wordswithcorrin · 6 months
April 20k Update 2
Officially crossed 50k in draft 2 of Divinity! And I finished the chapter I was working on. Next one should be the last of act 2, and then it's into act 3 and the home stretch!
I'm going to be away from my laptop for a few days soon, so I'll probably have to do a lot of catchup next week. Hopefully the words come easy!
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wordswithcorrin · 6 months
April 20k Update 1
1.7k / 20k
Today started off strong! I typed up a couple of scenes I've had physically written in a notebook for forever, and once I ran out of that I kept going off the cuff. I made some progress in 4thewords (very thankful they changed numbers around in the desert area lol it was a bit of a slog previously) and I'm about a day or so ahead of schedule.
I did realize I need to update the outline for this draft however. I'm in the middle of chapter 16 right now, and what I'm writting is waaay off from what I had originally plotted out. Think I'm going to jot some notes down in the next day or so just to give myself a decent idea of how I want chapters to fall going forward.
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nano Update Day 17
I just crossed 30k for this month and 40k in the manuscript as a whole! I'm quite pleased with myself, especially because tonight I started almost two hours later then usual, and I was worried it would be tough to get the words out. But nope! Once I sat down it didn't take long for things to start flowing. Here's to hoping I can get more done this weekend!
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nanowrimo Day 13
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Look at me go!
I'm cautiously optimistic about the rest of the month. I'm having a ton of fun writing this book. I'm ahead of the game rn and I look forward to writing each night. This stretch is usually where I fall off in Nano but I believe in myself! I'm going to power through! Winning Nano isn't everything - hell just consistently getting words on a page is - but I really really want it this year, to prove to myself I can after a couple years of failed attempts.
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wordswithcorrin · 11 months
Nano 2023 Day 4
I hit 30k in the manuscript today for Divinity AND broke into Act 2. Feeling pretty good, I hope I can carry the writing momentum into next week!
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wordswithcorrin · 1 year
Felt a random surge of inspiration and got 600 words into the current chapter of Divinity in a single sitting. Feeling pretty good about it!
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wordswithcorrin · 1 year
Camp Nano April: Update #2
Words Written today: 718
Total Words Written: 11384/20000
I'm still a day ahead of the goal, which is good! I'm feeling pretty confident that I can stay on top of writing too! I had originally started this month planning to work on a few separate projects, but 90% of the words I've written have been for draft 2 of Divinity - which I am absolutely not mad about. I actually just passed 20k in the manuscript yesterday, which is a milestone I'm very pleased to meet. Here's to hoping to pass 30k before April ends!
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wordswithcorrin · 2 years
Obligatory Intro Post
Hi there!
My names Corrin, and I write/read/generally consume a lot of Fantasy. I'm also a fan of historical fiction and I'm trying to read more romance and Sci-fi.
I have a lot of WIPS but my main one is Divinity, an epic fantasy set in pseudo-ancient Greece. I'm currently slowly working my way through draft 2, and I plan to tag it as #DivinityWIP
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wordswithcorrin · 1 year
Camp Nano April Update #3 - Wrapup
A little bit late - but good news: I won!
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Ta-Da!!! I'm very pleased with myself.
I worked on three different projects in april. DivinityWIP draft 2, and two short stories. 10k went into the novel and then rest was split between the two smaller projects.
Where do I go from here? I haven't decided yet. I plan to participate in the July session for Camp - and I think I'll be focusing wholly on Divinity. Depending on how much I push it, I might be able to get draft 2 done by the end of the year!
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