#mod hib
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is there a solid age cut off for joining? like 25? 30 years old?
Nope! We welcome members of all ages above our minimum :)
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I saw ur research post and got inspired hehe
can we get some yasuhiro x m reader hcs where the reader just moved to japan and is still learning japanese?
Yasuhiro Hagakure with a boyfriend who recently moved to Japan and is still learning Japanese headcanons
Hi hib hi hi hi hi hello
I am once again using your request to self promo but omg guys look at my bestie poo poo kun! He has subscribed to my 5 dollar a month tip thing meaning all of his requests are first priority. And also he has my instagram and now he's my lil stink stink
-Mod Souda
❤ There is speaking as well as reading and writing. He puts a lot of effort into helping you with writing, and it works out since out of anybody, he's the best teacher: he has surprisingly neat handwriting.
❤ He might have a lot of like, those remember-cheat-sheet tunes and similarity spottings that people do to help remember the lines and such. Those can help for sure.
❤ You wording things wrong is so cute to him, and you can tell whenever you do it because a small smile with grow on his face.
❤ You learn a lot of casual words and expressions from being around him, too. You've even picked up the "-chi" thing he does.
❤ ^ Chronic casual Japanese.
❤ ^ You try to practice formal Japanese with him and he's like stop it feels weird.
❤ He can read you some of his clairvoyant books. He uses teaching you as an excuse for him to actually finish reading them, too. He both never tried to sit down and read as well as, not remembering he had the books in the first place.
❤ You learning was what drew him closer to you, he almost felt special that decided to learn the language, no matter how common it may be. Your everything was perfect.
❤ Hiro learning more English for you, too. His cute accent.
❤ After meeting you for the first time, you stuck in his head. You were the cute boy who had the foreign accent. It was as if you were straight out of a movie.
❤ Japan is a beautiful place! When you move to Japan and get together with him, your house is going to become his house too (whether you like it or not). He's wiggling his way into your living space.
❤ ^ Your house is going to suddenly have house plants and crystals on shelves and tables.
❤ Buys you flashcards even if they're elementary level stuff.
❤ The first date the two of you go on is quite a fun one, especially since your vocabulary wasn't wide enough to understand a lot of the casual words he uses.
❤ Sometimes you can get him into museums for you to practice reading, and plus, you learn about a lot things regarding history and art.
❤ ^ Hiro learns things, too, but he'll often start getting bored and, instead of looking at the artifacts and their descriptions, he'll start looking at you.
❤ He unironically recommends some manga's he knows are popular.
❤ The main problem you encounter when it comes to learning Japanese is trying to find something that isn't so rigid. Therefore, being with Hiro is a good thing, as he can just casually teach you random vocabulary, and he will do it over and over again, not minding if you don't remember some of it.
❤ ^ This includes walking around the kitchen with him pointing at things.
❤ He helps you with the complicated words! Some might be tongue-twisters for you.
❤ He will hold your hand to lead you around outside as he drags you from place to place, letting you read signs and menus, testing your knowledge in such a way that the challenges are easy, making you all the more happy when you get something right.
❤ Watching the cogs turn in your head is his favorite.
❤ Imagine a build-a-bear where he does the little voice box with a romantic Japanese phrase.
❤ Him breaking into the school to give you a tour just because you're new to Japan and he wants to show you his favorite places.
❤ His mom being impressed by your language skills and thinking the fact that you're new to Japan is soooo adorable. She might pinch your cheeks teasingly just because of how cute you are.
❤ ^ You can see how similar they talk (and it makes it much more contagious).
❤ She invites you over all the time, and the two of you make the trip over to her. It's a very good environment, the energy is a very kind one.
❤ "Which one is this?" He holds the paper in front of you, having written a character on it with sharpie. Parts of the character are a little unclear from the paper that was on top of it, which he also wrote on with sharpie.
❤ You suck in a breath, staring at it and running words through your head.
❤ He watches you with soft eyes.
❤ You say, "I don't know which one that is."
❤ "I thought so," he puts the paper down, "since I just made it up." The smile on his face stops you from groaning.
#yasuhiro hagakure x reader#x reader#danganronpa#yasuhiro hagakure x male reader#danganronpa x reader
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ok but y'all know that adelheid can totally conceivably do that crystal blowing thing that haku did in the beginning of spirited away right????
#i'm sick as hell rn#but just think about it#give the shimon queen more love#her fight w/ hib was such bullshit#she should've won#not a quote#mod lazy#suzuki adelheid#headcanons
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In light of everything I believe my mutuals deserve this post.
I will probably never delete Tumblr - I’ve had it for God knows how many years and I’ve went through millions upon millions of phases. But this page right here is beyond special to me.
I never imagined myself becoming so obsessed with Minecraft or gaming in general (that was never me) but here I am; not obsessed with DSMP anymore but my love for Technoblade and his content never went away.
It’s very surreal writing this post knowing he’s not around anymore but his presence feels just out of reach but I’m still very much in tune with him.
Techno I hope you know how much of a positive impact you had on my life and millions of others.
I can’t tell you how much I owe Techno for finding this community and my amazing mutuals here on Tumblr.
I want to end on a note that I respect all of you so much (mods for update accounts, techno fan pages and more) you’re all very special and have a place in my heart.
I probably won’t be posting or reblogging things as much as I did before but I want you to all know what a special community we created and contributed to and we should all be proud of ourselves.
Take it easy everyone.
Love Hibs (aka Saint-Cherie)💛
#technoblade#for my mutuals and anyone who comes across this post I hope you know how proud I am of you💛#take care of yourselves
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Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor https://ift.tt/5rofs8U
Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor

Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor
İZFAŞ tarafından bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen Logistech–Lojistik, Depolama ve Teknolojileri Fuarı; sektördeki tüm paydaşları fuarizmir’de bir araya getirerek yarın (Perşembe) kapılarını açıyor. İhracat ve ithalatın itici gücü lojistik sektörü, Logistech ile fuarizmir’de bir araya gelirken dernek ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının temsilcileri, akademisyenlerin katılımlarıyla paneller, seminerler de gerçekleştirilecek.
İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin ev sahipliğinde İZFAŞ tarafından ilk kez düzenlenen Logistech–Lojistik, Depolama ve Teknolojileri Fuarı, 29 Eylül-1 Ekim 2022 tarihlerinde fuarizmir’de gerçekleştiriliyor. İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Tunç Soyer’in İzmir’i dünya fuarcılığında ön plana çıkarma ve lojistik merkez üssü yapma vizyonu doğrultusunda bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen Logistech, sektördeki tüm paydaşları buluşturdu. Logistech’le; İzmir’in Akdeniz çanağında bir ticaret ve lojistik merkezi haline gelmesi, uluslararası bir liman kenti olması, bu sayede deniz ve kara yoluyla ticaret yapan sektörlerin geliştirilmesi ve istihdamın desteklenmesi hedefleniyor.
Fuara; çok sayıda kara, deniz, hava ve demir yolu lojistik firmaları, liman işletmecileri, depolama, prefabrik üretim ve soğuk zincir, bilgi teknolojileri ve otomasyon firmaları, e – ticaret servis sağlayıcıları, kamyon, çekici, forklift, vb. taşıma araçları firmaları, yük taşıma ekipmanları firmaları, banka, sigorta ve gümrükleme firmaları, sektör sivil toplum kuruluşları, akaryakıt firmaları ile sektörel yayıncı kuruluşlar katılıyor.
Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor 4
Kente ve ülkeye katkı
Fuarın ziyaretçilerinin profilinin ise lojistik ve tedarik zinciri, bilgi teknolojileri profesyonelleri, ilgili kamu yöneticileri, üst düzey yöneticiler, yatırım kararı alıcılar, paketleme hizmet sağlayıcıları, 3pl / 4pl hizmet sağlayıcıları, konteyner yük taşıma hizmeti verenler ile acenteler ve forwarderlar olması bekleniyor. Katılımcı ve ziyaretçilerine lojistik sektörüne ait tüm tedarik ve ihtiyaç zincirinin bir arada olduğu bir deneyim sunan Logistech’in yaratacağı sinerjinin de İzmir’in ve Ege’nin lojistik performansını artırması, denizcilik ve lojistik sektöründe kente ve ülkemize yeni yollar açması, ekonomiye de katkı sağlaması bekleniyor.

Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor 5
İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin ev sahipliğinde İZFAŞ tarafından düzenlenen Logistech’in destekçileri ise T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı, Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB), Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB), Ege İhracatçı Birlikleri (EİB), Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odası (EBSO), İzmir Ticaret Odası (İZTO), İzmir Deniz Ticaret Odası (İDTO),
Hizmet İhracatçıları Birliği (HİB), İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı (İZKA), Uluslararası Taşımacılık ve Lojistik Hizmet Üretenleri Derneği (UTİKAD), Uluslararası Nakliyeciler Derneği (UND), Türkiye Liman İşletmecileri Derneği (TÜRKLİM), Demiryolu Taşımacılığı Derneği (DTD), İzmir Deniz Nakliyecileri Derneği (DND), Denizcilik Fakültesi Mezunları Derneği (DEFMED) ile İzmir Gümrük Müşavirleri Derneği.
Seminer, paneller ve sergi de yer alıyor
Fuar boyunca, ayrıca, etkinlikler, seminer ve paneller ile Denizcilik Belgeleri ve Antikaları Sergisi düzenleniyor. Fuarın ilk gününde açılış töreninin ardından öğleden sonra moderatörlüğünü İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası İzmir Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Yusuf Öztürk’ün yapacağı “Başkanlar Paneli” gerçekleştirilecek.
Panelde, UTİKAD Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ayşem Ulusoy, TÜRKLİM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Aydın Erdemir, DND Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Şükriye Vardar, DEFMED Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Bülent İbik, UND Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Fatih Şener konuşmacı olarak yer alacak. Aynı gün UTİKAD Genel Müdürü Alperen Güler moderatörlüğünde “Transit Taşımacılıkta Kilit Ülke Türkiye’yi Bekleyen Fırsatlar��� oturumu da gerçekleştirilecek.
Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor 6
30 Eylül 2022 günü de Ticaret Bakanlığı Uluslararası Hizmet Ticareti Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Yusuf Karakaş ile Hizmet İhracatçıları Birliği Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Abdullah Keskin’in konuşmacı olduğu “Yük Taşımacılığı ve Lojistik Hizmetleri Ticaret Bakanlığı Destekleri Bilgilendirme Semineri” yapılacak. Aynı gün, Yaşar Üniversitesi Lojistik Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Yiğit Kazançoğlu moderatörlüğündeki “İhracatçıların Gözüyle Lojistik” oturumunda ise EİB Genel Sekreteri Cumhur İşbırakmaz, EMİB Eski Başkanı Mevlüt Kaya ile Sape Spice Planlama ve İhracat Ekip Lideri Ramazan Serbes konuşmacı olacak.
Aynı gün “İzmir İli ve Tarihi Kent Merkezi Kemeraltı Lojistik Planı” oturumu da gerçekleştirilecek. Fuarın son gününde ise Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Lojistik Yönetimi Bölümü Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Prof. Dr. Okan Tuna, “Lojistikte Dijitalleşme” başlıklı bir konuşma yapacak. Ayrıca, “Türkiye İhracatında Taşıma Modu Olarak Hava Kargo” ile “Tüm Taşıma Modlarında Tehlikeli Madde Lojistiği” oturumları da düzenlenecek. Fuar süresi boyunca C254 numaralı stantta Dr. Taner İzmirlioğlu Koleksiyonu’ndan Denizcilik Belgeleri ve Antikaları Sergisi yer alacak.
Logistech sektörün tüm bileşenlerini fuarizmir’de buluşturuyor

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Download Football Manager 2007 Patch 7.0.3
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Football Manager 2007 Patch
Football Manager 2007 Free Download
Football Manager 2008 patch v8.0.2 has been released. General changes:
Jan 12, 2018 Football Manager 2007 Patch 7.0.2. This latest patch for Football Manager 2007 can be applied only to the retail version of Football Manager 2007 (and not the demo). It includes a significant number of tweaks and fixes including: Fixed bug where Australian youth player was being given English nationality only and thus not being eligible to play. Football Manager 2005 Patch v5.0.3 Data Category Soccer. Program by SIGames. FilePlanet Review. Football Manager 2005 Patch v5.0.3 Data This is the v5.0.3 patch for Football Manager 2005 updating the game with all the personnel changes that have happened in the world since the games release. Disqus Comments.
- Injured players will not get offered out on loan by parent clubs
- Human gets taken to the competition news screen on big events such as yearly award news items
- Ensured AI replaces overage captains promptly
- When Hearts play Hibs, both teams can now play in their first kits.
- Awards news no longer always refers to manager award winners and runners-up as having 'nothing to choose between them'
- Stopped duplicate player appearing in Best Eleven if the same player is loaned twice by the club

- Stopped players being unahppy when an international captain is replaced following his retirement
- Fixed post match key man watch comments not mentioning player being injured/sent off/subbed etc
- Changed turkish regens to always be turkish by first nationality and have small chance of a specific second nationality
Football Manager 2007 Patch
- Added new possible second nationalities for players born in England
- Tuned retirements of young players without a contract but part of the national squad
- Tweaked down grey player CA at the low end for non active teams
- Team records now processed for international friendlies.
- Stopped various Feeder links getting cancelled when they shouldn't be.
Interface changes:
- Can no longer choose American All Star teams when creating a tour in USA.
- In a network game, a user is now kept on a team screen if he was using it before the game was continued by another user. Before, the user was always forced to view a new screen.
- Removed code from U18 contract offer screen.
- Removed 'Most Team Points' from Competition Summary screen for Cup Comps
Football Manager 2007 Free Download
- Changing to a saved team selection would sometimes not show players picked that were in the reserve or youth team.
- Fixed filter flickering on and off on the notes section when it was changed.
- 'Information' section for clubs would sometimes showed a number instead of an informative string.
- Double clicking on the last word in an edit box wouldn't select the right text.
- Fixed some match colour clash problems.
- The selected row highlight doesn't disappear when changing player instructions outside a match.
- The advisor would sometimes be disabled by default.
And much more. Click here for full list of changes.
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Football Manager 2007 v7.02 Patch
Game:Football Manager 2007Platform:PCFile type:PatchDate added:Feb 28, 2007Downloads: 16019
Version 7.02 patch for Football Manager 2007 (PC). This patch also includes all changes included in previous patch (7.01) plus data update. General - Fixed bug where Australian youth player was being given English nationality only and thus not being eligible to play as he had no work permit. - Fixed bug with player fines not getting processed properly at various times in the season. - Fixed bug where lots of virtual players were added for a team. - Fixed future human manager transfer bug - some data wasn't being updated properly in some situations. - Fixed humans being offered countless players by German and Spanish teams in particular - Fixed bug when training and youth facilities are upgraded simultaneously, only training facilities would actually upgrade. - Fixed bug where teams who have already accepted friendlies for a tour accept again when a replacement team is picked. - Fixed bug where sometimes fixtures would be played at the old stadium when a team moves to a new stadium. - Fixed stadium expansion bug where seats were sometimes being added immediately after the expansion is announced. - Fixed bug where national team managers were not sent news sometimes about players being injured when playing for the national team. - Fixed bug where blank entries were shown in players history when they had not made any appearances. - Confederations Cup now takes place in host country of next World Cup. - International friendly instructions now cleared down after matches. - When scout assignments are removed, the user can now re-assign to the same nation/region without having to leave the screen and come back. - Fixed a crash in a scout report news item. - Fixed a crash which would sometimes occur when playing a friendly competition which clashes with other matches. - Fixed issues where some sweepers would have no DC ability - Fixed a transfer promotion clause crash caused by edited data. - Teams which are promoted from lower divisions without a stadium get one generated. - Fixed crash when retiring an unemployed manager - Fixed a rare crash when arranging a friendly match. - Fixed a crash when calling up multiple players to a national pool. - Fixed a crash which might occur if a human manager builds up a squad of over 200 players. - When a player on loan is transferred to a third team, his stats are now cleared down properly. - Fixed a manager being fired unreasonably in finish league due to some teams having a next division set as a lower division - Fixed a game freeze when going to a scout's list of scouted players. Match Engine Version History Match v551 ---------- - Reduced number of off ball violent offences slightly. Match v552 ---------- - Further violent conduct tweak Match v553 ---------- - Even further violent conduct tweak Interface - If a user navigates away from a job contract offer from a different team and goes back, the screen will show the correct team that the contract offer is from instead of showing the user's current team. - Aggregate goals now shown correctly on a competition's fixtures/results section for 2nd leg matches. - User can now only select one team as their feeder club at any one time from the news item. - Fixed issue where the contract offer screen was showing old contract offers. - Fixed a match commentary issue where a team name would sometimes not display properly. - Home/away stats on the match screen now appear properly after viewing team tactics and going back. - Fixed bug where sub gk changes to an outfield kit when a tactics change is made. - Fixed bug where match preview panel was missing out goalscorers included from reserve teams. Contracts - Stopped lower level free agent and older players asking for 5 year deals - Lowered players expectations when negotiating a new contract. - Fixed bug where user could switch section from the contract offer screen and cause the offering team of the contract offer to be the player's current team instead of the human's team. - Fixed bug where human managers couldn't offer new contracts to certain players. - Fixed bug where player going out on loan would be given a normal contract instead of a loan contract. - Fixed in some cases whereby player were demanding extortionate appearance fees. - Stopped managers from being allowed to sign players who fail work permit checks on youth contract terms. Media - Agents now won't recommend players who are out on loan. Newgens/Youth Players - Changed a lot of second nationality players and added some more nationality youngsters via feedback from forums. - Made more newgens two footed than before - Fewer newgens for nations which are running in 'View Only' mode. Scouting - Reduced the amount of results returned for lower league teams when assigning a scout to a nation/region. - Fixed scouts stopping performing assignments Training - Fixed bug where player attributes can fluctuate slightly albeit temporarily in cycles. Transfers - Reduced asking prices slightly outside top echelons - Fixed 'mad chairmen' selling players over managers heads too often at reasonably sized rich clubs - Clubs more willing to spend on obviously quality players at lower/middling levels - Slightly more foreign interest in well performing players in smaller leagues - Fixed bug where monthly installment money was not be given to a team with a next sale percentage clause. Network Game - Fixed game freeze problem when joining a game which uses a password and the wrong password is entered. - Fixed client crash after being banned from a network game. - Fixed client crash when host exited a game and client was on the tactic screen. Awards - Stopped unknown players winning World Player awards. Competitions - Highest average rating records now update if the player has played more games, and equalled the record rating. - Improved selection of Caribbean and Central American nations for qualification to the Gold Cup. - 2008 African Cup of Nations is held in Ghana. - Royal League now with only one leg for Quarter Final and Semi-Final. South America - Correct losing Semi Finalist is selected to play in the World Club Championship if two Mexican teams reach the Copa Libertadores final. - First placed teams in the group stage of the Libertadores are now able to make changes to their squads for the knockout rounds Argentina - Stopped transfer window news appearing for the Free Transfer window. Brazil - Added Brazilian Cup 2007 participants. China - Fixed some promotion/relegation issues. Denmark - Fixed winter break not working for Danish U18 Cup. - Some improvements to Premier league scheduling so that postponed games are not scheduled in between or past last two rounds. England - Conference North and South teams now enter the FA Trophy at the 3rd Qualifying Round. - Johnstone's Trophy Final now played at Wembley from the 2007/08 season. - Conference North and South Playoff finals now played at more appropriate stadiums. - English finals are played at the Millennium stadium in the first season and then Wembley from the 2007/08 season. Finland - Finnish League Cup groups now correct for 2007 Germany - Matches are now shown on TV Greece - Greek Cup 4th round now goes to a replay if scores are level. Holland - Dutch Cup format changed - Dutch Premier Division teams always have teams entered in the Reserve and Youth league Hong Kong (China PR) - Fixed Hong kong Football Club not participating in continental competitions. Israel - Added correct suspension method for the Toto Cup Italy - Reggina points deduction now 11 points. Mexico - Fixed bug where winner of First Division A playoff would not be promoted if it was a Second Division team. Northern Ireland - Stopped the same team been used twice in the Second Division Relegation playoff Norway - Correct teams now qualify for the Royal League Poland - Polish Legaue Cup added. Portugal - Portuguese Cup Final is now played at the National Stadium Singapore - Added some restrictions for 2 clubs playing in Singaporean league ( one Chinese and one South Korean). Slovenia - Fixed wrong teams getting promoted when running the Slovenian First Division only. USA - Transfer budget on news item now matches up with budget on the team finances screen. Wales - Corrected Welsh disciplinary system Data Editor v7.0.2 - Added B/C team editing. - Added continent regional strength field. - Added nation UEFA coefficients and FIFA ranking. - Added nation languages. - Added international friendlies. - Added average match and season ticket price fields. - Added club UEFA coefficients. - Added club regional divisions. - Added club tactical attributes. - Added club records. - Added club history. - Added stadium capacity changes. - Added stadium moves. - Added award colours. - Added award history. - Added city latitude & longitude. - Added competition colours. - Added injury occurence ratio. - Added club next division. - Added retired person editing. - Added nation famous players (Media Comparison). - Fixed bug that could cause problems when changing the name of a person. - Fixed dupliacte entry in city inhabitants range drop down. - Made player and non player only jobs available to Player/Non Players. - Fixed sorting in club staff & player lists.
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juventus spillertrøje Old Firm Derby er stadig mege
juventus spillertrøje Old Firm Derby er stadig meget ensidig lige nu. Celtic, en sejr væk fra deres syvende i træk skotske Premier League-titel, har ikke tabt til Rangers på 90 minutter siden 2012. Søndag blæste Bhoys deres rivaler til side med en overbevisende 4-0 sejr i den skotske pokals semifinale.
Celtic, administreret af Brendan Rodgers, vil aldrig blive træt af at slå Rangers, og de har gjort det mange gange i de seneste år. Det har endda ført til den ærlige erkendelse af den tidligere keltiske midtbanespiller Stiliyan Petrov, at Rangers ikke længere er en seriøs udfordrer i Skotland "I øjeblikket, hvis man ser på det, tager folk ikke Rangers som en trussel, det er mere Aberdeen eller Hibs, Rangers er ikke en af de største klubber," sagde Petrov ifølge scotten. Selv Celtics sociale mediehold er glæder sig over klubbens seneste derby -sejr. Keltisk trold Rangers Klubben har trollet Rangers på Twitter og lagt et tweet, der indeholder et foto af Kenny Miller, der fejrer et mål, han scorede mod Rangers i løbet af sine keltiske dage.
Selvfølgelig kalder Miller nu Rangers hjem. Så Celtic -fans ville altid elske tweetet. Tweetet er nu relevant, fordi Miller sammen med holdkammeraten Lee Wallace er blevet suspenderet af Rangers efter et hidsigt udbrud rettet mod manager Graeme Murty i omklædningsrummet efter søndagens tab. Per Record Sport , Miller var rasende over Murtys fodboldsæt til børn håndtering af kampen og lod sine følelser blive kendt på fuld tid. Rapporten tilføjer, at Rangers nu planlægger at fyre Miller.
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manchester united babytøj I slutningen af første h
manchester united babytøj I slutningen af første halvleg mellem Hibs og Rangers opstod der en temmelig ubehagelig hændelse mellem en Hibs-fan og Rangers-kaptajn James Tavernier. Tavernier gik over for at samle bolden fra sidelinien, da en hjemmefan sprang over reklamearbejderne og sigtede mod at sparke Parret kolliderede derefter og var involveret i en pushingmatch. Ventilatoren blev derefter set sigte et slag mod højre back.
Sikkerhed trak hurtigt supporteren væk fra scenen. Rangers førte kampen 1-0 ved pausen efter Daniel Candeias 'strejke lige før pausen. Den grimme hændelse skete kun en fodboldtrøje med eget navn uge efter at en Hibs-fan kastede
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what time is considered tonight? specifically what time in which timezone!
11:59 pm in EST! The form likely won't close exactly at that time, but right around then :)
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wait, so yamamoto and hibari are "overdone" but not yamamoto and gokudera?
sfkdflsakfs i never claimed that yama/goku wasn’t overdone in the past. i just feel like the fandom for them has died down over the years, whereas yama/hib has kinda remained baseline consistently (lucky!!!! i’m jealous tbh).
also most khr ships are based on their battle dynamic in the series esp any ship involving Hib the Battle Maniac and so a lot of ships w/ hib feel stale to me bc all the fanart / fanfic I’ve found is just ‘ let/s fight –> let‘s fuck ’ ??? the khr fandom of the past was not v creative. also hib isn’t my (mod lazy) fave character but the fandom / companies Love him so i’m kinda meh about him in general lmao.
also i’m an unapologetic yama/goku shipper until my dying breath and starved for content bc it’s gone from being a popular ship to an almost dead ship that nobody wants to like anymore bc somehow gokudera hate has become a thing and nobody wants to ship him w/ anyone, which makes me sad?? like wtf let my tired kid be loved by a nice dude like yams.… .. esp when angry troubled guy + sassy nice guy ships are popular in other fandoms like voltron ??? gdi
– mod lazy
#mod post#shipping#Mod Lazy's Unpopular Opinion Corner#sjfdklasjlfas#i can't tell if this anon was mad or curious#I've been in the fandom long enough that I've seen ship dynamics beaten to death (yama/goku included)#i'm almost 22 sorry young'uns#I've seen a Lot in the fandom and know what i like / what i'm eh towards#but that's just my opinion ??? go on and ship what you love
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A început Săptămâna Europeană a Vaccinării
În contextul în care, în România, rata de vaccinare a scăzut dramatic în ultimii ani, Săptămâna Europeană a vaccinării reprezintă un eveniment pe care ministrul Sănătății dorește să îl marcheze printr-un mesaj de susținere fermă a vaccinării.
“Legea vaccinării trebuie să reprezinte o prioritate pentru noi. Avem nevoie de un cadru legislativ pentru binele copiilor noștri. Decizia părinților cu privire la vaccinarea copiilor trebuie să fie luată în urma informării, în mod responsabil. Să nu uităm că prin vaccinare au fost eradicate multe boli și datorită vaccinurilor astăzi nu mai avem poliomielită sau alte afecțiuni care ne mutilau sau chiar omorau copiii. Cred că nu s-au făcut campanii suficient de agresive pentru a putea convinge părinţii să se informeze despre beneficiile vaccinării. Până la apariția unui cadru legal, intenționăm să demarăm campanii de vaccinare în zonele cu focare de rujeola și populație vulnerabilă.”, a declarat Sorina Pintea, ministrul Sănătății.
Numărul total de cazuri confirmate cu rujeolă în România raportate până săptămâna trecută este 12 368, din care 49 de decese.
La ora actuală, la nivel național, se înregistrează o scădere dramatică a acoperirii vaccinale la vaccinurile incluse în cadrul Calendarului Național de Vaccinare, care se situează sub limita de 95 % recomandată de către Organizația Mondială a Sănătății. Astfel, vaccinarea în România a scăzut constant de la an la an la toate vaccinurile incluse în Programul Naţional de Vaccinare. Astfel, la nivelul anului 2016 pentru copiii în vârstă de 18 luni, acoperirea vaccinală la nivel național și pe tipuri de vaccinuri a înregistrat valori de 95,4% pentru BCG, 87,8% pentru HepB, 68,1% pentru DTP, HiB și VPI, și respectiv 76,8% pentru ROR.
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When will acceptance messages be sent out? Do you know how roughly how many new members you’ll be accepting for this round of auditions?
Acceptance messages will be released sometime today! We try to get everything out in the early to mid afternoon. We'll be accepting roughly 15+ new members :)
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Will you send out a post once all acceptances have been sent out? :D
Yes! We'll make a post letting everyone know that acceptances have been sent and that if you received a message, you were accepted :)
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I actually don’t know of many floral/flower-related genders, but as for pronouns, @pronoun-provider has a list of them!
These include, but are lilely not limited to:
bloom/blooms/bloomself (plantkin-exclusive)
bo/bel/oss/bloss/blossomself or blosself
ca/cam/mel/mellia/camelliaself or camellself
haw/hawth/thor/thorn/hawthornself or hawthself
hy/cin/hyas/hyacin/hyacinthself or hyaself
hy/hys/hyself (hyacinth)
lau/rel/aur/laur/laurelself or laurself
lav/lav/lavs/lavs/lavself (lavender)
lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself (lavender)
ma/mag/nol/nolia/magnoliaself or noliaself
nar/narc/narcir/narcirs/narcself (soft c as in certain, narcissus)
pe/per/peri/peri/periself or periwinkle
rie/orch/id/chid/orchidself, orchiself, or orchself
vi/viol/viols/viols/violself (violet)
wi/win/winkle/winkle/winkleself or periwinkle
wi/wist/wis/wister/wisteriaself, wistself, or wisterself
- Mod Corvid (Edited by Mod Aggro)
are there. flower related pronouns or perhaps a gender relating to flowers (sorry if i sound like an idiot)
I don’t know of any flower-related pronouns aside from emojiself pronouns, but you could ask some mogai specific blogs if they know any! As for flower genders, I reblogged some with “flower gender,” but I’d ask some xenogender and mogai blogs like @uncommongenders, @genderlist, and @beyondmogaiprideflags if they know of any!
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How many members does the rp currently have?
We currently have 31 users in the roleplay, with 10 of those being moderators and the other 21 being normal members! You can see our user roster on the Systems Spreadsheet under the Check-Ins tab.
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