#he deserves nothing but the absolute best
kpop---scenarios · 2 days
Charmer (5)
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Pairing: Minho x Reader x Chan
Genre: FWB, EX FWB
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.3k
Taglist: @oddracha @iovecb97 @katsukis1wife @stay-tiny-things @rubytakemyhandx23 @hyunjinhoexxx @iikxstcenn @beebee18 @kissesmellow21 @skzooluvr @felixthemochicat @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @yaorzu-blog @jisunglyricist @lunearta @changbinismymuscledaddy @minh0scat @minnieprincess85
Previous Chapters
That morning you woke up feeling like the absolute worst version of yourself. You hated the way you had been acting, and the things you had been doing with Minho. It seemed like he truly brought out the worst in you and you needed to avoid him and be honest with Chan which made you feel extremely uneasy.
“Hey you.” Chan smiles as he stands outside your front door.
“Hey.” You smile. “I could have met you there.” You giggle. That would have been better, because once you're honest with him, who knows if you'll end up having a ride home.
“Where would the fun in that be?” He laughs, grabbing your bag from your hand, before taking your hand with his other one, bringing you out to the car. He opens the car door for you, letting you slide in before he closes it and puts your bag in the back seat.
As Chan gets into the driver's seat, he pulls away from your apartment building, smiling widely as he makes the drive towards the beach as happy as can be, while you sit there, twiddling your thumbs, your stomach riddled with anxiety. The drive to the beach wasn't nearly long enough for you to fully decide what you were going to do. Did you tell him? Did you tell him all about Minho, every single dirty, disgusting, immoral thing you did and let that man do to you, or did you keep your mouth quiet and try to fix it all on your own? You really liked Chan and the thought of him telling you that he didn't want anything to do with you, was terrifying but you also didn't want to start anything off with him by lying to him about Minho.
Even if you didn't want to, you knew what you needed to do, and you would take whatever he gave to you because whatever he gives you is what you deserve.
“Are you okay?” Chan asks as he sets up the blanket on the sand, setting down your bag and the cooler of goodies he brought along.
“I need to tell you something.” You whisper, hanging your head down.
“Hey, Y/N.” Chan says, sliding his finger under your chin to lift your head. “Whatever you need to tell me, it'll be okay. I promise.” He smiles.
“I don't know about that. Honestly I'm scared to tell you about it. I don't want you to judge me.. hate me.. not want anything to do with me.” You sigh.
“You're starting to scare me now.” Chan chuckles. “Tell me.”
You take a deep breath, trying to figure out where to start, but you figured the beginning would likely be the best.
“It all started over two years ago..” you begin.
Chan sits there's, listening to your every word, explaining how Minho would treat you, how he would use you, the things he would say to you. “and then que Jennie.. right after he told me he didn't want to settle down..” you continue. Explaining how you thought he used her to make you jealous, but you didn't want to care anymore and you didn't want to be involved with him anymore, but at the same time you hoped and prayed that he was going to change, that he would finally realize his feelings for you and move on with you and be the man you deserved. “and then.. he was over last night.. using me.. again when you called.. and I feel so fucking terrible about that. I'm the worst person ever and if you wanted nothing to do with me after this I would completely understand.” You breathe, using all your breath to get out the last bits of the story.
“Okay, okay, okay.” Chan says, waving his hands around. “First of all, we're hanging out and getting to know each other, but Y/N, we're not exclusive, yet. Do I like that you've been sleeping with someone else? No, but I understand. I get the inability to quit someone, thing. Maybe not to that extent but I do understand.” He says. You drop your head down again, sniffling. “I appreciate the honesty from you, beautiful. And I'm sorry you've been dealing with that. That's not how someone who cares about you is supposed to treat you. I gotta ask though, why didn't you tell me sooner?” He asks.
“I was embarrassed. I didn't want to accept that it was how he was going to always treat me. Like I said, I guess I hoped that eventually I could change his mind or he would figure out how he truly felt for me. But it's clear that it's never going to change. And he is never going to change.” You say.
“So what is it that you want?” He asks.
“It's you. I want to be with you. And I want him out of my life, but he doesn't seem to take me seriously when I tell him I'm done.” You tell him.
“So, how can I help…” He begins, until you cut him off.
“Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me.” You yell. Chan turns his head to look where you're staring, where he sees a man and a woman holding hands, walking towards the beach.
“Is that?” He asks, turning his head to look at you before back at the couple. “Is that him?” He asks.
You can feel your tears forming in your eyes. Why does Minho continue to try and ruin this shit for you?
“Yeah.” You whisper. “Can we just go?” You wonder.
“Nope. We're gonna stay right here, and we're going to enjoy our day and not let that dickweed ruin our date.” He smiles, opening up the cooler, handing you a drink and one of your favorite snacks. It didn't take long for Chan to have you giggling, all your worries, your fears, anxieties and doubts floated away the more time you spent with Chan on this beach. You had almost forgotten that Minho was there, that he was trying to ruin your perfectly good time with Chan. You're laughing as you go to take a sip of the champagne he packed, when a volleyball comes flying over, smacking you directly in the face, spilling your drink all over you.
“Shit, are you okay?” Chan asks you, grabbing some napkins to help you clean up.
“Ah, Y/N. That was you?” A familiar voice says, running up to your blanket. He stops, kicking sand all over the blanket and all over the food that Chan had packed.
“What the fuck, man?” Chan snaps, standing up. Minho laughs, putting his hands up.
“That was an accident.” Minho says, laughing again.
“Yeah, it really looked like it.” Chan snaps.
“Okay, that's enough.” You snap, pushing Minho away. “Go the fuck away. And leave us alone.” You yell before turning back around to Chan.
“So he's your newest conquest then, Y/N?” Minho yells. “What, is he gonna be the next one you cry about not loving you back?” Minho laughs. You stare at him, your mouth dropping open. You turn away from him, not seeing the instant guilt wash over his face as you walk away from him.
“Please. Can we please leave.” You cry.
“Nah, fuck him.” Chan snaps, storming towards Minho. Chan raises his fist and swings, hitting Minho square in the face, knocking him back.
“Stay away from me.” Chan snaps. “And stay far the fuck away from Y/N.”
Chan walks back to, grabbing onto an inconsolable you, leaving all the ruined things on the beach, only grabbing your bag and taking you back to the car.
“I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.” You whimper. “Please just take me home.”
“No. I can't do that in the state you're in. Plus he doesn't know where I live. Let me take care of you.” He smiles at you, grabbing your hand. “Please?”
You force a smile, nodding your head as Chan reaches over, grabbing your hand and you felt almost like everything was going to be okay.
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hotheadedhero · 19 hours
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT about what it would be like to date Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie (separately) and what the pros and cons of those relationships would be?
AN: Ooh~ Yes, I like this! It's not completely sunshine and rainbows, after all :0
Pros/Cons of Your Relationship
Rise Turtles x Reader
Considering the sheer size of this magnificent creature, the hugs and cuddles you get are beyond comparison. There's nothing quite like starting/ending your day by being wrapped up in those glorious green muscles.
Is deliberately gentle due to his immense strength and has a great amount of self-restraint in his physicality when interacting with you, even when he gets wildly excited. Such as any time you visit him in the lair and he barrels towards you. It seems like it'll be a harsh impact and then he stops at the last second to avoid knocking you over. Adorable.
Never have to worry about being in danger with him around. This big lug will make sure you're in safe hands no matter the location, no matter the time of day.
Raph is unabashedly tender and kind. He'll be hesitant to say anything hurtful towards you and as such is careful with his words, especially when it comes to criticisms.
May get slightly overbearing with how protective he is. He isn't being inherently controlling and his heart is in the right place but you wish he wouldn't worry so much, as sweet as it is.
Need to be careful leaving him alone for too long given his risk for going into savage mode. Can come across as rather clingy because of this.
Much like certain disagreements he has with his brothers, he sometimes has a hard time admitting when he's wrong. However, it's never usually about anything too serious but it can cause it's strains.
Always knows how to make you laugh and tries his best to do such when you're feeling down. Some of his jokes are admittedly pretty terrible but you can't deny the fact that even the bad ones coax a smile out of you.
Enjoys spontaneity. Even if you're the type of person that struggles with getting out there or knowing what to do for the day, Leo always has something under his sleeve. Just call him the master of fun.
Whilst he's a jovial character, that doesn't mean he can't have his more serious moments, nor is he always completely blind-sighted to things if they seem too good to be true. Sure, he gets you two into shenanigans but he'll have your back if things seem awry.
Has also been shown to try to reconcile his mistakes and be sympathetic towards your plights, especially if he ends up being the cause of them. It may take him a moment or two to figure it out but he always finds a way to make right by you for his mistakes.
Has an almost incessant need for attention and can come across as quite conceited. You find that he prioritises his own entertainment, so planning dates can often feel one-sided and uneven in mutual enjoyment.
Doesn't always know how to take things seriously, which can lead to your fair share of arguments.
Is known to be a compulsive liar and will engage in frequent fibbing when he worries about getting into trouble with you. With this, Leo can be disingenuous as it is not unusual for his charisma to take the form of false flattery just to get into someone’s good graces. Having become aware of this, it's sometimes difficult to take his compliments towards you as true.
Treats you like the absolute royalty you are. Being his loved one, he makes a point of giving the treatment he feels that you deserve. Whether that be programming S.H.E.L.D.O.N to give you special attention or hiding the last pizza box for you to share, he always makes you feel like number one.
Is always willing to help you out, no matter the issue. Donnie is a problem solver, at the end of the day, and will work on a solution to aid you. No job is too big or too small.
He is all about gestures of grandiose proportions, loving the dramatics as much as he himself is dramatic. His aptitude for being extravagant means that birthdays, Christmases, and anniversaries are often met with awe-inspiring displays of affection.
While he perceives himself as being emotionless, in reality, he is far from it. It isn't uncommon for him to become irritated, such as when he doesn't feel as though others listen to or appreciate his intelligence. That's why it means the world when he opens up to you about his transgressions.
Unintentionally has a habit of being condescending or patronising towards you. You are aware that he is highly intelligent and that you won't always know the answer to something, but he needs to keep in mind that he isn't right about everything.
When he gets absorbed in his work, it's as though the entire world around him ceases to exist. This means that getting his attention can be difficult and often times you are left waiting until he's finished.
Despite his openness with you, your genuine adoration of his abilities isn't always met with gratitude. He longs for such praise but it carries more weight if it comes from respective elders. This unintentionally has you feeling irrelevant or that your opinion doesn't matter.
Makes killer meals for you. There doesn't have to be a special occasion for him to get passionately creative in the kitchen for you. He always goes all out to make sure your pallet is satisfied.
Best believe he encourages you to add some colour to your wardrobe and helps you pick out outfits. He's supportive of your choices and loves any excuse for a good fashion show.
He absolutely hates being dishonest to those he loves most and best believe that includes you. One might view it as a con but the fact that he dislikes lying means you never have to worry about him hiding something from you. It does make surprise birthday parties difficult to hide but you win some, you lose some.
Mikey is an intuitive family man and wants to keep you and everyone on good terms with one another. He acts as a brilliant mediator, keeping things fair and unbiased when assisting in such resolves.
Sometimes he's a bit brash with conversations that involve telling you about particular problems. You appreciate the irony of 'Dr. Delicate Touch' but that persona is in dire need of a name change.
Being the youngest of his brothers, he may have certain complexes where doing tasks or upholding responsibilities are concerned. Even if it's obvious that something requires an extra pair of hands, he may refuse your help because of his need to prove himself.
Is easily frightened and often retreats into his shell instead of confronting the threat. This includes any challenges that may come from you, as well. You appreciate his fear of conflicts but he can't always hide away when something important needs to be discussed.
At the end of the day, no one is perfect. Far from it, in fact, but you take each other for what you are. As long as you're both happy and know how to have constructive conversations about glaring issues, there isn't anything to worry about <3
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oxpogues4lifexo · 2 days
Becoming a Cameron
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Marrying Rafe would feel like a dream come true. There would be every colour of flowers known to man. The whole island would be there. The rings would have the biggest diamonds. Your dress alone would cost tens of thousands but it’s okay because it’s Rafe Cameron.
It wouldn’t be a traditional churchy wedding. No. It would be at the biggest most expensive resort and you’d marry outside. In the sunset, the grass, fairy lights and flowers filling in all the empty spaces. Every chair laid out perfectly with little gifts on each of them. Your bridesmaids and groomsman would wear only the expensive stuff. You’d pay for everyone’s hair and makeup. EVERYTHING was on you (Rafe). All the kids would have their own gift bags to keep them occupied because you love kids and were able to bribe Rafe to let them be at the ceremony.
Rafe would 1000% cry!!! Like undoubtedly. He’d just be stood at the altar already thinking about you and tearing up. Knowing that your the only person EVER who has show him the love he deserves and your here today to confirm that you will never ever leave him. He still doesn’t believe it to this day. He doesn’t even believe you said yes and meant it. But here you are, about to walk out on the path of flower petals to the song you both picked out that reminded you of your first everything. Seeing you, god he’d break down. And he wouldn’t even care about everyone seeing. Because he knows he banked the prettiest and most perfect person on the island and he wants everyone to know just how you make him feel. He’s wrapped around you finger. He’s so madly inlove with you. And today is the day he finally gets the chance to admit it. Everything. Everythings he’s felt and thought the past few years, he gets to tell you and everyone else. He was ready, but also scared.
The tables were inside, all decorated with flowers and the finest gold cutlery. Everyone would have a meal that fit them, preferably their favourite meals. Because Rafe doesn’t care for money and wants only the best for everyone on your special day. He’d pay for 10 chefs that could cook up the best meals and obviously there’d be rows of tables full of picky bits for the kids.
You’d have your first dance alone, separate from the rest of your friends and family. Youd want it to be private and intimate. Going outside to enjoy your time alone in the quiet and sway side to side together as you just look into each others eyes with nothing but absolute pure love. Neither of you have ever felt like this before but you’d never exchange it for anything. You both knew this was forever, and you couldn’t wait to move on to the next big step.
For my nsfw girlies, afterwards you’d get a private plane to your honeymoon. Before you’d share the dirtiest sex known to man. On the plane? Yes. On the beach. Yes? you wouldn’t stop. Because you were both insanely lovestruck and couldn’t keep your hands off each other. This was for life. And you couldn’t help but keep your hands and eyes on the hottest man in the world. He was all yours. And you wanted everyone to know that. You wanted HIM to know that.
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Not my usual stuff just really been in the wedding mood recently and just wanted to write my thoughts into a little blurb
Yes I’ll get back to writing KuwtC now..
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dabislittlemouse · 23 hours
It’s a good chapter but man Dabi should not be alive. Idc what machine they have bro was burnt to a crisp there’s no surviving what he’s been through
But he is alive. I know yall are going thru denial phase right now but he is alive, like always. He deserves a chance at life, and if Dabi simply died that means everything that family went through was for nothing. It wouldn’t make sense, all those struggles down the drain for absolutely nothing, the reunion in the middle of war, Shoto’s efforts to stop his brother, his dream to eat hot udon with him one day, Rei putting herself in danger to stop her son from killing everyone and himself, Natsu and Fuyumi too. And all that just so Dabi could die?
Also, It only shows how strong Dabi actually is for surviving TWICE and I know yall get mad when villains survive but yes, he is alive. Just because he was burnt to a crisp doesn’t mean he deserves to be left to die like that, just like yalls precious Bakugo whose heart literally got replaced so he could survive (if i remember correctly) there was no chance in hell he’d survive but in the end Hori revived him, so why not Dabi as well? Just cause he was burnt to a crisp he must die? Remember this is fiction, and yes they have the best technology to keep him alive so why should he not be alive
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Hello!!! =D
This follows from Part 1
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Oh you're still here 😶
Honestly, I was really liking his character right up till he said this. He was nice, friendly, and yes, a little invasive, but as long as Peem didn't mind, I was okay. But we all know how a love rival saying these words go in BLs, so when he said this, alarms went off in my head. And he continued flirting. Which is not okay. I know Peem doesn't really mind, but still. Kluen, you are a mostly decent human, but please take a rejection as it's supposed to be taken.
Also, when he says he's handsome and rich, and Peem jokes about how much he's willing to "invest", Peem says "Phum is handsome, too." No mention of his money. If Phum heard this, he'd be jumping and squealing, but it also tells us that Peem cares fuck all about how rich Phum is. Which will probably help Phum gain more confidence in this love.
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Who the fuck cares. 🙂
Listen, as I said in my previous post, I'd decided to ignore the parents because they didn't deserve any attention, but when he stopped Fang from going after Phum, I was furious. That is nothing compared to what I felt in this scene. You ruined his childhood, gave him trauma that he'll never be able to fully leave behind, gave Fang trauma too, and then you dare to ask him why he doesn't talk to you? You have the audacity to keep pestering him even after he says he has something to do? And now you're ruining his adult life too. With all due respect, which is absolutely none: fuck. off.
@almayver I'm really thinking of writing that fic. 🙂
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I love this friend group so much.
The moment Q says Peem is sad they all barge into his house to cheer him up, no hesitation. They don't demand to know the whys and hows (Q does, but he already knows), just settle in comfortable and loudly, and be their chaotic selves. This reminds us that despite all the flirting and cheesy lines and hugging and kissies, friendship will always be a priority for these group of friends.
And let's be honest, Peem expected Aunt Pui, and we all expected Phum. This was a very nice surprise.
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All this time, Peem wasn't upset Phum was late. He was worried about Phum.
This was the scene that made me cry. We Are was supposed to be a simple romcom. WHAT IS THIS THEN.
I just- I really have nothing to say here, they said it all.
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They both did what they did and are feeling what they are because they're important to each other.
Phum did it because he didn't want to ruin Peem's big day again. And Peem is upset and worried because he thinks he might not be Phum's safe space anymore.
Peem's reaction tells me that maybe he was over the moon last episode when he could provide comfort to Phum. And he's very very glad that at least with him, Phum can be himself. This incident makes him question that, which leads him to questioning their entire relationship. Phum himself said (many times in various ways) that Peem makes him feel good and warm and comfortable, and he's not lonely anymore. But... if Peem isn't that to Phum anymore, then what is he?
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This is one of the best love confessions Thai BL has ever given me.
I have nothing else to say. This has already given us all enough emotional damage.
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This reminds me of that textpost: "Caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing."
Love that Q has already accepted Phum hehe. You know your man is good when he's bestie-approved.
Love even more how he's giving the cold shoulder to Phum and then defending him to Peem 😭
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Well he did, but apparently your ears were "muffled".
Also- love this scene.
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I mean, I get him though, who the hell would be able to say no to Phum's "please? 🥺"
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Just putting this here 'cause I happened to pause at the right moment and this scene is beautiful and very pretty. <3
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I missed Matt (JJ) and his impeccable sense of humour so bad
Every group is incomplete without a Matt hehe
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If I had a rupee for every time a couple kissed at this booth, I'd have two rupees, which is nothing, but it's strange it happened twice.
Another very beautiful scene. <33
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He says that as if he isn't squealing and giggling inside. But. FINALLY. OUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!!!
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OOH flower bouquet kiss hehe
Reminds me of QToey tote bag kiss
Next ep:
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Portrait drawing?!!
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have some ice cream 🍨
My We Are posts.
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blacclotusss · 3 days
I Could Not Prevent It
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Ah...the death of the vampiress Claudia...the day I have been dreading since...season one if I'm being quite honest with you. Before all of the murder plotting in episodes six and seven, before things went downhill halfway through episode 4, and before she even appeared on screen for the first time. My Claudia...my babygirl. When I learned about this show, I looked up all the characters and what happens to them, and it made me nervous that she was a child and would die in such a painful way. But, when I saw that she was aged up and would be Black, as her Daddy Lou would be as well, I was immediately protective of her and wanted nothing but the best. There was this delusional thought I had that maybe they would change the course of her fate and she'd be able to live as she deserves, but at every corner she turned, there was something else lurking and waiting to capture her; from her being turned, to Charlie, to Lestat and his nonsense, to Bruce, and all the way up to Armand and the Coven. Even before she was brought into Louis and Lestat's lives, the life she lived was one no person, let alone child, should ever have to go through. And then, she comes into this situation where the both of these men are turning her against her will for their own selfish reasons. I've always felt that way: Louis wanted something to fix after blaming himself for the riots and Lestat didn't want to lose Louis. Period. But, Claudia made the best out of her situation and was brilliant and defiant, doing her own thing despite what many told her she should do or act like. All the way up until her last moments in the flesh on Earth, she never backed down. And I absolutely love her for that, always will love her. She is such an amazingly written character in this show and I hope to see Delainey in so much more after this! 
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The Trial
If this makes me seem biased, so be it, but none of what happened during that trial that came out of Lestat's mouth moved me. He knew exactly what he came there to do, but wants to get caught up in the moment and emotions when retelling the story. Goodbye! And for him to sit there a try to reveal "the truth" about what happened also did nothing for me. Lestat still had a part in everything that happened, EVERYTHING. That changes nothing! The retelling of the story was shit and so was that so-called apology because how can you apologize to him and not her? You put that girl through so much, verbally and physically abusing her. Asked if she would be a lap dog, let your mistress call her a dog, put your hands on her more than once, and threw her assault up in her face when she was trying to escape. Where is her apology? And had the audacity to look like that as she died. Save the tears and as Louis said "Fuck you!" Y'all can let that move you and have you kissing his feet if you want, but it changes nothing. He's still a piece of scum watched her die as she looked to him for help (Delainey's words) with tears like you didn't come here to watch her die. 
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And this whole trial had such a racist undertone to it, from the descriptions to the depictions on screen. It just gave me "Hey look at the Black people provoking this white man to make him do these things." Literally everything, down to the cutting of the Achilles tendons, the way they treated Madeleine versus Louis and Claudia, etc. Just a tragedy all around. 
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The final goodbye between Louis and Claudia...my God. It's the way that they didn't have a great greeting (that turning moment was not pretty, either version) and they only had a small moment of happiness between them before they were pulled apart. I already knew Louis was lying when he said in the previous episode that he did not feel anything when she left, but seeing them grab for each other (as well as his demeanor when speaking about her in Dubai) told me they loved each other; they've always loved each other. Yes, they butt heads, but you could always feel the love between them and I hate that they didn't get a proper departure. Lastly, my favorite moments in this episode were between Claudia and Madeleine. Madeleine being so out of it, to the point of not even understanding what was going on until the end, and still choosing to be with Claudia. Oh the waterworks! I'm so glad Claudia had someone that was all in with and for her before her demise. She, and the audience at home, was finally able to see and know what a Gothic romance is. This is immortal and eternal love between those that care and understand one another. I absolutely bawled when the both of them met the Sun and I don't think we'll ever see something so pure like that in this genre. I'll miss them both. And Louis...blow that theatre to pieces! 
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Now you sir...what the hell are we going to do with you? I just...the man barely said anything this episode and he still managed to get under my skin. How strong are these vampires that you, the oldest one in the bunch and most powerful, cannot move nor prevent this from happening? Or did he really want her gone like I suspected he did last week? My money is definitely on the latter because he would have Louis all to himself and that seems like the goal with these men Louis cuddles up to. And he said Sam was guarding the gate, and no offense to Sam, but I'm sure Armand would be able to take him. But, what really got me was Sam was also seen helping put Louis in the coffin down stairs so what's the truth Armand? I guess we'll have to wait until next week. But, I did want to circle back to the racism, but in the fandom and not the show because I'm noticing the same pattern between everyone's reactions to the show. Y'all are on Armand's neck (warranted) for his role in this whole thing, but let the white man waltz on stage and let those tears fall and y'all are falling for it. I saw a video from a creator today, along with other tweets, calling Louis a master manipulator and how they'd known how evil he had been all this time. What? There's no way we're all watching the same show, not when you've come to that conclusion. There is zero consideration for Louis' feelings and thoughts at all. Y'all let your attraction to white cock cloud your judgement every time and it's sick to see. I hope you have no friends or family that have gone through anything like that because I'd steer very clear from you all.  
Season One Revisits
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As I expected before the trailers dropped, there were two season one revisits in this episode. However, I don't feel as strongly about them as I thought I would and maybe it's because I overly analyzed those scenes before this. To me, the Claudia turning scene showed Louis' desperation for something to make him feel better after blaming himself for the riots. Him begging and pleading on his knees simply fueled just how broken he was. The most chilling part, however, was him dragging her like a child running around the house with a doll in tow. It's as if Claudia was his property, and you can even see that with him wanting her turned in the first place. With the episode five revisit, it didn't  change anything for me at all. I took it as Louis simply defending his child as was shown in season one and Lestat losing his temper and going overboard. He still had the upper hand and he knew it, he admitted it himself. It just feels like they brought it back up for no reason...why are we having Louis retell this again? He's already said what it was and how he felt. There was no reason for him to relive these memories once again in such a short span of time. I get it was for the plot, but at what cost? How many times do we need to hear the abused recount their abuse? 
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so I’ve been trying to think of the best way to talk about Skuld’s fate for a while now and I think I’ve finally got it. My feelings about how she could be handled are a bit complicated (maybe even controversial? lol) but I hope I can make myself clear. This is essentially gonna be the post I point to whenever and if ever I need it later in the future. Thanks in advance if you read this!
If for whatever reason it’s confirmed that Skuld isn’t Subject χ and she gets together with Ephemer in canon (which I don’t believe will actually happen, but who knows), I do genuinely think there’d be something incredibly poetic about both of them leaving behind a legacy together.
Skuld as Subject χ is a super intriguing concept that I want to see get played out in canon, and even outside of that possibility, I would really love to just see her go on her own journey, have her own story where she can grapple with the events of khux in her own ways. But as someone who also happens to love her and Eph’s dynamic, I like to indulge in the possibility of them founding Scala together too.
Believe me when I say that I’m very skeptical of Skuld getting the credit and spotlight she deserves given the track record of how female characters are treated in this series. It would break my heart if Skuld got turned into an accessory or got shafted or worst case scenario, is used only to kickstart the Ephy lineage and nothing more outside of that. She deserves good, solid writing no matter what her fate is, I’m sure we can all agree on that at least.
And then there’s also the question of whether or not Nomura would ever establish a canon romantic relationship, and if he even should do that in the first place. I think it would be great, as long as it’s written in such a way that it doesn’t impede on the other types of relationships he’s already established. It could delve into some interesting new territory that can highlight the themes of kh, and make them even stronger and more profound. But you don’t absolutely need romance in order for that to be accomplished, ya feel?
Do I love Skuld and Eph together? Yes. Do I think they should be together (romantically) in canon? Not necessarily. You can both enjoy a ship AND recognize the nuances involved.
But anyway anywaaaaay, long disclaimers aside, these two characters have been through so much together…they witnessed two apocalypses. They’ve suffered the loss of a dear friend at their hands, along with their other friends as a result of horrible circumstances they had no control over. They stayed side by side as their home collapsed around and on them. But they also laughed together. They looked out for each other, stood up for each other. Encouraged and comforted and teased each other so they would smile.
From the very beginning, to the very end, they had each other over and over again. Clinging to hope with incredible resilience. From party members, to friends, to leaders. They’re both wonderful characters who I have no doubt would support each other throughout the rest of their lives, just as they always have.
I’ll be fine if a romance between them doesn’t become canon, in fact I’ll probably be pretty relieved. But I can’t deny that the idea of the two of them being entwined forever, bonded by the tragedies they’ve been through, yet also by all of their happy times and shared memories, is a beautiful thought to me.
Surviving to see the other side and building everything from the ground up again together, and seeing the legacy that follows their love, is a story worth telling, in my opinion. In the end, if that’s a story left to us fans to tell, that’s more than enough for me. We have so much to work with. Regardless of what Nomura and/or the rest of the writing team choose to do, I don’t need them to be a canon couple to enjoy the profound love and care they have for each other.
TL;DR - Whatever happens with Skuld, I’m down for the ride. As long as she’s present, period, I’m here for it. Just…please for the love of god, let her be written well. I miss her so much and I need all these years of loving her character to pay off
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shoyoackerman · 10 months
yuji is the greenest flag ever. adorable amazing like no words to describe how much I love him 🥹 anyone who doesn’t like him or likes suk*na over him immediately on my do not trust list
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fionnaskyborn · 8 months
I meant to actually properly color and render this piece, but I greatly underestimated just how much time THAT takes for someone like me, who absolutely cannot use any digital drawing tool without a disproportionate amount of time and effort. I still count a simple unpolished sketch as better than nothing, though, so, without further ado...
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(Opening the image gets rid of the Tumblr compression blur, so please do that in order to see this piece in all of its glory ;w;)
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nightgoodomens · 6 months
There’s something about duality of fandoms, on one hand there’s so many cool metas and gorgeous arts and you meet your friends… and at the same time so many shitty opinions and the fandom literally giving you creeps at certain points - to the point that you’re starting hating some ideas and they’re ruining your mood and you realise you need to step away because soon you won’t even be able to look at that tv show anymore.
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blindedguilt · 2 months
//Was thinking about posting this on my alt, but since I figure I've spoken about this frequently enough on this blog and it's THE dedicated Leonard Space™️... //I'm throwing up and crying thinking about how leonard had never gotten to experience romantic or sexual attraction (or will ever GET to experience those things, unrequited or not) without complete dread and self-blame and guilt and how that must have been growing up with the hope and expectations of "Being in love must be so nice, I hope I'll be able feel that one day" and not ONLY having that hope gradually dwindle as he grew into the "expected marriageable age" watching those around him go on with their lives and attain those things in a way that seems so natural but is so foreign to him and the absolute sadness of the point the notion of "attraction" and "falling in love" turned to complete and abject horror and disgust when he realises that this is what his mind has decided is "Normal" for him, and all possibilities and aspirations he may have had of a child, teen, young adult, etc. up to that point of even the bare minimum is now a complete impossibility. //how it fully sets in he'll never experience love. never find his own family or someone to be interested in and care about in such a way or even feel attraction without that weight attached.... like idc, actual relationships are one thing but if ANYTHING you should at least be able to know the joy of falling in love if even for a SECOND without any strings (Disgust, guilt, self-hate, etc.) attached!!!! guys!!!!!!! //HE'S WAY TOO KIND AND GENTLE AND HANDSOME AND CARING AND HUMBLE AND A GENTLEMAN AND HANDSOME AND HIS VOICE IS WAY TOO SEXY FOR THIS SHIT, HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!!!!! LET HIM LOVE!!!!!!! HE'S SHOWN TO HAVE SO MUCH TO GIVE IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS (Parental, familial, just being an empathetic person towards his "enemies" in general) AND YET HE DIES HAVING NEVER KNOWN IT...... WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO HIM........... ouuugughhh.........
#||ooc||#||relevant||#{/having feelings about leonard again someone kiss him or beat him up with a lead pipe rlly quickly how do we process this.....}#{/there's just something about leonards SPECIFIC iteration of the 'beyond help' and 'guy who doesn't deserve this gets the worst of it'}#{/tropes that REALLY hurts in how he deserves it the LEAST and is so UTTERLY beyond hope ur like 'idek how i can make this better'}#{/the more i think about it the more insane 1.3 is to me in the idea that in its own completely fucked up degenerate way}#{/leonard may have been the only one of that group to have a POSITIVE bend to his character and how he carries himself}#{/where arioch; caim; furiae; etc. are either made more negative or are the same but with different context}#{/and the reason for that is is that is takes away the strongest thing that makes leonard so compelling and GUT-WRENCHING as a character:}#{/that caring demeanour is still TECHNICALLY there on the surface; but beneath that this leonard just let himself go COMPLETELY}#{/by becoming what would be the absolute NIGHTMARE of DOD1 Leonard and tossing the morals connected with his guilt out the window}#{/he's 'fixed' himself mentally; and no longer is completely miserable and wracked with guilt (perhaps grief!! but thats another thing)}#{/BECAUSE HE'S CONVINCED HIMSELF HE HAS NOTHING TO BE GUILTY ABOUT ANYMORE}#{/i guess to sum it up nicely}#{/the only way for leonard; who's tried his best to love and care for SO many people; to be happy with himself}#{/is to hurt other people. specifically the most vulnerable he fought more than anything to protect}#{/otherwise; his only solution to be happy with himself - or at least; no longer suffering - is to DIE}#{/just..... oooooogh........ *curls up into a little ball and explodes*}#{/i miss him.... i wanna write him again..... i want to put him into a situation he can feel at peace and Normal....}
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beds id give milgram characters -- admin pluto
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
james somerton is just one of those people who wants to do whatever he wants and cannot stand the consequences of their own actions, which they willingly chose to do. entitled and self-absorbed motherfuckers. and that's the only way you can think to do the things he's done in the first place. having no base respect for the people you steal from and your audience, of course you think you can somehow do something to win them back. you can't. no one but an egomaniac would do what he's done in the first place, and only an egomaniac would think they can come back from that and still deserve to be praised and respected and have your cozy career like you did before you were exposed for what you've done. people like this cannot be worked with in the public eye.
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makkie-is-screaming · 5 months
I think I’m just an asshole who hates my brothers for no reason
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cicadagaze · 1 year
man. cloudstar is really such a tragic character. he did everything he could. he tried and tried. but in the end none of that really mattered, did it? doomed and cursed by the narrative
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foxy-kitsune · 2 years
george william russell is an f1 grand prix winner💙
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