#hawkie answers
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🔥 for mash
Ok wait I lied I have one sort of BJ-adjacent opinion, which is that while I don’t hate the trope of BJ failing to write to or write back to Hawkeye for a while once they’re back home, because I do think that’s in-character for BJ himself, it never quite seems realistic to me because while BJ might be content to sit there and be sad and miserable and angsty over not knowing what to do or say to Hawkeye, you know who I don’t think would be content with that? PEGGY. We know she and Hawkeye have communicated before, and I personally like to headcanon that they do so semi-regularly (though admittedly that part is sheer headcanon, of course, and maybe not even a believable one at that, but who cares). She’s even met Daniel! At the very least she’s going to be asking how Hawkeye is doing, and if BJ doesn’t give her a satisfactory answer then she’s going to do something about that. She’s not dumb and she has agency of her own and she’s not going to just sit there while her husband lets his emotional wounds fester without treatment.
Also, just in general, I think speculations about whether the members of the 4077 ever meet up again (or at least just generally stay in touch with each other) tend to forget or underestimate the influence of the characters back home and the fact that they all know each other now, too. The protagonists’ MASH family and their “regular” families are not wholly separate entities. And I think that’s a positive and hopeful thing! ^_^
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erisenyo · 1 year
5 & 13 for the WIP ask game please! :)
5. Are there any OCs in this chapter/fic? Who’s your favorite?
SO many! Sokka is on an adventure so there's a number of Southern and Northern Water Tribe OCs, as well as the Earth Kingdom officials and shopkeepers he's interacting with.
My favorite so far that I've written (vs just planned out) is probably Poak, a North Watertribesman who is outside of the North for the first time in his life, and everything around him is basically a new experience that he is very anxious not to get wrong. I'm having fun with different personalities for the shopkeepers Sokka is going to encounter too, though, I'm very much looking forward to writing a few of them.
13. What common trope(s) do you feel are used in this chapter/fic?
Uh...good question haha. Established relationship, long-distance relationship, we have a return to Zukka letter writing (this time with knowing who is on the other side), eventual hot and heavy reunion, and lots of self-discovery in between though I don't know if that's a trope. Lots of banter and teasing, too, and purposefully riling up your boyfriend because how could I not lol
Do hijinks and shenanigans count as a trope? For my writing? And worldbuilding via horniness? Because definitely that too
For this WIP ask game!
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reineydraws · 4 months
For the mishanks body swap au, how would luffy/zoro/perona react? How would other people they know react?
hi! this got long so i'll put it under a cut, and there aren't really any drawings since that's a bit more effort and time i don't have rn 😅 but i wanted to answer this!
the people i cover are:
benn & yasopp
luffy (and rayleigh, kinda)
kid luffy
buggy & croc
kid uta
thanks for the ask!!! :)
this is how i had some of shanks's crew react:
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i think yasopp and benn, who have likely known him the longest and best and who have probably seen the most of mishanks together, would recognize mihawk's body language, even when it's on shanks. i also think ppl who spend a lot of time together and/or love each other a lot pick up each others' mannerisms, so benn and yasopp have probably already seen their captain exhibit little tells here and there that clearly come from mihawk. when mihawk himself somehow ends up in their captain's body, it's weirdly familiar for them, and they realize it's 'cuz they're not just seeing echoes of the swordsman in shanks, but the real thing.
for perona, i imagine shanks would roll up to kuraigana thinking like, "i should try to be like mihawk so as not to alarm them, esp 'cuz hawky probably would rather they not know" but when he steps off hitsugibune, he waves to perona and greets, "perona," and she's immediately like, "who are you!" she noticed that shanks buttoned the shirt he picked out of mihawk's coffin-crate wrong, and mihawk would never wear that shirt with those pants like that! and she thought maybe mihawk was having an off day until "mihawk" waved in greeting and called her by name. at this point, shanks is sweating lol.
zoro, i think he'd probably notice something is Off right away (shanks continues the charade bc he explains the situation to perona and perona thinks it's hilarious and wants to see how long zoro goes without noticing) but wouldn't really care until "mihawk" draws yoru for some training. zoro would scowl, annoyed but not alarmed bc perona's not alarmed, and he'd be like, "okay, that's it. mihawk would never hold yoru like that, he keeps at least another hand's-width distance in his grip for better support, what the hell," and shanks is just like, of course i got the sword thing wrong. of course his sword student would notice. 🤦🏻‍♀️ mihawk would only train interesting and competent people, and that's luffy's swordsman! c'mon shanks.
(i am a firm believer that shanks is the only other person that's ever been allowed to handle yoru in the time she's been mihawk's sword, and as an extension of that, i think it'd be cute if he held her in a slightly different grip bc shanks's style when using yoru is a little more hilt-heavy and defensive. he hasn't done this since losing his arm though, so it's actually nostalgic to be able to wield her with both hands.)
(i say this but i suppose, like with all body swap au's, there might also be an element of muscle memory involved. in that case, zoro probably confronts shanks when shanks reaches for beer instead of wine at dinner. but i like the sword thing better haha.)
luffy? luffy and mishanks aren't interacting in canon rn so i can't imagine where he'd meet up with them body-swapped, unless one of them goes to rayleigh at sabaody for help. (i say "one of them" but while shanks would be alone, poor mihawk would definitely have the red-hair pirates as a peanut gallery following along lol.) in this case, i think luffy (and rayleigh) would just laugh. like, a lot. so much.
if it was mihawk (looking like shanks), luffy would probably ask him a lot of questions regarding zoro and proclaiming his time is almost up as wgs, and then hang out with the rhp to catch up, show off his improved abilities a little, and tell yasopp about how usopp's been doing. with shanks, i think they'd catch up and then end up horsing around, and it would be extra funny bc from the outside it looks like dracule mihawk is having an eating contest with strawhat luffy. rayleigh will take photos for posterity.
if it's kid luffy and this happens before luffy's a pirate, i think luffy would probably ask mihawk-as-shanks what being a pirate is like, and also stories about being the wgs. and mihawk would tell him about fighting marines and his coffin boat and luffy would get a little starry-eyed but also maybe want to fight him lol.
other people they know... i can't help but imagine what kind of fuckery shanks would come up with if he rolled up to karai barai looking like mihawk. 😂 buggy and croc would be so unnerved.
i think shanks would take the opportunity to fuck with buggy a little by bringing up inciting incidents between them from when they were kids, like their really stupid arguments, and buggy would be caught between arguing back heatedly, creeped out that mihawk knows and is smiling all i-know-something-you-don't-know at him *shudders*, and wondering if the weird amount of knowledge on buggy's childhood mihawk has means that mihawk and shanks are fucking or something. (they are, but buggy doesn't know that. mihawk is a little annoyed at shanks for getting this revealed 'cuz he was holding onto their relationship for a more dramatic reveal if it ever presented itself, and he wanted the source of the blackmail he had on buggy to be a little more enigmatic. now, he can't creep buggy out bc he'll just assume all his blackmail material is from shanks. ugh.)
croc would be a little baffled that "mihawk" has suddenly started interacting with the clown way more than he used to, before realizing there's something deeply wrong with "mihawk". he seems too personable, too trusting, too... smile-y. it's weird. he doesn't like it. he is forced to go to buggy about this when his own henchmen don't seem to know what else to do about it, and they end up relictantly working together to find out what caused this personality change. when it eventually gets figured out that "mihawk" is actually shanks, buggy is livid and crocodile's already thinking about what this might mean for the cross guild, if the red force is going to come to karai barai, if that will cause problems for what he's trying to do, and of course, how he can use this situation to blackmail mihawk in the future. it's annoying but he can admit it's also kinda funny.
totally self-indulgent addition, but kid uta would take the oportunity to play dress-up with her dads since they've now effectively switched fashion senses. both let her, bc they are both charmed by how happy this makes her.
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giurochedadomani · 7 months
Consider: Modern AU Shanks sends Mihawk just the worst selfies. They’re off-center, not entirely in focus, he’s usually still moving, and, worst of all, no one has ever bothered to correct him.
Luffy thinks they look fine because he’s not one for second-guessing a friend. Beckman has taken the firm stance that Shanks’ dating life is Not His Problem. Buggy is fully aware that Shanks takes selfies like a middle schooler and texts like a dad, and encourages both because he’s more dedicated to embarrassing his friend than getting him laid.
It is no doubt divine intervention that Mihawk can sense the real intentions behind the disasters that grace his screen daily.
Absolutely, wonderful, 100% agree, I'm picturing Mihawk having an hour long internal meltdown about them because they're very shitty selfies, yeah, he feels as if he should be offended. Or at least annoyed that Shanks keeps bombarding him, right? But at the same time Shanks' smile does look very nice, and he's one of those guys who somehow looks really hot with ratty jeans and sandals. It's kind of cute that Shanks thinks about him when he's out with friends, now that he thinks about it. Wait-- what is the proper way to answer to that? Like, is he supposed to reply with a selfie of his own? There's NO way he's sending him any picture that doesn't look ready for an Armani campaign
(Zoro judges him a bit for getting overdressed and now Mihawk has to ponder for another hour at least if it's better to go the Armani route or if it's better to copy Zoro's strategy for sanji and sending shanks hot sweaty post training selfies, because which were Shanks' intentions? That's important to know! He'd be mortified if he doesn't match his energy. This texting should be easier than this. Maybe he's overthinking it)
(buggy and Croc risk their lives by being gossipy about why Mihawk is ignoring them in favour of staring at his phone. As Buggy is being deliberately obtuse as to what Shanks would like more, Croc grabs Mihawk's phone and sends both picture to shanks, for Mihawk's utter mortification and shanks' overjoyment)
That is to say, I can totally picture Mihawk really assuming that Shanks has any plan or has put any THOUGHT whatsoever into the selfies beyond the general vibe of: Hawky yes. I miss him lots. Let's see what he's up to 😍😘😊🥰❤️
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your-dashing-cupid · 20 days
Oh dear...
First Hawk decides to have me as his "secret identity" in his mind, which made our dear Helios take matters into its invisible hands, and then, I don't get informed about this place!?
So not polite of you, Hawkie~
Anyways...my name is also Hawk...but you darlings can call me Eros to avoid confusion~!
#Dashingly posting -> normal posts
#Lovingly answering -> reblogs/asks
#LucySays: -> ooc posts/reblogs
Headcanon time!
-Eros is pansexual, poly and uses He/Him pronouns.
-Once Hawk's "secret identity", now a whole person thanks to Helios' strange powers.
-He compliments people a lot and seems very loving, but he only starts serious relashionships if he feels a strong connection/bond with somebody.
-Him and Hawk are pretty much opposites, with Hawk being a reserved, introverted man and Eros being a much more extroverted and open guy.
If something is written between [--] it's ooc!
No nsfw, that's a big nono
Btw, the person controlling this blog is a minor, please don't do heavy flirting stuff.
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kiwisoap · 2 years
I'm sure this is a really stupid question you get asked all the time but when you do bring hawky mchawkface somewhere, what stops him from just like, flying off?
Its not a stupid question! And the short answer is: nothing! When I take him out to free-fly, meaning that I don't have him on a leash or anything, he could decide to just fuck off and not come back and there's absolutely nothing i could do about it LMAO.
The long answer is: a combination of training and weight control. Basically, I teach him that I'm a safe and reliable source of food, and that he can get a meal if he flies to me; then I make sure that his weight is at an appropriate level so that he's actually motivated to fly to me, instead of him going "Nah, I'm not hungry, I'm gonna hang out in this tree for the next 8 hours." Of course, there still isn't anything physically forcing him to come back to me, so he could still choose to fly off if he didn't trust me or felt like it wasn't worth it. That's why a huge part of training is just about getting the bird used to you and teaching them that you're a good thing to have out with them.
(and once you've hunted with a bird for a while, they'll usually learn that you're a good teammate and that they're more successful at hunting when you're with them, so they learn to stick pretty close to their falconer and wait for game to be flushed)
This is also one of the things that makes falconry a pretty ethical sport! Any time you take the bird out hunting, it is under no obligation to come back to you. It could just fly off and leave and there's nothing you could do to stop it! It makes the choice to come back. Which is pretty dope!
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nathaaaan · 11 months
After watching the latest episodes of Lego Ninjago: Dragons Rising, I HAD to watch Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir or I would go insane.
I swear on my life, it was good no matter what people say. BASICALLY EVIL MARI. LIKE, HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT'S BAD?! She looks good too! Omg. I loved her outfit, I loved her design, it was so MIRACULOUS. 🙃
She's just so mean to Claw Noir, and I love it.
I still think they did him dirty with that design choice. 💀
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I honestly liked the part where Shadybug was smiling while reading Mari's journal, it was so cute‼
I love our adoring protagonists, but I hate them at the same time too. I love villains, if you didn't know, my favorite type are good guys gone bad. THEY HAD BAD GUYS GO GOOD >:/
So many unanswered questions that are going to eat me up and swallow me whole until I get an answer.
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jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
The funniest thing to me about the clusterfuck about the mayorship of Paris, is that nobody in universe seems to really gives a damn about the president?
Like, everything always centers around the mayor position while the Palais de l'Elysée is not even 3 km away from the same Eiffel Tower that gets destroyed every other day.
Surely the President of France would have to answer some pointed questions from the UN / EU about "Why the fuck is a 15 year old in charge of your capital?" and put a stop to it.
And did Gabe just ... not even try to akumatize the most powerful person in France? He's already a domestic terrorist and he already threatened a foreign dignitary (Prince Ali) anyways, what is there to lose?
I get the meta reasons (save time and models) but like, they're putting way too much spotlight on the position and power of mayor for me to just brush it away.
The president of France changed the capital as soon as Hawky showed up and absconded
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supermarine-silvally · 9 months
Well, this turned out angstier than I intended lol but at least I kept it to under 1000 words!
Summary: An innocent question from Perona leads to Yara unleashing some of her anger at her father, unaware of who might be listening.
Caution: Spoilers for the Marineford arc ahead. Tagging @oneirataxia-girl and @auxiliarydetective because you guys know what happens but fair warning to anyone who doesn't know how that arc ends.
“So what’s the deal, anyways?” Perona asked as she floated by the couch. “With you and ol’ Hawky, I mean.”
Yara shrugged and continued running the cloth up and down Yoake’s thin blade, wiping off the humandrill blood. “What’s there to say? I’m only here to get stronger so I can kill Teach and that magma bastard.”
“Yeah, but he’s your dad, isn’t he?”
“Only in a biological sense.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Let’s get something straight, ghost princess.” Yara glanced up for a second, meeting Perona’s eyes before returning to cleaning her sword. “Dracule Mihawk might be my father, but there’s only one man who I recognize as my dad-- and that’s Edward Newgate. He loved us-- all sixteen-hundred of us-- like we were his own children, which is more than I can say for certain other people.”
“Not as harsh as abandoning your baby at a convent and cutting all contact with her for the next nineteen years.”
Perona stopped. “Oooh, damn. Is that what he did to you?”
“Pretty much, yeah. I guess my existence became too inconvenient for becoming the World’s Greatest Swordsman or whatever.” Yara let out a bitter laugh. “Which, you know what? I could almost forgive. Being a pirate is dangerous, and he doesn’t have a crew, so it’s not like he could just hand me off to someone else to look after while he goes and does sword things. So, sure. Leave me to spend the next thirteen years getting yelled at by nuns. But he never kept in touch. Never checked up on me, or gave me any indication about who I even was. I had no idea he was my father until I was about eight, and even finding that out was a complete coincidence.”
“What happened?”
“I discovered an old bounty poster at a market one day with his face on it, from before he joined the Seven Warlords. As soon as I saw his eyes…” She trailed off, before shaking her head. “I knew I finally had something of an answer to the question I’d been asking myself my entire life. When I showed it to the Mother Superior, she confirmed my suspicions. …That was a strange day. I went from being a nameless orphan with a funny eye to the daughter of one of the most powerful pirates roaming the seas, all before dinner.”
Yara dropped the bloodied cloth onto the floor and picked up a clean one, gently massaging it against the black blade. “I used to hate my left eye, you know. I didn’t understand why I looked like this, only that it made the other kids stare at me as if there was something wrong with me. For the longest time, I wore an eyepatch over it. Both to hide my association with Mihawk, and to keep people from thinking I was some sort of freak.” A sad smile rose to her lips, her tone softening. “Ace changed that. It was the first time anyone had ever made me feel beautiful.”
But as soon as the smile came, it vanished. “Not that it matters now. Ace is gone. Pops is gone. Most of the Whitebeard Pirates are gone. Perhaps being Mihawk’s daughter is all I have left.”
Perona opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it again, apparently changing her mind and letting Yara continue. 
“Damn Mihawk. What pisses me off the most is that the man acts like he’s never had a challenge in his entire life,” the young swordswoman muttered, raising her blade in the air and studying it under the light. “But you know what would’ve really been a challenge? Maybe alleviated some of that infamous boredom of his? Raising his fucking child. I think he probably expected me to find out about him somehow and then show up in twenty years to throw down the gauntlet, but if he thinks I want anything to do with him beyond strengthening my swordplay and haki, then he’s delusional. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of a real fight.”
Yara lowered Yoake, placing it down on the couch beside her before giving the scabbard a quick wipe. “Ace and I used to talk about our shitty fathers all the time, and while his situation was terrible and I can’t even begin to imagine the pressure that was put on him his entire life, at least Gold Roger had the courtesy to be fucking dead. Mihawk couldn’t even give me that much.”
Perona’s eyes widened. “Uh, Yara--”
“--And you know what? If I could snap my fingers and change it so that he died while my mother lived, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t regret being born, but I do regret having such a useless father who couldn’t even do the bare minimum and send me the occasional birthday card.”
“Ya-ra.” Perona tapped her finger into the air twice, indicating towards something across the room. 
Yara turned around. Standing just behind her was Mihawk, his expression unreadable.
She leapt to her feet like a startled cat, meeting his stoic gaze with a ferocious glare. “What do you want?!”
Mihawk did not flinch. “Your observation haki needs some improvement,” was all he said. 
Yara’s eyes narrowed, a fierce, hot anger bubbling in her chest. “Oh, fuck you,” she spat, allowing it to boil over. “I’m glad you heard all that. You’ll never be even half the father Whitebeard was.” Whirling around, she slid Yoake back into its scabbard and stormed off. 
Silence descended upon the room as Mihawk and Perona watched her go. Zoro, who had arrived at the door behind Mihawk, did a prompt one-eighty-degree turn and quickly left.
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rozonrozark · 10 months
Well, the last chapter of Cheshire actually raised some questions:
-If the Order is now fully destroyed, those that mean that their spells on the kwami, the Miraculous, Fu's amnesia, and their tracking baton's are now gone? We know the Liberation affected the current Guardian appointed for the Order, every Miraculous in Paris (including those inside Feast), and the kwami.
-Is Adrien (and also Kagami & that selfish monster Felix, sentimonsters in the Cheshire AU?), because if he is, I have bad news for little old Gabe about his favourite ring...
-If Hawky and his blue helper weren't the ones who crashed the Meeting, and neither was Feast, who did?
As always, if it's too spoilery, feel free to not answer. Thanks as always for such a marvelous job!
The thing about The Order is that they are gone for now. For the most part, it would act as a kinda reset for every miraculous or object related to a miraculous. So when/if the Order comes back then they will need to go through the entire process of recruiting every kwami again. As for Fu, that is a tricky question that would rely mostly on how you interrupt how the mindwipe works. If it is a mindwipe where everything is just gone then no, he is stuck as he is. If it is like a fog that prevents him from remembering then there is a chance.
As for which one it is I might just leave that up for the audience to decide.
Now as for who attacked I thought that was rather obvious given it was a missile strike. But to make put it simply let's just say a few villains might have had the same idea.
Finally as for the whole Senti thing I have been debating with myself about it and I just might make him a Senti just to unknowingly rub it in both his father's and Felix's face that he is free.
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transboysokka · 1 year
Zukka: "...Who did this to you?" || "Let it go (Name), it doesn't matter-" || "Yes, it does. Who did this to you?"
From Injury Prompts || Send more!
"...Who did this to you?"
Leave it to Sokka to notice when the tiniest thing was wrong with Zuko. It was endearing, and one of the many things Zuko loved about him, but now was not the time.
"Let it go Sokka, it doesn't matter-"
"Yes, it does. Who did this to you?" Sokka had fully stopped their sparring session now, sheathing his sword and stepping toward Zuko to take his forearms in his hands. He frowned and traced the small red scratches decorating both of Zuko's forearms. His sleeves must have fallen back during their fight...
"Sokka..." Zuko took the other man's hands in his own and pulled his sleeves back down. "Just trust me. It's... something I'm working on and I didn't want to tell you yet..."
Sokka pulled back his hands and crossed his arms over his chest, clearly not willing to let this go. Agni bless him.
"Babe. Baby. Zuko. Those are fresh, some of them are deep, they could get infected, and you don't care? Why can't you-" Sokka cut himself off, the expression on his face changing from one of irritation and protection to one of sadness and worry. His voice was much quieter, like he was afraid to hear the answer to the question he asked, "...Are you... hurting yourself again?"
Zuko closed his eyes and held back a groan. Fuck, this was not how this was supposed to go at all. He was starting to question the surprise he had arranged for his husband after all- it was such a dumb idea... and he really didn't want to revisit his old issues...
He opened his eyes and saw Sokka was still waiting for an answer. He hated the look he saw on his face.
"No, Sokka, it's... not like that. Trust me, I'd tell you if I... needed help with something like that. I uh..." Zuko rubbed at the back of his neck. The cat owl was out of the bag now, literally, but this was not how he'd wanted this to go... He made up his mind and sighed. "Just... come with me. It will make more sense if I show you..."
The worried look didn't disappear from Sokka's eyes as he followed Zuko out to their turtle duck pond. When he saw what awaited them there, the look did however shift quickly into one of confused amusement.
The turtle ducks were involved in an intense fight with a large cat owl, who seemed clearly intent on making the ducklings its next meal. They fought back with impressive bite.
"Scratchy, come on! Bad bird!" Zuko groaned and chased after the cat owl, managing to wrangle it into a cage waiting on a bench- but not before it could get a few fresh scratches in on Zuko's arms.
He locked the cage door shut and tensed as he turned back to face Sokka, sure he was probably in for an earful.
Instead, Zuko found his lover clutching his knees in a fit of laughter.
"Babe, please explain what the fuck you're doing with a cat owl named Scratchy. Is this your new pet?" Sokka asked when he managed to get the laughter under control, tears streaming from his eyes.
Zuko turned a shade of red that he rarely reached, and he could see Sokka's amusement growing even more.
"Uh, no, I... well..." he rubbed again at the back of his neck. This was going terribly. "Um, I got the bird for you... As a birthday gift... I know you talk about how sometimes you miss Hawky from all those years ago and... Well, it wasn't ready yet but I felt like I had to show you now because you saw the scratches and... I know he's not ready, I was going to train him more before I gave him to you but... And you can change the name too, you know! I was just calling him that because, well... Sorry, this was stupid. I can return him-"
Sokka cut off Zuko's rambling with a deep kiss, closing the distance between them and wrapping his arms around Zuko's neck. Zuko returned the kiss, relieved, careful not to get any blood from the new scratches on his husband's clothes as he held his waist.
After a minute or two, Sokka pulled back and looked up into Sokka's eyes, the amusement still there.
"That is the sweetest, most Zuko thing you could do for me. I love it so much. ...We'll talk about the name, though."
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sirquacklesdefoof · 8 months
hey it's hawkie fabulousvelociraptor. i've lost all my messaging abilities from my main (can't send, receive, or view) and also can't send messages off anon (no idea). drumpenguin and i are testing it and I've contacted support but just know I'm not blanking you bestie I've just been obliterated xxx <3
Okay first of all I’m so sorry that it took me so long to answer this, I’ve been thinking about it every day since I got it SECOND of all how the hell did you manage to get put in solitary confinement?? Like how does that work on a website backend kind of level and THIRD of all did you or did you not name yourself after a m*a*s*h character.
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giurochedadomani · 9 months
Grand Line Calling
Total silence, to the point he wonders if they’ve hung up on him —if this was, after all, an accidental call—, and then Shanks? Is shouting: “HE’S ANSWERING, GIVE IT TO ME”. Then a commotion on the other side of the line, someone’s words —Beckman’s?— getting muffled and then Shanks again, a bit out of breath: “Hey. Amm. Uh. How are you doing, Hawky?”.
Or, Benn Beckmann steals Mihawk's den den mushi contact so Shanks stops being annoying.
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Inspired by @reineyday's wonderful ramblings and this artwork by manofbeskar.
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
i have 2 questions for you!
how much do the turtles + april know about Y/N’s old life and dimension?
speaking of her dimension, has anyone in the ATLA dimension tried to reach Y/N? like through hawky or ask if anyone’s seen her in any of the nations? if so do they know she straight up poofed??
also how are you? your story brings me unspeakable amounts of joy :) HAVE A GOOD DAY <3
Ahhh hello hello lovely!! This made me incredibly happy ahaha, to put it quite simply:
The turtles + April don't actually know that much about her old life, they know most of the details about the war and such, but not everything 👀 Ive planned a lot for this series tbh, and uncovering her backstory is just the tip of the iceburg 🙌🏻
so like they know how she met the gaang, meeting toph, fightin a LOT, meeting zuko! , just like,,, a lot of fighting
like, a lot
bc like lets be real atla is 70% fights and 100% aang gushing over katara
What they don't know is mostly stuff like Hama(bc trauma!!), but dw itll come up in later parts)
what they went through in the serpent's pass, fortune teller episode + when they first met Jet to name a few.
P.s Spoiler Alert: ⚠️⚠️stuff about him is coming up soon👀 💅
also master splinter's probs like the only dude y/n's spilled somuch tea to bc (fight me on this) hes like uncle iroh but yk
a rat.
As for whether or not anyone has tried to reach Y/n, not yet!!
mainly bc in the prologue i kind of set it so that she's like a wandering nomad minus the singing and badger moles
i have planned something else but itll come up like wayyyy later in the story ahahaha😇
i hope this managed to answer your questions, and thank you so much for supporting me and my writing since the beginning 💗💗
Im doing fine now since im in the midst of recovery, got like 3 different tablets im supposed to take for medicine( not counting lozenges 🤡🤡)
btw, you dropped this 👑👏🏻
also if yall ever wanna chat or anything feel free to drop in my dms !!
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
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I posted 552 times in 2022
That's 376 more posts than 2021!
209 posts created (38%)
343 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 532 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#marvel - 172 posts
#mcu - 139 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 64 posts
#ms marvel - 36 posts
#moon knight - 34 posts
#she hulk - 30 posts
#harry potter - 29 posts
#she hulk spoilers - 28 posts
#ms marvel spoilers - 25 posts
#fanfiction - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i thought lb only saw the part at the beginning where they defeated hawky so when she said the stuff at the end i about lost my mind again
My Top Posts in 2022:
Bruno blocking Kamala and Kamran from kissing and then dancing to the wedding song from episode 3 and then immediately getting knocked out is ABSOLUTELY ICONIC of him and I am head over heels for this boy 😭😭😂
787 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Some Disenchanted thoughts (spoilers!!):
Amy Adams has RANGE y’all. She was fabulous
The fact that Giselle, Morgan, Robert, and Tyson all got to be the heroes, there wasn’t just one person who swept in an did it all themselves was just… *chef’s kiss*
Idina Menzel 😍
There was a great balance of magic and real life stuff in a way that was different enough to make it unique from the original but also honor what sets Enchanted apart as a movie
The costume department popped off, y’all
Robert being head over heels for Giselle and being a really good dad is just very soothing to watch lol. And the part where he saved the little girl whose family was identical to his 😭 poetic cinema
Peep James Monroe Iglehart! I got so excited when I heard his voice 😂
Yep I just love everything about this film lol. I don’t think it was better than the original but I don’t think it needs to be, either. It was special in its own way and I’m going to be talking about it forever 😂❤️
1,013 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
The combination between Jen and Bruce’s hilarious cousin relationship and Bruce’s anxiety versus Jen’s sheer force of will is already making this one of my favorite duos in the entire MCU
1,027 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Kamala’s mom giving her her superhero costume is the only correct answer and the perfect closure to the Hulk cosplay incident. I love the Khan family so much 😭❤️
1,541 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Three more Ms. Marvel things:
Bruno is easily up there in the top three best Marvel bffs in the MCU. I love him.
Kamala has got to be the most accurate Gen Z fangirl I have ever seen in media and Iman is already doing a fabulous job, once again the casting is perfect
4,804 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
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