joannaaapotato-blog · 7 years
Short Term 12
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Short term 12 is a residential facility for troubled teenagers. Grace is working there as a line staff along Mason, Jessica and the new guy, Nate. Grace and Mason is a long time couple yet Grace still hesitates opening up to him who is now pregnant and continues their relationship in private.
As they help the teenagers go through their struggles like Marcus who is a resident of Short Term 12 and who is about to turn 18 with the prospect of leaving the facility and letting go of the bad memories he had with his mother and Jayden, a recent arrival with a history of self-harm due to the trauma inflicted by his father abuse, Grace herself is also hunted by her past with almost the same of what Jayden had been experiencing and the two form a connection in the process.
Later on, in the apartment, Mason answered a call saying that Grace’s father is being released out of the prison making Grace upset but immediately set it aside when she went to work. Later that day, he saw Marcus laid in the floor and was bleeding. Just then, Nate realized the pain the teenagers have been going through and the scars that marked them. Marcus was then rushed in the hospital and while waiting, Grace suddenly had an emotional break down that resulted to a conflict with Mason.
After that, she went to Jayden’s house, she’s about to do something to Jayden’s father when she saw Jayden. The two had a conversation, opening up to each other. Then, they broke the glass windows of Jayden’s father car with a baseball bat.
Grace returned to the apartment and consoled with Mason. The next day, Jayden testified against her father.
Several weeks later, everything is slowly going back to normal and Mason told Nate how well Marcus is doing.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
There’s no point on being stuck in the part of your life where you feel like the world is conspiring to make you think you’re not worthy of being happy and loved. You have to let go and not let the past destroy what you are now and define who you are. Let the scars you have symbolized your courage and let that be the one to remind you that you’ve gone through it but you’re stronger now. People who have gone through these extreme situation doesn’t need pity but sympathy.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
When they hit the car of Jayden’s father with a baseball bat. For me, it represents how they can finally able to let go the fear that’s hunting and controlling their lives. It also means that they have learned to stand up for themselves.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
No doubt, Mason. I loved him from the beginning to end. He’s witty but he also knows when to get serious especially when he’s being a brother to Marcus. Actually, some of my favorite lines came from him. First, when he said that Grace is the weirdest and most beautiful thing he had ever met and what he said to his foster parents, “Everything that’s good in me is because of you”. (And of course, the part where he hated the bike of Grace. We hate you Floyd!)
4. Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
It reminds me of our family problems, I guess.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
A question for Grace, after what you had experienced, why did you still chose to work for the troubled teenagers when you, yourself is still being hunted by your own past?
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joannaaapotato-blog · 7 years
The Art of Getting By
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George is a high school senior student who is good in drawing yet he also sees no point in everything in his life: hence, he neglect his home works and fails to participate in his class resulting to academic probation.The next day, he went to the school roof and noticed Sally Howe at the far side corner, smoking. Just when a teacher appeared, George covered up Sally by pulling out a cigarette, taking the blame. Later on, Sally went up to him and thanked him and that’s when the two warmed up to each other. They became friends and they started hanging out a lot. George started to become responsive in school and was motivated to participate in class.
Before the career day, Principal Bill talked to George and convinced him to join and in return he won’t expel George for his smoking in the rooftop issue. He then agreed and on the career day, he met Dustin who inspired him and George brought Sally with him when he was invited by Dustin to his studio.
On New Year’s Eve, Will threw a party and he invited both Sally and George. They became closer as Sally took George to her place when he was drunk.
The Valentine’s Day came and the two went to dinner together but it became awkward when Sally asked George if he can have sex with her. After that night, George had withdrawn to her and kept his distance. Being affected by this, George stops again in doing home works and was asked by the principal if he either he’ll be expelled or make up all the home works and activities he had missed for 3 weeks. He chose to be expelled. Meanwhile, Sally started dating Dustin and when George found out, he was hurt and had a conflict with Dustin.
The next morning, George’s mother talked to him in the park about his stepfather who was hospitalized when George attacked him last night. Her mother told him that she knew from the beginning the situation of his stepfather and that she’s divorcing him. She also decided to sell their apartment because of debts. That’s when George went to Principal Bill and told him that he changed his mind and wants to make up.
One day, he got a message from Sally and they met up in bar where they expressed their feelings for each other and went to Sally’s apartment where they made promises. George passed all the requirements and got a diploma on graduation Day. After that he went to the art classroom in where he submitted a portrait of Sally that’s when Sally appeared in the doorway and that’s when he realizes she did not go to Europe with Dustin and chose him.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
There’s a lot more to life than what we have ever imagine or think of, you just have to find what or who makes life worth living for no man is an island and realize why we’re alive in the first place and of course if you want something, act on it. Life is too short to standby. Make the people important to you feel loved for even though Death is inevitable, at least we didn’t waste time waiting for it.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part in the movie is the part in which George received his diploma. For me it symbolizes how he transcends over his pessimistic view of life in the past and how his character develop throughout the movie and also where Principal Bill said that anything is possible.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
He has a minor character in the movie but still he’s my favorite. Harris, George’s art teacher. His words of wisdom for George got me.
4. Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
I think it has occurred in most of us, specifically students, slacking off in studies.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
George, you said that all of us live alone, die alone and everything else is useless. If that so, did you ever think of committing suicide? If you see no meaning in living life?
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joannaaapotato-blog · 7 years
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The movie revolves around Andrew Neiman, a drummer who has an ambition to become one of the professionals in his field of Music with Buddy Rich as his inspiration. In his journey to greatness, he entered the Shaffer Conservatory of Music, one of the prestigious school of music in USA and there he met the mentor who is looked upon by every student in that school, Terrence Fletcher.
As Andrew gets to know Fletcher after he was invited to join the band as an alternative drummer that is handled by him, Andrew realized that Fletcher has uncontrollable wrath and abuse towards his students who failed to get his tempo including him who was thrown by a chair and slapped by Fletcher every 4 counts until Andrew realize if he is either rushing or dragging.
The movie continues as Andrew practices his drums at home even his hand is already bleeding with a goal of proving himself to Fletcher. He became a temporary core drummer after doing well in their performance of Whiplash. He practices harder and harder to earn his part as a core drummer competing with Tanner, the previous core drummer and Ryan, a guy whom he met from the other class. Finally, he earned the part after he reach the required tempo for the song Caravan while also bleeding his hand.
On the way to the competition, mischiefs happened and Andrew arrived late also neglecting his drumsticks so he retrieved it but met an accident on the way back. Despite his injuries, he still went back to the competition but he was unable to play and that’s when Fletcher said he’s done.
A lawyer convinced Andrew to testify against Fletcher to prevent his method of teaching. Andrew agreed to it and Fletcher was fired.
Later on, while walking along the streets he saw that Terrence Fletcher is performing in a club. After that, when Andrew is about to walk out of the club, Fletcher called him and started a conversation. He invited Andrew to perform as his drummer in the JVC festival concert.
Before the performance starts, Fletcher revealed to Andrew that he knew Andrew was the one who testified against him and as a revenge leads a piece that Andrew doesn’t know. He was embarrassed and left the stage but then he returned wanting to prove something to Fletcher and to himself as a drummer, he then had a powerful performance of Caravan towards the end.
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
Don’t be one of the people who settle for good enough instead aim to achieve greatness. Let your passion drives you to be the best. If others have no faith in what you can do, just believe in yourself, exceed their expectations and prove them wrong.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful part? Why?
The last performance of Andrew of the piece Caravan was the most powerful part for me. All the blood that he had bled, all the injuries that he had acquired, all the mental and emotional distress he had gone through led up to that powerful and exhilarating performance.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
None other than, Andrew Neiman. His passion pushed him to work harder and give all his best in every single rehearsal and performance. And it inspired me to also prove myself on what I do best and to never settle for less. Another thing that I learned from Andrew is it is not bad to compete with others as long as you know that you have more to give.
4. Did anything happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
I guess the part when some of Andrew’s family members doesn’t recognize his abilities and like what Andrew did, he just set that aside and continued what he loves to do.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
To Fletcher, did something happened in the past or something you had experience to adapt this kind of method in teaching you have now? ( I really hope you could answer this Fletcher or the director of the movie, I’m really curious )
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joannaaapotato-blog · 7 years
Tech Time!
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Tadaaa! So here it is! My favorite tech that has ever invented, the Earphones.
Earphones are typically inexpensive and just about everyone can have access to it, not just for listening to music but also for making phone calls with the benefit of not hearing background noises while you do all the hearing and talking.
It is lightweight and you can just bring it in whatever places you want to go while hearing your favorite music and grooving with it.
But be aware of this smart cutesy, it can make your ears numb and in worst case scenario can lead you to deafness.
Have a good blog and a good life!
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joannaaapotato-blog · 7 years
Signing IN
First of all, I created this blog because it was required by our great subject teacher Sir Carlos Babaran who is very handsome and very awesome (*whispering* Hoping I’d get plus points for this). So now, let’s get down to brass tacks, the part where I should introduce myself to you guys.
Hello to the world of blogs! To the blogging community! I’m Jo-Anna Juan, Jo-Anna with a dash. If you need a food buddy, just call me and I’d be very willing as long as you pay the bill, if you want a shoulder to cry on, just lean on me as long as you’re not a stranger (It will be creepy you know… and awkward…), if you need a friend, I’ll be here but in case you’re a guy and I fell in love with you, please don’t friendzone me and if you need a lover, I can give you all the love you need (Just joking! My mom might read this).
Really, let’s get serious now. Hmm, I’m actually thinking if there’s still anything that I could say that won’t make you guys bored and complete the required 500 words for this introduction and obviously, I cannot give my personal information because you can use it against me (Kidding!). Well, I can list down here my favorites but I guess you won’t care though unless you’re my boyfriend and you want to have an idea what to give me in Valentines or in our Anniversary and my friend who’s thinking what gift he/she could buy me for my upcoming debut next year. Yeah! It’s my debut next year and I’d be free legally! I can go out of the country without the permission of my parents and guardians! I can have a part time job and have my own money, I can vote for the next president (Every vote counts, right?) and… I can get married! Mwahahaha… Well, I’m a good girl so college first and a decent job. So much for the excitement yet I’m still 17 sooo let’s keep on waiting… A message for every 17 years old out there, you know the feeling…
Well, let’s get back to me introducing myself. I love to sing wherein my voice can explode your eardrums, break the glass windows and result to rainfall. HAHA! Seriously, I can sing… In my room, in the bathroom, in the living room and in the dining room because truthfully I have pet peeves standing alone in front of many people and that’s maybe the reason why I have no experience performing on a stage yet I know I can sing.
So I’m gonna share a few lines of the song that I have liked recently and it’s very inspiring for every girl out there. So here it goes…
There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing The world could change its heart No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful
In addition to that, I still have to answer 5 academic-related questions so please bear with me.
1. Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning in SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
   Ten years from now, I see myself enjoying the fruits of my labor standing in the front of large windows in my penthouse overlooking a view of the company where I am working as a successful accountant and reminiscing my journey from when I was only 17 years old studying in SPUP up to now. Every educational attainment I have is vital to my becoming and SPUP is a part of it.
2. Was ABM/STEM the best choice after all?
   Yes, ABM will always be the first choice and the best choice for me. It is the strand where I see myself and where I want to be since I was a kid.
3. What course will you take in college and why?
   The course that I’ll be taking in college is Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Since then, I have been idolizing my Uncle who placed 13th in the 2002 CPA Licensure Examination and I want to follow his steps.
4. What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
   A topic I would like to learn is control shortcuts in which it is kept a secret unless you take a course for programming and all hacking strategies.
5. Ask Sir Anything.
   Sir, can you answer all the questions that were asked in the song “Someday we’ll know”? In 500 words.
So yeah! That’s it. This is Jo-Anna signing off. Have a good blog and a good life!
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