#he and shinigami know his pain too well
pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month Day 2: Tears
Based this scene from one of my fics.
If you know which one, you know.
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yan-lorkai · 11 months
Could I request a Ciel x Mother!reader who comes back to life after the fire? Reader doesn’t really remember what happened or how they are here now but spends their time giving Ciel love he’s missed
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, platonic yandere, slightly angst
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel remembers seeing his parents' body, your body. He vividly remembers the look of terror etched on your face, remembers the smell of burning flesh, remembers how the flames engulfed the house and everything it once stood for.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When he and Sebastian made the pact, the boy asked if there was a way to revive his family. He wished he could see his brother again, hear his father's soft laugh and feel your warm hugs, but the demon insisted there was no way for that.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Once a person dies, their soul is collected by Shinigami." Was the explanation offered. It was an explanation that didn't bring him any comfort at all and one that he hated, but he could do nothing but accept, however reluctantly.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Even without a family, Ciel proved capable of rebuilding the Phantomhive name and reputation again. He carries out all of the Queen's tasks with great excellence, leads the Funtom company and makes good investments. He buries himself in work and the adrenaline of his missions so he doesn't have to think about and miss his little family, the longing for simpler, happier times. On quiet days, where there is no form of distraction, however, he misses you, his brother and father too, his heart still cries for your absence and motivates him to complete his revenge.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ So... How can you be here now? Wearing the same clothes you wore that night a few years ago, the same beautiful smile and sparkling eyes that soothed him after a nightmare. How can you be here? He's gone through grief, he's continually faced sadness, but he can't stop the feeling of happiness and relief from taking over his chest as soon as you look at each other.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You can't remember what happened, but he supposes it's for the best. He also wouldn't want to remember many of the things that happened, but he has to tell you, because you deserve to know the truth. It's a long, uncomfortable conversation, and by the end you're both crying together.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But the comfort you bring to him, the affection and love he needs, make the pain in his heart lessen. He can handle everything now that you're back, he can enjoy your headpats after a hard day's work, hear you hum a lullaby to him at night, enjoy your delicious dishes, to have your hugs, in short, to live his characteristic double life between being Count Phantomhive and his son.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And he tries to be a good son to you, he tries to make you proud of him, after so long feeling alone he needs this as much as you do, he needs the deep connection between mother and son. And he swims in his love as if he were still a little boy laughing and exploring the world in small steps, Sebastian likes to tease him for that. But Ciel can't bring himself to care. You are here and that's all that matters.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Though part of him wants to know how and why you are here and now, how it's possible - even Sebastian has a contemplative expression on his face, thinking and thinking and never coming to a conclusion. If Shinigami hold a person's soul when they die, Ciel can only hope that none of them come after you, because now that you're back he promises to protect you. He will use all the resources necessary to keep you alive and well.
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greyskyflowers · 7 months
I really like the idea that Ichigo has always done some strange stuff, even before any of them had any idea about soul society.
Chad, Orihime, and Uryu (as well as Tatsuki, Keigo and Mizuiro) very much take the approach of don't say a fucking thing, leave him alone to anyone who looks like they may say something about it.
Ichigo makes a strange noise? They've figured out which noises are good ones and which ones are bad ones.
He's a little colder, distant, and sometimes a little cruel? Give him a little bit and he'll be fine again.
He gets a little too bright eyed during fights? Licks blood off his lips and sometimes off a wound? His nails look a little sharp and his teeth a little meaner? All good. He'll beat the shit out of someone, pace around a bit and be fine again.
Eats an unbelievable amount of food and still stays on the lean side of skinny? It's a metabolism thing.
Runs a little colder? He's great to sit by in the hot summer!
Gets a little distracted, looks at things and listen to noises that aren't there? That's normal, he's been able to see weird stuff his whole life!
Even after they all gain the ability see ghosts and that's obviously not what Ichigo is doing, they just tell people he's listening to and seeing ghosts.
Everyone else is a little confused by that but it's clear they're not going to get a real answer and tbh they're not sure they want one.
It's also important that they don't call too much attention to it. Ichigo doesn't seem to realize he does some of those things.
Like when someone pointed out the blood thing and he spent 20 minutes gagging and throwing up, tongue still stained rusty from the blood.
Or when someone mentioned the noises and he doesn't speak for days, quiet and withdrawn. And even now he cuts the noises off, biting them back and swallowing them down.
Or when people called him cruel, a thug, someone who wants to see others hurt, because he got into fight. He didn't fight back the next few times he got jumped, letting the hits land and taking it because the fear that he was all those things people said was stronger than any pain.
All the times he kept his mouth shut because someone joked about wolf teeth.
Or when he ripped his nails down until they bled so they weren't sharp enough to hurt anyone on accident.
Or when he kept his eyes down so no one could say he wore colored contacts to go with his "dyed" hair.
Orihime being so upset after the cookies she had given to someone, who made fun of a noise Ichigo made, had ended up bad! Oh no, oh gosh, how terrible that they got food poisoning! She's so sorry about that but there's a gleam to her eyes that has everyone backing off.
Chad disappearing and coming back with busted knuckles that go unnoticed, Ichigo focused on keeping his fingers curled into his palms and his mouth firmly shut.
Uryu ripping into some of the people who started rumors about Ichigo, channeling every cold and cruel part of him until several people are crying and no one dares say Ichigo's name for awhile.
Tatsuki throwing punches and Keigo attempting too, Mizuiro making things happen that no one can directly link back to him but everyone knows it's him.
Ichigo doesn't ask for a lot, but he gives a lot. Too much.
So, they can give him this. They will give him this. Let him do his odd, little quirks and they'll deal with anyone who tries to say anything.
Shinigami are strange, strange enough that Ichigo blends in with them well, even though he's still sometimes a little strange for a shinigami.
Chad, Orihime, and Uryu are pleased that Ichigo fits in so well with all these new people, especially as they get to know them more.
Renji and Ikkaku are animalistic with too sharp teeth and a wild air to them.
Kenpachi is a monster wearing human skin.
Rukia, and her brother, have moments of cruelty and distance.
Unohana is something old and dangerous.
Kisuke is... unsettling, raises the hair on the back of their necks a little bit but Ichigo likes him. And as unnerving as he is, he's been very helpful.
Yoruichi has a mean streak in her that is very much like a cat batting around a dying mouse.
The visored are even worse.
The humans don't meet them until Ichigo after has already firmly included them in his ever growing group of important people.
The visored are unsettling in a way similar to Kisuke, but heavier. Something about them makes the little animal part of their brains sit up and take notice, the hairs on the backs of their necks standing up and they have to fight the urge to run.
But the visored are strange in the same way Ichigo is strange.
And they'll gives some bonus points to Kisuke and his, because they've never so much as batted an eyelash at Ichigo's more bizarre quirks.
The visored show off too sharp teeth in proud smiles and angry snarls.
They make odd noises between themselves and understand them.
They force people to look them in the eyes, black and gold occasionally making an appearance.
They lick at their wounds absent-mindedly and on purpose.
They make no apologies for who they are or how uncomfortable they make anyone.
More than anything though, they let Ichigo do those things. There a fondness to all of them when Ichigo does something strange front of them. Something that's normal to them.
Ichigo doesn't seem to realize that everyone is actually charmed by his little quirks.
He's saved most of them enough times that there isn't much he could do that would make them anything less then incredibly fond.
It's fun and interesting to see all the things Ichigo does when he's happy and comfortable.
He does a little head tilt, exposed throat move to certain people. The humans don't even think he notices it, it took them awhile to notice it.
He does it to most of the captains, excluding a few like Mayuri and Soi Fon. Particularly to Unohana, Kenpachi, Byakuya and Toshiro for the captains. He does it to Kisuke and the visored.
They notice it and they just roll with it. Kisuke and Shinji (and most of the visored to be completely honest) touch his neck and shoulders a lot.
Unohana makes the smallest nod to him and never acknowledges it again.
It took Ichigo a long time to be comfortable enough with them to touch as much as he wants to. After they saved Rukia and returned home, he was constantly touching them. Grabbing at hands, throwing arms around them, sitting close enough to touch, etc. He even includes Tatsuki, Keigo and Mizuiro in the new, open affection.
He's comfortable enough to be that way with a lot of people now.
Shinigami, and the visored, are actually a pretty tactile and intimate bunch. Living as long as they do and having such dangerous and traumatic lives, makes touch and comfort very important.
So it's not uncommon for Ichigo to disappear, finding someone to nap with or someone finding him. People are already drawn to Ichigo, getting to know him and all his quirks just makes them love him more.
*holds up photo of Ichigo*
Karin, Yuzu, Chad, Orihime, Uryu, Tasuki, Keigo, Mazuri: he is baby
*hold up photo of Ichigo after fighting Aizen*
His sisters, the humans, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Kukaku, Ganju, most of soul society, all the visored, Nel: baby
*holds up photo of Ichigo fighting yhwach*
His sisters, the humans, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Kukaku, Ganju, all of soul society, all the visored, Nel, Grimmjow, Dondochakka, Pesche, Bawabawa : ba~by
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Any plans for Kensei and his 69 protege Hissgi. Hated how they were like this guy inspired a background character so cool that we gave him his own light novel series but he's gonna release his very cool looking bannaí twice and you don't get to see either fight implying he lost offscreen
…No one told Kaname about their "69" tattoos.
The issue was not that anyone was trying to keep them secret. The issue is that nobody knew Kaname didn't know.
Why would he? It's not like they come up in conversation- Shuuhei's in particular is as plain as the nose on his face (kind of literally), so nobody mentions it, like people don't typically comment on someone's hair color in conversation that often. It's at the first post-Aizen moon-viewing party in Shunsui's back garden that the subject finally comes up.
Shunsui's Moon-Viewing parties are appropriately named in the sense that most of the partygoers do end up looking at the moon- often after becoming so intoxicated that they fall over in the garden and decide to stay down in the grass and admire the celestial bodies. Before that phase of the evening, things can get rowdy. While some of the party members are listening to Shunsui and Shinji grow more frustrated as they attempt to explain the Transit Of Venus to Rose and Love, who are having difficulty with the difference between orbits and rotataions, let alone axial tilt, others are laying bets with Ukitake over the Kenpachi-Vs-Everyone-Arm-Wrestling-Tournament.
"YAUGH!" Kensei shouted as his knuckles crack against the edge of the table as Kenpachi claims another Flawless Victory. "MOTHER FUCKER!!" he shouts, squeezing his hand and reddening knuckles. Lisa pokes Kensei in the back of the head as Ukitake balances out the wagers and takes his generous bookie's fee. "Why are you being a weenie, your tattoo had to hurt more!" She teases. Kaname speaks up from where he has been quietly lounging in Sajin's lap and asks "-You have a Tattoo?"
"YEAH!" says Kensei, immediately forgetting his pain at the delight because he gets to tell someone about the tattoo again. "I got it the night I became captain, to commemorate my service in the sixth and ninth divisions!"
"-And after Captain Kensei saved me and my class from a mass hollow attack, I decided that was the kind of fearless Shinigami I wanted to be, and dedicated myself to that path with a matching one!" adds Shuuhei.
He and Kensei high-five while Kaname squints suspiciously.
"…What does this commemoration and dedication look like?" he asks, a little too casually.
"I got the numbers 6 and 9 tattooed over my manipura chakra, because that service is the source of my strength!" Kensei explains.
"-and I got the same pair on my face, so I see it every time I look at myself, to remind me of my commitment!" added Shuuhei.
Kaname twitches. "You mean to tell me you both have been walking around with tattoos of the number 69 in prominently visible locations this whole time?"
"Yeah!" Said Kensei.
"…Kensei-san. Did someone suggest this design to you?" He asks, gripping Koumori's hilt.
"Yoruichi-san did!" Kensei says, too thrilled with the joy of sharing this story to notice Kaname's darkening aura.
--- In the human world, Yoruichi's teacup splits in half.
"Aw. Fuck." She sighs.
Kaname sighs. Perhaps it's not as bad as it seems. "You gentlemen are aware that there's a slang meaning associated- stop trying to shush me Jushiro- there's a slang meaning associated with the number?"
"There is?" Shuuhei asks, genuinely oblivious.
--- The teapot cracks into perfect sixths.
"What did you DO?" hisses Urahara. ---
"The term 'Sixty-Nining' colloquially refers to the act of mutual oral sex between partners." Kaname says flatly, Sajin halfway to grabbing his face to muffle him before remembering that Kaname is absolutely not above biting him when annoyed, and he's well past annoyed now.
There is a moment of silence at the moon-viewing party.
"-This is not an obscure bit of slang either, I'm not sure how either of you have managed to maintain total ignorance of it." Kaname frowns in the general direction of Ukitake and Shunsui, who absolutely should have shared this Fun Fact earlier.
Kensei and Shuuhei continue to ponder this revelation in shocked silence.
"Is that why people keep offering to give me blowjobs?" Shuuhei finally breaks the silence.
"Oh! because the numbers each kind of look like a mouth and a dick!" Kensei realizes in a flash of insight several centuries overdue.
"NICE!" they agree, and high-five again.
"I'm quitting." Kaname groans, despairing.
"You can't quit." declares Yamamoto from the lawn, where he has gone directly to the Moon-viewing phase of the party. "If you quit, I have to promote someone, and that means we have to have a Captain's Meeting. You remember the rule: no more than one Captain's meeting per decade."
"Ah. Yes. There has already been enough violence." Kaname nodded, recalling the destruction that followed every captain's meeting he'd ever attended. "What do you propose then, Sir?"
"Get another bottle and come join me. The moon is beautiful tonight." he waved.
"...I'll take your word for it." Kaname sighed.
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Chapter 3 - Professional Shinigami Beater
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As soon as the dreadful realisation of the true culprit sunk in, and paired with her already deep suspicion of the supernatural involved, Katrina found herself jumping up to her feet. She had to find Ciel, and fast, alert him of this lapse in judgement before more victims could appear. She took Undertaker's coat from the hanger and rolled up its sleeves, putting it on. Alas, there was little she owned, and even less when it came to going out at night, at such a late hour.
Unexpectedly, however, the mortician blocked the door, yet a playful grin was ever present on his face. Katrina rose a quizzical eyebrow at him, though she impatiently crossed her arms at her chest. "Give me a good reason not to go, and I won't."
"It is quite dangerous for a beautiful young lady such as yourself to go alone in the dark at such ungodly hours... Then again, you seem to enjoy that, don't you~?" Katrina couldn't help but pinch the bridge of her nose in irritation.
"That's not quite the reason I was expecting. What, you want to come along, get a good laugh as I stumble around the labyrinthine streets of this wretched city." she snarked him.
"No, no, I wouldn't possibly want to ruin your fun dearie. Instead, I was thinking of preventing an unwished tragedy. Surely, you know better than most, prophylaxis is far more important than curing, yes?" with her lips slightly parted in mild confusion, the girl looked up at the man, perplex.
"You... Want to give me a weapon or what?" the man's grin widened, close to splitting his face in two, as from underneath his robes, he took out a rather fantastic gift for her. 
"It is a legacy, if you may call it that." immediately the man had to place a finger on her lips to stop her from protesting. "Just a good luck charm, though, for you own sake, I pray you won't need to use it, little fox."
"Ah, how I love making a fool out of myself with every occasion." she found herself letting out a soft chuckle. "Alright, thank you for looking out for me. See you~." though she hadn't left without a quick, thankful embrace, Katrina bolted out into the dimly lit maze of London, finding her way towards the mansion. Surely, at this hour, there were no carriages, but at least she knew Ciel would be staying at his London mansion, which wasn't too far away from the parlor.
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Weirdly enough, however, from far away, she heard the sounds of echoing commotion resounding through the alleys, and of course, she had to investigate - There was little her curiosity wouldn't possess her to do - Though peeking from behind the wall of a building, she had to fight back a gasp, seeing the gore image projected before her.
Angelina was laying on the floor, bleeding heavily, already dead and with eyes pooled with dreadful anguish.  That wasn't the most surprising show, however, but the fact that, for the second time in her life, she was privileged to watch a Cinematic Record. So, it was true. Her memory-dream came at the perfect time, and the man called William was right to advise her to remember that moment, as it would come in handy. She wasn't shocked to see a Shinigami, and her guess of Sebastian being a demon might not be as far-fetched as she first thought to begin with. A warning well received.
Watching Madame Red's life was painful and bitter, and in many ways, Katrina could empathise with her; She remembers her when she was a young girl, along with Ciel's parents... And how she fell for him. How everything she had was taken away from her, and then, how she became the one known as the feared Jack the Ripper. The tragic tale of a beautiful yet misfortunate lady.
As the Cinematic Record finished, Katrina took a look at the other people there, analysing their reactions. Ciel was visibly frightened and bewildered at what was going on, Sebastian was wounded and panting, bleeding... Could demons bleed, then? How peculiar. Was there truly something more wretched out there than the devil himself, then? How appalling. There was, however, a rather dramatic man standing there, with long red hair and otherworldly green eyes, and he was wearing a pair of red glasses too. William wore glasses too, and those eyes were the exact same. This man must be a shinigami also. He wiped the blood off his chainsaw blade and took of Angelina's gorgeous crimson red coat, wearing it himself.
As the Shinigami started his chainsaw again, he started attacking Sebastian - If he was a demon, then perhaps a Shinigami was above him? Can a God of Death reap the soul of a Demon? That is, if they even have souls to begin with. The way they jumped around, leaping on building roofs and chimneys with no problem, the way their eyes shined in the black of the night, one a brilliant green, the other, an ominous, feline magenta, so graceful, so awe-inspiring; They were gliding through the air.
Similarly to Madame Red before, Sebastian, too, got sliced by the chainsaw, having his Cinematic Record shown. Though the film depicting his dull, butler life was unimpressive, Katrina couldn't help but have a million questions running through her mind; Do demons make pacts, just like the books said?
Had Goethe a pact with a demon, and wrote of his own experience? Was Sebastian record showing his life after having made a pact... With Ciel? Her river of questions came to an abrupt end once a scene was shown, depicting the butler getting so close and intimate with herself, so inviting and tempting; the Shinigami started screeching aggressively into the skies.
"WHO IS SHE?! WHO IS THIS BITCH AND WHY WAS SHE WITH MY SEBAS-CHAN?! I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" fuming and raging, he jumped down from the roof, stomping on the ground, not paying any attention to anything around him. Unknowingly, he had created the perfect opportunity for her to grab the crowbar from the ground and swiftly tip toe behind him, making sure the light of the moon wasn't projecting her shadow as a give-away, and with one strong hit, she smashed the unlikely weapon over the head, making him fall to his knees. The chainsaw fell to the ground, roaring loudly, urging the human girl to grab it and place it at his neck, threatening him.
"This bitch, as you so disgustingly called me, is a professional Shinigami beater." she smirked down at him. "You look terrible in red. Find your own style instead of stealing others' fashion sense. You look like Angelina's cheap rip off, second hand, throw-away outfit batch from three seasons ago." Katrina continued to taunt him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, woman?! First, you flirt with my Sebas-chan, and now you're trying to kill?! Don't you know, we're like Romeo and Juliet? Our love story is so tragic and eternal!" the red haired man whined, though he didn't exactly seem deathly afraid of her.
"Why don't you go full Ophelia and drown yourself in the Thames? You die either way. It's in your fate, isn't it, Shakespeare lover? Either way, your lover boy is never going to like you back. How very tragic, isn't it?" the girl laughed, stealing a glance at the panting demon. "I always wondered the validity of Faust. Now, I suppose, I have gotten my answer."
"DON'T YOU DARE INSULT MY LOVE!" with that, the shinigami shot right up to his feet, and with unexpected physical prowess, wrestled the chainsaw from her hands. 
Katrina found herself gulping, seeing the psychopath angrily power up the chainsaw once more. She completely missed the warnings from the other two, as the shinigami tried to cut her in half. She smirked, thanking her great reflexes as she took out the Lucky Charm gifted to her by the mortician, and though her arms were vibrating from the impact, the blade from the sword she was given was enough to parry the chainsaw.
"I may be a good fencer, but I have not expected to fight against a chainsaw, of all things." she took a deep breath, pushing her strength further onto the sword, one hand on the handle, whilst the other supporting the flat of the blade, destroying the enemy's flow of balance and making him stumble backwards. It was all about initiative, Lizzie taught her well, and she surprised the red haired man with a barrage of swift slashes that surprised him. 
Fighting against a supernatural being, Katrina wondered if they ever tire - Because she was feeling exhausted already, despite all the adrenaline keeping her on the edge. Regardless, with a well-aimed slash at his hand, the foe yelped in pain, allowing his weapon to fall from his grasp, for a second time. Grave mistake. Kicking the chainsaw away from their proximity, Katrina had him groveling pitifully, writhing and pleading for mercy - What a sight for sore eyes, especially with her boot on his neck.
"What was it the priests say? Divine retribution? By fire be purged?" she let out a tired chuckle. "Well, I may not claim to be any divine begin like yourself, though I supposed often have I been told that with hair like mine, I am kissed by fire." 
"Kill him. I don't care." Ciel spat, unable to even look at the shinigami.
"Young master, are you sure? Killing a divine being could have great repercussions, and for a human to do it nonetheless..." Sebastian warned his master, though he was unreasonable.
"Just do it already." the young boy snapped at them.
"If demons bleed and have a Cinematic Record... Do Shinigami also?" the innocent grin dripping with malice seemed to frighten the foe enough to start pleading for his life.
"P-Please, little lady, spare me!" he was inconsolable.
"Goodnight, London." bringing down her blade to stab him where the heart would be, the sword was stopped by some a unusually long branch snapper and a weirdly familiar voice, telling her to stop, in a cold, fakely polite manner.
"Will...?" looking up to see the owner of the voice, Katrina found herself gasping in shock, seeing the man from her dreams appearing before her, his eyes staring cold through her, bright green and unnaturally glowing.
"Miss Raymond. I see your memory is sure golden. I wasn't quite expecting you to remember me. A pleasant surprise, in an otherwise dreary night of overwork." the man fixed his glasses, and though his words made it sound as though they were good old friends, the cold wall of his appearance proved otherwise.
"It was you who told me to remember, after all, and I simply complied. Though the memory of my brother's death isn't pleasant to remember, the knowledge of the supernatural existing and roaming the human realm sure made it easy to accommodate myself with the idea that perhaps this miracle butler isn't quite the perfect human that he strives to appear as." Katrina scoffed, kicking the disgusting crimson shinigami away from her. "Either way - I doubt that creatures like yourself should be allowed to freely mingle with humans and reap their souls before their time. I remember that book, Will. I have every intention to instill my revenge, on the behalf of all those that he stole their future from."
"I will have to refrain you from doing something that might be damning you in the afterlife. Despite having to go out of my way, during my leisure time, I have come here to retrieve this idiot back to his place. He will be severely punished, I assure you - By the harshest laws implemented in our court." William spoke strictly as he jumped off from the high wall he was standing on, landing perfectly on the mongrel's back and kicking him painfully in the face. He stepped in front of Katrina, placing a hand on the hand holding a tight grip on the sword handle, and gently inching it away from the enemy, in an attempt to keep her from killing the idiot.
"I care little, and even less about the rules of your beings. The fact that... That thing killed not only a good friend of mine, but also, countless innocent human victims still stands. He should be punished in accordance to the human laws." Katrina looked up at him with defiance. Though he didn't respond to her, William cleared his throat. "Dispatch member Grell Suttcliff. You have broken the rules. Firstly, you have killed people whose names are not listed on the Death List and also, you used your scythe without permission and even modified it without following proper procedures. Please return to the main branch to submit your reflection letter and report."
"... A reflection letter and a report? Is that the harshest punishment you can give a shinigami?! Truly, this must be some kind of sick joke, and I'm not laughing, William." Katrina glared harshly at him.
"Hey! Wait a moment! I was almost killed just now!!" the man called Grell whined, clinging on the other's leg.
"If you can cry that a mere human girl beat a Shinigami so easily, then you should be ashamed of yourself. Not even this filthy demon over here should have been able to defeat you." without realising, William confirmed Katrina's suspicion about Sebastian's very being. "This thing has caused you a lot of trouble this time round."
"Yes, he has. Now step aside, William. I will not stand for seeing him get away with screwing around with us." though she tried to side-step him, the Shinigami had perfect reflexes and continued to block her way.
Sebastian, also, like a silent feline, stepped by the girl's side. William could only glare in disgust, forcing himself to bow to them as an apology. "Really... I actually have to bow to a creature like you who only brings harm. Even if you choose to tarnish the Shinigamis' reputation, there must be a limit." came his shady comments.
"Bold of you to speak of Sebastian only causing harm, considering the massacre one of your own pulled." Katrina spat at him, pushing him backwards. "Let me reiterate what your fellow Shinigami did - He manipulated a human, abused her weaknesses against her, coerced her into becoming a killer whilst being her accomplice, and when things turned bad, he killed her, along with all the other victims. I don't know, William, but that sounds more like demon behaviour, compared to the impartiality of a reaper, doesn't it? Yes - I am comparing you to the filth that you despise so much." the woman sneered with disgust. "Your disregard for human lives is as wretched as you are, if you truly think his deeds can be redeemed with a simple apology. You cannot bring them back to life. They were gruesomely robbed of their future, and all their loved ones forced to mourn them. They weren't even given a proper funeral - And you think a reflection letter can abscond him from everything that he's done?!"
Though William wasn't supposed to have a heart with the regular human emotions anymore, he couldn't help but internally agree with her outrage. Shinigami became the way they were because of their disregard for human lives - When they were still human themselves. To hate life so much that you end it all, when so many others are desperate to live another day - Yes, they were selfish, and they were the worst kinds of people to be in charge of human lives, let alone, judge who deserves to live another they. It was divine punishment, though he always thought it worse for the humans themselves, not on the new reapers entirely - Though, for one who wanted to stop living, to be cursed with a forever-life of never-ending work sure sounded like the worst fate.
Sebastian, however, was borderline amused with the justice-prone and righteousness of the lady before him. He had read her so wrong at first - He thought her rather shallow and uncaring of anyone but herself, yet when it comes to revenge, it seems, she's just as ready to hold the executioner's sword, as she is to pass judgement, not much unlike his own young master. How very hilarious human-kind can be. Perhaps that is why he finds humanity so very interesting - They can always surprise him, one way or another. Not only has she come out of nowhere, but she provided him with the much needed entertainment of seeing a dreaded Shinigami being humiliated, with a crowbar, no less. This little Kitten was truly worthy of his attention - Though he was greedy, he was going to reciprocate. He was, after all, a good demon.
"Miss Raymond's anger here is justified and I find myself agreeing with her. Please keep a close eye on him so as to not trouble a harmful creature like me. Humans... Cannot reject temptation. When they are plunged into the depths of despair likened to Hell, they will hold on to anything that may help them escape from the situation they are in, even if it's merely a spider's thread... No matter what sort of humans they are." his comment was not only addressed as a cheeky retort to the reaper, but as an incentive to get a rise out of the girl, who took the bait immediately and threw him a rather shady glare, worthy of being immortalised.
"For a pristine clean excuse of a butler like yourself, Sebastian, you are rather rude and condescending yourself - There is no room for you to judge humans, when there is little you know about them. Unless you live the way we do, and feel what only we can feel, there is no rational way even one of your mental capacity could understand us. Empathy and emotions are what makes us human - And, as far as I can see, both reapers and demons are greatly lacking in both." oh, how the demon wanted to bare his fangs with a wide grin and claim her sweet, innocent soul right there, in front of all to see, a most beautiful sculpture that will last the test of time.
"That's just how demons are, Miss Raymond. They use various chances to poke fun of humans, before proceeding to leech whatever comes out of it as a means of survival, am I right?" William jabbed at his wretched enemy.
"I do not dismiss that claim." Sebastian simply smiled.
"There is little room for you and your hypocritical comments, William. Both of you are missing the point. Without humans, demon would starve - They feed off our souls, our emotions - The seven deadly sins - If we didn't exist, neither would they." Katrina reproached them sternly. "Come to think of it... Perhaps neither would reapers. No more souls to reap, no more use for you. The most useless race there is, though they bare the title of 'divine'. That is nothing more than a pretentious farce, when in reality, you are all the same. Wretched to the core." For the first time in a long while, Sebastian could feel excitement, an emotion mixed with greed and lust that was strongly latching onto his very being, at the mere scene of a frail, little human so courageously bashing and denigrating all that stood before her. How very enticing, how alluring of her - If only she'd know the seductive power she held over him, a little kitten unknowingly playing the seductress role that not even a succubus was capable of achieving.
He was quite tempted to give in to her previous provoking and have her mewl into the night and give into her most burning desires and sweetest wishes that only her body knew and craved. He wanted to do such unspeakable things to the little maiden, bring her such an overwhelming amount of pleasure, that even the most confident whores would blush and look away. He was going to make his little kitten purr so tenderly at the mere trail of his fingers down her skin, and have her let out noises she wasn't even aware she was capable of doing, feel emotions that she thought non-existent.
Will on the other hand, felt the bitterness of the life he once had, and was so close to his grasp, yet completely out of his reach. Still, he was on the job, there was little he could do in public; Self-hatred and pity were for back home.  Despite all this, he could feel the rushing, heavy pressure of sin rapidly emanating from the demon whose smirk was ever so disgusting. He knew what he wanted. He hated him. "You don't have a contract with a demon, so you should be fine. The one over there, however, not so much. I recommend precaution." William fixed his glasses, all business-like. "Now then, I know when my presence isn't welcomed. Let's go back, Grell Sutcliff. This is really bothersome, we are already lacking in staff. I wonder if I will be able to knock off on time today."
Unknown to the two participants of this war, they had similar thoughts, as Katrina lunged to Will's side, ready to slash off Grell's head, whilst the demon threw the red chainsaw at William's head. Unfortunately, both attempts ended in failure, as the brunet shinigami grabbed her hand, halting her movement, as managed to catch the blade of the chainsaw in between two fingers, glaring back at the butler, though he thanked him for returning the weapon.
Sebastian simply offered an innocent grin, whilst the red head girl tsk'ed in annoyance and stepped away, not without scaring Grell one more time. "I truly can't stand reapers." she muttered, hiding back the sword as she helped Ciel stand up. "I can't help but wonder what in the world happened that urged you to forge a pact with a demon. A story for another time, I suppose. For now... I suppose I have a lot of work to do, preparing Angelina's funeral... And the other girl's. At least the last victim deserves as much... Considering how mutilated she was."
"We're going home now. There's a lot to prepare for." Ciel nodded his head in agreement.
"Young Master, you won't let a Lady alone at such an hour, will you?" Sebastian mildly scolded the earl. Ciel simply looked at Katrina, realising her ridiculous outfit, and scoffed. "If she could get over here by herself, she can handle her way back to the Undertaker just fine. It's not too far anyways." Katrina couldn't help but chuckle at the boy. "You're being so cold with me, Ciel, not quite the gentleman behaviour I'd expect from you. Regardless, you are not wrong, though I appreciate the concerns, Sebastian. I suppose I will be on my way, then. I shall be seeing you at the funeral."
"I pray for your safe arrival. Have a-" the girl abruptly turned on her heel, laughing as she cut off the butler from speaking.
"Hear that! A demon - Praying! You should have told THAT to the Undertaker, instead of that stupid joke! Who knows, perhaps a world-wide earthquake would have destroyed the planet with the way he'd laugh." she theatrically gestured. "Using such phrases - Heavens forbid, God forbid... And now, Praying! My, Sebastian, for a disgusting demon such as yourself, you are being awfully angelic. Should have expected that from one who bares the name of an Archangel, no less."
"I see my lady likes keeping her tongue as sharp as always and she likes to abuse others' patience. Thankfully, I have always been proud of my borderless self-restraint, though I think you might just be capable of doing the unthinkable." he mused at her. "A beautiful young maiden, walking alone, wearing only a nightgown. You are a magnet for trouble. Do be careful next time you decide to get out of the house. You wouldn't want to taste corruption at the hands of unwanted filth, would you?" before she could reply, Sebastian had already picked her up in his arms, cradling her as though she was some little kitten. The surprised look on her face warranted pay-per-view, so innocent and naive, so adorable. So tempting. The closer he kept her to his body, the easier it was for her to tease himself with the faint scent of her soul, so bright... So easy to taint.
"With such treatment, there is little to complain about. I rather like this." the girl chuckled, feeling the butler fall in pace with his young master.
"You are endearingly truthful and forward, my lady. Quite intriguing I'd say. There's few ladies who wouldn't act demure and bashful around men that make their cheeks flush with desire." Sebastian retorted, making her roll her eyes.
"What is there to get timid over?" she spoke simply.
"Plenty." the man found himself looking down at her with a devilish grin.
"I'll be awaiting, then. I hope you can deliver." she challenged him once again.
"Perhaps not all humans are as predictable as I thought." his wondered aloud, waiting for a refuting argument.
"I think, Sebastian, that creatures moved by emotions are the least predictable ones. They are capable of things so heinous that even demons could tremble; Likewise, they can exert benevolence that would put angels to shame - If they even exist, that is. Not that I'd be eager to meet them. God must be nothing but a stupid joke." her blatant disrespect regarding the supposedly all-good beings only made him grit his teeth, to force himself not to grin. There was nothing more he loved than Godly slander.
"You are the most desired challenge I've ever encountered, and I'm very willing to pursue you until the very end." the butler hummed.
"To the Horizon and beyond? Beyond even the limits of the sky? Beyond even the moon and the stars?" she tried, only to get disappointed by the answer.
"Beyond anything humanly capable." the demon intentionally jabbed at her.
"How perfectly effortless coming from a demon. I am not interested in you any longer, Sebastian." the girl scoffed with disinterest.
"And if I go beyond even the limits of the Divine?" the tried the other teasing side of the hot and cold approach.
"As long as you don't bore me to death and show resolve, then perhaps I'll look at you." she mused. "Will was disappointing enough."
"My lady, it is insulting of you to compare me to such appalling creatures." he glared at her, offended.
"Then earn a compliment, demon. Show me you're worth my time." provoking the omnipotent being into falling to his knees before her and abiding each and everyone of her whims, all to potentially earn the sweet, tempting prize that she had to offer. His hard work and fortitude was going to pay. A hundredfold.
"Yes, My Lady." as soon as he said that, his eyes shone bright fuchsia, his pupils becoming cat-like, which earned a smirk and a purr of surprise from her, leaning her elbow on his shoulder and tilting her head slightly, muttering in his ear "Now that's what I'm talking about."
As they reached the Phantomhive mansion, Sebastian tucked her tenderly in bed, not without surprising her with a careful kiss on her forehead, just enough to make her pulse rise. As he left the room, he blew into the candles, and spoke a last comment, alluring and enticing as only a demon knew best.
"I await the morning so that I can be in your company once again, my Lady. Good night."
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nabicube · 1 day
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Episode 2: Too Late
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Part 2 of Beginning of the Happy Ending. Read episode 1 here. ◈ Non-romantic idol au, angst, fantasy ◈ Warnings: Themes of depression and despair, mentions of suicidal thoughts, dysfunctional family dynamics, supernatural elements, mild violence, swearing ◈Word Count: 655
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You open your eyes, confused. You at least expected to be in a lot of pain, if alive at all. But all you felt was exhaustion and the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong.
The body you were in was not San; it couldn’t be.
You immediately sit up on your bed and stretch your hands out. The hands you see are much smaller and more delicate than San’s. Moreover, his signature golden family ring is nowhere to be seen on your pointer finger. Only the Ateez team ring on your ring finger.
You feel like you recognize these hands. You search for a mirror in your room, and your speculation is confirmed.
It’s Hongjoong. You switched bodies with Hongjoong when you were supposed to with San.
After confusion came anger. There is only one thing to blame this on.
“Lazy shinigami!! Demon!! Do you hear me!? What the fuck is this!?”
“For fuck’s sake, you don’t have to scream! I’m right here!”
The lazy entity, with its familiar voice, appears in front of you.
“I was supposed to switch with San! You told me I could! Why!?”
“Oh, my god, you’re fucking hurting my eardrums…It’s because you were thinking of Hongjoong when you fell asleep…”
It says with a deep sigh.
Your heart sank.
Now, you were angry at yourself because you remembered how the last thing you were thinking was how to explain the situation to Hongjoong in case San’s body survived.
You hated your brain and how it always overthinks and goes onto tangents like that.
You messed up terribly. You couldn’t save the most important person at the most important time.
But, you didn’t have time to dwell on these emotions. You had to know San’s condition immediately.
It was strange how natural you felt in Hongjoong’s body, and in his room, you think for a second. It felt like your own body and familiar environment, while your mind was distinctly that of your original and not Hongjoong’s.
You knew that Hongjoong didn’t have work today because Ateez had announced the cancel all of their schedules for the coming week.
Grabbing the phone on the side table, you bursted out of the room, where you found Jongho sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone.
“Where is San!?”
Jongho gives you a puzzled look — actually, more like a death stare.
“What do you mean? You were with him all night at the hospital until we had to drag you back home and force you to sleep.”
“Just tell me!”
Side-eyeing you, Jongho tells you the name of the hospital. Even before he finishes his sentence, you look for the main entrance, head toward it, and out, apologizing to Jongho in your mind for not having the mental capacity to thank him.
As you walked down the long, white, quiet, and sterile hospital hallway toward San’s room, your vision started to blur and distort. You felt like you were about to faint as if all the blood was draining from your body. Your limbs felt heavy, but you forced yourself to take one step at a time.
There, connected to numerous tubes, was San.
He was sleeping peacefully, but seeing his state and the fact that he was in an intensive-care unit made the gravity of the situation hit you. There were also painful-looking, large surgical scars on his chest and stomach.
You had nothing you could do. The nurses were watching over him in shifts, day and night, and you had nothing to do other than to trust them.
But as you left the room, the sound of the heart monitor kept echoing in your head.
You were standing in the hallway, not knowing what to do next, and suddenly, your (well, Hongjoong’s) phone rang loudly.
You glanced at the number absentmindedly and recognized it immediately — because it was your own.
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teaableu · 1 year
feelin down and i just love this blog sm. i was wondering if u had any dtk (or kidstar) hc’s u wanted to share maybe. if not though i hope u have a wonderful day, seeing u on my dash always makes me smile.
i just got a huge serotonin boost tysm anon
the older Kid gets the less human he seems. Like once he's a full shinigami he gets a whole bunch of power that his dad had that sort of strip away his likeness to humans
going off of ^^ I think Kid's human form is constructed. His true form probably looks more like LD but it's not something he was particularly taught to embody/access so he just sorta stays in his human form
HOWEVER, I really like the idea that Kid just sorta.. generally freaks people out. There's a theory of horror that says monster characters can feel scary just because even though they look it, people can tell they are not quite human. and i think Kid has exactly that effect on people
Kid has regenerative powers because his human form is more of a construct/image than an actual biological organism. he's really made of the same stuff from LD's "cape". so he can't really be killed or severely injured for long, especially as he matures and gets more powerful. I think the only way he can take permanent damage is if his soul itself is affected. Sure he can be hurt and it does hurt but soon he learns to sort of turn off extreme pain, and he always ALWAYS regenerates or recovers. But he's always aware that his friends don't. so if he needs to he'll throw himself in front of his human friends if they're dealt a fatal hit to make sure they aren't severely hurt. This becomes a bad habit when he's older. But his friends always try to protect him too and take care of him, and he unlearns the habit
Liz and Patty set him up on social media and he started with a whopping 1 follower for like a week, but then got millions of followers overnight after Soul (who has a good following count bc of his family's social status) mentioned him and everyone freaked out. That was the way the world found out Lord Death's kid existed. He and Soul destroy bullies together online. Patty pretends to be Kid on his account.
Kid is the Adrien Agreste of soul eater. very popular, people love the image they see of him in the news and interviews and stuff (I think its a lot harder for him to avoid publicity after the anime), but he's a lot different in person and only really gets close to the people who get to know him. everyone else has a sort of skewed perception of him. AKA he is Death's Son and Death's son only to them
Kid can sing but he typically doesn't because he likes to prepare first but doesn't particularly want to take the time to learn a song correctly. He appreciates the art but wouldn't do it. the only thing he knows well is some ancient song his dad taught him in some sort of inhuman language. he sang it ONE time and it freaked Liz out so much she didn't speak to him for a week
Before Kid took them in, Liz would sing ONLY for Patty. And only to comfort her. She did this after they moved into the manor too, when Patty would get nightmares from their life before or just generally have a hard time or anything. One time after Patty woke up from a nightmare and Liz went in to calm her down, Kid was walking by and just stopped at the almost-closed door when he heard Liz singing because A. He wants to know if his sisters are ok and B. He probably doesn't hear many people sing casually, and has definitely never heard Liz sing before and it's... nice?? He stays there for a while but moves on the second Liz finishes so he's not caught. He doesn't say anything. But then after one awful awful mission, Liz is singing to help Patty sleep and Kid just. Stands in the doorway, disheveled and exhausted and they all just,, stare at each other for a moment until Patty opens her arms and Kid shuffles over, a little embarrassed and puts his head in her lap. They are all very tired. And then Liz (after getting over herself) just keeps singing until the two of them fall asleep
Kid only knows how to cry/to cry when he's upset because he saw Maka do it when they were young and now he's a pro. Because he only really LOOKS human a lot of human behavior doesn't come naturally for him so he learns from humans around him. He's much better at mimicking and adopting human behavior than Lord Death, which was LD's whole idea
He's shorter than Liz and Patty until he's about 20, then he's shorter than Liz but taller than Patty
Kid can pick up languages really easily. I think if he's immersed he can speak fluently after a couple hours
I've thought about a thing where individual people outside of Death City think he looks different than how anyone else sees him, like a sort of PJO Aphrodite situation but that may be too much of an identity crisis for him lol
There are no government records confirming Kid exists. The only document or ID he has is that little card from LD that says I'm LD's son I can do what I want and nobody questions it
Kid's human form ages normally until he's an adult but when he's mature his aging slows until it finally stops at some point, not sure when.. maybe around appearing 40?
he is gay and ace and has a very loose concept of gender
only Liz and Patty can touch his hair but only when they're at home
Kid and Maka are besties I don't make the rules. She is the only one he will allow to help with his detective work
Kid and Patty cannot be left unsupervised together or there will be some sort of chaos. they are scarily effective on duo missions, even though Kid doesn't use Patty as a weapon for those occasions
Kid doesn't need to sleep but he does if there are other people around (having Liz and Patty in the house helps) because it's refreshing and he read somewhere it helps build trust
Eyes glow in the dark and he can see fine in the dark
They're about the same height but Black Star gets a growth spurt and is a few inches taller when they're adults
Kid figures out his feelings first (takes a bit rip) but doesn't do anything about them because he feels like he can't because of his responsibilities
^^ That being said I think Black Star has always been generally aware of his feelings for Kid but he doesn't actually put two and two together until literally the moment before he makes his move lol
I don't think they refer to the other as their boyfriend specifically (at least not often) they just sorta... idk man they're partners, they can't describe their relationship in words dont look at me i'm sobbing
first kiss in the rain lets go
majority of physical affection they do is like. hand holding or light touches on the shoulder or arm it is very special to them
more of a future thing (i got a whole future au so ofc i'll talk abt a future thing lol) i dont think they'd ever feel the need to get married bc they're both stubborn and they got all of eternity to be together and I think a lot of their relationship just generally remains unlabelled and unspoken it just IS
OH sort of ignoring my second kidstar hc I had a hc they got together sometime before the mission to the arctic but nobody except like. Killik knew
For funsies I'll throw in a couple of Black Star headcanons
Tsubaki is teaching him Japanese and how to cook
^^ he likes to cook for his friends even though he's not that good at it yet
Mom is Latina I have some stuff about her here. He starts to learn Spanish after he finds out about her
First partner and first kiss was Killik but they had a mutual and friendly break up
Somehow beats mortality while remaining human idk how he just does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That is all I can think of right now but I hope you enjoy :)
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enddaysengine · 4 months
Shinigami (Paths Beyond)
When the cycle of life and death is disrupted, relentless and towering outsiders seek out the cause and drag offenders back to their proper fates. Old Planescape hands can be forgiven for thinking I’m talking about the marut, but today’s topic is shinigami.
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There is a point to that intro, too. While the 2e marut stats still exist, they will be casualties of the OGL/ORC transition from here on out. While losing such a classic monster is a bummer, shinigami can admirably fill their niche. Maruts were beloved for being implacable and terrifying. While their aesthetic is very different, shinigami check off both boxes. Next time the PCs try to become immortal, they may be pursued by a small death god instead of a ruthless onyx statue. 
It is worth noting that while shinigami don’t have much in the way of elemental resistances in 2e, their fast healing 40 is high enough that they can tank the damage from moderate environmental hazards. The majority of the Plane of Fire deals moderate environmental damage. Sure, it probably will hurt like hell (literally), and it is worth protecting themselves if they know they are headed for the inner sphere. If push comes to shove, a shinigami can stride through the most hostile planes and be fine.
Who needs frightful presence when that’s scary enough as it is? (Although shinigami have a frightful presence as well, so they are bloody terrifying in every sense. Good luck. Fighting that.)
The party wakes one day to find a shinigami sitting cross-legged in the town center, watching people go about their lives. If questioned, Togusa the Judicator responds simply that he is gathering evidence and refuses to elaborate further. Over the next few days, the party gets the distinct impression he is watching them specifically. Worse, the shinigami somehow lurks at the edge of their dreams, keeping them under 24/7 surveillance. Following the monitor into its nocturnal mindscape reveals each party member is the reincarnation of an infamous historical figure who wasn’t supposed to be reincarnated. 
Æown Coppereye has terrorized the Five Kings Mountains for thirteen generations with his ruthless brand of justice. While not as renowned as the Whispering Tyrant or Arazni, the dwarven lich is still dangerous and frequently used as a bogeyman in children’s tales. While the psychopomps would love to see him join Purgatory’s ranks, he is clad in a robe of shinigami bones he stole from the Boneyard. It allows him to flit between dimensions and hides him from all of death’s agents, regardless of which god they serve. Mortal heroes must chase him across the planes if he is to be stopped.
Corruption in the Boneyard is a strange thing. Pharasma does not condone priests who spread cruelty and malice, but Eshi Ōko delights in such acts. The shinigami arranges for powerful artifacts to wind up in mortal hands, then watches the fallout as power goes to their heads. While Lord Eshi’s antics often lead to significant pain and suffering, he is careful not to disrupt the River of Souls or the cycle of life and death. Eshi has a network of adventures and criminals willing to assist his schemes or compromise their morals in exchange for access to the afterlife. Still, he is merciless to those who violate the cycle of souls or deal with oni and nindoru. 
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Why Yuma Kokohead is my main whump candidate🌡️ An Analysis:
(contains raincode spoilers)
So, some of you people are probably asking yourself; Why do I keep making these sickly edits of Yuma?
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Okay. Allow me to present my evidence and reasoning behind this weird little obsession of mine in 3 parts. (prepare for a small essay with some spoilers)
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First off; I've noticed that Yuma always holds his head like this whenever he's distressed.
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I know its probably just a nod to his memory loss, but he does it
Through the whole game.
Like his model is just programed to do it whenever he makes these two expressions in the sprite art.
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He always looks so pale and tired... sick even.
Which is why I edited these sprites first
The model of him that’s used in an Ace Attorney fan made crossover project does this exact same gesture too.
Only he actually looks like he's in even MORE pain here.
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And Reminder; he canonically felt sick in the first chapter of the game. Idc what the reason was, the point is it happened.
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All of this might confirm that he has potential to be frail of health or may suffer from specified ailments easily.
Like hello? BE FR RIGHT NOW??
In the JP dub, he speaks under somewhat heavy sounding breaths when he's going through this ordeal of trying to open the door to the Infirmary (as he should) It shows how exhausted he feels or how dizzy he is just wanting, BEGGING to lay down and make the world stop spinning.
(sorry for the poor quality video lol)
This was all that was going through my mind when I first played this part of the chapter. And I nearly lost it. He was officially on my list
This part of Chapter 0 was more than enough to convince me he had the potential.
Second: Yuma usually doesn't mind admitting when he is weak or vulnerable.
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Such as when he tells Fubuki that he feels like he's in pain and going to pass out after Shinigami punched him in the Ch3 ML, or telling Vivia how scared he was when he was threatening to kill him during the Ch4 Investigation, or admitting his fear and hesitation to Shinigami in Chapter 5's deserted factory. Anytime that he admits his feelings if someone asks him rather than trying to act tough. Instead of playing dumb, he admits when he feels a negative way. He's completely honest about it.
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This is really good fodder for a scenario where he just confesses that he's not feeling well. Or that he's about to be sick. Or if he's in pain or injured. Or if he's having a mental breakdown. He won't shy away from it. He'll say it.
(though I did kinda make him play dumb in my own fic lol I cannot deny that there are times he also wants to be strong and/or not be a burden to others)
Third: Yuma's size. HIS TINY SIZE??? COME ON?? He may as well be a CHILD.
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I know vivia is a freaking giant but STILL LOOK HOW SMALL HE IS
He is so baby despite his age being completely unknown. He could be a teenager or he could be an adult over 20. Nobody knows.
Point is regardless of that, you can see him is any kind of vulnerable situation with no doubt or worry of it being OOC. You can see him crying if he's hurting. You can see him whining about making the pain go away. You can see him wanting comfort if he has a nightmare. You can see him having a panic attack reaching out to a caretaker for support.
He can be carried or lifted up by anyone taller than him and probably be light as a feather. Seeing him cling to them like a sick or hurt kid would.
He could sit or lay on their lap. He could lean on them as they help him walk if he's hurt, or as they help him eat or drink if he's too weak to do so himself.
And he probably couldn't stop someone from forcing him down to rest if he tried due to his physical stature being unfit for combat. (or anything)
Regardless, it would ALL FIT.
Like taking care of a child.
Now with those 3 points out of the way, I ask you all:
How can this character NOT be easy whump bait? Don’t underestimate my imagination as a sickfic enthusiast.
He's a perfect victim for specifically any sort of head issue:
Be it a headache, a head injury, migraine, or what I usually continue to give to him in my edits.
A High Fever.
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plus, coupled with the RAIN 24/7 SETTING?
In THIS type of scenario??
he's got the major potential to be the biggest sickly wet cat ever
and I love him so much for that
he's so dizzyboy coded that I want to make him SICK AS A PUPPY
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Which is why I do it so much.
40 degrees? Call a freaking doctor aaaa
I'll mostly go with a high fever because they're my favorite thing in the sick whump category and easy to edit, but at the same time, he could be suffering with any sort of issue and it would seem accurate, likely or canon, so long as it involves his head.
Such as a splitting headache, immense dizziness, flash blurred vision, or even a nausea induced migraine. (heck, even all of the above, go crazy)
You may ask yourself, why?
Easy: For caretaking fluff purposes.
That's mostly why sickfics exist.
The potential fluff of him getting taken care of by the NDA (found family) Shinigami (chaotic mascot partner/sibling) Kurumi (platonic or romantic) or heck maybe even Makoto (sibling dynamic or possible ‘self-care’)
Just the thought and image of him getting taken care of in general puts a smile on my face. Its a HUGE comfort for me 💜
The potential for the found family, shipping, or sibling moments he can produce from being in this state is astronomical. And you don't see that in characters very often. He is a very rare specimen. He is Number 1 after all.
Checks literally all of my boxes on why I love illness whump and sickfics so much. He is perfect.
Sometimes sacrifices must be made to forge deeper connections. And these kinds of scenarios almost NEVER fail to be 1 of three things: tooth-rottingly wholesome, heartbreakingly angsty, or chaotically comedic. It depends on your preference. (They're mostly wholesome and sweet though.)
fr though.
once you find your prime whumpee you never go back
and now I know how it feels ;w; the bliss makes me feel as though I am now complete in a place where something was missing.
Thank you Kodaka for this adorable smol anxious purple trainee who’s actually the top dog 💜
I love him dearly🥰
Some of you may just want to see Yuma as a cool smart, competent, and badass protagonist and that's great! I completely agree! That he is.
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But to me personally? He's also a soft, delicate, anxiety filled, adorable lil' wet cat who needs constant TLC, love and/or support 💊 Physically and/or mentally.
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Get a character that can do both lol
That is all.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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I love this little guy so much! He means everything to me.💜 He’s just a little guy. My babygirl, my little scrunkly, my lil' blorbo, my little meow meow…
No matter how you see it;
Yuma Kokohead is a blessing✨
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rdbrainz · 1 year
nnoitra is my absolute fave and i adore your art!!! id love to see some kind of dynamic fighting pose of him in your style, but im also curious about any art or headcanons you might have about him if he had experienced the living world somewhat- like what foods would he like, or hobbies, or how would he spend time w others? sorry for the long ask love you bye!!!!
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Thanks🤧❤ !!! And ohh that's a good ask! I have like a couple of answers for different turns of events on this one... Might as well also share some of the other ideas I have so it's a lot and even more.
But well if we're talking about regular hollow Nnoitra I think he'd be interested in all kinds of entertainment. Mainly music. He always struck me as a music person tbh especially since I firmly believe he'd be involved with goth subculture in some way or the other. I can see him collecting CDs as a hobby. Considering that my version of Nnoitra absolutely HATES thinking into things too much if they have something to do with his relationships, himself or the hollow existence as a whole I guess doing nothing when he's not asleep is hell for him because there's not much to think about in Hueco Mundo anyway. Maybe background music would give him some peace of mind while he's musing to himself. I mean even if his mind would wander back to these topics AT LEAST it won't be as painful to think about it as doing the same while you're surrounded by silence and lying on a hard surface locked up somewhere in Las Noches so no one would gnaw into your damn throat on your free time.
Him being a melomane/an avid music lover would work in any AU or story. I think he'd love A Perfect Circle. You know... considering the crescent moon and circle patterns and the music theme Kubo chose for him.
If we're talking about a bit worse turn of events where - let's say - he ends up in someone's home in the world of the living after he got his ass handed to him by zaraki, had to flee and now he feels worse than ever... watching TV is his other go-to. He'd be in front of it 24/7. It's stupid, sometimes even curious, sometimes confusing and he can either catch up on things or just complain about something to himself. His mind is occupied with something all the time either way.
I also think hollow Nnoitra would be very sceptical about trying human/shinigami food. It doesn't seem appealing to him, unnatural even. Especially if he has someone to feed off of. I believe that arrancars can work like vampires. Shinigamis are just compressed spiritual power so transfusing reiatsu would have the same effect as actually eating a shinigami. What's the point of choosing between flesh, blood and reiatsu if it's all the same in their case 😭. If he ends up living with a human then. Well. Blood sucking it is I guess lmao. Anyway yeah when it comes to food he's more prone to sticking to his hollow side. Though maybe he'd be tempted to try a soda or two.
If he's human/a shinigami then this guy would eat and/or drink literally anything. Especially if it's sea food, meat or something spicy. I had an AU where he was a captain in Gotei 13 and one of his hobbies was visiting karakura and other cities just to absolutely rob food establishments of their supplies. If a restaraunt has an "all you can eat" offer then it might as well be fucking bankrupt. If a cute cafe has a special Valentine's Day offer where couples only pay half the price then "Well I guess I could give someone a call". Cooking though..? Nope. Can't be bothered enough to cook something for himself.
Someone I know also had suggested once that in this AU he'd have a shit ton of hair products. And well it does make sense.
In a Shinigami Academy AU I had he's much younger and edgier LMAO. Goth enough to care about his appearance and wear makeup but too insecure to not stick out too much. He'd love collecting good cool-looking clothing but would literally bite off his own limbs if he had to wear something skin-tight or god forbid skinny jeans. Him and his toothpick legs could never!! Anyway there he wasn't so wary and disdainful towards other people. Desperate for some affection but sadly too air-headed to care enough. So he was sleeping around a lot just for funsies with Shinji as his partner in crime (sorry). I think that's about all I have on this topic!! Tnx again!
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
We're informes that young Byakuya was an ambitious, confident and such an energetic boy. What do you think the turning point responsible for the extreme change of his personality? I mean he went through a lot like losing his parent, had to disobey the law of the clan by marrying Hisana, then in the end he had to lost her too. Also being a noble clan head was silently such a pain. But what do you think is the most prominent cause? Or is it simply 'climbing into adulthood'?
I feel like if you were to ask Byakuya, he’d give you some well-rehearsed line about comportment befitting the 28th Head of the Kuchiki Clan and Captain of the 6th Division.
If you were Rukia and he caught you whispering something with Ukitake about Hisana, he probably wouldn’t disabuse you of whatever notion you and your captain had concocted.
if you were Byakuya, you probably wouldn’t hesitate to name some specific, discrete reason or set of reasons you are the way that you are.
But I’d resist naming a specific, discrete turning point—primarily to resist Byakuya’s inclinations, because what has he done to deserve those, but also because if Byakuya genuinely had his way then refusing gray areas and being hardline about how your life is going to go and what you should do to atone for your more whimsical decisions and what rules you must promise to uphold—that all would have worked out for him, in ways that it clearly didn’t. Because that’s not how life works.
Which isn’t to say that flashpoint moments don’t exist, or that there aren’t life occurrences that can have massive, traceable effects on the person you are, or become. Of course they can. But I don’t think Byakuya is the way that he is because of X, specifically, or even Y.
No matter what he says, or even personally believes.
I do think part of it is simply being older than we saw him in TBTP; but I’d hesitate to draw a complete picture of what Byakuya was like as a teenager from the one instance that we saw. He was in the yard, in the middle of a training session, and he was being terrorized by Yoruichi. He’s hyped up on endorphins and acting like a brat because he’s being treated like a brat by another adult brat. At that age, Byakuya was probably still spending a bunch of time shadowing clan meetings and doing calligraphy and writing dense, pedantic poetry about raccoons or shikai or whatever. He was probably also doing a lot of "traditionally Byakuya, as we know him" things, in the same way that Byauya, as we know him, still takes time out of his day to do completely insane things (more on that later. a numbered list, in fact).
How much of this is publicly available (or isn’t) does probably have a lot to do with being Clan Head. And sure, Clan Head is a role that he performs, but I think he believes in this whole clan head thing with every fiber of his being; like, he’s method. He’s the gonzo journalist of being clan head. he *is* this thing. And if there are parts of that role that are not desirable to him (I’m sure that there are) I don’t think he thinks about them as being a pain. They simply are. They are, and they are his, and he has never imagined a reality where they are not. We talk about shinigami being defined by their job but the man is the clan head, irreducibly and inextricably. 
I think he’s discovered, between TBTP and now, that to be less knowable is to be powerful, in almost any situation he can imagine. Not that he doesn’t love a good opportunity to pontificate, but that’s like the reward at the end of a successful round of impassivity. Plus his pontifications are more allusive than genuinely educational, so it’s really just more of the same, in a different key. (When Urahara infodumps, he likes seeing the shape of your eyes change, and all the little microexpressions that are tied like puppet-strings to all the small epiphanies happening in your brain. When Hitsugaya infodumps, he wants you do have information and, ideally, have it correctly. But when Byakuya infodumps, he’s performing a philosophical treatise and it doesn’t really matter whether it’s parsable by you, the audience, or not.)
And of course I think he’s also been shaped by his time with Hisana and his time without her; with and without his father (and one assumes, his mother; with and without Rukia. But there’s no way to measure or organize these different influences and isolate the variables and during his designated moments allotted to introspection he’s probably not completely thrilled by that. So he suffers, as do we all. XD
I also think part of him is just naturally That Way; he’s a born, organic weirdo; a standoffish strangeman. That’s in addition to havng grown up and found out that it’s smarter, more strategic, and more effective in terms of getting what he wants to be a little more Enigma and a little less Boy Shouts at Cat. 
On the other hand, we’ve definitely seen him be about 10000000000000000x more bananas in the current canon timeline than he ever could have dreamed in that one TBTP flashback:
1) He tried to imprison his own VC for losing to Ichigo, a proposal so insane every single other person was like, "well, that’s fucking stupid, so we’ll be ignoring that" even though technically he probably does have that power, since Captains can run their division however they want.
2) He almost killed his own VC in the middle of an active invasion, for reasons that only vaguely had anything to do with actually responding to said invasion.
I’ll give him a pass on fighting Ichigo, because technically that was his job? maybe? and sure, he did it in an ineffective way but that tracks with the overall Gotei strategic plan, so.
4) Immediately leapt to slashing his own tendons, deep in enemy territory, his only fallback plan being Hanatarou’s ability to survive and do anything about those tendons afterward.
5) Fought Zaraki deep in the middle of enemy territory, with Yammy still in play, in the middle of a war that YOU KNOW WHAT, THEY PROBABLY COULD’VE BEEN BACK FOR (not that it would’ve mattered, but) if they weren’t fucking around in the desert together
And that all happened in the same like, four months!
One of the scenes that I absolutely love from the Beast Swords Arc is someone commenting on how surprisingly baffling Senbonzakura’s personality was, in contrast to Byakuya’s. And Kyouraku and Ukitake don’t belabor the point, but they’re kinda like "weeee~ll hahaha" and I think that’s an incredibly accurate non-assessment of who Byauya both was and is.
I don’t think he secretly wants to be a drunk buffoon and his being Clan Head is the only thing holding him back from living his frat boy truth. I think he’s already living his truth because, from his POV, what else would he be doing? He’s Kuchiki Byakuya. Whatever he’s doing is whatever he intends to be doing.
However, I also believe that many people around him don’t actually see (have been trained not to? don’t know him well enough to? are politely pretending not to have seen?) part of the truth he’s living—the part that is that bananas streak in him, very much alive and well.
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yakool-foolio · 1 year
Okay, now I’m curious to know how the events are going to play out after Yakou’s wife’s mystery Labyrinth.
One, since the culprit is technically fake!Zilch, does that mean his soul won’t be reaped from the Mystery Labyrinth since he is already dead from Chapter 0? Or is he still alive this time?
Second, will Yakou learn that Yomi was the one who sent the Book of Death to him in the Mystery Labyrinth like Yuma learned Yomi was the mastermind of Chapter 4 in-game, or will he learn it once he’s out of the Mystery Labyrinth?
Third, will the events after the Mystery Labyrinth play out differently this time, like if Yomi’s alive, he captures and arrests everyone like he intended to, or does Makoto still come in and save the day as usual?
I feel like the Mystery Labyrinths aren't limited to mysteries relating to finding the culprit of a murder. Obviously these situations tend to call for the labyrinth most, but there could be cases where the mystery involves finding the identity of a stalker, kidnapper, or other 'culprits' of that nature. They all end in the culprit's true identity being revealed and reaped, so it's not always the best idea to call upon the Mystery Labyrinth knowing this. However, it can happen. In that regard, the mystery needed to be solved for chapter 4's labyrinth is different that finding the one who actively committed the murder. Rather, it's about finding the identity of the 'mastermind,' AKA the one who originated the plan to kill Yakou's wife. Though in Yakou's eyes, before the full truth is revealed, the mastermind and actual murderer could've been one in the same. He banked on that answer the most.
After Shinigami reaps the soul of Dr. Huesca--the mastermind--the usual chapter 4 mindfuckery ensues of realizing the labyrinth isn't falling apart like normal. Turns out Yakou still has more to solve regarding the identity of Anonymous. As a last resort piece of evidence, Shinigami offers a scrap of the Anonymous letter sent to Yakou. She claims she burned it all as a part of the pact, but she ended up saving a piece of it for a moment just like this. Yakou understands much too late that Huesca was co-conspiring with Yomi Hellsmile, who sent out his personal hitman to do the dirty deed. The peacekeeper director taunts them openly, bragging about how Huesca's death was all a part of his ultimate plan. Vivia and Shinigami have to put all their strength into holding Yakou back from lunging at Yomi's mystery phantom in a fit of rage. The labyrinth is destroyed, leaving the detectives practically helpless.
Back in the real world, Yakou and Vivia are cornered by Yomi and his peacekeepers, angrily ordering the duo to surrender. Vivia steps up and threatens Yomi with his confession of being the co-conspirator to Yakou's wife's death. In a flash, Vivia drops limp on the floor. Yomi twirls the whip in his hands as he sharply smirks. He mutters to himself, yet loud enough to Yakou to hear, about how the pact served him well. His words shake Yakou to his core. Before the chief can exclaim his horror, More peacekeepers file in, the rest of the NDA detectives dragged in tow. They're all handcuffed, caught red-handed for trespassing and disturbing the peace. Yuma is kicked to the ground, whimpering in pain. Yakou stumbles to the ground and slides over to Yuma, keeping himself between the rookie and his lifelong rival. Yomi snickers as he plays with the thought of shooting down the detectives and leaving Yakou all by himself. With the law in the palm of his hand, he could frame Yakou for the massacre of his own tight-knit group. He got away with it once, he very well could do it again. Yakou will always be alone.
A distant voice states that Dr. Huesca was found dead in his room, but the emails clearly showed the one person wanted him gone the most. Yomi's wide grin morphs into one of fear as Makoto Kagutsuchi and the rest of the Peacekeeper higher-ups follow behind him. Martina, Seth, Guillaume, Dominic, and Swank stare at Yomi, all upset by his poor treatment of them. Vastly outnumbered, Yomi is checkmated. His game of chess has come to an end. Arrested, Yomi screams of revenge as the peacekeepers send him to rot in a prison cell. Makoto promises to Yakou that no harm will be done to him and his detectives, but they must vacate the premises and keep the ordeal under wraps. With nothing better to say, Yakou reluctantly agrees. Makoto hands Yakou a small gift box for his work in solving the four-year old murder. The NDA are free to return to the agency as one, and a newly-reformed peacekeeper division is on the horizon. But much to their misfortune, Kanai Ward's Ultimate Secret towers above them all.
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blaecdog · 6 months
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                                                   shijima  yoru
alias.    shijima  no  yoru  /  silent  night  /  4th  night age.    appears  28 species. shinigami  /  death  spirit ability. invisibility,  possession occupation. demon  slayer,  soul guide, part of the yakuza
yoru's story begins in japan during the edo period where the term "shinigami" and it's myth appeared for the first time. shinigami, also called "death spirits", were described as monsters, helpers, and creatures of darkness. they supposedly appear when a person's life draws to an end, patiently waiting and ready to guide their soul to the afterlife. the tales of the shinigami only surfaced recently in edo, however what people didn't know: these death spirits have been around for a very long time. they often describe themselves as silent observers. never intervening in the cycle of life, even if they could easily prevent someone from dying when fate strikes. of course not all of them follow the same principles and codex. some act like monsters from the legends, devouring human souls to grow stronger, while others carry out fate's will by possessing the living to end their lives. unlike the grim reaper from western culture who acts as a singular deity, the shinigami come in many and they usually work in pairs.
rules exist, as well as consequences. for example, if a shinigami decides to interfere and save someone's life, preventing their fated death, they'll ultimately pay the price with their own existence. a soul for a soul, basically. the shinigami will disappear. another set rule, the death spirits cannot take a soul to the afterlife by force, they have to invite them over. they are also not allowed to seperated the soul from the living if it's not yet their time to die. the one's who stray from this path either stop existing or turn into malicious beings, especially if they consume the souls instead of guiding them. they become demons or malevolent spirits who cause unnatural deaths. this, of course, disrupts the natural balance of life and death, which in turn, adds more work onto the shinigami who have to take responsibility for their own kind. so before things get a chance to worsen, the shinigami end up slaying the demons. those who broke the rules are the very reason why humans eventually found out about the existence of shinigami.
now, yoru is a death spirit who follows the rules and simply observes. however, curiosity soon struck. one day he guided a soul belonging to a peasant to the afterlife. the young man had died because of the cold winter, leaving behind his now soulless body. it was like a hollow shell without an occupant. yoru hesitated, he wouldn't break any rules ... if he borrowed it for a while, right? over the many years, the shinigami was tired of just being an observer. he was aware of emotions, he felt them too, but that's already it. he always wondered what warmth, cold and pain felt like. with this dead body on the ground, he saw a chance. he fell in love with life and he wanted to be part of it. of course he'd still continue his work. it would be like putting on a jacket, the one wearing it would still be a death spirit, it'll be fine. once he made up his mind, he possessed the body. with a new soul inside, the body came back to life, with a beating heart and everything. yoru felt the fabric of clothes brushing against his skin, the cold air on his face, and the hard ground underneath him. he opened his eyes, inhaling deeply. so that's what being alive feels like.
over time the shinigami got accustomed to the human body and would find great joy in little things. he truly appreciated life and came to understand why some souls found it hard to let go. it was around that time that a samurai showed him another, rather honorable, reason why a soul could refuse to move on. he would also become the most stubborn person yoru had ever met. when the samurai died and yoru tried to guide his soul, he refused. in these instances, the shinigami usually tried to help resolve any problem that bound the soul to the mortal realm. in this case however, it seemed impossible. in his lifetime the samurai, daichi, was known to be very loyal and devoted towards his shogun, swearing an oath to protect the bloodline at all cost, which ultimately bound him to earth even after his death. in the end, yoru had no other choice but to stick by his side, trying to help him fulfill his oath. now in modern japan, yoru and daichi ended up with the yakuza. apparently the oyabun of the clan is a direct descendant of daichi's former shogun and the clan has been around for generations, and will continue to do so.
note:  yoru  and  vance  eventually  cross  paths  after  the  latter  joins  up  with  the  yakuza  and  works  as  bounty  hunter.  the  shinigami  notices  van's  red  cross  earring  and  later  tells  him  that  a  piece  of  his  mentor's  soul  is  still  with  him,  bound  to  the  object.  it  was  then  that  the  hellhound  decided  to  quit  and  follow  another  path,  one  that  would  make  dante  proud.
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
Hello! I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, but I could not find it anywhere. So if RCMT is a true thing, how does it fit with the Undertaker's feelings about Phantomhives? Why would he revive the person who was originally responsible for Vincent's death? There's just no way for Undertaker to not see this memory unless it had previously been extracted out of R!Ciel forcibly. In that case, another shinigami would have to be involved in the attack, which makes the situation even more absurd: Undertaker was said to have been keeping a low profile all these years and nobody had any clue about his whereabouts. Could it be that this missing memory is part of a plan to manipulate undertaker? But that still makes little sense to me
Hey Anon ! I did talk about it here, it could be found amongst the first 10 posts on the rcmt tag. ;) I’ll sum it up for you though!
"There's just no way for Undertaker to not see this memory unless it had previously been extracted out of R!Ciel forcibly."
You're right, if the RCMT is true, then it doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense that UT revived the twin. So what is the most logical explanation? That UT is not the one who edited the twin’s record.
First of all, two things seem to be needed to edit someone's record: supernatural eyes (Seb and Grell could see the edited records on the Campania whereas Ciel couldn't) and a death scythe.
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Secondly, more recently, the previous investigation with Bard and Lau showed Layla wielding a Shinigami scissor-looking death scythe, hinting that UT is possibly not the only deserter behind the BD project. 
In other words, we know for sure that UT saved real!Ciel's body from burning entirely and that he took care of him for the following years (because he said so in ch140-141), but we don't know for sure that UT is the one who edited his record.
And if he didn't, that means another Shinigami deserter working for the same sponsors could have done it instead. As to why he didn't? Maybe because it was too painful for UT to witness how real!Ciel died (remember that it's possible he's their grandfather).
Below is literally all that UT says on the subject of "bringing the twin back" :
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Additionally, UT checked Seb's cinematic record during the Campania arc, because he didn't know what took place during and after Seb's summoning.
To me, that possibly hints as well that he didn't check the twin's record (or couldn't : fire is capable of damaging one’s body and thus one’s cinematic record, Vincent's example, so for all we know real!Ciel's record conveniently is partially damaged?) but that's not solid proof, just a possibility.
"Why would he revive the person who was originally responsible for Vincent's death?"
Now, if we ignore everything I explained above and assume that UT is indeed the one who edited the twin's record, then that simply means UT considers that real!Ciel was manipulated by the people who killed Vincent (Queen Victoria and her merry supernatural assassin John Brown), which is 100% accurate.
Please rememember that all the RCMT says is that 1) real!Ciel was obsessed with his brother and plotted to remove his father as head of the family, but that 2) clearly he didn't expect such a massacre and to be double crossed, which is rather normal since he was 10 years old.
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So imagine UT being about to edit his record and turn him into a BD, what would real!Ciel's CR show then?
That real!Ciel once met with Victoria & co
that they plotted together (by mail? in person?)
that he locked Seb the dog in a closet
that he took the ring from Vincent's finger after he die
that he possibly stabbed Tanaka
and that he was abducted, abused and finally sacrificed.
Honestly, from UT's point of view, it'd be logical to be pretty pissed at Victoria and not at real!Ciel, because she manipulated a young child into plotting against his own family, only to double cross him and send him to his death in the worst way possible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Look Anon, yesterday [x][x] I meant it when I said real!Ciel is a villain and that, had he not died, he would not have grown up to become as selfless and nice as our!Ciel (something UT doesn't get, I'm sure).
However, the fact remains that he was a ten year old manipulated by adults, even if he didn't have the best intentions at heart. So, it's just my opinion, but UT is right to fully blame Victoria, especially considering the horror that the twins went through afterwards.
TL;DR 3 possibilities, that can work with the RCMT:
UT is not the one who edited real!Ciel's record, another deserter working on the BD project did, because it was too painful for him to do
real!Ciel's record was partially damaged by the fire UT rescued his corpse from, thus UT didn't see proof of the RCMT in his record during the edit (absolute plot convenience, we would not like to see)
UT is the one who edited real!Ciel's record despite seeing proof of the RCMT in it, because he believes real!Ciel is just another pawn used by Queen Victoria for her morbid fun (something his horrible death indeed attests to)
I hope it answered your question! Feel free to disagree. :)) Have a nice day!
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pennycat83 · 7 months
I don't usually leak my stories until I finish 'em but I am willing to serve up some good shit
(⚠️Following contains mentions of death/graphic violence, as well as a described panic attack and other poor mental health.⚠️)
I fully admit this is another feral moment regarding a shitpost FNaF fan game, but somehow it also works as a relationship study? I don't even know what kind of coincidence went down for this to happen but I digress. I wrote this a bit different too for weird external reasonings (that and this is a shitpost fangame).
I hope these two goofy weirdos keep being friends and possibly killing stuff ! (also I apologise if this makes no sense, I used the Evil Ending from the third game since it makes the best reasoning for them interacting. I refuse to imagine anything outside of the TTS voice used on Dave since the idea of him talkin' like that as a person is brilliant)
Penny Cat
Cold...hell felt so much colder than he had assumed. Wandering aimlessly as those final words pounded through his crushed head, "I...love you". To the person who had abused him, to the person who sided with Him. His heart dropped as the thought festered more, "I love you", nothing in his isolated life had ever even brought him close to saying those words with sincerity, and he blew it. He ruined his one relationship without even realising. He...HE-
"Yoyo!". The sharp, friendly robotic tone made him jolt, shifting his arms and stance into something like a wild animal. "Y'good?", "W-WHO'S THERE?!". He braced, his eyes had already adjusted to the darkness but it was near impossible to make out the voice. "Shi-ni-gami at yer service!", "y-you mean...". His heart dropped, legs starting to buckle slightly as he stumbled back. "P-please...I...I didn't want to...I...I'm sorry...show me SOME kind of mercy Mr-p-please!". His demeanor breaking down with his voice. Slow wheezing started to emanate from the Davetrap suit.
"Yo, hey cool it bud it I ain't gonna fuck with ya!". It sounded softer now...The voice came into better view with the speaker. Short clops broke the silence as they gained less of an echo. The speaker finally gained more of a discernible form. They stood shorter than even Him. The mention added another surge of pain into his already pulsating breathing. The white cloak rippled slightly as they proceeded further, muffled metallic clanking came with each footstep. The 'face', however, was what his eyes couldn't peel away from.
The helmet was the same ghostly white as the cloak, a large black screen covering most of it. A pair of plastic transmitters stuck on top, giving more devilish illusions. That same synthesized voice spoke up. "David Miller", "d-d-don't call me that". He tripped on one mangled foot, stumbling back, hands scrambling with his legs as they etched further and further. The being stopped, crouched down and stared. A pair of comedically large gloved hands emerged from the cloak, supporting the beings non existent cheeks whilst propped up on their knees in an amused pose. A silence wavered out throughout the void, he continued to twitch slightly as he studied their movements. They stayed static, mimicking him slightly as they continued to linger back. "W...w-what are you...", "Shinigami fer duty sir!", "w-what the hell is that?", "I mean technically it can be translated in two ways, God killer or the Grim Reape-".
"S-SO YOU A-ARE GONNA-!". He jolted back once again, falling even harder on his ass as they...stayed. "Ok bud seriously, cool it I'm NOT gonna hurt ya, I have no reason TO hurt you". They raised a large fist to the rim of helmet, mimicking a slightly humoured, thoughtful pose. They watched, then raised one of the hands out for his. He hesitated, curling up slightly as he declined. "A'ight". They remained static, "w-where am I?", "midway", "s-so I can-" "wouldn't, come back as a zombie basically and still end up here". They extended their arm out once again. Their grip wasn't as strong as he assumed, if anything there was a slight warmth in how they slowly lifted him back up. Subtle movements preventing him from his already shaky heart from caving in. "Ya good?", "l-lil bit...", "welp even if ya ain't 100% yer still somethin'!". He stared at the knight (? It felt weird to call them a grim reaper due to the upbeat attitude... although personality didn't always equal your job), it continued to watch him expectantly. "T-thanks?", "no prob". They heaved a slight sigh, their entire facade deflating with their stature as their shoulders sank, "...I'mma be honest I can't do this shit righ' now, jus'".
In a single cape swoop the full armoured figure changed into her casual outfit. A, pin-...cat...girl...thing? His mind was already spinning at the concept of being greeted by a hypothetical  reaper in a poor man's space suit. "I'm sorry, what the hell are you again?", "yes!", "huh?!", "I don't like being a 'Thing', like doin' my own stuff". She shoved a hand in her jacket pocket as her other waved a cut motion to emphasize her point. "Y'could say I'm a cat creature tho", "but cats don't have human hair", "eh, like havin' it", her hand flipped it slightly.
He still felt rigid. "Penny chan". She extended a hand, "right...", "yer fine by the way". He paused, "huh", "ya seem tense... this place ain't gonna hurt ya. Yer safe". He looked around again, the atmosphere remained the same smoky inkiness he had stumbled into. "Y-you sure?", a hint of concern barely managed to line his tone. "Well I mean I'm here, folks tend to say I'm pretty safe t' be 'round", "...". He moved back, arms folded slightly as he moved away.
"...I mean hey, don't blame ya fer a sec! Y'wanna talk fer a bit?", "I...I'm good, thanks". He etched further back, she stayed. "A'ight well I mean I gotta say yer dead so I ain't gonna kill ya, no one can, vice versa...also that's the wrong way". Dave paused, bracing himself, his heart still straining under the soul crushing anxiety...He booked it passed her. "Don'y ya even wanta...i-it's cool!". He didn't stop, pulse revving into full steam as he continued, further and further.
He tripped slightly. Heart physically trying to pump itself up and into his mouth as he heaved. It hurt, it all still hurt. Jack...Henry...all of it. He wanted to let it out, get SOMETHING out of this. Tears began dripping to the floor, glistening against the inky space. He curled up, struggling slightly from the springlocks piercing and digging into his flesh. Heaving, shaking like a damn leaf. "...ey...hey...". She was back, mocking him just like Henry. He barely knew her and yet all he saw was another Him.
"1...2...3...4, hold 1...2...3...4, release 1...2...3...4". Her voice almost seeped softly out, his gaze shot up to her. Just like before she knelt down ahead of him, subtly motioning him to mimick her breathing pattern. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YA WANT FROM ME?!". She raised her hands slightly, "n-nothin' man. Just felt like helpin'", "so you can make me do whatever you need me to?! S-so you can break me!". A slight look of surprise came across her face, the calm energy didn't leave her. "N-no...I jus' wanna help ya", "bullshit!", "eh, fine then...don't believe me if ya want". She sat down cross legged across from him. He stared at her more. "Whad'ya do to calm down then?". He stayed silent, "look bud even if ya don't trust me, least I can do is make ya feel a bit better". Her tone remained the same softness it had before... the heat left his brain slightly as he struggled to even remember."Hug..w-well I did hug my f-friend", "guessin' that ain't so easy to do". He shook his head.
"How 'bout ya hug me!". He seemed to physically recoil at the notion. "What ya think a fully deoderated gal ain't good enough?!", "I don't even frigging know ya", "that's true...then again...". She made another offer to lift him up, continuing her conversation as she gently assisted him back up. "Hugs're the best way to trust som'one, so...", she raised her arms out in antici...
Pation, he falteringly embraced her. The metal pressuring against her arms slightly as he await a response, almost automatically, her arms completed the embrace, finding their ways around the back of his neck and resting gently on his opposite shoulders. His breath hitched at how...safe it felt, melting in her embrace. His breathing steadied out slightly as she began rocking to the sides slightly. "There, there, it's alright...", her voice was like cotton candy by this point, his chin started quivering slightly. Her grip loosened after a while. Eventually dipping back down to her diminutive size. 
"Feelin' better?", "y-yeah...I...I-I think-". His voice broke, in a brief instant he broke into a blubbering fountain of tears. "You good?!", the genuine concern in her voice only drove his tears more as he looked up, piercing white pupils wavering from behind the Davetrap mask. "W-what, I...I, w-why are you...". She offered out her hands once again, feverishly accepting her gentle strokings of his head as she continued to reassure him. "Jus' in my nature bud, ain't that complex...people like ya come my way, I do what I can t' help".
"R-really?", "dude if I wanted to fuck with ya then I'd have a reason", "do you?". She laughed, a warm full chested laugh rang out, barely echoing amidst the void. "HA! nah dude yer fine!". She continued stroking his head until he pulled away. "Yer...nice, heh a-ain't had somethin' like that for a long time", "wan' me to keep going?", "n-no! not now...". She nodded, shoving her hands back into her jackets.
In a quick move, she whipped her fingers back out into finger guns, snapping them as she lent against one leg for extra emphasis. "Oh shit! ya wan' that thing off?!", "y-you can do that?!". She made grabby hands at his head once again "yeyeyeyyeyeyeah", slowly beginning the process of removing the mask, "don't ya need a hand cra-", "yer dead". He struggled to nod a sign of comprehension until it finally came off. "So ya are cute~!", the sudden flirtatious tone caught him slightly off guard. She continued to etch the rest of the suit off him, finally pulling him away by  one free hand before any further springlocks claimed a freebie.
His height was one of the things she was already aware of, alongside his neck cracking as it completed his towering height. But the jarring 2 dimensional, almost, blocky, feel of Dave still caught her off guard, though slight puncture holes and open wounds broke the illusion here and there. He looked down at her properly, pulling a few muscles. "Thanks for that. Didn't think ya'd care enough to be honest", "why the hell wouldn't I give a shit about ya?!". He seemed to have finally had a mental shutdown on that comment. "Y-you...", his laughter rang out as he doubled over. "Eh...I don't really mind if ya believe me 'r not...kinda stuck with me bud", "eh-heh...hah?", "I mean I know this place better than ya so like...". She rolled her hand to conclude her sentence, "so what's to say you ain't doin' this to fuck with me?", "good point...how's this, I make you do horrible shit 'n I blow my-".
She faltered slightly on that proposal, "nah...too intense 'n 'dundent...".  She pondered for a moment until she pounded a fist into an open palm. "NYAH! I don't fuck with ya, ya can be my friend!, "...but...". In a rhythmic pattern, David then started contemplating. "I'm gonna be honest yer makin' my head spin a lil", "Penny chan, hire able as the Shinigami if ya need. Lover of tech, terrified of slugs 'n kids", "why'd you bring up a fear?", "eh, jus' felt like it". He contemplated her words, "Dave, love simple things...I dunno what I really hate to be honest".
"Eh it's fine", "really?". His tone perked up at the notion, "yeah, no pressure dude, go your flow". Her wording kept adding more and more complication to his situation. "Wait, so I don't gotta...". He seemed to falter more. "I mean it ain't that complex, some shit y'just gotta keep to yaself, y'know?". She seemed slightly fixated on his arms, "oh shit, brb". "br-", in a split instant she had disappeared.
Nice enough to help him out the suit like it was nothing, willing to embrace and console him...His head was still pounding from the comment before. "'Sup". She was back, medical kit shoved under her shoulder. "Huh?", "what, some peeps gotta fix up their wounds 'fore they go on 'less they linger". He rubbed his temple slightly, "yer gonna...fix me?", "I mean the wounds yeah", "I-I'm sorry this is just startin' to fuck with me ya know?", "oh no dude totally get it, just gonna bandage up yer wounds 'n let 'em heal so yer body can learn that 'n do it automatically".
Penny chan gestured for him to sit as she began rummaging around. "So, how exactly does this place work?", "I mean not all people end up here, some just kinda get dropped where I am. If ya do tho then ya gotta wander there yourself". Her clawed fingers delicately dabbed antiseptic on the wounds, moving it around to clean up the edges. "As I said before though, some folks ain't lucky 'n end up with permanent deformities from their deaths". She made a subtle flip of the clump of hair covering her right eye, he lifted it. A nearly 10cm gaping hole greeted him, it's fleshy depth seemingly infinite. He shuddered, "eh know some poor bastard who got his upper torso ripped clean off, got a fear of losing his central spine's control now". She continued cleaning up the wounds before pulling out the plasters, "Y'want Hello Kitty 'r My Melody?", "I don't really know those guys", "My Melody it is". She stuck the smaller ones over the minute punctures whilst using regular plasters and  extra bandaging over the gaping holes covering his arms. One done she motioned him to sit up a bit better so she could address the one caving in his chest. "I mean hey, already got the immortality thing goin' for ya". She moved closer, leaning over as she began work on it. His chest physically pulsated under her touch as she worked, politely ignoring it until she grappled around for the bandages, his hand met hers slightly as he brought them up to her, "thanks...", "no prob.
Finally, he looked somewhat better, despite the fact his face was now 10 shades deeper than the rest of his body. "Feelin' better?", "yes'm. He squeaked his response out as she sat back, tidying up the medical kit. "Ya wanna head to my place then?". They had already lingered for what seemed like an eternity, sitting crosslegged as they blathered back and forth. "You have yer own place?", "ye". She nodded her head rapidly, causing her tongue to slip out from the corner of her mouth. It seemed to change in shape and size, from goofily rounded to it's natural state? (he wasn't completely sure if it was supposed to be point and nearly 15cm but-)
She helped him up once again, letting him put some of his weight against her shoulder. "Listen, I know this sounds kinda dumb seein' as I don't even know what ya do or where you're takin' me but...are we, like, friends now?", "I dunno, y'wanna be? I mean I just kinda let people call me whatever", "how's about old Sport". That familiar warm laugh wheezed out of her, "go nuts! dun really care". He beamed, "thanks fer that Sportsy!" "no prob pal!". She gave him a slightly unsettling grin, "sorry, kinda suck at controlling my face", "it's cool", "manage t' convince ya I ain't a threat?". He seemed to contemplate that question. Nice enough to console, get him out the suit and bandage him up and give him weird advice. "Ya I'd say so", neat!". She patted his back gently as they continued past the registration desk.
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sinzkiller · 2 years
-Random Bleach group chat-
Iba created a group chat
Iba change the "group chat" to "Shinigami Men's Association"
Iba added Iemura
Iba added Omaeda
Iba added Akon
Iba added Kira
Iba added Hisagi
Kira: Is there anything you want to share with us today, Iba-san?
Iba: Lately, our association club has been experiencing a lack of funds. It's such a pain in the ass for us.
Iba: In the world of living, you will get paid or get money from your fans if you're famous.
Iba: I hope you know what I mean, we need to be famous among all soul reaper in Seireite. How do we do that? Well it's easy... Just take a picture of ourselves doing such a sexy and manly pose and publish it 😎
Iba: Like this picture of Kira and Hisagi!
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Hisagi: Honestly....I look so handsome there, no wonder bunch of cute girls kept looking at me lately 😎
Omaeda: Hmmm I see, I'll join you guys later, I'm still busy with something else
Iemura: Heh, no problem, but I'm still busy right now
Iemura: Captain Unohana need us squad 4 to assist her right now 💀
Omaeda left the Shinigami Men's Association
Iemura left the Shinigami Men's Association
Kira: 💀
Iba: Hmmm...well Ukitake taicho can do all of that easily since he's so famous..but he's currently not in a good health :(
Iba: That's why..I need bunch of strong, handsome and trusted men(aside from myself) to help me out... For our association
Iba: I like your spirit!
Iba:Now... People are interested in something that they never see before...not something..but someone.. someone mysterious and very secretive
Akon: Just like my captain?
Iba: I want your captain, to join us today, pleaseeeeeeee 🥺
Akon: I don't think he's interested in whatever we're doing now, plus he's such a busy man you know..
Iba: Fine, I bet he's not that handsome after all
Mayuri added Mayuri to Shinigami Men's Association
Mayuri: I am not interested in whatever you weirdos doing, but since I took that as an insult, I will dissect you and maybe put you in the jar :)
Kira: WHAT THE..
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Mayuri: Oh so this is what you have been doing during your free time, Akon?
Akon: 💀
Mayuri: That's fine. Well if you guys wonder how do I looks like, why don't you come to my lab now :)
Kira: Nope, no thanks
Kira: HISAGI NOOOOOOOOO THAT'S A TRAP 🪤 🪤 🪤 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Iba: I'll bring the camera too, time to be "paparazzi" and capture a rare images of captain Kurotsuchi ;)
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Akon: Oi wtf 🚬 🗿
As Hisagi arrived at 12th Division's lab, he saw Mayuri standing there with scalpel in his hand.
"Hehe..... What a coincidence I need someone to test my new drugs" :)))))))
"SO IT WAS A TRAP?" Hisagi shouted and panic.
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Mayuri laughed and says "It was this easy to capture a fool like you, sit quietly and I'll inject this drug—" before he could finish the sentence, a familiar voices heard from outside the lab.
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Mayuri, Kira and Akon are tired with all of this shit 💀
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