wordswithcorrin · 6 months
April 20k Update 2
Officially crossed 50k in draft 2 of Divinity! And I finished the chapter I was working on. Next one should be the last of act 2, and then it's into act 3 and the home stretch!
I'm going to be away from my laptop for a few days soon, so I'll probably have to do a lot of catchup next week. Hopefully the words come easy!
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wordswithcorrin · 6 months
April 20k Update 1
1.7k / 20k
Today started off strong! I typed up a couple of scenes I've had physically written in a notebook for forever, and once I ran out of that I kept going off the cuff. I made some progress in 4thewords (very thankful they changed numbers around in the desert area lol it was a bit of a slog previously) and I'm about a day or so ahead of schedule.
I did realize I need to update the outline for this draft however. I'm in the middle of chapter 16 right now, and what I'm writting is waaay off from what I had originally plotted out. Think I'm going to jot some notes down in the next day or so just to give myself a decent idea of how I want chapters to fall going forward.
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wordswithcorrin · 6 months
It's been a little while since I've written much of anything, so I'm setting a goal of 20k for myself in April! I was able to hit that amount last year, so I'm decently confident I can do it again :)
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wordswithcorrin · 6 months
“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you
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wordswithcorrin · 6 months
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nanowrimo Day 30
Dawn of the final day - I have 1935 words to write reach 50'000. I got 200 in at 12am last night, lets see if I can get the rest of this done before the clock strikes 12, shall we?
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Update! Made it to 1847 before calling it quits for the night. Hurray!
Nanowrimo Day 21
Currently sitting at 834/1667- just stopping for dinner and will be back to writing in a bit. I might try to get 1800 if I can tonight, but I'm still slightly ahead so I won't pressure myself. I have been thoroughly enjoying the ambience of the freezing rain outside for writing tonight. I don't know what it is about rain, but it just *hits* when I'm working on something, y'know?
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nanowrimo Day 21
Currently sitting at 834/1667- just stopping for dinner and will be back to writing in a bit. I might try to get 1800 if I can tonight, but I'm still slightly ahead so I won't pressure myself. I have been thoroughly enjoying the ambience of the freezing rain outside for writing tonight. I don't know what it is about rain, but it just *hits* when I'm working on something, y'know?
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
What do you mean there are only 9 days left of NaNoWrimo?? It was November 7th like yesterday???
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nano Update Day 17
I just crossed 30k for this month and 40k in the manuscript as a whole! I'm quite pleased with myself, especially because tonight I started almost two hours later then usual, and I was worried it would be tough to get the words out. But nope! Once I sat down it didn't take long for things to start flowing. Here's to hoping I can get more done this weekend!
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
i hope you write (i hope we both write)
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
being a writer is sometimes just like
“she raised the sword - *stares out of the window for three minutes* - high above her head, its- *plays with pen* - silver skin glinting in the- *gets up and walks around the room* - golden sunlight. her face- *opens tumblr*
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
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: D
I'm hitting 25k tonight internet void lets see if I can do it before dinner
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
450 down!
I'm hitting 25k tonight internet void lets see if I can do it before dinner
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
I'm hitting 25k tonight internet void lets see if I can do it before dinner
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
Nanowrimo Day 13
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Look at me go!
I'm cautiously optimistic about the rest of the month. I'm having a ton of fun writing this book. I'm ahead of the game rn and I look forward to writing each night. This stretch is usually where I fall off in Nano but I believe in myself! I'm going to power through! Winning Nano isn't everything - hell just consistently getting words on a page is - but I really really want it this year, to prove to myself I can after a couple years of failed attempts.
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wordswithcorrin · 10 months
"Cut everything that doesn't advance the plot" no. I'm gonna write more stuff that doesn't advance the plot
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