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bouddicathesavage · 6 years ago
“So…. my parents kicked me out. Can I crash at your place for a while?”
“What did you do to piss off Magnus?” Bouddica raised an eyebrow at her nephew stood before her door. “But yes, come on in.” She opened the door fully and let him into her front room. It was sparsely furnished with a few basic chairs, chests and tables. She waved for him to sit on one of the chairs near the fire pit in the middle of the room. 
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akhenaten-imhotep · 6 years ago
Whither goes thou?
Cold. Darkness. Hunger. Pain. 
These were the words which had resumed her existance ever since she was expelled from the family home through no fault of her own. If there was a sin of which she could be accused, it would be the one of being a psyker. But it had been an accident of fate, a gift she had received from her father who took the mantle of a Freeblade Knight and ran to where no one could find him.  He might have killed people with his powers either by purpose or by accident, but she had never hurt anyone during her seven years of life. At this point her mind was not filled with thoughts of causing pain, but of taking it away. 
On her lap rested a pup who had its leg broken by a motorcyclist who did not stop his path after he had run it over. Her heart broke when she heard its pitiful cries, and she took him to a secure location where she could heal it. The child was no stranger to metamorphosis. It was a process that she had subjected herself to when her powers awakened, but she had yet to use her powers to heal. But it still could be done, all she needed to do was to focus her mind outwards. She put her hands on the broken leg and ordered it to heal, and she felt the bones becoming whole again. Soon everything was back where it should be. 
The pup licked her face as if in gratitude. She put it on the ground and soon the both of them were playing the abandoned garden, but what she didn’t know was that that act of healing would change her life forever.
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heretic-deb · 6 years ago
"Does this mean I have to share the tea again, now that you are back?"
“Yes, it does,” he replied. He gave his son a good look over, a frown crossing his copper features. “Have you been getting enough sleep? You look worn.”
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fuukonomiko · 6 years ago
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psykerscum · 6 years ago
“I’m a good person! I’d never hurt anyone!”
His cellmate hid her face behind her sleeve.
“Your trial is at dawn,” Their captor said, dim candle light casting dancing shadows across the crude cell.  He spat in Ahzek’s face, and his cohort spat on the ground in mimicry. “And it’s more mercy than your ilk deserve.”   He drew his cloak tight about himself and left the beast’s servants in the dark.  The door slammed, and the eclectic collection of crosses rattled on the walls.
His new companion giggled softly, “Are you then?” She whispered, amusement glinting in her milky eyes.  “An innocent lamb for the spit?”
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psykerblue · 6 years ago
Blue awoke with a spasm. Her nerves thrummed, ready to launch her into action-
Only for her to realize her hands were bound.
Suddenly, the memories of the fight pounder down on her. Trapped in a maze of ruins, standing off against a hulking figure in blue cerimite... frag, had she actually survived that?
Well, it hadn't been because she'd won, what much was clear. Her body ached. Her head throbbed. More than a concussion should, now that she focused on it...
With a creeping horror, she tried to reach out into the warp- to call up even a spark of her fire. But the dark around her remained unbroken- and her psychic senses were numb.
Terror choked her as she realized the weight around her throat- the weight of a null collor.
She bit her cheek to keep from screaming, the taste of copper filling her mouth. No. She wouldn’t give whoever it was behind the helmet the satisfaction of seeing her scared so quickly. She glared defiantly into the dark, waiting for her captor to come face her.
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shield-of-souls-blog · 6 years ago
For every 📝 I get, I'll write and post a random entry from my muse's diary!
Azrael looked at the verdant leather cover of the tome in his hands, snickering at the golden letters masterfully dug into it. 
M42.001 - 8/2
Dear Diary,
Might I say that I’ve been simply having the time of my life on Vigilus? This place really does have everything, I have to say. We have rampant cults of Genestealers, a bunch of elves flying around trying to shank one another with fanciful instruments. Orks. Cannot forget those, now can we? 
Oh, but my favorite part of Vigilus... It may just have to be the Death Guard that have been keeping us busy for the past couple of months. If it weren’t for our allies from the Ten Thousand, I feel like they’d actually be making any sort of progress. The new Knight from House Hawkshroud (the one who calls themself ‘The Winged Death’) that has devoted themself to our cause has worked wonders as well, though their Titan needed repairs during our last rumble... Not like we could’ve had the big robot stomping around in such tight corridors, anyway. We recently recaptured the local Prometheum Pipelines after our battle, though we’ve been waiting for a real long time to hear back from the Servitors we deployed there. The enemy contains forces from the Death Guard and the Emperor’s Children- It’s a damn mess over there. 
The last attack had carried over to our base on the surface, and it’s probably been our worst encounter with the lovely Vigilus locals yet. Ezekiel and Primaris Lieutenant Kodden both had an extremely close call with a pack of Deathshrouds that had deepstruck behind our lines. We saw around 70 to 80 casualties overall and the Talons Aggressor had lost 4 of their men. That’s not accounting for the wargear and machinery destroyed or in need of repairs, or all of the new wallpaper we’ll need after the stench of Nurgle began to make it peel. However, I’d say it was well worth it, considering how many of their numbers we took in exchange. Estimates say somewhere around 300 Heretic Astartes alone were felled- That’s a hell of a haul, if you ask me.
Speaking of the Talons Aggressor, Carolus Rex seems to be displeased with me after our last encounter. He was dueling with the enemy’s Daemon Prince that looked like he was about to bisect the poor Custodian, so I used the Lion’s Roar to blow it’s head off. Now, Carolus is all upset about ‘what if you missed’ or ‘what if you hit me’, just stupid and petty things like that. He should know by now that I don’t miss and that he just sometimes doesn’t agree with where I put my targets. Too bad for him, I guess. Perhaps I’ll just let him get hacked to pieces next time and see if he still has something to complain about. 
Anyway, I’ve been up for nearly two weeks straight and this bodyglove is starting to chafe again. Tomorrow is a big day, for my force has a certain Relic in sight... and I’m going to need to think of a good alibi for Kodden to blurt at Calgar after we’re done. I feel like Carolus is only going to get more displeased with me as this goes on.
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ask-hathor-maat · 7 years ago
[Continued from here]
He bit his teeth together at Hathor’s touch, hoping to stop the tears from flowing. It didn’t. He did lean his head against Hathor’s hand and resolved to just let the wash of emotion flow. It was out now so he may as well continue with it. He just leaned against Hathor, shaking as the deeply held in sobs erupted without care or thought.
His thoughts were too jumbled to send anything, his throat too thick to speak. His hand gripped Hathor’s bicep instead, using him as a grounding post in the flood.
Hathor wrapped his arms around Ahzek, pulling him into a warm, reassuring embrace. It was difficult to tell how much sorrow and grief Ahriman was processing. Perhaps it was centuries’ worth of hardship and struggling to figure out the right path. Centuries of losing battle-brothers and allies as he searched for answers.
Humming quietly, Hathor continued to hold him. He sent feelings of comfort and understanding to his companion, feeling that words were entirely inadequate for the current mood.
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askahzekahriman replied to your post: ✔✔
I know we do not interact as yet, but I certainly read your stuff when it appears on the dash.
That can always be changed. The interaction, not you liking my stuff.
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asklordcaptaincastronova · 6 years ago
askahzekahriman replied to your post: That horrible feeling when the cogitator databank...
I hate it when that happens
Least I can sell it as “Ancient wisdom and sayings” to a collector.
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bouddicathesavage · 6 years ago
Ahzek wiggled his eyebrows at his aunt, regardless that it felt strange - they were related after all!
Bouddica laughed and slapped Ahriman on the shoulder. “Nice try but I don’t swing that way.”
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 7 years ago
♦ Stamina♕ What is their mood-killer♚ Most sensitive spot
Cain’s stamina is pretty decent. He’s no Space Marine, but if his partner wants a good pounding he can provide.
What kills the mood the fastest for him is someone being an over-the-top faker in bed. Fake moaning, exaggerating, he can call it out very easily. He wants real feedback, real reactions, for people to let him know if he’s doing well or poorly. He can also feel his dick wither if someone tries to be cute or childish. Do not call him “daddy.”
His neck, behind his ears and his scalp are the most sensitive spots, followed closely by his wrists. These are all spots that are protected by his uniform and don’t get touched regularly.
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horrible-on-main · 6 years ago
kellancallic replied to your post: ((uggh, fiddling about with my blog is making me...
Damn right! Kick those thoughts to the curb!
askahzekahriman replied to your post: ((uggh, fiddling about with my blog is making me...                
   You are awesome and I love reading your stuff!    
Thank you for the kind words, friends. :,)
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little-blue-wizard · 6 years ago
👄 whisper a secret no one else knows
in the underneath of the station, nearly at the bit where strut E joins the hub, if you squeeze through a little tiny gap between the generators then you can get into a space that’s been all hollowed out of the metal like someone used a giant spoon, and there’s a skeleton in there with all white armour and sometimes you can kinda hear someone singing a really sad song. it’s a pretty good place to go and think about stuff. but ssshhh! it’s my thinking space!
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fuukonomiko · 6 years ago
Send me a 👍🏼 if you enjoy my muse
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“Hey Ahzek, wanna come over and show me how much you enjoy me?”
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psykerscum · 6 years ago
C, R, S.
A to Z NSFW Asks…
(The wheel decides... Dozer!)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
“Covering someone else?” He pinches his index and thumb together and hisses through his teeth, “Awesome. Not a fuckin’ fan of getting it on me though.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
“At this point I’ve been and done most of what I figured I’d be into.  Some shit didn’t work for me so much.  Risk is a good one, I never get tired of that.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
“I’m genetically engineered to fuck like a freight train, how many do you think?”
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