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theespressooqueen · 2 days ago
Whipped by a Sorrengail Chapter 25 blurb
But Xaden’s attention shifted when he noticed Alic Tauri leaning in, saying something to her.
Xaden’s jaw tensed.
He watched as Violet smiled — not the smile she gives me — but it still tugged at something sharp in his chest. Alic said something else, and Violet tilted her head, laughing softly.
Xaden narrowed his eyes slightly. Do they look like they’re just friends?
He took another sip of his drink, slow and measured. How does Alic look at her?
He watched carefully. Alic wasn’t being too obvious — just leaning in, casually attentive. His eyes were on her, though. Focused. He wasn’t just being polite.
Xaden’s fingers curled lightly around his glass. Jealousy coiled low in his chest, hot and unwelcome.
Chapter 24 is up
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boldlyvoid · 2 months ago
i have to wait a year, maybe more, just to see how fast drake rushes to aretia not because there was an attack and his cousin was there but because broccolis mother (and the love of his life) almost died
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skyfallscotland · 2 months ago
😭🖤🖤 please, them and their cat!!!
okay, one more short onyx storm fic, inspired by a scene @skyfallscotland said she wanted to see! karma is a cat
Mira Sorrengail had somehow managed to adopt a cat with the one person in the world she hated more than her not-dead brother.
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unwind-trash · 2 months ago
Onyx Storm Spoilers!
I drew Quest Squad!! I love them so much.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 2 months ago
Violet: why are you taking so long to get ready?
Mira: I don't have any clothes
Violet opening the wardrobe: yes you do, shirts, dresses, pants, hi drake, skirts...
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eldragon-x · 1 month ago
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the-court-of-dreams · 2 months ago
Quotes that KILLED ME in Onyx Storm
To the ones who don’t run with the popular crowd, the ones who get caught reading under their desks, the ones who feel like they never get invited, included, or represented. Get your leathers. We have dragons to ride.
Books have always been a safe place for me. I still remember picking up The Hobbit when I was still a kid, closing my bedroom door and going on an adventure. I'm almost 25 now and I still love going on adventures. From magic schools to institutes, hidden cities to castles, forests to enormous capitals. With cars and ships and horses and broomsticks and dragons. Every story, a new adventure. Every book, a new journey. Oh, how I love travelling!
I only ever had one friend who loves reading as much as I do and our conversations about books, the hours we spend making theories, and analysing everything that happened... they are some of my most beloved moments. ( @strovilos , you are the joy of my life) My other friends don't understand as much, it's okay. I' ve always been the kid hiding books under my desk, staying up past my bedtime with a light under the covers. So yeah... that dedication really got me.
I was invited to places, but I almost never felt included while being there. That was okay too.
I always preferred riding dragons anyway.
Xaden is mine. My heart, my soul, my everything. He channeled from the earth to save me, and I’ll scour the world until I find a way to save him right back.
Wow, that didn't take long at all, huh? Straight in the fucking feels.
I could reach the rank of Maven, lead armies of dark wielders against everyone we care for, and watch every vein in my body turn red as I channel all the power in the Continent, and I would still love you. What I did doesn’t change that. I’m not sure anything can.
Such a good start for me and my fucking heart. Thanks, Rebecca... I really appreciate it.
If I’m to be court-martialed for helping Braxtyn defend his people, then I shall welcome the trial. All who channel from dragon and gryphon alike should flourish under the wards, and now Aretia will be that haven should one of the others ever return.
Lyra... I fucking stan!
So with all the love in my heart, put your fucking uniform on, because we need you.
Look, I'm not saying that Ridoc is my favourite character in this book... but... Ridoc IS my favourite character in this book.
I died with the whole squad dynamic, but the four of them will always hold a special place in my heart, I fucking love these kids.
Even hundreds of miles away, he’s still taking care of me and doesn’t even know it.
I KNEW this godsdamned book would be full of angst....BUT DID IT HAVE TO BE ALL OF IT??? DID IT REBECCA????
You might be angry when you realize I didn’t wake you to say goodbye. But it’s only because I no longer fully trust my ability to walk away.
—Recovered Correspondence of His Grace, Lieutenant Xaden Riorson, Sixteenth Duke of Tyrrendor, to Cadet Violet Sorrengail
FUCK ME MAN....Come on...WHYYYYYYY????
But the thought of you being out there, beyond the wards, facing down a known attack of venin, triggered something in me I’ve never felt before. It was hotter than rage, and sharper than fear, and cut deeper than helplessness, all because I couldn’t get to you.
Fuck you.
I would have killed anything and anyone in that moment to reach you. No exceptions. I would have channeled every ounce of power beneath my feet without hesitation if it would have landed me at your side.
Double fuck you.
If I’d been there, beyond the wards, I would have drained the very earth to its core to keep you safe.
Pain isn’t new to me, Jack. She’s an old friend I spend most of my days with, so I don’t mind if she sings to you.
Violet Sorrengail... you are the most badass bitch to ever badass. (I feel like that's SUCH a Remi thing to say. Fucking finally.... iykyk. Shout out to @skyfallscotland for writing fucking masterpieces. Getting notifications from you always makes my day. If any of you are into fanfcition, i STRONGLY recommend reading everything this girl has written. You can start with Fear and Flame. Thank me, and HER, later.)
“We live by the Codex—” I try again.
“I live by you. When have I ever given a fuck about the Codex or the Code of Conduct?” He cradles my face and leans down, resting his forehead against mine. “I am yours and you are mine, and there’s no law or rule in this world or the next that will change that.”
I love them so much it hurts.
Love of my life. You have nothing to be jealous of.
“There’s no magic here.” He tugs me against him. “No power. No lure. No taunting reminder that I can save everyone if I just reach for it and take what’s offered. It’s only…peace.”
For the first time since fetching the luminary, I seriously debate Tecarus’s offer.
When I tell you this book was PAINFUL for me....I'M NOT FUCKING KIDDING.
"...Sgaeyl…" He glances up at the trees as if he can see her in the sky above us, a look of longing on his face.
If I had a dollar for everytime this book broke my fucking heart.
“My consort,” Xaden replies casually. “Violet Sorrengail.”
I'm deceased.
I can’t quit watching Xaden’s eyes in case their flecks change back to gold whenever I see him during Signet Sparring.
They never do.
Like my heart will never again NOT be broken for these two.
“The pain. The mess. Give it to me. I’ll hold it. I know that sounds ludicrous, but I’ll find a way.” I lace our fingers. “I will hold everything you don’t want to feel because I love every part of you.”
This ship... this fucking ship...
“Seems Catriona has found someone worth lagging behind for.”
I loathed her in the previous book....but gods did the poor girl go through it in this one....
“There is no cure for me.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “That’s why you have to become better than me. There’s only you.”
I seriously don't know why I'm putting myself through this torture.
When things get…shitty, I hope you can look down at it and imagine us sitting there together when this is all over. That’s the vision I’m going to cling to: you and me, holding hands, looking over the city.
This right here broke whatever soul I thought I had left. It just hurts so much when the characters cling to a future that I fucking know isn't going to happen.
It’s almost like this room is removed from time itself, a tiny corner of the world where we simultaneously live together yet don’t.
Rebecca literally...WHYYYYY????
I didn’t reach for any form of power because even in that state, I knew it could take me back to day zero, and day zero doesn’t give me you. I clawed my way back to myself and left.
Screaming, crying, throwing up.
While most deities allow temple attendants to choose their timeline of service, only two require a lifetime of dedication: Dunne and Loial. For both war and love change souls irrevocably.
For the love of Gods, please let this be some kind of clue.
I love you more than this city. Do not die defending it.
Screaming. Crying. Throwing up.
At some point I’ll stop looking for her, right?
I KNOW Andarna had her reasons... but my girl Violet did not deserve that after everything she's been through.
His smile instantly becomes a core memory.
MY smile instantly becomes a core memory....as in I don't think I'll have one again.
You’re not a weapon of destruction. You’re not venin. You’re the artery power chooses to flow through. You’re life.
I fucking ship this SO MUCH. I love me some enemies to lovers, slow burn, full of angst shit.
When push comes to shove, I'm not the best of us. She is.
“That’s a little menacing,” I admit to Feirge. “Then let us be menaces,”
I ADORE multiple povs. I've been waiting for Rhi's and Imogen's pov for 3 books, and I was NOT disappointed. Wish I could have more of them though.
She’ll rip the very sky apart before she and Glane accept defeat.
The flame of perpetual rage that lives in my chest burns hotter. Fuck that horde. Fuck the venin who ride them. Fuck that unholy vortex of a tornado at the end of the northern field, and fuck the orders to stay grounded in these winds.
FUCK! I love this girl so damn much.
I’m glad it’s you with me. Parapet to Malek’s own doorstep. I’m so sorry I have to go first this time.
To be honest, I didn't really care about Quinn for three books now... but I SOBBED in these 3 pages.
And you should tell him, Gen. Tell him, and you find some happy.
And the fact that she preached for my second favourite ship of the series with her dying breath??? Miss Quinn, you have my heart. I didn't care for your existence for three books, but man, did you get me in the end.
“We made it a good one.”
This one cut me so fuckign deep I had to stop for a good ten minutes. I did not see it coming. I did not think I'd care. I still don't understand why I did. But I really, really did.
“I’m not leaving you!” He leans in and slides his hand behind my neck. “I’m not leaving you, Imogen,” he repeats, softer this time.
If these two don't end up together, I'm gonna make it everybody's problem. I PROMISE!
“You have been the gift of my life,” I tell Tairn.
I've read some theories that Tairn will die in the end... First of all...HOW DARE YOU? And second of all... REBECCA DON'T YOU DARE, I WILL-
She was the first to choose me, to elevate me above all others, the first to see every ugly side of me and accept it all, and every single person in this fucking canyon will die before they remove a single one of her scales.
The fact that Xaden channeled for Violet but really turned to save Sgaeyl... I did not expect that. And although it was painful as fuck to read through... to me it was perfect and a job really well done.
Shadow brings quiet. My soul departs like pieces of ash from a fire, flaking free and drifting away as power consumes the space it once inhabited. I’m no longer on the ice—I am the ice.
Save them, the last remaining pieces of me beg, holding on with teeth and claw to keep from being torn away, too.
I will never... ever... recover from this.
“I love you.” Violet’s voice cracks the cold, and a silken thread of warmth wedges itself in the opening before it seals shut, locking it in place.
No. Wait. I grab for that thread with desperate hands, clawing to keep her as more of my pieces are blown away, lost to the void. She is warmth and light and air and love.
This was so fucking painful to read I literally have no fucking words.
I love her. That is the emotion I cling to, the fire of pure power burning at the feeling’s edges, and I know if I take it any further, it will be the next and final piece to float away.
“What did you do?” My head snaps toward Imogen, and a deep sense of foreboding takes root in my chest. She slowly lifts her gaze to mine.
“What you asked me to.”
How THE FUCK am I supposed to wait who-knows how long for the next damned book???
All in all, I really enjoyed this. I never got bored and I didn't mind the side missions at all.
The xaden×violet of it all shattered my heart. I definitely loved their relationship more than the previous books (It really reminded me of their dynamic from one of the best pieces of literature I've ever had the pleasure to read, a fanfiction piece called Storm in the quiet by @justallihere. She is truly the best.).
I just knew this was coming, and all of their trying would lead to this... it tore my heart apart. I love heavy angst in my books, but it hurts like a motherfucker when you have to wait for the next book in a series. I've promised myself I would never start an unfinished series ever again but oh well....
I loved the side characters so much, and I feel like I got to see them more and get to know them better in this one.
Ridoc is the best comic relief character I've read in a long, long time, and I love him so much (I almost had a heart attack when I thought the cook actually stabbed him.)
Aaric is a little shit and I'm so here for it. His exceptionally well written character was one of the highlights of the book for me.
Imogen and Garrick are my babies and I want them to end up together SO FUCKING BAD.
Also, the Drake and Mira crumbs? Chef's kiss.
I have to admit I was very fed shipping wise.
Unexpectedly, I also laughed my ass off in this book... so I'll probably make another post with all the times I died of laughter. Who would have thought?
My soul will definitely need mending and a good dose of fanfiction to get me through the long wait. To the people who are gifted enough to write these fanfcitions, you are my heroes. Cheers!
Final thought, Xaden Riorson, THE MAN that you are.
Accurate image of me after finishing Onyx Storm:
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percyisconfused · 6 days ago
Fourth Wing Characters as Shitposts:
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Everyone Who Knows™️ @ Xaden:
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Iron Squad:
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Sloane @ Dain:
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Brennan and Naolin probably:
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bookishblazes · 2 months ago
Rebecca!! Give us the Mira/Drake co-parenting Broccoli spinoff!! The people (me) are begging for it!!!
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aivenonna · 2 months ago
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reallydifferentcaptain · 1 month ago
They keep mentioning how dull the isles are like..ALOT.
What if the isles are healed drained land?
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theespressooqueen · 5 days ago
Whipped by a Sorrengail chapter 24 blurb
A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. Suri, one of his closest advisors, stepped inside with a cautious expression. "Your Majesty… did I hear it correctly you’re giving one of Tyrrendor’s jewels to Violet Sorrengail?"
Fen arched a brow. "I’m the king, Suri. I can gift my jewels to whoever I please."
Suri hesitated but gave a shallow bow. "Of course, Your Majesty."
Her mouth twitched, but she said nothing more as she exists his chamber She knew better.
Chapter 23 is up
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ratabrasileira · 2 months ago
Ok now a serious matter here in this fandom, because I’m lost: SHIPS NAMES
Violet x Xaden = Riorgail, but honestly what if I want to ship Xaden and Brennan..? Vioden? Xadlet?
Sloane x Dain = Sloain? I like Sloain
Mira x Drake = Mirke? Midra? Drami? Drara? This one is difficult…
Imogen x Garrick = Imogick? Genrrick?
To not start with non-cannon ships…
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areptvclown · 2 months ago
How I know Drake and Mira are endgame:
Mira names the cat Carrot, the cat’s fur is orange like a carrot
Drake names the cat Broccoli, the cat’s eyes are green like broccoli.
By this logic both colors being on the cat together symbolizes they are endgame. And cat analysis is never wrong. So obviously I’m correct
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b3anieperson · 9 months ago
Things I do not want but expect in Onyx Storm (also things I do want but you all have to figure that out)
Naolin comes back (or has always been and never died-) as a venin
Tairn dies
Xaden ties Violet's shoes
Colonel Aetos comes back to bite us in the ass
Someone close to Xaden dies (I'm placing bets on Bodhi, sorry)
Violet's second signet is going to be ward weaving (maybe idfk)
Bodoc happens???
We meet Drake Cordella!
One of the Cordella children dies (placing bets on Syrena)
Gamogen/Immrick happens???
We have a meeting with Venin
Mira or Brennan get severely injured in said meeting with Venin
We FINALLY get to hear about Liam wielding ice in the Battle of Resson
Viscount Tecarus dies (thank fucking god)
We get to meet the Queen of Poromiel
They drag King Tauri kicking and fucking screaming to a meeting with the Queen of Poromiel
We meet Halden
We get history on how (I hope) Halden and Vi dated
We hate Halden
Aaric hates Halden a tad bit too
Aaric x Sloane (pleaseee RY I begggg)
Sgaeyl and Tairn have eggs (maybe idfk)
Andarna can finally fly fully and we learn that she CAN support Vi while flying
We learn that Lillith Sorrengail was a Venin (see a pervious post about that theory)
Dain Aetos dies (killed by his own father, such shame)
Okay now we play a game, I'M Xaden Riorson, and YOU'RE all Violet Sorrengail, ask me what I mean (by reblogging or commenting or asking) and I'll explain what I mean. (I hope that it'll make sense because my tiny pea brain doesn't work well at midnight apparently)
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highladyofterrasen7 · 2 months ago
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