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ederiuss · 2 months ago
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I drew a knight! He's House Hawkshroud since they're one of my favs, was tempted to make him Cadmus doe
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dryderpunk · 2 years ago
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I finished the base
Flatmate did the rest (it's his 7th model)
Space marine for scale
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matara-okina · 6 years ago
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baitpaintsbadly · 3 years ago
Finally getting some decent images of my Knights, first up is Sanguimedes of House Hawkshroud. Who works closely with the Guard and more recently the Death Korps.
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limeyfandump · 8 years ago
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Today's painting efforts. Thunder Gauntlet from an Imperial Knight Warden.
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kammek · 6 years ago
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House Hawkshroud Knight lancer made with parts from @taromodelmaker #gamesworkshop #minipainting #hobbycentral #hawkshroud #commission #knighttitan #knightlancer (at Hobby Central) https://www.instagram.com/p/But5KW9nH1z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sumci23knfdm
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jaegertango · 6 years ago
If you're not RPing your noble character as a shameless monster fucker who writes about werewolf smut and passes it off towards other nobles as forbidden, heartfelt romance in some twisted power move, why even PLAY a noble
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missile-silo · 3 years ago
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Voila, he is done. I know that those aren’t the colours of house hawkshroud but I’m not about to freehand lettering as well as a symbol. I think the chameleon paint turned out nicer than I expected. Also Vallejo acrylic metal colour gunmetal grey is the best metallic I’ve used it’s not for so much glitter to it like the citadel paints.
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arch-magister-khnemu · 4 years ago
Titan Toting
[ @ask-a-scheming-sorcerer ]
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Once, Mahanagar had been a center of learning, untouched by war. Its looming towers, high scalloped arches, and ornate domes were all a testament to the city’s cultural accomplishments.
That had changed with the coming of the Wolfspear, the Primaris mongrels of the Space Wolves, and their Knightly allies. For nine months, the prince-governor of Mahanagar had withheld his tithe of psykers from the Black Ships, and for that crime his city was to be put to the sword. The little prince had prayed for deliverance then, as his city’s dense urban sprawl turned into a warren of battle. He prayed to the secret moon goddess of his ancestors, and to the voices that spoke to him in his dreams.
That night, like a mirage, Sooryaast Yoddha came down on a flicker of moonlight before Mahanagar’s great, damaged library.
Silence took hold and Khnemu looked over the gundeck of the Warbringer Nemesis titan, seeing that the dogs of Russ had arrayed an armored contingent around the center of learning, intent on its destruction. A similar scene played out in the hazy distance, where the engines of House Hawkshroud besieged Mahanagar’s ancient citadel.
Sooryaast Yoddha of the Legio Fureans, feral and ancient, bellowed a terrible challenge as the runes inscribed upon its armor began to glow. An bombardment spattered on its voidshields, but it didn’t matter. The Warbringer titan walked, gatling blaster spinning, melta-cannon heating. The little grey Gladiator tanks ahead of it could only start back.
+Master Khamun-Ra+ Khnemu sent to his brother, standing on the other side of the carapace-mounted volcano cannon, +It seems we have arrived in time+
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shield-of-souls-blog · 6 years ago
For every 📝 I get, I'll write and post a random entry from my muse's diary!
Azrael looked at the verdant leather cover of the tome in his hands, snickering at the golden letters masterfully dug into it. 
M42.001 - 8/2
Dear Diary,
Might I say that I’ve been simply having the time of my life on Vigilus? This place really does have everything, I have to say. We have rampant cults of Genestealers, a bunch of elves flying around trying to shank one another with fanciful instruments. Orks. Cannot forget those, now can we? 
Oh, but my favorite part of Vigilus... It may just have to be the Death Guard that have been keeping us busy for the past couple of months. If it weren’t for our allies from the Ten Thousand, I feel like they’d actually be making any sort of progress. The new Knight from House Hawkshroud (the one who calls themself ‘The Winged Death’) that has devoted themself to our cause has worked wonders as well, though their Titan needed repairs during our last rumble... Not like we could’ve had the big robot stomping around in such tight corridors, anyway. We recently recaptured the local Prometheum Pipelines after our battle, though we’ve been waiting for a real long time to hear back from the Servitors we deployed there. The enemy contains forces from the Death Guard and the Emperor’s Children- It’s a damn mess over there. 
The last attack had carried over to our base on the surface, and it’s probably been our worst encounter with the lovely Vigilus locals yet. Ezekiel and Primaris Lieutenant Kodden both had an extremely close call with a pack of Deathshrouds that had deepstruck behind our lines. We saw around 70 to 80 casualties overall and the Talons Aggressor had lost 4 of their men. That’s not accounting for the wargear and machinery destroyed or in need of repairs, or all of the new wallpaper we’ll need after the stench of Nurgle began to make it peel. However, I’d say it was well worth it, considering how many of their numbers we took in exchange. Estimates say somewhere around 300 Heretic Astartes alone were felled- That’s a hell of a haul, if you ask me.
Speaking of the Talons Aggressor, Carolus Rex seems to be displeased with me after our last encounter. He was dueling with the enemy’s Daemon Prince that looked like he was about to bisect the poor Custodian, so I used the Lion’s Roar to blow it’s head off. Now, Carolus is all upset about ‘what if you missed’ or ‘what if you hit me’, just stupid and petty things like that. He should know by now that I don’t miss and that he just sometimes doesn’t agree with where I put my targets. Too bad for him, I guess. Perhaps I’ll just let him get hacked to pieces next time and see if he still has something to complain about. 
Anyway, I’ve been up for nearly two weeks straight and this bodyglove is starting to chafe again. Tomorrow is a big day, for my force has a certain Relic in sight... and I’m going to need to think of a good alibi for Kodden to blurt at Calgar after we’re done. I feel like Carolus is only going to get more displeased with me as this goes on.
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wh40kartwork · 8 years ago
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Knight of House Hawkshroud
by Otakuap
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arch-magister-khnemu · 4 years ago
Khnemu allowed Khamun-ra to bask in the glory of the darkly favored god-machine for a moment.
At the far end of the hall, gates opened. Sooryast Yodha walked past the threshold and went down the ziggurat's ramp, towards the titan conveyor. There, the Warbringer would be consecrated with prayer flags and adorned with victory banners.
"I have inquired further into the campaign we are to prosecute." said Khnemu. Speaking came easier as Sooryast Yodha moved further away. "We are bound for a world called Satyajit. A fascinating little feudal world, though this classification does it no justice. It is a center of learning, my friend. True learning. Alas, the overfed dogs of the Primarch Russ, the Wolfspear, make ready to raze this world to the ground as we speak, aided by a banner of Knights from House Hawkshroud."
Below, two pairs of drake-headed Warhounds strode towards the ramp, following their larger sibling.
"I dare say, they are in for a nasty surprise."
Master Khamun-Ra, I request your presence at the Heaven of Seshat. As you know, we have been called upon to defend our Lord Father's nascent kingdom, and there is someone I want you to meet. - Ferando Khnemu
Having sent his sincere reply to the Arch-Magister, Khamun-ra quickly made preparations to leave for Seshat and assist his brethren. After his ship completed the Warp-Jump to the meeting-place, his transport landed where Khnemu would likely greet him. Before he went down the loading ramp himself, his retinue disembarked and awaited further orders.
“Arch-Magister,” Khamun-ra said with a bow of his head.
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matara-okina · 6 years ago
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Finally finished my first Knight!
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kammek · 7 years ago
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House Hawkshroud Knight and a couple Armigers #gamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer #warhammer40k #imperialknight #imperialknights #hawkshroud #knightwarden #armigerhelverin #armiger #commission (at Hobby Central)
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jaegertango · 6 years ago
I can't believe Venom was literally directed by Vikentus Hawkshroud himself
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teamstormbolter · 6 years ago
Armiger Helverins - Imperial Knights – House Hawkshroud
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