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gumims · 5 months ago
hidden behind lines | prologue
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toge inumaki sat in his darkened room, the faint glow of his laptop illuminating his face. his fingers hovered over the keyboard as he stared at the blank screen in front of him. the familiar weight of silence pressed down on him, heavier than usual. it wasn’t that he didn’t have anything to say—he had plenty. but with his cursed speech, expressing anything felt dangerous. too risky. too isolating.
he sighed, glancing at the rice ball wrapper on his desk. “salmon,” he muttered to no one in particular, his voice barely above a whisper. the room stayed quiet, and the empty words hung in the air, meaningless. toge had gotten used to this emptiness—his world of muted conversations and half-finished thoughts. but tonight, the frustration bubbled over.
he clicked open a browser and typed twitter dot com. he hesitated for a moment, his fingers twitching slightly before he began typing again. “hiddenverse”, he entered into the username field. with a quick tap, the account was created.
for the first time in a while, toge felt like he could breathe.
he stared at the empty profile, considering what to write. no one knew him here, no one knew about his cursed speech or the danger that came with his words. here, he was just a stranger behind a screen. with newfound determination, toge began typing—a simple line of poetry, raw and honest, poured from his mind onto the page. it was something he’d never been able to say out loud, a feeling that had lived inside him for too long.
he hit post.
days passed, and his small following began to grow. among the notifications, one commenter kept returning, leaving thoughtful replies that struck a chord in him. toge found himself looking forward to their messages, curious about the connection forming in the anonymity of his online world.
yet with every post, a question lingered in the back of his mind: how long could he hide behind these words? and when the time came, would he dare to step out from the shadows?
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hi guys
ik i said ch1 would be posted today but i didn’t have time IM SORRY
toge was trying to communicate with yuuji before this but poor guys couldn’t understand eachother😭
actually might post another profile today.. but who will it be..? you’ll find out🤫
this was actually supposed to be a megumi smau but i decided that the idea would make sm more sense with toge so i did it for him instead
im thinking about having this mainly written with few chapters cuz writing is more easier to me than doing all the social media stuff..
now i understand smau creators.. cuz this shit is hard
okay bye guys
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taglist: @aestheticallyvini @mizuislesscringe @satoryaa @jammofsammichflip @brideads @genxnarumi @sad-darksoul @runfrme @c4ttheart @vexis-world @vorfreudevortex @kiss-my-asscheeks @diorrxluvskz @stillnotherapy @twiishaa @pxppetmxster @ch3rry-lips @walllflowerrrsss @notveevee
if i didn’t tag you please lmk!!
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ko-odi · 10 months ago
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my friend had me watch HBL while i had them watch THM and its soooo silly and fun and kinda confusing which i enjoy :3 the editing and nostalgic old mcrp acting makes me laugh i love it .also i yhink it'd be funny if drake haunted and jack hbl haaaated each other
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wagahai-da · 9 months ago
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the dynamic is fucking insane
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silverior968 · 2 years ago
Anton Shudder, world's best wingman (HBL spoilers)
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[Image ID: A meme redraw doodle. Anton Shudder is sitting in the middle, holding up two umbrellas. He looks tired and his clothes are covered in blood. To his left Ghastly and Rapture kissing. To his left Saracen and Dexter are also kissing. /End ID]
(I have never drawn people kissing and it shows)
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jockifotopress · 9 months ago
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Vier Spieler verlassen den HCE
Diese vier Spieler verlassen den HC Erlangen zum Saisonende: Lutz Heiny (#2), Simon Jeppsson (#42), Zim Zechel (#96) und Bertram Obling (#16). Es hat immer Spaß gemacht euch zu fotografieren. Ich wünsche euch einen guten und reibungslosen Wechsel, großen Erfolg und bleibt gesund - euer Jocki-Foto
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barrenceallence · 2 years ago
finally reading hell breaks loose and OH MY GOD HOPELESS IS IN THIS???
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f1stuffblog · 11 months ago
Long time no see in the arena 🔥
Btw Handball vs. Football must be a tough fight for no.1 sport at Neuer's 😁With Ani playing herself and her whole familly working within the club....
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impactofhealth · 11 months ago
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From Gym to Glam: Beauty Supplies for the Active Woman
Beauty products are not just for those who spend their days at the spa or in front of a vanity mirror. For active women, maintaining a beauty routine can be a challenge. Sweat, sun exposure, and physical activity can take a toll on our skin, hair, and makeup. That’s where gym to glam beauty supplies come in. Read More...
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bluseum · 2 years ago
for april fools i will be reading HBL (i am the fool)
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astra1a · 2 years ago
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07 / 52
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transhero-us · 2 months ago
📦 Understanding the HBL (House Bill of Lading):
The Backbone of Cargo Shipping! 🚢
What is the HBL?
The House Bill of Lading (HBL) is a legal document issued by a freight forwarder to a shipper, serving as key evidence of receipt of goods. This crucial document not only confirms that the cargo is damage-free and ready for shipment but also holds the carrier company responsible for any damage that may occur during transit.
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Key Information Included in the HBL
*️⃣ Shipper’s Name and Address
- Who is sending the goods?
*️⃣ Consignee’s Name and Address
- Who is receiving the goods?
*️⃣ Total Monetary Value of the Shipped Cargo
- What is the value being transported?
*️⃣ Detailed Transportation Information
- What mode of transportation is being used?
*️⃣ Terms and Conditions of the Shipment
- What are the rules governing this shipment?
The HBL is essential for ensuring a smooth shipping process, providing security and accountability for both shippers and carriers.
Keep this important document handy for all your shipping needs! 🚚 ✈️
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gumims · 4 months ago
hidden behind lines | ch1: the weight of words
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school has just ended, and toge is sitting under the shade of a large tree by the school grounds. his friends—yuta and maki—are busy with training, fighting ‘til their last breath. seeing the scene causes him to stretch the knots in his body.
“okaka,” he mutters. feeling the breeze of the wind, he quickly takes a moment to open up his phone. as he unlocks his phone, a wave of notifications fills the device. noticing the alerts are from his account hiddenverses, he opens up the app.
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he instantly liked the comment after noticing who it was. he chuckled softly after seeing maki’s comment. only the second years knew that he ran the account and about his dying crush on the first year named y/n.
he chose to reply to your comment. while tapping away on his phone, he pressed the send button with a satisfied nod.
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this might seem boring but trust it’ll get better!! (i hope)
i love writing short poems char it’s so fun
i might post chapter two today aswell
the hiddenverse account is toge if yall didn’t know😭
y/n has been following the account since like the first post and has been obsessed with his poems
toge knows who she is but she doesn’t know who he is ;))
he was so nervous when typing out the response
please don’t mind how my phone is literally never charged omg it’s such a bad habit
im going on a field trip tmrw😜😜
seems kinda boring tho but atleast no school!!
okay bye guys
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taglist: @aestheticallyvini @mizuislesscringe @satoryaa @jammofsammichflip @brideads @genxnarumi @sad-darksoul @runfrme @c4ttheart @vexis-world @vorfreudevortex @kiss-my-asscheeks @diorrxluvskz @stillnotherapy @twiishaa @pxppetmxster @ch3rry-lips @walllflowerrrsss @notveevee @tomikixd @fushiguruuzzzz @pinxeajin @beaniesayshi
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daimayu-10423 · 1 year ago
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wagahai-da · 9 months ago
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losing it
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momosgallery · 1 year ago
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【クリスマス撮影会&打ち上げもんじゃ】 先月の話になりますが、お友達とHBLにクリスマス 撮影会に行ってきました。 はぁ〜♫ パピヨンサンタ達、みんなカワイイ💕  そして撮影会が終わった後は、恒例のもんじゃ。
美味しかった😆 翌々日に人間ドックがあって、 お酒もチーズも控えようと思ったけど、やっぱり無理 でした〜💦 いつもの数値じゃないと意味ないもんね(と、言い訳(笑) ありがとうございました💕
ルーク君(@luke.kota) ラピシェリアイちゃん(@rapisheritomoko) ミルキーちゃん(@milky_mari21)
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jockifotopress · 2 years ago
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Letztes Heimspiel des HCE
“Red Party” und letztes Heimspiel am 08.06 (19.05 Uhr) in der ARENA in Nürnberg gegen die SG Flensburg-Handewitt😊
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