#having a baby lay on top helps calm cramps down
yxzvilar · 7 months
just had a 3 hour nap after almost dying on the bus, very deserved if you ask me
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riki-dazed · 6 months
Best friends can kiss, right? -- PART 1
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3:00 AM -- Finding Hope · part 2 · fluff · wc: 792
"I'm so tired," You sigh, watching Riki search for another song on the computer that he's currently sat in front of.
The both of you had spent the last couple of hours together in his personal studio, turning the tight space into a full blown karaoke room. All that you hoped for tonight was that no one would come knocking at the door, considering that Riki already had to sneak you into the company building.
Your body falls backwards against your sofa, yes, your sofa. The tiny, barely-seats-two one that Riki had cramped into the corner of his studio, just so you'd have somewhere to sit, or sleep on, when you'd visit him. You loved that about your best friend the most, his overly thoughtful and sweet nature. To Riki, your comfort and happiness has always been at the top of his priorities list.
Your gaze stays on Riki as you watch him scroll through one of his spotify playlists, your head resting on your arms in which are slumped over an armrest. Eliciting a hum of approval, he finally decides on a song after a few moments. The slow, soft melody that engulfs the space causes your eyes to flutter closed. It was a familiar sound, one of your favorites. You hear your best friend humming along to the tune, the sound of his soft tone further pushing you into a sleepy trace. It's about time the both of you finally took a second to calm down, to breathe.
Baby, it's three AM, had you on my mind...
"Here," A deep voice cuts you out of your trance, you blink your eyes open, "Lean on me, it's comfier,"
You glance over your shoulder towards the direction where the voice was coming from, suddenly finding Riki's body sat beside yours on the little sofa. You give him a small smile as you pick yourself up and off the uncomfortable armrest, you nuzzle yourself into his side. His body's warm, the fabric of his hoodie soft against the skin on your face.
He smells good, too.
"We should probably go home soon," You murmur against him, your eyes closing shut yet again. Who knows what the time must be, though, you're too comfortable and cozy to even care about it at the moment.
"Later," The boy beside you replies, his voice barely above a whisper as his hand snakes its way around to the side of your waist. He pulls you into him.
You nestle closer into Riki, enjoying the warmth of his embrace, and the comfort of his presence. Every other irrelevant thought within your mind fades away as you focus on the soft music playing through the speakers. The feeling of contentment envelops the both of you.
Cause baby, if I find a way, I'm sure of it, this love won't stray...
"..just give me a chance to say I love you, and I need you, now are you here to stay," Riki sings along quietly, his deep voice is as soft and as smooth as a cloud.
Despite the late hour, you have nowhere else that you would rather be than right here.
Wanting you more and more, I can't help but think of what we could be...
Without a single thought behind your actions, the lyrics suddenly cause you to lift your head off him. As you meet Riki's gaze, you find yourself getting lost within his sharp eyes, seeing a reflection of the emotions swirling within your own chest. Neither of you exchange a single word, yet a silent understanding engulfs the space between the both of your bodies, a mutual recognition of something unspoken, yet deeply felt. You feel the weight of the lyrics echoe within your mind, and stomach, in the form of a hundred butterflies.
As you continue to scan your best friend's face, you see a vulnerability in his expression. It's as if he's laying bare his soul before you, offering you a glimpse into his unspoken feelings.
"This feels dangerously intimate," You murmur out of the blue, the sudden seriousness had caused you to almost start feeling awkward. You and Riki were barely ever a serious pair when together, you needed to lighten the mood somehow..
Riki can't help but shake his head over your sudden remark, he lets a chuckle escape his lips. You smile at his heartwarming reaction, yet you can't shake the feeling that had just engulfed you moments prior.
You can't help but realize that perhaps the both of you had been dancing around the edges of something more profound than mere friendship.
"Best friends can kiss, right?"
Your eyes grow wide as Riki catches you completely off guard with his sudden question, your smile drops off your face.
Copyright © 2024 riki-dazed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Do NOT edit, copy, translate or repost any of my work without permission.
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chrolloluvr · 7 months
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Adam, Mammon, Alastor and Lucifer if S/O is on their period
Note: AFAB!Reader, not proofread, (should I make a story out of mammons??)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, minor degrading?, fluff 🥺, cute moments
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Adam 🕊️:
He has an idea of how periods or the menstrual cycle work. In his time of being married to Eve and Lilith, he basically just let them handle it themselves. But with you, thats not how it works
When you get moody swings, he tells you that your being dramatic.
"Babe what the hell? Take a chill pill, jesus."
Please slap him across the face.
When you get cramps, he will throw you some Pepto bismol and call it a day.
If you send him to the store, he will ask you what flavor tampon you want (???), and if he can have a visual representation on what size he needs.
He tried to FaceTime you 15 times...
Had to disguise himself so nobody knew he was there.
He will offer to have sex with you, since that was what seemed to work with his other two wives
Goes out and buys you snacks, but he forgets that you're on your period so he mostly bought them for himself.
Asks Lute for advice, since he isn't a girl.
You end up with your head resting on his shoulders, while you sit in his lap. He will call you a drama queen, but he will still comfort you.
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Mammon 🕸️:
He knows literally nothing about periods or the menstrual cycle.
He never really cared to learn anything about it either, since he had never taken any romantic interest in anybody until you. He considered it a waste of time.
When you have mood swings, he does not take you seriously, and he will probably baby you.
"Awhh, dont get your thong in a twist sugar. Now calm down before i have to hold your ass down-"
When cramps roll around, he will just put his hand over your lower stomach. And just, leave it there? He thinks it helps you, so don't argue with him or he will back off of you.
When you send him to the store, he asks you for your pussy size...
Will FaceTime you, and show you all of the options.
Gets stopped and asked for photos multiple times, so it takes him like an hour.
He ends up getting you Nutella, pads, and a menstrual cup, because he thought it looked funny. He even jokes about it being his next big product.
Offers to eat you out. Yes, while you are on your period. He is a freak. He does not mind getting his mouth bloody. I HC that he actually prefers when you are on your period, because he likes the metallic tase and smell it emits.
Wont let you out of his sights during this time. He will let you lay on top of him while you two watch your favorite show. And he will hand feed you the chocolate and say,
"Heres comes the choo choo train cutie 😙"
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Lucifer 👑:
He knows a lot about the menstrual cycle and how it works. He was very attentive to Lilith during their marriage.
When you get moody, he will distance himself from you, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.
"Hey honey, I just wanted to check in on you, see how you were doing, you know-"
When you have cramps, he hates seeing you in pain, so he will heat up a heating pad and rest it on your stomach.
When you send him to the store, he goes in a disguise. He will call you and ask what specific products you want.
He ends up getting you strawberries, chocolate, medicine, etc.
He treats you like you are sick. Will force you to stay in bed under his supervision.
Will also offer to eat you out. He just wants to make you feel better, and he is an expert.
He will spoon-feed you medicine, and turn on your favorite show. He will snuggle up against your chest and fall asleep.
Will ask Charlie for some advice and help. He really does care for you deeply. So he just wants to make sure you are content and satisfied.
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Alastor 🦌:
Knows quite a bit about period and the menstrual cycle.
When you get moody, he will also coddle you like Mammon. Will purposely try to get you more upset. But stops after a while, since he is a gentlemen.
"My little doe, lets stop with this tantrum. Your a big girl, aren't you?
When you get cramps, he will come up behind you and trap you in a bear hug while rocking the both of you. He will do this while using his thumbs to rub your shoulders.
Instead of the store, he goes to Rosie and asks her for supplies and advice. He hates seeing you upset, so what better of a person to ask for advice from than his long time friend Rosie?
He will not want to do anything sexual with you. Not because he does not like getting bloody, (he has, and isn't afraid to.), But because he does not want to possibly hurt you.
He will try to stay near you as much as possible. He maaaay even let you touch his ears if you look up at him all nice and cute.
Tells you a story, or will turn on the radio for you to both listen to.
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The Wayne girls on their period and how the boys handle them. My Aunt Flo is visiting this month and period woes should be told. All right, let’s do this thing!
Stephanie rested on the floor in the fetal position. She groaned from the intense cramps her period bestowed to her. Tim walked into the living room spotting her on the ground next to the couch.
Tim: Why are you on the floor?
Stephanie (uncomfortable): I attempted to readjust myself on the couch then I was on the ground. That's when the stomach cramps entered the mix and I am in too much cramp pain to want to get up. Why are these always so... intense?
Tim: You might have a medical condition related to the-
Stephanie: I need you to stop doing what you usually do. I seriously don’t want to kick you in the crotch and mind you I’m at the level to do so.
Tim (not concerned): Sorry, it's hard turning it off. Um do you... Do you need anything?
Stephanie (sardonic): For us to switch places and you go through this.
Tim shakes his head.
Tim: Nah, I'm good.
Stephanie: It feels like an elephant is standing on top of my ovaries and… bouncing.
Tim: That is… oddly descriptive.
Stephanie chuckles raising her hand to talk with it.
Stephanie: Because it’s real, mon frère. At least I still have my humor.
She moans once more from the elephant bouncing pain.
Stephanie: I think this is it, Timothy. Leave me here to die. Tell my family I loved them and tell Kite-man not to attend my funeral. I’m serious, lock the doors if he tries to step foot at my burial service.
Tim rolled his eyes and helped his friend up.
Tim: At least lay on the couch.
Stephanie: Yes, I'll lay here and suffer.
Tim laid her on the couch and placed a pillow behind her head.
Tim: I can get you an ice or a heating pack. That helped when I got kicked in the stomach.
Stephanie: Hmmm, bring me the warm one and Nutella and more carrots... And pain meds. The kind that will let me sleep like a baby.
Tim: Gotcha. Anything else?
Stephanie, raising her pointer finger.
Stephanie (sounding like an old lady): Blanket, child. A fuzzy one.
Tim (kind tone): You just rest. I will take care of you until your period ends. I'll also tell Bruce you're too... Sore is the word I want to use, yeah, too sore to go out tonight.
Stephanie: Thank you. You're the best.
Tim: I try to be.
Dick Grayson got the angry side of the menstrual cycle. Something he dealt with since knowing Barbara and it was never a fun time. 
Barbara was not happy with her replacement cake. A vanilla and chocolate mixed cake that Dick bought at the grocery store.
Barbara: This isn't the same cake! It has vanilla in it! You bastard!
Barbara tossed the cake at Dick, hitting him in the face. The cake fell off his face, leaving only icing and bits of cake on his face. He breathed heavily.
Dick: Maintain peace. Maintain peace.
Barbara (crying): Why did you eat my cake? I needed it at this time!
Dick wipes cake out of his eyes.
Dick (as calm as he can sound): Maybe you shouldn't have said I could eat the rest.
Barbara: You shouldn't have listened to me! I was naive back then.
Dick: It was… two days ago!
Barbara pouts and then bursts into more sobs.
Barbara: You YELLED AT ME!
Dick: Don’t cry- How was I supposed to know your period was coming on?!
Barbara: You live with Bruce Wayne! The man tracks everything! I thought you'd have the knowledge to do the same.
Dick: I really don't. You seemed to fail at that too.
Barbara: I was a few days off okay?! This is such shit! I’m tired and bloaty, and I can’t focus! I want to get to work, but my brain is foggy. Worst of all... you made me cry!
Barbara sobbed covering her face while doing so. Dick sighed, cautiously walking over to her.
Dick: You are going through a lot due to… a specific week of troubles and I really can't go through a sore foot again. I can do this for you, you just take a break, shut down this room for the night and rest up. I can buy you a big box of... Your favorite chocolates and a teddy bear that you can hit instead of me and give you some space until you’re up to going back to work.
Barbara (sniffling): That might help. I'm sorry for yelling at you and rolling over your foot. The cake throwing was uncalled for too. My PMDD makes me a little bit difficult to deal with.
Dick (sarcastically): No really I couldn't tell.
Barbara: Can you not tell anyone I cried either?
Dick: I’d rather forget all of this, secrets safe with me.
Jason got lucky with the chill side of the cycle although Cass is shy about this stuff. Her birth father wasn’t the type to want to raise a daughter correctly, Bruce tried, but it was awkward with him as well, but Jason was a better person to drag to a local convenience store for menstrual supplies.
Cass walked over to Jason, holding four different brand boxes of menstrual pads.
Cass: I couldn't figure out what to get so I picked each brand they had. I swear you think one brand will do its job and then… it doesn’t.
Jason shook his head not wanting to think about what she meant. Jason closed his eyes, regretting what he's about to say.
Jason: Never tell anyone this, but Artemis recommends the Playtex. Just get that so we can go.
Cass: Artemis suggested that? Okay, that’s the one to buy.
Cass hands Jason the playtex box then shoves the other brand boxes on a store shelf.
Jason: All right, take this back please.
Cass giggles
Cass: I'm glad you took me to the store, you’re the best.
Cass attempts to hug her brother, but he steps to the side.
Jason: Don't hug me in a convenience store as you're shopping for pads. I’m just as uncomfortable as you.
Cass (smiling): I'll give you that hug later. Oh if it's okay can you buy me a lot of caramel candies? I'm not a chocolate person honestly and these pads are expensive. 
Jason grabbed five bags without hesitation.
Jason: As long as I'm not paying for the...  Pads.
Cass: You so silly. You said Artemis has her own time of the month.
Jason (blushing): Yeah I don't- I don't help her out with that. Amazon women... not nice during that time. She screams at me if I talk to her during that pe- ti- situation. At least you're not as... Punchy as she is.
Cass: Yeah I'm pretty mellow during this time. Just bad cramps and feeling mushy.
Jason: That's... not mood swings, good… for you. I think.
Cass laughed, patting Jason on the arm.
Cass: Pretty much. I'm surprised you came in the store with me though.
Jason: I mean I wanted to help you out... because I care about you and I saw how nervous you were.
Cass sniffled with a smile.
Jason: Yeah I know I'm awesome. Let's check out. You go first.
Cass: I don't blame you.
Kate has been through her cycle enough times to be used to it. Her and Bruce were at Chili's (Not by Bruce's choice) and talk about menstrual cycles. Kate does all of the talking, Bruce is regretting ordering the burger.
Kate (chewing): I swear this one week is the bane of every woman who has to suffer through it. Blood coming out of that area, the aching and throbbing can be intense when my cramps start. It’s like someone is drilling a corkscrew into my uterus. The entire week is nothing but exhaustion, even walking is difficult. Then there’s the diarrhea and your breasts-
Bruce drops his fork and slams his fist on the table to stop his cousin from talking. She chuckled.
Bruce: Why are you telling me this while we're at a chain restaurant?
Kate laughed, taking another bite of her steak. 
Kate: You're my cousin and that gives me the right to gross you out. That and you have to know this by now. You have daughters.
Bruce: I'm starting to wish I had all boys.
Kate km(mockingly): You boys are so sensitive about this stuff. How do you think we feel? 
Kate takes a fry from Bruce’s hand and eats it. He was going to eat that.
Bruce (monotone): You want the rest of my fries?
Kate: N- I’ll take a couple.
Kate grabbed a fist full of fries and plopped them on her plate.
Kate: Brucie, just support us like you do already and we won't cuss you out.
Bruce (doubtfully): Yes you will.
Kate: I’m lying you got me. You're doing a great job though, cuzzo.
Bruce (sweetly): I’m glad that I am.
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cyber333angel · 4 months
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Jj making you feel better on your period !
caution ⚠️ - period s*x!
“alright babydoll let’s roll.” your boyfriend says, ready to go to the connivance store to get all the snacks and extra pads you need. “jayj my tummy hurts real bad and my feet too! can’t you just go for me..” you say in a glum tone, already in your sweat pants and jjs sweatshirt. you were all ready to go until your cramps snuck up on you and putting you in a agitating and painful mood. “baby you know I would but you won’t tell me what you want, plus I don’t know what size pussy you have so you gotta come with me to check.” he says shrugging his shoulders and trying to be funny, you look at him with an unamused face. “oh c’mon mrs. grumpster, we’ll be quick all you have to do is walk and point out what you want.” he picks you up placing you on his shoulder for a moment, walking to the outside of your apartment door and placing you down, forcing you to actually walk to the car, you mumble “that’s exactly the problem! you never listen t’me my feet hurt and-“ you go in grumbling a bunch of nothings and the two of you reach to the car. driving on the way to the store jj puts his hand on your tummy, rubbing it in circles, it relives the pain a bit. he sees you sigh at the relief, “that feel good babycakes?” you nod taking his hand and putting it below your waistband, directly on top of your pelvis. “your hand is so warm jayj..feels nice.” he’s just happy to help you get rid of some of that pain, resting his hand there for the rest of the ride. arriving at the store the two of you enter and walk around, grabbing all your cravings, pain killers and pads.
jj pays for it at the counter and puts the bags in the trunk. your sat back in the passengers seat moaning and groaning at the sudden pain, your back hurts and everything is just overwhelming you! “mmm jj I can’t do it! everything hurts so’bad! ugh..!” your crutched over the seat, your tummy in your lap, jj takes his hands and rubs your back. “im sorry sweet girl..don’t worry we will be home soon.” he says disheartened at your pain, knowing he can’t really help much. you and your boyfriend get home, jj unpacks the bag and you run to lay down on your bed, shriveling and rolling around in pain. after jj is done packing the bags he comes up to to your room watching you perform the scene, upset at the fact his baby is in pain. “you know..I saw on the internet that masterbation and sex can help relive period cramps.” you stop rolling around the bed, wondering if you actually heard what he just said and look at him astonished. “what! I just saw it somewhere, s’not like I made it up.” you huff at the rash suggestion, “jayj you don’t think that’s gross? s’all bloody down there..it would be very messy.” he steps closer to the bed, shaking his head and sits next to you, “babydoll nothing about you is gross, it’s very natural and I want to help you. trust, there’s worse things I’ve eaten. like once I ate this moldy bread with-“ you interrupt him, “yeah I know how gross you are! but if your really fine with it then I guess we can try..”
“you know I am mama.” you shy away at his eagerness and nod, and he gets up to fetch you a towel to place under you. you clean yourself up a bit and lie down on the bed, sliding off your sweatpants and panties leaving only jjs sweater to cover you. a little nervous of how this will go, your boyfriend sits on the bed applying a condom. he has you in a missionary position quivering under him, he calms you down. “baby I promise you it’s alright. the only thing I want for you is to feel better. you could do that for me right?” nodding but still a little anxious he lifts your thighs up, putting them on his shoulders and lines his cock up to your reddened hole. “im going in alright princess?” you squeeze your eyes shut as he pushes in, his hand on your lower waist, pressing down you feel an intense pressure. arching your back you mewl at his prick prodding at your walls. “mmph jayj,.! feels so strange..” he thrust back and forth very slowly, “a good strange or..?” nodding at him, “s’good jayj just feels so deep!” your boyfriend loves that response providing deeper strokes to distract you from any cramps. “oh shit babycakes, you feel so fuckin warm..” you sit up on your shoulders and watch his cock go in and out, making such a mess of your pussy. you breathe hard through your nose and cringe at the pace. “jj i wanna cum..!” he looks down at you wrapping his arms around your thighs “you want me to go faster?” you nod frantically, “please!” jj pulls his hips back and thrust back in at a fast pace. your cunt squelching from mix of blood and arousal, pap-pap-pap. “hngh wait jayj s-slow down a bit!” you cry at the stimulation, “which one is it you want me to go faster or slower hm?” your unable to answer a the intensity, you feel a quiver in your stomach making you wince. “aw cupcake you feel like y’gonna cum? daddy making you feel good?” nodding, he rubs circles onto your cunt making you clench around him. “angh! feels so’good jayj..m’gonna cum!”
“c’mon baby..oh theeere it is good job.” you cream around his length, squealing and catching your breath from the orgasm. your boyfriend finishes in you and pulls out, leaving you feeling empty. “so how’s the cramps now mama?” sniffling, you tell him, “feels so much better jayj, thank you!” getting up you fling yourself on him to give him a hug. “no problem, anything to help you baby.” he smirks at you, “let’s get you cleaned up now sweet girl.” he takes you to the bathroom giving you a relaxing bath, doing all of the work for you. he drys you off, helps you into your pajamas and slides on your bonnet. giving you a painkiller with some water and tucking you into bed. “good night babydoll. tomorrow we will try some yoga, I heard that helps too.” you huff and grumble at the tiring sounding activity, “no m’sleeping tomorrow jayj!” he laughs at your lazy reaction and snuggles you closer to him.
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arminzblackbimbo · 2 months
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my love is like...wo
blackfem!reader x obsessive satoru gojo
tw: mdni, obsessive behavior, whiny gojo, missionary, nipple play, ribbon as rope, tied up, lots of talking, oral (fem r.), possessive behavior, rough sex, gojo cums a lot, clingy, choking, biting, eating cum, lots of pet names, period mentioned briefly, and bad spelling !!!
gojo who needs you 24-7.
he can't help it, he tried to warn you when he first starting catching feelings for you, that he can be very obsessive and clingy. you just thought maybe he'll text you more than average, but no he wants you by his side all day. he can't be without you.
he follows you to the toilet leaving you no space to even think. clinging to you in the shower helping you wash your body. helps you shave and wax, even exfoliate just so he is close to you. even when your on your period he doesn't mind, he even helps you shower then under his watchful eyes. rubbing your stomach to relive your cramps and putting his hot body on top of you
he knows he has to let you out the house sometimes but if it was up to him you would never leave. you would stay by his side all day. he shouldn't have let you leave. what if you don't come back ? what if you just leave him for his possessive ways ? the "what ifs ?" clouding his mind making his stomach feel queasy.
so invasive of your privacy that when he doesn't know where you at, even with your location on his phone, he needs more reassurance. "where are you sweetheart ?" he sighs on the phone with you. he's worried about you. so much anxiety in his stomach since he let you out his sight.
"gojo i'm at the store remember ?, i'm getting some bread for tonight" you wanted to make deli subs. of course with gojos help but you know his time apart from you is allowing him to have so much stress. you can only move so fast.
"please hurry up and get home, i miss you" he has to occupy himself until you get home. cleaning up and pacing back and forth. taking his time in watching your little bubble on his phone, while you travel. he has even paid for the monthly trial so that he knows where you are. if your walking, in a car, and even how fast you're going.
he nearly jumpstarts when he hears your keys open the door. "(୨୧) what took you so long ? i was so worried" he feels his breath pick up just looking at you. the butterflies in his stomach making him feel nauseous every time he sees you. you just roll your eyes giggling when your barely through the door and gojo's already kissing your face with all that he has. giving you sloppy pecks "i've missed you so much" you can see his hands shaking when they make contact with you.
you close the door behind you. turning to look into those icy blue eyes "i was only gone for 30 minutes" you say when you feel those long arms wrap around you, melting into his hug loving how attach he is to you. how he can't seem to function without you.
he has no shirt on walking around with only sweatpants. enticing you to see his hard stomach and his bulge in his pants. "felt like forever" he mumbles into your skin. face smooshed into your neck. "i'm going with you next time" he squeezes you tightly pulling you close to him. inhaling the smell from you.
"aww baby, i missed you too" you pet those wild strands of white when you set those bags down feeling his strong arms lift you up, pulling those legs around his lengthy waist. you start rubbing his naked back to calm his nerves. letting him guide you to the couch as you see those groceries sit by the door
"lay down let me just take care of you. just want you next to me" he lies you down. hurrying working you out of your clothes as you try and calm him down. his neediness making him anxious for your closeness, your body near his makes his blood boil
it makes you laugh at him but you grab his hands slowing him down "wait hold on, gojo you don't want subs ?" your trying to keep your shirt down as you giggle at his hands getting you naked.
he shakes his head " no, no i need you right now" he's desperate he wants you to be skin to skin with him. snatching your shirt off of you, and reaching for your pants and adding to the pile. reaching for your bra and throwing it across the living room.
he spreads himself on top of you laying his body between your legs, while you work your hands through his hair. letting him soak in the contact. hearing his groans of relaxation as the stress leaves his body. he doesn't know how he can breathe without you. he loves his chest on yours. feeling your heartbeat beat with his, letting the heat radiate of each other.
settling his face lower so that he can place soft kisses along the middle of your chest . feeling your heartbeat under his lips. he goes to cup your chest feeling the weight in his hands gripping his hands lightly when you groan placing the sweet pecks along the skin "mmh i needed you so bad i missed you" softly licking the skin. "so much, so much"
he suddenly gets up he get the idea that he has to keep you here, he doesn't like the separation. he needs you closer. he has to tie you up he doesn't want you leave him ever he will break if you do. he goes to the bedroom leaving you by yourself on the couch "gojo what are you doing baby ?" you call out to him. he comes back shuffling working off his pants and he has pink ribbon in his hands. the same ribbon you use for your hair in the mornings
"sorry baby i had to go get something" he lays back on top of you. adjusting your legs so that he has you in the perfect position. he works those panties off you breathing hard when he sees your juices string free. he proceeds to tie you up in a way that leaves your legs spread out for him ribbon hooking around the back of your neck keeping your thighs wide open for him. you can see behind his eyes there is determination and obsession he has for you, you let him get out his fixation.
seeing you spread out for him looking so succulent his eyes sparkle, "perfect, you look so good baby" kissing your legs that's suspended. "now you can't leave me" he whispers kissing closer on your thighs. you giggle at his whispers like you can't hear him. he works his mouth closer to your mound. hungrily eying you as his mouth waters just to get a taste of you. particularly panting when he sees the flesh, the way your pussy is puffed out between your legs. he is whining to put his tongue on you. moving his head to lay between your legs. he marvels at you "so pretty, the prettiest"
he lets his mouth salivate and goes to swipe his tongue, letting the taste hit his tastebuds. his mouth slowly working while he licks at you. placing his arms under your back to support you. making those smacking sounds while you start to softy moan above him. "mm gojo feels so good" your shaky hands grip his white hair feeling the way his tongue is toying with you. making your back arch into his arms.
he collects all the juices that start to leak out of you, twirling his tongue around you to quench his thirst. making his eyes roll back into his skull while he swallows all that he can. he can feel his brain thumping making it hard for him to focus on the task that his tongue is doing. he suctions his lips using the tip of his tongue to lap at you. causing your legs to start to twitch, your clit throbbing in his mouth when he starts to suck harder.
your moans getting louder and your body starting to quiver. he starts to roll his hips into the bed grinding against the sheets feeling the arousal course through his veins. he gets more euphoria from pleasuring you then anything else. to hear your moan and taste you on his tongue, it makes him start to groan out.
you can feel the vibrations against your clit under his tongue. your voice shaking as you breathe out "goj-gojo". the words making him use his sholders to push your tied up legs even farther back as he starts to try and eat you whole, the words making him hungry. he is trying to use his tongue to hypnotize you, to keep you by his side so you'll never leave.
the feeling has you overflowing with emotions. has your legs trying to spring free with each and every move of his tongue. he is an expert with the motions, he know how to rotate and suck his mouth to make you shake and shiver. his hands under you back squeezing you tighter trying to keep you still so he can continue to swallow more of your cream "g-gojo feels too good" your toes starting to curl when he doesn't even slow down, he is too needy to not have your liquid hitting his taste buds.
his whines from grinding into the bed are vibrating into your folds causing more pleasure. he loves the taste if he could keep you in bed all day and be between your thighs he would. he wouldn't let you go until his jaw get locked, but you won't let him he's tried. maybe if he tied you up more maybe he could have you to himself all day. he can feel you start to shake rapidly getting ready to taste your cum he starts suck your clit and twirling his tongue faster
your vision gets blurry and your body tenses completely when you gush into his mouth. he is quick to swallow it all, drinking up more when you keep supplying him more. your eyes rolling back when he keeps moving his tongue to overstimulate you "ugh b-b-baby that's enough" you try and push his head away but he is wrapped tightly around you.
he is whining loudly when his mouth stills against you. you words knocking him out of his trance you put him in, almost forgetting about the boner in his pants so worried about eating your pussy till he can't anymore. he gradually licks you clean gulping down the orgasm that coats you and plants a soft kiss on those fat lips and slowly pulls away watching you pant out and chest heave
his lower face completely soaked when he drags off his boxers, feeling the strain in his length. whimpering when it smacks against his stomach and makes him tremble and moan. leaving him naked and bare when he comes closer to admiring you laid out and glistening for him. your pretty face watching him only makes him harder, he has to look away. looking at where his mouth only lied moments ago.
his guides his width to come inbetween those swollen pussy lips running along your juices, coating himself with the cream that you have created so he can enter you easier. his whining already taking up the room. he can't contain the sounds as they bounce of the walls. he can feel the muscles in his thighs start to tense and his breathing starting to quicken.
your both sensitive for different reasons, your sensitive from the assault of his tongue. and he is sensitive from his contrast grinds into the bed. he hits your swollen clit with his enlarged tip causing both of you make those sounds that bounce off each other.
"imma cum baby" he shakes out. he always cums like this, not even inside you yet and already his stomach is clenching up. he can't contain himself around you. you feel the ropes hit your stomach and coat your skin with the hot cream, as soon as the words leave his mouth. his high pitched moans making you hold his face to relax him holding his trembling jaw that makes his lips pucker
pecking his lips as his eyes flutter close tasting your juices. letting him calm down from the high he has fallen into. his width becoming harder now that he is already sensitive. "mm baby let it out" you say as you continue touching him, petting his hair to make him less stimulated your touch only makes him feel the effects more
his eyes are just the white part while he tries and come back to reality. "i need you, i n-need you" he starts to babble, words being hard to form with his mouth, shuddering as he positions himself against you. slowly slotting his messy length into you, throwing his head back as he does. he is so thick you grab him to lay on top of you so you have something to grip too.
you can feel your body shiver the ribbon keeping your legs from moving as he steadily starts to try and pierce you deeper. the feelings so intense already, "gojo please" your face squished into his neck when you feel him in the back of your walls. he stuffs the rest of length into you impatient to start fucking you. that spot near you cervix being brushed making your eyes rolls back
he is breathing hard feeling the burn in his thighs happen again. "shitt im cummin again" his mouth wide open "im so sorry sweetheart, your t-too tight" he whines when he pushes his head into your neck. holding strongly under your back when his tip jerks inside you having the stream of the white liquid puddle in your cushioned walls
he circles his arms tighter around you making your waist come closer to his, breathing hard when his legs stop shaking from the burn. you kiss along the side of his face while his moans quiet down gradually "you ok gojo ?" he doesn't answer with words only nodding with slight whimpering and starting to slowly grind into you making the space behind your belly button start to tingle. the way your legs are tied back allows him to reach too deep into you. the tip of him catching on your cervix making you clench up tightly causing gojo to suck his lips onto your neck, suckling on the skin.
his moans so loud as he humps into you, his voice high in pitch while his teeth catch on the bruised skin of your neck. he pulls his hips away to push into you roughly. your body pushed against his when his hips slam into yours again. he is starting a brutal pace that has your legs already shaking. his head lifts from your neck when goes to kiss your lips, moaning louder than you when your tongue starts to twist together. you messily kissing him makes him roll his hips stronger, clit catching on his pelvis. your nails coming to scratch on his back when he starts to make your body tense up again. lips swollen when he pulls away biting your lip, letting it pop out his mouth
he pounds into you harder feeling the pain you supply him from making him draw blood on his back. the pain mixed with pleasure has him short circuiting "don't ever leave me, i love you. i love so much" his deep strokes that make you want to wrap your legs around him but because your so spread out the feeling is almost too ínstense. rolling his hips to hit the back of your walls making you cry out, making your legs shake in those pretty ribbons again.
"ahh i w-won't i swear" you whimper out feeling like he is trying to overwhelm you when he starts stabbing into your womb, drilling into you with a new possession. not liking how you not saying you love him. hips moving with anger the emotion making him be harsh with you
"i said i love you, you don't love me anymore ?" it's like his madness is express through his rough strokes into you, that feeling has you shivering. you can't form any words making his blood boil even more, he moves his hands to hold you securely onto your legs that shake. "hmm (୨୧) i said i love you" he moves deeper. wanting on you to confess your love for him
"n-n-no i love you so much" you know how he can get, how he can overthink and make himself a little unpredictable over you. you have to reassure him let him know that he is the only person you want, the only person who you love like you love him
"i should keep you tied up so you never leave. keep you here for me" he is being so rough. letting his mouth flow all his thoughts that have been brewing in his mind. though he is pounding into you his voice pouts out contricting himself
your stomach cramps when he hits a certain spot in you making you put your hand on his abdomen trying to stop his harsh movements. your nails digging into his hard stomach. "gojo baby slow down" your voice wavering as he plows into you. "too rough" your feeling that warm sensation in your stomach again it's creeping up on you
he trying to stop him pushing your hand out of the way. "don't make me tie your hands sweetheart, trying to take this good pussy from me" he goes to grab at your neck wrapping his fingers around the column of your throat and squeezing to bring you closer to his face. cutting off your airflow "you don't understand what you do to me. you make me act crazy" he can feel you tighten your tummy at his words while he is pecking those swollen lips. "i just love you too much, i'm sorry for being so rough sweetheart" he pants out words coming out breathy due to his constant movements
he start to act animalistic biting your delicate skin of your shoulder licking to your collarbone where he sucks and bites you also. holding your neck tighter as hips move wilder. your so close you can feel the slow build up, the tension in your body bubbling in you "but this is my pussy, mmm all mine" he is biting his lip, fighting the need to cum in you for the umpteenth time "i love this pussy, all just for me" he is groaning when he grabs your hips letting you collect your breathing to continue those strokes leaving you shuddering "mine-mine your mine" he can't seem to say any other words your juices leaving him in a hypnotic like state.
the ribbon digging into the back your neck when your legs start the flair. trying to set themselves free. your back arching in as you continue to wiggle around. the constant pressure near your cervix has you getting louder. "go-go im gonna cum baby"
he can feel your plush walls swallowing him harder. your cream coating in such a thick paste when he looks at where you connected with him running his hands past your hips to touch where your so wet and soft. you skin feeling like velvet when his fingertips connect with your skin.
"so pretty, you're so pretty for me" when his fingers come to rub soft circles on your clit you can't even warn him about how you feel the lightning in your stomach and that tingling in your walls. the way your juices fly out out his stomach seeing your mouth gaped and your eyes crossed white has him almost at the finish line
his hips still rolling into you and his fingers still circling your slick flesh dragging you through your orgasm making you feel it 10x harder. "oh m-m b-baby " he is speaking gibberish can't seem to form the right words.
his voice squeaking when you feel him jerk on top of you. his high pitch whimpers making you drag your nails harder in his back because your body is still shaking. your still feeling the strain in your walls. you barely snap out of it when he softly kisses your lips. "i'm sorry baby i got carried away, just missed you so much"
your too tired to say anything back as he pulls out of you cautiously watching his cum drip out of you. "so sorry but its so pretty" he whispers to himself lowering his face to be parallel with your swollen folds. moving so that he can give you a long lick. you reach to grip his white hair.
he can taste all his cream when he puts his tongue in your tender hole. "and you still taste so good" he stops when he hears your tired whines. moving his lips to your tied legs working those ribbons off of you. kissing where the strained marks lay. your legs finally free when they wrap around him he still apologizing when he carries you to the bedroom. "you forgive me ?"
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
Jack Kelly trying to make the reader feel better when she's on her period? (If you don't feel comfortable writing about periods then that's okay. Just skip this one)
“Just, cramps, I guess.” — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: see request^^
Pairing: Jack Kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 488
Warnings: fluff but centred around periods/cramps/period pain etc.
Jack sat by the lamp in his room, as you laid on his bed, trying to cope with the period pain you were experiencing. Fashioning a pile out of his pillows, you laid your back down, a subtle groan slipped from your lips as you shifted into a more comfortable position.
Jack, engrossed in a sketchbook at his desk, immediately picked up on the slight sound. Concern etched his features, and he turned to face you. “Everything alright, baby?”
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to burden him, “yeah,” you tried to play it off. But his caring gaze insisted on an answer, a truthful one.
“Just, cramps, I guess.” you continued, trying to downplay the discomfort.
His eyes softened. “Darling, you should have said something earlier.” Jack set aside the sketchbook, moving to sit beside you.
“It's nothing, really,” you insisted, but the wince that followed your words betrayed your lie.
Jack scooted closer, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you to lay on him. “Don't give me that. Tell me where it hurts.” he urged, his voice gentle yet insistent.
You sighed, surrendering to his care. “I don’t know, everywhere.”
His thumb traced soothing circles on your arm as he asked, “Anything I can do to help?”
You shrugged, defeatedly.
“Well, until you can think of something, how about I just hold you. Would you like that?” He asks. Your give a small nod of you head in response.
Without hesitation, he pulled you closer, enveloping you in the warmth of his arms. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest provided comfort, something for you to focus on instead of the pain. Your head nestled against the crook of his neck, sighing with some relief. His hand, tracing calming patterns along your skin, ventured down to rest on your lower abdomen. “Does this help?” he asked, applying a gentle pressure.
You nodded, appreciating the warmth seeping through your skin. “Yeah, it does. Thank you.”
Jack pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, "Of course, Y/N."
You found yourself melting into his touch, the tension in your body giving way to a profound sense of comfort. Minutes passed in serene silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside. Jack's warmth and care cocooned you, the soft hum music coming from outside in a near bar adding to the atmosphere.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against your forehead. "Close your eyes."
As you obeyed, you felt the gentle press of more kisses – on your forehead, then your cheeks. The sweet, unhurried pace of his kisses traveled down to your lips. He started crooning softly, the lyrics of down in the valley. You smiled, feeling yourself drift further from consciousness. His grin mirrored your own, he continued to hum to you.
“Rest, my love,” he murmured, though by then you were too deep in sleep to hear him.
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sasageyolevi · 2 years
stained bedsheets and pancakes
content : levi x fem!reader (or afab bc of talk of periods) , mentions of periods , period blood , etc.
a/n : hi everyone !!! i just wanted to write this little piece of levi fluff to start the week off , hopefully everyone is having a great start to their week !!!
also , i have gotten a lot of requests recently and i promise i am getting to them but it may take a little while , so i hope you can understand :)
please let me know if you enjoy this little fluff post and if you would like more !!!
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tears streamed down your face as you glanced down at the crime scene on the bed, cursing yourself out for not being prepared this month.
to your right was levi, your little insomniac, finally sound asleep in the white linen sheets for the first time this week.
just your luck, you had to stain the sheets of the one person who hates messes the most.
the amount of guilt you felt right now was consuming you whole, along with the cramps that seemed to be obliterating your abdomen. you desperately didn’t want levi to know, especially because he was known for keeping everything clean and tidy, and a mess would upset him. however, you knew that you couldn’t wash the sheets with his body laying on the bed, so you decided it was time to rip the band-aid off.
“levi,” your voice sounded desperate as you slightly shook him awake. “levi, please wake up.”
he moaned softly, slightly gaining consciousness before groggily looking over at your tear-stained face. “angel? what’s going on, are you okay?”
his sleep-deprived voice made you sniffle a bit more as you realized just how much of a deep sleep he was in. you felt horrible waking him up, especially when he never slept this well on a normal night.
“levi, i’m so sorry. please don’t be mad at me, i didn’t mean to do it..” your voice broke and trembled as you sobbed into your palms.
levi’s brows furrowed as he sat up and cupped your face, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears pooling under your eyes.
“y/n, baby, what happened? i need you to calm down and speak to me.” his tone was harsh, yet not in a demanding way. he just wanted you to be safe and the fact that you were currently crying beside him didn’t make it any better.
levi handed you a tissue and you blew into it before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. you shakily pulled away the comforter to reveal a large red mark stained on the sheets.
“oh.” he breathed out before wrapping you into his chest. you sniffled and cried into his shoulder, staining yet another one of his items, yet this time it was with your tears.
“i’m sorry, you’re probably furious right now because i know you hate messes and it’s bloody and not clean and-“
“hey.” his stern voice caught your attention as your lip quivered, feeling guilt surge throughout your body. “i’m not mad at you. i could never be mad at you for something like this.”
you curled up and clutched your stomach as a vicious cramp took over your lower region, balling your fists in the process.
levi brushed your hair and sighed, feeling terrible that you were in pain. “hold on baby, i’ll go get you some painkillers.” he started to get up before you grasped his wrist to pull him back down.
“what about the sheets? i can pay for new ones, or wash these ones, or-”
“no, no honey. i’ll wash them, don’t worry.” he rubbed your kneecap, attempting to soothe your cries. “do you want to take a shower? i know those can sometimes make you feel better during this time of the month.”
you nodded as he helped you stand up to the bathroom, even though you weren’t in need of assistance. you covered your face with your palms. “i’m so embarrassed.”
“baby, don’t be embarrassed, i’ve heard it’s normal. don’t stress over it.” he kissed the top of your head, flashing a rare smile as he smelled traces of the floral shampoo he loved so much.
you looked down to examine the crime scene, eyeing the blood that had stained your sleep shorts and inner thighs. “but it’s so gross and messy! it’s all over!”
“sweetheart, you should know me at this point. there’s almost nothing in this world that can’t be cleaned, if i’m being honest.” he guided you to the bathroom before grabbing the bottle of pills and a few feminine products out of the cabinet. “now, i’ll leave you in here while i go start the laundry, just call if you need anything.” he kissed your head again before closing the door, instructing you to leave your stained clothes outside.
after taking a nice, hot shower and putting on the comfy clothes levi had gotten for you on the toilet lid, you made your way out of the bathroom only to be greeted by a delicious smell coming from the kitchen downstairs. your stomach growled at the fact that you hadn’t eaten anything in hours.
levi was dressed in a simple cotton tank and sweats as he used a spatula to flip over a beautiful golden-brown pancake. slightly startling him, you wrapped your arms around his torso and sighed out loud.
“how was the shower, angel?” he asked as you moved around his body before attempting to sit up on the counter.
he hoisted you up, holding onto your thigh with one hand and grasping the pan handle with the other.
“it was good.” you said with a smile. “i feel much better.”
“i’m glad.” he sighed. “now, i’m no chef, but i tried making your favorite pancakes. can’t promise that they aren’t poisoned but hopefully they’ll be alright.” he shrugged playfully, doubting his cooking skills.
you squealed in happiness before taking a big whiff of the lovely scent surrounding the kitchen. “levi, how did i ever find someone like you?”
“pshhh, i should be asking myself that question.”
“seriously, thank you for everything.” you motioned him over as he leaned into the counter, allowing you to wrap your arms around his waist. “i just felt terrible because it wasn’t supposed to start today and i wasn’t prepared and i’ve never bled onto the sheets before-”
“hey, hey. that’s okay, i don’t care.” he stroked your thigh up and down. “‘might sound crazy coming from me, i know, but i just want you to be comfortable, is all. and hopefully,” he paused while putting a few pancakes on a plate for you, “these will make you feel a little bit better.”
“thank you, love.” you accepted the plate graciously before levi picked you up off of the counter and began to walk over to the breakfast nook, you following suit.
“i love you, darling.” levi kissed your soft lips and rubbed your back in comfort.
“i love you too, levi.”
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stinkygirl009 · 8 months
OKAY so, like rafe pampering you because you have your period, but seeing that you're suffering so much it's making him anxious, so he searches what he can to and he sees that sex calms cramps down, so he fingers the life outta you<3
Easy Solution ✩࿐࿔
Warnings: Fingering, ovulating, squ!rting, fem!reader
MDNI please!! But do what you want, It’s your responsibility not mine.
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Rafe knew you were on your period, he just didn’t know what to do. He saw you were in pain and wanted to help at least make you feel better. He’s just nervous if he searches up what to do it’s gonna say something false, and make himself like an idiot. So he texted Topper, the only option he felt like he had.
“Top, I need help with smth real quick.”
“Yeah what’s going on?”
“Do you know how to make a girl feel better on her period? Idk what to do, man.”
“I mean there’s a lot of things you could do, but I heard orgasm help but it hurts for them when you have sex but idk don’t have a lot experience with that stuff, sorry man.”
“Thanks top.”
Rafe looked up from his phone instantly looking at your exhausted form looking at your tv, playing a random movie you chose.
“You doing ok?” He asked softly stroking your hair gently.
You wanted to be honest to him. it barely got any better. the same pain you’ve felt all day but you didn’t want to lie and pretend you’re ok. Because quite obviously you weren’t so why lie about it?
You look up and give him a small smile, you shake your head no. “Still the same.” You say quietly, shifting closer to him. He didn’t know if he should wait tell you he might know a way to make you feel better. He sighed and rested his cheek on your head.
“I think I know how to help,” he said smiling a bit. “It’s ok rafe, you’ve already done so much-“
“I wanna try something out on you, if you don’t like it or it hurts to much we will stop.” Rafe said stopping you from talking. Your brain stalls for a second not fully processing his words. “Try something on me?” You question. “Ok” you say softly trusting him. He smiles, “ I gotta get something real quick, ok?” He gets up walking to your towel closet opening it and grabbing a medium sized black one and walked over to the room. Your face looks in curiosity. Walks over and gets on the bed, and shifts sits up on the bed leaning against the frame. He lays the towel down in front of him smoothing it out, and looks up at you with a small smile. “Lay on me,” he asks softly. You look at him and the towel and crawl over to him, moving to lay in between his legs, your back against his chest. “Sit up a little more f’me?” You sit up more against him
He gently caresses your body, moving slowly lower. Your breath hitches. “Rafe…”
“Shh, be a good girl f’me and relax? I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Your body melt’s against him, already feeling of pain easing away.
His hands trace under your shirt reaching up to your breast, Your breathing deepening quickly. His other hand finding its way into your pajama pants pressing against your lower stomach causing a sudden moan at the new sensation other than the stinging pain. He stops needing your breast, reaching down to help pull down your pants. You lift up your hips helping wiggle out of them now only leaving you in your underwear. The insecurity kicking in you try to stop him from continuing.
“Rafe, it’s gonna be messy and-“
Rafe smirks and puts his head on your shoulder turning his face to lay kisses your neck.
“I don’t mind a little blood, remember it’s fine there’s a towel under you. Now stop worrying.” He pulls own your underwear putting them aside. His other hand going back your breast while the other rubs your inner thigh. Moans slip out of you as you watch his hands move. “Tell me when it hurts. Ok, baby?” He softly says and starts kissing your neck, his hand finally moving to the top of your clit and pressed down. You let out a sharp sigh turning your head lean to the side. He started moving circles around your clit, you let out soft moans your hips trying to grind on his fingers. “Fuck there we go, good girl” he whispered in your ear making you clench around nothing. “Please..I need it in me” You slur out your words. He laughed. “What happened you being embarrassed? Now you want my fingers in you? You’re such a dirty slut.” You moan gripping his the bedsheets.
“Look at you, painting my fingers all red from touching your pretty little pussy. You want me to fuck you with my hands, huh?” Your mind was all over the place, to stimulated off of his fingers. He took his hand away from your breast pushing in 2 of his finger. A high moan escaping your lips immediately becomes a whine when he completely stops moving his rough fingers. “Answer my question, baby” he smirked enjoying teasing you. “I-I want you to fuck me with your fingers please, rafe!” You turned your head to face him with a begging look on your face.
He smiled and kissed your lips and quickly kissing him back, he started pumping his fingers out of you while rubbing your clit. Catching you off guard you let out a pornographic moan leaving your lips and leaning back into your kiss. Your arm wrapping his neck pulling him in closer. You spread your legs more apart your hips lifting. Wet sounds filling the air making you move a little faster against him. You both break away the kiss and tuck your head into his neck.
“Fu-fuck!…Ah oh god..” You trail off becoming dangerously close to coming. “You’re doing so good, baby. You look so fucking good with my fingers stuffed in you.” he smirks feeling you clenching around him. “P-please…faster..fuck please I’m so close, please rafey! Oh god fuck your making me feel so good…” your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He moans and increases the speed making you almost scream.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum…” you whine trying to finish.
“You’re such a good girl, almost there.” He moaned smirking. He adjusted his fingers to an angle.
“OH FUCK!! Right there..please..Oh god Rafe!!” Rafe kissed your neck “Cum for me, baby” he said looking at your face wanting to see your face as you finished. And you felt the bow untie inside your lower stomach and came. You let out one last moan gripped onto the bed sheets for dear life. You felt wetness trickling down your inner walls. Rafe catched your lips and kissed you gently moving his fingers gently riding out your high. After a few moments rafe leaned down head board and gently pulled out his fingers out of you, you let out a soft moan. Rafe laughed gently, “think you squirted, baby” you look up exhausted smiling. “I did?” You breathed out softly.
“Hmh” he hummed smiling and kissed your head. You turned your head to look at his fingers covered in dripping juice’s mixed with your period.
“Oh…that’s really messy.” You say now almost embarrassed looking in between your thighs seeing everything covered in your arousal“Nah, I like messy.” He says rubbing your stomach.
“It’s an easy fix after we clean you up, baby. Don’t worry, it’s ok.” You smile and turn your head back and Lean into his lips.
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A/n: I really enjoyed writing this lmao thank you for reading!!
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star-dust-stuf · 1 year
Ethan Hawke x period!reader
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title: I’m taking with the notion
warnings: descriptions of blood, cramps, nausea, and nudity (not sexual)
a/n: thought I’d write this cause I can’t find anything with him and this subject, also thought I’d write a little on endometriosis because I know exactly how you feel girlies, not proofread ignore typos, as always with love.
It was a late morning, Ethan was already up downstairs making his coffee, I can smell it hinting up the steps as I got up. My stomach was hurting and my back hurt, I thought if I took a nice hot shower it’ll go away, but little did I know it was something completely different.
As I got in and washed off, my body relaxed in the steamy room Ethan came into the room, a mug in his hand, when he was going to get into the bed I called his name. “Ethan?!”
He sat his mug on his desk and got to the bathroom, he opened the door. When the steam hit his face I was in far to much pain to stand straight even to get out of the shower. “Yeah?” Ethan replied, he sounded a little worried when I called him with a shaky voice.
“I cant get out-.”
“What?” He got to the curtain, peaking in, he saw me hunched over, not able to tell if I was crying or if it was just the water.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He opened the curtains enough to put his hands under my forearms, I placed mine on top, with support he made sure I didn’t get out of my position. “Step over, there you go.”
He grabbed my towel but before he could put it around me, a red color formed a stream down my leg and to the floor, with embarrassment I covered my eyes. “It’s ok, it’s ok!” He saw my embarrassment.
He wrapped the towel around me, “sweetheart, don’t be embarrassed it’s ok!” He laughed a little. I uncovered my eyes. “Things happen, it’s ok!”
His blue eyes were on me so softly, “i know- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he said, he grabbed pulled my wet body to his chest, my wet hair dripping on his bare feet.
“Let’s get you dressed and I’ll help you lay down.” He helped me get dressed and helped me to the bed but he stopped, letting lean on his desk.
“What?” I drew attention when he got to my side of the bed and began stripping the bed. “What is it?”
“You- had an accident- it’s alright!” He said as he saw me stress, “just relax, it got this!”
When he went around to kiss my forehead he grabbed his mug, “have some coffee and just relax for a minute, ok baby?” He kissed my forehead again and walked down to the hall closet.
When he came back he made the bed and made sure I got comfortable, getting my heating pad and getting me painkillers. “Thank you.”
He kissed my cheek and went downstairs, I didn’t know what he was doing but I didn’t ask. When he came back he brought back my favorite snack. When the day progressed and Ethan was up and down in bed there was a point when he came back into the room to find my body constructed with pain, my body was lied down over my knees and my temples were wet with tears.
“Oh no- come here!” He said in a worried voice. He got to my softly, laying next to me he turned me over softly and wrapped his arms around me, his warm breath down my neck helped me calm down.
“Just take deep breaths,” he said over my crying.
I let m’y deep breaths out with shakes, he heard this. “Oh darling-.” He put his hands I’ve my sore stomach, rubbing it softly.
“Ow…” I whispered.
“It’s ok, just keep breathing,” he said kindly. With a slight discomfort in my legs I pushed them up, he saw I was in excruciating pain, he grabbed my knees and kept them up.
“They’re aching so bad!” I said.
He got up from me, he made it to my legs and began to message them, progressing pressure to make sure it was ok with me. “That ok?” He asked.
I nodded, my face still written with pain. Sadness formed on his face as he saw me suffer. “Baby, I wish I could do something.”
I smiled weakly, “you being here is enough.”
I then propped up, my chest feeling full and and a slight nausea hitting me, it was only getting worse! Ethan saw me struggle and did not hesitate to help me in any way possible.
“Lean on me,” he pulled me over softly and let me lay between his legs, his hands under my waistband keeping me calm he then paved the heating pad on my legs.
With every deep breath of nausea I was trying to fight off he stroked my hair. “Take slow sips,” he held a glass of water to my lips.
When my body settled on his, I fell asleep, he gazed down at me, his soft gaze made me feel safe, he kept on helping my constant pain when I began to be uncomfortable as I tried to sleep.
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trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: endometriosis, heavy bleeding, pain, cramping, reader crying, cuddles, tummy rubbing, female reader.
Summary: As if a 'normal' period wasn't bad enough...
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Shugo dropped his bag in the hallway as he opened the door, eyes squinting in the dim light as he flicked the hallway switch. He couldn't hear you singing in the kitchen like usual, didn't hear the TV blasting a random movie like usual, there was no singing from the bathroom as you sat in the tub surrounded by bubbles.
It was utterly quiet.
He had been a little concerned when you hadn't attended the after game party, you were usually happy to meet his teammates and go out for food. He had trouble keeping Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu calm while you were around. They were so adamant on showing off and being loud, each of them vying for your attention and causing a scene. But today you had barely spoke to him, one or two word responses to his texts and declining his calls. Instead of staying out with his team he had chosen to leave early and figure out why you were avoiding him so much.
Head peering around the door he sighed in relief when he saw you lying on the bed curled up on your side. He could hear the small whimpers of distress, each noise tugging at his heart and when he walked over to you, he could feel the wetness on your face from a mixture of tears and sweat. As he squatted down he saw the hot water bottle on your stomach, the plethora of medication on the bedside table and the could see you massaging your stomach in tight circles.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?"
You shook your head adamantly, you had watched the boys play and celebrated their win at home by yourself. You had been all ready to go out for their post-game meal but your cramps had gone from niggling and irritating to flat out stabbing and devastating. Even after your strongest medications, a heat patch and hot water bottle you could barely move, your boobs were so painful that even your t-shirt against your nipples made you whimper in discomfort.
"Shh, I gotcha. Don't worry."
You couldn't help the whine of pain when the bed dipped, Shugo's hands pulling up your top gently to free your aching breasts. One hand tucked under them to take some of the pressure as he massaged them gently, the other hand rubbing small circles on your stomach. You could feel the heat radiating from his chest against your back, he must have taken his top off and lay behind you. He was always so warm, like your own life sized hot water bottle and had no issues with you using his warmth to ease the pain.
"Any better?"
"A bit... my boobs hurt so much, Meian. And the pills aren't working, I bled through two outfits and got one of your t-shirts dirty too. I'll wash it later, I'm sorry."
"Hey. Hey. Listen to me, do not apologise for this ok? Seeing you in pain kills me and I dont give two shits about my shirt. Just throw the damned thing in the trash, burn it for all I care."
"I just-"
"Baby, listen. Clothes and belongings mean shit all to me, you are the most important person in my life. OK?"
Between the warmth of his body and the lull of his voice in your ear, the last thing you recalled was Shugo telling you the crazy antics of the team as your eyes drifted shut and you fell asleep.
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thewriterg · 3 years
Shark tank| S.M
pairing(s): Miles Morales x Fem!reader, Miles Morales x Spider!reader, Peter Parker x Fem!reader, Peter Parker x Spider!reader
Word count: 1.0k+
Summary: How the bug boys react/help you on your period aka Shark week
request(s): Can I have what the bug boys do when reader is on her period? (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
Warning(s): Mature Themes, Blood, mood swings, language, (Please let me know if I missed anything)
A/n: -GIF’s aren’t mine- End of the school year and I’m just now starting to loose motivation🙂
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♡︎ Miles Morales:
you would have to be extremely patient with this little bug
would have no idea what’s going on or what to do.
Be so confused why his lover is so cranky when your usually cheerful -you might throw in some sarcastic comments but still cheerful!- So it would be a shock to him
Think he did something wrong but he did the laundry and didn’t buy any more comics recently
Would pester you nonstop until you tell him what’s got you upset
“Y/n did I do something bad?” and like In your heart you’re like noooo sweetheart but In your head you’re telling yourself you want to be alone because you want to rip out your uterus
“Love please talk to me so I can fix it”
You eventually get irritated and scream ‘my womb is being stretched out and cut open piece by piece’
Yeah umm you should’ve explained that better y/n/n because now you’re hurting and groaning as a wave of cramps are washing over you and Miles is freaking tf out thinking you’re dying from blood loss.
Gwen had to calm him down over the phone and explain what you meant while she was rushing through the store for the things that she knew you liked and need and something’s that she would usually use during that horrible time of the month
Miles carefully listened as Gwen explained to him what was actually causing your troubles and asked what we’re you doing right now as Miles explained you were on the couch laying on your stomach with you knees pressed to you chin
“Just rub her back and quietly talk to her I’ll see you in five” Miles didn’t respond as Gwen hung up and your groans turned into deep and heavy breathing
Miles lifted your hoodie up slightly and drew patterns on your back while trying to soothe you and somewhere in that time period you fell asleep
Gwen eventually came with things she said you would need or want and also explained how to use them or the what snacks you would want in what time period and continued to tell Miles don’t worry himself or you about any paroles for the next week as she started walking out the door and calling out a “good luck soldier” along with a “call me if you need anything”
Wouldn’t want your back to hurt from you being on the couch so he pick you up and carry you into the bedroom
You’re his top priority for the remainder of your cycle. You want some advil done. Want some food here you go. Your back back or stomach hurts he’s their to rub the pain out.
Cuddles and kisses for day baby!
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♡︎ Peter Parker:
Thank Thor and Loki that this little bug knows something about women
I mean Peter’s been in health class since he was ten and had enough research -and aunt May- to know enough about the woman body
Immediately knew what to do when he found you curled up into a ball sniffling
Slipping out of the room and quickly returned with new sheets extra pillows and aunt mays old heating pad -which he tweaked so it vibrates- while trying to be as quiet as possible
You were his sole focus New York would just have to wait.
Comforting and telling you it was fine that you got blood on his sheets “I can replace sheets I can’t replace you y/n” causing you to cry harder at how sweet he was
Netflix and Cuddles!
Helping you get in and out the shower if you wanted to relax :)
Letting you steal all his hoodies -like you’d didn’t do that anyways- to keep you warm or so you can smell him when he went to the store to grab something’s for you
Would become somewhat protective since you were in such a vulnerable state but deep down Peter knew you could still protect yourself and kick ass if it came down to it!
If you wanted privacy that was totally fine! So he made sure no one would bother you until your cycle was over no matter what
“Alright my love pick a book”
Once you finally decides he settles on the bed one arm around you holding up the book with the other as he read out loud to you
After a while he kisses the top of your head when he realized you dozed off and mark the page of the book
Decides he should get caught up on some shuteye as well so he scoots down a wraps his arm around you allowing sleep to take him
You had yourself the sweetest bug little bug ever
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♡︎ (Tasm) Peter Parker:
This little bug would be fighting for his life.
He’s just like oh his ‘delicate’ little flower is a angry ball of angst curled up in the middle of the bed That just won’t work
“Doll can I get you anything?”
“I could really use a fucking hysterectomy”
Well that went amazing
“How about some iced coffee instead” Peter had learn very well not to ever recommend green tea over your Carmel iced latte ever.
When you look up at him silently he decides to take that as a yes
He goes to your kitchen and quickly grabs everything he needs
When he returns he’s carrying your mason jar cup with a metal straw poking out its bamboo lid, some salty snacks, and a chocolate bar he found in the freezer
He settles into the pillows and pulls you into his lap
“Eat if your hungry and drink your coffee before it gets watered down and just lay with me”
You grudgingly comply and he placed his hands on you lower abdomen and began to rub his fingers over the tense area
“Oh god” you moaned throwing your head back against Peter’s broad shoulders your cramps easing already
“I know you feel miserable doll, but I’m here for whatever you need”
Pressing soft kisses to your head and neck Peter continues to rub your belly gently but firmly enough for it to feel good and soothe your aching cramps
Go ahead and take a nap y/n he not going anywhere, Peter is the light of your life
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
HQ Boys When You're On Your Period
Featuring: Ushijima, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Kenma
Genre: Comfort w/ a splash of crack
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.20k
A/N - Dear god this one took a bit to post. This one was a little self-indulgent but was so funny to write. This will be one of the last posts I make before I take like a one to two-week hiatus since final exams are coming up for me soon, so enjoy these little headcanons while I'm crying over studying for said exams! I'm still learning how to capture each character's personality so I'm so sorry if this is trash 💀
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This man will give you the biggest and warmest cuddle session you have ever had in your entire life
Ushijima is just so l a r g e, there’s no way this man isn’t warm
Cuddling up to him will literally cure your period cramps
Like he’s just a walking heating pad at this point
In the beginning, I feel like, for the most part, he’s not really sure how to help
I don’t think he’s that dense that he doesn’t know what a period is, I think he has a general understanding of them but doesn’t understand how bad the symptoms can get
Like, you could be curled up on the bed, tears streaming down your face, a stabbing pain shooting through your uterus, and nausea and discomfort just ripping through you
And he’ll be standing on the side of the bed just patting your back awkwardly
But once you kind of explain to him how bad they can be, he kind of just starts to pick up on it
He may be a little dense at times, but he’s definitely a quick learner
He will ABSOLUTELY give you tummy rubs when your stomach is being a little baby-back [redacted]
Like I said earlier, he is just w a r m!! So his hand is bound to be warm too
Now take that, and imagine him humming to you to get you to fall asleep while he’s rubbing your tummy
After he lulls you to sleep, I feel like he’d leave some medicine and a glass of water for you to wake up to
He doesn’t want you to fall asleep or wake up in pain or discomfort
If you happen to stain the sheets, Ushijima will not bat an eye
He knows its normal so he’ll just gently wake you up, telling you that he prepared a warm shower/bath for you to clean yourself up in
And while you’re in the bathroom, he’ll change the sheets and get you a fresh pair of clothes for you, leaving them on the bed for you to find
If you feel embarrassed about staining the sheets, he’s not gonna understand why
“Embarrassed? Why? These things are normal, are they not?”
Sweet boy just wants to take care of his baby, and that’s what he’s gonna do
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As much as he seems like he doesn’t care
He does
In my Tsukishima brain-rotted brain, deep down, I believe Tsukishima Kei hates seeing you in pain
Like wholeheartedly
I’m saying this with my entire chest rn, he hates seeing you like this
When he sees you curled up in the bed, fetal position, with your head tucked into your knees, on the inside his heart is slowly cracking
Of course, this kind of translates to “What’s up with you” in that kind of annoyed tone he always has
And when you kind of just grunt in response, he rolls his eyes and lays next to you
He’ll beckon you to lay closer to him and he will give you head scratches
If your period is giving you a headache, his head massages will ease you to sleep easily
And while you’re asleep? He’ll make or buy your favorite meal and buy some strawberry shortcake to share with you
He’ll let you sleep for a while before waking you up
He knows you feel like absolute trash, so letting you sleep in was the least he could do
“Hey sleepyhead, get up. I bought food”
If you’re dealing with mood swings, he knows how to calm you down
He could leave kisses on the top of your head
Or begrudgingly cuddle with you on the couch while watching your favorite movie
Either way, he’ll always find a way to defuse your mood swings
While his face and tone may say otherwise, his actions are sweet and tender, but of course, he’s not gonna admit that
Although Tsukki can be a little cold-hearted on the outside, his heart is always gonna be soft for you
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He’s the most dramatic out of all of them
But he uses his dramatics as an excuse to take care of you
“I can’t have my poor Y/N suffer like this, it just breaks my poor little heart”
“You mean the same little heart that wanted to set Ushijima’s farm on fire?”
Anything you need, Oikawa is out to get it
You need more pads? Tampons?
He’s out the house and to the store in 2 seconds flat
And you don’t even need to ask for snacks cus he’d buy them either way
He’ll buy you all of your favorite snacks and drinks without even having to be asked
He’s the type to spoil you on your period to make you feel better
Whatever you want, he’s there to provide it
This man looks like the biggest simp to the rest of his team
And he doesn’t even care because “my precious Y/N isn’t feeling well, I have to be a caring boyfriend and nurse them back to health”
Meanwhile, you’re literally on the sideline watching like 🧍‍♂️
I’m not joking when I say this man will treat you like glass
Maki definitely convinced him that people with periods shed their skin and he prepared everything for that to happen 💀
As funny as that was to you, you had to explain
Maki had to run 20 laps that day
His heart was in the right place though! He just wants his love to be as comfortable as possible during this time of the month
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Kenma’s gonna find subtle ways to make you feel better
If you’re feeling nauseous, he will make you some tea and leave it on your nightstand for you
If your head starts to hurt, he’ll leave a few aspirin pills and some water
And if you’re laying in bed by yourself, he will crawl up next to you and lay with you, an arm draped over your body comfortably
If you so wished to, he will take a nap with you as well
He’s not gonna make a big deal out of it either
Out of all of them, I think Kenma is the one who knows what to do when you’re on your period
Like, he knows how your body functions in and out, like clockwork
Throughout your relationship, he’s been very perceptive of how you act and what your body does
And in turn, he knows the right ways to make you feel 10x better
At any point during your period, whether it be your lightest day or heaviest day, no matter what, Kenma will reserve a time where the two of you will just sit in bed and play games on his switch
If you aren’t feeling well, he’ll let you cuddle up to him and watch while he plays
He’ll give you a few kisses on your head or rub your back occasionally
And you guys will usually stay like this until you fall asleep
And if you’re up for a few games, he’ll use this time to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re alright
“Just relax against me, you’ll feel better soon. I promise”
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gojous-exbabymama · 3 years
random headcanon about some of the jjk boy’s during sexy time
warning: smut, 18+, mdni, aged up characters, daddy kink, size kink, anal sex, crying, oral(f/m), unprotected sex, fluff, slight angst if you squint, loss of virginity, and injury to reader but nothing serious
gojou saturo
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“that time you sneezed” + “caught a cramp so bad he almost passed out”
- sex with gojou is always fun
- hate to admit it but it’s true
- it’s unpredictable yet super exciting
- don’t tell him that tho or else he’ll never shut up
- your back was arched against the sturdy kitchen table with your legs bent and pushed to your chest
- gojou was thrusting into you just right, hitting that spot deep inside you that had you screaming
- “yes, yes. right there d-dont stop!”
- “right there princess? am i hitting your special spot?”
- “you don’t have to answer that, i know i am~”
- “go on, scream louder for daddy, let em’ know just how good im making you feel”
- if you weren’t too focus on cumming you would of told him to shut the fuck up but he was making you feel good
- and you learned a long time ago that he doesn’t need to hear it from your lips to know, your body spoke for you
- the knot in your belly was growing tighter
- you were so close, your cries letting him know
- gojou glances down at you, watching your tits bounce with each thrust as your face twisted in pleasure
- “aww y/n-chan, i wish you could see the faces you’re making”
- gojou grips a hand to your face, squishing your cheeks together hard
- “soo cute princess~” he coos mockingly, watching as your face scrunched up, eyes going watery and nose twitching
- you felt it right then, the small tickling sensation in your nose that had you breathing picking up
- mustering up all your strength, you pulled your face out of his palm and turned away
- before he could say anything cheeky, you were letting out sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze-
- if gojou wasn’t so balls deep inside you he would of thought it was cute
- but no, your body tensed and jerked with each sneeze that it had you clenching so tight around his cock he couldn’t even move
- the loud whine and groan pulls you out of your sneezing frenzy as you watch gojou’s body shaking, all movement coming to a halt was he tilts his head back
- that’s when you felt it, rope after rope of his hot cum painting your walls
- followed by a loud, painful yelp coming from him as he pulls out swiftly, gripping the back of his thigh
- you sat up quickly but was forced back down from his body weight alone as you feel him go slack against you
- “saturo?” you tapped him but didn’t get a response for a few moments until he shot his head up
- “oh my god, i just came so hard i got a cramp and almost passed out!”
- you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at that as he pouts a little, hands rubbing up and down your sides
- “it wasn’t my fault you were squeezing my dick so tight I couldn’t stop myself”
- “am I hearing the great gojou saturo has no self control?”
- you were only teasing but he took that as a challenge as he gripped your legs, pulling them up and onto his shoulders, his dripping tip rubbing against your folds
- “gojou wait, i need to-need to clean my nose!!”
- he waste no time and pushes his length back inside you, ready to punish you for thinking he was weak
- “leave it, you look cute with a runny nose anyways princess~”
- your face was covered in tears, snot, and his cum by the time he was down with you
megumi fushiguro
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“cumming way to fast” + “that time he accidentally got it in your eye”
- being a sorcerer was stressful asf
- he was exhausted literally all the time and getting injured left him bed bond for most days
- megumi barely had time to even relax
- but that’s what you were there for
- your weren’t one to brag or anything but you thought you were good at sex
- and megumi always made sure to tell you just how good you felt
- weather it’s your pussy squeezing him or the tight feeling of your throat wrapped around his throbbing length
- so to say that you felt a wee bit cocky the first time he came just seconds after bottoming out of you would be an understatement
- but you made sure to comfort him when you notice the pout and frustrated look on his face
- “that’ll never happen again” he mumbled out before cleaning you up
- but it does happen again
- about three more times actually
- and every time he grew more and more pissed at himself
- he was stressed! you knew that so you didn’t knock him if you didn’t finish
- you would tell him that it was ok
- “these kind of things happen gumi’”
- “you’re working yourself too hard baby :/“
- “let me help you relax, pls”
- expect he was never relaxed after cumming so quick inside you
- honestly, you were surprised that he could still get it up from all the stress he carries around
- finally done with finishing first every time, megumi made it his mission to get you right
- which is why he was kneeling between your legs, skirt lifted up with your panties stretched and pulled to the side as he feast on your cunt
- and you were a mess because it has been awhile since you got off and only megumi could make you see stars
- he had you spread wide for him, licking and sucking on your swollen clit that had you moaning just for him
- “ahh megumi please~” you don’t even know what your begging for but he does
- thick fingers thrusting in and out you had you gripping the sheets while your thighs tremble
- tale tale sign that you’re about to cum so he takes his fingers from out of you
- before you could whine at the loss, he’s soon thrusting his tongue inside your weeping pussy, ready to catch everything you give him
- “gumi i-im gonna cum for you!”
- “do it, cum for me kitten, cum right on my tongue”
- your body shook as you cum around the stiff muscle of his tongue, thigh squeezing around his head as you grip and pull on his hair hard
- he lets you come down, pressing kisses along your thighs before he stands up, stripping himself out of his clothes
- switching spots, you kiss along his stomach before reaching for his throbbing cock
- giving small licks against the tip to catch his precum dripping as he groans
- your mouth waters and you don’t wait a second longer before you took him in your mouth
- bobbing your head up and down, moaning when you feel him thrusting slowly in your mouth to match your rhythm
- you were just getting started when your eyes meet his right as you take him to the back of his throat
- big mistake
- the hand that has a grip your hair grows tight as he cums down your throat with a loud groan
- it caught you off guard and you didn’t have much time to prepare for his large load
- you pull off his length with a cough, he’s cum dripping from your lips as his load finishes on your face
- megumi hearing you gasping loudly brings him back to earth when he sees your head slight bent with one of your eyes squeezed shut
- “y/n?” calls as you hiss, shooting him a small glare is when he sees why
- “your cum got in my eye megumi.”
- “i-im sorry ba-“
- “dont just stare get me a towel!!”
- after cleaning you up and feeding you, megumi laid on top of you as you cuddle him closer
- he apologized more than enough you’re gonna have to give him kisses to settle him down
- “it’s ok honey, i still thought it was hot.”
- megumi could only groan, pouting as he watch you grin
- “you could say that i didn’t see it coming, huh huh?”
- megumi groaned once more as he buries his face into your neck
- yeah he definitely wasn’t going to let that happen again
————————————————————————————————————————itadori yuuji
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“that time it was your first time” + “was that a mouth on the side of his cheek?”
- bby boi
- you can’t really say what sex is truly like with yuuji
- since you’ve never had it with him because you were a virgin
- and he was fine with that, he’ll wait for as long as you liked
- the first time it almost happened was back in him dorm during his 3rd year
- you both talked about it and agreed to have your first time be together so a week later, yuuji had the perfect night planned for you
- he really pulled out all the stops
- we’re talking warm scented candles, rose petals, soft music playing in the background and your favorite take out
- it was actually really romantic ngl
- after dessert you found yourself laying back on his bed, making out with such passion it left you feeling buzzed
- everything was slow, both your movements gentle when taking off each other clothes
- giggling and kissing the nerves away
- yuuji reached for you bra, getting it undone with easy
- his eyes in your body from your breast down to your thighs rubbing together, pretty pink panties covering center
- “you’re so beautiful baby” he whispers
- it was moment were you took each other in before you reached for his hand, bringing it up to where you wanted him to touch you first
- your eyes closing shut once you feel his warm hand squeezing and caressing your breast, gasping softly when you feel his thumb brushing over your nipple
- his lips leaving yours before kissing down to your neck had you feel needy
- the room filling with sounds of your pleasing sighs and his heavy breathing
- all of it cut short by the sound of a low rugged voice
- “what are you waiting for? just fuck her already”
- your eyes shot open and you couldn’t stop the loud scream from your lips
- because why the fuck was there a mouth on his cheek and an eye under his eye??!?
- once you pulled the sheets over your naked body did yuuji realize what had happened
- he slaps a hand over his cheek so hard he knocked himself out of bed
- ok so maybe he didn’t tell you everything about why he was at the academy and in hindsight, he probably should of told you everything before he had you naked
- after calming you down and getting a ice pack does he tell you about how he ate an ancient cursed finger and now there is a very powerful curse living inside of him
- it was definitely hard for you to wrap your head around this information because you weren’t a sorcerer, you didnt see demons or cursed things or even knew about those kind of things
- so yeah, you were a bit freaked out, a little upset and needed sometime to think so you left
- yuuji understood and gave you as much time as you needed but he was literally dying on the inside without his baby
- he was mopey, quiet, and just overall sad to be around because he missed you so much
- finally after a few days you reached out and invited him over to your place
- tear was shed and yuuji apologizing profusely
- “im sorry y/n i love you so much, i dont want to lose you”
- “you’re not going to lose me yuuji, i love you to much for that to happen just promise me no more secret mkay?”
- he agreed with a kiss that quickly turned heated and you were back in your room
- “he’s not going to..ya know?”
- yuuji quickly shutting it down because “nope, him and i have a deal, he won’t be coming out when it’s just us, i promise”
- that’s enough to put you at ease and soon enough, clothes were thrown off and you two were finally connected
- yuuji thrust were gentle, making it easier for you to get used to his size
- his fingers rubbing circles on your clit left your body shaking and your pussy clenching around him
- and when you both cum at the same time, you’re gripping and holding each other tight
- yeah he may have shedded a tear or two when he came it was just that good
- aftercare king where he cleans you up and cuddles, whispering ‘i love you’s and soft kisses
- “promise me you won’t die yuuji”
- there’s a pause before you feel his lips kiss your forehead
- “im not going anywhere baby, i love you”
- he promised no more secrets but right now he can’t tell you what will happen the day he finds that last finger
- but for now, he’s content with just holding you until then
aoi todo
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“that time you slapped him” + “he literally blew your back out”
- the time you’ve seen todo first time was shirtless
- you were terrified and turned on because what the fuck?
- no seriously, what the fu ck¿!
- dude is massive
- like was it even legal to be that massive?
- and when he dropped his pants for you the first time, you straight up walked out the room because there ain’t no way in hell
- “that thing is not going anywhere near my pussy”
- “please babygirl, just the tip?”
- it took a very, very long time before you even allowed that
- not even when your mouth watered or your pussy went purr
- his cock was just too big
- but after awhile you kinda got used to him once you realize all your insides were still in tact
- you’ve had some sex mishap, that was much was a given since this is todo we’re speak off
- you slapped the shit out of him one time when you heard him moan some idols name while he had his dick down your throat
- you didn’t let him touch you for almost a month
- he learned his lesson quick tho
- or that time he was fucking you standing up
- legs hanging over his broad shoulders while his hands held a tight grip on your ass bouncing you up and down on his thick cock
- you were three rounds in, body hot and covered in sweat
- the room filled with sounds of your moans, his deep grunts and the sickly wet squishing sound of your pussy
- todo was abusing your whole, having just made you squirt all over his cock had sent him into a frenzy, his pace picking up at a new speed
- until he took a step forward, his foot slipping out from under him, sending him falling back but he was quick enough to reach out to grip the dresser behind him
- but not quick enough to stop the stacks of manga from falling on top of you both
- one word to describe sex with this beefy man: passion
- everything he did in bed was always him trying to show just how much of a man he is and that only he could satisfy you
- whenever he was done with you, your limps were sore and achy
- it felt like you ran a marathon then swam six miles and back
- meanwhile he barely broke a sweat
- todo always made sure you were left spent and satisfied
- no matter when or where
- and he saw you bending over, getting a small peak of the underside of your perfect ass, he had to have you
- so that’s how you found yourself in a small closet, it could fit two people comfortably
- but todo made up at least three on his own so there was barely any room but that doesn’t stop him from fucking your ass
- you held your upper half up by gripping onto the shelve in front of you as his large hands grip and squeeze your plush ass
- “thats it babygirl, doing so good”
- it felt so good taking him like this, his heavy balls slapping against your soaked cunt while he pounds his throbbing length in and out your ass
- hands slapping each cheek before leaving you spread open to watch him fuck you
- “f-fuck so tight!” he thrust harder, pushing your body forward “you love when i fuck you with this big cock don’t you?”
- you move a hand back to try and slow his movement but he only grabs it and keeps his held to your back
- “too much d-daddy..s’ too big!”
- but he keeps going, grinning wildly when he heard that
- todo stretched you out good for him and it was still to much cock for you
- your cries and moans bounce off the walls, your grip on the shelf growing loose the faster he went
- he sends another hard spank against your ass before his fingers found your needy clit
- pinching and rubbing quick circles around the bud had you gushing
- “oh fuck yeah, you filthy girl cumming from getting your ass fucked? so dirty”
- your body shakes as you tongue rolls out your mouth, panting and whining like a bitch in heat
- “fucking needy, perfect girl just for me” he growls, his hips picking up speed as he chases his high
- “t-to..slow..down”
- you could barely get any words out, your brain slowly turning to mush as you become nothing but a toy for him to cum inside
- he was going feral, loving that he can turn you so dumb from just his cock alone
- the sound of wood cracking catches your attention before the shelf you’re gripping breaks, sending the front of your body forward down
- the scream you let out make todo halt all his movements, his big hands and large arms holds your middle to keep you up right as you start to sob
- “w-what’s wrong?”
- “can’t move…it hurts!!”
- white hot pain shoot through your back as you body goes stiff
- five hours later you’re being wheeled out the hospital with strict orders to not leave the bed
- you made todo swear not to tell anyone about this and swore on takada’s life that he wouldn’t tell
- but when yuuji comes to visit and ask what happened, here comes this big guy
- “it was my dick, my dick put her in a wheelchair brother!!”
- please slap him again sis
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erimeows · 3 years
Could you do "bots-cons reaction to periods"? Like, their S/O is going through theirs and is quite painful, mine are, and they go through the spectrum of being mindblow (like when Sari told Oppy from where babies come from) to mild horror and all that, cause to a robotic race the concept of a period must be quite alien to them, and are especially worried for their S/O who is in pain and is going through the usual negative symptoms of a period. How do they help them?
Thank you!
Anon... This is so GOOD. Big brain energy here. Here's some headcanons for you <3
Optimus Prime: He’s all blushy when you explain the reason why periods happen and how they work and all, but he isn’t especially grossed out or horrified. Cybertronians have some pretty gnarly anatomy things as well, he doesn’t care, he’s just concerned about you and your well-being. He hates when your periods come around because it means you’re usually uncomfortable if not in pain. He just cuddles you and does whatever he can to make you feel better, and he’s great to be around as he doesn’t exaggerate your bad moods when you’re on it.
Ratchet: He already knows what periods are. One of the first things he did after coming to earth was study human anatomy to get the basics down in case he ever needed to help anyone/came across injured humans, plus he needs to know basic human health things if he’s going to be around Sari as much as he is. He gets good at tracking yours and making sure that you’re fully equipped with everything you need; hygiene products, heating pads, medications, water, food, etc. Aside from attending to those physical needs, he pretty much treats you the same as usual unless you ask otherwise.
Prowl: He doesn’t know what periods are but isn’t too phased when you explain them. Just an organic thing, right? It makes sense; you reproduce differently, of course your reproductive anatomy is a lot different and has different motions that it goes through to make sure you’re healthy and whatnot. Still, he does think it sounds uncomfortable and painful, so he tries to be as comforting as possible during it, urging you to relax instead of overworking yourself and running hot baths/showers for you as well as making you your food/drinks so you stay well fed and hydrated. If you get upset at any point during it, he drags you to meditate with him to calm down. 
Bumblebee: He’s more confused than horrified when you explain it. Even if you put it in simple terms, he doesn’t... Quite understand. Still, he understands that you’re literally dripping blood from your body and having serious cramps and headaches for a week or so once a month, and that sounds like it sucks, so he tries to be a really good partner during that time. Most of your shared time together during it is spent lounging on the couch with you laying on top of him, him feeding you your favorite snacks. 
Bulkhead: He’s straight up horrified. There’s blood pouring out of you? Like, constantly? No, he doesn’t care how much or how little, the fact that it’s happening at all is crazy. How does that work? How are you not bawling your eyes out in pain? He really doesn’t want you to go to work, school, or anything. He’s overly doting, not wanting you to lift so much as a finger- let him do everything and take care of you, he says.
Jazz: He’s pretty neutral about the period itself. Bodily function, right? Perfectly normal, he’s seen humans do grosser things- like putting anchovies on pizza or putting gum under tables, and it’s not like you can help it anyway. Jazz ends up treating you just the same as usual, but if you need help with anything, just let him know and he’ll get it for you.
Sentinel Prime: He thinks it’s disgusting, to be honest. It’s like if energon was just... dripping out of him constantly... Yuck. Still, you’re his significant other and he’s a little softer for you than he is for most others, so he tries to be kind- after all, it’s not like he’s knee deep in blood, right? Really, all he does is treat you the same as usual, might try to go buy you pad or tampons if you need them and don’t want to get out to get them but he most definitely buys the wrong size because he doesn’t understand how the sizing system works. 
Ultra Magnus: He honestly doesn’t give a shit. He’s met alien organics who can turn their bodies inside out, what’s a bit of blood? He’s more sensitive than usual when you’re on your period and there at your beck and call when he’s not working. He gets you the best blankets and pillows to sleep on, heating or cooling pads, whatever you need- and he’s the first to get up and do laundry if any blood leaks onto your clothes or the bedsheets.
Megatron: He’s seriously concerned that you’re dying or something every time you get on your period even though you’ve explained it to him time and time again. He’s by your side literally every second that you’ll let him be, giving you everything you need; food, drinks, massages, medicines, etc. It’s a little much, to be honest, but the sentiment is nice... Lots of “how are you feeling, baby? doing okay?”. If your cramps are too bad, he’ll just hold you and let you cry while the two of you wait them out. 
Starscream: He’s a mixture of horrified and disgusted when you explain to him what a period is and that you have them. He doesn’t want to hear about it, though if it makes you feel better to vent about cramps, headaches, inconveniences, mood swings, etc., he’ll sit and listen while rubbing your bag or cuddling you. 
Blitzwing: All three personalities handle it differently. Icy is surprised but not judgmental or anything, allowing you to use him as a cooling pack when necessary. He doesn’t really acknowledge it too much when it’s happening. Hothead is mad that you have to go through something so horrible and painful sounding! He lets you use him as a heating bad and is actually angry at your body for making you have cramps that hurt so bad. Random says he thinks it’s ‘cool’ (AKA he thinks it’s interesting that your body has such a function) but is always there to make you laugh or preoccupy you with something else when your cramps are bothering you. 
Lugnut: Hates to hear that you have to go through something that sounds so horrible and gross when you’re so beautiful and sweet. He makes sure you’re as comfortable as you can be, getting all of the supplies you need and poking anything that annoys you during the week off the face of the planet.
Shockwave: He’s more interested in the anatomy/science aspect of it than anything. Your body does what? Why? How? When? You can predict them and stop them with certain medicines? There’s apps for it? Different products to make it easier? How interesting... When you express that it puts you in pain and you have multiple symptoms, though, as many questions as he asks and as curious as he is, he’s still careful to be kind and doting towards you during it. 
Swindle: He thinks it’s pretty gnarly. There’s surgery that can make it stop? Do you want him to pay for that? No? Birth control can make it stop? Do you want him to pay for that? No? Okay, he doesn’t get how you can handle such a thing, but if you can handle it, you can handle- humans with female anatomy are shockingly durable and resilient, he thinks. He doesn’t know what to do most of the time and just buys you the nicest most expensive products he can. 
Lockdown: He doesn’t think it’s gross or gruesome or anything, as he’s done a lot of botched surgeries and killings in his day. He’s seen organic corpses, Cybertronian corpses, removed organs, removed mods and parts, he isn’t really phased by anything, let alone the thought of a little period blood. He does understand that it can be painful, though, and tries to be a soothing presence, cuddling you a bit more and bringing you whatever food you’re craving.
Blackarachnia: She’s shocked and horrified. How come it’s only the humans with the female anatomy that go through that, she asks. Then when you tell her, she complains that it’s unfair and that all of the humans should have to suffer through it if any are going to. During your period, she treats you the same as usual, but she is a little more understanding when you get snappy or complain about your cramps being bad. 
Wasp: His first instinct is to think that it’s pretty freaky that the human body can do that without dying but also to be upset that you’re in pain from it. During the week that you’re on your period, he’s especially sensitive as to not trigger your mood swings and ensures that you’re well-taken care of and doted on, but he’s really awkward about it and gets flustered any time you mention the specifics. 
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wonlouvre · 3 years
Yayyy i absolutely love your writing!!
I would like to request a Hoshi × gn!idol! Reader angst+fluff imagine where Soonyoung cheers/takes care of his reserved s/o who has been having a hard time and has opened up to him about it for the first time. S/o is someone who can't say no easily and because of that their workload had increased a lot. But in the end they can't hold themselves any longer and breaks down.
strength | k. sy.
pairing: hoshi x gn!idol reader genre: fluff, angst, then fluff again warnings: mentions of anxiety, physical and mental tiredness (please tell me if i missed anything!) word count: 1.8k+ (i honestly don’t even know anymore)
💌: thank you very much for requesting! i made some tweaks here and there and i hope you still like it! thank you for loving my writing as well :’( it really means a lot that <3 i hope you like this!
Soonyoung was aware that you’d be coming from Japan for your collaborative magazine photoshoot. He just didn’t know that you’d be going straight from the airport at four o’clock in the morning. 
He thought he read your message wrong saying that you’re on your way to the assigned shooting location. As far as he’s concerned, the call time was at seven a.m. He had to do a double take while squinting his eyes over the brightness of his phone but when he saw another bubble pop out saying you’re already there, he immediately jumped off his bed to shower. 
He misses you. You’ve been going in and out of the country because of promotions and the chances of getting to see you has been slim to none. If he ever meets with you, it will be short because either one of you has to go back to work or has to go back to bed because there is a flight to catch the next day. It’s obviously tough. But your relationship perseveres. 
Soonyoung will do everything to make it work and you are together with him on that. So if it means he has to shower half-asleep and wear his boxers backwards just to see you, he’d never mind.
Your Japanese album tour started and ended successfully but work didn’t stop from there. You were just getting started. Before leaving the said country, you were fully booked for live television performances, interviews, variety shows and the like. It was exhausting but, it was an opportunity that you couldn’t miss out on for the world even if you wanted to. 
Soonyoung is proud of you and he will always be. Heart eyes were formed whenever he got the chance to watch your performances whether it be from a paid livestream event or from kind fans sharing and uploading their videos or photos on Twitter or Instagram. He’s even more in love when it’s in person and he gets to watch your performance plus enjoy it with your never failing supportive fans. 
However, Soonyoung is also worried because he knows you’re also tired. He knows how fulfilling it is to do what you love the most, but he’s no stranger to the physically and mentally tiring part of it. He wasn’t even surprised to catch you asleep on the couch when he arrived at your dressing room. 
Your manager’s eyes brightened when they saw him, quickly standing up from the chair to give him a hug. 
“They told me they just need a fifteen minute nap,” they whisper against Soonyoung’s shoulder as he hugs them back. “But we both know they need more than that.”
Soonyoung sadly smiles while his eyes never leave your curled form. He mutters a simple “I’ll take it from here” while your manager excuses themself to buy everyone breakfast. 
It’s a challenge to take you into his arms without disturbing your sleep because he doesn’t want that from happening. He just wants to hold you for the remaining time without interruption from other people. He just wants to hold you and share this moment of calm before the lights and camera get into action later. 
Soonyoung’s thankful you didn't, although he still felt your lips lightly ghost against his jaw, telling him that you know that he’s here. He brings your legs over his lap while he cradles your head close to his neck. He wishes to lay down, but the couch is too cramped for two bodies so he’d have to settle with this position. He guesses it’s fine with how you deeply inhale his scent and snuggle closer and closer, locking your arms around his waist with no intentions of letting go. 
Just like you, he falls asleep, completely comfortable and content in finally having you in his arms again. 
Your tangled bodies were shaken to wake up at least an hour later. Both of your managers have food in their hand, ready to energize the two of you up before moving forward with the hair and makeup. The agenda for today includes a photoshoot with several changes of outfit, a short shoot for an audio video presentation and lastly an interview or question and answer of some sort. 
Your relationship has been publicly known for two years already. Some fans have been supportive while some have been angry. It’s nothing new and it’s nothing the two of you could care about at this point. 
Countless projects have been offered to the two of you during the course of those two years whether it be a song or dance performance, a guesting on a famous variety show and even a three second cameo appearance on a drama. They’re all lovely offers and you would love to participate, but the two of you made a decision to keep the relationship private. Sure, you’ll accept it from time to time. But, it’s still very limited to one to two songs to sing or dance to together and some magazine photoshoots. Just like now. 
By far, this is the third time the two of you would be featured on a magazine cover. Your respective publicists already know how to communicate to the publishing company your terms and conditions. Questions about your relationship are allowed, but to a certain number only. The rest will be about what’s mostly seen by fans and the rest of the public which is automatically your music. 
The concept is not necessarily daringly romantic. After all, what you’re trying to promote here is the clothes. But your chemistry is maintained with a few fleeting touches here and there. In one shot, you two were holding hands and the other has his arm is loosely wrapped around your neck. 
You and Soonyoung are careful to not get lost in each other’s eyes during the short breaks in between because the cameras were still rolling. Although, his soft touches on your hand and arm still lingered. On the other hand, you help him fix his hair whenever he gets excited and jumps from time to time. You could kiss him right now, but again, you want to be careful. 
The shoot concluded faster than you thought and the next thing you know, the two of you are sitting side by side with a camera blinking red in front, ready to record the interview included in the contract. 
The interview consisted of questions that’s nothing out of the ordinary. The magazine asked about your favorite go-to styles lately, your look inspirations, a little bit of this or that, your recent music releases or favorite music releases at the moment and of course something about your relationship that you're comfortable and willing enough to share. 
But one particular question caught you off guard that you had to hold your tears and brave through the rest of the interview without showing any signs that you’re about to cry.
“How have you guys been lately, individually?”
“I’ve been great,” you quickly answer with a smile that didn’t even reach your eyes. The camera may not have noticed, but Soonyoung did. It took a lot of patience and restraint for your boyfriend to stop himself from cutting the interviewer off to ask you again how you really have been. 
Everything that was in store for the two of you today ends and when the cameras are gone, you and Soonyoung hand in hand walk back to your dressing room. It’s a relief that this is the last project for the day and you’re glad you could get some rest for the coming week.
Your body slumps on the couch while the staff pack up. You puff out a breath before closing your eyes. You wish you could yell out how tired you are lately. Work piled up over the course of six months and you couldn’t have at least two days away from the makeup and flashing lights. 
Soonyoung bites his lower lip as he settles beside you. He’s contemplating whether he should ask you now or later because he doesn’t want you to grow conscious and shut yourself away. He knows how brave and strong you are. But he also wants you to know that you can trust him and that if you ever need a shoulder to cry or at least lean on, his are more than welcoming. 
“You okay, babe?” He asks in the quiet as the staff leaves one by one. “Anything bothering you?”
You surprise him by sitting up straight and opening your eyes, welling with tears. That makes him shoot up and instantly hug you close. “Oh baby.”
You finally cry and set free the tears that you’ve been locking deep within you. You thought you could brave through this pain and anxiety without having the need to shed any vulnerability. You thought this shall pass soon. You thought you could do this. 
But here you are now letting go with sniffles and shaking shoulders as Soonyoung gently caresses the top of your head. 
He hates to see you cry. But it’s only right to let you. 
“I just feel like I’m going to miss out on everything if I turn down any project offered to me.”
Soonyoung pouts when he hears what’s been bothering you. It took a while for you to calm down and finally talk, but it’s okay. He doesn’t mind. He will never mind. 
“I understand, honey,” he assures you and wipes your tear stained cheek. “And there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.”
Your lips shake again and crying makes you want to hide. Without hesitation, you crawl to your boyfriend’s lap and wrap your arms around his shoulder. Soonyoung doesn’t complain and just keeps you close, protective arms around your waist.
The dressing room is empty except for the two of you. The staff got the message once Soonyoung pleaded with them through his eyes to give you some time with him since you’re already done for the day.
“It’s also okay to work and work,” he continues, soothing hands rubbing against your back. “But at some point, it’s also okay to take a break for them.”
You pull away and rest your hands on his neck. “Even though I’m going to miss out?”
Soonyoung nods and leans his forehead against yours. “Yes and there’s also nothing wrong with that.”
“I seriously want to go on a trip with my family,” you say and sigh. “And of course, with you too.”
Soonyoung can’t help but giggle. “I’d love to. How about next month? Let’s go somewhere with your family or friends. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?”
Your boyfriend’s enthusiasm puts a smile on your face and this time, the smile reaches your eyes. “Let’s go somewhere quiet first. I want to take a long nap before we proceed to do anything that needs an awake body.”
“You got it, babe,” Soonyoung promises and kisses your lips.
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