#hc twst lore
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ashzvip · 5 days ago
⋆。𖦹°‧ Mermaid Tears [TWST HC] ⋆。𖦹°‧
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Okay TWST nation— considering Pirates of the Caribbean is Disney, the magic of the “Mermaid Tears” could exist in world of Twisted Wonderland as well.
Dare I say we expand this to merfolk in general, their tears, atleast two of its abilities (in accordance to several folklores) involves granting wishes and healing wounds. Beyond abilities, that’s also the reason why mermaids/merfolks aren’t seen crying often or even crying at all. For not only it holds such power, but it also showcases a moment of vulnerability for such strong sea folks. A cry under reason they say.
Lore wise, wouldn’t it be fascinating imagining how uniquely powerful merfolk would be? Even more so when this kind of lore, by merfolk code made to be seen as sacred, remained hidden for their own safety? Alongside what dangers or unique input it would place when it comes to the magical fields/studies in that world.
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What do you guys think?
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rayroseu · 10 months ago
I know I'm just reaching, but the sequence of Silver waking up in the Rabbit Race feels so much like the occuring ways he's woken up by Lilia 😭😭😭🙏🙏💖💕💞💕
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⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is from the Rabbit Fest
⬇️⬇️⬇️ This is the parallel of it in Book 7
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one thing I noticed, Silver and Knight of Dawn do have similarities with their magic other than their whole white void magic... ITS THAT THEY BOTH REQUIRE A FAE TO DEVOTE THEIR STRENGTH TO 😭😭🙏🙏✨💖💕💖💕
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In Japanese, they basically said the same thing😭😭‼️‼️✨✨ especially the 我に力を!!😭😭(in silver's case the way he says his line is just more ""informal"" (俺に力を) than Dawn, he says "ore ni" unlike "ware ni")
Does this mean in Silver's heart,,, Lilia is Silver's guardian fairy??? 😭😭😭💞💞💞
I know thats like obvious already but "guardian fairies" for Knight of Dawn, was the origin of his power, every time he wields his sword he dedicates his strength to them, so every battle he endures feels like its for the fairies that gives him strength and in turn, he wants to protect them (and remember that Silver's dream is to be a knight capable of protecting Malleus and Lilia (the faes he loves!!!))
IM GONNA SOB... GUYS IT KINDA FEELS LIKE he loves his father so much, he thinks his strength came from his love to Lilia😭😭
So, the thing that makes Silver strong even against his sleepiness or sadness, is true love, JDJSJDJS regardless if its not Lilia, it could be Sebek, it could be the first years...
Its mostly Lilia OFCC but it can also be from friends and in the Rabbit Fest, the first years, who are his friends😭💖💖💖🙏✨ I'm sure Lilia would be proud AJDJWJS
ALSO now this just makes me think that MAYBE Silver's and Dawn's lineage, requires them "to love someone," or "be loved" in order to be strong???
If so, THAT COULD BE A PARALLEL to the fact that the Draconia lineage also needs lots of love in order to be born... so both Silver/Knight of Dawn and Malleus/Meleanor are people who were born and whose strength centers around love— kind of like they cant exist nor grow up without it 😭😭💞🙏✨✨
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comingyourlugubriousness · 2 months ago
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"Like a shooting star, I will go the distance I will search the world, I will face its harms I don't care how far, I can go the distance 'Til I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms" Lore and extras under the cut!
I finally caught up and finished the ENG chapter 7 in my game! Yippie!
It's part of me and @bunnwich canon that Yume and their brothers end up being in Lilia's dream for what feels like a loooong time. Time in dreams is percived differently, than the actually two days that passed in real time. So to Yume, the Ramshackle gang, and Sebek and Silver, could have very well spent what felt like a month in Lilia's war flashback. So at the end when they finally end up in Idia's dream their so happy to see him! And well you can't be in war flashback without learning new things. I imagine Yume and their brothers really hone into their skill sets and learn new ones. Yume learning more tacticians skills, learning survival skils, and I just think learning how to shoot a crossbow would be sick. Enhancing it with a few simple tips they had learned from Idia making bean day weapons, like adding a scope. They scrounge armour from fallen Silver Owls and broken armour donated from the fae soldiers. Meanwhile, I imagine Yuuta gets super good at making potions and poisons as well as shooting a longbow; coating their arrows with magics and poisions to fight dream soilders. Yuuhi learns more defense tactics and how to use melee weapons. I actually did a little sketch of how I imagine Yume's armour would look.
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Yume's hair gets longer and their glasses frame breaks, so they have to convert them to goggles. Yume isn't strong so they have to rely on tricks, hiding, and sneak attacks to defeat Silver Owl soilders. Their future sight gives them an edge to in planning in prep. They also rely on a ghillie suit/cloak they make with Yuuta to stay hidden. Those are the suits that help you blend in with your enviornment. Example:
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For comradery they based the hood of their cloak to look like a bear, helping them almost be a part of the more animal themed fae soilders. I imagine inbetween the canon events and stuff their theorizing about Malleus's dream magic and what to do to fix it; they are also making notes like crazy and occasionally drawing their beautiful boyfriened Idia to cope and acting like their actually in war writing letters lol. (Their so dramatic ) I imagine one day one the soilders see it and says something to them in their fae language. Sebek translates an its. "He says the drawing of your wife is beautiful." And Yume thinks its so fucking funny, but also its one of their first nice things the soldiers have said to them so they just role with it. Anyway its just this meme:
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viperbunnies · 1 month ago
I’m really not creative when it comes to hcs, BUT here are a few general ones I thought of:
Likely either canon or mentioned by someone else before, but Jamil’s protective of Oz’s blind side i.e. tends to stand on that side more if they’re walking together, just in case.
Oz is really scary when actually mad. Have you seen how full of rage some bunnies can look 😭 the quiet fury in those eyes
Even Jamil was surprised the first time he saw Oz without his braid up. It… hid that much hair? It’s actually that long?
Given that Oz is in the boardgame club, both Idia and Azul (once they know his UM) try to bribe him into using it for their relative interests – Azul for stock prices, Idia for gacha pulls etc. Sometimes the two of them will openly argue about whose need for it is more justified and should be prioritized. This happens during club activities, sometimes even in Oz’s presence so they can both try to convince Oz that other guy’s request should be ignored.
Riddle was very bothered by how Oz wears his uniform at first and tried to adjust the drooping sleeve side for him a few times. Mysteriously, it kept falling back down anyway, until Riddle finally gave up. Jamil would’ve done the same too had he not witnessed Riddle’s failure firsthand.
😭Syder wth these are so accurate... why does it feel like everyone's rummaging through my house hshsh give me a second to go through all of these, they're so cute aaa
Likely either canon or mentioned by someone else before, but Jamil’s protective of Oz’s blind side i.e. tends to stand on that side more if they’re walking together, just in case.
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It's been mentioned before! But I like how people interpret Oz's disability-- I like the idea of them walking together holding hands and Jamil going towards Oz's blindspot mainly to be on high alert (but also to easily hide his flustered face)
Oz is really scary when actually mad. Have you seen how full of rage some bunnies can look 😭 the quiet fury in those eyes
😭 Yeah he's definitely the type to repress his rage but when he's had enough he signals for the other party to stop. Although people don't take him seriously until he actually slams the door on his way out. (Angrily thumps away and manifests a future where they stub their toe or something)
Even Jamil was surprised the first time he saw Oz without his braid up. It… hid that much hair? It’s actually that long?
Hshsh Everyday he questions what are the logistics behind the hairstyle... he definitely assumed it was those braid + hairband combos at first lol. Maybe they can swap hairstyles sometime... (feels cursed)
Boardgame Club Shenanigans
Cackling so bad at Azul's reasoning 😭 What if he asks Crypt0 next-- The two definitely have a long argument that they try to settle with a match of the very niche boardgame Oz found in Ramshackle's attic (tm) they end up being too invested in the game that they forget the main purpose of the match in the first place. Oz just sighs in relief because he doesn't know how to tell them that the future looks bleak for them both Lmao.
Riddle and the uniform sleeve
This is so funny to me because I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but Oz was sorted to Heartslabyul before Riddle promptly kicked him out (exaggeration) and he moved to join Yuu in Ramhsackle 😭
Oz just feels more comfortable hiding certain parts of him perhaps its coincidental or maybe it's on purpose. Either way it's still funny imagining anyone try to fix the sleeve 😭 (Maybe Jamil does it for physical touch but he'd never admit that)
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writing-heiress · 6 months ago
The Triple Circle
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The Triple Circle is a secret coven of powerful witches, founded by a sun elf witch by the name of Aurelia. The coven have meetings in the form of formal tea parties and talk about their latest magical discoveries & trade any magical secrets that they wanna trade.
It was said the members of the Triple Circle are to possess powers that would against of the founders of wild magic & even the gods themselves. The only known way to even be acknowledged by the coven is to both have powerful magic and be able to do what no other witch, especially a Triple Circle witch, has been able to.
Aurelia (Codename: A) — Founder
Grimhilde (Codename: G) — Former Member/Deceased
Ursula (Codename: U) — Former Member/Deceased
Nera (Codenam: N) — Deceased
Circe (Codename: C)
Medea (Codename: M)
Tagging — @adrianasunderworld @abyssthing198 @liviavanrouge @the-trinket-witch @the-weirdos-mind @queen-of-twisted @ice-cweam-sod4 @boopshoops @starry-night-rose @fair-night-starry-tears @mangacupcake @yumeko2sevilla @yukii0nna @lorkai @achy-boo @lovelybuefood @zexal-club
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takohebi · 2 months ago
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Riddle and Yuu have near-identical family situations. They understand each other's difficulty in relating to the general populace about common things because of their restrictive and sheltered upbringing. They've both faced similar isolation from peers due to having vastly different childhood experiences and odd hobbies.
Riddle develops a protective kind of affection towards Yuu which they reciprocate in kind.
Yuu's uniform jacket, trousers and shoes are Riddle's hand-me-downs. Soon after the events of Book 1, Riddle sends them over to the Ramshackle dorm so that "The Prefect is dressed appropriately in accordance to the rules of NRC."
Riddle and Grim tolerate each other but there's not a lot of fondness there.
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Things Yuu likes about Riddle: His poise, looks, voice and gentleness
Things Yuu dislikes about Riddle: His restrictive behaviour
Things Riddle likes about Yuu: Temper, looks [he finds her cute]
Things Riddle dislikes about Yuu: How easily she gives up sometimes, taste in music
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As lovers they would be incredibly doting and affectionate with each other, though they would refrain from PDA. Small smiles, furtive glances, discreetly brushing their hand against the other, stolen kisses in the meandering gardens of Heartslabyul, etc.
Riddle's demeanour softens noticeably in Yuu's presence, causing quite a bit of whispering among the Heartslabyul students.
Riddle plays a dashing, charming and chivalrous prince in their relationship for the most part but also shows his childish side when he's alone with Yuu (he gets a little pouty and needy for attention).
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Trey || Cater || Ace || Deuce
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special-mooon · 1 year ago
Twst wonderland theories be like “guys in episode 27 of mickey and friends—“
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emiken-070907 · 2 years ago
in celebration of the Shroud parents' official appearance, here are some Isle of Woe headcanons I've had since 2020 lmao general/geographical: - the Isle of Woe is somewhere under the ground, not in the ocean, but under the ground; like a forgotten city beneath the earth -> S.T.Y.X. HQ is a separate location!!! only a few know of it, the workers there usually are from families who have worked under S.T.Y.X for generations - it is surrounded by water, meaning you have to take the ferry to get from the mainland of the isle to smaller parts of it. Ferrymen are like chauffeurs to them :D - due to it being underground, no sunlight ever reaches the Isle -> Natives are very pale, even slightly greyish, and used to very low temperatures (yes, Idia has a rough time during summer). They also have wider pupils to catch as much light as possible to see, like night active animals!!! :D
- the Isle is divided into three parts: 1. "Asphodel", the mainland of the Isle where all people live 2. "Elysium", the only place where plants can be grown and cultivated, thus is primarily used for agriculture 3. "Tartarus", where the mines are located- no, it's not actual hell for the workers the noble in charge of it thought it sounded cool and to complete the trilogy yknow ->The Isle trades internationally with gems and jewellery, which is what they are mostly known for :D culture: - the Isle's people live in a democracy (this will be an entirely separate post if people are interested in it god lord all mighty) - the people have a horrible sense of time, as there are no indicators (e.g. the sun) - people aren't used to loud noises or very colourful things; the Isle is a very quiet place, so people are raised with said peace and quiet. Sudden loud noises/bright lights are what essentially is walking into a big city for the first time as a kid who's been raised in a village (just worse :]) - animals do not really live there (the land is unable to naturally carry plants and fruits, except one part of the Isle) -> Only pets are animals that live there (or animals used for e.g. agriculture) -> Many people do not know what animals look like IRL. They have seen pictures on the internet or in books, but have ever seen? Nope - electronic lanterns are scattered over the Isle to illuminate the paths. why old-fashioned lanterns? they look cool that's why Extra: - the Shrouds mansion is on one of the smaller, separate parts ("small" since it is still gigantic)- pretty much all of the noble estates are on separate pieces of land - the Isle is the connection between the real Underworld and the living world. If you go to the isle's shores, you will see the souls of the dead waiting to be picked up -> You cannot get close to them due to a magic barrier. You will also not see them being picked up. They will just fade out of place - The clothes worn are duller in colour the older the person is Children: light colours (e.g. light blue) Adults: rich colours (e.g. red); the colours of choice change into a paler version the older the person gets Elder people: variants of grey -> The only exception to that are the noble houses!! while still following these rules, they normally always have one piece of clothing with great vibrancy as a symbol of wealth, as rich dyed fabric was quite expensive -> The clothes elders die in are also often the gowns they are buried in (efficiency :))
Those are far from all, but a few!! If people are interested in it, I'll make some posts explaining things in greater detail >:D For those who care or are curious- this entire thing I also have for the Queendom of Roses, sO-
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nrc-asteryn-crew · 2 days ago
omfg i cannot get these stupid fuckers out of my head so have a bit of completely random oc lore !!
the reason i say "these fuckers" is because THEYR NOT EVEN FULLY FLESHED OCS??? IN THE SLIGHTEST???
ok so backstepping a bit for context
Crimson and Aros are 2nd years, right? And so, they share a room with 1 other person, in their respective dorms. Now, here's the thing. These little bitches are fucking attatched at the hip, it's rare to like see them apart unless they've specifically planned (e.g. like when Aros was trying out makeup on Kiyuu, though actually most of the time in that kind of senario Crimson would have been around anyway LOL). Since they don't share a room (obviously, they're in whole different dorms), most of the time they spend hanging around in Aros' room, even going as far as to sleep over there more often than not.
But now, you may ask, 'but what about Aros' roommates? Don't they have a thing or two to say about this?'
Not only are Crimson and Aros one fruity ahh couple, SO ARE THEIR ROOMMATES. Basically what ends up happening, is Aros' roomate and Crimson basically just end up swapping places like ALL THE TIME. Crimson practically lives in Aros' dorm, and Aro's roommate practically lives in Crimson's. They have like a mutual agreement, an unspoken contract all about this weird ass arrangement.
Crimson and Aros' roommates aren't AS fruity as Crimson and Aros of course (these bitches are co-dependant as hell /hj) (their roomates are like just like a perfectly healthy gay couple compared honestly... well as healthy as u can get at NRC anyway), meaning they don't really feel the need to like sleep over and be clingy like every night with each other like Crimson and Aros do, but they don't really complain because a) it's just more of an excuse for them to hang out more anyway, and b) hello it's THE Crimson and Aros??? who are they to refuse???
Over the course of whatever the hell this is, they've actually gotten pretty close and they're all friends, so there's like not really much awkwardness or anything anymore. At this point like Crimson stores a lot of his stuff in Aros' room and vise versa with Aros' roommate too.
They also gossip together at least weekly. Gay activities smh.
it's so funny to me because despite not having any visuals or names or like absolutely anything about their roommates in my brain I have so many brainworms about their relationship like I don't think this is how oc creation is supposed to go
it's giving shipping the NPCS despite knowing absolutely nothing about them LMAOOOO
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supercreig · 1 year ago
"A man who gets caught doesn't deserve respect." (Sebek)
Criminal Sentences, Vol. 12
@dshret // Sebek
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And there the thief was caught red-handed with a little pouch in his hand. Inside that pouch was the royal necklace said to have been passed down to the next heir of the Valley of Thorns.
Oh boy. How could he be so rusty? He made sure to put all the guards to sleep, and he made damn sure he kept himself well hidden while on this mission to retrieve the royal necklace, which was also said to hold some sort of mysterious power within it. Feldspar didn't think too much of it at this time however.
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"So what are you waiting for then?"
The thief just stood there, casually holding onto the pouch in his hand and looked towards the green-headed man, who's hair looked quite messy as if he had been zapped with lightning who knows how many times.
"Do you want me to run?"
If he could run then there would be no trouble. At least for Feldspar. It would be a miracle if the green-headed man would just let him go, but Feldspar had a feeling it wasn't going to be so easy to run with the item he needed.
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ristoranteivorykeys · 5 months ago
i greet thee with a kiss (skully hcs)
pre-relationship headcanons about skully's feelings towards you where you and him are in night raven college together
ft. skully j. graves
╰┈➤ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: uploading these now before the halloween update drops 🙈 episode 3 is where shit hits the fan, and i want to stay in the lighthearted lore drops that episode 2 brings, so here we are. tbh i had been falling a little bit out of twst due to irl and generally just being less into it as time passes by. but then twst drops skully and unfortunately, he's my type 😟 so here i am now, pilled enough to write the brainworms in my head. i hope u enjoy, and i hope episode 3 does not ruin what i'm uploading
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Skully is the kind of person who always approaches everyone in the room and greets them with a kiss on the hand. He gives everyone his attention and starts small talk with them (regardless of whether they want to or not). If anyone says they need to go and run a small errand or even just to get water or food from the cafeteria, he offers to accompany them in case they don't want to feel alone. In other words, if you're in love with Skully and prevent your delusions from coloring your eyes with rose colors (or attempt to deny your feelings), you may be thinking dejectedly he probably treats you the same way as he treats anyone else.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 However, when he's in love with you, his gentlemanly act falters, as he gets flustered. When he kisses your hand in greeting, he's slightly shakier and redder in the face. And whereas his speech is more polite with others, with you, he drops to more casual speech that's littered with occasional bursts of excitement. Usually, he's a generally good conversationalist, able to connect with people on a number of topic, and while that remains the same with you, his hands are on his cheeks more often than usual, especially when he finds that you like something he likes.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 When you're not in the room, he's going to keep talking about you. Skully is the type to remember in vivid detail about the conversations he has with you, so when he's rambling about you to the first year gang, he mentions everything, from your compliments to the little lilts in your voice that attract his ear to the smallest movement in your hand as it inches closer to his hand. If any hugs occurred, Skully can easily take up 15 minutes describing the sensations and the warm goopy feelings he experienced during the hug. Skully is the type to let his delusions carry him, so Ace and Sebek have to bring him down with their bluntness.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Though he may be flustered, Skully does not fail to act chivalrous towards you. In fact, he's much more gentlemanly to you. He observes the sidewalk rule, he tends to have a hand on your back or shoulder while you're walking in a busy area, and he offers you his jacket when it's cold. If it's raining, he'd share an umbrella with you, and he'd adjust the umbrella so that you're completely covered, even if one side of him gets drenched. In fact, he'd willingly give you his umbrella if you say you don't have one, and he'll tell you that he doesn't need it (he'll end up a wet sopping mess after running in the downpour finding shelter, but it would be worth it if it meant you were safe and dry).
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Skully's poetry slowly incorporates you as the subject. Usually, he heaps poetic praises in the scenery he witnesses, in conversations that struck him, and in the season of Halloween and his idol Jack Skellington. But he could be having class, and while looking out the window, would mutter about the clearness of the sky paling in comparison to your honest eyes. Or he could be walking along the botanical gardens with the Science club, and Skully would compare the flowering plants to the vividness of your face (and Rook would probably enable him further). Or if you compliment him, he'd squish his own cheeks and squeal about how your words are like evergreen to him, refreshing to listen to after the insults that he endured throughout his life. Without realizing, he's talking about you more than even Halloween.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 In spite of the delusions, Skully often finds himself having moments of doubt, telling himself that it might be better off if you don't have to deal with someone like him. You're very kind and strong, with friends who would be there for you, and he's a loser whose idea of Halloween has been shunned and rejected by everyone. You deserve someone better, someone who can love you better. Yet, he can't dampen his feelings for you: He wishes to be the one whom you can depend on, he wants to give you the treatment you deserve, and he yearns to hold you for as long as he can.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Skully's confession to you is done through a poem that he wrote on parchment for at least 3 days, with revisions from the first year gang. He's trembling as he grips the paper and nervously reads from it. Countless stars shine in the night, but the sparkle of your eyes hold a brighter light. I've heard of smiles that can disarm a man, but I never understood it until I watched your lips curl up and your eyes squint at me in joy... He's cringing at himself with some lines, stopping at some points to complain about what he wrote. But when you hug him, telling him how sweet he is and present your own poem about how much you like him, Skully ends up crying endlessly, thanking you for accepting somebody like him. And you take him in your arms, repeating to him that yes, you'd accept someone like him who's made you happy.
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rayroseu · 2 years ago
💚Mallevan/Levanoa Headcanons (2/?)
PART 01 PART 02⬇️
you guys dont know how often i brainrot about these couple who never even talked in game yet KDJAKSK
Am glad to see that Levan's receiving the "Yuusona treatment" because of the various ways that twst artists draws him lolol
• • • Headcanon 2.
Malenoa is the strongest of the trio. Because she is a royalty, she is much more knowledgeable about magic— particularly if its related to dragons. Naturally, she became kind of like a magical tutor to both Levan and Lilia when they were children.
i really like the thought of eastern dragons in TWST🥰 its a nice foreshadow that Levan is a Long bcs thats Malleus' Halloween costume✨
(if its really like that,,,, im going to cry bcs that means Malleus dressed up like his papa who he never knew 💔😭)
(also I'm praying with all my heart he's not some plot twist jerk in game like King Stefan from Maleficent 1 😭)
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I think dragons are rare on TWST not only because they're really particular on their mates but also because raising one is extremely high maintainance.
Its 1: life threatening to the caretaker, 2: needs constant attention and love, 3: once it grows up, you even need to withstand its tantrums and emotions (who are btw magically powered) 😭💥
That's why I think ??? there's limited knowledge about mediating their power (so they just get stuck in this cycle of being the strongest but that very strength can bring disaster bcs its uncontrollable)
Thus, I thought of Malenoa being Levan's friend who teaches him about controlling his draconic powers because Levan doesn't really want to accidentally harm others because of his uncontrollable strength--✨✨✨
I like to think its because of Levan's pacifist nature that Land of Briar chose to have war treatiest first instead of just crushing the Silver Owls through Malenoa's military strength. He's aware that killing off humans would just make them more hostile to faes in general, and I don't think both Malenoa and Levan wants Malleus to grow up in war once he hatches-
Levan's fire is purple because I remember getting surprised when Overblot Malleus used that on his attack despite Land of Briar/Malenoa (?) being "mainly green colored" all this time...
So, I think that's one magic he got from his father??? because most of his features already derives from Malenoa (horns, tail, magic (i think his green fire is from Malenoa), straight hair, etc)
The purple fire might've originate from Malleus' mastery of void magic (I hc their dorm spells' element are their forte magic and Dorm Malleus is double void card) but we've never seen void magic used like a fire... its usually like an energy beam right? I think it was so exciting when he attacked like that💜👆‼️✨ (I literally squealed lol its so pretty?? but I know I'll die from that lol)
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I love the thought that Lilia is the "mom friend"/"sensible friend" of this trio... 😂 because he says hes the one constantly working for these couple... mostly to deal with their antics lol
plus Lilia is literally the sole person working for Levan and Malenoa to meet together right now---
since Levan's missing and Malenoa can’t really leave the castle since she’s guarding unhatched Malleus--- and its just a bad move to send the best queen on the frontlines when they can just send Lilia yk 😆
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i hope we get more dragon egg lore and also specifically egg malleus reveal🙌🙌 like how do THEY take care of a dragon egg anyway.... do they put it on cradles as well like human babies??? or their parents will hold them since they require vast amount of love-
i'd used to think malleus backstory would be his child self being lonely (which in the future might??? but for now?? his backstory is literally just him being an egg and all of us are crying over an egg JDHJWJD 😭😭😭
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rainesol · 4 months ago
Twst Fae Headcanons [Dwarves and Pixies]
(The pixie headcanons also tie into an oc lore, so the girl named as an example is not a character you have missed. Don’t worry)
Dense bones to protect from falling debris. Thicker skulls to protect the brain.
Their eyes are also BIG compared to a human. It gives them a bit of an uncanny look. Their size assists with seeing in the dark, and similarly to some species, can dilate their pupils on command.
They’re very stocky on average. Lots of muscle mass and more body fat compared to the average human. This paired with the dense skeleton makes them surprisingly heavy.
Adding on to the above, they’re very strong. They can easily carry heavy objects around.
Rather than being specifically nocturnal or diurnal, I think they’d be crepuscular. They’re classified as diurnal fae, but not biologically.
There’s a lot of negative stereotypes about them being like children physically and mentally (basically canon but I think it should be expanded on)
They typically range from ~2’9 to just over four feet tall.
Not similar to the canon fae we’ve seen, they have pretty slow metabolisms.
Their lifespans are shorter than most fae, but longer than humans. I hc 150-200.
They can go quite a while on little oxygen.
A lot more insect like in my hc.
Their irises are incredibly big with no visible pupil. Black is the most common to give that big wet bug eyes look.
Their eyes are also large compared to humans.
Most pixies will have white scleras behind their eyelids though. Shimmer can give the anxious dog side eye.
Unlike the dwarves stocky build, pixies are long and slender. Very little body fat or muscle mass. Not many curves either. Especially since they have no breast tissue in my hc.
Long limbs, necks and fingers/toes.
They’re ovoviviparous or oviparous depending on the size. Smaller pixies will lay eggs, similar to many types of merfolk, with only one or two making it to term.
Some craft pixies will have insect like protrusions on their limbs.
They’re also very flexible for in air movement.
They have a huge height range. They can be a few centimetres to over 3 feet depending on the type.
They live a wide range of lifespans, too. Smaller pixies live similar lifespans to humans, and larger pixies can live for several centuries.
Pixies can’t swim, similarly to their untwisted counterpart.
Pixie dust/fairy dust is partially fae made, partially produced by their bodies. It has similar uses and properties to magestones.
Similar to other fae we’ve seen, they have a VERY fast metabolism. They’re like hummingbirds. They constantly eat high calorie foods because of how fast they burn energy. Adding onto the hummingbird metaphor, their tongues are very long to reach flower nectar.
Pixie diets are high sugar and fat, including honey, nectar, meats, fruits, and milk if they can trade for it. Surprisingly they can digest milk, despite not being able to produce it.
I go with the hc they don’t produce milk because of the fact that Lilia brings up most fae are raised on nectar.
They use the bells because their vocal cords physically can’t produce the sounds used in the common language.
When preserving energy, they’ll switch from hovering with their wings to hovering with magic and vice versa.
Pixies do not have the same amount of rights as humans do in most countries outside of the faelands. In canon, their dust that allows them to function and live properly is trafficked and played off as a joke, and they are attacked and kicked out of their homes for a school camping trip. They’re also referred to as ‘familiars’ and made to do menial labour. Ok JKR.
There’s also canon disabilities in the pixie hollow series that I draw inspiration from!
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I have more hcs for the separate types of pixies but that’s for another day o7
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midnight---hollow · 3 months ago
Randomly ill get obsessed with crowleys lore and the whole levan theory. These past few days have very much been that case
I find it really funny how crowley is a twst of two ravens but is named CROWley. Idk to me that adds to the whole theory even if it isnt a strong case. I just like to think revan (or levan) looked himself in the mirror and went “… yes i look like a crow…. Crowley” after whatever happened to make him disappear. Crows and ravens often get mixed up so if he wanted to hide his identity i feel that would be a good way to do it (edit: in twst the queens bird is referred to as a crow but im pretty sure its a raven in the og source)
Also this is a head cannon but i like to think that if he is actually levan, the name dire crowley actually came from an alias. I have alot of crack hcs revolving around that time we font know what happened at all in and one of them is that lillia and him where on a missions of sorts and needed fake names and levan chose dire crowley and acted similar to how he does now. When telling meleanor about it late i like to think she would instead call him dia/dear crowley cus he is her dear and so despite writing his name like dire now, he always pronounces it as dia. That has no lore relevance i just think its a cute concept especially since im on team “levan didnt want to leave but he had to and kinda lost his sanity with age (and probably overblot) so he uses crowley as a persona to keep up his job even if he is tweaking or whatever
Idk i only just got to book 6 so this hc is probably gonna be dirt in the ditch by the time i make it to 7
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tsubakkyy · 2 months ago
Twisted Wonderland Arknights!AU HCs Part 2: Octavinelle
The continuation of my TWST Arknights!AU headcanons. This time would be my favorite as well as the longest one I made because I'm biased. Basically this is the one that sparks the ideas of these HCs.
I present you our beloved cunning and sly fish people: Octavinelle!
English is not my first language and this post is so self-indulgent I don't even think much about the grammar or such so bear with me and my messy writings.
Pardon any lore inaccuracies of both games. Feel free to correct me if you find any.
Since the Octatrio are all merfolks, that means in Arknights universe they all gonna fall into one race category:
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Aegirs are basically the fish people of Arknights, exept they're not mermaids even though they're based on various marine animals such as fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, cetaceans, etc.
This race doesn't really have any distinct physical characteristics so they seem like normal human, but their skin are more susceptible to dry temperature and they can breath underwater.
They originated from an underwater civilization by the same name. The civilization was inspired from the legendary lost city of Atlantis in our world, but culturally they were based on the social and political settings of Ancient Rome.
They are known to be more advanced than any earth-dwelling civilizations in Terra in terms of technology and knowledge. Aegirians also have a culture of paying extra attention to aesthetics and they are known to be good at visual and performance arts. They even often use songs as a mean of communication.
Meanwhile in TWST, we've got the Coral Sea. Though it is implied that unlike Aegir, Coral Sea seems to be technologically less advanced than the land-dwelling civilizations in Twisted Wonderland. However the cultural aspects of art, particularly music, kinda match with the cultural setting of Coral Sea where the Octatrio came from as the trio often tell us how music is quite an integral part of life in the Coral Sea.
Now, let's imagine the Octavinelle trio as Aegirians!
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Azul Ashengrotto
I can't really determine which species of octopus he could be but my best guess is he could be based on the giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). This came from that time Floyd mentioned that Azul in his merform is huge, even bigger than the tweels despite him being shorter than them in his human form.
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Jade & Floyd Leech
I can't find any moray species that has their signature turquoise colour, but based on their huge size I think the best referenced species for them is the giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus).
Bonus 1: Abyssal Hunters
When thinking about Arknights!AU, I often imagined that the trio could be a part of this special Aegirian battle squad called the Abyssal Hunters.
So, they're are basically Aegir's super-soldiers. They're hybrids that were made through experiments of genetical mutation done by infusing the blood and cells of seaborn into their body. They've got superhuman physical strength, endurance, and speed, but they can't use arts (magic-like power in Arknights universe).
And they are made to fight the seaborns itself.
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Abyssal Hunters usually have white hair and red eyes, a sign of a their merging with the Seaborn. Though it seems like there are also some Abyssal Hunters who don't possess such traits, but they are rare. They also have a signature uniform and hat, they also often use huge melee weapon to fight.
Now, I can't imagine the Octatrio with white hair, like, it kinda doesn't suit them at all me think. But I REALLY want to see them in the hunters' uniform. Especially the twins since they already have the physical strength. I think Floyd could use a scythe and Jade a rapier or an axe. Azul may not have the strength as much as the twins, but I still bet he gonna look so good in their uniform lol.
Bonus 2: Seaborn
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First of all, seaborns are sea monsters coming from the abyss of oceans and they have been Aegir's biggest enemy for centuries. They can evolve incredibly fast and possess the ability to independently mutate their own cells which makes them highly adaptable to changes around them.
Seaborns live with a hive mind/collective consciousness called 'We Many' and they consider any other organism that is not part of 'We Many' as a threat to their survival. Thus, they make themself a mission to annihilate any other forms of life or turning them into their kin.
This could be done with their ability to fuse their cells into other creatures, turning them into another seaborn by consuming the organism or the other way round. Yes, they can modify someone physically and psychologically over time to adhere to the hive mind. For the victim, they can try to retain their consciousness, but it will become harder and harder the more they change to resemble a seaborn. Some even ended up in madness just before they completely turned into a seaborn.
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The Octatrio's merfolk form often reminds me (close enough) of the seaborns, especially Azul's overblot form. If they live in Arknights universe and through some unforunate events got turned into seaborns, they could be one of the sentient ones with advanced intelligence. They'd be the more dangerous kind than most seaborns, which are more animal-like and most of the time non-sentient and unintelligent.
And that's all for Octavinelle! As always I appreciate any of you who somehow stumbled yourself into this blog and spend some of your time to read my yappings.
Next part:
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octahyde · 3 months ago
Do you have any original characters for TWST?
(As a preface I do have another OC I ship with Chenya, Beau Rhodes, but… I haven’t done much with him besides conceptualizing him. Maybe I should do more since I don’t talk about it enough but TreyRid really really is my romantic canonxcanon TWST OTP and I love it desperately even if I never talk about it. I’ve also been fucking around lately with middle freak Ortho having a form he can use on the surface but ehhh that’s not really an OC thing.)
Ok here it is… The #yumeshit lore post. I actually wanna start getting into like the yume community on BlueSky or something because it has a lot more male yumes than tumb (or rather twit does but my main is a permalocked personal and they’re all slowly but surely jumping ship to BlueSky LMAO), so I might as well explain The Lore in detail. 
As a preface I spend a LOT more time thinking about them when they’re older, because 1) self actualization and 2) why would I EVER want to willingly think about being a teenager again. I literally describe high school as “a haze of undiagnosed mental illness, and also drama club”. no thanx. It’s just not like… too lore noteworthy vs the stuff that actually happens in canon lol.  Here’s what they look like as adults. I’ve mentioned working on a Shrouds piece that took 2 months I finally finished last week, and this is it:
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(Side note- along with being a tgirl I hc Idia is a double below the knee amputee after the incident that killed Ortho)
also feel like I should say… Trix’s views on Rook don’t reflect mine LMAO. I have mixed feelings on Rook, but overall my feelings lean positive towards him. He’s a total freak and it’s funny as fuck and I love it. So if you like him don’t try to take the dynamic too personally, it’s the way it is for a laff more than anything.
Beatrice “Trixie” “Trix” Hart is a catch all self insert of mine; mostly for platonic yume. (She was made as a self insert assistant for Klavier Gavin, hence the name, and is also platonic with syl(gags) sylv(throws up in my mouth a little) Sylvain Jose Gautier. If you wanna know about those you can ask ig, I don’t have a ref for 3H Beatrice but I did draw AA Trixie when I came up with her.) She started out as a girl (and I still view her as such in those universes) but for TWST he’s specifically a guy because. Well. This game made me realize I was a transhet man and especially yume helped me sort that out along with being st4t exclusive LOL
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Trix is a Pomefiore second year bnuuy beastman from the Shaftlands, Class C (same class as Azul and Jamil). It just kind of really conveniently worked out that my sonas usually have upright brown bnuuy years like the Snow White bunnies and I’m so artistic Pomefiore was the only dorm that makes sense LOL. His Book 7 cameo on Rook’s shelf…
He’s in Film Research Club, and is unique because he joined specifically for crew work, not acting. He’s very extroverted in club and with people he’s close to, but he can be surprisingly introverted when he’s not comfortable. (Ambivert moment). He specializes in practical magic with his sewing and art, and Hates PE. (He likes flying, though.)
His unique magic is My Sweet Heart, which lets him see memories and emotions from people if he grasps their right hand and puts his hand over their heart. 
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Caycay is his Number One BFF. I don’t know how they met his first year, but it was basically an immediate click (#trans recognizes #trans. #real #recognizes #real.). Trix walks to class with him every morning, and they frequently go to cafe collabs on the weekend and after class, being sure to leave some of their food out of their magicam posts lest they earn the wrath of their wardens LMAO. If Trix needs someone, Caycay is There for him.
Him and Vil are also VERY close. During his first year, there was an incident that lead to him being roommates with Vil, despite her being a second year and him being first. Trix Really does not like to talk about it, and while Vil would be fine telling people, she doesn’t out of respect for him. She also appreciates someone around club that’s enthusiastic about crew work, and tends to let him lead costume and prop work.
It’s Very clear he has a huge crush on her and that she doesn’t reciprocate. Sometimes she might throw him a bone and give him a little extra praise though LMAO. They do have a very bad fight toward the end of Vil’s third year though, and they go years without talking after. 
His closeness with Vil leaves him some leverage for defending Epel. (#nonpassing recognizes #nonpassing. #real recognizes #real.) It’s mostly in vain, though, but Epel appreciates being looked out for a LOT. Especially because, despite how artistic and fashionable Trix is, his personality is MUCH more down to earth than other Pomefiore students. He’s the biggest advocate for Epel transferring to Savanaclaw his second year and someone who Epel confides a lot into.
Rook’s nickname for him is Monsieur Lapin (Floyd’s is Sea Bunny. Floyd doesn’t come up so I figure I might as well say it heh.). He hates Rook. He thinks Rook is a freak. Especially as a beastman he thinks Rook is super fucking weird. Rook loves Trix’s artwork and his personal journey with beauty and adores him a lot as his beloved underclassman. He knows Trix hates him. He doesn’t care. Trix hates him So Much.
He doesn’t know Ortho much minus the guy who sits next to Caycay’s companion pre Book 6, but once Ortho joins Film Research Trix gets attached REALLY fast. He’s always wanted a younger sibling so he dotes on Ortho constantly, and they rec each other anime and games all the time. (Trix gets him into Professor Layton and he LOVES it.) He learns… a lot about Idia and Ortho’s relationship through this.
Lilia also got asked to tutor him for history once because Trix can’t do homework For Shit and needs help finishing assignments despite his test scores. This backfires because they don’t get anything done ever, but most importantly for The Lore they trade socials and thus Trix is friends with Muscle Red and knows who he is.
Ok. Now the meat of it. The #yumeshit. 
I think it’s probably obvious, but Trix is a nonpassing trans guy. NRC being an all boys school makes him feel safer, but… when he’s not at NRC, even if it’s just in the foothill town, he girlmodes. Being misgendered hurts a lot less that way. (No this is not projecting. Just kidding it is. Please help me.)
As a way of getting respite from this, he VTubes as a magical boy with a voice changer. I don’t have a proper ref but his sona is like the best design I’ve ever done and I’m lowkey mad about it. Anyways. While his interests aren’t really a secret irl it’s always kind of surprising when someone that doesn’t know him finds out he’s into nerdy things, but he gets REALLY invested in the games he’s playing and he has A Lot of info and interpretations to share. And despite his bright design, he gets most excited from horror. He’s not a huge indie by any means but he has a solid following. 
And when Muscle Red sees there’s a well known horror game Gloomurai likes on the docket, well, he HAS to invite them to watch his friend with him! They’ve been telling him how their favorite speedrunner retired and they need someone new to watch, anyways. 
Idia’s very pensive at first, seeing such a bright and sparkly character playing Resident Evil 7, a horror game with a very disgusting atmosphere and themes to match. Probably going to overreact to everything and pretend to be super scared and upset to look cute for views. But he’s watching with Muscle Red, and he wouldn’t make her watch something cringey like that, would he…?
As the game starts up, he starts gushing about what an amazing atmosphere the game has. The entire thing is filthy, and that leads to an overwhelming feeling of dread and disgust- even moreso with the family. His eyes light up when he points out an early scene is referencing The Blair Witch Project.
When it comes to things outside of gameplay itself, he really knows his stuff. Despite how mad him dying for the hundredth time on an extremely easy stealth section makes her, it’s nice to see such a passionate horror otaku. She almost doesn’t mind it because she likes listening to him talk. (Almost.)
Idia starts watching him with Muscle Red regularly. She’s too shy to talk in chat, so she just gives a lot of questionably large donos when he does things. 
He gives a lot of half joking “thank you for funding my doll collection” responses at first, but then says Gloom should chat if they’re comfortable. He’d love to get to know someone who is giving him all this money, and they’re considered a legend in chat for it. She’s nervous (she has no idea why), but she does slowly start chatting and attaching messages to her donos. Soon, she’s a regular in the chat and community. 
So active, in fact, she finds herself with a dm asking for her discord one day. A message follows shortly after about how he appreciates her involvement and wants to get to know her better- now that she’s more talkative, he thinks she’s really funny. 
From there starts a quickly blooming online friendship. They talk whenever they get the chance, though he strictly has to go to bed early or he’ll get chewed out by his housewarden. (A female housewarden…? Is he even forced into the girl dorms at his school?) Idia’s never forthcoming with private info, though, and he seems pretty hesitant with how feminine he is irl to give much past vague detail, either. 
Meanwhile, Trix has to be incredibly careful when lights out and Rook makes the rounds with how late he’s staying up. He is the number one person Trix would rather Die than see his conversation history when confiscating his phone. Gloom’s rude but funny and he loves hearing about X Obscure Game Yaoi Ship. (Sometimes he becomes a casual fan of the series and ship in question- he has been commissioned a LOT to draw her Star Rogue OTP by her.) (He also gets converted to Luisley probably.)
Offline, though, Idia and Trix’s relationship is… awkward. One time during remedial gym lessons when both of them had to run laps in his first year, Trix started complaining about missing club and how he needed to fix his make up, and Idia, being Idia, made a really snide comment about it. Trix snapped at her, and while to him it was just having a bad day, Idia… never really recovered from it. 
In the next year her only exposure was daily convos that were way too peppy for so early in the morning with the extrovert that sat next to her. (I’ve always hced Idia and Caycay sit next to each other in class and straight up forget this isn’t actually canon on a regular basis.) At some point, he started taking curious glances at Idia, which didn’t help at all.
Trix starts getting suspicions about Idia from the few times he does hear her talk, and how similar it sounds. Has he met her before…? But surely he would remember knowing someone as distinctive as Idia, right? 
He has absolutely zero involvement in Book 6 also. With everything going on (because their vice warden ROOK LITERALLY LEFT WITH NO WARNING OR BACKUP PLAN, BECAUSE OF COURSE HE DID, HE IS THE WORST PERSON ALIVE WHO HAS EVER BEEN BORN), him and his roommate end up being the ones to take charge and keep Pomefiore in order. I feel like with Idia yumes in particular Book 6 is a Big Thing because like, Book 6, so I feel like this is important info.
(He IS in Book 7 though. His dream is in between Epel and Rook’s. It’s about being amab :’( He doesn’t take waking up and being back in his actual body well.)
Her and Ortho coming back clear any doubts in his mind: Gloom suddenly leaving on the night of the incident, with zero word since, only to long back on with a “sry, irl stuff happened,” the day after the Shrouds come back? She’s Gloom. Especially getting to know Ortho in club and listening to him talk about her, there is literally no other option. 
He was planning on confronting her about it… then Book 7 happened. Obviously how it ends could change this, but for now once everything’s settled Idia gets a discord notif saying he has to talk to her, and he wants to in person. She tries to say it would be too hard to arrange, only to get a simple response: “Ignihyde Lounge. One hour. You’ll know when you see me.”
She is, unsurprisingly, horrified. How did he figure out? Does he hate her now that he knows she’s a freak? Is he coming to tell her how he can’t believe he befriended someone so pathetic? He’s going to tell everyone all the things she said in confidence. “Lol, you guys thought Shroud was a freak before? Get a load of this!”
Luckily, Trix told Ortho about it. He’s able to coax Idia out and helps her to the dorm lounge, holding her hand along the way. 
And indeed, the one Pomefiore uniform in Ignihyde’s dorm lounge sticks out like a sore thumb. Her heart rate explodes. He’s who she’s been talking to this entire time?! No. No. Absolutely no way. She’s not doing this. She tries to turn and run away, but her brother’s death grip (why did she give him all that strength?) keeps her in place.
He looks around awkwardly as he walks up. “Hey, uh… sorry about that time I snapped at you. Ortho told me it really freaked you out.” Trying to calm her down would hopefully make this easier.. “Do… you want to go somewhere more private? You’re even paler than normal.”
Yes. I do. Alone. And I want to forget this even happened. Unfortunately for her, the look on her bother’s face told her it was a mandatory quest. Defeated, she leads him back to her room. 
He sits uncomfortably stiff on her bed. Idia hides in her chair, turned away from him. He tells her that he doesn’t hate her, that he doesn’t think she’s pathetic. No response. Luckily, he invited Ortho for backup. 
“He really wants to be your friend, Idia! He’s the still same person you’ve been talking to online. And he’s really nice. He’s the one who recommended those games to me!”
Taking a cue on how exhausted she is mentally, Trix gets up and walks to the door. “Just… think about it, okay?”
Think about what? The fact that this person she got close to was actually a loud extrovert who hung around a bunch of normies? That he knows all of the rumors about her? Forget real life- he could go online and tell everyone what a freak Gloomurai was irl, too. 
They don’t talk anywhere for like a week and Trix doesn’t walk to class with Caycay, but then they do talk it out. It’s really hard and REALLY scary for Idia, but she’s able to accept him into her life as a friend. He ends up being a really big pillar of stability for her, and he already knows about her own transness and boymoding which makes him even safer.
And… that’s how they are to the end of her third year! Friends. And really, not looking for anything past that. 
Idia gets a really REALLY nice condo in the Kingdom of Heroes for her internship. (Which she mostly even only uses the upper half of. Smfh) She also gets two cats; a white one, Clear, and a gray one, Ryoji. I’m sure you can guess who they’re named after. Reminder that Idia is canonically a fujoshi. Anyways.
Trix visits during school breaks with Ortho… he also stays in Ortho’s room with him while he’s there. For the most part it’s a lot of just comfy stuff like gaming and watching movies, Ortho taking Trix out to see things and such. Over Winter break while visiting Trix edits one of the Film Research pieces for the culture fair bc he’s club president now… By the time of said fair with 4th years presentations it’s very obvious to like Everyone how they feel. (And they probably know it themselves but try to ignore it because neither feels ready for a relationship).
A really REALLY big point worth noting during this time period (and this is all I’ll say bc I know it’s a difficult topic) is that they see each others cutting scars for the first time. They never really comment on or talk about it, but there’s a wordless understanding and comfort between them afterwards. 
Idia’s staying on the surface for at least a few years to see if researching with Olympos resources can give any new perspectives on blot or her curse. If Trix wants to stay for his internship, there’s plenty of room. She doesn’t admit it, but she really wants him to stay. Unfortunately, though, he’s always been interested in the Queendom of Roses and opts for an editing internship with a publisher there.
It’s more of the same; he visits her more regularly because he’s not limited to NRC’s schedule, and he still streams and she still watches and talks to him. He also adopts Chunky who LIVES FOREVER AND NEVER DIES, EVER. There’s an undeniable closeness between them but neither are still ready to actually act, even if it’s clear they may as well already be together lol. 
During this time she also starts getting him transformation potions to help with dysphoria from STYX while he transitions.
After his internship, he’s able to get a job at the Kingdom of Heroes office of the publisher he interned for. He may or may not have chosen to transfer on purpose- there’s plenty of space there, anyways, so much so he can have his own room big enough to both sleep and work in. Ortho’s out on his own acting internship with Vil’s agency, so for the most part it’s just them and their cats in this huge place lmao. It’s really easy to coexist because there’s space when they need it and Idia’s like entire gamer zone on the upper level when they wanna do stuff together. It works out really well.
There are a whole bunch of headcanons of mine about STYX and the Shrouds and their relationships that I’m not really comfortable going into. However, when they overblotted together, Idia and Ortho did something… really traumatic unrelated to Middle Freak Ortho’s death that Idia blames herself for. She still has regular nightmares about it, and while Trix usually isn’t around from the breakdowns because he’s in his room when they happen, this time he fell asleep upstairs and heard all of it.
He goes in to check on her, and she’s really closed off. He’s eventually able to get her to tell him what happened and her guilt, but… He already knew. Ortho told him years ago when they were all still at NRC. He was waiting for her to tell him on her own terms.
Idia does uhh not take this being hidden from her well! He rationalizes that knowing it and never judging her and standing by her side this entire time means he truly does care and doesn’t blame her. He holds her hand and for the first time says it:
“I love you.”
Idia looks at him wide eyed for a second before turning away.
“You need to leave.”
He’s allowed to stay- she’s not going to just throw him on the street- but he is not allowed upstairs near her. She needs time to process everything. Especially how he hurt her trust. 
Eventually they are able to talk it out though and end up in a relationship. YIPEE!!!!!! Ortho moves in permanently around this time with his internship over with his 2 dogs to add to the family. :)
There’s a lot of stuff with STYX and Woe I haven’t fuuuuuully sorted out the details of, but Idia does eventually have to go back for a while to put her research to use and put an end to things. I think this period is really tough because she does Not want Trix to see what a horrible place it is and how it’s the source of so many awful things it was so she tries to leave him. She doesn’t obv and she’s able to successfully find a solution to the Phantom problem.
Once she’s back, though, she does have a near immediate breakdown- with it all over, her brain can actually like. Process what her life was up to that point and she just kind of snaps. She ends up hospitalized for a few months to keep her safe from a HORRIFIC schizophrenic break. Trix uses STYX Bux for a place to stay so he can visit her near daily and help her through it. There’s also a REALLY bad incident with Ortho.
Minus that though from there it’s… really just them being happy, healing, and transitioning with each other. Idia becomes an indie game dev and Trix becomes a horror writer. He still streams (she started vtubing somewhere along the way too), but they’ve never publicly posted about their relationship. It’s really funny because it’s like blatant but they just try to act like it isn’t LMAO.
As they get older, they move to a small, quiet place in the Queendom of Roses. They have 3 kids (who I also have ocs for but that’s WAY too cringe) who are very well loved. Ortho also lives with them and they have a very happy family. :)
TL;DR: Idia wins the VTuber Fuck A Fan contest.
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