#have fun theorizing in the meantime
skeletonsfortea · 4 months
by Three Days Grace
Bet you can't figure out which relationship this is gonna be about XP
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wyst · 2 years
i rewatched the Helluva Boss 2022 trailer on 0.25x speed today and I noticed something: Stolas is tied up in the background during the M&M versus Striker fight!
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okay, super hard to see, but if you zoom in:
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yep! looks like Stolas!
so, it seems that this minecart/cave fight scene takes place during Striker’s next attempt on Stolas’s life.
since we don’t see Blitzø in the scene, I think that Striker planned this attack for when he knew Blitzø wouldn’t be present. they were shown to be equally matched during the Harvest Moon Festival, and it’s just good sense to get a competent enemy out of the way.
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kakujis · 1 year
hey! i'm a fan of touch starved too, it's sad that the game is not coming till 2025 (?) though, either way, it'll be a long time ;-;
HAI FELLOW TOUCHSTARVED FAN <33333!!! omg did you play the demo?? i backed the kickstarter and got the sticker pack + charm... i reaaallly wanted the standee AND the artbook... but i was like i CANNOT be blowing all my money on a game that isnt even out yet sobs... anyways!! pls lmk whos ur fav!!!
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
Good day Factual! Hope you're starting to feel a bit better- colds that just refuse to go away are the worst! Glad you've been having some fun playing and drawing Pokemon in the meantime though- and thanks a million for giving us all that great art of Grimace! Him and Sylvester definitely have a wholesome, brotherly bond, and it would be sweet to see some more of them someday, though as always, draw whatever you wish! In the meantime, as a little side Ask- could you tell us how you met them perhaps? Both in game and in "story"? Did you catch them like usual Pokemon, or did they join willingly?
And as for my main Ask- I thought I'd inquire about two of my favorite lesser known Mario enemies, and their places in your AU- starting with the fire spitting, three horned menaces, the Reznors!
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Despite them essentially just being chibified triceratops, I've always liked their designs, their pack mentality, and the goofy noises they make! Sadly, Nintendo hasn't used them for much other than a couple gimmicky mini bosses, but I figure if the Bowser of your AU had a few, he'd put them to much better use! Just spitballing here, but you've come up with some cool ideas of how the Koopas use various other creatures- what if they used tamed Reznors as battle mounts, like how humans have used elephants! Imagine the Koopas armoring them up, loading troops on to their backs, and then charging into battle, bullet bills a-blazing! ( Just my idea- what do you think? )
And then the other enemy I wanted to mention, is the rarely remembered, deadly dino from w 1-1 of Super Mario World- the Rex!
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They were powerful, speedy critters with a nasty bite- and while Nintendo rarely makes use of them nowadays, many fans still hold them and their lore implications close to their hearts- due to their uncanny resemblance to Yoshis... Because of this, many have theorized they share a common Ancestor- though others fear that perhaps a form of evil magic was involved- which, I think would be a perfect fit for your AU! Since your Kamek has showcased powerful, corruptive magics in the past- what if he created the Rexs, either by mutating captured Yoshis, or enchanting stolen Yoshi eggs before they hatched!? Either way, id imagine they would be just as large and aggressive as your yoshis- and serve the Koopas well as guard dogs, or perhaps as alternative mounts- being weaker, but more nimble and agile than a Reznor. But what's your take? Would either of these guys make the cut? Or not be included at all- ( which would be fine too, I just wanted to ask, and pitch some ideas! )
(Grimace and Sylvester art in question)
Hey there! Unfortunately I'm going downhill a bit, I think my cold is really startin to take me down. Which is just wonderful 🥲 at least I have Pokemon Scarlet to keep my mind busy!
Speaking of Pokemon, Grimace and Sylvester actually do have a story to them..
Starting with Grimace, I actually kinda got him on accident due to a 3 day long brain fart. Let me explain- <XD
So picture this. It's early in the game and I spot a Duskull. I think "Oh cool! Dusknoir is my favorite pokemon! I gotta catch one so he'll eventually evolve into a Dusknoir! :D" So I catch one and name him Dusty.
I ran around with Dusty, training him, loving him, feeding him sandwiches, the works, for 3 days or so. 3. Real life. Days.
It's only when I'm a about to go to bed and I'm thinking about him that I realized..
Dusty is a Gastly. Not a Duskull. He will eventually turn into a Gengar. Not a Dusknoir.
I still can't figure out how I looked at a Gastly and had my brain go "catch one! It'll turn into a Dusknoir! :DD"
So anyways, I didn't really want a Gengar.. but by the time I had noticed my mistake, I had already gotten attached to the big guy. So I accepted defeat, renamed him Grimace and gave up on my dreams of having a Dusknoir. I'll get a Dusknoir in legends Arceus anyways it's fine- <XD
Now Sylvester...
I knew right when I started the game that I wanted a female Sylveon. That was a big goal of mine. And I knew of a place early on in the game where there was a chance for Eevee to spawn. So I ate a sandwich that increased my normal type spawn rate and hunted for a while.
It was quite the drag since Eevees we're still a rare spawn.. but I was able to find some and catch them all. Though there was one peoblem. Every single Eevee I encountered was male! I wanted a female eevee!
It was a few hours into Eevee hunting that I went and Googled the female to male ratio on Eevees. Females have like a 12% spawn rate... Whoops. Looks like I'm not gonna find a female eevee this early on in the game....
But I still wanted a Sylveon.. 🥺
So I did some thinking. I imagined my trainer as a character. I picture them catching a male Eevee and loving him just the way he is. Saying that he doesn't have to evolve for them. Classic Eevee/trailer relationship. And I imagined the Eevee being so happy with this trainer and loving his team so much, that he evolved into a Sylveon. And he's not ashamed at all! His form is the ultimate expression of his love for his friends and his trainer!
I also pictured tweaking Sylvester's body type to make him apear more masculine. Changing the shape of his bows and ears to look sharper. Making his eyes a bit smaller and making his paws pointier.
Point is, the story I built in my head and all the drawing ideas this gave me... Plus my inability to catch a female eevee.. resulted in me adopting one of the male Eevees and evolving him into a Sylveon XD
Anyways XD as for your Mario questions...
I'm actually unfamiliar with those enemies <:0 though having a little more diversity in the Koopa kingdom would be good.. perhaps I could look into the Reznors a bit more and incorporate them somehow.. like you said, making them battle mounts or something similar..
Now the Rex, what an odd critter.. definitely haven't seen that guy before- :00 he really does look a lot like a Yoshi.. I'd have to look into those guys a bit too before I decided what to do with them.. but I'm liking your ideas! Kamek corrupting Yoshi eggs or something similar to make more mindless drones.. that's something he would do! 😅 But I'd probably takes away the Rex wings.. Yoshis can't fly! ☝️
Aaaanywho, thank you as always for the ask and interest! :}} This distraction came at a very good time 🥹💔
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taradactylus · 2 months
Been off from tumblr a bit but I just wanna share my general thoughts about TSAMS, especially today's episode...
‼️Quick warning for suicide and self harm mention‼️
I feel betrayed. I legit cried. Out of embarassment, betrayal, and pure but well-reserved anger.
I'm not going to be quiet about how to show handled Sun's problem. Not one fucking media type ever dares to normally bring up suicidal problems, the people who suffer from this, the amount of kids and adults who DIE from such thoughts. This isn't about the overly edgy teenagers who want to normalize cutting yourself is okey and cool. This is about the people who suffered for months and years with such conditions while the world made fun of them or ignored their calls for help. Ignored the signs.
USA doesn't have much of a public transport where the show is going on. But here we do. And a lot of trains are late every day. Late for hours because of "mechanical issues". 8 out of 10 times the mechanical issue is a local kid who jumped front of the train. A teenager fed up with life. An adult who lost their way. An ederly too impatient for death.
I have waited months. Months. To see how Sun deals with it. A character I fell in love with not in a romantic sense, a character who shared way too many of my own problems from hallucinations from abuse till betrayal. A character who was pushed and pulled their entire life around people who slapped you then said they love you. I wanted to see how he heals out from it.
The signs were there. Everywhere. Sun said it out loud once that he at least fantasized about death. EVEN OLD MOON KNEW ABOUT THIS! He literally told New Moon Sun would be capable of doing it.
So why... why through Miku, the character used as the "weird fandom girl" symbol do they bring up such a delicate topic? A topic that is not delicate because you have to tip toe around the people who live with self destructive thoughts day and night, but delicate because it matters to be properly heard out AND NO ONE LISTENS!
Not one fucking media listens. A lot of us out there rely on fandoms. Stories we can escape to because the world never listens. And call me a self-projector all you want dear creators or whoever writes the story, but you either just pulled the cheapest and most dumbest way to close off a story line with solving Sun's problems off-screen, or you just legit don't give a fuck about people who "self-projected".
Honestly, what if I did? What if in a sense, I saw myself in Sun? A Sunshine of a character ruined and changed by the things that happened to him. Am I not allowed to relate to him? Am I an annoying "fan-girl" for caring about how he heals because I myself have no idea how to do it either? Or am I like Miku for hoping someone calls out on his behaviour because that's something I've wanted my entire life and never got?
And here I am, still somehow hoping Sun is lying. That he is in denial. That there is more to what was shown... but honestly? How long should I wait and hope while the character I started to like is now becoming a bit too toxic?
And with all due respect, I'm taking this episode personally. The creators watch the fandom. Probably have their secret accounts to see what the people theorize. And if Sun is not lying, and suicide is an annoying topic and we are self-projecting too much onto Sun, with all due respect, dear creators... grow the fuck up and educate yourself.
I don't need the world to pity my ass for having self-harming habits, wishing to die and even attempted suicide before (I'm getting my ass to therapy in the meantime so do not worry about me), but all I want from content creators to fucking educate themselfes before bringing up such topics. TO CARE A BIT MAYBE?!
I have survived my worst times, but not everyone does (it's not about who is weaker or stronger, only utter guilt held me back, without that I'd be long gone), andI want for those who has no help feel like they're heard and seen. Cause literally that's all itt takes sometimes to maybe save someone's life.
So yeah. I'm utterly disappointed in this episode. Not because I want the world to know that I'm suicidal and everyone should tip toe around me and "omg pls give me attention" ect ect ect...
Im disappointed because I had hopes for TSAMS to maybe, maybe be an example and bring this topic up normally for a change. But well... here goes my hope for an educational approach of suicide and self harm in a popular show.
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Behind The Cover - Prologue
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pairing: vampire!geto x reader
tw/cw: borderline dead dove (dead dove lite™) , gore, violence, animal abuse (there is a spider that gets stomped), mentions of SA, mentions of abuse in nearly all forms, more to be added, maybe, we'll see, im so serious about the gore, please PLEASE there is gore in here
this is a chaptered fic. i will be scheduling uploads for tumblr, but ofc, the whole thing can be found on ao3 in the meantime.
also, patience with me as i figure out this tumblr thing k thnx
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Staring at himself in the mirror, Suguru wondered if the vampirism is really what classified him as a monster. After all, on the outside he didn't seem to be all that different from the rest. Just a man with a muscular build, a head full of long inky hair, and a brain full of bloodlust and carnage. No different from any other predator that walked the earth, just a little more powerful.
He knew this truth from the many jobs he’d taken over the years. It was Satoru’s idea, initially. Sometime back before people had little fear of the supernatural, when stakes and silver bullets and holy water was plentiful, when they were young and optimistic, before the big box office turned their kind into sparkly horny teenager fodder.
“If we have to kill to survive, and they hate us for killing their loved ones, why not offer the service as a favor? Hell, I bet they’d even pay us-!”
Suguru hadn't loved the idea in the beginning. Humans were as petulant and greedy as any monster he’d ever stumbled across. They placed orders for money, for lust, for revenge, for power, for fun. At one point, somewhere around the great depression, he'd felt like he’d gone mad. He considered obliterating every human in his path, if only briefly. But slowly, the wheels had begun to turn. As word spread amongst the elite, the pair had found themselves with satisfied appetites, and more money than they’d ever had. It was around this time that he approached Satoru with a proposition, or rather, an ultimatum. Something had to change, or he was leaving the operation.
”I cannot kill another innocent man, woman, or child. We achieved our goals, and now we have to find a way to stop it from harming others. Or at the very least, I do-”
And so it was.
At first, the pushback from the customer was severe, but by then what could really be done? Who were these petulant aristocrats to run to and tattle? Who among us would call the cops and rat out your hired hit men? Would you explain that they were vampires when you did so? It would only end with a well fare check on your own behalf, they'd think you were deranged. And you probably would be to pull a move so stupid.
Suguru sticks his toothbrush in his mouth and scrubs vigorously as he flips through his workload for the evening. A middle aged male who had been charged with 12 counts of domestic violence and given a more than generous plea, a thirty eight year old serial rapist (also male), a woman in her senior years who tormented her animals. Each file had evidence. Screenshots. Court records. Little footnotes that told if additional photo, audio, or video proof was stored on Satoru’s hard drive. They also contained frequent points of interest and personal information, such as addresses, dates of birth, bars and restaurants frequented by his targets. The last page of each file would hold pictures from multiple angles, and typed text of any distinguishing features. If he was lucky, a scrap of fabric or lock of hair would be taped on that page, giving him a scent to work off of.
He spit, rinsed, tossed his toothbrush back in the holder and gave himself one final look over. Jesus, he needed this. He was paler than usual, his cheeks slightly sunken in and purple bags under his eyes. His pupils had dilated to take up nearly all of the purple of his iris, which he had theorized in the past was the body's natural way of making them blend in better with their prey. Everyone in the house would get that blown out effect if they’d gone too long without eating.
He tucked the files away in his jacket and flipped the lights off, more than ready to get his night started early. Hunger was different these days. There were no starved pains in his abdomen, no weakness or sweating, but rather a feeling in his throat like he’d been swallowing gravel, and a full body need for blood. Every muscle in him felt like it was winded up far past its limits, ready to snap and jump at the first prey that stumbled across his path.
He doesn't stop to check in on Megumi or Yuugi as his heavy boots clunk against the interior balcony, assuming them to be asleep at this early hour anyway. The sun had just barely set. Typically, he liked to wait until a later hour to start, but if he didn't get some food in him soon, he was sure he’d be picking rats out of dumpsters and swallowing them whole on the way there, and he felt more sympathy for the rodents than what was on his menu tonight.
Typically, he’d rise and do a preliminary scope of the house, cleaning anything that needed it and making sure the place looked presentable, which Satoru always gave him hell for. They didn't have visitors, so why did it matter? That was another place where he differed from his longtime friend and comrade. Suguru desperately gripped to the shreds of normalcy and humanity he had left in him, but for Satoru, he liked to let his impulses take over.
Tonight though, he doesn't even glance from the balcony down into the windowless living room, much less head down the stairs to fluff pillows. He continues straight until he reaches the end, pushing up against the faux wall and swinging it open before stepping through. On the other side is a bookshelf, tall and heavy, that aligned neatly with others in a row just like it when the door was closed again.
Ah, the bookstore. It was creative, unique, a sanctuary for readers and intellectuals, not a cover up for a crew of vampires who couldn't have windows on their home and needed a way to avoid the fire inspection part of buying a residential property at all. It had been named ”The Bookstore” by none other than Satoru Gojo himself (a brilliant mind ahead of his time), and even had a listing on google! Not to add, three total reviews, all from normal humans who’d waltzed in for some non-murderous reason. Though it’s hard to comprehend why. On the inside, it was quaint and cozy, sure, but on the outside it seemed abandoned. Blackout curtains adorned every inch of the windows and the only indication it existed from the street was a wooden plaque on the door that quietly whispered the name to the public. Geraldine Scott had left five stars with no elaboration, Kimberly Ichajo had left three stars (again, with no reason for the deduction), and Micheal Town had left a scathing one star review about the snarky albino man working the register who’d poked fun at him for being bald when he'd asked for a discount. Satoru had promptly printed that last one out and framed it for the mantle above the fireplace. He said it was proof that there was good in him for letting “Shiny Mike” walk out with his bald head still attached.
Satoru, expectedly, was not at the register when Suguru breezed by it on his way out of the front door, though he was absolutely supposed to be. Suguru understood that it was unlikely that anyone would show up without prior announcement, but he was still slightly irritated by Satoru’s lack of regard for responsibility anyway. They had a front to hold up. Once he got some meat down, he’d be sure to send a passive aggressive text to the group chat.
It doesn't take long to find his first hit, seeing as house arrest typically kept people confined within a hundred feet of a particular address.
He arrived at a run-down trailer at around 8:30 pm, not bothering with the formality of knocking, instead opting to reach out and twist the doorknob until it snapped in half from the force. In one quick motion he’d used his fingers to remove the deadbolt from the gaping hole and pull the door open calmly. At this point, he could've already been onto the next. He could've used vampiric speed and strength to bust down the door, sink his teeth into the motherfucker’s neck and tear it off before he even knew what was happening.
But no. This was the part of Suguru Getou that made him a monster, species be damned. He liked the fear in their eyes as they realized their fate was at an end, relished in taking power away from weaklings who thought they were above the rest of society, loved the theatrics. He didn't just want them to die, he didn't just want to re-fuel- no. He wanted justice.
He smiles, sickeningly sweet as he calmly enters the sad excuse for a home with his hands tucked in his pockets to find his victim holding a hand gun. He's disgusting. Balding, shaking, sweating, blending right in with the scenery of a dusty blue well worn couch and a floor littered with cigarette butts and beer bottles. The whole place smells like piss.
“Ezra! So sorry to startle you, friend.” Suguru cocks his head to the side, not yet stepping further in from his spot in front of the door.
“Who the fuck are you? How do you know my name?!”
Suguru feigns a sullen pout as he takes a step forward, and then two more “Now, now, Ezra. That's no way to treat a guest-!”
“I'll fucking shoot I swear to god!” The balding man raises his gun in front of him with both hands to steady his aim, and Suguru continues his steady approach until the gun is flush with the fabric of his t-shirt, aimed right at the middle of his chest. This close, he has to look down a bit to meet the mans gaze.
“Was this the gun you used?” He purred, pulling his hand from his pocket and stroking the metal. The smaller man lets a flurry of emotions cast over his face in record timing; shock, confusion, fear, so much fucking delicious fear -
“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice is still raised, and Suguru is getting sick of hearing it.
“When you threatened to kill your girlfriend of ten years. Or when you pistol whipped her in the back of the head. Or when you aimed it at yourself and threatened to take your own life if she ever left, or-”
A pop, loud enough to alert the neighbors, rings throughout the home, and Suguru’s more pissed at the noise than he is the gaping, bloodless, finger sized hole in his chest.
“I was fucking speaking.” he spits through gritted teeth, both unphased and unamused as he grips the barrel and the hammer and crushes it into his palm, rendering it useless. The smaller man's breathing escalates as he tries to wrap his mind around what's happening, and Suguru pulls the twisted metal away from him calmly.
“Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-” he uses both hands to twist the gun apart, tearing it as easily as paper into two jagged pieces as he speaks “-I think it's only fair for you to feel what it's like to be on the business end of such a threat, no ?”.
At this the man attempts to take a step back and pathetically topples back into the couch, scrambling backwards as far as possible as he tried to bargain with death itself:
“Look man, I don't know what you want, but you can take my car, my wallet, I got a couple eight balls in my bedroom-”
Suguru laughs as he brings one boot up to pin his prey down to the couch, digging his heel into the hard plate of his clavicle until he hears a crack. He screams and writhes, and Suguru throws down the duller of the two pieces of scrap metal in his hands to bring a flat palm over his loud ass mouth, stifling the noise.
“I'll tell you what I want, Ezra. I want to know what her face looked like when you were putting her through hell. Tell me, was it like this? ” Getou jabs the remaining piece of metal into the tender flesh of his victim’s thigh, his eyes lighting up as that first spurt of fresh blood floods his senses. Its almost enough to cover up the smell of piss and cigarette smoke. Almost.
The felon thrashes and screeches below him, jerking rapidly as tears pour down his face.
“Oh come on, I bet it was more like-” he twists and jerks the metal upward towards the mans hip and back through the skin, inhaling deeply as blood flies and chucks of flesh spatter “that! Right? Am I right?”
The man below him has transitioned from high pitched wails to deep throaty howls. He’s bawling. He pisses himself as Suguru brings the blood soaked makeshift weapon to his own mouth, sucking of a stray piece of flesh and moaning in delight as it slides down his throat.
Oh yeah, this was gonna be a good night.
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neversetyoufree · 2 months
Just recently found your blog and i love it!!! do have any theories for vanitas' original name? My guess is Abraham, for all it doesn't really fit him, after Abraham van hellsing, who is both a doctor and vampire expert, which I think matches mochijuns naming conventions. Doesn't hurt that it matches with Noe (noah) religiously.
Thank you!! Welcome to the party ;D
Traditionally, I've always said I don't have any strong theories on Vanitas's name—at least none that I actually expect to come true. I think(?) I've talked about this before, but that's not really the kind of theorizing I do? Since right now any name theory is wild guessing and speculation, not elaborating from the text.
That said, I do now have one pet theory that I'm partial to (one I didn't have the last time someone asked me this). I don't actually think this is going to be the case in canon, but for now, I really enjoy the concept of Vanitas's real name being Byron. This is mostly because I think it would be funny, but there are some actual connections too.
Long context short, Lord Byron wrote an unfinished draft of what would have been the first modern vampire story, and then his personal doctor (John William Polidori) took the same idea and fleshed it out into The Vampyre—the actual generally recognized first modern vampire story. But! Polidori's version of the vampire (the version that established a lot of our vampire tropes) was partly inspired by Byron himself. So Byron is sort of this almost-but-not-quite vampire author, writing but also inspiring the tropes of vampirism, which reflects interestingly on Vanitas's relationship to actual vampirism. He's not a vampire, but he's much closer to one than any other human, and in demeanor, he acts more stereotypically vampiric than Noé and many other vampire characters.
Also, Byron is the namesake of the Byronic hero, which Vanitas is a perfect example of. He's brooding, cynical, arrogant, and intelligent, but despite his gloom and self-destructiveness, he has a sort of lonely magnetism about him. Once again, the concept of the Byronic hero is inspired by/named after both Byron himself and the characters he wrote.
As I said, I don't think I'm going to be right about this, as there's a million other theories that could fit just as well, but in the meantime, the concept does tickle me. Polidori's Byron-based vampire even has an especially strong connection to the moon :D.
Anyway, I really like your theory as well. I've noted before that it's interesting that there's no Van Hellsing reference in VnC (or any direct Dracula references at all, save poor dead Mina). It's almost surprising given Dracula is the iconic vampire story. I never even considered that there could be a Dracula reference hidden right there in Vani and waiting to be discovered, but it does make sense. The doctor/vampire expert connection is really fun and fitting! Though I'm afraid I don't know enough about the biblical Abraham to say anything interesting about that aspect beyond what you pointed out there.
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indieyuugure · 10 months
In the mutation situation would the boys have trouble walking/standing when they first wake up as humans? Like I mean I imagine they’re shell would warp there centre of balance because of the extra weight and that would effect how you walk. Or would they just get up and be able to walk normally
I was actually just talking about this with someone the other day.
So I think they would definitely have a lot of trouble standing up and walking, but I think they’d probably get used to it pretty quick, similar to when you put a really heavy backpack on, you’re off balance for a few minutes till you figure out how to balance.
It’s basically just the reverse of that so they’ll probably figure it out pretty fast, though Raph would definitely be pretty irritated in the meantime, lol
They definitely don’t trust their ninja skills as much since every trick a move they know is completely different. They’re most fine in fights, but they definitely aren’t going to do any of their crazy tricks like running along the railings of multi-story buildings and leaping across 15 foot gaps.
I think they would also have issues moving all of their fingers individually since before being human they had 3 fingers. I thought it’d be kind of funny if they kept moving their index and middle fingers together and same with their ring and pinky fingers. Like even though they have five fingers they’re still only used to moving three.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lol, it’s such a fun thing to theorize!
Good question! :]
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learnfromhawking · 1 year
What's up, my fellow cosmologists and curious minds? It's your boy, the one and only LearnFromHawking. Today, we're talking about a topic that's out of this world - quite literally. I'm talking about wormholes.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Wormholes? Are we talking about sci-fi here? Well, actually, wormholes are a real thing, according to theoretical physics. And no, I'm not just making this up to mess with you. Stephen Hawking himself was a big proponent of the concept.
So, what exactly is a wormhole? Well, it's a hypothetical shortcut through spacetime that could potentially allow us to travel great distances in a shorter amount of time. Sounds cool, right? The catch is that we don't actually know if wormholes exist or if they're even possible to create.
But that hasn't stopped people from theorizing and fantasizing about them. Some even believe that aliens could be using wormholes to travel to Earth. Hey, it's a fun idea to entertain.
But let's not get too carried away. We still have a lot to learn about the universe and how it works. And even if wormholes do turn out to be possible, we might not be able to use them for practical purposes anytime soon. Sorry, guys, but you might have to stick to airplanes for now.
In the meantime, let's keep exploring and expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. Who knows what other mind-blowing discoveries we'll uncover? Stay curious, my friends.
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splatoon-countdown · 9 months
(While outdated since the DLC is now out, I'm too lazy to make a new pinned)
Hello! I was curious to see just how long we'll have to wait for Side Order, so I looked up the day that Spring 2024 starts (March 19th) and the day it ends (June 20th) for the very least and very most amount of days to wait for it. That's ignoring the possibility of delays, of course. This is how I will be calculating countdowns until we get a firm release date.
UPDATE: We got a firm release date!!! February 22nd, 2024!!
Scheduled countdowns should be posted at Noon; 12:30 PM EST, but may be posted at other times due to various circumstances (me forgetting or something like that.)
In the meantime, I'll reblog various theories, art posts, and news relating to Splatoon, especially Side Order. If you'd only like the see the countdown, I've included a list of tags and what they correspond to under the cut. Also, feel free to send asks talking about Side Order! I love to theorize and discuss all things Splatoon!
Our in-game Splatoon 3 pool is "SideOrderCountdown" ! Come join us!
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#side order spoilers The big one. Any posts containing spoilers for Side Order will be tagged with this.
#not a countdown Tag for everything besides countdowns. Some posts (such as this one) will be exceptions.
#fun stuff A tag for fun things, such as polls, discussions, etc!
#featured artwork Reblogs of art posts will be tagged with this. If I happen to post my own art alongside a countdown, it will not get this tag.
#theories Posts, including reblogs, of theories will be tagged with this. • #side order duo theory Posts about Side Order Duo Theory. View the tag for more info!
#news Posts about new information about Splatoon in general. For example, I will reblog any posts that mirror content from the official Splatoon Twitter.
#pinned Posts that are or were previously pinned posts.
Will probably add more eventually as time goes on! By the way, if you notice any mistakes or errors anywhere, please don't be afraid to tell me! This includes wrong numbers on posts, glitches in the blog's custom theme, or anything else like that!
By the way, whenever I search the tag for art to reblog on mobile, it's very tedious. If you have art you'd like me to reblog here, send me a link and I will!
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crisiscutie · 5 months
C.C's Rebirth Check/Wishlist for Sephiroth
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Given that Sephiroth's increased screen time has been confirmed for Rebirth, I'm hoping for answers/exploration on the listed subjects below: However, it would be unrealistic to expect that the majority or even half of the items on this list will be addressed. There's also Ever Crisis and 7R3, so there may be opportunities for further exploration.
Sephiroth's mindset changing from thinking himself as a Cetra to the inheritor of JENOVA's will: This is something that could be easily expanded on in Rebirth. Perhaps some cut scenes showing Sephiroth in the Lifestream with JENOVA. It'd be interesting to witness him absorb the planet's memories and watch his madness intensify. This exploration could also be a legit way to woobify Sephiroth without trivializing or undermining the gravity of his horrific actions, since it's something that we already know about, just that there is more explanation on it this time.
2. JENOVA's origins and sapience: Just what exactly is it? Can it still think with Sephiroth in control? Is it an Omega Weapon from a different planet or simply another parasitic virus within its own species? Please, I just want to know what the hell is it exactly. Also, how was it exactly defeated?
3. Confirmation that Sephiroth is in control of JENOVA at the start of FF7: It's been confirmed by AC, the FF7 Ultimania, and the writers themselves several times. Not sure why there's still debates about it in today's time. So maybe this game will be the final nail in the coffin for this debate.
4. Expansion/confirmation if JENOVA was controlling and/or influencing Sephiroth during the Nibelheim Incident: This is a legit debate. My opinion is that it was influencing Sephiroth, judging by the reactions he had the closer he got to its body, both in CC and also possibly at a time in FS. But I do think Sephiroth was acting of his own volition when he committed the horrific crimes at Nibelheim. Even if JENOVA was controlling him, he showed no remorse or acknowledgement of his atrocities once he had full control of it and even committed/planned to do more atrocities.
5. How Sephiroth plans on beating fate with his knowledge of the future? I'm certain that the game will partly address this. But I wonder why he doesn't just kill Aerith and Tifa, break Cloud, and beeline the Black Materia. My theory is that Sephiroth is in a similar predicament to Aerith, where he is limited in what he can do because of the Whispers. He must wait for the right moments to manipulate events to his liking. So he understands he needs to play the waiting game. Why not have some fun with Cloud in the meantime?
6. Sephiroth's Parentage: Does he know Hojo is his father? A certain scene from CC calls to mind. But I think even if he doesn't know, he must have had some inkling or recognized him as the closest person to a father figure in his life. It's also interesting to note that he consistently focuses on a mother figure throughout his entire life, without ever mentioning a "father". I theorized why here.
As for Lucrecia, does he know about her too? We know Sephiroth absorbed the memories of the planet during his four-year Lifestream dive with JENOVA. Will those memories include any hint of his true parentage?
7. Just how much does Sephiroth really know? Yes, he possesses future knowledge, but where does that knowledge begin and end? At one point, he's going to have to start improvising somewhere down the line. I don't expect this to be answered in Rebirth. 7R Sephiroth is trolling us almost as much as he is trolling Cloud. Man is self-aware.
8. The fates of his squad members: Matt, Glenn and Lucia. And here I thought First Soldier would update because of Rebirth, but they seem to holding back on it for now. I wonder if this is because Rebirth would spoil their fates?
9. More characterization of Sephy: We need to see that cold, professional SOLDIER mask cracking more. And it looks like this will be delivered. Such a puppy 😍
10. This is for Rebirth in general: Please don't end on a fucking cliffhanger... It'd just make the nonstop theorizing from the fanbase for the next four years even more painful to endure. I also hate cliffhangers in general.
Again, I'm not even expecting half of these to be answered, especially the point about JENOVA's origins since that'd probably be saved for the 3rd 7R game. The questions about his knowledge of his parentage probably won't be answered either. But I'm hoping for a few at least. Once I have more info on the game, I'll swing back to this list and mentally check off what's confirmed or at least mentioned/addressed.
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vianwrites · 4 months
Okay, so for some weird reason, Tumblr isn't letting my replies stick. So, I'm so sorry to the people who replied to my post about Fanfic commenting. I'm not sure why the replies are not sticking, but I've already sent a support ticket about this issue. Just know that I've read them and I'll just post my replies here for the meantime... @nic-stars It really is heartbreaking. I remember getting replies that even theorizes what would happen next in my stories. Those were really interesting and fun. There were even really great constructive criticism ones that helped me grow as a writer and ones where you can feel connected with the reader and really being part of an incredible fandom. @aconstructofamind I feel fortunate that I haven't gotten a mean comment since returning. I'm all for criticisms as long as they are helpful, constructive, and worded in a way that doesn't demean or belittle anyone. It's really disheartening if meanness is now the norm, even when it comes to comments in fanfiction (or any fanwork). Also, I LOVE your handle. :D @pippinoftheshire Your handle made me smile, haha, thank you for that. Anyways, this should really be something brought back, and not because like we're starved for it (but, yeah, we are. a bit. haha), but also because it's a way for us to connect with our readers, too. Like, tell us how you feel (but in a way that doesn't demean or belittle what we made and poured our hearts out, please); tell us if we wrote something wrong and how can we make it better; tell us why you hated what this character did in the story or why you agree with their actions. Connect with us. We are part of the same community. @typicxlcato Don't be scared to be the first! Comments are always appreciated by authors. Even just a single phrase or just giving a quote that you loved from the story and telling the author you loved that? That can make anyone's day. :) @amliza By all means, haha. I'm currently on a commenting spree as well on all the fanfic's I'm currently reading. :D @she-elf4 The thing about an author/writer answering their own posited question of whether what they/we wrote or not is good is that we (often) are biased about it. That's why we need comments to tell us in what area we needed improving or if we did well. It's the same reason why book reviews exist. It's not just to tell others of why a book is good or bad, but to give an author a sense of what they need to improve on. I've never heard of commenting rules before, so that's a bit shocking for me. The only rule I adhere to when writing comments/reviews it to be kind and if I want to criticize an author for something, to do so in a constructive, respecting manner because I have to remind myself (and know from my own experience) that whoever wrote what I was reading poured enough of their time and talent (and maybe even a bit of their heart and soul) into that work. Honestly, though, I am curious about what these rules you speak of are.
@13flags Who ever said I (or anyone who agreed with this post) am/are only writing for reviews? I don't know where you got that from? Haha. The post I made pointed out that the reason I would love to get a review is for feedback, to grow as an author. If you write with only your own lens to view your own writing with no one to critique or comment on it, how will you know you are doing well? The reviews/comments I had the honor of getting from my own fics were kind enough to provide constructive criticisms, which is always good for an author. Also, it's nice to get validation for your writing, even if your objective is to share your stories to the world. Comments/Reviews are like symbolic to some (maybe most?) writers that they had been heard and can even be bridges for found friendships (as is the case with me. I made good friends from them). So, it's really nice.
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (2/5)
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Full starting team now assembled. Yay~!
That said, I'm going to keep this "short" as I'm not feeling well. Also got some other things I need to finish but I can't concentrate on that if I don't get this post done and out of the way first.
Overall, the season is continuing to be a very delightful watch. I'm pleased with the pacing and that the writers are diligent about not giving away too much of the main plot just yet. There will be a proper time to dive into that later.
In the meantime, dedicating all the fillers to further fleshing out the Cures and building their team rapport and bonds with each other are exactly what we should always see from Precure.
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Sora certainly holds the MC role the most prominently out of all her friends since her arc is tied closely to the main plot. So it's just a matter of waiting until the story returns to that for her arc to move forward. Namely, the reason behind the conflict between Skyland and the Undergu Empire (aka this season's lore), what Ellee-chan's significance is in the grand scheme of things and where the hell Captain Shalala is.
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Though I think most of us have already theorized that her sudden disappearance is a setup for the eventual reveal that she is actually in league with the villains and will re-emerge as the third general. Or perhaps even the big bad boss because c'mon, you don't hire a veteran seiyuu like Mitsuki Saiga for only two or so episodes and call it a day.
Villain roles are mostly performed by well-established seiyuu in the industry so we can definitely expect Shalala to return in a fashion that would shake Sora's core beliefs (i.e. the broken pedestal trope). Which will then push her to re-evaluate what it means to be a true hero and come back even stronger after recovering from the shock.
On another note, I have my doubts whether Shalala is really the boss because the superior we heard Kabaton conversing with in ep 11 is actually voiced by Takako Honda, another veteran, and not Mitsuki Saiga.
...maybe Shalala is playing a double agent in order to get close to the Undergu leader and get rid of the threat once and for all that way?
Possible. But we don't have enough clues or evidence to confirm that yet so we'll just have to wait.
On another note, I like that they're doing something new again with this season by having the villain generals retire from their post right after their last defeat. Not sure if Kabaton will return as an ally in later episodes or not but it was heartwarming to see him turn over a new leaf and aim for a new and better purpose after he's been spared from death.
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Back to the Cures.
Sora and Mashiro's friendship is just beautiful to behold. Thanks to Sora's arc being set aside for the moment, there's more time to focus on developing their relationship. Noticeably, it's during these fillers that Sora has increasingly become the one to support Mashiro rather than the other way around while Mashiro takes her own lead in finding her own path and discovering what she wants to do and what her dreams are (so yes, she isn't a Cure without a personal story arc, that's such a relief!).
Their partnership is quite balanced in that respect and I couldn't be happier.
Adding onto it, they're continuing to pay tribute to the original Futari Wa pair through Sora and Mashiro this way without disrupting the team camaraderie which is also a plus.
Tsubasa and Ageha as the beta pair provide very fun interactions, too, and I think I favor them over Sora and Mashiro. Whereas Sora and Mashiro are best friends who strive to do their best for each other, Tsubasa and Ageha have a more sibling dynamic between them with all the fond teasing and nagging.
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The only complaint I have about them is their duo attack.
I mean yea, Wing looks so cool in his phoenix form (I'm calling it that, you can't stop me) but that shouldn't be a trade off for Butterfly getting all the lines while he becomes her nuclear pudgy mount.
I'm afraid that for all the progressiveness Toei has shown with HiroSky, they're still too chicken to go the full mile with the changes they implemented just yet.
We took two steps forward by finally including a male member to the main team...but took one step back with them still placing more importance on the girl cuz it's easier to sell her than the boy when their positions should be equal.
Granted, it's just one stock footage that only lasts about a minute but...it just bugs me, that's all.
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That said, Butterfly's debut was omg, so awesome?!
The whole transformation sequence captured Ageha's vivacious personality perfectly.
She was already more than qualified to become Precure with her natural confidence and heroic drive. To see her slip right into the call like a duck taking to water (or er, a butterfly to the air) and then proceed to kick utter ass in her alter ego form...
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Absolutely WONDERFUL.
I also love that though they constantly refer to Ageha as an adult and regularly show her dedication to her studies and jobs, they don't let her duties be the only things that define her.
Yes, she is mature and responsible but she's also living her best life and enjoying herself right now. She's interested in fashion, make up and has other personal interests outside her aspirations. She looks out for the kids who are younger than her while also having fun alongside them.
Yes, she's 18 and still in her youth but the point about Ageha/Butterfly's character is that there's no limit on choosing what you want for yourself. Just like how gender should not be an obstacle to becoming a magical girl (the metaphor for one's dreams and wishes), age shouldn't be one either.
Wear the accessories you want, pursue the hobbies you like, dance and sing without a care in the world.
As long as you're not hurting anyone, do what you find is fulfilling for you and do it without shame. You can be 30, 50, or 80 years old and that shouldn't matter in loving what you love.
Be like Ageha.
Act your age but don't be that. Be yourself foremost.
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And that's all for now, I guess.
I suspect that midseason Cure debut will happen sometime before ep 30 so that we can have the ultimate forms + whole group power up attack around ep 40.
And then the remaining 8 episodes will center more or less around the main plot.
K, bye for now.
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krcdgamedev · 2 months
On second thought the "super" thing isn't quite as useful as I thought, because the function to calculate stats needs to be overridden to, you know, change how the stats are calculated, and I'm pretty sure the base class code that sets the default stats will be calling the base stat calculation function not the extended one. I could probably do something stupid and circuitous to circumvent that (and I already have an idea what I'd do), but for now it's just a nice thing to know is possible.
… Actually, no, according to my highly sophisticated debugging techniques, calling setstats from the levelup function, which only exists in the base class, calls the extended version of the function (which then calls the base version). Neat!
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Anyway, let's talk about level-up moves. The format for defining levelup moves needs to be able to handle the following scenarios:
Multiple moves learned at the same level (so you can't have a dict and get moves[level], unless you're willing to manage possibly getting an array of moves from that)
Moves learned on evolution, moves only available via move-relearner tutors (in the Pokemon games these aren't gated by level so could be listed as level -1, -2 etc, but I think being able to add a level definition could be interesting. Like, you evolve Vulpix to Ninetales after the level where Ninetales normally learns Flamethrower, it'll learn Flamethrower, but before that it learns Fire Spin. Or you hit a certain level and new moves are available via the relearner tutor.)
Other wacky shit (imagine having like a 1/5 chance to learn a move at a certain level based on the mon's unique data or some shit lol)
The simplest method would be an array of [level,move] pairs in some form. The only other Pokemon-like game in Godot I've seen, the Pokemon Uranium port, does this
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Which actually seems kind of appealing. You could have an optional third parameter for additional data, defaulting to an empty dict or something, where you could pass in tags indicating a move is learned on evo, or relearner-only, or what have you.
However an even simpler method occured to me: two separate arrays, one for simple moves and one for moves with additional parameters. For the first array you expect each entry to be a two-element array, for the second a three-element array. That last element could be a dictionary or just an array of flags.
Performance isn't all that important. Even in the most insane case of some gimmick mon that learns five different moves per level (which sounds like a fun idea, actually…) it's only a 500-element array, which isn't that slow to iterate through. If it's assumed entries are sorted by level, a binary search method can be used to speed it up as well.
That all should be good, so I'm left with the last barrier to implementing levelup movesets: creating levelup movesets for everything. For the pointless placeholder creatures of the useless default project I can just throw in whatever, but for my couple of original games, well, it's time to get designing. In the meantime maybe I'll start theorizing on how to implement save files or something.
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digestionsack · 2 years
Okay, now that playlistgate is officially a thing, I have to reevaluate.
So literally not TWO DAYS AGO, I made a post announcing that I would be analyzing all of the official Spotify playlists…obviously now that’s not possible, given that all but three of them (Mike’s, Will’s, and Billy’s) are no longer available.
Luckily, for the playlist that I’m currently analyzing, I copied down all of the songs and put them on the Notes app to organize my thoughts. So those songs aren’t completely lost (thank goodness) and I can still finish my analyses on them. I know there MUST be a reason that Mike’s, Will’s, and Billy’s playlists are still available, but out of shear fear and paranoia I went and saved all the songs on Will’s playlist in case they disappear.
Hmmm…this is kind of sus. I would understand the Byler freak-out if Will and Mike’s playlists were the only two left, but Billy’s as well? I mean, if you guys want me to analyze Billy’s playlist I can go ahead and save them, but only if you guys want me to (I really didn’t like him, and I don’t know what kind of new information that playlist could give me about him after his death and appearance in Max’s visions in S4).
Some people have theorized that they deleted these playlists because they are going to make new ones for S5…that could honestly be so much fun. But I’m not sure…since the existing playlists seemed to alude to S5 possibilities enough already…
Honestly, being in this corner of the fandom can be so much fun. These next two years are going to be a time.
Anyway, regardless of further deletions, I will have a total of three analyzed playlists when all is said and done. If they release new playlists in the meantime, I’ll be all over those as well!
With love,
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theineated · 1 year
16 for the ask game!!! :)
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
Oh this is an amazing question. I should read all questions of games before reblogging tbh but I like following the scientific method of fuck around and find out.
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⚗️ ancientsicienceftw Follow
Fun fact: once your biolumi fluid has reached its maximum luminescence, it will be less susceptible to contamination due to the competitiveness of the microorganisms and will retain its light in the open for a few hours
🛠️ wrenchesaresexy Follow
🔎 therealsherlock Follow
Now that you're checking your biolumis, if they seem less bright than usual, check the nutrient powder. I busted an operation in which they adulterated it with sand a few days ago
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📜 chronicledswiftness Follow
Recently I came across a post that affirmed the Larean cult of the sea was planted by the Ancients and does not predate the cultural genocide. That is completely false and lacks any sort of cultural awareness. The cult of the sea stands as the oldest tradition of both continents and it is theorized that its origins can be traced to the reverence for the creation of life inside the womb. Water has been associated with fertility for thousands of years for this same reason. The evolution of the belief was its development into
Read more
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🐈‍⬛ mychemicalfuckyou Follow
🪕 oswald-stringplucker Follow
Do you think wishing other people bad will make your existence better? Shame on you. What about people with two working legs and other disabilities, do you wish them suffering too?
🐈‍⬛ mychemicalfuckyou Follow
Buy a dictionary and open it by the letter "j". Go on to "o", then "k", then "e"
🛡️ strength-of-unity Follow
@mychemicalfuckyou @oswald-stringplucker the block button is right there
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🏛️ nobody Follow
[Image ID: a dimly lit picture of an enormous ruined door]
🏛️ nobody Follow
[Image ID: a hand holding a robotic leg above the creature it has been yanked off of]
🏛️ nobody Follow
[Image ID: a red haired man in a lab coat pictured from behind. He is sitting on the edge of a ledge, writing in a notebook]
🏞️ threebrushesinatrenchcoat Follow
#reference #art inspiration
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🐈‍⬛ mychemicalfuckyou Follow
"I'll teach teenagers", I said
"It will be easy", I said
🛡️ strength-of-unity Follow
It would be if you didn't steal their candy calling it "a tax so they learn for the day they have to cross the sea"
🐈‍⬛ mychemicalfuckyou Follow
What are you, the police?
🛡️ strength-of-unity Follow
🤸 upsidedownshootingstar Follow
I will protect the kids from op's extortion :D
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