#haven't really written since april so I'm pleased
wordswithcorrin · 1 year
Felt a random surge of inspiration and got 600 words into the current chapter of Divinity in a single sitting. Feeling pretty good about it!
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Can I please request a Kyle x reader fic based around Romeo and Juliet?
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Warning: N/A
Background: Y/N and Kyle have been best friends ever since they were babies. An unknown reason separated your once close-knit families apart. And the once best friends no longer spoke but not because they didn't want to.
Status: Ongoing
Next part
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The peace by your side: Prologue
You weren't allowed around anyone from the Broflovski family. This has been a fact for years now. It wasn't always like this. When your mom was pregnant with you she used to hang around Sheila all the time. They were best friends. They were pregnant at the same time and had bonded over it.
They would sit at Sheila's kitchen table and talk. Talk about anything they could think of. Talk about what names they had picked out for their babies that had yet to come, all while their stomachs were next to each other, not yet touching, but close enough to feel each other's warmth.
You were born first, but only early by a day. The next day Kyle came and ever since that day you and Kyle were together all the time. Your moms didn't work, so it was easy for them to spend all day together.
You two were best friends and while Kyle had other friends he would spend most of his time with you. He would do his homework with you. Pick you to be on his kickball team before anyone else.
You would speak to other kids and were friendly but you never considered anyone your friend. Except for Kyle. Kyle was your friend. Kyle was your best friend. And you were his.
You and Kyle took your first steps together, spoke your first words around the same time, slept in the same bed on the weekends, and ate every meal together. It was that way until you both were six.
In February of that year, your family stopped eating dinner at Kyle's place. In March, Kyle no longer came over on weekends. In April you and Kyle stopped talking as much even at school. And in May you two didn't have your birthday together like you did every year.
You saw it coming but that didn't stop you from crying into your pillow after you blew out your candles.
Kyle felt it too. His birthday felt so lonely without you. Every year you two would blow out half the candles, leaving the other half for the other. This year Kyle blew out all his candles.
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A/N: BTW I'm taking some inspiration from not only Romeo and Juliet (but set in modern times) as well as 'If He Had Been With Me' by Laura Nowlin. If you haven't read it you 100000000% should. I was sobbing but I'm a crybaby so take that with a grain of salt. This is gonna be a series so stay tuned. This is just a little taste before chapter 1 comes out! And honestly already got the ending written out and I really hope it brings ya'll to tears. Thanks for reading, love yall 🩷🩷
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0rczy · 6 months
For following Fandoms: Varian and the 7 kingdoms, Lego monkie kid, JRWI riptide
Hi there! I tought I would share some of my favourite fanfictions I've read since April last year, as sort of a recap and also recommendations. These are all longer stories btw, ranging from 78K to  236K words. Hope you find something that piques your interest :D
If you have any other recommendations, PLEASE share them, I'd love to read more from these fandoms.
-Varian's Tangled Trials by IFoundYouJustineTime and TheArtistsMuse A complete Vat7k story adapting the original creators' plot points into an amazing, 24 chapters (episodes) long fic that reads like an actual cartoon. If you're new to Vat7k or Tangled The Series, or even if you haven't seen the latter (like me), you WILL enjoy this. If you like a fun adventure with a bunch of nerds as a found family, this is for you.
-What Summer Meant to You -If I Really Hated you (and I really, really do) both by Battybatzgirl First one's a battle of the bands/modern AU, second is an AU where the boys are rival engineers, both focusing on the ship Varigo. The writing style is what made me stay and read these to the end. Incredibly funny and entertaining to read, the way Varian and Hugo are characterised is just. So good. If you like a well written, lighthearted, romantic comedy, this is for you. (Both include some skippable adult scenes, but the story is much more about the romance)
-Making End's Meet by Meltthepoint As the author's name suggest, this is a melting point (Donella x Ulla) story, set in a modern setting. Donella enrolls Hugo into this new school, who then befriends Varian. Ulla and Donella meet again. This is about how two women make up and start anew after their lives went into directions they didn't want. The story is much more character focused, a really fun read. Very insightful about the women's characters. An exception, as I still haven't finished reading it. Definitely not the type of fic I can binge read, but I'm really enjoying it.
At the end of everything by Squirrelflight A Night in the woods AU (haven't played the game, you don't have to, to read it), and unfinished as of yet, but man. Worth checking out! Unlike the stories above, this one's definitely darker and has a really tense aura. Love it. The writing is so good it makes me so thrilled about what will happen next! I also really like, once again, the characterisation.
-You can stay here by KALL A pre canon story about how Pigsy and Tang adopt MK, how MK gets to be in a safe environment and starts figuring himself out. Great writing style, entertaining plot, what more could I ask for? (maybe an update lol) As of yet, unfinished, and hasn't been updated since late 2022. The author actually posted ( https://www.tumblr.com/its-kall-the-clown/735524530668371968/are-you-going-to-be-updating-any-fics-on-your-ao3 ) about wanting to rewrite the story sometime. Which is great! In case you're reading this, take as long as you want!
-A garden across our collarbone by PittedPeaches Spicynoodle soulmate AU where what you write, or in MK's case, draw on your skin, appears on the soulmate's skin as well. Red Son's journey of (very slowly, this is a slowburn) falling in love with MK. A lot of inner monologues, the story plays out more like a retelling of what happened from Red Son's perspective. Kind of like a diary entry and I LOVE IT. I actually didn't understand the pairing before reading this, nor was I that invested in Red Son's character. This fic changed everything. (it also sends you good luck if you read it on the train! I acquired: friends!)
-BREAKING FREE! by earlgray_milktea A fish 'n chips Highschool Musical AU (another thing I haven't seen, you don't need to, to read this). The writing is so undoubtedly Disney, it is at times so over the top dramatic, you can't help but smile at half the interactions. The charm is big on this one. The characters are exagerated but somehow not (completely) out of character. Basically if Riptide was on Disney, this is exactly how they'd act. Also it's just really, really cute.
-Depths of Natarus by goldpines Chip Mermaid AU set in an Undersa/Oversea war, focusing on Fish n Chips as well as Jay Ferin (my girl!). Two reasons why you should read this right now. First: the descriptions are SO detailed and immersive! It made me also kinda have a crush on Gillion Tidestrider. How. Second: it made me care about Jay. And the way she's written here is just so so great. You can tell the author knows what they're doing, the feels just keep coming, I alost teared up multiple times. This story makes you feel a lot of emotions at once, an overall amazing reading experience.
And these were my favs since last April. Specifically the ones that made me go absolutely insane. In a good way. Again, if you have any good recommendations (preferably longer stories, but shorter ones are also fine), please feel free to share them.
Thank you for reading this, if you did :D
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spacelattesao3 · 6 months
An Update
Hi friends! I hope everyone is doing well. I'd like to say thanks for all of the love and messages I've received over the last few months! I haven't been great at responding, but know that I've read every one of them and that they really keep me in high spirits about continuing my works.
I’ve gotten quite a few questions about whether or not my fics are currently on hiatus or not, and just wanted to clear things up and say that no, none of my fics are on hiatus. Most of these comments have been through my fics, so I've given my reasoning for my absence individually to readers. But, I realized that I should probably post something on my actual social account for others to see lol. Being that this is the only account that I have linked to anything fic related (I have no discord, instagram, twitter, etc), I figured the best thing to do is to put it here.
I've recently gone back to school for my graduates degree, and truthfully have just had a hard time trying to get back in the swing of things (haven't done the school thing since 2017/18). I had some trial and error of starting and then switching schools last year, but I think I'm finally on good ground balancing work and school. I'm starting to get a better rhythm now, and have some free time to write more. I have written a little here and there, but am currently trying to get back into the groove with writing so that I can give you guys an update!
That said, I'd like to provide you all with a tentative schedule for my upcoming posting plans:
Stitch Me Back Together chapter 29 is my highest priority right now. I honestly didn't even realize that I'd left this story sitting since last August, and I sincerely apologize for that!
Playing with Fire chapter 11 will follow
Caldera: The City of Ghosts chapter 19 will be updated last
I am hoping to have updates done no later than the end of April, early May by the latest. After that, I will be dedicating the month of May-early June (depending on meeting the first deadline) to updating Stitch Me as much as I can. July-August (depending) will be dedicated to Playing with Fire updates to hopefully finish it out. City of Ghosts will be updated in between these, as I don't want to leave it hanging. In the event that I don't meet these deadlines, the updates are still coming. Please just assume that I have either been caught up in work or school and wish me a nice long nap to recover 😅.
If you see a random oneshot between any of these fics being updated...no you didn't (But I do have one from November if you haven't gotten a chance to read it 👀). If you haven't read some of the fics listed and want to start, or you're interested in any other oneshots I've written, you can always visit my ao3 here 🫡.
I hope this answers some questions that some of you may have had. Thank you all for waiting patiently for me, as well as all of the nice and thoughtful messages I've received in the last few months!
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angelpuns · 1 year
I’m hello I would like to hear the Usagi lore. Please and thank you
I dropped some of it here already, but here's some more fun facts:
- like Casey and sometimes April, he likes to poke fun at Leo, but he usually knows when to stop and apologize. Leo actually likes when people are mean to him tho ( cause that means they like him!)
- tall boy. He is so tall.
- Very skilled swordsman due to his previous training, since the turtles haven't really done too much training aside from what they learned from YouTube, he definitely has lost fights against them on purpose. Not to the detriment of the foot clan, but simply so they can feel like they got a win from time to time.
- probably taught Leo more sword skills later, either post-shredder ( I have a whole timeline written down lmao ) or right before they fought shredder so he'd at least not die :)
Usagi is v much:
' Yeah we're friends but I'm not gonna lose my place in the clan to be friends with him ya know?But also I don't want him to die so I'll be real careful and not kill him :) '
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regencyofhell-if · 1 year
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The only reason I didn't post yesterday was because I didn't want you to think I was making an April Fool's joke, but we have the entirety of Chapter One completely written as well as a decent part of Chapter 2. It's very extensive and will need to be cut down before publication because so for I've written almost 120k words. I still can't believe the word count and keep looking at the Word document over and over again.
It's the most I've ever written in my entire life (which is saying a lot considering I started writing in general when I was 14 and now I'm 30 😳)
The next month or so is going to be about division of what I've already finished so that my attempts at coding are not overwhelmed, as well as deciding what platform to go with. I'm autistic so Twine has proven way too much for me to figure out. If anyone has any suggestions on what would be an easier alternative, please leave a comment here because the only other platform I know that can handle all I've written in CoG and I haven't heard good things about it.
I really wanted to get this game out before spring. Everything should have been finished a long time ago, but if I've learned anything, it's don't set deadlines for yourself, especially in my case because I will never meet them if I do. Not only do I absolutely suck at timekeeping, but I need to learn to stop tinkering with things and move on instead of just editing what I've already written until I can't stand looking at it anymore.
But I'm not here to complain; I'm here to get everything out in the open and keep you guys updated on my progress with RoH. And to let you all know that I'm going to make up for my lack of posts and keeping quiet the last few weeks when my personal life went through the garbage disposal.
I've reopened my Patreon to give you guys more content and to (hopefully) help pay my rent since I'm not doing well financially after all those medical expenses and Archer moving out. In exchange, I will be posting every Monday with sneak peeks, short stories, and polls. I already have posts scheduled for the next two months, including some spicy content Tumblr would flag. 😏
In summary: MOMMA'S BACK, BABY!!
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nyankodanyan · 2 years
Nagata Ruriko Membership Number 18
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Date of birth: June 23 1967 Birthplace: Gifu Height: 156cm Weight: 45kg Bust: 83cm Waist: 6cm Hip: 82cm Blood Type: O+ High School: Chiba Prefectural Tsudanuma High School Favorite subject: English and Art Least favorite subject: History Club: None Favorite type of boy: Someone who is taciturn and has no presence. Least favorite type of boy: Someone handsome and someone like Playboy who is awfully kind to women. Hobby:Cooking Favorite food: Ice Cream favorite color: White, Pink and Orange Favorite celebrity: Shibata Kyōhei About myself: Every single day I feel self-loathing. Please give me your support. (DUNK8510 P42)
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She became a member of Onyanko Club in May 1985, when she was a senior at Tsudanuma High School.(OnyankoB p43) She was good friends with Nitta Eri and Nakajima Miharu, who were in the same grade.(DUNK8512 p39) In April 1986, she enrolled at Wayō Women's Junior College near Funabashi, her hometown.(Rumors p86) In terms of looks, she was at least way better than Nitta, and yet she never became as popular as Nitta.(OnyankoC p38) Perhaps she wasn't always suited for an idol, as she wasn't so cheerful and was an extremely difficult type of girl.(DUNK8510 P42) Still, she, like Nitta, really wanted to make her solo debut.(OnyankoB p43) She appealed to various parties to let her make a solo debut.(5ch1 5) However, Kasai Kazuji, the chief director of Yūyake Nyan Nyan, cruelly rejected her request, telling her that she wasn't qualified for the job.(OnyankoB p43) She was extremely disappointed and implicitly criticized Kasai, saying, “I really hate guys who wield power, and I'm fucking pissed off with such assholes".(DUNK87 P67) Still, when Onyanko Club disbanded, she said she had no unfinished business for her and graciously retired from the entertainment industry.(OnyankoB p64) She developed a unique rounded script called Rurīru, which is still in use to this day, albeit only slightly.(OnyankoC p38) In spring 1988, she married an employee of a television production company.(Rumors p160) That was just a short time before Takai Mamiko's marriage to Akimoto Yasushi, and Nagata, not Takai, was the first Onyanko Club member to get married.(Rumors p160) Some say she married Suzuki Masato, an assistant director of Yūyake Nyan Nyan.(2ch2 710) She appears to have two children (some say three), but hasn't been seen in public at all since her marriage.(Current)(5ch1 66) She's never been in contact with any of the other members of Onyanko Club, including Nitta Eri, with whom she was good friends.(5ch1 68) There are many other members who haven't appeared in public since their marriage, but she's the only one who hasn't even been witnessed by anyone.(5ch1 100) In the 21st century, she started refusing to give video permissions.(Current) Because of this, whenever Onyanko Club footage is shown on TV, her face is always covered with a mosaic.(Current) A number of DVDs were released featuring Yūyake Nyan Nyan, concerts, and behind-the-scenes footage.(Current) All of her close-ups, conversations, singing scenes, and even her profile were removed from these DVDs.(Current) Since no public explanation has been offered as to the cause of her refusal to give permissions for the footage, a number of theories have been rumored.(net) One of them is that her husband had a dispute with Fuji TV and since then she has refused under his direction.(Ruri) This is the most widely believed theory among Onyanko Club fans.(net) However, this theory ain't worthy of credence because it originated from a post written by an unidentified guy on the Onyanko Club fan site, PANIC THE WWW, over 20 years ago.(Ruri) Given her past history, it's more natural to assume that her refusal is vengeance for not getting her solo debut. This theory, too, ain't certain, though.
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kimium · 11 days
1, 9, 20, and 22 for the writing ask game💜
(From this ask HERE)
Thanks for this ask!!! I always love answering any ask from you!
Is there a favourite character or title you enjoy writing for the most?
For characters I adore writing Leona and Malleus from Twisted Wonderland. They're super fun and easy for me to write. I also love writing Shouichi from KHR!
For fandom even if I haven't written in a while I love writing for SDR2. It's the fandom I've written for the longest and thus it feels very comfortable to write for.
9. Care to share a sneak peek of a WIP?
For once I don't have a single WIP in progress! :0 There is nothing to share at the moment!
20. What's one thing you want your readers to know about you?
I look at my bookmarks all the time. If you leave any nice comments on them I always think "You could... copy and paste that into an actual comment. I want to reply to you and let you know how happy this makes me". If you leave an ambiguous comment where I'm not certain you like the story or not I think "Can I please talk to you so I can clarify?"
22. Care to share any future WIP ideas you have lined up?
I have more planned for my side stories to Just a Normal Citizen (Not a Dimension Traveler). I'm very excited to write these ideas. I don't want to say too much though and spoil the surprise!
I am going to finish my Platonic Yandere AU soon... I hope. I have the ending all planned out. No hints! You all have to wait!
I also have more planned for the Sort of Saw Franchise AU I'm co-writing with @m34gs. I really want to write Yuu's friends meeting the dorms and being surprised.
I want to write a 10051 good timeline fic where Shouichi introduces Byakuran to his parents! It's going to be fluffy to combat all the bad timeline fics. Oh, but there will probably be more bad timeline fics too...
There is a SDR2 Komahina fic I've had planned out since... April/May? I want to write this and maybe I'll be able to before the turn of the new year.
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sequesteredschizo · 5 months
cw // suicidal ideation & self harm 
thought too much about where I should post these words @ and where to do it if I did
Decided on here, both to challenge myself to be honest about how I'm doing and as a small private testament to myself, esp considering I can't guarantee I'll remember any of this later if I don't 
A few months ago I decided I was supposed to kill myself on April 26th 2024. I think something about doing that nullified certain anxieties of mine at times, for better and for worse. I thought the worst thing I could do that would ruin everyone I cared about was already going to happen, so I was able to loosen my grip somewhat on the people-pleasing and the social anxiety and the agoraphobia- maybe a sort of subconscious 'if something doesn't change, i will be dying. So I might as well try while I'm still around.' I've been callous and I've been unstable, but I also took risks (or, actions I that felt like risks to me) that landed me with more life-affirming results than I could have ever anticipated.
I sent texts I thought were annoying and stupid to people I wished I talked to more, I tried to eat like a well-adjusted adult person, I was honest with my dad about how hellish my disability was making my life for the first time. Etc etc. Anything to connect, anything to survive. I didn't care anymore. it felt like the end of the world. To everyone else it probably seemed like I was finally re-entering society, if anyone thought much of it at all (unlikely, imo.) At one point, I hurt myself worse than I ever had before, and without really meaning to, haven't done it since. It feels now like a microcosm of the bigger picture, just by coincidence. Doing better wasn't necessarily my intention, but it was a consequence of thinking I was fucking it all up one last time. Might as well throw all the chips in.
Last weekend I attended a wedding out-of-state for a relative I hadn't seen in years knowing id meet countless new faces and I didn't even freak out. And I was terrified, and I didn't want to go there and I didn't want to stay here but I did it anyways. Turns out I don't think I've ever felt so loved and welcomed and appreciated in my life. The people I reached out to on a whim, because what was the worst that could happen? Some of them actually respond back, fucking shocker. My dad is trying to stop pretending I don't exist. I'm a little less malnourished. So those are all good developments.
I feel like I reached up into an empty sky with the very last dregs of energy I had and by some miracle, just enough of the universe reached back. I don't and didnt want to scar and endanger my struggling loved ones because I couldn't be strong enough to deal with myself. It had to be my last option, after truly trying everything I could. I didn't even do much, and I didn't expect it to work. I didn't expect my favorite band to be dropping new shit on my due date. I didn't know that I would really honestly from the bottom of my heart not want to leave this fucked up horrible beautiful tragic world behind. 
I know there's always going to be a part of me that expects me to commit. it's always been easier for me to hurt myself than help myself. I've written a lot of suicide notes throughout my life. This is the first time I've ever done the opposite, I guess? This is supposed to be my promise to me that I want to live. I need to. Its really hard to admit that to myself. I'm pretty sure I can do it tho.
I think (and almost hope) that the handful of you who follow this stupid little blog wont read this, but I posted it here because theres too many people everywhere else. It's directed at myself anyway.
a distant yell into a cacophonous void, in hopes that typing it will act as a metaphysical vehicle for manifesting it in the collective subconscious:
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artemismoorea03 · 11 months
Life Update
Okay, so this is a long time coming. For those who follow me for my Gotham is Haunted or Monkies Aren't Alright series - or any series really - you might have noticed a large gap in posting and this is a mixture of things that hit all at once.
To start out Salem - our black cat went missing in April and we still haven't found him. I'm still holding out hope but aside from my Mom it seems like everybody else has given up on finding him.
Salem went missing on my wedding anniversary and on my birthday my spouse brought home a kitten that was found at his work that we named Ziggy. He was starving, really sick, and not doing well but by some miracle we managed to nurse him to life. A mixture of waking up every couple of hours to give him formula, helping him to go the bathroom, and restarting his breathing a handful of times. Ziggy is now five months old and is thriving to the point that our vet has been surprised by how far he's come and that he's the same cat.
Then, in September I went on a hellish camping trip. One that basically made me loose all hope that I will ever be able to heal my relationship with my father and strained my relationship with my mother even more. Between panic attacks, autism melt downs, being so cold I was physically sick more than once then got yelled at for being 'dramatic', and my father telling me I was being 'too much' for being disabled how I am I just... I was done and I'm still not okay from that trip. Both emotionally and physically.
To add onto that my mom implied that she would be kicking us out of the house because my sister and her boyfriend were moving out and tried to convince me and my spouse to move into the "Mancave" of my creepy uncle which meant that we spent weeks trying to find a house on short notice just to find out that it was actually my Dad pushing my mom to kick us out so they could make more money from renting the house we're living in out to others. When mom realized that we took it seriously and was to the point of being mentally lower than I had been since fuckin high school she took back what she said and promised that unless we wanted to move out we weren't going anywhere.
All of that mixed with the fact that I have been sick for months physically, my vision and hearing getting worse, my mental state still being garbage, and hate comments on some of my work that I've had to delete or push aside has made it really hard to write. I second guess everything I write, and try writing even harder. Hell, I was nearly done with my Kid's Aren't Alright rewrite when I got ANOTHER bad comment and realized a mistake that I knew I would get more hate on and now I'm having to rewrite it all over again.
I'm working myself in circles and I'm just... I'm not okay and I'm not sure how long it'll be until I'm okay again. I'm trying to get back into writing, getting back to my roots and writing more of what I want to write and worrying less about 'canon' or haters but it's hard to write when writing isn't fun.
To my friends that I've kinda brushed off, I promise it's not you. I've gone into my shell a lot and I'm trying to break back out but it's a fight. I'm still in a dark place but I'm hanging on as best as I can with the resources I have around me. I'm not saying there will never be another update (hell, I took a break from writing Gotham is Haunted just to make this update) but I am saying that whatever the update, no matter how small or how lame... be gentle, please? A lot has happened.
And this? What I've written here - is only part of it.
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masonshine · 1 year
Hi Kao!!! I see the Infamous brainrot has you too haha :) Can you tell us more about Salomé? She looks so very cool 🥰 Hope you're doing well!!!
Hello PD! I'm doing good, thank you 💕 Hope you're doing great as well!!
LOL yeah, there's no escaping the Infamous obsession. I played it sometime late April and i haven't been able to think of anything else since lol It's already shaping up to be one of my favourite IFs.
Ahh thank you so much, you're too kind 🥰 Kinda struggled to decide how i wanted Salomé to be and what i wanted for her but i'm satisfied so far with what i came up with. Tho some things are still subject to change and others are in progress.
So sorry in advance because this got long and also for my messy rambling!
Salomé Jackson is her real name, which she also uses as her stage name. I know i want a middle name for her but i still haven't found the perfect one. Her mother is latina with middle eastern roots and her father white american (french and irish origins).
Salomé is the frontwoman of Fatal Flaw. She is an avid reader and was always interested in Greek Mythology so that's the reason she (and Seven) chose that as a name. Plus it just sounded cool lol
Fatal Flaw's an alternative rock band, think The Neighborhood, Willow Smith, Arctic Monkeys, Beabadoobee, L'Arc-en-ciel (a japanese rock band) type of songs. I have not come up with their album or most popular song names yet, although i have some lyrics written down.
Even tho she's really into it because she loves music and singing, she also enjoys being loved and recognized (she's... love starved thanks to her parents, so the celebrity life kinda gives her the love she longs for) and she's working hard to make a name for her band.
Seven is her ex and she's absolutely not over him. The fight and the breakup impacted her BADLY. That was like such a turnpoint in her life. Seven really was her everything; she loved him so much and thought he was her forever, so him not being around anymore completely turned her life upside down. It also increased her abandonment issues which were already there thanks to her parents again, and as such she's become more wary of hurting ppl she loves and actually started trying harder to please everyone, specifically her band members which she considers family.
That's one of the reasons she's been trying her hardest not to make the band about herself, and actually let the others get their shine too. Also one of the reasons she chose to share the bus with Soft Violence, for Rowan's sake (the other reason being her somehow still wanting to be in Seven's vicinity even tho that would do nothing but hurt her). I don't wanna call her a ppl pleaser per se but...
Salomé also has a crush on her role model Griffin Reign. It's just an innocent (for now) crush one might get on their fav celebrity. Absolutely no worries of it becoming smth more, not at all. It would be wrong... and well, she just could never like him that way (lies).
Salomé smokes, drinks and does drugs. I wouldn't say she's addicted to any of the three but her using depends on her mood. It did increase after her breakup with Seven (tho she only got into drugs after it) but she's been trying to pace herself lately with her participation in BOTB. She needs to be responsible about it and doesn't wanna screw things up for her band.
So this is basically it? Maybe i forgot smth important? Anyway if you wanna know anything, don't hesitate to ask 😊
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
Driving After Dark fic update!
I have written 5849 words since yesterday morning. (it's 9pm.) It's actual first draft, no placeholders! They have not kissed but that is because they are being... they are being a way about things. They also haven't looked at each other!
I'm incredibly happy because I think it is very good.It's been called "the hottest thing I've read in a long time" and been said to evoke "Literal chills down my spine reading it". Also I'm apparently good at drawing things out which is great cause wow i sure am! Guys, chapter two of whatcha gonna do is going to be over 10k and they don't even get to the bedroom. So here's hoping I'm doing it right!
I love that I can tell you it will be out sunday! Unless I have a health crisis or something, there's no reason I can't get this out, cause there's a lot of places i could end it, and I don't hate the way the writing is coming out. I want to spruce it up, but very little pains me. Well. Let's check my comments.
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I really truly have conversations with myself over time. I find it hilarious. Please raise glass to/pour one out for my betas cause they just get... this.
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Okay going to other docs for my amusement, and hopefully yous
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Note the april 10 - may 9th journey on that one, that's final installment of "i hope you have the time of my life", see, i never stopped working on it. <3
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
Thoughts on The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog?
I absolutely adored it!
I just wanna get it out the way that I am amazed and so thankful that the team made it. I mean, it was a free April Fools' joke game, they could have easily made a half hour long goof but they didn't! They made a whole 2-3 hour long game with dialogue choices, an actual decent mystery with twists and mini games! That's incredible!
But getting onto specific things I loved: 1) the artwork, you can tell that comic artists worked on it and everything from the new outfits, to the sprites, to the backgrounds, to the references to past games, to the pixel art... It's all so gorgeous to look at. It feels like a comic filler arc come to life and I love it so much.
2) The music, obviously it doesn't leave as much of an impact as the mainline osts but it's still really damn good. Each background track fits the location it's paired with and all of the interrogation themes are really good. Also, you gotta love the way they slipped It Doesn't Matter in there. I love a good throwback.
3) The humour. Omg this game is so charming and so funny. Like our character being a socially awkward, nervous wreck who's obsessed with checking trash bins and might have a slight gambling addiction? Love them. The fact that Omochao is apparently wanted for medical malpractice? Hysterical. I could list so many jokes that made me laugh out loud, it's so well written. Also... Gotta love the Ian Jr cameos. I love that funky lil dude.
4) The focus on characters. Ngl, I know this was a joke thing but I've honestly wanted something like this for a long time because I love the Sonic cast. My favourite games are always ones where you can play as multiple characters, I just like the variety. And also, since Sonic's "dead" throughout most of the game, it really gave these characters who haven't had a lot of screen time lately a chance to shine, and boy did they ever shine! I do really wish some more characters showed up but I'm still so happy with the characters that did.
5) The story itself was actually really well thought out. Like, this was a little 'hee hee ha ha funny blue guy dead whodunnit?' game, I was not expecting it to end with the message of "Good things can't last forever, sometimes you need to learn to let people go and move on" like damn, I was nearly tearing up at the end, it was so sweet.
So yeah, I really, really loved this game and I would honestly love it this became a little spin-off series for whenever there's a lull in big releases. I mean, Blaze mentioned escape rooms and I for one would love to play something like that. Gimme Zero Escape: Sonic Edition, I'd happily play that! Maybe let Silver and Cream tag along this time??? Please???? 🥺
TL;DR - The game's really, really, really good. Go get it on Steam for free if you haven't played it already, thank you 👍
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vampirecatsw · 2 years
Intro and My Links
(for mobile + other users)
Hi, My name is Cyn, it's nice to meet you! Call me Cyn or Sol. My pronouns are he/him ^-^
I'm a blatant kaishin shipper and proshipper, so scram if you're offended. Block me and go back to your lives. You don't even need to see my face, and I don't want to see you.
You might have seen me around Ao3 as secret_werewolves, leaving little comments on everyone's works~
I live in Australia and my birthday is the 18th of April. Don't worry, you don't need to send anything for it!
I like to lurk around discord servers, fandoms, devour fanfictions, and reblog things. My main fandom is Detective Conan / Magic Kaito, although I do explore some other ones.
I sometimes draw too, but since life has gotten very hectic recently, I'm taking things slower
My Art (Tumblr tag): https://vampirecatsw.tumblr.com/tagged/cyn%20draws
New!!: My new art blog yay! https://cyndraws.tumblr.com
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/secret_werewolves  Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/10181337/ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/secret-werewolves
My tags:
#cyn draws -> my art. I might also use #my art
#cyn talks / cyn speaks -> not much of a distinction since I often tag both. But cyn talks is for chatting, and cyn speaks is for original posts.
#cyn answers -> answering asks
Usually first name, last name for characters
#fic recs -> fic recs! Feel free to also browse my ao3 bookmarks or links on my fanfiction.net profile
#transmigrator kaito au -> my own au! I post under this tag (on both accounts, so click 'see all of tumblr'). Feel free to check out the link below and to follow the tag <3
This seems pretty popular so I'll put this here too. If I find another fic, I'll update it in this post. Happy reading~
Kaito pov/Kaito centric fanfic recommendations list:
Planned future projects:
Start writing fanfics hahaha. First I gotta get over my self esteem and start writing planssss. I do admire everyone who writes, but I really don't want to run out of steam halfway through projects. And if I'm gonna write, I wanna get into the habit of planning! It also allows for tiny details to be hinted in later, super satisfying >v<
Rn I'm super busy with uni so aaaa they might take a while
WIP Ideas in my brain, may or may not be actually posted. But definitely feel free to ask me questions about them!
Please send asks, I'm actually begging like please
- Kirby oc + anime au! (i have a series of monstrous documents with meticulous detail, it's getting ridiculous at this point adfghj. But I do need to watch the anime first). I have somehow ended up making an entire au around an oc haha. I'm taking some inspiration from other fandoms and fanworks.
- Dcmk oc/self inserts/transmigration aus (Shinichi/Conan, Kaito, detective boys, maybe some others. We need more of these in this fandom)
- Kaito transmigration au (Kaishin, platonic or romantic not decided yet)
Inspired by 'Entirely Out of Spite' by Bgtea, a Genshin fanfic. Would highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349320/chapters/74816049 And also "Scum Villain Self-Saving System" too, since EOoS is inspired by it in turn. I'm crying since writing is just Not Happening XDDD The funniest thing about this au is Kaito being extra giddy to meet Shin/Cone and being a fanboy in general
Kaitou / phantom thief oc Look he just slaps, idk how to explain XD
Ok, bye! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm going back to work now because uni is using me like its ragdoll in those flash games lol
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
10, 19, and 25 (for LDOMLT ofc hehehe)
hi happy wednesday :)
hiiiiii jo 🥺
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
dialogue dialogue dialogue !!! it comes easiest to me and oftentimes comes first, and then i write the descriptions around it (i did that with deep end). if i had to guess i think this is because i come from a heavy theatre/acting background? so the spoken word is really all you have there. i think a lot about writing my dialogue as "lines to be delivered" and i'm very obsessed with making it feel natural. idk just an insight into my ~twisted mind~
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
in terms of members i find that yoongi comes very very easily for me. probably because i love writing deadpan wit/sass with an ~undercurrent of more serious unspoken emotions and i think that suits his nature well
member that's hardest is definitely jin!!! hence why i have almost nothing written for him lmao. he's just such an enigma to me and i have a hard time trying to get his personality right 🤔 i need to do more research ig
25. Which idea came to you first in [x fic]?
so full disclosure i first got the idea for LDOMLT all the way back in april and the order of what parts came when is pretty fuzzy for me now. however i knew from the very beginning i wanted the dynamic of her being the keyholder and yoongi being used to coming/going as he pleases to make that "enemies" tension start to build
there are also a couple of scenes i've had in my head since VERY early on that unfortunately haven't happened yet so i cannot divulge details 🤐 but one of them is in chapter 8..... 👀 so perhaps i'll share more after it's up 💜
behind the scenes fanfic writing ask game!!!
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ohwhale22 · 3 months
weverse link
얼마 전 11주년이었는데 정신없다는 핑계로 짧은 글 하나도 못 남겼네요. 허허허
한 달 전에 컴백투미, 3주 전에 RPWP가 나왔죠. 작년 4월에 호석이와 함께 입대하려던 계획을 미루고 미루다 동생들과 손잡고 나란히 들어가게 되었죠. 23년은 그렇게 술과 작업으로만 보냈던 것 같아요. 친구의 병장 약장이 부럽지만.. 그래도 후회는 없답니다. (ㅎㅎ;)
제가 이런저런 소회를 직접 들려드리지 못한 첫 작업물이네요. 하고싶은 말들이 많지만 앨범에 모두 적혀있으므로.. 그저 오롯이 저 스스로 솔직하고자 발버둥친 앨범입니다. 오래오래 두고두고 읽어주시면 좋겠어요. 부디
3일 전에 진 형이 드디어 전역을 했죠. 저 재밌자고 색소폰도 가져와서 불었지만 실은 만감이 교차했습니다. 먼저 가서 많이 외롭고 힘들지 않았을까.. 어땠을까. 1년 6개월은 여기 누구에게나 공평하니까요. 저희는 지금 형의 과거를 살고 있는 중이겠지요.
오랜만에 나와보니 역시 바깥의 시간은 다르게 흐르는군요. 중력도 다르게 느껴지고.. 다들 내 부재와는 상관없이 잘 살아가고 있구나. 잘 흘러가고 있구나. 다소 헛헛한 기분도 들지만, 무엇보다 정말 오랜만에 멤버들이 모두 모여 한 잔 하며 허심탄회한 얘기들을 나눌 수 있어 좋았답니다(군대 얘기가 절반 이상이었지만..ㅋㅋ). 무려 근 열 달 만인 것 같아요. 왜이리 이 사람들이 보고싶었는지.. 저도 종종 전화해서 다짜고짜 안부나 묻곤 했었어요.
진 형이 늘 얘기하곤 했었어요. 멤버들 엄청 보고싶다고. 너희도 그럴 거라고. 뿔뿔이 흩어져 강원도 어딘가에 살아보니 사무치게 이해가 돼버려요. 막상 얼굴 보고 얘기하니 그래도 변하지 않는 것들, 내가 돌아와야 할 곳, 내가 어떤 사람이었는지도 다시 깨닫게 되고.. 우리 모두에게 의미있는 소중한 시간이었어요.
또 어디쯤 헤매고 있을까요? 내년 12주년에는 다들 어떤 얼굴을 하고 있을까요 그리워서 그리고 그려서 그리워요. 벌써 열 한 해입니다. 또 한 해를 손꼽는 일일 뿐이겠지요. 먼저 여러분의 품에 안긴, 안길 진 형과 홉이에게 뒷일을 부탁합니다.
아직 많은 분들이 저희를 잊지 않고 기다려주고 사랑해주신다는 것만 깨닫고 가요. 쏟아지는 사랑. 늘 그랬듯 그저 멤버들 여러분 생각하며 또 하루하루 잘 지내볼게요
사랑합니다. 고맙습니다 다음 초여름을 기약하며 남준
"Long time no see.
It was my 11th anniversary recently, but I couldn't leave a single short message under the pretext of being distracted. (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Comeback to me a month ago, RPWP came out three weeks ago. In April of last year, I postponed and postponed my plan to join the army with Hoseok, but I joined hands with my younger brothers and entered side by side. I think I spent 23 years just drinking and working. I'm jealous of your friend's sergeant's medicine cabinet, but.. But I don't have any regrets. (LOL;)
It's the first work I haven't been able to tell you how I feel about this and that. There are a lot of things I want to say, but it's all written in the album.. It's an album that I struggled to be honest with myself. I hope you read it for a long time. please
Jin was finally discharged from the military three days ago. I blew it because I brought a saxophone for fun, but I actually had mixed feelings. Wouldn't it have been very lonely and hard to go first.. How was it. A year and a half is fair to anyone here. We're probably living in his past right now.
It's been a while since I came out, so the time outside flows differently. Gravity feels different.. Everyone is doing well regardless of my absence. It's going well. It feels a bit empty, but most of all, it was nice to get together and have a drink and talk about candid things after a long time (although more than half of the military talk was about it)..Lol). I think it's been about 10 months. Why I missed these people.. I often called and asked how I was doing.
Jin always talked about it. They really miss the members. I'm sure you guys are, too. When I was scattered and lived somewhere in Gangwon-do, I understood it deeply. When I talk to you face to face, I realize things that still don't change, where I need to come back, what kind of person I was.. It was a meaningful and precious time for all of us.
Where else is he wandering? What kind of face will we have on our 12th anniversary next year I miss it and I miss it because I drew it. It's already been 11 years. It's just another year. First of all, please do something afterwards for Gil Jin and Hope, who are in your arms.
I just realize that many people still wait and love us without forgetting. a torrent of love. As always, I'll think about the members and spend every day well
I love you. Thank you. Let's look forward to the next early summer Namjoon"
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