The official blog of The Five Crowns, a Warrior Cats roleplay on Discord 🜲
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All acceptance messages for Wave 23 have been sent out!
We have messaged all accepted users via Discord or their preferred mode of contact. If you auditioned, please check your DMs for our acceptance message and the server invite link!
If you haven’t received a DM from a moderator with an invite link, unfortunately you were not accepted this wave. All of your auditions were amazing, but we could not accept all of them. It was hard to choose between the wonderful auditions we received, so we spent our time carefully reviewing each audition and managed to select those who we feel will be the best additions to our roleplay at the current time.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this round of auditions! Please do not be discouraged if you didn’t make it in. Auditions will always open back up when we need more members, and we’d love to see you try again next time.
If you’d be interested in applying in the next wave of auditions, we encourage you to consider following the blog and turning on notifications! We’ll be making and reblogging content regularly to keep you updated on the roleplay.
Again, thank you everyone for your interest! We hope you’ll continue following TFC’s journey 🜲
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When will acceptance messages be sent out? Do you know how roughly how many new members you’ll be accepting for this round of auditions?
Acceptance messages will be released sometime today! We try to get everything out in the early to mid afternoon. We'll be accepting roughly 15+ new members :)
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Will you send out a post once all acceptances have been sent out? :D
Yes! We'll make a post letting everyone know that acceptances have been sent and that if you received a message, you were accepted :)
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How soon will people be added to the roleplay if their applications were chosen?
With previous audition waves we’ve added people the day after applications close, generally in the afternoon (EST), though if something comes up we may have to postpone until Monday. However, the mod team reviews applications as they come in so rest assured invites will be sent out ASAP!
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what time is considered tonight? specifically what time in which timezone!
11:59 pm in EST! The form likely won't close exactly at that time, but right around then :)
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At the far outskirts of WindClan’s rolling hills, the North Ravine, a long, dark canyon, separates the River Territory from the outside world. The gorge is overwhelmingly deep, and it tears such a wide gap in the earth that one is hardly able to see the unfamiliar lands beyond, let alone make the trip across. Its cliffs are steep and unscalable; the abyss its depths create haunts many Clan cats’ dreams. Through many spirtually-induced events like earthquakes and storms, the ravine has expanded greatly since first discovered.
Along with physically marking the end of the River Territory, the ravine signifies a shift into the spiritual world. Its history is rich with mortality; the ravine has been used several times over the course of the Clans’ past as a depository for dead bodies, so in many ghost tales, its void is symbolic of a descent into StarClan’s hunting grounds—although in some cases, cats believe the spirits of those who’ve been dumped in the ravine are too distant to access their ancestors, and wind up as lost souls. It’s an eerie place, but its mystery and extent is also captivating. The beauty of the sharp stones is likely why so many choose to still visit its edge.
Auditions for TFC CLOSE TONIGHT! If you’re interested in diving into the depths of our world, we encourage you to get your audition in while you still can! For more information about auditions, see this post. If you end up missing this wave of auditions, don’t worry—they open up regularly! We hope you’ll consider following the blog and interacting with our content in the meantime.
Good luck, everyone! We hope to see you all in the server soon.
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How many members does the rp currently have?
We currently have 31 users in the roleplay, with 10 of those being moderators and the other 21 being normal members! You can see our user roster on the Systems Spreadsheet under the Check-Ins tab.
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Many moons of travel away from the River Territory, an extensive farm dominates the hills just outside the dark, unfamiliar woods beyond. The barn here, stark red and dominant in the landscape, is home to several livestock and other creatures, including a small but formidable group of barn cats that belong to the twolegs that reside here. In the harvest seasons, the land is plentiful and bright, with few trees and shrubbery to filter the sunshine.
The barn served as shelter to ShadowClan during their journey across the lands after they were exiled from the River Territory. Despite its many dangers, the place was captivating and treated as a safe haven; ShadowClan grew attached, and some of their population was even born in the haystacks. When the Clan split in half following a moons-long civil conflict, the barn cats aided ShadowClan in dealing with their issues—until such issues escalated to violence, at which point they evicted the Clan cats from the barn. ShadowClan made their journey home, being the first—and last—River Territory Clan to ever inhabit the farmlands.
Auditions for TFC are open for ONE MORE DAY! If you’re interested in meeting strange outsiders, we encourage you to apply! For more information about auditions, see this post.
We hope you’ll adventure with us!
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dawn of the final day tomorrow! how many apps so far? :DD
21 apps!
And I’d like to offer a personal thank you to everyone who’s applied so far (and to anyone submitting theirs tomorrow). I’ve loved reading through them all and I can’t wait to see all the new faces!
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Just beyond the River Territory, a grassy region named the Withering Fields stretches on, bordering the snowy mountains. In stark contrast to its neighboring lands, the Withering Fields has a hot, dry climate. The land has little to no vegetation, and is streaked only by tall, thin grass, which has a yellowish hue. The few plants that exist here are sparse and prickly. The ground has natural hills and divots to it, some of which are deep enough to be considered pits, which cats can easily be trapped in if unfamiliar with the terrain.
The Withering Fields typically receives very little rainfall, but when it does rain, it rains hard. Back during the Clans’ journey to the River Territory, they were swept up in a flood that ravaged the barren land after a season of a particularly tough drought; many lost their lives in the fierceness of the currents, which temporarily separated the Clans and plunged several felines into the underground burrows and dirt caverns that are hidden beneath the tall grasses. There’s still much unknown about this region, but despite the desire to discover more, no one is eager to brave the unbearable heat.
Auditions for TFC are open for another two days! If you’re interested in venturing beyond the borders, we encourage you to apply! For more information about auditions, see this post.
We hope you’ll join us on our future explorations!
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Hi! I'm really excited for this roleplay as it would be my first in Warrior Cats rp after years of roleplaying in other fandoms! But I do have a question regarding the Roleplay Examples in the audition form:
Since it states that the examples must be relevant to Warrior Cats, what if we haven't had the chance to roleplay in the WC fandom before but still have experience in roleplaying?
And if it's alright to ask; what are some additional Do's and Dont's maybe newcomers like me should know regarding character building?
Thank you!
It's alright if you've never roleplayed cats before! For the first roleplay example question, you can just write a new rp example and it will still count
As for making a character, there aren't very many hard 'don't's as long as you follow the basic rules (such as the fact that your character has to be a warrior from either ThunderClan or WindClan). The Main Doc has a section on valid names in the Character Creation section as well.
Above all we recommend creating a character that you will enjoy roleplaying! If you're stuck on ideas, you can reference the Past Plots Doc for backstory inspiration (the most relevant being our most recent, 'The Dawn of DuskClan'). The ThunderClan and WindClan docs also have descriptions of the typical features and personalities for members of those Clans, though you're not obligated to follow them. As long as you have fun with your character, that's what really matters. Good luck! I can't wait to see your audition :)
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I noticed in your warrior code rules that medicine cats can’t take on a mate, or have kits, in your roleplay. May I ask why that is? Or what the purpose of that rule is?
If there are two medicine cats in a clan, and they are both fully trained, why couldn’t one take a few moons off to raise kits, just as warriors have the ability of doing so?
Why can’t medicine cats ever openly love another cat romantically, and not be punished for it?
I’m just genuinely curious as to why this rule was put in place to begin with, or if there could be any chance that it might change in the future? It just seems unfair.
This IRP rule is taken from the unspoken medicine cat code in the canon series, as both our Warrior and Medicine Cat Codes are based off the canon codes. In canon, the purpose of this rule is more-or-less to prevent bias, as they must heal all cats equally, and ensure they're focused on their duties.
We've decided to adopt rules like these, which can be considered unfair, to foster opportunities for conflict and unique storytelling. Setting IRP rules that members can have their characters break and form development around enhances our ability to create plots and sow conflict in the Clans; this is why, despite the changes in recent canon arcs, we've also kept the code that forbids cross-Clan relationships. Members with medicine cat characters can still have those cats develop romantically and bear kits, they just have to submit a plot form with a suitable storyline and consequences.
Since this rule is part of the Medicine Cat Code, changing it would be a process undergone IRP, which means it would be part of a server-wide plot or similar event. If the opportunity arises, it could change!
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Far east of the River Territory, a formidable snowy mountain range stretches across the horizon, marking the division between the Clans’ old and new homes. The Clans first traversed these snowy mountains when departing the Lake Territory, and have revisited them several times over the history of the roleplay, each time being both challenged and comforted by the unfamiliar terrain. The mountains have an extremely cold climate, and cats typically take refuge in the many caverns and cave systems that run through the cliffs; trees and vegetation are sparse, and the few things that do grow are evergreens or plants accustomed to low temperatures.
Over the seasons, many groups have taken residence in these snowy peaks. The Tribe of Whispering Echoes, a solitary band of thick-furred felines, lived in the caverns of the mountains for ages, and rescued the Clans from a fierce blizzard that derailed their journey. Both the dwindling tribe and Clans were chased from the mountains by ferocious mountain lions, creatures that continued to torment the cats when they returned moons later seeking the elusive Blue Root herb. When ThunderClan decided to leave the River Territory following a siege on their camp, their leader, Petalstar, led them to the mountains, where they lived for many moons in isolation.
Auditions for TFC are open for another three days! If you’re interested in finding secrets in former homes, we encourage you to apply! For more information about auditions, see this post.
We’d love to see what you’re able to discover!
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When creating a character's backstory (I think it meant one that's personal and not connected to any lore yet), is it preferred that the cats/NPCs mentioned (like their family/mentor/etc) all be killed as they follow the "there mustn't be cats with the same prefix in the same clan" name rule or are they allowed to live in the background?
You can keep them alive in the background! I personally recommend killing them off because you're not actually able to interact with them or do anything more than mention their name in your messages, but if you want them to still be alive, you're welcome to keep them as such :)
As a side note, NPCs don't follow the same prefix rule! We figured that'd be too complicated to monitor. They must, however, follow our realism, forbidden prefixes, and compound word rules for their names (so no "Penguin-," "Star-," or "Blueberry," just as a few examples!).
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Hundreds of thousands of moons prior to the formation of the five Clans in the roleplay, there lived the Clan of Essence, a massive colony of wild cats that inhabited the River Territory. They were the first Clan to exist, and all current Clans, Tribes, and other organized groups are said to be very distant descendants. Members of the CoE worshipped nature, and divided themselves into four divisions according to the aspects they valued the most (air, land, plants, and water); these cats were eventually wiped out during the fabled Great Disaster, which killed off what remained of the CoE’s population.
The Clan of Essence’s greatest physical impact on the River Territory was their elaborate tunnel system, now referred to as the Ancient Tunnels by the living, that was unearthed in the Spirits plot when a WindClan warrior accidentally dug into one of the chambers. These tunnels were the CoE’s primary residence, and are spread over the entirety of the River Territory, with a few entrances in each territory. They used to house the spirit forms of the last members of the CoE, but since the Spirits sacrificed themselves to save the Whispering Tree, they’ve been empty. The Clans use the tunnels and the caverns and hollows they connect to as places of worship and to grow the unique Blue Root herb.
Auditions for TFC are open for another four days! If you’re interested in exploring the tunnels yourself, we encourage you to apply! For more information about auditions, see this post.
We hope you’ll consider becoming part of our history!
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I've had some bad experiences with moderators in the past,, so I was just wondering how you all work to keep a positive and friendly environment??
Additionally,, how do you all choose a new moderator who you know will maintain these standards if/when one steps down or leaves?? Is it hand-picked or are there auditions??
Lastly,, how user friendly is Discord as an app for a first timer user??
— Fellow Prospective Member
As moderators, our number one job is making sure the community is safe and satisfied. We all were once members, so we usually already have strong bonds and friendships with others, and work hard to maintain that—especially with new members—by making conversation, voice chatting, playing games, communicating about our work, etc. Moderator behavior is monitored to ensure that they're treating members of the roleplay kindly and fairly; we have no tolerance for bullying or hate of any kind, and encourage members to approach us with any behavior concerns they may have so we can deal with it effectively. In actual roleplaying, we try to create as many member-driven events as possible to give them opportunities to impact the roleplay's storyline.
We typically hand-pick new moderators. We observe what kind of impact they've had on the roleplay, specifically in terms of if they've been a positive influence in the server and how well they get along with other members; we look for people who we know have a friendly presence in the roleplay, and are able to be professional with that same positivity.
In my opinion, Discord is decently friendly to first-time users! The UI is generally easy to understand, and features that you're unfamiliar with are simple to grasp. If you struggle with navigating Discord, I'm sure another server member would be happy to help you out :)
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what are some possible reasons people won’t get accepted?
Acceptances are mostly based off of the roleplay examples and general literacy in them. So long as the spelling and grammar used in your examples is (mostly) correct, you have a pretty good chance of being accepted. We also take into account whether you actually followed the rules on the google form; those two things are most of what we consider
Small things like a prefix that's not allowed or parts of the backstory that don't line up with the timeline can be fixed easily so we won't count that against you
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