into her bag as part of her farewell.
She unwraps the pie gently, placing the leaves on her left, and digs in, the tang of the berry filling, making her mouth water for more.
Before she knew it, her hands were empty, and she licked off the crumbs before bending some water from her pouch to rinse her hands. 
The fire crackles in the night, drawing her attention to a branch sticking out. Y/n kicks it gently into the fire, laying back on a stone and gazing at the night sky. 
It was quiet. 
She already missed the sound of Sokka bickering with her over the last bowl of soup or whatever Katara had made for dinner. Aang would placate the two of them by giving up his extras, and Toph would’ve snorted and stolen all of it after.
Stars twinkled in the night sky, and occasional hoots from owls perched in the surrounding trees made her smile. 
Standing up, she approaches her bedroll and flops down on it. The warmth from the fire had made her drowsy, and she soon found her eyes fluttering shut.
The next morning, however, she was back to her rigid training schedule. Y/n stood on a rock in front of the waterfall, the water crashing against various other stones. 
She closes her eyes, focusing on nothing else but the warmth of the sunshine that shone down on her, the scent of the slight salinity of freshwater and the musty odours emanating from surrounding trees and rocks.
She inhales, moving her arms gracefully in a circle, reaching down and doing a low sweep with her leg. She moves through each basic form of waterbending fluidly, going through the movements in her head. 
She moved with every inhale, reaching out to start the next with every exhale. Standing in front of a waterfall was a blessing, the air around it keeping her cool against the sun’s growing warmth.
She does one last exhale, one last move. She slowly brings her arms back to her sides before turning around and dunking her head into the waterfall, her body following suit.
“Ah...” Y/n rubs her arms in small, slow circles, easing the tension and enjoying the cold water that woke her up entirely. It was honestly like a massage. She sighs in bliss, feeling the pressure of the water crashing down on her body.
Once done, she exits and waterbends the water out of her clothes before changing into fresh ones. Her hair was still dripping wet, so she dried it roughly with a packed towel. 
Oh, how she missed having Aang and his airbending around. He’d help her dry her hair patiently while she chatted with him. In return, she’d help mend his clothes while Katara focused on Sokka’s. Life was easier with all of them around, she supposed. 
Y/n grabs her bags, eyes flickering to the top of the waterfall, when she notices an odd hum in the air. 
It felt electrified. She grabs her bags nervously, damp hair in waves. The humming only intensified. 
What was going on?
She climbs the rocks, scrambling to find handholds the way Toph taught her. Pulling herself up, she comes face to face with a glowing circle filled with the colour of the night sky.
“What is this?” She quirks a brow, staying a safe distance away and observing it. 
The humming increases in speed before it becomes an earsplitting screech that echoes throughout the forest. Y/n covers her ears desperately in an attempt to shut out the noise.
However, as the humming increased in speed, she found herself being pulled towards the cause. “No!” She loses her balance and falls to the ground, grabbing onto the grass.
It was a feeble attempt that didn’t stop her from being sucked into the unknown darkness. She screamed for help, but no one was around to hear her.
The portal closes, taking her along with it.
Everything was blurry. 
Y/n’s eyes struggled to open. She lets out a low groan, feeling her limp body start to move. 
She wiggles her fingers, toes, and finally blinks a few times to clear her vision.
Instead of being greeted with gentle sunshine and the roar of the waterfall she was in before, she stared into the darkness of the night, lying on a hard surface. 
Her bags were laid on the ground, empty, with her belongings scattered around her. 
Slowly lifting herself up, she takes in her surroundings. 
What on earth...?
She was on the rooftop of a building, but its design was different from what she knew. She stands up, trying to remain calm.
C’mon, what would Sokka do?
Forget about Sokka; what would she do?
She glances over the edge of the building, her hands grasping the ledge tightly. Her eyes widen in surprise, taking in various foreign objects below her. 
There were large metal boxes on the road on thick black wheels, with people grasping a round, circular object inside of it that allowed them to turn corners.
A girl below her was talking into a metal slab that fit into her palm.
Long metal rods with some sort of yellow light shone on the streets. 
Y/n stands up fully, turning around to look behind her, only to be greeted with similar-looking rooftops. The sound of blaring sirens cut through the silence, a gust of wind making her shiver slightly. 
Her breathing was laboured, and her palms felt sweaty. She felt it would burst, her heart. She couldn't think about anything, only that her chest might get crushed any minute and her heart might burst open.
Losing all feeling in her legs, she practically drops to the ground with a sharp cry of pain bursting out of her chest.
She was trying to breathe, but she couldn’t. Someone was clutching her throat, stopping her from taking full breaths. But there was no one; she was alone. Tears started trickling down her eyes, and she pulled her knees to her chest, giving herself time to come to terms with the situation. She scrambles the necklace around her neck tightly, the coolness of the pendant in the middle starting to calm her somewhat.
After what seemed like an eternity, Y/n pulled herself together. With puffy eyes and shaky breaths, she grabs her things. 
Before finding out what had happened, she needed shelter, food, and knowledge about where she was.
Spotting a fire escape, she walks towards it, slowly descending into the alleyway below. 
Spotting a few men covered in tattoos heading into an alleyway, she follows them quietly. Maybe they knew more about the situation she was in.
“But Hun, why’re we working for the Shredder? We could just beat up the businessmen again.” A gruff voice spoke in the darkness. 
“Because every time we try to do stuff, those stupid turtles always find out! At least with the foot clan on our side, we have an advantage.” A man Y/n assumes to be Hun responds, twirling a knife in his hands.
“Excuse me.” Y/n approaches the three men, Hun narrowing his eyes. “What’d she say?” Hun glances at one of his henchmen, who shrugs, equally as confused as he is. Maybe she was a foreigner. 
“Look, little lady, I don’t know what you want, but- ” Before Hun can finish his threat, his eyes land on her necklace. He scans it quickly, deciding it would fetch a pretty price. ”Forget about getting out of here with that. Hand it over, and we’ll spare you.” He gestures in the general direction of her neck.
“I need some help. Could you tell me where this is?”
Y/n’s gaze hardens, her hand instinctively clasping around the smooth stone. She didn’t understand what he was saying, but it seemed clear they were not good people. 
Hun takes her silence as a denial. “Sid.” 
A large, muscular man steps out from his place beside him. He steps towards the defenceless girl, cracking his knuckles with a greedy smile. 
She doesn’t budge, only moving to open the mouth of her waterbag that rested on her hip. Sid spots this and laughs. “Looks like the lady needs a sip to decide her fate.” 
Y/n places her foot behind her, moving into a waterbending stance. She takes a deep breath, her gaze clear and unmoving. 
Then, she moves. A stream of water from the water bag surrounds her body in a spiral. Hun steps back, confusion apparent. “What the?”
Sid advances towards her, his hands outstretched to pin her down. He was quickly half the size of her.
She uses the water as a whip, lashing it against the front of his legs, making him fall face-first onto the ground.
Hun grabs his knife, making his way towards her with his other henchman, Fong.
“Listen, little lady, just give us the necklace. We got the Foot on our side, you know, so this isn’t going to end well for you.” He strikes, sweeping his leg on the ground in a low kick. 
He was fast, but Y/n was faster. In a split second, before Hun could even move, she dropped her water whip on the ground in a puddle. Slamming her foot on the ground, she creates ice spikes in an instant, the impact causing all three men to stumble and fall on the floor. 
Hun gets up quickly, holding his fists in a protective stance. 
They run towards each other, Y/n dodging some of his blows and him, in turn, doing the same for hers. She grunts as a punch lands on her abdomen, stumbling back a few steps. 
She regains her balance just in time for her to block a strike that Hun aims at her neck with his knife. 
She blocks his next attempt by bending the water to form a shield of ice, the impact from Hun’s strike causing it to crack. 
Slamming her foot on the ground again, she turns the puddles of water into ice. Hun slips, his grip on the knife loosening. Sid tries to attack her again, but she sends a water whip his way, hitting him in the shoulder and sending him flying against the brick wall of the building. She does the same to Fong, who had tried to sneak up behind her.
Hun was the last to be sent flying, and she freezes the water around them in an ice cocoon. A new trick she had recently learnt from Katara. She exhales steadily before moving towards the entrance of the alleyway. 
She pauses. She was being watched. Her gut tugs, pulling her attention towards the staircase opposite the struggling men she had just encased in ice. She lifts up her hand before sending a whip of water in that direction, closing her hand in a fist as the water does the same, rapping around someone who lets out a scream at being caught.
She tugs, and a girl with orange hair is pulled out of her hiding space. She wriggles desperately to escape her hold, so Y/n tightens her restraints.
“Who are you?” Y/n asks icily. She had no time for this.
April glares at the unfamiliar girl in front of her. Her gaze was unwavering. Her strength, however, was the opposite. The girl speaks, but April doesn’t understand a single word. 
She sighs, forcing April to kneel down in front of her before releasing the binds. April takes the chance to attack, but before she can make a single move, she finds her lower body encased in ice. She clenches her fists, hitting the ice in hopes of it breaking, but it doesn’t budge. 
The girl who imprisons her shrugs at April’s glare before turning around and leaving, using the fire escape April had previously hidden in.
“Hey!” April shouts, but the girl shows no sign of acknowledgement. Letting out a defeated groan, she watches as the strange girl leaves in the direction of the convenience store nearby.
Y/n runs across the rooftops, using the water around her to create ice bridges and reuse them for the same purpose.
An unfamiliar voice causes her to turn around, her hair falling in loose waves across her face before she brushes it aside. Scanning the seemingly empty rooftop around her, she notices strange silhouettes beside a large metal container that seemed to be filled with water.
She steadies herself for another fight, flicking her wrist and sending a whip of water once again to catch whoever had called out.
It wraps around nothing, and her brows raise in surprise. 
It seemed that she was dealing with someone of a higher skill than before.
Leonardo dodges the whip just in time, his eyes wide as he witnesses what should be against the forces of nature. 
Was she a mutant? 
There was no other explanation for what he had just witnessed. Raph takes out his sais quietly, but before Leo can stop him, he emerges from the shadows and runs towards her in an attack.
Y/n tenses, pulling her arms back before shifting her weight and throwing her arms out. The stream of water follows her command, hitting her attacker with the same intensity as a battering ram. They slam against the metal container, knocking the wind out of them. 
Before they react again, she freezes the water that splashes across them. The ice creeps up to their neck, and she approaches her attacker quietly when they are fully covered. 
“Why are you trying to attack me?” Y/n asks lowly, her eyes trained on their figure. The closer she approached, the more they seemed to struggle against the hold of the ice.
“Leo, now!” They shout. In an instant, a sharp blade flew past the side of her face, piercing through the ice and allowing whoever it was to break free from the cracks it made. 
Leo kicks the back of her knees in a swift move, causing her to buckle. She tucks her knees and somersaults to the side just in time to dodge someone else coming at her. 
So there were two attackers.
“Oh my spirits... Can’t a girl get back to Ba Sing Se without fighting?” Y/n grumbles before letting out a yelp, creating a wall of ice just as another sharp blade narrowly misses. 
She caught her breath before taking in the two circling around her slowly. The clouds pass, and the moon casts its light onto green skin.
Wait. Green skin...? Were those...shells? 
2 humanoid turtles were on either side, one with emerald green eyes and a red bandanna, the other with ocean blue eyes and a bandanna of equal colour but a darker shade of blue.
“What...” Y/n breathes out.
Then they attack her. 
With continuous dodges and thin ice shields, Y/n found herself running out of water. The two turtles kept breaking through, and fear began taking over her system.
Was she never going to see her friends again?
Her eyes become glossy as she fights for her life, panic sinking in.
Leo was confused. For someone who had beat up the Purple Dragons, he had expected her to be more...aggressive. Instead, she was just dodging blows, taking a defensive approach. He observes as he attacks and notices how lost her gaze is.
“Raph, wait.” He calls out, his attacks becoming less. Something was off here. 
“What? Why??” Raph responds incredulously, managing to land a hit on the girl, sending her stumbling back a few steps. 
She has difficulty regaining her stance, gripping her side in pain.
Rah relents after a glare sent his way, stepping back.
Leo steps forward, facing the girl. She had used more water to encase her hands with ice, forming protective gloves. She frowns with suspicion. 
Why wasn’t he attacking?
He sets down his katanas, the girl’s eyes widening with surprise but still holding a suspicious gaze.
“We won’t hurt you, miss. So let’s just take this moment to calm down and talk it out.” He raises his hands in surrender, taking a single step forward.
Y/n found his behaviour odd. Out of nowhere, he had called off the attack. She watches him, her hands still raised in a defensive stance. He took a step forward, and she flinched, her breaths ragged. 
Exhaustion was taking over quickly, but her gut was telling her to let down her guard for some reason. She also takes a cautious step forward, dropping her hands slightly and releasing her control over the water, letting it fall to the ground in a puddle.
She regards him warily, locking eyes with his own. Her instinct took over, making her take another step until they were face to face. 
“What are you...” She breathes out, scanning his entire being. 
“See, I knew we could come to an understanding.” Leo smiles, sending Raph a look. The latter grumbles but drops his hands to his sais, still watching her with a gaze of suspicion.
Y/n’s hands move on their own, slowly reaching up to his face. Leo flinches, and Raph is ready to strike, but her hands merely cup his cheeks. 
She looks at him in fascination and awe, tilting her head slightly to get a better view of the tall humanoid turtle. 
She stares into his eyes, and then her gaze falls to his lips.
Leo is unsure whether to pull away, in fear she might get the wrong idea and attack them again. 
But before he can say anything else, he feels something soft land on his lips.
Was this girl...kissing him?
In his peripheral vision, he sees Raph’s jaw drop.
Heat rises to his cheeks as he pushes the girl away, the latter seemingly as confused and embarrassed as he was.
She just kissed a turtle. A strange, humanoid turtle. 
What was she thinking?? 
Her hand is raised, covering her lips. Y/n feels the heat rush to her face, her cheeks glowing red. Her face felt hot, and she fans it a little.
“Oh my spirits...” She mumbles.
It catches the attention of the two. The gaze of the one in red flits between her and his partner. “She just kissed you!!” He exclaims. 
“I know!” His cheeks were just as red as hers, his blue eyes glancing at her before looking away in embarrassment.
Wait, she understood them.
“Say that again.” She requests breathlessly. She felt their stare.
“You,” The one in red points at her, “just kissed him.” he gestures to a still embarrassed partner who scowls.
“I can understand you.” Y/n lights up, almost all her embarrassment forgotten as she smiles widely.
Another yell is heard before Y/n gets hit in the abdomen by another weapon. It knocks the wind out of her, causing her to land on the ground a few feet away.
She groans.
“Mikey, wait!” Leo’s cry goes unheard before his younger brother continues to attack her. Donnie soon follows. “This is for hurting April!” He yells angrily, whacking her arm with his bo staff harshly. 
Oh no.
Leo blocks Mikey’s next blow, protecting her.
“Leo??” Donnie questions in bemusement.
Y/n stays quiet, feeling the terror from before build up again. She had to get away from these creatures. Now.
She places her left foot behind her to steady herself, drawing power from her core.
The water tower beside Raph rumbles dangerously.
Leo only has a split second to react before the water bursts through the weak door of the container. The water's impact is no less than that of being struck by Donnie’s bo staff at its most brutal, times ten.
“Ugh...” Leo groans, glancing around to see his brothers in a similar washed-up state. 
He looks around before finding the girl who kissed him on the edge of the building, preparing to jump to the next rooftop. 
She senses his gaze and turns around. “Don’t come after me.” She gives only a single warning before creating a bridge of ice linking the current building to the next. She runs across it and destroys it in a matter of seconds.
He can only stare as she disappears into the night.
“What was that...” Mikey groans out, clutching his head in pain from having gotten the brunt of the water’s impact.
Raph coughs, looking at Leo knowingly.
“You let her get away!” Leo tries to defend himself with flushed cheeks.
“You let her get away,” Raph smirks evilly, crossing his arms smugly.
“You’re not helping.” Leo hisses with a glare.
“I’m not trying to help.” 
“Whatever.” Leo sighs.
“She sure knows how to make an impression, though.” Raph muses, sheathing his sais.
“Raph!!” Leo sighs exasperatedly.
“I’ll go after her. You guys can head back to the lair first. I have to find out if she’s a threat or not.”
“More like find out if she’ll give him another kiss.” Raph mutters not-so-quietly.
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densi-mber · 10 months
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The Squid and Dagger Returns
“To the second grand opening of The Squid and Dagger. May it be her last,” Deeks toasted, raising his glass above his head. Kensi stood next to him, and surrounding him in a semi-circle were their former team. Eric and Nell had even made the flight in to celebrate the occasion.
“Amen!” Nell called out, whistling loudly. Deeks grinned at her enthusiasm. They all drank, Sam pausing to sniff his first.
“Hey, that’s actually really good,” Eric commented in surprise. He took another drink, as if to double check.
Still looking mistrustful, Sam took a tiny sip, and nodded in reluctant approval. “It’s not bad.”
“Why on earth would the beer taste bad?” Kilbride wondered, looking bemused and slightly out of place in his three-piece suit.
“You’ve never heard the saga of Deeks and Callen’s microbrew ventures?” Rountree asked in surprise.
“No. And I’m beginning to think that’s a good thing.”
“It involved a series of increasingly terrible beer,” Nell explained. “Squid being a memorable one.”
“No, no the seaweed and salmon was definitely the worst,” Sam said firmly. “The flavor is ingrained in my brain.”
“Three years with this team, and I still fail to understand any of you,” Kilbride commented, downing the rest of his beer. “Which means I need something stronger.” He wandered off to the bar, muttering to himself.
“Nice to know some things don’t change,” Kensi said dryly.
The rest of them gravitated towards each other, forming a small group as they sipped at their drinks. Nell had somehow acquired a large red drink with a cocktail umbrella.
“You know, contrary to popular belief, Callen and I are capable of crafting normal beer—remembered the orange and nectarine?” Deeks said, nodding to Kensi. “We just choose not to.”
“I still maintain that none of our stuff was that bad,” Callen insisted. He frowned, holding up his glass, tilting his head to examine the light amber liquid inside. “Though this is kind of bland.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?” Sam said in exasperation. He gave Callen a slight shove towards the bar. “C’mon G, let’s go get you some more skunky beer.”
“Mmm, it almost feels like we never left,” Nell said, watching the two fondly bicker.
“It does. Especially with having the bar back,” Deeks agreed. “Speaking of which, I can’t thank you guys enough for helping buy it back.”
“It means a lot to us,” Kensi added, sliding her free arm through Deeks’.
“You’re welcome, but guys, I told you before, I literally would not be where I am without the money that you loaned me for years. Especially Deeks,” Eric replied. “I probably owe you about 10 bars at this point.”
“I think we’ll call it even with one.” She glances at Deeks and he nodded in agreement.
“We’ve got everything we need.”
“Ooh, speaking of needs,” Nell paused to take a healthy gulp of her drink, her Christmas themed had shifting precariously. “When do I get to see my nieces and nephews?”
“Well, I’m guessing the sitter already put the twins down for the night, but we’re free tomorrow. And I’m sure Rosa would love to see you when she’s done with classes,” Kensi replied.
“Awesome! That’ll give us time to get all their gifts together.” Eric nodded enthusiastically. “It’s amazing what they’re doing with kids toys these days.”
“I’m not sure I want to know.”
“He’s teasing, Deeks.” Nell rolled her eyes at Eric, lightly tapping his shoulder with the back of her hand. She giggled, adding in a couple pats lower down on his chest.
Beside him, Kensi hastily stifled a snort, and when Deeks glanced at her, she had her lips tightly pressed together.
“Oh, I love this song,” Nell announced, as the playlist running in the background switched to the next selection. “Mr. Beale, may I have this dance?” Bending at the waist, Nell waved her hand in an elaborate flourish.
“My lady awaits,” Eric said with a shrug as he let Nell tug him away.
“I missed this,” Kensi said wistfully.
“What, Callen and Sam arguing over beer and the Wonder Twins drunkenly dancing on our non-existent dance floor?”
“Me too.”
Kensi swayed into his side, wrapping both arms around his waist. “I’m glad we have this back.”
He watched Nell and Eric put on a two-person act to “Santa Baby”, giggling the entire time, and couldn’t help but agree.
A/N: Once again bringing back the Squid and Dagger as well as Callen and Deeks making beer of dubious quality.
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
hello! the summer prompt list looks so fun <3 what about pool floats and lemonade.. maybe someone's been coaxed to lounge by the pool... IN the pool.. an unheard of idea. and with a (plastic) cup of lemonade too.. how risky!
26. Pool  + 19. Lemonade
from the summer prompts meme here
it's still sad and vaguely cold here but i am fantasizing about not being sad and cold, so i'm sending the boys to somewhere random and warm and doing some summer fills i didn't get around to last year!
When Newt makes his way into his and Hermann’s shared hotel room, he's disappointed—but, tragically, not surprised, like, at all—to find Hermann shrouded in darkness and hunched over his laptop, tapping away wildly into what looks like his PPDC email. Shades and blackout curtains drawn in front of the two big windows, all lights but some tiny desk lamp switched off, Hermann himself bundled up in a sweater and his thick wool slacks like it's not ninety-fucking-degrees outside, all that shit. He's got the air conditioning blasting at least, but it's still enough to make Newt (flourishing happily in a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top) wince. He sighs instead of greeting Hermann. "Dude," he says. "This is really pathetic."
He flips the overhead light on, half expecting Hermann to turn away and hiss at him like a vampire or something. No hissing, but he does scowl at Newt in a way that's probably even scarier. And also kind of funnier. For all of Hermann's posturing and stuffiness, sometimes he really does just look like a mean, puffed-up cat. "Go away," Hermann says.
"Nah," Newt says.
He tosses a brown paper shopping bag on Hermann's bed.
"It's a bathing suit," he says, before Hermann can poke his way inside. It's a hideous bathing suit, actually, but Newt was limited to the options the gift shop in the lobby offered, so it was either something floral and speedo-adjacent that Hermann wouldn't be caught dead in, or standard(/boring), baggy blue trunks with the hotel logo stamped across the left leg. He's actually kind of regretting not going for the floral ones, if not just to see if he could somehow coax Hermann into them. Hermann's skin above the small pale sliver just exposed by his pants hemline remains a tantalizing mystery to Newt. "I had to kind of guess the size, but I think it should fit okay."
"Bathing suit?" Hermann echoes suspiciously.
"It's nice out," Newt says. "There's a pool, you need a break, so we're going swimming." Newt spotted the pool the second their taxi dropped them off and has been fantasizing about it ever since. It's what got him through every minute of the week-long conference, every bitchy look Hermann tossed his way, every dumb question posed to him in the Q&A sessions. Compensation. Vengeance. They have twenty-four hours of downtime before they have to pack things back up and head back to the Shatterdome (which does technically have a pool, but it's indoors, rarely cleaned, and technically off-limits for anyone who's not a ranger, unless you're like Newt, who sneaks in to go swimming anyway), and Newt's going to enjoy himself.
Hermann pulls the blue trunks out of the bag, examines them skeptically, and drops them to the floor with more disgust than strictly necessary. He uses the end of his cane to push them even further away. Newt bends down with an eyeroll. “Don’t be a dick, man, those cost like, fifty bucks.” Official hotel merch or whatever. Okay, they actually cost closer to thirty-five, but Newt wants to make Hermann feel as guilty as possible. He picks up the trunks and kindly returns them to his ungrateful lab partner. “Look,” he says, “either you hang out with me outside for like, an hour, tops, and I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night, or I’m hanging out with you in here. It’s my room too, bro. Roomies.”
He's thinking movie night, pizza, chatting loudly with (at?) Hermann until he can get the guy to snap and probably attempt to smother Newt with a pillow. There’s a visible flash of dread behind Hermann’s eyes: it satisfies something deep within Newt’s soul. “You’re a despicable waste of space,” Hermann spits, but he slams his laptop shut, and angrily rips the bedspread off from around his body. The cuffs of his baggy wool slacks are rolled around his ankles and Newt catches a glimpse of sock garters. “Fine, you bastard. I’ll go for a swim with you if it makes you happy, and buys me a moment of peace tonight. You’re like—you’re like a bloody toddler sometimes, you know. You’re like—”
“Cool!” Newt says. Hermann gapes at him in wordless fury. “I’ll meet you in the hallway in ten.”
Hermann fidgets and tugs uncomfortably at the waistband of his little swim shorts the whole ride down in the elevator, and, lingering by the poolside, he does the drawstring back up twice while Newt kindly blows up a small, inflatable lounge chair he also bought for him at the gift shop for way too much money Hermann looks wrong like this somehow: out of his element of hunching over computer screens and breathing in chalk dust, swim trunks paired bizarrely with his little brown Oxfords (the only shoes he brought with them), glasses on a chain still bouncing against his chest. The pool is deserted except for them—their own private swim club. Probably because people are understandably kind of wary of bodies of water these days, even ones chlorinated and decently far from the Pacific. “It’s too hot,” Hermann gripes. He shields his eyes with his hand as he glares up at the sun. He smells almost nauseatingly like sunblock. He’s missing a sunhat, Newt thinks. One of those big, dumb, wide-brimmed ones that a movie starlet would wear in 1940-whatever. Or cat-eye sunglasses. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”
“You were ruining your posture in there,” Newt says. He hoists the lounge chair over his head easily and tosses it into the pool, where it hits the surface of the water with a satisfying splat. Hermann wrinkles his nose as no more than two droplets of water have the audacity to land on one of his skinny, hairless calves. Newt pats the lounge chair. “In twenty years, you’ll be like, 'man, I’m so glad my best friend in the whole world Newt was there to rescue me from a life of slouching and back pain, I should send him a gift basket.'”
“‘What was the name of that annoying fellow who used to make my every waking moment miserable?’” Hermann says. “‘I’m so thankful that I haven’t seen him in twenty years and will never have to, ever, again.’”
“Get in the pool, you drama queen,” Newt says.
Hermann delicately undoes each button of his crisp white button-down with one hand, and slips it from his shoulders one arm at a time. It’s strangely mesmerizing and even more strangely alluring, like Newt’s in the front row of the world’s stuffiest strip club, though Hermann is still wearing a loose undershirt beneath it. His arms are pasty and tinted a ghostly white with more sunblock. He has nice shoulders, unfortunately. “If you wouldn’t mind,” he says, easing himself out of his shoes, and hands both his shirt and cane to Newt as Newt offers him an arm.
He doesn’t look any less uncomfortable on the floatie once Newt helps him down onto it. More uncomfortable, in fact: one leg straight out in front, the other crooked half-under the water at a weird angle, slouching in worse on himself than he had been in bed as the floatie bobs and drifts with the rippling surface of the water. He squints up at the sun, scowling, and then squints over at Newt, still scowling. His knuckles are clenched tightly around the edges of the float’s pink vinyl. “I feel so relaxed,” he says, bitchily.
“I’m getting you a drink,” Newt says. “Stay right there.”
The small outdoor bar is thankfully open and manned despite the lack of poolgoers other than Newt and Hermann. Newt gets an overpriced cocktail with several skewers of pineapple in it for himself, and a modest spiked lemonade for Hermann, which he makes sure to stick the largest bendy straw he can find in the hopes of making Hermann scoff and roll his eyes. Hermann is still swaying awkwardly on his little pink throne when Newt finally kicks off his sandals and clothing and (flinching very slightly at the sudden chill on his skin) wades in to join him. Hermann greets him with an expression of mild horror. “What on Earth is that?” he says.
“It’s some sort of piña colada, dude, I don’t know,” Newt says. "It's good though."
“Not that,” Hermann says. He looks down pointedly at Newt’s waist. “Where did you find that thing? It’s absolutely hideous.”
Newt couldn’t get the floral speedo-thing for Hermann, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t absolutely get it for himself, even if it maybe, like, fits very badly, and he’ll probably toss it out the second they get back to the Shatterdome. He loves it. He loves it even more now that he knows Hermann hates it, and models it for him happily. “I think it’s funny,” he says, and hands over the lemonade. (Hermann's eyes widen in momentary mild scandal at the prospect of drinking in a public pool—the bar is there for a reason, man!—and then takes it anyway.) “Here, seriously, drink this, relax. We’re not on the clock. You can like, not be miserable for once. Isn’t it nice to not be miserable?”
Hermann looks kinda miserable.
“When’s the last time you went swimming?” Newt tries again.
“In the summer of my twelfth birthday,” Hermann says, solemnly. “We went on holiday to the coast. That was before—” He gestures at his left hip, where his undershirt has bunched up and his trunks have ridden down just enough for Newt to catch a glimpse of puckered scar tissue. “—so I was actually a decently strong swimmer then.”
“See? That sounds—”
“But I nearly drowned, of course, when my brother pushed me off some rocks,” Hermann continues. “He’d meant it as a prank; I suspect he didn’t realize how strong the current was, or how deep the spot beneath the rocks was. It was a bit frightening, really. My sister had to go in after me. We never went on holiday again.”
“Oh,” Newt says. “Okay.”
Hermann gives him a weird, half-smile. “I’m kidding.”
“Oh,” Newt says again, not entirely sure which part Hermann’s kidding about, and whether or not he should laugh. He gives an equally weird chuckle and takes a long sip of his drink to avoid thinking of something else to say as Hermann does the same with his own. Newt’s adjusted enough to the water temperature that it actually feels good now, especially with the hot sun beating down on them overhead. He shuts his eyes and curls his knees up until he’s no longer touching the bottom of the pool, letting his body go loose, relaxed. He feels Hermann reach out and snatch a skewer of fruit from his glass.
“Yours looks much better than mine,” Hermann says through a mouthful of pineapple. “Let’s swap.”
“Bathing suits?” Newt says.
He cracks an eye open enough to watch Hermann make a face at him, but he passes over his fruity drink anyway, accepting the spiked lemonade in its place. Hermann sticks his straw in Newt’s drink and drains it quickly. Between that and Newt’s extremely thoughtful(/expensive) trip to the gift shop for them both, he kind of feels like Hermann’s getting more out of this little adventure than him. Whatever, though, it’s fun seeing Hermann shed some layers. Of the metaphorical emotional sense. It’s fun seeing him shed some physical layers too, but those are strictly unprofessional thoughts for Newt to be entertaining about his stuffy co-worker. He’ll say this though—it’s great finding out Hermann’s limbs exist beyond the constraints of sweatervests and oversized pants. It's even better finding out he's kind of hot, in a bony, gangly sort of way.
Hermann polishes off the remaining few pieces of pineapple and sets the empty glass on the edge of the pool. He grazes one hand across the surface of the water, dipping his arm in up to the elbow, and smiles lazily at Newt. Newt feels a little funny, a little too warm—like maybe his few sips of booze have gone to his head already or he’s been out in the sun too long. Then Hermann flicks water at his face. “Dick,” Newt says, but he grins as (Hermann giving a half-hearted grunt of protest) he uses a dry part of Hermann’s undershirt to wipe off his glasses.
“I could go for another drink,” Hermann says. “If you wouldn't mind, that is, Newton."
"Ugh, fine."
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theriddlettesblog · 23 hours
Home Runner, a Team Fortress 2 fanfiction
Chapter 2
Six a.m. eventually rolls around and Scout’s dollar store alarm clock goes off. The man gets out of bed and puts the clothes he left on the floor the previous night back on and heads out to work.
Today, the teams are sent to Dustbowl to fight over the gravelled territory (which is inherently worthless in terms of generating income for either team’s company). History repeats itself as Scout spends the setup time before the match zoned out thinking to himself. He goes over his interactions from the start of yesterday’s match to late lastnight when Miss Pauling called him. He has indeed been acting differently lately, but he still doesn’t know why.
Up to the start and through the entire mission, Scout remains in a daze, everything he experiences feels surreal, like the dreams he doesn’t have anymore. The screaming and rocket jumping phase right through him, everything circling around his head, but he sees none of it. Without realization, Jeremy is standing right in the middle of the battlefield, doing nothing like a single tree planted in a forest that’s burning down. Much to everyone’s surprise, RED and BLU, nothing touches him, not a bullet, nor a rocket, nor a sticky bomb moves a single fiber on his shirt. The battle rages on for another two and half minutes and once again, RED is victorious. As soon as The Administrator declares the round over, the teams head back to their respective bases. Scout, still unaware of his surroundings, follows suit, grabs a single Bonk from the fridge, and heads home once again.
For the entire following week, each day's events perfectly mimic today’s: alarm goes off, Scout goes to work, match begins, Scout stands idle in battle but leaves unharmed, Scout goes home, Miss Pauling calls Scout, Scout says nothing, alarm goes off. He’s stuck in a rut and feels he can’t change anything about the hole he’s been dug into. However, on day eight, in a vain attempt to better his bitter feelings toward life, Scout doesn’t leave his room at all. He lays in bed, wide-eyed and staring at his motionless broken ceiling fan, three hours past when he should have shown up at work, headset buzzing nonstop. Unbeknownst to Scout, nobody from his team is calling him, Miss Pauling is the one pinging the head-mounted radio, cursing at herself and begging him to answer, but he’ll never hear any of it. Hours later, due to ceaseless calls, the batteries in the Bottle Cap die, leaving Scout in stiff indestructible silence.
Hours, or perhaps days, pass without Jeremy’s notice as he has no way to tell time in his darkened hovel of a room simply by staring at an unmoving air mover. He slips in and out of sleep without his own awareness for he does not maneuver in any way nor does he feel any more rested upon his numerous awakenings.
After however long it takes to break the stillness in the room, a knock is heard at Jeremy’s door. Shattering his conscious/unconscious trance, he gets out of his cot and walks to the closed doorway. Scout opens it but sees no one even when he checks down both directions of the hall. His tired bloodshot eyes drift to the floor and he spots a small package of two AA batteries. Scout bends down and picks up the tiny gift before shutting the door of which is in bad need of an oiling. Jeremy’s blank expressionless stare glazes over the batteries after he sits back down onto his place of mostly undisturbed rest. He thrusts his arm to toss the box onto the table in front of his yellow sweat-stained mattress but prevents himself from letting go when he sees his Bottle Cap’s headset. A moment of hesitation passes by before Scout removes the batteries in the radio and replaces them with the two he had just received. The single headphone immediately begins ringing so the tired sprinter answers.
“Hello?” Jeremy asks in an exhausted voice.
“Scout?” Miss Pauling asks in return.
“Yeah?” Jeremy confirms.
“Scout!” The woman replies, ecstatic at the fact that the runner is not deceased despite her worst suspicions. The man’s eyes light up but the ends of his mouth do not move. “God! Don’t scare me like that! Do you know what I’ve been through? I thought you were dead!” Pauling yells in a mostly happy tone.
“No, but I’ve gotten pretty close.” Scout responds, eyelids returning to their half-opened state.
The overly-jovial assistant almost entirely ignores that statement from Jeremy and goes on, “We need to talk, like, about a lot of things, Scout.”
A moment passes. “Okay,” The speedster lets out in a fatigued breath while putting on the headset as well as his glasses, getting ready for a long arduous conversation. He then continues, “yeah, what do you need to know, Miss Pauling?”
The young woman begins to compose herself as is audible to Scout through the sound of her shifting in her seat attempting to organize her thoughts into cohesive words, “First off,” she begins with a wary voice, “how are you feeling?” Jeremy is taken aback by this premiere question, expecting her to instead ask why he hadn’t been at work for however long nor said anything to her leading up to this call.
“Uh,” Scout pauses, trying to think of a believable answer akin to the kind of person Miss Pauling knows him as.
You know what? Screw it.
“Not good, really not good.” Scout answers, half-expecting the assistant on the other end of the call to shrug it off and tell him to buck up.
“Yeah, I kinda noticed, everyone has noticed, Scout. I just wanted you to be honest with me but more importantly, yourself.” The runner is stunned by the level of compassion coming from the same woman who was tasked to kill him for pressing a button three months prior. Still dumbfounded by this response, Jeremy remains silent, mouth open forming words, but releasing no sounds.
An entire minute of weighted silence goes by with Pauling eventually ending it, “Do you want to talk about any of it, Jeremy?” Scout’s astonishment intensifies at the sound of the only woman he respects more than his mother using his first name as if they were friends, which he so desperately hoped they were despite their recent lack of meaningful communication.
“I,” Scout begins to reply without a single notion moving through his mind but eventually, one pops in, “I don’t even know what it is.” He was being genuinely honest, he didn’t know what he was feeling and couldn’t much less talk about it. Without a second string of thoughts, Scout follows up, “Can you just, give me some time to think about all this? I need to figure out what’s goin’ on so I can, you know, talk about it. Tell The Administrator she can dock my pay and penalize me all she wants, it really doesn’t matter anymore.” Jeremy recognizes that no amount of money or hats would help him think this through, so why should he care if he gets paid or not?
“Sure, Scout. Take all the time you need, I’ll wait until you want to talk. I’ll also make sure Helen doesn’t send anyone to kill you. I know you said you’re good with any kind of penalty but I don’t think you meant death.” Pauling brings this up just to be certain that Scout does not actually want to die and this move ultimately puts him in a corner to give her a clear answer.
“Well, yeah, I really didn’t mean death,” Pauling breathes a silent breath of relief to the confirmation that the person she cares the most about wants to stay alive. “I meant she can cash out all my nicest hats if she wanted to.”
“Right, yeah, got it.” the woman replies, still calming down from the unpleasant thought of Scout being okay with dying. Scout releases a tired sigh and thanks Miss Pauling for the call then hangs up after she tells him things will be okay. The sprinter takes off his headset and places it gently down on the small table in front of him. He then lays back on his bed to begin to streamline the flood of numbing sensations that were flowing through his small body into words.
Another sigh escapes him, “Where to start?”
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
33 for hellpair :)
Hello Bees!! Of course :3 You chose a fun one!
Questions here!
33 - What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
As Mino travels a lot for her diplomatic work post-Crusade, she likes to get Regill local goods from the various places she goes that are things she knows he uses: paper-goods, quills, inks, sometimes a unique regional weapon as he keeps a vested interest in weaponry (especially if it's complicated or requires a lot of skill to master), medicines or potions, etc. Anything he might personally use or anything he wants to be aware of to better stock the Citadel and their knights or to better keep tabs on the capabilities of their potential allies or enemies. Some of it falls into 'luxury'/'pleasure' goods - like the inks and paper goods - while some is more business related. Regardless, she herself sees it as a gift to bring home from her travels!
She also brings him back coffee grounds or beans if they're available wherever she has to go, as coffee is his one singular vice. She herself loves to visit cafes and restaurants where she goes, and she's not shy about asking the owners if she can purchase some of their raw coffee product to bring back for him so they can 'share' over it, since he wasn't there to (and also doesn't really much enjoy going to such places - he does for her sake).
Lastly, she keeps an eye out on her travels for unique books suiting his interests: philosophical treatises, deconstructions of law and ethics, strategy and war manuals, etc. Especially if they're from beyond the Inner Sea Region, she'll make sure to grab it to bring home to him as he has an insatiable curiosity for such things. Reading how other cultures and nations formulate their own law and govern themselves is a personal interest of his - even if he actively disagrees with what he reads. He's also invested in how our cultures conduct war and what fighting techniques they've developed, whether to build his own repertoire or to devise countermeasures should he ever come to battle with another that wields them.
Strategy games! Mino can only suffer playing so much chess with him! Any strategy game she finds they've never played before she will pick up without question to give them something new to do when they have a rare moment they can actually do such things, lol.
She's pretty much always looking out for things to get him that she knows he actively uses or appreciates.
Not a conscious gift-giver in the day-to-day really so much as he just seeks out or purchases things he knows she would like or needs or could use. He doesn't actively see it as a gift or nice thing to do so much as just... something he does. It's not a big or grand gesture, but a casual "here, use this" or "this should help with that problem you mentioned." Armor polish, replacement grips for her weapons, comfortable and practical travel gear or tools, etc.
The biggest gifts have been during the tail end of the Crusade right after she'd finished recovering from her soul shattering upon returning from the Abyss and Ssila'meshnik's "inheritance." Her armor had been ruined with no chance of repair, and he'd worked with Garms to secure the materials and artisans needed to forge her a new set... with some extra additions. Prohibitively expensive but with so many worries about her health going forward, knowing they were going up against actual Demon Lords for real from then on and she needed a shield to withstand them, he used all of his personal funds and called in every favor he could to secure her an orichalcum shield (it's roughly 100,000 GP in 1e terms -> 14K in 2e). Even still, pretty much everyone chipped in where they could to cover both that shield and her new adamantine full-plate once his plans were discovered; a shield made out of time-bending metal that would repair itself and 'undo' damage instantly? An easy purchase for their recovering Commander, exorbitant price or no (and Regill's pride or no, too).
Beyond all that, his usual gifts when he actually is giving a gift are for special occasions: their anniversary and her birthday and such. She likes dark liquors, which he'll order in a high-quality reserve bottle for them to share in private. Other gifts he might think of would be luxury brushes and grooming tools for her feathers and scales, high quality strings and wax and oil for her instruments, an extra warm and soft scarf and gloves for when winter comes or she has to travel some place cold :)
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Eyyyyyy it's mc-and-elise's mod here on main! Came to say one thing: Soft Vanderwood is always best Vanderwood.
Gimme soft agent being domestic with his two adopted brothers/sons and living in peace, please Cheritz-
"Woah that sure is one huge snowfall! Guess we can expect a white Christmas this year around. Yoosung will be thrilled." Saeyoung let out a low whistle, shielding his eyes from the pouring snow and overlooking the perimeter of their newly made front porch, now being completely covered in deep snowdrifts.
"Well, you have your work cut out for you. No basement can save you from cleaning now. Good luck clearing all that snow off your porch if you want to go out." Vanderwood's voice sounded dry, although they couldn't hide a sly grin stretching the corners of their lips. While the older twin was enthusiastically looking over the snowy view, practically bending over the railing in the process, Saeran and the former agent stood a few feet away, hidden safely from the raging snowfall by a sturdy roof. Vanderwood crossed their arms over their chest, leaning on a nearby wall with their hip. "-And before you start nagging: no, I won't be doing that for you. Don't even try."
A wounded whine followed suit, as Saeyoung clutched at his chest in a fake display of hurt. "Ms. Vanderwood, why do you have to be so harsh!? Can't you just appreciate the beauty of winter right before our eyes? Besides, I know you love cleaning! I might even lend you one of my babies as a Christmas gift..."
"-Stop trying to bribe them to do your dirty work for you, you idiot." Saeran suddenly spoke up, his red locks peeking out from under a knitted hat carelessly thrown over his head. He looked quite uncomfortable in the multiple layers of thick clothing put on him, and yet, that's the first time he actively spoke out loud ever since they came out here. His mint gaze narrowed with clear irritation plastered over his face.
Quite obviously, this was about something entirely different, rather than the whole argument about clearing the snow.
Still, the way the younger twin puffed out his reddened cheeks under the safe cover of a soft scarf was just too adorable to ignore, which is why a series of quiet chucking followed, much to Saeran's further annoyance.
"Jeez, Saeyoung, are you trying to make a living cocoon out of your brother or something? There's clearly more than two layers of clothing under that coat." Vanderwood mused, only now taking notice of the boy's uncomfortable situation.
Suddenly, Saeyoung stumbled over his words, clearly feeling somewhat embarrassed by his former partner's remarks, which was quite uncharacteristic of him. "W-well, it's important to stay warm during this kind of weather! I'd hate for you to get sick, so you need to make sure you have enough protection against the cold, you know? And I know that your immune system is not that strong, so..."
He scratched at the back of his neck, only now realizing just how silly his own words sounded when being spoken out loud.
Ugh, if only you were here, this wouldn't have happened in the first place... You were always there to make sure that he wouldn't get too overbearing with his brother. But, since you were busy helping Jaehee with the opening of her new cafe at the moment, he was stuck dealing with his closest family all by himself. Which was definitely a good thing! However, he couldn't help but feel like he just screwed up.
Like he always does.
Before he could say anything to apologize, though, the older twin was interrupted by the exasperated sigh coming from Vanderwood. They merely rolled their eyes at his perplexed reaction, suddenly coming up to him to slightly flick him on the forehead. Not expecting something like that from his former partner whatsoever, Saeyoung stumbled back a bit, letting out an awkward: 'uh-', before quickly regaining his balance once more.
They raised a brow quizzically. "I know that look. Stop overanalyzing everything inside your own head and relax. Nothing horrible happened. You just wanted to protect your family in a pretty ridiculous way. It happens in every family. But, you know that Saeran is more resistable to cold temperature than it may seem at first glance. There's no need for you to try and make these decisions for him. Just trust him, even if that's scary the first few times around. Sure, it'll suck if he'll get sick, but then you'll both learn a lesson. Ease up on yourself."
Saeyoung blinked, not sure how to even respond to such a sentiment coming from Vanderwood of all people. All he could do was stand there with his mouth hanging open, like a fish out of water.
Seemingly satisfied with his response, the former agent instead turned to the younger twin this time. "And Saeran?"
The other Choi kept quiet, although his gaze was focused firmly on Vanderwood, letting them know that he was, in fact, paying close attention. Saeran was always way less talkative than his brother, which they quickly learned and adapted to accordingly.
"You could say something earlier, instead of just glaring daggers at him throughout the whole process and hoping that he would get it. This one here is horrible when it comes to hints like that. Believe me, I know. Yeah, he may be a bit too much to handle sometimes, but I'm pretty sure he would back off without putting up a fight, if you'd just tell him that you'll be fine on your own. Even twins sometimes have to deal with stupid misunderstandings like these, and you two still have a long road ahead of you."
Saeran's eyes widened slightly as he listened, before he quickly averted his gaze to the side and borrowed his visibly blushing face into the fabric of his scarf. Still, he did respond with nod and a quiet: "Okay."
"...Wow. You're like our parent or something." Saeyoung muttered, feeling somewhat dumbfounded and touched all at the same time with this whole situation.
This time, it was Vanderwood's turn to blush and choke as they turned their full attention to the older twin again.
"Say something so ridiculous like that again, and I will personally push you into a snowdrift!"
"Oh, a family snowball fight! Ms. Vanderwood you're a genius~! I'll make sure to write that down into my bucket list!"
"-Can you two stop playing house between yourselves and help me get this damn scarf off me already?"
This was the first winter they all spent outside of the bunker. And while some mishaps still occurred from time to time, they'll always be there to help each other out, whenever it was needed.
While Vanderwood would never admit this out loud, spending this year's Christmas by these brother's side was the sole reason they caught themselves smiling at the end of each new day.
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lya-dustin · 2 years
Someone will remember us
Chapter 49
Taglist:@mercedesdecorazon @stargaryenx
Gif by @alicenthightowerdaily
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“Fiery one, isn’t she?” Cole has the audacity to jape as Aemond chooses the third option.
Aemma doesn’t escape on Silver nor is Aemma forced to accept Aegon as king, she just stays locked in their rooms.
She doesn’t like it, neither does his mother, but Aemond needs time to find a better way to resolve this.
“You are a fucking coward, Aemond Targaryen!” Aemma shouts as she throws things at the door.
“I like her fire.” Aemond answered as they follow behind his mother.
Should Aemma bend the knee, she will be given Driftmark as Laenor’s only child. She will sit on the Driftwood Throne; she will remain Princess Aemma Velaryon and both husband and wife will pretend they are fine with that.
But Rhaenyra will win the war anyways, so his mother’s promise to ‘give you what you are owed’ will come true in the way she refuses to accept.
They will rule jointly, he as king and her as queen, just as his father decreed before his untimely demise.
If only his mother could accept that.
“Out of all the ladies you could choose from, you just had to choose her.” His mother grumbled as they heard another thing being smashed to pieces.
“I didn’t want a lady, mother.” He tried not to smirk. “I wanted a queen.”
“Careful, son, one may think you seek to usurp your brother.” His mother warned.
What is another usurper in this family?
The moment she is completely alone, she tries for the secret passageways they used to explore as children with the help of the rat catchers.
There is one problem, she is no longer the three- and ten-year-old girl nor the willowy five- and ten-year-old one either.
“I’m sorry, your highness, but even if you could fit through it, you wouldn’t be able to get past the guard.” One of the new maids said showing her the narrow tunnel leading to the Dragonpit.
Willa had been an unlikely ally; her father was a rat catcher and had taught her all the way in and out of the Red Keep.
Maegor had killed the masons who built them, tried to cover them up once he knew his reign was over and one and eighty years after his death, the hazardous half-covered tunnel was too small for a heavily pregnant girl.
“My thanks, do you know a way for me to get to the docks?” she asked, and the girl lead her to it.
“The closest I can get you is to the River Row, Princess.” the Handmaiden whispered and took her by the hand.
“I will make sure you are rewarded, Willa.” Aemma said as he led her through the walkway leading out to the street that runs by the Blackwater Rush.
Once they appear inside the cellars of a small Sept, Aemma changes her tune.
“Thank you, Willa, you may go now.” The Master of Whisperers said as the girl curtsied and left. “The Queen Mother expected this to happen, and I, her most leal servant, was the one best suited to help her.
If I were you, I would bend the knee and be done with it, the Driftwood Throne is a good consolation gift, almost as good as Harrenhal.” Larys Clubfoot counseled as his mute guardsmen escorted them to a litter waiting outside.
She couldn’t run, couldn’t summon Silver with by whistling like father used to do with Seasmoke, Aemma couldn’t use her knife on the fucker without being killed first.
“The moment my mother wins the war, I will be sure to cut off your clubfoot before you are fed to Silverwing, Lord Strong.” The princess said as she gave up and shoved every instinct telling her to kill the bastard right now.
“Have it cut before you take my head, if you can find it in your gentle heart to be merciful, your highness.” He smiled as if they were friends.
“Let me go and I might simply cut it off and let you live.” She proposed.
He chuckled as his litter bearers returned them to the Red Keep. “You jest, Silver Queen, but I am afraid nothing you have will be able to entice me away from King Aegon and his lady mother.”
“Do you fuck Alicent?” Aemma asked wondering if that was the price the queen paid for his loyalty.
“Such crass words for a Scion of Old Valyria.” He tutted her like a child and answered her question, “I do not fuck the Queen, no, our arrangement is not one of that nature, your highness.”
Not fucking, alludes to it not being sexual in nature, but the words he used left it ambiguous.
Would Alicent be the type to use loopholes?
Although, if Alicent was doing non-penetrative sexual acts ---something Aemma had exploited during her short, short courtship and still enjoys doing--- she was wasting it on this fucker.
Cole was nearly forty and still half the women she knows would like to know him carnally, if Alicent was half-cuckolding her late husband, Cole would have been the more sensible choice.
If you ask Aemma that is.
“I will take that answer for now, Lord Strong.” The Princess will eventually find out, maybe after she alludes enough with vague threats to her lovely goodmother.
Even if she never gets the answer, she will get under Alicent’s skin which is a victory in itself.
“I may be persuaded to look the other way and let you escape if you answer my question truthfully.” Larys returned to the negotiation at hand.
Aemma could suspect what he wanted to know, but he is the last person who could know her secret.
Otto and Alicent were on the list, but this man in front of her was the most dangerous of all.
Balerion above, she was never getting out of this fucking place.
“I like being the center of attention and have faked an infirmity to get it.” The Princess of Dragonstone lies, it doesn’t matter if it’s convincing, the Master of Whisperers will see through it.
Aemee is eating assorted berries from a plate balanced atop her belly when he returns.
She is wearing only her shift, her feet are propped up to keep them from swelling again, and her lips are an adorable shade of purple from the mostly blackberry and mulberry plate.
The rooms have been tidied up, but the damage was extensive.
Her blood runs hot as dragon fire, and Aemond was too Targaryen to not find it arousing, but not once was he the object of her ire.
“Coward.” She greets him and Aemond fights the urge to yell at her for trusting the wrong person again.
What if Willa had been paid by someone who wanted her dead?
Her delightfully shaped head could have been on a spike instead of propped up by fine pillows.
“If am a coward for wanting to keep you and our babe safe, then you are a bloody idiot, Aemee.” He retorts enjoying her scowl because they know he’s right. “The moment a person shows you a hint of goodness, false as it may be, you believe them. I don’t know who to blame for that, your mother or your grandmother.”
She responds by throwing a decorative pillow she embroidered herself at him. “Fuck you.”
“Why, you did that last night, Ābrazȳrys.” He rolled his eye at her childishness. If she wanted to be immature about this, he could too.
“Helaena says Aegon will kill her. Her mercy wasted on a person without it.” Aemma tries her best not to cry, but whatever control she had has deteriorated into nothingness by now.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized for Aegon’s future atrocities. Aemond thinks he will spend the rest of his existence asking her to forgive him for the hell his family will put her through. “Aegon has no honor, and I doubt he will gain some in battle, anyone else would spare Rhaenys had it been them.”
He loves his brother, but if he had left instead of hiding in a sept, they would all have been better for it.
Easier to say Viserys wanted Aemma and him to rule than to say Aegon.
“Would your family care if the two of us miss the feast tonight?” his wife softened as she accepted his apology.
As much as he would like to join her in her earned laziness, he can’t. Duty demanded he be there to toast to his brother.
It would be dull without her, she was lively, her pettiness and wit made him hate events like that less and Aemond can’t use her as an excuse to leave if she is not there.
“Very much. If you went, we could use the babe as an excuse to leave early.” He suggested and then amended it to sweeten the deal. “After you have ruined a so called good dinner with a bad toast.”
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damienthepious · 2 years
I’ll bite! Commentary on the newest hb3 chapter, specifically the section from Arum’s POV? I am absolutely dying over this fic
oh wonderful thank you
[Arum refuses to think of this particular task as a distraction. He is busy, he is important, he is Lord of the Swamp, and he does not indulge in distractions.]
put a header on this section that is just "Arum lies to himself about something entirely unimportant while being PAINFULLY domestic". Maybe i was being self-indulgent, writing this bit. that seems fair.
[(He does not need to keep his mind entirely busy to avoid obsessing-)]
he is having a LOT of trouble thinking of.. things besides Damien. Which honestly. he didn't think through this tactic of distraction very well. he's over here like better make a present for damien's girlfriend! this is normal!!! this won't make me think of him a lot!!!
[However… he knew exactly what he wanted to do right away, for his gift in return to Damien's other- Damien's real romantic pursuit, and he is impatient to put it together. In honesty, it is very simple. The perfect task at which to bend his efforts while he waits for another project to grow enough for the next stage.]
The back-and-forth dynamic that Arum and Rilla are accidentally developing without meeting is......... interesting, to me. Arum has a habit of doing nice things and refusing to acknowledge them as such, and that's kinda spiraling out in this chapter in particular. Also, he's driving himself crazy a little comparing his own "arrangement" with Damien to his capital R Relationship with Rilla. It's a little bit of self-torment, really.
[The little lavender is acclimating well, taking to the encouragement of the Keep's magic with minimal strain, blooming at their prompting easily.]
Magic means you don't have to wait an actual appropriate amount of time before your flowers bloom :)
[(Of course, he could use his own lavender, other plants, for his gift, but there's something about… no, he wants to use the plant that she sent, for this.)]
lmaooooo the lizard is charmed. Or maybe he just thinks it has a pleasing circularity to it. Like how she sent him lavender particularly suited to flavoring drinks after he sent her a flavored drink. He's playing back in kind, which is something he has a habit of in general.
[Simple syrups live up to their name, of course, even when delicately flavored, and he's done simmering the concoction with plenty of time to spare. He candies the leftover sprigs, while he's at it. May as well. They look… pretty, like that. Sweetness frost-dusted over the already delicate white of the flowers.]
Arum appreciates beauty. he's impatient about a lot of things, but... i think he has an appreciation for aesthetics. also someone commented that this was his LEAST troubling coping mechanism and it made me laugh so hard and i can't stop thinking about it. they were RIGHT but also oh my god.
[He slips one into the bottle for the syrup on a whim, pleased by the way it looks when he pours the syrup down over it, like a thing preserved in ice.]
also dear god i wanna make some lavender sugar so bad after writing all this. some fuckin candies or something. lavender frosting. christ.
[He could stop there, of course. But-
(Eyes almost golden in the sunrise-)
(He is not distracting himself he is not-)]
I love arum and damien independently obsessing about seeing each other in sunlight for the first time. Also Arum finding something NEW to lie to himself about!!! he's telling himself the truth about Being In Love, so he needs SOMETHING to cling to with his big beefy denial muscles......
[(Will Damien laugh at the offering, this time? Will his eyes light, again? Can Arum amuse him with this, delight him, impress him? Impress his new mate?)
(Laughable. Idiot creature.)]
He still wants so badly for Damien to just... like him. not even love him, he's too hopeless about it for that, but just... to LIKE him. to have SOME affection for him. and he's so bitter towards himself about that desire. and the fact that it's bleeding over to this other human he hasn't met yet?? he's even MORE embarrassed about THAT.
[He shakes his head. He sighs.
He checks his storeroom, drumming his claws off his scales as he considers his options.]
The look of a lizard Definitely Not Distracting Himself. Also maybe! maybe i am delighted by arum acting domestic in any capacity!!! and that's FINE. Checking the cupboards....
[The Keep will help with whatever he decides, he knows. He can already feel it hovering, gently joyful at the idea of a more playful collaboration than they have had the opportunity for, lately.
He pulls out a pan he hasn't used in quite some time, and he pretends not to laugh at the unsubtle chime of song from above.
Well. At least this pointless endeavor will make his Keep happy, if nothing else.]
also legit any excuse in the world for Arum to hang out and bond with his Keep. THey love each other so fucking much and. Augh. The Keep is so worried about him.
also also. uhm preview for the next chapter because it is SUPPOSED to cut back to Rilla and Damien's day here, buuuuut the scene was getting too long for me to finish for the day so it got pushed to the next chap. so that's what to expect! :) More kissies! and other stuff :) :)
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