#he always trusted that if he jumped; six would catch him
bravest · 7 months
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i think i'm gonna write mono and six and POSSIBLY runaway kid . but mono and six are really on my brain right now because i'm thinking a lot about them .
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yuwuta · 1 month
childhood friends to lovers with yuuji is like he’s five and he catches frogs in the lake near his house on weekends fishing w his grandpa and brings them to you like a courting gift (and gets sad when his grandpa tells him he’s got to let them go again, but yuuji promises to catch even more for you next weekend). he’s six and learns he likes to cook and starts making snacks for you and always sits next to you at lunch to give them to you. he’s seven and very definitive that you’re his best friend in the whole world and he doesn’t leave your side during class or lunch or recess or ever. he’s eight and you’re much better at reading than him, but he’s not jealous or upset because that means sometimes you read the harder books to/with him and he learns he loves hearing your voice when you read out loud. he’s nine when he learns he’s got an older brother and even tho he takes to choso quickly, he doesn’t really trust him until you meet choso and declare that you think he’s cool. he’s ten and that summer you go away to sleep away camp for the first time and yuuji cries the first night you’re gone, but choso helps him write and mail letters to you while you’re away, and every weekend yuuji is up 8am to greet the mailman and receive his letter back from you.
he’s eleven when you both start middle school and it’s the first time you both aren’t in the same homeroom, but that doesn’t stop yuuji—he’s sitting by your desk before you even get to school, he’s outside of your classroom before lunch, walks to your classroom after lunch, the first face you see. he’s twelve the first time he realizes that you’re pretty—you’ve always been pretty, but this is different; you’re pretty like sunlight, pretty like his favorite meal, pretty like feeling of coming home. you’re thirteen the first time you get a love letter on valentine’s day, but it’s not from yuuji—it’s another boy in your homeroom that yuuji doesn’t like very much and he never knew why until that day.
once he learns he likes to cook, he starts making snacks for you and gives them to you at lunch and it escalates into packing you bentos almost every day when you two start high school. he’s sixteen when prom rolls around and he’s rocking on his heels asking you to go with him—“as friends, you know haha. if you want, since you’re not going with anybody else and—well megumi and nobara are doing the same thing so i thought? maybe it would work for us, too?”—and when you say yes he tries to play it cool but he jumps and clicks his heels on his way to run and tell megumi about it (and then choso takes approximately 400 pictures of you and yuuji before you two head off to the dance).
it’s not until he’s twenty and a junior in college, and you’ve caught your first sort of serious boyfriend cheating that yuuji finally says something. he always says he wishes it was more romantic, but even now at twenty-six as you watch yuuji laugh with everyone at your rehearsal dinner, and look the collage of pictures choso has proudly displayed, you can’t help but think that it was the perfect confession—that everything about yuuji has always been perfect and that you’re beyond lucky to have him. and when yuuji catches your eye across the table, he smiles all dopey again like he’s five and just caught that frog for you for the first time and you’ve become the center of his world all over again.
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irisintheafterglow · 29 days
can i put in my two cents on girldad!bakugo whose daughter got mom's quirk
cw: prohero!bkg, swearing, fem!reader, fluff and crack with a small side of angst
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"yer mom's gonna fuckin' kill me if we don't get this out," he mumbles, furiously scrubbing at the splotches of rainbow paint covering his three-year-old daughter's previously white dress.
"fuckin!" his daughter echoes and he flinches.
"no, no, no. we can't say that," he says softly, kneeling down on the tile of the laundry room where she was watching him work. "mama's gonna kick my ass if she hears you swear, so we can't say that word...yet. m'kay sweetheart?"
"kick ass!" she laughs innocently, giggling as his face contorts into a mix of horror, shock, and joy. "dada, you funny," she babbles, reaching up to grab at his face. he fights the instinct to pull away, afraid of how she'd react if she looked too closely at the scars covering his face. you'd talked him through it numerous times before, but he was still scared she would be scared of all the battles etched into his skin. it was his own anxiety talking, he knew, and she must have received her empathy from you because she reached up toward her dad anyway. her little eyebrows pinch and her stubby fingers brush over the rough, discolored tissue. "dada ouchie?"
"dada ouchie long time ago, bubs," he murmurs, taking her hand and kissing her tiny nails. "but mama saved dada. and now," he lifts her from the floor and positions her comfortably on his hip, her head leaning against his shoulder, "baby needs to help save dada from mama."
"mama angry?" his daughter frowns and he nods, staring frustratedly at the pastel stains on the white fabric. "what dada do?"
"oi! it's not always my fault," he protests, leaning closer as his daughter tries to tug his hair. "though, i do admit, this is my shit to clean up."
"shit!" she repeats brightly, grinning up at him as he fondly rolls his eyes.
"i think you're doing this on purpose, you gremlin," he grunts and she smiles up at him mischievously.
"gremlin!" it's the same smirk he does, the only difference being her eyes match yours instead of his.
"you got yer dada's dirty mouth. mama's not gonna be happy, but i," he pecks a kiss on her forehead, "am ecstatic." his daughter's eyes temporarily flash emerald green and she points to the front door.
"zuzu," she informs him. he groans and bites back another curse, throwing the stained dress into a basket and hoping for the best.
"that dumbass isn't supposed to be here until six," bakugo grumbles. he adjusts his daughter and moves into the living room in time to catch a car pulling up at the curb of the house.
"dumbass!" he doesn't have time to scold her because, unfortunately, her quirk isn't done yet. while he hurries to kick any toys under the couch and wipe the faded paint off his hands, her eyes flash pink, red, and yellow a split second before a knock at the front door.
"mimi! eiji!" his daughter squeals in excitement. he sets her down so she can rush to the door, opening it to reveal a half-dozen pro heroes squished onto the front porch. she jumps straight into kirishima's open arms, a string of drool dripping from her wide smile.
"you're early," bakugo deadpans while his high school friends toe off their shoes. "wasn't expecting her to alert for another half hour." his daughter transfers from kirishima to mina, who throws her up into the air like a beach ball. "oi, watch it with her, pinky. don't be giving her a concussion."
"lighten up, bakugo," mina replies without missing a beat, tossing the squealing child again. "what's got your panties in a twist?"
"did her flight get delayed or something?" denki asks, taking the baby from mina and flying her around the room while making racecar noises. bakugo watches his daughter like a hawk, never more than five feet away from her. he won't admit that he trusts his friends, but he also knows he could never be too careful.
"nah," he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "i jus' fucked up, is all."
"how so?" bakugo mindlessly unpacks the various packages of chips and soda, organizing them on the kitchen counter and punching a stray balloon out of his way.
"accidentally sent her to school with the wrong dress on," he grimaces. "thought it was a different white one, but it was supposed to be the one for today." he disappears momentarily into the laundry room, re-entering with the stained white dress in his hand. "she was screamin' and cryin' about not having anything to wear for her school's paint-a-thon thing, so i just put this on her without checkin..."
"yeesh, she really did a number on this, didn't she?" kirishima says, examining the various spots of pink, blue, and green. "her mom say anything about what she was supposed to wear?"
"i didn't wanna bother her," he mumbles in shame. "you know how important this gig was for her." his friends nod, wracking their brains for how to improve the situation. it was mina's idea, originally, to host a welcome home party after you'd been overseas for a reconnaissance mission, which was why they'd all congregated at your house.
"if it means anything, i think it looks even better," she assures him with a pat on his shoulder. "the colors are nice."
"thanks, pinky. i'm just not good at this shit."
"what, being a dad? like it's hard?" kirishima clicks his tongue, lightly slapping denki on the back of his head.
"dad of a girl," bakugo corrects with a scowl, "you got sons, pikachu. don't even try me."
"i think what he means," kirishima gently interrupts after shooting denki a look, "is that you should be a little easier on yourself."
"she's just got her mom's quirk, y'know? i don't want her to grow up with a shitty dad that doesn't know how to help her develop her quirk." though your daughter could only track up to six people and locate them when they're within 100 feet, your ability to track up to 65 people and locate them on a country-wide scale made you highly desirable to agencies around the globe. with you gone, it was up to bakugo to take care of his daughter and keep the house in order, but he found himself struggling to know what decisions were the right ones.
"you're learning, bakubro, and so is she." denki gestures to your daughter sitting on the living room floor, concentrating on stacking wooden ice cream pieces. "she doesn't know what a 'bad dad' is. she just knows you, and i don't think you're a terrible dad at all." bakugo nods in lieu of answering, his cheeks heating as the rest of his friends echo their agreement.
"if this little ball of spunk is any indication of how much of you she's got in her," mina says with a fond smile, "then she's gonna be just fine." any further thoughts are halted by the front door swinging open again.
"i got the cake! we gotta put it in the fridge, though, since it might've been smushed during travel," deku announces, handing off a stack of gift boxes and catering platters to denki. "now where's my favorite girl?"
"zuzu!" on cue, she comes waddling around the corner of the couch and helps herself to her favorite uncle's shoulders, finding two fistfuls of green hair as handles.
"you better not drop my fuckin' daughter, izuku," bakugo warns. "i'll blast your ass to mercury."
"do you always swear this much with her around?"
"that's exactly what i don't think should happen," kirishima states, unsurprised. "have you been teaching her that stuff?"
"she's a smart girl. picks up on things quick, like her mama," he dodges. "speaking of, you got eyes on mama yet, baby?"
"no mama, dada," she replies. "mama home soon?"
"yeah, mama home soon, so we gotta get you ready." he's about to take his daughter off deku's shoulders when he hears mina gasp. he'd known her long enough to know that sound meant she had an idea, and those ideas weren't necessarily good ones. "you got somethin' to say, pinky?"
"let me get her ready, and i'll fix your little dress problem for you," she says cryptically. bakugo doesn't have much time to protest as his daughter is already stretching from his arms to mina's, giggling while they disappear down the hallway.
forty-five minutes and a handful of inflated balloons later, his daughter's eyes flash neon orange, the same color your eyes flash for him. she doesn't know any other color to assign me, you theorized one night as you laid together in comfortable darkness. i guess she just associates me with you.
"welcome home!" denki excitedly opens the confetti shooter while kirishima bombards you with a sizable flower bouquet. you're standing speechless in the doorway and he watches your eyeline; it scans the room and its many shimmering balloons, paper streamers, and hero friends until it lands on him and your daughter, holding tightly to his pinky by the kitchen table. when the glitter settles, he gives her a nod, an okay to let her run to you.
"hi, my darling!" you beam, picking her up to hold her close and meet your husband's eyes over her shoulder. "and hello, my love," you murmur as his hands find your waist, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead.
"missed you," he hums, his breathing finally returning to a steady rhythm for the first time in weeks. "she's been a handful."
"i'm sure she has." katsuki's expression is soft, only reserved for you and the child in your arms.
"how was the job?"
"a lot," you admit, allowing yourself to decompress now that you're home. "i can't tell if my head hurts from my quirk or the ten-hour flight," you smile tiredly.
"you got enough in the tank to entertain our friends? or do you need me to kick 'em out?"
"if it's these guys," you say, looking at the rowdy group of guests passing around plates and flatware, "of course i can."
"i guess we got more incoming," katsuki observes as another carload full of his friends arrive. "can we get you some food? baby and i will handle being welcome committee."
"well, do you, uh," you chuckle, finally acknowledging the pink-splattered elephant between you two. "do you wanna tell me why your shirt looks like you hugged a rainbow? and why her dress' stains look older?"
"oh, right. this." he looks down at his previously white button-down, now colored various shades of orange, blue, yellow, and pink to match his daughter's dress. you raise your eyebrows knowingly, already amused even before he answers.
"yeah," you smirk. "that." he shrugs, snaking a hand behind your back and leading you to the platters of dinner on the counter.
"it was paint-a-thon day."
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hi,love ur stories 😍
I was wondering if u could do one based on 'I see the light' from tangled, where they meet at a mutual friends wedding or something, she was singing the song where she has the most melodiest voice and (charles, max or Pierre) somehow 'fall in love' at first sight of her along with her voice. Thx 😊😍
This was cute 💕 I hope you don't mind but I changed the setting a little bit.
Tangled Up In You || MV1
Pairing: Max Verstappen x singer!fem!reader Warnings: fluff, slight angst with his ex, more fluff WC: 2.2k
F1 Masterlist
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Children were known to be resilient creatures that could adapt well to changes but Penelope had struggled to understand why her and her mother no longer lived with Max. It had been six months and still she asked where her ‘Maxie’ was and why he couldn’t come with them to their new home. 
So, it came as no surprise when she was asked who she wanted to invite to her 4th birthday party that Max was at the top of the list.
“...you don’t have to come, I can say you are busy-”
“No, I’ll be there, Kel,” Max interrupted as he put the call on speaker and added the event to his calendar. “Is P there? Can I talk to her?”
“Sorry, she’s with Daniil picking out her princess dress. The theme’s Disney, of course,” Kelly laughed softly before she sighed. “Are you sure you want to come, or are you just being nice?”
“I want to come. I miss our tea parties, and standing on tiny pieces of lego.”
The silence on the line lingered for a moment before she couldn’t help asking. “Do you miss me?” 
This time it was Max who sighed. “I’ll see you on Saturday.”
He hung up before she could apologise again. Somehow she always turned a conversation back to their relationship, but that wasn’t something Max would ever entertain. If the man knew one thing from his life of racing it was how to move forward and when the three year relationship he had run its course he had taken time to reflect, just like those post-race debriefs, and planned to use it as a lesson learned for next time.
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Kelly had overdone it as usual. 
The largest ballroom of Hôtel de Paris had been transformed into a set straight from Disney and filled with actresses dressed as Penelope’s favourites princesses. 
It was easy to spot P when Max walked in because her excited squeals were impossible to miss and he followed the sound to the front of the stage where she was jumping excitedly.
“Maxie!” she screamed, running and jumping at him trusting he would catch her.
“Happy Birthday, P,” he grinned as he lifted her up into a hug. “I can’t believe you are two years old already.”
“I’m four, silly!”
“No, that can’t be. You can’t possibly grow up that quickly.”
“I can! Have you seen my princesses? My favourite one isn’t here yet but mummy said she’s going to be here any minute.”
Max scanned the room for the princesses and saw the usual ones like Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. “Is Rapunzel still your favourite then?”
Penelope nodded with a big toothy grin. “She’s so pretty. I want to be like her when I grow up.”
Max put her down carefully and straightened the tiara sitting on her perfectly styled hair. “You are already prettier than everyone here, P.”
“There you are,” Kelly greeted Max as she left another conversation to join them, kissing his cheeks twice just a little too close to the corners of his lips. “Just in time too. Sweetheart, look who’s here.”
Penelope screamed as she spotted Rapunzel taking the stage, a long golden braid adorned with flowers hanging all the way down her back. “It’s her, it’s really her,” P squealed as she squeezed Max’s hand. “She’s beautiful.”
Max was in a state of shock as his jaw fell slack. “She is.”
The lights of the stage dimmed until only a single spotlight cast a warm glow to her skin, the braiding of hair around her head appearing like a golden crown, or more accurately, a halo.
Max recognised the song in an instant, remembering the evenings spent on the couch watching Tangled, P dancing across the living room floor as she sang her little heart out. The memory brought a smile to his lips and it only grew wider as the angel on the stage began to sing.
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You double checked the wig was held firmly by the pins and not a strand of hair was out of place before running your palms over the dress to make sure there wasn’t a single wrinkle on the pastel pink material. Satisfied you were ready, you hooked the small microphone and earpiece into place and nodded to the sound engineer to start the cue.
It was no difficult task to smile brightly as the music began and you twirled out onto the stage, you lived for these days. Seeing the excitement and joy your performances made the children who witnessed it brought joy to your life. Seeing their eyes widen and their jaws drop was what motivated you to channel even deeper and give your all to the act.
All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been
You spotted the birthday girl at the front of the crowd and plucked a bright flower from the braid, kneeling down to tuck it behind her ear. Her smile widened and she could hardly stand still as she trembled with excitement.
You waved a hand to the ceiling and the projector illuminated it with a thousand little glowing dots and a surprised gasp whispered across the largest crowd you had ever sung to.
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here, it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be
You smiled at the little girl once more before spinning on your toes beneath the twinkling lights, the tulle skirt billowing around you as if you were floating away with them.
Around the room, the other casted characters were turning on their lanterns and raising them into the air on near invisible strings. You could perform this set a thousand times and never tire of seeing the crowd's reactions to the lanterns floating into the night sky.
And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new
You scanned the crowd while they were in a state of wonderment looking up, but there was one man who wasn’t. He still held the same unblinking look of awe but he could have been oblivious to the lights the way he was staring right back at you.
There was something about the look that almost knocked you off your feet as your stomach flipped and heat burned on your cheeks under the intensity. His eyes, a pale shade of blue, drew you closer to the edge of the stage and his foot lifted as if he were to follow.
And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted
His lips moved like he knew the words by heart and you nearly missed the line as your heart skipped a beat. The rest of the crowd faded away as you knelt back where you had been and pulled another flower from your hair.
All at once everything looks different Now that I see you
He leaned forward and you tucked it behind his ear, your fingers grazing his jawline as you retreated. You were so absorbed by his shy smile and the blush highlighting his cheeks you didn’t notice the woman standing to the side of him. For a moment, before you caught yourself, it was only him that you sang to and only him that you saw.
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“Please, please can I?” P begged her mother to go and see Rapunzel but after the breathtaking performance she had been in a mood and withdrew her hand from her daughter’s. 
“No, your cake is going to be coming out in a moment - I need to be here to show them where to put it.”
Tears welled along the four year old’s eyes and her bottom lip trembled before Max stepped in. “How about I take her?”
He had been watching the stage entrance for any sign of movement since her song had ended and it was hard to hide the disappointment when she didn’t return for another. He could still hear her voice and was busy committing it to memory in the hopes he could use the sweet, melodic sound to calm his racing mind when he lay awake alone at night.
Max couldn’t explain how utterly obsessed he had become or how he wished he knew what delicate perfume it was he had inhaled when she touched his face. He ran his hand along his jawline, following where her fingers had been under the guise of a scratch, and he was glad he had tidied his beard up for the event.
“Of course you would offer that,” Kelly bit back, pulling him from his thoughts as his hand fell away from his face. “Whatever, do as you want.”
Penelope understood the permission but missed the sarcasm and Max sighed to himself as he took P’s hand and made their way to the curtains that hid the makeshift backstage area.
“Rapunzel!” P squealed as she rushed forward, towing Max to keep up until she barrelled into the princesses legs and wrapped her arms around them. “I love you.”
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You had almost begun to pull your wig off when you heard a little girl call out. You turned just in time to catch her as she grappled you into a hug and you laughed softly as you tucked her hair back behind her ear to see the flower you had given her.
“Aren’t you the sweetest little girl,” you giggled as you knelt down to her height and took in the sight of the man who followed her, his hands tucking into his dress pants. You drowned in the eyes that had held you captivated before tearing yours away and swallowing the disappointment that had crept up your throat. “I hope you are having the most magical birthday with your father.”
The birthday girl looked up at him with a laugh. “This is my Maxie.”
You tried to hide your confusion but he obviously saw it as he scratched the back of his neck, the material of the shirt he wore straining as his biceps tensed.
“Uh, I am, was, her step-dad,” he corrected as he gave the girl a small sad smile before offering his hand to you. “It’s just Max, or you can call me Maxie too, I guess, if you want.”
You smiled in amusement as you shook his hand, the touch lingering a little longer as neither of you made an effort to pull away.
“I’m Rapunzel,” you said as your eyes darted to Penelope.
“Right,” he chuckled and let his hand fall back to his side as he looked at her too. “Your cake might be waiting for you, P. Do you want to go check?”
“Can you come?” she asked you with big round eyes.
“I’m sorry, sweetie, but Eugene has probably got himself into trouble without me, so I should really be going. But I must thank you, it was an absolute delight to celebrate your birthday with you. I love getting to spend time with a fellow princess.” You swung your braid over your shoulder and the sweet scent of the fresh flowers filled the air. “You can have as many as you like.”
It took all your concentration not to look at Max when that was what you really wanted to do, especially when he knelt beside you and helped Penelope to choose which flowers to take. His arm brushed against yours and you nearly lost your balance from the deep breath you took of his mouth watering cologne.
Eventually she was happy with the dozen bright blossoms she cradled in her arms and thanked you before rushing to take them back to her mother. “Come on, Maxie!” she called without looking back to see if he was following.
He rose with a sigh and you hissed as your head was tugged sharply by the pins. “Shit, sorry,” he murmured as he saw his watch had got caught in the braid. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, it actually happens more often than you would think.” You rubbed the back of your head where the pain was worst and double checked the birthday girl was gone. “I’m Y/N.”
He repeated it with a smile as he slipped the watch off his wrist to use both hands to untangle it from the golden threads. “Would you let me take you to dinner to apologise properly?”
If you were wearing your microphone it probably would have picked up the sound of your heart from how quickly it started pumping. There was no denying this attraction between you and you could see he was equally affected by it too.
“No, I told you it’s alright,” you started, taking his hand when his shoulder slumped crestfallen. “But, you can buy me dinner if you want to make it a date?”
A bright smile broke across his face and you couldn’t help smiling back knowing it was because of you. “Tonight?”
You nodded as you reached into the hidden pocket in the dress and passed him your phone to enter his number before he sent himself a message to get yours. “You might not recognise me without all this,” you joked as you started to pull the pins out of the wig and freed your natural hair.
He chuckled and shook his head as he found you even more beautiful than before. “There’s no mistaking those eyes, I would recognise them anywhere.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
first time
words: 600
warnings: 18+ only, smut, virgin!reader
“how are you going to take all of me if you can’t even take one finger?” rafe says, being extra careful as he pushes it in and out of you.
“i can.” you pout, but squirm under the unfamiliar feeling. when rafe first let his interest in you become known, you thought it was a passing thing, that he wanted to have a fling with you then move on, but rafe insisted it wasn’t true, and now you’ve been dating for six months, never going beyond making out until tonight.
you told rafe you were a virgin two months ago, which is why you wanted to keep it slow. rafe was more than understanding, never teasing you, until you said it was finally time and got into bed with him.
“you’re so tight.” rafe grunts, partly not able to wait until he can get his cock in you, while the other more loving part of him knows he needs to spend time opening you up and making you more comfortable.
rafe gets an idea of how to get you even wetter. he lays down so he’s in between your legs and you cock your head, curious what he’s doing.
“just trust me baby.” rafe says.
“i do.” you nod, gasping when his mouth closes around your clit. you resist the urge to jump out of the bed, the feeling so strong and sudden.
“taste so good.” rafe mumbles against you, working in a second finger as a rush of wetness floods your pussy. rafe spit only adds to it as he continues to lick and suck on your clit.
“i’m, i-” you can’t even finish warning him before you cum, your hips shuddering upwards, making rafe have to wrap and arm around your stomach to bring you back down onto the bed.
“good girl, shh, i got you.” rafe comforts you as your orgasm racks through your body, his fingers gently and slowly thrusting in and out as you ride the wave.
“fuck me.” you say suddenly, the feeling of cumming due to rafe’s fingers was amazing, but you need his cock now.
“can never say no to you.” rafe says, standing up and taking his underwear off, slipping the condom on quickly before rejoining you on the bed.
“if it hurts at all, just tell me, okay?” rafe asks, rubbing his hands over your inner thighs as you spread them for him.
you nod and close your eyes, taking deep breaths and focusing on remaining calm as you feel the head of rafe’s cock press against your entrance. 
he pushes in slowly, and you find that the uncomfortable stretch quickly becomes pleasurable. you feel like he goes on forever, entering you as slowly as he possibly can, watching your face to gauge for any discomfort. by the time he’s fully seated, you’re ready for him to move.
“still doing okay, pretty girl?” rafe asks, and you nod quickly, “fuck me, please.”
rafe almost catches himself cringing at the words, and that’s when he realizes that he’s head over heels for you. he’d never care to be this soft or sweet with anyone else.
“i love you.” rafe suddenly says, making your eyes widen in shock. yes, you’ve been dating for 6 months, but it was pretty casual, and you can’t believe rafe, with his hard exterior, would admit that he loves you.
you bring him down for a kiss, ignoring how the change in angle makes you want to moan. “i love you too, rafe.”
“and i won’t fuck you.” rafe says.
you look at him, confused, considering his cock is still very much inside you right now.
“i will have sex with you, but don’t say fuck. we aren’t fucking. you’re my girlfriend and we are having sex.”
you giggle, rafe has always been very particular. “okay.” you nod. “have sex with me then, i need you to move.”
rafe laughs, giving you another kiss before he pulls his hips out before gently thrusting back in. “like that?”
you nod your head as your eyes flutter closed, pleasure overtaking you again. “just like that”
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cursedkeyboard · 9 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.4)
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What does Jason do as he raises his kid lovingly like he wished he'd been raised? Try his best and fail spectacularly to keep his nosy family away, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader / Batfamily & Jason Todd
After about a year and quite a few months, maybe around the second christmas Jason spent with you, Jason became antsy
The problem wasn't with you two, no
You were his angel and almost never caused him any trouble, even if he'd always call you brat and squirt
The problem was Bruce and Dick and his entire nosy ass family trying to find out why hadn't he come home for christmas a second year in a row
Not only that, he also had cut back on many other activities he'd usually do with friends or his family
Like taking over patrol shifts for others, hanging out with Roy, visiting the manor to see Ace and Alfred, and gossiping with Babs
C'mon, you know he's totally the type to think his kid is so much better than everyone
You're his damn best friend, his confidant, the person he trusts most in the world and would die for in a blink
So Jason wouldn't even notice he was neglecting every other person in his life until they started blowing up his phone and trying to break into his apartment
Like the fucking demon brat did
Damian tried, at three in the morning, with his katana and everything
His excuse? He was tired of everyone talking about why Jason was growing distant and decided to solve the mystery by infringing his privacy
Jason's excuse to grabbing him by the collar and throwing him out of he window before he could take another step inside? You had classes that day
And children are supposed to sleep a lot to grow
He thought that'd be the end of it, after properly threatening every single one of them into staying the fuck away from his home
but then again, Jason should've never put faith in people who are nosy for a living
So he started having to hide you during the day when the two of you hung out
Jason took you to Bat Burger after a rough day at school? Dick conventionally shows up minutes later! And you hide under the table
Jason and you were taking a morning walk to start the day? Surprise! Cass is suddenly coming your way. And you're jumping into a bush (he helped you take the twigs out of your hair later but laughed the entire time)
You finally convinced Jason to watch the latest superhero movie that just came out? Ho, boy! Look, Duke just so happened to also have been wanting to see it! Aaand you have to pee real bad
For you it's like a game, never let the Waynes catch you
The rewards are many; head pats, Jason's laughter, a hardcover book that you had been eyeing
The consequences of failing...?
That was the scary part for Jason
He'd spend nights thinking about it after tucking you in bed
Would they take you away? Would they think he's abusing you? Would they be disappointed in him for thinking he could be anything else but a disappointment?
Irrational and emotional, those thoughts were, but you were the life of Jason's life
Fuck, you're the one person he hadn't let down yet
The one person he didn't disappoint or hurt
You thrived every day, growing up and putting on weight, learning more every moment because you had a thirst for knowledge just like him
God, every time you looked at him like he was your whole world
Like he was your damn hero
It gave his life a little more meaning
He wanted to keep you safe, watch you grow into a beautiful person, better than he could ever hope to be
But he also wanted you to stay being his
His kid
Not taken away by protective services or recruited into Bruce's little army of children
So imagine how his stomach dropped when during one fateful night, as he helped you with your haircare routine
–Jason sitting on the couch and you between his legs on the floor, your back to him–
his door opened up, was picked open, and a good portion of his family (Dick, Damian, Stepth, and Bruce) waltzed in like they fucking owned the place
There was no way to hide, both of you caught off guard
"Jason! Games' over, buddy, we're here now–"
"Is– Is that a child?"
"What the fuck."
Jason was torn between taking them on on a 4v1 or pulling you in his arms and jumping out of the window
You chose for him, quickly climbing on the couch and hiding away under his arm, almost completely covered by his bulky form
You're not a coward but you're also not good with people like you are with Jason
You also don't exactly like the big bat after everything he did to your da–
To Jason
"Tell me you didn't kidnap a child, Jay."
"No, Steph, I didn't fucking kidnap anyone–"
"Is this why you didn't let me in? I expected better from you, Todd."
"You fucking brat– Can you just leave–"
"No, no, hang on, am I an uncle? Oh, my god, am I? Holy shit, I am!"
"You're not a fucking uncl–"
"Jason, explain."
And oh, how that terrified Jason
He hated the way Bruce was staring at you, like you were a puzzle, something he needed to figure out before he could ultimately collect
It almost made Jason snarl like a wounded dog
You were his kid, god damn it, and Jason would be damned if he let Bruce take you
So he swallowed his fear and clenched his trembling hands and made everyone sit down before he explained
He asked you if you wanted to go to your room, just in case you didn't feel comfortable around them, but you shook your head
"I don't wanna leave you alone."
"...Okay, okay, squirt, what you say goes."
None of them missed the way Jason easily wrapped his arm around you, tucking you close, and how you hid you face partially in his shoulder, glancing at them with one eye
And so, he began telling his tale
Interrupted only a few times because Dick couldn't shut the fuck up to save his life and Damian thinks being insufferable is a good personality trait, Jason finally let the cat out of the bag after about two years of keeping it hidden
"Why didn't you come to us? We could've helped."
"Helped? Bruce, look at the demon spawn, he sleeps with a knife under his pillow and he's, what? Thirteen? This kid here sleeps with a Garfield plushy, like children should."
At that, you slapped his shoulder (it still didn't hurt) and all Jason did was chuckle and kiss your forehead
It was jarring for all of them to see such a soft version of their most volatile family member
In fact, they could now see how the entire apartment had changed
No longer was it a... mojo dojo casa house of sorts, but a cozy and welcoming environment
Shit, the fridge even had cute magnets on it to hold all of your drawings
Frames with pictures of you two were placed everywhere, along with your awards from school and his own additions like a couple of plants and vinyls on the walls
It stung a little to know he'd kept a whole child away from them for so long, to know he didn't trust them enough
It especially hurt Bruce, since technically this was his first grandchild
All in all, everyone eventually fell silent, one fuming, some curious, and others brooding
Until you broke it by finally speaking, tilting your head until you were looking directly into Batman's glowing eyes
"I don't care if you're Batman or Bruce Wayne, if you hurt Jason again, I'll kill you myself."
To say Jason was proud was putting it mildly
He was so ecstatic he could make that day a national holiday
Jason ignored the rest of his family freaking out about how you knew Batman's identity and hugged you close, squeezing you gently
"Fucking love you, kiddo."
To be continued...
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Hello! Amazing writing! Could you do older sister!reader comforting Bill after his startsearch performance?
(Hello! Sure I can! I l actually like this one, but italics are German as I don't trust google translate so just imagine they're speaking German here!) Taglist
Your Sister's Here
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As your little brother sang on the stage, you couldvt have been more proud, watching from your seat in the crowd with your grandmother.
You smiled the whole time, almost tearing up, like your grandmother was, as Bill did his best, clapping for him and giving him encouragement every time his eyes searched for his older sister in the crowd.
You had been there when Bill got the call of acceptance to the show, happily spinning him around when he jumped into your arms when he did, crying and kissing his forehead out of pride as he clung to you.
You were his older sister of six years, and you were proud to say you were there all the time, especially now and for years to come.
Your pride didn't fade, neither did your smile, not even when Bill placed second, but wavering softly as he came to you.
You obviously saw the tears welled in his eyes, and took him in your arms as he sniffled, hiding his face into your neck.
"You did good! Don't cry, Macky." You reassured into his ear, your grandmother rubbing his back as he wrapped his arms around your neck.
"But I lost…" Bill shook his head, leaning back to look at you.
"So? You placed second, out of everyone! Someone's gonna see you on TV, someone who wants someone just like you! And you know what?"
You smiled, wiping his tears with your thumb, your palm cupping his cheek as he softly hiccuped.
"...What?" Bill asked, looking down as his hand messed with a strand of your hair.
"They're gonna call you and they're gonna tell you they want you to sing for them. And it's gonna be soon, okay?" You determined, smiling at your younger brother, even if he remained reluctant.
"...How do you know that?" Bill muttered, leaning into your palm softly, still barely looking at you but taking in your words of encouragement.
"Because you're amazing, Bill. It's only gonna get better from here. You're gonna be bigger than anyone here, right?" You stated, Bill finally looked at you to see your smile.
"You're just saying that." Bill frowned, and you raised a brow at his words, like he gave you a challenge as a grin came across your face.
"Would I? You call me an ass all the time." You joke to cheer him up.
Bill laughed softly, wiping his tears with his palm as he sniffled.
"You're good, Bill. Today just proved that. So what if you didn't win? People are gonna be yelling "Bill!" "Bill Kaulitz!" For you from the crowd soon enough." You laughed, seeing the little smile coming across your brother's face once more.
"And not just you, it's gonna be Tom, Georg, Gustav, all because you came on here. You did good. Fuck them if you didn't win, but who's gonna be bigger than them soon enough?"
You asked, looking to catch his eye as his eyes wavered, Bill still remained silent, the tears almost dry but the reluctance and slight disappointment stayed.
Bill then smiled, looking down before you raised a brow, poking his stomach as he laughed, trying to move to dodge your attacks.
"Huh?" You chuckled, attacking his sides as he laughed along, moving to dodge but failing.
"Me!" Bill said through his giggles as you smiled, wrapping your arm around him and patting his back.
"Yeah, you are. They're gonna be happy you even gave them the time of day to come on their stage because you're gonna be way bigger than them."
You stated, and Bill finally looked up at you, giving the small smile you always loved to see on his face.
"Really?" Bill asked, almost like the eight year old he once was, seeing Nena on TV and telling you he was gonna be just like her, and like you always said,
"Yeah. Bigger than anyone."
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @dead-tapes @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @elenacgn08 @80s-tingz
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
True Courage.
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sexual harassment, fluff, mutual pining
Comments/Notes: From the imagine, "Thorin takes a stand for you when a lecherous man won't take no for an answer and keeps bothering you."
This fic touches on a bit of a nerve, as something similar happened to me a few weeks ago when travelling home; so why not put my experience to a good use and make a fic out of it? However, I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Your stomach lurched and you recoiled as the man took your hand in his. "You are very beautiful," he grinned, staring at you.
It had started off with you being polite, listening to the man talk about his life, and eventually his wife. Then he started nudging closer, his body almost right upon you. You had looked around for any sign of someone who may help you escape. But all the residents of Lake-town were too busy in their own conversations or inebriated. The Company seemed to have disappeared and you could not see anyone you recognised in the sea of heads swarming around you in the Master's main hall.
The man kept trying to catch your gaze as you averted it elsewhere, completely sickened by him. His continued chattering away, but your mind was ablaze, contemplating an escape. The feeling of his hand on you made you feel dirty, defiled.
Across the room and Thorin had a clear view of you. A man who looked easily old enough to be your father was sat beside you, his hand resting on your thigh. Thorin grit his teeth and moved through the crowd toward you, having to shove a few bodies away.
"How about a kiss?" the man asked you, his breath almost upon you.
You shoved his hand away and shifted further out of your seat.
"How dare you!" an angry voice came. "You will leave her, unless you wish to be spitting your teeth out upon the floor."
"Thorin?" you whispered, looking up. His face was livid and fierce. You had never seen Thorin so fired up; his eyes were dark and his teeth were bared.
In your embarrassment, you got up and dashed from the scene. Tears were welling in your eyes as you raced out into the cold air outside. Your whole body was shaking, and sobs suddenly overcame you, uncontrollable. It may have been almost winter with a flurry of snow on the air, but you still felt as though your whole body was on fire. Anxiety and adrenaline raged through your veins. The fight or flight response had been activated, only a little too late. It would have aided you better when you were sat with the hideous man.
"Are you alright?" a voice came from behind.
Jumping, you turned around to see Thorin behind you. Instantly you threw yourself at him, finally feeling safe. "I'm sorry," you sobbed on him.
"Shhh," he cooed into ear, brushing his fingers through your hair. "You are safe." Thorin's heart thundered in his chest, both at the feel of you in his arms, but also at the feeling of you shaking. His chest was full of both love and anger, intense and all consuming. How dare someone touch you against your will. How dare someone reduce you to a sobbing mess like this!
You looked up at Thorin, his arms still around you. You were safe here against him. Looking at his face, his expression soft but also full of concern, began to wash away the edge of your fear. It re-formed your crumbled composure, mending the pieces of a broken confidence.
Thorin cupped your cheek and his thumb dried the tears which were glistening on your reddened skin. "No one will harm you, I promise."
Ever since first meeting Thorin six months previously, at the beginning of the quest to re-take Erebor, and you trusted him. There was something in his eyes; a steadfast resolve and a deep-seated sense of honour.
Thorin couldn't take his eyes from your gaze. Having your skin against his made his breath hitch. You were beautiful, and since the moment he met you, he felt as if you were a special, one of a kind flower which he didn't dare touch. He hadn't dared touch out of a fear of offending you. But now that need to be in contact with you was too much. Cradling you had made his heart swell.
Feeling Thorin's touch was something you had imagined far too many times, and now that it was a reality, it was a softer touch than any fantasy had ever allowed you to experience. However, the more he gazed at you, shame entered your heart. "I'm sorry that I'm not brave like you."
"No..." Thorin began.
Your head turned to the side, twisting from his touch.
"No..." he whispered again, sadly. "Never say that."
Tears welled again. "I'm a coward. I froze. I'm ashamed."
"Never be ashamed," Thorin told you, his voice somehow deeper. "Do you understand me? You have nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely nothing!" Anger dripped from his tone. "He violated your intimate space. No one has the right to do that. No one. And freezing is natural."
"I've never seen you freeze."
"Do not compare yourself to me. My reactions are learned, after years of experience."
If there was one thing that Thorin had always been drawn to, and it was your innocence. In your innocence of being polite and kind, you had entertained the lecherous man for a short while. Thorin, on the other hand, was hardened off to a polite and kind demeanour. You were open to people, welcoming. Thorin was shut off. Now, who was the brave one?
"Bravery isn't only found in battles," Thorin told you, stepping back from you. "It's seen in allowing yourself to be vulnerable and opening your heart to others. You have a courage that I could only dream to have, dear one. I walk into battle, ready to face the pain of a sword in my flesh. But you are ready to face the pain of a broken heart through being vulnerable in someone else's sight. That is true courage."
"That's not courage. That's just being too trusting and being ridiculous," you hissed.
Thorin smiled and then took your hand, kissing it. "You dare to trust. You have no idea how courageous that is. I wish I had a heart such as yours."
A wave of anticipation washed over you and you sighed. "In that case, this is me being brave. You do not need to wish for a heart such as mine, as you already have it. You've always had my heart, Thorin."
Thorin exhaled loudly, smiling, and cupped your cheek again. Then took your lips in a kiss, his beard tickling you. The heat rose and your kiss deepened.
As your kiss ended, Thorin pressed his forehead to yours. "My love," he whispered. "My brave love."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @luna-xial @knittastically @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @mrsdurin @guardianofrivendell @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
The Hobbit tag list: @flowerniche
Middle-earth tag list: @mismaeve @sotwk @emmyspov
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart @dumbassunderthemountain
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
🌄Early Morning🌄
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Hey y'all!!! Long time no see! This is the first part of a three part series I have whooped up for ya! I really hope you like angst this holiday season.
TW. Cheating (Katsuki is an asshole), Drinking, The word cum idk.
I hope you guys like it! I haven't written anything in about two years.
2 am.
He was supposed to be home six hours ago; you had called him over forty times with no answer and later went straight to voice mail.
You called his office and spoke to his secretary, who told you that he had left with his friends, so you called his best friend, who said they did go for drinks, but they all had left by 10 pm.
So here you are, sitting in your living room drinking.
Drinking whatever you could find in your cabinets.
You and Katsuki have been together since you were in your second year of high school; that was six years ago.
While the two of you did go to UA, only he could make it as a hero; once he broke the Top 10, he'd convinced you to quit your 9-5 and be a stay-at-home wife, more like a stay-at-home girlfriend.
You thought he would've proposed by now, but he would always say, "We're practically married already; why do we need a piece of paper to prove it?" and that was that.
It wasn't long after that he started coming home late.
You were always understanding about his work, so coming home late wasn't a problem; it didn't bother you; why would it? You trusted him.
Until now.
You downed your last glass of wine when you heard the front door open; you looked down at your phone.
3:30 am.
You hear Katsuki sigh and the thunk of his boot hitting the ground as he takes them off; you look over your shoulder, staring into the black hallway that leads to the entryway waiting for him to appear.
He slowly emerges from the darkness, groaning as he rolls his shoulders back.
He jumps, dropping his keys and wallet.
He glares at you as he reaches down to pick them up.
"What the fuck are you doing up?"
You drunkenly stand up. You are wobbling as you walk up to him.
He sets his belongings on the side table as you reach out and lay your hands on his chest, his hands coming up and engulfing yours.
He frowns.
"Are you drunk?"
You nod, leaning into his shirt, smelling him.
You roughly shove him back.
"S-shit!" He yells, grabbing the archway
"What the fuck!?"
He screams at you; his scowl softens as he sees your eyes welling up with tears.
He calls your name as he slowly reaches for you.
You turn your back to him, crying into your hands, shoulders shaking.
His heart breaks a little more; it's been hurting him all night.
"Who?" you sob.
He could feel his blood run cold.
You turn to him, face red and snotty
"Who is she?"
He swallows. "Baby, I don't know what you're talking about."
He reaches for you again, causing you to stumble back drunkenly.
"No! No, you liar!"
He hurries to catch you.
"No!" You wiggle in his grip.
He holds you tighter, pressing you into his chest.
"I called and called!" You scream, pounding on his chest.
"I called you! I called your office! Kirishima! And no one knew where you were!"
He feels his gut tie up in knots.
"And now… you come back smelling like a whore!"
You scream, thrashing around.
"Hey! Calm down; I need you to fucking calm down!"
You slump in his hold.
He ran a hand down his face as he sat in the leather reading chair in the corner of the room; he thought back on the night it went wrong.
"I hate you." You mumble as he picks you up, cradling you in his arms.
"I know."
"You're a liar."
He nods, walking you down to your shared bedroom.
"I know."
"I…I'm so tired."
He nods, pushing the door open.
"I know, baby."
"Don't call me that."
He nods again, laying you down on the bed.
"You don't get to call me that."
It wasn't long before you nodded off, leaving him awake.
Was it when he was getting ready to leave the office?
Was it when his friends dragged him out to some club?
Was it ignoring your calls in favor of talking to some blonde he knew from a modeling shoot his done?
Was it when he took her home?
Was it when he slept with her?
Was it that he thought he could come home and think everything would be alright?
5 am.
His phone dings.
He looks down at it; It's her. She sent him a picture.
He opens it.
It's a picture of his cum leaking out of her with the message, "Come fuck it back into me."
He glances up from his phone and looks at you, sprawled out on the bed, softly snoring.
He sent her some money and said, "Don't talk to me. Buy some plan B."
He looks at the time.
Fuck. Katsuki throws his head back and groans.
He has work in an hour.
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miserable-sarah · 2 years
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Impressive 18+
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader Warnings: Smut, NSFW, rough Steve, Dom!Steve Summary: You and Steve go on a mission together, he's impressed with you but doesn't want to admit it.
"Captain on your six" You say, catching his attention. He does his normal super soldier moves.
"4 down"
"I got 3 down"
"One more" He loves to make things a competition even though he doesn't admit it. You run trying to find the last guy, you want to beat Steve there. You see the guy in front of you and jump on his back taking him down. Steve comes and finishes the job.
"Hey! I had him." you say to him huffing.
"I just helped." He shrugs
"Mhm, helped your ego" You smirk, he just looks away, smiles, and chuckles, knowing he's caught. You get on the jet waiting for Steve to come on. You're not sure if Steve trusts you or likes you. He's always on you and he's always taking your men or women down. He makes you feel like you're not good enough and that you just need to be babysat.
"You okay?" Steve asks, taking his seat up front.
"Yeah." You say quickly. You sit on the bench looking at your hands and arms making sure you have no marks on you.
"You sure?"
"Yeah" You fake smile at him.
You finally get back to the compound, Steve has been hounding you for hours on the ride. It's not even a big deal but now he's really getting on your nerves. You walk in, no one is around they all must be out on missions. You walk into the meeting room and Steve is behind you.
"Are you sure, because now you seem mad."
"Steve! I'm fine!" You snap.
"Don't shout at me." Steve says stepping towards you, you back up.
"You're not listening"
"You're not telling the truth." He towers over you, you go to push him but he grabs your wrists and holds them against the wall. His body is so close to being pressed up against yours that your mouth gets dry. "So, tell the truth"
"You hover over me and never let me celebrate my wins" You stare into his eyes. "I'm either bad or really good and you don't like it"
"Is that what you think?" He chuckles. He bends down to eye level, studying your features. He leans in close and whispers in your ear "You're just that bad" You get hands free and push him back against the table. He snickers and flips you so you're against the table.
"Steve" You struggle to get free, his body is pressed against you and his hands hold your arms down.
"I like it better when I'm in control." He smirks at you. You look at his eyes then his lips. You push yourself forward, he stops you. "I said, I like it better when I'm in control." He kisses you, smashing his lips on yours. You instantly moan in the kiss, you kiss him back. Your mouths are moving, your tongues fighting for dominance but you're giving it to Steve.
Steve puts his hands on your butt and lifts you up onto the table. You spread your legs and let him move closer to you. You tug at the bottom of his shirt and he takes it off. You look at his body in awe. You've seen it before and fantasized moments like this in your mind. You never thought you'd be here. He lifts up your shirt causing you to pay attention.
"I guess you like what you see" He teases you. You don't say anything, you unhook your bra letting it fall, you lay back on the table letting Steve take your jeans off along with your thong. You sit up on your elbows and watch him unbuckle his pants. He pulls you by your ankles making you get lower on the table. His large hands run over the curves of your body. "I always thought you were so perfect." he says softly. You look at his perfect face, his perfect teeth, his perfect jawline, his perfect eyes, and he's calling you perfect. "Well, until I saw you fight." Your jaw drops. You kick him back and he stumbles.
"Why would you say that? Especially right now?" You shake your head grabbing your clothes "God, I'm so stupid" Steve doesn't say a thing. He blocks the door, his frame is much bigger than yours and you know he can take you down. "Steve, move"
"No." He stands there shirtless with loose fitting pants. You just want to fuck him but you're trying to stand your ground. "Make me." He smirks. asshole. You try to move him but it's no use, Steve lifts you up pushing you against the door, your legs are wrapped around his waist, he kisses and nibbles at your neck. You throw your head back and moan.
"You've always wanted me, I can tell." He whispers in your ear. You shiver at his voice, he's right. You always have wanted him, even when he makes you so mad you just want to rip his clothes off.
"You're right" You say breathless.
"I'm always right." He moves back to the table laying you down. He leans over top of you, his hand dances around your clit. You tense up waiting for some real connection. His finger slips inside you, you let out another moan. You're not trying to be so desperate but it's been a while and you've been thinking about this for a very long time. He smirks at you and enters another finger. He pumps his fingers inside you, you arch your back. "So wet already"
"Steve" You moan, you just want to feel him inside you.
"Yes?" He asks cocky, knowing what you're going to say.
"Please, fuck me." You beg. Steve removes his hand from you and takes his pants off with his boxers. You gasp at his size not expecting him to be so big.
"Think you can take it?" he asks half seriously. You nod your head yes. "Good girl" He says lining himself up "I might not be able to hold bac-"
"Steve! Please!" You are cut off by yourself screaming, he slammed into you with no warning. Your nails dig into his forearms. He hisses at you but keeps going. He leans down and gives you a sloppy kiss, your fingers pull at his hair, he rests his forehead on yours looking into your eyes, watching the pleasure on your face.
"You're being such a good girl taking me" He says to you softly.
You let out a loud moan "Steve" you say, his words are making you feel 10x better.
"What baby, can't handle it?" He coos at you, almost making fun of you. You pull him in for another kiss, he speeds up going harder. He snakes his arms around your waist and picks you up. He slams into over and over. He groans and moans along with you. You can't believe this is happening right now. You never thought this would happen. Steve slams you against the wall making you gasp, you're pretty sure there's a dent in it now.
"Fuck Steve" you throw your head against the wall. Steve squeezes your cheeks.
"You feel so good, I want to cum inside you. I'm going to do that okay?" He nods his head with you. "Are you going to cum for me?" you nod your head and he lets go. Steve's hand finds your clit and fingers start rubbing you. You're taken over with pleasure, he's whispering dirty things in your ear, you can feel your body tense up and you clench around him. "Are you gonna cum baby? Hmm?"
"Yes, Steve" You moan out, he picks up his pace, his forehead is covered in sweat, he is so focused on what he's doing it makes him even hotter. He watches you, you close your eyes, your legs start to shake and you groan loudly. "Fuck!" you squeal as he continues to rub your clit and thrust into you. "Steve!" you squeal again, your whole body is taken with pleasure it's too much. "Please, stop" you wiggle around trying to get out of his grip but it's useless. Steve chuckles darkly and removes his hand, he puts you back on the table and contuines fucking you. You lay there trying to catch your breath.
"I'm going to fill you up" He grunts, his thrusts get sloppier and slower. You feel him cum inside you, you let out another moan. Steve thrusts a few more times, he stops and stays inside you. He rests his forehead on yours, breathing heavy.
"I told you" He says
"Told me what?"
"You couldn't handle it." He chuckles kissing your forehead , he gets up and puts his clothes back on, he helps you with yours, since your entire body feels like jell-o.
You hear people chatting, you know some of the others are back. You and Steve run out of that room into one of the bedrooms. ~
You walk downstairs and see Nat sitting there drinking coffee.
"New mission?" She asks
"Oh, no. The one with Steve was enough."
"You know he's only like that because he hates that you're so good. None of us babysit you when we're out there"
"He always wants to be in control" You mumble.
"What are you talking about?" Steve walks in the kitchen joining you Nat, you clear your throat thinking of last night.
"Uh, hey" Tony walks in "guys just remember we have servalnce all over this building." He glares at you and Steve, your eyes widened and you feel embarrassed all throughout your body.
"Ooh what happened?" Nat asks with a smile
"We need a new table is what happened" Tony walks away shaking his head.
You look at Steve who shrugs with a smirk.
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wonijinjin · 1 year
trust fall
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synopsis: mingyu is afraid of heights, but what happens when you try to convince him to go on the ferris wheel in the amusement park?
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff, if you squint angst and comfort, humour/crack | pairing: mingyu x gn! reader | warnings: mention of the word ‘death’
you and mingyu have been planning your date night to the amusement park for weeks, and now you two finally had some spare time to spend together, which was rare nowadays as you both had busy schedules all the time. after a delicious dinner cooked by your chef boyfriend you got into his car and drove to the park. it was a bit further away from the city than you expected, but you had a great drive nonetheless, catching up on how things had been going in the past few weeks.
when you arrived the first thing you suggested was going on the ferris wheel as watching the sunset from there seemed like a pretty romantic idea, however unfortunately mingyu did not really appreciate your creativity as he was notoriously afraid of heights. “come on mingyu baby, it isn’t that high, it is literally the shortest ferris wheel i have ever seen for real!” you said, trying to convince your six foot tall baby of a boyfriend to agree. “i will hold your hand the entire time if you want it baby. please, i really want to see it!” you pleaded with puppy eyes, which has always been effective when trying to win him over. “no way. are you crazy? what if it breaks? we could literally die! i am way too handsome for dying here on a ferris wheel, that would be so pathetic.” he whined, clearly more scared than you thought he would be. “okay, fine. i won’t push it further ‘gyu.” you sighed, disappointed. “let’s go, i guess i will have to miss out on a romantic ride with the most beautiful scenery ever.” you commented with a pout.
“i can’t believe you actually agreed!” you jumped with excitement while waiting in line for the ferris wheel ten minutes after him saying no to the idea. “well you are not alone, because neither can i. the things i do for you, you little brat!” he groaned dramatically in disapproval, but you could see the smile hiding in the corner of his mouth. “hey, rude! that little brat loves you very much!” you smacked his arm lightly. “if you loved me you wouldn’t have suggested this in the first place! you know i hate these things!” he pouted. “it will be fun i swear! you will get all the kisses in the world up there, i think it is a pretty good deal, no better distraction needed.” you smirked.
it was your turn to enter the cabins so you grabbed his hand and got into one. everything was going smoothly…well, except for your scaredy-cat boyfriend clinging onto you for dear life and knocking the air out of your lungs, you didn’t mind it though since he already did you a favour by agreeing to go up together. when you arrived at the top of the wheel it stopped so people could admire the view. only one thing was wrong with this action, mingyu who hasn’t been on anything higher than his height in years didn’t know the reason for the wait. “oh my god we aren’t gonna survive, are we? i told you this was a bad idea! how are we gonna get down from here now?” he panicked, borderline crying. “mingyu baby, noone is gonna stay here, it stopped in order to provide time for us to look at the scenery, everything is fine.” you tried to calm him down. “but what if-“ you kissed him, pulling him closer than he already was, caressing his neck and playing with his hair in the process. he was taken aback by your sudden action, but kissed back passionately, loosening the grip he had on your hand since sitting down in the cabin. he could only focus on you, the way your lips felt on his, your touch light as a feather, yet so firm and comforting. after some time you finally broke apart. “was this a good distraction?” you asked in a curious tone. he seemed confused for a moment then took in his surroundings. “woah, i literally forgot where i was for a moment.” he mumbled, still a bit dazed. “look out, the sunset is so gorgeous!” you whispered while giving him a peck on his lips. “not more gorgeous than you, my love.” he smiled. you hugged him tightly and the two of you got to enjoy the view for a little while before the wheel started moving again, this time taking you back to the ground.
“you really are something special, baby. after you kissed me i wasn’t scared, not even for a moment. i felt so safe, because i was with you. thank you for this, it was amazing.” he said after climbing out, picking you up and smothering you in kisses. “i am glad you enjoyed it after all. it was something worth seeing.” you grinned, happy that your boyfriend got over his fear. “i got the chance to see it thanks to you baby. it would have been a shame if we ditched this because of me.” he giggled. “but i am happy to be on solid ground again though!” he added, which made you chuckle. you kissed him one more time. “my hero puppy.”
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theladyragnell · 8 days
if you’ll indulge my continuing Witch King obsession, Kai/Bashasa for 19? Or if you don’t feel like writing for a random novel you read once, leverage OT3 for 16?
(Tragically, much as Witch King delighted me, I do not have a strong enough sense of the characters after one read to feel as though I would do them justice! So here's some Leverage instead, for "naturally gravitating together"!)
Parker doesn’t want most people anywhere near her. She says that once, early on, and Sophie prompts her with a “No offense” that she probably means Parker to say, but she kind of does mean the offense, for most people. Parker’s spent her whole life slipping away, making sure nobody ever lays hands on her, because if she’s caught, that’s it, game over, and being touched is being caught. There’s nobody she trusts enough to catch her.
Except she trusts Eliot to boost her up and catch her when she jumps. She lets Hardison throw an arm around her shoulders. Sometimes she throws an arm around his. And they don’t try to catch her, either. They hold on, they let go. She doesn’t know what to do with that.
Maybe it’s having a team. She hasn’t had one of those before. None of them has. It definitely seems weird for Hardison, who usually does crime for a totally different from than the crime is actually happening in. Which sounds boring for Parker, but she sees it in his eyes, sometimes, hears it in the way his voice gets all high: if somebody’s close enough to lay hands on him, he’s already lost.
And Eliot touches people all the time, but usually to hit them, or get hit by them, so probably he doesn’t like being too close to people either, she figures, and at first she thinks that’s the nice thing about the team, that maybe they all feel like that and they know it so they won’t ever expect it of each other.
It changes, though. Like how Eliot and Hardison have a secret handshake now, and they have to be standing next to each other to do it, and it’s only when she counts how often she’s seeing it that she realizes how often they’re close enough to touch. And like how Eliot makes muffins sometimes, and Parker likes to watch him mix them up. Or how Hardison mutters to himself while he’s working, and Parker wants to hear what he’s doing, so she gets closer and closer while she listens.
And at first, she has to decide to get closer, every time. When she stops thinking, she drifts away, out of arm’s reach. That’s what she does, what they all do. They back off.
Sometime between team meals that Eliot always cooks and Sophie always chooses the wine for, between late nights planning jobs, between Hardison opening doors and Eliot standing between her and other people’s grabbing hands, she starts thinking about having to move away, instead.
It’s a quiet night, when she realizes that. Nate finished the job briefing and then he and Sophie left to do some of their weird grift-flirting or maybe to different places, she doesn’t know what’s going on with them and doesn’t really want to think about it enough to figure it out, so it’s the three of them getting the pieces ready to start. And by that Parker mostly means that Hardison is getting the pieces ready to start and Eliot is making sarcastic comments and Parker is watching.
But when Parker watches people, she watches them from the ceiling or across the room or across the street. She doesn’t shift a little closer to hear a whispered joke, and then even closer to peer at somebody’s computer screen, and then just a little closer for no reason she cares about. But when she thinks about it, actually shakes her head and realizes what she’s doing, she’s six inches away from Hardison on the couch, and he’s alternating telling her and Eliot what’s going on, and she’s been answering and asking questions. Not watching at all.
“What do you think, Parker?” Hardison asks.
Parker’s throat is gripped by panic so strong she completely loses her place in a conversation she’s been having without realizing it for—how long, exactly? Eliot, on Hardison’s other side, is watching her like he gets it. Eliot always gets it. That’s new too, and just as scary. “It’s really cool!” she says, too bright, and is so glad Sophie isn’t there.
Hardison’s weird look tells her maybe that’s not quite the response she was supposed to give him, even though it’s what he wants to hear at least sixty percent of the time. “Yeah, the software is cool, but I mean the schematics, and whether you think Nate’s infiltration plan is going to work with the non-standard vent sizes?”
Those are words she can deal with, ones that take the panic down to a manageable level. Parker breathes, and thinks about vents. Nice comforting vents, keeping her in and the world out. She’s shifting in closer, though, her knee almost pressed against Hardison’s knee, her chin almost touching his shoulder, while she scowls at the schematics and tries to figure out how close it’s going to be.
Hardison’s elbow digs companionably into her ribs, and Eliot watches her like he sees as much as Sophie does, and Parker feels caught, held, but maybe for once like that might make her safe.
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jenniferjareauwife · 5 months
It's A Date
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pairing: jennifer jareau x cowgirl fem reader
category: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 786
summary: you meet jj at a bar and set up a date
I took a sip of my beer while looking around the bar. There were a few new people which was strange. I came here almost every night and I'd never seen them before. I locked eyes with a blonde and felt my heart skip a beat. I held eye contact for a second too long and I felt my heart sink when she looked away.
"Another beer hon?" My friend Hayden asked. He was the bartender here, one of the main reasons why I always came.
"She's hot isn't she?"
"The blonde." I took a long sip of my beer and nodded. "I think she'd go for you." He leaned forward on his elbows.
"Probably not."
"Come on. Don't put yourself down like that."
"She probably can't even tell if I'm gay. It's not easy being gay in Texas." I rested my chin on my fist.
"Amen." He got a beer for himself and clinked my bottle with his before moving onto other drinkers.
I hadn't had a girlfriend in so long and it was hard to hit on anyone because I didn't know if they were actually gay or not and I didn't want to make enemies. I had only been with three women in my life and none of them were from the south. "Excuse me." I jumped a bit when I heard a man's deep voice behind me.
"Hi." I turned around in my chair, my eyes half lidded. I had had three beers and I was getting a bit drowsy. "What do you need?"
"Hey there. I'm a friend of blondies over there." He pointed to the hot blonde I saw earlier. She was playing darts with raven haired woman. "She wanted me to come ask you if you'd be willing to go out with her."
"She...asked you...to ask me?" I turned my focus back to him.
"Yup. I'm designated wingman." He laughed and got a beer for himself.
"She's not gonna come over here?" He shook his head with a smile.
"She was too nervous. Thought she would blow it if she came over." When I looked back to her she was looking at me and we made eye contact. I gave her a smile and a flirty wave. "So what's your name?"
"She can tell you." I grabbed my beer and walked over to her. "Hey hon."
"Hey." She looked like she was at a loss for words. "D-did Morgan talk to you?" She brushed her hair out of her face.
"He sure did. Said you wanted to go out with me some time."
"Yeah...yeah I wanna do that." She looked like she was getting more confident now.
"I haven't seen you around. Where are y'all from?" I looked around at her friends.
"We're from Quantico. We work for the FBI." She looked a bit smug now, rightfully so. I felt my heart thrum in my chest. "You from here?"
"Can you not tell by the accent?"
"Honestly I'm a little distracted by your unbuttoned blouse." I laughed and looked down at myself. I could clearly see my bra and toned, tanned stomach.
"So you're from Quantico...but you want me to go out with you?"
"Yes I do."
"I'm not against long distance. As long as it's not long term." At some point she has dragged me back to the bar and ordered herself the same beer I was drinking. "Do you feel the same?"
"I've never tried...so I don't know." My voice got a bit quieter.
"If you give me your number I can give you a call."
"Mhm...if you live in Virginia...why are you here?"
"I catch serial killers. I travel all over the country."
"Oh. How's that? Stressful?"
"A bit. Sometimes I don't know if I'm going to come home but I trust my team. Whenever I'm stressed about it I know I can lean on them."
"That must be nice."
"You don't have anyone?"
"Just a couple friends. No family though?"
"No. Didn't like that I was gay. I've always had this fantasy of moving to the north so I was more accepted...so I can be who I really am but Texas is my home, you know?"
"Yeah I get it. I do." I could see her eyes soften. "Listen...I should probably get going back to my hotel. I have to be at the police station pretty early. But I should be off work by six, so if you're available tomorrow night..." She trailed off.
"Right...here's my number." I grabbed a napkin and wrote it down.
"I'll call you." She stood up and put the napkin in her jean pocket. "Dinner. Tomorrow. 6:30."
"It's a date?" I confirmed.
"It's a date."
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satorubrain · 1 year
Can we get a part 2 of Changes pretty please 🥺
Pairings: Gojo Satoru x Reader.
Tags: Fluff!!!
Synopsis: GOJO'S REDEMPTION ARC!!! No matter what happens Satoru is NOT going to give up. He's going to prove to you that he's changed FOR better this time.
A/N: the final part of the series changes!!
Part 1. Changes
Part 2. Impinge
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6 months.
It's been six months since Satoru made Mina disappear. Six months of ceaseless trying. Only he knows how many efforts he has put in. Taking every mission near Kyoto just so he could cross paths with, even a glimpse of you at the Kyoto High would give him enough strength to keep going.
Coming up with reasons to see you- arranging tournaments, joint trips, missions of two schools just so he could see you have fun with your kids. The tournaments which used to happen once a year now happen every month.
It was one of the tournaments he had prepared under the pretense of helping the students get stronger. Everyone knew the real reason though. It was pretty to figure out- instead of participating, Satoru was busy completing your smallest wishes. Oh you're thirsty? Do you need water? Juice? Any other drinks? He has prepared everything. Hungry? Okay your favorite food is already on your way. You've been standing in the sun for far too long? He's your personal butler holding an umbrella for you, maintaining a distance. At this point you feel bad for him.
You think he's going to start jumping as you bring him to one of the empty rooms, so you can finally let him talk.
Closing the door behind you before locking it with one hand while the other is held by Satoru a little tightly, fearing you might leave him again if he loosens his grip on you. Hugging you tightly the moment you turn around to face him. His body is slightly trembling as he lets out a shaky breath.
"Please... Just give me a moment" he requests for your permission to let him hold you close in his embrace as he recollects his thoughts. Relaxing his entangled arms around you, enough till he's on his knees, looking up at your bewildered expression with his arms holding you close to him by your waist.
"Gojo..." you exhale gently, still unwilling to fully give into his wishes. At least not until he comes clean.
"Seven months. It's been seven months since I last held you. It's been seven months since I started trying to correct my mistakes. Finding proof against Mina, making her friend confess to her so I can catch her redhanded and well, the next six months were spent trying to win you back and ask for your forgiveness" he chuckles nervously "so do you think I've succeeded?" He looks at you, his eyes pleading, eyebrows slightly raised giving you an anxious yet soft smile.
You softly cup his cheeks, tracing his cheekbone with your thumb "I believe you've already proved sufficiently but" you exhale pausing for a moment "I think it'll be difficult to date me now, I'm quite terrified Satoru, I might push you away at times, I might not trust you enough..." you confess. You can notice his face contour into one of the expressions of hurt, realizing he's the one who has caused you such immense pain. And that's why he'll make sure you'll heal. He will stay with you through all the thick and thin.
"It is alright. I've made mistakes, so I must make up for it. No matter how much you push me away, I'll come back to you. If you don't trust me enough, I'll try to win your trust even harder. No matter what punishments you give me, I will gladly accept them all if it means you are standing along my side. So, do you think I can get another chance to prove to you that I'll only be yours? I promise I'll always live up to my words" He pours his heart and soul into this confession, begging for a miracle that you'll finally accept him.
You answer by leaning down softly connecting your lips with his, smiling into it as Satoru returns the kiss with fervour with a hand cupping your cheek and pulling you even closer, tear drops wetting the fingertips. Oh how you both longed for each other.
"Well then, from now on you'll only be mine. Never forget that." You breathe against his lips, grinning.
"Only yours." He swears.
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AND THE CHANGES SERIES IS DONE!!!!! Feeling giddy over it hehe
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yantalia545 · 4 months
Yandere allies with a party girl s/o
*18+ warning
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As a party god himself, he understands the thrills of partying and is more than willing to join you at any out-of-this-world party. After all, going alone to parties can be so boring, why not have a trusted friend tag along?
The two of you will have more Instagram-worthy nights than anyone. He can’t help but fall more in love with you as the two of you giggle along at the excitement of the next party.
He absolutely loved going out to party with you, until that one terrible night.
Someone scumbag had managed to catch you when you were alone and try to put himself on you. It wasn’t until America heard your screaming crying pleads did he finally found you.
That night would be glued into America’s mind forever. Especially the image of you; terrified teary eyes, shaking, and the top of your dress ripped. Ruined by some dirty asshole.
Safe to say, that man had to be carried out on a stretcher and America had to make a plea for acting in defense. It doesn’t take much for the whole thing to get sweated away when he’s the America though.
Before that horrible night, he never once thought much about just how dangerous those places were they’d party out. Everyone was always drunk out of their minds and creepers lurked around amongst the mist of them. Just waiting for the chance to drab some helpless girl. It terrified America thinking of how easy it was for that dirty man to get you away from him. He needed to do better than that. He won’t let anything like that happen again.
He’d be clingier than before. Was he always so pushy about hanging out with you? If you say anything about it, America will argue that he just wants to make sure you’re safe. You would take his word for it, but something about the demanding glint in his eyes really puts you off.
When you finally get a breath of fresh air by somehow getting a party plan passed America. You were just trying to enjoy yourself with your girlfriends when a pissed off blonde figure comes out of nowhere and drags you out. Don’t bother screaming for help. It only took one look over to the bouncer did you know; he’s in on this too.
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It’s not a huge surprise that Russia would be one have an obsession over this kind of darling either. Russia is a man who often comes from a home of silence and suspicion. Someone who’s spicy and full of life would be the perfect kind of darling to fill Russia’s lonely heart. The only thing is he’s rather selfish and would rather have you shower him with all of your energy rather than sharing it with others.
Russia won’t be one to jump to kidnapping you surprisingly. Not right away at least. You just look like you’re having so much fun that he wants to join in too. The only problem is when you’re over six feet tall and are awkward as hell the whole club is tense. Not that Russia looming over you hells either.
You, bless your heart, may try to jock it up to Russia just having the nervous butterflies about going out to a club the first time and take him to a smaller club. When that doesn’t help, you try to argue to go without him since clubbing is really not his thing, but he insists on going with you.
Try to sneak out to a club without him and some during your stay you’ll feel a sudden presence and hot breath trickling down your neck. Turn around, and he right there with a childish smile plastered on his face saying about how silly you forgot about him. Hell do this as many times as it takes to show you that wherever you go, he goes.
Your fire for clubs may start to dwindle at this point. It’s just not as fun to go out when Russia is all over you. Not that just cutting off clubbing would get Russia to leave you alone. He’s just excited for the next adventurous thing you’d love to do.
It's also a good thing in Russia's mind that you grew out of partying... Those places were full of untrustworth people who were undeserving of your time. Why not just spend some more time together? Russia doesn't like to share, so independent acivities are much more Russia's speed anyways.
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Yeah, been there and done that already. Trust him on this one but partying is not really all that glamorous as movies make them seem. They're gross and people usually get hurt. Not to mention, the people who attend them are not always the cleanest. As a respected country, China knows that you need to be better than that.
China will see you as someone who reminds him of his past self. He's made lots of mistakes in his upbringing. Even if he hates to admit it. He needs to guide his wife to be a perfect, etiquite, darling and partying isn't marticulous of your time and energy. In fact, if anything, it only smudges your beauty. Don't fret though, China is going to fix you.
No more partying for you. He's made that mistake in the past and he will not let you repeat that awful lession. China is much older and more expericed than you and he will hold that over your head as being all knowing. Much to your annoyance. You can try to sneak up, but somehow, just as you're about to leave, it's like a que that China always shows up. If your try to rufuse China's company over parties he'll throw a fit and may even become a bit foreful.
In China's eyes, you're much like a child who needs constant supervison. If you keep trying to ditch him to sneak out to parties then he'll take matters into his own hands. He'll move you in to his place eventually seeing as you can't be trusted without his guidence.
China will become heavy on your lessions in order to shape you into his ideal wife. They'll be long and tiring, but most importanly, you can't say no. He's only trying to preserve your reputation as a nation. It's not a good image if his wife is a party animal going out and getting drunk every weekend.
Not to mention that China doesn't have the greatest history with drugs. The whole ordeal with England really damered his outlook on drugs and alcohol. If he's not allowing himself to partake than neither will you. China is well aware of the struggles of setting good habits but don't worry, he'll be here to help you every step of the way. If you've been good and doing well in your lessions, then China will paper you with all kinds of homemade goods and goodies. Desrespect his rules and China will be forced to keep you under lock and key with harshed lessions until you learn your place as his wife.
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Did you say party? France loves a good party. He'll be more than happy to come along with you rather he asked you or not. How did he even know you were going to a party tonight, you ask? That doesn't matter. You can't go to a party without someone. It would be so lonely without your darling companion to accompany you. Besides, what if you need a steady ride home or just need your hair tied back and he wasn't there to help you?
France can't stand the idea that some dirty person might try to take his place as your loyal companion. He worked too hard to jeopardize that. Not to mention that as someone who does a little partying himself, he'd know all the good spots for Instagram-worthy nights out in the city of France. Nothing like VIP treatment to better your partying experience.
Much like America, he didn't mind the partying at first. It was what made you your spunky self. However, darling, these places are starting to look too dirty for a fine diamond like yourself. Why don't the two of you just stay at his place and enjoy the Franch night on the terrace together over a few glasses of wine?
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How he could ever fall for a person like you is beyond anyone's best guess. You're his complete opposite. While he'd rather be relaxed at home with his favorite book and a cup of tea, you're right at home in the loudest of crowds.
Maybe his younger self loved your carefree and wild personality. He was quite the teenage dirtbag during his punk phase himself. However now that he's older that's all behind him. You're too old to be acting like this anymore. It's time you became more like a proper young lady and he sees it upon himself to guide you.
You'll be woken up one early morning with him at your front door. He doesn't care how early in the morning it is nor how much you protest. You're going to learn to be a proper lady whether you like it or not.
Before you know it, you're dragged out of your house and forced to live with him. All in the same day, you'll be forced into a marriage contract. Seems like your boos thought it would be a wonderful idea to go over your head and agree to the profound man.
No more sneaking out to parties for you. You'll be kept in a locked room until you learn your place. No amount of disrespect or refusal will stop England. Can't you see he just wants to focus on more important things and reach your full potential as his wife?
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Not sure if you're actually interested in talking more about this, but I'm jumping in anyway because I relate so hard to being confused about the spiderverse timeline. Not only did everything about the society and Miguel happen fast, but a bunch of other stuff don't add up either? Like.
The first film takes place in early December 2018 according to Miles' test (if we can trust that? It does snow several times) and Peter's headstone, and Across takes place less than a year and a half later... or in July 2023 according to the bodega's security cameras?
Also, the news anchor says Peter was 26 when he died, but the headstone says 1991-2018. Then his birthday was in mid to late December? And he died right before it? That's sad. Oh! Speaking of birthdays: Miles asks why he can't go back to Brooklyn middle school. Soo... he's 13 (which the art book claimed, I think??) and skipped a grade? Is his birthday also late in the year? It has to be imminent if he can be 15 in a year and four months.
And Mayday! Babies typically start crawling at 7-10 months. 9 months of pregnancy + 7 months of living baby = 16 months, or a year and four months! MJ must've gotten pregnant immediately after she and Peter B reconciled. That's effecient of them, but I guess she'd waited long enough.
If we disregard the security cams, it's actually April-ish 2020. How long has Gwen been with the society? She says "a few months", yeah? If that's the truth, it must be between two and five months, because Jess' belly was noticeably big in the prologue, but she's yet to give birth by the end. So! Gwen joined in December or January? Maybe February? That's winter. Is it common to be dressed in shorts, tights, and sweater but no coat in New York during winter? Because that's how she's dressed. And the people around her are wearing t-shirts.
Gwen and Hobie has been on "a couple dozen" missions together. That's at least 24, if he meant that literally. Nearly one every day for one month. But it can't have been continuous because he's got shit to deal with in his own dimension in between. How do they manage their time? Do they have a schedule? And this has less to do with the timeline and is really something that just hit me:
Did Miguel deliberately gather all those spider-people to intimidate Miles with? Because HQ is teeming with spider-people doing mostly nothing (and that's only in the lobby). Don't they have villains to catch at home? I'm picturing Miguel sending a mass dm to everyone about how he needs them to come in and act natural – they have a 15 year old that has to be put in his place!
All this to say: I don't think you're dense about this. I think it's the writers that can't math.
Because her pregnancy and Gwen's time there PLUS pavitr joining in under six months is SO JARRING AND CONFUSING.
I assumed Gwen was with them for like 6 months, but that seems way too long so maybe 3? And we can (generously) say Jess was maybe 5-6 months pregnant? So okay, she's about to give birth.
And as someone who lives in NY, nah Winter here is a good 40F(4C) here or lower - even spring you have to wear a hoodie and it's like 60F(15C) until July so I don't know when they recruited her tbh
But for some reason I always assumed that Gwen joined before Pavi did, but I guess not?? But Pavi had only been Spider-man for six months? So did they recruit him right away or was HE the 'new guy' before Miles???? And why would they recruit him right away?
Yeah and with Hobie's work schedule - like I'm assuming they don't go on missions only together because she knows Pavi and LOTS of the other Peters, so either shes going on other missions with other people too- meaning Gwen has done a couple dozen with Hobie and THEN some, or she has a lot of time between missions to meet a lot of Peters around campus.
But then that adds up to like 50 something missions. Unless anamolies are happening every single day, that's still 10 weeks, five days a week - at the least.
And they have training rooms!! So i'm assuming Gwen didn't start going on missions right away with the way Miguel was treating her - so what the hell?????
It's like....
If MJ got pregnant right away, at the same time Miguel got the watch - how long did it take him to meet Peter B.??? Was Peter B the first one he met? And how long did he know Peter B before he lost his daughter? Mind you - all in under a year or so. How long was he with his daughter?????
And also to answer your last point:
Personally I think, yes Miguel actually made a concentrated effort to do that.
I wrote about it in my Hobie dialogue break-down - but the entire Spider Society scene was propaganda meant to intimidate Miles. Hobie even points this out, telling Miles 'propaganda bro'.
Their watches can take them anywhere - Jess goes to the bridge in Mumbattan. But when they need to see Miguel, they make Miles look at the all (trained) Spider-people. Then they take him to the prison area, then the go home machine. They could've just teleported into Miguel's lair, but instead Miguel made them do this whole tour (things Hobie and Gwen have seen), before meeting Miguel.
In my opinion Miguel absolutely planned that, theres no other reason for them to have been there and for the three of them to have to walk through all of that.
They even make them go to the food court for Miguels empanada like how petty can Miguel be lol He literally just wanted to scare Miles
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