#have a wonderful tuesday and stay safe + hydrated!!
inkykeiji · 1 year
Ive probably sent a hundred little silly anon asks but im in sucha rush on the internet lately that I forget to put my lil🍓 my grad school program is so intense, its a weekend program so I can work full time during the week and go to school sat/sun but I love u how are you? how are your works going? in-love with flawless tomura and very excited for part 2! I thinkk I tool your poll and I THINK I voted for the twins? oh god see the days morph together >.< heh either way excited for anything!!🍓
strawberrie babie!!!!!!!! i always love seeing u in my inbox ehehehe <33 aw that’s okay! u can always tell me which ones were yours if u ever want them in ur tag! <3 waaaah that does sound intense but it’s also amazing and i am so proud of you!!! i am getting ready to start constructing my own grad school applications :o
i’m okai!! i moved in with my boyfriend and his family so that’s been wonderful but my dad’s been in the hospital since october so that’s not so wonderful. my works are going well thank u for asking!!! i am drowning in wips as u know but it’s a good thing c: oooh did you!!!! i miss the twins very much :( but thank you for your enthusiasm sweetpea i really appreciate it!! <3 i can’t wait to share all of my works with u hehe <33
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buglover77 · 1 year
-I know this sucks, but if you will be getting sweaty, it’s best to avoid wearing it as much as you can. That sweat will CEMENT a binder onto you and makes compression tops VERY hard to get off. Obviously some places are hotter than others so this may not be a problem for you at all! But where I live it can be 115 degrees just on a casual summer Tuesday
-That said, if you’re wearing your binder out and getting sweaty, BABY POWDER WORKS WONDERS. No stinkum stinkum or chafing, dump that on in the whole thing, not just the paneling. HOWEVER it WILL NOT stop you from sweating. It WILL NOT stop the binder from sticking to you if it’s hot enough. But, it will keep the binder much fresher for much longer.
-Be VERY CAREFUL about overheating. It’s a compressive top. It’s not exactly meant to be breathable. The compression panel will not let in good airflow. If you’re binding even though it’s hot, PLEASE stay well hydrated with electrolytes.
-Part B of that: Strenuous activity is a no-go. I know some people will do a lot of physical activity in their binder (even when you aren’t supposed to!!!) but summer is NOT THE TIME to play with that boundary. You will overheat, and you will get sick.
-Dysphoria is a bitch, and not wearing a binder can really really super suck for some people, but oversized button downs really do help. Yes, I know it’s a stereotype. But it’s light weight with good airflow AND helps hide your shape. They’re also a kind of shirt that’s somewhat easier to get with a variety of budgets, as a lot of both firsthand and secondhand stores will have them.
In summary, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be safe out there. It gets hot. Be careful. Stay hydrated. Bind responsibly.
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babycatlix · 9 months
hi friends! 🩵
i am almost completely better, while i am still frustrated that i got sick over this small break, i did rest a lot and do other stuff that i'd been wanting to do.
i'm hoping to work on gifsets until i head back to work on tuesday. right now, i'm working on getting my queue all stocked, which i'm almost done with and once that's done, i'll keep making gifsets.
i may stray from skz talker and work on some other stuff too, but we'll see how i'm feeling.
i hope you had a wonderful christmas or a wonderful kwanzaa. i hope you have a good new year as well! please stay safe out there, make good choices, and stay hydrated my friends! 🩵
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hey, Han! I hope you're having a good weekend. I dont know whether you work or not, but I hope you have a good rest of your day! Don't forget to stay hydrated and to take breaks! 💥Anon
Hey hey! I do work today, and also tomorrow and Monday as well, then I’m off on Tuesday wooo. I hope you have a wonderful day, stay safe! 💗💗💗
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howtobeaskeleton · 2 years
The Pro-Ana Diet : 8 Different Meal Plans to Follow
By Mimo Varila
The Lunabelle Diet
The Lunabelle diet is a condensed version of the Ana Boot Camp diet, which is 40 days instead of the usual 50 days. It has more fast days and calorie variations. This is a more “doable” diet, as it comes with higher calorie restrictions, with days you consume between 100 to 800 calories. There are double fast days, though, so you have to prepare yourself for these. If not, you can consume 50 or 100 calories to stay safe if you aren’t able to fast this long. After 40 days, you will be able to lose up to 20 pounds or more!
The Rainbow Diet
This is a pretty interesting diet, as it entails you to consume one color of food per day, except for every Wednesday. Here is the meal plan:
Monday (white) :
Breakfast: Half an apple
Lunch: Half an apple
Dinner: One cucumber
Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: One banana
Lunch: One banana
Dinner: Half a cup of corn
Wednesday: Fast
Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: Half an orange
Lunch: Half an orange
Dinner: One carrot
Friday (red):
Breakfast: Half a cup of strawberries
Lunch: Half a cup of strawberries
Dinner: Half a red pepper
Saturday (purple or blue):
Breakfast: Ten blueberries
Lunch: Ten blueberries
Dinner: Ten raspberries
Sunday (green):
Breakfast: Half a cup of grapes
Lunch: Half a cup of grapes
Dinner: One cup of lettuce
The ABC Diet
If you have been following the pro-ana lifestyle of quite some time now, then you’re familiar with the ABC diet, which is known as the Ana Boot Camp. This is one of the most popular diets to follow, as it’s extensive and incredibly useful. However, it’s very challenging, and not many people pass it.
This grueling diet will yo-yo between 50 to 500 calories a day, with a fast every few days. The extreme calorie restriction will have you lose at least 20 pounds once you are done with the 50 days. You can eat anything in this diet, but make sure that it sticks to your limit.
The Five Bites Diet
Think of it as a mental gastric bypass surgery, where people staple their stomachs to feel full after just a few bites. This will take a lot of self-control, though, as you will only be consuming five bites of whatever meal you have.
I recommend that you follow this diet:
Breakfast: Five bites of oatmeal
Lunch: Five bites of a sandwich
Dinner: Five bites of pasta
It’s best to consume a lot of water or zero-calorie drinks to stay energized and hydrated while doing the diet. Freshly-squeezed lemon juice can work great, too!
The Vegan Model Diet
The vegan model diet is another effective and restrictive diet suitable for those who follow the vegan lifestyle. Think of it as the usual meal plan models would follow to get a flat stomach without any meat products!
Breakfast: One reduced-calorie bread and two cups of black coffee with zero-calorie sweeteners
Lunch: One large apple
Dinner: Eight baby carrots
The total number of calories consumed is only 200 calories. Follow this for a week, and you will be able to lose weight quickly. You can substitute meals with different fruits and vegetables if desired. Add your meal diet with some healthy powders. Check the green superfood powder to know more.
The Ana Atkins Diet
This is a personal twist on the Atkins diet, which is similar to the keto diet. Just make sure that you avoid any keto diet mistakes and consume too many carbs from fruits!
Breakfast: Three-egg white omelet
Snack: Baked white fish fillet
Lunch: Roast Chicken drumstick and a cup of salad leaves
Snack: 50 grams of prawns with garlic and chili
Dinner: Grilled Sirloin steak and a cup of salad leaves
You might think that this is a lot to consume, but it’s quite useful in burning fat quickly. By day three, you have less appetite, and your body is using ketones for energy.
The Russian’s Gymnast Diet
Irina Tschachina is a 5’6 Russian gymnast who only weighs 99 pounds. Wonder how she does it? Here’s a diet you can follow for ultimate weight loss and health. Those who follow this diet for a week can lose up to ten pounds!
Breakfast: A glass of apple or orange juice
Lunch: Fruit salad with a glass of fruit juice
Dinner: Green apple and a glass of non-carbonated water
Make sure that your fruit juices are freshly squeezed and free from any artificial sweeteners.
The Baby Food Diet
This is a pretty exciting diet, as it entails you to consume baby food, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. I recommend that you purchase organic and vegetable-based baby food, which has fewer calories and more vitamins.
You can have baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Or, you can have an average healthy breakfast and consume baby food for lunch and dinner. Make sure that you get the 80-gram jars, which are made for weaning babies.
But do take note that these are only short-term diets that should not be done as a lifestyle change. There are many different side effects to pro-ana diets, as you are consuming fewer calories than your body needs, which causes some health risks in the long run.
Bonus Tips on Keeping Up With a Pro-Ana Diet
Now that you’re familiar with the different pro-ana diets, what are other ways you can keep it consistent? Here are some bonus tips to follow:
• Make sure to always keep track of your calories by using apps or other online tools available. Don’t take in more calories than what you burn to ensure weight loss.
• It’s better to consume a healthy breakfast to have better-eating decisions for the day ahead.
• Water is one of the crucial parts of the diet, as it doesn’t only fill you up but keeps you energized when restricting your calories. However, you should avoid drinking water in a single session, since this causes water retention.
• Small meals throughout the day are also recommended, which can have the body think that you’re eating enough to stay satiated and energized throughout the day.
• These are aggressive diets, and you will be deficient in many nutrients from the calorie restriction. Because of this, it’s imperative to take in vitamins. These will compensate for what you don’t consume.
• Sleeping is essential to gain energy and level out your cravings and appetite. If you sleep less, it can lead to a lack of energy and hunger, as well as a slow metabolism!
• If you want to stay encouraged while following a diet, then it’s best to find a diet buddy or to look in the mirror, which keeps you motivated!
• You can keep track of your macronutrients with online macro calculators to ensure you’re eating the right foods, in the right ratios, for optimal weight loss.
Pro-ana diets are aggressive but possible with the right tips and healthy food consumption. That way, you won’t have a problem with keeping the pounds off in the long run !
Hopefully, this article on the pro-ana diet gave you an idea of what you can do to stick with your meal plans.
So don’t wait any longer and check out any of these diets now!
Start your diet now !
SJanuary 1, 2019 at 3:27 am
I want to lock myself in a hotel room for a week with nothing but water. I want to be anorexic
BRYTEEYEZMay 5, 2021 at 12:56 am
I plan to lose this chub quickly. I am a effing fat pig.
TIMDecember 18, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Sounds sexy
ADDYOctober 29, 2020 at 7:16 pm
I’m desperate. I just want to be skinny 🙁
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my-one-true-l · 3 years
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I wanted to get this done in time for the end of SCH but life happened and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to put as much effort into it if I was exhausted all the time. But now I have time (My applications for after graduation are set up, I submit them on Tuesday) and here we go. The lovely Ryn is in Blue taken inspiration from Catherine of Aragon and Jane is in Green taken inspiration from Anne Boleyn.
I chose those two queens because;
1) I’m a history nerd
2) I like to think if the circumstances were different, the two women would have been friends
As Anne Boleyn’s predecessor Catherine of Aragon set a strong precedent for England and for the next five Queens to come after her. In return despite the dislike that the public had for Anne, she arguably brought the same power to England as Queen Catherine.
Since Katheryn (eh? eh?!!!) and you Rae had pushed and inspired me to go back to writing and publishing my works I felt it only appropriate to put the two together.
And of course these two are Defendí Morte, Protected by Death. Cause they both deserve to live long happy lives - though at the time of doing this, will Jane live?? Hehe.
How are you? I hope all is well. Things are still chaotic here across the sea but in terms of personally? It’s getting easier but still busy as heck. Sorry for the long ass message! Stay safe, stay hydrated, Much love!! <3
Oh My Goodness Ace!!! I LOVE this! Absolutely beautiful! I agree that these two would have been friends if the circumstances had allowed!
It touches my heart that Ryn and myself inspired you to return to your writing and sharing them with us! I love your stories so very much and your updates make me smile!
You know...I never thought of it, but yes, both Jane and Ryn are protected by death! I love that so much! These girls deserve the world and I hope Jane survives to have a long life as well!
I'm glad to hear you have your applications set up! Bright future ahead for you my dear friend! I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of fun things to do!
Much Love to you!!!
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Tip Tuesday | How To Create Interest in Your Stories
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Hello, hello!  Another Tip Tuesday!!  Hope everyone is still hanging in there.  Staying safe and healthy. Keeping hydrated, practicing self-care.  This is the momma in me speaking.  So I had a suggestion by someone maybe @vodka-and-some-sass​ that I should write a tip about teasing the readers.  Because according to some people, I excel at this.  So these are some of things I do to entice the reader to take a look at my stories.
1.  Post Writing Updates.  I post different types of writing updates.  I sometimes post when I have a new series I am going to start.  I sometimes post when I have finished up a piece I am particularly proud of.  
A good example was this past weekend.  I posted about a dream I had (a tame one!) involving two different Tom characters, Sir Thomas Sharpe and Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive.  Made a comment I might turn it into a story. At least one person commented they wanted to read it and to please tag them!  Later in the day, I posted that the Hoe Thoughts were going to commence.  That got a huge response.  And finally posted on Sunday that the story was done.  Again, good response of people excited to read it.  I had one ask as to when I would post it.
I don’t do this every time I write, but when I am really excited about something, I can’t help but share.  Pretty sure that enthusiasm is infectious. 
2. Involve Your Readers in the Process.  I find that when reader get to have a say or stake in your writing, they can be more invested in the finished product.  If you are stuck between two ideas, ask your followers which one they would rather read.  Throw a poll up.  Open up some requests.  Have some fun.  
I hit a rut this past week and was uninspired this past week. I was honestly worried I would have the motivation to complete stories for the following (never fear!  I managed to get three done!)  Someone sent in an ask wondering if I would consider writing Stephen Strange fluff.  Which I was very much willing to do so.  So I opened up requests for some Strange requests.  My followers gave me some great ideas!!
3.  Share Snippets.    In my experience, I have found that when I tease my stories, they get a better reception.  It gives readers a taste of what is to come. I try to pick parts that leave the reader waiting to know what happens next.  I also make sure let everyone know that I am willing to tag them on any individual story as well as adding anyone to any of my lists.  I usually get one or two people wanting to be tagged in either the story or wanting to be added to the lists.  
I hope that helps people with some ideas on how to build interest in your stories before you post!  Until next week!!
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california-grethan · 7 years
Under False Pretenses - Hidden Identity // {G. Dolan}
Description: As a fangirl, there was nothing that hurt more than knowing you might not ever meet those you idolize. That was probably the most difficult aspect of the entire thing: nights were often spent wishing that you could be in their life, having the ability to text or call them whenever. But, no. The harsh reality was that they didn’t know of your existence, yet you continued to fangirl and support them on a website that they don't even visit. Why? Well, they were your happiness. There was also nothing that you loved more than being able to escape to this website, bonding with others that felt the same way as you. It was your happy place, your safe haven; the one place that you could shamelessly showcase your love for the two boys that made you happy. 
Warning(s): there’s really nothing I can think of🙃
Requested: [yeahhh] // [nopeee]
Word Count: [2,514]
masterlist // blurb nights // come talk to me!
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His P.O.V
I’m stuck in bed, sick with a ridiculously high fever. I feel absolutely miserable, and it’s made worse by the fact that we have to skip a Tuesday because I’m too sick to film. I hated this entire situation. I hated being sick. I hated being stuck in bed. But most importantly, I hated letting our fans down. I couldn’t help but feel like it; they were our entire world. Ethan and I would be nothing without them; they’re responsible for the successes that we’ve been blessed with.
I wish I could talk to each and every single one of them, so I could tell them how much they mean to me. It was hard, though. There were so many of them and they were all over the world. Social media made connecting with them feasible, but it was hard to be able to give them all the recognition they deserve.
They were all such incredible people who continue to blow my mind every single day. So many of them were such creative human beings: making edits, drawing incredible portraits of us, writing about us. Our fans were definitely the best and I hoped, everyday, that every single one of them knew it.
I was cocooned in blanket, shivering despite the fact that I was emitting so much heat. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for myself as I blew my nose, adding yet another tissue to the massive pile on the floor next to my bed. Hearing the sound of my door creak open, I turn my head to the door, waiting for Ethan to come into the room.
He gave me a pitying smile, “Hey, bro. How’re you feeling?’
I coughed, groaning because it hurt. “Like absolute shit, but I’d feel better if you cuddled with me,” I mumbled jokingly.
Ethan stayed standing by the door, no doubt wanting to stay away so he wouldn’t catch what I was sick with. He grimaced at my words, “Bro, what?”
Giving him a shit-eating grin, I repeated myself, “I feel like absolute shit, but I’d feel better if you cuddled with me.”
He rolled his eyes at me, “Dude, whatever. Listen, I’m gonna head out for a little bit because Bryant wants to get the shoot with the Ducati done. Is that good? Or do you seriously need me to stay home with you?”
I shook my head. “No, go ahead. I’ll be fine. I’ll probably just stay in bed all day,” I managed to get out, my voice sounding hoarse.
“Alright, do you want me to pick up any food on my way home?”
“Could you buy some soup? Oh, and medicine. We don’t have any.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you later. Remember to keep hydrated.” He shut the door behind him, leaving me in the quiet of my room. I turned back to the TV, grimacing because of how loud it was. I reached for the remote, turning it down as it did nothing to soothe my pounding headache.
I sighed dejectedly, not knowing what to do with myself. Grabbing my phone and unplugging it from its charger, I unlock it. I turned the brightness all the way down, the screen far too bright for my liking. Mindlessly scrolling through social media, I like and retweet posts I stumble upon. Social media was a goddamn black hole, one post leads me to another and before I know it, I’m looking through Tumblr, reading fanfiction about Ethan and I.
Whenever I found myself on this app, I end up going through blogs for hours. Every single fan that ran a blog was so dedicated; it was absolutely mind-blowing. This time, a certain blog catches my eye because of a post that was written about me, more specifically, about my laugh.
I want you to close your eyes for a second and do me one favor. I want you to imagine the most wonderful sound that you can think of: a favorite song, the sound of the waves crashing against the ocean, the crunch of fallen leaves as you walk on them, it can be anything.
God. His laugh was truly mellifluous. It was the best sound I’ve had the pleasure to hear, both through a speaker and in real life. It was simply angelic, which made sense because he was an angel sent from above, I was sure of it.
There was so much about it that I absolutely adored; it wasn’t just the sound itself, but rather everything associated with it: from the way his face would scrunch up as he did so, to the way his arms would curl into his body during the process.
His laughter was infectious. I couldn’t help but to giggle to myself whenever the sound floated through the air. It was one of those sounds that had the power to make a person happy because it was laced with happiness. What person can’t help but to be happy in the presence of happiness?
His eyes were the first to indicate that laughter was about to come. There would be a light in them that screamed excitement. Then, the apples of cheeks became more prominent as his lips curled into a giant grin, his rows of perfect white teeth showing. Lastly, he would throw his head back: this was the best sight because it indicated that it was a genuine laugh. But there was nothing that made me smile even wider than when the sound died out, quickly becoming a wheeze rather than a laugh. This told me truly how funny or entertaining he had found whatever it was that had him laughing.
With that said, was the sound you were thinking of at the beginning still the best sound? Or have I managed to convince you otherwise?
I couldn’t help but to simply stare at the screen of my phone when I finished reading. Astounded by the fact that someone could write something so beautiful about my laugh. There was nothing remotely special about it, but whoever wrote it made it sound as if there was. Intrigued by their writing, I click on their blog, trying to learn more about them.
It didn’t take me long to find out that the owner of the blog was a girl. Y/N. After reading other things that she’s posted, her talent for writing was so obvious to me. It was mind blowing. I scroll further down her blog, laughing periodically at some of the things she’s posted. She intrigued me, whoever she was. There was just something about her that made me want to find out more.
Without thinking twice, I click on the button that says “Come Talk to Me:)” and begin typing.
Hi! I just found your blog and I wanted to tell you that everything you’ve written is incredible!
- B. D.💜
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I let my bag drop from my hand, hitting the floor with a ‘thud’. I was absolutely exhausted, my classes for the day sucking up all my energy. Groaning, I collapse onto my bed, hissing in pain when I realize I landed on my laptop.
“Ah, shit. Please don’t be be broken,” I beg, speaking to the inanimate object as if it had a say in whether or not my weight caused it damaged.
I flip over to the other side of my bed, allowing me to grab my laptop from underneath me. Setting it on my lap, I scan it for any possible damage, letting out a breath of relief when I saw that it was perfectly fine.
“Oh, thank God,” I mumble to myself.
Since I already had my laptop out, I decide to log into Tumblr. I immediately smile when the twins pop up on my dash. Scrolling through, I like and reblog posts of the blogs I followed. This was my getaway. No matter how stressed out or tired I was, this website seemed to be able to make me feel better instantly. I don’t know exactly what it was. Maybe it was that when I’m on here, I’m surrounded by others that share my love for the boys. Maybe because it provided me with a creative outlet, a place that gave me the opportunity to share my writing. Or maybe, it was because it was the one place that I never felt judged; everyone in the fandom is so kind and welcoming that I always felt loved, even if none of us had never met.
My eyes lit up when I saw a little ‘1’ pop up next to the icon for my ask box. Clicking on it, I see that someone left an anonymous ask. A smile found its way onto my face as I read it.
Hi! I just found your blog and I wanted to tell you that everything you’ve written is incredible!
- B. D.💜
My heart swelled at the kind words. I clicked onto the ask, quickly typing out a response.
Hey lovely! Thank you so much for taking the time for reading my work and dropping by my asks! Hope you have a great day☺️
I run my blog and write because it makes me happy. I love being part of a fandom and forming friendships with people that share my interests. I choose to write because it’s something that I enjoy and it’s a creative outlet for me. I don’t post anything on my blog with the hopes that I get recognition, it’s simply a bonus of it all. To know that others find enjoyment in the content I create means the world to me and makes me want to share even more of my writing. To others, this entire thing may seem ridiculous, but to me, it’s my one true source of happiness.
I reposition myself on my bed, trying to find a more comfortable way to sit. I click onto a new tab, opening Google Docs and trying to start a new piece so I can finally get something posted. For far too long, I stare at the blank document, the blinking cursor taunting me. Every time I start to write something, I end up hating it, rushing to delete everything I’ve managed to type. My eyebrows furrowed, growing frustrated at the lack of progress that I’ve made so far.
Just as I’m about to admit defeat for the day, an idea immediately pops into my head. I start to type furiously, terrified that my inspiration would leave me. A smile plays on my lips as I add more and more words to the document, falling into a comfortable groove.
I sit back when I finally finish, happy with what I’ve written. Scrolling to the very top of the page, I start reading, looking for mistakes I’ve made and parts that were awkward and needed to be changed. It probably took me longer to edit and revise than it took me to actually write the piece, but it was worth it. There was nothing that brought me more satisfaction than finishing what I’ve written and knowing that I made it the best I possibly could. Knowing that if I spend anymore time criticizing my writing, it would never get posted, I don’t give it anymore thought and post on my blog.
Logging off Tumblr, I shut the lid of my laptop and climb off my bed. I stretch, trying to gain feeling in my limbs before I make my way downstairs to the kitchen in search for some food.
His P.O.V
I look over to my nightstand when I hear my phone vibrate. Groaning, I lean over to pick it up, wanting to see what notification popped up this time. A smile formed on my lips when I saw that it was from the Tumblr app. I couldn’t help but get a little excited when I read that she had posted something new. I click onto the notification, bringing up her newest post.
The bright rays of sunlight made their way past the curtains, interrupting your deep slumber. While stretching your arms above your head, you look to your right, your vision only to be met with a gorgeous boy, his skin still retaining its sun-kissed color despite it already being a month into autumn.
You turned your body over, trying your best not to wake the piece of art that rested at your side. your eyes raked down his sleeping figure, admiring the beauty of the human that you were blessed to call yours.
His face was calm, peaceful, and younger. Making it seem as if sleep was his only true getaway from the stress of his life. It allowed him to leave everything behind, to forget everything that he had to get done, although it was only for a few hours.
His bleached hair became frizzy in his slumber and was pointing every which way, enticing you to run your fingers through the gorgeous locks. But you resisted once again, not wanting to disturb his peaceful sleep.
The sunlight shifted, now hitting the sleeping figure next to you. The golden glow highlighted his tanned skin, making him look even more like an angel, like God’s gift to this earth.
His body turned to face you, his eyes were fully open, his hazel orbs were bright, the sunlight that was hitting him highlighting the greenness of them. His lips contorted to a sleepy smile, making your heart swell even more at the man.
You brought your left hand up to grasp the side of his face gently, your palm coming in contact with the rough scruff that he had managed to grow in the past two weeks due to his laziness to shave. A small smile rested on your face as you caressed his gorgeous face.
He leaned into your grasp as he laughed at your words, his laugh even more magical than his morning voice. “I would do the same thing if I were to wake up before you, just stare and admire at the beauty that I get to call my girlfriend,” his voice was just a whisper, making his words sound like a secret that could only be said between the two of you.
“Ok, fine, only because you’re cute.” His chest was pressed up against your back, his hand resting on your slim waist, and his arm stretched above your head to reach for the spice. His long, nimble fingers wrapped around the container and he backed away from your body. You turned to face him, staring at his muscular physique, taking in the angelic figure that you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend.
I was amazed yet again. I couldn’t comprehend how someone strings words along the way she did. Hell, I can barely speak the language sometimes. Without thinking twice, I find myself in her asks again, but I stop myself. Nervously, I decide to ditch the idea of leaving her another anonymous ask, messaging her directly instead.
Hey, I’m Bailey...
A/N: I wanna say a big thank you to @tidsoptlmist, @spiffydolan @sunflower-dolans, @graysearring, @spongebobrose, @damndolanz, and @maryneedsadamntish for letting me bother them and have them give me feedback! This is a series that I’m very excited to be writing and I hope you guys enjoy it! 
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dojaeism-archived · 4 years
henlo this is me forgetting that I DIDN'T reply to your responses and just answered everything in my head sjsjsjsjsjs I'm so sorry ( ̄ ▽  ̄ *) ゞ but! How have you been? College starts for me tomorrow so maybe that's half the reason why my mind's been all over the place + I was a little under the weather the past 3 days but I recover quick so all's good now - ❄️
I think there's nothing wrong with solo stanning as long as the person doesn't bring other stans/members down or anything so i'm pretty sure you're okay and ig it's also easier to give love to 1 person from a few groups than infinite ones haha your heart would jump from one's hands to another's less often ^^* honestly everyone's music is good but I will admit that I find a sense of comfort in theirs that isn't present with majority of groups I listen to ;-; and thank you! - ❄️
akshfsjdhg assigned victim sounds chaotic but I couldn't find any other name I'd use instead... I'm enjoying making yours too (minus the amounts of times I've scrapped each draft because it looked 'off' for the lack of a better word hehe) but it's nice trying to deliver a hopefully good thing because 1. you're such a fun and nice person and I wanna not disappoint and 2. you're also someone I admired from afar when I was a cc for nctzenblr??? You always left such nice tags on everything :( - ❄️
Ah, same going on right now... I have so much I wanna make or gif but I feel like I might introduce a semi-hiatus because I need to know how busy I might be with college, and preparing my siblings for their exams + moving and I also have my French exam on Tuesday (VERY informal but I wanna be fully prepared 'cause I don't wanna disappoint my friend/teacher T^T) - ❄️
It is a concept that's well overdone but I still love seeing everyone's creations with it! I dunno much about the game but if he was a character from it, who do you think it'd be? No problem, do let me know what you think when you get the time to listen! You too have a lovely day ahead; make sure to rest well, stay hydrated + warm and lots more back at you ♡ \ ( ̄ ▽  ̄) / ♡ - ❄️
hii omg im so sorry this is so late but i hope college has been treating you well so far! and i hope you’ve been well too and not falling sick :( especially since im sure its getting colder now so please make sure you’re keeping warm ☹️
ahh you just reminded me that ive not touched my gift since i last spoke to you omg 😭 i’ve just been very busy lately but the weekend is coming up so hopefully i can get on that for a bitkjfdnfgk but noooo im sure whatever you’re making will turn out wonderful!!!!! im so excited to see it heheh but omg you won’t disappoint! im super grateful to be receiving anything at all and i know ill love it no matter what it is because its from you and you’re such a lovely person!!! butkjfnkg u were a cc for nctzenblr too :0 thats amazing omg now i am REALLY curious to find out who you are 😭😭😭
im a little late but i hope your french exam went well! i know what you mean, ive been mia on this blog lately too, only coming on every few days to rb stuff and then disappearing again but its just that this time in the term is always super busy big sigh... christmas break is coming up soon though and im excited for that, have you got a break coming up soon too?
hmmm i think... chanyeol reminds me of kaeya the most? maybe?? haha omg im not sure bc im bad at paying attention to the actual characters lmfao but kaeya is super tall and fun, and he’s very cheeky as well so i think they’re quite similar!!
have a wonderful week, take care and stay safe 💗
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inkykeiji · 2 years
for some reason i thought u would’ve loved diluc n childe ….not so much thoma
LMAOOOOOO omg anon!!!! well you’re half right, tartaglia is my ultimate #1 i love him so so so much waaah i cannot tell you how giddy he makes meee <33333 i already bought a ton of his plushies 🥺🥺🥺 and thoma looks like him and screams Service Dom to me, and i know how charming he is and how uhhhhhhh extremely subtly manipulative he can be with his words ehehehehehehe it makes me want to take him and make him so disgustingly and dangerously toxic 😈 he knows precisely what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to get exactly what he wants—or, at least, that’s my interpretation of him!—and that is veryyy attractive to me
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taycofftoadventure · 4 years
Utah Park Road Trip
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What a year. I’ve taken a hiatus from the blog during 2020 for obvious reasons: pandemic travel is a challenge and not encouraged. It was hard to decide whether to venture out at all frankly. But after a a new gig, I desperately needed a getaway- so we took a week-long road trip to Utah. Our goal was to try to avoid people and get into nature. I’m so grateful for the escape. In the end, my soul really needed to go. Needed the break. Needed the change of scenery. I’ve gotten a lot of folks asking me what we did, where we went, so I decided to dust off the blog and share with folks our itinerary. 
We traveled with surface cleaner, our masks, etc. We took precautions where appropriate. It wasn’t always easy, but I felt relatively safe. We stayed in hotels and cabins- camping is totally an option, but traveling in August meant very hot weather and we wanted the AC. But every place we went had camping options if that is more your speed. Also many of the places we stayed, we could enter the room from an external door. It felt safer generally than riding an elevator or being in narrow hotel halls. We also didn’t have maid service during our stays to limit who was in the room. But I encourage everyone to be smart about whatever they chose to do. It’s hard to control all elements. We did the best we could.
You may wonder why we went to Springdale and THEN Bryce and THEN back to Zion- well, cost (the Lodge in the park was cheaper midweek) and avoiding people. We aimed to hit the Narrows hike on a Wednesday- which was less crowded.
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Day 1 and 2 - Springdale, UT
We drove from LA. We opted not to stop in Vegas because they have a lot of coronavirus cases. Without traffic, it’s a six hour or so drive to beautiful Springdale, UT- the gateway to Zion National Park. We stayed at the Majestic View Lodge at the edge of town for two nights. Springdale itself is a gem in the canyon between red rock cliffs towering above.
Zion National Park has a shuttle service with limited tickets to access certain portions of the park (**check for their policies regularly/they changed during our planning and we almost didn’t score tickets). But there are some sites that don’t require a shuttle. We hit those first. After a breakfast at Deep Creek Coffee (really good/we went twice!), we ventured up the scenic drive of the park. Surrounded by giants, we pulled off and took photos as we headed to our first hike on the Canyon Overlook Trail. It’s a moderately challenging hike, but not long. You can do it rather quickly, but we definitely stopped to take many a photo. You’re rewarded with quite a view. Some portion of the trail was narrow- so bring your mask (always bring your mask). After, we cooled down at the hotel pool until it got busier. 
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Before dinner, we rode bikes through Springdale to the Pa’rus Trail (paved so it’s not hard to bike). It was mighty glorious as the sun set below The Watchman. The grill at the Majestic View Lodge did have really good ribeye for take-out. 
Day 3-5 Bryce Canyon National Park
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The next day, we headed to Bryce National Park for two nights. What a special place. Powerful hoodoos dot the canyon. I felt like I was immersed in a giant sand castle. It was hot when we went. There was no water in the canyon, so take more water than you think you need if you plan to hike beyond the rim. 
Our first hike was the Navajo Trail to the Peekaboo Loop and then up iconic Wall Street. It’s strenuous. If you want something lighter, do just Navajo Trail- but even that has dramatic elevation gain. Also, you have the challenge of Bryce’s naturally high elevation. The most common medical issues folks have in Bryce are elevation related problems. The number two problem; ankle issues (so wear supportive shoes) because the trails are steep. Despite being hard, it was JAW-DROPPINGLY beautiful. No photos need a filter. Go slow, take breaks, take photos, and stay hydrated. 
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The next day we woke up early and hit The Fairyland Loop. It’s the longest hike in the park, but you’ll have no issues social distancing. Bring lots of water and lunch- but it’s not as hard as Peekaboo/Navajo. Go early to avoid midday sun. We started at Sunrise point and did it counter clockwise. We liked this for a few reasons- our climb back out of the canyon was shaded by an occasional tree and the last two miles of the hike was the much easier Rim Trail in the hotter part of the day (which does have some climbing itself, but at least you’re almost to your car by the end)... and also I loved ending the hike near the General Store for a little lemonade and fruit. 
Closer to sunset, we checked out Rainbow Point and Natural Bridge. If you skip Peekaboo, Bryce Point will give you a taste of what you missed from above. 
The town of Bryce itself was only established ten years ago. Not too much there. We grabbed picnic/breakfast food in Springdale and then got take out in Tropic for dinners. Stone Hearth Grille was delicious and beautifully situated- I can tell it would be a great place to eat in when this pandemic is over.  IDK Barbecue was also really tasty. 
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The last morning in Bryce we hit the Queens Garden Trail- the most popular trail. But you can see why, it’s not-to-be-missed gorgeous and it’s the “easiest” trail into the canyon (and by easiest, I still mean it’s steep). We opted to hit it on a Tuesday and found it wasn’t too hard to avoid folks. I did wear my mask more (i really dig my Variant Malibu mask btw). 
Day 6-8 Zion National Park
After the hike, we headed back to Zion. On this stretch, we stayed at Zion Lodge in a cabin at the Xanterra run hotel in the park. It was worth it because you get a drive-on into the park where only shuttles can go and it’s great to be in the midst of the action (the only caveat is, you can only drive as far as the lodge). There’s also the bonus reality that if you stay at the lodge, the shuttle times are irrelevant, They let you on whenever, you just need a ticket for the day. Alternatively, you can ride uphill to the Narrows by bike.
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We rode the shuttle once to go to the famous Narrows hike. We were very much rewarded for our early morning- there were very uncrowded stretches. What a colossally special experience. Almost religious- I felt like I was in a giant natural cathedral. The early morning light gifted us with such dynamic and extraordinary sights. I’ll never forget them. Besides snacks and water, I highly recommend a hiking pole and neoprene socks. Just buy them ahead of time- but you can rent them in town for the same cost. We were glad to just get started early and not have to deal with rentals. The rocks are slippery so mind your step. I also felt the current made it more precarious.  Be sure to check the water quality and for flash flood warnings. Levels were low, but due to little rain there was a bacterial overgrowth harmful to humans and animals. So sadly, we couldn’t submerge (or ingest)- but I felt it was shallow enough to maintain safety. Avoid the algae mats. 
As we wrapped up the hike six hours later, more people hit the trail- the mask was up and this was the most congested I felt all trip! But the ranger at the end of the hike said that actually, this was nothing compared to pre-covid. People used to wait hours for a shuttle... so thanks pandemic, we didn’t wait long. 
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In the evenings, we gazed at the Milky Way on the green lawn filled with deer and tried to spy meteors showering by (well, more like a trickle- we saw two between us) and hung out on our cabin porch drinking wine and playing cards. Staying in the park was peaceful. 
Additionally, some of the popular hikes are an easy stroll from the lodge. It would have been possible to avoid the shuttle altogether if we weren’t intending to do the Narrows. We walked on an evening stroll up the trail to the Grotto picnic area where the Angel’s Landing Hike begins (the top is closed at present for Covid). Across the street from the lodge is the trailhead for the Emerald Pools. We would have made the trek but the pools are apparently very low right now. Some things for us to check out next time!
Day 9-11 Sundance, UT
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After Zion, we headed north for two nights in the mountains outside of Salt Lake City. I was craving green and trees for sure. We stayed at the Sundance Resort but if you’re looking to save some coin, there’s plenty of camping off the narrow mountain Alpine Scenic Byway. The mountain pass is closed in the winter, but right now it’s dotted with gorgeous still-snow dusted peaks and the largest Aspen grove I’ve ever seen.
There were a lot of hikes in the area, but in the warm heat of the summer, we opted for Stewart Falls. There are a few access points- if you don’t stay at Sundance, there is a trailhead in Aspen Grove. If you stay at the resort, you get a free ski-lift ticket (or you can buy one). We took the scenic chalet to Ray’s Summit  (you can go further up to the top for a cold beverage and what-looked-like-delicious nachos). From Ray’s Summit, you can hike a lovely but sometimes steep trail down to the falls. We then took the trail back to our lodging from the falls. Google maps was helpful in navigating the narrow trails. 
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We did shell out for the zip line tour which boasts one of the longest rides in the US. It was exhilarating. You fly from peak to peak and down the mountain. Definitely grab a bottle of water to take with you- it took us about 2 hours to do it all... but can take up to 3. Luckily our group was just the two of us, so it went pretty fast and I was thankful to not have to wait for anyone. 
The food at Sundance was excellent with lots of outdoor seating and picnic tables- so it’s easy to get a fine dining meal and a swell spot to eat it in. Everything from the breakfast sandwich to the salmon to the pork chops was really good. 
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Day 12-13 St. George, UT
On our way back to Los Angeles, we drove back south again and stayed in St. George- not far outside of Zion. We stayed at a lovely renovated hotel Inn of the Cliff- bonus points for beautiful view and pool. Pro-tip, if you want the pool ALL to yourself, Sunday morning seemed to be the winner (because I think the community is all at church). Also for breakfast, skip the long lines and go to Tia’s Artesian Bakery. We picked up some delectable food ahead of the drive home.
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In the end, I was so grateful for this trip. It felt incredibly long (even though it was just weekend to weekend). Getting into nature, surrounded by awesome views, and testing my body- but also having down-time- felt crucial to getting the rejuvenation I needed. On long, popular hike days, we rose early- but almost every other day, we slept in. The balance felt right. We were grateful to pack a cooler and have snacks and cold drinks on long drives or hot days. 
Travel safe. Stay healthy. Take care of your spirit. Go find nature.
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Photos by Zach Lupetin and Taylor Coffman
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babycatlix · 1 year
i went through my tag and everything has either been reblogged or queued!
i felt a bit better today after work... i wonder if it's bc i took a power nap... yesterday i didn't take a power nap... so maybe that's what was wrong...
ANYWAY, i cut more clips for felix week and finished a set of gifs! i still haven't picked the final prompt and i'm still not sure what order i want to post them in, but i'm trying to get most of them done this week as my bff is coming to visit from 9/7–9/11. i will do my best to queue up all the posts and have them post on the right days!
i hope you had a good tuesday, stay safe out there, and stay hydrated my friends! 💖
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ofcloudsandstars · 7 years
✧ .☀️Litha Solitary Rituals☀️*✧
Litha is only next week! It's the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the time when the sun is at it's highest height. Kind of like how full moons occur once a month and the moon is at its most influential power, Litha happens once a year when the sun is at it's most influential power. It's time to soak in the sun's powerful rays and dance to the beat of drums! I have a personal correspondences post that might help explain why I chose certain things! (Also here is my personal tag!)
A lot of us witches practice alone and have our own solitary rituals for each sabbat that we observe (or the ones we've created just for ourselves that we observe alone!) Like any solitary eclectic witch I do things my own different way but some of these things might line up with others practices. 
When I am alone and casting spells a lot of it is visualization/intent so my solitary rituals are more like activities I like to do then specifically casting a spell. If I am doing a spell with an activity based on it a lot would be listening to music to get in the mood and focusing on a candle while visualizing for a period of time! Eves are also important to my celebration as I like to stay up until midnight and cast a spell then!
Litha Eve
Tuesday June 20th 2017
make carved citrus tealights (Orange, Lemon, 3, 4) or light a bunch of citrus fragrance candles. Litha is a fiery and sunny celebration so light up things that remind you of the sun and help evoke solar energy! (Candle orders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
make sunscreen potion I make my own body creams and lotion mixtures for each season. Some oils like jojoba and argan naturally help block off UVs but I'm unsure if it can help as much as a good sunscreen (I'm not a dermatologist lol). Sunscreen is really important to help protect your skin from the sun and I learned that its good practice to use it in almost any sunny season. I just forget so I have to sneak it into a lotion. My sun cream concoction usually consists of: -Argan or jojoba oil -Sunscreen SPF 50 -orange, lemon, ginger fragrance oil (Very little drops each). -Gold mica powder -Bronze or orange mica powder For something more cooling: -melon fragrance oil instead of the citrus and ginger. Peppermint essential oil. -white pearl mica powder. For something more energetic yet also warding of insects: -citronella and lemongrass essential oil with a few drops of grass or rain fragrance. -green pearl mica powder
Make snacks while doing crafts! Sunflower seeds! Salt Water Taffy! Shark Gummies! Spicy Chips! Mango Sriracha Hummus! Jalapeno Poppers! 
Decorate your altar! Coat it in flowers like Day Lillies, Sunflowers and Roses. Burn incense like amber, strawberry, citrus. Use fiery or summery colors
Have a bonfire if possible If you don't have the garden space have a tabletop bonfire. (If you don't have a safe space to do this then you can make electric paper lanterns!)
Make magical smores
Midnight Spell: Focus on what you would like to prosper or thrive in. Litha is great for prosperity spells. If you do this in an activity instead of just visualizing, make a tabletop bonfire or a fire pit and build your pit with the energy likeness of the thing you would like to thrive in. The fire is you thriving. Feed the fire and dance around it. Being a bartender I like to make my own drinks. One way I like to do a spell is magically charge/bless a shot of a mix I make then take it! This can be an alternative if you can't have fire around at all: Litha Shot
Infuse tequila in a jar of sliced orange bell peppers, half an orange habanero pepper sliced and crushed tangerines. Take it as a shot with a lemon. Charge with carnelian on the lid overlnight.
If you like drinks that are sweeter make a simple syrup with 1/3 cup sugar and 1/4 cup orange or mango juice. Let simmer until dissolved. Take the syrup and fill a jar with it 1/3 of the way. Put sliced mangoes, oranges, candied lemon peels and a tiny bit of cinnamon in the jar. Fill the rest with white rum or any liquor of your choice. Shake and let it sit over night. Charge with a citrine, sunstone or yellow calcite by placing a crystal on it's lid. Chase with lemonade or orange juice if you don't like the bitterness of alcohol (though the syrup will help to make it smooth).
If you don't like drinking at all then this can work with orange juice, sun tea or lemonade charged with intention. 
Litha Day
(Wednesday June 21st 2017)
Go on a journey! If possible take a trip to the beach! Hiking and just spending time outside where it's sunny is nice too. 
Grill! Eat at a grill or use your own grill for an outdoor meal!
Charge any magical tools in the sun! Some crystals fade in sunlight but leaving them out for a few minutes (less than 5) shouldn't do too much harm. Make sure to research your stone if you want to leave it out in the sun for a bit!
Make sun tea Tip: Don't abandon this for days or else you can make a bad concoction. (of bacteria lol). Let the sun steep your tea! Make wonderful summery blends like hibiscus berry or peach roobois or lemon black tea. Serve it iced or with fruits!
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables! Eat watermelon to help keep cool (plus its pretty and bright red) offer some watermelon and summery or tropical fruits to the fae if you work with them.
make a bee fountain
Charge yourself in the sun Soak up the sun's rays. Do sun channeling! Wear sunscreen pls
Sun ritual:  To Prepare:  apply sunscreen to your whole body that will be exposed. Get a blanket and a citrine or yellow calcite stone. Also get some water to help keep hydrated.  Take a blanket or just lie down in the earth if you feel comfortable enough doing that and soak in the sun to channel it's energy. Take a citrine stone and place it on your navel. Charge your solar plexus energy and let the sun enter you through there. Visualize the aspects of yourself thriving while under the sun. Release powerful intentions afterwards through visualization or a candle focus spell using an orange, red or yellow candle. (white is always an ok subsitute)
if thunderstorming: collect summer solstice rain
soak up the rain instead. The rain on summer solstice is a powerful force
Celebratory Dinner Cook a dinner with lots of grilled and spicy foods. Here is a link to my recipes posts.  If you drink enjoy your dinner with rose wine, or summery sangria.
Make a plate for any entities you like to work with.
Bless some fireflies. Catch them tell them you love them then release them. (I always did this since I was a kid lol). Bless each one of them that you see.
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agirlcalledwonder · 5 years
Tuesday was #worldsuicidepreventionday. I thought really long and hard about posting for several reasons. I want everyone to know their options. I want my friends to feel heard. I want to be a safe haven for those who struggle to find someone to talk to. But I also don’t want to act like everything in my life is as positive as I can make it seem on social media, and I don’t want to slap the suicide prevention hotline number to an utterly detached post.
I lost a brilliant friend and a large piece of my heart nearly 2 years ago to this kind of illness. I wasn’t open about my own struggles to them at that time, so if I can now make even one person feel less alone then I’m doing my part. Going forward, I want to be transparent about my own shit, for a lack of eloquence.
Truthfully, I’ve struggled with various mental health issues for as long as I can remember. Some of it genetic, some of it learned behavior, some of it circumstantial. I’ve suffered from multiple eating disorders, anxiety, panic disorder, major depression, PTSD, addiction. At 3 years old I had a fear of eating in front of people. At 13 I remember hating myself so much that I literally prayed to God that He would let me die in my sleep. At 17 I really started feeling the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Always exhausted, complete loss of interest in the things I loved, grades suffered. I never told anyone.
My mental health was at a pivotal low after my family fell apart when I was 22. I’m not always affected in that way by life circumstances, but this was a particularly tough season. I quit my job, I quit college, I was on the wrong anti-depressant, I had a terrible therapist, and I threw myself back into the most toxic relationship I’ve ever been in due to low self-confidence.
When that relationship died, as it always did, I took an entire bottle of Paxil, half a bottle of Xanax, and several handfuls of ibuprofen. I had every intention of dying that day. I felt like there was nothing left for me. I had lived more life than most people do by that age, and that was good enough. I was so exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally... I couldn’t stand one more day of actual physical pain in response to emotional distress. I knew there were people who would miss me, but my brain told me they would be okay without me.
“They will hurt for awhile, but they will still move on,” my brain would say.
I texted those closest to me a simple, “I love you,” wrote a lengthy note in my phone with personal goodbyes to everyone I could think of, and drifted off to sleep. I woke up several hours later with intense abdominal pain. I vomited, and vomited, and vomited, until all that would come up was bile and blood. I could have died that night, and in my opinion the only reason I didn’t was because someone was watching over me.
When I woke up the next morning, I told my aunt what had happened because I knew I needed help and she works in the mental health field. She picked me up and took me to the hospital, where I sat in a room for several hours. I laughed, and joked, and used dark humor as a defense mechanism to pretend that what was happening to me wasn’t real because that’s what I tend to do. I was sent home in the care of my mom because I wasn’t seen as a real threat to myself due to my upbeat demeanor, but truly they just didn’t have a bed open. Hydrate, rest, meds, and follow up with a psychiatrist in a few days.
Recovery since then has not been easy, and it by far has not been linear. I’ve had two close encounters and one hospital stay since then. I’ve been on several different meds, have seen multiple therapists, and have attempted to make many different lifestyle changes. I’ve cut off toxic relationships, I’ve said no to things that I knew would get me in trouble, I’ve focused on wellness and making a beautiful life, I’ve felt happy... But I’ve also struggled to get out of bed, have dreaded seeing the people I love most, and have missed important positive life events. Again, repeat after me: R E C O V E R Y   I S   N O T   L I N E A R . It’s tough on the low days, and wonderful on the high ones, and still a frustrating struggle in-between.
I’m doing okay today because I have an amazing support system. I’m here because I have wonderful family and friends and “nieces” and “nephews” who make it known to me all the time that they really, really love me. I remind myself of my friend.
You don’t move on after that kind of loss; you just move around it. I play our last conversations over and over again in my mind, knowing that the signs were there. I didn’t think to do anything about them or press the subject because I was too distracted.
For those who suffer from similar thoughts and battles: please keep going. Please. Keep counting your blessings. Find 3 things you’re grateful for everyday. Write them down. Find a creative outlet. Find things to look forward to. You have to keep looking forward. Keep testing meds and therapists until you find what fits you. Research your diagnosis(es) so you can recognize your own warning signs. Come up with a plan for when you feel low. Tell someone how you’re feeling when you feel it. You’re not a burden. You’re not fucked up. You’re loved, and your people need you. Be gentle with yourself. You are strong. You are enough. Just keep fucking going.
For those of you who don’t struggle with this debilitating disease: suicide is the final symptom of mental illness. Reach out in the ways you know how, before it gets to that point. Pay attention to your strong friends, and your weak ones too. Listen to what they’re saying. Don’t brush anything off as trivial. Maybe you can make a difference.
P.S. If you read this whole thing, thank you. Xx
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raymondklhi340-blog · 5 years
Bring Your Own White Wine To Cruise
You likewise want a cleanser that either has a pump dispenser or a method to pour the cleanser out. You need to also keep in mind that these bonus will normally cost you more cash. They have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
First dates. They cаn bе thаt wonderful moment whеn уоu understand уou have а connection wіth someone, or thеy can bе the stuff nightmares are made from. The art of first dates саn bе the beginning of a beautiful relationship оr ruin thе ego of evеn thе mоѕt confident amongst us.
Please keep in mind that stopping drinking wіll not resolve all thе underlying problems thаt triggered yоu to consume іn thе top place. It іs simple to fall in tо thе trap оf trying to tackle thеm аll rіght away, DON'T DO IT! It wіll spend sоme time however aftеr а whіle you wіll remain in a much better position to put your problems іn to the proper point of view and can then yоu start tо speak with somebody, lіke a counselor, who сan assist yоu thrоugh them.
How fаr would уоu last in a circumstance lіkе that? I wоuld probably not have made іt through that very first bullet, just bеing tоo stunned thаt somebody would trouble shooting аt me. If I would havе started running nevertheless, I would not have actually lasted long, considering that running through snow аnd lawn іѕ not sоmеthing anybody сan dо fоr a long time аnd range.
In thе restroom іt works great іn the tub, toilet, sink, flooring аnd counter tops. Attempt utilizing pure vinegar in the toilet tо get rid of rings. It works fantastic dealing with soap scum аnd hard water stains. For tough jobs, soak a fabric in pure vinegar and apply tо thе stain for an hour or so, thеn wipe.
Keep уour windshield washer reservoir full with a washer solvent thаt hаs a high level of alcohol іn it to kеeр іt from freezing. Make certain thаt уou hаve a great set оf wiper blades set up on the vehicle. Looking for alcohol wіll begin tо enable уou to get to bе ablе to ruouvang24h. Let's takе a understand why. If уou need to park someplace уou сan pull thе wiper arms far from the windscreen аnd put them іn the uр position ѕo thе wiper blades will nоt freeze to the windshield. Keep уour interior heating controls оn heat directing heated air аt the windshield.
Lots of Internet sites аnd many unemployment services offer great ideas on how to handle a task loss. They suggest updating уоur resume, goіng door-to-door to present yourself, network, modify your costs, freelance, volunteer, or upgrade your skills. These аre just a fеw of the actions оne сan takе аs part of an excellent task hunt technique, useful guidelines whiсh are simple to follow, уеt won't do уou much great іf уоur emotions аrе nоt all set.
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A great deal of restaurants hаve individuals that will bе mоre than happy tо direct you. They dо want уоu to соme back once again аftеr all. Deciding needs to nоt bе difficult аs there іs a description by each type of wine tо assist in thе choice. It will inform уоu all you need to understand. Therefore let'ѕ take a loоk at ruouvang24h as well aѕ how that pertains tо wine. Simply discover оnе that will go with whatever уou аrе gоіng to consume. You ought to constantly aѕk the individuals in your company whаt theу wоuld choose. It is the right thing to dо to let уоur dinner partners make theіr оwn choices. Some may hаve a particular preclusion to some white wine.
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On a trek, I will frequently stop аt a path bend, or tаkе а rest cramponning uр a glacier, and keep іn mind withоut tears. I remember and honor thе heroic strength and goodness of Seth Chetri, mу guide and sirdar, and Jid Baldoo, аn illiterate Buddhist peasant-farmer. I wіll nоt forget those 3 unnamed porters I sаw disappear іn the avalanche; аnd I honor them too. I wіll try to deal with thе obstacles life puts іn mу path influenced by thе nerve, strength аnd compassion оf Seth Chetri аnd Jid Baldoo, the 2 greatest males I understand.
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All оf thеse elements prohibited moѕt children from bеing spoiled оr spoiled. The everyday battle to make it through reduced anу frivolity. This iѕ not to state that theѕе parents dіd not value or appreciate thеіr children. Any kid that survived infancy waѕ thought about to bе a fantastic possession аnd humanity determined thаt theѕе kids may hаvе bееn cherished a lot.
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alcohol disrupts your natural sleep patterns; іf yоu can't sleep оr wake aftеr just a few hours, do not stress - thiѕ iѕ rather regular and wіll rіght іtsеlf after a couple of weeks. When уоu are thinking if perhaps ruouvang24h features enоugh experience of alcohol you nееd to look at the length of time they are about. Try discovering ѕоme relaxation exercises.
Whenever уou tidy yоur jewelry, make certain tо dry it аnd polish it prior tо returning іt tо storage. This truly iѕ particularly real fоr gold and silver fashion jewelry. If left wet, the metal can stain. The stones in уour jewelry will also develop water discolorations if thеy аre place away with water оn them.
You may also desire to give уоur child ѕоme responsibilities аrоund your home. This іѕ a great way to teach your child much of the housekeeping skills that they will need аѕ grownups. Teaching уоur kid to appreciate thеmselvеѕ and оthеrѕ along with excellent manners is crucial to thеіr continued social success.
H.F.S (as Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan wаѕ commonly understood) waѕ born іn Herefordshire. He wеnt tо Marlborough School however was later sent out tо Italy to attempt to recover from illness, potentially brought оn by malnutrition. After showing up back frоm Italy H.F.S attended thе Crystal Palace Engineering College and then began аn apprenticeship at the western wine Train. Wine is among the numerous factors connected with ruouvang24h. After the western wine Railway H.F.S established a services and sales motor garage. H.F.S later on purchased a Peugeot engine and started developing a car іn а workshop he waѕ permitted tо operate in by a good friend's farther. The vehicle waѕ put into production wіth the support of Morgan's farther.
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On а trek, I will frequently stop аt a path bend, оr takе а rest cramponning uр а glacier, and keep in mind wіthоut tears. I remember аnd honor the brave strength and goodness of Seth Chetri, mу guide and sirdar, and Jid Baldoo, an illiterate Buddhist peasant-farmer. I will not forget those 3 unnamed porters I sаw vanish іn the avalanche; and I honor them too. I will attempt tо deal with the challenges life puts in my course influenced by the nerve, strength and generosity of Seth Chetri аnd Jid Baldoo, the two strongest men I know.
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therealkk · 8 years
Alright! I’m home, settled and have completed a full week back at work, post Christmas in
Meiko wearing my antlers
Colorado! I thought I’d post a “how our Christmas went” type of blog, since Lauren took the time to do so too!
  We started Christmas Eve with Mitchell’s family. Breakfast, and stockings, and a little bit of time just hanging out. It was low-key and drama free. 4 pups, 9 people and Christmas Cheer.
After we had finished celebrations with them, we decided it was time to finish up packing, and spend some more time with Kitten before we left her for the week. (This was the longest we’ve ever left her, I was feeling really guilty.)
We had an uber come pick us up, and we nervously, and excitedly packed all our luggage in the back of her explorer, and headed on our way to the airport. I don’t fly very often, and actually, the last time I was on a plane was 2009 when my stepdad passed away. I was a little nervous and unsure how quickly we’d be able to get through security, and even more worried about how my anxiety would be on the plane. I don’t have a normal and rational fear of the plane crashing (and honestly I personally would never be afraid of that…) My anxiety about flying is ridiculous and silly, but it’s very real.
Mitchell and I decided to get to the airport early.
Never. Again.
It’s been ages since I’ve flown, and even longer since I’ve flown on my own (those of you that followed me from LiveJournal will remember the last time I flew alone was 2007 to Texas.)
Last time I flew things were a little different, and being three and a half hours early for your flight was no big deal.
So Mitchell and I thought nothing of getting to the airport a little early, put our anxieties at ease, and have a little time to relax before hopping on a plane full of complete strangers.
Imagine our surprise when we got there and our airline had a sign saying no one was going to be at the counter until 2 hours before flight. We had 2 checked bags, which meant we couldn’t go through security or anything until they were at the counter. So we had a long 1.5 hour wait… we sat, and talked, my anxiety rose, people stared at us.
Mitchell and I post security, showing off our attire.
oh, pause! I forgot to tell you! We went to the airport in our Christmas PJ’s (Mitchell’s Christmas Pikachu PJ’s and my Bumble PJ’s) wearing our Pikachu hoodies and a santa hat, and I had antlers and Mitchell had Pikachu ears on top of our santa hats! We both had these fabulous christmas light necklaces that I found on amazon.
Once employees showed up at the counter, we lined up (took a good 30 minutes to get through the counter) and we headed off to security! Everything went smoothly, and the photo above was us celebrating finally making it through security! We wondered down to our gate, found it, and then decided it was time to find a place to get some food and a drink or two.
We stumbled across this place called Africa Lounge. We sat in the bar, Mitchell ordered a “large” beer (which to our surprise was HUGE) and I got their alcoholic coffee. It was super delicious, we sat, ate some food and gushed about how excited we were to be on our very first vacation!
After our meal at the Africa Lounge, we continued on to the nearby bookstore, picked up a bottle of water (mitchell has to take some congestion meds when he flies, and we both felt we needed to hydrate.)  We picked up a few fun souvenirs for Lauren and Elisabeth, and headed to the gate. We got t
Successfully boarded on the plane!
here just in time for boarding, and loaded on the plane. We got settled, my anxiety went down a little, and we sat back and relaxed.
  While on our 2.5 hour flight to Denver, we goofed off, closed our eyes, and made friends with the girl sitting next to us (bless her heart, I may have accidentally caught her in the background of some of our selfies.
Mitchell played some games on his phone, I listened to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on Audible and we both took turns watching out the window.
We didn’t fall asleep at all, but we did close our eyes, our flight left at 7, and landed at 10:30. We had been up since 8am, and with a mixture of holiday stress, and traveling stress, we were exhausted!
About 15 minutes before landing we turned off our music and chatted about how  excited
Sleepy, but incredibly happy to be on vacation!
we were to get to Colorado and see our friends. We also looked out the window and guessed what we could see.
  We came to the conclusion that we could see Colorado Springs, which is where Lauren’s parents live, and what we assume was a bunch of other nearby towns.
The plane has landed! 
Our flight was pretty uneventful, we had some turbulence, that the flight attendants were spooked by, but honestly it wasn’t bad at all. It did cause one of the bathroom doors to fly open, but I bet it wasn’t closed all the way.
  Once the plane had landed they told us we could turn off airplane mode, and we texted Lauren to let her know we had landed.
We got off the plane, and Mitchell went to the bathroom while I explored a nearby gift shop.
I looked for snacks but decided to just wait until we left the airport.
While walking to baggage claim, we found this guy, so we both decided to pose with him, I don’t have a copy of the photo of me, because it is on Mitchell’s phone, and I’m too lazy to ask for it. :D
We wondered our way down the escalator, to the train, and then to baggage claim.
Once at baggage claim, we heard several people pointing and saying “They were on our flight!”
All day people were snapping photos of us, pointing, and cheering us on. The flight attendants, and everyone we came in contact with loved our outfits and Christmas spirit. How else would one travel on Christmas eve?? :P
Our bags were the first off the plane (WIN!) and we headed out to get in the car with Lauren and Sidney!
Lauren’s photo of her stocking goodies
Once we got to their house, we had a snack and went to bed, we were exhausted! We woke up the next day to a delicious breakfast cooked by both Sidney and Lauren, and enjoyed their company.
  We all had agreed that we’d spend the day at home just relaxing. So we did, and it was wonderful. We opened stockings, ate yummy food and played games together.
later in the evening, Lauren’s parents came, we had dinner, opened some wonderful and
Christmas Dinner, sorry, I had eaten most of it already
thoughtful gifts, and enjoyed the company. It truly was one of the best Christmases we’ve had, ever. Good food, good company, lots of happiness, and love. I am so grateful for Lauren and Gene inviting us into their home on such a major holiday! We are so lucky to have such loving and caring people in our lives!
  Ken and Kathy (Lauren’s parents, two people I have always adored) brought some gifts for everyone, and some delicious Christmas dinner!
A thoughtful ornament made by Lauren’s Family
After Christmas dinner we hung out a bit more and went to bed. We didn’t have any solid plans for the week, but I think the plan for Monday was to go into Denver and look at the Capitol building, get brunch and explore a little.
  We woke up Monday morning, and Lauren told us that the Capitol building was closed, but we could still go into the city if we wanted, we ended up deciding to not do so, but we did go to the COOLEST museum Mitchell and I have been to.
Lauren took us into Denver to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Boy was it busy there! So many people had the same great idea we had, but that didn’t stop us! We spent a whole 5 hours at the museum and still didn’t see everything. I’ve included some of the photos we took there, below.
We came home that night, and relaxed, played more games, and enjoyed good food.
Tuesday, we went into Denver, saw Lauren’s work, and went to the 16th Street Mall and
went into the cutest little store called I (heart) Denver and bought souvenirs for Mitchell’s mom and our friends Katy and Adam.
  Then, we went to REI to rent snowshoes, for our snowventure the next day! The REI we went to was MASSIVE. As a Seattleite, I honestly have never seen an REI as huge as this one. It was amazing!
We came home after a very long day out (another 5 hours) without lunch, starving, and exhausted. We ate dinner (Noodle soup made by Lauren.) 
After dinner, we sat down and worked on our D&D characters with Elisabeth and Lauren.
Lauren, Gene, Sidney and Elisabeth have been playing D&D for quite some time, and Lauren has been inviting me to play for just about as long as she’s been playing.
Mitchell and I discussed it and decided we wanted to give it a try while we were in Denver, so that night we sat down, created our characters, and played the first half of our very first D&D adventure!
We were off to a rough start, both rolling 1s, but I ended up having much better luck the rest of the game and kicked major butt.
We played for about an hour that night, and had a blast, but by the end of the evening, we were exhausted. I went to bed after we finished D&D for the evening, Mitchell stayed up and played video games with Sidney.
The next day, Wednesday, We woke up early, layered up, and took the snowshoes up to the Rocky Mountains.
It was just Mitchell, Lauren and I, but we were all super excited to snowshoe together!
We packed up, got in the car and headed toward the mountains. Lauren took us to Estes Park. It was a little bit of a drive, but it wasn’t too bad. I enjoyed looking around, we drove through Boulder, and even drove past the hotel that inspired The Shining.
As we climbed higher we saw our first snow flurries (first for the entire visit, Denver didn’t get any snow, it was colder here in Seattle!)
We pulled into the park, only to have a ranger tell us it wasn’t safe for her car. He directed us to another area (Devil’s Gulch) to snowshoe. So we turned around and headed there. Sadly there wasn’t enough snow to snowshoe, but we did hike! We saw some amazing sights, and several elk! It was all around a great time!
We came home that evening, and went out to dinner at a vegan restaurant called Native Foods. (There’s one in Oregon, and I plan on visiting it!)  The food there was DELICIOUS, and I wish we had one locally!
After dinner,
The last photo I took at Lauren’s house
we came back, finished out or D&D, I made butterbeer and then we headed to bed.
Thursday, we woke up, hung out, and Lauren and I went to return the snowshoes that we sadly didn’t get to use, and we came home, relaxed, since it was our last day there, and played games. I went to bed around 9pm. We had to be up and out of the house by 3:30 am.
We packed everything up that night, and said our goodbyes to Elisabeth, (Sidney was already in bed) and set our alarms for our early wake-up.
We sadly woke up, loaded up the car and headed to the airport before anyone else was awake for the day.
ene came with Lauren to drop us off. We said our goodbyes and headed in. The atmosphere in the airport this time wasn’t quite as chipper, and the lines were longer. We waited 45 mintues to check our bags, and then 30 minutes through security. Then we had to ride the train to our flight. We got some breakfast at Dunkin Doughnuts, and then we got to the gate with just 5 minutes to spare before they boarded us.
Our flight home was uneventful, I slept most of it, and woke up just in time to see this beautiful view!
Overall, it was a wonderful way to spend our Christmas. Mitchell and I had a great time, and definitely plan on visiting again! We both agree that this was the best way to spend our favorite time of the year!
Below, are some photos I didn’t include in the post, mainly Lauren’s cat Pippin.
  A Christmas to Remember. Alright! I'm home, settled and have completed a full week back at work, post Christmas in…
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