#have some magnesium glycinate supplements
mashriqiyyah · 5 months
i wanna kill myself.. life's so hard
No. You Don't!
All you want is to live a life different than the one you're living rn.
And yes... it's hard...but this is a vulnerable moment. It'll pass. And you'll know you so badly wanted to live. Please dm me if you're a sister. Be patient with yourself and your situation...❤️‍🩹🤍
May Allah heal you and grant you better 🌷
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polyabathtub · 3 months
Apropos of absolutely nothing (my dash losing its collective shit about the Panthers victory celebrations, me repeatedly seeing videos and going “lol that man is most certainly not drunk”), here’s some info on how one might be able to tell that someone is taking MDMA (aka Molly, ecstasy). The common term for this is rolling*.
Disclaimer: I do not actually know what specific people may or may not have taken, I’m just providing some useful information for my fellow fic writers (fic stands for fiction!) should they decide to write fiction inspired by some of the amazing content we saw last week.
I have heart problems so have never been able to take it myself—but I’m friends with a lot of burners**, and have been blessed with the opportunity to participate in MDMA-fueled cuddle piles. It’s a good time but it can also be dangerous, and it doesn’t mix well with a lot of common medications (particularly antidepressants).
MDMA is a party drug. It makes things like pretty lights and textures more interesting. If you’ve seen “Someone Great” on Netflix, Jenny getting super into textures is a pretty good representation (it’s also one of my favorite movies, but be warned you WILL cry). I couldn’t find a gif within 0.2 seconds of searching so you don’t get one, sorry.
MDMA causes muscle clenching. Taking magnesium helps (magnesium threonate for the brain, magnesium glycinate or bisglycinate are also good for muscle spasms, not too tough on digestion and cheaper). It’s also rough on the brain. Taking something like NAC can reduce risk, but in general MDMA isn’t something that’s safe to do frequently, even if you have a good source and you’re testing your drugs before taking them. I’m not an expert on safe use so I’m not going to give specific recs here, but the people I know who take it research heavily and pregame with supplements.
The other thing that’s key—electrolytes. MDMA messes with electrolyte homeostasis, so it’s important to stay hydrated, and that hydration should be more than just water. If I were, say, a professional athlete celebrating a championship win with Molly, I would probably carry around a bottle of something like pedialyte to sip from (though my personal preference would be a sports-oriented sugar containing supplement like Skratch or LMNT).
MDMA removes your inhibitions to physical contact, particularly with people you’re already positively oriented towards. So, slow dancing with your teammates? Absently groping your teammate’s chest while half paying attention? Literally hanging off of whoever is next to you all night? Molly.
MDMA wrecks pupil reflexes, so anyone taking it who is outside of their natural environment (a dark room with interesting lights) is easily recognizable by their absolutely massive pupils. Or squinting like hell when they hit bright lights***.
MDMA keeps you from sleeping until it wears off. The high lasts 3-6 hours but it’ll probably keep you awake until the morning. Also, when it wears off it often causes molly blues, which might last for a few minutes or hours or sometimes up to a couple of days. Essentially, MDMA floods the brain with serotonin, and when it wears off, it can take some time for things to re-equilibrate.
My point here: I really think there’s a lot of fanfic potential in certain Panthers (Barky) trying this thing for the first time and having an amazing night and then suddenly feeling some big “oh god now that I’ve won it, who do I become?” feelings that <player of your choice> then helps them through.
*for an example of “rolling” in a sentence, see this quote from my recent fic wie viel:
Leon briefly regretted not wearing a hat, or maybe sunglasses, which were fairly effective as a disguise but tended to make people assume he was already rolling—the man wasn’t acting like he’d recognized him, though.
That fic relies on Leon showing up to a private party with a ton of cash (because he’s leaving open the option of buying drugs and also isn’t sure how expensive the party will be) and keeping his face bare (so people won’t assume he’s already set for the night). This conveniently enables the misunderstanding that drives the rest of the plot.
**burners: people who go to Burning Man. This is not a euphemism but it probably could be. If you aren’t sure if any of your friends are burners, don’t worry—they’ll tell you! (I say this with affection, but it is exactly like when your childhood friends got back from summer camp and wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks)
***yes I am thinking of a specific photo of a specific 2-way cat
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dykesbites · 3 months
do you have migraines or headaches, and are you poor, have shitty/no insurance, doctors who won't listen to you, or just don't want to waste hundreds of dollars on an appointment? well, i went to a neurologist and received this piece of paper which i probably paid way too much for, so you can have it for free.
American Headache Society Complementary and Integrative Medicine Section: Patient Education Kit for Migraine (Recommended Supplements for Migraine Prevention) <- link
the supplements may or may not work, but either way this should save you time and money. you can buy these supplements at most drug stores or online.
below the cut i'm adding a transcript of the pdf in case the link breaks.
stuff my doctor told me:
i should take magnesium glycinate, riboflavin, and CoQ10
magnesium glycinate should be taken at bedtime
didn't recommend feverfew for me, can't remember why
if these supplements don't help, the next step is prescription meds which include Nortriptyline, Topamax, or Emgality
Nortriptyline is an anti-depressant, if you're already on an anti-depressant then don't take this
Topamax is an anti-seizure med also used to prevent migraines. it can make birth control pills less effective
Emgality is administered once a month with a self-administered shot (something like an epi pen). this is what my doctor recommended I take if the supplements don't work. it specifically targets the migraine receptor, so it has very few side effects
PDF transcript:
AHS Complementary and Integrative Medicine Section: Patient Education Kit for Migraine
Recommended Supplements for Migraine Prevention Dietary supplements are commonly used for the prevention of migraine. The recommended supplements have all been studied and found to be effective in the prevention of migraine. If you are pregnant or have other medical conditions, please check with your physician about whether you should take these.
Mechanism: Important in energy production, muscle and nerve function, and may play a role in cortical spreading depression, which is an underlying migraine mechanism.
Evidence: Two large randomized controlled trials found magnesium to be beneficial for migraine prevention.
Dose: 600mg per day. Some people prefer to start at a lower dose to ensure tolerability. Formulations include magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, magnesium citrate (better absorbed than oxide or sulfate), and magnesium glycinate (less likely to cause diarrhea than other formulations)
Side effects: May cause soft stools or diarrhea, but could help constipation.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Mechanism: Involved in mitochondrial energy production, which may play a role in migraine
Evidence: Five clinical trials, including one large randomized controlled trial, have shown positive effect on migraine.
Dose: 400mg per day
Side effects: Turns urine bright yellow/orange and may cause diarrhea.
Mechanism: Parthenolide, the active ingredient, may prevent migraine through its vascular smooth relaxation and anti-inflammatory properties.
Evidence: Four out of six studies showed benefit for migraine prevention
Dose: 50-300mg twice daily
Side effects: Nausea, bloating, and mouth ulcers. Feverfew can cause uterine contractions and is not recommended during pregnancy.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Mechanism: Involved in energy production and helps maintain mitochondrial integrity.
Evidence: Two randomized controlled trials showed benefit over placebo.
Dose: 300mg daily (can be split into 150mg twice a day)
Side effects: Insomnia, fatigue, nausea, or diarrhea.
Other Supplements Butterbur demonstrated benefit for migraine in two large randomized controlled studies; however; preparations may contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are toxic to the liver. Due to safety concerns, butterbur was removed from the market in Europe and is currently not recommended. Melatonin and the combination of folic acid/B6/B12 have mixed results for migraine prevention.
Reference: Rajapakse T, Pringsheim T. Nutraceuticals in migraine: A summary of existing guidelines for use. Headache. 2016;56(4).
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meditating-dog-lover · 10 months
Things to work on (2024)
1. Continue health goals I achieved this year and build on them (focus on gut health, posture, meet with PT often and to improve some strength and flexibility, etc...). I did a great job this year and I want to continue it!
2. Intermittent fasting 16-8 + walking and supplements.
3. Focus on mental health improvement (ACT focus). I need to work on anxiety, shame, and emotional regulation (and dealing with my mom). Unfortunately, I had a traumatic experience in my last therapy session and had to quit, and am scared of going back to therapy. Magnesium glycinate also helps with anxiety. Another thing that helps is being in touch with your inner child (this has helped me in the past and I'm working on being more in touch as time goes on). More on the last point later.
4. Continue progressing at work, doing more experiments, getting more experience beyond my lab, and looking into being eventually promoted. This is one of my more serious goals.
5. Continue to deposit money to my 401ks, IRA, house savings, and emergency savings, learn how to invest that money, start building credit, and look into real estate and gold investing. This is also one of my more serious goals.
6. Heal any health anxiety and trauma I have (this is trauma-related and not health-related since I did a great job on my physical health this year). I need to stop being anxious whenever I go see doctors and I should take my own health into my own hands.
7. This is more of a physical goal but look into improving my style (and confidence). I always hated clothes and makeup for some reason, so I need to work on this and am even considering meeting with a stylist for some help with this. I already do my hair, nails, eyebrows, skin treatment, teeth whitening, but I hate clothes, makeup, and accessories for some reason. Also keep exercising to stay lean and be able to fit into nice clothes. Looking into colors and styles that flatter me is a good start. I want to get comfortable with clothes and style to the point where I can confidently wear a swimsuit in public (I haven't swam in 5 years and I would love to do it again).
8. Look into hobbies. Inner childhood channeling can help here since I had a lot of hobbies growing up.
9. Read books!!!
10. Get in touch with your inner childhood! I'm on vacation in Cyprus right now and it reminds me of the Middle East from when I lived there as a child in the late 90s early 2000s (without the overwhelming complexities it has now). So if I gain any positive flashbacks from my child while I'm here, I'll write them down.
11. Do more self-care and fun stuff (if this means walking, taking a break, journaling, going to a spa, etc...). I work hard and need to relax and reward my hard work. I am going to do a skin treatment before I travel. I'll think of a list of things that I can do that fall under this category. Sometimes I feel like I don't need these, but once I really do give myself a special treatment I cannot stop thanking myself for doing so. Even if it costs a lot of money, it can be worth it.
12. Continue doing activism (even though this can be very distressing and I will need to learn some emotional regulation here, it's hard to emotionally regulate during a genocide happening right now).
13. Meet with a holistic doctor to address my eczema once and for all.
14. Work on my posture and muscle tightness/flexibility. I have poor posture and it's worth working on it now at a young age before it's too late. I'm going to get a pillow and mattress for my bed, work on my posture at my desk in work, stretch and if needed, get massages.
15. Learn to develop feelings of love and start believing you deserve to be loved. I have a hard time developing feelings for others. If anything my attraction to anyone has been physical lust rather than unconditional love. Again this is another inner childhood thing I want to work on because as a child I used to love unconditionally.
16. Getting rid of any feelings of shame I have. I've been raised to be ashamed and to always be "perfect". My parents were strict and judgemental in this case, despite them being good parents overall. This gets to the point where I feel like I need to hide in a corner whenever I make a mistake and start yelling at myself for being a failure. This will be hard, but it will work out in the end by hook or by crook. This is a self confidence issue. It's also hard knowing I live with my mom who can be super judgy. But I need to address this problem.
Add more if needed...
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nehasharma14 · 1 year
The Science Behind Magnesium Glycinate for Sleep
Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our overall health and well-being, yet many people struggle with sleep disorders and insomnia. The search for natural remedies to improve sleep quality has led to the exploration of various supplements, including magnesium glycinate. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the science behind magnesium glycinate for sleep and explore its potential benefits and mechanisms of action.
What is Magnesium Glycinate?
Magnesium glycinate, also known as magnesium bisglycinate, is a form of magnesium that is bonded with glycine, an amino acid. This unique combination allows for better absorption and bioavailability in the body compared to other forms of magnesium supplements. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in numerous biochemical processes within the body, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and energy production. It is also crucial for regulating the sleep-wake cycle.
The Connection Between Magnesium and Sleep
Research has shown a strong connection between magnesium levels in the body and sleep quality. Magnesium plays a vital role in the function of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and promoting a sense of calm. Additionally, magnesium regulates the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle.
How Magnesium Glycinate Affects Sleep
Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Magnesium glycinate helps relax both the muscles and the mind. Glycine, one of the components of magnesium glycinate, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the central nervous system. This relaxation can ease anxiety and reduce stress, making it easier to fall asleep.
Melatonin Regulation: As mentioned earlier, magnesium is involved in the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Adequate magnesium levels are essential for the body's natural melatonin production, which helps maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.
Muscle Relaxation: Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle function, and its deficiency can lead to muscle cramps and discomfort. By ensuring adequate magnesium levels, magnesium glycinate can help prevent nighttime muscle cramps and promote physical relaxation.
GABA Enhancement: Glycine, found in magnesium glycinate, can also enhance the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), another inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA helps reduce neuronal excitability, leading to a sense of tranquility and better sleep.
Clinical Evidence
Several studies have examined the impact of magnesium supplementation, including magnesium glycinate, on sleep quality. One randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found that magnesium supplementation significantly improved sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and sleep onset latency in elderly individuals with insomnia.
Another study published in the journal Nutrients demonstrated that magnesium supplementation improved subjective measures of sleep quality, including sleep time, sleep efficiency, and sleep onset latency, in adults with poor sleep quality.
Dosage and Safety
The recommended dosage of magnesium glycinate for sleep can vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. Generally, a dose of 200-400 mg of magnesium glycinate or three capsules before bedtime is often recommended. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, as individual requirements may differ.
Magnesium glycinate is considered safe for most people when taken at appropriate doses. Side effects are rare but may include gastrointestinal upset in some individuals. People with kidney disorders should consult their healthcare provider before taking magnesium supplements.
Magnesium glycinate is a promising natural remedy for improving sleep quality and managing sleep-related issues. Its unique combination of magnesium and glycine offers potential benefits for relaxation, melatonin regulation, muscle relaxation, and GABA enhancement. While scientific evidence supports its use, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it is suitable for your specific needs. Incorporating magnesium glycinate into a comprehensive sleep hygiene routine may be a valuable step towards achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep.
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We Humans aren't designed to live forever, but we can live longer than we do!
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Most “anti-aging” supplements that many popular websites and books recommend do NOT slow down your aging process, they mostly benefit your health as you get older, and you are still ageing at the same rate you always have.
These are substances like vitamin A, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, B-vitamins, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, multivitamins, curcumin, EGCG, nicotinamide riboside (NR), mushroom extracts and many more are great supplements but they won't slow down your aging!
This means many touted “anti-aging” supplements are nothing more than antioxidants, which do improve your health as you age, like vitamin A, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid and so on. But they don’t slow down aging. Some antioxidants can even accelerate aging, like lipoic acid or vitamin A and vitamin E.
Ya see,... We human beings aren't supposed to live forever so we have an aging process which triggers (kicks in) at a certain age, and it's downhill from there on. We have a built in fail point, just like automobiles do, so they can keep selling us cars forever.
Ya wanna know what does slow down your ageing process, and they SLOW DOWN not stop it..........
1. "Fisetin", a natural ingredient found in vegetables and fruits, especially in strawberries. Fisetin is mostly known for its senolytic activity, meaning it can clear away senescent cells, ..... zombie cells literally that have done their job biologically but reuse to die off, and are still hanging around sponging off of other healthy cells, like many of our political leaders do.
2. Alpha-ketoglutarate (the calcium form)
Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a substance that naturally occurs in our bodies. When we get older, the levels of AKG decline. Most studies show in mice that they live 14% longer than mice that didn't take Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG).
3. Microdosed lithium
Lithium is a mineral found in nature. It seeps from rocks into water, including drinking water, like natural spring water.
Various studies show the more amount of lithium in the drinking water the longer people have been living in that area, and had less neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
So the further you are from the city the better off health wise you are.
Can you see the stars at night,...... if not your still to close to the city!
4. Glycine
Glycine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in our body. When we age, glycine levels decline.
Glycine has many functions in the body. It improves the epigenome (the machinery that determines which genes are switched on or off, a process that goes increasingly awry when we get older). Glycine especially improves the epigenome of mitochondria, the power plants of our cells.
5. Pterostilbene
Pterostilbene is the better brother of the famous anti-aging substance resveratrol.
Resveratrol has long been hyped as a longevity substance. However, it unfortunately did not live up to that hype. Studies showed disappointing results when it came to resveratrol extending lifespan.
6. Malate or malic acid
Malate, also called malic acid, is found in apples, and in our own bodies.
Malate is an important substance in the mitochondria. In fact, malate is a component of the Krebs cycle, which consists of various substances that are chemically modified to provide the energy that keeps all cells going.
7. Magnesium
Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for the body to function properly.
Magnesium helps innumerable enzymes in our body to function properly. Cells shuttle magnesium in and out to propagate nerve signals and to generate muscle impulses, including the beatings of our heart.
Magnesium also sticks to our DNA, stabilizing our DNA, protecting it against damage. Increasing DNA damage is one of the reasons why we get older.
8. Glucosamine (the sulfate form)
Most people know glucosamine as a substance to reduce wear and tear of cartilage and to improve joint health.
Few people know that glucosamine can also extend lifespan in different organisms, including mice.
Studies show that glucosamine is one of the few supplements associated with reduced mortality in humans, and also reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in humans.
9. Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the skin. But hyaluronic acid (HA) surrounds and embeds many other cells in the body than just the skin cells.
The older we get, the less hyaluronic acid there is in the body. A 70-year-old has only about 19 percent of the amount of hyaluronic acid of a young person.
Studies show that hyaluronic acid, taken orally, can improve skin appearance by reducing wrinkles, improving moisturization of the skin and increasing skin radiance. It can also improve osteoarthritis, which makes sense given joints and cartilage contain a lot of hyaluronic acid.
10. Ginger
Ginger is a well-known spice. But it’s not just any spice, it's THE SPICE for longevity.
Many scientific studies demonstrated multiple beneficial health effects of ginger, like reducing inflammation and protecting cells against damage.
Ginger has been found to extend lifespan in simple organisms, like fruit flies.
Ginger can improve type 2 diabetes and inflammation in humans.
11. Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola rosea is a very interesting plant that grows in the northern regions of Europa and Asia.
Rhodiola rosea has been used for centuries as an adaptogen, a substance that can improve resilience against both physiological stress and mental stress.
Rhodiola can also improve nerve regeneration.
Studies in humans show that Rhodiola rosea can improve memory, concentration and can reduce fatigue.
12. L-theanine
Theanine is a substance found in green tea, and is one of the reasons why green tea is healthy.
Theanine has been shown to extend lifespan in simple organisms.
Theanine has been associated with healthier blood vessels, and could reduce blood pressure and even obesity.
Theanine has shown to reduce neurodegeneration and protect neurons in the body.
13. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is needed to make NAD+.
NAD+ is a very important substance in the cells. It provides energy for cells and is also a cofactor for proteins that repair and maintain our epigenome and our DNA.
NMN improves metabolism and reduces inflammation.
In conclusion I can say I've studied anti-aging for decades and many anti-aging supplements are based on outdated insights and don’t have any or just very little science backing up their claims.
Also, they do not contain substances that have been shown to act on aging mechanisms.
I personally have been taking 5 of these 13 supplements for a decade, so I should outlive your grandchildren, Lol
I would say if you just took one of these 13 it should be L-Glycine, because Glycine is like the switch that turns on the light in the room, and if the switch doesn't work nothing else gets what it need to illuminate you.
Ginger being a close second to take, which both are fairly cheap in cost to get pharmaceutical grade supplements, and remember only pharmaceutical grade supplements are worth a damn, because Choosing a pharmaceutical-grade supplement is the only way to know for sure that you're giving your body the highest, purest, and most bioavailable form of an ingredient possible, so if it doesn't say "pharmaceutical-grade" on the label, it isn't!!
As Spock from Star Trek would say "Live Long And Prosper", and you do that by knowing how!
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draintheblood · 2 years
Hey!! I’m so sorry about the insomnia thing. I struggled BAD with this for about a year (not continuously thank goodness). It was onset insomnia where I wouldn’t fall asleep until 6-7am. I was exhausted, scared, and desperate.
I’ll relay what ended up helping me. First it’s important to know that my insomnia was a product of extreme anxiety about sleep and exhaustion itself, so all the tips out there about “sleep hygiene” and having a bedtime routine or evening meditation , etc actually made my insomnia worse, because it caused me to obsess too much over the mere concept of sleep and make too big a fuss over the whole process - what should be a natural, easy process when you’re feeling tired, right? Ha, wrong. Brain said no we’re staying awake EXTRA long now.
I relied instead more on distraction, and on reframing the importance I was putting on sleep. All the advice says “stay off your phone!” to get better sleep, but for me having my phone accessible in bed was a godsend to distract me when I would lie down and feel the anxiety and spiraling thought patterns kick up. I’d browse tumblr, or pinterest, read fanfic, and watch ASMR videos - anything that could help keep my mind occupied and not focused on the duality of feeling both exhausted and hyper-awake. This was big for managing it in the moment. Reading a book was also a great thing to do although sometimes hard because it would require turning on the light or sitting up in bed, which frequently felt like too much.
There’s lots of research out there that yells about the “danger” of not getting enough sleep. This definitely contributed to my anxiety. Our bodies are adaptable and resilient. Getting in touch with that deep trust and knowledge is difficult ( esp when the body doesn’t seem to be *cooperating*) but ultimately can make the experience less acutely frightening. Also! There’s research emerging that says that a) we NEED less sleep than we think and b) we often sleep more than we estimate and c) even if you’re lying in bed quietly but awake all night, you’re still getting some valuable rest-induced benefits! That last one was a massive positive discovery and helped me accept my body and mind in the moment and release the intensity of my need for control over how they were both behaving.
Other things that definitely helped over time (not immediately in most cases - it’s okay if it takes a few days or weeks, remember that): magnesium glycinate supplements and magnesium topical lotion/spray before bed, l-theanine throughout the day and evening, phosphatidylserine before bed, getting unfiltered bright morning sunlight each day, using a white noise machine and eye mask. I also found sleep-specific edibles to be really helpful, although I know you mentioned those didn’t work so well for you. It’s highly variable based on formula. I used Kiva brand and that might not be available in your area. They helped take the edge off at night so I couldn’t even get anxious in the first place which is why they worked - so anything similar for you would be a good starting point idea (not alcohol tho - that one screws with your ability to sleep).
Last major thing that helped me was another mindset based shift: I thought about all the days I survived already on slim-to-none sleep, all the things I accomplished and the moments of enjoyment I still was able to have despite the lack of rest and underlying exhaustion. And I reminded myself that I was still capable of living life even without lots of sleep (helps to really think about the times you’ve deliberately chosen to skip out on sleep for really special or fun reasons too! Those count! Those are evidence you can get through it!). Trust your body WILL get the rest it needs, sooner or later. It wants to keep you alive and it’s very VERY good at it in most circumstances, I promise. The brain will catch up to that :) this last tip was super super important, because the sleep anxiety was trying to tell me that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my life at all ever again if I didn’t sleep. But it was wrong, and I sloooowly started to see that it was lying.
Now I rarely go more than a night at a time missing sleep, and it mainly happens when I get stressed about waking up earlier than usual, or an important event. And I understand where the anxiety comes from so I can gently head it off before I spiral into a true insomnia episode. And even if I do have a bad night - I know I’ll get through the next day, and sleep is coming for me soon. Just know that you can and will recover. I hope hearing my story and ideas helps you even a little bit!!
hi, thank you so so much for sending this. you have no idea how much it means. this hits me really hard because it sound so much exactly like what im going through. its so frustrating and annoying especially to me because im a bit of a perfectionist and control freak and when i cant get my brain and body to cooperate with what i want it makes me so angry and it just adds to the anxiousness. what u said about the sleep hygiene also makes so much sense. i always get so frustrated because its one of the first things i do, and even when the conditions are perfect and i still dont sleep i get so mad that i have to jump through all these hoops that the average person doesnt even have to think about and its still not helping. im also a bit of a pessimist when it comes to behavioral thinking patterns.. like for example i would never be a person who was likely to be able to be hypnotized because my brain just shuts down any suggestions or changes because its so rational that like if i try to change my mindset or do some self hypnosis or whatver another part of my brain quickly takes over and is like "of course this wont work on you because your just trying to trick yourself and this is what you REALLY think". but at the same time i have no control at all over my anxiety or thoughts and it just creates this situation thats such a paradox that it feels like theres no way out. its a vicious cycle where the more i cant sleep the more it takes up more and more of my energy and time. i really appreciate the way you worded this. its gonna take some time to make any of these changes, but i'll definitely try. it feels like my whole life revolves around sleeping and failing to do so (and i hate failing, which just makes everything worse) that if i could just reframe it so that it wasnt such an important, dominating part of my mind i think that would be extremely helpful. thank you so much again for taking the time to message me. its even just inspiring to hear someone in a situation so similar to myself was able to recover and make these changes. ♥️♥️♥️ i hope u have a great holiday season !
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g-kat423 · 1 year
Today I got vitamin supplements delivered(I was low on my magnesium glycinate, turmeric, and d3 I take daily) I also got these fast chews by vitassium that are supposed to be good for pots they’re fruit punch flavored and have sodium potassium and so on so that’ll be good for me and maybe I can eliminate some of the Gatorade I drink or use the fast chews in addition to them but that’s if I feel they help lol.
I also got some compression wear. I got these zip up toeless knee high compression socks to help with blood pooling in my legs when I stand and such and I also got abdominal compression wear because I also have blood pooling symptoms in my stomach when I’m more active. Gotta love how developing POTS just makes your body forget what it’s supposed to do with your veins when you stand and move. I haven’t really been active today because the weather has been shit on and off and the only real exercise I can manage is walking outside so I’ve just been wearing the compression socks while watching sopranos to see how they feel and they feel pretty good it helps with some of the nerve pain I have in my bad leg from my hip. I also wore the abdominal compression for a bit and it felt nice for a couple hours but then I started to feel uncomfortable. I guess I gotta slowly build up some tolerance and it’s not as though I plan to wear the compression garments 24/7, I mostly want them for when I want to be active because I’ve really been struggling with being symptomatic when I want to walk or need to stand. I’ll probably be taking off the socks shortly too. Other that. That today has been uneventful.
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It’s essential that our bodies get enough rest and sleep, therefore, we have put together some top tips to help you get a good night’s sleep. Get the healthy natural supplements for Good Night Sleep: Ashwagandha: https://purenaturals.co.uk/product/as...
5-HTP 50 mg: https://purenaturals.co.uk/product/5h...
Magnesium (glycinate) : https://purenaturals.co.uk/product/as...
Pure Natural Supplements Online: https://purenaturals.co.uk/
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thunderheadfred · 2 years
Things i have been doing instead of being online (not that being online is bad i just haven’t been here much)
Dealing with the annual resurrection of February: The Worst Month
Throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick re: seasonal depression and delayed sleep phase madness… so far, huge improvement with Even More Rigid sleep hygiene, AM+PM light therapy, magnesium glycinate + melatonin supplements, and some legal low-dose gummies
Researching how to grow cannabis and staring impatiently at our state congress website because thc-isolate gummies can only do so fucking much, man
Grinding for resources in Genshin Impact and gradually learning how to slap enemies with Alhaitham
Cooking just an insane fuckton of Korean food (spicy braised fish, banchan, and rice cakes tonite!)
Also trying to eat all the fruit in the world but always winding up slightly disappointed because it’s the Midwest in winter and the fruit is just blehhh right now (have i mentioned February sucks??) but i just keep trying, you know?
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amaranthnymph · 25 days
How long have you been doing the holy grail of cum? I've been at for about two weeks and haven't noticed any difference tbh 😔
Uuuuh, I think it’s been about two weeks for me too? I should’ve written down the date I started lol If you haven’t noticed a difference, you might wanna tweak the dosage of some of the supplements. For those interested in the original stack:
The Cum Holy Grail
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 200mg
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg
This is what I’m taking so far:
The Cum Holy Grail ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Ama Edition ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
(1) L-Arginine, 6000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 1500mg
(4) Lecithin, 2400mg
(5) Magnesium glycinate, 600mg
I plan on adding horny goat weed and maybe L-DOPA to my stack, but the most important thing is to STAY HYDRATED. Even without the supplements, drinking a lot of water (but not to the point of water poisoning, of course) is enough to increase volume by a lot. You should also skip the zinc once or twice a week as some people experience flu-like symptoms if they have too much zinc, tho I haven’t had that issue at all (I’m guessing I’m zinc deficient?).
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purehealthpulse · 2 months
A Restful Revolution: My Experience with Magnesium Breakthrough
Let's face it, life in the modern world can be draining. Between work deadlines, social commitments, and the constant blue light exposure from our devices, it's easy to feel depleted and out of sorts. In search of a natural solution to combat fatigue and improve sleep, I decided to try Magnesium Breakthrough. Here's how these capsules have become a game-changer for my overall well-being.
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A Symphony of Seven Magnesiums
One of the things that initially drew me to Magnesium Breakthrough was its comprehensive formula. Unlike many magnesium supplements that contain just one or two types, this one boasts a unique blend of seven different magnesium forms. This includes well-known varieties like magnesium glycinate, known for its gentle absorption, and magnesium citrate, which promotes regularity. Having this variety ensures that my body can absorb the magnesium it needs in the most effective way.
Easy to Swallow, Easy to Integrate
Taking Magnesium Breakthrough couldn't be easier. The capsules are a comfortable size and go down smoothly with a glass of water. The recommended dosage is just two capsules a day, which I typically take in the evening before bed. This simple routine has made it effortless to integrate Magnesium Breakthrough into my daily schedule – no complicated multi-dose regimens here!
A Gradual Shift Towards Restfulness
It's important to note that Magnesium Breakthrough isn't a magic sleep potion that instantly lulls you off to dreamland. However, I've noticed a gradual shift in my overall sleep quality since taking it. Those familiar feelings of pre-sleep anxiety seem to have lessened, allowing me to fall asleep more easily. More importantly, I wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle the day. No more groggy mornings or that dreaded "afternoon slump."
Improved Energy Levels and Overall Wellbeing
An unexpected benefit of taking Magnesium Breakthrough has been an improvement in my energy levels throughout the day. Previously, I often felt sluggish and drained, especially in the afternoons. Since taking the supplement, I have more sustained energy throughout the day, allowing me to be more productive and engaged in my activities. This overall improvement in well-being has had a positive impact on all aspects of my life, from my work to my social life.
A Natural Choice for a Balanced Life
Overall, I'm very impressed with Magnesium Breakthrough. It's a comprehensive and easy-to-use supplement that has made a noticeable difference in my sleep quality, energy levels, and overall well-being. The focus on natural ingredients and the variety of magnesium forms make it a more appealing option compared to some of the harsher sleep aids on the market.
A Worthy Investment in Rest and Rejuvenation
While there's an initial investment involved, the long-term benefits of Magnesium Breakthrough make it a worthwhile purchase. After all, a good night's sleep and a boost in energy are priceless! If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, increase your energy levels, and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Magnesium Breakthrough a try. Remember, it's always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
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Health update
I am feeling much better and my skin is clearing up
I took a shower this morning and my face didn't turn tomato red. It did itch a bit but nothing that was too bad.
I have a new concerning rash on the back of my neck and my derm said to put steroid cream and antifungal on it for 2 weeks. It should disappear.
My hand was still infected as well, so I'm on oral antibiotics again and that should take care of the issue hopefully. I was also advised to apply antibiotic and steroid creams on my hands for 2 weeks. My hands are much better, and they are less inflamed. But I'm concerned about some infection and some areas that are still inflamed. So the antibiotic and steroid mix can help here.
My face, neck, and ears are much better.
I think my skin got better after my phone call this week as well as my official psych evaluations. It makes me realize that this all happened due to chronic stress.
I think my stress is a big thing that I need to work on because it's making me sick. I will get the support I need, but it will take time. I am still working on my diet and fasting and am doing great. I am working now on hormone balance and liver detoxification. I don't have any major hormone issues besides some minor estrogen dominance. I can manage that by taking DIM. I do want to eat well and drink filtered reverse osmosis water. Minimizing plastic usage and using natural self care and cleaning products helps too (which I already kind of do, I might look into kitchen and laundry and soap options). Also it is impossible to avoid "toxins" 100%, so it helps to do the best you can and to regularly "detox". When I say that I mean to support your key detox organs like the gut, liver, lymphatic system, lungs, skin, and kidneys. I'm not talking about weird and dangerous enemas and teas.
I've been taking a DIM detox supplement for liver support. I think the key ingredient it has that really helps is NAC/glutathione. I might look into that in the future when I finish my supplement bottle. Methylated B vitamins, sulfur, amino acids like taurine, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, NAC/glutathione, magnesium, flavenoids, and antioxidants. I don't know how much of these I'm receiving from diet and supplementation (excluding the DIM Detox supplement I just started) alone, but NAC/glutathione is very important for liver health in general. If I can get that, then that would be great.
Drinking enough water and eating enough fiber helps a lot here. Eating foods rich in sulfur like cruciferous veggies helps too. Dandelion root tea is excellent for liver and kidney health, which in turn helps with detoxification. I actually got some the other day and I like the taste. But I just had 1 cup which isn't going to make a notable difference. I want to drink that combined with an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber and drinking 2 L minimum of filtered/reverse osmosis water.
Also there is a key process within phase 2 liver detoxification known as methylation. Some people have a genetic mutation in the MTHFR gene where they are unable to do this efficiently. That's why doctors recommend a methylated B complex. So vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 should be in methylated forms. NAC/glutathione also help here. I've never been tested for this, though. But I do take a multivitamin that has B vitamins.
I'll figure this out as more time passes. At least I'm taking a supplement that helps with both hormone balance and liver detoxification, and I liked the dandelion tea. I'm also drinking aloe juice daily. I need to work on healing psychologically, though.
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hmblog143 · 5 months
A Restful Revolution: My Experience with Magnesium Breakthrough
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For years, I battled with restless nights. No matter how early I crawled into bed, I'd find myself tossing and turning, waking up multiple times, and never feeling truly rested. This lack of sleep impacted every aspect of my life – my energy levels dipped, my mood soured, and my focus waned. I desperately sought a solution, and after much research, I discovered Magnesium Breakthrough.
Unlike most magnesium supplements that offer just one or two forms of the mineral, Magnesium Breakthrough boasts seven. This comprehensive approach ensures my body gets a variety of magnesium types, each with its own function. The inclusion of Malate, for example, is said to support energy production, while Glycinate is known for promoting relaxation and sleep. This multi-faceted formula is what initially drew me to the product.
I started taking Magnesium Breakthrough two capsules before bed, following the recommended dosage. Within a week, I noticed a significant difference in my sleep quality. The nights became deeper, more restful. I wasn't waking up every few hours, and in the mornings, I felt genuinely refreshed. This newfound sleep quality was a game-changer. I had more energy throughout the day, my mood improved, and my focus sharpened.
Beyond Sleep: A Multitude of Benefits
While better sleep was the most immediate benefit I experienced, Magnesium Breakthrough seems to be positively impacting other areas of my health as well. I used to suffer from occasional muscle cramps, particularly after exercise. Since incorporating this supplement into my routine, those cramps have become a rare occurrence. Additionally, I've noticed a reduction in stress and anxiety, which I attribute to the calming properties of some of the magnesium forms in the blend.
All-Natural and Easy to Swallow
One of the things I appreciate most about Magnesium Breakthrough is that it's formulated with all-natural ingredients. I am wary of supplements that contain artificial additives or fillers, and this product puts my mind at ease. The capsules are also easy to swallow, which may seem like a minor detail, but it makes consistent use much easier.
Making Magnesium Breakthrough a Part of My Daily Routine
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with Magnesium Breakthrough. It's addressed the sleep issues that had plagued me for years, and the additional benefits I've experienced have been a welcome bonus. If you're struggling with sleep, restless nights, or are simply looking for a way to boost your overall health and well-being, I highly recommend giving Magnesium Breakthrough a try. It's become an essential part of my daily routine, and I can't imagine going back to how I felt before.
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lifegood-yashu · 5 months
Ultra Magnesium Complex: A Lifesaver for Relaxation, Sleep, and Overall Wellbeing
I've always considered myself a healthy person. I eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and prioritise getting enough sleep. However, in recent months, I'd been struggling with niggling anxieties, disrupted sleep patterns, and occasional muscle cramps. It was affecting my overall well-being and daily energy levels.
Seeking a Natural Solution
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After some research, I discovered the importance of magnesium for regulating muscle and nerve function, promoting relaxation, and even aiding sleep. I decided to explore natural solutions and came across Ultra Magnesium Complex. What initially drew me to this product was the fact it contained a blend of four different types of magnesium: magnesium malate, magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium taurate. This variety, I learned, could help ensure better absorption by the body compared to a single form.
Improved Sleep and Reduced Anxiety
Since incorporating Ultra Magnesium Complex into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality. I fall asleep easier, experience fewer night-time disturbances, and wake up feeling more refreshed. This newfound sleep quality has had a positive impact on my overall mood and energy levels. Additionally, the constant feeling of underlying anxiety has subsided. I feel calmer and more focused throughout the day.
Reduced Muscle Cramps and Improved Recovery
As someone who enjoys running, I used to experience occasional muscle cramps, especially after longer distances. Since taking Ultra Magnesium Complex, these cramps have become a much rarer occurrence. I also feel my muscles recover faster after exercise, allowing me to train more consistently.
Easy to Take and Great Value for Money
The tablets are a convenient size and easy to swallow. The recommended dosage is two tablets per day, which I take in the evening. A single bottle lasts me a good two months, making it a very cost-effective supplement.
Overall, I highly recommend Ultra Magnesium Complex
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with the positive impact Ultra Magnesium Complex has had on my overall wellbeing. From improved sleep and reduced anxiety to better muscle recovery, it's become an essential part of my daily routine. If you're looking for a natural way to support relaxation, sleep quality, and muscle health, I highly recommend giving Ultra Magnesium Complex a try.
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healthguru1 · 5 months
A Restful Revolution: My Experience with Magnesium Breakthrough
I've always considered myself a good sleeper, but lately, insomnia had become a persistent nuisance. Tossing and turning for hours, my mind racing with anxieties, left me feeling exhausted and unproductive. Determined to find a natural solution, I embarked on some research and stumbled upon Magnesium Breakthrough.
A Unique Blend for Optimal Absorption
What initially drew me to Magnesium Breakthrough was its inclusion of seven different magnesium forms. Unlike many single-form supplements, this comprehensive approach promised to target various bodily functions. The website explained that each form offered unique benefits, from supporting relaxation (glycinate) to boosting energy production (malate). This multi-pronged attack on my magnesium deficiency resonated with me.
Gentle on the Stomach, Big on Benefits
Having had unpleasant experiences with other magnesium supplements that caused stomach upset, I was cautiously optimistic. I started with the recommended dosage of two capsules before bed. To my delight, there were no digestive issues. Within a week, I noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality. Falling asleep became easier, and I woke up feeling refreshed and energized.
Beyond Sleep: A Well-Rounded Wellness Boost
The benefits of Magnesium Breakthrough extended beyond sleep. I found myself experiencing a calmer disposition throughout the day. The constant low-level anxiety that had become my norm started to fade. My muscles also felt less tense, particularly after exercise. I wasn't sure if it was directly related to the magnesium, but I also noticed an improvement in my focus and concentration.
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A Reliable Partner in My Wellness Journey
Magnesium Breakthrough has become a staple in my wellness routine. It's a reliable partner that helps me achieve restful sleep, manage stress, and maintain overall well-being. I appreciate the transparency of the company regarding the use of natural ingredients and their commitment to quality.
If you're looking to improve your sleep, manage stress, and experience a holistic wellness boost, I highly recommend giving Magnesium Breakthrough a try.
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