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lost-walmartbag · 11 months ago
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Warning: Swearing
Background: A deal and a sign
Status: Ongoing
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Peace by your side: Chapter Four
It was spring, we were four. We would go to this meadow that not many people had known about. At that time the flowers had already grown and me and Kyle would run around before we had to go back home.
We were exhausted from trying to catch butterflies and just laid on the grass together. There were clouds in the sky. The white against the bright blue set the perfect scene for us and I knew I didn't want to be anywhere else. Being there felt right it filled me with the warmth I had always felt when around Kyle, it was nothing like being around the other kids.
I watched the clouds pass and I assumed Kyle was doing the same but when I turned my head to finally look at him, he was staring at me. I thought nothing at the time, but looking back and analyzing the look in his eyes I can see it wasn't nothing, not to him.
"I wish I could touch a cloud," I said shining my bright smile, that I would only show to Kyle at the time. My front tooth had fallen out a few weeks before and it was embarrassing showing it off but I was never embarrassed to show Kyle.
Kyle smiled and took my hand, putting it on top of his head. His red curls felt soft under my palm and strands of red slipped between the gaps of my small fingers.
"I'll be your cloud." His voice was soft and quiet like it was a secret meant only for me.
"You can't be a cloud, clouds are white," I said with a giggle.
"Not always!" He said sitting up, my hand slipping down from his hair.
"Yes always!" I said giggling at his anger, sitting up beside him.
"No. Look!" He said pointing at the sky.
It had gotten darker while we were having our little argument, the sun had started to go down already painting the sky in pinks, oranges, and yellows. Some of the clouds were still white but the ones around the the sun were orange. The exact orange of Kyle's hair.
"See? Clouds can be orange." He said beaming proudly.
"OK. You can be my cloud."
I look up at him. It's hard to process what he's saying and I can hear only ringing coming from my ears. He's touching my lips and everything inside me is screaming at me to pull away. But another part, a much smaller part, wants to pull him in.
I want him to keep touching me like this. To keep looking at me like I'm the only person on Earth but I shouldn't. Even if we stopped being what we are now and tried to go back to normal like when we were kids it would never be the same. He isn't that same boy who held my hand when it was dark and kissed my bruises when I fell off my bike and I'm not the same person who needed him to do those things.
I looked up at him, his gaze piercing as he looked into my eyes. "What are you.."
"One month. Hell, one week. Let me show you why this isn't who we are. Let me remind you of everything Y/N." He said almost pleading, his thumb moving down from my bottom lip to stroke my cheek and I'm sure he can feel how his touch is burning my skin.
"I-I'ts not a good idea-"
"Why? Because our parents hate each other? They don't need to know. And who gives a fuck Y/N?" He said, his brows furrowing in frustration. "Y/N, please. Just give me this. Let me show you. I'll even take a day."
I don't know what he was planning to do when I agreed to give him the time he wanted but my mind felt like a war zone. Every skeptical part of me fighting so I would say no and tell him to leave me alone and just go back to ignoring him like I'd been doing for years, but across the field, fighting by itself, was the small part of me who wanted this.
And even though it felt like a million against one, that one was winning. Doing so well that when the war in my head was over the words were already tumbling from my lips without restraint.
"How much time do you need?" I asked, my voice quiet but it seemed to impact him as his eyes brightened and the skin that was making contact with mine warmed up.
"As much as you're willing to give me." His voice still sounded a bit distant but at least the ringing in my ears was calming.
"A week," I said before I could take it back.
It seemed to be the right answer though. Kyle looked like I had just told him we were going to Disneyland and he could get on any ride he wanted. "Perfect. More than enough time."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'll figure it out. But you need to be ready. Here give me your number." He said, pulling his hands away from my face so he could grab his phone.
My skin immediately cooled down and I felt a shiver run up my spine as I watched him pull out his phone. He handed it to me and I put in my number to his phone. As I typed in my name so many other names from his contacts popped up and it reminded me of how much I missed. I recognized some of them, kids from school, sports, and clubs. But the ones I didn't recognize were too much that I quickly finished up and handed him his phone back.
"Oh." He said with genuine surprise as he looked at his phone screen.
"W-what?" I asked, worried that maybe somehow I spelled my name wrong or that he realized how bad of an idea this was.
"We're number neighbors. Look." He said with a smile as he showed me his screen. "See? Same nine numbers but yours ends in a five and mine ends in a four."
I smiled a bit because while I didn't believe in them, this had to be a sign. Years apart and somehow there were small things tying us together. Four and five. A sign.
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A/N: Hey guys! I know I know I've been gone for a long ass time. I am so sorry. School is really speeding up right now but I should be out soon and should have like three weeks outside of that and while I make no promises I will try my best to write more. I have even been working on a few things while I've been gone so don't worry. Also small post to go over something coming later today so please stick around for that. As always, thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. Love you all 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taglist: @southparkynnn @stephs-inluv @weird0o0 @jessiegerl @ringa-starr @bakusquadobsessed @corpseinpink
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Now I'm crying tysm 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷
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a lost walmart bag indeed 🙁
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
still look at this when I feel like a bad writer, gives me so much motivation you don't even know ❤
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a lost walmart bag indeed 🙁
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
First Impressions pt 6
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Warning: Swearing
Background: Eric needs time to tell you the truth, but it feels like answers need to come sooner
Status: Ongoing
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"Come on Eric! This is stupid just tell me what's going on." You said as you walked out of the bar, chasing after Eric.
He stayed silent as he walked ahead. "I just need...I just need some time Y/N"
"Time? Eric, no we need to talk about this." You said reaching for his arm but he pulled away.
He took a shaky breath and turned to face you. "Y/N I... I don't want to talk about it. Not now. Can you please just give me some time?"
You frowned and looked up at him. He refused to look into your eyes but he clenched his fist and you knew exactly what that meant. You reached out and gently took his hand.
"I don't like knowing you're keeping something from me...but I respect that you need time." You said softly causing a sigh of relief to leave his lips.
"Thank you, baby." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
"Just promise me when you're ready you'll tell me." You said rubbing his back.
"I promise, babe."
"And Eric?" You whispered
"Yeah babe?"
"Get your hand off my ass."
"Yes ma'am."
You ended up driving Eric home because he was way too drunk to get behind the wheel. He was pretty quiet, apprently when drunk he is a very sleepy and cuddly bear so you were entirly alone with your thoughts.
How were you supposed to process all this? You didn't want to push Eric but god you needed answers. Kyle called him disgusting and sadistic. Sure you've jokingly called him that before but you never meant it.
The streets were quiet. Snowy. It was all very beautiful. You can Eric growing up here. Walking to school, playing basketball, pretending to be a wizard or something. You can see it suiting him once upon a time. Back home he seemed happier. Here he seemed like he was drowning.
You parked the car in the driveway and saw his mom leaning against the front door. Even in the dark, you could see a smug smirk on her face and it dawned on you. You look next to you seeing Eric, who is very much still drunk and asleep. You've seen Eric drunk before. He won't drive the next day.
She knew this would happen. She wanted this to happen
You stepped out of the car and stomped over to her. "You knew! That's why you wanted us to go. You know he won't want to go home tomorrow when he's like this."
"I know my Eric more than you ever will." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"You- I just- what the fuck is your problem? Why the fuck are you such a bitch?" You said completely exasperated.
Time seemed to stand still, you didn't mean to lash out like that. You hated her so much at that moment and even though she has been a bitch, she is still Eric's mother. Her eyes narrowed and wrinkles appeared on her forehead.
"Is that how you feel about me Y/N?" She asked as a small smirk pulled the corner of her lips. "What do you think Eric? What is my problem? Why am I such a bitch?"
Your heart stopped and slowly turned around seeing Eric standing there with a nervous look. He looked down at his feet before simply walking past the both of you without a word. It seemed to shock his mom as much as it did you but she didn't say anything.
"I'm sick of this." You muttered turning to walk inside.
"Ah ah ah," Liane said following you inside. "You can't share a room with him. You two aren't married."
You could feel your blood boiling at her words. 'Can't share a room?' You literally live with him, doesn't she know that?
You opened your mouth to say something before Eric, who was halfway up the stairs, turned back and put a hand on your shoulder.
"You sleep in my room. I'll take the couch." He said rubbing his eyes, clearly sleepy, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Down the hall first door on the left."
Liane watched in shock as Eric made his way to the couch and faceplanted, instantly going to sleep. You wanted to watch him, in the most non-creepy way you could think of, and just fawn over him but Liane didn't even let you finish the thought before pushing past you, knocking you into the railing as she made her way upstairs, clearly upset.
You looked back at Eric before making your way up to his room. When you opened the door and took it all in. You walked inside examining everything. Purple walls, brown carpeted floors, a few posters, even a telescope.
It was honestly hideous but this is where he grew up so there was a level of appreciation. You made your way to the large bed in the center of the room and lay down. There was already a dip in the center and the blankets smelled like they had come out of the wash recently.
You tried not to think about it too much and closed your eyes. It was easy to fall asleep. Fresh blankets, soft mattress, and an unmistakable smell of Eric. You were basically given the dream sleeping spot.
You woke up at some point in the night and reached for Eric until your brain processed that he wasn't there. You groaned and got out of bed, making your way downstairs to get some water.
You tiptoed down, trying your best not to make too much noise which almost immediately went out the window when you spotted Eric sleeping on the couch, which wouldn't be bad by itself if it weren't for his mother standing over him, staring down at him.
You froze up just staring at them, you had done nothing to alert them you were there but somehow, she knew.
"You're supposed to be in bed."
You tensed up at the sound of her voice. It was cold and monotone like the sound version of a dull knife.
"What are you doing?" You asked in a shaky voice.
"I'm making sure my son is ok." She snapped, turning her head to glare up at you.
"What is your problem?" You whispered backing up, your hand gripping the railing to stabilize yourself.
"You've asked that already." She said taking a step up the stairs.
You looked down at her and moved up a step, a cold sweat dripping down your face.
"You aren't enough for him. A girl like you who wants to change him wants to 'fix' him." She said taking another step up as you moved to take a step away. "He doesn't need fixing he needs his mother.
"You're insane- Eric is a grown man he doesn't need you babying him." You said shaking your head and your legs began giving out on you.
"He will when a stupid whore like you leaves him like every other fucking girl." She said with a growl as she began taking more steps up the stairs towards you.
You quickly tried to back away before she could get you, but you weren't fast enough.
She grabbed your collar and looked down at you with wide eyes.
"I won't let you break him."
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A/N: Turned into a bit of a horror story towards the end lmao. Honestly didn't really mean for that to happen but that's just what came out. Writing is a bit all over the place, I'm trying to find time for this but because of it, my writing is suffering a bit so I'm sorry if it's bad, I'll do better next time. Anyway hope you all liked this, thank you for reading, love ya'll ❤❤
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33 @renpoo14 @atanukileaf @minimss @corpseinpink
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Stan X Reader S2 Pt. 8
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Warning: N/A
Background: You, Stan, and Kyle pick Sara up from daycare
Status: Ongoing
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'Pick ups and unloads'
It was a long emotional chat as you laid out your plan to him. You don't even know exactly how long you were in there for you just know it was long enough for Stan's hair to completely dry and for your alarm to pick Sarah to go off. When you pulled out your phone, you realized you had just let go of Stan's hand. You hadn't even noticed you were still holding it.
"S-sorry. I um gotta go get Sarah. She gets out of daycare soon." You said turning off your alarm and turning back to him.
"Let me get dressed." He said standing up and walking over to a suitcase on the floor. "I'm coming with."
"N-no you don't have to. I um don't want to bother you." The words felt bitter in your mouth but you couldn't stop them from coming out.
"Y/N, please. Just let me prove to you I'm in this. I am going to be here for her and for you please just let me prove it." He said as a knock on the door filled the air.
"Hey, no rush but we gotta go get Sarah," Kyle said on the other side.
"Y-yeah just-"
"We'll be right there." Stan finished and before he would let you speak he threw his bathrobe on the floor and changed into his clothes so quick you didn't even catch a hint of skin before you looked away.
You stood there awkwardly, quickly averting your eyes to the ceiling. You heard Stan moving around as he slipped on his clothes and the devil on your shoulder practically begged you to sneak a peak. You hadn't seen Stan unclothed for almost five years and it was definitely become clear to you just how long you've been single.
Stan's traveled to every corner of the world by now and you haven't even left the state. He's seen women in every shape and color and for the millionth time in the last four years, you felt like you weren't enough for him.
"Ceiling can't be that interesting." He muttered making your cheeks heat up.
"I'm just giving you some privacy. You're the one that started stripping in front of me." You said trying to keep your voice as steady as possible.
"And if I had a problem with you looking, I wouldn't have. It's not like it's anything you haven't seen before."
You looked over at him, staring at the tattoos on his neck leading down the collar of his shirt. You hadn't seen any of him before. Before Stan and now Stan are two different people. Now Stan isn't the person you fell in love with and he isn't the person you knew inside and out.
You want to say this person in front of you is a stranger, but you don't feel this way towards strangers, something you've never known.
"I haven't seen any of you before." You whispered. "You're different now."
He stood still and his jaw clenched for a few seconds before relaxing again. "Then I'll make sure you remember it."
Kyle knocked again and you could tell he was impatient. He never liked being behind schedule and while you were in here debating on whether you should openly ogle your ex or not, you pushed his normal routine behind by 5 minutes.
"Still got that stick in his ass I see," Stan said with a sigh as he shoved different things into his pockets.
"We should get going." You said as you opened the door revealing Kyle angrily looking at a non-existent watch on his wrist.
"six minutes," Kyle said with a frown. "Six minutes behind schedule. You know how her teacher gets when we're late and I don't like her looking at me like that again."
"You treat Heidi like she's a witch that's gonna eat Sara if we're late." You said rolling your eyes.
"She might if we don't hurry!" Kyle said already racing down the hallway towards the exit.
"Heidi's a daycare teacher now?" Stan asked as you two followed after Kyle.
"Yeah. She's great with the kids and honestly a sweetheart. Kyle is still a little salty because they slept together in college and never got a text back." You said as Stan opened the door for you to step out of.
"Kyle had a one-night stand?" Stan said raising a brow.
"He didn't want it to be. He asked her out, they went on a little date, got drunk, went back to her place and blah blah blah, you get the point." You said walking over to Kyle's car.
"Less talking about my love life, more getting the hell in the car," Kyle said with a frown as he started the engine.
You slid into the passenger seat as Stan got into the back, sitting next to Sara's car seat. Stan looked over at the small booster seat and before he realized it his fingers were tracing the small butterfly patterns on the fabric of the seat.
"Does she like butterflies?" He asked quietly more to himself but it didn't stop you from answering.
"Yeah, blue ones. Monarchs are apparently too basic for her." You said looking back at him.
He gave a small nod without looking up at you. He kept his eyes on the car seat. He was of course new to this whole parenting thing so maybe he just didn't know how all this worked, but he felt like it should be bigger.
"Shouldn't she be in a bigger seat?" He asked finally looking up at you.
Kyle laughed and glanced at the rearview mirror to make eye contact with Stan for a second. "Doctor says she's pretty tall for her age and it's best to put her in a booster instead."
Something about the way Kyle said it felt harsh for Stan. Like he was saying 'I've been to doctor's appointments while you were gone.' Stan balled up his fist and looked down at his lap. You felt the slight tension and tried your best to explain.
"She also gets real fidgety with the seatbelt so it really works a lot better." You said slightly nervous.
"Yeah.." Stan muttered as Kyle pulled into the parking lot of the small colorful building.
"Fudge," Kyle muttered as he spotted Heidi holding Sara's hand. "She's gonna come up here and start being all sweet to you and act like I'm not here and when she finally does she's gonna-"
Within a blink of an eye, Heidi was by the passenger side and gently knocked on the window. Her hair was longer and curlier, small acne scars on her cheeks but still very earthy looking with her long brown skirt and green cardigan.
You rolled the window down and smiled sweetly up at Heidi. "Hey, Ms. Heidi. I'm so sorry we're late."
"Oh, no problem. Sara was a pleasure to be around and I have no doubt that if you had a better driver you would have come sooner." Heidi said so sweetly one would almost miss the dig at Kyle.
Kyle sure hadn't as he huffed and crossed his arms and muttered something under his breath. Heidi gave a small smirk and opened the door to the backseat to help Sara in. When she spotted Stan she gasped and smiled brightly.
"Oh my god. Is that you Stan?" She asked in disbelief.
Stan tensed up a bit and gave a weak wave. "H-hey Heidi."
"Hey? That's all you have to say? Famous people amirite?" She teased as she helped Sara inside the backseat and into her booster seat.
Stan's breath caught in his throat when he finally saw Sara. Her big blue eyes looked up at him with curiosity. Her black hair was pulled into pigtails. Before Heidi could buckle her in he reached out and did it himself. He didn't know if it was ok for him to do in his position but he couldn't help himself.
Heidi looked over at you and raised a brow. You felt your cheeks heat up. Everyone had assumed Sara was Stan's daughter but you never confirmed it. You did tell a few people other than Kyle but begged them to keep it a secret. Heidi was a talker so you needed to get her out fast.
You looked over at Kyle and nudged your head in Heidi's direction, silently asking him to get her the hell out of there. He shook his head but you silently pleaded until he relented.
"Hey, Heidi. Still, no luck finding adult clothes?" Kyle asked making Heidi take in a sharp breath and quickly compose herself.
She shut the door and walked over to Kyle's window. "Still no luck finding any woman to willingly date you?"
"You did." He said rolling his eyes.
"And there would be a reason why that mistake was not made twice Mr. Broflovski," Heidi said with a sickeningly sweet smile. "Have a nice day Sara, Y/N, and Stan."
"Aw no bye for me?" Kyle said sarcastically.
"Bye Ms Heidi!" Sara said from her seat, waving enthusiastically.
Heidi turned her smile to Sara and waved back, stepping aside to let Kyle drive off.
"You owe me big time," Kyle muttered to you.
You ignored him and looked back at Sara with a smile, Stan sat next to her not knowing what was the best thing to do with his hands so he gripped the fabric on his thighs.
"Sara. This is.... my friend." You said with a tight smile.
"H-hi Sara.. um I-I'm.. um.." He stammered as he tried to find the right words to say. He didn't want you to call him by his name but also didn't want to step on any toes.
He looked up at you for help. His eyes were desperate and sad. You felt like the worst person in the world but even worse you felt like the worst mother.
"Daddy." You blurted out. "His name is Daddy, um dad for short."
Kyle stiffened up and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Stan let out a relieved sigh and looked over at Sara who was rightfully confused.
"I-it's um German." He said quickly making Sara giggle.
"It's silly." She said making Stan's heart almost burst. He smiled brightly and nodded.
"Y-yeah very silly," He said looking down at Sara.
"You're mama's friend?" She asked kicking her small feet.
"Oh yeah me and your mom go way back. We went to high school together."
As Stan talked to Sara, answering all her questions and making her laugh. You finally let out a sigh you've been holding and sunk into your seat.
"A load off right?" Kyle asked you, glancing away from the road for a second to see the small smile on your lips.
"Yeah, it is."
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A/N: Bet you didn't see that Heidi shit coming huh? Anyway yes I am still alive. I've been chipping away at all my drafts so hopefully more to come soon but I promise nothing because I am a filthy liar. Thank you guys so much for reading, love you all stay safe 🩵🩵🩵
Taglist: @jessiegerl @corpseinpink
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Hi I just wanna pop in and say I really enjoy your writing. You have a serious talent for building these storylines and fleshing out our favorite paper cut out characters without being repetitive or cliche. Like I’m always impressed when I see an update from you on my dash. And you have so many fics going on at once yet they’re all incredible?! Thank you for sharing your work with us.💕
Crying 😭😭
This is actually so sweet. I love you guys so much. This is really keeping me going. I'm so glad even one person feels this way, but seeing so many other people saying the same means the world to me 😭😭 I love your guys telling me this kind of stuff an believe me I do read everything. I see every like, I reply and read every comment, I read every ask and try my best to write for them and answer them all. Love you all. You deserve the world 🩷🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
ahh thank you for updating the stan fic, i am really loving it! just the perfect mix of angst and fluff! one thing im a little confused about tho, does kyle actually have feelings for y/n or vise versa? did he at one point but realizes she’ll always love stan more? man if i were in this situation i’d probably have fallen in love and slept with him within the first year of him stepping up as daddy lol, y/n is a stronger woman than me😭
Ok, so you aren't the only person asking this, and i completely get it. I would have folded, too 😭😭 Kyle and Y/N do not have feelings for each other. So everything im about to tell you is from events that happened before S2 and after S1. They both had crushes on each other but at different times.
Kyle had feelings for Y/N when she was pregnant. Y/N had feelings for Kyle after Sarah was born. But it didn't work out. They both realized during their crush for each other that it would never work. Kyle liked taking care of Y/N and loved being there, but it was mainly because he promised he would be. He realized he wasn't actually in love with Y/N at some point and understood he loved Y/N in the way he loved his friends.
Y/N, just like all of us, had a crush on Kyle when after Sarah was born because he would not let them lift a single finger. This isn't going to go too into detail, but Y/N also realized it wouldn't work.
What I can tell you is that after S2 has come to a close, you guys will get to read a few small fics about the events that happened between S1 and S2. So, while I can't answer every question, I promise you will get answers. And if by the end of those little prequel comments there is still something you don't get, let me know, and I will clear the air.
And I just wanna say thank you so much for the support. I know I've been jumping around a lot, and it'll be weeks of radio silence sometimes, but I truly appreciate you guys staying around. Love you all, more pics to come, stay safe 💋🩷🩷🩷
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Stan X Reader S2 Pt. 7
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Warning: N/A
Background: Making a game plan and step one
Status: Ongoing
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'Game plan'
While you had no idea what you were doing and had no way of knowing if planning would help you at all you still decided, after your 4th glass of wine, to figure out the best course of action.
So here you are in the kitchen scribbling down things on the whiteboard on the kitchen. Kyle was watching you quietly trying to pretend as if he was fully understanding everything you were mumbling to yourself.
"Ok so." You said pointing to a stick figure drawing you made in the top corner. "This is Sarah."
"Yeah...um I can definitely see the resemblance," Kyle said in a deadpan voice.
"We do what's best for her always. So I wrote a five-step plan." You said tapping the end of your marker on the list string of words next to the number one. "Step one. I reach out to Stan and talk in private. I make sure he's good for Sarah to be around, we work around his schedule"
Kyle nodded and you continued on, so distracted you didn't feel him taking away your glass of wine.
"Step two. We slowly introduce Stan to Sarah but we don't tell her right away who he is."
"I trust your judgment but is that best?" Kyle asked raising a brow.
Your brows knit together as you look over at him. "Yes. Look I know Stan came all the way here the second he found out and that should prove how into this he is, but what if after two playdates he decides it all too much and disappears again? Then I have to explain to Sarah why her dad doesn't want her"
"He will want her though. There's no doubt about it. You know I have criticized Stan for years, but I'm vouching for him. How many times is she going to be with him until you tell her?" Kyle's voice was soft and while you know he didn't mean any harm by it, it stung a bit.
You let out a sigh and run a hand through your hair. "I was thinking a few months but now that you say it like that it sounds stupid."
You felt like a child who was just told by the teacher that the math problem they answered was wrong. Sure you weren't operating on your normal 100% sober mind but this plan was still good. But Kyle was right and you hated admitting it.
"If you think you should do it, do it." He said with a shrug and paused knowing what your answer would be, because that stupid look in his eyes was already there.
"Fine. Two weeks. Minimum." You said turning back to the board but even with your back turned you could hear him smirking. "Step three. They go on one outing alone together. After which we will ask Sarah what she thinks and if she comes back in one piece, he has my full trust."
"Sounds good," Kyle said with a nod. "What's four and five?"
"If Stan makes it past three, then we are going to lay down even more rules." You said biting the inside of your cheek, preparing to say what you want out loud. "I don't want him bringing other women around her."
"Why?" Kyle didn't sound curious when he asked it. It was more of a question he asked just to hear you say your answer out loud. Not because he didn't know it, but because he was making sure you did.
You take a shaky breath and look down at your feet, god you need to get your toes done. "I... I can't trust them. I don't know what they'll be like. What if they do stuff around her that I don't want to happen?"
"...and what if Sarah likes being around them? What if Sarah likes them more than me and wants to be with Stan more and he ends up fighting for custody or something and wins because he has like a gorillion dollars and I still drive a crappy honda civic." You're a bit out of breath from pushing all of those words out as fast as you could, but Kyle still doesn't seem satisfied.
"And what if... Stan likes them? What he marries them and every time Stan gets to be alone with Sarah... they get to be a family together." You whisper as if it was some shameful secret you didn't want anyone to know about.
"OK," Kyle said, finally satisfied. "Step five?"
"Step five... we tell Sarah that Stan is her dad and she gets to choose how often they see each other." You said finally looking back at him.
He was watching you closely. It was humbling in a way, but when he gave a small smile and a thumbs up you knew he would support your plan. "So when do we start?"
"Ok, maybe this was a bad idea." You whisper to Kyle as you take a huge step back from the hotel room door. "You know I don't have good ideas when I'm drunk, why would you let me do this? Why are you encouraging this."
"I'm starting to understand why you never dated," Kyle said rubbing his temple. "Look you're a grown woman. Put on your big girl pants and knock already."
"He has to be sleepy I wouldn't want to bother him, plus what if he already checked out and isn't even here anymore and the second I knock an old man in his underwear comes out and starts yelling at me and-"
Before you could finish your rambling Kyle knocked on the door loudly and then ran down the hall, not even stopping to give you a second glance. You were frozen stuck in place and once your brain finally comprehended what was going on, the door was already opening. Maybe if you stand still he won't see you?
A sudden whiff of aftershave and mint hit you. Stan was standing there in a scratchy bathrobe, his hair wet and perfect water droplets dripping down his neck. His blue eyes ran down your body and then up to your face. He blinked a few times as you gathered the courage to say something.
You look up seeing the moment his hand makes contact with his own face. You gasp and immediately start stroking his cheek. "Why the fudge would you do that?"
He stares down at you a small smile on his lips. "I'm not dreaming."
"You smacked yourself to see if you were dreaming or not? God, you're so dumb." You scolded gently pushing him into the room and closing the door behind you. "I swear do you think before you do anything?"
"Not most of the time, no." He said still staring at you with that stupid smile on his face. Suddenly his eyes widened and he gently grasped your shoulders. "Wait why are you here? Is everything all right? I-is Sarah ok? Does she need a kidney? I-i have two!"
"What? No. God just-" You said with an exasperated sigh. You guided him to his bed and sat him down.
He didn't seem thrown off by it. You could probably twist him like a pretzel and he'd stay that way until you told him to untangle. You took a step back and stood in front of him.
"We need to talk. Last time we got nowhere. This time Sarah isn't here so if you want to yell at me go ahead." You said closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
"I'm not going to yell at you. I'm sorry I did last time." You opened your eyes seeing Stan looking down at his hands in his lap as he continued. "I was angry. I was upset, but you're the mother of my child and I shouldn't have treated you that way."
He should apoligize, but why is this apology making your stomach cartwheel and move around like it's on an episode of Dance Moms? You rub your sweaty palms on your jeans and nod.
"I'm sorry too. It was a lot all at once and I don't blame you for being upset." You said softly looking down at the ground.
Everything the past few days has made you feel like a child and this doesn't help.
"I just want what's best for everyone. If that means getting on a plane and never stepping foot back here again, I'll do it." He said biting the inside of his cheek.
"I... I don't want that Stan. I want... I want to try to make this work." You said sitting down on the bed next to him and staring at the white wall across from you. "I was thinking last night. It would have killed me if Sarah looked at me and just... didn't know who I was."
"It was so hard. She's so big already." He said with a small sniffle and it just broke your heart.
"I'm so sorry Stan." You said in a shaky voice. "You would have been a great father and I had no right to keep that from you."
"I understand why you did. It's all my fault." He said and the floodgates immediately opened for both of you.
"You're here now and I want to make it right. You put your life on hold the second you found out and that means so much. For years I didn't know how you'd react and I was so terrified you wouldn't want us." You said trying to wipe as many tears as you could, but they wouldn't stop.
"There was never a day in my life where I didn't want you Y/N... and now with Sarah." He said choking on a sob. "I don't know if I could breathe without you both."
Grieving would be the best way to describe what's happening. You both lost so much. So much time together. So much time trying to function as anything that resembled a family. Every major first, Stan missed out on killed you but sitting here you can see he felt the same.
His hand reaches for yours and you don't stop him. As your fingers intertwine you know this is where they're supposed to be, filling in the gaps of his.
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A/N: I'm sorry ok? I'm so burnt out but I really love doing these I just have no time. I'm trying to do better but I make no promises. I love you all so much thank you for being so patient you have no idea what it means to me. Especially @nwjn-z they are so sweet every time I come back. I literally love you sm. Thank you guys so much for reading I love every single one of you 🩵🩵🩵
Taglist: @jessiegerl @corpseinpink
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You finally talk
Status: Ongoing
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Peace by your side: Chapter three
"We have to talk," Kyle said as he took long strides to catch up to me as I walked toward the front gates of the school. It didn't take him long to catch up. Curse those stupid long legs.
"I don't have the English homework," I mutter keeping my eyes ahead of me. Come on Kyle, I know you're smart take the hint!
"You know that's not what this is about." He said, clearly not taking said hint.
Maybe I can start running? No, he'd catch up. What if I trip him? No that's mean. Well.....so is ignoring him but this is necessary.
I try walking faster but five long fingers wrap around my upper arm to stop me. I shut my eyes tightly hoping to disappear into thin air. I think my heart is pounding but all I can feel is fire where he's touching me right now.
Big, long, skinny fingers that I can feel even through the fabric of my sleeves. It's so hot, too hot, but that doesn't stop a shiver from going up my spine. He shouldn't be making me feel like this. But I can't tell him to let go. My brain was screaming for me to tell him that this was way too much but I couldn't.
I never thought I would feel this again. Feel his touch; I almost forgot what it felt like and now I'm terrified to go back to not feeling it. I let out a shaky breath trying my best to compose myself before I could speak but he beat me to it.
"Y/N. I want to talk. I know it's been forever and I'm sorry." He said, almost pleading with me.
"K-kyle..." I said, my voice doing that weird crack it did when I would speak in front of the class.
"Just hear me out ok? Can we...go to the park? Right now? Get some privacy?" He asked softly. His voice made him sound so small, he was fragile. I made him that way.
I open my eyes and look up at him. His curls were falling around his face, shining like honey in the sun. He was biting his lip nervously like he did when we were kids and his eyes...God, his eyes. They were this deep shade of green that I didn't even know existed. But it was the look in them that sucked all the air out of my lungs.
He looked tired. Exhausted really. Like he hadn't slept in days. Not there were bags under his eyes or anything else on his face that would lead one to that conclusion. It was all in whatever was hidden in that deep green and I was the only person on Earth close enough to see it now.
I felt myself nod before I knew my brain even told it to. I heard him let out a shaky breath he must have been holding in while waiting for my answer. HIs eyes softened and he finally pulled his hand back. I felt myself shiver again because I've never felt more cold without his touch.
We stared at each other for a long minute almost begging the other one to break the eye contact. Finally, I did. I lowered my head and began walking towards the park. He heard him mutter something under his breath but I couldn't make it out.
We walked in silence as we made our way to the park. The sound of our footsteps crunching against the leaves on the sidewalk made it more bearable. I used to love that sound as a kid.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
It's like he was doing it on purpose. I was definitely stepping on way fewer leaves than he was. I looked down at his feet and sure enough, it was like he was trying to step on as many as he could.
"You like the sound right? You did when we were kids." He said softly. "Sorry... I'll stop."
He remembered all that? I felt a smile spread across my face, far bigger than the sentence deserved. I looked up to meet his eyes and he spotted my smile immediately. A smile of his own spread across his lips.
"You remember that?" I whispered.
"Of course." He said a snort. "You used to have this toy leaf that would sound like crunching leaves when you would squeeze it."
"You used to hate it," I said with a chuckle.
"No. I used to hate when we would fall asleep and you would roll over it every five seconds." He was right. When we would have our sleepovers we slept in the same bed, but I couldn't sleep without that stupid leaf.
"Our sleepovers would have been better without it."
"It wasn't horrible, and you wouldn't have been able to sleep without it." He said with a smile. "I liked knowing you felt safe or whatever.."
I always felt safe being with Kyle. It wasn't the leaf that did it.
"Yeah I guess.." I mutter, looking down at my feet as we walked.
Kyle let out a sigh and I heard him run a hand through his hair. "What are we doing Y/N?"
My body tensed up and I looked for anything for anything to change the topic. "The ducks are back," I said with a shaky voice.
"Y/N, come on." He said softly, putting his hand on my arm. "What are we doing? You've been basically ignoring me for years. We were best friends I can't just act like you don't exist."
"We've. We've been ignoring each other. Don't put this only on me." My voice cracked as I held back as many stupid emotions as I could.
"I've never ignored you." He said softly.
I snap my head up and look at him. His eyes were already on me and I feel like he was looking into my very being. Never ignored me? Are you kidding me? It can't be my fault this happened.
"You never ignored me? We haven't spoken in years! Are you saying it's all my fault?" I'm yelling. I know he hates that but why would he say that? How could he blame me?
"Y/N I'm not blaming you but I just-"
"No. I tried. I would have been fine talking to you after everything happened but you didn't want to!"
I could tell he was frustrated but I didn't care. My fault my fault my fault. That's what he's telling me that's what he thinks of me. He thinks I'm th-
He released a frustrated groan and I felt his hand under my chin and his body so close to mine I was burning up. I looked up at him and his lips were pressed into a line as he studied my face.
Too close. So close
"I may have fucked up letting you act like this for as long as you have but I have never once ignored you." He said, his lips turning downward and his thumb brushing against my bottom lip. "I could never do that. Not to you."
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A/N: I know. I know. I disappeared. I'm sorry. Seasonal depression is no joke. But I'm kinda back. I wanna keep writing and you guys have been sending in some amazing requests that really make me want to write more than ever. I really hope you guys had a great holiday and a great new year. Wishing you all the love of 2024 and hope my stories are a part of it. Love you all and thank you for reading my stories from 2023 to now 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taglist: @southparkynnn @stephs-inluv @weird0o0 @jessiegerl @ringa-starr @bakusquadobsessed
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
First Impressions pt 5
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You get to meet Eric's friends
Status: Ongoing
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You both stepped out of the car and pulled your coat onto yourself tighter. Eric walked closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you towards his side. You smiled up at him and scrunched up your nose making him smile.
"You look stupid." He said kissing the tip of your nose as you both walked inside the bar.
It felt like those movies where everything was going well until you hear a record scratch out of nowhere. It wasn't all that alive in the small bar to begin with but the chatter, laughing, and bad country music stopped the minute you walked in with Eric's arm around your shoulder. You look up and see all eyes on you.
Eric seemed to stiffen just like he did when he saw his mom. You look around and see quite a bit of people of all ages. There were older people, people around your age, and you felt you saw a baby around there somewhere.
You look over to the bar and see three guys your age who seem like they just got told their grandma got hit by a bus. A blonde guy with long hair was behind the bar in the middle of pouring a drink, a guy with red-curly hair who was in the process of choking on his drink, and a guy with black hair who was sipping on his drink watching everything unfold as he patted the red-heads back.
You looked up at Eric to see a crooked smile grace his lips. He slowly leads you both the the three men who couldn't take their eyes off of you two.
"Hey." He said sheepishly lifting the hand that was not squeezing your shoulder.
"Holy shit! Cartman is that you?" The black-haired man said.
"Yeah, I-I'm in town for a bit um..." He said blushing softly and looking over at you. "This is Y/N. My girl."
You blushed softly and looked over at the other guys. "Hi, it's nice to meet you guys."
The blonde man behind the bar speaks first. "Hey. I'm Kenny." He said with a wink.
"I'm Stan." The black-haired man said and nudged the redhead who seemed to be sulking.
"Kyle." He muttered.
"Sorry. He's usually more chatty he just...didn't expect to see Cartman had a girlfriend." Stan said with a smile.
"Is...that bad? Should I give you guys some space to catch up?" You said shrinking a bit.
"W-what? No honey it's ok." Eric said kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulder.
"Yeah. We wanna know all about what he's been up to and now that involves you." Kenny said with a smirk. "How bout a drink?"
"T-that would be great!" You said a bit too enthusiastically which made Kenny laugh softly.
You cringe a bit at your own awkwardness. Eric let go of your shoulders and sat next to Stan and pulled you onto his lap. You heard Kyle take in a sharp breath but chose to ignore it.
"So whatcha been up to?" Kenny asked as he started mixing drinks.
"Yeah, you like dropped off the face of the earth," Stan said sipping his own drink.
"Yeah, sorry bout that." He said with a sigh as his thumb absentmindedly rubbed circles on your hip.
"What were you doing?" Kyle spoke up. "Ya know...after you left."
Eric thought for a second about the question as if he was debating what to reveal. "Was in school. Out of state, just felt like getting out of here."
"Really? What'd you major in?" Kyle said a bit condescendingly.
"History," Eric said curtly as Kenny slid a drink over to you and handed Eric a beer.
"Dude that...fits actually," Stan said with a chuckle.
"So what are you doing now?" Kenny said and you just sat back watching them interact.
As Eric fills them in on his life it all felt familiar and yet so distant at the same time. They listened, but with every word Eric spoke, it was like the three other men didn't believe him. Like it didn't make any sense that Eric could do good for himself.
"What about you Y/N?" Kyle asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, I um...nothing interesting really." You said as you sipped your drink.
"Don't be stupid," Eric said gently patting your thigh and looking up at the other men. "She's smart as fuck. Like she does shit I don't even understand."
"Can't be that smart if she's dating you." Kenny joked making Eric laugh.
Actually, laugh. Throughout this trip, the most Eric would let out was a nervous chuckle but now he's actually laughing. His head tilted back, eyes shut, and his lips in a wide smile. You could feel his laugh reverberating against your back and it was the best feeling.
He was happy. Sure there may have been a part of him that was glad to see his mom but right now he's happy. This is the Eric you fell in love with. During midterms when you both were studying for that stupid English exam, you made a bad joke about Shakespeare or something you couldn't even remember.
All you remember was Eric laughing so hard everyone in the library looked back at you with pure hatred. His laugh was so contagious that you burst into your own laughter. You both had to leave the library and study somewhere else because of how much noise you were making.
You always see that Eric. At least once a day, the Eric who laughed at stupid jokes, the Eric who didn't care who was around to express his overwhelming happiness, the Eric who wanted you a part of that happiness always shone through.
You reached over and gently slapped Kenny's hand with a giggle. "Hey, he's not too bad."
"We'll take your word for it," Stan said holding his hands up with a smile.
You smiled brightly being a part of this intimate atmosphere that was so uniquely Eric's. You hopped off Eric's lap and kissed his cheek.
"I'mma head to the bathroom real quick." You said and Eric nodded giving your ass a gentle pat.
"Here," Kenny said tossing you a roll of toilet paper. "I can assure you there probably isn't any in there."
"Thank you, sir." You said flashing a bright smile and walking towards the bathroom.
Stan cupped his hands to amplify his voice as he called after you. "Don't sit on the seats! You'll catch something!"
You laughed as you entered the hallway and into the women's restroom. God, he was not kidding. The place was a dump. You probably got chlamydia by just breathing the air in there. You did your business as fast as you could and washed your hands. You walked out of the restroom and shivered.
"That bad?" You heard a deep voice ask.
You looked up seeing Kyle leaning against the opposite wall. "Guys weren't kidding that's for sure. When was the last time that place was cleaned?"
"Kenny is the best employee they have here but they couldn't even pay him enough." He said with a chuckle.
You hugged yourself and did an exaggerated shiver throughout your whole body making him chuckle again. After a few seconds, an awkward silence fell and you were itching to do something to break it.
"I-I should get back to Eric.." You muttered, pointing in the direction of the bar.
"Are you really dating him?"
"Yeah?" You said a bit defensively like you didn't understand his question.
"Why?" He said looking down at you with an unreadable expression.
You furrowed your brows and looked over at the bar seeing Eric listening to whatever Stan was saying. You turned back to Kyle and frowned.
"What's your deal? You've been really quiet and now...you don't even get why your friend is dating someone?" You said trying to put as much distance between you and Kyle as possible but it was a bit difficult when you were already pressed into the wall.
"No. I don't understand why anyone is dating Eric." He said crossing his arms.
"That's what I said."
"No, you said 'Why my friend is dating someone.' Eric and I aren't friends." He said with a frown. "You shouldn't be dating someone like him."
You press your lips into a thin line and stare at him. Eric is a bit odd at times but he isn't a terrible person. What is wrong with this guy? You felt a surge of anger fill your body. You needed to say something to defend Eric. How could you just sit here and hear him say this about Eric?
You dropped your arms to your side and stared up at him. "Someone like him? Eric is fucking amazing. I've been with asshole after asshole and Eric is fucking great. When I didn't show up one day in our English class he came down to my dorm and hand-squeezed orange juice because I told him once that my grandma used to do it."
You shut your eyes and continued to basically shout at him, not that it mattered because the music and conversation were much louder. "Eric has been nothing but fucking great to me. He's a great person. And he has enough to deal with, with his shitty mom and now some shitty guy who isn't his friend but always used to hang out with?"
"Great guy? Are we talking about the same person? Oh, he hand-squeezed you orange juice? That man made my life a living hell. He is a sadistic, disgusting, ir-" He started before being cut off by your hand making sharp contact with his left cheek.
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. You immediately reached out to touch his cheek. He held a hand up to stop you and backed up.
"I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't I don't normally do that. I don't know what came over me I'm sorry-"
"What's going on?" Eric asked as he entered the hallway seeing you close to Kyle trying your best to comfort him as he held his cheek.
"What happened?" Kyle hissed. "You fucking brainwashed her. She actually thinks you're some good guy."
Eric tensed and it doesn't escape your mind that it is around the tenth time he's done that tonight. You move away from Kyle and look up at Eric.
"I didn't mean to hit him I swear I don't know what came over me. He was just saying all these bad things about you and I-"
"They're true." He whispered, looking down at his feet.
You blink in confusion and try to reach for his hand but he pulls back. He shakes his head and looks up at you with glassy eyes. You turn back to Kyle who was glaring at Eric like he couldn't believe anything that was happening right now.
"I don't get it...I don't know what..." You started as you looked back at Eric. "Baby, what's going on?"
Eric's breath hitched and he opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it. Kyle stepped forward and looked down at you.
"If he can't admit it. He didn't change." Kyle said before walking off.
You watched Kyle leave, his red curls bouncing with each step as he found his spot back in the seat next to Stan. You turn your head back to Eric who was just staring at you like he didn't know what to do next. And truthfully, you didn't either.
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A/N: Hey hope ya'll enjoyed this! Sorry, I've been gone for so long you guys will be seeing more soon just stay patient with me. Thank you love you all ❤
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33 @renpoo14 @atanukileaf @minimss
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
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Warning: Swearing
Background: Abyss
Status: Ongoing
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Peace by your side: Chapter two
'If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you'
It's an interesting quote. When my English teacher had read it I almost paid attention. I look down at my notebook. It was blank of course.
It was kinda hard to focus when all I was thinking about was the conversation with Kyle this morning. I managed to make my way through math with Heidi trying to take my mind off it, but given it was the only class I had with her I was left to get lost in my own mind for the next four periods.
When I made it to my last period, English, I knew it would only get worse. Not just because we hardly had to do anything in this class but because Kyle was sitting five seats to my right. By some miracle, I hadn't lifted my head up to look at him yet but it was growing increasingly difficult.
Why can't we just be strangers? When other people stop being friends, they never bring it up again. Its like they stop existing in each other's lives, but Kyle was my life. I stopped living the minute we stopped talking.
I felt like if I grew up. That if I got a new interest, likes a new color, got friends he didn't know he wouldn't ever be able to fit into my life again. I would never get him back.
I wanted to scream. I wanted to get up and do something that would set both of us free from each other. Maybe egg his house? Slash his tires? Fucking something to get his eyes off of me right now!
I didnt even notice my breathing was getting heavier until the girl in front of me turned back and stared at me like I was crazy.
"Are you ok?" She whispered and I immediately nodded and fanned myself like maybe if I just pretended I was hot it would justify me being completely freaked out over nothing.
That seemed to satisfy her and when she turned back in her seat I finally gain the courage to look over at Kyle.
He was staring at me. And I was staring back.
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A/N: Something small for yall I know it's not what yall want but school is kicking my ass rn.
Taglist: @southparkynnn @stephs-inluv @weird0o0 @jessiegerl @ringa-starr @bakusquadobsessed
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
hiii!! do u have a potential post/finish date for first impressions pt4? ive been rereading the parts like every other day i cant get enough of ur writing omg.
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Warning: Swearing
Background: After dinner, Liane suggests you and Eric go out for the night.
Status: Ongoing
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'Night out'
Dinner was tense, to say the least. Liane would either not speak or ask only Eric questions. She wouldn't even eat the potato salad you made and looked offended when Eric seemed to love it.
"Honestly babe this is great." He said with a soft smile.
You gave a simple nod feeling the cold glare Liane was shooting your way. Her food was honestly amazing but so filling and kinda greasy. You felt like if you ate more than the small portion you served yourself you'd gain half your body weight overnight.
"Your cooking is so good Ms. Cartman." You said trying your best to salvage the night, and foolishly hoping with that one comment she's immediately love you.
She gave a forced smile and nodded before turning back to Eric. "So honey you look like you lost a lot of weight are you eating alright?"
She was right, of course. Eric had lost a bit of weight since you first met him, it wasn't too much but it was noticeable. You've seen a picture of him as a kid and he was always chubby, but now he gained some muscle, and honestly? He looked amazing.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm eating ok. Y/N never really stops cooking." He said with a chuckle, seemingly not as nervous anymore. "And we go to the gym sometimes so yeah I guess I have."
Liane took in a sharp breath, her nostrils flared and her grip on her glass tightened. "Well isn't that wonderful? Seems like you changed a lot since you left me."
This made Eric gain all that nervous energy back. And you can see why. She said it like it was meant to harm him. Like her words were a knife and she was aiming for his stomach.
"Yeah, I guess so.." He said shifting in his seat.
"You haven't called since you left." Another stab. "Was starting to think you forgot about me."
She put her fork and knife down and gave a small smile. It was insincere, angry. But you weren't sure if Eric saw that. "So I'm glad you came.
"Y-Y/N wanted to meet you so I thought so yeah know...thought it was a good idea." He said looking at Liane but avoiding her eyes.
"Oh. Well, I guess I have you to thank, Y/N." She said darting her cold eyes to you, and you can tell it killed her a bit inside to say that. She turned back to Eric and gave a sickly sweet smile. "You two staying long?"
"Maybe just the night," Eric said, biting his lip.
"That just won't do!" She said with a shocked expression. Don't you want to see your friends again?" Liane said gathering the empty plates on the table. "In fact, why don't you go out tonight? I'm sure the boys would love to see you."
You got a sinking feeling in your stomach at her suggestion. God, if she hated you, how would his friends react?
"I-I don't know...I mean are they even still in town? I'm sure they're busy." Eric said trying to figure out how to say no without the words coming out of his mouth.
"I insist! Most of them are still in town. Stan visits every now and then. Kyle and Kenny work at the school. In fact, I bet they're all at the bar downtown as we speak." Liane said before turning to you and dropping her 'motherly' voice. "Y/N wouldn't mind going. Would you?"
You hated how much this woman scared you. "N-nope! Don't mind at all! L-let's go I'd love to meet everyone." You said, giving an unconvincing laugh.
Eric bounced his leg and nodded. "Okay...yeah let's go."
You and Eric stood up and speed walked out the door. Once you two were in the car you both let out a sigh of relief.
"I told you this was a bad idea." Eric said starting the car.
"Yeah well it would have helped if you told me she was fucking crazy!" You said running your hands down your face. "I feel like I aged twenty years. I started worrying about my morgage in there."
"Why do you think I never wanted you to meet her?"
"I don't know! I thought you were like planning to break up with me soon or something!" You said as he drove.
He slammed down on the break petal and turned to look at you. "Y/N are you kidding?" He said, clearly offended. "Y/N you are the only person in my life that I turn back to. I left everything here because I couldn't fucking stand it."
You felt your cheeks heat up as Eric looked at you with his blue and brown eyes. He cupped your cheeks and pressed his lips into a line. "I can stand you. You are the only person I never get tired of."
"You are the only thing that makes sense." He continues. "My mom says she loves me but doesn't want me to be happy. My friends fucking hate me but still keep me around. Y/N you mean everything you say. When you say you love me I don't even fucking question it. God you're so-"
He cut himself off and let out a small frustrated growl. He grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips into yours. You melted into his touch and kissed back. One of his hands moved to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair, gently tugging. You gasp softly and he takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth.
The kiss quickly heated up. Your hands move down to his arms trying to keep yourself grounded, feeling that if you let go you'd float away. Before you two could get enough there was a honk behind the car, reminding you both that you were parked in the middle of the road. Eric let out a frustrated growl and reluctantly pulled away from your lips.
"Asshole could just move around." He muttered as he continued driving.
You let out a small laugh and leaned your head against the window. You felt less nervous about the rest of the night but you couldn't get rid of that nagging feeling in your stomach. What would his friends be like? Why would Liane make you and Eric leave if she didn't want you around? What was she playing at?
"What are your friends like?" You asked softly.
"I wouldn't really call them friends." He said looking ahead at the semi-empty road. "I liked hanging around Kenny, he was pretty cool. Stan was fine but he was more Kyle's friend than me or Kenny's. And Kyle....Kyle and I didn't really like each other."
You look over at him wondering if you should ask what you're about to. "Why not?"
"It's a long story...not ready to talk about all that yet." He said with a sigh.
"Remember last time you weren't ready to talk about something?" You asked half-teasingly. "Had to have a weird dinner with your mom who clearly hates me."
"I know but I just...It'll take me some time so be patient yeah?" He said parking in front of a small bar.
"Yeah okay." You said with a sigh. "Now let's go meet your....childhood acquaintances?"
Eric grimaced and chuckled. "Maybe calling them friends is better."
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A/N: You guys can make me do literally anything you ask. I love seeing you guys enjoy my writing. But part 5 won't come for a bit, gotta give attention to my other stories. And I don't have a set schedule I just post when I post, but yeah if you guys love my writing and ever want an update on the next part just comment so it's a bit easier to give more updates. And if you don't wanna miss a part ask to be added to the taglist and I'll add you. I literally will not reject anyone who asks. a million people can ask and I will tag all of them. But yeah thank you sm for reading. Love ya'll bye bye.
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
first impressions pt3 i BEGG 🙏🙏🙏
i love ur work sm :3
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You finally meet Eric's mom
Status: Ongoing
Previous part
Next part
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Her voice was so silky before when she called out for Eric. It was light and comforting as if she were always made to be a mother. And now, as she stood in front of you with her arms still wrapped around Eric, she was cold.
Her cold and unwelcoming gaze made your throat tighten. Like she was doing some weird Jedi shit or something.
"I-I um...I'm.." You tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. Fuck, you rehearsed this a million times why are you clamming up now?
"Mom this is Y/N. My partner." Eric said in a shaky voice.
She turned her gaze from you to Eric. You couldn't understand the look on her face. It made no sense. Why would she look like that after finding out you were his girlfriend.
She dropped her arms from Eric's neck and smoothed out her shirt. When she turned to you again you didn't see the same cold expression or the one you didn't understand. You felt like you saw a flicker of disgust cross her face when she finally took all of you in but it quickly changed to a tight smile.
"Oh. I'm sorry, it's just that Eric never mentioned having a partner." She said, clasping her hands together.
He didn't? Why? You've been dating for a long time by your standards. Why wouldn't he tell his mom about you? Maybe he had a good reason? No, he did have a good reason. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.
"O-oh that's um interesting. I'm sorry I thought Eric called and told you we'd be here." You said looking over her shoulder to see Eric wince.
"Sorry. It must have slipped my mind." He muttered.
"Oh, that's just my Poopsiekins. So forgetful." She said with a giggle. "It's ok I'm sure he didn't mean to. How bout you all come in for dinner?"
"That would be lovely thank you, Ms. Cartman." You said with a less nervous smile.
You watched her turn away and lead you and Eric inside. You took in your surroundings and how bare it was. There was hardly any furniture or pictures. It wasn't what you were used to but hey maybe you were the weird one.
You looked over at Eric and saw how uneasy he looked. Like someone walking into a haunted house. It was only then in that moment that you realized he never really talked about his past. His mom, his hometown, and the friends he had as a kid, those were all things he only briefly mentioned.
"You have a lovely home, Ms. Cartman." You said as she led you to the dining room.
"Oh please, call my Liane, and thank you, sweetheart. It gets lonely sometimes being in the house all by myself, but I would never dream of downsizing when this is where my Poopsiekins grew up." His mother said with a smile.
You sat in a seat at the table and you expected Eric to sit next to you but instead, his mom pulled out a chair next to the head of the table where she then took a seat. Eric sat down in the chair his mom pulled out.
You felt odd seeing it, but maybe it was just what worked for them. You moved over one seat to sit across Eric and next to his mom. You heard her take in a sharp breath the minute you moved.
"Well, dinner should be done soon. Can I get you guys something to drink?" She said with a tight smile as she sat up.
"Um, sure. I'll take a water." You said with a smile, hoping to get in her good graces.
"Me too," Eric said, keeping his head down.
His mom nodded and left the dining room to grab the drinks. You looked over at Eric seeing him shift uncomfortably in his seat. You lean forward and drop your voice to a whisper.
"What's going on? You look like you can't breathe in here." You whisper.
"I feel like it too. This is too much I didn't want to come back here." He whispered looking up at you. He looked....scared?
"Eric wh-" You start before his mom's voice rang out.
"Here you are." She said in a sing-songy voice as she placed down two glasses of water. One in front of Eric and one in her spot.
She placed a clear plastic cup in front of you. It had water just like the others. It wasn't smaller than the other cups. It was the same really. But it was plastic. Not glass like theirs.
"Thank you." You said, pushing away your confusion before you suddenly remembered about the potato salad. "Oh my god, I forgot. I brought a dish. I'll go get it."
"No." His mom said stopping you from getting up from your seat. "My Poopsiekins can get it."
"No it's ok really I'll go-"
"Eric go." She said in a stern voice.
As if he was hypnotized, Eric got up from his seat and left. His movements were almost robotic. You watch as he disappears out the front door before his mom brings your attention back to her by clearing her throat.
"So how long have you and Eric been dating?" She asked sipping her water.
"We never really set a date for when it happened but almost a year."
"That's quite some time." She said, almost implying the same question you had earlier: 'Why didn't he mention you after all that time?'
"Y-yeah I guess so. You raised an amazing son he's so-"
"Break up."
You stop talking and stare at her. Her long finger slowly moved around the rim of her glass. Her eyes were cold and calculated. It was as if she was looking down at you even though you were both at the same level. You never felt so small.
"I-I'm sorry I think I misheard you."
"You didn't. You aren't good enough for my son. Eric is perfect. He deserves someone better." Her cold eyes felt like they were trying to turn you to ice and you felt like she was succeeding by the way the blood in your veins felt.
"I don't understand what I did. Did I offend you in any way? If so I'm so sorry." You said, feeling your hands shaking as you gripped the fabric on your thighs.
"Look at you. Eric is nothing but perfect. You aren't. You didn't even fight to be the one grabbing the disgusting dish you made." She said, her lips turning downward. "I'll play nice tonight. Hell maybe even as long as you two are here, but when you two are back in the shitty apartment you probably live in you're going to break up with him."
"Liane I-"
"It's Ms. Cartman." He said with pure disgust in her voice. "You two are staying here tonight. Probably even a few days if I tell Eric to. For that time you can pretend that you're good enough for him. That you're worthy of seeing this part of his life, but deep down we both know better."
You sat there shocked. Staring at her in disbelief. You heard Eric coming back in but you couldn't get yourself to look at him.
He placed the glass dish on the table and removed the cover. You saw Liane slip into the perfect mask of someone who was genuinely excited to meet her son's girlfriend. Someone who hadn't just verbally berated you.
You felt Eric's foot gently nudge yours under the table, snapping your attention to him. He raised an eyebrow as a silent way to ask if you were okay. You nod and immediately avert your eyes.
Your shaky hands pick up your cup and bring it to your lips. You watch closely as Liane and Eric drink from their glasses and you take a big gulp from the plastic cup.
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A/N: SO I had this written, and then I saw this ask and just transferred it here just so the ask was on top bc I liked the look of it. So no, I didn't only write part 3 bc you told me to, but I did finish it bc you told me to. Also, thank you, sm for being so nice it makes me happy. 🤭 Anyway, I hope ya'll liked it. Love yall, thank you sm for reading ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Stan x reader s2 pt 6
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Warning: Drinking, swearing
Background: Late night kitchen talk with Kyle
Status: Ongoing
Previous part
Next part
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More than happy
Kyle came back after you put Sarah to bed. It was weird. As you were stepping out of Sarah's room and quietly closed her door you saw Kyle doing the same with the front door. You both looked guilty, the kind of guilty that you know you don't want answers to. At least not yet, not while you have the same look.
"Wine?" He said with a crooked smile.
"Yeah." You said walking to the kitchen with Kyle trailing behind you.
You two stayed in that silence for a bit as you opened a cheap bottle of wine you and Kyle only had when you needed to get drunk. Kyle pulled out the glasses, not that they were made of actual glass. They were plastic and for some reason detachable in three different places.
You and Kyle got them from a yard sale from an old woman down the block. They were one of those glasses where one said 'Mrs.' with a kiss next to it, while the glass that was dedicated to Kyle read 'Mr.' with a mustache next to it.
As you poured the wine your hands had other plans as they couldn't stop shaking and you spilled some on the counter.
"Fuck." You muttered.
Kyle came up from behind you and put his hands on yours. He stabilized you as you tried to pour the wine again. He was warm. He always was. You hated how much you loved his warmth, how much you could see yourself craving it at night. And how he would happily give it to you if you would ask.
"Hard night?" He whispered, his breath hitting your ear.
"Yeah...Sarah asked where you were." You said putting down the wine bottle.
"I'm sorry. I tried getting here as fast as I could. Think I should give her a kiss goodnight?" He asked, still maintaining his closeness.
"Yeah, but try not to wake her up. She's been asking a lot of questions." You whispered, knowing that because he was so close he could hear the shakiness in your voice if you spoke normally.
"I'll be right back then." He whispered, finally pulling back.
You stare down at the cheap wine in your glass. You couldn't watch as Kyle left, it hurt too much. He was perfect. Stable. Really you could see yourself loving him for the rest of your life.
And you did love him. More than you can put into words. You knew he loved you. I mean what kind of man raises a kid he knows isn't his for four years without loving you even a little?
He takes care of Sarah. He takes care of you. He's a good man. A better man. Better than you think you deserve. Especially when every time you're with him you can't help but think of Stan.
You love Kyle. But you love Stan. And it was different. Stan was the kind of love that wouldn't leave you standing by the time it finished. You don't know if that's what Kyle would be because you can't see his love ever ending.
"She is out cold," Kyle said with a chuckle as he walked back over, starling you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah...I don't even know how long she managed to stay up." You said taking a sip of your wine.
"He's doing pretty rough." He said after taking a sip of his own wine.
You bit your lip. You didn't think he'd bring Stan up so soon. At least not while you were still sober. You gulp down some more wine before putting your now empty glass down. You stared at the small drops of wine in the bottom of the glass, not wanting to meet Kyle's eyes.
"Was he okay at least?"
"As good as he could be. He was drunk."
"I figured." You said with a sigh. "What do I do Kyle?"
"You know I can't tell you, Y/N." He said putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Why not? You're so much smarter than me. Figure this out for me. Tell me what to do." You said putting your face in your hands.
Kyle sighs and pulls you into a hug. His arms wrapped around you, pressing you against him. He smelled like pine and sandalwood. His hand gently stroked your hair as he put his face on the top of your head.
"I can't imagine what you're going through right now." He whispered as he gently swayed. "But I know you'll get through it."
"How do you know that?" You whispered as you buried your face in his chest.
"Because you're impulsive."
"Gee, thanks." You muttered.
"It's a good thing. It means you're strong. Because even though all this shit is happening to you, you're still standing. And you're trying to think about what to do and that's why it's not working." He said pulling away just enough to see your face. His hands moved from your back to cup your cheeks. "You don't like to think things through before you do them. You just do."
"But this doesn't just affect me anymore. It affects Sarah. I can't do something without thinking it through anymore." You said closing your eyes and leaning into his touch.
"When have you ever thought anything out even with Sarah?" He said with a chuckle. "You hand her without a second thought, you still went to college even while you were pregnant, you kicked a kid when he pulled Sarah's hair last month."
"He had it coming."
He laughed and smiled down at you. "He did, but if you had thought about it for even a second you wouldn't have done that. It always works out because you love Sarah and that always overrides anything else going on in your head."
"But this is different." You protest looking up into his eyes.
"Why? Because you love him?" He asked, his thumb gently stroking your cheek.
"Yes! That is exactly why!" You said leaning your head back in frustration. "I loved him in high school and got pregnant. I loved him and he left me. I love him and every day it fucking kills me."
"Y/N this isn't about you loving him. This is about you loving Sarah. If you never want to see him again...he would go back to wherever he was even if it killed him." He said, dropping his hands from your face. but leaving the warmth they gave you.
"I want Sarah to have her dad in her life. I always wanted that...but I feel like if I do something about it...it's like telling you, you aren't doing enough." You said as you watched the small smile on his face drop.
"Are you saying this is hard to do because of me?"
"Of course it is! You could have gone to fucking Princeton, you could have had a fiance by now, a life outside of living in this shitty apartment, sleeping on the couch so Sarah and I can have our own rooms, staying up with me at night when she's sick because you know how scared I am, calling out of work so you can go to her school events!" You rambled. When you finally stop talking you see Kyle just staring at you like you had two heads. Your chest rising and falling rapidly staring back at him.
"I do all that because I love you both."
"That's the problem. I hold you back. I stop you from being happy." You said, choking on a sob as tears filled your eyes.
"You think I'm not happy?" He asked, glaring down at you in anger. His pale cheeks painted red and his lips pulled to a thin line. "You think that every day when I get to see Sarah growing up and laughing, that I'm not happy? You think that every year when you and I stay up baking a cake for her birthday, that I'm not happy? You think that every single fucking night when I get to kiss her good night, when I get to hear you snoring in your bed, when I lay on that shitty pull-out couch and thank whatever fucking god that put me here for giving me the fucking chance to be in your lives, that I'm not happy?"
He scoffs and shakes his head. He takes a step back and runs a hand through his red curls, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath before he can meet your eyes again.
"I'm more than fucking happy Y/N." He said putting a gentle hand on your cheek and wiping away your tears. "Even when I'm in this kitchen telling you how fucking stupid you are as you cry because you think 'you're holding me back'. Even when you stand here and tell me you love another man while his daughter whom I have raised sleeps in another room. I'm still fucking happy."
You stared at him. Processing each and every syllable that escapes his lips. His chest is rising and falling like yours had. You knew he loved you, you knew you loved him. But you always thought that love was different from what other people mean when they say 'I love you'.
Wasn't it?
"Kyle I love you but-"
"I know. I know it's different. I'm ok with that." He said pulling away from you. "There was a time when I hated the thought that you didn't love me back but I realize it's not the way I thought. The way I love you is timeless. And that's what I want it to be."
"But you can't possibly be ha-"
"God you're so stupid." He said kissing your forehead. "I'm happy and I always will be. Y/N we aren't meant for each other but you're still my soulmate. I wish I could love you the way you love Stan but I don't. I love you in a different way the way you love me."
"So not romantically?" You ask looking into his eyes.
"Conceded much?" He said with a smirk
"Bitchy much?" You retort
"Ouch." He said with a chuckle. "But no. I can see myself loving you like that, but even with the years we have together, I don't love you romantically. Love isn't a waiting game. Love is simple but complicated."
"Like with Stan?"
"Like with Stan." He said gently stroking your cheek.
You nod and smile softly because, since the first time since this started, you were okay with not knowing what to do.
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A/N: Heyyyy. Yeah so anyway hope ya'll liked this 😋 thank you for reading bye bye love yall 🩵
Taglist: @jessiegerl
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Kyle smut shot with a chubby (fairly sized) reader?
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Warning: Swearing, Smut, All characters are 18+! AFAB reader
Background: You've been dating Kyle for a while and now it's time for the next step
Status: Oneshot
More Kyle oneshots or if you want a series that contains smut
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2 years. 730 days. Well, actually 757 days but who's counting? You. You're counting. For 757 days you've been dating Kyle and it was pure bliss. He asked you out your sophomore year and of course, you said yes.
Everyone loved Kyle. Girls would kill to be with him and why wouldn't they? He was smart, passionate, athletic, kind, and of course hot as hell. You had a crush on him since your freshman year but you didn't even have the courage to talk to him. Why would he choose you over all the prettier... skinnier girls?
Well, Kyle couldn't get you out of his head. He had a class with you freshman year. Spanish. He sucked at Spanish, but you were decent. Sure you weren't perfect but for the most part, you were understandable. Kyle sat next to you, much to the dismay of the other girls in the class. He basically begged you to help him, not because you didn't want to help him but because you were too nervous to talk to him.
"Hey um what would this be?" He asked scooting closer and pointing at a part of the assignment he was struggling with.
You looked at it and slid your completed assignment for him to see without a word. He looked at it and nodded.
"What about this one? is it 'estoy embarazada'?" He asked.
You looked up at him and slowly cracked a smile before giggling. God the sound made Kyle's face heat up. The second the sound hit his ears his stomach did flips. The way you tried to quiet yourself, smiled, and put your hand on his arm to keep yourself upright. He was hooked.
"It's 'avergonzada'. You said you were pregnant." You said once you managed to calm yourself down.
That was the first time he had heard your voice. Now he was nervous and quiet. Once you noticed that he was just staring at you with a blush on his cheeks, you blushed and looked away.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to tease you.."
"N-no it's ok." He said turning the left corner of his mouth into a crooked smile.
After that day you both talked a few more times and you continued to help him. He would do everything to hear your laugh again, including showing off his terrible Spanish skills. Kyle loved it and you would be lying if you said you didn't love every interaction, no matter how short they were. When you two went into your Sophomore year you two didn't have any classes together. Putting an end to any interaction you two would have had. After a few months of not being able to hear your voice, Kyle couldn't take it anymore.
It was November. The leaves were orange and crunchy on the floor, the wind held a chill that sent shivers up your spine. It was perfect. What made it even more perfect was when Kyle came up to you at the end of the day.
"Y/N wait!" Kyle said jogging over to you as you were making your way to the bus stop. You stop and turn to look up at him. You were in your mom jeans and sweater but Kyle was in his basketball shorts and jersey.
"Go out with me."
"What?" You ask in disbelief. Maybe you hadn't heard him right.
"I mean..." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as a deep blush crept up on his pale cheeks. He had rehearsed how he wanted to do this how did he manage to fuck it up? "Do you...wanna go out sometime?"
You were taken aback and stared up at him as a blush of your own paints your cheeks. You looked behind yourself and then behind him. This isn't the first time someone would jokingly ask out the fat girl. 
"You aren't joking?" 
"Why would I?" He asked raising a brow.
"I'm...well.." You said motioning to yourself. 
"Fat." You corrected before his words had fully sunken in. "Did you just call me beautiful?" 
"Yeah. You're beautiful, and I don't care about your weight, Y/N." He said putting his hands in his pockets and blushing. "I think you're really...I just haven't stopped thinking about you." 
You blushed softly and looked away. "O-ok."
That's how it started. It wasn't the most extraordinary story but everyone around you seemed to think it was some miracle. The hot athlete starts dating the 'fat' girl? Call the masses.
You're still insecure about it. You want to feel confident being with Kyle, but whenever a skinny girl passes you it makes you feel inadequate. Kyle always reassures you and honestly, it wasn't until you met his mom that you felt better.
Knowing that his mom wasn't skinny helped in a weird way. Knowing that Kyle wasn't raised to care about looks made your relationship seem more real. Shelia is beautiful and to know she could be both beautiful and chubby made you feel so much better.
So after that boost of confidence, you grew as a person. And Kyle was all for it. Not to mention just how much he loved touching you and staring at you when you wore something at showed even a bit of skin.
Kyle was sitting on your bed, propping his head against the headboard with you sitting between his legs. He unbraided your hair as you quietly read. His long fingers gently raking through your hair sent shivers down your spine.
"Your hair smells so nice." He whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"Sound like a serial killer." You teased with a giggle.
He chuckled and buried his face in your neck. "You like that?"
"Yeah, I just love imagining my boyfriend as a creepy murderer." You said sarcastically.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around your stomach. His soft lips pressed against your next. You let out a soft sigh and leaned your head to the side to give him better access. He hummed in approval and continued kissing your neck.
"You're very touchy today." You said with a soft moan.
"Can't help that you're so beautiful." He said slowly moving one of his hands up towards your breast but before touching it he pulled back from your neck and looked into your eyes. "Can I?"
You nod and lean back against his chest as his large hand gently massages your breast while his other hand moves down under your shorts.
This wasn't abnormal with you and Kyle. You two have fooled around before but right now it felt different. Like there was going to be more. Were you ready for more?
"I want you so bad right now." He whispered against your neck as he gently rubbed your clit.
You moaned softly and leaned your head back on his shoulder and shut your eyes. Kyle bit his lip as he looked down at your face. Your eyes closed, lips parted as small moans slipped out, and the way your hands held onto his legs.
"You're so beautiful right now." He whispered in a husky voice you hadn't heard before.
Yup. Definitely ready for more.
You let out a louder moan from your lips causing him to press himself closer to you, causing his hard-on the rub against you.
"Do you want me too?" He whispered in your ear while applying a delicious pressure against your clit.
"Fuck yes." You moaned out biting your lip and looking up at him with half-lidded eyes.
He let out a grunt and pulled back from you, taking the sensation he was giving you with him. You let out a small whimper and turned back to look at him.
For a second you were terrified that he changed his mind and would leave. Well, that was until you saw him take off his shirt. Your eyes widened as you took in the light freckles that were peppered on his chest, the barely visible abs, and his very patch of red hair that led under his pants.
"You're staring." He whispered as a blush spread against his cheeks and ears.
"I don't tell you how hot you are nearly enough." You said turning your body to sit on his lap. Not putting your full weight down.
"I do like it when you say it." He said moving his hands onto your lower back.
"Kyle Broflovski you are very very hot." You said with a giggle as you kissed up his neck.
He let out a weak chuckle as he tried to keep himself from thrusting upward. As your hands moved down his chest and your lips moved up and down his neck.
"Y/N.." He sighed leaning his head back.
"I'm ready." You whisper, pulling back and looking down at him.
"You're ready?" He repeated looking into your eyes.
You nodded and crashed your lips against his. He pulled you closer and reciprocated the kiss fully. He moved his hand down to his belt, swiftly taking it off. You pulled back looking down at his hands.
He slowly pulled you off his lap and laid you down on your back as his hand slowly worked on the buttons of your top. You stopped him and bit your lip.
"What's wrong? Do you want me to stop?" He whispered looking up at you.
"I-I...I don't want you to be grossed out." You whispered looking away.
You shut your eyes tightly as you felt his eyes on you. "Can we do this without taking it off?"
"I'm not grossed out by your body." He whispered, gently kissing your forehead.
"But you haven't seen me naked yet."
"I know and it's really killing me." He said with a chuckle. "I think you're gorgeous. Now if you aren't comfortable we can-"
"No, I don't want to stop." You said looking into his eyes. "J-just promise you won't stare."
Kyle nodded and moved his hands to continue undoing your buttons. You allowed him to and when your shirt was finally off you laid in front of him in your bra and shorts. His eyes raked down your body and bit his lip.
You blushed harder when your eyes caught a view of the large tent in his pants. His eyes wouldn't leave your body and you didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Every stretch mark, every roll was on full display for Kyle's eyes.
"Fuck." He groaned.
"You promised not to stare." You whispered.
"I'm sorry baby you're just so fucking beautiful." He whispered, unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down his legs.
"You think so?" You whispered looking up at him.
"God yes." He said gently pulling your shorts down.
You blushed and watched as he continued taking off your clothes. As his hands worked on your bra and your panties. You shut your eyes tightly, feeling his lips on your body, starting at your neck and moving to your breast and stomach.
"How did I get so lucky?" He whispered to himself as he pulled back from your body and began taking off his boxers.
You opened your eyes and watched as he pulled his boxers off causing his member to spring out. Your eyes widened and you looked up at his face.
"Nope no no no. That's not gonna fit inside." You said backing up a bit.
Kyle chuckled and grabbed your hips, gently pulling you back down to him. "Do you trust me?"
"Yeah but-"
"No buts. If you trust me. Trust me that I won't hurt you." He whispered, gently kissing your forehead. His thumbs gently trace circles on your hips. "We're going slow. Ok?"
You nodded and whimpered softly. "Ok. ok. Slow."
Kyle smiled and positioned himself between your legs. "You ready?"
"Yeah." You whispered, holding onto his shoulders.
He pressed a gentle kiss on your lips as he slowly pushed forward. You let out a gasp as you felt his cock enter you inch by inch. You could feel yourself relaxing and getting wetter by the second.
Kyle pulled away from your lips slightly and bit his lip as he finished burying himself inside you. "Does it hurt?" He whispered.
"N-no. It's perfect." You said already a bit breathless. "Please start moving."
He nodded and pulled further away from your lips. He held onto your hips again and started slowly thrusting coaxing soft moans from both of you. Kyle leaned his head back as he mumbled incoherent nonsense about how beautiful you were.
You ran your hands down his chest and moaned out a bit louder making Kyle thrust into you faster. He looked back down at you, his curls covering his face enough to make him look almost primal.
"God you're driving me crazy." He said with a groan as he grabbed onto your hips and moved backward.
You gasped as Kyle sat down and pulled you down onto his lap causing his cock to bury deeper inside you. You leaned your head back and held onto his shoulders as he guided your hips.
"So fucking hot." He groaned, burying his face in your shoulder.
"Kyle...oh god" You moaned as you slowly moved your hips up and down. "A-am I doing this right?"
"Fuck yes, baby you're doing so good." He moaned, gently biting your shoulder.
You nod and move faster as you press yourself against him. Kyle groaned louder but they were muffled as he buried his face in your cleavage. You rested your chin on top of his head as you moved.
You could barely think only being able to focus on the sound of your pelvis hitting Kyle's, his groans, and how embarrassingly wet you were for him.
Kyle's fingers dug into the soft skin of your hips as you moved faster trying to drive you both over the edge. There was nothing else. Only the way Kyle held you, the way his hands embraced every soft contour of your body, the way he moaned against your chest, the way his cock hit your sweet spot over and over again.
You leaned your head back and let out a loud moan as you came. Your juices dripping down his shaft making Kyle hold you tighter. He thrusted up into you not wanting it to end.
"Kyle~" You whined.
"I know baby I know just let me handle this." He whispered desperately as he peppered kisses down your neck and onto your shoulder.
You moaned as his cock slammed into your overstimulated, messy cunt. You shut your eyes tightly until he cupped your cheek.
"Open your eyes. Look at me when I cum inside you." He moaned and you couldn't bring yourself to go against his wishes.
Your eyes met his and he continued thrusting into you. You two only moaned as your eyes stayed locked on each other. His hand came down hard on your ass causing you to moan loudly as you felt his cock twitch.
"F-fuck Y/N!" He moaned out as hot ropes of cum shot deep inside you.
He stopped thrusting and opted to gently rub your ass where his hand had smacked you. You stayed still, resting your head on his shoulder as you caught your breath.
God, you must have looked terrible. A sweaty, sticky, panting mess in Kyle's arms. You pulled away first to look at him and in turn, he flashed a lazy smile.
"You did amazing, beautiful." He whispered, gently brushing away hair that was stuck to your forehead with sweat and placing a gentle kiss.
"That was amazing." You whispered. "Sorry if I wasn't what you were used to."
"You're all I've had and it was more than perfect." He said, slowly pulling out of you and laying you down on the bed.
As he took his time lying next to you, you had time to think about his words. 'All I've had' were you...did you?
"Did I take your virginity?" You whispered, looking over to him.
"Yup. Pretty sure." He said, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Well...it started about forty minutes ago when-"
"How was that your first-time smartass. Like why have you not slept with anyone else before me?" You said a bit annoyed.
He chuckled and buried his face in your hair, shamelessly inhaling your scent. His hands gently grasped onto your body. "No one else is you."
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A/N: OK so. Not gonna lie. I'm still bad at writing smut. I hope you enjoyed it tho. Anyway hope whoever asked for this liked it and thank you so much for reading, please ask for whatever idea yall have for me. Thank you love yall bye-bye. 💚💚💚
Taglist: @jessiegerl
EDIT: Dude I accidentally posted this before I finished so if you saw it before. No, you didn't.
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
Stan x Reader S2 Pt 5
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Warning: N/A
Background: Sarah and you have a conversation before bed
Status: Ongoing
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Do you?
"Where's Papa?"
You pause for a moment, looking down at Sarah's soft features. It had been a while since Kyle left without saying a word. You knew what he was doing of course but it didn't stop you from worrying. Stan was unpredictable sometimes. Not that he would ever hurt anyone, but you were worried he'd hurt himself.
"He's just making sure one of his friends is ok." Gently brushing a strand of her hair out of her face and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Adults do that a lot. Say something that's supposed to comfort, with little detail to shield their kids from the harsh truths of the world. And as you look down at Sarah you can tell it didn't work.
"He's ok I promise."
"He was really mad before...when that man was here."
Stan. Of course, she didn't know who Stan was but hearing her refer to him as only 'that man' killed you inside. What if that was you? You could only imagine the pain Stan would feel if he heard that. He was her father and yet here she was not even understanding who he was.
"That man was...he's a friend."
"Why were you yelling at him?"
"It's hard to explain, but I'm so sorry we scared you." You whispered, gently stroking her hair.
"Was he bad?"
"No honey he wasn't bad, he was just...angry." Maybe not the best choice of words but you knew they were the only ones Sarah would understand.
"At you?" She asked furrowing her brow. You knew she did this when she didn't fully understand something and as much as you didn't want to say it you knew she was old enough to know the truth.
"Yeah. At me." You whispered looking at the headboard behind her rather than her face. "Mommy...Mommy did something that hurt him and he didn't understand why."
"Why did you?"
Children were naturally curious. Asking you what the meaning of life was at least once a day was normal with Sarah and you loved that about her. Couldn't help but hate it now though.
"His name is Stan. He was friends with me and Papa Kyle when we were in high school."
"Before me." She said not as a question but as an observation. Sarah had an interesting way of understanding time. There was before her and then after her and that was all she knew.
"Yeah before you." You said gently shaking her leg. "Well, when we were friends...he did something. And it hurt a lot, and we stopped being friends."
"Did he mean to?"
"Hurt me? I don't think so, honey." And you meant it. Stand didn't leave to hurt you but that didn't stop it from hurting.
"Do you forgive him?" She asked, making you ponder on her question.
She was a smart kid. She understood a lot more than you ever did. You couldn't read people the way she read you.
"Yeah. I forgive him."
"Does he forgive you?"
Does he? Can he? You got to spend Sarah's entire life with her and all he got were an Instagram post and 4 seconds watching you comfort her. And it's your fault.
"I don't know, sweetheart. I want him to, but what Mommy did was bad, and if he can forgive me it'll take a long time."
"Like five days?"
"Maybe a little more than that."
"That's a lot." She said in a serious voice that made you chuckle.
"Ya it is, but sometimes it's ok to give people time."
"How much time would you need for me?" She whispered, looking up at you with those sparkling blue eyes she got from Stan.
She was so much like him. People wouldn't notice. Kyle didn't. But you did. You spent years hating him and then weeks loving him more than anything before he was nothing again. And every time you look into Sarah's eyes, kiss her soft face, watch her happily sing in the living room. It makes you fall in love with him all over again for giving you such a wonderful person.
"I wouldn't need any time for you. I could never feel anything but love for you." You whispered making her brow furrow again.
"You can love someone and not forgive them. I loved Papa Kyle even though he ate my cookie." She said with a small pout.
You loved Stan even after he left. Even after he broke you and left you to glue and tape yourself together again. But you didn't forgive him. You loved him even when you went through the pregnancy alone. And you love him even when you look down at your daughter indirectly telling you how much smarter she is.
"You're right. You can love someone and not forgive them."
"But you do."
"Yeah, I do forgive him."
"No. You love him?"
You pause before taking in the way Sarah looks at you. It is way past her bedtime. "Yeah, I do."
"Does he love you?"
"Who knows." You said softly before kissing her forehead. "I love you, sweetheart. Get some rest ok?"
"Night night Mommy." She whispered, with a small yawn.
"Goodnight my star."
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A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't been uploading it has been a long few weeks. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I still love ya'll thank you for reading 🩷🩷🩷
Taglist: @jessiegerl
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
First impressions pt 2
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You finally meet Eric's mom
Status: ongoing
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Potato salad
"Y/N, calm down. It's ok. You don't have to stress so much." Eric said, reaching for your shoulder as you frantically ran around the kitchen.
"No! I'm meeting your mom. This has to be perfect!" You said as you looked around the kitchen cabinets.
Eric drew his hand back and stared at you. "I just- You don't have to be so nervous. My mom isn't some fancy queen of some European country neither of us can pronounce. She's just a normal person."
"Eric! Please. I don't care if you think she's normal. She's your mom. She birthed you. Raised you. I want to be on her good side." You said pulling a large glass tupperware dish from the fridge.
"Is that.." Eric started as he stared at the dish.
"Potato salad. My great grandma's recipe. I need to make an impression." You said looking up at him. "Why? Oh my god is your mom allergic to potatoes?"
"What? No." He said taking a deep breath as he thought about his next words. "Look. Y/N I love that you care so much. Really I do. But my mom is going to love you. I promise."
Eric's words made you calm down a bit. Eric smiled softly when he saw you finally take a breath, but he couldn't ignore the fact that he knew he was lying to you.
"Ok. Ok. I'll calm down. I'm gonna go get dressed, and we can head out." You said putting the Tupperware in an ice chest.
"I'll get everything in the car. Just take your time." He said, kissing your forehead and cracking a small smile. "Now go get dressed, beautiful."
As you made your way out, he gave a quick slap to your ass that was way too hard. You yelp and shoot him a glare, which he just looked away from to hide his smirk.
"Sadist." You mutter before leaving the room to get dressed.
Eric chuckled and let out a sigh. "You have no idea."
The drive to South Park was long. Emphasis on long. It took a few hours of just driving. It was nice at first, but after a while, Eric got irritated. It was mostly from hunger. You had packed a few things but not enough to replace a whole meal.
"I'm sorry I didn't pack more." You said with a small frown.
"No no no. I should have packed something. I knew this drive was gonna be long. I'm not mad at you I just wish...I should have packed that was my bad."
"Still I'm sorry I've just been so all over the place but I should have packed food for us. I'm so stupid." You said bringing the heel of your palms to your eyes.
"Hey. None of that." He said putting his hand on your head as he focused on the road.
You put your hands down and looked at him. He smiled without facing you, but his hand moved down under your chin making you laugh softly.
"There she is. Now give me an apple. I can at least survive off that for a few more hours."
"Why don't we stop at a gas station?"
"Ya know. I um. I didn't think of that."
After a few more hours you eventually made it to South Park and holy fuck was it snowy. You looked out the window and looked around. Not that there was much to look at.
"It's pretty."
"It's lame and small."
"A little but it's where you grew up so it can't be that bad."
"You have no idea how wrong you are." He muttered under his breath.
He drove up to a decently sized green house. The color was admittedly not very pretty but you didn't want to say that. As Eric parked in the driveway he stayed seated and let out a shaky breath.
"Hey, you ok? I kinda should be the only one nervous here." You said with a small laugh which Eric cracked a smile at but he still seemed...scared?
"I know I just...being here again. It's...fuck Y/N I don't wanna take you in there." He said looking over at you and putting his hand on your thigh.
You put your hand over his and looked into his eyes. "What's wrong?"
"There's something I didn't tell you. I'm so fucking scared to but Y/N I-"
"Eric is that you?" A woman called out from the front door.
You couldn't really see her from where you were but you could see Eric physically cringe the minute he heard her voice.
"Fuck.." He muttered before pulling away and opening his car door. You did the same and stepped out.
The woman ran over and hugged Eric. She practically jumped in his arms, but Eric stayed stiff.
"H-hey mom." He said in a shaky voice that she didn't seem to notice.
You walked over to his side and looked at them with a nervous smile. Ok Y/N this is your chance time to make a good impression.
You put out your hand and put on your warmest smile. "H-Hi I'm-"
"Who are you?" She said switching from her once sweet motherly voice to one of pure ice.
She was glaring at you with a frown and you just knew it was gonna be a long night.
Fuck how did you already fuck up?
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A/N: BOOM! Double upload on your forehead! I have so many plans for this series so I'm very happy I get to post a new chapter of this. Hope you guys like this and stay with me for this story. Thank ya'll for reading I love love love you 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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